wurr.i.iNf. m.v.'.i'.i' TO l'lNNsVi.VANii kXB
[raoMAaran ? aaun auaar or taa -raraerre.]
Wbeeliag, W. v.-i., Jan. 30.?ln iplte of her
v..-t neeureee, Weat Vlrgiaia la n ifortunate Ln
the lack nf i. great elty eentrally aituated and
able to ooainiar ber predaeta la raaaulacturea, or
to .nt aa a ? J ? - > r 11. -_: houae taa ti.eir diataibution
ateuad. Charleetoa, tbc eapital, is a nail town
in a mral dietrict, and a men way itatlon oa a
aiD-fle line ot i iiroad. Wbeeliag ICXwayi de
icribed by the local " b.,...iieis" aa the "metropo
lis," and in poinl ol Mi"'. wealtii aad cotniiiei.e.
thai title is dearrved. Bu1 Wheelini heata ne
Neh reiiition t,. t e State as Cieveland bean lo
Ohio or Riehmon i to Vlrgiaia ..r Louiavilk la
Kentueky or N lahville te Tenaeaa e. A hig, gray
bulldli u in tbe priaeipa] stn-et is eel down ln tae
pui'ii s as the niil * apitel, iii whi 'n tlie Leg ilatuie
met before it waa fouad that the ?Weetern Paa
haiidlc'' ? b ao retnotc from ihe poUil-al ceatr*
aa io raake deairable a ebaage ia the Mat of Gov
ernmeiit ami a eoaveraion oi' tae big gray bulM
lag late eltj aad eouaty offlcea Thia, of eour*e,
-aaa nai Waeeliag'a fealt, bul her miefortune.
Wbeeliag men are the Bral ta ooaeede thal the ie
rnoval ..I tbe ''..pn 'I "as a beaefit, aiaee il earrietl
new life into the heart of the State and s
a s rSB. edueatioaal itbaalua when- it waa -aoai
At the sume time. to I ItadeBl of the New
Bouta, it is obrioufl that Wheeling'a laport-ii e
ns a faetor iu the Sl ita'a luduatrial progica- mual
t*e eurieualy reatrii led by hei -u-ealiai geographi
eal position. Staadiag on tbe rtgbt bank ol tbe
rivei- the ladlanfl ealled "BeaBt-faL" with Ohio
on oue aide aad Peaaaylvaaia on tbe other, her
relation is naturally more iatimate with the ecun
meree ol taoae gnal eo-aaaoBwealtha than tbal ol
ti... territory of which, politieally, abe fonas ?
part Hei people an' mostly bi Northern -
Her prineipal bigbwayakad away frota tae South.
'lhe sinall towaa thal have aaruag up arouad bei
and lorin bel actua] fluburbfl are in a Northern
State and in then an importanl fhare of her
eapital .s laveated. Before eomiag bere I aad
expeeted to flad tl.e eit** alive with excitement
?ve: tae aew Iron aiiaea that were belng opeHed
in the uii.iiiitaiiis. t,.e new eoul seam- tha: an
itartiiag proapeetora by their Arabian Mchts
revrlatiuns, tl.e wonderlul tiiabCT belta that aare
onlv just been put nadei eoat-ribatloa, and tae
oil aad -*aa wella laat a few miles away hold the
aeeulace agog.
??What is Wbeeliag doiaa t,, utiMie all this
wealtii:'" I aaked an lateiHgeat geatleman t;.:s
aitei-iioon. who has been ia buaiaeaa bere foi
thirty years.
??oh ebe'a leUiai the world know nll aboul
it '? he replied, and be -mlled out a uewepapei
budgel lill.-d with adraonitioae to the outaider. lu
Engilab Frenoa, Swe-aadi, Welah and Genaua, to
-eotae aad make youi aome tn a young and rich
State," nnd OOBtaiaiag a valuabk and mterestnv
eompendlum .-i the r.->son? why U would <*?
follv t.i mvlect them.
-Bul whal baa Waeeliag done to demonstra:,.
ti.e value of what she extols''"
??Sh.'s orgauixed a Board of I-aaiigTetion and
- j{u1 _oea - e the Iron <-r the wood or tne
oil in bei owu maaufactniea?"
The iBteiligeai _*nUeman lifted hla eyebrowa.
Tbe ansxvor to thia <iuestion. Wheelinp men know,
l! tn.t alto^etlnr ntif-faetoiT The Cbatahei ol
Co-aiaeree baa publiiaed a little book. Waxoaed
with red aad gold aa tho cover. which deaenbe
w.tli exhaustive detail the varied laduetti** thal
are prosecutcd ia the abadow of ber lall faetop
ehimnevs. You can read dazzlinx a^iounls ol tne
,i,v*s 6UPren.a,y M >? Ball vent.e. a glaae oeuirc
and a pottery <.entie-arr?,int> tbat. are
_..,!(? intrrestinj: by rcaaoa ol their trath. i\
a few iink's ot tne oid Capltol you can aee ln
pro.-ess ot c-voliiii'.n all tautgiaable articlea ol
l..,u,.,iieonsuii.pt-,..n. (rom ito tiaga toatove-pipea,
.u.ves to bed-apriaga, aud flower-pota to charu
pagne Plassi> and 5-o'clock u-a eeta. Vou ean 1- i D
that, the ghua bloWB bere ifl as good Bfl
1, rwB in Boaetnia, tbat lt i- aoW ae far awaj
\ as Ausmlia, tbat tae eaiaa ai.d porcelain um
'? told medals at great exhlbitiona, and thal a
Hoppage ia tae r-roduattoa ol naila her,
, ,,^l,?r;,iy paralyaie ol tbal eatire md tiy.
Bal tbe raw material all eomea froni ubi id J ?
llull ott I, broughl lri.ii. Lake buperior, U.
-.meltiuK c.-ke eomea froni ConaeltavlUe, thei
, .ad ii-iii Ureenlaud oi Sewfoundiaad, the pott i -
','uv from Eaglaad and Kew-Jenrey. and u
tr,u, oid Vlrgiaia. Parkeiaburg, wme diaiaBc*
t? the aoBth, on thi- Ohio River, ia tbe
Mtiei for a.l tbe oil. thoagb ? aolitwy reflnerj
Uau-iataiaed here. Evea the aatural gaa, eiuaea
tn.ni ivni.sylvan.a, thaugh lhe bricka ia U.,
buUdiage are made ... tbe hed aiud, aad the
Wai liiaeatoae wmaamed m the ttuxing of aUsel,
and lo.al woodaare uaed ia eal.?' decoraUon.
.,L tbe?e tae... tne eaeual obienei ralghl
ne laeliaed to draw baaty aad erroaeoua ooa
c-lus.ous At Siat aigbt il would leeu. tbal out.
lidera woald do weU to examiae lato the uue value
of tne raw matenal tbal Weat Viigi-uaaa them.
