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ADJOURNMBNT AT ALBANY. TJTE . ENATE REFER. TO THE FINAN-E COM MITTEE TIIE dfiSEMBLT BBOLOTlOK. .NSINCFRITY OFTHF .IFMOPRAT. C AS-IMI.Y II* gfiOI'OM.Vii TO ADJOURN ON APUIL 17 MK_-tmn in aortn ho.-es. ??, Tiie WWl.Mal'll""" or T,,r T*mnnt.. Albw Mareh -0.-1V leaohrtloa nw-td ihrough the A~aembl. laal nlghl foi tbe Bnal adj.-nrnment of ihe LegtaUture ? Aprll 17 WM duly announced tn the Beaale loday. . "I move that the reaolution be laid upon IM table, _.-.!d sera-iii PMattt "I more a* an amendment." aald Senator Erwln, "that 1t ?*? ref.-rr.-1 .o tiie PlaaaM Cnninii.i.-". F.vpry Senator here l.nowa tlmt Ihe D?lcrala of IM As .i.m.iv had no ataeerity la paaalng this reaolutloa. lt ia merpiv Monded for out-ide crTe.t: lt is Imncombe. The AwmMi haa over 700 bills beloie lt, and H MhlatMrl, with iu *"ii_. There are a targe number of Senate MHB there which have not heen considen .. Any adoptlou of a i .-.Iiitinn now to arijourn woaM nManj imped. pabltc baaalneeB. There would bc a wiid io paah blUa ahead Of each other, nnd little -rtnal proprea* woaM M made. lt is far MUer lo go on as we are fotng on now. werklng aa harl na we ran lo flntah oar task. Then. when we have p-a-ed the important and Mceeaary majpaaraa, the Finanoe (v-mmlttee can releasp this resolulloii, and perhapa wa Baa artjourn hy April 17." "Thia roolutlon U very funiiv," said Senator Faa sett, "and no one iMOgnlaea lha. boltee than the Daaaaeratk BMalun This reaoUatloa bm raUiaadN through the Aaaembly la-t nlght. The Bpeaker would 00. eren permlt a vo.e of yeas and r.aya |o hc laken upon It. It Ia all a piece of HnfTalo Mult Paaghtor), and I know, and ?very one here kBOWS, that lf the Re pnhlUan majotltv f.vored IMa reaolti.ion. we should .ee rontortlon on the other side of the t-enate Chan. ber." ?-I have. talked with aeveral Aaeemblymen." said senator LauRhlin, -aad thoy siiy lhat the Aaaembly is so fur behlndhand with it- work lhat it will M impiMtute lo adjoara on Aprll 17. or evn on May 1." Baaalor Caator argsed that the nction of the As M-hlj should be ac.epted as having been made in good falth. "Thia iMOllllO- haa the voleo of William F. PhocMa.* aaM Benator Vedder, "bnl tho hand of DavM H. Hill. It is very natural that Mr. Hill should urfte M tO adjouin. Eveiy dav we remaln here he realues more fullv that he la a fl .irper and occtipying a seal M-OaglM to Edwanl F. .lonp*.'' Then came opposition .o the resolutlon from a i>emo. ratic ?.'.ii!cp. Beaator JmoM, of Broofctyn. s_ld: "I propose. to l.e a* cons tsteal as poaalhla Hur ing my ( as a member ot the Lepislatuip, I never Mve voted for a rranititinlt of this ctaraeter. We have important Ircialation MfOM M yet unarted upon. Atnonp oiher billa of imp n-tance is tiie supply I ill. There is verv lihely to bo a hlbrh upon that .,.11, nnd we can not nf..'.:-d to ti> up tho Legislature to an adjoiivruient as loag as tliat l.ill is r.ot a law." *- Tl.c-t:.'' s.ii.l Bcaatta F.rwni, "tlicre are tli? Im? portant Taxation bllla aud tfie cQiiully important Adirundack Part. hUL" Senator Cajjtor thougM that the passape of tho aM 1 itl 'ii WOUld apur every one up to WQflfdng haider. The Benate th'-n, by a deeMed viva vo.e vote, ?pferrf.l the reaolatlOfl to tiie Senate Finance Com T.tte.'. Tlic Leglateiure, in the oplnloa r>f most of tf iii.'-nhera. will adji.uin th'' rlr?t wnoh in May. Begator Browa h-tradaeed a bin to-day. providin. fo; a Norinal OdleiB in New-Drlghton, nnd appro IiriHtitip 160.000 f?r its ..nildiiig-. Evc.-y awaer al ? due will n-.ourn when he learns IMI licnalor Urhardsan latrodaeei a bOI provUtag. ! every ii<>? In IM State mtul be i-atatered, and j i: at Ihe owner oi every made dog shali pay a >early Ucenae fee for it ol ..-J. uti the owner of every femaJe dog a lirenae fee ol $4. -. itor O'Connor Introdaeed a blll provldlng for IM proaecotlon of peraona su-pt-cted oa oaadlui the ; Uillaiteral lnherltance law. Tt:c Aaaembly had a iiuiet time of lt durinp lo ^av's asaaloa, whleh lastea only two lonr_. and .he ? (. - ini'int'P-N who had i"i u-mie kome i-cttlod down lo ImiM work. mv<-:-i1 bills were pa_.-ted, among them being Senator fllrkitt'a meaanre providlng fOr the ea Uifflon of t.'ip Brooklyn Brldge. wlth tha Maend- ; meiit demandcU by ..--Aald ottendorfer, to prea-eut anj i-i 'Toni'iir-it-'..' (!:?? "Staata Zeltiine" property. The b !i gtving hrooklru two iiun- pvliee Jaatlee- also pn scd. Mr. Mraiiahaii's blll, p.eV'-iitnic in-ui'iii' e ri-moanie-s from chargtng a hiph.r rate "f Inanrance llutii* lhat wr'.tteii Ofl the ffeea of the y, put through. 'ihe bill to reatrtct fuittur the u-> <>t (.'..?oinnrirtirir'.e. by ptaventtni keepen ol loantinp Immhob, -ali">iis. etf.. fn.m feedlnp it tf. their em ployee. reeelved a majority rote. Asaemblyman Oargenler tntrodneed a blll providins for the appointmenl by the, Governor of a eommltaion, i.i roiialat of fonr membo-, t.i remodel the _i\ lawa ol (he Btate. Wlth the four i ommlaalonera to be appointed, the prealdeat of the I>--p:ir.rn-ri* of Taxoa aml .\-. i,."M(- ai Kew-Yorfc la t i be asaoriatod. The eommla ?luu ;- ?" -,: wlien an'l -rhere lt p!ra?es, and may impl'iy mch ' lerlral ai 1 other help a. lt vants. _-? A NEW METHOD OF TAXATION. PEATCBEB 0? A B1LI. MAKIXG THE IKCOMK TAX bl I'l'ul'.T THK feTATF. r.OV]J:NMi:NT. Albany. Manh "0 (Spccial).?Aa. emblvman NogM inir.aiii'<-d a ..ill today which will nadOMbtfidly eaaac iuaaHcaahla ilaeaaaloo MMra the end ..f the prarent Maalea ol IM Ixajtaleture. lt pro\nies foi aa entlrely ! near inr_ln~l of ta.