Newspaper Page Text
jjn&ct :o AuorriiocmtMUs. A'. u* menta .ll Ai iiiiiin-eemi.t.- ? 16 Anait.i.err to la?1 '! Keal l.i-uat-el 1 lna k-i* ani.itriiaer".23 l:,ii .1 and Itooma.... '?? i -ni ai . aaa. i- ? '?> i.i,-.,,.--* Mott'-ea 9 Danrlna v-udenn ?.1' : ? fftU .- 86 Ur'aunakliifl . ?* Sltuatlona ?'? ' ' - ,'?' t..rop-3.. Advla.II .J; . . aaclal .I' 1 ln ni la ---1 ? Inaii Ial M-etinaa ..23 1 or Sa>.?. ,V IMa Wai.t.d. 9 t.tjT. Wanl '1. ?! , .ii C?rri.i*,'e.s U ii..t-:* . {J Icc Creaat 11 fitl511'.C58 XOt'.CCS. A.? Tiie OlRl I Like. She ean plav eroejnet antl t?nnla; Kinv u i.nii ai raaa tha baj . Aml aae t.:>" aa aaawei .euHv lor Whatavar V.:.., "a.. is!..- i:,n *wim tbrough '..-.-Iiik breakera; I' tbe awine*i iio'S" li, town : ?mi aae t.ak.s aaaal toothaame p^dClnga, Alwaya aweea aml llgbt and b.owu. j?l:,' i,e: ..y.-s, m Alplne vloleta: I'i k bei ehi-.-k* ii" ...S.V. ?uv: An-l h. r w :,ir.- teetb ahow aba aaoa ) uL'-.uit BOZODONT aachajday. B1ROR ni' i.-r.N<T.f'S tha eelel.nt of Proaea beattty, ".it),rBll.-.l OMItfl ai the ace of aeventy. Bhe k?.k eare of b. i te. th. /- ? ought. all h?r rharmlng aex Uiv lady who-.- tolbet table li ,:- II ,, ...-:r- BOZODONT BOd uae lt regularlv. Her mlrroi ?? ni a.Hin reflect ;. rew of leeth ahamlug the pearl* uf tn. ,,:..., |? |..j?tv. maklng a charndiiB rontrasi wlth tbe .mi tii.t of tha llpa. Ro tooth-4vaah .-.i..:.l- it._ \ Borer'B BiTTSRS, alnoe 1826 aeknowl edired le ba by f.r tba beal and Bneal Stotna h Blttera n id", whether tiiken pure or wlth wlnei oi ilqiiora._ AagvaPtura Iutters is known all over tbe worl.l aat tn.- greal ragwlaaar of the dtgaatlve oigana._ TRIRURE TRBMfl TO MAIL BUBatCRIRERR 1 year. 0 B BB, A Bl -? 1 rno. 7 CBra ? week.n-fn 00 ??" '??? 6260 Bl ("0 Killv. valtboul Ruudav... H .0 4 00 8 00 80 ?s.mdav Tili.'uie . 8 00 1 .'0 oO - W.ekl'v Trlb'.ne. 1 00 - - - tjeril-WeeBlv T.ll.une.... 2 00 - - -? j. >a..,. ,,,..,ald by Trlbuue, cx'-ept on Dailv and S'.nrta 1.....-I u,r maii f.ibaerlaera in lVew.Tork Clty aad m pally Keml-Weekly and w.-ekiv te fareign e0-.intrle*. in 4?hl.:h eaaaa , \tra poataa- wlll be pal4 by *..b?TlberK. i.v iv-tal Order, Expreaa Order, Che.-k, Dn.ft or r.ecl*teredl.ett.'r. Caaa rn l'o-tnl Note, If sent ln an unrcrlsterrd letter, Blll ba at owner*a ti-k. Valn (if:,e of The Trlhune, IM rTBBBBU-Bt., N?w.1ork. Addreaa al! <-o'ieajx>n8en''p slmply "The T.-ib-ine," Rew* "Ve-rk. Xm-Tdnkldmln Erifamea FOUNDED BT HORAOE OREELEY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1811. T.VEXTY-FOUR PAGES THE XEJTS THIS MOBXIXO. Foreitrn?Marquis di Rudini is to l>o tlie Mlnis ter ..f Ft reiga Affalra in the new Ttalian Cabinet* -Tlie exoitement. ju Baicclona over tahe lecent eli'.tior.s coiitinnes. sss Tlie cnse of Haird n-amst Sir Baldwln Waikei wm aiwued Pt Btv Jolin's, N. F. = The BVTBnn <.f tlio New lotindland (...vernmcnt holds Ckliada and England a>. lilnmo iur the braak in tlie reclprocity negotia tions betwct'ii lliut colnny and tho I'nit-'d Statee. i 'ciii-i-i'ss.?ib>th branebea ln aoaalon. - Tho Banate: Tne Elfht-Houi bill nma recoin Kiileil by a vote of iT ti. 24 ; n-i order was adopted for evenlnB aeaaaona dnring Uai rest of this Cou gress. ? ? The Hotise: The World's Fair elauae a>f tlie ISniidry Civil Appropriallon. |bill waa nniendr-d ntnl passe-l. Dumestie.?,\ he*ivy snowstorra prevails in Kear-Tnrk state.-Secretary Noble hail b lonferenoe with. Stonx chtefs nt, the Interior De I'.rtinent in Washington. J?u??? Two men were inst.nntly lulled and one fatal'y lmrt by an ex plcaaon of pinSt powder at a eoiliery at Wyoming, I'enn. -_ News W8J reeelved of the .leat.'i ol ?'I'l.L'ri'ssman Jonies Phelan, of TCRnC66tC, at Naaaan, N. P., Jannary 80.-A party ol M\ty-iive Ohlo oflicinls Thaltcd fchc Elmlra Bef. ro> atory. =s= No reanit waa renehed in tbe Senator rl:ip eonteata in lllinois and Sonth Dakota, = Kulogara upon JudL'e Deveim vvcri" pronoonoed ai ? tni'i'tini.' <,f the Surtolk Kar. in Boaton. I'ity and Subiirban.? An (' rtegaa a fareieal investi,:ar!..ii <>f the Federal een aua in this elty. ------ A atairatnahlp was diaeoTered nnder aratei ..ff Absoooin Liirht: sh.1 is thought to le the Norwegiaa ship .Sinnni Duniois. -._? Baxon Jlirseh anthnri/ed Ihe irustees ol the BniOB HilBefa fund tn apply 18,660,000 of it to ti.e relirf of llei.iew bninlfranta in this eonntry. ??i The Brooktyn hasehall interests were made liarmoninus ut last. The Weather.?ForecaAt for To-day: Cioudy wentber, with rain or snow, followod by eoider nnd clearini: weather. Tenij?eratiir<' yesterday : Jiiche*t, 38 diyrecs; lowest, .'!.'(; avcra;'c, 851-8. Thoaaj who ].)ve taoga, :i:i<i that means pretty n?irly evoiylnxly. aro al! np<.K ovor tho Benob Sbotv of the fVcRBaviiRnter Kenne] Club, whicb will be li.'M itt the Madison Squnre Garden, be* einninfi oa the 24th The BeRach Bhow li i* I..... in ? liiinly fixed a* ono of tho |peo4 rorial eventa of this city, aud the indicaiion* me that tbe txnflrioji ezhibitiofl will mirpaM all thal have pit-.-.-.i.-d It. in tho vuiie.y nnd valua ?.l il.;-- Bhown. Klaewhere in l(;is is-uo will bo fbund BR tBtorenting nooonnl ol aone "f the salieiit featurea of Iho oxhibftvKm, aa weH a.s the naini-s of Monio oi the faiiions dogfl wbiofa ha\e been enterotl. One of tbe most notahle eharacteristie.s of i.h<' Hobrew m<o la Uae pjoueroaaa ?onalderavtlon ;uii henevolenoo displaycd hy the ri. li to the j.,, >r in jri tieitvl, and lo the impoveiishi'd incni baajv of iheir rrr*i**d in p.'irticular. Jtaiely. how BTOT, ha* this trait been nianifestod m ao munili t.'i;: inatinei as bj BOTOB Urrnch, i\h'< lia* t'Hliled tx.' tlie trustee* of tlie Hehrow linmini.i ti.n Kiiti.l in tliis city un authorizatioii in draw on him fnr 92,600,000. Ile Bdda that if tbe iBCOBftO Of this suni piovts iiiadcinafe to BO (^h the good work for whieh it is <].-stincj aUB8R66j the poor Hobiwwa in the I'nited Statea, tln> trust?