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NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. NEWARK THE COMMOW OOtJBCIL OBOAlflUB AT LABT. t Tbe Newark (orninofi Cuiin. II 'tf lBBl met for tho fourth time jBaaiaflaj and Baocoeded in aBeeUng an otajBa_aaBoa. thaa baaakma tbe aeartloek eaaaed i.y tho tie. Thcrc wa*. no httch, the leadera of i. tli par ti?* haviitg agreed befork tba meeUng oa a phm. AngiHtn- Dnaeaberry waa elected iemporary rbalrman. He Is n i;.'i"i( ie an. nnd bia elertloii wai foBowed bj the iiettii.n ef AMermnn Jamea i> mpaey, a Dem a- perBaaaaml prealdent. i1" Plnauee Committee waa appomted, la erder that Ihe money could be roted to aa_ -.ii ahe ..flit-iai- and employea <tf tbe clty, wbo have kaaa daprlved <>f thefa monej by the Demoerati rcfnaini? loorganhje nntll yeaterdaj The Controll ?sabfrlaed ao Ibmw teaiporary kxui bonda f'.i P200,. lo antlclpatlon ol tlie taxea of l-.'i. and tne Pol t_e Klre departtnenU were approprlated .-'.. tci pav thelr im-ti-.-. Thc e Ttion ol ,. I rltr meeaenger and otbei oflii lala and i tmnilttees will be cft*-i t??i at a meeUng on Frlday next. Tbe fael waa toarned y< iterday thal Bdward Mail , win- na- UU. ,1 i.y a traln al tbe Market-sl rallroad BteUon mi Frlday morning, wo*e a goM watcb md cjiiiii and hii.l a eongidereble -um ol mo ??" ln his aaaaBjeta. Bo watek t>r Bl N ? ? i- f.niinl "'' bls p By tha exploalon ol a ketUe of ccm. I ? furnace at tne irorl ol ihe Asphali ll ' ?"" ? ? ? ' ' Polk-st., i< *tei lay. John l?i ike, * ? "? _w?s badli .-'-li.'e.i the head n l upper pw of na body. He will prouably dte. Bome damage waa aa ? lo 1'ie b?Mf Joha Bot_er_ke, a brewer and erjoper, who I do-? ol paria green on i rldaj ln the haUway ol a beer Lhop, dled at th- hospltal. Th- wildde waa medll i d. a> ..ii la-t s.intlav the man made ov r b - i property to Ida chlfdren. Domeallc bxtewloa worrieal Em. _, jER?_a crnr. The .Rev. H. B. Bbsebnan, Junior pavrtor of tlie Flr-t Baptbd Chnrch, recentl) tendered hi- reabjnaUon to tbe BBsmbera beeauae ol Ul beartb. On Frlday night it waa regretfnlly neeepted, bul thn mi de.-nle-l t- allowbis salarj tu -?? on ?r six rnontha. Mr. Kteelman alll go ?Veal to benefll his health. Tbe Board d Flnance aeveral day* ngo ippp.pr1a.tcd pl-.iHio Bddltlonal to the #20.000 appropi for cleanlng thc stroel . Mayor Clevelnnd mgned tl i E- lutlon ycstrrdav, and now the street nnd oard teela better, for II has aome monci to Mpiander, John Bbannon, onee b weatthj cantraetor, bul now ii aewer Inspector for t.Ity, , dylng at hi* home, No. 4 1-9 Central nve. III* aon. Jobn I ihanuon, said la-r night that hla fatber conld not Bv? twenty-foui hours. ? ORANGE The f.nal coiiap-e <,f ii,.' Urenge MonnUla Land CMapany i- now an aaaored ta. t. Bome weeha ago tbe property, ronaUUng of aboal 830 aerea, waa ?oM at akerMPa -al- I.rge spottiawoode, of Orange, iu nf :i Judgment Mr. BpotUswoode gave l/ a. Pearaon, tbe orlglnator of tbe BCheme, an option .-f redempUon for flfteen iau rhls oj.tion cxpirod on Wcdnesday and on trlday th< executed the d. ,i- I * tbe property. riie roadlied for the cablo road dlrectl.v up Uie monntaln -al- Inj-s ,,., ,,a through and graded nl aco?l of over ?-' [p.oOO an.l i- an absolute 1"-- unlesa Ibe road la I a tea waa glven yeaterday afternoon al tbe bome of Mra. Tluimas ll. iii- ln Park-ave,. Ba i ? ?? There were aboul 150 gucts present. Mis. ?.i wa. anslated In re. Ivlna t ; mest-; by Mrs. -aac F. , (,a'e ? i-- Hattie li',-. Mls) Allce w. II aM- >n' Tit-i.ii. Mi.-s JuBa Blgelow and Mlaa LurlUa lfoore. Mrs. Oeorge Clauaen MlUer, ?<? Munn-ava, Ba t Orange, i:;ive a tea at ber bome yeaterday aft. whlt-h ?i- attended bj a nnmbei ??! Bewark people. Mn. m 'i r ?? .1 t.-d ln rerelvlni tba guevta by Mrs. Williatn B. Wood, Mr-. Henry B. Taylor. Mr ueorge > . >M ua i,??,.... Mlaa Clapp, Mlaa woodrun. ?.,l-- Johnaon, Mi- Jenklnaon and Mlaa Karle. ..f | Newarkj Mra. .1. C. MatUwws, of N'-w-Yori;: Mr*. Iiutlcr Bvanstoa, of Cnlcago, ar.d Mra. Vernon L. 1 Duvey, of Easi Orange. PATEBSON. TIIE .IT'KY IN" THI TOtTftG CAME DISAOREE. The eaae of Blehard l). Yoang. tha Bew-York perfumer, Indleted arltk Melano .. Rlckardl f>r eoa> iplracj agalnal Mr-. Yoang, waa conUnued in a crowded comtroon yeaterday. In th- eouna of hla .- Proseentor Oourkry Indnlged |n aome aarcaam aboal a poeka in Yoang'a bandwrlUng whteh bal i.iii'ii in the.eaaa The poem waa ua aBeettonate a'.... and .1- refraln waa - Loved one, retara I" Yonng got n;. and exdtedly objccted ... the Proaecator1 ; n -f the 1 0 iry, The court rapped for order, 1 ni Young wouM not 1.l'i;."l, and conUnued to 11 ttorney. 1 luallj Judgc Hopper ,,...?.,?; tlie :? ni'.v.ii ol lonng, .m.i a c n?tal , pi, t hlm oul 1,1 the 1 inrti om. 11,- Judge ? huxg -i ..-??.. --. Th ? J ? disa i' ' aftei ivlng been .-it -ei 11 i'''iu'?? ;:'ni were dl? < h. ..'.i ii 1- learned thal thej *tood eh ven I r ilon . f b ;n .' d one foi acoultul. and tliat 1 ?? 1.1. ? would have . me over. II ? ?ald, il the ra t wouM bave agreed to reeommend merey. ELIZABETH Joaepb Klein. tbe preaktonl of the Oomley Cheeed PoBah i: jl rew . ernci. rj Ai ?? laUon, wa. arralgne I 1 teidu: In it..- Courl of Common Pleaa for antei e, bavlng been convlcted of defraudlng John Leece, a felloa couutryman, onl ol BOO. A blg petlUon wa_ ,,,..,. 1 , tli.iirt, i-iui..' lt to be m-i'i inii toward the |.:-..ii.r. Kl'-ln has Bnce refunded thc money, and Judge McCormick suapended Benten.c. Klein waa .I -,ai-e,i from ni- i'i,-,' ol Bpeclal ofttcer and potwe court hiterpreter for Ma wrongdo 1 ?, John .' Bennett, n veteran ol the war and a B_m ber of 1 Iric Uahlgi n Poat, a. A. 1:.. dled yeaterday home, No. l-'t Llvbigaton-at., from ptieun.onla. 1 or mani year* he waa an englneer at ibe Slnger Bew Ing .'?? - hlne Works. KORTHERN KEW-JEBSEY COUNTIES. EBGLEWOOD.?Tbe flrat anbsertptkn baU of tba Englewood Club wa* glven oa Fridnj ?'?''. :,:i11 more .lhan realked the expectaUona of Uie managera. Tbe namber of tlckeU wa. llmtted t.. 300, and hUly thal .? of people wore preaent, Ini Indlng a 1 ir iu onl of toun. The main floora ..f the prettj Ly.eum were tbrown open for th- " caalon, aod were ta U luiiy deeorated wltb potted planta and mt gowere. Tba btrgB libiary ol the elnb, oa the aeeond aeor ol tbe bnikllng, waa naed aa tbe receptton n. The Ipatroneeaee were Mra. Bibert A. Urtackerhoff, Mra, Wllliam T. 1:0.1 th. Mr-. Omt m II. lilake. Mra. Kduurd l\ Coe, Mrs. Uamuel \. Uuncan, Xm, llorace C. i' i land. Mrs. t>hcppard llomans, Mr-. Henry H. HoweU, Mra. tii.-nii- ll. l'int and Mra. Charlex E. Thorbum. rho ? ,n "i'i.f arrangementa were Cbarlcs A. I lyth, Edgar II. liooUi, Henry B. HoweU, Watter W. Markay, i \ij 1 ri McCullob nnd Maaou F. Proaser. -\ Beor waa iniii f tr dancing In tbe audttorium. IIAYOXBE.?Tbe Bev. BenJamln B. Pbelpa baa ac . n ? .11 lo tli- rectorabfp ,.f Calrary l*rot< -lani I'i topal Church. Formerly no was chanlaln ..1 Chrlsl HosplUil, Jersey Clty. . . . Tho Ea-tern Itvtcr lioard Company, which -Imt down on January l, uill ie-,,,..- iiperutlona next week ?ii,'i 150 men, Thia ? 