Newspaper Page Text
(z//Z^^a. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY. 3UY 1% 189l.-TWT.LVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. yw-Ll.N^10,S52. BUDINI ON THE LYNCHING. HU TELLfl THE ITALIAN CHAMBER THAT EUKOPEAN SVMPATHY IS WITH ITALY. tfAGOERATED IMl>ORTA_.CE. HE SAYS. OUGHT HOTTO BE fUVF.N TO THF. NF.W-OFU-EAS.S AFFA1R-WHY CONSUL. CORTE WAS RKCALLED. Rome, May 14?Tlio Alarqui* .11 Rudini, ln the Qhamber of beputie* to-day, said tliat e-aggeratod inportanee ouglit not to ba givon to the New Orleans affair, nor shoul.l a question esaentially indicial be o-onvortcd into one of natlonal dig-iity. i^ jecall of Baron Fava wns a prote.t ngainet t_e oomiuct of tho l*;iitcd States (knernment in _e_l_ring M-eM ir.espoi_.ible ln the matter. The QueatioB seenied to ha enterlng a new phaee. -jujieial pro.-eedinirs had beaa hegun afrainst the Itncbers." rontintied tlie Premier, ** bnt I ctvnnot uv to what extent tlie proceedinga are eerious. jjj-frthfle__, 1 am oertain that K.trope approvca 0ur bjUbb. "or fonaul at New-Orleans luia been jeealled, pnrfly becausr the (roverrunent wish?_ to tbtain tbe fullcst info.__ati-.ri in re?ard to the mat? ter and partly hecause we fear tliat some of the jpj-iiinl-ations which tlie Consul puhlished or ?ermitted to he puhlished wero inopportune." Jteplying to a question rolating to tlie Now Orlean- Grand Jury and Signor Corte, the Italian Consul at New-Orlcans, Premier di Kudini added that he had learncd through tlie newspopers of tbe incident regarding tlie Consul. If the ncws freif true, the matter would of itsclf sufflre to prove tbe necessity of tho reoall of ('on-iil Corte. Signor Quintiori, after acknowlcdging wliat he trrmed the 6trict lepality of PreniiVr di Rudini's aetion'. in the disputo with tho I'nited States, and tbe moderate eharaeter of his deinands, asked whether. in view of the verdiet of the New-Orlcans Orand Jury, it would not lie niore digntlled to renounce the matter, and leave the responsibility for the lynchings on tlio-e tolerating tliem. 6ignor Cavaletto exprcssod his re_ret at thc rup ture in the rolations lietween the United States and Italy. Ile thought that little should l>e said about thc afTair. as it wa. an cxoecdingly delicate matter. He btAUrti Premier di Kudini to use every endeavor to briug about a of the dis pute. which, he said, ought not to be allowcd to linger Tbe diseussion was then adjourned. Mr. Portcr. tbe United States Minister heTe. is preaarini. to spoud the summer in tlie highlands _ear Koca de l'apa. He has uo idea of leavine ItaJv. \Vashin>:t<>n, May 14.?It is said at the State Department lhal there has been no BUggeetio- .,f an arhitration of tbe rtifticultie* hetween Italy and the United Statea growini ont <>t the Xew-o.louns traK'U.v, as w;.s rrparted i;i :i spe<ial dispatch trom Konie. Arbitration is the last rcsort after diplo ina.y has failrd, and as St-cn-tary Blaine has p.oiu is<-d*u> eonsHlei- the claitns for indenmity, it can B"t Ijc held that tlie diplomatic stuge has been paased. l_e rather lndiaereel utteranoe-s of the italian Consul al Ncw-<.rleutis, rclathe to the con .j.irarv to kill the M.yor and other promincnt persoiis, causes s ?mc aniuseinoiit at the Denart-, ment, hut as thev have not taken au oflicial shape no uotice will be taken of theui by tlus Guvern nient. ? - THE MAFIA IN NEW-ORLEANS. JiEPORT AND REC0MMEXDAT10SS OF A COM MITTEE OP CITIZEX3 APP01XTED BY THE MAYOR. Ncw-Orleans May 14.?On October 18 last, nnder a resolution of tho City (V>uncU, the Mayor appolnted a eominittee of nfty or n, ,ro citlwns thoremphly to In reM.irat. the matter of tho existeme of t-ecret *o a_Blaa or __,nd$ ot oath-bound a_s;issiiis in thla cltv and to deviM) necossary menii- and the most effe< tual aod speedy meatrures lor uprootlng and ******___ ___ Bih!l.'.Tlii(r them; also to sngpest remedic- to pi-event Uie intt-odiK'tion here of iiliiiliials or ptvupcrs from Euroiie. Tho coBimlttco to-d;iy submltted Its flnal re? porl. of which the fullo'v.TiiK is a r.M*a1a: Tho first mrh of the committoo was to ohtaln from the chlef i paUea a report of ninety-four aaaaaaliiBtloni by liaha'is BBd BleUB-BB and where tlie Meued men es cape. for want of cMdenc*. Then fcdlawed the os _a_*___t!on ol tho chfcl ol pollce. The refn.rt at .oa^lcraMc length poes on to show the BZMenca hero of the Mafla. which for ycai. had terrorlied Ihe italian p ..n'ation oi thja city, hvyi!i? tntmte at pleasure ureler petiilty of death lf rcfu.ed. The reporl anaa on M> Bay In Bnhalnnea: A subcouiiuittee ealled upon thc Italian Consul and .?;,?! hi... that the .u.l-ose of that bud> ^ ___Tt- u, nu t-e "I criiiiina,.-. Ibe UW-Ul rtSed that he wa.s -..nMi.-o .-f this and wa? ready toeo __S ?- a it . the oommlttee io thla end and he wonld KEdLteB P?P?re and aend lt ? report contalngB ,.-i u?i iiifo;-i-i_ti.iii in lu* poaieaalon. lie statea unii S ia. .oiivuo-il of the of the ln this litv and broncht out the .egistratlo!. papera ol _*?? ..?,., a',.l imlie- out the c. B ae^^whtoh he Iniormed the cominlttee waa the aeaJ of the Mafla. m uid he had atrong __apldon wl... u to ewa rtcUon In Ms mind a-s to who were the leadera of the aocietr in thU city and he tnrnUned the oommlttee uith ti:o l.aines. ile Btated that pnof to Q* Uenncsaey asssisslnatlon he had lu aome way uii<..n idously ' Incairred the dlaplem are of a coterie ,.?1 pi'in. ipallv ol the men who met iheir death ?t the I'aii-h Pruor on Maroa Mi tliat thoy IkkI m viu-d him .1 .upper, and. although he ip_ru.uK aparlngly oi orater m.ui> only, when be leturnt- home be arna taUeM deaperatelT 111. B__ered Intenaely all niRht. aaid mptoma bore all the evidence uf pol-oninit, and ht- was iatlafled his life had been att.nipu.-l. fhe ?rrltten Intunn-tlon pronnaed tbe eoaiauttae Bever aaaM 'Uie (Xmaol aent word Crst thal he had t^le ft-phed to Wd-hlngton lor antoority u. give lt, aud tftenrard noiitiod ihe eommittee that "it belnit an t_tr_-]__lcla] body." h<- -li.l not feel wamtntad ln riv lug tt the pn.mis.-U informatlon. Darlnf thc tniervlew Lnd ?ith the Oonanl, thc com alttee c-lled his atu-ntloii- to his pnhMl-Bd BtadefBl l.. Iha Now-.oik Trlhnna to the effeet that the Mayor l-T tppehrted aa eartra judi.-iai body, which had beM a aann lanollni iu Oetot>ec mn\ baaing ln view ti>e __n.- o>.j.-its a- thal ,.? ! Nutniday (al Clay Stotue), tut its ubject \\a- Imstratod, owlng to hla eanjest breteaU a-.d Uie opportune mieivi.tion of Mr. lilrdn.. Iiit i port - -V.. i> rulii'l.