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STOCK ARE HIOHER. DULNESS AND STRENGTH. EA8Y MONEY AND THE CEASING OF GOLD EXPORTS CAUSE TIIE ADVANCE. ?ALES AT THE STOCK EXCHANOE-JUNE 19. BOXDS AXD BAXK STOCKm. Butchera A l>roT , ra liank 60.1_'? IrvihB Rank BO.19n atcrchanti Bank .5. UiO Merolmnta Kx 11 . Ji. ... 1'.'.'. Mctroi olit.m Hank M . *-% IVrataiii Kat Rank 60. l.HI Alata.iiH <l?aa 11 6.000.10SW Teniisnttioinsnt 5a 3 000.102 . Vlrfinia 6s Defd lO.(KK). * Am CotOII ( _*>s 11.000.-4-. AUh Tap* _ K4a B.CHH1.7. V, 14.000.79V, 1.()(>(..79\ BS.(Mk>.79*? meaa 19.00?.4?\ l.OOd.???"? 1.-00 .?< Br.H.ki_F.ilJ' Bnr. H* N _ i2.eoo.M two M Can Sauth lat tttt'< 2.600.~l-47a Can r-ontli '.'il 2.000.?6 Can N J (* M Ba feag 1.000.108?| 6.000.1W. Clm JI * (1 '-*>!> 5a S I 30.000.101 Cl k llur* Q7? 25.000.Ita Clilci I IU ? 3.00H.99 Chi. R I * fw 6t Coni-oti B.OOO.-8 7.000 .?7'< Ch!< StP* M lat Cheasnnoi-oi. 4e 6.(i.K).._ - fkicRnr* g.iincy NeUEi 4a l.(KH).H4 . Cbio muxu 6s 8.000.110 Cll'_ Ind o M 4.000.114 Cel H_< * V A Tol 6a 4.000.79?i relA Hnd ltec '.4 l.oBO.10_ Ft WUi and Bio O lst 5.600.73 Dsn Citv Cable lst 5.060....101?a (le,. i-;,o lat 9.000.ioe-? Houa A Trv Cen a mi. 1.000.62V Inrt liec rt sp lat Trnat FX-elnla 2(1.000.108 Lonp Ial? Mll 5.000.1- _ LeNA A I'hic lat 1000. 107 Lt_ s_ W M C?n Asaent.*il a.,M _).iw Lacieda Oaa I. Oo of Mf-on.a lat 1 ooe.73 Xat lat _.0_0.94 Mllaa*. HtPaul lst Tenn .ls 3.000.1B1S Mll* il P 1- '."i.i 1(1.000.12-*? Mo Kan an.l Texaa lal 1.000.76% MiKi.ii * Tex'-d . 1.(100.40 Moi.-is ? ohio r*>M -.'.000.?**a Morria ?nd Kaaex M 1.000.102% 7a 71 25.WO.1X1 Micli i>? 7a l.aoo.118 X V nnt and W con So 1.00"..90 Hi 4.ono.'.'nH. Nor 1'i.c lst cenn lO.ooe.ll_'? Nor t'nr ? Mon lat 1.000.l?3?-. ?v i aie? st L4s 1,00.) .. ?*?'?" S t * P'try 0 * I t.s 4.000.90%, 6.006.90. H t a- Mar 3.001, a4_. 11N. Nor Psr, con 6a 10.(10(1.7t*\ 11.0(Hl.78?_j >ort?w_at (.rona 1.000.I.t OA MWsCon SF 2.000.110 Or?-?r?n inil) lat ...... .!'? I'ltla K W ?n.l C lst 10.000.141 Phll A H?_niiig int nref i,ic 17.000.83 . i" il ana Rea_ia? 2,1 orsf mc 6.00-.38 PhilH.i't H_adlnK O M 4a 7.001..77?i Rinttramie Wa la 7.01)0.7r>V> V Rti h * W_?t Poi?? Cel Tnut5a 3.000.84 ?? Term Truat Ba ...ow.9. Roine W <* Oa _on l.OBO.107'. Rlch * T>,tn ga Bt 1. A lron Monn Ut 5.000.183 St I. itod F 20 Claaa C l.OOB.i.166 St Loula Son'Wn lat lC.OOO.67 2.1 ln ...000.2H is.eoo.Tta*. 8t L V and T 11 . 2.1 ...000.105 '.M t.nar 2.00...107 . Fclnto Vi X E 4a 1.000.74 So IV ?! N M lat 7.<>(K>.:o:t^ Tex .v Piic lat ?? 22.(_H> .?7?a Tex ??? a Pae td m< 4.(M'o.:ioh 1 (HK)..-to . s.noo.Bl Thlrd Av.-. 1k| r.a ...000.111?S Teiii. C lt 4 R Di T?Dii UivSa l.oac._??4 Union Pecitlc lst ?9S 1.000.111* Cnion Klevatertlat 1.000.107 . W?_n_h lt K lat 1.000.971* 16.000.97 . Wakaali R R 2d 2.S0O..O.74'a 1.000.74 WealN T Hnd 1' lat 1.000.99W 6.CXIU.'JWo 6.BO0._a_OF._.l> -M 2.000.27 . Waat HIiareHtdSa 1.000.103?i Keeiawrvn 1.000.101S Wh.-el ann L K lal lO.OOO.iO.''1-! TBE OEXBMAL LI8T. iTO' -?. ?a bj . t<4 V4 o ? ?'_ (>4*i. .11-4 lllW IU". i05_,lU_ 105 Hi 7--. SfBSi Al-ae.-* Bua_ >lt!uT A ??* -'?? Aliantie & r-i l.l... 1. A l- ..' iiuii itt-i- ar_. BnrlO?_i^?r Caiia'la soi'.ia. (jn.u.U i'aaiso-. (Siitni .Srf.! lo-'. UO _ tn.liuiraciuc 1 l.i* Ati Aa lauri doM l>n_.... Caic * an. LhicBur * u i ki. * iu_t 0> ( htcA K iu -r, \aisM * St P. t alcMASPa. i Mc*. .*i?,rwesi t ?i? _ N? .>n t 1.1 A Paeiac. Ihicr-t P il?ti C _tP M*? ari tlC*BU.. .;? wn-l. Cit-vnar i-r.ia... ColllV _ loi LrlLA W. Hei * lluiiaon. JleiiT A K4.._ lirlitt B<> irtl. k. 3n,n V__'... I. 'Jun IBIBTL V. leulx 2,1 url... LVSirTH__?. . I... A 1' Mar. -? i.u ^ar ur??...l BCs di !?..) . libU'isiiA "l-_> lliiaoi.4Jeai._i 9< . tawaoaa. Uo Utcl. k .V -lllll. j.U w. _._.* W nr*.? 71>* ?ti . ...;. .1 . B?. i35?a 1-5 125H. ^7 _25?? Htf . 87 1.0 17 48 V 2_*?a' 2i.*a' 124 lio i SS??! _?'?' C.-, ! 6.'. V .,.. . H4. UiN v4\ 111*, 112 112 Hl' 106 I 105*' l--5? .. i?i va ',2. T-?a 72'i BB. -.'4 ; -0 I C2 . _ I -J 02 i ?--'4 1.1 i'. .. 144 ,14_ ?^.', _. t-to . 13.'. . 135V 127 - 1-in 16. 10. o.-i rt. t>")j .. i 61 | 60 16 1. 125^ 12S 128 62 ?_ 20 112 t>0>t ?. ?'a 97H. t'7 ' 14 l_\i 56 Lake suora_, iio 73 . 'tt*. 12 ...1 102 14>9 24 **8<V 1'.' 3.H. iU"! ti 13 H bb*. I.U Lous ialaaa.. LU _Ml. LjUlHtLar... Louia * .Suaii-. l,.M*i> l*ui? &tl. <r- X. Mauhat ,)?.D_ llki li _. _ .. Mui 11 A I. un MaxCauv.. Uu.'i *-?u. _*u .-._ W_ i>i ui & w ?n. M?u* Wl,,.. I M ?. ri 1. 3;ei M **- -Tei. Uo pral. >lo P??lSf...._ >iob* uJiio.... h l A ***'- ., *, 1 icoliil...., 100 V M e _n_i u.. i_ y ^ t -1* i _ art. l\U A- '.I. - Ot X?lllJi *W_ lst Lh*v\ un. JN l a >,_..._ KYNliSeH.... M dc Nor urt NTOAW. NVh A, W. KYs *w arr. Xitr _k W. Hor *W _B_S___i .. , KoAtuCo.| 15. Nol-acinc. -Jl'i Nor Pai pn.._l -67 uiii., *.,:.'?>. ... Dlilo rt?ulii..._ Oiaasu iuid.... Oifi- N. t*A -_-U. 1'l.ecfc Mv.... phll * Keadias I _. PO-_&t_..-. -- do un. 159 P .Wlu. 1'Uta-e W nrsl. 11* W Ft. PAVtPtpri.... Riot.i Weat... k_*ui. MLSS TH... BIL ASfcTHnr e:L*> ?P lat Vi I MI * I'll...... ttPAD ).r...... Ml >iinn__M.. Ir-ontli Oaro. r-ouiii 1'iMiiric... Texaa Pac.._. 14 IllAA _ NM 14 - 7(1* OhioUMtu Ual *()(; un.. Lmoii Pi_cluo_ vr i_-t.. v. a'oaan. Vat? aret. W a- i> k. w : a : > erei. V ,?,._, ,.!,..? Ikit (.na lr.... U IVJ , 55* 7.1 S, 26 . 1 U'l. 13S 56 S 110 73 24 102 102 14 H, 24 6?^ lst 'lUOH. UH"* 1J> l?* li.' BA 19% iu - 18 ia. IH 16. 22.1 26 .. lo -..!.' 13.1 ;.;..', 57 i low. Utf. B4 HM Be rill 60 Vi(J| 2S. 73 >l 24 I I 1* I UU. l.)2 . 15 102 io., . UH 11.3!' 10.1 lb 1.31U 1,4,. 7i'H ___(> 200 3-5 41) 2(. 431 S.I.". ,-oo | loo j 410 j 24 63^ , 10 I l.K 1?H< l.'.'l 2.1. M4I 43. 14S .. i loo ;o? | 100Hi luii loi 13-H. :3. (.6 <>.'. .. | 27 19>a ,*V .. : .vi j 84 . 3l-9| 230 13S t>7 l 1B 16. 10?a| i'J'?| 6. 34 .' 2tU 16 Hi 24 . 67. 18 5. 15 21 . Ui 13 15 24 >. 07 V 18 *l l'.'V 7Hi BB 15 ?a ns 15**, 15?? 82 \ 32?? 14 14", 44N 46Hj 44Hi ?6^ 3M 14 . 6J , 15*?| H-'l! 2i.l 24.J B7V 67. 17. l- . l? 17 86 7* 1' 11* . 31 M Jti'i b\> Ji iba 10 ri i... .os KHj -. . 75 . 28 V 76-a 1U< 22?_1 ...',. 18 31 15 68 140 Bl 15*V ti!'S. S7*i 40 lo, no .-.a ' _* 1 .., 69 31V 3_ ... 1UJ ' 10., .. | 7.1 na*. 33 . l--? IR 6? 16 B8 .js, ,..v 17'. 1 *> . IO.i 1U\ 23 ? 2X-J - 6<)U 1UU 2,170 iliu 10U luu i-tii 608 600 :,oo 1,668 -oo 200 3110 I 100 120 55. 651 6*V 23. S5-s, 76'._. .. i i8*y 64V 64sl 4.710 (100 410 64 ., 10.900 75. 2.010 3.390 400 31)0 B66 6.7 CO Xl.n 9JU90 16 2.., U iiNii-* 70.0UO ?ALES AT IBE C0XS0L1DATED STOCK AXD PE IROLEUM EICHAXGE. STOCKS. Oi_an- lilith- _Low- Clt*. Mhares Xames. __. M aet ia_. BBta. Aint-r Bujrar Rofs... H8V BM sil7. BTM f,*M) oi uai '-. . ?>?> 64 ;?. - . - ?.;'j CB lt I k P. 71?4 73 71*. 7-'a ..('-0 ? fi V Q . S7<a 89 bi-% ti- t cii m a ?t p. ... ?< oi ? t_>'i wai li"-' i^nt ..i X J ref ets IV iv IV fiol I. V W.1W.S 135V l-*-*" -U*a Le?I k Na-I. . - 71. 74 78', Mo Pa ? xtt ,-:??? -hkv io2- 108 i<;; we v?.t.h La . !?? '5'a !?> - V V V > 1 -' 3f| 34'i iti'M 4(,i *__.. P-i.irii . . . 24V 2ih 24V _4!a -? it.h v w rt . i >. im, li*. i -'i . <?" Vlrtiae IV- ._>4.. 46\ 4I'4 4.'.'? l,4W W??.hJ,r,' M^ -*. -4 _ft 100 " Total~al_a_re_ aoltf. 60,1_>C BC-flM. AtT ABFte. *?