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BALI. CLUBfc CONSOUDATE. two nn'oKTAM mi:i:tin</> iikld. bvsi.hai.i. iBTramBarn ir rroorlybi rarmo* BflOtfB AT LA8T. Tke baarjha" wai la kkoohlyn ii now over, and the rtval ehaba I-. Uia1 etay i4,rt i"-"'i"'i'->' eon?olldatod. Tln* roovetnenl toeana that Ihe ttrideoWtMnaa wlll Wa.hl.gton Park. wkaaa ao aaanj greea (Uamond patUei bave been 1 agfci and wfll move to the more bleah Eaatern Park. tha home of tke tonner liroohlyn Plavera1 latngae team. This wlll nieet wlth favta from tke fdltowen '<' Bka Bame who flve over i rwa d Ka*t Rew-Yeek. bat it I* a aad btow lo tke toltowera oi tha -'?.'.." ::i ,!i'' tiowanna dlatrtet Two miBJtlaga arere h.-ld yeaakBrdavy. aad tke Bafaira of Un- toraaer Dretherhood Club were adjaated. I mt Baeetlng w*. o a ol tke itoeadwaden of the Bi.k ivn Club. and abool all tke aaeek of tke defnnct Phwera' ?lub u*' repreaeated. Tke atiKhkiolda ? drew ?p a plaii tor . oi,"..|;ot, Wlth tkC Uio.i.lyn Uague ehab, wklel la ptnetkaUiy tlaa aaaM a* that otrcrc-i by Mc-t". Iiyrne. aaaTBl aml Abell. the erwnera ?f tke fcktter etak. Tka Pkayara1 League men wiB gay earee to the I'.i-oefclvn Leagnc < lub ?:iO,000 ln ca-b. and in retarn 6be katte* goea (^ kkaitera Park. a ne* -toefc rooaaaay wUI be torm.-d. and the atocB wBJ be euuaiiy divid'-d between the foiiner rlval faitlf>us. The Uoiird of of tbe Broeklvn Playrrs' .lub m-t BiaaawnM ta tbe efh>e of tka Kinga Oannty etovaied road. and todtwaed the awttoa of the ataek hotoera. Thoae present were Joi.n Wallaoe. llenry .1. Bo-Hnaon. W.-nd.-ll Onodwln aml <;. W. Wlrtfc. Tlie detentea aie well satutled wlth tbe lui-n .iiiu.i* hava lakeu. and aav that about all Ikal tt"*' t.. BB ,;.,:i,. i* tbe loraaal -igiing ol the eenaolidatton paper*. Atiother n.eetinc wllt bc held nr-st satuitlay. Wkefl laal amiiigciuenta **l!l t.e niatia. .lohn Wnll-4cc wn* acon after tlie meetlng. and wlth hi* n-nai rawrteotia and aareeabla manner anawerad bU guerie- ln lelal.on to tlie fnturo of the club. And ne.-e Mr. \v:,n,iie dtBered from aome .>? tho other atokanatea, waa in Hartr eff.nts ta. acoapy dlg nlllfal poMtiona genemlly manage to n.:U.c theru*<-Iv.i* utooa. s.-cifii.n Oaorfe W. Wlrth fi..rnl*lied Ihe Btatlatloa of the Baeetlag. Mr. Wallaee araa aiitkaaaaatle over the pwHapecta oi tne ehtk for the eoaaiai aaaaan, and thonght thal Ward woaM do w.i den ait* tke roaablned p>ylng BtMnBtB ol tli.- two elabe. uWe wonld ffln t<- aecure ; ? aner for onr rlub." mA Mr. Walkvre, ""?<> *?? i,,.'..- ., .1 lermlned effort to gel that wtrndertoJ ejeond ba niiiii. if tka i;o-io;i Liairm. .lub raa shrn Btovcy 1 .io not a.-e v. hj we ikookl noi hava Blerbaner. w- have a three-yeara' eontrael Blerbaner, and li doea ii-' tooh aa aaa ?* if the Athletlca have any tlaira to Wa.. Ike Phttabarf rlnb tertalnlj haa not* w.iii Blerbaner oa aaeoad, Fonta oa Biat, Ward al ., , .? : Pliikney at th l. oa ' am wonld hav- a wnnderral mtieid. OoRtoa eoadd be plaeed al centre flcld. whlch vould greatly ataWBglken llrat dci-ai't i if you fa.i tn aecare au>rbaaei wlU Ward ., | ...,,, *,,,,. ibori Blopl" waa ankan. s ,, i do i : thlnk "O." aald Mr. W'uUaee. "I do nol believe ft'a ?>! a ?uM ?? i? il to i kange hla poaltlon. n? betler from ihort and ran rertalnly i. , bettei poaltton te wnteh and *-i'-'- dlracttona io We would ? : roun i Uke to have Van ? ? he i* ii w.mderful player, but we have mn ol gettina lilui. Ile wlll play ln l.bjo nnd An*o i wlll in.' li t hlm go. ,,...?i?-i m :... .,;,, .,, I.,,- ,,, i Loagae. elmosl organUed in ii , i. ? . v '".,.-, Ilecannon. M nUgu, vdalr. the r ... < , . the 111b . Dlumonda. arid Mtinivger -i-..r..s. ,? i .- i-..:..'.:i*. ' i* i-plll on tbe Kunday queatUm. i and Keofe ui":..'t the toague rlubj to i'ia\ \..j : rlthdrow; the i ? . .. ? ? ' '. .< . The ll..-:. :n All ' ' ?*<' *" -.rllliad |o I'hiv Rll IJ -?. . - . .. wlU , . \,r, the i la k L?i*monda h formlng a h tba I-- os and Weal Wde- Bcktord ? '?'' Mearna , . t ,:-.- i,. withont fonr rlttba thal tbev had ? ? ,?:. ?:,. I)ut tl?e> ?av ihej .111 -' I mhor ? ln) ? ai n ?, le.-.-i.e a tuaale. The lati r eapecto f. r ...,...?.. r ,. irt-uanUaj ?-. nf hl? leaajue ncxl wweh. - ?? aalTed im the l mbr i f?-.r i.urope ? .. aboul a month. Ward hope? t.. thi to i.ia anatomy dnriiis i.i- trip. ?- went dwwn to tka pic-r u> *^" the :?! lyer ofl. m -.i..;;- DONOGHUF WOS THEM AI.L. Tli:: rHAMPIOR 6RATEB DI8TAXCE9 AI.I. COM-" H iRS \r Tiir. M'.w nn;.. RAOKS. JCewbnrg. N. Y-. Fak, 7.*-.Ml fonr of the nves of iba Nattonal Samtli I A-s-ciation wr-re heM nn the r'.ve hava tkta mirninir-iinart'-r milc. flve mllea. one ni e and len mHaja. Tke lee waa ln good c ndltton, , ,. tl \ rtondrd, a::?i akera was do arlad of aay eon i. -. ii-ii.-' dnrlng the fir-t tbree ? ei .te rt Tke ,:f a mlle In fbrtmmferaaee, Btarttad by rad Baga . - :-. Tbere were tboaaanda ol ipe. tatora, whmn t was imaoaalbki to kaeit ln b ni da. j^o aiatera In tke qaarter-mlki itralghl awnv were ? F. Donoghne. Jamea s. Donoghne aad Rbner *;?? j, ,i . all 'if Kewbnrg; aWward r. M akler. who i\ ?- on the other alde of the rlver, and 0. tfanaen- , r.of Y.lei ? >H ge. Blmpaon and "Jkn" Donoghne ? ?:?? rnkad onl al the line tor Bsaadng f.'-.: atarla. lt waa a b.-antifnl raca between "Joe" Dom ghaa and ?: ,r all Ibe oray. Mtinaanhelmer dropplng behlnd lerably. n n-trhtm leii Hoakiet twanty fea. a* tha flnlsh, Mnnaei helmer tRlial. Tlme, 37 I B -nd . Per tne iiveinti!' raea the ilarteri were "Jon" and ' -.i:m- Donoghne, Slmpoon, Moshier. Muntenhelraer. w. ii. itToas, of Xea York (itv. and Uaorge H.-k, j ,.f Varpbvnck'a Potnt. Tbta b i i not rece from ti.e . itart "Joe* Donoghne *et the paea. Oroaa gave H ... - .1 lap and Muazeahelmer q ill b the ?hird Tha tii'*? miie wa* eovared ln 8:308*5, and the hr-t two milc- tn 6?T. "Joa" Donoghue wa< then io.) yar6a ln advanee, Moahtor aad Blmpaon . ,--,.- togetker and "Jfcn" Dcnoghna nnd i. i handred yarda Inrtker bchind. Btah and "Jlm" Donoghue could not h.-.-p ap, and Ktlred Irom the ,,,,.,?. ksavlng "Joe" Donoghne, Blmpaon and Moahlei lo Bghl lt out Tlme for thtee mll"* 8:181-8; In the foiirth mlb* Sfnip*>>n made a *purt. leavmu- Moshier behlnd and calnlnir rapldly on Donoghue. while, the nrged hbn oo with meonraglag thoata, aii three arata' Ifcalr kwal bast almpeoo eama up withln h hundred fevt of ?ioa" aad Ikaa held lus own for the re?t nf tka milc, .Moahler falllng behlnd. Tlie tlme for tlie four mllea wa, i?:-27. Donoghne ealn.-d eeaBaataiaably In Bka flrat lap of the flfth miie, and n.en aaolty held tka advaotaga to the flni*h. Time? -Joe" Donoghue, i!>:'i7; Bknpaan, 16:631-6; Bteaktar, l?:10. 1-oth Donoghue and 8imp son beat the world'a ri^cord. whlch hail been 14:01. One-mlle race-Startera: .Iraveph and Jaraea. Douo phue, !