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A TAMMANY MOONSHINER EXALDERMAN' l..\I.KI._. IN TROUBLE AGAIN. CHARGED ? WITH MAKINO WIII-KEY AT MI PIITBO-JI PAOTOBT. Oovernmen. offl. laN hBM dl-.-vetrd tl.nt e_ Aldcr man Jame* liarher. with an t .nmtery '?"" <* ?J> Udence Z Tammany H-D. power. ba. ^""J^ a ?? nioonihlnc ' dMtlBeri IB UM heort Ofthto Thla calllag is generally pltod in iparM-iv IBMBod. nn.n.. in ? ? . ,,., ... I11Bi,t mi. i .'? Tommau) Ulnous regions, and nt Blgaa, rhlcftaln BoMUf condmU- tal eperotloaa ta 0 MM) ShS tlie Ltoi-lh. f 'he .-,?.>'. and in OPOB ?>"ght. BBIBM ?.hs a U| ftof-f 1 ffU. v Bt KO. - Weat seventi.ut-.-st.. and for tOBM UBM M h-B been u!pec,.d that hc wns dtaUUtM wMrtff Bad BVadta* the^overnment ta* td mn.-ty BB-tB - pUoa OB U> N.-ar.v ? wr*i_ BOM Baraor Io Um waieh aaa ol k , IM- A ((,. atNoa. 4114 to :."??.<?.'??"-?? gffr.jM IM-N-B, w'liKI. BO said coutainci v,i,eea,. Ml "t./red them ta UM name of J--~ Cloih. Of BoBBlO. bal L,_e-fa.Tan(,df'rtl,est.?.n,;.f?^i:-!-' *.?* ma pnaaad whaa it wa. iollvered. i - M ? "?? . nionU, per barrel was to be paid BB Bta BfB < -. U? ,-ral Krrw.ii, (ollec.or of Internal BOVCBIM f"? UM Ud D.strlct. lenl ...din J. Beolln. u _*?<"- P-P4 * Ust UM aaataata of the borrta on taa* rr"?';"^ Ueolla taOBd that In.tcad of vlnegar tha ba1^ ^ MMi di.uiied spirits ?f irom M to -' degnM proof, whlrh aro known as blgh wtaoe. Depotl ' > K,tor bhielda. lieal.n und Captain JamesW ? ?f the latarool Bovenoa *rvne. rtaed tho -Br to? -barreia and BtaO Mok poaaeeatoa of Barhert ia .o ln WM hevei.tecnU.-st. Oa Tt.ursday eventag A'1. a II. liogue. of No. 301 Fourt-cnths... -teO^lMr* the Daoa waaa-oaao, appeoied i* .... JMd Motoa ,'oni.nissloner Milcld- and made .fl.' taMtUm* Boxher had removed dUttlkd .P-IM to a I ave ofMr_ ba. a bonded l.overnment warebouae Wltbonl 9^*J*? luternal revenue tax. .onit.i.s.ioncr Bhhd&l UMB tMBOd warrant kt IB-** arreat. which was ^MBdJ^U" hands of Deputy fnited State- Mais.ial ^??J?: Tho depnty lound BariMf at Ua _...tor> _i>t~nu. nJS-ft ind Put Um. under anv-t. Th- prMuier was SSS t-fore ClMMBMfMI H.~-d-. Wto remandc, him untll ne_t Friday te e~nn,ina,i?n. A mOWd ? am.uai.y men of BoriMT- dbtfM BOeO-paadOd Mm the Federal BolMlaC. B0-~0f made .... atataMMB m !urt and wa, released lu PC^OO ball. Hta -u.v.y WM 2m. cartey, b m,..or bbUbt at Ba IflB JWiUmw. Sm s-id Uiat,o Dahtal O. Kollm. would <lt,Bllr-"-met.,<?d wns e_tre,ne.y snnple. The taW ?iwed'h.m io dist.ii eaoagh apWta to oaa btUrn Inuttu-o of vineKa, The gplrfU, B B 1>- .v.ded. "i-,ii not aaeoed I pet **? "< *** vl,"'L"l,\ ***" .Imply dtaiilled a Mrger quantity. In 18M be waa a dlatUtar, but his osUbli~unent was sei/ed bT UM OOV l r;ltt because liarUer violated the infrnal .venua ,awa. This c.xperience in BMhtog whta^y waoBO gOOM helpful to Blm. 111-- eiU.blish.nuit is a lam ZZ a~3ariag twet.ty-nve BMO and BMklBg nbou :u?,6oo tanels of vinegar a year. The law doea .mt allow a uianu.actur.r of vlnegar to BM ? WOTBB Bl ....III? | the distilled tptattB hc re.iui.e-. bul BarhOI i-t-a to get atoag weU a_MOgh wlth tho coppat eaadaaaor which he waa allowed to u-e. \ member of tho firm of B. J. Ucan .- Co. said yea? terday that untll Harher aiured the llfty-lour banrta at tha Dean warehouso ho liad liad no deaUaga witli thrt tirm for several yca._. ProvlOOl io tlmt timo, however, ho hnd stot _d a great dtsil ol -Inecer IB tMf wtti-ehouse. I.arUer at fNaoat lu* 4iM) ban-els of tho pt_duct of lus lactoi-y at Bhanaoa'a waix'house. IB Water-st., some of whicli mny eoatalB dtatUMd iplrtta. Whllo it is believed that tlic 01 -Aldermaii ha- b'.en diatiUing hi?;ii wfBM for tiie mai-ket for sevenil Wj *, ,t i, not yel hnown ju>t to wtet oxl snt be ha* viotated the Internal rtrrenoe lawa. The ,i,'v<n:!:ir;1,?.';u";,'| are retlcent about th?-Lr lavea-lgaUona. bttt will om ?tooa the result of them at Borher'i mai. Burker oa olored yaatoidMf thal he Unew ncdhlng Bboui tne w^ wln-. which liad been itored at Dean'a wari i ?-??;' ? evMeaee, however, that )m; hin.sel! M~ t them tnere is roavlnclng beyood a doubt. Geoei _ Kt-i-wm lua yoBterday that iie <i.d aol hnow whether tae e\ Alii-Tiiian ivtified tlic iplrlta hlmaell car not. Boifear*! boldneea is no doubt due to the Bocoeaa whleh he has hiUierto had in eaeoplng punialimoiu lor hh. lawlessnesa. He wlll lird. however, that the l nlted authorities are a ditT.-i-ent aet ol men mmi t)io_e wJmbb lammony im* pluced in cdDco. Is found gniltr the spirits will ba eoafi-soted and ne wlll l* subject t" a heovy flne aud t-. lmprisonnMBt. flarker is a Tammany Ii aII rufllon. ile forinerly had a li'jin .-stor. at Twcnty-rourtli st. and gtxth ave.. and wn- an Aldermaii at one Ume. As the lnartcr of the Wigwaru foiees ln the Xilllh As aembly Uistrict, he mled ttungs wiUi a lugh hand. Nearly two vears ago he cominl-ted a most brutal nnd un called-for aaaooB OB .lames ll.rnan. n. Couniy Dom o.-r.i, In t'larh'a barnK.m. at Etghth-ove. and Twi-nty si\il:st. llernan was lajured H bodly'laot tliere wa. danger that he vvuu.rt ..'? dliabled for llfe. The briitalitv of the ex Aldeiman i-.hi-<~1 siich publ.e IndigtinUou that be waa octually trted. L??t May he -?s [..und gui.ty and leiiteaced t<> lmprlaonmeut fo.