OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 16, 1891, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1891-05-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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Wa_hlngton. May 15 (Spe-lal).-" Tho Star" today
has the followlng i
"Tbe rc-lgnation of Oreen B. Raum, Jr., asslstant
trdef clerk oi the -?enslon Offlea, was acceptod this
ifternoon, to take effect thlrty daya hence, lt wouia
bave been worded ao m to take effect lmrnodlately tm
not tha authorltles been moved by aympathy for ttow
wt? mnat anlter because of Mr. Ranm's ******
"fsome time ago the attentton of tba nterlor Do
'partment wa. dlrected to Oreen B. ?a8_-WJ8>,aa8ljaa
lltue whlle tlie atmosphere of SecreUry Noble s offlee
aras clondcd wlth rnmow gbBt appoared to have tothM
ao much of ooMity that thay were bound I^J^J
tontlon. ??l2-*5Sftt^_Sft
Ch-xgee were made tl-it Mr. "^ *"":,__,_ -?_
obM derh of tbe Pen.lon Bnreau tad 8Ml?ljl.jg
aotu to plaoe* ln the Bnreau ln retom for flnancia.
heneflta recelved or P~mlaed ^^
- One of the eaaea was lald before Gtenmrj * .
?nd upon lt that offloial took lnrmedlato acUon. June
rtory. whlch eome* from indahltoWe aoareea, iegen
erally to tha effect that a South Carollnlan ******
__ oi of tba 88881 newapapera for a flllMBhjl-lBl
-rhicb sreold pay hlm not leaa than 850 per 8888-8, 888}
ki Uia* asme advertlsement the offlce*eek? d-olaraa
88a w_iliH-ne? to reward tha ono who could wcrkiUm
_Twi-h fc-T-um of a-00 caalu Tne *********
?u replled to by a eolored man who J- em_doyad lJ
tba Tre4-*ury Departnwat, and who had been '?"*****
lo ? domeatlc capaclty wlth tne Raum famfly, twb
man i.i-ormed the advertiser of his ahlHty to 888888
Xithecovetodpl-ca. The flrst rtcp was to intr^uce
S Sonth Carollni-a to AsslsUnt Cbiof Clerk Haam.
That wae done by the eolored man, and ln a sbort
Mme the *>comme?d-rfion for the Sonthomer B ap
pc4m_nei* went tnrougli tne regular rhau-ete and tiie
MDO-nt_--n4 wa* made. ln eome way or other, the
oo\^i?sion got into the hawU of the Treasury cm
ploye, and he met tlie appolntoe ln Seventh-st, near
toe Iutertor Department. An exokange was effertod.
tbe cotored man geUtr* his * 200, while the gentleman
trom South C-rollna walked away with the prerloti*
lo-amont. The eolored man testlfled tbat ho pald tho
prater porUon ol tlit- money, but Mr. Raum deniod
thls et-tement.
<? Before these matters became known the case dcvel
Bped stlll furthor. The South C*arollnlan wanted a
promotlon. He needed a $1,200 salary. and was wlll
tng to pay for lt. A job was put up by whlch a clerk
to the Pension Offlee personated Sniith, for that was the
loutn Carollnian's name, before tho Civll Servlce Corn
nisaion. The aubatltuta pa<*ed a good examination,
Hid when Smlth's name was diawn from the ellp.ble
__t, Smlth himself put ln an appearance. The photo
sranh of Mr. Jackson. who was" the 1*8888 Ofllco
clerk, not being on the papers, there was no way in
ahlch to identlfy Smlth. so ho got the appolntment.
-As soon as Secrctary Noble was aware of these
Ihlngs he promptly diseharped Smlth, Jack-oti and a
?lerk in the Indlan Bureau who was ln some raanner
roncerncd in the affair. Then the Secrctary called
upon Green B. Raum, jr., to briiu? forth his radgnattoa.
To thls Mr. Raum demurred, but the secrctary w*s
obdurato. Ycty naturally Conimissioner -888-8 h88N
aomethlng of the trouble and ho at once *.e<urcd his
son's r-sipnation. He dld not belleve any of t.ie
atorles upon whlch tho Secrctary baaed his action, but
he said he would not attempt to Intorfere ln his son s
behalf. Jf the eerrctary did not belleve his 808 was
condnctlng hla offlee properly he (tho Commissi.mer;
would do everything in his power to place tha Bureau
ln a aalllfailllj conditlo... The resignatlon was not
tendered diroctly to Secretary Noble, for hc had gone to
Bt. Louls; lt was lianded to Oeneral Busftcy, the BeeoM
llUlfl Secretary of tho Interior, who has chargc of
peoslon matttt-, and he had not actcd upou it until thls
"This morning there was another rcvclation of fome
intereet, and lt was this comlnp to the knowlcdgo of
Flrst .lIBl Secrejary rbandler tn.it closed BBat
ters up ln a hurrv. It seems that abont thi-ec months
ago the sum of $72 was rcceived by the Pension Offlee
lroin a peusioner, who elalmed to have rec-ived that
much more tf.an wab dne hlm. *J???T*,W?
the' notea, and thls was sianed 'Honeaty. A *??
enstomary, tho sum was plaeed ln the sale of the
afcalatant -hlet -lerh tor aafa-keeplng untll t should
hc turned mto the Trcosur>-. When tbe monex v..s
ca.ledfo7lt was uot theiv, and lt romalned abscnt some
time The chlef of divl>Ion, who was respouslble for
lt mado Inonlry as to Its whcreabouW. and lt was de
veloned ln^TestTmony glven to-day before Peeretarles
Chaudler in.1 Bussex-, that lt was found to be ln tho
pii-^e* l'n "f Green B. Raum. Ir.. he haxinp borrowod
fTin? applled lt to his personaf uses ,^____ ,?_d
*__J davs after Mr. Kaum's demanded reslgnation Jiad
b-en handed ln. the money was retnniafl by Ux. iiaum.
r^retaries fiandler and Bussey sat ln Judpment on the
_2_for? e-a_d7-l hoara to-day. called for testlmony
f^m Fenslon offlee empioyes beard them in the pres
ence of a *?Ur* reporter, and iinally concluded to ac
ccut the reslgnation ln a burry- _._
"The anthorltle- state most emphatiea ly that__?i
eral Rauni ls ln no ?enao responslble for the eondnrt of
?toaoTa-S at least ono of the A*_l*tant SeeroUrles
U c;^rt- n that the S__a_lealoBer ls ignorant of the. nc
enrremes whieh have brought about the unfortunate
conditlpn of affairs.**
Washington, May 15 (Special).-Civil Pervlre Gonv
missloner Roosevclt. president of the new Hoone and
Crorteett Club, and an urdent und thorough-golns
aportsman and lover of outdoor llfe. takes an ar-tlvo
and effectivo interest ln the movement 09*88* Inereaa
lns and enlarglng tiie forest reservations ln the tht
West. ,_.
?I do not thlnk," he said to-day, talklng on tMe
topic, "that attention has been drawn as fully as lt
should be to the lmportant leglslatlon ln the dlrection
of enlarglng tht Government rc&ervatlons accomplislied i
by tho last Congress. At the sljort seaslon this year |
a blll was passed givlng tho President authority to
tnclude ln reservatlons varlous forest tracte ln the
West. The President and fiecretary Noblc took prompt
aetlon and. by an cxecutlvo oider, tho tract in Call
lornia contalnlng tho celebrated Marlposa trees. was
aet apart as an orlglnal Natlonal reservation, and, what
was Btea more lmportant, tba Yellowstone Natlonal
Park was greally enlargcd to ti.e aouth and east, so as
to liu-reaso the slae of the reservatwn at least one
fourth. The land lnclosed ln the Park was useless
for mlninc and other lndustrial purposes, bfltag rongh
and mountalnoua. Hut lt waa invaluable for tho
preservatlon of the water supply of that whole reglon.