> JJS 7f> ^ ^'H At T * S K Inc. 4?1. 1(1*3 4<l> OaaBwjttlat .1? ?W -0? -05 OanBoattffl.99 HL f', 7:,. !l.f7?^!-i::::::::S4 .j8 _i $ SJ&s_=r_8. ? $ , Mir i,n.i?> . ? .... ,|j e,i, Or nnp Be ... . ? ' !; .. M j- \ li _- p nc. M -.-' BB aa I' t R lai pf mc. 62 M _ ., .. w <* . 7b\ ioS .0^ .1 5 w a .. no..loa*. io_i? Wa** ii ( V N E II... 7, .4 '* - w i*t. or'* ?.;- o^ ?|. ..* Pa* l?t. 1*7*3 ^.Js *.? Wabaah i-t ........ . M*. W_ lj. Wabish 2. . 71 ,1 1*. \v x y * i'i lat*. BBJa 89. t*W__ Total amount .. .il.OOO itIXIXG STOCKS. A*torli .('-' -02 .Laa i " Caledonla R. Il.TO .;0 .70 .70 Eg . , ^Tun I, .19 g g k !????*.:.:? i.g if i| ?| ;.;J,^,t.r:...?..:.:.. S 3 ? 3 __? 8,800 1.000 6t't A' >0 Total ssl*. . CLOSINQ l'RICES OF BOSTON STOCKS. IIOMtnn, JBae II. 189L __ -*ny?*daT. i Teaieiday.Ta*aajr Atch & Top. II- A2\ Ciitalpa . .. -? - f..?t v AU.aaiy. 100 , I 1??i.-lln . I' YI Ro*t A Maine .198 10- | Iluroii . 2 Wa 11*. C-0 J . A, _r J, J Quiucy . Wa' 11" _. ntu l'e I np ?? M ?tt iamaraek .i->i ' ??' ( hc llur J- Q-. _ ?" Kilohbui- pr, f.... 78 Kllnt A V M pl ? ,_ al'a Ma? I'enl .... 18 18 Mea Cent eom. .. if?*? !?? _ _ l.-_ . em. .-um _ .. ??- * .... ._., . . . - . ^ \ y v II I. '*'? - *4 . | _au D?ea_ L . ,, 18 U? . Y v N lr. 7* 118 118 Weat End L (-.. IM, 20*_ Swcoio.iy.1<H UM ball Teiephone.-lW ?0 wi_ . .i.tYoii. . . ihv I.-* . i 1.11.-.1.1 -t ?... 18 l? Allouez M (new). 3'* a. Water Powjj. ."? B_ Atavntlc 1? : ",:-?'? M-"- ? U }', Bo-TiMont. 43. 4S*. X fc Tal * Tei .,0 60 g? | li?? ... - 230 -'?" '-""' I Tl"?',' Cop 15 i>_ CL08IXG PTUCEa ol-' PHITjAPELPUIA STOCKS 1)1.1 A-l-e li;d.A-lJ-_'l. P * R oen M Ut.78_ .... I L C * Xiv C0..47 _' ? P Vl\ l_tl)f o* ..'IU*_ JOS p & R ?faf-TS. ht I Penaaylraala .BO 50** p & R 3d pf BB..87 27 WILAT WAS DONE IN STOCKS. Fritlay, Jaae l--p' m. Speoulation ln gtockM was more oanfldent, 8T8B if tlicre wu6 nn inorervfie la baahlBBB. Caofl-eBOt pew on thf subatantiul facts ?f aaajr money and a waaaHnB of p,.l,l exparta. The laal ahlpiaaat of fold wm bjr lit'lniont., und thnt waa algnlflcanl baOBBBC tt av;is a -ipt'eial transactiiin by tbe Amerieaa bc-B_8 of tbo BotfcaobHda. Obhtu r*ip toentB niiicht baTB Ik-imi made with ei|iial renson, beeaaaa nvtes for exchnngc on London and tbo .-iit.iii.-i.i ware bifbec tbaa th.-y wei-e when tbat Bhipaaaal wns n.adc. Tho course uf prioea to-day loJlowed tba moBOtatJ c-'ndi tions, bnl thero wiw* u vertsaiu proinitK'ii.c in tbe Qonld t-ti.c-ka which excit.-d anapieiona <>( manipn li.t.ion. Tbe Qiaagef sh;u_'- wera- tbe moal BO tivo, aod, if a laliy waa dea-ied, they wmild be ndvanml simply to todioate bnjlng for tbe bhuri aooonnt Tbe advance In theae atocka araa anp ii, tcd hy unttBuaJ aotlvity und aUenBtb. ln Mla aouri Paoifle aad a Bew waa active at?cka beld ln the same Interest. Union Paclllc puned uearly l lier oent, and Weatern Union and wabaah pre teir?*U large fraotiona, AtabJaon atoea wm* ae* tive under peialatent bayin? , oa tbe tlieorv that tl.e CropB in tho Sn.ltl. w_8l would it a bighlT arofitaok. ii.i_.n-; ??*? Kuniiir. ol a oonaoiidation with tlit- .Miry.mii 1 aclno were lacking, bnt the buying wns Indioative ol a thorrm.-'ii undeTatanding brtween Ihe two ayatema. ln m.-w ol tbe energetlo attempt iu favor <d liighei prioea tlie oomimrative weakneaa ol !.",IJ' ni,:.- :n.-i NashviUe wns conapiououx, arhile tbe industrial -tooka deolined almoal from the open lng Tlie tradiiiR was local and profe?*ional, and the clo-lng waa linn, in the expectation ol b favorablo nanb atatemenl to-morrow. The raove ment uf money baa been toward thia cejnrp, while the exporte --'f gold hav been on a mnoil acale. The diaburs-tueiita by the Treaaary ahoald make tln* bank statemenl ext-emely ftvvorable unl?*a the previoi'.a exporta ot gold afaionld hav.- an effed on the averagea. There waa bo newa affecbing i ? irae ol prioea, aud eonaequently the varia tions were aimplj' the reanlta ol profeniona] oi--rn tious. They were generally pu.all advanoea THE DAV EN THE BOND MARKET. There wete again no tranaactiona ln Qovera* mrnt bonda, and oonpon 4s were :. Uttk lower. The cloaing qnototlona a_re aa foDowa: ??-' bm. Aaki nid. Ait tr.B.4-a.l8?l.raa.l00 ???? HAenr^a.iaao. -"I. ?? I I.eo-.IOO .... * >-"?--'??;.. U8 _ .... *r, i -.- .117 117?4 f .S..-ir.0s.l*li.... 117 11,. ? U..413 118'a f.-?*'.,ui.0-.,l-*li:.. .110 .... U.S.CMJ W .... ' Thr ln St,-it?.> iionds inelnded Alabataa, c! i;, al 108 i-i, Tenoeeaee wttlament Ba al 10. i-i, nnd Virginia defeired .is at h, Tl.e aalea ol city bank atooka ivere Bntchera nnd Drovera' | ...1 :,i 180, Irvin-r i_o- :-t 185, .M'T.-.haiiT-*' 1*5) al ? . derchanta' Exchanse 150 al 126, Metrr. I'.oliia'; 1..0 ..1 81-8, and Weatern National (60) ai 100, The p^noral Ixnnl uinrket wns dnll withoul other ff-atur.-. A icw i-mics aeoxed fraotiona] gaina, bul ao eonaiderable amount oould lia\*u lieen aold at cnrrem prioea Referenee ia made t<> our full report of bond aalea. ' money market waa eaaier, nud call loana were made al 2 1-2 and :; per eent, It mual be mnembered that by tln* rnlea of the Stoch Ex ehange loana exten<i over tbe Sot-urday b-Jf-holl day. On thia account the (?hpnpiie*-s of money w;rs Dotloeuhle. The Ckaring Houae atatemenl was aa follows: Exchangee. 9192,803,234; balanoea, 95,752,030. Tb ? Si D-Treaaury to-daj was debtor (<? tha Clearing Houae (1,385,504 The buainrea ol the Suii-1 reaaury fnr the wcek ended to-night lacludea reeelpta ol 918,801.939 and pajmenta of ir"!!, 8b..,469, li-avii,_i tbe ganeral balanco al (142,228, 720, agalnal (1 16,232,205 on .lune o, ahowb ;;ii|irui-:it loea ol (-^003.536. i'.u; dedueting from tne paymenta (4,172,000 and t:-,,i7i tbe reeeipts (3,240.000 for iteima whhih affec. only it.> account aith tiie General TteaaniT, lta his-. as offe the banka la (3,071,536, bnt thia reault Includea the receipl ol (135,300 (or payment at ..tImt polnta nrni the payment of (171,368 for ptirchnaed honda To'day'a operationa incluiledi Reeelpta, (2,116.383; paymanta, (3,447,408; wltb i*. ot Sl .4,_.',7._?','', ooln and (17,661,163 enrrem-v. The Treasurv bought 348,500 onneea of silver inillion ai <.*-:i'.'-.l", oenta aa ounce. Thia waa about the whole amount of tbe offerings. Tla- United States Treaaury at Washineton re? eeived to-day 8444,..:.. National baak notea for redemption. The onatoma rceeint8 ww (476,782, the Inter nni revenue reeelpta (321,884, and tbe miecel laneoui wceiata (26,117. To-day. waahlngton Treasury atatement af . on hand and dep->.it_ in liank oomparea with the fiq;tires of the last prcvious atatemenl as fol? lows : ,Fiinr> 11. .iini" 12. Dlfferene-a-. Set aold on __and.ai28.?26.701 B12*<..87.501 De- i? N.-t MlNi-r _-ii h'd. 26,-119.443 26,888,100 Inc. I N.-i leial tender* ?._._. ob haaal . IJM.266 4,i:i7/.23 Dce. 01.212 Actoal -?-th in the Treamiry vanlta Over ,,,;t*t:in(lIliB .-???,:.- .!.ai*0,0n8.ifl0ai_8,7?2.fl24 Dar. ?:_vnc.. D.-i?.*ii* in bank. _8312,802 20 117,014 Ue. 004.11. N.t eaah bai.. 0187374 B71 0188,179.1 There waa bo radieal change ln ratea f^r foreign excbange. Tbe demann for remitl araa ool large, while tbe aupply of oommercia] hills waa more liberal. The market waa rather heavy M theae Bgurea for aetnal hualneaa: Bank era< billa, (4 85 aud (4 87 3-4a(4 8H f-,r long aad ahorl aterling reapeetlvely; FVench fmnca, 5.21 1-4 aml ,"i.is3-4; relchmarka, 95 and 95 l-'.'