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ADMIBAL PORTER BURIED. Hlft BOTH LAID TO BEST IN AKLIN/.TON WITH DIFRESsvIVE CiaaSMOlflES. THE BB0HEBS HOBOBB PAID TO THE OXEA1 NAVAL officf.R-a MBTtBOEIaaTEB COMPANY ATTIli: PVHEHAXt. waatabapbm, Feb. i7.-\viti. marUal baaara and wllh all the reremony due to Ui klgh raak and di tingulnhcd acrvicea, the body of lmvirt I) Porter, Admiral of the Navy. who d.od h-re iaat Fvilav. was thi? aftaraoea IbM to rert in hlatoric Arll | *ot sln<e thc burlal of Sheridan has Waahlngton wit neaaed ao lmposlng a funeral. Kvcry braaek of the liillltairv and naval aervtee was repreaeated in the marcbing column thal foUOWed to kil grave thll naval hero wlw aliared wiUi Farrwrut the Natiovs Mfbeet j naval boaiora and profonnrtcsi Rratitnrte in recognition | ej eehievemdits that niako cloiious the hl.tory Ol i the Amerlran Navy. The Grand Army of thc Rc | pubMc and the bons of thc American Revolution, of j wbieh orRanlzatione the Admiral was a memher, <*?? rupled prominent plaees in thc lOBg proresMon. All the excputive dppartfnpnts of the Ooverement were cloaed ln lion >r of the d'-ad Admiral, and evarywhera throiiKhout the dty flt?s wei-e dlsplayed at haht-mact. Tin- taJj ol the Admiral lay in statc at tlie family home, No. 1.714 H-aU all the forenoOO, and waa viewed by largn Baaabera of people, laeladlni emay of hia late commdes of the Navy. Thc body, dN ICd In tlw full uniform of an Admtrat of the Navy, was pnrlosid ln a coITlii covered with mval purplo vclvct, lined wllh wMte aatia, a-.d kavlag beavy allver handles and nrnaments. Tho lid eoataloed a lolld silver plate. Ineeribed as laHowa: ? Oavid P. Porter, Admiral Tnit ?l Btatea Navy, boin June IH, 1613, died Kcbruary lo, 1*>1?1." Thc fRte of thc ggai loeked cahn and nataral. Aiimt l o'eiiK'K the noaae waa cloaed to vhdtore, and Iba roem eeabatnlng Iba body waa rteerei of every >ody. tacJadlng the silont marlne aentlnel, aod Mra. Porter and tho nwiaalrori of tbe family took their laat tarawaB. The eotBn waa cloaed laua dbUely tbere tttar. A large American iiau was wrapped aronad .t. md the Admlral's pword and ebapean were plaoed on the lid. Thc aertkea for thc dead were hcld al the hoaaa, and were condiictcl hy tl.p Bev. Dr. Douglai, reetor ol st. 9oba*a, aaatated by thp Bev, P. H. Blg clow, of the parish. Thpy iurluOd the rearting of the full aarvtce of tho BpJaeopal Charcb, and t'.e alnging of anpropriato hymns hy tin; boy ehotr of Bt John'a. OecapyBag rhalra ea elther akte of tbe eoflln were the roombera of tba family, Prealdenl and Mra Harrtson, the membera of the Cablnet, Juaticea ol tbe Bnprcme (onrt, membera of tbe Mpkaaatle Corpa, ami the, bonorary naltbeerere, whlle behlnd them atood a throng of prominent Army aad Bavj 0?eer*' :''' many pf the teaaflag ritlaena of Waahlngton. Governor Patttaoa, of Pennayhranla, and his st.tff wam preaent. Nearty TOO peopk were wbhta tba koeaa during tho ?ervteea, whlle the atreeta ln tho vicimiv were erowded nith yaopla uiiaiilc to obtaln admtailon. The hononiry BBlBjBBrBTI were Yice-President Mot> :on, senator Manderson. of Bobraaka; Benator M< Pher ion, of BawJetaey; Benaiot Hawksy, of Conneetkut; 3overaee gattteon, of Pennayhranla; Major-General schoficld, noarAdminil Bodgera, Bear-Admlral Howell, Bibi ftdaabal Ooaby. Bear-Admlral Biavene, Bear-Ad miral Almy, Rear-Admlra] W ettea, Bear Admiral jouctt. Bear-Admlral Qaeen, General Joeeph E. John Bton, and BegeeeeahUIre BoateUe, of Maine. Darti - iho aarvkaa a batlnflon of marlnm and nearty aii the naval eaheera autloned ln Waeklagton, dreaaed ta fnll uniform, with llgBBtTB. ??*? drawn up on th' aM walh* thc houae. rcady to salute a* thc roflin appeared. a?. thc maailve euaan was borne from the beaae on the ihoaJaen of elghl aailora Uw Marlne Bead pkayed a dirgc. the marlnes eame to B preeenl arms, tho offlcers umovercd, nnd the dnima aoundod. Tho praeeaalon tfaOB moved toward Ailington ln thc f.'.llowliiK oider: Ptrat, a niountod platoon of pdlre; Rear-Admiral L. A. Klniberley, the hcro of Samoa, and l OW Iba sonior OfBeCf of tho Navy. with hi-. staff. eeeapoaed of Ueateaaah. A. H. DUfaebam, Grtfab and Bl botaon, Df the Nav y. two Army olTa o: s, an BaW of Ihe Marin I ;v?p., aad the Dtatrtet miiitia and a repreaentatlve ol :he tinind Army at the iiepuhin \ tba fnll Marlne Band ; nattaikei of mariaea, ander eommand of Ueal Colonel TUton; aii companba of artlMery on l 41 one llelit battery and two t..i>s of ravaln from Fort Myer, va.. nadac o./inai:d <?i coiooel Gllaoa FoJlow Ing the regnlara (atne Ibe Battoaal O.urd of Uio Db> tint of Coiambia. Geaoral Ofdway eommandiag. coo aaaa freaa tho i;nnd Army of thc BeaabBe, eom mar.ded by Colonel Vrcll, with Oenvral Vearey. Com mander in f'lili.f of tho (irand Army of the Bepubtlc, and h.s ataff, as gaeate. The bearse, drawn by foar iiorsos. with Hliara walhfng <>u eitber hidc eame ne.\t ar.d aft r n ihe uiouincis m mrrtagrie, m lollowe: Hia. Porter, Mr^. Ingan. Biebard Porter aad Dr. tVak i, Major and Mra. Porter, and Mr. Lognn, Captaln nnd Mra. Forter. Mltt Tortcr uii'l David D. Parter, llaaiwtant ami Mra, Parter, Mr. ami >ir.-. Cempbell, Mr. Aktea, thc Admlral'a lerretary, and UeateauaBI TtNmaa, his aide; lltinteaant Paataraon, Mr. Pattemoa, Miss Patteraoa and Captaln Bachc. :in-ria?o? foiiowed eoatalalng the haaarary pall btaima and the clercx. tho l'resident and hi- Cablnet, the lliief .luntiec and Af?n.'iate .liHtire* of ttie -upreme Conrt, ths Scnate and li aue.imitteea, Foreign Mln latera, Dunabai ond Btaeeaentatlvee, ofiirers of the Bavy, Army aod Marlne Corpe, dekrgatea fitim <;. A. B. poata, ihe Naval Fo-t from Phlladelphla, of which thc Adin ral waa a mcBiliof. and a gelagatlon of tho Som ,f the Amerlcaa Revohillon, a aoclety of which .\'i mlial I*orter was an ollicer. Tlie Naval reguhttloni provldbag f"r aa aabalfal'a funeral were fellewed aa rkaaely a* imsiilljle. Tho nuniber of traopt iu l.ue, in cladlng thc mlBtla, ?as neeiiy tbree thouaaoa. Thc linc ol mar.ii aloag l'cansylvnnia-ave. weat waa erowded wllh ipeilatoia. Ol ?H the buildlncs alons the Dne of march fliie'-, were dlsplayed at hajf-maat. At the taaawpalawa cud of tho beatga thal aaaaa tba I'otomac and Jolns Viiglnia With thc Dtatrtet, Ihe areeoaakm raaae to a Juiit lor a few mlaataa whlle all the troops, aata tho Unitoii Matea marleni and eavalry, tlrew up Ia lina on either side of the atrect and lalated wfth ageaeat arms as tbe bearae peaaed by. aii tho military and other erganlaationa, azeept the mariaea and mvalry, reaaraed le ghe elty. At the cemetery into thc eavalry drcw up ln Une and Buiincd, loa\ing 1'iily tbe battalion oi marlnei to ac compuny the )>od\ to Ibe grave. When the oM l#ee maniaion wa- reaehed tlie i..arln<t? iiled aroand to tic lvfi of thc hoaae and took up a potitlon ln a alngle line near th-' grave. Aa the body wan plaeed on ihe r.'