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A REPLY BY MR LODGE. RESENTIKG MR GOODHfcH-S STATKMENTK WUV THB 0OMTEBT1 D ELECTIOM CASF. FROM tiik nn Fi.oi'.int D1BTR1CT was not XAMBM OP IM TMB CLO^INCi MOVRI Of TMB LAST 0OMOM1 Bd ,BT -ITI.tC.KAlH IO Tlll THIItLNL.3 WMblagbal Mareh > - RepreaantaUv Lod?-e. of HMsachaaetts, wM has been eriUcIsed, with oth-r BaanhBtrir- bf Mr. Ooodrtch, of Plortde, lor opposlng aetton on two iddltlonal electlon eases uoMrith ?galasl Ballae* bM MeUinnla igaliwl Anderaon -during Ibe etoatog houra ol IM laal ae tl m of Congreas, re ? ... inpaUtloa of ba.i f.ntb i>n? upon bim bv Mr. Oeedrich, la aa taterrtow to Tbe TrtMae of Bandar. Md atataa fraakly aad fnrclbly Mm reaaona which bepelled bla lo v,.t- againat IM eonstderatton ot tbeae i two eaaaa aa Moaday laat To bav- ealled ap Iheae two eoatesta, Mr. Lodge Iblahe, woaM have led ln eviuMv lo the defeat aoi only of IM Oopyrlghl i.m, tlie BaprBBBt Oeari MU and Um Poatal Snbaldy Mll'. but of two oi- three ol IM regalar approprtaUon bllls; and woaM tbaa Mve eatalled a ealled aeaalon sgtM LlM Cbngreaa Wlth tbeae r. naeqaei cea plalnlj m siuht. Mr. Lodge aM many otber RepaMl aaa ? luctantly argsd IM BMadonmaal af IM ta i reaialnlng Moettoa easea Tbey wera faUy In tympatby wlth tM Mwtestaats, aad weaM Met Mlpei Ibem ebeerfally 10 ?f*us in IM Henaa ander aay otber elrcaiaataiMes. ; riltiBlIng oa the sit..i.'.i?n whleh made oeeeaaarj the aide-traeklng of the OoMrtcb-BalbMh and MeGlanls Andcr.-on eoatests, Mr. Lodge said t.. day: ?-I noti.e la The Tritane ol ftaaday an Interview wltb Mr. Ooodrteh, od Floride, ln whleh was innde t?> bm aad mv act.on in regard to IM attempt to eall np his ele-tion eaae in tM elostog daya ..f the la-t se-slon. I Wteb, in th- li st plve, to aav that ll.e BBBtaaaeM that i made any Wade er arranfemenl with aaybody la idgard la the matter ls aMolotely fal-o. I have n.v-r niii.le any sw h trnd-s or Bl rangt-iueits in refBid lo aa] pabBc meaaare, and d,d not ln tlila Inataaee. WbM l foemd <h''t there wpa an Intenttoe of eaUtag ?i? twe electlon easea to IM vcrv la^t Mon of the BBaaton, i atoted opealy that I thou?ht it wa-. aatreaMly anwlse to atterapl it nnd that i ahoadd v..te agaliud tahtag tbem op. Thli ??iiii,.'i was sh'ired by BMabera af IM Electloai Oom mltv-e. and by a larpe r.umber of Brpabllcens. My mamaaaa ereae akaapta aaa api>-ar to aae aaw, ?* they did then. eatiiely eoneleslvo. ln tM Uh Congress I leaMad tahtag ap IM eaae af Balttvan againsl PbMaa in th- etoalag boara of IM aeastoa, on the grmind that lt wa, ut.-rly BBflttlag to attempl to eenslder an eie.-tien ra?- at su. h a Ume. i ?M ""' ?mm in regard le theae eaaea ln thls Ceogress. Both thP ra*.e of Mr. Ooedrieh nnd that of Mr. McGlnnia oagbt to ii?ve heM tiiu-n ap aad pessad npon earty ln the sesaion. and It waa BO doubt an liiju-tice an.l bardfbip ta them that thls wa* not dOM! Ml tbat fa.t doea not alter ln IM Maal iho gBwUnn as to tohing IMm ap in |M BM hours of a Coapees. This proceedlflg ia frequwitlv attempted. lt is om ol IM many bM Maetteea wbicb Mve erept m in deallng wlth electioti ui-c*. ir. addltloa lo Uda geoeral obJecUon, tMre were otiier and speela] reaaem -ven more eonelustve. if th- atteeapl to taM np IMae electlon easea bM beea ?oultted la IM Demeerata wenM have reslsted to tM itmost a~ we had done m tM preeedlng Coogress ta Iha eaae of BulBvai againsl Pelton, nnd nothlng ebe woaM ..av,- mm deae. Wa ihaoM have tucceeded poaMbly m g.vmg Mr. Ooodrtch aad Mr. McGlnnls ti.-ii- rlght t.. draw glO.000 emh from ihe Treasury wlthout havmg their eaare properly ceosldered aM pMBCd upou; and that is all that could have been BC cempllsbed. - py tlie attempt. Mwerer, we WOBM have sa-r! tard th- r.-tol febatdy bili. Um bill f.-r the reUef of Snpm ! ?rt. th? blll for to*??to^t?ftM c-i-eat measurea and many other* of lee* i.aj".u ? y unl to 'uve r..r.-.'d .mon the country an eatra sesMon ? ^-.fivtiio sahe of theae electtop caaea wouM hive b^" t!i m> eyvs end m tb- ..ptalM Ol B greal ^^rii^^^^'arTii'-'iin-'t'nt^ch a ????. w?,fl C?Mee?a?Mrg UsE ' W'***^^ b?t o?e .MM to taM ... rraarZ ,.^U - matter^ I *v SStTra&aSi aM ^UhtM Seeompltahment A & tM stood with me waa BbBOiateq rlitUt. -? - THE OULF 0OA8T DR\-DOCK. THE COMMISSION FAVORS A SITE AT ALGIERS. LA. WaabtaitaM, Marrh O.-The report of the commif rion appointed to eeleei a atte for a diy^etdi oa t.h watera of IM OaM of Meako waa amde pobUe loday. Tho eommlasloa eanslaled of Oaptota Bance, I .8. >., Cotooal OoaMtoeb. Corps of Englneers. V. B. A.. BU n-v Perham, of Malne; DaeM T. Uttter, of IBInols, tM i.i--..t,Mi?.t k. m. Brown, r. 8. ?. 'J'he report states that an exhanstive MBmlnaMsai was maHe or tho Ciulf Coast and wiib-re and of the eemmerclal routos, the BBtler exwnlnatton beinp made Meeasary by the reiiiurenient tliat due regai-d should be bad |0 oommeralal and r.r.val nit-nsU. It mm tcmM that the eentre af IM commerclal Inleresta of the nulf lay Mtweea Hm Tartngaa ajid Key Weat Naval ta iBeeala reqalred Ihal IM fl-ei ebarged witb ihe pw? torUoa "f Um GoM should be placed *>t m te eearee IM eeaaaMietal rootes aad aj.].:-.-.-. bes, ai,.i each a poaition aat the Um from Key Weal lo Tortape. A-. its extremltles an Bre barbon taaposslbM to hlarMii exeead arlth greatty soperioe tone. To MM t.ii-h a base has been for yoars aM i- now tho policy of IM Nnvv Departmeot. 'ihe primary reqnl ?Um lor the doeh wme: A clear rhaaael I > IM aea ,: ., ,,t twenty-sla f?t deep, stabUlty of fcanMailon to sapporl i UM of i.'.'??<? tooa, aM i- ? a dlatai - "f twelre mllea 6> by an taknrenlng elevation of IM gfeaM from gnn-flre f.-om t'.- tee, Otber th'- c~ belng ciual, proxlmlty to tlie centi>- of eoaamen bl aM naval interest woaM dctermlne tho best locatloa for th- dock. Um poiats vMted by tM eommlaaloa w-orc Key \ve>t. Tampa, Penaacola, MobUe, Port Bads, Sew Orleaas, Qalvesloa and Aieusas Pasa. Twtogaa K.y- a'd K.-y R'eel were foaM ." be too eloae to ths sea aM expesed lo ti?.- lire of aa eoemy. Ai Tampa, MobUe a:.a I'.- isse..'.A. th- eManels were t >o ahollow, bj w-as the ra*e with Bearij all of Um otber placea v1^iled, aad IM eommlasloa says Ihal Um ?I of the Ml??i--.pi i aflords IM only Btriraaee tweatj da ft-et d-ep lo :. InirlM.r 1 u ? ' 0Bgfl from the, sca t > U mtte trom gon-fire. Oa Um sMrea ol the rteer Mm feiaaary requlaites for a tlte ara tonnd. TM oi me rlver oa IM AlgMra aMe from the BoatMni Paciflc BailroM leitj dowaward 8,000 or 3,000 feel ia also clear aM etoan, a:.,i ba^ reowtaed so for years, aai here Is Um naval reservattoa of whleh in- MlakUslppi River (Vmimt-jalon says tbe bank at Algiers i- |. ruiani at and will donbUeat renialo s., (or r.fiv yeara oi mor Arcordlngli the prcsei mi-.': aelectM Um alte nexl MJohWng th- propert] <>f IM rallroad couipany. TM ownera and price* <>f tt,,- pro:??