*es (ran make tise of tln' piinripal. and thitt he will make go.xl th" ainount. Nor doea tb'S in any way constitute his liiNt donatioo to tho fund. whieh has alriady rOOOirod from him sums to tho amotint of *j?l 00,000 duiin?_' bhe Innl twi'lve inonths. .^iiuae the death of his only mui. a IOR year* airo. the Haton has devoted miK-b nf his time and his fotuine to aniilopotis tie<-rjs of benevol<in4*e. and has creatod and en dnwed with many millions of dollars i.i^ani/a tioii* Intth in BbbbRBI and Aiistna for the relicf .,f indigent llebrews. That is a nioiirnful BtOTJ whieh is oobled from St. I'.'t.'tN'.tirj?. A pair of luveis who ivei-e ont pioiner.adiiig m the tiovi'iniii'-nt of Kietf. and who ovMbrOIj wom too nnch en fjtBBBti "ith oach other to nofice whoiaj UrOJ were foinR, were overtaken by a jwk of wolves iwidered dOa^IaVtO BJ himger. Th" man. it i* stited, after vainlv attemptin}.* to fij*ht vij th. faaitahrfl animals. "wa* linally ooapeliod lo :i'>aiid;ii hi* awajothoBil Bod t6ake rofngo in a in-'." Tli.' <;iri w;i* <l< voined bj tlie wohres, BAad tiu- si^lit BBO?ifhf{ too much for h"f loTOr, he tUBBbled < at of%lie tiee lif?-lo.*s atnl v\a* in toin mad" \va,\ with bf IM 1>< asis. Jr was a torrible tragi'dy, l.ut in one resj)e<:t it miifht bnve beaM waBRBB, Had tho lover suivived his betroihi d he wonld doiil.tlo*s hiive foiind livintz worse than lihiuh. 11? would have met with con tiainpt on aM aidev* ftir se4'iirinB hia own pfirsonal safat.v fr,.in a horrible fate nt the stv.riliee i>f n vvomaui??. woman who had beavtawed hfR n&ectiona i\oun him, and wbom, of oonr**\ ho preteaded to ]ove bettet than him self. In the <:m iimstanrfs. fafje ii.:-' M _61_ ful to liim M it ("I'TT'i l.o by nt.t pennittiag him to de left to t4.'ll the irnapeakable sele. At tlio very t_ne when tho n__afe_a_at of th'. M"tii,ptil!":ri Openi rloUBfl in thia ei*v wBd engaged in diacuasing th.- temporary Bhaakton menl of Wagnerian muaic thc directore of the Orand Dpera al Paria were in the :i<-t oi de ciding ihi adoption aa a feature of Ihe oomiag Beaaon. Ardenl bb il rhe patriotism <>f tho Freneh. it ia of f-n too ealigbteaed n oharaoter to permit chauvinial doctrinea or poHtieal bob lilj-y to Interfere with art. Notwithrtaading Iii-. Gennaa nationality, Wagner haa beeomc tlie irlo! of tlie li.uir ut Paria, aad both the oritica and the public om Ihe baaka of th" Seine aro reported in a ietter publiehed to-day ro l>e in ecetasiea over hi> " Lobeogria." VXITT OF NATI0N8, iWiprority betweea tli" two grea>t repab lii> which doaunate the Aaierican CoatineBt is an event the importance of which caanot be measured. Th* i_jnediate and obvioua advaa tagea gniiaed !; T'"- ooontry are freelj dis ousaod. 1!'" there wfll flow from this ad which lias been w tjuietly aanonaced bj the - Departiaeal influencei far-reachiag and Incal ouiabie. I; i> indeod much tbal wider BBvrketa are iaunediately opefted for maaj producta of rhe Uaited Statea, oi 'hkh the prodactioa i* onlv limited by the d rmand. Ir la iadeed mocb tbat btrge gaiaa will be realized by merxhaata und manufacturera, fanners and workingmen of this eouatry, in the not diataal futare. Tbes are reaultB which iaipreu the miada of the people. and oause thia aigaal triumph of diple macy to be regarded as noi oaly creditablo to the Adininiatration, bul ? worthy work oi thal great party which has done more thaa any other t-.> promote Aaterioaa progredB aad proa pority. Bm thc Intertwiniag of the flass and the iBftereata ol Americaa nationa, for which thia atep opena the way, will mean acgnething larger and graader. lt is eaay to ?ee that tbe an of Braril puta powerfnl preesure trpon other natioaa of the Weatern WorVd. True, thal ooaatry doea nol now produoe much augar; ita contribution '" the world'a lupply ia Inaignificant Btrl Ita ability to produce that na well aa other thinga of greal importance, ia practically unliiaited. Wben it i- conaidered how large a parl of tho world'a aappty of aagar now come* from a tow well-auaagod eatatea in Cul?, aad bow eaor monsly the aupply of the Sandwieh lalanda haa grown nnder thc impetua oi Reciprocity with this country, il ia ocd diftioull to uaderstand that Braiil might boob pniah Ouba from Ihe foreunoad patce if :ifi<T poraiatjeat refimal of similar ooarmercia] errangements by iSpaniah authority the power Intrusted to th ? Preaidenl Bhonld be exerciaed. The aame force I even more direotly upon other Bugar prod rjountriea of Central and South America. If Braril Btepa foiwnrd, extends th com m il fellowahip lo thc Uaited Si il --. and ,'.-, idea to aeek ir- bigbcal dev< lopmi I future ladnstrial banaoay with thia Nation, tl will be exeecdiagb difficult, nol to aay disaa troiH, for otlif!' American Powera to hold back. The oonunon criticiam of thia eompaot ia that its piac_ral resulta will be comparatively small beoaaae thc populatioaa of the oountrioB in quea tiou ar" nol large, their modea >.f living aro nol fchose of thia eouatry, the ronaumpti all surt- is comparatively low, the demand for maohiaery aad implomcnta aad thc myriad de vi.-"s of civilizaUon i- nol reladvoly great, and the prodnoUve oapacitj ia alao oomparalively -nn!]