\;-.tton, malilim the Income taa __p ' po;t tiie Ooaremment. Tiie biu pravMea thal wlthln i thirty daya after the paaaage of Un aet tha ? town and (iiv (lerl.s must lx- lafOTBMd Ol tiat fi'. ai.d th'.,s-,:p,iii tbey B.uat s.-ud ta IM ControUer a u-,< Ol all il<- ta.\al'i..' taMMMblB of ihe:.- leapcrtlve town. und ciiies. Oa th<- raeelpl of tMaa li-1- ake Cootroller toaat gel out biaaii lavMtoty list -1<> six time- tM naaa bor of tM taaabla ii.hab;ta'i:-. whleh liata la tura af to be r?nt to the t.iwu> and rit.e* nf ti:e >!.ite fur dl_ tribuiion a_noog the taxpoyera. IM hhutka referred to maat eoatali queatlona artUeh wlll, arben aaawei-d, glve the aaaeaaora i'.^ valoe of tM Incomea of tbe ta.v payera. IV taspavers are dlvlded iito nlne clas^(.. and even ": " havinp nn irnome of .floO or over BMl pay a taa as laOeaee, iu aceordaaee wllh IM amount of Uw Income : J-'irsi Muss. uicomes flseeeitng .fir.O and not exceed inp *'.'H). 1 ii . i 11 on each d-llar of irnome; second elaae, laeeeaea oaeeedbig ?500, aad nol pAipeding s?i.ckio, 1 1-2 nnlls: third, bMOflBei exeeadtng B1.000, and not execcdlng ?i.M?o, _: nllla; fourth, Ineoatea exeeedlng $\.o(>0, and not axeecdlag #j.(^'<>, :i ?ifls; Bfth, in i-omes exreedinp 19,000, and not exeeedlng 13,000, 3 1-2 nillls: s*?Mh. Inioims ezeeetflM .*:;,>i'0. an. not aaieeedlag $f>AXH>, i bbUIb: aeventh, Ineoaaea ox reedinp 16,000, and not exeeedlng s>-|().(K>(), I. rr.lll- : eiphth. incomes exeeedlng $10,000, aad nol exeeedlng .r.Mi.noo, 7 miiis; ninth. laeoateo exeeedlng BOO.OOO, io min.a. DedaettoaiB f-.ia the aaaoaata nf ih^ in eoaaaa ran be made to tM valoe of IM eoal prlee ol pioda soid, the wa:"-- poM to emp-oyoa, IM ce I ol raw matprli.s |o manuf i< tui-er-. and tlc (o-t of aeeda, twtttaga, ptaota, ete., for farmers, togetMr wlth the iu1.._--.-st av'.iiaM.v iii gOOdJ t?. M -' Id. H-TB ls a:i lmpictav.t -". ;i oi i-gardlag the Incomea t' be taxed: ah laaaaaea ait_?_ freea lha divMeaala aa alei ia cr ?karwi ln anv cor;>o!.it,i.!i. fr_m r rCBUM of BXBfUMI <ini ?. t-1 phNa, Magiaph, or taaapertetiefl eeflanaalea ,.r t. . ? ? ? -t in a?v beada, promlaaory noi ? or .t.i.r eaMeaeeB ai uadabladaiBaa al aaeh corporatloa, or liK-om s arialaa heaa beada a-ortgai a, i~_m!???rj I - or othr avMeaetfl of ladebted of InttlvMuala M .or lorat.ion.. ?.:i k_.i-.ttif.-~ ?:i*m^ f; in the i ata. al aay real (eaaBB, irom Mm realal ef aay ti. awata, belMlaaa aad m_ibin.-K. iMll t?- aaaeaa-d ?t akelr areaa aaienata w.'.i.i.Di a'i. u- _'i t.i a f.r i on m - i i, - et "''?? i rhaifaa The ??>? of profaBBtonal mcn are to bt aaae-eed at thrir fnP lalae, a-,d tanda, wbether oeAipled er not, -!?.? lo i- ? a~-.--.-i ni Ihelr rental ralae. One of IM piiiiiijuil paiti (d tbe bill is .spitioii 10, whleh is a-- foi lo -1: s. i.on i.v \vii,?n tn.?.-'.,', eancmnl I Use appro] nad' by ihi brgialatai. ?t aay aanaa. aeealea ahall aav? tf-n ??? ir-aln. a hy ti. ? ( aatl. ilr. h>' shai: pr._ !/? tl\ a rate wini-ti tii.- leeeaata la Mm Bereral el- aMU i- i - (p:ir?-ii t.i j.-iv. t<i iii.- aoprspriaUaa aa '.. au- by tii. !.. risiaUii-; and Miud >i aaee t:_n-in.t Ihe ^aMl. t<. Ui. eaoatp waaaaitia of tii" s-vi.; eewiMaa ana ihe i Ity ireae. i.ur- of tli" sr-\ rai r~T s oi tn. Bl M .. AM t... b'xu__i of - .;? .\i-cr~ in th'. aeveral ee-ati - aod la ceamttaa aMi. ara no beaida of Baparvlaera, Um aa. ?r> of aaeh louniit-s -im paHana _M bb_b? or almllai tattaa _a eo Marda ol wiperviaera, aMU, M Um i .?-..??.: - Iee, lery th. afWinald ra.l. .'? r tl purpeea tl IM Bteti ,ai d hlia'.l add tner-tft uie rat ? Bj _Maa aeesaaaiy la bovw __ i ix. prnsca of Uie C(~intv. aad fnail authonif uie Mparv_ee_fl of toc keveral laarae or wariis to aoa to tiie raie lonnca tor tii* _>--..? and eeaat/, mc rate Meesaaaf ta M__ny IM axpeaaei oi Wie aeveral u>-n_ and wardu; whlrh Uw. when ?o n,V _, i-oall 0* colKcU.- br IM t-\ eettseteta of the several towna and citics of the Stata-. aud fir-ird.d to the co'int. tr-av urrr of tlierri, as requlred by la* Each toapager i* et~apelh_d to take an oath thal he ):_s y;\\>\ i iiwe M-Wei I ' IM ejaeatleM a~ le hK i,,. pome: auid a wllfal mlaato. I aa to IM amounl of aa 111- . thable hi . Ow ol 01.000, <>r t,y Im prlaoi i. .intj Jall for sU montM, ?r both, al tiie dl- 'tlon ot Ihe conrt. THB :-TATK XTIBB AGAIXgl THR (TTV. albany, Murch -J(?.- The Court of App-u!s to--av ..ii!.'..'. t iwn a deelalOB tu .he aaaa of the People, ete., t . ...". The.ido-.