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FLORIDA. m. PROGRESS OF VITICl I.1TRE AND Wl.NE MAK1NT.. V1NES BEGIN BEARING IN TIIE THinn YEAR VARIETIT.S OF WINE MADE-IN VOBTBSBM FLORIDA PF.ARS AND l'lACIIl.S IAK? IKG THF. PI.ACK 01' (Ut \N'".'" -. raca a staff niaaaaiimiaii oa tuk rataaaa tottmhmtt. Fi.i-. March SO?There is ** old 6tory of a NeitfwfMf who bauohl Bome Florlda land. Ommg h-rc to rlnini it. his heart Bank as he glanraiil arnunl aad aaa Botfclaa bui baieaa sand itndcr tlie pinc trccs. He walted la rata lor a sluht of a human K-ing to take rerenge ea. At la?t there linpned out befon liim OM el littie hurmwing antmals ealled Rophers. "Alone in Florida:" he .rled. aildrcesing thc ereatnre. pitringlv. " I'm sorry. but thero's DO help lor it. Here. take my title-dccds, and u.a.v heavcu have roercy on you ! ? That Northcrner waa the victim of first im preshions. Il he had dug down into the sand hc would have found it un.lerlaid with feitile clay. that is turning many deepieed tracts into a gardan. Weat ol thc Appalachicola River farms STATB CAPITOL, TALLAIIASSF.E. are plentlfnl nmong the pines. Ilcre. Ir. middle Florida, the Appakehlaa extend almoal to the Gulf. IVep-rcd roads intersect areen flelds and shady vnllcys. just as they do further north in Georgta pnd Teaneaaee, an.l the eanntfj is dotted with Inkcs nnd enthoweicd with apreadilU trees. Orapea, tobaeea, cotton, sugar oanc anl pcar trees aproot as if by magic. and a plantei latheia oae erop wblle watting w.r another. No new industry promiae* I'Hfcr than wi'.e making. An Austrian, Baron T0H Liliichaw, and a Bortlolais. lf. Emile Dubois. are rivalliug Arpad Haraaathy. oae for pleaaure, the other for proflt. At tl.e S.ui I.uis und Andalu.-iau vincvurds. near TalUhaairr you eaa taate natlve wiaea equal in flavor to tlie beal ev'r bottled on the Paelfle M. Daboia'a vineyarde have lieen under eultivatioa If-ss thaa Beren years. But he eomea ol a famlly of Bordeaux wiiic,;rowcr.s. whoae vines were tlie first attack.d b.v tlie draad ph.vlloxera. aml lus leientifle methoda have produeed splendid reaulta. Tlie aoll and cliniate nre cspecially adapted ta grai>cs. No wonder, therefore, that ha has count. lesf. imitiitors. Hut it is one tblng to gTOW grapea and another to make good wine. American vititners have prove.1 this by their deiperate arttfleea to eounter. felt foreign hrands. One entcrprising manufact urer, n..t from New-York, makea " line old Sjianish porl" fron. clderbcny ai.d blr.ckbetry juice, eider and apirite, ellowa a diaoount to prac tising physicinns, aud compo..iids an " unferniented claret" for the Oommaaioa and Bheoabltiah ln valids l.y Bteeplng Conoord giajics iur a few boura in sugar and water. Another advertises its "real Oporto'' the Juloe ol a frape that growa wild in Arkansas. Everybody knows that Cnlifomia wines have been "doetored" to give tliem a Freneh flavor, aad tUoec who drink much of the imported WHITi: fiKAl'I'--. article often wonder what abomlnatlona are con realed Uy a specious labd iti a foreign ton^ue. 'Ihe Florida giawara havo scnsibly decided to sell their wares on their merits. " Winemaking," says .M. Dubois, artlc-sly, "is the simplcst ol operattooa, requiring only eare and watchfulness. In Florida, we gathcr our grapea in July, not. as in Fraaee, in September, where the tetnperature pennits ateady and reimlar fer mentation. To make claret, all we do is to gfiueeze the Rrnpes, dun.p them with their juice into a tonk, 6tir them occa&ionally and let them ferment until all the sugar is converted into aloohol. In making wl.ite wines, we separr.'.e the juice from tha crushed hubks and let it feriucnt separately. The fermentation of port and sherry has to lie arrested with spirits." The principal wines so far prodneed are a port, whieh, with a good experience of wines, I found to compare favorably with the IMB popular Span kb bramls; Satttcrnc and Rhenish; a claret deli cately fragrant, a sherry that doesn't " bite." and a Siciliun mixture of darh and ligl.t wines. Ite aides the?e, you eaa find at tho Tallahassee vir.e j'ards an aged orange wine, that, barring the faint citroub odar, uine tasters out of ten would pronounce mollow Madeira. The Florida Bur gundy. skilfully handled, is better than the Imported Nuits. liut, like all Burgundies, it suffers from trunsportation, antj change of clituate will produee fermentation iu casks that have laiu quietly in t*llars here for months. Wheif tlie Florida wines are known they are alieady well Uked?s<> mu.-li so thal a hundred b.ttles could >>e sold ff.r every one prodttced. T!ie leaihng gn.w ers tM. Lut.ois haa alxty-flre mllea of doable tiej lis/ are indeed selling part* of their vineyaids to outfiiders aml conliiiing thcuiselves to buying the yield for their presses. Grapes grow all over the State, in the clay bllla about Tallaliassee nnd in the sa.udy Jands of tbe peninsula. Every vancty hns been experl tnented with, and in some of the vineyards sixt.v kinds grow slde by si le on tiaUilN 01 tiail ovei the sunny slows, iu tiie Freneh fOabion. In S> oth Florida the Earnaaaa varietiea do well, ao tbal ther? is a paaalbUHgf of reprodaclag here geaalne Falernian or afoaella from Ihe .>rii,ritial fruit. Along the Gulf cou?t, however, the loreign vine is not a success. it died nltei bearing, sametimes befoie betriug, aud sometimes it refuses to gfOW at ali. The climate seems lo afli-ct them, rather than tha aoll. The Norton and Cynthiana, lecognized by exiierienced gn.w era :.a tha beal red wlae grape in Amorli a, .m ca|K'cially adapted to Florida, growing larger here than altuost anywheix- rild. -x BtW Jtan n^o a eyclone blew downiniles of trellLses: tlie graaea luy on t!e L-n, .nd lor wef<s, vet imt ,? ol thew rotted. Thev make One claret and port, "lree," saya M. Dubois, frau t'IT?i earthy tastc ro obk^tionable m moai of our domestic wines." The F.lvira and ML-wniri R:.-., ling produc*- the l?est locnl S;.uteriifs aad Hock The Cotawliti does not thrive here, aaSering mueh frotn miJflcw and rot. The Coaoord doea not alwaya rijKMi aaalljr, and make* a poi r wj m-. Thia is the wrong M-ason inr laaaeeting vine yarda. All you oan see is the gnarlvd viue root tWtntni about. thr wire trelli*. ^ '?J-'-g! euttin? plnnted at tbe rfdet ot ***l**^Jr^9 iertilizer.for whieh their roota fcol. 4***** ' ?; ts ..1 ....llie.ry treea 1*11 tot wntw WUEhtJj . .;,,,. |.,ml with claV u mi it three IPei nmu . ni t varii-ties. AU the land needs is phoa , ?