whlc* was dependent on prcservlng tho forests. The
practlcal beneflt to the new States of Idaho and Wyo
mlng fiom the cxtenslon of the boundarles of the Park
will thus be great, whlle every lover af nature will bo
glart bocause of the pi-esorvntloii of the natural scenery
and of the lasrds of game now in that part of the
"Rut this aetlon on tbe part of the President ls
especially valuable as an eneouropemont to further
forest preaervatlon. I WMI that th>re mlght be some
addltlonal B/ttoB by Congress In Ihe way of turnlng
the Vosemlte Park Into a Nationul as well as a State
reservation. inludinc ln the new tract the 08808 Of
all the bbjMbi lamnlag into the Toaaaatta. L* ls of
fttal BBgawtaaaa to krep Ibaae beaaa aatoaahed, and
Congress could d-> no more 1881 seiv.ee to the WBBtatB
conntrv than to p8811811 Ma great forest* and th.-tvj.y
11* water cnpj'ly t.v the crcatlon and urtoaalan ot
Natlonal Park*. The servlco to thB !?" *M M B WB88B,
through the preservatlon of ti.e aMttalflaant aeeaery
Stha tar Weal nnd of tbe rure ?rUd aniin-ils aUB
abouiidlng'there, would also bo difflcult to ovcr-cstl
Wa bmgtoa, May n.-Tiic Baraaa ef tba AraerMaB
napaMIri lias the fritowmg lmportant laiOrmatlon
fron tba Clty Of Mexlco regardlng the reporl of tba
confcrei.cc thei* on the revlalon of the Me.vran Q itoa
of tavution. lt is propoaed, grat, thal all I
eaitom houses 1* BbOiMbad, aiid tliat all bnporttd
mercliandlse. havlnj; eoinplied wlih th<- eaatOBM J8*0
at Uie port of entry, sliall tberaallar pas, unimpedcd
to IU deatlnatlon. Second, la phaM <d tba cxlstiug
"alcabala," tnternal dutic*. an lndirect tax is to be
MLbtUtuted, to be collccted from the consumer. which
akall be uniform tlnoughout the Kepublle at a rate
uot to exceed 6 per cent ad valorem on all artlcle*
except tobacco aud sptrits, and Mull be pald in the
form of stamps, which tha general Government shall
Uiue to the .everal etate*. This tax r-ball be Imposed
for twenty years from aad after February 5, lflf>2.
Third, tiie tax upon tobacco and t-pirits shall be
determlned from tinie to time by spe. lal regnlaUon*.
Fourth. the law authorlxing the gtataa t<> lmpor* a tax
of r> per eetit on the import rtutles levled upon Magartaf
aierchandlfa ls to bo repealed. Flftli, the aaawaaea
bjVMB tbi 88* * per 8881 Uix soull 0808*4 to lb
State* tliat rallcct them, and thos? c-ollectii>tis ln tba
Federul lMatrlft and the Terrllorles shall be pald Inlo
tbe FederaJ Trea*urv.
Hefore this plati goea into effect It must be approved
bv tlio Federal Cougres* and ratlBed by tbe ?overaJ
*UtWi 4,
Washingtoo, May 1V?Ot the 404,800 ouut** of Mlver
eflered ter sale to ihe 188888*1 Dcoartwoui ''vaay, 04,
800 ounces were purchaaed. aa follows ? lfl^OOO ouiicc*.
at g0.?8, 13,800 at *0.08 1-10, 20.000 at ?0?? 1 ??
WasWnfftOii, May 15 <_pocial).-The Postofflce De
partmont offlrifOs here rasent as unfalr and BrMMBBBBg
tlhe statomonts sent ont yesierday from El 1*880, Tex.,
ln regard to the arrest of the yostmostcr Uiere. Tho
El Paso dlspatch announeed that tho postmester bad
conflaeated theVhole naiil odltlon of "The El Paao
Ttmes," becuH.se tliat paper pnblUlwd a BJBOpaM of the
Louielana Snpreme Court's derlabm. dlrccting tho a*80
retary ol that state to submlt to the prople al tho
next elcctlon tbe eonstltutlonal amemdment passed by
tho last Legtelature, contlnulng the charter of the
lottery oonipany twenty-flve years longer. The Edlb>r
of "The Time*" therenpon had tiie poMnia-tcr ar
reated tor ?'onlawfojly detaining mall matter and ro
raatng Rs trauamission through the malls."
The fact la, the autborltle* liere say, ttiat the post
navrter simply detalned tbe lasue of " The Times" until
he oouM telegraph to the Poatmaster-General for In
strnctlon*, and, on reoeiving word that the m*tt<T puh
IMbed, though ln one aenae lntended aa an adyertlsc
ment of tho lottery company, did not aetunlly como
wlthln the aeope of the Anti-Lottery law, promptly for
werded the edltkm, whloh had been hcM over tempo
rarily. This, lt ls sald here, oauuot be ..alled an ira
lawful detentlon ot mall matter, for lt was the duty of
the poatroe-ter to ask for Jnatrnctlons from the De
pertment If he bad any doubt as to the adnitariblllty
of the matter offered. Inq'uiry as to the legallty of
the same subjert matiter?the Loulslaua Supreme
Oourt'a deoMkm?came from eevertl quarters, and Uie
Aaalstant Attonney-General for the nepartinent, Mr.
Tyncr, after examrnlng the artlclns forwarded, rnled
that they dkl not offend technically agalnst the axlat
Ing law. The Department ls confldcnt that no caae
can be made out agalnst the El Paso postma-iter for
simply dei4alning the coplea at "The Time8, pondlng
As to the "reldrng" of the El Paso postofflce, also
reterrcd to in tbe dlspatch, the fact ls that the I'nlted
States MarsliaL actlng under tlns order* of the I'nlted
btatea l/Utrlct-Attorney, simply sclacd a number a>f
lottery crrculars wliich had aecumnlated ln & postofflce
box hired lndlrectly by tiie Juarez Lottery Compiny,
of Juarea, Mexlco, Just aeross the BaO Oraade, from
BJ Paso. The Mextcan (Xmipany. ln order to ?ave
Internatlonal postage, ha? reoently been tnalling a
good deal of matter m El Paao, and moat of Its etv
reaOjaeaabOM a rcturn marlt to a cert&ln box ln the
El Paso poatoflice. A number of rotnrned clrculais
collecting in ttils box, and the ausplolon of tlio nfflclals
bahag aroused by scveral other ctoB-aataneaa taa
nmttor ln the box was .?elzcd, by order of the Diatrict
Attorney. With this, of eourse, the Po*t<_Bce autuor
Itles had notlilng *_ate*rer to do.
-4> ?
Washington, May 15 (Spcciali.-Spenking to-day of
the many falschoods sct ln circtilation in frco-rrade
papers about the American free tln-plate indu-try.
Joseph Nimmo, Jr., the well -known atatMtkdail, says:
"These free-trado writers should not largBt that tho
provlsion of the McKlnlcy nct ralslng tho dcty on thi
plato from 1 cent to 2 2-10 88808 a pound does nol talic
etfert tuitd July 1\ 1801. As to tho manufacture of
the phite In this country. ln aletter datc-d May U und
rorcived this mornlnr; from #88888 M. ahranb, general
marager of tlio American Iron ond stcel AaaOtdatlon,
I sm informed as follows: 'We aro BOdMgr malting tm
plate at St. Louis, at Chlcago, at I>emniler and ApoUo,
Ponii.. in commercial quantltles and not experlmentally.
In Rrooklyn and Clcveland tln-plate plants are now in
BOaaaa Of ere/tion. You can glve those statcnients on
my authority.' Tho St. l/Ools Stamping Companv aaya
tmdor dnte af Aprll 28: We aro maklng twenty-flve to
forty bo.xes dally, hut by July 1 our new works will i*
ready, wlth a dajly output of 000 boxes.' The Chlcago
manufactnrcrs are.Norton Rrotliers, the Demmler manu
faottirers are the T'nlted states tyoa and Tin Plato ("om
pahy, the Rrooklyn people nro Somcre Rrolhers and tiie
neveland people the Hritton Rolllng Mill Company.
Thcso ahd flvo or alx oTTlcr concerns engaBed ln or
conf-mplatlng tlnplat* manufacture met in Xew-York
on Aprll 29.
"Tho mining of tin ls also beinB developcd ln this
country, a fact demonstrated to the Pr*wldent ln Uio
cour=e of hls Journey. TlUs American tln-mlnlng and
tln-plate industry has arLsen in antJcipation of pro
tottlon. The price of tin to produ.era has not ad
vaticod and lt ls not likely to advanee. Yhe pvidcncr's
of bencfit whlrh the whole countrv has derived from
protoftlon durlng the H?t tl-irty j-ears are slmplv over
whelrning. We have our qulver full of facts and ao
armw of truth. ready for every free-tnide lie which ap
poars fixjni tlus time until November, 1802."