-i over tbe jrave thr bard Rtatloned ta tho rear itracklip ?'Beorer My Gad t.i Thee,'' fbe draauaera roBed ott tbreadtaaei and the troopa eame to m prcaeni ann-. No iiiici vit-w of B'aablngton oan be obtained thun Irom the spot where the grave ?i> made. When aii hid reaehed the stdo of tltp r-'ntvp, thp eofhn waa lowered, and tho cleia-'V.nan read thc Eplacopal burial aervlce and offerad a bncf piuycr. At it^ conrlualon the (.raii'i Army 1'om of wbieh Admiral Porter had beco a member performed th.-ir ^isuai lervire for tiic dead iu tho eoarae of wbieh the eotBn was atrewo arlth garktnda of roaee. B'bon tbe btat werda had been F?id. Mrc Porter atepped to the s'do of tho open grave and UifiU ono long nat l'w>!t. at the word <1 eommand Ibe colnmn of marinea dlacharged tin. roiievs over the grave. As the ecboes fii,<i away among tbe hiils. rn- Oraad Armv Poat Irun atopped ... tlie fr>nt aad blew thc bugle call ?? l.iciits out." Tho h*t ritea for tne dead Admiral ind i"on perfotmed and the aarge aaaemblage, which during the eetemoniea bad atood ln retpertful allence a. I v ;'i i.i- ii hoad?. ((iiKidv and allently dlaperapd. Tho peneeealon rrtraced Ita ??v through the arlnding roadwaji of tbe egmebwr and retuinod to the elty. Ahaotji t'.e lari. U wa tl," biat, Dnblir wnrk done hv Admiral Vorlor was th- orennlzation of t li" I-i-li.ri so>iM\ of s,,,i- of th? Amorlcnn Berotntlna. He r r t-ld'-.d this order weli d^imiod to do I rn i i naefnl nnd iiatMrtth- warb, aod he devoted hlmaelf with greal er.prtn- lo tli* ''rpun'r.atirpTi of tho 1 ?<?..] lorlpfv. l":L'it' rnemt?oTs: of the BoclrtT, led M <; in'i-ii (.io.u tbHr nropreaklenr, attpndpd ihe funeral in nnrr ig< ?? Tl < Natlooal sorietr. s. A. is.. was repreaanted h t !ea tenant J. ('. Crosp, D. fi. 51., ?nd Ilcnry Hall. of Nrw York. or-SERVANCFS AT THl NAVY YABD. The li-T ofticial honors evor to bp pald to Admiral I'oi-ter or to hia memory. at tho Bavy Yard. took phtee at noon ye*terday. nnd the abrumataonui made th? (?<?<? aaealea nn-?st laapreaatva, Tba fnneral of tbe Ad? miral took pia<p m Waahlngton yeaterday. but, arttng nndar an nider of the Secretnry of the Navy. and In aecaadbB.ce aith the Navy itetmlatlona, Bea^Admlral D. L. Btataa ia.js.-d |o i?> gred al noon from tke htt tory on the $oa-wall u salute of aevaataan kuiis. tr?? number to which an ailminil was .-ntitl .1. As the last gun waa Bred the dlaHaettva pennaat of the Ad mlral, ? bhM Bag with foor wgitd stars m the middla, nrreeiged In the form of a dianrnai. waa haeltrt down ft-om the martheed of Ihe Veimoat. it waa a svi blddlne Of "gOOd hve" lo tho uttiii ,,f admiral. and nol untll Oeagwm ahaU reatare tba rank aii] thc akaakta>s lerape, or efaaikBtea, vritk their loar atara m aach, nar tho flag with fonr stars, bc aeen : n-?r will the nblte of acventeen pins he f1rc?l in honor .f an Offkcr Of tho Navy. Thesp are facts that midp the Imal funeral eeteaaaadea nt the Navy Yaid yeaterday, most ntrrctinR and imprp^slve. at lpast to tl- oflleera ot tha Navy. Sectlon I..trt2 of thp Revi>e<i statutos reads as fni low? : Frovlded. That varamlcs oecurrin? Iu thp rradoi ol admiral and vice admiral, shall nof be filied by promouon or in any otlvr man ner: and that when the offlrea of said Bradc,s shall hefaime vaeant, the crade Itaclf ahall reaae to e?l?t." Tlie biaheat ranlt that any officer of the Navy mav now attain )? that of rear admiral. lience Bear-Ad mlral Lewia A. Klmberly, tbe elialrman of tlie Iioard of laaaoetion and Survey. Ia thu MaritM offlcer of tlw servire. Ilc was a UentOBBBt connnander und cx eeatlre ofaeer of Adndmi Farragnt'i lag-abrp, tlio ihitf.m. in AprU, 1602, and rtood beaide the oM bera on tbe brWgc wheo she pa??ed tlio forti on the Mlaale slppi Blver, and al thc i iptnrc ol Nea Orlenn*, rtj dara afterward, he dltplayed con?plcuom bravrrj He i- aho oac of tlie heroen i f Hamoa. Ite was mandani of the Parlfli Kquadron, and wnj. on tae nt ahip Trenton when ahe ?*?- dnven iiaiiore 11 apw durfng tho huarieane of Man i, 1? and 1?. laan. iie will l.e retimi for aae on Aprll 2. 1*02. ????'? ?'? ' Bear Admiml Bancrofi fiherardl, rmnmundan of tbe North Atlanflc fiquadron, wlll bc Ihc ranhlng offlccr ,??:, he reti^a, or! Sovembar 10. B04. !>. -. d.? ;. Dralnc i- neal below Admiral Oba^ardl, but he w?" ba retired on May 18 aext IIOW TBB STMEBTB ARE CLEAEEP. TIIE BESUXI OF TUE EXrEKIMENTS BlTwr.r.v TWERTT EK.HTH axd POBTtETB sts THF. UATOB TO HOUBRHOLDEB* The oxperlments In atrael etaaolag I" the tomtorv lounded by Twrntr-clghth BBd KaRleth Bfa. and the two nvcrs were eontttnaad reeterday. inperwaaed by tae Mayorl Adrlaory Comlttec and tba atrael?baudBg oflclale. CcoambMtonBr Boattte *ald yeabnday that he had nover aonbted the aneeeaaof tha BKdbedi eaaptoyed if carrlcd aat properly. The ebolee of ByataaH BO" pondod onlv npon tho anaabar of aaea redairei aad lha eoal of aperaatea. His aaala aoaaplalal yeatardaj ? ? rorarding the manv alkmed ta atand orar Blabl in the atreote, whleb bo rlaimed teterlered aaateraally with thc trtal of tbe aaaeblna pton. Ower 1.BO0 m< bt. lo wild had ho.-? rountod by tho pogco in the ufP-r part betweea Thlrty fnurtli and FoHbHh ita. '>??*?? t,v tim BMKhlnea. Rot toaa tbaa M.000 of aii blndi af rehlrlea wora left la the street* at Blght. aad the < am nhudoaer dowbted the anaeaaa af goporintendeal Mlehael F. Cnmndap ta laaye/lng theaa, eapecbdb aa not ove-r 200 traeba eaa bc storcd m the rarporatlon yard at aay ona ahno. CommhHloner Ollroy, of tba Dapartmenl of Pabllc Worka goparlnlondenl Cammlng??i mparlor oflrer, ad nttted yeatarday lha* tbe braek rahl waa rtrtaalry al ,,? ot d.'a- ba had no mfielaBl forre lo pnab the ra m vbI -n.-es-fuiiv. luafdea thla, thera were legai compllcaUoni in tha aiattor of tbe BBforreraanl ofthr ordlnanecj. Mr, GBray tboaghl tha better wat woaJd Im to tranofei all powor raiadag to theaa bomeleao trachi and thelr BBbmra ba ti.o gtreef Claanlag Departmenl whlch bad a rtroag imi;,A f'""''" l,:"'k "''''" a",,""',,v aild u ampl.V* "f Ibhore" '" ll;lll'!l' ,l:"'"' The Bral tweaty-foar boore ol the coBtaal between the broom und tba maehlBC Byeteau abowad tha ie ,;,;,! tuperlority of tha pbw of rweeping by hand, bal ,, |, demon b ited aho thal the rarl cenrlna for eol ectlng ihc sweeptnga ii biadeqaal ? or Inefflcleni. I n r0]lected pllcc ol refaae ware obeervnble all thronsrh i,,,',!, thc ? natroP and tbe "B?aebtoe" IKtrlcta. Thi mnchlne-swept reglon atong EkrreBth-ave., botween Thlrtj fourth and Fortieth ata., waa ln an cxl ,. rtJ itate yeaterday. Ihe atreel between Ihe trs ?? 