Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. TOTAI. RKCEIPTS. -ZZiZ '53 KO'i'. bbl*. 1,345 g E' "^. 100 pk.H... .,48. B-ant.bbU-. ?. i-oll, .ubr. bbl*.. (HJ r'Sl^tJi?. 8000 -r.-auut.b__. 1.04S Cotton. b*e?. iSoi .rk. pk_s..... TM Coppe-. bale. i? .Cuiiv.".*. pkg*. 891 E.lf?. DDll. . ,.-, |_,rj iub* . 241 _.__.-_.. .-_.?-ai. o,J.>a *'",_- i'*a.?. *-?-. rf". .._-. Ht..4- L**|d- " .^l?m_K. "hhii.". 0*? Butte, pkK.. o ?l; J ^me_J bM'*''. '.'-'.'.'. 8.7k. t h..a.. . pkgs. 1.441 am ?_h ?? ?.W0 SpeiMr. ih*. 1.021 mS' h-th"".:.' ... W.IK.J ?*ln*, balea. Ml ViVt __*_ ... l_t.-0.:Bfn_ao. Lag*. ut UkmrrmmZ:.. .ooaalio-^ p__a. gi llldew, bilea. 21- loteet-. bhU*. lt*.; iu.d* ba,t_>. ll'J lo'-u-co. pkg*. 1)0, gSSU-Tal-aa. W.*? fchl k ,. f.i,i_. l.iw ?..|rit?jturp.. b-M.... 148- W.oj, b.le..?? 2.511 GKXKKAL MARKF.T REPORT. Bb'-LDlNi. MATKRlAL?Dealliig. *rc moro extonslv <n brlck and ot!,.-r llne* at. about Ui old nui ia ot ?rtee?. IlaY.r.cra" Hartl r.rlrk ut, worth 88S-BM p-r 1 OCX,; l.-hki'J.s. 8.8881 fSvet Hard, 64 _.W *?>; .ler^-v. *3504 i.".; ral-, * Crota. ). Uir* una K._, ?1. ; I'rotun. llnwn. lf 13 ; Koseiidil cusent. 80cu81 10 pvr bbl; American l*ortlaiid $2 181 ?2 BBi Belglau _?ort._nd. $_.' 3(*tt 2 40 ; r.:iglu*h Hortland 2 4.*>_82 oS- Rocklaud c_-___N_ I.lmo. '.KK- per bbl. ai, J? 8nt-itug. 81 ; bt. Jahn'a e___e_aa l.lin-. 60c. an do. flnlihtng. 90c. Lethi. ?2 20*8- .5 per 1.000. O-at H_l? 20-a _'_;c ih r buah . C'.it.;.- Ilalr. 1 . .a 1 _>?. 0"H'<?A _ .;-p'ie_ are uvxe.i ln ii- d, i.U- |?rcel* at abou tbe prioea currenl lu the ?o.-k. , . CHtCOKV-Hiw* a talr Jobblna trad- ?t -teaaly rat.s. OOOrGKAOE STOl'K-cvm-rjIly iiiicliaaigeti, but r.ilhc t lipht naavamout , _ OnFKKK-lradlus in ipot Rio continue. very _low ,_J the teellna *_ to pil.-a-s la weak. No ? quoted noinl BiilT. 17V. Bealei. 1.-00 bae*. Ba. J.Birtw, 17**? 2 0X1 bag.* Nn. T. minu. 10. IT'... nnd l.OOti Im.h -_nt-. N., s Wee, ot mild c-,?th.. .io. 1.2-0 Baaa ttra S00 ba?s M?r?e?tbo. 1 CXK. l.?_^ Mvauiilla -ud S00 1 a. Oaatral aatarleaa, all prlvate wrn^. Th. ont on raarke wm (lri.ra.^. -.1 _u. kawar, ?.th rath-r-mor.- i.fe to th ?iierul-ktlon. Tln- wi?kne?_i ?_. m.*t prouiaun.-. d dunn, the early aeaatea. ?-in-i. pHc.-s broh,- fully point" Cwtlniia- he?%in.**- la .-ible advle,-* and liberal re i-t at Hio .-.?ui.;.ii w.ti. freer telllas. . nv for rorrtm ic .ouDt. ha_t. io-d th- daellne. Later ln tb.- tor tkera wt a slleht rellv ou loral e. vrrini_. <-ln?inK barely aleaOj lU.Te drow-d S 'r.. Minl 11 .ii.bur . l(?t lt.t\ Vtg. L_mdOI d.-.dedlr w ..-rr oflelal guoUtlona 2:45 . in--^"'_' 77i t?d ? Julv. TOa 9d : AOru-t, Ti*: se^t.-ml.-r. ,1. Od Ortot'-r' ?<*: NovemlH-r. (i'.* 8_. Rio qu.*--- r-eular ui*l uonilnil ; m?)d weond, 88780; .-\.-lnn_- ( 1. r?-.-r_.U ?t Rio. 0.000 bica; Rio ele.rulu-i-.* to l nlt> . btat-a. 8.00.i _m?; Rio rlraraneea to Barepe, 2.0M t?_r? li,-, *t.(-k. 00.000 baaa: Hio mark.-t Brm. Reeelpu li Santoi 1.000 bae. ; santos ?t,-ek. 27.000 1 .ura: SantO" market weak; trood av.-ri-,- S?nt,.s 8*790. lt,<?- ii.ts ? Klo Julv 1 M June U. 1801. 2.228.000 l.:?af- r same tnn, lfiio 2 2*13.000 baaa iame Cmt IBh-.i. 4 074.000 rwes k. r-ii)t? ?t Santo. .lulv 1 to .lun- 11. 1891. 2.888.001 . aa. BMM iw 1880, 1,848,000 bap-. *_.m- tlmi isstt e ...VI ("00 biB*. Total *ni"* liere to-d*v. 20.2f\0 brurs rii.-ludliiir June at 18. -OdlA.ftOe; Julv. l?.10ulH.:0v Aut-u?t 18.90815., .- 15.0-dl_.20: Oetober 14 .'.0,/14.iV, IH -i-nb'r. M.OadM.tO; Mar, ?,. 18.06. rla. ln. ?? follow* : jM.iuaiv. 18.00.) l.'l '.i-V : I'-bruarv. 13H5i 139V- !-?-?_. 13 .S5.;18 '.K>'- : Iim -. 10.45. l(l._Oe : .lulv lfl 10.10.15c; A.._u?t. l5.80dSlS.05; t4rpt?mb.-r. 18.101 r. r> : Oetaber. ri.A0MM.88r; Noy.-mber-, 1 .r 14 00ial4.0_c. V.'.irilioiist' d-llv^r',,'-. .In.e Jun. * |g .i_y.-w.York. 4ft 321 hogs : iialtimon-. 7,889 baaa jttmjyttean*. i 889 baaa; toui 3**.:??- ( , ,'t i i)X-'l K. -?i*ot n-ark.-t n.-l.-il qulet aud en*y : ||U-" . .- J .*-nl'? 100 iH.le. f(,r .-\jiort and 1H1 baltl foi .f;-tion. Total reielpt* ?t the port to-day. 8.T4C balra ?.- aeatoal i,858 UaJes Uit sam.j div la.*t a 6:;. | .1 -. thi* ver.r. Crop n-ov.-ii.ciii: 18ftl. 1800. Half*. Hale?, V!?IM? ?upr!T.2,740 104 1,010.32. K?-. Ii,t*, ?ix dav?. 23.C.7 1.874 Export* to Or*e* Britain. atx iaye.... 32.r.i8'.* i:_iport? to I-ranee. ei_ days . 1,488 . l.\).rt* to (.'oiiiiiient, rf\ (Uys. 21.448 3,.'i2S buxk ln N-"' York llrensi*d ware houv-*, coaated dullv. .. 151.CV.3 91.44. ln other pUtaee lesUmsUA). 0.002 7H. T.tal ftock ln Xvw-York. hv runnlng o.i.t . 1--83-o ??? 6tcak in all UniU-d Staate* ports. BBBaOM 182.814 I_ver|>ool Me^rains, 1 rl", p. m.?11. <?> li>t*.-bal.-s, ol whl.-.l, Ain.rlcuu.-bale*. Su!'__>. 10C)>H1 balaa, i.l whirh for *pe_u;_t!on and expert, 3,(.ni liale_ Ai,,ri. n, 9,000 balaa. Bpot mark.-t >U udy Mlddllnft *\d. .Man tbester market?Yiiiia aalet Clotht quict. l.lV'?iU'--'L N\_.-_;K--\ fclAlKMEXT. Liv. riiool, Jun- 12, 1S01. 1881. . Balea. dsl-tt ot the week. 43.000 bale*. Aii.-ricin. ST.ooO tor export. 8,i 0 I ; ,r . i.-.iilatlon. *_' 000 Ai'ual exu-rt. 7,000 l'<rw*_l.-*1 . 611.000 Total Moek .1,194.000 Olwhirli Anrcrliaai. 905.000 T'-tal in.jKir_. of wi.--.. Of a-hbh Ai .rlcan . 4. 000 . n^ount *fl,*t . (if ?hirh xn.rri,-an . Bs 000 l'ri,-<- of Mlddlliiii I'piwid* ln Ll\ -il.otj, June 12. '91. 4\il I'll,-e ot Mid .'ln? Uplanda lu Lh. .pool, June 13. '90...8-4 l'rirc of Mlddllni; Cplui.d-* ln Ltrerpool, Jun- 14.'.h;? <> liiwj UuoUtluns aro bas.-tl .,n A____caa sianna.*! ot ela**lli u tion. Uplands. Oulf. Crdlnarv . ci 1; T-1G Btrk-t "rdirinrv . 0 7-1H 0", i.ooi drallnarv . 7 8-18 7'. Mrt-t ,.??! Ordlmrv . 7 11-16 8V Loh- Middliiis- . 8 1-Hl .*-?-.. Slrlet Low Middliiif . 8 T-10 8r? Miridlni. . 8*i 81*18 Good M:(!dilni- . 5>". '.' 13-U Btrtc. '.-Ki MrddiiiiR . 9*4 103-10 Middlini Fair . 10". 111-10 >'air .11- 31 0-10 KTA1NED. r.oo.1 Ord..nrv.S3* Low M!ddlin<.71* fciuirt c..K.d (irlinary.. . OH MtdtfUnfl .b 1-10 OpU >nia? Thcr<- was a farr de_ri.- tt aaliaatlaa DOtad In thi.* line. and the Biarket ruled BCicewhat unaetHrd. Th-i c.-n. ral dritt. howi \<r v n* benrtab, a-nl Ilnii lliriiM. uhoweJ aU aniuiid. Ar i,!i. <,,,i*,.t aettl optlon* were ,-ini, paratlTelj .*t.a<iv. wi.u. laa moiiths d*-riiut*d i_-2 |,<._itr.. ?ruib?(*uu(ntly tli.-r.- araa fraer mIIii._. maiiil.v by "long*," prompted by n,or> (arorabla '.?,.(' in?>)-.* aud liin-ial po.t ro celpte; prlcoa broke 0-M1 polnU. The cloie, bowever. wai weal.. at IM i?..nts above the bottom. Llverpool was s.niwhra Itcadler, but without offevt, tl). tln. ne?s being due ta, uufavan ible ?-.-on report_ ie_.t abroad lioni Xaw*__feaoa. Balea bm, 124,000 balea. Closluu prlces.llipbest.Low-est.Sali Jun? . 8__H_-8_ ' July . 8.8741 A"tru?t. .??. fef-pter.ibcr .?.66u> ?'?>. O.iober ...8.(.2ag ._ Xovembcr . 8.70U8 Tl Decen.bcr . >s '?' Jaauarv . e 8868 87 February . 8.1 ' - Marrh. . '?' "'???'-' 08 April.ii.n-.n. 15 Als\ . I?.28fl9.2l FLUl'll AM) MEAL I l.di II -Without chaii-to, the geaeral in.ri.-t h_& a baary loon.. witi, libert] olteniiM ot n,o*tlv jli Cfrodea. Huh brand* _m- r iativih w-._k.r than othera, !,? - inae ..r lu',1 ataeka. City inl:i tutriB -"-old to a Mr exlcut lo-day lor the Wt?-t Indle*, but other".*. traOInc wa- drvcM o( vii-ui. Balea, 20,200 ?M* (8,400 bbl* for e.porti, Includlng 1,000 bbl,. Low 1 \tr_, 8890-84 50: 4,0(.nl* cltv M iii, 88 6 96 25 lol >\it*t Ir.di.-. ; T.;.' .> bbl* MlnneMta Extra, 83 901.88, lat -i an axtrane; '..Too ll-l* winter arboat ->:tia. 83 90-85 70; t.'.'. bbl* Su|__fln.', *.. .-*?'. .-. . 50 . 1.100 bbla 1 Ini. #3 35.. M 20. (jii'itat.,..,* r city Hlll, Weat Indiea, :. S6 26. Pat_ot?.*5 40-.5 06; 1. w EitraBS 90_84 50: Wln ter \Vh--t. iow r i . - -i :,,'?.( 50; r'.iir l, i hii -i, ?4 66,i 46 21; f__ncv. 86 8(>_85 40: l"at.-i*>. i-rduiarv to rhnloe. 14 T5.f?5 60. laii'-v. 8- ,-(',.*', 7o;'-oi.. Bprtnfi Wbeat, bov extra, 88 90?ai oo: elear, *4 80tf85 16; n-. pnl t r i, tt O'^uy,. io, ntraighta, ioir,n,oii n, luncy. ?-4 K..-.J-.. 60; 1'atent.. oidmary lo choloe, 86*80 T"?: faiuy. t>5 80-<_*0; 8up rllne. iiirliu.' and ?.nt r, 88 851-84.80; Flne, 63 A6,r tA20. MaiKel Cla*ed woak .... .SOI TI1EUV FlaOUlV Haih.r w-a.i ?itl, a alow laoulry, flalei 1 0 0 bbls. In <-luUJi._r bhlpplng ,...'!?-. s?l-,?iu?a ".<? jryl-' ;. ,.i l-mlly 1 Ittai -i .- | ? - '. I'at-nt*. ?.iu*-". 06 .RYE FLOUR ?U-it-i ai.d UDcbanged ln urlee. ^al,?^ 6oo bul* bupemue, at 8*1 7-_<i__> I". :. ,d Fan ) at 89 20 L'ORNMKAL t>teadr. Telloa Weilem n\ii.t>d at 18 85-83 86, ind Hraiidvwlne ai *3 i_. - bbla. i.i:\i.