Newspaper Page Text
*y V0L'L1.NM6,255. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, MAY IH, 189I.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS* KO NEWS OF THE ITATA. IHE CHARLESTON AND ESMERALDA STILL AT ACAPULCO. COMMODOEE M'CANN TO DM-BCX TnE TVRSUIT OF THF. FUi-ITIVK. TUANSFOIU.-. OAL FOI'. TIIE AMERICAN WAHS11IP, RCT *C_ FOR Till'. INSri't-i NTV ORTJISEE. City of llexieo, T__ (i.hoston, May 17.-The Ani-n<Mn warahip Cbarleston and thc Chilian man-of-wnr Ksni.-ralda are lying at anehor near the CBtimil-C to tho harbor of Aoapul.o. Tl.e iChUtaa raptaln saya tbat liis veaael lias not r.:i,',l at any American port. Consciuently, bc -?n\s, it ia not prohatbla that Iba United States .uthoritie. will intcrfojo with the lwivoinents ot either liiinseU <>r liis veeael. An ofliccr of tlie, in reply to a quPB tion put lo him ta thc l._o__.raph offlfifl af Acapulen as to the probabtHty <>f r.n old-fnbluoncd tea-flght hctVtM the Charleston and Ksm.ralda, said in a jocular and rather am* u.unus way: " Oh, the Itata ia already out of dancer. She has plenty i.f coal and provisions to carry her to her tion " TUt remnrk hns givon riso to thc report that thc Itata 900J9 I at sea from a tonder au.l prn Cfclcd to her ibstinatioo. whil<- tho Chilian W8U_ ship steamed for AcaptUoo to tlirow tlie I'nlted States authorttiea off tlie tr.<? .. ?? Kl r.iiv.-rv.l.'' the only Government asgan -bat j - -, far made any mention ol thc arrival ,>f ihe )s eralda at Aeapuleo, saya that in addltion t,< th.- EameraMa otber Chilian warablpa are expeol ->l at Mexican port:, % A 1 elegram fr?>ni (iuatemala s'atcs that a schooner ,-aptain just arrived reporta haring 8f__ two stranL'clookliiir vos.o's under full sail proceed inp 1:1 a southcry ittreotiOO. Weabtagton, May 17 (Special..-The circiitn tUnnfa aurroundlng the puceuil of the Chilian ves-.'! Itata remaln virtually as they won- laat nlght The Charleston la atlll al Aeapuleo, where also is tlie Chilian warship Ksm.-rahla. The la? ter ves-scl, so far as the dispat.-l., _ rceivcd at the Navy Departmenl to-day st.itc, taken on no aaai, and h.r mefnlneaa as a convoy Co thc Itata is prop rtlonately Impnired. - be M -xi.-an autbort ttea, ae. 1 iin>; to the officlal diapatehea, have adhcred to their origlna] determi-Tatlon t. refoae anppliea to the Chilian veaeels. Tl.e only reeouree h-rt |o lhe Itata is t<> enter aotne antal] porl along thc Mexican coaat where there are n,. telegraphio 999_B_annkatlon9 and where her identtty will not op.-ratot,. her dlaadvantage. She cannol poaalbly 1. 1 . without renewing hei eoal aupply. ller prcsci.t formidable equlpment would, of eourae, make her eapal le of preylng npon ooffrfnerce, and 90 .1 a proeeeding would not nlter her oonditlon ta a -,. extent, since her conduct has made hei batare pirsl . cci-tary Tiaey was at thc Navy to? day in eonaollatlon with the State IV part ment s ud Connnodore Rainaay. It was dotcr to pinr-c this matter of scizure in the handa of C-aaaaodoi. MeCann, who is now on the 1-alti ujore ut Iquique and in telegraphio eommun with Captaln tteney, ol the Charleaton. Thc J'enBacdhi la expeeted al Iquique to-morrow <>r next day, whon there will hc three naval veaaeh gathcred _?t thal port. Connnodore MeCann haa orders 98 tukc the Itata hy foree, if nccssuy. and bring her to San Dirgo. The Chilian tranaport cannot hc taken in Mexican watcrs, and her ap MaiSBM there witluu the next twenty-four hours will tberefbre 1 _* obeerved nierely. She can, how? ever, he taken ko chilian wateis, thi 1 Xatioa bar iiiK tleelaicd her an out law. The crders to Me? Cann, in oaae thc Itata eludea ti.e .'harl._-n.ii, are to have one of 'the thrco ves.-ls at Iqulqat later c.-pt the f0g.tlve ahip. That ofieei has dls cretionary power aueh as was oriKinally given to Captain Beney, ah.l is left ta his own resnurccs to accomplish the scizure of the Itata. the Govern njent shnply requlring thal the veaael be teaneated and brought ln ouatody to the United Statca ptorl jronj which ahe eaonped. The Navy Department has fortlfled itself with kga) authority for lhe preaenl pnisuit, and Bnda ampb det-tice for the aelzure upon tbe open seaa in tbe d--,'i-ioiis ol the Supreme Court. A hundred years ago thal tribunal decided iBoae \h HenleyJ tliat "tbe Bcixure <>f a ship upon the high aeaa after 6'ne lui> eommitted an act ol forfeiture within thc lerritory ia nol ineonaiatent with tne aovereign riKhts 01 tbe uation to which it belonga. Whatever ,-i.t prlnclple ol aelf-defenoe, In Ita reaaon will aanctiun in the hdividual, In a Btate ol nature. nations may law luilv perform upon the high aeaa." And again KUudaon \s. Genstei : "The lawa of the United Stat.-s upon tne b tbje, t appear to have been framed att-r a nu.dcl of the Engllah statutea, and the j,,t of 17BD expresaly authoriwa the aelxure ui a vcss.-l thal has. within thc jurisdiction of the ; States, eommitted an aet of forfeiture, irberei ? be mel with by a revenne cut tor, without limiting the dlatancc from the coaet." , rineiple was agaiu recognize i in the Supreme Court in the caee 1 tl.c Mariana Flora, where Mr. Juatiee Stoi. saya: "It is true that it baa l-een held in the courta <>f thia country thal Ameri? can ahipa offending against our lawa and I ihipa in like manuei offendlng within our juria dietion may afterward be puraued and aeized upoo th.- open ae 1 1 1 rlghtfully brought baek lnto our ix,it_ for b IJudication." "That would *?-?!.! to i.c plain enough," snd ?-, Traey to a Tribune correapondent to aight "Thc confuaion aeema t<> ariae ln failing lo cUBtinguiah between the right to puraue and n.ize iui offending ahip and the obUgation to pur 8.1c (t:ir neotrality laws admply require us t<. use due dlligeuce lo tel thal our porta are not made thc has,. ol operationa lor Btting out hoatik flects againal nationa with whlch wc are al peaee. If. notwithatandlog the cxerd.f aueh dlligenee, & ship raeapea from our port and geta upon the 1 aeaa, while we may puraue her, we are under t.o ohligi llon 11 puraue her. Thc fallure to pun_ue could be tn-atci as a cii-cuuistaii..- tendlng re original negligence in permitting her to n-caj*.. bul it. the eaae ol the Itata st.c not only is aUcged t>> have eommitted an acl withii iv r'i. which Bubjeeted her to forfeiture, ?