1 a I'oiutderuble Increase over the f,,r<- for 11.,: |\ employed. ? . Tbe rt. urd for aei ? . p imea ln ih- ' Ity b 11 i: .- i' 1 .'? 1 i lollow : Ne* ai 1. Ha> IUkiI Club Won, 11: lost, ! 1 : j? rTTntagf. .730. Neu Jt rsey Athl tie Won, ?"?: '"-'. 31 to play, 1 : p. nt ntagi. , 1 , rapo Athletie Club Won, 1! lost, 5; pereenta : ?. 444 uartanne Itowllng < liik?Woo. 2. laat, 7; ner r*ritage. !_W. Next Nifuraay evenlng tke twa h-adini* rlnba wili roll th- final game. ,4X1,11,1 IH .'.- ' '' ,!l"i''' I'-tt'T-'Mlt'-I l.t atirred ud b aeTTSatlon ln I'laimield by aeudlng letton u t irl I.;- naturetn the tnlaneed wlfe and totke mother 0 Mrholaa Kell.v. ThaJetter* rfer o Mr. keiivV _n-a.-d ahort. otuliiga ln tlie rlleat ol languair.-. Thiv have been ient tiMi?u*rli tke n...ii. aad the poet i.iiic.. rierK- have for aome Bme t*en able to "opol then u- ...i.c ..f the lUlterary -apleyed ?i, tbe ;..? vViop..- rtSveril d-t-.tiv.-* aaa al work apoa the ( RlTHEHFOiUi.-H- O. BtU, ea Mayor Luil.ei Bka ? 1 1 .iallbway. ,h. ?. ?Mk*on. D. etoddard. 1 w gandford and I. - L'"^1 ?>?* ?-*? 'nt?n>oret?1 of iZieXn lroad*hl.h1 to be bulltbereiln Uiejprtng. The iLi.e wlll 11111 from tke Carlton IHU depot, thxuuiil Kivcrvivwivv t.. ihe l,,.t Of -fewall-ave,. a::d wlll be .4 Bttfc otw a atlle long._ OTHER 8UBURBAN TOWNS. fP_8TCHEST_E COOITTY. DYIN'. \ PArPKB AT 108 VEAB8, Bftarard 1 irk, the ohteol Uvlng Ininate <>'. tl:.- We 1 cheater Alm 1 ? a1 rarrytown. died at the a* -f ,,,_. ,..,,,. on rhuraday. and waa burled yeaterday. park it 1* -ni1'' waa :' relatlve ?f Mr. Park, ol tke 8m Cll Park A rilford. il" a-ae i1 - rew - old and waa born at B_-?t*l**?ter, Weatek Co ly. Hj bad been an Ininate of tke almabon e lor ov. r thlrtj Ma : yeai". Yoang Park -nn a aofl of a weattny famlly. ile obtalned a Bb ral .-in. itlon nnd waa a aradnate af en K.-te:ii rollege. Wken bta fatber died he reeeli d coii>-iderable money. He.b apenl i.i, Inherttanee In rtotoua Bvlng, and bee wilng a eletlia ol alcoholiatn ioon waa lowered to a panper. HU Inreaaanl aaa of Bquor Bnally took away hU reaaon, and be wa Ui ih.- ineane ward ol Ike almahou e tu lie treatod A v-ir after hc had entered tlie linatltiit.ou lic ... Mi mlnd, und waa d ? harged a- epn-d. 1 -?? I de?aalBtlon be l?gi:ed ihe ".uperSntundent of the ln ,.,.iu to romaln. Ile rcnw 1 ,,,. jn , :. i. -earoe a nxtare of Ihe ,,!,,,. |j. worked lin-oaaantly nruun.l the tarm and . ,,.1..., .? I,,, |o v th . .. fe? wh-ii 11 ,.,,, ,.,. enfeeWed blin ao tka! be bai lo irive uu _, ln ihe ..1 Mr*. II..: aU E. A* er ai Ur*. ? . uaband, r*ui4' un I* j.i.i.. Dvkii ' ,''"' ,.,.,,,.,. were n irrled twontj yeara ? ? '!."? ?,..-, v. bnl Ih * vanU.1 I utiforliitu.t*' W JI -., nlai nn*. \fi-t ?'.'??? >"';' . . .' 1. ? ? ' ' ( rtitr! hl wlfe, wj |Ake ?!.. :. faahlonatile i|uart?r ol Ihe vllUi:.. A we.-h ;_-> ?Im> appl ed f-J 1 'I "?'?'??? Jt?I-t*. 1. h h,?uind Died I.-,,,..'.?!.??' tnawet I ll- denlea her ehargi-a r>l ? n.-i t.-a, nesa and ee< n>e* w wlfe "' rarrylBg im ? ? 1 " ? ? ? " ' ? ?' '<.? ln; rhidlni! mini*ter. n 1 nn.ner <4 i?u\-rv .-.?- a *eh - ? ,-. ||r de lar. - II 1 hl wll j.,.. ,,,. ? ? vfllago. rh. 1 ' ? waa ll'IJ -iiii-n? foi two 1 POBT. Iir-ITK. A flre brnke ont early yeaterday mnmlne In Ihe bool and " ?? st ire if Tl ln Llberty *.,.....*-. Before th.; Banrea wnn . ;,:,.! Hxture* h-4'1 -'"I t - ,,?. 1.Nt..;l . ? | ..hi., Tke 1 i*a U eovend l.v The flre w w ?mu *t by tne explo lon 01 . . ?? lamp. pritDY'S i-TATIOX. V. t-a:..- Pepe, 1 II ? :,,4.,| ,: i:--:-v .::? M. of the Inrl .ei ih- rilli 1. ' llv kllM ? ??'??? ' ?1' ni-n I. -I : 'I. ', refn '?? . ,.,,,. ,l:-i 1" ? 11 Ih ? Mi ' ; . t . :. 1,,.;,,^ .1 ,,-r. Tlie ?: , r ? v in fin- :,.- ,? d d( ei rted iinon tbe iiaiian, ernattng ktm to Bbe oarth ??d1.lsiUQI"? h!ni hi-tantlv. Pepe tbWy-tWO \ears old, ana leevea a wUa an.l two ehfldren ln italy. I TAXAL tVAMRBL OVER CARDs. fireetivllle. 8. (".. Feb. 7.-Ms?Jor W. A. Wililnm<?. a promiii'iit nnd p. rltlr.en. was shot through the h,iirt and In-tantly killed sonn after midnlght this ni.irninc I y J. 11. Wiliiam-. The fwt> m-t: were play i,lk: .ard* in a private room. only a .-.lored attend uiit belng preaent A dl-pute nrn-e nnd M.ijor Wlll __i draw a knlnv I. B. B__ma aaM he araa in ?rmed, wherenp - Major wiitium- ahat up bia knife. tnrew it on the taitie and pulied nff his eoat, ap parently Intendlng to li-'ht. Botk men nre well uu um a- i.i-in/ unuanaOy powerfal. J. B. WJlliama Kiiddenly drcw a revolver and flred. Malor Wllllama f ,| ,,,, i face dewl. Tbe murderer rushed oat into the darkneas and ha- diaappeared, but -cv.-rnl pos?cs ;ire in m.r nlt. IL- i- il. 'iw'hi ik have goneover the rnonnta-n. mt.. North Carobna Major Wllltama waa ?t biwyer, promlneni in milltary. politiral nnd bocuu rirclea. ,l. U. Wllllama waa a mloon-keoner. __, ivr* BATB ni: DIWT ir.ivr to BIB. ThA.^t,.re A. Ivea, Uie Bew-York i.p.ker who ,<t lempted to Jnmp fman the Atateti Iriand farryboal Bonthfleld, m.i- arralgned yeaterday before ?'? Caaej ai Nea Brlghlon on a charge "f attempUng to commH mlelde. Ivea hn.l apenl th- night ln a .-.-11 ni tbe pollce -t-,ti,.-:, and ne ahowed algna of anffer Ing from ;1 - aome "f n,s Menda had beard ol Ma irreel and ayeeted hlm in tho rrourtroom. Ivea admltted Ihal be 1.1' b.Irlnklng Frlday night, bai viin he did nol remember arhal be <i.<i nft * ho boarded the ferryboat. n- aaM, be bad no iBtaeakai ol eoav mlttlng mlekte, aa be bad everythrng ba Uve tof. ii- aaid hi l.n ni" - waa proaperooa, and that he bad ? wlfe .md a Umlly. II- araa aorry to bave broughl dkagra.i tliem by hl. aneat. Juatloa Casey released Ive on hall ln appenr for examuiaUoo o;i Wcdpe lay. h ? .. i':.ii onl ol i'.nrlr om tccompaoled by hi. friend, <'. ll. Baymond, ef Weal urlghton. THE WoRUm TAIB BVBBAV OT PBOMOTWB. Chtaago, Peb, 7 (Speelali.?Promoter-General Handy lo-day lasoed hl- flrat moothlj report ..f ihe prograa | .,f tbe Bareaa nt ProaBoffon. Tha report caBa atten j llon t-t tbe provlahmal nabara of th<> Bnrean, and its J ? ?.I, taiiiii Increasfng teopa nnd neeaaaary expebaea. Tba Depar menl artll mail 230,000 docament. a ni.mtii benrefortb, Coramu leaUon wtth 10/300 dally aaid weckli papei and 3,000 ti uie papera ,;> thi- eoantry has been e- nbll-bed. n''Ri\o vor nn. is boctb ibbbet. I.atnb-i'K ille, \. .1.. I'i-!,. 7 (isp.'.-ial).? The exrlte m.nt in thia regl ?:, overrtBe" dleeovery nf otl Increaaea .laiiv A company which has been tormed f,< work il iCockamlxon haa al la-t come upon tan^ii.le evi gi ,,f petroleum. The well haa been aunk 1,600 ieet. and I noa hebig drlven al a rapld rate throngb i iratnm nf hlarh poroua roek, atr.-i- Impregnated with oll. The rnnipany experta to raacn the oil within i fcw duj . BfB CLEVBLASV AT T.AfCrWoOD i .1;.- -i. \ !.. Feb. 7 rSpeclal).?Ex-Prealdent ? ?! irrlved here al 1 o'eloek to-nlght. and went - ? |?| -i ii,,', i. where rooma had been ??? i f,,r hlm a ii".'1; ago. Mra. OveJnnd haa been heie .,.?!?;. ?? With tto oxcepUon of a few drtvee, ? i . noi !? f tbe hotel. Mr. Ctevoland = i , on o i > ?' ura a tltttei reUel from i u Ines ai i BOClal can-s. The raeaM of Mr. and Mrs. Clevetand. ara* ln the rottage Row wtng of tbe bt-lailng, 0^ertoe*to? tbe plne gfovea. Mr*. Cleveland to-nlejhl oper;ed tho iir*t fni! ueaa bep of tha aeaaoa at tka bbW81 -,-? ABABDOBm COOPERATIVE uorsEKEKPlSQ. Cliirago, Feb. 7 (i*peelal?.