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THE CENSU8 INQUIRY FARCE. FIRST SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY COM MITTEK. VA1N F.FFOHTS TO bHOW ANYTH1NO WRONC. IM THF. WORK OF THE FF.DF.RAt, AtTHORI TIES-MR MVRRAT'S TESTIMONT. The waather ye-.t?*rday vi? wlld and wet. It waa pleaaant to be lndoora. Tt;U was oonsolJng fr> tbe people who hit/1 te spend thHr time at the drearicst iiivoatigation ever rondiwW in New-York, that of the Aai-emhly Commlttee arkOSB name and a*hoae aim don't aeem to 68 reconclk-able. The name ia " Tlio Commlttee on Eniimecution and Apportionme-nt." The alm of 6*8 rommitte*. to Judge by the char*vt?*r of Ma flrat da.y'a proceedlngs. ls to llx diavivdlt >.n the Oatftod Ratea eei.aua ln New-York. Tho (ajmniltt**? sat in Part III of the. Snperior Ooant, nnd from early fore noon uatll d.u.-li patlently wntcn-d the efforts of an exeolleTit lawyer, bat an excecdlngly antateur "ln quraltor," t<i inake a raoe apalnat Rob'M-t P. Porter. tmperlntende-ut of tha Consus, and hla subordtnatoa In thla -lty. The chalnman of the commlttee in Wrlght Holeomb, of the IXth New-York IMeavkle, a Denioc-at. Thero are two other Domorrafir memhers, Churlo*. W. fiufher laiid, of the IXUi DKtrl.-t of Klncs Coiuvty. aad Perei val Farqnbar. of the Illd New-YorJi Db-trtrt. The rcrmalnlng two mombera of the corrynlttee are Re publle&na, D. Morgan Htldroth, of the XXIet New York D.strlct, and \V. ll. Selleck, of the Ild Diatrlct of OsaragO. Kranklln Bartlett la tlie rommlttee's eour.ael. It waa a poor day'a gunntng for Mr. Bartlett. The publle ataved am./ fnmi ti.e exhlhilloii, and lt oavod Its tlme. If tha Ass-mblymen do not nnvke bottcr progreaa at future afwaloha, at tbe cloae of the lnveaU getion they wlll have a beatgarty tale of w&*ted honrs foT a record. With the ald of Thomaa E. Benodict, Deputy Seo rctary of Btate, Mr. liartlett aM got into ovldonee aei-eral volumea of the - Rcd F.ook,'' or Legialatlvo ni.-.nuiil, wlth the object of BBBBWtng ihat, wher*>aa, after former Federal censuaea, returns relatlng to the State had been prlnted, no pfOftakaa ff>" sendlng ln oueh returns had been made by tlie act of 1886), ordering the eensns of 18D0, and that the Secretary of fitate had not beon able to get tke 1880 Bgaraa f..r the "Rod Rook" of 1 -01. A eonimunleutlon to the LepU laturc ln 18.16 hy Chnuncey M. Depow, tlien Secretary of State, expreaalnp rezret that Jtino wrrs ehoson a* the aaaana month, und anotlior by Dlederleh Willers, who WM Secretary in lft75, favorlng a mere enumemtinn Uistcad of a censua, were also put in evidrmce. Preaently Mr. Daitkll canio on sometblng that ho thouitht wortkl of ampkaaaatag. Ho got the llst oi tho sixty county clerks in the State, and aekcd : "Have you made certain lnqniiieaj wlth reference to the politlos of the rarioua oonnty clerfcs?" " Yee, alr," was tlie rvply. "How many of them nre nomoerats?" "From the B88t inforniatlon I ran obtaln, flfteen of them are Dcmocrut*. and orf thoae flfreon two are ap j-nlntviea of tbe Governor to flll >a8MHleB whlch prob ably wonld have beon Repubilcan had there been an ataetkBa." " What are they?" "Wayna; ti.i.t aaaavM nalalalj be Repubilcan if the rlerk aaai been elected. Then therc's Chemung, but that'* i>r.-tty eloaa." " Well, tlie ..lor* of Klnc* is Repubilcan, Un't be, and that Bnkoa atzteao," aagaWted Mr. Bartl-tt. The wtanaaa araa tVmbtral ahonl this; and Mr. bart latt BpaaaaJa8 to the reporter* and the Aasembly uien for lnlormation. He was told that, beyor.d P'-i-advcnture, the OaWBhtf Clerk of Klngs ig a Repub bbbbbV ? Well," ho lemaikea. ?rratchlng his head and amlBng, " I'm not a poUtldaa I" K. E. OrlawoM, the aab llbraiaaa of the Btate I.:i,r.,ry ?t Allniiiv. teMirleal that none of the twonty feaar bali ttna that had beon ap to dnte ce-ived from tke Canaaa Dareaa tn WaadBtagtoa eoatataai any ln Biiaaalluil about the populatlon of thls State or any roanty ln it. ; Theae preBaalnariea over, the fun bagao, Mr. BarUetVa laoa aaiamrt ... expreaaioTi Baurtly aggrf fci\e. partly a^prieve4i. Aaaemhljraaan Holeomb iaokeB (.- reee. Charlea ii. Marra*. who imh- a:ii)<-rvisor of tho ceaana in New-York, w-.v" ealled to tiie wltneaa M.ind. a gea^leaaan who aad been irttli t bealde alr. Marray arose and said: ?? My aavaae i> John Baker. I am Mr. J!:ir:ay'" nioi-iiey. nnd 1 wi?Ji to aaake a ?tatainent." '? Is tl.ero any ohiaatl >nl" V-ked Uie i-hairman. Mr. liaitlett kaaked i)n7.7ljd. Ile coulil not forpet that lic hail been before t!ie stnte Senate ("omniltt?e 6:. cities in iho aaaaa ipoatfloa now aooght by Mr. Haker. tlnt of a ra-)-ognlit"d "Irlend of the eommitte*-." Ha s-iid: ?? i thlnh it ta alwagra arlaer to iet laarilea ari i npl.^-ir have oonaael I hsve boen counsol myaeli ln rccent !nvc-.ttp*tlona. bnt I beli?ve lt la an estal> llahed raua m theae lavesalgattag roniniit'-1*?'. not to tUow any openlng n.Ur.>".'' Fitiully it 4\as agreed that Mr. rtekar -honid be lioard. Mr. P.aker wanted the commlttoe to exruse Mr Marray fnr the day, on the graand that he had toaaaaaaleaaed aitk th.-se hlgher ln authorlty and had leoelvod aa anawer. Hr. I'.aMk-tt aaM : '-1 thlnk tlie only que?tlorj before aa i* oatr 6aty auaBee tlie mandnte ol the aovci-eigu po??|.le Of the :-*ale, and while lt may -srell tie that Mr. M.niay .!-*ires to consnit hla superlor, we ctn tul.c BO aagataanea af 4-om>pondenne, and I ai.prehetid that evon II Mr. I'nrter BkoaM lnstni.-t Mr. Murray not 60 BBanff 1l? in BtnM tlon wonld nol have the forte Of an absoiute law wlth thi* lointnlttee nor wltli the L-gislature of the biate Of New-York." ?? Wa 'lai't ehalaa that," Mld Mr. Iiaker. " Bappoalng Mr. t-araar rafaaea," resnmod Mr. Rart leit, "woaual it have any watghl wlth thi* r-a.njmltT^-c"" ?? It would not have any weipht with me." "ald the chaltni.iii. - If Mr. Murray is adv|se<l by his *uperi ir Oflee* to objt.t to teaalfytog he will eertainly taiie that j . i; .n," i-ald Mr. Baker. ?? Ile <l(*s B01 caro to taliw it now. There may be no aeeeailty .1 taklng it. aml a;i \ve ean i.