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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. WA0 PHE BWBfDLED BY HER SISTER' A POOR WOMAN REOAIXS JIF.R IXHLRITANCE A QirEI-R CASE In the Supreme Court Judgc Cullen ye*terday enve Judgment in a WlB -ul. vvl.?-I. piv-'-nts mv.y iBtere* luc and iiorullHr featii.^. Oa .lanuarv 1-. 1800, , there .lied ut Nn. -'?!? U?t*0?a. M.-. TereaB Yoonft u eMMMas mtAUw. 9ot a eoaslderable Ubm m.--. . Ywuig had nve-i at IMs boaae vith her brotber m law. 1'^.per Kn-U-r. wl.t. 081*68 88 a p?-rv |1 at. Htt famlly -name?vT_i_s 1*1 .ki-n. aixl she was one ol :i hmllj , ef Blas eUMrai. Al Ua Umt * htt death tbe was aald t/i pcBsess re*i and peisonal property auirmrtl.ig IB BBSNri MO.OOO. One of h-r Mst.-i- WBS llmgaialla Bnadials, Iha aHi "t s pooe Jonmcyman ijioi-, wbo Ures at No. i ,008 Fluahlng-ave. Mr-. fAmmatU baa beat tattanaai ttmn ber fauniv tor pajaaa P8BBB. Tlie day followinc MfB. Ynuiii.-'- death, mi- of lier fctsvsrv. EBaabeth Flakan, whom ibe had nol aeen tor neariy nve years, ealled an Mra. Benderle and dta mmBM i.t from ettendlac Um faneral, on Uw groond tliat kar preaeaee woaM ..tilv aggravate laa lU-feeUi - n-bir). ulreadv evi-fd. Aceordtog t.. Mrs. Renderie's atatemeit Mlsfl Ftahea paid her aaother vWl oa tamatn mt, IBBO, mm Bayt after Mrs. Yoong** laneral. a.nd aald tliAt th*re \vu> BO wUI! thal II bad >'"'?> fmind that tlie estate did not Bieeed M.500; thal Mtv. Beade:?:.??- ihare Bsseawlrd to $?'?<*>. aad Uiai '.' Mr-. Ki-ndeile WOaM |0 wilh to the hOOSB * Aiiwstus HavlUnd. UM attorney lo Uie e-taU-. shB would re^-e.ive lier .--Iiaj-e. Mr>. ReiKk-tle at tiist derllned to bH la Um matter vvithaut iwMaltlag bir hasbaad, bal BaaUy eoasented to wvonipanv MtSB Flnken to Mr. HaSfland'S lmn-e at No. n K-:ip?-!.. Hrooklyn. There. she say"!. Mr. Ilavlland u1u.vt.m1 liev :i paper she allegea ho i-ald ?as n rweipt which all tho famlly wm.l.l sljni. l-he slpncd thia paper and recelved from Mr. llavilawl i-Cio. If vvai afterward found thal IhlS paper was Betually a deed bv whlrh Mrs. Benderle asalgaed all her lntcie-t ln Mrs. Yonnp's estate lo Mi-- Fhllen on cotislderation of the payment ot WOO. Tlii- Bm*. lt ls said. was liled on Mondav. .lanuary -27, 1-HO. aud vith it al-o was ?nother deed by vvlnrli MKs Ftnhen asslBiied half of her tntBTBSt ln Mrs. Henderlc's sharc of tho estate to Mr. HaviJatid's wife. Later It was foiuid that Mis. Young had p'opertv in Hrooklyn and el-ewlie.e the lotal value of reaclied fiearlv ?2'J,000. ln mldltion to the e-tato ShB fcad personal property ainountlne lo ir-Jl.OitO. Theas f..< ts Mrs. teaderle learned from ono of her brothers, llarssaa Flakea, who imd beea ln Oer many when Mrs. Yoang died. Mr. Ilavlland ln the n.e-it.tiine had I'.-eini a sult for the partttlon of the eatiite. l.'if, ea l.elialf of Mrs. Rendei le. Piatililln P., a lawyer, of I3S Na-.m -<?? N-w York, . ied ;:n lrst-alnliie any div,-ii-n ol the i.^.aie. tlien an a.'tk'ii lo set aalde Ihe conveyanee v.i- i.ioiiKht. Mi-s Flahea bein^ ihe defendaal la the silit. In his te-':ii:onv yesterday Mr. Hnvlland ?anl thai Mi-- Ftaiken, aho bad for n.atiy years been one of Ms ellenta, t..ld bln thal Mrs. Readeile aras s poor v,.i:,.in iii ti"ed of mooew, an.l that ahe would be wiiiinc to glve up her share of Un- estate for _>500 in ready cash. BrlleTlng. be said, ihal tbi estate * - ii.,t wortii more than 08.000 ,,.- i?.000, he advanced Hr money i" Mi-- I'inkeii, iin.1 in her bchalf gave l? t.. Mrs. Benderle, taklnE for lu- Mrnrlt] a hall ol Miss Flnken's share. .l.idro Cullep. said that he <lid nol believe Mr. llnrUandrc statement, and promptly gave Judgment tor M.-. Renderlo v\u!i .-o-t-. LOWtST BIDDERS TO <;IT THK CONTRACTS. WUDGI TRUSTEES COME TO A DECISIOM?SAIr AR] ES OP BMPIiOTES. At the Mar. li aMeltng of the Rrldge trastees, heM yeaterday, PoHcemen Cteifc, Poster .md Blehl were dtsmlssed for miaeondnet, at-.d Roblnson, Foley aad sullivan ivi'i'i' app '.'it<"l in their pl.-nv- ftnperlntenden! Miirtm a-kiNi approval of ? i..'.,|.iiatii>n .f the rulee relatlve t.. tbe Bildge and t!.ilter was relerred t.. the Execntlve i rmmlttee. The matter of adjustlng the ealarin od all employea wa- re#erred to a eommlttee eoespoeed ol Trasl. SMnaer, Keeney nt^ii Howell, The ?.ui.j.-.t of nwnrding blds t.. the toweat bMden met iii-ni-.-'i tt length. \ resolntlon wm Bnslly edopted T" award tai the loweal bMders, provlded the Ik--i int-r -'- >,f ih- ii..:.'.' were ronserved. Trastea Auii.'i'-.ii wanted t'i" mi" reaelnded ihnt, provMea foi the edvettleiag f.-i Nds. Trastee Bktaaer Inqulred: >? ||.m doea it -niUe mv friend .\nder-..n lo BBselnd the rnl" an<i appotnl s tii--tcl.i-- Bew-Yort nian a* parehae inc ac"itv This piopealtlea w-as pi-eetcd with a genernl sniile. BMs for rlothlng were then opeaed. A eontrad f.,r 250 pairs of ttoaaers, 100 s and twentytlve c<rtt- v.a- avvnrde.1 80 I. .l.'n'u!.-. on motion of Cvll ttoller Myeia, lt was roted that all supplles amoiint in" t.> il.000 er bwib be adreittaed for. with the eaeeptlou ol supplles of oll. paase aud eeal, for uii. .i Mrt- vv.ii be Millcltad. _, Ihe n.pti from tinili.- in February were 9!i'J, 77:1 :ir. and with tlie i-cntala aml the cash on hand tii.