>.it I I 1 heen regularlj s,-i/ci for tbat offenee, alie v-as foreibly ref>eued from the po_aeaaion of tlie eo.jrf*. a,-;,| earried away. No one qoe_ftio_a the right ol ? ? d i? puraue and recapture under j ?Of ii | Tha BO-ition of the Opvenunent thwefore, is *? oi vmdii itiou. The dignlty <>f tl..- 1 State-, h;,s been offended againal aud tbe authoritj of the eoarta of the country d.-ticd in thc eaeape ?i tha it.;t... She will 'io taken as aoon aa and wheic. ? rc.l, provided it is nol m watcrs ?adai lhe juriadietion <.i other naUona Tbe law J of r ... kiona ol the oourts, glvea to tbe l':? t.-i Siatcs the privilege -i arrest, <? ea ln tha \,'-. l's own taateis. Secretai.' Traey doea not aatleipate the ?? ereiae ol foree La Ibe Beiiuce, kMB-| : upon tbe appan l mv oi fle j.- ., ,., whlch, were ahe ln oonditlon nnd aupplied witi, j,: , im ..-is, reaiatanec migbt be J iooked lor. "In tbe pun?uit of the Iiata is tbe Oovernment j laBeoriag a paeeedent ee making one-1" a THbuna ?aeraapeadeni to-day asked a man who has bad ?meb axporie_ee iu diploanatie affaira, and is a thoraagh atadent ol InternationaX anneations. He j rcplied : "There ls no jirccclciit whiok BSaetly fto this trnat. bwanat tl..- eaae Itsell i?- without j H-eeden*. 'rbere la n<> doubt, bowever ol lha duty 1,1 right ?i tbe Ooveanmenl to puraue and -ei/.- ti,<- Itata when cer Bbe maj '"? found out ai'ic ol ueutml waten h wi a a parl ol the tentioo -i th- I tea I efore tlw. 1 i tribunal, upon which greal atreaa araa lald, Ibat it wa*. tlie duty <>i Qreat Britain to puraue aud capturc the rel_l .iiisers, and that. in failing to ?e ao the hi-il Begleeted u. exercise due dlligenee, Of oourae, the Lmted vSutea ia bound to adhere Xo the positmn which it th. n took. This is the iirnt ca_e ni whid) it hat. had an oppiutunity to do bn." " There sr-ems to bp an Imniraaloil i,, so-jie qnar ters thal tbe oouree oi tlie Seerev-n* ol thc f??vy anrl the Atta.ri__jr-G-h.ra] is ..ot aaproved Ln aome __ap.___ by all ol l-Oi-iilciil HaiTUOB'a adv_Bei_.*1 ivinarked the oorreapondent, " Ye-, I bav. beard mhii. thitiR nhoiit tliat. but I am able to state 1 v,-lv that the ImpTCMion is incorrect. It ha.s been aaeerted that Secretarv lilalnc was Inolloed t.. eritletae the poiicy adopted, i bul I happen t<. know lhat snrh i_ not the eaae; .m the eontrarjr, be ooneulted wlth other memhen . of tlie and wlth the I'resident hy tele , graph befOK any aotioa wae taken, and be i- i'i i iicuty accord with t!?e Preaideat and the other membera of the ?' ahinct. I " io revert to the <iuestion of ritfht or duty," , Oontlnt-N. the lawyer, "I would like to add lhat I it is do1 neeeaei r\ to Itgaitl tbe Itata as a pirate j in order t<i jusiifv her pui-Uil and seizuro on the high serus. If the I'nited States Manshul had plaeed anned men on board the v.-ss.l, as proh al'ly he OUght to have done under the drcum atanoea, nbe would nol have racaped, ind in tryin'. t?. reeapttire her the I'nit.'.l States is .loin_; what every siviliaed Oovenunenl will fully aaprove. i The Uhlted States authorities, I uiidei-stan.l, were I infoitoed I>eforehand of the OOtning and errand of I the Itata in Aruerican watera and a rei,uesl that i she i,e kent under aurveillanoe, and, if neceaaaiy, j seired. was made by the Chilian Oovrrnmont. I am also iafbrmed tna. pnoka_r>.s were opanlj* aent aboard Ih. Jt-tn markci 'Emueralda,' whose re.1 erraad rxvenme notorioue. There can be no doubt wbatever that the aetion of the Government is proper, and thnt it will l>e fully Ju. titied." San Diego, CaL, .May 17.?Puraei Walton, of the Paoifl. Coast Itcamihlp NVvvhern. when inter viewed to day, said that the Chilian man-of war KsmeraM.i was short of eoal whan the New l>ern p-issecl her on May 1, off Cape San Lucn.,. The ofh'eers of the Esmeralda visitcl the Ne.v bem at San .Tose del Caho next day, and said their destination was some port in tlie I'liit-d S'ates wliere they eoi:U _et eoal. They also lnqulred as to the quantit.v uf eoal the Nc.vl>_r.. waa ^arrying, Md secmeil ilisappolntod when in formerl that the steamer ha.l only n small quantity. Walton says he hM no doubt tliat it wns the pnr poie of the Eemeralda to stop thc Newbern at ?ea and take her fuel from her. but she <_nve up the idea when she found tliat the amount car ned hy tlie passen-er ateamer wns no small. The puraer eorroboiated Captain Von Ilelms abonl se-. ing another wirship much !ar_er than the Eamer alda on the ninht of May 1. He thinks thla, alao, must have been an Lneurgent ship. for tiu- offleera oi ihe Eemeralda knew of her, and did not appear to l.c tlarmed, ns would have been the eaae it the ship had been Balmaceda-a Imperiale. The olticers of thc Fsmc-nMi refuaed to tell the name of the other ship when queutloned. A LONQ 8EABCH FUR LOST CHILDREN, ONE OF THF.M POUND DBAD . EVES.TY-H \T_ ________ PROM wii;_i.r. BBE and iii.u L1TTLK 6XSTBR LOST THEIR WAY ?tiil OXRBS Rr.C'OVii.ri). Omahru -*<?_... May 17.?For a week tlio entlre male popalattoa of Tiie?iford. Tiiornas County, baa been * gagod lu a eeareb for the two little glrta ol John Hana . 1110:1,1. who were loal In tbe eand hiii- rorroundlng tbat j town la-t Suiulay. The chiidiv:, OM eigM y.'ii'- nnd j the othor four, went t<> vlalt their aleter, a_o llve* I iil.out . i\ mllea nortii >.f Thcdfoi.l, anrt between ?! and ?"? I _.rlo-fe iii.-..- -taite.i home. Tboy bad to go :i),.>u, ? i,..i... aad tbe road led through tbe und blfla. Tlie ebUdren lo^t their way and never reaehed home. Theli p urenta and tbe Irnup .1 ar-. ? elghb ra n an bed tbe hill_ 1 all nlghl and on Monda. morning a general alarm wa_ 1 ivcn tik 11 Uu cltlseni 01 Tbetfford an 1 the aunoo d Ing country turncd out Thnrado. tba. rame to a plaoe wbere the .ounger ehlM h?<i lo-^t on eouid ><-(? where tbe oWer one bad earrted ber tlttla itflter a abort diatanee. l>ur*day al noon Uie roung eat ciuM a*aa foun- at tho foot of a lu. n MU baU eov> cr,_ uith -aud, where sh. liad falhn cinipl' t-ly e.v hau^ted. Thc little one wa_ uncoii-. loua aml hac was swollen *o that it pmtiu-'-il trom lier month blta -'a- aoon rp-torod, however, au.i when vbere her >i-,e. w*-. sh ? replled: -fciatar went on lioine." Tlie scarch weat on until tlils aftei-OOn, when Uio oHIaeaa dl-eovored Uie deart txxiy ot tbe older cliil-l lau miles north ot Hunnlng, IUhIiic Couiity. fully u \ enty tlve iniles Uio pliue wln-io the children hM U-SU* ''.?