. Tnere i< truth ia all thia, bu! not tbe ivliolo trnth. The popnhalion and the lndu? of to-day ia Urazil are nol nece.'sarfly tbi - o ? morrow Xen demanda will create nev ? terpriae, new grouea of lahor, new babitn of lif". Iacalcuhtblo reaonrcea of a vaal and rich land ap- bj thia aingle ad opi ned, in a certaiii .,:;.. io the < v : rl'UMii'-' <?:)<? v2> ? enterpriae and trained -!;.i! of the Americwi pe ple, for they will have a hearty welcome, nnd will know than the people <tf anv other naii m bow io iucet new conditiona. Tbouaanda aro cer run tn i:'i thither, takiag with them i.hoda which have given thia country ita progreaa. ll i- impoaidble that there ahould nol aoon apring up better paid labor, more varioua and I " ized pn diu-tion, rapid additions to tli" populationa from other countriea, and larger needa for American producta. lint all thia i onlv tli" atepping-atone. The firm land bc yond la cloaer and perpetttal uaity of poliUoal intereata and asaimibttion of poHtieal and in duatrial methoda. Bo oi othei natioaa on thia oontineat. When the 1'iiito.d Stntea begina thua to ovorflow, and soiids it- ni'-n of enterpriae and power to belp ?li" developmenl <.f other countriea, there will inevitably r<'-ulr Rticb clwc relatioaa <.f unitj aa oannol I ?? ex.prc<sed in trcatiea. Eacb land nill bave :';> own government, adapted to thc geniua and the needa of its own people, bul all will draw <?'' aer together in one greal fai Presently the power of all will be evorted t., dofond tbe righta of each. Presently the in terests oi all nill bo considerod, nol in a con -? withi ul preocdent, bul in aome well - regulated and well-catabliahcSl Congreaa oi American Natioaa. Mankiad bi not ready yel for the poetic dreaun in which "Ihe war drnm throbi no toager, and the battle flaga are fnrled. ln the j.a,-.. ?'.'-?'-? "f man, Ihe Irteratlon of the '?.,m " 11",- a Imi^' atep toward the fedoration nn I moral and induatrial unity of all American ua tir.n.s lia> be a "ik":i I.y the A<lmini<T)ation of Preaideat Hariiaon. TIIE P0881B1LIT\ OF ANNEXATION. Profemoi Goldwiii Smitfa haa expre*aed him wlf more unroaen'otlly than befora on the po? liUoal ti is i ? .-ii of Caaada with tli" I.'nited Stat. in an addreaa to thc ( anadian Lib i iln al 1 ronto. His apeech oontaina aome notiblc feat urea, which retieel credil iijkjii him and will belp on lt.'li -i'i"- "f iii" border t.> a oorred underatanding of the aituatkin. U ia eapeciall.i uotcworthy thal 1." meeta the obarge <tf dis ioyalty in a caadid and unequivocaJ way, thua: There mlci t be danger and thi ra mlghl be dlalovaltv .a laeatlng iiii- queati ?n, if t':e,e wer.i tli- parl of tbe \i, . ?., i any dl*po*H m i i aggreaalon. Bnl there i. none. Tlie dexlre of Amerirani t?. brlng Canada Inlo tbe i'nlon ut ail baa alwaya appeared to me verj weah. !n iliii gtatemenl the diaiingitished apmker is oorrect beyond dispute. There h_ been no American diapoaition toward aggreasion, or the nnaexation ?.f Canada, aad the deaire for naion mi thi-i aide haa been ao weak tha' ii lm- l.n ooaataatly claimed, with aome app arani reaaoa, ihnt Americana do noi generaMy appre ciit" tlie motivea aad the buain _ iatereata which make l<n union Confiden! in the p: wtb and power and tho induatrial future of theii own National hcritage, they have been bul Uttle impreaaed by the oloquenl oratora who bave t'.i'd them ao often thal Canada la ln terri toiial area and In natural reaourcea the i of the Union, and tbal aaaexation would In calculably increaae thc National wealth. II i.lns be true, it leaaM oertain thal Americana generalI* do nol appreciate lt, and have noi the Blighteal longing for the territorial aoquiaition -?i te_ptiagJy d.--iiii.?"i. Om amiinii-iit n-.'il by I'i .lV-.-ur -iinth in favor uf politioaJ union deaeivei eapecial at tnntion. ln 4'ller.t it ih thi>, that aj st,rug>;lo he tw'oen the. tivo Lranoh't* of rhr> anme gr?<ir ni.. cau v\ith iLfliculu be moventcd, excoot Ui lauoa of Ciiiu/la with Ao I latted 8*6x00, bo . 0f the on-tanr rJJffleoWe? whieh anfapo ..;*.? of in*Mtiit;..r.s and law* tenda to prodtwe along the bordera and in oorbtoti m with the Gahoriea. The languago employed bj Piofoaaor Smith is piMialod and prud.-nr. bai his mramng i* not the Ieaa < leoi1 : UJ ne nt Laal that she lm* BO real in tereal bere bnl amtty nnd traao. Ike anlty nf ti ?-.| the immenoe advanta*. of a aetlleinenl orhleli v odM - hai .mt war fraan thli wntlneal aml make ll one ,, momical wbole. ?iH prevall. I B?\ eonvlnced. ln tba . id over evll awawrtea and tbe malbrnanl efforta of evii men. ., When onoe Ormit Britain realizea that ( an ;?1;.. a* parl of the Crrited 3tatea, woold be actually more bolpful nnd vadttable to Britiah jnterent* than it ever oonW i" aa b political ? rlency. the chief reason for objection to annexation by Greai Britaifl will bo removed. There will reinain onlj the pride of tn-. ,' raoaseaaion, whioh la no. a Bentiinent thal ap pcals powerfnllj to on taduatrial and ootnmer dal nation. and the frictino whiih .viaea from differenceB of twriff. Bnl bj to &bs lotter, Caa .1 ? is already aiiprtrjrhnating to tho poaition of tl i- oountry. and bo far thal the h..-t:!ity of Britisb nia'ii'.it.i.Tiirei-s and merehenta to the dian dtitiee i* aoaroely Ieaa aharp or Ieaa I,.|j eipreawod than thoir hosulity to the Ameriean tarifl'. They musl realize alao thal ? !,,. neeeaaltiee ol Canadian Bnanoe will ineri* drive that Governnienl more and more into an m<h'p-???'?*? induatrial attitnde, and i :, greater anxiety to bnild op Canadian induatries. fn the endeavor to do this the lian Government will bo foreod, Btep by -i.'p. in- > .-ni attitnde sn .'.* l.v In harmony with .j,r of the l*'I Statea that politionl trnion between the two conntriea "ill appear the Ieaa i,... ? oflable ti'.ni i liriliah poinl of view. OCB POLICE C0UBT8. With a landable deairo * i givo naeful ln formation to iu reodera "The Ilerald" has prinbed o aeriea of brief biofraphiea ..f the Po lioe Ji.-'i.-.'s of thia rity. New-Yorkera bave never been in the habil of dilating with pride when our I'oii.-e Ootirta are spoken of, btrJ onlj tboa ? who are familiar with the chantt b ? - reei ,rls and repntationa oi many oi the Jui iinderstand how acantily thal bendi is furniahed arith either conwiencc or rapadty. Our dti zena do nol exped ranch from th<> hoai * who h iv.' been parceling out patron ig ? and fillir.g their own pocketa for yeara orj Manhnttan [sland. But patienl and much enditring a* they are, aome ol the appointRwnta wbich our Mayora ha\vo made in the rriminal oourta have been so diagracefnl and ontrogeoua tl ahou!d have exdted even the m-wl pareleas ai I indifferent to effeorive pn teai. Tho m al r 1, .?