-lmp*on, Munrenhelmev. Rraaa, l'rodiirlrk lituk ner. of Verplancks Point: T. F. Devlno. of Matatawan, 9, Y.; O. W. of MalJoawafT afoahtar dM nol start. Meivlo \wv* ?Ueaaad BB tal.e Ike lead. DeMno nnd r.rosai followlng hlm and Bknpaoo and tlie DonoBh.iiw i;i*r of aii. fjmpaaai aajRed om of tka atring und the lead at the lirst tuni Ile aad B tTB rueiidoii* ?:M4t and soou had his followeis stning out llke telegraph i>ole?. even 'Joe" Domarhue beirig flfty fe<?t tiehind hlm. The poe<; waa i<?i fa*t for elther Jiunit-tiiieituej-, Devinc, Oraaa or Bnckner, and tkey Bropped ont simpv.n fell aWaataMl while havlng a ({(kki w?ui i4i.d wllkdraw. ".ioo" Daatvagkaa tkan \?on easliy, with -Jim" Doaotjkne aaetaad, ..:id Heade thlrd, tiK- la^t t.v.i ii:i...-r a ta. TtoM ea* raee 8*088*6. Ten Balk raea Btejtave, th<- DaMoajhaea and Btmpaon. The aaee a 4* atow al tka itart. All ^'pt logether till tke ^i\;b mlk, wnen "Jlm" Donoghue ?i^ grad nallv left behlnd. On the eifthtli BaUe the latter gave np ihe ruf. MJoe" Donoghue . ouw nol "i.aU.- blmp? aon "U and tliev were -eldoui more than a rard .; irl durii.g the whole i-ue until etoae (?? the ftniah, and ana ike laal tnrn, wbea "Jaa" laok hla hun.i* from l^jiind hla back *::.l mad.- n pnaad linaj apurt. blmp BCaB, t<m, then "K^u-d for all theis- was in hlm, Imt ??Joe" slowly wlataied the g?p and tlrii-h.-d a WtaUMT lu \it:iA.> 4. akaayaoa'a ttnae waa *i6 :,,b u-5. TOO LRTU WIND F'lR THF. 1TF. YACHTB. llyde Park, N. Y.. Keb. 7.-The ice va. ht ra.e for :he ihaJicnce peknaal of Aaaerlea araa atarted at k>:15 ihi* inoniinc. The iia/.- tnrinsi tka towar atake twenty aaeonda ahcad af tke the s.iid eomtng aaxt TiK. se.xind time aromid the lla/.e mned the atake :; jiinutvs 61 aeeeBBBa ai.e.i.i ol tka Idele. The wlnd lylng out. Bka rae? wns then po*tponed uzitll 10 o'cloek Honday toornii.i:. WHAT ATHI.ITl N ARE DOIXO. Nearly all Bka BBBBtoa * ol tha aauUeal LaairaeBoa elaaa ?f tbe Mnitkattan AlhkHIc < lub arera i . I ay nlubt. wben w,e Hietiaa af yaehttaa ealled ike roii in th naslum for practi.e dnll. Re to.'k Ihe . lu** foi an iina*.lii a.y *?il dn44ii Un- BB! and l.:e n. Tka BIBla*Bll "?'" Bolated aad retfea. aovaial :?? aa amd. ariai the a.d ol the bia.-k laDard, *iie oart* af the aaii aad tka BBIBBB and pto rupea wvre oplalmd. At tba ... xt ,l:!il, oa FTMaj, Pebru ary 20, Uie BBoaabara orlU 6s aaan practkal ?f.rk. Coaa nwalere Kobert Oni>r ?4iii aexl Mi'irdaiv evoatag. Xhe Bwlaaalag eooai/ -.itior. for points la Un- kfaahattan AUiieiic Qab ." gidilag exerltag A. BfeBert and W. . . Jahn*.'.i are even and H. V. Oteavet l^ ekaM tat il.ii'l phv ? J'hc l(e;s,.ii AUii.-li' A*>..>'iatlnii 4var*r pota ^?aI.l wlll pl?v an i xi.iblUoii K'aii.' Bl waler i/olo ?lth tbe .Mi.:.itatlaii Athictic Club aaam aa tbe Narrrattai A-.iii-u.- Qab tank on Kebruary 21.'. whlch wlll be Inlen *tln?. The lndoor gaoaM of ti.e Manbatlui. Athletb- rinb. to I* held at ttn- MsaRaea snu-.r.- Qaa6aai, wiu iirinn out homn ot the I" "'. ?n,?u-ur telent ln the cuuntrv. Tbe a?in- ? wlll ba held on M*n 1, 14. l'rlies ot unuaual be?'Uv aod valuu wlll bo .wiiiO J to the lirst. mrnd aml thiii in oaoh MBBa teat. The entrv llat wlll rb?e on Maxh 7. wltb. H. J. Carnell. ?' ot the athletlc The conttata alll b?- as BaHaW* I 70-M?r<J riin hiuidleBp, llml'. 4 yarda; 70. *rara 8 teet 0 U>chv? huidie haudlviao. 6 rards: 21'0 | yard run handleftp, in : 110 ra d rnn i I iitti.t -.-it yarda I OO rard rn. bat llea i.tH-n,:., ran handleap. Ui t 7S rai flv*>.mlle raa kandl aap, llmlt 1* hilnul ip. llmlt 33 runnlaa pjmp, llmlt 10 Iwhca nol* raoll, : . al _ t io.j nl raa n ?'?" acrab h. Tba (aa ra to b rolled la Uie Aeau. Ha i n ?" 8 ? :., j on M, i '. ' ??' " s" l roai ? !' Pl i, rt Ull] ra, Auf ! Aeme va. Mneola i t Tbe eendlUooa govarulna t1"- ala daya" walklna matrh : t? |? | on Ma." i. 15 ? - Thi, ni r Bpyvei th* rlalrt t?. n .? i i utrv nf any n.nn a -.'.:' i thiee aeeka' contlnuoua and carefol Iralolna l t t tala all Ih -????? moti ? t i pla. ? tlO f> ; reaponi ! aiitl a be by them paid ovei I I '? 83,000 to ii. Brat, BB '.iii to ttie H.OOO n t , the i.fn,. K ? ? ' | iixth; to nai ' arl b al all paaa up n tbe pbTBJi al -..,-, ,.r aaah eoottatsnt bafer b Btarta, and II tb. ],'., ,. i ?? htm ti al ha la ? A bi eaodll an, 5h< ?'? '* m... ev t.. be refuaded and eooteatanl rejerted at 12. aharp, Buaday night, htareh 16, Bnlab Baturday night Mareh 21. 10 o'eloek; every eaaaataal wbo Btartt i;,u-t bare a eaaapetrnl trateer; avery rantaatant ma?t eover BBI mBea a ta Mtrtfcd tn aay arlai at all Baaa en lha tiark .-v.iv B?taataal arfll b ereaalred M areai tl.e aaVlal aaa i at aaaiaaad to hlm br thf Baaaaaament. Tne ?ar azainat u bas_a taauaaa&eat, wkleh doaa aa mu.i, u, Boeawraaa pwaTeaaleaaiaaa. "in Be waa** <" ,(" Utteread. lha arttola ea tha akaaea af aaarrli , ?hod lt, last Baadar'a Ttibtiiie iiaa ci-iie-d BMMh I en.m. nt la aniai-ur clnW durinr thc we?k. lt bf. a ln donsfd br U.e manatara 8f BM A_Bteni AthleUe Fnioii and the board ol Bjareraera ol levera ef Ihe targer athirtic claaa. The Vaioa wBl probablT appolnl i. eoramlttee to _TaaBfaM tha eaaea t>l ? ?-?' prot. -.Bllam. Beeretary J. r BalBvaa, af th' Aaaateui Vi.lon, aaid featerdar: "l <1o BB8 think Ihe Board wUl ge aii.-au on aay bearaep arkteaea i an h aitllj al ? aad tlred of hearing irrerytady elaamea aad beiera-aay tbey kaaw al aaa "i"1 are Bparrlag f?r maaey, Bot ona nf them evhfeatly haa aaaateui apael at bearl eaonih to eeoa ferward la a aaaly way aml aake a i.Be attte __l to the effect that John Joaea m Joha Thomaa re celved a apeelBed aaa for ta_ng, *"<J Baaae the Uaae aad plac" "Suth a eemplalnt Irom anv renuMtrie atnlrte er meni. ber af aay i lah wBl at, eaaa b? reeoaalaed. if lha !<?:.? i ,.f Ifaaagera abaald at thi- aeaaaat dlaqualtfy lha boa - fmptlcated, thr ehaaaaa are that it will be bnpoaal ,.in eaaaah evldenca to oonvlct, w* need eampin. ? . etaqnallfy tkeaa d amateura. ? ?Wh. a ...- reeueat * ii. ntaeal b bo I i t*?tlfi b never do aa Taka, f..' laataaee, Bm Cahfll raee. ll waa rumor. I tbal B C. WilBama bad ? rldene - I ni eoavlcl CahlU. Bc waa polltely aaked to b kaew,, refueed i doal aay i ahlll waa tulltj ?as WUllana'a doty !?. appear before _e Board Thi saiii' toiiditit-.n of aflalra prevaibi today. ??a areat many men a.-.- s'i>i?'.'t',ii. bul we I. .-?? i dir'rt wrtdenee. At ti.e next meettaa ol Ihe t'nraa - - whlrh a e Ih8 BBuaa ..f nn Ihla treob .loubtedlr ta iaae a?-nv with. Thrv ara al ftmr, -.x aad Ma roaada, for ipectal traphka, aad refora In Bua diroi'tinn i- Bbaalutalj aaseaaary, ..tvias; t.. u.u BvIIb .. bbIbIbj lhatetaaa."