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has Baaa under the eoatral of Iha poliee fer eeaturlee. l. t-eti.aiiis ror a BepubUcan Congresi todectoie piracj nnd burglary <,f tho Iruman intellert infnmous. We ata eooaoMiatei bow upon tiic whleh lu.'rtii tt..- n-sa ,li up"a the eueti.y, and the enemv aro no loager eonaolldated. We had last fall oit r.ull Ran. lt waa the trlumph ol tlie llar m Axnei i a i politlri Xhe Uar c. Il<. led u Congrees of more than two thii'l- ol loma honest l?emo<rat* and maaj phenomenal pranka. and when tii?t c-.iivrr.-s, has a?ij'.ur:i"i. the American \>o,>u\t. wiu onderatand In regard to tha li-u-. thai th. AotJic tliat ni.-u do llve aft<-r them (rhaera), aud while th- Mar w .11 Ive H long as the race in Ita pr,.?.-.,t dearaded rondttlon aurvlvea, le- never more wlU ba a IBctor lu our poRtlea. (Cheara.) Tlll- Tt'IiX HAJ5 . '.Ml: NOW. Hut. If la?t fall wn- ..ur Hull Iliin, the el'-ction rc laraa ooaalng in tram Iha BMBkfpallttea In our Hale -iii.w that, havlng met tha Ball Baa, ibe tu.-n has ciiie i.i.vr, fo; tl.i^ year a:al IhB aaai we ai-e to have our Ponalaon. ooi VU ksbarg, our Manh ... tue Baa, aad la IBBB our Appomattux. t.fn-at ebeeHng.) Our trieoda, tl.e BOBBiy. are iiJt so bappy as ..i.o ii.:-... aapaoaa ?i.o toohed npon ihe aorlace, when we uole thal ea-itaaWcut Ctevelabd, wtoo leamod to be ala moulha ago the unaulmoua chuice "i the party, now Baa tbe mlvei epear Irom the boutb and We?t .mciiod agatuel bla vitala; wbeu Uovernor and benator ii.ii itauaenae leughlcn, wooing as only a bachelor iaa, tho Bl_ar?}'cd Uodde** of Rclorm (thoul* Ol IduKl'tcr ahU cheora;, has >.'i.- Btai Bjrcd UoOdOM leod hla d tettae which her ptvphet wattowou lallcd io put a poaiage ktamp on (Uugliter). in whleb aai "I aanaot i?ve you, i.m i will be a slster to yoo. (Luu.i and protonged teughter a.ui cheering.j It ls eharged tliat tha Preaident la a linic man In Blaa. lmt the nist>,;> of the world ihowi lhat a niaj .rlty of the great aaovanwuta In tbe MeM <.i at iteamunahlp and ln the held ol Uterature have beeu made by huio men. (Cbeera.) I aaj n.r PreeMenl Harrli -u, for whom 1> atwayi more .u crillcliun tban ,.i eommandailon, i kaow laal ln any Ume during tbe great itruggle loi liouest etorUoaa, by tbe lurrender oi bontal elecUoni u? an Atiiunii iiaiuti aad pariy meaaure, ha nilahl liave aecated elther an acUve aupport or au abaeiiieo i-iu eqalvaleat lo lapport ol tbe great dnanclal nieaa ui? taa Admlnletratlou deatted. i know tbat be !*".( luul iiuiii,.:. rlght* were above tauuiuea; 1 knoiv tbal he said thi*. ::,tM..i \.-. .._ , there v..,- * trade "t tha righta of man for allver, nnd Ibe reealla were nol aacfa as woulU ju-tify a lepeUUOB of tbe eiperlmenl. iCheeea.] Wc are bappy to-alght, itarUng out at the cloie of our Oongnaa, ihe i ongreaa in wbicb we rejolce, i-tariiiiK oat ln th.' mid\va> of the Admlnlatration, Ior iho vlotorles whleb are t<. eome In the concluslon ol tia. and a new one; we are liappy ln the bv i tbal the party ?f Lincoln. ai.a oi Sewara, and of Chase, tbe panj "f Urant, and of GarfleM, and ol UlaUie igreal rlteerlng), ia tbe party of Harrlaon, ol M. Kini.-v and ol Rcod. (Tremenaoua aud enthaaiaatlc ebeertng.1 . lu ihe epttheta which aontro] the hour and lorm Ihe v,,c.iiuiiarv ..f politieal .iis.U"i..ii, there la one v..,ni belongi .. tlie Kepublican party, ai iu property, whleb will glve Ufe and will glve unpetun. will glve sii\-iii,tJi i" Amerltau Industriea, v.ui ?;iv,> perpetalty lo American commerce, will make our naa hnown a.i i.v.-r tbe maa bi II wai once betore, will <;,iiv our anrvlua producti Irom mlne, from mlu, from famace, from ia.t.uv. ... loreign tountrles, aad brtng i,.i h wealth fw the employment ... the wagoeanier aud the actlvlty oi rapltal, thal ls oor own, " Kadproclty." (Tremendoai and proloaged cheering.j SOUNO BEXSE FKOA1 MK. KEED. Tbeo .Mr. Depew lntroduced .Mr. Keed, who, when the cteeriag tbat greeted bim anhalded, Bpoke aa foliowB: Mr. I'lvsident, and (ieiitlciaeii of tuo Federal t'lub: I tni-l that 1,- a- tli rougbl)' a- anv otu' r man tt..- artrantagu <>i kaowlng g >*i iiu-.ui>; hut l liiist, thal 1 aa aot wantlng ln Intelleetaal vapaclty to aaeh a degrea a> aot to appreci&tc lhat the utmost lundneea tuat has been done iuj In Ihla aorid has beea iom me by enemlea. iLgagbter.) Hall iho sirugulo ln li.e ls t,. rvi un. uriliR. iuiu|:li ler.j Wheii Chriatopber Cotambua dlscovned America It i..ok liim ouly t.'nve uioiitl^, but it tooh him hall ins entire 111a to (el a chance to dl>cover America. (.\j.plause.) If a man'a object in Iif' 1- to bold iIUl.-s ai..i to wear decoraUoos, andoubtodly the be?t course t,,i bim i? to go M.iiiv, Uke n oat on a carpet; but if bli , I'j.-ct li t>> <lo lomcthlng, perbapa it i> nol un;e ikable for him to I'uv a tpunpet, e^peclally if li" eaa pet soinebody whodon't lil.e him io...a_id it. iLaugh Advertlaement is the abiolute pn requlalte to tne sale of t,',; and \ ur 1--. a-lv, :-i.-t 1-. are a.ways y.uir enrmles. Your frieuds sometlmei go ... ileep, v..ur enemlea never do (laaghter); and whenevei tuo good-natured public. belng neltber friend nor eneniy, wakei up t. tne conicloasne** that there i> tomethlng t,. be coniMered. thei do not p:.v mueh attentlou to the advertlaementa, but proceed to examlno the goods. (Applause.) ..... ihe Hoaae of Repreientatlvei of ti.^ Ll-t ' mgn - ha-, been tboronghu advertlsed by ita enemlea. : tliink the public a>e now dlsuosed to examlne what la- been done; and whenever they do it thev are going t.. do it wltboat mnch refeiance to i!k- epttheta whl i iiiy friend tlie president 'us io deUghtfully deaerlbed. When thev eome t ? cot.sider i;..' McKlnley i.ili. and it beeomea evldent that.ll wUI bestow praapertty, e%*er widenlng, upon Mn- eountry (applause), m fi't that It |,hs b.en abuoed will only be dimlj rcn.tmbered as an eeho vviii. h adda lo t:.e general ugn of approbation; a.,.1 whenever tlii- coantrj awakena t'. the faet t' at tho d.x-trliio of humaii liberty must prevall m thi- country fi-oui oaa'end t>? th.- other, then ju-ti.e wiu be dono u. the man and to the BMO Who unden. to wcara an ln.nest eoant ?.f an bonent vote. (Applaaae.) l have nol the ftllghte?t idai to-nlght <.f undertahlng. to'ehumerate Mhat l deem to be ibe great decdj "t Ute lk.u-e of Representatlvee ..f the List . ongresi. Thero l- u,i time to 4o -u.h a thlag: Ihe Uat .-.,..! ng, ol tha jrreat thln+.-s lhat havo b?eii done; and 1 ( l leBt mv ?ell wlth rhallenglng the world to point to H ? (eriei "f "Good." and applame), and l do n .1 even ex cen lhat magnitkeent leiilon ..f t:?\iw^ whl. li met all the exlgancifr. ol what wae aud onght to bo the GreBl War >,f th..'. Rebellloa lor the preaervatlcHi of bniaan libertv iu ihe WOrM. lmt we have done more than pa-s pr.-it meaaum, \\'e bavaahown to Ihe people ol the L'nllicd Statei tliat ili,-:i'. is in ihls ooontry a po-Klbllity ot Keponiubla fovenunent. (Applause.) Hltlterto u Iih-s been ? government l.v n. iu > -K.-li.