-.. . ed as follow*: ?-.'. .'. Live fci,..-k (onipan . ?'-."". ollvler --'.nt-.; and tbe remainder beloi .-- o, tM .iovernment. hnvinn ir purcliised f >i- uavaJ purpua - " The price as|i,-<! for tbe Ollvler propert) Is ai,-! ?.. be exeessive ii the opln >n of um Xaw-Orleans ClUxens' Commlttee aM or tlie eommlaa i , TIIK BTRVET POB THK CABLB TO HAWAII. Wasbtogtoo, March B - , ih- Bavy Depart ment is alr.-adv BMklng prellminary arraagemeata f..r tb^ suiv.y nf th- piopoaM oable llne from Baa I'.aa etseo to Honolulu. lt i;;i* aol yet beea derlded what vo'-m-i t<> u-e for IM work, Ml I) ls proMbM IMI th< IhaMa wiil be ased, tboagh aM i-. n>,t well Btted tor it. Th.' !.<? t reai i Ib Um Navy for IM duty would b tb. Dolphln, as ahe haa plenly oi roon on ber de.ks f.H BraeUng i Ti- ? louMtag apparatui aM operaUng n. .sbe >l;%i,<|s b't-li out of the wat-r. SO that ili- aji pan.tu* woni.i not be rarriM away by th- waves, aM Ibe i-\> luii- |qp hamper to rairh Um wlM aM drifl ber abaal whOe making aouMluga, She is aow Ib tbe North AtlaaUe BquMron of BvoluUon, mui Ad mi:ai Walker wonM proMtdj aol be aaxloaa to M hei g,.. The sarvej for n cable roate wea aathorised by a eiaiis.' taaerted ta tM Baval ApproprtaUon bill, t.'e bM in cooatroetlng IM li.i" tooghi t.? be p!"d.--?i by ti.- Oovernmi ? t to ? prlvate i able i o npany was Inally n-fusM iy Coogreas. TM Benate provlded for a greal of ?8,000^)00 for thi- purp. ic throogb an amendment to IM MpkMBBtlc aral . oiMalar Approprla ttoa bill: but tM Houj'1 stond sl ibboraly againsl votlng any inoncy for the CBble. and tM anienrttn-rit wa* laally abandemed. it i< thought that a Paclfli C!o*.at syndlcate maj aoo nMertahe n.<- acbem. at ns own iisk, !f t!,e lesaM of the sui-vey 1< a satisfa^tory one. T1IF. 1NDIAN PIOHTBBB TO <.f> TO \V.\M(lNi.T<?N. Waabfagtoa, Marrh '-.. lt i- probabla that bo defit.i:- action - -il be taken ln ih ? matter of < h. the <a-...ii> im pa ..i Port Myer, \'a.. unUI tbe relurn af garrntan Prociw trom Ma trlp. lla hn*. however, Inforn-.s! ? ! ,ii-l Carpcater, wM N iu eommaM al tiie t.i. Und Um tru pi now tMre aaasl i>- ready t<. eaare i\ May l. Tbe aaasltoa iiBaalalag t. ba i. .. io th- MeaUty of tM troops that are to Otin ,.l '.. ae of thr 4th and t'lh *avali>, now at 11 | , . TM "i-i aM Mh have b-< a [.iri?-<i oal f-.i tbeir gaBaat aaaeleeB la Mn Meani indian Baanpalga for tlie honor of ranilni: i>. Waahliipton ; but tltero l no dsrtMon vet aa to Wlibl. tMH.p* of tltoae ifEiu.eDtH -alU ba brought E?.-t- LleuteoantrColuuel likitL ol t-ip .uh, will probtaM. bc plfH-cd In command of the post when tlie rhanpe Is made. G06SIF ABOUT Al'POINTMENTS. SFVERAL, MEN MKNTIONITI FOtl TIIE SKW GUt I riT JtrOGWRIPS. Wasliiiifrton, Mareb !? (Spedal).?Heea ore i',rae Of the Uta of B'.ssip floattni aboal I >d.i\ as te varioai PreaMenUal appototmente more or k-ss baawdlatrly ln oroepect: Bx-BepresentaBva MeCotaaa, of Marylani, is laM io have an Indlracl offor "f tlie vaeaal Aeetat iitit Beeretaryihlp ol the Ti.aaary, He li eiedlted, boaever, wilh aapirlni t,. nne of the new Clrcalt (udgeshlpe, bul as Iblnga go Vlrglnla la tha Btfjte ln the Fourth Ctrcull entttled to the |ndges_dp, a- Mary iin.ii already baa a Clrcalt Jadge in Jadga Bond. A large number ol Senal aa aad BepreaentaBvei are re ]? ted lo liave ladorood Bepreaeatadve Catberaaa, of Tasae, for one of the new Cbeall Jndgeaalpe. Mr, Culbereoa ii one of the baal lewyera In Congreea, and baa aerved on the Btate beaeft with credit. He is i Demoe/et, however, aad it i. nut Hkely that) the Prcal ri,!,, wll] appolal ;i ])??:!,i?int toaa; <>f Ihe aew placeo. Tho california tetagatlea called ,>ti the PieaMeet reeeatty, and aaanlmoaaly. as far a? tnev wero repre oeated, urped the appolnBaeal of ea-Bepreeenlatlve Morrow, of thut stat?, lo the new California Ctrcull Jiiure-lilp. Tba PreaMenl 1* reported t., h:ive lntl mated itroagly to them ihat he woald make the ap polntment. Twe ot;_c-rs of Uie new Clreull Jadga have been detennined ujiui hy predh tion mak. 18, I me is ex-Bepreeentative Parooa, of IlltaeU, who am he -?nt to ChtragO. The other te Aiidfc<- LewlB, who te Bi preaent al Ihe hend af tlie Ooaii of AppeaB ?t vir Hltiiii. Tlie ca-e of .IndRfl Lewls reaemblw marXexllv that of Mr Calberaea of lexaa. The lattev i* a Demo eral and u ladoreed i,v botb BepubUcaai and Damo crat-. The fortner la a BepabBcan and is lndors"d hy both I.cniocrats and RepabHcaas. If Mr. Pnyson sh-iuld the circnlt )adgeehlp he may hit a Jniip" sh!p in the new l.and cmiri provtded f'?r at tl"" hwl ?eaalon to trv land eaaea In ArtBona ar.d ltew-Meileo giowlng ont of the spanish and Me.\l,an sysfm ,.f titk-s. II is statM on the hlgbeei Hiirh ,rltr thal the nlne Clreull Jadgea provlded he al the reeenl aemioa ol Congreei wlll not be appolnted for leverrt monthi yet, the Pnaldenl belng "f opinion tbal eaeh nf the now rourti 'im i.t-parit/'s'l al Ihe Ume llaed by the Ael ithe tl.nii Wodnea-day in Jnnc) l,y the Asaoclate JiuUeo of the Snpreme Court, the repular Clreull Judre and I " i.isfiii judeeo iti .Moii nf the reopectlve rlrculia re cardlcso ,.f tlie fiirt timt the new i li-enlt Judge* may t ,,i then have boen bppotnted. Tlio satiii- autborltY -ud tbal this dlipr?sed Bl the irpoi-t that tln-re would be a: extra ic*lon of the senate for the eonatderatlon ol theae appotolaienta. NEW YORKN BOBITIOW IB TIIK NF.XT OOKOBEBi. Wastdngton, Mareh 9 (8pee___U.-Gene_el splnoia baa I.,- taBdng rather freeljr Bnee the adjoanuaent of ? ongieaa aboul th.- plaai "f the DeBioeretle haB of the New-York delegatlen in the oagantiatlon of the next House The veteraa Tammauy warrtor an feeUnglji oveHoohi the propoied candkUcy ..f Mr. Lo, k?ood, nf BuBalo, tor the Bpeahemhlp, end dl ,u-,-- wlth eqaal coolneai the ambltton of ex-Bepre tantatlve Quhm. ol Xew-YorB City, lo be ClerB. The detogatlon, GeneieJ spiaoia tajre, wlll have I b( ,,ne eaadMatc for the oflteea Bnder the Houie, and ?iii be eat-Bfled if it ean be Thomai M. Coakley, a Taaunaay Democrat, retalaed on the preoenl door keeper'i n,u, t.i tbe doorheepenhlp ol the Houoe. Tho raaaon for thli Indifference to offlce on tbe part <*' th,- delegaUon U frankly iBBed by Oeneral BplnoU, Ho ond oovohU othorr memben who have kerved two nr three lerw we unxt mm to l- eh_dna?n al eommltl ?? in th.- i?