V0L*L.. ..N*ltl 154. NEW-YORK, PRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1891-TWELVE PAGES PRICE TIIREE CEATS. 8H0T DOWN BY GENDARMES. A rlACEABLE CBOWD IN BVBCELOBA CHABGED BY A MOUNTED TBOOP. MVKRA- PER80HB wnt'Nin-.n - TH_ rr.own, WBXCH H.M) BEES UBTEEIX- TO A RE PTJBjUCAN SPEAEER, EERAGED AT Tlir. ATTACE. ?ftarcelona, Feb. 5.?Tlie rovnl'itionrtrv ipirit amoulileriiu' throughout Spaiii nearly Imrst Into flanio in this city t<,-d:iy Tbere WUB ;i 0000*1 I d?monstr.,t:(,ii. iti whleh a puiado and *"pcecbee ?vere thc niain feotureo, in favor of tho Republican leader, Dob Nioholaa Sahneron y AlTonao, Zoiilla'i co-worker in tho propagation of Kopul.liciti ldoas; and noturully tlio erowda wttch arere attracted bj' tl.e aajooeaaloB beeame ioanewhai cxcitod. Thifl attltude ol the popul-ce Kemi tb bave ahnnci tho ofReer ln eharge ?.f b troop nf mounted ?endai-tea, arl o 1.;<<1 been detailed ta malntein arder. Tbe alHoer, who Beenw t'> have loat hli head, ordcrad tho genda**_tea to eharge the crowd. They did ao, at a gallop, Brinj their pistolb and eorbinea riclit and Iclt. Thc reaull araa that aeveral penona arere ni?r,' or leoa donger ously woundod, and a nnnbei of tho bullele from tho geridaiine.-' weapona arere flottened araund Uie baleoay nnd window i.f the hotel froni which haluioron waa apeaking. The action of tbc (.ei.'.Iririiios enraged iho people, bul tbe crowd digpened wlthoul any ioii acl ol retaliotlon. lt is underatood thal the 6o*rern_ien1 will be a6kod to order an Inquii-y it:t., the conducl ol the oflicor in eharge of the gendonnea. fclmeron. frlenda ossert that the bullei marka around uie window ir--iii which he w.,- apeaking ahow tbal tb,- gendortnes tried to .si,'-"' him. Modrid, Feb, 5.-The '" Ki- >a ' endeoyora t? Binimize the importance o1 the aflalr in .. ?? eolono to-day. lt aayathal i lew polire disporuco an nnauthorited meetiog ul Repnbucann. aim thnt (be publiobed acoounta of tho onwr tn ?xaggeratea. _ _ THE 1HIS11 MJiOTIATlONS. THETF.RMS* MADE BETWEEN Tlir TWO FACTI0N8 TO BE ANICOTJKCED MXT THURSDAY. London, Fob. 5.-In recelvtog the deputotlon ol IrMimen at Lelceater yeaterday, Mr. McCarthy, ln od dition t.' iniormtng them thal be had aam loned a m.oetlnc of his rollowera lor Itebrtanry 12, siii-l thal the in-h POrliamentary porty would probably hearon tbal dato tho lertna wW b bad beett made betareen the two ?ectlor.fl, thal tho party mlgl I meet again aa ln the good olrl timc--, ond, atandlng togetliet llke frlenda and brotbera, Dght agalnat tbe eommot enemy. William O'Brien. ln a letter lo "The -Imes," aayi laal t'-o Plan of Campalgn wonld baveended ln 1887 ii tlio Laad i-.t of th.it year bad n ; rlndlctlvely - \ flndod tenonta wko had ri - irtod I ? the Plan ol Oam palgn Irom " i h uefltfl ao orded to othera, Mr. Muil-'v gave ii'.ttro ln the Houae of Commona to-<'lay of a motton to eenaurc thc Irtab __ecuttve for IU artion in the Tlppefory proaeeull ma, aueb action belng ealealated to bin:^ tbe law Into contempt, aad bt vlolation of tho rlghts ol cltlzena. Cork. Feb. &.?Timothy l>. Ilarrtugton, M. P.. bai ?node an appoal to the National League bran, County Cork, arglag them to reorgenlxe ln rlea ol tbe oomlng general electlona and tha poaaible ; i -'?-"? of tho l.*:.d Pnn hoac bill during the preaent NatlonulUl ir:-:-. Edmund Loamy anl Xlmotby Horriogton, both oi wh.-m aro warin aopportera ol Mr. Parnell. will on Bwoday addreaa a meetinc at Stradb-Jly, Queei i iho itrosghold ol ti.o McCarthylte*. n h exia-eted thal the uieetlng will be ol i llv, lj n itnrc. Tho National League rommlttee Ifl Dublln ln-. cn1 oln-nlai-s to thi- vartou- brouchea uf tbc League urglng that a reergaolgatloa be eftecled, In rtea ol i general i'aris Fob. 5.?A(*e_rdtng (? fl d_apoteh to tha ?T9-ipc''' from it- London corrcspeodent, Mr. Olad Btono ha* cvon tho reqnlred a'Mirances M't.fy. I*arnoli m retlrlng from tho leailcrshlp of hli Bcetion of tho Tn-h Parliamentary paaty. Mr. Dlllon. re-poi.dent adda. will replae? Mr. McCarthy ;i- l-.-nl-r of tho MeCarthylte leeti n, ami will be aeleeti i i leader of tho reun led party. TALK ABOUT THE SEW ITALIAX CABTNET. A FOisWBI.r. COAUTION M1NI8TET- PB1NCE BIS MARCK'8 MEBSAGE TO OEISPI. Kome. Pab. ?'? The MtalrterlBl crlata eonUnuea. T;:e Kiui: i- eom ittlng wltli Oenorol Coaena, ClUel of Baff. in rcgnrd lo tbe milltary rctrenehment* The It_h:i!i nowapoperfl pobllah ;, numl ol Cabtnol Comblmitlon?, In which aoreral names ai*1 monf.,>r,'-'l. bul nothlng deflnlta U oetuolly known aa t^> the constltution ?i thc nexl Cahinet. it is currently rep ried thal Courl HcibcH Uamarrk, who recently vi Ited thla Titv. bronglil n ktt<-i- from Prlnee Btamareh to Blgnor Crtapl, In irhloti tho ox-ChaaeeUoi expi - ? I tlie ** Ire tba* Pignoi Crispi ahould remain Premler for many yenra to como, Xha Mi . ?- ,f the Blgbf deelore that they will aappo-i onlj :i CaWnel whleh la pledged to, ai Uke atepa toword effectlng, large economlcal moai uie* whleh wlU tend moterlally t" reduce thi I rhe Mlowiag la ? loreea I of b roaBtton M whlcb, it i- oxji'-'-tfi. woald be able t,- work In oon-ony i Promle* and Mlt I ter of PerelfB ? MorquK A. di Rndlnl; Mlnlster ->f the Intertor, -!