Newspaper Page Text
_ *_-3^a V*?L....l^l(fl83_ NEW-YORK. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1891.-TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CEi\TS. THK ARGENTINT/S liOVE, BL'SINESS BUSPENDED FOR TWO DAYS. BV A DECKBE. fHE P^NICKY Fl.IT.I.N'f; TM!-: CAT'SH ABBJOXBt -A SYN'-DICATF. TO l.KNI) THK GOVrilNMENT TWENTY MII.UOM DOLLAP.b-TIIK TAX 0\ PRIVATE BANK DE POSIT8 To BE BBOlISHED. Bueno? Ayros, March 8.?The Aigcntine GeT frnment taaaed a deeree yeaterday whleh aoapeada Bnalncaa an the Bonrae, in the Cu_.ti.ra Honae aml l? th*- banka f<>r twa daya, to-day and te-merrow. This deeree waa isMicd in view of tbe diatuibed state <.f trade, the Bnanolal aaxiety preTaiUn*. and ti.e general feoling of panta whkh exlata la all eirdee. The deeree anneuacee that ihe days men tione.l are to bB ohscrvid as holulays, bnt tlie real reax.n for the suspofisioii of busine^s i> to tiy to save the I'rovincial Itank, about whleh so meeh bas been bbM reeently, trom diaaaier. Ihere has heen a mn on the bank foi severai davs, BBd it is belicved that it did not daro to opeu its doors to-day. A syndi.ate c.m.poscd of 120 itiercbants has ar ranced a plan hv whleh it will lend the Argentiiie Oovemn.ent tl.e BBO of f20,???.?0?. Cenae Mnentlv, the Government haa decided that i.o fresh issue of paper money will be made. and tha' the tax of I per eent reeently teried aa aU de aaMta in private banka will be aboliahed. Senhor Lopea, tbe Miniater al Flifnee, baa re aigned. He will probably be aneeeeded b? benhai Wirburra. Fan*. March fi.-i^spat.-h.-s received liere from Baaaaa Avrcs say that it Ls baped that the two haUdaya (to-day and to-n...rrow. ennounoed bv the Government will fheUltate the s-.'1'l.n..'nt of the eiMBC .'ommereial and linanelal d.tli cnltie*. Tl.e reports also say that the opinion prevails that a forced papei bBOJ H inevitahle. London, Mareh C,-" Tlie Stan.lard'.s flnanClal nrtiele to-day, referrini; to ihe lirm which is said tn be in tr.-uhle, declares that ita support by the BrmB BBBBpaaiefl depende apoa the pending investi gau'.n Inte tlie eonditton el the lirm by mcoub tanta, laYolving the delieate .iuestiou ol valuatiou of South Aniericau aeenritfca, Altii.-.npli there have beea nuaen of late legardtng the iltaatton of flnanetal b?B1h la London the New \oi-k rtook market gave BtUe reapaane lo them aatU j^tei-div. Tbere waa aa laenaaa In the aetivtty ol ?j,e.-.iin.|..n. but peieaa fell away. For a Ume there ?a, n f.-ee i Ireulatlon of dfcqaletlng reporta and the I r 1 .i- ot .h..- ralcMe ta London waa .<> tbe effect that tlie head Ol ihe large baiikinc booae of Contta ? < o. had tai.e.i Ma life. The aatheatlc rable dlspatchea ex pbdned thal Ihe nilelde had beea eoanaltte by a Jantor niet.iher of the tirni. a young man. aad it waa not be lieved that tinanclal ticul,!.'- WBTB tha caoie. ral kBdad t.> aiL-.v |he aatraeacaat Meaa ol a posslble rno mi the baahlag mtmee and the atoch market railled Bhghtly froaa Ita extrams depreedoo. Tha toter dli patehea telhag ol the siiuati...i In Bnenoa Ayrei weit I'oiistruea as fav.nal.le; tlie aaBOBBeeaaent ol the eu foreed hottdaya ta the ArgenUne capltal belng offset bj ihe new* that ihe ..ovenniient ha<l b<-en aaalatad bj B loan of POO.000.000 fr,.m Ihe nawehanta. lt wai the paeral o?taleo ot hoaaea WMeh have ehwe Baropean eaauBeettaw Mtea tmrm part ol th" dlaintottng rumon ln London were the pioduct of Bfecalaton who dealltd IB depress prices. There were uo further aaplleattoaa for p.-ld for ex port at the A*say oiiioe paBtarday. A theoo waa balll up by wnie parBBBfl i-liat tne rca?on why p.ld had not been ordered wn- baaaass of tha fraeUco of the A*?ay oSoe ta wlthhoMfeg aU appllcaaooa tor bajate te I.i7cct..r of the un.ll after -2 p >?-*"f^*&> jitjv, gald tiuit tl.t-s pmetlco wfis slnTpIr tp minlmlie tlie bton ol tne Dtrertor ol the Bl.n und ot Ollte nrr D^pmrtn.ent ln foi-mally passing upon requ'V.t* fo coid bar* BO effort w?t beim: niade to ob-truct an outwai-d movenient of gold. an.l lf. ln order to cet any n d 111 Ume tor the early steameiv ol :uiy oaeeeedlna S"v he. (Mr. Maaon) would the .-iistomai-y telo craphir reqnwt lo WMUafton belordS o'doch if it wa, fleilred. _^__, GERMANY'S NAVAL POLICY. Bcrlin, March B.?DaHag the. del.ate ..n the motion for ti.e aeeoni iaadla| ol tha Navy bndget ta Ihe Bdchllag today Herr Kicliert said that it waa 1m possible for the nmntry to bear tlie pipidly taereaitllg biu-den* which were lmi>"-"d up?.. lt. Dr. WladthOCat, the leader <.f the (ortre. said that ho would siippi.rt the ?eeMon of tlie ooiiimin..-. Berauay, however. could not l>eir t.? suppoi-t B N.w equal in atNBfth to of Baglaad. Thti eoaatry could bear her large -Navy beeaaat her Army W fcmnii. in eoaeUulon l?'- WliMthorBl ?aM: "1*1 the Government submit. not line morAa, bnt a pi-a.-ti,;.] gebeme for Btraagthental UM Navy. The Qavern ?enVfl popBBBBI have tivated p-rror througliout Gei many." Chnneellor von Caprivi srpued that thn propoaall were tbrnteef M thOBB mad" in IB8B. The MlnWi'v. he uM, wore aaaalataaa ta Ihe optal... that more moneo would not t? BeetttA. The Chaneellor proposed thal th^ vote for the tw,? new ironcladi ahoeM be retarned ... t'10 fiiiflBH <'oi.imitt.H-, when doabtteu aoaM agree ?wai would be an-ive<l at. Dr. \Vindth..r-t agreed to th',-., and the House approvod ot tiic BBgjeallon amtd ehaers. Herr uwhier .ontended that the revelattoni of Ihe eaaaaalttee in reirai-d to the Navy, eapeelally In reaard to tl.e aewJrondaia not exeeedlng Bfteea knoh aa h'.in-, evoi.ed anlvenal astonlshmeat The eredH, lie -.a.!d. miKt bc M...-.1; l.ut be arged the in-.i---.ty ..(!i in biiildinK tli.- aaa iblpa. Kniperor william baa pre eatod t<> Herr Koaelelskl, ii I'oiiah <>f tbe Beicbxtog, wbo li a tfrong bupporter ot the Government'). navaJ pollcv, f paintliig of the tleet ol the Greal EJeetur. The 1:1:1 vv^- tc r.impiinicd with an autograph letter from the Bmpcror, statine that th." palntlng w;.s Rent ln reoognltlon ..f 1!.:: KoacleliBl'i majifnl advocaey of tbe Intere-ti ..f the Orinati Navy. Iu hla letter lli> signs Mr.:-?lf, "Your p-ateful i::i jm-i. .r Kliitf." -? M. HBEBBTTI OH KMi'Ktxs PSBDERICCfl visrr. Paii-, March .'..?The "XlXine Blotde* lo dav tml> lish'-d an tatarrlew wlth m. ii'i-iK-tte, tiif Preneh Am baaaaahif u. Bartta, ta 'he caarae ?f whleb Ihe Aai" bussador said that he thought that tlie Fiaaeh arti-is, in retaalag t., ba repreaeatcd al the Berlln ezhlbltion, ot.eyed the ordtrs of a few blusterers. 11 wm Uloctco] fer U.i- Brtlsta 1<. e.xhil'H at MbbIi h and Btattgart, and ..1'Ji-ct to c.Thil.itirig ln BerllB. The m Kinir ?-??-, vlill la Parla was iK-rhaps Impradent; and wai ander tiilini without eoaaaltlag any ..n.'