Newspaper Page Text
voujt.N* 16.302. NEW-YORK. TIUJRSDAY. HARCH 2 , 180I.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CEJNTS. AXGRY NEWF0UNDLANDER8. AN EXCITING _K'KNK IN THE HOFSE OF ASSEMBLY. JL MAJORITT OF THK MKMIU.RS BMBVBX TO AT | TFND TIIE F.OVEKNOR, AS RF.I'RI.sI.NTINi; TIIE IMl'EP.IAL, POWER-THK r .T1IKRS MISSKD nY THK BPECTATOBS. TBY f__J_OB__- TOIIIK TI.H.i-K.' St. .Tohn's. N. F.. M.roh *?.?Theie wns nn exciting sociie in tlie llouse of Asscrnlily .yester? day. When the Governor came 1? tha- < ("hamher Ut .ive assent to tlie Masters aml Servants* hill. the tTfher of the Etlttk U"<1 WB- I monci Tha? Menibcrs i.f lhe llouse <,f AssernMy to atbr-nd him. Mr. Murphy, a St. John. M.__- j her. move.l that th. llouse of AsscmMv .lo.lin.' t<> ' vvait on the reprc.ent.itive of the Impcrial IW.t. . in order ihna. to show their rescntuient at tlic j tyrannicnl treatment of ihe (olony. Speakcr ! Kmerson, Sir .Villiam Wl.ii. way. tho Prcniior: J Mr. liond. tha* C'olonial Secretary: nnd si\ othcrs . went : hut fifteen Meinbors kept their The galleries hisscd tl.ose that went, callin. th*m , traitors. STiTl wildl.v eheered who reinnincil j in their ?*ai_. Specches were made to justify ?what was done. MORLEY TESTIFIES. HE DESCRIBES THE ________ AT THE TIP PEKARY RIOT. _0 EXCtTSE FOR THE ACTION. OF THF. POI.ICE ->ip.. BEALT- many iN.itnir.s. Cork. March -.'...-At to-day's aeaatoii of tlic trial bero of Miohael ..Hrien, Dalton aual other*. wbo are charared with riotous condiiot ;.::<1 Wtth at the time of the trial at Tippcrary of Willlam o'liri.-n an.l john Dlllon, .lohn Morley araa of tl.e wttaeeaea exarnlned. Mr. Morley depo-cd tliat tbe action of tlie pollre, under Colonel La.l.l.-ll, who araa in coin mandof the delnrhmenl of eonatabah-r. al Tippcrary opon the day of the riot. ava- an unwarrar.ted atta.k upon lhe people. Tlie Tlppeiary (' .i.i-t llooae, ^ n'l Hr. Morley, wa-. ronipaiMtlvely apeoblng, empty when tl.e people oi.t-.ide arteuiptod t'> iMin admlttan..'. ln order to be present at tlie e.v.n.iiiaiioii of Meeara. OT-rten and DUfcMV ln >pit. of thla, added Mr. Morley, and apparently wtthoflri anv Ju-t reaaoo, tho polio . on duty refused to ullow even tba BBOflt najaee. able and well hn.wn BajtiOQa to cnter the Coorl Houae. Naturally. thu arbiti-.n-y eonduct of tiio poliea under Colonel C__u___- ommanrt cau.eil con-id< ril.lo Irrlta tion. In Bftta "f this feclin. of init.iti..!. and an noyance. continued Mr. Morley, tberc wa- nothing ln therondurt of the erowd ,.ut-ldo tbe i'ourt llon-.- whicTl | could lepiiimateiy bo terBMof a< an tntentton, aaocb le-s an attempt, b> --torni Ibe <""int Hoaae gatea. Mr. Morley* d.-< ribcd ihe of tbe pub? iic and the poli.-e at tho mo:i.?n' tba ___*__- rtotlng bepin. and bow tlic pollce, without any ju-tili" '.ition. _____?_ upon and dubbed Ibe aeople Mr. Morleji faid tbat be i-;i'.v the poii." ataib- Meeara. Harrlaon and Keotlnf Mowa, wbleb be, Mr. Mori.-y, cl,t--,-d a- niurd-rou . blow>. lt l- now learned that Tl.notliy D. Healy'i ir.Jurie-, re-ulting from tba a-rauli made upon him on Monday ln the Victoria ll.-iol by Mtchacl 0?BHen Dalton. *its not ronfined l<> il.e rta.m:,c- d.,ue 1? hla ri.lit BJTfl bv the brcaiBlni of hk >v.?< ta. le-. Mr. ll.-aly, lt ?aaaaa, has alao toot tive of kla leetb froa a scond bl<,w leieived from ln, Baaallaai Thoma. l'ower ?.1 ..nn. r ha-- to Mr. llealy, ?_ying : "1 am abecbB- at tl." oaatai-l. at tark made upon you.- Mr -lohn l-faj HeaneMJ ho* vrlttea to Mr. llealy, aaylni ihat be expreaaee, In the name of ti.e Irleb Nati'-nali-t Mwbera of idilia ment, the indisuation and ivRret whu I. Uaty feel at the outrage lo whirh Mr. HcJy ha- been aubjeaited. I.ub .... Mar.1. ?J.',.-\Vhile ..lexandei iilar..' 1 ar _____ s-.a_._- ?i l-rUflBiBBl txt, UataiA AiBMrt, *"^ a DBBber of other PtneUilea wero ^ing to Uuiio more to-day .. i.tu-nd a inea-tii.. there ..f Mr. 1 ,.r..'ll s aupporters tbe. were mobb.-d i> a erowd ol >??'"?? ?" _? Tba latter turmd the ___-? of tl..- ""?"?; " ta.l.ed to tbe .ani...-' ,.,uv.-y.i,_ lhe PorneUlte-. Iroin tooka-town t<> Launaiiiore m tlae alreetloii ol tne l_rni?n pia-o. and flnall) r-iiapelloal tNe -anaeUltfla tu return there. hooting aod jeerin. upon tu. pirt ?>I Tbm returua' fi"n) the elertloaa for Poot I*w Oaardlana ihotr tbe Parnellltea were alm-st every Where ln a Mi.all niiuoritv. UMBdon, Mar.-n t-_.-Thon._fl P. 0*Connor. 3J. 1 -. ln a explainlns the posltlon ol h>* ^lyerpool foii-titu.'iit-. >md lor himsel! he should reaene lud.m.nt on Mr. Parnell, wlu.-e anfortunate nianl es,,,. breatblns liatred ot Mr. lilud-tone and enthx oreeludinft him trom ftie leodershlp. ??mpelle- them to .r.llst under Ui- bai.ti.-r of ib* nnaeltlali. .n-o. luptl I and,.ly brave Juatln Metajrthjr, ret-omlziiia that their onl) fiope ol H.? nule Uy n the Uberal party. Tbey had Impbrtl eonfldeiaee ln Mr. '? itoiie. How .'-uld any Irlflhmon lorjset hl? splcndid dov..tion or ima.ine that he wooM betroy,tlaemi Mr o'Coniior >aid tliat uotbin. w.,..l<1 11)'' Klairj ?f Mr. Porn-ir* pa?t. II waa a plty he had noi been preat to deaplae the pefty -tfu-.l'?* f >r he kflderahlp and d'"-<?-iid lo Ihe ronka i'l-t.-ul of rendln_ t'i- partv and deprivlng Ireland "f hl- Incojuparuble B_rr_*e. The naectlng uiKMilmmi.j adopted an c\ pre^-ion "f eonfldence ln Mr. OTonnor. Mr. Parnell .onflm.oa 1.1> KLiRO campalam, avoldlnaj the hoatlle di-rri..-. ln a apeeeh to-diay he advoeata*. tliat the ronatabalarr t.o redueed from io men and that tl.e money thu. sa.ed, amount Intr to i-,a>ra.a>oo. be dovot.-d to buylns. inal rh.- land lord-. Ho argaed thu ludtrial rems aboul- be re duioci no pei ,ont. Tho_- fllnisy brltx-s are regarded a- evidence tbal Mr. Pameira eaae is bofjeleaa. ? . ? - TIIE OUKLPII Fi ND BCAITDAL. Kerlln, Mnn l. 25.?Tbe " Boeraen lettang" savs thal tl)? Emp.iror will inalic ;.'. irpi'iii-v into tlu- Ooelph fund The .ia/otto." In ;.n artlele aup posod tn Ih- Inaplred, ieclore* tbal Prlnce Blamarck ip'nt :;0,000,aOOO niark-. and th.t tl'.o OCCOUntl w.-n burnort. _ The Oiidph fund is tho fhaaooa Beptlllan fund witii B-bi.h l.ism;irck ..iibsidi/.'d aaanj papera, not only In G.rmany, but ai-o tbro__bo_t Borope. He wvet made a aeetai ai tbe aaa to ^ tai.-ii be pei lhe mlllloin of thaier> whir). w.-r<- eoBflaeated froai t.'.a- Goelpb Klng Of Hai.ovor. aftoi tho l.,ttoi's def. at at Langa____-I ln int, Bteaean h ha- often admltted. and ?y.eii boaai^d, that lt wa> tho ikllful bandlin. of rh.-.t treoaure wbleh holpod him In the manipulation ol' opinion all over the world. and in tbe bulMIng ,,f a nnlted Gei niany under Proafllan kegeaoay. Uul he ba. nevci made'- tho ri.imes of his aabaldl-C- \.:it"i- and It 1-- no B-onder tbal his a.'