-i. So man ever knew whoin t? eharge wlth tlie dclault ..I a blU or wn .m io )>? -" f ?!? havlng rarrled ii through. The condl lou ol i . . - to-day li tt.,- ,.f a oatoral gn wlh oi Amerl V cau Instltutloas. Tulu eountry. with 60,000,0.; * people, .aiiiii.t be governed aa thli coaatn i ? . governed when lt had bul 3,000,000, Tbe Government giow as tiie Natloo bai Krown; it must RI Itsell lo the magnlflcenl tiuwih ol the people of the r.ilu-. .suie^. (Applaiuc.) gome men bave tald: "Why not get r?ponilble government by havlng the lYeeMent aud i i otli.'.-s appear upon tne Boor "- tbe Hou e and -ir, i tbdr Vu-.v-:" Tlw i.i.-,\ ot havlnc men who bave nb connectlon wlth the leglslathe body, wbo i be oisim-s.'d by tiie leglilattva body, who cannot be , ? iiied by them, inhu m ? their dc< Isi ms, is itttcrlj InconsUtent wlth U.e princlple uf our Uovernmcnt; ,. |t ;i in,';-,' dream ol vUlonarici who thluk tbal RnglUb Instltutions ran be adopted l.y halvea. ??u: Uovernmenl haa gotto be t te f\ >wth of tho neceasltie* ol ..ur people, and mu t be worked oul under th. prlnrlplei "f our ftovernmcnH and ran never !"? a/!..i>t-.i from anv- other land. lApplause.) if >.... want t>> maik t.'i" growth ol our tiovcrnment you v.iii inn-k it. lf you itudy the hlatory ol the i mi try. by the aetlon taken by each llonae wltb regard ;?> the bpeakar al Its A DIFKERENT Sg3ITIMENT SOW. When >. B, PrenUia, tue most magnltleanl orator of the Boath, r,,? :> uttar hli denunclatlon ? Jauea K. PoJh wlial do you rappoae waa hla theme! II V.J.S tliat h- bad tbe commlttew ol tbe llouso that were poiltlcal, poUUeall) on bla alde; aud tha aa st commonplace .s;,-.;,ci ol lo-day make* averj .....nnitt.-e aoild Ior bia .">n partyi and uobody ever draaau of proti tlng. lApplau ..j When thia Uovernmenl ua; a little one and bad very Utile buU B8M t?. tranaaeti tb ?? i IIou?e oi Ucpie*caUavei i-.uid p..-.-. out w;.di btuiuesi it would U". iu the Br?t hiij yeari (4 ihla uoverumeut ^ne numbcr oi b.a a:,a re?oluUons were -,- i for me whole ttfty Uj;- ft'ny, uu bave douuie lhat numb i aud pai ii. ,..u i,..,.i,.a more tuw very t'ougrca* now .- < j-jsi , (appluuae), aud giadually v.i; ..a.o deveioped oui -vsivin i.i tjoverament, "\iin,'v : . x: _ i ? . i:.' Electlon (.?oiiiiii.i .'?? which v.?s a poUUeal commlttee, aeveu l\;:.,.,i...s t.. iu, ... Ig.. he mi lo i ? ? ??! Meair. Commlttee, whicn vvi.s a politieal eomiuitiee, m-v\.i l.c.i-.i.. i;.t t>. two \' .H--; au.l '...; Committoe ou Mauufacluii's und i.uls, which vv? u i i, l he wai Impartial enough lo make ?evcii i. . aud twi. Dem craia ' iLaughter.j Now tho .-;., \.itii tbe ?;;:?? tlon .-t evcrj man, and v .'. ..,ui a f ' ,.t cox.plaiut, makea every commlttee to , li) Ueuio.... or li ? rdlng to th i majoiity. . -? iruated tue i.mlttoet to pl. v. ...ii i,u-iiii--s wa- t,, i ?: done; bul thli country, wlth i, ,'..-,??. , - .wll.,..: irom b,77e In nltj years tu M,000 lu two yeara, ha. k i a itrnggl* between Ihe tom mltteei aa to whal -...ili be j.,,,ved out, lor t i n?ver doea mow ihao 10 i? i eent ol iu bualneaa. lluw -i.aU they ? e aeh i ted i i be poww <.t rw tlon la-s lu the bpeaker, aud it can never Ile aur whera ei*e nader our tvatem ?,f govi nd ho f. me chalrman ??: Um l otnmlttee ..:. Rul . and wlU *.:i an) tDodUicatlou, lliere hava gtnduaUy >,>m<' up Iti" indieatli n oi u dealre lhat that commlttee should lahe rharfi ol the qaeaUon ol what mea*urea sh-ill l.e bruught betore the Hoaae; and ,.i lh. beglnnlng of tha Neaaion ol ConsreHi laat paal there vv..- aa amendment made .<? the rntoi Miuarely recognialiig that fw. i, lor, ta.- Commlttee on Rnl. >. inatead >.i I Ing lut.asud v.ith all matteri tonchlng the ralea, joiul niles aii.:;". vvc.c al-o iLMu-t-d wltb all matteri tourhlng .le- ratea and Jolnt rulei a;;.i order ol bual i ii! and the n--i.ii baa beea lhat more buslneaa has been tranaact?-d ln a aeaalon where ih<- mlnority tbreatoned .ai i I be no baatnai done at aii. than ever betore. lAppteuae.i Sow, thal is a natural evolutlon, lt is an evolu tii.ii d ea nol ri t trom a dreamera braln, bnl it ...ui.s irom the ea of a enl re people iho .. !, way the ebaagei ol government oueht t>. ariae; ard whit l ilaun lor tbe llouae ..( RepraaentaUvei .^ not meitlT wimt it baa done. i-ut what it bai rendered I le ut be done lor all Ume, oamely, tha govern? ment, Vlalbte, of the i>-.-ople and by th- peopte. (Ap I HENBY CABOT LODGE'S SPKECII. Henry Cabot Lod^e WB8 tl.e next speaker. When he BNM he found that he faced an audience for which " friendly ' is a n:iid teim. if tlie wariuth of their admiration was uieasured by their ap? plause. He Bald : Not loiii,' ?^o a dMingulshed Oeciocratlr Btateimaa wei.4 over to a nelgbbortiig clty nnd deflned Itll politieal poritlon by siylns ?? 1 am a Uermcrat ? lt wn- i ment a. oaea Uaiple and beaaUful. li bad, t.x., the i:reat advai:ta+;e <>f rtqulriag nj lateltectaal ellorl elUx r on th.? i?art ol him vvh,> attered lt or ..! thoae who raaalvad lt wlth raptarona applaaae, (Laachter.) it pre>eiite4 a paitv creed at once -u tiroait a-id si. c\ paoalve that witiiin its bound. opinlooa of almoat any fcind cau lind BBeMer. Within that elasti'- do. tilno it N poaalbli to ba lor a ututv on woal and for free woollens in the Weat, and for free arool an.l a rtnty oa woulteai in the Baal; lae baUal fetorre te .-v.-;-y ite publiriui htate ?nd ii.r ?? iwai m.-ii fovernmeat" ln even dlntrlct. for bonaat money lu New York and tor fi-ee hllver west ot tlie Mlssisalppl. (Applauw.i DaneaUi tlw buiner ou wliich UUa conclta motto was embbtSOBCd manv ncn of manv mlnds eoul-l - l.'nder Its amplo f"Ms ihere c.ul.l meel harmoni. U Ihe edltora of ??Tin- Bvening Joat" and - rbe >e? York World," tbe Maaaachusett* Reform <'lni? and th" Farmera' Alllance, ci Pre?ldcnt Cleveland and l'add> Dlvver, Jerrj bimpson and Ur. Bdward Atk (Langhter , There te no douhl mneli meril In broad and rtmpie derlaral t na llke thal which I have quoted Irom t?ov ernor III1L hul the ultlmate r ?ill of such ? rrecd I* thal th"-" who profeac II are nnlted ouly In a determbifl tlon th_t the ofBeea -hall betong to tbemaelvefl aml beyond that beUeve ln anytMng or nothlng. Ihe DemocraU. party can inbslxt on thli lyatem, iltbough then- was a time when 8V8B the Demoeratle party f..|i Munder In the preaenee ol a great an.l reai laauo. imt however the Democratlc pm-tv mav be ible to proa imt in this way, lt i- ImpoaalbWfar the Republleafl party to laaltate iis example. (Applauae.) THB PARTY OP IT.lN'l II'I.I'. Tiie RapabUean party mn. t be a party ol prtadph and devoted to pultinp Its prlaeiplefl Into law fnr the benellt ol the whole country or lt must .case to c.xist It la very ea_y loudly to declare a heartfclt layaltj when victory rcst*. wlth the party te walah oue be loies. l.ut al that moaaeat it has no apecial value. II la in ihe bour "f defeal thal natlona and partle* n?-u Ibe faith aud aUeglance nf their defenders. lt ls for thia rva-on Ibal l ao glad to l.e bere to-night, gb_d I,, bave this opportunlty at the close "f a mo?l eveniiui c mgre?