. M. llerbette deuiied having beeo Kmnded iu reaard to Emi>:-es, Praderlth'a faaraey. laylng thal the French i.ov.-iiimeiit *iis i.ot adrlsed of ber Intentloo i.i vltii PBria untii the u..y before iha arrlred Iheie. rhe Frein li Aahaaaadot added lhat, althongb h.- w:, m advin-aie uf a Franeo-Germao alllance. .'.itii. ng taeb a thlng laapoaMbh), be h?'ld tbal every ?-it<.rt oaaht t<. i..' iu;;<i" K. reeaeva the itialn al areaeal e?latlng betweea ih>- two eoantrtea. m. llerbette warml] pralwd the Emperor for hl- -?t'-'.ne ehararter and Indomltable will, saying that he wa- desilned to a. hi.-vc great thlngs, rh- "Kehode Parti" ....lav announoes thal tbere n redi.u.'l.'d a.-tivitv nt the inllltarj worki at l. nrgea, the Mmiitcr of War havlng tent an order t<< donble Um P-cafnctioB of cartrklgea. T11F. IBI8H MTIATION. Dubiiu, March .i.-ii: tha eppeal for money to f..rm a l'arn.ii rampalfn fund the Lord Mayor ol Dahlla, lueapb M. Meade. 1. P.. and the Hlfb Bherlfl ?.f Dablln, .ibi-i.'s >i.,-mi.-, ara appolated lieaaniera of tbe fund. Tha ap]?-al put< 11 .711- IMle t?. Iha fr >n. aud d? that the indu^U?la! dev.-l..piuent i.f ln land a-.d . ivil aid leligious Uharty BBBrt be an es-ential part of lri-h wlf government. ? I. I don. March <i.- NmI week Mr. Pai nell will issue B manifosto Ut Ameilcai: IriBhBBBB. Mr Pop- Henaaaay Iva.-, written lettais to prlBBM and orneii in Irataad, la whleh hc a--i?ru thal he o .t bid Mr Maruell iu the '* tiie H.'me KnW BMBB ures whleb he dr^npd. il^ -avs t'..t hc deaiand* c n trol of cwrytbiii,', in.Iudiug tlie euatOBM an.l 11*. *1 iy? tems. i.imerlck. March ti. At the openlng ol the LlmencK Ai--:/.?* todav. the judg.A Bnnonneed tbat they wera rejoi.ed that t?i<? condlflon of affain ln t:.' clty a::l1 .-oiinti- had laproved, and that boycottlng and fie "Plan of fampajgn" bad eanWhed. THK rim.i.AX RKBEL6 BHOBT OF AMMUNITIOX. UadoB, Marcb fl. .\ dlipatcb t.. tbe Bxehaage l ' P>>h Compaay f'-..m etnii wya thal InforaBBtlaa ra *ive4 from officiai aoarcea ihowa that the Chlllaa ta MapBM aie Bhort <>f aiiiiiiuiiitiou, and thal the] there M| refraln from mahing an atta.k BfOfl the capltal, *Mtnjo ?a Chill, where the trooys are well araied and ],r> |,,i:,'(i to Biake a rlgoroei defence, Prealdent Biaceda'i parttaaaa are ol tbe opinion tbat ? rl i eif'irt upon tba part of tba GaverBBMBt trouij.s will quell the lebclllon. -? THE RESULT IX CAXADA. A CONSEKVATIVE MAJORIT. OF MORE THAN TWKNTY. UXKISTEB FOsTI'.i; RE-ELEOTBD-SIX JOHN F.X BAU8TEO ? CAVADIAM AM) RMGU8H PRESfl 0OMMEMT8?THE ri:i:i_ I.Mi IN WABBIKGTOlt. Toronto. Mareb 8.?Tbe followlng mmmtfy of the resull "f ye?ter__y'a elacttoB ta eompiled from |al ? corrected returra: Total in,ml" r ,.f se.ta, 216, ln thr.-e of Wbleb?Alg88?, ont., Hontln'gdOB, Que., and Caribou, 11. C?cl'.llon.s WOT* not lie!-. Ontarlo, BS aeata. CouaenratlYee, 40; Ltberala, 4'>. q . i ,,-, .. it-. ConaervaUvea, 28 Liberalt, .1,1. Hava Beotta, 21 teats, CeaaemUves, it, Liberala 1. Hew-Branawlek, 10 s.ats. CaaaarvaMvea, 11; Llber al-. ?".? Priaefl Bdwaid IMand, C Itata Conaervatlvs, I; Lib? erais. 4. Mariitotia, 5 icata. Connervativea, 4| LtbetBlB, 1. British Colunibia, 0 a.ats. ron-ervatlvea, 5 : Ubemla, 0. MatthwaM T, rritory, 4 aeata, CeaaeilaUeaa, 4; Llber a's u. Xead-CeBiarraMvaa, 117; Liberais, a*>; a Caaaetiattva majority of '-"-'. ? _ In Ihe three _OBatit_e__Clefl yet ta clert, the COn aervaUvea wlll probably eanp two aad the Llberali one. In t>;e ahove siiminnry, two IfldepeadBBM in Qtieliee are clflflflcl wltb t'ie Oonaervatlvea and oae KatlonBltal wltb ihe Liberais. Oaa Indepeadeat ln Jfew-BraBe un u is elaaaed with the Ubarala. mi- John MacdonaM wa? emapletdy exhaaated t" iiiv. He gol ap, deaplta tbe advlce ol bl* phj and anawcred Ihe h_mdred? ..f eongtotulato-y f' - poured ln Irom aU qaartera. Tho Premlei haa nti-'ily loal his rolce, bal expevta to be all rtgh. BgjBln in .1 lew daya In an Intervlew wilh nn Ai BocUted Pitai eotT-Bpoifflenl to-day be eatlmaied hU majority at between thlrty-three and'thtrty-flve. .\ diipatcb fr.'in 8t. John, n. 1;.. myi later letarn* from Klngfl Oouniy, S. B., aay Ibal George B. Foater, Minlatet "f Flnance, la eleeted bj ? amall majority. Commentlng on tbe eleetlon. "The Bmpiie" my ??The lasue momentoua. Tbe UovernmtBt waa BaaaUad witli a bltterneafl almoai onpreeedented In oui poHtlra. By ealltng In torelgn aid, the OppoalUon leaden hmi themflelvea to a dlflgtaeefal attempl to aubverl the Independenee of Canada aad t" overturn Brittah ruk oa this contlnent The pi.'t tini_s and lebemlBgi arere worited oui andci ihe cnise of a aednctlve eommercial poliey. Tbe .LA-.-nimi'tit ol Blr John Xaedi naM haa bea nmphantly rindleated ln the lace c,f ihe world. Tho pollry ..I anreflirlrted reciprorlty, or annexatlon received Ita quleta*. .'.nd the oM flag. i?M leader BBd old poliey have received anch an Indoraemenl Irom the ,!..-,??. o| canada ns to iweep Into obllvlon thdi detracton .-inci foe?." -The World" iaya thal ;> number ,.f border wmn lies ol Ontarlo have defeated tbe GovernmAil 1 rndl datea, and to thi* extent the Innexal iy claim aome galns. Before another general eleetlon I held, it eoaUnnea, tbe Wlman h,<i wlU have pasaed awaj torover, "The Maii" iay?: "Taklng the eleetlon aa ?-. whole, it will be :. diaappolntmepl lo both ildea. [_ flte Llberali, becaaae the beadway they hare made In On tario ntici Qaebeo bai been nnWfled by tbe ad tha eleelorate efcewhero; aad i" tho Government, be raaae it iiid noi sweep tbe country." "The Globe" iaya: "The pro*pccl before t'i- Rov ernmenl i- noi an Invltlug nne. lt ha* been terribij we ih.-I ..t tbe polla. The Preml ir'a ri Me - i< -< li< bave dertroyed anv hope ol lt> obtalnlng ani relaxa tion of Um Unlted Btatea tarlfl In oar behalf, and bave 1 iciit'd aa b-tetton in the aUodi nf our netghben whlch may produc.- ? vil f-n|t tor ns before lon.r.'' Londun. M,", h '.. ??!'!.? Clouo." Hii- ev.'i.inj?. re-' ?arring t" the Canadlan eleclV/ns, aay* Ihat tbe CBB8 dian (.civerntnent BOW h.i- a fr<v hafld, BBd ean eon eiude the iittpnllalhina with lha Unlted statea wbleb were peadiag before tbe electloaa. -The Glabe" thHt ihe MK,_t gratltytag feat-i. ol ti,e re*_11 1- n ilgalfleaaea :.s ? proteal agalnal annexatlon. -The st. .lames's Gasette" - ? Ihat II 1- a _onree of prid" end plearai- to Bngl ihmen to nete 1 - sponse atade to the annexatlon ery. "linve yoa beard the aewa from canadal" ?a.s the watchaord yoaterday of tbe Canadlan rolony .vin,', tealiefl abonl Braataa Wlman'* ofllce. Mr. Wlman'n rlewi on the reeaH ol the Canadlan eleetlon4 1 be better expreeaed than by the anawer ?t. t lo Um IbUowlng si.