>'? -? FOR BECALLINO COUTES EXEQIATUR. MATOK _UAKi.J-FI.AKI' THINKS TIIE IIAUiX CONSUL A DAM6ER PO Ni;w-or.LKA\s AKO WOUU) LlKi. TO i-i.r IU 1? OF HIM. Kew-Orleana. May IT.?Mayor -hakespeare jreater day aflornoon nddreaaed tho foUowmg letter to Qov eraor NVeholla: MivciaUv of New Orleana, City Hall, May 16, 1801, To hi*- EAceliency, _*r__ie_i T. NlchulU, Qoveroor of LoiiUfcina. Oovernor: L'nder *iai..- of Mny ,;. 1801, tne Consul (f Italy al tlila port, Mr. Corte, law Dt 10 addrce^ t_. \\. 11. cliatloe, toi_nun of the Grand Jury, then ln ? oning of ; :i w ia wrltten tbe Oonaul ieni coples ..( tlie letter i.v the Itanda o_ hia aocretary to tlig t'.aii, papera tor publlcatlon. I lueloae .1 prlutad topy of letU r, Your Excelleney being ??. resldenl ln New-Oneans, .- fully awars of Ihe fact thal ever >>mr.- the .;--_?. Inatlon of fiupciintetident of Pollce Henn_*?y, on uctober iu, IH90, the papen have teeined wlth ail maoner ol vaporing. from Mr. Corte ln th" oni|e- of Intenlews, etc, Por Uie*-. icported saylugs hc <::!.! nol property be h"!.i n an ofHclaJ rcspoualble, and rinoe be wa_ tcarcely ci-'iite.i wlth one itatcmcnl before another waa made, Ij tii.. upposltc ..f ... largely iiuallfytng tlie 3ir--t. iii? vagarle-i an.i ! 1,1-1 iao.'- ?vre regard_l by all bul hi- own people a? elthcr -Mighable oreontempilblc. 1. -i.i. . being iiiii" i in.ui. tt.r letter contalua rtutc ment_ _aise aml beyond question knowu lo . b l.y Mr. < ? if. a- Itill.ii Con nl, Mr, Corte ha- ev?r had any iiscfulne-s ir '??. be h 1 - oatllved lt, and im- become, igb hi-, own acU, i.u onl) an aoarceptoble per ,!? an elemenl of danger to iln- rommunlty, ln that by i.i- Blterancei hc Incitei bla biftammalili ji.v,|il" 10 riol or -aii.-ii oppo.ltlon to ibe law* and ,u toina .1 r eountrj thej i.?\'" Mrughl aa an asylum. rj. a. ln- cotife_?c- hiiiisclf t., be, ..f crliiilnul lecreta r latlng i" the IndlrMuali of lu race i.-nlcni among uk, he t-fusea i<> give 10 Uie Doparl iu. :u ... Pollce and Justlce tlie Informatlon ho Ims, and thereby Inereftsee the danger b> the communlty from U,r*-> crlmlnal*. Kor theae reaaone I bave the honor to reqaeal thal viii a>k of the Honorabb Secretary of State al Waah i'i.- rc. all of Coueul Corte'i exequatur by the I'ro-iilent. ThU appBcatlon would bave been made to you looner i?m< for the reaaon thal 1 dealr. to place in your hand--. t>< accompanj vour note ta Hi". ,:??,? of state, n rdporl made to the Mayor an.i Councll i.v tlie Commltte. >.f Flfty. I encloae ? eopy and beg leave lo eall your Excelleney. attention to 1h.1i part <>{ it relating to Mr. Corte. l bave tho honor to be, your obcdlenl JC-.EPH ^MAKEsTEARE, Mayor of .Vew-urleana. _-///?: BATIOSAL G. A. ... HILL. Decatur, ni., May 17 (gpedalL-Oeneral Vemm, eonunand-i In chlef ol the Orand Army of tiu. Repnblle, baa noUfled Mm Sattonal Memortal Ooamtttee at De catur 7,.- bad Ippuod oflklal ?aneral order*. calling apoa Hii Grand .rmy eomradea ia all pa .- of the United t-tatei L> eontrlbute I Um g-O0,0_0 tequlrad to ereet tbe Watlonal G. A. B. Memortal Hall nl Da eatur, tbe blithpU-e of the orgaatiai. Thii orrier ;, .|,. ,,i,? tbe Nattoual Commlttee bai been waltlng ,. ,... iv ln April and n'.w tiia* It I. i.-u.-i. the bulldlng li p-wired, and the funda wiii t.? readv tc tlme for Uie ulver anniversaij onrampment, whlrh will be beM al Detroll In August. 1 ?? llng will t,.. tbe repoaMory of war rellc* und In tlme tae place of boldlog tha Matloaal Booampment. -?-? TBBIOATJOB IS TBB DABOTAB. Aberdeea, > D., Mav 17. <" ij-.m-i s. FfetUettm, pnglneer, of tbe Umwitnierrl of Agrleatture, iu- arrlved i;i' Aberdeen ln company vutu B, g, LaOrange, of Greely, Col.. aud V. w. PaBet, ti Denver. Tl-ei are aj engtaaara and hrrlgaton aad have began to uperata tha arle laa well oa t:.<- axpenmeatal latlon ol tbe Baaid farm. aaal ol Iha elty. Tba Oovornmanl ;.,.!!? sainrie> aod tiie peopla here fnra N tt> on und aeed. ,l' '?''""'' w*r* ?**???*>*' Pleaaod . I sltuatlon and htve iu. doutrta of the wceeae of Inliru. uon io ttie tw Puhofa._ BVBQlslM IS A POBUkTFlCB. Walmino Iowa, May IT.?Tbe .af. la thc p itodke it Tripoli, Biataer Coo^tjr, ei<iit.<.ii imies north ol a | .j mm ,;.. u i,v burglart ia-t night. All .heatampe in tlie were tuhen. Th. tatrt arnount of the Wm i. unhnown. The burglar. stole a hand-car and -,.-. r,t to -Mll-toii. f_n mllei dKtont. wher. all trace of them wa? io-' ^-? Tlll: Tlll.IL OF Dt. AdBBIBOB IS WiU.l.l.lSH. Wliccliug, W. Va., May 17.-In ? H.urd iiiui?ic: eaag rmtarday Mm -tale ekjaai it. Mde, aad tiu- defea??*? epaaad by pi-odudng attaaaaaa t/> prova tlie BOOd cluractor of Dr. r.prrWm. J. B. Halier, an ,,v_ -itncfs. hurt ttie eaae of thr d-feoce by te-tl_5rlr_g t_?t tx -Mavor liatrd made po t-reatenlng geaturea. CROWDS CAVSE TROVBLE. A LINE OF SIXTH AVE ELEVATED TEAINS FIFTY r.LOCKS LONG. A WOMAN KNOCKED DOWN AND DlU_r,ED A CAR-LENliTH-A IlP.OKEN BStOYBE CATJgEg A JAM AI>0 IN TIIinD-AVI.. Thousands of people, who pur.-h.Baai aseaualon Hekata on the MitlMi?a elevated lo YeabBm for ."> oents jraataada., po. ao further than 111__.__ PHago. *nd that after B___ding t* __OBI_ ln UOWded tr.iin>. Amoeg them were many Catll-llcB from WOw Yortl aad Brooklya, who artabed le attend tha ni i .bbqiiIm attaad. Inp lhe laylufi of lhe < "incrstonc ,.f the ncw- Calh 1 ?' scii.ii.Hr> <?t Bt Vataatlne- Hiu. aaad ..thcrs win. wisi.c-ci to avaU Iheaaaatves of ti.e axearakM rat lo rc-tcl. the c.iuntrv. The Ncw-York an.i Northern K-'.II road haa hut one baeh betwoaa Van CorUaoidl aad Daumaedoa. and it bad lo tenrt all tho ti-lns it eoeM up over this llne, six mllc_- long, unload them nnd l-nek thcni down, Wblla B lom; llne od traitis rr_.nim._l wltu people wcre waltlim to pet on Uie siiigle tra.k. At one tinic nearly all Iba traitis of tho road werc lorlird up ln Uils way, wlilie Ih8 ..t?,ii .,t OB8 hiiii(lrc_-and llfty-flftlist. wa? parked with people from the 888 vatcd. Elovatert trnlns eoald not land thelr pM Bengaea and a long linc nf them, mnvinc at a aaalPa paae, (>\te_id__?l from < iiieSundn:_-and-_1ftv-flft_ st. down lo <>ne BB?Nd an-I-f, tirth___, tr.dns Wtl9 BipUed aa BOM aa they rould roaek any station ah?.v; OM hutidrcd-and fonrth st., and thc, < ars were Beal down town. Tl. - Mfffhad. BB-tod from -J p. m. until .', 'BO, and It took tw,, hour- to reaeh Onc-huiidi_d BBd tifty fifth st. fr,,ni .