\-wiii.Ai' Increa-ed aetlvlt) ?**? noted in th> or.tion ,,ii.- mday ni.d tbe drift ut tl, market ?a* loine wi.ut eiiaUc, but there .- llttl. ur non.. ..( the ?? <?? ? lii.nto. nervocunoM wbleb (liura-'U-rl/.-u yeaterday'? ..-ai iti_.>. Ihe oi>ei,iii. * i- ?>"j-. i. .-ir,,; ! ii uearlv two boun t_ier--..ft. r tl. --U-jr" ?'.--i, nt had full control ,,f th, - ' t.mi. twlBf'alded l?y f.-. ? .-liintf at the \V,-.*t u.i'l I bi- i . o.' lt lil (!.,;..,-. Irr.t.a. -.-.;- ;.. r Wera July. whilo Decembei *,i(T,-rsl a decllni ,4 :.v. -l.-.n." - 1 h ,- wa_ tiii-ii i*i :-,.' ... ,i further drcqi ?i bd*. ln th. *i?*iui.. however, th,- nutrkel t.i bi ovet-?.;,l :;ri<t on llght offerlnx* tiier.- ?a.. -j mrsrp r_;iv. jimi-- waa relatlvely atrooser than otbei mootlu, al th, i!,,.? *l,o?-|i:.- a ri*-- t,; >-. il,i* wa* aaerihe. inainh to forciKu baylug in addition lo ?iikh to-Juv* ]?, ul anivali were unlmportant j> !?. tint I - ?.- whlio rernote dallvertoa were praetlcallv unebanaed, a* pski.-l witi. yaaterday'a ....... i,,, reault ,.1 th* rei-eiit cio.crnin.-ri? report --j* ?-.hi la Un mlnd* of tn- "bc-aw," v i,. mM i|iiit.- r.;. at t.;..,?? Then, a_ala, tiie ?*-t- ?,a? lowei wlth r,?,rm.>.- -1 im. weatner a'.ioid. Domeatli > r,-, m-,-.* rootlnued frn--: abl.-. wtth foi ii -1 reiorti oi narveatlns in Hie s? nii w.-*t. M.,r raln ha-. r.ib-.- iu .. uUi Dakota , ruuiii d wlth Uio liberal uterloi tr.ovanient, added t-. t!i beavinea*. T - forelgn buving of . ptlona bowever, U-uded t. eheck th.- :i r ii,.-. ;,r,j inr.-r lai the day there wero ru.r.ri of t.rriln-r exteaalve exrofl purchaaea whi--h friciit.-.H-fl carli *.-!.:- aho found \i . > llitli ior **,,-. Th- icuU w.,- .! di -l-il change ._ iehtln_ent, and Uie market iwuug tound t- a hje-lur La.i>. I'rom ti'- :.iv.i-t I'.--,)... there wm .. rilly of :', .ii-.c, aml laleai aulei were al aboui m.i top. Prlvate dlipatvhea fr-,.i-.. K imtax report -.1 -' phl din veniiin ln hoiu.- neetkam. July r.r :.---d fron 81 05 at tli ouu.-t. down to *-i oa1.. then up 81 0-._i, cioilnfi at 81 o'1-. ln-r.nil_r **.r'..l ?t -1 08, from whleh tl..-i*>- ...i* a r.illv to 81 03'*, followed i.v a b.-ai. . , . i 02**. Toward the eloae, bawever. ^i 08, wa- tourhed, la-avli Arr iftl* at inl-r-ir (H..nt. n-r __6.O10 '?-.', *|.rln_- anl A2,t22 tn'?h wlnter, r.?-..:. -. 87,288 and -.'T.Si'T bunh re sf?*? ri.? --. .. reai j-.-,,. Soaboard reeeljit* II,492 buah; elaaaaaec* na.120 buih wheal and it..v.i |i;_. ?.. u n,.. tpit market ojiened w.-.k and lower, hut - wlf, Hirlit oi. ri.,1'*. Ti . -v-K.rt t.i,*m.*- -a-.-pr-7i.tail 240,000 buih, Ineludlng Bva VasAt ^fo, '-' C'hlcico vprinB, aae load Se l Norti,-in. thlrtea-n inai*. !Co 2 i-i f -, 1.. K-ven Sn. 2 red a_uat. ai.d rour loaail* i.l. fj. Mlller. Uiu.lit two loadi wlnter r-d an<l a lo*4 ,,: N',, '. Keethern iprln;. There wera a:-u aboal nfteen io-.A tak ., bv eaporien, ba*.i'. on . , tepU-eeai for f..r. irU ahipmenl Sale* 11,21-.OX) buih future, ?D7,000 bush -jau aad s|--r-,ui. Lneludiia ,,-. winter ril, ;at tl 08l(il*l i.c_r: N'o. 2 n-d. aBaaat, ll C'..'>. dn t o. b. *1 (-4W1 0W??. *'..r and iflaat; d>j July aa prlvate tenna; SCo. 2 Chlrayo aprlut,*. II 07.1 _float: Vo I Xorthern, ?".-? wer July ifloal q,?.;?.i 81 lO.uU lo.: Xo. 2 Jiiu", 81 (*_-.."i*l oTV , I ?in_: <i 81 OTV; do lulv. tl Cn'i-u-l 06h. rloalna al *1 0?V;*do August. al , iv./*l .-.",. -lo.lii.' at *! 02 <!-, tieptrmfrr. 81 7 .**<._?1 01*-, i-laalna ?t ?1 ^1V: do ort.ber .1 0|lBt.' ?101% ? ? .,- - 01 . ?? <ft, 81 OSVctl -iS1. iioUhe rat fl 0(i. .do MayM Oi'-,-'<i 07 ...loi a- at *1 07',. RYlv?Vei-y dull; pr--?> noinlually uncbauged. W.-steru *n1 Blate quoted a K_a_rl?* m. ipo) ipd 78?78.- foi do to arrlve in Heatember.. ..BARLEY MALT c,,., |**)*II_U| "U-.U. '_??.< i,.i<> w.,l state nuoted al 90892c; .i._.w?i rto, ...-,.rie oaaada ei?*i.i*. ? -n: qialle aetlve un au -ulatlve a.-<-nunt. anl thr. rbince* were larg-ly In *ynpath) *lt?i wheat Ovei 2,000.00. bu*:. re^l-.seut tU.- toUl deaJliiK- foi Uie day. Tl.ere ,.n* a dei-.lii.a- of li?i)c dnrmi' the .-ailv ln,-i-*. attend.-d ?lth <-cn?:daTjl.le tell-Bl bv --lonce" and more nr l-- hammer ?"F, *V t"* "b.-.r ' Mt. fliK- ueathir \V> *t ;,.,,l . ,, eabi. adrieei had ? uethina to d,i wlth thi ha-avlnea* But u.? int.-i. .) arrlvab won qulte a__b rate aml the ueaat i-j^rt-1 tiberai *!,,?, ,?..,tv whlch, UMreUwi wlth Uta late biio.aitry Ir, thi- 1. idljii. n-i.-jl. brought a general riie. J.,n. ,i0?.? ?u|]y ja., ln-.-l.. ? ,,? nuiii ofT.-Hii?.? whll? k,ur n,oi, 1.. _MW_d li't .tln- of V ijreer .-xj^vi imvii.e ai-,, contributed to Uw late advinee riae *p,,t iuar.,-1 . -1.^1 ?tr.,i.u after a weakd -,f,-r. Inp. Atx.ut 848.000 bmsk w<?.- taken for rxBOrt. Mart ape, ia) .lun. ?Ik] juh ,10<i .,,. |,?-,l t,_rt. peught In a liba-ral wav. (learaacei 104.479 _w*b. 6*te*. 20Wl.vio i,.j,h fm,,,e K8.OO0 lni"h -p -' and *p?a ?ai. Im-luding unirradird mixea aml whlt.- SS __-7>ie I ' alxi . r_l88G '.(? br u_e ur,-at: in wh-wt und i-nrn. ' A heavy open Ing wa* Kuw". 1* 1'"'\i"" *'' 1,n^' *ith renewed llqutdatlon^ Gradi-d whlte broke fully 2c and mixed ahout, le. BBBBlag, bowevor, wlth mora rCrvimth. CL-urancca, 63l? buah. Sai?, 1'.X?,*j0o bush fii'.uiv, '..-.',tniO busli ?i*t, iuclurtiii- Bo, ;i iiils.-J, 4(k- l--\,t,,r; Ni> 3 whltft, 48c elevator; No. 2 Dilxcd, 48*atMTc alorator, 47v.?m_c deii\,*rcd; No. _.* whlte, , 4?<-.U>_. elevator; Bo. l, -6c etaraaor; No. 2 chl c.uo 47S--4-C; uiiiiratbd mixxl Woatern, 41<u4'Jv: whlte do -0-a*eJ<- ; No. 2 June. < !o_lng art 47c ; do Julv. 4_?a<-47,-, doaliig al 470i do Aut-ii.<l, 40*.tf-l*r_c, vli.-lng at 41>2, ; : do septenilwr. 3 7 h..-38 *?->-. closlng at SB'ae ; .No. 2 whlte ! June. closlng irt 41.; do July,, clo-lnif at II.1- hl.D- l'll-.i aud .ulrt. Quoted on tbe spdl: 40 ' 1., 7<>__o<- siiring _nd wlut-r; _0 ir,. _5870c: 80 ro. 8_n 1 ihs*; ioo _>. *l 10_*i 18; ahana, ti -_.5-?l __; r.v> Mi j uoiyiuai, 81; bomlnj Khop, ?-i-.i io. MK.M1' AND JlTl. -MkII Is U'lll st Oc ou apot. UI l b-.itt* l 000 balea papei aoM at i.i5?M7 ..- __._,__ IIIDV,** Ihe market !?> very qulet. but lirgo noiJ.-rs ? manlieat no dl-__t. uio:. ta ao-.-pt modliiid b_K l^1'0* ! Ayitra aud Moi.t.i id ? Ind- >)'io..-d at 18 .c ; ws". IO"" t?! Jimwlnati. part, ii.<-; 1,18-1 foi.ira i^o-ie, for ??ud >-, to Uo*>usi, 1.0 o Oallloinla. oa prD <**>?? irTn.*. li.. V IND blRA-V Q,.-t.itioii_ on hay wcr- advaoo-tt 1 about 5c i*r 100 lb. ai.d the market ilo*_d Hmii?. Sniail r-.vii.N und r.-|_Tl.- of ___:_?.? U, tl*- cro|. l.aQ r,:,-l W do Mlth tba buoi.u.-v. DeraanB WM *>>.?:? bB^i>-tter. Mtiw ateiidv ttud alow. HAY-Cbol.-c. rBMKK, iirliuu, 00-70c ; falr to eood. SJttOOc ; ehli.pln .. ''ir : ilnye . uitxed. Mc .- STKAW ___* ri". _0-b.V ; sliort rve, lo 60c: 854140c; _h-at. 31.40.. ? 1IOI-S Ih,.*-. 1- .ontlnuf- ahsence of exi_>rt lnter-?_. ?nd trade wlth b.cwir*. ts stlll cnntliird ui small lot*. Prle>_ ren.aln os quoted for a few days past i Btate, l.-?. cholee, 8_fcj m.-Uum. 8'.?-31c; conimni to fair. 26#_l8c: 188-,lMm; 1888,10-15. ; l'a.-ljc Coast. 1890, cholc-, 3_. ; conuuon to prliimt 20881 c; 18--. i-< 28c; Bavarlan, 48B_3c;, 50- ."_<-. | LEATHER -Tb- total t_.li_n.-nn Btace laM -r.d.v e\ c./d 44,000 ald.*. byt Uils largdy repKeente recent a, _. tl, txpait demand I-, a llttle Maek at the t., loo. ara .-anttou*. operatora, but prle? on aU rradfs ar- *ub___u-_>ll. as l^t iy.-.a. Re. ccipta ol all kliida laataer for Ui<- ?.-,k K'S,'";' M!lw1?>. Ml-'.TAl.s- While r.-tK.rts of moderate actlyltv ut n l_h borlnc irurts ar- .Ull 1. ard of the botlntoa doea BOI to tw of auBlclent ma. nltudo to allect valu-s on rm . M fliitahed Irona. Btenuid tmnis of Arnerlean lron are quoted ata?lr ?"*l '" l*'r demand wlth No 1 X Fuundry at ti7.*..**l?. und No. Z X al 818081B8O, Mlll BTadef rm.- fw-in .11 to 818. snd U-ss'rrer pl- l_ quot.d at *10 nt ti,. mlll: Beotch p'b. in.u'iiially st 824 80 for ColtaeM iu>d 912 for nalm-lllngtoii btV.F.L ItAH__S-Vf-rv llttle neu hualnesj noted ln heavy aectlens, bm tl. ? price mnalns wry ht-adv nt 430 foi - miil d.-liv. ry ... C. ,1'1'KK Lake foi Iniini-dlat.' d.-liv rv ls probably (il taliiible at 13r. r-.-nt mii-* i,.r hoinc um havlnfl beea at tlmt Bsaro. Arltooa and other btaodi rani trom ll-V- to i2-'ie.TJN'?Tli msrket v;i* allgbtlv ?.-ak.-r. wlth LooBoa. On th.- M.'tai K\,!iaii_r Mi tooa Aofual *<>]d trom 20.80c do.m t>. 20.40c. LEAD Qulet. but iteadr, r.t i.c t,? apm i..t_. moi.a.-*si_.** Porelini ateady; 80 te*t In hhdi quot*d 18c Kor lila.k stran '.i'j.- Is qoyt.