Newspaper Page Text
ytA*_*^_Wi -_??- _ __*-jt <_i7^f V0L'L....-iTO*If).l-1. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 18W.?TWENTY-FOUR PA6ES. PRICE FIYE CENTS. THE NEWS FROM LONDON. R___._W_D TRon.Ll- OVER ARGENTINE SECCKI'IILS. GREAT riXAN'CIAI. BOtVEfl H-XPIHO TACII OTHFR-XOT READY TO OIV- OT rU'RAL fonvo-anx-t-T ok pai_i__.__ oah PAIOX - COI.OMM. Il.DF.RATION AND TAHIFI-S-IU N*KY IRVINO IX MARLROROl-'ill it.t'B. TBT CAHLE IO -IlIE TRI1U'N__ 0-JJJJi i-T?f ???*' "V 1*1 IHMm. .4^i-.'af""* London, Hareh T.-Therc bot beta a revlval thia wcck of beM raioon la thr- Stock Exchange, whl-b art erktentl, tiie reflet ol tbe oewly ag mamtcd rftoation ia the Arrntlne. several botiiet .und it ne.-essi.ry to ,Mve earl, other ineii; -vstanee. The Muriettas hare Btoott ---".. _____ about, beea- they are now _"er?*? mitte-l to hnve .urmount?l heir difl? ? Though not custon-ers of the Itank ol En>> - the litter hn. lent then. ?500,000 sterlin_- ThtJ ?_ olitained other ___-__*_? elsevvhere ai : haaheen for months ,.ast. lhroe 0 M J Knaneial h.oises ol tlre .??>? ^"*^'Sj_ti_J ' iheae bear atm.-ks, bal there ls no _?.??^1UU i___nd for helievin, that any one ot them. sscn Oislv afTeeted or that we shull vvitness .,. > I Zier The ?_._.__ ol Aotrobut. .aoio- purtner ol Coutts _, will not aflrct that bank. In -_bjoc_ of pollUeaJ tho ?-ek has BOt porfaled aauah al apeelal etaiocttr. Tbe Badkak have btgaa obrtractiou to tt* Uad1 WU. maitily with the objeet ol pr-veotlug ns a- - ?n further atagta before E-ater. It to doubtfid wherher the Oovenuoeut ean toneh ll befort um holi'l.iy>: bal when it is itotbtd, they will cer tuinlv lote no time in pushlng 11 t'.rw.ird. After tht Lan.l bill the Gottraiaeul will mtro duc-?. but muy not attcaipt ta pam ll this aeasioa, their ________ UU. A atrom fteling prevail* igalnal this icheine on the Ooftnuneiil alde. Mooj Cooatrn.tivta art aol ytl eooverted to it, nnd it may aftei all bt ;"lt M ? ph-Uk in tht platforin f"i tlie get ral election: One biteit-ttng t'.pie, 1ms Ik-oh stimma.ily dis posed of duriOg tlio week. 1 refor to the ont man, one vote i_aola_oo. The Kadicals deairt to deprivc nll tlie propeitied clattr. ol duplicate qualilications and to ItdOtC tht ptriod "I rtai daoea ttom twttvt to tbree aaontba. Mr. Gbtd stone took p*r: in tho debate, denying anv c .m paet i.f 1085, when tho last Rtlono blll WM earried, t!iat sueh a meaaort shmild bo legarded aa a finality. Mr. C___mbe_iaiB_ crltlclam "I Mr. Olada-one'a apeeeh waa on.- ol the ableal effort* of that rival statesmuti. Mr. Chamberlalo waa as anxious ns Mr. Gladatoot loi a further exteu sion of the aufiagt, hut dmitd its opportaotneae. The anbatantUl oleniont of his objectii.n to the Ra'oical pvopoaa] was that tlio resohition only iMOhed the trin^e ol the prievane.-. It was use less ta nibhlo at. plural vo__g wbilo Parttoiornl suffered from tho auomalifs ol tht present ratla of representation. Tho tnain poiut of this r.r.uniop.t was, ot eotirse. r-Vtlled Ogaloal the disp;-np,irti(.na1e numners nf tli" Irish repro sentativcs. The (iladstonian pnvty were iiitensely atmoved at the large majority againal them ra tbe division, mainly owm_ to tht abaenee ol the Irinh niemi^ers. Mr. Gtado-oat had eoanted on MibstantUl support Uon tht MeCarthyitea, bal his win_ tshowed M innrli Indlffcrenet ns the Parnellites. with the result tbat the Government _er.nr_d over 100 majority. YeBtenlay "Tlio Fl-t-MUB- .lotirnal"" rontained i tbe htotory of tho split iu the Irish party. from j UM pen cf .1. Q. Kedtiiond. He holds a bnof trorfl Mr. Pnmell. ar.d mv- Intcitatlng extfoeta Iron ti.o Bpeechea ol .Mr. McCorthj tnd Mr. Htaly al the Leinater Hall meeting. ahowlng that with full knowledgt of Mr. ParntU. conduot, kuow ing atoo thu be did nol lnteud to aaake any defeue.' in tho O'Shoi eaat, thtat _eit!o:.i"ii _?ve him their enthuaiastie aupport- Mr. Redmond toattflea Mr. Pbroell'i rerelatioB ol the Hawarden Bettot-ationa, and aayi that ll Mr. 0'Brk.n and H, [in:,,,, had bctn ln Eafland ln Xovember thei-e w.oil'l bave bttn no aplit, Ile ol coursi. ei'inineiul.-, tlrem lor baving BOthing 10 do with tho MoCarthyites. Mr. Redmond'i rerelationa at tr.ict mneh attention. The Ktrnggle betwten 'ho two gronpa ol iriab ___mbtra got- on apace. Tht anti-POrnell tea, bowerer do nol aeem to meel witli much auc. At any rate, thoj art dolng llttle, _r_mlag I i v.ait lor the h"li- whic'n _omehow never comee. Their mi-aiona to Auatralia an i Ainerien art -uiy .neman deiesationa, and the facl ol Mr. O'Con nort r-turn to Englaocl st-Uifi to Indicate that the MeCarthyitea have h st even bia aupport. When he anive- m England lie will liave t.i deelai-e to whieh alde bc belonga. The amua lag aeen. at Btllaat, whtrt Mr. Morley'a itripling, Mi- llarriaou, aciaed the eaafa and th" booki ?'i tht League, to an llluatration <>f the (-I..T.V with whloh tbe Parnellitea generally are eouduo-iog Obeif eaupaiitn Mr. ParBell'a -;?'?" at Me.'tii i-f.ntaitied txpre-aioaa whlch ihowed sym pathy with thote who l""k lorward t<> tlir- lound laa "f a rtpubllc. At Clerkenwell be made ? f,ol l atttmpl to "iiob-'lo" t!io Biitish workman by de cl-.rii".' t<'i" tho eight-bour ni'ivpinent. llis ohiei rob'.ii. baa eoBM from the aoe Bouroe of danger whnh will alwaya bt preaent to his cauae?the hieiarohy. The Biahop "i Down'a paatorol, whieh d__co_iagea, ii it doea not prohlblt, prieate bom extending tlio privllegea ul t!n> Chureh t<> Mr. l'arnell's anpporttra, iaay fall iBnoenona, bot it oaanol fall to have bobm efftet upon ? low at loast of !iis t.i!l'.vvt'i-.s. <?:i the whole, however, Mr. Parnell lut-. rtoped thii advaatage from hia energrtic metboda, thal aome "f bta opponenti ln Parlias-tnt art rtporttd to bt wavering, largtly on mooubI ol diaguel and dtoappointmaal al the haltiog, timld actlon of -Mr- Mc__tt__r and tbe Camatittet of Niue, (Jieat interest is felt just BOW OVei tho BCW d.' reiopiuenta in the colonlal pollcy wltaeeaed in South Afriea, Caimda and AuatmUa. A oonven tion in Sj-dney to aimii _ al tht eonlederation ..f t .,? Auatralian lajoplf-s tlu chiel obatacle to which 1j,.s in tarifl arrangemrnta involving leaa than ?500,000 -v:'. Actitallj the outcome ol Mr. Khodta. iiii.