-re i- 84113.1001?0 ln Ibe treasory. The expea dltarei ainonnted t- !?7 7,7-.'7 ?l. im lu.ling $7.5(>u to the liCKiitl ?.f Bxperts for their servi.e-. DR POWELL TO LEAVE THK MINISTRY. lir. stKi'i'.i>i.s MI> COMOBEOATIOX BY AN NOCXCIXG THAT BE WILL PRACTICE L\W. The Bev. Dr. Henry \. iv.weii. peeter of the Ims Krt riin- COtigregatlona] Charth, will leave the polpll to praetbe taw. Dr. Toweii mad.- tiie announmrnent <<l hi, .,f reUrlng from the ministry t.> hla ean i.-i-'L'.iti..'i .rn Sunday nlght. The. news feii Uke a thnnderboll among Ihe membera ..f the ehareh, who were entlrely anaware '-f Um step thetr paator was aboul t.i Iaaa, In making tbe annonacea_tea1 Dr. Powell ?aM: ?? lu ,ill mv Iboughto tli" welfure ol tlii- I'liinh ha al?.iv> beM .i promlnenl place. In Its w?k I bave i.peiii aome "f tbe be*l yean nnd be?1 elforti ol mv Iif.-. lmt :t lii- now I-.-... 1..-.1 :. i,.iiiliiio:i i.f proaperlty whl.h will enable II lo rontlnne Ita work afler ? rhange ,,i paatorate wllboal any pCTeepUble l"--- Foi elghl yeara we have I dkd logether ln tl." splril ..f lo' 'i ity, and nou llTfiie aaaM aplrtl l ash you la ?? i ? irom my paatoral obllgatlon. I am conlldenl the alep whleh 1 bave lakeu i- the rlghl one. Inatead ol i | upon Ibe phitferm 1 ahall -"' ln a pew uf tbla ehnrrh, aad l ahall beartlly eo-operato wlth yun ln the w.ri. ol the eongregall m." \t the ' loae ol i.i- n marha he preseated tion f> Ihe i.".'.i "' '?"-'.? ";- Powen, when ???-. i.\ ., reporter, -;..?! yeaterda) thal f?? three yean he had t. effering fr. Ihroal troable.. Barh Sundu> foi two yeara be bad gunc Into the palpll wlth Ir pldatloi Bj tbe'..t ol .. -i.-i'.li-t n.- v-.,.,,' had been Katored to it- normal condltloa,bal haanderstood Utsl Ihere waa daafci of s relapae. !?'? Powell said he was ediirabd for the laa almoal from hlt ehlldhood. ile lu.i Ior Ihrae yeara had aa larUnatlon t>. ?tej oal ol Ibe pulpll and ? nter i.i Um legal prafesston. During ti, laal Bve yeara Dr. l\.wCil .-a.d be had ha<i oppor tanitiee to effecl ,. ronneetlon aad aaaured podtlon wnh an able lawyer. Ht eai *ts lo form a partnershlp with imtae* ? . i "iy. oae ol the weB-kaown yoang menbers ol ih-- Bew-YaHi bar. The -t.-p t.iK?-:. l.y Dr. lN.w.'ii was almoU tbe bom t |,. of. ..iiv.-i--.ui.iii yesterday among the people ol bli eangregation. Ile bad broafbt hla ehurck oal of Bnanclal dlMeaHlee and B?de if proaperoaa. It i tK'hev.'d bv many thal Dr. Bawell dW boi glve a fall itatemenl of all bla reaaoaa for reUrTBi from Ihe mln Istry. lt waa saM jrealerday by oae ol the membera ?f um ehareh Ihal Dr. Powell had ?P?"?? ??g I,,., ii,.. eonareimtiun vxp,,nd .?1'.'K"1 m i'ui,ni'. fiSthS rh. Mi. i...t Uie .'.i-t? ?h..u?i,t ll i.e., ,,i-t to pav off the rhurch Orbl of W5.000 betore an) ^'^Kl^'iJSrn'toSaai. at Chatham, rotam bln (oanty. He was graduated li?m l nlon i-oll'-ge. ln 1-7.; Il,? tli-t pulpll wai. ln the old buahwlrk Be formed Clnirrh, ln BiwAlyn. where he r.-u,..!."^ tor aaven v'.ir-. when he wenl to the presmil parlah. ile Mu.lie.1 taw while wlth th- Bashwleh Naelely,.????? iradnated from the laa departmenl of thi- >ea Jork T'niv.'i-ity in 18^3. He Is rkapialB ol Um 47tk Begl ment. _ HF. < I'T III- THBOAT AM' .M'MI'KD nYK.r.l.i'AHI). john Brana ? barber, ?lsty-llve yeara old, made ad'-peratc .itt-mpt to .oniinit sulriiH- yeaterday. He tiret stabhed i.liu-.'if three Umea, and then plunged nu.. Um Bael Wvai from Ihe terryhoai Jamea M. Waterbary, ol the Honston Streei Bne. lirann boaided the ).?' on the B?o o'rloek trlp fr?n Nes t-,:,.. and when it tearhed Ha illp he drew a large imif" groand t. :. polni wWeh be plnngrd twlce int,. hla biiaat Ha Uwn drea the kean edge of tho Made a. r? hi- throat, Intlirtlng bal ?? illghl wound, iinrt lumped ..v-.'i.oiri. rhe deckhanda heard ih fci.l'i-h und m:i."-1'-i M re?< ilng hlm. Ile ? i- taken to the Ea tern Dlatrtrl llo-iplial, when little bope waa entertalned oal hi- reeoverp. ? ? ? IO I" -n TMBOl'OH AXOTHER BIU C1TT JOB. Tin- Mll betoi ' '? tl ??? l ?? i al. n s'ou ci Beeoad<ave. from llamlltoa-ave. t.. k'.., Nsasa Uawaaai Bay, "j? ipproved by tbi A l-riwn yealSBday bf a vele of u tn 6. it ??- oaaaied by Uu l0?r k-, ?. mi .a Um Board and Aldernian ..- I.".'. niikmmg Ai.othir n, ii o mt A.ii'i, a-. al i. i ti ii .', r, m, neaoad fr,n, \?t,ii?. AMaraiea .,?',- Oen aas tiie ash -.-pshesmae tae tha nm attea, bihI be la t:,.- owaer of i ropertv ;?. ba i.ein'i)t?d ir, the |.ri p..?. ?! Improvement. Alflern.en L BSh, U?--1* Bad lltcp.. Bli IpOkS agaln-t th.' BMBBaBS, ?? ? |sh to steal the publli; iiiun, v aa bad aa the wat-r werhe iwindie. ?ld,eri..aii to-T-.-y ktavtd ofl Uie iiuiMtlou ns tu Kbcther the Baaaa_flB___t for th" ln_provftni?'nt a_* to be laid udoii the prr.ii.-rtv !.(?:,"-lti'd M upon thr whole rity, but flnail.V aaid it -a* to be Ieft to the AMa*_aea, "who could do no v, rriiiK ' Mr Coffey alfco rnild thnt tlie cost ol th" lii.prov*. i, ? r t t._ii beea ereealy uxumtjetoAM, aad that It would not ex,.