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LIFE IN LONDON. PARLIAMLNT AM) THK SEASON-BUMORED BBVOLUTION AS TO THE DINNEB HOUB. Weatminater, January 21. PnrMament, whieh mel on Thuraday, is engnged npon at. expertmenl watched with l<e<", Intereat by aU eoneerned with thc London aeaaon. Sioee a period dating bnek to tbe beginnlng of tbe century the aeaaiona ol the lhitish Parliamenl bave iipeuci iii Fehruary, uauaily in its iir_t week. Tha 'late of the prorogaUon has, nartlcularJy of l.itc yeara, been naore difflcuit to Bx. Then was a tiine, in.t mueh more than twenty .\cars back, wben Ibe llouae of Coaunoaa would n~ aoon bave thought oi eitting ou Sundaya as remalnlng ln seaaioa over the TvreKth of Auguat Ueual the prorogaUon 1 >k plaoe on the 5th <.r the sth, in good time for Feera aad Conunona to be on the moon t'ti-tlit and eurl.v oa the Twelfth. Mr. Olad ?tone broke through the apell ln hla flghtlng Parliament of 1818. He thoughl it waa more im portaal that the Iriah Chnroh bill, the Land UU. the Edneation bill, the Bnllol bU] aml otlier ttema in his eokmaal programme shoul'i i?e added to the Btotute book thaa thai Membera ahonld be grouae ahootlng punotnally on the Twtlfth. Wiicn. in 1874, -Mr. DtaraeH eaaaa into power, it waa aaaomed as a matter of eoarae that tbe oM order el thinga aroald be returned to, aad the Baeredaeaa of the Twelfth vindloated. So it was in tbe Bral Beaaioa el tha Diaraelian Parliament. Bul 111 tl.e following year tlie ilome Enle movomeat was born, obatraetlon waa crcated*. .Mr. l'urnell iukI tbe Immortal Joaeph (Jiiiis Biggar came t.> the front. an<l all I'.rli.iinent.iry traditlona were upeet. Theta were all-nighl aittinga, sittiti_s half b week long, sittinss nlnoat into Good Frlday, eertainly one sittinu Into the Qoiel Sabbath morning, and aa for the Twelfth ol AiiK'Ust. Mr. Biggar, with <>ne thamfa la the amhole of hla fhmoua Imitation atalalrln waiatoeai, while with the other hunl he rigaalled Ihe attention of the Spenker ias if he were hailing a bus, it uscd to lx- aaid . ahaerTed in his m<*t raaOOOO tones: " If honorahle gentle nien opposite couldn't do without pheasanis. they niiulit kd aml buy then. at the poulterersV lt araa, "f eoarae, gimme the honorahle gentleaaen were after OB the Twellih of AugtUt; bul Ml HL'irar, when l.lood was up. was not parttclar to .1 point like that. Since thc aeaalon of 1873 th,- preeiae dnte ?>f tie prorogatioBuhaa beoome increasingly ladeflnita, The '.'?;.Hi-t nppioin'ii to eertaloty wag that it waa likely to take plaoe nearer ihe 1.-1 of Sep ten.lcr than to the 1st of AttgUBb II tl." Oov ernmtnl of thal day were atrong nnd reaolute, tbey kept in "ihe boya" at WeatmiaBtei tlll they had c mplel 'd tiie.r Bppoinled task. ii they were 11. t atrong ti.ey blnatered a good deal, threal rned to sit un to ChriBtmaa, and after wacting ?? iveck or n fOrtl Ight, prorogueU la the third or foiitth week \ igual aftet withdrawing their piincip 1 bil'a '. hia is a Boandal proteab .1 .. ilnal year aftei yeai r-<? fael 1 ia be?i reealkd that tb.- whole arrangemenl ol ihe aeeaion is an in novation of oomparatively modern date. In the time of the Georgea Parliamenl was aoaunoned in Octobet <>r November, sat within hall ol I bbm, adjoaraed foi a l_d receae, gol to work i.a.n carly in January, und had WOUnd Up everv Ihiag in time to leave town in June, so enjoying ?the suinmer lime in tie coui.'iv. Now Parlia ment, niectinc in Fehruary, aweltem ln town throngh the Mimmer. Membera Anding opportunitj to make holniay at horuc only when suiumer ha.s waned. Laal session BOmethiBg Wil* ',0T10 *? remove t! la rtpi'cach. Sir George Treve'yan lubtnitted B r_0 lutioa reeon.tnendin^ thal a foller period "f the win'er BBearlha should he aatipned lor Parlia inentary work. leaviag the suinne. free ior happter pursuits. He was defeated on 11 dlvtotoa, bul the oiajority was BO i-uiall that a CoBMIvnttve Gov ernment whieh has alrea.iy happily diatiBg?ahed itself by revolutionizine tinic-honored Parlioraent nry procedurc _uddenly resoived to take this further atep. Arrantrcments were made whereby the new Beaaion opened on the S5_ of Novambor !a-r. made eonaiderabk ptogreaa with the Mlnia terinl programme, adjoarned over rhristmns, aad mct a.-ain on Thiirsday, intcmHng to prorogUC ubotit tlie uicldle ot July. So, icty waa 1 "' ojicnly .onsiilted ln this matter, ln,t aa it happened, it will la no wtae laterlere with ordinar.v arrai._euienis of the London ar l'erhaps if it did, tlie resalt n.h'ht have been otherwise. What is ealled the London BeaBon loftily iznores the Pariiaiiicntarv Beaaion; actually it i.s groatiy rnflneneed by it. As sonn aa Ftailameal mcets, whatever the month may be, then arta ln u porind of goelal featlvlty. Daiiag the Parll_ montary geaaion no well-appointed dlaner table waal "l Charing Croaa la oompleted withoul ?n e or two Membera ui Par___nt, the better kaowa in tbe newapaprm the better for boa! nnd h, In May nnd .lune. tbe very eprin? tide "I the London m aoni whea the eream of Soeiety lan guidly i^rnuis itself to be Btirred, there nre a good many dinner pirti's. where Membera of ParliameBt, qna Membera, nre regarded as noi iuitc tne Utiag. Bni thtar nre exoeptlone, an I ac irc*lj rnffl ? the d nalaatlni inlluenee ot Parllamei 1 apon tlio beat dinnera and the most attractive at-homea glven in Ihe London aeaaon. If Ihe new acheme had iiivulvc.l tne mttiag ol Parlli_enl exeluaively through tbe darker moiitlis, aaj teom mid-Ocl .bei le mid Apiii. thr.t woul.i bave be. a a arriooa bk>w to London Soeiety. As it is, Parliament, aittiny from mld-January to mM-Jnly, is ln eeaalon eoncur rently with thc whok nf the Lonfon aeaaon, and will be able to enjoy it and eontribnte t<? its en i".Mi,ei,t aa beretofore. With Goodwood week-, which uauaily "cians aboul the 15th ol July, London Soeiety takea unto Itoelf wlnga and II'" away, Formerly it has Irtl unhnppy tegial with their noae to lha grindatone aad the depreaa ini_ knowlel.e thtl thty wi!l not l>c icieas.1 foi anoth'T BBOath, BC per.Ktventi re two. Now, if the promiae of the aow Bi^mg*a?eai1 ia kept to tbe, l'l.rlianienl aud Soeiety will iim.