Newspaper Page Text
V?-l_l.NM(L237. NEW-YORK, TIHRSDAY, APRIL 30, 189I.-TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CEIVTS. PR BRIDGMAN RESIGNS. A QriSTION OF DOCTRIXE THE CAUSE. THE MADISON AVF.Nl'F. HArTIST 0?O-tOB LOSKS IT> l'ctrri.AU PA8TOB. The neml-ers of Uio Mailison Avenue llaptist "hurch were great l.y surpris.d an.l dis.ippointed last evening at the announcenicnt of tiie rcsigna tion of their pastor, Kev. Dr. C. D-W Hri?.g man. ' At tlic close of liis YYedii.-sday evening lectiire, which was delivcrcd wlth liis WOBted cl0q_en.e an.l 1101 ?10-00?, Dr. Hriilginaii left the church Ior his home in East SiMy-third-st. Bo lore tl* congregation was <liMi.ii-.scd, however, J'dward KHiott, clcik of the chiiTh, read the fol li.wing o.nviitcing and touclung letter lrom the **>!.'Iieor ISrethren: For tliirt-vi ycnis I have ^ntA aa__ur minLter?years I canaol rovlea wltji m\pMatMri,"!,uf-.,..:.-.:. mo ridh teve ttoy baaa lo 3U? -f conlWence, ond ol t ie iteadJtetne-i ol your &T Khon l eaae to rou ll wo. ol ihetom ?? ? w,k ooottaf eootrovei-T, tbe lasuee ol whfcb wero STt vim * llv ai.i.; v..? w. ra a -1,11.11 company. mMMkt *na -oVtlllt. itood la ov woyj ao* progreas ^tffln.lK bat t:.-.i.:l. II." fOlth and OcVOUon Of t__e *ii> stood wlth me, there woa _aaeh m**A>* *Sw y__t.* aii" tbe way opened I .: lar^e iu,<l . woV- Ior Uie klngdom ?l onr Loul. I betoUs ol tbos* Sm ___- ou. ooltjf the more V*r*^^? Lws^ we loved; ao- tho tore tea oonttaued. ____?_ l_.nlio-0_ t-> our u work, end maklng S??5_Hld"n- tha"Vw pastor- liavc hod a deeper and ," rv .'?? -1*1.111 J.'v m the fellowship ol thelr people ,,v. in.i in ?o_r -omponv. w, have Known , SSTbooTb-I- tow pi.v.-mi it I. Ior ii-r.r-'i todweU __Stl_M hTwiltT. We have had both temjoVol ood ^r:...ii i' Through the b_e___.g ol ttod you ^-____RkW_-?-~-t tUM m iho way of your r-ith.r advance, Your unlty 1- more to me than anj KnajlaZ re-i: aod slnoe I Havo found hal aaermon rrerentlv pneiM-l ."i has disturtwd a few mln_a, and haa Ifdiheitl to qnestlon the ?onndne-? ol my aVwtrtne, fr-'l thut my pnstoral relatlon to yo,. n.ust to in end. l d.. nol forgel that sinw the -pnoon wm pp_rhed von havo as ured .;..- by a n?"?ou? VOtO Jl,<,..r rordtol ..'.r."tl..i,. ol yonr p-atlt-delorithe (plrltnal help received from my mlnl-1 y, and ol oving ?nd heart v ro operal on whil-i l romaln a- your pa-torj rmpr-teful fo" all you hav- tald B_ to yOUl -OpC that our feiiow<hip wlll nol l.e broken MIU. I am forro. ... believe thal a few were not ln orrord wlth thal vote: and a. 1 an, en r..ns-t ..te1 tlut ?nv ?1th..Miric of .-..iiUdeiire mtist Impalr the hearti Se Of mv u.lnlsiry. I lu-r.-u,, I-m.It my re>ipia Uon ol Uie ofliee l hold iw voiil pa- or. to VtU- effe t with th.- rto-e of nexl f-Wtay. The Bonoratlon ln vr, ve* the mo-t profound -oitow. Many ol you I have ]_<1 to the f-vlonr: :.?-.?. t all l have W-Ieomed nlo the t'hurcli; your sorrows and Joy. have beon niine. lt u __n_u .- sever the tl-- which teve been woven between a. ln Ihe varlou- experlenee. we teve |MMe4 throui.h together: ' ut I eannol do ' an.l. 1. ili.' OeclBlon ln.- been reaehed after dayfl and "ir-ht* of painfnl -oUrttnde on_ earoeal prayer. lt inii't he (_eeept'-<l B-- linal. Wlth the prayer thal the Ood ot love and peoee will ?h!d- with von. and olve v..u abnndant prospertty, l Bm vour' pmtot, C J?-W. I;ridpi.'ui. The 6ermon to whieh Dr. Brldffman refers as tau-in? ti.e dtot-f_-_iee ln Uoohnrch was prenehe.1 on the moralng oi lVhruary 15. ll.e text was taken boa M.rk i\, 4*1 nnd 44: " If thy hand ofTend thee, eal it off; it ia better Ior thee I i enter into life nr.inied, than liaviu- two hands, t<i go into hlll. Into the fire that never shall Ih* quenehesl, tli.-ir wonu dicth not. and the fire is not qoencbed." "Now we know," said the Doetor. in the eonrse of his serraon, "without iny atoytag *o deoexihe it. what the popnlar opinion is. or has l??en. coneernlng the hell of whieh it s|x>ak*> in the t.'\t; and I tnn.-t ii".-l begln by rejeetin_r it. from the ronstrnint, the irreMsTi!.!.- oonotralnt, >.f the eoiivietion that i!-is dlnetly oppoatd to all that (lirivt ha? shown and told us ol Ood; that it la cor.trary to the Nvelotion he has made to ns of the Fnther. * I do not Beknowledge it boa that support in the text whieh has Wen _______ fur it. 1 believe, on the obntraif, that a oorefnl and unprejudi.-ed examination of tiie DOOOOge in the lii^'ht of the eontexl nnd of the S.-ripturcs penerally would have led to far other views. would have dis.overed a far truer preoentO-ton ?.f God?une that is. in.leed, slcrn and sever.-. yet ln perfect aeeord with the Ulvine Fatherhood which it has deelared. "To my mind, the ur.gortlike and terrlhle hell whieh r-ast,. its lartd ulare upon our DOoka Of theology. aeoreely h .ve been found liere at all i.ut that tl..- aeorcbera, ln theli approaoh, broaghl it Withln then., und having unwittingly inserted what they brought, it so...i apneoied to belong there. The difflculty is new to dlolodge and east it out and deoery the>realitv. It is dittieult beeauae of our tradittono; beeaaae the feariul thlng bai for s.. long been Moodoted wi* this teaehing of it. ??It is obvtoua tbal the Lord had no reference to a atate of eternal tonaenl by thal us.- of the word. In Bpeakinn ol 'Gehenna.' He thought ol lt as a plare ol eorrup-on, as repreoentlng the gath eiiag togethet ol Um worthless and the outooot. Thnt is the sense ln the pooeage ol the text. . . . The hell agalnal which tbe Lord h.-.d worned tho people is just the lownrd depravity which ielh-hneaa uud uiibeUef and unfaitlilulm-.-s U. O-rtoin to breed. Baeh as I undewtand it. is the doctrlne with icfereMi to hell flre. II we neglecl or refuse to judge aaiaelvea foi our puriflaitlon, the Lord will judge us. and nothing wil! cauoe Him to refraln. He will lie unqnenehabh. toward us. burning tgainst our cvil with 00 ever inerei.sin.r inU'iie.ity, Noolu-ety, peneveringlf. even until there _? no Biore any sin. "This is my message this moroing, a tneaaage long meditated. and -Un.-ti I have apoken to you witb a pro/ound benso of ita ookmnity and of What is due tO the l.'sjH-l of God.-' In speaking ol bla resignatn.n last ovenni with a Tnhune reporl.