- foi.r niont'is. His i-ase was apiiealed. and I.t; was roteoaoi on ?15,000 boU. The oppeal has not bern Hrffiied yet. and there is every llhetlbood that Uie notortous hullv wlll be puni .hhI by the I Hl.ed State* Caarta befora the eoaaty authortUea linaiiy duposc of the eharpa of aaianlt agalnst him. TBE QUAIXT CLUB AT BREAKFAST. A 5PANIS.I MENU ON THE NEW STEAMSHIP YUMURI. The Quaint Club was entertalned at a Hpanish hHWlhlBll JIllW by the New-York, CahO and* Mexlcan . t.nni.liip Line on board of tlie new itramihlp, the Yumuri, ycsterday. The BtOWOrd, who has Joug been i-i UM i-ervbe, pteparefl the dishes in pure.y r-phniah srvle. the blll-of farc being the following, with wlnea art-led : f'aldo Catalan. BaeahM a la Vliealaa. l.cadillo Vuuiuii An-oz con pollo l la Valcntlano. Filete al Prlnelpo. Holad'.s. Fruta, Qinso, Cafe. The cnb.ns were tas,e^llly aeeoTOlad with bunting, and oif 11M bulkhead of the BBlOOB was a half-slzc water color pamtlng of Commodore W. II. T. Hnghea, the nmnaper ol the line, iu the full uniform of a captaln geoanL At each guo-t's plato was a rholce bouton nlere. and an el-boi-ato menu, with a prlnt of the Ttiiwl on the outflde eayar. OOMMOiarg Hughes pr-si<led at one table, atid K. W. Patsonc, asslstont MBaOfM of the Une, pi_?ided at the other. Many peraaaa were called upon to .pcak, but as the oflalr waa not lntended to be seriuus, the speahers were permlttvd V> lndulge, as the namo Of the club aug cea.a, ln fatn iful, odd. whinislral aud far fetched ideiw.. After Ihe hi.aUia.t the guest* had tho piivilege of tnapeeting the ahlp and all it~ appotatMBBlo. Among tbose present wei-e ex-Congi .sMiian ThOBBOa II. (arter. of Mont.ina; BMMO -. Harriaoa, t?_orge II. Donlc-S. gtueml pas__nger agent, and E J. Klch ard_, asst-taiit agent, of the New-Yurh len ti-__i-Uaiir\K.d; Ihootoro H. i~-. haowa as ? iiop u-o, Um.- CTiBMI nuuulaiiu'; W. ... ArtoU, F. N. Boriu> dale. of UM l^nii.vivimia Kailroad : Hr. L. L. Seaman, Deetfa F- k_B-_a__f, Jaaaph Flaailog. B. <~ Blgga, ,i. u. naihapaa. Joha BT. Baarlng. ?'. 8. Badle, of tha lM-lawarc aad Hadaon <-_n-i --.apamy; Jmbob \v. Nagle, .luUua Chamber., K. B. S.hall, OoOTgC VV. Keoler. of me HexMaa Caatral Ballr.1; Aaalatanl CorporaUon OMBOU W. A. t-OBtBar, BCfBBfd UUlom, Kdward u. Laoeh, Dtraotor of it,..- Mim. e. H. TjO n tt u K. BobCOC-i oi the Erte l.ailroad; John A. blcicher. B. P. llaiTla, Jr., Juilan Baiph. T. G. \ vnrfl J I V Clarho. "? H. Boyer. of ihe bnenandoah Valley Kailroad; Walu-r P. Phlllipa, Oront B. Honi il-.on Foster CoaMa. iieury E. BIMBdOB and i liarlts El iie-id. (_# Hl'HSEI.L STVBCIS O.V OLD WQBXIWKAttOBB. Ru-sell Sturgis lecttuvl y.-st.i-ay beforti tli?i New York soclety of tl.e ajf-haoologlnal m-ttauof Aaorii .. ou ? Infereiices fti.u Mediaeval to Anelenl PocU-ka tlons.- Mr. Miirgis iii_.i..t<-d OB Ihe mdlOOl dl-Bf-BCe between OKKlern fort.tic?tion and that td all < pr.s'-a T?.<.()ro tlic lif.e-ntli cer.tury, in IhlB, that all ettaeh aud deietiee Of fortirled places is now hori/.ontal aud w-aa auciently vertlt-al., At all BflBM befoie laiv- gaaa were freely used, tho aia_ilant_ ume .l>>^ up to iho foi-ti-catiotis aud tned to MB.8 Uiciu or batt.r tbem down with rams. or undermine them. The defeuders oppoeed these as___UanU chiefly by MOBBa af iiiis-ile* directed downward. The wall* were _aada as liigh m pracUcoble, and the defenders upon them were pro tected by varlous mi-i_, peiniauent as well *_? tempo rary All thia could l* fctudied best Ifl tlit of me-jaeval AwUleoUooa; but It wai ovMenl that Uioae of clatsalca. time* were exactly ti. ? aoaaa lo prin ciple and it was ncce_?arv for ar(h~eol(igi?ta who abh to st-ady Uk- latter inteliigently t?> grow famlllar tbe more easlly underst.xtd buildlngs of the M.d The lerture was illnstrated by a large nnmber of photoffroaak Vtaaaa, and al-<> pUn*. and reatored ex teriors of rastl-* and tity walis. TO 0/I1C THE BKSXIXOTOS -l-VWHEI? TRTAL. Tlie unocrepted Unrd-cla-S cruiser r.ennlngton wai taken to tbe BOVf Yard on Thursdiy and ?;m pui Into the dry-dock yesterday, to bo made teady fur In-r engtue-power trial trip, which will piobably take place aome day uezt week in Long Island .-..:,? ?!. Among other thinga to be done will be the reductlon of the plK-h of rhe screw. lt ia now lli foet i Inchea, or two lnchea great?r Uian was that of the i'ou.ord when ahe mada her aucceaaful trial. Afu. tha Beanlngtoa'a trial Uu-e weeha ago lt waa fouud tbal ibe had aot oeveloped wBhta 10 bbMb ,,f tl',l .. ion i..... j. .v...' , .1 ?; axpeet d tnai ai t trii.i she will eacead tbe reQBliaajent. MAYOR AM) COXTEULLEE AT 0DD8. A I.IVELY MF.LT1N.. OP THF. S1NKINT. 1'1'XH COMMiaaUON. Tl.e BaaatfBg Of tlie Bfaklng Fund OoaBfcaealoa yea lerdav was marbed by a aar of worda between Mayor Orani and Controller Myers, which turnlshed ro?..der ab.e amusemeiit to Ibe vlalior,. ...?<.?* the tl - cBwtiona cona dered by tl.e'r- ma the S?3 of Ihe CoatroBer to n.evtbe kmr*. fdrtbe .r-rloaa ofneea naed l.y the i?ep.rtm*:. of "?""?' dZoBl P.M..-1..IU. In,.vn1gbl*e.?^ -; gtewarl battdlBg was $63,500, for uw * ? . miaaioncra ol Taxea and the CorporatloB Oouneel Ib ti-e ?-...;.'.- Zeltnag* laaUdlBg. 9\tAW\ for thoae of the Park Board a?.d tba Board of ^.{^.'JN the Baalgrant Bavtaga Bank. *W00; ' ;r ' "-..;'.', Clvll BervleeCommlealoo In IbeCoopar I bIob, ..i.-."?. for tbe balldlBg uaed lor eoarl pBrpoaea al Oaabaa | dr-al BBd llfiv Ctghth I. and Third nvc, .