Washington, May 15.?An iospoctor from tho anpui
rMtag arrhltoct's office will make an lnvestlpation to
nwwTow of tiie beaOng api^ratus ln the Poatofflcci at
NVw-York to asoortalo wlmt lmprovcments are necea
James Bcnder, who about sls woeks apo st.abbed
and mutllated a woman ln a First-ave. cat -near Thiriy
fonrth-st., and who was aupposed to live ln Flnshlng,
was captured ln Corona, L. I., by three of Inspector
ByrncK's deteetlvos last nlght. The dotootlx-es havo
been on tlie k**ont for Bender sinco the sUbbinp <-?
eurred. Bender waa brought to tbla city aud lockcd
up iu tho Thlrty-flfih-st. statlon-house.
Charles Arnold, thlrty-five years old, a natlve of
Australia. waa arralgned before Juatlce, Ho?an, in tlio
Tombs Polke Court yeaterdaT mornin*/, chartred wlth
for.lne tho namo of hia emplovCr, John T. Wilsou tli
NMrad fiaebat baker, who Uve* _t Park ave. an.i Thlrty.
iourtl>-st , to a number of checics for truall amonnts. _c.ro
jratlnc 8.00. On Aprtl 4 Arnold for_,d Mr. WOaea.
name to a cheeB, drav-o. ln favor ol Charlcs _ Co., of
No. 60 Eaat fbrty-thlrd-*-, for 850. On Aprll 6 Arnold
drcw four more forged ehecks. In the atore of Chorle*
_. t'o. Amold dlsplayed to a clerk a dlamond pln, saying
??Isn't lt a dandyl I -m golng to get ?600 ou lt."
This nln. it is alleged, he stole from Mr. Wllson'* house-,
its valuc ls said to be e3.">0.
Arnold 888*8888888 after his forgcrles, and Mr. Wllson
reported tho matter to the pollce. On Wedneaday do
tectlves saw Aruold's wlfe shopplng In Grand-*t., aud
followed her to Woodslde, L. I., where Aruold was
Amold pleaded nulltv. and Justlce Hogan held bim
la 82.000 hall for Trlal.
Rudolph K. Sigel, a son of Oeneral rranz .s..-:, was
committed yes^rday at Uie Tumbs x'ourt for cxarr.lnrUlon
a? to his aanlty. Younp .Sig<M, who ls t..lrty-slx years
old and murriod, Ilx-ed at No. 5?:i Kast One-hurutroa-aiid
Uility-sl_th-*t. The Suprome Court three days agB d>
tlrted that Sieel aaa of unsound inlnd, and conunltted
hlm on the certlUcates of two physielans to the care
of I>r. l-JTill Ilcnel, of ODO-hundred-and-forty-tlilrxl-ht.- aud
Wnila aia blB-l e*cap?l from the *_nll_rlum twe days
at'". Yestordsy morotriK he caused a 81888888888 at Um
Internatloi.al Hotel. Dete.-ttxo jrlilln wa*. 'called ln, and
Bifi 1 waa taken to the Oak-?t. atatlon. Twlce |a court
laelaiilaj Klgel arow aud called out: "May lt pleaso
your ilouor, 1 would lilie to know what I am held here
fort" -ICoundsman Campbcil told hlm a man wanted to
,.-.? Min down stalrs, and ln that way hn wa* takeu qulitly
to llell'vue. Mrs. Sl.ol Mid that her hrjsliand wa* a
(1x11 aagfcaaar, and that overior- was the 08888 of bia
Chloago. May 13 (Sp-rlali.-A P*ral *******
-Tho fallure of tha road. ln the Wctorn MMBJ
As,.K-lati.m to agree on'tourlst ratoa tor the preaent
i la n.t.eh more far-reachlng Ifl * rraulto than
_ppa.nl on the surfare. Roads 80-8-88 Uie a-aar atlon
are seriously affected by lt. Roads runnliig north **
HBth have -88-0-1 a large 888-1 WBl gtftBg the s.ii.imcr
tourlst seaaon in carrytng Houthern peoplo North.
In the prosocutlon of thia business they havo had tho
Ktrong eomprtltirm of tho Vlrslnla Sprlng- to ronteud
wi'h. Tho-e sprlngs aro tho favorite sumtner resort
of a hwp'. portion ..f plcasuro-seekcra. For yoars rull
road ataaaa 8-88 been at work trylng to 888*18*8 thoso
people of gba xiperlorlty of the Northcrn and North
u. rl IU roaarta, and year by year tho volume of MOtfc
,??::,. baataaaa at this aaasoa has been graduaiiy in
( rcaslnp. The fallure of the Woatern roads to arranpo
taarltt ratcs thi.- soason prevcnU these rouds from
t'-rVnp cilnced rates fiirthar north. than Chlcr.-o.
"?da rauning to the Vlrplnla Kprlngs. on shOOt-MT
! aud bave out their touri-t rate sheets and tlieir re
__ <\ ratoa go hfto ciTect today. Nnrthwcstern roads
Sel thnt thersouthtrn re*orts will reeover thetr grlp
WTh^^esU,fneoiesummer tourlst rates, however? U
In a, far"way to be amle.nbly sett.led. At a meeting
S _M manaper* to-day lt was agreed by all presetit to
ni tourlst rates on hc baala of r?o per *_} 9_ _*?
?__-__. ratebetween poliil- la 18* terrttory of the as
T.cl Ioi, Thls ls -iU-factory to tho .1 hIcago-and
\lt vhlrli only cblo.ted to 8 7o per 08B ba?U bc
tween Bt PanJ and St. Louis. aplnst ? hlghcr hasls
Uween oth-r polnta. The Wnba-.li 881 884 repre
* *edl at the mk-tlj.g. and of Maraa Kto eoaaaal must
i,e obiidiird b4.ft.re the Dropoeed bdsta of rates can be
doptt-d Chalrman Flnley to-day granted the appllra
UOOOI tha 5Baa? aad NorUiwevtern road to make
t! u'-lst rates to Dnlnth and Superior bancd on tbe
loeal- by way of Ashland.
Chteapo. Mav lfi.-Eastorn rondi are growlng nn
-eft-v In eonseqnence of the dlverslon of eestbound
-"??? traffle to the little Hnes wliirh nre tafclng It ut
lower rates. Chalrman Bhvnchard ls tafting a vote of
the routos by lcttec as to the advUablllty of a redne
tiou ln 8-HBU rates. lt ls bellevcd that 88888 ol the
roads will oppoae any rodtietlon In 88888888 18888, for
ss_rs _a_R-Pa_ ____*"? w__
w 1 be to Bn-ldown the local rates on Whlch they
must larg-ly depend for thelr rovenna.
Chleago, May 15.-The mun-.ecri ,f the -xVcstorn
road- iiaamnfl tlieir eonferenec Hda morning ln repird
to tho manlpulntlnm of throuph frelpht rate. at some.
of the Jnnrtlon poinLs sonth of Chicago. The prtnelpal
eempWnnnte .re tho Northwcstern llne* whlch do.nol
reaen those Junctlons. but conncct wlth tho Chicago
eastbound llne-. Their business Is dlvorted to the oUicr
ront^ bOCaa-8 they e.-u,aot mcet the cut rates th*
prevall by way of PeoiU, Bt. LonU and other polnts,
and cspecially by the Indinna, llllno.s and[Umt road,
whieh forms a eonvenicnt Ui* botweet, Baatara aai
8/?rtarn lyataa* There is a well-grounded hclcf
however, Iha! the F_v-.cn. road- are malnly re-ponslblo
for Ihe mvilpulatlon d Uie?e through rates. TaW-t?