*is oi the %li,i-?r,.Mirs ,,re: keep 0? the anii, Let ln tlM -?wS ?'?*'? ??"' ?? an ineili.-. tO ~i? im .raliiagr. Several mnenna di*.***" '- vn ? t, i.ui nr, tu-*?_fnlly l'..u;ht. A n*? ' i..,, ii;..U** lome ttme ago M,?w.*, thnt. white the FlorWk cUnate la nol ao fewnMe t- ao manj hii is of grapea a.s Umi ol Calitornta, ttttt-axow '?",",.' _? ten time. incre jwofluble. t?j8Attttt ilSsa--an eaUmated thal ln Oalifornta a jrlneyw * SSSKoS than pay for ruliivat!n? in the tootita 1, ,.,,| .ave lhe anntinl net pr.-lit at ?*>-'/ ?" ? , lere lhe vinrs h.-sir a lialf-erop the thlrd Vear an.l tlie net pr.-lit is plaeed hy _^wera at over $300, tbe Floridn prapea reoching ?he Nortbern inarketl a mnnth aooncr ilian Vd abundant Yet anybodj who reada this and eeiden forthwitb to eome lo Horiite> nnd mnl e Ms fortune should tnke a leaf out of M. Duboiss b"?Ul'bnd l>een a wine-rrower all my life," he told me "before I came here, iti three Depmtmcnta ,,f Wanee But when 1 left Franoe I ?p.*nt a year a M^, Xere** and Vn'ouein solely to f-tudy s'veeUne makin,, of ^T}"**"**fi? Stnee the ureat frost of IH*-.'' Killel all tne oranu-es herr-uboiits, pears and peeana toive taken S i.lnee The eonnttyto ^vered with the l!_Conte pear oreliardH. The trees last month. ill*1 their'blossoms, looked llke so many white -iiL.-ir-loaves, but are now in full lcaf. Tliey were flral planted in a small way about aeren yeart Now tbere are more lhan 50,000 irees in aad near Tallahaasee. They give little trouble nr.iltiply rapidly from cuttings. nnd bear aome times $1" worth of fruit apioee. C)ne witlow derives a yearlv revenue of $2,000 from an in vesttuent of nbottt $l."i,0(?0. Nobody has yet atarted a oanning-factory In tha heigbborhoo I. Bui tlie Beld is attraetive; und'old sages are doing thcir best to perauade farmers lo eut down thelt acrcage of cotton and " get in penrs." E. L. ?-?- .? CAPTAIX MACKEXZIE'S DEATH. PEPCTY CORONER CONWAY SAYS TnE GREAT CHESS PEAYF.H DID NOT COMMIT St'ICIDi:. Depnty Coroner Conway, who prantcd tho burlal certiflcBto for Captain Goorpe Mackcnzlo, who dled on April 14 at tl.e Cooper l'nion Hotel, was seon ln bed at bis leiine., No. 158 EaM Broadway. yesterday after? noon hy u Tribune rejvirter. Ile said, ln reply to thc rhargfl of oagfect of hl- dutles: ''Tlio rtoath of Captain Maekeaate WBB reported to uie April 15, the day after he died. Coroner Meeaeaier pave the permlt for fhe removal of tln- body to Hcrmnn H. Kipp's undert iklnp cstabll.-hineut iu Becond iive. I vi.-wed tlie body on tlio sanie day tlie death waa reported to me. Not a ttott ana BBU Bboat suielde or death l.y otlicr than any oataial mcans. The einaHnted body of the mnn showed tlmt l.o hnd been ln tho last stngos nf con .?'on, and he could not posslbly have llvcd much longer under uny rircunadanfcs. I'.ut I licard that there wns n bottle found ln hls room when l.o died, whlch 1 tapposed wa.- ni.tliiiig more than ii cough mix? ture with .-onie aaodyne in it, whteh nlae consump tlvea out of ten take ln thelr last stages to alh vlute 1 delayed tlie burlal certlllente day. untll I got from Dr. Muellenbach, whosc dmg store tho bottle eame, a copy of the presrrtption wldch was In tho bottle. This showed that tho bottle hnd contalncd thirty-two doses, of oneslxth of a graln of morphlne each, wih dlredlons to take a teat-pootiful every boar. untll rolieved. was nothing unusual about tliat. lu one nit-'lit I have taken more morpliinc thun tlmt. sn i gave the burtal eerttteate, aa there was no qnestlon ln my mlnd as to the de<itli being cau^.sl hy polmooary phthtsts. I eaa no reason whatever to cliaiure my mlnd. Even If thc lmmedlatc CBUBe of death was an ovor-do-e f.f mnrphlue lt would not inean suicldo. The report that the eaae waa not reported tf> tlm Coroner'a offloe is, booaase 1 pot my Bat from there." or. Moellenbaeh, the drugglal who prepared thc preaerlptlon, aald tnal the prescrlptlon waa made out mi Apnl T, ami thal oo nther medlclnea had ben aenl utaln Markensie slnoe lhal time. Mr. Klpp, tho undcriakcr. aald thal when Captatn Mackensle ci.uie back Irom Havana on April 2 be waa in the laal ramptlon, iiiui ererybody win> knew him had ex? pected hls death at :UiJ' tiinc. DID YOV IIEXTIOK FURXITURE* The Feason of bpMng weddlngs has come round again, and beforo long younp f-ouples by thc scoro will |? -fttlliip down to thelr lii-t expi'iieiico ln real houso heeping in hOBMB of thelr own. In tho deliuhtful Usk ol llttlng up theaa town f.r country homoa for occu pnncy, no qaeettoa ls of more lnterc-t to theso young penplu tlian that ol furnituro. They are not to be sati.-Med with a histy selcctlon, but each artlcle mii-t be fltted to some j.artlcular corner, and aaaal earry out to a d"t BOUM pet idc.i. It ls for Just sinh jmrcli.'fc&eM as these that the Degraaf <fc Taylor Co. havo stocked thelr str>re, Nos. 47 and 4!? West Fourteenth -t., und No. 4* West Flfteenth-st. No hurried viMt or caroless lnspectlon can do Ju-tlcc to its exteat .md variety, but it lnvitea on? to come and ehoose for hlmsclf, wlth thc a<-8uranoe ^h?t, whether lds aaaans are great or small, his wanta muny or few, hc cautiot fall to be, suited. rir-t, take the di-play of bedrootu funiltnre. It includes chamber suitt-s ln mahogftiiy, nak, cherry, blrch, and blrdseye maple, in natural color, or ll|.-ht enamel: ahavlng stands in a number of new desipns, and tlie pretty beaaa bedstcads, whieh aro |a great domand. Iilnlng-room furnituro shows ? great a ranpe. Sldfboards, cliina closcts tahlBB and CBBlri appear ln (.11 the mo-t attructive Bhapea and BtylBB, up lo the claborate pleces of heavy ontl.juo oak, em bellished wtth rlcli curvlngs. Thcn, ainoug tho many other th.ngs whlch claim notite. thaaa aro the parlor enitea, uphoistered in brocateBea, latln damaaas, and tapeetrie*; the tablaa ai:d rablnets in Freneh gUI and haodsoma woodB, thc varioua atylea of trrlttng-deeks. the heavy armolrea Bad wardrobes, und hall .