-.OOl>. TO the armorlea ol the Btb a-egftaeBl aai the lat Battery, B15,000 Bad 18.750 raBpeetlvely. Tlie" majorltv of lae Iteau were Baaaed ot 004* Mayor Oraat said. however, thal Ibe reai ol tha oflleea la tbe Stewaal balldlBi aaa toe blgb. The CoatroUer retorted aharpry that be agreed altb tbe Mayor, bai deduwl that 11 tuAf thtmt tbe ncccs-ity of havlng a new mnnk-ipal balhllBg. -well." answen-d HU Hoaar, "tba reaeofl that he new BalMlBg CoBamlaal m has not aeted la dae to the delav on tbe part of the englaeet. ?.f the Flaanee De partment ln reportlng on the altc to bo ehoaea. BJB wllllnc to cill a ?aatfag of tbe comu)l-~ion al any time that you wish." '?I be* pardon. sir. but you are mistaken ln your j ebarge," repBed tbe ('..ntroiier. Ib answer to tbe Mayort qaaaMoo if tlie CtootroUer bad aay aaggeatioa lo make ragardlng tbe altaattoa of the pioposed bnlMlng, Mr. Myere aaM tbal tbe j site boaaded by CbBarbaara, Oentre aad Dmane ata. aad Parh Bow migl.t be a good plaee. The BBggeetlM dM not plaaaa tbe Mayor, however. He made a aarcaatle refereaee to the toadvlaabSlly of apendlng Baveral miilioiis of doiiara far b be-hBag tbal eould BOt aaBwer tbe aaipaaei fer which lt woaM be ereetad. Tlie Controller then doHlnr-l lo cnntiim.- tbe rii-, u-lnii of the subjett. and the regahw baalneaa was aguln taken under eoBBlderallOB. The peaee, however, waa ..f aberl daraBaa. The CorrtroUer aaked for a dlaenaalon aa lo tbe beat slie for the new pnllie and rivil coBtta. ??Wliat can be the BBB ol dlflCBSalng lhat subjett with yoat" aaked the Mayor. "You bave pla.-ed yoiir-elf on record bv wrltlng loip lettera to Albany. ??Ye-." rame the oalek aaBwer "i the Controller, "and l'U keep on writiug as lon;; lettera aa I nleaae. i Intend to protoct the intereal. of the elty, both here and In Albany." . , , -You a:-o makinc yonr^.'lf *|ttlf-r? eelelirat.d as u lett'".. wrlter,"- a?reaatk.aJJy anawered tbe Mayor. Tho ineetini* was then ndjoarned. A -p'-cial lneet inu to cnnslder the frai.<-hise of tho Fulton Ferry will be held on Wedneaday at l p. ra, TIIE CAliLE 0BE88 MATCB. COMMXBT1 BY W. STFIMTZ. Mr. Tsrhlporln has turwarded the foUowtng moves: Bvana Oaaiblt?89 Q-R l. Two Knlphts Pefenco-Cn . . . Q It-K BO* Tiie diugrams below show the posltions: F.VANS OAMHIT. ..lach-Stclnltz (to play). JL. i BJ) . , * - . ' , * .'????? .j . ;>\ i J H ! . ? . a ? aa. :.\ ? i m& r ? m A mm v, ?', ? m Wl.lto?'lsclntforin. TWO KN1GHTS DEFENCE. Blaub TBuhbJMlB lli: VW '/"*"/, f"" WWB . i ',.3J ?:,;."% '-? ? i *'<*??> md * %. ..i -^ ? *.wBW, Wa m* I '/4 k'-/ o v"v 4i <, : White?f-U:lnitz (to play). Tlie moves ln eucli gamo are only what wa. com tnonly cxpectod. Foi- the BVBBfl BBBBa (omioiaaenn b.i|.'ife=ted iil? Q-Kt n, but lilaik eould havo auawcred K- K B ay. or K-Q 80.. without BlrBtalnBlg BB*T hunn. It wUI now be a good gaeBttOB for lilaei to deeide whether lie should try tO BdvaBOB tbe Q P in order tO briiiK out the Btabop at Q 9, or whethor lie should en deavor to bimg out iil* lilsuop via Kt 9, nfter piu-lui.R P?Q Kt 3. The niov? Ln the Two Knlghta Dtfento regnlreii llttle remark. Tho BBOVe mnde is a Bavatoplag and Mmceatiatlng oae, which ai the aame Uu.e oi.tlne4 Wblta'a King-. -*. THE BEMOVAL OF MR. MIZXER. BM0BO1 L. RIVES OOMMEXTS CPr.>f , TIIAT AfTlON. !? the cuxrent number of "The New-York Tnith," (ieorgo L. lUve*, ex-Aaalatant e-wiretury ol Kiate, has M tlaborato artlcle on the Barruinlia affalr. Hla JnUuin.-ut, a* to the la-moval of Mr, .Mi/.ner i?> BB f.,11 IW1: Was Mr. Hlalne rlght In recaUlng Mr. MlBBer from hU aoatl L'nder tho circunutuuce* of tbl. eaae, bo Other tourso ?L-em* lo havo been possible. Ucneral barrundia waa i man of ui-eai Importaaee. !!<? had been the itocretary >.l War ol Ouatemala, and a caadt aate f'.r tbe it?--hi<ti. y. Mr. Mlzner knew perfactay the n^k.- ait?'iiiiiiv an attempted arraat. He wa- t<^i weii awai'e of the ordlnary reaaltB ol polltiral einiiltlea I'i .','i.tnil Aruerlca nol to bt aiarmed lor Uoueral Barrundia'a nr,-. and befora wrltlng lo Oaptaln lltia he obtalned*a*aBraaeea li^.m the Onatamalan uuthorl t.-.- Uiat If the court. ihould Impose th. death penalty on barrandla tbe Preahtenl ol tl.e Bepablle woald "extend blm the boor *.f Ufa" liow -iu ii Baaauaaeaa vvere abaadantly ap neared from tlie reanlt n eaa aeareel) b ? doubted even if IJarrnndla had ?ubu.iited to arraat hl* iif.- wonid have been In lmmuienl p.rll from mob vtolenee or other aonrcea -tlie momenl be pul hl. f.?'i a>.'i <:?>?? i imt wa. certaJnli hia bwn Judgment. Al thonu'h Mr. Mlaner'a wrltten aaauiauirek were uild before General Barrundia, he preferred the deapcrate c.iir-e of attacklng hli oaptora, ratbar than i<. traal thelr prombaea >.f ?afe( |. Mr. Mi/i.t-r, no doubt, erred In a raae where he had f.-v. prea-edenta t,. gulde hlm. Bbi ibongh be de claree lhal the raae waa an nnnauaJ one, he chose t.i url wltb exttaordlnary haate. He did more Ibari eon enl l?i an arraat; io* voluntarlly Intervened io gaellltate the eapture. li?- mual .mv.. known thal tlie clreumatanee. requlred nn uaual prcauthm-. a'.,i h. t'K.k t mj. worthy ol the name. n?- mlgnt raally have ...i-uli-.l tl.'* Departmenl in Waahlni:ioii. bat h^ walted to letograph until Barrundia waa dead. if ho waa lo err al all, it ihould bave been In Ih. di.-.'.-tmn of aaaertlni Amerlraa rlgbaa too hlgbly, than of abaadoalog tii'.ni aWogafbei? THE " HOFsEOF J.?*J?m" L08B8 A UBUBBB The body of men who make it a praetlce to sit In the Coiirt of (it-neral BB*asteaB all day to lislcn to Ibe fUMaaallma. nnd i- Iraewn u- tht "Hoaae ..f Ltird-,* had it-. nauaber 8-Balalabed by ono yeaterday. Joba M. Tli.,niii-, aliaa, wbo haa bad an aetlfe nii'ini.t'1-.iiip in tbe Baetety f'.r two yea.