. In London, liritish conaola further ailvancpd to !?." 5-16 tor money and '...' 3-8 fi i tlie account The Bank of Encltnd gained ci 17.000 hnllion un balanee and the open markel rates f,r money were lower ai :.' 5-8 per <-''iit for disflounta and 1 and 1 1-4 ix-i- '.-nt fur dally balanoea. I-ir ailver was nnehanaed at 44 5-8d. nn onnce American railwaj anarea advance. to the eloae, nlthougb the flnal unins wert QOt l:ir_e At I'ari* Freneh 3 ja?r eenta fell ta 05.62 1-'.'. although no i- ln the rate ,-f exehange on London waa reported. RAILROAD EARNINOa BAT.TIMOItL: AXD OHIO SOUTIIWKSTEnN". Bonbar of aflaa. 1*81 r-si 281 1 ,r?. M.--k in tone.... 66$ 'o ai5..*.!H WO.-il Jan. 1 t-, Jaaa 7 ... _5o.uoo ww,3S7 064,270 CAN.M.IAN l'.MIFIC. 1,703 ...107 ,r.,.,.r,s Klrat wreafc In June ??ri -,,?, j..l_,ooo aa". 000 Ja 1 11, Jnne 7 5,88.1 1:1.1 0 174'.'.- o 7;, I1IK \-.ii AM. Wl - II UN Mli llla. \N. Numb'i of milc_. ll;i ill <: Fltat *e*M ln Jnne.... i-.-:iihi *jii.oci I jia.-,. i t., Jaaa 7 . D78.O70 . D-BTBOIT, LANS1NU am. VOXTHSBV. Vun.l.r <-f mlln. tt'2.1 KB 3?? Klr-t ?..-], in J-rii.-.. . -' 121,508 120,76 .lun. 1 n, laaa 7 441,460 . KVANSVILLP. ANU I.VDIAXAl'f.LIS. VumlH-r .,( mli,-* . 1.,- j-.o |UB( T.'. '.'-.-. B4.H4S I". 77:i .lan. 1 ln .1,111- 7 114.042 112,880 183.147 i_va_._-VILI.i_ anu n;r.r.E haite. \.in,b.-r >.r mli.. laa taa i_. I ,r.t v.-.i; in Jane k].;,. . . ; Jun. 1 _., .I1.11 - 7 .. :r.;.,4-i u -....". LAKE EIUE ANL VBtni Niii.,1. r ot mlir-. .?*_ 7-jS 1 - .-???_ ln J?. 11.- -;:? 1 .,-?. :, -. 1,1 . ln.. 1 to Jaae 7 1,010 ...7 1,2X3 IWl 1,233,277 L'iri.svn.Li: ami NAhiivii.i.i;. * tt 11 Baa . 2.1.1 t.lBB 2.8H 1,1-1 __el lil Jui,. 0384,13.a B3.'a0.ll'0 *TA3.,'2h. Juu. 1 to Jine 7. 7,:'i.,a.'l 7,?,ja,7__1 7,042,U__0 I_OUI-.VlLI.l_. KVAXSVIl.-B AX? ?T LOlUs' Xawaker at wOcj. soo ?_*?' ?_m""s ?"<*_ ln _.ll?>. ?o,3unV Jan. i ta 3maa i. 48<..:ioi os,.-__ _m-VOItlf, ONTAKIO ANO WK.sTF.r__. Xirml.-r ,,f mll.... 321 871 *:' week in Juna BM.887 Bi.MJO fJ*>.i->? J iii. 1 i? .Iiiii.- 7 . 081.189 ' b!7. ?>>l L1B..4W I'l.OUIA. DKCATUK AND EVAXt.VU.M_ Number nf mil>.?. L-'.l Pirat weak in Jaae.... 613,413 aii.ioo 8M _?">: Jsn. 1 to June 7. 807,084 312,710 d-_>..>-U kid num wi vn.i'.x. ?Jurnl*. r of ml!-? . m tmx . **? Pirat .v,*k ln Jun,-.... 421.775 626,650 ?3_.?>_0 Jiiii. 1 to Jun.- 7. BM.ip D-'I.OOO '.l_0,l-3 IMPOKT8 OP DI1Y ooooa. For tbe _r-k- 1--'-' 18-0. lw'i.-_? ' at 0M port. ..fl.971.S61 ?2._(4,7'-'0 41.1U2 059 XIirn_n ou tlie nmrk-t. 1,783 201 2..'W>.100 l.i.'.COl Bnw-red at tj.s"port...-66-02,414 70 22S.H43 ,vi L'fW.o.o _iiro_n on U,r mark-t.__ ,17 I 888 70.t-6.61__ oti,oM,44d i 1,1.VI.1,AXD AXD CAX'l'ON. Month of Aprll? . _ Dress . a.-nln_.... . 482,510 641,035 6.4.506 .rji-rriiiiiK ->\|i>-nseH..? 21,411 2, ._>, / 34.8..1 .Xet -ar.iln_a. eTi.m 614_i,-,d . Julv 1 ',, Aprii 30- __ _ i.r - eumlnita.'.. 8_2 .011 6400.370 ?.,ll.0_0 <".j_ r.t ? W7 -87.848 Xet lor 10 months... ".lOO.'-fl 6130JI-3 *.__?,-! UXIOX l'ACIl-'IC. (Wbole fc.3-_.tfm.j Montli of Aprll? ?_?-? Number of mllet. 7.111 8,027 8,143 Oroaa earnlnm. ??!H.m_i e3.__i._"7 8-_ 0|?raUa? .-.ponaM.... 1 018.6..9 2.01'', ,11 14-0.802 X.t e.rnln.a. ~-_0_.8__ 61.031 8.3 6614 018 I to Aprll 30 r.rnae_mn_-.snj"''-219 612 038 3io>fl2-io ..lO'i < i-r.m ,_.- .zaeeaat.... 7.7-1 or. .1,4.,,..r.'. B__-.4<8 N.-t fnr 4 montha.... 63.'.5?,2:'4 93 181 2lT 83,627,780 Inclndsd ln HM <?bn.<* are th" <nnilnirs of the ORE ."X SHORI I.IXK AND LTAII XORTHERX. '1. ? ?), of Aprll- . _?. ,., ? .?' . 9413,004 6T04.200 ...20,10, Ojeratlus opmias . 864,44] 481,401 898,610 Xet oarnlipa. 6309,188 8-82,7-0 8-85.480 ?'?".. l te Aj i ,:,<,-. iin.lrn . 61,784,781 r-0-4.'-- ?_.',i2.._10 Oierstlng expt-nses .. 1071,880 l._H._:i 1,475,044 X'.t for 4 montlia.... 6712.874 8687,881 6947,876 WAHASII. Month of Aprll? rnln.a. ?01.')0-_? 81,-0\31_ __.3.1_*< ,il?r.i;liiK e,poiia.? ... 765/. 78 8 ,2.. '4 5 78 Xet eornlnia.......... ~*I5;.80- 8188,371 68 i 1 to Aprll 80 - .. 610 680.-98 81L4*80^0 810.842 326 operatlna exoexaea.... B.l40.191 8.117.480 7,8_-__47 Net for 10 months.... 88,880,804 63,3.-0,.119 88.888,081 -?- .? El'R' 'PI.AV FIXAXCIAL. L_Tvlon. Jaaa 1_. -I p. m.--New-York, IYnnsyl vanla aml oiii-j lir*.t iii,,i-I--_j- bonds, 89 B-j Canadlau IVflfle, r.o :. 4: Mezieaii oii.ii.iirv, B6 r>_; 86. Paul oocnmon, <;?> 3 a. M.iii v. 1I 1 11 P'-r cent. Tbe roto oi ili.---._int lu tlie open rnnrket for both _!: ti and Piree monthe' MUs la __ ?"> - p?r eent. i-nrLs adrleea un-V1 _ p-t eenl rentea at ... franct 6fl i 9 cimiinu* Ibr V.e eeroau t. Tli.* ainonnt of btillVi eone Into the Bank of Enar ln.i.i on balanee _o_ej la 1147^000. Jmanciai. Six Per Ceni. Mortpges VAI,. I.O-ATIOX. 68,000 ..COUHCIL DLUPI-, IA. .BOWKLL CO., MO. 8.OC0 .. BAC CO., IA. 6,800 . I-i N-V CO., MO. 7,800 M.M'I.ViN 00., XF.BR. iii..i ..i.ixcoi.N'. m:biv 18,000....M.H'X rirv, ia. 38,800 . .*? ILIIOB CO., MO. 51,500.. ..HI.XHV CO.. MO. WE OI TIK lOft SALK TIIKSE AXD OTIIEIt ?OSTOAOn BBABIKO ? PE? CENT., payahi.e fSEMI-ANMAILV WITII Ol U 4.1 AUANTV, AXI> Al.-O OI K ..-10 DBBB-fTDBU HKAIIIM. **\MP. KATE. PAVAKLE AT TIIK I1AXK OK NfcW-YOKK. AXUSEtUKEDUV FlKSTIIOlfTCJAUE^DEI'O-IT. ED WITH TIIE HAiniEIlr.' LOAN AXD Tltl>T ( OMPAXY AS TRl'KTEE. NEW ENGLAND LOAN & TRUST CO., 160 BROADWAY, XEW-YORK (ITV. KOUNTZJ- BROTH-J-S, Usnkmt, 120 BltOADWAY, XKW-Y0I.K. laaus Lettera of Credlt for use of Xravcllers. Draw EorvlKU JUiila _ (l_.Nllt.AL RA1LKOAD COMPAXY VV N i ,\V ,J 1.1...1. y, ItMIUL Bl 11.D1M. L1BEBTY. \VE__T AXD \\ .'vhlU.M-i ON --5! U-?TB, Xi.W-1 OAK, Juna 4 1801. YdTK'K i-* h'-icliv givon that llie 'i'nuisfer 1\ bo.i.i ol the r ilaUri .1 bonda ot U>? a.-ncral u,uru;r, i ,,-, thin eooipenj srul aleas oe betordaj, tlio 13th iniunt, , un iiiur-Uaj-, thi Zd proxlnio. _SA>it i.i_ XXQX, g_areaa_T._ VTOTU'K OF SALj/rri ?? .**...', KKAi.L LOAM _*.! BOND8" OF THE VILLAOK OF MOIXT Vl.R. NUX. Wl.Mi, HH.*,II.K , U., X. V. (iii Ui.- Hceond u.iy uf July, 1891, At 8 o'cloiJc p. m.. ?-, ui tbe \ :i. ,?'. ot -Mi.unt Vernon, iu ,\, .- ,. . County, New-York, _i.l al U.d- r._,ii.s in Dearburn's BalMIng, ou !'.,.irtii avaaue, lo m?\d * ,., ..\. ..-.,<i pioposelt for Um puicbase ,,f l-'ifty ibo, ..f tl!,. ??-, iun Uonds" ol _M vlllace. i'ln- aald I'.immI , ii.. op? aald proposala, aml ar.-.-],t ? loi ii..; Interesl ot ,??? t .iii .,t ?iiid propoeals. it,.-- in j?,rt ..r ;i -ii.i ol B-Oda Ml.icli are lo be laauud i.v aala vIiIul-c, ander Chaptei ovti ot tha lawa ,.( ?everal ameudmeota ti.-r.-t.., to prorlde fond*. rucUon uf h ji rin.ui.-iit, (J-teni ..f tewutaae ui?).??? foi said \il!"i/'\ Each boad utii bc f..r Uia priu pei I ? ? ? ? ... i-i.inl dollar* anU ulll U?-ar !n ., t ut th ? rate ..i fout ;-i, p,-r ceotum ^.-r anatua. puv a!,le aenii-aunually. PrlncluaJ .,r..l U.tor. -t wlil Ih_ ii-y at U.e Natlonal LIUi i.*' lieoh ln Netr-ForB Clty. The i_?,iKi-> iwii in- ,-<>n|, .,i bonda, arlMi the prlvllem tu Ihs ? ,; lattlnir ih.-n. made lleeiatcred bonda, They ?iil be dat.-.l Juns 1*;. la'Jl, und pavablc aa followa, r Ten bonda, Xo,-. 