Newspaper Page Text
V?L-L....\0?aG,lo<>. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, I891.-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE F1YE CESTS, THE NEWS IN LONDON. iNXlOI'S TO LEAJvN TI1E TERMS ON WHK'H | THE IRISH QUABBEL IS ADJUSTED. | mr. OLADSTONE'S ORATORICAL SFOOF.SS ON HIS CATIIOLIC RELIF.F BILL ? CATHOLIC OOKSERVATIVF.R ANGRY AT THEIR. OWN lalllUBB BlB RRADLAVGH'S FVNERAL-f HF.ATING AT CARDS. --BT CA8LE TO T11E TMIBCHB.] Ctpvrighl: 1*01 .- ?!/ fka IHaaaaa Attoeiation. Lonrlon, Feb. 7.?For the morr.ent. 1here is out arnrd Ben66 M*-**-*' *he Irish Membors. ?" Th'irs- \ day we are to learn the prerise tenns on whieh their qtnrrels h:ive been settl.-d. Of course it is , aajal that Mr. GhvdBtonc haa ntiaaVd the atfTeeatea 0f Home Rule by glTtng thetn the Bobgtanee o? Mr. Fnr oll's four points. At any rate. Mr Par* r.ell n.arle the eoneeeatona the 88-68 of his diaap pearnnoe, and, if he reiire* from the leadership, M naturi.ll>' follows thal he ohtained what he . araaard, e> aeaarthlng appro; Uing lt. The story fkail \fr. Parnell rai?ed his terms rests mainrj , upon the view of his nevvspaper. '?riiiti-.llr.--j land," whieh baa Jnst pnblished an aftlch-ahow haa that it Wlll be B**C8Bary lor the Iriah PfcrMa- ? OH-nt to control the militia, and aftttag f?'rth Dther elaJfoa v.-hieh wonld piaee the eountry ?m ihe aaaae level as the Atvatralian eolontee, even to the extent of Axing Ihe tariff. So Eogiwn stateBUinn dare listen 86 BOOh dag*nds, and the , penpV are woadering if. ln the detdw t., avenge . KS, on M, tnadst.,,.-. Mr .Parnell is ..nlv bAA v.-eitinsr what he well kti-.Ms ennno! Le ean Sed hi order ta destr.-y Mr. Gl^on* ..,.p? - : tuS aud powet of dealins wlth the Iriah q?ea- ^ tion in any shape. . ! 0. the other beM it is argned bat in the preJ-m, temper of many of his ?^*M Giadstone ean hardh- have gnne bey.nd the ? of Mr John Morley; that is to eay. hehaa prom* , it an emK.vor ta ,ive the Irish Farlmnien SkfS of Ihe pollt*. whieh shall be pure y ivU fort*. DOI iry as at IBBja^M he fnithei t?p that, ii within -;;-?'"",, inTperial Pr.riiuui.-nt haa not. aettkd <*J? Jstion, that gmbjeet shall be handed ow be Irish Parilainent, The present attitude of ? iiadBtone Beetio. W?M ^rdly wnjran ? ?eh aa these cneessiotiS and 1 bl tttfflta, Mieve in the fnec of Slt vt .Uiaiu Hartoui s Itrlg protest* ta his rhief. the.1 the Ubertd lea iet has done more than this. j There ia, in faet, aatae Btatpietoa thnt Mr. Parnell 1. aolng a bll al n, ike-Miev. that be b, pn,ttaaalng ta he antlBfled. ta order ta ? ?.?..J _; ri-treal. lt is well known Ihat, howerei twr Mr Oladsto.e-s feennaa may be toward hlnj, Im j,,,, never !,.? t?. la- tr.,te,I bv Ihe r h,; , -' ir, men on either alde of ibe Honee. Be tbia Z it tnay, the Btatetnenl that Mr. Ml b? b('etiKa?is1h.dl-y.;ialston,..,ii,:-r:in^.s.-.n - r.o smi.ll auxiety reapectlng tbe detalla to h. n vc led nextT!,.r,iiy,WiMr.?; ii,.i h. e sui-rendcred too tnueh. ln order to_earn ont Wa big Home Rnle acheme. rhe pnblle \m ta tke d.rk as to the tenna of ibe arrangeinent. II u gettleanent has been mad. that BaUaflea Mr iamSiTnlea. the latter haa .nddenly nbandoned JveShi of hla deaaanda, 11 la BW?tly feared ? -- 0,-e ol tho ffcrat leatttt- wUl be io aaoaa . . ^laintaaoratlon tn Mr. Oladatone'a own tauna. I 1e;n!,,>^r..i.l1yit,sare..yno,,,t,.naplc,si'l LTThe proapeet ol Mr. Parnell eonflniita? ta ' , V,etrSder, whoerei may be de iwe chlef. ,,l many ,-f 'the Koneonforvnl.1 1 i?*eraN w, 1 ?,t be .-.ntent. with tl-- aaere priraeiiee of Mr. PartelVa retirenvent, wblcb la reported ta b.n* teaplated andet this new aettleroent, lt waa rumored this moraing that aeventy ot Mr. Glad* M,,?.-s mpportera were wavering ia tlieii a legi ?joee beeaust Mr. PBrneira retlremenl la not ukeiy to i?? more than a Bnbterfuge. SL- vVilliam Hareourt'a atUtude towar 1 1 la ehtet is beeoanlng ao dlalrualfnl that hla eondnel in 1-arliament i> a aubjeel ol nightly Intereal to botta Eir*es of tbe Houae. Aeeordlng to preaenl proa ,-e.ts. Sir Williun is likelv to be 'I e iuec-?ss?i in the leii-lership. Be la not, bowever, held ln preat reapeel by the Iriah Metnbera. Strai it may areaa, theee raembera have aome eegai l for Mr. Dalfonr. They admire hla eounge, n?jt wHhatanding all theii Parilamentarj Breworks. Tii.'v eannol Ignoie hla Biicem and they realize tbat he is a atan ol mueh more haekbone than bw ,.'r.,ie-e -aora, Mr. Trevclyanand Mr Shaw-Ufevre, ,lM,-r? Mi Morley .Vato Sir Wllliam Harcourt, he has nevei been forgiven for bai blusterins at ta?ka on the Insh party; and Iriah Membera reallst aa eompletely as anylxidy, that among the Mhnle erowd of modern politiehna there are mme H ready to ehange oplniona for ii..' mke ol officc. Kevertbeleaa ht la Mr. OhMlatone'a tnoai powerfui h"i.el..uan. and he has made no "--nt ol hia Intenac annnvanc- that hia ehiel kepl up riegotiai.a with any of the Irish party, taatead ol "leavliu them to atew ... ti. ir nwn jnlee. A pretrv eotnedj is ta pioBreaa in the t^namona Mr. Jlorleya motlon for a vote of eeneuie' on the Irish policy hanga Bre, Iwcauae the fflad* gtoniana dedre to know the aature ol Mr Parnell s Bettlemeni before entering on debate ol Mr. Mor* lej i matiun. Dlaeiiaalon on tbe Tlthra blll la uaeecasarily prolonged. ta order ta throw dhv .-,-., al Mr. Morleys leeolutton aftei rnnm day. The next BBOSt importnnt Failii't.i.'ttt.rv inci dfit ol tho week haa tmen aaaociated witn >ir. Ol.daraOK'8 bUl fot relieving ^atholic. apr>ointe? |? t:,.- Lord Chanwllorahip oi Viec Royaltj ol Ir.?ndfTo_tteirwWouad_abiWiM Slr Joha Pope ttmuimr* ******* '" *_"! 2"," ,. ftaVot* Book eveyytklnB tital Impoaed ****?? ta .?, tn- Borerrifn waa witbdraw, ... Mr. 01?lala_e_ peraonal and "f"*^**;. ,M;, Gta_rU_e _?for* r*d tha tMd to htaartf, . ? it proved ii aomenlrJ ?"