-d 1.1 m tliat he oi:rt promiii'-nt Italian ftti--!:?. had ealled on tho <ommittee befon- tbe maaa _ectii,? v-s held, and when the oblect of the m lalned he approved the paclflo course (Jnstlflod b, Um : a?ked hlm bow be reconclled hla jobL-.'i-il st_u.ment- with this. hk r?-t.h wna that i_d i. iade t. The New Yorti Trlbune tad been made ' I irifl -as an lndlvld___,' nol i ? _t the nporlef n:i11 P**Uy axag larated hla -tatenient-." As to Um ivi.i.d.ts, thc eommittee snp;-'-sts. _rt, taa refulatlon of Iminlgi-Uon: aecoud, refonn ln the trimlna! lawi and admlnlatratlon e. crindna] Justi, ?: t'.iitt. _ law reoosnUlna the existence ol a bai tintt.,ri. and endowlng it wlth full power t-> try and 3M<Hr any ut .rney wlioae evil praetloea rendei nnwi.rthv" i.i being au ofllcer of conrt A r.-i..i.iv niggeated is tlie ent re problbltlon of l-iinlgn. tion baa SeUy and lower Italy. A -Eh.ivT THAT KINO CHABUBfl MAY ABDICATB. *iadrki, M.y II flcnaatlnnal rapotta la relatlon to Uie Mtuation of affitrs ln PoftOfal Blt bdng < ii- ulite.l ln tl, > elty. The --.I'l-ti.-'i," thc Bepntdteaa organ, publi.ii^-i lilngin? lrum 1'oriiiK'- which Btalfl lhat Kiii_ CharfBB has (all<d . MBt-f Bf the ('/-nincll of Matatcra la <>rd<r to roofer arlth the Conndl apoa inclal _?..! politlcal aitO-tkH- Tlie "Jnitlcla* foris timt ihe Klng ol Portugal la dlspos^t to al 'as thn,n<- ,b___d i!ir Mi-.i?: !ra o.iiie to tiu? con. tnatauiii _ m.j, i- neeeaaary. ALl.RliKD MOB-BY IN A HV EI.EITIOV. Maaton, May ii.-.\:i alaciloa ema h M i" widte hav-n on April 88 lor a Kembei ef ParUamenl u> am ?cd t n A. F. Car. _Hb_ Bentlack. The - Jamos nain (Coa-rrvaUva), 11 *0W, aj,. j|. (,, sJl(.,. ?llai|. .,?,;., ,| '|-,?. ( ,.,.; r\.:1.v, Baanni. .? .i i,n? roara lo l.lOf <_st f.r his L'h-r:.: rata Of WhiUhnven have '?"W I ' ? .i p 1 -. m a-'.,.i_ that Mr J?nR-s hdi, i,- _u_ealed, alleflns that Uier ba?e pfonl tha' h,f. electlon ap nta w. r.- guiliy oi biib!n? a unmb i oa the .1.. ? r THE ISVO-1 Bl DI TCII GCIANA. The Ha/iK, May 14.-The ?? Vatrl-od" s.iys: "A dlspafh n-M-lved liere ftom .-lina.n savs that the Government of Ifcrteh Oulana hia calded to Jiai'in M'fkay, the .MlnisU-r of the Col-i.les, a*!tln? to be allo-.d a frm- );_nd ln rep.esslnjr the i-ujlt v.hlch liaa _i_kf-n oul iu tlnt rolony agalnat ihe <; v.mor's autuoHty. ? F< NICKAL OF VII I*. KINfi TAMA-I ?l 6an Praadaaa Hat ll.-The ||_MM-IP Alameda ar irtvcd _,tft tt,], aftfl-joo,, ffom 9&U99T, vin Auklaml 'and Houoluiu. she bringa advlcea Uiat the funeral * Tamaseve, the Sa_io_n vlce biiiK. who dlcd oo ApiU 17. waa oondneted qnlrtlv. Large nnmbera of natlvea gathered from all paits of tbe Island. The 88888-881 was oonducted by tlie pa&tor of tlie I.ondou mlsslon. THE BANK OF ENGLAND RATE ADVAXCED. PORTUOUESE FINANCTAL. PLANB-GOLI) AT 235 IX BUENOS ATRES. London. Mny 14.?The directors of the Bank of Eng? land to-day lncrvased tlie rate of dlscount from 4 per cent to _ per cent. Prices on the (stock Exchange fell aharply on tte advanro ln the bank rate. The nnensl ness wa* lcssened, howevor, after the ruhllcation of favorable bank rcturna, .howlng that the lendlng reason for the ri-e in the bank rate was the nwlntenanc- of the directois' pollcy to attract gold. Porelen wurltlea were lmyular. and the best bnsines* done on thc 6treet left the da.y'6 advance for IV.rtuguesC. _ 1-4; for BBBBBS Ayree, 3, and for ChUlan and Mexican slxes, 1. Hritish rallway securltiea wore Mtremcly flat Thcre waa almost n panlc ln Hrlghton deferred on the report that a large snm of money waa wanted by tte company for repairs, and qnotaUons dropped 4 1-8 per 8888, American rallnwd Recnrttlos, aftor a sudden doellno at the openlng. slightly lmproved. and the Street rebuylng left only a fractlonal declln*. LUl.on, May 14.-The forelgn merchant* h:-re pur po*o appolntlug three delegatea?one rrenrh, one E_ig llah and one G-rman-to take action ln common with tbe Portugtiese oommlttee on the public debt. The Chamber of Commerce of Oporto ha* eent a telegram to tte Go\*crnment, declrwlng that tho Cham ber ls oppoacd to tte Gorernrrrcnt lseulng notes of le_e value than those already authori_ed, as thc lwroe of notes of decreaaed values would aggravato the preaent flnanclaJ altuatlon. Paris. May 14.?The Bonrae closed wrih an exrelP-nt tendcn.v. Three per cent rentes pilncd __: Portu guewe, 1 UP per cent. and Hneslans. l-_. Heilln, Moy 14.-Quotatlona here and ln Frankfort show a general niodet-.tte advance. Huenos Ayrea, Mav 14.-Gold closcl yestcrdav at _-:, iht eent pivmtum. agatnat 878 per oent nt __ea dav's elose. The ? > e-terdty wn* ln ...n-equenco Of report. that a fresh i>s-:ie of pBMf currency \w.s H 1* made. The Stoek Exchnnge, ln order to prevcut disorder, waa gu_i<i_d by fcroafa, ALMOST AXOTHEB UTOPIA DISARTER. 1UE STEAMER 6TURA, WITH 800 1TAIJAN F.MI GRANTS ON BOARD, IB C0LL18I0M OFF GIBRALTAR?NO UTB8 L.OST. Gibraltor. May 14.-What mlght have been a rcp etltion of tlie fenrful Utopla di*_ster occurred at 11 o'clock last nlglit of! Europa Point, near the spot where. on March 10, the I'topla sanli. earrylng down with her a lnrge number of her passengers and crcw. Fortuiiatcly last ntght's aceident was accompanted by no loss of life. The Hritish steamer Huccancer, bound fi-.m tte Medlte-rranean for an English poit. came Into collision with tte Italian steamer Stura, Captain Vallo. from Mediterranean port.s for New-Yorlt. Tlie Stura had on board HC-O Italian emiprant, bound for thc Xnitcd States. A acene of wlld oonfusion followed the colll-ion. Alter much trouble the oflie*rs of tlio Stura and the moro cool-headed among tho passengers snecoeded in restorlng something lilto order among the terrifled emlzrants. An toyeettgatton abowed that the bowa of the stura had been atove, and that the sUrboard Mdc ol the Buccanocr had been bad j damagod. >"o one on eiUicr steamer was scriousl. hurt. THE arXMJBIMBO OF THE CZAHEYVITCH. 6t. retersburg, May 14.