109 to 17.-., Inelualre, Jnna 1. 1!'17. Ten bonds, Xoe, 170 to i*V, Inelnslve, June 1. l'.iltl. I Ifteen bonds, Xoa. lafl to -<'.;. Incluslvs. Jun,) l. I'.U.. Klfteeu bonds, Nos. 204 to 218, Inclaalve, Jaaa l. 1820. Tha bonda _l!i i?- dellwrtd _??? ui^ porehaeara uu oi lulv, WB1, ut 1-' m. Ity atatiit.- tli- Ir.tnls i iiiun,; !<? "-.IU f,.r |f?s than i?r and aeerucd interest. Nos, l to in?i. Inclnalve, uf thesa iu\- beretofoie been Isanea und ,v,id at a Bood - uf than batn sxnended onstructlon ol a -\-i m ..r seweta for _ld vi. Jt ls ex]<*rt,-i that tne proeeeds ?f Uils au!o berehr d will ...nii.l-t,- the wild ayatem. Bj ..rd-r >.f said Board uf Tmateea. Dated Juno 2. 1881, A KIWU SAXDl'OHD, Prr-aldent. WM. L. MII.I.I'.AN, L'lcrfc,_ rpKKASI ;,. OF TIiJ_ I.MT1.I) BTATES, 1 Waahlnfton, D. c, Jnne 9, 1801. la ? sordaai -,.ii.'i ln an act of t'oeareea approred Ua ;t 1--..1 :i ?..-.. .,r i .. n i--.! her. to), tiu nret o' tl,- 1"i_.11_--.I vtat... h, rebv ln\l(.*a bld- f'.r the bonda of ? |.-ti|. ? of C' aul ild n.-t, amouiitlu to twu,.i tf.ur hundred thonaand dollara. Said will 1,. i-.-.i.-. in.iL!'? i.t pleaaura |wo years nft.-r the dale ot ti... lr lasue, and peyabh Iii!" 1, 1901, and ?ni i..-or lnt_rest nt tj... Mt- td tlir? and ii'?y hundrtdths (8.50) i> , cent, i -r annnm, |*i .... r' i reaaorer of th. l':i!td StHt- ?> as . .iiiii.I*..-,n-r ?( tli'< Hlnktnfl l-'und >>f -a.-l |. - |ct. Tha iruml- "ill be ii renlstered fonn nnd ln nt...:. .,f one bundred. ll\-.- buadwd, nnd ane thonsand dollara. Bld* ahould be sddreaeed te Uie Beer* ? ri- Treasury ntarked "Blds fnr Di?rri.-v <.f ( olutnbla i-??? ls " and l#l ' I ' " 12 i oek noon on , Juo. __2_ 1801. T':- award wtn be made subject t,, tbe siipro. il ?? -ii ? **..r.'.irv of tfca Treeaury, and Ihe l. la reasi vea 1. ll XEBEKER. 1 r.-.-i: :- i B Ex-offlelo . ..m'r Sliiklmr Pund. d. ''. -l-'i'.'i ??'... ii mi u t ln provlde f..r ti.- itarment ,< IxhuU ol th# Dlstrict of Colnmbla fslllnc ? -ii ii'iiiii ? ?! and nlm ty-one, and July nrat mnl twenty-alsth elirbteen hondrod and n!nit-. I It ? !t inacted by tv Senale ind 11.?<:*? ol Kopieaentativea uf tl'- I'liif .1 Stat... ,4 Amerli ?< In Cooaress _a_embled Tl, ,t -.. -u r -r <.f ti,. I'lllWd Rtatea, rx-ofllrlo ? fund .' the n: itrlrt of ....,-, - ],, r.i.y ii. .-. '. r eaus ' , r pered !r, anma ,.f ana hundred, Bva iirirn!,-*!!. and one th,..i-nii.| dollara, t<. be ,. r-n-v.-ar fundlna Im.ii'N .,r tli- Dlatrlct ..f Columbla, 1. .nl-.-- Int n-t - | .,f tlir? nnd tlftv Iths tr r rentnni p r snnnm payabla hall ftai ?! i - , f Julj snd Jannary tn eaeh year, Bm h bonda iball ' ?? i*ed' n-i'?! ? tl pl.eanre r./cr two reara aad |.:,. ab] of thelr lasue. Tl> prln? clpal and ?? r *' th r.M.n ahall be exempt from taxatl n br --??? oi ' un Ipel r.'ttl.orlt.v. and th- faith of the T'r:!t--l s-i,-?-. la hereby |.'.-!l'-<1 that th- I'nlt.-d M..I-*.. i.iil l.v proportional anproprt-Jtlons nnd i,y eaaslnfl t.. be I-m.-I upon the i.rpr"' wlthln aald Dfsorlrt auch iu\.m a. mll ,:., -?.. previoc the r?*venuw nec**ss_ry to pay th lnt,*r<?i on aald bonda - u aame may become dus and ng fund for the |>avr. enl ..f tha il msturlty; snd th tionds -'... I have set forth ai;d (.xpivaaed on theli face th, above -,>??? \\\o\ condltloni and ? .lr, lt ir-a.-'n ol th, f'.i' .: but<?. Said benoa thal] r-as.,1 Ind printed al the expen-e <.i the Dlstrict of ,11 __. -I.',,-d i- the Tieaaum ol the I'nlt-d . \ .,-),. I.. .'.? -. r..n-- nf the <ih._tii._- ftinil, i I b) ili- a"dit..i .it th.- Dlatrlct nf Columbla, and beai th. ?eal -f aald i?-tri,t. Tliey _hu!i b- num I,. r. ! .,,;.-? - -. * 1 *. Iv. and rr.-i--i.-d ln -!i-- ofllce of ,Jtc .' tli- 1'nlr.?l Rtatea ir..i-'irv, r,.r arhleb reffle ir.itiuii th. _v.r-u.ry ..f i\, ? Treiaury ahall make sn li lli- Treaanrer ot the I'nit'd -**tut - \- hereb. authoi '.d i- tell an.l dlapoae ,,f andt Isaued nnder thls art, al not leaa than ? ? . ? ;.;> orsbli blddi r ,.r blddera. aft_-r bavliiL' dulv a.1 %vrtl?? .1 the aame :..r ten ? ? , - ? -i.iv lua niuiir. ii. i".. dally paperi In Washington and t?.. ln -? i ? I "ii 1 r m< 1, r L",..,tl..ii. as maj i? pr - rlbed bi ths 8 ? r tary ol the ', i R bt inole t ' ? al. Tl: ? proceeda tiir...f ahall be spplied tn the cdemptioe ?t any of Um umd- >,1 "?' Dlstrict ..' Columbls falllng due oe ihe flrat i <-n : and nlneti me and on rh kI twentv-ixth da\' -f Julr, .i.'!u an hmnlr-d snd rilnetr-two; but th ? bonda hereby aathorlaed kIui.i i . n?d Uiei purpoae ? h rtaeerer. bonds i. ?'. anthorlied mav 1k- raBed ln f.r payi.t afur ti.- cxi !r-,ti">, .,r twa reara from Hts I-.,,,.. i.\ aald Tr*.- of I'nlted Stat.**, it hl*. tion. tha laal ot tt ?? aald liooda .,rl.",,-.:h thll r*rt. and tli.-'r anbatltutaa, -.hall )?? r.r-t ealled ' luvn.-nt shall ba tollewed uniii all ihall i.i. ? ?: pa .1 Peblle n ?': on-ii l,v adv, rt_a.m*vit l.v |aa - r- . ?,- In t*? dally i*,- ! in th ? , itv of Waahlnoton nf the l h aarmant .? i!i tn, tttt the ln'- r. --. ? i "I. i . . .,-ii,| ahall ? rl.l'iy d . ? -. 'ife. -! >-ra ef Bi Dtstri o Ce'amMa an bfteby ? of a'l < x i_.-i. -? ...I. ' i ??"!, t'i ? icravlnr, laane .vid r l .* n. i > ;.?i, <?f th* ataivi* Umd*, ncon \o.ii-i,, r- |., i?. amreved br .... APpmvrd M - ?' _ XKW-Yoiih * ,sl iirnsoN lfivn: n.w'i.. ,: . \|. ???ii' xX\ ? ,\ riri. <>l TH : rm .-.-I P.l i: XI IV-YORK, Jun* 18 1881, 'pili; TB IXSFKK BOOK ? I l UM-- '"'ir K r W -t " ' tn a| lr? ,.-.-|r_K |,. ni. luns 18 preperntorj -. parmenl of nit-r<*?t du,- July l 1881), aad r...;K-n at Um o'clock a pi July i' L V. W. l'.uSallLll 'ir-aurcr. j-inontiui. KETROPOLlfAX flfijOT COMPANI of mtcrrv of __>v-vou__ \oa. Bf aad :i? *V?ll-.i. .,*-i.roo.aoo <>nli_l-_rtr^iirplB? ??-? -u----u-;;.m ,, ., , .,Klll lU,. iMMg-aaaa uj ...i < ^ ^??? ttoDey 0u umnm, ?,.i C_____'_a uiiiaf-T-Btia^?*-?* lor'corporatlnue. and ?R__JEJu"a. D. TAITI'.N. Vlie.Pre.Monl rHAS M .ir-StP. ti V. ? I'renldent. RKVl.ItLY .UEW, BeareBW/. otLiKui- _?. ogAJCB-r. A_?t.-Secretary._ IKIMl. rort BAIaB. The Cltv of OaiBoa-a-a, Jaekaea County Hiinoi*. onVr* ?00 000 -Vi-ntv -..*r 7. per '-nt bOO-a. Inten-t |?y?l)le j?,iy i SS yatr. Prtoelpal apUoual aRae Ma yeara. Caritiiaa-alaa aaHeBal ]( M,ARIMi Mliyor. l.tlCKITT, Cltv Txa-n.lir-r^ IO IM K CENT NVarranta. anv amount, jrond ? Tr a* Onvernmerit II- n-1*. WMa ?? ^rift'i"^.^ MBH-aaa K BT. ik<"'_ce. hqx s?>_ttie. wa__. Dimbeno _Xotic.__^_ Miwi'M.Ti IRON COMPANY, omcBo-n..^.iA^AiM'-v^:<'':!'.JSi;ir-.::^';' a OUARTJ_RLY DIVIDJSNDOF ONE AOT) A OXEBALF pet eent (1-) aaa, b. aeelared on tt; ,ttl)!t.ri itoek ot thi .'?,-,,?"". payebbj .?n ind aflai(Julv l in'ii ut Uii* oflloe. ii,- -.i-.m-f-r liooa* arm Ir cioaoa ?t BVetoek p. b_ on Setui-ay, June 20, aad iini-l ?i iiin*_-iv Julv 2 at 10 o'l-l.u-k _? m. _, jnuira.}, -><>.> -. ?" '? ^ . PA i l.il8n.V. Tr-aaurer. lll-il, ,'. OF N.Nil'lNAI. I.I..N1. TKI^'U, NO. 1 BROADWAY, KEW-TOlW^ nivii>i..\i> nr' nrri ( i..\r> per M.khxn *m ba i-iid July 16, 1-01. lo BtoafcBoMaaa of ?"S ?;*,..;.-.t..:.\;,;r..:.:- ___r_r]2ff-_i remam cl0^ D' '" M*L l. a. OOUB, BaaBaMBj. A New-York, May _.'."., IBOL " OFF1CE OF TIIE M MIVI.AVI) ( "Nl, I uMl'ANY. \n as BROADWAY. NKW.ToRK, Jua* i. lfH. AT \ l.i.i'i LAK MI'.h'n.N.i -.1 tl.