Newspaper Page Text
?EWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. JERSEY CITY. nisrnKi.rriN.. THB chabgb <>f MT/RDBB. Antomo i. of N... 78 Colgale-st., aaa arreated at 8:80 a. m. yeafc rday on a eharge of marder. Chlef hfarphy is atd toebaed lo take any atorb ln the areaaa tion. After the arreal waa made it waa atated tbal lt aaa lor a marder eooualtted etghteen moatha ago at tho booae ol Colro and thal the r><>dy waa f.mi.d, tn a reiiar. The eluei will md aeari h the cellar lor a body. The man Colro ?as eharged wltb ihe mnrder by Kofoio Bteo, who qaarreUed wltb Colro over a gaaie of card'. ooiro waa arreated aboat etghteen montha ago ob a eharge ol manslaughter. lio ihrew a ran at a man and it int .1 babe m ibe arma ol it- mother and hillod lt. For thi- be was flned 850. Tho ehlef be Hevea lhal thla i- th<- rane tbal Sleo 1- trying I 1 make Into the murder of Angaki Colro, a rnaiain ol tlio u. eaaed man. t'atro was arralgaed belore Jiirtjio Mil aing and remanded. ? ? - NEWARK. \vi!.I.I\M 1). B1BJJ FOUJtD OUTLTT. Tho trial Ol Willian. D. Blrd in tho eoartl at New ark on an Indlctmenl for betrayal nnder proniae ol aaarraaa), w^ eaded yeaterday, aad the |ary reaehed a vordiot of gulHy elght Bdnotea after thoy bad ro tired. Tho eourtroom waa erowded and thc verdlel gave giaat aatlafaetlon. Mrd waa remanded ln aea ton.p. Whee taheB oal "f tho Coerl Hoaae by ofneera he. w?s earveunded by a lar.:" 1 r,,wd of peopha. Mlaa tiraoe Ftalaea, the ptalnUfl In the eaae, was tn the anto room ?!:.??, tn, verdlel waa glven, and burai Into taais- The oenalTt 1- Bve yaara and a Bae. In on-., a n.nmaco takea plaee before aentenre is proncunced tho law permiis th, Judce lu ?u?j.' awaaaaa* u aaa* naco t.-.i..- phwe atn-r tn- aentence la Unpoaed, tbe pea> aly la volded l>y tl.o marrlag , NO r\Y FOB CTTY KMl'I.oyrs. The geadloca In the rlty governmenl of Newark. bv th*- laUare of the Coaacll to organfae, i- made aeriona by Um refaeal of thc Mayor n> algn any paj warraata to the city eaployea, Ineludbig oAeuUs, aehool teaehera and laborere. Yeaterday tha Mayor -aid that tho BaJarlea <?f iha PoBee aad Flre Departraeata and nty liall attaehea woaM be dae thli weeh, and that no aalaric woaM be paal Baleaa tho ConBeil organlted ond aathorlaed anrh payment aii thal be woald con ?ont lo i.av waa the temporary loana th.-n due. There wa.s i+uitv of mooey, but no aathortty for its di bnrsement. Tho Demorratic Aldermen wlB have a 1,111 Introdnced in the Leglalature this weeeTTb glve them Iha fuil eontrol of tho city governmenl by provldlng Xur a DoBMcraUt BMjorlty ln thc CooacU. EATHEK AND TWO 80218 IUTTF.N ItY A DOG. Cbarl's A. Banel and bla two BOBS, livitik' at No. 12 Grove-et., apptted la-t weok x<> Dr. Gttder, al tha ajaataar laaUtate, for treatment. Mr. Barael and boUi his sons were brtten by a littio aaoogrel d aj bal - to a aanaher "f the Ibmlly, whlcb Mr. Barnet ai tonipt-sl t>. phwe ln hia barn. Tho brute Mt Inm ln tl.o Boae, and Infllcted bltes un hl- aons, whom he ralled to bla a?ista.iM-. Thc dog is kept allve, to aee if it oe aajloaa the rahtea. _ A NEriIK\vnr.,<>Yi:i:Non HTLl DEAD. I.ynian D. Devie, ;. nephew of Geveraoi Hill of ?Tew-York, dled early yeaterday moralng. Governor mn vlalted hbi bedalde oa Frlday. The aawa of m aaalh waa telegraphed to Um Goveraor, who retarned BtrerUona t<> have Ihe body aent t<> Rlmira, Mr. Davls vh- twent] i\ years old, nnd liad llved ln Newark etgbl years. He waa eagaged m Uu eJectneaJ bu-i paaa, -? ? ETJZABETH. HE ROBHED A CH1LD AND A BLIND \V< >M AN. Peter Earboenbarger, ,f Brooklyn, ptoadefl gnlltl yesterdiiy in tbe I'nlon Coanty Coarl to rehbtag a chiu.'.. aavtngs bank of 818 and alao to ateaaag a getd wat<i. out ?,f the boase "f a bllai, a Mra. KergnMm. ol thla rlty. Tho prlaoner la belkjvad to be aargaaaaonaJ sneah thlel and wa? remanded bj Judge 5,Vrmiek for aenrcnee unUl hia prevlona n-oord could , ertalnod fi nn ihe Bi <oklyn authorittoa. Behoeei r ;i ? oame t" Uita city a week ago to \i-it :. frlend rur>:' Walher and In the house "f tbe batter'a aurthei bi^kc>IH::i Ul<; l,,l,a's -:,vl1-'- Ui:ik ,|(i; Htsr.AND WAS OHCB A HBBMTT. ?-.],iiii d ."!??>-. a wellkaawfl troalhaUder of trii?s fjtv *s beea aaed by hia wlfc far afvoree on tl.c ? cio.ii'of non-aapport. Tho papera ln tho eaae were I Ltrredoa pn" yeaterday. Doohty raaa a lurce ablp varrt J, ,-taten lsland sonr.d oppoette Ellxaf??thport. He is -n eeeeatrle eharaetea aud a rimo led tho ,;, '/ b^-niit on his vajra. *7here lie erected a amall i.V.i Th? connie have a pt-own famllv. Doolej !!?-." v ? :? pMpcrty in this rlty and will flpht, bla I wlfV ? 1!i._^_ ORAKGE. ibe Harriaon Sti-oet Btah, one of the larpest and ki?t aaaaaaBtladly baOJ oaea ta thc tstat^. haa Jum been aold. and is to la? ronverted Into a livery stablc. Tho rlnk was baUl In 1883, by the Enst Orange RoUer 6Vatt;ig BM Company, at a eoai of aboal 810,000. The eoaipaay coaalsted of Gardner B. Colby, Ramnel (. Parthti nnd Jamea . >. Wataon. Tho iii,K w.,, luilt ju-t wlioii tne rollei akatlng rruae waa at Ita beight, nnd In ]es- than eigbto, n niontlia, took In In net proflta Uie entire am.'t.nt ol it- cost. Tlie property whieh hna -. frontnge of li" feel In HarHaon st., and n depth A Bbonl 200, waa - >ld t> Willlani II. Allen, a newadealer of Orange. Ile haa rented H to John M. BeMen. The blatorii U nnd geognpbb-al sertlon "( tbe New Ennland taoeleti me| la-t evenlng, and a paiwi wa praaented bv Thoman o. Ponant, on ??Tho c'aptnrc ol tbe MniL-iior'tt.-,.-' tii" tii-i prize taken ln Uie revolu 1 v war. >7r. t'onajit't grandfuther va- one ol the captora. Everett Frazar i mtrlbnted an Intereatln-j * t ol personal exiierlenees on tho lattunaa of iVari't. and tne Debeasepa Caaah NORTHERN NEW-JEBSET COUNTIES. PATBRSON. The autl.Ilea h->\o abandoned bope ot flndlng Um body "f Frank Edwarda, Uie elght -.< ir old i?.\. in ;t!... tranh aewer Into whleh tlio i,,,\ fell c.n Thnraday afteruoon. Ii .- i? > mlles from the point ?,f the bbwi r where the b rj f n Ib Io the rlver, aad lt took Bboul twii.iv mlnntea f ,r a dummy t,> ji,.-*. throagli tbe aewer and , .me onl al the montb into Um rlver. The authorltles are Mitlafled lhal if tho i?,\'? body had become la-t iu tbe aewer '::' dummy could not have pe*<ed Ihrongh. Tho Paaaal. Rlvei lia- overflowed Ita bnnka al dbterrnl jo.iiii- nnd the wator j,,- been running at 11m i.t>- ?,f fen milo. an hoar. Mra. Bdwarda. the mother of iho boy, U pioatrated over i.i- aad fate. ABLHtGTOX. Tho body of George E. KendalbiUM young man who dled frcm hydrophobla in t'bambera etreet Ho?pltoJ, Sev 'i ?!". waa brougbt to ArUngton <,n Prlda) 1 Ight and th- funeral took Pbice aos;..,.iH\ ut the home of Ueorge B. Powell, ln Beach-at. Mi^s Euale N,'!,!'1. the you ig man'a aweetheart, v,a- pro-eut nnd wa.s deeply'affected (*vv her lover'a <m\ fatp. were t?> bave been marrled In a ahort Ume. BUTHERFORD.