-Ofiio4al dlspatrVs rcceived here from Japan announce that the eiarewltr-rTs physlcians aro satlstled with tlie progrvss toward re covery wliich lie ha* made. The Mlhado, the lTlnces of the lmi.ei1al famlly and Uie state dlgnltarios havo l>ald several V-Bfta to the Czarewltch since ho was wounde.l, and tliey wlll all accompany the laaae_-l traveller to Kobe, on the May of Uiogo, where be t-m barh* on a nussian BBiafclf, whlch wlU convey him to Vlndlvo'tock. Iierlin, May 14,-The Japaneae Embassy ln this city has recclved advlees from Toklo sUting that the Mlkado's piiysi.ian report*, that the C.arcwiteh's wound is tritlliig. There ls a complete absence of fever, and the ..arewltch is in good Kplrlt-. The laU-st report concerning tlie affolr ls that tlie Czarewitch and Prince (ieorge were returiilui,* lncognlto from u place of amusement. wlien thev camc in confllct wltli pollce offlcers, who asscrted tl.emselves too vigorously until the identlty of tlie prtnees was rcvcaled. The prlncea wcre wltliout escort at tho Ume. The sUghtncss of tbe C-arcwlUh's wound is explalned to be due to the fuct that the Japanese pollcemen use blnnt awotxls. [_rlai May 14.?I'r&sldent Carnot has telegiaphed to thc t-Jr uiflt-allBBI of regret at the attempt upon the life of the C-arewlteB, and of aympatliy with the Im ^'vflKn^'iiav 14.-A Te Deaim was BBBg to dav at the Catliexli-al'in tli'vnh-^vliig for ti.e eaeBMOl the C_arc wit.-h from a-sa>''lnatlo_ ln Japmi. Ibe Kicl- and otie.-n of (.ree<'? ai.d the Dlplon>_iic Carpa were preaent. Waahlngtoo, Mny 14.-DI-pateliea have been rc? ceived at ihe Japaneae LegaUon iui.ioun.iiig tbe eon tltiuod favorable progreaa of the Hu'Sian llelr .\ppir. nt. The Ctarewltcb'B as-niiant la a ba-f-craaed hna io, who docs not himself api^-ar to have any cJear? Meai why he atKtnpto.1 the murder. He wa probably lncl_d n a nifHsure bv a rumor whlcJi was ,!?< ulaten aOBM Ume ___ among tbe more Ignorant claasoa In JapoA. . the that tbe Cr-rewltcb'i vlall had ".tne rclution to a dealgn oa Baaahi1 part lo atta-B Japan. A HRITISH CO0IO-I H'.rSE 1URNED RY CHIBBBB. hhinpluai. Mav l-t.-Further recelved hcro from WVa-. Haa, th" treaty port ln _M provln.e of Ngan Mrl, show thnt the Chlnese who t.?-.k paai in buinin',' the i' mlsslon and other European bvlldtofa al place are llltely to bring _0>W_ upon tbefl-Setvaa the wrath of tho Hritish Govcrnment. The Btob, lt la now statcd. also burned and looted _M eoatOBl bOBM and the Hritish OoadBlatB. Tho wlfe of tbe Hritish fotisul. dlspuLsed as a CMneee woman, flaaO-ged with difllcultv to escape frf.m the (Vn-ulate and made her way to tho banlts of the Yatif t-e Kiane, wlien-, in;niy with the other Europcans, she took r. fupe on the iiulla mtmred in Ibe B_BBB_ The Hrllish I' ... siil was wounded while oa his way from the tonsulate "'ti!.'- antt-Bnropean feeling whlch eaaaed tte riot la oooUng down. The Etorweao Dortton ol tte P^palaUon ?f \V.s, Hbo is anxtoaajy awalttog the arnval of iier Majcsty's ship Iuconatant. -? ? P__i__B__i OF TIIE OOMJI- BKCYCIICAL. Beaae Ma. idv-l-a laala text "f the Pope. .n , |, ucal ob tlie labor qaeaBoB ia aaoart to be pobllabed. An aiialysis of the encyclleal shows tbe 1'one re fntofl the 6ocla_Url tteorlea te.Kiing t? abollab prlvate propertr. ?"d apBolda tbe prtoclplea ol tbe C?Oreh aa the Brat and maln elenient In tbe K-lutlon ol BOebkl nneatlona The tnae aotothai, the Hoik- Baya, ran be found lr, the Ooapel, arWeh, if Hphtiy atodJed, woaM teacl. enuilovcrs and the eniployed to beCQBBB Bmttod while fulBlltog their resp-.ttve dnti, . The state should intcrvene 11 ragalate dlapntea in rogard to property. Al thia potal tbe R>pa commenU !,, ,|,. newaalty ol Snuday reat, and dea_. at length uiti, the .iii'-iion- of itrihes, wagei and bonn of labor. In conclnalon. thc Popo dlaeuaaea tte B-bjeel of arorl. n*a Baaoctettona._ THI raO_0-_ED NEW FRENCH TABT-T. Parta, May la, Aa laaporla-4 neet-ig c< tha C___b bar of Oaauaaree waa held h.-re to__y. -unong thoae p,.,,, weiv m. Boebe, Minist.-r of Conamen e. ln duatry aad thc Oeh-Haa; M. Blboi. MtolateT .,: ForoUra iffalra, aod M. Vvea-Onpot, Mlnlstor ?.f Public V M. (,,i'i-te<i, preaUenl ol tte Ommbar ol Oon lo th- ".iii'-e of tte aaaetlng said that tte new barifl -i i,v the Caatona Co-aaaBtee ol tte Chaa Depnttea was BanaU' a pata-hlthra laHB, The Oor ernment, ho added, oa__il not u> Mad Itaett lo a n.\cd miniiuuiii tarlff. but should have full HhoHj to .,,? clnde. tlCBlIri of c.iiim-ne. It oiitbt t i ] Prench Indoatrlea ln aach a m-.m.-r -?? :> .t to iMinnrdlze tbe exD.rl trade "f Pranca M. Const/'d's ip-!:; 'h waa warmiv applaoded. Mca_ra. Bo ha ,i Klb.t a'-, addre-aed tte tiamber of Lominerce. and con curred ln thc remurk* made by its prc M nt. .-? M. BALltHMf'8 sl.AYEIis __ BB __CTRADrTBD. goOa May ld. Ute reaort thal Bl-of! ai d Ra whoaraaUefed lobatbe BiBr-ararBof M. Baltehaf; tbe BBlrartaa MtaBaer oi Itaaaea, ba*a ted at CraJova, Bnaaaato, is eoerBrn-ed. The itninanUn uw. ernment has promlstd u> vtniill the c_tr__tloii of tho two men. tiif, C9TT of PABM OB HFi: WAY KBBB. l.on.ion. May 14.-The eteamer CttV of Paris, Cap tnln Vat-JaS, which for- some BBBB-M ha- 8888 n-pair ing tlie damage siistalned a year BBB, when her ma rhlnery broke down ln mld ocean and fiius.-d tho de strurtion of 'he greater part of one of ber eaftBOB, su.ied fjaai Liverpooi for New York yaatorday, M.e tcucned nt Qneenatown to-dar, and proeeeded lor bar dearttoatlon,_ Tli*: i:>'.i.i-M B-TATB BwlBDLK, London, May m?- Ju -pne ad the repeated Braraiasa sent out i?y Uie tiilted Hatea Uajalloa haaa and by hha preaa of the l nlted staica conrernlng ihe fraiidulent ct?_arter of ao called Kngllah eatatc 888888 ln Ametlcu, reccnt devel.pnicnti havo Bhown LUat ii,. u_jbbbB?a havo been unheeded, and that the number of dupes la Incretislng of decreaalng. Durlng the laat few woeks nxure lettors than ever before have been recelved from the I'nlted State* Inqulrlng after Imaglnarr 8888881 or fabtilona sums awaltlng the wrltera ln the Hank of England. There are no large aums of money awaltlng rlainwinta ln the Hank of England. Thero are few amounb* of ?1,000 and none excoedlng that aum by more tlian ?100 or ?200. SOME OF PAT_SELL_ MEN TO RETTRE. A DEXIAL THAT E. DWYER GRAY HAS SECEDED ?REDMOND'S BAXtABT STOPPED.V Dublln, May 14.?"Tlie Natlonal I'reaa," the McCarthylte organ, annonnces today that E. Dwyer (rray, who, on tlie death Ot liis father, tbe late Edltor o( " Tho Freeman's Journal,'' became possessor of the lattcr's Interest in that paper, conalatlng of one-half of the atoeh of the ooaaara, has seceded from tiie party whlch eaOa Mr. l_rncll Ita leader. At a mcctlng last nlght of the elertora of North Wexford, it waa rosolved to stop payment of the aalary of John E. Redmond, who rcpreaenu Nortli \Ve_ford ln Parllament, and to devote the money thua saved to the rellef of the cvlcb-d tenantfl. Hedmond. lt wlll be remembered, la one of Mr. Parnell _ envoya now in thc I'nlted .states. "Fnltcd Ireland." In Ita Issue today. aay- the P_r nellltes iiitend that thc Farls fund shall be uaed as a flghting fund for the flnal stnigglc for Home Rulc. London. Miy 14.