-Anoth-r ennipnny of BbbV lamvlte, j, fi.llowlni* in tlie ptith of the Ev.niiton 06. operative Kltrhen. The Boath Fvnnst.m f'o-oponitlve. rini, wa* oi*ganlaed baat aaauaer, Ita aaeaaberaklp in eBidlngelevea tamiBea. Two ee ?;??*. * r raleervanta and a hotue with tke iweeaaarj eqnlpaienl were pro.nre.l. The plan aiteinpteal WM tO fnnii-ll tke inernbers wltll nie.-ii" nt .*:t 88 a ireak fur adalta, and *i ""% t'i ehll'lren. Each DUBlIy waa to eat al it* own table in the dtelnB-rootB. The. meaU were rnanal to eoal aaarat gai than ??:; 89 per week al tbe atart, and Baterward -mi more. This eompeiied oonttnaal aaaeaaaianaa, aad tke membera bave Hnally abandoned tbe e*per:ment. To-day tiw cnoha aerved tbe Bnal dlatiee. rhe debta ,.i rhe eonrera wlll be pald by a general aaaeaaaaaat, and Ita affalr* wonnd ap at onee. TBOUBLB8 <>F BV8IXE88 UEB. Woreeoter, Maoa., Feb. J.- A fuB n-t of eeedltawa of Qeorge M. Blce, preBldenl of the Wort-eeter Steel Worfca, baa been flied ?t tke Ooarl of Iniaotveocy. Tke li" bllttlea aggregate aome 8635,000. ?.tn:.!.:i. Web., Feb. 7.-W. K l.einheri'er .V- Co., mer rhante at inrora, Neb., aawpended yeaterday; llablll tie* about 820,000, aaacta 618,11 0. j WBDDIB9 IB WABBtBOTOB. Waahtagtoa. Peb. *<-*? m;"riaf", J ""SLJ , .,mr,.? 0f New .York, aaaghterol l>e*lerlck B. I hweft, hl, U.t-r. Wttk .len-uiaU 8. Bl** Of Y-rk Penn ,.f chauneey F. Waek, and graodaon of tke Mk ,.,-e,?l:.., 8. BkWk aml the la.e I......, *aV?n, ._???-?? OBB 09 THE rilIZE P/OHTSB8 BJLLBD. iMttia, araak., Feb. Wokn Saaffer, a local bowr. ,,., nlgh1 engaged m a levca rot-d contaal artth wiu,:..., Doylo ai a v:.ri-tv theatre. In the aeventh ,?!:? ,,..v,e ki.ked ..... Bhaffer by a rtgbleliandei ,? ...,. law Ehaffar aever regalned eor.aelouaneaa, ""d .Jir/ti.i* mornlng. Doyle haa thaa far elnded arreat. __._ DIYIDBXD8 FOH BBPLOYBB. Watertown, B. V., Fab. 7.-Tka WatBTtown Steaai Bngtne Company baa deefcu-ed aSl-8 per renl aeml .luaj dlvldend to Ita employea, exrept ipprci tlces and ofBoe men. Ihe eompany annonn. thal lor the ,,,.??,-ir venr it wlll paj ??ml annual dlvtdenda to Ita S, ' on the a'.-....- of wagca they reeelve al the aame ratc as the dlvMendi pald I - Uxkkolden. ?-?? BHE WAB OXCB .1 UAIB 09 QCBBB ViCTOBIA. Mr- Mtirv aui. Jukee died ln Brooklyn y. '? lay mof.a Bka 44..* yeara old, and it i* reportrd _?t ,?any y. ar* Bgo ?ke waa a amlng .: ile] t., . Vletorla aml alao Lady Walworth. Bh. waa a natlve of Ur, . ? ond bad been marrled four ? ... r....,.!-..? ihe i fi araa ? ilal i la Plf. -Mr-. Bke . M ,,,,,, |? .... rowntry aboul tbirrv jreara, and for the ,, . ... r,,,..,;, 4. ,." bad kept a candy and ero kery al ra - ,. ... .,4... bhe owned ih. atori and aome ... : loned flnery. ? ih i-.: i i , ,,[ Tha woman who . nl to . ? ??? for her found bet reaaerday .:, When her death I , , ; ? ? . thal tke pollce atV'pped ln and turned the eatato ovar la p__ Admlnlatrator Wllliam B. Davenport. hl nnd GUESTs BVMMBOV8 AT ATLAMTU C/rr. Atlantic Clty, N. j., Feb. 7 (Speeiali.-Refort anotba. week gocs by Lent will have arrlved, and with ?_ ln days of old, crowds of promlnetit vlhitora wUl a_ a siiltablo restlng plaee at the Clty-by tlie-Sea. The Hntel Brighton. F. W. Hemsley .v soq, ^ prletors, ls one of tbe lendlng all thc-year hote.b ot this rity, and for eonvenienre, eomfort, Clegant aaart, ments and table servico rhallenge* rompartson wl_ any KJiniUr c-i:il.l.-hm?-iit. ?n tlie OBBBB. Brlnrkhas liummey, the manaiw, is nntlring _ s efforts |a iiisuro eomfort and happiness to gueata. -A | lurze nnmbcr of New-York and Bronklyn pfon|_ with whoni tlio Lrighton ls a favorite resort, hold hi_ iu hlch o-teein. Thc Hntel Klrhmond opened Its hoapltible doora m r>attirduy, January Bl. and slxty iniev.t-, were reirlstei^a Tlie Hichmond |s a, rn hmi-e, with aU the iut_ cofiVenlencos und ls managert ln the most liberal style. Tho Hotel Ltiray. another favorlte Atlantlr flty host.liy was opened ko-day nnd a lur?> number _ arrlvala arere neted. Th- baajaa i-> aadaa1 lha m.-ia. agement of .j. whitv, who is aaaa the owner, and 9? hmi-e. aelag Bgabapedta -? nifxlern a style m.d rxinga. delli-'litfiilly tocated, .nlways ha.- it* akare of patrona^ The Boaamora, under the managenient of Mra. j. p Doyla, late of tha <', Long iimnrh, and tha' Kevere, .1. .1. Ki.ixTt-, ata both doing aa exreUeta wini.-r b__eaa and have a number of enga^emenu lot pertod* ln tli" Lantaa aeaaon. The well-known llotel WelBngtOa ls now open, bjj. der tbe propiiet..r-l ip of M. A. and N. g, Mllnor, _ta of Montei-y Sprlaga Hotel, I'eiin-tyIvi-iil.i. Manj- ,m provemenba have been ,-vtded -in-e iaM year, tiie n,?j Importanl ..f wblcb are thc piumhinz, dramaaa ?ai aanltary arrangements, whieh aie m.w as perfVct at skilful workmanahlp ean make Ihera. The hatei M thorougblj hirnlalied wlUi the modern cainrnl.-nr(.r heate.i throngbout, Bad arUI raaaala op-n the entua year. Beginnlng tD-day, tbe Pennaylvanta BaUroad Com. pany artll run a i uilnmn veatlbule parlorsar tr_ Irom Jeraey Cltj t., AtUnUc i.ity, and v.iii e?nanu. it un wcek-daya through the aeaaon. Paaaengera i??\. Sew-York from tfce foot of De*bro?aca or (' .rtlaruti -ts. at 1 :".') p. in-. -' 'P m Bewark, Klizaltet.'i _< Irenton, md arrive al AtlanU. Clty at 5_0a m Tiu- l- n magnlflcenl traln, fuilv aqulppad *ha S the luMirl'- i modern inventlon, and a -.miiar aa. viee last apring and aummer demonatrated that ua enterpriae of 'li- Pennt?ylvanla Compani Ma- fiiivao. irei i it-d bv New Vork aml Brooklyn people, n.|ta nii-eii from ih-tu a III"-1' liberal ptti Baaa. i \. sweigand, general Huperfntendent oftaalaali ing Rallroad. is a reeenl irrival al ihe Brtghtoo, h bv, i oon and wlfe, ?.f Tr ry, no- am. ng raa pron. incnt .irrival- at iii- sea Slde lloaae. Mr. CoonBa wealthv collar m_nfucturer, and emptoy* 2,800 ariru, te-ldf- a largiJ number of men. .1 I.. Pearce, of New-York, l- one ..f the nn.strecei nriivnls at Kn-l.ule'- II..I.I lohn 8haw ls a pntinirient Bew-York f.usir.es4 a_ who i- maklng the .--a B_e bia lawakprartera whUe t i- ni ti.i- clty. _ t'UWIBU I'llH KS OP UAUPOBBIA dTniES, ** saii Fmaelaea, t b, 7. |Ba_ y. -t.-Klav.To-'la'-'. ' ":'.TiHUr. xi.a ..-.o ..,., Ophlr . 8.00 ia Bulwer" ?? -tO ?to PeCoal .4-t, |.^ r? ,t v Belcl er...2.U0 2.M Bavaga - l{ ?:.,, ?. !..<?) 1.60 si- rra Bevada. . , thoilBr .'-'?'?? 9.}i taioo Coo.ZJH us i nn 4.1 ? Va S.?5 i '?< ' J,'. ? ?"" M , ,,n-,, i', ;?t .100 I -'? 1 'H.? l"k't ....S.? 1T0 i ir..K' Con. - * '"i ;l ,N' L'oamjona Uta ... .,'u ja ..?.. s S N.-vad. Queea M B -...; ,-- I ... -. ? ? n II ale... aio J*) .. .'.,.. :.,;?, Nor? Belli !-!? M m ,70 1), IBBOOU . 4B N , - ,;." ' '-'' titusee and Ciirnagca. F^lWii:h-::/i:R..o.Mi:sT,.' PB1C-8 l"li PROMPT CA8H. 1 ? .ui,*, it. ;.-v...-,.-. l.xr liruuBhams, Ext llwaawava. . La i.i.lta, s v I'. -. ii" kawayi. U ?">?