_ THE GJBB8-COWIB CONTE8T. BOOKB OF TQB XlII'Ill DIBTBICT tBBOClATIOB l'HonVCI.D ANIi I'l'T IM I.Vlin.M I Bl FOBH THE IBVBSTIOATIBO COMMI1 Tlio Btth-eorandttaa >.f tlio Bew-York BepnbBrar, County OommKiee ahlrh tm* nnder eonatderntto i ,,;,..t betaeen the Olhta and Ooate tartaona ln 11?** i xiiuh Aasembly Diatrlrl ro"Bnued it- InraatlBatlon yeaterday afterooori al Bo. _BB Blaatk-ava. I a wnrk of the rommlttee I- t.< lovaaBpate .-riarR.' ?' frand aUeiced to have heen eomniltted In tha xnu,. Ulstrlei al thc hial prlmarj eleetkn for iieioiriiNN lo the Republlean Conniy Conventlon, held on .tanu.\r\ 13. The Inveallgaton began laal B'edneadaj and waa adjourned untll yestarday afternoon. Frederich B. Honae, Henry CBntOn Rarkna and Jamea k. Dufy appcarad Ba the Btttoa a>kajaiea, ai 'i Henrj L. Bpraaae and B. 3. TlnadaU Ba lha ? mteatlna, derfigaaa Tbe Bftllng araa .tu;.-<t lor -'i ..'.i-rk. bnl Mr. Bprafaa aaid be waa nol ready to proraed alth ?idc "t tli- eeae baeanaa tha aecretary of the xiinii AaaoiBblj l)!?iri.',i noputiliran AaaoeUBon livi nol yel appoarcd rr.lh t!i<: i 'II and mlnate booka ??! the Bl riatlon. the prodacBoci of whlrh on oeenalBB ha.t been ai.-ro.ii apoa at tho bwUmbb Deatlng. Olbba'i .otinwi vai Md |o |B oa witii.tni aattlnj loi tho adnnte booka < oanael ior tho eonteetarrki rahaed i? proeeed, ilalBiBn that Um erleanee oi ti.rir iimt wltneaa, >ir. DulTy. ono of liihba'a counael, ivue dlr?<:Hy BBOB bhe i bo<?)<<;. The aeeretary not bartng arrived nt i^n ipinutr- lo I 4. it ?a^ BnvjfMeed t" ailjoiirrj, aud the i halraian ol tbe conunlttat duactad Uie Olbba faction to prodace the booka al tho oext meeting. Aa -.i a- thi- rourse waa dectded npon, Mr. C bhe, who had been atandlng iu the doorway of uu adjouilng room, thal he aaa bappy lo aay that tha aecretary waa on hli waj tol - meeting with tbe booka, and tbat he would aureli bi there la h hra mlnntes. The rommlttee dertded to iiait, and iu abottt three mlnutea the Beeretary i i iu \iith tl"- booka nnder iii- arm. < opnaal lor tbe eonteatanta Unmedlately aaked II il the baoka bc put ln evWenca. Olbba'' ro>in i wen pruned atth a numbor ol argumenta why thu Bhoujld nol ta pur ad, A geiMral offer ..i tbe r-.n and mlnutea a* evWeooe ???- noi proper, Mi. Bnrbua ^aid. li tha le wanted lo u.*e the roJl and niiiiutes a- <-\i.i.-n ?-. they ahould atate a -, eaae of frand ahlch they Inttnded to prove. Th< rhairraan of tiie rommlttee anggi I ?i that tbe i for eonteatanta ahould beain in Ibe raaa In the n wajr, by ealllng thelr wltneaaes, whereupon thej Jamea K. Dufly, one of Glbba'a rounHtl, who wa -?, i-iaiv ? f the Diatrli t Amk ? latloi for f ?ir ? i prevlona to tbe IOth "l l.-t Jannary, Mr, l.ui" i. -'in? .ui related to Ihe roll and inlnute b" >ut- He t.-i,i,t-ii thal ii..- roll was correct a< far m he knew, but admlttcd ihat .t had been out of hla po f e- a ahorl tlnji. on aeveral oeoaalon _ter Mr. Duily'a exaaalnatloii ?? BnUheO, Mr. Barkui argned that all thr. rommlttee had rlghl U. I'lVf-ii.-a'? waa a- I-. the honeatj ol th' elertlun, roi alderlng tli" wav ihe bookt* atood nl the llme <>f Iho elc.'tlon. The other slde had f.n-'i lo Inrestlgnte th? | torre.tneaa .,f thc roll-booh before Ihe elertlon. nnd il there wererrrors ln it th-v had the tauefll nl lh?*m a i iw-ii ;t, nibta'a -i'i". Tlw rommlttee, boaever, u repted the hook> lu evldenrc, nnd nrdered the aeere (.uv ,,f tbe dlitrlcf n--.?.-latlnn to producc Bl tbe neai , meeting the pledge* nlgned i.v th.^e wIk^- oamea ware 1 v? tha roll. tt wa* d?tl<li*i Ihal ie?i*.?e4iUiiive? from ' hAtS Md?* shniild niwi the rtimmlftof W-RKMTOW Bl 1:30 p. m., al the offlre of Bherman Bvarta, So, '? Wuli-i.. in examlne ihe roll nnd n nnle b ? ',-. Tlw <oonnitt"e then adjounied, lo meel at So. ii'it. Blghth ave. at 8 ..viock aeal Wedneaday evaalag. MBBT1B0B ASI) BBTEBTAJKVBSTK. Ih* Bew-Vork Borlety of Pedagogy will hav. * eaafar. .at tha Cltj College at i p. m. ..:. Febniar] 10 Tha tor).' fer dlaenaalofi will I" "Att*nUon." Th. tjuei rotalderatlon .?? :,'of eaparlty lor cooMnuooa att ?? d:'!'?!? ni agm: eiprdu iM for aeeurlng or rerlrtafl attea ii,,n; tr.a'n,. at ..f d ' ?? ol " > i raa The i.t :-.,.. Beelety of Bi Fraaela Xavirr'a Chureh will eelebral lleth anatrerraty at. the Xavlei elub-haaae, Boa 27 and 2'.< Weal Slxt- aU at,, Itvaajan?? ?? .? v 111ri_. An .lai?,t..'e piogiawiiiie baa been prej u i uu j. laclad ? apeveboa, ? -.>'. a dlalogae, um-i<- aud aa . ahlbUten af lha pbonagiapk. ih" Bjor, Karelaaa Cyr, wfco baa baaa atadylna th* hlatory al the Bagueaota for aevetal v.-ari?, aad a \i t d the prlaelpal Proteataat eantrea In France, I wlU addreaa the rinvr-a.-- I ub ol .%'? *.,, evenlng, ot. "The progreaa ol llheral thongbl ln ti. cburehee orlalnally toaadtd In that couairy uad - tn. iiitlu'-ii,-<- <,f t i.i;,i " Be jir<?i?.*-? ~ tn -iau ihal i ?? .? d ? .t .? haa loat n- boM on Ibe .L,'.- Ol He Old 11 Tha i " u II ..: .'? A ,-: k an Pbi ? wlU mea al tha rooma .t Ibe Bocietj ol tmauui r rapbrra, No. lll Weal Xnlrty^lffhth-at., al i<> a. n. oo aaisay. Oa Tu. day evenlna tha hoetotj ..t AmafMir I -;jli!,,r- ?l,l lla- t Bt Ui" -al:.'- | la, ? . BrB. i Vlfl 1 Vlenna wUl read a paper on pbotographic - tak.-a oo orl ? ? , . ,-rt h.ii bt .'iwi ai tbe roooi" ol tbe siwi.i.v on the even. iiil' nf February 23, rae -? lety alll llatea t>. an lllua. lecture. "Ramblca In 8paln aad Moraeea," on tu. evenlng >.f Mareh :. r i hl kenng Hall, l>] Uta Bev. ln. _ t . H.tll.-. _tward tValdo Emeraon wlU u'.\e a Isetura oo "Tho i.,f. aad Ckan tei "f Tbor?ii? ? at, the atudlo of Danlel C. Frtn h, Bo. 125 W. -t BlevenUi-at., on tb. evenlng ?.f i?? bruary la 'lii-re uiii be a revlea of tbe 7th II. .??? i arkai - badgi - a' tba ara oi i on tie evenlng >.f Febi lary 12. The J....ia. , ?'?-- - atlon will all down to a dlaaer a? t1-. Hotel Urunawlck al 8 M p, ,,,. t., .,,,?. The aurvlvoi ,r the b tl Koanoka Ialand B. C, Fetamary Jo. IBOt, aad a alctore M Ibe ?-.:..o??? ..I ti. Hawklaa Zouavea on th Ba I uiii be on axblbltlon. a duin>r (?? in?^|.ap''r u.-n waa glvaa Filday aveaina Bt the- A-iiianl Uouat b] i iia.-i-- ..'. Albert, manaaer nf tk. atxda] walklag mateh io s.-stn at Madlaoa Bquara ..ail, i. Mur li la. At the meeting of lha Gblo Beelety lo-awrrow nbjht, a' \... 236 i-t't i-ai? ?., Abaei >'. Thomaa a U aadroaa Um i tlng on "Ohlo ,t- Viewsd b] aa Outalder." Biig no <,ak'- v.iii aiiaagB a aiualcal progiaauaa A reeepaon to tbi a' and lavlted gueata M lk raaveaaka of tke kfaatri Ba'ldan of the UnltedBkitea, win be i)i\.ii at tie Nw-v.uu Trada -1- baola, Fuatave. and Blgty aavaatb ei. at 2 p. bl lavaHnaw. Tkera aBl ba hi. laaaaattaa of tne briektaylag, plaalarlai baaae, a:an aad bnaaa aa'athag taipeany, nvne-,, biaekaailtb and _8kaB8aa Boaai tm. ata .t ti,' litltwloai. Aa aaVaraaa will I,.