*d ou ,,f Ull* heavy, Domestlc ^-rad. s dull at 28 to 85c, good u. Cancy, and -.>/-.?" ii cmoiDoo t,. lalr. Balea, 881 htr_i~ Manianfiri, 12c f,,r Mlected, N'AVAL STOriF.S-SPIKlTS TCItrEXTINM'.-Qiii.t ?nd Meedy, it.I< ??* -Ithoal maw-rtal chauge. Qunt<_ at >',.-.I'.OSIN-Had a lliiht Inqulrr. stralncd quot.-d ut rfl 45: i/oimI utralned. t1 47V- *1 6-1 B, *-l 00: P. 8170; ''? *i_0; 11. B2 30; 1. 82 88;. K 88 76; ht, *3 15; N, 93 20: \V. (,., e:( 30; \V. \V., *:i 50. (Hf.s-Ti? i- waa a dull i.::d featureleM markat f-r Cottonaeed. nnd othei klnd- nlad ?l_?it -t-odv, bat Qulet. ('..ttont-eed. ernde, prin.e S'.'c: d,. ad 2o*2'Jv: reiin.-d, aummer vellow, f..r ?.-:..*or,. jBOc; cholce. ile; do otl grud.-. 35c; Cocoanul. (-> lon, 7a7V?c; Coclnn, Be; Cod, 4iirf(.( , Ui,*.- d. ra?. , itv. B2e; l.ard, |,rlm-. 51 ..',2c : TallO I2e: Menhadeo, erude, 28c: llght preesrd. 28w_9 dark picf??>4, 27c; blca t,'-d wlnt.i. B2e; l,l-a. bea aprlng, 81c; <\t:n bleaeh.'d winter, 84886c; Sperm. crude, 13n Ite; nataral _iuu-r. 74c; aatural spring. .iS-70r-. bi-a.-i.eii winter. 78_>7-c; bl.xich.. iprlng, 7SB74e; Wbalr. rrndfl 60c; iiatnia. .iiiib'r. ;,.">?.", j.- ; natural aprlng, 54c; bleaehed uiirtvi. .VTa.'.s,- ; bleaehed aprlng, 50c : . xti i bleaehed. (_>.? i-aiionllled, 44tc p-r Bl; 011.-, Italian, 88B70e; I.l.n, Oa ,?'.,?: StralBa, 28c; Dank, ^70. ., EAN I''ls Tbe stesm fn>l_ht narket arafl tnor aetlve atul i-atl.^r atronger partlcularlv on future uc rommodatlon .IIF.HTH r.N..AH-F.MKNTs To Clvr 80(ioo busli grain, 2l.<l. June 27; bu?h do. a_d, julv 8; r,o balea cotton. a-a-Jd : ,s ooo i ox>*e <-iu*e?o. 25s, and BOO plvs butter 85s; to 40.000 bush gnia, 8d, an.l 15.000 do Bo. 3.d . to Coi*nhagen, 10,000 busli eralo. aa lOSd: t.. ttla^gow, l-l.OOO bush grain. -'d : to l!_C rlni::. 10.000 bush do. !>,?; lo Air.sterdam. 24.000 buah do Bc Jelv 8; to Marsclll ?. 40.000 do do. ls Od apot, uu'l 18.000 do do, 3- 01. September; Ut llau.inr.. bush paln. 83 i.fc .. flRAIK CHA"RTF.RS-Hr1tl.h Ht_?m?r i..sit - ,..,-.? to Corh lor afdera, 10.000 otra, *.'? HkI: on- of ll.o(K) qtr-.. BalKmore to CorB foi order*, Ba Od. Augxiat; another, the same: British steamer win benre U do do, 10.000 qtra, on prlvate terma; llrltisb steam r Beaoomrfleld, Daitimotp to Coi-k for orlers, 10,000 qtra optlon general rargo...1'KTKOL.rr.M , IIAKTERS?Shln II. l(. Thema, h-n-e to Hooa Kong. 50.000 .-??- - istined. "0\.c. on shangli-.i. 26lsa; BrltUh i*rk OiVWik:s, henee to Bllvo, 4 OOo bbla r> fln.-d. 2s 3d: nntiah bark Alicr M. Claaldae henee to Dera-n. 7..r.oo bbK _s Id: lbiliau t.ark Vltterla >!-. I'l.'.lsdeli-tila lo 17.000 .;,-- ernde, 18-.MI8CP.L1.ABEOV8 CHARTERH Britlsti schoooer Bleiira. benea to D-maram. peneral rarKO, 41.100; shln Tliouras Dana I'hUadcli'hla t.. Kcatflo, in.ii pipe, etc., B9; Ur-ltlsh slilp Pfclkland. h i. to Sidr.'v or M. !'oiiiii,-: bri- Marv nil*.- benee to Polnt-s 1'lti--. penerel c:.r_ro: achooon D<atr!o? Mcl>aa, Klng*. Y< i rv to Boi i ado ~ lumb, ?. 88. PROVI6IOVS PORK- Stcadllr malnt.-i1n.-d in price o-i a moderate d.-mund. Balea, l'O., bbls Meaa, niti, ln ti, ? ranac, Old M??s. s-io.ioiTfM.-io-. n?w d_ 812B812 50 : Short Clear, t?'.'ftei3 :,0 : Famlly, 8128818 28 ; Kxtra Prlme, *ll' L'nobaneed In prlee and qnlet. I'.xtrs Meaa q,iot,*d ut UO 608811; Plate, BI050: Pamllr, $1850; I'n.-i-.-t all 50S812; Ratra Indla Meas, ai(_820;.HKEP HAMS?Dull and st-ridi : quot.d li.r- .,; 9l?H*lb 56, and Bt tb- W*W\ at 8179817 50... CUT MEAT8?Bad a alew d n nnd to-day, bnt prfeea arere Brmly malntalncd; l'i,k!,<l Bellles quoted at. 5Sc; Plekled Bama, '.".,.? i.-V-: **r,,.,h.<1 do, 10?4?Ml?*c; Pl-kb-d KhOUld r-. Iv-; Bmohed do, "%.-. .MIDDLKS Opmcd w.-rik-r. Mt ci.tfwi wlth more atrenath. \' <'...<???_'?>. .l.i.v aold al 5 70 -.-.V: Keptrmber, ,".!.-";??,'. 07 L_,-.. DRESSED tli. n.r- i; -n.-rallv ateadv, and f, moderate requeat; uuol .-._., heavy i? llgnt; r.'-,.-,'.'i.- for pi--- LARD Opened huavy, nr-.l aubeequently broke Ow, polnta on r> newed llQuliatlop a*. the weat, b.rt the late rlar In corn |ir?ni)ited coverlng of "ahorte." nnd llnal flvur-s ahowed p.ilns of ,.o"i polnta from th. rloKC ..f resteidajr; "eaah" <l?-d i.t 0.27 _c. Balea, 7',u tea for .x;...r-t, 0.2'2\r; 180 tea. 8.25c. and 210 tcs, i'..27h;,-. citv tteam .irm: Mlea, 180 tea at B.30-.58.V; roHned Contlnent ,jiiot,-d at 88088.80c: South America, 7.10,--, .lin,- nominal; Julv eloaed at _.?m .i-o-r, 2,000 tcs, ii. 17,(ii.-"'. : Auffual rloscd nt i; 11,,': r-nles, 210 tea 0.81c; ?*. ] f.-n.:.. r . l,,s.-d ;.' 0.64c: -.,:>?.. 710 t.-. ? 1 ..!.?? D.cember eloaed ;it 0.7.V bld: aalaa, 250 tc (1.71c .HCTTKIt?l?ron inont jobtK-r^ ?rf> qnlet nn I th.-re la little llf>- to th' sporuiatlvc d.-n and. Wlth liberal c(T(irlti?s tl.f mnrkft stlll r,0,* tn tniv-r-' favor. ('ream<*rv, State and Pennsrlx-aala extraa.*per lb. I.c: do _Uate, -? - o.xl? to 1lrstR, lBVTrlSo; d.> 1 icln .' 18|aB19e; othei Weatera exttme. 18Vc; Western flr?t* I7rfl7\-.-: s -coikN. lOaiOfsc; Witrds. 15-; Sflate dalry, half-llrkln tuba unl nafls, exfiaa. 18'i_i8c; d-. Arata, 17_M8c; do - lu.iii'-.c -, do W.'lsh tuba, extraa, 18c; ,1. flrsts M1-..; 15*98106; dr.Irv. tul,-. Ullld" ' 111. E- S.-lllnir In a me-l-rrit-- war ot ^tendv |ir1<*.?. Do tlc quoted ,t for fulr te cholce: Patua ?bi In bond, 3,:3',r ; Japan, S'^tfOc, and Jnvr, 5V?fie. "SiOAB?RAW? Qulet but flrm nt sltehtlv reduced prices. Balea, l.ijl hbd? Museorado, *?'. tesl Qu t .1 ,-r _.-> ? t.; Mum-ovado, 80 t?*, and au- foi 06 ( entrifueal, lin Cnltee Excbanae .1.j rloaed al 8 3'.i 3 i-IOc, BTEARIBT I ird rather aaater nnd ,i..l,lllv mor.. :.rtl\(>; -lti. in Mrd-, quoted at 7^r: *.ab s, ;!-.0.,;(,u tt, 71,1-. nieomarmrine alow: clty, 0-. tOBACCO. st.-mii-. \,iM, H l'siif movement, Bal*. c'.-nj.r >.-<! ?-,".'' ..!-? is;.' Pcnnsvlvanls Havana prlvate t rma; 100 do I8W Pennavlvania Ha\aoa 12 14" do 1880 Stel llavatiii. I4_2Ac : i.'.o do Sundrlcs, 7.'. I-1-- ? u 850 ' il, ! ., ., ,. 70.181 18. TALI/OW Ci,. ha.,._r>-d lr. |. , - and dull. PrlBM city (JU..-..1 iit I 13-IOc. \,, -a\? report,.. w.m.I. Deallnffa ln domeatlr atoeka hav- been on -. .' - . ?? betna an Inuireaalon Uiat prices mll be low. r later tt, th,. season Th- aortlna .iu,?tlnu ls ttin airltatlna dealers in and iwiTers >.t roreifn wool, ln th ? Mlea r? ???? utix ?-..r.. 10.000 Pi XX and above II. 82*30; 5,000 do iinna-iift! i'i).- : io<i.<;.io do aprlna T,-\n.x 17,,-jir. ? 15.000 do T.-rut.rv zie: nrifo ,),, aeoured 'I'cxaa, 11,/ll1. 5,000 do ^'|.rlTiic do, IO.O11O do - - - 1 do, 5.000 't.. lon T-xiis -,,rt>. I 500 .).. mobalr, 8,500 do iii.-diuiii unwaehed eombtna 5,200 do medlum washed (!? ,?,'? ao (*."' Bl Ki.llli'ic V3\-r ; 75.000 do Il?.|)*k0i, -.'??.-; 170.000 d" < ,,rdo\-a. ia*aB17c; 280,000 un_a-h.d AIppo, j.)L.,. 1/01,00(1 ,(0 V-ilp-.i-aiso. 11V,-: .10.000 do .**?-..' ', iiuiooo do chlna. I45.OO0 do Baadad, '/1.000 do carpet, 7j,ooo do MenterMea, m LIVE STOCK MARKETS. lfew*Tork, Wd_y, Jaae 13?BEEVES?RecalpU, |_n ,-:, 1;.. ,(1 - 01 2,147 had '-'.? ,ai.....!- al H .-?-ha .. l.-n foi .\ m allve; --' earlaada ... 80ta-at. lei ahlpment ln - ijuarteia; 25 rarioads over -l. lAdaware, i., n.i.iiii tr,,i Weatem Roid i.r- Baal Side ilaughw-rera; md 01 . ai-:,,aUs at Jersei Clty, M wbleb 11 carload) went dlrect te Schwartrcblld tt Bulzbcr/er'a abottolr, an.l 3 iars to Plan! Ur.i-. ieavlaa 11 eanoad..- ^oid j;,. msrsi-t i*a* r.t).. t alugglah al WedneadajN prleea ;,irl tj v> ls were not .|'i.t r lea red rour carload a ,', ,,.,1 ,??.,-, i.. _. 1- back lor Mr. Banaenlf. Then was . moderate extorl <I-rr _nd ?\Stlller_ -ol ? a' SH,?0'rte5.>0 per loo r* oon.mon U) cholce corn and meal fed Bteei _ Ml 20 (4 bead 5 : Oxcn an.l Mne- ,it <-3 75_?o; l,.,lls at BB '_'?',.. p4 ?'.-, ( n-i- :t.-,'t Helfera at 1-.-' li.lii.. 1. ' ( it'v l,'"' I ?'??' ' *'"" il1 "'''* ''O-'ic fnr T. -.xan aidta- inat for torn-lrd 'ir' BdOHie loi decenl lo prime iijitlvi -i-r.-a-s? s. tvith lufvrioi aellina down to 7'_.-. Pnvai eabl. advle_s t.. dat.- ojuote MrineraUd i.- t hiow i?ii heavy auppllea M Id, .,r va,,t 8c |t,-i ^.: w,.l \in-r can St <-. ?? sUady at ll_18c. ?t.-,iin?i..l deaj wt-lxht, biiiklns tlie odal. Shljimenta contlnus hearv. Tht Caehemlre ls u. be Udaii to-daj ?it>i S.mi eattl lor si (toldsmlthj to-morrow tlie Tauric will t.k.- uut *-'.,',.ti- th- I.ord Londondcrry 168 cattle and 7' 0 sii-,11' anii the Ki him.nii lllll 480 eattle and MO _????<., all lor the aaai j,n'y; th- Taormlna wUl earri ' '.', cattle foi Belaoo Uorru, uh.. will alao i.ut MO rattie _? 1,000 sh".-|, ou th- Chlcaao, whleb aalla :? 