-.' ? ui:-"' :-' "' ' ' cireat varl .4- or lOflt PASRKXUER ' I' AXD >.OT01 i \Ki.iA.;;-- INCLID15G MAN. SOVELTIES. LAROEST BTOCK AXD WAREROOMS IN I HE WOR_D SoatptiKba1 a< n ..- latownoreut, unt:. -. ? . , ??- ' vla'.t _ . C IJ'.R -. ll I'l'sl tiKY. ??"-. "lU l3T,J "'.'' XX I iXORMOFS* ASMIR'J Ml iNT of Bllthe , -44 at>] * -I bl'lUXU and Bl MM_R 1 AKKI \..i'.s. , ,_ ... ALI. TlIF. M.4V I)!'.s|..N's ... OAK . N1A IM.F. aud OTHEIt S vTl'RAL '?<.6 i ... n'l \. hfrl - fe . ? ' ? BHO iTIXii W -..???\*. K< -." ' B oi ? -'??"? by Wi - . P- !'? i '"'-. -? s. :' ? .. ... | . li foi f. : I ei - * : '?? Blt^WiHAMS .\M> .'? TAfiOX FROXT UR. ' \Ms ? ea a::d a. n ? '- '? ? '' t c taj-1 clt] foulld ?-. LAXDAtS. <.!.\v* 1 R ?.'? -.- '. !. ' VTHER IIT.VH- : ROCKAW Ws. ,, ,.,., _ B1X PA-SEN' E15 VXD EXTEXSIOS PKOX IN ? li Ro. ki\' lya. VI. I ?f.*.\s LAXPAUl !'.:s :, ?! M vll. PHAETOXS '. ? V ! - ll PHAETONS I.ADP s- DR1VIXO I'H VI TOSS. 1 X. ?: v*|oX Top PIIAETOXfl ai.d DOC Tf.i:s |>l| tKiOXS. T(U' \V4i nv. 4v;> SO-TOP WV'.'.NS Ol A I.I. KIXDS WAOOX1 TIT'.s A X I> Dl ' l ?"> W \.- >XS PAINT. j n >nh in oak. ?.__ TILIUKY*. '.nn. < vRlfi ANI) l'ONT . ARTS. (HT. RARXESS ROOM HAS Tlir. f.AR?E**T VXD FIXEST STorK nr i.MPORTFi. .xn i omi si "?' i' *R ,\r>*. s\niiLi * and iii'.i'.i.' *> w::i!'* Ffll aXD . LOl lt ROBEs, III.ANK! I* \ IX AMEHICA. MORSI S OF ALL KJM.--K.,-. If ? Road s'e-", Trottera, Sadd o II. ra - w orkeri AI.W.vY" OX II.\\I> VT PRIVATE S\l.r XXTatVPISO PrRCIIASF.US WII.I, H'i \v i.i. -.. . v it. ' ? our IMMF.X.sK STOCK before te y'ne elaewhe A- M ike room foi -n - . wlll rloae out nr ? ba. ? r ? 4 ahon 44 r, A . Road Cari }?-.. (hae ? i Sui .-. -. thi e I'h ?? tona, i i .il examlne. T.i WikisTI :: "T . XEW-TORK. * A ' I S ' '? i ! J\. l . . - .-,?:.. .?< h-., a v. .- i , .- .1 - ? nd klnd - : .! .. D. . ARSOX. Frei >-.- t;. \<iii ? *. hi.ll. X. .1. A-fXITET) BTATES W.M.OS AXD ? C vRRIAOE .'" . :.!-.. K-u. *t* mak. rn of the I at hand-i ? i ? -i Ilvery and expre?? wapona, rarrlner*. and 1)111*11 ?*.---. : :ill Iii':.!- Of 4-n^.n- .:i" -. - tr... k*. \. oiade In order at ahorl notlee; iowoat e.?*h pr'- - and ape. i:ii t- mi*. I 1.1- 4| \\ wlll aell hla 'i,-' horat and r n'. outdl low f. i .-?-?. : I ('.M ln.--'-. IVH hlsl ' li.n'l. f i-t Bl.d tne. JOS. II.. Ii. \ ??. Mbune Offlc, . aV nK -*A,'r ?'' ' "-?'l,;,' aen I l.<>r?v, i->j, aanda; 7 ? :.:* D pntte. iddrea CIIARLES RROLL, S-i jiti.i |? f" J F.NTl.l'.M iN BBVlne -1.1 hll ' an.l BOlng .-it.-i.iil . ? ??? oui Ji' fnr rl''..") : flr.-r.i IBBI lldeOBJ l P ).:^ 'V. flne l,:i:n. oa elotb and h*ar ?? h Ericlf-l, ^nd bridle; na.d oi.It ? n rionCi roal *i'..17'>: aidd aenaiatelr. l" Weal Mih-st a | . iij" i ,. ,,.,.., ,. i i, i . ?: ; . II Bl ??;. x ?? - ?. ..I,. lpplv tf> W. i . LEFTERT8 [01 i\ ? '? OWXER v, ,'i ..;.._ t. ?'ii nl -.>? i ..,..-,: e. t...-i : a tund aa Dl'LL, 7*'? 7tli-:.4.. Ofl I-1 : ;,i wii.'.n bam ia blanl - ? rand ruttei. all .t -"? "?? -,:i aeailr rn -4 : - ,? - - 207 Weal L' ? N01 OXLY an oreaslon. but an ewry-Tla* 1 ? 1.iv ''.:,! \4.- .,..- -?; :..;? , . ipe Meekawa.4 a. 11 - - Phaeton oafier taii.-* of t.rrlaai - by beal ii:ik--'*. fnr aaaall ?roata ainl .,':: <?? ? :?- * >.r> nomlnvl and le.r-nn. tha. i.rv. , r...iv.- th' 1 - n Bt aarttea eatlUed to ei dll reeelve it: have ne. eaatonailT a mr- baroaln. i.?0i Braadway. R. ,i . .-?.; atnck Cualn -a Waso - in t:,, rity for I'ak? 1 -. 0 ...-?'?-. I?r4 .... - . ,r J,..; |.?? l'l ? ? ? ? I , \ ,'s. Slnele ,1 ! li nb'e Truek*. All \4.-ir r?nt.(i. 1.1.:, t ]i ii v ?: \ Wagona for coiib t-r .,>.- , - ? . ? ? : .??: -?. ?, imr. ha*iui; ..... Ii >re ?RAC""" ?C'XE w m.i.n \Mi CARRIAOE rO , l.v l&l SoaVi Sth-i .?? . - - - ' '. BBIX-TEAR-O-b BAY MaRE, av.Ttai.1. for l- aad Ih 11 OVrXER, 1*' u.-i '...-. , ? -, 0 Tiik; 1: m>. 1 hr d - nr?ea tm aale: f- " p I | a I ? 01 :,7 a' d aoum!: are nrrf", 1 ? ?'. t ? li.T.ea* and ten atvlUh. Apittr to a U. PL? X ' ' T AV. ".1 Vew-at. To 11 .ik" room '? ? ' irdera i offrr a larire a*aortne,.t of aropant for *?; pr-at aa. t rl ronalatlntr of .1 phaetona iir'.t and b')?lce*a ara" almo-t --? nl II new. Apply T OILL 0 Marloo-al atablra. jTintG Ultintc5. Fnriiis! ed. ..-ANTED.-A iiin-iv fnrnlohed amall f,at vv untll Jum- 1. Addreaa. r.rlee ?i,4 10 eation. Mra. (i. W. UIIUlLE. Irv_(ton< 01, -II.rla1.11. X. Y. itoragr. A-lTXITK.n STATKS STORAH F. . WARElloi'M'. Bd-ave., eornaf lOUi. ai -Aii l*vht HMji! - pa.kli.K. anipplna nnd trucklna to all ixir'- ; |>;*?.--)a. r aud fr?l?Ttit elevatora : Inanectlon InvlU-d ; 1 Ui *\? ? t it.. io 1?e clty. Ciiri _3iate Xor Gulf. Ar 'tu - !,.!; v 11,.I 1..1- menl 10 0-lfl ??? ,, b ,. and bruwaai ? ... \\ ,.>...: at., a i rv d, ? ?? *ood ; ba >d. -.;.., li di Oat' i - ". i ii . ? : i preaeat owi e\ l,y,-; lor ni- ? '- ?" " ?' ''' LLAl ? . I-- i'? ' ' fi ?.-! ; ; , H-sT VORTH S1DF It -. j dent e, 2(1 l.-ol front b.i '??'.: I"l 102 f-'i terra. may, I or |>< r i |i uddieaa OWXF.R, I'oatofllcc Box 1,299, Pi'OK S M.I Ol I X.M \ V'.! Wl ? I I,' '? -. neaahnre, !,-.- and - ' di.l. f'.r . ? i. i. vv. iii i.i.i R, ?'?'' ! ? ?? >' i iv ? . ? ? na I in,,1 : - :- ?-'" -?' ? ,, .- ll II . -i.,i:k -. vill .:'- -i ?'.?-. r.M. , i al in prlvat* h u ? - 3 and i -?,, i - buei i- a. ,! il iiaioua le. Mt rrai Ull Len, x llill, ln i), ,-,, ?, 70a a ? - ilone Madlaon-ave. and l'.ir!-.- ?-.??-. aud ? -ar Bth ive, alnng th< 71" .,- il,. w-- ?. Weat 1 ,d-ave. to Some ire i ??' i .i : hh in- . ? - ? ii ? ?'.- ..?-.?' -:t, :?.;? ? ? ' I " varylnp -. r,x7? ? ii 100. A,,', - heap bb .-'??-,:? ?? i ? i - ihfctantlal. luxurlinil ? . , . ? ? . ,. flrn Bl lt- ral iu. ).-. !'.,r'-. ulirs from STAU1; S AUKKN SW-tive. Sr Bii nor.AS- we.. I ??? -. d -. ? ?>.--, Ilth.av. nea ? ?? for Oata. il. V. LYXi II. Ll". I ._ TI.N Xi.'.'." " MOUKRX DWEI.r.IXOfl No-. 2" ._, t :- and BS to it Waat *'.".-". j four-ator? brownstooe; eabliiei flnUhed Ihroufhotit; dlnlnp-rootn arnl i.ut i. r- nnjitn exteaalon; raatrieted MorU; al: - 20x31 BBd -'2 f>'?t Iraati n?ar 72a-?t. eicvated atatloa. Will s?-ll r-aaonable. Ojan for Inape, Mon c!ntlv. F. ZlTTFf. 1.1- C .. ?' .'?'i-nv- . e< r 71'! at Tr i n\ r V' ir,',iv.-t -1 . ORXEB of i ' ? bd<I Wi -? l -ei ....- l.iiili hy " Ith Iron ii- aniB, ? i' ? : al ?utura leadt ra nl ite i-.-i-- throuchout, and ri rl ?'? rafc d . ? a, xl rn <la\- nt , ' t from | " i: ROBIXSOV, 107 W. -? i ? i-avf < ,-?.-'?> r. Wi i.i. ',: i i i: ,i ??? .!"i .': . ' ? ? thli 1 .'? ; tt'. .,'i ! ?? !'? ? ?? ?: -f. K-e,|.f,avlnK a:::.r''t,?-nt- ,,-. ?',? >'? u ->,, ; ai d Iii ? :. . n dlrl ??!.?, . - ? 1*1 ? ??? ? \'.;,:,-,.. ,VIII 1 i N".. V II )I.T. -,:, Ilrinl.' i-. ? > ". ." ',i,a\ n-t"ii,- 1ll ?1 all n ??' ?? ?:.- -. hou :.''.M'A\1 C: iu ra froi , ST VRR v All, ItX, I Olifl 31' '. Vi. STOP.1 l'H'.l'l KV\'."(V.rii.-r , .,,.., ,?., ? , .t| .. rent nt 82.000: b. li ??? 90th rt. STaki; t AII_KX, I, DO Sd-ave. Brooklyn ReaJ Eatate. Arr.'.v i.i.rr of 'it.-, z-atery and baae n,nl , ? I ', cxtra iii,i,,f.i,-,:.,-ni-. Nt... .-i-'n to :it.i Ini,, i,:a!,,--! io rooma and batb; hard weal (abioit i in aml i in -I walnaootlne; aol : o:.k froul drora, irith Preoch beval iria? pain 1- ? lianil-fi ? ??-? B' .1 I I--; bu ll : oiiaea in Mi ki..