-r Dr. Bri-gmon Baid : Foi-i:..'iiv rear. i teve lell thal the ductrine crfend les. tormenl wa. liiconMsten* wlth thesplrlt, .nd even tlr letter of the New Tcstamcnt. and ;. contnulllition of those Instinet. ol the moral sen-e whicli li <l hM put la ..ur natute. u rannol I.inared R-th the Joctrine ol Divinc Fatherliood which leeius I . nie cen ._- ol Chrlst. Tlw fa't thal 1 \* ao lareeh disciedlted ever, In the mo-1 ortbodox churches I-.: mc to conclude thal the Ume ted come Ior a plaln, ? utterance ai to the matter, so ttet ny , at least, mlfthi be free fram tho lnjpnt?tl''n th.t we atood for b doctrlne we bad t.a_*d . ,I"I"N' Wlth thls eonvlcttor the -ermon wa- geacteo- " wa. plea-rtng to - me, because in ar-oi-i ?ith i. ? a Uraer number fhund It belpful ln brlnglng thelr vague Ideas aa to tbe purpose ot the dlvlne pun Ishmeul Int. dellnlte foim : bul a few, from ttelr Uwln lns-. tbeh meiong haMI of thought, ttelr conservatl-m, mme pwned bj It. ae i iho?-e?l themBelvoa feanul <*> i> Ihe eteracter of my futnre preaehing. Tliev ronstitute ;? vtrj -mall part of m. tion. airnaU i.HH of th- churc! : but M I B_W ln my lesipnatlon. l have the detert -f a Bcnsltlve t".,:..".a Bet*. .ud tiie fc.llng (hal there were anj ^snoaed to U.ten to nn pre_chlnB wllh . purpoje to find a new eaoae ei oflence woaM be unendurable to me. The Baotl*. denomlnatlon. accordlnirt. \ta constitution ond onchi t<> l"- the free-l m the world Ami -? the v\ml trothB of the rhrtstlan falth. he onght not 'to ha, thTt te wll ..o. Bnd n lt a Pdplttor t . . r anee of Uioae t'uti.-. From all .|.i-'.i"'- l'.i. l.wl Maoionoe* ttet ven many ol mv RantM brethren H_pathlae wlth rn. ylew; ond. altaougfi lt ? a small n rompan-d wlth tha of the :-tb:it .;'. '>f " ' from an through the graee ol Ood "'?"-'<;< >'' - ? m reerei tevlai glven ut-eranee to m> eoovicuon wlth (?__._ t?. it. Wh? aaked w_y he left the Church when t.tVr lii.>_-*-t ehurebea expeeaaed their aympathy With views. the DoOtOf teid that he believed that expression sh-uld lie given to-t__oe -,b^0*M lnvohed in lns gemon. Another eh-i'li. Which taw nothing ln their ezpreaalpn to diaquaiin a minister ai.d whioh leeelved i.iu. on thal naaia, would plaee no bindnutce in ihe >\ay ol _i UKfiilnes-. _. ,, . , An effort will be made to Indtoce i?!-. Brtdgman to reeonalder hia re_t_mot.on. A committee -ni appoiote. btte laal evening to confer with him iv garding lu withdrawal. _ ?_ ,. Dr. Brldgman wa. born m Saugertlea. thia R~>. in 1835. His lirst paotorate waaal Morru ?owg, N. J.: hli M'.'ond al Jamalea Plaln, Haaa. After a sueeessfi! .nifer Ol the latter plaee, he was called t-. tbe Kmanii.-l IV.p! ist < ol All.anv. While pastor of that chnreh the U00 tor's congregation ereeted one >.( the targe. flnest IViptist ehurebea In tliis State. In 1 - aeeepted a call to the Madiso'i Avenue ISaptlst Choreh of thia elty. Theehnroh atthottlroe had a inemlvrship ol onlv nin.-teen : to-day more than IM name. ao- to >h> found on ita membertblp r.H. Dr. Hri'lgiM.n io rigbtlv '_on_ldere<l one ol the goBt clo<|uent aad vh'ilni'y mlnuTteri ol tbe Baptist deaomlnation, UOrWMBJfTt or CABIBBt OBNCXBB. Mbayagtea, April n^-taetatair Tntif raoayd to W(_4iuiigt,m trom l.orfolk laat right. leemtwy i-roctur h_t ttU- tity Ior >'cw-Yorh t_U af.cr_.oon. ANOUTBBEAKFEAREDIN PARIS PRECAUTIONS TAKEN BY THE AUTHOIUTIES FOR M4Y DAY. ACTIVITY OP THE ANARC HISTS-XO LABOR DEMONSTRATIONS TO BE ALLOWED IN THE CITY ON MAY' 1-TROCBLE THUr.ATEXED IN" SPAIN. Parls, April ?_:..? It is ofllclally announced that nn labor (lemonstratloii will bc allo'.ve<l ln the streets of this cltv on May Day. A aertotu fe-linc ol alarm prevalls In oflirlal clrcles Iktc at U.e poastbUtty 0- an outl.reak <m UM flrst ..f May. A- a result, tlio inilitary and police nutl.orltics l.ave ??iken. and are taklng, cxtrcme pre cautlons, and are maklng every preparatlon poaatbla effectaalijr lo meet and pn.nipily to snppifss any dlsorSer pn tbe part o. Anarchleta or other-. Beveral vlo.ent Aoarehlst lilBlllfBeliTa, lnt-nded to lnclte tlie soldier- B0_apa_Bg tl'.' garrison of Parls and its nrlgh borbood t. revolt, have recently l>e.n riirtilatcd by agents of thc Anarchists. Several <,f these liucndiary doruments are ln the pOBBBBBlon of the police, who are now enpaged in ManblBg the liouses of the Anarchlst leaders. It 1-, announced that from to-day nntll the Mny Day excltcnicTit is over no soldiers wlU bc allowed to b .iv. thelr barracks, except on guard duty or to bring In" snpplles of provlslons, ete. Even thc ollicers are con llned to thc barracks. To e.'ich solilicr of thc garrison 100 rounds of hnll cartrldgc have been distributcd. Tlio niilit'-ry have also arranped plfl - "f eonimniiicition vlth the dilTerent mllitary p.'Ms l>ar racka and forts. aml bave eompleted arrmnfementa for the concentrittion and dlatribution at polnti ,f vantage of the troopa avallsblo ln case nf d aoraer. Thus, thc entire military and police foreee .1 Parls are prepared at almost a momenCa notlce to laaue forth trom thelr qnarten and Occnpy thc street^ and iquaxefl "i l'aris ln euch a manner that any Anarchlat movement wUI !"? practlcally sure tn l,e' nlnped in the bnd, however well planned it may be. The Commlttee on Labor . f tho Chnmber of Depu Uei ha' i' appnv-iii ,. maxlmam woiking day of ten h.urs for li.dustrial operatlvea. TIIE IU-HFCB MAB8ACBE. ALI-EOED TO HAVE HSUIflBD PBOM THF. EA8H XK-S OK CHIIK OMM1SSIOXER QUINTOX. Cabutla, April 'JO.-.Mr*. 1*. St. C. Grimwooi, tlie wlfe of .Mr. GrimwOOd, Ut? HrltMi political agent at Manlpur, who was murdered when f'l lal O mmlaeloner James \V. Qulnton and the otlier Britlah ofhelall laat th'ir Baaa, has arttved in tiii*. eitv. Aacortlaii t<. Mrs. lirl.nwood's account Ol tho Manlpur UIBBaarre, tbe whole rtlMist-T Wai eiitlnM due to the rasimoss al Chttst Comrnisvioner Qafalfton in refu-lti- to Ustea to advice piven hlffi la 1*1 . aj to thc aafOtlattOBI bel-g conduct ed wlt.i the n.iii.c chlcfs conccrnlnp <hc .kpositk.n of the MaharaJ.'ih. Mrs. Orimwood adds that the Bntlab have litlle rlpht to eomplain <>f the Senaimtty's Ireachery, laaa maeb as the Benapntty (seeond brother of tbe depoeed M.iharajah, and eominainler In chief Ot the Manlpurl t ne-i was lnvlted by Chief . -e Qulnton to attend Ibe darbar. wlth thc fllreet latentton ol tahlnc him nnaw.nv- Bad pladag hlm under m-rcst wlthoul the bkwdsbed wbleb woaM, it was tappoeed, have re -ul', "I fr.m: an