0I ,i,o Huaaon Blver road waa Ibk* wltb Biidialurbed ?,uii. and thc iteneh from pilea of BBreaaored liiUi wac ilcken ng. Tbe mbm may be ?ld ol moat or ihe ma ohlBe-iwepI eroaMtroeto, and the BovemeBte wera loenini wltb nith. The ,?idni-t between bha wort oo Blxt* ave.. ab .vc ,-.nd below Thuiv fonnii ,t.. waa to be leoa al a glanre. Tho machlne-awepi part of Uie avaana looked ? had not been toaehed for weeka. Tho imbc ? - ofThlrdandJfadlaon area. Tho latter, altli h 11 ? l wtth tho raaawned aapbalt, waa la a deplorabPi ron dUlon- ln aOBM BBrtl Of the -'liand bi'.-in" .' lahovo Thirty foiutii ai:d below FortJeth at?.) tl* thoronghtarcc had been carefnU) awapl and thc refnw raaaovod. Bal Ibbi ?a,s trac only ol i po tion. Wnlfc some of tlio pavoin-'iit- ahone wilh thc labor ol talth men. the Improvciue-nt was badly marred by ttt laiiure to earl away the iwaopbaga, Tho Bral aay work baa prorefj thal tba itreelc -rf Row-Vortt b ritaned II anoogk bm? are employed ar.d infflcleni m??ey upeBdad, if the Mayar?a Adrlaory CoflnaB t^e wlB <o,irae<onsly foBow ap tba work thoj bafoa tha bad admlmrtratl.m Of the Wreel <lev,H,.- De n.i-tm-rt mav l.e eonoeted, the men Mipplii'd vvM.i pToaei^equTpment and tho eartmen romi.-fi-. to ro ov- tho i it from tho iwept itreeu. ureai thlnp< !i:',V v-, .,??,.." ini.iish^t baSra thc thlrt) daya' ea iH't:r!lr,;.a:rson, a bdtaf^totBei^^M thodfatrlct between Twenty elgtti ;7''.;;r.n;','?'.: r, tcrday, exphUnlng tbe fv-tem- ot -ti.. ? lcin .c tha were In operatlon In thelr itreeu and a him 7?Tacnd romplalnts to the Denartmen ol CteSiIag at onre fi -he aartage aiafaabej. lai Irmit oj ,!?.., iionsea were nol lomovod prorapUJ or " '". Rtreeta wera aot pi"-i>oriv claaned. Tbe aecwoii? . tho law rolatiiic to thc d.itic- oi hOBfehoSdeni ln ?? eneaTto Viil&nL of the *treet* were alao qaataa WAB H0LL.4.VDER A PllRlCfOM FOlWCRBfl Tho awil of John Hanry HoBaadar afgdnal Jaeob Bafa, Ihe CoaaaMbBkBral of Onateaaala M Ibbi rity, ? rocovor ?>:.o.(i(io as fttUBBfea for an aDegad Ubw. " UMd raarhed a trtal yeatorday befora Jodgw i,. tha fJBltei laataa Pbdrkrl Conrt lt baa bec befora rbc eonrbi several Ibnea bo prokmlnarj i" ? ceediage. IfaBandar li * Uiwyer and baa Hyed i teveral roratga eonBtriea. li'" Uved ln Omtteniala from I8BB to 18BB, and hvl Bfl iBloreal IB ? BBWI paper la tbat eoontry. He araa beW raapoBal tha piibll-ation of artioles ln whieh ihe Oorernmenl waa attaekod. Cbargec wora made thal bond been oaarlaaaed and that Hanry C. Hall, tlio LnlUsd atate* Mlnbdor, bad baan b??olvod In loma of thc tranaaetlona. Tba Gaatcmalan Government on Maj n. lnfi, docraafl thc axpalalon of il *larder pernktooj foreigner." HoBaader retarned lo ? Njmtry aad tonod thal Uk aeer.t Mpnldon bad been piddlabed ln Ibia coantry, and be - barged i Oenerai Bali with baring raaaed t'.io publUatlon. Thc triil of the Ubel anii began yeaterday ailb Boberl a. Benedlet ?s rntmaal for Holbwder and Joaepb H Choato for CorumMieoeraJ Balx. i hflrlei S. lloih.nd. of thc AinoeUted Pre?f, ' ? ho.v thal be recolved InformaUon aa to thf docrec ol oxpulalon fj".m Mr. Ha,:/.. Hcdlander Urrtlfled In l.N 0vr, behalf thal Iw was thirty-ai* yoarc of age. H" iiv.xi in Chlna In lb72, and lat-r waa Conaai al ].?, Chow. where he publUhed a newspaper. llo vent to OtuUemala in IB85, M>d ratnrnad to this dty li? .Intie. la*P. \Yheraver be andeavored ? > obtaln emploTmenl the fhrl thal ho tu oNi?-ii.-d from fiiiaU-mala wai spoken of. atid ho ranaldered idmsoif as (crcatlv injur-d. The defenrc will eiideavor to prove that HoUaoder ?as ??* perBleiooa lorelgoer," and wis rlplitfiilly oxpclh-d. AS BX-rOLICBMAM VShElt FIBB. Mirhael I.allv. (he fornjer Ilnrt^e BOtteOBtaB, WhOCC agg of the pjatel baa bpoagbf Bbn inbr> Uonbk i than onee, has i.ot aaaaped from lha eonaeqaeneea .-( bha ihooBag h(rap? in wiuch he ?'an Inrolred aereral week- a^'i. He was accaaod of ihooBBg John Bc wbose death m^ ai DBg BBM Bipeeted a- a reaall <-f llifl slnn. DBBBjl I'tyovrretl, niid ?lion I.allv w,v takaa bafora PaBea .iu*.ti'-e Hoana a fe-*- daya aso Dalatl sai.i thal ba eonM n .t tefl who ihol liim Othar witneaiea, who had booa detaji"d and after waisi admlttod to t.i.i, arera nol pn ?'. i d Jaiilee Hogan diiralsaed thc compbdnt. j>i-,iri'-i Attorney RteoB*a ailontion was eaBed I ? Lally'a >i:. and tO tho pocnllar rlrcnmatai Nurraoadlng t.:". laal alleged aaaaalt, He refereed tbe . as-- io Depnt! Aaaiatani DUtrlet Attornej i who will aond the wltnestei befora tho Ortnd Jnri in a few dav-. To inanrc ihe pratence of the wll i!?sii'<, John BaJatl, tbe i implainant, and Mar) llendrr a.nd >farv Johnaon, of Ro. -'.i- Wafcr-at., were -. >i i i'. thc llouf< f 'ci-- lion ye.terd%) In defanll of i*iiK> in evh ri,-. jf an indictmeat i- fonnd Lallv will bc eompoBed to glaa n-x bBfl O.v TM1AL FOB MVMDEM. The tHal of fRaailoa boaBa, eharged ?Mih klltlBg his wtfe, waa began befora Jaatiea Brady, m thc C nrl "f nyor and T.-rmlnor. yeaterday, A or hl i ? BgO Lonlti marrled Uartha Brown, who Uved with har pa i-."it- nt .v>. i-"! Divta -ii t. They weol to Brooklyn , , 1-... bal i.'iutz fallad t > prorldc for hia ? f--. and ?bc relarned I i her pareata' bome. .'n Deeemb r -- 'it Lonlti wont t> her fathci's honac aad reoue*te/l her t > arrite i bdter ter hSaa. ^h?: wonl inio thc par lor. sat gjOWB al a .!e>l{ and h"?m t, WrttO, when Loatta tOOB .i pl-to| from ld< pockH and sh t ho:- three tlmec. Than be pnl one boliel throagb bfai bal ar.d pretended i> bc dead when i>e poDce aad aarbnlaocc ? -,i b ui riiio |n, Tha -liim v.a- ea ily d lecled and - -\.i- arrested. Th - ".as thc itory lold by A Klstant Dl?trlci \n rnet IVellman \n upeniug tle cav.5 for the pr -? i ution ye?h rday. r.i.v.i/i.t MEQUIMEi UORE gTdifPg. CompbitnU have been nradc al tha Paaloflea hvl proprleton ol trade periodleals wbo decbire thal thoir papn were detaincii ai lha Canaglaii Cuitom n-?,-? nwaitlng tl"' paymeni ?( dathra, altboagb tho pmtago had be a prepabL Poftmaater v.m Cott baa been In forawd by tho PottofBec Departmei t thal by the Canada anthoritlea aneb pipci-v ara ebai <i ai "adrer ii'inp periodirala" aad are BBbjerl to a ea tomi dntj ] .?I fl eei i- ? ponnd and 20 per eenl ad ralocem. The i i mi-d Matos Oovernmont is there forc rompeBed t.' d'-live;- io tlio Canudian caatomf ofBcen all roplen "f i perioBlcab funad in thu maiis bitendod I i Canada. OFFirKHS OF A MBDJCAL AJUOCMATNUt. At bha mo:ithly BBBettaag of the Rew-Yotk Coiniy bloateal daaerlalfOB, heid at No. 12 went Thtrt)-flrai fct. 011 Mnnday evenlnif, addnsse:. were dellverod l,v tho tefarlag preaMeati Dr, Geerge r. HdrritoB, and tii^ preaident-clert, Dr. S. H. Wylic M'l.ood. Tho follow bag otticers have been OhOOCO for tho Baantng . U PrggjneBt, Dr. s. B. w. McLeod: Tlna piwhUiiil Dn WBaaaa T. Winte: recordlns aoiretnrv, Dr. l'. r.ryiu tmre gnrhar: arwreaaoadliia ?"d btutistiiai *~-i?