-. ,-ii, telegiaai from Rlchard W h Turv aewapaper man "i Mcmtroal. Mr. Whltc vxha.i^teci tbe Canadlan roeabnlary ,,f i,a?i wordi on Mr. win.i,,'- devoded h'-i'i dnrtBg the 1 gaatertay telegraphed hlm : Montreal, Qnebec, March >'.. To Eri-tiis tVlman, New Y !;. . liave \.,n lieard from < anadal We are bappy. if" iiahi. w inu;. At Mr. WlxBkn'fl direction hla prlvate aecreta ? out and senl over Ihe wit-.- tln- followlng dl patrh ; To Rlchard White, "Oaxette" Offlce, Montreal, Queliec. Only the imly i:??l maiht lie happ.\ nnder -u verslty. As tln- Duke ?'f iVelM ? tlw bnt. her. bill ls large.' rwo Ml killed, the rtorvii or. do*] d. ?! ind Ihe majoril down ;it l--a t ?:.?? Ii'iif. I 1 .?:,_.'! ilnl ,t<- yoll ',,, I i.,ll\ and oomiiifl oui ?troug, under '.'?? clmn t.m ? . ERAKT1 8 W 1MAN. To hl- many callera, Mr, Wlman expre**ed h II bi well mtlsfled wlth the ontcome ol the L'anad m eleetlon. Tlie resull waa ? ral lAnUal trletory, hc ?nld, and tbe LlberaJ party ?.i- noi 1 >?'? I ? 1 ? '?? vl< torj. The ele. lion liad boen f..1 nn (I em n nd dorily il,,-, liad hard 1.1 liad llme l?, formulal 1 plan nf , :iiii|'.l-;i. much !? - a poliey ,.! li He tmdei ? id thal Ihe majority ??'?:- n narroa tl John vonld (..iv,- the greitvM dlfficuliy In 1 irryl ? ? i!,.. Oovei ument, .."i the I.I raj party would 1011 e oot triumpbanl ln the m u- fntnre. ? ? VlIK AI.MINKI'llATl'.N N. >T INTI'.I.' l-> il'l). Waahlngton, Mareh B, Bacretary Blalne taid thh BMralng thal he had nothlng t., bj In regnrd to the Canadlan eleetlon eaeepl tbal there aeemed t., be an intpn?..... tn quartera t il r d nl llarriaon' Admlniatratlon wai Intereated ln tbe eleetlon, ?? .\ a matter <>f fact," he tald, "Uie Admlnl trancn li ntieriy Indlfferenl n- to the i-itit Itone "f the memberi ot the Cabinel tooh any Intcreal In tbe matter. ;,.<! , itc-il le-W llblUt il t II t.i '( .,1,1.11.Ill ll iriljy Ilo about our electloii?." TWo BTEAMER-I DAMAGED IU COLL1 I'.v. London, Marrb ?'.. The Brltlab ateamer VTeatban has arrlved al Plymouth In a damaged condition, hav kng.been la collMon yeaterday, "tf the Ltaard, with the German .teamer Wandrmhm, from llamburg, M 1 h 1. Ior Jlew-York. Tbe Wandrahm proceeded. i1 Wi'-tt.iiiv !::,- i large hole More In her de, and liei afterboM li flllod wlth iwat?r. The Cunard 1 ateamer Calalonla, Captaln Atbln, al Uverpool foi Boaton, whlle lylng at anchor it, Ibe atream "... run Into by the liiiti-ii .teamer Merchanl Prti . Tl c.ital','.1:1 wiis damaged un Ihe porl ijuarlcr. -:,?' bIH 1m> rompellod ln dUcha ire lier rimo and go Into doch fnr repilrs. The Merrhuul Prinee wlU al_o bc 1 j. i : to go t.i Uie ,1 ?";. t.i repalr, bul it v.iii noi be iry for her 10 dlscharge ber cargo. ? ? i:i'i:i.\l. OP l.Ki'.v \::i) JBR. iMR London, March 8. !.?? n ud Jerome, of Kew-York, w;is burt. 'i lo daj In Ken ,1 Green Cei t 1 he Ih,.:. waa broaghl Irom Brlghton to Grovesnor I bap I, ln gouth .\:-.ii??>? -t.. \v . wbere the reUgtoni were conducted b] the Rev. W. Foater Kili u. From tbe chap I the b dj was taken to tba cemeteiT. Mn. jerome, Lord and Ladj Randolpfa Churchlll, Mr. 11 I Mr ? Moreton 1 ??? re he 1 11 -1 State Mlnlal -t. tha ll.,:. Roberl r. I.i::, ln. the I nM d Statea 1 0 ... ? ? al, tlie H".. lohn. C Sfew c- German \m ba~aador, rouni von llatzfeldl WlMeiiburc, and 1 thli 1 fi-i'-i.ds weif pre ent nt the runeral eeremonica. - ?s ? RBSl'L?I FROM THK Koill I.YMI'H IX GERMAXY. Berlin. Mareb 8.?Offleial Goveraaaeat rtattatlei bave I,eeu i>re;.aic4l of 2,17-J e,_-es ,,( tabarealoali '1 "ated by the K,.i h method fmiii tha middle ..f Vovember t" the end ol December. 01 caaai nt latarnal tabercaloala, 13 .,;. reported cured, iti eoadderably Improrad, i>4 iiniir.'ved aad 49 died, w-.ii,. ,,f caaefl ol exteraal tuberdaloai* . 15 are Mported cared, 148 ronalderablj Improved, 887 Improved :. <i 0 died. The itattatiri are Incomplete aod Bia aoi fi. ai Ike abc ss uf i'p,?.?--..r K'?h'- rein.-ii.T his axcoeded ererj ai 1 Ipa H..11. _ Wll.l. <>F CARDIKAL XKWMA.v. a London, Mareb fl, Tba wlll "f Oardl ..1 Ifewauw beoucatln all his Bwntucripti ai.d eopyrlgbta ,'f booki lo UM H<'v- Ur. Xevill.-, Ins reai and iBBaBboW Btap city to Um Bev. Mr. Miaa Bad ti>e wbebi <.f Hn ru_iduc to Me._r_. Xc-villc. l'olleii ai.d __8?8881. all ol uii,,iu belong ... the Oratory nt Edgbaatoa. Iha whoM 1,1 the Cardl li ralned at ?3,574. ? - OUTLRflNG THK UBERAL PROGRAMME. an ) \IU.V rm.i:\mt-: PBOM MK. GLADMOXC I'.Xfl'.i'TIT) I'AUMI.L- COPTBIGRT -th:. CEM81 I < Copynght,- 1F.H , Uu thi 9aet~9 rk ilBWfaflB Prtlt, London, March fi.-Thc LJbeial nflfi.-ial clrrlo exp^d an early 4 llverance from Mr. Gladai ne on th* psrtv's ehsctoral programme, whleh arlll etther be liened as a ipectal marlfcito or deelared In i.i- eamlng ipeaeb at Hastlnga. The pHvaie and penttteal Biitiaaly ol a number ..f Icadlng adhervnts t.> nake hla attltnde t Um Irtah party dellnlte aad aaailetahable baa tiiniiv eaa .-d i.iin to deetde ta ipeah oat Mr. 9mt iicll's rciteratl n ..f aa Braneea i" the ir,-h people that bv rapportlng him tbey wonM BHImataly brlaf ahoot the anrrender ol Ihe aiadstontana li re*etiiod kceniy by Bngllsh LlbeM leadera. Mr. Gladrtone'i Btteranee i, expected lo l-t tl.'- worM hnow thal it the iri-ii people rharoplon Mr. Parnell Ihe Bngllah Uberala will abandon Home Rale. Hr. i'li-::'-!:-- delegatea t.? rtiaerlra will leave here ..ii Banday. They an- greatly cheered l.y tli.- aabta ii--iii-,ni..-. ol the vvaiiu and wMespread mpporl "f Ihelr Aiii" ...inpalii..!-. - t'.! IreU-id" con i'.i-i- thedepartnreand proapeeM .f Messra i.connor, Keily, Redmond and Harrlaon wlth ihe pa.-tial eol i,p.f um MeCarthylle BilMton ptapaiatloae. Tho r.i:u,--t Bngltob frfendi .>f Ihe McOarthyHee ara be glnning to d.-pair "f tli.'ir al.ill.v to malo- IleadWBf agalnsl ii.f rigor aad icHvlty ,.f the Barnellttee. Mr. I--:- elFi tpeecH al Clerhenwell waa a pointed Md he Ihe labor vote. II vv .- ..;-.. neanl .,. entlca Mr. i.ivill, bal Only ~lin-*-,) np Mr. I.i.vilt'- .-uil'.t. The oat i-i.'-i'.f eertaln prl u I papeiinaheia over Ihe Amerli-an Copyrlghl bc| do n,>t iiid any r -]>,.ii-.' .-M .? ..- wme <.f Ihe greate t Bagllab pnbltahera. Mr. Longmaa, ln au Intenriew, i l tbat he v*.i* re j..:.-? -<i ii tbe p.'. -.!-??? "f tho a. t. i- a reeognltloa "( Ihe prlnclple ,.f literary property. H? thlnlu thal ni'1-.i pni.ii-ii.-r-, wiii t," left in a naotral 1"'.. whlle thoae havlng \ ??? an bonaea may po I be beneflted by Ibe i L llli Brm, havlng a Maneh iu Ameriee, vviii, when neeeaaary, haw ti;.- t," im ln lype Ihere. He idmitted t' .. Engllah prtnten .. ,i ;.. permakera wonM be Injniwd, as an anoaal "f trade wonM certalnly )"? dlverted from tbem. Iha ,i, i wonM not bring tbe mUlcnnlnm to Engli*h aatboia. ? ,,i gpnttla* ? le'a, the gn al (-.v-.-i i e . juii...-:?-. aay - the < ?pyrigbt at t will nol bave .