11 dar- k-'ialmans Conipany l'.,d tl?- Ail/ona wlth loo, ouarteri andthc Cir_a__la wlth 1,440 do; J. Ketoon 1 i,,., ..,'1 [ "oo nuarter- and M'l dr. ,s,-d baaa on th.-. I trmla \-I_on M"irl- 1 _**" qna^i, an lh- J, -r?r 1-itV -.nd Wi ouarters oa Uie Rletamond HUI. The or .," ..| iil'u, *- t.'i I'"' Alsatti ar- 810 catti. aod BOO Sh. , u inkii," wltli ;(?') hh'-l> te KO t. th- \V _t Iudl.-h. 1 total from thia 1*0:- fo? ?*? '""k "f ;( 7(;: cattte, 2,535 Bh n 11 708 nuartera nl i*-' t aiid 116 dr-.-.d boaa ^'sa'.-s-l M.i'h--**,.'. I '" ?- '""" -stllcr* 1015 11 ., ,-,.-,,, | , i,..i rr,: 21 d... 111:1 :*. al B5 20: -.-. ! .T,,ri - Bt BA - ib>. ID-" tr,. at Bl 85: -J0 d-,. 1001 p\. . .1 10?'<; Ohlo _U_T_, H7H Bl, Bt >">70: I d... 1212 Bi, ! aS40; 17 W.-st-ri, do, 11-1. fh, at B6 25; ( do reitra 1250 n at 8885: ix Texaa Oxn, l uo 1.. at 8875 ? f.lllo do 1.'11!> ft, ot *4 10: ?> do. 1781 Bk, at 4.1: -.' ^tlll fed ii illi - "i 85; 8 Ohlo ?..?'. 1111 lb. at B3 75; 5 do, l-iofl ir.' al *i 10; 3 da 131:* ff.. at B5 - sand.-i-r : 1 *. Kentuehv "Olllera." lltfi rh, at 8818; II ,i? 1 K>' Bi ?t 86 10 '?'* .smu, Bteera. !.*?.'. tn. at 91 50; ia ..lilo d., 1210 1h at 8810; 17 -1., J10-' lh. jj. *i-.-o lx do 1180 tt.. ..1 8585 4 l'.-n.isiiiHiiia <],, 1-JVi ff,, at *-, -,", ' '1 Ohlo OXCII. 1000 BV __.*!_.?: 3 Uo. 14.'.3 'f.. at Mi20: 2 i-tate (1- 152. ff., Bl 85; 1 "hin Mull. 1170 B, -,t B8 50; 1 do, 1580 B M 8875: 18 1*. nn*vlvr.n!a Cows, Ml ff^ <t 93 1 do IL-.'O ',',. Bl ti 2o: 3 ohb. d... 1880 r,, "l |L ..old-n.lth ? 18 f-nii-vivanla Sterra. 1200 ___, at 93: 1" do 1202 " al ??'> 80 \,?t.,i 8 ilH-tl 18 nt-al-I.-d l*> nnsvlinnla Bteers, 1811)8 ataoao 80 do, 1131 ti,, nt *.") ?.'.', 1 I'ennarlvanla R11II uoo B?. ,t *(().-, 1 ,1,1. 1120 ff.. at 88 25; .1 I'-m. arlvanla Cowi llld ff.. at ?3 40: JI d... 818 ff,. at 8-88; 10 d . H10 __, Bl ?-' ? __H>rman c Culrer: 72 Kentuchy ,'aMMer?,M li'jo ih. Bt #_ 10; 20 ii.-ai f.<) P-Boayhraala Be, 1880 m, al ?'(, (iiib, Bteera 1088 ff.. at 8478; 1 l_s.ll. I.(*00 _i. at -j-.-, 1 ,|. 1--,,, tt. at 8485: 1 ?'<>?. 1180 -1. <>i ni 3, Pbamlterv: 13 Pennsylvanla ateei 1, 1 1'?:'? "... al - d,, I '7:. B it ?5 50. MM.t 11 COWb i-.--.i|.t- 10 bead. Markel dnii f.. all exceiil chofca stock, Mhu-i. ->;:? (alrly ?.-il- D. Katl r.'i? it- tha aale ..f !'?? eliolce t/, fan. . milkora at Bl ??_,., U..1 I'-or tn food ur. q.lOjed ar ,.'ou94'2. 1 AI.VIS-Rc'H|,ls. l..-,d. iirtkinii for the alx days 11 Cii eaJvei Market atesdt ai ft.B-lla. b.r buttannllka, I _!_. f'.r rolA'-d talvea, ai.d l^itd^r for falr to extra veala. l?r.__vd BBlVaa at-Biiy al 6aIV. lu. Ul..' l__ca_>.d ><3?la. I (,'.?., for country dreaied. and 0_7c for dreaaed butter nillk* . il,-*-Htime . Mulb-t. : 11 ml nd ealvei. 181 tn aver age, at 4_.e per fh ; 34 do. 118 Ih. at 4V : 8 do, 12.1 ... 82 veal*. 119 lh, at .'.',- 22 Ao. 133 Ih, at 0,-; 27 d... 141 th. at 8Se; 20 do, 146 It-. at ll _tr. .leiuft... Wili/lit 4 Co. : 75 bultermllk ralve*. ].,o _i, at 3V : cx> do, 1M4 _-. at 4e : 4 d,.. 187 th. at 4>a; t:i * l_3 n,, al Oc ; 07 do, 133 fh. at 8.4 ; 80 do, 144 lt). Hnll'.-nh.-.-k A Holll*: 77 butl.-rinllk ralye. HO Ih, lt le; 81 do, 120 n. at lc; l." wala, 140 8. al OV Judd 4 liu. klugham : 4'J veal*, 113 U, _t i.'ac ; 28 dn. 144 th, at (V ; 86 do. 148 th. at <'? : 10 80, 173 dn. it .?_?<?. BHEEP ANU I.AMH8 Reeelpt*. 18 rarlaada ol 1,840 bead-10 rarloia.l* at .1 roey t l:v aml 2 iitluad* at OOUi-?t. itow f,,r Iheap, l.nt al...ut'*t.-ul\ fer g.>"d -t,?k : Ironb* ...... extremeh dnll ond Uf low.-r. Fully h*if th.- _n_r> ln..-s were uaaeM at a lat,- beer. Iiurk* aml old .???>_ aolil nt %3_0_-?l i>er 100 . : .-..iiiiii.... t-- falr *beep a-*> io : Bowtbarn bmba at t'.c-T'.,- pet ft-. aaa ino baaeh brlrrl,,. 8c. Thia aai off dav for the _?lf t,r.d* and hivlnc Whtttled up all Ibe lx,._ls lvln. around l_o_?, Col..ii.l Kewman trb-d hl* l,-,_,U in tli,- aheep pene, and ?ncre?_i _ lu r.irialllng on thn arales a rarlnad of Iluffaln Meaav dodv-er*." and o-lllug Uiem at. tktf |kt B. ... Ortmeei nuttoa dull at B810_c, and treaeea lamb* iraah at 10518c Balea?Judd A Bncklncham : 70 Vlrg'n a bimh*. 64 n Bv.-nvue. at TV : lw. il .. 0T*a th. at 7_>c: u \v,?t Vlr.lnia ewea, 180 ff). ut *4 j*. 1O0 lt. : 3 do. 100 Ih. at *5- IT IlnlTalo d". 131 fh. at 85 25; 2.3^1.117*8) "wlnter kllled" lan.b*. 4. Th. it 93 60 19 I ull-. llTb. at *4. wiikir*-n __ Sbennan i 81 Ohlo iheep, *_ Th, at ta _0; "2 Kentuekr do, !3'> m. at *4 ; i!).s Keotaeky lanib*. 85 Th, al 7**e_per n; 119 8o, OSJb. al 7 .e. _ _^ R. A Co, 210 Kentucky lamb*. 75 _i T*. it 7V: 229 do. CSh lh. at 73aC ; 200 cliilo slioep. 84 . Th. at 88 16 per 100 8. _ _ I>. MePherwwi t- C'n. : 89 Vlrrrlnla lairib*. 00 Th, at rV ; 186 'ln. 031- th. at 7V : 50 do. (14 ffi ?ruit. at 7-\c. IKi.-S llf-r.-lpt*. 1 . r-irlmd- of 2,964 head 13 rar!r__I* at inih-.r. and o earload* nt .1. ??<-.- otv. Veae for ml. allve. Qiiot'l weai at *4 10991 6- for \Vr_tcrn plsx, and M 75886 for paaa. BMdlaa. ;u,d ktsvrj ho. *. UVK STOCK MAXKKTB-B- XEUHHUU-H. BufTalo. June U'.-Cnt.le-r.-vilpt* foi U.e 24 hoiii*., 4 loo head : totol for ).????_ thn* far. 12.800: for -Jmc tlme laal weea 0,080: ronalgned Ihroufh, 1.700 bead. ot whh-b 2,680 tn New-Yort; aa lele. 100; aiarkel o|>e_,- ilow. tendlng lower fi?:? common ? dull: ?ood rnni-f-d cow* 88 75884 15; Texai ateer* 88888 80; Texaa bulls _r>, 8800-86 75. Hoga?Reeelpta f,^- tne pat-t '.'4 houn, 11.260 bead; t-iial for week thni fnr. 68.000; fnr MIM tlrr.i !n*t week, .'.. .O.'-o: *_>n?Igned OApO ii....I. nf wMeh 6.560 to Kew-Tork; en ?ala. 2.100 rrt__T_et <.i..j,.<1 ilow aml lower; ili.*e.i : rorkot*, 81808 ?4 65; medlnma an-1 hearr, 81 70884 a6: Ptaff. *(nei40. Sherp and lamb* tten lpt> for the j,a*t 24 linur?. 5,H,i(i head; n-tal for . <-k tln* far. 80.200: for sann- tline l-i.t week '.-.".im,.); ctnilgned Ihrovgh, 4,400 inad. of whirh " 400 tO V-w-V.irk: 011 Mlo. 1.400: op<n..l <low 11,d ,-a-v. Clo ,.l dull good iheep, 11 75085 60 ; r..n mon t-i fair *4.i' (?. 1 ii."i: v.-uil.?*. 86 2--I85 76; common, *4 00<iis"); s~r!iic lamb*. 85 T.'.nlT 40. __ . Chieago, lunr 12.-"The F.verlna .lounial " reprrt.: :;., . IpU, 0.000 bead. of whleh 2 000 were I n.,t!i nViv.s and Te\an_ I-, l-.'^l d-niaml and -t.alv. Tl ,_r- - Recelpt*. 18.000 li.-.i: a'tlv- *te-idy : remmoii, $4. *4 40; iiacV-T- *i 30.ifi I".; prlme heavj ind butcher*' wetahto ,i :.,i,,*?'. 56: llaht. ft 50881 55. Rheep _ md even thing eold at ateady prlcea. *4 8.) \\. -'? rn*. t.:,.;.". 1.'.- '!'. \.-n -. 18 78884 00 I.amb*. St! ____-. June 12.?Cttttt.*-r.eielpt*. 2,400 heaad : ihlp ment* 1 700. Maika 1 -lm.Ir hlgber; l-oo-i io fanrv nn tivr ateen 851001- falr to ;-)'>?! natlve *trer?. 68 800 8690; and Indian* 8200.8886. Hag*?Reeelpta. 1800 b>_- -'!; i--'-'-. .M."1 Market * teady; falr to , imir.. heavy 84 40.181 ".0. irlxed gradea. *4,iji 40; ll_ht falr to beat, 83 80883 18. Bheep-Reedpta, $3 25. Mar 1-,-t . tron. , fair le tstttj, -:: THE STATE OF TRADB. RaltlmniY, June IJL?FlOBT dull. unchanged; re reinu 18.778 bbla; tale* MO bbi.*. win-it fkiutnern w?ak; Fnlta, il088 91 OO; toogbeny, fioosaios; KO, 2. it C. liT<__ul_r ari.l lOWOTj fcpnt, ?1 0'il-4n *i 0- 1-8; Jaae, 81 08 6 '-.'??fi ..:. 7-ft: July. ?i o-'i 1-2 . II oa 8 1; Atwnxt, .1 "i 1 -" f ?- r' M! Sejaeaiber, 81 ".. 1 38*i (nt a 4 : receipta, 8,071 buab : at rh, 183, 108 i-.i-Ii. .sale*. 51,000 b.irli. 1 tirtt?feouthorn nomliial; wblte 7u?Tle; rcDoar, f,7n0rr. Ml.\ed. irn-gubir; ipot, 83 1 -''?'?.i, : .lulv. <n .". -.mi 3-4c; -v>t, So. 3, ublto, 1.7 14, IM: reeelpta, B.OSS buah; *iock. 2,0, OJi bush; aalei, tifi ?> baan. <'ats. weiker; Bo. 9 whlte, Weatern, _4c aaked; Bo. 3, mired, d<> 5-2. asked; . -eeipt-,, ii,(i(XI bUBh; ?toe_. 01.707 bii_h. Hye iiub-f No. 2, '.a.-.r: ~t.,r.t. i..'i7:, buah. Hay linn: good t,i rbole*. tlnu.thv. 9138913 60. (iraltl fne'gbt* llriiier; stoatn, t. Llverpool, per baabel, 8d. Cotton <iuiet; mMdllng, 8 8-8c. Provlaloni anrbanfed. Hutter un , ?IniiL.-f. F.pp* \y.-;ilt, 18 1-2C ('(,11'*.' Qulet; Hio rargoea, falr, 10; !fo, 7, 17 l-8e, Sagar dull. granii Iat<-(1 11 BO. Copper Orm, demand nrtlv--, itOCBI i!.-'t: reflned, i-j?i-;iu. Whlatey aneaaafed. Bafltfa, N- V., June 1_^-Whca_?Wo. i bari, loararj 2,800 bush s.iid nt 91001-2-9100 3--, eloMnf ut *i 101-4; Bo. l Slortlicni ipot, s1! 061 4; .,()(?() bn?n .-. I. f. s-ild al 91058-8. eloatng al BiOoj Xo. -2 Northern, .-"l 04 l ?_. Wlnter wbeat, dull and areaa; ?'? ran No. 2 red aold al 91033-49910_ on track; do ln atore, 91 04 i 2 aaked; No. l whlt*-, #1 OQJiBt 10: vo 1 white i>n-4_'ii) in st'.re 9108. Corn i-iieiie| ireak; __.'