>k la ti.e coaamlttee nrtU ezeaae hlm tiu aaai iiaalon. whaa ha wlB etther n-fu^ ar te"tifv." "Ti.e objection I* ovrrrulcd." ?aid Mr. Holeomb. '?ai.d tha <?? mmlttar ratea the oatii si.aii ba ad inin.stcri.l to Mr. Mnr;ay.'' Mr. Marray tfaeraapoa bcramrj a witness. \Whiio he was on the stand lic r.'.eive.l the Miowlnp dlapab h ln-ni Mr. Poitv-r: ?? Telegnim and lett.-r recaivaa. r~inii)ly an*wer aaawtlona. No n.-i-d l<..r l'. s. AUorner." That wi" in anawer k. a tetter \4iiii-h ho had aant te Mr. Foiter on Fmlav, in Whleh be hiwl aaid: ?? Ii> the en.lo*vai aaabpoana you arUI ob-erve that I havo aaran apmaBonad lo-day te appoar to bobtow itiia. m. before a rorninitt-e af tha l.e-islatiin- Of thla .-tato to BftaaaiOB M to my oflicial actiun in takinp tho bbbMBBI ln this clty iu June last. I aa BJae 60h> inandeit lo aaodaoa anafe boata and papera ii" may bo in my p aaaeateia. i acted u-. an atneae of the Fiiit-d BaatBa tn tho daaeharaai ot ai.,re.-ttia unty. and I anppaaa wkedawee papera tliat l BBBB bave in roiinci tion Wlth >u<li work aiv tlie prop grta ol the i i.ited Baaaaa. i am of the oftnloa that i have 88 riiilit lo 0808 thls onler without tiie aaaetl .n ol inv Mipcrior odacer. ?? u tiu* Btnta o.i.iiintte* aaa tegaTtf sit iu tadBBaanl upon Baa lawa af haa UataaB sutv-a, and ti?e aflelala bwbbbV taaaaa eawa, tkaa tkkt ongnt te be deter iniinit by BBaB8 aaaatakml antlioilty. 11 tbl* Staic i.mi mittee may legally I a.l mo lU ?611688, then it may iaJl you at the noxt BlBBllBl. and ao on tlli t?vc:y man .on Baaasd arfak tlaa UaBted Btaaaa taaaaa haa aaea asam lued and JmU'od under a eta'.o tntmiial. 1 am par* Bouaiiy ariBtog tj efeag taaa Bakvoaaa, and to pradaaa aU papoi> ln my po-se- -..on. finr- is to con ceal. Rut ln doitig *o, without yoni dlre. tlon, I may cstabli>h a pre.i-iii.nt that may ta- ohjected to by tlie tuiird Btatea aaaaBarittee. I'lea*c let me know ln the aawalaB by telo?raph wbai I am BB do. an<l let your lateB am be *o clearly WOrdejd I may mnlio no tuistake. bft me aaigBBat, s'lbjeet to your ap proval. that lf I am to BB upon tbe stand I rmght 10 bave the I lllted .-tate.* 1> -tii't Attorm-y pteeeat, with in"tincU<ns to limit the inui.iry, no la: a? tke aUgnlty and tlie Interest of tln l fnlaad .*>taf - inay rvijuirr it. I hope this offiier wili be pn.niv.iy instnuted aceord inglv. ?This leiter was wiittcn by and M sent wlth tho advlco and dlrectlon of Mr. Etliati Alien. who haa c.ii aented to act for me ui.til 1 lieir from you." Mr. bartlett'* emmiuatiou af Mr. Murray plalnly disclosed the real puipose ol the lnvestigatlon. The commlttee'* coi-nse! aetnallv lovt. algfel of the os tenslbie objecta of tbo iniiuiry ln huniing polltks in the ceii*:n>. and if ever a uian kept cool under trylag clrcumstanc'.'s, it waa Mr. Mairiiy. Ti.e encuunter be twca?n the 4-ount.el ond the Censu* Supervi^or would huve been amuslng. lf It had not baoaaaa V-.ii.nis. It d.-icp'-.! arreteaedlj after awinie, aaeaaaa Mr. iiat-tr lett did not know a haa t>> "aat ap." Ha ?-* fotlad ai every palat, and atafll he kept on. Fir?t he would have lt on Ika n..>i*1 -but it didn't t.-et tlurre?Ihnt there iva? aame ataBaBer aawBraa in tho Boaaaer in wlatek tha clty aaai bcan >ubdivided 69r 4-ensus taktag. Xkan ho would kaWa Mr. Murray confc** that he employed Ma aatlaaaanBl ?imply because they were Republlcana. Rut MlV Murray aald emphatlcolly: "Tho polltical ?gfiBBttoaa ai eaaeae agenta arere never iininlreO Into Ul any -iuipe or form." DnrUia tbe raoaaa for luncheon. Mr. Uartlatt thoagM up another plan ei att-ick. Mr. Mun-.iy ha.i laaagtil lha committee Bama af th" poalal ear_ aa natoh agents dttily sent ln reports of returuf BBOWlng tba progre"^ of the ttnaafl and a Bal al t'ie men appolBted and Beaaa other papera. Mr. liarti-it waoted BAoro? want_ all. Mr. Murrjy flatly rafnaad to prodoca twimpannanfin bataasa blnuelf and the waaatagtou offlre. -Whyr asked Mr. liartlett. " DO you < laim that any eoriaaaondanvse belwceu yan and the Oeaaaa BaVaaa ar ti.e Deaattmaat af tbe Intertor ta atiu laged i" ? ??Ccrtalnlv." <ain Mr. Murrav. ? Under wh u law l" aaked tbe Iawyer. "Under the law." repiled Mr. marray, who la a lawver. too, "t'at any eonespondenee betwoen aup ti"t and' aubordlnate o/hclaU come* nnoer thc aeaa m prlvUeged mn^apondence." "\VIih1 dOOB the BBbpoena rall for?' demi.nt.e.l A* sem' Hoteomb. .. _ Mr." Murrav amlllngli aatd that. wi'h the excentton ol Uie poatal-cardi and tbe correaponrtcnie, tbe wew YoriT een^u.i papera were all lu Waahlngton. ; ?? Bartlett uot -all tangled np over thia. He ivtr..f.i to luiow wliv Mr. M.uray had not k ?;. eopfce. 118 wanted to know whal weaM have beeome ol ttio New-York cenaaa retarna ll tbey bad, been toet in lo Waahlngton, or aftcr their arrfral tnen. n waa not untll Mr. Murrav had anawered tha??mc; ouea iions m the aame way a ftmea pr more tha. iw ?ot Mr. narti.'tt to underatand thal tboiaturns ?ero f?rwum.'ci to waahlnc on ai they were rompie ted, thal eoples were made, bul thal thoaa eopiea ^frealwaner warrt aeal to Waahlngton on Ibe order of tbe Bnpenn ?Then why-why hadnl yon other eopianf1' aflbad Mr. Bnrttett Bomewhal feeibiy. . . "Becauae there, waa no time to make tbem, and i hRd nol rierleal bclp enongh to do lt."' __-?__ Whal happsne.l next waa l.iJ.nnaHy eie. 1 tn , even for bu_ ,n .-..ctilc In/wtlgatlon. Ilnv _? t ri*. m raln lo gel a cornr oftn ?abpoena which had been served ?*. aamyr. Mr. wenl to a alde uWe, imd kenl committee and Uie wltneaa walttng wMta. witn,\n aaalBtaaca of his etork*. be made> oat. a "7,.sl '" ;' tor thc BnpervUor. datinn It tor tbe 18th of the nwnth. Mr Hartlett t-r.ivclv handed the doeumenl totno cnaii n an, fw aignmure.- Then Uie rhatiman ealled the com n.ltte^'s .ergrani-at-arn.a. Maard F. Moore, and gavt him tne aubpoana wltb Ina^kaettona to do hto duw The aearaWt-ai arma aotemnly adrane .1 upon ar. arorraTwho itft Ibe wltneaa ehalr to meet hlm. The officcr rorn.allv aerved the BUbn -eno, M,[.,MMr-',, t..r,u it bowed and ivtnnied to fne wltneaa enalr. Tn mw anb^eaa mohred hlm tn brlng wlUi hlm before thc ?romltt_ -all papera. tottera. i'"1"!1'''"'; reapondenee. eommnnfcatlona, docujnenfc. P?P^_ ; ; bwka and rcenrds rclatlnc to or ln anyiil- pcta.nliia ,1, ,V Fcdcn.l OanBua of 1880. ln ihe siau- and r I of Neiv-York," that hc now had. *and all ... ie- en.