-t-.;ni- iu dark old Knglish oaa. It ls only -a.'.: t'. aay, ln attemptlng a description, that "the baM haa nol i.n told.'' 'jhe raeceC ol thli hoose ln sapplylng the wanta nf io laivv a . ia-- ol enstoaien i- due in no sn.aii mcasure to the tmrd work :u:d exeeptlonal btuinesi alillity of Willlam ll. ix-grauf. tha Beeratarjf and tre.i-urer ..f the Dbgraaf 4 Taylor Oo. Jf.i/L VEMTtCM OVFJCIALt IX COMWMBMMCB. A c'liiv.nt...n of praadaaot oHni..i- nf the BaUway >ia:i Befwlee waa began In R ?<<:n No. 31 of Ihe Po I Bulldlog raaterday. it wis ealled l.y Buparlntendenl R. C. Jacksou, (f tha ser..nd Divisioa, whieh ( ?bj N.w-York, t'enn-ylv n, a, New .1 raejr, Palaaait a:nl the Panlasala of Maiyland aad Vlrginla. ihe <ii- iu. sifui Kin be in reforenea i'i manjr Importanl lubjecta aieetlag the Ra Iway Mal] Berrlce 1b tb. statea, bal \(iii be largely teehaleal In Ita aatara. it i- axpeeted lhal aaaaa el iha Departaiaal odtalali at Waahington iuay Le in attcmlanec. thoae preaool JTOStW ti.iv arere ti... lolkiarlng: \-. .1. Bradley, aaalstant superlntendent, Net. Y<.rh: E. li. McKee, rhl f New Vi.ik: P. P. Warlna, chlel examlner, New-Yort; r. < Ooia, .-luef clerk, Harrlabnrtf, Penn.; A. J. MUler, chl.-I f-Urk, Baffalo; i. M. Uaker, chlel dertt, 6yra .i... , ? N . II lld derk. Plttsbarg, and R. a. bBilth. fl:..-f i Ii rh, Phlludelpl A resiil.itlon w: ? \ :, i law makjn.,' -vine provlslon for thc famlllee of hauwag Mail Sor . rhi who are kllled whlta al aw*. A TOVMQ UAE 0B TRIAL FOU III* UYM. Tha Mal af J'-im Aaaawoo. on the rharp.- of (inr:-- Piane Balrd Healy, wbb eoatlnaed beftae Jadgc PltagaraU In Oaaaral BbbbIobi poUefmaa J'.t.u RahaHa, of Iha Taaatyaacowd Pr. (Irrt. tf-stlfled thal UM |.n-i.M BBd t .1 i hlm lhal Aadenoa, u'liinm Uapd ami Daorge Hall ... :, ..i hUed togitlicr. Tlie mnid-.r wm cominif:-!. if i- Maaana iicaiy re.fn?.efi ? . i:,,... jroatha wlth '(hic.'i lo bi.i bear. The ia*j ?ri|l ^o to SELLING FORGED FICTURKS. ARTISTS- NAMES ISKD I.N THK *A?BE****4 HOW PEOPLE OF MI-.AN- Alll, IXl'tTI'-l. IO WTt wAii.R-oo-ou rnoM v 6Wi?d_-b* Word ? aant la Ika Tiibune. ? t ? ** a man. aaaaad Levy *?* awloggng peopla U?n* '' some Of the -uburban towns and OlUca "*':ir ' ' , ; Yorfe b> N-tlni 'lieap water color ptctBTM ln ****** ol nv'e at a prlee far la ai-anee of their a-taal worth. He IMfW-ato t!i?t tlie pl.'lur, l ,-,.v tlu- WOrte "? W?* knOWB KeW-YoHl trtttte, wlio have tontribule.l them tot tii- h.-ut-utof Ibe baUitag fui.d for the wtt Amatt can The puturcs are cv-ldently thc work of one p devcr enengb to ??*? *** ****** a,ld <JH'ai''v* Tli.-v are of u poor quallty. and such a*, an Indoatrioue Umtttt tan turn ont to a toW honrs. Thev are all _l__ed with th- aaatta of proealiu-nt arttoti aad aoM tn,??- worta. Thl? man hna total] heen opentlDg m sin- ginft wbtao Wa eanllettog itatetaeota wltk Nirard to -5 auibeiid?'it.v and nierlts of the mttmm havo aroUM*it some sUbpidon. _^ While at xv,.iK to *""K s*lng, he snrrecdon ln Inter e*i.i.g aoaao Meodi ol W. II. sl.elton. an artlnt ta thla city i.-vy l'-ft tiie gtateree aad readtty aicreed to ?ntt a lew days lOt Uie money, Wbleh Wna ggflO. Tl.e frionds of Hr. bhelton. it sccme, were not fully nMft fled wlUi their purcha**, and sent a dlspatdi to the artist aaklng him to tall an.l see the plcturcs and give Ha oplnlon ol them. This he did. As soou as ho looked at the watcr-rolor he Imcw they were not the worta of Iba arttota wboaa name. were signod ou tbem. Ho waa (ta-ttar wlta Uie style and ebatneter of these artlata1 pnintt-qg*, ani coui.i not bc deedved. Hc in ioi med bla frtooda ol Iba etteaapt to axtorl u. mmi txm Ui?n, and agreed to tako Uie plCturea to N.-w-Y.rk and 10 BM bBM ttty were dellvcred lxick to Levy. He called on Levy at hla home, No. U9 Wtot lorty seioiai-t.. and waa net at the dOOC by a man who uaid tbat Levy waa oa! and bnd kt do a ai whea bo wai oomlng baeb. The man further said tbat he had b< i ? inntructed by Levy not U> recelve auytlilng from bing m:i.-. TM- waa a "dead glvenwoy," for Mr. gbelton bad not e.\plulned tho naturo ol liis cirand. He only aaked to see Levy. Thc man*- fiUitcmcnt ronfirmed thc arttatfe aaa pliloiis. He rcturned *o Ins itndio, In lifiy iifth-st., -jrttere he had brongbt Iba plotarea, and aunmoalag in ezpre-amau, told hln ta toba tbeaa ta Ko. 149 Weet *,? j . o d-at an.l leavo them, toatrnettng the ex pttt man 10 tOJ IB anv one al the house who Bllgbl ?ab blai wiH-.v Uk-v caaae from thal lbe| were sent tnm nfty-flfth rt rbe aeheaae worted and ti,.- plcl ,,,,. rere deUvcred bart to Levy. Tbla wlll prevenl 1.,-vv from eotog the people to Stog Blng, whleb hc Ibreatoaed ta do wben they wtote to him to tata tiie ptetnree, a latter was aant to The Tribune grvlng a brtad ac cOftnt of thl. man'-, dM-blgB. A Tribune reporteo tnllod yeaterday oo W. H. gbelton at hla atndlo to Flftj fltlh-t., who sald: "1 io ool know what ln formaUon mu hav,; already of Ibe Levj baetoe-i or what would be fartber toloraaattoa I oal) know af his opcratlona ln tba Belgbborbood of 81i g dl -?? I thla Levj ttated thal hla water-eotora wore i mtrlbutod by promlnenl New-Yort artlata to ba aold for the beaeftt of tbe boUdlng fand of the new 6alon . alao thal tbey had beea e-hiblted at Uui laat .walT-tolor ei* hlhiypO. "Bo doubt hc tells a variety of storica. His aya tem peema t?. be firat to totoreat hla tutaaaeri eaoogb lo leava ins "gocna,' gettlng loe Ibem a fcjw dollan to bind tbe bargato, enoogb to eover Ibdr actuaJ worth, or a lew Unea ol agieeaaeal to writlng. Then ho au Donneea hla departare for OalUornla or tho "Hoi gpringa" il!l(1 >v,"'u *8 time lor poOectlon eomea hla Inexorable -oeJederata is on imnd to ?uo if neeeaaary. Hla enatomi n are alwnya rieb people wbo prefer paylng Um amonol mked tor ta lhe pabllcity of wbat they are a-Uameii of. ?' In thc two ca-^s within WJ knowledce hc sold these wateroolora to btoeka of uvo ut *.o aptoee, nab |Ug .-**?