-t:"t \;i. te , Mlnlater ?f Juatlce, -Ignor l hlavea; Mlnlnter ,.f i- hiic Worka, ?lgnoi Saraei i; Mlnlster of 1 bign',1- --'-' nlno: Mlnbl ir "I th<* rroa iu; . LuzzalU; Mlnlater of Agrlculture. lalguor liia ra Mlniiter of War, Mgnor Pelloua: Mlnlater o! Marlne. H/r. >i Conevaro; Mlnlster of Public lnatructlon, mkiim Martltii. ? ? M. FEBRY ON FRANCK'S ECONOJUC I'OI.HV. Parla, Feb. ",- Ni- ?'?!"- Ferr}", on taktog tbe ehali a p;-e?id-iii of ttio >-*n;ii?- Cnatoma Commlttee to-day, made a ipeeeli ln whleh be decla-ed tbal the it Impetuoua.'' ? WORI OP THE PRBNCH IARIFP C0MMn'n*.l-. Parla, Feb. ?*-?- T!:'" YtriH Commlttee baa deeld d tlmt the ayBtom oi lemi?o*_ry admla_k>B ol peela! I .. |, tead of lielng lefl to tbe dlaerellon el the Government, ta to be noder tbe euoctm nl ol the f'haaben Tho Commlttee haa exemptod gunwfrom di'itv and haa Impo^cd a duty ol B franci on ?ootb, j, fiau's on lo-ii,- ni"! -?"' faaoea on y.-.-i-t. ?*> RATK- KF.IM(KI) o\* FRENCH i:\H.WAY-. I*_ri-. Feb. ?"'? -The Freneh Oovernntenl having obottahed the 10 per eent rollwoy daty, all the Freneh imltwaya bave redaeed ateond elaaa tarea BO per eent and tblt-d-elaaa tarea 30 per eeot Urge reducUona hava been M-e ln abe arlcea ol relnrn tui.-t-. and frelght iatc- ara al o lorgely reameoa. MANY M.W CARDINALB TO BR CREATED. im,,,.. peb. v- Tho Pope conlemplatoa maklng :. larg- oeeeaalon to the Coi-inolole eorly ln the eoming lummer. The ieoih ol Cordlnol Criatoforl L i - thlrty-two Itollan Cordlnali and twenty-elgbl ' cartin.i, KlBhop Wiecaowlikl baa been appatated ArehbUhop "f PoaiaiB. ? -? PLAN OPTIIB ENOUS11 CHEMICAL ' NI"N" l.??i.,., Feb --- ih- Chemleal Unlon la upon tho i..,iiuoii. i ? nhacelbe Cl.'-OO.OOO pomt of lavlUng the pablli to aubacrin - to anoMc the t,,.u t i comp et< iu < . , the vetMtora ?i fb?n*c_l,TOTi^- tJw, tiMt srhama. advi-oi- the put li, to h'.oi alool from '?' ??? ? TIIKYVIH vs AMDTMR FRENCH BEPUBUC. Eome, pTb :.. -The Popo, In reply I.?ort ro ?toeata apoo tbe -aajoct. ha been eompolled to decllne .? LVt tal ........nnt.i.at..... t<)'he I-hmi-I.' -.''.* o? ihe .ttitniio whleh they .rotoaaaame toword the Kepublir. NI.nf. CIIIUMU-I BCRNR-l TO UKATH. Mmrtm Fob. &.-A Uo-rlble Bre o?cun*i ln an on.!,.,, a-vlum ln un- ?itv loat alght. Phe bul .n, waa dOBtroyed Nioe eWWren were burna^t^c*tn. endja pnmber ol otliera were ao aertooaly Injoroa thelr live* ara dtqpalrod "f DR. KOCH AT CONSTANTIN'?rLE. Constantmople. Feb. .V-Profe-aor Koch haa arn-raa here on hls tour of the Ea*t.' # -? IMPOHTS PROM ITAI.Y AND A_aTRlA. Bmm, POb. v ti.o o-porta irom Itoly to tbe I nlted Btote, for the uuurtor endlng wlth Deeoabef a.ii"ntit?> to ?-.87t.ooo' a., loerooaa ,-f taaojOOO oeor oni ">?? reapondiiig Borlod tn ubn. Tins loereaaa waa ? a?iu ol the fact Uiat thc exporU of raw tm ?? silk waate, wMeh nre free, arerc kaa by BBOOfiOO, owiai to taa ht4c Inanelal rrlali ln Btw-Y. rU. Vlcana, l-'eb. ."..?The export* from Austria and Hnazary to the iiuted i?tat>-- f,,r t'.i- qaarier cadlna wlth December amouni -d t ? f4.487.32ft, an lnrreaae of 81,064,893 over the ;;ime p-ncxi |p 1860, THE AFPJCAN POI.K Y OF OER.MANY. BSFEBVErJ BV OHAMOELLOB VOB CAPRIVI IN THI. BEICITBTAG-RBBB BICBTEBfl VI l.WH. li'Tlit;, Feb. ft.?CkaaieUor vou Caativl, in the Rdchatag to-day, |_ defend'.ng the Afrlean poii^y ol the. Government, siiid lhal ii hnd folkrwed tii? Uncfl :.,id down by Prlncc Blamarek, who oaco dc-lared lhal Lord BaBibary'i frtendahlp wa* worth more thnn tho entlrc coaat nortii of Wlta. Emln Paeaa aod Major wi unann, he added, caaM remain the tartica of Oee inaiiv If they cf> drtdred. Coatlaalng, th.' Chancellnr said : "Our e-fToTts ar# now dlrerted toward devcioplng what wa ponie-... \\> art- begtnalng from the coaat, an-.l ncd from tbe ink"~. in the North no dkBraltjr i- eapcrlenced In ronatrnctlng carnvan loatea, liuited bv naal] itattona. Tin- ronntry in t'i" taath la not yet paellicd, aad w,. do not know how long the work r>f pacUylag it will laat, it i-- neeeaaary t<> reorgaaiso tl.e tror>]>.-. and we -hall appolnt n man Invc-trd with the largest poasibla powera. Throaghoat ra-t Alrlca an attempl I- l,eiti;_- made to (Iivert tr;ide fr-'tn lantlbar Pef.ue 'ii*t is acrompllahed icveral deeade* may elapee. Wa shal*. have trouble and t<>il for ? lon,: Ume to come, \et notblng need d.-te;- ,is fr,,tn tlie \r,,ik. We Imve ?elceted Par ea-aalaam a* tbc rentn of adininiMra tion. Begaritag the .lnvo qaestton, we maat coftildei the feellng of the coaat pepolatlon, Baron -oden wii- the baal man v> icnd to Ka-t Afriea. Thera wa- -tltl amplc aeopc for Major Wlaamann and Kmln i-i i diuute t? Daion r-odea." lie:-.- Rlrhter appmved tne treaty wlth Enpland, lui he donbted the wladom .,t the pollry ,,f llroitlng Her iiUi.i devel pmenl ? ,'?> a strlp along tho ,oa--;. The i< lyeninient, .'..- anid, oughl t" rlear up th.- .lir. beiWeen Major Wlaamami and Emln iv ha. It *eeme-1 advNnble Ui Herr Rlcnter t ? iv. nll Majar U I.mn fur brlngliig unjuTHilable rburges ,i--, n*t Emln Paoha. i"!,,. L'liai.rellor here derlared lhat the dNputo b t"..---!i ">I..jiit- Wlaamann and Emln Paeha wa. nol ripe for dl*cu?.