-xi Congnaa, and wlll iry to dellvcr larcnti tint- voteo ln the Deaaocrallc eaaeaa to the candidate for spoakrr -.vho win promlae lo utlofjr thelr more oi lt_s mode-t demands. Mr. splnoia put- hlmaelf down (oi the cammiUea on Military Affalaa, Mr. flower. he thinks. eughl to be ehaliman ol the Commlttee on Uanklng aud Cnrreney, and Mr. Cummli bi, another Tammany eaUegne, oughl to lucoeed Mr. Farquhar'i pawe al Ihe head of the commlttee on Merchanl and FUherieo, and Mr. Covert, ol the Long laland Ulstiict htis a great (le.iirr t., eharga of tne balect coinniitice on Immigratiwi. Mr. rracey ana Mr KiMi are alio anxlous to i?e ehalnnen ol com mltteco, t,s yel andesli ated, and U__wral Bplnola expecu aii tli"*' aapinuit- to come Into the co tkm on n,e uiidei-UuUlng ibal tha are Ui have t.. alacco thoy a*a foi or othtra tboy mlghl iclecl "? ? , ??? ilVnltv ai.d iniportance. The twenHr-IAree Demo crSta ,n tt,-- delogatlon wlll h-dd a meetlng ln tnw cltv next full and try ia. arntnge a harma .c-lieme of actton. Meanwblle the Uockwood Speaher ship -boom" sectns te have gone lerlouily aatray. fill.VF.K Pi'RCHASn. Washlngton, Mareh P.?The amount ?f Bllver 8__8fed for lale to the Tn-a-in-y Departatent loda.v^ wa? 1409,000 atnl the amount purchaaed BT0.000 onneea, jis loliows: 00,000 ouneei at fo.9aSS, 10.000 onnoea at BO.0SSS, 106.000 ooncei al P0.-MW0, 100,000 cnncei at ,_'".f'-';i. 13.000 ouneei al W.0WS. ounrei at |K).0670. rnrriiH-.-s al lot _l mlnti du< Inu tho week ended March 7 amounted t" :ii.O.'.T IW7RTH-CLAM POSTMAOTBIM APPOIXTtD. Wasldagton, Mareh 0.?Foarthelaaa peatmasiera were to-day appo-icd aa fo;'...u. : 11. F. HIB, Ltnd lev. N. Y.: s. T. J0B88, -oalh lUpl-y. N- V.; H. I urccn, We?t Alnrand, N. V.. Sai-h B. Teeple, Plua Un mln. N. J. -4> ? BONDfl BBDBBJa_D. Waahlagten, March ?.?'Tha aamani of 4 l c per eent boudi redeemed to-day was p4V,4O0, making t'ie i"t.ii to date Pll.-T-.I"-*' ,.n/' gTABBED JHI.'M KOTH. M:-s. Kat> Hafnagle, ? young wmnnn rd bwe ?? ?ovea yeara, aaa arreoled BDd loeked np In the Blxth Pradncl ,,i Brooklyn la I nlght, cbarged wltfi oti her lnisbd':d. Herman, a:.d a young woman named Bo e i.cti. .:dt, twenty-flve yean old, ,-f Ba -n Flushing ;ive. At the Ume ,,f the itabblng the woman Lerboldt ?m in company alUi Mro. Ilafnagle's hnaband. Th< had Jusl emerged from a llquor ahop at Xo. :,i Bwen-Bt. The Irate alfa h:ui been ln learnh ..! the eonpie, and on ? mteg faea to fa a wBh theon whlppea out a hnlfa wMch mw eoneealad behlnd her ahuwl a:d plungnd the tiiade hi the woman. 1,:'.-.t. r\0 tl.e w.eiri!; f'-!l n-~'!-.:nlt,_r Wlth paln te the itdewa? Mre. iiafn..r-:<5 attaraed ber bunband, ?ad befoit he ii_/i ? chance to earape ihe pluiiged the bia-ie iu fali righl ahonlder. Wie followed up thli att.i. k wlth a staii iround in Mi faee. Hefore tbe woman couM vih-a^ ber i-ssanlt OfBeer Hllllnirs liad ber ln ctwtody. Ambnlaiice Burgeon Clayland, of St. i .it ':'?.-,ii-'- Hoopltal, dreooed tlio wounda, aml rrmoved tbe Injured to tne hoopltal. The wounda -f both ar t:. .ucht to be lerlona, out not necei urlly fit?.l CEAVXCE1 M. VEPEW 1T.I.. Chaune?-y M. Dopow, to Uil grt-at rcgret "f hl? tnony fli.i.ds l,.is :,...;i lonliied t', 1,1- ln.'l>'. f"i tho Bal Iwo dayi ?ith a oevero eold. n- bad h(iMi to lellvet Um ?ddrooi al ti,. opcnlng of tho l ?rA hj.'I Haaltt Expoolton ln Ihe LOBJOJ I.y-,,1-,: In-i "\" Ing, uot lltl - n,ir?.<l i i? -. f corefully on Batardoy ind Bonday, he omt obllgod to renan at hon.i. Ifl aeooidaaeo witli lha advlee ol hB phrodelan liis 1 mooo, howeva.r, lo noi lorloao, nnd n li i,,..,,i ihathe wlll be bMo to attond t,, hla aameraai ?ncini a:,d bai aeai d-.t..- In * day i.t two. TO EXHlBIT THE FLAXB FOR THK CATBBDBAL. a- otdiag t" ti,e preaoat laBmUoua ,.f tin* tr.i-t.eK r,f tha propoaed Calhodral ol M. .loim ih? Dlvtao, Um foai doolgnl pt-MOled bj ttn- arehttocti wbo w?ro ineeeoafal ii, tho i.i?i tou.potl.lw wlU b^ placed oa publlc axhlbl. ti,,,, .1. tho Bo? ii..-,-,. N'.. -'?? bafayetto Plaee, h. i feo days, WUllani Hais?-.v Wood, tlie only Miecfooful orehl. i-t \-i?. a_odo ,,|---'! "',.- Uoa t.i tho .xhlbUion, i. ,s eoa sented to _-r_iit t:,0 nqUOtt ef t'.e lr_0-OOI ind 811(11? 1,1 pteai ta bi ooob t,.- Iho publlc. Thi othoi oeeeooofcl ?rrhlleeta wera Heiim 4 La Fow. liu?s 8 liu-k, and l'etier v BoboHooa, u li aadaralaod lhai bo obJeeUoa t,, ihe .\h!.'ti..i. ef thi plaai a Pottar A Bobertooa wlll bc ii..d- by iho traatwa oi archltoctB. -1"- memben of Ihe ? . ., .| a - -, >-i uaavoldaldy in Bnlohlng thelr ,.. s and wero tm.?,!>!? t-, Mnd th-iii to the s?" Hoaoa ' on ti. d ita fived t,v Ihe troota, ? ThO \..-i,.,is |,la,,s ?:ll re,,,,aii, ,;ii OXhlbltlOB, ln all l,i..!,,!,II.IV. BOtU tho li,:'! li ? e' April. M.i.itiis Wlll ?0 hy, I it la li.lie\ed, b.-fi.r a llnal ChOtCO "f .1 - l'i.s f,,r tbe Coth. Iral wOl i"- Biade. Jt li aot at aii cartala lhai Um i,. ?. . wll] -?'.-. t any ot tho |,!a,,.s now iu th. .r |.,,--. -s.,11. _ ^ ITAI THi: MOT1YB BOBAEBTt People eiewded Um Kyaeh Opi i h bob f-om bii,,,nv j tn Maga ia-? oveniiiK lo wltaoio thi oaowluotloa ln thu , a-. ll|,h Moris. WhO eany ,,i, gondOT RMtralBg ' M - I mitt--d a aiurdoroui ..nsauit upoo >!?>. Brldgoi Arntoitoat ai.,: h-r davghtei Bllaa. Iba aaamlaaUoa wm held ba f,,re .lustue Baualotar, i)i*ti!ct-Ait.> t...\ M Cauley eoa. I du,tn.- lha proaaeutlBBi M-ABaemblymaa Tompklni d? fpndli'g Btoiro. 'M.i- taet?aey of ihra prloelpol ,,.? ,e--v- ? -s ih. mum as altetdy publl , ,!. Oim arttneoa, Mn. M.:v Batlth, taol Dfd to lomothlng whleh n,.tv holp ln i-otaMlohlng a nmtu,- f.-r Ibb awault Mr?. siiiiti, I- a uolghbor of Mio. Armatroni umI tr* (jueiiiiy cjils at her houae, '>t. Baturdoy Bflomooo at :, ,,.?.,, k M.s. Hmith "ns in Mn. Anuotrong'o beuoa aad j,,m|,'i _>'.,i:- coum in oa aa i-nand, Whlle bo uiv- t ? - Mrs. Armationg u*" oeeaaloo t. aao mum bmbx ?, aad Um i.."ii a i "i '! WlU from hoi boooa when aho alwaya k> p' ie r raoh Bho pul ('.?? awney b.i.-k agaln, and -. tftal Mr-. Meith ai.d Su.n. armi u-,:,y. Aft-r mldalghl whea Uarra was ogala la 'At, Armatroag'i houae and bad ?hai hat ln the ii'ek, hc aut hB h_i,d ln be boaaia, bul (110 Und the mi.iiev. Thu pTOOOOallOfl ICOlod Bal nlaht, and B88B881 IM th'- iod8B8l aiked addlBoaal tine ln wlilcli io kubpoma wlu,,?????. A,, ?.i .....,,,,.?,.i .... tmjtut uaUl Wedjae_4_.7. -iarcA l*. FULL AXD ELECTION LAW8. SOME SAGE ADVICE TO THE LBOKLATOBE. RATHF.H DARWO BOOOMmOMB FOR HIM TO GIVE. aRCUMBTAMCEl COXBtDEREDb FOR BXEMDtMG TUE OORBUPT PRAO TlCtS ACT-Hia ME8BAO? MEAMUXEB W WM BE9ATE. [bt iBLBoaaPi t.. tiik 1BIBOBB.J f*L?WiS ?-?-''-':'-.L=S , ? .,? ron.t.tu'i 11 iransicrr.ii. Buton'a ameMmeal to ti.e Conanra. " trom tM LegUtatnre 10 IM eoorts U.e declaton .?., ?.t,.?.d etoctlon easea. TM Oovarn r aagg. rm^totMU0.WnrelMipolW^e??ltteea !;;;.?,,., fall elertions,' TM OMeTMf. BMBBBBB ta t'^TttSES?