_ and after mv party l?s auffered a defeal al the polla, to declare my lattli ln lu prinrlple* and my ;.,;." ,t-;.i confldenre lu its future. (Applauae.) Tho life of a poBttcal party mual be a Um of in. ( and iu the fortune* ot war dc-fcai nitist mingle wilh vl tory. T!i re is no need t" be eaat down or w liiineiii over defeal, if we have borne ouraelve? bravely lu the day ol battle and if. desplte reveraefl, we ) ????;. our ln,:,,.:- brlghl and our prlnclple- unlari i-.i'-d. ue leat becomei dlaaster only whon men grow faliitheartod, abandon the object* for wblch tbey fougbt and imliy i.y baae conducl the prlnelpled which th?-y upheld. ln defeal or ln triumph, ns oflicer or aa prlvate aoWler, I am prood of my party, whlle n ls true to its.-lf. proud ot tta p_-t and oonlldont of lt- future and ready ln my -maii way t-. Bght its battle* at all ttmcfl aad .s.:,s',',s. (Applauie.) . , nut l iitn um ranteat wttb the vague dcbration that l ara ? BepobUran. I want te be known ba a Bepuhlican by tbe prlnclple* whleh I profeflfl and noi by ahoutlng a vague party ery. i beUeve ln my party becauae ol the deeda which lt has done for th? American people ln tlie daya ibal are com- i bc lleve In It becauae i ?ee now ;i- always lu iis ranki Ihe great m.i-s of Abraham Llncoln'i plain people, ihe bone and ilnew of the Nation, ihe men who have --ttU-d und goverm .1 ai <l built np the Unlted Btatea and i an led Ihoin forward in tliclr great carecr. l belleve ln 11 becauae wlthln its ranka ;.il men meet on a eommon plane as clUsena, and the people of one aoctlon do not lind ii necesflary t-i grovel in ihe du-t before tl," p >pie of another, bul Ireal all allbe, North, bouth, Eaat and Weal .i- Iree and equal und entltled to an eqaal reapect (Applauae.) , , i turn t . its piatform of prinrlple* and i im<l Inere ihat ii is plcdged in majority rule botb In Oingrcas and ni ii," bollol i \: Ibal lt is tbe party wblch behevea In protectlon t'i American labor, In the extenalon ol nur rommerce with oiher nation. and In the encouragemcni ol our ihlpping Inteteata. I lind ln that lame plal l irm thal i: i- lue party of honeal money. iApplau?e.) Tbe dcclarall n was too vague for my Ui-lc, bul when I law the dectaraUon rarried Into aetion n rt li aucce&aive wasaloni i'e propoaltion for free illver ln a Bepubliran Houae unnex the lead ol i Bepul u t>peaker, I know it is win; l bave alwaya bell ved II l? be?tbe party <'f honest flnance aml of aound bu method*. (Applauae.) I lind In Ita nlalform that it ; commltted t-. the prinrlple c,f rivii Bervlce reform wblch iiiius to tahe our admlnlatratlve ofllce* oui nl poliUca .md t . lelleve our publlc men from tho dutv of place-hunting. (Applauae.) II la the partj lo which we mna! lool for _ wiae reatrtetion which ahall timift our Immigratlon of undoslrable element*. it i- tlie party to whlcb we mual turn f,,r tbe protectl.f ibe publlc arhools, if thev are ever In danger ar?d for ih. ei :,, tmenl of wiae I;."* for the pn mTtlon of u m] ei -|-iiis is ?hai i mean when l aay thal i am a Repub Ikaii. (Apphvuae.l i.i< ri\ xot DOWN, Bat i. h hi Ihe greai mi_aae? ol the ^Bepubl party we mu-t be true to theae prtnclplea, "\v looh up and not down. lf bad leaden ariae among ba, ;is they will riae ln any party, it li bo aae t<< i?y tbere aro wone neo leadlug tbe lorcefl >.f our oppo i.etit-. Our opponenta do not auffer by bad leader->liip (appluuaei. foi even thelr I'.-iun--?<.- aubuitl lu it. bul itepubllcaiis wlll noi toleralw lu We mual laa, partj im ii Ifl. It- btandarda are high aia) if wo w uld prajaper wo mual bve up i ? them, foi th. re Br t.'iousauds >.f niou lu our ranka who ranuu be lield b_ aiiytlilng bul ndelit] io prlnclple*. tpplause.i -, ,,i- we ate nne io our prlnclple*. defent* and vlctorkfl may come and go, Tncj uave llttle mean Ing i lyond Ihe momeui a id the grcal UU. _,? ..,.- ii -!'.wl\ bul aurely, Bul if we ahandon om piiniciple*, ii we thlnb thal we ran redeem uunela - ii iluichiiig ;u every pettj ofllce Iii ?ight, .1 we uml., Uepuhllcanlsm dep nd noi on prtnclplea Lul on ol ? . Indced the future la dark for an.i parti c nstltul : likc the Bepul Ui nn p iri i. (Applaua. ,j i,?i mc iic.riow i ,r ii tn. iu.-ni a ramlllar Theic i- ii -..;:....: shlp. >u. haa paa d Ihnmgn tli heart of tbe ilorui. Iler snil- are loru. Nome ul bt-i othcen have fall n ln the temp il, rhe wind itll howls iu the rigglsig. _>l*e li lu airlng In a heavy -., What ?hi li the rrew dol Hhall they lel go tlie I I i reak open the iplrll che*t and'ln n alld debaui h un ? IU -;"lis i< riuii ih" gnal vcaael lo go neiple-alt ufWu the roehal v::.' li loo noble ,-. crafi foi ich a ::?'-? bbe haa made many _i .rmj voyag - befor?. ^.lle hai v.caih, rrd many ttereer galei llan thal ?-hlch la noa blowtng. Time was wbeu ahe wa? freigbted wltb Iba hopc of the BepubUc, when " liumanlty v ith all Ita feara, Wlth ull th" hope ol intiir. years. Waa hanglng breathleaa .m her futc." (Applauie.) .-.." eame through thut awful teaipaal Bnd bmught ber prccloiu rargo -af, ly Into port, she la frelghtod to-day with (B-iclplea nnd wlth hopea and wlth the Bchievementfl of tbe laal two ycuri thal are ci ar atid ptvclou* to ih" BepubUc. Lel noi hei throw a ningle principh ovcrboard. Lel them leav tbe iplrll eheai untouched. Lel them ?e1 ber aalls agaln. iler ribs are itout, her ?pan ai trong, i.-1 , them heep Ihe true nnd l.iv ihe , mr e rtralghl . nnd ahe wlU agaln eome lo pori ln aafetr. Lel ,,- noi throw overboord a ungle one >.f our princinlea, liiMis were aaade la gei voten for prinrlple*. I'm, rlplee do oot exlel to i-'"t votea Ior partle*. (Ap j,i iuae.1 Th" Congre?i wblch haa ju-t ended lut' been a] memoraMc one. lt haa made mlatakea, nn dniiht, for 1: waa not Infalllble. lu my experlenre people who make no m :., ?- :.r- fouud excfmlvely among Ihoa. who never do anythlng. iLauehter.l We have i our mlstake*. bul we have done gr Bl and laatlng work of ti; - utmoal valuo to the American people. W? have .:\-.-, Iblnority nil" n deadly blow. We h ve crlpjiiMl olirtructlon, We have proved tothe American pt .],:?? thal tbe Houae can leglal ite, aad we i. v? made ii Imposslble for any majorii] ln the futun ln ,-. ipe reaponaibllitTi by the ml*?i a ' ? esirt " lluil t . mlnority woald noi lel II !?".': :.ii ?. (Applauae.) MR BOOSEVELrS REMARK8, Ifieodore Boosevelt made a epeeclf wliicli evoked hearty aad freqaent applauae. lie s,ici, i or tha laal two \c-ais my duty i:i> been t-i :.d mlnlster a n n-parti*an law. a- they a sre I ro yean ol complete BepubBcan lupremacy lu every branch ol tho Oovernraent, lt haa naturally fallen to my kil Ui battle witli many of the moat powerful rbid i i aome ol tli" most Influentlal el 'ineni - ln my own party, I :.i hu :? en b plea .'.; i mture ol my t.i-;.: \.-t I thlnk I can ron clenilou ly ly thal l liave never alinnik from it: und thal ,-i ??> ln as i..\ ln ii.", wlthoul fear or favor, and witli < .mplete di?re (.'.,:?,! ..I ull j,::-t:-:,ii ,ir personal ( uisidenitloiu, l liave niainUlued n^ain-t party frlciid* and partj foca nllke tlie i r.i wltn tho KupervUlon id which l waa ln part ii.-t'i t.