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FOR THE MORRIS SCARLET. POUR RACES AT THE GRAVESEND TRACK. MORRIS ENTR1ES FIRST AND SECOND IN TWO STAKES. ??, Jolai A. Morrts nnd hls ?>n. Alfred Hennen Morrts. rwept the board at tbe Gravesond track yesterday. Every race ln which the father ar.d sou lied an entry waa eaptured by the all searlet, and ln the two stakea of the day, tbe 6ee*lde. for two-year-ol<!_, wlth selllog aJlowaooea. and the lmportant (arlton Stakcs. at a mlle. for tliree-year-olds, tl^ Morrts entries wereboth fl?t and serond. Thls la by no ineans th? flrst lo vdaaice ln wliich botuittfttl fortune has heaped favor* upon the Morrtaes wlth both bands. but lt does no? oftwi liapiien that one stable earries ererythlng before rfc ln B9 eoiupleie and effecUve a manner aa was tne rase veslerdav. a_..v _? Great mitmVrs of people went down ajblbattw Friday who rarely ?to- a raceccmrae. The BrOOKtyi Handicap had .tirred np an auat-Mj UlMmmt among all who know anythlng of **?+****** tween a thorooghbrrd and a hor* of h.ferlor breadlng. It . not too much to say that every man wlthin 100 mile* of NVw-York. or at eren a greater <^ '? l^ whnae lrtclllgeiKe had ever dawned tho t-t ttft the mmZ ot the mtmmm to ? ~*j* JSJTaS as Jealmislr 9-BIHI9II ? the <+*? <* Rnrte 8 fj a? made Ws war to the eourse at Qraveeend on Frldap tf U were any way pos?1bie for hlm to accom pM.h the toaraay. All who were there s?w an lnv pre.slve and remarUabla race, aat ?'V^Th. I? J ?e convlctlon ttoat Tenny waa a marrel. The more one H-B-l of lt. the greater doe* T*-?y's aohlere ment appear. To roneede no *m than ^"V*?** ta a bon-e of Frtnce Royal's claas waa a of e?rtling merit. _ After OTch racir* as that of Friday. Intoreat _ the contosle of Saturday was tllglit in IU99|9t-9B and the weather w..g of (=uoh a nature - to keep away a hoat of people wtom a half-holiday miglrt have tompted to witneaa the gport if the skie* had uot frowned, the air not chllled and tl* rain had Dot satorated. I pon a track deep in mud tbe flelds were naturally small, and the number of -scrou-bes" waa melancholy. The tlrjt rietory for tho Morrts stable was In the opeeUng race, for ranlden, three-yearolds at a mlle. Lakeland's john Cavanarh was talhed of all over the track at almost a "eaw tliing." But altliougU Hamllton was tho rlder. John Cavanagh ran wretchedly, and Hybatiea, wlth the l^ttlng Ifl and 15 to 1, against her, won eaaily enougli. Some English friends of Mr. Appleby, the weil Jmown owncr aud racing man, sent l_m not long ago from tlio otlier side of the big pond a Jockey called Westlakc. wJiom they i-ecommended hlghly. Indeed, thev toid Mr. Aj.plcby that there were only three Jockeys in Englaiiri who were superior to Wost lake- This voung man had the mount on Trlstan ln the eaeoai race. aad Tristan was the favorlto at odds on The E_gll-h tod'l rlding was not of a sort to win the appr..val - the spectators. He was ex tremely uncac-v in the saddle. and was eot-tantly toming about to watoh the other horse* when there waa no occasion for hlm to indulge in any such antlcs. Crtotaa was beateu. * John wlnnlng the race, whlle Kr Trlataa 9* eeeond place. Mr. Appleby was Ml Itl-IH With tho riding of "eattBBa, and iniundlatcly Bfter tho race opencd negotlatJons with tte WA for a prompt rcturn to England. \\est lake had a c mtract for the aeason. but con-ented o . - tbl matter. The American OWBer pald the _aKh_. hag aBOO to ttaaw up the co.rtract and ?arn* Ittauut 9-9* to his i.ative land. lt was no , on tha whole. a for.unate **?**??_< for Mr. Appleby who in effect. pald Westlake B300 ft>i e _a_9 9*1 niount. The Jockey .?eferred con SLmS to tho tkU] of American ridoi-s and rtn-raea- that he did not ride llke these Amorlcana. EveTv one who saw him to the sadd.c agreed wlt.i him entirllv. He d.d not ride at all llke aueh Amenean SSeya as McUuphlln. Hamllton and Garrison, but f ht art on iKir^eback ^.isfies hls English emp.oyers, Amertc_,g have nothlng to say. H H __>_f. how evet that no one. on this ride ls impetient to obtaln the -UrUCI of this English nAar. The third race was for the *aside ?ahea.for tWJ ,ear-o.d>. flve furlongs. wlth eelUng a-lowancea. The Morris filly Laughlng Water. who won on Friday,*$? the favorlto. but she was beaten by her atabto Smp-non. tha eolt opp.css.-r wh, was rt, d b, Jones. Laughlng Water broltc away at WWf Sae atart, and tlred herself out by her long rnn, before the race was actoally begun. llenra OBfJJBtor "J fresher than she was, ar.d defcated her easily at the flnlsh. the Morrii stoble geUlng both flrst and seco-d The'carlton Stake was the ehlcf attractlon ot the day Lid notewoithy eapeclally for the flrst ?PP*??.jco S year of Fhllip J. Dwyer-a W5.000 ***** But Bolero was not the favorlte; tho Morrta eolt Rus sell, who was sdded to the llst of starters at the track. holding that place, with his atable companlou, Ter rifter, as aecond cholee. Some money was put on ??, a., 4 to 1. but it wa. surprlsing that any on ?oaM have any conlidence in his abillty to defeat thia fleld. baaaaOO he was never good in the mud as a. two year-old. Ii ?t Bolero was never l?l?? **?"?" ?, ti.rvequartei- of a ...Itow ??a*t __ MS and Wurp-lh. Then Warpath d>?P_^?tJ*J^5 Te.ritier moved up to ISuswll. JSKSLKSmm^mm* hu.y with Warpath that Terriiier had much ????*_.{ his .t_w- companlon Eieell to take flrstmoney. E^i^e____s__-_ %"_?__ ~? _ g ?*?