-e with tho Hon. Boberl P. Parl. r. -''''"'t1'"1!! 0 the cenans, or coples Baereot- aod su.-h oth^r doe menta ln hla cuBtody "aa may ba reqalrad ta the In ve-t;ir..tlea.^ ^ ^^ ?_?, yon br)n)? ,?.. papers 1" ?? All that I have." ,_. ... "Inrludlng the rorre^pondeneo referred to, The wltneaa made no replv to that. andJIY, ?? lett nllowed the exnmlnatlon to 8ink agaln to tne oun eve ftonT whieh II had been ralaed by Uila drnmati. tacldent. Before Hdjournment. Uie cbBjrman made __er iunulrv aa to Mr. Portefa plaee of reaiaonre Mr. Bartletb aaid thal Mr. Porter had toW the Potura Committee ln Waahlngton thal he waa t rttiteri ot Bew York All of whieh ii.dic.ites that Mr. Porter iBwantod bv the committee. Whether be ean be waebed ta ? New-Tort Aa?mhl) Pommlttoe'aw?obpoena. 4oein-t "le.-t to eome nnd teetlfy of hla nwn free wfll hTnother qnaatlon. Wl.Ht a .l^.oerat e paper e..11 "tn., ratraged metropoll? will be allowed a ?? rccover from the shoeh of the rommlttee ? ? ravelationa A aecond batch of tbem wffl tbrlll tbe horror-atrloaan eommanlty <>n Frlday. FCbraary 13. DR. RPOLTHy yOT REFERRED TO. THE 0OBT_B_BC_ of l'.o.MAN CATHOI1C PXEBOT not TO D18CW88 HtS CASE. The stntement pnbBahed in The Trlbnne ye I thal at the eonferenee of BOBMM CatboBf clergymen |o be held m Bt. Patrlek'a Oatbadral, on Febrr, the MaOlynn eoatrovaray wouM ba agaln practlrnlij reopened,'on i.ccount of a ceitain anppoallltlona ra?e in moral tbeotogy that is to eome up for debate. waa ridienled by tho Her. Dr. Pharlea B. McDonnell, I ? Archbtahop'a Beeretary. "Tbeea eonferenee*. Mild "are notblng Bnasaal, nnd a- tor ti.e comlnp nee bavlng anything to <' - a1_ tba i Dr. M.i.lvnn, nhich i- tong alnea afapoaed ot 1 ? is ab-iird.'' \ meaaber of th" ArchblahopM Connrll, wao did noi want Ma aame pnbttahed aaid: '? it mual have taken Quite a Ktrnch ,.f tmaglnatton on the i'4.t of Dr. MeOlynn'a admlrera t.> tivi-t fib BaMert ln moral theology tbal la t<. be aJaeaaaed at Ibe eootiranri lnt.. bavlng leaXeenee eapedally to tba eaaa of Iba ,x paator of 81 StepbeaBat. In tba flrat i>ian-. t'.- r is nothlng extraordlnary in boMlng tbe tMmferenee. Tbey aie hei.l once every thi.- montbs, and tbe questlona tbal eome up f? dhieaaalOB are dogmatlr theology, Bcrlptare, einon taw, aod Baoral Ibeotogy, affoetlng tba nmatamant?l prtoetpto ot etiiics; ta farl 1 Hva qaeattona of ti.e day, wrtt wldeb avery ! priest 1b eNpeetert to t-e eonvaraaat Boa to ahoa i you kow grouadleaa la the ruaor tbal tbe dia 01 thk Imaglnary raae?beeauBe tl aeci ? ln aome re ipaeta to grow out of aome aaeb Imltar eondltion 1 of thlnga a? Dr. Me.i-lyim by bia ronducl I i cipitatc.i, meaaa a reopanlng of tbe McGlynn eaae?lot me aay Ihal even tbe Arthblahop d ?? - nol know whal '. aubject is to eome np for dhwuaaion al tbeae ttpn lerenees. -Tiie'.e aro prapared hy the hfodarator, tl.e ii.-v j Father Djnaan. b Jeault, wbo la al preaenl attached lo Bt Uaianea'i Chureh The tubjoeta to be apoken oa are alatrlbated am >ng Iboaa preaenl ?.:. prlnted >ilp^. ; and than the Moderal ir, wbo haa all thelr namea on j tickcts la a hat. diawa oito liapliazunl aad be u ut, I tbevefura, wbo M tbe Bral t-. opea tba dlacuaalon. ; The aame atuaem li repeatod In flndlng tba aame ol j each sp.-aker tbal aball foBow." "Bnl wbat aboul Uie 're-;erved eur?<- ref. rred to ! as belai Incurred i.y tboat who attend thc maetlngi i in tlie ^uppic-ed eaaa thal aill be dlacaaaed al I ? Coafarenoaj and wiii.ii i- Ibought raally to maan tbe Anti-i'ovtity Bteetlnga that Dr. MeGlynn addraaa : ea> ti Miniiay evanlngl" waa ;> ...??]. "That n.ndo me Btagh wben J re-.d it," aaM tbe prle*t. "There is no aaeb thliig as a 'rcaervad eurae,' al i.'ii-t as far a- i bave ever b_rd; tbougfa i bave, | lt u true, hfdi-.i of a leaerved taae." ?? Aml wtiiit ls 1111.111' hy thal 1" -simpjy that tic Blahop ean glve tbe prie t fu'iil ? tie> tor tbe parforiaanee oi tbe varlaua dutlo whlrh devolve upon hlm. Wben, Iberofore, a l).?ie^?. baa from Ma Blahop toeuftlea ad omnla, thore la nothlng re M'li-eii: on tbe otber hand, tbera are a a general . rulc eertaln caaea over which the priaal tan n ? . dicilon, a.ui ii i- r.-.-iveii .ti.iv t., ihe Bialiop oi i th , Vii-ar (.cii.-rai to Inveal him with JurtBdlctioti The grantlng ol absolutlon to penitenta In thc ion fe- lonal, who were connected witn ibe i "i.ia'. oun Bplracy t.. overthrow Britlah ruk ln Ireland twentj tiie yeara ago, aaa madi a 'reaerved ... ?' bj Car rnna,r Cullen, wh.. wa- al that time tbe head ..f ihe L'athoUc Chureh ln Uun eountiy, Iboagh l f. ar it wrought more Injury to the Chureh thmi it did i t tbe Fenlan movement. Tne caaes ol thoae who attend meetlnga of the Anti-Povertj Soclety may each be a rr-.-i'Mi'l eaaa; but bow i" ihe confoaaor to Unov ahetber hla penBeni haa done tbla or not anoe Dr. alcuiynn haa advlaed hla foUowera tbal h la nn -in. a ,,; tbal therefora, thej nr^<i not mentlon lt in con feaaion, aa advlca which it i- to be praanmed tba; foilow.* m???^? OLD TITTB BXMEBt 9CHO0L B0T9 D/.v;;. The OM Fifth Ptiwl siibool Aaaoolattoo led Ma annual dliiner lu-t evaalng Bl'- r.-tautaut. No. ua Weal iM-enty-thii-d-t. Titiv n hoi.i waa eatabUahed in ir.:*" and was known a^ Bleventh Wati Dry-Doeh Bcbool it auBbara amonfl it* graaaataa many man who have i*ei) aromtaenl in rdvll and mUttary affalra. A earefal trBrt^i Baaae by the aaaorlallon a >h..ri tnne ago ahowfl that a.TC'j of tiie oM boya eallated during tho war, BOBM Of WbB? W?r8 (OM ^.t thc ih'id of i.attie. The oniv fomMf icipii aaa connected with tbe Mboai k Jaaaea .'. MeCoy, aba bagaa ble rareer at tbe aehool on its openlng day. He la nea tbe vi. - i.r.ii.'.)