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FITZJAMES WINS A RACE. HIS FIRST BU>T IX PI'BLIC THIS YEAB. aMBULAN'OE AND LTVnUOUiANTE BEATEN !_. THE TREMONT HANDICAP. The Morris soartet was snccesaful Bi only one nvc. oot of scv-ti at Morris Paik yesterday. although tt ?.w soen ln four out of tbe seven, and ln thre* Its chance* were much faneled. Chatham, the favorlte ln the flrst raeo, cronsed tho ___? lu front <d the fleld. bnt ln the Tremont Handicap. at sts furlor.s-., ln which the t.?tble 6tar.ed both Ambulance and L'Intrlguanto. and taakanB to win wlth Ambnlanee, L'Intrlguanto ran third t? Flt-james and Kitty Van, while Amliiilaru was never pronilne.nt. Kut Ambulance had an cx eolWit eseose. **he had had before a crark ln one of her fore hoofc, and tin- tiniA aho burst tho other, ao that she ls dlsahiod for n.ouths. and may perhaps not be seen agnln thi- aca*._. Mr. Morris's Imported lilly Fauvetto, by Town Moor out of Chopetto. and a half -Ist-T to I_oiM Ro*ob< tv's Oorstorphine. tho second In Uio EugllHh t?a_.s. ran in the fourth raoe f,.r the v time, aud came m tlilrd. behlnd Annle Queen and Emd. Mars. the laapaaBafl. wlth a brllliant private reputaUon and a melancholy pnblle leoord, was l> .1. 1 iv ;iis HlghiKss || tlie tlfth race. the wlnner beine. uadfir a pull. So fortunc was not as benlgnant as i-ual to the Morris horses. lt wm a hot afternoon, but tho numben of vlsitors *aa atnaalngly largo for a Friday. Ch.tham's eaay \li-i >ry bRkBt BBB B-Bf race unexclfctiig. hut the rock lns_ wa$ ln which Clayton on Hypatlca fouled Fl<_ vllla aruu-ed Uie indlguatlon ot the spectators. Bnt lt do.* not appear u> be the fasht-n for jockeys to coniplaln of fouls at Morris Park. Ihe much-aaiBJB _, long-earpected Drixklo at last BBIffai off a haaaBaap, wltli plenty to spare, ln the kOcoiid roce, wlth Banquet seoond and Lynn thlrd. IirUtle WM well backed, but Tulla Blackburn and Bitquet were ahead uf him m fl,e beatlng. Tulla Bbilllwin ran badly. It wus posslble to got 15 to 1 ngj'nrt Lynn one-two-three. l.yrn**'* friend*. and foUowers have had cause for Jamentation and walltug ln 'he drfeats of Mor.iana and alr Matehow, whtle few af tliein owtsldo of Tammany Hall woro koen enough U> back the outsldcr Ui the __cl,p*-\ But they woie all nchly rewanled for thelr faith in the tralner by the victory of FHiJaraos ln tli. XkBBBBnl Handloa?. No seoret was nisd,* of the fact hl I work had been extrenioly flne, and Ite was supported w'.Ui g-'i.etea. ooalldcuce. although it waa his first fline out thi** year. He was seoond cholca ln the bettii... Ambulance having flrst place and L'lntrno?nt-- third. Anilmlanctr wa- beaten ln the lirst half-mlle, hecmi*. af her *pllt boof. L'Intrignante's rui'. *___ made too late. beoaaae lier jnc.hcy* lelt obliged to stay bar* witn .Ambulance so long as tne Utier had the faintest poasth-BIP of winuhig. If no _ar_araU_i had b*.:i ni.nie L'Intrlguanto might, per* bai?. have won. Yet > itzjum**. and Kitty Van were tx-tti very i.imble. FttaJaaMfl won i.y a head ln the fa-t t.n.e of 1 .10 I 2. only 1-4 aeormd slower tban the tv art m_*i'r by IM8B in the Tobog^an tlide ll_d1cap l__i year. The Important filly Fauvette *_as not wholly fre_ from li- aad aitaients, a- she went to tlie ne^t for the fourth rac., and tn the clrcumstances lt was snr prlalng thut s_ie got third place. An outsldT, Annle . won the raoe. with anothe out-ldcr, Emd, oecond. Fien.h po,>l t-ckete atraight on Ar.nie Queen (tftere were only four soki. paid *14__ G5. and place M7 15. E.ud -_* Ifl the tield. Only tlireo ran ln tlie flfth raee. In so sraull a fleld it aa-s hoped tliat the nervous and sulky Mars world ran much l-etter thnn in a large one. But ha dldn _ He wa*. beaten very ea_ily by High Hbjhnaaa ln the slow Ume l<?r *>o fa_>t a track of l ;l-2. Alltvd llenr.ea IBatlla solenmly promlsed tbat if Mars dtd imt win tf_* n_v, tlio colt should be drowned. Mr. Mor? ris lnrarlably keep*. 1.1- word, so It must be that ere t'.r.s tlie deplorabl- b<<__t has gurgled his last gasp. to BBBP all s_. h <^.,unterfelta perlsli from tlie face of the Bflfltlh _e large was the numb.r of entries for the slxth BBBB Uiat they were dlvided. In tha Ursi dlvislon Merid-.n was tlie tavorite, and Miohael F. Dwyer put So.OOO on her at 1 t<? _ and .', la ".. Daisy Woodrtiff vaa backed all over the rtng wlth nnnonnded ceuiairt and many tbousands Bf dillars, but she. is not flt for a hard race yet. aml BBBBB ln fonrtli. Meriden walfced ln, with Flavia escond. Meriden was entered to be sold for .1.100. ?ank M.-'abe. Fr.deriei. QabbBfB- tralner. bld her up to ?i.,_00, bit ^he was Irought ln. Then Mlcbael F. Dwyor. ln revemre, clalmod Flavia. A momeut later Mr, ..e.ihard, wlih BBBBBDn ^?ls;^:e. was seen a..endlng toto the tlmers' BBaad, arbare Mr. Dwyer sat, whiie the P.ildian countenanec and Praxitelean form of Wlll? iam C. Tialy lean'd benlgnanU}' over tbe rail of the trtatid. Mr. Gebhard aud Mr. irwvc.r exobai.ged the compllmenta of the Jmie weather and ente?*od Into a dlplomatlo conterenre. Flnally Mr. Dwyer reltn qulahed the mare. but Mr. C-ebhard had to retlnqulsh hls half of tlie surplns over th<* sellinp x>riee of Mci1 deii. Mr. BWB_h8] will llnd ihal it ll not BBfa t-. thrust wlth a PNBBb rapler agalnst a hnndred-ton gun. The seoond dlvteion of 1he sl.Tth race was won by the favorlte, Arab, wtth tlie seoond cholce. Koho, ln BBOBaB pla"'. DETAILS of THE RACWO. PXBBK K.VCK.?For t_:rce-ye?r-olds thst have run snd not won at MBa ir,.*i>tin_.. k sweepsuk.*. at i-0 eocli, wltfe $1,000 ?BUf'd, of Hlilfrli 6200 to S'JCOild ?nd flCO tu tutro. W'clghts 7 IT> below the scsle. Ono nrll. . U -tt-inp. .SU l'l. J. A. * A. II. M.-irr_'s b. c. Chatham, hy Bt Blalat flars 11_ B ii.ittl-n-id l 0-5 1-2 j'r._kie ??? t. Flavllia, 110 (Tar?l) 2 4-1 0-.. - l_h-? .-li. t. Ilv_x?tlca. lio ..(l-layton, 3 15- 1 0 1 qum 115 CI. I_**'?i 0 10--', 4 1 ho .... rfajlor oii 6-1 K.-lilr UO. MercenlO 12?1 8 1 Koi/ili .(Mdg-ejjO f.'-l 45-1 Void 115 ..Thouir-iO' ? 0 15?1 6-1 Rlrhal, 118 . Slm_ 0 40 l IC l j D 11'..(RayiO 15-1 0 I Conr-on '?er,-.. 115. .-_.__-, 0 1C0-. 40_1 IlhelnKoId, n_ . .'Lartbiej) o .0-1 80-1 T1ni.>?1 :4-Y*%. tjpmtklt maa8aai .tra.gnt iiald *10 15. plsce ?7 10; Fii?viii? a?ea r-. 88. Warneth and Indla Rubber WWta wlthdmwn. Flavllia p.->t a llttl,- the bf-t ot a poor ftart. b-rt was qulckly l?-<*d br ('huthaii.. -ho rvn alned ln frout to tl.. BaJafe a:id won e__?_iv \,v a lei.rtli I Pla_UB tctoi.d. a leneth and a half l*?fure Ilvi_a!.n. ?_? baal San Joaq'iln two Iwijrthf. Hvratlca. wb? ha? BaaaaaBaB verj' low sinoe ?hc left the Morri* BtBHB, ?nd 1* equal w aor mmemtet uoini,-, luter f.-r'd wtth Flavllia ?> ?eri,?i.iv ln tli* itr^t. h a* to d_ prlve her of everr < har. ?>? ot wrtaxfxg, She plnDed her un th? rail dliectly Ntind CBaflMM, and k>T>t h-*r there t1U the rare wa- jirartl'al'v aroa. Ch^tium wa? wlUlng aad anxtoi-.ft tn qnlt. uid lf Flavllia 1__ pott.-n np t.. him woulfl havo died ot, the ir.stant. Ronie i*opl- wer_ anxlous for Taral, la _tak_ I laha of a foul. bnt lnasmnch aa llvpali.a flolahed behlnd Fteviila. dothliip ooald hav h"er, galnwd by such a procedln/. aad Um BBBB8BI wa* dropp. i bECO.V_? BAO.? Fr.*r l!