_? ?aa__i y,0^ \!?lu th_ eart. part ot tlTe rnn. that the Morris colt l^e ln the eari> r?yy * th? ?_,,? y.^ ti,e iTrtolv* ^t^^eearedUta fSSrth victory af the (',!\;, the lw* raee tho heart of all Brightoo Beach laa^d ior S ??? its oaloetloa, Wattoma, earrloi ^Tho'vatoa of me l_!__?^?__r____a_? w,nnCT U ItJOt, and of the CarHOB Mohoa, H?0. wtn?T RACK?SWKF.rSTAKl-s. MAIDEV THREE nS_j55S5r ?-o kaih, fi.000 ahd?. io * atXOW TIIE SCALE. ONE MILE. ^.^ St. l'l. I A A A. H- Merri.'s ch. f. H-rpaUca. '? ? #J___a^KiYi- i "al^Xidii 12-1 4-i P. j. Dwyer A ?aa* b. c. ft^^^Jj 2 e_x 2-l MewtjeM.ry stabv, h. a. Ma_a*sto_l?eer. _ 4_T __5 r. l? iwi^weVi *:;?. ci.o ^-,..1^112. o i8_. 4_t W. Lsketa-d-a ah- g. Joha ^vaaaoh.^ Q fi__ w C. Oxx'a b. e. Tamm.-r, 112 trgJW^i Q ^ __. ?. B. Mr>rrlB-a ch. c. Rt AtigusS. Ig^. ft |W . , OtOo Stshla'a b. e. Aaben. 112 (Mlller) 0 12-1 6-1 Tlme-1:45. Mufiala_.Hv..atle? atraight OO'J 05. place 822 15; Porn Mt r ?>!?<* 82X0O. Warrath Algernon, Maaher, Onie, Olenlochy and Bout?r.r.:r.i VOM withdrmwn. Only an ordlnary atart waa n?(J.- HvjmUca w,,s la.-ky enough to get the Vst of it, aid -he baat no time ln taktng the track. Nothing could ever BO, n'-ar h*r. and s-he romped in lengtha ln front of Tortehester, who OOBt Mounuin D.-er three lengtr^ John Cavanagh did not seem to undersund tlwt he had i,..-,. baahal hy au u.e talt-l t.. ?la. ?a wiu do bettcr on a drv track. UM ori-ido ran a _oo_ ra.-e. ,aovi? BACB-HAHWCAP SW1 I.I'M AKES. 020 EACH 01,000 ADDED. IV M1IJE8 B?tUn,7. ht. Pl. i? 3 Dwver ? Son's b. 0, Slr John. bl Slr __,_-_, _.. _S_* A Co.'* b. h. TrisU..v>?t|alklS_ ^ ^ W.Y Dalys b. c. B. B. ^J^,^, |M 7-2 Ttme-l W-? Mii?.?l*-Slr John Stralght 014 80, place 810 20; TrlaUn pUet aeao. Admlrsl dld nol atart. Lavlnls N I "aa not In b condltlon to run. Trlatan waa rlddL-n by a horae.rmn from the other aldo of tho AUanUe. who ?is iielther yndham'a ghoat nor Archcr'B. Nomebody hn.t.d Uiat he waa Charll* Wood ln diagtilae, but notyxlr r4ta Iei?ve1 II At bat i-ts h? ratuma to tho land wiie...c he cawe on tha esrlieit poaalble steamer. Lsrobley i-la Slr Joha wita ooolneae and judgrnent, aud bir J0I..1, taaing the l?ad froi.. I_>vlola Btllo at the half. ieir_liicd ln front to t_0 eod, wlnning clevtrly by s lonttii snd s half; T.ialsn, ?lmoat . ryac. a-.cond. half a longUi before Lawnla )*>.?. P. B MllUon got ln aa the aaddling bell iwng Isr t_? next race. ?llllHl) M t-*?KEABIDP. KTAKES. TWiVYEAB-O-DS. 040 EACH. al.'~'50 ADDED. 8EIXIXO. VIVE . WVM1XWOB. J. A. * A. H. Morrla'a b. c. Oppreeaor, by Bryanl-Vantura 104 <r*r. 16?)..(Jone?.) 1 10-1 4-1 J. A. * A. II. M'i?r.?*? b. f. L*ii;hing Wtter. 107.(I.lf.iaflca_2 2-1 ??? J. F. MtlK>n*ld'a l_4v Eoii?r?llo- . -,.... 104 .iB*rg-U)3 6-1 2?1 W C. DalVa A?nlty eolt, 100 (c_r. 10.) ir.ambler,0 ?* 1 7-1 H WarnSt'* Ch. f- Zi.rllHg. 107 (T_v1op1 0 I 0?8 lllnlnc t'an io Wuahlncien. I-llman D!r.i_c COM fr"i? Baw-T-rll t-o I'l.lladrlphla, BaiyriM.)" and W%4r,lnvte.i vla Kt*y?l Biue Lti." tn traina Maving Nrw-York IX 80 * ?. ai.d _ 30 p. _?? l_."i -asMjiai'H Mattaa u?*t st Ubeisjr-ak ForTheWeary I a_ a _w?_how many such there arol Not wom 'And wom mothor.TBjl *?s ^?,ddto llfe-but with exbaoeting With age-few of them hw > ??*?. ,e to escapfl tnese work and worry. For tho majomy " ?f . thpm are within bard conditiona; but the ?J-jJJJTStfS -ld digeslion, en the reach of every one. Toigj** ?^gj and mak, tbe Weak rich and pnnfy the Uood bmld "P h ^ Henrlckon. atrong.Ayer'eSarsapanlla.sthe^sto^ai ^ Park street J-^*^^ and loss of appetite, fol afllicted with general deWMy.J^^i^rJ^i^\i^WUi lowed by cbills I WM ???_* * ?J ^ ,,parilla. since taking no medicino helped me so much as Ajer s . strenKth " :__a_33?_SgB--. -Mrs. Joseph McComber, Elton st., near Atlantic ave., liroouyn, Ayer's Sarsaparitta Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aytr & Co., Lmctll, Mas?. Curcs Othcrs, Will Cnrc You John Daly'a br. e. DUappolntment. 100 . (Coateiio. 0 20-1 8?i Woodland RtsMe'a b. r. Merry Dukc lio ?.,.,? (car. 111).^Taroij 0 80-1 i.-t P. J. Divver _ gon'a br. e. Temple, 105 . . , (car. JOO).(MartiD)O 20-1 M M. F. Pwyer'a ch. c. Alrahaft. 100. (Cox,; 0 8-1 0-1 Naasau stsU-'a b. c Mlll.dan. lOO.(AbraTs, 0 200-1 80-1 8. <>. Loi.d'a ch. e. t'ncfe Slm, 110 (Mllleri 0 0-1 B-* Rosemesde SMable's b. f. Arnlca, 107 . (M. Ilersen.O 80-1 10-1 W. Eakeland'a b. c Knapp. 100.(Ste\ei.?on) 0 12-1 f-i Bovle A LlttleOeld'a b. _ Jullc 110 .(Trlbe)O 80-1 10-1 Time?1 0_. -M.ituala-MorrlA'B palr atr-tght paid 81'- 83, placa 018 00. Preaton B. and Klng Cadnn-B were wlthdrswn. The Tduiigaters were not well bebaved, and Mr. Catdwell could not get tbeffl off for half an hour. There were nu mcrom bad breaks, ln each of whlch BM fleld tan nearly a furlong. Thla rulned tne chancea of aeveral poaalhli wlnners. The Morrla palr were ln front wlth gOrUaq when tho flog feU, opprcasor havlng the lead. Ihe Aflin Ity eolt got on his lega wlth aatonmhing eelerlty and ahowed the way to the last fationg post, when he *m willlng to qult. Opprcwor, followed by Laughing Water, then came awsy and won eaatly by a length; Eaughlng Water aecond. a length before the Eady Longfeilow eolt, who got off alowiy ln the mid.ile of the fleld and was barHly exu-ndi-d tlll the stretch waa rc^ehed. He showfgl great specd and staying power, but made hU run too late. FOL'RTH RACE-CARLTON 6TAKES. THREE-YF.AR. OLD8. 8100 EACH, 81.500 ADDED. ONE MILE Iletting. 