Newspaper Page Text
v?i.I_....N??16,187. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, MARCH II, 18B1.-TWBLVE PAGKS. 1'RICE TIIREE CEJVTS. GREAT BRITAIN SNOWBOUND. _____LWAY TRAFFIC BVEUVWHERE BLOCKED. AND MANY TKAINS STALLED. fSJFFERlNGS OF THK TAfcSENGERS ? MAXY DEATHS DVB TO THI. IXOaUl AM> THK IN TENSK (OLD-THE THAMtS RAIMULY HISlNr.-L06S OF UKE ON THK gEA. London, March Hh?The Hizzard in iho south *f F.ngland eontinucs, thougb tJ.e went her in _?_(1on is mllder. The l8llro**dP 9i Kent and Sussex are eompletely blocked an'l tbe ncighbonnr* eountry is doep with ?_ow. The lrirricane whieh a.. ompaniod the anow-storm pile.l BBOWdliftfl on all .sides, stop ping aU trnftii' Ofl the railwny lines and upon tbe country rnads. The trnins full of pa?is*ngers in the Midlands were saowed ap b?rt uight. and The p*_sen_ers wer* not resoued until this n.orninc The res cufld people suffered terrihly from cold during tbe night, owing to tho unheated eondition of the aaj_ A train on the North Kent Ksilroad, bonnd for this city, was snowed up last nigl.t, and ?_U1 iflaflBu-i in the railroad outting where ll wustalled bf a dnft. The Sheerness ruail-ear cannot he found. It bas been lost soruewbere along the line of rail? road between this city and rThrtrncaa A seareh partj' sent out after the missing car re-cued the engineer of the lost engine. He was found half Irflien in a snowdrift. Two clcrgyunen were snowed up in a carriage on tbe Favershara road last night, and were n-Mued witb diffkulty, after having sutTered severely. Beport6 from the piovineea sl.ow that the bliz ga?d prevailcd from St. George's Channel t<> the NflTth Sea. All road trnflic is stopped and the train* there are delayed. In Somcrsctshire, Dorsetshire, Hampshire and Glourestershirc there are BDOwdrifta c\erywhere, many feet d<?ep, rendrrinu' lield work Imposaible. In these counties the mail sorvice has Itcen oom pletely siopped, and the fanners siitler immense less amoiiK tha cattle and sheep with whieh their farms aie stocked. Taken altoscther, the storii. has heen unequalled in severity for a, not exeeptiug the terrihle weather in the Latter parl of 18*0. Another instanee of a Enow-hlneknded train is upon a road faiailiar to Ameiieaus whn cross t'ne Channel to aml from ti.e Continent, A |BMBe_ger tram whieb lett Charing Croaa Btatlon at miduight for Folkcstom* w,.s eanglH in a buge anowdiifl outaide of Folkestone. l'ne passenuers weic n?,t rescued until I o'clock this BMMliing, when many of them were scriously ill. owing t<> the la. t that they had heen iu a hall-frozcn eondition tor scv eral hoiirs. The passengers had neither food nor Ufhl from the tta_e when they were imprtaoned in the floawbiiuad eaia nnttf they were reseued. In uddition to the dnuage done l>y th<* storm itself, the has begun to rise 111 a tlancer cusly rapid mai.ner, and alrvady inundatea tbe low-lying distnets bordenng on that nvcr flWU Kichmon.i down. The grccn-grocers of this eity and elsewhero are naturally sufferii>j: rrom a deartb .-1' vege tahles, etc. All tne whgona oinmg in lrom the eountrv and hound, in tbe onee ol London, for tovent Garden Market, have heen snowed up Blong the roads leariing into the metropolis. aml a ecareeness and rise in priee of such proviMons tnay h* looked for within the next day or tWO. Work ahout. the various dorks in and neur London ha* heen partially suspended, owin,: to the u.ass of anow accumtilated about the docks and ablpa In South Devonshire the snowstoim eentlnucfl it? violenoe. The railroads are Uooked, and the mail train bound from Southampton for London ls snowed up at aoUM unknown apot, The lowna on tlie Channel Islands have also heen eut ofl by the anow from all eommunication with one ncother. _ ... At Lydd, a amall senport town of hent. while the coaet-guard Uieboal was golng lo ibe reaeue ?f the crew of an endangered ve.ssel, the llfebaal eapalzed. and several of it? gallant oreupants w.-ie drowned. Near Hastings. Sussex County. ftsh tng smaeks have beea wroeked. Three, were drowned. the other members of l_8 crews barelv escaping with their lives. At'one period of the BtOim il was aaid that the BaU hoat ptyinf Jretwcn Dover and Cahus. and an her way to the latter port through the Btorm, bad foundered. This rep-rt tnrns 001 to ?>e ln crrect. the nm.l bonl bnvlng reaehed < atoia ln safetv. I.ut iu a terrildy hattere.l eondition, and after lieing eightenn houra ^l^^Zl Her women p,,sM.-n-ers were bnll ?'" V' ,? , ,. Sekneeaand fea* when th.- mail boni BnaUj maat CUAomv1etna_e,lWllM,nesirn,'dlas,ni,l,t.r.,m tli ln all ouaea tbe paaaengers have Buffered lh v M-..I peraona are report4?d aa mlasing. K beUeved to have mei Oeatl. In the anow d?ift*^iwbic,* they bave been cau?hl while en deavoriiiL' to reach plaxjes "t siiciter. . onlv _*a_r* tetfgrams vve!.- iweived to- \ fr,, var -s par.s ol Enuland and Wales. riie C according to dlapat^bes, are Benemllj Tralie on the Great West-n. Ballway ia eoin ple!;;r'doek.*.i.aI:'M!etra,,,o?,;:,roa wu 'vere ca :K>it out in the Bt-.rni ure btalled ?l < '?< ' r?nt uoinw. The sea-wall aupportins the Grea W^rn R-ilrotfd'a Une, lietwcer, I>awliah aml KrfeO,"n breaobed bj ?*?f?vy^nnding h baa i.-eeiMd lioii. the ara, and tlie trafll. ?\tl , "portion .,1 the ,.I wojill b* lmpcaaible even if tle anowdrifta did noi blook the iwmI. U v .hs.'at.h from brlnw tbe Inl nnat.on ihnt the vacbl Sappliire, ?'\. ,-l by MaeLarr. ol _ aegolv\ dm been driven aahore there rlurina the g he Mr MaeLarr, tbe diapateb adds. waa wash.-i ^Attol SSivwd f rom (-ardifTis t. -he effeet that the Btorm raaca ln thal wiarhborhooi with unnhated foree and seventv. 1 U already known tbal mneh dnaaage haa l??i done. and it ? eZIBXtttd that whea the snow elears away 11 will 1k* found that the loH ia e-eeptionaU.- lanre. A diapateb fr?m Oovei aaya the Admiraltj at that plaee ha- heen so battered by the wnves ?ha1 h.i_-e atonca Breighlng ten tona aplece hava been eUeplaeed and thal hioeks of Iron Breigbing twe tons eaeh have l>een carne.l away by the violenoe of the angrv waters. ? o ? THE IfOltXtOH THBATEICAI, rr.NSORPlllP. London. Mar, h la-Uenry Irelni and Ti-...-hohm _*rfy> hftre. bv invltatinn. uMftaied W*tl BW Jobfl Lab boek. rhai'rman of the LoaflVrfl CountJ CoflUlcil, In if g?rrl to the bill whieh BIBpOflflfl to flonfer upon th? london (v-untv founcll Ito.eawflBralilp BiMl M.pervlMoa of th- London thMtiea. a MD w*th l. blUeriy owjo^d ?,v the th'-alro waBBaTTTI and h\ ti.e pioiiuu. ni Storl of thfa. Vv. Sotim-KBitli th- mu ha, aaea poatponed. sKVEN MEN b-LLED BY AS _XP_0*5IOX, uu-piT" Marrh l?. ? rondenser; ni ' In ih' a_er_iti nf ammonla al Dlxon'. Iron tt'ori . ln ti, dty. Mploded to-daj all I rrifl. rorre, When tho rnin-. of Uw bntldlns I" *?