<)'> boab No. - jreBow ln lota m>m al ..-( 10,000 bmli NO. '-! *"M at 801-2961C, elo-ln. nt 81 3-4c; No. ;. 61 i -'?: x?. _ reUow, c;t i-4r. Oatt ui).-ii..l eaay wltb No. -2 whlte al 40 l-2c eloaed itron0 nl .",<).- .i-lie.1. ntfi-iinc- v.-ry IIlMT : :. N,>. _ mlxed . ,;,l ;1t 4?) 3-4/247c. Hv,- nomlnal. Flour dull arnl \\..ik- l*--*' pnt'-nt sprlnir, 95CW. 8-.7S; do winter, g-,;,,/.;,:.'.. rye, 84 86893. Mlll fced flrm : coaise wlntcr bran, 91730; do iprlnc, .?17. Cana] frclgb's itrone; wheat, 3c; corn, 9 l 8_2 3 He; oata, 1 7-82 ile 10 New-York. Bocelpta?Flour, 10,700 bbla; whea'. '2:)6ot) buah; wrn. 228,000 buab. Shlpmenti i.v . in.ii wheat, IIMLOOO bu-h: com, 80,800 buah; oats, 03.000 buah; bv rall. Boar, bbl*; wbeat, 80,000 buah: corn, 118,44X1 buab. ( i,:,.i ,, .luin- 12.?Tba bartlng futnres ra.iped as fol loa -: WHEAT NO. 2. . 1H1'4 HT'* 01 . OTV. l-me nly W* 06 00 67. M7i B"^ .',4. 51._. -fl'-* 5.'.> Aai-at ....IV'".?.'*'.'.'.'. 88*4 '-JA-''* l?_. 93 CORN. XO. 2 June . A.i_u__ ".'."?';.''.'.'.".'?'.'?'.'.'. "f.V, 84*4 &2:,4 _.?? OATS. XO. 2. June. M9i ftt gi 4lh j?lv . Hf* 41 n% 41 AugU*t . 31 347? 31 31'. Ml.s.. PORK. r.-.l_ th. rillv . 883 1018 0T2. lOli'c bep-eniber.1020 1087. o oo , io3.. I.AI'.D, PEB loo ni. j?1V. 600 0 10 -r. 07h 0 10 _-,..-?,l,;.:". IS. ?82- 0^0 032. SIIOKT I'.IIJ.s. PER 100 Ih. i?h- .... r, TO 687*1 ?"> i'T1- &8> Ctok qaototlooa were as ?oll..v_s: Flour C|.il.-t, un chaii-.-d- Ne _ ipring wheat, l?7.c; Xo - *prrug "??*?, . ?*?,:-..{,?? No . -.1. iw.-.t! 00_; No 2 eom, J8e; No 'J l**e; N-' - rye, 82c; So - barley, comlnal; No i ii'.v-....<i ?i ii- Drl'i.i'- tiin.itiiy .S.--U. *l 1.,'tl _S8; ??.? ? ^Vbl Vl(f-87o50.Ur-.Der'l00 1h. W 2M86 23; Jhnrt rlb* l-oaei, 83 738? 83; dry aalled **??)\4"r? ;b..-.,l . .-../ri _'.: .b-rt eleai *ld? (I. -- ??? ??: wbtokey, dl-MllerJ Bnl?hi. aood*. pei ..,!,-? i. ?l ?. ?" ?? whlt.- oau, -..'?; No J, ??%.; No J wrley, l o b, 0~? 80c ; No 4 do, OOc. ,?--_!_*.."fl^^Hs , ,',V ',, i, ..'"" .138,000 lNJOOO K^y^ looo Ou th- Pro.ii.-e Exchanc.- t'.-.iy tbe butu-r market ?u* iteady, uacbaoged. Egxm, 14918e. Mlnneap dla, June 13.- Julv wb al opj aed atfl ? -.ld down i. ... 3-8c. and up lo 9100 1-4 ta ,,-, i,.-u T>,.-.- wai (alr traalng ln geptotnber from ... ,,--., 7-,- aad up lotw i-,'. There ?;?* more baalneai ln Deceiuber wtth laka rn gn? ^f^J ?cioS al '.-l i l? '" 01 ?''??'?? Tncre ":,v '"" ' , , | . ;,?. bocb on __..* made ln tbe morajngaod .siuUlv a. n .-aaM above tl,-<U-. NO. llOrthOril^d ai ibout tlie Julv prlce to-day. rhere waa a oood demand for ll Iron. I???*? "'lii'1"- ;,;<1 s',:,"0 u '-\ ri-' w,re boishl to ahlp out No. 2 northern aoM ' , ,, ? !,;,-. wlth prin inal aalea ranglng from .1- t. - LntaofXa l nortbora aold rt ?. Bome .n.-v l.-i- f o. b. broughl 9100 l-ee-inl. while .,?,-.. No -j.' JuH below No. l grade, brought Dp. i..-. --tt._ - 1-4 c_r?; bhlpmento, 33 ,:u*. U ,,.;,,''-Nn. 1 linrl. June, 9108 1-9! -' '?' , tn 0" 1-3.9108; No. I northern, June. 81. -Iiii>. ? I 00 3 - Seplember, ihi lir,-; on track, c!l iio 1 i: No. 2 noc-bern. June, Oflc; oo track, 06898c; Deeen ber eloaed al ^'i " be. Phlladelphla, .iime 13.?Fkaw market dull. aad urtrei "f dealrable family gradea weak and ln aome '..-t.ii-,-,-* io">.-r uader free offeringa, und ln lympathj wlih tlie decllne In wbeat. l.,-' grade wlntera a_i. -i.-.niv niKler *,n.-,itA. Kve flour ln moderate re uneal and neady, al M 80 f r rholce Fennijlvapu. \Vli--.-it linirlo-t lor liitur--- ile,-lli..-d rSa 1'' BlWer weuker cablea, uud closed dull. Higb frtAtt fcarc; Kii.i linn. No. 2 red June 1 "?:,. 81 ". i July 81 04 1 i .81043-4; Augual 81011-3891 01 8-4: Septemta-r 8101?9101 1 i. Corn markel (or enr lots decllne,i ?"' \.",i ;ie iimii-r free oflertnga and a Uchi (b-mand. Futurca i _83-4c lower, In nympntliy wiin the decllne ln otl-er grnln i-.-.iitn--. closlng nomluul ln lh. abRcnro ? il bu_lnc_?. No. - blah mlxed In grain depol jWc; n., -2 yellow ln Twentlcthit elovator mi 1 8c; No. 2 mlxed Jun ? 03 l -'?<>"'' ; July "'- l tmoa :i 4c; Augn 1, ,-,i i .-, : Mptember 'a> l SBHlc. <-m- markel weak und unsculed under free offerlnm and bme? re iioi-ts from other grain frenti-a. Prlcea decMued _ l-4e on car lota and i?l 1 3c on optlona. (air local trade demand .ii 'he de. llne but little nr do speculatlon. -il.-* -No -J whlte 10Z IU ) 2c; No. ?_ white Jnne and Vulv 48 1 -J? 4'.i,- : August 43_43c; BeptembOl 30 I 2-, 40 i -2c I'.s. * qul -i and eaay ; Rennsylvanla flrata 17r Mir.-iii- i-eilnrd *t.-;(dv and ln fnli- demand; pow deied 4 5-108 4 .-?_**; arannlated 4 1-l?c. rtetan kuttied and lower; wlntei bran 818*910. l'it-o>u.r. ,. ?i- ? reflned ln bid* ? 8-10*7 l lOu. Potatoeaflm aml ln (alr demand. Whlte potaloea old crop i>--. -"l 305 91 30: -?.iith new potatoca Prtme to choice p.-r bbl e") 26,i*6 76 : ?lo tii.-dliini -iii .v',; .tl: de <nll i>"5Qc93 clliei- nrti le- unchaatad. Recelpts Floui _ 400 iii'b nnd i'i.ii'hi iaebn; wheal 7AT00 buab; ,,,,,, -j.iiiii ii bu. ll; oatl 21.001) bush. . lilpinents whent :i.2ttti buab; corn '?<?<*?> baah; aala 8.SD0 baaa. st Loala, .lune 12.--i-'ioui- dull but ateady. Wheal ,,,,,,.,; cxelted and 7-8c loarer than reaterdav. cloae. nn. tln- Wai iien ? --I-. but Buctuoted within ?i narrow ranfC untll late, when tv-r.- u.-.-. a nillv. and Um a-ioae araa Orm, only l -? l i i below >.--. \,, ?? red ra*-, 083-4_00c; Julv. oi./i'_ l-8c rloahig B2c 6-llera: Auguat. 807-8*003-4e, ckwtiM 008-_e; Doceinner ii3 3-a*04 l-8e, cloilng i.4 l 8e b.t. Com? The opnihig wai l _? off. There waa qulet tra however, nnd the araa irntf.ilar. the eh:iiip.s be? ing imail i.'.t-i ...ui- ii..- eloae, anien prlcei iinnod up lu irmpaih) with niieat and i-lo*_-t 1 1 ?r above ye t.-rdiav N<_ 2 eaah, m? .vi B 8e; July, 'il l -? 53 l Sc, rlo-lri. "<i' bid. (>;it_ irrogular; No. ?- caah. it? i ?? lulv :iT l -2; 38 l-4c 11,..i'n-' 3b :i ac bM : Augnit, 33c, rloilng 32 Ii Be. Qye lower; No. _. 74c. Barley. Brat s?nii?br new . rop C'allf.niil.-i aniv.-d b.ilnv: no bl N. il.-,. qulet, abm ; prairle, liu-.K"; nmotli..-, 813-91a. l ran iteady; itcked, Tm-. Flaxaeed inunlual. lz-aal lower: Jane, 9435; Jalp, ? -7 l 8. Butter un .?haiifc'ed. K..* teudy. 13 1-2c. ' ..1..11..11I. tii l?0_*.. \vhiM.e\ iteady, 81 Ta. Prov-don* quwl aod c?-*j Port 810 50. Lard. naaterii d. ??'. 70. Dn' snit ma-at boxed ahouldera, 91 76; loafi, 98; riu. 8?10; dh.>rt rlear,98 20. Bacon, boaed anDiildera,962389037 1 _. IMICS. rf>\4., Hbl, 80 3a.ai9<i .-i llwrt Cle?T. r 8070. Receipti i) , n, 3.000 bbla; wheat, 12/mO bush: ...n.. M-OOO buah; oat*. _3.0O0 baah; r>e. l.*'.. bn*ii: bn.-l- . none. rlhlj.nt.* Flour, 0,000 l.t i -j(_xi baah; .orn. 89,090 baah; <?it-. la\900 biisii, rya, lAEBt baak; bariar, n.?i< WtMttPBAB rBOBBB K MAB-BR*. UvdraoaL June 12? 3:4.1 P. m ? Beef and pork In Bi/or tiKUiui^. - 114UV ly fAJt IW____i ij^t BBtx Aiomt 14 to 18 lt"-. -teudy at 41s. Raron, ln poor d.-m*nd. Bptrtta of turreiitlu..' 1" ,llir deir.and; sfcady at _!!.-. Cottonwed ,il. Llverpool n-Hn.-d. flrm, ut 2is. Rosln ln Mr >i-i.'.iii... Lard FwA ana. (Btaiaa ln poor de? mand: iiriiiu- weatera apol aad June, bbb ;U Bla :!.i ; julv aad Aagwat, ??*->? ai ,'iis ml. wheat !?, if..?r *?? tirand: Baaaaa winter, hard, teady nt ?-* 4i--d: No. 2 aprtng. dull nt Ba :i l 9? F_?? in falr d.'inund. ( itrii- S|mi| and fiitiir"* Iii iK.or d.-mand; mixed Wesfc ..1. -pot, flrm at .1- 88; Julv, -teady st ",s 4 8 4d; ABfBB-, IteadJ. at .",- ...I. II,,ii* at London?l_clll< Coast?Tlierc Is nothlnB otferlng. GRAIX A.\D PRODUOE MARKETS. K_...Tl'I.r_S OK BBV--OB8 DEALIVOS. There was a decided Incjvuse ln the dnalinK, in op tlons ln wheat yestertliv. about ll.UOO.OOO baahalB belng tnided in. Wlillc the in_.rl.-t wa.- lt fiiiloil t<? develop an Iwrcase ln tlio exiitenient showed noar fhe dosc OB Tliurwl.'iy. A larire ahort lntcro-t, l_v*<_ OB the excell.-iit cn?p pmspect-s, has l.cen tnaln t.ilncd f.,r some tlmo, and probably tlie purchascs to take j,r,,tit- BBteeedei by a laiye extcnt tlie BBB. voiiturvs ?f bull OperatOTS. lt i-ulinot bc den|e?l, how? ever, thut tlie forulgti clemeiit eAcrtcd au liitluen.c, aud Its purehaaea ran trom Jnno Into July and Deeember Befirerles. Tha foreign buying ot Jun . kept month rcbitlvlv hlpli-r than lat.-r ..i> ti< n ., nnd It eloaed Bf 7-8 rent. June ruied froui Bl .?, ;i i f., 8H <>7 .. -. Tii<- e?BCl of tlie t.i.veniin. nt erop reporta __, f.-it acntely In CWca*o, where tha op.-iiiii? prleea ahowed loe aea ,>f i eent, bat Bm ina.i-i_.-t hara u.