-d-rea deeliae to baodle, tbougfa tbey are*
to praise lt tO ot.ieiv. ,el t,,en refus.il lmpliea
Mtolng -aoie than laal tae -arrtenal doM nol
happea to be adapted to tbeu own uae under ex
bSag eoa-Htioatv ln U* ****** J"r )I-,;''1,;<'
their is everj waioa why tbe Wlae ahould be
M-M-Ued wUh Ameriean elay, exeeptiag tbat ao
Aniei-n-an .-la.v la tbougbl Bae caough far tbe pro
duetlen ot the bettei giadea ol waie eatabluhed
M iheir tfeeiallii. Tbe natne mud, on tbe other
Livud. la well liued lor uae m pottariea aeeking
a diiterent elaaa of cuatom, joat as tbe n.itue
cAike, thaugh ialerioi aa tbe Coaaeilaviile artlcle
lor a-aeltiag, ia aad il r-aaugb la taa fouadry aad
will no doubt Im- eMensivei.v dealt in when rall
road eatopetition -**?i*-a, Tae ari*-Oipal atetl pro
diu-er in VVhoeliaj aaanrea m<', bawaver, tbat tbe
native ci'ke ma.V uiUmately be *adopted lor UflC
in tlie Ift-aanwi eo'iverters. The vutue ol tbe
Coaaeilaviile produel bt thir*efold-*iua_itity of
llflXl cari.ou. li.v.ii.m Innn BulphBl or pboaphorua
and stiiiet iral itreagtb, eaabliag if te ataad tbe
?jfljatiiii oi oif in t!-'* eoavertei wit-aaut beeoming
crushed aad aaked m ii noaaa Careful aaalyaia
?howa tiiat iu tae Srat aad most Imporlai
theae cjualifieatlruui the aative eake aotualiy ex
uiiij when greatei eare is obr***r**ed la the
heli-rtK.il of tbe eal .md more skiii einployed ln
waahiag out the aulpbur, n is l*-da**red ti.e m,,s'
-qMouiagiag reaulta wili follow. As to tbe tiin
Ih-i, th,- rUflealtj al taraaaao-tatioa is a.ain the
bagbaar. aad, ao fai aa Wbeeliag ka eoaeeraed, ia
likfly to remaiu so lor sonie time to come. ot
coal there is a-n abuadaaee eiohe at hand
Altbtrngh she diM's nut draw exteaaive tuppliee
from the re.st of tae Btate, Wbeeliag, neverthe
lesc, ooatiauca t" Bad a ready markel ful bei own
goodfl within its bordera Tne eily is inll of
wliakaale drygoode and groeery and drug bouaea,
lhat BOUd a>;eiit*> llilo every h.iu.iet with theli
warea. But tbe eompetitlon is keen. "Drum
niei.s' from Cincinuati, Baltimore aad Pittaburg
are to be found on every train, aud oecaaiunally
h itray Nev \ -u i<t-r aatoaiabefl tbe aativea by
iMeribiag his aigaature on tbc regiater oi a baek
woo is botel. iinam ialiy, there is peraapa no
?oaader plaee of tbe j>wc- in the L'nion. lt eatae
baaorably througb tiio *aemorah*e paaio of 1873.
'ibe aaaka an nll a*. aotid as tae Baak ol Eaglaad,
the andlt of th' mercbanta .s good nnd the i>< ople
pencrally ure thnfty and industnoiis. So long
as Wbeeliag eoatiauea t.< prodaee oae-fourth of all
the cut-muls in the eountry, W'est Virginia ia not
likely to lie fotgottea. Tbe lirst steel cut-nail
waa niade bere, and so was the fitst steel tulK.,
and, edtiioiixh one result of tbe gnat strike of
18%5 wm tlie addition of general steel plant? to
the nail factoriea, the nieknauic of the " Nail
City" la BtiM tmtly npplied.
Like all other plaees in thia regiim. Wlieeling
ia ahort of dwellinu-bousea. and a local architect
1 Iias corne to tlie f..re with propcaala lor the erce
j liun of Bve-atory Bate. \ new hridge la building
for tlie ele.rii- otreel rallway acrou l _ rlver, and
oontrael nn ha ?.? their tn ncln full I r ihe optng.
'I,.,- an maly ol V. ?.-- ing'i poaitl ? ? e m inu*
i: ,-t.ii ij h" rten "f .1 Southern State ii nol
more aotoniobine tban Iier own phyalcal situ ?
Tbe city waa hegnn on i otrlp ol low land along
the rlver al tbe b -<? <-i n toyrering ri i-e. Ii r-u
hIuii^ in cither dlrection _? tai aa n eould go,
i,,, i dodged behlnd the mountaln and linally
jumped over to an laland in the mitldk* of the
r.vef. wl,,.ii iareacberi by auapenaion hridgra wlth
a deep ii.eliu,-. For about forty yrari enter
pi iii.pinis bave been tnlklng > i levelllng the
moui i:nn ..ml crowning it with tbree-etory bonaea,
wlth two bay-windo??? iiii-i .-, plaxza, and 'Ur- talb
haa :? aln been punctually reviewed. Bul the
mountaln will probably alay. One reaoon belng
thal the energetlr men with gurplua capital are
nearly all aetively Intereated ln oil or <?";.! tonda
in othei partg ol the State. lf any of the ln
habitnntg nre eager foi <l??^r ennneetian by rall
road between the minre and the factorlea, l nt
?bould aurely he tbe muv. Wbeelin ? can never do
much foi ber neigbbon oo long aa ahe ie practlcally
oul ofl ir.,m thoae who need ber belp. The only
? ? . that can fairl* entitle ber 1 ? '??? called a
?? tiu'iri.pol'.s" i* u direel line i""'" Chnrleaton
northward through the valley of the Blaek Fork,
with low freighl ratea for ore and Ihnber nnd n
-veatlbule liiuite'i'' foi gtmngera with money to
E. L.
Wlth Lenl at liimd the leaeon beglna for ?"' I''
number "1 people to pay more tha.Hnary attention
to um pricei In tbe Bah market. strlped bau can be
i,i?i (or 30 centa a pouud, imelta l - i ? ? ind wcak
_?_ l.l 2 centa. SaJmon have t*.?<? ' mablcrabl;
dearer wltliin tbc laal ten da>? and ? nw cosl 30 and
.,,,,.. B pound \ i ?? are nn ln I ora the
K.icbec Blvcr. bul the bulk nl lho upply U aUU
drawn from tbal lar ofl i ? rm r ?-???? ??
Weakflah sell for 121-2 cenl i 1
-:., sh mackerel are 20 cent?, whlte p rh 12 1-2
_o centa, frustflrfi 10 i
Dailbul 16 and l- renU, haddocg 7 i cod i"
eenta, floundera 12 i 2 rents, ea baas 13
,- cenu, tobatem 12 1-2 to U rents aVepahead IH
eenta, wbltefl*.h a l? cenl , black ba*.* i
renti, amall i d *nupp r Ifl centa, pompa ? 20 , -ut-.
whlteball 25 cent*., smoked haddoch IS 1-2 ,
ed salmon and araohod mack- i l 23 centa.
dry cod. 10 "?:.!*? BcaUop* ??? ? worth 91 30 a
.uui bard crab* 3 cent. each, i ??- ' .*;'"?"
bought, belug bighl>" esteemed a lood for tbiwren.
iiu-v coat 10 < em ? :. pound.
?'?ihe prcdlcted lamine ln crunbcrrlea," aaid
Palmer, ti,- ? merchant, of No. i-'-" R-k*"
rt., -hai pi 'v,i lo be ii myib. .\
, ot\ erop i* aboul exhauated, b rrle* _tv
beely Irom tbc Nea Jei ' '
quallty, and are nelllng now i ,r ai ,ui *_
.,, good i- nn-. belng a lo
brougbl early in I
Uu cbeapeal oauce thal our bouw? ves ca ? .
on the table. Altbougb Uw Xew-Jewey berrj
? . (Urk-coJored aa 11 ne Irom ipe 1 ?i. II ?'
thongbt i.> make a auperlor aaaee." CraaU
ntll for -0 centa ;, quart retail.
Oteenlng applea coat 81 50 a barrel; Bortheri
Sple? l-ei, Davb ood wlneoapa from 91 to iia i
banei Table applea are aoM by gr.ri a1
50 centa u hnii-pcik and eookmg applea lor - -
t,. "ij (ent*.
Among the new and dear thinga ln the I
vegetablei lhj? ???* tn wai beaiu al i
quart Btrlng beano, lii.e tbe otb ra from Ui
south, to*t 50 conU .1 quart. l reu. h arilcbok.
,; 85 centi each; tomatoea grown ln l
mb nli are worth ??.nta ?< Quari and hoi
tomatoei Tn centa a pound; beeta, ?'? centa a buncb;
Bruoseli iproute, 80 centa a auart; red ? 4
i-abbeget>, i<> and 15 centi a bead; carrota, 3 ? ? l i
buneh"; eauUBowora, i<? lo :<(l centi i bead; ?