<? " bad be..rectsd wer oxan.he!. thr-e nangled DOdle. Brere reroeered. Fonr BtlBW i.o lie Ineludlng tbal nl the manag-r ol ibe irorfca Mr. Mllree. ar- 'tlll ImHed In lh? rnlna. aevanl other paraana were Injnred by tbe e_ptoa*on, ?SAcnnra an aorcrmkxt in NE\vForNr.i..\Ni> l';,rh, Mareh 10.- Tl.Te?f*S" m.- tliat tht ne aatlatlni. betBrean a^raaea a-.-i BnglaBd on ti.e Mew BjjaBN__B4 BsmiliBi bnee iBss_ged In ?n agreement. Whieh will bo sahniltled lfl Ihe FrflSM h aud Bng-SB l-rllainenla at the end ,,f Ihf week. A MAN EHOIGHT FBOM HAWAII TO VOTE. Chlcago. M.inh 149 "p- IBl '? -ThBaaBM A. Wilflon, of IrMj.ter. N. s? s,;,: UttH : -What d. of bi ngl.ja a uun ovor 15,4)00 m fc*. i" ?*ot< M*d i-' ln. ua nitlra axpenaea or Ibe Joorncy. l_a( bi wbid the < an_1::ui Tacifle Kailroad did |BS1 INWrMlU 1 . l?a laat electlon. Tljerc wa.-. a prcrln. t ln W_*_lpeg lUai w_> known U> bc doubtful, wli|i the LibcruU I fllehtly ln tlie lead. Thi* man. whoaa faaoehlee waa OOBied BB others. wa* in llonoliilii. Hawall. Hc f-or.-ent'-d 1 i leitirn 1', Winnipej; to vote, pro ; | vldin^ liis exp-nie* were pvd. .vnne one wa= oul over fi.-ju for tht?t trip. l don't thlnk you ? an diacount th.* ? -i ir.\, whieh llluatrate* the diwu iu which t.'iu ton J aervatlrea found ihemfcelve*." JACK80N STILL HOLD8 HIS OASTLE. AN ATTACK1NG PARTT, READED BY TIIF. AB docteo wiff.'s relativeb, scat tkkf.o p.y ar(;i:mt;xt. London. Marca 1<>.-The baa?__ra ol the- honae st CMtheroe ?.. whi.'-h C II. J.vkaon t'*ok hl* wlfe. the poaaeaeor of ii fortnna ol anout plSBjOOO, aflar bavtog abdwtfd her npon her refuaal to Mr* wiih Iiiin In apita of t'i" r,ni ira of tha eoarte, *t:ii n-niain al their p >?tv Mr. Jacaaoa, on the otner hand. m?intain<i hl* reatdeoi o ln a barrleaaVd eondltl-a. and (he pollee romaln oa wob b oboof taa eeena el this ma(:imon!.u dipute. in order to prevont a BBrtoaa r..ll;-l :i l** liurn Mr*. .T',rK*on'R n-iailv"-, who nn* tryi.e lo re*, ue her, and Mr. laffkaoa nnd hl* frieud*, who are defendlu. h:* r-etdenOt ai;aln*t atloek Mr. Jaebeoa ha* telephooed tbal hia wlfe yataarday had be,!, ObatlOOte nnd helpl"<>*. Toward ev.-niii Mr*-. J;,ekaoii begoa to lalU, and tho-* Wl N MfOB of a ree.Bi lllatlon beaaajea the huchiuid and wlfe. A body ol Bboal 1<)0 etUteoe of Clltheroe, hesided bv Mr1. .KBaoa'l relative*. early thi* mornln. B_MY_ed j to atta'-k the .Jae_4*r>ii hnuse. Upon s?einK the at- j taekl-i party uppmarh, the rlti.-f roontable. a_o Wa* ln cotnniand of tbe poHce goardiai th<* aoaae, n?- ; aambled hi* foree acroa* taa r.?nd leodlog t" llu oi'le.-flre polnl of Ibe atfae-k. After aome parleylug tba ehief e-mMuble maaofed fo di*n"r-,> th,? erowit Tbe pollee otlcla] then advi?ed Mr. .ii^kton to wir | rend-r to Ihe uuUioritlcs. Um law p<*rmlltlnK a forrvible ! entraiie. Into Me houae to-morrow. STJSSIA'S INTlvIJKST IX SOANPINAVIA. THK aOTH-CHILM AXn THF. (.OVKP.NMr.N'T OPPRK>siM. thi: MT__IA_I 1IF.BRF.W6. St. Peter?bnrg, Man h 10.-The tenalon of afalra eaui-ed by (Iie pollllral aituation in Srandlnnvia ia ki-.v Iv w*ateh<*d end followed hore. Ru**i.i Im* long l>een wnitlns: for ihe opportaalty le huoaporate into j tba Raaali.mplre the roantry beyocd Ibe BorlharBal j frontler, thu* galotog a fi**** Atlaotie aeaboat- aod en ' afellag Rusela to make Ofoten, la Kprway, a navnl i port of eipinl -irtte.ic iiiijiort.inre with Vbvtlvoetocb, n?,r ih*- aortbera llmll of Corao, <?n tba Haa "f Japaa, by jnininR tbe pap bow aeporatlaaj the railarogr ayetem* of Rn*-*.., aod Baaadlaavfaa The Benl-fJrta] ?? Sovot Vraorya" ha1- t?Uen up | the Innl ihnt if the Koih-rhlld* 6*po_*6 tbe raaae of tlu* Hebrew ii fltaaaa flooorlal praaaare npon th, Ktift^ian r.iivernnieiH : aod pa.Uabaa a lonjl nnd : re_4M_o_a article. atotlng ihnt ibe Rotberhllda th":n '-elve* ha~e Riven hoctaRr* to th" Roaaion OoTern rni'iit. Inaannrh a* th"y rurw ,.wn practleally all I e naphtOa -ini'i^-* "f Baka, nni kara an-;,Tik*<-.i a*rUi Uie -tamtard >'il Conpany of tii" i'niu-,1 .?t;,t?-* io dlvlde tbe Btarbet* of tbe wortd. The Mffo*roe Vraroya" tii'':i *ny* thal R_**l6 woaM not lnil, ln ra*a of flnanclal traahloa, ta glae a ftoband for aa Oliver. Slaee tbe London Kanalon Hoaae nioetinp* whli-h e-iiri***-*-.i iyapatby wltb tbe Hebrewa, aod reanlt-d in aeading, thr-agb the Lord Mayor, the meroorlal to ih" Csar, arhleh ?a* retnmed anread, the aererlty >.f tbe anii-.i<*"ai-h p.*nni ia?* ba* l*xo redoubleil ln vlaor. w !? n iv*- >M-iit.-ii baw* are Inadetinata, arbltrary laar* trplaee them. The romailaflon appoloted f t Ihe i.i.i;> ae ..f deallng wlth Ihe qae*tloii .* roaip_6ed rhleflj of peraoa* Inlmleal to lh<* Hebrew*; and, ln \i.-w of theae ].i nl ibonl 100.01.i 111 .-! Hebrewa have embraeed Rnaaiaa orthodoxy. Bul baptiied Hebrewa are au-lected lo tba eo_-8 itirtrktlott* aad dlaaolflllra a* th" othera. nn; ii;i*fi P-fTATO CROP PAILURE, BEPORI 01 THK LOCAL OOVERXMESfT BOARD THK. OTHER LlloPS GOOD. Diihlin. Marrh li).--Th?> lir-h aovornm"nt Board h.-i* i?*n'-d ita kiog-e_p6et-d report on the fillnn^ of the p.'lato ei^p. nnd upon the rondition .?! the <on_.*tid di.-lri't. Among othei- tUagl th" re BOai Baja that Ibe dlalrlcti ln whirh tbe diM>o_<: ?p pr*:ir'-ii roopriae abBat harl of iT'iand, and thw.l tba di*e;i^e i* <i',ie t-> tbe plaattng of old C__mploB aaed, tlie d'.se-*ivrrsi*tliic propartlea _ which linva 1*en ?jiallj acabtooi af htte yeara. in ilphi, dry aoi!*, ihe reporl aaya, the , rop in aooaa piare* waa aacaUeol. bnt in thc ' Id. v.'t land and ln tbe BaOUBtalB di* tti? t?. the faihir" wa* every wlwire ferlou*. CoOttafl Intr. the report BBja tBal fne o.rn rropn |n BJ0660I ?*>* good, tbe i-'re.-n irop- af Bf to the full aroragB, and tlie othor r,.-*our,?s ?f Uie lai-inera are a_"iu up txi ihe average. Iirleiy put. the report foe? 00 *liow that the Kmall faini-ir* are in c.od rlreamataaeaa, but ai^ eoat-oated wlth a -i-arilty ..f potatoaa whieh is iinprecedeiiUid In tblrty yeara, ,aii*ini,' tbe dntp"*t di*tre^* In Uie oon goated dlstrlets, thi* dtotreaa bvlni-- Bajro-ated bj Ibe reraetanre ,.f the loeal abaipboepara to pn,nt rn.'dii -o .-,rly in Ihe 668800, or before th-.v nre abk t jud.e ..f tbe hanreal proapei ta. bome of ihe Board'* Inapeetor* aaaboate tbe p'.f-t" erop fi.iime a* eoaJralral to tbe )"a* lo Ibe people ,,-'.'. :.*<| ol Ui'-ir mirtdiv ni<_l. BOd tbe lOBB of a port.on oi t.'i?*ir Bappert fnr pan of the year. Th" ,-,. t ol thi* king reporl eiv<-. detalli ?