.oiints kIioiiI I havo been burned, as stat.-d Ir. tba diapateb. m.<?!. troaaaetions as tb.ise bet\a<-.'ii DliBBBUi und the aares. belong to the taguij of .-tate aeereta. Ia aao-l Buropean eoan tr?', ls a ? et nt fmi'l pla. .-d ar Ibe dl-POaal ..f tbe (.ovo.nnieiit, and tbe MWa_a_ra ?h<> apend the fund are bound to _r. onlv 10 Ibe ' hi.-f of tbe Btal !, Bnd in a Btirate manner, for Ihe ni<.n> v entrusted io tliem. lil-marok undoiibto'ilv gave to Empenirs Willlam i nnd Fwlerirk a': oxplmiat on of ln- ma.iagemenl of iho Kopniian fund: and II la Iroprobablc that Rmperor Willlam li a-'iiou-lv thlnba of maklnat una In-iulrj Into axpanaefl whlch, thouah profoundly Immoral. were aoaetlonei by the ti-dltional rnat-aa ,<f monarcnieai loareriiinents. .-? ? - .I'EEN VMTf.UIA RBAOIE- ?.HA--K. Ora--e, Manh '_?-. Queen Victorua hofl arrived her?-. she was niet at tlic station by tbe Mayor and Ftefert, PrBtt p.-sonted b.-r with ? ba-lf't <>f tl..\?.-r-. Tho tmvn xxh-. do, ,.i.t, d with flogS. Tbe band of th llttk RegUMBl playcd the itilti-h national oatbem. Th.- >ti.-.-t- _loa_ tha rout" to Iba botel orrre eroarded BBB pecaale, a-iio -aiutod tba Qneeo e_tb-?__itleally. The royai arloltor, wbo qppearad to bc ln e_____c__ latalth, ropoatodly bowed |0 the people. The reports of Iba provalon,,- ,,I sninllpox bon ?re aaiihour f.iuidation. The rurnor- had their oriplii ln an .nvnioiiN 1< tt rs .-eut lo forci^u ___W__Bal II l*arls and London. the l*rg.--i amount of mail e? antlc by any one raaael. bPAIN AND TIIK 1MTFD STATES. Madrid. March BB. OWAtni l. W. Ko-ier, tho sponal representatlve of the Inltct >tat.s ln the neirotiation now golng on betwc.n Spaln and the fnited Mates Iw a treatv of .omrnor..', had a lon. eoi.foreiiec to-day wlth the Preaideat of the Coandl ol Mlnlatera, he_oi Ofcnovas dcl C_o___X THF. ( KOFTKKS BTILL IM FO-WB-UOM. BafinburKb, Man li 'J5.-Thc band of 100 rrO-crs of , Lewls Isiand. off the we>t <?ast a,f S.otland, who ye-. to**y mornlng atrived at OaftaaBf I'urk ***** trom F-leh they bad been evlctcd by the owuer ol tlic land, in order lo enaMe liim to eooveri lh** fore-t Into a deer pretont, entreaebed Uwaaltw in the ratna of lln-:r forfBCr bOBiea and prepared t.i -*:_::<1 n -:._.-?, won to-**y engaged ta refcnlhUng thotr forawr bomea. BoBM ineiiibfr* at tto party we:it bnntlng in tli?* fon-t and broagM Ifl plehty of game. Orlaaay Part Poreal rovera abonl niii?'fy-*l\ -'i.uir-.* mil- -. .\ large foree .,f polioe are 'in i'i'-' ?'_>? io th. (oreal, wlth ll-*.trtic ti..ri* to drivc tbe <r<>.t>.* ont nf thvir entrenched iamp._ PItt.--_l.--NT CABXOTS BUftSIAN OBDEE ITS l'KI'.sr.NTATIO.V TO-DAY TIIOUC'.IIT TO .MAI.K tiii: COICOLUSIO-I ok a kkanco I'.IS-IAN THKATV. Tari-i, Marrh 85.?Tto ".linirnul des DCbata" to-day unnv.iiriK'* thal Bi.ron do Mohrenheim. Um Ri.**i..t. malalar here, arU] tonmrrow finnnlly pteaenl l'r, -i d-nt .' wlti the. ..i-and Corton of tho Ord_r of tt, Andrew, tiie l-ii-inii .ii'i btbUob whl. h th? Csar, t.v a receBtljr algaetf deeraB, confarred np..!. the PreaMeat ol tho Freaeh Ki'imblle. Thla etottoooj, areordlng 1<i Lmpreaalooa prevaUlng Ib Hei-iin, iBarti aa Importanl epoeh in ihe hlatori nf Franoe aod nf Bnaata, aod i* auppoeed to jMiint to tlie actaal ooocloaioo of u lonaal treaty ot aliiuin'c between Franoe aad Raaefck ln Her iin oflkial .'ir* i<" it ib *ani thal uniii reeently Um C3ar hi.d re-i-t"d all Bttempta at going beyond an en tenie < di-rtUii-cr -vvitii Franca. ii i* added that tbe dr.ift of ii treaty prepared in Puri* in 1837, and np proveil by M. de .iiers the Grand Dnl.e .V'*. the iriiind I>nke Yladimir, and other ehl.fs of the Im IM'riiil Counnl, on tin* part of I.n-*ia, wa* pre*eni<*d to the Csar. 1 ?iit waa rejerted. Thi* dr.ift. it i* nnil.-r atood, araa agata preeented to the <>;u- itfter lhe i-? -*t. elert-oaa Ib thi* eoaBtry had roniinned the rapremacy of a republl.nti fnrni of goVCrnmont in l'ran.e, and. a.ter lieing upatn rejectea. in order <h;.( HMBM ittghl aii'difirntiona mlclit 1>e made, hns flnally reeelved tl.o Imperial mncttoo. Th.* iiredio terms of thi* extr<*m<*ly ron vi-ition are *;?id to he onknoarn i-> the Powera formlng the Drelbund; hn. ii i- expeeted thal B. de .ii.-r*. the Ruexlan Mlnlater ?.f Forrtgn Affaira, arlll nol long keep tl.o nmtler a .*<_* ret. .? _?. ? FOR A M.YV ATT-AMTIC LINE. Mareh 85.?H. Mootagae AlhM nnd I. B. Allan. of the Alhn Bteamehtp Line. have arrived ln England on bnalneaa eonnerted artth a new ateamahip project, i. i* propoaed t?> form a aew company, "f whirh thc Naval Conatrart-Oa und Aftaaaent Company, of Barrow-ln-Farneaa. prealded orer by the Morqnla ..f HarUagtoo, nnd the Allnn Company will be the chief promotert Negottatlona between the two eompaniea are at prcaenl in progreoa. Th<* Raval Conatnictlon Company wUl have l.ond* Haned Immedlately. The Intentlon la to have th** new company lahe Un* ex* laUng Aiiai. Une ateaamen .'.nd nm them prlnelpally a- frelghl ateamera. Thc new line will l>e nnder ih<* control of the AHane, aad wUl ba aentral a* between Um Onmd Tmnh and Canadlan Padfle Baltwaya. The new company la wortlng ta ascare a 0 avernmenl *nl.-idy. Thi*ee or f..?r faal ateamera will be bnllt, slmilar to thoae ninnlng t" New-York, end lt is ex ,,..,,..t thal lhe trafli to and fnBtChAtyotmtVm Noriiiw-.t wiii ihaa bc dlrected towurd XontreaL Uontreul wUl be lhe inmmer port. CAFT. McKKAOCB- EBBORfl OF JTCOMBUT. Glbraltar, March 85. The Martne Conrl whlch baa beea Inqalrlng Into the loaa of lhe Anrhar Une ateamer it.,ria. whlch aaah In Ulbraltar Bay on the nighl ol Monday Mai*h m. after bavlng beea Impaled on lhe ?nr of the ram of the Britiab warahlp AnaOB, dtecWed to-day that Captain McKeagne, commander ol the lt,pia waa gnllty ol a grave error "f jmia;inent Ib a tcmptlng lo enler lhe anchorap bdilnd lbe new raole wltb ui bnowlng whal veaeela were there al anchor, and ihat he waa gnllty ol a a.-rav- em t ol |od_mi-ii In ttlteropUn? ... Inni tn** r."i"* "?' "f <u" ?'""-'-'-"? ? ,,? -, u. \n-..-.'* bow. The i."ii't a-as alao niiiuil roo?? ?, opinion lhal Ita declahma, glven above. aufflclently marlM- the eonit. Bndlog, and thah there ton it waa m* n.aaary to ttoi ttitt the qaeailon whether or aol Captain McKeagae'a ^??to " BBBlSikttBtW (iis. iiargod fronl caatody._' IT WAS BODTBEBN FACJTTC MONET. axroRl oi' Tlir. i.r.fiiM.-Tivr. OOMMITTKC OS Till. AU-BOEO lil'.IBi I'.V IM CAUFORMIA. SarraBheato, Marrh 85-The commlttee appotated to tovcatlgate lhe ehargea ol br.rv ,,, ronnectlon wlth ,;,,,?? M-rapa ol paper ln Ihe State Ubtaiy iv Um I,.,..,, senaiorial conteal reported ta tbe hiate senale yeatordiay aftecnoon. They reported In accordance wlth teaUmony. ttadlag iha! lhe money had roms m>m ih" *"ii'v.