-d So I ililnlc I have earned the right to *peah ,. few worda ,-i-- ? BepuMlran thia evening. I' rii'.ip. had we been vlctc?rlouH last. fall ! would noi have boen prenenl now: but aurely 1 ,:,:, claim ihe privllege ol atatidlng 111> wlth my friendi ln time ol rl ' ? iv i Applauae.) , The Bepubucan party dnring lls two vem ? '.?, g nl aii. lut" j, iwei nn- o-'ii ' ,?'.!: mi -d l,\ ii inenariuf ei II, ; v ;,,. !i :t has mct boldl) and auccosfnlly, i mean Uie movcinenl f - in Inflated, at.d ihereforc 'ii-l ? ?? ', enr r, tic> : and i' i- a matter >,f rompara'.lvi IndilTenence whetlier llie llghi wan made for tbe unllmll i rolnage .f a ahorl ivelghi dollar or for paper n.j ..utriv'it. The rtemand t.i- Ihe nnllmited coinage nf depreciafd s.iv >r l? -::upl\ iii.- ? iu iii" atruggle agalnsj li ie t i: .. fla whlrli happenti to be uppermo t ul ihe mc'ment. I;i rlug th i.i ' i?ir Ihere baa boen a i rfeel crare nn iB.Jcct. whlcli hafl swepl over ihe We ? and ?outli, and haa ifln-ted. mmewliat, tlie Mlddlo states. Kortu i.,t;, : , the lionor nnd go ,1 faith of ihe country, li \ - the Republlcan pnriv which waa lt: power, and Iho ,;. part; :? alfa II; wlthato rl Ihe demaod. '1!.. bllver bill made it - apiiraranre ln Congp ? nnd re civi-d tl ?? anpporl of nlne Ienlhs "f ihe Demni mtlc mem l ei--. Ii v.ns di-fi-yt.-il by the Bepublican ^praker r>i he lower hotis.. ? iched by Ihe nearlj aoild Kcpublitan i .f thal hon?e. (Apnl iuso.) Bul the poinl npon wblch i -.ii-!i tn lay eapedal stisv-s in apeaklng U> vou t<. nlgkl la the < llect nf tbe THE CONHECTICUT WUTUAL LIFE iflSURANCt COMPANY in 1990 inataaaari Ua bbbbIb aod it* Barplna, btatdca payini to . , | , . $5,933,602.34 policy hoi.lcis.? ? Wbile it received fio-n Ui P|,liri' holdera . ' Its prolit from interest and rent an.l prolit and Iaaa nce.ount WM :!,:n.9,40fi.l 0 It pald in eash dividends \ ? ? l?MM?*?*? lt has a surplus of aasete over lia bilitiea iby New-Vork staudanu of . , . . ! 9,150,000.00 PHQJF& MILLER, Jencral AfBBl for New-Vork City and Vicinlty and Ncw-.Fcrsey, 1 Wall St.. New-York. achleved ... t M ? ' . Utl. ffi^t^StSSW'Ume. [Appl. RO MOBK Ol' WBAVKH'R XACTIC8. m ll.e Lth Ooofreaa, the laat Coogw" war wMrh Hr. CariWe praAAM. we >aw a. bamlllatlag . . i ,,,!?. American eyea eooM to* ?*?? *? ?,,,, ?,,., Mr. Weaver, aaeptag tha whote Caaticu .'?; ; ?,, two weaka, bteehlna the wheeta .1 the ^^Vlhatpertod,bee^t^?"T*e ma,nc2 "?'I;":';',bv i , nWtl bivewadared II ln. ,?j_ugasbi1?,.,aS'l5f?s :-.r:!.,r;;:,,r.,;;:l,r,::v,,-:,?.. *tru ti-" ai : .',.iii ??> <?'? ".;,.,,;,..,-,-1 ioiely ol Ior thia that mmority, : . ,? ,,,,.,, K mr.- .:.,- dcbatc m - \ ,?. ?,.,??.,? thal period offera anip? .,-1". ? -'t ? mlI1?rtt, twni U, ext.resa IU *???;?"* II then tm , 1"1,v ? ,l;^;,;':;;;''..'..-a'..i'^i'v,'^.the ..?,.,?.. and c?.p;:.'Mi ^*?$0lft w?^?sww,i? -c-vf,rn??r3 ,:..;;, . , ? ? ^vernmental lunetten* of tha bodj i.-ai Uke holdlns a ihertll to a.P'.Vf. SUK JWJU. andIbn JAS^Sl ,..'?. ,?,1,11. ibta ." avoM .. Oght. (uwgni i bm ;,!'i,;;"',V:'' ,?,.? |? N.-w Ynrt aenaalated wRb rn.".,'.: ?'.'.. ie of the Kew v-.-h Leetilatuiv, th. Ihe I""-*" "1. ".'.'. ' ,,r ,,?. majority n ( ? ,:i,;"::" i;:,- ,- ? .1 N- nUe aialn.t Bllbuat :.r ',.. tlon thnl hl . . adopted li; ? -, ioIiritk* ; Z npprach I. arverltj thl md prarttea of the ;.- iti.n vv,- nrx dKvlayed ths.. hai h*on *'*!>?>?* i?- m". Reed bi I tl - Republlean majority I i tbe b>?l ^M^'S l''---' '""* ?" u,ll,,, "'" '?" ?.r , ,i..:;.'d f...-ii.:...v rean. aftev aeta whleh oi ? ,,.:,,"? mportance I .ve been uiterly haj ? . . .?-?'. lo IW -.,. ?;,.,! -ln iher , I. ;l prouder ol th. , iuntr>^ . ||,e I'opvright blll appUnso' ,'h-,i int. a aw. Itwi . m i ur- nf Jaallre nnd ot those measurei whl h disl ..-lly rni^c JK Nu-.lonal tone, whicl in ; > ? '"' ??' ;; li, tlio un'.! ii'-- and hah-mind dneaj ol tbe ,\m n , ., ?'., , vp?:.,?.e.l lt ls a liutlng shaine 1- . , U,,N ??t enacted llftjr yeari oan. hut lt:l* Ht |? ?, that It hi been enarted noa . ., Republlmn I ea mo! tay how h?artHi I II i ? waa a i:-,"1'!- wi ' "' ,"''"" / , . ?.?::??;? 'il'-l aml ' ,- Idrnt. n Rc)."ran .'?" - .?i.iili n President I "f ?'" ? ii .,;,- ptiihcd tiiv.i-.'t tbe li'"i-' '"? ' fH? |S< of r.mneetlrut : Adami, of II , of Ma in.lius.-tN, . rt n ihe -.-.-!? Plsti >f f'onnei tteut. i 'nllj hv n KtmundV Haa -**. WotejJI ottien whom I wlab I I ??? ' m* I ''.?,?".'? ; lf . ".- one man me e t! in nn. entll lo t rre-1'.t of ii- pa aa*. '' ? ' " ? : . ? ' ,-. ii,.-. , v ~;,.k.. i:-. i .'-...:.? ".: f..r lt wa i ? ,.:?? li i.ict.d -..- I nn?n. :- --.-???-|. .. - . . . , i ,,-iv,. ., ,. pfflrMit -..|... .11. and ?? Ihe ... thal I''. t i" adoptlon ..f Ihe nea mi.- th< II > ,..,.,.,. ,, |, ,. . |e f..r i >.- mpatenj. n id . Ml p.,.-.-; through Ihe lower bou?e, and alUn ,?!,. not f,.- ? ui- nannl fall lt J " ' ' il,,,- Iiemocr ?- llk? senat * Batter and itt-j ? , , isand l>-- -c ? . ? r thri ... i: , ..,,,-1 ),- the law, and I deenlv ? I . .. thnt a nan.bei nf RepnWIeana |.dned Iho Demo , . . _? . ? . ? larlUle and l ??; ..:,.. ,v. ,? the .', ? ' "!.'?: .v.-?.pp ..i-t... nf tlc bill: t nt the fi. i remalm lhat Uie great n i I ...-.",?' i: ?.!.?" , lf- tuA that .11 1 . ? r | if, ? ,|.,;,- hy ' '? i: pnl ll'ii le. i ? | o m ? pron ? i I.? ? ' ' ;' : it t , th i nd na:!. fAppI i THK CREDIT 4U ." 1 RR RKPRBUCARR Tbe bill waa pa "'? lij a R "pul llean < m -.- it j. :, ri p?i :,. i"! trtamph, -. RepabHcaa aao i I I .? reflecta bi.r upon tl -? i:- ;? il U an portj ? well a- npon the whole American people, (Appl Tbe party ln ronitre* n el i wbei ? mual lo ? i ' . ifeni be Judeed bv Iti own leadera, n k1 w? ha?T . | I, to feel proud ol the men who led llie Hght for i,^ in th ? i i . < ,,: ': rhat th< re hrmld I ? ,,, .-.,,, Repiiiillraiii. ol whom we rannot feel pi (,,]V ^ i,.', ijn ti-i \v. , anno ? ape 1mm Uie faei ,:,,! |t wai rn. rrcdll ... the Republlean party ?.f tbe House tliat Mr. f'nnnon, ol HllnoN. should he ,.-.?? of it i-aiT-. and tlu-- l aay, tbouxh arcll aware that on ,.:,.., i,,,ui. Mr. Cannon iia- done pi i worh. lmt _.,....,: , _? i , ...ij , from a i lo ?? pei onal knowl ,,i-,, nt and BMorlatlon wlth the men, i ? i>- In all .!,,.;..)?. thal l Q.icatlon if euv l"itl?laUve body any vh'-n- o! re enl >.:,i im- had ablcr, mnnlier, bra ? ;,t.i rr:' -T- - hniieil leader tl " 'l" men who led the Re pul,ln rn. party ln the i.i-- l .ngreaa. (Anplauae.) II ,- n honor t" the Pcderal Club t" bave two of f ,.;n v. ? i , - to nl 1,'. Tltrre. ha ? ... u no m in ln piihll. !-'?? who haa done mon eHelenl nnd t work for decent go\'ernmcnl during the i.i-t tt i yeari than the Hon. Henry Cabol i.nd - tappkiuae), und ei K|h ih ? ? Reed hai won hli plare ln I t .;-. at one of the leaders of the irreat party, a a man v. !',,??? name li ? ntlth'd to n I I imone tl.e limt li her long roll eall i ' honor; ai a man ?Im haa renderrd ti nervlre lo the Natlon which wiu l.e aml more ??; ? ? ited ? ii, "? -.?' and ll m ?rth i- fuiiv im:-I'-i-i.;.>.!, and liunllj ai b man wbo hai Inld under a ui m' debl all tlios- nll iivii the world who belleve In i.