10 mu! 15 cbnti ii buncb; cblve*, 10 c. nl .. I m ...
cucumbero, 60 centa each; dandellon, 20 ccnu a - -
eggplant 10 u> mj "-i.t* each; garUc, 15 re
buncb; nerb*?tbyme, iweet marjoram, *...-?? and
mm* la-ary?> '??"'*? ? bunck; b-raeradlah root, 10
, p.iuud and I"- centa bottled; kale, 20 centa a
peck; lettueo, d, 10 aud 15 ccnU a t. 10
and lo -ent. a buncb; (l ?
pi a pound; Iroah okra, 75 cenU a hundrv.
u_ra, 50 eenta a pound ; Bt rm id i -
quari : red ond y< U m oi oua, 10 rents,
. ia centi a q mrl ; 03 ei pbuitn. 10 cent- u
I so centa a doiei ; i-;
, u ,/, .. iweet potal -.-"??' ?
i;?vr potatoea aa c, . ... - - ' '
, .-..,! pou "<?* iO centa i liall pc i ? I ?? *? '"
10 ten ? a m barb. 13
,.?,. ,, buncb; abaUotes, ... cenU a q uirl ; aoup
Keubl, : ,. ; lej and leek l cenl . I i
. ... , u, a balf-pock; aorrel, 20 cenl i
quart; aqiia he*, 10 and -.??'- ea. h; tu . 35
...;.,.: , quari
Th- leatui of tlie ga
o1 Pblladelpl i aquab, whi< h I nd
BuppUei ol game are llmil ?l. a* Amerl
can -rn tae, partridg. . wood. vi >n, q all and
...-,,,:,. are no? prote. ted bj l. ?? fi ? -' ??;
Bul -'? ih* <?? ivunaylvanta and
i ,:,; , '?? ? . ' md anteloj Irom Flowet
Valley. MonUna. are on luii.il lo 1111 tlie aclilnj
l ,, e o dc ?' ?'? '?' ? ?' *:*: "'
ind I '?? a D noni, i*a the
. and tl - i ,:'' Avauue, a arell ., from tlie
.:.!.;., club* uptown. Bl i ? >V?/U - .
. rs tltic In Hi' -."' "' i"'. ''"'? lr| "'?* oiiiulon >.f Um a
who have knowledge on the subject. Ihe only propei
?n-,. to eat tbcra i- In tbe meaq UU! tollej a 4 i -
, ,,\. :,,i nbs ><l the !?"' Ktea, a ;. in be eooked
.dti lured wlthln twenty-four hours . belng kllled
iii-ii lt i* royal meat. The change In the Bnvor
, ,., wl h\ -i Journey Ba?l and Uie long Ume thal
. | ,, .. between Uie deatb and the i matlng woukj
, ,,.,. j, uocki Mountaln hunter to turn In dlag'ial
from Uieae vlanda ol the aated brokai-H oj tlie me
iropoUa. ihinv centa a pound i- pald m l-ilii.m Mar
,. beni and anb lope ateaka.
Country p."i|>le p-*-n-K through tbe market n.?w_
dayi are lometlm. -?'"' to ec tbe famlllar
"redar blrda"1 ol tbelr naUve grovea flguring iu the
Mipulie* .-I game _* " Uelavan milpe," wiih Uie
featlien ol their yelloa "I irO-UalcheV ? il',l utipl. ed
Uu i lilaiKl ? ? in : i ? ?,;- .1 dozen. < nounei -
hiitter <-<--t 35 centa a poand. I'hiladelpbla butter
iu half-pound prinl.n* f?>r 55 and un eenu h pound,
,:.,i ?:,. giltcdgc fajicj Uarllngtoii uutier from the
. :? .mi ol tnorou - " .. - ii.- h , - -'I crtnta a
poun. K-iiiui < h? ??- rc*1 fl 1" each, _ugl ih dulrv
?--. :. :-. uid American mild cream ckeeao, ll
oenta a pound.
it wai reported yeaterday thal Captaln Jame
deriag an Ingenlous ichrme bj nh.ru
i-i retaln tbe preaideney ol the Marine Na-lety
for another year. Wben t je o. lety met In January
io eleel ofoeera Captaln Anibroae Bnow reeelved a
pluraUty ul two votea over Captaln Parker, I
. i- ma blanb vote <:i-t. and a i for 1 ipti , HUtoo,
however, a,,d H'Uliam Allen UuUer, counael to i ??
loclety, to whom tbe qneation waa referred, decld?d
Tii.it tbere ha.i been no elecUon. Now, the cbartei ol
Ui" mclet* anyi thal Ibe auaaa] el
; ,, ? .,n I, certain named day, aad a bylaa layi tbal
in eaae .-f tbere belng no eleetlon at tbe ai nual meet
ing i; iball take plaee al tbe nexl quarterly m etlnf-.
Xow it i* -:,.<! that Capta<n Parker malntalni Uui tiie
. iia.'-t.-r i> maiidatory wlth regard t.. ih- doj "f tba
annual ehxtlon. A Ihere waa no I il
i*-.t oeeaalon, Captain Paikei la reported lo i
Um hiiief tbal for tl il i a on be ii enUUed i> bold
over f->r another year. In dlsruaalng thi pol
lawyer aald tbal Captaln Parker liad raiaed a nlce
po nl Uml wo ild i ?? - ?? 4 . dlilt, ii It lo d, I
fhe law aaya, for example, thut taxc liall I pai. ?>,
.., h ,i -i ij XI i ii I y a. - idi nl ,. t i'l t,"l
be arlle t" pay hia taxea on Ihe legal daj. he : nol i on
i i.i have commltt-d a ml rl - :f. "I
eourae, he pr, ? uti a rea onable explamttlon.
\ report pai li-h.-d v- ite da] that U ? " i ' Ml
*.,t-i.-ii,l- dh_aUafarUon imni - the uffl. - al the Nmv
Vard In i mia i tl ,n wlth Ibe ? u ag,
M-rtptlofl bill lo be |ive i o Mon i nlg it * i
ii- j ii t t,? tbe oflken having tbe matter In rbanm. lhal |
n r.iii-ci ii.ti, h Indlgnatloo. Tiic only aigu ol dla
n ;. .:: Uuu far, wi i moBl ..?,'??..i.i- one.
,ri Uie ofBron reeelved Urkete wlthoul belng aaked t-> j
rabecrlbe, and they requeoted tha) they mlghl be pei
mltted t-', cootrtbate ioward tbe expa Thla wai
allowed. Tbe ball promloea t-> be hlghly nreeeiful,
and the arrangementa ara almoal compkrted. Captaln
Joaepfa N. Miller, Uie executive offlccr -i tbe Vnrd;
Commander Alexaader li. McCormick, tbe lu-pcct .r
nf ordnanee, and Llentenant<Jommanner A. B. H.
l.iil.e, tbe admlmPa aul, have i-eu appoloted a ean
iiiii-.*!.- ,-f arranBoaMata, aud they bave appelated tho
aaeeoaary ^.iti ? omnmt- ea.
Tlie b*U will be belB ta Hulldlng sJ. 7, and the
luui'i haii and aii of ih- 0?taoa are belng deeoratad
wtth tbe koga "' aii naUoai and -tiier ixuiUng. .-md
tba ball r<-oni win be n^iii.n with tocandeacenl ete. tn
lampi and siKiial laaterna. one "f Ibe fcaturw wlU
i- tiifi luouiitli.g ol aeveral i.atlini.* kuu*, Hotcbklaa
rlflcd '-iiiiiii.ii and other modeni < ain-.oii. ('o:,ten.>i *
Muniic band will furnlili tl.- u.n .<,
T)l,. ... . . .-.. coi mlttee on I l a ihorl
. u.dlirarUwImtax-CoriwrBUoni
,vi }i ,;..,., had Ui - '. aboul lhal i.
utrUate doek uu. ' tbe conunitl.