-.n Paclfle Company, and tha wlthln ,,,?,,..,, houra altci II ...nv... here H aaa ln iho Mate Llbrar, .nl whobandled II ther. for arhal pnrpoac ,t wa* hanakd the eommlttee dM nol detcrmine. The Jotal CommlttBB, aftei rlUng lhal Uie nwntj vrrapper* foand ln the bavahel had covered g.abarta ,?,wn the Fi-aao Banh, avd thenc. aaal lo tba Crochor-Woolworth Hanl.. ol Baa Franclaco, and lhal ;ll, lattcr banh hnd aald the a.ey t. Johni ll. ,,?,.- tho mea-engar of the Sonthem Parille Rall road i.nd that tl." i.v inn-t bave been broaghl lo ,,. - ite Capltol wlthln thlrteen hoara thereafter, -av* ,,?., tiw total amotml of money aodrawn out by Jonea waa aj7.300. The ft-porl cltca lhal A cmblymen U .,i,i. and Marl n were ln tbe prtvate room of the _,,... ,.;.. ,.-, for fortj iiv mlnute prior to the tindlng of tl"' money wrappera, aad lhal In the ,,,., t),,u. were aome torn papera belonKl l, bble The "i,iv other p-raon*. ln lhe library prior to the dJacoverj ol tbe money wrnppera were tbe state Ubiarlan aad hia asalatant. Tbe report enda na foi " ti,.. rom.iiitt-e foand nothing lo b ?? lhal Iha .7.500 ir. rurrenrs waa n ed ln any manner lo In /,,.,?-,. a?v member ol tbe Legl?laiure ln i ferwi e ,. Miiatorl.aleat. N.i money a^ia nacd ln i, ?f .aniii.i.ii- to -...I" ih'ii ''"'!l ?' ?'; ' ?;' . .. senaior, nnd if Uie #7..-U0 n rurrency had N-n ? ; , .V-i-iv n-d tK-fore lh. i,--'.-ii.?!.'?. the <'??'"??:? a unable ... atate for wiial pui." I ???- >-?>? ' ?oromltt-e Insued a for .1*.??"?*?>??*?? ,,,.,.., ,,Vf wu* emplnyeil tn asreiiuln his ""?"I?I|J withln two bonis attar 11 wa* hnown hc Un* drnwn Uie money from thc bank, bal up [o thla Im. both ,. *i?.,,!r o! >..n Praaclaco and lhe .i-i'-nv liave I,,,.*' olliidJoi. -. Thr ?.mmlt.? h..* i. ..nd.'.l iC oriidiial exhlbltaa, - armnged bj Uie c.mmlltw, lo . ",r... ;.,i?,i-...v,-n,..r. th_ prr_Me.i1 ol the *??? ate aud rcanmrnended lhal Ihey i> lurn-d overlo the I,,..:- orfi.i -ml.imn a* be ni iv de..,n proper ln tbe senate to-daj Mr. lv*-' >n ? n; olii. Uon l-ialnutliiR Ihe Atiomej .?l '?? '""' '?;".' ?'? Ivideice found In tlw w?.te-l_ kel nl tbe Mate Library ,i... , tv.? ..rn.-i ion of i;j"Hll '"'? fnrther liivc*tlgalio.i a- to dl*i*osltl<Mi ..i Uw ni.-y ;. '?? '_ *i.wn i.v ih*' rrpori ol the Inv- llgatlng , , . itt.v to have I.ccn brouaht lo Uie < *pu?l riie ,.'.',,,,,,, thi- reaolutlon Ihen Mfiwed. iWn m-_ ' the mcunbera ... hav.- care for tbelr reputation' \ m,,t-on !'* iffei t'w mattei to tht Judlclarj Commlttee \.a* cveiitnallv i iriied. c.or. PATT1S0S WAXT8 A BEQU18ITI0X. nr AJ.K9 Tlir OOVERMOK OF rown Tl - i'T TO RETL-C1 A CMMlWALTO PFMMJITtVAXlA, Han-d-ui., Penn.. Marcli 85. Delectlve (tayer. ol Phlladelphia, rame heraaVday and obtalned rrom iio? omor l'atti-'n n M'.|'n-iti"i' on i'"' uovernor ol I'on necUrul for the retarn to thla BUte ol Uaary Decher, , baaeball plajrer, who wa-. Bireated ln Sew-llaven lo day -.. .- rtarg. forgert- The raaiuWtloni papera jaSrognlxethe Oovernorahlp maddhJ Ib tawneeUeoi ?-? - ? -1111 _ DEADLOCK AT HARTFORD. Hartford, Cona.. Maavh 85.-13 lhe Honae i1 aftee noon th*- unfavorable reporl ol the Commltl.n Canvaaa of Votea <m the Heoale reaolaUona decta UM DemocraUe Btate afltoera eleeted. araa aecepled and Ifl a<< ordan.'o tliei-cwltl. the reeOtaUoaa W_N N Ji'cted. TIm re-olution apj. .Intinp, Anrrri*ln- II. PWIB A* ?oclate Jaaatlce "f the impreaM Conrl ami Jndge ad tha gnperiOT r int araa ad .pfd-?'-?'* to 15 Boaohrtloaa Ineorporating lhe Lordahlp Parli Aa ?oetattoa and amendlng Ihe rharter of the BrMaBporl tMVlnga a d Loan A?aoclatlon arere adopted. At 2 o-lorh a reeeaa araa tahen until to_lerrow ?wnliig al ii o'eloelL K.M-uiivr Herretary Biataard ___, ad_ aaother demand thla _aornlng on ControUer iManh for bia i'li'iiiarv *.il4rv. The CoatroUer r-.tu-.-ii hia demand aai ailao atoelaei lw Iha i?r-.'-e:ii to glve hia rBaaoaa. ?ihe senate met at li o'cloek thla Bornlag nr.ii looh ,_ |praai iiiimi*di.-ili>ly irntll 18-30 p. BU, and at ihnt hour loola<*r r'.?-;-. In thr BMBI BBM tho Demo ,1-uii dtnalim were la raaena eonaidering arhal aetlon th.-v wiii lake on the Sagrmoar aad other aahaUtate niarUon blUa now before them. The <|iii'*t!"H "1 a" a-1J'aurninfnl or long rcc. - wa* conatdered at the general raaena m Um Bepul ll , ai - Hn* moTBlng, bnl II la atated thal no detlnIM ronclnaion w_w rearbed. If lhe Beymour *ub* or anv other iiineiidmenl ln the .lud-nii bill paaaea th** M'liate it i* andarttood lhat tbe llou.c wlU allow a cominiU-C of cooferenvCf THE E1RE RECORP. A VALUABLE COCWTBT ROUSfE ISI'RNED. JA.MIIS M. COMBTABUS- BUMMER HOME 9TBAB MlMAllOSIiiK IB KlINS. Tlic -nnimcr l.nmc of Jamea M. Constable. of the Ilrm nf Ann,ld. Oooalobk B CO., N<>. Ml Ba-Odway. whi.h hl al .'ii-i.Ia. m tho town of MamaroncU. B. T. was totallv geatioyed by tlr-e or. Tue-dny nlRht wlth all it- t mtenta. The hobhe waa ______?__- at Iba iimo. Mr. Conatable had ghren ordera to have it olred and woimed, r.> be atade ready f..r its early 0. ii|.itioii tlu- >prins; but no c.v ??? ptlonally heav domaiui- apon r.e, farnaee had heen mado f"r thla j,. poae, .ii..1 Mr. Oonatqble, arho rWted the aeeaae of ! tbe flre yeaterday nornlng, aaM tbal he did not hnow j wh .1 r.a.ld havo beea the ori_1n of II. The theory lhal it araa doe lo a Mertlve iVn- in Iba baaeaarnt , near iho farnaee - rend-red laprabnbM from .ho fii tbal all tl.e -OOf had l_-en thnronphly t?*sicd by mn'iv Benaona "f oae. rhe hoaae rontataed ? lorga ___aber ' of \.iiu_bic polnHnfi many of theaa by Mr. < e__a__le*i I d.Hi.l.ter. and other objerls of art; and fhe __B <?n i Ibeae lfl h-avy. The hou-c is sald to have co-t about f 100,000 aml j the furnlture lo baae been valued Ol 133,000, npon tho ; whole of whlch Ihere araa aa Inaatraaee of .10,000 i Mr. CtoaatabM derllned ye-terda. to .st_nata Ma loaa or lo atate Lhe amoa-l <?f in>unai.ce wbleh ho eorrled upon Ibe pisiiHTty. tboagh hc sald that the,* araa far froa -orertng the aroloe <>f what araa leatroyed. lt is <ald tbal Mr. ( onetnbM wlll at rebalM aaea tbe aaaie -it.-. lie has long been a nunner iB_hiea_ i at Mamaroiicck and a taenefoetor "f the pla.o. Be. ci-al yeara aga he ereeted ti.e beaattfal _*ytoropa] Church of si. Thomaa, 1 ro. tory and a Siiuday-ach._l bulkUng, whieh h? preeented to the porlab, -??? PAMIG IN A TKNKMKNT Iini'SE. Flames brobfl out aboat B p. m. yeaterday in the l.verv Btabfefl al Wofl. 315, 31T, 818 an,1 :i_l \V,-t 1 ifty thii-ii-st., owned by Philip Gorrigon. Twetare ?' iianii'.in's fourtoe.i hor^os and several <>* hl- rana tDOfe part ln iii.rnum's parode, and ;.t tbe tlaae of tbe onl breoh of ihe Bre only iwo boraea aad fmr wn___a wera in tho ataUe. A large pot_oa >.f n.o atnble araa bomed, Ibe boraea being aaffocated befaare tbey rnnM be reaeued, At the roar of tho Btoblea and frnntln. on We-t Fifty fo.ii-1. -t. i- u f.'i.i--atory fnime doabto tenetnenl hi.i.