6t. H. J. A. A A. II. Morria's b. e. Ruaaell. by Eolus-Tlllle Ruaaell, 122 n?.jl4lttlc_cld)l 7-8 _-_ J. A. A A. H. Morria'e b. c. Tcrnn.r, by Alarni-Bonnella. 122r.........-.(Tar:|l. 2 3-4 <-> U fstuart .t to.'a b. c. Pickwirker. by Mr. Plck?|.k-v*hamrock, 122 ....(Taylor)^3 80-1 10-1 V. Gcbhard'a b. c. Warpath. 122 iM. Berg.-r.) 0 20-1 6-1 P. J. DWSWI * Son'B ch. c. Bg^Jgg 7_2 7_5 F- Fn-ter'a ch C Al-f-rnon, 122 ..(Koster) 0 10-1 8?1 C MmwoII'. br. c. Vagabond. 122.....Day) 0 50-1 16-1 Time?1:15. MatOOBI BtWIlO- palr fctralght paid $7 35. place 00 60. fc-trathn.eaih was withdrawn becaua^ saga old (irc-i. Morris aald ho could not run ln the mud. r.rten muat not forpet thls. B_fsO thlng you kr.ow h.-'ll make a mis take and atart him ln - aea of alnsh. John A. Mor rih'? traincr BCraW-0- Amhulance for the same r.-..?..n and put Russoll ln her place. Bcrmuda, fcstratapem and Vold also were withdrawn. Mr. Maxwell ad-.M Vsjra bond. No declaration was mad" by the Morris rtable Ull tho horses were golng to the po*t, a fact whlch c?,ua*d groat dlsn.ay among the Ulent, who almost to a man had back.-d Terrlner. Ruaaell waa tho aelected one, of the auble, but when the annooncement went out II wa? entlrely too late for the backcrs of Trrlller to hedgo. tonae.iu.ntly they atooi pat and-loat. Thoy had the satisfactlon of aeclng Terriflej pulled und.r their very BOOaa to lat llusseil win. lt was not much of a race. Rusaell and Warpath made the runnlng neck and neck for slx furlougs. with Terrlfler loi.nging along ln thlrd jilice, two lwigths behlnd, The othera were never ln 1_ G_rrl'aon aucceeo>_ in gettlng Boiero up to Terrlfler'B h?*d on tbe lackstrrteh, but the fSo.OOO folly aoon dropped out of sight, and ln dlsgust the '_uapi*r" pulled up. Warpath chuck.-d lt up ln the stretch, )c_v liig tha wholo aflalr to the sll-scarle',. Terrillar could have wsllied ln. As * matter of fact he dld walk ln. llo had to walk to let RuaaeU win, sccordlng to tho dedarstlon. Plckwlck- r came e-lUog along under a full head of ateam and captured thlrd placo, tlireo length* be? hlnd Terrlfler. FIFTH RACE-SWEEPSTAKES. TWO-YEAR OLDS. *20 EACH, 81,000 ADDED. FIVE FflUuONOS. Betting. B- 1'.. j a AA.IL Morria's b. c. Mars, by ? aoaaaa or iCaaaTst-wa-a, *$*&# t 7_5 j_2 R a McEewee'. ch. c. Fred. (IgJ._n*_ ._t ^ L, fituarfs Patrimony eolt, 118 (.Plck.rli.g, 8 ?-l 8-1 T li. Doaweira ch. f. Nluone, 11j.. ..(blrrw_ 0 20-1 .-1 P. J. Pwyaa B bon'a b. 1. NaUUc S..*** (Lnmbley^ 0 4-1 O?o J. Walden's b. c. Sleet, 118.....-..(Bcig?i) 0 20-1 8-1 llarriaon Stable'i. b. f. Jeaaica l]5(t_iiipi 0 1--1 0-1 Che.vr W. Chapln's b. f. ??-*?^rg? 0 ^ 15_X Time?1:05U. MuOiala-Mar? stralght paid 012 90, place 0810; Fted Eee plsce *12 30. Rex was wlthdrown, to walt for a softer "anap." MOre. bad behavlor cauaed another loi.g d.-iay, and tho surt, when lt came, was r.on>- too good. Nat?lle b. U-d the fleld around the turn aud into the atretch, wlth Fu-d L-ee and Mars at her ho-U. Whon atraighuned oiu for tbo run ln Mars and I..-- lo-t, her and baltied wlth Oach other to the eud, the (iod of War wtonlnp by half a |i-n.;ti.. The Wtrlmony eolt was the last but BM to leavc the poao, and waa ildd?n by a "Bhoemsker," but tho way hc Kii.i-d through h a h- lilled with wlld d.-licht _.o Monmouth County de: , who had be-n bctung three davs' harrowlng ag.i.. i two daya* ploughlng Uiat ha would beat tho fk-id. But they couldn't pull him In. Thlrd place, balf a i.ngth bjuhlnd Fred Lee, was his nlche in thla tempte of fame. tslXill RAC'___Hi_AVY-WElGlIT HANDICAP _WEF.l' _TAKE_. 020 EACU, 01,000 ADDED. ONE M11-1-. B'ttinc. Kt. Pi. b-l C. Oxx'a b. g. Watteraon by Gint Tom Dutchess, 4 yrs., IW Th.fTawapaon) 1 M. F. Dwycr'a b. c. Baldwin, 3, 114... . (Hamllton) 2 2?1 3?5 H, V. Newton'a b. c. Stryke, 4, 118 (Bergen) 3 0-5 8-5 U N.xwell'. br. c. Lowlander. 3. 114^. q ^ ft_j r.l._Hr^*am%_.o._Ma__l_aatrat_ ^ jq_i HarriBon Sttble'a b. m. LeonUne, i._lj ift_. ^ Time?1 :46??. ? nroke down. Mutuals?Watmaon gtralgbt pald 0(0 00, piacp 014 60; Bal<1"ln plare 99 70. Iia'dwin add Strykft ran tegether ln front till they raced themaglvea to a atacdgtill. Then Watterson came away and Wtk ln a wslk by three lenrtha; Baldwm second. a head before Stn-ke. LeenUna bwke down oo tho turo for home. HL John and Llnle wera wlthdrawa. PONY RACING AT HUJrTlrfQTOrT. S1X CONTESTS WITNESSED BY OVER FIVT5 ?tnn>B_D pEitsoys. ln splte of the dUngreeable wcatlier yeatcrday. the attendance at the thlrd moctlr.g of the American Ponv Racing Assoeiatlon, whleh was held on the Fair Oronnds at Hnntlngton. L. I.. wa* large. Over 909 people !?w six well-rontested race* from the brei.iss and other -ehlrlea ln the fleld and from the grand stand. A number of faahtonable people from New York were preaent, and the hunUng 999 waa well represented. . - - - The flrst race, a half-mlle dash. was won by John Purvca-s Robln Adalr. ridden by FoxhaB heena. Happv llappy was second, and Grisekla, thlrd. Spwer 111 w? unnily, and wns left at the post. The second race waa also won hy Robln ridden hy "Jlmtnle' Bluto. Pocahontsw wae. ecrond and Ballad thlid. Tho dlstance waa one mlle. ln the Huntlngton Btake* acven etorteri faced tna flag. A break was made. and all the Jockeys but llalght on BaehahOt Uiought tho flag was down and covcred the full dlsUnce. flve rurkuigs. FovhaU Keeno on Champa and Mr. Ylngut on Llttte Frtend fought lt ont. Keene landlng Ma mount a wlnner by a l?ead When the Judges ordered tlie horaew back to the post Keene refnsed to remount. sayIng that he had won the race. The othera atarted agaln Buck ?hot winning by a length, BlTox, |r, second, and Llttle Frlond thlrd. The fourth contcst waa the ftakes for ponles not exceedit.g fourtcen h&nds. This was won bv Gammon, Morrla up, who beat BeM by a head.