-..utli I-Yrry. Al-hMahop Corrlpn. and other dlgnltailea of tlio OhaKk werc mi'mix thoaa eaa| t in tho blnoi... lo. Northorn Kailroad ofltrlals say Uiat the Mochade wa.s .iu, t-> tii ..<ti,.ti of Yonhen ofii<_m!s ln retealag t<> allow tlK-m v> ma tholr Ir.-in. on * sidinir a- th?y arrived an.i turn th- e iglnea ahout. l__rat_d r_il road iii'-n lay UuM tha Koethorn toad eo-Qd not handij tho trafTlr, and that if their eaia had been allowad to nm tbroash ;he troable would i.avc boen at?rtaa. aii aeetdent ma. prore aerloa oo mrod at 3:30 o'clock at tbe one hundr _i and llfty lil'tl st .-tath.n. Mr-. Annle Brownlee aaa thrown to Ui-- platform wblla attemptlng to boatd ?. taaia and was danggad ti_- taauttb of a .ar before ahe a ta reacae-, .-mo was remored to tbo MHidii.tcn Hoapltal, al tme-hundred and-thlrty-lr-t Bt. and Amsteidam-aaa. >'.-.. Btownlee k baardlng-oaae at No. 160 Eaat rweutr-eeventh-at ,-hc la a artdow, wltb one aon. and la -i alater ol Aa lomblyaaaa John I nnoDy, of thc xixth Aaaembl. Dis? trict She waa accompanled reateiday i.v HIm N ???< ''??" ton, who liv.s in lhe aame boaaa with her. n.o two w ?nen had bonght exoaraion ttcketa, hut dld net under taad ju . bow to renr-h Yookera. Whou tholr traln reached Ono-hundr-d -od-flftj flfth-Bt Ihcy l :t the oar wltb the otber paasengera, but did not .' tho platform v> the atatton ,.f thc New-York and Northern road, Aa 6.-011 a- Uio traln from whleh they bad aiipiiw- bad aoaw ahead lo ba Bwltchad lo tbe aouthbound U___eh, another traln ilrow ap at the ?tatton, Tlio two women eonchaded thal tiii, waa the throagh traln t<> V and propoaod to board it. itopped before reachiuK th.-, place, and the ? d parilall) opened the getee. Mrt, Btownlee !:i!:o;i lorward aml ,_;,.t on ona ot tbe ear platfonn*. ? ui Ma ,,f Um i?,,tiv opened .-.>?,.. Tben lhe onalneei itaitod ap agaln ;?> brlng thc traln Into the propor ... and M. . i!r.,?i.i<-c waa tlirown down. She waa paiUy ou iii<- ,..r and lartly on u.. atatlon plal torm, and ln that poaltlon ahe wa* draggr. akmu. ,?.ir rhomaa WaUh, of Um Tw'ent) nlnth l*rtclnet, tame .<> ber aastBtanee, an.i trled t,, aapport her aa tii,- car mored. when tbe englne t!.,- traln had ______ An ambnlaoe. \;i- cal.ol, ?,?i -i?- ? .. ,it .... ,? r :: oved i., the Hanhafl i i tii. Bbe i- -.iit-- in_r from .> number "f , ., tastont. ,..". her right aide, and irom InteruaJ lujurie^ th i i ol whkb ns v.-f cannot be atcertalned. The sumoa h- tii? hoapltal aaya, bcwai r, thal "? probably not s.-r. aa. Tlto iilatloii at Otie-haiulred ___.nU-liftv Lffn -t. ?_ aurrounded and overrun by a denae fln-wu wlien the people b nn to come b*c. kom lTonkera. n u'?- '" ,,',-.,- h befaie Uie |am on tSe elevat d tralna b t*n to dimlnUh. Tbe men al thal part ol the r,.-1. aatd n waa Uie blagest dav'_ n-ati; t.?\ h*l ever _een. Tlie.- was ., T.i ?>. la tlna fort. i lirhl minnt ? ,,., r.,. _. i ond ave. eh val id reUr art j 'er dav, eauBed by an aeddenl to ?n ? ,,,.,. ]v before i p- m., wb n tl,- me ?i bunday trav 1 to ti.^ l-atterj wa* at lt. leight. je.. ,.,. ifVlng In N ? n_ ive. at 'fwenty-tblra _U -tere itaiiled by lhe wond ol a loo. erash. llu*h they found tbat an elevated troln oa the down I hMcome io ?, .1-1.1 .topwlten hall a :- r und r. from Second ave. Into T* itj 'nnd -t. "; e.v.t-, n, tion it waa found that the axle !,:?,, I.. aud the enmne was repairea nmmivnuj i.? _?? Ita i.'-in ? punhed bv anoth train to ( thc traln waa iwltched ofl the W o. Hte repain euDicd more than three-quarteri ,-f an hour. ln tn*. t-iie Uiere wai . iteadv nccu ?' downtown tn.;. - all aionR the Une to and bey-Ji.d Twentj etffhlh _t The passenKen noi om auu walaed oowu me t_. th- rwent] thlrd BOTES of TBE WCBL&a FAIE, Waahlngton, May ir. WlBard P. TUdoU. the CommlBakmer _> Cotombla for tl.- World- Falr, reporl ,!,:,? ti,- maaiagor ol Ihe Compania I olombl i i H portea, wbieh eontrola the oaTlgatloo of lhe Magdalena In thal Bepubllr, bna granied the moal llberal coneeaalona In the int-r- . ><t Uie Latln Am ri can departmenl ol the ExpoBltlon, both ln the U?U-portation of exhihlt- and comml-*lone__: and al_o that ilicy will aell al half ratea eacnn. Uekota to Chlcago durlng the perl d of lhe Bspoatllon. Cnoffidal aasnramce. bdve been recelved thal lhe Government of Bcuador wlll nccepl the InvltaUon to partlrlpate ln the Bxpo-ltlon aod ew I b bnlldlng .,f Ita own ui Chlcago. c. A. Ober, the Comml__atoner t,, the Weat ind,-. reporta thal Mr. Musgreve, who i- ln eharge ol tha exhibll made by Ihe ialauid ,.f st. Vlncenl at the .lunai.a Bxposltlon, ?ill brlng t,. Chlcago a group of Cartb IndlaoB, who are Ihe dOBeendanla <>f the dlieovered by Oilnmbna. Th.-? Indlana wUl llvo on the BxpoalUon groundi at Chlcago .t- they Ure at home, and punue thelr ludtutrles, ol whlch Uie , h, t !? ba Itetmafcing. The. mahe ?> b?a>aot wnicn win hold water. _ . , Lleutenant -rriv.-a, Special ComtnUsloner fo < enu-ai \inei-ica Bfter harliig vi.'-.i Onat.ma_i, Salvador, Ntcaragua and Co?U Ulra, writea: -1 now feel ureuial Centrul Amertca will make .i>h a dlaplaj aa ahe hai oover made al anj exposlUon befba-." Cliica;.., May 17 .sp.-ei.ili.?A commla .on, eonatstlng of DO< leaa than three men, oawof wbom, II h thoogbt, wiii be T. M. Waii.-r. of Conneetleat, __.:'' another M?l<* Haody, <>f the Departmenl ol Promotloii and PnWlelt. of ti.- \Vo:M-- r-f.v. wiii itart f,?r._ ti ur ?t the prlnclpal etttei of Bnrope cith.-r June :; o:- Jaoe ?>, u* the par '. givlng authenllc Infonnatlon remrdlng Utc BxpoalUon, and t *iu - conntoractlng the efl rl 4 lhe thal hare been ftwelj i Irenlated abroad. Thc, nembeia of Um eommla. announced nexl Wedneaday. riie coinml _on. ( Davli -a-.-. wlll be |. alx weeka, and ?;IU vivt London, i'an . Uorlln md other Bnropean eapltala. _ UILYTIA 00UPAB1 IX D1SOBACS. Aim Arbor, Mleh., May 17 (Special). i i I Norem. t^r Oompanj A, State troop . taraed ool to lerenade. x ntuaber nt atudoola gathered abool and |eer d I ?v-rpea:.; Oraojer orderad tha toldlen to eban crowd, whlcb waa done, and In .. band-to-haod iipi.t whleh toOoaaed, Indng DeaniaoB, u atudeait waa kllled. s-v.-u nemben of tha eompany were irr I ?i lor iiiurdei'. aad lt wa. found Tliat tlie Iroopa bad i." BB thority for bdng <,'.t. Ihe mlhtai. authorttloa took Um niittr up aad demnaded thal Companj . be dl? , on durt PreMure by ttodenta rn?i tne roll ,- biii v ,. brougui to h*?r t ? >? ? orai II I thl end, ? htle tlie rnmi-tny'-i frlend I I ln tlw mllltta. liorrrnor Wlnan* has aettled I . i.,:i:.