- Tbe hoaae of George li. Graham. ln Montroae-ave., waa robbed "f aeveral arUclea ><' \?w. |ry nnd about a>io ln money early yeatordav morn bg, One of Mr. Graham' aona, belng awakened by n oobe ln Wa room, aaa a man movlng araand, and. thlnklng it was one <.f iho fanilly, oal led oal t., hitn. Tho man ran downatalra, pnrsued by two ot tha muk. but be e*caped. Tba wat.hdot ol th<- hoaae )ia<i i?oou Jaliod dnrla^ iho night The hm-.o of Chartea Parker aras ai-. ehlered dunns the early mornlng, but littio v;.-. ttoli 1. Ihere. OABFIELD.- Tho nnd Reformed rbureh nf <,;,' fleld wa. organlaed on Wednesdaj nlclit, the servlte lieii.c beJd in Uie Reformed Clmi*tl. where mlaalon --r vlrea have bcvn rnnducted f.n- mmbo Ibne. Mossrs. Ftnlth. Terhune and N'.in Leeuen were ordained a eldera nnd deu.-on reapeetively. The organlaera of the ebareb namber twenty-three p.-im-. K.N'-i K\v< >< ?D. \ apeetaU meetlng of tho membera of the Englewocal 1 leM C'lub ?.,- held on Priday oven int. It waa decided. bj a iinanlmon* vote, lhal tho ciu>. simn'id reiualn In tho Amalenr Baaeball l^ague gurlng the eomli 1 eason. A eomnntiee waa appoiniH to roniuder way* and meana ol rcplaclng the pre*en( elub-bouse l,\ ., larger and more oomplelc bu fullv adiinted t,< the needa ol tbe rhm Thla com mittee will report ut llw annnal meetlng, 011 thc la-' Thuraduj ln warth, al whleh lime tbe ehxtioo ol offlrera wiii al-> take place. PHF.F}RRin DEATB TO TACISQ CBEDJTOB*. rhiraiM. Jaa. -?? v dlspateh from Lltrhtteld, Mlnn., w<- "Tho ?yeaery aarroundlng Um ralelde on Decem l^r t of leaary l. Breaham, presldenl uf the bank ?,: ateveaa ?< 0?.i b aohred. The bank waa Inaolveni and lu, pre Ideal I ob bla awn Ufe rather than meel liis Cr?<ltors. ^',,- do: r with UM BMOOy i- liol known. Tho UabtllUea of Um InatltuUon are aboat 8150,000 aa.t there hi nol *-ii>,.an) t, pay Um <|o|" lto,>. Jaage v II. v?iihi:. "f Mlnneapolla, haa been appotnted 1.Iver and the bank'aaffaira ?.n be tunied oVer i-i blm. Vmong the heavy loaera la benator George E. White, "f t'hicago." BJ&BBTOBD ELBCTIOS TBOVBLB MBCALLBD. laaaeford, Me., Jan, 24. The evldence In the aalt of ,i. w. SaaalL ..^'t. < Ity Marahil Tarbox, tlio only one c>f tl.o in- m gruwlng oal "t Ihe munlelpal ele tion trotii.ios in Mareb thal haa over eome n trial, cloaed pesterd ty afl ir i ? ?. The phdatil aUeg ? be wa wroogfuliy Bireate. . 1 I Imp oned nn unr aaon aiilo length of ti::,o. while nctlng aa depaty abertff. Tb'j defenre yeaterday aUeged a- Un reaaoii >,f the de la\ ln releaaing the plalnUfl thal .ia.!--" Charlea s. Hamltton, of the Biddeford MnnirlpaJ Coart, .i?> in laxleated on tbe dai ln queatloo. ..n<i roaM not be found. iho eaae wiii >?'" to tha Jary thi- altenooa. A COTPBM MIXM S'/f./J VOB fTlo.000. Bo-to-i, Jan. 84.?TMegraaaa t,, latereated aaiHai ln tlns city htate that tl.. rawahk Oopper Mlnc waa aoM at MoiiFhtoTt. Mloh.. at nrHin toriav for #7]0.(XK). The parehaaa b peaaaMy in u,e laaaraal <>f tbe tiuimv C'opper Coaapaay. A BOHIOS LAWYF.R IX BiBQBACB. Boaton. Jan. S4.?A commlttee o* thc Itoaton Har Aaaoelatlon appointed to fnveauVate cliatarea of un profeealanal coaduct acalnat Thotnaa K Uarrv. a law gar, Bad thal Mr. Barry haa been inultv of frandu lently advising and indiidng a rlient. to lfnd l.ini BKHMT, WBea be knew thnt lie waa iu.solvent and BMBBdj io use it in deaperaM apectdathM. The eowualttee. tiaerefore, reeommend* that priM-edliiss be Inetltuted t i rrmove r.arrv from tbe bar. Itarrv Icft tuwn for iiuts nnbaown leveral dayi sinre. OThEli SUBURBAN T0WN8. LONG ISLAND. BO0LYK.-Tbe aljoiiiti'd exaniii.alion of Mis< Cier Breoka, Ibe BagUab governeaa, on tbe ebarae af iteallng r.rtain artides of appard and lewetry from Mra. < lendenln Eckert, ..f <>i"ri Core, by whota ibe wai emplayed for aome time prevhma t.? Deeember 53, rame up yeaterday before Jwstlee Loaee, at Boalyn. Mr. and Mr-. Bebeti and tlicir lawyer. and Mr. and Mrs. Ilop pwg. .,f tbe DakOta llat-. New Y..rk. were pn At the last bearlng Miss iirooke tiad heen allowed to gn apon ber <?n reeogalcanee at tlie aoUdtatton of Mr. Erkerl and bei own itatemenl Ui?t siie wa- lon iii t.i beai Imprlaonment. Mi-s Brooke did not appear veaterday, an<i aenl no meaaage. Wltneaeea teatir-w i i hndlng aome - f the atolen prqpert) ln ber trunk aml ln ;i bureaa drawer to whtrfa she had nece-s. it is bo llcvt-d ibe bai BOBe to CanaUa. lon.; I8LABD iity.-a fraaaa twiaTtaa;bnntn in winoid. owned by John Sprague, was totaDy d" atroyed i.v flre on PrMay mornlng. .-<.?* 03.5001 nar tial'v in-uired. Tbe oreupanta eseaped in their Blgbi rJothlog. AI/>XO THK SOUrTD. BBIDOBPOBT.?Tbe aappert* to the western ap peaaeb to Waahingtoa Iirfdge, ow the Booaalotde Blrer at gtratford, were earried aaraa by tba Bood wiiirh brcke tlie bis diin at Blrmlagbam on Tbanday. aml the t.jidp. is rloaed to )>nbli< travel and nlll re main ao m lll tepalr* are made. Tola is sald lo b<. thc lnliL-esi cirria-.e brldSe ili tlie state. WEKTPORT.?Tbe Bev. Cbarle* K. FergtAon, of Menorlal rhnrrh od tbe Holy Trlnlty. his arcepted a rali t" the iive Church of Bt. Jatne* (Eplaeopal), Syra . ns.-, n. V., and wiii prearb here lor the ln-t yna t-> day. _ WESTCHESTEB COUNTY. TAK8YT0WB.-Tba Bew. N. J. Wheebw, who until reeently bas had ehnrafTof a Bdeakw rhureh al Baal Oraaaa, B. .... bas acecpted a eall frmn tbe Bapttat Church oflbli pla.e. BATOXAH.?The Weatebeater County Karmers' in^ rUtute wiii meet here to-morrow and liold a two daya' -"s-i,,n in (irand Army Hali Speakera repreaentlng tbe Bew-York sta'c Aprhultnral Boclety will inake nd dreaeea eaa ii day. -? 8V1C1DB or a rorxa UAX. r.everly, .lan. 34.?Alberl Irlna, Jr., n ynune: man, rommltted anlcide to-day by hanging bimaeU In bia fatber's workabop, whiefa is adjoialng ti.e famlly aome. Yowag ivnis eotered tin- workabop earir this mornlng a?id BOBM "me BflMWard Bla dead body was found lUMgtng froiil one of llie pfwmi He bad bOCT a< tliu: itrangely <>f late, and it is reported Uiai he had got Into with a young woman to wnotn be bad been paylng attenUoa. _-?? VIXT1XG BEABM IX r.elvidere, N. J., .lan. 24. The liu.iters ln nnd BbOBt Peter's Yalb-y, N. .1. inear Dlngman'a l'erryi. atf hav ir.K greal iporl banUng beara. r..ur ol tbeoe anlmala were aeen on tbe hlgbway n.-ar a farmbonae a day or two ago. Beveral fanoera, wMb thetr <!"*>, itarted in piu-uit ..f tbea .nui th" beara tooh refnge In a plne awamp Tbe .h.Rs anceeeded in aepwrwilng tbe bean nnd the bantera abol and klUed one oi tbem, The otber* wenl further int.. tba uoiais and tbe d^g- \i"p. nfniid to ko in aearcfa of tbem. The fannera ln Ihe vlrlnlty bave to guard tbelr ibeep and latiie daring th" niRht._ CABX01 BEBVB THK W0BLV8 IATR. Chirnpo. Jan. Sd (Bpeelal). IHreitor* ..1 tbe Wurld's lnir wfll bave t" l ...k for a new execntlve ofltcer aftei th.- Aprll eteetton. Lyman .1. <i:iR>- in- decided thm aftt-r that tim^ be wiii ao longer aenre j- preal d.nt ?'f tho loeal board on aecouat ol liicreuvliur. b.i-i ness datBav Uncoln, Ifeb., .fan. 24.