-e. Inhablted moinly by rolored people. Parl nf tbe t .p ii",..- at the aonthem cn.i ..f tbe bnUdlng waa burned, and for a time ther.- waa a mlM 1 _ ? The -i\t.'. n famlUea oceupylng the bnilding eaatly tn.i'i'. thelr eaeape. Three cotored women, howe-er, r.m bo. ia and were drngged oui half uneonarlnaa. Tbe Bre ls bt Meved i" have 1.n rouaed by llghtcd molchoaor Igara liirown Inlo tlae atraw of the atable. Tbe total loaa t>. tbe itoeh uml bolbtlngi aniount!. to ?10,000. -4> - FLAME8 IN' AN IOWA TOWM. Dea Motnea, lowa, Moieh -?"> Flre al Mltohoiiville. lowa, a amall plaee neoi De Molnee, to-day de-troyed two of tbe princlpal baalneM bloeha. The B o-er KO.OOO, Ineludlng all >>f the citv reeorda. !feori) all the pitmerty deatroyed rarrted llght lMtti-B-0. ablefly lu _k? Moinea componiea. MXOLAXD AXD 8PAIX ACCETT. TO UK R_PR_S_Ja!TED AT THE WORI.n's F\IR A.Tl'iN OP a.l .I'.MAN UL-IM -** MEK. Londna, March SS rhe Britiah Government, through lhe iforaiulfl "f SoMabory. haa formaUry adrtaed Mr. ni.nn.-. the 1'nlted .tatea ??< n.-ury "f Sfato, thal Oreal KritBlB.PU I'l.-Mi.i.t llarrlflon'i In.itotlon to tahfl port tfl ih" Wortd'i r.?ir ut Cbleag- ln i-?s. _ord -al.-liiiry lum al-o lAformed Prealdonl Horrlaon. tbi-ogh Mr Blalne, thal ?> Boyal Commlaaloa ?iil o- appointed t.. a-M-t Britiah merrhanta In exhibitlng lhe produeti .,f Britiah Induatry at rhe I'air, ai.d to furthei B Intercata laVere, Berlln, Marrh _">. -A tonference in whkh a numba ,,f ]>:-..min,-f.t tiermaa avanuta-tarera looh part, and al wbleh Iba ___ea__ ?Yorld'e FBIf oed th<. ot-Baaajcta of ...rinanv U-ln. there i*eproi<i-:it?_ were dUeo-lflgi, WOfl beM here lo-doy, Tha roararred m lhe bebel iiint a reprefl-ntaUon worlhy ,,f lha Oarmon En. plffl ,-,, be obtained only if tbe tMrreri 1 ? ?? ibouM iend a < ?mla_l_ner 10 Ihe l'nlted -tatea wllh power to ? I., the manufna tun ra ol tiermony who night rontemplate ending exhlbtta all the adrantagca lo wBlch lierman lnduslr> arai entltled. Aa a re?ull ??: the ronferciia-c, it was .1 ??, led lo l?Mie rall for n meetlng of lierman nianufa.turei . to 1 .l,-' plare lu tlali , itj ,,', Aprtl -'. ' 'i.f th- n_Jei 1- ol this 1,,,,-- rne. I ,., - ,. ... ap|a_nt b ...iiiniit.1 merrhanta 1 ? .upor vlac.' and arranjte l"r the n-prevrntatlon .,. ,.- the pn*du. 1- ..f lierman lndu?tr) ? hlngton, Mara li 2 >. 1 he .ponlah Oov. rnn 1 t has informed the Ctepartmenl of Mate tbal it v.m partleipate In tho World'a C'olumblan Bipoaltlon al . hl. ago. Chicago, Marrh '.'", (Rpeelal). There wa- JuMtatlon at the \\"ii'i'- Pair headiiuartera to_ay becBBae m the action "f the Bngll h tloi-eniment In Brceptlng the Ina latl >n lo I ihe porl In the I'.nr. -Tlu- i- another .onllrmatlon." aald Vlre-Prealdenl Bryan, - "f whal we havo nnlformly b_d, thal the greal nationa ,-f lhe eartti cannot afford to be unrepre* ted il the K ,j,, ni,!!. iii..ptanee bj the mother ronntry 1,1-111-- lhe prumpl following by iho rolonles; and 1,,,?,.- and Kngland being both in Une, t'i" otlier ri-.'it ol lhe eorth wlll be ipeedlly enrolled '" r".' t'-" u-oiiuiii'a WorM'a Falr bnlMlng, thlrteen ,!,. ... i.v women hare beeri hiibmltted, ani the .,.i,.,ii,a I,.-.- been narruwed dtiwn i-, three, all nf tlae Ituliiui ata le of an llll ?< ture. Tlaej Bi*e iaJd tn be ,.v,,.|,t , n ill. line 1:.. t of tbe propo ad i___rtare I-, li\-,l Bl -_.iii.iii>... loaiii Tahlmine, nt Toklo, Japan, w. bea (0 -, i.,.,:iii..-.- !?-. irardcn at Uae Kipoaltlon. Ile :,-.s ih ,,. viicK., of puttliic up 1. numl-T ,-f .1 ipanese bulldliigi., and in the main une lie uill luave a luall alth auitable ?_tlng . ipadty. 11 ? t- he pi-p.-s t.. lau\.- Japan. .lan. ing .nl- nnd Orleiitol pxblbltlona, l,.,,..,v hnve l_*en recelved neeeptlng bonoroi. mcmboiNhlp ln the VVnrM'a I'ongreaa, auxlllary ln Ihe w, i-i.r- i'alr. fr .m Andrew D. '.\ hit-. Judge Seynaoui l. Tl.omp nn, eaf tlae -1. Laaula f'ourl .,1 Apnoaha; l.m-.l . ii,if Ju-tta-e ? -.i--.-i.i__---. of Kngland; r....---;? aia\ a,l?n.r ,f D?foa*d Fniverdty, Knaland. ind Wait-r 1;,..;,n: i.,.|.,t Cnieildge and Pr?f. ? or Mullcr <l'> noi ,.',?'. ,i't, i?. p?.-..... but wlll mt a- rorresjaondents. '\ mrelf.rr 1.lenl of " I.' Irl Dnm Lea Deia. Moiida- " "f l-rts, B-iltea under date "f Hareh 24: l rm .Mj aiiiiiiiMir- thal Rnsain ?lll aend a eom ,,|. te eahibit, -iii.l tlual iiii.'.i-" wlll aee all the pr daia-ta uf K11--1.1 pre-ented in 1 better mauiner th:.t! ever 1 ,,,,,. \ kvndlcale nf th- lauihera and merchanta of ., ?,.,. ,.,_. |,a j" t -ui-ill"'l _.__.).Oa_i Irnnoa, nnd t'i- llusslnn (lovcrnmenl av.ii pi bnblj an_*crlbe U__j_ar?5iu.'n. Ilnyden. of Roalon. wlna ti,- ?,000 ,,.,.;,.,,.i fiar the bo-' deslgn r ?: lh' Woman - liiilldlnga. Mi- UA* L. li"V'. :.l" ul Boiton. taahe. .-,.,-i.t prire .-'.'">. and ?la Lanra llavca, of rialcaa*n, _,i. Uie a*_.V0 nffered ror Ihfl thlrd beal deilgn. Mlaa Hnvd.n i- ??> tlr-l laona. gnSluate <.r tha Ma hi liuaeti In-Hliite of T-.l,....l... v. and Mi- How- 1 rrom lhe ,,?.-tin,ti.,n. Mi- llayea 1- Jfra. Potter Palmei - ,? ivnte -.- r-t:,-.\. The Btraieture |s to lf ln Ihe it-.llin. renalsaanee atyle.200 bj 400 feet. and fiflr^feet to thfl rortilee. Tbe rbtel fcatnre "f ornomeutatlon In thr entronce. m_, FBIROX ABU8EU 18 U1XXEB0TA. st. Paul, Marrh 25.?The llon e rommlttee biw II gatin'g the iMate prl?oii panagemw I mad.- a reporl lo day. 11 alatea lhal by lettlag oal eontirl labar al a low Hgnre and Iben paylng Mg prleea f..i worh t., the rompanlea employ Ing lhe ronarlela, .1 bl. ezpenaa had been eonaed tbe Mate arbere llttle or non- ihoaM ba?e i,?n Inearred. Tl.mmlttee Bodi lhal In this way Uie state paM i0O0,0_O than it reeelred from the , oaitrai t ara wbo hare iiecared tbe ronvlrl labor. rr,- ked metbodfl are aHeged agolaal thoae aeeorlng blndlng twlne mochlnery for tbe p?j_lt-ntlary. ?'- to ii,- .', in.,?...! ..f Wanl".. Randoll, the rommlttee bellevea 11 ?_, i,r.,iiBht aboal al lhe in-tan.,- of tho rouvh-1 employlng manufaeturei-, ?l?, waatei to malie ap poinlmci 1- luateod ?f lhe warden. BEPUUIXO to UOXBBXT TO OfBOBBETg Rl'MOY.lL. BoB-Mi, Marrh 85.?Al the __ellag of tba BBei-tli CuiitKii tin- aft-rnooo, tbal bodj rcfa ed t" adarlfle ... ,nnaenl lo the rea >?Bl "f PWh e?' a_tmlaalooer WONom II, a. -I,.. 1:1- by a,,,v-i-i;,,.- llu?-il. i.-ii, :!! >r Tuft waa ai, eut, bat waa palred oa thl. iraeatioa alth ('..un.iil.r I'lyii'i. Tbe 1 .tt r mpporta the tJoaremor. The majority of tbe Beard io) Ibol tbe (leareriior'a irtion ni remawlng Mr. Oaborne a?a- irnou-i-t-ni aod nnpreeedented. Aa no raeaiaej <-.