INCIDENTS IN HARLEM. &0 OPEN TIIKIi: NEW (LI-BlinL-SK-TIN PLATE8 TO THE FKOWT. Ei-tiov.r im -'- Jabn, of Kaaaaa and ed tomperanee fame. spoks la Hartem laat banday. The aadlcnce h" draw waa aol a large oae, aad them waa a notabls abaanes d prom.'" i'""1'1''- ?* '''''?, ''l '''"''''? however. thirt IheW l- ii". ? atroM tempenuil e "iitt n.ent In tha apper part al lhe eltr. tbonnta. truth t<* tell. u i- h.iiiiiy "f the Bt John kind. The Bev. i>r. ?-- II. Vlrgto, <*f PUxrtm Chareh. beaan i la^t Baaday evsalag a aertea ol totereatins t.'iu- ln itio Wc ani grawtfe o. tam elttes. lie win conUnne mc fcuhjert la a aecand letter thi, evenlng. Lcntoai terviie- ut i'll tl.e Lent-ob ervtog chnrehm are well sMtndcd. Md Iba the ndvoeacy ei anv partlealar syi tcm. Uwsoa N. Fuller diff-red wllh Mr. Tattle. und ? M,! heatod argamenl toHowed. The . ' Ilea wna tinaiiy refcrred to the Oommlttoe on Advocaey nnd Ptoteet The rv.ular ru'i-itiily mcettnn ol tbe Hamllton Re pabBcan Cla* waa beM ul!i<' certsln faets relative to the devetopmeat of the Un-plate Industry ln the t'nited Btates Mnce the enadmenl of tlie new tariff liw. One "f the frea-trade orgaas ol lhe cltj eritlrlaed th<* elab severvly. talke.1 aboal "the Harlcm Club's tto-plato Uar." and thal - ?. t ol thlag, eharged that there wa. i-'.iiv ao ii:t plat- maaafaetnred In Amarlca snd saads other atotonmnla aqaalty loollah and nnsweratile. Btom Uml lUas H. B. Oreen, the corm apondtng tacratary "f Iha enth, ha*^ heen eoDerttag ln Jormatl'.n on th- aabjert li i- "f a;; Intere&tlng and ntmvlnctod chamel tt. ne exp^cta to lay lt before tbe club on Tucday nlght, and to the Menda ol prote: tlon are promlsed lacta and Bgaits whleh wlU ptore liinhcr aabataatlil baala tor tbe laltk ttal la In them. The ilab h*s fmirtft-n new npplcattona lor mmnberablp. The Baaeatlve Committee ol the liariem DemocraUc Clui. waa aatlMttaed, at tba meetlng oa Wedneaday night. u> arrange a recepttoa ln honor ol Congrc Aahbcl i*. l-'ii. h. Tii- date has md yel been .: upon. Tbe realgnationa et Oeorge H. Burford as chairman. and Antonlo Bastnes ;t- member "f tha axeeatlvs eommlttee wew received and r- ? naw mem ber. of the elab weraaleetol Mr. Dayton and Mr. Burh.iil were appointed a eommlttee todmft resolutlona tpon the death ol Bernard SaMhetm, a elab membm f Nineven." Al 7:45 p. m. the eholr, under the dlrection "f Mr-. PHllpntt, will cive the Mcrad ' intata ol *' Danlel." wuh orpa . 11.110, ui 1 ?t accompanlment. The s ,in n . U ll >? taken by Mra. Jame- P. Pcttua, aoprano; Miss Mollic Meeker, rontraBo; WIII ru tl- Grlmke, tenor; E. Bran.liall Child. Jr.. a. Danlel. Mi? Mit r. Ncwromb wa. airrceably surprised la * Wedneaday e-.-ening at ber horoe, >'... 42W Raal <>ne humli-? .1 in"' twenty -'?? rn! st., by a li"t .>: her friend. f.vr . l ;? 1 ma iiicrade rarprUo. The 1 impany num ered aboul thirly, and .upper wa- aen*ed t" thal number afier the nnma.kliiR. Amonp ti,. prcs-nl v.i-e. w-iiii, ei Btout. "?' - Mand Evan . John Bra .1 - Allle V.iimI. John N.hl. Jr., the M1-^.-- Ida R. H'ld .te?io N-wc-'ui.. Harrj Croft. MUa Vddle Kiteheu, \v. K. Raynor, MIs. Lulu Knthcrland. Herbert Fuller, Mlaa Ida Lee, Bdward smllh. Ml - Mumle Bellhn:.., >v. t. r.iiurti", Ml__ -.'ii,- I lol land, rharle* Havden, Mi-. Oraee llanker, Mortlmer Lee. Mi? .lennie Benr lhe Leglalatnre, and tbe plan oatiinrd In the measure aeema t" aieel anlveraal ap provnl. Aboal 250 Bcree of the park an t> be ael npart ard the mcmbei. of the elnb or sorlefy to ln formed wll] have 1 rontrol over tb" botanieal eznosi t',,n simiiar t> i!,.it exerclaed by tbe trnateea over tbe MetTopoUtan Maaenm In Central Park. Tbe organizera r.'imed Ib thls bIB Inrtado many well-known rltlzena. Ex .iiu'.