-.d Th- bOI wiii ba ptepeaid hv Ibe Rep-bUeaa lesam aentatlv" from thr. c-oimtv ln the I.'ei-l it'ite. C. 8. TOXATB HKTI'HN" TO THK CITY. Charlea B. Tonjee. whoae dlsappearaoee from hti home ta Bontk Nintfc-at. liro year* ago ran-o mnei excttemeol owlng t" Dnanelal dlAealUee. h.i* agaln returned lo BrooWyn. Ai llie tln.f Mr. Tonjeal dltappearanee tn lefl debt. tu the amoanl of over WOO.OOO. Ho araa a inember .if the Board of Bdoratlon, a tliwlor ol Ihe Manufcctui-flu' Sat-ona. Bank, proardenl of tli" Klng. C mnty Mllllne Company. \ and a m mbei ol the Xew-Y rh Produce Exehanp*. Hls ti, .. , . ,' dlffleultles were can?ed by a I'ata ??; 8150.000 in iiraln. lli-- mother, H ls said, made gooa l,i- debts. Mr. Tonjc* was i) one t. spoken of ior Mayor of Brooklyn i.v fM- llemoi rate. A LEI Ti'lM. OX "FARS1FAL." Mr. Kiehblel wlll dellvei hla lecture on Waanar's "PBr- ' ?1181" ln Brooklyn aa Wcdneeday Bftemoon of next week la Blatortcal Hall, Mr. SeMl wlll lUuatraU tin- lecture ea tii- atanofi rte. _ OATHEREO ABOUT THK T0W2T. The Ber, l". A. MeKenna, ol Bt Ann'a Church, baa kean sppolnted i.y BIsbop Loufhlln paat?r ol Bt. ?'" leph'a Church, al HewletU Btatl. Qneeni County Tli- Ber. Alberl .1. l.ytii.i.11. paator ot the Boath Con pegattonal Church, kna refnaed an addltlon of BlfiOO u> his sniiirv of 83,000 n year, oa tho ground th..i be lliinlis th.- i ongh! to ipend tha money ln ini slomiry work in Ita ntA&mTmeA, Janea ftorhe, a eroekeiy dealer, of No. 109 sixth ave., mart- foreman of the Grand .'my ye-u-rday. Mrs. Burbiiii HnlUln. of No. 00 DegrbW st.. died yes terdav at the Lonft leland College Hospltal from rar bolle aeM whidi sho eecMentally iwaDo?ed at her home. Brooklyn ls to liave another new theatre. Tho ground was pwrebaeed yeatarday of A. K. Rlckarda, lale of the thentrleal flrm of Praeter a.- Rieharfta, and onee pniprletoi-s ef Ihe Noveity Theatre la DrigfB-at. Tlie At" for tli? now play house- ls at llod.ur-d-:*"- .md Bouth SUth-lt, The sitiiatloii is wlthln ;i few blOCk* of Ihe Nuvelty Theatre. T.'ie tmUdlng will be erccied al i cost of ?150,000. Di'imtv (Vmtroller Aaron nrinkorhoTT, who is lyinB ill al his lionie. N->. ith Bebennernorn-it., waa re? ported ta?l evening to ba gradnally ilnklng, and kla death may orenr at any Ume, Miaa Florenea Ba-garnle, of London, doicpnte to tha Womoii's Natlo'inl Cotiticil recently beM ln WaeB Ington, Biade aa atdresa laat nlfhl ta Aiaoelatlon Hall ..ti "Waga-eernlng Womta In England." Mlia Balgarlne pave a graphtc doscrlptloo ol th** mlBeiy uf poor Engllsh woman. Miaa Mary K. Ka-iman. aec n-iarv of the Women. Conncll, made an Bddreaa on ' ?? l-'.'iu.-iitioii of dlrls froui Dwne. School to COHoa***." She aald glrla were noi allowed (,> attend pnhlle ichooli unttl abonl 1750. Al Ibal Ume they received ta itruclloo in good mannera, deportnieniand reading ana ?pelltag._ HOME XEWS. ri.OMIXKNT ARRJV _LS AT THE HOTELS. BRI'XSWICK Thomei de Souza llo/a. Pertug. ? Mlnlater at Waahlnrton. aud Rear-Admlral Mephen n i.n, <-. V. & Savy. iii', k iMiiiAM i;..:y Hllcl ?? . of si. i.iiiis. l iitii AVEM'E-Senatoi Willfau. D. Waahbura, ol Mlnneaoa; Bt-nator R_cbard F. Pettlgrew, ,,r South iui."'-: and ex-CongreaamBO Joha W, SUwart, ut Vermont, OILSET Beoator lleorge L Bhoup and ?? Senato. VVIUlam J. McConnell, ol Idaho. METHOPOLl. TAX?Blahop !_. S. McMahon. ol Hartford. VI. TOR(A . i. \ . if tba Itallan l- aaUoa at Waablagten. W1NDSOH -i , Ja: - ?'? fi.;d?u, ol tiyratUoe, and _t'ii-.r-l John McXulta, ol llUni la. WHAT 18 GODfO OX TO-DAY. Rhermm Mfinailal Ceau-lttea, Chamkea al Ctiiaaica, noon. a. ii. Tii,-ti,-'s , aae, befor? CanuniMloner Bblelda, Kew-Torb Athletlc Club annual aleetion, evinlac. lirurd nf Aldermen, i p. m. police and Pii-.t t emmlBBlenere1 Bictingi. Kinsts County RepukUcaa Oeaaial Commlttee. BroolCyn. 8 p. m. (ia?l_.- Boelety annlver?arv, No. 17 Waat Twrn'-V-^sMh st.. M p. m. (_. D. Ayeia b?fore Arvan Th?v.-ophlcal Socletv. Church of th" Meaatah, 8 15 p. m. Metbodlat iScr-iol fnion annual d:nn?-r, Asierr.Mv r^aoms, Metropoiltaa opor* H(,'is?. s t,. m. C. A. Peat- lecture Lefore .S<*awanhal_a Vu^ht Club, 8:30 p. m. Votiiic pcople'a muslcal .n*.?rta' Fourth rrenb.v terUti Ch'in-h, 8 p. m. Leeton by Eieataa Wlman, Ca'.varv Baptist Orarck, 8 p. ni. no-itd of nilmati and Apportlenmaat, city HaU. Orchld ahow, Mad!?,,n f-ii,iari> (lurd'O. llfa'.th and Fn<Kl BxpoatUod. Leoea r/y'"ira. W.-t Knd Ass^iatioii cltlxcna' ni.*'-1-.f., Ne. 1,210 Columbus-avc. 8 p. m. NEW YORK cmr. Puh-St.-itlnn Mo. 10 ol the Poatofllee has be?n rc moved fr an Twenty Bnd at, ar.d Fonrth av,-., tn Tveji iT-(lftti--t. and Fourtb-ave. At the raaldenre "f Mra. K. L. Youmans. No. _M7 nfi>i'ave.. Mi-s Katkarine Hlllard read. jreatertey morn? lng, io a (i-!i-i,t.(i andlence her admlrabla rrlllral essay on Tennyion, wblffc wna tke fonrth in the pf , ieriee of -i.\ lectorea on "Modern BnglUk Poetry. Two iii'.r- paper-, ori<- on Brownlng ard one on Bwli tmrne. ts-tiiain to be read, and theae wlll i>- glren on Mondaya, the Iflth nnd 23d, al 11 a. m., ta Mrs. Voumani'i parlora. A ffcw llchcti nmy aUll be ub tained ol Mt--. Youmani. al or before tbe Ume of Uie reading1 - By direction ol Mayor Ornnt. b\< aerretary, Mr. Bpeer, wlU boM an Investlpatlon lo-day eonrerniw. I ,i?. cbargea made by Abraham Kopllk, Jeweller, and ;,i?.iit flfty other Blxth-?ve, itorekeepera, thal .h nuctloni :.:?? belng carried on ln thal nelghborb.I, Ihis - r. ler l n ..." ai cordlng to the i barge . la op i .1 Ing under the name "f Frey * Meyer, al No , 235 and ?ji? Klith-ave., between Flfteentb and Blxteenth . Th- hearing wlU begln al the Mayor's i IBce al o p. m. The Grand Unlon, ol Saratoga. has been Icased f?i a long term ol years by Jamea B. Wooiworth, ?: thi rity, who di rlvea ),:- tltle 'i.i- Uy from the ownera und will be the flwl le?iee who has ronducted the famous hostlerj Ior bimseU itaee Ihe Letondi were ou ted by A. T. btewart. joaeph r. Keely hai been elected tren?