!?i, - ?_?nt Um cw tlio \Vo--tern mat.apers conclud"d
ffiSSS W4-- ia,we-rl.-J'to renicdy the sauaUon Wlthj
, t the co^.iiei-r ii..n ol U.e lU-t-rn Unea, and they left
,"'. ;;'i,?i.. rnatter ln Chalrman Wdgtoy'a l.uuds, to .bo
Umw up witii tiie .ioi.it Baaa O-Btaai-aa
Chleam'. Mav 10,-It 1- lOpoOed ou what ?^?m* good
iiutlvritv that tho eonii>ctlt.ii-- of.thc ("lilcapo and
Mion road have prepared a petltlon to Ihe Board 01
Bnllnga ol the Tranh Ltoa and Oentral Tmffle Aaeoeav
Itona, reqaaattng lt eithcr to maha the boyeoM apain<t
the \lton cfTectix-o or to abandon lt BlIOfBther. The
reason glven for the re.iuest ls that the boyeoM la
detng the Alton BO h.irui, whilo lt ls really Injiirinn
tho -a-taaaa ol Iha othar fTaalam roads. Kobody eoaM
he found among the pa-senger officlaU of the We-t.-ni
roads who would admit th?t -ucb a pctiUon had been.
mado. . , _____
A 10-8888 raUroad man, who ls now enfrapjed In othei
purs-ult.", arrlx-ed here to-day from the Baa*. Whilo
ln New-York, to satlsfy his own cnrioslty, ho fcaoh oe
ension to fook Into Uie Alton boyeott, He 888*8 ho
dl,evered BM those trunk llnes that aro mo-t nctlve
in the boyeott are thcmselvcs paylng a conmilsslon
of $15 on' evcrv cmiprant tlcket sold to tho Paeiflo
(?ast. Furthermoro. he deelared that some of tha
lines in the Central Tra-lic A880888H8B are paytop as
hlgh as four inimr1 ??"*?"? aa Uekets BOM from >ew
vork to CBdeaao. OBBaaala of tho Ctdeaco ?d AHoa
, laim to have tlie same Informatlon from other MBNaa
i*i"r_l rassenper Agent Charltnn. of tluit roaxl. has
wri ten a Mtt-r W t'luUrman FtohaJ, of tha waatera
\-X ot Aaaoe-aSon, aaaerttng that no leaa thnn aaveo
S roada are jiavltig comnds.-loi.s on tlcketo **kl
57-rtS-trUn_a from New-York to Cldcago.
Chlcago, May 15 (Speclal).-At nitdnipht to-night
Chalrman Flnlcy'a order to advance passenger rates
from Kanaaa City to St. Louls and from St. Louls to
Chlcago, to the srnndard ba*Js of 87 r,0 ln each case,
will go into cffect. The order will not bo obcyed.
It M DOt lcgally wlthln tho power of the Alton 08 do so
now were It so lnclined. That road falled b) glvc tho
requlred lOB gay*1 notlce to the Interstato Cotfim-.-rro
Oommlaalon of the proposod advance, and so oaanot
now make the ruto. What Chalrman Flnley will do to
enmr? hls onlcr. or what tba aaaoetaalOB will do under
the iHeaaBTtaamr, raaaalaa to be sccn.
? m
D. McXI.hnll, general pa-^senger BgBBf of tlio CMBBV
dlan'PaelnV; E- v- slUM)Cr> general Enstern ncent Of
the Calaagfaa Paciflr, and C. E. Lainbcrt, B8B*B*I 0B80
an aganl al tba Waat BaMwa, heid a conferenre rester
gay with Fa.sscnger conmils-louer L. P. Fariner, of tho
Triink Linc A?->orIation. in regard to tlw lmmlgrant
Baajneea to tba X..rthwe*.t. As o.xphilncd ln Tho
Trilnino vestcrday, the (?anadhm I'a.lhY 088 8888880 Its
linmigrant business through 08MMM agents, iustead of
BbB Jolnt agency at the gaiBM 00808. This condltlon of
utlalr* Iias rau*ed frcquent dMurhjinccs and the Tnmk
Line Commlssloncrs havo nnide. several attempts b> get
tba Canadlan Pac Iflc to becomo a member of the Immi
grant Cleartng House and take thelr percentago ol tho
business through tho Isargo Oftlce.
An arrangctnent satisfnetory to all present wa*. mndo
yesterday on basls ot tho terms offered by Mr. Fariner,
thoagh modllled aomewhat to moct tlve demands of tho
Cannrtian I'acifio. This anangement will be submlttcd
on next Tueedav to tl?c exociitive conimlttee of tfw
Trunk Ltno Assoclatton for ratlflratlon. 11 upproved
it will go Into effoct lmmedlately, to date from Mnrcli
14, when the Xew-York Central securcd control of the
Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg, and thu* dlverted
tin- Oanadiaa Paetfie'a rsrriilgrant business from Uie
Ontarlo aud Westeru.
Denver, Col., May li.-A commlttee conslsttng of
many of the prominent men of Colorado appeared
before the Tratis Missourl Associatlon agatn to-day
to argue ln favor of a tourlst rate les*. than the 20
per cent rate establlshea and agreed upon by the
ition. Thomaa Pattenon, of Deuvcr, spoke at
length upon tuis subject. It was clalmcd by Mr.
PattaraOO that tiie 20 per cent rate was a dleealllllna
tloii ugainst ('i)lorado, and ho wnrned the BJBOatataon
that unltea effort would be made by the B80BB1 BMd
BMvebabtB of Colorado which woaM resuit in aMerbn
Inatlon asainst any llnes votlng agalnst the lnt> ro-t
(,f ClgtaadO Most Of the members favorcd a low
rate, tari oa aaeaaal ef the oppositton of the gaata fo
and Burlington, nothlng could bo dono to reduco tlio
80 p.-r eenl rat*. The associatlon conairtered tlio
qneaaoa ol the taterebaap miieage tickets, imt. faikd
Life, Liberty And
Tlio pursuit of happineM" aro tho birth-rights of all American
citi/rns. Hut life is inisery, liberty ll slavory, aud happiness
Unpo*vib1e, if fonl humorg aud _?>nns of disea.se are lurking in
tbe blood, if you are worn out with
That Tired Feeiing
Or if you snffer froui indigostion, aick hoadaohe, bilioiisnoss
or other siuiilar troiil.les. Tho remarkable blood-puril'ying,
buildiug-up properties of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Entitle it to your contidonco as tho great health-giver. We
poiut to its r'ecord of wonderfal ouros, roquest you to hoar
the words of praise it is coutinually receiving, and ask, If you
feel the need of
A Good Spring tV-edicine
To try Hood's Sarsaparilla now. Its popularity is this "year
greater than ovor, and far beyond any other article of the kind in
tho inarkot.' It is an imeqnalled blood pnrifler, an onapproached
tonic and appetizer, and beyond all coinparison ai a Spring
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ISold by all dniffffikta. 81 ; ?1* for 85. l'r*p?r<?l only by i Sold by all UrugalMa. 81; *lx fur 80. l'rer.ar<-d SBaf 8T
C. 1. UOOU & CO., Apottiecari.*. Lowatl, Mtw. C. 1. HOOIj 1 CO., Apot?ec_rl.?, Lowrll, Maa*.
IOO Doaea Ono nollar 1 'OO Ooaeo Ono Dollar
aima by carcful aelcotlon. eoonomy, and prudenoe
to rertnoa the actual cost of insurance to the low
Bja practtcable point, and has ucver been Btirpasscd
in this respoct.
Katlo of expenses of nmnn;rcment to reeelpta
slnce organization, 8.31 per cent.
The pcrcentngo of dividends to premiutni* re
oeivcl in iSBO was 1S.M per cent.
It 1ms a aurpltis of asaeta, over and above all
llabilities (by the highest lejral standard), ol over
aix millions af doUars. -*
PIIILIP 8. MILLER, General A?ent
far New.York Clty, Long Island, and New-Jersey,
1 Wall St.. New-York City._
to arrive at anv conel.wlon. The BBBOeMtlan JtMB
adjotirncd, to mect in Kanaaa Clty on Wodneaday next.
? ? ??
Omaha, Ncb.. Mav 15.-Tha RoeK laland Hallroad
Company haa tranaferrod to the Chlca*o, MUwaukeo
and St. IH.ll a half Interest ln a 8200,000 tract ln South
Omatia, lnrlndlng depot grounds and right of way to
tho rlvcr. The track cxtonds from the present ternilnus
Ol tlic Rork Island at Albrtght to the Uver. It JB
Probable that UM I* to l>? the Bttaof the brfdgo spoben
of by President Cablo aeveral weete ago.
? a -
Boston May lS.-The AtchHon'* March atAtement,
entirc BfBtJOb, locludhig St. Loula and San Franclaco,
?bowa maa earnlngs of ?3,227,01O; docreaso,
#10 .'.00; net, tW0?,354; decreaae, 8200,743.
Colorado MldMmd for Marcb: Oroas, gl63,523; In
crease. ?18,809; net, g3?.087, oaewaa^ ?5,10T^. Por
nlne month*: Oro.s, ?1.4.V1,74'I; Increaso, gftMJgfl
not, *4<>1,084; lncreaaa, trTH.OlO.