*i>di,ap Swe_i>->t;ik'?, of 02o eath. lf not deelar- d out, wlth B1.--0 ad.ed. of which *_.50 to atKMi.d asid B150 to thlrd; onu mlle and a u.\tecnt_h. Bcluvlsin fmlile's b. n. Prirzle, by V.-n 106 Ilettms. St. PL Ui'a-.r? Mac. 4 vra. 102 Ifl ,car f< lart-m; 1 8-1 1-1 M. F. I)w?\-t's b. h. Ban.'.-t, 4. Ut . fllati.llton) 2 6?2 9?10 r. W. 6hrev_?s b. g. Lynn. 5 .K) (W. Mld4?_eyj 3 ?_?l 20-1 Llrriie 3. 93.,- Lambley) Q 15-1 0-1 Tn-1_ IlUrklxirtr. 4. 114.LHU'ftel . 0 .V - 2 1-1 Oa_tiwav II. 5. 100. Taral. 7> 10-1 4?1 \VaIvott' 8, 96.(A. Covla?lo?i? 0 ti? 1 8?1 -1 ._? Mnr.ial?-I>r1z7'<- _Or_l__t |>?lu W20 30. placs ell__; Bar, ,a.<, pl_<-i-. 88 20. Flttjam.. did not start. tte was rrserved for the next rae.-. Aft'i- a delv. ,? BBMB nflnaBBB t'.,- Cag Ml on a /alr sUrt, Tnlla R'ackburn alUrtitly ln front. Llnl? af-or.d. Ouitawav tnlrd- '.Valrntt lramedlat. 1\ RM _hr?ttgh frerrr tlie rear and took Uie lead, which Us held for -.!_ furlon-a. l.lz-le (X-.'upring a_c_i?d po.-UIen. T...a r.l^kburc U.ird. DltBBla HBB ?!ow to get under ?av. and p__?-?'_ BSMB _a MallasBaaa *_a? W-n lwottha behlnd Bha !?ader. Ba ?a BtBaBah, haaMaaa. he ean*- up su OW OUW1-' and _tr?_ BV_ B_ li<.r?_ S_ lf thev -_M .? ?tlll. He won wlth rldlculoua ease by a 1-nr.i. and a halt Ilai.'iuvt **?-c_i.i, _?-? lengUi* belore I__-un. v-i- t^at LU-1c a h.-ad. THIKD KA( B-B-B-BOB- HA.VDICM'. For all ?___ A _.-^p__.kaa of *60 __*, - t. or only ?10 if dorlarfd bj 7 p. m oo the day ___-? B_ dav app?li,.-d for the BBBM wlth $1,600 sdded. ot _hlch B300 to h?co.k1 ?j.(1 BBBB m a.rd. OBBBBl Jsnuary 2. 18B1. wlU? BB BBBtMB. 8U tufiodgs. _ ? BaBMag. Bk VL J T. namox o. h. FlMja-es. by Kyr'e ' MBMBaBaa ?. U8 I8?* ?????D*r0,_ x Cnrf.n. '_ 20?1 I?1 J. A. * A. H. Morri.-'i. L'Intria-antB. 8, !?? * fUttleft_ld' 3 '<? 2 lr?> MaJMSB-, -. 121. .-t.lli.i.) U-i 2-1 Volunf- II a-r.-d. 11,. .! Llt''jl (,l ' 2~ Ban8n_ 3. ?o . A. OaajagUm 0 W j 8 ADil..ia,e.-. 8, 110. (Ta.Tl'.i 0 1 5 l 4. |17. .Cl. Lc*'1- _g?J }tl .-.__..*?. i, 102.(Lemhl-y, 0 4-;-l 16 TonirenVir. 4, 8. (ear. 101'--.CB-BBJ ? '- l *~' Mut-::,i_-i.'.... pald e_2ie. plaoa 81868: Kittv Van B? __orvertr, Ounwa/!, MMBBB, Defaalter and Uallant *'re wlthOraa.,- .'vn?-ur?- ?.,t off w.11 and treat-d t_< ?rar.d etand u> a wot.-rfu! . xrtbltl.m of th>- BBB-tt * ti'-. Hs went flrat u, o.,e a,d. ?f th- IBMB. th' " U Co ottier. and _ aouu la_t. wtirr* he re_ialii<? B\U -' ?:,d V.,l_u_e-r .,*_- rx.m of U.- runnlng. Fl-M"ic? ^:i""' oul of tr_e ru, k at Uw little hill ma.- U.<- q?'i^r P??l ?"d In a ti_.,t 8a_8 woo bv a _?__ : Klttv Van. wlth a __-8aa l__h at Mie ea<, moaad. a bead baTore L'Intrhru-.iU ***>tt Bir acd MaBstMM were cloae up. Ajnbulwice burat en_ of hsr f. _t and stopped ahort. She will hardly rac. a__ln ttila year. FOTHTII _AC_?B_ malden fllll. a two-year-olda. A ?MMBBBBB?- of 920 caeb. wlth B1.000 -uld-d. of whlrh B200 to _econd and $100 to thlrd. Th,*- BBaBM ond not having nin second ln a race of B2.000 ailowed 5 lh. Flve furlones. l'.ettlns. Sl. l'l. Ia ._(.- A fiUuilev'e Ch. t. Arnle Queen. r.v Wanderer?Aribella. 110 lh. (Kavi 1 15-1 6-1 John HunterV b I Enld. 110... d'.h,.., 2 40-1 15-1 J. A. * A. H. Morrt*.* ch. f. Fauvr-tt<* 118 (LIM .-tl"Id>8 4-1 7-6 Mnone. 110. iB-raesi ?? 8-1 8?1 Marl-a. 110.<> 0 18?1 1 l NaCi.11.* S. 110.illaiul.i.t. ? 0 7 I ', B l ciocu.. ll5.(lf. DonobneiOinn 1 40-1 1 M-ll. D. 110.l\Am l 28?1 ll-ttl.-. 110.(I)?nr.-ttlO 7-1 ."? I Alcotna. 110._..i(?',-,-.t.i-n (' _'-1 16 1 11 -_.t_.l-..-. 115 .(\V. I?,in.*.i^ 0 lon-1 40 1 Tl'lan. 110 . Tavl-f> 0 90-1 - I I iu . T'rlmro?c. (> loo?1 40?1 Vl.a'.llll lin. ,M..!2.*v 0 100-1 40 1 H-rtocmci 110. iSlma' 0 50-1 20?1 3eea\t F___ti_s. uo.,D. \.-_t___ o loo-l 40-1 TlFie-O :..?. Mntusls-Aniila Qu.-n str?t?!it pald *143G5. plae. B87.6: Enld pla-e (flrld) .12 S5. Perfunie wn- wfhdrawn. Bellr* j). waa flrst off t, a prompt and falr -un. and ahe. Natalln S. and Ann!, Queen hnd Un- rac* between them for half a mlie. In the last furlonc Annl- Queon dr-w out. Rar cltt.n_ p_rf?r-li stlll. and won ln the ea'iest i?</*?*-> 11> 1 ? - munner by a h-nrth and a half. Nata'.le S. "died" ln the last h::ndr<*d and En'd. comlns wl* a rush. lieat Fauvette a n->k fer ?'cond place. Fatrvetto wa*- n"t in her be*t form stid was not pron.lneju tn the lirst half-mlle. Bat flnlshed str,ng, and will do next tlme. Nhmne -.Iiomo-J inu.-h apeed. but waa unfortunate from tlie stnrt Fauvette b-at her a neek. FIFTH UAC F?For two-yesr-r.'.ds. X_n-wlnner? 0f B1.6__. Sweep .takea. *25 each. wlth B1.250 tdded, of whleh B2..0 to the a??<-ond. ?180 lti the thlrd. lloat^rn matd<-n8 not having run second aliowed C Ih. S \ furlongs. n .tting. Bt. Pl. D O. .-<__'? 9. 9. Hia Hi.thn.__, by III Fsed ?Prtneosa, 118 lb. .'RerR-ep, 1 2?5 ont. J. A. 4. A. n. Mortis'a b. C. Mars 118 (fTlttleneld) 2 6-2 1-2 Bovle. * __BBB__- b. c. Othmat. llM. (W. Doi.oLue. 3 6-1 1-1 Time--. :12. Muftal*?Hls Hlghnesi MralgM pald $7 13, place $5 46; Man, placv 85 75. Actor. ve-sy wlaely. was wlthdrawn. Othraar was out run fr .m the fall of the flag. Mfcra led to ttie llttl.- blll thi* side ,.f th_ ValleT ?f tlie Khadf-w of Def,'..t. and U_en bexan tn fltfit tho BTawl-aWnd. John A. Morris wi- tliat Mar* alw_vs. uthta lti.* irrand-stand. Hls nerves had l^-en qulc'j-d bv a doae of some sort of opiate, but lt seeiard to have no effect. Il-r^en mt out a llnfc Innlde Uie last qnartor. aud Hts Higtn.*- took the lead. brlnglnc Llttle fleld t.i whlp. Mur* rusponded wlth more (.ontage than lt waa believed bb. ln hla falnt heart. Dosnesscd. but hls -ttort waa valn. Othinar wae beaten three 1encth_. Mr. Morris ha*- dectded to send M_ars tn Barren Island, where ?T. the dead do_rs tro. Hts name la Dennts blXTH RAC1C?iVr thre.vyear-old*. and ut>w-_rd. A sw*a.p stakee of *20 each, wlth 41.000 added, of which B200 to a*uon4 and riOO to thlrd. The wlnner to be sold Bt au? _ m far frl.600. Sik furionga. Bettii.--. 6t. FI. M. F. Drryex* h. m. Merlden. bv Blllet MaaaeBae, aaad. 107 m.(Hamiiw.ui l 6?5 1-2 F. Oe__t__l_*_| CA, l. FloMa, 8. ftloSfveriHOiu 2 M?'i 7-5 C. 1 . isanJej'n b. h. UUiCtliurn, 4, IC. (Clarton) 3 40-1 16?1 I>al.v Woodr II. 5, 104.(TiyIor;0 2-1 :4?6 (en'.ura. 6. 107. .<__._. 2 <V>-1 20 1 Silver Prlnee, 3, 11J_.(Thoh^-oi*. 0 20-1 i*-l War Ptrke, 3, 93.(W-beri 0 60-1 2..-1 Piiii'ter. Jr. 4, 101.iHosrc-i* d 40?1 16-1 ?Vvtti-. 8, .1.(A. U-iiton, 0 00?1 20-1 T1m.*-l:ll. Mutual? .Merldea ?tr^i*ht paid B10, plaoe 811 50; F-av-a plaee 81880. Tli. Bla Hlehne_-Mars race w_s so dtsheartentnj. that tl.? last ru<*.. wns dlvlded ln urder that the patrtm* of the track rnlelit have two m.ire cbanees to hag. The dfMsl .n w?- made by tlie board ef MB-BBdB, who put all tlie nium 1., r- ln a hat and drew th^refrotn the nlne tliat sUrteii ln t- i> -aee. liaisy WoodnitT. the " good th1n?," was ln dulee- with tbe lead for half a mlle. Then M.-rld-n ran.e awav and ??on ui a cin,mon ciiutr bv tfn-v lengtlia; Flavla -".-ond by a Wurpth ln a whlpplnp tlnlsh, wtth Baekbom. Mr. Oebhard's tralner. Frank M,-< abe. bld ?p MeiWaa'a price to -.'.*, 100. Mr. D-PBa*a tralner bld 88 406 arid kera the niat*.-. A few mtnutoa latflr Mr. O. b hard wa?