* " d*.7V', rnnn,etin?W^?t.K,ro,,Bt,1..t.?r,:.., ll A< a __ce of oratorieaJ declamatlon, and aa AS a pine j , , ? enf.treir.iT the njineiplea of eiru .,.,. Uberty, it waa one of tne nn i feBvend ln tl..' Honae of < omnwna. bal l waa neinere.i Gladaton*8 prevloufcly _ atran* eontra* la Mi - ? ^ ,,.,, axpj-aed vteira m hla ?? l?a"" ? apon VatifimiMn. ^W-wW^* or for dlaOUBBtaf, whnf kl -??>?'"> reparded aa 8 seutiinentnl t,,srrn,,rka..lest4.p-iurlv- he ??.!** ^ ItmtiHl l.y .'....M.ien.tions .,1 BO? BlWI . wonltl ,ne^,,.i iitmoyiii.e.' to t. - famta beyond tb<- Ifriiajlon l ? r ? ?" ? _b_hm' af bia deJlBUK* <ri? Mr. i ???? . _a_>k haa not i-een eoounentod view :.? "uriTiit, whuii naa u upot, _ any Of ?l.e UBrfon ?<??? ? ^JJ _;. (;iu,si.,e in, ^J^V?ll?J. tLar ba n*t ?nly wiahee to a ? ^ to the Vkajrarahy aad Sto Cb?bjb ? theLonlfhaiieeUorsliip..^' j;,"' ':': :;,?? ahip aaila Into port, bat, atoo. tbna _8_aai?th#lnal. peoplatBdtl be ta i? >'J . anil rarrii'M friend of thelr ooontiy than the crowneil RlBf " . .. ?a_____i_ hill. Sa Oovemment AWented Mr. ('': ,|s,o.'0r". , , but he<l Uineh eiuise lor i...Me..V- '1h*y *^ ?' leave the matter an op.- ?88fion. Jbej fe, n the f__ltU_ ol 88881) W*fl I B8BBW . Prot.8ta.nt aupporir-r* were BO ^* ** V_inH ahould Ih- reje.te. th?1 *?< ****< ?< ' ? ? to trent 11 a* a vote of OOTlBoetrOe. I '< 1 ' . Norfolk. an aetive (lovernniont aupporfr MI rl* eomplaine.! tbal Catholta dtiM lor ^ ^ _e,rif,,.,l to the noiay *********** ^' tl W-oto. and Dr. Joseph Parkcr. aa the mouth jiiece of the Noneonformists, has nitniii aasailed Mr. Gladatone for toaehlng this tborny Bubjeet, The Papal ilmee seems nt lnst to '.e getting further nipport in Ireland. Fnther Humpbreyi 1, .4 lieon 1 from Tipperary. Canon (ahill haa I)*en eondemned for boycotting. At anoth.-r Tip- I pernry ehiireh Fath.-r I'ower begged hla floeh not i<> niiii the town becnuae tbey dimcreed with tl.eir neighhors on polttlea, ar.d yet New Tipperary is !*radtially coint.' from bad to worep. The ?50, doo invested in thal plaoe hy t!,e NationaJ La_ffM is failing in its oh.ieet. Deeelve 1 and anirry he caiise of their ruinoiu aaenfloea, many tenanfe are uoinc ba<k t . th-ir old honie.i on anv teTOBB. It la his raaonalblllty for thfc dtaaater that has led Mr. O'hrien to disr^Biin) hla dcnnneiatlona of Mr. Parnell delhered in Ameriea, nnd endeavor lo eome to terms wim him, so as to BtreUR for the rafferlnf pntriots. At the present monient the eamiaigu oaesa. ia so enapty tbal several aperta employd to enfor^e tbe regulatteaa t.t Tipperary were ilismissed for want of vaues .Mr. Mradlaueh's funeral wns one of tl,e ijreatesl and most reini.iKul'le Ihat Engltahmen have so.'ii in many yeara. Three or fom irans lull of jvople travelled twenty milea froin London to attend lt. One of the asoki gratifying Incidenta broughl to liu-ht was the nnoatentotlona alalt of Mr. W. H. Smith to Mr. BradlaughaV. honae. On the morning uftet thc Commona readnded the Bradl-iugfa reaolution the Lradei oi the Houae to Mr. Bradkugh'a bumbie lodgingB, made Bympotbetlfl l_qniri_ and left ear I. AHhouith Mr. Bradlaugh had eeased t.. l>e tba leader of tbe yonnger genemtion <>f men of advanced opiniona, hnndreda wt-r.- presen! al his funeral. Mra. Ueaant, with whom he qnarreUed three years ago, when she adopted Soeialism and Theoaopby, haa gpoken ln aa blgh tenna ol Mr Bradlaugh as Mr. Henry Lobouober*. Al Ihe grave araa 0 wreath. tba laal token of a brotber*B love. This brotber Mim.'times le.'tnre.l in oppoaition to Mf Bradlaugh 011 rclici.tus .niestions, but the boatility ol ti.e two men was purely IntolloctuaL The ehar-te of cheating hiuuchT airains' a bar onet, to whieh I lcferred hal week, la rauMnn no little sensation The oulpril ia Sir W1II1..1.1 ?">r don Cummlng, r.nd the offenee t-"ok pbn-e ln tlie proBenee of the Prince of Walca and aome eigbl or 1-Ti otT,.-rs at e hoiise-party. 50 far bnch a- tbe laal Doncvatei raeea. Tbe atory ^oe- tbat wbeet the baronct waa detected, he waa rcquired to give a written promiae not to play any more on "". dition that tbe offenee ahould be eondoned aod that ii-be knowledge ahould not an beyond tbe eircle "f thoae present. M'hen the London Benao-n reorv-ned thia urinter tLe Incldent leaked oul ..nd the suhjeet is in evervbody'B mouth. The run.'.' of Wales is Itlamed lor fibl requiring Sir WiDiaru Gordon Cummlng to resi^if his eommiaalon in the army nnd wltiidraw from his oluba, and for bavlni oaed his infloeaiee to eoneeaJ an ofTeni-.' which ia growing to aa enorntoua depree in private houa - Unfortunately, the baronet'B written promiae a desiroyed and he is now taking legal proeeedlnga Birainst four or liv<- of hla trndueers. The play on this ocoaaion i? said to have been f"r araal] Buma. The eo!r_e:it.s of Mrwapaper erities on " Ivanhoe" hardly represent Uie views of the musical world. The iipera is beautiful ns n apeetarle. Its store j- melodloUB, r.'it it sufters from Inek of Btage aptitude and dramatio experienee an tbe parl of tl.e nt'tors: and bb a pieoe, lackfl whal Eiay be .1 dislinetness of eharaetcT. We are to have " Thernaidor" ln Knpland ln the orijjuial and Mr. ItVerbohm Tree is likelv to Kive us a tranalation at the Ilaymarket. Miss RotBjia 'hdti jk hu'ved j-eai f>""oesa ns Chriatina ln Ibaen'a "A r>,.ll'? Hoase." The managera are compettng for her Bervieasj, but ahe deelinea t<t entcr Into any arrangement until it ia deeided whetber or nut there ahall ba an lltsen seubon. ? -?? THE CLOSTNO OF BAIRD'S FACTOBT. His COVXBEti AKCi'INU Tir\T S1P. BA?DWIM \V VI.Kl.ll'S Af'T WAb NOT JUSTaflED PY TIII MODV8 AND AS AN A( r r.K BTATE. Sr. John'a, N. F.. Feb. 7 (Spacial ?In tbe Bu preme Courl to-day Ibe oaae ?