-. effecl on ih<- pnbtlahera. Tliere will be a tremendoai w i le .,f Ume ln endlng : to and tre between Bntfand and tbe I'nlled Btatea. Tlu- papcrmakon are more alarmed. A depatatMa pro]. ... vv : i m Blr Mlrhael Hl I ? Reacb, I-- ? lenl of the Board ol Trade, and demand (,,?> "-iini.-nt action t> prevent lerloni Injqry ;? trade rhe worb of tah . ? ??- i f the llrltfah F.mplra vr:i- begnn Oll Tlll I i I ' -1 ? ' ??'. to .-ii.inhi,11,10 i,.i,,;..t ,-1- in [ndla, .agaln I - I .oti "? i -i rhe Brltl ih !-!?? will i ?? tiiken a month hence, and II i- rsllmatcd that the popnladon v, Ml -' ? ? n of 15 per cent. i I.--- : ! ? /a. haa tlgned tho Knglish t'onimlttc-'s fundltig >eheme. A CARD FR ttl AN ACC1 -ED OFFIl I\h i.i i er i \v\T's RTAitTUJcn <,,.mmi.\t CATION TO A R'.VIVN m:w-l-MT.K. i; ime, M tn h ?'? i i ntenanl Lti raghl, Chlef of I',,: ,- ,.f vi.i--,,w:iii, v.ii,, i- ii,-, i:. ,i nf mn na.ivv- for purpov ,,f plui -i t, In a rommnnlcat nn i.. - ? ,,,.-' :, || <l |? I-,,- .IL'-- iu | ' ,',. M?-.?v;,ii p li,,- .?, - ? -.hi nallvi . pnblio are mnch ei Ited over the affalr and <i thal ii ?!:,;. enl loqulrj be made. In Ihe ' ! am' r ,,f Deputlci ?., d.iv .' ? i Maniul' .li Rudli I, -?_...i lie .'.. i lined. f..r Uie pre?ent. lo i,l-, , : v ,,i slia "i '' .lajanni, In r>-. tho alk'g'd uiuiii"! iv I.i utenanl l.lvraghl, |u Ha r. U t i ? ... mcnl vv..-i!,i m ike a full |i qulry Into the matter, ? ? KILLED '.">" NATlVi: AFRICAKS. now BARON V"V WHMVAirN imni-iuii a triiii: T-*' '"'-'II IM'.- ?!?! UTV < 'M'Tl'tll'Ii. BerBB, March ?'.. '.TagebfaUt4 pnbllkhqg a i patcb from Zanalbar, rtatlna that Itaron ron Wl??manr baa punl hed the Klboeh tribe, and that ln -.. doing be i.iii'-.i '-'."i. wounded no, m <\ cwptured :,'. of t1 irii.'-uu'ii. Tho i..-i:u:.ii I,-- ?.. . two mei klll .1 and i.ft'-.-ti wounded, rhe n pl ired itti.iion 1- ti ?.f < attle - - lly uf ammnnlt ?:. and lt ury. ? LRADERH OF TIIE OLD I 19A 118 TO RE1IRB. Pi ir ;.', vi ii. li . \ ? ? i ? lo ha - ? -, i- ."l by Ihe i 'i.i i '/? ? ii up .ii tba rereni The "l-l I'aechi <i'-'!.'i.' that ilnce tlw re iM ol tbe electloBi thua that lt i- the <!?? ?,>? nf tbe people to adopl a : by tne m -u ivhn ' ?-?? ? nf tbe ii itl?n, tbe lead. i of ? ? ? ? ?? i /? ? h part) vviii retlw from pnblli Uie. The A -ath ? f the ' ?M .'/.?? h party Itti i een tor, : -"i esplaln. ' " commenu . ? ferent ?- - . lly bo a .;- to a i body, The irtj !. , i t ,,, ? ? ?!? ,|. cit'i.-r. I'l in AuKtrla. Hut the dl ? mlH I I i . - ....'i. u.i, |he i.t ,,f ihe ele. biral > ?? p ilgn In thanlan Au tro-llungar}'. rhat factlon ..f reac ? to It great Burpi OathoUc . !? .'. ? nll bsd against u. Th ? i.i hopi ,f au ' I. short ' re the eV ? 11 m, ? .i i.-i.i on Bund Ihe ehu ?: lilng more nor l thafl ,,.i ele. ...iil nianlfc .". Id not, of . plali Iv nn ui.'.ii Ibe aii urd and mij made npon Ihe 11-?' ? r-? v. , wlth Ihe larli aiienl and ..r Ri.ii ..,;.,,,? imi i ?? \,' mi iu Iti N,,|, , foi Ihe enl "'t polli v ..f l'. po I ? XIII. who ..ii'-u .?.',., i!i!,,'ii the antl-SemlUc n ? ,i in iNi'ir p, ? i-. i i ii, i | ,1 ?? tha hclerod ??. ly ihouM ii..t l?- wounded ln anythlng," md il n ; ? Catl "lu- prinripl. -, Ihe n - ?ii ihouM ii >t drag tli" hlthfnl into ^rfrltlna tir; law ..f brnthcrly love." Burh derlaratloni f. *n i ? a .:; iu lii ihop. in-i i have he< u n terribla bl ,-.v ? , Dr. Lueger, l"rli re Aloj - v.m Ll h ,:.., ? ?! ?? i ,,.her I. id. i?- of i ?? ' .li 'i ? i iiiii-ii . ? ?. im-." who had formed during tbe bisl few year* a powerful antl-isemltl. party viiiini they experted lo lead thi* time to thn bal loi wi'h il.M ,n : ? Down wlth Ihe Jew I" lt i un lo be eapeitcd [hai the i . .- ?! < taetlnn will be dl llke the "'d ' '?? h part Ho ., .. hut the oppoMtioti ni.i.l.' (,. them bj llie wll >lc ."?;? ,,f Ihe bl?hops ihnw .ii n ' ' ' ' ? ln -l I,,,,- way "( progreiu m th Auxtrian Emplre. - ? ? VIOOROtTS MKAXHRE8 TO BTOP BRTTIXG. f.ii:-, March t'>- N'otwltli Uuiding the r.ul dwl lon ,,f ihe Chamber ol Deputlei lo u klnd ,f betUng '.'i ' "?? *? i . ? tbe rare* will be 1,,-M iu accordance wlth tlie programme alr dv pre Man itlng ?,f tlie Mnnli Ipal " onni .1 to daj ,? | i uM tuat Ihe ftirlii mutucL. would pn i i.vclv bo suppn.' M, and thal tho . :,i, ? , ln wliich II betllng wai -I on were now ?? ol demoli i l ivr brl* id "t .. .1 ? e woukl ;...1 th. racei (,, mjppn ? Iho vi,,:h of Uw bonkmaki'i . nnd I ?. Ikj hi ? :. . iv ? |,i, enl ll I I , ,1. Ii! M I , thls ? lin .- ,|ii,ilr,,ii- n! puar.I- and >i ?? > < - a l.l I l? l.< Id ln rr idii ? -- ln e, and 100 ,i tei tivei w..iil,l bc p'lared on p-< lal duiy. ?? KlJftl HI.'MBBirrs.i? n u.i. r.. i in- ( . ?! mi:v. i;..,: , lar h 8. i i u Ui- ac. i lon ,.f ihe v i-u ??! Klng llumbert .>u Wcdne?d 13 to tbe f.iry where tha ^tuinr ..j ihe American Rcpubllc baa Ju-t l.n eom pleted l.y Mr, Mmmom, the American milptor, the Klng congratnlated Mi Slmmon npon the reialM ol . ... ., 'i ,...i thal !:-? " 1 - i.,.i i ? ? sixe an orci . U, honor Ameriran art and ... expre*s friendsiiip foi ,,,, people ol i1,.- 1 nlted Ntafea. Ttw statue refrrrcd lo |s ,: ,ig:n .1 1 ? ? : id salloti' ii... .uu! nt i" .?? ,.,., mi ,it Portl md, Ma. LOXDOH ?"' .'IT. ..N.-KI.H ('II. MKN ((.MIINK London, Mareh 8, A number ..l promlnent 1 -""' ; merchanl . Inctadlng Meaara, Boaa, Wil-.,n ?<? 1; ,, .ge -?..'.,?-. Bon a Co., Devaa, Hatrta ?<' Oarrard, ?nd Gaaia, Bowai d Co., <>t BAe elty, beea formed a Jomt itoeh company with a capltal M ? ; 000 _ _ CITY OP PAHtt NSABLY K1-.M1V POI BAILIKO, UverpooL Mareh 8.?The inman Llne iteamer <'"v ,f rn-:-. whleb i.a- been In d."k at Blihenhead ilnce rewchlng thia port altar her miahap la-t April, wai t,,n,.i ... ntaafoa i" d t. ii, ...<i r thal her repaln bia| 1.impli t. .1. The flty >.f Parli mili for Stm Yorh i"? May ISI. 0 PR1NCE I ISMAE. K RKO >MCILED. Barln, March ?;. it 1- -' ?' I thal Prtaea Btaiaareh ii elected >,. tha Batchatag will upporl tha u 1,,,,;, and t '... ti"- braaeh ln Iha ranhi "f the it Ml< :'i h-, r-.-i.ii.-ii .t Prinaa Blamarcb ... Chaaeallor roa Caprlvl slnce which reconctllaOon ti..- ^llamburger v.i. brtcbtenV atlacks ou the Uovernuicut ha.e tca-.eJ. MR DEPEW UNDER BAIL. COBOXEB LEVT THINKS $-'.'-,000 EACH IS G. i01) g?| ikity F? IB WELL KNOWN MEN. the r.\ir.noAD oppiciali wiio a_.f. " tiflu RUPOVSIBLB" SKK.M to KINt. BOKMMEM EASILV-THF. C-EICT-UL- PRXSI DKNT EXPLAIXS ABOl'T TKDSTEES, Coroner I_evy wore ii look of untiMial sayety yeaterday afternoon when several of the directors anil oftiiers?of tlie New-York, New-llnven and linrtfor-l Railroad appcared la his llttle eourt 1"'"ln, :it N',i. l'.'l S,-,-onil-ave., to give boflds to anawer ta .