* surprlsod u> lenrn that M. F. IivCtot hrid ex .aeinecl hls privlk-ge And olalm?l Flavla for C5e aBaeaB j.rlce rr?1.100, and tht value of the purac. >fr. Oebliard suc-ecUed 1n n-irotiitng 1,1s Illly by partng Mr. Dwyr &500. A TiIl eeroiint ot thia wonOerfu! tidr.sactlon will bo found ln another co'.nmn. BBVEBTB KACK.?For three-year-etde and upward. A s-.< .-.-|,-t?kes of B-0 e?. ii, wltlf Bl.OOO added, of which $200 tu second, and $100 to thlrd. The wlnner to be sold at auctlon for .1,600. Allowaucet. bla fur? ionga. Botttaff Ceonre Forb*_?*s b. _ Arsb, by Dalna car-och?Retrlhutlon, 5, 100 lh (oar. JU-ty 8-1 4-8 W. 11. rSund-'s b. h. Soho. 4, 107..t_BoTfi?U. 2 11-6 4-3 Jacol* A btaiil. v's ch. h. Torchllpht. 0.109 rilaj/8 8-1 8-1 Pir laneelot. 4, 107 (car. 112).. (Mlduei-y (, 20-1 ?-l iaco, 4, 104.(Slius) 6 7-1 6-2 .' ? . 4. 102 ^car. 103).(Tavloi, 0 12-1 6-1 Iialavrian, 4. 11^.(lamb vy 0 16-1 6-1 Mor.nUiln I'-er, 3. 111.iFostor 0 6-1 2?1 Tn,- Poolrej-, 3. 90.(TRlehic. 0 100-1 40-J Karrlna. ?'. 68.(A. Coiln.ron o (V'-l 20-1 (oiint l>-dley, 4, 107.(LlttleU-lU 0 25-1 8-1 rimo-l :lW Mutiiala?Arab straight pald ?15 40, place ?0 05; Soho, plaoe a_ _? l.aUyrlan went to the po*t so stlff and sore as to ba ural.le to get up a isr-p*etable gallop, but when the flag Iell he t?K.k the lead and showed the way down the blll. In tho Valley of the Shadow of Doheat Arab drew out and tlicreafter tlie lssue wa? never ln doubt, as hft won, hands down, by thr,- ? lor.gtha; .S?hr. ??cond, fcvo ? - be.'nre Torchllirlit, wliu, after fmillug Sir Ijuioclot, lieat l.i:r, u ahort head. No c.a'ni of foul bolna n,ad? Iba borsos were p.aced u* they flnlshed. Xo bld lor- v..c iiinner. ST. FL01.TAN AND KINOSTON. BOTH THE CBAMPIO.VS TO BUB AT MORRIS PARK TO-DAY. There will be at laaat aaa hlsrhly excfttic raee at Morris Park to-day. Ia Bla peavteea attempt to wai wlth 125 pounds up the one-eyed chaiiiplou of the T. Y. ('. ?_s b'aton by a aellUif; plute.r?Voatlbule (llmited,. To-day vt. PlMBBB uailllia tnat VVlgkt a&ttti, and conee<1e# Um Vestlbule ,llmited) 4 Bl, N'oinnd 4 lh, and Alrplant and Merry Moi.areh ?a*-.'i 7 :'? BobmB will pr.ibably ftvo lilm a rae... but lt is nnt to be t_'ll<>\>-d for a BMMBBt tliat Ui -. V* -tlbuto (limtted) will obligo hin, to run aliead of ,*chodule BBBB. -ho bettln . on the rtec wUl b5 liv-ly. In the llfth race The Forum wiU undertaite to flve Klnnrstou 5 P. and a b*a_,tliiK- Ttd* preat contest aliould draw au atteridancy of 20,iO0. KtisrieU iu:d Terrlfler will try to run flrat and second lti tbe Uowlhig Brook Handicap. Following are tlie entre*. ln all the race.: FIRfcfT RACE?Por two year-tld-. that liave run, aod not won at Uu- n._etlii|(. A si->eeji*.ulr._ji of B20 eocli, wltb 61,000 added, of whlcli $200 to au. ond und 6100 to third. Wcighta 7 16 belvw tha teale. Flve furionga. Nani.. Wt Nanic. Wt. Pan lisndle -IU . LltUe bandy ._111 C?k-:-:~::_ffl BB_n*?_?___^ft &,??::-:::?"::-.::.!_; & ?::::::::::::::::^ IiniAtlx ._.Ul Fiotlio ._.10t? cSoU-3.aillMuone .-10? SBOOITB RACE-FREE WELTER-WF.I.iHT UAMil . Al' BWBJ-BBI I8BB. for tlir*e*_..y_ar-old.s and upw-ai-d o? *20 aaafe. 'f "?t declarod out. wlta 1.1.000 addad, ol Whleh e-OO to setouU and elOu to tlilrd ;ratx furlongs. Karne ff% Same. Wt. M,--oei.'-_.-???? }*\l?? Ktnr.~-"J Indla Rubber. }&.\?7 Jl4?4'*'. i}4! LffTeller . 120 Blue j?an.*. 114 fe,.ho ? . 118 Berweed . un Mountain i)e..r. 117 | TUU_ RAC?_-__-r*VEl>"G 11ROOK HAVDICAP, for U:r-u-.vtar-o1*r, a swat?i?taki-? of (F5B ea<rh, h. t.. or only S10 lf"de.lan<l byf7 p. m- on Uie day before tlie day ap jxrtntod f?r th' race: wltb B1.-00 added. of which *}__. to aeiroud _d ?_4K> so thlrd; onu mlle and a furlong. Baaa Wt. .Natne. Wt ..?-N'1:-' . U4 KlUdeel ....:.-_.. Un r ;;:;-::-;?!&_,,_::::::::::::? 1& rOURTH I_ACE-A_sTI(;lPATK)X BT-BBB. For two Teaa-oUU. A ?w..i*sttikoa ?f ?100 each, h. f.. or only ?10 II deeland by Aprll 15, ?r ?.*6 lf dc-lared bv Ma. 5 wlth *2,000 addod, of wbich $500 to M-cond and 0"OO to Uiird. Wlniiers of a MM "I BM -BlBB o! BS.880 J corry 3 tb BB_BBi al 9tni MMh Maaa, m a 5 _> of Uir ?- BBefc BMBB, or oo. of 810480, 7 | extra Ikiaton maffi? aBaaraB <"> Th. BMscB Jaaaaiy " la'Jl wlth 08 entries. 81_ furiongs. j a -- A 'I M''1'"'" c1'. c. St. Morlan, by ?j?Ti-_4Sil ? .;by t_.._ ';'-?.?,.., . M wVkllih-'A.n.-lU le i!l .,- '? ! a-S : M',.,ar.-h. by Illi,d._^Hi_.. -^ M?T i.vvvr >.'li 6. Alrplant. by V.-ntil-t..r-Ha?_!r..-t.l IS *Jt ? , Cb. I- Anne .(ju-e., by Wand Iv.M^^uwi-fi-id's ?."(-;<,:!,.._.,, I-. Oi.aaaa m _. &___?. Mk "e'/ira " A.illl uieSdiT_____? _. e! S_ *9* >t. i.iais- ]; ua ! r, iiuh ... BTPTU KAf'E-For t_hree-ycar-_ld- and apward. k staltoa of $20 aaeh, wlth 81.500 added. .,( whk), r Uie a-cond and *200 to the thlrd. Wlnners of t r MBS racea ln IbM to carry 5 B eitra. Non-wl,ii,er- ir, iv.,1 aliowed. If tiin-e vuui> ,.ld. 7 ?a:,',1 upward, 12 -'? 0-M ??a and a .??,. Wt. N-Wic. V. 1 tw Kor'um .131 I lUi'e aml . 111 K.JtoU . >2'i '< _..--...-I'aw . IM vl>fT .in Loa Angries. i ' ,.!14!Stra_im.-itl, ? gl_l ll i;a, r.-l-.-r al) ui-r?. k amaaoatomm <>f 890 m b, "?,:!i tl 0.0 a-ilrd, of _Lr1i B20o u> -e,-._,ri mtt 8108 '" thlrd. Tlio *_Ini? I M ba BeM Bl BBCtlBB _ I Allowanc-. Or,. i ll. aud a MXtenUi. v?, ? wt BBaas. 9tk, ^.:::::::dWln_JSr_r:-:-: Hr_t ra.-eat2 80 |, m. A ____XE_a KOTEfl raMI IHE TBi Heerla i-**t. ?,?1?' i---'11,<; ?"??? w"rr " ?? un- Miialrg bnl Umbb was bb bbbbbUbbbI arert done. (M M. F. Hwycrs lot the he-t w.rk wa* BoaM by tlie two-.earold_i. Bfca \_itl_t__i. are to onoerly t ?aaaM aM MM aa _aaM aBta Ital Baa lapi t-.nt MM Wiang o:i'-, lut Alrpiant AM llrst-rlaai work. H?_ wori. -<l Bve-eighthi urt r Ita hill ln i o-i :i i. i?e will .!,,. ;i* IM taa ii-i.-r-v, <1 ln bOtfe Iii* trtwB Mi 1*888, tbe erlpple UM aoane ol tka bm?Ing paper- mali.- lil tii out t,, lr-. 11- h.-* liad rrar lted lut-la _n *pr-1 ?: aM barol ? ajaark i M tt. Ho ha- ,i m w..r'.(. palBng ap - ??? alti raack ?*?*., in- \. rk has ??? Bp lo Derb) f ?;?:.,. aM .-a- >i. *. Dwpar baawa wiuit form _. iie la rn-t golng lo Ck-caga I . :,,,- )?? at 1 M >\[> BaktWla. -r '--,,??.!! Im* (Ioik- 1-elter worft than : ;-. t'-ain .',_?. aai oaar a itataiwa (_ pronnd la poimdn beeter thn aay i haa. aan. ii-- bi potng to ni- . ii Dn Aninian Derby. III breedtog UB Antta BaBa. ii- baa Boae ? nBe wltb .w-icht up in 1:10 1 4. and did UM Dot-9 (11 t:i!,,--. 1 1*1 ini.-*. ln ?j::;-, n.ii. ii,? h a bmMob, aai H ta ?? "blaeb wtth the Mattrat. eraaa" wlfl eatob ttaj tt, tii.- loartb time in tho graal Weatern ' ild*. r-triithni'Hth wlll go, as hls work shows hc haa a cJiuinv. Bngflab Lady bai sh nra tn he. w.irk that she la dead In 11 f-.r th- Suburban. Slie 1* fit. Mi every atraef move -he aataa the iwaater in-r party fUs (??: her. Bbl -M lllk'llt ,,rni every antc-post book I* fi.U M ht r to-day. Wlth Tea Truv nnd Major* Do mo fotog great gaae, and Derautb np to bU fonn. Teany wiil nol have . Ipe, t_n wiil have t, hn Ue lf he wlna it. BboaM -rart. Mr;:]ihj will ride hlm. Tbe Antlrlpatl :" l"**t ""**> at thi* meeting. Wltb Ht Fwrlan and Nomad penalaad, at, ls Vetiiiir,-. and Alrpiant dolng ttata uorli, the winntr wiii kaow be bai beea to tbe naea. Klnpton lt tlne. nt- iplli lil terdav aboQld mai" tlie <.rave*eiid Cyctone run to the trad; r MK. GEBHABD LKAXK8 A LESSOft THK .MTSTLLir.