-e Charlea i'. Dnly 1- one of .];?? nv 1 aetlve : ? ? ?:?. >,f the Toirej Botonlcal Club, whlch bej-an the agimttoii Ior gardena and baa contlnoed it unl l there l- ii'.w good prospeel ol at f tha park, and the axpoodttare -,f 99BO< 000 whleh mii-t be rataed before the baa ls aTWted wonJd naka tha parh one ?i Iba wmt 8ttoae_raa placea <.f reaorl ln the '-ity. Tho Mayor'a reeenl attenpl to aanoy ro-nmis?i<>nrr Ilelnt. by agaln wlthho_-_ng his _t__ature to UM monthly pay rolla eaded m the wttMrawal ol tae Mayor'a oppoaltlon. arhleh had na oub-tanttal groaada. Tho Mayor'a aeUon reaartod ln na brtereattBg atato neat by Uie Commlaalooer of tho eompaiatlre e* pendltnrei under tha preaent and paal a_iaJn__rall-Ba. Tho nnaiber ?f men emptoyed by Ihe -_unaile_taner B torty-three -hoagh a_gty___ wer. eaaatoyed u:i(!... the Parh Dopa..n,--,.t to |>erforin WOrt on f"wer -OBtraetd than thOOO wh.rh Mr. llo.ntz is tairybig on. Tl.e aaaoaal e__"ended tor inUnrtm f?r tho ?ftiro loree is le<>s than the proptrUouaia pan of tv- approprlaUon f'.- th" rear. Tho eooanl ap proprtaaed tor the ?--?".???al axpaeaeo of tho JeparBnen _._?Urely Inadeqiiate lor the.i- ol Ihe diatrict.J?t Commlaaloner Helnta aeema deternuned not t<. oxred ?. no aa. ihowa thi- ln a ?are-_lneaa aad a good in the ex, of tho pabUc fand ttoM bavaluaUfled the good optaton ?f .v--ua)?nty of t.. ,.- lento ?f the dlatrk. who eatraated him wtth greal power*. Tbe epparent fleetre ol Uie Mayor to ea* barras, hi... in hla wor* doea nd meel the approral ,.f tbe todepeo-eol and many ol the Tammany ctUtena, wbo havo expreaaod a deelre to help tho new Ooaamla doner in his afforta to so.uro pubtk imp.-vcmonts. Th- M.hi.rhnn Clab etoeted aeveral new membera last week. Tho - itag party" nl tho rtab'i gymaaalaBi bulwlng maa thoionghly eajoye-. Tho box in. eoa icta ihowed the ikUl of aome Mnhera of ibe elub and ,.f experta outalde. J. Ttaaaaa stoarns waa tha lif,- of tl.,- party. The, Club hold ils mi.tithly meetlng on Monday. Tho now oon_Utatloawaa pro poaed aud wUl bo aetod on next week. Iho hlii_ brhlgo Bepuhllean AaaoctoUou gave an Intormal re ,,.,,..,., on Monday evenlng to <;. W. Btcharda, tho Kepubllean h-ader in tho KiapabrMge -letrlefc Ue re contly retotned from h BarofNMM Journey. Bhort ., i ,,,.el wer,. made by John *'<>ioy. Benjamln Vaa ?iv-.-u c,,\. WUllaaa H. Hper, Pavhl Bhur, . rtarle- Unth and w.iiiam Oeer, and aonga arere glven i,v teveral membera of iho .-lui.. Mr. Rlehardi mv ?wered t. ralls for a sPee,-h by telttng aome atortea ,'f b|< trip in Kur.'jio and addlng a fev: WOTda of enrne-t political advlee. The liieinen in tho .ll-tr.rt beyond tho Harlcm wore well oreupled in tho early part of hud weeh by Om, no_ ?f whi,h were exttngnl-hed withoul greal damage. The bulldlng oceupted bv Haaaah O'llricn, at (inehiiiidied nnd -eventy-ihiitl at. and Jerome-ave., was destroyed on Monday. A fire on Tneaday, al So. 639 Easl Oiiohu-di-d-aod-f-ty-elghlh-at., raaaed In dlrectly a loai ,.f life as the aon ?f Charlea BeUert, who ,? cnpled ihe hoaae, dled alter expoeare. n<' waa v ry ,v_ wllh pneei-oou. nnd iho ehange ol tempeiature nroved total. tonall Brea ocearrcd on Sunday ln Tre ,.;??. and Morllaanla, The roae- were not In aa bad condltlon aa on the nrevloaa week and the cngtnea mo ceedod In reaehlng the aeene of Ihe Brea promptly. -,-,?. uumr ol the Tromonl Presbyl,-ri..:. Chari h *w in* Cirele lo be beld thi- weeh, will bu>.?ei . vlce eommander; T. Leeda Watera, juuior eommander; A. M. WUder, paymacter; F. A. Baod, adjutant; K. T. Benedlet, quarteraiaoter; n. p. Wyant, eommla_rry; P. P. Boaeelt, raptaln; J. DeWItt Clark, Bral Ueetenant, and C. H. Colton, se<01id lieiiK naiil. The propoacd gamea ?t tho AthtoUc Aacoriatlon al tno 2:;.i Beglment hav been poatponed anUl tall. Company l", 33d Begtmeut, will hold it- annual dlnner ;,. the I nlon League Chtii on Marrh 11. Aboul liitv memben are expected t<> be preaent, Bergeanl ropley, Corporal Dodge and Privatea MrRobble and Greenman are maklng Brrangeroenta tor the banqnet on tho sarne evenlng Company n wlU give .-, mlnstrel entertalnment ln the -mail drlU-room ,.f the armory. company i). -j;.,i Beglment, win hoM Ita annual dlnner al il?- Ctarendon on Mareh 17. Corporal KeUand, ol Company 11. 23d Begbnent, baa been made ?ergeant, aod Private Leggett *har, I,- m promotcd to BU bla plaee Company A, -iTtii Beglment and the Btar Athletlc Club, i,-id then- Jolnl gamea on Thnrwlay evenlng. Captain Frederlck H. Hobnes* ol Company i. 23d i: .- ment, la ju-t reeoverlng from a 'apralned f.?.i whleh re-ulted f.oin a lall. rhe 13th Beglment -lll give a rcvlew for Mayoi Grant ,,t New-York, uud Mayor Chapin ot Ilrooklyn, on ii- \t Thursdaj evenlng. Tbe former wUl be cntci i. ned !'