>hI and picaiii.'iit of ihe, aaaodatlon. Bome oi the prominenl men wbo attended thia aehool are bj Ooagreaaman Joba Hardy, Jndge Ulegerlch, Taa Oommlaaloner Coleman, A. II. Hummel, Major W. C Carrou, Joha A. P. FlBk and Jndge Joaeph E. jfewburger. i,.e openlng addre>? laal niniit waa miut.- by .llln!t?^ j Md oy, followed by Uie preaentatlon ol a hand. me L'.'iiii badge to WlUlam Yoang, tbe trra urcr ol the ", . . ,tif?n. hi A. VV. Moynlhan. Among thoae preaent ?,.,,,- tieorge W. Andera m, rbomaa \. \' ilci i, ll. B. DIIm ii. K. BBas, '?".:-"? W. Blrdiiall, I'liillp B. Dlrmingliam, 8. J. Buirowa, F. W. Curomlakey. Tai Commlsaloner Colaman, Cbarlea W. Pheahlra, ll. B. Calkina, Thomaa Cummlnga, Mmon Elllnger, >?amucJ .1. H. (iruman aud Jolin P. Hnber. IHE STl.HSP.mOU TIBB AT READIXQ. Readlng, Penn.. Feb. 7.-.I. H. Sternberch. of ??? 11. Bternbergb >v. Boa., whose boM and aul worka, exeepl The Failore Of Uie kldntya and liver to projierly reir.ove the lactlc or uric acid from the *y4t>m rcsulta ln ItnEt'MATISM. This acld atfun.tilatwi ln BM flhrotis tlssm-a, partlctiWrlr | ln tl.e jainta, aod ran'r* Intlaminatlon aad the teiriblc palaa I Bi.d a.hCH, which aro _'..>>? aganlBlag every _M ? mnvr, ment ia n.ade. T?B W.\Y TO CUBB amaaaaattaaa i- t.> anttry ma hior><i. Ann tn do tinh tai,.- ma i lHi?t tlouit purifler, Baad'a Siir?a|iiiriiia. 11.,-u ?.r hienda ] ttstify la turea of rheaaetlaBji it has aBaetad. Try lt. Hood's Sarsaparilla 11 drusalats. 81 : klx fnr BV l'reoart-4 )D tt CO.. Apotheuarlea. IaoweU. M .... IOO Doses One Dollar fccll by aU drusalats. 81 : Mx fnr 8V l'.'|,u,U only by C. 1. HGUD a OO., A|K.'.ii. ..aii.-.s. _>well. Ma%a. Cure is Cure H?wever lt may be; but unjust pSleaoftea pratanf people Irom trying l .;,Jr?p, ratary medlclne.' untll other prove nnavaiiing. ? J. 11. lUUU-.UllllallBatia Agent. Kingston, A.istralia. writes : ??For yeara a eoaaVmad Beepfte as. to the merits oi proprtetarTBaedkrlBBai, Iwaa attoat ronverted by Ihe aaa ol Ajrert Cfctnw Peo toral For rnnntlisal-ottleof tliis medlnne, r,f %%M.-h I iK.'I ^"m- lnti. i...--sf'?aH.i. tlirotiub thi uaopanad h, D v etoaet, Ull one nlght I waa aetted w.,h , 4,;,?,.,,; cold :.aapaaled by a ri-king eougb. //?'?."3 aoaw ?/ my B*anal rtWfei >f fcraiU Ibougbl of tbe <'"'?">? l'- itora . and detaimlii^toglveltatrlal Tho reai lt waa tndytnaglcal. Reliel eaiaaaliaaal oa antly, and all r repeatlng the doae, eertalnlt not montbaa bali adoten tlnwa, 1 tooad my* st-lf tboronghly eared. BubeeqiwnUy my d'ticbtor was eured of a s?\ere eough by the oae ol the Cberry Fectoral. I rei-ommend tlna preparattea to all uiflerers from throat and lungtr.-iblea." - 1 ?r eroop, WkeewtBg conrh. Lrononltla. aad eeeawpttaai the beal raaaady ta Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, rRf.rAnrp nr Dr. J. C. AYER 6. CO? Lowell, Man. Boid by ?ll DruKglita. Trlce tl \ Bhl botllea, t-4 Ing the rofllng mii. wera tetaOy tVeatrwyed by fm- laat nlght p-ini-iDii to Reoatlng to-6af and atated laat hi* losa woaM bfl twar gSW.OOO, on Wlttek there was an [nauranee of over 8175^00 plneed iu one bttndred eoropanlea by Cbartoa BtratfJg a, Od., oi I'l.iu.iolphia Mr. sterobergh aaya that ba haa pot yet deckjed where ,,, rebnUd aa be haa reeolved n..tM-Hm ladawaaeaota li-om other pla BAILBOAD IXTERB8T8. THE ATCHISOJs IN A D1I.F.MMA. f'hicap... Peb. T.- The At.lii*on Ht:da Itaetf ln pr.sli.aiii-nt :.- tlio. refltlll ol tli- boyCOtl .b-!ar?'.l Bg8 1 the Jaekaonvllla aVrnthaavitora by Caadrman Flnley, ol ibe Weatera Paaarnger Aaaodali. n. 1 ader tke agree Beal of the aaaortatten the Atrhlooa is boaraf te reiaae ,., konor JackaonvUle Bonitaaatern ttekata; nnder its trafdc eootract wlth that mad H la bound te aonor Hi.'in. I,. utricate Itaell Irom tkla dllemma, the Atchlaon maai elther wlthdraw from tke aaa?. lalteo <>i oanoel u- eoatraat with tke JattkaoovUhj Boutkaaatern. lt i* more ttkaly te do Um foimer; and, lf it .i.*-., a pa lenger-rate war i" alnioet eertaln te enena. The wfcole inait.-r waa .iis, ii-.-.i at a n, eting ol l * geoaral ?.igeragenl 1 the E-aorla Bnoa t*>-day, bnl wltboul adopfli . additl mi meaaur * for Uiclr proioctlon. li .-a, agn-ed however, to wlthdnw .,11 ruui between hprlngfleld and < hh'agn by waj ..1 1 .,:,;,. the de. lai. n faklng efl cl on Mu day; tlie .-?> on being that tho I ?' 'l by sralpera t,. cul rute . For the ?am-j roa 0 11 ^j-> declded 10 mako the Jackaonvllle mta vla Peorla apptj only on 1 ontinuous p la&ago. To BTOP MAMI'i UiloN OF ORAIM RATBB. Chleago. Feb. 7 (Speclal) -Oraln ratea aaathoand are -tiu rnanipi.'ated to almoat a* large a>. estaat as hera tofore. Tha Lackawanna 1- aceaaed of dntng 1 ? .-si ahare >f tbe mantpnlatlon. mffic li now gettlng 10 1 ar. - thal the larger Raada are feellng kceaty tho effect of theae 1 peratlotu, aml dnrlng tbe coming we** ,11 a Tba matter aa beon a aablert of repoated mfe rea between Trunk Line and Oentral Trafllc officlaU. TBAKfl MISBni ::i ROAOB. Kan?a= Clty, Feb. ~- Caaliman Bmttk i--ued a rnil tkla mon Ing (nr a Ung of tke general maa :ipers and general paaaenger ageota ? n tho ??'!?-,mri Aaan. latlon, i<> be betd ln < kk igo 1 ah rinu-v 18, lor tha pnrpoae .1 taklng at.v rormal a tton ttiat may t<e neceaaary tor the reoraa a" tha dlaaourl Pai ? I latlon. Al Ihe meetlng ... I wltlull i--i il fr >m the .Veat' ra rjven by tke 1 ,?:l. To CON8IDER BW1TCH1XO CHABOBB Otteago, Feb. 7. N-'-' week there wiD be a meetlng of rallroad reprea. nl ? memb..-- of the l Board "f Trade t,. ronalder the probtom <.f awttrhlng charcaa. Tkioegh ratea (roan MUwaakoe t-> 1 lalo i4ti<i arlata eaal tliereof are tha aaaaa aa tu ratea froaa Chleago, ln 1 naeainenee -.f tke lahe Uae trom vn waakee t?. flrand Haven ivmneettng wlth tbe rtetrolt, : Haven and MUwaakea road. Th- qaael - be ronaldcred i-. whether awltrhlng rhargea ran be odded lo tha tirirr from Chl. - ' lo by Bnoa thal un ;.? ?. itea from CHI igo that ara -, mi Mllwatike -. lt b iii al ?> be .1- M-i whethor the lallifandi ihall eontlnne BD dlaerlmlnate betawen regular at 1 Irrag ilar elevai 1 - ln tha ? rtter ol awlteh Ing . baiaji 1 RATEfl FBOM Tlli'. 