<- to how thc Kutti .in- i"."!' ahonld I* r--!--v,-il. :mrt ihowlog that V.o (i:-ii-,- i- a* yet o the lnerea*e. i iie i.-i'-i appii. ui..i - ii iv t.? th<* eon* c?*t--d ditii'K '.; iv 'v-t and to the labonnc and UKliins cla*sc? "f Ih'* aonth, bul i( ls experted tlial the preaaiire l?r r*ll**f artll becoaie laore geoeral ue tweeo BOW and THE McCARTHYITES IX r-,N'VKNTI<'V. Dubllo, Mareh 10.?The NaUonal FederaUon Con rentton opened in thi* eliy to-day, Jn?tlt proldlng. A letter front ArchbUlioji Wnl-.i waa i-'id. ln a-hich IV" Aifhblahop wild four-dflb* ol tlu ronstltuenele- were readj to follow tlio lead of K, i , tnd lhal Mr. Pornell'* pollcy lovolvi ttii de*,tnn (lon ol the worti <?<? the la t len yaar*. Letter*, ? i approval of Uie coune adopted by the MrCar thyite* ?eie reeeivcd ' >m Arrlibiabop Crobe aad rn. -t ,.f tbe Mshop* ln Ireland. Klr '* B?monde, tbe Maeretary ,.f the rooren Uon, itated thal 115 organUatlon*, bad aool dalegate*. Letten had beefl reeelved froai nlnety other organUa llnoe, aaylog tbal i.'.'--'- organliotloo* would tupporl Mr. MrCarlby. Mr. McCartby rald thal th<- Leagne had :i|v.-.\<-,i lUell to i,e ,-;:|itn--i In a rerreanl way by t ???? brlFale.'' Thi Fcder.illon, 1k- declared, was well rid r ihe Nuii .iii League. For Mr. I*.irt,r 11 hc bid ao a-ordi bul tltoae ol c irapaaslon. Tlu.m,* Sextoo, Mesaber ol ParBaaieot for R'eal i:"lia-'. rn ih" coorae ol th" aaeetlng mado a ataOroenl t/? th,* efreel tbal daring tbe Boaaoejoe BegotlBtiona ihe rrprcaentitlve* of Ihe majorlty of lle ir.-h Pw Haaieo-iry paiiy offered t > Icare tbe raainaaaahlp of ih" party open for ? yebr if Mr. Paroell woaM ratfre teuiporarlly froai lhal oftee. M, exocuUve rommitlee u.,- appolaled. ronslating ol M-+1*. McCarthy, Condon, Davltt, Deaay, Oirkaon, Murphy, ArtliUr i >'? laoor, Sexton. .*l ?> hy. Sulllran an.l Webb, and alao Me_are. DiOon and U'Btlon, if ?ey are willing to aerve. ? ?- ? THF. BAOCARAT BCAKDAL. I.ondun, Mareb 10. Blr William Uordon rummlng baa obtaioed an order tnm tbe rooii before wiiirn i,u Bartiom for damafin artll t." trled leejolrlug Ibe deff*u,i oata i" f_rnl_h la detall a de-rrlptlofl of ihe acta ?.f rbenlliig ol baeearal wlth wMeh h<- u rbarged. Th" Oefendanta, bi 6ttw ?t ihe flarl lhat lt would b" difhru], iu >ir, if-. th,* urt* referred t... have appealed lo im. c .un t" reverae the oi.t. Declaton oa thc appeal :* reeervad. rRIM"F. JEROME NAIMl.F.oN's OOMOITIOM. iv,!:,-. Mareh 10. PWnee* Ctotflde, ? fe ol Priaee Jerom. Xapileon, who li dyrag ;.t bl* boaie In tbl* <,iy. to-da.i broagbl Prlnee ITtrtor. hU *oa, io th atifferer'a b-d?lde. Pilnee Nij".l. rec-isnlacd Prtne. \ i, tor, nnd wiW. ?? l aai g ?Ipr: all i* over. Thu j,h\ -i. 1..11- .ii iu ii.I.-;..? .-.> tbal Ih" I'l,n,e I* III i d . -?" Ol ? ii ith. - ? ? TIIK M-'.W Ai;i.KM'INK LOAX. I'uri*. March 10. a dlapatch froai Baeao* Ayrea tqyai ??Tbe liooi i bere haa (avorabty recelvo- the new loaa, bal it i- feared thal unlea* fullj anb^erlbed iie:-e it will i>e ooeoaaary lo have reeoBrae t-i Eorope lot a?.i-tanee." ? ? .ir*; i(K BTEPHEX8 TO TAKE A VACATIOM. London. Marrii in.- ii i* rapartod tbal .oatlea Btepbeae, wboee Bttatd i* ^aid to bave been affected i ?? tba w.nrv ivrident io tbe trlal o! tbe Maybriea eaae, v. iii *.iou i# enabled t<> tah" a proloneed vnralloo, la ih. i..-. ? lhat the rr t ?ili be <?'. i> neni l ?? bloi/ l.i.N .111 "I' THK IHN.AI.l \N SL'XOAY. Bttda-F-atb, Mareh 10.?Ibe Chaaibar ol Mapuile* haa )la?^ud UM Boaiay Real bill. whirh dedaea aandai i,* "\t..|idi__ from Ui- tlu**! of ?utur_uy to 0 a. ut. on Mooday. 70 TRA VEL UKE THE WJND. AUSTTN COI'HINS TBAN8ATLANTIC SCHEME, A BTATEMErTT TlUT IIIs DREAM 0Y A F1VE DAT8 TRIP 10 EXOItAMD I> TO r.E COME A thi r. An editorial will Ik? pnbUahed tomnrrnw in "The Seaboard," giving au ontline of Anatla C>r i i.s latest aeheme of swift tteainera from Montauk Point, L. L, lo Milford Haven, Kncland. When seen al hla home, So. 135 Filth-ovc., laal nm'.it. Mr. Corbin deeUned to any anything lor publica tion at present. bui expiesvl a flrilttngneea twfalk at length to-day. The plan. 88 ontlined in "The Beaboatd-" edi torial, Is alroady more or kaa mtnUlar to tbe pu)> lie. except in tbia caae the eaaential point of the ?ubaidy-which baa been the greal obatack ln all previoua acbemea of this naturo-entera into ti.e prohiem as a known BjuanUty. I'.y thia aet re eently paaaed in ConnTeaa Mr. Corbin has been ah!e to exeel all other plana for t raoa itlantie ?Bjeamabipa, and rurtbermore, the editorial says, he will iK-gin operationa al onee. This plan ls to bttild Bigbl first-elass sleam shlps of 12,000 bona e.ieh, all to be of steel. to he eonstrueted in Amerienn Bhipyarda and t<> he eapahle of making twenty-four knota an hour. By the,- thlps it Is hoped to make tbe distanee between Montauk Polnl aud llilford Kaven, 2,781 iiantaoal milo*. under five dajra. From New York 4 ity a train of the Bneat TOStibnle enra will whisk the paaeenger ia tw,> honra' time to Forl Pond Bty, where the derp water will allow the heavi.-.t diaughl ecean Btenmohip to ran eloee in shore. Too pa?en^ers and baggaRe will he taken hboard theae nown monstera and Inaide of llve daya landed in Milf-rd Haven-"one nl the Anetd harhora ln Englnmr'-where another express. trnin will land the paaavngera in London i'i vB. bonra. , ln order to make the beal poaaible tini* these vtenueis will not, earr\ heavv freuht. I.ut Wlll their eargoea to llght parrela and malla. Witbin two yeara, aceordin? to "Tbe lk_board. the hrst toiir of these new ateamalupa will he iu rommiasion, and it is promised thal they wlll eelipae anytbing afloal in eleganee, Bafety aml h!'7t is said that Mr. Corbin hna nll hla plans perfeeted tor this greal enterprlae. and wlll see ti.e Sceretary ol the Navy nl onee In order to nel his approval ol deaigna lor tlie new ihipa, in ,.rder that thev ma\ <?.on_ In every partteuiar lo tbe protisiona sel forlh In the Poatal Sun __dy i.iii. Bj this bill h stibsldy of $4 a mlk ls gr\nted the flrsl rlnaa alilp ol Ameneao eon struetion. Tlie (our shipa already projeeted will , ai ln all fri.rt.BO. I' l e\;.ted that they will make one round frip every three week*. and thal twn ileparturea srill be made every week from both ends. -? A BIO TBA HOI si; t.OF.s VXDBB. DITOL-T ?A_t ft CO., Ol BOSTON; ASfilQS LIA KUTIES SAID T" 111". \H"t'T .400.000. Boston, March 10. rlie fallure "' Itadley HaTI .< rjo. vH. ,? ..,.? ed nl ri" mi t,"l,v. Thla Brm, whlek If rompoaed of inidley .'. Hall and H .dl ! II ,,.