Newspaper Page Text
idtaiftt -&. <U2.~Ol4U \oL.u...,y?' 10. ?i. NEW-YORK. BATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1801.-TWELVE PAGE8. PRICE THREE CENTS WHO SHOT TIIE CONTIiACTOR. A MYSTERIOl S IfOSDBB IN FLATBI'SH. XBE MAN FOIND HYIMi IN THE STRF.ET-DID HE FAL.L INTO AN AMBL'SCABF. T Another niystrrious mnrd<r n. eiirre.l in tlie town gf FI.itL ish, L I , late on Thurwlny ni-ht. lt jjonly ? Irw -.vceks .si'ice William Ryan, a .witeh jjts-n on the Pre*peet I'ark an.l Coney Island Knil ronA, at KenMiisrton, iti the western part of the town, was lhal and kUfcd and no clew to hi.s Biurrlcrer was fmmd. The victim of Uie Utest orinv WM Donnniek ]_*>, wlio lived at East Xew-York and EMtm aves, ai.d was hilled nt Kogerw-ave. and Linden Koalevard, near the wntr of the villace. Leo.iard was a store n.ason and contraetor. whe> mm Uki B-MHotM i'> drt-alB, and he was ah-out M years old. II. went t.? t!u- lhiuor shop of Super vlsor W. li. I.vnnn. in (Jract-.t.. on Thnraday afternoi.ii ' ,i_-rvisor ii1k.ii? _rettin_ the eorttrot-t f? r s-.tno work. and fnlllnc. to Hnd him wet.t in t" aa aaettaa aala of lots at the Vander v.vr propeity ind rei:.. ir.e< 1 there until the eve? nlng. He then went baak to try and see Lymnn but fnllod atrain la Iad him. and started up Kojj ers-ave. toward his home a?*.ut 0 p. m. An baal <??? -' latet William Sawkins and .Tnhn J. Snyder WBtt pusing through. RnRvrs ave. on Iheli war ta thelr ___?-? i? D*ama_d st., aud at. Lindcn DmHerard they found a raan l.\in_r on the side ,,f William Miils. Thoy at fimt thaaghl w waa drnuk, Lut fonnd him moan lrp, aml -sn t *or pottoa aid. Befttre hc eaald be jetriovH to tlie police heachiuarters in the Town Hall lie waa ,iend. It was thoaghl thnt lie had commifted . uieid" when _ hiillef v.oiir.d was found iu the region of tlie heart. Lut dUlf-Dt scarch falled to rercal auy wenpon la the l.eighl _irhood. The tall ftaaa in an adjninin_( field was inowed to.tee if the ievolver _B-fht htt\e lieen thrown into it, Imt no trace of II waa found. The police were forced t.i tlie eo_ela_la_ that the man had lircn inur deiti. Na motlve ftof the crime oodld he dis eovered, aml ne I-ers.m was s.-riously suspecto.l. A* a laaim of preeaatloa FoUee Captalo Koysrr ano_tet! the three sun. of t-he oVad man, us he litui nt times fllM_gl__d with them and hls wife, bai they were all found in bed, and ?were _h_e to prove where tliey had been. The inmily also includi'd four dauehters. The only person that liis fainily gald Mr. I_e,m_r,l dianfrreed ?aith WM Thamaa Mi't'oHnnek, a nei?hlior, who she-t two of hls gutaU*. ImI yeur and then struck Mr. Laaaaed with a bafc-_j_ bat McCorinack waa arrit-ted, Lut he say6 he will lie ahle to prove an aliUi. He was admittcd t<. ball. There was tf\\ 2a ln Mr. Leoiiord's pocket, _howin? that rohbery wa. Bat the imrtive of the erlnae. The sound of a pi. tol-shnt was heard by per mfts llTlng iu th" Drlfhborhood, hut no ontcry #^fa? umde nnd little wos. thought of lt until the crinie WM diacoverel. The nistol la'i.t hnve been held close to the V-dy of the -___.. .is the olotblng and skiu were bnrned with pOWOeT. Tlie autopsy showed tiie lauiiet entered the left side nenr tha reglon af tbe beafl and aaaaed thi-nrb, lolfriii^ under the akin ol the back mi the ri*iit side. A yuung iiiuii WM at the au.lioti snle with Mr. I_eom>ril, and tlie jhilic- are aaxioaa ta. Hnd him. A l>oy ti,!.i Captau Keyaei lnst erenlng that he was walking near Ihe acene ?i the crime ahortly lwfiire lt oc.-urred and saw two nia-n in ri wacon, one of whom called out, "DoBttnlck, <liti you see hlm yet." lie did not know who was addiesse-1. Z.7_1R_.L7IT OF AX IBBUBAVCB OOAtPAET. Chtoaga, ^limo 12.?A law suit whlch is of inlcrcst to llfo taaaraoea cafanloa aaa put on trlal before .ludge Rlodpctt thLs nioriilng. The snlt ls thut ol Carrie M. Hfchar-ion ajtalnst tlio Trav,*llc7-' Insuranco Company, of Hartfonl, t\tf_i., tu r?e<rrcr 011 aa lusumnco polioy taken ont by *her <leceai*<ed hraabond. The pollcy pro? vided for paynient in case Wreath from " v!nl .nt and or-'-I-aTiiial giaani* Oa the baclt of tho pollry w a yrvfMai lhal Iha aollej d-tes not eaaer daatb froan taUng poison or liihalin/ g:i*. was fnnnd de^ntl ln a hotol and th- epea -a- ] -t Indleated th ? _aan ner al Acat'i. Tl.e c.nipany <Iocl1nexl lo pay, clalinlng th_i Uie aa-ttoa aa tbe baal al Um poMej wlaaaad it froai liabliity. The wMaw *i.m t-, raeoTcr, .-.".i whea tha case eaaaa to bc h<_i_i ta-day Ike eaa_paay entered into a - iipican . i'i il Um eeee i<e taken lo tbe -aprcaae c.urt. Tho attaraey (ar the eo__paai mM th_t the 1 a*e wm the tirsi m it*- klnd to .0 to the rJnpremo Court. v\hleh w.iuM deelde onre tor all whether lUe ln (-..mpanli. are Uable tor "hotel deatka," a* they are ciall--._^_ t__-.yai...v nrHirr> ;.v _i wreck. Altoona. I-BB., .Line lt_?While eOaatB. down Ihe mountaln from Uoy__rlIk t?- ltellwood 011 the Baoaayl vinln aml Ni-rthwl tern BaUroad lia_t nl. ht, a hewvy c^al tr.ln jr?.t bcyund 1 uiUmI of the tralntnen and, da-hli.K Atren tbe io-<le at a fearM rate of -.peed, was pile. up and aaiaabod Into hltidlhyf-wood at a curvo oc the side of n <l-.]. ravlne ?bciut thrto mlles north Of Bellwood. The endne and twenty-livc car*., whlcli wero l(aa_ed wltli roal, lar pilod up in a ma*.s of bi-ken anal and twlatad at the bottoni of tlie ravlne, and aaaoog th- debris wero tho bodiv* of the t<niductor, the eiiKiiioer and one bra. em an. The otlK-r truin hands escapcx 1 wltb thelr h\"*?*. but all ...?r- m.-:?,-. or leaa Inlared. Tbe track la Wrn up and bloa-hed tor ii lo.i>- (l.-taiii- an"d iK_-**-ii_<-r-. nre belna transfi-m .1 bv whv of Altoona ana ("rtv-^on. Tl dcut I* auppoaed to have been (au-e,l Ly uet i_il_ and the afittakaa l-faatag to work properly. --. _II__1. JT.! XATIYES DYIXG OF IHE GBIP. Astorta, Ore.. June lt.?Aa employe of Ihe (iittin. Paching (Vimpany ai Oooke Inlet, .\la-*_a, wiite* la his Mher* ha Uda clty. nndeir dalo of May 10, atattag that p-eat nuinlx-rs of Indians ai-o si<k with tnip and ai-e dyin. at an al.riiiiii-,' The week before the letter wa. wrltten iwaaty <!i<-.i within a _aa_aa ol tivo mile. of the laiiixaj A rtllaaa a lew mile. dlatant from the caimery' aai -apapalatad with thi; e-ception ol two chiktr. n, aud 1.0 oae waa left t-, burv tba dead. Th- wrttar aaya he und a rompanlon barled aeren Indian*- In ono day and bnrned a boaaa couUIiiIiik lliree more. TWO LLTEAtAYTBQ UEDALA PRESEXTED. ^a^Lury I'ark, N. J., .lune 12 (.Special).?Captaln Wiifisiii Penn and Bageaa Longatiaet. both of Lur nepat, N. J.. to-day jeoolved _aa__a_M silvcr nicials iawarded Uiem. ior tAt*rr brnwi-v m reaeolng a gaaag lon of Jobn K, WaU-'q. Editui- of 'Ih..