-, araa aaateneed |0 ih<- penite'.tlary for etghtaeo nionths by fadCB Plta eerald iladiiiIbj for hrpry Thomaa pwaded irmity t<i ?li:r;iiiK the name of 1 i.i'ik Bbm, a palBter, Of No. | ,'!)i.'l Tlnnl ave., to B clierk for flT. The prtaoner aald that he had been a hawyer und a deteetlve and tiini liuuper drav. liim lo erlraa BEIXTB BXBBBBB AOABB, The niiytiiiK of tbe Board of lliart OpenlBg, at the Moyor'a 88*888 yert'-rd.o . waa of little Impotiam ?. A iiniiit)"!' of QaaBtaoafl were praeeated t<> tba BBeaabeta, but thelr toiisldci-atloii Wa. postpotied until the nixt ?aeetaag. Ooaualaalorier lieimz, of the Aaaaxad Dta trn,. latoiBwd tbe Board lhal ba waaiad all eaawge. in bia dtatrlii ta Boaaa tbreagh ka. afBaa. Thej eoaM ttnii )m- aabaatttad ta IN memaara af tii? ii.airai f,.r thelr conatderatloa.. Commlaaloner Ullroy, hoaraver. ?.ald that he sivt no r<':u)oii whv the uaual niapner of trauaaclUig bualnM* abould be tiian.-.: WIIATA PA8T0R SEESANDHEAR8 ITEMS OF DfTEBISrr TO CHUBCH PEOPLE. The CoBegtate Charch of Ihla elty B bappp ovot ihe aeceptonea of the eoU lo lha ehareh al Kifth-ave. and Twc-i.iv-nii.tii it by .???. Davld J. litirreil. of Blaaeopa i... a year ago ha araa eaBed bore, and it was timught bp Um ehareh people that he woaM bmbb, bal thej were -oreiv dlaoppolnted when he ieal w.,rd thal hg mu t raflBBlfl IB thal li'ld 10 OBiry *~" certain llnes of WOrh that he !iM(l begBB. >inre then mlis frolil proini neal ehnrehea la Boatoa and Bon Piaaotaeo have baan , Ktehded to him, bul be hoe docBoed theoi ..nd aeeepta . .mi invttoUon Irom Ihe Collegtata t-Wrch. In Qm bow ti.'id M" wlll Bad hlBuel. aapportod not only, bj in.-:, I,. wealth aud aoclal loiocnce, bal ha roeaea to a people who, lo the ex^re-dve woidi of ?> Maaaher of the C .11 .-t"iv. "linv" resnlved to IhlWB I pefl il- -O0? i iii the Twenty-nlnth .tn". ? hareh and to io aa h_ ?? worh." Thal la the hted of wokenM that v.ii pleaae Dr. Lurrell with hU WeotetB id-as ?,f aa, torprlae._ Th-- paal ??? <!'? of the (v.legia?e < hun Ii was born at Monnl Pleaaai I ABgaal I. lodd. He waa gradaated al Yale CoUape Lo Um emm "f 1-67. While m N.w iinv.'ii ha ihowed dlath ll) Um trolto tha. have dlaUnguiahed him atore; aoelol ouroetlvo ,..- and natural (.r:t- rl( Bl al.iliiv. 11" la MM I I hOVB bad a toUltaai i iroaral eoUege, endlng wllh wlnniogthe De Foit . g.dd mc-ai. one of the hlgheal hoaon oi the unlreralty. ll- dadled theol igy tor oae rear al the Northwestei-i SeaUnary. ln Chieago, aad wai gradaated | nt Unlon Bemlnary, In this city. ln i-.n. Be waa I l,y (he l'r.-bvt-rv of N'-w York. a-nd .'or tWO vcars h.,.1 , borga of a aUaalon ehapel here. Theaee ha mel io ( hleofo i" a ehapel whleh grew rapMly aad beoame, d-ring hh mlnlatry, the .reatMlBator C_mrch. Ii i 7'-, he waa eaBed to the Perood Preabyterian Church of Dabnqae, lowa, where be had a atafalarly mi,.fui paetorate. Dr. BarreU waa aa aettve par Uclpant ln tii" lowa lemperonce rompolgn ol Id-t nnd 1883, and wai aa edltor <>f a paper whOM ohjod wai ti, jm-ii tha tomperanee Ibbbo. Ile is a rrenaenl and Tlgoroui contrlbntor tothe rellgl mi preaa, ehte-j "1 ha .,..- whoae Bnndai achool departmenl he haa eon dncted for aotpe Ume. When Dr. Bomphi was <?r,<i .,,,,11 th" weatmlnaler Preabyterian Charch af M ? apolli to the WeBtailnator Chnrch <>: Weel Tweoty Ihlal-et. la clty, Dr. Barrell laceoeddl hUa. Oae nf Dr. BarreU. brothora is ao lowa paator, am. another i-. a proaperoaa baalnay man iu Chicaco. Tho ROV. Dr. Arthur T. PtertOO, who hoa bOOB rapptylng Um varaBl palpll ol Um CoBegtota Church fur tereral moatha, Bever prepai-a ouUlaea of hii Mrm bm. He hoMa hla mlnd open to Um Ust bmmmoI for any bow roggeatkme, and be haa wmotimee changed his Umom <>r treatmonl ait r be entered tho pulpit. Not long ago h" doBvored ? thrllllng addresa iu (ho Thiid Praebytortaj. Chnreh ol O-taa beth, N. J. At the rloae be waa aahed by lha pns..., how long lt looh blm t" prepara "? "A" my llf'' t,iiie," rapBed Dr. Ptorson, "ln genora. nnd -fteen mlBBtea ln partt_-|ar."__p In a tw,t-.i.l'i',iri edltorial rntttled "The Anvil Cfedrna of rrofMinr Brlgga," "Tha Evnngellet" dB erniaee lympotheUeo)-) and vlgorooaly hla Inaagaral addroia. After prononnclng lt .te "f Uae bm-I n>.t nbio pradaettoaa la the UMologteol world wlthlfl Um last year." and repeaUi - aa anowei Biade 6) ~M wrlter 11 theqaeaBon, "Whol do yoo ol Proleeaor Brlggat" ?? Wo regaid blm as a nufl of Immenae leariiiin.-, and pffTAflly we toVO blm very iiiiiili," the artlcfe calli attonttofl to lome of Iba InteBetttee whleh mar the beaaty ef the wbole." wTton thB la done In a sccular popor, "partlal report^ and - per lonol J"uni,ili-,,r- and ?? unf, londl. lionds" are Ui i um menta made br many. The edltorial cloaea -?The Evangel .' haa .. righl t" ipeah thu- franhlr. a- ll has I.ti iii- ,Dr. Iirigg*-) I~5_1 friend from the begtnniiig. and la mi lUU. lt wlll eonUnue ." defend him ngaii t all attachi from wBhoat, bal II caunol defend him agulnii blm bU." ??ti," Indi pei dont" i i iBy froni Dr. Vlr gln's aermon pnbllahed ln "Tlie Trlbune" on Mo ,?, --|i?, hi .. I, ol i hrlkl and tha Higl.-r (iltii>." and adda: We need noi tnform our n ihnt -Tln- li.d.-i ? :.?!??'!' i.i"-! li'-iiiiiy appmvea ol Dr. Vlrgln'i aermon, and would b* glad t. know lhat erery oci ipani ol the iMMHRl erangelli .1 , ln tlie Naaafl h.-.i m.iraga aud ihe wladoa. t. apeah ?.. Dr. \ Irgin haa." Btohop Andrewi nnd Dr. J. M. Bachley wiii preach to-morrow ln the Foraytb Btreel Uethodlat P.pia pal Church, wlikh relebratca lt~ lOlal annlv. t-ar\. Thla la told I- be Um ??-..-t MeU-odlm chnrch baUl Ib Amcrim. ? BOW BE CLA8BE8 TBE 8BEBIFF. a -.r.TTr.i. Aijotr tiik WOBI IB rr/iiiiD* of IGBATIVB, THI. M"NK. A lett-r hoa jn-t been reeelTed from Pather tgnattni tv i tn- ..f bla ft:. ifi - in thla rlty. Ttio letter eaaaea from Waahlngton, D. <'.. where the manh is bow eoo daeBBg a mlaadoa Altet leavlng Row-Yorll ha mbbI to Plortdo, in ti"- parp ?? " ? - BBdeiolooB, of heae fltirig his health; bal it mbbm thal hh. eflthaalaaai la t.',.