- A blfl was Intralueed ln the Houae bvday approprlaUng gi.'.o.r.oo for thu Bebraaxa exblbi. at tbe Wortd'a Falr. The blll pro vides for nliie ('..inniis-iiiiitr- three eaeli from Re publirai.s, Detnocrat* and Innn.-i-s' Alllanee. TOBOED XAMEB TO 8BCVBE A PBXUOX. r.vllsle, Penn., Jan. 21 (Bpedall. Informat'.on waa laid yeaterday againai Anna 8. c.i-."r. of LdtOaal ram, Adanm c.iuuty, ebarjlaaj her wlth foraery. Bhe bad appBed to tlie ...ivernment for a penahMI, and had fnii:ed Ihe nanies of a nnd aotaiy publir to tbe paaera. sae <ii.i not K"t tbe aeaalon Bhe waa taken to I'hlladelpbia by I nlted stste* fominl iloner Bell, to answer the ettarge ni'nnut her. AWAKi: AFTEB X1XB BOXTBM SLBEF. Dlxon, lll.. .'an. 21. Mr?,. Brare <?? Btdhw, od Amboy, UL, wbo wenl to Meep ab>.nt ntne montha at-., awoke yeaterday afternoon for the flral Ume. >h" wandered aboul the bouae ..m dM nol apeah a w.,rii. Al tea tnne abe t'.'.k her arruatomed s.-^t al tJi?- table, bm rouM eat ti'.tiiiiiK*. a ;d when u?me ..n-- ol ;iv. famlly attempted t<> as-i-t lier sie- mn ti.d them away wnii a guttural aound, l.ut no dbvBncI word wa uttored. 7ffK CBE8APBAEE o\>:iR SD-pl.Y Ualtimore, .i.m. 2. (special).?The arareitj "f Bfabsr* ln tbe ' heaapeake Uaj ront.noea t. rau*e dl*cu ?. n a- t.. (be be i metbod ..f proteetlng tbe depi.i beda md i ara. Tbe dredgei are organialng lo protei t i ..-1 int'i-.-t-. Al a aperial meetlng >.f the oyaler Ea cbange it wa* deriared thal the chargea made thal dredgera had deatroyed tbe oy?ter beda were ualrue. s.-. relary tVuirsay, ol the Bxchange, aaM tt. .t t-i" n-i- nf the dredge enktrgea and Improvea Ihe rorb ;. <i- un whlrh the nyster grow?, tb'i-.i.y Improvlng tbe -ize. ahape and QiiaUlj of the blvalve. ihe cn (urremcnl ol tbe t' law is tbe proper remedy. MJCi DI8C0VEBED IX XEW-JEB8ET. Pover. N. j., ,ian. 2. (Bpedali. \ valnabfc ?! ?? ri.v.Tv of miea ha- beea made on t.i" farm bvnda ..f Mra. Henry Day, near Mendban. Tbe find Ik reported t<, Ik- worth thousntids ofdoUara. Capitabata who wero Informod of the extatence of the niKa baatened ti tii" .-p^.t. and, after examlnlng the land, ofT"r?i a arent aum for It. Mrs. Day bas refuaed all theae offer . I aanonneea her latanaon ol worldng tho mine b?r?.eif. WAXt AX rXDBPBXDBXT TBLBOBAPB UXB. CUcafO, "4 (Bpeelal).?Tbe new tekajrapb eoav mittee of thc Ilrm-d of Trade ll biisily engaRed iu Hg rlUg On tbe COlt Of an iude]iendenl line to Net\. Vork. Tbe brohers appear t-. ba ln earneat, notwita* atandlng the 3<lere of letearraph people, afBo as-ert thal they rannol make an Independenl iirn- pay. Tha rom mittee wlU oi>en eorreapondenee wlth tlie Bew-York Bxchange* on tb" feaalbilit) ..f the project. but it will be aome ume belore any detlnltc phuii ai" mapped oul. EX XIXISTh.U BTXXEB'8 BBTVBX. San Fraadaeo, .lan. 2-1.-The Parifi.- Mall ateamahlp Baa Joae arrived this afternoon from Centrnl Ameriran port. K\ Mlnbrter Lanalng B. Mianer, win, ?n.?.-' ralled from Ouatemata i.y Becretaiy niahie. on account nf th<- Barrnndtta aflnir, was among ihe paaaengera. He sutes that no hoatBltiea exUted between Buatraiiala and >an Salvador at ibe iime ol his Mavlng, but flght Ing might taUe ptoce at any lini". MX0J ABB0TV8 PATBEB BOT BATIBTTBD. Bt Paal Minii., .bm. -'I isjie. ia)..--scth Abbett, f.itiiei i.r th" fteeeaeed operatlc idnger, bas arrived ai his Mlaneapolla bome from CMeago. lie doea nol "in t" be enllrelf ^allsl!e<l wlth ihe paoo per month lofl blm by tbe wlU, bat rontenU blmaell with aaylng: ?Well. F.iniii i waa very weaRhy, .mt she didn't teava rne very mu.ii ..f \w AX EX-COVXTT CLBBE ABBXBTED. San I>ie^o, Cal., -lan. 2..-M. I>. Ilamllton, ex fkaanty Clerk, wboae aeeownla were aearly #">..x*? sh'.rt when )w: turned over tbe ofhce to his meeeaaoi on Janaary 1, iu> beea arreated and k now in jaii. His bondaaaea aiv reaponalbM and the county will l .-.? notblng. BUGCl HAS A WB8TEBX BITAL. Bewbeia, ili., Jaa. 21 ?.rge liarrla, the Bewbern faater, aUll itubbornlj refaaea to lake aay aanrlah ment il" remalni In a itnpor moal of Ibe time. Thli B his twcntj't-igiiih day, 8TATE UEDICAL SOC/BTT BBBTTXO. AJbany, Jan. 04. The flfty-etghth annnal meetlnr of iii.- atate Mgdlcal sodety wiii ba heid la tala cltj on February 3, 4 and .">. TBAX8Ai LAXTJV TBAVELLEB8. AaMMDg ihe paaaengera saiiitiL- f 1 Prance \e--erdav on the tteamer ..a Bowrgogne were B. k. Uennett, ib" 1 ..Hut <ie Pleabach, DwUey M. Pergaaon, Chlel Engineer ... 1'otis, of the Jfavj ; the ronnl de Verchen. Kimie Orankr and <;. \v. Lea Oa i>"Hid ibe Fahta were Dr. w. Lea .i..\.ard, f. 11. Palaa. ... .?? Bkb ardaoa and TalbOl I'almer. The CaUkard ^tealller l.allia tOOh oul BBaong ber Maaotupen I aptain \V. .1. Iloppa, liernardo Pemandea \'?'de^. iir. R. II. Kline. .lo e MlUaa Balkaaca aud .1. Vander. Mo.NTRKAl. AND ADItt< iNUACK MOINTAINS. ltesliinliiR Pebruwy 1, tbe New York Central 1'Hst Kvenlna Moexlal for Montreal aud tlie Adirondm-k Mountaliia wlll leava Grand Centrnl atatJun at 8:25 p. m., dally, wlth tkroogh Wagnar aleaptng-cara. ,'? iioMi; yEW& PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. AgTOB-Aeaeral a. J Waraer, af Ohtoi Jaaepk Coak af prattm. and Pn -'?<'? bi Pna* la i. PaB *, tt P Callege, FIITM aVEXL'I 8g-?>aator J. N. Camdre, r,f Weat Vlrglabv GRAXr>=T>rofeaaoi .rge I.. An drM,?, ,,f Weat l'oint. ii'iiTMAN Reat admlral Joha i i. Mg< r, V. s. Kavy, and Edward Morpby, ji-., i,f Troy. ? NEW-YOKK CITY. Henry i". Btokes, Iweaty Iwo yean ont, a aaa of Uverpooi. a^agfaad, waa broaghl lo the Chamber gtreet HoapltaJ reaterdaj from n.o Paetfl. Mall atcamei s,,...vport, fi??-., CotoB. Mr. stohea i- aafferla pnenmoala aad typhoM Ie*er. Tho BepabUeaa Crab of Um XVth Aaaembly Dlatrlrl wiii ba*e a reeeption and i.-.n al Lyrle n..ii an Feb raary '?>? One of Ihe Japaaeae ragghm al tlio Bden Maaee baa Bttraeted atbratlon aa a coaaedJaa. li, teal pn kuighter, aad he i-. tho eqnal of many Ameriran romedlana. The laeeeaa of ihe troape la not remark able when Ihelr -kili la eoaatdered. There will be the uaaal -,, re I i mi rta !l* eaj ? ?? r.utiiu-ia ta ytii-i,- Admlrer."? Yoar rraeatloai la vito many expreaelona of Indivktaal oplnkm. Thi Tn ihnate peraoBal frteada ol Um p ntleman p thlah a.^ you intliuat". ?? e. B., Now-\otk."-Mr. Dlppel aaag Um part, and vo.iy adanhably, on Frtdaj nlghl ol the v ** before l.l:-t. Tho puiiiir is to have an oppartaalty to witneea Um bypnotie powera bj MIM. Aanoa < tiareot, a ihe will oxhibit them al Worth'a Tbeatre end Maaeam tati week. Her eaperlaaenU on Wedneaday before i namber of phyaldana "f thla eity were Uumghi re markable. Tbeae hm."xpertmenta and other will be BUade afteraeon aud evenlng In ihe ?m.