1 lecialaUve i I
Mr. Deekman waa ti.e nnlj altn.a* ;'
ex-Mayor Hewitt. waoae ippearaar. the land bad
!,'?...? | ,,:?.,, (onrard lo altb raaeh latereat,
i,?,r wying tbal he wi.il of publh llfe, and bad
na,, hi, -?v aboul tl.e affalra af the city a-heu be wa*
M?TOr. Ml- r.el.N.nli. I"' ***??*??- ?"'''<" "^ Iin e.V
?? -l! -I'lai'- , ,, ,
Ml Beek-aaa'i teatlmom -oaatoted nf a recai
i ?.-,i pelnti lathe aee. H?
_ , , ?-_, ta. ,.-,,.,?...>? whlcb be under
.,.?,, bad been tl**en befon tb.amtl. fevorlag a
,...,,., ?. priv?te o-nierahlp ef the aator front and
_?;,- iu luppo I ol bli poilUon. Mr. Ikreauuui wenl
,.,; , mto the blitory ol UM
fronl and Its rrlatlonfl lo the city and to Om Dock
B of the lltlgatlona ln whlci,
, carter l.ad rev.atcd the elty ai ipecla cauuel.
,i that. a-hil tb? Cor*>oraUon C*out?d wai rt>
il advtre lt? '" the cty t wa
thul advl.f ipoclrJ couniel ihoukl be
foUo?cd, So blarne could aitacb U. any l irporaUo..
?''-? the advl.I counael of auch
indlngln Ua < mmunltj ?**<?***? "^
ever. lhat Mr. tartar wa* engaged dld ? . a,n.,, ,-.
, ,? loratlon Counsel ot re poiislblllty undei
,,:', .....i. ?i ?;',,,- toact ? be thought rlght ln tbe beal
Intereal* of the rlty.
inthe lliree caaea when. 91J0OO and 1-300 and $100
,.runulns foot" bad been awarded tojrater-fror.1
,'.... M, iieekroan takl. II aaa dlfacull to r.uclle
. .,..,,. , .......i I,, Uni .a ui" Klnpland .-..-. ??
, .,,.., ,,, \,.i',:,:. Had Iaid down, bfl thought, the pi .;- i
,.,.,,??! f0r arvlvlng al the Irue value ol the Ineori
riBliU naaiely, the eapttaUiallon ol the wha I -? ? d
,.,.? [.,- ..iu the value ol the pre* i
inder the in l ol lehd.
l? nnswer t i iiue*tl >i pul by Henator Fasteft, Mr.
.,?, ,aW tbiil be CS* ool agree wltb Mr. Dlmork
ln thinklns ii...' ii v.;.s not al e f?r I.ly ki be
, .,.,? _ la .ii ii ..:. ki gi " " -'?'"? ?" """ '"
,,i,,i .1 ii. tbc .." ? ? ?' ''?" ""u ""'"
, .?c Into exlatenre. Mr. I 'i ""'?< ""
d,, ?oaW ... i?- ., landlord, bnl li fl wld be unjimi
.. , urden and i ? poi b llty ol
. emorumtnu. A* ll aa*.
Iho iltj uwm l I ; ' ?''''
??,. j|e i-i .????! and rom urred In U
.f tl.e law I ... ? I""1'
: ? ' "
, [, -? the !?" il- ln I
turned to lhe people.
I , ........ ent, *he Inprove-aent.
. i . ??.. i -
I in a few !
I ? 'rt. tbal thfl ?
md flhould i.aned and cun
, ,iiimlttee. I lien-ui'-.u v.i '??? ?
? .the
. .i
Mr*. I1/'. " . * i .??"?? i
I Whal ? ia
?,,-...,. vrano i ? know I- wl.o ;'*,>" "?' ",' '
, ? ? ... ...... .,
mlttee ?nulJ have t
;,?.., - . -
.. ii. ihen n ul a: eatrart
H-| ;. h ?'.. ' ? ' ' " ?? '"-'? '
,,f .,. , for dela . ?? t ?; id
.., t to th ?
? ? ? ?
.friend I. Potier Pai ?, unUl r
real eatat* agenl al No. l- Bnautvay,
... ,..-,. ted
. - him I: to !,,. end ot U al le, . ?:
1,1. ronvl l larreny. EarlJ laal "?.
he I, ?' ?;.:.<? ?? ,u ,. ?' "II lli'l'".'. ?
UU i ??*'-"' ? "
' i - ? '
,. | i ? mi: friendi lhat
, f.j ii .1 ? .i e ' ln i
. 11| ,. i ,|. , wita
? ? i i.iiu
...i i.i , .... t ol tl ? ? '???? "i John -;
Im i ' ent of thfl
li.,,,- ? No. :.:i- We ? i lo that
red tn He, li iwever. falled
,.i ,- i,i to .'-111111 tlie 01 ':.'?'??
the money rm rdy i ?
tavor ' ' |ent of tlie Aalar i late
d intended.
. . t . ..I".. ?
-.-..I,; :? ent hl
? - -a bl* a .V io bei
, . , ..,? uted ii Un, i ?
,11, ? ? ' If
'?? !
yarilne ln fi i ei il ? I n* >fl lenl iy found hltn RBtll
,,f i.,r ,ir.. Ile aa* ia aeeuted by Aa*l*tanl W '
Atiornej lletiry 11. B. hupler, and delendi I bj llci
" V* .ti.' on'* wife wn reeentlr arreated ln lir""hi\n
? ,,i ,hop I f v. I.ul wa not eoni
I'mtt.t-,,11 - '.wi. pe.ru-.-1i i- I" tl.* roirue* ealler. ?:
i,, ,,,, ? ?- Iw lua '.. ?? i arre ted un ? chartju
,1 i,i?..,:.,.,1 B| '" "? '"' '"^"?'*'"
. , , , ited \'-Aer<\.i\ al I i
nl i l r-#-*-dlru- the blll befotr
,,.. , atl inc llke #300.0011
,,,, | ,,. -.:.,.. . u ,j tbe . ? .:?? '?"' ;-' oi Sea Vork
(|ly, ,,?,. o| tbc ??'V-'- "f Mr. Mv-r-'s v.-it to
, | ?. Ui I po*e tlils blll.
,.... i..:..., loavlng Alba ?. n i aadei !?--! lhal ba
.... ? ? :.:. ? . : I Oi tlie
, . .,-., ,. | ?>. 9 thfl
.,,,,,.- ,|,,-.iti ,ti. The < wntmller, In anawer t" Inqulrtea
.... , . ..,..., :. ii,.. i- ihl* explai ?'!'??', ve i.
l wenl Ui Aii'.i '? a eiiksl Bnau 1*1 cifheei ,.f the
, iv |., orole t -.?? > c-iiisi tJ,*t vrouM antall a
,, j r, ? *Uon apon lhe i .t> rrlthoal (tlvlim ?? lol.