_*,() lu all. ?'Levy alicge* that he ha. wator OOlOTl by \\. P. Blcha-da, ol riilludclphiu. One marlne I ?w waa hiis'ued lBlch_-_-.' l ahonM Jndge thai a naaloritv <d ihe work Ik- tbowa is by tbo aame hand aod algned by ?,-nrious flctlUoui namea. I purpoaely rcfralu from rtvlna tho naowa ol tomlllos with whom he tuu> a tit, bj i Vnow thal theae people wonM nol wlrt to gnin any notorletj Th the matter. Thal ooodltlon lt ?r. Levr'a protection wherever he operutea. Levy wo* ao laviih in hla cobfllcttng itatemenU that my Iflendb m sii.k siiik -Miapeeted thal thej were belng rlcthnlaed aml sem, for mo. They hava already exam-ped tbe Uui cat-Oogue ol th,* Water-Color Soektj and found Done ol tin* n me* whieh wore tigned to U.plcture*. Tii-v wrote to him to come and get hli Pletm-a, aod Ue re-iied thal he would ne tbem for the c-.v. on the followlng iues'inv. l hear tbat be U Known i th.' -tuilio-. here an a ciiatomer who wUl buy anythui-. he ean gel al a very low Bgnre." JESSEY CATTLE SOLD AT AUCTION. BRF.F.DF.RS DISGUSTKI) WITH TIIE LOW PRICES OKFI'.KF.D. H thc pri.cs oMained yeaterday af thc first. dnv\ snie of Jersey cattle at the Amerleaa Inatltute nre an<- ln dlcatlon of the esteem whieh thc pnblle hu for UiIb biaed ;.t praaeal it aoald eeean aa if thelr glary had da irnted. Then; WOW over 200 bead ol cattle. n-p ,8 f- .?:,!% aive herrts ownod 1?y iiroinlneat brecdci-'. nnd aboal 100 weea *oU at prlee- whlch In amay eaeee wen- eertalaly waaarhaMy tow. The hlgl aai prtea p*i<i am Bm FTolle of Cheetnat M, brad by A. H. Cooiev. Little Britain, N. Y. Bha waa boM for mgJO. Koilee's BkMMB, bicd b> g. Vt. Robblns, Wcthersfielfi, Conn., broagW gSfiO. Theaa two wera the <mly eowa that brought over IBOa Oaly flftaen cattlo BOM at 1100 BBd over. Among them were Butoga P130, Eapreae P1TO, ..nd Wlaa 9330. brad br w. v. Norton, Aldeavllle, Penn.; Dahe of St Lan pet. .-riio, of Lanrel Wood her.i. owned l.y P. J. Pa Qreenport, L. 1.; Coomaeale'a LoelOe, 1135, bred by B. M. Burnbaaa, Baagatnrh, Conn.; Ometfs Buttei np, .-ii... bied i.v a. ii. Cooley, Uttta Brltabi, n. Y.: Carrta l'wiro, WHO, Ahbte Pedro, ?00, Kal pedro, Aino, bnti by Nathan Robtaa, Metachoa, lf. J.; 1...UI-' Prir.e. glOO, hr.?l by D. V. Appl-t..:.. Ipswl. tt Ma--. Many of tbe targe braederB praeeat axpreaaed ti..iii-fiv.-. a- betog aaiprtaed aod dlsgasted al tha |0W prtces otferod, snylng that the 60WB WBBB <? ?tt.iltily worth mueh BBora BBOoay, fven thoagh ti'.y were to i?. gaai 'only for miiiiiiig. One ?ary handaoaia aoa wa*. bougiit by a hiaeier for BaO, and he refased aii oiier oi ifioo for her a Bhorl Uma afterwart. Tiie laat ka yean bave aaeo a greal decline ln ti..' prieea pald Ior tln- beautlful Btralfl af anlmils, Ono oid eattte-braoder ln speahlng abont the matter yee terdny bbM UM aaa reaaon why the pnbUc bad I ? eaaty of boybig J< r i cattle waa tiuit lome yeara a ? . many breeden made a practlce of s?*llinp their I^kit ?? s-rulis'' at BOCtlon. bat-iv thia practlce, lt is maintalned, haa been abandoned. A fanioua row, Princeae 11, waa un.Id foi 1*5,200, whlle 115,000 aaa offeiad (or a fhrnoaa Imll bred from her. An,. iu- ihe breeden praaeal wero Jamcs T. Inglls, Mlai R. T. Mlntam, A. H. Mobre. Jol.u lt. Morrts, W. C Norton, a.-.-.i: Bhrich I'armly, F. J. l'ii .1. K. Roberte, Nathan Roblits, .-. \v. Robblns, Jamea htllinian, a. L. Thorne, Lawrenoe Ttmnaon, D. F. Appleton, Wallaee Barnet, E- Bodee, Prederlc Bronson, T. 0. Bnllock, g, M. Barnham, .v ll. Cooley, i. -. Con per. w. W. Darrah, Willlam P. Doaalaa, Oraen Mountaln >t?cji Farm Company, A. C. iiulals. r, Thoo ton A. li.ivftiif.y.r. E. A. Darhflg, ... S. Moolt >n, Dr, l'.. I'armly. Johfl Maver, R. ('. Wa.-liburii, J. II. Bnrgln, A. M. Colegrove, t:. Basthope, J. T. Anbstrang and ll. 11 Wheatcraft 'ilii.. T>i\Av will bc coi.tluued tn-(la\, beglnnlng at 10 u. in. Clir MARSBALB APPOIXTED. Mayor onu.t begaa yeaterday to niahe appotnti of city aiarshals. There wera thlrty-aavofl va. i of thu hiiid u. fiii. aad the nta appototeda wll] fc<M oflta lor J\ yeara fron May 1. Tbe feea aad . kfawd it gtl,000 tu 97,000 a rear. The naiabal who oollecta tha ara irs of peraonal tai sjid to have aa aanaal toeoBta of 112,000. Thli i j.jlm M. Datmoar, ?.f the XlXtb Dtatrict He a .- n appolnted. The othan app lated were Blcbard U. i.u-ii. of tha x\it: i :? triet, who la attached i.. the Slxth cutrw i '. aii court; John D. O'Brien, <>f tbe lid Aaaambly Wstrii i. for the Becond Dlslri. I i .? i Ooart; Joacph Boylaa, of the Xlllth Asaembl] Dk Met, i^r Ihe Thlrd Utstrtrt ClvU <..urt; John Ciaw, of tlie x.vnth AaaoBtbly Dtatrtet, for the Rleventb im :.ia . i-.ii . .::;:; Mi bael Mad ? ut A-rinbiy Dlstrlct, for the Mrst IMstrid CIvll t ..urt. All at--^i eirept O'Brien, and all appolnted ar- orcdlted t.. Dim.,.?:,-. il h excepl Marahal Luah wiu. la Uie Republican leader of the XVIth Dlttriet Mr. Lu I.-- t::-t ippolntmeail utme fr m Mhyor Cooiwr. Ihere atf tlurt\ one pl. yet ? i be .-iii..! ' KB SEXT THE POtlCl UA2, OB .1 VOOVi EBMAMD. i.i.t. ii r tavenleen yeara old, ?'? ?'! No. l - t. \ ;., a... u i,,:, j j ,w-i ., clevea r on AprU i.. ,.;, told .... ? .:? t , -?? i UmaaU onl of h ll-j waa ...... tpri] io in tir .. /. -Un. r, at No. TOo i wlth lu- -hi? Ifl hli iiami. Tha e*oor of tha plaoe had b?vn hrahaa epea. 11m yoath waa arr?--uii. aad i hi- trlil :n (.riierai - ?, h- told :i rlerer II" -iid Ihat . i.aa, ,| v aid King, '-ui arraoged | 1....1 Oatm Int I i -mt lt Thc i Uxor, ba l^ilf! hill. tfi be OB hand 1<. -??..;:- SVideil ?? ...-i.., t tl, burctnr* ll- wm ? n ba id and came t . r..-i-f. l'.-t f. ... -.1 thal 'n- I. ?i man m?.n< v (im . . , -, Ali II 10 th- | . Bf -I l-l.ili lo rr.u : . . i..? Th- offleer wanl Tf.irtv ilr-t -i. '.'. that n ttm. In . ... Bl.|nkman did .? 0?l, ,., flnd evwythlngaU ?"-'?.?;.' pll. i!e.'. boy was PinMRSSATCEOKBR WlU MBTRIBVTB. many nrMOi^A.n.tT. itv wmdl Tiir. MATOR UY*t BBMM. AS Mav 1 ,p_,n.a.l.-< iO-OT. tli.fUen iti irganl tt ,?o(v:.v tnwWcb Mayor Ora-U ...-:?:,- I- Mh. , raeanetaB soon lo tahe piaea. Ul thaaa ?.U.?**'.??jee.tosu-h revi-i ?, ,.s may bt UtAt Otttt B?a Ci-ok-r rc'tirn. revi-i ui ii- in.!.' "" . ,._ ... I it w,.- -,.id yeaterday that ******** <**? J . :>i,,nkitt had aiade a ahaaga a< to hU man. joha R : S whom be baa haee paahlag for Fattae Jaetfee. 1 Mr FUii.kitt. who ls a h.avy eBJBtinetOT i.i connct on \wltb the Doeh Depertaantf, aad the Btreel Cleanlng . DaaariMBl ?? ?* ll"* bat*maa).t Umt At, lt Bgpe-% tt, ,t a pcrson.ii fMaai at aha bead al oae of these waall 1 be a good Uiinir for hls b..