>i Baird againal Mr Baldwin Walkei enme ap for nrpiiment on tlw questieo ol the Bn.tlcieney of the defrndant'a pleaa I'.e defenee, ln it? pl"a, adaritted the cloe_s 'tl Mr BainPa faetory, bul juatiued it :;,t under Ine modua vtvendi and as un ael "i State, -'ir Jamea 5. Winter argued f<>i Um plain tiii. taking the ground thnt, na toward a Britlah suhjet-t, ibere eanool be ao ael ?.( State; thal tbe piaiotlfl wt* ln t'u legal exerclac uf bia propertj and DUalneM, and no li v; warranted interferenee with his ri^hi ; tbal moh inU'rlerenoe was 0 i' hiai- t: u I'lii.'i ?!'* oi n navnl ollicer; t.Sat no law eonferrcd autboritj 011 Britiah naval uflleena over tbe |..".pie ol Newfoundland: t-.-.t the modui noi liljJinp bere wltbuul Impexial or eolonial IrKialation to niv.- it eilect, nnd that there was no 1 r??wii prerofjative In timt ol neace i.. ?iforce ;u. uirnngemetit as the mod .s Inal Hrltish auhiecta Sir William V.H itowny. the Premier, who defemda Sir Baldwin Walker, will teply to Sir Jamea Win ter. THE CHUilAN REVOLUTTON. EirOAGEMElfTB ON BEA AM) LAXD?REBEL BTJO , I ?"--.- . OK II DENI i. OF 'I HE OOVERXMENT -COMMERCE \T \ BTANDBTILL. Liiua, vla . ...lvi-s mi, i'.-ii. 7. The lateal paoaenger from Valparal i aa* thal llu e tncmbera ol the -.?? .ii.- and rii.ui.ii'-i "f Depuliea who an- nol lm prl-oi.rd an- in hldlng. Valparalao l.;i- been l lo. Ii .-nii-.i alaoa Januar] 16 i.y tbe Planro, Enealata ai i Ohlglna, whieh are a oijl Bve mlle* from shore. The rcvolutionlata bavo laaen ihe ateamen Itata, Amazonn aod Aconeagna, beionging to a Cliillan rompuny; tha crulaer Almtrante Lyneh, whlch arrived .. i froni Europe, and alao, it la beUeved, the tbtao, bj whlrH t ii \ pravktra ttaatselvea wlli ammaiiltlon, whlch Ifcej 1..1I. n? ? ??.? <l. On Jannary 10 Hi rev orallonlata Inteudcd to deatroj all the brldgt -,.ni'i of Valparalao, ln order to eai ofl lappllea <.f eoal and whoat. The wheat harvesl u pcrl hlng, Ihere berng nn aaaaa 'o work. Tt?- Dlptomatlc fi.rp" ...i-t ,-,i Baatlago t.. eonaWer Ihe ii!-''.1 ol blorkada bj the rcviilutlonlata. The mrm bera, eaeepl the Brltlah Mlnl ter, recognlaa anch rlght. Tke Hovernmenl bai eonfltfence ln thi 4-.--iilt i" Ing h. .' ? favor. lt ha men. Berana haa been talten by ihe r v niutioni-t-? The Uovernmeul aenl troopa, nnd i rommand "f folooel \v.....t. to retoke It. '? .. Vlloa theee troopa. rnet Ibe rrea of the Ohlglna, wl. . arere on ihore looklng for provlalona, bmI a amall en .un!? i- followed. "I. ti." mornlng ?<'. Jannary Hi Ihi Blanca I'.f.-.l on Forl .\t:<!' , In I'ulparalso. Th. returned the abota. The damage done i" ih> anown, On Janaarj 23 u ti--:.' .? urrcd In Taltal between ti.e regulara and the revolutlonlata, In a-hlrfa tha fortaer wore <i teated, t%e aian-of-war llaaarar taklng thelr part. The btoehadera of Iqulqne allowed only woroen to iin.ii. MaUa brought by tlie Plaarro were deMi red to li. M. B. 1 l!i'..-ii:.i. Iln- '..iviiii...-nl fo:/.it Iqulque numbera 1,000 man. lt i* axpectesl that tke] wUl aurrender on areoanl .<f 1j< u of provlalona. PI agua 1" Im the liHi.ils of tl." M. I", 806 tke BBC1. ?Ii.iiitinati Beardatone, anehored ??' llaagna, ?;.- Bred upon, tha bali ri.t'-.i"-' tfca vaaae) aear th*. wator-Ilne. Qulei aravalla al Arlca, althongh the revolnllonlata ara ? ,,.., -,i |o i.ui'i. aM 'i bj tha peopl ? Tbe (i ?vei foree there la eight) men. There are aev :. ateamrra ?i corooel. iinai.le to laave tha poat for waal .,f coal. Coounoree ls at a*tiii .\,44- braogkl bj tke barft Andree, <iat.->i JaBuary 88, staf -6avl ot. a jxtition ff.Mi tbe Valparalao'", thal porl waa opeaed la allow tke Balaklag of kiodlng and iiiiioadiug veoaela. whleh waa done wlth iVi.i ..ftv. the niaj..rit\ of tlie workmen bolng ocxipled on ihe"ti". Fraaaent lUnrUabea take placc jya. \alp ti-.. Ooverninenl haa eonflacated the Edwarda pniperty. Tbe newB ul the taklna ol QuUlota and Llmaehe la da otod At. attach .... falparaiao i -m-t... u.lly. lt ia reported that Coronol haa been i- mb Ti.Vuil- ar*- erowatod. Many newapaper men have beVn atTe*rted. A ntotttnB whlch ocrorrod ln one ol ?>.. han-a"ha on Janaary -'i ?raa qaaljed. _ Manj aol d , rs nr .i.-."i"K' ?>th thelr anna. rhe Woowimeiit . ,.L\ \ 1,,-in but the tawkera <ti<t not favor lt. ThmmS 61*53 emillratloii Uvm Valparalao, Tlio _?_era_a iHmihani-'i Tnleaaaaoo, bal di<i not taka tho lown. SPANISH REPUBLICANS ANGBY. STTLL ASSEBTING THAT SA1.M1.IMN WAS UNFAIHLY DEFEATfcD. THE TBOOP8 IN BARCELOB- Iir.i.D IN TJOBB UAKKACKS-Tlir. C11ABOE Of THE MOl NTI.H I.r.M.M'.MI'S. B_nelo_il i'"i>. 7.?The excitemen! eauaed bj tlie r.-eent eleetoral conteat, in whieh 'ln' Bepub- | li,ni Icader, SalmeTori, waa, i.r.ur.iiiiK to tbe Re? puitlieans, unfairly defeatcd by the Cmservative cmididate. Polg, haa not ahated. The troopa of the Marrisnn ,ir?' Uept in then barracka, and prep aratlona an- beinjj made to arad itrong retnforee Baeeta to thia eity anonld tbe atate or aflairs ctll for ;tri additional diaplay ..t forre. 'li,.. is' nf men iio! eonneeted with th- Ite puhlican party navi vl ?ed petltiona which have been forwanied t.. Medrid, aaking the Oovern ment io disun>s tlie ? i ii (?.,\,riit.r and otlier oih.iiils from oi'...'. in ronacquence oi the out ragcoua trratmenl by ti." mounted gendaraiea "f the orcwd that gathered on Wedrareday night to ttten'l iln* reii'pti.iii given t" Senor Salmnron. Thc een l.ii'iirs. it will i>.' rememhered, oharged Uie people who u. i, Uato ning to a apeech wrhii li wa* be ing deliverrd bi the Republiean leackr, Salmeron, aad, ttrln* righl tnd I. it. Ir-juretl ? large ti.itiiiH'r ol tiieiu. Htillett were . w fouml t<. have lliiti.-nc.l aioi.