- SSSf ioe,.ativ- Mee 2 th- UwMamre. ?-"i "'" "?":?'" whf"" "? ^rf"nt ';'" irSSsBlMarUaa of kaowlng IMI la tmoatampVa*. n.nt of tm- m-.'i.-.">"'"*. and I'- 'I"'"' W*"* ?i" ^J!lSiSirefm?tM.rewBBmt.M.M?itk JSSSmI .mcndmen. wUI, H -JEJ* Jjj^ ,?.. ri^Mral leglalaUan <rf la-1 ysar. tMre are ? t. m 1... . i. panicalar. In abtel ? 1 rtaataM --'" ??l ' S. .Jet.?theoin?. "a? aMlitanal MTiwaafd I aaa r:V; -r -.''-a.- I" 1 aaartal bm-ms - Apri Soe. a.. irt reby P UUea ammltt aa .-,.1 awoM aba ^Talnd - ?e stafea ?ta al Ihelr ? m-m. ? ,, 2ns -.T -I''" ?M lal bbm. rampolMd M Bl. ,h?, Tbal auggeatlon reraabia miaevd ap i. h a.J--.f?-i?..i?.!""."Hsrrrt; ln my annnal ?- - i ?v,-v ?ish ... glve ih- empMrfa af i ape. ? laeatfllfailM. - - ? *"? ? ... .?.,. io aolberlw Um brli rlna - V ?? ?i an pn ." lf II raB ba ,?<! -- " ?* . .,, ,,.. ,, hla P'Ua-al Birenli M , _...... mptMi ' .,..,.. , rlngefBM aaVr le th; d-fcatrd ,:?., provid-d lt appeara thal nrither >- bm , ,.,., rorrnpt neem I P' "" M* . : Heo ?a~ ronta ? w? ,?? y?ra Mo, and aith. ' ' ' - ,'.]..,. l to regr.fl II -; . Um -atat U . far aai -.. ,....., li embodlaa. Ba I Mvi ml ? ? mll, ? , rnmmnnl. M ' i - taa ' Id ?r,-.?:?],na and pm a ptreln. m- ? ? ,,. ,., ,.. i-i- - - aeven P i ,., | :?.',.....:. , -r..i..f i>v 1 i roavlrt. ' ? ta 0 eertaln Wtre ,.rar? ?.. ' , m .. ii lapMireud ' ? ' ? "^ ";i1 oual a man fron. hl. ? i ??? corruptlon . ,, .,? abere Ihaj *< uld irt rooilrl - , rlma upon U>a as.I- ??? ? ?( ui] i aefceal good rrom a fu ,f .1 ":t-ai-.I 0?? '" i" ' ? '' "'?"'" Lenataa req. i - ? i ? - " ' would I - " "? '? ' ?????'?" ' hav* urged. Tia- f ? " ? - ''? ' ':' ''?" '"' , ( |. regard. i as i,.. ng b*ei\ ' ,v pm , I" Ur at lu , ?, me bav* r-rta ? ?! Hia ? f,,r ,?? io -; '.'? ir votw. and ?. bai .. roval upon Iha la.prnp?-r axp Ul r? il i .,.,1 datoa Ir oMee. Shall ??? >"?' go al rth? md compei t... lorfeiturs of so olttc bli polltl u ag t>u ean bs prevad i ? bav. einploj , :? M ,,,.? i.i- eleeUoa, lrre?i a..- o| the -i/. ol bla majorltj I N,. ( tacenUva M hone* ?: ' ? ? , .??-.-,?;,.' r :?-? - .--???? of I ? .,.. prinies* of franehli ?... ...... . ? ? ? ? ' - - '? d?lf ' at whlle tt vn . ? i i,. ,..-?? - r ul pm ,,--'1 ,.--?,, , ., bla "? ,'' l*ra. iha pi ;,,1.,,,<l.?.,t neuld bul carrj ?ui mora alsa \ l ?r t . IMI any :: , ,,, ths part ol . ?????? <r hw ag. ? I, i ai ' '? ? "M d ? ? ,?',.,: i - ? '?? '?'??' ?????> Lhf >, ui. -' ii d lal wai bi hav* hla i " ?' , un ,- utor. v . .... ? the .detalla nl thi. : nure, 1 aubn.K ..-.-? . ,..d h ;???- ?. ,.??? \ im ? , ? prnvd ?'.- ? - x. i and a n. * ?..? I ? ? ?' - . . n until i, ? ' ? ' ? ''' "" tlon .- i' iv-d W . ? ' i ? - ; , i , orruptl ai '? ,- ' i, - ?. i" ? -\ , . '.. i : ,:..,,, ,,,;,,?. DA\ IU n, IIILU Senator toxton t" nlghl Intredaeed a l.ill pi foi ., bl .-lia-i balkil and Ihe abolltlon nl Ihe ; -.?? bal l.i. whl. ii b m pi >vod in h :i aoun. b ?? . ... II ; lt i> well hnon... .,f eourae, tho. < lovornoi llill, f.,r aome pollU. .1 i.i.f h ?-?' ? ' p ed II.plni .11 ii' t Ibe blai '.,-' i- u.a-ii'iit nniii. Boi >'. it or sa> . * Ilev. , th.i.i '?' "i.M 'i-' >ln ''? \ iew -f the ni ? senator h U ?' ?' ? ' '?'? > ? ? Iden ? ? ' ;,' 'I ' l,l|l rt. I" I" feel ...;ll lilal," il .1 p.l.h'A l . 1' . ]'? o,i,, deilniig .'? ilrlve fnim C-i.tral t arb tn M i i Id ? and lo Fllv. .-?,'' park llie alr-el I- tb. n i Itnoa i. , ' ? ? dral l^nrkwai.'' ua it aill pa .,,,,i ,,f |he ',,?.?. Rplai "i' il . ,".I \., in.ere l i n blll .' i< ? ' bj - nator m--.v art of New-York. lt provM ? f.?i a rrmimlnalon t.. s. |(4-t ii. i for p irka In the 1 ? ?" ? rd. i Im i iem i,,.;. nl tin- ,.iiniin ilnn are to be ('liarle*. P. Daly, i . ,i,..,, u, coait'i-i. ..'????,:?? Vi. Q.ilntard, John K. - ni, .loim <'liiiiiii. (iia.V. sii.i'i and Roberi \ < hesebrongh. \ ratber extra^mllnary bill araa Intrmueen .,\ Sen ?t.,|- o.llliii lt provldei for a board ol inedlcal >4 eni of fi.a.t ' n iii"iu "-,- ln i, ? iiPii dulM bv Uie i ..-.! ,,f U-gwit-s on tb" iHmiliiatl a, .a Ibe famltl .f the followlng rollegei and nnlvaraltl r??rnel| c, himMa, I'nl m, IM i :??.- ?-. '?:? ?1 the .... nf New Vnrh. , |,,,,i.- i;,? lu ? ter, Niaaan ind I'olgate The Nenate MMted for o ahort Ume to-nlehl Um amendlng or the ru].' In reajMci u> the appolntiu-iil ot , prreilding oflleer wlwn tltr l>ntenant.?<rt'ernor i ?b-'tit \s Kenator i:-i.-.' "i.. who waa .llrc.'t.'d t., fi ui,- a rule on tb- -..-j- ? t ln i nmpan. ?? ith ? ?? it.. .!?, ,|,,. wa< al ??.'. furtlivr delmt* nn it waa poatponcd nntll to-morrow, notnlng belng done. BCFINESS IN THE A5SEMBLY. DBMOCRATH TRT TO PtTT OFF A VOTE ON THI PBOIIIBITIOB AM.M'Mr.M' THI. BOVP.M BEB ^ VICTORT POBTIIK CAMAI. BIKO. Albany, Marrh '?' (Bpeclalb Charle P Brrielland, Uie UemorraUc leader <<f IM Aaaembly, attempted i.> nlghl one of IM trlcM ot IM llill ord*r, ia tryln' t.. pul to a Hnal pa ?age Uie amended Mll pmridlng fni a Miliui s-.i,ai of tb- prol IbUlon anMndmenl ... the l ??? htliutlon. Hm amendnwnl whleh rnmes from Iba ,iu,ii,iaiv r.,iiui,iti..- li an almosi entlra and mdleal chango "f Uw meaaure as li ? ls totrodoeed in Ibe >,:,,!,? bj Senator Van Gorder. TMI blll provMed for ih? aubmlasl m ol i'"- amendmenl on April 11 next, bm Um amendmenta wUcli aere mMc ln 11.mmltl ? pnstponed Um aubml I m ol Ui ? aoMMmenl anUI nexl November. IM Demorrati do nol wanl Um amend ment voted npon by IteeU wMn i r?n '" dlvlded from aH , ,1,.-, qm stion , TMy do nol Int. nd Io all ??? thia, aM are Mld ei * ''? '?'? admli IMI Umj do nol InteM to ailow ll .-. be ""I." 'i;" I"'1 " '''' '? I?d cxtremely Mxlona ... Mve IM ameM d Mll paaa, a-.i he made a modon to teM the blll t.. rt thlrd rvadlnj to . Igbt, when il wai reporl i tn m tbe desh. jjr. AcMi made IM polni ths! Um blll hM been amended material y *M tMrefoi - -.Id be wprt ? , ,i Mr. I l?h ma.'.- .. i'"i:i' of nrdei t.. tbis effect, Um -i,?,,... agreed arlth bim bM IM Mll muat be broaghl up agaln. i- ,. pei.ratlc Aai nbly leera to Mve .. aperlal :, ? i .lon io pa*Mng measurea t ixlng IM rich who ran Rtaud it; bm arMo II .? to putUng laxea on Um !>,_*,r, it baateaa lo add np thttr bnrdena ai high nnd i , ,,,,iiiv a p , -,.?!< Ain.o-t ... h man Um Dei.'rath :;,,.?,! rra ol Ihla House .?? nlghl -'.i up ..? d voted , advaaee Mr. Keenedy'a Mll bialng asvlng' Mnh ,i,.|,,.its. Nearly IM eattre avealng*. aw lon ? . tali-n up ln tb- debate ..:-, thi- bli. Massrs. Mase, M-CI.