- Board nf CHrectora beld tfala l-annual n<l ,-i I ri it CF.N C ":<* deelare. on tb rapllal rtock ?t me aotn ? -. \ montha. i-ri^'1 : July 1 iMii kt the offli ?; ,,! tn- i ompauy. to ata__kho.d ra ur .,: .iu,,, 15, Tranaf. ? bo ... wlll cloae June 13 at 8 ia. ta. iii'l NOMB Ja ?-.- -'. ll?L Ckecks tor (llvlUeml wili be melled lt * alreo, _.,.__ ? ., , .1. E. KNAPP, Preaident._ KN1CKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY, _M Mi-TII AVI.M'K, linn-h Offlce, 16 **?*? M', J*aa ?, 1891. Th<- Ilo rar. of Dlr?rtor? bara toi- ilv>' dorlnr.. ia ? B ll ennn-il dlvirl.^rt ol Tlliti'.i. PEB l EXT. iron net e*rn tplUI Stock of the ? onipany, t-vabie .I'.iy l 1801, to itaxkhoMera ,,f record ol June 90. rian-fer booka .IU clo_- Juna 20 at 12 -.elo-B aoaa, aad laopaa . |BICB r,. f.r.DUinnr, BeCy. _ WESTERN L'NION TELEORAPH COMPAST, SEW.yaiUK, Juna 10, 1801. I.iVIDI.M. \0. OL , , , THK l.n.M.'h OF IMI.Ki"r<)KS bave decUreo a quarteriy dlv ld end <-f ont and one-ooarter pei eenfc u.ion th. eapltal ttocl ol Uii rompanj from Uie net eam. Iiiitk of the uir-- month* endlng June 80Ui lnat, payable at U?. ofli,.I the '!>??<_?,ir, r on and _;t- r the 13th da] of July ii. it, ... .-i.,.- r.?!... r- ?; .I M the cloae ol lb. Iranaier Im. ,ii? ,.n the 20tii day >,f J'iii^ In-tant. ii, ? , .-. ooka arlll be !?-??,! ,it n o',-!,?-k on the ifternoon .-. June 20th lnat., and -WpeoeO (.:> tt, ? ir...rii!i.. 2d ot Julv next R. h. ROCIIESTBP^ Treaeurer. ma"nhatta~n KNILNNAV COMPANY, Ba. 7: Bltu . hwa v, NEW-YOUK, Jnne 0. 1 .01. 'I-WENTY-NTNTH I >IV II HAD.- \ auarteriy A divtrt.-ii'i of one and on. half per eept oa il,.- ca|.it?t ?to._ or tiii* (?on,|i:niv i.i- ii- n declared payable a- thta on and aft i lulj l*1. 18W n,.- tranafer booka wiu h,- ,i,.--i .,n Tneadav, Jnne 16, at .( o'eloek p. a., md reopenod on Timr-cn-, Julj -..' al 1" oVlork a. m. n. nv. M nvi LtalAMS, Tn umrer. Banker^ ano Broktra. Kissam, Whitnev & Co., Bankcrs and Brokors, 17 BROAD-TRBBT. .ui-i.** itrii.mvr; rNTIUKST -LLOWBDON UKPU-TT Ar-fOCNT. ST7T*. JKt-T TO IHIAKT ATSMHT. OOV1 RNMENT, 8TATB, MT'NIC'Il'ALAM) KAILKdAK BEOVBITIBB HOUUIIT AND SOL1) FOR CASH 011 UPON HAROIN. UHA.NOll (,1-1'H'l-:. I-1>:.T. AM) l'AKK-AVE. igotclB. HOTEL LINCOLN, Broadway and 52nd St. !?elert fnmllv hotel laeatcB in elo^e proxlmltr to Cenlrnl I'nrU. Aora'-.lblP lo nll eiar llnea, Kl ' ? .rant a !:i <-:irf* arxl eatalna of Ihe blfbeat *t-_idard. Mnuli- room* _. 1.00 pa-t- <ln?, ii?c ol'lmlli: -n -nlte r_ 1^1 aml nparaia. P. ll. .Irl'A. N Pronrieior. _:?cnr9ioii9. cbwEY BBLAND. HltKiilTfN c,K.\l II, \VI>T r.KICHTU.N BBACB. Sea Beacli Route, Culver Eoute, Bay Ridge Ferry, From of \\ iiii.-imll Si-eet, Terininua af F.LKV \Ti:il KO.tllS, IlitOAIIM'AY l.INK, IILLT l.INK. Boata r-onn^otini- at Day lUdgo ?ith tralns for Coney laland vla l i I.VER aod SEA I1EAI II K"' TLS ? ivi Whltehall-at. hourly ftotn 7:IB to 10:10 A. M.. then ball hourlv from Kiiio A. M t,, :?:(0 P. M. and 10:20 P. M. f? -.i io a. M. and half hourly frnm 10:10 a. m. ta B :10 P. M BetnrnlnK li rt . i tte 1- un-. . on. v I-ianJ .... 11 .-- 1- M. I \? ii, - ' . A BEAUT5FUL SAIL ROTON POINT* ROTON POINT, POKTY ..iu.i> rr thi. . orvit. BTEA3IEB (iKAM) HKPUI.LIC, SUNDAY, JUNE 14. [atavaa: * '"? pool nv. .| 2Sd -? . New-Y-tB. 0.00 Foot Weal 10th.?L, Xew-York. 0:40 Pl-r 0. N. ii. S ? Ifork .10:00 Wharl ll.klm _. 10:20 -'.. i. R, Nffw-York.d?:|5 .':i-t-*t , >.. i.. n- ??? . 11:00 .i ri ? Clty, Anru_ lloit lo Brooklyn . '.'.o.a ( ONTEKNO'M l: ' Kl FR1 siiMI NT... FARF; FOK ROUND TRIP, -*?._ West Point, Newburgh & Poughkeepsie DA1LY EXCURSION fexeepl B-___ya) BY hay MM- s. BAMERS NKU'.VOKK n.iil ALHANY From BrooUlvn, l'nl',,i--ait. (by Annt-x).8:00a.m. " Navr-Yor . I>eebrt__ *-t Pler.8:40 " " ?ew.Yortt, Weat ___l- .. Piar .0:00 " Bataralng, dn. ln Bew-York at .". 30 o. m. WOKNlNll iiml APTKKXOO. I ()\( liltT. ._ MANHATTAN BEACK Tit\i>- i.kwi. POOT i?:. .Hill vr.. X. v. (0:20 exeept S,-,,l:i- . 8:80, 10:20, 11:20, *. m. : 12:20. i ao, ?- .', 7 :so, a__), ? ao. t.):_.'(., !? :30 |i Ai.ui noXAla TRAINS vV\ i*- mo on Baturdaya, Sun. : rac. ,;, - ,j i ,,:, v laland Jockej . inii at d 60 nt i.i - -? ' - ' :00, ?'. 00, 8 00 p. m, W1IIT-_.IIaL1_.--T. i rnitaua ,,f ill elevated roada and ?tr.n. cai i'n- *. hourly from 7 :10 lo li :10 a. m., u :10, and I,,,lf Im.iii 1 n- trom . 10 to '?? 10 n m. Sundaya hourly from :> io ii. in. ... 9:10 p. ra AdtBttonal boata on C. L .1. C. raee dtts - l, an .,t 11 : io a. m. mnl 12 io p, m., aad ,,n Battiirda ? nr. 12 |n j.. in. '.K.nMj CONLERTS EVERY AFTERNOON AND I.VI.MN'l. C0XTF.K\0".*i 1IT1I KKI.IMKNT IIAM). I'Al.vs i.i'.i. a I BPECTAClaB, PA'M. PBO.-1 BMPIKK TO COSUimnt, AND ORAND PIREWORKS._Cotwa nclng Jnne 20. Bl UM..N I'OINT, (.ns-,, isr.AMi BOBBB, OPKN- SATURDAY, JUNE VA. The eooleat and moat dcllohttul reaort ta tln- rletnltr boatlng, tMthlna, bawllna, tUUlii . and all Orat-rla__ r.n,, ,..'. nn nto ; mual, <?<., ,,, 11 .. i... i,, in ,,. ,,, |. Mlllairy ii.u ,1 and Oreheatra; mui'i.ifl, ,-nt eraaii nlnv.. i,v |1.__.*or I rr.i.K Taft, V-.. ... : Fr. ii.-l, , Voyer, ftora P-.rl- larab, fiom Roeky . drlve ,.f 12 i-i'.i-* Ironi Rurleni Bridge via South. ??rn Boulevard, oi ... itaamera from JirMir-- I'i.-r. iirook. ? 8 BO. ll Att _. ni., l ::io, | 10, r, mi, rn. n u. i.miiii^ ,i Oreom ?*: 19 mlautea Later ,a;.-l l-.-i-t 8i?t_t' lualf boui i r.\,-nr?l..n tlrk. f... 85e, : chlldren under 12, 20 r.-nt,. r. ,;v - ilao laive I800i-at., Uariem Rlver, 10 a.m. ,1, 8:80 and .1 80 p. m. < ii Sunday, trooi Uariem Rlvar, every fniii '.. a. in. l>. 7 |>. tn. L__t l.oat leitvea. 11-ld. ,'i Po nt id p. ni._ r%uacimm;.-H. n. Macj v^ Co.'a *foar-m ^-^ Inunl, -'1!..- LakewaaB," 1^:in.-< tli. ir _>t<>r<-- Tn,-..aj?, Tlr?-A.iyt .nd '?atur-liayn, at 10:30 a. m. ReturniuK, ar riN.-n at litii-ov,-. iuiiI lltli-st,. at 5:30 p, in. TIcBeea, B3 50, f,.r round trip, can be purchasi-U ln tht.r ii im ** u- portn ? i.:._ ?7 l;ii. KA1LWAY. SPKCIAL EXCUR8IONS. ALd BBOIKlLA .rl.l.N ?- ai. Leave _*d ?t . 0:25 a. ca.; . , :i:3() ia. ni. Returnlna, l ava Bl.ohola 8 p. Bt No .?!?;,.?. we*vot 1'at.r aaa, i.UT.l ?.,'., "ii LAKE W.-.ln. *,!..v. nnd Sundava, 75 . '? i. Bl. , 1 l,ai, !,-r.. ?t. ri BO i. rn. Bundaya, 1 , ? ,. m.; i liaaibnra at. 10 0 traina returnlna. JUd.N .-ll.A.MK'iA'l' roMl'A.W KiDAVS _U TABLE, llaaBMta trfll run dl^?,?t te iha .. -.-i pl.r. at V 1 .LAM). X.X, l.-avlnj \V.-?'. 2;(,l--i , ... u., l,?nrlv, frmn l) a. m. untll ll p. i" - 1. N K. (1. . ??:.-.r.t'd ?..,.;?. hall j-i hour : I lloata 1 .%.- i,?,.; 1*1. id hourly ir,.m 10 80 ,-l tu. m ii - ,.\1 N I..I.AVH AMi Itl-'.l I'ltV, 50 CENTS ? all down-ti. i . i roada, arith f.--- iranaf , bet-.__ Bouth i-.-.rv aod Hatt.-iy Pl , f-,r -.d ,nid ., Kl. . 1*011 i \.Mi MAI'I KW i\ I'.N-r - M1NNIE ("l'MI.1, LeaviM il ,m- ...-t., N, R., 10 a. m and ? p, in. Lnavt* KeiiA>;t _ u. ni. Propoeal-. OF-'IOK OF bOP.____NTKND_KT OP IM MIORATION, Berre 0_ee, New-Tork. U.J?*mm :?:? '.:,',. _^,; .-fsgwrg ^?iy'v,rt;'^rt^,-:,^'Jof'^...^V.:i ImmiffratlOn. Ilar.- Offlce, X-w-YorK Ji). to no*,. nf J m -,? !-.,i l-i Informstlon and _.-b.-dul.-? ouply 18 JW?B i>. '.'. I I.i.II, Bup'l ol ii -li'.