\i-i-. 11 i., it. th-n opinion, imi' '--i''i'' to coaaMer th ? qjaaW-C-Moaia <<t .ul, id btone, who a\a- BOBalmrted f..r tba offi.-e. Ther expreaaa lhe hope, iioar-vor. tbal the?oarar?or aaay rive tha in un opportunlty of ihowlng thelr Wgh ap preclatlon >'f C.ilonel btone- ablllty by appolntlng hlm 1 , >ome Important and nn.w. iij,i.-<i poMtlon iu tbo t'ommoawralth._ ALL3AXCB APOBTLEB BOT WAXTED. Boatea, Mareb BB.?"Tbe HetaM" haa dlapatehea from aerenU potnta In Jlew-lngland rotrtnj tba *wB ment of the (araaera on the Broapoaai Alliame moae tneiit ln the paalllin Stafo,. It i-, the i-entlinent of tho laodlOg farrncr-. that UM New-Engbind tour of the Alilnncc leidcr., KyM and bimpson, wlU be b practlcaJ HM NINETEEN SAILORS PERISH. ONLY SKVEN OF THK CREW OF TIIK BTRATHAIBLY SAVKD. WT.F.rKF.n OX THE I.ONIiLY AND DESOI.ATK COAST OF NORTH CAROLIMA-MF.AC.RE DF.TAII.S OF TIIF. DISAVTER. [lt- rat-M-UF-i TO TIIK TIIII.L'NK. 1 Norfnlk, Ya., .Mareh _:..-The I.arn I.ine stenm sliip Strathairly, l.oiind fmni St. JagO de t'ul?a ta H.ltitnore, wlth B CargO of iron ore, is a total vvreck, one nml oiie-o,uarter miles smit'i of Chleamloamleo Ufe-Saving Btatlon, N. < . nbont tliirtv miles thia side of lhe fal.l Hatteras. ami of the erew of twentf si\ nineteen liave perishe.l, liaviiiK lifen swept from the VtWttl into tbe wetMag WBteifl whicli dasbed over the powerless sliip .vith furfom foree. The vessel la rapiilly |0_Bf to picros and lier e:iri?o is B total loss. _ka_OOf those lnst are every oflicer with the cx eeptiori of the seeonil tnate. who was BBVCd, with six others, by the Ufe-BBVtng CT3W. The Strathairly w;i_ ilriven BdhofC at 4:40 o'eioek on Tueaday mornlng, dnring heavy weatber an.l n linirky sky. Tln*e Baved are at the Cbleamieoinieo HTettthn itat-on, where they are well oared for. The details of the wreched vesisel to-nittht are exeeedinacly meapre. From the lntist informntinn ohtaine.l the hhip wns dlBCovered toaslng nh.nit like a reed, lint lu_rh npon the heaeh below Chieamicomieo. A erew from the llfe-BYlng BtatlOB at onoe went. ont to her BBBiatanee, and with mneb titmble and danger Buoeeeded ln rev ninjr one of the erew laal Btght To-day six others were reacued, While the re.t of the erew. nir.e.een in all, perlehed. I.ientenant FaillBg, "f thc life-savintr st.iti"ii at Kli/aln-tl. <'ity. N. C, wjvr nt. the life-savins: atatlon wben the wreek was dlscorcred, nnd nided in the reacue. It is dlflleull to ini.i_.ine a more deaolate coast than that npon whieh the nnfoltunate sti-aniship Strathairlv wns Wiceked. For 1"" milea BOOth from f'npe Henry 1h*'re extends a strip of aand eaat np from the sea Bnd aeparated from the malnland by many milea of broad sdt aounds. S.'ini-tinres this strip hroadens to a wldth "f a feW miles. and llien slirinks to a mero thiead of pray saml. The inhahitrints are few in nnmber, Rcattered in aoliUry dwelllnga, and without meanB of BommunieaMon wlth iln- world, Bave the oyst-T sloop or fleliinif boal that at irr'vular int.TV.-il_; ernlses nlmig the lounda. For thi* reason it is lmpoBaihle to gel full detaito of the di*ast,-r yet. Tlie li\ in_r of the InhahitantS L?* derived from the aea, and thc strip i* nearly h.irren of vegetation. On tlie sea.*;.!.- !or'_-' aand* run out, and re.-ts abonnd ao that tlu* veaael wreeked upon tius COBBl is BUre t'* stiike at a dlatanee from th'' ehora nnd he ipeedily torn t" jiiece-a by the tremendoiM llatteraa vir-r.*'* thal have made tho vlcinity the dread of navigatora for ;. century' ami have atrewn the white lie.i'hes with the tiinrvers of niiinl*erles.a \i-***-!* innl with the .lead bodiea of conntleaa snilors. The life-aaving lenrlee la of the iiest in the eoiintrv. bnt owing to the eharacter of the cnaal tlip useful of their applianeea, the life line thrown from a gun, ean rir.-h i*e uaed, and lhe rri-'.vs are eotnpeUed to relv largely upon their ?urf-boata, whieh thev manage to launrh and land with marvelloua dexterity ln tbe Berce Burf which oonatantly roll*. upon ilie beachea and inr*. The Stratbairly waa romman.Ied hy Will i.ani U'.vnn. an EnglMbmaB. 'Mie only member "f the crew known lun* wa* Allred T JackBon. the r..,.k. :._;eil thirtv nine. Tl.e reaael waa bnllt at \|..ihilei>oro, England, Jnly,, by Boyater, Inx'.n .v ro. A' tii*- ti'i"' of her h.*s Bhe wot ovvne<l l.y .1. MiTntvre. The ships lonnage WB3 :. .-, anil her meaanremenl .'*.' feet *i Inebea in le'n.'tii. .4 fc.-t - iiiii.. s i;i lirendth, nnd :". feel - loehea ui ileptti Mn- aailed from Iteltimore t.. II ivanri ..ri 1'i-i.r-iar\ __.. and arrived at the Intter plaee Man h ',. -vl al Sl Jago on Mareh I*'.. .1. i: I'ooi.l. oi llaltimore, .',.- nornl ot the Kirn Une al ilallimiarr, ln* ordered every coiu t..11 foi tiie s..i\ i...i* ? . .__. ? TB0CBLE8 "/' BVSINES8 MEN. .iriiii.MI'.NTS Ur.AINST VARIOUS FH'.MS-AT TA. UM! ni* bl RVF.D. Adolph Tode and John WalUng ? ? p - Ing the tlrm ? it Tode Itrotli.-r-. whole ale and retnll dealera ln defl rateeaen nt Xo, 878 llowery and al Thlrd ave. anrt -Tfty-nlsth-at.. and alao dolng bualneaa al Monroe, X. Y. nnder Ihe atyle of tho llo. Cheeae Com i it , ',.- terday roi fe -??! Jndgmei la nggregatlng flfl, ;,:,-, t., _even rredltor*. the large i belng t> Edward Materne, ?-. B. Pueehael, P3.H15; fl. Lewla, ? ; .1. II Will. .I.v.'i. '. II. Mi". i'v. .-.I.:: I'i. The .-? 11.-111r jreaterday loula: rharge nf both atorea. i ,- (,.!... nij Kione l dn-'' I'ompnny, al Xo. II Murra. t.. haa bcrume rmharra ??'? by ti"1 fallnre "f \. de hieathal .. Co.. ahoae purtnera were prealdenl and -i-. r.-t.nv of lhe nmipany, nnd h endeavorlng to gei an estcnalon from ll.vdltora. Exerutlon for 31,080 on a Indgmenl ln fa. .:? ul ollver ll. and i.m roln ??? Muiih v.a, M--t.-nl.iv l_.U-d t" ihe Bherilf ap.iin t lhe company. Tho eompanj aaa in.orporated nn .1 mu* 17, i--'., alth ? -apltal atoeh of 9!_0O_OOO. rhe annnal atatemenl on January 20 *aiit tbal Ibe UahlHtlea dM not oareed #1?.000. Jndgmenl tor r-." - a'ua yeaterday enlercd agalnal 1..V1 1.. Brown, "f >:"- 301 Broadway, and the Frtcmnn ManufarturlnR romnanj ..f Morth Adama, Ma-*.. In 'av..r nl Augusl Kllpateln, nn a proteated note. A jmlKinenl tor fl.Sia "n* enlered agalnal Ihe I'nit.'.l Zvlotiite Company, ?>! N'o. :.''.l llmadwiay, 111 whleb Mi- lirown waa Inlerealed, In favor of rrancla A. I'alm. r, on a protC?l?1 liolfl. The Uhertll luia rwelved two nttarhmenta again I Uie * ??iiuiii.i.i Iron an.l m.'.-I I'ompni.y ol Itltsliiim. I'.-iir. on.. I.u- 1.1 i.T.'.T in favor ol Alfred II. and Bei*s? l n. nl, .111.1 the nlher for tA.Mi ln favor "I II. Vshlt leniore. Tho attarhmenta aere aeri'ed on the Ne? Vorfc . nl So. -1 Fnlton -'? The rompnny ?ra? I.poruted in .actolier, 1--.'