-h lli" Bra ?on'a lat'ors at. the aame time. Bome time ul'o n paragraph woni Ihe round of tl.e papens announclng a beroie Intenttbn on the part of the Ptinee of Waka t" curb a grow ing disposition to dine Btle. The .normal dlnner liour here it, B o'dock: bat, umrc eapeolally la the ruali ol the Beeaam, then bl a tendency to drift nn toward 9. The Ilouse of (oninions is dintinctiy res|K)iiKibie for this. Membera biddea to the leas' ..nd Ooaalng in balf an boai laic are ahraya Baivileajed to piead the arganey of pubiic hiisinesB. A division hns been ealled alter half pant 7: diity ta their country and eoii?tiruenis, at whatevr persunal iiuonviiniene* to otherai, compelle,! them to remain tO take p.ut in it, and so they are late. When Ihla kind "1 thiBf bappena nlghl after aigbi peopk get tired of arrlving al tbe liour lor which they are BOked, aud :.s cveryhudy knows evcryhmly cv will Ik- lati", nolu.dy 111 time. Th" ovil l,..s, 111 fact, beoome ao InaTalned und recogniaed tbal people are not expeeted u> i)e ln time. Elgbl ,.'< lock uiciins a qoarter past, a quartei pamt hall paat, while bau-paal 8 praotioaily meana '.? o'eloek. Ln the ei'.oit t., deal with Ibia minoi crime boate wh<> really mean i" dine at > o'eloek iasue aa invitatioii for a quarter to. This Invarinbly leads ta at least peraoo Irjeonveoleotly tur_ag nn sliaip "ii the 'iUaiici'. llut tliat is .1 le.sser enl, iuK'ii with oompejativo eheerfulnem If tbe su?.\ iiie.11,1 thi.i ti.e Prinee of Walee lotended to sct back the London dinner bour to 7 or half-paal bc would aeem to bave undertaken a task thal arbald overeoaie evea ln*- tireleu enerav and the welght "f hi.s iwrsoiml infJuenoe, Eight <>'? i".'k. as dafiy experience ahowa, is ratl ei ciiiiy than late to suii tne general convenience. Tb_ is more eepeeiallj the oaa* when Parliament us sittnii', it belng Impoaaible I 1 jonclude a c tr rent debate so aa to take 1 divlaion liefore half b_8 7. whieh leavea little enougb ime ior Mem ?cs lo dre.-s aud ic/.air to thc iios;,ital,:c board. Bnt, aa a matter of laet, the Prinee nevei enter talned, or even talked. ol thc mawlon with which Le baa been i_redited. Hia tiisi acquaintance with it araa n.ado when be loiind ii gravely dlaeuaaed ln the dally and weekly papera. H. R. 11.. who eaa witn Impuaity take muffina will, hik .'i o'eloek tea, d'X'S not dine iihom before V o'eloek, the bour at which tl,,- Queep has dlBed for a period aa lar bnek as thc memorj ol BBM goetb. Wheu the I'rLneo Uincs out. other gueata ure aaked to meet hlm at half-paal 8. He arrlvea at a 'imirtcr to K, wit), n punctual'tv Lord llartington might well imitale and almoat imm, dtotely dlnner ia announced. Tlte dillicultv ahout dlnlna at 8. inoreaoed it tbe bour in baif-pasi. I! I* found in the _apoaaibility ol goina. to tbe theatre. Bul Ibe Prince ol Walca is a i frequentex >.f tbe theatre, nccomplit-hing hia viail ns other people do, i.y -linin- at an unui early liour. '?? ^ ? t*. THE BEAUTIFUL EMPRESS. thi: PBESBNTATias or i)i;r.i:T.\N!i:-. \ .-?;. I. .1 I' Ill'V SI, Notwtthstandlng the death two '!->- prcvioualy ..f tl.o -rebdaehea Karla-Antonia, the Empreas held her Coart Drawlng-room on Batnrdaj ppatponing tbe beglnnh | ? f Ibe offl. Ial i lor her j mng i deee nni 1 tn. I I?-wlng day, to avold any dlaapp-ntmenl to the ladlca 4.' - made preparatloni to be al tba Courl ii ?? . Theae preparatiotu were of an ? ? ? elaborata natore, for tbe occa lon araa one ol ? ,:.-.. ? Importaoce, h-unauefa ull a-oa tbe flrsl dr room wiii.h baa been beM by th. -mpresa for ? and there were no leai Ihan flfty -1 ? debatantoa anxlonaly awaitlag thelr nrcaeatatloo to their aeverelgn. The aapecl ol tbe Hail of Ceremonlea when tne Impeiial eortoga made IU entrance waa abaolulcly Irra ad In reperfa unlforma and <-?? dimoea were tne very plnb-the flno flenr ol Austrian and Hungarian artrtocraey. only thoae who .-otild abow tho propernnmbei ofnoblMary qnartet nntbrnlahed by any boargeola or plebetn ataln. ind meaalUanee on the parl ol aa anceator. even a couple of eontnrlea back, is ettoaldored aa aa_elen1 bere to render a woman. no BMtter bow MicM ber ranh 1 tiiie. anwortby <>- hatag roceivod at tbe attoaettobound Coart of vi.-i.r.:.. Ti.e aziatenee ol thla atrtd rale wiu, regard to aneeatry leada tba greal boneee of Ihe Aaatro-Haagai?o arlatoeraey to aaerel e ln their Mtriaoatal -Uaaee aad reatrid iheir cholce of partnera f?r life t<> the membera of thelr eet rhe , u M qaei ea i* thal Btaoaf aU tboae preaenl on Satnr iiay ai tho llofbarg were related to one another. calllng aaeh other by thelr C_rtotian namea. The dipl. eorpa Mad nol i--on Invraed, and c?sequently tne eompany waa Maaltod to tbe Impertal tomlly ?""l '? ?h0 greaf boaa. - of andcat noi.iiity. Tba m ignlB. enl hail %4a* liiillla.itlv lightod, aud ll..' WBlla BUd COnaOll v.'-.v de4*oratedwltbgronpaol hatbeiy pataas .wbita cameiua aod banka of viototo. The toog -lmaa between the wln gowa waa* aarroaaded arttb thirk wreatba of vl belotropea and pale yell n* mbaoaa Moeaoma, wlth here lMi tbeia a fragraal banch aftearreaea. Poatod _ tne adjolntng hail .and aatonfl were tbe tfangar_n no.14 ..u.