-ivi.'ws aritfa Lord Sallabury ara ol leaa imp ,., ? ,? - i into Portugal than tn their eile.t upon FetleraJ dcvelopmenl ln South Alriea. The Canadian election baa touched the atill greater miusikhi ..f aeparation. Kngltahmtn are beginning lo aak themaelvea: "hal will bappen, ahould th" fi'.l.rali/oi ltem? ol tbe Empire, wbih tBdulging rn litt ti oi" wlthln their bordera, never theli'.s _e1 up tari- -orrieii agaioal tlie Motber Country? Lard Salishuiy s apeeeh thta week con taiis Bocaeol the .troogttl dtelaratl. - - ?? madt ou tht Conaervativt _i<i n tbe Brittali Gov ernm.-rit depaiti..- from Irtc-trai-t eondltloii-, rhta attitudt mlghl have been exj.ttd from Mr. Glail _____ or tl.e Ubtnl loader-T bol me Conaervativt partv eoflt-iot _a_rjr ndvocottf ol toii trodt. ?omt evtn de__ndit_j protectloo, aod ? trgt number favor.nt; ti e topc-ilion ..i diffcreotitJ tlutle* if. therebv. the Brittoh eolooJa] -Zo-lvereia" oouW )** weuri'd. This to_*v__-iotd oplnion, cot withatandinfl Urd Si.lisi'.i.ys declarotioii. is untloiibtedly spre.Mling. StOl-i ?'f OoMtal-M have abaiidoiierl, or ar" ready to abandon. their fla-r. now that it h._s betfl revci.led that. no other eouirtrv bes.'-s Eaghmd to pwio-rtd to eoiry out fne trade. Aa t" tht panodlan eleotioB, il i? oeootded thal Bli Joha MocdontJde" erali ln traihtit! tbe red lierrii)? of annexuiioii Iibs been the eJaief cause af asiiurinK his elftoral BO-Otaa, bat tkere ia not one Ent'lishmau in t.weuty who ttta aat btiieve that soontr or later. -u-iada wi.l bc -b-_rbe_ lnto tin* country ol tbe Stan and Stripee. The only practical acbeme llkely to clieck natural pravitation will be tbe eatab liahmenl ol hnp-rial Fcderntion, embracing all part. ol tbe Brltlah Kmpire with differentlal ilutica. Cobdeii < J i ? - -1 too reeently ta e_ooura_e tbe expectation thal any Britiah Cabinel wlil aeoept differentlal dut___ Such ;i reanll mi.iit poaaihly follow come greal eataclyam affeoting tbe Mother Country, bul there i-- no Immecliate nor _v__ remot- proapect of anything of ti is kiml being accompliahed. Sir John Macdunald'a taoti ? are beM bere nol to bave prevtnlod but only to bave ataved oft tbe Inevitnble. Sir Charles Dilke'a deterrnination to ?tan . fnr tue Foreal of Dean baa i-vlved tli,* hoatility ol tbe purial party, by reaaon ol hia eonduet to ward Mi ? Crawford. The atory thal tbe famoua Fanny h_- been induced to make n itatutory ,i,.i-l ir.-.tii.n againd the truth <>f Mrs. Crawford'i it.iniiprits. denylng her own familiarity witb Sir Charlea, aml the repori "i tbe privnte ______tt_e wlto aro working ln order to aecure his "white washing." have nol auffloed to eheeh rh. aetion f>f Mr. Stead an.l his frienda. Tbete _r*iitJenirn take their .tand chieHy on Sir ______ Dilke'l deolaration tbat lio wonld nut atteinpt t.. enter Parliament until h<* eatabH-bed his innocenee, Mr. Straii _eelam tbal if nobody etae oppoaca Sir Charles. he will lilin.-.-lI take the Beld n.ainst bim. H Sir ("hailt's continuei his candtdatun this eonteal will attract enormoua Intereat: bnl the beHef prevaila that al Ihe last moment sir Charlea Dilke -ill nol peralat. Defeal would me.ui abaolute dc-tmetion t<. his aapirationa, and if his -ommittee of frienda have really ae-'ured the proots whioh tbey now allege tbere will be ample time to eonvinee the publ)o of Sir Charlea. Innocenc. before the nexi .eneral electlon. The erlehratinn of the Wealey Centonary haa been one of tlie greateal eventa t.f the kind ever witnesseil. The cabie will hi are given you some tleiails, but there were a few feature. whlrh deerrve apeclal remark. The preaenc- of Arch deacon Farrar at the City Road _crvir<*_ waa nol the leaat of tbe many acta ol courtcay and enm piinient on tbe parl ol Churchmen. The _ym pathy whieh prevailed among the laity of the Church "f F.n . ind a a, however, aomewhai apniled by th.* refuaala of tbe Bishopa ol Durham ai -l Glouceatf- to take any parj ln the eelebration. There waa n greal aervii. a. St. i.iVs's < lnircli in Edinbur. h, whieh the Provoat attended, an I even the Cnitariana preaented a aympathetio de claration aigned >>.v l>r. Martineau and the Earl of Carllale. The cold and fog of a rigoroua winter have Wn r,.|,, ca.l by wannth and aunahine. The p houaea are full, nd tbere is just now a rnn of better pieeea l Notwithatanding Lent, tlie r.itioon held ? draw Ing-room al whioh tho dreaeea were unnaually Iii ent. Tbere is alao mncfa feasting and dining ln the West .End. Mra. Mackay gave an entertaii. ment wltb laviah aplendor at lier houae iu Carl tim Terrice. Mis. Ueere baa revived a three-nighta' show .?f tableanx vivanta, under Mr-. Banoroft'a dlrection, patronixed ny Royalty. T!ie_e living pict_re_ have heen an cnonnoo. luooeae, Loodoi. baa nol ieen anything like them ainoe tlu- daj. ol Lady Freake. Tw.. hondaome daughtera of Sn BJorell Mackenrie were amons tbe moBl sinkia.- ol theae perfonaera who poaed their beauty for tbe ad niration of thelr neighbore. ?)f eo_i_e the abow ?ral gtven nnder the aacred (ruise of elir.ntv. The same may be aa_d or' ihe exumoi-nuu. and bisam exl.ihlti'.n in _____ Hall. ii.u-u-eJ to ilJugtrate the fancics of Lord Lytt-n's novel. ?Thr Comi.. Kare." Sueh a*i odd _iitlieiir_; al -MtOMB and ________ __? ?_-_- M-l. wltuessed. Still it W_l a stri .iuk ___?_, aml the patnina.e .,f Prinecaa 1. _-__- an- the ptrttdpatlon ni many titled ladiea who endeavored tn realir Unton. word ________ __?___ I-i ,:" affair lta real apc ? i. The divorce Mandal, to which referencc ? madela-i week, affectintj a member ol tbe Oovern n.eni. haa bei-n privately iettTed. There will hc do auit in the law oourta, bul tbe huaband and wifc are to aeparate. Henry Irving haa been elected to tho Marl borough Club. Tbia ia a hijrh honor. for Ua* i'li:... of Walea doca nol allow any one to j ?in t ;..? Inatitutloii wlu m be doea nol wiah to nnml.i iiiiiun^ his Intimati a. Mt'-IC ANI> THE DRAMA IV I.OVDCV. BCCCESSFTti P_AV THEATRICA- CENSORSHIP -Ml-'KU 11 -TIV il.