-i, ii,,..-i." Oeneral t i .?.'?? i_ i ' ? , .'.j', ,, ? . iipm mta, ond U< ' ,,f ;.ll Mi-miH-rs .;' thc company be atricheu Irom loe M_t<- roater. ? ABBBBTKD FOR KABOtBB A if.t.v BY Hi Btmuiirllhi. N. a.. Maj. ir.?J...i: Walher and Cook! the m< nponold John Thoma, at Ihe's i,,.,- near Now Brumwtck, haaa boen airoatod. Ihoana wai ai;,i atraag ui> bjr hi thtuaha foi twooty-lx booro, aallorlag aahaarl of __foa_j Hla aaaallaati aaada Iheli late, -.--'! | lo Um Weal They were arreeaed ln Plalni uurday. Both ar- ' _ng u,-,i, ; They ? -r- : to Som. Ile I lodg 1 la 3 il! SH'iT AXD EILLEV Bt Hl .'.' IBB? ... gOrOBl. a. I'ei,..., Mav 17.- l'utrick\ ?'^ BhOl nnd lulled th'.s moniliiK 9] * H_n_fai_m, .!,?< |.h NOBOb. The men llvwl r?i adjoinlng prnp-\-ti,-? and qiii.tT"!led over tlie dlvidlng Un*. Ladar failerty, whiki laavlag hia Uouae. wa* llred on bv HaarJt. A TRAIN8 DKADLY PLUNGE. TWO ______ KILLLD AXD THBEE IIADLY Hl'RT THE WRECK LIF.S ON.'. IICNDRED FFET BEI/OW Tlll', RA1LS?OAUBB l NKN'OWN*. An acci.lci-.t occurred last night to a train on the Long laland Bailroad at (ircenville, L. I., which resulted in the loss of two lives aud thc injuring of three other persons, one of whom may ?lie. At 8:30 o'clock a local train composed of an cnginc and one pas-on?cr ooaeh left Uyster Bay in eharge of CoaduetOI AH>ert. Jones. There were hut f_W pa_M_hg_n on board. What cau>ed the nerident is not clear. When the train ri.iel.e.l QreenvUle, the looomot-ve enddenly Jumped the raik and plonged down an embankmant about 100 feet Uffc, dnggisg ti.e pa_ae_gei ooneh after it All haiuls on boaid went <lo*wn with the train. Er.gineer Conmhs and an unknown man who was in thc enb with him, ns well as his lire maa, Miehael Wordaa, wmaUwd at his poal ol ?luty and lost his life. The unknown man. who was rnling as a frien-l of Coomba, 9t* alBO kllled. Thc eiifiine. as she went over the enihanknieiit, laaded on her si-le, and thc fireman was fearfully t-c.idcd. The locomotive left the track so suddenly that Coomba did not have an npportunity to reverso his engine. Il - not known whether the train was going at a high rate of gpecd 9* the time. Conduotor Jonea aud his hnkenian wero also badly Injured. There wtvs too one apparently a, ihe so.eno of the accident able lo ^ive a clear aeeount of what had occurred. The injured men were moved to the noarc-t bouae for medieal atte-danee Word of the acoi dent waa t.-Vf.raphed to Lottg I_land City, .lamaica and o-sfer Bay. A apedal train waa ?ent out, from Long island City t.. convey physiciuns to nttend the wonnded. The locomotive and the paaaenger eoech were badly wreeked. Tlie bodiea of Engineer Coomba an.i the unknown man were with dlffleulty taken out of thc wreck. KriKineer Coomba, who was regnrded as a tnifit worthv and experieneed engtaccr, livedIta Oyater I-,. 'Ti.ther train banda lived there alao. Superlntendent I D. Barton will to-day mak. na tavratigation of the cauae of tne accident. FLAMES AT THE UOFFMAN HOUSE. GWESTS, IB Timr, iflOHT<'. BAB INTO THF. OORBIDOR- AM> DOWB IBB BTAIBS. Thc gneeta of the Hoflmnn Houee were thrown into .. wlld paale yeaterdaa by a Bra which broke. out. ln tbe prlntlng room. rbla nom ls ln tba ?ub-baaement i nd ii jn-t in tho rear <>f a lower store kept by MIm g m. Johnaon. Bhortly after 5 o*_loch yeaterday morning, Davtd John n, 'he vrell known raclng man. and I:! I wtfc, '' h ' 04 CO 'i POOUM on the Twenty fourth-. ht. rtde "f tt:*- botel, we e i ?';?? ed i.v the amell of M,-. ,i hneoa ran down italn i""1 "?"* a" ;;,ni.. The poaltion "f the Bre rendered tt exeeedingly dlfltcalt t - approaeh by the Bremen. and before it ,.,,.. ;-. , omler eontrol _a_na_e to Ibe extent ??! -???._.> had been >' ne. M__ Johnton i '"'?'- p l<?? . o I'or a tlme ther_ waa -onsldcrablc e- i -..ihiiik ihe people In thc hotel. nj? ?'<';??** '"' ,' m I.- ron-d ?'- and d_~n tiu .talr* rlad only ;;;",!;,", ?:_,,,?., __,. Utera few minutea they cubued down ?? r l'""1' A UIXED ASSEMBLI TO UEET. THE OOMXBG COB__B___.CE OF rABMXBI AND,i_ OBOABIZATIOBa IS r: x' m. . ??;, ? -., .li, ?>hio. M?v 17,-The pppplag week will brtni to thla c,.ty a polMeal gatherlng ol na-vae ?.,,??.. ? I. n-t a eoavantlf- ha Iha a that term. for tt bai no party eall aa a baala. ncrlnp. beat deacribed >a Bat* alUnlonConfel ?y lt ttk, ,.,,;...,. uo\ by the r-mnera' AJHance , . ,i:i. Ki-_. n-t year, bul by merohew ..t ;,,,, . inventton, a'..; tbe Bme waa eet for ntaraai-y 23 in thia dty. That call waa addreaaed b) all who tovored indei^ndeal po ?f ,..__,__,.-. Lr_r?porU_oB, aad labor and laud. and ? u>* NaM r*l eoctfere.. trom tbe ,?,,,,, , tbe F-ople'a P^f'?^^.'^ ex-Confcderate ?Wk?, the Bermerf ABlauce. >orth , | s ttth; tbe Pai ra' Matual Benefll Aa ?oclattoii Um Cttlieaa' Allia:;.-, the Kntghta ,,f Labor H i Color d Parmem" ABlance, and I ,. ber induatrlal organteaUona thi .,.,,;,:,,?, o| Ihe Bt. U*o- ?Bmom ? ,--.... The raUo of represeotetlon waa one . f;,? tmm congr .diatricl by St_ trom tbe Stale; ruH Un ,,,,-ec delegatea lo each dl Irlcl ?on and not lo*. than one t-.* '' ?"??, ? or^nliaUo-. In addl . . ,..., uie edM .r oi each new ipaper mpl .,,,. noml-ated on the at Loula ngreemenl *va? . ,.,,,,.,,?.. adelegate. Thi. call waa ,ul iwenty perwi- Iron levenb ? BiAtm. lt ??., wiui objectlon from rari ? jourcea, partly be ? iu pun. waj anaoui- m to be U) , ,, i rrton party, baaed oa. Id ai ol Bnaiice, ,:?:.?. labor aud laod. ThU oP) .- B d lay, i 11 ? . ? . ? May 10. The Stato Execn tlve eommittee of the i.pWi party of Indlana. com ? f tomt ti tbe original ilgners of tbe call, en ;,,.-,.,! ,.;.. repre-entailoa m aa to toclude the Amerl r_u, KedTAtlon of Labor, trade* u ions and tiM'i.- ?" ';!?, ? iitiot, ..f i:,iv. EmpIoyes,and the Natlonuli i b:.'ir ropreM-matlves. _/m atoen> e ot Wav.-x . r > .onventlon al .opeKa. i ? '-ni ___ .:,.? ? il!. rtattug th.ijerl to adont'a platform ?nd make such arrangements for ;'. .?!?;,ni'I ol i-.c- aa the eonft ? * " "'temtbUouMI.f-c:,ni. i<,,ui., .t.-u^m.'ihv ?rth* arlae In -ru., aN . at the real ,iiinM..c ..f tlie roi.ferenee ta m. rlenrl. ?. naeu. '..,.... twovlewa nrahelng nrged In varlooaqu .,:.?,-.- quctlon of formlns a thlrd partf. Iias _? ? ? far h '" ,;'''^""' !,,,.? opw.i to the thlrd mrij to refiwe to 1..,.:.;,.