- made by in-imp Fatlat at U. n, p. m. a aaatad e-,ne..rt aa tba Baaaat af the Oharak al 8ka Ar< l.aiit.i'1 will be h'-ld ln Uie rlmr.-h ?n Ttif?(t.,> <v. iiIiir. a. mualcal aad ?" ?? __ euUirt?nm'.-o; will ba vn,,, at ,,,.. i; i ai on i hruarj 18, by I.. Plaw : . ? i- - ,,. x ? , - '?-"'? """ ? I "i l '? ? Ci - -'. wlll gira . , i,.,,.. i ?f ibe re.rtk Aveaaa Cl .. h _ NATIONAL GUARD AFFAIR8. THI 58D IlEaiMENPfl COVCERTtk POR aTHI.k.Tk; OAMRH RbXRPTIORB AM. PA Kl The rrlendi and ni4anberi of tke Bfl Reajlaaant wtfl be glad to know thal the ertea ol promenade ro whleh !;, |., talked aboul tor ao toog n Haaa baa ?,,.,v .i rertalnty. The anaory h..a nol y-t i?.,.? aceepted by tbe Arnwry Board, bai the ran tractora have glven thelr perabwlon to have the d tor ii;- pon. (Hlmore wlll etve the ? ronrerl on nexl oatfaday eventtiB,*the overtare ,?, :lt -:::,. o'ctock Tke n.n.-ert.. WIU l.e ibnUar ln Aaraatat to the Jablleea held .it Maiil.atlau Hemh laal iiimnier. Tho fnll mll.tiiry bnnd wiii be p.-e-ent at eneb eoneerl and a aaanke* ol known vocal aad inairumeutai aoBaaata have Men engaged by Oll.ra. Ha alao aa-omlsea ? a.mber ol novettlea whlch wlB i*> latrodnead from ttaae to Ume*. A large ?ta8e and aonaatlaB-keawd ara tn eourae of ereiii'm in the barfla drlll rOOtn. There wlll be aeatlng arcommodatlena tor 6,000 Beopla, keahlea apaee (or ;, ,,-.,.?.-n.nie aroand tka eiitire drlD floor. After ,.',.-b roncerl a tow tofprmal daneea wlll be glven unl i ii :.:.. o'ctock. OUmore ha* ranieelled a nnmher : of-town enenatementa t>> earry ool tkla projeel .. .| be wlB make II tke pri?*tiavl work ol hla Land dnrlpg the wlnter. i . roneerta wlll und?u?,tcdly be ?**?* mi from any polnl of vlew. lf any any proof wai n.led to abow thal tke raa^menl haa an Pl.ungiv large number of frienda, it wa* furnlahed .,? tlio nlght when tke armory waa feeaaall] opeaed B areek Bgo. Peldom haa auch ?. brtllbvnl aaaeaabiage ,,., ? ....,.? at a Natlonal Oaard aamlr a* tke one ai tka ,?,,?,,v on evenlng. There la every reaaoa to thal the i-i-i.'iui'i.t will ralae a good mund -um, fullv to furnlab the armnrj before tbe roncerl rou li r mpleted. A roncerl wlll no beM oo alUrnate Bai urday evenlng., beglnnlng n. al aktnrdar. 0n Bai irday, February 31. tke gamea of the rean mental athlctl. a.atlon wUI be held at Ihe armorj' i.oui vard and Klatj aeventh at The ?,.-.. ln tl.atlon have been trn nlng every nlghl m?. got i.i it* ne. buHdlng. ?nd II I* -x\ t..(. ?.|?,. .-.i ronteata aill be wltneaoed on tbe nlght .^mbera nt ihe 2d Battory wlll attend rhurrh ln a body thla eftorn.i ?' ' '"!'"K Tn.rvlcea wlU be held al Bt. rhomaaa . i fty-i l-at, and Flfthave. The Hav. Dr Sewland Mayflard, tba Iwnorary ehaplato ol tha , w,? ,,,,,..,. The membera <t th. bUtor) Were the pieat* ol the BUU Fenelblee ot rTBladel ,,. :, ,..,.. da) laat week. < iptaln Wllaon'a me gave WUon dr?, tor tha beneat of tba Pei i i .... praiae ... ,!,,,,.?. The Ne. . ?rk< j.,4,,1 thera**lvea, and unlte ln decbvrlng I PhlU i - m be - i-i ??? i .. iiterj "111 *'%'' ? riareptton on Friday, I -,ry so. tieneraJ Pnrtar .111 be pmant, and be i IU .... ? batiery, A large number ?-( pm ' ,;.-..- vii: i.e preaenl d ... thoae . , M ?? -.i ... t i-tti The nth llea im ni I i repa ina I ?? l good i I. nf Monday. P. tarj fcl. II, ? ' i . have . greal time generally. _?.-a>-? DEATB Oi COXO B aM J lf A B PB11 A X, IT OCCtTRRRD sT N'Assu; OR J.WtUiv I -TR1 li... -i. ADJOURR8 *> - MARB f>P BF.SPF.CT. *, j,,,, >-. I-., i. i - Pliolan. mt r^?*aTraaa from Memphla. Tei died I Jaiitiary M of pn i ron*umptton. I I.~. irdad to-day to : '? ? I?? ''" ' ' ' Rantiaffo for barlal, gotng by w-iy of Kew-VorB t-. WaaMngt * Mr. i-iieun arrlved bere wlth ins famlly ln Rn vember laat, In aeareh ol bealth, r*-ma..i time at the Roj il Vld k 11 ?' I, b.l rnbai , or. apylng a cottoge adjarenl III* dl ieaoe, h i waa ao far ad* . ared bef. re hia . a from h am Ihat !, ? f. i-i . . obUln any benefll Irom the.ebang ,- -. ii - tamfly wlll i ?.'?' bare ? Wwhlngton, Feb. 7. ol Mr. Pbetan'a ,. ith .i ?! n .1 ocraal ??. am prl e among hli frl ... ho had been Iptormed of h ? dll Ul ? roung n. in one ol the jrounge I In the I I i i :1. uff. :-.i .'? ia i ervoua rxhauiMo at rt de i.iii.v, whlch ?? a toll wed by < maumptlon, and be : .. .. ,i dui i t tka ; ' ' ' "t "" than hail a doten tlmea. Ile waa a rnltured Mudent, : worket. ai .1 b?d alre idy mad.- f .r hlm elf a hriathl reputatlon i* an author and Journalial 1... -.. , , io. .-.' lo Uie I ln l ? -? il' , : :..-?? cdurntl 'ti In Oen ia ' ? ? When he returned lo th. I'nll d Htatea wlth lha de do. tor ol pl II raopby, he ttud ' .. i i ||e m.i electod ? i i ]..,; BDd ..4;,. reeledotl lo U a nn enl I . i . nt. i-'i I>1 M Eaton, the raoe ihe < omnilttee on Ele. llon . v, -,-. ?]. , | r< m e, In the Houae I I i .,, \i . pi. lan. llo wonld al the aiipripriate t m aah the ll .u ? I . expre * 11 appre rfail.Mi : u i i- eh .Ur, Bj pu ? paUl I aud a ln i I. m,. m. Milll ' red the folloa Ing riiai the Hoti . ha h ird ??? Ith protoniid and ,:,,;, .,.-.,, ol the death of the llon. Jamea Phe ??Thal n rommlttee ol aeven membei - i f Ihe il i ? uiu. -n. n men Ik*i - "I tbe ea ?','' ?'- '?' 0 ' ? ? he Ht.p .liita-d to iittend the funerul.' Tho speakir appilnted M-r- Waahlngton. M. V* v. clunan. Enloe. Ktockbrldt'e. Riiolg)niery . : COleman a* the ".mmltt**'.. and then, as a murk af re -ii.-ii, the H.'U-..- adjonnied. .1 BECEPTJOX TO DBLEGATl tXD TBEIB WTVEA As many ..f tbe delegAtea atteadlng ihe eonventlon of tka katl. ..I \ oeialton of liullderi nexl ve.-k wlll be i.panled bj thelt wlve and <i mgl I , Mi John J. Tncker, wlle ol Ihe pn Idenl i Ihe NaUo al A.. N*l itlon, I...- ai ranged for h reccptl >n Ui them :.. her home, Bo. 37 Weal Twelfth I . oi I u- da) Bfter t, on ti ... ??? to B p. m. >> " will be .. I n.i in ? Ing i.v Mi-. Edwln Taeher, Riaa t'lara Tucker, Mr Klchard Deeve -. Mi , "? i- 8.- k. r, H , S. M. w i,-i,i Mi-- An .. Jarvl . Mra. Mar. Kidlili, Mi Willlam ?'? s'M.tii. Vi ( luirle A. < owen, Ui . Itonrj \ Muurer and aTra. A. * Dlckliiaoii. 8ALO0X8 CL08ED IS KOBTB DAKOTA. Blamarck, R. i>.. Feb. 7. -Por tka Bral tiu.. in tt..* | | | th. llooni have do .-.| thiii iioor- tor an ladefli Ita pertod ond nol a drtnh ,.;?-. all ln eonaeqaenee "f Ike orlglnai paekag. nf the Btale Ktipreme Coart. II t beBeved that no attempl wlll be made to ran "bllnd plp" ... the i .-? i . anj partl. nlar. The pi. law haa i.n In eBecl iln. ? June 30 la i. bul not en j,,;, d, . ?? in.- . ? t le ..: Ifdn .1 pa. ka te i onti oi i, ,. | ihe d ? ou ol ti." supreme I ourl wlll be riifldly ob erved .11 over Kortb Dakota. A TALC IBLB PAi i i: BBOPS DEAD. si. l'ani. tflnn., i .