_-T ol Ihe irl-h American Republlcan Clnb ta i?la< -i ol Ueub Charlea llealy, ol the OOth Keglment, reslgned. Mr^. "l" Bull, wldow of tha Ikmoni vlollntat, is rlaitlng Iriendi In Uhs rity. a niii-K-ii entertalnmenl was glven by the puplli of Mr-. Fannie Loverlng Bklnner, al her home, So, 210 uv-- Fourteenth-st., laat evening. Searlj twohundred Invlted gneali *.or<- ta attendance and a rlaasllal pro gramme waa piven. A i.iiii- dispii h rerelTed here jrealei-ay announced that tha iteamihlp Empreaa ol Indla bad Ju I ai rived al ? olombo, Ceykm, on h'-r w?) around ih ? world, und lhai st,,- WOnM niniiii IhWe Iwo d:i>s. Edward Shalvey, ward deteetlw attached (o tho Dc lanrey-at. poMre statlon, rompleted thirtj years er rlce "n the foree on Katurday, and a lurge i umbe nl kls friendi met al hii bome, So, I0_ Moi rw I . ln the evening and preeented many token. ol pood-wlll. Among the many floral deslgni was a pollcemau's ihleM henring tba onmbei ol his badge and the datc_ ?? i-.;i i-'.'i.'' The s,.hoolmaateri1 Ansoclatlon ol New York wlll hoM ? meetlug al 10:30 o'clock on isaturd i ,n cotamma College. The Bev. w. R. lireen. dellver a lecture on A Method ol Teai hlng i. gu ige." ( h.ii'l-s Klng, the young thlel who anatched i po<;.. ? IhmiIi contalnlng *1" froin UUm Fannie B. Tallcr. ul Flftheire. and Slnth-at., li-t week, wai arralgned lu i,.'tir-r:il Bcaatoni yealenlay. Klng wld I.t- orciipa ti,,:l wai lhai ..f K bnrber and Ui il lie wa ? ?-? vears oM. Ue pleaded gullty and wai sentenced bj ju ige i Itaget-ld t ? three yeari and two monttu In Lfa i Btate prlaon. rHE M.U'.l'r' l>c ll. MASfi II BB. Tho lateel Parl* paperi at hand give i i verslon ol a lemallonal dinpafch senl by enble saylns thal n whob ^e ui-W re ol mon. women and chlldi. liul bee . ordered bj Ihe Uovern ,r ol Nos i be, u Krencli ?ettlemen1 near Madajuts, u. t* i retallal au iiUenipl t . rebelllon on tl ii,.' I'r.!,ni,.', ln ( on Uie - ' . | Ihe i -a- '?- Wiili li forbade .. I.? ?'. I i Iho ".-- .,i Uie statement. n U know. noa ti, tfl ,,, did : "' - ? nr .it Ul In Ibe French lalnnd ol n,,s-i :;.-, bul li i ?lllage n ol m ? ? ? > i , ?it Noaal-Yey. Tha Hova liovernor >>l Uml dUI lel iini ordered t?? be tortnrrd 100 men wbo h? i pi >i--'-i .iir.niisi tbe despotlc admlnktrntloii; and t1' and ehlldren ol theae untortunate men were r n n.i ,.a<;ed afterward. lt la added ilmt under Ihe pi nl the French lleatdenl at ranauarlve, t!i?> Malagaaij iiati\c governmenl im- called u> aceonnl Ita lorocloui Oovernor ol Noaal \ ay< Hiehest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report bwder NEWS FROM KEW-JERSEY. jr.K'H'.V (ITY. ,,..,.-.. Rremmrr. wharflnger. was reeently nu ?.,!,',- i.v ihe street nnd Water Oommlaalonem. ile had ralled to make a monthU reporl of his r-ecelpts v.~.i^ti'iv lie vv.i- ili-:iil?"d ai.,, for three month*. iea? ""l\ ''-.,_.. , ,,., ., niicii \ Keily, member ol 'he Bonra oi mui.iiioii, , ,-,,,ii,,i ii in- ].!;."'? Breramtr i- a " leveland ? ^"t^VKlaalonen rttnta to say why he wa* dUmiaaed. -ii?. - imUr dlaappearance of ftimuel J in ? , ol >o. 21 rtrkst.tas! raulm mueh annlety o.bla fam ly Mr. .iii'ii,-. who i- elahty live years oM ''.'?;? >" i.u home saturday abou .?n tor a ihorl saUt. II K thSSSit b? hS famlls thal he baa met wlth an a.-iiu.-ii! a:,<! ls ln some boapttal. NEWARK. THB -1 I'l'.KINTKNDKNT \NH HIS BOB* BE8ION. Flre aplnneis InpUeated la the rlatoas dtetarbaaees in (he vletalty of the Clark Thread Woita Mlll Bo. 1 on -iiii'i'v vv.-re srrested and artalgaed before Pailee jnatice Vannse yeaterday. They wara Jaasas Orim abaw, ..f No. .ti H'.fh-t.; Chrletopher Haghes, of Bo. "vn ogden-et.; David Baehanaa. of Ba. 80 Maae-at.: john Garrlgaq, cf Bo. 86 Btoae-st., and Thomai O'BeU, of ll in-i.-.ii. william Healey, of Ba. T8 Ptana-st, 6 itonecntter, was also arreated. 11m aeemed men were held i'i bati tor the Orand .Itiry. Iluislie- mjti lhat he waa ?..i i.i Bewarft Bl tbe ume th" not t-ok plaee .md had no pari In lt. . gnperintendeat Wllllaai Clatfc.ol Mlll Bo. 1. wlth hli two -.ii- William an.l Bobert. lendered Ihelt-re ... ? , the i Urk in.I ' ? ovaat yeslerday. nie .,,.. ,.? Jlnplovw ol the rompanj an.i ire Walmiev. Slne new plnneri were taken te ho .,,;l J i.-leitfay rapertni ndent ilark haa been wlth b. ;-?,p.:.v^.ceii. -.!.'?? l.m.-ut ol the i?.t .......iti^- from sei.iland tor Ihal purpose. lla haeulways been wetlllked bj the emptoyes. BAYONXE. Four earloadi of people were In Immlnant pert on ,:,, central BaUroad bere nt 5SJ7 p. m. Ttatan iy. -, we tb...ii.-i espreee train broke ln iwo roddenly whrn i, .:? Baal hrantj .l-afc II ?? goji : at high ..,,.,, rhe onglnes i iggage-car rnahed ahead. bal '.,,, ,.,.,, .t.?,t Mea Ume 11 ? re?i i f the ."rnpants I i vet uu* dlreitlona, Ai ' _?,- train wa-. r]. behlnd. , drawheadon the i rwand |-i - -? ' ^ ..' -' rMnaon the drodter n.di.i m the KMvon K'\ '. , .. H - ferdaj aftcri ooi . ? ' -, :., ?? .... ^m*- ?? i-v ' "'d ior ' ??? " ,;. . i whSn ha trled lo dia. I , , ' ... Atoat fiawraa. II ' ihirty nlue yeai i?Jd. ^ _ PLAIXFIEIJ). ,- .. n i', pe, i '?'