-in thc windun where Sal i..' ron wai apeakini;, nnd lns friends all'L-ed that the endai m< -? ..1 attempb I ' ? murder hlm. Ma.iiul. l ii.. ',.?'I'.i I.ii en: ' t.. .1..-, publiahea a diapatoh from Iktrrel ma, in whie.h its corre Bpondenl aaya that it the i are noi rhanged, :i seij,,'is eonlliel iKjtwrcn I f Conaervativea and the Rrptibli. ma ia ImmLnent. ATTAt IKIXG ENGLANP AND CANADA .\I'\\ F.H'MU.WI. IIOLDS I MI M TO III.AV. POB THK COLLAPSE OF ITS RECXPBOC1T1 BEGOTIATIOB8 WITH Tlll^ < OUXTBV. Reston. F-b. 7.-A dl?patrh to "The HeraM* froai Hallfax, n B? .1 ?: ?? The I iraan ol the Bewfoundhtnd Gorernmcnl, pub'l li'- a Berre allara mi Canada and Enatanri I . relatl n to the rolto|i?e ol the rerlprorlty negotlatlon between thal rctonj and the I'nlted Btate*. lt .-. - .. ln ity wa urrei between Mr. Blalne and Mr. Bo id. whlcl o i ?? the -,-i itnre ol tne BrlU h Mlnlah r. I ? I " :'"" ' contlnuea: ir m ma thal the m London. m.l ul Waaulns >n. Cnnadn i... iw im uei ? ? :? the Anv rii an . ? ?? ment, i with t ' - ? Mardonald md Sir ( rl rupi* r. who a the Domlnion lioiei nmi nl, liu ?' ' ' tli,- Imperial anthoritle.. Ihal n trraii inite.: rltati ? w. uld I t.. ii..- m?ci. ?- of i ? ? ' ' .:?'?' M>n1 la wlthheM. W. ' i.f ennlly or falr plnv l*n mlei - ilbtinn Juv,tl - lltnt ne moi-al rffeci nl llr H;.n- . t. ? tion ln rrfiiHlng IU ' lt will have ?' "' ' , ' ' . rally on the n ;? il i ioi foi ? . IJ : ? ? THE IBISH BITTATIOB. DabBa, Feb. 7. "Tl ? ?' ?'rTr,r ' aayi Ihal Ihe P ? ' of a nopefnl faelli i, are ?< yrl wlthout a llnal reanlt. il urttl .1 i ' ' ? rhe Inun ?' add ? ? refer to Mr. Parne I ? tinit hla retlrwnei l ahall he | i ,.- ; , .i..- -ui,.- paper. meanl it ? i I oananlttee rooaa of the Houae ?: < ':""1>'' ha moiiI.i ratlra froaa ihi kadaraWp on re. eartala Maaraacee. I* ?? on, -Th* Jo ? ,f V.? r?.l.. . I ? ' ,' r~ . |ff| t<. - itl h Uberal i l ...-., ?? Tfta McCaii "", A" ":i'' '""" meatlng, I ? ': ' ? ' ? ? ' ? ? - illy. I tho p> a- ?-. TIIE POPB \M> TEMPriBAI. AITMH I!.?. F<.b. T. rhe I'i" ' ? idj he ha ' ' ? ? I . , . - ? . '? , ?/ ? . ,i (ill llOII ,. ,i i , ? .' n i" ;- ' : ' r_e \ all i i ,? .. . . ii i A,, i, | -,- , ' . ? Kli - ii imberl aa to I ? i,| .... l ' ? a! the D , j. rhe I- . - haa i ?? ti, ? Catholli pap I ? ? ? ? ' ' ? the fall ? , ,.; ^^ , ,| .... ttl lT""l- wlU ? I-, |, ..'..;. ,, Ui the I il.- ' ' ?'? ' Dnring h r n vWt to Ihl rllj < ini I ili^rbert ? "i'- Kurtl ? ? ? the ,,-jn . -niatlve of f . i at l "... hui i.inu l |or ., , ; ;, ? .1 ai i a.' \ al I. in M. : ? i partj In Uie I ? ? h i .,( Depnlloa, ??? ille u tlie Val ? ., ui hla .??:'? , I,.- tiw ;.,.li.-v nf adhe , ? ? ?' . ? ilned PapaJ N'uin iu a' I IHE ll.'l N' M REPI'IlLIC AND 'IHI. VATU VN Pn |( Feb. 7. i be " Flgaro" rJ*ren11- pul I ' ed in Intei ? Bh tha Pope, In whl. h ni llol r ls al ifj-.,i to have advlaed tbe Freneh Fatboll. to ?..;.I ,',. i-...,ui I al itatemcnl a .. t ? >i ij iiftli allj deiiled.' hl ii.ip Prrppel. tbe well-known Clorlcal member of Ihe C'lia uber ol fk patlt . g lo ibmlt to tha C.,;?. i i . ? he -?" le ol the ' :? loward Ihe I ' ardln il l v. Ig 'He adi ? ? ? 1., ,NI), ,V'S TRADE IN JANl'ARY. London, !'? b. 7 i he return . ued bj tl." Board ,f -|-r;.,i.. ' . thal durl Ihe month ol Januars Ihe Importa Incn i ed C4.4itt.00o, and .' il tbe ? ,..., .?,..1.,.,i ...i .7'," ...... . a Ith i!. ? ,',? reai omllng month i. t year. i.KIF.VAM E ..!' THE l-li'l'.MMl I- AT PEKIN. I,,,,,,!.,. , i . ;.. 7. '.? : i ? ? tn dl'pati I '? i- relved I,,.-,. i. Pek1n,*tbe lm] - il (I ?? ? . m llug Budli n. e ,,, f,,, ...., iiiiiiit'i-.i bj tl." hnmlllal ,.... ,.-, .jiion pi. .i i- i ume. I n with u. h an ...:i ':? ?? _ __ ENliLAND INTITED TO TAKE I'AI.T IN THB FAIB l.,,:.,ii,;i. 11- . 7. I.' i-i Kullabnry hi. re.eb ? d, throtigh the t i Ited st ilea Logatlun, an oflli 1.1 lm Itutl i .,.,;? t':" I'l'.-I -tit ? .??? ?? . ? lt, f'-'.il'- tn.,' '?: Bl H, talu ln t nl". pi:' Iii Ihe W< rW ? I ... whli h i to be held ... i hl. '. .'i '??' ?-? ? *> ? BNOCKED "IT IN THE FIRST RfMTCD. 1... ,' . . p 7 B iher, th ? h impkxi pnall Ir. : i. and Um 0| th I-. !? i i i lub if ihi ''''? thla i - - i ?? C100 , ,i i ... , .,. i ni", In the ural rooiia. ? *> ? ZANZIRAR'H M I.i VN ." V1SIT 111 RLIN BorBn, i ? b. '? The .'. i . rfl ' annonnee U >' tbe M1l. h, oi /,-:/. II rtly vlalt UerBn. ? ? ? \ DENIAL FI."M THE JOIINKTOS LINE 1,..mi.hi. i ??).. 7.- The ofaelala ??! Ihe John ton l . iteaniahlpa publlah a ilenl-.i ..I Ihe aia tliai the> have ogreed l? taipl ?? o I] ..:...... i^ahorera. DYNAMITE ?"-<' >vi.HED IN A '. \- If n .-K. I..,.,] |,;,. 7. a tln bos rontalnlni dynamlte ara Al%l ?V( | ,| ? .i.-i ln iii- ga a-orha of tiii" ?. i, ,. ;:,|. - ? i thal the dj n imll ? waa ptn. ? ? where 11 r--'' ,,:'"1 '" ""orkmen who have rerentb ,,, . hargfd fi >m the ra ? ??; ., rhe poll ?? j n? nveailzatltig tln <?ti .-?? The rompany baa offered ,i rsward lor tba arreal of the rnlprtta. ? ? TF'.i l-.l.F. ON THI CANADIAN PACIF1C AVEBTED Mofltreal, Fi b. 7.- rhe .:-:? - itea who B iva ? Ihe tralnBaao of . , , ? .. , . , . . ihe roropaoj ' ?" . ! ;., ' B-itli \i-- Freauleul tahanghneaa) Md evorythlug hai I en atah U ly arra | I B1SIIOP LANOEV1N iUDblONS. Qoatee, Feb. 7.?Mona go ?? Uogevta, r-.-?=--i* "f tri,. ,i,.? ? m ol Btmoa kl, baa leelgi ed ata eaawBa, owtng t. Bl bealth. Monalguor Blaia, hW coailji.t*--, wffl probnijly am ? ecd liiiu. THESIOUX HAVE THEIR 8AY, W COXTEBEXCE WITH BECBETABT NOBLE. JOHN ORASS. AMF.RHAN BOBSB, TWO STIUKF. AM) 11UF.FS MAKF. SPKF.CHF.S- THK BECBETABT BHOW8 WHAT THE QOVBBB MI'.NT II AS DOWE fOB T1IF..M. WaaaiBgtoa, Fab. 7.