-? halla a> Worth'-. Oraee Cortleadt, Um Wlteh ol Wall Ktreet, and Caaningbam'a Hamoan warrlora are al . fcaturci of thoM- hall-. Tbe eoarae of froo lertarea al Cooper Enlon ara eoatlnaed lasi evenlng with a tnlk on ?? Manual Trnln (ng Bebodb" by Profeaaor C. M. w.Iwh d. There waa a large attendancc. One mlUlon rodflab egga arere aeenred from tl-1. In tl,o ue*n* or BoaU .u Falton Markel on Frida taken to Um hab herj al CoM Bprlng, L, I. Bteamera of Um Moi Ington Ll.llie li Ide roate foi Boaton and Uie Ba ll will aftar ta-daj I. ive New llei No. 30, North Blver, al 3 p m. Tbe regahar weekl) meeUng of Ihe Shaki waa beM bul evi nlng al tbe I ?? I ra. No. ga Weai Forty-fnarUi-at. Mra. I.i. Lnveland irad ? paper on Um -Natural HIM >r> ol Mnelielh." and John Be Wltl Warner dellvered an -? ay on -Ihe huper nataral Ut M:?-b -ti. " i lie read . . I Ihe p.ip n waa foUowed by n general dlaa u**lon ol thc i Several new featnrea will ho intrndneed ai the coii-onM, Rlnb Tobocgan Sllde, aevenUi at and Lexli gton ave., llda week. Tii i. operated by romprea ed alr, and n |.d ul mllei an l "ur haa been attalned. ttiei floor for roUcr akatlng. The i.I b)l "? . ai d I of every dc . rtptlon I i ?-; ln ''? > - ? -? QOOD FELLOB SB1F IMO.Vfl f/)l * "Good fellowablp" waa ???? Id. nUy U the reeeptton glven by Ihe Students' M wemeiit to th, young men atadylng In thla rlty, la-t nlghl ln Ihe i ??' 'll" ???rop Opera Houae. Betwven 300 and 100 n i n. n pn ? Ing among other li ?t I itlot ? tbe P l ,, al < oUege, ' ' ?'? ""? ('"l: ,??,.,. and Kurg.. . Um i nlv, r*lt) >??? Vorh, tbe i nh ralty Medl al < '. ? I Theoli glral - tn ? irj. Uellevue Medl ?! < ? '?? ? ?? and .' Ilomoeopatlilc Medl. il < olleg*, wei* pn nl. and j,,y...i a ? royal t ond lime." IMvM i ??? i rd. J:.. th prestdeni of Um .- ? oi Phyalelana and fiirgeona, preald I dored Dr J. < . Wedt lai . of ll I"? ? ral rolk ge. ex pn a few bearty word i Di ''? Booaa, UM preaMi nf ??' Um Poat >?< idtiate |oL-o thei gave a tereari Urwed b] Dr. C. R. >.- mby, d the I , rdkage. and ITnl n '. II I lii-iltuiioti. Mngli plete tho ex'enlng'a entertalnment. gT. GEOBOB't 81 C/BT1 01 I U Tho aaimal atMetlng of Ihe -.?-??' -? ??"?' waa heM al Deln . ? .- i. ? ? ??? '? ' ' aorretary and treaaarer and Ihe r. ????? i ? ahrraing Ihe . baritable ???? ahd ti,.. Uul rear, i ere read n.o I ,;.., |.,i prea I. tit, F. IV. ?'? llural ! ? T. .1. KMpton ilreen iad llandd \. sa ! Thouii- II. H " llenrj Wreaka: esei nlive i I IT -?!.?, II. s, l ?.'?? ..:.,'.??.'? Rleliard li' lei ?r? J. Fred '. I ? I 11, ,1 B u ker : ? >m nllU.f ?" ? ? ? ? ? "? ?? v I ? ?? ,: i> c Mon i i.. . i i; ?.. r. v, , ; ? phj ? in r. 11. All- . aad Dr. .1. A. lraia. ? ? .1 FAIXT lll w. I /.n '?',?/.!', I\ 1 KOBBT FLU ?\ he ' rew of the Engl i ' ? '"?? d to go lo aea lerday. A ahlppod md 1 .'i.i . . .it t!?- Al! ii.i. I a th .. ? eral tn< r?hai.d foi i i n i ?:? , taptaln Barlt . ? i over and had i aurv, agei i- ol Ihe ? igenta l d l ? ' : Inial-d l Into Ihe ( una ni-' ed, and Ihe rapl , Iheni nfl ai d relievlng l, - feel ng I ? ? > i ? ' I??1 r?. -.?a with the ' rea ? hb li he li "l pr i. -iionld !??? re on . I .'.?? ? ? i i., . lalnt for >. .?????? ln ihe rlty. in- llrili li < ?" ul lia rel a t . Uwra. ? ?? TO HOLD I Ml ',/''/.?/ II. KJ UTK'E. Henry II. Wcbster, who dled Jnnunr; I", had lw?kl dnrlng the la-i flftecn yean aneh executh pla. in ^ollt,(t Mon'-. Chrlatlan y ?? latton work aa ,, alstani aeeretarj. i of the Kundu aervieea at \ oelnlloi Hall, n.em ? r '.f I ? lu:.-, i .ra, member ol ihe i i.inlib ?? ol H u ., m ?.'. ehali a ' ? ' eenUve fommll ? ? Ihe boya' departmi l, ? I Ihe Whlb i Army Eommrtl e, Um mo.t for IndivUiual purity, aini member ??: the Intei naU< al You ! i i \. ,, laUon Comnilttee. lt ?a a nota I. ,!ia:?o lertatlc of Mr. W< b ler Uial he tri d l? |, i .u.i le, ?? overj Dpporti illj. l>oj -. jwung nn ro< i,, kaad 'ii' i I i . i ??'?.'' ' ?'? ";i ' ?'' " '' :' ' bili \ memorial ervbe wlli lie hold li ronrtii a^?-. and Twentytlilrd-at., thla . 3:30 n'rlork. Addre -??- will n>- glven U\ Wllliam B. Dodge.Cephaa BraliMrd and ITol >i J. i. (io, i\.in. ??- ? A XCUBl B tu 4T1 II WMI ' .tintro Sewbnrgi r, . i I i." - Oranhal reeelvet i f \ ???? ?????? . .: -i hi,i-">, lftii -'? near i. i.oj i . m, Ui ai pu, n m ol Raadolph W ? 'i awi ? I i l ,,i? raUea, II l? ai 4, aaa * i: ii,0 -.\'ii-' i tha i..t- eoatlni r.'i 000, all on n un Judge M :?' h >.f ... ..,.?' ..f ('omnn.n r; .... haa a|i [..,.n;.'i ai... . . for John i ...-.-. who iu. - al n ? ?" ' ?' ' i i:it..n i.f I'.'.n rt l.. WaUh. Jo n l WaUh waa foi in buafaMBa on bla owa ?< rount, bul la noa ln ihi , > ,;. brataei n ? pro|.i ?ta ,.f thirt, m, . ,,f |.,ini al l'.' takem Lli rlel Irrland and un ? ,,. nt Rlefeard H. WaUon, m i wb i, ''..i.. .- ? lawaull II.. forraerl] had i lioveitinMnl eeoti?r| f,., work al liatTniiiu i-ian^. tn ? |*ire balng NM. bul la bo n ta ? ?? out ,,t it. Aaotbi: atl u i n nl h 11 i ??? a li 1 p i,; i Am.. I. ,'n XaUoa .1 bank U BapfCBM < o --', in fj\,., ,: llorac, 11 Ball Depaty SberlfT Yttt b f Ut ..f s..'il l'r\. ,1j!-i iii IruraKa, at "... 159 I lal ! ,,. ili'd-aad -t'M ?>.!> -:.f;i,. ?? . , :, ? \- ullona foi .1.1..'. II \, aa ln n; aln. - foi ira al N'o, 5V1 rhi BBd , B Bi d la i?n In.ndi d-aii'l t ?? a May, 1 li,|.,,tv S!.. I,.: ( .r: .,, ? l,.i , ? , . ?, | ofU. *> 1,1 H?- Martlna ,:? , art Put II . .. ? ., publlab) l "1., > ,:-..- ? '?" I'J llai. la] ? . oai in . utloa f'.i >'. t'1 ?'>. ni ta ? . ? i i II -,. 'I a iny w?- iu, orpoi ited In Ja ? a ? t. ^ Bi *4.'^)H. ga ? Un. ,ln. '.t io ? iirm ol John V Pluuimer \ en.. drygoeda Bierrhanla, Un .1 al aurtlon ,,,, r, niiun i, at I ??? ? ? f- ? i Mey, t. >,i .i 1.1 '?' '??? ? ? ? ?' id i.i- I* , ut laa . aiid tn Mr. PlnmBMI i'.'IUidium. .( ,, o ihaica ef I i ? U ? 1 unnH < on pai . fl baada ef Um < amato i> 1 unnel ? ompany, .'. , ,,? ? nf Um RJdlnB Club, '? - ? ? ? 11 <1 awrtgaea bouda on S'i?hoi v.i Hotel |.i'.|. rty, ?'. abai - Ui Uk ITbmm Bad Middl aea CounUna Mutual Agrl lll n Ut faryaa I oa pa aod a l" of d poa|| t,. ?__ , -..... Jallea I.i i'? ? i. ? :.i l"njr. Jadga I.. i ?? i. ? ? > a ?? an atta< bi ? nl . I Eaalgn PaUer, lormerlj pr"*ld nl ,i Ui< Con il i II trig.-ritiii- Oeaapaajr, f'.r ea,000, ui /,n>,, ol Joha Ulaaa, who allagia u,at Paller laduccd bha t" baj um. ahai al Ihe i-o'i,pat,y'H atiK k al 030 a nbarr bv i,.ur>-pri?uiUii!cn. uia aluck, lt la i.a.... 4. havlj.g uu value u??a fcc.ocB ano (Cijtnagcfl. PLABBBAU i. tu. , a;2, .ei. n;o miouMi^r. AKUrA..,.-. VOU IOWN AMi couj*. IRV Ul EVEAV DESCRiPTlOX. PRICES POR PBOfdPZ CA0H. BroaelnMna, I'.or Hawaye. , it, Brotgbasta, l_a' Rockawajre, i aapea, i pe Rockawaya i.aiida',.*u, bix Va-.s lUx-kawaya, Laniuus, i nrtaia Rcckawaya. nr'Bt Vuriety cf llH'i: PASSKMiKK, !<?)' AND NO TOl' UA.RR1AOJ s l.\, U I I.v; MANY BOVEITIES. LABUEBT BTOCR AXD WABBBOOMB IN TBE WORU). Don't pnr. h.i*? a earrlage, '" town or ont. ..'i pay ns a vlalt. Vi-i: \m i. -si i.;....m . ?: i man wlll - :i hl vert handwwie, | ? id and fatnlh horse. 7 yeara old |.-,--, hand ? i prl. - *SoO no B i,...-. v jhi . ,. ?? ? hor ? I- la 1 n itura , ,,.:-i. i of 10 n 11 ? ? 