-.rd*. wearing thelr _lva??nbroldered nnlforma. hlgh boota and aearfcl kalpaka, wtth a anowy beroo'a plnme; the Berter Oarde Bacadron, In dark greea caato. gold epautottea, whlte toatber breecbea, and long patenl leather boota, wtth sllver hebneta on thelr i._.d,: and ihe llodj Gaard of Arehere. Fonr liuiidred invitation* had been Mn! by Prinee Hohentohe. Ihe Grand Master ol the Coart. Courl TaaalloFeatetlea, 44-1... aebtoved notortoty the otber day : v refualng to reeelve al i.i* CaaUe oi Veahel Prince of wal.'s becaaae be waa accompai led I j I Hirach, wore Ihe aptendM vtokrl velvel dreaa ol a Hungarian magnato. II waa trinnned wlth prtcclea* ,i:,,i uterally eovered wlth Jewela. n?? aigrettc on hla kalpak, tae blM of bl. aword and the I pojden bell roti id hia wai 1 were all -parki with huge dtomonda, aapphlrei and ral . ? Dadeui waa reaptondenl In the purple vclvcl co of a r.i'.i*li noble; he alao wore Jewela ..f greal value. .;::,! the fronl of Mi* goM laeed coal ?-- u 1 ncnuted pearla ?nd emeralda. Many of th 1 men wore tbe I velvel and white aatlne unlform ol th- rol Order"; aa alao OM Arehdnke Wllhelnj. who la the grand ?aater of the order. The orebeatra wa* conducted a* uoaal Ly "Bddj Ptrat?a, who haa retumed from hl*. Ameriean lour. The maeetro, wearing tho red courl unlform wlth iword and derora??ia, looked Jnbllant al reanmlnj fnnctlons of "Hofkapebnelater." At B o'cloek doors at the npper end of the throne room were 11 open by two groomt of the Prlvy < hamber, th atrurh up Ihe Satlonal hymn, and the gi of tho reremonlea, Connl Kallnan Hnnyadi, w. th?? criin "'i and gold nnlfoioi ol 1 oavalry, with tbe Hungarian "Atllla" ol whlte cloth bordered Rnaalan aable hanglng by goM - from the loft -h.'.ii.i.-i. walked In backward, pr. eedlag tho lm.peria1 proeeaalon. Wlth hla Ivory wand the grand aaaater rt?ck the door repeetedly to u oonnoe 'he eoverelgna1 approacb. The proeeaalon came la the rollowlag order: Hr-t. fmpreaa Bllaabetfa with tho Duke oi Caaaberiand, then th.- Dacheaa <>! Cumberland with the Kmpei-or, tho wtdowed ClWWfl Prloeeaa Btephanle with Arebdake Karl-LndwIg, and tho ArehdacbeaB -arta Tl?reaa wtth Arrbdnke Ferdlnand d'Eate. Then caine all the other areh dukea, arehdaehe?ea, prtncea a:..i princ. Impeiial famlly, followed by Ibe tadiea and . men In walting. Every eye In the room waa tumed toward Empreaa -Urabeth, who looked more la 1 ? ral, lf poaelble. than ahe Ma* ever done before; n miiiii have believed h< r to 1 ? . v.-iv plain black crep. "'? ';" ,-.| v. ltl. |<rl and bordered wlth bta. k ma feather*. The. coraage waa abnoat blgh to the ll and aroand tiie neck wa-* a boa of blnrb man Tbe beautiful whlte arm1 were bare from the ahouM r, ?hare gaaae drapertoa arere taatened by Jel epanlet ? \ long ooori mantle ol btack crepe embroldcred alth jot, and lm.-.1 throughoul with btack marabonl I gracefu?y on tbe ground; and a dladem o! Jel from whlch ii long btoeh ganxe veil fell down I I of the btata1 gllttored ln her wonderfnl anbnra hnlr. Bhe wore no lewel and tbe aombre hne ol hei rar ruenta wa* rottaved only by tbe dlamond de. if tlie Sternlkreua attacbed t-i ber lefl aboolder, 11 1 by tbe myaterloua gleam of an enormou blark dlamond?aniqne In the world?whleh parkled al hei I ived banda tbe Bib pn - uried a , rtoleta Ued wlth bta k velvel ril Crown Prineeaa Btephanie waa alao in btack. Hei \.-i4.-r <iro-*, mt vci4 )-,4v, bad a atomacber of dla monda, and ln her b?nd ruria were three Bai band of dtaBMM?b. Tne btack velvel courl mantle wai embro?ared wtth aeed pearla and allver; and here and it 4ra iooped up wnh bunrhea <-f dli th,*:i"*. Tbe Duchess ol Cnmberland looked well in a dreaa of elotb-of-aliver witn vlolel velvel tralii, :?.- bali coverlng It. Bop. ol pearh were 1 , .. 1 | i balr, and be wore her famon coltar. whlch 1- rompoaed "i twelve rowa ol pearl a large oJmoal a* robln'a egga, and whlch ta111 down t> hei v. iKt. ArchUu. hess ?arta rh. ? aroro a pettleoal au<i U?n ol whlte velvel iraol li Venettan p itait A gi rtand ol real t--. began at tbe tofl an.m?ler, a-aa caagb! a little below the -l.-ii'i'-i wata1 b) a dlamond Beur-de-lya, f.-il gracefullj down !? tlie edge ol the aklrt, and thon g f tduall] wlder aurrounded Um traln wlth ,1 band of frngranl buds and blo * .in*, A 0,-, ,,| _rge 1 d H'-m <m- lj i . ompl. led thli ?: i Uil?U ?- Among th - 11 oine of ti.. pretticat ond richea| dreaaea were wore by Prl Valerie Wlndlahgraetz, whoae peach-colored dam0 '.. broeaded with j ansl. In theb* nntural coloi . wa greaitlj admired; <'o_ite - Boaenberg, who wai In .,;:,. rellow altti-cloth, embroidered wlth wreatha of buttercupi and ahaded popple : ?arkgrafln Pallarirlnl ,:. pearl-gray aatln beavtly wroaghl w iti. gold aod ativer ttu-e?<i*. th" eoui1 mantle .-d.-p.i with Kuaatan s.-ibi^ ?ui p'.4v.i-.vii wlth dta_lond and ruby di ,. ? Blea, and Counteaa Lariarh In aea-green velvel em ir-li.-tvd wlth cryatal and ateel beada, wearing tho i.storinl Larlach family jowol):. The beredltary Prlnoeoa Bebwaraenberg rarrled the palm wlth ber e_outaltely prettv and girllah drooB, whlciT waa like to tiu. real?ation ..f * poet'a .iroHn.. The pettleoal *>?? eoinposed of ..rtiuiplrJ ro-o jx-tals of 1 very dollcate .*ti:4Cie ol pltiM- Tne coraage >.f vatoncieni?a lace waa ilrnp'-d a la Oreejue and laatoned ou the BhouWera by rluater >.f Benpal ns**'. and tbe traln wm formed by *oft nin**.* of paleplnk crepe, ?-?il.-?-<i wlth 1 ? p.-tils an.l plnk iwanadowa, Tho Knipn-s*. as aoon as ahe entored the room, ad vanced to where all tbe todte1 preaenl were atanding and began to l?Ik gractoaal) t<> Ihcm In mr:.-. The Bmperor had walked np to the rowa of bowlna gentie ,,,..,, , ,. _.. 0 ,,1, ti?. otber ?-1 ai.- of the h .11 and ronveraed witk iii.-.u. ii- tben Jolned tbe _mpre - and ipokc i|.ut.j long with Prineeaa liobenlobe, Countew Bchon i.ii-ii ud many otliara. Al 0 o'cl ck th. _mpi lowhd by Conntoaa Ooeaa, ber grand mlatreea ..f tne rohea, ai <l bj Coonl K l1 -a. ber matl 1 ol ????.<? proceedi-d to the Bltlcrsaai, where the debutanb prosented tu her, 1 he . 1 remoi 4 .,-. ? 1. ? 