>. wlth 1 cap-tal al .fiiavMM), Chriatian N*..k'-r belng prealdeet rhiliii-iiihi.i. Marrh li. The Brm ol A. wiittney .fe -..,11.. rbb-w!.l mi iiuf-i. nn. ?!?-. are Bnanrlally embar ,..,!. xhe rar-wheel worfca arere fonnded i.v Aaa VVhttney ln 1*1-. When th** worha were bullt they wcr.' am..111: the Bneat la the eountry. Oeorge Whltney died Ib 1835, leavtng bb eatale ralaed al 3300.000. John lt. Whltney bad aiaorettred frata the Brm, bul al the tli.t plarlng the mortgage ii.- araa ror liained to t-me 1 aeb Into it, and 1- now tbe .ei.? member. Klnre Ihen lhe worha Imvebeen dong a [ali bualneaa, bul bave been giadually BalUni bemnd tbe younger eatabllahmenta. ? ???*? A LABOE LDMBEB COMPA3IY PAHA UABIUTIE3 AM> As.-ITS ABOUT HALF A Mir. I.1..N -T.i RESUME .*-"">.'. NewOrfcana. Marrh 2:,. -The PtrayaiM-" Bean iiioiit. Ite., dlapateh aaya: "TheVarren Lambcr Com pany, Bperating oae ot tbe largeai aawmllla ln Baatern Tesaa, at MTamn, pa aed lato tbe banda of n reeclver to-day; a--''t* and Itabillttea eatlamted at ?300,000. HoaatoB parttea bn Um prlw Ipal 11 dtta >- T. Bwln. tor* '.vi:.. wa- appolnted rerelver by the rourt, thlnha matter- ran !*<? amleably aiijn-:i"l ami thal the plenl ,..11 begln operatl > aa ln ;. few daj ?? XO COBFLAIXT AOAtXBT MJW-. tBTIXTABA. The Tvruvian ci* l w.aM ihe ana ? itave of Can aal-t-eneral c_1.1nt.1na. and who fl''*i from h.-r nn-trc*-, Mr*. QalBtana, after belng aeaaalted wllh a ah.1 evenlng, U now aheltere-l bi Mr, Oerry'i iod iv. After .in-.i.i' Wwer be*?rd the glH'a atory aa Tneaday .*t the llailen Pollee Coart, h" ptaead har la \;r. Barfelay. *?""? aand Bdjoorned tha exaaalnatlon bbUI reaterdaj Biornlng. -\n fnr.ho- bearlng In lhe eaae -i-em- lo hav.- beea Ir ppasd. Ananl Barklaf ap peared in eoarl jreaterday aithonl the glri He aald ihai tbe aoeletl woaM nol make a romplalnl agalnal Mr- Qulntana, and that tl.e glri wonld remaln ln twlr rnatody amttl II waa decMed whal dtapoalttoai tlacy woaM mate ol her. DFl.T tVQAB tXDVBTB\ IX BAB8AB. AbUlaa, Kaa., Mareh SS.-The i-eet aagar ladnatry li belag w.irked ap la Oantial K..n*i* by Dr. Swell wtter, of ..crtn.'.iiy. who i* here arranglBg lor B00 ei* ??.-rirnental to*i* n dlRerBBl I'limli''* with I relpn Beed. He saj's a l.erman _ynrtnaie With B eapltal of wUl put ln fattone_ lieru li th- testi are t?U?ia.W-7i TIIE TUNNEL ACCIDEXT. Ori.XIOX OF THK KAILROAD COMMIS SIONEBS. NOT PATOBARLI TO UOBTtXO THE PLACF, BY ELi;cTniC'<;<;i.sTio_.s for venti LATION-TKMPOUAUV RSMBDCM RECOMMZRDRD. Albnnr, MBreh _:...?Thc Btate Rallroad Commlssinn haa eoaaplBled it* liii_allnllnn tfl tiie matter of the Fourth ave. tunnel nr.ident, and to-day nindo publtr a long opinion an.l tiic rcsults of Its tlndlnus. After revtearlng tho clreaawtaneea of the aeeMaat tho Board is of opinion that liclitlnj, tho ti.nm-I by ekctrldty woaM tend t.? make ilgaal Ufhta le** rlaible. \* regarda tho ventth-thm ol the tunn.-i. the llnard think* a plan both f.-asihlo ami dcMiahle I. to eloae entirely tlie nprnln..* betwoeri tlw 'eiiti" and -id.; tnnneta aai eooata-et veatUatlng toweea at certain pointa from the atde taruMk Ib bb_Ii a nanaer ns to prodaee ;. rtrong draft throagh Um *ide tunnel*., riddlBg them Cd imoha and stenm. Tho Hoard ls ?UH .arefully eonaMerlng the si.tijert and is in ?on lultattoa Wlth the rallroad anthoritle* and otl.ors a* t., tha mo-t practteahM method of esMag thc diffl eall ea. Ifl tho BliamllBHl, however, the Hoord deems that eertalfl IBtaaBina should I*. adoptod, and tliat im mediately, tfl prevcnl tho po**lblllty of a renirren.*. of aaeh bb aecMent, and rereaaaBeaia that cvery ?eaaa I." hv tho railroad ronipaiilc* nslnft the tunnel to Improve tho andlhle ilgaal ?t tbe home sipnals, to Inaare lt_ aoundlmr nnder ali rirr.iinstuncos If B traln pa*se*. smli homo slunal while set at danuer. and appanves of tlio rompanies' a__aln adoptins; tlio torpedo in aildltlon thereto; additional BMaaarea be adopted for eonatant Inapeetloa of the lights and win*. movtng tl.e sisnals, and that Hn eleetrle. devi.o be Bdoptnd tO ahOW to the op**rator in thc lahin tli! poaltlon of the *t_:nals; that no enplneer or fireman bo permltted by the rallroad rompanies to ru a loromotive through tho tunnel nntd aueh enpineer and flreman ahaU have _. eertMeata <if perieet eyeatghl Bnd percepttot] of i-olor: that no train hc permitted to pa.. throagh tlw- tunnel at i_reator specd than llft'eri milea BB honr, lhe rate. to bc rcdured nnii-r nnfavombk condltlona to a rut.- aloar enaagh to Inaara tin* engtneer ami _tre_nan aaelng tha atgnala, until im proved methoda siuiil have beea adopted whirh shall demon*trato to the i.ttsftirti ?n of tho BOBld thal meh a redn-tloa In *P"i*d is bo -oager pereeiBiy; and thal lhe niir-'ad eompaiiiea Inveatlgate nnd eonaMer tl.o i..'-t methoda to t. ? adoptod to v. ntiiato tho tannel and reporl te the board tbelr eonelaalona with a view of reoommendlnf legtatatton aeeeaaary to caity thc ibbm into eff.'. t. Bubeeqaenl to the ae.ident the Roard mnde a i_.r-oiul examtnation ot the taaael. After paaaing throagh the eentre and side, tanneta upon a loeomotlve and rarefally aratrhlng tbe roodltl oa then, thc Board i* aatlafled that th*? preaent ayatem of lig-Mla is laeaf tirie-it to aecnre aafatp. Tha Coroner- Jary reeom* mended thata aulform rateof -po.i ba adopted throagh the tannel**. On conaaltatlofl wlth the rallroad eflclale, the Board i* of the opinton that thla ?roaM lic Impraett* , ible, an i thal a nnlform tannot b- malntalaed. M i- proper, however, that tae Biailfnam mte ibouM not 1..- <-\.ded. The Cortner. Jnry alao reeom mended thal th. re abooM be tiro operatora Ib the eaWna where ilgnala ar.t. The Board i* of the optalofl lhat two men are more lilo-ly to rreate COntoal vi than one rareful man wltb bb Intertoehed electncal *_>*ten. in operatl >n. ln i'i-in-111*1011 the I!o4rd flnds tl_nt Lawto Fowler, englneer, and Charlea A. Welllngton, ftreaiaa, arero dlrcrtlj r. -j...n-.l.l.-. ;-.r tin* arcMenl In j>h**Iii_: dlatant an.l hoi.Ignnla whHe ie! al danger, fmni their fallure tn aee them in ronaeiiuencc of fbc< iteam -md amohe; nnd thui the New York, tfew-Ilavea nnd Hartford Kallmad l nmpan) l* dlreetly reaponaible for the di*atii of tli.' ylrtlma of ihe areldenl In ao far aa anch .featii n i- ronirlbnted to by Ihe burnlng of the mrs. beranae of the fallure >.f tin- oompany to ronform to the law re i|iiiniik' it* uu* to be hefated by ineaiis ollitr IbM by ktove or fumacc. THK <iil\xn .11'RY AM) THE TVBBBL DIMdW. The Otaad .lurv heM onlv a short MaatOfl yet*ferday In II* h-Veettgat-OB Od UM I'-.rkave. taaael dis.vter. Chaaneey M. Depew and the other direetoea of the S'ew Vork, Sfew Haven and Hartford it-uimad .'