- woife ha his ondertahofl woaM nol aBowed h:m lo rest, for he haa been coodncting iiilBalrtna Ib ?.l .ho leiviiiii, towaa <f thot Btoto. Thaao nilsiinn* have been Lnvarlahty aaeeeaafnl, hta eloqaoat praachlng 'imw ing ecowda to hear Um. wherever be ipoka. Tha loi towlng extrad hoaa tbe letter recelved. wrttlea b] pathot Mlnhonl. who attoB I ? to bmbI "f tha ? - ? ? r*a eorrespondeaco, wlll glve ao htoo of the re? ipttea th monU haa beea BMeUng i "la t w.'.i-.--..iv tba Fathei fl ahed a moat s.ue eeaafBl mlaalcm In the Methodtal Bpl "i ii Charrh il Porl Kyera, Plortdo. The ootpourtng of the Hoty gplrtt and its afeeta were moai marveBooa. Be pp.-j-h.-d t-'ivp Banaoaa Ib toaa than ?> woeh. When wo w.-nt away fn.ui tim chnreh on the taei nlgM we left the people wlth Ihelr armi roaad each other and their heodi on eat-h otber'a breaota, weeplng their wm bome ... Jeaaa, and crylng fur very joy. Wben we went down u> the wnon a w? la crowd oame with us wlth tbe mlniater at tli.-lr bead, i i aee Um Fatta , leove, Aa the iteamer l.-.t, thev aoBg: -lod be wllh v'.u tm we in.--1 Bgala, uii we meel ?t Jeaaa'a feet.' Duiing the mlaalon aome ol tbe worel men iti .Ji (liidlng the ihartS -ttnl iiiatslia Chriit? Wlien the itif-.nlt flnlahei liia ml-.on ln woalungtoi he wlll go t" Phlladelphi., and afterward li. wlll agali vialt New-York a',d Boaton. town, |m were brougbt to I U0BB8B8 Foit BTBBB1 CABB. The difiicuity ecperleneod by OaBtroBar Kpera in eoBeeBag tiie money duo from aeveral street raUroad r-uipanlca for tho llcensea for their car* wlll BOOM i elialige, in ull probabllity, in tlie nianner of gi-nntln UM 11" ,;'"s. About 90(1,1100 |a owed by tlie eompaniis. Tho fifhirrs f.f the OOBipailMa aay that they hh'wild be i"'iuir<d lo pay HeaaBea ,>i ly oa the averoge nnm bar of eon run d_jiy. Tbe CoatroBer Inalata .h_t they should pay b.r eai li car iisc-1. Tho UlMBaa f.s. fi,, eaeh eor vartai between #i.*> and BStfl a \< Ihe (onti'i'iler I* bow eon Idertng the advlaabtBty of requliing tlie eompunlea to purehaa. Deonaea and t.i ,. ln tlie can befuro thej refeive per t-i use them. pl ..... BBMXBD rELBPBOJrB CBABOBM. Theea araa a BMoUng ye t.-rtia.v at i)..- rooaaa af the bOOfd of iiii'le. a:ul TiBOapOrtaUOB of fhe, leli phona uii-.. ii! ? i ' AaiociaUoB to t-.k-i a.-tim, towaid olilaiiiing a redu. limi kfl (ho i.harge- nf ih>. teh> pbone eomponla ol thli .i'v. Tha toUowlag wn. oloctod oSeeia: Prealdent, .laim-K Taleott; vMo-preal ?ii rjt -. c c ghopaOi Qeorge L Peaae aad Wllllam D, tiuaaurer. B'lllhun T. Bortln, aad ???' Krunh i?. Uardner. The dlrerton w.-rr i,( -i nrted i" dn.w up a "ill provldlng fot fhe r. durtlon of teltplione char..~, itnd a rouiiu.t.oe wlll pif-int iii-- im a ui-e al Albany. / />t- Hk0 taytna lomrtliing HADI BOOTS DiaAStl) wiTii Wofff'sACMEBIacking NCVEB GET HARD AND STITF. WATRRPROQP and wiu-ntaKl b> prraano liiilb.-r, ?i.i) l.^pit aull uri.lduruBlr. IOC Wlll pay for tha Coat 100 f|n0 Of < 1i~ii_;!:ik I'.'tln UllllO 1 f\ft ?WC (.Ii.mvmmMhiI.iIi,, ****> 10C I ni -lil,(l,,il, 10o I0o oroU4erCo,u>ol"fc ioo *f ror IK-OON POB GLASsWaVILL DO IT. How many people there are who re? gard ,t h e coming of winter as a constant state of siege. It scems as if the elements sat down outside the walls of health and now and again, Ied by the north wind and his attendant blasts, broke over the ramparts, spreading colds,' pneumonia and death. Who knows when the next storm may comc and what its effects upon your con stitution may be? The fortifications of health must be made strong. SCQTTS EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and HypophosptMtesof Limc and Soda will aid you to hold out against Coughs, Colds, Cmsumptien, Scrofnk, General Debilily, and all Aturmic and WasHng Diseases, until tho siege is raised. 7? prroents wasting i'i iliildren. Palatable as MllK. SP!_CIAI_?<teotl,iF.mol!!ioniBnon-secret, andlspreseribedby the Merl leal Prolession all over the world, beeauae its inRiwdients are sr.ientifit aliy c<iaiidj&^^vt&&JWPq???&*Q.BlsAtiV increAAC tb_cir rcnacduLviii'Jt:. CAUTION ?8c0tt*a Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappere. Be Bure and get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne. ManufacwrmK.Cbcm 'eaa. tf?w York. All D'oggMji*. PBICB8 IX TBE UABEET8. Fisil BCkBOB ANli IH..11 CHEAPEB BtTTTEB BOCTREBB PEQETABLES AM' PBl'IT. Tht-:-" kaonty oaa more weekof Leat, bai Bah-deaJen *?y tbal th.-r.- ?- alwaya ?> rnater dearaand for the iiimy trlbea of ihe rlvr-. kahea aad aeaa in Paawlon W...1 iii:,'; ai aa] otber perlod of tii" year. Owlng to the aaeertaln aad B^neralt* rough weather, ftahermen have, a- a niie. beea naable i" work, and thi i qaence la thal Bah of all klnda are exeremely a. arce ind bigh. Among tbe featurea ol the v. ??;,. however, have been tbe ippeaiaaee of a mall loi ol | ?. n i I aalmon froai tbe Fraser Blver, ti." bva doe* nol pre vi-nt tha cateMag of thla irptendld food Bah ifter Bmvh l in tii.- Britlsb l'loviii-''--. bb i- tbe raae ai Waab and taaagoa, where II i* rarl lawfal aft.-i tbe Bral >.f thi* month .,? toarh tbe aalmon <-f the Oohimbta Blver. Thoae ln I'.ilioii Mark.-t -rll for 79 reBt. a pouBd. i/..-. Baaa a BMBth an-. Colambta Blver aaitaon ?eBli. in the aame market for -?'.nta a poond. I I ahowa bow varlabh) .,,v tlie prieea of Bah. Tl..Id Meath.'!' ba. bad '!.