* was thlrd. There wero only two starters. tho MiTllner aud Troublc, ln the llnrrirane Staaes Tho rar* was a mlle and a haU over elght hurdles. and wsa fought out to the Incb. Mr. Magoun surceeded in landlng hls own horse. tho Mllllner. a winner by a lenKth. a . ?. a A consolation race was made up for bareei wlu had run and dld not win the cuUre day. Tlie ?tartere were ?ocaCnt*V. Betsey, Llttle Chance, Ballad and Sptder ni Tl.ev flnlshed ln the order named, tlie vvinnor betug ridden by J. L. Keruochan. ? ? THE WINNEIW AT LEXINOTON. Louisvtlle, Kv., Msy Id.-There was the largest crowd sinco Derby Day at ChurchUl Downs to-day. The weather wa-. wurm and ])leasant and the track was too dusty to be haa. The feature of the day was tho runntag of (.'omedy and Ed Leonard lu the second race, wliich pi-oved to be tlio BMOt <:X' Ittag. They ran B dead beat for lir-t place. lt was run oir a-id resulted In anoUier dead hcat. Huron stamped hlin sclf a hWi-claas two-ycar-old by vvinnlng tho Ale.v and.-r Ptahes m he pleased from the good OOtta Gorman and Faraday. Plaat race-The Turf B-O-Mfa Bb??, purse 9500; for three-vearolda and upward: one mile and Mrentt yards. At Abner woh: Mllt Young, Olckcr.v.u and Jlarry smIUi flnlshed in the onW named. Time? 1 ? r.i. second racc-Pni?e ?500; aelllna tor three-year olds and upward; one mlle. It looked as lf I.eoimrd w_ baatoB but the Judge. called lt a ^d-heat between (oinedv and Ed Leonard. Remlnt thlrd, two and a half lengths back. 1.2.The rtendliea was nm off after the r-tahe rvo, Ed leonard led all the raata, but was ratiglrt ln the stretel, Itwaa a hnrd run wlth both whipnlDg. From the sta d lt looked llke Comedy'i nre hy & nr*e but: the Judees callrd lt ennther dead hcat. Tlmc-1 :4fi 3-4. fhe nin-off wns after the laai race. Coewdy could not la-t thnmgh tho itrateb and Ed Leonard won easlly. Time? 1 i49 1-2. Thlrd race?Tho Alexander Stakes for two-year-olds. worth .*1 770; flve fnrlongs. Huron won as he, pleased from Gorman. Faraday thlrd. Tlme-1 K>J. I'nurtli race?Pursc 9400: for maidcti fillles. two vearolds to carrv 110 pounds; half a mlle. Ilannuh Soberly won bandlly by n half length fn.nirnadllla, the aahio dlstance before Mand Howard, thlrd. Tlme M 1-4. Flfth race?Lonlsvillo Hotel Handicap, 8000 added; for three-vear-olda and upward; one nille and a slx teenth Glorkner won. Jubllee beat rtespouso a ueck for the plaoe. Tlmc-1:52. MRS. AYEBY fAYH IT WAB OXLY A TBOTAC. Intcrest ln the Oable-Avery elopement wgg lailied In ruinficid Tcgtcrdgy by the ge<ond apaaaaaaai lf Mr?. Avery among her acqiialnUnccg. To thogo whom ghe, met ?he. exproaaed the gitateat conUitlon (N her act and cx i.r_a.xl a de?IM to return to her husband. Iho matter w__ s.eni.d to have croaud the gaapaat luipr'-'Slnn on her mind waa the fact Uiat h?r hu?.bind vr%* al.out to In gtitute piaaeadtoBi 'lir alaaraa whiig epeaking of this ghe burst luto tearg and urged her frlends to do all In th?lr to effect a reconcillatlon. The husband and Uie crrlng wlfe dld not meet yegterday. Mrg. Avery wald ghe hgd lntcndcd to do m. harm, but merely meant her Meapaaa ta be a Bttto fniic. Tho (frttcrtH husband ln ?pe?king of his wlfe'g dogertlon sald thgt he blamei hiu.gelf for the art. He gave aa a reagon Uiat h? Ivid bOM too leclent wlth her, hatJ given her not only the comforn bat the Inxurl^g of life gnd had kept her plentifully guppllcd wlth gpet.dlng money. It wag evldent from Mr*. Avory'g rrnnarkg yeaurdar that eha had qnlckly become disgugted wlth her choice of a parUicr for her llttle frolic. Peculiar to Itself That Hood's Sarsaparilla does possess curative powers Peculiar to Itself is conclusively sbown by the wonderful cures it has effected, unsurpassed in the history of medicine. This abso lute merit it possesses by reason of tbe fact that it is pre pared by a Combination, Proportion and Process Peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, known to no other medicine, and by which the full medicinal power of all the ingredients used is retained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a bighly concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Doek, Juniper berries, and other well-known vegetable remedies. Hood's Sarsaparilla Will care, when in the power of inedi-ine, Scrofula, Salt Rheuni, Sores, Boils, Pimples, .all humors, Dyspepsia, Bilious ne_s, Sick Headache, Imligestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rhearaatism, Kidney aud Liver Coraplaints, aud That Tlred Feeling Hood's Sarsaparilla has won its way to the leading place ainong mediciues by its own intrinsic, undisputed merit, and has now a lartrer sale than any other similar preparation in the country. If you have never taken Hood's Sarsaparilla, a fair trial will convinc0 you of its excellence and merits. Take it this spason. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold rry all drugsist*. 