...-?"' oi ''i:i'" ',J- ;''*?,, ?' ,,'ri 'V Harrlaon, ol Jeraey Clty, wera jr< I daj ... ; i d ?...,(. | tmton pendente IHe of the large i I le left bj lob Male rwenty relatl ' ,V1V" , ,es vi.,-. . . A majority ofl.? Uvc In i ? hey have alraadj given notlee ol an I . ., . .; ., depHves them I I ? ..-,. While lyli r ..i '' %r Mai.'!-."1 n WUI ;,.:;.,,., .- .,, m?ny public li old man ^uddei iv explred. A> thi I eo itivei will inatltute proci ,., -.- II ., Ide. I ,i . u Vounr, a well n I i P -' " ?''?'? .1 lying mai -'1 ?! and ??lf~m? ,.,!. |tr> . ,-., . itaUon ,,; th? I'entral BallraaA ul >;, -< i.T-.-v i ? lerdat tfUsrno n ai duak bj i traek-wiUkei wraed SkNamara Ile waa remured to Ihe luhlei ??: 8 lI( .. ? ?i, .? an Immedlale amputatlon ?.i h nghi Hi-m ?-'...-' tound ... be .?'.'v. i?wlna t. levere 0 jariea .i-:,i"i Bhool the bead aad body, bu eon iiitimi i- .ini. ii. . ii Oiaham, st w.-ll-known anhltert nnd renatmi'tlng ens ? <_ _, 'L', ; ".'.^It hl I it CI,,..,' , id where ln- bad llv.-d f..r many yean. Be supervi^cd the iT.'1'ii..ii of u great aaatber uf proouoeai bulldlng! and eountry aeata. -n> - EUZABETH. The large bal work "' ""' 1 M">',r * '"? fnr merly ol Bo. r* Prlnoe-st, Bew Voth, were levled on reatciday bj Bherifl IIIeKs, ... the Inatance of Bew york rwdltoi . tot Judgmenti u^iinKt tbe flnn of Bi.' Tlw worhi wera closed ifitf Vy. x'- k i.i.d mt,,, ?, ,i .,? -,.;i ,:?. Uie Micrlli un Ftiday. Ktaml Bfiy .;:?.:..' glrl - .' U - ? ???>?; '? 1-..,, .,f ihe Judgin. nl sre !?? M b] JBCOb Hlum i .1 Mu vi. v. ., nf Si ? \ Townshlp -'.'-, t.,..- tui.ij place to-day thronghonl I'nlon f.mnty, nnd n n btere I l? Wl ln the rv-'ilt. Tl',,. i;. pubiii vi hnve tr oc h?I* ? l . portl.m ..!??. ' i ' . ? li. Huinmlt, ?? hl. h 1- * H ' i - ??' ;:- '-'?? tbe rlng thal rana tlili OIlAN'iK. BO PROVISIOBfl l"K SI'llOOLS OB HF.WEB8 i ,. . .i in the ... .?..-,-'!?? ? I??? tl over " ;,;.,, . i ,l.,v. The i|p ul u- tlu li i,,! by tl I.. ' i '-i' ?" '" ?'' ' ' ' ' ,.,, to every voter ln tl P "' *w :-'' ind i l ln 1 piall n . , . voted. The pl ii - "I tl. ? ,. .? lation sre more fnlly revcal -i by Ibi ball >t, ? there m ik. j , ?,.! tor .i . . ? w ..iii.. ? .:--?' ;i ni ij ? ' ' would probably h ive lu l.? l and I dl?po?al -lmt np, i i., : ? - , tt t'.- fl :hl t ' d .v will '.- . ' ..? ? ? ??????? Ibe . mdldaU , . ? ? ' mitu ec, und William i ,. ,i ,i... Tbe ? '? tn.f Mr. 1 ? ? Id rc i -" al. li, ti,e - ? mui \v.,..i. ,i. l'.. Knaj ,,. t'i ? n ul i i.,,u . andld ite, r ,i uppuai-d lo I :., .. .,ii, i .i i ; iib ? ? ? ? ???! , ,!,?..,:?. looked l .r. The '? ei.llre I h|p will, :????-.?:-. l. .'".'? '."'?-?' "' "' ""? ?' ?*? -'.'? I- elei-ted by Ibe whole . .??? i liip. l'.'i? ird Mi-ek i i-, ii.,. , ii ,i..i itu ,,t .!:.? .. .' and i,' i .i :i. ti ]..,,;: ., i man, wli k i . . I L. Ih dd, llie n rnl ir ln i.,\ ,i- i,t ii,- ? I- ' -i- i-,',,i . ii. ,i ihe fe ?! the townshlp i- m..,...,' ii,.u he ? ll wln bv s .. .i ... i nHiy. Iliiiiillioii w'.illi . preaidenl ,,[ tlie Ka?( Urnnge l*ro t... i,,.,. \ iM-latlou, v.ili'- ... r. 1. buiic lo ,i\ ,... , ,, i. ,1, .ii iii.- ii o . ? re dl trll ited i ,,,!,; [,. -? ibie. li" ,'i'. I '?'? ? '?' ..i.n ? '???? i ?,? ,1 i .? :, iH.,1 || ? ln d '? Itll il,-?>.. ? irilld I. . ,,;... hei "1 th i" were dUtrib ited la I , ,,|. afti. Ui ? wer. prli led, .n.v one nmbl ii..v I, ,,. i,m v h , ., ...,i: f,,. it. Mmij rn il,-- .,?,??!.. ,t ,,i ii iii.'ii, have i-.-n in i.i-- in piil.ll.. in -etiu. ni Ka-i nraiigc Ior uiwitlM pa . aiid havo nev. ,lir . ?fllllV .1".ll." lu i trauifc the pro pei ? tor .i - ll limtlal R< piibliciin p,jn ,,, |, .. i tl ? I'uani'll ?.?"! Ihe Sehool ,1 .,. ? ! pre , -it < ... .1 ' ? .: I ? :? IU I I I., ,-leven li mo. i h1 -. ..u.i Ihe llidintl tia ,i?. ,??,,. i ... i.iil tvlU le- i ????. Ij "I'.i,. dlvlded, altli -i 1,,,. , blltl ? ..I .1 I-. I1 'I'l ?.'" " ? . I ... . I.I lt.', I ? IVunl Ihe ' !?? '- II '' ?' M irtln litniiiii ilH'in.i 1 pi I :? Iii llie - \, a ,| the i;.|.i.i.i. will ui ,: ?:?'? dlj ? Ic i I ni/ -. , nn ii ,i| i ? . ii I) .'Re VV. tw . or. in tb tt .il um l*arhh. i.iri I;..,- ii Ilunter, Hi ? I" publle i , unine ?-. imym lu I,.- elei ?: ,,, \\-( ; i ii ing" lh? ' tlll I .1 '':"'': """ ''"lc| I'"''1 i ? -:?' ? .ne uf .i.i.l i ,||,j. , ??, .- I..,- linpi>,\eine'il. i lieic . ? or ?cvi.... ' ' ?''? .1 CW.VT1 I Pl ITI B ii'/; " A SM U.I. >"''/.. Viirf-ens" Firrat-ll-t I i "ili '? r ?.| roui lerfrlt [ ide rbnu .,_?,. i i. 11 i lru>. ?. aould ?, ,!>,. hla more wiibltl m breiliren In ihal i , ,.,,,,. |,|U | II" wa ? an ???'"! .... -Hl 'I 0 1,. polli 'man Klenian for pa l?m i'i ipp. ii ' ? ' t! Xo. .1 Ludlos t. lt , ..';...: . .? w i.t i i i ! i .-. numbei ul little II ier, Ludl >w .. ? U< I! ?' nnd ;---r- t . '. : ..,!.,, i,. ||c puid i ' ?.??-. i ?? -,\ Ing ii... , liaiu ? ln ?? "i ' ? n ti ?' .. half ? i , i ii. I ?,. ??. ? ? '? ? | |, r- ?:? . ' i ????'?? i. :? ? '; :' bli . BI.V'K IHE.6M B*l.?l mmrwei, "'r-"^ ApplM .. .- Ni -I'.'- U yul klv Ab Wc^XarV1' ih*. II, i. roi li i. ...... >...' II. ',';i lil; Kelh v, > i old ln II. ad and II* td ,, i e, ?', ?<. .ii Drugglata. ELY liU".