- A.l.ury l'l.ik Journal," fi.m daowult-g- Th-; pa -'iitatijii was made ly e.\ ('onifre-amaa MeAdoo, ol Jaraoj city. Thv medal* ara Ike re(.-i.lat_,ni oae. awarded by tbe fiatea Goverameu-. Mr. Wallace had prerlo?al; pix teuted eaeh maa Wltb a hand- uie ;-,d waleb. 6C0PE tBf TEB WB4WEDB POLTBAU* LAW. 1 'ii-i?-iix, A1.7.., jaae iSa-Chlef Jaatlee oooding, of kriaoaa, i.a* j..s; dattded tkal Iha Bdmand. Act and other wt* of caagraaa haafJei at pntymaaj apply t? Aritona and all Ihe Te.-rlt iri-- aid plaa-e them uinh-r jun*.iicti(.n of the i'i ita.) st.-it*-'*. a-* iha act? alaa eoaikr tiie riKht al wlie- - duwer, th- d?^ (Lia:. is toi.sidei'-d iinporUaut and fai-reaachlng, *_ iKiially a_ .ome of the Ten1torie> have acts aboILh [dr aawar. GOV. BVHl.ElOll WAVTB TO GO TO coxi;1 Boaton, June I'J.-A dispat.h from Ai__i*? 1, Ma., wy*: -Uoveiiiai- BarMgh 1^ makli.K Mraag fafOrt. to aecure the lapabhaaa ? MrfaaHai for Congress ln thnt dlaatrh-t. Hls latest 1- a ri."ui!..i letter niarked ' pei eonal ' tha-t ls being .. nt to tltlzens throughout tba difctrii t in which the OovafMf aaya ha i? la ooaataat tty-lii'. ,.I K-it-rs urglng him to become a candidiite tor C-BMraai a id t>iat he ha. finally concluded to _n t-ouii-e hl* 1 a:,dldacy." FOIMEb CQUPOBm of COOB C0CXIY BOEDB. i'Iikago, Jun.. 12.-Tl...- dNoivcry waa made yoeter day that two int-iv*t aaaaaaa of 4 per oent baaaa h fcued by Oaab 'onnty in lt. .'j and 1 .00 were dupli cataM of coupons already redeemed. They are for gerlea,, and imt very <i>\ |hah Ihaat bonds are among theae i*-ii-d bv t;,e < onnty and tln- Ml tovery di.... i,,.i aff.. t f,... , ,,v 9BY. Uri.KELl.Y WILL M)T BBBtBB., (-.,.,).,, june jo _ (i0vcni.?r Uulkeley de .m- U.e mm .r il.a he wlll r-tmin aml all-iw LieutenanL lk.ve_.iof M1.rv.111, of New-Ilav.-.i, the K.-p.iblHian a-ndidata- tor t.ovorrtor Ust Noveoibar. to aiaunie the Ciuv.riiui-'K dutlcs. WITH LORD STANLin. TIIE GOVEBNOS-OEmftt_L CONRFLTS SIR JOHX THOMPSOI. AND MR. ABBO-T. AX OFFICIAD AXXOUXCF.MFXT COXCERXING THE CANADIAN PitF.MI E_R_IIIP TO BE MADE TO-DAY-A " MAPLE LEAF LEAGUE." PLAXXED IX MEMORY OP SIR JOIIN-SERVICES IX -VF.sT MIXST1.R BBBSY. Ottawa, June 12.?At tlie request of tlie Gov ei_.r-Gei-.ral, Sir Joha Tbo?paen and J. J. C -\!? (Wt. met him bf appoiiitment in his oflice in tlie Eastern Depart mental Mock, at 5:15 tliis after? noon. The ciiifcreiice lns.ed half an- hour. The Associated Press is autliorized tn state thal aa oflicial 8?WCeWWll lB regard to tlie Freniier ship will l>e made some time to-morrow. Il is Mieved tliat Sir .Tolin Thompson has been call",l upon t<> forin a niinis?ry. Montrea), June 12.?A cable dispatch from Lon don to "The Star,r received last night, __ys: "'Ihe Time!.' devotes its lirst leadcr to-day tn tbe Oanadlan poUtioaJ eJtoattat. The 1___' thlnka that Sir Jiector Laneevin is impossible as u suc cessor of Sir John Macdonahl, partly because he coni'l not lead a party mainly recniled from vehement Protest-iMism, as 'The Times liolds the Conservative party is. Tlie same ohje.-tion, tbe pn]>er says. applies td Sir John Thompson, while the fact <>f liis i .eitig a _.0T8 Sootimi liy birtli will operate BffaiOSl both Idm and Sir Charles Tupper iti other parts ol < anada. Sir Charles, the paper coiitiniies, is prohably the ablest man, bai Lord Stanlcy may wisely decide to choose a politician leflB e .posed to critlcisni. Mr. A.inuis, 'The Times' thlnka, will probably be acceptcd as piovisional chief." This is the llne adopted two days ntro In "Tlie Canadian Oizette," which siijtrested thnt Mr. A_ bott should be eheaen ICUlUUiary leader. and that tl*- sr.sion should bo siteedily woiind up nnd a full reeonstructlon of the Cablnet left until the reces*. Thls Is a movement on foot to perpetunte the mernory of Sir John Macdonald by rsfablishiiiK an orgnnization to be known as the *__?_ I_Mt LeafflM Of Canada."1 OB the same princinlo as the Frimrose Iienitue of Great Prltaln. namelv tbe IMBintnnB?_C af the integrlty of the Kmpire, the upholding ^.f religion. etc. It Is nleo prepOBed tlmt June rt be observed nf* a Natlonal holiday in 00??8?orntion of the Premier. and that every memWr of the Lengue on that day wvar a maple loaf. It is intendcd that women shall take 8 promlnent part, in the new orgnnization. l/indon, June 12.?A re.iiilein in honor of Sir John A. MaedonuM w_-8_-| la Westminster Abhey this morning. A nuraber of distinpuislied persons, reprcsentini. by proxy ihe Queen, the Prince of Wales and the various members of the Bojkl fumily. wero present. Arnon? those who attrn.i.'d tlie eeremonv were the Marqdls of Leirne, ex-Cv ernor-t-eneral of Canada, and Mr. William Henry Smith, First Lord of ihe Treasurv, r. present Lng th. C.overnment. Westminster Abhey was crowded with distin.(uifihcd people. WELSII TIN PLATE WORK* TO SHITT DOWN. FORTY-THRF.E TO BE CI/OSF.D 0UB___-_ JVT.Y, l_OCKIXO OFT 20.000 MEX. London, June 12.?Owlng to the decreased demand from America. fortv-thrce Welsh tin-plato works will shut down during the whole of the month of July, lock Ing ont 2-..0O0 men. It Is fearcd that the stoppngo will c.tend beyond July. A mass-moetlng of men will be beM in Bwaasea to-morrow to pr-te.t agalnst the lockont. THE GEKMAN OHAIX DTJTIKS DEBATE. Be-lin, June 12.?In the Lower House of the l_M8_B Dlet to-d_.y the debate on tha gr- ?:__ ro sumed. Cha_nceIlor von Caprlvt declared tliat lt wtw Impossible tor tho (rove-Timent to submlt to th" Houso the reports wbich had been rwrcived from fo" Ign coun? tries in r._H.-d to the taquirles made by the Govern in-nt about gvain matters. But, Uie Chancel'.r added, roiiiiiienting on the, BaBBfen l-eport, tbere wrus no Baoper thal BaMta ea?U not supply t-ufliclrnt grain for thn u?e of Germany. In concluslon, Uie fliancellor smiircly jTotef-t.-d aualnst the repiMach thB i>ov(tii niciit Imd not ])i.ld due coiisidevation to Ihe wclf-i. of th: working ptKiple. .After ooaetBerable aBdHtoaal Aabate, iierr Ric.kert's motlon of vei.tci_-j-, that th- Government should sub? mlt to tlie House th* aiatB_1al upon rhlefa C3m__ oeUor von Caprlvl based lils rocunt sjieecli utxin ihe ho will be plaeed on furk>ii_rli untll June W, 1^!'2. Owtng to tlio debat? lu Uio BBBt, of corn hava iiinii'i- rtoen, Thls riM5 ln the prleo of corn 1_ Uie naturril r*ft-ult of the repeated dedaratioirs of (hancellor Capitvl to tlie effect that the (Jovernment will not lower, even tem Vororlly, the dutles recently plaeed on the import.