\m:i? owner, Ne. :it,:i _ FOlt sa l,B.-Noi. ' ? -.' . ;; .,:,-, I'uta ui -avi i,,-'." ,., I.,--. ? ir ?) Stuj '??r .oMia. B-atorr -, ,d i,,.,-. mrnl artbtle ftoiie fronta, trinirond _ pol li l. il hardwAAd ? ? , ? ? it, nulre ou preii.,-'-. ra ol r.. AC'i:, 197 Raln. Bi Fil.-i -i ii acl . .. , . . l, ' ,i -? t I.-- , i tlrm ? ii-ii,i ,- . ? . ,-. ii ata. "?> !? t, ,.,., i ., i ! i . md diiilm room on th. ? I ll ? i I, i?l .\ , |. -v ,; . ? .t, .1 |n t,. - ? r- |,'t.;,t -?? i .?? nn |..,? . .... ...... ? . -,, -. ii ,- ? ? ? -.! ? ? , ' l i r,' ii ? l tt,;? a?(l de t ? ,t, ' [oi Uie | ,,i.-,. r ,- ailllnp t., f . I ' ? -? Id li.:; i tliat, |y, I- ??, l to a.llt I I, v'ti to ' ' I ted. < II IS. A. MY .\lt), K \ <" -I" M',tit:ii",'--?t. Rl ??? . ri or s m.k OB TO r.rvr ryrni. II \ |st|| I> A I-t a. litie.itia'i n I ,ai.,,, ?. - . ??,..? -. ?; Oxford -t , td rooma, -t m h< Bl fr--.?,, 1 1,-i'k j . > ". t woi tl fl ,.,. - I'.tit!--??-? eloael ?; i! I.-?,.:?:'? -: "n ? r - ? -tl! iti ?',, ? ' Old. ? BdV ' H ,?? n|..:i. v Por partl 1 i '1 r ?? UU. W \. P. ... |1 -. M ICO, Ne" 1 F? OR sit.t-: OR MAY I Xi H \M.r A lar?' i ? '!? ; i ' '? ?- allh ll , ? rt -I.,, t Park. I md i ? ? ?-?? tl for , ' ? r l denee for \,l I. !'. IX 2.9*4, N. i - I. ? ? I.' I. ' ? . II \ v. lll, 'fl lOt. Ol BTO I .I . dl ,' (,.,, r. r < ? - j inrr s SMITll k CO., l&S I avr, lll _ \i-'t r, 9ELL or i XCH \n<;;: " ? for ot ? ?! of a. '.' n. nlfleei f l--tor. bai -i - ''? I ' , I ? ? ??; rr>?: raltllli t h ri" .,,.1 (ln ih : Xi -. 097 ' " ? T01 708 i> ahwl i -v. ? ? ii;i, ..-ie t nelehborb' ,.i ? ;? Owner, Dr. I'llAI'.IK ie, C-1 t (\(U\ STOIIF. ',"1 -a' Rl i; ?> 1-f.lMMI ht, for Bll.OOn ? . ? tVHlTlXii, IS ia adaray. Cilrj Rtfll affotoic io Cct AI I \V Sl l'1'f s OF t.i l I. !?_ TO l.I'.T a, I i.Ml'l,' COTJBT. Alinlv '.. Kfl.AM. I WilU'lXti, _ S lleekiiitui.-t. _ M. I uxii-ilf.u oi-1- nl. u. r-.ii at 1?\ (ilb C ave., Mcoud Uoor. front, niar l'.iii-.t.. Citn Urni (_Giatf Zo tt\ ALAROl ' b '-?-.' nt I-. ' ? ? ..-: 4Tiu, lm IULAX1) v \\ III i I.. ?? ? , ? li. a' . i va? J tl. . . ll. I. ?-. ? i . . linu M7-..;. w. T-i i.i T. n ik n- rn ln pl liant : .mi, : d. W. s [?AXIEI.L, 4'. ? Ilne. IH iiiia, Iwa) TIU I LE'fiAN .' i r-. r. liwtTlina N?, '?.. t ? |, :.*e nj nn 4. I 4 :? U.ruia i.? -. \VM RKXRY , ArtPES I'I l?, '? Bflwerj 1:.h ? *:. \ i I" iiif wasii." IKOTON L.i - I... I.Ith ' r ' B v. ju-r, -?." a-'1 ii'l-m Improvamenii I" lota, --Ktlil" v.. BOod view Of ll d- :. Hndaon Rlv. i ? -. ? .; ... ?: , i ? . . rent 61.46" MAR TIS v SMP1 ii ?'?" ? ? To lt: - : i ' .. PATTl ?:-? v- 170 RTII'AVE, .ml l'.-H Sl.-I';. m M-iy 1. il thj. '.'? -? I .'1<- . ? II thi BV< ? i aooraabl.. ral**! nrae-elea*. atudiq u d ofl In tiie huiMii.c. leO. "tl, ,i..-. I i and iii-.a aj.iih al tv liiiildina or '?? V. HAR! PT ??".?;? I ' Brooklyn R* I l - TO Ll I i'.4i" of I 811 < ne-av.., I, ?? ii.' t-i.-.- wlth ? . r ?>.- - . . ? ? ? .'. W~a'iTi:-'::' v f ? >;.\ - fo| ? [? | ? ? ; ' : V , . I ? nd J ' v. i-M ' i.i:, j - Ma. i i".-. Conutrn (.ral vjciatr. fox Gulei Vi.i.'.i '. 1 OR MON :'< LA1R D ? (.ii -.-,: ?. Und bi we i. ra i.o .-?* u. .? t. taralaaed i.r unlurnlahrtL j Ti'lllt* lt TAYLOR ', U.-k.'i.ui...! K Y. ACHAKMiXO II .'..:, Je flll g, III perfeot oMn; a n.ii ? BiU.utea' walk ti.iin Paaaaylvaiila ti*.d iohnn Valiev .t.itlnn* ; ne. aanitarj plumblue; ba-a.Jt.ful iai4i, pteaty coAvoolant nutieiild ii .-- :.?,?-. .md broiifc: i ' ? le aerea. ? '. o. ' I'ljOLX M-tvl..:, N .1 AS '.. I .,:.' I- KOS i. Jera. ? mll ? north of K. j Baal i '..- H i -a<. i f,,i ,?.-'' ai ; ' -. - \ banaje '... lli'htly mortaraa . rt... i ... i I ??".. l:. II Pi II . . -? ... riULI.II'*, \ \\ l-.I.L* . rtlj im ? Aii -., .V iii , i- k i- Mt:-:, ii -? i ? ? ?.: piid ander i.. ... ?..-.- - ...-I ..i. ? i ..?!- ontt.ulldlnga: abundan ?- frultj wlll * ll 11 hail ? oat f.'.: i ?-.i. ... (I j ? . fllll.l.U's 1 U'l.l.I.*. Trlt.uiia DQH'liii*. AX EL1 -. with ;.ll ? , un ? ... IH Iln, - . I.ouie |i. Illda _?-. . - ? ..I :??.. Ii.-llid .... , , i ? '.' I llal), d .:,'.- i ill, -:j|.,., : -. ? i. ? Iwatlns ... ar i l.. .v v . I'ork on X. J. .'. u. lt.: "in eell at a bai ,,-\ t<. - Lock i: I. ii. li , . ? :: s. i. \'i ;:? *: S'TlLJ *'. J.. 8a nilinil t Nu* \ IcM-al : . ? ? ; . i.t, , . .iiiii.n:, ite . flll VPlIiil.. I'VatoBli - j: '. I .-.. roik. V' T MUXTCLAllt. n; I. '? ' .-.n bo - 11 1:.. .royei i ? ? ir? .].-. locat. d ': : . .r;i..*'l. 'l.n.. D Al Rli)<.l I i-i ? ' l> li.r.. a-;d outbuJIdlnila; "i". ". ...1 u': Id utwna, dr,..'- and Bne .: :.- ll ui.d *!,.,.:> tr?.u^ f,.. iale *n ea?y lerma,; ,. .. I..- , 1, It.M Ili.iL , I. I n.-N'T /;' Y evuoti j ? ? .iiT-..,. nur clreiilai . Breat Invrgaini. sMlTll, -.' I.I' ..>*44 14 H4...IU ~b\t ISoR "... '.i.i. , 7. moat ii loeated farnia ln Orauge Cr.unt}, yu . | . . ,? , ,',.., : ' . -..-i .:''; I ?? ' ;?>. . ??? . n t:. . ? t oid?r, u.4! d. uillng | ? Dtlaman'a rv-i':- i i j r ona 'J baau I lOi 190, aad the i..1 !?-.. I, 4/f < ::u.i-"- .'OilliU- . ti ? I l- i - ? i tln i ii ,?? anH U a uit I.- . ?? . ? bo'ia, i. ? irp. nw i -i,4 b, ...'.? ... ii .,-.: .\ i thla .1 -?".. lo i Bpprm ,.,t ci; vr: - A. \'. BOAK '? ', ,'(? RI-..NT ii . 'i I. r: -. .i l.a leo n w, j-j ?| r\ i .-.-:i. at I .01 X. i'-') or. Iopulai atio'iroan r**?orti4; .a lly ara flod f: il .\ f.\ Bttl ,,| ill .,,Klv:i tbe Bi.uatej nn d v grouad, haa 17 rn n, nl .- Har, . il l.n.-ili ol ri. ???; ovi-i '??'?? f..t ,,i runnlng plazza: pipea for aaa, md , provuii.. nta .facllll 11 n. ,:.,. ,.. ? ipao v ul tm. lan llli a . .- . in Ii ..a d ;.a ;i l.oirvll'ig-i.on-. II. < ral tortu*. Addreaa OWXER, lt,.* 15, :i F:,i'. * \ i :. ..ti Rl ;XT i nf.iri.lahi d, ai ii ?!-.?. p.. ? " .? ? . ' ...: ??,,-..?.. r| tO ' rallrmd atation ::-iil arounda ,.t N l, 4 ...,-?, ?? ?? I. ? :. i'i i.? nn. riULLIPS I WLLLS, ?| rilmne Bull i 1*1 a*16 ln el rantlv iu- . * of 16 :i .. - avll M. : n-t" ?:., N. J. I- A. II . . ?? ? F, i.i \ I, , M ddl. ?.,?4:, i H. Y. prl. ? .ddi ? ? w -4 i i RRI i'.v. \ 17i".\RM. i . i .,-,1 2'< i-i l< - ir lty : near ,i ' ??? . . ? i r.da: -!? II rhtf' I RliSl.VN f<... .;> I aKM ;<-.? I :,,,.? Vew.Yoi o i atral i". it nf i .....??? | ? i- | md ij. fe in i :? han ? .- ? ,. j, rn ? ?. ..;. n ttrepla ? i r. ?'?; ?2I ??,'. g 27x17: i ? ioop .'f-v^ ,,?'.. r outb i!|i i,< - . ixrr 2.0QO 1 ba -??? 4.-1 WM. it ;.' i.i.. ^ ownei v-?-?? d \ .*_.__ ^l.-'. BUMMI R < ''IT \'.l. ' ll,.t. I e-,l ??-. . ataklll ". ? . i ? . '. , .- j. a. hard .? ,,.?i r.ii'i'- f-.i.i.*:,.-: a it*i ln bo i*. ... ;i.,. irrouo i: ii*l. ? 61',,?. ^i". ly r.i.x -.".". Jatnali-q, S 1 _ ^KAl ?..:'.? S VI. II ? ? ni ? ? . - - ln" ii. aardi .. ? . prop-rti. i. .1. W, Atw .TER I'i. Itr.,:idw?ir_ Oi -. v, .i y. j :.. i, i ? .n itatlona, ror -,!- nnd rona. 6. D. Custilr. i,i.|x>t..te mi. k Churcli .-.-.r.-oii. (Tonntin BcoJ (f otutr lov 0ttlc OltAXlil lll ' , ' \ ,.;.? i . IO0 fe. ' ~.,iit l,i ],",. it. and 11 :?:???a M ? ?? - '. : itgalnal nu - ?"?> t -'/,,?? ?\?, tian.', i tai, ,l i.i.i mt..! H '.I.-. '.'? \i SlioTvT IIIU.-. N. J. Ar, '? a ? ihre, . ? ? ?,irk : ? :?'. ?j; i 1 ,-tit .111 a.11 rlglil 11 _ rpil! l . i '. . . 