HELPING LITTLE MOTBEBS. _ i ? FI-IENDS OF lENEJffiXT-HOUSB GIBLS. IB CHAIUTT CO.MTNi:!) TO CH1LDREX WHO CARE j BOB THK TOVKOEB MEMBERS OF Titr. i-\?ii.v ?aaMaa Um graaf worl whleh The Tribane Fn "Atr fin.i! aeeoeap-Wna every -mm-a of the poor, aad aa i reaaJl ot the hnovt ? Im beea _??? ?? **? _?' ?'? ' ' '? '"' ll. this *__?__-, niiin.'r'.n piiint" "i.t'-p .--? have oraig up. aa lhai atm, beehte the gei whi.h TheTrl boae U engaged, th >are ' C.iiirieit.-d Witb tiiaiiv ihnr'.e- I totmmtt la the ettgr. Untll la?1 mmmer Tbe Fund wa- aonflaad fer tha m'-t pai to dren ui der twcive jOBia ol tta, Wbo ?"? i;< ?'?> to the roontry for two veate, I'l-t b?*t year. Ihroagh tbe genenwltj al ? wenlttiy genttoaMB, dajr exeo flven by whi.h. many thow inda ol people yoong and old weas l__ni?ad Berciitly a nevr aaaae_B__B haa eome li lo ?li "'" lo lUd iu thla Butter. La*t aommcr "The Llttle Mother*.." gfffa |eb ot Iwalvi yeari ??'?'. ??? poor, WhO in th- al KBce of tlr-l: mothera by aome out ?lde. oocapattoa had t?. bahe rare "f I Liodhan aad -toiefa, eaaaa Into p im neo I |>, ?,-" i-.-v Ol Mr-. .1. ll..l"ll'!St,in..'f-t,iive-.|.t BilUai '. At -bb axpanee ef __ thaa 1*784. nearly -m? ol ??llttle mothera" eajoyed a day'a onllng al ?? l'ark; gjcd n fj Ihe dag la OH eonntry and a i at* ln th ? _____!, l.ut atoo two BBbabaatW meala ? Tbeao eh-ttrea, oH aod ___B_Tteneed tbougb young ir, >aarg. ?__? nnder the care "f i chaperone, aad one id her Mlaa waa to laenkate hablt* ol rleanllnesa nnd otdet aa waa aa to pnvlde plea-u*. fo* Whaa tha --ear- m etoaet, Hm managei-, Mra. John-wn, .Mr-. Ii"i,.v llerinan. Mrs. J. 8- WhHe, Mr-. A. M. I'almer. Mrs. II. C Chllda, Mra. Bdward Kldder, Mra. c .t. Haley, Mra, Emmn Egan aad Ml Ra. I with tl. - pnonoter-. Mrs. .Villmm TO- llelmath. Dr. ttaamll m. Eoaler, '?' *** A. Vafl. Pre-ideaf Gallnp, ol the r.irk Departaaent; J. " J-toaUm. Artlmr H. Mamar-, J. 8. Whtte. maetef oi tha n-.k-iev Sehoob, and \v. lt. Kelly, de. id. d to d > ? ime-b-i| to provMe ?laaaaia for Iha ehUdreri dnrlng the wlnter. Two or thre? aabBrtaliiaaenta bave baaa gtwa.. be Waa ipeclal matioees ln .he Madtsoa Sqaare and Kifth Avenue theuti-e-. f,r thla non-i*ectai_.n eharttr. Tha money OMalnad in Ihia way la t? ba aaai fae the llttle aMXheta jiext sunimor. Mr>. j duiatra li _Bth___a_tl? over ihl* wortr, whl, h loat all ber rammer laal year, and ta whleh ihe baa gjrotod BMMri <-.' her titir" thla wlntcr, for the "llttle aanlhara" an b d oul ol n ind even when onl ol Their fBtthfhl Mendi vlill them in thalr homea, and -when they are ilck thej aend tbem ao the hoapltala, whan a i- poaalble to oMaln pcrmlaaloa from their rnotiurs to do bo, The poor hav- i decMed gattpathp to gotng to tiie hoapttal. They tmagJne not imly thal it ,- di grad -' lo the laal extreme, to reealve aid in thi- way, bot lhat Ihey are In physlca. danger ai.-,. Moitea ?f tha bratallty of nnnea and ?t tbe ex pcriraems ol yoang phy-teiaiii terrtfy them. nol nn patiuaiiy, aud now and then a patlent, having dofern d going t? Um hoapttal nntll reeoveey waa Imposslble, dles, and tlie new* of that death wttl frlghten h-.m iln'ds ui Iha house and tho nelghbor- ?"! where he Bved. flhis prt-judiio has to ba ov_reoa_a by tha trlanda of tlie "little mother-." When tho ehildren aro talicti lo tho hospiUl tluy aro visit.d tt*_tmaUs, and their llvcs made moiv plaaeaat "It would bo int. ivstlng," says Mrs. Johncton, '? t ? ronipare our avcra-re laborcr with the Chlaamaa who. linported as B BUaar and boyCOtted at the tnine-, dla tovci-ed the need of clean clothlng, i tleivd to waah, and Bo.beeunie i,,.t a cu'._c but a blewlng to the eommnnlty. Tl our tail.r. or cir-xntor, or bnrUlaver, ar bo bheeper is oul of vi-,'i-li. lii many ui-o- bl beCO-WI B t!.i:i,p Ot B loafc*-. lf hla wife wlil povlde abeltar, teod and Uro for Ma childivn, ).o Bham it. Thb prodacea tha elaai lo whaaa I am gtatag my Ula, the llttle mothera.1 n ls not the iond can of tht gMer ilater reUevIng Iha axinr. of ?ntaauBa' f->r a Ume; it ,- being depetved for _ver cf e*__d__od*i aataral herltaga ol j?>. It i- bnv Inc Ihe baek bowad wllh .are. the faee fartowed with anxlaty, the Barrea anvtmng, tba maaclaa o*ortaxad At the i e/,kI w_k-n (.irii, ,,.d aaeda the teadere-t atton tio;i. lt is liavi,i_ reeponalbUlty iritho-i knowMga, aurhor.ty vithout __-_a_r_raee. thrust upon the ohlld. ("ould you -.eo tlie liii-ialuipen, di?toitt-d, Ul-davaloped tiodiy^ ol inany of our little lnothers a> we preparc them lor tho bath at [___? Il-.y, V"U -would tho cruol task Impoaed u],on thew giwwlng glrla. Bnl lhai i- ;. Hirall par; ,,f llM _TOng. Wht-n tlie ehaplaln , ,* Anburn ivi^on waa aahad Iho ehlel eaaaa of < i-ime. he anawen ,t i ?Iilleneis; heep liuinanlty f_-_aily at work, and erime eaaaaa.' Thero is the Mtattoa to au the dlSevlttea. The^e perpctually 'oui-ufvyork' aaan, who will not tako such w.t-k ai odten beeaa i they mlghl _Uaa a good ]ot,' or TUin Uieil- huml*' for their kind af, wlio can ileaf ln ti"' aheller, enl the lood, and wear the H'lotliinp that (be labor of othen provldaa, thii natoral piotacior "f womanhood and eh!ldiu,.id. debaaed bj Idlem-- and deoaiuhed l.y alcolK.1, i- nm only foni.d lylng drunli in the tcnemeot room* where Um.Jltt'" mother-' rare for their flooh, pollutlng tbe a;> witb tb. Ir .il" breatb aad the moiai B_m_*phare witb their vllci laniriiaK'-. bul t o <,ft,-i, the. rob i!?'