-;',:,. arorh of 1 ? i rl degrnd. d. wcklena and iinacrupnloiia of ward politiciana has been ... -..-ui].' ] i.y a long t.;:'i'i in a place ia whicb digniry, Integrity and nelf-reatraint ahonld be i'.ina?!. The nlary ia s*..n... p -r v k. 'I he ..?nn of offlce ia ten yeara. For auch omponaa tion for aitoh a term tbe city ought to aeoui I ..?* ..I high-minded and woll-e-miii pe ! law who ? ould *' i ive inc aaanl ly tn rn il i.. ai ns.'* of their unefjualiod oppnrtunil - * I >i ? filh-ii. piiiding the unrrary. roform ? wavering and reatraining the ? bdiirafte A ]? |i .? Justtc ? of intel Igenoo, i xp >rionce aympa'.by and bivadth >.f view, ean do a ur-'.it for t;i" rommnnfty Bul if moat ?>f thn ?, nf th- p'.lii-i- h "l h feel any aoniao of dnty ni are govorned by any high pur 1 to theii fellon mon ib \ bave i . made anything ol Bhe sorl viaible and effective. The aketchea of tho livos nf out ]'<<]\f>> Jua . , : ,- one oi them waa for y<-ai i a j.i-i.i' --i nal gambier, the daily tranagresaor of tho ri.iii'iiil lawa whicii he i* now auppooed (o enforre.' Kine achooling that f..r a ludieial ' Two of them wero bartonders no manj ? |.* a '.. an ' > .'!?? ? f thi m kopl a note I " and-ojafn-Sunday" urogahop, in a! ; ?-: of Xew-York r."ere conatnntly d An .:-..- !!? rit prcparation foi the ' n< ;i ann |y! Another gol into troublc with the (irand Jury, and never gave a trial jury a chan p-i* irpon the queation <>f lns pnill or inno rence. Still another go! his trnining for the i .ni ;s or the plal form ol o atreet-car. '" the othcra i noto lonaly lnt< mperate, and i . - a rceling ai und I i ilrooal n 13 ci ening. Oth 'ra bave h i! ita n rorda nnd . ?:. |ii lo more wli .le m >. lt i* ;i atrang ? :iu<\ motloy rollec ion IuoVm d. Oui <>!' the ? ? ? balf it d< ?? n ra i,. I reallj reapectnble, nol !:-.lf a dozen of them are kwked upon with nn. Ihing bni eontempl hy hard wm I ....I...!-. *. r:..ii* citizena. TUeir 11\? ?-. and a ija have i.ii heen rli-nn ??:.. n.-h t.. earn fnr th<*m j . id 0 \'<\ of tihose wl ? - - m ia <>f \ alne. Thero are three or f mr nf thi m who an- tolei n ? ? and repittable, bul thia little leaven ia faf I ring the lump. ||ow doep in ?''! i" ,:i" major parl of iho P .-? i ? :?! bench nf thia rapital ' II fonl and feciileni is ihe *pr am ><* |iwfi. Hown fn ni -.'i p .llutf i ' The wrtM i ,rne h I .re aome hard fi*t< d. m ! piiliii. i;.|.. who I i - ..* little a* ! for the .-v 'M ..f the money <>i tho ii--|i'i ha< i* wi : e than ? a I d upon him, are ofl n ? :<? i' I ?? ith outrageoiia oppr aaion and v harharity, the.^ ean aocuro the inten'en tne ward-worker in tlie .]> |,.-'. f., tion. Xow-Vnrl* baa mnny thinga to bo aihamtx] of, bnl f- w *'. dcplorable and inTamou^ aa tho ordinnry w. rking? ol the Polioe Courta. May. Granl haa '1 no much to d epen tht city'a dia (jrace. Perbap* in time the people may revoll tbeao intolorable wronga, and al the polla o expre * their will thal we may aectire al the aame time a aound t-ity governmenl and an inHligenl reprefaentation al Alhany. Then, ivith the Srate Houae and the City llall in har ni'iiiy. our Pol .-? Coitrts mighl be oleanod. Bul Iho dai ;* prob iblj di il A BOPEFOL / \ / ? r: j: i .u /; v /. Tho belicf thal with tho devclopmenl of rivilizalion on cra of cloan streeta nould ulU m r ly arrive in ilii* <iiy haa never befon had ao much to .sii*t.-iin it as bow. Tho Mayor'a conrmiltoe of privato ritizona baa report .1 ? plan of op^crationa for thal aection of the rity (|."i-.':i;".-i! i-i tho Mayor'a Inatructiona \\hi.-li appearti in ad\,ance to be aenaiblo and prnc tical tts a.tna! effiriency remaina to bn proved, but, if fairlj appliod, the experimonl con nol fail 1 n b ii teieating'and laseful. In fa.?;. [| may he aald thal n* failure would be :i!m..*i aa instructive as j:* nicceaa, thotigh Ieaa aatia ractory. A vaal .i.-li.i.-ii.y of knowledge on tho aubjeoi of t^treet-cleaning exista in this community, and generaUy throughoul the o un* try, both in officia! and private cirdoa. Hither ?ii thi I. baa been no meane ol aaceitaining, by pomparisonn on a large aoaJe, iu*t why il ia thal ,,.ii- thoroiighfarea are con.*tantly kepl al gn il evnenae ln a condition whieh even tho Mayor .,, .,, ..-. i. dgea to I-- deplorable. <>i courae, the *v,-.-m ..i mnnicipal govornmeRl bj a aei uooiety organiwd tor tho purpoao ..f making lifu , i*y and p cananl for i-* memla-ra i* deadlj hnatile to th i faithful performanw nl publii \M.ih: bul fianklj admitting that fact, il ln* beon .iiUi.-nli tn underatand how the Depart i:i" | contrived to ipend bo much monej to *n little purpoae. Into thia darh oorner the Mayor'a (a.iiiinii")' is atxpeoked to throw a < loar and ?aendy Ugbn. lu tht course of tho cxirtriment about to bc* tried it m.'iv I"' riiown that tbe atiUBB canm-t be kept thcaooghly oiean at all thaea for the amoiBit appropriated to flmi ourpoae. That dtaeovery would nol b ? IntrioaicnlJj agreeable, bul if Buoh ia the faoi it is .-ij all Bccouati de sir.ii.le t-t. kaow ll aa aoon as r^oaaahle. Oae trouble lB the paal has been that thero wfll BO gonerally recogaiaed ataadard ol ofeanHneaa. ; . rnajority of citizena probsbly Hved under ? !,,. irripreasion that the atreota of New-York ai.i.ut aa dean aa ir waa practicablc lo make and keep them, and therefore aa" occa Bional voice crying in the arilderaeaa did noi attraot much atteatioB. But within a fow veara public oplnion has pradiinlly been ad uoated np to ? better a^reciatioa of wbai it waa reaaonable to deraaad The llrat ooiiditioti ..f improvement la diaoontenl with that which i-. and therefore we may oongratdate oajraalvea upon baving made aome progi But tiopular ,-"ii'ini"nr i- -ull fa,r l.eloiv Ihe level wMca ir inusr r.-aeh befare thia problem .-an be aolved. 