'b. clean i ? l.. ! fr ??? '?*y. |-I--??;?:.r ,ln\ l : ne. J ? ao i.'- .i im-il- : ii i. no p'ibll - ad alnd to trot a full n.ii" I" '-;??'? i i: jfii SAI.I' r ? tr.? allowed ?-,,.,? : ? .: . ? 1. !- I.i rf< >Ui nafe fof ?inv |. r ? Mual i, ?-,.!, ? itrd ,- ' ? ' in evi ry il' i. ,1. ?? i ' ? I r.-' - ife, ' aml !? ? M i ?! ,- -..I, buaay. . *? ;'.->? harnee* ,: keta, v ln Br?t-elaM eondl 1 -o l? ?irr.ll,'.'l for l'i-l. ?? -tl>?" -i t -.-inlnc prlvate real 110 V - i7fh-?t Pi ,,? - i i... shetbnn ,??,.- - th new riaf. a.,.., ; ? .- I dr ii ..iMr*-. n? .. , i \< RgOX Jan ab-a. T>. I. f^'l.l \ I s \, 'll Mi i ?. -. -i ? ? i and x<-Ii>wr ai'i' ? I a s, r.t. , i. : i ? , t .,' rai for very m.? prd ? ? iit-t?? i i-s aidebar '"" hugfy, pole ? : iimiiii" hani -- i". l-? ?.,.,, , ??. r 1 ncli-ii naddle and .irini.-. I , ?. v- - ;-". "i'i> .i . .. ? n. ? ? W00 .t rl io * nrai iv nr i.n mr ?:<?<'. aprdy *t Prlvate : '. ? 141 ' _ Id hand* .-?? ln' .T Of I 1* I I. VC.K I s. :i w ?? ? ??? ? CltfJ Beal Cctatc (To f.ct. 101 i s Ti. i.i.r ln i-stov ?ul itantia. , rner l ifth ind I> - -' IHlWI '?.,.'.?' ? ? ? ?,:.,. . Vppll I , III'.N BY SM \ i.i. i :i:i-.| fa.nil. .re with ,. ? . n, ?? ,| ?. brow natoli w ? Ivanta Addr. ?? imiiiiA 11.. ii ? . Sl . i|.| i.,.,-.. doulite . r..- I , ? i -- ha. ? i aa ' I. M. IIODU. Tl, , , I.. ?: i -. . ? .? . r | .?!,- W Itll ? I. i.'ll N i IIRI M W ? 3411 W. tl _ rgVii i.i i? Ko-ii ;.-:-: (rn >d l. . 1 v pi.mUee. lll Duai . ItsiiN. f|'.. I.I r -l-'li .-. il -?'?' I>l.. v- i.. i nnlro'a . ? i ItKliKI UN -. Si IN '. 1" 51 i Btdl Cettttc lllnntco. U.AN ' ? ? ' lll N"i A ... ? : : \ tt i i.i . ?: : . 1-, l aa; -. s i i :? i 'i * i ? s : : flil , Conuirn Rcai Caiotc .fot Sulc All MONTCL.AIR D< ! : r^ir , lan 1 bj ** a. re or lul. ? ? .- ' r .1 llfBIIB V lAVLOR. 6 Beekmau .1, N V . r . ?? ??? ?? -. . ' . i .!.-?: ; - rilll.I.ll-s, v'.i.s Trlbuii* if, jiilAll 1 "?: ' ? ??> .11 i;s;.i l'-i.|- . .1 . ? VVARD '. MA.N..A.M, . . . A. ? ? ' Illll.l.ll's V\s il;..\, i N ? g ? i ,rlv. 1 i ? ??" II (H'TTI'll II riui.i.n-s -. u. i.i.-.. _ V, ,, ts ? .- II I' l.s., ,\ I ... - ... - . ? k) \ l.o'lsH \| , ? ' ??. IU) ? VII. . i l I' II VM i I.K'N '. lll I"' -. N AIIM I \l] 1! I I ,? ? I 11, 1.1.1 |( i Falr'sil l> l ? -- .1 i. I I liw I hOUs ? ? i.iii.- Vl> : a r.o ln Mo l nv.Mi; I., ?,. v .i ? S I. ? . I. VV. I 11 I.I J,> ? ". i:i.\in \ i. \. ... of mod. ? ? ? ? ii. ? ? I , , i r . ? n ?. 'i I || . i- I. r (1 -....? N i. Ill.i; IO RK.NT or TO l.l VKI 0 '? r hai '-..:..<? lo i ."?. it ono of N i ? , r ? i ' ? . I II ?' . altuato I on d-v irround han 17 rr e 1 ? i I . ? - . nver I'"' t . t .-j r un r,.: pl i/ia p p ?* f..r i-i-. and a , i ... 'i i. |-r ?. n- nU i..'.;.! ?? lor v ? ' o ' i ' :' ? - or ? an I. ? t ? ,| .,- , ... i tal t ni'*. nVV m It, l:..-. i.-. Trlli.ui . ? ? ? I.-l ll|| -\ I.I! lll tlo I ".ll Of I I'l Mi.:/. .. ' I ? lll l>rli !< ii mi ? |i |.i yi n eii. ih ', I IM. il.l oul i. itii larae ?., . . i, ll'us. ,,.. rl.H Klnu ti." ! ?? iii -, ii r.i .. ? I r - I . ? > II !?? -I..I ? . i. ^ : :??:?: \. s i; . I:miR SAI.I "i: rn liE.vr v lara prl l i ? i-. Mr -. Iinati . II ??. .- ' . \ Vi 1'Osl 1? ii, l , ? i !l \ -.i.i il ' | ? I I-- ,i ll fnl i ?? Qui ':. Alilie I.. , li. . ? I ln ? i, , ? :? , L-iiire ln \ ' ? I, i 'll I ' I il, I . :., i ? .,...,? , ? i , . | ? ., > ? :,.,,,. I i-B|" ' ' \ ..| l-i, , I Im, ' , ?. s '. I||| I'.l.ll. , ? I K? I lll S A I \ rk, '."? i ih 1 r i:nl i< '. Wlll l.. ? il . .. < ? ? i????..?: .li | ur. i .i ' w FFIH.t So.N '. ? t k. Is ? .i: i ? i , mt i-o'in ' ? V i - ? ? ? .ik ii ii ? i. i,,-??!? ?i IV> I.v v -i J IHMITON, Klni T. Ii I I I . l t n: s |l| ii.ii, t -' ? i and -i) : . ." - , i .ni.i ORH, llrok , 1'ialn .i. ni.-i i i. ' ? ib :,, i .. it, j. w. ni.i.i'i.i:. 50 Ln.. i M t. ? | lll I VI.I.. i'i- 11.41 .> ? ,11 ,-ihh; IH ii.II - fl ? ?! . ' . IK) ' .1 i l0t.ll K I. W..I.. ..I i own r, fV | N I 1 1 -.' It I .-s ? I.'| Slil llllHl lo nl II flr(?,- M)ld ln | : ? ? - l" .M N ? Voi .., ? ? iiav.-u i.. "I n ituralli *?.'h aoapt... . , r . opnnrtunlty f.- ? prom i1.tlou i;i il v I, ,.,\ s-. S'ea -ii:.\. i i>. i.... all | _ Oi; ? s.-i N i '' llla n ive nor. II . I ? rrai ?? perfi ? t iielahbor , ?? -1" '..' ? ? di-nri n ...i> ?.ii w. ..,? - . r ii i,.'s |-. . . i . ..,,: ? | ., < .1 .1 ?? -' li. r . ? ? . ? ? i .! i ..1 io ?? -t.i' I. and ii?" .'. I ii\v. P. ll V.MILTON \ CO., Oa Bmad Vai.i?.-.lii.i: ii"Mi s-i !? ai>. ii . i - ?. ? ? nfortabla ?nd bulbllnint. N'ew-Rn helle , -?. ... . .|.|..| bi preaenl ownai 80 reara; fin.' Bonnd \\<t*. 61BBALD, 108 iijuUkUUC-at., IU) k.yn. Cnrj i cal (Eeiate ?ox Golc. AFOl'R-STORY and baaemml lO.o-fool inirh-Kioup hrlvk aud brownatone prl? vatc !,..'..."? on Weal End-ave., near Mth -i . ;i \-w dealrable nelghboriiood; liamt amcelv dev'orated, gaa, flxturoa and < ;?ri?-r<; 17 t.n- : th. InBrrlor i..i- been re. mixlolii'd; to., large for preaent owner and i?, iin.nit; prlee rvmaonablo; w,li o\ rhanpre for iinlmpr >vod rlti lota or fl.-.t. 1M.TI.II B i vi,!,.\'iw 2*0 Eaat ?2d-at. _ a i STORT h ? ,?!,? ind extenalon ala-ne :\ houae, r.rt.h-i.. rear .".ti,-a\.-.. -.?" D3\ |.,,.'i bn excelled on tl.. atreet. deeMed ln .all, ?,, lettera nn-?,r 1. II. W. MI II" M \ V I37 llroadwoj . FOI! SALE or ln UT. ffoaae, 112 Wai Ts-,.-;.. l'xloo ,t ? ,.r.,r ,, aud luahog. Inqulre n< al ,!?? i I So. 111 . LjEVEKaT nindorn private houae* 8 and .' , >to i> i>.-.? ji.? i.t- and ? \t -ii-i ,ii.< a, - Murr:.\ Illll. I.\ 11,11 ln Uie ftfla, 70a io"i a -. aloag Madlaon-ave. and |>ark-ave and i-ir 5Ul-ave, aloag tii- 70a ai tt, Weat siii. afrn'u Weal End-are. to st!i.,iM'. Home are ateam heated through. out, '?"!. Tu l;lah batha thower ;iad apra.r. ind i ?. i ?:? d a li iprot ercent rhut u-r><<] '?, .'? a'd -k: 1 ran ,!? . ? Rllea varvlnif from 25x00x113, :SxIon on rom?r, 2,%\7t< ,,? rnrner, 2Oi08xlOO InaUtea, 22x50x100. Anv i thoae hona'a rannnt be boughl rheap aa tl ej are nol bulli rheap; but n aubatantlal. InxuMoua honte ,an be iiid through our tl'tu al li- value. Tr'^H 028,000 lo >?70.'>oi'. I - from STARR v aiijjkn, l.ur.i .-.' ? a ',:.-} Sh.\xi>.vr.. imiiT r.r.w' ?iW^, bouaea and lota; fom, I. n, r.-ai neropatlon dn.gator* and jiostotioo. and dwt-illnga ; |,"..; fro" ;u,d oloir: tl:|a Inanred CYIlTXLE CARREAU, Grand -t and Roar, r- . IH READY MO.vr.V wlli *??? ? ? ?? lakin of tho beau ?d (Cotonla! atylel h.":?o. Id I Weat BSd-M tt 12,000 ;.????. than Xnvember -,.:. ?'. -Mt,:nM atreet: aabet <m praadaaa. RrooklyB Keal Egtatg, Fnit s.W.i; <m i>> IIEXT I'XlT'lt SISIIEO-A,?v brownatone houae; iiaxU: lol 100; ,,n s,,,t), crxford-at. itrook Imi : 111 rooma; abam heater; parlor fro?. ??i>. ,i i,i>, i. p.rlor i....111. t. wood itonr; ii.reo mlrrora; marble mauteU; pute.glaaa aln ,1 ,u | but ? r*a .1',- ' . d'Uhi. wraltel ; tltn> L-aa lutiiros; jii in unod order ready foi- oeru. i nart lara iddreaa BitOWX, p .1 ii, \ 1.uio. Nevr.Vork, F'nii SAI.E nn im-v terma, atona houaea; ? , Improved hardwood and rablnet tln l ,., a;:i Balnt rir'ae-at., aeai Ralph* n ?? i Iwner ?n preailaea. (aREAT BAROAIN. Three ??tory brlek l flat ind itore on Reld-ave. : all rort ,1 ; mn?t be aold. AiMro-H KI.AT, Bdft 10, Tn!