-utn-. >.., n ??Mtai tieaaarW, I>r. lObn II. a-? ? BOMAX CATBOUC PBIESTt COXFEIt. OUCBBSan A BrtTOHETICAl. CABB BlbUXAB TO THAT OP DR MW-Ylf*. Th- asaal naarterly cat.fern.eof tho BoeaeaenHiolle ,,, ofthiaarcbd_-and tba Bral to be heM lus .;.,,;,?<- ia) 10 -.leol l.a.l atta-hP'l .,>, Mi'Ll- Bom.l, Churrh ?.< ThJ*. ;r-t':Ia:v;::;'':%,u:.,H..K:?Vi?:,tvf.',,v,,>,. .??, JJLtSa a. muleraaor, aad ai.tyethor prte-au v. ..... ,.?,. uanj wMacto eaam ap faejUaeaa-. t<J;r::^:::^n.KSSmm^ *, ,:,,;,, tlio.liaaieupo,, the^.n-mcdsuhject J,,,.,.',,,, papatnpan th. oth* m.tter waa rcad by ?|| fl oupstion of nios; lirpoiianir. n > ? ?,, ,. m u.ivc .. 0,?..,rt..a -nciallst mcctiugs one rr,;.",:;:;:;;:1;;;..";::'*.;-... 5--?j. oi uu i"'i' naniMnn for tba lonfcrrnie jrLkmwTwkafop^^ .-^ .J-* '" "? mc , . rihartM and tho reasons glven b7kto.Tml.wmub :,;?..-?Ml, mem...-r, ol tho ,. ...... unoii th" auswers of the two tSS^?i*!...t.rr aa. .?. , wltb aiu Bnuaual bitereal was btwaaae K haa c h-. ?* l refer miNelaBy to t.,o reee ef the |;;:il;'Mi;.ly1,..ardtla:.n,-nihcr,ofth,Ant,Fovci-.y >'Th',i''Mr'.;^'>^t11i^.o.fe.pnces ar, ' ,, ?,,,,,.. r?-ut?ribleamkaptprtvate, One ', tbe prieata w.,o attemled thla .ahl r?terdey i?'"b^ ind unkln.1 aaylng-. >-??'-!.!,-.?,J ,t the ronfercn. .-.?? he ?Tl"","wVo';'?.-;v'?:.'t EfmngtlN action "f a per said, -wi.o wui ar 11 ?? ' intl-Fovertj meetlns . atlendlng, f." , ' ," :, iv a raae wher- the " ?"?-'VC<I '"", llm 'f ir nght ol tba prtest to hiahop ii-iim'- to hto" ?? ,'.,,.", iiut really no i.'::v..V;:i,."iV ",.;;;...;;;,,!';,,;.?:>';, ?|i;::.'';;.::r eanlwtion ol ihe ? ' ' ? , , ,n aeflanee of fc^fSM SMStbority. ,;r.r-K,;o. HBBT/YOg *M BYIBBTl/lTMCTT.. The fI-t annaal mrvlre of tba Mew-York Iteetaty Bonaof the Bevolatlon will be heM al >.- Bartboa> ,,:'.' rhurch on Bunday aftemaon io lammeaaorate mewemurrn - Waahlneton'a Btrthday. :''"1 :,:,:;;v;:;,1:;,,,' v^'. .vv,.,,atn>tpvena The wrtlcei will he i.n" "J """ ? c?,.,?,v vr. ..i lowa, a d Chaplaln Oeneml of Ihe lerlety . ?? i .I-. ?'- the '.:? nnatl lle -tn bowrieted v . he i;ov. Dr. D P. ** ""?? '-"' ???ZJ} SmSrieS of tba Bon. of tbe Bevototton; tbe Bee. ,r. .......... nrren.theBev.Dr "'^ T^t smlth. tbe Bev. Brorkholai Morgan. chnptahi of the ,,,,.,-v oftbeSobl of,i,c.;-v..l,..,on,ar,d, o I;,v o.Woohey l...d,,'. ? ha,.l.ln ?., the Fonnaylva-U "oriety Bon. of llm Bevolatlon. Th. ?**?*??. ,.?.lv will aaaembla ... tbe chapel, Ia F.rt>-.o.rth l| ai :i ?'>?? 1>- ?>. the Clvll Bervle. Ibsferm Amorlatloa "f Broobivn WlOhoMI.,?,,,.. mi-Pl.-tg it. .he illrprtora' nioin of thP \M A.lation l.u.ldlnir. ln Moniagao-at..>?? r-K.wi?. t itii-aPll Ir.. prondeat of rnw cvoninc. rhnrlcj l. i.u -hi, jr.. i . ,. Bl -a.l.IU Clvtl BOTVlCC t ounni^lon. a1U ad draai tbe aaeelli g. . _ _ . The American Aa??rtattoB for tho Bbady ?nd rnr* of mPbricty wlU mert al Ibe kaU ol the boademy of Medlclne, Bo. Ifl VTaal r?rt? thlrd rt.. thM evaatod Dr I. n. Qnlnby, of J?*j City, wUl rpioi a paper on i rul T.,..,.,,.-..:.- VI.f Akohori Dr- A. H. Ibrftb artll irad on.i " Akehal ln IMlm?narr IM.p.spo m I Dr. Rlchardemi. of LeadoeT, will n.M'1 one on ??Alrohol and lt? F.fforts on th' lloart.-' The Amertca Danie lo lety win BtabB m Ihe Lnw I ., ., bulMlng. colnmbla Colleg., bb PridaP mrenlng. ,ng , .ten to a paper by IVofeaaot CbBrtm t. Bmlth, of rolumWa r,u.-,o. nn the ??^larl.odl.- l*??mg). a prtmlttve oM Borae ?vtne ron.pdv. The annual martlng ant etaMtfoa al the Tariff lio. ? .n, rini, win be heM la-nlehl ?t Be. vj ftea? TioAvVie th ' Ti,- polU for the elction wUl be :;'m'- ."' ?? . .- ? :-i ^r V-ur - ln ih-. evenlng. v"r...' v ? < .loaea fMBeeia" Aaeerialtea of the lathltrslraent. B..iml <.m-.-'. J ? I ; ???" ? lp*StUoa ... th. a-mo.v ln i.:--.i'?: . : Moodaj t.ight nojt. "' .V. . , ..... !?,,i' and Dr. Anne B. f>anl--M will oddre < ti,.- ' ??" '?"?"Vr A**v intherfoeg 1'lace on '?Pollce Mairon-." tomorrow evenlng. The Chariti Ball ol Ihe Purlm a inrta -d wW be held al ihe Metropolltan Opera Ifaaae on th" nign' at 1 .-lru uy -il. THE rtDELITT'S UCMBBM BKTVBEt Piasklenl Bkbarda, ol the Fidellty and OaaaaMy ... , .mpany. ol Bo. ldd Broadway, eonflraaed :,.. thal In oranre Commbalooer i-, | 0f Maryland, had refuaed to renow Ihe PMeltty'i tooperateln tkal Btala 11 UbeBeved thal the lldellty will go to ronrt and teal r^aimlailonef ,..?:,i io do thla. II l- gcn? li:-v nnderatood that when ihe Ame . i i i-utiiy and Beearlty Inwiaace Ocm pany ol Raltira m falled to "i'^ ? ? llcanee t<> epareta 1? ihii Mai- , ' iii-ut, it objected to Coaml? ,'s grantlng Bcanaee i" eertaln taaaraaco rompanlet ol thla Blate i ?! ' u eetli ai to < M busincai ln Maryland. The objeetlona were raatatned hj M.-. raibot, bul ?abaeqaetilly Owarraled by tba Al ,. nn j ... ?., ra] ol Marylai i ln all 11 ??- e? epl thal ef Ihe li'i'i'.'v. The American CaanaBj Company re centlj tried t.> oht.nn eontrol ol the PttteBty, ln anrance re walrtng to aee vkether the now Buperlntendenl 'f Inaamnee, lamM V Plerea, wlB be ?s friendly loward the lialtimore rompany as lt has |,een rsp..rt'd lhat he waa hlthefto and adnut it to eperatlon ln thla Ntaia lt l now r'tallation, aud tue qu? tion Ia wbetber lhara wUl bo reclproctty. ?TBOLiBJ "J/'l H'l.VT TO Af,r. iBomaa n D.via, manaser of "The Btowajaagr" rompany, wbtek apiioars aext weeh a' the Mai Theatre ln Braoklyn, has had during the ruriynt dramatlc baaaon |ao c.\i??:-irn''o ??rith prr>f??sional ? I.. lumen" thal Ia beeomini a triie Btonatonoaa. ln N Davta'a aenmBonal mrioaaama ?n iron ?afo is "cracked" by burglara. Tbi laeMani Ia workod up wltb aii tbe aeceaaeriei Baceaeary to thc kkfowtag open" Of ? liiii-'lu-pKvif casli ileposlt vnult. Mr. Dava baa been bealeged \^ith appiiratinns irom "knlghta ol ihe )tmmeya nmi "dark kvntern" who are am >u I > earn fama and fortana by "crarklng" I ? waway." Among the H arttala wbo havc applied t" Mr. Davb uro men who bave "aerved nino in Blng s n.' and other Btate taatttatlone;? and who re Bkewl ? deali n ol refOnaattoa and renown. Beverai ?<( the l ttcis bavi bcaa ercompenied wtth rertlfl. I li th" writer haa "aenred bme" foi banh burglailei and otbei ertai i. Otheri have (iitniiai"- t, the good behtirlor of Ihe applicant vini' in prlaon. Pltotographa of th- paitlctpanU and ii ??.