attemjrl opcnly t" aireal that cln?ftain. The Benapntty, Mra. GMovwood mts, In some waj oc , became iaa_)lckmi al Hr. Qainton'a IntenBoni, and eoasBqaaatly dM aot appear at the darbar. Bnt Uie wily Mai'iipuri, on the other Iihii .. BO well planned a ebeefeaiate nvvement that, Inatead of aUowtng tbe iniilsh ( omml-loner to arre^t him, the Seiiapint' i Testcd Mr. Qulnton and trta M?tr. Mr-.. Uflmwood'l storv, Which nobody seems to doubt is thc tme veralon of tbe ccennanoea vhlcJ. led BB to the Manipii.1 macflaci-, has caascd some reflec tloni to b? east upon Mic manner in wliich tlie enttW Manlpnr Inddent has bwn liandled, from thc tlme tne Miih-.mjali whs depoaed down to the. appaiantJ expllcable delay ln yiisiiing forward thc Brttten f-icaa. MANAOEMENT OP THE OUELPH FUND. THE (ll'.RMA.N (ioVERVMENT TO INTROnt'CE A BILL OIVIBO THF. COUKTBT CONTKOL, OK IT. Lerlln, April 80.?Ia thc lower House of tho Dlet to day. Chan.eiior von Captivi made an Bnnottncemeot to the etfeet Hut Um _?cv?riinie.iit intendec! t^ ,wU,**V tv bill ln the rourse of tho next s^sslrm plvlns tho countrv eontrol of tbe Onclph Kinid. The' Ci.aneellor Bl-0 pointcll out BMl H was |tn poaalble to aacertaln the uae made of the Gneiph fund during the laal twenty jreart. All tho raedpU and Keoonta bad been burncxi at the end of every year. There was. he added, nothing etngnlar In thh bnrnlng of tbe recelpM ;<"<i neeonnta, u it \va> hitended tbat the neea to whleh tbe Pnnd wbb put should be known ODly to the Mnii-t-r Of UM Departuieiit to Whleh th" Fund was aeslfned by ihe MntBtry. Ti.e axpendttnre arronnt imi.ii~h.-d In tbe preea, tbe Chaneelloc ex plalned, waa without Btgnlfleaaaa CbaneeUor von CapHvl also dastaded the Oo-ern ment'a aettoa ln eooflscatlnfi the Hanoverlan property, and -ai.l tliat he eNpeited that the bill WOOld change and extend the objecta of the Kimd and ramove all nlmeiirltv Ti.e i'm..). bowever, would not be a havlngs ?anb for tbe Hanoverlan famlly. L-ter on, replylng to ? ...- i.m mi the Milijen. the Cbaneellor sald that rh? Governmenl wonld ad .pi the pHndpljs of the fu uiv law without waltlng for i^ enactioent -* PINAMCE9 OP THE ARGECTUTO. London April "jO.-'The Mamlard's" Bnenofl Ayrei eorreapondont say-: In an Intervtew, Prealdent PeUegrinl itated tbat tbe Arfentlne Oovernmenl had : ,., i-,ue notes againat reaerve aU-er, lo be legal tender at pa;- wOne for aU obllgatloni in fntare, but not to atie.t dcbti Inearred before tbe laroe li decreed. A law wlU be paaaed declaring eonti-cti ide In tbe legal currency invalld. Thu-, lt will i?. Uapoaalble tor ei-dlton legaDy to racover g?l?l n?. GJovemmei I f ?nd it Impoaslbk t.? obtabi _nn.clent eold for a goU baato. Thc baaba pave offl-lal notice ol their inabiiitv to eontrol the _oM premtam. Preal r,."it Pellearinl ls ol the opinion that It will be 'i.i'itici-, IhiiH to bondhoWera and to tbe Governmenl uf the whoteof the external debt is conaolldated on a 3 per cent baete. . BUBIAL OK YON* MOl.TKE. Crelsau 89.?The body of Ki.-ui Manbal Ooant von Mottbe reached here to-day, and aaa coaveyed from the i-aiironii rtetton to the mao-olenm by offlren ?f ti.e cniras>iei-, thc proce--bm belng beeded by Gen? eral Le-lnaB, Blabop Kopp, and tbe civil Bathorttlei bf Crelsan Tbe route whirh the poaaeaalon foUowed waa lin'ed wlth members of th.- difrerent veteran _o_dler?' BBBoelatloni. Pfrtor GrnedlU l'^''^'';';1;;! ;,? ...Mt...:. at th. pmva, H.,d tbe eeremonleB eloaed wlth an nnthem. , KIIIK.D HI8 WlK.l.E KAMII.Y AXD HIMSELK. l>,, april 20.-A terrible tragealy, In which a whole famlly loal thelr Bvee happened In Uui eity to (]av a man e?ploye? ln the postofhee here was .,iz;d wlth b homleldal frenay and tetally attaetod ab 1h? ?,,ni,?.rs ,,f hli himBebold, never ceaaln, ta Wa ESod, wort until he bad mnrdered hla wlfe, mother , . ' ,,i_... , Mid.-en rl"i" man then atarted ft lalt lito thc rivei- and wa- drOWneO. THE WMTBBSB OF INDIAS IASTTItlP. VtetOrifl I' (' Apill 8S.- The, of India. Ihe lirst of the'newi'anaiiiaii Paettle LH..- iteaners, arrived oii*ti.e i.arb-r yeaterOay, axaetly ten daya, four bour. ,,?i ihirt] 9t mlnataB fram Vobohama, mah-ng tbe JS t.nie onl-et ,nl. Thev.i then ..lled f?r Van conver after Mayoe Grant had preaantad I aptata Utr . .. , _...u ,.r nif citUvus of \'i.torl;i, wllh a ;!..'r ;;:;,,'hh:";. t^^u^^ * ***? - thc lirst atoa-aer oi Qm new ( blna Uae. THK. BATWABD CASE London. April .!..-" The Um.-'' ...mplaii.s of the delay ol tbe Saj iraid ttm ln tbe Unlted Btatea Bapreme i oi.rt it deetarca tbal tbe actlofl ol tbe Cnlted 6tatea anttaorltlee li tbe eaae aiu.-t tba ehlHted ?.,.,M |o expreai u opinion, and -ai- that L?r.l teUalmry'e r?fa-al to ^\^X^'''u^''^ *** leg.ii piocaadlagi Ib aaiplj tm9At*99L the frmwrovBVLABD BBatyriAxicm. london Aprll _!>.-L.-rd Kiiin-fn'd araa in OBBB munlci.tlon t-.iav wlth tbe Bewfimnalaiid del n-Utivc t.? the terms of thc prop i -.???i Mttlemenl if tM" polnti at is.-ue. He promlses au arnuipeniciit of the matter at an early date. -? THE BAL05 oPEXED BY PRESIDEXT CAB1C0T. p'uis April "Ji?.-Prc-ld -nl C.ii-not to day formallv opened the Balon ln tbe Chami Bt] wee. I^norrow i,.. vamUhlni Say, Bnd tbe exblbitlon of palntlngi will !/? opened to tbe pabUe on Friday. To EXl'EL USBBSIrl PBOJl BT. I'KTK.Il8B1 W< 1. ^t iii. i-bii.p, Apr.i ?_'...- a daerae haa baaa IPJB-lai the ei.b.neiiieiit ln Bt I'etcr^burg of the aaBM mm-agabBBt u.e HeScawi aa were rccently de? creed a?ain?t the Hcbrewf ol Mokow. Xh_ tov** nsslgn. certaln plaee; where Hctrews will be permlttcd to livo lu Bt ivt'i-li.:-. ?a-? DFBOAB in THE italian CHAMBEB. UG-TOB IMr.iu \xr> BXBIOTJS CHABOB OOHCXBH* im; tiii: blavb tbade?TBB _-it Tix.; sr-]"iMu:i>. Rome, Aprll fft HgBOf bahrlanl, in the Chambea of Depatiea today, ipohliii on the Afrieaa tpm ti n. eharged the Itallaa Goveraawnt with peiaallllag the alave trad-" la i?c curr.ed an opaaly. signor laabrlaal al>o mada tbe aaaertton that thirty-tivc young g.rle who had baaa from finir larmer oarncra, under Ihe pr< t "\t nf l-BC-Ung them ttom slawry. had la-n diatribated aa-ang a namber of ItaBaa ofiiccrs .crviug | wlth tbe Itallan Army In Afrtea. I The Marqala di Budlni. raplytag lor the Italian Gov- j ernrii ?','. prot -tist againat such BBQB-BtloaB bcliiir mud_ i wlihiiin ..l.