-Mr. ____?__, ln an Intervlew in the lobby of tlie llonse of (oramoTia last evening. aaid that he had recelved a tclegrarn from E. pwyer Oray deny ing tbe repcrt that Ir liad seceded from tlie PamelMte party. Mr. Parnell said that he _new nothlng about the other rnmors, but he admrtted that several of hi* followers had fbnldtl 11 rt tlre at the end of tlie preaent BBaaloa. .thors. he added, hid antlrlpated the general clectlon. and wcre of no fn<"ther nse to Ireland. Mr. H*!fuir, Chief Secretary BB Ireland, ln aaswat to a Bjaaatloa put bv ThomaE Sexton, ?timbOT for Weat Hclfast. said that the Government had no rbolee t.nt to levy on the ball, 8*,7:.o, for felted by Messrs. Dlllon and O'Hrieti when they e. enped from Ireland in order to avold standlng trlal for tli.- ahare tiiey took ln incltlng the tenants on the Miilth Hnrry estates not to pay rent, I.,v iponl. Mny H Mlnhaal Dnvltt, aerompanicd by his famlly, salled today frora this port on thc steamer I'..l\n'siau, of tlie Al'.an Llne. for Quebec, on his way for r*in Franci-eo. In an Int'-rview tiefore hts de parture, Mr. Davltt said: "After the next sretieral etectlon Mr. Parnell wlll have only follower*. Except as a prlvate Member of l_ril_mcnt, Mr. l_r ncll _> as dcad as Dodo." RIGOROUS ANTISEMITIC MEAPURES. MOSCOW MKW'HAXTS IKTERCEDE FOR THE JEWS ont BU81BE88 OBOUBDB, 6t Pctcr-lMirg. Mny 14.?Ccneral Otrssner, chief of tho Kt. Pctcrsbr.rg polire, has recelved tnstruetions riporously to enforce the Antl llebrcw measures of the Govornmcnt. It ls stated that the cxpnlslon of Hcbrears from MOeeOW, which was rcnewed after the Kothschilds with drcw their ofTer to plaee the n-w BaaBaa loan. aro now earried on lf ~s oveitly, lu order not l<> eaal gl<a.m over the festlvlUcs attendi.nt Bpofl lhe eoaalag of thc ncw (.oven.or f,f M-.-.f.w, the (irand Duho Rergiua. A d-.-puUfion "f Moariaw BBeaehanla waitcd on thc Min istcrs to <1 .y. praying that they auspend tho rulnous deeree of expulslon. whlch nlTerts Jcwish bllls of ex ehanga UMBB bUlB, the merrliants declarcd, amount to WO.O00.O0O, and noliody wlll acrept or pay them. Ti.e Mlnlsiers, however, decllned to Inbei.ere iu the matter. ., Yienna. Mav 14.?An Brtacft waa made upon the Ghctto quarter of Oorffl y- terlay. Two Jews' hoii^es w-eie burned to the grrrind, nino persons were Mlled and many Ininrod. A stnto of .lego has boen declared. WILL PASS TUE DELEGATES BILL. TnE MBWIOUBPLAMP HOTJSB AWAXTUTO TIIE DRAFT OF 1T-T11E KN'UT.?F0RD MEA5FRE. St. John'a, N. F.. May 14 (Kperlal).-Tho Newfound hnd delegntes In LOOdOB have earnestly appealed to tlre'lslature ti sustaln their proposjils as the, only way of defeating ihe KnursfoMl Coerclon bill. by 6e curing the help of the Ubenla. Delays or dlvislons would be fat ?l. I"ir e tbe c-,,.ntr>- fri-ndle 4, .??<' everythlng and destroy tlio usofulness of the delegates. Tha House ..f Ass-mbly at l.rst refr.sed to iwist the DOfinaaary bill. hut on a strong retnonstrance from the Counrll and the dc.cgate*, agreed to rcsclnd Its Brst resoliillon and pass a bill as rcqulred. Thc Legislature Is In 8888880 t-tIII, na.-.ltlng the draft of the bill Baaa tha datogaaaa, bad bo bbwb i.x, pet been reeetoed Ban them. it ls susjM-cted that there is Bona hlteh between the d-iei.-ate.s und Lord Kaata ford. There is ttouble ahead regardlng the local Ooerrlon act, whfcb is aaach fiuiiked. L-.ndon, May 11.-Mr. l.oschen, Chancellor of the Bxcbeqaer, ia Um Hoaae ol OoaBBwaa tf.dsy said, on 1 half of the <.overnmcnt, that, lf lt was nrcessnry to ueiaorara with thc Kantetord BewBwndlaad ?'.. errioti 1.111, its second reaiiltig ln the of COB. mons -would not be t-ken before May 28. Parta May h.-m. Rlbot, the Blnlater of Foreign tffain to-day preaented a bill In the t'hami^r of Deputiea, ratlfylng tbe Bewfonndtond arbltratUm cou vent.on made with (rreat Hi-iialu. T1IE CANADIAN M(?I)t'S VIVBBM. ottnwa. May 11.- The inisiiiidorMandliK,' between CaJiada und Xewfoun.lland has n-sulte<t ln th- c- bbUoB of the frieiifijy Brraiig?_a_ita toorBlag the modus viv.-ndi. ii.tii'-rto caaada/a aaodaa vivend! eartlReaaea have h-ld ^o.ds ln Newfoundlaud, and .Newfoutidland rertlfleatea have held gOOd her-. Now, however, Cana dian tteeaaaa are aot roeofnlaed in Beahaiud-iBd Aa a eOBaeqaeaee, the new act extending the mrdus vlvendl firr another vear ls golng to provlde that no Ueenae laaned by Newfoundland to foreign veaaela s.'iaii hold good ln Canada nntll Newfoundlanders -hall recog nize thc tJanndlan liceii???> s. CHABOH AOAJBBT AMBBICAB VMBM-UL Oloaueater, Ma_-~ May 14.?A report was recelved from Bewfoondlaod to-day by BB onirial here that American raaeela proenrtog b:Ut tiiere huve been BeOtog lt to the French at Bt Plerra. Tho vessels reported an vlolatin;' tlie. law a;v the lohOOOera Tallsman, tieorge F. i-yiinimds, QorBe I- FoBter, Brannllda and C. w*. Campbell, Of this port; Andrew Iiiii-nlinm. of BOBtOB, and Bdgar 8. Faater, of Be>eaty. Tho eaBiBwatra-loB further aa|_ that this aetlon of American Bahuuiea who have pc.-ive.l tree ball may either result In iho prlvllefe betog wtthdrawa or the reQalraneat of a gl,00u depoetl t-> be fwtUted if Um haw k rtototed. lhe at a mectlng here today, condemned tiie bcBoo of the -Bppara. AX AME-HCAB MUB0___ HIS WIFE IB WAI.ES. Loadon. May m.--a dtopateh fn.m Chaabor atateB th 11 a Mrs. of WaahtogtOO, has been found ahoehlngly Injnred In the Bnowden Moantatea, near Dettws-y-Cold, In Borth Walea, a haortte reaort of .--.imnier t'.urists. |}er b?tbaod w.-.s arre-tod. Ihe doeton who heard hla ttory that his wifp fell an.i bM her bead wi re onable tf> rcconriic lt with the na? ture of the woinan's intory, Hat akafl wns (raetared ov.-r the rl^'ht ear. ol.viously a blow. Dutean on belng Inl rmed thal Ui v.-ife was still nllvc con ? ,i tha( be had battorbd ber head. II i- atatod tha' hi- famlly in Wfaahtogton oeeapy a good social poaltlon, that he roet lds wtfe In Btoehbot?i, aad that |,ar father h a rlaar mannfactnrar at Abo, lt. Finland. Bra. Dni.can la -iin ancoai clooa. tim^ iimtive for ihe ertme la nnki owa. AN ACCID-WT T'? mrs. BA-CHBL-JOL I.islon. May 14.-Mrs. Hatcholler, th- wife of the Fniied Btatea Mrrdrtf to Portagal, aaa Bartoaaly ln Jitred yeatenlay ln a earrtasa aeeMeat, nnd now li"? in ;i critl" il (unilition. The acl.lent li.i|,i>-ned whllJ Mrs. Hatclieller and her daugbter were returni". fr nn a vMt lo the Qaeea'a ratfaee, and was eaused l,y the I of tha a\i- of the rarrlage. Mlaa Baleheller :, ,i an ankle dl 1 n ited, I al othi i l 18 id iBjan. Dl 0OBAIX- COBBYITVtJrn BTABO BY HIM. Balfa I - Al a n. etlaa hw! aight af a 'er ttofl ol ' i let lOH of this clty it was ? :'i" m. nll,.