-ln.- ii.te.-t-. Ha U thcvfor- now paahlag kelly tor Doeh Omaaaa*?? m Jmm Ma.,l,ew-'s plaee. At any rate. B 1 !hW? man wlU ba appotated, and Um c**mj*^a____: Poal wi... baa alwaya beea a promlnent nnti-iammany .man' wlll have to Btap down from thc p.csi ieacy of the Doeh Board, aai OoamlasloBar 3. ?argaaaa Crara will laecaed hlm. I? place of Anthony Elckhoir. whoae term ?plres as Flre Commls-loner. RUB0H .,1 liicreikdng itrength polnt to the appo.ntmcnt of John .1. Heannell. Tamnmnv leader of thc Xlth Dtatriet gcaODeU, it WlU bc retncmbered -wintcred" wlth Citilter ln Kurope, and was received down the bay ot, hU return wlth the ho.iors due a Bblet t?in baahlng m Iha Wlgwaart hlghrt taaor. Iha app.i.n.t.i.nt wlll be eepedally gmtifytng, tt torap re-nted. to I'n UA** PBrroy Of thc Hia Bonrd, who is nn ardent frietnl of .-.ut.h-U. -gcaaael] i- .... Iba state for Flre Commlealooer to stay," BBM B well Inforined poitttctaB yesterday, "aad thc Mayor eannot help hlmself lf he would. He knows ,.y?th whal the efft.f sncb au appolntment will bc S^MttdSgt of the cttfbut be gomtaed U,m of'.L teim. and ho cannot wnlniitiw fmm thal ' .",-,. canlfleM, who fOmerl] heWJ*f. i";.st. "| .???,.,..,M..m-r of Joron, baa been added to tho Ustof .....UUat.- a- Charles l.e.ii-'- auccessor ln that Offl*. HetotoSod npon as a weB-baeked appUcaal _??-* STILL TALK1XG OVER PLAEE. ONE OF TIHU-.F. H.Vl'ID TRAMtIT IlOUTES OX Tli'. WK-T SIDI'. XO BR CHO.-KN". maeaa le^pt John H. Inman from the meetlng of tlie Baatd Tranall Oommlaalon yeaterday, bat aU Uie lr,,.;?N . band-Messrs. Btetnway, Btarta, -j, ncer and Baa ** : . Nothing of publlc iiiiei.-t waa bcc.pllsbed. llacB bw Bf roataa and plaas waa ooattnaed, but no decMoo waa reaebed. It ls si led 4 ooe , f t.'iive roataa on the West UAt wiii i*> Botactod, tha three Inrolvhig ptans lor ba undergroand road, a *Vo, dacl and an elevated itrnctnre. xito liuant la deep In tbe mysteriea of electrlcRy, wMch lt would like to ?dopl ..- a miitivi- powar if ii eoald leel eertaln thal , ,; be relled oo. Bal ti'.- Doprt baa doabta> and grave b lt is t.ellevcd that the plan aud route to bo used wtll be m rided npon wlthiu two weeha. The Com mi-.i...i owing to the va-t Importanee ><t securing the best plan ai.u tho best ronte, la not tochned to act bastlly. _m_ SICKXESS DBOVB HER TO SLTCIDE. MM CABOU-TR itki; ant> nrn HBrKB had SL'.L.v BETTEB DATSi BUT MISfOBT UNi:s OBOWOED Tlll K. glekaeM nnd -poverty ilrove Mi-s Carollno rikc to ?rokWe yepterday to her home at Bo, IOT Baat Blghty nlnth-et. 8be aad her unman-led atater Bophla oeen pled neatly farnlabed rear rooma oa ihe grat door of tho laneroent-boaaa. Thay were woman of rettnenaeot wJk had -''ii better da] i. About a year ago tbey came to thli cily fi .111 Baltlmore where they were -ald to hav.' ;i brother engagcd in the tobaeeo trade. raroiine waa forty nlne yeai** old. goon after hhe arrived in this ,iiv the f.'ii aod injure'i heraelf .-" lerkmaly that she had io lle ln a boapltal KVeral weeka. Blnce then -he liaii not beea ttroog enough to work fot* ber own aop port. Her sM.t Bophta worked ln a downtovvn faetory aml eaned a mail anm \v.-.*n by aewing wirc around bai tramee. Tbe ilrten were attacked by Uio grlp a lew da; - agoi and Carollne- anflerlngi made her im.rsj deapondent, gopMa weal ta work as usuai yuatarday mornlng, imt -h" waa haunted by a lear tbat aomethlng evll had bappooed to her riater, and wenl home about n n. m. u h... ihe arrivi .1 there tbe found t arollno'a body bang big agalnsl tlio bodroom door. Carollne bad tled ? ? crcldel around her nert and had uaed a ?.d li.Ikerchlcl to luspend honell from Ihe top of the door. After adjaatfiig tbe nooM and mpport ahe had stopped oil a chalr tnd had been stranglea. Bhe had i...,.-ii dead ao hour or more wben her iftter discovcred her body. -? . .. PLAYIXG A JOKE ON ALDEBMAB 91X98. When tbe time fur raiiinc np "Oeaeral Ordere" waa reaehed in the B ard of AJdermen*. leaaion yeaterday ?omebodj played a pracglenl tofee oa Mr. Plynn, of ti*. Irt LMatrlet, by aaklng him ta eaO up "No. 77." Bup poilng lhal he waa doing a friend a tovor Mr. Flynn promptly romplled. ii" waa amated ta Und that "No. 77'' wai hli ..wn reaolutlon ehanglng the name of Pell -t. |o ?? iiiirry Howard.-1 Mr. Plynn waa not prepared to bring ii op, fearirfg tbat he waa wrthonl tiie neoeo ?ry v,,t,*- lo pa- lt. ??lt'-. wr< ni.*-,'- he, with a D-togled look of pata un'i rteeptabneaa, "to tiirifle with n mao'i foeiing loOm that." .-.*'.-. ral AMermen tnaUted on debnting it, aod Mr. Duffy argaed agalnal tbe chenge. When lt enme Mr. n.a.i'- tnm to ipeak he clted inataneea where itreeta hnd i.n nnmed for men itLQ Bring. Then be tald iiiiio, ? nily : ??Tho pentteman i have anmed haa been ebled en gtoaer ol tbe Plre Pepartaienl. i doof know whal hla roaaoni an lor havlng ?-. itreel aamed aftor blm, but ho probably wanta to gel rid of tbe etoneh <?? BeB -t. by drlving oui thoae who go then* to hll the plpe." Mr. Flynn ?lIU nol know how ex Cbtol Howard expected to bring about the reformatl m, bul ?eelng b - old ontagonlst, John Morria, ol Ui" VHth Dl-trict. m-tlng .,- ii about to Jolu In the debate, added i ??I .,,. ihat the Dcmoithenca of tli- Board is about ta gel up. i'f ie* doea tbere i- no telllng whare thli may bring up and l move to lay it over for fntiire a,, Mon.' Mr. l'hnn'- Wggeatlon was udopte-u* at once. _ _, THE COtJBT'MtABTl IL IX THE QALEBA CASE. Tho trial by ?rourHmartlal ed l.i.-ntenant-f >m \ Iiiekn, 11. of tli" Nuvy, "for taJtot Ing two v,--.'i- of the Nuvy ander bla wmau-od to be itraoded throngh - ' wID begln al tbe Navy yard to-day. Caj I "' F? Bradford i. preat deol of tbe court, and Lleutonanl gamuel c. Lenaly, ol tba ofltoe el the Xadga Advoeato Oeneral nt a/aablng too, win aei a- Jndg. advocate. Tbe other offloara of tho court ar*: Captaln Auguatui P. Cooke, president ol t.iie In^pecUon Board; Commander MerrUl M01 r, of Ibe Karal Home, Phlladelphtai; Oorn owndera B. T weodward, Phlllp H. Cooper and A. .-*. Crowolnshleld: Ueutenant-Commaoder Edward 8, Ilouaton, of tho trnlnlng-thip tllnoeaota, aad Lton tenaulrCommander Louis King-ley, of the Boston Kavy Yanl. Li utenant-Commnnder DlrkneU ha- in-t roturned fr,,in attendlng tbe funeral <>f hl- father, ex-Judge i,..