1 headed by Ihe Bmperoi and r_npresa, repalred ... the rolrror-room, where toa wai aerved. A luperb butlel lm- 11.i' gueata wa* prcpared lu the 11. radura-rootn. The Imperial t?a-l : plato and Venetian glaa*. and wh* i-over .1 with ?> ?? <i ? and nolBette roaea, tralta of wl.ii-d f.:i over !!??? pale blne -uu and lace tabl cloth down tu the floor. \t ll o'ctock Ibeir Majestlea r tir.-l nnd hail an bnar later aii tbe gueata Mad left tbe Hofbarg. Din THE DOCTOB l.Al.S His FBBi From The (.r.-.-n Bl g. Defeadanl Now. doetbor, by vartuc ol your oath, dldn'l 1 aay: - or rure, doctor, i'll ki?<? you a gulneal" and dldn'l you aay: "K111 or cure, ril take It I" o.a-ior? Ynii dal: and l agreed to the bargain, and I 4vant the guln< a ..- rord Defendant Now, doetbor, by vartuc of your oath, anawer tius 1 ?? in.l you 1 ure my wli Doctor No: lm' .1 ad. Vo 1 knoa that Defendant Then. doetbor, i.y rartue "i yoar o.ib. aaoworti?1: ? Dtd you klll my ?....< l.oi tor No. abe dk 'i ol her llln. iw'fi-tidat.'t irriumphantly to bench 1 wor? hip, aea thi*. too in*ard hi-n t.-il our bargalti; tt was to kill or ran-. Iiv varliio ol M oath lic . ncitii'i, t. .'1 1. ? u.voe hla foul COURTESY OF THE TURK8. KINDLV AND DIONIF1ED WHEN KOT EM BXRBASSED BY INTRIOUES. Conatantinople, January 18. The generality ". European viaitora to Oaa - ? nople icari ihe Turk as hoimteaaly at odda with l. s envlronment. aad cxprfaaea thia opialoa, withoul toklBg the troubk to lower tbe volce. Ytt one i irelj epareotime foraoeial relationa wltb Turka withonl reallzihg thal when thia has been mid, nll haa noi been aaid. Both thelr oourteay ..i ,i tir conven - :> ,'''" ,:" foacination which leavea a permanenl impreaaionon the mind. ,i i irkey areamarl and eveTTbrilllant in c-uvc.s t.iii, tbe Armeniana are euave ln thelr ..,,., tu tlie ferge ol oheequlouBneaB; the full-hloodeU Mohammedan Turk la bland and affable, bul dlgnilled ln maaner and plctureaqne and ! roiia in colloquy. Von leave him ear. min <h.'t the enj. rmenl ol the Interview has ixvu mutual, and aure thal he ia too nearly of your own !i,.o, nnd hlood to be i mere bntl lor gllb eritb lam. \o i. i had the privilege of eon veraatlon with tlie Sulfan withoul bringing away some.i,ini; ol thia fcellng ns t" lns character, coupled with an aaaurance thal be lms a Bnn purpose mi wiee and kindly adminlaiiatlon. lt la the llne old Orienlal hoapltality whieh thuaaweet. ena all the kaser relationa of the Tnrkiah Govern mei.t with repreaentotlvea "( the foreign Powera, nd leada to atriking demonatratlona of frlend ship whenever the opportunlty ol making then is noi handieapped by polltlc eomplieationa. The frieudly feeling of Turkey for the Cnited Btatea baa '"'en manifeated frequently. and another Inatance ol ihe Surtan'a good-wlll waa afforded by bia atteniiona to Mr. Whltelaw Reld ;i few aeeha ago. The Sultan nenl st ifl offlcera t" oon d ot Mr. Reid t" tbe principal aighia oi the city, and opened to his inspectton the aneieal treaanry oi the hoarded jewela ol the llouae ..f Oaman, In thc low-vau'ted rOOB? "I tbe l'ul.i'e "I T"|) Kapou. He cauaed him i" be taken up Ihe Boaphorua in a -I'-.iu, lannch from thc Admirnlty, and uave a s. ite dmii' r mi h.s bonor al the Palaee el Vildis, Court carriagefl in aU their glory of pedigreed horara .md golden Imrness nnd datillng outrlden whirled through the atrceta "I Pera, lietweea crowda gaping on the aidewnlk, and earrled Mr. Reld and Mi llr - -i. with Ihe atafl of the l ? tion, t" tbe i-'si ln tbe " \hw\e ol IVi city." .\t the lable Mr. Reid waa plnced on Ihe right hand "i AIhI ..1 llamid, and nexl t,. blo plaeed the Gi -l Vixler, who la al home in ? lish, in acl as interpreter ior the man wliom Uie Sultan delightcd to bonor. As if Uiia was not enongh, ti." Sultan, after the dinner, i iri recalled the bearty ejenerositiea "( the old ? alipha ic. conferrlng upon Mrs. Reld the decoratlon "f the Bral clam ol the Ladlee' Order, whi Ut , ? ;.?!? oi Sbefakal >' om paaaion). Tbe williagneaa of the greal functlonariea ol Turkey to ahow rriendlincm lo foi tlona ? i he more i ln imapr, llj exhll Ite I ln ,!? illi ( with Europeana They . ut odda with e ch otlier, and intrig ie ia l ? li conatanl i ci ipation al tbe Porte. A atrikkng lllyatration nf thia fact ia ihe reornl Lutaki eaae, where apecial favoi . iown to Ruesia oul ol aheer good b imi r, by u tbe poliee ,,i i!,c city under l ? . lervanta ? f Ihe < mr l r the arreal ol po il .1 ?. s. So greal i- the Indlgn itlon t the atorv ia worth lelling. .\,,t long Rui u epiea in 1 ur ;??? rep ?rted ?? ihiliat, whom we will call lioret ?,ki. was eomlBg to i.ikc, in order to obi ln from , ..... . Prinee Miltun eertain papera eon Informntiun for tbe Nibilial exliea and presumably (or the < rar hlmarlf. Aboul the . .. ? ,a diacovered thal Prinee Miltun . i one t . Snphin I i viail Lutaki, an es Ruasian nfllcer in the euiphc ol the Bulgarian Irovernment. and it v..- ? lepected thal tl e obje. I ol tlu-. viail v. ,s to ha e Lutaki take the papera to Boretakl. I bia would apare the Nlhlllal the riaka ol a j. tn Conal intli ople. Ai onee the Ruaaian Ambaaav ra io work to eapture tl e trlo Boret? akl, the Nlhiliat; Prinee Miltun, who 1 id Bed t. Turkey aboul the time ol Ihe laal R laal in w ir and ;. ,,; I.-. ,,,?,?? : i.iiki-:. auliject, nud Lutaki, who . n -- . - ? i; I ri I tbe Czar, bul had .!?-, lnc .i : ? 1, e 1 counl ? ? . rnpl ire with Prinee Alex inder nl Batlenl ??:.? ... I-- i LuUkl ? , draertei from tbe II ? Ile ? .. ,:,..,- ,,: i ivlng tbe Bulsfarians ,.Hlcien1 . i l in repelllng tbe S, rvian atl ick, bj .... i ? ! rln '? Alex |;,|,-" Wben Ihe Pilncc ?? >?- kWn pped Lutaki io irrcated, bul e I He I to < i .. ?.: .- .? ... remained foi me ti -??