*lon. Ile rcgrctted lhal Mnjor Wbrnnann had been [udced io unfavmably. rhe i.ermuna ln Afrlra owetl tflelr anc. e** t" Major Wla.manu abov ? all. Phe rhancellofa ipeech aa* applau'ed even by ih i..|t. ? i;,- luiaaage credl'lng lhe Emp ror wll th. niit:at,v,' iu tho colunial |, ill. y and thal recalllng l*rinr ? 11--,..-.:,v- .-'iiitat,- ,,f ih. value ol EngUnd'* good wlU ? intrtbated eaperlafly toward atrencthetilng lhe po?ition .,f the Oovarnmenl ind enabHng it to meel tlie nttacki of roloiii.il enthuilaata. -? A BEW BOITTHWBST AFRICAK < OMl'ANY. Berlln, Keh. ."..?a new Sonthweal African Oompany haa been formed al llambnrg, wttfa a rapltal ol jiO.OO 1,000 marka. GEBERAL MITRE ON ARGENTIXE AFFA1HS. Pnria, Feb. 5. General Mltre, ex-Ptaiideni ?.f lhe Arj ntlnc Rcpublle, In an Interview to-day, aald ' ai be expeeted to be ln Buenoii Ayrea, and ln . p ? llon t,, proceed witii his randldutnre fnr ihe Prealdenrj ol th" Argentlne Bepabllr, iy Marro SO. .'C-.,-::.! Mllrc derlarcd that Senor Roca, the Argentlne Mlnlater i tl. ? Interlor, whoac name bai been meniloned In ron ueotloii wiih the offlce, v\as averae to standlng a* a rundldate, Aa regard* the tux reeently Impoaed b) th-- Argentlne Govemment on lorelgn bank* d ,li \ bn*l ii" . in thal repabUc, General Mltre aald thal ' re garded lt a> merely a temporary ahlll m aeeure fandn. ll- hlmaolf di-tinrtlv dlaappmved ,f ?ueh a tax. Ileferrlng lo nenur relman, the c? Preal dent ".' -i" republlf, Hcu rul Mltre Miid thal lie ?a poliliinllv .'.-.i'i. Tlie i.-ii,i.i added that he : ? 1.-'i forwnid ln ., greal .h.,?,..-? for t'. better In tl.e oitaira ..I ihe republic during the ? um nl v. ar. LABOR TROUDLES IN GREAT BRITAIW. Caralff, Feb. .">.?A f<-"i,,:"'1 itrlke ha* been deelared hfi-e among the d..,k laborera. The tronblc icemi lo be ol i lerlotu nature, ind Hkely lo reanll In another long itruggle between rapltal aud labor. Ai II every ial Up ln < ;..f Flnanrc aad I'liw CunnrlUor, who c real) uiitlon wa* aecepted b Ihe Emp roi yeaterdty, wa ti,.. ?:..,?' letlve und talenled member n| i iii.if.-~ Cablnct. Dr. Dui ijew-kl i ? via ? :., 1k- neeeaaary ln order t" aeeure the upporl o| the (fermau Uberal* te (Vmnl vou Taafe'* futnw ;, ,;., i, ihey belng bitterl) l,"-;.. ? to the ?? ? I UlnUti :?? _ _ Vi.V WALDERSEE*8 FAREWELL T<> lll> BTAFF Berlln, Feb. 5. Coanl Von B'aMerace, Ihe rel * *ii-* ,,f th.- General Malf, took formal leave of the ..ii ;,-? tchea ??? Ti. :?,:??? h, ln whl. h bc howed ,i,.,.., emo .:.. I," Mld: "The Bmiieror lu ordered me elaewhere. A suldier obeya order* wlthoal reasona." li i- now announred tlwl fieneral von Wlttlrh am . ...int von Walderace b i hlef of the general itaff. ?? -? ? COITBT-MABTIAL FOR llll'. OPOBTO I~81 BGEBTK. Opnrto, Feb. 3 Pho In bj *ent* who have been ar re-t'-d lor partlelpatlon ln the rccenl reroll ,. the aathorlty "f tbc Oovernmonl will I roarl martlal <>n Monday, on board a man "f war now Lvlng in the roadsteod. V'elga, lhe rlvlllai k ider "l tii- inanrrerUon, ba* eaeaped from I rphwe ln thi- rlty, and li underatood to have lound i I England. Tiv ORB Dl? "\ EBED IN MEXICO. St Lanla, i eb. IV. \ d palrh tr. m tan Antoi .... Tex.. ?aya: "The largesl and r|, i..-t v-n, ol ttn orc known to the mlnlng Induatry "f the world al ib? j,r,-en; tlme ha* been dlscovered ln the oid l>ablo Mlne shaft, fortj tlve i uii noolhwe I ol D irai | , Bi xlro. The owner ?i th ? mlne and
  • f lioth Lee and Oranl and lhe vaior ol the l*onfeoarate bm v\.-ii m ol u.e rnluu army he Mpreaaed tbe fdllowlng *a*rMiaeat: " ff I h*A my way I would penaion every oM I'on (ederatc laMler and wln every man and woman In ?r*? s.uth to a devoted love "f the mw- aad eHripea, am bleoi of liberiv, eqnallty aad Juatlee, ao that both tbe N,.rtl. an.l lhe gOBth, the Eaal and tii" W" 1 nil;:hl live ln harmooy and pearc for gcaeratlon to emnc." (irm.i Army men an greatly wroogM up over tbt* meech to*aay? had it .- belng dlaeiiaaed on all ild> ).',;m,a-i :? Sexton volced the nmtlmanl ol ma I of them wben hc mM: "Mr. Allerton rauMa'l hava nt ;. ;ed u more taflUacreal icntlraenl at ear ?\,' banquet." /;/ l.MO.Y/i TEIBTBB C IVOBt IB THI. 9TB8T. >.. i.oi'.i-. I.".. B (apoelali.. .fohii Lidti-e and Charlea Green, two Baatern .r,,-.!,-.- are awattlnn tran?i?iru tiot. to Kew-Yark. Barty ln Janaary tbc room ,,f nn ?genl for an Baaterr, ?'? ad hoaae wa- eatered by thleve*. who atole Jearel* valned al ?--.<""'. Tho rogaai eaaac Weat. A few aaga ago Detactlvai lleard and ^IimIiiii. ol Inapectoi liyrne*"a itaff, arreated Ladus" aad Orean la Saglaow, btlch, aad toaad oa them I quatitity Oi the |0*l j.-wflrv. The roefl WCra Indueed lo raafaaa, aad part ol Ihe "waperty wai l < Btad by tii"iu ni Cblcaga Tha Bow-Yort otneer* tben rume aal to Bt Loala, and latieaaded m Indlag il .;:? bbjovo v ntii of dlaatondi whleh hs.i been pawned iD* thl- rlty. All r?f IhC itOlen J.rop'-itr hy now i*-rn reeovered. Tlu Bew-York deWtive* h fl bci-o for the Ka?t to nipht with |NHaonara and plundrr. A BBMTAX1 BTBAIA /BWBIB. Bobert Blehota, a ralored ix* ?Inaieen yaon aat, was , cni|.i">e.l i.i December in. He roond th" i-'idv ,,f Carlfcen brtnf on the Boor ln Ibe r-room. There ??:,- ,i pl-i, 1 .it tbe aMa of the body and i band t. -: th-- i^eroneF. " cht! Cartlaen, my wcefcman, wonl t" the rBBrood -'a tion on Wedneaday morning, t-- take ni\ wlfe to the tr.itn.. ln :, boggy. My wlfe weoi t-. Now Yorti :,','t I ie iimn itarted torotnrn home. lt-- Btopped a' MaxwellV aaloon where !"