-Tiie eonferenefl batwaan Boera. tary R ?? M ? ;.,. Rbxu [ndlan delegattoa waa began tarnlag al ihe laterior Department Thc geere ? I War and Hra. Prod # and Mis; Proetor arera preaenl aud aJao tne wlfe of Beeratarj Bobh and Mlaa HaJsted. >?j? Diincs. Mls, B?ta r*0Ote, Hlaa All.e I>t.-lier. aml rBbera pr-mlucnt 111 tl.e work for the lna__ 87888 lnterc-Ml apeetatora. riie eonfJerenoa waa opened by 86>eretarj Boale, who ^ii>i: -Tli* Beeratary la bere t<? teU yoa thal he baa kepl bia woed, bat, if there la anything more be i t i ao, thi ugh triendnhlp to* the Bloax, be la readj ? _ ;t. ii,, i- yonr bieod, and tba Oieal i rthet aaa toU him to be ).? Irlend." ii..- Beeietarj then aaked 11 the Indlani had made . i,i, ut ipeakera. li" added that, i' |ertlori*waa made, he would bear from John Oraaa, llollow ii,,in. Bear, American Horae, Two Btrlke. Ilurap and Yoang Man Afrald of iii- Hoteee. John 1.forward. tbs Bev. C. 8. CpoB, tho Eptaeopul .i IM..- Bldge, aeting a- lnt?rpreter. Oraa* al .,:.,.- began t,. apeak >.f the reeenl tronble aaxmg t ? indlana, Uie urlgln of whieh ba did nol know, Ti,.- i. ; . . i... ,:,!, did nol de Ire to be drlven bark ii iiiii a-lld llfe bal wlahed to ronaaU wltb Iba Pm di ?. ? i i ? daterai ne upon the tuture. "" t, ? ? .i acalnal tba praetlee of btamlng all Indlana for ?'. .- the fiiuit of a fcw. Tha. Indlana be ? r ihcy were aoneal in trylng to pat their rhIWi :. .i.i.. ?hools, and if they followed the leaen Hn ity, they v.,,..!ii be - Ing on tba rlghf rded th .- Importanl : thej al?o thouahl II dealmblB thal t1'" ?i be elvUiana rathai lhan miUtary. Th iy ? .,,.,,,- , f the pr- -"ni bj il 'in ln thia , ,, ,,. |U .,?.,,.( ng of hla own reaervatlon, thal !,....,. thn ,,? ii, ,i tr .uiii.- i. ai been pul 8c tlie Indian poU.?. They beUered In tne Indian i I ?-. and he waa reqncated to aah for an Inrreaae ??( ilftj men. Oraaa tlasn ahook nanda with Uu - etar and tooh hl eat. \, ,.;,,,,, Horae waa the next apeaker. Hc dla i.i., ?? : u ,: mad ? a grace ful prrfare lo hla remarka, refa ring ln rompllmentary i, ibe Beeretary and I t".nt. Ha : ii.,. Beeretary th iiRhl 11 waa good to eur lail the i.?'i of a man who had aomethlug to ?ay, -> have i ehai - to - u all Ih.' he ln i , ? . ?: ? i. on . ?? Bted . Uiugl oi'. and t|,? se . ? ,??. ?.; im thal he Iln ughl i. irl speet hea -,.,. ;..,f, bul '.?? dealred hlm to aay all he wlahed ,., .? i,,..; rai ll-n ?? aaid l ?l he i 11 ei deavored t . I-,.-, Ihe origln "' "'" 1:"'" ,""''1'1 '? :,vl 1!l '''" ^"""''' , found hlmaell In Wa?hlngton. He ik ol ; rtai.I thia rity ? ' ! i'.t I , of the nl ;?? -t pr .per. H ? pr. ? aa a hoatlle. ind the - ? retnry i |. Am n.i.i. II ? ,, . thal tl." Indlani al Plne Bldgn, th I ty. had been pul ba k , :,;il| i ial the li.iiii.- dealred to hare ii,,. . : . , made good. The itovernment, he -<t<i. ...,.; in ii.. , attempU to lead ? f n.Blrea at tha . indlana, whlte men erowded them oul ai d louk ? Whal l'.- people wanted ? rha ? ' . r - and BU 1 ' ' that were wlt theii h. He I . ind ?ald ...... . were trylng .;-.,? !,?!,; Hvea. and r ''' i" ... I.,- ibey did nol ;., ,, , ,mp ued to aaairy eartalii peraone. i gerretan lanalrad who t.a.i aoaabl to <"mpei _urlcaa Horae repUad thai awra ,,...,,.,, t.. para aa who ek>i l. B '""' .,.. . .... bniughtbaek, ibB Bgea< obllfed them to ael .ii. tbat 4 . , : .- laU dlatnrha '??? '* I : | , , !-: edy fo . - ??! . .. ? rty of l*w aad i ,,.,, ||e favored tbe re ? ' : II l dr. and tlie ? ' , , had -ll,', main fd. Ile ni'" Ihe bnal ??.. ? '?' V.., ? Mai ?rald aaid he ? ?:.. n< ' ?> Ij edu. He . bul ".'-.?' ' ???- '" Ul ? ' , , ,:: ,i fur. Thc ailv ..i i a li. bul hl u.-is vliroroii . II- ? -: '! '' ,! incre ,1'"1 '"' " ,r?,,,,,.. | ii ll- had made peare wlth ,,,., ., i| ? ? aruiat .. 'l now hnd . ? ..... i i . Th. , .' He callcd ??' ? ? bit-t thal .i .1' > beyenne I f..i- threc yeara and i ad i.?p. ?< '! ' '" thal I !..? ? ,i,t...i ih ,! 1|"1 rontlnned. H,. iiLilla. t- li wlth a 1 ud volee h .? ,,n,- : he bad alwuys I.n i ?? l1 " "? :' l1 ?:;i '."' . .,. i , [he dl ' belwetfii Uw . kne l( i.-?? and Ro ebud a i ? ? lh. Unc had ? hi ud mu. i. tnmble, i tid he boped M wouhl be removol. i .., ||, ii n'. II.nn, ?. Brule rrom Rn id ,. .,, nrrd iii'- il ??? " '. ?''?? ''' ':''' ? B .ii ded Knee. wanted I i rtght; ?i., . . ,. .| nol Ile Inld of -?.I hla pc-.plfl ,11) -. .led, ? i rhara- tcrlted tl..n ? . mi. I. Holloa ll.leiir then aaked thal tho*e !:" who ii.-.i l i pt-oi' ?:!> durinn th ' lote ti .ul le i ,hni -.-.l. and wenl I tto nnaw ;..l mall ?:- ln .ne tlon wlth ohl trratle . M ???? I ? ?'"?"' oa i. nl been ea, and he hoped they would -oon be bnllt. ?- ,. , ,,,.? Itull then talked through Interpretcr L'ook II ara evkte I tlial h?i alwi j I id h. rn. a-nx now ond ever w. nld be In pcrfert a I 441.1, ii; ? in.l .0 pollej ol the ?? iveniment. - .: ,.-. .\ .: : ? t: en p >ke to Ihe In llai ?. The Indii..-; not i- .ii-. ..mi . -. -I. Ile would be aup , |,?. . n !..- .,...-:? ?:.-.! to do v-ll. rhere. ,. . .., ,,i, to the i|ae tlon of ?Imt -"??? dae Uie h.i ui ;,.?i what b ,- .1 ia from the I wl h ,,, [M-aij ;,!, ni t. thli - ..: . frtendlj .aplrlt," aald I,.. -i ui-i. io tell tha 6loa? what tne lm ,i m? for them, and l al h to teU them fronri a l.k wrltun bj thelr Irbmd, MIm rlcteher, a- to wbal haa .1. I.,,- ti...... i |i t? 1884 H:- Wona have re reiviil .?r.:,.?..i..?H. from Ihe Oovcrnnetit. Tbe <>??'? nl nckiiiiwlcilgra it- tivali. nwi agt rmenta with - ? i - i. arheu tlila mouej l w.i- pala. lm i.i.-n iiiii.Ii more money pald, a ?< ord , , ' roUry tben iiuoted tatl Ura aa to the Isauca .i . rhe h. ol tha tlie Hiduii.-. wa. i,:ii i? -i, kept un al all ol th. | ?? ? '? and Indii ii.'.-il -ln .1- -... h ??? th. ? ml ; had al ; I...