-1.:. . ,'.' f,,iihallv ander arreat, poudliiK thi n ml! of ih,* trlal, belng deprived uf hi- iword and forbtdden '? leave hi- ?-i.iti-i.-i?- ai thc yanl. ib* n , -clved yeaterday a com of the rbarges ngolnit Mm. iii ? n m?i. a 'i Oaleua, ln tow of tbe powerful Na-. v (ng Nin.i. lefl Ihe Navy Yard for PorUraouth, N. II.. ,,ii March l-'. aod on th.* night ,.f the followinf ilnv both v.,-i- v.iv .,ii.,\,i i on Oaj lloud, Vlnc yard Soun l i.-.'.?:-:., ? Wa il the rec< nl ronrt "', ii nnir, whlch pla ? ,i lhe blamo for tii1 ilnsi the a,' ui ,i , ?*., r. He, on lhe con trai-y. gave le-llmony blsmln ? the pllot, T. M. 6mltb, .' ho v , - ln , hai -??? of the t I, for taUlnif from lhal dlrected. Tl, ? trial will i robably la t a (ouple of weeki. OBJBOTTXQ io .1 TEMBT LBigJf. Th" Blnklng i'n I dedded yeaterday Ui oif.-r Um i- .. ? "f ih" Waat Porty-aeeond-et ferry at ,-, np el priCC Of t - ytwi :i y.*ar fot* llir.*,* ?,.. .r ui.ih.'i o year tor llve yeara. If the Weal Bbore ... Company r..-fn e^ t,. l -. on t toae terma, Controller Mv, r*. u antborlied ta orrange for building .i pnbllc p;--r al the praaenl ferry laudlng. i ? i \.'. the rallroad ? | _d tbe eity only p_joo, rhlel ; laclpolly from tin* ferrlage of , omp r: ? iii* te* th a the yrxEiiih Ot hexby MAB09. ? Th.* fun-ral .,f Henry htoaoo, wbo dit*l in Parls, ? . on April 10, 1 iii.-riiliik' at ehareh, Ur tdwaj aod Tantlwt, Tba raeter ,.t the > imt. h. r: llev. Dr. WUUaui B. Iluntta N || | ,' ? " . 1 I " ' .!'.?' ?? ?' " <.i-.'*i. u.'hi. The '.fi:'. md ? number ol frieiid_ aeeom panled the bodj :?> tn.n tery,_ ]U:NSOMI!KS!-IiV.THi:-Si:A. tai ? MiytaiBg i i. ta at taaa lhal haaat baaa daae al _ imi SPECIAL NOTICE. HftttaX lcnsod the entire building at is West 23d St, we shall reinove our busine>s there next Tlmrsday, April 90. Wa will at that time i>c prepared to show a large namber of J8ottaot in al! varietics of wood*, espceially suitable for siiimncr Iiomes. They will Include diflbrent Onishingi of Mahogany, Ehwewood, Oak, Walnut.Chem, Ebony and White Enamel and OokL There is nothing that gi*M as much ptoawae or nafcei the home more attrartive than one of these instrunients. It will interest everv niemher of the fainily, M even those without cal knowledge ean play the /Kolian with a few days' practicc. Any piece of music every written can be. obtained for the iEolian. . . Yon are cordially invited to visit our new store to see and hear the JSoliaii. THE /EOLIAN CO., Bear 13th st 831 Broadway, New York City. UNTIL APRIL 30. THE COURTS. OOUBT OF AITEALS DECISIONS. MANY UA.VDI.U DOWN BY EACH MVISION OABBM) AUGUED. Albany, April 28.-In tho OoaH ol Appcals to-day tho iollowluff dccislons wen- hunded down: The Poople, appollwit, agaliuit A. L. fclmpsoa aud othera, as eiecfitOM, reepondenta, judgment at Urmed. with tosb, to respoiidents, to bo paid by ap '"'kI.'^Uo Adcle oakloy aud other*. ??*?*?>*"{ naalott F. W. BlecUiieiin, treasurcr ol Loni.- cfty imoieaded wlth J. I.yon Uardncr. .^pallant^. Oriet nfflrmed, and wrlt oi _f*^* *_1_J_ ordered al Specfal Term, with eoata t-> tba respondent* 01 K,tSallePAdel^..tUIey and others, appellant*.afahurt K. Vt. Iilecknenn. laapondont; Wllfua B. ??*l_? and othf,-. resp adonU, agalaettke I;anlu;lt.e Btata ?f New-York, appuIUnt. Judtftneut afflrmed, wltn ""l1 n-dfiK k J. Froweln und others, appeUante. agalnst Moeaa 1.1...U.-1..1. respondent: tbe Poople ex ?* ?? New-York Undorgroand Ballway Company, appoUant. ak'-Linst Jolm C. Newton, Oommtoslonar of. lnibUo vvorks resDondent. Appeal dl?iuishcd. wlth 00 The l-.-.i.i.'. n-i,.:..!.'.., agalnst E. Bemlngton * Bonsa ln re . lalin ol tbe Lae Amea Oompaay ? ln cepe tiiion ol Wattrr J. Eaton, Baalgnee Uaiuei \\. laii , ' o and others. appolluto. Of^rt ??. r\>????h' "roaiuror, otc., respondaat Ordee aOnaad, alta "*& Lora m. Baater aad otteaa, *_****_tt*___Mr\ ,l?. cooporstown and Basquehanna Ballr .-l (ompaii>. tin^liaiit. Motlon for reargument denlea. m tha laeoai Division thc ft.uoVi?g decisiona were bandad down: . Blanche L Aadrewa, rc^mfi^t. ngt. Wffltam c Brewster ..nd others, aa exeentore, etc.. W9*unta Bespondcnfs motlon toi ot *o|?dj V__Y SSts; appellante' motlon lo amaod remlCBtar duiieu, WlSMthoWS^ttar ot tha Jadldal settioment otUmtf rnunts Of lluiit.uh McGowaa. BB eynuirix Of J0k *? Walluco. dooeaaed; WilUam GjrroU. ^ta';^ Iom, MBalnlstratrix, otc., agt tiu- Lake 8horo .md Mlehlgan Soothern RaUway Company. ?OOoa ror re argumant denled, witii .fn> eoata. wminm ii iiooriro T. Newlitiil. reapondeot, agt. w llllnm 11. Appleton* atid others, as surviving partners, otc., ap pellants. Motlon denled, wlth MD oorta. . _ llejirv 0. Hutigerford, rospondeiit. ngt the ^jractiH;, lilnahaintf.'i and New-York Ballway Company, ap pollant; bu .in Cartla and eaother. aa executora. etc., p.-pondenK agt. Mo?c? Htirt. lmpld., etc., appeBanta. Carollna D. Craah, ra^ondant, airt. the Ppfty-socoaa Strei'i etc, Kallroiid Company, atipellaut, wiiiiam -i.ii.l.'v. respondent. um. Willlam Plelthardt and an? other. appellants; AJlcla Francls Ooodwln, tn.lividu.illv and as adniltilrtratrlx. etc., and another. agt rtiomas O'Brien : Janws Kctrhcn. appclltuit. a?t Samnel 8, Low rrv and othen, reopondcnts; Tiiomas Martm. resp. no etit agt Luty E. Stoddard and another, appellanK. Natiiiiti Mlll. api.elh.nt a*n. Chorlse Edle, respondent; Catliuilne M'Ulaw, n^poiidont.. Bgt. (icfirgo ti. Wheeler and another, appellanta; Qeorn Iiark, appellant, a^t. the Clty of Burtalo. respondent: Martha K. Fll.oti, re ipondcnt, agt. tha Brooklyn citv Raiiroad compiaiy. BppeUant; Kichard D. Alllger, respondent, .-urt. "Tha in- oklyn Daily Baa}*,' appollnnt. Jadgmaat aUraaad, with eosts. ., ,, __. ___, tnastaOa r.mdv, respondent, ast. thf Manhatun Ballway Company, appellant. Judpment rcverse<l. new trt'iil irranted, eoatl to abMe th.- .-v.-nt. Kobert Oere lianlt, respondent, agt iiora.-e iuman, Imiil.-aded. app<l!ant. Jndgment afllrme<l. wlth coats. and 10 per eent by way of damages ou tho amonnt ol tho Judirnient. The toUowiag BPB the calcndars for t>morrow: Flrst i>;vi5l..n-Nos. 71, 80, 7fl, 70, 04, 05, 110 and U8eC0Rd I)tvl3loti-Nos. 310, 357, 340. 