- lli! RART NOl London, March 7. Oarln_ to ti." r**__*nee of the <?.?,;. |_ London. and to lhe Drawing Itoom 1_H l_W. and Uie Prln.f Walc '- levee, whlch i- to bo hckt on Monday, thli tu ' _J "W?l *??* ''"' ""' theatrc- ol the mctropolln. ?I,.,. prince and I rlnn ol Walea __t nlghl __lta_ Ibe .. James Theatre, where Haddon Ch__befa* ? i '.?? i.u,,- h-a been lhe sot-ia t 1 Ihe week, I LaiiKlr. relu d to ? pl Uul I'l'V '" f:,v"r "l ''"" '"" ("L-iilri'i'- -l.t'i. liarier." "Jack" Ma .. tbe ran p? Mensrs. '.rge Alcxander, Sutconibc Uove, \ il?_r. and liei cri Warlnff, together with I__J HmicMm and the MU-aw Mand M-U-i. CH___do KlnRston and Mai ? :? -. an tl"; lea_l__ artlat. ?aon in tin- ptoj ? Henry Irvlng's revlval ol Thartea i' al the I Theatie oo tii- tn-i ol nexl month wlU undoobtedlj be exceedtngly Interefctin.. Mr. Irvlim a.uncaa that "Charlea I" will be followed il the Lyreuni by a revlval nf n..' iiit'- I" n E It'a "i oialcan Brotha-r ." Mra. Langtry, It I il I, , _> p__fie_ with the sneeaaa ol Coghlan'i "Lady Harter" thal ?_? wlil Iry her incit iviiii...i','.-i.vii." another play from Mr. Cofhlan'a paa, tft_rM-__y Hai-i'i" ?hall have nao lta rooraa. mi-. Mary Andci >n (Mra. Savarroj baa rraated aome -ii.- |_ theatrlcal rlrclea bere by _dvertlalna the aie ol _l] her ataca dn ? . theatrlcal ranerj and atage pr pertk-, Urn ronllrmlng the annonnremenl lhal II la ii.-i Intcntion to retlre deflnltely Irom the atage. Boberi Bai I an tr. h . bol llj enter d Ihe II I on ,lu, _|_e ol the mn iagon . nnd prca b Im Wm ell ln , r ,,f ti.,- ,,,iu|,' i ? abolltlon of theatrii d i .iip. lle even guea further than Uiat. and asya lhat i;?. io::-'.i--'i.i. ihonld !"? removed from all art nmti -. . .Mr. Bui hai bu a- ? ?. lhal laton wKl nn ?li.ulii-iily prove un abler rensor than all II C-nnty i ..ui,, IN or Lord ? h iml ? lulni II I po alblc lo ln ,i posltlon to pn Ide over tlie artl-tlc propri'-tle . ?;i,,. i (.iklng i .i Iv ii.'i ???" ai D*i ?yly < Royal l ' lah i llouae, lu Shaft_abui has Impioved durii : I ? all apj?* - proml '?? tu i hi i ii -. ii Uw ? ole aummer. i liolonioii'a new Ind an opci la ? \i ? led to ui ,<?? i -The Oond : ?. ?" In Aprll, a' D'Oylj farte'a Sbvoj Theatre Hon iftei, there I ta ry re ia tn lo (illberi aml t-ulllvan will ? .11__ rate ln the productlon of operatlc worka for tlie .aroy Theatre. The Lee. ?? dval Oommlttee hai offered eommia iloaa tn jelu i . . lhe mnaii il . mj ? r, and io _4r Arthur hulllvan to -rit- choral for the Leeda i l .-i i iOi, l'iii.-i,,: ,rte concert ? Hon "f Herr Uurn ?. tei ?. m il < bi< i m Ibe Pe _ alj limtl tale "f BalUmon i ?,! ,i mi Uu ? Pa. II ?- ' : - lng the i hl ' pert iraic-r. An Inl ;? ??? - ? ? pn pared foi pul lieailon ln Paria; It la an lllu traii i .- - .uul .1 tlie arorl i'- . .j. Itala, In wh P I be d ril ed bj l Bdouard Jo-chim Coppe, Um French p t: Berlln, by Antouln Prou i, the wi !, kno rn ' i ni b ? Vleuna, !??? Madame Ada i; Ni ? York, iiv t ii- i Bmlle de Keratry. who eommai md qnad n .1 Colonel Dnpin'i famoua r_>anter.gue___ In 1864, during i'i" French campalRi In Mexleo. London, In turn. win be im iiiti.i i.v ihe pen ol ~n diarlaa i.iiin-: itiirlinn-t. by "Carmen Bylra," etc, Baalle lola I anffertni latenaely from rtmnmatlam lu ao latervlew n.itly Zola -nid lhal ha . ,Miii going to '? i ' tha elty and battle-irronnd 0( godan, ln ordei to obtaln material lur ;, grand w eounl of tha battie !? u? I there. Tlie di--i-niili'in Ol Uie battie -ill (Kuipy a llni- of lila next book, whleh wlil be eatllled "LaUuerro." nut .iii- ol -I.a (.ucrif--,'' Ma sai.l that ba Mai nol declded what to du iii Iba iuturu. Uiio u-f.ule. lio cou # iinii' ii, -... ii redlted hlm wltll Ihe hrteattoa of dahbllnfl tn dramatlc wriflnga v\a- better Inflormei thaa hlmself. li ? ked :ti.\iiiii-iv iib"iit tle- rtiit.-<i gtatBi Copyrighl blll, and -ai.i tlu.t it WOBld I"' " 1.B lOC ft-Otl" autii'i-; thal it would inerease Ihetr mvaaaii aai iteaai tbem better tituislatlons. 0 >':-- Eaatlake, tii" aetreaa, is rndenvoring to mah" arrangemenu br a London theatre in arhleh -he ran put -iii- Yortuku. i.i---' in tbe UU. She will alao rvviV" "Clitu,-' ln v, li.i h |_e BU_B a BOeet - n- II"lle. In Septamber MIbb Eaatlaba leave* bere (???? iii" I'ntted Btate* lor a tour .>f tweaty-flva weefca, eptnlng m riiiia ', delpbta on <?ctober ;.. Mra. Praaei - 11 _g an Paraett, lt i- annnawi*, vviii i sho* tiy leave England lor her home ln ajaahtagtoo, I D. i ., .na! aill ii -un." work oa two new stmi"-- aml a play, which bave been l.'v; poetpoot4< owtog to tlio Ulneec aml <ic.itii <<t ber ? oa. Tha liiiiiiiii.lia.i, llu ur.lil Peattval will be helrt from Tni'ii'. '.("i.-i c. tn iiiiiay, Uetober '.', Inetnatve liie Londoa rebeanah vviii take plaee eaittar in tho month, iinti tht rall reheanaii will bt bald al Blrmlng aaa on c. tob ir 3 aod ?>. a sci'ii?- ol three perforaieoeei of l,The Parvaoa" by military atnatetwi will be glven at the Qneea'a Tbealia. Uubliti, nn Marrb d. id and 11. Tbe perlonnaoaet are lor the in m-iii oi tlie i rrtli ipaedlr l.o*pt__L ? iii" Preeman'i Jonrnal* reeentlj publisbad Ihe f"l lo-ini,' aiiuiiiii .1 a royal acrobatlc partormanee ln Uerllu: - a te_ dajra ago the Bmperor ol tlermany in.-"ii tlu- evenlng al tht boaae ol Uie benrdltary i'iip.c" nf Melninpen, when a liul" barteaqne, entitled 'Mon?ieur llcrrales,1 wm pertormed. Hti Lndwlg i.iin.ix bad andeii iken the managcment, and bad erect ed a unall Ktage on one iid. ol tii" large ball. IVInee lienry played tbe piinrlpal part, that ..f Uie acrobat, -uli wmi'ii'i.iii rleverne* . aml galned ipviit applaune from their Ma_e?tlcs. The liere-iUry I'rimv took the pat't ol the >.'.l Direitor, and Princeuei Margaret and ciiiiiiiitn- ai-u ai?Isted." ?? ULTIMATUM OP THE ABGf-NTINE. THf. POPULAR LOAX MU8T Hi. >rii x IU lil-.l) POR, OR MEASUHES WIDP.SPREAD Rl i.v vviii, BE TAKEIT. Riionos Avrcs, March 7.?The oonferenee be? tween tlie bankera and memhanta and the Argen tine Government. througb the new llinister ?'f i'i i.ii".