-? eflect >'f beepli g bach th" rn:. ,i abad m Ihe N.'i'tli-rn river-. All ahad ar.' -.tlll romlng f; . ? Borth Carollna and from tribntarlea -.f ti." ch***. p Bay, They ro i from ?" . nl ? for bu. ?? f\ f..r r.?>s. However, al af pol i ?! '-;- ? raady In the North Blver and th" Delaware, and ln and ? thli t irbor, ai.d -umld ti." ablea more lovera "f the toothaome and bony ihad <d th,' Borth Blver may have theli bwtea -?? itlned ,? u ettrlv ila\. Am <ig the new thli - n i nlton BBikel ar" n ?*? a Bl? ??" raalta aad Bhode i-:.-....i n. ll I ? ,..-?..- ?_??.. ind the latter, 1 tr.-. r Bah, aeBIng fo 2 rent* 4 pound. Btrtped baaa eoal :i'? t.. :i.'. .?? I > ponnd; fr-*.'n a*aela*cel, 30 i ??..-. weeadah, 10 oe ?-. Kpai -ii maebarel, -'> ..">.-. green turtto, 80 n te; ?,, i.i ..?; t : it, 80 baddo k, d . uva cod, l- i - renta; nerrlng, >? eonU; ri,., ajjara, i" eenl ; eela, lfl real. ; i abatet -. Id i beephead, BO eetrl . a d rblteflah, 18 eenta. Bcallopa ? i 91 n pAton I aoft ? lama, for 4" i anta i hui dred . pompaae, BS eeate a pound; prawaa, 99 * -.a-n. rr.1 BBM_pper, Is r.'t.ts u poi.n-t ; wliibLnlt. 80 x'lith a poond; ptekeiet, Id eei u a poond; ihrlmp, ?*- aj I i . .,'noke.i barrbag. ,; real eacb; amoked bad Ig i ?_ c(-nta a poaaad; imobed aalmoo, -'? rent. a pOOnd; dry COd, 1<> Caata a poiiml. BBd lurO rent*. eacb, p?w potatne. froai Caba roaf il a peeh . I - i b,n.|. A aaaaa aaaathera rairauakei BBd ealary fron tke traek tardena of North Bar 10 aad lb eeats a baarb. Bew Flortda rabbage i# worth ir, aaaaai a bead. mra eajrota, 10 rei ta a bem h; raatlBhaa, 1 rent~ a baai h; green peaa, 75 i nta a balf B*Mk; atrtng baaaa, 40 eeata ? qaart; aale,* a imi lettu.-e, in eenta a bead. Beraaida u _r>. gg) eeata * qaart; aweef potatoea, 50 reafi a peeh; Irlah potatoea, fi<> and 40 cent. a ia-.k: rhabarb, M reata u banek; eggpbvnU, 20 to 80 reata earh; ,'4..iii!,,wers gr..wn in bothoaaes, 30 to 50 renU a bead;,, 80 -anta ii qaart, aad penpera, 70 reata ? d,,/.'ii. Fr<-?h Bra?*hrooma e. I DO oanta a pound; Bouth t'ariiina and rlorhla Mpfu*agaa, from 50 eeata ,,, ,--i ? i.un. h; Prench artirhokea, 28 renta aach; baajta, 10 eeata abaneh; Bnu ela proata -rown .... the ra-1"ni and of Long lalaad, aevaral t-touaand mllaa fr-.:-. BrnaaeJs, BO oanta . .jmrt. forelgn and domeaBc ?rtnter i i>t>**c, 10 eeata a bead; i.ry, I.nta a hea.i; chlvea, ?i cnt/- a banch; eranbarriea, 15 aad BO eenta a qaart; flaiiatlKffi, 10 centa a qaart; mlat 10 a l.un.'li; .loine'-u.' obIobb, 10 cenl. a quart; o] tcrplanU, 1<J .'ent.-. a buBch; paranlpa, BO rent. a doaen ; almlbaaai. .v. eaota a baneh; apuun h, 33 . eata a peeh; naw calery roof, io eeote. Drled ,,ii: , ,ii, f .i- 50 eenta i poond; fn h obra foi ,,.at. a hu'idred; aoap aaagritabaBa, .'i eenta a banch, and barnipa for ii<? aad 35 ceati i pe.!. H" pr.' butt'-r hu beea fadttBi ateadll] for ieve?al daya, owlng to laejreaaed raealpta fcmi tbe coBBlry. " ls sti" Bigh, how.'^r, fan.-y etmmtrj l.utt.'.' BelUog Ln the reaBB B*bjreB l?r :i:. and -i<' caat. a pound. Freah ag| are arortb 28 aad ao eenta a doxea. ih.'ia- i- iitUe ot lataaral lo aot. Ib the poultr*, oi pim? niarkeU. CapofM ar" 2- cent* a p.-iiud; f'-v-i tag r-iii. 1..-U-. -2* n;.^. BBd aprtag ehteheua, BS1 .<-..t* a BMJand. Cblebaa. for atewlng eaa. IS eenta a pound. Turiter* are -<> aad tt eenta a pdand, bul al thla Baaaaa of ti.t- year there Ib ntti- demand f,>r aaj 11 r?-pi frodeo atoeb. tieaae are awrtb 'jo, and dacka 80 eenta a ponnd. Hqaaba fetch l*.80 h doaen; -t .11 real o .'? .- ?-.. aud plovei aa ?> doaeu; hugll n nupe ooal ti a diaja_i;jfa?-?lblr4U, 91 60 a <i.n; i-iuivat. ba.k dBCka, av7;%7iedha*d*. a. .,.., brant, tl MJ mallanU, 91 50, and toal, 91 a palr. ii.niii Btrwwberrlea ni" lo be had for -J., and ?<. reni- a qaart, but the uualltj oi tba frult i- no rcl tlrM . l..?. Applaa tor tbe tabkg . aii from ;? I*. J'" l'|,,i'|.iii oranpes an- Worth 94 50 BBd 11 a > rate, BBd ?>-, :iu and BO eeata a doaen; 11*4v? ? i taratigca ."-i <j eeuta lo *i BB a doaen; mandarhu un>i tuigerliie*, io n, .^i centa a dnaea. blatega grapea, ?-.'? ce ita i p nnd : Caiawbes, 40 cent? for a Bve ptaind bnak^t C. rda, BO .'-iith lor a len p .un*; baaket; Catlfornta prura, 7', and BO cal. a.i.i -i<i a doteu; plneapple*.. '?<> ri ta aach; grapa frult, *l a doaen; lemoua. ?-'?' roiita a doteB; baiiaBae, ao renta a dinen; aeckel peara, 4.) .i quart; tlga. 'jo renta a ponnd; Perslan ilat"-. in rwnta, ai?l Pard datea, 15 renta. a pound; prunea, ? ?(, ,,-nt- .. ix.und; 20 oonti. a quart; Knitllali vuliiui- and l i-ench rheetnnta, '-'> eenta a quarl almonda, n> cent-; hickory nata, IS eanta, and pecuua, ua cent- a qaart. ISIHi'ATtOSH (>F SLACKEXIXO TBAIUX K. (i. Diin i Oa r>-|K.r_- the -iiinil.iT of f.iilmas In I),,. baal aaak al *b*b) tor u.e Datted >.a..'- and A-> for rana4a. a aoeal ... -"?'.. eoajpared wlth J73 for tb. m jiilaaa araab aad 168 tor the ..,n?--Boii.iiiip weeb .-f 1800. Th.- weabty ravtaw praaeaaa tbe lollowlng aaaneral raaaaraa i a There ara Boaaa ladkatloaa of aivkeAlag tiiii.'. At ihe We->t, OOfd and i:.. ivorable a.aa and the had oortdlUofl of raantry raada afleel <ii iribaUoa and ,,,]i... ii.,ii-, an.i tlie appareal ebange maj be oaty iMupuaary. Al tii" aaalh Ihe tow priee ..f eottpo la feit. tiio.iph a nt.i)' Improvefnenl ha.-. occarred Ib the paal laro aaaafta. At ah?etern etttes, wd.i to bob toal tbroaghaart tho uaaalij. Baeertalaty aa t.. the ajaaaatarj fartare chocka oparattona. Bai 0?Bre la found in almost all qilBBllllB B fi-li.ip of co'itlili'iiti' hi .1 iiopefulnc-s a-. i., tbe totare Tboagb lae preaeBl eff.