-e W. Myers, ('aintruller. of v.'t. . ... i ,t>. plalatlg, ___Bra_la| the ladgflBMl of the H?u:. be.ow, wltii .nsta. TIiib waa an aypoa. from the lodcment of the ileuei-al Term, Oepartment, tiretUrig that a peremptory uiaudamu- i-_ue, OlrecUag MARCH APRIL Ui irarrh to try to UU if jon IIt. ar dla Sorunsthe old adage. But if you take Ayer's Sarsaparilla during the months of Mareh and April, theresultin May will beallyou eould de sire. SarsapariSIa ?purifles the blood, quickens tlie tppctite, regulates the liver and kidneys, and ipves increased and healthful activ ity to all the'f unctions of life. If you suffer from Rheiima* tism, lncligcstion, General Debility, or any other ail ment arising from impure blood, take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and take it NOW. P<.?P,C fin(* im" mediate relief in the use of this remedy. Mauy are in the habit of relying upon stiniulants when they feel "run down." What is needed is not merely stimulation, ^ The Sk .erier Madkine but natural and perminentl A YER'S Sarsaparilla strength. This is imparted is a health-restorer and by the use of AYER'S lraHh-niaintainer. Ita use Sarsaparilla. Hence it isjmakesfood Qourishing,work every where reeognized as'pleasant. Bleep refreshing. the Superior Medicine. land life enjoyable. Ask for ??.$ .-. ti*% V"9 ?**> ^f?&_ %S> Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lovvell, Mass. Has cured others, will cure you tho ControTler af Waw-YarB CrtJ to *""?**?k iha balance el bacB taxaa for 1--.- "?-. 1"? tl.e i mm tL-u-v.The cuurt ol Airpaalfl atoaMan thal it raaat ^a^;.l-^M;^^J\,,c,lv^acco,tn, ?> - EXTENSION OF WVBBSTOE PApK. PB0VIS10NS Of BBWATOB IVBB* BM*. ???*? < xruu.s .vn AiTKomiATioN OF M?M " Albaa. Marrh -0 ,Speclali.-.lun.l.iK from a MI lln vork Mr Irea latiadUOBd a MU provid.w: lor an x u.Mo,, a ii Bl^aaalda Pniff, aal*?tanttally aiaand t- , STt*a^ l* lmm We.t M-vciity-nlntn-fl., m mJat, ?... ii-a ?-?. ??""". ??..??"*? i-intirt- and tlie bunkon Meaxlow. M^ ne, alM, purpose. bl bt. bill to have the river d(,,,,,t<on,,.,,-<;ali.l,'.',-.:.MI-P;;"- ? ,;;; eit- of Kw-Ycrt la aUiactoa to ralae taoney to paj ttw taiS M mo ataal aaa bonda biaaaea tor Iha im "'T'clmia^r- ?am.d la the bill to aap-rri-n J, Larove-ent art llagb J- Oraat, Bllltaai C. u,.n,A- Joaenh J. O'Donohaa, DevM Banka, nyru* nark"lo.u' Di Bcckelelle.. .Nathan ?*??.* --" M. pijwm, rjMrta M. -?>**,??"l,v.,i,,; arltb Uie T. Ai;..<"w aod Lawaot. *?. r_uuex. <*"*, WlJl.. ,.?? ControBor. Uia I'omiBIbbIioner oI PbWlc jon. Brt?5MaUSaWl^ ? ? ? TJIK BTATE CABE BILL A LAW. Albany, *a*uen20. TbeGoverner baa algaat! c>.,i,tr Bl Vppi ?P< ''?"- aMM.?50ipr tba eafab , J '?' ' . L, ,1. ti .1 " .fl..... dlatricu, to bc . lie.ilir'iil *'i f^itii1 ii* *" _M * __ . r 41... <,*?,!, :r, d?y, .,?:,... iboara-o^ --;.;:,,';,,,'f:!,,li;:,i ...-utol- at l '",?';,;. ,,, o-uipmeni and fanilafa u,^aa1?re^CiCmuica to rnead MaO.000 in ,im'^:--i:1i.,;".i.':-.?"f.., m-^wkkiv..-. .? ? THE POL1CK M.MK..NS BILL BlOWEtt Al^.Jiaia.h?.^orerBorlini4iaa l^cdSeaator JL KwBICbaptarOOl.pTOvWtogltepoU ? matrona J^ S over "T.000 ,:,h ,l,.U,,t-. I .^ < . ? nio, nicat UN fellowlni memoraadain alta thli law. T,. tr i .M'Dda Ul? i,.Bl la* aa BB U B?kC lt man ssaci.^rrrr^ ^^r:; .^?^*?-w;?.? rfliuj. ihcmK lii-t ba Blwa BBBlrteBt appertaait) - i i SS. Ia ua, ?*a_araad?B ajad ai Iha Mma i ratdj "i . ^H"'-<lto <o:?.,1,lU-l U." "' al BBtliarltl.f " r"t... ;,s ,ave ?oi 4'x,-i,i-.'.l UlrtT u.-r.ii.... .' Jua Baa s?.it af tha praiaat law, bnt B a-ms v, , ?? ^.oUmttU'. alvea -wtbar j**ar M ableaH. make th-. aeeded Bhaacea on Ui.-ir awa metton, and If, eftear a~a_mi year. experienee, a penalaalve i*'- .?? prore fiiti... Um i. ? -,. m f,vor ol ? eempelaorj laa \.i:i 1? n u 'i ;. ,i fi r W " !>,... .,,.? . :;..,, arhieh I Mte reeently had wlth IM Mayora or lh? dtlea of thi Btate, 1 an i avtfl I ' >' on y ara] to Keari Um wh ' oina reaulu ali preaaal laa* ta to aaaM pi - ruandatory, .v. trintiL-h ln t f.-w elUaa, Incliidfna __.. own eltj ol t-mlra. I ....... aave ' : ?? glTtnii r-ii'i.'i aaaielactloo, ln moai rltlea aa appi i oaa i a\" he _ BiaOe I ' ' i" nialena or lha aet, 1 arn .iiii\i::-<-_. ntt-r red rl ralB is really Invi ,,..,| ...... i*? la , . ,. [j thi appllrai af a ? ' a'1 ".' aielpal iovei-8~a_B ui eltl i ol o ? ? ? U it, enti ? '- ''' "' '"'-?-? U]c-.u authori. moai - - irllj b l ?? ?.-?? whi:. a gneatiee ol prlm . ' poll *. ~ ln voivxt. Thla bUl ta BBaentia Ij an appll itlon ol a prtn elaia, and i aheerreliy firi It mj a,; I> IVID D II1I.1-. REP-KT "N CHARGEfi .V.AIN-T A LEOIULATOB. Bm Fmnetaro, Mareh 80. t'talrman r.i.-..-..- .. d three atembcra ol Uie lea Uative rommltlee appointed to laveattgate iho ehargea made agalnet A_~embl] Blwood Urnner have prepared . majority reporl which waa preaented ln tl i ~ raibly lo-day, bnl a readtng wm refueed H beranae I b minorllj reporl , nol "t ready. TM majority report foiiM ' .- ..\, led between Rruuci and tM I i ommlaa otici- ol san i mm l~_o. rbe report furthn r had not | mmei dai m ,:;,,. ,, t,, ti... f,,.-.. m rl re r.i d Ih ,-i'Hi. aa part "I ?< plan to ei Uap aud i ? nw-lf, bm th . he rl 'I mi with the inteiitlon nl lllna a iKmUlon nn IM polic l e and approi rUtiiu. i > him eli. , i... v, : mnii ' '. itlon a - lo il ?? i nf i-i ,:, po-.iion ..i IM niBtter la made by the rom il ?? -. ? - Fr.I.T'.N* I)!I) gOT SPRND A IXlLLAB. - nunento, Ma 1" I ?.??.?? ?? of the ' ? ,. v i'i i? ?? i.:i Kei i . .'-t waa i ., .ii,'.' ( harle. tf. i lion, I nlle I ri. itea Be ?' ? lert, ai ia f tln ? - . .- !? t. 'i ? il ||a.r ln iic- ??? ? ? ?' . nor li > l ? .1 <a ii: -r Mr Ken. iu and . ? h ? 1 the 1 ' ,: ?? papei- In ? , ol ln- bank. ll.I Hr . re in thr I iel| wl i ? ' . . ul i,.' ii it, !,i,i ihe I ? ?'!.- .'? il i iiiu-. ||.> dhl itu ' ?? 'i n . I ,i,t ,,: ihe bai ' ' ' to thi Ir i r i |'..: ui I'ran >, I I ? .1. i> j i. II. r -a tl.e Fi -" ? Bank, ,.,| Uie 1 >rn ? :.? ?? h aud h m Iwrjl :. nf lli ... ,| | , ... . ;:,, ! j ? , - ....... ,,, || i .