-, Senor L'riburu, oontinned all day yea i.'i'liiv. Senor Uribtirn preaidin. Tlie Miniater of Fimvnce deelared thnr if the popular loan were aubacrihed f?.r the Provlnclal aml Natlonal banks wonld lie s'.ei; otherwiae Ihe Governmenl muat t.i ki- meaauree nrhi. h would oauat wi teaprtad r nn. iii.t Which WOUhl snve tht buiks. London, Maroh ".?There waa ? decliiw in prieea ? ? ?? Stoek Exchange to-day. The fall waa due t.i the fi"-t thal tbe prominenl houae m tlie sllvei trade which la reporteil i- he in difflcultj bad nn enormoua stm-k Kxehangc accounl open, whieh tbe Li'iuidatoni ol the concern are compelled to, cloae. ? - DEFEAT POR TIIE CHILIAN COVERXMEXT k PI.OVI..C1" I'XDF.R THF K't.r. 0? TIIB IX sn;i;;.\'i- tiiwi.i ii.i.ity at [QyiQl'E. Iqtii.ue, Mii'.-l. 7, -.ii ...iI'-'.-st..ti, Tex.?The eaa part I rd i gre il " Ictorj .tbto morn Ib{ over tbe (Jovernmenl troopa, nnder command ,,! Colonel Rohk-a, near Pozo Almonte. All the province ol Tarap i i ia dow nnder the rule <ii the Oppositlon partj. The f.-irs ol a aecond bomhardmeot of Iqnique have mliaided, and traoqulllity baa been reatored iu the < Ity. \ UEW McCARTHYITE PAPER IN DUBLDl I'AKM'.I.L I.i.VI'! i'.-IIll' l*I'Mi Tlll. NAII'iNM. i.i v.t i; .'.; v OM DEPOMT IM PAKls. Diii.hii. Man ii 7. "The iv-t nnmber "f 1 lie N ' Pn ." Ibe i i Uiy pap. r devoted t'? tbe Int. .,f ihe McCarthy t__l on "f the ir h P party, w?a kaaned to-day. "Th" Matlonal Pre**," In Mi l.-.idiTjc- editorlal, aaaoanee* thal it vi-ii recom _____ thal tiie aoH ot year* pn-; be paraaoi, bb v i-i_.ii1i.h1 iu a Bl iteil Ir_.)i (Party. Itirth.-r ori Itie Baw paper . l.aructVrlM' ? tlie '.bjert ol Mr. Kirnell'-, appenl to the fiilf. -i-itj!-- -- nnt Ij-Iiic Ior *irl to* Om evleted -esaal . t-n te br.t.g grttt to the i-iini'-ihto Diiii. n is the ; iti ntton ol Um MeCarthyitai ? > u .? Om aew paper Ib pu-.iun? th.-ir eaapalajn spalti-t Mr. I'u-iicll. wbleb bea_Ba iri ".irnf.! t" BMirrow. ? i be i'i-. eman' Jonrnal" to-da. pnbllBbea tht Bi ; the Parnell k-aderab p rond, tbe t..t_i h iipti'.n in one daj "f C i ??'. aud polnl i witb prldc ' ? ' llB 1 ? ; 'i ii. . mm ition a*hl I ? i ? I M< isrs. MeCarthy d II II ... ? : iti m lo ??' '. the Sal il I'i. le ??? hl ti un ll i lie ? I i : ii, Part* were pabU lied In tt.I i.f 'Tlw iiim.v to day. After tevei >l let .,. pMBed between Mr. MeCarthy and Mr i i ... Mi" fortni t "'?'? ired t" a.-rv- to an i v .v Iiii .'i " i ? ;,. the li . ? ?! it ? . ould be r-1 u .ii. An Bare nf ii. . de ? ..f* Me ? . '. i- - -iiv mil thi i it ? Mr. Blpi ar. Mr. Mi farthj ui np ? _ ti -' ' Im ? ? : uid be .- I \ ? ? ' ? ! i I ' I i for dUtnliu ' l? r*. i- ? ? i Ihe i ippear to bave tl to , i. tli lt. ni.i.i ' ? pl i'i in r .-'h-I lo the fund - i i Hi i<-iii fund - ln li i i t r "i the eiiirttlc '" |K. ' I i - i.i ll" exprei ti.-- i, .-,- t'. it a ? ir tii" r' i j-" nf ti." fund ? ?iii ue upon. LORD KXITSPORD AND Ni:\\ T< HMU, AVD. \ VWi-.M I'i BATK IX TUE IIOUSK OP ARKI MBL. o . Hl ? DISPATCII I "lf: i lt IttSULU TIONS BUtiTAIXl D r-t. Jobn'a S. I-".. Marrb 7 (Sperial). Time araa a liol di bale i.i ' iil-iii in ti"- Honae ol \ . emblj on Lord Kuul f'ld'- 'li patrh t_ucerri_ng n-elpmclty. ll" ij that in M'|ii"ini"-i- Mr. Rond, Colonial Reeirtary, wa* permitted to .uli Infoi-mally and nnofflrlnlly wllh ~;r- J.illan I'aurii"ini". ui vv,i hliiffton, im "i'i. r i < rom it" to the latter M- rlewi um reelprorlty. \t Mr. Ilond'i n-'pi"-i Wr .tiillmi PBnheefote rabmltted Informally t" Mr. Rlaine .. dr.iit ol a ranventtnn ateet Ini KewIonndland'B vlaara. t'anada, beJnn tben eon tnlted, iii.J.'i teii t" .. ?ii-iiii'i arranitement wbereby the iiiitid Mai.-- -wini.i areare . greal adrantaav. lor whleh, praeiotialy, bnportanl eoneeaBlont li.nt been oMained by Canada. Ihe iitiri-.ii Ch-trernntenl deetded iha. the Newfoundtand ronventlon tboald remaln In obeyance, hopina f"i- reelprorlty on a broader baal* betweea Oanada and Ihe t Ited -lat"-. Mr. Hond wa t,..i Invlted t' iiiiiin i" v i blnaton, aa arai irmnaiy -tiiti-.i ln ih" reaolution . t'> ronelnde Ihe nejcotlal bul t" .-:?'?? i. ""iii.ii""i ut.ti explanations on itatlsilc* ut Mr, lilalne'* rtniue t. Ti ?? II n " ol \ ? . . I'. ;.' "i r o nll n a' -J o'. 1?I; thi* ni"- ii-' 'i talnlna ih" former re olutlon* and tho i i replj lo tl '? Uovernor1 peei h. amt aiinrn j. - ihal Mr. Bond bad been enl aauln to Pi'__hln_ton ;, ,r i.. '.. . lud.r tlie ...-.'.i t.i,.i.i after naoada'* priite*! !..,ii been aeeepted; thal ike full t xi ol tl.nven ibmltted i" the i nt: h trvtirernmenl I i Julj ,.f 11 l, year, and t!':'; '? ' ? th. broe U> ron?nll Canuda, ,,,,, :,.|..|- negotlaibm. had bei?_li; and thal the liiitl*h i, ,v : Imi-iimI lo I. mor and rompl. le the i" .'im in g -' fal bj Mewfoon lland. ?ll,,. uovernor telegrapbcd Uie reaolutloru to-day. ri?. iipjin iti i moved thal h waa nol eapedlcnl t.. ,:. ,i _itb ti." imiti'i- ntiiii tbe whole eorrenpo r bave been lubmlted, t__.-, ie*il_aony i-.-in,; con ltl rtllig. A Niiill.I-r Mi ELDEREI1 i A1T1 BED. n__ iiii I..IH i ni- i in i i' OP T.'ir, BEl i;i r i'"U' i: in i___ v\- a< complh k preikr_ --l lril'l. I ' Vll.-., - i . ^-t. Petei i ii--- .vianii 7. Degajeif, the ivlhllitt I ,,,. and ' Ihe ehlel ol tii" .-??. n-t P ill. ? ln i ?:;, im- been arreBted ut K-. trom*. tii" eapltal ..i . . . i -'-'na. v. ii.-n taken Into rtutody ? :i vv;.-, found lodging under an :i--iiiic<1 aame [n ,|.,. ii,,ii-,- ol a .. ??'imi" ..I '.;ii. A raward ol .0,000 i'lii'i"- ii.i? for;. ."??- ui'" boeo offered lat Iha eapture ol D? 11,,- ehlel in-!: "t'i- at the Ko_troma Rymnaalnm, ...!, i waa -ii pected "f b Ing bnpllcated wltk D.