*- OF SELLTN . RACLS UNTOLDF.D TO HIM-VIU..I- tOdO. -. iilng-raecs are the lnventlian of the devll. and the toeknteafltlea are OBly underatood tborongkly bl 1- - favorlte di.-rlp.-.. like W. C. Daly. Wfm the ryro on thr. turf ua-l.l.--, ih.OB, something Urop'.. It la tho tYto, as a rule. Tlme is one B8Bk.geaoe in partli n.._r tbal ls remembered hy the racc-golng pablte tta I'ontl.-o afiair at Jerame Park. b. t__ f...i al 1085, wtaa the two vnar-old Poiitioo wa. nm up to WIBJBBO, and Mr. Lorlllard ref.ii-- to sU.nd lt% as hls repre-witative _M not BVOtaet the li_rse that far. Mr. I/irlllard com pronilsed for #7.. 00, hut sold out hls entlre racing stud tlie fnllovlag wlnter. He had an experlence. prevloua to that., when F.xlle was rlaimed ln a rac* wlth a clalminc clanse In lt. Tne furvnie*t Miap oocuri*M yeaterday ln the slxth rare.. whicli M. F. Dwyer'* _____ Meriden won, when Hr. Ba.retto had her led up for sale. bbas wa- ln for 81,100. Frank McC-b. stood next to Mr. Crebhard and the fun tapa. Frank bid $100 a envek till P_,400 was reaeh'<l, when she wa_> knockod down to tar owner fnr !. _..().. (rebhard taid that lie made another hid. bat BMiatlO dld not bear him. ?'You will ln-ir another bnl." waa qatatly r-imarked. and when minute* had e.Iapied Mr. Dwyer clalmad Fla via, tlie ninm-r up In tta nt*'- *<? Mcrldon. htifh Mr. OOktard nrrd hls tr.tiner liad nvcrlooked the fa.-t !!i_t lt wa*. b ektlailag r.n-?-, aM KeCBta d'.d not know it till he got ?? Krlk's" order for Flavla. H,* Caee waa i atady aa be *uir.?d to flnd Mr. Ooiihard. He banded hlm the ,,nler on the rlubhousj lawn. Aft.-:- ia sl.,).. Ubm b"tii rtartri for Ibe timing stand, where tiie Dwyer l^itlicr*. ho1.! f.,rth a* tho <)_1-ial tlm?--rs. Father BTIIUaffl C. Daly .iikI Mr. Van DrkBiaa, of IVmne. _.e, were alao ln tta stand when .Mi-. (r-..___i- went ln. He said: "How Is thia. Mr. Dwyer ( I can't uiider-tund thls adalr. 1 r^n r,,'ir niare up and dldn't get her, at.d you dldnt run my mure qp but yoado ?et her. What arn I to dof ?'Well, .Mr. (lebhurd," said Miko Dwycr, ?'I would not biamo you lf you ha.l nix tho BMT0 up yonr."!., but MaCabe worked fo long fnr u*. that I thought he t>__/nld not hav . done lt." Here Mcf'abe broke in i " Mr. Dwrer. a mnn wTirking for aaatber h:^ to do nany thlngs that hc would not do if ta waa. not ordered to do It by his __ayloy_r.a The elder Dwyer tl.*n nuirt : " FTaak, you should havo fald. "I w-rk*.- for tl-vn geotleiBOO so long I had rather not do lt; you shmiM do tt your ...lf and lt won't create any bMBBg between us.' Then it wonld hav.. been all rl. ht." * Bai Mr. (TeMiard w_^ right at my clde," sald Frank. "Then l.e ?hould hav? hid hlmself,n sald the elder Dwyer. " And dof?t never do such a Uiing again Ls my fd^lee. Wa nre as _ood friends as you hnve and will do as much for yon.*1 "I know tkat, Mr. Dwyer," answemrt McCabe. Here fur tlie flrst tlme tho ploolo voice of t> Patriiinii of HaitiBlB w;is heard: "I ran second tb you at Brooklyn and never opened my heart." "I'll bet you a hundred yon dldn't," MeCabe ____. "I don't thinft you w-ould let any one, pass you." "Then walt till I get you again," said Father WUllain as he went out. Mi. Cebhard then sald: "W_mt am I to do, Mr. Dwyer 1 I want that more and wanted Meriden. Now tell mo what to do. I am not famillar with tbla kind of baatoaaa." "It's a hard gatr.e, Mr. Oebhard," said Mlke Dwyer. "I'vo been ln lt somo time and I know about IL I'll sell you tta marea if you want U.em. I havo been ulBaiil B-vOO. tor Flavla hy Bfll D,aiy." .. -hhard tumeal to Mr.Cul* and _aid : "How ls that. Frank." Bat lta tr-.tner wuri a bB UlffOM and 6ald: - I weali like our niare back. thaf'-i all." "Now, I'll t<ll yoa what you must do to get yonr mare- back, Mr. Gebbard," Faid Mike Dwyer. "If you wlll pay me whnt you run my mai*e up over the aell lng pilea -(> that I bn-ak even, you can I.ave the mare." "HOW na-b I* tliatt" sald Oebhard. The answer was 8l.:it'5. ?Lut. Mr. Dwyer," sald Gebhard, " Mcrldcn waa ln so eheap." " The same prlco that yours wai ln at. If you had won I would nol bawe nn yonr mare up." ?Then. how much wlll I have to pay to get Fl_vla,' Oebhard _.ked once more, "lt wlll cost you ii_r>2 50 to get her back." said the elder Dwyer, "as half tlie selUjic surplu* _oes to vour mare. You can fi_ lt wlth Irlk. J^J'^ ? worth S-i.OOO ui.d you are gettlug out llght, Slr. Oel ?^YOB Bk_BM tn-, Mr. Dwyer. __Me that tlme I wanf-al to maRh roo with Eole apiinst Oeorge Klnney. -., ,,,, ? vi.-i l'hii. -l llke you aa much a.-. I do any mat: on the turf and -lihJLhat there wcn. moro l!_e ron." Rebta-t *alil : "Qk." Tlion M P. Uw-: UttAi " I'll tell you wtal we will do Vou give me B800. That is tl.e amount yon wlll lo-.-. I will kwe B15B60 by the {ran*??_t.on and 1 hopo U won't create any iii toellng. We will be good friend-, aud lt wiu neror bappen agata. Mr Oobhard reiidiiv aaaentod t- thls .utfl the entine rxJ-iv *.tnt to arr.neo with Kri_. The only wtaner wua't'i- Pompadour snpper ftmd (aomettmasjea?Ml tne I'uid for Di-_t,i"<l Joebeya), vhi.-h .* enri-heaMoa ou wiu, iho preaenl n.uddi-_ ooMlttona of a^Blna ra?a the luuetailaa abonli bai g up a alcn for the i-.n-nt of t),e owmn L.ot have never t.aket. le**ons at the wlnter traok.. Dou't monkcy wlUi tlie buiz po,*. TirF. MontAXA rOXPOBD OO-ITBOVnST. Matt njiaaa a-cllned to mabrh Montana wtth Koxford. The c-oll, l.e say)., his too n.any valuatile rtake 'iig-ff - riento. Matt la onlj the trulner. Mareui Baly. the c-na-r. - " I um a i>trar.ger io a rtrange land and don't eare mneh about n.iatehe. for Kmall ..takes. llut I will ma'/h Maataaa agMM Fcxlord at a Btfla, eaeh to carry l'-<) pound-.. fur 810,0091 BHte, HM _.__?? to go to tli** blsterr, ?f ( Imrlty." Rjand vi!l now p_-. ? -ed ta> crawl Into hll bole and pull th.- haaa ta :.ft--r baa. m.i 88.000 m MarMan. W. 11. -".nd* I._)d on >,,l.o. Th- romn.I??lon was pr* kj.iil. and h aaa aavad Baaa Maa. '!!,.? Wm. ? ,"ou had % ?inall comnii. *n, oi, Atmk, aM _ a lt- Liwl*. U,eir co_i_n?-loiirr. hi.ii on hi* o?n aeeaoal A TBOTTUI- MATCB FOH flf,n BM i atek maai raaa M : larown gaMlOg M-Z, BWBai by Mr. !la-,.*o;i ari.-l ilrl\,-, ln 11. 11. llovnar.1. .1,(1 M i,v i.ii,i,-. fire. a law .Mli aad woaaca to l urivii _ Part, in Ui rrl a ' -M' DanaM aad 1'. K i _r,d teeeot beat* bandllj tn - *? and - il .- I heat l UgMIaoi, wha g - ' ? :"" ?';t tor geai in tl.- loartb baal -nd *-* Atek uuii-'-, artMb awi Bm ra. M tatghKaai Itaa t_M_ ? ? LABT DAV AT :."AKl: \';AV-KTr I'AI.'K. PnrMenee, Jt. 12 <-. cbdi.?The eta ' ? up and ?: ? long i ll dark. 11 waa bo. aM tta ' bettei "' '' "ta f..- _ I l redaoei be ? bonl t:.. <? - , aV,TlU poi two !,.-r.i . bad llttl, oppoalUM troai I. ?ta did not wanl I i beal Ibeir naeorda. aUI tl.Y'. IKKA.M HALM Arphod b-to StMrUs is vui-kiy Al. a.T?-_?L Clea 1. UeaJa Iha K>rf*K und , CATARRH Ba-toaaa Caata aM 8aaaB. .ajajleBly Le.--ve_ Cold li, Hta?' ",a BMM ?che. 5oe. at Drngg-!**- v fc.LV hliOs.. .? Warran bt.. r*. _. third mlle R. V.. _. grew und Arcine h. had to ro t'? the front. He got two hents und I8BBHB B sure wlniiLT. hit the Judgr _ up-*-t :i J.i'i !,\ ekangtBg drivers lehind 111 it, Wmi lal no trsmble ln iMatlng Arrhlj B. nfU'r B. IP. *>. wa. BlalaaeeB fi ih" flfth baaa. T!i<- - ? -jiilr-.l llv. l 'I.r:- Ifl I.. after gettitig tim iii bjbbB iini- nude *,i BBBBf banafea ln the Ki'rd rii-it lha araa -<-t baaB aaB Teai cnrpaatai pb. ? i flrst. BBBBB t.p.1 ifr.