Chlcago. Mav lS.-The annual rflport of the Rnrtlng
|Ba Cclar Kaplds and Northern road for 1800 showa
groaa earninga of 83,303.0*2; operaUng exponse*.
ta-xea, etc., $BjBKIJA9A; net eanilngs, gfllB.147; " other
Inromo" onsh assets ln 188P. 0**., added mahe the
total rocelpts $1,157,394. There waa expended for
lafataat BB bonda, lmprovement and ecjilpraent. ad
,llTl?n?. to real wtate, cte.. 8925,703, leUv-U.g ? bolanco
of #231,001. _ _
Tho offlcers of th* New-York, L&ke Erlo and West
ern emphntlrally deny that the resignatlon of W. W.
htearn*, suporlntendent of th? Eastern dlvMon, hns
ntgeaaee. The snrcestlon that lt was .duo to
aay traabto between Mr. btcaxna aud tho _.rlc ls re
pudiated. ^
_M?rera Murphy, Jr, of Troy, chalrman of Iba Deaai
cratic BBMa CiaiBllMaa and an lntlmate personal and
polltlcal fri.-nd of Klchard ClBbar, arrived ln this clty on
aa aaitj traln lost evening and went to tho Hoflman
IHaat Mr. Murphy waa accompaolcd by hi* wlfe and
daugiitor. Mayor <Jraot dlned wtth thom at tho hotel
and lromodiately after dinner took Mr., Mrs. and MMa
Murpuy away wlth him, "to apond the evenlng," the
clerk of the annex sald. The arrlval of Mr. Murphy
vae at onco understood by kuowlng people to BMBB that
Mr. Croker la "hov.>ring upoo our coa?U," and that Mr.
Murphy and hls family havo come to w.-lcomo Mr.
Croker and hls family when they *t*p aehore from U?e
paavat BtMaaarab at tho wharf of tho North oerrnan
Uayd .Comixmy ln Hoboken to-day. A prominent
Xaaaaaay inan said last .-ventng that for some reason,
t^at known to hUnseU, CBabatlbai sent-hls usual cablo
meaaage announctng hls comtng to Murphy this time
lnstead of to Grant. This was done, he thought, to
resent firanfs recent snub to Crokej- la making Uio bulk
of bM appolntmwits without Croker's advlcc. Another
dls.Mple of tho Wlgwam waa equally sure that Mr.
Crocker ls on I.a nmirgogno, whlrh sailod from Havre on
8aturd?y and ls expected at her dock to-morrow mornlng.
Clnclnnatl, May 15.-Captaln C. A. Powor, who 1* ln
d.arif. ct BM Third Party C'cnforenro that mects hr-re May
Ilt, to^ay rccelv.d notlce from \V. W. Ptalay, chalrman of
tho Weswrn Stau-s r**?fntter Assoclatlcn, thac one fare for
Uie round trtp between St. 1*881, Mlnnrapolis and Chlcago
had been arr*nged te apply on tho Chlcago, Uurllngton and
Northorn road. _
Dt? Molnes, Iowa, May 15.?Judco Shlras, of the
Pediral Court, K'ndercd an lmportant doci-lon under tho
lntorstate Corrrmerce law today. The pUintlff* wore
graln ?hipper? of Oarroll. Iowa, and tho dff.ndant tli*
Chlcigo and Northwest<>m Railway Company. Tho
plalntltfs clalmed that they w?-re charg.-d 10 centa i>t
100 pounds on graln shlpmontfl te Chlr-ago, whlle shlpper*
at Dlalr, Neb., had an 11-cnt ratie for the ?amo dlstanco.
Th.- .Itidae ruled that the rate was ln violatlon of tho
Int.r-.tate law. and that plalntlffs havo tho right to ro
covr-r tho dlffrrenco between tho rates and *lso lntercsl
on the. moiu-v pald tn excesa of Uio Nebraska rate. A
large number of slmllar cases are kttll pcndlng, and tho
!>anie declsiou will no doubt bo glven.
Pollceman McMahon, of the Nlneteonti Pr?>cinct, was
standln/ ln frunt of Uio Uotel Marlbomugh at 1 a. m.
yaeBeraaj waea aa heard a pt*TTt-i0 aaraani, ntManMl by
a rry for hulp. Tiie vnli-o wa.< tliat uf a womaa nnd
rame from tho dtro'tion of filxth-ave. OBMCI Mi^fahon
liurrli-d toward the rorner of glltb BTft and arrlvl *aat
in tlmo to seo a rob da*h madly Uimu'-'U Weat Thlrty
aMtavat, toward Flfth-ave. A small boy who wa*
Htandlng on Uie cofne"r told the olllcer that ho had aaaa
BaNM rnon wl/o a wpman and force hor Into the cab.
Oiii> of tho men got lnt? BbB cab. The boy polnted to
BM other two men, who wtro walklng Uirough tho street.
MaMabaa leOawad Bmb*, and overtook thom at tho corner
of Flfoh-ave. and Ttitrty-slxUi-nt. The men said Uiey
v.*r" walkiug in SlxUi-ave, when they saw a man catch
hold of a young woman and hurry her toward a cab.
Tho woman strugglod to escapf, aod tiie man, who was
thli-k-*"t and wore bushy sldewhlskers, sald ho waa a
pbJwMMa and the young woman was a paUent of hls, who
had escaped from a prlvate lnsane asyltim on Long
Iitland. Tho man a--*ked them to asslst him in gettlng
the woman ln?o Uie cab. They did so, and tho cabdrlver
was ord^red to go to th? Thlrty-fourth-K?. forry. Tho
ofllci-r reported the case at the pollco station.
Columbl.i, n. C, May 15.? The Columbla centennlAl
ended Bf>_Jgbt Vttb un liida?triiil and allegorlcal dls
play. In the nfternnon a special displ.-iy of tiroworks
W!?! glven. The celebrntlcn lia^ boou a success and
many thoiuaud peoplo hnve vbltcd tho clty.
The trlal of Mary Egner, tho elghteen-year-old glrl who
w?? cliarif.d wlUi kllllog her own bahe, waa UnWied ris
terdav In the Court of Sc??lons In Rrooklyn. Dr. Alex
ao.li-r J. C. gbaaa and Dr. Ui<or?o M. Cun-y tertltled that
In thelr a| Inlmi Bm rtrt wa* ln?aue, and Profossor Jarvts
S. Wbjbt tliniiKht tli*t she Htill ??. In a state of BMaMl
alMaalMa, J. A. Wenberg sunimcd up for the defence
and Asslntant DUtrli-t-Attoruey Clarke for the puople.
Judgi- >lnor? rharg'Ml tho Jurv, leavliiK oi>eix Uto que*.
tlon BBllBMI Mm clilld wb-h ai-tuallv klll.-d nr if lt was
wh.'tli'T liv di*l?n or accldent, an.l lf liy gaaagB whether ur
not Baa Kirl B a.-. maile BaaaaM 1>V her awMaa. Mr. Clarki
Huid tliat he imd uo aaqBacBaMaa al a aaavMMaa of * hlfBa*
irtni.) thsn Uiat af BMaaMiMtMet i" Iba aaaaaM tasraa, and
judt.t Moaea aeM that Iba giti aoaM hava t'-m aaQty el
that eitoe if. betai aaaa, aaa arm m ealpably negiigent as
la eaaaa (be cBUBTa death, bai aitboat taalrlaB to do ?o.
The jnry retlred luto In the afli-rnnnii. At nildnlirht. thn
jurv arcta attll aat, aat it ?i. ^au that. tiny irata avealjr
UvMed betwbaa arqulaal and a verdict M BB-aaaaajaMB
ln the aaoead degree.
DAiny; lorhfry from a uail wagow
Po!i-. 1I.4M r.-i i.v. of the BIubOubBi Pfaetaat, ??* two
men dr<u' i poaeh of ir.all out of a large donblo nnil
rt and Thlrty-flfthst. abeut 8 p. m.
ysf-rd-iv. A< -o<.n as ti?- men saw the offlcer thny
irapfat BM paaaB and rllsappeared down the avenue.
Jtrady ^?w that lt wa* us^leas to follow the men aad leave
BM peaeb M n.all lylnr la the street, ?o ba riragged th.