- *-vli.l.her- aro -U; Ung .1 hjgale* for^the avowed purpose o_ defeaUng Ihe tormaUon i f a tiai party. B.U.V O.V WABBAS WBBA1 f/BLDS. _______ CBy, Mo., M?y IT. -ti... Btar? mye! "Boakhig rahu tell laat nlgW and to-day throngliout tbe wheal belt Telegrama from Uroed, Hntchlnson. Utlea Topeka, Ellaworth, BaM ? Bend. Delpho. aad In_epend___ce itate that good -ii and at -omaof IheaaphMMi it la -Ull raining. Tbe lafal m BIOVlUI ea-twirl. 9b0 il la pTObabla that betae _o-_nonow BMralug the eotlra Btate ti K uin have h-vt a good wettlng down. Tha rnhi ?m -, ;?.:..;;!.'"??:? ::;:.'^,f"X ra_""?_-_ _?.-."-,"??? ?!.-?""?' "? - ?? nn: BABBAJT mVBDEB CAtE. nenver. CoL, Mav IT, Tl '<**T hl the . ,?...?.... ,:,,.? baa reund an Indleb . atcber Oravea, of ProvUem ?. I ? tpnrder ln the a, ? decree H" wlU be aneated. II i- thonght tlut Kothe-^5-on wlU atao I fSH BOB't DBAD BOBI BX7S0 TB *_TB DOOB. Deapo leuey. ea taed b] tba ' ? of Wa ilta drove '? Mey. t*? ? I ' ' ' vi, |o anlcMfl J -'? 4aj H I of i... :. Mr. Lu. u.-v. ;r |a' well known aa a tea Up to two weeka m '" ?o h"! worked ?i. tory iu Hfl !l0 wa, dlatala-iH IroBI hla *?, wlth ,-.-kne-i. broughi oa eatrd M>. Barly aay afternoon Mra. B lau^itar wct to Malen lalaad mi eoo .r Ur. Baekh. w.-ut ont. !?. "i akme In tha amm, M ,i,.. him John .ined ehaerfal md pleaaanri) bade W*" t_.t-.-r goodby. M Bl '" ?* ,; n-d | ?,,.., the dlningroom. waa horrl i hook arch oi the door thal kd fi m iht- dinlng-room lo the aittlng r. au. Ile wa, dead. ?-? _.V EMRy.Z7.lAXG LAWEB D18APPBAM. x- ,. , , Clark rilk, Tex.. 'i.-i-.-i h aaj i ;,;.? i.v .iu- auakk n i ' ',: "? '?? wrigiit yrNteniav aflaraooa. aad ol i warrant |K hl-. ai-re.t on a Oharga of ? ' ''Ml W'nglit wa* * m-mber of tl,>- ptoaaloeol law tlim of bUpt ?__ _i'rlglit, apd haa t{ip inipliyt t_nCdence ot many. Wri_ Lt ___>8BBd thal be had taken the money ,vid loat it lt. cotton futurca. Ootng home. he took a revo'.ver, and ha--. n,,t been heanl of or seen ?tiice. lt >v:is d-veloped that li s habllltics mlght mu anywnci from .JO.OOO to S.r.0,000." HOW DID THE WOMAN DIET ANOTHER STATEN ISLAND MYSTERY. A BODY FO I'NI) IV THK WATER WITH A HEAVY STON'E TIED TO IT-PRACTICALLY IDENTIKIED. The Ptaten Island antlioritlcs have anoUier BU89187 on thelr hauds to solve. On 6aturday night Uie bod] of ? woman waa wv-hcd ashorc at Hed Lane, Ncw-IWp. Thc body was found bv Patrirk Payton, who hai baaa eoOeeting driftwood ai-mg the bcach. iMyt,-i informod Corooer Schafer. ol Btaptatoa, ?"d Um body aaa taken tn i-.t, oaorgaa at BaMalght t?>? jm-.11.-4- were Informad, bat nothlng more was done ia the ra_3 m.tii jraaterday aaaralag. Tlie polea had on tholr re.ord <f mlaatag p.-rvm. tho name of Mrs. Emma Mahler, of Ho. 1.OM l.rnadway. Hrooklyn, , who dlsappcare. lr, .tanu-iry last. They had a ! full de-niptlon of th'.s, woman, hut lt ^as of llttle use I to them, a_. the body had heen caten badly by fi?hrs. | There wns llttl- elOthtBg ou tlw b?,dy, so that thero j seemed lltUo liopo of establl.-_li,R the tdcnUty of tho woman. Chlef Hlako, however, s<mt a telegram to No. l.Oftfl Biuadoay, Brooklyn, saying that Uie body of a woman had been found at Htaten Island and that lt mlght l,o the body of Mrs. Mahler. About B o'.'lork last evcnlng, two well-dres-cd young women went to pollee head-piarters in, Stap'.e ton. Thc-y said they wcre thc d_iuglitcr_i of Mrs. Mahler, who dt*app> _r_l on .Inruary _3. Chdcf lilako Booompanlad tiw_ yoang aromea, who said thal their names were E.nn.a and M.-.rta Mahler, to tl.e morgue. in Day-d, Tba body bad been removed to the. county house at Four Cornera as u waa t-a. badly deoom posed to kecp In thc morgue. As BOOO as the young women saw tho ahoea whlrh werc worn by thc dOBd woman, they reeognlaad them as im-ing bcionged to their mother, They a] ,, ieeog_d_ed the black < mcre wnist whleh was also found an the body. With? out leetng thc body the yonag women s,aid Uiey wero poaltlve it wns that of their mother, They were aurpriaed to lcani that thorc *wcro sus pirlons that thelr mother had met fo.1 play. They a_t the OplnhMI of tba famlly that Mrs. Mahler. who had been In faiiing beelth, had etUier (allen or lumped ovcrboard whila In a lemented eondlttoa-, Thev wer<- Inforaed by the chief tliat a ncw l.elnian ntivc ment st.,nc welghlng ninctccii and a half po-n.ds was found _-,'urely fa*tcned to the body. The stone reBBBd on Um broast aad waa accutely fastcned by a ncw manillii ro]K3 of the thickness of a clotlieallne. whleh was tied about the body and fastencd at thc back of the body In three or four knuts. Tae rlKht jaw-boiie was broken, as was aj .i the bridse of thc no__c. The roung women, after Ix. irlng this siatemcnt from Uie ehlef, ezpreaaod a wlah to see the body. Thev were told Uiat tf they would come down to MatOB Is? land agaln thia mornlng they could seo tho body. They *aid thelr mother waa a wtdow fifty-ilvc years ,.ld. Bbe left BlZ ofaUdren, whota names a_e Emmn,, (?!?;. Maria, and thc tWO aoOB, Piank and Job ;,h. Mrs. Uthler earried an b B_iea_rma_rtng eatah llahment at No. l,0_a Broadway, Hro.Uy i, where iier h _r ,i, ..i one -on llved wltb her. [n Uie lattei part ,.f November .Mrs. Mahler. who was broken down in health. went on a vtell to tne hoitM oi her -..? Joneph Malder. >,t No. B5 Mereer-t.. ti".. she waa actlng rtrmng-U aao it w?g feared thal be would beeome ln__ano. _?ne wanainea at th.. houae of hor *on Joaeph until Janhart 83, wnen .lie ,'.,;,;>|, c.i. Active tearch waa n_o fer her aud .: descrlpUon, v.,:h her photograpl1. wm icni to th. i ii dlffcrenl riil- . Her __ oltered a rerwart i f -j ?,. : ,, fi mattoo Whleh would lead to tne __? covory of his mother. mmm ^.n ah r Um aearch had been kept up mr rw" i th- famlly ahandi.d ah lmpo of, cVn' Mrs. Mahler aBve. Ht life U _a? to oa Intured for 910,000. Mrs. Mahler beatdea owinni; tii" dresamaklng eatablUhment had coii-udnrahie ****** ia well Known ln tbe upper part of the t.u, erii ;,.,,., ? ,i. aud wa? a meraber ot the i.a<nos Honor and a cumber of othor bene\oi?.n 0rYe?teiday mornlng before the body waa rennved to thc county Houie, Dr. Jamee J. OJDea, of BlaphUoa, ; ade an autopey. Be Idea thc broken imse and frnct ??-,: law, he foimd thal both hand- wcr- gone The inner ormni were In aueh a eond Hon that Uie doctor rould not r. ll wheth'Ttho .voman had died of drowmng ,, r.VV.ui, oth-Sr <ai .-. The body had tho appear an, ?? of having been tn thc water t.rc months. (?,?.?