-I.. 7. a ? i eplaode nr raxred reaterda) ;.' tke rarea on Ihe lee al BtiUwater ln the andden death ..f Mlke WBkea, the hunoui paeer. The borae appeared perfectl) well ahen laken from ? ,' :?. bnl dropp ??'. Uke .. atone after the flr t b. al of tho race. Ile ran his paclng rword down io -j i:.:; i Id I),,. firand ' Ircnlt racea .,[ i-*-. and .,1*.. trotted .i ,,; |. '??. ?_? -.? i i. Ile waa loorteen yeara old and valued al #5.000._ _ A snir BA1LW iv 90B I ///: DALU Wa'ii w.iii.. We-h.. Feb. 7. r.'ie Columbla and lllver Anxiltory Water Waj Cooventlon, bon ,.: .'. < it.-- f; mi \\a hington, Oiegon and Idaho, h:i" adopted reaolul | ? Dg b. bef thal ., hip-rallway. aa recommended b. Ihe Oregon delega tlon ln ("ongre ". U the moal econoalcavl, aatlafaetory and e.\p'iiit:..i." plan for a p.-jmineiii Improvemenl ol tbe Dallea of tke Oolambla Blver. Tke meanorlal to tbe Leglalatnr. ol Wnablngton, Oreapn and Idaho "at* tortb thal dnanclal dl Irm prevalla ln tke lerrltorj dralned by the Ctolambla, on aceoanl ..f the btabiuty ,,f tbe itBlroad companlea to move the paln .rop al i;.. j,.,,;.. r Ume, nnd as .. teroporai i n li f crgi conatmrtlon of a imrtage rallroad aroand the i ub ??: and the Dallea, ln order that tne rlver maj U- na\i gabla to un laland emplre. A WBW AOEBT FOR KBB UITXIE. CTilravgrt. Pak. 7.?Xatfee haa bmn reeelved at .\rm\ noadHBartTr* thal CapUln .'. O, Pennej. of the 8th In fiiiitry, bai beea appolated Indlao Agenl al Plna Rllan. Ha aaeceada rairlaln P. 1-: Pleree, 44bo i.n- been n han 'i aa aowaaat ed Ul katavltk. OBptala Pannej h:. becu lu tlio bcrvlia twei.tvnino year*. ile enliaU-d ua I ,, private al the begla ng ol ? ? ,1 , ? : ,?,;?? ? ? ? ' ? ? ... , i... i the ? ? ii,.?i nuni ln ihe ll*enU? Army. aud |.4l,,t, ., ol tli" 'ith lai.nti . Ile i- ti i'i--" ii ?'? rort r,,'t":, N?????? Vork. TRANR P. DEMARE8T A8 AN EXECUTOR. BEIBfl OF BABBET BTORM9 IBK QUBBTIOSS THE ABSEMBLYttAS BATS HE WILL N r i;i -I'-n BjDta Onanrlal trouhlea Ihkh and bal bvre aui ,1 A---ntl.lvmf.-i Intili I*. Deintr-i. Of Kjurli, aii orta "f rnmoi | hla i onnei I on with l o ,?>!.,:?? ,,f the late Oarrei Btorma have i.arloat. ln veatlpitlon wherercr Inqnlry ra i boa be made a | Biiona itate i,' affali In ? hleh Ixl en h ii bi tl rountleaa other i.ple are Ini it ted. Jual how the murh-talked aboul Aaaemblyman la bivolved wBl be iboan by a rehearaal -.f tli- atory. Many rea Oarrei Btotma, a Bea York Cltj rarmao, who had a. qnlred a handaane rompetenca, rrtlred from bnaln -- and aeaghl r>-t on a furni between B008 and Valhry nottagn, la darhatowa, near DeBiarrat'a home. uld "fiirip Oairy," *?? every one ternaed Btornw, waa n-nallv rated, bv ata MaadB, rl.iUv- and W ?ejaBlntaneea t,, bc w-nrih not laaa lhan BBOO,Odd. In h_ derflnlng reww ba heeame deeldedfy eccentrlr. Demare I alwaya etang rtnaely to Tnckj Oarry" nn.l Um yoang Aaaemblyman aaa ihe oM 108**8 lawyer. Btorma waa etghty tan yeara old ahea he dled, fotvlng a will drawn by Deanareat. Bj thi- all] he Beonenthed the homestead and B3,Oon to i.i- adopl d daaghter, N Fileii FaranflB, aml property ln i.? i-. Bea Torii i ip. . rahted al B40.*000, lo lu a- lan daughlcra. Al tho aame llme the old man deeded ror .i'i the Leroy -i. bojaaaa ba Mra, Paraoaa'a daaghiera. Buhaeqnontlj he dlapnted bavlng ever glven aurh a 't ed whi n the Bew Vorl HL'nnt Informed hlm ooe daj ol the thange ot Utle. I'ndor tbn aame will tha p4*r*onal property nf Mr. Btorma, conalatlng jf Hovernmenl borda, atorka. Nttids and BBortfBgaa, aaa to i?n diviiimi betaeen Mx loaa nepheaa and nleeea. Mra. r-n-.a- waa nanvd ns esecntrix, nmi aba rafalned Detnare?t aa her htw ior. I'ntll fi fe?- weeka ago no one '?!??? has evi vl?od her, nnd fo ih!?. day no belr hBa arj i' klea a1 i" the value .1 the peraonal property, Nor ran there bo any Judlrlal Bettlemenl f r aome llme to barauae "f other eompllratlona whlrh will ta tboan, By annaanclng negkvl oftielallj io ndrrrilai f,.r clalma againal the > ??? il ? Demare i ???. ured an ad iin..I aelay ..( aU mooths Phen whon Ihe e.i.ii partlee bppeand on rltation In Ihe lloehlnnd t mntj BurrOfate'a r.-mrl for flnal ictllemenl Ihe por .u eetate waa ptodu. d in Ihe -i... ? of ,-t bundle af aeenritiee, and Bnrtogate Welanl pi imptlj nrd .- i that Ihe aeen lllna if ronveiled Ini Joamed tlie aettiement n lll ihi i i uld ta done Btl 1, D?. uu,' -inii |a, whal are Ih One i aaaerta thai Demi iral d Ihey ?ere Borth ?70,000, and Ihal al ?.Ihe-r llme ta -a,.i they u.-r- worth B4O.O00. Bopervlaor A. X- Fal ^.ii. ,.( Ovai ??*!? and John ll ,.f No t m ,-. v ere app tlnled ap| i ilaera. and lo llaan Mr- Paraona and Demareal eihil.lied -. ' >? . , tb P10.0 ".. A- -ui' r . or ol ? .i tl . ? t I ad Ibe per* nai t I ib 11 Mr. aaaevaed al flA.OOO, aml ao II n ta ? ..ii. .ui.l Mn>. Paraom pavi there m ,i t i\ of |1 I" i '.".:? AU the alxlaen helra are now ? g for a e\; ! lOatl 'U Ol ll. '-" .1 B10,IB",0 ?, bi -I are Bu i to I I i ?" .,. kn w? anytl i ? ah ul ? I report. a day or two ago, I.i nf the helra, a :i.imhi now r ma nrd to be dlvl I ? u ?'. ? i.i apl. ??". '?'? i. i? tn .; MU '?? ? "? Ma menl b nka ral ' I ? ' I 81,000 to ? aea heii i' ?? ? j, Klorma, llenrr B. Ptonne, Dai ?! " 61 ,i ?,i , joha -t- iai?. WllUam Pi iry, i I ?? M imlth, E -??? i l." t.i A ' ? ?? . ' ?'" i -- '? ' .i.i-i.;.! . i . ... i. John lll inv It, .-; -.ii ? i'? .i; .,..'??:, ..'.??.' ?? I i ' " ?tld ire ii- U rn Ined lo aifl ' r lo Uie i ' v f v wm ka ago l'?????? ? ' ? f .r ^ii-.- I'at- ioh, and a -1'" ahould i ? nn. le n l>l?tii< t-Atl ? ? ,;"-'- '" ? I ei '..,, -I ? r I ?. ? a . inii al Se* Hi. on Fel runr> 11 will li ??? '" ' ?' ' ,f ., h i nf a i'ln'i...-- ln tt ? ,.. , m .ial. U I'-'u ir -' I- rl.arewl *ith . d wherefn hr adn i P-d emtar/.!<. inuuiiiL' to tho ntii-.imt .-f >?:.-. i ? <? r.--t -tiii il.'.ie. all ertmlnaliiy, aud hl I , .. ? m ? ?? II ii?i h ii, ,;i. i,,i Tl at i." atlll haa Influeiu e lu Alh i . , tment nf Ma llllle br l i v Kn ipp b" he an Aaa ml Ij |i Uiat B it 'i-e'-' t llill - '?" mk" \\n?hli ? lm. It l- <al i thn i?ll ' f the B. rkland Counti lndu?trlal I , ? I, . ?'. ? ? t a nl ? pullll ,, . |?, iiivelv lhat he ?? ; ? ., ih,. \ Hla a-ttliude ? I ? t of .rn lnju"-l Innoeent, wh ,. | , , ,,.,'r ? Ynu'rn a Ii"". I' ' ,:''1 I" ':' ' i' ? Into iltence. *? f:>r a. all rhai ? ? TIIE ILLIA0I8 SENATORSniP. Mll. STI'.f.ITI.i'. Wll.i.i:." TO V'OTK l"T'. \ 9 \ ?j|,,\,u. ii.;'. ?.'?' I.AW CHAl UM tM j,.