-s of the party betteved la ihe Inn eence aad C_riaUaa prtoclplea ..i Bdward de c> bain, Maaah-f af Partlaaanal f.r E.-t Bilaaat. who is e__rsad art?h baa-oral ceedaet, and for arhaaa arraal a ___r__rt h?s been laeaad. ihe roaolBtlon also urged Mr. De Cobalfl to rctnrti and lue tlie obaraaa m-*le __BlBat him. TIIE A.N'GLOPOHTFIiinSE AOREEMENT. UahOB, Mav H.-The draft of the Anglo-^.rtutruese ? tfii.-. haa u^u Bgaed in boadon. The newa of ibe dgalng of tha agraaaaeait prodaeed an e-beUenl impn ALOMBIA DBVABrATBD BV IXB-CHI rarls, 3Iay 14?Algerla ls again devustatcd by loeaata. A earavan baaa Maroeee travcik-d through bwurm. of lotu-U for Uilrly-two d___. GONE TO MEET THE ITATA. THE ESMERALDA SAILS FROM TIIE PORT OF ACAPULCO. TnE CHILIAN AND AMEIUCAX WARSHIP9 DRAW OM AROCND TnE F_KEI*f(_ TRAN-PORT DElflAI-l OP MEXICA*. RUMORS-WTTAT THE DETARTMENT. ARE DOINO I*? REOARD TO CHUMAX AOENTS. City of Mexico, May 14, vla Galveston.-A de layed telegram from Acapulco statea that the Eameralda had left that port after havinj eought aeveral favora, which were refused. Thc Esmer. alda is well artneci and equipped. She reeeived telegrams from th United States and then went to meet tbe Itata. A Manranillo telegram savs that the captain cf a fishlng boat there rlnlms that his veeael waa nearly run down before dnyllght bfa larjre stcamer withoat llghte. bound north. The Government denird that any Chllian ehlp touc h_d at a Mexican port up to a late hour last night, or that any confllct took place near San Waa, aa rumored and puhlished by "The Anglo American. " Waahlngton; May l-.-Trw Navy Department people are paUrntly awaitlng informatlon from the Paciflo. but np to the close of bualne_-i hours to-day there were no tidings from the Charleston. Her rcportetl encounter with the Chllian vessel Itata still lacks conflrmatlon and ls not looked upon as probable. The offlcials have no means of lenrning the movements of either pursued or puisuer until the Charleston or Itata touchea at some port. and it ls not believed at thc Department thnt otiteldcrs possess grcatcr faeUitlos for acqulr ing informatlon. While the Navy Department; reprcsentod to-day by Commodorc Rnmsay aa acting Secrotary, has suspended aetion until a eondition of nffalrs shaJJ be esulilished, the officiaLs of the State Depart? ment have taken up the question of the rights of Chllian rebels in the United Statea. The infor? matlon of the presence of the insurgents ln this country enme to the State Department on Tues.lay in the manner detailed in these dispatclics last night. A rcpresentntlve of the Ralainceda Government ealled at the Department with Sonor Lascano, the Chilian Minister, and gave speclhe, informatlon about certain agents of thc insurgents who had come to the United States to gain as slstance for their cause. One of the agents, then i i Washington, was a cousin of thc Department's _jif.,nnant. A formal protest was made against thc operations of the insurgents in this country and tlieir arrest was deronnded. Thc Chilian represcntatlvcs have been informed that this Gov? ernment. will do all in its power lawfully to ob gerve nnd restrain such representatives of the in surircnts as have found their way to thc United Stntes. Bat belligcrents who have oppeared in a Deutml country have not in every instance been prohibited from purchasing supplies, even when thoso supplies were ohviously munitions of war. A case which comes home to Americans is thc Ucense accorded to Mason and Slidell in England and France during the Civil War, when they octed as Commis-loners of thc Confederacy. There la aT.uTH.ant nutborlty in the State Department records from the timc of Jefferson down, to justify the manufacture. vendin'g and cxporting of arms, even war cxlsta in forelgn countrics. The late Solicitor of the State Department, Mr. Wh&r - Asnn' illustration of the di__.ulti?A that would nrise in this country from an extewlon of nentral liabi'.lty, the fact may be mentioned that in IQ.-0.N3 tauAtio-B o* war, approximating in valuc 10 $..,000,000, were furwanbd from San Franciseo to Chlna. Thc United States Ciov.rnt.ent could not execpt hy mensures which would involve not onlv e-OnaotU cxponso, but a vast and perilous incrca_e of police force, prevent persons from buy. ing up ommunition at publie or prlvate sale and ?endlng it to Chiaa. Vct, if the non-prevention of such exportatio-a hnpoaed liability for the d-imnge tbcrel.y produced, ti.e United States would be obUged to pay for all Injury done to English or Freaeh propcrty by such ammunition in caae of war Mwoeu C'uina and France or England." Thc position. of thc Government townrd the Conpress party's ngents is therefore this: Due dili gence will bc thc rnle, hut it Ls held that there is i o known priTilege mmti in this Government of Interfeitng with the eallings and business deal in.s of citizens of the United States who are eti : in the making nnd sale of munitiona of war. Tlicre is no law of nations, B0001_--f to JclTerson, reapeottllf thc rights Of thoai nt pcace which rc qaltea from them such an intcrnal dcrangement of oecupations. Tliis construction of international law, wliile allowlug the Chilian rebels a certain free'dom of aetion bMMM an American industry may not lie supprefcsed, does not, said, remove whoily thc liability of thc Government for tlie daaagt Blltml aa the result of thc shipment of supplies of Imttle. The surveillan"- of tho Government, over the i. stiing of belli+rerent cruisers, however, is a plain diitv, according to the C-tablinhed authorities. The preeedents of the State Department account fur the view taken by the Government that it is an offence ngalnst the law of natlons for a sover ei_n to permit the issue from his ports of a man-of _var bo eommiasloned, when ___? niight lie pre vented by thc exereise of proper care and diliKence. Iletwccn 'tbe sale of ships and of munitions of war and the fittLug out of a rruiser c .inmissinncd for bel ligen-nt purpofies there is praetically tiie same dif ference as bctween permitting individuala, though urnioil, to emigrate to a lielligerent country, and permitting the enlistnient of aoldiers to aerve such lelligerent. To prevent tha sale of ships and of munitiona of war to a beliigcrent would inflict serious injury on coinmeree ns well as j-ive to i, untiies pro.liicinfr. in.n and other essentials of l.attle ship construction unduo advantages over loimtries where thes<- materiais are not produced. This aiiMinei.t, however, it> held not to apply to the litti/ig out and manning of cruisers at a nentral part, arhaaea they go as a weapon of one ?.H-llijroreiit u^iinst the other. The treaty of Wash in_toii, whose rulcs were given in last night's djapatcb-i. new ont of arhat ont- oflicial terms tne -impeffect perfomanoe" by Ihe Hritisli uov rrnment ol ns dntloa m this reapect. Ihe in ilata-oe at thal time oa thc part ..f the I nitnd States uf certain prinelplea, plaocs this Oovwrn n.cnt mueh in the poaltion ol ackiiowledging a liability to Chili should the Itata evtulc her pur ilie State Department, to Bum up, has dcciled -i,,i t.. liiti-rfere with tlie movements of thc Con neaa party'a agents la the Uaited Statea; bai ?,n\- attempt to ahip the matenal will 1^ stopped. The Savj IJepartinent, on its si.le, ls making every hnnest e'tTort to take the Itnt.;?, and the riticence ,,i tl.e oili.