-.t of -hort crop- i* fcii ln tke Borthweat, Ihe ,,,.. pect for ih" coming aeaaon i- eacepiionally brlglit, an.i uhil" ln Bome ..f tJi>- . i.i-'f maiiBfacturea optmi tlons ara checbed by nricertalnty reaardlng prieea, lt ?,4v i.apeeaed that lli* laiatlona between materiala und Bnlahed pnalii.'ts will -?K)', be i4.ljiL-t.-il .<> tht a**w ,'.,.iiiiioii-. ih.- romtanl and rapld itrowth ol tho .otint.rv stippiies a BfUng t?v whleh help* bu ov.-r aimo-t every obartacbv Mu, h .,f tbe dlfllcBlfy apparaol In"> and ..iio-r Baarkata i- due u> tlie very rap.d expnti-lon of nmnr indii-ilri"-.'' |BJ ?fblBBB BU ggrOAJ tBYBBXtOATIOX. The s?nat?> Commltti-e on B4B*araf Lbwb, Whleh BM befii inve-ti.'atins th" afTaii.- of Ih" B*T*JBf 'I'rii-t upd ,,f the Amerl.-aii ."uutir Kfiininif fiaajBaaj. vm|| reaBUB. lt* aesiiOUa at the Hotel Mtti-opolt' at 10 :'M o'clotk thla mornlng. ln all proboblllty, if Um Senator. are able to eorrj ool their plaaa, H. 0 Havemeyer aml Tl.lore A. II ivemcyer wlll be called to the vvltness , hair. I,, tbal <.,-e. tho righl oi ihe henoton w ?xutnine Uie bu ka >.f tho cuoaUtuent compoaloa of Iho trusl v. ,11 ul ., ' ? ' EEABIXO BAPJD TRAX81T 8CBEUB8. pa* BKYEBAL PLAHS IDVOCATED HV EKTHU-IABTIO 1 VVKVTOBS. Then v. m nol a largi ?' ?' i ?"' ;-' ""' I"1''1"' bcarl .. ,:. the KapW fi in II f~Hiimls*lonera ye-terday. i Im onl) new plan - il mltted ?i ? an ?-:?' ?' ;. I., -,v. one whlrh waa infented many yeeri ?'-'"? lt, mtli ??. John Bchuyler, of N ?? 03 Wlll ?" -*?? ' w ihe ('."i". ? he uaed to be i lUef eng noi r ft\ \.-.. llavon Etollioad. Innpamphletexplanotory ,,i I,,, _, tem Uw following stotenMn! ls made: "ln i .... Mr .i .im -s. Iiuyler, ?'. B., al Uial Ume chlel englneer "f the Sev liaven road, propo~_d the aanhefl ,?? deprea-ed rallroad and prep red plan . When the I,.,irth .!?..?. Improvement a-oa put under eonstrucflon, we. -I by Mr, l uckhout, chlel ei - of tho llorlem Ra I, ' lha proaenl dep ?' ,.. ? , mode i.nforra in every eaaenl I Mfl * huyler. Thla i nglneer i on . , ai.d pl in "f conatrucUon from I ,,?-. ...,,,: t. to tbe i Hy Ilall I'orh. Um Une . ?-ks on tbe ? i*l of -i urth approximatlng Um full through fhe ; ?', rhlrd n . mder 1 ourU. titri -i ? , ; ol I immsnj llull, and Fourth ,\... i,..|...-, n tho Blble Houae ai d Stawnrt-i ' tii.!,,.. from . ? ?? i'i"" tbo Aa. r Llbrary and i ith I ? igh '':" blocha by an open ?'.' and urt-def Um ci.ireeta on a !.:., j., , ii at to th" Clty l.ill.^ , entrol Tuunel i: i ,..,.. [td -I railv ,y ho. nol I ince b? thoughl ol I. fli-t ln 1807. Wllllam w.ii'.:. ,.f Brl Igeport, Bo I ivnii.. who e~plaln_d h ? ayatem of rapid tr_i a fiuiiiei- meetlng, oxhlblted modela ..i i mbwoy il -tem. aad rra.i it papa ,:, auppott of that and of hla uudergi ? 'for ig dtatoore i : I traaatt :;. N. .1., offOI-d '? BBg geaitona oi what iho cllj oughttodo." Ilta uggO-Uona wero notiilng if ? - Br?i ... i_e~i tTiin; u. romove from < it) Ilall Purk everj bulldlng excepl the . Mir. I' ?"--. ;?l!l1 bulld oo a portlon ..f tbe ? Ity Ilall ? ~u Uon, from lha ba-~ ol which ih.d tveral lubierraniieau nul .' ectlng aptown wlth >~ x.a.ii road ii" i." Uiought the elty ahould have . ...,, ,|..\,,.,.i i,,.,i il,. Commlaalon, alth Ita . , i .'.- ,-.i to Br. Klng_< m'a aag .. but told blm that they aara eutlrely with-Ol n^ provlm o. i . .in... Um champion ?>! Ui" tireathead iya i.-iii. wldrfa i- i" ? - " '"i ln Um oooatrucUon ,.f tno limt .,;: Kivoi Pn el, told the Commlaailon thot ihe inv and HMthworh bnbwoj line "t London, BMde and nperated on Uu~ ayatem, waa carryli g 20,000 poa-' .. per day. rhe alx troina "f thal road had i-orrtod fr,.m Dccomber 10 up lo the i . >-f Mareh more thttJi a mlUion ond a "f paaaengera. The ehsctrlc nn .... I.--. than n p.r traln m..-. .md Um per ni u mlle we e iboul 73 ?. uti. The i rnnnlng wai 30 ..i.t-. hhoce the net wa is cei ta. iii ttlvt , i ind eom pleted i.-.mi f,.|.| on Uie iireaihcad ij icm, ol ihe rate ,1 ten Iee. per duy, mueh more rapid pi.iff._aa than wai marto under th. .-? in Ani ln u ?? ln ihe Utnnel. Mr lirlbblo, uii--" plati -a- lald befora the Com miHslnnera al ?? foriner i.ilng, ond who ls on odvoeote of eleetrh trartlon, showed on lUuatration ol one of ibe ini,-t recenl developmeuta of eic.nii tractloa ln i.. ni iny. The .'.'um,' -i'.-a-i-s did nol appoinl a day for bb ,,!,!. publl, meetlng, althouffh the) muj .... w ai.d glve : ? i , ni ii lu the in-- >p ip.-i-. Borixo nn plabtpbom bbqlabdto ambmica Aa -i i'it \ppm. . r IilgUn la now ei.gaged in paealng a large and valuoble plan. of maehinhry whlcfa -?! it Mottlngham, Rnaland, In Ihe manutoeinra ol Nottlnghani lare curtolna. The duty Imp Md by tho McKlnlej blll nn thla elaai nl gmida rlo ed the Amcr loan uiarkei to forelm maiiufiirturen, Bome Amer Iran rBpltallala pnrrhaaed thla plant, and have alreadj importod p40,ooo oi gfiO^ooo worth ..f tbe plant to I'ali '',,,; ;.?. I.. I.. WhCIW t'l'V UW puttlng up illl e. tabllahmeni lor the nuwufactnre "f taee curtolna. if the enterprl-B provea bi be a -n.>s morhlnei. worth (1100.000 wlll be Imported and -j.ui honda employed. \: ?..,. ci,,ir. hill A Co., the dry nooda Brtn, ol \... -i Leonard it., are bach ol the enterprlae. .r Blglln nM thal in- .1--' u" reo n whi tlit_i aew rentora ihoubl nol -ui' _ d, and glve employnMBl t.? American 'VfJ'Fi.GS OIVE) ENJOYS Both the metlioii ond teaulti wben Syrap of Fiffi la i-!ci.; u ,-, pleacHut und rafMBhing to tho taote, and .h-is gently m-i promatlp t.n the Kidn-ys. l.iver and BoweU, RleanaBI t,e aystem t-lTcctually, dlapela oulda, bradaohea aod ievera aud cure." habitual eonstipation. Syrap ol Elfg is the only retnedy ol its k_-:.i evar prodnogd, plrBolm io tln- tastc aid BCOeptable to tln.' -louiacii. jirompt n, Ita aetloo and trul.v benefioial in n?. eiU-.