->:"j";r i-lther ln ti"- "iiiil murdei or ln tle- eonflptracj whleb I. _ t<> it. rommlited lulrlde |u*1 a* t.polica buft open tb" n"" "f W- room -ith the in_*n_~a "f i,r re*tlng hlm. A nutnbei ol other Bi-re-l havo been made bimJ lentatlimal developatenta aix- expeetad. -?. i.' Ni"iN ROAKO ? r IKAliK RETUSMS. I.,,, Mareh 7.?The Roard of Ttada relnroi loe Pebruary hut, a^ eomparai wtth thoae f"r th<- ''" i. i i.iii,- in. mt ii of tiu- preeedlag pear, tttom aa b> ? !? i-.r in iiiiji.n- ot __ i.o.vov, ai.a _ iacftaat ln c-^ Oclla ol CSajOATOO. CORONER LEVTS RECEPTION. __W-HAVKN RAILROAD DIRECTORS CALL CP05J HIM ?I t-r.F.FTS THEM l'OI.ITKI.Y AND TUTS THEM L'NI). i; BAIL AT ?_>,00O EACH-.MANY PLEASANTMK.S F.XP1IANOKI). ? oroner Levy held another reeeptjon of New Y'.rk. Nf w-Hnven and _______ Railroad directors rt-tetday. It wai attendad bv Wilson Q. Hunl aial Willitini Koekefeller. of Now-York. and by William I) BUbop, fif lirid-oport. Each of these gentlemen liati witb him a friend, who inbaeribed hii _____ t.i a 1-ail-hond whieh pledj-od tlu* for foifun of $25,000, on good see.urity, if the dirootor ?bould nut appear when ealled on to nnswer _? a Oharge of Wheu he left, his deek in tlie aft_r_oen the CoroMI wore the sardonie "'h' i-1 smile of the "ohl .exton,'' who sinp;s in an nnfathomahle ha?s voire: "I gather them in. I gatber tliem in!'' His reeord up to date wa*: Chauacay lf. Depew ut $..?>,ooo (not an e_____ -art Bgnre, quality conaldcmd). bo______. Cor neliim Vanderbilt; Charlea P. Clark, $25,000. bo-daaan, Frank P. Tilford; Joatph Park. 1-5,000, hon.lsman; .1. Park; Wil _W Q. Ilin-.t, $.5,000, bondsman, Alex ander T. Van Nest ; William Koekefeller, $55,000, hon.lsman, John I). Kookefeller: William l). r.isliup,'$.5,000, Dr. Fred eriek s. Dennia, Total bonda, $150,000; total aecuittiea, niiiliiiiis. No iwniuliT that, doroner Levy kwked lovingly ai lhe wit___i ehalr whieh his dietinjruiahed gueata bad oeoupied. It wu aa the throne of Croegtii; and when his visitors hail ., iken fr, m their feet the duat of the dingy court. room lt waa in the bewildered antl danled cyes "f Mr. Levy ns tli. sntnis ol the Pactolua, Ti e ' oroner welcomed t:n* company with e!e ? urbanity and poliahed poRteneea. ll waa his ml endeavor to " lei 'em down eaey.* aa the vrii .ii iiinr has ii, aud bia Irideaeent wil Saahed ln . .tv colora upon tbe keen and ?bining blade of the aword ..f .1 ii .tir.-. The iirst to arrlve waa Wilaon <;. llunt^ who ' hf with blm Mr. Van Neat, Thelr Interview with Mr Levy waa brief and aatiafactory. Mr. Van Ni-st, who Iive_ at No .11 We.t Tiiirty aeventh a_, " p ,i uii" inr Mr. Iliiiit aeven uptown lota whioli lu- .a,1 were worth a great deal mon- tlism $50,.t. and the Coroner didn't douhl it. But ;ii",ii liii.'cti mtnutea after the tranaaction waa i'l'-d Mr. iiunt came back to read owtr the bond. "i'.iii V'.'i sent' tu* ;r copy, I'or'.ner Levy"' he aald, :.s I,.- banded _ae_ tbe paper. " I'll pay you w.-'l f..r it." "I'll s.'iid you a Copy, Mr. Ilttnt,*1 s.<i<l the ? r, - bul I i-.iii't take any money for it. I'll d.i it oul fti oourteey." William Roekefeller s.*nt a meeaage by telephone 'l ? ln- woald iiuiii- later. Tbe Coroner walted. ?nd fil!'*'l np tbe time l>y gfanttng Int. rvlews to an eatbuaiaatk and admlring tbrong of reportera. Ht- told tliem, among other thinga, thal he had got a telegram from Thomaa Lynoh, who an ? l. from Mf.i'le's ll..t.-l, Waahlngton: "Cor onci Levy. I wiafa t.. |ive _____b_y at t_?? ap proaehing trial _gai___ tbe railroad antboritka." Mi Levy 'lid not aay whether or not he had ac i .?? t,-,| Mr L% ih-Ii's olTer for tho "trial agalaet tbe , ,,1 autli'irilirs." It \~is aearly S o'eloek when Mr. RoekefeDer p ed lhe l oroner*- ofllee. Mr. Levy enter i ,i ..-,| ln him " an anjzoi unawaree," f.?r bc did nol know bim, and he aeooated bim with: Well"' ?? 1 imve come to see about that bond,* said Mr. Rr. Wcfoller. "Whal bond?" anked Mr. Tievy. "lhe hail bond for William Roekefeller," wna the reply. "1 Buppoee vo'i are bere to mako propositiotis fnr the gentleman- eoming;" aald the Conuner. ?I am William Roekefeller." aold Mr. Rockefe. l.-r. imillng. ?? Ah." mid tbe Coroner. -M\ hrotVr Jobn D. Roekefener, will be here in half an hoar to uo on my bond," iaid his i | n ii Roekefeller arrlved ln k-ea than the , ,?- . oroner Levy took 1ns offleial leat, and aaaumed bla offlcial air. He bowed courteoua v, a RockefeUer introduced h_ brotlier to bim. - William Bo-kefeller-tbat- your namc? aaid tbe Coroner, beginning to wrlte. - Yea, --ir ; yea, aii " What'a your number?" - \., ..-.?,. Fiftb-nv. " ? \\ , s your brother'a n mef" -John I). Roekefeller." -Mr. John !'? Roekefeller: wbere do you re alde? - \t V,, 1 Wr?1 Fifty-fourth_t " ??I :?? juhi .ii.ikin. oui the bond," explained tli.- Coroner, "t.? aavc nm.'.' And what'a your li ...?,,?_,, Mr. Roekefeller?" ?? l'm in the "il huaineaa." - Standard <?il Compnny 9" "Vea." -Ti. aame, Mr! Roekefeller?" said Mr Levy, uddreatlna WiUiam Roekefeller. ?? \ra, sir." "Mr. John D. RockefeUer, you are a toec'l ?"'? " ^ i's, sir." "Are vou worth 850,000?" " Vi -, aU*," wa.s the oheerful reply, and every hodv siniled "Above all your debta, liabUitkc etc."' " Vi-s, sir." "And what property do you deaignate for the bond? Vonr reBid.nca.?'' "Vea, sit ; No. I W.-st I-'ifty-fourth-st." "Wliat do ...u ralue thal property atf" " than $100,000." ?? Say a hundred ?" " s iv a bnndred :?niore." Tbe paper was then aigned. Mr. Levy aaked Mr. RockefeUer- opinion of tlie pen l.<' wed. Mr. Roekefeller thonghl it waa pretty good. lle said he th,?i.i,i be liked tbal kind of pen better than a .-..i.i pen. William Roekefeller told a Trlbune reporter thal tbe verdiol of tbe Coroner'a Jdry ?urpri_?d him, but l.e conaidered thal Mr. Depew'a atate tiiriit in The Trlbune covered tbe whole ground fully, and he had aothing to aay that Mr. Depew had nol already ?_d. (?,?,?.,., Levi _aid tbal l-tpector Byrnea liad ali tbe warranta, and he did nol aeem to think tbal any oi tbe l on_eeUout people wonld .ae before Monday. However, WUliam 1?- Biahop, ? N'ew llaveoand llartford dlreetor arho Uvec in Irri.l.e p.iri, anrpriaed tbe Coroner by arrivlng wuh a bondaman __?