- ? ipportv iroaell by t<- i hii \ few montlis ri ' ? : aerviee under thc ... ... _ a ci il i-ngli eer Thh tbe Ruaai in Uovei il Ire t i .;,,! handa upon him. Ruaaiana are nol icnov.nei . ' ' ? idurancc ol u i u . to moral principlea. The n i by which tbe Rumian Atnlwaaadoi furtbered plana may nol he 1 m -'.ar,,: a. rutinize I, I .,.? involved thu friendl: aulmiiflaion t" Mm ol tlie 1 ' '?' ' a of tlie 1 liatanee of I ..? I, p : ,,- Firal tlu i-' ?*" poiice v r, rme I ll l Prl .'. nnd was luld ' ? . i . ' ? . io hia .?,?,,,. ? . hla paper* mi Iii well bo hnnded over to 1. . ? ? ''I' waa ""' '|,':,;i with ror hia foi '" w " ?' ., wra .?. -re - 'iz d, bul be wa - I n, md thi . iei he il foi e.\ imin I "... inatead ol beini aurn n lered t" the Ru - \s ao. n .".- be ???? a oul >,f the way n tel< ... ,a ? nl from ibe I I i ? ' ? Lutaki in ? , to wbie.Ii ii.c aignaturc nl Miltun waa I in, i , t'oi ituntiuople on ' Im portanl buaine i liiitakl did nol underatand the ,.; | , ,, r?r Miil in had I'cii with him bm jayi before, .md he rcphcl thal he could nol ,.,.,,. Thia anawer waa delivcred ? the Rumian \:,,', mador, -'Hi.- h addreagi d lu Miltu.u. Another forged telcgrem, m< re urgent, waa mnl t,, Lutaki as from Prinee Miltun. and ahortly tlu- Rumian Bgenbi ln Sophiu were able i" leh> grupli thai Lutaki had lefl on a eertain traln for Coiurtantinople. When the traln arrived nt ('onatanttnople LuUkl was arreated by t.he Turkiah polb*, under ihe ordera of a member oi tlu- Sull m's Btnff, .md was ut onee hand.-.l ovel i,, ., band ol Rumlana in clvluan dreaa, who were wa 'i'1- on the platform. Them men gagged ;,,,,! iiandi iffed theii priaoner, and drugged him , , i |,i i ,.,i! h ,\ wharf, wliere a at, am la inch ? aa wuitinj ln l.ali an bour be waa on boanl "f :, Ruaaian abMimer drlvlng up tlw Itoapboi ru|| .;,.,-!, wid he i.s now ?? ifelj ? i| wl al Si Pcteraburg. Meanwhlle Boretski, Ihe third man ,lh WUon, tlie Ruasiun Amlataaadoi had ael lns i.,-;,,,. w n baati-ning to Conatantinople, ln ignor ... ,. ,| , ,. .,,.. ii o| Prin, c Miltun. Ile took the !,,,. utlon i" go through Roumania, and he took p.,.. yre from ?? tlati ' i Conatantinople upon an imer, Qn lns arriva] ln the Golden Horn, Boretaki atartcd lo gel Into a hoal to go \s be waa on the loweal itep of the ladder, jual atepping into tne boat, be :: n .- Rumian offlei ila and rurkisli pollcemei toward the ahip. He eoncluded ,. ,:,,i n.,i wiah to ." aahore Jual I ien, and nitubly clambered up tm- ladder. The poliee demanded tbe maa, b il I e Engliah eapl iln re : |be_ to tl.e Britiah Embaaay. Ruaaian pro i..i.ity ehorded with Turkiah protanltj us the ; oflicera withdrew The Ruaaian Amhaa poliee alike beael Sir Will lam Whlte for the aurrender "i Boretakl, bnl i liahmnn did nOl propoee to have ! ,i, m ll i ?'. ilr on hia bi mbt, Ue nol u_y . i, i, ,t he inii rinci all parli's t!...t aaj ai leuipl to board Uu1 ateamei would Iw reaiated i,\ | ,,,-,-. >,. ihe Englisli ateamer proceeded on it> way honieward wfth Boretaki on ' aale Tlie ".it. rv In the Europe in ii ? i i?l ihe Turh> for rewlering thia friemlly uld lo Ruaain evoked Uie anawer thal Ihe Capitulationa eomnel rurkey t" Burrender my fbn iguer who u, demande i by the oflieii.l? of liL> Govaa__mti Bat thu u* . r .-*: T'.o ii.-ii i..-.:'i..i n mi .,.'...??-. ?-? - - of Luteki. Prinee Milt-un lina been found li'" from pomplieity in the Armenian affair, an.l, with his papera. will la- relen ed ii - rfny or two. rnc wbolr gala rei..1 by the Ruar-in \mbaaea.lor thMugh hia greal acheme -! of poor I-,t-!.i. who is nelther Slhllial nor cnnaplrntor, hi t tvho mnal probably aufler much * ll he jverc one in or.ler to Ughten ihe panga of the tailure. THE 0 BS TR UCTI* K 11A T. A LOXDON THEATRE -PISODE From lM'i. M. -.e -The I'it during Pantomlme Tlme. Tbeijvart ur<An nverheatcd ttatron fto her Hnaband) Well. I iim.t L-iv,' 4...1 iiiiiiii room in ''?!'?-. i muat say. mui, uo done bettor Uian l cxpected, after nll I i i tliouchl my rlba waa gone nnee bul it waa on \ tl ? umbrella's. You pretl.nfortabla where you are, Oll. I'ntlKT ' Father . >li. I'u. rlghl cnough, I am. Jimmy (tliclr mn, a imall boy. wlth a plplnp vnic. ' if Father i*. It'a more nor whal i am. i ean ?other. I ran'1 ' .... li-, Mother- Lor* t.l''*s tbe boyl there alr. t notlien t? *.-.- 4... rou'll aee well enough when the turtlng goea up. (Curtaln rlse on openlng aeone.l look. Jimmy, ain't thal nico. now I aii the n hlmns da round, and real tli*- comln' oui ..f tbe poi wnico 1 opt lt-* aulte -:.:?? -and thcre'a a beauilldl falry Juat come i.a. dreaoed ao grand, loo I jimmy?1 can'i aee no _Iry?nor yel no hlnn. DOtbaO. .Jlo whlinpers.. lli* Mother lannoyedj 'Was Ihere ever iurh a ng irravatlng boy to tnke anywhercsl Sel qutot, ..... and ilon't tld^ct.'and at the hactln'l Jimmy?1 ti-n yer I can'l -'??? no hactln', Mother. it ain't my ?aii it'a tiu* ii.iv ln front o* me wlth tbe '.i Mother fpercelvlng the Juatlcc ol Mi* comptalnl Father, tl..- i... *n* he can'l aee where he '?? '. .rn*.' of 1.\ ?-? bai in front. Father -Well, 1 can'l 'clp tbe at. ean 11 Ile iuu*t pal up wlth lt, that'a all: Mother-.\n--hut i thonght, lf vou wouldn'l mind clia.iiirit.if placea with hlm you'ra tatler tinm hlm. and it 44.,uiiin't be in your way 'art *>? much. Patber It'a alonaya tbe wa. with you?never wtl Ded, 4i.ii ain't: Well, pa * ti?1 boy acroaa I'tn f.u ??' .|.iiot life, I am. 'Changlug *o:ii..i Will tld* do lor you ' ..ile aettlea down Immedlately behlnd a vor4 hu-i .-.?ni farrf and feathery liat, whlch he dudgca tor tlme, witii tbe p--uit "f obtelning ai.aaloiiaI gbmpae of a pair ..f lega on tl 1 ithei i--i.i.i.-i !? i. ;..- ,ii : M dhei \ -a 1 ..-it ?? 1 dei .1 tl ? boj n ' -? frapa the tady wouldn'l mind taklng lt off. -f you .. - ii- ? 1 her. Father?Ahl (Ile loucbea The Owner <>i tbe Hai .ulder.) r.-..I-- me, mura, bul mlglil 1 Ihe Ubert) "f aaking yon to kindly remove voui . rhe tiwner ol r e liat d. lei 11.1 replj 1 I'ather more ln 1 ilentl* ? ? :.i ? ou 'ave any m ? bj laklnit i.ff y. ur 'at, mum 1 :'---ilt 1 1 1! m'1 ki '?? f ' "'i '" 1: l me. but I'vn ii-rr.i . ni ut;, 11. i,4 ; 1 , tnlii' tli.i ol 4i.:.i-s irtf. im a-ptoying at ?