-iti,,ri .if u'niln. It mnit be DOtfced that, though all <*er many will suffer by it, the ni#.i*tire has not yet been .lebaled In the r.elchstag, bul only in the Diet of Pmssln proper. But the ctteet ot the matntenanre of exeesetf. dutles ln that country, the moct Important ,,t thB states of the (ierman Empire, will be felt through..nt the Fatlierland. TTie dlscu* .on opnned ln the li.-rlin Landttwr, or Dlet, on June 1, and wa- ^m pende.1 until Jnne 11 by tlie President of the AflBeflBbly after an address by (ieneral <'apri\.. who Bpoka ln hls aapadtp of Pni_.-tan Mlnister, and not ai Inii'erti.1 ChaneeOar. Paputlea BlihBrti Richter und other party leaders uselessly protwted, oft"",SB lirst day of Uie de? bate, against it* arblmn-y BBipemlna by tho I>re_ident. Moreover the Progies-.ibt-- of Bontbera Gonnanj ftall niet ln convention at lYanlifort aiid votc.l a raBBhi tion ln favor of the rapprBBBta- of the corn dutles, al k-ast for a few months. ? FIXANCIAL KOTBB FH-?M ARROAD. Buenos Ayn-s. .ninc IS. -Owlnf v> pohUe apposttton t,, th<- BBBaBKt. the Beaate Ki- d.'.ided to reciiMder Uio ______?? "f the bin. arUeh, a aa_o____4 resterdw, was fo sii-V-?' gold payaientB for Uie perlod of Mx ni(_ithti. Vienna, Jnne i-'.- Tbe ealliatai of the BaBpal ?'<?ni mitree of tlie BekhBTath, peeae-teB to-Bar, >!iow a surplns ot Pl .-_? .2.r>0. Tho report. however, varn< tlio ,,,-n,ti-v acnin-t foandtnf a u>o optln_-tto otilnkn upon _.*'? r-timate_ and refer. to the nc-c.->Mtv ol In titniii.g ivforins ln taxetlon and ln n-Lnilatiti- thB .nrreii.-y. Ma<lrid, Jnne IA?Al B meetlng of the storelieepers 08thH citv to-dav It was d-rldcl lo <->-. th(tr BtorBB tiirongiiont one Bmj, 9k 9 proteal aaafnal the toereaae ,,f Ihe banknote iBflaO, I, tlH.n Jnne I_U- The flnancia] posltloil has nnnh lmptOV-_i aud ite (.ovcrnniei.t BM BecMed that lt will Iiot |M BBBBBBBTP t-> prololig the liiOI.,:.|'-;iiln <-.\ phing on July 1<>. _ fi i.thf.i: anttfi>i;f.k:x Riornra ix china. Loadon. 39m 18.?DtapateheB from ahaaghal an rraance ttakb tmtmaae npon n.e part ol tba antl. __uronean eleBBenl la Ihe po___la_<_ ol chlna. Attarfei Bnon the C-rtBtlaa _1bb80_ib in Ibe Interior eo-tlane. ,? one eaae Ihe C*-oeae eraapB bobI 8a rwpreaa th. rioters sid'C arHI Bmk. Ptothar BBriotn rtothig lms or?OR_l at Taliatang. where the woman mlS-ioneriefl v., re , ir.,iH-ii.-<i lo Bae tm mmtt Hve-s. The latter have ?,rrlv(*d at Kln Kiamr. one of Uie tr,-_tv porti OB thB Ymct-e-Kiang Kivcr. Tlie repoHl reeelved from Ui. wene ol Um ottttmam Inaieate Ihal there i- btbb! .*. rltement amoi-8 Ihe Chtoeae la Ihe vi.n- ol Uke 1-.V-. ,_- aear Kh, Klans, arheee Ihe women from Take . _ h_v ? --.igi't tetoro. m the nelghborhood ol the Uhe *oVenl mKlonan c*tabll*h_nent? have been looted Lo.i i.un.cri ta ua- ?muA bf th- OUneae. RtDVAIM) Kll'l-INi; SAID TO Bl DYJXG. Pit1*.burg. June li!.-A letter to n friend in Iieavcr. Penn., near hare, BBJB that Rudvanl Klpliug, thu novell_t, is dyli.g of coii^uiiiplloii, that abai.? f,.rti..-.i on ).i? lungs, and that at inUrval- ht- .annot .I^aU above B wliUper. Hy ord?-r of bflfl plivbicLans .... wa-^ t?o w.-.-Ks aaio taken fr<Mii LooBpO to Italy, where lt arai hOpeB the climate would be bdiellrial. TIRKEY ADVIBED TO ACT PKOMPTLY. Lorarton. June 1-J.?Aa Uie Porte haa been henit?t Ing Brhethee or uot to raUfy the Brusael* anU slavery (onverifion, UM Britlsb and t.ernian (lovernineirt- l.ave K?viaed tha Oraa_ HbIbb to rattfy tba eoaventlaa bv ?"'!v 2. m FIlTY KII.I.K9 IN TIIK OAUCIAM PTOB-B-. Vii.niia, June 12.--In Ihe liallcian otouns lifty jierK.ii-. Bfare kfDaB. 1'I.F.I'H.i I'XF.I'.MdXI \ IN (iHEAT I.IMTA1.V. London, June li.'. Mr. Chaplin, preddent of the Board of Agrlculture, BBbBbB l? Uie Houbc ol t- ..-iv that betweaa Jane I, IBBO, -,,;'1 ?,i""* ?? 1""1 lli-re had be-n -Jic. uall.II-t* of pneiimonln emoag eattle ln OreM IMtata, and thnt BPS dl. aici and B.890 iieaithy eattle bad been Uaughte_-__ THF. CHILIAN CONFI.NT. WORK OP AN IN-iT.f.. NT UABAXTDIBO P.-RTY -TIIE DSMERALIiV VEATES PAW__kIA. Iipilque Ma ( .lune lJ.-Th. I'nlted Btatea sti-i.l.rer IV.i--ri.ol_ *"Hed at lusiii K.d'i.v for (",ll.-i... Her Irnll wlll be IMpatred and |W0 of her bc.-ims v. ill b-> ?teaagtkened betore aba proceedj oa her vn..._e araaai tbo Ilorn. DUpatebea today from Tocopiiu <av thal bomj tor pedocralaen nd Uw waraMp Imperial reeentiy landed twentj t-v. men, wko deetroyed tbe erehlvea m u.e Oovernmenl Oflke, Ike Cnaton Hoaaj aad Uw paataad t. ii .npii oHeea, aad rHrricd away an Iht inonej Ihey eoiiid iad. Thev afterward pUbwed Ike 0*>iarn-rt prlvate boaaa, and eomneUed the rallroad eompanr to Pav dutv o? a ouniiiitv ?f Hltpctre wkteh waa .rim loa-i-.i. ieeplte Um proteata ol ahe company. ti.c iorr? tl.-n retbed tO Ike ? mthward. , !t la aaM that Ike Imperial haa been atraek iwice bv sheiis. bul tbal ahe baa reeetved only *"&***?? ' Th.- CongreMonal attpe are all ^i""'",'' '", ', roou order, ? xoepl lhal thelr botlon area II tl '''"'?, I ;-..._._. Jnne 12, vl;, -t-n. TH. ' MIU-1 II mrcenl man-of-war KamemMa, wkteh r4me*rt*e* teveral daya ago fnm Actiniilco, and ww W*"?* . lat. a ->?,.>? of eoal toa ',''_i nvht 6V Panama RaOmad Oomaaay, mmA last nigkt. _M .?ri loatkwari. K0TE8 fROM TIIE PACIFIC ffiLAKDS, DISCOSTENT IN 8 \ M'' \ - W/.-U- !> I'l.OTTINO IN HAWAI1. mm Krr.ncl = .o. Jnn. l_.,-Sanioan advlre. by tho | teamer HarlfOH *av tint tl,-- -I I -isld -r-.l-l.- a-.U ,i.,n __?___ Ike nr.tivi.s .I amae -f the leland. wttn a view lo anaaattai MaNetoa aad p-tttag MataaA oa Um throno. The worklaf ol the IVerttt treaty ls also atated la be a aoaree ol taaeb Av atl rf..