- , ,| that lie had i t , i. i , : ? i v. ? "?' He addeil ihe i wa l by t\ ? - , r, .:,!... and the .1 ' exhl ???.; were tho - ime oi I ?1hhiI the mo nt 11 linew of i wrai | er.foi i ? . ran.. 1 - i l al ! ' I i ' .1 i eka ? 'i i li were lli ? ilphl 1 ?? r'li U< K I ?? d ?? oi tiie paekagea rraa i lentlj pn. tln i ? b Ihe part) rer. Ivlng Ihe 1"'' -, |. . miml.U-.-i ??? ? M ' expee ol tha' ? i i . '.vii ,i?? tn Iii nl ?? i ,, ,...j.. v1 , ,'? Ihouftli' i" have brrmirhl rnrrency lo ll be examli ?'1 Mareh April May Are tho beet months In which to take Hood's Sarsaparilla BecAUse At thia time of Year?in Mareh April May Tho Bystein is Most in need of Hood's Sarsaparilla The best Spring M I)o not let Spring Mediciue. Mareh April May PaM with out Parifying yonr blood. Be Hure to "et This beadlme immediately sug!*eat~ to every body the use of H<?od'a Sarsa parilla, with which ii i> inaeparably eonnected by many yeara of use in advertising. Hood's Sarsaparilla cannot be equalledasa Spring Medicine,becaii-e, 1-st. It i< a modern niedicine, orig ioated by experieneed pharniaeiata of to-day, under whose careful sujmm' vision it is -till prepared. 2d, It is prepared by a Combina tion, Proportion and Procesa Peculiar to [tself, and by which it iagiven Pe culiarand (Jnequalled Curative Power. ;; i, It combinea Econoray a n ?i Strength, "100 Dose~ One Dollar" being original with and true onlyof Hood'a Sarsaparilla. 4th, Hood'a Sarsaparilla doea all that isclaimed for it. 1; really doea effect the most remarkable curea <>f Scrofula, Salt Rbeum, Dyapepeia aml many other disease*, and overcomes That Tired Peeling. When you buy your Spring Med icine, you should gel tho best, and that i.s Hood's Sarsaparilla hold by ail Cr.igglhta. ?1 . aU fur ??'? i'r. .ttrf-a oul} Uy C. 1. HOUO ft CO., Ap-U-.'.cuilcti, LaBNH, Ma?a. 100 Poses One Deilar Soll l>y all d ugslaU. *1 i ala Ial BB. I'r?f?r-d o-tlv by C 1 BOOB V. ?0. AiXiL.iia. Mt* Loa.Il, >Ia?c. 100 Doses On. Dollar __r_ A BIO 8CABB AktOXQ COLOBED PEOPLE r.X.'IT. Ml.NT IN CHAKLESTOX CAtUUCD Bt ? fAKTAfiTICALLt DRI -.- ED MAN IM A PUBUC KCIIOOL. Ckartoaton, s. i ., Mareh 20 (i-peeiali.?The ?.itlre ?-ol ored populatlon '.f Charieaton waa e~< ted to-da_ by _. panlc among the rvjlored rhlldren ln tii'- Mon aebool. TW_ li Um largeal rolored arhool ln llw l'nlted Statea, bavlog neariy 1,500 papUa. lt v,.* atxrat j balf-paal i" o'elueb when a wlry, copper-eol ;."i nan, '.:.? --'l in the taiituatic roatan.t an Baa. Indlan, wolked Into one "f Um rli i-rootna "f Um pi marj ...-? ? ii ind began t niu-f- a ipeeeh ." Um chlldren, IU lold them Im ?..* * reformed eoanlbol, nnd aeed i i i.t iiiiin.ui beingB; m.J hla genera] appeonuiee b n aaaertion. The <__..iv_ people bave kad Un slr perrnnlal leoiaj ___ot tiio mrdleaj atndenti, and were . .i-iiv ir.ciit. ne... Thi- rhlldren loughed it the man ?t t.rt. bnl h" nn ~t one "f Um glrla uith oal itretrhed ai'11-. and ibe rVd, ahrleklng tttii Um man w-s golng t" eal her. ><?>n Ihe alann apreod, and in ii momenl tiie enMre s. i,.>,.i u_s ln a paale. The] ru bed beltei ikelter rml <.f the clMB-rooma, down Um .ci' . ."if In the yard, .i".. thenre i--l. m.-tl throagfa . i over in,- fi-,. - into the -U'.'-t. The - ._;, ui- prl mary to Um ln. rmedlnte deparlm '. and arlthin three mlnnb ? ? glrl ii. ,- ihroogli ihe hii ...-?? , . rilVI ?, ii. H-. ttn- time tln ' !' ?! p piihtltin from ?it_area i und ' id been attraried bj il.m_a nf the rhl.dr n'a arream ?? >i had irather~1 from ?_11 part*, antll Uie atreel ln froni araa ? m >: bla lt (aecw. rhejr wcre - ..i the * - > t> "f their volrea, and fnr a wh i?- I. f im ,l'-m .'iiuiii ii,?<! i.n I--' Iii'imv Newa f Um i inle ipread b< 11 bj mugle, and '??. Um Ume ll : t?i? i,iv,?r 1'irt i.f the ... i id been man .; i ? i terrlble a. i Ident. Th ? balldlng ' I I r ? ,' ? 'i I,, .,!,'i bin dred '?. llvi - 1 t. ,\ pl ii ' : on Um -??? <?. bal were ut. >rly p aerle i t. keep Ihe rrwarda i|ulet. Mother. huka] . ? ih 'Ir ' -lldran. Altor :i long ? tlM ii-'li'.' mai .i.f'i i.i , i.-i i apaee cnough (?> ol ? :? ?-. tho rhlidren to come oul and thi ,-. arere BnaJlj ?iuleie i do* ii. The m ist rrmarkable UUna ahoal Um punir wn tha. Uw.nt of I..1O0 pupil ?ei_ injured, none i.i.iiii. TIm nii'i who oauaod Um ponlc waa ont-ted ul tu be i ? rted In Uie p ihi ?? atatlon under .'na,.i. ll' -?'.-. l ?? |a a FIJI [akuider, ? ? nlno j'O-H-old. and araa onre a. rannlbal He gM uame "f John iliarven u rt aya be A ned onee wlth '..' ' 111 ? ii hla home In Nalne. Ilalanowmi j l i Lurlni lour ar,.i waa te have !?? tared to-nlghl ln imo Ile ~*vs Im La a briUali i i i\~ he - II domamd aaUafoetton tor hla ir<- ii.i.-M iifs- ff m Um BrIUah -Invenwieiit. he '? ? ? ' ' ? P. ? '.? . ? ?'; -.1 11 , ,.;if:i .l.i'ii,-.. ? ? : l ::.'?!' I ,:,_. aild I !?' 1 i. ih. Ile denie* lhat ii?- t.i f.ightea tlic rhii i;.'i,. ?-? ur -T_?-.";./? 71 b/I f.t..././. A\n v>nu:R. Wllllam Knoeh, tweuty-two rean o'.d, made i de Tif-ru.. attark apoa lila fathei and mother la?( nlgbl al n.'ir Imin.-. Ko. 1.11:: Wlll'iur-bby-ave., Iirooklyn. Mr. Khii!i reeelved an ugly ata!i-wou l on ihe be_Mt, and Mi-. Knoeh aroi badl) Injuteil alth ? rool ihovel. Mr.. Knoeh, after tbe atalihlng ol her baahand, dta II med her aon. ll ".i- tb m he elxed Um i ioI 'i vel '.'I' iii*. mother, eutUng her acverely upon Uie li'.nL otlrer LanhXord, ol Ihe Bixlh Prerlnet, ln ani t ti- - ir.