81 ; au for OV Pr?pared only by i HoM by all dr-i?gi?U. 81 ; alx for 8V Prepared stily trr C. -? WOOD * 00., Apolhetarl.a Lowe;l. Maaa. L. 1. HOOD * 00,, Apethaaarsra, LoweK, Maaa. 100 Doses One Dollar 1 '00 Dosoa One Dollar NKWS FROM NEW-JKRSEY. JEK--EY CITY. THF DOCTOR _AYS QiriKINB DID IT. iw ??ii._n?T"-wcll 0 pmmlnent physlclan wtvt Dr. wuilam A. aaawi * v mttmmm ln tha MrM st No. 201 PMLade-ave., was?. prt on t i Thlrd Proclnci Poiice Matlon on Frtjay nlgM. H. attrtbutos tha ranao 88 an *MM ofqalnhio. Hla wlfe who I* sclive ln dolng rhnrrli worlc to OM ino I,,r' wao a oaaaaUl comPuan_nt m tmwiyaoaora C%_?? th. E*** ?* 'hnrged her haabaad _S_ ___?__ rtrnnk Ifavtly ol lat* and on Friday ___*. I? par' n ? sald that Friday nlght. wh.M nlght ln P?"'ulr Dr Decdv and Mrs. Dc?1y. o* 5s s a=nrP;r ??? __LTSwa_Taaao aao -ai ar_a? morrwci M this. and witi ?? jlu re.lred to her slttlnR-roan,. Tl.o door w.i ncVel and Dr. Noicell 'ollowed. and wlth ? tatrhe. baMorod at lt and trled f. -M?J?J_S fJrinTat tlie same llmo that he Inrended to klH -7h.t devll'? wh<. Mra. Newell sald. was herr-lf. 1 P, Cg tcarsfrnn, ,,r eyea. to. ^^JTZ eanllnaed M .fory and tott !??*? ??_*?_?{ been informed by the sarvant IM ^ ?"? uM to the kltchen and procurcd a knlfe. snj *? m ft ^trl^r^^^la.Ck, Uio r-vo.ver hivln* the rev.-lver .. M> 1 ' ? *?" ? ? wu hjj saying hc a aa ftoJM <*?_<? V ??J tllor?. juattee bstSi^ wffl gw-ja ?'the Grttnd JurV. bnt later he was reteaaed on hall. raamoAll not yrt fwnd. wlfe. Brtdget Oaiaaa, IMaiar. fJ^JSTSIll had aa c?n,lnatlon yest*rnay in the P_*r~ More .ustlec O'Donn*. CM??. ~gf?* ^-m*1? iCcaVlWg 2--S nei?-an autopay on tl.o body -fc?MjJ found that the wnund was s.x and onc-half ?? ' i.,ng. oataattof ftaai tua left ear ft"""* ?? eontrc of the ??k. Ti.e woui.d wao NJf aa to* and aao Btaraa _*"to-J2?"2Lr__iooverea\ Tho seveml. Tlie f^'^.^^/^nveUf a?:d ho h* body waa mnch bnilsed ii.'i, a kni-e Tlie poiice lleved the cut was mnde wlth ??#?*_- S_at th" 65* a dlffi-rent opinion. aiid atW' ^th, aVhir w.mian's thrnat was cut wlth a plece of "io PJ ' M.atwas found brok.0 after the murder.?'?'-? Ken-l-an wlx.m Oarsoo O-Caaoo of cuiunilUlni. tne mnrte" Ls stlll a' law, and ti.e pollcc see.n to be tinable to pet *ny tr_ca of him. MR. BMVOQMUX* MUST ACT OR F.XPLAIN. In the matter of tlie appUcnf.on for a mandimus to con.pel Dlrectorat-I-irge Iirngwman, of the Hoard of Frecholders of lludson County, to slgn ?l.lOO.oo,i bonds for parks, 00 autliortred by the I.egblature, judges Knapp and uixon he?rd arfaaaeal yaaterday. Tho court grrantcd an alternatlve mandamua, retiirri. ablo May -ft. Thls ls vlrtually an order for tfto Ulrector to Mgn the bonds. or show causc at that dato for not doTng so._ _ OSAMOB. The boanl of governors of the Essex County Country Club has declded no louger la support the E.,se_ County Hunt, for the rcas.m that only about half a dozcn of the members of the club ride to liounds. The cost of tho malntenance of the hunt is about i?2,000 a year. The entlre pack of foxhounds has been sohl to Charles PUner, one of the pronilnent mem bera ol the hunt. for B n-nnlnal flgure, wlth the ttlpulation thai he shall run tlie hunt for at loa.t two raaa?. Tho Essex County Hunt WM the muer and nacleaa af tho Baaex County Coantry Ch_. Tho Baaj DepartaieBl Baa clo?eU the BegottoUonii wlth tlio llarrey sieel company of rtoWBritbl wMcb _e iiarv.v oroceaa of treatlng the oickol-eteel armoi Lt.L to 8 be adoptod oi. all "eaaeto of tte Nary Boa uudn eontract. Negottatloas are now to Progreas be? tween the Harvey Steel < ..mpany and the gr-. hirii 1 Cretuot bteel Company by which the frenchGov era-eBt will he abto to apply the proeesa toitha arn atnet.t of th. Ir men-of-war. Hayward A Harvey, ti.o Inrentor of the proeeaa la a resident of orango.. H- father w? tho toveator of the gbalatpolnted icraw, thai ls now In nnlveraal u-e. ?ri.e butMlag of tho extenston of tha Unea of the Ncwark l\i~<M._-r Railway Company to OmjB to toa Weat Oranjre uoe baa been >toppei by an tajuncttoo i n.ugi.t by D. a. Vanhorne. hfr. Vanhome jaya that M li.nit of time m Ihe reaotottoa atotoji hoeom pany the fian.-hbe haa beoB oaeeedad. .fnd |hat bb. oar the reeolntlon the eompany has no atandtng. and that .he complainant ewna 5e btreel to the mlddle and that the company rannot encroaeh on that property ln tho ns.db.d without pn-per compeixatlon or con "ent fieanwklle ? ir.vlf mfie of the maln street of urango U V-rn up and rondejed marly tmpassabie. o-id matters must -tand ln that condltlon until the amment on tho InJuncMon case and tlie rctid-iing of the de clslon. The eantata of "Klng Reno's Daagbtor" waa given by Ml?s Llllle P. Berg-s voral etoM a4 . 0lc,_S_R_, tt,e bome of B-. Thomas A. ?a_on, ln Ltewellyn ?ark reeterday afternoon for the beaefi of tbe HatonaJ Orrle of the Klng's Daughters' of Calvary Mrthodtot Epl ,,,,,] i-MirDi of Baal Oranga. The cantota w.*. under the mauagenient of Frank'.ln9onnekalb. the niaolaf. Tlie cantata wa; |irefl Wlth the -ame. a-t m ;.t the rccent prodnctton in tho ( uinegie Ma5le Hali. ? ? , The two-mlle handicap road nice of the r.a?t Onii-ce Cyclera for tlio gold prtte offered l.y ( ap'ain nodfreT took place ye-t?day afternooni on vr Ceniral-ava roorae. It was one, mlle itralght away and return. There were Bvo startcr-. Thejirlzc wa< won bv John Wheeler, BftoeB secondf, in . r.iinutes ?21 MCOfida. The road was heavy owlug to the recent raln. -?-? NEWAlMv. Judco Depue yesterday clmrged the etruck Jury ln the mM af tbe Central Railroud of New-Jersey BgalBtf tho JllaBJ City, BewaHl Bad WMara Rallroad on an from Ihe Boafd <>f Commlssioners appolnted to auard flfl?