-H . ubIKI. b1 llcrre, and another achool ., ,| ... I, || iip al r'landreau. Fann11 < had l. en ,, ,??. ,||ii reiil Bgei le to ?h<?w Ihe Klnua buw . . fann the Iaa4 11' ' >.? '?'???.'- '', -""" ,.,:, o| the Indlana nl Uie i nlted Mate*, and iiiaii) ,;, . , ,. ;,. ?. ,|..? k-iflalatlon. The whlte people? al*o ? -, ,-. . ,?....-- lm) :.?? I "I. tho - :, nphllj aa ol. pablb btislntw?woaM per ?,lt. riie Leglalaliire hjd leted and rhe Klout aiaUd ..., ,.?. ...,.,.., ii- i.iii waa approved on .1 ...-..:..?> ,.. ,..,, | ... ,. , mere aerldeul thal ??>,.I had ,,'.'.,, , ? .. , imix uiiproprlal ou ImmeBlately after Ihe .,,-.? ??n-nt wlU.hral ' ??"?'?- . .,...,?_ ,,_ ln I,,i? lualon tbe -?. n i hv :H\'.-.I Uf IlMlaiie to over tha man) l ' '"']?"?"]'''\.\" .i.,., ? f.?- ihem ? to looh al Ihi proml*** n ade bi UeneeaMsSk aaid, to hava ronltdenea In what he aaai ,,-?,,.,:,. uJS VKPBBW WITB A UAVL. I....ii"v:ll-. Kv.. F-i.. rlaoard ye4iterday, Franl PoUey of the Bveraole ikte of the Frettch i'.v-r -,.i- i,,??,?,' waa klllal by hla anele. laea DavM on. ;., ||t.j 4 h . Ilved wlth Davldaoo, had raarrled dnrtng i u uncleN abaenca, and aaoved aome fumlture from the on L-4V..1 ..?>??" r tora. a q arrel ur e, aud J .. ,;:t!.,,rk,?;,..v..r, .:,-.?; ?' W(-M| "?,' ivV^ ? Ing iil-.i. Davtdaoa k ex-areutl caaroi na rwrj . twnty. _?>._ rBtBB-riom ix abka kba8 Mt?? ,;,?.... Arii.. f-i.. 7. -A bloody ffriae-flghl WU4 roaghi at Hot 6PrtoBi rml nlghl lor gvTttO a Ud. .tesunt. belng -Dan" Cookely. ol Waho. and Mo.aiiv. an'a-i. Tii.-y fotigbl aii rouada. and tha Bafct wiu glven to Cookely, who knoeked Morallr eompMety oat "Mlke" Lamlcr. of riUcago, brother of dongraaaaaaa Lawler, was n-feree. WERE TIIE CREW Al.L DROfTNEDt A STF.AMSHIP FOUND VBDEB WATBH OFF AB bfcXOM UGHT-1'ROnABLY THE SIMON HU.M..IS. u\not!ier steamslaip baa gone down at .Hea and there is B probablUty that all on board af ber have heen lost. Tlie steamship Sitnoii D.unois left thia port on Februnry 4 bound for _ataaaaa With | cargo af general merahanduw, Veateiday Branch Pilot Frank Kelly eame into port in Charge of tlie Caicutta ahip (ienesta aud reported that "(T Light he Bighted a aunken stcamsliip With three mnsts, stan.liuR in twemy ..I water. The rkaerrption giren by tbe pi!.,i aorreaponda with thal of the Bimoa Dumote. \,, ahipwreeked erewa from Bteamera have been broughl ln rcrcntiy to this pcrt, aad no ceporl ,,i reaoued Baiiora haa come from the Jemey coaat. Tberefore Ll La the Impreaston in ahipplng elreleB thal tbe loat steamer is the Si_OD Dumois aod tlia' ibe has gone down wtth all hnnda an board. gbe waa i amall ateamer aailing from Norway ln conunand ?f Captain Joaepb Karnts, aad ahe otrried a crew of Bxteen men. Tne agenta ln thia ciiy are II. Dumois A: Co. As slie aame ii,,m b tforwegian port to this ctty and aailed from bere with the mme crew, the namea of the'S of the crew are not BttOWB hy thc American agenta. Thc Simoti Dumois is of 14- tona hurden, painted rjrab, had three maata, nith wire rigging, and was built in England for Norwegiaa ownera, and was Vi.lue.l at 850,000. The hteapier is insured. The cargo she ci riicd waa ralued at $24,123, and waa I'ull.v insiicl. Thc agenta ol tbe ihip in thia nty ara bopeful that if tbe snnkea steamer aigbted hy ti.e Ueneatt la Indeed the Bfmon Du mttis aome ol her crew may have been aaved, cithcr I.y p.issiinr vesscls or hy rgaching ihe land in their own hoate. One theory tbal obtaina the "most oredence is that thc bteameralghted by the Qeneata wasauak by bavlng siruck :t thnr^_aated aehooner, whieh ior aome time has heen r<i>orte<i by ineoming ahipa irom Ihe S.nith ;;.< bcing iu tne exact lo i-alitv when- the sunken steamer was nyported to have heen aeen. When the L'nJted Statcs aloop of-war V.ntic waa recently ordered to Mow np the wrecka. ufl thc coast tl Xcw-Jersey, tbe order inven t.i ? ,-t:.!;? in hockwell rvatricteel him to tbe urmolition ui the wrecka ol the Vtacnya aad i V>rnelius '.Harj".i\e. l'i,e n.\ dr... ::i|>hic (Itliee had, however, aome time hefore thc V'antia sailci reported the exietenee of tl.e wreck ol the aehooner which .s now Buppoaed t., 1. ve gunk tbe Simon I), FATAL EXPL08I0N OF UlANl POWDER* IONITED UV A SPAP.IC PBOM A LAMT TWO MEB IXSTAHTLT KILLED ABTJ OJTE PATA-LT IttTBT. Wilkeebarre, Penn., Feb, 7 |Spe;ia1).?A terrillc rxploaion of gl mi powder oceurred to night in the l-houaa of~5!ount Lookout colliery al WTyo ming. A new ahaft la belng aunk. Four men, <% Kirk, Martin K me, Wiliiam Roaa and Luther Michacla, were ln the bead-houaa prepar Ing a blaBt. l.'.,ss waa emptying a keg of powder Into :i i 1'iiicl. and Mie.h.c.-, held hla ;a.,.p at whal he thoughl a aafe dUtam e, to f in iah Roaa light. \ s|, ra tr.,m ihe latnp gol Into tbe powder, and iu an inatant the men and the licad-houie wer; |yin? Into the alr. Kirk n id K ne were .,,-,.' [jed lievond recognitlon, nrnl Bom wa- fi I .iu ;., ,l Nlichaela w ia i ily Inj ired. C.VTHRIE FVLL DE "BOOMRRB." r/iN*i: BTBIKOBOF WAGOX8 DAILT BOIXIBG IBTO THE CHEBOKEE BTBIP Onlhrie, Oklahoma. Peb. ~ (Bpeelall U?g afrlnga wa I ?'?'?'?- their way Into lha Kar and F >x ....'I loaa n ? 't la ? -, will be npei ed bel ?? I - Oulhrte, tne ? ? . - - -? ia- .!>. with it g od wagun ,. ?i dlre. t to them. la full ol ??? omera.'' who ramp a ,? ,i ihei m tve eaatward. A grea! manj . -: . ? may . f. ? and with the old llme i itl nalaam Ih " , ruah and hurruh. A pirtj ' - i ,,\ i .? i ? I er t. and < mplaln of thc l ,, it , lalmn nnd erected 'lu? intlea whl. i? they h ive ?eleeted In ? . rder* from the Interlor Dcpartmenl are esp?rted ? - ihe Ir 'I-- atotloned al dlfl I ,. t to elear tl ?' ' - ' ?P< "'" ., d -? " ' - ? hcrv. aaid I ulaj aspeeted an order at any llme t. mareh for ind i ?--... '??"! ' Town .? tmpanlen ??? I I - m '?' ?'