>e and belnd !t 'ere! tXa 1'!,.. M ihet- Pa ple dldn'l oughl to b. tlie p|| wlth aerl; ,r 1 .-',n' 'er?elf a jady nnd ..?ttiii' there In a greal 'al and feathera like 1 'I ? . and nevi ?itfed 1 ather fto th.* Hnaband of The < ?v ? r of the 11 tl Will 4.1.1 t>-ll your good la.iv to take her 'al "tr. ?lr. r.? of the liat fto her husl D l vou 1 ?? .- ? f t' .- -ot 1. - 1:?'. ? ?: ? "?? -f it : The M.t.'i'T * me people are perllte 1 mnal ... mlgbl i.v.i.i- :.* l.idi.'* w her- tlirv . me Into It'a a ] lty M" r 'u ban 1 1 an'l toa. lt hi. bett. r ? ? ' ? Father 'lm toaeh in-r: 'E knowa i????? I . 1 1 irtar there, '< ' 1 1 he Ow :...-r nf tlie 11 il -.?:.. ? ' ller lluahand fi I l I'H ..... m\ a-lfe'a ' it. alr. It'a pnfl ? le to llst. 1 .Ing 1.; the te, with a ... wl. ? I- t. whal ,..i nn 1 ? ? - I ln front! pald 'ai lernilme, i ?! ri . - t in ' ive . 4.. 4v nf v nn wife'a 'a. ' . . . 'Ere. Maria l.low.'d lf I . , I thi* f long. ind lf he can'l .ii ; Jli "i-. i tiu .ferred tu lu ? r.. 1. .1 pl 1. e, and iip-m t:. -it. 1 \ 1 ?? ? 1. .1 fimmy itonehlna np Jlmmv'* tatii.r wlth an umhrtvllai- Wlll 4.m t.-n your llttl. do i ?, pl. . a. ?nd nol bloek Ihe view like Un* ' ?a ?* j ather lf you 1 ' ??? ?? Ih il lad. ln fronl to take ?" her 'at, I * 11 bnl nol before. i*to* w!K*re yoa are. Jlmmv. mv '? v. Tke Pttllto behlnd Well, 1 mual Hand mvaelf. then thaf* nii. 1 mean bn aee, aimahowl ille rlaea.1 paopie i^Miid han ?-1 *in* Bei down ll. wlll vit ' Ml.' reaumea his aeal, --M1 itnlaMng Jlmmv?Fatha r, ihe ge ilnd 1. a pl ,.f my i-.--: Jlm Wlll '"ii ' j. plnrhli . ? 1, . !??.- ? ||i -l .'... ? .- '.'-i ? ' I'" .... | ?-.- ? I ? l.-I Ui" 1 ni- lt ofl M11- ? ? ' ' I'" ?-*..'..,.. |.. > - | ,;i '.? ? 1 !'.-? . ? III ? ! t ? !i. .:.,-.' 1 | i| , .1 1 ' 1 . n. of the 11 Wh .t 1 .a ' r?i ?> .1 er a tli.- '.it: lAn Atu ' ''-.:'? . . ? ? ? '?,'? ? . . , - -...., h- dUturblng the ; ? 'ere, you Iftio'A : ? , . r-.lll .ll? ,1 ,, mlnl, my boj l ave The 1 alher Mt. I never tl- utrht .-' 'I. .t V'cr Ukelj ' ' rtthoui M',.!..-r \ii. v.-:i I ' bu 'ord ' n ' "'1. .? .-. . f ihe 11 ' ' ' i'" rnu're '111 ? ? ... mum, and we lake I ' ind ol j u , 11 .,- f? ?. 1 ditnno: f 1 v'ti - rl .,t you .11 I : tho II. : man bemnd II I 1 . ? ihe pantomlme pi furthcr >il ituri -; iv EXrtSE 'l.-I'. ? ? ! rhe itev. Samu I ' : ?" ? '?l -t. Pa il. ls l M 4 ' A. ?nl4 fnr pulpH ni ' " '' ""''' l,..1- 1.1 a worth n pb'ty. H" ,'-/'? ,..i oi i'i- pu ? ?? hand In 1 .,. ti?- lawa. II.- 1* hl ".,1b ,',- and a ? ?"'??"? !v enaltlve ln rn ll :l..\ ?,?,? hlm He 1* fherefore ever .-ti tu rlr tln -I f '.?,!.. Ume ..?'? ? ? ' ...- I.,-. Kmltb happened iu upon hlm mte al - iMdtng a boj "f iv 1- yeara bj ih 4;;- ? ?? iv. I wani you to have 1 ,.,.j,. | ,i nn d ? rn hei.n Fonrth -1 . ar ? ive thla l,..\ :i drtnk." ??\V.-ll' -ili-'in'" waa t'n- Bral rharaetorlatlo utter ..,,.f Mr Murrav. 4 ? teh 01 '...., ,,< the M.-i.t .' 'i 1 ' ' ??'' .f the Itand ovei ..?. I..'.,.! and face. -Whal tlme were you In thal .1,1...:, lad "' quliaed Ihe att. rney.. ? .i.. ? I?? oui a mlnnll ago, replied tiu doj ""?'iiiim': yca, yeai i'"" -Hd you eome to ga in . - Pon' bnow. Jeal happened to." - liuve VOU B dritik. .I..I tli"v '" \in'|lVlie boy ertped Ma Boae wlth an aporTard *trohe (j um palm ol hla hand, while Dr. Bmlth looked on Srttli an eapreaalon ol -?.ti.fii<tio... Mr. Mnrray -,-,V.-b?*d MU h?ad ? ininate and pr.H-i-.-ii'ft. ?? \hein- well; what dld they trlv.- you to iirmli. ? 1 ln--: of vit'r'' ra-plleil t h? V.'i.H. .al -|v. '- whv iinin't you t.-M me Uml I" ahouted tbe dlvine, .iii-niiiiT v--' nii in tlie f.u-.'. ??\,7,i .lain'i aah me, Ir." retnrned the youth, demurely.__^_, THE 8LAVQBXEB IT WOUBDBD BBBB. Fn.m Tho f'hll ago N.-w*. \n (ifrlccr nccompanylng0.1 l Mlle 'a party. whlch nnived l-.-. evenl. - Ihe *< :? ona repuri nmrernlng the blundcr maile ... th 1 W mnilcd K .. ?.?.. "Then. I* 110 dl p.ill l Ihe fart tha lor ,,f aa.ldler nl Woiind d 1 ? pn I ..l to tbe iv. kl---* tiniik' ol thelr c.ude .' aald "'? iii,. troopa were nol antirlpall t anj Blht ,-on-'-.|i. -nt!4 they were no! prepared lor It. Thrlr Doaitlon wa- aucn thal mauy ol the ravalrj ho 44,-ir Mv tbe ili-<- nf Uae .1 two rompanlea of the troopa fli-d for aome hundreda of 4 tni* t" i--.a|>.' Ihe extreme il inger |hev w. re ln from ? he flring .-f thelr comrad ?-. 11 N h 'Uevod In fart. ,i cam ..t i"- doubted tli il ome of Ihe 1 1 111 I ti?. ,,,,.. ?. ulted from tho unfortunate arrangemenl of IM" for.-.---" _ Tlirougli Ihe tlenry lloura of amny a algM amda doaUy long bj Ita protraeted aajaay, ,!,,, ri. .,- ? ? - aad fr.i nu iii* il. .-oui-ii. 4iii.ii. prartag for tbat real wh?b only ...n..'* by nt. and atarta. 111* matody 1- bm whleh ord?ary medi. rinea u.o oft.ji f.u to relleve, bat Ihara la ample ev?. 1 ?ot tba >-ni. leat N.I 8.11 1 -'. Q m l( D ,- . tt.-- riii-.ii..:.ti - * rellabla b?ana .-i . ? ?? i,rf, 1 .,... n tha ?? r? 1 j?!\- i? it* imipirai atogea, when ?e nr*t nremeollary larlngei eeoae oa, wtak 11 : j. .ir- ..r t rtare. Whalever _Uo , nf I ictlva influ. n .- ol the Bltl ra apoa thla ,:n ii 1* thal ii,. rvldeo. ?? roloUm ut aaore itirn-t ai.J paoltlva than tbat whleh . ai-ti".. la eaaea of rbeamatlan Like .1 -i rllne remodl -. ... II d"a. r4 a n |' t-.|. ?4?t.-n..ll tri.l. und ,-,.,: i,. aboadooed beeauae . at oace reaardlaL lt 1* ei|.iaiiy ciiii*4iou? in dyapepala, indigeatio.. an.l kladrod FOR THE HONOR OFJAPAN. PLAIN WOBDS FBOM A BLACK-HAIRED PATRIOT. To the E'litor "f Tlie TrlbunO Sir- I have read la the Trlbune ol thc nth W an artlcle with the tit? -Whibj Wivea m the Eaat." May I he pardoned to aak your tavrot t? do ?s the luatloo of printing tbeae lines in yonr paper aa the anawer to the former, aa its eontenta are ao thorny Ihal it prieka our Beah rlghl deeply. and that lt calla oul a watcb-dog to bark at the Btrange eonduct <.f ihe author. Tbe whole narratlve la Indeed exqakdtely drawn and well caleulated to arouae the ciriosity and atrlkc a dread Int - tbe beart "f thia people. lt tbe author took us ror four-pawed animnls be eould nol huve done worae. To aay t:...t auch a t!