-. n. An eaava nf eoaaplalal waa Um aeUoa ol Uw r.aren von Flha-b, pre_Wenl ol tii" Kain-tfal ? "uncii m ereatlng adoaan new oflkea wkea he too* eenti-1 of Ike mnnlrlpal altalra. Tiie brlg Bee WaH l-rt Afda .... May i wttk a eai?a of wreekaac ham u.e raaaeki aMk m ,h,- barrleaM of Mar. ii. 1M0, aad Ike bo_Mi of twenty v'ticrlcon sallors who were tfrowaed (it tl.e tlme. Tlie bf.,1les will l.e burled at Utf I-land. CaL -The Commerrlnl Adv-rti-cr ' of IIoiiolulu prlnts a statement that Wttetrt and Baak, tbe _ea_en ln the recmt Hawoil.n Insurn-ctlon, are again stlrrln . np the natlv,*-, and . propnaltloa wa* afool to f. Ue th" Qneen, wbO i> vMflng UM ncl_.hborli._- ItAxtriA, nnd hold her rnjiilve untll -h,-. eonaenla to brtaf about a niodifl ratlon of tl.e C,.!i*11Ilitlon. *o as to tbat out UM wkltoa from .11.v votee ln Ibe Ooaeraai dSt, and pol nathrea n power. __ T0PIC8 IH TIIF. ENOLISII CAPITAL. London. .Tune TJ. Beeeral Tory members of Par llrmient, ln the Intewt of the mttle trade. nn; press intr Mr. Chaplln to refnse American Inapeeton 0M pririlefe of aapenialag Ike daclalo-a of iirituh oalidala tnapeetlag baparted eattta. Dr. Babaon. auiaawrnd aceepfanco of recant rilaimoses by Anierlc.-in oftlclaN. eonftteti-g with tbe dtagnooea of Britlck ln*pec(or?, U-d I,. m ontery the preaence of Aaaeneaa lufgaebwa la unronsniuii nal, and that tbe Dalted Itatea hnve no more right to place velerlnary nkapeeen ln Knglisi. porta than havo other eoantrtel ie_-to| ratiK Mr. Chaplin ln th- meantlm. tinds if politic to continue the exi-tlng sy-t in. Tl.e Co.uiril , f the Citholic Cnlou his petltioried tho Oe-a_D ??! tbe Aeademy not. to bHow Catd-JiOB. ___a -st. B-aabetb" lo ro lo tn-' -Wkmal ooOee-taa. Ike Ai-.Kleuiv decllnes la grant Uie petltlon. In Ike cv.-nt of tlie Judgmei.t of the Xadlda] Com? mittee rever.lna tlie Archblshop of Canterbury's de f|*l?ns, the Llshop of Lln<-oln tells hi> frends UM he wlll nnt re*lgn | tbat he wlll bkOt the adv-rte deer-o M a ekampioa Ol the froeUom of the Chun-h agalnst "rft. SSr^ biet-al go. CrtmwooAjtijmB WlndMT on f!ie return ol HM CpBli trom ?*****? M," (^ ls Uie ?id?w of the British agent at M.uilpur, who was Kllled ln the recent rebelllon. ? OOAT-BXALAlt EDITOHS BABtHLT rsED. M. IiorMs, .1.1" ? ??"'" f'"''- ,:;- ( ' ?' "f Mexlco s.ys: " A telegram from (luatemila atate? that the niU-inl ha* oa4L*ed the lmpr1*onnicnt ot Nlcohvs Cifuentes, Manucl Alfan. aud Vaatiim I1?. Wha were Uie cdltors of "El Popidar," of Q-_-UtenangO. OM of UM principal towns in the upper dlstrlcts of Onat? By the Pi-esldenfs OfMra th.-v were ohida.-d Uld thrown blte prl*on, and are m:ade to BWaep tbe Btreetd Wlft ball and chaln toCked t?. thelr f,-t, t? bea-y Umtt and 10 do other tagm-tog labor. ii aimean thnt the edttom p_k_ahed an articie ln their paper under tbe headtnc of -Tl.levr*. AatkoHaed Md l iiMtborl-ed," wliWi atlarkrd the a?asU'overnmciit _f SariUae Al once Hietr offlce waa aelcedL Hnd the> ?ven? V-ist' \tiin prlsou. Tbe tBCtdent h_M awag r,:,^.-d i'lii'iiaii,,,,, and tbe toellag agatoal BartlM h?_ incrcaeed InteaMly. THE ANULOI'OnTCl.CESK fONVKNTION. Lonal__, June 12.- Tlie OOOl-OtlOtl wlth F_._i._l provldes tbal goods ln trarwll tJinrngh Pm-tu-.-uese teritory bs-waea tne eaat eoaat and ti? British iphere shall not, for a perlaid of twenty-tlve leeted lo a duty abeaa 3 per cent: ghMa England the . within flve years of ettMng f.'^om of teanalt, on tbe pay ment of a capltali^lng OH mmnal datka tor the rcmainder ..f Um period at Orn rate of CUO.OOO y.*arly, and open. the. Zombe*! and Sidra riv-rs t,. fw natlaatlaa bv aii oatton*. FtmtAv iS^i-tit- abacdnla tremo* ft ^''f^'^r^ _Sa UW BltMk spht-re and llmpwe Bay. M. DK LMS-EH D?F-W-?- HM CdCIlSE. Paris Jnne 1_.-In M Intervlew t.s.lav M. de Ut seps dee-U-d thut he was not hutiim- that anv *lep, bad been taken to praaec-te hlm or bla aaa or any ol the dli-etare ol Ike *.?? Oaaal Company. m ii- Lf tiia aaaerta lhal II weadd be Uapoaalble t-. ,,,,, a ,tep, aa aii bla aeta m regard t<? tl.e Panmna Ckaal enterpriaa bave been laaal and above '""liiere uvean lo be m aonW th?t U. Ba iMaaapa wffl bo araaeeated. Hla aifc declarea tkat ihe imprmaUMi UMl the family bas b.-.nme eoriehed la wltbont t Son <?n the eontrary, ahe aaya, thelr ahole fonun wm Inrerte- ln Ike Panama l aaal U. de Laaaeta u uow 111 "-nd weak TIIE LOKDOM OMNIKCS gTBIKE BRTLSD. Jaae IB.- M a _Mee__g 'o-day ol detogatea the niem eniploie.1 lu all tji- oaralbaa yard-, lt ?iis rBB-tved M a. r.-pt Um employe..-' OlTar of twelre koaia' work per day and a ikghl Inereaae ln the men. wagea. _t a maaa muntlng ol 'bM men to -nlght. John Borna nraaldlns it waa -iu, :..u.v annonnrad tba| lta rtrtke f'as -ndell. aud that tl.e ....n Wlll n-.i.iii..- ?oik t-. morrow. _ _ SIR OSOHOI BTKPHBlfS TIT1.E. Montreal. Jane 12. Ur .rge 8.en. new titie in full, a* ekoaea by blroaett i- Umi M jnntU -phen, oi MoaatetaskM. Aibeiai and Dnfftowa, Bcotlaad. EEBIQB JAYXl-s. UIBBIOE. Bha l'l-anci-.-o. June 19 (SpeeUl) eph L. lojne, i nit.-ai Btatea Navy. ana.l to M?' Iroqnola, now at iii.i.oiuhi. arrived in tbli elty by rteaaier jre? L-day. Baelgn JayM i* a peraonal frlaod ol jUehar* C liiimaii. tii- AmerlcM oMrgad wlth Um ana-er ol hia wlfe iu Walea, and part al bla beataaM i- to BM oa! tll(. md Mtare al Um ebarge agabM Doaean. aM to ,,?.,]..,- him aii aaatetaaee ta hl* powar, even lo gabtg t., Walea II BM be uereaaary. Enatgn JayM had bualn-M is-iuti'ma with Dnnean wben Ibe latter eatab ii.i.-i in tbb 'ity an ataney ol an etoetr* amtar lehema, and lya knew Danean wa* aecentrle aud bellere* he la Inaane. Al.I two montl Duncan ?roU to Jaym from gweden. bai -aid notklng aboal hla aOeged Marrl -.-?. SAVEO BT WAUDEB Hiutwxs QVKTEEEBB. N,?l,nrg. Jun- LJ i-p, ?? i;.l..-\V,i:!. r C. Antli ny, of thi* city. owee iu* Hfe to Ibe praB_pl aettoa ol W lirown. of Sing .ing PrfaM. 1 ?' Uw 1 UhkUl d,.p.i ,,f Ibe HMoan R i *e two mei waitlng lor train-., iv<>.th aml aoath bo_nd. Mr. BaowB wa.* golag t" Bm. Btafl Aatka paagbkeeyala. The MrtMbeaM h -'long tlrat, and Ai.thony started ta. _HM UM lOBtkboaM tj_<k to taaeb it. WkOe *o doin,. aM aaaUadhd of dang'r. the houtht.ound troln came tbaad-ftag U Mg to tlu- dip.t. Mr. Browa *pr_ng from th- platfiarm fymsftA hl- IHeM bv Um akoafcter aM Ikrew Mm to one alde, m\ Ing hla lif ?? BEAtB OF DK. VUILIP PLATt EJBBABL Dr. I'liinp 1'iati Kteaaaa*etghty Jamalra, L. L, died al hll hoim? ln tf-K vlllr.i.-- >.-_*..-nl..y lunrn ing. l?r. Kls__m ?_* a graduau. ln iiu-ilinnc ai.d aarffery, bai aeaer praaUaal tu. fN-hMtea, Ho leave* a Wlte Md two daughtera. A BOLD HIGH WAY ROBBEB. _ a BtB ATTACK IN UKOAD DAYLIGUT. IIE SEIZES A YOUXO WOMAX IX MADI-ON-AVE. AXD TAKES IIE1. FURsk. Mlss Jennic Liwhorger, of No. l_l East Seventieth-st., HU ..park1,ing diamonds and was hani-Bamt-J dress. d ns she walkBBl down Madison avr., betWtW Sixty-sixth and Sirty-seventh sts.," abonl .'