-i.ils on thc aabjeal is <Imc to the desire to .-.iptire the vessel Itcfore the plans of the De partmenl can Iv- comniunieate.l lo ouarL-rs where pbuis to rcsistancc to the seizure of the ltatn might b. made. Tbe attitmle of the Government <?i tbe Chllian rehellion Ib tnfflcl?itly expreaajd hy tbe eflorta ,,f tbe Savj Department aad tlie aetloa of the M.ite l)e|>artment. There is no under-currciit nf NMupitnv in Wa_hingt..ii with the rel.-l.s. Such Infonnatlua BA haa COOW to t!ic Departtnenta has l.ccn in fvv..r of the Chilian Governmeul. It is decided that. regardlesa of the mcriut of the re? hellion, only one (iovernment enn he rcco?ni-e,l in Chili, .ind that most hc the Halmaceda Gc.vern tuent. Thc >ecrctary of thc Navy has Mi_ai:ic<! thc Naval ofliccrs on duty in Chilian waters in i.iioring the reliels. Tbe ('ovi-nunent tnkfti no iw.sitioii in the matter, hut rather retaina tliat held hefore thc Chllian insurrection. It feels in dutv l-.iind to ohscrve tbe demands of thc Gov ortwnent hcrctofore recogni/ed, and the capture of the Itata tveotnee therefore Important nnd ncoes _arr, An int.-rcstliiv |Miint rnised to-div was whether in the i-vcnf of thc ih-feat of tbe Halmaceda party tbe then vlctoriuus rebels could clnim indemniy from this th.vernment, should tbe Itata he de stroved. Tliia hns been decided negativcly, inaa mueh ns this vessel has no national commiasion. lier well being and aatety are looked after to-day. while ?he la being pursued, by no reeognlzed Yower. having n diguity of orzanizatlon warranting rtio tlons with tbe Lnitofl States. A eomplieatioii might anae in the remote ointlngency of tbe foni.o tion of the Congrcsa Government ln Llilli, wliiio the Chaneaton was still chaaing the Itata, and then there would bo a government. perhape, which waa in a poeition U> demand from thia country some antrsfaction for tho destruotion of Ita ves sel Ln tlie open aena. But auch coaditioM are not seriously conaldered. St. Louia, May 14.-A dispntch from the Clty of Mexleo says: ? 'The Anglo-Aroeriean' printu a dlapntch from San Blaa, on the 1 _clnc const, atating that a constwiae schooner which arrivd here yesterday report* having slghted two un known vessela ahout 2 o'elock Tiicsday afternoon and another ahout dark some dietanee ofl that port, both going south and steamlng faat. The captaln of the schooner was unoble to make out their names, owing to tbe dlstance. There ls a general belief in San Blaa that thc vessels slghted were the Itnta first and the Charleaton aeeond, chasing her. If this ls the paae. the Charleston ls between four nnd flve hotirs hehind. There were persistent rumorn ln circularjon in this city to-day that the United States cruiser Charleaton had ovcrtaken the Chilian veseel Itata on the high aeos, and a naval engagc ment had been fought, in whlch the lntter ves? eel waa worsted and blown out of the water. Whether she exploded her magazines or waa sunk by the cruiser Charleston is not stated. The rumora fail to state where the engagement wns fought. Inquiries at tlie War Department failed ho bear out the rtreet reports, though aome main tain that they have Inside information tn thnt effect. ? A dispatch at 4 p. m. to "The Anglo-Amedcan' from Acapulco states that neither the Itata nor the Charleston hnd been sighted, though there is a vlgllant waaoh maintained at the signal station for them. The greato.t excitement prevaila in commercial circles in San Blas, the merchants be lieVing that a naval battle will be fought ofl %it port, ? San Francisco; May 14.-The United States steamer Omaha arrived here this morning from San Diego. She will nrocecd to Mare Island and go out of commiesion. Riimors coming from the city of Mexico. to the effect that thc Charleston had overtaken the Itata and had flred upon that veseel. are regarded here as having no foundation. The Charleston pBMMd San Diego at noon Monday. Thc run to Acapulco, the nearest telegraphic point lielow the Oulf of California. is 1.300 miles. The Charleston was steaming at the rate of about flfteen kt.ots, and w..s seen to lie moving out of her course to inspeet passing vesseLs. and even though ptished to the lii.hest poiut of speed, could not reaeh Acapulco before to-morrow, nnd any news, therefore. of her operations could not be reeeived through Mexican sourcea before her arrlval there tc-morrow. Los Angeles, Cal.. May. 14.-Solicitor-General Tnft will leave here for Washin.ton on Monday, as he is ordercd by the Attormey-Genernl to be th?re on May 25. He says he Ls not here to take eharge of the schooner Kofiert and Minnie enses, hut catue only to consult with the District-Attorney. Tlie Attornev-Crt>neral has appoined Henry Ga_e, of California. n special Assistant District-Attorney for the Southern District of California to assist in the proseciition of tlie persons nrrested in tliat district charged with the violation of the neu tralify laws in connectlon with the shipment of arms on thc schooner Robcrt and Minnie. T'NITED STATES SHIPS IX CIIILI. A lettcr recelved frora Valparaiso yesterday glve* some lnterestlng facts about the I'nlted States Navy shtpa ln Cliill. The lialtlmore arrived there from TcmJon on April 7, tlio run of 8,800 miles belng done withont ony mishap or Incldent worthy of notlcc. To glve an ldcn wliat lt cost* to send shlps from Europo to Chlll. the eoal bill for the llnltimore at Montevldeo alone was about 811,-00, and she waa coallng at Val pRxnlso on April 14 and pnylng 815 a ton for eoal. Tho lVncarola, the flagshlp ol tho IJrazil Station, whlch waa sent around to the South Paelflc two montha ago, waa at Valparalso, with Actlng Renr-Admlral W, P. McCann on board. Admlral MeCann ls aoid to be strlrt on tho qnestlon of observance of neutrality. nnd has lasued orders that no packages nor letters shall be re? celved r?n board to cajry fo thc northem porte of Chlll. He even refnsed permi^alon to the offlcers to have a daneo on board of the ship. becanse It might be eon sldercd Improper for a neiitral repreaentutlve to pcmilt such a thing at Mieh a tlnie. REAPPORTIOXIXG MASSACBUSETTS. A BILL BEFORE TITF. T.F.r,ISLATURE-GEXEROUS TO DEMOCRATS. Roston, May 14 fSp?vlal).