300, 352, 350. 370 and 373. MRS T'.EACM OCT OV THR IVSA9I ASYI.CM. Jndtre o'lii-i.ii. in tha BapremaOoart, Chambara, yes terday tf.ok ap fhe piaceadlngB began by tha Anti Kldnapplng Lea^iie to procare tha rele.-i^c of Mrs. Harriet 9* lieoeh from Blooailngdala Insano Aaylam. A v.rlt of habeas eorpai ha<l been procaiWd bv Mrs. Cornella 8. Boblnson raqalrtng the aayhua aathorltlefi to brlag Mrs. Ilearh to eourt. WUsOfl M. Powell appeand Bm the Bsyhua aathoitttee yestepday, and ?atd that Mrs. Daaeh had beea dlsehargad fr..m the asylam on the day before. Alfr.^l Deaah waated the eommltment anaalled nnder whieh she bad been beM. Mt>. Beaeh'i basband, Aifi-ed B. Beach, was m rourt. md .ludK-. O'Brien tfrant.yl a new wm addreaaed t?. bla returnable at 3 p. m. At that time Mr. iwrt f,ili.<i to produce hls wlfe, aad said that the wrlt should be sorved npon his son. Tho wnt was then tuade returnable thi-. moruing. HF. WANTs TME UBUBIVB1I BSKOVSD. Mr. Wntren. of the tirm of Hateh B Wama, BMfe BO applteatton to Jadge o'ltrlm. bi tha Baareme Oaart, Chamber*, yeaterday, for ihe removal of Chartoa 0. Thoropson, aa receiveraf th.. ttortb Anwrlean Dradglng Company. Warren inys thal Jamea A. Blmmona te eelved a loan from the Third National Bank f.r 175,000 ?nd '/ave as M-rurity rapita! stoek Of the Dredglng Company. simmoiN. be says. Bted the BBoaey for Us oan purpoaea, aud Warren deelaree lhal the bank kaaa the use t.? wbleh Bimmons Inteoded te pal the money. A-sult must lw began agalaal the baak, Mr. Wtrrea says, and Mr. Thompson ls not ln a podttOB whare ba ean eonsalenttotaaly proaeeate Ihe aall agalaat the baak with the rlgor with whirh it BhoeM be proaecated. n,. appUeBtlon ls made on bchalf ol Ocorge \. Chapln, wh.. ii a eixlltor of the Dradgtng Company to Uie ex tent of .f 17,ooo. The decUdon was reserVed. ? ? - a "gnBrruAUBrg* butj pob ubbl. The Rev. charlea P. bloCarttor, aaaa a ailnlstar in th- Bpiaooaal Chnrah, later ln the Dalveraaliat churrh _4 t?r tl.f lasl ten yeara a BplrltaaUsI by profaaaloB, ta wlni wiiiiim J. fBBkt, once ac edltor of tiw da i'..i,-iiinl Citv " fur #10.000, for ftinet paper "lh.- Leiasuai ?n>, iw -. Ubel lo tha aupremo Coart "Iha Geleatial atr mat devoted to tne LBtereeta <.t -apHituallata." The aOaged her. Thc caso wtll be eonttaaed to day. ?-? IM TME CHRBD WATM SCPKEME OOUBT. Waahington. AprU B8.-Tha Supivmo Court ttxlay kranaactad the foUowlng business: lunaa I Blocom. appellant, a?t. ABgnstas A. liru'l'i a?.>nt. ete M.Alori to dexket and d&BBBBl dewo 1878?Harrta A. MaOer, appellaot, ngt AagaBtas'A. Breah, ageut, ate. Aedgaed for ar?u meNo M,iy7:!f!-Jaaaaa 3. Soeaia, eppallaiA sgt AngustoB \. Braah, agent, ete. Doefceted and astfigned for argamenl Bay 11... ., . . No. 352-Hehry Thomas CoglUnn, sppcUant, agt the gonth Carol na Kallroad Company. < ontlnned. Ex part.-: In the inntter ol Peter J. < Uunaen, peU MoUon for leave t i BW petition ror a wrlt of iiitindaniux presentod, nnd p ? t: ;i;.-d uiitll rnni^.ay. No. 355 John M. Francls, appellant, agt the i nlted State*. ?' .ntlnued. , _ .. .. No 343 The -t Louls. VandaUs an.l Tarre llautc Knili-.'.a?l ('..nipanv. appellant, agt. tbo Terw Hau? .md Indlanapolli BaUroad Company. Argamaat con 'Vi' ' 34 1 -i.ouu st.Ti. exeeator, ete., appellant. apt. the lileuvllle Water 6oppl) Company. AljOied. Adjoorned mi to morrow al IB o'elock. TTi.- dav i.iii tor WodneedBjr, April 30, will Ih- h foUows: No,. 346, 847, iii-. Bia, 351, 854, 3.>tt, 357, 300 and 801. _ _ OOUBT CALBWDAKI fOB TO-PAY. Su|.r'iv CoBtB-Ocneral Ttias-Keeeas eaatlaaad. Court?Cluunbe??Before i1'Brl?, J.?Motlon e?l.jidar, Nm. i t.. ?0, c?n.-<i ?t ii o*eloek. .vu| r i:.. y, .rt-bp.;. i..l IVrm-lMrt I-iJO.'ore InKraih?ni,J. ?Adjoiiiin<l for tii. i. nn. OupinieB i ouit?ii;o.'lal'sr'. I Mr HU t. nn. Bupreaie Coi rl?ClTruB?Part 1?ABjouroed f^r the tam Hapfcme Court?. i ;.nt?l'.irt II?it.lf.:.- .snniii. J - N.,^. Iil-U. 40UU. 2ViA, Bi.06 :?'<'-. 3K'i. Jl.'l. i'AA'i, :.-f-i. .-:. .ii .?.. ilSA), UJ33. 8479 K fl UB9, JflOO 2870, :n 10, l.i Suui rcult.?r?rt III 11 t- l'.iti-1.-..U. J ? N'os, l?'J7, 006, iM:. 2554, -'.|... 1582, 2481, -H.'i0, :vi. -'-.'... MM, 15s-. -.-...7. J.i.. ?27, 1?77, 35J5, 2174, 2708. 2S18, H67 K048 2401 llil. Mupr- ... . enrl?Lircuiu-Part IV?IJpfore B'scn, I. I&48. h..rtofc?t"'? . ourt?Befero Kaasom, S.-Wllln of Jain.? V. McM.n Mmv \V II. V.n VI- k. 10:80 s. IB. for pr-.' ;.v.? \viiu ot wiuijii, P. l> Koblasoa, ailoe . J. lt. IliuM*. J. C. K. r-.-n '.. r,Vr. M..rit< Bawfl. lt. ri.uni I ul'iui. Ann >.? n.?>?. I. I.. MaodooB, 10 ?. ii. , J. II .... r.... f.AiA M.i..r. J 11 .vi.,.k., jr.. J. W. l awr.?:..?.? aod Ourothfa Srhrrlber, 10.30 a. a Huperior Courl ...n.iai Teran idjoumed uriUI M..v i. Buprrlof Coiirt-fipeclal Tell ttitat* Tm.ix, J?\u. | 447. hup.ra.r Court?Trial Ti.nn-1'uu I, II and IIl-Ad- ' juui a, 4 tln t. rni. . im..m.j.i Pltaa-Oimilat lirui?llrforo BuoksUvor, J.? j M'.'Uoui.. ' Common I'lea*?General TVnn?Adjourn.-d unUI to ?orrow. Loti.non Pleea?linultT Terro?Beforo Bl.--r.o-, J_ \o. 92. Ctn.n.en I'leaa?Trial Term?Part I?Refor* ITyor. J? Noa, aro. 825, -.1. 8-0. W4, 2il, 6!M, T14. 170. 87|, Ml i-.Vl. 797, bOA, ttt, 427, -"'. 63_. 7-XI, 5-7, ll*v.-, (Oo. 780. W_, 62'J, 007, 10*), 82, 820, 7.-2. Comaioa Pl,?--? Trlal Ztrm-Farl lI-B* Daly, C. J ?Catt"* to be aent from l';i t I. Cana-M Plrai Trltl T-m.-Part III?Bafera Ailw, j, ?Caaee v> be aent from Part 1. < ity t'ourt?O-tienil Terin?Adjourmid for the t-rra. Clty .ourfr-hpedal 'lerm-Beiore Van Wyck, J -Mo dotia. Clty Court-~Trlal Term?Part* I, H and III-Ad. Journe. for th,* t-.rm. Clty (oun-lrlal Torro? Part IV?Before McOown. J_ Bp-elal ,-_!? udar Court of Ov.r and TcrmlnT?n* for? Van Brunt, J.. and A-1-.i-unt Iilstrict Attorney Week-?Xoa, 1 to 3, ?.clt_ilve, Court of ftenerel Beaaio - Parl I Befo ? ? Ifartbi I and A-alatant Mairfcl AlUluey Mclntyi.?.Vo?. I to 31 j lnclualve. Conrt of Oenarat .Sci*,lonit?Part II-H-f .:?? ntlgMBld. J., and AHalatant Dlatrlct-Attorn-y Towua-nd?Noa. 1 to .">. ln* i'.-ive. i ..'i;t of ii-*neral Beeatona Parl Ill-Rifot,-* Cowlng J., tad A ilatant Ljnn?Noa. 1 tu IL inci.atve._ IoIPOUTIXQ FIXE HAf'KXEY HORS.ES. Tho National Line st"Hrn-lii[i Qti<-?