-ol.ite proof ot tlieir havlng been br>t ohtalaed Ainii. nfea nf -It's a l|e," '? .Yltlidraw," th" MinistT of \\:?." decfeued tbal ba woaM not raaaatn in thc House uuie ti.> ebarga waa .rtthinanra. a prolenfed apreef, dartng whirh aseeral vioient scencs wnre wllntBBcal. faOowed the .>f ihe determlnatii.n ei tba MbllBtf- oi War. Iba VntL .].->:t i " UM <hamb-r WM uttcily un.iblc to eontrol thc exrtted Depattaa, at.d eaoeeajaaatty ir. was compeiied t.i nupend the ittting. __gaar Imbriaal la thc same Deputy who. on March 8, in the Hoaae, whlle tbe eleel .rai mandatea wera belng rerifled, -aid tbal be regretted that aoaae mtm id aeeepted money to defend eertala cand tha eom-Bttl * Intraated wlth thc work ei reri Ui esc-tlag leene and apraar foUowed, hn* Blgnor imbrlani rBfaaed lo refcrad i.i- raBaafba. <>n i March J- Blgnor Imbrlani caaaed aaotber and more Mrioaa dMarbanee. He ahaated ko Blgnor cn-pi: ?? You aiv B -ervant of Austivi"; lo W-b h Crtlpl re plled: "gervant*, do; good frtende, yr-.n Blgnor [mbrianl then retortad: -You are aarraata ei Aa tria." _, HgnorCrlspi repiied with n groaa taealt, totended for Blgnor imbrlani. Haa latter eaBed apon hlm to with draa his remark. Criapl refaaed, aaylng tbal while be heU tbe plaee of a Ktalater oi the Btafc he had been toreed tn endnre tbe aainoyaneea oi Blgnor Im brtaut. " nut now," hc added, "1 aa no tongar boand to go so, ns i am only a Depnty. In my poehet j i,;,v, a i-'v-ivcr. if Blgnor imbriaal annoya me, let '""u-'i'iiv^'i'i wai Slgner Imbriaal wbo, on April 31. Interpoluted the Itallan Government. al the rv.,..--t ..t ii'iiii'i iwldents of New-Yorh cuy. m regard to < hh_ ;i '.;..!;' mr','-'- r /..-al to acVcpl tli" d<.?Uon . ,- vn-i'd apon hlm by tae Ktag oi italy, -aylng that i ?-,. cltlaena wcre dilrous thal t d-CoratloB should 1 ?,; ,?? offered to .. peraon who waa prevented t>v tne ,,{ Ua eoantry from aeeeptlng aaeh an hoaar. FRENCH INTKIGUBS IN NEWForNDT.Am Si_.-PL.YIX'; VI BSKLfl WITH ARM.S KOTt ATTACK IXi; THE CBUISEBS?BLOCKAW BUKNIBG. St. .lohn's, X. K.. vpril 29 <>pccial..-< >vcr flfty more reaaela have ran tbe blockade, tablng ball lo Bt. l'ier.v. Informatlon haa I.n received that tbe Freneh bave anppUed aeveral vesaeli wlth arrna and Uqoor, to ,,-iMi-n and atte-k tba crni-er-. The Governor ha, ordered the warihlp Pellean from Bt, Oeorge'a to i ortnmj Hav. to preaerve ord. r. The Governor aenl laal nlght M.ii,..- Fawcett, wlth a atrong poHee toree, lo Uie ;'ene. Much inxlcty la felt and there i- great ln dlgnatlon agulnst thc French for thelr Int: . HAWAHAN8 WANT A EEPUBLIC. TBE QUSE-Ca I.HT. BAIB to in: ix BAVGEB. Chieago, 29.?A dlapaleh from Baa Fra says that Honoluln advice- report tbal Mlnlster Carter ,.-:.,. from Ibe I abtaet and tbal tbe people are rlamoring for a i .puhllc. H ls =aid tbat tlu. llfe of the Queen is ln dai -? (ipEXIXU OK THE DoMIXIOX PABUAJt-BTX. Ottawa, April B?<-_be Brri MBaton of the oeventb Parbaaient oi tbe Dontbaloo of Canada opened thla afternoon. At ?'? o'.-io.-k tbe members of the Hoaae of coiiimons wera -nmmoned to thc senate Cbambar, wi.ere tbe. wera InJormed tbat thc eaaaee of ihe ?ammonlng of Parilam tnt wooid be declared t - n Ua iB-BoUnta ? t'. ? ? '"'" nions proceeded to tba elecSon of a Bpaahar, Pater White, member for North Reofrew, I an. An adlonrnment was then taken untll to-morrow, when ,i?. Bpeecl. from the throne will be lead bj the Uov eruor<leneral. l_ d bunler, of Preaton, who wBl de.-la.-e l'... hament ft have been daly opeuea. AX ALLBGED BPBCIAL MI8SION 'D> ITALY. Bome, April -'...--" L*< ipinione" to-daj pnbUabea b dlspatch arhleh it received from Palcrmo, lo the effect tbat an Ameriean ]oumaUat named Bngelmann, wbo rrlved m thal etty, baa been delegated by tbe Governmenl oi the i alted Btatea to reader aaal I tamlllei oi tbe Itallan rabjej-ti who were lyncbed m New-Orlaana. The eoneapondenl ol " L't)plnlone" aaaerta that be haa aeen Bn( ilmann, and it la atated 1lia? Knc-lniai.ii baa pald a vi-it to the vill.i---.- of Caccamo for the purpoae of glvlng help .?? tlie famlly i,t Monaaterio, one uf tbe lyncbed men, who live at that plaee. FRANCK AND HAYTI. Parls, April 29.?Senator i aat baa glven notlce that be wiii qneatlon ihe Governmenl ta regard to 'laytl, eapectally ai to tbe ilgnlfleance of the .ii pateh <>f an American iqnadron to Port-an-Prln-e, Benator laaae is oppoaed to ''-" i'i'-' of tbe Cnlted Btatea aooalring the Mole at m. Blebolaa aa b eoabng atatlon, aa tbe nosaeaeion ol thla place by the American Oovernn-eot, in- aaserta, would menace the Independenoe of thc AnttUes. EXC1TEMEXT AXONG BELOIA.I MINIBS. Pru-s.'i-, April 89.?The ayndtcate oi roal-owoera her," baa iiecided ii"t to .-al? tbe priee of eoal, in order :.<,i f> give tbe mlnen a preteoct tor a atriha. Greal ezcltemeal prevalli among the mlnen .>f Central ]:? Mcetlngs "f mlncrs ao- dlspersed bj gen darme-, and all dlsorderly pei-oua tn am KX QIK.K.X XATAI.IK TO I.EAVK. BEBYIA. Delgrade, April 29. Ba Queen XataJie ofServl i taformed the Begenta f.iov.m BUtiteb, General Coata Protltch aad General Joaran Bell-Markevltch) thal ihe win yleld to the Induence they have bronghl t" bear apon her, and will ih rtlj kaee Bervta. H1BBTBB GBABT THEGrESTOF Ml!. HEID. Paria, April 29. The I nlted Statea Xinl trr here, the Hon. Whiti-iau- Beld, to-day proeented Colonel F. i?. Grant) tbe Cnlted Btatea Blnliter at Vienna, tn P dent Camot Colonel Graul and his wife hav. ln thla . itv fnr iame daya, an.l are tbe gneata oi Mr. aud Mrs. Beld. _ PBOGBB6B OF THK ( IIII.IAX OONFUCT. Paris, April 29.?A dlapatch Bom Iqnlqae aaysl "Tlio parHamentary foreea have oecnpled Coplapo. Flve hnndred of Dabnaeeda'a frlendi arbo wwe defendlng tbe town Bed. Tbe crnlBen Argentlna and Almlrante Lynch wera aa badly damaged lo tha conBlct wltb Ihe . Buealada thal they have been compeUed to _o i: to doch at Valparalao for repalra." FIVi:, NOT THREE, WERE KILLED. TWO MOKK. BODIE9 FOUKD IX THE WP.I'V 09 THE BALTM40BE AXI> OIII'J. Baltbn v, April 29. Henry Groll ??' tbe traln wreehed ta tbe eblU-ton on the Bab-more and .'hl-- yeaterday, wm aol killed bi leported. were, however. Bve Btan kUled ii^tc_.i oi threa Tba bodlea of J. W. Amey, "l Balttnwro, coodnctor of thc frelght trala, and aa n__r_o-ni brakeman ..f the frelght were found ander the engtne thi morning. Waahlagton, Aprll 99. In one al ti.c eaia that were ?neeked on tbe Baltlmore Bnd Ohlo yeaterday were ...... rontalnlng f 17,000, ahifl*d bj the Cnlted -. an- im..