>c children of tho pnrltv ,'f Innoeenee a-ut fature bllsa." Mi>. Ki'ii!' i. oire <>f tli" managera of the aaioeiv 4i.m. ha- written a llttle Inrldent, thovrtng 01.f the aerio-eomlc ildee ,f the work. Bhe ?av-: wWe never could reaily get u> know tJie children, though there wero two exctirnvns weekly to Pelham l ;,\ !';,'i:. Th- gronpa ?,.? alwaffi ffiflerent. Tl," rule thai "n!v one e.'irl'l go on a -In.'.e ph'ni,' .ti.r wanl ul fand*) ',:?1 to Im- aitini.t rtrlotl. enforred, ln order tha- a a- poaalble -should bave one bappy day. The layln.s ?of the.-e children, many "t them nathctlc from a pra tematural Rhrffwdness, wcrc oftcntfni i milr, v dear Utlle malil. Betaey by nanie. enjoyed playlng witb ? beaa-bag. A lu.u- aisll n ~.ld: ? My liiik- boy .,. I nt'iat bae, ,,nd Ire will lie great ly nleaeed t" knoa tbat ?'.vou h,,.i so nn,, h pkaWure with it.' Betaey looked at tier (uii'iu.iv for a moment aiul th'-n dggled. 'Why C6 you langht' said tbe lady. 'Oll,1 s,,i l V-iey, With a wldo -:rli,, -I dMn'i thir.? yon were marrled.' 'Whv fiotv "t'h. 'eanaa,' salekered tbe ehlld. '*Cau*e why w pertdsted the lady. "Oh, 'cau?e,' atammered the ihild. 'l tiidnt thlnh you waa marrled ' i m laurh lo BMBCh.' Bba had only ven biw-splrlted i ? mtitriiu'inv. a tall, wlM-ayed, v .?:-.? v,.,r',i glrl, Bjrbo alvray* looked aa if she had Imi Mtmetblng. ?atomi.d.-d lier, hearera bj aaylng: -i i.'.t.' bnble-. i .vouldn't do nothlng t<> iiurt 'em, i,ut i don'l lil" 'em; Ithev are y Iea'.;,. Thla If lll Bl_l t::ii" l ever got [Jet oul witiuuit t.ikin. ooc al, Tl,.- chaperone eould h,,t nndentand wby <. llttle >r1rl ntt.rlv refuaed io walb on the graes, whlch waa 'all abloom \\it!i yeUow-hrarted dalalea. -I d >-i"t like ito.'-.bhe iin:,Ilv fa.ter~,i. -li l'-'k-. llke gravea; I ncvei 'how any eonntrv beforo except pravea.' it carne r?il t'.-it all ber ktn.-A !?? of grownne (rrasH and dower* araa pr?th?'is-l on he.t- ,.no experienec of :, funeral. tt peeni.d alm al _hcr_dlb_e In a cltj Uhe Ne** >orh, l.nt matter* wlil never be feallj adjn*ted ir: tbl* world until -the rlcb mnn k_rr_ how ti, ? poor man llyae, bnd tho iH,?r BBM l,;n-i:s how tlie iich man vyo.'-k^."' ?-? ? THF. TTAUAB TRIAL IS BErTAjmiMABB. Bm OiaVBna. Manh 7.?Ooraaar I. 'Flyn-i, attorney, haa baaa appolnted to defend folltt. At 11 o'.lorl; _ba enurt tooh :, !?<,'??- untll 1 P- m. __rlag the ive-- PoUti agaln IM bh mental ? and i< i-.,v in.- m the Sbedlf- oAco, where four di pnl ? are h"ldlr_ him down oa a lonnge, whlle bls fr -nd- are end avorlnc t,, pa. Ify hlm. Mayor Bhakeapeare haa received an anonymoua leth r IhacalVinlr% him with n?su.s>lnatlon In <;,-,? ar:> of :i," acciis'sl Blclllani, now on trial for Henn. r'a mnrder, are cont leted. -"Th" State*" li .'im- thut dnring th" procc-i* of Im -rtaneiii",: Jurora f"i' Ihe H. nne?*y ,, *b aeveral tal.n wero appmacbejd with money t>. render :, verdld of Ojcqulttai m eii-e the) were aceepted m 'urora. ? WBBBB CLBMBBCT WAS ILL-BBSTOWBB. lttHbtii-a. Mareh 7.- A. S. Ilodp-on. f,,r fw ntv fve ycftis u fru-t'd . inphive ,f Jnttc d Oo., .'-al '?! rai-ed i ahaeh oa tl ?? C_ tral Bank to i,i ga.lfrfT Tle- ,:,-'i wa j'-n'l over withoul que tl m and Hodgaon tooh the -i-t tea n oul of i ie rlty. Hc raK>- v Y,,rU. ?ther place". and CfBrtwe Happy, thg d i Ife, were present durin_ tbe trial. Kia ??'- defrnce i n* th,: be aappooed M- dral wide "? dead. be bavlng heard it ao *!h*.-f Ihe verdicl *Iiowk thut th Jurors heliev?d hi* atory. Thls wa I trial cf tbe eaae, the flral tlm ? the Jury di agraeliifi. OOTBMSCM WIBAM'8 COSDITIOB. Lansii:.. M:.:i., M:i:v h 7.--tinvern u? W.r, tion is ahout the >atiie f, liy. he beln unp and aR'und.*' m< hleeoagha bave al lo I guletcd, but thev onlv COBM al irt.rv;'1. ol n hOI|r Or two. Dr. shunl; ?] - 1?- _ B-BBlf. vvli clioutM tr, at tend le ln.ii' IMPORTANT T<) _0-HI-TK-__. The. flftjride family romnititBtlOB tlcketa on< tho StgwA'Orl. Centml art- a pofular innov.ition. _,'. ARE YOO HOMELY ? ThiB is Of Blight coiisc(jitriice,fov if your complexion ispuro ond elear you will hc cnl led ucatt tij'uli Mit\ i i , ttA 4$.. ivTH A perfeet eomplexion la pnrltj Ittelf. Tio yoo iv,'.! thla embtam? Ol eouree you do; then ?-1 y hesitate, when you ean obtaln M io eMily? Thouaanda have aeeared thla l?y Ihe nae of Mme. A. RUPPERTS WORLO-RENOWHED FACE BLEACH, Vo,.r own aeighbon om be icektmed among this number. I-v.ilurrs to remnre auy bknfcfa oi the taee nr ikin by FACE BLEACH are unknown. If vour eotnplexion is not pcrfeet, you are posi tively DCgleetful lf you do not take advantago nt this woniieriil remedy. FACE BLEACH Ir not a eostm'tic; doea not show- oa the faee; hut i. ? cnre, Jt ia an harmleaa that even a ohild Can use it, aad it is alwaya l.eneti.ial: cau be oaed with mmt good by genUemen us well a.s ludies. FACE BLEACH Is prepnred and aold onlr by me. Trlm] 9'2 fBt i, ittle, 01 three boMkf (usually reciuire . to curci, B8. , (all at my luxuiious parlors or MM to me fnr ralnabk infonnatioo, i_i-i.