-r .-? liafci waa n,.t autlafled wltb this exam na ,,,? and he ordcred another *}^f_J^lJ_^__ which was made at the County llouee. Tha reaolt of this luw no. yel been made known. |. trlct M',,r:-\ FltBgerald vattcd the morgue last nlght, and told loroner >, haf.-i that he must not cle llve" the h dy to the Mahler famllj nnUl be rooelved fiu-iher Instructlons. A aearchlng lnvesUgatton U W ,o made aa H 1- the general hcllcf thn. the woman dld not commrt aulelde. Thc authorit-ei are ln.-lined to I ,.|,.... that ll i- another murder mystery. TUo ln quOkt wlll ho held on Priday niglit at Now-Dorp. IKE 1ABBBBB AED THE BAETLAED CAMPAIOE. Daltlmoee, May lf (-pedal)--_1ie Fannars1 All conttnuea to Increaae ln memhershlp in Uaryland Ita BtUtude In SdatB poUtlca la ittU a matler of eon T,?. state Committee of tho AlUan.UI ? . 2T, when it i- expeeted that The pollcy to be puraued ln tho eomlng oampolgn wlll be tbrm uiat.,1. Indlvldua] eap-wwlon of opinion aad the ro rent action of the leveral local and county All Indlcate that the aentlmenCof the organlaaUoB la op ,, -,! to a thlrd Ucket. Prank Brown, th- leadlng i__c candldate, la a farmer and popular wltb the countrymen, but Uie fact that he wlll be oomlnated ? .. -rlng" Democracy, and only by Oormana ,..,. may lead tho Alhanee to tho ^i^;1'''!'' candldate, should that party oomlnate a man popular with tbe agrifultural elemeut. The.Alb"6*,- *? i,,_-.i n, thc Ocmocratlc ??rlng" mctlnals. m- con '-- is t,, cii.i_- intenso bltternes* betwotm the iM-kaou miil antlJackaon men on the Ka-t-ru 6hore. Ei-Mavoi? llodgea, Kruik Brown and -peao-r Jonea are the leadlng Democratk candldatea we the uot: ernot-hlp. FiTiL ACCIDBST TO A SAIUXO PlRlY. Phlladelphla, Mav 17,-Three Urea waae loel this af ternoon by the upaettlng of a lall-boat on the Bchuyl klll Blver, ?tr Glbaon. Point, ln the lower part of this clty. The vlcthna were Mr . Su-an Paacoe, a_r..i twenty tour years, and her Inrhnt - >n Chrlatopber, of So 1,782 Waid -t., and Mi?s Mary < bit, au.-d thlrty two yean, of h*o. 1.414 Taal re were alao ln the party Prederiek Tldman, BamueJ Pttta, Hobcrt Chamberlaln and Mra. Mary Jonea, a twln^dater of Miv. Paacoe, and h-r foi.:? year old aon Wlilie. Tho party Btarted oul for a tall down ths nvar, Tldman. tho owner of the boat, aettng aa iaiBng-ma_aer. Alaar out ahout an hour, ln an attempl to po about tn- ropea became entaogl -id aboot Chaa-be-taln' .nd the boat upaet. Tho three tn a are all good awlm ,,.??,, and they aacceeded ln getting tho wonmn aod chiuron on tha bottom ol u.e upturnjd boa^ but tho women becanie hvlterlcal and got back Into the water rreo-enttt Hnally Mrs. ftecoo with ber lufknt, and MIbs < an- sanb below the tartaee and were aeen no mon i.v thoae oo the i^x.t. After drlftlng about tor _,m,- time those -till cllnglng to thc boat weae r. ni.-! Mt- Paicoe'i l?a!v wm reeovered abo hoiir'alterwaid. .-.he held h--r chlld Ugbtly < la-ia.,1 m her ann-. Xi\v COEPOEATIOSS OF TBE WEEK, Mhy ir.-The i'nlted Statea Corporatioa ol Chlcago, report-i th- weekly . _ of nea ,- oni In the i "Blled _M itaa for the u.-k endlng Mav is, 18B1, i> toUowa: rotal eo ? .,., -;?,-; total ea| t,: /.it, m. |_IS)_3M_SftO, d ? ' -..: Morrantfla and aianafaetaring ,?,?[,,, ,,. . i7i, -??:i.f.:i.-,.:.?,(.: baokr ir.ot KaMonal} aad inveatmeni companlea, 10, _11,138^00; Matlonal baaka (to May 11).' '! ? ''J- ^ilv,'r a:,,i ? ..,. ., ?.'? ?"- M i. ?" i ? ?, ,1 aud .. :? . -r- VAO.u ??>; light. Heat, pow, 0; hnlldlns ,,,,! | 10, ?: .......-.ou-.; mii _ UEABLB TO QBl BACE TBEIB BOEET. LoweU, Maaa., May 17.-An Bdjonmed m.s-ting of tli,.';, | ihe Avu Daaaflt <<r.i<-r waa held _.4tuid.iv evening. " waa a atormy aeaaien, Uie certuii de-ho-dera bl -mc and boottng ftap uer li K. m m and Bnprea i Ooom UI * Jamea T. Wuii when they lefaaed to retarn aaooej pald fot certll Thta la a N< v Hamp blre oul, r aml i affered bj i Llnahao'B aweeptag oider. Dartag th- maetlBg tha ,?.,-. ditb-bI wera threatoned with vkdenee if they did ;.t make arrangementi to return tha n oe] within ten day" The M-HUlcat-^-holdci- refuaH to vote to :',,->-?, theli mon. ' _hlp t.jf the [,? ,,.. , ,mpuniei ln whlch tho BBatema oOeera i.,,,-. r_ bobtb _w '-mo. . i.\ .-li.ti.t. Ohlo, Mai 17,-IUBpatohea from towna ln Vorthern Ohlo report a pretty general rroal lart nlcM, ? dld tuublderablo -Uuiage Ut .ui-Ol v.i,.Ublc_. aud IruiU CHARLESA.B1NDERASUICIDK IIE WAS A FUG1T1VE FROM JUSTICii. DREAD OF AU-IF.ST OX A CIIARf.F_ OF F.MBF._> ZLF.MENT DROVK III.M TO SIIOOT IIIMSE1_P. Charles A. Binder, llie New-Vork lawyer and ex-Asaemblyman, who abaeettded several daya aj;o 'to escape arrest for tmbuaUBg |2#_M- of th. ? funds of an estate, cnmiitted suicide on Saturiay I night ln EUsabeth, N. J. "c went to New-Ha*.en | afier his Mi__,* t fnun thi.. city. He next drified ,.. H.rtf.rl, and from there to Roston. The fear . of arrest w__ so Itwg upon liim that he did not roinain loog in 0B0 place. After wandoring about the country for nearly two weeks he rearlied Kliza beth nn Friday and went to the Sherid.n House. Hc evuleiiTly was liecominc* dMeani-jOd and do. pairod of tlbdtBf the law, for that evening he ealled at. the gun-slmp of .Iac.l, Brueklacher, an E_li_ah__h School Co___-__a_oaar, and baaght from bim for |3bd a live-chamh. ied .'i'.-c.lil.n- n v..l. ver. He returned to his ro.?n and WPOfe two lettrrs, one to his wife. in whieh he informed her that the strain on liis nund was v>*> |lWt Ha feared arrest at any moment, and could not atand the addith.nal disptrace hi.. BOnvldtt? would bring on his family and his moiher. now seventy jears old. He cnded his letter by oiyinf thM hia Oervaua system could atand it no longer, and he iiad resolved to put an end to his _____gy hy kiUr ing himself. The other letter was to Henry <". Bofty. a lawyer at No. _07 Howery. He informed Rotty that he TO regfateted at the Eliaabeth hotel as John Kot.h, of Albany, and that he WM ahont t<, do pomethlng dreadfuL Ho maikd those 1,-ttcrs on Satarday morning. and tliey reaehed their d.-stina. tion late that afternoon. Mr, Botty and Mrs. Binder beld a oiifercnec, and dccule-l that no ___aa waa to he tont in hunttBg up the emU'/zler, aa he eleariy meant to put an end to his lif'-. They reaehed Kli/.abeth about 10 o'cloek, and went to Byan'a Hotel, made inojiiries and aearched the re-ister, hut. .vith.uit lUU-U-", They next ealled at the Sheridan House, and on looking nt the rej-ister found Rindor's assumed na_M ei.t.