6KADOABO TO 8T. P.M'I,. Chleago, Feb 7 (Sperlal).* rTorthweetern ar< lerably eier laed over the apparent'.le dia' in*r of ibelr Ranadlan eompetttora. A in,.nii. \*? it declded by the Eaatern eoanecttoaa of CanaBhw ll.H'* thal the i-Ht<" *iiiiii!d bo iii" siini.i te st. Paaxl from Ihe M iboai I, ?? 1 < u adlaa Uup?. as vla Cbkaaaa I ? 1 anadlan and M Boo" llnea hava i?-...-d triritT" ralalng me in-:-. beglnnlng on Monday, la 81 80. Sew-York te 8t. I'.mi tba aame aa tke rain vla chleago; :.:.<i ?:? advai.f IS .-it" per 100 over tha pn -1. ' 1 ? :::(.-. Tii- I ? OBd Itf expected Lhal tl.," tariif would be IbUowed b\ aa other, qtawlng the arranged advanoc from Boaton. II advanca haa nol been niade, and tli- Canada ..?.. vtliMill. dia n ?' pr .j. lo adi nne? even tt, \. 1. Vorl ? .?- I ?' 1 Ihi ' .'?? "f affaira ihe rid from New Vura rajTnol be malntalned, an.i ihe . . llnea "ill gei none ..l the thniugk bnalnen le .-. F.111I ..:, .-,,. ouiii ol .i. ? 1 ? . ?:.' dlff. rentlal of tke Cnnadlan llnoa, rn.- Chlragn llnea aea no wnv to aettle the matter exeepl 1 . Bgbl II oat. AN ILLIHOIS ROAD INC^nP. IRATKD. Roek laland, ill.. F-h. r. -Artlclei of Ine4*rpora61oa have been Med for tii" Mnaoatlne, Roek laland nnd Peoria Rallroad wlt* a rapttal atoeh of 88.000.000. The Ineorporalora are Andrew Henry. Paorta; wiuiiun Wllmnrten and F. II. CaMarell, Pre emptlon; 8. J. Ilodgfl and Oeorge Hodge, VVenona, IIL, nnd eonak tu.., ihe iii 1 Board ol Olreetora. The Intention ..f impanj 1 tn eoi itrnet ., rallroad fmm Mu ? , 1 ? \ :, i! ?k Iiband, te l-eorba, the chbsl oiii-cs bclng in Peoria. RAILROAD LAlfD DBX3BION. Waahlagton, Feb. 7. .?n-taiy Noble i-'-dav 1- aad Inatrne.tlona te tbe Commlaslonor of the Goneral Land OBtre, ander 11 ??* reeen! Ralbmad Laad Oraal r..r fi-iiiiiv A-t, In tha ra - ?.f tha Mnbile .'.nd i:.i.i road Cnmpaay of Alabaroo. Tke Paaretary bokti thal the eompany ls entltled only te a croantity af land cqnal !?? thal oaraed \-\ the Bna from ...rnil te Tmy, betng eighty fonr mllea Ln bsngtk. J ? >? t l.o kohta thal lii<- eompany rannol lake anj landi n;?>!i whleh thare wera Imna flde pre-emptlon or homastead clalnu on rj 1. 1800, or whlch have been aoM i.y th" I : Ited s-t.l1'-. -4> -__ sr. i.iil'is MBat'lIAlaTS ABOUSKD. Bt, Lotda, Feb. 7 (SporM).- A o?retlng ef tlie Trans portatlon t'ommitt-a' <.f the Merehanl ' beaamfi waa h.-i.i ihi" Bxarnlng t? arranga tor a gBneral aaaettag .-f the rapreaentatlvea of tha ahlpplng latereati te dloram ibe qaestbw <>f u.ft bitatga and dertale what raapa ara n,-. ? i:\ |e BB talien to luive Ihla city BBbbbI tke termlnal polnl f?.r all bauineaa eaal md a *.t. it was I declded te boM tke meetlng aexl afa-antay aftawnaoa : i, .1 thal the IHwiarportetloa Oammlttoe of tha Ra I chan e, the Frelghl Commlttea ot aka Cotton Rx. ' and tke < ommltte ? of the a--.,. lated B h .1- aale Or.ra ? ^hali hoid a meetlng wlth the iraffl. maoagen ..f all ? it) " id 11 ;.i re and Lninafei llne c ntrlng ln th,, rltj to d -ii tho qneatlon. The mercbanta and "iiip pera of Kt, are determloed lo do away wlth tl... preaenl unfalr dUcrlmlnatton agalnat thla crtj ln tha of iii'I','ht nib ". ATCIII-iiN'S DECEMBKB vT\TF.JIF.NT. Boaton, Peb. 7y?Atcklaon'a Dra*enaber itatf aat, ln crndlng st. Lonla and Saa Franelaeo iind aii mad" owrned and rtmtroltod, i" a totkrora: Gro*s e.-iri.iiiK". 83,852,013: ii.,:-..-. 8853,331. Net rammga. 8B18, ,i. 1. de. reaae, c 161,115. A TABB BULL IB TBOUBLB Tauntr.n. M.i-.. Fak T.-I. Beaka t (',).. of boaton, . . . piaced at, 11 hmenta 0 1 tke niaeUnary <>i Fotter's Varn 88111 aad on yarn made tor a Phllaalalphla iirm by Ihat inlll. W. R- l'.tt<-;-. i.'.ii'ii- of th'- mill, o-.4,., i. . ., oo abont -i...,H>". and a nore of the eoneern wenl to proteat, hence thk artlon. 11 is thonghi thal Potter v. ill gel oai >.f hla embanaamBant, 4 lAK'ii: BTAKB 0T9BBBD TO* .1 TBOTTIXO BACB. Terra Hante, Ind., FeV t.- The Vlgo Agrieoltaral gorlety Li oat wlth another tdg Btake, Bli^soo fm : 1881, to be trotted In 1886, at tke ".-.tne tlme thal thelr toar-year-oM atake i- trotted for. The /r..,t incceoa of tke tettor baa warranted tke tiir-.' year-old "t.-Ui-. Tke Brai payaMtrt. 610, la <itn.' May 1, wlth h total of 6*800 tor tlaa atartera. The ?bMbBj i, dlvkted aa foiloi^: ".".,11110 t.. Brat. e^.jia) to aecond, .-i.^.h. t. ti ird. 61,000 to toartb. an-1 e'.ou 1 . dnver of tho wluner. It ia eitlmnted that flrat money r.ill amount to 810.U00. CB0WD8ATTHEF0WLSH0W. CHILDRKN DELIGHTED WITH THK BIRD8 _IOH_T RfCCKSSFfi, BXH1B1TI0B - AD DITIOVAIi IT.IZI-.S AWAllt'I'.!>? There wni another large. rrowd In attendanee B* tbe ?,mltry and plfcon *how at the MadW-u SqUBM i.ard.iti r_teraay afternooa and evenlng, greal nnmbera of srhoni chiidren lioing piaami aarlng tbe day. rnew h;,, heen nw,,y,,.,,t.lhlCMvWj:MI,,col.c ,?,.,.?,!; of the vari.m* etaaaea wai nniabad. < m ^%t_^veao?li?aBBtachae flOO ^'********' ,,? _, aeal prieea have heen reaBsed at prtvaae aatea, of whleb tbere ?re no ..niriai reporto. rt.e maaacata al the ahow say that lt la Uie mna umiuaafnl evar baal bt tbla eoantry, and that tt wui to much t-t advance tne Intoraata of poaltry brceuera a. ._ paHa ..f tbe eoantry. A namber of a].ai Mlaea were awarded yeaterday. them wera [_oae offarad by the, Amarleaa B_a_4tton Oame and q_m Bantam Ctab. They ware aaa as toltowa: ?a,! utaudaid gama aala, aay vartaty, 810-A. B. Karea. laa blaek rad eaek, Baal ateaearl 8-aM female. aa* van ty, 810-s. W. DaaMedej, ha bMwa wd puUet Sa^rat^aai?d.8J10-a W. Doubleday. For beatiee Le fio-s. w. i.'.'.i.. i.y. Bat aeat auva 9**?** ,i?:-\v. Hirh-r I Co. Fat bev. 88U_ inekwtog, * ? W. Bataat b Ca. Fw baal aifa iuekwtag. aala btra, BJ W. ilarl.' : 1 I'' Baal came n.ale, ?ny vi.rlcty. 810 *. TbornMB, aa red pOa baataaa eaek. Beat game bantani re.aale. BO, i.llety. 810-W. BBrbBT I C*. ???>?" rlag pi.iut. BeM game Baataa asek, anj w?ety. *d B. C, lii-.