1 ? ihe Iau V I. ? ? r I to 1- ? : ? W IM.. 1 -. ?; r. I'liii.ii -. i _ /'.? tl. " ? .ii.i ?; -'. 'e. ? - . .; taken . lll I ? :, ,? - t. Ill n Coantrn (_3 tutc _oLrt A i P_AI.N1 n:r.j.. v i. A large fui il . ? i ? OWXEK, V. -.. II J 1/ Ar 1 ORA >''?,. '. i J j i IIN '?'? ,.' - - b n'war. ^^,w.f.l.l iikT.I.I . \ '. ?,-,.. ruuma i \ Bewer to tld - .'. r magntrieent wawr vlaw i BUTt, ground Ioa r-ni ?<? rlgbt piri> ln nalre "i I W. li'.i-i HI'.V. i'.. ,m i,,;i .-.ii Broad* ?? SANH RAXR to ? U, tl ? il . b ,n Ull r il >', I | | ? -? -?,, I ln-;.. > I'liii.ii' VI lll'l ?' . v. 'pn I.I . Ull I I ,, . . I irnl l,"l . ? lll 1.??! : '? .a, bt it. ? ? V < > X KI i; -. ? ? i. I T'l I.I.I -*! Imiii ' ? ' 7 room "'?\ ni li ia 'no i:i:xt.-i I ',,,. r bone , I 17 i , I i ? ? ? ' i r ? . ,? (i Mi RAXK, , i: f'lii-li?V l!l " 't ' iiirniolicb QottBcs. ARMALL f it. llr, f m id. Ita, o ?' | ? , ' . ln W t Shth --. ?.,alil like io n ' ' n| raftned ii i.- ' i ahar" u d ? ?i? : Ha i;...i iiiifornlahcd. Aldt?? iTi'MO'TH. - ull,.'. \ ' ' .'",!' rn-i .'? tl fuHiud ? . ind pli na ?-! ,.-.?..? : tt.,,:- :, rangl il bl 'Ull ?? Wltt) | rl ratt batha: auitabi? for rtub, remianed ro ot , board ? i? md luritlture : i - al, at a ' ' I ? i- Ul, 1 L lll 'I'li, I tlMiti ? l ptown Ofln ? -. l ,i8a Uroad any. ' .1 intry. Fx fl'.Nr- H_p : "i i i ,i - on _ajfl Ia? land, - a ,, l?"l n-i li \\,ft? ?r all i ll' ItllKK 1 1 a.'.nini;. ha] L. I. I) '? ,11 Iti I . < '.S.N 1.. i r ratl : i "Haii ? i ? ,.f lll. 1-0 |inrl li >f ttoiH'lt I' J x.'.ill, ,u ,,' l, I.. \', i.,t i , . ??? 'A , i iUui Coiiitr io Cxchanqe ANl UIIIllOH ..I lll IIN al ? Will e.VI-tl-lt. ..'?? lll- l-.-IC.; ol I , ? , . .:.... ? ? . . oi Rruohlyn prlt? -16 imo ,ia.mi> K. _i?H ' 1,2011 Uu ? It I.WfiANT Kl'l/i'ii + -i, pron. 'a it. tore pi .pertj uir. ? r,.i >, . il I. -'.i, , fl hi r ni-.i . . ut itj ??? *H.i i* o lor aiiil , ; ra. HIDBA-i), IM Montaaei,.,t.. i.i ? i. ? (,' Li .ii i' ?? \ i ? i i !." i ? - -. ? ..i . i . tiatigi foi Voii , Mt ii tndalual t \ . i ; . ? '.. a r, pi ., , ,|ll 11 -t.:. ? . IU. ^l,\\ -i ..ui vr vii'i ui jiloti ,,I lo! ? lll ,:.'!' ? I' -. |, I - ' -1 .um p-r a r.' ? imorta i ? i ubur . ilr.i uii. lieiin : ?? . . ibtii ,. r.r oi h. H ., onl i , i I liflcuno rOnntcii Ai.i n ; l.l M an w ,'. r i' li i ?' t?- . ti |, Ui ind ?. '? , - i .1 ?? pp. ? ? l',_. . !? tit ii.i. I le ? ? , . I'.. I rlli . h, I |;-, |-|| in R< 1. ?>! WANTED . ilt ,. ? .r ? roaaa ''??'< ??? -' ' i ? renci ir nerea , l. ,-??"? taj VxTT-O ' ti.-mai .nd Y? >_ii ' r (,,.,,? .?, d, wii ' '' io, .;,,?-. np abovi i. t ? .a, uii and '.'ti. a - - r'w'iln ' ?? nllnii ? " aiif 'I. ii ? t ' ?' ' ?? -i ?? i. ?.-t i. na.! rate. - ? Iii' ?'" I 1" bawa or.. .? ivaj. Wwri-.n. ii ? ?: ? l ? n, Ui Hr x f t ticul C'otiHr ITJnntfO. (II ERT lol Iti.. ..." . ' M.l ItKH, 2 " ? I) ..II.I KV \ vi> Fltl'lT W il ? ... iitun -. i -,, W.\N l l |. lo ivnt for iji-ar to . v- i 1 orrf : muat ? ,.:,: Iln ut ar| I orer e-n"' .1. rf.. Boa 10 ' c ?rn. ln Hr ity llall: a | ? ?: - nd ' . |. i - t ? Mra. t li l\ ', I'.KI N :. Wi i . ? - ? ? I d aii'i, Addr. -- RF.SPOXKIM.f i . ' Jlalc. (To Cet. BntntBlBrifb Vi'Aiii .'?!...'. i.- ? , ? . 'i nijw bulldlna at 9"' ? ? ;.. .,-, (luth, ave. . - t aeven, wlUl aa l with, oul Bteam htut; all Bewh de'oraUd utd f; | : th. ownera I.I.IIU..N 1...". I! t r.. .. m'?.!>- . I..;,.'., ki /a. Mol I K.\ I.M i'.i' \ I- ?: I'X l s. ItOOMH !.]., UltATI I- II.M.I.S Mf'_Trj>. lll . - a;rie, 810 pa -i ra, Dal'N . I . - - -. '. ...'.? vi i," ll? iv Mut I'.n. -i . _ Mcdern ? :.,?. l hall. i ? .-..I ail to l i uii - m '.:. '? aox, BKi .i.i^i'.e. Pl A , - KXTI'.A 1 lluli I" r'< ' -a i'i!~f-irn r ii,.iii I, ,. |tll ii '? l.ia'i healahy iM .. ..,i,t I'.u ai:,,i ,. janrtor a "?r 'V ?,: ii ,TOX 867, -? ? i'i ? nre., ;,'Jl, 7slh at* W".-v\riii.i ]?;.? ioTtl-rtT.? ltl-si.; wil.l. l l.A l 8 Kt'OMh. 1,1 r - i ' : : , ? 11 8340 IM". 1 KAB IAMUS KYLT. '. si NS 'llo Hd-ave ,)|ljl ' - ? '?- ffivi i ??? oT aeven ?"t I , I,.,. ? I II I apn ?', '1 rorati ?! le -t irrangi 1 Aal - -: wi. ?. iiniiN. I ? ' I-B1 _ .?.??? w , -i 'i ii i ih .1 aiiait ? ? ?? 1 a :i at a xl^U'KON AVJ Flata ' S I II.'.' ?" KTABIl V n:.'tv i ?... .nl t\-_ Drrecmaking. An.l- , , i... i -- ,| \ li IXU ? I ?_a and '.? i ii i , , ,i. i -., . , : , pritea; Mra. :?'. ii.iii" ..-.-. ?..,,,,- t, D.-ii. . ? A- M UiIV. ? ! f I*hl0l - , ' <;:il ll iliOlt no la | i if ,i i ,i Mra. ?V, ? l.i-t .ei -t.. oppoalt. I.-n AN l-'.k I'Klll KN..1 . i'i i lar, ?' 50, o ??: up aeefc ; ,,..' i and di il I ..'? I aud ? u.Ml'i.l l.\ i. 1,020 Bd i- . VX I.XI'l.i'.ll.N. I.I. .! |k ? v. .;,! Uke l l." Uie (Im i-xqulatte flt Bud -Ul- ju?raii. t.'.l .'/to I'ark-av. A ll'l Isl ll' 'i'i||.i*II -M ', I) :-. st I |s, $10 J\ fll (t'aranWid; ,l-o baU, cu'i.liin aal i. . _ti n di naa ??- 1.0X1)...n AVt) l'.uu>, J.,'.r s' \i ,. i, ; -. -. it,. 101 WrBI 'Jl-l-at., l'? dl . ' 'I. iluTH. Ai. mli7k " rf'i'i n.\ i i, i,. "a. ,1 ' ?.i a-. evrilti /. a'.rvol ? .Ir -i > al*o 'an,., -1, ud- eoijpu ? 1-, il* pri e; aho. l u . ?. A\. I-r.i- ssiii oi t :.-,'-. ., i i: laliy ; evel il ? , i_ :!n- io k alicrl n 11 : ii crf, ixetti ns ?-?. .? 1 ?, - An i~X."i r.KIKXt id !'."-? (Kran 1. iya. -. drap r. di ri- .. t. ? au i.oa ,. ?,- r-i ...', in.llie ui at hom. I " M '?;;?' a, ?,.? C"xii:ii'i.n;v r di ?snjak ? by tbi lay: / -i ? :. ?', :-,! ' ?- Iii - .'l.'i l...-t i;.- eil It iu smMak i \... Una. . tt k< il. 101 W WH . ? I ? . , ln,.,'-, j, t daiti. -f fr,,arv riltlnj hangtng akirfk ;, laltj r ..- n..',!?? tai, - rf-ra.,-. ? _R1 M iKl.u md !..'. t.i'i.- , : ? ? U ,\n srtlai la dealcoln -. ' ti iii vi. : F.urope ..itii Plngat, Worth, Mra. t iiiiir and rr^.-pt. m i!r. ?.e-. ? ??'. rapi t ? . ; ? ? ? Iii thli ii.? .'..rl-. Idaraaa 14a 5th i? _ a . r.i ? M ii. i.r ln |, famlllex: I ' a',.i v. lll ilt>.| ,.r make ovvr; I .-,. l ?' ?. \ M.. i I'.i.n, ?? I'ptown : 23H llio.idwaj_ OKKSSMAK?K wljj -?, dtiv tl 7. i . ' '?' . ?! U ?' i ,,-?!. at I ?s:iL' Uarrow. ht. / ,>-!i-i,, ? d .'. l-le- r.-aton.ern at bome or ,, ? by tl, !?? .ii , W. ?? ? t Ul --'! tKF.II lt: [?', r,i atraper I 9 ?? I ?? ,i,of, i -;-..rl- 1 ?Ml .al.l,- otl ?- 14'.' VV. - 184. ,1 l Ha nltl'.Sh.M VKKK.?I'Hiiai iba ? I . ? - ,'j-. v illli ? t,, work oa ?'-' ihla iiioiitli . : - I e.t lllltatl . re'Ht..^. Mlu .i -- , ? nlll. - -M.i. 1.1. I .. I'j ,- ,1 - - ln , v n uti'e tn order. Mir.a i.m l -i. I.I.AsS |,TJ l\' -? . .' Oi i .,-??: ,, i .: i ?. , i. - ? or. bi the .i... a. i r t al fan - lllta. "\i rleneed ln t uCtln. and ? i -. -. ui'lr.'... Mi?- .'i.\, i |. ,". ,-, i -"l > .-? I>4th-?t. Oi:i ss\| ? k : .,- h lad ? t, ? ' i ? f - ?-' jn.l at i" ? a ir !-' : le- '1 v . '?? ? ? k or work ' ? v. >. I ? ? e Oflire. I? I RST ' I. '> ' llO 1 Ke I,.., ..-v. '..? out I.v tlav. A.llr -- 830 I i.'i 1 ' (i r.NKll M I '?"' IH (. ?'? Wi -. i.'i,' I i bi iirvi iieiu.r^<! lauaedaBti ij : . :!-- : I\| |'i m; I i ll HKI .- -I .- for lot.a. ,!?,, ti - : up ln tne laieat Ju.lWr!, 4;ui-?t. Drcoamiiruwi. I'i Ai-.isi v.n" i.kussMaki:i: H i.,ii,'... ... ?'?' l'r,.'.'"-\ Mn... U. Ml. lll.l. 1)1 IRRAND, 86 t%a t ll'l.