? bad aeverol drloka, After leavlng the --ii',,n the i "i ?? t". away wtth hlm and the boggy waa -,, bodly aa I !:f" eould nol r..t hiiv further In lt. ll" lic***owed a bo*-wogon ?md onived bome aoon after dinner time. I wrtttng ..t my deak when he entered the bonae drnnk. He toid me he hid broken the wogon, md when l icolded hlm ne arlred m* by the thi al and aald he would klll ni". i Ma groap ond toid hlm to go ?? 'i ' ? 'ffee and l ? ea! lie then raughl hold ol ma agatfl .md In tli- tui k* h" threw me down. n? knew t '.. pl ., revolver ... the ,i ii md i. lon ?f lt A- he ilmed ii al me i iht a np h - h it d, i nen tbe piatol a i ? . ..a ||,. . . i then , i.nt Bg_lii and fell on Ihe Boor ii d dled. My -??r\mt niri, who wui upatalra, heard the i ? . ? |t (rotn Carll en' ,hand. -:.-? thi b threw II on th y i ii .-' d ?'. ii ; :???< tbe t'oroi | other* to -n-|. >rt that 1 ? h oth t waa not | or lhal the piatol wai in tho liand . f Carll-cn wh n II ,-:;. Vo mg, ifter brli ' ? '? ,l,;'"' ? ,i ti, .i ii,. -tiut imn en during a i|iiarrel. I' . :?-, inrju ??' ??. . held yi terd iy ai rendered a verdli t th -t Carll" en had - death f om :i pl?tol - t wound l ne ?'.,:,,.,? r - ommltti d Voui I ? i ' Young w, ni t-. II.- \ lew fmm N? : II | : ? I ?' ? I'ol ,-. \ irw h ? l .','1 nl tl - Murra* llill >' ?'? I " s..? York. riie iti f Uay Mev -e.-'i You -:ii,l he wa * ' ' ,:!: '"' a i , native f ( I ai far a ., i,, try. II pated hab -. UV8T Tlll.si: CO.VPAXJE8 BI880LVE9 ONE I- INSOI.VF.XT tND THI OTHF.R PRAUIH' i MT. I'l I ' ll i '???' :' D-:-i-\ " ? I i r ? il 1 ;.'' ' ' i tlie 1 -i >?" ? '? ? " No. 137 l;i- ?!?:.?? I Home dlfl ?:.' , ? ? ? . .,:: -\t HliBlly -<-r\- ' i. ?? 1. I ? I ' of ihe " ?'' i'.?' nai 10, 11 ?? '." :- - ? ..!-.,? I, b amonnl i" ??'!? i."'-". and it i P-j.-.im'i. i ii.- r..-ir>:a"it i- ba "i 't? port of two Inapi Ihe tl ?: :i-' ? ? .1 a k*. that tl ? poratlon or 1 :r. II- .,' ? ip .'.i ? I mu- tlie Mul lal - ,? -,.,. 17" I 1 : , ? American I. ? ? ii, ?? -. Jn -i ... t.?: : ;. ? , , i ? ? . ? itl irni ?- Vtti Tal. In tli ? ii ? M- rlear to n? tlint i thelr :, ?? i" ? ? . ?? - ? ' ? ?? i ? n l ..... i|nit,i i. ? ? Ihe pnr I ; ? : ii'ithint'. h bualnei th.it I , - . ? publle |mi ? t ilua ? ? r./n wK t- ?'.' /1. Wlchlta, Kan., Feb. >.-.\ i ? : Alllaii a i lu l.iv, -??? k .'i -??< lati'Hi, fl.il ? i - ipil >i ? ? h ol -1" - 'ih- -ii ? ? ? 111 l?. plarod among Alllaioo fann ;.. l,h.?:.;,' ????.'.'. be .- il ? ? i ni'i.1* 1 II ?:i\ ,.|. .,:?? how muel ? ? ?! , ? |..- e-Ublt-1 Ml al th tuik *i ird here, an I plote - onir -l tahei ? ? , | , of all ,-i i ? ii ?enl here b> Alllame i CAKXIXG F.U ORII - I v VI IT JKh << 1*. Plemlngton, N. J., i eb. 5 isp ? .' '- low prli-o- l :-v.- been ,| toi I ., ? | ,i |j by man III -.Hi- ,H,il i- u nre apringing up in ii,-- fi .,;:,.- .11 trb-l ? i ih- i*ta i be i u ? rlurci of tin urc n mi <--;i rlull) trong bul l i ii lo .,:,.-: ici al newly n Tue-Ouy eveulug. V1UIT ABD PBODCCE TBADB I OCIA tOB. Albany. Feb, ?> (-peclall. John Nli, Oldeon *-? Palmer, Auguatm p, Vmn i. - nlej t- ii. ? ??? ? -. '" \v. niivii. Ul, i ,i,i ll Thorn, Mt i N. Ed -..,, la, WIII i:in> .1. PhUIlp . William Oatnble, Jamei !.. 'ln,-. sam mi li. ln.v.ii- . and WUHam .i. Darenport ar-- tru ,? nl the Fruli an i Pr luri rrad A ??? latton, lp. or porated, irlth prinrlpal ?iu iu .*?-.?. \-.:,. Ulty. BIOB W i n B i :? ? ui. itiiin BIVEB Clndnnatl, Feb. ?'.. Pbere i? no apprehcnalon "t a dlflfl-troua -' , |:? ',: U_ _hlo Klver, unje. heuvj ralna iboold kly. Ilero the watar haa rlaan ,,nlv um- un ho- ln the ieren boura preredlng '- p. m. to-day, **h,.ii ii itood ai 47 feet B inehea, and advic? h m abora lodlcate thal II ran riae ? ji1\ a few li ii. itl. a rapid (all ei? In. rhe eoM woathei bad the eBeet t-- haaten tbe i.ii. Ti> BABUrAOTVBB BMOKELEU POWBBB. Oreenabarg, Penn., Feb, *?.?The American Powiler Company, "f Chkago, in* purcU ed the pateoi and eacluilva rlghl t" manafartu e the Bmmen exphxlve ar amoktde*.! powder. Tbe tacton la loeated at K.n inon-lte. -,,niii ol thia ' Ity. BATVBAL OAi IS LOCBPOBi Locl-.port, Feb. B (gpec?il).?Natoral gaa ha" beon str.i'lt ut a dojith of 1,800 fret here on PoatBU-OBI S. Wrlgbt MeCaUam. aabarbaa farm, wltfela the oity ltmlt*. The well ??i blowri tp_ay and *howert " ; .:,- ,f nl;.--'y fe?t. a stndl'-ate h'iided by 1'"-' , , ? McCoUam lateada to |.ii?* the etty. .4 VA1A7ABLB tEJXUBE 0P OI'ITB. Ban Krmi'l-,u, Peb. '..-(O-tO-H _itlici.il- f'.ind ?50, (kki worth of Bfepored eplflua iu BBaNla___M aetaod tlu. uftenioou lu m wBielioa?e. SIR CHARLES TUPPER BERE HASTLNING TO MEET SIR JOHN MAC donald: BfS VTJEWg ox Rf.ciprocity, AWWEZATXOB and TH!. BKIIIUNr; SEA QtK.?TION-Sl R, DONAI.D SMITII Al.-u HBBIVEB, BUr Chatlca Taaaer, Barf., Canadlan Hig% C?rmmi*aiooer ,-it fjondoa, waa -. pafleenger on the flteataahlp Tentoale yeaterda**, on iii-- way to Can ?