-i.t.,,,, .... ted .11- eeeb. Beat guae banton. ,.ktrat, any tarl ty, IB-B. C. Therataa. BBiWeek red , ckereJ Beat gaaa baataa hen, aay varlaty, Barbar * Ca.. an red pBe aaa. Beat aame I ,,,,1,,.,, 88-W. Barbsa B Ca., aa t*Ua daekwtag puliet. Tha other rlatiK awardi W8M aa f.lloiva: Claaa Ml-Malay, an> r?lur. eaek: llrat i. B. Ounn. i i? m ?M. Caekaral: Flrat, w. Lodlow. Claaa i,'G3 -Hena Flrat i.t.d *r<-oiid, L. II. Oaaa. ? , ? 888- i'i.,,-iiix. aay ealor, eaeB: Flrat, itackhnm * Cioaaiaan Ctoaa 268?Hena: Baekhaaa * Ciaaaman. Claaa '.?flP-Kriaiied cnrii: FlMt, Blehard C. Knieh*.. Claaa 8*0?Hsa: Kir?t. R. 0. Batakt. Cbaa 281-Coek. ,,. ia piral md ancaal u. 0. Bnlaai. CIbm 881?PaBetBi Flrat. and aecead, K. C. Bahrkt , laaaa 188188 llMlBlllla .ncka. hena, eockr-rela and i iir*i ln BU, C. H. Brlght. Claaaea 207, T80 Bllkta eaek aad baa: Flrat in C. i: Baukeaatyei. . la*< 8Q0A Baaa m. ndea: Flrat and acennd. A. F. Pl.-rt-e. CIBM 801-B<at rapen*: Fir*t. T. A. BaiaaaiJHi aorond, H.a.ll-V b l>iv. rlas* 802 Blath huaatrd pd game baataa cni-ka: First, rt. C. Tliori.t-n : 88888)8. A. F. I'ler. e. I'lun 30:1?II. n? ptrat a F. Flereei a.i'cond. W. BartMt ti Ca. Claaa BM _Caekerela Flrat, F. T. UnderhtB: -? aid. B C. Thorn ton. rn?a So.'.-l'.illeta- Flra m.i aeeood, F. T. Bnderhlll. C_m 807?Bnwn r.-d racna bantaai beaai Flrat, B. C. ;, riaaa 800 PaUeta: 1 tr-t. w. Ilaywood ? aad, B. <'? ti,- ' ? Claaa 810 Bel plle bbbm baatan eocka: Flrat, !'? C Thorntaa: * and. W. Barber. Cuvw 811 -Haaai I I I W. Barber: aeeand, O. A. Fmnela. Claaa 812?Coekereb: y r-t W. Barber; ncrnnd. 11. C. Th.-nt. n ClaM 3KI iijih-ti i n-t n ?'. Tharatoa: aeeand. a. F. Pleree. c;b? :iii-.'J"'.l''n du.'kwiim cocka: Flrat, a. F. Pleree; ?v__!_I -- lNHIAN ..A.M' 8. ... ',,i w. n?:i'-r. . laaa 811 Baaa I ral '?'? , ? | ....,,.- : . ? and -? - Bad, a. r. r ? - I la: 1 Iret, W, Barbei. . ? lon. Claaa. n;- 811 vat duekwlaa i rk: Flrat, .1. C. Ma Cbua Mitt ii, ..- l !??? Ail ' i C, Mai '.<? ? ? K'.'i FIM8, a r !? ? ? ? iaa 821?F il ., ?. 11| n w ?> Coppaai i -? Bod, a. F Fhn . , . . s.jt,rii.-hf baataa .aa li'-t. C. O. n k. aaa ?'.. J I Kaaki. Claaa 881 i.. j. i iii.ajn. saaaad. J. C Mai 8. &aaa 888? ,- Klr?U lt. j, I l.iaii, ?.al. IV. M \..i. I . .ma t_aaai Flrat, w MeSCeUi .I. B. D. n ? ias< aji liiTar Paabrlihl - Flral II. S. ftailhot : w. MrXail. Claaa 888 Baaas Flrat, B. J. Qall. . v ii F.,.,t. Claaa IM P ki tela i Flrat, ll i ..,,.> ?. m h I W n i.- ? ?.---.' II .1. Qal?ot; .e^,,i,d. Sne'.ar-,- Fana. il??? :. Bl ln I Pakla "r ? i l.'n ltai.tam ro ka I --' i i Rarkeaatrar; a.?d, .: B. AuaUa. Claaa 880 i,. aa FUat, T. F. Barkkaaa; aaeond, Mr- f?, r Reynaad. . 1 ua 140 I a ?? 118 I Irat, T, F, Ita I y k. AuBtla. < :u?' Ial?Pulteaa: Flrat, 1'. K Aaatla; ?>?c<in.t. T. F. Barkhaai. i laassa 842448 Whtta Pekta iia..tam cot-ka, baaa, aekarela aad puUeta: Flr?t aad in a.l. J. 8. al A )? Om - i iaMoa 148-848?Blaek I't-kin Baataa r,,oka. h-n? ro ker.-la an.1 aalMa: Flr?t In all. J. B^Bealy. i ;?.?<*i ...'.' 188 Anr o'.:.?t rolot PeklB litintam ro-k< her.a. roeker?l< and pnll*t? F!r?f, la all, .1 8 BMly. Claaa svi- V.^f Caaab Blaek Bantaaa eoeka: FlMt, .1. T i?? OraB. ClaM Hl? Baaa: FlMt, J. T. De '?.' Claaa :i".n Caekerala: Flrat. W. <>. Colwai. ( l_a 187 rallMBi FlMt, W Maata L ClaM ?.'?--JapaaaM itaiitim eeeka: Fir?t. rr. E, ll. wiiio.-r. Claaa 888 If aaa' Kir^t. I?r. _. li. Wllmer Claaa 804 t a ?,.??-. la Flrat, M r?. Bataat, l la-. 888 r.ii>u. rirst, i?r. B. li Wilmar. t :-i?? ;.:o Pollak iiai.tar, eacka: FlMt, af. 9, Spreal 171?Hasa: FUat, K. fi Bpraat, Claaa 872 Caekerela: Fir?t., Allea <;:?.it. . I .-* .t;:: ra'..'* r,r^*. Aii-.t BMat. CtoM B82?BMaM tarfcaya ^-,l patr: F!r?' aiel Beeond, aaaraaa BartweU. CtoM 188 Bmri pali batraiid n. lbW): Flrat, Mcnian BartweU; ?..? ead, l'. ('. lv_._tin. BABTAM COCK. Cbaa B84?WklM tarkaya, baal palr: Fir<t, W. nowinnd ,.:,\. it. C. Kaii'i.n. Cbaa 888?Aay oth< Ikvi FlMt, t. TraadwaB. Claaa tm I...:!.."-' f. ??-.', B4M palr : Flrat, ?,.ii . m ..mi. . . ii. Waketra. i _?? :.'.o Baataa fteaa, beM palr: rir-t, a l.ait, ; BMond, T. Treadw. II. iii- l!"l?t:hli."?e bMWa Rec?n. \,. -t palr: n afwaU . BM 888 C?BBM while iree^o, l^?t palr: Flrat, T. Tr aawsli. ,i,, ;i'.ii i':ii .eiinn gaeae, beat palr: ??. B. Btevenaon. , i?,? aUB- wui u?e?.. Piral aiei Bceona, i'. r.ea.'.w-r i ttm tOB-AylMbary du.;.-, beat pali FlMt, v. i. .Miit.-.iii. t iav? aai^Aayaaadaaka,baat palr: Fhat, n i.. Manaoo. ii v Back*, wi.ii,', I.- "t pali 1 Flrat, a. B. i . leretl l ir^i. T. 1 ? BetkblBa l'Hil tiNS. Kur the best glffftn*, tba iii"t prliaa wera aoa aa toUowa: nia. k . nrrl. r. MSlB and hCSW, B. earrlat. eteka, D. B. BawelL C-irri.' i. lety, T Ir a.t \. Farti Klr-t, I'. laaa lOB ?I lai.iiiaiii- <-'la,?, *88 B. BeweU. Dan ro,-k-. 8aj t.ih'i ,,,;,,r, O. B N-ii'll Illvk tarr.. r keaa, W8818J Hl 18. Baa MrrlW heii?, I, ! \..\,ii Any' r e,,',r hena, D. B. ICewell. larrer aaj atkat salor, Mek, 1880 bateb, iMorga i auai ,, . I ,irrl, r 1,11, l?90. I'. A. K( bl .? A '11 t.II'.er COlOl .. iirrh r kea, WBO, ,,..? i-c.o. n I Bi arefl Blaek I'i'"'! ' arrl- r ro< k, . pnnt.r ?" k. A. A.'ix. v ii wtii" aaam. eaek a a Henau. and whl'e pl'-'l pcalM BCSjB, A. A. ,.,, i.i aml dun t.arii eoeka, i). B. Bewai. Md and Oun li.irtt MW8, 1). K. New.II. , us i.f 1880, l> I- N. .'.-11. Vn.."i. 1.. rl. en. .short, taeeB ainmud BaaaMw rad Bktek, i' Uaw, inark, yeuew, Variaua barb ?'" i IBUO, D \ B raax, v- llaw pted H.-.I | ll i |.,a.t, r e. 11.. a. rellow, Htroux, coeka and Baaa, J'- B. OB888M, BattlrON S!.,,.;.fa.ed ttiii.hM*. BM*tU(d ? faa, tlr?f,. T. S. Old laaa- UM aaeBSi BMt, T. 8. Oaddaaa; ai.ild rorks. flrat, w lialiidij-. Bayaaaa, X ??? Tumblw eoeka, any other varirtv. Brat, T. B. Oaddeaa, rVfaeed altsond bena, Brat, T. 8. Oaddeaa agate icii". T. B. <*ad laaa; nottlod bena, _i?t. T. 8. fl ?? baaAi flis', ?j B flaildaaa; aoUd hena, BMt, W. H il iiAiinn l..ipabu d .I..aa, Blaaalaya baeka and d* , laaaaa waa by ?> B. < Bai h, 11. Ulni.. ha'.--. lenka atnl BOM, tlr.t prlM b,- w. B. 1*8 (aaaa, aau Patat, B. v. , hr-t |trl)e ln a, N. J. H.I in -i,i , iaat. ? aaa lNtni a roiw v.,.n by ,i il Warnar, Bew.york. nn tor aala at Bat aaa thaa 840, ?"" by Plu. 