? bew ? . and th- npenlng of thea lai '- " lll I.,. th.a-ion Ior anotlier grand rush. itiithrle will I,.- iy the. ? lual- ? it A . - - i ;r. '?.,.- i" " l ihnnia, ... ? '.M eatra ' ???? ? ' \ wh ? '>-* .:i .,;.,,.,! ,,., the dlffei I .ta. .I j,,., ,;, are bel t made t? anpply the wanu . f i,anda ol Ini i dl . k ttlera. DEUOCBATIC UBBBEB8 IS <>rr< v. lahlngt >n. Peb. 7. The raucua f Demoerafi. memben ol the Hoti ? ealled for to ilgl I ai Ihe ?ug ol Mr. Hl.m.l. of Ml? ..ii. waa |.rlj ntlend -.1. only *Utj mo memben l r ' M >' ,:'?'?',| nf j,,.. .? .1. and Meavre. Illanchurd, >?( l wl i.,?..(, nnd Wllaon. ot VV. il '? Ir ? i. aeted aa aeere ,,.,),.. ii:.. silvee Mll waa ti.- -.?!.? ; ?ple of i-on-tder i ,i ?-. i Mverel reaolntlona had i.n ofl - ? i ?ud the folkrwl s reaobitlon, offered bj Mr. Ilk'bardaon, ol renne??ce1 waa nnanlmmaly .,.| iptod : I! ,|ved. rkat .t i Ihe .-::?- of ihH ??"??"? Ihe "i-i.,.-- sllver blll. whl. wn referi <1 by i ? ' ... ' , .i.ia.nt-.- on Cotiia-re. Wetghta :n ?' ?? ,u .ne nionih ag.. in-lug In oui ?P |l-n ??-? ,??,,,? piiblle meaann.. doervlnc due ihe lliiuV. we earoe-tl> rei|ii. ? ? ??? " '.;:,,. !,,,.. ...?.,. ?.,, roferred to n :? ..-t ll lo the llou e VV il I. .1-1 4J . n?. raucua then adjonrneil. There were a num er at -peechea made prlor ro Ihe adop ? n ot thla r wiu ,,?? M, willlama, ol IRlnol . '? i a reailullon . . tenor a- tho one adopted. [n :Vl:':,t:;,-:1;'V.';;,:ni,l';.lo-v;i !'i;..,i;i..".".':'.iif".-'r..iii.i?- ."-..-...I-?. u..""?"? wiii waa preaent._ ,jn: VBABOEB AOAtXtt WALTEB POTTEB Boaton Feb ~- Tba argnroenU In the caae of Walter ,,,,. ,. of'porter. Lovell 4 Co.. i^rged arlth embeaile ,?.,, by SUngtafl 6 Dlaney, of BalUmore. were heard ,,'i.v ' \t the eonclualon of the ergnmenta Jadga )',?;!,;;-,,.;,,vai hU dcclalon untU iVabrnary 8. the contebt r? bofth babota. ..,.,,,. g D Feb. 7.-1H th- i nlted Statea Be 1 ,,?;,..;, there waa only ona ballot lo-day. the ,.v...,4 -.-. -tl.. The raanll waa: atoody. 88! Mpb. .,-.- F.rapbcll.4l; M-hUi-. ?:-': MeUetto, 5; lark.0. 7.,' real The namber neeeaaarj >??>' ? "nolee la 87. The lalMng ofl In Melville'a vote ap .;.',,tlv indleatea thal the B pablleana 44:11 not glve ,',?', 2Sr M.i mpport, and that he wiu be dropaed. 1 "' V'.r.0,1,11, -a but m tor. I U -ai-1. he haa r1'',;^;,!,^1 -\ romor wa? ln rlrrnlatlon to* MI.I.F DBCCA'B 8FCCEB8 W aVBTOaT. ,'??' peb 7. rhe oaavratta fctivai aaatbt Hail thla aftarooon raroved a trtaoipk tor Miiv. , peb, 7. Tli.' ..p.Titi.- fe-tival nutlneo at 5K^^"?>L- ":;:m:;:::"!..::::r ,f ?ii,.i-t". Baa aang tlie "Qn" , Md tba -r-iii "f Hfuir ar ...?.,? re, .,u f .-? ? - . '1 numl er. h ? "??';':" ,.:.I'V,..- ntUnt. and the rnthnsuum . .,,? -. ..rp of "i.lo -l". ?*"? *??????? '?" -? ?han a.000 iwraona were pre.*?nt. !,;?,.,' ii,-,-. ,'- ilnidBg waa nmrked. IBOPTBB AT 8MMAT0B WABBBVBVB tBQVKAT st paul. Feb, 7. in ti..?:<t- to-day Mr. i> i ? i' reaolitUon for tho prlntlns ?' ? ',:' :i '"' the rhargea ot brlbery In relat >n I ? tbe electl n of Fnlted -t-.t.'" Scnator two yeara ago ragae ap I rartloa. lobn i?.\ Munii read a telegram from ^ator Waah. burn. a"iilng tor tbe adoptuni f tke rcvmuoii. aud it wa" aiiOUU-.l WitllOllt obioctiOU. TO AID HEBREW IMMIGRANT& A LARGE SUM DEVOTED TO THIS PURPOSE. BARON HIRSriI AVTHOHIZKS THE U8E OF 82,500,000 TO RSTAHI.ISH HEBIIKWS ON FAUM LANDS. Bnron Hirseh, the wealthy assoeiate of tha Pttaea of YVales, has telearnphe.1 Jcsse SelisTtnan, treasurer of the "Baron Hirseh Fund," t?at tn* trustees of the fund may draw upon him for $3,500,008), to he applied to thc relief of the Hebrew imniiecrants to this eoimtry. The inoomc of this nnioiint is to be dcvoted to the work of givfng them honies in sonie fertlle faruimK district of tlie country. Tlie nioney is to l>c used at tlie ili.Mretion of the Iteron Hirseh Fund trtislees, even if the demands are ao xreat aa to eompel a part of the prineipal to ba drawn upon. Ia this eaaa Baron Hlraah haa promised to make aood the amounts aeeded. 15a ron Ilirsm is letermined that the Hebrew p. nple shall not, if he Qan pievent if, l^oome a hurdeii to the clti/m.s ?f the I'nitcd States. During ihe last twclve inonths thc Baron haa fiirnished on an averajre ?10,000 a nionth, for the relief of Hebrewa in this country. Hia charity has not heen conilncd alone 88 hLs people in Ameriea, bal baa iw^n extendad to many other eountrks. Tiie rund is in ehnrjre of the exerutive eom mittee of the Raron Hirseh Fund. of which M. ._ Is.iac, of tfo, 118 Hroadway. is pnsident, A. S. Solomon eeeretary, and Jeaae Seiigmim treasurer. The offlce is ..t No. 4") Broadway. A Tril.une reportei ealled upon Jesae Seliirman yeaterday, who said: "Yea, it is true. I hava reoeived a letter from Baron Hirseh and he uuthorizes the trustees to draw upon tl.e prinei? pal ol ihe $2,500,000 in rase the intere?t in not eiioiiK'h to meet tlie needs of the*. BOOt fellows who eome over liere, an.l thc Baron will make good the amount, taken from the principal. We do not only give them the money they nced to st.ri afresh in this eoantry, but we huy faruni., and everything that is neeessary to put thera on their feet, so that they c_i make a K"oil and independent living. " The perseeutioB of thc .Tews in Russla reoently has driven out --f that country of these p-ople, many of whom hav,? come to our shures, and bave been aaalated by Baron Hirseh aad their coreligioniata here in establlehlng theimelves in eomfortabk bomea. For the laal twetvaj montha the trustees of the Ilirsch Fund have Ixvn expending 810,000 a month ln bnylng _i_aa_d llie neeessary took f.;r Earming, and in niar.y waya placlng tbeae po.nle wh.. eoma to this .Mtry ou iheir (_t and Biipplying thein with everything aeeaaaary for a good atad BawaraJ tndepcudenee aad proaperity. ?? \ aiiori time ago .. colony of R_aian .Te-ve waa estnbliahed in Jfew-Jeraey. The truateea ol thc Iliri-c'ii Fund purchaacd icmes and tarma for them, and ti.e. are rapldly becoming tadependenl an.l sclf-supporting. In Boditlon t.. tbe pecuaiary riaaiatance which they have received, they arn ;.,-ii g iiistrii.t.'d ln iln- institut,..ns ..f this country, prcuaratory t.