*:i kMded at her pler yeaterday eight as llnn haekney lior-ej as h*v,i aver beea imported Into thla eouatry. Tn.s lot con .-i-te.1 of on.- ite-ttOB fttnl -*v.*n man*-, and ls the property .,f Qeotga Oreen ?,f tbe Hotel M"tropole, and tin* animal- uUI he sent out to hll Foreat -Tton SUicll Furm al Kutonah, Wost<h.*-t,-r C.iiintv, for the purpoMj of bnprovtog and deveto] d coach i.org_. in Ameriea. Tho -talllnu, < ili".i ltu.u?, Jr., is ,.:..y . yearllng, but is the only son of Rnfns, the late ha- k-_*y champlon ln England, for whom wa* otfered - fore his death. Hr. Gtaea had te pay 18,000 tor lha yearllng Ail tho niarus are ln tlie ha-knuy btud bOuk. mt MARINE INTELLIGEXCE. WNIATUHE ALMANAO, To-niT. 8nn rlaeea-7 I Seta ?:50 I Moon risea -i Mnon'a ac>? tl hioh waTan AM?8t_.a-rH.o_. 11 26 i Oov Islant 11 AS | H?l! Oati-t. 0 51 _-*._.-_*_-/ Uooa. li,jo I aov.Ialaad 11.j' i Hall -at?. l .-j LXCOMIXg 8TBAMBB*. TO-ruT, Vett'l. Fryttn tttltd Uno Moravia.Raialmra.A-.inl 15.Hamh Amer T'-uiouie......Liveruoot.April 22.WhlU -'.*. Bliyui-na.Autw-iru.-V;? r11 18.i.M *-,-_: TIII U-I.-.T, Al'UIl. 30. Lalm.BraaMa.Aprll 21.9 it A/neter-am.Itott. raam.April iii.-.cto auj. r rnniAr. mat 1 cafuoaa....-.Lagoayra.April 25.Rad P OUTOOIXG STEAMKRt TO-DAY vaaaal Pattat, Un*. frjr Mftllaelivi auE i,ern,.u)ie. Wiutn 9tar. i.iverDO0l. tf a in Oi.U-m C'ltvof Cneater. limiiin. Larerpoal. if p in Oillla, Cnnanl. I.iv,r|.o,,i. l? ata \V, iru. Ni, Iaovd. Soutnunipton.* 5:S0?m ? a m Zaandam, N'.-t), Aner. Amat~tt_ua. 5:HO?? iu am W.i, ...itnl, Red Btar. Antwerp. 7 !*:30aru l;.*r I'li.U. uii.*l?*e. Binuinila. 1 V ia 3 p -u ()7.uii.i. riydB. Hayti. 1 \> m '? |> m Pliiiaitcllitiiu. R.-.l I). I_ifrti?yr.i.Pl m K im AUi.ia.- AtlaM, wt Marc.Il ani 1 p ra Xiratoga, _*TY_ Cuba. Kavaua. i P m i pm _nonao4T. afhu. 30. Anaustn Vlctona. HambAnier, llamouru 7 a in 10 .10 a in /ehaooeaBnua, Bahama8aOo. Na.-iaa.. 1 p r.i .i p iu lt "l w'l' aias. sian li.ui-i. .to.10 a iu 1- ui Triiildad. uu.liuc, Heraiua_._. 1 p .u . p iu FltlDAV. MAT 1. Cityof Para. Paciflc Mnu. I'oinn.10 aml'- ? Alpa.Atlaa._reaada.-le.n am i ptt Buruiey. Uiiebec. Wlniwanl laUnd-a. 1 pm A ftt bujcutoil Tower. B V _; PR, 1'orto iliCO... -30 p ui AM u 01 SHII'PIXG XE1YS. PORTOFNEW-VUKK.TI'Es.AV, APRIL,28. i191 AIUUVKD. gMga-erClreaaalafBn, Ueddarwlclt, Ola-gow AprU liaad Moville 17. with id.Ih'- an.l p-tn-ni*.*!?> P, lleini,non Broa. Ar. rfred at tlie Har at 2..a. ? m. TheQtie-an (Bn. Heeley. Llverpool AprU l-'. w.tli nii.e and pussuuKii- to 9 W J ilurit. Arnv.-.l al tn- Hai al .^te-mer Mnffalo (Hn. M,il-t. Ilnll April IQ,TttBoilia W. wif. pidae t? aandaraon.'. s,,u. Arnv<-t at the it i ;, m. Sieani.Tl I'liinh.i I tu . Dl M,r< ?>. I'.i;-r .?> A. Naplee 4 an.l i.iiir.ilh.r ;?. aritt indae and paaaeogen to Paotpt Hr-a _ Co, ArnriMlatth" IJar ai 7 a in. -t. in:i*r Aller (Our), Cliriet-ffo.-, Hr, m.-o IU v.a *-, uthatrptoD lv, -itu rmiw aud paaeeagento oelrich* jt co. Arnvvd at tli" B?r at *.l.i>iii. ? Vuran, ii. Bakcr, *s.iiito*i March -l-.i. lti<> J-ii>--r? ? vla st Tbomaa -''. with m.tiean.i p-Meogeri to C .i ? Braall Mau 8a Co. Arrived at lhe Bar aia p m. Hteamer Rondo tHr,. CUnaak. IL arayiown 9. BellM ?." mth mdea and paMengera w Houiiuraa A Ceatral Aaaart. eaaeaCo. Arrlve.l at ih- llarui .1 p m Mtramut Trini.U.1 lB?. Fnwet. lP-rmiula 5 day*. with in-Ne ?Bd nasartigera to A K Oaterbrldge & OO, Arriv,*. at tae 11-r al*-i._i"-i* Joa.iiiin .M.< "iii iMei . Norr-. i.M. PrafW-l Aurll Ui. in ballaat to ti Anialutk _ Co. Arr.vo.1 at th. Ilar at mld Dl^teamer KI, ynic-. Xow-Orleana C .Uya. with milaeto J T Van Blckle. . _ . , M.umur RMOraade, (Jonaor, K.-rnanaina 5 ,lay?, withm.lM aod oaaaenaera to C H Mallorr A Co. -teamerCityof Illnnin-iiani. Herg, barannah 3<_iy?. wl.ii onlse aad paaaen-era t? R L. Walker M,_i,:--i Pawaee, Trlbou. wininugton, Nf. witii iii-lae and oaaseunera tn Wm P i'Iv.I.** i'.i. Meamorf-ue.*. Bteveaa Newpert Newiau.l Vortolk, vUh nul**. aiut paa*eti?er?to Dl.l Uoiniui,,ii ?*?'',?. SteanierhM Whuiu-y. RaUeCt, lloaton. arita mdae w Hg DSt.'aiuer Clty of ntclibor/r. Blbtwr. Fall Iiiver. to Bor.lau A hteamer Amo? 0 Baratow, Corwln. Provlrt-uc-s, bUNsiiT-wuiaat laadv ii" >-i. BMdaraaa- 8; uair. At city laaiua-lutit. NW. C_J_AR?_0. Steauier City of Clieat.r (Dr). Parson, Lircrpool- Petm Stf...-i,.i oarrlck (Br), I'ratl. Llverpool-Bu*.. ,v lai Ol M-aniiTtS. rm.uile(Br',.i atii.-ron.Iaverp.*oi J fttaaaerOaUta(Br). i'erKiisoii.Liverp,>oi--Veruoii ii itrowa 'staamar W.*rra (Or). Pohlo. Bremen. vm, soathampton HtCM-ei (-"arloU iDteh). rttttO, Botter.Iain-U Htura!iur< HMa aar Hriiiant (Oerl Baager, BoWacdaai-gaala; Bon. i Waaalaad iBato), i.nuit. ABtfarg Wai \-.r.?oio eu-aer Ralqaia Wort, Und,Ol_ara-H Daawub r/> Suamer Simon Duiuola (Nor). K.miu, 8avautlu-H Untnoii nuaanTAtheajBrl, Maahar. Port-auPrince, Jere .tr PhU-aelabu. C-Am-era. Ugaayra, Pa-taChhana, Boalton. BUaa O Dall J si.-al'i.-r !'.,.tiaiHr;. HtJ.u.i.a. SP. vla Hallfai-Ho?r* ^w^^-waaaaaat^abuc, Norto.n _aa_teng?i-tom ^tanlercayvitA'tUnt-, Dole. vso.t I'om-Va-O.a Domin **imm Bamaa amwr. Bummm bow?-ii rmmocb. EAILI-B. st.-amer* UaadfC Citv. tor Brljmli BojvUj, nan s .,. | . , ,. Mara-l;-- J;'*"*1'1 ?' J o('A onyanrtoite and Kaaa-ha, Newporl Rawa < ity oi At.-_i?? \\ i*.-l l-ollit. X-U MOVKMKN1S OP STEAMtl-i. rOK-U'ON l c.fcaw.w. Apni U Airt-rad, Maaaatr Stat,- of P*>nnayl vam 1.11 .ian. Irom New-York i.,.,ria iivKKi-,' i. AprU -7-Amred. iliaaiir Aaataa ,Bu. l.tna ^DrR'a^-mvad. MaaaMT Baaia, snuth. from Mew*Vor?^ iiM-r, f MirilW Arnv.-.t. -rtea-et J.-.-ey Cllg l-W. ?*n. dB_____M-v'w?-fjrll M-Arrlvad. aaa> Ridw. Baa* fioui Raw-York. Aniiouiii-* ii ? nia. iT-jlHli-ave.. al*..v- -???-? ????" '"? *** **??" HF..VUT A. Uasiicls. M. D-, ?jO Wtsr ttTB'9T. __, -,__. Dleeaeee of the Rarvoai S*..te_i. 0-uito-l'rlam OrgaM Impoteocd and Steriiitv. Raaw 8 to l. a to _. Life-Sire Portralt and Ona Do/en CabineU Kor rift-en Boll-ra, . at Roekwood'a N.*? OaUery, i.'k1 Breadway. ?ot*-as. OtUea and P0-.I111-! Koum. Uround lloor. Tlie new ili:iini.'-r?orii iti T.iylor't* s,f?iiI^>1'1* llot.-l may U, *h lhe ??? > ??" / ",' I I v-nth at. i.r r. ? ? . i:r.,?],-. iv "?'''?? >"r: ' l- ?,..ptrd to pnvat ih.atr-. dlnlug aad lunch v**-. *? *-i*ni*-! aclMi-atial trom Uie publie rooui-.