'Ih^n M pxklbtttaa ha aaia h bm ...... i_ laaaf la. aba* r Oa . iaaaaaarg, B. \ BBOOOBBfl _n*t ir.f.d.r ln i peraiuiu. araa l.r Woad ? 1'oij.', Lynn. Ma?a. B8J t'.o "Il..t?ater." afaiiallaatT? unita ?on aa BtBaaai w. u. Orr. MACY & CH, ?I.VTH ATE., 13T II TO 14TH ST. DRESS GOODS bTTaJIE BHOWIKO AN IMMMMSJ* VARIETY OF IM POBTBS CHALLIES iv i % vvn 7 COLORBD 1'iiiNTS. F.MnnAnxr. ,N \tl*i?*i SSral DESioxa. w?ABrom Vriiii'-'* IIUXKIXO VINES. AND HA1R UICBH S^fEw AM-' DARR OBOt Nl, UN THK PIXEST CLOTH t*HPOBTED, Af .,,^:,::;-,".Vn,u';:T;;RioiiTAxcHEvio1's. .r;,,;;,,;1^,.^:"1:';::^, 0abhm?v. .bbom lu hla-k and riajora. 49c. rajr vard: OSBAT VAI.fE. 400 ateeea of IMPORTED (FRF.ncid SATEENS, 19c p?r yard; oBaally aoM al aBe. Job lot of IMPORTED BCOTCH ZF.l'HYR GINGHAMS, INr. p?r varl: weVBk 868. BLACK SILKS. Buperlor Tiaiity BLACR POKOEB, o9.\i warth 6L F.;. sae.t Black RHADAME DUCBE88M, 81.-i.1i worth B2. | Flnn ROVAL ARMURB, 711c; worth $1. nematitrii-d BLACB srit.vH, B6)e.i irarah 61.60. Black BICILIAK, OTIOMAN and MFSCOVITB, 61.19 and 61.6)8)I ?orlh 68 and $2.50. BXtACX BATW Kia.i.N. !'? 99i-.i worth ai.oo. Kl-h lUi'k OROa ..KAIN, wltli aoft aattn flnlah, alao exeeBeat niark Faiile. BaVM ivorth B1.40. BLACK INDIA St li.UI ai.d SATIN, ln a variety cf noat eolored aealgns, from h?-. Io S*?.v>. tg-lack BL At K OROa ORAIX, ?9i'.i ?..rth 80c. I'lno Hlaik TAFFETA. ?9.-.i arerak 80c, a good, fitrone BKIBTIXO sil.K, |te, t wertfe 668. Ulark JAPANK>F. Bnd CBIKE6I sil.KS, wlth small arhlb ipata and Bgaraa. 8t*e. aadfr8Ja*i *? rt.i ?1.25. COLORED SILK 100 pteeea BTRIPED U)UIB1NE, - nprlalag ?U tlie nv-w Bprtog kadea, 119.-. |h r M.rd ; worth 61,25, A rl^h aovelty tn 1'1'KIN ROTAL, embreelBg all giod colura, i-a'm keavy, and all silk. 79c I-r ?ai.l ; 4vorth 61.86, 100 ploeaa *\tra quaUty CREAM WHITE shanoiiaI ."* 11.K. eaeh i>i???? eontalnlng 16% ta IT jard-.. 8s <is per i . ? : B-Ottl *!-. Magntncenl eotleetlan ul I'RIXTED INDIA and JAPAJf. : -!'. .sii.ks, f'.n 86 laehea wid-- and aramated beat gaality, aar>r, and 99r.i a> -1 valu-i for B1.25. GLOVES. ? BIARR1TZ 0L0VE8 ln BlB. Ililr. |. r ; aioitii *1. ILLINERY Women's S-i.!- BIARR1TZ 0L0VE8 la BkMB md Tin. Ililr. p .- r:,.r; aetth 6L EXCI.FMVI-; I...-I..V". IS BAttl.V BPatlKG TRIM4IBD MfLLINEMT, EVEX1NO 1XD AFTER. Nn. i.v BAT8, rOQt'EBi AXD BOXK1 11 l.N llll. BAM8 nt I'Ai. .'.Ml.NT WI ARE MlOUINi; F.XQU1SITK .-"lVl.i.-s IN TRIM.MF.II WIL I.OWWAIlt:. SILESIAS. WR OfTER TIU. KlS'EsI A8SORTM1 XI 1>F THF8E .OU TO DE POI ND l.V THE C1TY AT F.A' TRKMELT l.ow l'ltn IBBb BEDDINC. i3d fluir. reaehnd by leialoia.) MADE BV THE liEM' WOBSMBB. OK aw.fapaaj MATEBIAI? EQI AL TO a\Y OFI_bBB jy THIS MABBBT, BOTWITBSTABBIBO THg PI'.KFS ABB Mtc || CHKAPBB UlAX AT ANY OTBBB E.VI AULlSllMENT. .?UATTHKrtxEJ*. 10 pound*. Short Halr, $(\i\. 40 pounda, pure I, A., ail.II. 40 poundi, Reat itia.k _ao| Dvawtaga 8il.1t. F'.h..', top, fall alie 8.1 .'41. flara, pliln, fall a./e. s:i..)i?. Ex.eUlor, Jnte top. full Mt, 84.40. giialafcn. ptaM, rall aaa, 8\5.4'4. Wevea BFba SPBUTO BBDB. lufl aiie. 84.48, <54.H?. *:i.7?. M.on .1 i 9BJ8A4 blat BPftnia BBDB, f'ill tfnt, IM'-.. 81.08 aad 81.40. Bc?t 1!..\ BPBIBO Bk?88, Bhkgkl W>r. g.l.Hti ?o th $8; d.e.t.:o aardar, Pll.Ofli *.,rth ?18. CaavM Osl BBOB, ILlFaad UabaaeaaNd Cat BBDB, f 1.44 aad 81.71. W'ovci. WtH BKDS, 81.84 94.04. Kx eletet prta t p BUTTRKSS. f?* i ??? Baaa, 81.48, f<?- wklek |2 58 to 88.78 B elaraad abaaaata. FFATIII'.r. I'lI.l.oWS. 64r.. M4c. ai.17. 81.00. A'4.07. and 84.44 each MATTBBBSES, Maaade, *l>7. MKW XXCKIXB ibe-' A. C. _ qualltvi. f>ill '1'?. 84 3 tt aatm 88, BRA83 AND IRON BEDSTEADS. Whito Knamelted "Fr-nrh" IRON BEDSTEADS, altti brass ?..,, .n'.ii.e , 87.41 np to 81-1.7 0. BRASS BEDSTEVDS. _ ... S47.10 up BS 817.71. ALSO URASS AND IBOB CBIBB, BASSINETS. 4a, AT EOWEST PBICBB, CLASSWARE. (Art Baaa, Second Flo..r | 50 CEEF.RY TRAVS. -n-ll ahap". rleh. ) <NQ Q"I laapHMt "st.awl.erry dian.o'.d" pat- ? 9B) VafJI aaa, with tan edge, worth 87. 8B_, 25 SAEAD BOWI.S. h-avy, rl.'h. d-? :? , gg QT cut -Btrawh.-rrv a_aaad" pattaa, > WUatJf with fan BBga, worth #12.* 150 OU, AND VINK'iAH IIOTTEES. ) ?*,] 04 ?iab,aaaa-eat"aaawbanydlaaaaad ; t^livl pattexn, aorth 88.38. ? TBIAHOLB BALABB. ?me rteb. > SSa47 tt?p eatttogbbalavB, worth eio.aO. ^ ^rw".," ? SILVERWARE. IFICUIi BALS Of an oud I.OT OF SPOONS AND FORKS, |]| DOtHI.F., TRIl'LE, AND SECTIONAL TIUPLB PLATE. AT OBB-BUUf BMOVhAM PBICBB. BLAEaKETS. Iii lltl 88. Aiu.'i. Ffi _ LIBl OP BUMJaBB BLABRBTBi AT.=e) CBOICE DE810K8 IB M MUrlt <<?>IIOKT. ABL.B* 1M? Qt'ILTB AT PBICBB TBAT aRU UNAPPBOAi HED. FIRE SCREENS. i.ioo bMullfallj aaeetntag japanese. eaaaptaa ?a? lada, 49r. aaafc i worth 75c. ! VALE^TBiaES. I A LABOB ASSi.ltTMENT OK NEW AND'TIFfti DE8IOK8, Bi I'Kic < E.vr. to BB l-:i PBB CKNT. CHBAPBBTIUB ANVOTIIKR IIOIUB. JLW? AOY&C ,; ,. . )?. ... ... ,.i ,?.-??" ii v i Owen, N Y,, a, orlrnti i - xv ?' 8tonion. \.4..\? k ranUtl atlkj plgeoaa; Barrj Peiera, lallp. ,, [ f.i.'.. 1 yelloa p i< bm IV. B. LmU, All atowa, ,.','.?? I red | Igeoo. I av a loll aod rl Ull ,......,.; ciaai \ B I'h ??-? i * ? N v . marpla -dareooa of varona eoaOfa, BWalWw ptg ona A. P. Parrai INMAN l.A.MK IIl'.N. Kowpart, Man ; Oaeai B Itert, Reararh, BT. J i prleal , ii. \v. Fi-lller. Bfaarark, K. ?' nua pt*.onno. \. m, ingrara, Boath Qalacy, M.- dra ooa r ??".-? .io-'iiii si.-|i|:ii-I, Brtdgetoa, B. J.; ipaa led lee i1- -**?*. II. .. II....-.: ? \- r ;; -t, i |? .i Braluoaa, Qeerga Petdee, Mr.-.; Pl , i, T lli't ll.:!!. "?.. Ud. D lt tMid ' -, .., . i lnm. i.i-t: U. A. Kli l al . I ii, .i bU w L'ocBlna, 0. A. Klehota. Beal whlte Coehlaa, K. I'. Tkaanpaaa. Beal pertrtdgA Coehta. PhllanBer tVlll. i.,,:,". Tauatoo, Maafl. Beal bavek rjanghama, Ptanela T. t n.iiNiin in-^ aad " Baat barrad Flymoath u."-ua. .1. ii. ii,mi.|i*. jr.. Ili'l; Juii.-a Wi.. I.-., *.nl. H.'*l 44iiin- i'iwi..?iin itoiks, j. i. in-i.r.itt, iir-t, it. .i Qatiaoa, aecoad. There wlll I.tii rprlaeafo Ihi groaleat nambar of egga iai'i aod hai ? I Burlag tha ihow, tor un- beavleal ,:-'.ii ,i ? . and fur .1 in r aperlal leaturea, rha aaaa eloaed :,. | i i , ? . . ! 