-. ebarge <>f homtcide. Theae offlcert aad diieetora *ttt ChaaBcey M. Depew, Charlea J'- Clark aad Joseph Park, who, with the other dlreetora oi Um road, were eharged by tbe rar dlet oi the Coraoer. jnr.v aritfa i-epoBslbility for the disaster in the Fourtb-ave. tunnel ob Um mornlng ,,i February '-", whioh reeulted in the death of Hetea T. Snpple, Willlam A. '/..'ilner, ?'"Im H. Ileneke, Michacl Mullane, .I.inics 1!. Flynn aad John Ifnnagr. The ball fnr each of tlie railroad men WM lllxed at, $35,000. l'..r belltia VaaderbUt artived his slfnattiro fo Mr. Depew'a hail-bond, Frank P. Tilford went OB that. "I Mr. Clurk.nnd Hohart .1. l'nrk lieoanie surety l?r hia father. After the strikinsly unusnal cere nmny wm over nnd tlie tnillionaires liad Ieft ihe attiny llttle cotirl-rooin, CoroiMI I.evy BMtapborl eall.v patted iiitiiM'll' 011 tlie shoiilder and .said: "1 think l have inll.i ImprcaBed them with the 1 ?'?! that 1 shall fuiiy exeentc Uie law aod tnat thli eaae exaetlp as I wonld any otber, Irre ?pective of wealth or poattlofi." He also an nounned his InteaUoa of iaaulag warrantt a! onee for all oi tlie otber dlreotoia of tln- NetMIaven road. ?BAOimra HI's OPPIOE EARI.T The vordie... layinjr tlie blaBM :.t ti..' tfoon <>I Um New-Havea road was fivefl by i!:.- Coroner'i jnry late ou friday nlght. In aceordaaoe with the peaal eode, whleh reqalrea the prompt laea ance ..f warranta ot arrvst, tln- Coronei arrlved al liis offlce much carlier thaa nsttal yeaterday moro inc, and began at onee the moBMBtoua prepara ti,.ns f..r flummoning the whole of the board of directora to appear on n orimlBal chorge. t?m. pai tively tt* <>f tlie dlreotora hold reaideBce in New-York, and for tiie arr.-si of theaa warranta were Bnt laaned, The p;|>ers were ready hy tn,.,n. iind were Beat t" Inapectoi Byrnes, who de I . led iiieii to servc them apoa the followlng diret'tors: Chaunoey M. Depew, George N. Miller, Wilaofl <r. Haat, Willlam Boekefeller aad Joaepfa l'.,rk. 1 . w :i ni for Mr. Depew read :,s follows: To any aherlff, conatablo, maraba] ,.r pgllceman i:. ' ? Ul ?> ..! Sea "> .:,. : A ; ?,,:,.' 1.:, thu dav found hr a ,,,r , me, I'erdliiund Levy, one nl the . ? ? . I and j '.,' New -i.. II :? |i\ i: 1. Kuppl ? and nthci 1 ive 1 nrae tn ... 1 li,tiii.,'T y. Depea. .1 dli -. Ior of I ??? ? 1 tk, Se* llat . md :. : al'iinipnn.v, In lln- cltj >,f N'ew-York, hy ,! .,- found i.v the -:, .1 ii..|ii| Iti .t,. .iikI,a . ,,.- ' ? n t.'n- dnj Inld liefore me thal I 1 ? il I I..;. ti T. supple r ,d oth 1. h ??? b n killed I.y ? I iii'-.m-. \..11 are her. hy r?ni - ,-?'.ith t. ..???-! ii,.- nliove-named ( Imnnce. M. Depew, nnd .im before me al the offl. >? ,,? Ihe Coruner. No. r.'|s.nd iv.... or. ln . .i-.- of 11.\ :i!. ? ?-..- 1:ial lltj ln act, before the neoreat or mo?t acccaalble coroner lu tiua rountj. n.i rn in,r, th sr.i.vr 1 r. Thia fortnldable dooomenl i.s ol lefly vnlnable iiti,,Mt\. lt v ns not oerved on Mr Depew, aa ?? vo ??' rlly appeared hefore the Coroner i.iili.'st opportunity, ns did a!s.. Mr. l'ark, foi wbaa UbUbi warranta had been issu>d. In hehalf ol Mr. Miller and Mr. Elaaa, BllWlgiUll Hla erere made f,,r them to give boud on Monday, Tlie warraats in the bmbbUbm baiag wlthhald by the < '..roiier. The tlrsl to appear at the Co-nner'i offien wtv. Mr. I'..rk. who arrlved there aboflt 3 p. ni. He u.s aeeompaaied by liis s,,n, Ifolaut .1 Park, who promptly ahrncd Ins father'a bond. Shortly after Mr Park, Charlea P. Clark, the presldeat ol the New H.iven r.i.l. Brrived. Wlth hlm waa Ins rounael, llenry W. Taft, Mr. Oark Iives iu n.'-a lliiv. 11. and no w..rn.nt hnd heen Issned for hii an al H<- had antleipated it. however, and . remained ln the city over m-l.' on purpose ? ?? ihe Coroner. He "surrendered'' hlmaelf, and M'tit f..r Frank Tilford, of No. 10 U'.st Kittii'il; st , t.i s,..M; ins bond. In .-s.-.-'intv Mi Tilford offered property 1" Uanhattan-ave. and on.' 11: I iiu. tl ir.l-sf.. placinn un value al >'si,,. Mi. '!.ii Btronxb objeoted to th. 1,iJ, li.ur.-s at whioh ti.- bail had '???< n llxed. Frank Loomla, the altoniey for tlie New-York Central, itaehed Ihe ' 'ownera ..fliee at :> i:.1* p. m., BBd aakod thal Mr. Depew'a boad be made ready, wilh Corneliua Vaaderblll natued as 1ns bonda in.ui. THI ' OROXER 18 PACKTIOU& "|)i you think Mr Vaaderblll .al fnr ihat Bfflonnl '" fnc iloua v aaked Ihe 1 'oroner. "Well, I will (tiiiirontc. '!.- bond for 1 bbwII commhwion," replhil Mr. I.mla, lauuhinu. 1 ,? |, iper n 1 m uie reudy, and Mr. V mdei Lilt's bouae, So. 1 VVcal Flfty-aeventh-st., was named as ihe property lo he offered oa aecurltj . 1 nt.'.'ii minutea lal 1 Mr. Depew and Mr. Va hill arrlved. " ls the i.'.nd prepored?" were Mr. Depew'a Brst Ibe paper waa haaded t" hlm, an.l wlth .. qulch ulance al Ita conteats, he ilsned it. Mr \ ni'i'-riiilt, in reaponse to the Coroner't Inqiiiry, ?aid tbe propert; mentloned waa worth over $200, 001) 11.? alao si.tici the instrument, " \',w, for whal omounl am 1 under bond?" aaked Mr, Depew. "Kor 925,000," ri-plicd tbe Coroaer. "Goodneas!" ejaenlated the iwealdeBt of the Oraitd icntiil. wlth au air of Btirpri-*. The whole thing done ln a moment, and Mr. Depew aud Mr. VaaderbUt hurried away from 1 ln; .room. MORf. WARRAIfTS TO BE ISSUKD. Corom r Levy siid that he wonld [naue nddltlanal warranta fnr the followlng offlcera and directora "f the New-IIaver road; Edward M. Reed, of New-Haven, vioe-prealilenfc; Willlam l>. Blahop, jr.. of Bridgeport, aeeretary; Willlam I.. Squire, "i New-Haven, treaauter: B. II, Trowbrldge, ol New Havcn; Ueary C. Bobinaon, Hartford; Heary -. I., Kpringficld; I_everetl Uraincrd, Hartford, and N'atluuiiel VVhe.ler, llridgeport Mr. Tafl Imd ohjected to the issuing "t warranta for tlie con troller, tbe general freighl agcnl aml ti:'- general paaaenger agent, on the ground thal thej *txt only i'itifil,iM.s 1,1 the road. llie Coroner accepted the s. ,:,.,..,.;,! ;.,,,i ttruok tbe natucn ol thoae ofHcera from his orlgtnol li.-t. Preaident Clark wiahed to _.ive one bond for tbe appeaiancc of __ 11 tbe directora. "Ia it not enough thal I aay I wlU oome aad give bonds, and Wlll have all tiie dirctois hne when WOnted ?" be asked. "There is no oflicer or dlrector of mir ro:ul that will not be fortheomiag at tha propei time." Coroner Levy repiied thal be m isi e. cuply wlth hia 0:1th ol offioe aod laaue Individual warranta. WHAT M& I.IA '. WOU1 ' DO. Mr. Levy _:,_?! l.,-t nlgb! that ii the dira llving in Conneei icui and Maaaachiiaetts ,i;.l noi appear before lnui witbin a reasoaable time be would apply for raqfl?Itioii papera, bal oi courae ln- did not BBticipate aay ?ach development, The i:,,i oi Ita pcpaibility raiae 1 interestiflg quettlona aa to tin- ontcoBM of auch a proceedlni ln con aectloB with the direetora living ln Connecticut. Goveraor llill b** twlce refufleil t.. bonor requeatfl for requbUtloni eomiug in.m Goveraor Balkeley, and, as Mr. M'-ni. haa expreaaed hia inabiUty to act, it waa feaeially thoaght that .ernor Hill woald Bad bimeell powerleaa In poial , t 1." 