-TriO Leglslatlvo Com mlttee appointod to redlstrict tlie State. so _s to sand wieh in another CBBgrBBI dhtrlct, whlch Massachiis.-tts Is entltled to under tho new censms, reported to tho Leglslature to-day a reniamable scheme, which, it soems, B not llkely to be acceptable to Republlcans. Thc latter do not appreciate tho genero.lty, not to say prodigallty, of the commltteo In turnlng over de libcr.itely six Congress distrlcts to tho Democrats. who havo not been able to carry for many years, with tlio exooptlon of 1800, more than two dlstriets. The tneasuro posscsseai one virtue, nnmely, lt ls so generoin t/> the Democrnts that tba BBOBl anlent partl.san Ciinnot eharge gerri'mandering. <>n the otlier hand, lt talios the Rcpnbllcan clty of SpringfieW from Ita l,?ig eea> neetlon with the Ilerkahlru district, and tlia Democmtic stronghold of Holyoke Is put ln Ita placo. Pcabody and Lynnficld havo boen taken from thelr conneetJon with SaJeni and _a80- (Vmnty and put in with Lowell and Lawrerice. The nepubllc.-ins of Eorchcster linve been -wamped by throwlng them into a BOpekaatj DemiocraUc district. To accomplish |__8 result it was neceasary to Areak \Vard Nlnetcen and sever certain pTeeincta from thelr natural connectlon. In the re? port not more thah four or llve of tlie new dlstrietr, bear ninch r-semblnnco to thc old one?. Tlie llrsi dltference is in tho niimboring. whlch beglns nt the west, InFtead of at tlie Cnpe, as before. The old Xllth. or part of it l>ecomes th? iihw Ist, and the okl Ut Vll. bo known a* the new Xlllth. Politlcally considered, on the basls of Oie 0888-888 voto of 1888 (tho vote for Congressmcn belng tlie ono nnlnly con-ldored by the eOBMBlttee), Ihe new itistrlcts ataad eleven Ro miblican, by plurallUes ranglng fcoaa 1,000 t?. B.000, und two. the iXth atid Xtli. Drmucnillc, l,y alx>ut 5.000 racb. On thc vote for 18(?0, the B-trletB stand, noml nally, seven Rcpubllcan and alx Daaaecralle ?-f the Cmgressmen-elcct, Vessrs. Randall, Harsa, <>\\eil, Lodge, rogswell, Stevens. Willlams, WaJker, Cu.Udjw and Craabp remaln ln thelr old 1881-887, 08 M nearly as mu bc while Messrs. Andrew anO liour Hnd them "ives amon/ new assoetnte-. Mr. Aodrow (COCa over into th-- Cnmbrldge-Somervllle district, and >ir. Ilaar. i,v ti,e movement ol popolaUon, ls earried oali toward tl'.e centio -f Uie Btate. SoatOB go?s ijito flve dlv trlcts._^_., PRISOXER PAROLED, WTTBBBu LOCEEV FP. Frankle Belleau. ninetwn years old, of No. _01 \Ve?t Fortieth-st., charged Mary LerOf ln the Jefierson Mir ket I'OUcc Court yesterday wit'i l.eeplnn a dlsordc; ly house nt No. -10 \VP*t Fort-etli st, wliero Frankio savs she formerly llve.1. The 80888 is w 11 known as tfee "tlBII-MB Hoaae." Even- similar establlsliment In tho street has been closed, but the '? Southern," with? ont hasp or lock on thc door, hs.s never been closed. I'ranhlo wanted to leave the place, Mit her street dress was loclied up nr.d she was left wlth.ut enough ing to appear in tho street. At last she grew des rierate and fled _i her eoataaie. scanty as it ww, and soaght refuge ln the houso Ba -*0_ West F.-rtietli-s:., wbere sho w__ Brarldad with lanaeeta. Then, *ho says, she a*kcd the police to reeorer her clothlng, bal th.-v' p'tused. BO she had & warrant out for "tlie M-uiam ? and It wa* served by Daoaettva Taylor 'Mi WcdnoailBT niKlil- ^esterda.- aitern.'on ahe wns pan.led [or eaai.iin_?um an latarday, and Kianhie w?s kxked up In th' Hoaae Oi Detentlon as a uitness by oraer of Justlce MrMnhon. LOXDOXS 1VBP0BBB WEICOBB TO THE EAltEB, London. May lt.-The stih.ert of F.tnperor Wllllam'a coming vislt to England was dl'CUssrd by the Cir poratlou Ooaaefl today. A propoatBOB to appropriati a stini Of m.'i.ev to bc c\].et.ded ln weh-,;niliig the Emperor to this clty f.nn.t BUHBJ adhorenta lu t^e (ounctl. and some also who objected to wlut they c.n sidered a wuste of money. At thl* point of tho pro reedlngs the chalrman otder.'d that the room be ehaUBd of all but the members of the Coiinrll. When thc .bfts wcre rcipened and lhe pabUe i/?in admltted to the CiMinctl rraitu tBe rbalnnan nninainced that lt had been decided to apeiui _.'i,".h. for a reoBptton t" ti..- Brnperor nnd :,.r a I'.mcliei.n. and C-00 m d.-.-.initing lhe ruute which would be folluwed by the Emperor. THB CiPK COD SHIP fAXAL COMFAET. Loaton, May 14.-Tlio bill clmrtering the Cuiie Cod and New-York Ship Canal Cotupapy paiicd tho beuato raBMB. DEATH IN THE FLAMES. A YOUNO GIRL KILLED AND TWO PEOPLB INJURED. BRIDGET CLARI-'S SO.VG WAS 2TEVER FIXISRES -SnE WAS FOl'XD CROUCHED IN A CLO-ET ?MAUR1CE COLBERT LEAPED FROM THE FOURTII-STORV, WHILE HIS WIFE BL'Sfl B_* HER IIAXDS L-TI ? nER GRA-P RELAXED. A flre which late laat night broke out at No. 1040 Third avc., one of a row of store and flat housre, caused the death of a young girl and scrious injury to tW. other pcrsons. The burned building was four stories in height, the ground floor being occupicd by Jacob Munck, a baker, who, with hia wife, three children and aervanta, livcd on the aeeond iioor. On tbe thlrd and fourth floors lived three other families. Tho fire broke out in the kitehen of tho third floor, which waa occupled by two aged women, Margaret Meyler, a widow, and Mary Meyler, her sister-in-law. Shortly after 10 o'clock, while Mrs. Bridget Kenney, her daughter Mary, and her niece, Bridget Clark, who lived together in the reor of the fourth Hoor and worked as dressmakers, were aittlng in tlieir parlor singing, a strong emell of smoke waa noticed. Mrs. Kenney _tarted up in the mlddle of her song nnd rtiahed out into the hall, but waa beaten back by a great volumP of smoke which burst into thc room as she opened the door. Bllndcd and choked by the smoke, she staggered down the stairs, calling to the girla to follow her. Mary Kenney tried to follow her mother, but tho smoke was too thick. .She ru.hed to the front window, opened it, and got out on the flre escape. Screnming