-r t'nt :it. 1 < ..-[ beat her out each tl:,:.-. Thts endeg B ___ >f BB_ sp.H. n:id the elr> n'1 |B8B on nt Mvstic I'ark, I,..-:.,,. l?-.l:i nlnr next Tuoday. *siiinruari_s: I I.AK-s-PVBBS 8-00. Pllot, by Mlddletowu. jr. il'.-rv r.;?l T.ilej) 2 12 4 2 11 Archlc B. ,ter aiid snilllnalaiv) 4 2 4 1 2 ? L.ivi ( rxkcU. .-WhNIii 3 4 3 2.20 lt. W. h.(HIcJu) 13 13 4 dls. 2 i88_ I __ .., 2 :3i \. a 31. 1:8T, I ?_-?'_. 2 :35. _? _.- CIi-BB PITBBB e500. Tom Carpenter, by Thon.a* J.-ITer . (Sli11i:n_,-lj?i 8 7 111 Minnie l..iCUrfc) 117 2 2 ... . (F -;? 8 2 2 8 3 Ilirg-.j II.((irp.-iit.-n 2 H 4 (1 4 lli.ppy B-e. IT-nat) 7 3 3 4 0 ____ llampton.(l>on,.vaii) 4 6 8 *? 6 ,.. . Kirmt, ? 4 5 < _r. \ . ,-? . (Od-Ili 5 0 0 dr. . ., 2:20'.. 2:20, 2:27'?. FAVORITES SI.AUUHTF.P.F.D IN ST. LOUIS. St. I.u'ii*. June 12?The weatber to-day was pleisant anl _,000 pe*>sons wtv present at Uie race-. Tlie i-langh Mf of the favoritcs was tfce f,_.ii?_ of the day. Mlehael. HM Is-rl.y wlnieT, was eaMlv b- aten ln th<- OhBflaa Or- BM - <uifl filorknor, at 1 t.. 2, waa never In the handb-ap. Oeadanac, 20 to 1. wlnnltic erw>1ly. Onlv one favorlto ?.. :. Lmtna J.. ln th>> flr*t r-\,-e. First r_<e?Str,*et Rall*-v St?ea; aelllng; pnrse ?_00_ 1 1 1 . mll-.v r.iniTia J. w.,n; lexa_ Olrl h.*coiid, Retuid lese thlrd. Tlme- 1:87V afl MBB l-IBH ??..__. fo- t?o-vear.old?: flve fnr lonps. Ceverton won; Lord Wlllowbrook seoond, Tom iu ding tbtrd. Tin.,- i oov Tl,l"l r..-e-The < hnrl-s Ure_n Stakes, for three.var ?M- **-'.500 add?*-1 : one mlle aud a QMftsr. Forernnner Mlehael sernnd, l.thel Oray third. Tii_---_:1.V Fmrtii race-Seiiing: purse B88Q; one mlle Minnie EUlni won; li'.i, F_.r_v.ii.. _ee.,i,d, _<ip-<_ll__t ihird. I 4 s. Flfth race-Handb-ap ?.weepetifce* ; thre_-ye?r-olds and upwnrd; MM mlle and three furlonus (}<*nd3n__ won; Alph-?n beal _Ho___ner a he_l. Time?2:33. Slx'h r?ee-,?-*Uln_ :,p-irse; 1 146 ml es. Bonnle Anrilo won; Ed nopper beat Firat Lap for place. Tlme?l la QUEER STORY BF A YOUXG BOY. HFl HAS BEF_y MXBBUPS FOR A MONTH AND CnnLT.Y <4 .YS THAT KIITN______ BATB HIM. Yonkcr. h__s a my_tc_T- lt is the all-Rerf kldnap ping of WlUlo Hnroaaon. the seventeen-year-nld son of Virsll P. Ilunvison, of No. 4^4 Warbiirt?aiw... by .,i.s_.n-.ien on Long Island. Ylrgil P. B?_M_B if one ,.f the wc.-ilthy c.ittzen<. of tliat ciry. Be ls treasurer of me Banaaen * BaaPJap NBnafBeBaetag rorapany, of No. 80 Chanibnis-Kt.. New-York. Ho Banfl with h1? wlfe, two danrhters and two sons, ln a handsomo Imuse OfCrlOBBlnf the Hndron. For a month Mr. and Mrs. Hnmaion have been worried over tho dlsappcarance of thelr snn. II' BBB beea nil__in_ sinoe May 7. Dnrlnit the early part of th" week the pareivM of tlie bov r- ceivod a leMar from hlm. Wlllle |s the yotinpe. t ?on and he has beea Bvtltg wlth his irrand_ii_theT at New-ltclt-iin. Tonn., where he was also employed ln a lan_? ent_B_7 factory of Hnmaaan -t Beekkp. Ob Umrt the iad left hla crand nxither's honae to come to New York. From tliat time all trace. <.f him has been ksrt. In Uie bof. letter he says that he met ? captain of ;in oyater boat af_?r Inavlnu h'i-S prajidmoth'a*'*i house. Th-? captAin told hlm that be BABfl on bl* way b. New H;iv.*n. aml Invlted the lioy to accomvanv hlm. Wlllle t!*>iis[ht that tho sail would be fun and con tc-nteci |o e .. When tho captain arrtved at 1'ie ?? hpt><t end of Loag Maid11 lm pnt the hoy nshoro "on an altnoat t^rren *rtrlp of tho teland and only inhal.ltod by a few lljalil Blggeaa." PTHBb says Oitin: are no hoiLses tln-rc, ar-.l tliat tbuve w!m 11 vt* tltero sleep tn the ,.peu a:r ..ti Bm ecund. Ho also says that lio has ix> way of ommtinlentinR wlth tho oataido worM e.vreptlnK by c,I?Jice of RetUng a letter ttirouxh _n a small boat. The letter atso says tliat there Ls BetttMV poatoBbra or MegiapMe ernntuunlcritlou wlthln Iii*. reaclv. He nU that BB had plvcn the lettor whlcli w__. rocelv,*d to an oy-rterman who liapponod to land there wit.h his boat, who sa!d he would _.-e tliat it was fiirwarded. Wlllle also tclis hls parents that tho place wltero ho is kept in captlvlty ls cullcd ?? J.lulT Cov.-," Long Island, and the only wap he run bo communlcat>-d wlth i_ by sending a letV*r to sonw ptfw-e In Monino.ith County. B. J-. nben tlio letter will be forwarded 1.1 hlm. Mra. HiitiiasoD said yeabwday that wiuie n u-as true that hT *',n N.d been ml*?alng slnee Mav 7, *hc did n?.t thlnk he had b.*en abducted. She admltted reeetvlna a letter from lilm contaii-lnn tbe *_..*-.? -t ,ry. .-'Ik; s,:d tbat .,-.,and had uudn dlll_;ent sear li lor her von and tiie plnc^* ealled u blutT ( uve" but wi_s, neirher abl. to B&eOTBt the bov or tho place. gbe says that Wlllle said In his lelter that h._ ls dlgglng oystcrs. THE GERMAX HOSPITAL TROURLE. T?iIPOr.AUY ART. -NGF.MT-.N-T_. MADE SO TnAT TIIE WORK OF THE INr-TITTTION WILL NOT RE ULNDF.RED. The di.put/*- lti tbe iw'rnian llo^pltal between the slx PBBBBanl p!;y-lclans and Ibe i-upertntendent, fonsUntlno I.ndwlR, \v!n,-h Tho Tribune UAd. ab mt yc. terduy, re rnain-. BBehangad, and all pcrson . coricenied are re-tlr.g on tlu-ir .'irm.s, a?-_-g t!i- .leeislon of the trueteea, who will meet early next week. A_ Mr. Ladwlg aad tho phvsicians lake BenjeBBnllnni alaanj cf thelr tn^r, _M paflentB and the aff-rs of the lii>-pi_-l will not suffer in the moantimo. The troobles whleh eulmlnatcd ln the rcslgnatlon of physiclans liave been brewlng tor some tlme. and fri-in uoai-ariat-oa with a gBatteman who is well Informed and knows nll about Uie affalr, lt ai> pearaB UbbB there aro other and perkapa iii>>r.* Berlova RMHMOB than the mero questlou of dlscliBjne. and tluit OM "I tlie caiise- e.mld be traced lack a. far as the mnnal BBaattng of the lK_sr do ftru^tee*. on Pebmaip 1-. Tin- a ..umptlon is borno out by tlio conversatlon porter h8d wiUi two ol tlie physiclans ln the boapltal ia_t night. While thej- politely but flrmly Beclined to say anptklng for publicatiou, it waa evldenl UmI thew wero determined, and that tbey had atrong raaaona f?r tlicir !_.-tion. Tne only Uring tbey BTB-B to see publlshod was thelr poetthn aaanranee tliat theo- liad not lntcndcd to leave tlie boapltal to-nlghr, leavlng tho patlen's w ith*. ut mcdlciil BttttntVir l.."y *--id tbal Ibey wonld do their full duty wttbant ingaiB to this dlsputc Wliai-'v.T ihe ia_atofl of'the trustees may be, the pbjralctana **-m to feel pvrfcctly certala that tliey are ln the right, and tliey said tliey would not deny any stat.-riieii-* tluit liave t??-.n ni.tde M far, as they weie content to be Jiidgt*d by tho eunnnunicatlon w l.ieh th -y will make to the publle Ifl a fev. ,ln\ s. lt Ifl [,(---11 1.