-al ___ rflWO FOMPETENI 1 wrefc wll . :? . ' ? -,.f. .-....-. .\ddi - M m i.A.s'ii. eare Mra. CI'I.l i it Ho.ii ]_, _,.],,.. i aklnff. - nttl.iir; $4 haal '- fctleve (Ittli Tii r Mmi IUI...ME. 31 Weal I rti-t. .... ? ,?' r* m ?,.. RfH.ME, ::i >V- at I rti-t._ I Oik ">? i v. -'-'?' -1 ;.---- I' '? ? lateai I -il 1 . il t: no I .'-, -lt 71 W. Dourb iina liooms. V.\ .v\ TIVI . ; ? rooma, bath; prlval . ? -,...'.,r Aiao a-- ra, wlth ptivata b*tii-. ..itn or wtthoul board mll i i iln ? ? roonw ; aparti ??-" . ? ? J.-mr.l.ii- . -:, < r-f-r ie ? * glven. Iliformatinn frae. r*. r i.i i. 4 vn k ' "., ,y. wi-i ;wiii-T._ A- \ i.-- ? : . ., ?? i .\-,| ? || irh -???? t ?.-. i.4. :.i ire, :..'.> :.-<. i..... .... .,, IEXIXUTOX AVE., 02-1 ?Bli-t-anl - - . :r a,t rooai anperl - I .nt. lum :? jirl, i. \| vl>160M. tVP-, lit. .11 .. \| 4 i'i ....N A\ E.. l.fl H?:? 1*1 luperloT i.. .ml i ? ? lon . ref? / v v iTT-ii^j.i vV>:i. 3 :?'-. \l i.ivjk from ln'itti-f itutlou.? Baautl. ?:j ,'? ' roeroa t 4> iw. ftrat laaa i..ard. ? i.aH'.k AXD BIX'ILE K.."M. tront, I wlth l.i-avrd r foi n ' 1-7 Mad?Bfl. nv#., near SlBt-Bt._ Cj- -EX( T.l.I.i Si toardj Urfi- fronl vpO. room; ??? r. Btea ? pn.'-it .... raloa i .?? nrat-elaaa. Addr?*a '., !t AV r . ? ?? _ ." ril.A .1. .; . sni rooma, a> tiitrd B. or ba ki ? 1*0 0 .? : 1- ? unnv raon, fourtb " 0 , fi ???'. prlvata ?a,ti, , wlth or *ir',. ut l , 1 .- rrf-AVE ii fumlahed .> 1 : , --1 '.?: prlrafH tabia ?:- 'ir-' . laaa ?* TH \ VI . 4.1.1 11. ar .'.;."' 0 alntfl* B.antlenian, 44.'.'' board l 1 V4-. , _ .". . - - ril. w i " i'.:: i' ? fai ? > 1 f..- i I r? \ ,t.- Iii'n : ,... iiflvai.' labla only . Flelmonlea euubie; mald md valet attend. 1 ,Y 1 l^T I'.O'ST '? narloi I . !? ?? ,,.. 4. I 1 1 ll-ST " ? I ? 1 -1 aunny I. ; . \. ' ? 11. 1 ible la mi : tl ui.ani.i-. ? Ioflf ST '?' ' I. .* . o ir.-.. .! r i,,n , da. al ni. :,,, i. ird Blo up 1 r.v-i.i. puhltc dlnlne |a_ vv 1 *T ".IKT-MT.- Wlth loard aud larce rl ? II n ' . 1 ? impln . ;.".-. 1 room._ Artl.AM im*. I....- aunny ro-11 *. ?11 an 111,4 Uoor, " Ith fltat 1 1 - 1 rd 4 bi \ rvaaonabte ; r f . Ofl WEST UTII-aT.?R. Ined imenran /?\> botn* f r 1 1 >? ^n.-i- auparlor se. eomm. Ial ot? healthful 11 nvenlent, arl '"? 4iallr r.ei'.-iili.r:.. o.l I ta::i!i.._- Un ' 1 ,)1 si'.*T . 0 WESf -V..I4 furaUhad ?il rooma: exeellcni tahl . Bna Ptoehrr .in.' '.'inii.i nui,.. m ur/.- aarlor; .efer .).?:. VT , ??'. EAST. 1 .1 ? ? ro n *: aupe *?*! rlor r<iMe: houae .vri.l ?I'| olnt.ninr.. - ii. mu rhli :;r-: '1 ferenrai _ 00 !> sT . l{o wt- * 1 ' iii aq i aa *? ? .on< etlii "? ?? <?>?<?? : -".li-rnto; . \? : . ,--. h ird ,).-"'lH-sl' >l W*l -.1 II 1.1 ;-. ? Ij i.r *.?> i-.i.'<- n tn. 44UI. .Ai'i.M-'ni board 11, : .-? -.1 inee. a/i'Ti'i f>f7, i* \\ 1 *r. 1. -: ii , -'I Kurniahed rooma; nii ilaoa; auperlor ImBld. _ ,?(j 1 11 " 1., 11 1 , *.i near 6th ivi ! ..' bai .- and I, .11 rooma, from, with board. ? > 4 1 it 8T. 22 \v:.vr i.:r re, b.indaomeljr ?)4 (urtilahed -. .?? , wlth board; referencea ?.1 ,? 11 au l i' m'i.i ,1 O/* WEait iilST-sT., 11.i- !': u 4 -?" ')ll reaaonable ternii lovelj rooma, .41t.l1 ,, biiard; referencea; 1,. eorn* f. rt-. .-, wi.m un i|.a/r._ iitndaom. \ fur ' ' ?'? I Bonma, iar^. and -.:- r?ll; table Bul ? laaa r, f. t.-i. --ii!*i .io.*'-iiuti[,!i aleove .)>) room, BBeoad itory, tn-ni. iup rlor 1 . ut:f,ii: near linadnav, rievBted; daairabla ni.ii,.. : mo :? -nt. -7 fiisr., .',:! r..\.*T. comer Pai > ? l ( 1... < ? aojiare, heated fronl ; aontiirru ? i"-:i- 11. \ 'ptlonablc Oerman table ; prlvate famll I <ie.| 1 ,r 1 ootn. (?t\ T1I--T li: lA-i A nleeT] r,T. lt\f ,.11 .1 r.11, ? .-ond floor, Im nentle. li_n, 111 nrhii... f.-in.i 4 : .- ..- ;;?[,? ? il 1, if wi --I priv'at. 1 i ii7 fUwIll let newl* furnUhed r?,.-.m: io:inl nptl, n:il. ? .?- 1 11 4T . ii W EsT I, autlon. 1 ?>?? :.. alrable m ,1 ,- wlth beal of ...?<! an I ittendanee ; r. fen 11 ea. 1 ??? AMi 139 1 a.*T -. 1*1-*r~ 1 'tt .,- inv r v Park North. 1 1 1 r an anit.. <.r alnal) . 10 .-.. .1 mn. t< .111-\ , ih ; ;l .., prirlleg. - of I r \ ite park. ?>.)*- weki 1 ?-.?"r 11 ** 1. *.4. .-ii iveTi. ?)*,# fernl -li'M : 4?,r,|i board if d refer. n . ? requlied. 'i'i.) Wl "'l l.lll -I 'J*!*. roonu; board Ifdeolred; reaaonable: II -. r - . ?' ,)'i\ Wl BT l(*Tl:li..*.T._|.iKt..t di.uble and -?'?' atnata r on,-. wlth good Imnrd; Urooklyn. 11 nAi'.i. . ? ; ..,11 Bad pood iioail, I ? i."i.11 and ui ? ,.f parloi bj 1 -1, all prlvate famll] . ?? .,01 .< itii,,,!t 1 ..,,.! ?:i -i 44,...|(. Inqu 1 Mr- v IXDER. 11.?. flaj * '?'-' x\ aahli.Bto i--- R'klyn. nllARD I*.'. loralen,. .1 . rin.nhl.i^ .no lar-e, ivell hi-ul d rou.ria, \4ltli Loard; r-f.-r, n.-w e.chanK.-d. -ftunijIicO riooms. ABUll i. i.i 1 I tonia, e\. il bi '?:- ittan Club, iln ?*._.. ? -v Iii. or > ird, bIiv iv- .,? i,,'i ii u i i.i.i.i ." U1K_( h BV. 21 v ,; -' refer. n ea from i itr oa. I. A DAli.l V. ? i h i > i .. -, i ;: ?'. ? ,,r. with e\'l-,\ buth, aquan . e. ? ? . . -? \N,' f n,:,,.! room t.. n nt -: M tddreua M. I I'., rrlbune ( p. 1 :..-> ;::? ,i'lH ... \-; w J-iiTTxliroN i :. ,? i i and -t: all I . -i, ,1 md ? . lu ?? I- and ,? -? _ V- ? , .'. ? . A. II MKKl'V l'Ali \ - '(?:?? r,.r ? aal ? . alao large hall -? I/ IKNIsIll li ROOMS on th- IlelghU, r with every eoovenle ? ?? t.wtlemen ^x i r.s!-ii,-!> i'.?.m DUti . i'l.i haa ? i t.i i j-.: ' .? ? ?? ito .:. :. i\ i.i. : ill |.rl ? - : ? ' a ' Hi - . ,? ; ? . ,,- u. -? l ith-at. M. ? ? ? : .. , all li' v.:\ rr, : ?? M ?! - 1> Iii -i' i \.v-s i i i ii ;.. | t.-. an. _ _ T. i I. i . . . : . ? : i far a irantleiuan ai 43 ci u iv,,\. rlet Pl 1 ??. .-TH-aVi:.. i'i:, near I'nlon I- .-? ,) Bachelor apartaent: elagantly furnlahed Roor; Blae --i.iar* rooma: prliate baths; r.-H?,,nari|?: flrat-c_ta valet att.-ol . r akfaat; rel-ren ??_ 7! a?T -Tlil-sT II 1: l?o-Tielr furnbth?d ?d ftoor logethei ,r ?cparately; privatv 1 it:, 1: ikfaat >>|i'imi_i. 1 | 1 W_8T 11 ni -T. ? . Ith ? Si - I 1 oiid-no. r fronl n I ,>rn .? r.. bi wi sr v n I - , r. ference : ,).l I ?. - 1 ." 111 S \ ?? ?? .ui,.'. | ? ?. gentlemcn, 0 ui aaa wlfe. ,).? I A-i ii: il s: V ? , ? 4,.) 1 '?? 1.- hot and. eolii water; ra. ind heat; no , .,?. i','. In ' rtOTII-WI |1 WF.S1 . ' |NII 101 -.'?-. ? h nrliate r . f. ? Otl I II - ! >? -?'~ riiMtr, an - lt*nd.,. ? 0111 ? . ni prln ?? ? -* itlon M ','. I|| a , :?! :?? ll f - i II si . 3.1 Wl'sl N ? I' fl li.-loiT t ,J r ??',, 1 tfl ' | -t ' en onlj . refer " | KAVf 11 I II -l Hntel! .> I 1. li ihi furnUlied 1 ind imall ! 11, ,,, ; refer. CfJ MI si . filfi ! A-r _r? . Olt roonia; auaay an! heated every eoo ?', -a 11, * prtvate houa l*ill UI ST '-'-',,'s|' Su"""y" :""1", ** B001 fer geotlaman; 82 50 per M ?'?-.. 1 ?i| 1.1 \in..!'.v wi. Partor* banT I t tl .ainch ftinil-lod; ault daetor or i|, n'.ltt. I *..) I HK"\ltU \\. ?-, t,? 1- iMh-at Z ? *?' ? I Suntiv parlar, liuted lmll and ; ri >?-. rrfarance. r,r,iol,lyrt. Tn i.icr.-An el iBnttj rtirni.-ii.-i! raaaa for one or tivo guntlanien : ua-. t.ath, ' rlvate :t 1 lll 3H7 Uiin' Hr, cMv 1 ????r li t'l'lt-ai ? I. BtathMa, Uoiird tU,intc&. Viil'.VTi.i v. \N wltl pai 812 pei ?,, h I , pl. :, Ull :?<-.. 111 and I. Bl fll -trl, t;v liliil. faiiillv, A.'