..t i.fi.-iii. Ai ?"n are aware, tha rlty baa t" aay
__ ,.,) i: j,-, ,'?!.? trl Llie -ii'e ui--, ind l tboughl
i .. . a aa . ' ' ? ?>r a preteel vouM le- In "i-n.ir.
im, upon '-x ii,,,i,..',_? tbe reporta of the eoodlUaa ..f
..r.in- in Ui.mlrj ;, lltullona, t" a'hk'b ili? Inaaflifl
t_re eommitted, i belleve thal l bad ?"*nd i >;. - i i
'i I,.- iin ii> manner In whleh
1 Lie e i'."' if ? indurted Ifl almpl] iriu-hifni.
???.., ,,- .i Ui Ui ? re ti ru.in for thfl
i taki pl?e under IU i ontrol and to
iii- nimii minded purpi-ae ol tii?- eounlj '>ni,l.vi-,
;., reLuiii a fea "ih,.- uid pe4v.ul1.ltle* rhcrn 1- 1
!.,.,:. 1. >? ? , im *in, :, 1 fell li .111 >i I-, 1 lea
??..- 1 ,;.' luded liiui Nea "i,h_
...?.,. <Mild 1. 1 ittord Ui .ii ..? 1 lie
,.|.|.ii |,r. 11 ,..ii. bul t:i:it are w.,iil<l I.,- inija 1 t, ,.ur
? . . pMUioUug Uie
,.,).,'- of ii:.- l.iil, ilttii-ufrli I.,,- ..,(?, niay nol Oer Ive
-. .i beneili fi im ?' '
- . - 4V
i,,,n r. 1 eb, ?'. .-i," Uaii n. nth, i tead ,.f tha
di* ?...11 Im ? ? I tlu ii 1 r .I dlfferrm ei o|
Dr. Delauo I.. ln.-.- il i i hl* wlle. Three flrei ki
.1 ? "i ti li rllj f"i an bim i
lui.. ,i.i.,;. .?. 1 ?? terday hi- wife'* motae.Ived In
that her dau thl 1 bad died In
thal .ii- Mr*. Fllaeerald ?-a? * Ml*a .-aliie Jaekaon,
tei of a reUthj [rlahman ol Dnblln, Whii- the
.1...,. ,,: ....?? travrlllns ln tmerlca, Dr. Pltagerald
made tbeir arnualnlaiiee, and hl* marriage t>. lhe
,1 n.iit. followed i..r- '.'...i I'.n- Ihey oeenpled a
. ... . lon ible i'.:i nl t u 11. and
m ?,..? iime .?'?-?'. ihe ronple
-.,.., iU-.Mra.F11 1 I ? ? ?' ii 1 ,1
laiuil 1 ? in. her ter
Hei fathei d ed even I yea igo 1 ivlng ?
? ite te hl* wlle ..11 I <i ii.-liier.
.111: WBOXG l": ?? ' '? - 1701 rHB CBBCEB
.\ , arioui nl ' il ? Uial waa taadc In 1 p ?...".,, 1
md broughl trouble i" 1 eurloui uoroan ramc 1,
? ? eaterday. The Fourth Ifatiuoal Bank, ..f this
?.t a letter on Novembei I, to M. Anderaoe,
(he ? 1 ii ni ol the Delta Matlonal 1.11,1., ol Oreenwood,
11H; ? v i ? ra ln lhe 1 11 ir, valued al
.f....,'M>. By * i.hiii'ler tie- letter whs forwarded froai
tn, ]i,.-tofli.e bere ta (ireenwood, Haat,, In tead "I
Green*.I, MIm . iad dellvered t 1 Mra. i**etaeriafl g
Aliderson. ghfl OfMBfld thfl letler ami wln-n slie dls
.red th. valm "i the notea, offered tlrrougb bei
lr.it ii. r. Charlea McBJaaaa, to retarn the notee t.? the
bank f.> .ri.r.,1,. Tha oaaeen "f the Poarth Maaumal
uank. placed the eaae la tae "flaadi of Um pc*rtoaVe
aathorttiea. Mra. Anderaoe and h?i biother areie
arreated, and held for eaamlnatlpn. it wa? reported
that Mn. Anderaon doe* not reallie the aiavltj of her |
Thli Pioadod Bliaaaa Btekaa lt- Aawaaraaeo Anala
i.i, nrrppa i- wltb oi again, and thi* dn idrol dl m
aaaali adi taken a Brm on n
,.. Hfccta af "ta Bl hi- ' Bl.? to i- I
?. ii. ... ratly I ?"?'n,a
,,'. . t'i.- peUent, II hl re o* ra it all, lo ?
... ftoui whleh : aay hi
. ? ,,ir BiiMlan ? Bemr "La ??- ;?: ?' had
?: v i?i;;,.. al.- ? i - ' ?' * -
?, preven
, | ? ,;? . .-, rbal taflanBnattoaa ? ' wl
: I-.p.i for Bow Throat,
Cnunbi ii '..' - aad laag troaMaa Wk ???? i I
.,,,,.. tn -, ., i..v-..i r m tal a th ? ?> n .< i dartng i ?
wtater, put ona ol Omm paoBllm itwcbea Into tb
und T,,', will Mltty l-r-v-i.' any Btlaek of I
Catarrh ,.r Cold. Wl.-i- i eold ln ">?
, i D| catarrh al aay form, do aot Ulfle wittt rouraeU bnt
. n ar - u -
Tu- t-n'.ii,- sod-n Mlaeral Pl I II - "..-? bavi the
teaumaatal and Ugaatura -f Blr Moreli Mackeaxle arouad
mea ix.x. _
uosltlin ff?r ibe li truoted oa *aylng: -I am ? |
woman, and the good Lord i>;ti ln my har.Ua a way
to aet th" reward.' rhe ca*-kli r ?f th.* Pourth Nal
i.i-i. uiid yeMerday Umt the affali waa no-*. In the
lutdi of t_e anUiorltlea ol th" l'.i-tal ijepiirtnieut.
Albany, Feb. <?? -The Coorl of Appeali ha de
the appeal ln tbe ca*e of tl e Brooklyn !-!?"?? 4 Rall
nmd Company again I B'lng. The aeti ,n waa a i i
. eminr, t.. eondemn property for tbe Brooklyn l>
v,',*:i BaUroad Compnoy. Wtng alleged Uiat the
company h;ui hUed to rarry oni tbe provl lon ol lt*.
barter, and tbereby bad forfeited ll and Imd i o
power to pmceed .udemn land. The di
judge I'.n-ie wrlUng U.ptalon, holda Uml
I , . eoald ii.-' I-- beW lo bave forfi Itad Ita i
-i.il JedklaUy declared ,?> bave done ao, and thal
Um queaUoe eould nol be determlned ln collateral
? . . edii % -.f thli klnd
i ? otber decUloni bamted down by Um Flr-I
li.- . , i ? .1 i) were .- f ...
lu Um matter "i ludlrUJ ictUe?tenl "f the :-?
, t || .?_., i.... uid i crrl* Sprague aa , , lie :
of lan -pr-Kiie. dt-coajted. Judj
...i, wltb co ?- : te appella I
l i :..:. O'Nelll, .i adm nUtrator, ? f harl
Kluken, appel ?nl . J?? ? ph I-llailli ,, apj
tli.. \j;,\,.r, t-i... ..f No* Vork: Jai-ob ??]?.??
A-hl'.-i IV. Iliimphre* * in t an i' ? i.
,gt. Ira W irmiitii tli ?
i ,oth< r, ; ? ,'? ii*U?n, app< lUnta, agt, ' ?
'.ini-i B. v,,:, l*ampen, uppel i lolm It.
i %\, indlvldnally and aa exevutor. Judgmeni altlrmed
u |h ? ?-'*?
lu ,-e will ?.f laabeUa I" *?? .:\i* -i- - -:..~.->i: i liart
p ; . ,-\r. ut..:. ef. .. ,,,.|?-..
.ludgmenl ifllrrned, wlth ???'. againal (he
- ' iut.
? ... ?**. Carpenter, - -- ul r, i-'. ? irrie M
m . ' ? :? i- .! ?? ? ' ' ? .-,.(i- ?