- f? help, and ran to the apartmcnU. He wa mel ?' Ihe <i" ir ol the bedroora b] Um elder Mr. Kn? h, who waa Ueedlng profaaely from the itob-wound on Ihe head. Tbe Injored mon threw Ins atma ohoal the ?iiiiicr's iH-i-i, aad begged him t'? sim-.t his -MMollant. 1 Voung K11 .Ji u.i- laken Into ruitody and loehed np. . Ambnlonoe Kargeon Orrell .!" - ?' the woonda o_ Mr. aud -is. Knoeh. The wound on Knoeh'a head woi , found t'i ta- r? .ui- Inrhea in lenrth. Tbe fomlt) are ' !._?.?? . <:ni ? i.iv >'-i.ri.iv iiii.m-iI to tlielr preaenl ?1 li Irom Xew-York City. riMj i-clebrated Un* t-haiice bj ?? 111..1 iiiu tii.' growler," aml tbe marderoua aaaaulU were ii.utroino ot b iiaarrel ln coiu_ii~ence. PBIBCl TOB ABD BABVABIi v;y \o,- ;?;...r. 1 tiih--ii.ii. Jl. .... Marrh SO. The Princeton ba ebnll Bionagcmeni were Cakcn .'i. >f rther bi aurprlae bj the . ,.; the llarvard managemenl roncernlng tbe rnin.ti'ii llarvard baaeball gamea, wldeh -era to li~v been i..?\f-i on ...i.v s and '?'. NcgoUaUona bad boen in progreaa over .1 month when Un ? dotea wera pro j. ,1 !,.. t'optoln I- in, of Uie ii.-u-...n; t.-iini. and, eon .lilering thla, h b tbougbt tbe actlon ol the Hor t-ard Bioduale comml ?? 1- ex.dlngly LU-advlaed 1 e 'i?.'' gtven, lhal the gamea arera t"" eorli ln Um -'?;.-' :i. ts ii'.t regorded ;..- laM. ;.. the Priacci v. team'fl i' . outdoor gracUce gaaM eame ".1 ycatentay, wl~k the ilaivni- L?..i!ii, aecordlug to "The CrlmsoOi played at i"nsi three iamaa oal ol <i ra h.-t week. /ta , .... 1 ,u nloe baa bui ooe dote ~t_.ii >|. .1 i". .,- reauii oi ihi ? ... I ? iJJ ?. ni-obab .. llarvard will n.?t i.av.. un opportonity "i mevtlnij I'ni.' eton ihti Msoaon, espetl-ll lr.?e a larf 1,1 um i'i,i.'-t"ii itudeni and gradUBtea an atrwigli oppoai-l t" |,:.i\:.i. Horvard uuileaa ;'.?? (amoa un played i-ilhi-c oi >'i_- -__n. i nnl. y.i.v.v yor rov/.vr; to roir.v. Tli- r'lnr.r thal Mfi Bva ...nn aaaald be in taan ye> ,..r. m 1.1 r. -...- a lir.-' lOB ' a f ttOU\ fti? ti 11- MfOB Ml I" Ih- B-tfO*. " ~ ' 0. I aiK', af N ?>. aj n >- - .'i'?' Kltha Raal i u a ... i ceoaaal t<>. II... . -Uii*. la.i^'li-d yi t, nlir a'. tha nl'a Bl IBa v.i.iiiiiii i.a..n. raW-lved an mi.-r oi MO.OOO, raaaldarbm lhal ain i ,,| n,,t ?!?? -i. , ,a:n, uii Um '--.ii.. and uaphatli / ,:, ,. ,i ti,.- i |, .rt. Wllh r-.ard lo Un ?ii.ti'iin nt tba. . ? i |.,r li - r niii.lnu- ?a~ t,, tafca |t I] Iki ch lil |.. ? ii? -ml iiiai Bva M .nn bad alrradi ,.; .; tbal -li" -OB iml tii. iluid - u..,tt..-r. aml -Ur ?n'ild ,. ii, i | i un-1 oatodj "f I. wIUmmI a abarp tlru| I - W. I ''ilii-r, Ka Miimi - COOOatri, "?s al.n li. s Iriliini'- r- I'.r ?? r \,t?r<li\ and ba said thn. tln r. i. i ,.? tri'i. ? ' Mtff .- a! _ it Ii." .' ' ,000 111- I ll""! w?i-d oul .out- to N'.'W-York until ht t< lf_;r?t>lir- i*>r h.r. MASSMI.F.TING OF ITALIANS. PBOTESTDfG AGAINST THE NEW-ORLEANS MASSACEB, ADDBESSF.S MADE BY MF.RCHANTS AND EDIT0R6 - BJ sot.ITIONS PAB8BED. It loofc-d aa if ..'I tho Italian colony in NewYork hai aaasintkd Ib aml aboal Owpar DntoB la-t evrn ins Th^ greal tu.Il waa n-.uch too BBaaU to ho.d the ,;,.-,., thal eame to ertand the .aaa meetfag aafled to take action oa tha lynehlng of the ItoBan V*"*" i? ffew-orteans. Every Beat in it wa. toaaa a rew olnatea aftor the d.1 were opened. aad U.e throflB ,i..t roold not gel adaalaalofl kept innvasing tiii t?t Bxoeeded that ablch fUiad tha baB. l*aBea <-". , j,, ;,:,. ,.;:.... with a atrong foroa ol men. Bent orajer ,,,i preventcd tho BteeUBg-raota froni belBI aaai whelmed b, the clamoraafl appBcantB al tha ant-Maaa. rm captaln eatlinatea lhat tha "ovcrfiow" Baamired o,o<io people. _. . ,. Kany embletna of Baaarrtta- were dUplayal m w> lalL Th.- laga ol tha L'nlted Btatoa and af itaiy aang traeafttUy itoaped LtoUM tl.e platfonn, witn bia-'k dmporle. contraallBi arttl t*?etr vivid eoiora. B, apeakera b d leadlng B-ainbera af tba eotoay had ,,.,:, on tha ptalform. Has etalnnafl waa Aoailla d. A-iclo. th,: vlce prertdent of the inectini: waa K. as eomandthe ?raa A. LagflW. "thera aaeaeol arere Profeaaor Clabreae, Dr. Lalgl Bovaral. a-iadajrieB ?.. ;.,,;,,, a. D'Agniwtlna, P. Valpe, P. D. Itoltanaj, /.. La alatda, B. D'Angelo. Dr. La l-ertc. B. CtaaabaUL Dr, ... Abtwaaao, i;. V'etera, l*ralaBaor Mletwlangalo. A. Caoao, .I..M'. Oa*fa**?aHa, O. (H*Uo, B. Boeet, PeBee 1V..-.M. Tttat lt. D. r?co. Dr. Villarl. L. Conlerno. v. Polldetl Maavera. B. Oaatorti, A. hlainewto, .1.'ttl. 11. im./.i. H. IMlnmbo, E. l*BlBMl, Y Arello. .1. I.onil;.nll. B. AJB**eel and 0. Fazio. .;...r:.-. Pranclfl Train, Law.on B. Fuller and Janies p/aUb. . . riii/.en" Tralfl broaght a tag ba?het of bouton aleras, arbl. a be dfatrlaatod arltb a taalab hand. Ho i?\.i,.i Captaln NcOalbagh to haaa a Btewar, aaa the Captaln p-ae?fnlly acoepted lt. Dr. Aaaeltl made the Bral ipeeeh. " ln this daa? ful matter,* aaM be, "aB tbe eaaeeea ol tbe Itallan ,,,. Qmted. Tliey have Beaa wltb n deep acnae ol horror tbe InfaaMaa tragedy B*arpetrat?*d IB thla ceutuo <>< rlvUtaatlon and progreaa, an.i here t:,ey ara to proteal Uke raen agalnat a raoat aaa-bar oaa iinrt ui ralled for whaaeaak. idiitnii.