--- Companj to w-'.-n. banka ln e_ehan i for mutllated and ol ?- thal had been ,- ip-i-ir. Ior redemptlon The ?af? ".>l- b-.. retnriied to the TreuMirj Departrnent; thelr c_ntcnta wero badly rharr. were put _ee what portlon ran be Idcntined. for which new notea win be laaaed by tbe Departiaeot ,-*. WO BIOBT TO T.I/' BKABBATBLB9 LAKB. .-vnnu-e, April '-'?'.- nn- Geneial Te <???,!. ,.,,!,. de ided, l". tba wll oi MUlaai A -i tbe city ol Byraeaar, againat Ibe elty'a ] lake n-anoBli L ? rater lor tbe etty'a aaa, Merwln wrote the bplnloB, whom partlOBlar pol r iii - dadaral oa i ? ? aa w?y ia eaaape ti . thal the ael ef 1.?** ';' "PP ' public propenj foi .. I nnd I- t inraUd hj . ?-?" _ of tl : ll1" reqalal tblida aaaeni '.i th. U ?_??^ a di si a. F>:n',i m ibaoi ? nuxrr. Baa Franclaeo, April 89.-Irwln C. Btampf, mi oi the eatat. ol Banal * Oaorga Haarat, wbo owned a LiiL-e inU'~."-t ln trwe Anaronda mlnt-i. tmiot nll knowl \\\t% l/iVrepoAVl aata ot Um mlaca t. uio UcUi cjiude. A DEFAULTEB DISCOVEKED. HE COMMITTED SITC'IDE SOME TIME AGO. X11E FACTS LEAK Ol'T DUR1NU A St'IT OVER HIS UFE INSII.ANCF.-A. C. OILMAN STOLE UOt. I.2C3.000. The faet was brought to public notice bf a suit in the Snprerne O-nrt yesterday that Arthnr ('. (iihnan, whd died suddenly at Flushing, I_ I-. on Deeemlier 1:. last, was a defaultcr t<> the cx t.i't of olmool $__-,000, and that his crime h.wl not been dioooveied until after his death. Mr. l.iluian's death was siirmundcd ?>y a great deal of my.tery and it causcd a stir in Flushing at the i time. J. S. Corey, the Coroner of Queons County, rc fuse-l to issue a hurial perniit at lirst, in cons?. j quence of the pe.' circumst-inces surrounding Mr. QUman. death. All his relatives and near friends denled Indlgnontly the rumor that hc had ronmiitied BUi-ide, an.l althoiigh rumors of husi- > ness trouhles were rife at that time, they were g_M .leni.'d. Mr. (lilman was a mcmher of the Iirm of .1. II. Laharee A Co., of Ko. UB Fr..nt--t. On the morning of the day that he died he Fcnt a teleu-ram to Mr. LobOfM sayinc that lie did not feel well and would not he in the city until | late the next day. Mr. Laharee wished to see liis portner, and BO he went 10 Flushing. Wlien he arrived al Mr. QUmaa. house ba leerned that liis partiars Wife had to NewYork an.l that Mr. Oilman had gone to his room, after leaving instnutions ool ta be called as hc did not feel well. Mr. Eaharee and the servant in the house rappel on 1 lie' hedroom door, bot they received no reeponeeJ Then they puahed tho doo. open ,?d wenl iaside. They mw Mr. Qilman lying on the bed partlv dreaaed. They -book bim -,M1,lv hat received .... r.-sponse. Mr. Laharee then dis eoveied that his partner was either dead or dying nnd i,hv-i.'ians were hastily sumnione.i. When they arrived the body woa still wan__, bul Mr. Cilnian was dead or died soon afierward. Vorioug eauaea were ooaigned f.-r his death by the nbya-eiaoo. Heorl dUeaoe they called it. Notwlthatanding the fact that they all became exeeedingly indignanf when it wns guggected that Mt- (iil.nau eommitted BUicide, lUbeequent de velopments proved beyond a ahodow of a doubt that Mr Gflmon can.e to his death hy his own hand The st..rv of Mr ('iltnan's rise and fall renda like a mmancc with a trogifl endtng. On March 10, 1879, liilman went to work f,,r th.- Iirm of Earal.ce & Steer. composed of j H. Loboree and Bobert VV. His wogeo f:,r the lirst. year amounted to $_ a week. In 1380 hi, salary was al.nost- doiihled. and he then received $15 a week until Oetober, 1880, when Mr died. The tirn. was reorgoniaed then, iir,l the oil membeia were ao imprc^ed with the v,?,:- man. bualneaa ohtlitiee that at the eomple tion of the reorgunizat-on he was taken m as a partner. He did aot furnlah any eapital. bul he WU to ree.'ive 10 per cent of the prolits of ihe hu II,? took cmplete control of the fman -.,,, 0f tho buoineee, so that his defalcations. corering a perlod of ten vears. were not discov ered until after his death. \I?t Mr ailmon died Mr. Eaharee was nskod if he could give any eM.h;iation for ihe theory ;l,,, hia partn.-r bad ...nini.tted inieide, He ,'xpi-e sed greal ourprlae when the theory wm broacbed. und asserted that so fnr as he kn.w ,l,o i.le-i hod not heen entertiiined hy his partner H. ?,i i that h.- knew or n? reoaon why he should his iifc as bla buatoem O-oira were to good coodirt<m. il, i.-serte.T that he knOW nt BMB, thal Mr. lilman had no husi-e_s.s tronoles in <'<>n 8m. The many rurnors whieh trowrrer, evidemij a_-_--d . -.n,'s aaapiclona. and thoy P?t apm wpert aocountanta t., go over the booka. Vcyaoy * Vcvaey weie called in for purpose, nnd the] , ,,r,.fi,i examinatlon of all the a..inta Itcm l.v Mr. Oilman during th- time he was ,,,?.,,,. 1 with t!,e Iirm. and th.-y discovered a ,hortage of $232,034 53. j Ti,,- defalcatlona were coatlnnou-, the ac oountantamid. and were eondueted with ? degree of skill and treocbery to hia partners whieh fw omh parnlleL The iirm woa eompoeed. beeldea (iiin;,n a?d Eaharee, of I harles 8. Holmes and -ermotir S. Smtth. Holiueo llved ln Onclnnati .,?" , paid n? Bttentic-I to the n.i.nagcment of the bttjlneoa, bul he fumlohed a large part of the flnn. capltaL , \fter the defalcations were dis^vercd Holmes had to advance $70,000 to prevent the !inn from j.0inR i?t, bankruptcy. Wbeo be advaneed thus money be took an from the tirn. ..f all Lntereal wbleh they eonld seeure in Ingurance polidea ou Olhnan- lifc for 856,000. Ti.e policie. uere n.ade in favor ..f Gllman. widow, Mrs. [ft ?... Lawrence Gilmnn. For some reason Oilman had depoofted theee iri<'ir;.nee policies wit ? portner, Loboree. Theae p"li,-ics were the meana ?f dragging the itory <>f Glhnon'a crime int. oourt. After Mr. Gllman- death Mrs. Olhnan tried t-> get poaaeaalajD ..f theae policieo, bul Mr. Laharee refused t,> give them ,up. The Hrm eontended tiiat GUman had naed the money whieh he had .siolen to pay the premluma on the poUotea, and that coneequently the money ougbt to go to them. Mrs. Gllman ref::?