___ after tbe Metara. RockefeUer wi'iii away. " l thought," Mid he, " I wonld appear ,?., ,,,, ,|iv ;., ,i s,v.' tbe irouble of ? requli : n ,,ii oui siaie. rblnga an* a Uttle mixed there DOW." Tbe Coroner ivaa not to be outdone ln good lniin.,1- l.y Mr. Biahop, and the bond waa al amld repartee, badinage and playtul diac. i ??, Dr li.-iifii.-K S. Dennia, "i So. ?*?*_ Madiaon-ave^ givlng houae u BKiuity. Mr. Biahop'a aon, Williani D. BUhop, jr.. la aeeretaiy el the mllway company. The Coroner haa bim ??<'/! his list." and lus ratber tried to have bim exeoeed from eominn down and far aiahlng a bond, on tbe ground that bia ofllee ln tbe company was mon ___ of ? elerk thun any thin_ .'I-.* He beld a plaee like Ibal of a private Kcretary to tbe pieeident Mr. Biahop als.. urged tbat bia ion wm ? lawyer and had Importanl ba_i _e_a "U iiand whieh wonld _____ it bard for hnu io come to New-York. But lhe Coroner could uot be penmaded to ezcnM him. Gcor_;e N. Miller, of No. 3. FiftU-uve.. tbe ouly director who livea in New-York wbo has not fnr aiabad ball, is _e_k____ Bl 1U_ son, Oeorge N. MilJer, jr., sent to the Coroner a _______ - - rtiti eate to this elTeet. signed hy Dr. W. II. White and Dr. F. E. Dougbty. -Mr. Miller. in a letter, said that his father- rocovcry was donb-fni, but that if ander the Clr_nn____e_l the Coroner still re qniied a bond, be would be his father's surety to the Itquiied atnoiint. on property at Rhinetieek. Mr. Levy said he considered the medical certiii oaftB entirely satisfactory, and he dld not exact the bond. Hc adiled that the testimony taken before the Coroner's jury, which 1111s more tban UOO papes of large-elsed paper, would i?e ready for the Di_trict Attomey on Monday. He intiuiated lhat, if di reotora aud offleiala of the New-Vork, rJew-Baveo and Hartford road reaident antaide of the 5___ ..I New-Vork, for whom he has issued warrants. do not come' to him of their own accord with bondamen, he will use legal meaaures t. conip-1 their at_______, When Distriet-Attorney Nicoll heard of this statement froin the reportere, he sr_i__ and rc niarke.l tbat Coroner Levy had no power to fla anything of the sort. He said that lt wonld be time enough to taR aboot requlaitiona after the Orand Jury had taken aetion next week aml that, the matter wouM he in the province of the Dib triet-Attorney and not of Coroner Levy. Edward M. Reed, of New-Haven. viw-preaident of the N-w-llav.-n roa.l: William D BUhop, jr of Bridtreport, Beeretary; William L. Squire. of N.-w ll.iv,.,,. treaaurer; K. II. Twwbridge, ol New Haven; Henry C. Robineon, Hartford: Lc\ Bralnerd. Hartford, and Nathaniel \\ lieeler.Hn.l _? port. nnd Henry E. Lee. of -prinafleld. Maea.. are v?-t to he heardfrom. It ln probeMe tbat they wiH obliae the (oroner and aave bim botber and worry and a pirtnible conflictof leaal opinion witb tbeUia triot-Attorney by eoming to Ntw-Yorb to see him. MR. IfOBBIS AND THE OYSTERMEN. A PCBIflO MEETIW- IV W__T_H__TER TO DtS CV9M A Qi'1-..STIOV nr .r.nPl-'.llT V. Tho rtmrch-llfee Btraetnre thal beara the titic of th. W__eheeter TOwh H -I waa tbe -"?n<, of a livelv meetr i, . |.,., M.M. The gathertng wa Uw reenlt of a oaH i-.i:i'<: Mareh 2 i.v Alfred llenneo Morria, aa the repre irrntatlve "f i.i-- mother, Coea Morria, __e of .lohn ,\. Horn . for tbe purpoee of rtadleattai betare Ihe people of WeaU heaier her ri. ht - la wrtala treet- of anb DH_ -,-.i land irontlng lhe Korrla plaee, on ______ i Sock. Beveral waal hy men, among whom ., ,. c. i*. Hontlngton, J. - ? llav-_)-_er. J. M. \Val'"i',i:y aml .I"hn Il'i'itfl'. own t.eaitti rol eatab ai thla polnl of the ihore ad Jolnlng Um Morria plaee, and have long ago eeearad from the state of !Cew-Yorh granU of I ?? land nndei areter In fronl of thelr reapeellve premiaea. I__l v,..r th.- Morria fmuiv aernred from the Btate a grant , f .. . .--. ? -:.?' ? ,, :..,, ,.f v.i.,, h Uie lett-ra p___t ?_*_ iinlv reeorded. ln anUclpaUon, how-ver, of fntare ,. bmenl - by Um elty on the ptwpert.. Mr. Morria m.-i. ht t" MWBJ. from tlu* town a ?'._itiruiat!oii of ?i. An.l hon* tr___le .'.un. Mlebael Baaeh, the preaent gapervteoe of tfeat eheater, being aazlooa ki aeeare aoHttral aapttal la view of the app.-iLiehint, _t__el_p aKoH?aa, pre raaded Um oyatoiawe WhO own lar^-e oyfbtt lifnln on lhe trmt fmntitiir tlie Moffta plare tliat Mr. MorrU araa whemlag to havo tfea town sien away ,i property worth mllllona ef dollars. and to tteprire tn.-m of tjio oyater _e_a. Mr. Morria. who artll alao mn for Um Boper_Borahlp, d-;tormin_ii t.. RM_ UM a.-novi.1 purtii. in pof-Ott, aml Ut Miinni.ui httpervlaor Raai i. lo anawer. a Biotley and exelted erowfl flflad th? I___ Hall ?rfeen Jaatiee John _______ e_iiM tho meetlng t?. er__f laat nlghi Mr Korrla whs on tlie ptatform. ariab Henry r. Ilenderaon lo aapport him. ?apervteot Baaeh wa* tbere too, with hla lawyer, Davti H. Haat. ,_? Whlte Ptalae. The bmaa bawt from the Weai ebealer Protectory, aotarad by Mr. Mon-in, o.-.-iip;i'<i tlie ?ralkry. Bzrttefl ovsternien b,u<1 vlll__cni ?urKi_l ... .uml tlt - plaifoi-in. aad a dol-_-a_.ui of Wllliams brtdice D-moi, wllh a t__n<p____y be.vtru tlio nuino of Dr \V. s. Dan___ thelr eandidate for .uper riaor, BUad up UM floorway, Tho tpoaklng iraa BMatty ar_______tvo, an-t h_l little charm tor the rro-tl, who treqaently ln_iiap__ ibort on b tb ildea wim eommenta and cheerlng. The :ir_.-iiii?-nt of tbe Baneh faetion *-.?- prlnelpally l,,..,l on the .l.u,.:??!? ot tlw o} termen loainc thelr fhts, and Ihe u'ele-sii?*.. of tn- town nantlng a ? .-,- ui , litlli) ,1'iva'it ..'.? i ' !'?? reeelwr. Mr. Morria a- -Tt**_ thal hla rl.htu to tlie p^perty wero ai .,,':,',?. mid lbul h' !? -l ii ! Intentlon ol lntet> -v -r ii lhe "\ -i- ?'<.? rhe nieeUDg was bn?ui;h( to .. ,: , ?? bj tl,.- -:!?::' ln_ ol the el _nt Mr. II - -.; | . ? i. - If I . ii,">-' to order the ,. [i-rmen otl lo m trro-. whal i an th.-y do ''' . \,,?!,,,. - - i-t'plled the advoeate, and tha motion to tdjimrti m:i- I i- anild i e lubll ml ntralna ol lhe - t:. ? i rowd t - Bnd tbelr ? ly ho__ ln iaiily _-,.-hI liumor. __ .1 BECEIVEB APPOINTED AT I.IST. EFPORTS TO BE0ROANI7.B THB A.M_1UCA_ LOAM A\I> TRt'ST ' "MI',_V I A 11_ s, | ,. ? < . . ' ? ' r ievi ihi.