-nt oti 8-4 oent. The report. as to th-*. crope I- -,. excellent thal raeaaa paajr i?- otiered for tlie uutst exliav-yar.t ..f tlie fWd. C__B_ were lower in .-pite of the ahortaaa abroad, .1 Mg ln t'-rli.r in.ivement wa- rciport-d, and lt was -ald thal liaj-ve.stlng WBB ander (U lu B_?0__ The lat- rally va- due to th,- a_n_Bb_B t" cover ihorta, a- tbal rtde nt the aecottnl wa- becotnlng too popalari A f.-w f*-. t..> reporta of daiuage bv InaeHa Ifl Kanaaa and the Btrond export luqulry lielpcd thc advance. _?Bjy rndwl up 3-8 rent, whiie tlie other BMntha were conf.-ut to re . ov.-r tlie enrly lo?. Bpo. lots were firmer. There were srile- of 240,000 bushela f"r prompl and oear-by ,1,-llven-, and ncai-K 100,000 WBTB -old ou table ac oaptaneaa. c.,rii wa- dcddedlv aetlve, 2.(100.000 tm-.h.-l- cnang ing han.i- iu tbe optlon Hne. There waa a decllne of l 3?3-4 <ont earlv, followed by a abarp raBj later, due. to ti,,- Hghl movement v.v-t and tne reporta as bi the reductlon in Chlcaco stocke. Ihe net reeulta were an advance of 3 B eenl ob Julv optiona aod i B ,-oiit oii the motv dtstanl months. Th>- si.ot market araa -tc-iriv, but there were aalea of fieerly 240,000 tmsliela on the apol aod for apeetal denverlea in Jun<. md .'iiiy. <>at- ofl the ;".' were d"eidedlv lower, esperlally fnr gradrd whito, which de'llnol 2 rent-. Tl.p Uon ;-ii 181 l 9 eenl al the atart, bai there was a fnil recovcry excepl for _fc ptemner, whleh ,-ride.i 1-4 ,- -nt lower. l.-inl broke t;?8 point- on opdOOS, bnt -lo-ed with -ni 111 net gatns. There were sales ,,f 7io tleroBa for export. 'i'i?. iin.-i! nnotatlona were ns follows: \Vh<*_it June, 81073-8; July. i?10r. 3-fl: August, 81 OS; September, 81 01 :; B; Oetohar. ai oi 7-8; ve cembor, $1 03 i i: Ma. (1_02), i'l 07 1-8. com Jnne, 84 1 8c.; 3ulr, flBc.. Aafnat, 01 i-.c: Beptember, 00 i le. . >ai - Jnne, .7,-.; Jnly, 47.-.; Aagnat, 41 i-2c; sep tetnb.-r. 3. l-4r. ln i ,ini-,. ffl 28 : .Mun-t, .-?.''. 40; BapKBtNT, BB .t: i?'i 7o. The retelpta of craln and 1!,>ur reported ye.terday at New York. Baltimore, riiibtd. lphla and Boston were aa followa: wh-at, n.d'..-j basnrla: rorn, 74.109 bnah* eis; ont-. I03.3P9 bu bele: lotal ?tre.'.n. los.ono bush ? ls: flniir. 40,471 paekaaea. At Chlciuro, Mllwankee and st. Loula the arriralB wttb: Wheat. 100.220 imslirl.: rorn. 200.001 bnsheli; oate, 2314189 busnelr; total paln, 538,210 bushota; lloar, 11,911 baiivls. TIIK TBApE iv CHICAOO. Chlcairo, Jnm- 19 [Speclal Evarybody oold lon? wh?*nt today. Miort.* ,.f bl.h d-irr*- rir.d |OW eottred. Jnlv ?li-at sold a- low M 89 MtltS, tli'-n r.-octed to 'JOHi cents and -l.-.d rit 88. ThB eO__rplat__M_M of HM li(|,ii.l:itl.,n ll aajataat an Bdvaaee. Ob Bm etltat hand, a weBderfal eaah i,.i in--* Ii reported trom thi ?.'??,-:. Stoehi every irherv are gnttlDK '" -_' i-x.-.-dlh_l\ lo? pdnt. To-mor* ro? nl_iit th- total - _ k bere ol all _-r>_? -'.ll not exeeed 2,000,1 "00 hnsh-ls. Cootlnental ci.le* arere gen.r-llr hU'ii.-T liriti-h generall. lower. Somethlnu of a roafOoii trfttild n-.- i- ? rt ..f iii- way, a erop, howwer, of over 500,000,000 l,.,-l?-l- i- n.rt. it. I- sr_lied, t-nlr,/ f,, l?* m,1,1 al un unuiUall. lilab ilRure. Com dropprd l*a eenta, then nwu-d Ji'il. __nd - loa ? S8?? ents, bul practed .. r.^i-j nnd ri..?d it SSN-'W.. Ther* waa In ti.i- maln, aa in romplete llquldjtlon nf llne- and roverlneof ihnrts Ordln-iry elrruirstances weric stlll ii.--rl--t-d. Th? Induentlal parl -f the ttade atlll had Ita eya ou th; advnn, ? ine i-r>|> and it- mind on the unu-nV. ;rl- -. 'I h- itoeK lui-. thls week o.ifdit to dcerea -. The ro_eluta were ,,'ily ?-'7i. tha e-ti"-it>- for Saturday only 814. A br i.u-ln. -- 500.000 bu?hel?, wto, reported h-r- for exunrt. An important llne ol long oats l< sup.d m have 1.n llauldoted to-dsv. It belonaed t-. -i drv?o_ds man .There v.-i- ilr.t .xrr i. ? wrakne-a, then o iittl- nliv. Julr sn.d r_- lon M .-(-.'- ..i.t.-; tbe .1? WBB Bl ll. Cr two or rj,r,... ,:, have been tb* M>ller? ..f boa product, I r..f?i-.-.-.l * J-nd rninif.i r.rrr- tl.- 1,'ivf-r-. s |.t. u.b-r nork sold .-.* low -. ? .-,''7, biil eloaed M B10 35; Setrtemh.-r rii.s a- :? " .- -".'..--'. bul ,-!..-.-d Bl . I lu ; September lai-d a* aO _!0, bnt elosed at ?*''> 32. TIIE PETBOLIUM MARKET. BKWB FBOM THF, ITCM) AVD RAKOE OF PBICBB. Tho ernde oii maiheta yesterday ahowed a allghl n-vival of Intereat, probably ta i.bbbbb t<> tba atronger tono in railway itoekB. -\' tha Stock Exehanaa there were snle- of 10,000 bain-l- Mn* lirst ln the w.-.-U ?at 881-4 cents. There were trniisactlons of 24.000 barrei- bi optiona ut tha c.,r)-,>_i,!-;t.d Bxebanga, aa artu&l Inrroaae of 8.000 barre_s__jip_a the prevlous d-iv, and prleea opened up i -i renl at 888-4 centa ,,ii,i roae lo '??' l-'--__ centa. Behned potrolcum was unrhanftcd al 7.13 centa tor barrela and 8.i0 centa f,.;. |., ,. . Bcflned qu I dloni abroad wi re ofl 3 polnta at nr.-r-i.-n at i'..:i. marka; Antaerp ut 16 franca and Loudon al 5 5-_<_->3-4 P?nce belns dnchanged COTTOB KABKBTB?BY TBLBORAPII. Uverpool, June 13, ? p. m, Ootionr-Tne __a "f the do. Inelnde el.OOO balea Ameriion. Pututcs clnsed ,,-,,. ;,,,? ,? ,- .-,,,,.th- .md qniel for dlstiinl months. Vmeiiean- MMdllnft. low nildilllnir .-Inu-'-. Jun- de llv,-rv 4 :i-l "'. Id value. Jnni- and -Tn ty dellvery. 1 34 '.Id value; Julv nnd Augusl ib-livi-i-i. i:;-'M bnycre; \i-i-t and September dellvery, t 13-048 sellcrs; 8ep t-mi.-r and october dellvery. I 4?K:4d value: October and N'ovember dellvery, I lr.-_4d<. 4 4?-04d; Noveniber ?i,.,, Deeember dellvery. 4 51-_4d scllera; Dorcmberand lantian- dellren*, I S2-?l4d*4 C_I-_4d; Jnnuary and lYbriui-v (I-lii.'iv. I M 04d_ 1 50 lUd. ..niv.-i.iti, Jun.* 12.?Cotton qulet; middllnn, 8 1 le; l,,_ ini.ldlin--. 7:i-_c; Rood ordlnno'. ''?'?' ''? net and troos rorelpts, 143 balea; aalea. 04 bal_s; iplnm -? -t..,k. r.11'7 boles. Weekly N< t aud m - iv relpts, -J.-".'?* bolcs; exporta coafctwlae, ;;.i-'.. b li . ?alc?, ''.ll balos; splnnen., 105 bales. Norfolk, Jun,' 12. Cotton riiii.-t; mtddllng, 85-lflc; net and ciwi receipta. Ofl bafes: exporte to llie Con tlnent 45ii bales; nmstwlse, 4?? balea: sal. . l1"' bales; tock, IO.i_27 i,n!?. Weekly?Net re. a 1.34 bales cr,, . 8.13" balea; exports to the Con tlnent, 450 bales; cnastwlae, _,77-_; _ale_, OtrJ balea. RELIGIOUS NOTICES AT BO-TH BEFOBMED CBURCH, Badlaon-TB.., rorn-i 88th-at ?Suudav, 11 a. m. pn-a hlua by tha Pastor, Rev. ROUEUH ii li.i.nv. n. D. N" aftei.i aervke. tSBOCIATION HALL, corner _Jd--t. and llb-ave.? Sundai afternoon. Bl :* o'clock, an InU-reatlng meetlng for v.,g nien Mlss MARV E. 8C0TT, toprano, win tiat At3:3n Rev. I_E01V-E Al.l.X \ Mil.ll Will -:?al(. A irdlal wel< AbBURY CHURCH. Waahlnoton Square.?MonHog, 10:45, Di >'|. n i. iiternoon, I .io, balvaUon Ann. venlni r-\i\al servlcea,.l,..-t_?l by u>, -t Jun.-- ll. .ani'i.i. liverybody welcome. A M'l. IAL BOTf. SERVICE. "Tha B 100*1 Daugh ??, - -.iit-iuL- tin-]-" and mll- rhoras ,.; 00 ij i-venlliz, Bt. Il.irtl.olnni. ?'- Ml--:,.n K*S Eaat i_?.i near id-ave. Monday, PXERCE, the fan.o'i iiaik talker, ? or ?-. ? AT THB I.IM'X IVEXI E IMTAKIAX CIICIK'II. \o. 83 ^^ ?t l-0th*at_, ea-t of Lonoxave. (t.*n.i_? in i.lavo of -oi.l.ip . Ihe Bav. MERLE BT. C. WRIOHT, i'a-'.,r. will preaeh *i ll a. i... bunday-school at 3 M ji. iu. AT BECOXB iMTAKiAN CHl'RCH (in Brooklyn), eorner Olnton s:d Coneresi -'-.. Rev. JOHN W. ill.Mi ui. k mn preacl. -..-.rrow morning al il o'elock. r-.i i ct --ri,' bpeakins i-n-." Tlw laal servlca uf Ihe -?.. -?u.' Tha public cordlally tnvi_.d. at COLLEOIATE REFOR_B__ CHURCH, HARLEM. FIBKT CHL'BCH, l-i*t--t., naar 8d_ve.?Rev, J. ELMENDORI' U D., Pastor.?BapUara <>f children nnd ?.iii.m to i-h-ldren at li. < hUdi-n'a Day aertlcea at 7:i_. sl , ,)SU ( IIIT.i II 12-d-Bt. and OlMIX-me.-Iti'V. <i Ht'TcniNso.N .-Miiii, i). u., Hiater.*?Ber. Mr. BOE U ? B. ln - ut 10:30 und 7 1 ">. M.I, S..1I.S' CHl'RCH, Madlaoo-ara, and 88tti at? Rev, i'. ii. RiaitELEV ?in prvach oi li a. m. Even sonr,' al 1 :18 p. m ILL BOULS* CUL'ItCH, Ith-tvr., cor. 20th-8t? Sermou by U? Pastor, l.v. rilEobOltK C, WILl.lAM.s, bi li a. bb. Tha pobilc cotaiaUj Invlted HLOd.MIMiliAl.K I lil'l- il, Boulevard and W.s. csth-t -MADlMiX i I'l.TKi:- Pastor, _ill preaeh at 11 .ni ?? Man l-.iil-ill' an.l Wonderfully Mado"; n. " tbi Vt'eddlnd Ki.-'" I'relude, " i.lou?-in?nv?.M 6iuuia> ?chcol at 10 a in. ' ? ?'" t.' a". HHI.'IC PRESBYTKRIAN CHCRCH, eomer 5?_T?. and87th_t Rev. lii.M'.V VAN DYBE, U. D., Pastor. ? I,. u,-\ j.. ii. r,l.i'.\N. I?