>"d to allow that euurse to he taken, and it was linally deeided to put. the pollelea in 1he hand. of Stephe-i II Olin, as 1 ? u- tee. He took th>- pollelea, colle rted tiie n.oney frotn the lnauranee compaaiea and depoaited it with the Unlon Tmst Company. After Mr. Holmes had taken an afsienment of t!.e liriii's lntereal iu the insurance policies he demanded the money from Mr. Olln. Th" latter ed t" give it up, aud si_rnilied his Intentiojl of paying it over t? the widow. Mr. Holmea then began a suit in the Snprerne Conrl to re r.iver tl,.- money, and he seeured a temporary Injunctlon reoti dning William B. Davenport, who v.ius appolnted admlnlatrator of the estate: Mr olin, Mrs. Gllman or t:,i- Unlon Trust Company from Interfering with the money. A motion araa argoed before Juotlce O'Brlen, in the Bupreme >. C-ambere, yeaterdoj*, to make in idnctlon permooent, pending the flnol deeision of the c.uirtH in the M?e. Holmeo, in an O-Bdavit whieh was read to the gonrt, s-id th ' GUman defraiided his partnere by natlcally folalfyini. tlic occountaand bv forg Jn \g baa been mid. the full amount oi the defalcation u - -JS'-'-.oS. 50. There waa due to fiilnian nl the time ol bla de I the - irn of -.. 121 BO from ibe profltiof t1.,' b .- uea- Oilman oeooaited the monei which lie atok from the Brm in ti.e Seveath Xational Uonk and the Mechaniea' llank ol tliS cl'y. ond the Fluehing Bank and ti!.- ou.-ms County Bank, of Hon-; laland City. Ile dr<-w n all oul again before h.s death, how. i er and no trace ot li can now be found. La? haree oij'B ln an aflldavll thal he could trace s'i Him which Oilman had atolen ir?m the Bra dlreetly to the lnauranee oomponie. to pay tho oremiuma on the pollcien. Charlea S Crowell, wbo was a bookkeeper in the lirm's employ, made an aflldavll iu which he Mid that be nad made mhw entriea ln the Brma tH.oki under fhe n> "' Oilman. Al the Uine tbe eutrl.s we..- made he WM not av.are ti t they were fraudulent. but supposed th.-.\ ?vven- lOhde wiih an honeat purpoae. Tbey were i ,eh entriea as falac mlea nnd purehaaea. (Jllman In hia lifetlme waa ?-y? .-.-? .inul.v and well liked by nearly c\erv one who knew hln, ii,- ,'. it ;. m mber ol a gfeal njaay eluba. RDd waa free with hta money. VI the Bme of eath he ?? ? Y***** **[?? ?^' * rew yeare before his death he married Mlaa Beaale, the daughter of Efllnghani Laa ? ., v<ns f|?. , ?". Edward i, wl.ecupled eeveral bupottanf pmcea ::.r_-. , Tlo? loung man waa an.Benl mtwl lan, and f?r i, [ong time before he wna Binrrled1 he *waa .. .,i St. Ueonre- Church al 1 lisini.g. htle ol . . i.ureh ln thia i ty. IKwaa .!,-r ,,i tbe' I olon Club, the Cnlumet I lub, ,,,,?., < lub. the N.'-v V'ork \ rhl Club, the ..archm.i.t Va.hi Club, th..- Lawyero' <'.lut.. ?ne Plavera' Clnh. the Reform Club. the New-.ork \y__il Club ond vbe luxedo _1__. , - ** OLD HUTCir DISABPEARS. TIIE FAMOUS BPBCTJLATOB A MEXTAL AXD FIN'ANCIAL WKECK. HIS GREAT FOItTUXF, LOST IN GAMBMNO O.I TIIE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE-l'F.NNl LESS AXD A WAXDK.RER-A _CALK WITn HIS SOX. Chieago, April 20.?R. P. Hutchinson. who lm for many yenrs Btm ii uniqiic and proini neiit ligure on the Cbieaga Boaurd 8f Tr.ule an.l in l.iinking an.l other linanei.-.l entorprises. an.l INM of tlie West's most fammis speculators, has dlaappeared, and taJdng Into ooaaldetatioB rercnt ?rratic netions it is feared he haa down. It is stated on the authority af those who are on .Bttmatr rettllons with Mr. Hatehlnara that li is mind is in a tailiag eon.litioti. atvl that he is now out of the Inisincsi world for good. Just before the recent break in corn. Mr. Hutchinson was known t< ba a heavy buyer. Since the drop a numher of the hoiises with which hc has been trnding have called for mnrgir.s. It is said that the great BBBiahBI appeared to take unibrage at their aetion, nml has not only slowly, but in several eases transferie.l l.Ls trades. Yes? terday nnd this morning several hotiacs closed out Mr. Hutchinson's trades in the open market, <.n rieeoui.t of this failnre to respond. To-day lie OOttM not l>e found anywhere. He announee 1 some time ago that he ir.temled to go ta l'lorida on a vacation, anl t*is eaused hi-> relatives tO , imiuirc nt. thc diiTerent railroad depots. Finally lt was Iearned tliat he had pBf-h-Brd a tieket for I'enaaool.i at the Eastern station late i last nlfht, hut it was not known that hc ha 1 1 taken the train. Early in tho evening be had I called on a mnn with whom he ba 1 long h_?B friendly and bede him good-by, adding that he ; would never be seen Bgaln. j All thls eaused many wild rumors of suieide and bankruptcy, but Mr. Hutchinson's relatives think he haa shnply wandered away while temporarlly demented, aad will tnrn ap all right The rnmora about his husiness ntfairs were detii.itely settlcd this evening, when his 60U Isaao said to a re Borter: " Father has heen demented for some time. Af fairs on tbe Uoard have been -oin? against him. \V> have hoped that he would !>e able to thle over, but things bave gone from bad to woaee, and it is no use."1 "Then you ndmit that your father has failed I" " I a.linit that he has 6ii-pendcd business, hut he will be able to pay dollar for dollar. I do not think father will ever business." "What is thc amount of lu. oiit.stan.lin,; ac count_?" ?? Some $2,.'00,oon in open trades alone." I wish to state here that my brother, ('. L. Hutchinson, has had no buaineaa relatlona with father for the last, live years. The aiTair.s of his bank, the Corn Exohange, will not l>o alfected in the least by my father's ilownfall. Some time ai;o we eame to tho OOneluslon that father was demented and we thought of t.iking his buaineaa alfairs out of his hands and have a conservator appointed, but we were adviaed to abandon thls Intentlon. Father has been on the verge of ruin lor b long time. We did our ntmosl to keep the fact from the public."' " Do you think your father has committed sui? eide ?" "No, I do not. I think that we will hear from him sooii." *" It is rumored about the Board that your father has lost over $5,000,000 during the last two years, and that he has made little money; is tl.L. "true?" " Father haa lost heavily and won little. but I do not think it is as bad as that. The greater part of his fortune ha.s disappeared, but he will not be entirelv pennllesa." Inilianapolis, Ind.. April 39.?A dispateh from , Evansville to "The Seutinol" snys: " Tiie Chloago speciilator, il. P. Hutchinson! arrived in this eity this morning at 10:15, and lefl her at, 2.n." this afternoon for the South, over the Louisville and Saahville road. The agenl at the station thinks iic l.ought a tickct for Memphis, but is uot cer tain."