>., '^- VVarran st-. B. \. *! V SCe FOR TIIE VNIVEBS1TT BXTEB8I0N. BTEAKEM AND BUBJECTS AT THK MASS MKI'.T IMOia CinCKERIXO BALL TO-MOBBOW i;vi Nl nl -WOBB OF Tlir. OROAXIZATIOM. a ma i-meetlng to promota *he Dnlver?lty and Behool wlll i.c held ta Chlekering Hall to ? evening nl - o?rlnfk. Jamea W. Ai-xander. nresldent ol the Princeton Alnmnl Aaaoeiation efBew | York, wiu prealde. Preatdenl Tlmothy Dwlght. "f Yale Unlverdty, wM make aa addreaa on "i'ni-| rerslty Bxtenaten"; ftwildenl Pattan, ol Prinoeton, wlU ipeak on "Tlie ro-operatton of Bchalara," and Caann re> M. Depew wfll tatk aboul "The Co-aperatlon <i? ih-" Pieetdenl Batk Uar, of Cotambla, wlll His,, ipeak, and uill maka the annonncements ol tha lecture and lesaon raersei thal have been arranft*. Tka aim ..I thli organliatlon ,- to untte tln* leadini; onlventty men In an effort to reach i.v lyitematlc uv -trintion ln short eonraaa ol leawni and leetauee tho adnlt popul.itIon ef the ennntry who muy d.siro lo a*id to their edaeatlon ta tha Una ef co!le_;:atfl studv. The ro-operatloa ef the preeMenta and peofeaaoii of Yale. Princeton and Cotambla and ..f Um piolaaaan ol llar? vard has been enltsted. Tho ra-operatlofl of the preal d^nts of (on rii CaivenUy, tke CeUaga of tke Cltj _d ?few-York, and "f Ihe UnleerBttlea af Unrhc-t.-r, Byra ,t\-e. Kamttton and Vaeaar aad a anmaer of otbea collcfce*. baa alao been promlsed. Tha Matropotltan Mn -iini ',f Art. cintni'ta CoUego. tha Coopar Inntltule, thr- College ..f tbe (Ity nf Sew Yort .md tha Prutl In utttute, Brooklyn, havo opened thelr doors to the put, II, f,i;. the I'Uii" ei ,'f t'i" Bxtenilon. Twenty stmri ,'.,?? ,-. ,f I'nlverslty Exte,n Ion leclnrei wlll t.e an i hv i'r,- Idenl l_ow, who will name the general aubjerta and ii"* teetnrered, and wlll gtva tho place* ? . ,-. ,,t whll h th" 1', itires wlU tn- rt-.ivered. Tho ?,.:;, v.iu begtn In tbe thlrd week ol Mareh la Ce lombta College and the other placea whl b have been naiiicd. To-morrow evealng*a meetlng li the dlreet al i ??? ronferencea beM al the home ol Chauncey M. Da January and Pebruary, al both "f whleh tha , n ,., . ,, v .' . p| , and i olumbla, wlth Mr. \trr,A\\- and "" ??: i were present. Xhe fee? whli ii the i nlvei Ity Bxtraalna Btndenta %v:ii h ive t-, p.iv are nomlnal. A regUtratlan fae ol il entltle- a membei I.bolce ol any canrse of 1- turei ?r i-.-o-is given between thia time and Ort-bcr, 1*02: md ii regWratloo fee ol 13 entltlea a member to lull ... i,.< (,?-. and l- oi - alven under the .,,,.-,1,. . ol t'." Seu Vork Board ol Directora. Int< d i t- nnd ;,il de Irousol fnrther Inforoiotion i '''vV ..Vs7 Klchfv . .... \l ,-r'., ?% I I'l-. SO. 1-1 ?? si i' v ,....,...-,?', r.Btewart, \\ <>. Ik>i No. ii'-, Brooklyn, >. i. ? - ? CLO8IX0 DAY9 01 TBK BIO OBCBTD 8ROW. The wel weather ye*terday had the effecl ot a the attendance al Ihe orchld dion al Madlaon Square ,,,-,1,-1 ..imewhal smaller lhan r.n previotw dayi. bn! . a . | and all who i nne wew . ,.,.,| An entlre renovatlon ol Ihe exhll II a ' ? ,!., v lerday, ., ? un ber of van load. ol new pUnU arrtvlng. wid all tl. that had ufferod Irom ea ,.?s?:e belng '.'? '? * ??*?*? Ttth I U?ln ul water planH hai been added In the [falafl . - '?::... 11 U expected thal the iwi dtaf , . , rivale exhlblton wlll begln today. '...,,. ,. I,,- daome peclmeni nl malden hatr fen wei, added to the exhlblt yeiterdny. noon and evening t-oovi ,f ri'-'-, vi'ilel-, Ull ,. ni .1., i-s -j.r,i other Bowera wlll ba w*,n '?> i;;:^1 ;:;.'' \V-n"V'i;;vrth......d.o._-P*..' ,.? ,,( .r.hi't- wiii ho given away. rhe meaacen ;',.,,,,?? i. evening* ol theae i--t twe dari i',',''?rVw' _i n..,.niiKht eBact upon tha tatarloe of the (iard'ti. _ +_ BOXOBIXG THi: MEMOBT OFBECBRTABTWtMBWM A leader ol ihe movameat among tlie paraaoal Mena- ol seewtary Wtadom ** nmBt m_8 ???????>" u, ma famllv ,'f ti.e high eateem la whleh be waa heM b, tbem and af thelr appteelallan uf Ua pubUc Bareloai niakea the followlng atatcmenl: -N,. publlc or general appeal haa baaa made dot a-iii be made In Ui? matter. ThU would hava heefi , ,.,, i . nnr lln uahta a- it wcild lms-.? toen oi t. Zl '.? . l''.-',."tlv Thi .!?? .nt,. co.itomp.a..'1 ', ,,.v ? .1 ,i.i II l- probable that it wlll bo ,:;..'4."--: ?-.I.." resldenie al Waahlniton U'U.e lal delermlne t-i make that .it ibelr ka__e, tboughl t" be their lutentloii. ___-?? IHK METBODtBft WOMkVri MOYBMBXT. The tirst mlnlatertal vote on th'* queatlon of ad ? ?," ? , delegate to the Oeneral Conference , , . M... ,, | Bplsropul Chnrch was taken . ,. | %mmon conference laal Prlday and .... | u.l vote rast, i-i. iga -' the ... ,,,, (,,r the rhaiige, W; n ajorltj agi ,,., (ireal rflorl had i.n made lo produee i || v.,.u'.i-p:"l i>"',' .... ,',?... ,,,, that "-"'. i ird< had b?en -?:?' all over t?>wn InvlUng all the ludtca l ,.,.. fomal. frlends t.. the - Ion on l rldav. nnd on th,, dav, i 1-..1 t-i""'1 '??"? -";i "'" :"Hl" '?""?"V'*IV ,. ,.upled and even Ihe al h wera throi ged. io ... .,-...-.',?. ur out. The larga ma . pn.iAi.ij B5 por cenl of Ihe vlsltors. wer* ,, | ti-elntn "'v "?""1,<'11 ... ;, the r'II .all pr...-t" ?-1 ?'.i l?w much . t^.i they weia In wlml wai goli I on-" , .. ,?-, |? the Plilladelphla fonferam-e wai taken . . ?.,!? i'.,t.i! v.ue, ?:!-:.. ,.?. ..:,.,.',?, lv?; for the rhai :??