*.tin_ to all-' BIME. A. RUPPERT, (OMIM.r.XION M'EIUMKT, i EAST 14th SL, AEH-IOBK. n_.\_tll OBBVJBMt 4s. FI'T.TON ST.. HI.OOKI.YS. ?73 R1IOAI) *T.. KKH Utli, N. J. 30 B. PBAML _?.. AI.IIANY.N. Y. ?19 M\1N ST.. HARTFOMD. I'ONN., WM) | ST.. N. W. WASIII.M'TON. D. C. ivn 111 llTUSOrsl/.K IV TIIFINITF.n STATES UOW OUE MI88I0NAB Y FAR E8 IN JAPAN. WnERE I_ THE CENTEF. SI'IRIT BB9W9 IK THIS COUNTRY?-TEACHIXr- THE ( HII-UREX TO HATE THK PORCIGKKBS. \ etorgymoa to IMo etty hm reeeoUy reeetved a tottorfroma mleUonniy Meod ln Janan, whlob ehowi tbal th" ,e-.t;- -ii.i-.- wll* whleh Um Japaaeoo mvn I.n eredlted m kmg is eomewhal tocktai m aome ,,,_ < ot the laland, eapectafly m their attitude Mrwart 1 t.e lorei. ;,??!?"? -Tlie -Ituatirm ln .la.a.," .ar_ the writnr. jn*,t m j. rtogalai to s?y the lcait. 1*0 am.-ft.ra) B* teenat M tataMO, an.l imifnlM aH claaw?. Whether it baa yet reeahed IU iNlgM 1* *?? *> "f? Jt crr Utaly haa wt yet been lo deeltoa, It rarrtes toa back tO Iho oll aaya in tho .evento.e ta Chtta. BBBB ?no expected to he iwfttod, ard hate not onlr Oflthal -. but . meOmea more tangtole tMnga, i""'!*1 'lt ?? w,"':' w 1 propbmled wa ohoaM m.-v i.e mnhod among the fai-e premMeft, tot all theae thtaci have eooM i? pom aud ara oTon now taklng v'.*** ta .].pr.ii. Aad when ihe Jopnaeaa do a tatai Ihef M" H ^v_n more tl.o. m. hlv and eMr-n.elv tlnn tha Chtooao. laatead of ipttUni npon oao'i elothtaK, thag ipM ta our laeee?tbe? thmw eBxka aad atonea wtth tatont to hll aiifl ?0 Iimt. The well dr.--fl aad \U poorlj dressed vie with enffi oU? la eaUtaf ns obftvxlooi ..:.! dittnda lo Um bablm |ael beitn ni,,- to toddk aboal Um atraeta, aad la unaa i too the babtoa on their mother** bocka, nnaWe yet to ?lk ,,-? Btatld nloiH. niilv vi; 1. vfliii we OV.Hl* l'l :i rn n ifi atarp. which W all open t, tl.e itr*ct i"'.l,i. lu* Uttle child. Ju-I r.1.1" t" v.,k, a moat vile name io eall n?, and we luv PM ed ilmi waj .. .rai tini.-s ilnce and the UtUotMni I. wadv f... ?. everv Ume. 6he Iim tonrned hor leawn well and JL..1- \\ w"h vlr>r. N" prophet is ?i-- emuiiin tn j ? -7,. ^vile^? the tnrnlna point li or whal the outconit* - i i y," hm 1 n-t ,,i gurelv a. w? _re able t>. -?'? _X tand at tho helm of every nattan. Jn I ? anrels ,.? wo know thi'. H- la eutai mi to oTerrule. tiH evenu, ? to prepare the way fur the eomtal Uaadon of Ui fM.II." PB0M0TER WAETB nie DAMAOEB. SUIXfl FOR 91,400,'iO'V-WHAT ROTH SIUES SAY. jadgo Baaeh in theflnprenMConrl jn-anteii. on March -,. aa retantable ta iboitow, i*. -i. m eaooa why aa I'liiui'ti,,-. ihoaM not lasaa ta an aettoa bronght by BUm M Btllwell, oi No. 111 Broadway, aaaiaal tlu Amertffn s..fia Poaatata Company, Joaam W. Tafto aod Othew, restraininp lhe eompanv fi'.'fn huvlm: the baataeea and propeitka of tl.e othor defenaaata. Mr. Mttwell hi Ui aflhtoTlti myi taal the Amei > Oa Fonntaln Oompany waa organlaod but moath witli i eapital of g3,750,000, to neqnlra UM todo tonntaln bualneaa ol Jnmei W. lofla, oi Boatoa; tha A. D. i-iitr.-i- _ Boaa Moaataetartag Oomyany, oi Boatoa; riiarlea Llpplncott A Co., 'ff Pltftadelpila, arui n parl ,,f ii,.- baataeaa oi tba Brm ol John Uatlhewa, ol >''.-?? V'nk: that the pitee pold by the demndaata for tha .. ol John Uatlhewa wu BtOOfiOO, Mr. Mll iserta that In Petaaaiy, IdW, Um four firm. . .,, ,| contrarted lo ael] t-. Um Um aame propeittoi rii.v propoee conTeytag io th.* Amorteaa f-oii. Poantaln Company al g8,75O,0B0 for *j"j.:i_o.?n>. npoa a b;u;is ,,: ,?'?. ball eoab ami one-baitJ ta dla atoeh of a Umlted llablllty Sompany t<> be tonaod by Mr, Mttwell ta London. Mr. Mttwell ??>" further that the total aaaota ol 1',,- i .iii.puii.-. now vihied in the proapeetni at P2,__N>_IOO are oti tlieir rtatementi nade t" him worth only gl,73fl,000. He Intimatei alao tbal tba ii-,,, ol occountanta oeei hol Um mnrb when tbey -.,!ii iimt the boalneaa tn ? d to tbe ?-"_. Ponn lain Company eanwd 041O.4O2 30 per anaoin n;l , ? ;Il i.i;.. ia-t (,...? yeara. He a?yi Und flgnret Inn -'i'-7. l. ..? ;..;. ??,;,. lOWOT, Ifl tll.t UWI* WM ll'l' I ll ? rn. :i..:-i. in buttlneai In I8B0 lo aocoon! for tba ., ?,.. Mr. 81 ;?????!! aned for gl.400,000, the ,,? between tbe prl e a whleh he allegea lhe ?,-i to wll ta him .'mi t'i- i.i-.' ? al ..;,,,, ,|., v - M ',, tbe newly orgaalxed eorporaUon, Tin- Brm "i John Matth w* i- Um only oae ol Ui'. Mi. Matthew., when eeen ,.* hl? ;,,. .-,, i'.vj (late '?'. Iln thlyn, Ital evenlng. aai. r ?:,? i.ii, i. Mr. Ptliaell had ha?l . -i oidioii "i' parl ol lils h ? .i ? --. and inten. -.1 te fo n* rn i-'.n.'i ti.'t wiUi a rupiUI ol . ? ,H . ., . ,. ?? rtl . i.r.o. ,-.- ?,,! by ii;.* ,.,?.;.! :il, ., aa i n Cu : mr. He 11'., however . ? i , |-jii -. Mr. .">! ttli ?' - buI i Ui.' ,. . | ,. iii, proapen * one ii. iii ? :,. ,i tlial ", ? * i.lalne i tne lnrrea_o In i el ill ,,,?. ,; Ui.. --t.-t."i"-''i - i'i ftif romnbilnt, Mr Matthew* derlarod, wore made wltb mai :,. th \ liad '. 'inn-' i" .: ? wllh Uie - ill Itaelf. \- ...;,, it Mr. MltweU'i w th tli- other l .,?,' ;.' CCSTEhYB g/fl OT TO 111. BTATE I.MUARltX. I.iiii-.ii'. Mfch., M i-li 7 t- "?? I ,11. - Ml - Miit.