80 (on* as ?tellige*n4 and re Bpectable citi/eis are oontont to feel ao per aonal leapoaaibllity for the amdition of the atreeta, money and applie?area will faiT to pro duce rhe reqaired result. Tho taTBdeaman who aeea no hann in awceping tho ref uie of his ahop into the pi'"'' and the pedeatrian who dropa wherever ho may happen to be whatever be may happen to waal to get rid of are efneieol feea of muaicipa] eleaaltaeaa, They are not, however, in reality lucb hardened lianew aa they appear to be, for therr rulera bave never -ot them a (,'ood example or oalled them to accouat One of the ohief beaeAta which we may hopd to derivo from the Mayoi's oxpori menl la tho nawoated apectacle .?f leaJry olean atreeta througbooi an area large enough tooora pel obacrvation aad roilectien. The educa tioanl laflueaoa <>f luch a aighl would be great. The bow thal la waahed returaa t<> her wallow [ng in the mira aa a rulo, becanae Bhe haa to. \','iv likelj Bhe wouM value an 1 appredate 1 ploan pCB. lt i- ii"t a R_h assiim|.'i..ii thal ratl rial beinga who liav OBCC BC n whal cleaa . look like nnd experienced bhe c mfori nf living on and traveraing them will in?ist on similar conditioaa everywhere. And with thal rerekation "f whal may l,r> will come the aenae ,,f Individual aooountability withoui which a ti.'iiiianeni reform i- Impoaaible. TBE BOUSEREEPIXG PRORLRM. Tha world?aa manldnd la ocoaaioaally, If nol oftener, reminded?haa advaaood far and ui numbcrleaa dire tiona during the aval half rentury. Evidently ; and. neveia_eleaa, in aome reapecta i; haa been oompnratJvcly etationary. Tako ono of tb ? mo I oeo taarj and importaa ,,:' rocataom ful and lino art ot bouBo mple. There ia no r- aaoa to belicve Ihal <<ur foremothen did not maaage their rwpective h uaeholds with aa li:'!-' ex ?111.f nervoua enetgj and ai naoothl; and -11-.-'--fi.'ly a> their d< ???? ndaate of to daj mai age ibeira, l.ifo waa ii leed a lesi com . f llfty years ago than ii ;- ta laj ?\ waa n-'t ao highly organized : the 1 - of faahio 1 rato 1 ih" craze for bric-a-brac an I housi hold d ? tion had hanllj begun. lt folli ii, r |i mual !" m ?re rl ffl. 1 t to keep ho -? than it waa then. - ill il mual nol be forjj that iho b'?uaokeepor .>f the pn -? nl haa ai hei diapoaal auadiy mbor-aavinp. contrivant - - ? rric bella and telcphonea, <?f which th" .'.-?.-? 1 ? ? ! 11 when all pr iifi' al'owancea are m tdo to b n_ ft 1 ? ,-t, doubtleaa remalni that the burdon 0 Iceeping baa grown with the yeara, Did our towmolhera have to wnaatlo with the bci rant-girl problem? Flardly. lllrod belp came rhoapor in the old daya, and, what i< ol ,!?? ? ,'inr. m> far aa the peace of mind of the ? ? houae i- eoneerned, thei rame with !? - di ? ided ideaa oi whal - il 1 ,? rcqiijred of them. Verj likt |j m< -' >f tb m ei ! ig< rl lo do whal i- known a. ?? ? I.": or, al all , ? |;< rform w hatever dom stic ?? ? |trj ul tbem. N ' va la; -. however, n tj pi 1. . ? ? k, for example, clo 11 > appn ih" limittttion <.l ber functlon, and tloea m?i hoaitato t.i renti nati tte if abe mci Ivea an from )i"r miatn -- wh ch, aeci rding to hei pn pi ? ? .-- aa appli< 1 Lo iln -?? tl al jn,- out, ' ? have b< cn pii 111 I n_trcas. We wonder whni one of t1..- forc motbi ? - woi 'I hai?? thoiiRhl II sho had ' e 1 Icly, if not ovei ? ":, Inf rmc I I j ber oook, " Il lan'l mt pUtce, ma'm, to make 1 ad ?1 r.---: 11 ?_ : you mual ai k il.Ihi r girl." And 1.: a IJn-ioii bride waa the rocipient "f ain-h 11 ndmonition not long ago from hei !??! iw Klaira. \\ h il i- the aolntion of Ihe hoiwehnld prol ;.,in ? ^ !, .' moil (leationa of ?-,,- ing ai 1 menl - for li\ inu muat be n a le 111 order thal th ? ma? hinery ol home, an el honvo, m 13 1" 11,a with leaa eoat and wi ?? - ;-i t'. ? ni nf the man of the hoii ? '.' Tho onlj apeiilii: : \'.!;i'!b is ever ma I?? '..1 aiu I, qiio '. ,? ii [on, A year bro Iho ati hor n ??!.,,' ? .- ii: , h wai I" '?'. 1 'i p iper in whlrh ha rlaimed thal co oper 1" m wns an nd remedj for 1!;" exUting; illa of tl," honsekeeoi'r. |t is elear lhat n ???? atii ?? >?' p ii, - - have jtislifie I tlie 1 ?' cxpci'tation 1. ln an articlo recentlj . onti il "The II nife'a <ioide,'' >l iry .V. Livermoi.1 < d '.. ;..-h.-i -.<>ni>- i-iii-i.;it -ii.tiii -' f;n'<. The ?- ?.?;>-.? latindrj whioh waa atai led in Ch thtrty yeara ngo by aome llfty women waa a ?, " The wi rk waa well i ' th I lic px ???,..' and labor being reduccd one-haJf." Another anch la.Iry, eatabliahea in moi ? ie ,,-n' \".iis. which handled the washing ol twentj aeven familio*, a1-. gave ; 11. " li reduccd tho exp n- - of wa ii ?? and Iw niti'.' nne-third to thc lamiliea ini ?. , -;.-l. and look onl <-!' their h> . - - nll tbe laboi. in.- and confuaion incideatnl to the diaa able woik." The 00 "i"?! itive dinii ? ? which Miaa Livermoro meutioiM I accompliahed aimilar aiibstantiaJ refornu. One of rJieni in i >hi'i fiiraiahed 1 go "1 meal f..r!? c infca 1 an ln |o?a t ti s cfiiin: while n "eo-op ral re diiiing club of familiea al Ann Arbor, Mkh., wh't had anijil" meana, bul niabed t;t rid theii l) ,,i.i . of cooka, waato aad diaorder, were fe luxurioiuilj al an expenae to each member <>; from r<2 Bfl to -'" 7". a wc k." Within .1 ni' ntli two of theae co-operativo houackceping aaao ao .in" in t!n- S| itc aad another -? me tvhere i:i the Northweat, bave been board from :;ii,| both ii"'.' II..111 iahlng. Nevertheleaa, > 1 far aa we are aware, none ol ;':i, ;o L'xperiment*?aave on a very limited tct le ?havo ever been tried in Xew-York, although i! j, geaerallj a Imitted thal h iu ? ket ping bi re |a ;i more weariaome, perplexing and coatli thing than ii ia anywbere elae on Ihe ooatinent. Whal i> the explanation? lt is fooad, wa tJioiild tay, in tho fad 'ha* the typical N'ow . U ao lil ti" a quninted v 'tli iboa I,;,,, ii,:,: guch n 1 >n< ? . tion a co-i peration p,., er oni ra bia head. ln no .