-. rears carriHl < , _4 \,, un si '? : ? ., |,ui tbe Indoi ?,??? ? n! of pai*er by the ?? m. m : , :,. Brm. Dudlej < . II ill. I * the tion of I-" ? nal friend.. the ? hido ;,<- umed by Uw Bn h. . i ide h. ?? * 4 th ? .,- ? ' ' ? ? ' ' ' luals. an. I becanta evldenl thal < ? ' i ? , ineea ar>- PtanrU i llnt, l.rids-*, ai,d \\__iliai B. Peencb, ? " tor. a meetlng af th.- ei?u-tori ?_] be beld ->' uiH-ii ti.e deht..r? wiii make a full lUtatoaol of IheB B8_Jrs. Th'y liave i ??; pal pr<*pa"?-d a a___n!? Ol Uieir HaMlitki aud u-aef*. It ? BBBB, BaTflraver, ttBat ? i,.. llablUtle. >' Um Bitn ttaelt ara about W0O.000, T^" Brm*. a*tet- ronslal btrgely ol aq Bktate, Brhleb have beea oonveyed by tne bcpIoi Biem ber as eallateral aerurlty foi Uu Brm' deM i ? oU'er avallable asseta of th.- Brm eon I : rhlegy li Btoeb ln Um Btora bi Ntalost ln Boston, 1 warehoa-e |n Xosr-Yflrk, and blfl k ah :-. ? ln. in rah. 850,000 or BOOAX). If Um Msignees ? _ ae ara llme to 81<pnae ? ' ? Urr,- loterMli ; naal eatate ha*l by the Brm and l ??? members lndl\14*ially. t" the be?l adrantaa*fl. Um rrealltora, lt l- tJ^'na-nt. will Bhgmately recatve n lar.-" divtd*r.d. The affalfa of the IndlvMaal membei I (ha ;:rn ????*?? roaaeeted ao rloeelj flrtth tbnae ?: Um flnn. osrtiiR to Um bidorsflmcnt manUoned, lhal 11 l.wanie ii.aars for tlaiu t<> a.?lan ?I t. Thfl ' dlvldnal liabllltles, eieopl It Indorsenienl ol Brn UBper ll^'ht. The llnri ?t ?? ' Uirge*1 ? I h'Miv* ln tl.- rnlted Statea, iion ? bu?inea ol i?vei ft] no '.. i ??'? 1 ?? '? ? ?? '? ' " " .,,',].. ,,;,. j,.,. ,<i aa Btts**hmen1 ol gS.ooO ipon th< t!nn'f al ?> K thl' BM ? '? ?? Ihe B pnnw nl a a known. Thi! aun.remenl ol Um fallur.*ted . aonsBilon, . Um Brm w_s i inaldewd one ol Ut. wiiid c?t iii Uw 6treet _ Dndwy iiiii a Oo, have been i-i,:*?-<?? t-.i ln v-?? Vork f,,r Ihe lawal Bfteen rears, theli Vea *,'?:?. ofl ?? betaiR at No. 132 i :-.,: i ;. TIm preaen! Brm wa 1. 1 -'.'.".. I? idley Hall ild ., :? fl year. nso ""' ? ? eth ov? 100,000. lt i Ud tbal he osrned 100,4100 nrnf nl land ln " i .? .? : i. al -? l ? ? . i tbal the Brm ha coi Idci ihfc lea In wan n. 1,01 <J. TBE ELECTIOX IS TBE OBAXOEB. \ LIGHT VOTJS POL M D kSo a BVRPRISE TOO i vi ,:vi'.<'HV. Tbo rharter eleetion In tirat.Re rame ofl1 yest. nnd ara i ? to Ibe Repnbll. m<, li" l!,nl ,. : .?>.;-?< i.-.i a larpely redureil majoiitv lr, the (Vainell an t in ihe ?- ho ?; i.I, i lie \ Ugl i ki ,i ti ? better >\ - of Uepubliran* i illed to Un oul. As a . "i' ? . ? i lie < '.?unrl| v lii land I lii ;,- j., i j ii. ' !? - en i ?? ??! ? '? to four K< Tbe Kehool Board *\lll atand len iMmoerata U. ;?? Keptiblirans, The lollowlng aero Uie ro*uIU: roun , Umei l Irsl Ward, ^i irtln I pbim ui 11 n . . ! W ird, tJora-RC I. tli n rld ? lUem. \v. r. n un :? m fl> .; Tlilrd Ward, J,ihn \. Wai I. Demorrat; Fourtli Waid, Willlam Harrii.cton, Denm rrat: riltri Ward, Willlam Parklnson, llepnbllran: R li ert lliinlcr, Republlean. Si'hool t' I.i I li i Ward, fleorge Holey, Demorrat; Seeond Ward, W. hvad ford Kmlth, Demoeral; rtilrd Ward, Mlersarl P. N*3 monr, Dem * ral F nrlh Ward, \. J, CorUn, Uei.b! Kifih Wai'l, \. .1. Hnbrrlins:, nVpnbliran; M. II. Mm mous, i;?'i abll. an; A. A, Willlams, Bepubliean. iu Ki-i oranice tha re all w. . Waterlon h>r tbe Bt i orange Pren>eilve Aasoriathm, and . verd the propft ln favor of ihe elertrlc rtad*. Tlw foi li.wni^' Wf-re <?:??' .??'! ? f*ommltlecniui. i i..u ??. I'liarle K. JoralemoD. a- esaor. Isra I L. Hodd; Wanl fom n.ltteenv n I'l'i Wanl. .1" W. F?. r; .nd R'ard, i i , L,ma . rblrd Ward, Uiinlel k. Itlr ?. 1 Ward, ll- in * F.. Jeiwon, ln bOuth OTBiiae Uie i ll??? b?: aere eleetcd on ih* rown hlp Pommlttee: Tl.oodore I'.. u -t?'i . IMm.l, llugh fonwiiy (Ivm.i, Mexander Melrlll iDein.i. .1. (>. Asehenbarh Kep ?. la the Flfth sira uel ll. rillow and < barle-, II. Beaeh, both Bepubliraiia, ? ? th d. _ _ 7ff/: DfrVatfOig OF KPDDEB, PXABODT t. OO. rkwton, Marrh 10. Col.i O. M. r>abndy, of Kfd oer, Peabody a) Oo., ln an Inlerrlew lo-day saM: ?? l prefer lo mj nothlng al presenl aboul i _li ,,f tbe Brm of Kidder, piahiiiv 4 <'?>.. exrep! thal if ? ,-v plare the Iwn Brmi arlll be ln rordlnl har monj wlth eaeh other, aud la a Mtorousrhl* aound '"ii ditl'iB. ?i*h'I '? tpll .1." A noi ber member "f the Brm wiM: **There i a po slblllti lhal a ? ? ! i " '?" i (>,,,,,_;, | i ? ' tbal m itl. ,. : ,. ntemplat. d by n . | i ... . |) |0 ln >'?'? a ' ,,,,, ,v|. ;,|,out Ihli Ume ?.'?ill ?w l i m ? Hk* lamp ol ,,,,,!U.I',,,,rthia ?-- iip'-n them. Wliatcvei . u-'n? ?? ' ei munbatl. ih have pn r?l lietween u and Se I ,,, date ia tl"- regard iM.vr lefl ibe r.m.pleilon ;d ., , ,., j,. ;, rondlllon lhal rantwl <??? <?? i rl'Md ln iii"uie i i ani "f tbe partle ?? nceuicd. Bv. r)tulns >l .,, vagoe a- ragne ?.m be." Tbe Bharp deeBne ta the ji,r,,ni" bondi of tbe .tchlson, ropeka and banta Pe Ballroad, i mmUmt b*IUi Ihe Breakness ta Um sl w < ' ' ,iV tom_ person. ta Wall Btreel arlUi lha ai.nna iiieiit of the Bapantton ol the Boal m ani New i ..;, i, u<0, 0f Kidder, Peah 4) d I o. '.??? C. ?'? ,, ,. ,.i ii,.- r p rl ll al anj l k I ? -l,-: lid ; . i, , t,-iii'oii btu duc t<> nothlng ronneci .1 \?uii Ibe i luwgfl ;,'. n., ii;,,.. ii added lu ih ? in:....'..,ii.'i. glven ta ,...? '- Tribune thal OeeU Baring, '.'' Uord Bcvelatoie, wuuhi he a aseaabee oi U.c Now-?orH bouae wl?ea tho c__ige waa iu?4o on Jlsy _ BARONDESi. IX ACCUSED. HE IS CHAHOED WITH IHTING THE VITRIOL AND INTITING THF. MOB. LOCKI'.D I'P AT rol.K T. HK.ADQrARTERS WITH __4EV_M of THE CLOAEMAEERt?HOW IHE RAID OV ORF.F.XBA-M'S HOISF. WAS MADE. Inspertor Bjrtnca ndded anotber chapter last. i niifhi lo thc itory of the Pdisli elnnkinaker.*. who I weal i., Jaoaaioa, J.. I.. on Uon-?7 ?Krralag and 1 wreeked the _?>u*e of Hernian Grei'iibaiim, iIitoa lag vitriol on hi* ehlld ami on lii* _.,ods. Aoeoffd ; in_ to Ioapector B5TB-8- siniement, orblefa araa [ made on the aullmrily of a memU'r of the BBob, Joseph Baroadeea, tlu* younf lender of the eloak < t.takcra, was thc primo atoYer in pbuudag tlu* out 1 -?? lt waa he who pieked out ine bmhi who weit to exeeutC thc ueed, he who paiil for tho vitriol that araa uaed, aod he wlio incitcl tlie iren io do their worM ani ttop at nothtag. Thia story araa told io loapecter Byraea in 1 lic prcacnoe of Harondess, who, with elevon of the eloakn,akers is io"k,ii up at Holiea ll-adqaortet-. Mr. I'llrner, ol the firui of (Jilderslerve, Palmer a. Boothby, of New Vork, visited Jamaiea, jrCfterday to colleel evhlrnee and obtoia the nanies of oritoeaaea in tlie ease of the vitriol-throwing <io?kuinkers. Mr. Palmer has heen retained hy Bluoaeathal A- Broa., of No. 451 Broodwoy. for wlmtri Gneob_n_ did wurk at liisslmp in .Trimaiea. A large qaaatity of good. belooariog ta J.l'iin<*ntha.l & lir..s. waa dea6_royed by the moh in Greeobaam'a * >p. Mi. Palmer went before .lusliee Ilendrick aon and bwnre ont ararraota, made oiil in tbe name '.1 .1 .ij:i Doe. These warraabi nre for the arrest ? f tlu- memliers of tlir mob who nommitted the ".t .... It araa "> o'ekaoh ln the afternoon before Mi" '.v,irrant? were LBBUCd. Mr. l'ulmer aald that BlBBM-nthal ,t Broo. woald spire no evpenne ln briagiBg the eriraiaala to joatice. The warraata arere ploeed iu the hooda of Benjamla aahaiead, a oooatahle, wbo with Greenhaum Boeompeaied Mr. Pb later baek t" New-York. Mr. Ash??rad wesl t" lospeotor Byrnea'a offlce to obtoia tlu* aaslai inee al * .ni" of ble d.