-. ,i recelv t , . m a tot the h ? i ? ?' " i Trnaa ,..,1,1,11-. I ' ! ? H .-':-.? - ? ' '\. ill t'.,- S-l! i-1-,- >'".l't. : . i -. i ? !? ia of ? , .1 Bank. :.? th recela-ei Ui - romona , , ? i ? ? ? . d ,? n . .,,,( - ?,?!?-. i take . -n ?' I |ra? 1 ' ' ' ' ? "J "" M"1"1 IV "r li did not know bh th ia t- yet about tke .,. ,.,,? |n i - ? ral b_t but be had - - k aad l? n , , ? ? . . ? ? ? v ? i ? leallzn ;,.-, ,,?:? ,,.?. _n theli holdlncB, Mi 8_nm_iB la i qulwd .,,,,,? my'B Biooey Bnd aacuriUeB alth tha b_U_ Tru-l > -i.'i'in ? BEEKIXO '" BELEABE i _ IILEOBD LTXATIC. Provldcnee, i: I., March 7. - rhe frial of th.* ca.I baheaa conma brought bj State Benator Alt .rt R. islierman, "f Paw'acket, apiin-l lloraee P. Qarpentei t.i aeeurethe reteasool Elliabetli ll. Carpaoter from the liutler Ho?pltal for the Inaane, waa reaaaaei In the suprcme Conri to-day. Mra. Carpenter'a haaband, ii.,i.i,i- P. Carpeuter, aad r^uBteea William Qoddard and charlea Morria __lth, of ihe laitlf-r Hoapttal, ti-.iii'-ii tf> Mra. Carpenter'a recent eceeatrleltleB .".i ii'iiiinii . They belleved l.ei- to be Inaane. Th.- aa ihoritlea al tl"- hoapttal arouM havo been g__l to have her taken away. 8he waa nolay, ttoatly _alotal_-d ihat f'.ai air was pumped lnto her room, alepl rraaa _la. h.-r bed and wanted i" ileep la tlw hallway. Attciidanl l'.v:i Tnrner and Dr. Uall, of Butli r llospltal, t.-tltii'd to bellel la her ln-_nlty, after whleh . hii,,,. . .liiiii.iii teatlfied thal h" __ nei a-_ Lawyer i.:.|,iiii? to compromlae Um <_*_ or Uueaten him thal if he iiiti not be wodM denounee tbe rase ln the Senate He i, ,,;,?,,. interesled ln the eaae from roadlog an ae ,,,u.f ii iu the . ulunin. "1 i new paper. il" hM vi iinl Mra. ruin n'T llve dlffereni dwra _nce laal saliirtlaj. und liad fmind her mUonal. ') !"? eourt ap ?Hiliiled Um. Paliner and Keeoe .xamlne Mra. t__js [r-nter t- t" l. -i- I' i'_.*nl iii'-ai..l atatua. rhe ca a \--?n inUnued unlll nexl -aturday. ? A LE8S COBTLl CAXAL WOULD /'<>? CMeago, March 7. An importanl itep waa tafcen <" 'day at a mocting of tbe Chlcago .nvlpUlon and Draln age TruBt-ea. The Board adopted an afldrea to t_o people declaring. In effect, Uud Um eaoal numol be , onatmi t.-.i for l.'-^ than eao.OOOjOOO aader Um eslaUng u.w. n le Higge-ted Oml ttubmi ot naklng Um ihannel 14 t?. l- _*l deop, preaent aeeeaalUea would be aaiply met by t-f__ deptb. ri.e change would ,,,,,,,???.,, ,,,i,, . tlw eapendltora .-u....._>..><>?> Tlie iiddresn la i-.i'-i with a vi.-w to havlii. radical amendmenta Inaerted In lhe IlllnoU atatate ander whleh tbe _m?teea are operatlng. --_?_ gitiB M'Mf'/.M.V /.YS.I.VF. Bnflalo, March 7.-The Jury In the rase of garah Me.Mullen, Um leventeen-ycar-ld gtrl who is eha |ed wltb Binrder ln tba Ortt degree, ln paabtag a chUd, Sellie Baj Cr _ner?. o_ a brtdge at Aferon, l-:ric county. cau Ing ber death, in Noarember mat, eame lato ?-ourt ihorUy bctore noon I i_ay with a ___!_ oi aot gallty ,,? tha .rouDd thal barah aa* n.-am' al the time ahe , ,,:tl.,,-, ,i the act Judge LewU m?? _?? _? t1"' 5't;it*J HoBl'ltal,_..._ Tiu: ILTJBOtB BBBATOBBBJP. gpringfleM, IU., Mareh T_-K_MaaeB a____n rea> reaented Um Joinl aaaembty lt-day. One ballot ?_ i ,\.-, arith Um ______ i. uit: Pabner. U: -tro__r, i . ... - V. 1._0_ ffOITH DAKOTA LAWUAKBBB ADJOVBX. st. p_ni, minn.. Mareh 7.-A "Planaar Proaa" dis pateh from EUamarck, V. i>.. annonneee the __*-__. iii.-nt sUio dlo ol tlie Noitli DaUoU L'.'_i_atm. laot alghi. ONE DOCTOR KILLS ANOTHER A TRAGEDY ENACTfiD IN* A STREET OB WHBELDfO. THF. PRESIDENT OF THE WEST V_-_B-__-A BOAB__ OF HEALTH SIIOOTS DOWN HIS FORMER FRIEND AS HE C'ETS 0LT OF A COUPB -RESEXTI.VG A BLUR ON* HIS ANCESTRY. [bt tfi K'i-ui-i. to the tribcsb.. Wheelin-., W. Va., .Maroh 7.-The most _enn*> tional tmiredy in the liistory ?f Wboollaf took place on tlie street here to-day. Dr. George I. Girrison. presi.leiit of the State Board of llealtU and up to last ____?___ ehief of the Health De piirtnietit at the city of \Viieelin?, .sliot Dr. George Itaird to deuth in the street. It was a most ilc ptanMa affair and gftW out of the inability of one of the men to control his fongue, or the othet to eontrol his temper. A few years ago tlie doi> tors were the best of frtends, aml Dr. Gurrison'a four-year-old sou is named Georgc ttaird Gar rison, after the man bia father to-day sliot td death. The diiUculties that lad to the trouble hegan several years Bga vvlien Dr" llaird's son,' a doctor ulso, wa.s a caudnlate for Healtli 0_B_f of tho city against Dr. Garnson. (iarrisnn was the suocesvsful candidate, aiul ever sinee then tliera has lieen an ill-fevling l>et-.ieen tlie men. Dr^ Baltd was noted througliout the conmiunity foi liis attiicks upon thoae who ______ l_d his di*. plei.sure, aud he has had several encounters witb* ditferent peopie on that iiecount. Mi? fceling a_a___a. Dr. Garrison was particularly veliement anl he never passed him on the street without IBpfcing BOOM reproachful jvtnark about him.' Tae enmiiy hetwecn them w;.s well known, and it |is been aaai11*rt frciuently by their friende tbat i' would nut cease till one ?f them was killedJ A few nioritlis ii'.u tlio doetOIB were pa.ssing thfOOgfa the conidors ot tlre City Hall. when Dr?: Baird, in the presence ol a BOfl-be. ol bystandera,' itistilteil Dr' GfarrlaOO by inikinr.' BB <>tr?*n_ive allusion to his ___B-_-_". Dr. Garrison resented tl.e insult and gave Dr. Baild a severe heatinoj with Iii-. lists. They were Int.i BBBi in thd police court for that epifode. After the fisticuiT enooaater, Dr. Baird threat. ____! Dr. QarrtaoB- life, and friende advised tha l.ttter to bring an aetiofl in court to compel Dr, l'aird t.i keep tli" p_a__- He thOUfht that c.oursa not advi.salili- aml umed liiiiisell. Dr.' itaird als. l-eir.iu iirui.i and several times sinee BBM inaaltad hia foe openly. Dr. Garriaon never re oented any of tbeae n_b_ffc. until to-day. Thia morning ns I>r. Baird waa leaving his aaapa to erll upmi a p.itii-nt, Dr. Gnrii.