M. Moahei ' ?
judj.... i ... t.. Will am A. "i i ? r rev. ed i
? i nrrlered d g romplaint as to biui,
? .iirts.
i foUowing raana were argued ln tN Fli I
n.-., on '
- irlea lf. I Pe klna. i ? admin Irator, etc . re
... ... . ? Um Bnfl iio. B - ii-- ? .. i Pitfebui ,
? ? p_nv, appe
ln tbe maiier of th. p ob ite of the a ll -f John H
, : ludgmenl afllrmed, by defaalt. and
Umlaa P. I ird ai d inother. a adi it, -'?
ippellanta, agi i*ornella A- Hamllbm, aa admlnU
. re., reapondent.
ilw Bew-York Life Inanran. ii , appellant
,,i;i. Jamea Altken, a> exeeutor. n p ndent.
li lha Beeond Dlrialon to-da- the raaea argued
B'celey Maadevllle. ? ??<? Iver. el llan! iffi
Edi ,r- II. \'- ri. Impld , eti i- ;
j., (he mat1 r of th of Mortlraer r.
l. ??.. ? .cr. asalgnea, <*t.-.. ippell ini
Boie i ei l??um ,'t ai . i ? ;- ? '? '
i ?:.. <ii\, i.,i,-. poraaanl to order, tooa a i
.-.t.i February 23.
*>i?x w:-I dled iii 18*7 md !? R tn hli ' ? i I
,f tal d - ' .'
? 1 ? - f ?
s'liitha-.e. Iu an cvly de.-l of t I : I ? Oiem
, : trletlon t" the eff. t that nol i \'- "?'
.. h >u ea *.',.-u!-t be lai
. - M Crlaaell owna a lot In Nlnet
,...i Mi.. Barab A. f*tili'.'.cil owna.ln N'lnei
.t -i hl. h ??? -r- ?:? rinallj parl ol ? ?
iiw'ned I.j Wifl Ri.rii Mn
i ? ? ? ' ? ?- p: ?
" ?
for an li |um i >n to prev. nt Mrs
itldlng tlie pl i -..1 li
' ?
TlM .!? f-lidnni -!??- 1. :??! that I ?? pl ,
_ reaerved
A 1.1'. ?*' IT '.\-'N I-V 111 f I ' I ' * ENT
\ Jnry ln Uie I ? ' :
i . mbe, yeaterd iy, f ?und for <
lt, the -.un "f Ihe II ? * El Ie stifi ? R
, ? ' " ' '
? ? |i ildnti
I :-?!??
luirged Uial the ........ , ... ;. -. ? |
d w. V
... nt I'ult *d Mnl M I Att t
ll. i.i\ i . I'laU and Charlea D. I I defcndnnt. |
? ?
I lis OF I.I-'- M. NEW*.
A Ju.leiiieiit f,.r r-41 71 ha
, ?. . ii,n ilnce He. cmbei i"-. i ?"' i ? i ' '?
Berrj B"aU. Kome Inter il "ra ar u ? i In lli- i
.,n,. n jreaterday wben Uio J id| metil
? Mi' ..i-tliv. iu Ihe ' liy I'ourt, ?- '
,: | n .,< ,i. i V'eaner n -?? r ot tli
..- .. ,: ,t Al-./ ? ii. i rm 11, In 1
. h ui and K. K. Le ter, I i Uw narfleld Xa
? ... ,l Uauk. A ludgmenl f..r f 1.120 waa entered
? ?? mil, iiii'i ? ? ?' ' ornell
. ... ? . | ? ir* pr .?-?'? ?
lA'llllum I-. Aator i- .?.-:, :, miII ln Ihe - .1 ?
rvcu yeti 1 I Id * u d l
William blokei and utliert., u. *-i
, -. : i,- re ,1 .- i.ii- ln ' 1 ??
. 1,1,1-.) ,,,i. ? were m ntc - ? ? l lie
,a--" KM |.(-i: ?! t- Hi- I-'-- I --iij-iiulii K. I'l.-il
|,e< -lli' I'l . I -'.'.. I. .' 110 I ?
i uon Ihe applii al -ti of the .1 i-i, Inui*, .1
Andrca , In tbe - 11 l yc i-id .v
,1 the - .i-- for wanl .-i prnao uti m
tetlng Rnnwlntendenl Uobblna, .f ih- htreeK
.11- Departmrat, 1.Ived taatniclloi yc?li-nla
rouimlaaionei Beattle, dlrertlng Uml the plana 11 nd
methodi "i tho Mayor*i Advioorj Commlttiv, 1.le
public yeaterday. ab. ild go I to effeet 011 Kctmiar* l<
Mr. BeatUe al*" wroie t" Morrl K Jeaup, .1 -
,,t ii.mmlttee, iuformlng hlm ?-( the Intended aril.?n
,,1 um Departmenl.
Tne ' are 1 poi u-d ?* 1
,.f tha iloapltl 1 . ? ' " ? '?"
1 harl. - ?aob r, treaaur r, N. 17 Xa hi-?i
Mi'-H-di*.) :??' 11
, 1 pU. opal. M , ?, ' .. ?*-'! - ' 0 ?
ll, torm ?
1 | ,.;,, -11. Ilolr Mi tyr*. i.|.i- np il
Klr-t -.- .;..|,i,-t 11 ...
1,. tba Womaii'i I'und .'ir- U. nv. M ntgonirry, ?19;
.,;,? |..|?i ,.r .-ii-'i.-l.. ?!?".. '.-I . ?? . 1 ....
| |.,n, xelt aUao. 0. - ..'? !.,..-?-.,: '?? ill
1 ,, .. , 1 1-r--I (..'?? ......
, i , ? I i. . I", \. 1. 1 ?. v i;... -
. ,, u V.., , n,.i. IIO; 1 ?: .. 1. 1-, l.O. * 11
-i. u-ui c.-ii.-.i.-iii up t" ''???' '?"''? 'ii' -'?
i imtruBei Mycra aald 3 I dai that lt wai tu peful lhal
? uay waaM I," fi.'-uii -.'?'
i,i,,i, -f pai Ing m , ? 1
lon led UUUl,: i.j -11 11.,...i. .1. Thi m.
, linuei .- ,., ..... I 1. ' ? ? ii' dutli
. ... tlu ... 11.1 1 ?
.,, , ., .... ,1 ir n. ? rul- 1 of Un - .1 :
, u v. IU, 1 - 1 ? view,
Conl ellei iindei 1.i lt, had been >u*taln d bi ihe
*.,i|.r. me i"..,ir. la a di lalon rendered bj Juatlei pa,
I I,, 11 ;i|- |p ,1 , ..l! *>? I \ ,,-'? , .11,11,1--! ,,,.-.- hl 1 I
th.lr a,-i?i"M?l -f Ui- mw r,..-ni,i| i;->,. and lf Mi. Ilcmu
,,,,l nol ral led :,:i..,;i...i 11, ii,- 1 liiiini-. r. tbe *.ic, ul
lha Mayor'a approvai -t woald bave been pr, ?ied fi n
ih.- , mi kenlee i 0 ai Mr. Mrt-n - ild
Shot h- .'"ni'i aobaaM Um eaaa '" Um CorporaUon Ceunsel
II Um llgUalllaa la lha way -,' paroieul eould not
i,.. Minaauated.
'ih- I'lil-n l'r:-..u-r ? ,,! Har .-.4t1.u1 u Mew, 1 I I
ti.,? bava eleetod Um Mlewtog okteemi Atanm T. Dt-cker,
prealdeat; Ooerf. M. V$* Bawaa riee-pi -.ii nt; i U
BUlgera 11 flaeaiy ir.i M. Bcdgoa, tieaatuer; trui
Aleaander B. Webb, Baratto C. Blag Beai M Clat, .?.!??*.?
?nd^; Miil'-r, .' H.i.rv Ilirru-v, ihari^- I 11 m'i, .lini,
D ? ii. Ai'ii?.. r. ri?,-arr. J. 1. BtUgai*, Hlbberi 11
Ma?ter*. Bara B. Blpple, Auguatua C Taie, Wacet
Iwayae, Joomi Oront Wllaaa itidailuk A Rown li.-.d
il?rk?oa, John Tiylir, litorso M. Van llors^n, lr.i M.