-i.Ttivi** ni arroatiag thc Polea whc partii Ip ited in the outra ..-. It waa B o'cloc k whea Greeabaaoi and AnLniead, Hi,- eoBatabie, reached Police Headquarter. with ibe warraata Inapeetor Byraea detaibd De tk-ttvea MoAailiffe, Woolrich, [leidelberg, Mc <.in-.:* und Lyman t-. aid Aaliniead in maktng tlte Wlth t'.v.'iit .-live polieemen from tb" Pourteeath Preeiuot, they weni t?. a r_ee:in_-rn<>iu nt .Ni.. ;-"i Bowery. where t.n- cloakmakera wete kaown lo ooagregato, The meetlog-roaai is orer ,i !, [uor ihop, aad in it were about forty men. Greeaba ud .11 onoe poiuted oul to ti,.- i.(i..-.*rs tbe men wbon be remembered aeelag ln l ie vltriol tlirowiag mob. 'i beac nn-n were arreated bv the i,flicer. ami taken t" Pollci Uead>|uarter_. Tliere ?.-.- .braham Armat, thirty-eight uld, .1 So. :; 1 Attorney-et.; I).;\i.| Glnm, en yeara old, ol S>> 20 Ilenrv-st.; Priti liold.tein, tliirty-live yeara old, ol So. .46 Brooaie -t.; Samuel Stewera, thlrty-four yeara ,, i, ?i Xo. 15, Rivlngton--; Borwick ;, thirty-one yeara "ld, of So. ', Uivington-at.; Phllip Uoaeaberg, tweniy-tive \,*.,i* ..Id. oi No. ?-?; SufToik-at.: Lowia Mackjin, twentj Bve yeara old, ol So .5 Sorfolk-al ; larael I v. .1 ..?*, i/wenty-flve yeara old, ol No. A'-i Heary-at.; VVolfl Twiken, tweaty-ala yeara old, of No. 110 l',.i*:,th-at.; Joeeph Latta, tweoty yeara old, of So. 80 J.s.*.v\-*t.; .b.vpii BUackli -wontjr-loai >.- ;* eM, Of No. 00 Hejiry-st, \ terward Joaepfa Barondeaa, the leader af the cloakatakera, wa. arreated aad taken i<> Polioe Heailqaartei-. He aald be waa tweaty-four year* old, and lived at So. 188 r_B_ea_t. Loapector Byraea aaid to ih,* rep.,riers late that ooe ol the mob, ln the preacaca or Baroodeaa, had told I., the laapector thi^ *,tor.v: Tbe ruul .?j, Greealaaaia'a bouae .,t Jamaiea araa plaoaed ..t a aaretiag -.f the cloakaiakera held -.n _oturdoy ii'j.i ,.t .\o 383 Bowery* Boroadeai Bteaidod ut tb<- neetiog, and l.iui.*'lf pieked out tweoty iiv,- nien. who were to >.'" t" Jamaiea and wrook itreealMium'a bouae. li.' told tne men that. tho. mu6l do ti.eir \\"rk effeetlyaly, an,l ao to anv length they found ueeeaoary, evoa t? th?* killing "i i,ie,*iii..imn ll,- tbeii gave '.;?.,' of t^a men noaey, .md told liira to _., nui an.l buy vitrioL ln,' man went <>ui and hou_bt n. and eruae boca" an.l gave the vitriol to Barondoaa lle gave it't'i oaotli r man. Tl,., ia*.* l.u. in Jamaiea nns hiuh agninst the mob. I.n il>- Wii Iie Greeobaum, who was t,*r rildy liiirned aod 1 'd by the vitriol wlneh *,.* tbrown over blm, I* euff-ring much pain, bul lii WimmI, tbe atteniling pliy*lelan, aaya thal the bttle frllnw will' recovei although be wiii Im? ,h*!, -re.I for life. Somc of the Huld en trrcd ..1.1 ihe rhllii'a ears aud produced auch n in ii. thu1 ni operation will have t" lx* per tonned Dn one ol tii" ehlld. k-g* nre plainly viaible the ni;, rk?* ol tlie man'a Bngei naila, made wbile be araa bokling ibe ehild up wbile anothei (toureil the vitriol un the liitb* vietiai. Before Mr. Palmer brfi Jamaiea be had an in lervirw with ".!:,!*.<?' Guzck, Henry Kaufman aud Herman Pieratein, all empluyeil bj (ireeuhuuiu iu liia clnakmukitij' esinlilishmenl al Jamaiea. Theai' , ,en ???'.'?. 1 - le sl len e ia, w bleli were 1 iken ilow n io writl ig i" tbe >??.;.?> l tliol they bad loal pr ip . rl Wbicll !. ,'l !"'-':i 1 1 ''? -11.1 by t!: mob. When Mr. Palmer BBked tne three men to the Btatementi tliej positlvely rcfuaed, aay in Uial ll they did so tbeii llvefl WOUld he in ilaoger. They aald thai tlicj woukl be marked men, and tbal they would Iie aubjecl to violence \ nol iniirdereil b.\ tl.e ume lin.b which a UUlted the nreenbaum famtly. Mr. Palmer, after murh lierauasion, in luoed Gitcnhoum to Mvcm t., a eom pluinl a_.uii*.t il.e men who had mobbed bis b?us,> Fraok Reingold, who was loeke,i up in ti? T..'.'..u Hall Laal nlgbt at Jaou-ioa, ami wbo la alle_e| to hc OBC "I tbe leadera "f Ibe mob, was noi allowed i" tee mv one yeaterday. So one reprearatlflg thc I Lukmakei-.s' L'aion wa.s *,wii iu ,1 ? , ,ia during Uie day. KeiaaoM wUl be nrraigoed lo couri before Jostiee Hendri?k_oa on rhurad-y moraing. Ii la tboaabl thal tbe Cloak? makera' L'nioa ,.r the etriken will aend .1 lawyer ?.. defead him. Reiagold still |.-erM*t.* in savinu ihnt be did 110' tni.iw (he Vitriol ovrr littie Willle Greenboum, although Mrs. GreenbauBi has poaitlvrly idcotilled Imu. Both Mr. and Mr* i.ieenhauni were reluctaill lo talk about the OUt rage, ami seeun'.l to bc aadet fcar that, they wuiibl meet wlth more violenie if they said ..iiylhinR about tbe ailair. When Greeobaum took leovc "i l'is wlfe ami little ehildren t.- go i" N.-\v-N,.iU wlth Mi. Palmer, be heaitated, aud Dskcd tbe lawyer whal waa i" beeome <-f bis family \!i Piilmei told hun thal hc woukj aec . ien were liired i" guord th bouae md fully ? , m' ramilj froai further vlol. The rrai le la ol J im ii feel much cbai rmed over tl .? miserable *: ..'? ln ma le bj t;te au1 lorl ue* iu aUowiog ti..- tn di tu eacape, aad arr only 01.ut of tweuty-oeven ,,1 tha rufllana. Jamaiea haa ocarer bad more thoa two or tbree ,,-:i under paj from the villoge. Tbe many reocai lawleaa ai ta ol Baembera al thc CkiakmiikfTB' Palon have broughl diacredH ipoo tbe unlon in eoaaerrative labor circlea, aad tbe affleera of ibe aaloa bave reeel >1 aeveral hn.i.s 11,,:;. afllUatcd ualooa that tbeii acti ol violeaee moal eeah,-. Joaeph Baroadeaa, before bc waa arreated is*u<*.l tbe foUowing geaeral <.:!??;? ., - ,M ih, "1, it ;? ' anil ? ? ,. 1 : o-tna ?. <''? '*-' r ."'", ll l b.' :il, ut thc bi - "Him. t af'i* nl Uila Blilou j:,l trblrh ..,-t ttfH ? ? ?u" '?'"??? II v- ,l,':tv ta i**u" th" foi;o?'.iii; ..Hcr. Bvery aiember of thu tuuea v -- - ?u_Ut * -?- ta ot i_-owi__ ,.-.... or , uaii.