-ai-i't riiM - ; ?? ..;i).- al t r ol l.-n.-ral ' i tn ? nfflre "f Bi le Ul ra U li one I neral .atl-ft. tlon i" ill 1 ,*. - i .,,:, of the L ttlc ll Hor .. U Calhoua laat ber butbaod, Calhoon; h-r brother, General Cnater; two yoanaar brothen, aad a nephew. Mra Pnlbenn hns iu the laat few years i. i.ieved :i doaervod repntatlon as u otoeaUonial a -i public rcader. .:.-: h_? uucii of tlie <.. .. a_d per _____ magneUi. fcr bta-har. to whom flha hear. i, ,< ong re ?:,'?:.?,". and la poaaaaeed ot th- i.,.-; ..... ., Hitj and Ihe I.f rary, rona.v.-ut ni -./'"" thOOlBo hav, ' " ?? ?' d - thm ? ? ',' '' .L U1CK j_j___ and other per .nal Wenda ol tha i u__-ra. WHEAT riBLD* COVBMBB RY 9BOW. Chlcago, March 7 fJ.__elal).--_ compllatloa nf re rt ,. ..'? io. | ihowsthal t?o wlurfe Ni '? Sonthweal to the Ohlo i i, ? tbe preaeni Ume covered with mw, the h ..,:,.- i? me apring wheal areaa. Beporta i damage to I ? - ? ' '?. ,:'' '" ""' ,ir-; v' - , ,,,. .,,,-,,., -, far are the exceptlon rather than ,.. w,,lt ta, ii. ian By ha* done oe win do eannol ba Btated antll the \-<.- taom off, nllder weaiher e., aad the crop beglaa to groa - Central Illlnol i to be al tha preaent Ume the onj, area where anj ?_rloiw damage ?o far baa been ? , ? i? Southcrn llBno , where e wl r a-waya ,,.. |M to grow in Febrnary. -" mr it baa ahown : U. ,?- ii,,.. iti general n ndltlon, however ?? ,,:. Tei ??. reporta lhai ao lar. notwltli Sunding Ihe n.I - bnra ol anow, they hai ? bad ,,, ? ,, .... -.- ! , burl the wheat. The eron baa nol .,.- | 'vnn to grow. rttntuck. ? ' ; ' ""' l?t ?ow ..;, hand ti..- hardeal frerae ol tb i alnter and eaa ?_- lell ai tha piwenl Ume whether the crop baa he_, t ,,, not. ohlo and Indlana larmert regai i tl ? preaent cold nap aa favorable to the de-trncUon of __ __ Tbe trylng Ume for wheal In M.P-n \* t e next j;,.,'.. weeka. Mi**.1 repo"* tho i .ral condltlon af ? '..'.".'.';,,. ?., tne corn Itnatkw may be na marlied ai follow*: ri._.te.t -.hortace ln Vkorom SSSi. ???1:!;..-?" ,, ',,?. .,,,,,,,. ol tbe mrge-l -orn-movlng railroad ln ii,,-. ooontry._^_ THi: OBCJtIB tttOVf 09ES TODAY. Th-- orebtd ihow :,t Madlaon Bqnara Oarden ls con tlnnalty growlng In popubtrtty. rha erowdi lhat ,,,,,,. (o vi,-,- t. ?'" t. larger every day. Many hvree are aeen there anch day thal h?i_ been there before, ihowlng that marry an nol eoa t,.?t with u Btnafe vlalt A greal booth ol eedan al,d troplcal planti baa been ere-t-d, aod oan a nua bar of pretty girh aell enl Bowera, Tha prlvatt collccUoni exhIWted are attraeilng a greal de.i BttcnHon. That of W. 8. Klmb-11. of lloeheater, V. Y.. i. ,,,,' "f the I,,---'. and Ineludea ? ttrmi number ?t rare and beautiful cypHpedlum-. The eoUectlon ol Mr lllcha \ii?'l'l, "f I'''- ' ">'? ta aN'' iwn?ri?hly nne. aa are abo tb.I John Eyerman. of -fcaton. l'eiin.. and William Matthewa of Uttea, 9. \. -jl?. thow w:ll i.pen all day .o_ay, and arrang. ment* bavabeen made to b.1- two eoncer- ofpopolar Mcred ui.i-i' al 4 and - p. m. Bmeal Mever'a band ol forty mu-ldani wlU be ln attcndancc and the ? wm be Wgnor Campanl I, Klimor l_glia| Mi- Unda M-t/. and Madame Lonl-e Katahe. Tho . ,, of the ahow wl*b to warn P-i'l- aj-_n?t Uck - " wrl-lna, aarltbiai'i ? __ ?!!.!,.. 1.1,1 . >: -- ' "l-M.- " ' , , , ,,.,'-. I,; ? ,- ?-'' Hamo-da. Ad grea* I-i:,,i"i.-.- ?);. I'ri ?,. '"??? _ n\?? ,'ii- ?? \,l s !-, IOK .V.I-. N'EW.VORK Tltin A ' h'.. .'.,..r B .1. ,,r_.,,',.. IH ,-'?? r I" nd even ? slaeaea CiKular* md I rm* ot. anl.ill?n :>t u,? Bchool. 01 a' tbe puLlUhniK ofllce, 7H Bi aUwaj^_ Tlir. B_it?lTZ BCHOOL OF I.AN'H'.vfJls S-. 1 1 w/i i. ?.?.*.?!. ?-'.. Branehea: Boatag. l'hlla.. Wa-hltiftoa. Lklcacc B?iiin Paria. * get tirm. Mt-deal Instraetloa for both ?cxea. ^F.W.TOKK < OXSERVATORY, 8 Iiut llilj-at. Tba oi.U aml FaM'jL-. vOt-L SCimoi. PIANO BCHOOI* OKOAN Sr Yoong I.i.lies?Country. AT Ni.vv-ti .v : K, . ".vv . ..i.r iw? ladiea ,.r yeana .... . ? ' ?. Ad For l?',.v> .',:i | ,. i. ,J l j r . . I .'. ? J .ii i ? -on , Oii. ?-.. ., - v J. M. W. hl 1CIII.N. II V. ? II .-st., N B V. k. CI. At'Al.r.MY OOOXTZ, PA , . . ,| .mi lurroundina* !few ?rhool eqnlpti at. ,;v!..i,?-!'.m. bjI'IUm drill, Bc Tboraagh . ., , i ol - tnHd, acbeal. F?r virtul?-. john CALTI'I B1CK .v M.. Prtactpal. Fi ,\s"-VfAS Bt-IKBM 00_.->pV-n I*.: "i-ir.N.T ? '_ op, i all th' r i..- ,u h Inati lo i i i ,\ . n -i.t,,.. Uu itii.. i. il Laa r i, ?? ,? t oi.len, e. Ar,'.l.ii.--!'-. v -: , .-.rlllr,* I". I ,. . i ? ? ,- . ? eoi ??? .t _.?l- nn .borl 1,-t,,.,. s,,. .-,; for ill itioi : ii -'"' - '._ for eat'l'a* p CiTWoul) bl IK.01. IOU rVOTS.?AI M :?. rt C .,?. I'/ j,: nt* wbo ?? uafo luuit, 't. maaaae-Moi of Uiolr aon* d ? >? : ' o i l Bt rr the , i,"" :.' i ,i. i.i. fx"sTITUTE gnaaald, N. J.; i.'.u, y-arT I' i ilii tloa a apeelalty; t,,i-t__-e, bi.n b. buol and elaa-Jral i iwiwea SBMIfKl! hOHOOI. at Uir Pafkaatll Mlliury Aeadeay. -l>^.a' ^r ami \n trn ? .. .i rl ? nt JOHN V. riLDE*., a. U.. M. _?.. I'rir, i.?.. Ki.d for rlft'ilar ?__ ??__ t'MMI ' - ll"? ' ? ,,,... n .il THI ;- 1 V'lvr. |_, 1.. M. I. ? I '- . !.. ! -T'tl'l ??' '' ? I? .- 1-, .i.k-MI.i. vi i , ?. v ., ,, .V 1 -..,,, ,-... beel, ?