-p,;. i1 .,? pon il tl ? ',",.. (Applau '? i: .1 rhecr-;, l.iud and I '"-' rontlnui ' * UENERAL WOODPORD AND MR. AJtNOUX. With of high oompliment, Mr Depea lntroduced General Stewarl L Woodford, the in Early Spring Many people aro troubled witli dizzinesa, dalneM, aopleaaant taste in the morning, and That Tired Feeling, while tbere may also appear Pimples, Boils, and other maoifestationt of Impure Blood To all such Bufferera we earaettly urge a trinl of Hood'a Sarsaparilla. No preparatioD ever received such Dnanimoufl praise for its raecetw as a general Spring Medicine. It. cttrefl lerofnla, sait rheum and ererv otlier evidence oi impure blood. It overcomes That Tired, Feeling and gives the whole system strength. If you take llood':* Sarsaparilla, do not be induced to buy some substitute in its place. Remember That all efforta to Bell you something else are made because there wiii be a little more on the substitute. Therefore we aay, do not be impoeed upon, but insi^t on baving Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold b.T all _rurslM?. *1 ; ?lx for ?,. I'r ?|_r'xl onlr J r-oUl by all _J____ala. 11; m Ior I". _'rr-p?r?l only by C. 1. IIOOU A. .0., __B88h8eBriaa. I_uwr.,i. .__.?>. | by C. L BOOB i 00-, Apot_i-.arl.-_, [laall. Maia. IOO D08C8 One Dollar I IOO Doses One Oollar , ,,,, of wheee addieaa wa* -The Republieaii Party.- In Ui aaealng wnteneeja Mr. Vodftrd , . , <,.!', ea in i. iiii;.---the innny who rule , ',' r.M-dl'h.f v wl.. V',.l'l . ..iiirl the many. Tlie -???? v ?fv-^^;;"r;-:V;;:,'N^; :::-:; k^m. ^_?vas! -,';,,., We would keep a place wbere Hpneirt men r.,1: :'?., aui,".i".i.i'.;i.i;- ^?<>^-yr^^ tor boneal l?-or. Hence ao are 1 rol *t '? - ? ,Chcei*.i Havlng labor. ae muat be able to tn ->? * _ffl__?-^._S^_!s!_S>? I l ?? . rn . ?!? , ? ? ?. Mit* 11 I il 1 l \\ '111 Hl l?".' . SintWpS ?Asas__ ,i,.:v -.1. ai laal are bave had atouu re*a | j * JM furnlahed ihe oraertanltj tor ?u< u a >?';>? *A'V ,. ' Oenei ii Wootll rd cloaed wiw * g-OW-Bg Teaw_^,s^m-as. Uilli,,,, M. Ev_rl_, R-bertP. .mr, ll.-,,,> ?s ^ifitf_?aS?W3___ U?.T_S_iSin.U.? .??L?!J*fi___ ."},! Kjk ;;r!:rrr.;?.:!Cf';v_,. .a'Sffl fiSHf as; _6ara__-i_tr^ .."-ss lu, il .1 : Ifr iate-ninn to theae Conpreaaional , , i Vs .ml t teae other Occidental oratora ir.,?'"" n .... on ine. iLaughter. I wlU near that .;.:,!, ?f youra even 11 the Coronert Jury ahouW ('..,'!l,l another l-all-bend. lLaughter. Aad now aentlemen, I have tbe gwa> pbsaauw of ln JpHiuHni |.n->i.ieiit. in whoae honor -8 an bere to-night." Kx-Judge Arnoos iala: T,.ua] r.'.i'tui.ii wlth which jrou have wel ,,?.",! me im- evening, lf l deemed lt peraonal to my 'V t.uM make ..." ipe-rhlea. arlih emotlon. for 1 remember ihe liu- ol Kalclgh, au ollcn quotcd by ? ,. -.mkling, "The alialluwi murmur whlle Uie ,.,..?;,,,,' i know, however. lhai Ihe weleome ',,,;. .v.? tt." I- lendcrcd t. me aa the preaiden. . ' s?: i.i "iui,. an.l ln betotf of the rlub 1 tender ', I,.., rv rtnrera thank*. (Applauae.) Ko have . ,' . ,,, i-nlriit bj t:,- pi.ire ol the prln.J . ,,,?,,:.. wbo hai aVtalned al laal tha laine ot immortallted ln ver_e Utieer*; and taagMer). viiriii ae are t"i'i thal be "praya wlth t'i- plom aud ,'',[. wlth ihedry- ,,.,.!,'.- and auzhter): and lf pver tl." glfl ol oraiory I would haye ln rlalm ?.i-'.t in be hneuaca ol ika Bromley. tbat I hava ,,:;, ??<'|'.;iiii,.-v iv |.--.".l.-' lLaughter and cheera.) . ,'. |.,.,,1 .1,,,! -.!?:,<- f..:- ill thal i- pure and I ,'. , ',.,,' ,::,?,:-. ln polltlra. .(theer..) lt haa , iven In the paal tor tr ?.,i gnvemiaent, for pure and , ,',?? t el 'rtloi -. tor the protectlon ol American ln .:.',"?. ,V,l foi mii leglvlal. ns would rarrv he ?.. ,lf ti,0 i i i .ti over ..11 th- oreana an.t t.? all tlie ,,,", ,,? ,.,. tvi.rM. .i.i.iul cheera.) '"'Vtt*. to-nlghl tlw man who of all other, . L th0 |, , | lerurrd rach k-gialutlon cheenil bv hi. Ind lal.l. ? hl !>"rs"V",-,ti." ?nd hla wlll 'i'l,"?;--., He ha endeare* hlmaelf to nr.a.1,.,1.. 1.,-puMi. .:, partj :,ti.' to tbr Mi-il, in poople ? rllMliHiloii ".? party. irherra.i In tbo Hlbllral tit.i"- the queatlon waa _?hat wenl ye out Intn the wlldaniean.' A r-vi ilmken by the "?inil;- iml ii. i'i" Ii I '""''--?' wo??_ tlm Hat wiiiittie i i nown bi tba ''"?"'., "f .,:,. . , u ?- ihaken by Uie net?d ,ii,,.i,i.-r and rheer>), and that h?i waa abln , , . i . f.,r n Ihe gre te I nd moal i.i ? .'i l ? .liiion lhai ln- ? ver I ? w rnaeled I i I ? ?" in in. ? i". ? ?? that loaed he appealcd fn?m I ,?- and Ihe pol llral ' i'nt lo future L:--tv na a vlndicatlon f"i- the :>-t- ..f .,',.' i? .? ? i ? ? ed. I'"'-1) : ' _. : III) ..ii"'" ': "'?''? ??'? ? .,: ,? . ',?-?- ll \. -1. , ,? i ? ?..,??? Mr. Dep ?* ? allerl i n " Mnr phv, tlie ln-. ."? I ? reapon i for Ih" elub H,s onllnan -. Li VVilli nn l? Mnrphy. and h? ia l'.'ki-.i nn na on. '???? ?"'- ''-' young men in Ihe Fnlertil's ranka \. | | ... , partj ln ,'.,-? np witli tlir e r lUMng rheera for " liepiihlie u ihe Past, and Mc t,,rv in the Ful . , ., ,. rhe ;.nl nn i ' ivere .1 Arthur || ? ,m. .1 :,i.'s 11 l?!ii ;?.. VV "H s i . linl- '11, Ihe i ? ? '. ' e profH eomniittee were Kempei Dneoek, Jamen P. Nt",,ll ,n,| II. li. llnt.i. rhe <- ....i..i't.-.- "i, ??"?'ii-'-menis ?"_, ,,,:,.,, ie<l of Jnmea II I'hippa, VV. 1) Mu ?,?! Rlrhard J. I/ewla Th< work -i tl,.- varintu .tt.-.-s m ... an ,in;...t; ml intributory elenieiif to the i icceaa ...f thl? l?r l I auceesaful rllnner. _ TOOPENTnEASEWMVSieHALL A OG FK-IIVM. WILL BE GIVEN. uo IKTIF.S \n:i m: il TS WHO WIl.L TAKE PART i.n i r i iu. pnoORAMME. ?i: ? mn l< featlval lo rele .ratlon of the opi nlnl ol , y ,.,, H ,n ,lt mt'. ---v.-ntii it and * ventfi urt. oo Ma' ?. ?, '. - md l), ?111 ! ' Riven b) lha .-j. j i un) s ? - - ? rn. Ibe inatorl i Hoe rtj i'i, r-i:- and tl" foil iv lug arti"t?: 9. l ?', ilhowaky, the ... iio wlll condut-1 ? . ml ol 11 . Praa AntvnlB Nl ilke, - iprano; Mlle. Ctetaen ,,,?. ,;,. \.:.-. ...,.i , . ,. in, v .:;?? Rltter ilo Ue, eoa talgnor n .1" l-ampanlni, lenor; llerr Andrcaa i ..,.ior i:<*l< imiiiin, bnrltone . Kinti Krli-Miii I Adcle Ana ,!,., nhe, pianl i . Wulter l> in m i li, conuui b r. rbe ,., . w hi ln- ii- folkjw ?: ,,.?.-.? ? III n ? ivea , .. ,. ?; iKha'keaaky : I i, um " r-" i ? i . ln N *?)"'. '"'' .,,'-. h .1".-' I ? ' v. ? . . ?. : . nin ? m ,- i-:.'. ? I ?.t r -?..:. rlioiua ,. . M. ml. l-s .Im ?-.,, :??- i , . I ? , '' ? ' ,, , ? ||,rt ? irua U i' I, H< r l!mil i I. i , ,. M*_ 7. i-i Ov-rtui ? ' lua ??' .M..'ir'. i,i.:, i nnal'. Act ll, "Klgaro".:..ii'. : . _ . . '?' ? ? i l; Irhmaiin, IL :r 1 .- I. r j,. u,. n.i. ni '...,.,. 1,-st.,, .. Twbalkowaky l , ii,li. I ,1 i.v un ,? ? . a i from --I." i." '? I-abo -?'.MaaMael ii ,..:,:-.. Prelada aod flnale ft. "1'rl-uiii l?olde".Wagnei i ii,i,\ May 8, IrtOl. Tha Sevea Worda o oui iavlour llWurich Behaeti lSevente,'nUi ccntury.) a and < ...n... in'i Antonla alielke, l ?? i Mi,>' UU i II. ri Ai.,1.? js l.,|.|,. ,. 11. ,r ll.. ."l"i 11*1' ii I. ,,i,i,. Mi I.n "... lluabo, ll. T".. ? ap lla ??,',,?- .,. r..;... \,,.'.- i, Leaend. .n.'.s. i-ii-l ii:i." iu Aii'i, .i. lHhaiKow?ay . ,.i ,.,.. ted i.i i, ?? on |."