> nfflee. Hful. '1.ratei Kfrtl <?otfitc to (Ftrlmnqe F' I,"i:iTi \ Vl.MV \ f.u l-.,- ?*!, or ex". , haiii-.. for N'oiUiern pro]a rtj the ,,?'? hral 'l M.'i'ii'i-iii Nn,. | ard m ar T.ii.'i ha. li:, . on boautlfiil luk, : |,l ire m iii l. , ? on Inveatatcnt. .\,|.|p.- |-"\ I--J. Iii :oi-,-- ?? Hi._ (i i. iu ?:,.,, iMiniivn d ? in i>r ?: l ilna ? . f mn -i... Ii |.r '? r-.,l alve full I,- ,:- i;- 1 ?. k )?: ? ? . N ?" % ork. iTnnislK& tjouoco. A-l |,| i l MST ? h. : ?? houaea, dl i I ? :\:\\i famlllea an 1 boaidina ?.,. all -. I'.II.I.V, 7. W. -t .;-,!!.--t. fi-.v \VVKST SfDE fonr-atery Iioimo. o',.. i ititully d. ,-,,"i, . panl nl I., 72d*at, and nl-' -'. I. -' >? % ? ,iti .-. ,,? , ,| Addreaa OWNER, Box 5, Trlbune ? i:;., ??. < o untry. 1,a URXisitrcn ' " i ' vui S on hqnm la land, -?..-?'ii l-''i . ? ??? '? Wrftn. or .,,1 TIII RBI It v i' a> M N'? Baj ahoi I,. I. 1 lioarfc and llaoma. Aa. an AiiiiALinj. 2d noor. 4 ? r>..:..-. bata; pri\ata labta apttonal; ..-. ,,, imbuta a:-o aV a Uve rooiv ?.:h prt^at' ImU>?. r i.., t I i i - ? * and alagb :., ? atawtn.anta; ' loetora" un ??" . all trkUable 1 M Igbent refereueaa gfvca. l:,r.,r a:1u', fr?.\ B, < I.i LA.V U v. iO.. :.ii \s , .M- ;-* t. it.s,. Vii ii ,'?; .-, "fil io . m;ii hi RECTORT. - . i: > ,..,.-?. - , ii ?-, ? ? .-...? free. sm.s v. I.a.\. IjiiN, 278 liU. ,_ V\| \6lS> SAVK., 120 JI... ???" ? ,r -i ..; roon ^':|" in r h,,.r,| ?, ,?.;. i - .... ,.i n.od ib d VI'.I Vsu I AN aoiil I rerelve an i ' m i i ? r a ?: ?? ?itn ? ! - ? n ,ndln? - ,1 d ? . , ? ??: floor, ll ral Pa.- P1M sl i l.\N. , I 23? H'.'j-. Au | Ii, i\V ?? ? ?- gentl, n,aa ladj t., board l.,,^ -..??i:. Tribuue F'ttawii Ofllce. 1.288 , , ? ,-. Al. \ Ki .1 I'.-a. ,M for ' ' I f ? ' ? ',,1..: alwi . i r .'iUi Iniard ond withoul Anif ^* tSa W. ?i Cjfi . l- , |to< iM : I ? itl aur. Ilng< d,i<irahi? for agreaabla r? r ? - nn, amall fai . .at \i,. Trlbun.' Braiif i Ofl ??. lod Wi ?. . ?' ?? IVKiij . .? ?>? l I'.'l. ?Ith ? ? i ? ? t | , i ,-? " | ^^? fi.riri.Vnd i i; B., Bnl . , ? 210 Weat rii \m.r i ? \ ' :? i- ; ; i ? ivo. ih.Vs I 1' iii. VIIO at i'.i r.Ui-avi " near lt - ?V Ll i ' i.Nt-lt I' It.H.MS, ff on . IU ir ' -. i . 30 Wist , v I 1 : ',?-?? and - ?tt;, : . " n-a . : ? ? - i ii wi ..-'-.'. .) ; i a., tah ? . 1| KaVI' otll-ST. l.iar '.Mi-i-. - , .1 I aud a.i| I; refei 1.. i ii.s.T :.' i \si ,,..,, iir id , <~ i;. ,? : roon,, ilai rl uu, w.-ekly, it |, tbllo dlnln .-? r ,ii sr-M'. 0 WI kT - ? t, ??'? fi>n.l->h.<l ^ I , . i . , . \ ?: ? fi - ?.. .j.) |i sl .'i.- <a i - i I.,: ? iairloi ? ? 1 I',-.: -t: foi t?,, fonr'h Ibmi ?'?'. for t ? ? ? ? 2-2 ,)- l II s|. sa WI Sl llotitna Hith imant . >..> \ r. . ... , rnia l ? _?.??! parUea. ?}<? i> ST . ',:. Wl'.s'l il it ' ? ' ? f .r ???> ,,i-i,.i i.,a ih ' ; ,-s t.-.M. . parloi : , im; i , i -i.iti.ii. dl .11 - l' af WEST D alrablii r.? ?!?? i. || i,.:,t ,| : i|| i ontei ? n aa ? ? ?; : ni table ; famllle* and g inl n.en able, I /. i \s: a ,ni ^1 i.i...?? atoiare r .?,? ' -t\l ith (looi r,,.,:,i : m Ith ? ... a :.N ? hall. room retet ne aexrhanged; |irlvaU' fao.ilv. |<i i> > i jTi i \s i ifai, :-, :...? larae ?!??> aiiuiii :? , ......a ar.d fourth floora; " rl, i,, ird ; t. rn.a reaennal le 4?> 1> s'i 20 l \si llandaorne anntiy 'I n ma : -.,|k ; |, , table . r. aaon ibb . il i t\ ii:\ i sYi i-i. mi i.iil- atid araail ??'? r.i.a. nn ? u turniahed, ?IM, .v.Il ?', ; i iii i, tehli houa |.r . ,'?? refereacea. 17 ; ii st., a i. \M' rTandaoii i . ? | ?| # in - fr.Mil - Ife partlea ?< >uld ?j .m ??!?? o ? i o . i : i \. ? ll-nt t il.lo . reforenrea e\, liana-od 4(\ : H ? '' 17 \\ I - I . II i,,,!-,,,, U rt.r-" .'i al ?! r .... fl - i, ? a I. Moi-,,! tii.l,: and houae flrat.cta?a; ,.|. .-/? ill ST ia- I \s|- j'arlor u,,| n ,|. ? 1" i. ,.. ' .i :- nttonaui and "if.-, board I'll . I.I N l"N Pl. v* l l ?? ? '?" 11,1 ? i-i ? ? ,, atltl "' ?.iu'' i -i. , ? i ii,,,- i, .oi. ??- ., ...inl! ndated -ij 1'II-ST 112 v. ; s| hi,,., , ? " alll let om alnab oi two ronn. rtina h .i -i M ii. ?a : -i ,7 WEMT Pri*al . famH rlll ? l nt large 3d itot| room, with board ? man, ?.l II NT ;a i \s|- ,in,. ,,,. ,-,,,, ,.),,; I *? -?.-!?? ii? a r',.i,i roon a. t...mi-1 ,f ' 1 : :. in- r , |?>() TII.ST.; r," v. -; i , "i.-t ?|."h l ?>?' n iH, two .|./,.ni r'.,:, . on aocond '. to a d - ? il.le party, w Ith r f> renea. !-./? I.i X.Ni. |ii\\vi. I' hand.' I I U ni ? Ij ;..; ,.-;.. i uu ,|i,. t,,r ,,r d nti-t.. ., Ith or v Ithout board .)|<) W I r i im. r v. ui. fi.rniah.-d ?*??' ?i..i:-. \\ i. I, w ? d aubatantlal lca:d n ? ? ibb. f.ui.ii QIO WEST "i.vril-rvi iiealii ^? ??> lhlrd-at, rj frnnl room p ? ot aii inp-i.i; ,a ? iinit nmlly t:.tiie; refer. ?>i|7 WKSI i i i ii si. Lara, r ..n. top ?>w# tt. or r, a in ;,..? , wkiag; tabla ',.,:? i l ? -i... s. ?>.>7 ? l-l 1201 II ST. I '-.? lii'M. ?..,l. ?* ? l fiirnUI. d rooma, alngl; ni togeUici l?.i:l lt i! -,i. d. 107 .Tl ll-AVK rtne i,.,.-. fronl roo.,, f ?># fourth tt ? 1 ii-.. on. laree ? li 1 B001 ba'k .; 1 ,1 aiUiout 1 oaid Brooklyn. i> ..Mn. ?. wii - large rooma, S> ba I. and froil handaon.ol) fiirnlahed g .,: att i ,: 1 ? ai.ltaii loi ,-. ,ti.,, an :, id 1 if\ or i?" slnitlo K'-iitlomen , refereacea . Mi. nu d. 0 I'nuplfl .nn iimt yood board 1 > , 1 Iroom 11,1 ui - nf pai lor, ln ? amall prlvat' famlly terma, ?'. or wltiimu 1.1 -:t a M-.-oi.. ln,|,ni 'Mra VANDI lt. 11.T 1 lat ."., '.?-? v\ i-inii.tni,-t.. 11 kly.i, HII M'.l. XI e|j fn, ,|-|?. | ?, || i,,.,.,.,! ir mi -.,'iir.- roon, : ?nutheni . \i. eure larg- rloa. 1; oxn>| .:,; table. isi .1., ,!..,,?.,. -'. . ne ir 1 Ity IIj i .> j > I.IN r<i.\ ST..' ,?.,, f,,||,,ii, i? |r(" -i alUi ..? with,mt hoard; Bae, largi i.i,'U furnUhed ri?.in-: ulthln :, mlnutea' wnlk ..f Mr!ili.-e and ferrlea; tln- moat ron< .oni.iii, iiK-alltv ln llrooklyu; Uble uiat clasa; tcrma modarata. A /tmusliro Roorns. A?cmoht. elegantlj fnrnlabed baeb. , eloi u irtirenu; **elua vt bai ., -n:,. ._;..r prlvate reaideae* ?.f n.ili, -. ,',?'> tt'est H.*'tl|.>t. _ ______^___ AHAMisn.Mi iir-'" salon parlor, ai-o ta.wt.illy furnlaked aei-oad and third Boor room*; breaaraat opti. nai. od Weat B&ta-at. _ "? LAK.ll bandaoni' iy furnUhi . A i.sit, <i ' all kwprovemeiitj p ivata .11 042 Lexlngton-are. N i i K(i vN'TLV furniaked room, wiuioul 'i?.'.,Y ii'sirn-tiv p Ivate iitn.i.; rcfer [uired. etoPI-cxiaajoii.ave., MM and 54th ata._. \~PR1VATE Amerlcan faajlly wlll i*.t nuare and hall ronnw to genUemen; ,"i.??.'!?-. wa u.-t .-.;u.-t._m \ >i i'i K -d il.H.r; irlxat" l.nth : n.-ar A Manbattan Clab; alnal*iww aod ?nicea: chol.e localloaa; "Parto^U^with p ?? tablea tv?tj A""'J;;'. , 'V-'y l - i fnformatlon fr.e. E. A. D.YILl.l. .1 vv ,-t ssth-at._. n ai MfcUdt APAH I'MENTB -Mnifinn. \\ eebtlT Vurnlaued parlo, n-.r: prlvate "atn aiiite* s.i"i'"' and ''?'