-i.y in the world |a there i<'^> of wbal mighl be ealled n< ighbor ;. , ,1 fe iling than in Ihia mctropolia. X< r on 111:111 in a hundrod, i' ia aafe ta aay, knnwaevon l.. pj .i,; all bia fi llov > rc?idinp on thc bb 1 Iv ..vh- i>' he li.'i* bia h ,m??. So long aa thia ato.1 ,,! thinga exi?ta co-opcrative houaekcepii practioally Impoaaible liereabouta, aiaee if the achemo ia to -uici-vd thoae who c i-operato muai l,r? nelghbora, people wbo know and have BOtne oonfidoaoe iu oae aaother. Tiie oooditioaa aio matemlly difl'erent in smallor place.s, where everybodj kaowa overybody. It is to be said, bealdea, that to the raatidioaa tbeai is iome thing decidedly diaagieeabla la the Wea of a oo-operative lauadry. They dtadiae to hawe their linen and tUnga wndered thua public and promiacuoua, a.-. it were. A* for tha dininf ekib, it will hardly meel tho viewaof lahcae who have ord-faahioned notiona touchiag the privacy which ahould hodge a bome. Nevertheleaa, - imething nill have I i be done for the relief ol the New-York honaekeeper. NN'It*? la the Moaea who is T4, lead her our of the wilderncss, and bow is ho jroiiii? to il.) il ? A NEWARR JOKS, Lovera of the light aml entertainlng in ron tempnriiiioous biatory sIidiiI 1 not iniss tlie shorr. accoual of yoang Emmond'a irreat j"lo' on hla landlady, whieh was printed in yeaterday'a Trilnine. .N'ewark yoang men nre noted f"r their gay an.l froUeaome BplritB aad their lives, if we may wholly oredit rhe newspaper reports. ?eem to be glven np to a oeaaeleaa ronnd ot holl day-rejoloing miith. Bnl Bometimea thelr Johea nre too fuiiny, afl wltneaa ihe Newark young man who, when oalling <>n tbe butjr be hopvi t<. make his irife, diacovered, during a lull in the oonveran tii.n, thal Bhe had dropped aalcep In bet ehalr and promptly akewered :. oard into her baok bair with a leadprncil, an whioh be had written In a bold hand: "Call nt 7:30." Then be atole awny and the family diacovered her ln the morning; luit. he ha- not made her his wif<> as yet. So young Mr. Rmmond is now ln oourl ob aeaouat nf his plaifl Joha on his For a lonsr time Mr. Bmmon I hns been tlie rfcuifiii/'* i leader ef the Oppoottion la Ura. Duaan'a dl r- louae, Baafcat,, Newark. Bta party ha-. been Inteneely Radlcal, almeal Anarehiatio, and has detnanded thlokei piea, fntter apple dumplinga, nnd ao r..rih. Ura. Duaen haa inaiati I thi' ahe waa givina the nio^t robual pies and portly dnmpllnga that, there were in thi* market. The Ingenioua nnd liiiht-spiritod .Mr. Emmond detennined to prove thal she was not. fn eidentally, too, he planned to have aome ipori with tho good Ile <iid in)t, foreaee thp proeeedinga In conrt. Proouring a ph,.noirruph ?f the lateat Improved patteru he hid ir in tha kitchen and bribed tbe aervant trirl to start tt when ber miatresa came to glve direotionfl aboul dlnner. Then tbe Intereating young aeonndrel i..'t.,..k hmiM'lf t<> ihe fi iicy gooda atora when- ha is a elerk l.ast Sunilny morninir tlie rlomeatle dellvered the maehtne to hlm with the aaauranoe that it waa eharged with exeeilent matter. Mr. i ond pul it on tlw dinincr-room tal.le nnd ealled in Mis liusen und all of the boardetB. He explained tt tbe/* that lt waa a muale-box, a preaent frmu a rich i.ncle io Boeton, who deall in tbem. He.wiabed to give lt- a flrat trlnl an.l M'ould fsti-em ir a apeoial favor if Mrs. Duaen would klndly ' i>rn tlie orank. If was *er, he aaid, to play ii r-r "Ti.e Beauttful Blna Danube, " 'i ,..? '<??? -,i ii . arrangad thernsolvi's in a Beml eircle nnd all '.eeanie stlll. Mrs Dnaeu sniilcl and st"p|M'd to the machlne and turned the crank. Thia ls whal the beartleaa ?, in her own unmfatakable voice, port< I in oourl : ?? Ma--., jrou don't wnnl to pay over elcht eenta i 1 for menl anyhow: lt i- . -: i u:n f ? :? them, and you i in p?l lt In Mulberrv -t. for that You ara ? ol -I ? tk. I UOtl -e. tOO, I ? i ? ?? rday jrou bought fre-li p ?-. ||,,-.'.- ? ". hnve I I .!: you to .??-.,,??. ,ii 't",i hj Rfttlna them -tiie and wa I m nj>.' ll-?:???. .ei tli - lilll, i- twentj tli.ita a po : l*ve rot enouiii ti will onl f ?? <!!? -- ' ? i( -", i ? porl ? . When the laal aound died away Mrs. Il'.ien turned to Mr. Rmmond. Thbi rivaelouB youna ? rteman wore a itirpriaed, l palned, look. " Sln, !? laen," i e aaid, with em ?. i . ' c aome niisl ' .?. ' " V'es, Mr Emmond," tl with a glunce tbat cuuaed i.i.- kneea to amito together. "Yea, there is a miatake, but you'll ? a ohanee ?.. explain it in court." Then ahe wcnt away and bad him anvabtd for eonsptraej and defamniion >.f eharaoter, ai i the eaae eomea up f..r further iiearinn next Thuraday? iYe ?:?? Inclined t.. t'.n.-'.k that nn .-\ unple si.o ild be made of thia young man. He wenl tuo far. H" ahould ai leaal I ive cul oul tha referenna t-. I ie. Na lon llady winu t.. stan i up her ii ti ippre liative i oarderc nnd grind Inatructlona ;.. i .-r cook oul ..f i boullesj maehine f?. buy l dual 'em ofl and warm 'em up a. a- in ilisxuise ihe ? nt time. Tliere must he anrno an taietion for keepera ..f hoardlng-housea. I ,-:.? nre k ireta in t1 eir ' i ithera, ind these .- ret* mual not hc dragged out be ' ?? pathetic >?.'t-l-'is?,u..l rapeeially, tlie I indlady mual not be forced r., iirm; tbem o it ?? ielf. V.. ui. Kmmu ?: ahould ! e givea ten da.vs on woi ? -ii., enl coffee. 'li i .'.'I'ti-nir 'l anniveriary of the blrthday of Peter ' ?? "p'-r ia t., he eelebrated nexl Thursday ? ? Hnion. Mr. Cooper deaervea l i "? kepl in perpetual remembranee i.ri one of tha eity'a grenbral henefactora, His principal bene n t....k a moal proctleal form, and he llve<| to --.- manj of \u fruits garnered, and dled In ? "? f tlial it- irood work would be cer 1 in to po ..a fnr in my Bvneratona, lt i- a <-. iin'iii.-ui-.' worth notlng that Mr. fooper's birth ila.i fnlfa upon the aame day iFehruarj I ? ol W -a Lineoln nnd ( liarlt - D theae two men, ^., duitinguiahed in widely dllTer oul Helda of labor, bavlng been alao born ln th i !_e ycar, i 809, Wi.ea the \fayor returna from hla Southern trip, la re wnl lioston viait, lie is nol ". ' he will l.Mti thal ihe proape 'ta ul ihe irolley lu the Anueaed D i tricl are deeided!; Tlie eollege atithoritiea al Amherat nre inxloua to aacerl iln ?lt il a collc tiite courae coal ? I nnd have i kcn t'.