*B? to the Central Rallroad for eroselng thir eear BrlB'a 9tattoa The Jeraey city. Bewaife, and We.tein road is an ext~n?ion of the Lchizh Vallev. The Jury g?ve a vcidlrt of irV35,473 U3 for tho plaintit.. .lames liaiti-v, tweaty-eoe yaan old. Uvtog iu the vidnlty of - K.-sniv Caatto," is h-ld by the Rarrleoo police on n charge'of being lmplicuted In the rohbery of the houae. A bundle of a dozen valuable rugs be longlng ;.. tho hon^e ?aa found roncealcd ln the wood-. tiencral John Watta Kearny la now convluced that the thlcves carrlod off considcrahla booty. ELIZABETII. BBWTMC?90 THE BO* BtTBOLABB. The boy hargkra of thls city were arraigned In tho llBkm 'ounty Court for sentenre yesterday. The court-room was packed, many school boys being present. Tlm mothers of tlie prisoncrs sat wceping ln tlie front seats. Proscc.itor Marsh sild lt n-.t tho wlsh of tbe btate to pusli the charges against the prLor.ers as it bellevod their acts were not so much tho offaprlng ol mallee aa the oatgrowth of dltne novel i-eading. Judge McCormlck, ln Impoatog lentenee. sald the crim.-s to which the prteoneti liad pleaded guiity were *ertoo? onea ln the slght of the la* and tarh aa, if commltlcd by men, would be punlshablo with ten yeara ln fitate Pri<on. The Coort dld not wi-h to dlagrace tiie reepectable famlllcs of the boys. He sentenccd Wllliam Yallowl-y, fourtcm years old ; Theodo.-e Letotor. fourteeo year-, old : Willlam I'almer, ilxteen yeara old, and waltar winiams, aeventaen years ol<i. to t'.irtv days in the County Jall. laaae iip.e, fourUen years old and Edward Swavne, tliirt.-en rean old, were each Bned .-rio. Oearp Iraftoa, fourieeu yeara old, was dinchar^ed. laward K. Dralie, one of the oldest and best kBOWfl prlnteis ta the city, eelebrated ou Friday nlght, with lus wife, his silver wedding at hls home, No. 1:1:, Calharlni ~t A large number of friends and relatives were pic-cut. KOBTHBHH NKW-.IERSEY OOUXT1ES. MOM'CLAIR.?"Clam Jlminy-' a character la Mont rlau, dk-d yesterday in a burn near his home from pneumonia. For many years Ikj liv-d in a tu.nble iOWB Imt ln tho Orange Mmmtiins, uvl llved the llfo of a hennit. lie h<-pt two inrgc bleodboaada to frlgbten ol treepue?erg 011 his solltary domaln. Mome yeara ?.;?> he pcddM Bah, eyatera bji-.i ciam*. :_d lu-ncc his oaaav He icaves property worth about *>io.tjoo. 11AY01*!*?-?JBTtad tlHtiall ln Ba..<iiiu:, who are eleeted annuaiiv by tha Oenu?on Coeacll, nearly all exp-ci i?i hoM over duruiit the conilug BacaJ year. six oi the t n Coenoilmeo have formed a eomb by whleh th-y can kecp their (avnrrtea ln offlee br a year. Mavor Willlam C. 1?-r haa pouvr U. v?>t> ap poinunei.ts. wliich he is llkoly t<> excrcu,.. I'our ...f the Conneiimen ar.- aupporterg of the new Mayor, lhaa preventlna- the O.uncll f;s>m overrMtoe a vet... Mayor Varr i? a Democrat, anl would llke il hav. the pi-.?. ent departtnent offlclato sticcoeded by hls frt.-udv The Counell woald llk" to remove Citv '.ttoniw Chartea w. Fn'.iei and Woter Pnrveyor M. O'Connor. it catvnot be doae without the Mn/tofu approral or saven vote?. Colonel Fuller ls a Uepnbliran and bo llevcs the Yetcni. Tcnur- of 00re A<t will proteet hlm Jaana !<%n'iv ls ?la?ed to sueeoed hlm. llofor? the'-Jd Oaaaell adjemr-'ed City Clerk HamJIton waa ra-elected lor thrat year* under a new law. Peter Orrth wa? eleeted Streer Cnmml?Monar fir the same t-rm to g icroed U. D. tanford. - . a A D/.V.VFI 10 THEODOBl. BOOMaTB-T. iBffjBBBpeBB. Mav lrt f-pg'iaJi.-Theodr.t- R oyjvalt. of tiie Keiteael Ctwtl lerwtoa ConaBeelaa, ?teppei m >u lutti "u hU aag Weaa, *nd to-rdgki * dloaer aaa 9 reo to him bv VUIlaai Padtoy Poal ab'rtit 100 ?? Ibe piamlneaa nie.n of Uie ? \ ii.i'i 1 \i; WM n Thi i-opcnitig <>f the I'mvidene* Line to Beatoa aad the Baat mr the aumaier ?ea*oti ls alwayi o ?<'. ?"'"? event t.> Iravcller.. lf fakes place thl? year on M"n day, Maj 1H, Ibe elegant steauiera (^nueow-it and Massa li?ctu ln com_Issl?- .'. R. H. MACY & CO., SIXTH ATESVa. >? I T" TO ??TH aTKSKT. XJQHTWEIOHT MEDIUM-MUCED BLACK DRESS GOODS. Speelaily adapoed ao SEAVIDE t.REXAPiXES, C?c CLOTH, 44c. 1MPORTED MOHAIR, 80c. f'rexch batiste. oce. mrmr veimn<>, 4?c. TAMIhF. CLOTH, 37c. BIULLIAXTIXE. hlgh luatre. 4*0. CASjiMERE, tlne quallty, 39c. HEMHTITCIIED VEILIXO, 79c. HILK-STR1PED OREXAD1XES. 870. ANOORA CLOTH, 79?. FRENCH Bt'NTINO, 49e. GINGHAM8. at 7c. PER YARD These good. are ln v?rlo?? styles of 0 8MMjaaW. No imperfBctiona. and have been aold all aeasoo st Un* per yard. BLACK SILK. 3,00- YARD* ?f ALL-SILK, TR1PLE-WARP Im portcd BLACK SI'RAH. full 28 inches wlds. at __* per rard; worth $100. ,.._.. _,T_ _.000 YARD;* of MdBOfe BLACK INDIA SILK, flOe.i cood value for 01.00. nrir_ _000 YARD* of 20inoh Extra Heavy bla?k swis- SL-RAH at S8c. ^ yart. Thla U the rcgular 01.-.I quallty- .. , .__ * ,tn. eaee of BOraag skirti*o 8URAH. ta two MOaaaO grade*. Wmeh at B8-.. 22-lnch et ???? ?]o PlECEa EXTRA Quallty BLACK JAPANF-SE SILK at 00c. i worth 0100. A ,ery atlractl-. atock of Novsltle* to Black ground, wlth eolored effect*. ln aWtpsa, apota. and plalda, at sa p?r cent. le*i than prevalllng pricea. COLORED SILK Ons case of real SHAXTrxo POXGEE, excellent auallty. at 83.49 p?r containlnn 20 yarda. One case of real SKANOHA- SILK, ln crew. white. at fS.'i4 per PaOOa contalnlng from 10 - to 17 yarda. Supcrior POXGEE, full yard wlde, 90c Cr.-am white JAPAXESE SILK, 32 Inchea wlds. 79e E!e?rtint ranpe of rare ahadea ln round cord FAILLE PBAJTOAISC 20-lnch, Orc.i worth 8125 The eame. 22-lnch, ai.lOi wf.rth 01.50. Extra heavy double iwlll WASH SILK. eholce de ilgns, 09c. i ______ ,? A large roll.