-t-, preporerl onlp from tiie most liealtliy aud u^ree abte sii.*tancei>, it- uiany exoollenl qoaUtiea cutu mend it to uii und have made it tlie moai popnlar retae lp known. Syrup of Figs. is for sale in r.Oc. aml $1 Imttle liy all kadlBg druir'.'ists. Any relinhle druurgist who iniiy not have it OB haud will pfOOUM it protnpily for any one orho wisliea ta try it- Do ?Ot neeept nnv t.,il?litute. CKLIFORNIA F!G SYRUP CO, *AN KKAht'lOCU, CAI... laVHJj... HV. KEW.YOKK N. Y. V&ti&*Mr#J&? IF YOU WANT TO SEE The Most Exquisite Line or I-.P0RTED N0VELT1ES IN ART NEEOLEWORX LOOK IN AT 929 BROAOWAY. WINDOW DI3PLAY CHANGED EVERY DAY. glvfl moie coiafi.rt U ii .,:.? "t-er ? tbaa i -ROCUISTKB*1 I-mpa v.. bave BMde aad b d tall "f it-- n> i. r o? 11v over a.i Bthera. K\ery ityta aad p.i" foi Home, UoteL r.t..r., chuich, . ,,i. I,.- m ei. m _'_r .-t. _uiiutu.-iurril by B!?Y GOOD IAMPS BEFORE YOU KOVE,, EOWA..D MILLER & CO., 10 A. 14 CoHOSO PL, brl I'urk I'I. Bt llurrlay ail., N. Y. s. -ri poaBal f.," parti. atara. MbhbmbMIi an<i -atai.-nr-ii. j-^- ? , .,! , IT ll.' 111.- !*l . i-'HU.IM ??r..? ii i- vn.i:." /<--'...? m? ...."!??'.,-' A* CHAPIN'S HATS MMM I MAI KI.I.Kl) IN ?l AI.ITV. STYI.E ~M? IIIUtHTKi.. \ IA1T r.MUVV TO WEI.I.. MBMKa. <:KNTI.:: -~N. GHAPIN, THK IJIiOADW.aV 9 l.OH H.ITTER, 1.179 BBOADWAY.l 1 _ .? -TOlt i'l.Vl E. < | _--. JJublic _Xoticcs. NotirKOF -Ai.;:. l,IM'iil.\ s\li: DKHOIUT COMl'A_.Y, \\ AKi.iioiM. iii.i'Ai.i '\|i \ :'. No, _-. ." a. KAJBB I2D-HT. KKW.YOKK, Pebruarv 20, IB9L 'llir lolio-uii: p- rs,,n ir b rehj DOl ~~ UM Bharg^a ii? i? i.i, th.' ireoda it red ln their reaptftlv- namea, i iu tiif wareturtiiea of Company, are pald befoie MooBay. . Aj.rii .. IM.] a . - Id ai i .' . ' 1 tbat date, at No 4'.' Baat llat-at., New-York. mi-com? , mcnclag at 10 M a. n.., by Juatua Co. Be, auei .I'UIN K. v.vx Wl WM. it. ? irv and H.-neri Mai aat. r. K. M. CO*. Marlan A. il..,u-s er .1. .'. Ila. . <i. W, I l ilwarft- 1,na: a- li'.-. ii.ui. .Ii.'.i 8. KelkO, jr. Mn. f.anre | ii Itrooka, J, H. tt-nauaan, li. r> irlorn (iardner, J. O). ? Hutt, -on. ;r.. Mla. (',. s. V< roi r Mra. i H, ivng. : Oa<-ai - N at-ell Mr. Oacar M. Xew ll. P.oaa \v,is,,_, . Mra Pimncea i "ii,"-. Mra B. E. Mootroae, O. m. i.,-,:?otvi. s Mijrei B E W i ? Cefal -Xoticcs N i:\v-voia_ hti.i:.!.. coi'BT. CITY AMI CO. NTY OP NEW-YORK :. .nl I rn. loi. Wllaon, ii.arl? llopkini llo-fa r W I u McEaraa Joi.n.tfin, .1-. pn Mai-liall Johnaton _, id lieu au i rankUa i .i.i t :.. .. _ .i.i. -_ Law. ..un Mlli <". dcfeadaaa. buniuioa - I., t.i" abBve-named AtCendant: Yoa are heraby ?um tnoi i -i. anaarer *-?'" complalnt ln Uii? let.oa, and ta ierv? _ 1','i'v of u.ur aa?wer an thu piainti.f-.' itteneya trlthln twtaitj da.a aftrf tha aervlce of I i a . , \ luslva or the day .-r aervlce, and ln ';<-.? af your r?:iora ? . , . ir or aoawi-r. Judgmant wlll i?. taken aaolnM voa by rli'f.i'nt ii.r ihe relU'i ihinaaded m ui" complalnt. Lial-d Jauuari 13. 1081. EVART8, CHOATE . BEAMAN, PU ntl '-' At:,,'ni'va, Poatofflce a Idrew. aud _ H Nn. 5- Wall st., NeW.YMfe I I'.v. T.> th,- bew-Mea MUI Co. i Tl.e tor-Kotoa Miii.n.'.ns i? s. rv..l ni i you, by pna. 1' aiiuii purauanl te an ord.r of Hon. <;.',.r.-,- !'. Andraan. .i,i-t.i..- nf the Supreme l ourt .>f -?<? sui- .,f N.^-Yorx. .I_t.'d ihe |3th do of Pebruary, IBB1, a,,d on Uw H'-h (l?v of Pabruaiy, IBBI, Bled wlth the rompUint in tha of th" t .. rk ?>f the Clty and Cotinty _f Xii.-Yorl-. iu s_.ll ->u?te of New-York. iu -_..? .-u KVAKTS CHOATE _ ltn.v.MAN. l'laintiiTs' vttorneya, _6J Wall-%t.. X.'-VorH Clty. riin THE CREDITOR8 (if ~oy) of CHABLE9 I |' COXKEY, lat" ?f Tr.iv. X. Y.. al?. .is d.-.-ir ^^l;lnt t.i t, UTOVtalOBI of -y> tl"ll Xo -.'.ii()7 of th" i "1? of Clvll l'i" dni>- aml ?f an order BMde 1" the s.ina-ikaaa iVmrt of tha Coniitv of Itenaaelaer. on tha 16th '-? ? Mareh. ihi.i, boU?" i-~ br ata o ti _< l r?_oralana a. ponkor, vm'I." oi ( harlea I-'. CVrnker. lat- of Tfor. ,??? --i _..,niA.-. iiit.-ml ui acplv for letura of admlnlatratioa <~ ? I,.. b.mhU rhatl la and , re.liU of ~?ld de. aaed. uaderJBa pSSvfSSLa ?' Ke I1'.. Xo 'J-m: ef Uw c~- tfOvfl Ije. ,,r ui, bond i-'ii.'r. . to ta- tfiv..,i on" aaeh ?rr-'' ntieii sl.all not .-\.<1 larlee tn ? amount of th.. ?? a a -a ?f rredltora inlnat m>" ~ita_i preaen. d ??? Um IttrraBBaa pur-uani lo th, noUre bi aald a-ctlaa. (.?.,? Miil ln ;?.? ..ri'iii.'". vltli th- pf.%1a.ooa oi ?.,. s.v_nn Sn ~n?7 all peraona h~\in_ elaima walnat taa an.a rbarlea P. Conker. d.-eeaaod, ara i.t'v noUfledto nreaaw their rlalma ^. the Bniwa-t. "f tb- Cmntt ot lt-n?^?; ? /^'!v..'^.?.':;. .^',s,..T TMI.-I Trov.X. Y.. M^V.iUIa^A S. COXK-T. wM y ti \w \tf.ii"i v -.-''? 8]' v fflnsicfil N -USSORTM-NT cf WHBl baod Orand. Upri^ht. aad bqae IManoa of onr r_.?_e ta BBtfett ejn I?ob BBB fully warraated. Al^o a number of aaeoDd band Ftaooa ei other pruiDineot maltora at very lo- prtcea. WM. IMM A <o_. 1 IN ..Tli- IVK.. NEAK -OTH--.T . NEW-YORK._ I fllistfllanfons BUBHES OP EVERY DEBCRIPTIOM at 315 Peart ?t., (.pptmlte i'.cU S.l;.; lo?.ssi |,rlcea. vy JdllN k. Il'l'l'i.l.. M.oi.ifiioliirer__ TIIF I'.OOK OFOlM-.X-AIlisrOKTS. o.tavo. 500 iiagea. IllurtMMd. Tl.e atendard authoritv sn A,...ri-.i. aojo. tir unuaemfnu. Ruloa fo? nlltag. a-immin-. haU Uw ,iioot',K. hoiaebaek rMlna *>-._ -... in tomV^J**** rTTpT I'li-Vlati.- bv The Trlbune. Ne-.Yo.__ Fx~rtala. ln* and uni^t-S-lly eonipilmenti-i by Uia d~~*.