.lt-.- l'liKM VNI.N [', U,,.\ V2, irlbunn tUBee. (iF.N1 ii M i-X n ie aaai r ,-?,-' * with flrBt-elaaa board ln prlvate fam. llyj between :i'.M aml I2d ate. ; aouthem ? 1 ,-?,', : |t"t ,.???, nt if Miti raetory; ttata nr' .? -mi narleuiare. .11-rp )io\ is, iribune 1 ptown Ofrlca, \.-M Broadway. itiiecfiianrona \ '.i.N 1 :.i^i i.v and wlfe eultured -,.r ^ V Uu 1,1-ts, M .1, to l,,i al ?Wth .1 . ?,f wualtb aud reOuement u. lolu ln takiaa a nlce houae ior a p'eaaant bone inot a l.oa -a. .oi.-. . nol partli-olar ?.- t,, ?o_t. clty. Wiiitk, 107 M.ith Oxmrd-at.. Uroo?. 1. n, N. V. \i ma, ? sixuu. 7-? atk-ava., hlgbeat pric.a p-.ioi for ladl.. nn,- caatod cioth ma, j.-o. ,n urii -a-bra . .?:<?. \ N . s'dLisu i'li\>i, ia.v , ia *_. fraduat* 01 . ambrldge (formerly medical oitii'T Iii tl?- Brltiah Arnii d airea thc earo >.f an niMiiiii lado ??' KetiUanuu ? of i?.?,rion about ta traval. Addr - M. D , t^ptown ofllee, 1.238 Uroadwar. * rri.XTlnN. s-.r-k*. |"ei- and 11 i*. m\,. ,, ,,..| U| (,, purehaatng _d order :'.- 11 '"i ? a .1 -. |,i , ?? t, atk- and -..'ii- 81 v .1. v Mll ll .-. ,.:,?, Broadway, N'ew-Vork AUVKi flSF.MJ S U I < .11 I ill-. BEW. VORK rrtllll'NE un.l. ?E HK 1 il\ I.:. VT l HE 1 'pMiw n ..I 1 H t_, - in utway, ? 1 ta-r '11 Irtyd iri <t. 1 1 '.10 Broudv ?]. rmner 26Ui at., 1 ntil 0 p. Bi.; 870 iw.; Twentv.third?t., . .rm-i M", <?"?: IS3 .iih-xie. , 153 lo.irU.-avo., ? ?.-,. - roorteeaUiHit. Ci.Mti'.A WANTED at a bargaln: a\i; nnnt I..- ln good .ri! r "Iti, holdera rarrrroa eaaa, irli?Ki, with ..r wliooul i.?J on- -it" make, eoat an.l .isicinir pnec . AMl-.ltA Box :;;, Orang", S. J._ t Mit. 11 \i;s \, . dlBtrtbuUtd In Hr.H.ii. s' Ivn by i). sii riii.K, ?< Broadway, Rrooklyn, !\i Mr. WAITKRM.?Carrlage and Invalid I ' . e\ itor. TH08 DOKOHOE, 221 1 -' i_', -1 between l?t an.l -'.I ai"?. 1/ \' 1 1 'T l o x a 1." v \ < ? 11.1 r 11 B for type t uritiiitf elreukar leturs; MtMriai ratea an qnantitlia. ?o llruadnay, r.o..'iu M. illiocelliincous. P ii Dl.1 i I HVE a WESTLOTOBXj _. 1 ? e d .'?-.- a prta .:??: ?BBBB| j . - - 1 : ? . - -' ' ' l?Bal; - r.e. l.l'.i ll, SPAXI8lT ITAl.l.W ? By~I ?' , ' ' ?. ..:; M.i \Ti: :<?/.- I aat 34th at (;.'. 'Ii :, ,d elea ? ?' I, 4 ritea. ? I >.u\VI.IM., 210 and Ui Can-il-tt. (?:. . I I.i Ml '? - of ~'l M. f . a .- 0 ilng a :i f ,ir vatua ?i 1 iiImh il allreea EDWARD Mil.I.Kn, ,3 ._ IXDK IRCHIEI S!* : /-: li.11.d rchlefi ! -Aii Ilnei ? ! :.ntiai 11 d . >.???*. 1 . ..: ? ?-. jol'Leiy 1 rt.. ,.', . il,.- Royal rtia Iti i.: not; ? '? -1 a?a. ? 1 ? - .... r - j .. 1 . ' . '??? ?? '1 l.a-. :i .. 11 .44 :,-u n 1 t '.."'? -4 1 "... JAM no t. r of rn ir.nn.n-- Unn Marrh* iad i.iiim*. <r..-..--, 'j-:. Broadway aud 11 w al Ir \'<ii wanl your feei treatwi profetty, ao th. v -l.all ln t t.ouole 40 ; : t;me, eall or addreaa ?'r..f OTTU Mi'Vi., iat 130 I'ark-ave., mar .:'?!. atj to be ? >'l\v*,--. - IXi., ' I l'l iln .;. \i. PRIXTIXG CO., .4 ? ?*. v Y. Ol.ii MAfiikr-Y 1-; i;mi iTtK. od* Id atlvei -4 :.. ?1 N I) II . -??? 1 \ s aod .-',. eirt.-l'v : -? I I < ' '?: . : ? 1.261 ______ L'llLISHERK. i>nr oi i 5r - 1.. ar ii. typ . a; d wa wlli make favorable rontraeta for iwedy work. I'RAt" tn a.'.. Tn Ofhi 1> AROt'ET FLOOHS r-ia:r':i_. no-.l?i,tS| So. * ki-i.t in 1 ni-T by th-- .-laatt t>? M.lKKs EXELLEKOPER, 3.3 Eaal S.'.i'i-t arell r - I juTfi BOaRAPili i;s and Remlainaa opif. ~' 1 ra furatah'-d ..1 bualnaaa ii-.iiaea: ie comn laal. ia. WV. K ','T. BEAMAXI 6 Hl vi Mi [ ..." ' . I ? . ' S' i.akmT n 1 - . ? lyotS , :\ ..:. nl .. nther*i .!? 17 .?** -\i? ri-n ??? In Europe: ladlea watted 00 B lencea. .Mr*. K. BOKKRK, Ul ? . ?? -? 1-' . il. _ i rl-EWRITIMO di it a I 1 :i eeata 1 follo a. I ? ek gai** -. . r feraneea ctv.-n .( daalred; eorrr> 11 : \ Id -? 0 R. Mli III I. P .? Ilox 8. ' ___ I TMBRI 1.1.**-. I v lASOl B a C-_| l ...!. to ..: I. " r -.a. h d .1 I e-ra-'tf il RPI N. EU'S. S'.'l .'.tli-ave. bel Hth Ul : ?.- . -?- . af. I 2 " Btl -B4 ?? . bm I " WI-.l.I MAX'S PATEXT WIXnOWFB6> i:.. roR. n 44 1* u.e tlrae ta hivj ,: ,.n ,-our wlndowa; far iu| r r r. naM nrlpa; elreelar a.-nt. 1.263 iimtviway. ii... . 1. _. aa/.YNTED S .- - 4 ' a Ir -- * '? _ vf tarrh mr? 1 - - ? li free. _* * STA. r. 146 Combr l~ Pla . nrcoH!-. x _A_? P I A i"or Bftlc A>\i !'. .'. ip] :.. 1 .. ... - ulbaaB . ,.,,.,,?.?,. ,',,;. iKtnr. * ? f all deiw-rip*; I11 dinu 1 ??? .1 - a nMwa, brlek. ii..i-.t.-,*.! I 1. >???' III li - SONS UM to 118 I .-' [?i___. * 1 Kl 1). . 1.1) i'lll. S. 500 ?ea,nd. *? Iv 11 d 44 ,-1 a. d :: t ?ci.ln~i tu h g'.ira.r..- d na.i.1... r? bouabl B04 oa* ihai.aed. liEOROE B. KDlttTtt* Bmm ?oa -I- _^_ Ai?RET\ : ?*... Kl! |."l - '?? plain aml e.-ntr.' Ja.-murd 1 " - ?P purb nane. *. euttine, t ppu - .; ';?-*,,,- n 1 Llnea, i.'liN*"N - --" \** Ml'.. r.i . 260 Weat 3 th-al N ' _ r--_ Al IM'. l.iNI I) II. 1 ? i- m (S pla roal *--?"'.: wlll ?? 11 far -?j0- ~ ; .!-? 11 _? ? >. ? 2d -'..i-. w_ii _ i.AK... iouble rolltop deak -?n mod. ? rn :n 1 ovi 1 i.-iii-. ? ? ?> -*?'? ll':~ ha. falt between 12 aml ". 1N *? 1 -. ? 733 llr, _ ? FIIWT.1 i.a** paylag. ird nfb_j A fnr ... uu Brookljrn ll-.i.'-- ? ? B"' I. Trii. ::m Ofllee. _ ______T '4 uvERTlNkSlE'MTB FOR TBE ?*** A v< K TKIHIXE WILL Bt Kiv , iiv. I- AT mi. 1 PTOM-S OH-IlM. No. 1.-** liroadwar. cornor TWrw-flrat-aa-j 1 no bri .1-14. . r.u- 26th_*.. "??"* I.. rn ; "70 v.'.-*t wwa ath-ave. ; 162 Bth-ave, . 153 KouH ,-.r routteenth-at.: 760 Thlld 1 - ? _ Ler i?rtv?M'tith-a:.; 1....0 Tktrdf**???_ S B'y.tlret*al : 1.708 First-ave 1 s ? .d ?t . 1,0. .' 1 olumlo?-avey i |7ii Klnth-ave., 7-2J - -t. 62 Avenue v. 1.828 Th J-b_ ?nd the UARLEM OKFIt'E. 160 Ea* Oaa. Iim.ilr. vt-iifil-twontv-ilftli-ar.. up m - '?',.'" ;,nd -Oi Weat nn.- I,nndr,-d-ai.d-t?? ?t.. at reffular ofllee ratea. _? Ufin OF THE MAKF.R."-!-'?' " !_ 1> *.,:,l 44UI10 it i**h pBymeat al ' ~ ar, . "T.-:0" rlnced. MAKi FACtl'HER-S AtfEST. only ofll ?- .7.4 \V.-t 23d-a._ OUI .. RTORK FOR BALB al ::< C?ur* *t.. Brooklyn rouat n- ao? a'. "?' J no 1 ..- , il ' - i '.'."''iJJ durlni the daj of A. AMKXD 113 >''?-"? Liin-. . r ifr r .1 |i. in. on pren.1*. - , ni.\-l..\|,*.. uvi.lll.s. JEWE1_ ... Iv. r .1 ; ea*} inu -1 . P - -.':,, uix... re<|.. *t. M'NDl. AIT. WAT1 B < <>* II 1 ,,-t 14 th-al_f L-..K RALE.-One -'? W"r "-"'';'^"'ara""! r marble aoda-watei bo* Matthjmly_ f. 44 iteel aoda fonntai.,-. alUhttr uae6. ?? (julre . AXDY BTORE --1 " and-et._ F..|; SaTE !.?..-r4 . ne crM*Bj_J~-4 44 igon and tlaiurea; 6rt*elaaa_" X. J.; ahorl llaian e from V -w-."' hanee! IIAKER. Boa :t. Trtbaae Qawa^ FOLDIXU Rl i) BB uprlBht, alao a ?Ibib> .r, i -,.:., foldlna i.-d. '?" ?*?? KK NOLOS, 7. Eaat |00th__?. (j- OR -vii rypewrll Xo. 2 RJJ^ 1..1, typewrttrt '?? ?1V;",i-|; w* ?Mirfeel , nn-il I ?:,. H I'htt RITLK. "' II, Tribuno Offlea._.-% BT...I'. sm.i: M.,.,-..l ^**1__T*__aaaj 1" tiK-ii for debt; 24 lnehe- l_Ci?RB 13 ouaTkUe luoea: eoal erv ?*.?*? |? each. S.a'.i 1114 Itrnal4ray. BOOB* !? jj |,*..K sAi.i:.-4.1.or.e mu;,f;^* !< ,.r.i.r .:*., wwi, eier *_2??*5i, in.- maehlaoa at tl .... eaafci f1-"^ mv< tabl. - v. . ?".i*1 llroadwav._-. ^V^:KOTiTh i^-'Fwarth^' S lirth-at.; ooon evenlnira. *.vu