- D.. i-i- rly Pastor ..f tiua rhurch now ol Melbourne, a,.-' niia. ,?in iir-i. n on Sun? day, June 11. at 11 o __?-__. Bo _furno?ii . BXPTIhT CHCRCH ol THE l.i'i lllA.VY, Madi.on BVB. corn.r CIU,--t ? Itev. 1)U\_.1_D U. MACLAfKIN, l'n-tor ?!li ureach at II a. Bl. anl 7:1J u. BL, Bubjact: Monilua -ihri -. the Truth"; . t-euing, 'i....; u, ? I'ath,.,." bundis] -?'.I, '?' 80 a. m. PrByvi meetlng, wedneada] . u um.' At ti O'cl.t, k. AU wel.-olU"._ BESEMAB HILL METHODIMT CHlTBCH, ,._th._., near 28-Bve.- Kev. ll. T- MeNK HOLL, Pastor. Pi n ;, Ing Bt 10:30 a. in. and 7 :?0 O, BB. Nat. fn-. . All WB. BELOVEO l'l--' IPLI BOth n-ir Madleao.?Bav, B i.KI u.illV I.INJ'.** Reclor. 10 II - 18, ti. Ihe Rei-U.r "111 I.r a. I. at 11 B?V, 1. W. DAVIS .-ordlallv lnMt-d. 8 btra BEIiKORU STI-.I'IT EPIRCOPAL CIH'IK II learnei Mortoo), fTlnth Ward.?Dr. JOHN J. ur.l-'.I) l'i-t..r 10:83 "Moral Hnsbeodry ' 7:48. Chll dr. n's 1. iv t.-ritr-. All lavlted. aud a eold?1 WBKaaBB. rpjmiAL 11 x.. -1 : ? . . H' ir. H r..-i.. baBwecB 7th and 8th aves.-Bev. w M. WALKER, l_t..r pi ji 11 , , bi , IB p - '! im i Law uf Growth In tho Klnddom of Heaven." l.-,, bu -ul.,--t --M.ii.- Modern ttubaUtulei for thrUt. !?uu dav-sciiool ut 2 io p n, \V-|.-,.i.? t,, all. CHCRCH OK CIIKIM Chalaallal) Maruman Hall. cor au lVVu-st. aud OUi-bm.. ootnui.e .'Weat _f__|_ ? Preachlng servtee Bondiy. 10:_O a. m. snd . p. m. Blbla eiaaa Ui iu. bvrvicea every Tuesday avenlng ai reaun.g roouii, M 6th-av". Open dally. COLLEC.IATE REFORMF.D CHURCH OF NEW-YORK. COLLH. UATE CHCRCH ISth-st and .Ith-ave.-Itey. EDWAKD 11. COE, D. I).. the Paator, will pn-a-h ?t 11 a. m. Rev. T. W. CHA.MDKKS, D. !>., will preaeh at 8 B. in- _ COLLT-GIATF. CHCRCH _mh-.t. and 188kJO.?EOf. DAVID JAM1> BURRELL, D. 1).. tho I'iiAtnr. will pn-ach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning ?>il?J_rt. "The __,ul s sta . of Lif"" Evenlng mibjoct. "How PIlat? preached from Calvarv." Tli"** will b. the Itwt _H.r_.rea untll early fall. ss the <? will be eloaed for .?xt.iislvc altcrattons and n'd?roratlon?._ COLLEOIATE CHCRCH 14 Lafavette Pla.-e._Rev. T. W. CHAMBI.H-, D- D., the Paetor. wtll preaeh at 11 a. n>. Rev. O. H. COTTON will preaeh at 8 p. ni. CHCRCH OF THF. INCA KN-TION. Madls_.*sve. and 3___-st.. Rev. ARTHCR BROOKS, Rcctor.-Morning ?ervl.-e at 11 ft. m. ; Bftemoon -servlce, 4 p. Bk Strangera eordlally Invlted. CALVARY CHCRCH. 4th-ave. and 21st-st., Rev. HF.NRY T. SaTTERLF.F., U. U.., S.ui dav. Juue 14: Holy Communlon, 8 and 10 a. ra.. morning praver and sermon, 11 a. m. Evenlnu prayer without s,*rnion. 6 p. m. Choral aervl.e wlth a.-rmon, rt p. m. Dr. SATTERLEE will preaeh ln the morning aud evenlng. All Invlted. CnALMERS PRESBYTERIAN' CHCRCH. 7th-ave., near 18th st.-Rev. W. U. UCCHANAN. i'aator. will lu-ervh at 10:30 a. m. aud 7 _48 p. m. Strangcra eordlally Invlted. CANAL STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Or-atie ?.., near Canal.-l.ev. tDWAKli P. PAYSON will preaeh at 10:30 a. ni. All welcome. CHCRCH of TIIE STRANUERS, Mereer-st., near 8th-?t.?Rev. Ur. DEEMS, Pastor. will preaeh to-morrow at 10:30 a. ui. and 7 :4o p. m. Evenlng subject, " An Athcl't's beeond Sctentlflc Study ot boi... Sabbath Pho iionieiia." All aeots are free. CHCRCH OF THE HEAVTN-Y RF.sT.-To-morrow: 1 a. in. Holy Commaaloo; n ?. m. Hoiv I'oinuiuiiluii: Bgrn on by the iactor 1 p. m.; ev.ning pray.-r. CHCRCH OF THE COVEXANT (Pr.-byterian), Park-ava. cnut 3*>th-?t.. Rev. j H. M.-II.VaINE. I). D, Pastor.-Servlce 11 a. m. Dr. McILVAINE will nr.-aeh. COVEBABT (HAFEL, J10 East 4'.!d-st.. near _.-av.-., Rev. QEOROE .**.. wmistj.r. Paalor.?Serrlcse. 11 a. m. and ti i>. ni. (Communlon,, Mr. Wl'.IlsTI.I. will pmicli. BIMe scho.,1, 8:18 a. m. Younjc peopi-'- meedng, 7:30 ],. in. Prayer meetlng, Thursday, 8 p. in. btrang.-rs wel i-oin.d at ,-verv Mi vl.- . CENTRAL CONOREOATIONAL CHURCH, .7th-st_. w_?t of . th-ave.-R. \. WILLIAM li_>vd ?IH preaeh 11 a. ni.. 7 :4fl |x ra. Mornlne. --Sitl-ll.<1 Tlilrst." Even* Ing, "Dlvlne B*>auty." btranpers eordlally w-l-om-d. CALVARY METHODIST EPLSCOPAL CHCRCH, 120th-at aod 7th-_ve.. Rev. Dr. J. R. UAY. Itistor.? Chlldren'a Day excrelsaa by the sehool at 10 30 a. n,.. proaehlni: at 7:4"i p. BL 6/ Uie pastor. Sundny-school at -.'30 p. m. Young peoplev ni.'.'Ung at (5:30 p. BB, ( onllal w, b-onie extended. CF.NTRAT, CHCRCH. 7.1, ave.. near 1 .that.. Rev. C. S. UARROWF.R. D. D., Pastor.--Chlldren'n Dav s. r\ I ?? 10:48 a. in.. nnd bepttsm of children. At 7:48 a. m. Lecture on Saered Mountalns ; subject, "Slnal." Ynuntr peojle's nmiIhlg. 7 il in. All eordlally Invlted to all B_T vl.lea. Chnrch opeu all sutnmer. CHl'RCH OF THE ll'il.V TRINITY, Msdlson-ave. and C'd-sf.? Mornlnir servlee, 11 a. tn. ; evenlng. b p. m. Tha Rev. K. WALPOLE WAKiti'.N. Beetor, preaehea al ,'loslns X. H? The church will I.loeod aft-r suiidav next fnr extenalve Blt. mtlons dnrlnff MM si.nimer. 'lin* eongregatlon I- Irivltoil lo worshlp at bt. Duitholoniew's. Keivli-.-, 11 und 4. CEHTBAL PRi'SHVi i uian CHURCH, 57th-st., be tweon Rroadwav and Tlh-avm.?Rev. WILTON MERLE SMITH. 1>. D., i'ist-r. "III preaeh at 11 a. m. Chlldrn'. Day Bervlce ln the ov-nlnir .it 7 :*> o'clock. Dr. SMITH ?|il lirr-ach a speclal sermon to the children. babbath sclio.,. at 8 o'clocg. 8-iailgaia coruially wolcomed. CHCRCH OF TIIE DIVINF. PATERNITY. 6th-ave., .-or. I't.h-_t.-K. v. CHARLE- H. EATON, I>. D. I'.stor. will pt-uch at 11 a. m. bnbject: "Dellef ajid Unbellef." No -veninr.' ? rvlee* nntll October. bundav-s.hool, 'J:43 a. in. Btiangeia weteorua. CHCRCH OF TIIK MF.SSIAH, eorner of 34th-st. and Par(s-:ive._s,.rvlee* at II a. m. Pr.-achl.ig bv Rev. MINOT .1 SAVAGB. ot ilu-ton. biibj-t,: '-Lif.- Bl Related to Work ond I'lnv." CHARLIS BTRBET 1..M TKD PKESRYTERIA N CnURCH, K-V. .IAM!-:-, A. RF.ED, 1'a.uir.-servlco* at II i. m. and 8 p. m. Eventne suh)-,-f? " Death." Babbath* .(hool at 10 a. m. and Uio young iicoplo'i prayer-meetlng at 7:1ft p. m. Plea/M note that tho tni,e of all aervlcei changed f-r the summer. ( (IF ZION AND bT. TIMOTHY (ProV'stant Eplseopal), Bev. H. i.cni.CK. M. .... ll. B.. Rector. Divlne servlcg will be held ln maia 2M West B8d it., t.,_n,,rrow at 11 a. m. and ti p. m. Hniv Communlon every Sunday ot ti a. m. and on Bra6 Bunday of each in. nth at 11 a. m DISCIP__?8 OF CHRIST. in-ar Sth-ave., the R, v. H. B, TYLER, l'.i-t..r. Morning subject: "The Life -f Fnith--; evenlng Bermoa by Bev. E. lt. EDWARDS. ..f ]tioolilvn. ELEVEICTH STREET UNIVERSALI8T (IIi'RCH. near BBh-ave.?Chlldreu's Sunday will i,- observed at 11 k. rn. Bxereliee bv the Sund-iy-sehool. < hrlt-nlnsj of ?iriKren and ai.proiiriai.- addr- ia i.v Rev. Dr. BOLLES. No ivenlng servlce. EICHTF.FNTH 8TREET MKT1I-.DIST F.PISCOPAL CHi'KCH. (?I_1VI".U A. BROWN, D. D., Pastor.?CWI ii -n'.- D.-iv exarclaea, 10 80. Preachlng, wiUi speelal Bli-I.', 7:i5. All are invlted. FII'.ST BOCIETY OP si'IllITrALISTR.-Prf.f. J. W. CADWELL, of Boston, will glve t?., lecture. on Sunday, June 14 at Adclphl Hall. .VM--t, and 7_h-av>.. ou ?'llvp notlsm and lt.- Relatlona to Splrltuallsm." Sunday arbMimon at 2:4- o'clock und Sundav cvenltiR at 7:45. Adr,.l?slon 25 cent.-. FIFTH AVF.NCF. PREBBYTERIAN CHCRCn, corner -.-th-st.. Rev. JOHN HALL, D. D., I'a-tor -Th- lb v. THOMAS c. HALL. of Ciiicaco. la expected to ofBeiato bui.dav, nth inst. Bervlcea ut li a. m. aud 4 n. bl FOfRTII PRESB1TERIAN CHURCH, 31th-t.. near Broadway,?Rev, JOSEPH R, KERR. D D., Pastor. win . at 11 u- in-. "Chlldreu's Day" servlce at 3:3,1 p. m. PIKHT BAPTI8T CHURCH, Blst-at., between Roule. vard i'nd We-t End-ave.?Preachlng bv the Paator, Rev. I. M. II AI.DF.M AN. at 11 a. m. ind 7:48 n. in. Tlio evenlng sermon *_ill be on the "sii:ns of the Times." subject, "(iovernmenia ,.f < lav, or win Dcmocracj Keinatu Trlumphant." Praver-roeetlng Friday evenlng, 7:44, Suudfcy-achool, o 30 a. m. FIFTH AVENCF. HA1'TI>T CHURCH, 2 'o 10 Weat ifith-st Rev. W. H. P- fafn'i i.. Paalor. -Bev, D, vv. l'At'Nf'F.. D. D., tho l'n-t/ir-- father, will preaeh at 11 a. iu. and 7:43 p. iu. -Sunday-.-chool at 0:30 a. m. -\;i are areteeaia, FULTON BTREET DAILY NOON PBAYER MEETIBO, from 12 to 1 o'clock. Com- ln, rest and pray. Stop 5, 10 or 20 mlnutes. or the ho ir, as yonr tlme adralu. No?, 113 Fulton-st. and 53 Ann-st. FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH. Slat-at, between Boule. vard and W'e-t End-ave.-Preaehlng bv the Pastor, Rev. I. '.. iiAl.Dl.MAN, ut 11 a. in. uud 7:45 p. m. Hunaay* sehool 9:30 a. ni. Prayer meetlng Friday evenlng, , :4o. VIVV. POINTS HOCSE OF IXDUSTRT. 