-.,-- r I'.: !- ?? " ' t rat,. lorna. JOTTVJI TIT.TiEN. \ M. M D Prinetpal._ \" " A' rT|,'.\ I "ll I "V >.- fll ' Bl d .1 V', hampton 1. I. Ou'd-or api,..- dallv I rj ...n, nn; eirtfal aupi-rvUeu. Di_\LD MAoli.. JR., Pauaaan. Bf* -"? ttiiiing ~Uii bcmiee, N?,. 6, 7 I 8 li." :? ? ? L N'o*..8. ?. gj^ *? 10 w lt I . tli- lir-t ?'?'. ? ?J!?*fflt%5 , .-lai-i.t.,: :,., . lald '!"' ? .;..?'. ];*_, ',' f Mi lerti lii.ied "t.I-- i.'i.'i ' - i bpi .?.:: i?? ?"*'"- "; ""' ""' _' ji i:i?i.'.M.,ilt.,Vr,..u t?" puptl te ??? beatreinlta bj tba -i. rt ?-'. way. TrnTilt One Book of -""l'i.l.'.'t. foi g25M .10 " " ?* ?'"> ,10 ?? " ti.'lK) Ihaaow?ptt^toWE^a^^rtdlt.j??** "b-m?.ir-:,!.,,',-.-;^1'^"'''-1''^' KgS&.X_!hoS THB ROAD, I-i HOCBB ^ " Prlvata i. __ni, on. |i rson .i-v tl kct?,or ln caenei o l .. ?? t _.-> i,i iikit--. eai ii-'.- ' ? ?' ' t^rticB ?'.'.'-ii'iL- i'- "a- "ti tii'-ir'i.wn bowea wlfl pay hall "f ?"??:,,'":;xl_.,^;; BIDK (vlihoaa Maater.) i? the r-ii.- "ii- hour , i tlcket, or in eaah, -? Oa tin- i'M'1 wlthln two houw '-' " ? '? ItOAKD UF . BIVAT HO__tf__. l'rl.-e of l-'.nt'l ?'? '1 -'""i-' ""' '- "f ..-"?"? I' ?' ?'?' MID? VV. .' v. l l.ruai IWII.I, i.-. r Bl 1*1 lal -? iii . ???? I .,.'?? ? abou! forty ? .;-: ? hor* t. I i K utili im it n i bi *d " II . , ?; ,? ., i ? ?? , 11 I ; " . 3 few ?...-.. lat t. H Bd - i; dli .radi-tny, I Ifty-ninl i:r,., i- ir. ? ? ? :,. ?.: ' ?' ?: l P'u ? '-??' ???'? [?,11 on ui Ir foi ii, -i' .''in *b, Btyli i.i.ii bi tlo? ? !.? .1 1" ? 1 -l\ .. ' - . . ,-?? ? . ,.!?-? i,,,:?-. li-.. maji i ? ?.,. ,: ,i- - :i . iliiv.- ln I .,/, a from flll ."ti t" ilxti ii i-iiii?'.->? Iiuiitetlon ln I foi _; i - '? :l"- vamauai. c fc RUIjKY_ ffcirf-icrs. AIMng po -ir:?.:.-. il bo | Im Ipala oi , ,.i. .,r; i il Ui ' ? n rln. '"?" !?' r*, -? nil foi .,; piieation lorm, New l o 1 ??" ...u A??i , . j i*. i 11 A Ml'.UICAN AM* . Ol*..'.!'-...' TF.AI'H. ;' AOENI V A Bupnllea l'-of-rv Taaohera, Xuton. i>ovi_-a? __. tc, to -OUtae . s.n *l? md .ami I ?? Ai^lv t_> MrB. )-L .1. '_ i. i Ni. ? I'LTON 23 J on bouara. A; i TOR - I'f ' -- !?, i '-r llov, rn ? .?? - ' aii ? brari.-l.-. ani.pll d to niilv-rnii,.-. ,-,,; -.-? - ? iooIb and famill.o. ClKtitan acltool. Ut par nU. Modurn l.:.L;ti?ee? ..po.e;,. MII'.IA.M COYRIERE, '; ? in M 180 5Ui*V#. \-/ti>T T.'.ai n! lts. * r erlrau Bnd P_ ?-.-?'. mofii-d: .ull bn tne*. irn locallty; n-, ebarge. T-_,-ii-r. .aet d. no reaUtratlon f?" ; form f Btainp i*. V. IIIISSOOM iiit*- 11 I! Av-rr'. Anr-liii Behool ll'i-nnn. 8 W. 11 r. -??&. a iiVK.KTItJKVENTS f"01t THK N'BW.frOKK JI'II' A r.VK *.vii,i. ii;: rkiF.ivf.d aT i h : L'PTOWN i.UK'is. N,.. 1.288 Bi -I'l-'iiv. rornef 'i ;,:uv !lr-r-.t. . 1,1-iu r.r i-iiv-u. eorner 26th4.t., unttl n p. m.; 270 woat l.\...'ii' ti, rl ?-! . , "ti; r-r. 132 IU ave.: 153 Fourth. :i\. ., rorn.r F _'i__.nOi-Bt.; 760 Tnlnl ...... ??? -n ? r Kortr . .-.,-1. . r ; I.('?-'. I I .r-t-m.-.. near hlMi fir-r --. . I.70H I ? t;i\.-.. IPO Weat 1,09! ' ??'iii.'.'u-ftTe., 1 17(1 N',?., eor. Tr_'.l-rr - f-0 Ml_'rty.?t.. ',-' AveOUf -. I 3_a T Itd-av... uf I n ll\|i.l...M .H-rii I'.. 1-3- f":*-t f.r .),,;., '? -I .? i t?.? ?? '? iiit- fl . nj io B i'. : ? . W.-t ..!.. .hnu li. iliii.fl-'wi-iitv-llftliBt., at regn'ir otlli nll-SrS Ti i- -I. -I.-' -_?:?'. IJ E 1'Ul-Bt. ?uppllM ron |i t-1' ', _ ;, r- tt|toi_, ., ?? - n ll-t?, \,- Bli 1,-in.i".- -i : Bl i'i v llttng; EnRlUll i 1 nrh, -|,-.t. -', -],,?,,',. PltlVAl i; 'i'l'Ti.i; Ci i-i .-..; Ibw ?,-i ,,,i . ? ,i ,| i ? '? Dr. Ti- lor "A Bti Inrntly quallded." A. BVERBTT STON'E, 7S i.-t J2d ii _ (T MON' i'KAl Ml K?' A'.IM'V BUr-pU** BCbOOl ot_<*r? 1 wlttt l- u I, r ? '? :.- ' ' r with l? -l'l"' - H. M. HAKKINU 11). , 1'roi' b'i Lalayett. I'I.. _. T. _ W,\\'il I. V'" '? ' ? ? famlly, for mo iMId ?oi - - ? I . ' ? ind .-..,:??-. . ? MISS t'"V... v,i\" ' n ui us' ni I'.rir r.. r mi t nb ? Dnncma -Acuiicmifo Frr.NAN'H'i'S ACADEMY, 102 ICut ^.??.^l?Bt.?A ?rbool |, | ,; ,,, || .- ,! ? :. . I , J..s . - - ? , til tl.e ti ?? ii-'l f.-1- onabU d n. -? b. v d f r ctr- lur MIs-s ||i ,VT !? '? !'? -' '- '? ' i' ' ' |l, porl ' . ,-? ll 'i-.:i- ? tl '? ri|,. II . . .-?-,-'!, .I..I Sl li' !,,.-,'.. ; K'ml 1 . /lttannoL THE ALABAMA MIDLAND Railway Company (Luverne Division . Ism i; OF sr,oo 6 % Flrst Mtrtgagc er lllllr, ln- lurll.iB full f.lillpilirn Tf.* bend? Br- for 11,000 ? n _, aad im payabl. ' i.Br-r ? , ? . . . ? :? l, 1929. T;.u itit? r.ft u parable on'Jum i-r and i.-.-i.i Lat l^t. Th.- . nrtiinr* of Hm Ubb ataea thi beetnalaa nf e|_>_i maa i._\" Bhawn ? oanB Itlt/T "'. . TIIK BOAD 18 OPBSATED HV AM) BBLOXOa TU THI I'l.A-T MTMTBM OF BAILBOADB. ftpplleaUoo "in ba mai* tot t ' "?? keaia on . -. ork Stoek J. i I'llK K IMIIKK PAKTIOrLASB A>D PBICI AITI.Y TII P. J. Goodhart <&. Co., BAMKKBa, 24 BBOAD-ST., NEW-YOKK, ANI) ti WF_n iiuiii. -:'.. ' in. inn v;t f.;ii') CCopiirtncr<5!np Kotlteh. XEW-Y HIK, M ii v OTICE IK UCRKlit givi ii tii.i thi* ..-?,..? Ll nen . i.?., , i .;..?.*.-.,. i, i.rtf . ll in.'-v W ?? un i i'iifip" a l '? i A. J .... :., . ,.. ? ul ii, rlln V i ? . i , ? i day b< tu . by inut'i*! Oeorae il. 1>-i. y Ib auUorlt.1 to Mractar, .'-' l" ? ,..