** rbere wa. trameBdona cbaerlag, and tbe apeaker, with axiln.ated teaturee, arent on to aay: ?? r..r a long Ume ii.' Prenrh preaa baa been aptttbti poUaa on the Itallan naine. Ibe a*raaeb praaa aaa that the ItaUlana aa cltlBeaa aad aa * nattofl are raablng preg. reaa amoag the people. of tbe eartb. and ln their con ,..,:-pt o| ,,nr ii;it?.imiity thay trv t<- raarb wlth lafaaoy tho ooble fama ol onr conntry. Hut nometimea it ia tortunata thal a Balafortoiie ocenra, After tho l#ew. Orleana meeaarre tba Preneb preaa expeeted t'< Baa Iba i . become frarialcd and proeaed to .i.-.-.i- "i ... sol The toodud ol th" ItaBana In thla momeBtoaa affalr la ealm. Tbey ara eiai**lnead lhal they are ln t!:e rtght, at.a eonBdenl of Uie lawB and laatloa ,.f tii- Amerlean pe ipte." Lulgl Boversl, edltor of "El PiograiBO ItaBane Amerlcano," eliarged Ihe Bew^rtoan. antborltlej wltb Ih'Iii^- dlrectly rcaponalble for tbe lyaehlng, an<l ealtol th,.rn ?? t: .? accoBipIleefl of tbe Biaaaaere." ?? A.''.v." he aald, uhaa been tl.e ?.nly sover-ien trom Baturday tlii to-day and ll ia a dlagraea ta bb. .?I (iovernment before tbe eyea ..f Barope." pi Uoveral beld tbal Lnternabonal law and the Intematlonal trealy between Italy and Araerlea Baaa t.,? figbl to ask li.roBlty and aatlafactlon, and ho exprea id tbe hope thal the nalty and peaoa ..f tha Itajjan colooj wouM ba .encntt'd by the rommon nio'iiii:!.-. Tbe attentlon f>f tbe m<i?ttng waa foe the flrst tlme dlatrncted, ;m?t there were al?na r,f tumiilt when ii. i iatabelU, of "ll Crlatoforo Colorabo," w.i* ap^ak Ing. -We ItaUana,," he said. "<'la?aed aa h?t-tl<XKled ..n,l atready eompared to tbe vnimnoes <.f oar conntry, are here to-fllghl a< chIih and Betf-aoasaaaaf .,, tbe .on- of tlda eoBBtry." i . e was a - affUng Bolae at tbe dnora. it,i Uke a po ..v.',- ernptlon. Tbara were bmibbb af c\ ? , . .. and everybodyaaroae and reBed to hia ,. it down. Captaln McCaBagh imrried ap -.'. and f.uind a'.me ?f hla men Bt4*Ba*a*Bag t.. repc] an* luvaalon ol the exeladed, wbo waatad i? heur wbal Mr. ClambeUl wa- aayinu. Mr. (lanibelli did i ot gel a ehaaee to ay aaytbtag al aB for a ratnate ,?? two Tbe thiiiniiHii mpped with Bta gavel aad ihonted ^ttgnoril Ngaortl" Al laal ne brfl tba platform and went to the r*na**ate- doorway. a blg. i,.| .,,,!.;.i.i-,i man, wearlng one ?.f Oeorg. Pran I* Traln's i, uqnt-ta In hla black ooat, alao Bavped fr-.n> U>e pUitlorm to the Boor. Ewybodj re4*ogalacal lum. H- u. inapector TVIlBama. Tho dlatartianM reaacd and in.ator contlnued bia ap.n. II. bbbb tbal tba ,.,,,,; . dMri'( WBBl BBy war wlth tbJB .'oiin'.i.. BOd taai the> aaked a |nal reimraftoa, wbtab the r'ea*?ra_ autboi ' eertalBly grant M,- claiiclmlno. of Brooklyn. nnule an aalatraaa m , (,. ne waa tne Bral ol tha i|iabin ta aa. thla .? ?., ?.?i b. waa aa beartlly i*baarad as any ,.f ' ''jujnea \\ ti.ti a lawyer, toM Ih. laadlaa. that tba) haa been deeplj wroBged in tbo nan.,. ef Aiiierii-au rltliei lp. rhe ? " !l111 b'y'" e "ir ' " ' ' '? .."H.u.,-1 rainj y .: uw Ptoudlta wltb dlgnlded . . t .. . im aaked Bie ., the i..: li Ungnage. 1 dacUne, i aball ,;.,,, , Amcil ... laiiguage." ILoad rAeera.1 ] . , . . ; irij kepl IU* word. an.i apokc foi tbe mo*! porl ln hla ep.grammatle atyleal Amerlean. Ho couid not reaualn lum ????. however, from oceaatonall) dropping .:.'.. ItolUm wheu bia pcraBrvld wtbi?Uw?m carried hlm bcyond the Umlu of the tajnei I I ,. , .,, , oi sea orleana,' be aald, "aaaaaaliiated l,1..'.\??,;c'i. tlag and tba |ndga aad Jary ayatern. lh?, btruCk aa terrtble a blaw aa B^nragarddW WheB he Urcd iBto aamter. Lett.ay that tfCapralii M.iMiia.i. bad beea there or Captaln AlbUra o i '.,... i,,.;.vr tltere iMr. rraifl Bteaot laapecto. tt-iutoBiai 10,000 men woald bara dtof before tha mob Woiildl?vet?ucliedtheaopruMmara." Thla Ied Ur. Train im.;.-.?- lonontbeaublertafthapoBer, ^""^? ,,,,!.. ? l0 bave -.? wptolna to go to AJbanj and ,', i,,a) ol tbe rank and Dle bar. Ibatr own .:?..,. paid lor. aad aoi aay aa give ibem 11.200 a ?eu liMl? ,,,.m pay ror their rJnrta and aboei and I,.,, u-d . M4U. au thoae ln tavor ol tbal ai) ayel " ,:.;', . aehoraaol ' :?>'. V aad thea Uwebalr Sj gapantt" - theno.,cSre ln a brtel BaUtara al '"? ^".IVSrant. ItaBano." and Pta, ,t ?? i.'r.f.i .rit.tit.,, . oilti. prefaced ihe readlBg ol . "?; ;.?,?;':,?.., ?. "L'Eco .rit.til...' alw apoke, ll^r^huit?ToUlrUor-i.toalMr ?UTiwVidnUoi.?! were i*arrlad wlth toandara '^r'^v;;::: ;:;"?'.'-.*, .,.?.i.-.-.. ? ,.....\ u:,.'.ii af >*"*?*-???? ::;,,;.":,,,,,,,,... ...,1...^ o,, I.,.-p.^.ofbri,.*' ,.,.. ,.. . ,,- ..i -aiJ , ..".'? ? aad , ,-?,, ,.?.f,:l ?ml eWKlBBl*. trul M BM UUl ,...?i.t -t a verdl t aad aiauaaawad thai BB. hri ,\,?. ? .ix |?i,.;.. ?.i- aot gollty, \" iaaapb l" Maibava A..t...,..v MaKheal, aaUMNiy BafBatta. aapew ,l rcheai (the boj . Bartram. ABtaHoa* Charlaa M. trangs, ,.?..,,! a* tba ...nt. af Maaael PaUaal, PtaBra ;, , . ?, itoi lo ha >Bl ll. aad iVhercai Al u ?ueh lawfiil rardlel a f,r?tio'i? nab, ?*? ,,,i io ,??,,. r uir-?ah a .......if...-i... -,-?>". '?> w. a. [..rk-r,..,. .I'.hi) C. Wk'Uliif.' and ii.any oOwra. imd dv theii uulavrtul ipaachea, foi fd tb.l( waj lato tha p.irMi ? ,,,. nt, ra they Bnaaerellully Baaaailnatad an.i arar ': ,.,i'.;.. i'l! na by elubblag, aboattng, Baaglag aml ? Uieni ? and Wi i . , ii.. ortlelali ?f th,- Btata >,f l.'.'iikianu, City aad . ounty al Xew^Orlaana, aa lattaiatad By tit^ Baaatraou* ,,. . 0| ti, ? publlc praaa ?