-rrlMull._ DUOFOSAL- l"i: -riMM.lKS.-KnrikfoH 1 Ateaoal. Fhilaa IpWe, Ts.. M?? M*?fidK?_ T poaala, ln trtollcate. wl'l O- r,,- ivd ^W Uoewcit a. ?., ,? Mi.N'liiV, Ji XK 15, 1881. for funiWhii'tf M BCMnery, Leather. C..SI. irun. Steel, Uardware. tAoa^.Xotamt. t-?, 1. Certrtdxe Copper .nd Lra**. I*l_ I-';','1- lJPH,;}"i ?.? lortna the B_cal v- __ ondloa June 80. 1-08- ''^"t ? J?" ?r noplles nsodsd, eith tull laawoctl-ns .iip.iutio.-,, et.., ,:,? 6a bad oa app_.e-on to Major OEO, W. McKKl-., qrtj. Dtpt-i r. s. a., j Mnmandlng.__?_. -l-_.l-..sr__\ Dl'.l'MIJMKNT. Offire of th^ 1 SBcKBMT, Jun' 8, !***?l*l proposals will M r.-, ..iv.-i nt rlii. D,*i_>rtn_ent until two (21 o clock, p. ea., Thuraday, Jilly '-' I88L for mipplyliiK .rlocka fee< . _. i.ulill,: bii.l.tlnsr? eaat of the Ro-Bv Mountalns durln? thu - i_f endlna Juno 30, LMB, Xo awited form <>r pr..,-.-.! i*. neceasary, bnt tl," Mda ihould i>- ayplleU lu _.._.. Hptlon. t'loeks << tn -M-th 'ITtomaa Retfiilatora \? ?_? oi the M"? ird Wu.-h nnd ('.-*._ Cmiuuny lUi/nla tor No. 80 are. deslred. Thn pri.*.- atatod in bld. arart Include frelRht, drevw and ?th'-r assensea in.-id.ait u, tt,.* dollvnrv tn such buildlnns a* Un* Denart-n.-ut may iroin ri, , Ind lca -. ll)- n'Klit to r'J.ct iwiy aud1 ill blds rved t/> the Department. Proposals -h?u.d n_ ad . . -. ,,f tt-.r. Tr-aaury, Washtnffton, -, , and marked -'l'.-.,p-_slh for nock..." CHaKI.i.s l--n.-Ti-'.|-. Secr B rv._ Ub |.\(,lM',_r. OFFICE. Army Biiildinx, ..-_-. v?rk Jun.- 8. 18..1.?Seali'd proiax -ls, ln trlpll eats will be received nt thi. om.* until 12 o-Jo-k. noon, -I'nuradsy June 10 lettl fur dr-dzlnn ln Wappliiirrr n I r?K ii. ar X.._.H_iiibiir_h. X. \ AinO'iut iivallahl* ?=.11 500. The att.nti._i of bidrtors la Invif.d to act* or t'on'frose npproved Pebroary 20 18--, ?_<1 fMrruary 23, Itftt. v.,| -.-.i ? uj, BK .nd vol. ?-'(. n_-" Ol. st_.t_t.-i nt*. Pot apeeiflestlsea, blank WtWta, tod sil ln tormatlon, applv to tbe BMerslBnee. <<. L. uilli-.,.s I'll. i.i- it ' ni ..f I-'.iiirln-.T-.._ YV-M' POINT, N. Y.. M?T 18, 1891.-*".'_>_ IT propeaala In trlpiicste. ?ub).*.-t to aaenl condltion*. will be reeelved h.-. > onttl i-_ o'clock noon. Jane 15. 1891. ,,.,1 then open d 'nr furniahlnif such ()a_* and \\ lod be requlred hure durlnu thf> ti-ca! v-ur commt tv -ine ,r",iiv l-t. 1881. Tba V, 8. reserves the ripht t<, reject an '. '-11 piopoaaN. All Infnmia'.loJ'i fnmKh d 'i|.on an* Dllcstlon here. Knvel,,|?a c?ntnln!n_ |)K.p,,aal? ihould l>. n,ar!<od "Propoaala foi Oato" (or "Befl w<.-?!",. at \v.t.t Point, New-York, and to th" nndimanad, \v. ii. MILLER, Captala and Aa?Ntant Quarterm.Tt.-r, r. S Artnv. _ Railroaoa -BMM8t\BCA*8 4-BKATKST BAII.BOAD " Nll Y_M QEWTRAL & Hudson Rivar Railroad. THB TOUE-TRACK TRUNK _______ All tralns iir.-iv.r nnd d?part from CRANO CENTRAL STATION. l-'iiui-lli Ave. nnd l-'orly-aeroiid Hl.. Xew.Vork. Oeatre at ii.,t-i nnd PeeWaBeB BeaHaa, THE OXLY RAILROAD ITA.TI0X IX THE CITY. Tniim lenvo ua followa i FA^T HAIL AM) STATM EXI'RF.SS. 9iin A. >i. !'..- Aibsuy, rti.-a, Byraesjaa, Rocheater. llatavla, dn- at Buffalo ti :M y. m. XKW-YOItli AXI? CHICACIO I.nilTKD lOiOO \. -I ? - : "*? i ?t.;.i-i._v nf Waanar v.-atibuio Iluflet, Smnliing and Library, Dlnlnf, I'rlvote fmn paitta-nt and Standard SU-opIng snd Druwlni-R-OBi i ar-. Dn- (":! n ". D :43 B. Bl, '" '*" day. CHICAGO DAY KXPllKM 10:110 A. M. - Dally except Sundeya, Coanoeta wlth all Un|iortaiit Xew-York 81 "- Un-** dlvr-lnit. ba-urday traln dn - not ran west of ( lev. i md and D. truit. SO[ rilWK-TEKX ARD CniCAOO I.IMITED. liito P. M.?Wagner Yastttwle Draartot-Rooas, sifcciin?. ituffi't. Sinokin^- and Library. Dinlng and <'af Do- ( Inetnnatl lOr'.O a. ni., Ind aiini?,lU 11:65 a. ni., i ii eaae ii .m) i>. at., st. Loula7:18 i_ m HABATOOA -1'EIIAI.. t.'liUO l*. M..?'iVa'.-n. r Drawlnir-Iloom (ura. Due Albany 7 :25, Troy 7:88, Saratods .**:.0 p. m. NORTH r-IIOUl-. LIMITKD. ?li.lO P. W.?Waanri VesUbnle n..rot. urawing.Room, >i..-].iri<-' aod Dinlng Car-.. Um* Uetrolt 0:15 a. m.. CblCBffO ! ?")" I'- Bl, KA-.T WESTEKX E.Yl'RE^S. 0:00 P. M. -'.Vu-'n-r Veatlbels Dtewlnf-Rooa, Sle^ptng und Dinlng Cara. Due luufalo OAo a. m., Nlarara i i || ; 12 a. ii ,, Clevetend iu :;(?*? a. m., ii.-troit 1:10 n. in., Cincinnatl T 30 p. m., < .'ii,-_-o ,:0u p. m., bt. L.ul* 7 :??"> a. Bl. ADIKONDU K AM) MOHTBBAL EXFREHS. 7iOO P. M.? _''.-ti"i Sle;,!n_ Car_ ^, I'latt-burRh. due .", 10 a. m. : fo Iliirlinaton, dn? o VO a. m., und t_ Mon duo 8 :4? a. m. Hl I FALO AM) NIAI.AHA FALLS SPECIAL. 7:110 p. IM.- -Vegner EQeeplog Cara, -.ew-Tort to lluiialo, d.i" 7 :3'1 tt. m , and tO Xla-.-arn Fa.!!-*. du- 8:00 a. in. FAST I IM IN.NAT1 AM) r?T. LOI IS EXFRRSS. SiOO r. M. -VVi-n-r" Bleertng i ir*. Di." Cin? cinnatl i?. in., Indlaoapolla io:30 p. m., bt. iiuui* 7 :30 a. m. CHICAGO MC1IIT EXFKESS. 0*15 P. W.-Wagner Sleeplng Cae*. New-Terfe to Clav ton, ('ui?r Vlncent, Buffalo, Detroit and Chl.ago. FI8HKILL (NEWBUROH), POUOHKEBP8IB. CHIX'E. ( I.III' |KIN')'~T.)X). AXIl lirDSON-.'aidO, !10:80, ?11 :80 A. M.. !3:HO, 3:..,",. G:L'S 1*. M.. uliO for FuUKh keeoalc ?:__ A. M., 1 :3U, '.l':!-^, !?! :oo. C :00, 7:00. 7 ;.(i H mo, 0:13 P. M. ; for (JavrtRon, (Weat (Point), 17:86,0:28, 111:80 A. M., :2:lo, :3:30, 3 :5j. !4 :&3, 0 :2o 1*. M. AI.HAN'Y AND TROY-!7:80. 0:10, 1000. !10:30 A. M.. 1 SO 18 :80, 8 '..'., 4 :50. d :0O. 7 :30. a :00, 0 :16, :i 1 IM !? M.: alao tor Troy, 7 :C?) L'. M. BARA'.\ !":30, 18:10, !10:30, !11 :30 A. M.. !8 :30. 7 . 0, 111 :50 P. M. t/TI' i AND KYRACUSE?17:80, '.):10. 10:00. !10:30, IU _'i \. M, 1 .30. I :.'>0, ,i:00, 7:30, S :00. 8:18, -.11 :.",'.) 1*. M. ROO M KSTKR AXD BUFPALO-8:10. 10:00, .10:80. 111:80 a. M.. 1 in. 1 50, 8:00, 7:3u 8:00. B:18, ?i i .vi p, M ? also foi lt ? ' " 0 !'. af. NIA'.AKA l-'AI.I.S_?.. :|... 10:00, 110:30 A. M., 4 oO. II 00 7 :80. '.i IS '1! V. AI'Ii." -DA' K MOUNTAINS AXD BfnXTREAL?17 30 .\. M., 7:00, :ii SO !'. M (Al'K VIXl'l VT. I'LAITON. Oi.DF.X_Hri.O A\p OSWEMK) !' 15, 111 :?"'' I' tt.; ,'?-? f-.r OOK-gO, U:I0. lu ?0 UO SO A. M., 8 :P,0 P, M. ,vriu!;\. ,.i vi.VA and , w \vd..k;i'a-0:10. i. 'io ?:_> \. Sl., 7:80, 8*00, B:13 11 :S8 1'. M. PITTSF1F.I.O. LF.XOX. XOHTII ADAMM A -D TIIE ISKUHMIIKF. 1111,1 S (ata Ilnrlnn lllvlrdnn). Two tralns wltb threufb Drawlng-R, ?? Cars !8:03 a. in., due Pltiefleld 1 :r?. North Adams 2:80 p. m. !3:.J0 p. ni., due l*llt*tl?'.d 8:10. ....-th Adnrn - 0 10 p. ni. ..OKKOI.K ASD THE I.ITCMFIEI.D II1I.LS. '3 10 p. bl, tiirunirti i-ur du" Norfolk. Coaa., 7:8S p. m. |,r tlclccts and tpace lu Bleeplna Cars apply al '.raid Centrai htatlon, nr at sl... 7**"?. 'Jt" Rnadwar, l- Fnrk Place, 58 Weat I2_th.t? and I88th-?t station. Near. Y?rk: ililii, 756 Fulton-nt, aud il'.'S 11-d [ard-ave., E. D., BrookKn; 100 Hudson-st., Jersey .'.tv. >A icott'i Kzpraas ealls for a-,d eheclu boggmga from liut-1** i.-i.l r sld ii- ??-. tliroujrh 'o d-ntl .atlon. :iii>! -. except Sunday. Other tralns run Above ti-iir,-.. e-ceol tho-,, leevlng at 8:10 a. n.. 2:1.">, ;( ;: , :i :.',... :;:?'*?">. 4 :.>0, 4 :.."), aiid 11:58 p. tt, Rtop at 13.**tl..i, -',.. JOHX M. TOUCET, OF.OROE II DANIELS, (Mieral Manager. (?-u.?r,il Passenger a ent, BALTO. &0HI0 R. R. Kawt Kxpr..'