?- the latter before llie rcvlew, und nfterward both -n. iii be taken t<> the oxtord Chib by Colonel \ ,'u Aprll 2'a tho veterana and nrtlve memben of iii 13th lieglmenl will unlie in relebrating tbe Ihlrtletli ii nlver arj' ?>' llieir dejiarture !tliii^liatii |,tn*?> Curtaiiis, fomieily $1.31). QO now .... ivlu 570 Pain., formeil) 81.??, | ap now .... \m?_Q 300 I'air ., formerly aold at *_\ $1.15, I'cdticcd to . g_ 600 Pnlra, fonncrly $1.10, q fcdiii-ed to t' 910 Paira, formrrly SI.*.??>, A ?ft frrdutctl lo U.u5j __ 115 Palrs. foiuierly $6.50. A ii_ _J tedticcd tm , , 4.Uo Special Sale OF BLACK SILKS. A oomplcto and varied telection of Black Silks, which we are now uflering at prieea lower thau ever quoted. These gooda canuot be surpa&sed in qoality, aiul we warrant the wear of every yard told DRESS COODS. HV inrite ijour attention to our eletjant assorimcnt of Dress (,'ootts, cmOracinff aii the Latest J'roditctionSf at Exccedlnyly Low AVvirCCB* OUR BIG SISTER CITY. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. The Union Leagne Club Election-What National Guardsmen are DolDg^FlttiDg out New Crttisers-3Ir. Kfinhard's Weak Caae?Itemi of General fatereat,_ WORK AT THE NAVY YARD. rrrnsG it thesew cbotsebs; KPAIBIHOTHEWVIU. ???.?"? s,,_?t_?,t.m, .rnto?M-* Aiul <|Ul't H? "'* l;'"""' j, ,|??, ,1, .lf u. bappJ ,"'i,,,h" IX>n,1!I..ti.-uuau,'.i.-.?,:---^ U-|?- -.;.- ,.-:i_'- rJmetaoerywieej t,H... the eee. an mbUm ? - rj^^eptSn^??toqa.i?En? ^SESSLJ ?ul. -eem not to ha<.> listll,V riiuNiaj K .... IL . w|l? ,,,?? ??., ?,_,. , just cl.'.in. lOteUdbJ ii t|r|| SL^JtS*-!t^..'....rry :....??'-?-?? rrrsiiTtT^^.i._* ?__,? i,,,,-,- or the apeerh of women. ol?to?tto and actlvlty ln tha r?J bave ? ? saMSSSHh ?*?*' ?*? '" , _ ,.,. the ierk and H bi ? Wr-ra, Mxm to have herJ"*"??V . , .. ii r ... tl.,- i,.r- t" wmk . .'" ' tor the *?n_ have 1.'?>-.'?>?? -???? >-"' fwn '"' iv tho i*movln? ol ? ol the veaael made b) " ?f tl,, ,..:.1-- I" ,!,:?? ln H.l?.lon a i-;-1" ?? /,, ... ,,.., atirk of pattlng on l.ri ?- '?"?' ^ , ?>nWed.^ "VV; " !i -,-.hlp I. lol* (or the Porl*nwmth > n ? ?B1 ' . ????",fa-,T,iMp" ;,:?;-. ?"_??. ????????? .??v ;..'.. -!..P"f 'I' ,. "wvaic -v.?? ?;' ' ,.,,,... io the Un. tatei ani the rtwai? ' . ..... I'.iii ..f itu - m?nth. an. ?'? i ?>?'.' ">" ,',h . nv after lhat. wh. ha. -,u tor ?^Y^J*^t,!hea'S, l^ar. tor hc I 'lf. V7;,';'lT_;.-^'-?nM^M,',ll.cM.-'..' raneea tapMly. >"''? '" , ,,?.,,.,.? i. ii,, work on the barbetto torretod ?-? i ?"?' ,h* ". .,. TI|.? irari ?'? li _.-?- w wllh apeed. ^ ?, ,,,. ?*to*r^?bteSe? Wll. one ol the Uilph-m-e, ... ahlrhth ? r?dy for trial tl ?"?;; ;' , , ottlni.>???'? ' '?'",.?',.;,. .. tonta twounamonnMonll travelllnii rallwaj rrnne tor u* ? ?" ,:;?,.';:. X StS.? :?? , i -tui'i'i' I men tor the dutl. v.ill, ii la I" 'i'"'. be i anj ,,.,,? . .i . ,,.. -iu. t and brhavlor penda torgely upon Ihe rowtun ? ,.,.,.| thi- txperl..1 .> " ' : Srtohcn wllh Uie bope thal P."P""\ ::!,,,, rome forth f~m the ihlp t? ?? thrtr dullr nn .:, other ve ? ! ... I: :,,?...!. .. ol the fl..?. Wrop. ?" ?,,,,.. , , mttoiriicd Ibe u - il fl ?'? . . ?..cnl ,p. paral. lorondurl a arie, oi U u. wltb ami . l-hlpp * IV). are noa makli.R plal |.,l?- tiu,knr_*. mn (.Idth und ? tht l-?l ? r!l, j.i.t are mad, ol nlrhel, all ecl. and a -i,..l treatcd i.v tlie llarvej .1" "'"??' I Uthunsh arranp*i.ita bave al o been made I minufarture ot a l_*n ani aae-halMnrh plau*. Uie Ji.i' m,l, |,i-,i-, will be Ihorou.lilj to.U-d before ai heavicr .a wlU be trlei. The to_U are to be n a ?,.:,.. the aunplrea ol U.rdi." Uwan nl i X?vy Departmenl al tbe n ia pnivli - icroui . ? i? uie -i-nr... Tbe oblert'U to lesl lhe rrlwivi ,.,,.., ,,f the three blnia ol platea .itlom-d. ln ninklna te U .i _l_ Inch ..... I- I ? be a_ed, aud aboul twi nty ihota an lo be Bred al eai h plate. \vini? pa ?-! Vi . tani E gln *r VV. i>. W . win. i---u-n-ti from lhe Navy a lew arek. a Uke effeel Deee nber 31, I?U1, and wi nl li I ? n.--, waa la lhe mice, he coutrlbnted -?'..?? valuabb iuv.-uli .ti . I.. Hi-' ?;.. .ii>*. :?? : .l--i> ii-i:u.