H ?*_???
i, ..i ,.,;?. , : the L*i w sanilnary, Ifl one of
,,,,. ? i men In the Preabirterlan
li.. i .' .? -. whll ' ? ?..??? rer
,. tmg. i iv. all thlnr-s. I* onUrely
,,,..,.,...,, ,? ., ... yet Uw ve... ? , le l e iloglan
i-.s-i of havin? I ed i v
? i.'"'?'? "'">:,J
half to Dr.
Aiithomv of the Berlpturea.*" he wai
iaked aaw he felt, and replled wlth evldeat effori. "1
i.tn very weary.
?I would ratber to I ? bell a brave man than co
to ii-.,wu ., , ,'.' ? ?'.." Theie *rordi were i-kmko la
tbe hearlng ol lhe Paitor recently. not by Colonel
Ingeraolt, nol by Hagb O. Penteeoat. not b] anv
avowod Infldel, bul by ? mlntiter aho bel ngi to an
. van- llcal denomlnatlon, one of the -trletest of Uie
i:?, t. i ie remark wai the i Umax ol ? n" wajalon
regaidlnj the atutude taken by Dr. Brlggi ln bli ln
ingunil rn di - , Tb ip a ? ?<? bee ! " ',n'"1 ??
the L'nlo - tnlnary, ind was d fcnd ng thfl r ' M ?*?
,ki\ im ed vl '? -?
Dr. WUllam M. Ta; lor, i I ibe Broadway I-ber ?
Ij i , j,;.,.,,.. - ??,.,-, t'liu .li (i Boston a
.-,. .??,,!ii t .ii,,,:i-.v.-. This chnrch oerns to liave " ?
.., in,- n.v. Vork clen ;' -" "erved
? . >\ Dr. Gregg II ralled i r. Vlr li and i i
i hi ,i lother rnetr inol tan pr*acher li
,, ked to i.'il th" pulplt, for "o ' " lavlta
. md ir. Taylor, it li hoped. wUI
. . another i I
- || you wanl to be kn< wi In the mlnl-try. go I i
Roston." ild a frlei d of mlne yesterday. and ie wa*
no( personi lie referrlng to lhe I ark - i"":
. . h. ?? Vou will have hon ???- thrust upon yi u:
v i u.n have all the m ney ???? u ri *d. ?
. .,...? ?i, abundanee of belper*. If T '?
... tbe multltude. nverwhelmed with p
.la thal v ii cann >1 supply, and dl I ?m oi ?
work, he.au- evei ? : upo yoi r h .aldei ?.
itay in Now Vork." My friend ls ,. New Vork pastor.
who lefl ? proaperou* lield Ui take up a hurden that
would cruab a weaker man and oi e e?a I
Uraee Chupcl, ln Kn I I -?"?"?!'1 ?*??
nalpii Wel ha* Ii ored *o long ai ! nfnlly.
; extend n t If* u* fulneas ui d< i the i Uve mlnlatni
-;. ;-. Ihe Itcv. Lewl IV. I
' '
,|.,.. ii ? ird , , and i- .I i ' ? *-' '
., (uud i , -?? i ? ino uu1 I ... ? i"' ' '??' chapel.
ta, ;:? . will
: .'- fnn i ln tl ?
.venue Church. Mr. B
i the Union
.. fnr .- DJ ' "1 >"?'-'- "? w?. "
f Mra. Jacob He* aud Wlllhun
\ Lo
I . preabyterj of !*>? Vork will i miinue on M
.,.'? proved - al Uie
. ? :i -. ? the di
. . ,,,.., i ,i
u dlvlded, ?
|. -i'
the estal t of th* ofl - Uuil
,.: port agru in bfl
IpOstoUi fhiirli.
edbj ibe Chureb
, ottrlnal reata of Cburvb Meraberab p.' i th
,f ., papei wlUi-h Uie Hav. A. H. bi utfjid. ol M inl
. j . , ,., i ...i before Uw luteri al
j , . . ... Ung uext i :!? i I a
, , ne of the large*!
. nac.on out? I -' -'??'"
ll. ?B.met. Ill
. . ,. .- .. .,t abllli) ifl a
. lai in
, . ...... N ,. ' ?' MllsL .UH
Mi.,.!:.'. ? "B__i
hundredfl have reported* ' '" ?"';
la - who
ir him i # _
JOM.N M. WAKB l" bAlL POK 1 ' RO**E-*iWI.
mi.\ i'al . on vEttva.
Mcw.Tort !-? ?*?"??
, - ? , , ? -'
1 IB, il ..: Bfl
!.. B.
, . -
itedat rrent-w,
iinder ?.?.. n- : - - ,
II . rhe eapital itoek
af the| ? ' '
... lt.
- '
' '
. -
? tl.e
, 13
I ,..?,. -.111 -?? . ii'
? ,
;?,;.- f?j -. ,M' ' OJ I l/.VK/l l"'/.s"V.
|n examinatlon b* ' i-m 'tarl i. ?' "?"???" ;
thal .. .
. f , iii.li wh rh a i- ?" ' '" -a' >*?"?"? ",n
,1 Ml ......... day*
;V. '?? ?
' aarlie aya ,
for hlmaelf. #
, ..) .1 / 'II.s- /'.! I i
rhe rom ? I ??'?? ??'?' N :' ' ? !"' '
raadel.??. ? " ^
S?, J-', ,',,! -?- ??? - '? '?' : ? ' '
: ,|k lij i
-y|,e t.'l bel " I' __
The Btandard Cocoa ol the World,
A Bub -titniu for Tea nnd Ooffoe.
WXLIBI i r i i v... rori l k
u"i.;. yor : ur I ERTBB,
The ' i -Im - -t '?.i- H ii '?: il irtlekj
ofdieiin- i.-..ii.h. aitiHiiig reingnltloa.
I ri li. ? laa and i ng< , 11 I nol mly a
Btlmnl uii. t. .t .! md II hia
th.. [real advaatage of leaving no n?r
ii.ii, .-:' ?, La. Hei ? '? ii is adaptei
to general uae. The itrong ma) i.ike
lt wlth pleaaure, aad lhe weak wnb
rtrvAv iiiii-n \'s cocoa ("eaea
Uiad, .iimiii- uard") leave* bo injurioua
MTi ?- . ?, ti. ? ,, 11 . i] *ti n, u ia ua
?ander, therefoK, lhal la all parta of
ti a m |d, thla lai-wta**! i. u
rrciin.ii nil.-J ht iu...ti,'iii in.>,< iiiau-ad
oi ieu mi i-vhf ,. rtarraeaaaa *r
cbai'ul.ilr- lor ,l,,ll? uur b) . , ,,lr"u
or adutta, lia.? and llel . rl, h and |>?ar.
"Iaargaal **h- tu :*,- worid." ask fe*
-f_> Usli,iWs *|..l i-.*-nU.Me-,
"1Iedlrine? ilinf prelrnd to d- the worK nf ?". (B, H. Xhe
.- ?- ,.f Boat ,-f them ire wo,?e tluti th- 11000011 thry
l-r.-fnd to aare. Tbete la but one prrmancnt cure ter
?tt" poli-on, .md Uut 1:. to t>.- found tn
s s s
Ar.d lt ls UM only r.-dicln- that will permaricntly deitroy
thc offeeta of
M-Kt-.l'lllAL, AM) 1'OTASM I'-USOMMl.
11 I- ii ],.rlv v - '?.tv. ? -?::. !\- I: iru.l .<?. 434
yct It la Um ii--*'- pottal bloae parUa r bvoi div-overeg.
Ho, i, i.i, !;:..oa ?nd skiu giaaaaoa free,
ATL.VNTA. tti_
Tha Slnger MTg Co,
and nrunn
ttor Famlly Soiiig Mia
FAlt >lrPBKIOM tt) UAND HOItlv.
i, ,.ii ni,.,-. \ ? . ii abeve all I ???-?. ?? ' t - a#j
i . Kl I ?