-ll._md iiiid M,,|.oiiil, oppOSSd UM blll. wJiUs Mr. Kssaedy applled hiuiaeU vlfwruutly to ? dpfeiire of hii pcl BMIIBII, tU w_. Bure??ful. and vrlih the lielp of the conintry Demoerab. piavaatei a recommltal of tho hill nnd wnt lt to n thlrd rendti-ff. F,,r a member wh0 te irving lu* BOOOOd term nnlr, laamililjaiaii MaMa i- rapMly daveloplag IBooe tr_iti whleh mako toglataton aotorioBB. Al Bm open tiK of to-nlght- *ession he tatrodueed a reaolutloa Mtdng tor the aiorharga of the Judtdary Commlttee from further eooatderatiofl al IBa MII Baaaadlag the leaa PoW law and preveutlng bookmaklng or gamMint. on the raow out/-ide of the raeetMiks. Th- ?'P'Ml^r oent tttB leantaBea hin-it to him (.<?? betr.g Introdueed oat of the i-ruiar oider tor tha* baMneea. a aMaaant latee IBa member (umped ap eHh tha toBaaiag leaelatlon aad _si.,.i tor it- latatedl it.- adoptlon : arhereaa, Um Oatalatarc, by a law towwa ** Chaphw - - ,t \B9I, caUUad "An a.-t ta piev_de (oi tbe argaaiiaUoa *.i- wrulatioa ol eer i?,r.-it!om t,, exarolna aml guaraatee beadi and mortgagea and UUea to reai eetai " did provtdo ror aad B-thortM th? laeorporaUea of eomptrtm tavtaa i.niiir ii'id estaoilve powen, w__eh .lonld eall for caie r,.l -ni,. r. i-i, ,ii in th,-lr exerelao . \\... reai Beveral eotporaCaai hava i,e?n argaalied undn ? aid act, BBd are priii'i..-Uy Iftgeged in the .'uarantee nl Ut eo: and wii. i as. The reporta eaUad for by said act to be mndi uy ri,. ,, to thi geperintandent ol laouraaca aBoid meagn toforrnoUon M to thi manner ln whleh tha prtv.eloni of - i ael ? I mplled wlth; Reoolvod, That a rcttteo "f throo ta oppotntad for tho i?ir|,. i,f loveoUgat'.ng ull OorpoeaUoni oraaiil'.ed nn? der said act; thelr manner ,.f argaalaattea and way ef dalag buaiaeaa, tta buotaeoa whleh Ihey bave doae and ar' il,?!,_.-; that. siid COBUnlttafl have power to -all for ?n booka, papen and i>ers?ii_, and tike auch leathnany .i? lt lnaa d.-ein BOCOOOBrjl , ttiid tbat It r"| ort t.. Ihe Rouoe, v. ith aaeh reeenaeadattona ba t.i ita altaiaaUvo aineod ni'iit- lf Bay, II should d^mn advlaable to make Ie MM Chopte* _3.<. I,ia?s of lPf..*i, afoNOald. >a,'l ??"ii,ml*? ??? -hall have ull tbe ffiei.1 powen of InveottgaUag eom liiittee., laeludlBg the -tenriinnher nnd , c,.-:.-.'l if ri' SW I eeceeeerr. Oeneral iimtcd rr.viv.-d tlie polnt "f order that the leaolntlon w;is latroda-ed ont of order. rhe reeoto. tion waa retaraod t-i tho grecdy BMtaber. The eaaal rlag la the Aaaembl) trlaatphei agaln t<> niRht and defeated th<- caatamary aatendmenl attuched t.. ,.u .:.niii appropriation bUlo, tbal (ha monoj ahould ii.ii ire. expended antll the Sapertntendent ol Publlc Worin eerilflea V.\;u ihe worh l. ;.. lerj md i i.- done wlthoul a ipeclal law. The bill wai f * b ? .'.?ir th" Brle l anal In Cohoe?? Uaemblyman lloleomb Introdueed a bill to-nlght ere aUag a rommloilon In Beu *i"tli lo bai.itrol nf tha erectlon and care ol railway atatlona. Tha board ,- t.n-i-t ol the Mayor, Ibe pn udenl ..f the Iioard ?t AMermea, tho, Commlaaloner ,,f Pnbllo Worko. aud it is t.. be known as i ..- iioard <.f Local Ballway Buper vtelou. Thi- b ml i- t.i have power lo locate itopplng pUeeo whare ataUoni ahall be erected, and to control the manner nf itructun whleh aucb itatlon -hall be. The I-" ul rallwa) rompanleo n.n-i roaform to Uie regn l,itl..ii- <f ihe board. Defaulto are punlibablc bj a t;i.f 8100 :i il i\. The th rd oet t.>f the bill glvei the boaid the power to dlrcct and control t!,e m_u ige menl nl the -t itloni In -?> i ir a. ll rclaU . to the ? -f " md ? ml 'it "f i'i - nger*, and t.i rompr-l Uw <?? n ru t,,.!, ,,f aeparata ?..(- i"r Um departura '.f the p_esen gere. I'.-i ini.-i"ti t.. t.uii.l >UUon in i bc obuined f,,,:ii thli i.".i,i, and are t.i be under ihe itni iupen .-:? :, of the Departmci 11 f liolldh go. rhe b >ard wll] bave t:,-- dtopoeiUon of some patronage; Uie Im portaiu oflicer to be appolnted i- tu have entlre ,if the carrylng oui ..f tlw law, and . -., ,??: a alurj ol - >,Ooo .. ye .. i bla law 1 ., .,:;??.! roilmed- whoae llnci are whiillj wtthiii Ihe ? uy ..,' New .<>tii. or i!.:i:,'? - .?! Wotrhe-Usr .,? ii r.ti .',,. i:i,n Assi'iniiiviiniii (iardlnrr rame n Mll pitvc i I-,.- t .? .'ti, lalmliii. ,,f b."i:--s wlthout tlio wrlticu >"ii Mn( ..f Ihe iihyairlaii whu utlcrided llie person or nl ..-,,-r I..,'. .:...' ii t.?lv nf tli I....H . I-..I.uptnlns ? ba ara iu i ?? ? I* ?? only .-l i?/u a yi ?"' I-1' '";i- bui mi ler a i d b> ;.. , Ichl -,!! Uie p I? i" . f,.r "ill ? ? rt tired u. to < ?? i- ?? -i ?" ? h year .. 11,111 . I,-....- ? hi. :.t 1,-' !.-? : ( i ?? 111 ? i ? ?" : .,f hla li l 11\ .'? i ?: -i ,rk dl tl t, WllO l.'ltl ?: eal , bill - - ? : ? i .- tl, ? (.iii- ?? ' ? ? ?! and I ?\ || . Impi iV. i:II l* tha li I - i ? I'. 1.- p.ll ill , i..itimu on tlie 11\ )? ??'.-. whlle I Impm , . | , . pui |n ri other ? ilumn. I'ower i - glvi '?? , .. | ,.;,- i , r -np. i-. i- ?-? of i-n ii roui ' ? i ? V w taxce . d th- land a! .ii--, eitdn Ive nf ImprovenienU. THE PBESIDEST OUT AFTER UUCES. t .Ni'\V"l-.AIiI.r. FOR TIIB BPORT Al ni.N.n. .s. md. Benjlea, Md., March 0 -? sclal , Preold-mt Hatr- ., ?; on the ahore In ti"- fa"- "f u drtvlng ? . ii-teriv ralnotom at -i 1" Urti Bftetnoea In the prtvata ,-nr i-f <.?ii'-rnl Bnperlntendenl Kenney, of tlie Phlla _?..-, and ! ?''':. .? ?? Ratlrond I ?? :? ,i.rai aceompanled from Waohlngton bv Oen ,i; ,i \: t . Kii '.'. of Phlladelphla. H ? ? , ??? | n a m ? f' ' Ung plece- ;. i Itrirtmni _.,fi. i : Edward s. l lark, pn ident ot II ? I- i ] ? ?,;,..?????:?? rtenl il " ? i I Im t" t:.-- ? ' ' ? ; : . : . tiie | I Ibal , | . - . | , | mi by old v.iiit Emell and in :. fi w Ihiit' - hud cl ? ' nd : ;-???. ind low. ooft : . ..-ii hat appeai d on tha porch and ren irked '? ,-, tjcwcll that he wa* re-irty foi tlw ton. Tl ?> ? ??....' ? ? ? t twalitj tuln :?? ? : ?? n n cd \. ;,','? ? , , ' li to .. dii '? ?:' "' ? ?' ? redl i.'.- .' ed bj Aui l Euk i ?'?' ? : durkey, ?ho I an experl al i ? ttlng wild \ ,, . .1 s..t ln :???..'. .:?'?? i! ?!i |,.-..|,,i-.' ' - " ,i. | j ,. ., I the cl ibhouoe, iya tl' ? .. ,., , .reUenl hot. H- ibon ? i|ttl( I . ,r |a i.,.ss.- lu- blrd. 'I - ion ? * '' :,,. done a lot ol -,..-? hand ? ? and planti hia bnd r-flctuully. Ihe bli .1 ... llie iiuiin ., |,r !,,,,?_ ia - Ufl ?>' Ulil I" "I. H IIUl ' _l t ? d>i, kiiif -h -I-. H i- P-Alll b I ui tii? ,-,.i ..i ., i... I.' i ? ? rh.'i ., -.:',,,? ,-i.t ;, ? ,.-.f inr > ... i--I-. ? artrl I. - ? u ,U ... ? , . ? d, . il thi . mn ? - ?re .>.-_ :. iu th. - ?. "f -'t-.iu i, ? ? . .. ,i:,.,n?I t',.- ??!,- ? II te ' ''1 '?' ith \' Wllimir mj ,i , .? , \ ?, w a) . "ii'", .ablfl. I ln als, well |, ? :??! ' ? ? !,, :, ||| t.ll' - Id " ? ! ??'? ii,. ro aie pli I "i. Uo Nal . I 1*1 .