* tliat aiiMlier cauxc may bc found ln the fact that Uio tni.s-tees havo lately made B-TBngBBMntl M flnabla Mr. Ludwlg's wlfe aud cliildren to llv,: ln tbe ho_iiitaJ bullding. TUl., It was said. had caumil the mitron to thlnk that Mrs. LnBalg would wpptonl her und lt ar(,u*-*d some feeling. Tlie matron could not be s-cn laat nlgBIt but Ur. Ladwlg ??d ti_t he had nover tlioiight ,.f sueli a tlilng. Hls ouly reason for BfllBag tho trusteos to allow hls famlly to llvo ln tlie boapltal, BB --.Ud. Wlts liia Porfr*<-Uy natural de_lro lo ?ii d.nlv, wiiiih at pn-eui. is impossible, _* he la (OreeB le ninaln at the ho^pltal almost eiitirely. Be repaateB iii- i-__a__ printai ln yeateeiap'B Trihutie. iini added that BC had ii'-ver BOnB?red Uie raiea wtueh were made bv the tmataea and aot by hlm 'n- b**lng aeanre, and that he lia.1 nei.-i beeil u' stri.-t tn onfbrclug nilnor polnta. iie -i, be "i tbe phyaldana ln - .?:?? idemte tenus, und waa appanmily BMFB ->rry Uian BBOOyed at ?'alra- , , ... .. ajrun.-enrents have been made wltli tho iJuis, whlrh uave seeurvd tiictr remaliiing at tbelr PO t- iKitll ih. afTalr I- l Itled. -?, TO REDEC0UATE _ COLLBBIAtE CHURCH. . oaaalaa an-i __BBeaa?aMa_ ?f Iba (..iiegiate ,..... _%, , ? ,-.ii-t.. _n; iii?_..- it ii'" ...iinL' ___? m-mmrttm r.,r t: ?? ? TI.e iast..rit.- ?f the B-T. Dr. Rurrell hia ojiwn.a w-tti | r ,:;, -.--u.i.uik _m ri.,.,--if BMny . ,...,i ad-Btn ra awang the bmmwtmoawm t>. ba mad.- iii ti- ebarch Barla - I - mbbbmi B?y ih- n?t-d Bm : b m Mm -r.n.-ry u, Mm mbi af tba ....(t. .-iwi. :md tiut ?,,: ? ; most. ti,e nmmre* ?t Mm Beak Iptt, Dr. BaireH _1fl paaath M l?.Ji i:,?rn ini, ai : -I- ?-- 1*e Uie l__t opportaalty ? ? '?? **? laaBBBlag of lha CLOSIN'i 1 ?? .UKOl.NL- BXO0X8. - .. Juna 12, ie.ii. ? -.dav.To-dav Naiajo.lo i , Opliir. 1.88 3.W 1-. t..-l I ? :i _, r- -,\ ;,_>? 1.78 l -'? ; . 8 _M l lah.TO , . :?aalto..4) j.i.el, .20 l'l ..0 Nur r.<.', ? ? *b PlI'lBP-JELD?LBBOX-lBOBTH ADAM*-. r.,. ...,- i?, Harlcag DhrWon, Bew-Yee* leuve ... "! ? mtils exc->pt , a. in., due Flttsfleld l:3S p. .:. . \..r-th Adanu -?::_? p. m-. and at 8:60 p. m.. Bm l*it_* n.-id . :10 p. n... N.,rth Adama 8:10 p. m. t* . mo thmgh - l_ i PltUS.*',d. The af-oriM--i wa bus also a thruugli diauiug-iooiu car to Noitb Adama,. GIAXTS IN THE LEAD. CHICAGO FOKCED INTO SECOND PLACE. BROOKLYN DF.FEATS CINCINNA TI-SCOR-S AND RECOUDS. I.KAOI T.. N.w-Tork 0. Ch'mzoO. Brno_l.ii 7, Clnelnnatl 2. ? 1'uui.uris 1 Cluvelaud li, l'lulodelyhta o. ASSOCTATluN Baltlmor. 0. Uotton 1 st Leak B, VmrnrrUU 7. Coloiab-a A. Clncnnatl 0. Washunrtoia 6. AtHetiu a. Whenevi-r New-Tork and CktaBgl m> et upon tln* grtea disnioiid lle'.d thero U ? cra_i. ? crusla and a prfttv 11 v*-iy ooi.t^_t. Ye-it'-rdiivN nieetiuv of th- |W? ka8_M **? no .v-titlon to th- rul.-. -Tho two fams n,.-t tled ln the L>.-iu.ani M ' ? Aft-r the bout the Chl. aaos MB '? **rk and the Glar.ts are now t-i- ui ... [,nt_ d 1, art r? ln th" Ixague ra< e. Thev mar lo__ the aUvanU.-.- to-dar. ai.d then thoy _ar Maraaaa it. If bookmaktng waa Indulaed ln ln baao ball the po-at oddi on to-day's coate* would bo about 0 to 3 on Bew.Taaft, TaaleiBa^a ?amo wai a i_mir_ablo eonteit ln many ?agra, and llke uioat *aMM-l exhtbltlons. lt wai tsr from MM l)-rr<-,-l! v i-Uvd. L.uiidi-rrt ind ! r.liuit nlar* were mlxed up ln bewllderlnit pr-.in__. the GlanU wlnning thronzli auperior buttinR, the flrldiug pUy on both ildei bclug about oa a par. Th* erowd raiue early to c'ck out the ioft seati. and an hour before Uae gamr. start. _ fu'.lv 3,000 p*ople wer. on the sroumls. At 4 p. m.. when Ui? came atarted. BM craaid stand waa. full. ar-.d the aetnal at* MaOaaaa numbered about 7.000. It waia an onWly crowd ln iplte of the fict that pantiaan f.-ellug ran high. _ev. eral man had the bardiha. >d to chcer for Chieago, but they ?. re out moleated except by badtnace.", who hta devrlopeal Into i-Othaiu'? pet plteher. wa_ dlsposcd to gat n rvou*. at trylng m.iment.. but the great battlug of hla coropanlooa _ave_ bim from defeut. Sa> altliouifh tha* New-York t.-uru aaa. BaM pltched one of hls poorrat gamei of tbe year. While tho (ilanfi made but ten hlts off II titeblson, the tntals w-i re formklable, t'ouner, (iorc and Tlernan eaeh miaKiiiR home runs. Slaaalbak 1* sutTertag wltb a boce felon. and be started for hls bome at Wli-Mu.g, Va., la-t ulght. He may not be able to play Iot a month and bc wlll ba sadly mlaaeal. W__l*Uer's baMag y'*t.rd-y waa* flrst elaaa. but bo can B8VM till ('?!__h>oock'? ?ho._, or como anywhe.e near it. When Ewin_ 1* abh- to co beh-.nd the bat little Clarke may be placd at short. Ona mark.-d feature of ye_tei_ay'? contest waa the ex cltement ol lta spi.-ctators. L-rtng the first tlin-e lnnlna* th* crowd wiia ln a roar ind th1 treat (Ma*_M could te beard alraoit aii over llarlem. The excltement was Jmt aa lntenr-e during the la. t two Innlng*. and eepeclally ln the nlnth, when tbe Ginnt* had a great battlng itretch and wnn the gtime. The trwvellliiK facllltiei offered by the elevated road were toadequare, and lf sorao ari_n.omcnt__ ar' not made to-dav for the double pramoh the crusli wlll be terrible and some damage may bc done, To-day's crowd promlsoa to be so larse that lt u__ht be worth Colonel Illn'* while to _lve hlI per*unal attentlon to makln. arrniuf-n.-nt* for tha carrylna of pawngers to and from the _. mnds. E.itli teams att. nded the j. .formanc- of "Tho Tar and the Tartar " at I'almer's Theatre ia*t nl-'ht. Tho house wa_ crowded. and the ball plav-ri w-ro f.*q.ently ap planded. Dleby Bell, the tl-*H UaMaMM of ba-ieball naaka, made many bright salll-s at tlie expenw. of Uio li'.av.ra. That the aame wa_ for blood was evlnced rt_ht at the start. Tlernan ient up a flv t__-k of lliaai, Wbleb Dah.en . iuid Tln-nan .ot M second on the crror. Tlien llutchlioii threw to MeaM to catch Tlernan. bat be dld BBI d,, it. Tlernan sallc- Into little Coom-v and MBt him Mprawlina tn the dlrt. It wa-* robust b*.-*_-runnin_ of a kind ..ol.lom Indulged ta bv Ttornan. Tbo ba 11 lolled to aaataaBaM. and Tlernan Bot to third. RlchurJ*on ?_- P"t MM, but Wtustler got flr*t ou a muff by iaaaa, Uu cro?d bawBM UMallJ at Uio old war horse'- error. (____? w_s sent to fir .t on balhi. flillng the base*. O'ltnur.... forced out Tlernan at the plaU- aiuld a murmur of dtnoon u-ut. .;'..* aaaaa t? the laut aM ta att ->,?<->nd* ?_< a _<?->. AtStt two* h- mwte ? adahll irlTI to rleht fl^ld. CarML ta bla an.iety to e-t Bm ball. fell. The ball salled out to the fence aml . a mlithty roar. Whlrtler, , ,,-u, >r and O'Rourk,' came hnm-. and Oata waa maklng rra.k- arouud the clrcult llko a clreular -nttlnv. Ho also .-a.-h.-d Uie home plate aud -Vew-York had four Pin*_ and Ml UW utor. ai-ted tt* If _h-'7 ttett mtmj. '">r? w-_a about Ma greaMM m?u on Manhattan Island for a bliort tlme. The orowd howled "'iore! OeM!" for flve minutes. In tho laat half of tbo intilug Uie chlcacs aot a nin. slmply through an uniporttmanllk.) trlrk. Tb.- run ahould never have eonnted. but lt dld. Rvan hlt a jrro.ii.der whlcb Ba_?ett could not handle. F.j-an _MB made a tUmt of see^.nd. W'llnio. ^nd raahleii ?-r>' out ?aeb c-r.-jiauir. A.i_on diove th- ball nt *hort. aud Rvan dlinmaMj nin bao_ ln ord-r to ttetk WkkmUt and pre vwit hlm from irettlnK the ball. Ue jun.peal up and down ln front of Whlrtl-r. and as a renult, Uie bill went wide to flrrt and .vn_K>n ww safe, and Rvan manag'- to score. It waa about o_ daaurdly a plece of work a. waa ever ?..-.