-:il. ono nf Ui. -..? \.,i- an elei li I. ..l mai hl ?? for < ? u lli rogistcriiiK lhe number ',f revolutloi p?.*r . i ol the ?.,-,,p, ii,-, -:...ii- on ve i during Irl.U. Tlw mu i-hine i-.i-i'-r. '?:. .? rlbbon "l paper tho revol .,f each -lu.ft aeparati'ly, -1''! ?" u markn llu ,,:..l- ..f inn.-. llj i'.is in- ."in . aficr .i i.i.ii. the nuui i. -i ,,i revolutliai- ol earh .IiaIi -i mliiui* .... bu rom i.uu-ti and ,..-> lhe Ume duraUon .u i,<- trial. lli i,i, lune ?_!.'' u a*. . nm 'nj u ? i l?r Ihi imrjHi _;,, lUble ... illp, and nol pcrtoi I. bal inl- , . ? ,;,l.-ri-'l .i .?:??>' nnpr .*' n.enl over it. i ? \. ., . th. aork "! i" ".. - Inol' ut' ' baa Ik rn . irrbtl ii ,,i ii,,. Yard, and diinnj* Uii Ume iiuiii) Impniv. ,. i i,.,\,- i,.,-.. made. i hc Indu ii"i . .. mail ,, ,-,,- ,,i ;..|,i.;ii-.,i.,- lor r. Ri ,-.".L-' the ):?.. *- , - . ul ', \, ,i und. i irl ti. A .priiiK la i.p ruin | m ,,f thu marhlac, bul as no .piiiiB i-an .,:? ,. lut-lv true und p >rfeet, II I- ih.*. i ? ?' indirator belore a in-ti i" mako ture llial ii i, I ? .? , iii:_t.-l\. When, ,i- In Iho i ine i?l Uie liruuiuicl. eai li Ir.i--- jt ?'????: ab >vc lhe i untrai i p iai. euw t? Uie bnllder. ?? Mu'il i"a? ? urai > on an Indlrutoi , .u-,| I- iu j iii). irti . iu MtT. u?. i;?ii..,i. !?- ure i' -i"i In Ihe yard In a nuill -.mui i , Uie kU.*aiu ? .in fi bull Iii _.,;.., wu* formerly douo :i i"";, ?eveii men lo le*l Uie .\ :, ,- ,r, v,i..,ii ronld be pul nn lhe H'-iiu- appu itu ,,i ,i ume. Uul Mr. Weuver Inviiilcd an apparniu> hy wnleh ..?,?? man ran le i lhe l\ Indii itois. 'llu mn.'iratus, .i -, '. i- "i" ii'1"' . ?'? ??'??' .i" ID t'hlef N.-iv,.l I'onatnirtor Theod. l? tVllson, afler i,,.,,,,; in ii,,- south tor the benelll "'. hl. hoallli foi i-vi-ral \M-'-],'. Iiaa returncd to hU dutlea ,-it Um S l\ * I''-!,.,: t ll. >:.I. |-, i- ihe in-i .,\ week thew have been twn i,!.t,--. roated with Jnpaneae Itrituer, usjiended In Uie _al.-i from ll.verliang "f tbo monltor Nantuikei, f.,,- n,, purpose ..I le.tlns Ibo efll-a i ul n..- .i.;..-,, ':,,. t , pr ite i the hnll ? .f Iron nnd nli el . hlpn the,,-iv. aellon "f ??a water. :.- well .. for proterUiifi them l.. tlw adhe ..... ??! -??! (rowth. Tli** plate* are nl li. nnd aleel rr.perllvrly, ,-i,!, f,mr feel Mpiare. aad rovered altli -,f ,i,i, rorroaive nr,.i tbree .->* <.f antl-fonlbin lartiuri.. rii. v were aenl here ;ii lhe Inatanre of somo "f ti? (.fll.'T. <,f tli" Navy who have rwenlly aerved on llie Ulatle -if. n, and wbn hai .?; -i?-. a - -?J aeveral vensel* .,f the Japaneae Ifavj Ibe bottoma of wiii,-ii rere bir ? iu"r-i, *i tli,- YoknMika dorkj iri. Tho Japaneae ara ^altl i" have n..'i aoeeeaa In lhe aiopll.t lnr?|uer i- a prevenUon to Uie hulla "f Ihelr \.---.i . mi | tere-Unc tar\ ln ron.licratl.>f tlm dlfflrulty <-x perienred ln lhe Parlflr In kreplng a ?hlp'_ !,,, rt-*-,- from marlne jrowtb, mid pmlertrd fnun the ..ri-.-ivr artktn ,,f -" i v.iit.-r. Tl..i.---r-. who im -I.i-. i -.1 ihr I...M..IU ..f ,.:i" ,,f lhe -,,p-. 'i Iiit li had nol ,'?,-:, i? ilrvil .. li f-r ,iu llil,|-v ,1 .,f llilie tl "iit.'i-. |,.lilul ?im "the l.n-.|ii.-r waa prrfertly kmooth an.t un broken, and ind afforied eomplete proterUon to tlu ?total. Tlie l_/- a- followa: iu nlrohol, o5.1_; L-iiiu nmlile, :;. i >; nltrogenoua matter, 2.H8; water aad volntile matter, l>_2. Tbe platc* in aubmeralon ?t Iho Navy Yard will re maln a- ihey are for a pertod nl three monUia, wheu Ihey will i?- taken oul to deiermlne whtther Ineqner, whirh i- e.-penalvo In llaelf and will roal from P5.000 lo .--...,?i for ,-;,. h of the larger rrulaera, preaeata au eronomirnl anlntlon ,,f the problem ,,f prutertlon ol -t.-ei loill- durlng the il,r,'<- yeara crulaea of the veaaela ol the Navy, -? ? {AMONG\ TUE CLUB-HOUSES. ELECTION <>F THE VBIOS LEAGUE. aRRANOEMENTS FOR A bUBSCRIPTIOB BIMNEB LOOKIKO FOR \ Nf.W SITK. The eonteal In the I'nkw League Ctab being over, tho memhen ran aettle down agaln to a qulet life. Mr. \\ ? ?? iii . ? tlnne i- Ihe h, ad >,f the organbtatlon, tor whirh he haa done ? > mueh, f,,r another year. The npposltl "i dcvelopcd waa .tronger, however, than any one expcel d i' would be, Mr. Wllaon received 310 ? lille J ? ph \ , ' ill, although be had with drawn Irom Um rare, had l.'