.mipajiy were not ealled upon to teettfy n* H waa tboagbt they arouM be. Depaty Coroner Conway and a lew other irit;.,..-, were examlned yeaterday. lt i* expeeted that tlie inveetlgatlon -.viii t.<* Hnlahed to-dagr. EILLINQ BIB8ELF IS A IIOSPITAL BED. \ CONTRACTOR CCTS His THROAT AND IS POl'MD IH'.AD. H<*:irv O. .Tood, of EBsabeth, Sf. J., tooli hia llfe ln thc l'liintieid Mnhlenberg llo*i":til lat.* on Taeaday alaht Wood was oi.f tbe eontrB-tora who bolH i nion Coanty'a new road*. A portlon of his work wa* not areepted by the Board of FreehoMera, and hc bronght *mt agalnat them f..r the paymenl of iu* rlalm. Wood became so worrled over this and other bualneaa troubtea tbal be eoaM not eal ami for u.???;,. had aubalated malnly npon UquM aQmalanta. ln Foree. Ilotel, where he atayed, h** aeveral timea ran ahrlehing from hia room throagh the botel corridora ..? the olhee, ralllng bmdly that Mr. Foree wa* trylng to MU him. nn the afternoon "f Taeaday Ma itranga aetlon upon the atreeta led Chief "f PoUre Uraat to loch iinn ut* Later be wa* aenl to ibe Mahlenberg Hoapltal for treotniTht. I'nder ihe ran- ..f a pbyalrtaa be wa* soon -ni*iu*"i and the hoapltal attendant left hlm aio'ip for .a iMiiin.* ln* abaenee P/ood drew hlmaelf under the beddothea and wltb u *ma!l nnd dull penhnlfe *_.? v.*r-.*il hia Jugular veln, after many vain alt.-rnpl*. In additi * to atuhlng his throat lv wtabbed blmaeU Ifl the regton of the beart When tin* attendant returned Wood waa dead, bavlng tded to ?lentli undei the _?*drlothea, without utterlng a *.iiind. lle wa* about Hftv two yeara oM, waa a veteran of thc civil War and a Free Maaon. Wood'a wlfe live^ ,,. \,,. :;ni \\.-*t iine-hui.dred-and-thlrty-elgbth-at, New-York. lle ha* not llved wlth her Cor aeveral v.i *. TBB OALEXA BAT TET BB FLOATED. Rew-nedford, Ma**. Marrb 25. The tag william *. Hlater arrived heie thla noon from Gag ii-mi with i.i. iiii'iiaiit-i'oininaiiii.-r llleknell on board. The Oalena IV reported atlU to be in ival rondltion aud a atean pnmp waa plaeed on board to-day. Tbe irreehera aay the '...i.-iia . iv b" Boated if lhe Cnlled Statea tsovera* menl la wHUng to fool the btlla. The Ing Rlna i* llght and ran be pnmped onl and doalbd ..t aay iim.*. MM 11''* in gOOd roridltion. Tin* Sla(.-r will ivluiii t. niphi via Caityhank wlth di-patrhes for Ueatenaal KarabaB. tVaahlBgton, Mareh SS. II la toaroed al the Ravy Departmenl lhat Uentenanl CoauBaader B-rhnetl, wh. wa* iu charge <*f the Oaleaa and other wreched meaaela ai <; iy llead, waa relleved by Ueotenant-Commander Book upon the advtee of a m-di'vii ofl-cer, arho aa* ported thai iii'kiii'ii wa* ln danger "f proaM-Han be iHu*.- of lii* labora. Tbe Triana ln* brohea Ib tw< aud lhe ...iiina h.i* aank ini<> the aand, i.n.i it i* be lleved al th** Navy Departmenl that both reaaela are doomed to dc*trui Hou. gronr axd baib ib the wbbt, Oaborne, Kaa., Marrh -'>?? Dnring tin* last thirty *i.\ hun* one of the beavleM and awat tevera aaow -lorin* of the wlater ha* been laglag. Holbrook, A.i/:.. Mareb 93. \ heavy rata-atoim prevalBng in thi* ioetl >n Um li*t two daya haa eanaed ihe Little Colorado Rlver to riae. il the rlver ran* liniie* h'Kh -"tne valuahlo property will he wa-heil dowa the ilioaai The rallroad rompany had men nnd nnn. wofklng uii ii*-t ni-ht to prevaat aaabaata, rhe people of Holbrook have been protecttag the town i.v patttng Ib barah ami Itom along the rlver bnnk. [IM hank is w_.*liini- away napldly, an.l I* belnc rut iway by the rnrreni at a nn.' oa lea ttoi \?n- hour. strenuuui eRorta are belng made to tvn tho prapdrtjr. ITRECREM ll WOBK OR .1 BTBAXDBB HRKi. A lurv Park, R..?., Mareh ".:> (gpeclal).-The RritMh i>ri_c Joaeph Baalgaa, whirh iame aalaore near the Curtla eottagea yeaterday morniag; i* *tiii Mgh and ?iry on tbe beaetn The creara ed tiro ef the ve**.'i* of th.* Mi'.-i'.tt coaat RrecMng AaaoeMHon of New Yoi-k un ahloped the brig*a "i pe* maata to-day preparatory to punina ber off into 'i""p watet. The earaje of togwood is worth i-'l.tK).). Mororo TO WTR LIXOO .1 srw TRIAL. fimilen. Mar. h 23.?A "-uit offi. ial siid t idav. Jndge* itarriaofl aad MrDowall, ?in ahortly -it to art on a amtter of n. attoa tor a new trial lor Prancla l.inco. Both are _aM t" favor it. .imii;''* Hngg .'ind Oannl do nol favor it and will nol he aaked 11 *it with the bUmtb. The groaad OH whieh the new trial I* said to be asked ls tliat the ]ury arnved at a vcrdlct b.lure all the ?-ideaoe wa. lAj MRS. JENKS GETS A DIVORCE. HER IIl'SBAND OFFERKD NO DEFENCE.' TIIE COR-ORATIOJ. COUNSKL OF BROOKLTM CIIARUEU WITH FAIUXii TO bUlTORT HlH W1FK, WHO WAS BISIIOl* UTTU.JOH.WS DAICIITKR. The news that a divorep ha<l l?cen seoire.1 bf the wife of t'orporation ...iinsol Jenks, of llrook lyn, in Newpoit, R. I., was not aurprislng to those familiar with the str.iinel relationa existing lae tween them for the la_t tliree or fonr years. Mrs. Jcnk. has made her home with her father, Bishop I.itrlejohn, at Q__d_a (ity, since 1* .7, but she urainc.l a iiominal resklenoo in the IaM year at Newjx.rt for the purpose of untying the marital knot whteli had become disiastetu! to her. Tiie niarria.c of I'isiiop I.ittlejohn's .laughter to Almet F. Jenks, .-. pop.;T;ir Vale gmduate, and son of lirenville Tudor Jenks, who was the most emi nerit Rcpuhlican metnlier of the har of Brooklyn of his time, and vvliose son l>.i<le fair to follow ia his father's foot.steps, was a tyitable social 00 (?urrence about B dozen years ago. The partiee to the marriage were well known in social cireles on the Hrooklyn Heiirhts, and the fairest prospeeta for a life of happiness opened before them. The wedding was in (.race Church. But there wae a upon the family cirdo after a time. Finally reports of serious disa.reemcnts hetween hiisliand and wife heoame rife, and Mrs. Jenka returned to her fathecs home in Carden City, to whieh he had removed from Brooklyn afier tho Stewart Cathedral was c.ompleted. Mr. Jenks, who had changed his politics and Cor poration Counscl of Brooklyn umler Democratio Mayors, lived in a flat-liotise in Montague-st. for a time, but latterly has had rooms at the Brooklyn Club. The alle.ation in the divorce proceedings was that he neglected and retused to provide lor the siisteii.uice and comfort of his wife, _n<7s_c asked alxsolute divorce witli permission to resunie her mai.len name of Maude E. Littlejohn. I'nder the laws ol Rhode Island the cause was sufTicient and the deoree was grantcd. Mr. Jenks interposed no opposition. One of the witnesses for the plaintiir was l.ishop Littlejohn, and another Hor teBS- 1*. Douglass. Mrs. Jenks is thirty-three years old. Her foriner husl.and is about thirty-cight years "old. Ile has tieen Corporotlon CouruBfl ot Brooklyn for nearly si\ vc.irs. Re-ently he was made Judge Advooate-Generol on Oovernor Ilill's sratf, barinc prevloaaly in-en Jndge-Advocate "t tbe Sp*ob llrigade, in whieh otfioc he was siioece dcl hy Wl 11 ir.m J liavnor. Mr. Jenks i> distautly related to Wen.lell 1'hillips and to Dr. R. S. Storrs. His wlfe was Ihsliop Littlejohn .? only daugliter. When Mr. Jenks was aeefl Yesterday by a Trib? une reporter he refused to say a word about the <?