-.; h'fi PR1 l>H ? Kpringfleld. lll., I !?? '? l"b I I I . i..... ,,f nnally maklng a rampli at n wltl 'i m. |i \ party, although nothlng d? ... , ui BbvrlnB l J day, Mr. w ll. \ , and ??. ? ' ? or, waa . ked wi?W ,r. with tl." Beptibllran partj In the - Ble II I uleeted. He replled Ihal II would be hla dutj tu i,t ihe farnier-' and laduatrlal organlaaUo - In Uie ,.,.,no-n'.,- prinetpka tbey ara advoeaUnn ,\?lde truei 'ii- ta aould atand with the Itcpubll. iu ja.rtv. A?Ued aboul tli*- FJectlon i'li. ta aaid frankly Ihal ha aaa heartlly ln raror ol a mem npporl ihe i.ple ol Lh? Bnutli In a frae hallot, havlng bean broughl t.. thia ronvli tion of neea ty for i ?? h i-eisiati.tM in hlaoaa aeraonal exparlenci lu Arkan?aa tw... teora uro. At that time br. wa- Ihe Freeiileiitlal lattdMaf'1 of th' rnlted Labor party, and waa acnl l< ibe state of Arkanaaa tn pai I. Ipate In ll.wni He rnentloned Inal mea ol ln! ? i datlon and deatn nf tuill.?! boxaa, and ?ai<l that Inatead ol ihe 1'nloii Labor part] roeelvlng I16.000 majortty, whloh talonged ,, ,, .... ., rareful eaBmate, when the raturna ram? ... ,!?. Demo.: ita had gol thal m ijoritj In tiieir na n :,. For iii.--- rcaaoaa he thlnka there la need ol ,,,,,,,, uon to rotera ln Bome ol the cotton groa Um . i,i, t i-|,,-, lali. Chalrman Jouea, | u, M?-e 1 . . ..lll.-'. -al'l 1" '1 I 1 " A .->"!! "I -.ill bo -I'- i ?'? I "'"?? i ' ? ?"' li* have |...-.- -<i.' ,l? i ? !?. llial "' li- add d. "tie. .u ??? tlient hav. movi ? during Iho lt ' week t?f . b ?: i nai., rbe aaneral puhllr maj nol have obaerv'ed tliem. bul l aeaure >'ou Ihal Itaa hftve lieen made, Palnici l? nn Innger In tJu> race. 1 ahan'l -i--ak i iigleaby or MrefW, but ii.u uun hai ? obacrvi I thal -inee the, taglnnlog l"?tli Iho Repuhliraii md tli) r_rmera' Mnl ial Beneflt ? ?? worked lojrH and. if thc] would wo_ logatlier on a rerlaln i indl date, Ihey rauld eh t hlm. r<>uhlii'l Bwi W 11, I make thia Bredlelloi i The Itepubl ana wlU i - Iba nexl uiiltcd ,-i.n< .-, lator. Win. ho i- i ?h_l kjr." _. ?. w.m; in THE r.BOBT.IA All l.\M K. Atlanta, Oa., Feb 7 (Bpeclal). There i- war among tba Aiiia'..- men ..f Georgla, which m.i- falr to reml Ibe order In twaln. li leaked .>ut Thurada.i night thal Oovernor Xortbeo ind ?u li--it -t aeeret nuicua of VUlauee aien and othera wlau had rupported tsordon ih^ fjonatni hlp. Tbe Oovernor waa atceedlnglj , . a in a tbe eao. na wa d eu\ .-?? d, and ..a? ? , admll thal i"' had turned the Bxecutlve mttnaion Into b t au.-u- 1-n.iii lor the men who wtahed i" ov.?i ,in-,,n tbe preaenl authorltiea ..f the Ullanci lu th Prcaldenl Uvlngaton aaa kepl In Ignorance ol ti.,- raurus. ln the recenl Moatorial eampalgn ha and the offldalfl nl the AUlanre fought Oordon v'hjor ..I, \\. aml nel.- def.-ated only upon Oordon's iu.iiu, ??? lo rertaln membcra lo Joln the AIBanee. Bow li l :,:il ihal Oordon la deelroua thal Llvlngaton ihould be thrown oul ..f Um preald i before !:?? hlm . n Jolna il,,. order. Bcavdutlniia wero adopted bj Ibe caurua .|et,um ? iiil' ti.Wrlal urgan nnd Um manag>*mcnl nf tiie iirder. Llvlngaton, i.ver, has al hl - back whal maj he rallod tbe ? moaa-barka" "i tlie AllUuce, who i-uiiHtliuti' ibe majorliy. Oovernor Sorthen'a part In the revoll glvea lt atgnlflratu ?>. A WTTBBM9 IS I UPBDBB CABB BVBDEBED. Ht. LonlB, Fab. 7.?A dlapatrh (.. uTba BepabUe" fi-tuii Wneo, Tax., aaya: ?? Laal nlghl al Leon Janctton. areal ol here, Bewton Davht araa h u and killed. Davla waa tha prlndpal wltneaa In a mnrder eaae, commltted a u.i'U i.k'o. f.?r wliieh a iMim named Bllllami aaa ln i!i,t..i and i- la Jall. Buapleloo i>..ini- to m> one In parttcalar, imt it i- thonghl be aaa muidered for i.i , uooecUon mtii ti.e murder eaae." TUAIS BOBBBBB 9EATBB OFT. Pelano, ObL, Fab. 7.?Faaaenger traln Bo, 17 ims baarded by robbera at AUla tbla evenlng, and, nnder rerar "f ptatala, Bnglneer P. Tborne and Flreman Bad diiTe aera lorced to pali onl to .. mtki thia akte and luiii. The englneer and Brmnaa were laken back to ihe atproa-enr. Tha metaenger nar whal m.- ui> aud blcM uut h)> Iibht-, aml iu? ol OpSnlng tbu . . iirlug al tbe robbere. Many sbota ?o? pxrhfins ?;. "? of Ih. -?!?? rtfUdi the m-viue-m the f, i ii-.ei. . ... Ing a ullghl weand, and anpther ,,, m the "hi". pradaeliw a laiai wound. rhe robbera aera beaten mr. and Ihej aban ?, nnd rtaklng. The traln th m P 1"' f'"' thia polut, Bhd Badrl.lTO - iiihd ^"."J* l? :,,,!. Tho lroJnmc:i ar then Ji ."'"'.' ' "~ '.,, . | ,-,:,'.;."i;'iothc,-s ? r M.'T-. FOR MI8S .1 Y.V//T RtssEI.L'S RESEFIT. THE FBBFOBMABOE AT PALMEB'i THBAtnM OW TUEBDAT AITEBBOOK. Sotlce haa taen glven fron Ume to Hme ot 9* benefll for Mlaa Annle Buasell. whlrh i- lo tohe phMO . al Palmer'a rfoatre on Tueaday aftarnoon. Blncan n:i. "mi ir,;:, ?! tlMre haa taen the slrongeat anxietj : among Mla Ruasell'a frienda bo make 11 " eomp. Burreaa, and It l- not often Ihal tbe earaflgeinento for ,i benefll are enterhd lato alth auch dkuntewated taartioeaa ahd apbit. riie aympeahlea of aU wbo knoa Um ronng actreaa have baaa enUafad by h?r long ai ai pattonl lufferlng from a Btthaeaa a_eh w?* the r.--uii ..f a shJpwreck a?veral yars aaro. nut tlw reaaona why tha preaenl toatbaonaJ aaa ragarded v. lltting and dealimble ara alraady waU kuowa aml need nol b< r p ated. Tha membera ol the Madlaon Bqaare Theatra Com pany, to whieh Miaa belonged, are of eanraa deeply Intereeted In the benefll ead in awurtng the :, ?; poaalblo reaull from lt, and they ara aearcely more i i ia tu. po .ple in other eompanka and aamf aho ? a.mpauj. ? ?? -.'" "i - al - Unu tor baa Insured al leaal .-. toirly ?.i i--nit, and tba Baal one will no (loui,i bo -ai-fi. ? ???>-. Many aeata have been bought. and afterward returned to ta aokl agaln, aad many ordara imve i n .Ired from onl al tararn, A- h mcani of adding t.i the land, aareral aeuaaaea, to ihe plan i- nol altogethar new, artll bbII BonvenJr jiiie.i .i-iiim - of ti" periormance in tha tohhf <>f tho theatre. Theae nronniraniea a: aid to be .-Atr. mely handaome, and ihej will ta boM b! fl aaeh. tatde from tlie wo Ih Baaa of tha ohjeot, the anha> lalumenl Itaell glvea promiae ol belng ao eieeedlngly j i taaanl oni. I lie Lyi e im i ompany la reh arslni b ,,,,,, ,,,i picae i llcd "A Bfceep ln lVolfa . loi.itiig " .,,,.,.? tiiia beneflt, and tbe Madlaon Sojuare , ?. i. .? , uiii li i ..!?? : ? ? ? ? from ?? Aunl jark," with a |urj box full of weU-known iactora. Jamei i. i ., Ha- foremnn. Mr. Ilerrmann aill . ?. an i Mlaa l.iiiim i:u-cll arill il g. i.mpany from i'i wtor'a rii.-uty-thir.l .-ii itre will j.laj ?? -u. el IVill, a on a l pleoe b) ii.,, . an i Bdward Harr ? ??? o n ?? Tlie I.- I , .,;, , . j. --, Iouk Ihal the enrvr ' ? ?? - it 1 " ? I - k. , Mi.. - ? \ ?? i 1'ii'T. Mlai \ ila i rolv, VII ? Kn ?? ? MI - tirace Klniball, . ..; i. \, Biirle. MNa I :. . -i Mnld i Cniig n, Mi?? -.?]., i, i , ti . M : ? ? KJII Ut, il - i.n "i Fer. Mnj llrook il Mra. Ilenrletta I man MI - i . ? ? i; .?' ? r. II r, > iefri - - LewH, i ?? - - ,. Ciivvan, Mla-s Amj l ,,. \ l \ Ito ?? ? . < I "-1.' AU 'IL .... i . | .?:; ,1. .. I'a 1 V'liur. W.ll ,??, v ... i ,-: "i I . Jolii K llerd, Obariee Wafool, N ?,?,.',, md 1I< ? Ki ? ;v BEiwitY or "'.'