?'?'w r"":""' Wltjl . .'I'ii-' mii'i i,.'..t br. akfaal, betel at* adaace. ?? | v.. -t, jHWfa-et,__, ^^ i . \\ i ' iioo.MS, ?ith everj coa 'a vealeiice aml attendance. 242 tt. I2a-?t. l-.|.n;.\M rooaia, wlth evejy eonvenlenee I'i and atteudanee. 042 Weat 42d.et_ . L'RXISHED BMUH.-TUUtmj0? and t runnlng water._1 l? '???-? >-',!l-t- _. ,, 1 ll . li It' ".I I" '-I-. '?- tonti". ? , Front rocwT 8d Boo7 ha LfuruWud ruanlne wablr; wBh or vtthout board; aUo hall raoaa; reference. 7i ( iintoii PUce._ W-irri.v" KCRNlbUtD front aunny room [N at-itabie for two; alao *econd m-or front ball bedroom, ivith or boai-U. i.,.> \\. il ii.ii-i __J_ m Wll l l I .. \N"f f. rniabed roin- v> let tn 1 nrvato houae on Sth-eve., overlooklnR Hount Morria Park. ... -?>?"'i'?V;,I',"( J*'*\Xi\ ? aml rio. Addreaa AMKRK a.\, 180 l;,sl I25tll-*t. _ ,, lt ,??< iasi Sewh furniati-n l()'H:i1\olh,i;.V":'i. 6 ?reeaiy; Bentleroan; reference._ , ??ih 5? ??". EABT. ll-' ii -"""'1>' 'ur 17 ni-inlf rolaaa! bol .I coM. water. ?..,.,<! foldlna beda; reference* .^iisT ana WE8T. -Pleiaant front room *2'2 '.',I--. wlth or witho-.t k*ll .j- RAHT 14 H-ST . rSai Madlaon Square. '4.) furnlabed iaooiid Boor room foi gentleman ; i reakfaal If d ,?u n.-M'.. i.v near Hroadway. Larse ?iS ,,?.?,. :..i: li.lnp ..... ? .i lUr,';" hall room ?3 50. ronvenlenl pruieipal bo t.,- reat mra .--. I. iUtlou ; bod I atUndance ?i "iii._ OCTH-ST 1.1 WESl i ' " 'iii kulfal for !' '""? _ . ? , ., ,, :(, v. i -i '? ? ? b rulahed 1.1 n' rn>r. im v i M- ,. i',,.,,,iv?v |D | , . , piit "??i. : ?.r-t ,:..- |n everj r< np. rt: r a'onable._. li.^T :i'~ VVI ST M.'i '-"" .?, ,;..? : i,tl mnall n ? i* i bouae and ? ? . :;.--. -l\ W RST 1'.' ,1! ?'?'?"? tl" daom ,ll| :...'., I | , ,. r o - :> -n h:i 1 rOOBa* 1 '??':-? l;i ?'."' UM_ 8-. i \si i ,, i :im itooui wlth all im 'Z ] ... in ti'-. 111 ainple order : I . i ? '!??? - a|v?"j_ q t wi sr ui ii ST.-I l roomd n\ f. ?? jf.'iitleineli: r'fereu-ea^_ iTiE P.AST ilofll^ST. 1'irni-). ](U - i ? - itl\i WI *1 I'.TII.ST, ln iii\.i- ii""?? Z*l-l h?ud<r.n.elv fmuidied room, ga*. .: .',! ? : --iiiv VVl'ST ' ?M'l'--s r. sunny u 'Z \\f -:it.? alnirlv; nuderate prlrea to ,..,... . - ,- ? .-. hanged. ,-<\ tt i:-i l.*: Il-si S 'Z.t.i i toi llgbt hou*. ,1-., bai. rooma._^^^^^^^_^_ /tuitiohcu liooms U)antco A rTF.NTIOS '-'?" ' A itnntlr I ? ni.-e? t;.- everv day ? .... v .". hnu?e un'll RNISIII U BOOM I'l.s... TOR\, -. w -; I :? - _ Ww i ; :? . iir ?-..?'! i. - ' ,, . ?- v. :' >, ?.' I. ??:? . or wlHio'i board. '? '*??.' WW. and 80th aU.. ; - ... ? -? : olcrat. A.Mr -? i j j . Trlbuni ?.:-.. /iats to tft. tlnfnrntsrifi Vi a.. rMtNTb io let m tiii new I at Buthat. aud Am?t, rdai fr ,,,, ? | to aeve-i, wlth an t ? - , l new'.v d" oral ' i id I'.r-I innulr ? own, ri , n |,. ? ....iii..-s ii:;.-i lll [l> 1? IN i oi 7 iare< i and bil un I at and all I? .1 !? .H-- r , \^.--- ?? _. I.i LAT. Milttbl" lor an il. fa nl.j . ? I > ' iv.,1 HoUbed; p"rf"t ord.r; t-M; ;.._? . . r\ |,?, v . .,-.'-r. Ilvea ln i ?- ~". -..r. iv. 771 . 78th -?-_ PARI.OH I LA : i ?? .-.: 'nt ln alriele I,,,,,?.. : 1, ...- ? , I ? ? ? ? - and I utn ; - .-. .!.:, Il, -I. . 17 ' \\ .1 m; .l/lll W s ..-.(., ZUlt . , i i- ?? W. .1 s .. ...' :..:, > | ARR \ V1I1 RN, ii',iii V| \Ii|si,\ \\ I i ..-- ??' . I tl;f:? , ? , ?. ... '? ~ - - o bl vRR I VllKRX - '.'?.. flfltd (To Cct, XtirniGlici. ? ill \ V i . AXH ?"? ??'? II-sT \ ?? / . ... Kb-aaiil ? ? ? I I BaBineof. (CttaBceu Vl'ARI -. KR Wlth a. ,..-..'.. ? .. . , I v . ,<1 i u li i ;'I.i: v IMlWNlNii, 11 ll A- . ? tt il. . payiiiK '? ? ? ' , ? .. . . i. ii rn.i. ?. 1." tt M N .. 17! I a 2 i.i > ' .; .m. : , i'.ii .:. iSS, A -?-.-. ? for. i.i-- ' ?:,,? r . - 11 .Ki'l'l'. I'' ? 8, VI. ?. . ? . vi. .., .. , r i-.i .' tor? attvu. l (with b.M cbarg. ui ii--.r. i , t - -? r ... r - ?:. URIIJOS a l l.N Hr . -? ! Br I -a A|.\ urislN,, vr.Il. 1.1. ... , i i .-. , .? +..11) :t Mturll. UIlJ \ ' \; i.. -,. . V..I \ : I. M \ \ h.'.i ? . . ? onlj pa ? i il ia!. " liit"i.-s, ln ,? ? ? ? : ahown, full nv.-a. i lon i rt <??; J ii i .,. i.i mi r Ofllrt AM . ?:'.!.|... I> I ? i ? ll 01 f r.U 0 Wlll ...,.? i- nionei ?\ -. . . . - " for Ukj , . - Vddn -s \ A n A.Mltl.Rii AillND.VN I si ? . ,; i i v l-iv.-ii ,-reiue f?r ( ' - ' l ? . | | ,i - ? ? ? ? Addr.'sa, . int. :>??? vi ll v \| ItR \. rrlb un oairc. Vn ai.i.i -iii r. prodi i ? 'i.i i i a inis,i?.- in i.::. ?"?.n n ,r \ . - lor siii,. at Im. nloi. valui i .-.... i ??; ...i ? I ;, 1 II II I.I. V N IM.. 171 Bi ? idwav. \N IN II I'-.l..! S r . iu...'.- ?,, :,i, ,|,'. ? - , in ? i ii .: f..n 11) a? li.ii.,. R."|i. r. eon patiln i-l i|n-n n a". j i-v ,,, nl tn -? I ? ii iv ;jo. Irl.iu n 1'plOH 11 . Ifll. I IS |',,,,;| !? .\ 4 N\ I'.V.Ul - ? ii- foi i k'.I I . '. Vriio*;i.ii\.\ ? r-i ..-- i. - .. '. i. to : , ui wlth - i ,--s n.t, real .i id *a.*l) nf I. .'?'?' . ||| .... ? foi. IXVESTMKN r. I.,., l ; I i lliui e II \l'Ai: IM.ll wlth -1.MI i bua iu -s thal Is . ? . r. i \otiin," like i. mt. I- on band. BKCOit \ I i \i, Trllmi. |> IlliVll j-~.? , i \ , M.v.N ?.,iii,,i n, ,,.,;,'. B ? ' ? ! '. i,..,. ,,;i , . , r...' ded ? ll i wnrl rn ? iiniiei'. >*ai | i or ? \i i ptluoath an -i ? i? mi m.i ? i m mi: i |>.iiil? AND MAVsPaVku li;i.\ , i.\,i." I> Pl RXOlll. II. I'RI MIXli CO. 25 r.i i-kman sr NFAV.YORR. B All lll It' 'for -.,: . no r..,s??:,l.?: offer r , led. lnqulr? at 1 608 Broal ?.u-, iiro. /' i i.i ,;\ .11 wn-ii. vi v ,; nk, ,,| ,i *' i"i.ii-. ; i-urea liivouiula. neiiralfla <ii n. rvou, . ...i i ; unU, .i. .?.. ( md . id in ii. . ipiiul ?,n,!. .1 ln n .unU., ti.r" . I. .. per cent pn lll. .- I.' l-i \' .itlie. nr.i'. si'oiti: i (iii balk . ? ii mi - i1 foi half i.s i..;i." || ,"''1 il. of \. a v. i \ ... i 13 1 atde i l..,ii" 01 IM. N ns. \\..,,i? , .(,.?. ,:l , . i*'.v I ill.pVn ? .. \ M'K A 1 I. tt .-. il 11 i .... ! 1 1 ., | i; xT'Ri ss iii' im s, ..?, ??< 12 j .. ii ..? jo ? 830 .?? Ll) .. ? \\, -t ipth-H. I? N.l.lsil >^ m i( s , | ,,lU(, ~rr . ia *|m i ii. iii-i f...ii, .o ind aad i a\ lua tudi ?? > ... I | llll.s ,|..-|lll|U I,, part uul. i.i,oi , r i? rtl.i bui lr.i-??; n f. ; '???'??' '"? l-i ouabl.. iv .. >.,. k r. ? . i..i. \"..\.rk. JP ".: baTi k V" y ih.,- boaidlng aud u t .-ry . .,;,i,., ,,.-, ti,,. parfc .,,? ? ,,,(..?. dhl rotidll ..n : .1.. . ..- a biialneM of abuut .8 '.0011 ," r ?",, atahle :,..- 100 . ,;ina. IU aiioni |0d hor*** ; io vearv leuu- : nioderate .??|i;-'1 V(l '| -s PAR1 Mils, llo\ 100, I iii'ni" Ohii-e, |?OR SAI.i: i, rn ui Viiiiil, ,:, " M-houi ? ?>iili', al low i n. . 80 to i:) ?,.1""'- Br. >. hi iimiti. ii"oi.s,.|i,i. ? o, 8d> ivi-., n. ar b8ti<- -t. C* OR N.\LE. Ilr?t-,l,i-s la.,rlink. houae a en th- belghta; rooma uil full; awu r )V''\'Z 'V ?l0" on aceount ul i?wr lualUi. tt.. 1R?