> o'clock yesterdny afternoon. Slie earried ln hand a purse, on< of the klnd that has a -mail silver watcli showing out of the cover nnd a part of the poefcetbook itself. Mlss LinslHTger is a liamlsome young woman, twenty years old. While ibe wim walking along she was seized viol.-ntly from iiehind by an uiiknown man. Her po,'keili.?,k wah arrenebed from her hand. She found her voioa to screnm only when the highwny maii was fast flying down the avenue. Dnniel I...lnr, of No. 1,11.. Madison-ave., was B witness of the robliery. Ile gave chasc to the liyli.g thlef. As l,e cainrd upon the robber at Si\ty-l!rst-st., the hii.diwayman turned upon I.nlor and threateiu'd to kill him if he did not stop Then hc ran into the tenement-hoiisc No. 188 l.ast, Sixty-first _t. A conlon of police, under tlie eommand of Bergeanl lluniilton and Roundsman Tighe, of the Slxty-seventb-st., police station, surroun'ded tlio b-U_tag tn which the rohher ri wl taken refiijye and when he ap j^*ared he was arrest.d by Ofticer Rehening, of the Rixty-seventh _>t. station. He said that his name wag John Taylor. an.l thnt he was t.venty fivc ycus fJd, aud lived at \... ri 11> I'enrl-st., Urookl.rn. Taylor aHeoed that he waa a plnmber Ife hud a raz >r in his pooket that had blood inniks on it. Tne pnek^thook he hnd thrr.wn away into the str?'.-t in hLs fllght, When it was pieke.l up b.v tlie i><ilie*? it waa found to oontatn only 2". centfi. What he did with fhe r*Bt Of the Tnonev it oontoined is pot known. Miss Li.-_-l_.iger araa pro.trated with shock. Her father, Max Lisfi lierger, is a wcalthy refiner. A MUGGY DAY IX THE CITY. SnOHT BFT C-iOT.IXO PHOWEBS LE5SEX THE HEAT .OMEWHAT. When tho sun rose yoV'-rday there hung over every tlilng a liize that gave wnrnlng that tbe day w.nM l?- a wrirra, and what was also apparent waa tliat the beat wonM be mado doubly unconifirtablo by tlie high humlrtity. At h a. m. Uio GiTniomet-r only ref) lered 88 degr.*'*, l.ut llie hvgrometer cave a record .,f 88 i>er cent. and thls pi-adunlly Increa.ed up till mld day, wbeq ihe atmo-phere was nearly s,tnrate.l. The merrnry was nM idle, however, and by noon refflslcrod Al degree*. T.u-re was a small sprlrhllng of raln In Cettt.,1 I'ark abO-l 10 o'cloclc that sent manv of th. lawn term Is playr.. lmrrylng home; bnt the kiiu wi. soon shintng again. At half pn<_ Ifl o'clock there was a tmpical shower that fell on the lower part , | tho clty, snd sent the pnfiUng pedosfrlans scar. hing for the nearest sheltcr. It !iiste<l only a f .w nilnnt-s. but the gutk-r.. wero a ni-l.lng strenm. Tlie C-OntbulBt, for BttCb lt was, wan BtttB away down the bar. Thongh short, It wus wcb-onie, as lt eoolcd fhe air wrndorfullv, nnd In IM wahe a fwelve-nill? nr<;.'ze sprnrtir up from the north west thnt gave n.-iv life to cvorythlne. ity B o'elo-8 lu?t evBBlng the Ihermometer had fallen ti, 78 d'-s-i^-es and hnmldlty onlv r ogfatered 41 per cent. To-day is expected t > be line and coolcr. I.IGHTNiNG fi.V TIIE JFJ.SF.Y COAST. A-__7 __*? U. J-. Jime Ifl i_pcrlali.-A heavy ek-ctrlcal and raln storm visited tho uppcr se.-tlon of the Xew-Jcrsey coast thi-, aftornoon. The raln fell in torrents, washing out the streets, underminina many of the sidewalka and destroylng the Bower-beds of tho BORIBMr cott-ige-s and liotcl-5. A bolt stru-h ttupc of Dr. Davld S. Sklnner, of Brooklyn, on the aouttiwest corner of Sevonth ave. and Emery-.t. Vi- . si.hmrr. m? HttJe d_.ufht_.-r and . or .on wero seated on the front poi-.-li. wa'cUlng the llj.htnliig, wlren tho house waa slrtick. Madelfne. the daiighter, \va_~ partlallv stunnod bv the shock. The bolt rlpi?ed UH w:,1N In Its p8BBa_B throtnh four bedrooms, throw ing UM p'.astcr over the bed3 and BoofB, A picture hung on the. walls wli>*re tho i. ,it catereB tbe boaaa. Th. picture was ahattercd. Tho bolt torc open tho bllnds of a wlndow and tunilng at, right angles ran _ci-os> Emery-st. ovor a dead wlre Int., tlio kllchen of the cotuge of T. l.ake, a contracfar. It shivrrcd timbers, punched a lot of hoka in tlie wall - and celllug and then pasaed out on Ihe I tU side and torc awny a corner of tho pvreh of the cotlago of Autrust L. selghortner, sllglitly shoehlng Mrs. Belfl. BOrtner and her ?_)rva_t. It will c >t ovit 81.000 to iv],,,. Dr. .*<kiniier*s cottage. A ball of lightning ran aloiiK the arlrBB al Iba BaaBbbw Kh-.-ti-i. Battwap ln Kingslev-st. When 1t reached Xhe trolley of a car lt ran <l?'.vii th- %lna, burnlng them off. Another bolt ran Into Ihe oflice of tb- teleph ae company, fuslng tlie brnaa aud burniig ont tlie wlres. A c_.ttage ln FiOh ave ln the lee* IM _un<et Hall -.vas __tnick and sliithtly datnaged. Cnnek'l pharniacv In . lattlson-ave. was n-rrv,ic i with water. . __ Tlie storni waa BBVOre at Itranch. The face of the bluff of Ocean-ave. was badly wvihcd. DAMAGE DOXE HY I.HillTXIXG IX M.MXE. Thom:r-t,>n, Me., June 12.-During a heavy thunder nhower this nfternor>n the bulldings of Orrls flark, in St. Gforg*. were slnick by ll.htnlng and dentroyed. I.oss, 8...OO0. (_irdliier, Me.. June Iii.-During a thunder showrr this aft_Tnnoii a barn owned by IVaxt-T Marr. ln Hlgli lni.d av<>., f-lil.. clty, was stnirk bv Ugbtninf. Tlie l.aj-n, iN eoatealB and a dw.-llliic-lvoufie were burned. Ix.s*., Bfl,0O0; iBsared tor SMJXiO. An adjolnlng houso waa sllgtrt-jr dama_e_; ma ,,.ven*d by Inauranen. TIIE fAI'E MAY I.KillTII.MSE STRFCK. Cape Map, X. J., June l'J.?During a he^vy thnnder ~tonn at thle place thls aft.'_nx**n. llehtnlng sirmk tl^- i,e_k nf tho Cape May llghthon-e, and run down irit > tlie It.^-p'TV qunrtcrs, where lt set flre to a feather b^,i. ihe Qghthoaaa keeper -_n* illghtly stiuinod. sorTHcns iEAUXO orocxd> ct.o<ed. Saa Franrteoa, CaL, June 2.-The sailing NaUng v,--m-1^ beloni.'ing t<? t!,ls port lukve kwl one of th-ir beal anntlng p?uia. I_r v<_rs lt has been tho (iistom ef tha Baakn la ipeoB lavaral atooths ln tho V.mth PdCiflc. !_(.! BOBBOa two rBBBatl r-tuni.'d l,er. wlth exoeptlonally large eaBehefl from M_|uarl> Island. The action ,-f tu,- Dnlted HateB in barrlag -<-?il-rs from Bebrlnff Bea reeentb ,,.n-^r>i Uh XhBunnta ofldala to ,'t i.t prohlbiting tea] ratchlng in tli- South ,?,.;. ,? irtthln ,-*;< !i>lv.- sea boondarles. Betfen fourd ur.,v Uie lalaadi alll rl-U ?rnv,t an.l fi.rfeltnre of thelr vFssela. _ *ii- is ,,,11-ldeivd a hard bJOW to the seallng !!.,-t ,,t thi . BOll TBE WILX1XCJ0X DELIXQVEST TAX LISTS. Wllinlricl.iri. I?'l.. Jttttt 18 ir.pecj;il,.-Tlie levy court haa BtaeovaraB that th.