.l. The vote ea?l waa 11_.-1,t. being I, ?? than half the full memberahlp ,,f the ,1,,!.. All the i" il "f Uie regular U< kel wenl thi igh, and, with tbe exi epllon "f aome op i?.-it:,.'i to i). M. Munger, the regular randl,. ior Keond rlee prealdent, Uie elei Uon? wero nnanimoua. l)ne of Ihe pol uta raloed ngalnal Mr. \\,1 ,,ii was an nllegi .1 dl no Ition i n hl ? part t i np [,;,. rep rl of rosolutlona on vartoua aubjeeta adopted by the , lub. lli- fn n-i- deny thla, bul aay thal Mr. IVIlaun In fac-l did nol appr re the tendenry ol a ,.r ti. rlub lo paaa reaolution* every Ume there a., ., . , rc t , .: . -., ," i.i.e ol i',..... frlrnds: "There are people who thii i. ? ? ? "f the I'nlti ,i t?lntea i- ??? .Ing I i itop beforo voting on any que Uon and a k wluil the League < lub ol llrookt. n thinka aboul It. They wanl I.. give their oplnloii on evcrythlng. lf thej do, li ton -I Ihe ? lub wlli mnhi l??-?? all wcighl und M; W llsnn 1 ? ind wanta t. r< serve hta Bre ur ui il v. ill , >unt." Im mi, I.,- i- eertalnly wl?e. Tlio Cnlon Leagw Cluh I- in po ition .'. do a great dcal ol good if Ua , ? . i taken wl ?> ly. In a r irc? ,.f publie i I ia ; iblii sentlmenl i- i.led, ., I u rd Ironi i!?- , lub maj nerve lo arouae th il n the li indi ,,f piibli' In duli .- I li. Ir dulj. Hut ii.i- , an hiirdly be the caae if u ,. |.j |_; the pi ,, tt, ? to p, - , lub resolutloni on all Important mca-urva and enter mt., every .er i v. hl. h arl*< -. Tlw oplnl an expi .ould iiii iu .? uli -.' ?;. :.t Tho i nlon League Club ..I Ne- >?.,;. has ? t ., paid example ln thii :? i d, . lt* ' ,. c in pettj thlnga, bul i vei de in time >>f need. lf thero .,i u> follow tho i.thi-r coui-0 ln ii..- in . iklyn liou e, -,- Mr. Wllaon'? frtendi . . : ed wlae iu aeehtng i" cootrol i i . , . ii . lub i getttng re . Ij for another round uu, -. rbere ?,,1 i><- a kUbariipUon dlnner al . ..?;..;.-? ,,! Man I, -,'. and it i- ex j.. |,,i thal al Icaal l_"i meniberi wUl bo preaent. , (niie- ??. Uu ,nr, It. VVUllami and tieovgi! I ro*bj are ? ? m rliarjro. The membera ,,f the Llu, oiu ,,;,,. ? . i.i.e ar . , I,. r 1 . .:,?! ou I" llie club thal j lu enter the Inter club con I,, saiurd ij nlghl ITol .01 1 .1 iu !'.? memlx r? ol the Lin. >lu . lub on - Phj - riu. , ? lul h , an additl n tn Ita atlrartlons ... ui the thrve -1--i> brownatoue Iioum! ad 1 : wan piin li ,-?.! I J . ,1 11 -,. to be ; Ited up for b >? h ,-i,,, apa tni< : , 111 ?' r. -"i to nu'niben .eii l>. '.? ?? v i , . :..r ,i |>:< , \. rinl er vl. |in Hb nt, Bovert J. II . ? ., .iv aud Ir it ,,!??,. \i.ig II, ? oihei iin.n1 who llvo in llpaikh n are II Uut, hin.,ii. -nn .,- ii,- lieoi bo II. Vl.b ilt, i ' l -, ,|,-, Ci.iniiii nior J. J. All "H, I'i i"l Klate- !?: ?,, , mi ? ..?; .1, .? ?..|iii ou, I.. I.. Iiut, Inn ou. I rge ' ll alm-rd. .- iiauilll. rm-lieo, VV, I'.. Klmball, \V. Ilarkucs.. \ , , ... ln R. A. rollett. After ti ' .( \,-ii,,.,?;, : II ?? Ite- . !. !' Froal !".'?.I " \ " ,,. . um '...I Venr "i-i " Profc ? ,r K Iln.v i he \: ui | di - , .-.' ?.. ritteii f?r the ,,,, a|,,., by t'w .. ,i. ii, u.h. ol ^l mtja Vr. and B. liamllton poko upon - Tbe \ ermonl l', - _? - MR. BElNBARVfS WEAK CASE. HE riW IT Mllh' I.T TO PROVE THAT tIE -li. i| I.! \N 1*81 MIU.VM \N. tn- hearli - hj I nmllteo ol the A laen I ly CmitnllL.:; l-rlvlleg-H aud Blertlona In the conteat ,r me -.r.t .-f Asscnihlyman \ plnall, nl the Xiih Uiatri.i "f K:11_.-- CiMinly, waa begun yeatcrday l? ,;?. i ,,.,,?! :i .ii e, bul pi >vcd un. ;iv unprodueUvo .,( . , , ? id, ? i ? ub i uiU ii- Ihe . I.iiui ol Fran. ls il |;,.,? i ,v i'i ,i he ,- le rall. entitled lo the neat Mr, V.pluall waa deriared elerted by a majority ol |._.:; bj llie lioard ? f < ,wnly Canvn *ei - afb r cverj tnuli i iv -i ui Mr. BelnKard i > prove if ,,,,' ;, utal def.Tllve bnUota were i,"i counled for bim iu ui,,,i, bi. name v.a. mi-p.-iled. Uul he tu ihe rlalm thal thero wero UW ach'V. wliiili wer.) rn i out. When the L, .--l.iuiv rael ba I i klng tb n Uie i ->t b ? awarded to f'lic lir-i hornlng by the aub-rommlttOT waa nel fur a I irtnlghi ago, and Mr. Itoliihard Ihen h id ,, ? n lUdiraai uud rildnei itsborne appear i ,-un I I,.i hiin. bul thej p.'nv HU.M iid in ii Ihere wera alionl 140 mlsapelled ballot lVi,i,ii .h.i.ild Iwve been rounted lor Mr. lirlnhard, ,,,,, i.wliui to Uie I..