-. |i-i ?- rllpp .? i- t. the taeMsnti have acroin pam.'i the r-? iti'--:^ lor altuatlona, from away devoteei ?,f (iu. ?? liady" arl of ?? nlehl hiwhlng." Mr. Davla baj prearrved the voluminoaa eorre ipoin'.en ? (tcrtalnlni ??. tbe "art" whlrh i> llluatrated ln hls plaj "'ii cxpecti al an earlj date to publl^h lt to l!i" publlC T^.'r: MAYOB TAVOMB BTADUSfB Ml.I. Tif oppaaltl u which the Tammany A-spmhirmin .toim Connelly bai io manfuUy melntalned aaalnal the >? nf kenator Btadler*i Klne in bai beee made the baali for a ramov lhat the Mayor and the ho.icis of tbe rlty d parl n nl nr> npon the aame ^Ide wtth Mr. < onneB) and favor the defral of thp ateaeare. Poiicp Commlasloner Martln araa inoted reaaarday as dony Ing tkal tbere araa any truth ln tbe nuaor. r,im ? r Martln weul to Atbanj reeently and i> known to bava rged the Bew-Yorti inomh?r? generally to rapporl the t lll, in- argnmenl was that its naimgui wonM relleve tho piew Vork p llee of tho char::.. ,,f permltl I ilqaor nft"r t a. m. for % eon md lake bom pollce raptatai n-.d thetr detectlvea the power ta blaekmail baii BMaageri and : . Mr. < onneliy, as is weli known, lapreaeati the xixth Dlatrlct, in which Mayor Bvea, nnd his rate ? ihe .-t.nii".' i.iii waa thoagka bg aaem t> be ua. able to tho M.yor*i tagtieoee. Mr. tintnt, bow ever, dlapelled thii rredHehle Inference yeaterday when kla attenllon waa caiied to tfce matter. ?? \^ fa. ;i> the h.ll is eoncerned." tbe Mayor said. ? i bave ool] t, .iu thal if i wem a aaember of tba I.--.-: ti '.?-,? | would vote /or it. Concernlng tho -t.-iu.t Mr. ? onneliy baa taken, i hava ni optnlon to e.xpreiH.'' BEBY1 BCB Ot -i.v KX POfThUBTBB. Trcntun. N. J., Peb. 17.-In the t'mted ht.itea Dla Irlrt ( ourt hcre to-day .ludja- i.reeu scntcncid llenry l;enn.'tt. o\ poateaaater ai Loag Braaeb, ta pay .? fini of $l.HHita aad t? aerve a tPrm of alx months In the Monaaoatb Coaaty Jaii. BeaaeM lmd ploade-i n?.n yult coataaaan to a ebavrga <>: Btfabppraprlating the ami nnl bf monev belonm'ug to tho uovp-h meiii whihj aoataaaaaar at Leae Uroueb. \CROWDED IX FIL1IIY BOOM& CONDITIOX OF HEBREW TRIVATE BCHOOLS IX TENEMKXT HOUSJS8. the nr.por.T or dr. morris to tiie health DBFABXMEHT LEABd To TIIF. 010*1110 OF A DOSBB BCBOOl* ur btereaa Morris, of ihc HeaJUt Patajrlmrnt, who -xently bagaa an eaamlnatfon of tlie prlvata Khoola |n ,,?. ,!,... yeaterday laM before tba Healtb Doard i long report of forty two Hebrew lehoobi ln tenement Uou?c? and lynagogaw In tbe ilalrlel bbc! of the Bowery. There are otber Hebrew prlrnta Behooto rel to be 'c.xamlned, but Dr. Moni- gkwov.d -" ni..nv e-.ndltion- at the onf-et thut he declded to BUba B prellmlniiry report. The aebOoU alraady ix.-iminod are In the bOBaea ROB. i'l and 84 AJIen-at: i;i Ilavaidat, 18 Chrvstie Bt. : 10, 12. ll?. 81, --- ??? and il Baaex-et; 44, M3. ?TB, BOO and 227 Baet Broadway; 83 Kidnd,-e-st.; 81, 83. 84, 41. ? ?'<<l -l Heeterst; T, Id, ji and 27 La4k>w-ot.; 13 Rerfolb lt; 8?, 38, *4 and 4"i ?>rchard-.t.; 10 Pttt-Bt *'"1 1 Caaal-at Tngra ara two aehoola ln each ..f the loncment housos Roa. vj Eaaea-at, 84 and ti Heator st und J7 Ludlow at, und encb of tha boueaa Roa. ?i-'r<-e\ st. and n OrebaadVat oocdalna thraa leparata KbooU. Twcnty-four of tho leboohl ure thu? iucludcd ln fourteon tcnctncnt banaaa In ncarlv every BBBO Dr. Morris found that the scimoi room waa one of ? *ct of rooBta occnpted by tha tneber and lils family. As a rule thc room was not properly Ugbtad ur rantthdad and ???? orer ,,owded. Fiimos of eookfag food and af bsbaeeo sn.oho. betped lo niaho ihe atjno?pheio clOM and danceroiw. goaaa of tha teaehera wora baeketora, but they iBSobed tbafr pfpea and Boohad bfcelr food In ,,,. ri ool rooaaa. Boareoly dna af the party p#o teaehera ,, lM ?peok a wotd of atofllab, and BBWBrnl of th.-ni hurt arriv-'d from RBBtta or I'olalid le*s tlwn B yOBr BfO. ,|,ey were OXpected tO lOBCh tho. HOBIBW taBRBBgO Dr. Morrii was to eoBTerac wltb theai oaly wtth the aid of an Interpreter. Boaaa of ihe Khnotrooaaa wora ln aynagognee, :md wora found ia better eoadttlon a-s to lipl.t and scntilatioii than wer- tho .-elmol room* in tenemenl bonaea, bal dlrty loora, araBa and eafllaga arera netleed In all. DiaetpBao aaaong tba aohelere, ?rboae agea wora from tea lo twebre veaj-., aeoaied to t,e unknown. Bode bencbe* wera tba oalr arUrJaa of furnlture In the roomi .md tlio Kholara wora pen ?dtted to walk al?.ut at wlll. Among the aehoobi In whlch the eondlHeoa woro ex tronK i- anhealthful Dr. Morris incattenad thoaa at Roa. nl Alkn-at., 18 CbryaBo-Bt, i<>. 13, 18, 88 aad 44 EMCX-tt. I 98 Eldii.Uo.t. 39 and :.l nosto-st.. ,nrt it Orchaid rt, and reeomaaended thal tbay be eiosed iv order of the iionlth nonrd. At. No. 39 Heatar-ah b, | ?nd i layer of fUrl a quarter of an Ineb Udi k <>n thf kbooI room loor. ih Dotea i igardlng tba ebool at Ro, 10 Baaex-at, road ; "Thlrd Boor, roar room: a. m. Boaearhal, BrlnciBel. Ten to fifteen boy Kbotara; mooi dlrty ai.d diagyl eqtrancc throogb kttehen; n rery alek woaaan, wife i of prlndpal, trlng on i-ed In kit-'hen; bo aebool far* , nlture, atmo<plierc offen Ire."1 \t \<> 13 ( nrv ti.- it ihe aehool was in thc rear of a baaemenl grocery, and icvcn ehUdren were belng >!iei ? by Jaeoh Levantbal. Dr. MorrU'i rnn ? ttlon and v.-rv poor llght: wit.h tobacco imoke and Mtnc i the ro mi. oi ti-anoe through M ImniI.. endrd an amendmenl to tv I>r >I<>rn- ls'i niiiinoiinon au aiiieiniui.-iii n> uu Sanltary Pnde by arhlch prtente aehoobi ln teoamenl itf.iises ahall be pnihlhlted r\e?pt bv M'"'"ir.l Uoonai _...... ... ..... II....1,1. lf...i**H 11a ... ?,.-...:...,1 th, otl^O tbe ahouid be llmlted m aa to .-:ve Mvwnty enhl. faol I alr t.i o/ieh p?r?->n. Tho ilealth Uoard asrrod with Dr. Morrta I rooonv mondati ,n? and tobl biffl to c-i on with hl- good work. \ft--r ly ce(s thr.u-.h Wltb t ?? Hebrew pHv.ito -,-hools ho *iii begin an examlnatlou of tlie prlvato ltalltu leboaja. WUJT TBFY 8At OF THAT ALMAVAC ROTHIRd LIKK R ANYWIIKRr. From Tho Rorwlcb BaBatts, rhC Tnl.une AUnajiac fot lc'-'l baa bfcMMOBMdI oot from lt- ordlnary ?i?e ?f 1*0 pa?e? mto h thint tiamphlot of neariy 373 p.K?". and rontaln* an amou-.t of ataiiatiral Informatlon neeei befoiT att-unptcd In any one publiuittoii ol BUnJlat aUa and eqaally low c.-t L1TEKALLY " A BUi T1IING. From Th? Tr -y Proaa, it i- i gjaal work ln tae almaoac Hno, and im neoaely citdltable to its eomplle/i and gabBabora. THE BXPERIaVCI OF AI.L WHO rsr. IT. From The IV:t Jortla (iai.'tre. As a bOOh of rejer- BCC thla pnMJcailon l< invaluabla. BXPARDIRQ IN sT/K AND 8EBFICB. Fmm The I'rov Tlinoi. The AJmonac for 1801. |bbI rerdred, l" pi-eatiy on Urged tn lt* acopa aad lu niefulno?a und ralae are iidlngly enhl d B/1TH0VT A RIVAL. From The Lowvillo ui.t P.epbMlrnn. It Is tlm gtaal eagaflabj aud r.