|.. ;,t- is en'ilelv al'sclit trO_ OttT community, nol even the aynonymoaa word f'?r it iu our language, or we have no better regardB for women than for brutea, or a wlfe haa to ernwl on lours when ahe wantfl to approaeh her buahnnd, or a wlfe ii nol nllowed to eal aith ber bushand! Why, U la almply monatroua and in Ioub. If la an abomlnatlon. Who wonld ,... - i I.v hellcve l - itiong nnleaa 1 e f ?? i horbaroiu not tona Uke the fanatlca of tbe Middle Agea, who glorled ln tylng their brethren to a atake and burn them with good cheer? During my long Btay here T have neaer rei mel with aecis.itions so terrlble aa theaa. If the author is a worthy man nnd etoeeraly bopea io prevenl the daughtera of thia natlon from en terlng Into marrUge with the people whoee man iie.s and hablta ao vaatly dlffer, he mlghl have found other meana lhan Infamously aocualng us with unparallrled malignlty. Altliough there is ;i good deal ol truth underlying the whole , t. c. yet its power and nniination is nd so niucl, derivcd from the reallty as rroa Invantive geolaa und skill ol pen. There are alwaya two rldea of reatarea, whieh helong t" ail thinga, vi/., the flrood and the evil. If we deplnl and ennnjerate only the evil aide of ,i man we ean Buceeed lo repreaent hlm ns a blaek vlllnln, no rantter bow fcrulj ^ and good he be. So I 'iv there nre alse two sides thal Invariably - to each t. itinre II the author. whoag ? iiesiioii, had as i.',,od knowledge of thd devastating evila of his ov,n co inti i ' c ': 'i 'i il??" n 1 e wo ild pul ? r tlie top of i ? ? ormera le ? ! >ne. |i ? .. . i tl t i " ' nity keepa olY from hia conntr; t.,- Innum, - hk ???-11 detects ln Japon. If it j. tmly " la the qui ilion" To my eye : inity nppc tra like ? ? trooa ahelh r, i ,- ,'- and ??. riiea take refuge, thai even kd Biahi.p l'. I> lluntinglon to ao knowlclge Its rorrupti n - the over ?'. ii r ?'. |, iilflci " \ow lel from my ramhle to my : . rts the ex rati'd esl tion ol Dioral - tl, i .1 i thia nol from ? nded pride, noi from ^?' deslre g] oul i nol he pre 'ented thua rera h i1 from I ?? rreet the I ? ,'y the ti ? condition As I , the clt istity he apoke of, I Uke to noi . flrsi phtce ? tlie people keep ? ?. aeven yeai i' Btay ln tl ia eoun ?, , i ' ivc i pard of more run partli ? 'R in tl .? lurrli, or wlvi I m< a li wltb I, rio is men while theii work downtown, thai I li -?.' er lu ir ! of '?r come in ontaet wltb ln ..11 my Ufe before: and, i,,iii,l y, u. the all profcm to !??? the beal Chriati - nnder tbe horlzon. An I 1 ne claaa of , ; . stiana, who are ln Japan, ti,c Americnna aa well m 1 .. peans, Inatead of elevattng tlie mind ,i the natlon, Infamoualy ereated naw depravlty in our land. N'oe? let me.apeak our i . our people is m ire Bti I kepi th >n < e. Tbla bi tlie reaaon - even before !"? e. re i the free - . re tra ted : ta, who Inveatit. ire the naturrs ar.d tlie cl ' ' the s aaltal ctory i ? - . i ?nta, tlie i ' ?i?. i tbe fri, , . he ??.???. i ? . v. ?l nde or wivea i-> l >pe i min I of j people, , >. : iiy riie marriage eeremonj .-??.? moal that are M.l i-i ii e I, Tf it^ 'iii up ihowet I . i . - eatricted . ? item Bul i'.i the ? ? ? . ell c- thal ? i ? ,'.?-. ol '? ie had blown ofl . I aiibatil ute I ll with tbe ? I'i,; ? , ..-,-? .',?: i eon !." - ' ' Klt V I I i\c . : ? , ? ? . : ?. o'ii'mi ??:?. uiucb reaet > 1 men ? I t!,..' i Um | !,..\c \c lieard an.\ one ? t the i ,c: in ma || ,. ! .,c. w Ull :: 1: I. ?' me ih.iii deu.i tlial tl ere la ti" i ? ?? mil ol anj of "ur women i" er wl on aU foura to ap? proaeh their htisbaiulB, nor are they del iched fr im 11.,- pleoaiirc ol ahariny tlie ^.ui" meali oul nl the sanie platea. Judge for yoursell il we regarded -.., si i.i'i, w!i\ bave we bad ao manj Queeua ror our aovere gna? Ind our n Im r il on for the . ol some ol tbem is everlaatiuu and uui veraal. ri." author '.ccs on to s;iy thal the Japaneae und the ? hinese are one ol the mme atoek, and thul - . main characteriatlca very .-nuil.r and idetiticnl. ll i^ verj poaslble that v.c I.,.,. be origluollj oi Uie aame atoek. But the iliffereiice ot the feat ures of the preaenl ganera tion vivldlj ahowB tliat the Chineae forteited their elaima to the origlnal race by their oom plete amalgamation with Tartora. But we are free from lt. As to the dirTerencc el the char aotera, l have not made .my aneeial atndy, bnl bow ean we i.?il to recognixe their oeaAictlng elementa uf the two nationa? Prlneipall) the Chiticae are extreiuclj conaervative, almoal lo tlmldity, while the Japanese nre progreaslve al moat to raahneae. The < bineae are grave and ii acrved, while the Japaneae are froliesome and gay. I'he I liineae are re_arkablj par_uto_oua, und tlie Japanese are generoua aud extravagaat, oiiiii goiug beyond thelr meana. rheae are the ii.iiinii characteristica which declde the dea i inj ol Llie i ?? " ilifferenl nations. His expoaition ?>! the oorrupted morahi "f our people is in a great meaaura "?:.,. tttte, bul we ? ii.'.ot accepl them in the lighl he has glven ii,. in. b'oi 'i tlie author represenu them aa national evila, that our people were alwaya so, . nd : iii... are u ....ri ol our i il nre, tlten ll upp. ra indeed borrible. But II ii h couauiercd onlj to thia en, i'.c h paasinK shower on the annals of mir bistory, then ii iiiipreaaea the publie dtfferentlj and la leaa odions. ll ia verj natural thai tho author, lielng ;i foreigner. overl oked theee facls, Tbere foie, let me declare thal the evila in queatton nre ihe diaeaac helonglng to this nnrtieular epocli, ifiiickened bi the revolution. VVith tbe apread of ii," (ore -..menl the riddle oi apbinu ia aolved tl,e aupeiatltloua feara "t our old religlon i.