* anr ?r*_poa of aa-ault. or upoa who*" p ***ou at any i __w vUrl.,1 oi- w.-bpoiu aro feaad, wttl be eagattel t-BBJ t_? I unlon at oace. Tbe crime of vitriol-tbrowinjr is puniahahle in j this Snue under the seetioti of tbe ( o,le reht I ing to assault in the second desrree, unless niurner I or muimin- Is eommitte 1. Peeurder Smytb Baid ve.sterdav tliat he recalled ouiy one ease of tbe kind which he had tried. IaJa wus in May, 1887. Morria Man araa eharged wlth pounuK a bottlc ol vitriol .ui Mra. Anme Jakowaky, with whom lje hoarded, at No. 22 Attoctiey-si., on Dccember J.;, i-"*1'.. Tbe woman wa*- la bed at the time, and ber injuries were so serious tliat ihe died in a *hon time. Mnr\ was Indieted for morder in the lirst de_ree, but his lawyer tried to filiow that ibe woaian's buaboad waa tbe guilty person. and the prisoner wns con victed of'maii*laii?hter in the lir*t degree. Ive oorder Smyth ahowed bis horror of tbe ernne i.v aeotenelag Marx ;*> nsentv yeirs' ImprlBoa?oat, tbe extreme penalty ol tbe low. . Diatriet-Attornoy Uel_?i.y SicoU aald that nn ordinary ? __?* of vitrlol-throwlag would pr?l> ahly bo puniBhable as a**ault iu tbe BCCOBd degree. Tbe penalty for this is linprlson mcnt for from two to five ye.irs and a flne of not e\eeedln_ $1,000. It the aeid disibled a nicmbor or or/on of tbe vierim. or mutilated him. tbe ortenee would eome under the charge of molmlng, and be puaiahnble i>v im iirisonment for from tbree to tifteen vearsv Alr. Siooll woo not sire that every in whieh the victim wns netually dlafigared would eome unoer tlie fieetbm a.ainst niainnn.. He aald tnOt tbe eritjie w is of infreo/ient occurrenee in this eitv. ii tbe vitriol were ahrowB in a way thai ahowed a mardcroaa intent, tbe ehoraje would he aaaault m the Bral degree, and tbe penalty would be more aerious than tliat for assanlt in a lower degree. A ecimpapv of union men in New-York having a grudcre aijairisr a ecrtain JoOCpfa Kdels'ein. wbo bad moved from New Vork to Jaek.on-nve. in Long Isiand City, entered into eonSBiraey lo viMt him vesterdav mornina. but it leakod out. and I)e teetive Rejlly, <>f Brooklyn, aeot word to Captain Wood of Long lelan-l Clty. who Btattoned piekets 81 all tne varions approaehes to tbe plaee. The Htrikeri evldentiv heard ..1 this. and failed to ap? pear, theugh sending a letter lo Edelatein, who ln return aavs he will atoy until foreed out Mayor Gleaaon h"aring of the attempted outrage proni laM all the help in his power. 8UOT IX THE 8TBEETB OF MBMPB18. 0E5-R-X PILLOW'S WIPOW TME CAUSE OV A MVI.HK.R. Memphis, Tenn.. Mareh 10 iSpeein! .-Henry Clnv Kim;, one of the briffhtest lawyer., at tbe bar, _ ptieing B cell in tbe county ld? hands stlll wet with the blood ,.f a felhiw-attorcev, David H. Poatoo, whom be mur dered to-day in tbe open street in tbe pr,.**enee ,,f BCOrca of people. Oaly the stroii- wollfl and iron franie-woik of tbe priaofl si\e him from tl,e summary vengeonCC ot his victtm- friends. A woman is st the bottoa of ihe atl'air. Sbc is Mr>. Mary J- Pillow, wldow of General Oldeon J, PUloW, of Fort 1'illow lame. Mr* PilloW is about fort\-tiv- old nnd Io>.ks thirtv-Iive. She I* a wonmn of beoutiful preacace, flnely edu eatod and of the most faaciaating manaer. Ooa *ip nraa freqncBl eoncernlag ber. and a itaen ol ber own soeial ruik gradually drew away from ber aftcr lier b.,*ivini .* denth, but nothing poat tivel.v wroog waa provea agaioBl lier until s!:e met II. Clay Klog four yeara agq. lle Cell deeper ately iu lore with ber. L*>be eaceuiaged blm, i.'i (inally bis InfotuatloB oauaed him 10 thiow ofl u II diagolae. H<- deaerted bis wife aad cliildrea to go nnd "board" a1 bev b.,iiM>, aod when the Bcaadal U'eame an Botorioua thai n eould ao l..n_er -,.tfieed, be took the wldow to his plaatation m l>'e Coaaty, Ar!<., where they lived together. Kiag deeded to ber .-,11 his property, not evea ex ceptlng the bouae ta rlui* eity acoapied by his de aerted family. It seems to h.,vc l>eeu a bond, in teadod as a _____ of reconl. Bal Mrs. Pillow thoiiKlit olberwist*, aud privately caused tbe deetls to be reenrded. Wlien Klog found tliis ont be waa wild \v:th ra.e M;s Piiiow ardered hun off "her" ploartB-OO, ami be was foreed to go, Evea after this he tried t*i leaew his peloUooa with ber. she refaaed his advaaeea, nml thea h<* broughl *uit in ihe Arkaoeaa oniirrn and tiic i hancery I'ourt al Menipi.ih to re ,-4j\,*r h? pri*perty. Ihen tbe whole wrctotied Btory eooae ooi in tlie pleotlings. 1 ie etforta 61 _ing t.. "gel even-' with Mr*.. Pillow are pendinfj in thc oourto. Mts. I'illow'a couoael are Pogton St Poatoo, a law firm compoaed of David 11. P.'-jt-ni and his youngcr I'rank. Tliey are also ooaoael for tae Memphla an.l C_arleaa_i Kailroad. and are amomf the lea liri- luenihers of the Tennessee bar. Tbe ,.',.ler brotner baa .viiKlueiel thi* defenee b.r Mis. Pillow. He la ol an aggreaaire aotare, and tbough not at all qunrreisenie is giveo to pbitaneaa of ?pet*eh. ln tl.onduel ?1 tbe "'fte he was -e\eie in his tieifment nl Klog. Klliu bad heen lirii.kiii}' last nlghi, and had threateued to klU Poatoo. Poatoa beard the tbreat, b il pald ao at teiition t?, ii. Thia mornlng at 10:30 Ponton walked dowa aud met Klng, who ktepped pttt and preaenteil bia l> ft hand to Poaton aa if ln friendlv greetltig. Poston halted, und waa extending _.* own band when Klng whipped the revi l\er oul of lus pocket, ,-l tiie mu/.le wltbin b few Inohea "i ln* vletiiu'a i."dv, and pulled i!a* trigger. Tlie ii_ I, .:;,.: eiilen',1 PoBtou'a alalomen. lle waa ?' ,.,,.,. removed to an inflnnflrj and eared for. ll,. haa I.n -tnking. ever aiace, aod tlierc ls ao bope of hia Uving through thc ulght. Klug waa at ouoc arreated. TBBOWN FBOU A ANB DEOBTSEIK I 4.MAI1, THE rAMOtra PBlSCEfOM K.vTllAl.r. I'MVi.ll, i...*i:- Hl* 1.11"!'. \un-ta. ?..i.. Maroh 10. Ilenrj ?'. Umor and N i? l. ,u,.e Klng l onnelly aei ? ? rfteroo in . . rowlng ia 11 ranal iwo mll, * above tba rlly. iv.,. boal ao* . kughl aud 1 ipilred n Ihe ? ? t ii.!?-;, ite 1 i-lian r ick M Ih. I ,,?: .-. v.,-:,. 1 ?? >vered and proiiare- f r I ur d. I , ,. ,..| ,,:i.hly roniMPfted yoonu pe?ple. Lamar we? a gradnate ot Prineeton I'ollege ..t tlie rla?* ,f 1-*.',, a well-known athlete, and a maa of iiobl .,.,.., ,,:,,'. y;i.. ronnelly wa* a gra ddaugl ler of Ih ,4i" John P. Klng, e.x tmted state* geuator trooi ...