-ii ln tbli alty. In tbe second Innlng Rusle wa* wild, ind aa_i?tcd by in anu__iurlsh mull by Tleruan. tlve Windy Clty men roan atred to get two runa. Cooney hlt lafely to left and I..-(Ter waa ient to flrst ou called baiU. Hutehlson lilt a (ly to right, of whleh made au artisttc muff, and the bne* were full. KIKrtdge was **nt ta, first on colled balls, forclng bome Cooney. Ry_u's long fly to rf whlch (iora mado a great catch, enablcd Pfeffer to icore. The Glants made tti* flrst earned run of tho p?me In the thlrd innlng, on a thr.-e-base hlt by WkksUet to rleht BaM and a hlt to lef. (Mi I>y 'Jore. Chieago also aeani an earoed run In tho latter part ?f the liinl.i.. EMIea ai aaaaa _aaaV iut_ and cartoU. aaarifl-a advene. _ .ach ia-.-. i , ,-iicy made a ?crateh hit just ov.-r short and D-hleo acored. Bassett gol ln Aaaaa. way and probably preveatoi Uie old nian from getttng hom-. Ansou aaa ,*iid l*ck in hls own and the umplr* irottM no: Batoa to his gaebM. Tliis kft Ma aaan M 5 to 4 ln New-York'* favor and the onlookers were pr.-tty w-i! work,-d up. Both teams then settled down and no more run* were s.-or.*d untll the elght Innlng, when Chieago (_ot two and alimd and th..- OT-Wi wa, mad Hiaagh t.) niob ,.ir.-. Hiita-bliou led off wltb a hlt. hut ba ?"" .?it at second by KIUrirf*o. Rvan Maa hll *af''lr ?? !!? 1.1. Wilinot Uien hlt BBMly SB ,'Ntre n ld and Ki-trldge D,?r?-. Iluckb-y Maa mad- a ?iM thn.w to MeoM und Ryan scored. An-wii mi^ht hai." aeatad, but Maaatt r.-m^mbered Ryan'* trlck and rctollat-d by runnlng tato Maaa and blocklng bUn. T'len the (.laiita went ln and won the game and Uie terrtblo exclteraent of the early part of the game wa* r** neat-d llutchli-on's curvea. wtre batted all over the lield. Ma Olanto icorlng four earoed ru..*. Baato struck out. but Tlernan Ued SM score with a mlghty drlve txtw-.-r. il<-ht and eeatr* Celds for a home nin. Then I'.l.-hard wn htt .af.-iy to rlg-l ?eld Whlsiler hlt to .-.-iitr.r. Illg Connor Uien caught the ball on the end al hl*, anag-B. taogaa and drove It Into the crowd U. right fleld for un oUier homo. .endlng Rl.'hardson and WhUtl-r ln ahead of bim A ?torm of applau*e gr.-ted tbo MM The . hleu_oa were put out a_ they cam* to th,- bat ln tha nlnth tanlng. and the Gianta had the le.d in the puiLaut r?ce The score wao aa follows : NEW-YORK. | CH1CA,,i?,-,Do s i r lbpo a e ! . ??? ? ,! &_4-:: 11 H i e&s-.-H! I! %. OOOO 0 MttT-lg':. c... 1 0 U 0 0 To-al- .. U 10 27 9 4 I Totals. 0 - -7 13 4 Vo? Vork' ....4 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 I-'-l ihuaio ..".:::.'.".: -i . i o u o u _ o-.? I-'irned nini.-New.Y_rk 3. < hlcafo 2. Flrst U-W-e hy '?,_.-__ . fil mu 3 Left oa b_?oaa?N .v - YdSTe \%e\t%\TA' hiretlxAf on I_41a-?>- Kaate 4 M II te - lirnii 3; _truek out-Hy Rnsl. 6. by ?utchlion 7^UI-SS r_n*-Tle...-n. . orinor. ''?T?- T^e-I^ht WblitW-r Two-baee -lk-ruxn. ils*frt"'? hItorr:__ 2 arro'l S-olen __*??*-Kyan, Hojeblaeo. Il:t by r.ia.'i" v_n, (a.r,.il. wii: plt_a-Kw-i.- 1 frkmtA tall-BuckVy 1. linplre-Powei*. TAmt mt mUUm-BM. The Brooklyn and Cin.-lnnaU teams played thelr flrst eorn.- In Ilrooklv-n to8etl...r at Easf m I'ark y.-sterday afternoon. Tta Bildearoom.* won raUier meBj, wl-ldlng th- t*t to b.-tter advan__re Maa M-lf ParkapallMa riv*!*. (iv-r " 0e<) roe-tator. ?.' piMaat. and. a* Ma gMBal was ?a w_llTula)-a- one, Uae llv.-li,-.t tal_ -*t w_. m__ulli*t?d. s.-.it_i "'-. old - i eoMualaaUeally re* r.iv.,1 ai'.d I,- iviiT nrureiit.-d ?ltn thre- floral tttesmgs bv hl_ old frn*nd?. Ward w_* not for.otter, tol aftol Smltli _Td -MB eaeewat, Wai.'. nam. wi- ?ug.-.t?d and up niiud.-d Just a. h.*rUly. Tka aaaaa araa t^ tottawa: BROUKLYN. . CINCl.N.NATL r lb po a e r 1 h po a ? i'ollins. 2 b.... 2 - - C 0 Lathan. 2 b... 2 0 0 8 0 Ward aa...... 13*1 t M. Ph-. 2 b... o o 2 2 1 SS c j . 2 2 6 0 (. lUllid.y If... O 1 j (i .' r f . ' o 1 2 0 ( Marr, r f . 0 3 3.,' (I _lrl_ 1 .11-1" ItoOly 1 b... 0 0 13 0 0 ?l.K,. . 3I> 0 10 3 (-,- a.(.-ry. , f... 0 1 2 0 0 Tb..... 0 111 1 0 flMtb, *i.-0 1 2 1 C ICInalon . 0 0 1 0 1 , ( larK. c. 0 12 2 1 Oa". ItiU.. p.-. 1-03 KBadtiourn-. p 01020 Totali ...'.: 7 13 27 U il Totall . 2 _ 27 13 2 n.H,klrn . 4 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-7 gSSSall ....". 0 0 10 0 0 0 10. ..-.,-, b.l 11 0. 1 lu.iiniati J. i.-ft oa.baaea Bronk natl U I'lrsi b*** on ball.T 1 arutbet* 1. > radb-un ?? .. Wr-ek i.i.V-Pli.Hri-r. M.n. T-.M.-bis- hlta-' .-. |?e hlto-ColUw 2. WnitLjGrlffin. li...)'.- pUya-amttb u,?i Mrl'ii.-. I baiu-Clark 1. Klaafow 1. Lmi,ir--M . ,_ Tii. -r>- wa* * BaM ir-,. .1 at MianliatUn Kl> ld. a. amit-nr -t.rdiav t. wtmaee tt.,- tetmtm aaaaa baewwa [anbat-aii AMIaU. Oib lan and MWMNM iinoid nine i.-ovi_ u. he Ui. t,'t'.r tuat.ii.eii and ? r- w*_ a? followa: U 1. .T POINT. r 1 1 ro a - Whlt-. 3;. .10100 MANHATTAN A r lli ix? a I Tatta, 11. I ? I ? ? . , c I.... 1 I 0 J I 0 1 10 1 1 li,.. II. *!b .. 2 1 i I I I.nks. ib ... 0 1 u 8 2 M.rrow. c !.... 2 3 1 1 0 .... 1 0 14 4 2 gd-o ? a. 1211 ,."1)311 !?*.-.-._.-i 1 f. 1 0 1 '? 1 JDolU-i. ^bi 0 13 2 0| Brown, 2b. 1 0 3 I 1 . 1.0.1. id. ... 0 0 0 I 3 r*m-UI-rg. rf |> 0 " 0 o Goff. r f ... 1111 0 PatUnon. p. 0 0 ?> 1 0 TouU.11 II 27 Blll Totali. 7 0 27 8 _ ri-r-t-A. C .00105103 1-11 Weat folnu . 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 l O- . ijarDad mm BMkaBM ?. C. 8, w? I'oiau l. i'H-t MANTELS, OPEN FIREPUCB Household Art Goods, W^Ja-Jac^6n^& a* _i?..i .. ,.w ? ? ? I. ___?_????***^? UNiDN SQUARE - ? cor. Broadway. Onlv concern ln onr ltne having Its own fonndrMfc Bar of Uie rnakor. :->_bi:*hed over eO Trot*. So old atoek. Ercrythlng made aatUfac'-Oiy. b_?e on e.r_r_-_lanha-tan A. C. 8. Weat Polnta 8. Lea ou t___c_, .*_;_.,l_*l___i 0, W_>t 1'olnwi 11 Hit by pMeh.-? Yst_. Bu<-li. &a.rincc blt?Morton. Btol.* baiss Voung, Vate... Morton 8, Huell. J Doll-vrd, P. Dollard, Morrow 4, fcchoeirel, lirown. Pattlaou - fetr-ck ouU t,i l _tii-oo lx raaag ... Baaa ?.i ba_s?aB F-ttuou 5. off Young 5. Two-la*' tilte ugdee t*r_ic_ITel. Thr-e^base hl.a-l.ou.ig, Yatea .-. Double ptav-Rlce aod Wlltj. l--*-vd balia-o'I.-arj- 2. Ri-' ?l_ pltchea? Young _, Patusnn. I'mptrv-IIart. Tlm_-2:10. THE RIXGEDS. The Otanu ara now tn the lead ln tbe I~_g_* laeaa The I.e_*(uo and Aaaoclation r>c.rd* to date ara aa fellowa: LEAOl'E. Clnba. Won. L't. Pr.ct., Cluba Woo. L't. Pr.c* .V.w-y,irt ...20 10 .019' PhUadelphla 21 23 .477 (hicano .2. 17 .800 _l_v.._d.Sl jM ?*<? Boaton . 2' 21 .".12 1' ...JJ 29 48B Brooalyn. _!1 22 .?__ 11 ln< innail .18 _?T -08 ASSOCIATION. Cluba. Won. L't. Pr.ct. , CSBBB- Woo. L't Pr.els Boaton . 32 18 .'.40 (. umbus ....4 28 441 **? I, ul*_ 8. 21 .0*. At__t -tle. .22 28 .**Q Baltlinro ...?.l 2) .-W , Loula.1 B j3 82 .?_ (ln. .nnal .. lo .(1 ._9i ! *A'a-lugton .15 32 .318 (i-VMKS TO-DAY. I.KAUCK. Brooklvn w Cincinnatl at BBaBjBfl Park. BroollljT. New-York va. chlcago, at P>'.-. .....unOa. New-YoMr Roaton v.. Pt.__lir_r. at Boaton. Phlladelpliia w*. ti.-vi.-iii-. ai I'blladelp?_? AfttJOClATION. Baltlmnre va. Athl.-tl,. al BalUmore. Cincinnatl va. I olumbns. st . inclnnay.. Loulavllle va. St. Louis, at Lo-UvlUe. ^ Washington va. Boston. at Washington. IM FRCOLI.F.oiATE. Prlneeton vs. Yale, at ManhatUn Fleld, Wew-TetR, 3 p. m. _ To-day's frame at ManhatUn Fleld between Yale aad Princeton BrfB MM- Bl BflBflga cr.amplonahtp. The game win be started at 3 p. rn., sn a* not to conflirt wlth tha New-York?