- r. Balaa ith ''? ?.....i.i Damroaeh : m ... rh. i ua uml ? ' li.-t.i-a. >,,,,.' .v i i in a.. ,,;., Mi Ike, ll- '? Andrt-4 Dlppel, - ? i. , on, .':..;. 'J. 1001. i itti, Byn | looy, i m nor . Ueethovi n i ,.,:,. iiiui.. ... v ?..?. iiii.i Marlc i::t; r-iiii. u. , ,, , ,',, |,,i I'l'liii Kltli (l|.-|i. -Ull 1 -. I ill..o\ -k> iu.. Ml au ? .vi- il i ' :,? ? i undii, '? ,i : ?? ii" , "" i'"S' i ? i' . ,, ii,'-i i<>-s. i Mettlen >-. I,.-. Art ll, (Krom I*aral? ral ? V.'..-:i.r 'I.... '.i. 18111. ?I-; i.-l iii" Ural ? lo..... Hiiii'Icl ; ,,, ull ii.Hii.i ? .-hurua un'l or li -t.i. ... i .. ui . ( i. ,,,. ntin ? D. \'i . ti." M.:i- IllUer-U-eti, II. ir Ai.'i, ,. Ii:i,|,. I. ll*i r l.'..,I Pla. BCT, Mi. I;ii,-,'ti lluahnell. IIE HAS TO CALL A POLICEBAN. Tlll. CROWD TO lg IHM fOR A BURCLAB ANU THB DOCTOIt WA8 TAKIA TO k POLICE BTAiI'N. Dr, u.ix r.iii.-i-iii-inu, a weii Kiio'.mi Hangarian pbyah '.iu, a*he Uttu ut 8fo. 123 Baat Beveaty tblrd t.. iui j.,-t paaaed through an expertence whleh ii" wlll probably not ea llj (target >iii.:Mv after mtdalghl oa Thuroday the doctor wai i illed oal to attend a patlenl jt So, SS3 Baal Blxty fourth st. ll" returned hoaie iv vay of Lexlngton-ave., and hai Just reached Bev enty-sceond-at when a barglar-alarn in. iiu- boju.I Leopold Btera, Wo. VJO Baal Beventy-aeeond-at, rang (tirtouaty. Mr. Ktern'a houae waa broken Into and robbed aboul two yean ago. aod be at onee concluded thal tha burglai- wera paytag aln another rlalt. 8 li i,u; ii rattte, if raa lo bla beArooaa wtodow aad eaa tioiisiy opeaei it. Then ii" iprang tha nttlle md \.i; i llke au Apaeht oa Ihe wtgftXu. Nlght-capped beada praaaaUi appeared it avery wladoa ln tha itreet, aai ?? Browd collaetad ouUMe Mr. ntero'i boaw. Dr i.i.?.! beard tha ery ol "burglar" and tlio _rurr_ui_ of fect on tbe pavoment, and, knowlug tbal ?aere wai alwayi ? pollceman on ;.,-t at 6eventy ? ami Tliird-ave., ran a_ hard ai he rould in ,'illf iiirei-tlon. The crowd mw hlm runnlag, ana, |?. ,,|, j i .. r itrl. i. Parley, i " it. hm in . mployi tiie Holmea Rurglar Alarm < ..u-.oativ, gave noi ilia.e. i,r Bni^Umaiiii is i t mi younj ai he aaa. and li_w ,.. ,, . pee.l. Aa i- ;.- u hed Tlilrd ave I i \ wci t iii ui . . ihe ? ill.: ' i dug ii.s kni ??? In II e Doatih-u bark. Then, breathle -, Indlgnant and amazed, , ,.. ,; . |..i m.i- i,-ii bark lo Mr.'s I.,,,.-'. liis ,xplanaUoni and exnoMutotlona were loftllj ign i d '?? I,,. .. ur. li: . .I-... im u t- made lu -.?.. it on t'i" ,i . iih for an hour. when ii ?..- i< un i thal Mr. Bteru ,,Vi i..-, . Iilng, ind ll ' lai - li id uu-l.ti.-.l, wi'ii ins do ra. The gn ? In II ? ball had i.i bu ',ri_t'iH. but tbal w.i- due lo Ihe forgrlful ? - "( ?' ,x IMj \ir. i iiiv, liowever, iu-i-tni that l_trolman Ty\( i. ,,f (he Tw. mj Hfth Prei Iti :. .li mld i ike Dr. j.-,. ...| .,,"?. to Ihe v\t\ >eventh-t atatlon, wbere lt ,'?,'. -. rp ant VcMlllan Juu t.'iiuv lerondi tn rind out ? ??at Ur. JlnBtlf?8HTI waa r.ot a mldtilglit houacbreaiter. Mantels,?Fireplacas, I'ortnble Urato Bemtoem. A...Iiro..?. ton l.oa-. I'endora. Hre M<l., He!lo.T?, Woc.l BotdOSa n.i.l oil.rr HOUSEHOLD ART GOODS. O.ity roncc.-.i ln line hnvlna Ra c?.. Foinidrlca. "BUY OF THE MAKER." Ilo.ible More, UNIONSQUARE?cor. Broadway. LkaXOBAYB AMOBVMBRT OF WI* Kalnbllahrd over 60 yeara. No Old Stock. Everything Made ?Millafnctn.f RAILROAD IXTERESTS. DISCUSBDIQ TBOUBLES OF ATCHBOH. TBB ROAD AGBEH TO DIVBBf TBAFilOi AS PIKSCTBOi to QTBBM ROAD*. Ckieago, March .i.-The general Biaiiafrri ef tho roadi Interested ln the agrcement for a dlvlaloa of rompetltlve traffle from Boathweatern _glaaoari Kiver pointa had a BMeUng to-day, ealled for tl.e parpoee ol coaakteriag tha Utaatloa aa affeeted by tl.e attt of Um Atehlaoa. Por wiae Ume paat the httei road haa faiied lo earry ?ut the ptovWona ol Um rneot Cbalmaa Walker, Chalrman Mnigiey and Chalrman l-'ml.-y, eooaUtnting the Boaa* of Arbltralora, i.avc leveral thnaa ordered UM Atchham t.. tuin over to competlng llnea a eertaln proporflon of it- traiiic, iu order to keep Uie baataeae dlrlded on Um baaia of the perceatefpi eitabUihad by tha Baaad. ThLs tl.o Atehlaoa lias taOM t<? do uutil i>- Indebtcd nc-s to its oompetltora aow exeeedi 1,000 eara of fafght The Atehlaoa people clalm thal th.y bave had no Intentlon of Uaregardlng the ordara of tho arbltralora, hat lhal th.-v bave beea anahle t<. tin them promptly, beeaaae they did not have the lu.-i tftu to dlvert Farthermoro, they held that kmm of tha BrhitratotB1 dadahma wara aat Ju-t to th.-ir road, and an addltlOBBl clami WM BMde that ceitaiu othT rtwdi bavlag Haaa hy aray "f Oaiaha areia dlvertiag tbeir traffle to tl.e Oamha rootea, thereby Hgktentog the voiuine l.y way af Kanaai Qty aad aaabHng than to clalm a portloo of the AtehlaOB'l bMlBBBB. The meeUng t...i.v waa ao effort t.? mmm tho aa-aallBd t'lind poo| (Ton ntter dlMOlattan. Preaident Maaval nnd Vico-Presldent tfpringe* were l.oth la att.-ndance. Tha argnmeal I roaght la bear upon them was that tha proper eearae t? puraoe ea tii>.-ir part waa to dlvert the IraBc aa otaetiA by the arbllfBtoee, and then, if ntiaged, ... appaaf trom tho Brbitaatora' d. clilon. Thu Atehlaoa oBefaUa Baally yleMad to thi< argumanl and agreed to tnra over t.? tiie other road-, aa tooa as pracUeahk tlio aamber of can namod ln the aeveral atdera. After dtapealag ol thn matter tlio auoaanre dis ni--.'.i the paaa agreeaaent, whleh was rBceatty du ?oll d by tl.o witn.liawil ef tho Atclii-..n. Tlie re ault ?a- inii Chalrmaa Waltof was aathorlaai to prc ]...:?- a fi.nn ..f agreemaoi problhltlog t!io leealag of free tranip irlattoa to luflaanee IralBa, and to layort at a (nture meeUng. it. -, i.-:ii iiook iuki Oeneral Paaaeoger Aganl K.-nt, ..f the JaekaonvUle and Boutbeastera road, had a eo? foren.fl to-day wlth the offlelala .>f the Atehlaoa aud . halriuan 1'iuley ol tlie ft'e tern Paai nger A -w lation . ?-.,,_ li _? the mlleagc Ui k( ti lhat bavo been dl turblug i it. ? '.?'?:? Bt. Louli and Chleago. 'iho waa tu duvlae lome nwai - ol gettlng rid ..f tba and m.utheaatern's outatandlng tlrketa. li ihii .au hc ?" ? .mpllibcd Chalrman Flntei thlnlu ihe Alton may wtthdraw it- re.|ue*l f-.r autnorlty to i lu.e ihe rato on mileaga tlcketa t.< two.centa a mile. A pro|H?IUun waa agre d Bpon wbleb w.U probably bo ?ul,ralttcd t> .'. ilton p. ple to-morrow, luvolv Ing ii ?? i- a. v ,: ... the 'ii-r nn Ing llrket-i from tli- mar ,i tiie luture malutenuuoe <>f tha two-and-ona ? i;:l". ? BABXIXUB OF IVECT VIBGIXIA t KNTIiAL. DhlUmore, March 8 (Speeial). The aanaal report of tbe Wi ' i Central and FltUbnrg BaUroad Cwn pany, to be pubUahed to-morrow, tbqprt ,i targa iu , :.',-,? in the . '.; traffle and an extenflve devetopment ,.f the coal i i tereata ol tha Mountaln Btate. i .. ? Dxed i barg -. Df -i'-,_ . ? tai .,,,i ihlpmai ti T<"?.-_'*.