( toe L'altad Btaaea, did aol appear to notlce, aot M Btay aUempt io ptevaat Ibe aw ? hrry >j..i erhna raaaraltaed at la. i..uitia ot Ba. aaoli ,i, aod around the aarlah | tll. ;..'"l w.,.t aa, Bucb muideroaa ai ta af tbe Bapabvec a ra ,i in the boarda >?( tb. aUaek m.d Cottaa ea ol \. ?..);! ;i,.. BB lhat lt , .ui I," practtraB* laf. red tbal t.?th aald Btata aad alty .iiittD.r - ? artta tba -.>?? altod |.i.,min?.it, alaaa i ,.r Bew-Orl ..... mual abara tha raap6Bu*lblUty aai h tha ,4? of u ,iM,u,'i rouatry uapaaaa npea deaaat amrdertri .... ,i . al threata . aml M/aereaa, 1? a countrv. *k th? I'nlUd Statea. tlie '..iw BMiat t.i.t.. n? hl.h and \.atl:-'atii./ tou:*): hv duly jMinlahma th" i iBraateia and parUclpaata af this out , , .. ;.. to rradi tt la t;..- faca of tho norrlB ,i arorld the Infaraaua, blood) latn Uirawn npaa tho i ople .f tl ... K'i iblii b] Ihe otttlawi ol tht tltf al B ^^? orl ?...-? N..,.. ihetcfare, 11 ll reaolved, Thal the Amtrtcaa clU ? i ? ..r itallan Mrth and rxtraetiaa aaaaaibl-d ib n. uw> ii,., tn,.' ?i indlanailoM at loopfr InaUtuu-, do bateby ap> peal *.?'. appl) ta the aulhoriUea ,,f tha Ualbd Max,-* tor ibe apprahaaalaa .u.<i ImmedUte puaUhaaeal ..f the iiatner* ? ; i,.ii,ii,.-t? ?iii. i) ralled eat thr nieb ef tha rlty >?.' Ni ? -inli an v und of all antl i'\rry puill, ipunt in ll,, a -i iinatioti ... the rlevea laaaceal aaaraMd and aapro. ? tii Itallana tvlill-t rangaed ln the i,Mr.-h jail ln tii" iald elty u>. Batairdaj Ij>i. Un- iith taaV; and Ba II rnrthei r -.., . it Tbal ;ill we lUlluim of New-York awatt .'-i-i ^almiiras aud Uinnie** U,e rcliuiallou WUab INTOLERABLEECZEMA Two Boys Aflectcd. Doc lori aud all lleinedic. I'ail. C'urcd by 4'tiliciira. Two of m. bova wor" i-rlo'isly a~~-tyd wlth ti^,. *o that it M, inL0?,.;a!.l ? ta. la ar. i had tilud _4 r, in di's 'y phraieteaa, araa raOed to reltave u<: but i ..ii,. Bionth from tli- time I begaa u-1.1 _. ( L'TK'L'rj lil.M l.HI.-.s. ?* w. re all well. un>- uf rnv bova hal It aitout IU'- mi-itlus. 1 would recuinin.uJ HM to al n_r>Oiis BO afll.-t al. CAM.i; ABF.R. VL-nna, YVarron Co.. N. J. Annoying Eczema A cn'.l. .lan ln the lion - ? (Mr. Tho?. C-__H1 had whal ua-- 'ai>l ' tter ur aalt rt. iun an h,~ hand, ai.d II b na apnadlnii ai.d blm verv miKh. I p. r-u-a-i. \ blm to try your CUTICURA RI.M.-.D1ES. and tht-r 111r.1l hbn, ao .1 l?as never had anvthlue lih~ rt a!n *. lli Mrlahed ni (a, ?<av. Whea 1 wrote. tliat he Uilnlu lt the bi at our. for skln di?. 1- -. MRS. VAN WiriiLF. 8!)2 AtlanMc-are., liro.-ha, N. T. Aggravating Eczema Bavtog h... an Bffgravat 4 eon ot miobm m anuii and Kn.>i> of two v ara' .tandlos. I araa iadaead to 'ra rour I'l'TlCKA l.l'.Ml.IHi:-. which have ? nti.--lr cur>. mn ,10-'. I would wlrti coot~~-C? r- -omii,. :iil th- .11 (4 ithcr. almUarly afllleted. ... CARTER. 104 F.i?t Xew.Vork. Why Suffer One Moment i rmn -..i-'irliiff and diaflgurtng sKin dla.--i?__ nrfcgg a alnalo .,.,:', .-i.ti ni af the CUTICURA REMEDIES w,:i. n, the tfol nr.ijoritv oi t-a*.-*, aif .rfl in-taut r.-lW f la th<- ni?| 1.-,.ii'. ii,.- of itfiiinw;. burnlBg, ecaly, eruatcd, i/roi.'v. _,.<_ I'lotfhv akin. aealp and blood dtaraae wlth loaa af aalt, aod oolut to a a|tf>' -v. pf>rni_.ii---it. aud _coiiorr.i._il eur<\ ,-old ovoiywh.r.. Price. CUTICURA. 50c; CUTI. rrRA SOAIV 2.v. : CUTICURA BBBO-V-SBT. fl. Pra. l*irfd bv th* POTTES DRCO AND CHI.MlCAIa COR. I'-RATIov. BeebM. fys,,i. for "Ho- to Ciire fikln Dlfeia-a." 64 PM-, -.0 1 luatiatlon*. and 10 > ta - I 1 -_ II'LEH bla-k-h.'-i'Is '??<.. roinrh, chapp. 4 and elly .r-l by CUTICURA BOAP. HOW MY S!0~ ACHE81 Arh'n- S:.:. | and Ba k. II.P _Kldn r. and r.-rlfi" raiiiH and lUi'-imiatlsji' r< ????. d ln ana inuniii- by ihe I uli.urn .tnli-Pnin i luairr. ?ih" lirat and onlv iiistanl-fi oua ji-lnkilllng ,'ila-it- r. our ( haa r~iii*at.-. from thit of thla Repnb. llc, and that full juHi.c be<- ln thli MN, aocordlng to'the conatitutlonal >aw_ of tho 1'nlt.d StataB. li. it foiiher iialved. 'J' these r~~iutioae be for t<. the Pr<-ld.nt of th* l'nlted Statfa. to tha Chief Juatlc of the BopNBM Court of th.- luit-- Stat.-, and to the Italian Pl-BBl-l ui _UaB -. that tha outrage eean-BtMed Bl Maw-Orleaflai bo not loft Baoajolahsi. The ni-.uiui. disiK;i--t'd -itli . bOOTU 1 r ltaly and After the llHle dlMnrb-n.e ol the donra. tiie irowd ratelde organlied 1 meetiag ol its owa, and tapM-MM apeedies were made. NEWAHK tTALIAlff OOVuBMB TIIF MA_~~_C_U__ Ant.mio CMWB, a k_il-g Italian of N.-warl.. pre sid-d at a MH MCtlN nf Iiis <?? untryinpti ;n that city lMl Blght, Ihei- l^ni- niany AmerieoM pn.-s.nt. Tno chalrmaa made a vlgoroa apeee*. deooatn. .ng tha Kew Orleoai trogedy M i ilaffMt <" UM Botkm, and s?:d that pi-dii"!- t. 1-:li->ti.jn -slionM bu tii-de fur tiie da-ia.-o tn tbe iuii.ia people. He iechuo? thot II_~o~b a~ ? ,?;;!?? wen 1 -..ti American eltUens. Bi Jadge .1. Piaah 1 ,,,t one ol the leading BepabUeaiu m Caaex -~~~ty, BtOde an ?PPeal t~ tho Itnlian people, BOd ISM tli.t I,.' waa iow Um A-Mfieoe OoveniBBBal wo_M vlndkate tli.- majeety Of UM Amerlci.n Uw. aml MM B d.maod -?,, id be BMde tor a pri per Bpotocy 1 ? the IUUu r!ov.rn-ient, a-..l the pttnlBhment of the autiioi. ..I S guaninteed. In .... olher AmericaB oitv, , ,.-.?..k,-r. coald sucli b thing happefl. IN lUllani ?