-- ,.f i ll-i ..f tl,e dlatrirti iu wl, ii i ,.v aere rnal he had unlipnenaed a li-.-.' nuni | ran vn ? -? who would t"-iif\. Ile then ealled ;_'.,,,i',- or ui' ,-.- wltneases, onl) hall ,.f wl. re . d, - "i n aie o| ii,",.uid iriiv any Informallon i ... , \ in |ioi!ed l-alloti ?.?,?." one, who -iid thal a ? i.,Miiri.' iii" name ol Francls ... Rhlnehard had ,?,. : pn.ted o%-er iho i r,.f IV. C, tVallare f r ?nd i* waa marked defeetli ?. Mr. Kperrj ,,,.; i |- ..! ihi: ho ,'?il.l produeo no more uni ??--" i,?l, he i-i i llie ll?t. whleh waa aaaerted to be ln tl,,, ,,. ..#--.-..-. ,,f "Tilllam lt. MrtJiilre. ,,f tbe roonty Trensurer'a ofllee, and he roaM nol be found, having _-.',, ,? hoi ?? -nl;. i h<- hearing waa alfnorned until m-xt Ralurdajr, r.h,:, M.iiulis- ?ill be produeed, if li takea a warrant (,, dn lt. \U the witneaaea ? wer,- Damoernta, anl tiie counsel for >Ir. .\-i.11 to ,u pleaaure ln aaklng II m Iheir p,iiii.-. i?ne man aald he wri- ?? "llill li,.,,,,,. rai": ;,n ,ihor lhai be waa Ind pendenl untll n..,i ..,.?. ii';i: nnd a thlrd aaked if he were rcquln-d i , ,1 "., r, i d ?'," ? i' i'i i ial li ? !,.?' i i ol .?.f v ? r,?? \.-:. -.;_?-.--i"d lhat h- need nol rrlmlnate hlmanlf. Wben .",'? "i" Ile wltneasea admltti. U,hI he bad i,..,',, n the l*? ??> Uw ii-it'-r- of -."idiiri the defeetlve l,:,ll,,,s | , ihe lioard ol Rlertlon-. Mr. Ilergen de ,, , .?. i ni- nrreai on Uw ground of Infraetlnn "f the law, whleh anfa.erted hlm to a Bne of .fLina) ,,e im pri-onuienl h?r three yeara, ..r both. The rommlttee declined lo order bta arreat, .-.- the law was :. n?\v ,.,,.' .., d some inistalie? might bo ca>I!y mado un mUUafir. INPORTIHG RETAILERS, Fulton St, opposite Malb Aa, BROOKLYN. Tho sy?*tnn of sHliiiR cvorjr artlolc nt asitiull prtifit. but of a ilioroiisrlily roliahlo <|iiality. i* ? raMBMJ Prin ciplc oltlii*. firin. BENEDICT'S PATENT Manufactured Solely by Fred'k Loeser & Co. n. IJ* ___r_v^iy1!rS*B_->t_P ' :*^__k _** v tv*".; i Wrl' ' l :?-?;? ? _ H "?iiritC !t :y.7''' The only perfecl protection againat tlio aud iiio.i'iiili-rs; will last (\vi<*.*;is lonjfas auy other acreen, antl coeta one-half. ttolla np and down like a wiudow shade and Bcreena the entire window. They are now used in many ofthe flneat reaidencea in this country. A full aize model in Upholstery De? partment. DBE88 GOODS* A Complete AsHortineiit of all Ve* Blrable Materiale and Colore, Specialsfor to-morrow in our Dress Departmenl are as follows: 30-inch Wool Suitings in Stripes and Checka, 39 eta. per yanL ;;ii-in<'ii all Wool Cheviota, in exad imitationa of foreign designs, 45 eta. per yard. 40-incli Puritnn Suiting8, in the most siylish light mixturea, 50 eta. per yard. .is-jni-ii i-'.'iiii'u'lil Suitinga, in n variety of handsome designs, 55 eta. per yard. Even iii theae low prieea we are able io warraul theae _\.la to bepure wool. FANC1' SILKS. Speeiai Valttee* 21-incli heavy all silk black gronnd Peau de Soie, colorcil Hair-liue Plaida, Ki new combinntious, $1.00 per yard. 2 l-in.'li Crepe S;ilil?*, complete line of eolors, $1.25 |?er yaitl. 21-incli iieavj all silk Black Peau de Soie, ??*: 1.00 per yard. WASlt VABRICS. To be Offered Monday* 100 piecea tine Standard Dress Style Ginghams?iierfecl gooda?7' eta. [ier yard. Mouming Wash Gooda, ta.-t black? Ltuti Cheeks nnd stripes 12*, 15 und 18 c\>. |m*i* yartl; II en r iet to liniah Satincs, 30, 35 aud 10 eta. per yard. LACES. Xorrttics ,1 nst licceieed, Blaek DraperyNets, Floimcings and I ii'iui Flouncinga, Rmbroidered ('hiftbn Laces in flower und jewel eflfecta? many new and exclusivo designs. 15-iiich Drapery Neta, 31.25 per yard. Itlack f-hautilly Trimming Laces, all silk, .'. lo ."? inclii's wide, 10 an.l 25 <*ts. per yard. CLOAK DEPARTJIEXT, The .Xetrcsf S/at/ics in early Spring rmported Jacketa, Wrapa, fnpes and LongGartnenta. New styleain Tea Gowns and Wrap pera. Some Wintcr Jacketa, Wrapa and Long Gannenta at wouderfully low prieea. Fl 7.VV/77 /.?