1. there leeBM to be noi Um poaalbillty ?.f such a eonttogem . 1 the oflicera oi tbe New-Hav.-n read arofeaa eatire arilllngBeai to do whataver is reqniiad of them. Coroner Lcvy liad a coubultatioii with District- . Att.-rney De Laneey Nieoll yesterday about tlie eaaea of Mr. Depew aml the others. Mr. Nieoll afterward aald that the Bobjcet would he plaeed the Orand Jury Bt as early a date as pos ?,.,'. ile Bald that it would be ditlieult to prose eute the direetora ol ti.e New-Vork, New-HaveB and Ilartt.rl Railroad Company who lived in Con iicti.-ui if they kept out of thia State, but he had uo idca that they would take advantage of their uon-resi-lcP'-e. The oflicials could be prosecuted under Seetlon 703 of tlie Code of Criniinal I'ro cedure. MR DEPEW I'UOTKcjTS AXD F.XPI.AINS. Cl.aun. ev M. Depew told a Tribuno reporter that he waa gnrprieed that the Coronert Jaiy, eompoaed ..f buatneaa aien, ahoald give aaeh a vcnlit. "What they propoae," he said. " is that the dlrectora, aa well as the people immodiately in eontaot with the aecident, ibonblbe held re aponaible ror the accident-Ior murder, io tact. That h their propoaiUon. lf any ol theae gentle ni.-n ever aat on any Board of Direetora,0 a raU wav company they ought to know that while the Board oi Dlrectora are the Baa] authority, yet, aa a matter ..1 faet, the expert. buaineea or operationa of the road are ntattera that a board <,i Dlrectora cannot attend to, aad if they at tempted it thev would make a lallure ot lt. llie Btockholden efecl a Board ol DUeetora to manage the affalra ..1 the oompany. They look after ita lina.ic.'s and pn.vide the nie.uis for furnlBhlng it wlth equipment nnd with aaeh things as the offlcen and engineera and lunerintendenta and managere, who are experta, and whom they cra ploy, recommend. "I do n..t thlnk there was ever B 6888 where a Board ol Dlrectora ... a railway oompany have rc fuued t., purcbaae or aupply what tbe experl peo? ple. who are employed i?r that poipaaa recom nieiid thetff to '-'ft. DUTIE8 op DIRECTORS. " A Board of Dlrectora edeeted hy the body of Btockholden to look after their inlerests can noces aarlly know nothlng aboul aignala or naethoda <>i or the poarer .>f electrie lighia aad the penetratlng poaslbllltiea of eolora in fosj or ,- or darkneaa; but theyemploy the very U-st talent known or found and i>'v v.-ry high aalariea for it, t.. Inform them on theae questiona, and when the dlrectora bave done that they bave done all thal a Board ol Dlrectora eaa poflaibly do. ??A-. to the ventliation <.i the tunnel ?wln.-h an .-vi'. Lng paper says we ought T,, lie Indicted on?are have trled for yeara to ventllate 1 ic tunnel more thoroujrhly. and have beeu denled permiaaton by the publio autborittea. V.'.. have had a eonatant itruggle to keep the ventll ition we have. , ? I bej aay we ought t? !*? hanged for murder be cause we have nol electrie lighting in the tunnel. Well, the Boanl .,1 Dlrectora had tne teatlmony af men who were eomnetent?tbey were oompetent theniaelvea t'> speak on auch Bubjecta?thal it would confuee the englneer; and notwithatanding 1'",. reeommendation ol the Grand Jury, if ln ihe fnee ul g eli teatimony they had adopted eleetrlo tiirht* in the tunncl, aml an nccident had oecurred, , , one "i ' ie ilirectora would have beea In ? ; for manslauglitrr becauae they had done a arhlch experta bad told them woald lead to juat thal reault. AUOI'T BTEAM HEATIJCO. " S? far BB beating t!ie ears is o'lcerned, thCN is no rallro d man ln the United States wh?> bc lieves up to tl.e preaent time, ateanaheatlng is any better or lafer than tlie l>cst and ni.-st im proved km.l ol heatlng by atovea. Steanvheating eame into tbia State?1 think it exiete, If al all, m only one or two other Statea?under great preaaui ? o! public cl mor. The New-York Central Koad, a.s aoon aa the law paaaed which gave the Biithority and aii taaumed on the pari <d the Leuin, iimv the rekaonalblUty, obeyed the law and Bd iBttd Iteam-heattng. I have eouvervd ilnce thia aoeldent arith railway meu who-araa ln n,'. olflce yeaterday from ni; part-, of the ITaited ht.-ito'.. and the ...1.-st an.l tnost expert .nen there ,in.- i . the busineaa, an.l thev any that, in the preee l condition "i beating liy st'am, thev are tn conitnnt terror of what may hnppen. ?The conditiona nre exactly theae. Vbn eH i atovo .,r 11"' !.' -,t Improvcd |*ni. The <? ii,i b | it ri al tli ? t p. Tlie c ."1 is hermetieally aealed iiuude. J l.e stove is ancbored down u, the i!'- .. s,. that lt i mt be knoeked over: and tuen it is .-..!'lir..-.l iu .ni ir.ii <>r a rinc i.'ii, with nn i;..n ii....;-. The car is im; heated rtlrectly from ihe stove. I.ut from hot water, which runs rhroagh |ih?-s all around fhe car. and tiic watar .s . .t.'.l hy *he stove. The <>nly ae. ident thut oan puaalbly oocur ia that the stove in a ooilMloa ball be w unaabed a* to set lire lo tlie car. i ..llisi..ns nr>' v.-rv rar- in proportton to tlie numbcr of iraina Wial ar.- rcp and Um number ,.i people who trnvel. Thcj are s<> rare that the aecident conipaniei all mako forttines out of inauring men l..r $5,000 for 55 eenta. 'llie N'ew llaven reiid, for Inatanee, ln I thlnk rlicl te*n veara haa had .n> aecident from atovea, although it oarrico i people a year. Wll \T II1 PRARS. "N,.w againat your ehance thal there may he a collUlon, that ln a collUion tlda Btove may be auiaahed ao na to Bel flre to a car, you ba i the st.'.m heating this other cliance. The steam comea from tlie Iwiler, and the preaaure Ln the , i controlled by n valve. The ateam ni the i? il. r haa l ao pountla presaure, and ii..- Inhaliiig ol i. will kill a i imaii lieing ii ten seconda lf the valve ahoutd i,i,. ,? und ? foro ol the ateam ln the Imjler go through I v train, h: thirty aeconds there - i uot lie .. peraon allve in aio one of the cara, ml t|1(_ |] Uaul up at the next atatidn I ,.? fo, i so far ? the train waa concerned, but ;,,.,:.-1 wnii .-? rpses. "Fortiinutelj no luch aceltlcnt haa occurre.1 ,i life, i. i. i". ii,.'. own ..mi -..,,,in , uii burat. I fori inatelv wua i? |j,,. rear and mi I I i ?' imm 'di ite y. 1. 11,,. || i,| i iimiei --I ... . '. I.I, and I had b* co in i .. I, (| ? c lieen roiind there d< id iu tin' ?? ln ihe tirand Lh*|wt yard tbe switeh ,; ,i rar on ??> ? " iln ln s,,m, way broke tlie valve. Tl ?? te ui ? - M>'"l lul ? a Waitner ileenini! ,',r, in wlii.ii, r..rtuimtely, i.ic waa, nnd the foree of il wns a ich I ' all ol the pl ite mirrora, vv hi. li ure a ?: ;..t-t.