-lialdo n-ieronee bo,.U jet i.-s.ied froia aay oBli <?. JIANV LABOXB WOBBB CORTAJR LB88, From Th.- Horrtatown HemM. The ma-> of Irdbrmatlon glven l< roiiiy aomethlng bayond anythlng prev|ou?lr attempted In ihti lliic bj a iv vuhit-her. the labh) "f contenlc preaenti an unoy of suhjccti aufBclenl for an eaeyelopa d ^ AAXURATB A8 fflLL AS FULL. From ihe Palaekl lt is a pei foi t ryelopaedta of teformatlon. Than, Bm, one nmr n-|y i,i, ,t, arcnrary. linalneaa man. farmcra, Grand Army men. ncletHri of e\en- namo and patnre noHrl>, aud politpians wtl] Bnd ln 1 ho Irihune Almanao *lnio>i anytldng in iho way of gaeti and llgurca tliat ihoy may Bgk fcw. THI BBCBBT OF ITJ ri'IUTY. From The Ch? iter |Pi na.) Tbnea. The Aluunac ulins 10 glrt |Btl whal tbe BOOBle waal .md is j.ia.-iieiii in nli the nuttcr prlnied BU1 YOTJ CAN HiY IT F<>lt A QUA8TBB. From Ihe BhiltatOB Jo.irnal. \V,.rtli a dollar t-> eve.y prof. or busluea* Otm FBJtRCll FBfhTRM apprk/iate IT. From La OBBntar dos Ftats Tnls iNow York). The Row \..rk Tribnae has paaflahed the ed.tion of irui of it* rebrhrated a1ihhkh<'. Thla now batae is <\en more aoaaphMc thaa Ita prcdateaaoot, whieh havo in.i witb Bjerited ?uceeee. n ruakea a rolume of 338 i-ipc--. repiete wltb iuiorui.iU.iu of nuuiy bloda ra faiding tae Cnlted otatea,.tog them b im .-f aU the I'ws aaaead by Congraai nl tba btal icaalon due n.erofv noedi te rr-u-i t> tlie alphabetleaJ indea nt the ci??e of tho arorb to tind ihe informaUon whlch bo hi.i> ii -sii-w eoncoralBg uiu Amarlaan Bepuhllo. POLITICB BPLKRDIDLY ".\Ki:F.i?. From The l.iiohflol.1 i:ni|ulrT. tba pany platforma m all tba Btatpt ara axhlblted nt ienkth, a ui>?t valuabk ihuwlng lu wiew ol tbe (erment In tho p UUcal n-'id. A TBBA81 BB II0C81 oi FAfT?. From Tho Oraai Hatoa n-nid. W/a havo u eopj and eOBBt It a BOlfOCt thesauru.. THAT WA< THI IBTBBTIOH. CBRTAIRLY. From The Red WIuk (Mlim.i Bepabllcan. li is nol only Ihe btrgcal e\or |?- n-i !,v jbe Trlbune, and tbe mo?i iraluabk: lu II i niicnta ovor i i? .i lor the pilre iwentj hve rente, bj aay pub |Lsher, but it eontalnc morc wlileh tha average rltlzcn oi any pany wiu neod te rafar i<> witbln j year Uu i any ..m; pablBatlon obtnuibio ai .my prtea, WllY IT 18 PBBFBBBBD To 0THBB8. From Tha Owego .N. y.. Oaaallu. in- largeal and be-l ot the polltlcaJ elmanafi thus far paaead ln tfa ? haadi of tha pnbBc. A BTBLCOXB VI81T0B BYBBY YBAB, From Th i HaJTtabnig Indepeodent fjike aa oid frlend romea Tha Rew-York Tribnna Almanac for 1401, the aamc okl bal cvor new itondby for all horu of Infirmiitlon. TIIF. BDITOB IXPBOVBD HB1 CHARCB, Fmm The F.llenvllle JonrBBi ii i- ihi>-'- timec btrger than aay prevtooi Abnanac i-sii^d by iho Tribnae, aad tii" ?roat enlargeaMai baa enabted tho Bdltor io add an iwmenaa army al ? atlttlei Hnd other fnoU. His RAMB A OVABARTXK OF W..RIH. Fmm The Duttle CrBOfe JoornaL lt i- tditeit by tbe lion Btfwari BePbaraon, for maiiy yaan elerk ot tae I'ntled Btatea Hoaaa ..f Bob reaeotatlraa aad cmlnent a-. a eiireful and truaiworthy ktatUtleian. EVERY t'lVIUZEI) BODSBHOLD NEEDs rr. From Tha Vfood Oonaty .".. BentlaeL There i- probably no pnhNeatlon ln ihc worht of anywharc adar thj ?iic, whlch contalni anywhere noar tba amount ot -tRti-thai InformaUon thal rh" Rra York Trlbaaa Abnanac for 'in fUiea. . . \\'e wtth, ln the Inferest af populur edueation. <'ver\ family had ii. A VfORDEBFTL PIBCR OF fnNDENSATION. Fmm ii.o BtaghaBBbM BapnbBeaa. lt i* a eyetepecdia of 858 pw*. eoatakUng aji Bta aUttutii-> and uoliUcil. aaciaX MllfWiM .-?'?"?" I eornmereu.1. ogrlriillural ..nd other Indnatrtal fldtO 1 almo-t anybodv w.ll want to hnow. and nwreMBBBB auvbodj on earth wBI bnoa bbIon ba BBB BBOB a volume^l Ml baada and wcll ln hanrt. BOXCOF TH08E BflfO CSI IT. From Tba Mount Vcrnon (O.l Itopiihlican. it i- ., rompleto haadboo* for the S^^hJSSt ehaalc. laboror manniacturer. brmer. R*w) poiitina... elergyro.-wi. leocber. or ^Jff,*?J2 lias i.? htoa -f thoir own oi? aoaee no k niu-ua a? m-oiry ln aeareb of trnth. lt la an epttmne or artrythlog u,cfuJ and neecaiary to QiBFygny "'?? FIIiST L\ THE BA8BEAU FIELD. THE AM.VTF.IU bBAOVEl ITHUSllKS ITS PcMF.P L'l.r. OF GAME8 FOB tiif, COMIRO BBABOtT. Thc Aauteur BaaabaU Leafoe, aaabraatsg thclOrea. con. and BtatOB lataBd Atklelbj Club*. ?**?*? Dland Cricket (im. and the Englcwood Held Ciub, haa made out Ita BfBatal irkaadte of u-mics for the a? son. The amatouis ara the tlrst lu the neld. rna lebadelc i- aa toBowi i May B-daatea Waad CHeket Clab ra 6iaten Wand Athletlc Club. at Llvli.fco.ton : Englcwood Fleld Club ?? Cn - MI ABfJcttc Club, al Englcwood. Mnv IfJdBltm Ulnnd Athletl.' Club va. Creseont Ath i.tie Clab, at Weat Bttghtaa; Bagtewead neld Club >s>. statcn latead Crfcket Chtb, at Englcwood. May L'H-SUtc.i Dland Crlekat Club v?. Eujlowood rioid Clah, at Urtegetaai Craaeaat Athiettc ciub ra. Staten I?land AthlcttC Club, at llay Balga, Juno 3--Staten Island AtafoBc Club v*. BBglawoea FteM Club, at BTeat Brlghtaa . Crearaat AthlaBa Club va. staten latead CHeket Club, at rtar /?M O-Staten 1-land Cricket Otab ra. Troeecnt Ath Mir Club, at I.l\ WgataB | BBglCWaad Eleld Club va. Btatea l-land Athleth Club, at Englcwood. .lunoi la-wataa bdaad AthteHa Chtb va. aiaua lateaa CrlcUet Clab, at, \\>?t Urighton ; Ciea-ont Athletlc Club va. Bagtewead FteM nub, at n*y Kidge Juuu IT-Statoii l?land Athlctle Club Va. freacent Ath? letlc ciub. at We-t Brlghtaa; Eagtewwaf FWd ciub \?. staten Utaod CHeket ciub, at Eagleweod. jiiue go-8tatca latead Crlekat ciub ra. Englcwood PteM club, at, Uvtagatoa; Creaeeat Athlctle Club va. staten lalaad athlctle Clab, at rrny lUdge. Juuu il-Siaten I-land CrtCkat Club va Staten Ifland Athletle Cluh, at Llvlngston ; Cecoaaat Athl'tlo Club va. Bagtewead Kieid ciub, at Uay uidgc Juno J7-out-ii l.U.Kt Athl-tlc Club va. Englcwood PteM Clah, at Wmt Brlghtaa; Creaeeat Athletlc ciub v?. Btatea lalaad Cricket ciub, ai uay Ridgo. July 1 Btatea J?:and ABdOtto Club va. Staton Iala/id Cricket ciub, il W. it Brichton ; BaglcWOOd Fleld Club vs. Creaeeat Athletlc Club. at Baglewoad, July B-Btetea lalaad CHeket Clah vs- Ciaaaaal Ath? lctle Club, at Uvtagatoa; Bagtewead Held Club vs. Btatea labiad Athletle Clab, at Bagtewead, jaly ii .