>''?>?? Sir Charlea waa #een i.y a Tribuac roportr-r a! th.. Winris'.r Mi.tel. and aald, regardlng the new ii--inioi-itv ptthjr-uame nf tin* Canadlan Oev? emaaeat; " I "in tlioroiirtili- i:i favol of tbe pTojeet as put forward in the leitrr aad printed in New-Yerk papen of December 15 from th-- ('nvr-rtior-i;oiier,.l "i Canada t" Lord Kautafard, Seeretary oi State for the Colonlec, and >t naa mv entlre approval. ' 'l 'l" all in mv power t? helpthe Oovernmeol ('f Sir .lohn Maodonald to brlng t,. a luceemful la?ue aome n ilprocity ael betrween tlie Unlted Statet and Canada baaed npon tbe propocalfl oa l..i.i down in thal i.-tt.-r, ami I am at llberty la Infora* irou, mr I learned it in a oanveraatian with Lord Kautafard, t.h.t t_e BngUah Oavernmenl :'i" .!>,. itrocgly if i..v,,r ,,t tbe pelicy and will ?a all in their power to *M in its flnal aceota pliflhment i un. aure it wil! be a urrat thing ''?r'i for th,- fnlted Statea and I aaada ami will he a greal meanc in imooihing orer and amicably ?ettling tbe few ditputea between the two coun "Do you thlnk that Cli 'iae 2 of the letter, al lowin li.it" i Statea fUhonncn to buy ball nnd ??? will brlng Canada and Newfoundland ?" ?? ' 1 think ii vmII lieneflt hoth Govemmenta, ln ' I e ;.. in -i and beat market i?r our listi produeta, ..n,l will certalnjy produce ? better :"- all round " " ''?' you thlnk tJjrae new propoaala are the ? ' e nl ti,.- MchUaley ? ill '" i" ?' ' "iiJMi extent, yet. ci, ,i hill, of courae, ol " ir cxportt* from the Sh tea, .ple aoon found qultc i - . ood a mark i ? the i"-> an. nnd I am ln greal hopea tli.it Mr, Blaine v\,:i iee hla way to accepting an act .',-,'.-.?-.i.'iis i,n i.,,iii aidia. L'nreatrieted 1 r-twetvn the I'nite i Sl ilea and ? 'an ida Ls imposaihle i inada liaa no wiah t,. exclude all prfiducta from tlie m ithei i mntry, and will '?' rtalnly i i nt liaving 1 er i irlf! lawa -ti.n, which woidd be the i iee ulai id sl .?? would adopl the McKlnley I'nited Statea, on the other hand, I '. it allow, in i lie r i.; fn ? n ide, Canada ke I" i "vvn tarifl lawa with other nationa. II ' ??' ? illuwed Canada would beeome the round i"! Uiobc articl. s with ihiti .- tarinV 'I'', you think lhat annexation will have any uii" ni-.',- ? uinji .-li'; i ' .1 is repurted thal you will roiistt your preaenl '?",.?"-' - :.i, -? t .ii the , .. i ii.iii l -.? liiin I - ? i...' . .i.. Ihia I , . . ; ? i ?? Sc . ? i | te.l Sl tea la an I i.i- ""',1 ullC i, il"'. ' ? ."II 111 llll' ? ? i it,i , an \lae ;nn pnri ond con :. Now ( aii.-i'i i ? , Imi il .? ul your S j.M-tl," ? ? : Me .'" , m. r. f..i !.. ., i ,-.'. ? Innii i ? i ? . ihl i .? ... ."iii ih!e an l ia 'I" ? i- i ? ? . ? i|. -. ??'?'I v ith the |, rt.- le ulera in 1 .... , . ,,,,| | - , i, :? tn atj llill ii would imt 1 ,..??', n\ ?liieh woul I i?. ,-, in ? | nd by ? . i - . i ' ? ??!,. aud I in iy i,f ....... I ll i . ;?'?-. teal ? , , |i ilftlr .! parl. fnr .. ralimi tr >m I ? . i Ol nourae th ? l.ii, I ? ?: i ', pi ? t . a-i'l I ? . . , i':\ BUCll p ? ' mii ority f ('ana I . pxntion ia not th. ... : .- . , .. ,i ? , . v ? - h.? ia : , if it ia I I all. Whlle nll >' ,i'.,ii.,- * wi '; i ?? '. i , i f .? ,! ,-.-st relatioi s ? ? lhe l*i I Sfal ?' ? not want to . >i- ,-n fhe nu>t! er ?? un " v." Wltli rei nl to i ele. tlonfl In < 'anadn, Sir I) tn hlfl a''-"i'"- I i t he ,-,. intry lie wnulil nol a I'thl n Inm i t liem. imr vi un i... , ,?; i.iin I ' slil lei ?". he wniil l ? ? ,| iiuiiit the Ile iiestlon he ? ? . ? Sir i ' npi er, Sir Donn] I Smlth and nutn in \| Int) re, i . ? ' ui li in finnni ier, vt.irtr I h t ,- '? ? :?' |. ... i in fr ' : tlie Grand ' '"iitr.il |)e .,,i | >r Mm treal I ?' n ' ' -II; JOHN MAClXi.N \l.l) RKPRIMANDED TIIE BRITlslI i.. i\i ,:.'?'!: N r -\n> TO DC DIS I'l.l IHK.II Vi' HIS i'i III I' V'll"V OP TIIK Rl I I'Kut TI'V I'ltorOSALS. ntl i- ,. | , b \ ' .1 |. ..-.,'?? -iv- : - It .- II ,i .i v, M ird ', il I : ?< 'iv-.l i never* reprl ntaud from the itii: h ?.rnmenl v terrla> for hav i.i. pnbllr the ii -.' ,f llw prop ?al af rei prixlty he :,.. ? . ,???(,, tlie |.-.Mi'iiii"i:t ? i the I'nltod Stati lt rraehed I ia authorlile* al Wa hington. Tlie Canadlan pre?* his i.. t been lua In i ilBng atteutlon to thl- gre il bre* h ' . n.i. "iiil . oiii teaj , anil nnlj ??-? ru - - ; lie l ? "ii aerounl of Ibe de peratv mean* he h.- been driven to to - r, ? in- i.,,\ ,-ri ,-i, nl fr ii i ignonilnloui d |. it when u gia before Ui.untry fm a vlndlratlnn of it, pollry, liei- month. The HritUli Goi rnmenl : ni,,,i a ,ii--"i'iii"ii of r.ii-iiaia.-'i.. and an ap l?',l !<> the .,'iintrv upon the queatlon "f extended rommerrial Interrour e w1111 ?i*? ? i nlted Statea, In tii.v hupe tnit by *ome iucIi meaaure an amli-ble -.-tti in. nt ,,i niatten In <.'i-j,ni" i?'t'.i.-"ii Canada and m" i iii!",i bul i mlghl be n a. hed. ??'ilii- \' i- tlu Llberal platform; and how t.. :?.?.? ?.!?. from Un- |,,,-iti"ii be li?:i tak n In uppo Ing lach ? in,... ni,. required all tho ta I md reaoun ia of Kir Jobn. .\ r--n vi,-. u- at;,., iu vlew ..f the approarhln le?