-r ..i an inch lliieli: Ihe plate-K'las* windovvs, i . i i uk the var iiLsh ofl the car. I. anj .me !, i I heen in that ,ii- be would hive l.eeu dead i.i l.v,' aeconda. " ln an aecident on tlie Ixdiijth V'ullej Koml - pnMteuKera, I vvna infortned, were found m a cai .i.M.l, though the rar was uninjured, Thev ?^re ..itiii:.: in their aeaia aa .1 ii,.i!.in_^ had huppemnl They had inhnled the escaplng ateam. sTii.i. AN OPEN 0' E9TI0S "All theae thlnga prove tbat, iiotwithst.ui.ling theorlea and popular eonvulalona on questlona which ii.-.iil.v .-.,? .-.-ni tbo liv.-s of the travelling public, and that is the life ..l ever.'!....l.v, li is atill an <>i?'!i qiteation what Ib the aafCat metbod ,.i he iiin.', u pitsaemrer car, ? s uu- of tlie i ? -v. spapere talk as ii the managere ..I the railway di I nol eure whether the pnaaen?ers nn i,..-ir road were kllled or not, and as lf thej :. i not care how often accldenta oecurred, and were iiidifferei.l oa to tbe nature of tbem, aml ab dutelj iii.iiii,'iviii as t., the oiethoda for giiardlng uiruinai accideuta or [.roviding t..r the aafety <.i p.,->!?; ii any expense were involved. - Tiie utter nn irdit. oi thli ia readily leeo when it is i-u..iii.'i'.'.l tli.-n ia the competitioni of raUwaya aud tiic differenl thal >'\ist by whleh peiiple can ?e* Into N'ew-Vork an.l out ol ii each line exhnuata every elfort t.> make lu road Bttracilve to the travelling publle, To do thal ii ndopta every appllnnce. lt ilecoratea n ,,,,> witlioul ..-- rd lo expenae. lt lurnisliee the ,. r te " -,.I coiwhitent with aafety, und spemlfl ... thousindfl ..i dollara a v.-u- iu ndvert-iaing the mcrit.s of its line. The dlrectora know that il tl py don'l c businem jlie.v _.,?: ;,., revenues, n*id ttielr atockhoiUeri will t ii im them out. Tbe managere know that tliey muat attract travel and buaincBB i<? their ro d. .,i- they will loee their plaoea and otliers who are more capable of taking the placeB wi!j be employed. A rnilv. " comp inj n akea iu?rt bn exertions to attracl busineM and t.. keep h ,.,:.,.,. attraeted oa auy freat dry-stoode houae or i ereantile eatabliel.menl ln the eity of Dfew-Vort ,;,?w h the Central road or the Pennaylvania rot i ihouW elther of them get the reputation i>f .. 0r nol bo ?afe aa other llnea elther , i them would laae la a week its buiineaa nd revenue: ao that ihe direetora aafl ofleera la II thia matter ol aafety are m..v,..i by tl.e higheal i tions whleb non any bnaineaa mau t.. Improve his condition. BOME H \sTV COWCLITWONS " ii Ib very eaay for ? arriter >>r a nwmber of a jury, aittlnn for a few boura b day liatening to all ? lts 0| teatimony, to arrite at concluBiau, and npon them has,. auggefltiona for tbe aafety af the travelling pnblle on my partieular line. Tbe value of theae su_... - rainsl the iudgmeut ut lucii w i." apeiitl their livea ln the b isii .-s- n I ?a ',., are paid to pro\ ide for and to tdi pl inpli inces ror aafety is notbing. I am aometintes tempted, when I read an edltorial telttng bow tbe ti?iii^r sii.iul.i be done ou the road, and au^^rtng l ?iiiiiuied OU -.--.(-.uii i'a?r.) JUBILANT REPUBLICANE GREAT SUCCES3 OF TIIK FEDERAL CLUH DBOOBL nnii.LiANT SPF.F.cur.s by tiiomas b. reed. CHAUNCKV M. Dl.PKW, HKNRY CABOI LOIK-K, W." H- AUN'OUX AND OTUKRS. Tlie ilinner of tlie Fcdcral Club last evening, at Deltuonico's, was a splendid success from every point ol view. It. had all Ihe elementt. which go to make a soeial reunion nieiuorable and plcasant, The arrau^ements were aduurahle, and were car? ried out without a liitch. There were not ta*? many speeches, and the only quality of which they were utterly destitute was tediousness. There wa.s a large audieaee, tl.e company miuibcred over 200, ai.d they were all pM_ Kepubliraus, proud of tln- priiniples of their party and euthusiastio over its reeord in the last two year.s. The diuuer was kivcu to cx-Judge William 11} Anioiix, tlie president of the club, and the close of Cmniires-s gave an opportunity to some of the l.est l_,'pul.li_ans and l>est men in the country to be pre.seut and spcak of what, had lieen achieved. The chaiinian was Chauncy M. Depew, and his iiitroiluetory speech struck tlie keynote of the octasiori, and for every miun who *.pokc he had "a, word in season." At the table on the d.iis with .Mr. Depew sat cx-Juugfc Arnoux, Thomaa BL Reed, Hcnry Cabot LoiIkc, tiie Iicv. Dr. l-'aunce, General Stcwart L. Woodford, WilLiana 1_. Keyes, Lucius 1_. Chitteudeii, Thcodore liooae velt, and E. N". L. Strong. At the other tableb sat: O, W. Spiwiier i:. a. Morriaoo. jr, Dr. WeUter Ur. S. M llayne 1- r-clerii _ Taylor 9. R. Nmteut W. 1!. 1" ,1 -. H. Ci. liond John ... Moore j. ii. Bchlcy B. P. a\. ry \V. L. Anilrevrs Kllbert R. Hawafl 11,. odotfl Wilson J. M. niincly Joaei li I'. Knapp ? I rarik M Kn.L-lit K.mii r Boco k II. ili> rt S. I'ariienter John ii. \..,-.-., Rl. hard A. Mi >'uidy >. tii m. ictuikea A P. Mllll rhomaa I.. sniiman ia ll. ? 1 - .1 ?---*! Ueorgfl A. llals.-y W i.i..ii, N. Ili.ii,' li: ,.::..r'l Khoade* K. J. Lewli John J:.v, i.n. Ullaa, Piaok sj. wuh^rbee^, '??n.'.,., s. n .tor btewart, William Dowa, 11. I_. Lnddiiifton, :_ . - lalcott, Bamuel Rlker, A. II All'ti, V J. It. ( .,..:>? i. bkerry. Mllo M. Ai ,. . .i.n: ? - k. Doudge, l'i:itik li. 'a.;. nt'r, II '.,, K. I): Ion. ? Willlam c. Wallaea, I.i.i, n. M.i. Arthur, D. J. Wari. ii, ... A. Morrlaon, j:. 9. Brown, E. n. K' llogg, C. W. -M Ailisvr, P. <i. Wllmarth, II. D. Hnnt, J. 8. UnrcUtt. i, ? - ii. fhipaa, .1. 1.. Manaoo. Jr., Jani s fnilllpa, jr., f.. E. Klngman, , 1. U, iMIUlllWuIth," William ,...., C. &. sa'ij.uj, I). K. i ..:l..ii, Jjii.os 1. M. Oli, A. C. Ua:..-, J. s. |,h lt W'.lmhy,, Willlam 11. W. 1,1,, Robert K. Bomi r, John Oderfcln, Pran. la M. J'-nka, Ti.on.a- .St> ru'ls, I.. i . Wliil?n, N H. WhlU.n. t. P. Vacheron, ju,,. - N. W-ltaep, iu. II. J- ii, .?-, \V. D. Uot* . <-. ll. I-ddo'lc, \V. D. Muil'l.v. J.r. B. A. UM?Bl ]-.. It. llarpir. J. W. \ ro..'ii,an, W. Q. DamlBlcB, Al.v Doii,iiil'-k. C or--.- .-. K dll'.ld, ll. l, rt '.raliain, Mas ? A. Mnne, Ur W. A. W,.od, Willlam M. W. Ilinf. J. Ent ll.ari, tyrille ( arnau, }?:. A. Ilru-h, ? it. Blktna, F. Il liii.ii, r, li. n. llMl John .1. htiov, b. D. Br ?st r, w. l. Johaaoa,. t. W. Itiitt.,11, x A. i*. Mcra . .- 11 llall, AU. ii 9f. kt* ? -, A. It. W. tinor-. W. ll. Simooaoo, i w. Uarrta, \\. i.. Mioiie, ;, . ? ii. I'aee, J. V W lil'it,-', 'Ahv Rev. Dr. Maynara, b. M. sauiid r-, John MeC'lav. i in, , - ll \\il?on. V. ii : un K. t pa t.-rova, J. r..n,.- i pter* rove, A. 11. W.-tn ,.r?. Ciiar.^a !___. liiawclL MR. DEPKW'S BINCHNO WORDS. When Mr. Depew r.ipped for order for the spee.hes hc was checred again.and Bfbta. He s.iil: Geetlemea, I am irtth you bere to-nlfbt ciulte un .?xp.s i.