- rg ,. and a nle<<* of ih<* Rarcblone*. of Aogteay, Boary Cummlng* Lamar eome* from Ihe ro'ebrated Pouth rn mmlly bcurlog lhal nHm" aad wa* 1 uephea ,,t AsBorlate Justlcc Lamar. ll- waa graduated from Prineeton In 1*-'''. While al Prineeton j oug Lamai made a phenomeaol reeard a* a football player, aad h. ?.,* legardad a* tba m ,*i brlluanl roReajB player ?h,i ever rrpiaaanlal Prioeetoa <m the lootball Beht m* pcrformouce ln ibe raU of 1888, when be woo tba thamplonahip tor r>to<?toa la lao famou* con teat arlth Ya'.e al Kew llaveo, broughl Lamw un abnost Natloaal rcpatatloa, aad all tba bonor* Prtaoatoo roobl lorlah ai. alaa. Laraar'a achieve-ieal la this game bai Bever beea eqaalled befor.? aloee. I?n aamatea before t'i- rloao ?f the game whieh waa to deelde whether V?leor 1 Prineeu.n ahoald be tbe rhamplon*. Lamar, wbo wa* , plarlng Uall-back for Prlneet-B, aeeared ihe Uall 01 . k from vai" .,. the Ul^n-yard llne, ln anlnatonl | ha atart _ ou hl* luiigdoah over the n>i,l. and hegan hl* 'it.-ulp, ,,, ,a*- through the cntlre Vai?? ?l*vcn.eaeh | ,,:,.. , | whom endeavored to bar hi* progiy*- V?*}"* i,..., ?nd there wlth ihe pecullar *:.:,'..? ime motlou 5?hich won for him maay a lewhdown. P?*^?<f?n ' afi *r man. who with a.m* ouMretehecl *? il il l. det.itii him ,,., im-! bia Pcter*. tbe ever vlgllanl lleecher, the _e?t waffinaon" on ??l Stagg and Ulll. and tamoua Vale athlete*, Bew young Unai?* ?h tho taU *nu?y tacked under hl* arm. hh cye* aet on tbeaool . aud i,,- rollege mate*, wlldly rheerlng hia mm . ;....,. ra, . pinally. Ihe ran ?i-, emhd. Umar , had won hl* tochdawn. ihe Roal wa* ?;? '??? "?' "?'!''' m..d" ?'> t ? V Iii Prlneei r'* favor. Bnd ili ? ' liamplom.lilp 1... ?--, vrnn i" Pri" ' ?'" ' mlrarulou* . ,.,',.. ,'t .. ,- i|\ ?? ;,. he wa aftei tlonatelj 1 .,11 at. jjaiuar wav* alwaya a -r al favorlle al college, both 1 v ?-..,?,ti ,.f lil* uthli tl, ?'? 1 mi- und ln* Boelol ? ,??;,::' lun-redi of and frleiid. will r? "-,i t.i hear thal a llfe - full ol promlae ln* been |_t .if ln *ucb b aad aod aatlmely way. /i.l.M.lO'K MO_ FLOODt IX Tlir. tOUTB. Dfua Oibona. Mareb 10.?Xo tofonaatlaa eoaeoralag hiiv braaka ou ihe Loolaiaaa hne of arreea haf besa reeelved ap to to-day, aod tbe Mate eogioeer* are liopeful lhal rbc dybea will loatralfl tba aaod, looogh m the aorthera p rthm ol the Maan tbere are icveral .,., ,?; a_ aa itabUlty aome apprebeoalon i* fett, The water has ooi reach-.l the l..*v,*l nl last year'* iood, and maay of Ha* ICVCOa hav* been and ? ; v , ,1. *, thal the ?i ?' ei 1 n e - b lle* ? tbere 1:1 then wa* la 1 i-i ..-;:? :,;.?! lln>,Hi I.i :.."... a' ? ' ? ?'' ' ?' ?' ? '? '??"' ?'" :i'" i*r uelic Inters'Tt* 1 lerrtl rj rl I1I1 .1 t:.-.t arlih suirar piaiitatioi -. rhe U-venimeul englneer le re is tnokiog 'irrangementa t> rborter patrol boata t? wateb tha ,i gerou* p'.ints al.'Ui,' the rlver. and clieck, d p>*> aiblo. crev_-*e. ui IfegB iucl.leut atapa. YVILLING TO AltBITRATE. A FAVORABLE TTRN' TO THE BEHRINO S__? N_C.< iTIATIOXS. r,onn SALtsnrnvs commi'xicatiox TO ?i_ JL'MAN l'Al'NCKKOTK. MADK Pl'BLK-R_ PLVINO TO MR. BLA1NF/S AROL'MEXT ENOLAND'S VIEWS OP" THE POINTS IN IHSPUTE. Wnshimrton, Mareh in. ?The Hehrtnf 8et negntiations have tnken a most favornble turn and the (lovernments of the I'nited Staf?s and Qft*_t llritnin appeur af lon_th to have renchfd : .1 bnfis upon whieh to settle thelr difhctllies. aa is Ifcown by the f dh.wiait eonimunieation from Lord I Salisoiiry to Sir Julian I'auneefote, the Hrltiab Minister here. whieh was laid before Seeretary Rlnirio, nnd was made publle, hy him to-night: l',,i agB Olhce, February l'i, 1801. To Mr Julian Pawiu.-fote : Mr: The diipatch of Mr. Blalne, under date ot th. 17th Dflflaasbar, has baaa BBrafBllr .on?ider<d br He. Mujf?tT'? BBiBSBjnwat The rnv. t o* the d aawaMn whieh haa been eaielad o:i between th.- two _BWaB_BaBB?l haa \ baaa materlallv to narrow tlic nr*a of < ontroveray. II ' ls now qulte fhaM that the a.J\ ~- r uf the PreMdent d? not ciaim 15 hrtBg BBB a? a BBBM rtBBflflBB, and. indwed, thal l rh' y rflBBflflata BflBBnttfla in exprc* termf. Nor da Ibay icty, a? a JustlUcaUon for tne ?ei/ure of Bntuh BbhjH ln th'i open aaa, upon tho eontentlon that lha ! MtfltCfls. of th<> se;,I flfhorlea jjive ro the D_BatI SUte. r.ov,rnmont any rieht for that purpnee whlch, accordlng ! lo Internattonal law, lt would not I therwiae poisea*. ' Whaterer Iniportmce they attach to th' preservatlon ot I the fur?e_l BBSMBB.?and thov Juatly iook on lt aa aa I ohject d, e-jrving the rao-t .-eriouf folleltud*?they do oat I roucelve that It CBBflBM BflBM juv marltlma ix> ver rlahtt i ovei th<> "I- a ocean whieh tliat powrr could not aesert on oth, r pioui.da. Tho < of the fnlt'd State? to prevent the exerclafl of the Bflfli Bahaty hy other natlona In Behrlng Sea reaM BOW aMlaatvety upon th" Intereet whieh hy purchaao they l?_bj ln a uliaae bbBbbI by the F.mperor Alexsnder I ln tho yenr 1881, whkh prohiblt. foreign veaaela from sp piaarhbH witiiln 108 Itallan mllcs of the coaet and Mlandf then b>-Ion_ng to Rnfala. ln B<hrlng Sea. It lfl not, iu, I under*t;ind. eontended that the Kua.-aan Oovern mont, at the of tn.* iaaiie of thlf ukase. poaaeaaed any n.herent rfaBst to euforoe *ueh prohlbltion, or acqulred by lha ael of l"-<iin? lt any claims over the open sea be the t.rritorlal llmlt of three mllea B_tBfl they would li"t flBBflrBiaa have |X,"f*?ed. But II 1? BaM tlnit thla propoilt'on. w.rchleaa in Itoelf, BflfljB nd \alldlty and foice agalnot the Brtifn (iovernment bfl.Mflftfl that ("ov.rnir.ont can be fhow.i t>, hflve aee-pted lf. prflTlfltaBfl. Th.; .iliat*) waa a mere u?'.r])Sti?n. but 11 i- -^ail It was conNerud Int.. a valld lnternat:?>nai law a.f a?ain?t tlie Urltiah "Goverriu.ent by the admlafloa of Bflit 8 'verurntnt it-e!f. 1 ani not concenied to dl?p..te tha contentlon thal an mvalld clalin mav, a* aualnst another government, acqulre a vallditv whieh In X* inceptlon tt did nut poaae*f, lf it j togBMBy or mrecrlvlv acce|,t.>d by that government. But thfl Wtal n'.#?t:on for decl-lon ii Vhether snv other gov muneal B?I eaawrlfllljr wh' the OflVflBBBBBM of fJrea. niU'i ii, haa avar aeieptad tlie claim put forward ln thii akflflfl. Our Loutention lf, Uut not <>nly can it not ba -la, wi t!:at the QavctB?fl_t of QaBBl MtalB, a: any tlnis fiiee 1831 haf adniltt-fl the soiindn,?s of the preten?l(>o uut foiwjid by tlut Bkflflfl, but that lt can be shuwn thal it ina aategnrleaBy iealad it oa a_ea lhaa ..n,' BBaaaag_ To sustain this eontention, Lord Salishury .#uotes from a lettiT (January, I81S) from Lord Londonderry t.? Coont l.i?