_ A LIYELY JOURXEY 10 GREYTOWN. EX-CONT.RF.s. mvx ItEBBIAM TSLLS OF TnF. BXl-DUEBCES OP l.X SKXATOR, M1M.F.P.N PARTV. Kx Cnngresvnan Cllnton L. Meiriam, who was ono of those wbo went Wlth ex .Senator Warner Mlller tO Qieytown, Btearagoa, .md wbo waa wreebed on ii, n Kador reel ln tbe Caribbean See, retarned to Bew York yesterday. Hc tells nn intere-ting itOTT Of his experierjee . wbleb he deserlbed a- one of the greatast ?? plcnlcs" he ever had althongh hc ha, been a eonatant traveller for over a qaarter of t eentury. "When thc Agaan atraeh on the raef," said Mr. Merriam, "we . ineiv sware of it, siie aaat n m genlly. The captain tried to back off. bat ti.c resael wonld not move. Tho vessel was not verv stain'u. and tl:.; poundlng .ni tbe eoral raef aoon Baaa a hole ln her. lb,- reef la In a plaee where Ihe enrrenti are eonstantly changlag, and tliere are evidenres of anmeroni wrecka around. One reoael arlth mx> people waa lost there aome reara ago. Thal wul give y?u an Uea ot tbe dwger of safling ln those waters. I gneai the cap? tain was Bdeen when tbe reaael rtruck. it wa, abonl 3 ?"elielt in t!^ inornlng. I eaaM 00 deek, but when I __w that we were fast on tlie rccf I went back to n.y bank.' _ . . '?Tho next morning some of the p.-.rtv, Captain Watrons, who H m okl whaler; W. B. Blmmona, Jobn B Bpear and Mr. Bapelye, helped to get out the boata aad wlth thc erew worked to get tbe people BBbore Thev .'.II labored h-nl and ln B *Ort Ume WO were made conifortablc on thc reef. Thc Brat mate and aome of ,he crew went off la a boal to get hrip. We rlgged Bp tenti tor the four women ln the party and afterward put them ln aome imall hata Ihal wa foand, which bad been ereeted by tartle-hnntera wbo eoaM regularly to the reef. ? . "Captald <iuv Howard, formerly of thc 1-fh In? fantry. V. B. A.. did good work in handJing the I He had aome experienee wlth the lodlani on tbe phUns ud knew 1-it what to do wltb tboae black tellowa. The men siept In thc tenta wlth tbe -and for a bed. it wwt very amaslag to aee the imafl eraba there. 'Ih.'.v BtOW then,-"Ives away in eeapty ahetta, thus b-iug covered aa wlth an ambrella, aad they rrawi over yon BB livtly as sand bags at Coney Island. We bad tho Bishop of Handaraa wltb aa and a eolored nUnlster. Tt,.. eolored preacbar aaid lo the Btshop a> tbe people wcre betag tiaaaferred lo the reef: 'Had we a. I I ettei puayV Thia is not thc Ume to pray ; this is tbe time to work,1 replled the BUhop and he helped aa maeh as anv oae. There were on thls i-iand probably lOfiOO 'booblea,' a pecallar wiilte bird which always I thc Irade wlndi that blow then-. ? We K-Mlned on tho is^ef live da\s and then wc wero taken to (.reytown. W . had plenty to eat and to drink abonl 2,000 bottlea of apoUlnarls, bestAes Jamaloa p..p ar.d mnethlug itronger, were dlspoaed of. it waa one .?f tbe pleas ? pirnlca i e*-?r hnd. w?> h.-ui -,e\>-rai iheep on B.uirl, and after tne W|s-rk WB tUH* tO J'J.e alnutt lurnii'i- tl.'-ni out lo fe.'d on .li<- irr..-- on i V bottom ol thc .?!'! iteamahlp. it waa rerj il Oray '??I trdnk tbe work or. thc ranal will I* a surcens. t'n" (lrcdgei uied at Panama wei- purehaaad f..r an enormoni anm of money. Th? cow ol traiia-jxirtiiig .h,"ii io Oreytown alone roal #1oo.o<k>. and the wric li ooing on nlgbl and da.- wlth tbe regnlaritT of a ateam en-'ine. The workmen are bealthy and tl.ei- la y?ry utile ilchneee among th? people tbero. Tiie lio^pltal wa? omptv when I wa, th re. I have evcry contidenco ln thc sucecs* of thc work." ______-__, ? 7.0X0 mOl WORTHY OF HIS BAMB. BaahTB-a, Tenn.. Apifl J'.i-n.-llehtful wather and th . : eondlUoa ol Iba trv-k caaaad aaatkai awge eiawd t_ attend IM raeea al Waat Bbla I'.rk to-day. atx,ut s.eoo belng pressat. Th" tatma of the day ?-a the Uncfea Hotel Baadleap fer auea.yaarol?i m.d Bpwaid, aaa ml*, aad lt turn.d out a trreat aurprlae, belnir won by Loiir vt,ot who w?? Ind-"! ? U-g slmt, udd- ra.i_lii . from '.'0 to 40 U, 1 a-?!n?t hlm. Tle- t.iMit plaagad "'i Maolta ! iiardy at I ka '-'. bal *h- waa asvat called. B 1 _ud Bartha wta* mt bnatitea in Bm Bral aa -haB u_l?) and i,-,,,.il .l.Vl.; m.l '. and tl.-y had no iMahia i? Uv lag lha BMoey. U9M HMtH. ** ? third div- tsHeagB), had laBaweaa, aad ra in baattag ?'i;'' U'-mond bv ? bead. Paatbaaw. th? I?>orlU", uu fourth. I?ob M-CaM wiu, BBTBHM ln th. tutk and laat r-ca [*9 furlo-.-). but Ualaa.4 tiiitt, ClarB , afc < H 1 w-umg aaaUy* THE DEADLOCK UNBROKEN. SENATOR LAUGHLIN CLOSES THE CANAL KESOLLTION DEBATE. AN ABLE REVIEW OF TIIE FORTNIOHT _ STRUO" GLE IN TIIE SENATIl FOR CANAL ISVESTI- ' OATlOSf-MK. BItOWN THE ONLY DEMO? CRATIC SENATOR TO SPEAK. [l-HOM Tlll. ________ ?____?__?___- 00 Tn?TBIDCll_r Alboay, April .O.-The fanal King, supported hy Davi.l H. Hlll and the Democratic mcmbera of ti.e I-CKislature, liphts to the ? iaot dHek." It will not permit an invea:ii_ation to lie made into the od?lBlotratioa of Iho Camti IVpartment by the Penata Ooi_1 Committee; and to-morrow, thcrefore. the I.C--i__iature will adjourn without baviag traniacted a larne amount of important puhlio busineo-s which was before it. The taxpayers ol the State, reviewing the hiatorf of the mtt f_rt:iii*ht'a deadlock in the Senate. will pereeivc at once the responaibility of the Detno cratio party for tliat deadlock and for the conae quent loss kt important measnres. A fortnight BgO the Clerk oftlie Senate. Jolin S. Kenyon, had begaa t<i call tha roll upon Senator Laujfhlin'a leeolatlon aa invcsti_ation of the Canal De? partment. The names <>f tw. Senators had been called. and within t?'