-,,'.n lalaad Athlel Clab v?. creaoont Ath h-tie ciui,. at Weat Brlghtaa; Eaglewaad Ftebf Club va. staten isijnd Cricket Clab, at, Eaglewaad. July lt aiitra lalaad Criekot Clab v?. Engiewood Fldd Clab, it (Ll viagatou; Craiccat Athletlc Club va. Btatea latead Athletla Club, at liav Balga. July 18-statm Uland Cricket Club vs. staten IMand Athletle Clah, at UvtegatoBi Ci?at Athlctle Club vs. Baglcwoed FteM Clab, at Ray BMge. July -J? Statm lalaad AAhletl Clab ra. Staten laiaod Crli aat ciub, at Weat Brlghtaa i Baglcwoed Fleld Club va. Creaeeat Athletlc ciub. at PBgMwaag Aucu-t 1 gtetoa laiand Cricket Club va. Creacent AthteUo Clab, at, Livingftion; Eaglewaad Ki?ld*club va. buun l?land Athieii.- i lui., at Eaglewaad. Auguet g >ut, n latead Athletlc <iub ra. Englcwood Fleld Club, at WeatiBrigbtee; Craaoaal AtfcteBc ciub ra, Staten latead Cricket i luh at l'.v BMgc Aogwt ;?, btatea lalaad Crlckd Clab ra. Englcwood Kieid Clab, at Ltilngatoa; Creaeeat ABateUc club st?Mi tala \ Atl ?, ' lub, at Bay Kid*e. Aii--.i?t 72'Btatea latead AtbktWl Club vs. Creaeont Athlette . Mb, it Weat lti.ui.ion/ Eiigl-woiid EieM Club va. hut-n 1-lail Cltefcet Club, at BagllWCad. Augaat 18 Btatea l-l?nd tr,c<et club va. Creaeont Athletlc Club, at Uvtagatoa; EagMweadJ Kleid Club vi. Btatea isiand Atktettc t.iub, at Eaglewaad Baplaaiber o Maten latead AddaUc ciub v>. Suten l?iai,a ' tickct Clab. M Weat Brigbtaa; Engiewnod Eicid Clab \-. ..- ? Club, at EogtewaaC gepHaibii It Btataa tilaad Crlekat ciub vs. ritat?n l?iaml A'lil-? ct?- .< lab, BB UTlagCBM; Cr*rr?nt Athlctle i |.,b v?. Ragliwicd PteM Clab, at nav Kldne. fe'l-tembor 18 BICBill l?land Athletle Club va. Ensla ?,,i i>ii ciab, at Waat BrbBhtaa; Cr.'?s?jii Athiatio , iuii s?. .v-ateii lalaad I kket I lub, ?' Day Btaga, All gaiue* p.i?tiM.iied on or b?if..r?j Scptemher 18 nro i? he pteyed --n or boforc Biptaanbar ;?', and all p latnoned between oeptember 16 ajjd peptcn: t cr :vi aro to be pUy.d <m or l ofore october 18. TIIF. COLLEjOIATS LAChV BRH BCHBDTLE Pilncaton, N. J? Feb, 17.?TbB aanual meetlng of the latereolteglatg LaflBMa tttdB waj bahf on Bafarday, Tbe ehaaptenahlp f..r i?'JO wa.- awurded (.. i.,hkvh Calranlty, Frtoeoton*a reaignaHon from tho laagne ?a6 tbea accoptco. FoIIowIhk 1? a afhedolc Bf tha chaaipioBBBip tames for tho comini? i.o.M.-.n Kay 8, Lehlfb aat, stoveaa, >i Hobokon; May H, Lehlgh *: Johni llopkli i, al rtaPlmoea; >L:.y 23. fctovoii* att. Ji.hna llopUln., ol Haltlmore. A PAB-REACHIXG ATHLBTIC fNl'iN. Tho AaaarteaB Athletle Pnloa baa ?pread its a-ms frota tha .vianrle ta the Pnrirte .irean. All tho jir'.r. cipal ?tbtetta ehrba af Ibe htriie (ooat AtbJette Aaaa elattea h?vo -nt In BBplbXtfOBl tor memboMhlp. Tho Olymplc AttuoBa Clab i; alraady a BMoabar, and tho Betteneo, Aeaaa and Alsfne atbtotle ciubn yaatardai appbed by i?>mph for mcnitoiohlp. Tho Pa. irle r. , ?? v wlU tend !?loirH?os fo tho nnton'i reorganlntlon meetlng, whlch wM be lield at the A ? >r il iu e on Fabru?ry W. fuv. BAME 0FBR8 fTI noons AQAJW. Ayer, bteM., Feb. it. Th- piraf RafaoBnl Baak, whteb nas been elobad pendln| an Inroatigattea of er BpaaMtng*! mi^ unga, wac roopenad for baat neao tbte mornlng, tv..' Rorth BMdteaaa laafftattea (orSai ? ?? willprobabI> reopca for baalBeaaoaFrMay. ih.- .: ? r-. at a meetlng reatorday, rotad to ap |...r ? .i H-ei-iirer ttim will have no connection w:th tlie Rotional bank, ?.-? did aa-Treaaarer BpanMlag. BUICIDB Of l.v OLD AMtlMt. Providcn..'. Feb. IT.-Iroett .1. F. Iiarton, an ar tlit, ^4^lv three yeara old. ?:o found dead In hts itadto, In the Cenrad RtdMIng, al '?*?> thla mornlng by |U, ii- wt with hia fnca barted la a. ipoage Mtarated wltb chteroform. Ila had beca attdbtil demented f'r i iroe tlme. ,t Bl'i WQMJjyg FU1 .vtijr, BCBBlfK Chleafo, Feb. it Al Ihe Werhl'i Faar ?reotory'B .-?,.. committee meetbig laat Blghi Bajor Atea aiuier i). Andorson, ?>f Roa Vork, preaentod hia rtewc regardlBg II.?gaalaaUon I eapoatttoo bcadoaarten ln Rew-York to mb* after Eaatorn afhdr*. Kajon, ABdonoa is a eandMatc for i..anii?-ei af the Row. Vorb efBoa of Bu BtepoarBon. no ia;d bafora iho i.iniinUtec B Blao BTorWlBg for an olaboraie BBtal gUpbV] by all tho of tha world ll a genenil n iv ii piopoaaa Ihal a graad teteraattonal ticet ibaB eralaa avar the roaraa lolbywed by Cnbiaabaa, from gpaln to tba 8/eat Btatea, ikbi ihe Attanttc oaaal and giaba aii tha eeaporta of anj latacarbtnea fmm Ncw Ortoana to Boaton. in 'his way ihe bdath and Baet wouM ie< broughl lato atore tetbaata retattena uith the. Falr, and -io h ? niagnlftcant diapiuy, nt whieh tba Amerlcaa Ravy woaM taba part woaM tood dlcnit\ uiii valoe io tbe anterprtea. Tha eoaaaBBna j^a-. terorabty Unpreaaed with tba aebemo. ln tiu City Counell a reeolatlon aroc aaanlmuooly adopted ealling upoo the diroetora ot th- bYorhVa Tho SUndard Cocoa of thg World, A BabatttntO for Toa. aud Coffoe. rtJBS . . Blrh. IM.-estible. btlniulating.. Roarlibtng. Hartng a pecnllarty delletona flavor? a food and rombined-at a half. ce:it a cup aud UI lor a 1'iinee. OUTEN'S OCOA "BEST&GOES FARTHEST" BF/AR IK.I'Tl'.N'S COCOA C'onca trlcd. ulwnyn uaod") was Inv.'iited und palanlfd nud Is ui:i,l<- In tlnlliuiil. lt is ackaawtedged by the most oaonoM ii... ?,!.- aad lailyatc that i.y tao *p?riai treiiliiicm FAB .?0fTEN'3 COCOA haa aadetgaae, tho anlNblllly ol lha flrih-lorinliia ranatllueiita la iocicaaad flt'ly pcr cent., ?hllc thc whnlo ot tlie flhrra aro aoftenod and mora palatahl> and itlgeatlble. "I.argcat *ala In thu world." Aak for FAB UOU? 8388**8 ?u.i >ukc ao oioar* SILOQI ure DOCTORS ARE AST0N1SHE0. nr.ooi) bpecipiJ; ffl"ai.J"> , have u?c<i your eura \p.i nteaaivelj aafhaj th.- i?ui i.' yrars. ln thc aeataatati ..f all diaeas.-. of tho UET ;*! navo found It aii invaluahle roimdy. and ln no InntajiM k5 no ln?Un?? lS vrgy traly, li. BEwTOB, m. d., 201 o-arbom ava* 11 falli'd 10 eltei t ? parmaiiciit ind co- .|>lri?> ouro. 1 ?i7 27 Eaat 12.5th Stroet, New.Yorlt City. IT. 8. A Januarv 17 laj.jy Thla eerbgca that I. I'liarl.** Ouoalag, afie.- naving t*a? treited by ap-clalUts in tlenaany and Knuland and n<*a lc?s t. say, nut iiiid, veaturad ?? a iaat r?*our<? a u? thc CaetM Iih.od Cere. 1 auiterel Irom umhc ul'-cratLT ln throat. bead and.k Aft*r uttiif thia valnabl* rau-jiiji foi fuur M"..1 a. 1 a.i.-d U|i entuvlt. ,u,<i f- ??, a >, ?J/ novy. CIlAS. 1,1 -.vxixij.*" pieaaant to take, eaajBeohlo to fdaeaam ot1 1 u, -. nr ,4 agp. Sold hy graajjMaa, or aeot l>rp|mld 00 recetpt of prlai to any port of Ha BaMal Prlce, largp ?ite, es.0|| small, ai.OO. ALVA'S BJaUfttUAB gPECIflO CO., iilll", Xu. t( Wall Mreot, N??y.YorB. Falr to allcnce reports <>f la< k of harmotiy in tbt .nniiagcm.'iit hy fonnally reroguizing Director i.eicaaj Davi-, ???. the aapreme Natlonal aa weli as !>>? al ,:\e& utivc olllccr of th(> Kxpos.i. .11. San Pranelaeo, Peb 17.