-8 TralnK vla i-n l I.A l.i.l.l'HIA to BAIjTIMORE, WASHINGTON, CHICAOO, CINCINNAT1, ST. LOUIS. AND ALl. POlXTs WEST. rmiiAV CAR 9KRVICR OX ALL Tlt.tlXS. U_"t_.*'--_1 I**- ^Wt'M lMUV"i *S ^__V_&a_^IA?^BWs. Ti., I 00 P. M. iSL ^AXitLSUiWX. BALTiMQ-U-, 9:00 A. M. V0._: .i^'ilrol-iva;: i. ;-M- .^-H-X FOOT OlT M^i-*\ ..B1'.-/..;." r '. diVn- V-!; . -_ for and tkott ba_ b????__L___?! " *+***"* -_ LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. in?r __cVl_veAI: ^^^--^"a^-'r-^,.;.,^ _"_?.,!(roiMlvn ?? 2n?_ p ..... f-i West Hamptoo. !V.-_d uVound. Milni, HUI.. _HB___a_BH_m. 1 ' T" l',,-",r'll,r? -.-,''l_^"'-i-?H.irVrv" ?.?v.'.pt.S.,?d..vs,. with coi.r_'-tio_for Oreenport, _o___ene_i? with the houmb idivdul J ine '-''?_.-, K L _ W . R Bj LACKAWANN1 AND ".Y_.STF.I_X HAII.K'JAD. siort.-*.t Lin-. Vastlb-led I'ul.mun Coschea. ., - ,?, uu(f_lo snd Oawi-i . I x,r. ... vls Patcrsoo, for WitV'.i;- Stro-ds-urg, bcr_nion. Blnghamton, Owefe, i,' . \\;,.\.r, liuin, Cornlne, Bath. D-nvliI--. Sb_r. \:li ?' \vt_.r. li- t'- -11 bprlnij*, I'tloa, Mt. Morris. r,' "... f. x?o l ...r_- -h. ' -rtfind tjyraenae, l-'ulton and in._?_-milli? aaatlona. Connects nt K-ranton wlto tralna for Pittsto- WMUV-barr-, Dauvllle. aud Northumberla-d; at Buffalo _.Ui tralns foi th; Waa*. 7".i a in -BlnKhani on Mal!. vla H>.,,ntnn. I ,.". m.- 1-1,, -l.-iir ton and Klrnlr. r.>.nr.s, f..r Water Oap. mrii 7,1 .l,iir- .on?nU)ii. Ow. ;o WavejTv. BC. | ?-oiiii.-. t*. At h r,.,'..u with tralns for FltU..... __?&? snd Wllk._ '""T'lO p. BL Unrl*". Wllkoxborre and Plj-niouth Ex ,,rT';(0 i>. m. (daiiv>.-Hu_iii" Uapltaj F.spros...via raa? h?? _?P-.tM__hui_ t-oranien. lUnsuani-on Oweae, W - v..iv. EAoorlr r'.r?ln?. Bath. WsyUnd. Duuvillo. Mt. Ilarrla _k_e arrivlna ln Iliiltnl" at , :80 a ni. Rxpr^a, for Mroiid.hurir, BerantML Blnarhamten. Certland. Rvi_>ii?. ld't.,n Oxford Norwlch Sh-rburne, w_t."vilie. uti-a fcc an- all polata oa Ba_le Dlvimon; c-.nn.r-t. witii tralna fer I a w.^t. l I Ellltill VALLEY 1IA1LBOAD. l'AKSF.XUKH TllAlXb leave foot of Cortlandt and Daa. bm**4,-*> ?>_>. _** followa: ; , pi. foi Mauch . iiunk -ind Int-rm.-diat. polnU. H-1_ a. ni. f'.r Oeneva, Lyonv lOlmll-, Rocheater, Duf. falo a.,d tho West, 1'otuUil" and |.rln,-.lpnl polnts. Chslr es* t? I.von? iuid fullman , ?r t? Huaponsloo Drldu*. '>.) a. it, for Usuch Clninli and lin. rn - t.aii ih>Ii:U. II iu a ui. for lilmlra anu Int. r.din.- |...ii,u. 1 i, n. fo 'I un_ilia.ino.-li and tut.-iaj.-dUU' point*. Chalr car u> Tunkaannoelt OaaaaaMaa to ltoadinic and H_rrU D'40 p ni for i'. aud lt. JunrMon and prlnclpal lnter polnts ' halr < ar to L. and II. Jun, tion. |" m. f >r l'U*ill.? and iuu-rn.irdlau.- polnU. Chalr , i), f.r Mauch Chunk and lntt-rin,*dlato polnts. Co..i,'--ti.,ii to I'.-a.lin- and Harrl>hur?. - (, , ?; |,,,- Oeneva, L>oll?, Kuulra. Rocheater. Iluf falo and th- Weat PuUB '?, HNVaB to Lyona and bua uenalon i .. _- , Traln : .n .o_ ?t a-m a. m.. II :80 a. aa.. 1 p- m. end .1-10 |. '" cooneel f-r all im,IiiU ln Mahouoy ai.d llaz.rl ton coal nclaaa s| BllO a. at. for i ini'ik. Im/.-lUm snd Int. rn.-dlat. and 11 a m f.r .-.?., nandoaii and lnt< rin.-lato polnta. 18 p, ni. f?r Mauch Chnnk and'diafe |*oint. 7 M p m. for (,pii"\a I.ioni, I-Uinlra. Itocheater. Huf. falo and th- W<?t. Pullman ?l.*epcr to Lyous aud bnt l> pentlou Br1a_a ir-_u*? _OIBuu. ??t ll.oiidwaw fiatlroabf_ Pennsylvania RAILROAD. THESTANDARD RAILWAY of AMERICA! The Scenic Line to the West, !.o Tranafcr Thronfcli !.ew-York. On and after JUNE 7th, 1891, TRAII-K ||A?| BKOOKM1[AafH__| STATIOX, root of FmHBBt!., HS lolluun: THK FAVT l.INK ?i30 A. W,?1 *uiiirran ve-tiMne t? i.-.-jiing and Pa.lor can Arnvc. I'lrrrlana ?> __ j. tx > m ,in_u? 5:J0 a. ia., CUlc-Ago .a.mi p. ui. and Ht. i_oi.L . PO p B_ next day. conuotO. ai_u, for Xoi^jlo, exi-..|>t haturday. TIIE PF.N_*?\LVAM A I.MIITr.ll. Bi'iO A. IL Caaiaaatd uu-MBtvady t.i puBaaaa .e-tibn.* JJiawi.itf ?i,u btato IUk.Mi, an-i.-ping. D.uliia;' >*Uia ai.d UOnar".atli.ii lar., pra-aOltlaa llnannai r- port*. *t? nog. ra^taeraa aud l>pe'_rll< i-., b.liiri. ,11, ? foi l. tli ? v> *. _?i' iniaid, t>an_-r ?i.?.p, ntnaiy, i?nd aii Uu- conv-iu encae ol l.,iii._- af ,.:n..-. r.U-.t-d ln *--it'.,ii irv aiid _i?>a<il?? rl- ,-trli- llali _ Arrlvea Cln.-innati o rioa. m., and ( M. ? ,6 n.-.t dav. "T. I.OI '1*. IMI IIXtlWATI KXPKKH. ll'AO Tt M. ?Pullman V-stil.ile :Utaptnm Cara fM_ .Ntw. York, .md Dlalaf Care ttem Bew.Yerft ta. __ i. nia and Ctnclaaatl. !-,--? Bew-Yarb t>- -. liiinbua. Arrlvea i iiniimatl 10:80 a. w. and bt. Loula 7 :40 p. m. n--\t d r. TIIK lOLIHIIIAN l:\PltP.M*.. 3i30 P. .tl. i- ui -!,;.._. lilnlnc. Smok lug, and p.-ni-?? iN-i-ii. Rallroad Veetlbala PMeaaMf t'oe.-h,-* frnm New-York to CBlaaaa, Arrlvea lu t__. cauo 6:1a i?. uv BB8. d.N. TIIK WK-TI lt> BXPBKM OiUO P. ..I.-rm,.,,.i, Ve-iH-'il-- -s... |.a..? i Ar .N w-Vorn ta I'lthtbUI* ._t. l-.ui?, ( 1..- i- - .- . ,,,'1 M.-miihU, Dimiifc lar. New-York to Pblladrtphia, an. i'.it*V.(| t,, Rlcbroond u,.d Chieago. A_rlv<-_ ii i lumbaia 1 :. > p, ji,.. Clnclni li '. :80 o. a_. < ? ??? ? a ?? \t dav. nnd Bt L-ui* 7 00 n "- ----'id . irnlnf. I <_,. uecta for Cleveland nnd T?l?l<> dallr. aaaaal .s.tui_av? PAI IPK KXI'HI'xi. 7i30 P. M. - Pullman Hut.-I KleepuaB I ar B w-Vork ta Chieago, New-York to _.*a_pl_4 .la Ihe Shenand-iaa Vall-v; arrlvea week daia at i oluinlnn "15 B> Bk. l l.-N.-Iand ii :... p. ni. neat day. and d.iliv at CMcngj 1 :om a. m. aecond mornlng. Conneotn for To'-dn dally, aod for (-cv- '.ancl and Columbaa except Satnrda. . BALTIMOKK. WAMIIM.TI1- . ANU 1 11. *OI Tll. ?? Waal.iuift.>u Llmlled Pljiaaa " al Pulinaan Parlor cars taitl. i-iiiii.i.- l ur U, .Ii.ti.i nr- ,,, .-.v. ;it _> l ,. '.. ..... a. iu.. arr:\.- >\ ..-,-. i, . ?? ., .', I p .i.d ?>.... gre*alii.,al Llinir.-d" dallj ?:'ii Biatof Ca at :( 00 p. n,., arrlN.. Waahlngton h ... p. ta.; reiular expi._, 7 .30. H ?'>_ ,i. ni.. I BO, -I ' U l -A i ? P p. m. Bunday. - 00 i 1:80 ,. ,-i il ixi p, Iii. !'.,, It:,l(iii.r onlj l.'.j.) p. m. waa FOR ATLANTIC CITY, l M p. BL ??_ dayra, wltfc Uirougb Buil.-t Parlor Car. POR PHILAOKLPIIIA. L.xp-.w : 7:00, 7 J0, 8 00 8 90 '?' 10 - .'.'.--aeo LiniltM. Hl.h Dniiii?? Car, and - vN'_-iii,._tajn Llmlted, ?ltk li:nln_ ? i. , and 1" .:ia. m., i. ??? no n. l. . . I .'-i, 2.<)i>, 2:80 I . '?'? \ '- 80, >. I 8 8B, 7 A't. n :in and II r(n) p. n,. \,-. M o. KL, Sui , 1. 8 W 11 8 Liu.ita'-l . i SO, 2:00, BaO, i : 7 :?, > :to , a 11 I'or tlmp-lnblr . m traina t<i lo<-al point* on HM l'< nn. avI-.anU KaiiiuaJ Byatem. ai.nly at tli. follo . In_ Tlck?l Oftl.'t. N" 1 '? ' ?-' ? "?'"' l-'nit'.,i-.-:.. BBd 11ii*k:>h Aim :*. BUtlon, fool .rf Folton-al Tho Naw-Yera iranarar conpaay artu nii tm and ehcrk ba?Ka-,'e from lioteia and re.ideiir.ra Uirongh to de*> "cuas. B. PPr.H. I. P* wptm Oeneral>-n*rai ViM'r ae-ax_ CEI.-__.AL B* B. OF l-EW-JEBSBT kWt u_ -_,_!_._-..._ 1-.. ... .\-il.-it N.iV_._b Tiino jiii-1.- ui A.iy .3, lr'.il. ?:80 a. ra. lot __-,(__. Maaah QbanB, Wilkeauarrew Sci-aiiUail, l'.--.i.lli, .. Uarrl.tHirg, Tan.., ,,.... i-uf.....-, H I .. ukln. e?_u_.i,iy, wlillan_aport. <>,i .?*;:.dai? lor l_a*t_ai, Mauch Cbi_?L, WllkBBbairi- and Beranloo. 