* 18, Trlbuuo Ofllce. OttGincso Zhantta. C*J t.VJ l.i.MA.N ?t good ataadaaa and nua, ? n -- abiltty, wanted u> piaea atacfe i? .. reiiaole diwdt-ud-paylng company. ao, >.r aa, artui i femicea, SW Ili.iAltY, laa, une i ptown . tuce, l,aai Broadway. ('....|? WILL AXD FURNTT17RE mf\m ? o:d eatlblUhed idwttii-liiu iiyoiiry fw aale; a iuld a 11 ia,od will aud r,-ut fumi. mr?? to r> Hi. I partle?. Addreaa K.sTah. LIMIl r ,,. i rlbuiiu uiti. a (?OObWlLu tluuioi and slnk of tUKf * dr.-Kii.iiS aud aotloa baaiaeaa aaal city; doi.iK f .il r lii,-|io-? ; to inlvato uaity i : - ? . ,?.. Trlbame oaaaa. HypNoVic i xstri'ctio*. i r. vsa" Tueadaj evenlnga; paKieolara at Df, ?>? aiag 1". Mrat :?..{ Eaat l2oth-at.. ?i,d \?>*uj- for ,1*! ?i ptuo circulir; InaUacUefl by correa. p. tl 1. n.o. IAIiV dvalrea <if $.V)0 for tw,> 2 > tn:.-, n:ir? at .. per . out finm l>riv^ta party: 0r.1t aeeurity; Interea; i?onaa> ,.v : would llk, t.i 11.?11 iioiu uutj or a^ntj.. man wrho woald t.i*, room and ti.i-.rd ti. th? rn ? iiv ,.,. wksaeoatd appraetev* .omfonj. ablo, homa with reapectabla Aaaafc ean people a'. a moderat. pHee. Addrrah Klll.'l Alil.l.. I?0 Ka-. 12-Kn at. OFFll I. Man 01 aaleanuM "i'h ?3,0o| tn laaa aa real ratata aeearlt) . raa ,,1.. tabi a gnod lalary n, manufertnrlag h'.a i,--. 0PPOKTI NITY, u?a BO, 1'rlbuaa OBtce. _ __ ONE-THIRD ,,, . -uhliah-al manufacturlng bualueae ?tii b. :\\m t,, i-oinpetent buaineaa m.apltil i..<ii,ir?4 BB.00O. Addreaa 1NVEBTUK, Inbane Udtee. PAKT.NER w ta BIO.OC '"want d for^roaa ble .i.,- .-a I'i-.i .- and ii.jioitlug hu?T 1 oa- Addraai OOOD Baa g4, Tribuae oaica PARTXER with *.?.0?T0 to B10.000 ln ea. , -,, .1 buain. -- dol ig eiOO.oro aa. atially; .,iil"- man ,,r aale-man preferraft, ot'l'OKTl'XTrv, Boa 78 Trloune OBtoj PATKVis FOR INVi:XTIOXS procuraB |,r.j 11-. al ruaionabb roat; 1 a and forelcn patenta; d-amn pateota; tndrirarka, .?npyrlghta l ? H. V. i'AHKl.K. ?<>lic|. tor. :.., \\ UESPOX.SIBLR genUeman tarmer, wtta frontter exiatrwooo, iealrea aasooiata * ith miid -n'..- ,-:.i ItaJ tor iheep-ralalng Ueioa anow Un ? to grtat nroilt. und.-r nrots'tton ta ,1 provlded by Mrriir.iev blli and rai>4 i..^s ,,f ^,... p tn tulld climato. TEXAS, Rl-TAII. CROI KBRY STORE ln faad la .-.,?.! >u Ui '..',',- , i'v . aiekneaa .auie of Anply ./A.MKs W18EMA.V, lra ?-, Warron-at. 1 no hwaeea._? RKAIAL'KA.VI I "il la -??,-.?? Inqulr Itfl Babave._ R',\t\N raTRs v amtat, thoroughl* .1 nu-iinf t wtth Uie inanagemeot il K laalan. Turkiah, m di- al and n m, ral i at >a, nania poattlon, or Ui lon . ? paoy n ??? ta* llali aueh wiiuint t>. ln\.-i a t.-w il.oiu aund t'olla - alth aervteva. Addreaa rill.M i>;-. l",a lt! ave._ ^. . i.M.r.'i A ruli iiiie of acenery, ain.oat J"% new mcludlng <irr,|i eartalo and toat ,,..i t. ? , ?? a,;, t., b j. n nn ? wiii tl' any .:,;-..- ,., . , , rfttci Mr. BUUWEaa -:,i h-.i:.i.. BrooaJyn._ . , , \, ,\ 1 .1 ' ? aUwe for *al?; O will aell 1 haa to prlvau party. I o.'.J ( ;n,. , , ', ted aution, be. t-'i,-n |.Wt a d r.,'i -ts._^ La'llul MAXf'TAi ni'.IN'r buataeaa fnr S5 H,| nr to ? ? ,,: eatab : -h-d b . ? nn liln rv, n\ 11 1 - and ordeia : eVervUltaa r ,dv for wotk. 70 PalmeU?*t., Urv.*. _ SI'I \\\\ '.|,\V ? ? '? . 1.1.- bua m a< 1 oalUon w Ith ln f -1 . ? year duU ? aiu.pte. AssisT \ v 1 r.-.\ 11 Trlbun ? OB. ? SillltT i- .' i-.l'.V .-...:- io ? ?? ' tabi loa ,-h ,i|i : n': plentj ol aora. Ap. ; |y 500 Broadwa;. N V. 11,, MAXTEACTfREUS \M> MER <-11 i,N'i s \ well '1'iiiit! d 1 - * ,, lM ,,:,. --,,. 1, 1 tn BIOO.i 00 t.. Inveal ;-, '.,, ? ? --a ,:-':. ,! 1 ? ; ? . ? where . .!, 1 ,1 ,111 ? 111 v-'o a ia . '? amp ? 1 "_ Ia., 1 M EX. arltii .'?? - ; 1.u -A 000 and r f. ,.,,. ,?- ini lt !>o?l? ;;, 11, ..,,..- a ? , i. ?-- foi ? ne wi k AJT? loXl :_ W?XTED Mi V -- Minv. ? ln f ? - iu rr.arkeia to aell ^ '? : ahar. of ?- M?; mual nay t,N n?ti ex. , . ? ? -- op| r ? ? -- \, TIVI Q X aa- \ \?;? .1 \- rl r'attai " 'h >T - 1 to take I itf- nt 1 -' a* para ..,,.- ... ,di 1 -- U' Sl N',.^>. _ Ur A> lvTr",,r: h^\" you u fear lara to ? -' ' : ' ?? , ,t t.. - ? ' ' r yeera laa havo a n ? ' ? ? . 1 n- v ?,,' 1 ??? !? li t'> and won.f . ?.. j ; - 11. m in,. I.'.?7J W\N I : I" \ ;,. :? 1. 1 ,? ? - I ?, . .. . ? or li ?????? - ? ., , 1 - - - : A ? ? '? ' ? ' 1 S 1 ?11 wii ., a heiter flrm to exrhangl - nr heatcr and rentllaw h? . b. >'.. Trlbaad "" ai'ii" ? ?? , ' ,v u IV need.d .1 , ' . " i)t,T? it: ,n Idrea kepi btaba* -\>! ? v b _ _ \T, ii n. . ranted aa partn*i li .--????' -' I .e'.itl ? ?--,'?? '?' . '. -. ?:... M - '? _ Sl no " ? n " ?? 1 ?< 11111 ? " " '' O- lllld i ... ? '?f ... I ? N C-" M/lfl WILL RETI '-? VAXl ' B01 ? C' 0,1/1 S1V. ?t tnlo ,V.>.!llill. .. ... !i,\e.U Al. ? :NVI STlrt.aTE, ->-,,.? >?|U.'MM1 !,,,,,.. 1 ? , , .1 ? ? I . ;,.?. 1 , 1, n uia ? 1 - >? ?' A 1 - |i,|l|-.. ' I.' - .S I ,).IMIM m *al *. ,-,-.' b; ne*. ?.,. - -. .? -. :,,; ^^; , : n>\ 28, rrthun 001 <ruscfllgneon?" VTTEXTIOX II : ? ??::? an oxpert .,,. ,1 ?, 1 -.? - 1- r ? ? 1-- t ? a. atruct lalb-a b-tter-w | ,.. r , vddreaa Mt^a A, \s II.I -I \ X. ' '? : X^JI _m V.,1 N 1 ! E>l v\ II ?'. * ?'??? ?'?'?'?' - "? | | ? a nice I," - for ;. p c laa it hoi I ? .,:....- ', t i.i-t: tili i- ? ''. ?"v Wlin i: 10" >.- . 1 Oxf< l-at, lln-'i.. ln X. V. _ Vl.Ai. ?? - - - ? - 1 - -.- ? ; .1 n ?. 1 "? I 1 Al \imi sTl n uu ?- . ? ' ? : .-? |,|. ? - ? ..'t f ? - ' ? a*-af nll 1 , 1 i\ I. a ? 1-1 LOTORS I -,,... -. ? ? i?T?one foni, 1 -? ? ' . privaa itifonnat on} a . hual 1 -.-??? \ , oUvi vt' n\NI"\' K< H!'' - ' Hs ( lef*J ll.u.d.h ? f-' a 1 lli.on ?? bi ? ?? . I -. .-. 1 ?' . '. 1 ? ?-. - ? ' worth 76e. 11>? ? i;! r a t?. ? R| ,?: I/ ? %? ? ll ! ??'? I ? ? ,t,.. -, .. ?!? . redm .-t f: ro *1 -.'> te V ? . ? pa 1 tn. ?? l.ia ??> JAM uBS. bBj ... 1. r f th '? *-. I, ' 1 i- an.J 1 . . ,. ... - '., ? 1. ? 1 ;?? . ; IT? Buth-t, ^ Ialliil I.I' 1 I. to | ? I ln fan II) , li I, or - ? " 1. al. Slowlrl-d), f.oii. fjj II-i t ,,.\ddr,? Ml.,.1 1.1UB 1 : bu 11 ? _. rv 6w i> \ ?.'">i' 11 ?? - ? [\ rour old lt, .- i'.. : *> ,M?g* iii|.| U 1.11 k nuti 1. - ' ',7"I , 7 BlLK's BOOK 1 -\ir.ihll?? ; 11. j ' H Lll M VI!" . w \ I ' ltVI 1 ItETH || - any W* ,,, 1, ,,,- 1 mn I.- f..: . :.-h rli ? ,t voiinw \ i ?? -* 3.I5 3 _. DEW lu "ilEXT -.?'?'. a at. and 41 ..."nfu! alle; 1 n,. 1 ,,-...!?; Addl - ' "l Rt-U* I made to arde r .d aM reBBBBJ a' sr: \.l.i;- 224 Otb-avo.. bea.,?*?*?" |.*>tti - - and '-'7.1 I'.th ave., n jr x.ZZ-e \\ I ll M \N s |?AT) NT ?' 'NI",'W,,r!!;j iT,?d'oV.?KNoa; , . 1 ??., itro.dwai .? | - W AMI.I. \ Iv". d-t. ? ':?? ' ""(?vB^ l> ?,.... wttb full pai il Trlbune 1 .. ~-rj Ui \N II !' I" ai'.di-f > .-',;?",i' u V V KoPP, 1 illta iu < a a. *--?? W ta Kl' Ke,?..d .^^S* \S . ,1 la an. I ?'?'?-"-? '??,.i,nVl,'Li..,C:: * 1, .. ,-h na laland, $9,.500,(K)0. r:1 ?'?"^?j$i , 1 , 1 ,t ii, ?',. i"'. -x\ j. l.vxikl. I lll \. 1 v waahjaaa*." |.,.| in. ,n al i.i'iu. ? -" _. '?*' ol" ;'^ ,.; ., g|P * RT1ST1C PKKa^MAb^.'jJffBa| A BU lag coatuinea BBdwraga^p; ?? dreaaea made for gjt. ??* v Weat, 23dal., 9, ?.