,??i k M Bbl TbtrBltTltl sUtlon-house, where It wbs
f.i.u.i to BaalBta r-gUtered mail ?d(iro,.*<Hl to vlili-ago.
I_a ililvi-r of the uagon krvow nothing Of tho Ions, and
drove on M the i.raud Central utaUon to 8808b the 0:10
traln fn.- CbMagB.
Wiun tl..- vsa^nn wa* unloaded and the Chlcago pouch
waa mlfsod an alarm wa^ aaal out aad w** r-ce|\.d in
th ? Iblrtl th-t. aiaaaabaaaa just as (Mbeat Brady arrivcd
BTttb tba I'" " '?? Th ' '""t CeaMal sutlon waa notlfli-d,
..' aaa ..f Bm aagaaa aaal M tlio ttauon
1 t^M iba paacB if nall t? Uu- dc^ot.
BaBaBMa, B. v.. May i"> (gpaaiai).-4a Bba .aae of Pat
riik Bafbat, of BaMaa ataat,, BMlMtMl fur Ue. imirdi-r
MB8 . Iiiirchill, ueai BI huvl-i\1llii, laat Xovejnls-r.
taa jurv Malatil r?a*araa8 tn*t ttn-y bmn BBaaM u, a?rio
gmi wm BMcbargea. _ _
luriiare*. Hct Watar Heator*, Cooklnir |MBg_a. FlrtW
(la*. Krv,d. oulT. RICHAHD80N * IViVl/iON CO..
004 W*U>r-*t, ti./X. IbMUUthta ln 1887.
San FranclM-o. May lS.-The -toamsblp Alameda,
wldrh nrrlved tod*y. brought advlees iwardlng M
Australlan Fed.-ruthm Coiivefiflon, whlch cnded lt*
?dttlngs Apt-j B, havrng 88888888 a draft of_t?MC("_;
stltutlon for the prnposed Federatloti. whlch will ba
Bubmltted to tho people cd the 88*08888 *rj**\
approval. As soon as three eolonie* havo areepted tne |
ronetltntlon as It 8880*8, 'for they cannot 8888881 lt. ?
blll will be sent to England for tlw aasent of U?;
Irnperial Parllanient. and if ratlfled U.e Queen will by ,
proclamatlon appoint ? day whon the Commonwealth ?
.,f AiistraUa ls to be estobllsbed and will atao appoint a .
Ooverm?r-O<meral. On hla arrlval Uie nsual eonatl-1
tuUonal procesa of formlng a MlnWry will be gono
through and a Parllamcnt etoeted. The aallent polnta
of tho constltuOon aro as followr:
The Federatlon shall be known aa the Commonwealth
of Australis, .nd the eolonie. be called States. BhaX88)h>
lature Is to 8888881 of Seoet" ?** Houae of ********?
to bo called Parllament. The Oovernor-Oeneral shall be
.opolntcd by the Quccn, ?nd recelve a selary of 8*1881
than ?10 000. The members of Parllamcnt, before MMg
BBBOa, are to make oath or afflnnatlon of -Mlgt-B88 88 Uie
Queen. The Farltamenta are to be betd M sppolnted by
the Qata-B-r, but there ls to be a seasion of 1*8888-881
at leaat onco overy year, so that twelve months shall not
lutervene between two stttlng. of Psrllament.
The Senate ls to be cooiposed of elght members of each
State, choeen by the Ilouae* of Psrllament of each Staio.
Seostors will be choaen for alx years, one-half of the m*_u
bers to retlre every three years. The Pre-ldont of tho
Senate is to be chosen by the Senate. He ta to be ln all
cascs entltled to a vote. and when voUng ls equal the
question ta to pass ln'tho negatlve.
The House of Ropn-ientativ** Is to be chosen by the
peoplo of the .everal States, ln proportlon to the numbers,
each State to have one Representatlvo for every SO.OOO
people; but the mlnlmu-i uuniber of Representselvea fcr
each State will b? four. Tho Speakcr Is to be elocted by
Ujc House ol Rcpresentatlvea, and when the votes sre
equal, but not othcrwlse, the Speaker ls to have a casUni
vote. Tho Uie of the House of RepresenUiUves ls to bc
threo years. Parllaroeut inuat bo called ttRother uot Iater
than thlrty days .tt>r the date appolnted for return. of
WTtta for b gencral clectlon. Members of both house* ar*
to recelve^an allowance of fi-OO per ai.num, and th? usual
peo.l clauaes aro provlded to mcet casea vrhere a member
ls under disabillty to sit. No Senator or merober ot the
House of Repreaen^tlves ls to hold any efflce ot proflt
under tho 088*8, buf MlnUters are not to bo coropelled to
otfer themselves for re-.leutlon.
The powers ot Parllanient as to the making of l?w.
lncludo the regulaUon of colnage, trade and commerce and
aro In gen.-ral the same as dclegatcd to Congrosa by tho
Constftution of the L'nited States Tho Oovernor-tieneral
ls to assent to all measurev' and havo the power ot
raaertlag any blll for tho Qt.een's approx-al. ThspQueen
ln councll may dlsallow sny bllf wlthln two years after
its receipt. The cxecutlve power of tho commonwealth ls
to be veated ln tho Queen aud exerclsod by tho Oovernor
Uoiif-ral ?s Uie Queeu's representative. Tho Oovernor
daaerai la to be Btvfsed by au BSxeaMva Ooaaafl, aaaaanBag
.of a mlnlstry, whose number ls not to csceed seven. The
Hnigtera are to be BMBBBasa of tho 1888881 8-88888188
CouncU and tlio Qiiucn'* illnUters of State for the common
weiilth. They iray slt ln eithor houso of Parllament
and _: 13,000 per annum ls set apart for tho: puymxuf. ot
thetr sslarles unUl other provlsion ls wade.
The Suprcme Court la to eoastst of a Chief Justloe and
not less than four other Justlces, to be appointcd by Parlla?
ment and hold offlco dur1n? enod b.'havlor.
A<- aoon as a unlform tarlff has been Impoied inter
colonlal free tr.de ls to prevall between all eolonie,-. The
revenuo collected ls to bo applied ln defr.ylng the expenscs
of tho Feder?l Governiucnt, attor whlch Parllament ls to
decido the manncr ln whlali the surplua Is to be dlxlded.
I?Brllamene may make provlsion for tho eonsolidatlon of tho
wholo or any paaea of debts of tho States. The State* aro
to retain all po?rn whlch they at present possess, wlth
the oxeeptloa of thoso cxpreasly dclegatcd to the Federa*
Fredoric n. Coiidert and John T. Agnerw contlnned
their work yestcrday of examlntng the offieial llst* of
men liablo for Jury dutv. ln tho offlee of the Com
mtssioner of Jtirors, in scareh of forty-eiglit satlsfaetory
names from whieh to seetire a -strnek Jury** ln tho
caso of O'llricn .t Clarlc. aqaadactt contraetors, against
the elty. Mr. r.mdert said that he thought he and his
assoctat-. would havo to taho at least two days longer
berore a suifieiwoT, hnmber'of the rlght klnd of JuroTs
could be found to try thLs blg case.
Miss Florence Knowlton. a young English girl, nlns
Han yearTold. of No. 70 East Oue-huiidred-and-twelfth-aU,
dled at tho Harlem Hospital on Thursday under clicum
B8-BMB wl.f.l. ...ll.-d f'>r a post-morU-m exnmlnatlon. Tho
case was r.-ported at BM 081888.*- oflloe as duu to crlrrJnal
practlce. Iieputy Oorea-f Conway lnvesttgated tho 8888
and reported th*'. 888 glrl had dled from pcrltonitis. Tho
younif glrl dl.d without any of her frlenda about her, and
to a physlclan a short tlmo bBfora her dcath she told her
atory. She said she had eome to thls country about a
year .go from Enj-'land, and had gone to llve wlth a Mr.
and Mrs. Soons, of So. 70 BBel One-hundred-and-twelfth
?t- whom she had known ln Ein?land. La*t Mareh Mrs.
?OBBB laaaintll to England to VtaM hcr rx-latlves, and left
lUBB Knowlton ln chargo of th.: house. The remsinder
of the famlly conslsted of two young Englishmcn. brothers.
Douglas and Juhn bhermau Buil. 8*80 after Mrs. Soons
had taken her departure for England hcr hus
band was called away on business, and the
o'.dcr brother, Douglas, was callud to Virglnl-. John sud
.. ?.r.? left alone to keep house.