-red thero. Hc was oor upying Room No. 7 on the tirst floor. They si-nl ____*? <'. lanison, Uie hight porter, to Bin.'.er's room to inform the latter that somebody wi>hed to see him in the parlor. When Tanifeon reaehed the door of Room No. 7 he Kiund it unlocked. Openiag tt, hc saw strt'tched on the bad, elad only in __dergan_e-t-, tbe body of Hinder, blood tiowing from two buliet balea in his right twnple. The revolver lay bealda him with two chambers empty and two loaded. Hinder was lyiu? ou his back breathing famtly. The news was gently broken to Mrs. Binder, who f.iinted. Drs. Bridgman and Ofitr were eent for and found tiiat the shote. after p__.sinn. thlOUgh the front of the head, had come out over the left temple nnd ladged in the wall of the room. Thc guieide was dylng, and lived only until _ o'cloek yeaterday mbrning. Beride th.e i^d waa found a aheet of paper on whieh was writtcn iu iuk, in a fMd hand, the following: DO WbO_B it mav POOeptm: BPOd my IxkI. -o mf wife a, Vo, 100 Beveath -t.. New Vurk t'it.v. I liavo monev in mv panta po.ii.-t |o defray all e_pe__c_. Xtatagraph at on. c ... ...v -;?.;'-?.?;. A nlvnKH The suicide had earei'ully put his whlte shirt nnd ou-fa on the bureau ln tto room. ChW Tenny had the body remove.1 t?. J. C. Ojfllene morpue, who put it in a plun c.tlin. County riivsician VVeatCOtt, uiter an T"Tve_ti_.ation of the aftair gave a permit f.,r buriaL At the requcet of Mrs. Rinder the body waa Seht by train yeater? day to this city. __. . .._. Btnder renr.-sented the Xth Awembly ULstrict in rhe Legialature for two yeara. He atood higu. in his district, and at the death of Mra. i-irliora Haiiseman under her will he and Froderick Burg hard. of Nn. .'.27 Fourth-ave.. beeame theext-cu tora of an estate left by her, valm-d at MO.OflO. The property was in itocka and bonda. Rinder was a lawyer, and he took active eharge of the Kttlemrat of the affaire of The dead Woman. Wben the woman died lt wns found that ner WlU made no provision for her flon, on thc >_round that he waa an illegitlmate offapring. He brought .uit to have the will broken, but met defeut in the eourta. The beneflolariea under tbe will were rhe elght children of Jacob Schmttt, who lives in Bavaria. They were to reeeive the amoun. willed to them as each reaehed his majorify. When the uldest gon, Henry Sclimttt, was twenty one he began a suit t.. obtain an aoeounting, and Binder oppoaed it. The Rurrogate ordeied an ao? eounting to l-e made on May K. On the prcvioua day Binder disappearcl. .-?-. PBEVEXTED FROM ATTACETBB A JAIL. WBmlngton, B. C May IT. Baareral aagreea iiavinj i-?en beard ataking thmits tr> attnek tbe ?st I aad releaae ?? K.t" Hag^na, tlio .rlver of an MBnlbna ?rhkh ran over aml a litti- wliite boy named i.i-ici chadwteh yeeavday, SheriB iladaan-. ?llh iw.-ntv weU-anaed >!>? i_al ieputi .-. took ? iu_,-_e <>f the jaii, aod the poUee toree ti the ellg reeeived tpeclal Inatnctlooa t. ba on the atert. By to a"el_ei crowd. of negroea began laaembllng near Iha *U. I'niei "4 i- .i ee iiaii. with ? i 11 ??' vou^, went to the to dlaperae them. They aaoved from one polnt, t.ut qulekly reapaembled. Thla eontlnaed for m>r. t_a_n two boura, hut theie '-?'- no netml -iotenea a'.d no featare ol apeelal tol real until betwean i and - ,. when thc negro.-'; began _n_Nttng ?P and dowa Um atreel ln trooi ti the fall, aad aftarward aaanmlrl-i ln toree wlthln Bfty yaida of thal baOilng. Mayor Bieaud, af:.-r eoumltadften with a amab dtocreel rttlaena, then ordered the mQitary alarm to ded from tha Bre beUa Tbla v.._, do e, and the membera oi me *ni__ngton Ught H-h-try aaam ruahing to their anaory trom _ll part- of tha elty. Thla had Ihe dealred eBeet. Aa Boon a> the flivt tap of tbe alarm beUa waa hcard. the. negieaa hepm * .ls.;.-i--*. Twelve or Bfteea of them v.ere aireatef hv ihe p. i .??. and bj 3 a m. eveeythtan waa <ialet. Thi lh.i.t inf-i'.trv were under arma aQ nbjK. lt waa ascTtalied i _ the _ur-?t-d Aea__ea ,1'**fc nearly every one ? arrle i a ptatol. Some of thc negroea nivfe-sed t> b-Ucv thatthej teared an attempt withld be made t . Ivncb Hngglna, aad said they were on haad to protect him. ,-? - THT; BBW BTEABBBtr BOWABD CABSABD Battlntoce, May 17 (dpeelal).?The new .\rr.>w i.\n? iteam-htp Howard Caaaard, "rboaa paeuBar plan of ronati-cttoa iia- eaauad ao amek ertUdam in -inp balldtog eta lea, ia nearly eompleled, and arrani are being made lor the trial Irlp. The problem l? ,....?, | ,. | || how Mr. Piyer, tbe in ! vciii.M- ai.J bnllder, piopeaaa to take up th- .--t uiotion ol tba toggJe Jolnt anangamanl which turn* I the propeller ahaft. The prefaBer baa been pi.v?i : in porftiou, a-id tbe prtai Ipla ol bavtof < ?? b M?te ?t | , aiflen ? . "?? ht- beea proaoaneed a ko.h1 one. n ,, M eatablUh d farl H-i a foarbl-tod propeller wttb all Ha biadea at I - ' * * "T*?** at ii rapU rate _U| erenla, to i aerlaln aahmi a i-acuum. B| alterlai UM angU of *?o Maia Mr. PryW ,. eonflde ' ' ' km "f P"U"T' ,... .;. uner la ao na ? ?' ' I ""' -?"1,; mOatB tha cmid never ? ?'? :'!I1 at ???? , ..., , | f.,;,. bai for th" f-'' thal ^he baa ,,.rh, near Nve teel. II ? Mtoi. propTllera. ntm? ? g I ,i , a. ??.?<? !?? tlie bottom of tbe ablp. Thh BMkoa tbe loweat ix>-.i. aad it wo-ald ?? i" apeel her. .t c.ti.r ... \.' i " iga, Mav it. ii. J Kancl atte, aeerelary ol Roa . cbambei ol l ??? ? r e aad ?anagar oi tha , ?,.:]. whii h reeentli .-xhtb.tcd i.eic, i? ->aid to t-e D-lwi-g _rom thM elty amea May T. _?.-? i < '[HA) oifs is a tVBFACB 1 ip. Mra. Many a. Caaeio ol Bo. IM amith .t. Broabdyt*. \Uu.-e --\. .\-ii- .'t daughter Mar) baa baaa in tl.e st. Maryi flo pltal *t ? *9 timc ular Beutaatul f>>r cooaamptlon, >>? terdaj aaal ta tha boapNal aad b^>k h.? ..nt. ailahlng i<> bave bat po baaaa. The t? into a IMrgaa -t. car. On tiie way baaaa the ehQd died ln the ear, and her n,..tiu-i u .1 nol n iBea Hut tha waa dead aattl -, paa engar .pitci her atwiiti-u to tlie mi. ol tho tfrl. -? rari rOBU i ? ">' fUBT. Oal aa, IU K tttm* ,.f ., ,,? bi i.r ia< arrlved la< ??? v i Mrda. aad ?iii be ni..uiit,-i on Iha padoatal banmdlnldy. Iha .tatue i. .,f i,i.M._c. olghl icet li.ii. ?i"i "-aJgba ahoatjtam t.n.s. Tt.c {lvm General*M reproaeatod a_ the ciiitaa, und iiot a_ the -oluicr.