( becoming inielllirem cltiaena. Thia polfcy is heing pumued wherever tbey are placed, i <.t only in the Weat, hut alao here m New-York Clty, at:.! tlie uiii'.iint of eaaerneaa and enthu -i ,.,'ii ahown by th*ae people aa thc bopa "f prosperitj and happineaa into their here t tfore hopeleafl lives rendera them apt pupue and encouragea their beaefactora to renewea effortfl luoking toward t':eir easvatioa." GENERAL MILES AND JEFFERBON DATtB a DEBTAti OF tiif. rifviv.r. th vt thk coxfud EBATB CniEP wvs ILIrTBEATED AT POBTBE88 MOVBOE. tiiicaco, Feb. 7.-iicnc:.4i Baiaan a. MUbb was \n ronmand ,,f r rtresa Uonroa, v.*.. wbaa JofTeraon Davla waa eonflned taera after hla eatBauw. ln her ?iv publUhed atory of hla Uaa, Mra. Davi* devotea , .. .,.??? ... h denunrtatloa .-f <;.aicr?i MBaa, .- that ine OeneraJ aougat aaaaB wara In whieh t,t lusall and annoy bia prla aer, aueh aa aaaeMng hlm with i ratal fctree. keei>in;r hlm in \ retuiln Infeated ,-.'-:i. wltbholdlnB Wa <?;..:!.??- aad Itoea, aad iiiaiona louvenira .-i loaa-even of hla balr arhea ha i,,?i it ,?i. General Mtlea, apeaMng of Ibase diarp-a (,, liaV. - .1 1 : ?-..f',, ar-.- ti.e womaa fcwla bftter toward bbb, bb ?,. probablj 8oea toward many more Bortbera aaa ,;?.,-.. and it i- io be oaly ? speetrd ih.t ake BbobM. l had cbaran of ber buaband for awblbs afler hla arrc t, lll(i i ap, ,. ? .ii- ran aever torgtva tbat. BrnBe , irina iwthlng at all for anythtag -iie may <???'? 88 wrlte. i would raU attentlon t.. tbe (ael thal Jefferaoa 1..,..:' manaaed (?? aarvlve nn- erual Breataaeat, nnd I-. .i twenti yeara aftcr i'. nnally dylag <>( oM aaa, That would haidly bave i.n tbe eaee, i thtak, U ba had been nibjerted to aaeb horrible abaaea. I waa ln ,. ?f tlie dUtrUH of Fortre* M Broe tor etgliteeB ?.i,.. Bt1d fo? Bwhlto Jefferaon Darh ?a? kcpt a ,?.,.,,,.;? there aftei hla arreat. rbew waa tha grareag klnd ol rharaa thal rouM 1*- preJerred Bgulnal any man i.ivf.iiv.1 aaalnai hlm. Tne Ooverniaenl bad paM ..., f.? uu laptuVe, Many of the rebela ii.ul not ,,.,.,?!,.,. .,, ..?.. pttxldenl Une ln had heen aat . ^1_ln.,1,,.. ,? lalnh there were reaaona eaaatgb '-'' t , ,.,.,. ?.,..i, ahould be kepl 'U'oii the 1-nier ..f rhe ;.:,.?;??,, !i,al i"- Bilehi no< e?ane. had no 1mm* a;,. . \m ? -~ With l.lill. bUl -ll' .i ?'' I M ! I '.'' ?_ Tll? , |, not a partlele f trnth li tha ? ,, v re. wi.v. tl..- fa.' la. .. l\\ never wa< ln T tt-:- t.-nn than when he waa ^n.ra>t, . ? ipsed before i.i, daatfe la I.-.,.mi ci ; !? ii.-,' of it." fH? PJri8 Win. COBTEBT. M,.i.,-, Men*., Feb. : (8peelal?.-AI an exaaabiadJai ,,?:-, -. . enaimM ner h re In-dav. the nuwager al the Wi-'cr.i rnii.i' Telegrapb r.impan.v prodaeed aeaie i ieftrams whlrh wlU be a ed Iti evhi nee in tbe DafbJ v,,;; ,.,,,, tae ...M.-i.'.t- ol the alleged arlB. " i .,, ,??-? U'learama la dated li k?nn. July 10, ad I 1 u, ii ii Trlinble, Keohuk. lowa, and algned b>- E<iwia puvla. n aay?: -Thlnga have rhanged bera. Wa i ma..| Artnnaaa." Vnotber one. avtaently aa anaaraj i. thi* |a from Trhnbl. to Brwln Davla. .1 ucd .taly .,, |, taya: "Araunaaa aU rlght." Brwln Dai a , ,i i,,i,n Davla. who aore been appolnteal admlnla trotors. iir- hrothera ol th" dead mUl.'ire. aad aro ^una to ,?-'.'. a-:. Um rallalty of t*e wUl wiu.ii , |,,,vcs everything to John, aod waleh Henry A. Basd ' ;l?,i Ma.;.. Camml 8* ara t ateattng. Tba ihaatf BJ the conteatanta which they wlB aiiempt ti. prova at thatrtalaatbal Mmbte. on tha racaiptof his tetta . ... ' ?,,? u, Hot Bprlnga. Ar*.. >a? J. C. gcoace, tha only I ijvi,,- witneaa to tba will. Bnd thaa aaal tba Mf> ' rram to Brwln Davla. Tn.? teleamma arara .^t w,,ile i.laealion of tbe edmlnlauutor waa BCM8 , the Buprema CouH laal luaimer and -thlaga aaj rhanged" la aapi.I to mea i laal ? i DavU kactlea ' i;,,,,,^,, U_ il'.l...... W?i Bolllfi a-aili-t tt.el.l BOd tt_t ,. ? ai'.l 1m' Ii,..--ill> tO r.'IV oll tli'" ???? " ?;,?",',. ol - ? riupreme ? url Ihla morning Iho eonle-tnnt. an- ?u*tal? d ln thelr obJecUon ta HbJ ? v apiMilm H by tl." ioa * rourt to tn > N rasa, .?S1!.?'.'''^_\':::,,*,:^V:.".!.;,i 3B_ r,.|?n.l Boberl <?? Ingerm-U, trne la aow bera aai ulreudj al work on ti. I '?'? ? frOVBD nv THi: OOTBBMOkX \li u'v Feb '?? The Oaweraaa? iia.- algned the law ln_oa_eed by 8aaator Saatea early ln tha -'-ioa ,?..,,..;,. um Ballol U'v b> laatartag tha \,:u..\4* m .,,., ?f aleetloB la towaa fr ? Bva bitBroa, and nrovldma that whara BOBBlnatloaa ?>! iva have aircidy i ..,, __a ihe .le.ii.'.i ahall taka ataaa an<i tiie pr* .Mlng eiel'.ion oaSi ahnU aaaai of the aaa ta ii.-t aa toapai lora. ..-? ao_?Ur TBLBBBArm WIRE. p,.i,e,' on.tcr BataatPi "f aaa ITeat TatnlbBaaata atatloa, aaa aarprlaad laal evenlng whaa ba bbw ,i..un gweeney t BO. 508 Kfeal liilrtv e'Khtli->:.. aaava?I upon one of tba ero* trcesofa takwrapb potea* inci ty-thlid-*t and Blghih-ave.. bnallj i,t work euttlng ??. ne* eoppar b i H ' i BbM Iv*!**" and Tetagrapb Oompany from tbe p ? rn tbe -'..t walh beloa ware tan men, who, vt.? , t:?.i- of ti.. -.- irea r Biened the iwanrnd, .,ti.-'.?iy .., them ui ?' the way. Tb y v.-.-r- aaeplng a nhnrp lookoul f.r tbe paUca, and wben they aaa tua oiii.ii' tbey ran away. K.'inv Brreatoi t>waaaayl wba Baafaaaad entire la aotaaoa aa to wbo hla eomaaatoaa. wara. Haaall he L.l heen told lo aat thc wlrcs and suppcsed tt waa aU ilaUt.