- "*? nmjorlly i Mi rmrl and Kui " "'? '? ' " '??? ?'''' now '" ' ,V.'...,,..' ' -','-' i.':,;::1,:.,,'" ! ?-""?? t , i?,u iii" uiiiili t- :? ? land on tbe uue ?- ottn ns ro nr.t.v tbemsei.yes. The ?'ii'.n AU i" Bmploymei I Un ?<" i;'' ?"' . .i ,.|..:. Ihlrd y<.f i?- arork Wnee Iti or , tiitlun ... iictober, I w. II hna i ??-*?> Ml? i ,i ui nearlj i\ ihousand IrnggUng mi rlal*. n l,.,. mied placea ol almosl every ktad and gtnde, .,!,,! ;,i n been prtvlleaed lo afford mm h needed as ', ,;. ,,, the bomeleas, the Rlck. Ihe belpleai and to ,,,,.. physlrally or mentally Inrapable -f carlng br ,]?.?, oi-,-. pwnllar iici-<-iii"- 'Ho noi .m to ,?. nnder the provltlona -f other charltoble organl riio work la dealgned lo be lell-aupporttag, ,'.,, i,i,,. ,,,.,.I- .ippeal .,, the pnblic fnr Bnanclal , ,i bul durtna three month* ol Ihe year wbaa Ita ,,',??. , tii.ll the deinand for "ChMatlan bM," ll ; unnlii s-eiu. ls greater than wiy other maaon. \ deflrlency In Iti tiwuari mu I .- -Tih oceur an ,, ,,,,, b) name iperlal provWon. iv this piii'i".-'- it ls proiKKwd t.. ralae b small ,..,.,.,.,?,,,-, fnnd, i" be (inivMi upon only during Ihe ':,? ttimed and added to Irom the n rnlar ln ,,,.,?. during H"' wrge P ?rtlon of tho .-ear. This , ,,?.,! i, md nul) tii- lii-t. I'ut ?:ll '"? ih- laat, 11 ] ' .,,,, tfi ; the fund i- - -ii- 'i ? whleh faet, added , . , [he ..'?!??? ?nd i -? mall wnounl ' , ,: ,,..) .M.i,.''i'. uuglil t.mnei'! I. tu the !, , ' '..?,.,,,... ,,( .,11 nl :.iv in .yuinathJ wUh Us oh \, I-'.,.ii,i: .- io kn.ii ui re of ihe work .? do ? ,.. ,., ,|,i, ? ... ? it un nal "i.t. Ontrlliutlotis, .'',,.',,. .,,, ,;i um i- tha kliillj rcrelveit. and may J '? ,.,?.',?. ,i:.i, - ed ... tha ofllce ol the ,,. iiiv, .. .. .'?" UU 1" llonae. MARINE IXTELLIGhftCE. MINIATi BE Al.MAS'AC. BanrlaeaSia Beia?M M ??? irt? ?( '? '-"?.'". Maee'aagaOT il.i.ll U 11 l.l. i v__?andy Haak. 711 Hor IsUad 1 11 llal'.Oita 0'.''. } ' ,/Is';?!j[liMI ', .'. '.'(.-...I I 18 , ll?....-I. ll'.l IXCOBIXO STRABl ro-OAT, m."..i .si Kui*.;;?;'-?.'*"?;'"?.. \\ m niialD.... : ?' -s .i.iimii . . ?. .Iliampton M .r -- ... '- " ? ' ':,i,-ihi,i,?.i. I ". '?".l lilOB' >'' ? . ,' ita;i .. " .N?i ?; .* s ", i.t:, -1.1.1 ? . ? ,Iaa i ?' ' ' * . I:'"1 '' H 1 isi s,. v r, ?*.:, II 1 I ir,,?].ii,l. . Aniwcri,. ruhtln. ll-.t s', V_,.'1..-ii . .H..1-,,,!..n, I'l.'.'A .>'tH Ani-r bat*toga.".............liavaaa.Mai 7..n X __ Caaa OUTOOtBO STBANBBt to-dav veessl VetteL Ltne. For MB?B6l8SB ?tA^ Haaaaa. apaaTraaa. Prograas.?0 ami WKD.SKHIUV. MAUCH IL Teiiteuie. Whlte Star. Liveroo.,1. A a m ***** (-,.,,.triiii-ano. Hu....... Mver_.,...l. ; ? 2 ', Tjihn KOLlnvd, Hrwinen .i.ioam . ?'?" Bedsur Autwi.r,.. * am 8 a . >-,wp?... P.?'.n, Mi?,..-?l...i.18 a ?* ? KlaearB, NV4-i'ui..i. Bavaaa. * tm * taa TII fU**!! 11'. MAR.'ll 1-. 8tnt<- of I'enn'a. State, ftlaajtow. W *? v. ..? io.!. Hamb-Amer. Hamanrg. 1..,., '" Bantlaao. X V * Cut*. Xaaaaa. } v? - -.-.'j.1 >m Triuidad,Qnabee, Bermuoa..... 1 i"n ?????? SBIPPIXQ NBW8 PORTOFXEWVOKK.M0MDAY, MAHCH ?. 1891 AUIUVED na?ll 811181 (Br;. DattOB, I.lvrpool Fetl 26, wltb mil.ia Meanier Oraciia f Rrl. .Mifrev-. Liwpool Feb 2'.' wlth mAno au.l paaaeagen to P vv J Burat, arrlved al tbe Bar at 8..10 '"bteainer lienley diri. v _.:.!? r. Cirdeaee Fsb 8*Uomame Mar'i. witb sagar to Kld Im A < os r.--.,i u. Kunc... Mjn <fc fn Arrived at the Bar al 10 am. SwaroecAndaaiHr . Kvani Port Peb88. with mdae on,I paaa.-i.i*. t-i.oChriatall. Arrivad al th" Baral *.*.? P "',. am. i GarMa Bay I Br). Trecart.Vn. Meeslna Feh .V Olira l;: otbralurl6.wltbmdaet-.ordw reeaelta mnch. K.ty?-t i ,. Arrived at tbe Bar at 10.30 um. . ,, Btouner Barlaw iHrl, Farqohar. Ralltex, 8?i daya. wltb ?.,|?. to nnler tpim! to A I'. ' iiitirbriilife A , <,, "'m-',,;TtorM.m B?. Miller, Pronreao Mar l. wtta bema to.nder; \...... I to Lotdd auattn. Arrtvedai tha Baral mui D1i:il',i.,.-i-ii.i:,..s(N..r). Ktedv.g. BarscasMajrs, wlth frult te H numoiaO ro. Arnredattbe Barat0.80am. stea.,,,., Raldemere fglealaa (Spani, tmyoaeUHmraaexet 2. a-iihmuaeandpaaaengertoJ MOiualloaA Oa 'staamer Oity* of'Anguata, CBtharlna, bavaunaii 2vi daji. wlthmdaeaad paaaeugarsto ft LWalker. BUN8BT vvi.i.i at BaiMtr Baab. UghS, BBl tnlclc foa aml ^STtuStP Ialaml-stronn. BEj ramiai? aurt thlclt off abore. CI.EAHED. Meamerlndla (Br?. Jamleviri. Ited BwUMsadSrSM IM BtaanerBt Murnoclt (iir . rrai*. .vntwerp-l'oter wnght Btemner Yamaaiee, Kobinvm. Cliarlnnton aml Jackson?illa Wiu PClyds-hOe rw-V" v.-.i-i'if aayklBdhaa beea rmortivl a? lailing U rta'; rtanbtleaa ,,n aeeoaat of tne fOg.wBMh haa prevailed ii, tt <.f tba dsy. IUE MOVK.MI.NTS OF STEAMEKS. FOBEIUN 1'OIU'S. Lnraaroot. Mar s- salled. ataaa_iar Caaada. lar New-York. gmrvKTows. Mar 8?Malle.l. iteamer (ity nf Bew Vorl., Mr ' KOl*THAMPTOa. Mar K -Airiveil, sre.iii.^r Werrn. from New xtars ReilMtataaasar Bider. ler Baw.TorB. Movii i.i-. M ii 8 Bai ed,ataamer Btate ol Oeorgia, for New IIaVhe. Mar 7 -Arrived, Stsa?erta Bri-Uu-ne. from Now. AM-rKKiiau. Mir 7-Salleit. IflBIBT Bottenlam (Dtch), for -New-Vork. Anno-.n.-em?'riM. A. BOZOOOBT, the 1,'i'lies' pri'le, <> Blr rlvali II U, rlde / ? j .>.- ' r :'" i'i r-H en alr, ?, ?', t i-au < 1, Oli ? :- ' 'I '" ' '?' ' -'? O ,, , 'fi -;.