/:. Hat Itdck'M, Thr moal extenaive and complete line of Hai Racka ever sbown in thia eity, from the smalleal to the Iarge8t si/i' made; in antique oak, XYhlt cen tnry liniah, Kngliah oak, mahogany liiiisl, and waliuil. Uall Stands. Solid oak Hall Sland, ^.?k hat pins, ? with umbrella stand and bevel mirror, $8.00. Knglisli oak Hall Stand, with leat and umbrella atand, *11.50. With century liniah Hall Stand, $14.00. Large oak Hall Stand, with French plate bevel mirror, $21.00. Mahogany finiah Hall stand, $32.00. Handaome antique Hall Stand, up-! holatered leather aeat and back, boz under seat, large French plate bevel mirror, $ 15.00. With century flnish Hall Stand, with large French plate bevel mirror, $00.00. Au extra large and elaborately carved Hall stand, with detachable mirror, $125.00. The Qneeii Foldinti Jfed. Full sizo Wardrobt Folding Bed, liandsome ease, polish finish, large bevel mirror, adjustable woven wir? apring, in antique oak, XVIth century flniah and Engliih oak, $30.00. Parlor Sulta Half Price. Two Parlor Suits, aolid cherry, ma hogany flniah framea, npholatered in assorted eolors of silk plusli?5 pieces in each mit?one redoeed trom $(io.oo to $.'.0.00, aud the other from 870.00 to Slti.OO. TRVNKS AM) BABY CARe RIAGE8* Tri ihe Basement, Steamer Truiiks, Dress Trunks, Sole Leather Trnnks and Baaket Trnnks. Bonnet Boxea, Coat Cases and Tele? scope Baga. Onr Special Twink, 32 inehes, ali linen lined, eovered tray aud Excelsiox lock, $5.00. Baby Carriagcx, J_ full line of Baby Carriagcs, newest designs aiul flniah. Afbll si/.ed Carriage, upholstered in plush, with satiu parasol to match, $0.75. POLITICAL AND PERSOXAL. riBLIC MEX AXD AFF.URS. wn.\T Tin- BXPVBLlChM C.Y.SY.RM. COMMITTEI will DO-THE m:w r.xECL-nvi: com MITTl'K CRAJMHAX. tmeeret aatyeeta ?t mement will <-omc MM lhe March meettng of Um ItoprtlkM Ommel com ,Ilit,.,. ln u.e Criterion Ttomtm tm Tmmtem eeet tm. ?I i, ezpeetcd that Chalrman GMirieh will aiiii.-ime lhe nam? ?f il,.- ABrMotJ Co?lttoe .U>"n Mu.ii.-y_U Keforra lhe appotatoMiit of wVLeu ??? authnrt_"d al Um laat ...".*.i.._. Thla commUtoa will eooaUt of twentj ilx membera, om Uom eeeb want. aM wU .,,!;?!? km.'f IM moal nmnmeaUMre mm ot the party, llka Geoeml Mcwart L. \v.i..itord. exAaim Joshua M. Vati I "tt. Jark-ou Wallace. UtMr W. Emerson Ueorge B. VaanaMw, rhaj-los small. .'. I). Uurrowa, J. ll. Ogllvte, W. I. Kaleer, Qeoqe T. HUott, lieorgo ,i. Colllna, D. W. Kartfcap, Jm_m IL BM8BM9, , d otMra. n i~ proMMa ttal o.-n-.-rai Woodford wtll be maie ehilnsu >f tlie roaunlttee. The c_"rt will be matffl to - ahaica. it li prepoaed 1 , expend 973,000 apoo IM biifidiii.. and If *?_i>.i -X) la inbeerlbed thu ru.-t ian bc tacwed upt.n a Bort> . 1.'". .\ namber "f Mporttat amendraents to tlie by-lawa will com.! beftm tlio ..vneral Commltwe f?r a<-ti"ii. Tbey Mve bCMH iiritrttMl and scit to moml>cr f.?r rontideratlon. TM eommlttee on rafce and orfkM kubmlt changea whlch vUl s;;ve the ea_Bpolg_i c.m mlttee power t-i add t.? it-- namber men not lo UM :i eommlttee, and to provide f"r a Ngakr ro vltlon ,,f tM r"ii in catti ward ?.tattoB, ;|1"' ,l1* hokHiiK of prlnurlee In December inatead of Janury, 1:,.- ?? have all I.n tubatantlally tpproved, npd vlll i.e adopted. TM otMra are Utely t" glve r:sc ta ->omo d'Sit". Ex-Aaaemblyman Na~>n <>iTcr> <>ne vblefe ta ,:,--l-::,-.l tO . .vr ...| r. p: .-..lit.ltl.ili to r.vli waiil aiul town ln Aaaembty l>i-tii. t ConvenUona. L'ntted >t.itei UUtrict-Attorney Johnsoa iU'>iix'. ipeclal m^efloaa of _i_oclatlona for enrotaMOt, tfi?. rectrlctlon "f rottag M prlmartea 1 . votera reglatered al IM prevkma eltrtkw, electlon Aiatrlcta lor priamry rottog ln laifi mii nnd tM autbortty tor tweocy peraona ta aecaia a copy ..f th.. roU-l.M, by paytag thr--.- eeata a aaaae. D.ivni A. Uaktwin deatrea ttal aMeaea fr..m t!i!*ce kiiccca-slve meetlnga iball rendM racaat the plaee oi :i-..y member. Isracl .'. 1 i-Ikt wanta t.> have tlie eMIet of tha membera of tie execaUve coaualttM maie withiu tea dayi aftei tM January meetlng of ih<- Oeneral Ooaa . aM organlsattoa effocted by tin* eMIee .".f .1 .ii at IM -."_? time. Kloor aaMndaMOta bm by ... Alfred Mi.ith ani CMrlea J. Maa, . exeenttve 1 mmtttoe wiii maM In i:i . rep ;? nl Tuesda) nigbt'a meeUng, and Um orgMHaa" t .