> ton*, an Inrteaae ol 130,803 tooa; dellvered to Baltlmore niitl i^u'., 311,324 ; t-. Pennaylvanla, 383,570, and ..n Um llne <?' road, :,,;;>?? tooa. The ahipmeata "f r?.ke trere :.',,.;i7 tooa, in laaieaaa of 18,980 tons over ir--... Tha cohe traffle is growing, the Davla c.?ke and <',>.ii i pany, 1 ivtag balll 113 eohe oveoi - the yeir. The company owna i.?i" otra ar.d ? ,.? nea, of whleb number 503 mM and threo engtnea wera parehaaed and pald tat darlag tha ., ,.-, ,,t , , , t ol c'j'..",.iT'i 75. The . ui t.:i^ baaa , !v improved. TIm trach li belag gradaaUy ta i,,i witb Mventy-poand rteel ralla, treatlei replaeed . and culverta, and .-.uii ballhaated wlth , ..? ,m nilona frmi Elklni In tbe diraeUon , ? i. v r|, _,-.,i Koanng Creek, have been begun aad ?i.- ,\<, .. ? l -..'.? . ,.--.| ,iur u\ ihe year. Survej i and ? i-i- wjiinrrtloii wilh Plttabura; oa , ,i wlth the Cheaiupeake and nhl.. Kall r,^wl on the ' . belng made nnd the <iuc-^tion 11 ton.-trui ting auch coni i U n ? i ualdi red. CONTBOL OF THB OHIO \M.I.KY BOAO. lt ia pncttcally lettted thal tha Ohlo Valley Uailway will paaa soon Into tb.ntrol <?f tha < beaapeaha, <'hio and Boathweatern BaUroad. P. ... Kelaey, BtaaMeot ,,r the .'in" VaUey, and C. P. Uaatlagton, al Um , !,,. ipe-ake road, yeatenlay ilgaed a ui.-m.>i-.itidum of ,,.., whleh la wbjeel to Um approval of tha itock ytUe doubt exlata that thli approval will be plven and ln nboul ilxtj dayi i!i" formal tramfer a1ll p;,iiai.iv be made. The Oblo Valley haa beea oaaa for buatneea about two yeara and li stid t.? ho earnlag ii . ii.\.'.l eharge*. lt runi from Bvanivllle, Ind., to Prlneeton, Ky., i dlatance of aboal i|H> mllea. C. C. Italdwln, who li Intereated In tha Ohlo Valley, mM v.-s tetday tlmt th.-*.i.-ai wm a bm*I advaatageoaa oaa for tha . t\ ol Bvanavllle, openlng to it a aaw ..iti.-t t>> the Bnnth. The aquliitlon of th~ n^i.t would bring Mr. Iluntlngton'i road t.? the Ohlo Kiver and within 887 i,i.i''- ol chtcago. n vtrtually gave through ean nnd entrance Into Chlcago to tbe Cbe? ipeake, nhlo an.l Bouthwestern. it eouw not be lenrned wliat tlie terms ?.f tlio Iranaaetlon were. Intareal i- t,> l*< . ?,,,! u|i,,n the ?-'-." '(HMMi :, i?'r cent bonda of thu < >hlo Vall. j .nnd Ihe rontrol of the W.00O.000 -t,? k ptsses to Mr. iiuniiunt.iu. t.ut on what boals could no| be leamed. The benetlta of the d.-.ii wUI bo odered t.. all il ?kh(dder*. A i:\ll.\v.\V TKIPLE ALUANCE. BalUmore, Uarrb fl (fcpectol).- Tho Weatern Miw li.,.i Rallra ui Company hai awarded Um contract lor the rompletlon of iti cxtenaloo fr..n. Wllllamaport, Md., t>. cherry Bhn, oa the and ohlo Balliaad, a dlatance ..f toarlcea mllea. The eonatmctlon ?>f Ihla -iini-t, line will romplele tha lyatem dowa tha (?uini"-i luiid Valley, brtween tha two Bwantala raages, which wlU air.uit Um Bcadlng Company a ahart aud dlrecl llne ... the Weal over Um Balthnore aad Ohlo. The \\',' '.-rn Man I.i:..1 Will C00B8.1 Wilh UM Baadlng near Harriaharg, aad thenee via Bhlppenaharg, I'vnn.. te Cberry Bun, which wlU aow becoma an Imporlaat polni on tha Baltlmore aad Ohlo. Maeh af tha throagb fi-.'U-ht fi'iui Chleago and other Waatern polate t<. I'hlladelphla aad New Vork, In I ad of paaaing thraagh Baltlmore, will be aenl over the new ronto, a- artu alao tlw '..,..:.,,i frelghl over the Beading. ln return fnr ihe iiup.'.tani wrvlee rendered bv the ttestern Maryland In tbla new traffle aUlance .,f the three nui i-i.i.l-. il will he allowed t.> aae Ihe bow bell l. taa nel under thli rltj wheu romplet ?t ao tbat II cau i-nn ihruiigh rara from the Cumberland Valley t.? VVa-.h [i i , ,. The llaltimore und Ohlo aud ih'* Beading will now be able t<> make oompeUtion vvith the l'enu tylvanla Ior Weitern traffle ctoaer than aaar. st'r.MrrriNi; TO ABBITBATIOK. Chleago, Mareh 8.?ThB mltroad llaee, menihers of the Central Traffle AaaoelaUon, Interested la baalaaw between Chleago aad Bofatoi hava agreed ta mbmlt their dlipnti ..v.-r differenUal ratei t.< arbltratlon. Co.ninlsslonera Ulancluvi-d aud Ooddard aro t. aot as arbltratcrs. _ POR TBB CITT UNITERSITT. An meetlng of the commtttoa t.< eniarpo Ibe i nlveralty <>t the Clty of Mew-york wa; h.-ia at the Colveralty Bulldlng yeatenlay etternoon. Charlea i.uti.'i-, the Kev. Dr. Howard Croaby, William i, Opdyke, william a. Wbeeloek, Oeorge Mohro, Wllllam i' liavemeyer, David QaakB, the Bav, Dr. Henry M, MacCraekaa, Charlea 1'i-u*. Bamaal IBatoe, Jaba B. Keiiuciy and 1> B. Ivlion WBTB iivsent. Atthoagh no daflnlta ilta f.? Ibe naw balldtag was decirti'ii Bpoa. it wai tha ananlmoaa optnloa ottha me.n bei--. of tiie commlttee thal tha &;te ahoald Le choaan above One-huaditd-and-twonly-ifth-it Tlm property ln Waahlngton bquaia will be retalned tor tha bm ol Iha . it Law, the ichool ol Pedagogy and tha poat grudiuta itudeuti The commlttee al > Uacuaaed the advlaabUity of enlarging tha proposed eadowmeol to ai i-a-t .f;;.(M>..>,....... butead ol 8500.000, whleh waa belteved lufflcleiit at the reeenl naattng uf tha BBBB" mtttee. The members ol Um commlttee expeaaaad tlu ma. Ivei unanlmoual) ln fai tr <<l the pr ipoaitlou, aml ", at iho oplnlon thut #3,000,000 i,?,ii,i be nilied in .s a York a ? II] i i the new I'nlv-i-uv of i hl. i '" ,\ ,i, runi.- deciaion wlU not ba macbed In mgaid t-j tbla matwr, however, uutl th? m-\i i rting ..i Ihe i-ouimlttee. Tiic commlttcn will not nu c agalu uutil Uie ia?t of thli mouth ot Aprtl 1, l MR. DEPEW UNDER BAIL. (GaaBaaad irom Fir*i r-i ?.-?-. tl.e 'reniediea' which we have tried an.l found did not, rfincdy. to .-nileavoi to i:et permfaatel of the dlrtatora to transfor to thal fouranl the husineii of takinc ciro of the safety of pissensrers. aml w? would pa.v the expenhe*. Tha onlv trouble in adopUng the BUggCBttotl is that, as fhe responsl liility ib upon tlie tillirei-s of the empany, tlie oflicers would I.o hange.l for murder. while th? editor would only bc censnred lor miwlircctcd eu tcrprisc. DIBBCTOB IX MANY BOADB " So far a? my bein? a direetor of the New. Havfn roa.l is eoneerned, I will sav that I am a direetor in nll the line* but one whieh connect wlth the New-York i eutral as the tiunk of tha Vanderhilt systeiu. I atu a direetor f.-r he pur pose of uiairitainiiig harnionions rclatiius l>etweea the trunk Into New-York and its cimeetioni, aud of being abk to a.ljnst aud scttle a* they ariaa the Criotiona that naturally oeCBI when severai of the eonneetiona nave harmoaioua relationa ao iar us the Central is eonoerned, but antagoatette ai'd- eonipetiiive Klationa v.-ith eaol. other. I thlnk in oapaalty of a direetor I scrve m he tweeu twenty and tlurty ?? If the rule holds tliat a railroad direetor is to I* lield ta ? Cowoera Jwy ior ii.ur.lor every time nn areident liappena on the line of any road where he sits in the board, my director-'.njj te twentv-iive railwav couipaiucs presenta ^oaubot ties lor the InteUlgent actlvlty ol tl.e CoronerU .,,,-y which OUffht to appeal to their syn.pathy and their lntelligenee; and my hall bonda wiU exhatust. the powcru of my friends, ifeh B8 they ?ire If the nr.-s.-iit a.tioii InvoIiics the rate one of the thlnga in this eountry will he to lind any one willm.' to serve 111 the dircctory of a railway company.