-,, 'i7,..., ,'- ., ol Byadyk'i Hambletonlaa)i ,. , ? z TZH ; Di I Wur, -J - l v- . ? ? ther wltb a anaiber al eholee Trott t* -oobicb : i | ru owaera laeludlag llattte Bawthorae, 2:2??ai Endnrer, S.7i9, ty WetReweJt i' :? Wlltaa by JToawi , ii ..[.?, by f ni inn B ?? .i ei. bJ v.'i.n- .i ,;, Mornlna Star, by Abaaal Star; Dahl ? bf i"1 ,:""r- -,r- :i ' '"'' "? 0_ THVB8PAY am> liinvv, MAJll " i" ani. M. ..... ,1,-m, i-,,,-',."'',; bj 120 iii;.vit. '' I.VN. IK. !.;.!. l'v- l.M'.M, .Al.lI'OilMA, All.-rt af., 2-20; )., bo l.v llun,1,1, i, Al..-..I. bj i le tloncer; Conn iln- '?'? Vi'wond; Alll "I.t. | -. ir.- abera ? lati i holeeat i - i ,.-. hM ti tba Uu ? ? ''!'",;| "f TraMlaa. v,? _ tret offered la iha v ?? Vort m ? ? ,., , . .in romn ?ce promptly at ig a. ?. ).-,,, . ,i Btb'. parl ? ? ' i' ,;'" Tl' tiMMlT- BW? BalM ? l "?' itTand Broad* t at Hl.aleegtoeee?tl."i-- ' >- \\ ;, ? '??[ .r..v. : Mai .-:- i !'??? - '"" i.ln3ic_l jn-trnmriui. _ v Bn_nRTMR_TT ,f a-,- Bd'hand 'Sriad. Cprleht. *nd A_i'i.e PukoB ol our ".Bi-" "Tr,c'_c_n-!illP,._J?'J fullr warrai-ted. Al?o a aun b> r of . eccn .-h?ud Fl?n,_i ci other Monlaeai BMker? b: v*iy low plaee, \\ l. MBAMB \ pai fnr v.i-?. i-Iom .. : BBonable i.o.r., er, li opca, 1_?> l: ? r plO - f. 1 01 i, Mon d C .. Broadwaj ;"'., 8l.\tl, ivunue snd 19th Streea. Am l. . '???I-1..1 :. _ Co., IM .-?!?" nml l.i"ad.vay. .. ii idlnK < o. l>* Eaet 18th sn-i. ,i. \v. \iit i ? ry '. Co., itroadway and llth ntreea. \._, .\ \ ,,-, --ii v >",.. Hroadwaj ai I 191b Mi- et P. A. 0, seh _ urtt, 12 Kui !Jih Bfrci *-? A. a Vantti ' ' " *?'?? liroadway. ?[ ? . , li .-Hi: (n.-.f-ntlne IU ii.oulri-1 and i."i - - 11 add tbt na nes of other ahopa to tlie above Ib-6 ? . JJropo suls. i) l;ui .?-... - E ?!; i-'.'i iPSlJtffl sTORES, 1 ? f?| the New-York Vavj \ u i. -March 2, i.vji. , . . i, Ji. ? tbe lt'n, ni ol I'royl .on; ajt B. 11. I 'l.til I - , .;...-. Bm.I-...-Iit, rork N.ivy heltin.. itri \ -. .ensluinj i i i ?"V!"-' | |?. ,, , iils v. i.J bO i - , rejH-t , ;.:.,?..;.,!. ? Uie fi' vern. ED WIN BTEWART, I'iv.. :..-r-i-... ii-r-l, L'. ?. RWIChuir , . . ;.i. i cii.N tb. pri lt 10, Si i ' II RIVER. i. \t PIBMAli ..,, . lo NV.v Yor_. llro^ja aud , ity. - _TOM_(iTO_ LIKE. INSItl tM AKKS 111 I"'" r' Utli-TON, t.l.t>0: PKOVlBKNt-E, '-2 i: i D. Sl , _ alxive _ Ni w -H w l.Y---;? imera leave Peck - ip '. . .. | | ,. .... i ll u i:. (hundaye Bfr ' arrivlng ln Ume tor tratna Nortb aod Kaat 111 I :<)-'!'< >N for t'i--i'.'-_ limited Ritilroiu.o NEW YORK CEHTRU - _. Hurison River Railroad. ? .a arrtr. at i.r.rl .1. p ,rt ffin OKAM. Cl INTIUI, s-.T_vi'lOJfti F.urlh _.??: V ln A. H. --*? L""* b,r** ii , i._ .. iu , Ua _..a aud Uuaai ln nn i. Ml n,i) Vi-tllB LE LIMITED. due , ,?';? ,.'.,.? preu Dailyeaoepa i-.;.'..4'.;;,,,,. ?- n ruwi sters vestibulb lui. , ., .. . .... intia'.l IU "u. IndlanapoiiB n .m ?. diSO p'UVl.UNo/S ~ IREVEST1BI i.: l-lMlil-O lt 1 o.i lt .ii '.' !?'? - '?'- ' ? ' ? ' ' " '- " 6iOoy'p. >1. FAST WESTERN expr - Cbkaga 0,.J.1 |'. t|. v .. .,;*' ... Vi iv AM' ,M".\iuUl. !_-?? ?::;', " i-. ii. '? ; AM) an:> ni.\'..v iai.i.s uc, I':AV|. iv- BT, LOt'18 AM) CBICAQO EX [. ; . i , . i ,i, ;_ " v. -'.. b* Fisil'. ' '? I'RUH POUdHKBEWE, BHIJ'B' l'l,ill- (KlNii-l i.N ANi; II UbOS f, 15 ? ? ii .i ?-.. 8 -? ? ?'' ?? i- a ; BiBofoi Pouah. h.,.,,. ' ' SS 8 OO. . 10, 9 15 ,,. , for uirris. i v. it P ''?''. Hl i& b. m.. " ?' "? ' - ' '" '-'? i' ? ._ __ li 0 :li). 10:0.1 Mii 111:15 a.m.. 18:00 . 13 80, ibb, i 60, 0 00. 'ii -'.. * :a0. 0 15 !'? m.. TRoi 17 13 .' 10 i ' _0 'i" "*'V 'I' 18 i. ? ? 12-dd .".!,. .1 10 4 .0 600 7 ?". V:I5 I'. in.. I I1' i'"';-: ..?*? i . .? i v. . -v ::vi i - .' i ? ? 10 60 11 ^ . i. . no. I 0:18 i. i_ ? ? i-ioo Koi Fl ' ? 1" OO. 110:80 n. !.'-.. 12 IH) _uen. m., I Vi '") nlaht Bl ! 1 vi. ' 10 30 3. ii... 12 00 Bt "". *o0 KlAiM ;v i' ' - B 10, 10:00, 110:80 a, m.. I'JiOO 1:16 |f in ,_ . ADll'.oSDAi K MotfNTAlNS an*;. MONTREAL-t7:48 ' ? 'ahi ._..., Al" II' RN, liENF.VA AM) I'AS.vM.Al'.i'A 0 10 1000 ? .. Ill ___Hll_f. Ilil.l.s. V.A IIARLEM DIV18ION 1 .in. I . ? - .-;-..,:- a|'|.lv al '?? ' 1 < . ? - md 1 lli oal wa,v. 12 i , .. i;t Wc.t l*_::.i-i . , i.i :? -? .tai n . ? . 7-J.'. Kulton at. and 391 n . r, ri iv r 1. i. ? -' .1- r- v city. . i r> m ca - tor ,: I i- ?, . ' ,,;,.- fr,.m h ,;? i- , ? ? ??? ? un lay. ;'>i :-.- ? \- 11 Sat ' ty. (itii, r i ? , r - da Aliov. iralin - * io 1 n i t it o io, t.) -oo a. m.. 12 nn ' ? 8 .'". 3 55 ' ;3 ? i 55 0 _5 p. BL, 1 . ' '-'..' n'w 1381 S r ??' S1 ll j.iiin m nnn.Y, oi_oruF. ll. iia_ie_8, M ? ? '? n'l Paa_enger Af. nt. CENTRAL K. lt. OP IfEfV.JEBSET iuu. i-'i i.ii; ..I'* - ... NOR1 U Rl\ l.u. t ,i>i m, i. . m.i ? ?. i ..,.:'-, VVllkeabarra, Ecraiituu, ll ...... Hai ?l - rawauua, aiiuiuo.iiu, &u:i i ,t. ... .,..,,: . Oii Sundaya tur Eaaton, Mauch Cbuiik, tt 0 ,uj a. i... for 1. , foi i ., tuu bi 'I Mau I-. Chui.ii. Ou Bundaya, I ..,,,i.. md bl r,.?,.uj. _ ,, , i . i.i..,.i. A',.i'i,;i i.iiuir.i, Wllkeabarre, - , .01 iania . ?_. bhu..,. fsunbury, WUlliunaiMM.. l.irounh *o_'.h to j ;o?j |7 .7 dall.i for Eaaton. Iltuch Cbunk, Readlnc, II ,|> ?. i>?tl ... \ . On Sui I.i- ? f r I Bl >,| . . .. ? '. . , , ., , i ..'