to her cousin, "Follow me!" she made her way along the eacape to the next hotiric and by way of a window reached the apart ments occupicd by G. Dobbins. Bridget was seen to follow her, and then calling to Mary, "I i_ going to get something I have aaved up," went hack into the burning room, and was seen alive no more. In the meantimo the flre had made quick headway, leaping up thc dumb waiter that ran tlirough the rear of the house, and spreading through the third nnd fourth floors. The front of thc fourth floor had been occupled hy Maurice Colbert and his wife, Man*. Maurico, on the tflrst alarm, rushed through the hall to an escape which runs down the rear of the building. Thc flames had burst out of the icar windows and had almost enveloped the escape. Craze.l by fright, Colbert leaped from the fourth floor into tho yard below, and when he was picked up ineensible it waa found that he had broken his leg. His wifo made her way out of a window on the top floor in tho froiit of the house. She let herself down until she hung by her hands from tho window ledge. Then she looked down to fhe crowd below, and ealled, " Save me. I'm going to drop!" The crowd shouted to her to hold oa if only for a moment. Two boys, Rohert, Schulti nnd Harry LicbertJ who are employed by A. W. Lakey, a jeweller at No. 1.03S Thlrd-ave.. rushed into their bed? room and dragged out two mattresses, which they plaeed under the point where the woman hung. In the same moment Mrs. Colbert's graap relaxed and she dropped to the ground. In her fall she struck and carricd away the awning over Munck'a bakery store and then bounded off it on to tbj mattre__e_. But for the promptness bf the two lads she would probably have lieen fatally Ln jufed. As it was, she cscaped with a broken arm and a severe shakicg. Poor old M-rgaret Meyler,' who haa pa__ed hei seventieth year, was in bed and asleep when the flre broke out in the kifchen of ber roomB. By some unknown means her 6ister manageu ?. e_ eape by the front stairway, but Margaret was too weak and too panic-stricken to ruove fronl her bed. In answer to her sister's wild sbricks Fore man Farrell, "of Truck No. 1C. and John J. Horn, who lives at No. 1,030 Third ave., rushed upstnii, through the llamcs and smoke and carried her down tn safety. When thc tlames were under control the liremen made tl-.cir wav through the fourth floor in aearcb of tbe mis-ing Bridget Clark. They fouud h?l crouohed down la the coruer ot a oloset dead. \fter leaving her sister Mary she had gon. back Into her room, aud then, trvlng to make h-r way out again, liecame Mindea and choke.l in the smoke. She staggered into the closet and tln.-r. sank down and died. When her bodv wns found it was seen tliat her legs and nnnds were burned. Othorwise she had eso.ap. <l .li-li_iirement. To tbe presonee of mind and c.olness of Mra. Ellsabeth Lakey, wife of tbe jeweller next door, is due the prescrvalion ?.f many more lives. She was awakee.ed from her sleep hy the eries of " lire." She rushed out into the hallway ol tbe house which was full of smake, and opening the street door pulled the bclls of thc ditl'erent apartments until she had arouse.l everyooe in the house. The tenants upetairs, who' had been all asleep, were slow iu realizing the aituation. However. choked and frightened, they somehow found their way into the street. Tlie total lo-_ on thc building and thc furniture is o-timated at $6,000. The house was oaued l.y C. A. <'rulkshank, a real estate brokcr ln Broadway. At, one time it belongcd to the t'oelet estate, of which Elbrldge T. Gerry Ls trustee. HIS DAUGHTER WOULDXT MIXD HIM. SHE GOT MARRIED AFTCR HE STRUCK HER AT TIIE GATE. People In Ncw-nrunswick, N. J.. wero talklng yea? terday over an eseapadc of Ri.'hard HaWcnlier- and Mi?e I_?na Deinzer. On Wcdnesday night thc conple were In front of thc lattor's hous?. when Miss Delnzer's father ordored her to go to bed. She reiused. and _B, snying she wa~ no longcr his daughtcr. gave lier a pu?h. Tho Rlrl BaHa and H.-irdenberit hit Mr. Delnzar. Thc couplo tlien went away. Tho trouble had been brewing far some montha. Mr. Ilardcnberg's famlly are among the best known pcoplo of tho town, while Mr. Deinzer La a butrher, Mit also one of the rlchest men ln the town. Th. latter has repoatcdlv told his daughter that she must not meet her sweethenrt, but she refuscd to obev. ii?? Mura tliat sin waa oal beaaaaHy until late at ninht aad got lato Iha boosa by a rear window. Hc urged hof to give up her sweethenrt, throatening to her, but sho refuse. t<> Usten to liim. *>h. )<< twentv-alx raata old. and wa_ to havo gone to Europe next Breeb. ..fter tho trouble at thc pntc the lovers w?nt to tho prlcst of St. .John'* C.thollr Churrh. o_ which Mr. Detnaar la a n.-ui'-or, but hc refosed to marrv them. Then they went t . tii" house . f the pa-tor of the Klr<t Ucf.rmed Chareh, the Rev. P. T. Pockmao. H. i-c.iuircd nUnoaaoa. and llai-det.berg liatt.ncd to a reataurant and c-.t two frloaia The c.unle were then marrM and rctunrd to Deln?cr's house. but be ro (aaed t<> alhra his dnughter ta enter. thonirh lie waa told of tlie mai-rlajro. Sho alent St tlie house of _ frlend. Mr. Deinzer said vesterdav Uiat no w,.uld liUr modlatelv inaUe a will dlslnhcrttlnz his dausht-.-r. r_*iv.?rf>?rjr/f..v o.v the great i.akes. \V,i-liiript..n. Mny 14.-Th" OMM Biirean has issUcd a Beaaad bullctia on thc -ubjert of traiuportatlon on tl,. (i~?at Lafeos. The flrst buUetin rovered only th. cla-ses of vr<?els entered ln Lloyds' Reglitcr, while this Bovers all floatlnp <x)u:pment properly uaalgnable to the ticmt l.altes. ixcept fl*hlng veaaela. The total numher of vcsacla on thc .ireat LaHea. Deccmber HI, i-'n, flrai P.TS4 ; the t,.t:.i paai IM__ml u_...._. ,uid tha total n.t tonaaajB, TaO,llb. Tho e*tlniat<Hl .-a-ry Ing cipacltv ol tlie^ 3.7_d raaaata ?u< I.SM.781 taaa, and tlie commerrlal valuatlon *\_? W^.oOJ,7-0. AX tBBUBABCB COXPAXY GOES UXDER. Omahn, Ncb., May 14.?Tbe Nebr__ka Flre IfiauranOB ('otnpany w.-w forced lo the wall thla afternoon by the aetion of the stoclih .Idcrs, who went Into court and tB9 p|M for thc apiuiiiitinent of a recelver. The petltlon viiw* at once grantrd, nnd W. (1. Albrlghl waa appolnted. UM Baaapaaj recenllv rhanged mu'iagen.ont, and *r nngementa -anctloned by a majorlty ot tl?e atock holders were being made to wind up the affalrs ol thc eompiiiiT and tnni ov^r the bu-lneaa |0 the Phrwnl.. of linx.klvn. Assets of tho compaitT are plaeed at foi./KH), but no .wtement of tlie liubl-ttea t_u ba