___ and deprecat.d any publi.'ation of the matter. FATAL WRECE OX THF XORTIIWESTERX. TWO Hn I-ir.LF.D-CARS DF.STROYED BY FIRE? LOM OF EXFRICSS COMPANIES. MllwanUoe. ___, March -J5.--A serious wreck oe Turrod on the Northwestern road at Racine .Junetio. last night by whi.h two BB_a were kllled, one dar.gcr<uisly l.urt and three orhers l.adly injured. A mail .'ar, bag _,.- eor nnd flvc freight <?*_. wero dosiroved t,y flre. Tli . BB. Bfl-B-y BBSfl i- o.tlmnred at gOAJMOl The col lision ociirred at mldnight between a nnrtli-bound pas -enger train and a south-bound freight train. Follow. mi- 1- a ll-t of the vloiin.-: Willis Andrews. of Fond dn I_ic. flreman on freight train. kllled: Martln Uae, of Miluaukee, freight engmeer. probably fatally Injured: Deniits P. Burke, of Milwaukee, psss<mgcr engineer, danp-i-ouily hurt; I. T. De .llva, of Cht.-ago, expre*. nies-eng,-r, badly brul>ed ; Jol.n l.robbcn. of Mllwaukoe, pa-scngpr flreman. badly ?c.lded and daod in a few; .1. Ekawer, of Evanvton, 111., as'lstant e_pre?a mes-enger. burned and rut. In the safe of the American Expre-s Company waa .10.0.10 in ciirreti.y for Noithern banks from Chieago. Bo ii,i-n?ly hnt ild the flre become that when tlie _af ajraa OBeaN at noon to-day half tlic eBlfOBey WM found luirriod to BlhOB. and the other hair partially burn-d. I_e Mpreaa rompaay wlU l"-e about ..",,a.<jo ,,f tha money, enough boing sav.-d .,f the other half t<> Inrare iti redemption. Several thouaand doiiars worth of Jew ,-Irv wa-- Bielted and run Into ,,..o lump. The l'nlted statea Ezpreaa Company al-. l"st a large aniount of money. Not a poui.u uf expreaa or mail was _avot. ______? LBB CATTLE TBAIBB IS COLUBtOB. ..m.iha. Neb.. March _:-.-A <li-pai<li to "Tlie Hee? from M.tton. N.-l... Myfl : ''Tho ll'ci .m tiie lii.iling ton road ora-hed into tho rear end of a storii train f,?ur nllea oa-t o| lowa at 7 ::i.) this ntorning while ri.nning aft'io'rate'of flfty miles an liour. It wa-s snowlng hard -t 1! - Ume, and the Ilycr had two enginea ptuhlBg a -ii'iw. ph Ugh. The Btock train wa- not aaea hy tbo engineer ,.f iho p__aen_er antll Ibe tralaa ?>.??_ twent. f'*'*t ?port, Tli- >:'."? plougl. ran t>..<!,?:? ^i\ 1 a. I _M_M Wlth cattlB, tbroarlng them to tbo right and left of tlie trach. an.l tlic -oventh eor landcl 011 tOff of t!:o en_ne. Tlie aecond wa- throwa iBnenty-Bre f.ct t? the -ido ? f th- tra. h. aml f.ll 00 it- Hd '. ani-'iin. and 111-tantlV klUing Bngtneer Boherta, ..f Flait-mouth. llcury r.i,.il, hi- Bremaa, wm* eaagbl In tj.-- wreck, and the earaplng tmtmm Hterally ceohed i.i- leg- and araaa ao4 i l_. 1.. Tii- po_aen_er eoorhea left the trocfc, but wetd ii.,t oarerturnod, an.l nona of tbe pa-_ea_-t. ?a< mjuivd. it 1- M_d Ihat t'i- raaae <>f tbe a..ident was th.- wr ng ,,i-i,-i- glaren by the train r. I'i.* eattl e n. tho rar w&ch landed u t<>p ..f the engine were i--le_-ed hy the poaaenger., who built a bridge twenty llve teet |ut_ aml droa/e tlie anlmola .low... only iteer bm hurt." ?-*t tUICIDB Of A CEABLEBTOB COTTOX FACTOB. C-orleatoa, s. C. Marrh SS (Sperlal).?Tbe aottou market here avas a.ain BfNKl t-doy, bf another ma? te. ious -ui.idc. Between t ai.d :> o'cloek this after uoon c. w. Henry, a o-eU-known rotton tac-or, wag fonnd i.v lh- rlerk aitttng iu hia ofaVe, on Adjen wharf, avith ? l.ullet in lu- br.iin. Iu 111- right hand VM B n?W iv'..|v.-r, ono |;tri -*! of Whfch h.d heM .li-> h.r_-_. ,.:i th- ieek befbea th- tead man were hia or.i-r. i?H,k and eheeb-boofe. Sfobody heard the fOtal >hot, a-blrh muat have been iirc.1 obeat i p- ?. v?hiie tha un-? of tir>! rotton a_w a>ere at dtnner. Ke .ausa mu bc aialtaa. toe tha -ui.,,1,-. Mr. Henry \aa> prom Inent in th- rommnnity. 11- wa- born Blxty-aiearea yeara ago, ln Sfew Vork _tBte, and rame here whlla a l?.\. ilc wa- adopted l,y Mr-. John Wlll.e-. aiid _?-.? up 111 iho rotton bualneaa, being form.rly ... ti.e lina .,1 Mlddl'ii'ii ,\ Co, lio -c.vod darllag tl.e war lu tha t'uark.ton LIh'lit Uragoona, BBUQIOX IS W1BC0XBIX POIATirs. b-t. i'aul, Mareh -?> b_m_b-__oI , Tha leUgtoaa fceimg ln politics haa uut <iu*ai oui yet in Wivoi^in. lha spirit if tbo Bennetl laa agitation wlU not Mwa. la .ha seiiatc at Maall-on to-day a l.ill up for con-ldero tion Whkh piovides all otlt. cr- autlciized to roouBtt iepeodeol 1 hHdiaa le ladaaMal aehoola, asy lu.ns or other laaaHi Uoaa f.,r ran <.f .lependcnt . hi_? dren .hall. bef...s? oommitincnl. Iaq_lie into Ug-uua l.oii.-f .,f HWh , hlldren and take Barh beli-f into i?n-idor..ti ,11 111 M'lcting the laatHMlOB to wbleh tha .' l> The liill av..- Introdoced at tha ln-.tig* li,n >,f thfl a'athli"- 'i Milwaukee and the nieu-uifl n:-t flrltli , ? .n-1,1,rrabl ? opposition. A loag debate an_j nif.'lpitated ln whieh sc.i-t.r Joiner 1-d lhe oppOfllthM 111 a taa.. boura apeeeh. ile endeavored to ahea n.,j ...i.iilon between .hurch and Mate. Tho iprecUj creote_ great e-dtement and tha b_Q wm Uid ot_ra THE MtlBBIBBlPTl 1 REYASSFS. tJpm OlbeilB. Mar, h _',.?I>l<pai< hes refcived thla evenlng rcinirt that tho a.cva--,.- in st. Jan.cs pari-h Broo* . lo-cl l.v sup '.iritcndcnt J .hn M. (.r.nt, of the re_M and Pa. Ile Batlwa.! aided l,y the plantcra in tlie \lrinlty. This ci*cv.i?->e BM > au-. d l.v th- bloaaing out of an iron pipo, or Tlic Mi--i>-.ppi Kiver ___U____aa yostei.ay ad.,ptcd a r.--..lution to the .ffaet that btrnaftOT 110 lovecs sluill lie ron-tru.t-d by the (*ommi>^ion ln whi.h any eut, plpe, flume, box 01 ttmilar derlte i- le be pl_?-cd; nor Bhal any __. l.cndituro be made for tlie cnlar.cment or repalr or pra.tectloi1 a.f a lovce in front of any property In avliich they are to be uso.i or -Dowei ta ramaia u.ter tiie pr-^ent high wabr. lh- Wliir', Hoaae cr-*vas-e ls noar ,"00 feet wide. Ciio a'on.oi.i. erearaaae, In E..-r Cbnetl pari-h, ls 700 t-ct aai.k- iiiM th- water from :i li doing ^ivat damage. .1 WILUTXOTOX, B. ?".. PAPER BOLD. Wllmlngton, B. ('., Koieh '-'?? -?" The W.lminctoti DaUy Me-vcngcr,'' in, ludlug all tlie prc.?es, matcrlal and good-will, avas sold at auctlon t .-day under a .10,000 mortgage, for tr.,500. lt 1* __&.__??>_ thM r.v.'wu UU,, lf ,. - . *v. ?.ww, _ ubllcaUon T-lll be cj_utt_e?V.