* BaMaejaanl ta\ u-t MOtallH 11 k-r,-i.t manv BaOMB of p.*r_ou- uh,. have pald iii.-ii- taxea boB beM reeelpt-. The Blseo-erp _ voiv...s th.- lui.-enty ..l th. eoanty tax eoUeeton, MeKas ani Doogbertp. Brheae tem_ recently expired. It i-. QBtlmatrB thal 8\000 iktsohs on tlie <lellti.|ii.rnt INt liave paul thelr taxes although the books Iihvo 11.1 n-cord of the payment. A- l'i>- . ollertors sweor to the crrectness of the list and are ailowed for eaeh BeUnaneat, two ^,?ri,,lls erlBBBB ary alleg.d, per |orj :.ii'i BBabeaaleaMBB CBIXAMEX ARRLSTED OX THE BORDER. Loefcpart, Jana Ifl IBpartaD?A dispat.-h trmm wii gon, on Lake DntarlO, llzteea miles northwest from here, to niKiit, io Th-.- Jonmalt" npa Ihal Bta Chlna men wara amalaB tor trying to aarlar IMa aanatop from Canada. They camo ovvr from Toronto on a varht to take them to Roehester. The man Bumped out aa the pler and I.;t th.-m. They were brought hci-e and put U J*U. 1_ A W:>RLV'S UOaIOEOPATHIC COXYEXTIOX. I. iltitn..!.-. June l'J.-The Worll". t'onventlon of Homoeopat-fle Ptiysiclana will ho held at Atlantic i ,i-.. liBfllaalBfl Tuesday. Juno 18. and conttnnlng for h week. Tho Amerlcan InstHnte of llomoeopttthv will me?'t on Juno 15, adjonrnlng to take part ln the i-r,nventl..n. Hi-r.* _IH b- re|,rr?entatlv?si pre"-i.t fruin Ki;gland, Franoe, a?Tiiiany ar.d l(ns-la. A XI W JERSEY tBIFFBE UIBBIX8. riea-iMvill.-, N. J., Juno 12.- Captain George K. iBSar Wllliam 1?. Davis, of tliis place. haa been iiilniing ?tnre Juno 2, on Whleh day Iie left Ua eeaael at Jeney aty to v1Mt New York Gity. Hls wUe and fiieaita l? h'flw->'orJt _. m-hlDI acUva BB-reh for hlm. They say that he was a man of steadv habits. and they cannot aceount for hls flhMgp ann,.-. Fiptaln Porter ls forty cleht year- old, about llvc f.''-t MVaa Inches io i- n-arlv l.alU and hBB a BBBB taeho tlng-1 wlth gr.iv. Ii.; lu, thu lcttcrs "G. K. P. on one oi hls ann . ln InOlrv Ink. PHILADELPniA'S TROURLED FIXAXCES. AXOTHER DEFICIT IX BAItDSr.EY'S ACCOUXTS FOUXD-coxTr.or.r.ER lacey _ state MKXT KEADY. Trenton, _*7. J., June 12 (Spcclall.-Harry H. Yard was arp->t.*-rl h.-re this afternoon, charged with artlna: ns cx-Clty Trcasurer BarBaley. BflBBl _B Uu- lllegal lendlng of the clty awoey to rarioni benka. Thi-.. according to the l'hilad-lphla aathoritics, mak.'s 1,1m gulltv ,,t cuisplracy wlth BBBflalep. Ha waived a beartng t,, Dlght, to awalt thi p'su'.t nf tho reqiil.ltlon procee.lini:-, an.l furnlshed buil in the sum of 810. 000. He ls a well known r nl astets *?!>?" ulator. Lately he has been ldentlfled with th- _!_- Glrt ond Spring I-ake Ileach Improvement Company. The Keystone Rank held BOlBB ,,f YarB to the amount of $250,000 securcd by sto.ks of thls company. Thes,. notes and seetirlttes u,*re transBBmfl ta Baffl_A-P in lieu of parl of tho State moneys oa deposit In the bank. An Injunrtton ls asked foi- l.y Yardl'-v, th.- lt >'lver of the bank, ln the suit beimr: JBlllldaj ln Philad-Iphia. r?Mralnlng Uie nssignee of Rardslcy from disposing of the II. H. Yard stock. Phllad.dphla, June 12.?The deeper the cxp*rt BO eoantanta prohe into the affaira of ex-city Trcasnrer liardsloy, the more nppareut, the raacatlttes of ih ? BMfl lr*,-..n-,e and tlio enornu.iiK mi whleb he mad I awav wlth are .laily add-rf t >. YiibIiiiObj tbe Beronntantfl reported to Mayor Stnart that Uiey had BjstOV r-<! .r grave di-cr "pancy in BarBslBp'B a.counts with the,- in th-' -cliool ftinils. T.i day they pr--ente.I Mayor Btaarl with a Btatemenl ihowtag Ihal Ite lha year endlng Jun,: :t'>. 1880, Bai-Sley'l weelptB WBTB tWOO.OOO, of which 8 2_. 42.'1 23 WOB not pa-* into th" fr-'.i-ury. and for that endlng Ji:n<* 80, 1-mi. PB90,000 was'rrc.-lv.'rt hy him, no part of which was paid in. Thls TiiaK.-s a totnl of 0448(4S8 23 which bM been BBBB by him partly to repav BMMM9 due by hlm to th'' l and partly for his own purpo-e.. As soon a-* the Mavor p.iTed thls statem-nt, ihOW* Ing that Rar*il-l*v liad Bllsapproprlated to lii^ OWB BBB tho _um of 8448,000 fn,m appreprlaUooB bf thB Btate far the publlr schoois, he at onee askeB Btate Treaa uri'r Bopar for n sta'cment of the monevs pnlrl F.rinls ley by the Btate for thi- pnrpeee ln the h.^t ?l \ BMMltha. Tubbiiihi iioyer BtaaaB on Dccembei- 81 there wae pal.l to Harilslev In three eheeka the -um of i?420,000. It Is surin!- 1 th at Iiardsley us/yl part of (he 8448,000 to tnk<* up Uie bad rheekfl of th<> Keystone Rank for 920O.00O that he was ram .ner as cash. Tho Inv.-tK-riting Committoo of Counclls met thls afternoon. John R. Reade, I'nlted BtaMl Distrirt-Attorncy, appeo-red before it and made a personal ,-xplinaflon of hls eoaTBB in acting as ,-it torney f >r the Keystone Rank, as a member ef Ihe law firm of Read A- Pettltt. A-BltorOenetal McCamant read B sfatemeut that there was stlll due thr- State from UrenseB, m.inlrjpal loans and Stat- ta\.'- eol lected by liardsley for 1800 a total of 8818,701 Ofl. The money owlng tho Stat?* for the vear 1 ->I?1 fp*m theae toareea is not yet due. General L. E. Wagnap, ln Ihe OOtVtat of hls testlmony, BaM tt_Bl he _U__erB-B0B tliat Mr. aranamaker was baeklng Ifetaon t. Brani for th.* place of p'ceiwr of the Keystone Ilank. In reply Mr. Drew said to Wagner: ?? Xo, I thlnk you are niistaken. Mr. Wanamaker has riotlilng to da with It. Now. that expl-lns -Om-thlng i do not andenteo- Asslstanl Seeraterp Ifettleton li a great friend of Evans, and he ii probably Baeklng hlm for the plaoe. it also axplaln. lome aeeonnta al thB Rpring Garden I dUTYnt andentand, where Nettleton appears Bl B large borrower."* General flTagner nM that he aad alnee laokeB la the papers for tli" IUUB8 of Aaststent hocretarv Vettleton as one of the debtors of the bank, but had not 1088 tt. The ommlttee. it 5:30. ndjaumed untll Monday. The Supreme Court tliis niorr.lnc decided tbat Citv Counclls did not have tho right to select the successor to Citv TreaMirer Hardsl_y. Richarxt G. Ocllers,1s thu? ousMl from tho of_r*? and Um appalntraent ?f W. l_ed wood Wrlght by C_-.vernor Patth_.n la si.-tilned \V_.Wii_ton. J?n_ l_.-Co,.i?,llr Ufi*___. ."ate"^ la reeapl to tl? K_vat.)U_ Natlonal Hnnk wa* Mibmlfted :; Th. -kiskuSt tSl? morntag and !;>??? a tople of Uscnssion at fhe rognlar Cablnot meetlng. ft ^vlll ba se?t. .o th.. Common Coundl of Phllad^lphla nnd will not bc made public until subi.iitt.rf to that body. MBMBfl. NETTI.ETt-N AND DREW REPI.Y. Wtahlngten, 1__-T_e attentlan of Mr. Nettleton. the Asslstaut OtllBBarp of the Tr.