-ction of cholce de.-drns and colorings in 27-lnch flgured CHLXA SILKS at 6?c. | claewhero, 01. TEINNIS RACKETS. Below w? quote prices of aome of our BE*T HAtKETs whlch will be found fuUy one-qu_rt*r ?hrar-er tlian elsewhere. Tho ??DANryT" and "DAISY," for ehlldren, OOc. The "111USTOL," !Hc. The "Plx.u.E," $1-24' The "CLEVELAXD," 01.-7. English Rackete. The "IIARVARD," 81.57. The "Cam," 04.07 Th^ "OXFORD." 02.19. The "femon," 04.88'\STAXDARD," O-MO. The ' Re_..;nw,?? 82.?2 lhe"ASHBY. Jlt," 03 07. __?"_* Belle." 01.88 The " " SPEC1AL," 81.07. Tl.o "M< XTAlK, ' 8.07. Ibe "FCL1PSE '* $1.33. IIARVARD SPECIAL, for Ladlea, 82.82; thls la tho beat LADIES* RACKET ln the msrket. Corh handlea, 'Dr. extra. All artlclea uaed ln the c_me of TENNIS much below the r-gular prices. BICYCLKS, FISIUXG TACKLE, SPORTIXG GOODS of ALL klnds at prices one-thlrd lesa than charged by regualr dealers ln these goods. UPHOLSTERY. (Thlrd Floor, reached by elTTStora.) NOTTIXGnAM LACE Curtains, 44c.' up to $6 94. per palr. CIXXT LACE Curtains, 02.31 up to 010.49 per palr. ANTIQl'E LACE Curtains, 8_.38 up to 08.24 per palr. IKISH POIXT LACE Curtalns, 03.30 up to 032-09 per palr. AXTIQt'E LACE Bed Seta. 08.29 per ae*,: worth 05 00, LAI'I'ET Ml'SLIX for Cottage Drspary, *c. 01-32 psr plece of 12 yards. Impurt.-d. fi^ired all over, CHEN1LLE CURTAINS, 05.9'.? per palr ; worth 0800. TUUCOMAX CURTAINS, with rlch CHEXILLE DADO. 72 lncbes wlde, $5.84 per palr. 5,000 yards impurted CRETOXNES. 10c. Jt'ST IUCFIVED, a n.-w hhlpn.-i.t of CHIXA MAT TIN'r In plain white OOff-toe* eolored pitterns, rcd and ?Mta iTflltaT. 44.Sl poo I>i*c? of 40 yards. WAMCt MATTIXG. 03.52, $5.00, 07.21, and upward to 017.'jO per pie. ? of 40 yarda. BAMBOO CURTAIXS, 0124 each and upward. Fl'RXITl'RE SLIP COVERS, cut and made ln tha very best manner snd st lowost prices. SHOES. LADIES' BRinilT CJOXDOIA O.YFORD9, PAT EXT TIP. OPERA, 9-1.H-2. I.ADIES' BBOWV CAXVAS OOATTRIMMED TBVKia f*noEr?, ai.ari Mi*WF*y size ai.a*. t HILDREX'S BCMBV BPRUrO-BKEEi SHOES. S1.U9. MISSES" RUSSET SPRIXG HEELS, 8*. 19. fci'ECIAL, SALE CHILDREN'S f.OAT O.YKORDK, 94c. and S1.07| Missos,' ?!z.-s, 01.24. LADIES' BLACK CAXVAS OOZE-TRIMMXD OX. FORI1S at 94c. worth 81.30, NOTICE. For laat of apace Ollt BEDPIXO DEPARTMI-.NT IS DIs.COM 1MED untll alteratioas ln our buildlngs are completed. o H. MA MILLINERY. In our trimmed Millinery D&> partment we are making an ele* gant display for Summer wear of rich and beautiful goods, with de* 8igns upecially our own. The price* are beyond competltion, OurMOURNING STOCK in very choice and rich, including an ele gant stock of Veile, all length*, ready for wear. ln thl* namc de* partment will be found the choicent Tourist, TennU% Yachting and Steamer Captt in silk cloth and soft felt at about one.halfthe prtce$ demanded at no*called fashlonabls shops. LAOES. BLACK 8U-B BiUPEBT NETS, all prltag aad qualV Ues. SPECIAL LOT at 59c. 1 worth 73e. bY 4_. lnch CHAXTILLY KLOUNClN.Mi, all |M?eg, ff_ 09c to 93.00. hPECIAL LOT at 91.99)1 worth 01.34. DF.MI FLOUXCINGS. 38c, 44c. W?? 61r. la 01.44 SP-CIA? LOT at 4'9e. i worth 90c. SPECIAL LOT CHAXTILLY TRIMMIXrt LAACM, 3 to 5 lnchea wlde, at Kc, and 4 v> 6 ineheg w4de al 34c APPLIQUE TIDIE8. BCREAIT SCARKS, PARASOU COVERS, aad AFOHAXS for BABY CAKRIAGES. EMBROIDERIES. OBBAT VARIETY of 27-toeh n. 6 EMBROIDEBa IES for chlldren'g dreage. and 45?eh H. 6. In whitt, whlte and colors. blick, black and color?. SPECIAL LOT CAMBRIC TRIMMIXG F.DGES, 1 CO 6 lAcheg wlde, 11c; worth 19a. to 18c 5 to 12 lnehee wlde, 22c. aad 24e. ; worth 30c. and *5>:. UNOERWEAR. LADIES' GENL'INE SWISS LISLE VEST8 ln ecra, goft flnlsh. at 74c. i ?!"? 3, 4, and 5. LADIES' OOSflAMER PAXTS, 34c LADIES' JERSEY RIBr.F.D PAXTS. knee le_gth, 34c aod 38c LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED VESTS fihapadi, hlfB nerk and ghort aleeveg, Q7c. 100 DOZEX < HIL..1.F.V.S GAUZE VEST8, hi?a. neek and loog aleevea?alao low neck aad ghort glaaraa? all Mze?, 18c. SPECIAL BARGAIXS Hl HOSIERY. WOMEN'ft. 100 DOZEM faat-blsek COTTOX HOSE douota heel and toe. (juaraoteed gtalnleae. 10e. Flae atriped cotton boae, 'J4e. FABT-BLACK COTTOX. double aola aad hlfh-gpUe?9 heel, 24o% 40 ?u?e FAXCT COTTOX HOSE. wlth fact h_? boot, tiflc. EXGLISH COTTOX and flna LISLE THREA0 hoae ln plaln colora, 34c, FAST BLACK R1CHELIEU RIBBED USLB THREAD ho?e, double heel and toe, 34c. Two-toned RICHELIEU RIBBED LISLE THREAB hoge. wlth faat black boot, SSe. (IIIi,PKi:>"? HOME. 74 DOZEX 11-rlb BLACK COTTOX HOSE. doubld aole, Ruaraatced gtalnle?g, glze 5"? to 0*8. 18c ENGLISH DERBY RII1BED BLACK COTTOX HOSE. deohle knee. ruaranteed gtalnlega. 3_. MEVS HALF HOME. 1 ?icy etrlped CuXTOX HALF HOSE. 18c BLACK tonox HALF HOttE, hJgh-gpilced keti, 19c. SCHOPPER'S COTTOX HOSE. double aole and hi|a? ?pllced heol ln inoda colore. '13c I'LAITKO 91LK HALF HOSE, la t*o. glate, eadaf aod leather ghadeg, 34c SPUX SILK half hoge, ln BLACK aod colort, 40a. NOTIONS. 1NDIA TAl'E, 14c. doien. 12-YAKD BKLT1XG, 4?c. piece. FKEXCH XHREAD, 10c. spool. DAKX1XG COTTOX, lc. a baU, SILK ELAST1C, 12c. yard. PLN BALLS, 4c. each. KEY KLN.iiJ, 10c. dozen. UOROM BEL'ilXO. 18c. p.eca. i'l-.AKI. LACE i'lNS. 3c dozen. Aj-OITXCE bPOOL MLK, 19c. jpcol. 1UOVAKD bl'OOL blLK, 20c. Oozea. uwiST, loe- box. JE1 BEADb, Jc bunch. bASHEte, 88c, 01.17. 01.40. SILK BB-TB, 13C, 24C, |7< , 44C, 69c. 7? POJUWOa, _?"