-, ..n ii.rurj meml er of tSwi i lub. ? SBW-BAPES DIRECTORS FALI f_V IISE AI.I. IHT TWO BAVE lilVIN li'-M's OR BAVE COMM1 B1CAT1 D W I ril TIIK CORt N I ti. t oronei Levy waltod patli ntlj il bb i>fl "? '?? ' iday fo, th ..f the .ins. ? ,M nf the N--.. Vork, New IU ,? and Hartford Rallroul I'ompanj U> give ball (,,r ii,,., app aram- before tlie liwnd Jurj l? u .., , ? , hargeo made apunst thora In i onn ?l ?, ih,. i ,.i ih ave tm, -i dl i ler. No dlrector , al though all eicepi four htivc been beard froui ilf- j, ? a wllllngne l" appear and sn?? the nsjint-ed bonda rhe Coroner reeeived a letter from llenry C. ,,,. ,?' Hartford, who nald hc would roiuo '??? .s*,-v. Vorii t" tlvo bondi iis s,.,,r, .. h bu Inc ? per niltted, whleh would be umic Ume n -\t wr. B. II. rrowbrldg-i, another dlrertor, wlll pur-ue the name Mr. K"bin.-ini aald Iw hud .loubi Levi r 11 i,i nti.ini, anothet dircrtor. uo? Ln Uie tt at, would also iiouor tho warrant ui?*?n liln retuni. >? ?'?"? t realdenl "f this city, bul eima^ed In Uw brewlnn bu_lnca? at Mprtngflckt, Mn- ?.. i-alled i" give iKMido i,?. ii,,- onl) ?? ii.n >,.,!.?' dirertor, lleurj *. Lee, "f p, ,-,,.\.\. Althougfa BBpocted In tta rity, however, L did noi nniiear. Mr. Manlll-i h tlw owner ol a ? ,., .,.,, H, .,,,. ,,| k?.i ..,:.? huiidrcd and lenth >t. ,.,,? .\. Miller, ol ih.s rity, i-- .1111 i uilliic-l Ui liU i, ,-|... \... liu l f;i, ive.. uml uu to upp ii lo | i.. ,., I ' |..,.| niglU his rondltloil m.i III tbr ,\ ,' ,?,. ,|| ,i iii ii mii wa hu i.'-'i Ior nl nnj Ume. I'rs. Jv, ii. Whlle and I- E. Uounhty wero i- dh altl ''"'i iii- .- -ii",- f.i'tr tneti yet tn i,--:,r from. Willlam ,, | , ,,,,,, s .. !?. tnrj. of Ne? II. ? ii, nnd Natlmiilel ....' .. |i... ,,f i.::,i -. ;. r . i -,- ? .iii i Uwlr im nilo . ,',i iioiiearlng before t'i.r.mer U) day. v'.,.,!,, :ii.i ol the evldeni:- lak, n bj < oroner U-vy ?D tlie t iiiii.l .li-. fi' '?'? - '-': ii" '''-" ;' i'-ii'i.i ,,. , , v |,? La?, >v simll yenK rdav, ao Ue ui.iu ,,..' ? , .: m i.i- lnvr-.tig.iti??:i nf tlw chn i i n-t th' ;, ? ?- The Ironx rlpl ??'??ll probal I.i ??? n nl Mra 1,,.1-iv iit-.l hc wlll mnke i iborough ex unlnatlon "f , i'.. lirand Jury wlll l ike rognirance uf Uw i i e ,,,' morrow or Thui-day, ll l? thoujht. BDIflBD OAI OIYES I BBCEFTJOX. A .,,.,1..i'i... o ? tlven al Uw I omo ol Edward i.n tbo weil-kaowa lial Uoeond-avs,, M..',nt v-i , ? ,,,,?, r wblch wai iitMi.i '- bj bm ly ot tta ,., ?'n.nenl |. pl? ot the lowa. Ao om ef the ? l i _ k, . .. .,,,, , .... .,,:,i roeopUoa al thi blackamlth . ,;,,;., , v ... .... the oeca?lon oa whleh he dlo I ,.;. moal reeeol work rt ur:. ? rhe Bhleld ol ?d thi dellghtful bonquet given to 'IU tli hy ^ .,!,,?, - preuy wlfe ?a- all i.- "i ln the ?hade b] . -,,, ai uajr'a." m.-. i?4y h-ipfld ln th. ? ,,,,,.,,?; ?| the guoato. Amoul Uw late?1 productloni t i.m Hl ,,,,-_ bniah i? :? lanr* eiava_ named " Ihe l ?? ? i?? I- al U? 'Md- " whteh la lo tw ??? l tn tta I i , lM ,.,.; | ,? ror :i- aprtag ? m?ii::.-,. II, m well i . . ,..,,... i, a ,'i.t'ii' - i.." re* Ivlm tlw li Bnl-li ,'?, ,.,?i,.-. and tn ta knowa n ' WIM ln l - .,, , ?daek?," and - Borve*. tm . ' oer, much ad _? ,.,u & XinTlie'-a ??\,nn-" I.t. ori.e V Moal oiUtacloua fur turo*t liuiibloa. All JUruAKiata. I'ellela THE CONNEGTIGUT MUTUAL LIFE IN3URANCE COMPANY aims by eareful sclection, economy, and prudence to reduce the actnal cost, of insurauce to the low Mt praetieable point, and has never been surpassccl iti rcspect. Katio ot expenses of management to reoeipts sinee erganigaUonj 8.51 per eent. The pcrcntaso of dividends to premiuma re eeived in 1890 araa 21 per cent. Assets . t .::;.; : |m.t47,w.4i Surplus hy hisrhest legal standurd 6,U)0,000.00 PIIILIl' S. MILLKK, (iencral Afient for New-York City, Lon? Island, and New-Jersey, 1 Wall St,. New-York Citv._( THE ILLINOIS SEXATORSHIP. INDICATIONS THAT isTKKETER'.- CHASOE BAS GONB. A BKUFF THAT SBXBRAL PALMER MAY nF. ELECTED THIs WI-'.l-'.K-OAt'SES THAT LED TO THIS EUSSULT. (Hf TLI.F.iilAI'II IO W XRIBL'SF,.] BprlngfleM, IU., Mareh ?.- There la a pievaleni opinion among lepresentattves of nll parte^ to-nlgbl Lhat tM greal Maatorial eoatoBl la Ihh Btate, whleh haa now been araged ilx wnoiis, will bc ond-d ... ni'.-i-o-.v, snd tbere is, n?reover, b laeit a. luiowiodp menl that Ihe netor wlU i>e i.cnprai JoM M. Palaier, tb- DemoeraUe nominee. rbis oondneion s ro.-bed beeanae of expreselooa on the pert of tho three tnetn hara .'f the i ??r-inot-s' Mntaal Benedt Aaaoetotiofl party. v.i, , ,... t r ,1 IM balanoo of powor, tlmt tln-v belleve tb.! eooiesl sboniii bc eMed and admlt their doubt ol ov.-r belng able to elect Stroetor. vrbo has in tin- peal repreaented aii partlei exeepl tho Repebllran partf. uini ut tbe preseai Ume is IM eapeelal champlon ol the down tradden IBrmer. <>f eoarBa tho RepabUca ia mai !.? able l i arrange some plan that will apael .-? ? imblnatlon. bnt tbis looks donbtfal lo-ntght. Over 160 lal!'.!- Mve ah.-.idv ti"H BBSl wltMel r-...:t. BBd ti.- mu in- been waged day afterday wltbout qoarter on elther akie, notwItMOuidlng tM( IM bar of Um ii,,,iv bas been sarroaBded wltb beda and eots, np'e whleb si. i. Mve ilumbered ihro-.^ii iM weary -fno-. .?ni Palmer -mrt.-d lato tbo eoateal wlth 101 ,?? two leas ibiin were needad to eled hlm. Xi.i .iiin ..f IM Kopuk.ii.Mii-. has been ." create a broab in hla lankt, aM Uiaa efdel ti'..- electlon -1 a . RepnbUcan. Ho bira',< haa oeearred, tMagb been hard worh lo k<'".' h b.f IM l , .,-;,,,\ , kment In Une. Tho Republleans, on tb other heM, atarted oat wltb ex-Governor Oglesby, , , aftor glvlng hlm their aupport for leventy-eighl atlve ballots, thev dropped hlm aM to * up , . .i. i.i'-i>v. Um presldenl of ibe i wmei*' or ., . ulon of K." Btate. Bal tM F. B. B. A, m-n repudlated Mm aM refuaed t<. vote for hlm. ii.,. ucpublleana then tooh up \ ?'? Btreeter, a man whoae poliey throughout his politieal rareer l-.u ? been to antagonUe tM RepubUcan party, bal who aar ,,.,..i.,. ide ih.- nominee ol Uie I iree I srmer , ? .. ? wai an Immedlal ? MM on th.' part of iwcnty Repu. lican. who r-b.-.l "? vote tm ,.,,,,.... ... ,| .-,?_?? their auppori between LlndM) i d 0f] ,,,v. , , -,, aii'l !..- Stftl - a.lm n.-':-i'l ?l .,!!...- ,::.!.,' ,- -i. took up the Bght, aM aU ea ,,.,? I-... uepabUran memMrs voted for Streelar. rhe ,, lel li teneral th?l ahonld he be elected ll .. , ., ,., ,mj ,,f <,.,-!? iby. he .'.nr-'i l,i- M-|thdrawal, knowlng bim to be a dongerona rm i',I;:\.!:;;;::v!haV';;'ho'"i,':i,-rs i,vV,. ****** thn* in". - - " "' l'"""v" '"'" fv'' ri'"" wiu ever vote fnr ^teeter. and. n ? ,,'.. ,, ,,:,,, ,;,,; Btreeter Mll ucl wnh the r rep ,.,.',t, ?'., - ,: i ? e on ..:i iiaeai ons vlUl tn ;.?,,. :?;;; ,?,.,!