| Iti | - Jhey ? ? ' :r BOZODOKT. Brown'R Camphorated Sapoaaeeoua Dentifriee ue b-' ' "i. p'.vr.iei :.: tbe WQrld for preaervlBfl th* U. "Bsfreablng md d. I wa." 25 cenu a boit.?. Bebbt a. Danii ls. M. d..' 90 WEST -''. II-ST. Mseaass st ths B . ?*rT OrBsas, ,,...i st. rlllti II . 8 to 1, 8 te !>? In poten Tl.e "Jcxior" ls tha besl Oyster Blsfuit ln ? he world and the dellghl f ' ??? - md rtrli. n,--.-. W ? : ,1 il ' .I ' ' '' ? $7.50. In order to advertise our name we will sell 20,000 gentlemen's Spring Overcoats, in all the new fashionable shades. Silk Sleeve Linings, Silk Faced. Truly Magnificent Garments. YOUR CHOICE $7.50. MACK & CO., 461 to 467 Broadway. cor. Grand St. LACE8 AND B3IBROIDBRIES. We siiail place on huIc, this week, a cholce stoek, our own Importu tion, conHlntiiiK of Block Laces, Chuntilly, Marquise# Hand-Kun SpaiiiMh, Montiila and Spanluli Giiipure Flounces, withtrlniuiing Iucpm, in nll widthrt, to match. Black Mllv Drapen N'ett?, 1<> nnd 48 Inchea ivfde. ln New D?' .sinus :txi<I Fiirnres. Point flnu?e, Valenclennea antl DnchcsHC l.arrs, Flounccn, lland kcrchicfM nnd llridal I'oila. Black Tlirensl Lacea ttiisl Plonn cen. Torclion, Medlei, C 111113 . Point de Gene nnd Normamlj ^ >t Lacef aii<l IiwertioiiH. ln our Embniiticry Departmenl will be found the lai?>>t N'oveltien in Flounce?, wliit<\ black and combination color?. Ilamburg KdfringB, hi?ertion and all over Kmbroiderj. jAMi:s McCREERY ft (<>.. Broadway and lliii st. Ki<;i \Mf < AKl'I'Ds to nt ali???t an: . ?'* ' :" ? ''" !" v w "i;"' |,!' MATTINCS. Our i- ? ttl ,,:..?..,: 1 . i- ? ,,,, I'xhll it ,1, .1. MatUi ' lt ,' .: ita<1 -,,:?. fan. f |*tU -l i.i. i'. ;{ i:<ii.l i'l ?<> ? IHO*. 8HEPPARD KNAPP & CO., i.i.ii'. 11 l ,,,.,' ,.-T . Im. tV? ?.IM'H-IVK. l.TI'H t^:> IIIII -1'" THE GREAT CQNQUEROR OF PAiM. Th o..:. Br .. mll ,,.. .. Inii intlj " ' ? ? ? .1 'i :? ie ; -? - . :n ?. k. il ....... ? ?? ; ir l?o*iU. RI1KI H.ITIHII. "ll -? IMII \. ."uBiba/bj , ' ' ' 1, ' . ; ii.jr.. 1 1.1 ?* <? ''. ??'. aud .?... ^> ? I'rl. .- > . |..i t.oitlr. h.I.i i.> liracdais. \. 11. hlMi m 10. I.....I...U tint-ri.-i... < lullii.-i*. Ileaen sad lleuUcn el Haabionable, V per-ritl s| Ulath. u.,- Iai m 1. it.-i- snd Chlldi ? al Hapolai frlesa, Ben \M? iM intotoivw. SPECIAL UIENTION a8veifla<>inenl? adotllled Ima ihr-ar ??!??? ?r^ rr.?,i,ui-n.|r,l io ihe rmlrri ?r TIIK TKIB IIM. na Ihor-u.hlf rrliablf. anl hwataaaa 8881 h" .Unr br uaail willi Ike a_rrrn,ori wilh B#.rJl iiafely. P ,,-w I). la T*(I\V[V<* HF.AI.TII B.XBBCIHkB. i -r Brnii. I . kara u* i ? -.l-iit.. ry . " !?? i.i.i-n. I..i ? - ti - ,r nvili.!_. _ - ~-K*5__ -\."ni.'-"t (TltAIiBMAKK.) -(...llaaiUIl. Takea _p but 0 la. rqiiaro coor roo.'. . oew. c d 'i r a :. 1 a on pr-.n nelvv. rhcan. Ir.ilors .i by SO.oi o psy-'c an-. .-.vycrs. i .eruv li-n ed tor- anl OtfceM BOW tt. Kead .'?r !..:-? tint-.i eueular, io eomy. I,,:. no hara... I'nf D I. Powi. BeientlBe I'l ya oal * Voral ('ulture 9 Ea?? ich %t., N, w-VurK._ iert'sl IDres. Liiipl BEST IN IHE WORLD. ist Our HaawaaSelrage CARRIAGES. I.Hrge.t A-.onuiriit, 11,-1 81) le? un.l ?i I'ricea JOHN IWOOBE. 83, .17 iV M \\ urcn-il also II.iriien At Horaa ( ntntTBBfl aoainst I'ism oft t>*m. aoc, aBiauta from |H|pfii,i lloilrr i:<i,!,,,iini TO I'ltOl'K.RTY S\*lll.[|"| I _0 liru.iii v. a v, ?w Yark JCCOUNT il BOOKS .Tlade lo Order aad llul. d lo aay Pallei__ LEAGH, 86 RatHHMta E( ilii.r. - : i.i: M?r ..M.I Catalosue Kl HH'l. nl(. ('(!.. ?7 Kr ?, MaMt.. IIO- r ON iu: iv, ii i",' (.K: ii- wi re --?., NXW-VuRK Croiich J Reliahie Trunks and Bags. _^_ffls_k Wm ltCorllnirl.-r. -"-.rJdtV _? ? ?>(> Ilioatli-ur. S. -'. T?r?ro*r.t<?il -V I l~?r.1Ti MAGIC LA.NTERNS. mi ti? ?m ? K ii. J.B. COLT&CO. -'at.ur.MM aad ITa'Pea 1 1, II.--I. niilii-*!.. Merwin.Holfert&Co. HIM ia ? ?p I u?-r_..-t nl ? ts < '? ? ? a V ayptii .it.oa s mztR NH co., Itltll IIUVAV, N. Y MW8MBS4?ai_, Y Y. BRADLEY WAGONS ^-^?n_^_-.c^_B^:_ iL QS^_^2\x ^-i<_: _< aji^-'-Sc J^? "niNDV l\i?-ni, _ irr r% n rl ''. 1?. Wi, elara, Po: w Carta, Eoii! Cartt, . Our wo ruixe. A s; . . NATTHAI. 8TOOD PTWZ8R. ?Ill * 1??. I'-: .S <n'''"\T 14 Warren *street. S l.l!) COMFOBT. MAItiv- ftTAM-l ( 1IAIK ? ? . ? "' i" ?'?? 1 LEGQ'T BRSS' l'li 1.1 I'l - PBOOKKTOBI IN TII.: UUKI.D. lllllLUi! ? lvh _*._. l..i rari '? ? ?'?'-? ? - I my 1. I ' ?' I H.i; \T ItMl"*.. Ml II IMBBK* -TKKST, ?vivt.'Ui v -.?' ity ll__l-_-_ .Now - \ oi K. ;. 8 !?? ??* Hl ? ? :.?:?"' ". i',:,' > CHA1K "'. . :io i; -, ..'..,-. N. 1 ? i ? i ieod M iBlCKWHCAT Br.e_*OI'Ja Everythin.i i-i tiis Music Iin9. SHEET MUSIC. MUS1C BOOKS, INSTRUMENTS. tri." ?*''utaan'l'*"*'"!*""" :r >\ ?.BITHOII v_ CO.. noitia. (. II. IMT-.ON' vfc COL tui SBOAllWAt, H ?^ 11 Cleanfast" BLACK STOCKINRS. National Muci'age.'SUNBAY mm ,6T0 24PACES. t Marllasa th.n ..ill ?i*e | aatlafaetlaa rn-r? lime, ., ,-. enertna!lw"'rr?*''.y>r:i!:?iH Ukl ' it ?.',.,,: st, '":"?-? t.,yW,,i?iTatfi:yola-atea_a . i i: ike ao other. , vUls0la--_ _BgB_a___aa_lfa8B_ 5 Cents a Copy. L_._-__illi-.i_Ss! IIAXI I'uri'BBBB, diam _kaaambBaam raa ? rliliUK1 TRIBUNE ALMANAG 1891. Second Editjon now Ready REVISED. 25 CENTS A COPY. ti... iwtA'-TLV^ ESSS -,r.j- * _rh; SSTJ-ST! Ifikerc !? ?n|>" wlde ntiil B-Mff*! -t'lii^1'''"" nad Niiciai ?-8ia-M?? . . ,j (W.inoawa....k..i..J*l?iJS! lol |?oli:?c;il an:l ???????? _fl?2 .r.amU.ll- ?t ?? ^"^^11 IH ThC TriJMiiie AlMMMM !?? ?" THS TRIBUNBa