*asury. was call,*d thls cvening to the testimonv of General L. E. Wrvcner be? fore tba Oeoaelhi CoaamittBe of Phiiadeiphia, inveetl gatlng the bank _<ar._al. Afler readlng lt, Mr. NctUe ton said : ?' i never ?baehnd1 Valaan F. Evans or any other p. rs,,!i as a candidafe for the reccivership of tha BBB pendeB Kayaleae Bank of PhllaBelpbla. After Ihe bank had beea closod BMne days and when UH Contnllcr of the Cunvncy, who had llttle acipialntauec ln Plilladd phia vaa eons-fl-rlng msaoral namee for the re Mtven-P, I WggaalBB thal of Mr. Evans and rocomiuended tliat the ContP.ller make in.|uirv In Plflladelphla ns to hls fltnes*. whleh he proece-ad I i do Mr. F.vim.s was then president of a leadtng flre UMUWce company. nnd, as I MU.\ believed. waa la excellont personal crerfit. I had not a -U-PtclOIl of anv flnunclal WBB?Haa or compli<;Ulons cn tbe aart ot Mr. Evans or of tho Spring (inrden National Bank BHUI the Biiiiiiaiiiinmanl of the faiiure of that bank. Mr. Bvanfl had no kOOWleBge that hls name was to bB mentioned for tho Keystone reccivership untll BOBBB time after It was done. I suggestod his name simplv boeaaae I had known hlm kmg and bellc-v.Hl blm cvei. mm tit. I hav.- boi-rowed no money from the Rpring Garden bank. but If is pmbahle that BBrtatfl accoinn.r, datlon notes on whlcli I am responMhle ani in Uiat in stltntlon. If so I am simplv among the loser. bv the bank's faiiuiv. wlibh I regret." Plillad.-lplil.-w .luno 12.-W. P. Drew. the Natlonal liank emalnar, was BBaa evening In p'ganl to Uie srt?tement attribnted to hlm bv General Waimer thls afternoon in hfs leatlmoy be. hv the OowmO*! <om inlttee that _-BB_la.ll S.-.-retan- of the Treasurv Nettle? ton was a large Ixirrower of ihe Spring Gardea Bai k. When lirst asked If he hiul made such a .-tatement to General Wagner, Colon-.-I Drew -tUl it was abaolntely false that he lnvl never told Ge-ncr_.l Wagner sn.h a Uilnu' Colonel Drew afo-nvard wlrlidrtrw thll Bweep blg denJal and o.ualliied it by -aylng that he lia.! DO reoolleetlan of h.iviiri -ai.l anything oo the lubjert. bnt stlll It wa* p.^Kl!,l.' that ?enenil Wagner. in-nicry WM better than bta aud he ther-fore would nelthcr deny it i,ur affinn it. A PRE.KHEU tEXTEXCED FOR TiCHGLARY. CXrlomhOB. ??hia. June 12,-Tlic Rev. John F. Ray baa b<-en sentenced t.. the penitenli-ry from Wai n I County for two yeurs for burglnry- He was a nilnister in the Maetplea Chareh, and worked wlth laeeeaB, bnt MneB the MatboBleai and then went baek ta hls oM Chareh, balng wlth one eharpa si.v year-. iu. Beeae <>f lahor wa= at PtaflerlekBbnrg, Knoi county. Ha eon ti_.-fed the hablt of drink and rebboB a botel at I >rr vllle, of which he phnuled gullty. Ray has t familv of -..\ ihildnn. He -*ays he wUl BA__ ?ter tho minls try wh>-n he serves his sentence. CCRI0US.TO BBB EX MtXIBTEm PIIELPS. Chlcago, June 19 '(SpecUl).?E. J. Ph-lps, ex Mhltster to England, prowd a drawlng c-U-1 before judges Tulcy, lloit,.ii and <'<.iiii.~ to-4ay, Tho totttt pxtin was B8 __V___B that it becaiiie oaOBBBBry 8-f the ballliT to bar the doors. Most of the ipeetaten were attorneys. Mr. Ph.'lps represonts tlie 1'iilon ^t^>^l{ YarBfl a::d Tmtislt COa pany _n the sults brought agalnst It by the Armoor, swlft and Morris pcoplo. ?Uf SAf-ir... DROPPED FROM THEIR ROIJ.. Denvcr, Col.. June 12.?The Colorado Conference of the Motliodist F.piscop-.l ( hui-ch in session at Gmet chnrch did two noteworthy thlngs this morning. Fir*t, lt voted to admit women as lay delegate*. to the convention, and, second, lt dropped from membershlp in the church the voniewlmt notorious tx evacgeli.t, Uie Kev. s?m. bniaJL DID RUMCRWttB SAIL F'tR 90VTE AMERICA 1 Loa Angelea. Juno 12.?A man Intimatelv ovinerted wlth II. Jav llati.-hette, Un* ml-sliiK secretary of tho Lo. Angeles C.iamt_'r of Commerce, .iv, the lat.-r miuounced his Intentlon of going t<? South America lf tlie orange earnlwl at Chlcago proved a fallure. PoBi t'vea have learned thit llanrhette went to New York and la now oa HB way t > foiitli America. OXE HUXDREt) TBAM 09 LIFE EXDF.D. Dlxon, III., June Ifl. CWenel wiiituey BmB Bl hls hotno netir FrankUii Oroea last nUht. . m j;inuar> 22, whon BB BntB IM yar- BlB, h- .alled all hls frlendi U.gether aud badc t:,.-in bucucll. He ua. pp, one of the old(\_t Masona ln Uie world, lutvuig Iwu UilUatcU lut. U?t oid.r Oll Juno --, 1-17. A BIG CLOTHING FAILURE. DEBTS OVER A quarter of A MILLION THF. LONDON A LIVERPOOL AND MACK * CO . ASSIfJ.V-OTHr._l BW-g-nMl TROL'BLES. The London nnd Liverpool Clothlng Company, nt Nos. 8 . and *8 Bowery, aud .Mack afc Co., alothing dealers, ut N'oa. 463 to 467 Broadway, falled yeaterday. Bath eo.icerna were owned by tln- same people, Isidnr Rovnlieifii and Iaaac S. Mack, the pnrtnership at the Bowery store Iwing iiiKh-l tlie style of laidor Kofcnhrim at Co. and the Broadway store as Mack afe Co. M.-ssrs. l.iiM-nheim and Mack made a general ae si. nineiit without preference to I^wls M. llorn thal. senior parLier of the lirni of Horntlial. Wh ife head. Weisnianii a. Co. Kr;_?lstre<-t's reporta aaye Ki,seiiheiin WM ferinerly of Kosenheim Brothers, then of Zeltmaeher afc Rosenheitu, l*?lt maiiufa.t. urers, from 1*70 to 1875. ln January, 1*76, bo liecame a part ner wi:h Mnx Stad.'er, tlie flrm fail ing In July followin-,', and comproniistng at 73 cent. on tlie dollar. Ue remained in this firm until April I, 18-0, and soon afterward started ln bnsine.