44 |U ii' 00 *-'?nn ul lo B. .... .Muinl.iv. ABCBBlBBOr WALBB TALM4 Tii BTVDBBTB. The atadenta of tke htanhattan Coltoge ga*a ? ?*> eeptlon La t nlghl te Arekblahop Walah, of Toronto, who w;is ?eeompanlcd ba hla aecretaiw, tke Kev. Dr. Willlam K:i: fle. The ArchbUhop waa latrodared i>\ Father Anthony, prwktonl ..f tke eoltege. Tk^oagk ov,-r aeventy yeara .>M t;." trrhblahop h;is ,-i >;.-ai votee, and la ;> readp rpeaker. He told tke itndaota to employ thelr tlme aaefdlly, ea. ii one trylng to aa* qulra thal knowledge that aroald tit tor tke voca tmn thal ii" latended te taka ap la aftar life. The advantagea ..f modern ataatoata arere fnr Miperlor to tho e be had had, tor be had obtelnad his toowledga \4.iii tl..- atd of a tallowHtjp in nn old w.xid shiBgev ln the baekwoodi .f Canada. The Arcbbbtbop was heartiiy applaudcd dorlng hi* addreaa. niK ELECTIOX i>y DUBOIM 7.V BOVBT. h. i <? clty, idaho, Peb. 7.- in tba Benata ? resniu tlon 4V.4S offered, that, .." Bmibl euflated us to tho valldlt) of the eleetion of Mr. DnboLa aa a Unlted Btalea Benatoi t,..- the term beglnnlng Mareh l n-\t, the Leglalatnre rneet In Jolnl aeaalon aruLeteet a isen ntor lor Ihal tertn. The reaorntloa araa adopteal l.v a vot.* of '.. to 6, Ihe Deaiocrata b ttng wlth the trlenda i.f Jadge,Clnggett. Tlie rcMilutlon wlU ronte np ln iln- iloii*.'. wiiere Ita (ate la in donbt, thoagb taere aeeaaa te be :i probablUty of Ks anceeaa. - - ? - -a> PMOQBE8M BSPVBUCAB CLVB 0W91CBBB. At tiu' laat IfgalBI niei'tltiB of tho Froirriraii lt. i.nt.i:<*aai Club. of ti,-: XUi Aaaeiuulv IMnt-lut. Um> followtua .,(ll..*4ta men tkttad. Prad L Mataball. praaMeal; Adaa D aa, Bmi v. '?.|T"-ii<i"iit: Uaala >' ata . * coed rlis pi<aa_l| w Hja_ p m ratl r reeardlag BKMBaryi Tkcoeera ". Blttner, earwapeadlng areratary ?- * I li BjIBnelal a-xr-tarv. t.u? I.-il.t-'r*. a?BMBt Bl BIBIB ; llou-* Commlttaa, Alexaadaa Lstcbt, WBUaaa Baeder, Th?,ator? nitrij r. WiUlaaa C. nothinaiin, I'erdlnand Ratl M J" . Mark Tratitf-ld. Joha Muxm. VMd s, bMBBt, B?B \V>n_ . i ? TES'ASTS DRIVEN <>Cr HY FLAMXS, A STl'IUlOI'.N FIRF. Uf THK CELLAB OP a BIO Al'ARTMKNT BOCfcB, ?m..lte BOBTed f:-"!ii t'l ? eelliir aal OJBdefcly t-p-e-id through fi" Bre-etory ahlta marblt apa unenl at N... 111 Weal Elghty foarth -i. a; haB p.-i i eVhwB \i-.i.'ni.iy afternoon. rba bnlMlng la o tuptod bj -1 famlUea. a hall dlvldaa the itrurtare Inw Baal ? 4 ipartmeata and hmr fbrnlliea Uve in each nn* a- tba -in..Ke eatered ti.e rooma <.f the t >nanU, ;. -iiarp cry ?.f Bra wag through tha koaaa and ever>b*dj t.?'l iii-.i 1....1 i.. tbe atreet, carrylng alth tbem nBaa1 ev.-i- porlable artlcle aaa "f the atoai ralae m algh*i ,,;;, ,i. i here ?,f- a gn il deal "t ? Bul .irr.Dof, the tenaata, bal tbe exelteawul never raaehad t\t lieichi ..I a panle. Tbey wenl to tne honiea ??( t ietr frleud* in ti.?? neinhborhood and aal aaaa gaaatly w win. ii ihe dettrai l on of iii ar owa ii i Tbe Bra aaa nglng In tbe eellar and ll eartntadl teoaat, wben BatlaBon Chief Olequel um i I ir,.. a- if ihe baikUug nnd Ita entire roiu< < v,'rt Aoomad t-t .i.-'i-ii. ti.'ii. Olequel aeal oat ?. reeaea aii.m .i.i.i with the .i.i.l.ii.iii >.f a hall doaen m??ra englnea to thoae ahli li u awered t! > ,M flromon aent to *?;'i<. t.. aave ihe bullding. Tne . t araa blaalng and a rlver ol water une thrown Into lt. The ii:-' waa atabborn and whUa tiie water pul onl tii<' Bra In the bod) ol the .-?! '?"? l!'*'* were .'ui.'- ihooiiug oul here and th< ? I ? ?!"_? i .-.-A,' in ii, ? . lliii ol tbe ..'lli.i- and the Hn >' Boor. . Watar ooatd nol be iiiroun Into ? a V? tlivni, a i.a.i to t"..I- um the < nll."i ' "' ?'" "~ I.. |.ih ihe nn-. lt !?? u tM" houra -?! ha <i wora. Mlihnel J. Hvrnea la 11.wner ..f the bulldn - snd aa uciuplea tlie llflecn rooma ln Ihe from bi i mr apanj iiieiii. in- (umliura v a- ,:..-!..-.! u< Ui ? *' !" "J .T-'..' and i.i bulldlna B8.000. rhe pi ?p rt.i ' ? other u'i.,1 .(-. wa ita_aged oul) b) auioiui. ? ?'' ? ""J~ covercd bj u.-aiu... I'he caiue m the Bm aaa aa ovorheated Baa la the i .-iLir. BABXIBAL J/.imi./.v n> VI8IT TBU CITT, a prlvata letter from Bangor. Be.i ya?wrdaj -?'* thal e.\ \i..- 1'.. -iii i.i lla, i.i'al llamllii aOUM I 'v? h.uu.. on Tueada) and urrive hara on Wedneadaj Bfter ni.,.11 and ia> al the Ftfta Avanne llol l. He waan i.. :? tn apeah al the Llneoln dlnner, ;?. be |i**n bj 188 i;, pi i'.i., an Club on Febrnar) 8_ al Delm nl o* Mr. ilainiiii will be nccompanled bj iii- alfe and 888a General Chartea IlamUn. Ile la kwkini I #nnrd loaaB rlall alth paal Iniereat, t"r he haa aal appaarad la nablte i.i thia ritv ha atanj yeaM, bal In ipite ><t BB advanred aga. elghty-ane reara, hh old Mend* wUl ilial hun ln vlgorou* hcaUb. exoaptlng an ..???? "'*? loueh of rheunraUsm. Mr. I anilln wU apeak oiitaj aublcri nf - rhe Murvlvlng Mandard llearer ..t l*aa?_ o,, Uie day after ihe dluner be ...... att >nd tha M88jf> Uon niveii t)> tne Unoaln ci?b af Brooklya. Pfgaarva__Jfg 81 rBB wimt: _Ca7a_ Waahlngton, Fab. T.-The BavB4oa OoaaatlBaa ..f tha Pre8hyter-a Chareh, aaa la aeealea m thaa cttp. naan at tlie White HMMB Ihhl BBOrnlM ln a body. 888888 by _-j_Uee atrong, aad paad aatr raaparia ta m Pi-aaidaat._ VVBUD BT DR. KOC11S LIMTU. st. Laakt, Feb. r.-w. a. WaBera, aba antanataai MUsoart I'aeltle H0apB_l 08 January tl 8 -"??'__. tive will leavc It thfcl evenlng or to-mornw BMB-B curijd by Baeb'a ly_ph. rBB BABVABB C1A7B D1SSEB. thc Bfth annnal llnner af lha Harvarl ?'?? ?f tfeta ,i.y wUl taka ptaee at ^****?*J* \Zt ,ui:v co, au lUrvaH aea Urlai Is ti. - -KJ whether aeaaaera af tha elah ar n t are nrBaaij !ltI,.,(|. Arii.'.M.i.'.it- LK' betag ..Hi!" I' - "* **} J? ^ ,,..?,,, and .. l,rp- a,:e,da?..' ^ pe.t.d. Tl.el....e.'rr.nI:nitf-N?"?'l'|-?t ;f ? Rlarden, Chartea c Beaaian. Umhi ? "_??_ ?up_. _iMUii. Mmund Wetnwre. Natha ile l *? ; Henry 8. V.n Imtfii und Ile imiu l-ei'i '-"?'' ^ " T. * *." *l,rk ll'OHre, Uaaaaannnairlr tba laallag braaa. AU UrugaUtB.