^_^ AKOTHEB INVI^TIGATION STAUTED. THK STATE IIAII.UOAI) CO.MMISs.IOV KXAMIVHS WITNKSSF.S ABOl'T TIIK TUNNKI. The ttel8 Rallroad COmaUaateMra, William H. Rop?rs chalrman: Isaaa V. Bafcar, jr.. and Michael Hl.hard N?(tan yc.-tcrday an iawUfattoa l" the Chamhav of CaaaBBarea of the aecident IB the tunncL Frank Loooria, oun-ei hr the Maw-York Oanteal, and lletirv W. Taft. routiset for tl.e New Yoik, New-llaven and ilartfoi-d Uailroad. were ou hand carli to watrh ti.e lateraate of his eompany. Chalrman BaajMB MM that In view of tho eonipleto mnnner la whlrh the MMM lmdlne U, th" aecident were pnne over hy the mrnner's Jury. the lioarrt ol Commhetoaen did not thlnk lt wortl. while u. p am th" gr.mnd UB*a\ but lt would, ho said, cintiuue ttl inveatigattooe toohteg teawN a iBgpiUia af bmb practicable m-thod of BdafUag BMeaBNB Ut prevent a rccrrenco of BUtelBll Bf that hind In the future; ..,.. ,i i BDderetaad.* he adied, "tn... Um milraad eoaa MBdea ar- dolog the MBM thtef." Lu.-I.ts Tuttle, ,-,:i",ai managar of tl.e New-York. New uaam aad IUrtfoid Ballioad, said that he would ha haPI.y to fu* DUh the cemmleateocn Wtth roo.ns at the ..nnd Cen tral Btettoa for holdlnp any further iiivesUgauons tliat they mlghl d.-em Beeeaaaay. Fowler. the emrineer. WM tlie fir-t witness e* ?Blned, aad his teetteMoy was aahilaaBally that wUth he |ave beBare the Oaranafa Jury, and which ha, been already paaBabed ...... . . (-harles A. Wellington, tho lircnian, said that he had n.-v.r aaea any book of ratea <>- te the aaetkod of ..per. attng tho Ugnala and ao an, but learnod what they meant from th" different engteeera. 0 il. I'latt. npetteteadent of the Orand Central Btettoa *'?s tu-ked by the chalrman if it wera Bm that a good deal af thought had been givea by tha ,???,;,?>- to devlalag ite Btelhai af ripria, and he ?aid tliat -uch was tho case. ?? And it has faikd,-' BBBJBBIBi the l hall BBBB "The aeeldeat haa aeearrad," >ai<i Mr. Kiatt. ??What would b8 the praitlcal ubjection,'' cmtinued tho ciiairmun. ?? to pwetodleg one Main entering that tunnel in tho same direction until another tram had ? WdU," was UM reply, " lt would ha Imro-tblc to 1 -an.llo the tr.if.u: we are now ObUgad to hat.dle II that wero tho rule, and as IO tho rate of ipaad through tho tunnel. of courso if tho whol" toagth of tl.e tunnel weie only 888 bloek, lt WOOM be perfectly MfB to gO at UM rato of tlurty miles un hour." "Sum-om. >,.'i adopted a towae rate of speod under Iha preaent elrcnaMteneaal" -1 Mippo?e it would be better to BUdM a tower rato of BffBBd, but tlw timo given on the .a.-ds ls ttial whleh ean be mado under favorable cuiid.Uoiii. Hia s;K-ed varies ac.ording to the condition Bf tho tunnel." ??Havo you any .-UKpe.sflons to ofler us to any Inn provements lhat nil^-ht l.e made''' '?We aiu BOW ...nsWerlug .-eveial plans, but I may tay, of eoarae, thal tbe rmtttottea ol ti.e tunnel would be a grc;it help if that could be aciuinplislied. Tha naeattooa Whki wc have inuBvad IO far aro very. mu. b InfagteB t,. oar preaant piau of opuaUoaa ? uiiiiim BeBanaa, tha operatoe and awttehteaa at the eabta la ihe laaad at Beveatyaacondat., mM ln r-'-iid t.> IbJ BdvtaablUtf 8f havmit some person workmu' with mm. tiwt be bad beea threa y<?ia ai hla preaent poat, aad bad aevee toand any diffleuity ' ''. Iiart i?'"(.'.- otfc elcctrlclan te UM tn.".. Swttcll imd Blgnal Company, waa ai.hii if lt woald aat aa iu... u.i.i,i.- to have > me method by which Um poat. ii i ,,f tlie -1 iuTi would I"- Indlcated t.. the operator. and ln reply aald: ?? Wa bave what m raU a I'gnal repeater, to Indl ate a ilpal ?here it l? oajteMe ol tli-. view ol the operator." Luelui Tuttle, general managar ol the N-'Winj-a an.l Wew-llavcn road, was qu^tloned tveaniine thi vxamiiiHtion ol emptoyea <>'? emplojrai tor . uiorMiuA naaa, after which the chalrman annoaanad Iba udjoura' iuL-i|t of Um Inveatlgatton. WII.L 00X1 W1THOCT RBQUIWTI0X8, New llaven. Ci.nn., .March <i.- The majority of th? OfflrlBBI of the New-Vork and N-u lluv^i road a^ainil arhom wairaate have beeu Uaaed by Corooar i.evy. ol New-Vork, aere BBBB today BBd a willinpiesi to walve reqalalUim proeaedlpga. Ono of Iha getaaaa f..r whom the Coroner bas u*ued hii warrant, ciaiii* Bockwell, baa beea dead over ata BMatha, FOR BBCBITIBQ BTQLBB 980FBBTT. USaet WBUag, oi bm Oak-ai. suti m, yeaa niny nioming analgaad bafaia JaaHee IBlalw ?t tn.' IhaMa tourt Kapaaal Bl?a, a Baalet M ?Nata ut Na. UA wuium, st.. lar lecalvlag Maiea^. yypiaawal aamy hun. ,ir.-a paaaBa m ?tDti.t-iia* BlMgBMrad im... iha aam. i, -ii.c iu.,111 ef ti.e Priatlag Campany, N?. -10 w iii.-i., ftUBoM apgaalM Btoeft*a t-un.i-iun.nt. Baary Bodth, cotorad, ,.f Na. Ml Weal Mxty-tn-t-t., and momai ITade, ?f fhuatag, L. I., t?o implayea M tt--. pHnttng i^in. hav., ta-en under suh|iI.Ioii. ^-'Ht.-rtsy they aera Mea by th- paUeenaa te masa ltiock's bbmb v,ith a box, and th.y WBN arr.-.-t.'d whlle at?po*lii* of thi in. M BtoaN. S.verii N.\,'- of UM MBBMtal previouiiy im--,d by Iha prlaNag aamgaay were found iu ui^ckn pis.-e. II.' and the two boys Braie arrested. BlooB ?n, I., id by .i'i-ti" lainuir lu #i,ooj blll. Wade and h.iutii wera reaaameM aattl to-morrow. UIE WEATHER REF0R7. fOBMCBBJ TILI. S 1". M. BATOBBAT. iraahlngtnn. Mareh ?-Kor New-BaglaaB, except M?ma an.l EaMata New-York, ram or mew; no chaiiio ln wn paratura, \arlai>l>' wteda ior raalnra fcnwylvanla, New^laeaay, Delaware, M?ry. und. VlrgtaM und .\..rl,i ObibUbb, llliht ruin; Blightly wurnicr l.y UllMar. VBlMbla wlnds. Kor S.mtli c'urollna, UeorgM ind Kloilla, generally falr; Mlch'.ly warnier. Kor alabBBM and Mi>-i-i|'l>i, trr and c.o'.er, exoept l.ght ran. and itaMaaao MMpiwtara on Mm /uif. Kor Laalitaaa and Ka*-..-m xasaa, Hght lato; oool r. r, r Arfcaaaaa aad Miaaaari, imr illghtly .-<x>i<>r. K?r Tenneiaea aml BeMaeBy. falr; ecalei la Uie wftcra PKof*W?Bjenj Naw-Taah, w?t. rn Pwaiyliaala, w.:?i N'iM.r'liaiuiia and lBlaaft, falr; sllghtly cool-r, virlnbla " Voi Mlehieaa aml telwaaata, BaM rain ae ?now. Kor hansis rair; (llithtty warnur l.y Sunday. Kor M....."-.u Soulb DakoU, N> rth Uaivota. Iow? ttnd Nebraaka, fair: NlfHUy wanner. Kor t'oluiado, llghi mawi; waiflBM by gaaaaf. TBIBVNI LOCAL 0-HBBVATIONB. TITit" l'i UM .ll.t:. flurtuatiani v,-m<Iic ??- obaervad al thr t-'iutfd StaU-l MM tempmtwa bomJTbi Perry?i PhBimaey, laa Bwiiduw. T^ib bm OBar, Bweh :, l a. m.-ciear araadw r jeaaaAmj for ii .?. i'n? lollatlld by ttaadlaaea Tha tmperitur* ranR.t betweea H BBd 3ti IfgHBB, the a\'ra?e (CtSi be:r.| ili-. hlah-'r than on the ,',iirc.rondin.: dav 1..-' v.r inl 2h lualier th.iu on T.n.r-day. I ?, .ml n-ar tlu* -i.v t'.-day the-- will prateMV M ?li^htlv Hirm.'i. etoudj WTBthlr, witli llglu ?a..w or laln. (i.u-iMi rnicr-'.s or bab pbancibco itocbb s .ii Kiaiul-. ... M iicb ... lal" V.-i. rl.i T-.11V. \ -,---lay.To-day. .-,- M ,..... I. :.''.. . . ??}* .',.. v Bolcher.2.10 -11' I'ototl : J-V! .'?hJ.l.r ? ? ????12 ijn; -.'>-">. I ,i, C ,1 v \' i. 0 A j (?? ?> . oi . ,,i ?? .. -;'' 'r,.v.,i I'onr ... 1.40 J.M | lifi . g M ......i.i aCurry I.BJ ? i....ii.o.? a'.u. ?? ? . .mA iiiie A -Xa_Hraaa..3.lO . ii.Hi ieU>.. ??? BB ?? Mea.~?. **