~~d ti?Bsured Uial they wero -?t-OinB Iddtiona 1 tl.e- .iTfc-ahlp ot thi.inteT. Bnd tte, w,,i,!'l rncelve the full ix-ncilt. g_mim_Jt_ed by tne 0b? ''''i1.,!.."' Tvlmble. who spent manv veara in Itriy, V',,p. M- father Jrofl an AmeHeon Conanl. deHvered a IXX X lV.iun. i" whleh be denouneed ha *ew oK, Wllng and ipoke ol tbe regard or \"^;;;. Lhown by the people ot II ill. Sevetal otberi ipoke ln XXX X.i'n md reaoliit-OOB were posend rondiirn 1 . - si maaaacre and dcBiaDdlng lhat the :;. JSi~2f bii~g^uS iithon ol .v affalr t, Juahee. ?'.-?. Ve Fort said In his wmarke thal te wooM Ute ,,, \\\\ K br-u~?~ to N<-v ????r>u. Md tr.-'d and teBged ther- with ail Bi .uulilitilii NO 8EATED ORDERS TO THE ITAJ-IAX SQFADRON. ' UM Mareh fO?M ta aeml-offielallv d^ninl ?Al N>w iirleaus laat SaUutliiy. .-??-? TO BBBTTuB TllK BBtttBBBB TBQVBBT. TM i?ciu.'.tt tn ahe com of BaBbtam artfl U ******* ... ?.u at T.t.i.viii,. g. I.. *-. n.? rmng Iho - ,.f uie drad n,an l? of a eheap qual.ty. lt ll B ? -, 1 ,1 La'.v w.irn. MH Bighl I hM of PeUee Bl 1 a dl. edlted th. -" '? '? 1 '- h:I" ;"',! -' ,...., | by theye-og En_~ai~_aa who Mld a anaar Knttlng-t and WHfhl. Bad tbal he can- to thia ,n?.,rv BO Ml ~MM '"?".'r. and 0*0 also aoM ? ?' hoaid Wr.'-'Ut aav -I.U" .... the BtBMMt UM "? *?""? _hr?w _UU_B?e. BvavboaH if he Bad bbbm sbw ls help h"" The of H.-tn't-ACTiifv msgarald, of MBtBO MH, aod laiBiilat Byran ta Hm oitice of nut.-i.t. Att-.nier M.'ll ye-Betdag gave r.s_ to many run-.or* ?b..ut Um Ratungei myai ry. Mr. Rl Bwever. that Mr. FltegeiaM merely raane 10 get poaaaaelaai ol ,,.,,? n, g n , 11. Bdai ni.n. ?*? - "**t d ..a -.?,.?, iatand ror forgery. Blmpaea ?~_ eoartettd . the ..,..; ,:d. .. taea eaao. torgery un - ' '"f- "as ****** ,|f!e n i.., -nt baek to ?-' rt ? Istaodi BBEUMATI8M ATTACK8 BVGBES. BEXMETT Pl'.KS-lN'. BIM CUMIS *OB rUUH I'LACB IN THi: ..ON'. W__U_. Tn.^ BMttfafal righl of m_-B biik~ia.aani ped- i~_bm -B_k? Ing. runBtog BlaggBrtog aod eUnahl-M Biwiad tv ??? di:rt uaek tn tho Ma~tasa BgaaN uaidea yealerdBf at, f.,! H BB??-B foi ali'.ut 1,.V'O [K-otilo. -Ba knea BOBOgk Mt of th,; rain and aroodBf around th* (taid"n m* Ing amuaameat. Early ta the B_ota_ag Joha M ObWj who bad the eaotraet u aagyly t-.- '?tiawdB .., emptlea tt..' teet keg ?na d.'i'?rt,d wit .out hang. ;?.- Mt .. Blta. Baghea fcap* ?' th' **** ***** ^ *j_; but the v..i woath.-r bcoagM on an attaek Bl MB I l .firv ihunaaMem --.- rvld.nt that lt ??? a gMal ,.*,.,- :or blm Ui diac l,iin?flt around Bnnett wa? the tha beat eoodlttaa, kBlVtag tatt.n a laag ro-t ?n- * -!, batli. and Whe? h- .amr vii tho tmk MVMBB~I bchlod iiu-h.-a. he MBBdlly redoeed _he di.stau.o be. ,,...', ti in. aod lt le ?>?"-? tt--" Ukely that he toi anateh tha vtetory bBtfl Um "Lapper" boIim tha rheuiiu. ,,.,? ?( tha latter dl uppeana. .'an...- ciowin, th< -alhaeadia w nt !?,-....(.-.n Tliuraday ai.d drank ? quart ..f kfr._o:-.? ot.. i. a< tah -ii to Bellevoa .iosi.itui yen. rday. laurt alghi levaa unall bee/a trn- t? (t?-i taM th- .. .rd-Hi Mueogh th* <--l ehttte, bul f"<?'d aftpr th*y had _ot tnto th" BtaMB thal they cuid not gal ta. BeHhee asadd Hhay gel aa* Bm* b rg.-anl Tin,a. of tn* BlaaBBBalh Pfeetae* MBBhjB. M> covered tham *"d Bnaatad aud loeked Bmm ap ta the Thn-ti.i'i--: poUca Btotlaa. Potairtag la th. bbbn at mid^ alghl: llutfli.'*. M'J.n; It.iir.t-_t. 470; Moare, MMi HegcU ?aa, 112; iirty, 430; Kiiamea, 433, l'*a?.h, 'Si.. THE WEA THER REPORT. FOIMXAST Tll.l. S i'. M. SATURDAY. WaahlngtaB. Maieh Wt?Pae Bev-bftaad aud i_.atera N,r. . rk. lain; alightly; paalerly gataa, Kor i_u-urn Peaoaylvaola aud Kaa formf, r?ia!, i- batuidoy olgh. .a-', rly - ? ? l?i iv and Morytand, Ughl raln; warm*r S?t(^ dav nlght. ? 1 ,,r Vlrgtata and North (.'.rollna, falr; w_ru_W aw alghl Por So'ith Carolna. QaorgtB -nd Florida. lalr. 1 ,,.. aid Mlaataalppl, fair: altfbtty warni.r. l-..r Ark.tu-as. __oii.?ian_i and l_at-t<-ru T.-x_.?. fair an? Wc_C*VlrflB~l IVWWB K?-ItfSr|L?a_T m% ? ?'.,.,;, Uolo iiiliana, i.i.i-.'.'? aud iv-lituckt, llifiia ""J XXXZXX, ?____. i.m..r.dMl.~..n. *UXXlXuXX a..'-!,~.-th DBtoM. H.htanow, turnlog '-!K'y .'."":' 'i v-i_,,. _i ,-iitiT warrrcr and fair ;'.. Sonih Sa-ota and KebraaUa. ali.htly POt K..ns_._, far bv Bighli B_lg_~y voolor. TIUBVBB I.O.AIa OlibKHVATlONS BAK. |l i..| 30.0 F. [uoTOa ^lo... uk Mati 1 ?? - 4 f, r. ? - ?. 10 ? ? ' 9**9*2J. V211 iu ?nrrnrrz-L .'-?.. ?-?- '~ ^_-1 - f i-t-.- --l-t-r-t- ~-r- --.-? ? -_?-?-?-ntrf ? f i - - - '- * : Xt: ??????._r ?? -ta 30-? .?...^????-^????:i' r- ' i^^SiS-ES . iM..?.^.^;;. B-u-tag. Trib'ir... 0?ee, Mareh n, 1 a. ?.-4 l|-dtaaai pnva 1 :.,v. Wllh blga noi ti.'asl'ily -tada, BOd at BlgM drivmg mlal aod Ughl ralaa. Che M nogea ,., ti.11 Si an.t u -et.??-. taa as- 4 . ?"* '?? 1(W,P, ,;..,. .,., 1.>n_-p_~-la| aay uvat yaor, and 4 ',,?' ,',' .''\;,:."''v ta-Bay in- '" will BaMattg , ,:. I, ,.,.iiy ,.ay wealher, a lltUa rota and mt?* thcrmal rhaogaa. MBS. I'UAN* F> ItODOAON BURB-RT , lotrlhub ? ta the -" page Baabur Mwnb * l X',"XX Vm-k l.'i er, l??ued Mareh _tl, b Umh ilug yhelcli -' ,i,i.-,i -Bighl LltUe i'..... .' righl ln > ? UbcoI her -Little Lord FaunUcroy." AmellB h. Barr atorte a -i.i,,,. to 1 -an." .1 rteoteh aeriaL Oawrge i-n:-.-r<-r? wHUm \ uav ? t'i ? ? r.l Brron." Amj gondoip^ Dortor .vlix ..>uai,i. Jaan Rote Lndlum. WltaOB dg Meaa and llelen U. North aro other coiitiibutora. ??