/. u.i re.u. whleh doea noi MUi Uie Kep.itl Honee I i ed <* *ttM tha r,{??'.. ?'.-. be led tnmnrrnw ?,- ?..!:. whlle regretUng thal tM; can i?.i s'li.l .. :? ,' ibllcm Ui i: ?' ,",'' ? it puinier *h iuld go t ? - - ' I 'he v, tes of the i lKTI.... , .,- ci ?-v.' b. wlthdrnar the Republlca. .rder ln l??j| u-nl -ivo tMm th. _-^ THB Vih DISTBICT CONTBST. , LOHF, OF THE nEARISrO IM REOA?D TO THI DISPtfTED tm M IRT. Both sldea rloaed Uielr ease l>-? i Igbl ln tho heertng ,.,,,.? | .. , ? tee on Cenleated Beata regardl | I .. ... . ected wlth the I'th Uaembly l".s ,.,,. R^mbilmn prlmary of Januan ':! ln Ihe ah . fhairman, Jsmea A. Illai rhard. fharlea , , , ,, . . ... ? m gel thnmgl UM . ,. until neurly mldnlght TM w-ma ol ?.. , ? uean Hub, ... N'o, SW Blghth ive., ?,..... n ,wded i. umal. Tho adherents of boUi fae ,lon, hoa <d nndne exelteaienl al Umea, bnl the sea ,. ded wlthonl anyihlrig mi re deatnietlve nl the , ,. . epiti ? mdafe* aglj M r ,. ,, . .. rarroil side n prtat iited bj M Ki i ?' p. . , ? , ra of wltneaaca on the etand. and foi 1 ,wed up Ihelr leatlmonj on l ? ? ?' ?l "i"1 '"vi ,., ... i th <! rumentary uid or?l, to show thai i large i ,.,- the v itea casl I * Ihe French DMd Allen ? .,,.??,. ''.'i't. lt ua- proved thal i ? ? ? r* , , . ... .?. namra ol dead aM i i ' " ? ?? - ? mJ ,.f the ? le i": ' addreaaea \. re rm tnl lota, - 1 !? . ,,,, ,i... p irt ,.f IM defen.s-Pollee ( ? - ? , kiV ,1 .'in' - T. KncleMr. rhalrman ol Uw ,[. . u ,:, ;,.-'!. who ?"-' thal Uie co teaUnta bM added 107 ' - l" ,'"> '?""? "' , ,: . . .. m| operator al IM polhng pla? ;, ? o. in t.. iv t thal day wai .\!-'\ v ,..?,,,. b Tamm inj lk?niocral and ,t civll .ii-. MltcMlPa rourf, .-Tho" -Mi'-n. Uw :-1-' "IUmss on the French n ,. volublc ai .1 chara. ben n ll.roi gh ut. ll ? aabl ,,, l( i, ha i i ...i i,, ti'" *e< .s-i.s ol the - .v.< (J iceti t < g" I.,,. tw.i montha MIore the primar) and knew whit ,;... wera up lo. When Carroll marrbed al ml Uiirty vn in w i -.! " litvien ' into the room ?Iwwi! th- prin v J.1' ",?.| ? io them und ???Id: "Thia li no plaee (,,. n.? ,!-. I''!.? i..-st \? ..i ean ln ..?? :, , uu went oui il>ln:, a -tiU' . ,- inot v.Hli unplaii" ? and Inui liter. Pl,..' i.. . ? mi both ildea u'll he allowed lo t le M? |, ,i. ,i alBdaviti na the) mlghl deslie antli l HE FEPEUA1. CLi'll PR tISKI . III iPE tKl IW ,,, ., , ,? . nf !':? -: ! Ili W UHam II ? p.^,^ ... .? ol ?'.?? r,.i ral < lub, heM :?-t ,,. |,i ,.... ,.i Id ,1 over bj Vi I'r idwl R. .1 Uwla. i;,.. rt|M,it nf .','? Dlnner Commlttee araa r.-lvl a tb rnthuslaam, aral Uie a..???"""' ?? aud.' IMI In i " iec|.i.'iiee of Uie -" " ** "r ,l'" ll'.r ;l !' "" ?pplti-Btlona ','i i., n,i"-rM,i|. have beea reeelvad. Th? M lowing !? ?"!'?'??? na ?' re ume-ee : ,..,.,,, r,,.,, u,iH club reeogniiea th- hlsh puhiie M i-f. v. ; . II. 0. d lUntJ ,,,,,. | , , . ,i ..? lt.. x- It and >-.-?..?. I. >?" ? ? , ,,i ,,,.',' ? i i.i tli Kepui.ll>-an party by tli 1, ,.'?!s i? the pi ,.?,i; ri.'. -, .. al idd-th" krv.,.,1 of proRMa.- ... ti.. it, |,ubllcan part) aad ol ? tor) tor r. . Nll .,,.,,,., i ia ? i .i-n !???.. i "' tb. pi.'i"' ? l ??-.-??:i.ti ,.,,,. ,., ,|.? ciub wlth the It- im' ll u. . lub, si d the d< ? . :,,. ,1,,. ev.-nlng, on rompufawr) votbig, waa pooS non-d f,: ."?'? week, M whl h Uma Uu meetlng waa u,l j.mni.d. _ __, OROAXIZINU THK l'F."l'I.K'S 1.1'A.irK. TM new executlve eommlttee ol th^ People'a Mu ntl mai Leagae has been ealled to neat al Um offl..I Wheeler II. l"ecW?am, piesldenl ol tM League, to ,?.,..,,.,, ttttt.'I for organfcaUon. A rhalrmaa aM ?ei i.'t:.:v are lo be electM, permanenl hoMnunrtcra 1Kl.,i ,,;,,, i,,,i plana arraoged tor obtalnlng IM .-slnews ..f war" tor earrylng on Um worh. II la prob ,, ,,. ,,,.,, ,,;-,,, . will be op ined ln tbe Uwet part ol i ia rlty, nn.i thal Jobn ?'?? Agar, aecreUry ol IM League, v ,u i?- cboaen lecretary h.1- ol IM exeeuUve commlt tee nnd inun.arge ol tM permanenl beMqnarters. \ r,.i?,|.| ls al-. rxpeeted Irom tM Commlttee on Or uuUr^ton i ,,-,si '. ... L. I.., l'.-ln. <-,i Uo u : Iieminc and - il Orduay. TM commlttee has al i-,..i.',\ begun tha eatablUtoneat of braocbea ln tu. varlous Assembly dlatriets. nn: ji'.iAi. 09 DEUAIUbR pnsiroXED. Ani.nii.iMi'-." Kraah V. i?"a..ircit waaarralgB?a in eaart nt no?- < itv yostorday to pteM to IM UaietBMBBl Igalasl bim ior iorg< rv. Ma dsmurrsd to o.o laai. h_mbm si t Utt <i,i.,'.ir :? was -u-'ii-t bj bU rooBsel, Arthar B. rou.palni , .... ?t tho in.'.i. i'n"ii.s waa Blamlaard on lechnl. il errora i,ni th, ,,::,?. ti.r. .? wera auaMteid. "n motloa ot ..?? iM.i ,t attorney, tn- trial ? .- p?.r bb U Ui i M u "?? ,,,,; i,. ,,,,,,. i Tho ii."'.,?a mail- two ? -I.- agn lo ? ,?, io i. .?.,.?.: ia- nilnuu-i al tha i.dtaga ol n- '?" ' lar) whlrh todleu i hlm a o BenteB. Tba eoart ?..- dl VlOi-d ln tl-'.'r. I". i-oUag a^.unst tl.u- bwUob aml .n. .ai n_ in UOVK IM" 11* WMW CLUB HOUSE. A rvgular mei-tlns ol UM Hartem RepaWleaa Club alll ,,. held thh bv. i.i'.l'. II will ba Iha laal ? ?tlng . HHiae. Mabloa ' kance will iMreaa tM elub ?,??, i.?!.?, i ,,f ti- M. Kiiii-.v .'.il "l?"' IM tm IMuatrj ,.( me ...untiy. ll.. .int. "iu ua- fomai psaaasila. ef IU ucw clubliou.o utit baturany evtuLia. TU. i,io P8B8BH wlll be a* follows: Prayer. preaentatton of kera hy the ehalrman of the Kxecutlve Commlttee, h. c Calkin, to th.' pre?ldent; irtdnss i.v th? |,e?id?rt, Waek. Ington Wliiaor. IfeMMM Dunham'? ,,reh.*tta wlll fur. nlsh musi,'. BlfNBhMBll wiu Ie served from 1Q p. g, to mldnlpht in the caf. SELLIXG MR. IVE&S VASES, BOME BABOAHfl. SBCUBED AT TIIE STABT. TOTAL KOR TIIK KIRST DAY'S WORK, 813,141-4 f.ARi.K ARBVDABCB. Tlw altendanee nt tlie nk of tli* Hrayton Ivea f,,ii,-,-ti,,ti of pmAlatno. jades tnd laaaaaae fword. aad hrie-a-anu .-ii tbe Amerfeaa Art OeBariaa wa* na large yi rterday i(s when tiiA rai-e bonks of Mr. Ivea's (dilertidii arereaoM b lew ,ia\- age. Aawagtha bldders were ni.itii eoDotora .rf nom from nbr'-ad or ll oii- agent*, a- well a- a hnr; aaatber of local bnyci-a. Tlie bldilin? was not marlv ns Iptrited 88 was ex pected, theri- belng atj evMaal tlipesttlee on th? jian of proopectlea buyen to u dd baek fnr bargalaa, .\s a resalt, tiie -iie gragged % greal deni nt the Mari. iind nii of Mr. Ktrby. eloajaeaea was aat suflieiont to ittr the i.idd.-i-s up t.i anythteg llhe aat___M_____a. Th" tirst \:i-e offerei for sub- aaa ? ___-ae8___B_ bettle-ahaped, aevea and a, baM inehe* Mgh. it went for ???--? fo PT, .1. Kagji BB, aad WBB eonsld"re<1 u great bargaln at the priee. There was sr> spirtt-id btddlng on the tecond plaee offered, an ovoid vt,, arlth (Ife.rations in blue and wlilto. Mrs. \V. C. Wh.tney mado the llrst bid of fOOO, und a- tlie u.da ...s.