-tio . -.: lohn Infurmed thi .itrj lhal Ihe t'nlted Ktat-'* tii ernmenl had approarbed hlra on tbe lubj-'cl reripnirit) : bul Hecretary Blalno upoiled ti,i- by fiving emplutle dc.iial ??. the itate in nl of ihe Pr.i.-r, uii..;ui"ii ?-.ir John imv'.i a . opy "l th" doeameal to t* eforc II had rea. hed the i nlted Dtatea Oovernmei t. 'i aal the Oo* ernmenl . ngbtlng a de?perato battta I* evtaeed by tha nwana ad. pted to deludc the pnblic Into the bellel tiu.t a i- -im-.-iv in n- efforta ta ??? ura n???:?- exteaaivc trade ralatlon< wilh lhe i nlted Butei." Taraata, feb. a.?Piofannr Geldwln Bmlth wrlte* .j ?lii" Mml." protc tn. ;,La:ii-: tbc il.-M.iti.i, n of rai Uaaaeat ai the Btaaral llfla* Ha my?i "Tha raaaun* mlgned i'i Mr Jobn Ha ionaJd i .,i uiv callaagaea bu ,ii lolvlng Un lloaaa are Betitloiu. raaj know tbal ti..-v have n .t ?'"> taken np .. liw -l poaltl m, bal have a.-am.-.l .. pollUr'al ttUtude lowaid ih- I n.t'.i Slate* .,, nt .'.I.I, li J.ut- -,i"" -lui li RUliatlon '.: a roclproclty treatj bj tbem oui nl tne < j ii itlon. They i u ,,.. aud u.gafH oi their party, lu faet, c ?nfe -. it.i.i in *prlnglng HUi dl* alutlon upon u* ibelr motlv? I- not ron tliutlonal, im. 1* ".'?-? "i piriv Uniu*. aud "f Da.t, lactlca al ne. r ????' hopa Piua t" defeat ih-j formatlon ol paMh oplnl n, tha Undeney ol whleh ,,,?;; be plalfUj vi-ii!" io them. on the aabjecl ol raclnrodt] ind t<> preveai the mir dmlveraace ol tbc ...,?:,,r.ai verdlcl on tbal ii ne The ?*?**".*?"' KKTARY BLAIXK. Waahlngton, Feb. B. fleawlary niainc aald t..day. ln relercuce to Uia di.paUh lioai OtUwa aabliabad thifl morning. whioh ttfOfl from a ("anadlan BOOrea wBol punwrts to ho the -antv-T in whlek the ai-poaal for reclproctty itegottotlonfl came to bo ??^.to*be tnIted -iho- that the statemenU concerntng lilm-olf .ma nw action 'in, thc matter were uttorly wlthout foundatlou. 8UINQ FOIi FOUR M1LLI0N8. LARGE CIIARITABLE BEQUE5TS IN DANOEB THRI'.F. H1.IRS INBTITCTB BCTTB ARAIR-1 THE ESTATK OP JOHR H BRORRRRRORR. THE WF.M.THY IROM MAB-FAC-tTRBR. Complaints were serve 1 in this oity nnd in Philailolphia jreoterday ln three suits. invorvinj; noarly *?4.uo...'H'n, againal the eatate of John B. Shoenberger, tbe ?reolt_*f Iran _?n_foejtuter who died aboul I irear ago at lai- home, Ka. i:i Went rifty-oeventh-Bt. Mr. Bhoearjerger left an eatate valuod at $8,000,000. AlmcM one ojuorter he directed ln hia will ahould bo gi*ron to ?roeiooo miaaiona ond o**_*it_-te Unrttntioiia. Tho re moinlng $0,000,000 waa to be dlvided, In ipeeifled amouota, anaong bJg relntlve* The aalte now broaght rlo not eoBteat tho vali-lity of th* will nor queation its provlaiom). They Inalltute a elntm. however, which, If wceeaofully BBlntalned, will acale down the charltobJe and other beqneata fully 50 |>er eent. The romploinanta in tho suits aro tho children ?f Mr. Shoenberger. flloter, Mra. Pollard MeCor mlek, ,-t Pittsburg, ol whoae properly it li r?ld Mi- Shoenberger had been appointed teetamentory truatee by the will of hia rather, Dr. Pteter Shoen? berger. One ol theae children is l>r. <.. T. McCor mlek, of No. 138 Biot Forty-eigbth-efc., who baa begun suit in the Snpretne f'"nrt of New-York City againal his uncle/a eatate for 1166,087, wtth In? tereat from March, 1860, to date. Slmllar aulta for :i llke amount have been begun In the Supretne Court al Phila lelpbla by the otber ehildren, Peter S. McCormick and Mrs. Sophie McCormlek Gemmill, of thal city. Tho attorney for tho com plainantg In New-York is II. L Satterlee, af No. 50 \V:i!l-st. The eatate is represented by ex-Chief .lii-tirc Charlea P. Doly, of tho law firm , be the rich eat ir-.n manufaeturer ln this eountry. He Iiv, l la Pittoburg, ln the property which la now tho home ? i the Pittahurg Club. Ile owned a lar* ? parl ,,r Bedford :m',".".''"r-'M- n'el a declii I ,. ,i , ? ea .lp, and one Mr, !.... Waa appolntel l? | ia ,tmil l e McCormick heira now aay thal Mi Shoenlterger promUed to make good l el ;,_,.?. So I i ao 1 ean .? ' ?"?**' vl"s aW DMed on thal aHeged promiae." The will "!' John H. SI.nberger waa executed ,,,, m.,,,.;, 1-., l--; Hli eal ,i.na ited lorgely ?f property ln Pennoylvanla, Ohio, Kentucky and IHinoia of whleh the Pennoylvanla Compony for ,|... I,,.,,ranoo on Liveo of the City ,-f Pbtladelpbia WIU appointeil truatee. with Audrew Long. ol ,- ?. mig, and J. M. Brownaon and Anthonj- J. Vntello, "t Phlladelphia, aa exeeutora. rhe ,;?, widow and hia nephew. Alexander T. M , , .,.,?!.- ma Ie execut, r? in New-\ork. ibe ,rired ti," conveyance of certain real . ,., ,|,e seventh Ward of lltlaiurg. ond tl." .ii| ,.; * ,".. ? ?? the rreoti >n ind nt un ,',,;,:. ?,' ? free Proteatnrjl KpiacpaMhurch I -?,,1 b,lw known aa thc St. Marrarei Mem.?rial llosoitil.- llie aum ol $lou,. w ~ eft to Iriiity t'hiirch. ol Pittahurg: p.... to tlu , ||, ,. va-oeiation. ol A leglieny I otnit> . -.-, .,, ?, tlu? ??r,i-!.,,|, Se fiur* Miaai, n, , j \- .' ,^,t - ? to the I"."-.-1 "i Miafloi ? "1 ,i?.' Protostanl !:;-.--'? >pal < huroh in the dlo. - Pittabui : **??-"?. '".""? .lkmrd ol ,,f the onme churcTi. in New-ltorl*. \ podi.il :: ln-l ti..' further aiim Of >?''"?.""" ,,, .,,. endowmenl ol tlie St, Morgnrel l'-s;,n.l. ?!,?., Waa lo I-- erected aa b uiem ,nal to Mr. Sol.rlierger- Hral wire. Mlnor beouesta gine ??.",,,,-. 