*s alone under tiie style of the London nnd Liverpool Clothiiu; Company. lirst at Broadway nnd lloustoimL and then at tlie Bowery and _.e_ ter-st. Lsaac. S. Mack liecame a partner ou Feb? ruary l. IM1, and they opened another store at Broadway nnd Qtaadgt., hm ?ave that up about three years aifcrward and took it ugain a few inonths ngo. Ilie flrm clainied a eapltal of about * 100,001 and carried au *-____? stock of ahont $'._ .1,00. in the Bowery store. where the sales amount.d to about $500,000 a year. They were reported to have lost 935,000 by the failure of F. Mayer afc Co., iu 1888, thraagh llMhll-WaMatl The ussign. went deed Bkya that airiBf tn loases and misfort uiies iii baatneaa the tlrm are unable to pay thelt debtg in full. IFuro S. Mack. attorney for tbo assijtnee. eald yesterday that the asslgnment had lieen made nn expecteiliy and had be*n deelded upon only vce tenlav DMCBilUt. B-B-Wag had heen ooor for a long time past on account of the weather. whlch araa detrtmental to tl.e trade: e\pen9e_ were heavy. and they had made heroic etTorts to push biisines. by U.e niost lil>eral ndvertislnff. Al readv the lirni liad reeeived expr-'salons of avm pathy and the active co-operation of the lariteat oredltan for a Mt-k-aeaa, whtah would im ih.ulit lie hn-tencd liv the fact that the tirm had not made a sinsde preference. Mr. Mack dld i.ot thlnk the Uabtkty would BBtmtd |tft0t000 to $275,000, the . realer part of which was for nierchandise. about 10 per cent beinsr for borrowed money. Ife could aive no it'.ea of the assets, which enibraced a large stock in both sfores. The .cerct retlrement of I_vi <;. Biirsess from the oil .hippins: flrm of Snow A Bi irarss. of No. 68 So.ith-st., has lieen followed by the witbdrawal ,,f ('.irtlnndt St. John from the flrm of St. John Brothers, druu brok^rs, at No. 17 Cedar.... whleh tlrm has just lwn dissolved. have lieen enier'd against Mo*.rs Bur.ess and St. John jointly, ln favor of the foDowlag creditors: Funch, Bdye afc Co.. $3.Vli ; James E. Ward, 93,217; John E. Miller. $2,707, princlpally .in notes made by St. John and in dorsed by Bur_iess. Mr. Burireas had prevlonsly coiif.s_ed judjjment in Brooklyn for 90,001 in favor of his pirtners, Snow and Bur -es*. and :._.*00 ln favor of the deorges National rhe amount to Simw aml Bacgeag _* r-uul to be for money ovardrawn from the firm. The trouble of Messrs. IVirgess and SL John ia reported to l>e on account of l,*.*es in apeculation in ..piiim and other drugs during the la_t two vears, which are reported to amount to upward ol 830,000, nearlv nll of which waa borrowed m-n?-\\ +*rpury Sheriflf Flnn hns not found" an? property of either Mr. Bunrcss or Mr. St. John ta levy upon. Mr. Buijress had been the junior imrtner in tlie flrm of Snow & Burgess for twvntiy oue years, and Mr. St. John had T_-en a partner in St. John Brothers fliat ftnn waa fonned iu 1882, and was previously of Downer, St. John ? Co. Andrew J. Robinson yesterday confessed judg ment for f8,8_- to Ceorcf W. Di'ks. ou a proni issory note dated Novenil>er 17. 1 .S4. Frank l'ulver, whateaale dealer in tobaeco, formerlv nt No. IJs Water-. t., yesterday con fecaed jud<rmerts to C. II. Spitzner & Son for 81,528 and to Minsdnle, Smith A Co. for $1,176. Mr. l'ulver went ont of bu_inr.._ on January 1, havlng met wlth some larfC losses, which, it ia said, used up his capitul. A HZALTH- pTTLOOK. R. (,. Dnn .v Co., rei>ort the falhuvs in the I'nlted Btatea iu the last vn-ek nt 210 and nt 29 for Canada, a Votal of 244, agataat 247 ln the ftwtUmt weeU and '.IB for tlie -iinc w.-ek of 1 **1K). The we.-hly report savst -There i* notktng ro-e-colored ln our n p ?(?_-*. a; r-sp-H-i i'i- iliai,,.--. ,,f speenlators and cambl.-ps. Those who eonsider the iratni.lintr end of buslncs*. and n.i other, mav well lx- dlsheartened. Prlc-s are lower, wlth pro*p-ct* of further ileellnr;. The cxpi?ures and loasea ,,f ih.> .a* who have emptl.-d thelr own and the lund* of ofiers Into W6B .S'nvt arl BOl r ?-*-<ol red. But the kigltliaata baataaaa of the country, though not aa lnrtre as li \va_ a year ;_?;<>, when nnps baal not falled, and trade waa tar ir.frat.-i- than ever liefore at thls sea? son. Ts DOVartkakM larse, well tnalntalued anl generally bealtky, Veiy rar,-ly has *uch a straln been put upoo pr.ductlvc lB-Batty aml l.-Biitlmate husiness as by Uio enormous cxpurt* nf _old in May. Jt ls a most .-.!. niti ra;)t fiut that ifu-i this *rvei-,- test the state ol trudo ls better for the *eason and tnoi. liopt-ful than It wae in April, when tba Kfeat niovement of gold had nol beffun.'' A NKnRASKA P.ANK CLOSED. Omaha, Neb., Juno 1_.-The Central .Vatiortal Itanb of Iirohen How, Neb., eloaag Its doors thls mornlng. Sn [...??, ulars are yet obt/iii able. A STKAM HKATINii COMPA5TY IN 1ROCBLB. New-Ilav, ii, Conn.. .Inn-- l_i. The New-Maven Steam lleating Company la Bnanelally ea__anaaaa_, and baa lieeu plaeed in the han 1*. of a receiver. The trouble, li u Miid. was cau*ed by the faibii_ of H. C. Potter, of BroektM, Ma**., M _fMt of the company, a-ho wa* indebted to It tor B&.000. Tha eompany's llab'Iitlea are MO.tfjO, and its as-.ets aro *ald to be 870,000. EWWEC1 BB A KAEBAB LAW. Kansas Clty. Kan., Juix- L..-A dispatch from To* pck*. Kan.. says: -The biw pasvd by the rereut Legtolatwa, provMiM that elgM hours sh*Il be a dav'e arneb tor afl aaatoyea d Ike stute, win aoajpal um (io-ltifi nf all tlie State in*!itutlons unless si)eilal ar ranfeawata an- made Bm baaptag them opaa. Tha work of Uiese In.stitutloiia .auiiot l>a> done if the prea?<-lit force of employes worlis onlv rUht hours. T<> do ihe work properly wlll rcijulre tbe cmpluyinout ol i.-joo new wployaa Tbo appmpi-iuti-uis paaaai ty tho last LeKis-lature will not permit of tlie emplovmertt of any moir einplove.. The (pit_*tlon of w.irltliii.' tha .present forces over OtfM hours a d\y waa; refcirod to Att-.niey?<.eneral Ives. He irives aa Iii* opinion taat tbe author.ile* who permit emyloyes b> work over ciaihl hours a day will violate the law and subject tliriiiselvea to Inavy fines. Tlv? (-overnoi wlll probably call a special s-**sioii of tlie I.ejislature to paal emergency appnapriaiions s.. a_ to j_-nnlt tlie eiuplojrment of tha neeaaaary aztia aaaaber of Mute sorvauts." ?-? UASTFR CAHBCII.DEH* c.XYKXTIOX EXDED. Oapa Mav, X. J.. June Li.-Tlie Master Car Iluildera* Cnnve.nti(.u t)iii*bed lt-s MMMM taoday. Tho commit? tee report-s were aU flnally BUfOmi ot. The boai. ot ofHcei- elected are: Presldent, John Klrby; flrst vlc*. pre.ldent. 1-. W. f.rlevei; aecond vlca preaident, J. A Leut: thlrd vlc-e-presldent, Q- A. Rlssell; tre?mrae (.. W. DaaaaaMt; secretary, J. w. Cloud; ezecutlm c.unnilttee, U. C. B-_-k___, E. Cluiiiit-srlnln and F. D Caaanava. IM Ma*ter .Meclianirs.' Couventloii wlll ma sajmble on Tuesday na?.\t. 31UBDEB THE BESVIaT OF A 9CABBEL. Kort Monree, Va.. Juna 12.?Edward A. Ilannegan, n \,,uiii{ man frnm Waalitnglon. wma> ibot and kllled thia i-\. iiini! by Thointon J. H.ilim, sain of (*.lonel I'-ter C. Halaa, of HM ?aCtoiW Corpa of the Army. The two youii)( men tMM hepe from Washlngton a few daya a,',) and w.-ro r.ximlr.K together. They went out rowlng Uiis 0VM-N aud fto mto a qu_wr_l. whon llam? ahot HMaapM umniirh Uie heart. lLaia.. weut to Colonal Frank, post commander, aud ?urn*iidei .d Llai-clf. H? _m<_t_> t_at the .hooUji. wu_ 4vue lu t-Udch^^e,