*ven, the ____hl Am bassa.lor in London, a resi'rvation of P.ritUn rlghts to tite naviaatiun of the waters descril>ed in tho, aml als? from a note hy the lluke of Well ingiou to Courit Nessehode l?)etol*r, \%2'2i refus Ing U> admit Kushia's rij^ht to exclude foreign ves sels for loo niiles from the coast. tontinuing,' L"id ."'alisl.ury ^ays: lt 1? evideiit. th'Tefore, that ao far a? diplomatlc rep. refentatlon w,?nt, the Kin(^* _4r4Ba__flBflt of tliat data t.jok. evety ftep ll vaa ln their power to take ln ordar to make lt BaBM to the Ruaalaji (ioremmoot that Greal Brltaln did not accept the clalra to ixcluila har aubjecta f,.r lOi) inll, a from tha coaft whlch had be?n put forv ird in the irita-fe of 18J1. Mr. Blalne d<w.f not deal wlth thaae proteata. whlch aj.pi'ar t>, Rflt Majeaty's bi 88 lu thera.elvei .BDBly auflk'lent to ieatifl th>! queitloi. whether Orest BrltallI did or did not acqule^re In the Ru*?i._i clalrn put forwa.d by the ukase. He aaaaaflSa himaelf nialnly, ln th" di>pat,.h uixicr conalderatlo... to the confide.allon ot the tr>Mtle-t whlch were aub-equeatly made between ilreal an.1 Uu^Ia a id Au.-i..., ani BBBfltB in 18^5, and e'l>ec.a:iy of that ufltWfflB K'i--ta and <5re?t Brltaln. Tli'f t:.'aty, of whlch the t"\t ls printed at the cloae of Mr B__Mr*. difjiatch, doef u?t contflln a word to algnlfy the BflgBhnoaaiHI of <fr.-at BrlfjliI in the BB__ BBaaBJ_f put lfl.-aad bv Huffla to control thfl watera of thu ffla for l'>0 nille* from her e?a.ft. Tharfl U no atlpulsUo.1 upon ?h!ch thif Intorpreta'len can be Impof-d by any piojttm of c.mftr'Ktion whatfo*v?r. ilut there ta a pro> vla oi BBTBag, lt. our j.iCjim. nt, s t-'tsllv o(iiof;t.> tendmcy, whieh wilefd w,> in''d to neaattve th ? extrava* uai.t clilin kBBl had i.-cantly b?4in mada on tha part of ItBBBBB, and It is upon thla pro rlfllflfl tliit th-' muln pirt of Mr. aaBBBB/8 aiirumei.t, af I undetfiand It. if foundd. The ftlpuls* tl?u to whieh I r'fT I* roauttt'd in the rirst artkia (agreo. ..18 that th.' IBBBBCBlfa BBhJartfl of the two natiom ?h_l not be BMUaBfld in the navigatien of or tl-hlna in any parl ,.f t.'i ? Paelg. oceai.'. 1 Bfldeifltaad Ut. B_iaa*a ar:u in.i.t tn ba that lf < .r--at. H.-imiii bad ___??! to BbbbbbI BflB?lM Ihfl ilalni ?f ilu^^la U> exclude >hipf for 100 uillefl rrom a r .o*?t? In Bflhrlag **? '?> sbfl ?o?id ha^e _k.,i. ti - oppartiiatty af a__g m; hnt that m hbbbiI? hcrf.'il t., ftipulatloaa la fjv,,- <.f full Ubarty al savlgBTlsa und Bablng in aay aart "f aafl fleeaa .ommonly cslkd tha .'..reaa ah*. by lmnlle?Ufla, rflBflBBtfd anv cla.ia tbal eoald artofl sm sl Um mbm - l of elrcs?bb_b?bb ia regard (? aay mb thal wafl aol part of the PadflV Obbbb And th.'.i Mr, Bl. a. |or. oo to eoatead thut the |.uis*? '?l_ei8< "? bb" di.I ii-h a-d adefl aot laclndfl Behriag S'B. I \.-ii lf thla latt r ......"ii.'.'i w.r.rrect, X fhouid eameatiy Bfltnar io Um concii.aMo thal "?* inheriteni righta "i It. i Bflflaagfl :>,ei ' i -' ??> r ? w l '?^'?|l* i ., ..u could a- . l ' ' ? ?.I hy fl?*f t tl ?"> i . ,, ..,??. Tha i.-a - BB, "i v.i.l.h B. ',?i!d not b? _, i.i ,v d unlesi ??? i tsiaeBted t" :,' ladon .*. afld lhal i aa< m,,, could i,.,' :..? aufflcl nUV Inren . Irofli obi BW4*fl_Btor. omitt i t" neatiou Uw Mibjeet ou aa? parl ? tt ii.i i ?_ not atetsMfld .o adKil 'h> laatic. ,,f Mr. Ii!;. B, 'fl COOl "it BB laal Bafl BBfdfl ??I'a'atlc Ooeflu" lul not . ,' lud i- r ?*a. 1 i^.it in cflflCBBM iwrlanc". then and now. Bfhrlng * i wavi al Is j part .,t Um a-sUU Osaaa; and , ,. ,? ... i.i d a stdflfl M |l*rfl thfl full'-t ,i,l wldflal - "1"' poaalW,! tfl thfl 1 '??"" "'?'" rl1'' BB_BBa ,?..,.,,,..:. ? re MlesoBlj reeiwding of a rlghl rrsaty w .,;?? .a,' and ii-'i ln every isirt of lt. and UUBBSjaflaM ita entire fktVflU lfl I'M'f ,r UM BrgBBBBBl Uiat the w..rd4 1- .i,." d, ii"'. BUlBdfl BflBBiflBt sea, Mr. Blalno aaVlarrfl ? MB8 bWI of n.ap. in whi.n a d. fiauario.. diflUfl t B?M that of ?Tacltia ,?.,,;,,? [_ _ i-tfl M ? lu nc Sea; el'li.-r ??li. hrlni.' .sea.'' M ' Bea "t Kan.fihatka," or the "Sea of Ai,.!?...." Thfl .fr_>,in Bt wUI hardly have any force ua Maa 11 i- B4JHBlMBBtfl flrtflh ?'?lual trutii to all the othar oceana ?f the world. Ilut no on.' arUI di-pute that the Bay of w-cay iBrBM parl al Um attassU. ocfln, or tbat the bbbM ,,f Lysaa Umaa part af Um McaaB4*naaM_a o-a; aud rei ln me.t BBBBfl it wi!l bfl f"'n.d tlut to those |firti,aia of tha larget tea a arearat. deaiasM?<a ha- baaa ajtBan, Th? BjBflfltlflB a-fllhet hy the fort. "l'aiiflc ..cean'' the nagfl fljcaal to i.e luiie or exclude B-hilng bea dependa apan wiu.h tflcaUoa ?ii" aBtccaaBd to be ti.. eaaeaat ueags at ..,?? taue. Ihfl Batfl ia BBt a gtSBBBt oue. and there la no groaad hN laigntlBg l''it ass u?a^" haa .iiauod a_bbi the Aaglfl-Buastaa treaty of 1833 ?a? ?i?ned. lh- det-r. mlnation ot thl- petal win h,' asaat ?atiffactorllv aacar hy eflflsaj t!,;_ ihfl flrdlaary baafea _ rer4*fflasM. I BffPfB< t? thi? di'i'it'h s Uflt of "-ome thirtv worka ol __|_ , b_fl, of \_c ..ii~ dat?>, from 1788 Uo?n?ard. aad prii.t-d m varkaja eflflsslrlflfl, atadch raaabaM to ?how thaa m rssuBflB aarhMM. the wo.df ?*I_c_bi OeaanH do tucludfl Behriag Baa ii tn.ii. ie flrdlaary laflajraflfw. tne faeUk o<r*n la aaa8 ns a Bftrflflf Iii. lialine tl?- Bbfl*. -?a troiii BBBBBBI Vralta to !i? M.lar.i, . IrcM, it f,illo?? that aafl lu?t ait.cle of thfl ;.-.', :|.,1 f, . Ill ' I, l.l-.t BriflSM ? BBB lUlkfl . ?_. M?aiag i.i aMaiBBj Bea. in thal caa. bb b r.-i??-??-?-. m tn *t* BadirflCl or abbbbb> oua. ..>?> i. drawB rt. i ? ?*_?*? laaBwaaatt__t ? tfl flBBW lhal i.f.U llnaai BSfljM -"I Ul ?? ,, wbleh Ui Bhaa Bl lattl na>: aumia.d. Ihfl atai'i .i.i'ii" an ?riMi i har gaawrd, aBgmaaHi aaBBMaft UU! .?. i,?t onlv u J li',t ..? ?BB BM Ul lt, bui Br|a_BBB_l 11 M BBCfl l'i BflBBB .ad IBIIflJBlTBral BBIBMI aud af Ulfl tlsigitnat- i>> '"" "-a-' haa '?" iIibbibB nor bbIbbMb-, ?x. Bt-pt ?.iat 1. aiu-ht BflrilB Ii'iu BM bBBBBI fll any \*>wet who- U BBghl a?.t. it rasattfl that Ku.fia haa never acqolrad b) Um ui.a." any nsi.t to r,irun tlie natural lib erci ..I ll r Nfljea j '? aahjac? M nivigat" or n*l\ in the?? .,.,4 BaywBflf. OBiaMfl "t tr:itonal wat,r?. And wha. Ku.-l. IM BBt h'l-.l 1"-* ?- -"' mss 881 Bl.le M BB____ to ii,. i,1 tMBBtfl. UM M.i.BBtf'-, <?? vern.nent have, la view or tiu~..- con-idciatioin. no doubt wbaU'ver that Brttlah gubjccU enjoe UM BBBM rlght- ln BBBaTflBg Sea whlch bfltuBd to them in flrfltf BBBflf port BB of thfl oj^-n ocefln; . n... nthflli?. ? fl?tter "f ?"" ?? ? ' ' 9} tisl i; 1': I i it hfl ,.,,., , |n be I ? ?:'.?" a ; ed. r di.f cuaalon i,'t"'a U.e tBO <? ?>'?,? oi ,i-t? IM th" BMl fo?i| ln Ngatd i" Baa leaaflB?ti a? BMy aaa iu<*|H)*,d bv Mr, Bjfllne. 1 -h.uld ?av that Bfl to tho flr?t jnd aflo (tflBtlnaed aa Thlrd l*age.)