1,, varioua Inatltiitiona i nd re atlvM. ti ,. V .1 directed thal the re-ldnaij -?-';"? ' e dlvided ln .ml ah'irea nmoni the foUowing n-rina* _!?? E. Shoenltorger, tho teetatora wlfe: !,.. iV Shuenlierger, the wife ol his brother, (JeorgeH.Shoenlier_er;. Edwin 1' Shoen f rsra,-ind I ? J ,,.-, vniia M.n. W-.tt- and EJizalieth S. x R.Mlicil. dated June 20, 18?., m ? i ,;i,i,,i ,, ,: i? ,:?-! ol S'.'?.. t" Mari iret, ,l lughter <>f UiBhop s-' irborough, "i Trenton. FATAL COLLI8IOX OX TBE LEBIGB YALLEY. Wllhcaborre, Feb. 5 (t?peclal).-A collialon oecurred ,.,, ,i?. u.|,|k|i Valley BnUrood al Plttaton thla evening. M,i-.ii, Flnneron wna klllod, John HcNnmara bad hli -l.uii ,i-ii-i,.ii and M.H'ini oerrlty nod bia lega : i and his -i.i-" rruahed In. Tho men were employei ol the road Th, ?' arere on a box ear proeeedlng to Cax ?,,? to take thelr placea vn the plghl ihlft. T*?.glne ,:;,,?! ',,?,,- ,.ii- ,::,-!i-i i..t, a frelgtit-traln whkb wa, stiiniiii? ?ii the ti-oii unprotei ted rin: WFB81AB FUBBEAL i,i>i?A7.;."//:.<*. ggn p, mcl co, Feb. 5. Tba Atoeka (Jomaiorclal Company hoa onnouncad thal it la really ool of tlie .?, .,,!!?, i,i.-ii.?. Thelr leoae t the Buaalan rooh ,.,.(,.. ropper, BehHng and Robln lajanda explrea on Pcbruary 11, and it i' reported thal ltn ? n haeawarded .,,.. tawna, prlvlleoa for the aext ten reara to :. Ureen -;:'\l,::;;;v,,:;,,:,i:-',;;;t,::;:;.n'Uie,,;;ou7.s,rh;i this r.ini'.'t bfl roti_od. -?*>?-> WORK !S TBE rtOODBD C0B8T0CK LBTBL8. -,? rranelaco, Feb. ?-? ?'?"'.- i- rtoei -oya thal witiiii. -ix monthi woHi alll ba In fuU bhvd In the lower knela of tlio CooMtoek Miae. The aetallfl ?,f tha pau ara not yel oampleteal, bol it la definltely .,,,',,1 that the nn.,.10- l"v-is are t? be namxned. ,?aii?n will be eleorad oal Brst, and tlien tlio t'nirili. ^_ .4'.D"'*i'lU.Vf<" C0BTB8TB tBTTLBD. Ktaoatoa n. y., Fob. ?*. |gpeelal|.-T-e AWarmanle ,.,, :,.t in thla city haa K?-t beoa aoel_ai la tho .,.,?.,.,, ,-,.,?, of ,',,. aapreoM Coort lo nwror of gnoeb (uU(.r ,n the I'-trth Ward oui,Heury Beeh h, ib. nfth Ward. Their elOC-OB waa ,,-ni.-t- i by Daniol llrliiovan and IrOtrleh J- Broonoa, Doaaeetib. _--? WABBOW ESCAPE OF A BOBWICB M_.V. Norwioh fonn.. Feb. 5.-Au?un W. Park, a proml aeai reaMoal ol thi- elty, whlla attempUng to board a ntotri | train thla owrntag teU Bnd wa? eaaghl a Um btabe-beam. He waa aragged a diatoBce -f 130 ;,.,.t on to the treatla ovoi tha Vo-tle Rlver, araore Im i, -t tn- l.i-M iitid mi iiin.uph the treetle int. tlw water, tlm-U' >-ot below. Ho wa* reacaod and foand v> im ujiiului-wV. but intf-red Bomewlmt trutu tiic ihocii. RECIPftOCITY WITH HRAZIL. ARRAXnOTENTS MADE WITH THE NEW RE ITBLIC OF ADVA.NTAGE TO BOTH COCNTK1ES. FREK ADMISiIOX INTO THE VN'ITED STATES 0* Srr.AP.. OOJPTU AND KUBBETt-AN' ENORM OVI BOON TO THF. AMEP.ICAN MA.VD FACTfRER AND FARMF.R-ARTICr.E3 TO BE AIlMl'fTED INTO BRAZII. FREK OR AT A REDCfTION OF lg PER CEXT OF EX? laxmo or FUTfita DCTI ES. IBT TELECnAPlI TO THE Tnihrxaj Waahlngton, Feb. B.?The wataeaeaj arrnna-a. mi ut wlth I'ra/il, the fall te\t of which ia prictinl l*?!ow, wrures for thal eountry tlie ...ntintied fn?<* admlaalan to tbe Unlted Sfntes of cofTee and ruhlier, twn of l,er prtncipal prodiKts. an.l _!*? lier in ,tI.Hri.,n free augar. In lsi.o the rofree sent froin I'razil to tlie I'nited States araounted in vnlue to about $47,000,000, an.l rulilier to Mlmift |8,000,000. The ti.til prnil.iction of suj:ar it. Bnudl amoiints to aboul 100,000 hozsheads a year. Tlu- capaeit** of that. loiii.trv io prod.ice Bugar is welNnigh anlimited. Siuar grawa cvery where in I'.mzil, hut the North is the a-ieat 8.i?nr growing regtoB. Tlie llidtiatry hn.s hee.n lanuuisli inif for >everal years. Tl.e thrnwing open of tbe marireta of rhe Cnited Statea will sfinmlato lugar-planting on a large acale, an.l Caba will h.ive a atroag competltor, even if Spaln aoaaaadae a reetaroaal anaatinaiil with the [Jaitad statefl. The a.lvatita-es whleh the fJaittd States cet? hy this .'uranueinetit witli Biazil are immehse. It will enable the manntaetarera ol iiiis eeentry to compete lucceaafully with Eagland, Gefaaany an'l France in reaped to many a;ti"'es whleh h"reto I fore lt vvas ho|e!ess ta tr.v to supply. Hy lhe liee ?rtnilflfljon <>f Hoiir the I'nited States ouirht to double i's trade in this arttele. Laal year this I country ahlpard about 375,000 barrela. Tbt na i t.'r B_11a produee abonl 300,000 bgarrelg, and the Bhipmeata ta BraaU from tbe Argeatlae RepuiiU-j aud froui Tiiestc aie nearly 100,000 burrels a year. There are lar-'p impoitations of potatoes into '? Bratll fi'.in Portugal, upoa whleh a datg ia eharged of ~> per oeal ad valoreta. In reeeut years the OOOaumption >.f sili pork and baoon from lhe Cnited Statea li ia been Lnereaalng. T?