(..'hicano game at the Polo Orounds, which starta at 4 :HO p. m. It wa* *ald laat night that rhe New-York and Brook* lyn cltibs contcmpIateU , _. -hanglng Sharrott and Dalley. Brooklyn ne.-dh a plteaor and _Nc?-YorK a catcber. Th* doal did not mateilalU-. GAMES IN OTHKR CITIES. Boston, June 12.-Pitt_b'irg U.d'a gvne ln tb? eljr'ith, b?t B.,*ton pulled out ln the nlnth. Nlchnla'a tiiri-iy -mcrl- aaataBag. Feat.ire* of the game were Oan ?al*! ba'.Ung, Naah'* home run, N'tchols's pltchlng and tha n.ldin? uf Lo:ig and Mliler. Attendance 1,031. Tha acore: 11- -t>u (N. L.). 01110010 l-? PtMaberg. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0-4 BBMfcMa-Boston 7, I'ituburg 7. F.rr >r_? Ho*t_n 4, l".Us!,uig 3. Pltcbers?BtBBela and Baidwla. Cinplr.? H_-__ I'hlladeli hla. June 12.? The Phlladelphlaa beeame p__ile stri.k.-n In Uie flfth lB??g to-day, and after chanoes had been offerod to retlre the sldc Clevetand acored flve ruus. AMiaBaBea 1*888. The acore: l'h.lad.-lnlila . 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-3 il-v-rand . 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0-. IU .rilt?-I*hll?delphia 9, (leveland 8. Erret-?Phlla delplila B. (leveland 1. Pltciier*? liaper and Vlau. t'm. plr^? Lyneh. W;,?li'neton, June 12.?Fnreman'a pltehlng. aided br *harp pUylng bv the home tcam. won a cloae ?nd "xcittng game fci-day from the Athletlca. Elevna Innlng* were necewary to ueclde the game. Attendanea 1,000. The acore: Wauhlnirton .... 0010020000 8-8 AMlO-lo*. . 10000010100-4 Baaabtta?WaabtBaaaa 14, Athletlc* 3. Errors-Waah. ln. tor, j. AthlMlea _. Pltche.e-l'oreniaa and LalUl_?_ Cn.pin1?Berlaa, Baltimore. June 12?The Baltimore and Boston elnba played a postponed . ame to-dsy, the former wlnnlng by Umc'.v hitUng ln the tBBB? lnnlntf. Welch'a home run fnr the Balllm,.r-_ wa* a feat-ire. The cofchlng ot Mnrpiiy wa* another f.ature of the game. Atte____uoa 2,820. Tho score: Boaton A. A. 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0-4 Baltimore . 0 0 0 8 11 10 a-^ Ba*._lt*-Bo_ton C. BHUmore 12. Errors-Boaton 8. Ba!_u,or.. 0. Pltchers-O'Rrieu and llealy. Lmplre FiTgusun. Cincinnatl. Jnne 12?F.rrora lost to-dny's gams for tha home, team. Thi* ls the Crat ahut-out of ths omooa tor Kellv> men. Thw acore : S2'::::::2 _ S ?o ?o ?. I _ tl B__,Iilts?Cincinnatl 4. folumbu.-i 4. Errofa-Clncta nall 0. , oluuibu* 0. Pltchern-Morrfa and Kne.l. Cm plre Jaaea. . . Laaflavllla, __?-__- Bt. Leui* -?m defeated I_oiii*\.llc to-day through s-iu-.-rlor bstting. Tho score: I.0..1MH" . 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 1 0-7 bt. L</Uls. 04.20000_. 1-9 ?MsBilla T_Ml-Tina 1?. St. Leada 12. Errors-LouU vllle -. s- I.i- 1- l'iu-her_-<.rim_h and Dally. fn. |,,r. BaBVI ? B * rilllBaaai lune 12.-The Provldence team shut out tba R.i^h ?.ters to-dav. Tho acore: ,?,v_. ,. .10 0 10 6 0 0 ?-B ^hSSr..:..'.*:.::.::: o o o o o o o o o-o IU*.-mt-? Provldenco 10, Itochester 5. Errora-Provl denee 0. Koeh-'e'.'-r 4. LlllMMna June 12.-The Syracuse team outplayed tba UhMBM at everr point to-dav. and won by thls scor_ l ,,._,,?-, 1 4 0 0 ?"> 0 0 0 0?10 Kb__ .:::?.:::::::::: .10110010-4 l-aschlts-Syracuse 13. Lebanon 7. Errora-vSyraeuae 2, Lebuiioii 9. N. w-Haven, June 12.?The Buffalos won to-day's game after a eloae fltrht by thi* score: jinrt-alo . 0 10 18 3 0 0 1-B N.wlUve.1 . 0 1 0 0 0 _ 0 6 0-8 Basetilto? Buffalo 3, New-Haven 12. Errors-Buffslo 2. Xov-IUi-n 7 C.ilverslty of Virginla, June FJ^The game betwean John* Hopklns Unlven-lty and th. t'niveralty ot Virginla to-day waa ealled ln Uie fourth Innlng on aceount of raln. CENTURY BUH OF THE WHEELMEN. SOME WO.MF.N AM<iNO THE 1'IVE HUKDRED WHO WILL START FOR PHILALELPHIA. Between 400 and 500 wh?elnieu will start at 4 a. m to? day from the Continental Hotel, in Newark, on tha annual .entury run to PhUadelphla. expectlng to reach tbat clty at 7 p. m., _ch_dule tlmi.r. At 1 3(1 p. m. the wheelmea aro due at Trenton. where an hour wiU be apent at dlnner. The cluba of New-York aud lt* vlcinlty wll! return (*. morrow oa the l'ennsylvania Rallroad. Last nigbt the Continental Hotel aud the wheelroeo'a <? lnb-house __ Newark pBaBBflBai BBSBBI of anlmaUou. whOa blcycles were speeded through the strsets ln all _Jr_e_-_ci At 0 o'clock 42,'. men had reported to the (jeneral seeretary and aaaaieB badge* and reiuni rullriad tlckeU. The cluba p-prweuted and lla uumber of wheWmen are as followa a PaaaBbaaBBla - Bmgiiamton l. BaaMMabaB i_?. Yor*. P.<in.. 0, Phlladelpliia elub* 176, Mormtown, X. J., 1. Ww-ttteld, N. J.. 4, Orange, 2o. Atalanta, Nea-ark. 88. F.lirab*-t,h 20. Hudson County 8, I'anwaio Athletlc Clab 3? (ranford, N. J., 0, l'lainBeld, B. J , 2, Faat Ora__ge 2k. Bergen County 4, Camden 8, Fieoilngton 3, Mercer Countg, N. J., 8, t'nlon County, B. J.. 25. Bualnea* Men's Cycllng Club. Newark, 20, Brooklyn Ricycle Club 0, Long Ialand Clab 4, Pieepeal, Brooklyn. 7, Redford. Brooklyn, 4. PaU> *ade, Jeraey Clty. 2, Manhattan, ...w-Vora, 8, Mooa A. C. 4. are reprvaentatlv.** alao of cluba al Marlon. N. J.. Raynor'* Ford, Queen*, Co.-.nty and FimnJfe> f..rt, I'.-un. The FUlladelphla a_B_ are elght in numbMk Among the blcycli.U were several youug women wbe ?xpaaMB to mak? the run. Many of the crack racera al the East BWBB among the club* repreaent-d. ?.? m FLKiHTS OF CAKItll-R PIOI-ON8. Fall Rlver, Ma??.. Jnne 12?i'wo earrler pUeona B?B_| by H. O. Thuraton, <.f thls SMP, were llberated at HlfhBa. t,,irn, N. J , yeaterday morning, and before noon were bl tlielr loft here. Tho aetual tinie for the 208 mllea flowa waa 4 houra 20 minute*, or l,3_u yarda per minute. Tba beat ape-rt of tbe journey ,\ee?t* the beat aa yet ____? by over 100 yarda j_r minute. Flftoen mlnutea before thu Fsll Rlver blrda took wtag ui,* owned by 1*. Ceallagher. of the Wllaon Club, l-rovldenee, were etarted trom BBgaBBBBC ?*< . **01 _nl_M fiom home. The tlrst return waa at 8:08 p. m. ThU .,,,nid gtve an everag. ?p_wd of 1.212^ yarda per mlnuta. sl\tv tvo minute* later eigl.teen blrda of the FtovV ,1. i, ? . lub ?BBB etarted from Ui? aame *tation. Tbe flrat return wa* to the Haden loft st 3 24 p. rn. ; Ume ?<i_ (18 mlnutes; distance, 300 V nillea; average apeed, 1,'AWt yaid_. THF IAFABBBB WRESTLER IX A H_.P_Til__ Few people know that Mutaada Sorokiebl, the champlea Jopair?? ? l< lyir.? T.I at the Rooaevelt UotpltM wlth a couali that would var mo-t men to pl"cea Inalda .if tnenti -f.ii.r ho.-.r*. He, heweier. de,lar_a tbat "11 doea net liurt him any" beapit-- hl* long weeks ot patlenfl p* trairit and aomewhat debllltated condltion, be come* ofl hl* i-.m.-ii ,? .--wnenallv and playfully tow.-.. the attendaoM about a? tbouith tliey were fealh, ri Uo is a flDod pattanV i.rinifui of Mi. and klnd aud att.-stive t<> tboae about hlm who are w,.rs* oll than be le. II- ankaa blmaelf aaotal ln the klt'-hi.i and laundry and t-Iis Uitereatlnf atorlaa ai hl* orlentai home. Wl Ni.KTIl BB0U I.IMITED. The elejwiit North 8hoM Llmited, vla the Xew Yoi* Centrai. BBnUnnBB to leave ..n.nd (entral StaUoa ai 4:50 p. ni., every day, pr.?_ .uliyj all Ua ?BBB _a pi-veuieuu lu new taia and aervfea. , ' .