? mir.utis n >re the roll-call would have been fhiished, and the resolution would not have been lOBger cmsiderc 1. It was at thia moment that I.ieufer.anM.overnor Jones s.ddenly BOaamed the ehair, ordered the Clerk la dise-.n tinue callinj; the n.rt, and pcrmitted the Demo cratie Benaton to hepin debating the resolution. Ever sinee thal time the Democrats have been do batlng the resolution, or amcndments bearinf? upon it. In this manner they have prevcntcd the con liderattoB of some tOO Assembly hilln of hiffh importanee. They would not permit Clerk Kenyon to linish the 00?piction of that interrnpted roll call. One? that roll-call was completed. the Aa seuihly billa would immediately come bef .re the Senate for its considcration. The Dcmocrnta, tberefore, bf thoir ohstruetivc tactics, have killed the Assembly bills. Many of them are local measuies in which thousaiid6 of pcrsons are ln* terested. The linal debate upon the Laughlin reeolutlon for tht investigation of the Canal Department to-day waa notuble for one reaeon. The Demo. cratie Senators. with one exception, made no spceehes. In fa^t, they conld not do bo with any assurance after the passage by the Assemblji yeaterday of a resolution for the appointment of a rpccial commiltce to investigate the Canal De partmci... If the Assembly Democrats were ln favor of an investigation of the Canal Depart? ment. why should one be opposed by the Deruo. crats of ti.e Senate? Mr. llro.n, the only Ilem o.-ratie Senator who made a set speech upon the resolution, seemed to npp.ecir.t.' thLs inconsifit ent attitude, becauae'be frankly said that the Demooratio Senators opposcd an investigation of the Oanal Department by Kepuldicau Souatora liceause they believed such an inv.sligation w.iull harm the Democratic party. The logic of thlo OOBfeaalaa is that an investigation of the Canal Department bf the Democratic As.embl.ymen will not harm the Democratic parfy. The Democratlc ajoembb/meu will tire only bloah eartrtdgaa when they train their caunon upon the Canal Depart ment. Senator Vedder asked Senator Brown if tho latter would he willing to grant Prcsid-nt pro ten Fassett the right to name an investigatiug committee of scven to learn about the manage meut of the Canal Depaitment. "No," replied Mr. ilrown, "I am oppoeed to Senator Fassett appoiuting any -ueh eomrolttce." "Hot," aaid Mr. Vedder, "tho Dctnocrati. Speaker has just appolnted such a committee, It will bc a pa.tism committee. with flve Demo. crats and two Bepublleana ns its members. Why not mnt m ti.e privilege of oppolating a Canal btvcotigi - I'onimlM.',' with a majority of lie pupllcans as its meiiilicrs?'' Seiiitor ilrown smilod and replied: " If we ever "ivo Seuator Fassett the authority to appoint (hli oomnutrtee, he shall have the authority to appoint ii majority of Kepublicans as its nemliera. But 1 do not ihink we will grant, him that. ri^ht. Senator Laughlin clow-d the debate Wlth a speech of much nl.ility. n-Mewing the fort?ghVl struggle. The strongest point he made was the citation of the example of formcr L-i-latureo in maUng investigations. Tlius. ln 18.0 there \v;ih an investigation of the mauagement of the State. aaylnmo; ln 1881 an Inveatigation of tho canals; ln the same ye;ir an Inveatigation of the Quarantine Department: ln 1882 an Inveetlga. tion of the oonetruetlon <>f the Capitol; ln 1883 an Inveatigation -,f the Commlaelonera <?f Emigro* tion ' ln 1884 nn investigation of the armories, ar.d in 1885 an investigation of the State Engineer. Department , , _, 'Why not trust the Aaaembly to make a thor ough mveartigotlon of the Canal D<-partinent? Inoulred Senator McCarren. " Wliv not ask the pot t<. investigate the blaek mm of the kettle?" replied Senator Laughlin. "Vou miiiht as w-11 do this as ask the AhoeroDly I,. Inveaogate the canals. Wlthout any ..iten <.f b-lns profane, permit me t.. aay lt would l_e mlng the Devil ami tr.vintr him in Hell. The Senate th.-n, upon motion of Sen i ,r Fil. sett, took a recess until to nn.rrow at 10 o cjock. m ? -* A LIVELY 7)vir IX TIIE EOUSEi MANY SENATE BELLS PASSED. THE MF.ASUHE UAXUIO THE BROOKLYN BRIDGB FOOTPATH FRF.F. AND THE t'NION FERRT COMPANY BAVB 111 l.r. AMONG TIIl'M. Albanv. AprU 10 (Speetall The A__auhly to-day. reeaaabM lha Kow-Yorh Bmek KuMfltaq oa a panio aay. In iptte of tha laei t"*1 tbo Peamfiata hari do riai-cd that bo more Beoata bllli woui.i bo aooaat, on Bccoant of tae dcadloeb la thnt hou-.-, UM BHaaoara bu-i.Ni tkemaelveB ouUoly '" poaalag aaaata btth. <?no ? i tha Int of tha -?nata aamaarea 11 ^<'t through wae tho bill whh'ii Mr. Joooba bitiodneai aaaai time ago, maklng tha footpath oa tt.<- Broeklya Briip *te?. There waa n. oppoeltlon to tlils. A lew mlnutes latar AaaemMya-aa Bori wol <iuictly, to the desit a reaotatloa t<. aave r"_ at oooo tho Joeoba MU, proventtng the Cnkw K.rrv Oompooy from loereaalag Ua aata oi toro. "'nm- MHvoai *"d Mr. Ma-" aate oot wotoMng tor thia mara m lha lfirt oi Mr. mM, ao they <nn not objaet. Tmp *n\ eapeetful that Mr. K-lly, ol ltrool.l\n, w.mll make ilie motion. At UM hour nam.-d tha MU was _U_M "I' and read Ior tha mm Baaa. Ia Um aiaanrtaaa eonaliaaabli aeium Mlng wa, belng done by Oulttvaa and fclaaa to def._i tiie Liii. Ma-<- waat aaaoag leone <>f tha eoaaUy _?a> bon arho waee oot lopp oa_ to know aoythlng ahool it, ,,,,i mtimgr- to ael a low of meaa lo rota oitb him. wiicn tiwy man loi- **t?_t tha Mll tm\ mmt of tii.m chongei tn.-ir rotm Bem the aagatlve to tbo ufflnn*. tlve. Tha .rclit of WV-Bi -OO MM - due to Mr. .\-pinaii, wi.,. bmo-i la ezplalnlag bla roja, a brtlllanl ipeeeh, wMeh oUaetaaUjr orereama tha '?mlaatoroiiy" :h.t Hoaa and M.llivan were doini: u_<ilii8l The nn. Tiie bmobuio roeelvoO Btveoty _oa aa_naatt?ia votoa aM ooli .waatjr taor na^ttve rotaa. >uiiiv_n ?as so aiiK'O' 9* Mr. Aspinill !ic<-aus.? the blll had be*n eoiriai tliat ha aaai n__a eieaailnHy iiaid l.ii.-iiano on the rloor. Had ?paokor looahan done Ma duty ho would have brouifht Hollvoa bef.'ie the o* lha Hoaae and punislied blm in -onw way. Tne bill now PPOl to ti.e (..A'-rnoi. Mr. Broiahy balrogaeai and passod immediately a blll extcndinK Ior ono year the t.-rms ol the mcmbera ol the lloard of F.lertru-a! ('..ntrol of New-York. The lirowue blll takinu away from Tlmothy Sheo tko ..v.t^r dock* was ta-en from t-'io OOOBaaUMO thls iii,inim_. bat the attempt to advance the blll further was del.-t.-d. Mr. Woodbury obtatnod enough votes to take frotn the Code. Committee the blll lntroduced by Ixlm aoma tirn- ago. ext-ndlm: tbe provlslons ot the Oorrupl l-iii. tiret B?t to prlmary eleetion* and convention*. HO fiiiled. Ito-ever. to p:t unaiilmou* con?ent to OgVOOOa the blll fiirth,-r. A bill irtMi^ t<< tlic ortiOW of As.semblynian UrundaKO tlio ?alary Ior the year was lntroduced and pa-sed. Mr. Foley's blll Increa-iiiK the number ol tho members ol the Boanl ol Aldermen U? twentj foux wu p_??ed. A h*__ flg-t waa ma-o by ioui- _. tlio oogafex