-. removed rrom the mam "i out people, and uiiebained lliem to the iu. ol paaalou. The reaiili aaa thal what Ihe author haa pictured, nnd thal we are lefl wltl.t religion t" build up the iniiids ol i .'?? j uung ii ,ti"U. Tn contirni my atatement, I wiil draw biiefly tlie condition ol our people before the revolutiou. Ln thoae d.,\s our dotneatic eommeroe were carried on i?y a perfeel t -i,u. uf barmouy. Ti,c money tranaaetlona were ull done bj word of mouth. W'c iiiii nol iiae written documenl t i blnd dehtora with the u u "i law. VVith the foree <>t thou rhl the author baa uncouaeloualy, bj turning the beat virtug we poaaem, the siiuDllcitv of hablta, uu UMU 877 _ 879 Broadway. 125 pieces elegant Porcelain and Bronze, greatly re duced. MARKED D0?/8 ABOUT OME-HALF. 25 Gold Decorated Koros, value S8.1 $12, $17, $22 _ 1^ $25; II new $3,50, (5, $7,50, $10 and $12, 20 New Styie Sat suma Vases, value $5; A 35 Fine Pieces Bronze, former prices $10 to $100. Reduced aboul half; From $5jo $50, 200 Photograph Frames, imita tion Gold and Silver Inlaid Work on metal, VALUE $1.50; REDUCED TO 40 Large Fur ftugs, in two colors, lined, VALUE $20; NOW $14.75. 65 pieces Fine Embroid cries, oddpatlerns; Cur tains, Squares, Table Covers, Shawis, CREATLY REDUCED. 60 Eleqantly Embroidered Ladies' Silk Jackets, all colors and sizes, silk lined, REDUCEDJTO $7.50. A. A, VANW & 00? 877 & 879 Broadway. ? .a for wl ? ? ?' b ive i i\ iriea i no ,_a to nuk.- i On thi . ',.-. i li ? luxni ea, v. . h lorni tJ e verj ? ? . l ? ?. iin evi ? ? ? ? l. i.i ;.. ? re, until tlu v hnve "'?? Laatlv the a_ i Ux' i .reij ' f _ Inii ina: force I i Uu p ? iluring -i iwent) ?. ? - - ' '??? ui im. ? *t ? ? inoment, la one Ihi . ? renson wh; - W hi n ? ? , i ? ,-i our porfB to t ip foreiiri e n o :r -?'?'?W ? il b ??.:..' W'e ? tn the oi Ij i ?? ? i heinoa on I I Uie **n% , whnevor upp ? ir Inr.d, wh e ? I feal ir< s ?? ul varied- 'olored h il H '? will ? ? , - *e_, ? v. ,. ti, ,? r ? -'iapj ? ..) i,, t have any mner ro rrd ? aupera.I orror to aa limited adm i ition, w I <? i ?????? liave i - Intel ect, i * '.',- ? ... ? ???:? la ea> nn ;: diffen I 1.1 I t* are nol so mtirii hated hj the eorn - l**_i Inii rnther l?v th.lur iti d I t I niuat nekriow :.? ?.<? I l I t ? i >l?w i for if. for the to el en i ou* ,. > are in ,T;i| I thal they ;.,.. , rn people i***' ? Im t even P< bbIMc li ipi! ojj 0,ir down ?? l.'.'.itb.en* p wi' a bucii a paek of nce? There l _* when I acalnal the ...... \',.v.- I have trented Ihe entire Bnhje I ae raff. i? i!I?- ' ial I m ? i "i lie blame.J !or impartn i'y und leive the real to tlie eeneral puhlle of Am.-rlea T KAIKIV.VMA. New-York, Feb, S, irtoi. WT YOOBBBEB BIB BOT '?'.:. TT. i e FleM in rhe Chlcago Staws. Dan Voorheea bad a pratty Um*h Baaa wlta Hei ?' i' .1 ; ? , . ? l md nl li - apnolntod to ona of tl e FMe?j oPicca in Ind ? i . in"_ what. Tne randldate had a mlghty _lt) reeora *n? ilevetand knew It. althounh < ?? nldn'i rair f' "?'. iim?'!i nbou* il. Well. one da\ \ rhe - bi ?ifB ! Hoi.-i ;r al'.i?'?. ll1.;,ia Iii ,1 up 1 f "?' w ' . Hoi.M-i- ullies iruinliod up t ? tlie wmie "",", . ..i.iiai., ilintl ??. ? 11 upon the Bxemtlv*; the l ajtie j*1 bee ? rurefull} adrdtfy. brilll intly p w n 4 rew. leleffram*, aflidavlti a-id re. >mmendatlona *?J rtlspinyed then a number ol ipeerhra were mtt \arioiii. inln..r number* oi tlu- parl.. .."'I '"i'1 * "," \ , rhei>4 trmi and dell?ered hl n. II I one w ?? -plendul omtl m- un oratlon aettlntl fortii flioal ''"; uiieiulv th.?" nuallflrall<m? of M< randldate. taa . ....ia... i... l,../i .??_?? ,........ii.,ii, .i n?nee>o?u iioiariie lerrlcaa to had" alwaya ronfrlbuted ireneroaaW and .-lie-irfiillv to th.> party. ete., ete. When M ?? awfnl huah Ml upon tl. down another noi' Dtkar Hooalera looked at ?n# anoim aay. ? I?an haa dona lt-_a elAqnenee i- IrreaUl ? hlevnland had aal throngh ll ull listened wllhout Kivina any alfn elther ol .'.!'.'"s" or of dlaaeat. Me had heard weryihlnu. u. "PenaUr Voorheea;" aaid CleveUirt. prewBtlTi i ran undrrstand oa "hy you enJoj -<? BTeal a re| i tion .. ii j i.v Uwyer. hul' ?*???? tl?i down upon the table before hlm?'?Itb ? ? * v. ill appnlnl vour nn in I" He dldn'l appolnl hlm elther. ArTHOMTirx WBO WFl BB ABOUT 9RATTBB Front The " laa H< !?_. , Tbal rlever writer and amlable woman Mra. vya <? E. ;;;??!? will liave lo ndmit thal alie has been akaona oo thln Ire, - to upeak. In I,,.,- readera ln the mvaterlM. grar. ? ?JJ toms ..f danrlna and akatlna. -iii- <? ?ii:d - ? t! ?? worWachamplon: aml II la md Ihe htier'a-bo l?o*Ba thrown. M.--. narr dc o .,. "the pnraull pnr Ij dle. an; nnd crati"^ aaya "hall the work ol the akaler . J lu ???,:.. la ofl he ia.- tella of-the Fen ata 1 ,,",!??.??..':? hli ? and Ll rolnJiIra who. wltl !?.. ,?.??:, aud a falr wlnd. dn thelr mlte ln ?? ffB__,?-ate.?ate. Theartlcle-h^eome^?jtarW ,.i,, ,,f Joe IXMioahue, who, bavlna "??"* ' ??:' ?n ,:,,,?',:??! hold/nit tho worid j j ; dlHtunrea, mn I h roneeded ? . , with anr akater with i i ?? n. Fr m ai^ofl H S writea to -The NVwbu?*.nai; in<<reapaa- JJ m,-.. IJarr. Peellnlng lo dh uaa the - ^ ? ..,,,...?.,-?-v" oi Rkal iijt, li- i> - I' !:|- ?|w*-\ 'ua , :?,? aa -anyihlniTbut an Mle pw-ttV? HJ &__ the ronlancinK aboul f?? ^" *"ffi?.-."al l? i. .. mli atea" by pmnouiirlua i n.? .,, "thV^never waa a ' , . lo ? ;illl,. |? leaa than three "l"^" t/K,^2__5 M,. iinrr th" danclna-ftonr. bul p"' ? ' -1 ;.,.,,,< , exlenalve ob-ervntlon aaalnst her^ttjaaaa _? .UatluK and.hal ra. ln everv Importan aag lli-nlar. K I..- I... fallh lu her : ? ? _3_^i\wi^A"ruBr?B theorr and nrartito ol BBaBW?