- euilnentlj praetioal waj ..; iiivin,' nt tho Infurtuatlon they *.-.?'; by aakliitf tlie atudenta to repurl juat wba! thelr expr ? were duritta tke Inal collcojate year. The a* aurance is Iven tl il all aucn informatioii will 1 ? trc .!<? i .." conlidential, but, <.i oourae, tha .- . i .I resulta wlll he made knowu, ns n guide i . i...tii parenta nnd atudenta, The coal ol a < courae variea ao widel) that ii is hard to atnke .. balance. Many yuung men are freelj auppUcd with money nnd apend too much Otbera are bo i.i .... etlucation and bave aucb luiuta*.! reeour. i's thal they are wllling to llve ..n nexl ti. nothing. Tlie iiifi>iiii.itn>ii nn tbe aubjecl that will come from \mheral ln a ahorl time cannot t.. be both tateresting and Inetructlre. ? The vnt4> in the Ifonae on Friday doea not o.>m i.el Mr. i :..\i-iin,i tn forego tho prlvilege of wrlt in.. tlmt oortrageoua and eoneluntve letter agalnal li.'e eoinage, whleh a preaatire of other engage* menta haa hltherto eompeiled him to defer, Oa il.e contrary, thla is jual tbe tlme t.> begin an edueatlonal oamnaign with reference tn tbe next lewion, aince ncarlj everj Democrat.c. Repnsenti tlve haa now ahown hlmaelf to be in urgeul aeed ,,f Inatruction .md reformatlon. a> - Thia is ,i good time tu call in for ropnirs n-v eral,; arguments conclualvely provlng tlnt t ,i- i.'i-i-inr.. ity A. t was doomed to Lgnomiuloua tailure. Delaware baa long ooeopled the anlque i>...-i liuii uf heing tbe only State m tlie Unioo in whieh the whipping-poat is maintained. If the lo-.ver l oiiae of tln- Indiana Legtalature haa it* way, that State will deprive Delaware of thia dlatlnetion, for ii I: ia |. - .-1 .i bill providing thal wife 'n- itera ial) ' ? pul Ucl.v whipped, alxty laabea i in thia i ?-.. hi'.'i - h.i.i.l uecaaiunallj derlare tlmt they favor the whipptng-poet i-:? bucIi offendera, imt there is no genulne arntimeul ln favor of puniabment of that kn'-i. Ind ''.. ???\'' toke ;. atep backwnrd if this Dteoaurc i.* ruiu'c . law. aa ii is nd J" bbc nn IntdUgent felkiw-naan who in iiiiuiiii' tn aay what his poetoflloa B-idreaa i" going (?? be a ahorl month from now. But that ^ Jonea'a ambarraaeiaf; late. Ile dueeu't knon whether to tell hia corrcepondente to direej thelr letters to the LicuteuunWiovernor or the Gover nor, for he d.,esn"t know whieh he is Roinr to be in Marrdi. N? wonder the lin<*8 0f eare oa hla fuce are gro'.ving bo deep. PBB80XAL. A larsrc amoi nt of real eatate in Wlacona,*, moatly Qraen Bt<y, baa atoeal for many yean ln th* name of Alfarno. s-.i.-tm--, ReJae Oraafa iiwoand. Ur. Byron D. M.-i<?".rIjiKi, tlie I'reabyteriaj tlergy. man In Wusii.nirton, Iws been mysiiiled by Baa Ula covery ol Uood on ata baaeaeal stairway, o.der o cumatances Uial auggcal ti.e poaaibtllty oi Iii h<,^ havlng been enterod i.v bnrglara but Wedneeday niirht arko arere eeeldentally burt a. .1 left Brltlwotparaaiaa then- aeaanttfk reoawrckea fnr:hcr. ? A cla.v niodel of a sUtno, to l>? eaat In bnnre., and repi-eseiitliiii (ien.-ml (irant btanrtlnjr with me aaaal in his u*aaaera pot*ant, Baa been aaaaplatai nyscuiptoi Oelert ;n CJttcaao. Tho Bnfapad Breaae is to te erea-t?H ln ..ilf'iia, ,4i.ii wlll be unvciled on Aprll 2 Urant'i Wkan RrarlUu^Ii Ie.tnied on Cromwell li Cooper In.-iltii;''. New-Vork. years a+fn, la aad BbbbbbbbI to de eerlbe tka araertor atataaBaaat as drawini* his ivrord ar.ii tkrowlag awa# the irabbaea. liratthiuKh put his haad to kla ?>lvle aial Unew tiie Imamlnnrv sword. It wa.s a nerf-.-t pteee ol wctlttM. You eonM ahnoit aee rka flj-lilnrf li:.,ie. An .i!,i Anay otteer arbo atiendod Bm 1.-, are exrhtlmed, "Oreat Oaeaar! That Btaa haa beon ln tlie <iva!:y I" Whl.-h a*M trne, althouirh aeveral yeara bad obipaed atnee BraaUaagb riui Mjeu*^ iiis dlacharg. after tkroa years' yn i. a Tlio BaBrate se:."ihljitlea of that rrUtured patriot froaa aTaaaaa, fBa.mlah Bknpeoa, arko hopes to t,? nn ksadaar nf graat reforaa inovomonu in tke next Housi of Refn*8*Kntatlvea at W'aaklnaloii. are ??<l bj tbe Ir ii* Ii tued on the blUa-of fara ln tka hotWs at tln ranltal that ne propoaea t<> aappreaa lt by legtaaittvi enactment. .1. Evarts (ircene. Edltor of "Tlie Worctster 6pv," Jmt appolnted poatmaater, tiaiualed at Yalj m io:,3, ?id has been ln iiis iin.c acbool teati?r, aarwyor, enplaeer, lawyer BOd ("lii.e 1 -ii-..' "Tlie \Tor<esti;r ^py." He bT8B tke Brat man la Iii* town to erill-V In 1661, and aaw the insiile <:I a relM-I pr.*on. He iaa been parli commlaotoner and .iltv.-tor of tbe PVee I'nbllc Library of VVoreMter, i* a iraaaiber of the Aitlqiarlan Soelety. aod enjoya tke raapeet and aitceiloaau lefBH oi aii who know hi:... The Byndloaka or AK-wiation ol the French Preaa baa "tait'-.t a ekartty faad for tho snpp>rt of th? vic ttma in France of th" aevere arinter weather tatetf tx perleneed tkere. T'-?- aubaerlptlon raneaai the amount ,.f .*.-,.).<m>.i .Inime fi" flr*t three daya. Amonz tho ribers an tbe liaroneoa L. Rataanlal 6a lurtruv rhild. for n'L'.ooi); th ? Lazard Brotkera, abo ha\'e bank in.' brai r* utiii-." i-i San I''-r , and Kew-York, for .- oo and liaron lllrseh, foi- 610,0001 li'.-iidi*. thla, the Baron haa grrea another 610,000 to the Admtni*. tratton of Pablle Aaatataooa in i'ai-is. Th" ex-ernror of Wllliam T. Kelley'4 bbBbbbI fled hb t!r-r ne.'iiiinr arttk the Re^i-ter of BflRa In Phlladelphla a few daya ago. it abotra that the te*rat..r-? propertr, wlth accnmulatlona slnee death, aniounta to BWaV s77 &A. ___^_ THF T.1I.K OF THE DAY. After ull I' aeern* that Jerrv Simp-on. of Kan?* .i.e-n't desene to 1* r-4iie?i uanatdeea." htttrBBti ta jiilin .-* Birkardaon, Edltor of "The wioJilta Heacon. .1. iiv- 441." onie apeaUog at a politl.