-, ,:',-, i.-.i i,\ th. iholce of llugo llir-h for rhalr. illl t?- reported by Mm. Nr. llu>!i i. a reprr , u.tlvo .,f tl.e younper element in IM party, and u an active, encruetlf, Intelliicenl atnl hard-working Re 111. ii,-1- tservlng tor Um Ura| Ume ,i> -. mem i.-i- ,,f ;.?-.,-, uti\.mmlttee. and bU unanlm.Hia .-ii,.!,.- ;is rlwlrnian i- a trlbute lo ln^ ..Mlit*. aa well ds .it. indliatlon of the aubatantlal Mrmony prevaUtag in th ? part). i .? p?.rt -tntii< of tho proceedlnga growing out if tlio "..:??:? ?candal i- one ol ?U-pen?e pendlng Uw dedsion uf the uppcnl to i?- made to Lhe lii_h,--t court ,,f the M.n.*. A diltcrence .-t' opinion >'.\iM- ln repird i , the bearing ol the ease by tM eourt "f Anp< .!-? un the "'.?? hand m high an autbortty ui-.n u?w aa .in,).-,. Ilarnard, ..f the _upremo Oonrt, aay. thal .... ap ], ,1 , m i"' :..!. ?!. from ? Ueneral Term in an i.ijiiti'1 1. , - iiu) I'orpomtlon t'oun*el Jenks, and Thomaa i:. 1'car.ill, roun.el for the Long laland Water _upply 1 ,n (liiny, -?:. lhat ,i^ the 1 ieneral Term decMon wai and ..,'t ol f.t-i-. it i> Rjnnealable. An efforl v.iii I- made to tccure .1 decNimi an w u ii,,--r,,|,-. The ca-e will go upon tbe tnoUon calendar ,,,?! uiii be -|..-.-<:ilv heard ahead nl all. lt la Impei tn have 11 di.:-; m In Ume to pul th<- ra_e npon trial Iii Mav if iho deci.lon ..f th,* neneral Term 1- overruled Hlld -.-t :.-t.l.-. lf it li .illir.ri.-.l BO tl'inl Wlil l?* bM. bul ludgmeiil for ti." plaintlffa will M granted. II ,- p:-.,|. .-< .1 10 riidcavor to have the <-mrt "f Appeali na.-i upon ,ill the iiue.Unn. Involved ir: Ihe matter, [ncludlng tlie i-oii_Ututionalltv <.f tne provtalona ln ... \, t ..f Vnnexatlon "f Nea _ota tor Um purehnae of the \V;if.*i r,,,Ti|ur:\'_ phint and frauchlae. TM llrldge Trnataw wiii hold thelr m.*eting t,, in rrow afteruoon. N'oeapcrial Mdneaa 1- HMly to rome np for ron-tderaUon TM lu-i.i_.- 1,111 betore the 1... i i.ttutv 1- expectai -1 n ta becoaai ? Mm. ANNIVEE8AET OP ME BEECB IRSDEATIl BPECIAL r.xr.m i-r.s in PLTMOCTfl CBVKCB t.i DAT. T,>!iy UM f.i:;i'tli annivet-ary of the death of Mr. Beecher wUI M aallably weiMwi bf PIimimHI ciiiii-iii. ri ra| remembrancea wlB i.-> laid apon tho grave af IM vavm prearber in Oneaweod, oa Deara 4l*;ttli iii tM Ocean Hlll portion >.f the greal dty of IM *d.;..i. Hla laat ia*Ung-phu?, marked by ft moieag granlta 1.ument, la one al Um beet-taunra -p la ln UM fciiici.???>, and hl a-licl for bv all atraafMI vi-itiug it. Memorial aartleea wiii i>e MM In Plymontb Cbarrt thi. aflernooa by ih>* Mnday-arJaoeL \ proeeaaloa of nfty cblMren rtad In whlte artO aureb lnto th>- cimreh bearing a whlle memorial banner aM ilnglag "Jewaa. lem, ii.' i.oid.'ii." Thera win i>e ??-i.?>iai maatral *ae> aleea, in whlch Mi-> KalharlM Oaraanall wll -mg - Angel Voiee.." by Gonnod, aud Mr-. CMaeaUao Laaal siu.iweii wtii iing - My Jeaoa, ar- Ifeoa wm.- Btepet wiii i.e oBerei b) Dr. Lyaaaa AhMtt, wai gaperlataaai" .ni Bbearaun wtll deiiv.-r a Mfarlal aiinaa. Ad mlaalOB ta IM 1 Mich WlU bc by ti.Ket. Tlie malu floor win be 1v-.1v.1i ior UM Baaiai achooL TM woii. of eomptaUag IM atataa of Mr., phicii la ta l>? BraoMyn'* trlbute to bl- memory, la 3nUi'i_ good pi". iv... nnd lt N e.\pecU-l that lt will 00 eraetod i<- paiaalal in nvapaal teBB next uttntner and will le then unvelled. lf paaaMa tl? axerctaea will Ik* MM ?"' i?M -I. IM unniver-ary ol bi> blnh. Tlie >\te of the statue will U- nenr tlie fiow.-r Harden iu th" PaHfc .'ne f?f Bm bmm! artlve Bienibera ol the committee whleh rais..i the fnud ? paj.oou for the Mto la Y. \V. Hlnricha, wM w_* admltted to raembewhlp ;.i i'lyin.,utu 1 hunh U>l banda}'. Dr. Ai.i.ttt i. preaehlng a aenea ef aataaaae on niiuiriv evenlngn upon The Evample <>f teem Chil_l." Tbl. evenlug hla .ui.jeei will l.t*, ??ciirf_t aa a Pnttcrn ol Indaatrr." n.*m Banday evealag bl* pnlpit will l.eiweupied l'\ Dr. W, S. Kiimford. lertor of -t. tleorge'a Prole_tant Epl_copal Chareh, for whom Dr. Abbott haa arranged to deliver a Lenten le?-turt?. lu llolv Week l.r. Abbott will eonduct daily MOrmaf prayer ln theSoetal partora of the ehanh and on 'jo^* Frldtiy Uieic will also bc a bpot-fal mhvIco lu t_c altan BBBBk