? I.
i ot I ? blofl I, from ahleh I .::nv.
ScMjIuu-., i
l-..!-.>ii-. ?.. '. ?' oi h.-!.'..? '. I*?t~1 r.- rtf.
, "rat.!-. and no icatter lf n,;>iiif--t.<1 i ? - :n
'.-.-'-- ? "I'A,
y,,iii i....i. ildn ? oi bo* ? troubl>'?, ar ? aii no*Ulve"x.
y, -.f';) and Bnally cur*d. lu an iu ?
tirre, bv M, ? Cactu* iil-ml Cure. _xuerieaea aad ma
? -? f ii,,-j- >? , \p--r'- bave reaaered i
I d ipair. Maa* ol Um curei ai p a
, . s| i.-- i- requlrei leai than threo i l -
and lupua -i- anay areeka Doa't f^'.i la try Xt, *'t or
OF 1 BABB OP s'l'i'l.V.
The member'. of tbe American Soetety of eom*
? .- BeUgion bad i rare treat yeaterday In t.'.o
.,,|i!i. preaeoted al Uwlr aMetlng ln Um eonad.
room of Ihe L'nlveralty ..t" tbe City ol Bew-Yei*.
The i'-v. Dr. F. F. BUlnwood, seeretary ,,f the Pmbjr
terian Board of Forelgii Miaatono, pi ?' I there
wera preaenl Beveral mlaaionnriai Ir-.m Cblna, b
clndlng Dr. Talmup*, of tne Amoy Kloolon; Dr.
Nevini, Um Bev. Mr. ond Mra. WTeUlngton J. xTttt
ind ih- Bev. iu- it...,.-. Ploi CbaneoUor Baa
. imc-en and noaooanr ii. M. Beird, <.f Uw uuiver-i'i:
Ur. ReM und Vr. Le-ui-*-, tt the HettM-IOI Hiartii.
I .- i;.?-. Beooro. li- T. MeEwen. A. P. Atterbnry. A.
w. Sproull, ll. 6. BUoo, J. W. Brooka, A. il. KeKlaney,
j. .t. Lampe ami C. wV'XIUard were anwng Uioae
who llstened to tlie Interootlng ...mr-** %\
i;-v. iu. w. A. P. Bartln, preaidenl of Um la
L'niveralty of PeUn, Cl I i
i,:.. \:.,:- :. eaoaed in an able manner tbe *
? . . u. Taotam and Bnd Ih
j,,n . ing Uu riae and development ol each. ,ni
UM ll-flll"! '?' "1 "' ..:?' M
. m, lanlam dui nol origlnate orttB IU i*>
puted bmndi , the p riwi -? "? " ? :,i' ' ;
,a-,.i. um, wai an edltor. aol an anUmr. I-I
? reeorda whli h I - ed ted date ba. k I i B C.
aoo. Tanlam w ta an edvauc-i on Conftn
:n u:i^ iu turn .ui advanca un Tanian- Eael
n anawer to a felt i.-'l- Anol
.? tu-day, whlcb can onlj tw
'ut.iilk'd ? l ' '
*jjr t. . lalmage. I>r. Nevln* ' l
-i- ?1 I-. Ma l ? iddrejfc
iii 't--t -.?? '?' tba
f nr Strtii and Dr. b\ "Aella w Ulanis. wbe
? .,-,1 intu the treaty between ( hini ind t *
. ,; stat? Uie b.lerarfon rlan*,
i-ed i - prcpagaie tlie < . ? '
ative*, .n*_ .'ii iwed tn embrare lt
ai tbe meetlng ><f thc man-pera of Um Amertem
i.i le .-.. .-tv "ii rbnradaj tetteea arere pre?ented :.~-:*i
. lety'a ipenl ta Pam, who I - '
.,: i allao ilnce ?'.. f 25. Mr. ' **
.,- i _ initlgatlon of th.;< i- - i i
.-.-.. ,-f publlely performlt ellgon "?
d , . ? i. ., - .... n- ii- "" ?
hear - before Uw erlmli U 11 arl ln Sovi
pr ,ven aervlcca had bee '
? ely witbin cloaed doura, and ehUrel** wltl l
: 1 wa* a
. i na ih- par i - onring tho proa ?,-',;*
mc i" Um rjuporlo ? l -1rt be '
priaon. rhe superlor Court, after vlatt *
uf ith* ,''mrl
Mid 'iu.led lu* r-i-K*-: when nli - ?-'-' ,n
lerp ?* <t. and l>) ,i|.|--..l.''- l?> Ihe *
... l. Mr.
,, ? . .. I i ,. ? . ?: .1
iaavtl.il he ??>! ?i ed ? *'**?
, i? iv, aiul dally j - "?' Vr
i ?. ? ? i,- ?. r'' ? - rvleasc. 1 ' ?
mgli lus linprl mnii i . M
, .).?. i^. .ii l...- not ***o*o
, ? ? . \,'t.
P/'l, ll OF SEBUEA1
i'..' -.-:,. | . |, - -t
:. ,t , ,1 \ ea) nl ij n . uu-- Bt tii* hoin
l . , ?ne hundred
Ile aa m irl; ity yea ???' i i beea
I -,,l- ll :. 'llt 8, - ll. I'? ' ? ' *
.i ;.?:,, ln ' ' Ot t'i*
,- ? i . , .. IO t!l*
i -?;? ? .i ,' . ?? and
lie rti -i\-.l 1:.- --ia' I ? m ..: ??? twli . :. - ?'
.i ii.-. ile wa* a I ' ?n and ,
i ? ? I, . l
..-v ?, il i .- ? ...
1'p rt.
r/m oi /.' .?' e ,,: '?'' i m i* rn w
i Im ?? un p U '? ? '? '*?
iiv.il \ ?? Iimr
che had _e*ii .:? laycd b* I ? wi
i?.,. n -? ?i.ii' ; ? '! 'i ? ? ? **???
i?',v> head -.
iu : ol her air \i ?:;--. " hli , nitd -t i.? : '
to lor Bve I mra. v." damage araa done (-? UM
'::,,.! ?'- arbil
gkil, exeepl tb I ihe cn1 ; ? r na nn '
... .\ . i ??..???: *
.. ii from tlu* | - - ";!_?
B, r, . i il .. i. ? .- ' iim
iu- ii --ii
;,) H u"i; i BIQ ', ' BB PBl -?' Bl'B.
At a meetl I i Inten *d n i antlni *?
. hi.i in Parlor i. ol tbc \ l ?i H " ' > ?"'^
dn\. tbe -pmee Cabln Uan i Kl** A *"?*"
hou wn. organloed. < ob nel B. L. I Kee ? ?a aH ??_
preaidenl, Cbark-a ... Uennell e iet?r>'. ->--'1 j0B* *
Blahe trenaarer. Tbe .. wclallon rontr l- '"" **J**
of land '.iii.i: n haa pnn*ha ed ln CanadenaU ,;
ronnty, i^f.u. The tracl 'ncluJc tbe i.
-tivuiu known n spin-e i n R?n. Thi* pj jt
imrta ln Uie IVcnno Mouutaln*. ln one of Uie mgi -
i,...,i-. i!,?., . '-," ,i ?... ' ...i-i-1 i- Valiej i
rWtie* Um w.i-i'- -f I"- ?Ihe-.d ' ?''''?- '
rmpttea Into the Delawar,' Utver. Tn** ?;
bulldlng i dam i1 tl -'-? ul bpnice ( ? "' ' ?"' NUn
will fli.-.i an area . aboat iwi-lw .. ?-? ? ?'. , ,lW
Urm. it :? aald, one ul Ihv la .', -l-niM
tn.ut preaarvea ln the I'nlted Kt-iies. N " \i{mA
pendlng lor an addltlonal axten_vi pareham oi ?
fur tbc mlabHabmanl ?i * _i*<">*" Drannrra