-al nieetinir. Na. jerrv'h pereoual appearanee l* Bar from wiu.. the ar> pel atton of ?? ra**fcleaa itataaaaan" aroald natarany ?ig gaat to ona onaeqaalnted witli tlie man. Hv h^'K* m-n Bka :4 Broaperona banker rban h roa*Bk< aaaaaner l.-aten. BattrtgaajB-plaateved oM farmer. So that when ln , .) ap tbe eorpalaoi arist'ifints the IneonirrnltT n| tiu* BreU-dreiaad man eaUlag tkeai '-*iii? atoeajaga,' - Bav>rtgaaja laauka," and th-' hite aeonied iilt'-trcJier prepo teroua. A hiiiny-handed old farmer at thii Juncture twlleal ont, "'re.u* to me, Jerry, that you nn* wear *iiii ibxkln'a, tao." Qni.-k a* .i wtak larrj palled ap hi* ir Boera. - My frlenB, tkaea are aO tha /" i ever wore. lf ren don'l sv-e theaa fr-ra ? .ti.e n\4-r :,::'! t'.ii.'h UB6BB." Ar.d Jerry abowed a bare ;? ? bali way t.. his Hedid. have on a psir ?f BOCka, bttl thev *.-ir.-'-lv ahowed a.ova il.e . ,pa f,f ins blg "hoe*. -'. th .t they deeelved ev?;7 >, .ir. > -i.'> ,ih i:i the, aiidlenre- shouled oatf "l>y ^?<i-h: IL' :i .'. - ? an\." nt d Jerrv Hmp*>.n's BBBB i; ei eaarned. Proai tkal time on Jerrv waa rAiied riat --.,1 :.:?? . "tite-mri." Thla nleknanae -*pr4M<i an arai tke \ i it ii in*-rirt Bka a arlld pralfte Bra, and Jerry araa to. imarl a bef 11 deny the report. THF. aTCOwTXP TASIFf GIRL. I u.ll.ed of tkllage of luterest, The racta of every day? Of ftislnon. fhiirrh, tli.) newest aong, Tbe uneaa, tba pkaj*. Wlth lani-iild lnrerest ghe heard? i man clled arach aaUl s:.e rtopped me In my t.ilU to oak, ?rliiJ I the lawiff bill"' I aald that CaraaeBctta datu-ed Llke itspen on tbe; che aoked uie arbai tbe daty was nn i?iti*-ii eloaka, aadn-nnaa. i -; '..? t!i.f m . 3 lenry'a book, And wa" be ortluidoa ! Bhe "?. 'i ll was n ahame to .'hart? .*?;. !i tax on BTOOllen s.-eks. I pra:*e?! the t .loriniT -he bai made. i!;.- ??? hinga i ?? aad drawa. Bhe '::-' ?! '?? ? laj on Irainea, ..:.! Kl?hee] Beneatk her booom'a bawa. I oyi-d tlie awaytng rhandeltora, .-*':.? . aaghl inv rovlng eye, And arhUpered, '?Were tha tartlT lon! Tba a,'.a*s eoBblae wookt d .<?.?' The Boor Of n-.arble ake explalned, Bwaetlv, a* ?;.* ber w<>r;.. Was t \ <l t-i ai.i a man ivne owned A q.arry in Vermont. In leat Ing. *? metblng on the stoop Ini;>'*)1"'l my .1.<-,it ; 61ie aald it araa an BngUah mu, I.,i -.1 . Ight) tlve por rent. -(.I. I>. ^liller :n Boaton Tmnserlpt " Alnska ls the .ntnini: gaM mii blg eoutry." sayaa Baa prnaefeeo bnatneaa min. ?? it is a mimlficfal rruntry, tbe only drawba ti being the Intenae eoal and a-tnti Along th.- eoaat there i* pretty jmot iln,i-er-. and the luterl .r :i'.i:'.'i" arith 8ne furantBaatai lly the "Hver fox, tbe rblna of vklrh a.-.- more valuable thaa aenL The eoaatry i* arafl anatayad, nal nul nf Um alioaaia la fllkal ailb ajnat i.fei-mpa) ull ..f tl ,. eruvel ?'? ln iraah out, bnl there la plenty tbai >\. pay, -. i is oaatly gottaa. The greal dlfflcull) i* thal jrou hav- to *. ap Uite tlie i mi.i.y in 4-.,:i.i.-", and, tke m.T4"it uf the -': being very awlfi, prograaa 1* aloar. tke greal 61a taiii-o, and tbe fael that yoa bave te earrj aU ;...i wlth you, i" prubably the reaaon tkere a:-.' aai more mlnora la tke eonntry. Tka * <- ??? I ''?- *? too f:o". tkrea t-i aaontke daaira many. bnl ahorl m the aeaaoa i". i am oonvlaead a man raa make m. re al plaeer mlalng la Ala !>.. tkan Ln *ny iither country. Tlie gravel i* exeredfnglj rleh i" paai and i-i pa.- ..f all Uw dlfflculU. * and exp. nae ll la the , . .-11.1:4 in :???? ??"..:11. i aa laaal ull li to i I.. le -oii any oae ean atake oni a ,!,im. Vi.n ean Jadga aaw rlek H is fraaa tka f*** thal there are two con panlea at ereek dolng ByBraavBa uiinlng, arblch i" almplj pan waahlng oa a aaTBB acale. Tba iteaauliip orel. alth 1.400 Buaalan aoldjera ard. beiatiie irehound r.'ntljr lu Uie oum -.-a. i'nle?4 ih- w thei ? ilrrat.'*, (Oara ara anaae t,,ii.ed for tlie aatetr of iln? B?an. Tba Kowrkabhi deveJopmenl of Atrtea B Bxavhta?B iiiu-i m.'.i by the toUowinx taMe, whfah aa^aarai ia iln: - kfouvemeal Goographlque'': l>u>?e>-loiia lu I'oaaos-tuiia ia 1890 Kq i. ? Sq. kllomi?ra l_?_*_a___:/:.:.::.::-:-::r m? i$$l Uennain .. . .. , ,| noO KIdb ot BalBlBBj. _. r.-.,,, ait ......?;:::::::::::::::.: ?V ' ?&!_ IS. ::::::::::::::::::::::?.?"?.:: <? * __!*? T?t.U.MOB ? 99MWAU -One cvei.liiB aome yeara Bgo." aajra "Tha > ataa TraoKrint," Mhera waikiii rato tha oflca af a ?aaaaa hotel ui Baataa b ?aeal alnajular Bayarttfea. M !'>-??? liha a .....n; al any rafe. H ?'.??? .ilothaa, b?t fceaa riothaa Boaalaioi of a Blagalar gray freea, Mtfc* aroaaf tba walat aud a%v_g tt* aMrta, of a anaje. *? p_r af troaaera, al eoaraa aaoaa, and of a raaher mm rinmi-.l of < BriOUa aivlutc-tiire. TUere BHtB 8888? ,? . ,???:.? ,,,.,,,1. a.,,1 thara wara hottm aheaha aaJ keeo e*ee, iti general appearaaee waa ***** *****? tbal of tiie gueet Dwteh gobUna waa rafl laa teu-pw beJla ?N pi.-iu.-e lha (kawdara ?? tha ?**??? ? ? up va i" Ti.e ogera aalaaa tha h..b; rajBaw and ojulakli awnng M araamal ta arrlte ia it. raa eanaa i,.,.i, atartad baek m a.k alarat, ?*?? aaavaa - aaaa, i?ii.' aaid one, alooa, to tho other, -whal ? *r Bjajt if I knOW* aaid tlie otlier. "wnavB IW * wo troaai- na agara paM aa attanttea ta tafe aaa v,u-ir.,'iv fanaj Iteloajiia, aal tarnad Ita ^***** indtcaung Uw algnatura! Md Iba aatoattbeg amw ,,,,,. "Wll'a.n MalMl.e. U. 8. B, Wt.["??** r ? 0BCe, ii looked aa U tha aompkacanl i. aba raara aaa 10, ".-,.,:,.? nppi. "..'."?: (ot tha rn" rowg Baaa anaaB ,,?.;, oiher iu Obacuuious aticnt.aii, to tl.o accciuna. tiaoator. ,1,1 ,-.,.,?? i'.i,,.- Mrs. De Flalte-Hoy. <lld you ata ., .,,n, poa dogaround bere any where 1 _-__ .,,.;' i;,.\ \.','..,. i Hi-' aaw one Mn ??*?"? ?? i,v b i.i-- bulklo.. nn' i aaw aootber baln aaa ?? "ln ' .', a, i..?e p.i..,tt all aver laa, an- i *?* .. , ,,.,.,. bdM ebopped u? na aa_aage, an? ,-..._?? llra. I)e Flatte (clutchfng at |_^nffH^1ffi_Sg , ??,: Horrora: r.i Hva B3 ta Bat my l ttle n<io sai<*j b"BBaart Boj-Aa. rtfbt, mum. Ynn walt here kaB a iiiinute.-i.sti'ect ? cmilU's Uoud bewa.