6:00 a. ni. loi i ,-r . - a . uto?n. 7 00 a. ni. for Eaaton and Man li Cbuulc On Bundava, Eaitoii. Mauclt Cliuuk arnl bhamoiiin. 8:15 a. m. for Eaa-tou, Maueb Chunk. Wllkmbarre. f-.r-inb-a, K -i-JI .. h* .1-1,. . l'o'.taNllle, '1 i.,,',., bhaiiokln. huuLiU.y, Wiillauiaport. Thiough coa.b W> WlBawnapaat i .uo p. n\. tor Eaaton Manrh Chunk, R.-adlns. Ilnrrlv l.ui-. | ttevllle, .i .!? . k!i,, Siinliurv aud \Villlani?po-_? ,,- Bundaya !-ir Eaaton. Maueb Chunk, Tamaqua, l',ttv vill-. Ltadlng and Harrlaburg. 4:0O i,. i, for Eaaton, Maueb chunk, U.-idinu, ifnrriv burg, V, ilk-abarr... Sirrantoo. lVtUville. tibime* na, 4 80 p. Di. fer Fa*ton and AllentoNvn. a:?a v. u>. f-.- Eaaton, Mauch Chuuk, Readliig, Harrla. buijt, it. Bundaya at _ :!).) u. m. 7 80 p. m. tor La..tin and aKlleiitown. Ci. 1 .-. .-ho d anu .Uantir llikliiaaul.*, at 8:00, 8:1'? 11:1a a. m., 1 30. 4:30. n oo p. in. tsuud-iya. 0:13a. m.* 4 :00 p. n.. (exeept Freehold.) For Long Braneh a;:rl pulnta aouth to Polnt Ple*?ant, al a 3 8 1".. II 1". :.. ii.. 1 80, 4 iK). 4:30, 0 :.X) p. Bk Sundaya, Uci-a.i Urovo und AaLury Park, 9 :15 a. m 4 :0O p, m. Kor H.-d Bank, at 4 30. 8 rl".. 11 :..> a. m.. 1 :30. 4 00 4:30. 0:00 p. Dl. Sundars, 0:1S a. m.. 4 .O-t p. n.. I'.r Lakt-ivood. Toma ll v,>r, i:,r; l'.irlt and Bah nocnt, 4 :30, 8 :18 ?. ra., 1:80, 4 :80 p, in. Por Atlrmt'.i' C'.ty, Vlm-land and Lrids-ton, at 4 88 a. m. 1 :S0 p. m. F,r Monmouth B -a^h a-id Se-ib-lclr, at 4 30, 8:15 a. m 1 r30. 4 ???' n ** ' hawbt iio->m Konr. ITtOM P1EK 8, B. H., luOT ua' ltLcloH-ST. F?r A_l*^lfi_UU;_l.nda, Ulgbland Beach, ..c__a..ia. Beabrlght, juoiimouin Baa li, Long llnncb, at i .30 iu il a. n... (1:00 ..aiunMis only), :* 1.'.. 8:00 o. tx .*i.'it,.i_.v? 0:30 a. m. ??*??>* For Elberpn, Ocean orove, A.bury Park and Polnl Pl,-a*ant, ut 10:44 m. 1.1. 1 do S , )-, 7, 77, a-xcept Oceaai Baaaa and Ammry l.rk. at 0 30 Por Lakewood, Tom.? Rlv.-r and Bam^.at at 4 :30 a. m '.KOtt'l'IIILADKLPIUA. HAI.TI.MOUE AXD WAiattl.N GTON. RUiAL ilLLi- H.\E. F.r P__llad,-l;,hla at 4 :_u, 7Ao,w:oQ 10 CO ll-O* m l :30, 2 :00. 3130. 4 .00. o .00, 0 .00. 7 80 p. lL' 12 16 xttlt M NJ.-Vls. I-,.,). l.,.:?.. liiao"a. kV, _:gt?T:80 .ttSfc 0:00 p. r... 13:18 niffat. ' yu* Por Baltlmore und Wxshlngtou dally at 9 00 11 -80 ?iu> l_1l,gBlfh't *' Ui" ":U"' J ^ t5B"- U'-iwV'" l-.r Sun .urv aud WllllamBUore vla I _llad,-lphl_, at 7 ____ a. d,. 11:80 Bultol PBMorCar). 7:30 .. in. VS"-" Li alubu (txopt bntuiil.a-. nlght). Bundaya. e roo n iii TlckcU and I'arlor-l ar soaU cai. L.- procured 'at 71 \T2, 201. 415. !U4, 1,110, 1 ,-US |..oad?,y, 7_>7 0th avJ" 204 Weat *t.. 134 l_i*t l_.-.r.l,..t. N v .vjik^ Court-at^. 800 Fulton-st.. 08 Brsadwxy. Urooklvn N^w-York TraiiHfor Coiniwiy w.Il call lor and c_*qB bagnase f;oru hotel or rt-aldenve. |?R.E RAILWAY. P THB ONLY &JL1D TRAAX EOUT__ H-B Bl.TWEF.N NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO, DrNING CAR THROUGH fi) CHICAGO* 8:00 P. M., 0.00 P. M., 8 60 V M ALL 80LI0 EXPRESS TRAINS. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FAST TIME. IKAlNh,111i.ATKli BY STKAM ANU lLLUMl.\Al'i_l? Dir im. r.rr.p.BBiTMp putbcS i_a_s. IIAHO IOAL BXOIKBB. Traina leave atatlon foot of Cban.ber?-at. a' houra nameO below, the foot ot Wo-t -3d-?t. liv0 ii.mut.-s aarUet. TIIK Hts'l'kKN DAV KXMtBa* OiOO A. M. every day. Tlie i_>i>ulai BiBialaa U-ip for llinsnaiatoo, Llmlra, llochu.ter; llutlalo, BImmPUiZ BuavKiiaiou Brll.o, ChauUu.iua Lak-., Cli,,T_.,.ti. U. \Ve?t aud tairnda. Pu._i_.aJi Parlor Car to Du.Ialo. m_\v VBsftiuvcmtt i.i.iiiild. 3iB0 P. ai. aveeg day. Krery car on uu? u-aic :. new aud ha_ the \o?tibul.._ y.alioriiw, u,*.,ti.u a te ve?Uliulud traln for Umgax^, day, al?-ning uid d'uma car--* solid Pullmau txaln from Ne*-_*or? vu hi.*. inaiica, Juni-atown, Lake wool, CliaaUuqua Laku, Mariou, M.-aidallle and YotiugatoW-i to CUlc.eo. Pull. man Vestlbulnd -*i-.-| !n . Cir? Xc-w-Yoik to Clcv*b__4 aud Now York to CluciniiBU m:\v PAara hl-tf.rn im-ki*. Oi00 P. ____? uverv day, ila llullalo and StutcirA Pialla. A eolid Uuiu of day coachea anl Pullmau ?lo-pau-* to Cbl. aago. All elBBBue ui j,a..-i.*;?-* earrled tl^ou^k without cUangu. Pullmau Buif.-i V. .:lt)U.o.I BU pUU Car ta Biitaio. Veettbuli- Bleeplne and llfcliuma Chalr Cara to Uocli i>t>r, H.nn.llo.i ai-d 'Inronto. Ehi tavorito .md u,o_t. r_Bipleba traln ror Baail tou. Tormto, aud prluciiial polnt.-. bl Caaiadi BBd Ul( btaao. >V___l'_i_\ Ml.MT BXPIi_J__*. Si30 P. ai 8f-|y day. traln ot _moklnt;, l)?Tf Pas.c-agor and Pullinun lluitvt .ieetiui. Car* lu ' i Ni* .-.alanianca, corry, _lc_l>.l- , Vouncat-WB a.,J Mariou. pullinaii cara Irom Vouu^itowu to Cii.ctn:iaU. P talcuporia to Hul'.aln. Tickct ofllcea, 401, 317 and 057 Ilroadway. 1 Hat'.-rr Plaee. ( haii.U-ra aud \V e?t 2__->t. f.rri_*. N w-V,.r,. . .i.i. aud AAA KulU|ii-?t.. Urooklvn. 107 liroadwav. W lllaii.a* burg; connrr Newark and ll,. taou ?.?. und X-?? bUailon. Jeitaey Clty. wh.-r-- t:c?tfi* and Parlor an I ?_?-pl__| Car reaa-rsat.oua and urlara (ur clieckuiif anl i_r*u?f.r ?l baagaga -:ui b . ol t. .-i _ W. C. BiNEABSON, Oenerai Paaaeagat AiaaB Wl.-l 8UORE RAILROAD, N. Y. C. !e 11. K K. lt. Co., L- .-.v-.-.-lru n* , WTeel i.l?t. huiion |N.-?-Y..rK) a* lollowa, ai.d '.'?? ? i fe-_a ll..- (ool of J-ur-eL. Naw-York. IIa,, Laauivn . ? aml i iiliatfo, "10:18 a. in., "?"? !?"> I). in _ II !'? tn. " Loula, '3.1-, _:!? p. m- T-fOula UO .'. a n. 1. 1 i, ?8.18 u.iu. Buffulo, Kocneater, Suapeiialoii 111 . Siata. rw . alti. l)tl.-a a,.d B/ra 10 10 1. Bl., ? >. ? - 15 ii ii,., aud all 80 X SX, run* only tn Utli-n. hlnara. ton -3 AO, '71.'.. '!' '?">. all .Kl a. i, M-00 ?. I . ar.d ?? 'ir. n. iu. CaukiU and Albany, 3;.>. ; i. ull-'iOa ni.:?l.('! < '?'-? '- ira,i-i,,- W .1 Pii.l Cor? N.-.?l.,.r.. A AO. ~7 I I - [E ?10 45, atl:80?. n... 'I li. *?? OO ll ?_ li. "II '4o P Bl. Montr.-ll r?'.d I nli.1l l-Ja*:. 7 l . ? Vlj'h. m Eiegu.t ?l a.uiua car* for Uu.Tal?. Nia^ana lailt, De'n'it Cbl.a - ind 81 ' - o? all u,_..-.- iralaa. a a Ia.-?v-. Brooklyn, vla Brooklya Anuex: alO 3" a ....( t% 01) I . m. .10* ??> l 'lli . I' .11. 11 .Mall .li all -'' . i-._?Ul?. 'Dallv 'i"llV. .v. i-i,' -itunli.. II I UalaS d-ily, ? x, iit Siindaj Por rl, k t* Uai.-lablra. |_f mr ai u ?.?.- ? ? -olal;,.,-. OT Inf.-r i.itio ,. tpyly licn.-ial l_i?aeng.-r A_. nt. 5 Vand-rlillt-ave., New-YorB. NbW-YORK. ONTAR10 ANU NMMKKN BAlLWAY Tralni leava Weal Itd-et .* faUaaa iiw.-nti u.ii.ui.aa tartler (mi foot of Jay-ati: 7:50 a io-. t,.r Middl.'lowii, !.ll-.i\ill.-, Llba-M), H.'ll.l. N'orwl.-b, ( (i-w ? 1:80 p. .:. fnr Cainii'.-ll Halt Miill.eiown Rllenvllle, Llb-My; 6 1". l< Bl. for ?_-__? town. Liberly, waiton. Onelda, Caotral .**.|uai.- u*w-*|o. Rorhaater, s i hl-ac... St. Ia>wa> * Iuily. A.! otli,-:- trnlir* dallv exc.-pl Bundar.. TiekMa. tln. ti.i,'.-. 8-'I ll,--,:-, . ,' ANDEI'.-tON, (iraaral i_4*iiik-er Aaeat. 10 Bnaaaaa faaaa, B. f TIIE HOOK OPOPBB'AIB bPOKTS. ocuve. 500 uaiea. MuatraUd Tl.e -tandar.l autlu.riti ,n A.n.-ric an oi**. air ?iiiu?eni.-ii>. Balea lor aalllna. i-bunlag, ball t'*t' Uik, ?liootHi?. hor.e-iB.k rlding, k< . fci . in full M (? capv. Publlahed by The Trlbun.'. Ne?-York. __ib_-_J_' Um and uAlvuiaally coii.iiilujeuUU by tl.e -raaa