. mxDOJt. Ai .. regulm me. .-...- . |ui, of tbe it n, on . ,i on ??.- unanlmoualy , ed tho f. ih ol KVIIIlh i iniuh'tit the I I Bia . . ? ? - - ? 1 ' lu ihe ?: ..,'?? - , ' ? ? ?, thful 1 '? ind r the ' ? i .. '... ? ? -,.'.,- i. -; ibll m Clu lopted the 1 it'hereaa n ? V ' r'UD ,,f ' .... j. aorrow nl : .:;.,! ivhllc i'i ihe ? -,? retarj ol i'i" i mum | I n I'i '?-?, W . i ||, ,?.. enjuymenl of all hla f.r uii ? ? il i ?? Kiimnitl :", '"' ,. ,.i, ,,. i tratlnn of ita ? , . il | ' - OP . whl li en-ni - th--. t of the I': t. aml , found :????,?' - i.-?? . I'rei nl >f tha ' it. * pi.ixs tobriTEBorr/iBB) ? n r ,i.-'vcrT. i ,. . . . - ? i ?il ile mai; I, I that ? ? 'I li.. rl in i ,i- will 18 . ,, .,- - i ?? ? . Iluxh U. it.iitl.n. ? ? . . ? i i. It la pro ,. ? . a 1 I' .- .II li 11, OoV. n.'.i- ... rl..ii oi ..,- :.;a, and .1 idg ? l> a ll reapoi d. Am mg the U ? I e ,p . ted i . ta pn I . ? ? lott, Mnj j ... i amar, F. R. , J. E. iveri ??" i*. " burkncr of K'-ai u hy. Oov ,. " i. , oi Mnrj laati. itovernoi John M. ,; -| . iuir P. w. Mi Kli (,?m m i- D. II. Fiau. i- ' p ','t:r i.'.'.?/???.'?/.?- i/,t DATB. v . ? . - . . i ,if tha Araii Snyj i who had ? -u thr I'alt n ???:.. r ramp, i ??.,?? d ? ? f ". ? n nf tii- M Uryal i.. ? ,n WedinWaj nlgbV f>-? bealdea M .;...??. u.-ti a/afai Bwa ? aUad that it waa tbe ti.iriirth aoai nf tbe a up i a. ol Uta t oastltaUOn of Baa BaaBkara , h hi o . b , ? .', -??. aa tie pa?_taB ... ....... I BUl .. ,,, . - , it .-? at Mnntgoi ??"-. Ala aod ? i,. i nn. .UtuUon of I ? , :? ,.,>,,- .uung tbe oath '? . i-,;.?. i aaa ? - - ra nf th ,,,,| i.. H i , .,- lutl uir . | ... . ! . , x , : all auuii a t.. tba i iii.ii. ..mi tu? 'pa !"? ual' i ,,i.i-ii.-raie Mat.-- had anded ? V,-'.,-'!. aaa tlio analveraary nr the i.ii-hir of tha . , - rebel flrtu iu ba adopted Tho i , had "a Fubrnary "> aduptad thia raaoluUoo :iig ol iii-- M Btatea o| tmerlea sht.i il al t i.i ? flr ' ? - I tbruti th M Uu upper '.-il ,t.i-' , i iii tba unieti tbeie wm be .. rirrie .>f i.t.ite itara, In numbei aa man] aa Ihere are ni..,.- In Uli Tha lhlr.1 or ?hall be i-l. runnlng the tuU leagtb ?f Ute n** ' 11\,, , |i v. i, ? n Bl Um Bouth. tn i . ,;.?-. i,,,! i-.. le Uie flrai . -nf.,! rate Bag. ? . , up ot i tb - Btate llouae tt Ment* i ??. v. i . and waa loudlj rheered, if had agl] aevea atara . i I .nai ?. , leoi. .. I.--,..-mi. . Mlaala. - |., N-ita autl >outh t'arollna, but tba -u.-n ?>io ^,...ll to ,. ,, a ai..i th ii (.. uu taaa. Bl vi fOB i'i! IXDLEB Rl.Al>\ fOB l.VV BfTITB. Courord, B. ll.. Vtb. 7. ln relatlon lo n publUhed ?itatemeni thal Senator Chandler aaa to he proaecuted for nltcgud llb i of the B. iton and Malne Ballroad cor poration, the -? ? itor romes oul In an open krtter aay ? ial II iin- Intimation i- intended .-.- i threat, t will have no effcel upon hlm. He aaya that iip la tenda to obtaln nnd pnbllsb a full itatemeni of tba (arta ronuoctcd with tho long leaaea of the Worceatet and Na Ima a i the Manchester and Lawrence raU roada to the Roaton and Malne after the i introUlng Intereata thcr in had i.n pnrchaaed b] peiaona aho w.?re >in- loi ?!' Iho lloston and Malne. Mr. I bandlei further InWnds, h? aaya, t. seruro the publlratton ..f ?i llat of all tlie moneyi pxpended m behaif of th* lioaton ind Mnitie, during ihe laal i.-n i*eara, to lu fluence tiii pollfliii and the Legl lature ol Nea Hamp with Ihe nnn.ea of the peraona t,. when the varloiiB an mnl hai'e i ?? n aaid. vfter :i aharp ro fereiire 1.porate rapltal. Mr. Phandler -n- that ne i.i- monej enough (,. defend hlmtelf agalhsl any ahi.-ii the r.o-t ,n and Malne Ballroad ma) oiioose to brlng, DEATBB fBOM IHllSMSi; IUCOBOUBB. Maaa., Feb. t, Thomaa Hardlman, ?.f MarV toro, and Eugene Powers, ol Cambrldge, have dled at Hi- Ri f aiuai trj here f.- im drinklng alcoh .Boa, a prep aration uaed ln Ihe al.ihop of the Inatltutlon. Hardl man waa In rhurge of dlatrlhutlon of itoch In the sh".. ihop and aerreted a quantlty ..f aloohoBne ahlch hf -ui.luenfly dlvMed with ihr.-.' eompanlooa, all ..f '?'.a drank ..i the praparatton. John MeAfoy aml l ranl KuUivan, both nf Boaton, are now iu th^ L".? pltal, i.ui are expected to raoorer. BCABBB 9BTTLEBB LBAVB TBBJB aai/fff Bt. Faul, Mian., Feb. 7. BberlB Yoaagrea and ? oiinti Audltor JadlB, Kiti-uii Coanty, aho have ju?t returned to Halloch from Bo ean Vattey und Laha af lha B.i-. reporl to <? rveraor Marrtam tbal tha i-eitie.--. beraaaa af tha ln.iiuii arawi are laaalag thuse tenatttlee in lar.'-' numbers. At Jadls, on tlm Roseau PJvor tho fcettlers ?ero biiildhig a .atoekade nr.d had BB8aB> i/.ed a volujiteer eompaay UsVafead Ikaaaaelv* - tbe InaUana, The two eountj ofaetala ij U g tha whole bnainaaa aeema lo bave been atarkaf i,-,- ,.\,| dta^paned aataona. h^awaaa .;ix? aud a08 anafla hava left tln-lr liottica. tno*t of them in a de*lltute eend ? aa. \- thej lefl thelr *tmk to sbilt foi tlienivlv, will (l.iiii.iie-s loaa bmuii nattl?. -,-. HlMlre, Mlaa., Feb. 7.?A iiuinbc- of scttlrt bava OOBoe in from the. i.eiglib./iliood of ihe Rad i.i'a I... rvatton. Tba) i**port that iho laalaaaa aro atltj .aii-yiiig <?i iheii- orgteo. IX MBMOBT OFJVDOE DBVEBi, MANY BPLOGtRB PBOROTJRCBfJ ffON Bjfaj at k MRETIRO Of Tlli. HUPPOLB BAff. Boaton, Peb. 7 (Saaelal). Tho BaaTott i?.r today I'nid ;i 'rlbnte to tho aaemory ?.f Joalge Deveaa, al the Bnpreaie Beneb. Every promlae l lawyaf in Boatoa was praeent, and thr* profacalon waa we]* repreaentiMl from cmnties lu the OoaananBBaaaBni jokn laowell pre-ide,), and Jona n. Dodga ?:m ?.<? relAi-y. Jndg" l.'iwell. In the rourse uf his uMiinrlia, sald: -1 have the g'.od fortune to be ?M"r than nioat <>f yan, and I ran tetnember Judir- Devakl f,r flfty one years. Ile araa a pr.,<-tor in larribrid.-e when i araa a fmahman ile imd nli the dlgnHy and aU tha , .urtesy nnd all tbe general eharaeteetotlca whieh we now all so weii know and admtre. Ti.e umi tlme i bnew "r aaw maeh of hlm waa wkea tka (tovatn menl eama ttndet eontrol af Ike Whlfa, aad ha wM appolnted Cnltid State. atarabal. rhey "aBragaj ,.i im,.." if I ti. iy *.i axpraai rayaelf, Iba Pagltrai atlave law aft.-r hi< oppotntiueBt, ?::.i i" nna hla an pleaaanl dety to ha obllgcd to execuU thal Law. i iiaaiankaT ivell tkaf ba loak oeeaaloa t" ao tali wi.a. that emiiient Jiu.-i. Jadge Itenjami:. R. ' urt;*. aai (oHoWlng hi" .idvi.'o he in,ci Ind up 1-. tka UBM wl rttiap wlth ft* mui I' eariie-tiii.'as as Me ma.-. heil up t. a reofll bat'o.'.v.'' \|,|iinpriaic raaaarka irare aaaaVa by Chartea Th'.idort Kiis*-1. ..?...-. 6. Ilule. .1. U-wis 6ta< kpoto, li"r.ulo<ih Pn.