-.m p.-.sr_"d by on foot. What Dr. Baild _a_d is ao. known, but Dr. t.iriison turned at 0M_ and (lemaiided a retruction. Dr. Hairl refu>cd to re? tract what be had said and reiterat.-d it, wlier*> upon Dr. Garriaoa drew a It-ealibre Smitii Sc WeaaOB revolver irom his poeket aud lircd. Tha sliot took effect in Dr. Batrd'a left Dr. Baird turned aod Gra-Tiaoa tiied another sliot; wbich took effect in tlie b_~k of the head. Dr. tr;.i:isiiti then walked four _q_-_r_B with the amoking platol ln his liaml and gave himself up to a poli.-e oth'-er. sayin_: ?? l've boen for. ed lo kill Dr. Ilaird, an.l 1 v.niii you to _o witli me ... the ___ri_- offloe." Dr. Itaird was not knocked down bjr thd bulleta. hut turned nnd walked into a st.ire ai.d sat m a chair tlve mitiutes licfore he died. Dr. Italra waa aboul si\ty years old, but 1 aie tor his yeara. Ile la the father of A tamily ot si\. all _rowr_ exrept one daughter. Dr. f't.rrison is bbob1 tiiirty live and a inairied man. His friends say tliB. 1 a WM driveti to desperation bf the attneks of hia vn-tini, who, ihey say, elrcukited report* about lus a_f_0ii~J. _?__-__[, openly that l.arrison'e mother was a negress. Dr. Baird was one of tlie oldCBl pliysieians of \Vhee!in_, B nieuiber of the city Water lioard, ex member of the Counoil and of the Board of Publi. Worka, ? member of the __ ird of difM-Olt of tho Wheeling Bridge and Terminal K-iilway Compnny aml a man pro__l__nt in local politics and uiunl eipaJ governmem BatttfB. COBTBBtVfCE OT aETEBTE DAY ITFFBBTTBTBl ? H.ittl" Craek, Mleh., >!a:-?-ii ?'..-Tlie (.v-'tiei-l ron* fereni e ? t tt." Beventta Day .\'iventi-t- i _b?_i ad \ttmaY* ,..,?. al the 1 .'? ?;? u '?' In thla gttjr. Ihe ielegaUoB ie the l-ii.-e-t ever before aaaeaiblr-rl In tha lii~r.iv "f tae denominatl m. Deli latet ar" prenenl from ti Ir v aad ni-' fi"'t. I'li-in'i. Jforway, Sweden, Danaaapi lli--ln, Swltxerland, Bonlt Africaan. AaatraJla, i'r>-?l-. ,i-rt ... c. BUoq'i openhtgaddreat s!i"we.i thal tta n.w; denotulna-onal eoUefte al Llneoin, N??;?.. roetl i| a.aaV 000, is aearly eoapleted, and wtaB laUhed vviii bo entlrely paM tor. Tta book aalea "f tta pablieMM h ut-e.^, o| thla niiintrv have leartad thti fear PTOO^OOO, Ttare is ii crjrlBg doaiand tor aUnUterai Durtng tho I.,- vi:n- tta denomlnatlon hai bullt tlie tlaalonawy -hip Plt. i.-i " ii relv from Sabbttb uch *>l -.n!.-. rtpUone :,n..,ti:,t.t,- lo -..'."'. rhe Kblp lias vlslted I'malr.. 1-I;iiitt und b.n'ri/".i all tii" Inhaliltant* "f the placo. everr ona lu.vlnc etnbraced tlu- Ailventlal talUi. rira presi'deni lias appolnt ?! tlie ii-.uaI -tandlna e..iuiiiltteei ?i r .iferetii-e haa tcttled down t" ofltelal rapatM tin.l routine bualnes*. nu: PBIJfr CtfiTB UABKBT. Full River, Mareh 6 (__b*___I).?The print clotH marfcel U d?U. Uoat ot tta tndlag Ifl heiag done an (..i-i gooda and tta few rn.u- aol encaced aa them eaa ta eotinted aa tta Bngen ? t ? hand. Tiiere u i-ut uttle tor proflt In prlni rtotha i'"re. ow. Ing to pnrchaae af coltaa al more than rr.iiiur uuo? tatti.ii-, and whlle the _r__and for edd eoeda i* hriiic ,; i- tliou.lit that tl." tn.lN < an m;ii." ni"r,> tl;;in i per c'tit ou them. The toDowlag i- tli- wpeit's itntement: Pradaetioa, SOOXMO phxea; tellfcriei. _o_,ooo pteeea; flOa___, JflOO alerea; Otxfite, 21.000 pleee*. I_d week-fl itoel., SOlfiOO pteeea. Solee 1 -j.ikm) Biecee; odda, 130,000 pleeee: 84x_4a, ttjOOO pleee*; ipota, __j000 ptocea; fotorea, IftdjOOO pleeee. Balea tor _____? diilifi-n* Karch, li.'uvi pteeea; Apnl. 78j000 pteeea; Mar. iUMXM pleeee; June, 1.1.000 pn.-.-e-: .lulv, ."..o?h> pteeee; Aagoat, 4.000 piece*; _-ptcn.ber, '_.o<xi pleee*; rna-he. dull; _______ ;i cent* tor c.lx.ii-; nominal tor SOxftCa. ABBE8TBB RY 909TAL ABTBOBTTtKB. sirriniriiel.t. II!.. Hareh T.-JTrmah i, PoOt, aa-WMBJ for the ?<> operatlve Pateol Cooipany, haa beea am.'-tod i.>:", rhargsd with e__*pliaey to aee the bm_a for frau.liil. nt paipoaea, Jti- l.rotlier. Ml B. Mt. .?"?."ial -iipi'i-iiii.-n.l'rit Of tl"' ("ii'rrn. wa- arn>-t"l nl tu.- atata nm" u ii"1 BprlagB, \rk.. oa tii- eaaea ? hafge .?i.i umi be brooght here lw trial Their operattonB, it 1-,si. eateaded all over tiie 1 nited Htatea, and they did aa iiinmri-" biiaHwaifl Their icteae appeeaa lo tave been t.. 1--11" etrtaUrfl :m>i ?-'"t peopk to ">n .-i-n their pateaia to them toe devetopoMat, Ttag would .i.iiii.n.i in advanee Iea *o tt i- eharged, al fio and ttien never <i" anytlii-is -Ilii tli" patenu. Kiauh li. r,.lk waa iiel.t ln pl.OOO boada to appaor f".- t.__* bere._ tBIBD TO SBLL DtAXOBDB lli: UAl> TOVBaX ChleagD, Hareh 7.< Fronk Aateeo-, __a_aapr ef - ??? .-ry -t il 1". WOfl iii'iv-'e.| laie l:i-t BlgM I __-_Bd '-vitll at teniptlng to diapo-e "f _B.O00 wei-b ..f dtaatond. -.viiich Im had iViiiul. A putta-fal >?f dlOB-Oade ?_, bb ht* paeaaa, umi he made ? fall eo-tlwilflB t.. >n. h_al Donohna, a uour-.- pabMe. Op Pebraan to Jaat Mr*. i?.'u-. Iiii iid*. of Ne- Vi..'... :. relative .f R. 1. < lut.a, .1 manaiaeturer, wa? vialting tho altp. *uo Uw lowela noi? her eerrtago. -? -?. i MCRDERER PR0B1SES 10 COWFBBB. Dacator, 111.. Mefeh f.-th-dap Wiiium 11. craw f.iid, who la i" hani oa Hai-h 11. n_- he io"!! make a uiinen eonfowloa U-llm_ the niuunci- ln whi^li b? :ciii--d *?;.-?? -%"1 blaa, t-'.t ha vviii not eaoaaal 10 ti_'-lii'U ot IhO ?i.n.e until aftei- ln- ______ Im Dortani detalle haae alwaya beea throaded ln mvttani md 11 baa beea ihoagM that Oawford h*a au aee__-i nOBB._._, .4 BOOTBLACB ____ BlOfiOO DAMA9BB st. UMla, Mareh T.?Ia th" Bewle <'ou;:ty ui-trict Cearl at Wew Boatoa, Tax., yeatetday, William r.i.tor, ,t adtored boo-bla-_, woa aa i< |af_r Wai B-vardfd eio.000 damagei agaloat Ita Bbm aad ___aa teft u iv company The plaiotlfl trl? throwa nreai a tralu, and blll-i nnder the wheela, bad both legi eot otr. .t BBTOLVTIOBABB UBDUABE 901A?. _._-____, N- Y.. Manh 7.-The old r.evolutlon-ry latuliii;B_ known as Oencial Knoi . Iiead'iu ulers. con ?_t_U_f of a man-lon aud tarui, at V_U-. O*to, l_aa Uoaa aold Vo a -ivu_l_ u u_u.