> a larga ex'ent it has ti.ken tl.e phVCC ol Jerked beef, t e whlte laborere from Itarjr aad Spaln prefening tbe park. I's free" admlaalan will Inereaaa the i-oiiMiniption. largely. Ti,e aalt cadiab baa here ? tofare come priaeipally frota France. MaebeggJ baa never been Introdueed, and there will be aa otM*riirikt for tlie beal zndtxX II iy La now brougbl frota tlie Utci Piat \ and oats frota S.i.llainl, Jinl hotli pay a hitfli d'ltv. The L'nlted Statea oughl r.. swpp.'y beffc. ln a^ti eultural toau and iinpieiuents the aaaaafaataiat will have to atudy tbe demaade ol the liraziliau market and make *a*eclal artieles. If this is done, there is n hr:e lield lor sueh gooda. Mining and mecbanleal to,,is, Impietaenti and maehiaery, ' Includlng Btationary aad portabhi encincs, and all macblnery for manufacturing and laduetrial purpoeet, which are i" ba adtaltted tree, opeal ti.,- door ti. a vaal hoalneaa, protrided Amenean manufacturera a*/all themaelvea of tbe o****atte> ! nit.v oil'en d. ln sujar machiiicry alone an immenso : trade oaa be done. Bal t ho trade will not eonie of Itaelt The inanufar-turers must look lor it. i .u preaent ii is nol known in BraaU that austai maeblnery la tnade in ihe LTnlted States. In eotton ii. i"hiiiery dnrlag tbe I ?sr year three ordera foi pbvnta reqelrlng 1.000 looius eaeh were plaeed ln Eagland. Severel larjre noot and shoe I factoriea have l?-eii Btarted la Bla de Janelro and w Ul n-iiiire ma.-liiner.v. In the free admiaalon of railway mnstriir-tirm material and equlptnent, ererythlng pert.-i*fi'ins to railwaya oughl to be lupplied by tbe L'nlted Statea?raila, loean*atl**ea, reUlag rteel a7,d a'.l t'ue plant lor conatruction |>irp,.s"S. There aie ?j.,.. kllometrea of railwaya to be eooatraeted by tbe Government, or under a^iaraateea of iu tereat hy tbe Government of Bratll. There are greal worka "i ImawTetaenl now un? der way in the cHy <>t Ue de Jaaeira, tor flrhleh large planta will be required, and under the pro viaton admittlng free tnachinery for all Indnntrlal p irp. aea, theae planta oughl ta ??e supphed by the i L'nlted Statea. Under the provisions admittinst lard, hams. i butter, cheeae, caaaed tacan, fn.it*. lagfllahlea ! and lish, tnanafactured eatton, Iroa an.l atre!. leather, lumber, furaitare, waafoaa, carts .tnd 1 caniagea and maaufai I ared ruhberal a radaetiaa of 25 i?'r eenl on e*datiag and fataje datJee, the L'nlted Statea baa aeeared aa eaaraaaaa td?*i*Ua|-e, Tliei,- is a lur.-e rotisuniptioii of lard. All the butter uaed comea freta abf*aad, nnd heret.-fere , principally f"":i Denn*ark throagh tbe peei of Uremen. rbe UnBOrtatlon ol eafton gaode aaaaanta ? ,,, aboul ???.'. ;l '-":ir. ""d the I'mted Statea laat year ?upplled aa amouni worth only $813,700. Eagland auppllea aa ataaaat wartb ' over Sl 7,000,. I? iddition to tbifl reductloa oi 85 ia?r ceat, lt 1S proTided lhal the Gatfe-rninenl af Braill 111*11 Lmpoee no addiilonal ehargea: aad thia daea away with tl.e 5 per eenl ?txt*dm*mn tht*tt whic.i beretofore hae been added to tbe wgalar datiei l_ia tax wae la the natare al a clearaace eharge ln aeeuring tlteae larera fraaa lir.zil ln en change for tbe rree admiaalon ol augar below So id Dutch fltandanl, Mr. Malne haa aaade i Bpleutild bargain, and the -nanufaatarer ol the Inited Sutea, aa weU aa the fartaer, will proit i,v it largely. lt M ararthy of note thal the ngriculturlata bave Beeared tbe gteateal advaat . , i,,., iuae "i the arll'les t.. be adnutted Iree iiit,. l!ra,:il the majority i>n> t.irni produ.'is. while ?t thoae to ix- a.lmitte.i with ? n'dtiotion ef -.'i ikt .?ent ot e-dattn| and fatare datiee a inajority are l.rm nnd "aiatoral pnnliict.s also. The l.lli'\viii'4 bl tbe proi-lamafion made publio th;s afteraoaa : ... ^__ a'ktaaaa* l*unuant to Bectlon :i "f tii" act of rnm .,-,. ? ii.-!-"v'-ii October I, l?00, enUtteo -An art to ^luee tlu revenae aud eqiialtoe dutle* on import, and r ti.'i i,u; """'-?'' tbc >-,"'"v of >uius of thu raiied /tatw ol Amertra cajmiuiudcated to tha Gw '", ,.., f tne l'nlted i-tate* ol liraxll the acthm of . of the iii't.-.i Btate* ol America. with '..'V, .,.,,?, ?...,? , .i trade. In deelarlog the ?' "'. ,...'?,.?..,....,1 m laid Section :i. to alt iwt, ;,;."1":. ..' ?' -..id hldea. to i- cv-ui.'t ftvii duty ?,,,,, their Iroportatlon lato tha Lalted >utea of A"u:i,i,'i',-\-*''ii?litei_tiiin ol tl..- admi??*ou into i"" ;i-?'>?"- -d vnwrlia ??"'Whe-ClSe1 """","t ? i ;, ?i'ii.i ,:i.'r tPril 1. 1?0I, into all 'I'" "'."Ti 'eit n ,V f entry o? BaaUt froa <* a,i "'' ' "Ti, ? v-im.i-iI -tne or ...unMpal. of the ''.'.'.VaV , I'n '.an-.."? Ht.i.'l .n tbe toUOWlng s-he-hi.e. g ; ,; t'a ?...- '.mr hc tbe pr^liut anrt manufa-tu i ,h. i-,,'t"ii -i it>- "f Atrierlea: tSSuSatMoi OWICWfi TO BE ADMITTE. S_^f malflO. Bjag'll-a manufarture* thirooT. lnelodlng (?'.iiiii.'-ai aad itai*a. iy, Mar. l?,'K?l.-.tllour3ndbilU-y. ruta'tiw. aaaaie *nJ i>?;l*. Park. aaltaO taelailag *detcl?*l p-irk and bacon, axe?*a luh. ailt-d. ilrl,-d or plclla. Cotton?#iil oll. Coal. anthracUfl and bltnmlnonl Rosln. tar, p tch and tutp-ntine. Agrltaltaral too'.*. RafltcmiaOl and reicblnerr. Minln? snd ni'dnnical t ol*. lmiil"rr.ont* ind ma. etdnery, toclvflUng atatnaarr and pei*aMe -nginov and *ll , , iii,,. rv lor aaMufaetariag *..a B-ta*aiW Bauraaaaa, en laa ?, " '??? lulUBinatl Bai lo?ks for UM art> and aatlMOfli Railway eaaauaietlae maurial and flgat*aaaaBi> And that MM .loi.-riui.-i.t of Brazil ha?, by 1,-Cil rtlK't. ment. furthar anUiurlzu-d lhe admiaalon luto all th*>