- i,v leaa, ihe mtm BM laal <>ffer of 9:101. u\ Whleh Hi" pleee waa so!d to her. This was .?on-ldored an exeellent prtca. Bia, Wlilfney aNo bouglit tho third vaaa Ofered. a aofl 88888 artiele, deoinitcd ln blue and whlle, fnr *:,_:.*.. Tlie bMdlBg dr.-iesed palnftilly until No. nrt ln tha eatelogue was icarhed Thla araa a jar de_-oratd in blue and wlnte. latlBg fi-mi tbo Kaag Ho perlol. Jamea A. Qarland made the tirst bid of ifl,000. and there was a eboraa .-f bldi laagiag Boai ISfi to ?ioo .jiiieiiiy foUowlag. Mra, BTtltaey aaa one oi tin most ei.n.est bidders. l,-il Mr. ?. uliti'l 8-4 the pretty ]:ir for gB.OOO, IBa Mghert prlee "f the dav. There waa a liv?Iv e..nte,st for tln- p08S8Ba_B81 o| No :ir on tii" ealalogae. This araa a Mfl eaete blue and White va-e. wlth rtei-oraflons ln lii_ht blue. ,-t rent flnally i" r. H. Clarke fnr *A90, a Mgh prlce, N,,. n was a bottte-ahaped vaae, Known as a ??(?ol lector'B in""-.'' II wa- (leeorated in Maa and white an.l was ,v\tifm.-ly pr t y. B. II- i-'-'t lt for -j:,'i Mr. Halntead al-o bought So. 4o, au wroU .. , ... :,|1(| cover of brtgM btua 8ec_-_*ad in Um and white. To an ocdlaary ubecirar thla was a pret?:er arUcte thaa Ita predaeaiaer, bn' K waa knoehed dowa ,' ?150. i robebty the beat i.iddlne of th" day araa on No. Irt, ar ordlng lo tiie ealalogae. Thia wa* a uuiojie vaae of ovoid fona, lecorated in bh_e and whBa. Tiie l mi t.i" body "f t'i- vaaa repteaearted a lady tandlng by a lion. Tin- va? waa purchaaed i.y Mr. Ivea for $1,800, aad it wai thought thal more than ,;,,,, prica .-,.?!ii :.<? reai?ed for lt. bnt it went to lleber :;. Ittehop fdr il.478, a tin" bargaln. B. .i. Duveen boughl .-> numb..f v;i-i>-. Inelndtng , ... ipc. :.:,'.ti eleven and a half Inchea high, whleh va- kaocked down at :''".". Anothar bottle ihaped, :.,? ;.,',i ...... i. derorated wlth a blue pattara ?\ nl t.i t'i" -i'l.e.,!?'.?: i.,:--i,(?. K H.VaaOaaaaboaght a blue and white elab-shaped veaoeL Hawlhera pal* ra, : .r 8170. .\ va-.-. ;.- deUoete m leatara aa aa on -in-il, wlth th'- plcture "f a dragM "ii tbe bowl, waa - n t . i.. ... B'oodboaae f>r ?155, B. r.iMiop -,.:i- ti.e -.,?...-.---fni bldder Ior a tall va-e decorate?l -ith rt.i'i -? . .Ion ..,,- ..t ,:,^ n, .-t atriklog pUoeo ^lleravd, -, f,. a- iiu- coloring wentr-seciiriiiit il for I80B, K. II. Van Incen aeeaiai i* baru'-.ilu in a tall. ovold raae, deeorated wtth eolorad Balto and flowers, ut ???,-ir. i,. <'. Bendletoe, of Pteeldaaee, n. anottier l,i. :.v btdder, ii Pilgrim bottle, d-1 ;a-"d vttfe vivid ,?;?!., belng kaoehed dowa t-i hlaa Ior p0tT. a wtda I .? 1....1 \:i-- ut .n ..d fona wa_- s,M to ilen.-y (.rexiw (or 11530. II',:- ;i!~i was it giiMt bar-aln. Oaa Bf ii:- m,,-t ornenental-loohtng vaaaa was Ba, io>. !t wuo a tall, club ahaped vaoial, derorat?.d with manv i-aricttei "f mothi aad baiterBlea. B. J, Daveaa ?m t:?. lu, kv bldder, s-.urit:K lt for IBlft. Mr. Huv.v-n wghl a tall. _>/uid-r!iap<.- va*?, deeoralod wiia eolors, for ?_-?. The aale fcr tiie day, ln part, w-__s as follows: ,,. .- .... bottl -haped i?--'. T_ i"'-'be_ high. ' -?? ?? ?. *-? .,>,. J-re. W. C. wiu':,-;. ?"? , ' M,: ,.?..._,-.. boUlo form, Mra. Caldwrtl ... tR ..... ? : rmeek, > -.. Woodbeooe.. IM II ... ., id '.',.?-.' wt t. Mra l> \ ?',' ?? ???. >'i Uottie-ahaptd iaoe, o? lacboa high, aaa_a of pur rboaa-r ii"t i^l^eu. *" ni'.e aud "blt. jar, Kanif- Hl i^ri.xl. Jamea .v. <?ar _,,j .. Blue nnd' white vaoe, globular body and ab-nder 2.09) 103 ,,,... uaiii ..' p r haa. r not glveo ? .. ?? . ylUldrical \a--. Mua and white. naiue uf yur.li_*er aud walu'va-a ovoid form, .oft paato, T. ll. L?r<?id ..,s". .-ai .n*t alao, bbbm "f paiehaaai aai ,,..!".; '.',. uid ..-.'. r, bliie iind irhiie, H- IL Bhl? fnliiiie ia- ov.'.ld' '_o'-_^"'d_eo'l8l-- la bi'"-' aud ?i"v'i- l- H Van i'.*-'.. lie -i.eii teituro, L ?.. TaU ?va? Oariiig i.'i- B. Blih-p._ ? ? i-aae il it.d ? _h eotori, nauie of II b-i 7i 1_0 1,47 s. ,- '\ ,,.-, dtCOIBtld '--ltli COlera, Wll .; .???;:? xa:i %, .. ^ ?,:?: ii vaaa, aaaai -.f BaacBaaai ':'..., i -c d iti eotiei ?.th . . ' ..- I ::?"-. K. IL Van lni_.n . .. Ul .. ..uh n...,rs. c, l. rieaiS' ll :,:> ??rrtXlB . Bl ,iti -:,.|-. ti. J. Ou-. *n-- ?? ? ?? , : ,.rii. ?! iii creem ar.d whlto, ? ? . ol um -? ;? _.' i. ,ti. brown aud black, brtght glaie, I. T. i i..".'.' \',''.'.' ". ,';,'. -...i|. ?. _-.-? wtlh rolora, w. i- ...-t ?.- .. . ?? o v I . .. t -.-. i -a ?:, loro, R. J. ?, f ai nt :,,.,.. ,,, uw |? wen , , . j i IV M Lotham ....... 2-? ,Uver de-o ll v. li _ ta lha . ? ? ? ? thed r. w'is (15,101. ?.-i... . i bli b vasea weea nel reaehal fa* hut p-.' -i'-I-- wlll !re to-day, and some -?m_r tlonai pricei are 1 -oked f.>". THK PABY ITABYBD TO DEATB. .\n ae nI "f Mr. .... !?? - aorlat] m il lo Ba. i" faa ....., ,.-t ..ii batutd kjr i.i.'M. ? h ro b ir-old glrl i: l i ; ?? v. u. Ihe u.eHi :? "f tb ? |ead itif__t. ?? ? ii.-?-???! the wooaaa, lad | <ouHtf -??' ,u.,., ,..-r t- Coroner Levy ta ._n-'.r to _he rbarsi Ung b. i eblld. The baby B _a I ? ,.,, ., i ,: ttarvauoa. Ww ?k ieat to lha i.n.:.-. . ,., autop.y, whleh wlll i ? ? Bn body of . , lh|| ; ? ., . r I'i u t..i- tn ?alag. Iho i t. marrl d to Jarnoo P. Dojrl I ' : !t :* - . foo dayi ago another eblld ef _bli a_-_aa Had. M ii topai ?,- thea held ind ovldoa ?>- ' -'? '? ?'' * " ''?"' ', rrd by Ur Jenklna. Tha c*>c ?lll bo tl-oro-gB-J InvoaUgated by iii" i oraaer. IHE WEATBER RBFORt, rOKl CA8I i ILL B t*. M. Mfl ^'A*Y Waahlngtoo, Barch :? , ?" *?*-* ****** r"d _?__ n a-Vork, taiu, .. ?:,r'r"'' *ni i _r ,,;?,!. i'.iii,s.v.,riii. >''"-' rooy, M? i,?.i aud Vlrgiola. ctrariiigi t***'. ?*?"?* " ?Inda . talr va..:., ?-.: n 1 ,,i u, ( a oliuan, K_ i,?. ?.,?i aud ,.. I m '"'?'' :'" ; "'':,'or "r U'l"r.w-".? n li _la ' ? M-'*-wi". '?; ' " .... I a-ic ',....-.- ? ? ... I, xlt-; . aud ...,"' in, - Ir, m V* - '"', ln * ' "T'!'\v _-., . Ne* V..i.. Weal m I' - ' ' _2 , *?.d Ohlo :.. learlng; warea I.v U.',.. ' Kor ui-. ?.-?,. fair: fi"""; , ,?.,, ?erea__af i nr Mtnm - ?:' " .' ' ' ' . .,,,. ,.?,;c \>y u du, ..laj in v,.st uakou. . TlU'M-vr. LOCAL OBBBBVATIOBB. _?__---.-rr:-1 BAtt. (Z HBl i.s ,.,.r. 17 "-L ',-.11 ''? '", T l?B*aa7 '*',,r_1;;,4lf,7Sy,rS M* :??" . L 1 __. a i ____: i_ls ._'-???? rl?t-fV ;;i ^mp-]^? ^f.-TJ- ^K _. - f-EMl T,,,???. .,n,e. Mairh io" 1 a. B_.-CIoady ? ?' *> ?:,:,-;;_:. n,,,r.'--'?--??: -"? ,. i briri r- "?';?. V Tti :??':? - ,,;1V. me temprraMN ...??-" ? ? ? ? ? ,,,.,? .... i.i.iL- 12. h afeer ''?ii oo ta*.*r" ,.(.,."r \V'.',!!, r. fair "i v-ith I ?'?'?? :!"-' ' "i":i" sfa^Siimtj* iti*rz s____r?fc?* ...i' fur ?a_.t ol i'B8~ 30.0