About May 0 Miss Knowlton was biken sick. ner
only aaraa was her Maad Jolin, who watchod alone al
her bedslde. A doctor W88 eall -d. Ho qiu-stloned the
glrl cloBoly, and sho aald she had injurcd heeaatf ln fulllng.
Sjov.ral days sgo an ambulance wa* summoncd and Flor.
en:e wtui sont t? tho Harlem Hospital. On Wedneaday
nlght her condttion beeame so |8ltarl888 that Surgeon
Ilammond told hcr sho was Ukely to die. Sho thon eon
fe?,*d Uiat she had been doctoruig hers.-lf, bellex-lng tfiak
she was la trouble. In her iRuoranco she had taken the
modlclne. None of her frlends could be found yeaterday.
Joseph Small, a street-eur di-iver ou the Fourth-ave. Une,
was arralgned before Coroner Eovy yestcrday afternoon
and held ln 81,000 ball to answer to . charge of causbig
the death of Ctiartea E, Ward, of No. 87 Dey-sL, an ex
About 1 o'clock Ward ?nd his wlfe were riding up Cen
tre-st.. ln their oxpreas-wagon. A strect-car drlven by
Joseph 8m.U cme up behlnd tho express at a r.pld rate.
Small ordcred *,ho expressman oft the track. The latter
w.s not qulek enou-h to suit 888 .treetcar drlver, who,
lt Is aaid, whlpped up hl? horaos. Ward bad got partly
off tho tr.ek when the express wa,'of\ and c.r came ln col
lision. Mr. and Mrs. W.rd were hurled to the pavement
and the tfagon was oxer'.urned.
Ward's head waa crush.d in, and ho dled before an
ambul.neo fi-oiu Chambers Struet Hospital arrlved, Mr?.
Ward was serlously brulsed.
--? ,
Washiugton, May lo.-For Xew-Kngland ?nd Eastern
\' w-YorU, rala; no ebaaga I" temiK'i-tiire -80888 sllghtly
aoolar iu ITanaont aad BTortharo KowOTerk; ea?teriy xai.**.
For Bh-tera p-aa-ylveala, aaw-laraay, Dalaaara, Mary>
laud and Vlrglina. rain ; slluhtly warmer.
For the (arolin.s and BQB8HB Florida. falr. except
Hhowers on tlie N..rth Carollna i-.>a-?t: sll.htly warmer.
I-'..i QaaigBI. Alabania and Wcater.i Flonda, ticnerally
falr, In QaaigMl and extreinti nortb Alabama
Kur KlflT-'rv-i I.ouislaiia, l-:_*tvru Tcxaa ?nd Arkanaaa,
For Tepaeasee and Krataekr, falr.
l,,i w.?urn Rew-YorlL weetero P-OJiBylvaala, Wcst
Vlrglnla aud Ohio, aeoeiaUy Wa, aaeaga newaaa ou Uu
For Indlaita. Illlnol*. Lower Mlchiiiwi, Wlsconaiii. Mls.
sourl, lowa, Kaii.-;.* and Nabraaka, fair; HlgBlly tuuler.
For Cpper Mtchlgan, falr.
For MInnei...u? and tho Dakotus. generally fair by nlght
i ? ; ??
In the diagraui a coiiUauoiis llne ?ho?? the baro.neu-r
lluot.iatious ve?terdav. _? obsx-rxed at Uie VuiU-d St_i..-a
Slgnal Bcrvlca Klatioo *t thU .-Ity. Th- d;i?.!..?? indt.-.io
the trmpcrature nct<sl at Perry's Phariiiscy, Sun Buildlug.
Trlbuno Offlee, May 1>?. 1 a. m -I'artly vloudy weath.-r
jtaainlaj vi.-iii-.i t-. aaiplaN alat-MaaM ani svaaMpaity
rain, ?itii bbM aartbarly 11 Bartaaaaaarty araada aad
da-ii|. alr. The temperatan li.i-'-.t baaaeaa 88 a"d "'
- th.- aversg aa BVi lawaa 8-aa ?_____?
oorreapondbia -BJ l??t ?< i . and 8 lo'x.'r thJii Ml rii.ir?lay.
ln and n.ixr'thl* elli U. .lay th.n> will probably Ui
cloudlnt-*. wtUi raln? a.d (11881 thoriual cn_.ui; ?>
Tho fa-t Raaalo spaelal, leavtag ttrand Oantaal
Rtattoa ut 7 :_i> p. iu. Bverj dff. _t the N.?w \oi-k
I'entrU. rearhes liufTiilu at 7 ::i.?, Mitgara Falls at
P-:i.'? ne-t morning. Eleguut Wagunr akepuig car.
through without ch-uge, . ??
Flve yeara ol?J> Mcnba oia her haMtlg
and Face Qnarter Inch in
*ufl>ring very ajreat. Be?t ttortarg
Fall. l-aea Cutlcura wlth Mar.
vcllous Reaulta.
My liMle BBt, flve yeara of BBBV 08*1 8 breaklln|j m
on h-r fa<e, hands, aad skln. 1 calW Ir. b 8aclor;0J .
sald lt was *a!t rheum or ncrema. ,l> ',,I*_ *_J*__7*?>
ttou. whleh did not r.ll.ve her ai.y; ?he kept MBtf
worso. I called In snother; he *?M the saii ? J.mt u
the Br?t. I doctored wlth him *ix month* fe? no ?.*?,
1 then trled two emlnenl phystrlan* In Newark. thr*
tnontha each. U> no erfecl. I Uion trled a hou.<<o?8Ua
doetor; he aaid ha could eara her. Il? gave her medie.ua
eloven week*; and If I had k.-pt glvlng lt P> her W4?ta*|
week, 1 do belleve ?he would have been 8ead now. \
wa* told of another irx-uir that wa* reeommetxiea vjrj
highly on dlnease* of the akln and blood. I waa rwag
witli my child to ?eo him, hut stopplng in a dru?a?**a
on mr way, I waa advU-d br 11. druggtu, Artka?
Hodoman, tb try the CfTICfRA Iif-'.MEIMES for _~
whkh I did. to a rioble effect. At thi* time Uie ???
on her h?nd? and face were one.fourth Inch Bai**. aaa
could hardly clo?e h<r hands, h. r flnaer* were *woli?a ?*
Uier would burst open. I had hardly glven her tfc*
madlclne thren or four d*y* when the 88808. bee-i ja
peel ofT. 8he kept on Improvlng, and lnsla* of oaa
nU^^zl^vTil^^nx^^ b. i.
Cutlcura Resolvent
?nd laSea th* haln, have 88?II tho'isai'ds of caaea wkarj
tho aaaaaaVl was abuoat b<-vond ?-d"?<'- *?lr_"^
or all gono, dtsflgur-rr.ent terrlble. What oUV* remeaMi
have niade such marvello'i* curest
Sold everywhere. Prlee, Cutlcura, 50e. j Beap
Reaolvent, 81. Prepared by the Potter Drug and C
leal Corporatlon, Boston.
ty Send for "How to Cure Skln DUeaaee." 04 pagee,
60 lUu*traUon*. 100 tertlmonlaU.___________
aa a 0Jtf ?__ Skln and Scalu Durlfled and beau
DAdT Oby CCTIC'-RA SOAP. Abeol-tetr
Hip, Kldney and UUirlne Paln* and WeaM
iiJla* ral.eTe- lo jna BBiaate hr to*
Cnllrnra Anil-Pa.n Plaater, Ui? 8ra? aal
only paln-kUUng piaster.
Chlcago,* May 15.-Thc Mtuation ln the Northwewtera
road's lockont ls practically wlthont change. Tha
eompany has a eufnclcnt force of new men at work
to prcvent delays on the road aud to cnablc it to handb
all perishablo freight. Swltchlng is being dotie aa
usual, two-thirds of the Chlcago swltching engino betng
at work. No attenipt at tntlmidation or vlol-nre oa
Uio part of tho aMebargai switx-hmen has boe-. made,
but both tho clty and sperlal rallroad pollre renuiin on
duty to quell any t-Btaibaaaa that may arise. Re?
ports from all over the -08 were reeeived at the gen?
eral offlcc of tho company this monilng and at ua
polnt ha* there been any trouble.