?; 2?c, 82c, 44c. VELVI-.TEEX drcgg faetng, 10c. yard. SH.vWL SLKAfS, 2?C, 81c, 4?C. 60c. ao.d up. VLAY1XO CaHDIj, 11c, 15c, 2oC, 2VC. PAfER SCKAF BASKETS, 81c WU18K-BK00M IIOLDER3, large assortnent, 49c, 74c to 94.21. Plugh Photograph Alboimi, 01-49; worth 02. l*tioto?rapu Frauieg, a great varlety of new degifag. 29e^ 60c. up to 02.41. MtMI'.K CHOCOLATE. 37c. A POINO. A l?rgc agaorlroent of CAXDY BAbKLiS, UEKMAJf KAVOl? and SNAPl'lXG MOTIOES. CY _ CO. OTHER SUBURBAN TOWNS. WESTCHESTKK COl'NTV. YOXKK-tS.?Kbeneaer Curtte, seventy years old, who natstod un ..fll.-ei- while being ejc.tcd frem tho iligi. Behool BalMlaf on Monday. wns amutaoi before laattee Tbayor .-.cstci-day and held ln ir-Oo b*il U) ap poar f.." exnininntion on Wednc^d.iy. 1101 NT VKKNi'N.-Ti.e Rev. Charles K. Clearwnter, who has been poatnr of the Keformed Church for .sev en.l \r;irs. will pii.lal.'v s.-on re-ign Mo . Imrge. Ho prcuelted ns n r.u.dldate ln tho Se<< nd Heformod Col legtote New York, oa ftaaiay laat. Mr. Clcar uatei- is u nieuibcr ol the Hollanrt and St. Nicholus socleilea, imd ls u di-s.-cndant Ol Nicholus TrumpUour, whosc Immcdiatc ancestors came to Americn in 1004. Illl grandfiither wns a soldier of the Kevolution, and after the unr held public 00800 under the i.overnmont. Tha i:> v Mr doarwater was pn.duaten at frio l nion Theolofdenl NmUnary l" I?7?, and waa ..-nsiderod to be one <.f the mo.t aeeoaiptU-ed students m his clo_s. XE\Vr.OfI!F,I,I.E. I'l.n 11. Llttlefleld wlll lecturo on ?? l?er?oiKil Recolloftlona of Abraham Llncoln" In tho Town Hall. oa Tue-day evenlng. to rnUe money towird UM arOcUoa of a sold:ers' monument. __?^ ?? UOHQ ISI.AND. GREAT NECK.-William T.'iursby, a rnllroad ero ploye. llvliiB at Great Week, -Bad t-> klll a burglar on Thuiwlay nlght. Tli> ro had been many reports of thlcvea ia th. towu and he wa> armed. Ho o.itered ?i.t. gute after d_:k, and s..w ti.e lorm of a man croaektof under hla hodiweni wtaaaw. Mr. Ti.ursby iraw Iil. mv.lver aud t.icd flve s.wts at tho burglar ln r.j. I ... ThO alin was tr^c and tho nun fell to the giound. Mr. Tharab> e >neiud*l tn let the body lav where it fell until mornlng. As luon a* lt wns iight T.o weat nnt |o lni^nn tho coroner. Lefjro dolr so, he liup??< t-.l t'.e body of hla virfim and found tliax iifl had put four -iiltet-. ln". a suiffeu dumoiy. d notblBC and butleil the <!j-1 hurglir under aa aah l.eni.. .. v-;.\i. \ Pailra Juo* a wlVlaai T. Rraah dted yeatertlav inoriilug afte,- an llines> ol a WO00- He waa dxt) two \<h?-> ...I, i.;.d ??.-. a newedoaler, Tha wiii al .Vnn wVera. ..f Long l-im.i ntv. ls belng oonteaWd Hurrogate w.n.-i- bl I'r.ilget Davto of r.l .....ii-id. .V J., a luU-alator <>l tho <l._d woman. Under the win, rather P. A V/alah, Mator ol ihe Church of . ur i ;*!\ of Moeal ('.ir.n<>l, oi l..,ng lsland r,t\. -;?r. t.. rorarVo the i<uiu of t)w? e?uie araaoa amounts t, ohoal 03,000, Tho wlll was drawn st Fatli r V.'i1 h's -.. n?. I. >N?. |8l \M> ? ITY faa OoMOOBto, Wolf Tureh eni and jullua I.. !>. the three cioskraa-ert who are c__._cii wlth wrccking the shop oi Danlel Lery. ao Corona. iu Marcli. wote rcleased in 02.000 ball eero by Judge Garretson yeaterday. -0 , - ALONG THE SOUN'D. bTAMFORD.-The Stamford Club home waa fille*, to overrlowing on I'ridav evenlng with an appreclatlva audieuce, wlio wltnegaed the performance < f BH ? Kna ?aa llonevmoon,'' a coniedy nd.ptcd from the FtrncS by Mr*. Burton Marrigon. The play waa |0_M V hv iw?njnmln Davenport, as a bencflt for V? Braaea* ville Freah-Alr Home. He was supporte.1 hy tlie MJaaea Durenport, Brown and liunail, Mcsrr-. M*9a_ McCtone and Curtls, lic?id?*< ptettp pe:'*?"t 'rtr,s ?_? plctureajiuc ruardt. The plav was re?Ived wlth favor. Hy iue*i.g of thlg enterUlunu.-nt 0300 ?1II be gdagd nv Uio Stiunford people to their contrlbutlon ot l*?t ye_r to tlds charlty. PRCPESSOR BERRilAXX WIXS BIS CA*E La?t Deoember, wl.lle the " V A I " companv ware playlng ln San Franctgco. <J?K>rie W. Lederer b.ought a~te a?almt Profeagor Hcrringnn. and had Ut* cuiirt dt?aolvg Uie rarwerghlp exlgtl.ig between P.ofeeaor Herrmann and aln geif, and broufht ln a clalm of over 09.900 agalna'. rrofewor Herrnamn. gtatlng that he had everdrawa that amo'int. I ro.'cwur Kerrmann, wbo la now plavtnc tr BBn Franr1?"<\ bad the caae rvopencd. and when Judge Wallece heard kM gldc of the atory, gi.tgtat.tiated by diiurga, he lrruna<B ?<.'./ aan.illed the entre piooedingg lc th?a_tol<>n Baau.ateir Ml, Laderer. FOB TBE CL0SIX6 EIEBCISES 0F COCPER VXlOt. InvltaUona luve beA,ti itsued for Uie Urtrty aeetn-l annual commencetneut of Cooper I'nion on Friday eveniag. May 3'J- Tha fliial receptlon of the Womaa'a Art Department wtll take place on Wedrjeaday erenktg. May 27. at 9 o'ciock. The receptlon ln tivs Malo Art Department w1U he l.eld on Thorgday erenuig at tha aama hour. Tha *rt work of tha atuOanta will he oa axhibiuon on Thuraday and Friday, Mav 9S aad 29. from 10 o'elock a. m. lo 4 o'clock p. m. TIIE CHICAGO, ST. LOllS AND ClNCINXATl F.XPRKSS of the l^nntylraBia Katlmad la one of the u>o?t d*? slrable puggenger tralus runnlng betweaa tl"' Fa?t and Wcst. lt ls aqalpped wlth Puilman veatiboled nMeigug and dlulnt; cars. aod lt nma ..ver tln BMCalBt0?l road bed <-f t;..' Peaaaylvaala rvmt* ua ?.*>t tlm*: '**u* New-York ? p in. daily It rt u. ho- Cli clanatl ; " a. iu.. (iii.H^po ft p, Bt aai st ; . ? . .?>?? !?? '?<? the next day. la all reaoecta lt la a good eaoouc; o tbe Luiuta-. -*