?;.? ii . iii.iik, lleading, llarria bux-i, wln.c Lir;,-. bcranton, ramaitua, Potuvllio, bi.*n.o l.i.. i 30 ? n, r, r Eaaton and Alleutown. ,, |0 ', i; r,. . . ii i ..mi,i, i'.eiiiuif. Uairla bm-. v'. Bu ia; ? il ?'* 30 p. 7 ;ao u. m. tor i ? 'ton an t All ni an. i??,. ,i 1 i 15 .i 15. II :15 a. m.. 1 :ao i.iii i) :00 p.m. - ndeye, ? :00 a. ra., 4:00 p. *b. l.'.r li.i.o.U. Bt 1:43, 8:15, .1:18 a. m., I :30. l 30. i ,,, i o ?? i ?? ,n !? :;, l p i,r- -i tu ti, r.i.nt Pteaaaat, at 4:40. 0:16. n 15 a. n... I rOO. 4 :1"0. 0 :00 p. m. bundarn, ,, ,,,;, Ur ?'? BOd Asburj l'urk, '.' U-i a. ir... 4:00 1 | ;? .1 .;?.? k. _'. 4 l?i? !?:I5 11 lli a. IT... 1 :S0. 4:00. 4 3:10, 0:00 r- ni. Sui -'. . 9:00 a. m. i .i"i p ? POB I.Alit.V.OlIP, ai 1:45, 8:13 a. ..... i oo. i _o, 6:10 p. m. guadaya, p;( a. ra. ...ii,*', i.-u, o:lo ii. in. . sun. i! i '.' ? i. i'or j....I..-. K,..r , ' ?*?_'- Parh and llarnecat,, t ? i, i iu, i ' d ;oo .. in. i . . >.:. .a:.a aud Urldgetao, at, 4 :1"> a. in.. 1 :30 p. BJ. i r, .1, ii and Beabrtgbt, al 8 15. 11:15 a. i..., 1 :90, ?< 20 i?? - loit I'lllt.Ml I I'HI \. BALTIHOKB AM) w \ him;t(i\. i;..\ AI. iil.l 1. l.i'.K. i .,r fl.llad , , ? ? ' ?' ??'?.-. iu, 11 30 a. in., 1 .?J " [ . 3 i, 1:00, 5 00, o .wu, 7 ,.. u., 12:13 U bt .'..... ^ '.' "' 11-00 a. 10., 2 ax>, J .0, 5 .00. I* w ...!... , , 1 u- i,? t ii i r .i ..1 V>.'-: li tou ..... Bt 9:00 II 80 l(, | ;. . P. II, . i'J .15 lllght. , ,-. I ?" i ... ?'* .. 0, 7 __) '. n, 1"' 13 ulght i'-.\- "..1 - sun lui ;i ? ,, '? , ,. ,, ;. :...?? . Ul I ?- . llu& llai 1 , aud Wllllaii-aport, vla Phliadelplila. at 7:43 Pa r Can, : 30 p ni., L2 ;13 mldalaht ? iundaj . 0:o0 p. m. TiikeU aud I'arloi ?! ir -,-..t.. un I. ? pro nr. I at, 71. 1. -'. .,-, .,'; , ,.,.i i iu. i,3_3 liroudwa . 7.17 etb-ave. 2?H .V.7- i '. i. -' . 131 I..-' New-York i 4 c'ouit^t.. -, , I ,,-,, -.. ?.?.?? Un . l? B) I:r?i_I\ n. ' \lls.-.,,-. Tranrfei Cuiiipauj will call for aml ckaafc i MEW-YOBK. ONTABIO AND WfcSTERN I\ i' v i.v*. .1 I'rain- i ii ?*? ; ?! a- folloiil nv. i .. u.n i.arlf r Irom tool o- J ab 7 :60 a. i".. for S . '? r ? SBSiSft Ibwn. ) :;?? ???- i-'i- rty:*e I3? for Mid lato*n, U|> JrtT w uoti ., ln Central ni ? oawego. Hoeaaaaaa mi _____ Kall? Dftrott. thirago Bt, Loun " P.iiy. All 1*.,'- f: ,,. . . l.r, i- ikeU. tlm .lables. Vi* roBaw-.v. J. f ANTdkRUUN. Uvudal Vtvueatot AjoaW Baabanga ruce. N. lf. r.r fiatlroa&i, ennsylvania RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF AMERICA! AND TheScenic Line tothe West. TBAIJfl LEAVt .vi'vnin-i, foot of Ili'-lii ,)> and t ortl.tudt Sireet., :tS lollows : ? On and after MARCH lst, 1801* THK BJkBJt I.INE. v0rr-,.;1IrTP".1"T.V.;.t"l-,ll,i bi'-''P"'8 ?md Parior Care, Arr.,e? Clewland 6:2 b a. m.. Colurub-.a 5:30 a. m U,i.-_o o :U0 p. n,., ..,,1 __ Loui, 7 :00 o. m. next _Z Ceaaeeta, ai>o, for Toledo. txeepi __t,.rdav "* HIE FKWMI.VAMA I.IMITKU. lO.oo ... f__2__veeei '-.\ lustvely <,f Paltaaaa v-jetibuu inu ^ _S_?KU*^Koo,n' **M. DtotaE laSSS uud u_.-eriatiou Cara, preaenllna tlnanclal MaS Bt.rnoa?|jij,.rB a?d typewrt&a, bathrcm., -or botu ______ UO!, , ma 1. barb.r-sliop, llbrarv. and ail th- couveo. lei.cea of hOBM or ofllce. Il,-a_-d bv ateam aud llBh__ br s_atloiiaiy aud moiab!" eteetfle llBht*. Arrlita < laelnaatl 7:10 a. m.. and Chleagaf :4aa. m. _m?i_. ?".LOI I-*. rillC'AOA, AMM'IMINV.Tl BX9M9BM, "MJP **? ?L?i-llBMUl VeMlbulfl -sleepniK Car* frou, New. lur.;, a. 1 Dlnlng 'ara from New.Yerk to Ik l?uia, tlii,ai,o and Cl.'nlnnatl. i-aa.-"ii?,-r CoaeB ffe_.Y_r_ u Coltii..bu-. Airlvea Clnclanat. 10:00 j. ii,.. C'liicae* Ooo p. n,.. ai.d st. Lcml* 7:40 p n. n,-xt day. THI. WKsTl'KS tM' 6:10 P. Bf, -Pullmai V'_*t ,le Bleepla. Car NVw.York [_, 1'ittab .r.. St. i.? . -, ? Icbi '. iv, lanatl, and Men. ii.,'... iJi.,r.,_. i ara New-York tu Piilladelpiila, aad I'itt*. b',r'- to Rlchmon. a d Chlcago. Anl,,-. at i Inclnnatl 8:80 p, in.. .'Iii .i'i '.,:.!,' p. m. B< Kt dav, an.l Bt, I.?iii. 7:0.) a. ir. | ri'ii,,.'. Conaaeta for C'eve'.B".d and To.eio dBllv, rjte, |it Batiirday, l'ACiHC RXPSMn. ti.00 I*. .>!.- r, , _uul.t biBepini Car Ncw-Yor. le lialcaga. Haa ..r.. ta Memptal* via ti.e Mionandoah Vai... ; a,ri. m aeek dai- at Coltuabaa 7.15 p. m. Cleveland 6 :3g p. m. next day, and dji.y ai <-hi..??.j -, oa a. m. aectttd uiomloit. . ..,..,? '?;* rf Pullmaa Parloi Cara iwli Illnlng , ,1-. d- ,.i excapt Sium-o.., 10:10 a. m., mr i-.' vv ,-'..?.' oi J...,) p. in. ; und --i on.-r .?-l?na_ L.n.ltcd" dally, ?it!' Olnlim . ar at i 20 ]>. __, a :1vb VYaahtnirt u ri 28 ... m.; r-g lai axp.e**, ,J;-.0. aoo, and 8 'At a. iu.. - 10. i 10, ', ? ?'. ind B 00 i>. bl an. 12:18 i. eiif. ror Baltl i.mly, 1 :00 |>. m. riundar 6:1.*? and 8 'AO a. m., 1 VO, ,'i OO, and "J:00 p. ni., an) 12.1.. ii.".'I.t, For AlI.WiIC CITY, 1:00 p. m. w.-.k-dais, Mi Through ii'iir-'t Parior Car. __? IMIIl.ADKI PIII *. Bapreas: 0:20, 7 20 8 Of'. - -' t. ,? Chlcago I.lrrited. v ith Dl.ilt.v Car. and 10:10 waabingion *-,i,.i*'"d, ?t_ Dlnlng Car . and 11 :O0 a. m.. 18 20. i o... 8 :0*>. g:80, I 00. i 80, 8:00, 8."00, 8:80. 8.00. and 9.00 m. and 12:18 :i:_ht. Accotnmodatlon, 11:10 a m., jo and 7:00 p. m, Sundi ,. Kxpre.*, 8:16, ? 