-ker! Mtrna W. CkapBa, Atorney..i.i i-iav b?ry and Cblef Jaurttee 81*66. tke kutar, La mu* mlng up hla eaUBaaU nf the eharaotor nf tka &tA larlat, --?i<l : "l" hi- 'l-M-i'.'t- h" lavatwad the Laal ?,?i i,e, qaailty of a good Ittdg -4x..'U":it Jueg ??,,,. in tba haarlag <.f .a*.. ba waa paUeaa , i.iiit.'o.i", impartial, aoxl ma to knoa -.11 thal aaaM :.i ?.;,l ,,,, rii'i', .??. ..,"' i nilnded. ' lodg. ?,..'.i and, wiu* he i-?<? lu*1 lu* ??? ? ? ? . v r ii,-? 4i.;-,- and tn. bj h dld Im taki PKiiM .. ital ? rarefiillj nol only l ? ? vt itlanij .,-,,?:?-. .- .: grounda la morala or a* ,, .1..,, 4 .1, whl h !??-..I doclaloiia mtisi ... ' J rcolutloi - .id .pi'-l rloae aa fn lowa: -ll- aaa thua a m . -.. ' :|! J'1- ''?'?' -l1, k':"'' " alone In um bran. li of k i ?" ? or 'ln J ? nol apai ;.!:!.. j ur fh " ' ? M&M .. j,, , ? ,!.i- tlon : i ui nrmei vwt.i maui m ? ,,. enabled hlm to do rnatit thlna , .i -:, :.V. it.-!'. . For III - '"a- Ll II I* 'l ? -'''I' V) ,. hia .:ir.-irn. t*i- i.v :.:.\ analyoda ar emi.TlaOaa i.f paiii. ular-.''_ tiu: i-Risr CLOTB UABKET. F-,n Rlver, Feb. " ispeelalb?^Tfca prlnl eloth inaaaal dnrlng the oreek haa been Brra and aetlva. Ratawkaag , ( ., ., .... . . md ike deiiv.'ri. - bave ieen v:.- i irge. The redu. I on of tke had ., r vivlng effcrl nn mnnufa. tur i Baafa Ihem dealroui ot holdlng f r bv?t*8r pH< -. Tha prkn wm ?'.,.-? a he i ?.,..., ... en ont thli ' ' wMoi now thal Ihe oull . ,, i. niarket has f.-it the elle* t of tk a t io ,'h-. th ? blddliM v.:i- .:. . . I Ing M .,-h at-.i.-ni'ii' : Prodarl oa, S*> ,00 ? I ? .'i. 3U2.000 pl ???; 018 :..-,-. 5,000 p caa; 64x6-10, 857.000 pl ?? ?: bta'k'a ttock, 186.000 pteeea; talea, 250,01 rMtaa, iu...... plc. ? ..'?, -.?!?'. L3SAN ioia ' ?" p..I futurea, I7u..aa. , : ? d i|ivery: Frbruarv. l-:i..?*? : Ma.. h 127.000 pleeo*: Aprll. 4i..OO0 p !.,. inu,-. n,000 pl ' ea : Julj, l.< ?. i.:aa. i,o..-*. sepl inber. i.'hh, j- .. . i . . if",.-i ..."ii- tor .'.ii.\'.'.-. 3 i 16 <"n? for I'.IV'.I". rHE BARRfBaTRQ CAR W0BB8 BOT 6t?t? Waablngton, Feb. T (Sj I ?- ? ?' ' ' l'!in' f ?' ? ii urrisburg Car m un nvfl ? l ? ? ' ii-,.:-.- .:... Pi ? r*ported ln Laal nlghCi 4 -. ? ,- u denled by I H . A'Hllam i.. tllldrcp, who Uvea In lowa Clrele. tlaa rlay. Tiie eomynajr baa rradltora aad at-wlntokleii -at'e-*.! througtioof ivn i?j?|vaala and Ra. 'i'"rK. a <1 .. [tba - ?:? . ' (al i, la rakutoted to wort much mlaehlei lu referrtng to tke matl - '? Mr. Illldrup aald: "The Ha - . 6 not oniaki ?? -?;.'. bnl tbej are n I propoaed to i-i rbe . mp ? - ? ?' worka, the Itarriaburg I and ? Sh pa, whl. li la a < ? i 6* maaf utlng reporta among ? ? and -i n kh. ? are l il the aaaeto ex ?? i t. Ico ttv tlaa i ? ? . ? iged by , ea. who are They lilV .. UtV :?...: fnrtun" Iii '..iv,. ir tliri I, ln a ? obltgatiu -. a dcbl "l e*:in?.tBJ0, and r .. i ?urw li unwar ' ato of 4 u..rha \4 ,v at mi . - ,; m nnd re Ib'ee .::?? .f p irt -f :::'. burdens ai,<l 4-.ii".?." rHE CBIXEBB DBAMA IX nosTOX. rto*'. . F 7 * ?? u 'Tba Jonrnal" aaya that tke gn ..'? ' ? ? ' .I ' * ?i.i iio'.Mi in tba adverl Ided66 even orlth Ike multltudtooua. dodgar. tho reaoon for thli l..? ln tbe exel ?' i oi one aften 1 ttla i'i .-ii .? on llarrl .-. ave. la to be Blled wiu repreaenUtlvea from Lbe moal aotad p.*ople of BJaam '? "..,-ial li:. rary w. -id. r l ? d the rt aia ind ihe v'. fera : * ti.a . i",i.:,. OBver Wendell Hobaaa; r. B. AMi i aaf \v. D.* gre to attand, t ? '''f1-* well known people, ..:?.! before them artll appaar 6aa eompaaj of l iniie*i: aetora fr..m lao Prai rlw o wbo ara now in Boaton, Imt are Lhla weak celebratlng thatt ReW-Yaar ImlWay by resilng. Il.e pia. Ll e:itliled ??The celeliiati.-n ,.f the Blnhday of the fireal ??? peror," a d Ita prodintion here w, 11 .? hlator.1 aa helng Ihe i r . nn the itlantlc i oaal Ai i rdli i.. l.'hlneso playi 'h*i f. fweffl foni t I efghl houra, it i- preammed " The < Htithd iv nf ihe tir u Empi ror" wlll be . ? ?-N ihe deali a of Ita new andle ce. O I ? *i><. uw ular eplnaiea wlll i e th-- r< pw**eni ition of aevaB niiitsla, di'-.--*.ai ln I'hlneao roatume, de ??' ' wlth ,i Uttla : i . m thelr arma i* a pre?ein to ihe :-. I'!., re haa been l ** i the i orcheatra t>> abatidon thi ...-'oiuary ovorture. IfiDB tXMAXB Bl 8TVDTIX0 TBtOBOPBT Indlanap Ba, Feb. 7.- a tolmttd and edn atad vmng 44. man. Mlaa CarolLoe raylor, arko has i ?? over ihe *tiniv of tlaacawBhy, and wke ikol and i..11*9*8 ber aant while la tbat .-o-.iditi..u. ha.* been lakaa ta tke Inaene hoapital. ? - ? I'oOK fBOBMBCn TOB l RORTOalOl COMPitT. Boaton, Feb. 7 a meetlng of ibe bendlialdera -'t the Natloual MortKBin* and Debi^nture . oinpuiv. w'Ich baa ..'a".-.i paying intawaol on it* boeala, araa bald "? liOBton yeaterday, \ report by . ? ? ? tee wai adopted provkUiig fiai tbe BVwtoa -afe DepoaB aad ir.?' Companj cootlnae to .nt a* the ini.t.-e ..f tbe bondholdcra, aml lor tke appotntmenl of Iva truatea'a aaaau la tka pkaea of kfaaara. Ha ? i;..u ley and Ueal. A r atolutkra ??>* adopt H a ? Ing ihe new agent* to toke whal itepa thej akoald eoa> .id. ;? uioal oxpadienl i". I iv liitcreat oi i ie boudhold' ra. Mr. HutchlngB, "f the commlttee, al <''ii tlial t'w i.i Ti.e eompany haa eakeaa ui Boaton and in Topeka, Kan. 4, , - l.v I A COCBT CLBBK BBMT TO PBJBOX. Bt. I'aul. Feb. 7.- .lav l. Davta, ea-depatj >aavl a* the Dlstrlct Coart, ?a lenterwed laal evealng 6a Li yeara Ln LkeaBtate prbwn. Ln tke aff*rnov*n Laavli ?P peared ln eonrl and Brtthdrew hla formor Blea of nol gulltj .inii pleaded gaBtj t.> tke i. d.. tment eaBVBkwJ hlm wlth havlng preaeated a falae and haadaksnl claim i ? i public oiucer tor payment. Thla 44,. oi aeveral ludlctmeiila for eaah ^ :. te 1 ? and It i* bolmved ho aeenrod aboul *i "?."<>" I" t"1* way in the Uvd to. yeara. Davia haa tunied over to the rlerfc, R. T. O'Gonnor, eertlflcatea .-f depokll other priipertj aggiegatlng *-'i.'>.".-n. ont of wMok BB ii.i.iiiai.i'.11 wiu be aud ? ?.sai. ? ? ? the posr -IM> fTLLOBf IB BBLAWABB wiimintrton. iiel.. Feb. 7.?Elev-i prtsoaeH were li hed i.i Nea Castle |atl ihi* aaoralog, aad t?-> ?''?"4 ln th.- aUtor) tor an hoor. A enrtoaa erowd af .-evral bundred pe4.pi- "i.aai ln th.' ruitt and araaekad tka pu? i."iimeut iiiiii- !? d. ILLBBBD MUBDBEBBa UBLD WlTBOTTl iilaa Po.-i*iu..utii. N. 11.. Fak. 7.-n..:i"i Harpky aad Prank Wooda, eLRarBad wttk the marder of K!i,:id^e <?? Be d al f**ofak BaJeaa. R. H-. Janaary 88, aaliaaiaaj iu .?urt to.lav and \-ere commlttod B> J6B wlthout bali. _ nrO BUBOLABB OAUBBt AT WORK. loncord. N. H.. Feb. 7,-The polne Hire-ted two men, gf*rlag tka name* af fl?B Ilari. <!a:min3 BfB? f,-.,m K.a-ne. N. ll.. and Jtanaa r^aaJtlln, ol ^'"w^ port. Ma-*.. while in the a.t ,,f ""?*-"? OP*" *>ajj; ln MfQueatton & Co.'a atore at :; o'efoeB thla niom-a Tho meu arere LWaWltj aeaaada