-Tho execatlve committee of thc CHfornle worM'a Falr As?oeutlon has re<om. mended \v. 1. kfaxa ll for the pealtlea ol Uie 1&4 oi Ute dcpartment of horlicuimre at tlie World'i Fajt. -_*,-.-. TBE SAVJSGS BAXBS OE 1HIH &TATK. THEIB fgESOUBCEB AND LIABIUTlES-I-VU'Rln. PBjOM ItOCAIi BAVEB. Albany, Feb. 17 ihpccial).--Somo interastiiig com parisons ?ro found ln the UbuUtums of Ihe au^rjgale mma ?t the watrtona itcm^ in the agemal laporta of tia savings banks of this ntate for tlie U?.t pBBfi and their conditlon on Januarv 1 of thia- year. Theie are Unrty countics which support IMrlBgB iBattteBBhaB, IN aura toula of Wt40M Itaaaa for tho la^t yoai wero a. fU kyeni: -<lll I , . . i-v 1 i??i. uaje. ?on?s ... aanmtagaa- - B3M.3W.S78 ??! .'* ' 1BMB] A l*.rU,4H0 au,aaoj7i 100. l.'i.bia lo.'.iji. :.j a,4>7,7?t M ?130 reeat^aar valaje, etocka aad mjMjm mmm Belim.ted roark*. v'atae, ,-, ^ ar:sisoi atocics and bonoa. Bgg^tBB>Bba,?gj MMMtel atocka ana bonda gW.d73.0U Lo^cd'onatck.::,::??::::::.. io.?n.?w 7,^.oaj raah on l.ana . ",4^ -,'7 li iai 644 1;: AM 650,i'>' ,?*J ?- >'J 0(j9 04 ??'! 800 100 :>>: aw 18:'- !S Interea* ereailed aad paid. Vf>fltZ& m-ow? Nmi.terof open accounw. l'lIL?2 ' ' A%erage of depodU. e.lM?.2<) Sorue of the moat important t?-tals rcported bf tla New-Vork county banlw are as BaJlawl: 18'al. twx>. >?? aalae of **vka ....7.n?.????? ^Sj^S BU a,.d Btetgagaa. ? .TiMH ioT'TTrsS D,.c d.po.iu.r. . 3ao'i8?'o84 m wt na ASoual a.poa.tPfl aurini year W.M1.WO 8? a? ?3 Jraoun. wkdrawn aur'f year W.8^,;^ -" ^^ IJaUrlea aafa.?. 'eeo'.iK* ra/; cocbts. HK WANTS NEITHKR POU W<MI wTt? David S. Brown sccured an injunetion from Ju.tlca \Mrewa, in the Suprerue Court. Chambcrs. latc BB BaaBrdaW. pwentlng the Metropolitan ftibktaapi and Tolephone Company from puttins up taB BOfee ln fmi't of hls bome, at Anisterdam-ave. and Sevent.vserond.-t. Tlie rompany eariy on bunday mornlng put a buga poia a few lnciies from Mr. BrOWB'a BfOporty, I 1 veatcrday mornlng they began to BtflfBf "Ires ln (Mad of hJ? houae. In tho hurry of pn>curinu th* injune? tion. Mr. iirown1* lawyer omltted to havo tho lnjune- - tlon'so axnakag thal Uie rnmpa. y wo-,it bl re^tralned fiv>m atrincing iw wlres in fts.nt of lus house. Th* caae was on the calendar ye-terday morning. ard thc eompaay'a attorney want?il an adjoupninent |or a weck. .ludce Ingraham grandaal the Btfjoam* niont. but l? gaive Mr Brown'a attorney aootber m Jtin.-ti'ai restralulng tlie company fr>>ni atrtn^iiij? Ita wirea. A DKBKKf AGAINST SISTAHR AMO rLF.MFMt. .lusucc Patteraoe. Ia the Bapreaee < ourt, Omaabeta. Iuiinidaj baoded dowa a ieebaaa ta abeae pf ti? rnlon Tru-t (Vtmpany again-t miBem n. m s.suire and HaroM CbBBeoe, for #7a.7iH a^. for Bteoey duo 0:1 taaaa ma?le over a year aga. Tho trust compauy kahta ooltateral leoarety f??r the loms. niTS Of LK-AL NF.WS. r.harlpw Weboear, wheee conviction ao the ehanre ot kUBag Beberl McBell wa* tavaraag by the oen.'rai Term of m. Bapieaaa Court, hos secnrel a writ of liaheas corpus from Ji.stlce lir.tdy, ln the Court of Oyar and Teimtner, ln hts attempt to securc ht* ra leaaa on beiL Jaatga Inirraham, ln the Supreme Coirt. chiinibrra. yaateraay grantcd a stay pcndlnu' an appeaT lo th? Coati of Appeala in the ct-o of AagaaaUl Daly a-;aif,-.t tlw thrco aeuirs ln OauBaW ABaberg** OomBBBy whu licncred aa lujunnion of tha Sapremo Coarl ant pre duc. ii the play ?? lne WIMe Jagd." Jodae Freedman, in the Supertor Court, yeateraay uppomted Francla tynde Btetson as referee in the Fulier divorce ouit, in whl. h Letreaba Ifeems i? toa. 1 orespoude.U. -? ???? rnniT CAIaEBOABb fOB TO-DAY. Bnaatam Caaut Oaaeral !'? m liaeed. iupreue Court-?hamber? llefon Ing ahaiu, J ?mo tlou ralendar, Soe. 1 to i'< called tt u o< lo k. hunreuie toart. Huecial lenu-i'a t l U.-loiv L^ttetaaa, j.-.\o?. i-..u. I4i8, wa, tiio, weo, :11a oao. buprnae ( ourt-op?clal Term I'art ii- ll'.("r,,,1'f?0'l;-J. . N,.v 800. 1135. llto :?"'. 1418. I'.'-' 10*0, Mll. '?>? >? lli;t 1017 iv... .".."l ldl.. . . , surn 1 ? i ircoii- l*art 1 Bel 1 ' ?" ? J' Boa. 2B16*t, 2910, 2883. 2221. *-'?'? *'&*< ''':''.'' g^J 1*10 i.J-i. 1109, alSl. 3027. 3u.,.">. -P-o n\0. *JA?. S040. ;WH. 3042. 301".. 3048. :i'M7. B>J8. .t.^t' Mtwrttta . o.ifi-.'art II !?**?? J'lv."1',-,..' Bea 42?, 2M9. :?>>???? ???!?'-?? 5?80, 2?7, H-.'a. *>?. ?y>2;l 17-d soof. t--'. r.n?. 2870, VM>\>*, 183, -u*>. 2B70 nVit.' 1090, 2:.2S, \'A:* IH">l-. -'..-?. BaaaaBM Coart-ClreaH raw lil-AAiowtm m taa '"aapreajM ueari Llreeit. Bm? IV- Before Aaeaaare. J - 1 aae on. iiovi.- \> lhird bveaae Kalliaad l aaayany. N? r"^'c:,! ?. i.v,n Betaee paatam ? ^n'"f,r'l I li wrallicr lO:B)a. m '''' !,M' ;,t'',1, ,. '' rhomai IKiah M I llAfent and lotm H*rrman, 10 a. m. . moma* Uoadby aad a. H Ktogab) - ,. ?-,,, M.,pi, a BuiMrtorCeurt-Citvtral m- )? " :',"! p ,? 1 \3 Miprrior Coarb bptclel Teraa- Behae 1 iiiiaaBi J .0. ,,7,fs-,,?.nor c-ir. -?! r.a. Tt m. i'ar'. 1 Be8aja MeAdaaa, ^ka&ruw'ceait-TraB Tam-Farta II aad 111-AdJ^rned "rimnion" flaea ftmrnl ?iibi UBmiaag BBta ikh r':a.vVan... pieat gpccla. Terai Btfeee Prper. *?-**> 0^ n' Mi Ml Blifflll 817 .?.?;. Bli ?1. BSS. 09>: 824 82A025) 457, a'iB. 6?. 830. 03L _ 1011,1,011 n.a? 111..1 it" 1J,t U-BeBDN amm, j r,r;-X'^'i-.'Z fi'r'i'i. Yerai Pari ui -Baiori D eamawaa, Cliy Court- Sppcl.l Tera -Prtorj >( f^Ttit&T^ n?^l%?KBtV*nt **bu vXTwt, mS, **H K,',,vVo,?lvt.,. 1 ?.,-.. **nu ??:;-:4'-|?',;{9,r-J N .vo. ?? >in M17. 1883.3832, 247?, ?04..eHW- . 'tS^i^sss: BaW?Ji ?a-;r??-, . ";47" v:<33 2380, 2?1W 2T17. 2117. 2100. .".'??".'. ???"-; i- -iv. "??a 2MV 2200 2324. *-?, ,?rr. nV Oyer and T-.-imI,. r Ih r.,r.. I.rvir J.. aadAfc ?Kiwiit Di-.-'i'ii'\s \\<:ii. mi 1. .1 8 1 - soa. 1 aae ? !*. n ..f ... .-..l Seaalona Part I Before Cowtae. !?? aiui'v'-i^ni DiaUlcbAltomey gemi>-Bea 1 M 21 Bf '"'rl'im o' neneral Beaataaa- Part lt- Bfp- Baatab. BL, and \-?l-Un.. l..-.r,t.Mt..racy W,,k.-N.-. 1 to 10 I.,. cl,)*Jv'.. .. 1 -n..?ii BcMltma rart III-Bafate Maitaab ., A:rv:i..u.^Ul?'y swplr-.No.. 1 ^ 6 h> ilualve- ____ ITK H4P SF4I> ^S'>i;r />;-V,; R!D(iC From Thc IlutTal) Exprcs*. ?? Piavinir Iniun ." .w^ed the man who tends furr.aca, a. ,1. i.o kvca,-. d ?oT..f tho family maa> bla ippear Mce1 with atreaka of baiebdaat daabed m hls bbbb and a 11,1 1011 aliawk ui hls hand. ?Yej>.a j ., -Whit are vou coliic to do. .. ,- . ??lioiii' up to for. Forter to sca.p two or threo Ba> dier*" . . ??Oli, I wraldnt.1 -r.ut 1 wiii.( ?? WelV Vo'u' see. If 1 do. the (.orernment will BBBl me to Waahlngton and show me the alsbte, taka me to tln-atrcN. introdaee me to ihe I'reaident. MM 111 have ? royil goog tlme all itoand. Tiuts the ankf real lului'is are treated. Oh. I teU Jou lt pay? U) M ?