-<!iy. (Laogbter.) i l.til a mlnute before l ar rlvad l Lhouaht it would be ImyoMlb? for bm t'? coaaaj ;... i,.|,,|, ?;?> juiy (Uunbter) havtiig hall m^ ie? s|i..nsii lc tor everythlng tnat oeenrred on a rallroad aaj ?lii'!i i happaned t be a dlrector. Tlie foiuaar iu rormod bm :it a !?;? hour. ln vlew of Uu* pieaeaj e.xlitenrie* <>' tbe llepubllean partp, il I waaM iev> bail in j:-.",.i'"0 be waaM rl?k my presence in tlils baucjuet. (la.fbttr ami ebaaea.) ? spe...Uer Beai aay? tlils is Uie liist timo be haa ever baaa atoaaht ha awb intinnaie aoatael with tha tiiuiinal ci_?s.-es. i.Mu.h lauiflilor and ebaaaa.) IHtailflfllnf. bowercr. tbe aa-rici'?fit,< nf eorpoiata ilBrea, wbleb I have collkta-1 with before iti my po litli-41 career, we wlll eome alown to tho busbteaa ol Ba eronlnir. Vt an' her.' ioni."it :i- Ben ibllearu leb tm), i .:-,? :n:ii itmple. ii.,.iid iii.????-.i There ore no Detao rrati Ln thi- crowd nf tbe kind who fall t>. rote tho i.i-itt-.. to t:'<- iuialdlng oScer roaimo to dellberatlve bodlefl. (rheew.i Tbere ure bo Mur u ?;:?.;, . who .|..iii.t ev, i". 111i11_r in t!u ? world aad in iht i ,.\; ! ? ._iit.-i-.. 'There are onlj Bepublieans, whA luive taltli lo tlielr party aai know II is right every tline. ,.!i,-.-t i lider the gnlae "f :. conapllraent t>. tbe pro-id^nt ol iii" .luii we are preaeni i" ereetlnp to th-i Natloual leadcrs In tbe Nu.lotuil Congreaa, who dartng ? ., ,.,-, two years, eapecia!h during the last aeasloni ighi our n-'lit nt'l won our rtitory. |Cbcei-.| : mie Beed. (Load and I ? | ?.ring.) ^ u.?;...:;.?? Lodgo. '.:-..' ebeering.l Wt only avret tlint M. Klnkw i- ti"t here. ICh. cra.l rhe Bepublb-iui party onls falla wbeo it is on the ilefi'l:-!vd nl'l tl.c-? t.i :.;>"|.?_i/''. iChcerfl.I A B** putillcan properlj ron_tltutcd baa n tlilng to d.-fend .-li. iV'.. a-'.i when i i:. aitempt* to apotogiia for the prlnrlple. and mcasarea ol hla party he patfl hlmsell ln the |>osli|.f the rellglonisl who is h-miki i,i cxplain ui v hu i .?!'? mt ln the detaJogue. (Ch? r?.| ll,. .i k s- noi Intpnir the aecalogue, but he rul ia hla >.wn pOslll ''I. , ||< ? t'-.l The II party during the yeara thal It law exlsted haa alwaya won the vk-tory when ii Iw beea . when n haa been 'n -^ ing u|?>n th.i .1--..1I.??.?-.. wh. . li looked noi bchl d lt, beeaafla ,t know thu it ?;i- all r:.-ht (rlieera), bul looked tor* 1 e I1- tt. ?: - whleh must be rarried in ilifl ta ol good .,,vi-iinu.iu ai.d the llberty oi 111.-0. (Cheei-.l tiie hosa MAKiii orr op I'vn: II 1..1- been tabf, aod I ? uaj - haa oftea baafl quoted, by ? - "f the lual eentury: "CHag bm tbe iu iblBg ". the umgi ol a p ople. aad 1 ean 1.0I wbo arritefl thelr lawa." The time haa im--.i1 wbaa tho -.11.-- of ? people aay bmger Mt its enthnilaam or dlrect its poUcy. \\.- hava pa* fd the aingiog lK-ri.'il. Vpplauae.) The newapaper ln tlie uni\ dlacuav iui,.- m daj ,,f tii-- i>tiin-ipi' - .'? id ??; t--'- Bteaaarea of tlie hour luu relegated inelody l. the bard of Hia pn-;. Bul another and .Ignlricaul fa i tarea t'-.i politieal phii.pher to divlne, thal is tlml In tha ru?a and iiiin-v and itruin ?t 1 ur dally life, tba Bewa iiaper, wbleb taa rulned tbe niiaatrel, haa eeaaefl] 10 um t the publlc aentlment ..s it :II Hfty yean ago. through tbe teading edltortal. r.-ople have no tIm.- to iead edltottab, ;.n<l the* ara nn i"ti-,"- inoviii i.v aobga. They are taught bj piinise, rplthei Uld eplgrutn Blid W8 Un-' Ib au ane vtli.-n poUtl. are phraaed in pplgiaaa I'ntoi-unatel; th.- Bepnblieani fiiled t.. gnisp tlio Itnatldn and gave the rommand of epitiiet lo thelr , n-iiii-s. \ 1,111. Intei d.'.i aeeordlng to tha proaMflf nl our Matloaal Oonveatloa and the praaal-a of tiie party for _? !l time to aecore boiteat electlona, to i-'ivu t,, every man tlie ru-ii- t.? eaat liis wtm oaee aad to huve it eonnted ai eaat. In Ibe vorotmlanr of eptthai ti roni.?? a "Forco Mir aad worfta Bgaua] a*. a bill carrylng oui tti?< prtnclptea and tha promls^a ,.1 ,,iit- party, wbleb sinii oaee more plaee tin> Aatencaal ie upon tlie s...i aad American <? immei. ? iti Amertcaa shlpH, become*. In tii" epltbel of the boar, a "ettbabtp lob." A determlnatton apringlag fr an tha lu-'i. -.1 t'.i'r .,:i-tn and the Brofouudeai eonvtetlon, and ;irt ,.. 1.1-1,11.1,::-' of tli" Induatrial, ihe eomiaei-lal aud ihe Hnanclal nced-i ?.f the coantry, wbleb leadfl tlio i:<.piii,iir:ins.i.i itond as a wall agalnai taaatieUai and iirotect honeci currency. boaeat BMwey, tha nea?, Ihe lx'i;utaii"ii and tlie bualoesa of Uie coontry, !?? ,n,.- in iii- i-pitiii-i of tlie bour, tli- movemanl ol tVnll Streel aml the deaire of ihe ??-?old bag" BBfl] ih.HMipon cutter." A Bwaaare which erystalHaai into law the prombee, the pledgei nnd _ha pt-ln.-iplea [ tbe party for a quarter of a eeatair. a meaaure, Ibo electrie tlu-ill- ,-f whi.h ar.> bJbbbjjH I li in every part >>f lli<" country irivini. lo Itidustrr Impetua, and t.. wage-earaei. i.a._"s aud employaaaaat hecomea "high prlce," whlle 1 a_itlemaa who in hl* . n.iiiv ,,f Speaher >.f tho Ho__aa tnore than any man orciipying I>U'-e for a dcvaal.- of C"ii(-'r.MI enl :?'?'- ih" i-uie>. briaga Um i--?tv wtthla tha iimita .,1 law, .-\.- them t,, uoderatand that < aa> erea* is mul" to transad bafltneafl and competa tlicrn t,, traniocl tli" publlc buaioeea, is a r_ar. (CaaerflJ The l'-.-s,d-ii( of the 1'iilic*! Statcs. who lua.. ftilttlied all Uie promlsei contatoed In the platlorm up??n which i,n n .- eleeted. ln the _peeche ind letter*"which hS la th-> ea \io and a Ui-" ,.. tbe publlc, is carieatured ln th" panera the pr -- a? a nian of littl- -\io and a Mlgfl BM, Well if avolrdupolfl and adlpoae il.mphten are the ??, dern clements Of iti teamaoablp. ;?s our Uemocratlo 1 thlnk (great laughteri ,i,<i-. d hy tli_?t ?iandsrd. dlaml**ing all ab-.v.- tbe _bo_udeea (ebaeia and BhaaH ,,'. I'lu'it -?'. ? :i the beai _od BtOfll aci-urate -.ale ln tha oati ry (laughi r. Pre_hleni Ma riaon weleha more t ao Governor Hill and not 10 mucii as ex-l'resident I'leve ii:id. (I?ogbter.) NOV IN' AN APOI.O'iF.TIf MOOD. nut. fortaaal tr, tha leflaaai al aitarally have thelr us.-s. Bad they hava aroased the Bepabheaa party to its old -pirit and Its bM Bggreaalva teudency. (Cheers.) Wt ara bo laagar ln aa apalafHae mooA, \\\- a:e Bghttag. Pl 4 I ? - ? he-ring.) w,. .ai ? Buh ;dv bill, :? l.iii far pattiag kMttmm ommeree aader tha Aawiieaa ii;ii_ all avee the world. . We ? all the aVfeal of tb ! b.oinage "f *llver iiouesi : 1 Ihe i:it.i-.--'s ?>{ th ? prosperity ol tbo countri and avery man and woauta In it. u:beer_.| We call the McKlnley UU tha pcotartleB <>i American liidtiatriea, und thelr pioinotiin and encair-.sement. (Cheers.) We nv that whtla plracy upon tlie liigh aajH waa crushed out luu years ago, aud UurftU__|