Grand Matter gwaaaa* and Vlce Grand afa-bB
Downay, of tho B*tt^-ajk*n'a Mutual Ald AaaiMtatMB,
called upon General B-a-BfOr Whitman this mornlnt
to inquiro why this BCtM* on tho part Of the North
western Company had boen tahen and what It meMt,
Mr. Whitman rcplled by handing Mr. Swecney B>BBf
of tho dlschargc notlce and a eopy of the BB-Ctal lt*b>
ment givlng the 1888088 for the aetlon aud said thal
tho full elplanation was contained ln th.rso papera;
there was nothlng further to say <?u the aunject.
Thero haa been no meeUng of the (irand Lodge el
tho Swltchmon'e Mutual Ald Assoclatlon. ThU body
ha? no power to tako aetlon on the troublc betweea,
tho rallroad and the swltchmen. The or.lv b?*iy thal
aaa k the gfaaaaa CoaaaMI af the MtratJ ? af Tiam
men, which meet? la tliis city bl 0B8II8W uiomlng,
and the rcstilts of this slttlng are 88-1088-1 aw-lred.
Thero is some talh of the lochout now coiitln.d t? thi
N'ortli western hties developlng into a 88881*1 rtrike
affectlng all the rotxli aud posslbly spreaditi^ t-B880t>
out the enUre country; but there ls no ground for tluj
rumor. Everythlng 8888-aM upon tho 00*108 of tha
Supreine Couticll. isltould a 00888*1 atrifc* be .'.e
cMred, it is iald that a split ln tbe P dsratton I
??ertalnly reaolt, 08 acoounl of tUe nlrf U.e ttit ? ?
and conductora have ptomlsod to 088 888 BoatB>
western road ln tlils rrMs.
Grand Maatee BW*ewe? aag*: "This M not a i<><-k.
rmt bowT it ls a strike. Nothlng but pa-?s'mger tralua
are HiovitiR, OOt tho-: onlv by tbe aid of tbe ir-Unmcn,
wboaa order seems to have an uiidi-i-t.-nd.n- ?
offlclaJa. No freteht trains will 08088, Me Ibe r-ad
cannot socure o.perleii.ed h -lp. We shall
this tlght, ao we bare *00 In others." '.r.md M.i-vr
Bwoener and his atatl *UI ba n .. inanlfesto expiain.
itig their slde af the <-si.-c a:id aattloa tortb tbaB
many complairits aajalaat the nxauagciuei.t ol UM
Nortliwestern Company.
No detalled advlces were reeelven at the offlre of tba
Chlcago amd MattbaaabMH uuitmmj **Blas*ag refpud
ing the Mbor sltuation at Cliirago. VieI ITv-ld-nl
Bybea had one hMegraaa from lYesldent Haabttt -tatr
ing that thero had bee-n " ti<> Interniptlun to U?.t.^lc?
and that '?cvcrything waa la Boad. aVBffa."
Chlcago, May 10*?Ia ratarOBBO ts a tatvageb .'o*
New-York to tho 0**8t that 8 number of immigranM
wbo bai raacbeg that port wore bat*g aatalaat a* tha
ground that thev ?8ta Betag imported uiider eonoaaj
bv th.o the Con.-lini'-vs' <.a^ Cbaapany, of this ci'v, I
was >aid at tho oflkvs of the eompany t<>-day t! ai H
had not Imported any nion and that lt li.wl no p .i-j?u
to do *>, as it M.uld gel all the help il wanted iu thla
clty at satlsfactory rataa, ,
CtMJnpulgn, 111., May l.',.-The section men al tha
Illlnols Central, south of Ruckley. have ?tnuk for
hlgher waues. A eontr-.tctor ln Chlc;igo sent out a
gang of Itallans t> take the plnces af the strlkera
When the train arriv.xl at PBMTbBJ a large crowd was
assembled at the sUtlon. Thu nuwi in clutrge af the
Itallatw intonded to leave twelve of th*m at Duckley,
but when thev got off the traln they were stoned b> taa
crowd. The Itallans retrouted Into thelr oar. "*?__
,rf them belng injui^ed. They were brought on b> u*
clty and tafeen to <:hlcago on a retura train.
* 4,
I'nlontown. Penn., May lS.-Hungartan strikcrs aa
sauhed two Italian deputles.at Leith this motning,
beating them eeverely. and then robbed one of ttw
deputles of his revolver, wafch and glOO. The WBBB
who mude the aaaaalt were rewtw edrted fwo
,-onipany hoflses at Lolth and are yery bittcr. *?!?
troublo ls feared, as the tnilitla ha? been wlUiara?a
aud the forelgners are desjierate.
There w_s a nieotlng of _M bumlx-r Tr*de AasoelstlaB
at No. 18 Broadw-y yesu-rlay, at arbMb the lumNf
dealers 08800*1 to pusli the boycotl agaln?t BM ""*'*?
\\4lkli\K D.-legatc-s, but at thi! aame BBM Naartal to ar
low th.i sale of harl M880B, 8800881 880 Unu.lilng 0*?
terial or -trlni." XbM in a mcaaura nulliflo* tho MT
eott, as only ono Haa M troods, and that th* u^i
eaellv obUliiabU-, is pla.-.d und.-r th- ban
The housmmiths' strlke appcars to ls no nearar
s.ttl.-nii-nt BbBB *_BB lt 080*8. A strike was ar!88B
t,v *M H'*rd of Walklng D-U-gaU-s BM Ba-aMf 88 MB
m? iM-bB-a of th.- Baw-Taab Biacuit Oaa*aaajr. wm
Ma ith-st. an- TbaBbBlfB bocau*e noaunlon 88* ???
eiii ?loy?l lo do hous,*a_0Baaa work.
lt aa* reportcd la?t nlght U?*t T. V. Paw-Prly, ?w?
cral Itaata WarB-HM of tho Knlghtt of IaiUt. W4? ?
BM .Ky ou busmt- counected with Diatrkt A??<.uB8
No. 40. _^_.
rr tooa' IU m/.-.y ro WJUS ?/??
Jo?-ph hchwartler. a b-Ulder, f-rtyvveu yeara old. <
?a l 073 **_BV*m, v?? arr4i*-:.-d BaM i faaMaa MaBBg
at aaa laetwfM gattas Oaaat reatarfag aMaaMajjaj
?baraa ot aaaaaMlaa an attaet. aad wa* heid la.BijajtiMB
bm , xaoaaauoo. tab*raraM0 aaai *_*gk aa raaraaw
BTOBlag BB a aorthbound train of the Th.rd-?siv ?VMa
rallroad. and avted In ?o unseemly a mawier. that _M81?
duetor of Uie traln deternilned to ejeet him at lh-' Wmw
aecoad-st. .tation. behwariler. who I* a very Maa*-*
powerful n.an. 188.08*1, and lt took the UPited 808*8)01
four tralDnu.ii. the 080888* ?nd Uie i?rter U> ?n *_??
Uie car Theo lie -_.o?.sl Ilghf on the platfoim. una
the arrlval of Poiice.;-.. l*8BatBB, who took Ba* kM8 *ea
tody a* ?oon as BM9 reached the *i4??alk a-bwaBBMb ?
U abarged, turned upou the oihcer and d.alt him a *??**
MJ Ma* M Iba Maa a aaraggM aaaaat, but the Bttasra
club brought BbB 08-8881 to auhmlMlon. ?nd he *?? M-"
to the P*?t Thltto' ntth.?t. pollre aBMBBB.
>4u . laj ii. i?'J'-^
Ye^t.'rtavTT.i-dsi V. ?t. i.i.y. rj^f*
I lu 1.10 IMosl .II? ! .,
Slerru Ni-vada A ?<? f fl
l Dli.ll c.mi ..480 ?!
luh 1 M '.'?
Vrlloa Jaa*Mt..4*.0O J-J
(.Bjtonw'h. . .80 ~?
Nor. t'on-Hiiin.. _t*' _A
n.n. Qvwaa ? ?' ?*"
|-,lo- UM ? ? ?? - ?
N..I LcllO .??UI. .18 __B
uprut .?*MW
Alta .I'" ???
Mul?ar ..... H
li'.t - Belch 7.0O (l.tij
iti>aii. uaa i -o 1.1 >
rhollar I BO 8^?
Con < al & Vaio.uo 1U..V)
Crown Polnt -.'.?> - *>
'?ould V Curry.a.lO *M
Hale 8 Boi a .ia a. io
?Jexlcan .* lt ?...
M,. .00 ___
Mouot Dlablo. 8"0
aavajd . ?-* -JU I

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