3,-, 0,1 (10 l.:r: ,:, .1 . uid 10 a B_, 2:00, I, 4 .'40, 5 I ?). 0:80, 8:00 and B r" p. BL, ar, 1 12:15 ntght. Ac.oci. iT.,,'l'rt:',,r. 7 :00 .,,. , .. Fur tlme?_iblaa ,,f trali,'. to loeal polat* ea th>- P -,n. avlvanla Hh! i ad Svateni applv at the fullunii.g Ti. ?et i'tli.6. : No->. I, ti), 819. ai?! '.'il H.-.-nV .iv, 1 A?t"f llouae and f""t of DeabroMe* and Cortlan | ita. : 4 , ..-. -?: i ? -? , aad Brooklyn Anneg s-itlon, f.-.,,t of it., Urooklyn; 1~> Uudaon-at., Roboken; Statlon. i City. Th. Ni'iv York Tran<-f-!r Company wlil call and ch?eg __?..,,... .. m ,,,..| :1Ii(j realdaocea tl,romri, to i.-tination. Ll! vn. E. PUOH. J. R. \V,-1D. ..?ii. ral Maaager, Oeneral Paae'r Ae?n?. _ I TIIE ONLY Si'l.ll) TRAIM BOUXft NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO, DfNINOCAR mVuiiTTO CHICAGOa ALL SOLID EXPRESS TRAINS. AM, i iCIl TKAIN RUXt. TIIKOCOH TO CH1CAOO no'extsa charge'Vqr'fast time. 1KAI.N- UEATl-D I'.. STKA.M AND I I.I.CM1 N A._B> liv 'iii;. . ; . :, pi s rs ii ,..'.->. ii uid L'OAL i:\i;im:s Tralaa leave itat fo ofCha ? ? al koata nair.od b?lo?, tbe foot .?! ".".??' 23d_t Bve ailni.t, ? earller. THK WKsTUIN DAY KXPtt-Ma, 0:00 A. .11. Bvert day. Ti..- popular momiaf tralo foi Bin.liam.on, EUmira, Roch .tor, i'.,r":, N i Bia Falla, .- tp . it ; l -. i i -, ., i l. .r, . ClncfanatL tlio w -t aad Canada. Pull -?, Parior ? ,r tn Budua KBav vii-Tnsi i.ti) umfia ;i:0i? I*. "?l. ei ? ?' eajr. I ? rv cai o:, triin l^ n?w a..U ia< th" VBBllbl led |,.ai.-.Ul'.'kd blevplne *,,:! ne.ilnlnj 11.0 :... -1.- ' ain for llan .'.,:,, Toronto and prln, ?.,'. polnta la CanaUa and Ml WF.-Ti l(N MIOUT RXPUI - _bS0 I*. lf. every day. of 8n_ktna, Day, i> _taen r, :? ind I'u B Cai* to - , , ? Mi .? r, Itli \ ? Lnt-to.n .,- d . ? ' fo Clni irna-.l. ? - i ?:. :ur aud '. y, Hi .ad-ay, 1 Uat* rt . '?: ., Ni 'i-Y-r | 1 101 Ui, i la-aj w ? , , | Hn .-? .- -. ii , ? . K I ^- ? , city, l P ; and 81,epiaa ?'. tr.i.-Vr ot IUM - l">< iV, ,' v M -. OOP.K ? ' \.||\.ii.,N i-.M.ll.'l'.li: . '.. 00 A. M.. II 31 N 1 ,.,. .: 20 :. 00 l" M., 12 18 A. M. All __!? [..? i ,i i \. M. Sun lay. ? voilF. )LK. \'. 1'. M. ,--? ? ?:.-d i -. .01, 116 and 1.110 Br, _? iv, Nvw. ^ , -1ATION F001 OB M iu ltTY-s1 R '' N. .1. N m i ,r . 'I'r ,,,-.. ,?,'..,?,? in>' H'lll ? t,\ f.,r ai.d .-ir-ck bag _?_ r - ? - j T Ol El !-. l "AS O. m II.I. ,,.;.-; \\j. ? .,.?:.-; ;-..-. n?< i Au.-nt. w^sm KHIOII VALLEY RAILBOAD. L l'\.-.i \.':.l'. TllAINS leave foot ..f C.rtl.indt and : 7 .,. in. fo, Slatln i -ii end Intermad it, pn ? t*. v .. . . f ,r ... ii \'. I.Yona. E ra R h tter, BaiTale \'. it. Pol imi pruiclpal lo ll pol. ?- ? ,,r , ? i, .'ullman ar ln t?u?p n?i,.u 11 ... -j,, a >,.. i t Mau, li Chunk and ',. Int*. II a. m. f,,t !.. and B. Junctloil and l?,,nU. ? " ' n',!,,(. i ji. m. foi runkhann, k and Intertn ,'halr t ,1 ui TualUianaock. i t R I ? . I n i rla. ;i: Ki p, iii. for Elmlra and prlnclpa iti ii t,, w.;k..- irre and Pul iai Snap aalaa , ?. i>. in. for Pottavllle, Mauch Chunk ai.d intcrra.'dl Bte |, im i. Chalr ca tu "?; > ?,, ? .-.le [.. tn. for Mauch Chunk aod .nt.Tm.dli_ po'nta. 7 i,. ii.. f.,r Ui'iieva, L.. na I ater Ruffale and ti,,. VifaaC Pallman aleepei to Lyon* and BuapeMaaa . aa l..vii,_,_t S a. in.. 11 a. n,., 1 ii. in. and 'i 40 |, m. con.rt tor a'.l polnta la Mahoooy and liaielton c?al e ??l NH W TRAI1.8. 8:10 a. m. for M.ihVi Chunk, Hareltoa and lnt^rni"d!..t.) polnt*, u,,d ll a. in. f", _teaandaab aad latenaaaa_8 5:10 i> in. foi Mauch Chunk a,,d btenaedlate polaaa. 7 i, in for <;? ieva I yon*. t mira, "toche?_?r, Buffau and ih" Weat, Pullnian aleeper t" Lyoaa ar.,! 8a_|_a_taB Oaaaaal raalrm "I?'?-. -^' 1:: adaray._ Wi;st SHOBE KAII-ROAD, S. >. C. k ii. r, rt k. ... i.'-" u'-' 49t_x \..,. _.,? ai |.,,.,.... and 20 mlnutea earlMr froia lav-at Sew-Vork; llanilllou, Loiiuou, i),i.r_il ,','' Chl, "-'. '!'' 13 ?'. '?.. '8:18 i'. !? ?- l*. |). B_ BL 1 .,,,;. -,-, ia g 18 p. m. lorouU). 10 1, ?.,?.?? 18, '. i .'? :::?,,. IV'?"?'-''i'. *-.-???'?-..Brldge. Nlafa. i-, i-',,'. uu.a a?_ isvia ' e, :i 80. '10 : . ... ?,., ?. -. V i, ', , ? ,ir .vn ,,,.. run* ..uli t.> fii a. Ktn.?. ,.'?, .-.,)"?; I.. -i,'i"'. all :'" ?- " ?? *4 "" ""' ''? *n* . ',' ?. ,, ?uill and Albany, 8:30, -, 18, -1" IV ,M IO ? m l ' ". ??"' I*. ?" 18 P- I ' . - m W -t ol. ul l-l -'m..M:15,*4 00, 1:30. ?? 15.*.:-* '8 I-. - ? , 'ii. i '?!?'',"'? il ana ' ' ,- , . or Bu do 1.1 . ri 1 ,..., ,,..';' ." | , 1 ? u.n i n ? ,. .1 r* > Clt; P It II all ^,:'-?'-| . ,' , ?!>,;!?? I OOly, ?- rtturd tli other _.a'n? all" except S I ' . , ,'.' . ,. ' , ,:,..,. ? ??-. oi Inf rniation. a|. ?r ,,, ..'.... _f Fult.Hi.Bt. Nea Yorl ? , M <>n !,, i ?-. ..,,m ,1 l ,'I li mr. IJ ',;t Plai-e. ?' W_} ,,J-.i,!.,.:V.;i?'^h'S'.'.M'';;;: , _ foofJayt North Itlv.r. ' b. LAMHhBT, owaeni . ,, Airrni .". Vaadt-i t-ave.. Xe? i ?"'?_ i\i: Ua w a b i.. uckawanna and *- ui II i r.\ r.Alldr* AD. K_u__t 11,," \ -tii'.'l' I I'.'llman ( ea h-"-. ? _JhSr_ ,?;?'. ?,,l Oaa - ? I '?>? ', for SLSffitE uuitaio ?:i , traln* for the w-t. ih asssrs r?s_2a_?a "'Thi p. _ unrilrr W__aa_a_. and Rjaaea-b BB ?''"."ii.. p. .-,. t-atlD^Bi ' ? ' "tK flilhnek'M^-H 1 ^aJA"1^** _WU_..U v!u, uain. Ior UM IfS