188 Worth* it WILLIAM F. BARXARD, .I'lp -rui. nd-nt. -S. -ri I ? ,f '-..ri- everr Bunday at 3:30 p. m The -er-M-- la almost a-hullr bv tbe uhlidr-u of the Instltuttou. Publle Inylu^l. Donatlom ,.f iccond-iand el .tblna aad ahoea _,,ii,-it.-d. FIRST RI-'.FORMID PRESBYTERIAN CBURCH, 1?'liSC . Iietwe? _th and 7th BVea., i'.ev. JA_.11... ll. Ml-.KLK, Pastor.-_.crvl,,-.- at 10:80 B. BL snd 4 p. ni. Chlldren'a Day icniee la Ihe altemaaa. F1R**T PRFSnYTEIUAN CHURCH. Bth_VB., corner lL'ui-?t.?Conimiinioii Bervlce at 11 a. in. AfVrnonii ?r .. at I O'Cloek, R'V. FRANKLIN 11. DWIOUT ?lll preaeh, FOCKT1I AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN, corner 22d-st. Itev. J ... VAN SLYKF, D. D., of Klngston, X. Y.. will i, . |.?;, U-UioiTOW a.t 11 a. ni. und conduct thy Coinniuutou lervlc- at ? u- ."? HOPE CH VPKL. 330 Eaat 4th-t., Rev. JOHN B. lEVlJfS, Pa-tor.-Preochlne at 11 a. m. and H |>. in. ivenlng, "Grew lu <,(?<-,-." Sunday-school, 3 a m loheinl? r.-i-ii. >? ,_ ;.. in. Prayer meetlng Thuraday, c* p. m._, OOSPLL TABI RNACLE CHCRCH. Sth-ave. ana 44th ?t ll,-v. A. B. SIMPSON, Pa^tor.? sabbath MTVlcoB, 10-45 a. n,.. 7.30 p. BB. Every uiglit _.\ccut Saturday ot 8. _^^_ IIOWAKD mTssION AND IIOMH FOR LITTLE WANDERKHS, '.0'? Flfth-st. N.-? York Llty.-Sunday. ichool every Sunday at 2:30 p. m. iu Annex Hall, IU 4th* ive SinKinc by Ui.; cbl.dr.-n a::d member* ot Blbl.) . .B.-&OS. Visitori Invlted. J. V. WVi-LO-F, .suc'y ; J s. llATCII, Prc-ldent. _ LEXINUTOX AVENUE BAPT1BT CHURCH, con-r IIUI1--1. Ktn. 30UX L. CAUPB1 I.I. Pa-t..r. proachea at n?:30a. in., lubjeet, "Leasona From the Flqwers" , :40 p m. "Ancleo; Egypt m?i Um Recent Dlseovery ut. _'ii_be_." Strangera ?-l omed. MEMORIAL HAPTIST CHURCB, Washlustoo .s'juare soutu. EDWARD ll D60N, D. U.. Putor, will preaeh hunUav, 11 u- 111. aud 7 30 p. .11. b-Bts fre<-. B very body w..-fcou.u. MADLSO.N SQI'ARF. PRF-SBYTERIAB CHURI II, Madlson-ave., eoraer _4U.__, Bev. C. 11 PARRUURST, Ha-tor.? .*x*r\l,-.-s huuday. J.ino 11. at 11 a. BL and i li o. m. The Rev. MAilVIN R. VIMCEBT, U. D.,wlll j,r, a.:h. I8AOIBOB kXEXVE BAPTTBT CHUBCH, corner of .il-.t--t.-Rev. MALOOM M.i.ui.i.i IR will preaeh on suu u-ii jun. 14. Servlee at 11 a. bl , bo evanlag servlee. A rordial ivelcoine to Btnacate. MADISOV AVEHUE MF.TII..Dl**r F.PISCOPAL CHi'ibCH. eoroer .__ih-... the Rev. insk.n MeCHES Sl.Y. U. D? Pastor?11 a. bl, preachlng by th- Putor; g 11 111. ,-lioral -.ervlce and H.-rmon by llie FBator. All at,: cord?Uy inviud. MADISON AVF.NI E B?FORMED CHUBCH, corner 57th-st. R< v. AKHOTT K. K 111 Rl.Dt, 1.. D. D. I'a-loi. will preaeh morning at 11. Rev. PAV1D .,111"....*, d d., of Brooklyn, w.u pi.-a. h la Bm avaalag at (-? Unlou Bible Clw* Saturday evCBJBf at 8. MvDISON AVENCE PBE8BYTEBIAB CHURCH, Madi-on-ave. and .')3d-st.?l'r-a -IiIiik ut 11 a. ur. and 8 |>. m. by the Pastor, Rtv. CHAltLES L. IHUMP-UN, U. U. h'trauttcr.s vrtlcome. NKW JERCSALEM CHCRCH, East 3_t_i-st., hBBwaBB Park aud Lcxlngtou aies . Rev. .s>. S. bl-.\s AIID. la-tor. S.-ril,-. Bt II ."-Uick, U,e BeV. 1 MA" M i;v ,.11.1 -* of i'liilml-Ipnla, preaclilug th>- s-rrr ,,n BUbjecl: "Thi B uaaa el Unloa B-t_o?ii Uie Head aud Ui- Heart." ihe Baal holy aa.-rameiit of th- Lerd'a Sopp-r mil bu ad, n,iiii-U-r d. NORTH PRF.MlYTF.IllA.V CHURCH, corner of !)th ave. a id BJat-at.?Bervleea 10:30- u>jil.-. ?? Y>.'ini_ Man, KoUlIng tn b- Anham.d .if ln lha (.,.spe| of Chriat, l-'.i-n 11 e 7:4?; preachlng by Ihe Bev. V. BTEVEX3, uf Kaw. Bavaa .ii.D JOH1- BTBEKT (Flrat MsMiodlat Bptocapal , ;,,:?. li ln Aln.-rl-ai. 44 Jubn-st Rei F. ... HOWELL, preachlng. 10:48 ChUdiei.'i Day lervRe*, 7 30. .. !. l't a. iu. All _el,,,im. PMILUPB PRFABYTERIAN . IU BCH. Madi-ou-av-. and 7Bd-*t?Rev. Dr. syiNIM,. IVilur. will pr.-uv;li to luorruw at 11 a. m. aud 9 y. 111. bunday-aehoul. U li % u. - All wpxllt l&Mtei FILORIM CHl'KCH _**_tf*_MMtfr'' T-*^*00-?____)_*_! ____a-e_, ib-v ...vmri:L ll V.K-a N. D. 0. raetor HabbaUi lervlce, uioriilntf at 11, evenlng at 7.45- vora-w weiconie. ___________?? PARK PI.T.KIIYTI-'.RIA.V OOMI, .J9fA-J^ Aaetei-am (lOtlu ave.. Rev. ANSON I'. ATTERHrRY, 1' s,,ndar *ervlee, 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. Itev w w. ATTERIU'RV. I). D.. wlll pn arh In the ninmlng. aaid lle. ana WYN'Kool' in ttie evenlng. Prayer meeting, \Vedncs.l?v. 8 |.. in. All ir.- eo.dlally w<-lcome, RUTr.ERB RIVERSIDE CHURCH, epr. BtnbmmfB and W.'*i Rev. ROUERT Rl SSEIX BOOTH. H. D., Fa-tair.-hcrvli-i at 11 a. m. and 8 P- |__ =?_ batb-whool at 9:45 a. m. Weekly ecrvlce We_ne*.ay eveulna at 8. Strangi-m welccme. RIVERSIDE RAPTIST CHURCH. 02d-?. ana Ara JAMES A. FRA.VC.1S, I**?M". ?"U preaeb at 11 a. m. and 8 n. m. Chlldren'? Dar wlll be ob. ?.* rv.-d avltli ipproprnile e_ercl_e* by th- - nn day-*c_ool aa 1>:80. btianaer* cordiill.v lnvlted. _???-? free. REV. DAVID JAMES IU'RREMa. D- D.. wlll pr_a?b Jundav. June 14. In the Marble Cburcti. 200i-?. aud 5w a\<. *t 11 -? ni. and 8 j>. m. Monilng lubject; "Tne _*,?..?? Nt__ i>( L.H -" Evenlng aubjeet: "Unw Fl ita Dr**elwd from Calvary." wlll be the laat aervlcaa untll early full. e? the chureh wlll be eloaed fur extenalve ultentbii*. and reda-orntlona. ST UAl.TlIol--.MI-_W*__ ClICRCH, Madlaon-avo. and 4*th-?t.. Rev. DAVID II. CaRKER, V. tl.. Reetor Servlce* bli Sunday mornlng it 11 o'clock. Even nf pray.-ra at 4 o'clock. The Rev. li. A. CARSTENbEI. wili ptaaCB ln Uie ii.ornlnif. SAINT PAt'l.s c'lHRCH. 4thavc. aod Kd-it.. Rev. OEOROE II. .Mi-UKKW Pai.tor.-Clo_tng- a.rvloa*e; Pr-iu hlng by the pa.t n at 11 a. m., foilowM by Holy CommunLa. At 2 :30 p. m., Chlldren'? Hay -wt. l?<. by the smidny-school ln tne chureh. All aru cordlally ln vited. Nu evenlng e*-l__ ST. ANDREW'S ClICRCH, 5th-ave.. corner 127U.-N. -Holv tummiiiiinii 7:80 x m.: nuiriilng prayer. 11 ?* ntl ev-nlng prayer, 7:45 p. m. Rev. QEORt.1- R- VAN DB WATER. D. D., pr?...i>_ mominir siA evenlng. SCOTCH PKEM'.l IERIAN CUURCH, llthit,. near 0_i.avc.-Rev. DAVID ti WTLIB, Ph. D.. Y**tor, wlll pn-ach at 11 a. m. I.nrd'i (Supper wlll be admlnliteri*d al el_.e ..I ihe moriitng lemea. 7:45-p. in. _?rn__i M ivlt ' All lnvlted. ST. IXBAVB Ml.TllODrST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, West 4lst *t , i, _r Stb-V. . ;;- v. K. S. TIPPI.E, Pnilor.? lia. m.. ciiildreii'* l??y .*? rvic.-.*. Benam to the sunday sohnol by tba l'.mtor, wbo wlll preach wlio at 7 :45 p. m. hubjis-t: "AB l.v.nln..' wlth li_i.-h." Everybody RNM ST. MAKK'rs (.IH'IU II, 1'dave. aud lOth-at.-ll *. monilng prari-r and sermon ; Dr. HYI.ANCE wlll pr? 5 p. in. tttrmt', Be *>-r,nnu. 6-sta faetr. THIRTKKN i II BTREET PKI>BVTERIAN CHCRCH, bctw.-en (itb aml Tth avea.?Ho. CllAS. 3. ROUINbiiN, D. D., Pastor. proaclie- at 10:30 a. m. and 7:48 p. m. bunday-aehool at8:80p. m. .Mid-..-.k -.-ivljeui. VVt_Lu?? day m 8 p. in. aii eenUally wileaaia. THIRTy-KOCRTH .STREET BXVOJUCBS CHURCH. w-At ,,f . th-ave.?c'lilidra. i'? dav, 10 ;?0, sermon to chll. dren, preaealatKid ?,f Blblea by t}-eUe\. Dr. bTRVKKR; I p. ii.., eblldren'a lerrlea; m araafcg -ervire. rxiVl-'.lMTY PLACE PRE8BTTET.IAH CUURCH. i-om.-r of lOth-st.?Public woivhiji ff,-n.,,rni- a', 11 a. m. aml ? p. ni. Tke r-_v*t_r. It-v i.l-UU'.i.I AI.KXA.VDF.R, D. u., wiil prmcii. wad____ajr avaalai aarrtea at 8 o'clock. WESTMIN8TEB PRESBlfTERlAN I UtTBCH of WiaB ZBd-it., ii. ar Tti.-ivc.- Babbath Mrrleea. 11 a. nt aml 7:45 n. in. Preaehlng by tne paetor. Kev. Roni.RT r, sAMl-l.l-., D. 1). Bunday -achool, 8:80 a. m. W.-ekiy 1 -.-tiii- und j e-tlii ., Wednesday, s p. ni. ...iiliiiiiy Wl'ST PRESBTTERIAX CHCRCH, 43d st. N.'.*'ea 5tli and (Itli avea.?Tha Pastor, Rev. JOIIN R. PAXTON, D. D., wlll pre.i h le Uiaitew at 11 a. in. and 7 .43 u. ni. WAMIlNi.TOX BQUARE METR0BI8T KPIS< OP.xI, CHURCH uh-*t.. ii-ar ut'i-rivi-.-Praaehlaa bv tbe Po.?t.,r. Bet C. W MI 1.1.ARI). Mi.rnliiB. I0:;i0. .-veiilng. T :*X Thenie: "The Mlalald Law " btranger* .?..niiiilv invita-d. Steomdoiita. PROVIBENCE LINE PVLL NI.-lIT'.- UOT. 8HOBTB81 RAIL RIDE. Jl-'to \ BOSTON l mtT UlM.N.r ROOMS OX MAIN IH'.C .<. A-N ORCHEbTRA ON EAl 11 HTEAMER. Tlie COWNECTICI T und M.l.w.M lli'SF.TTS In com. mlsslon, U_ve l'l-r cold Bo.) 28, N. R-. luot of Warreu-iU, at 5 30 p. in. dully, i-x.-.-pt Sutiduy. STONINGTON LINE, IXSIOE BOt'TE TO BOSIOB. PlloVIDKNCE, VVORCESTER, AND THK EAJBT. _ Stenm.-rs RiioDK IsLAND jii.l KARRAOAXSETT leava l'nn- faew) 3>. N. IC. oae blnck abovo Canal-au. ut, 6 p. m. d..iiy. exeept Sunday. _ NORWICH LINE Vot llo.*roii. all p-.iuis North arnl i..-t. li.i'-ci rattpt taa Kew-Lonaiou, Norwlch :u,u Uor.ea>.er. bteamera bave Pl.-r 40 (.old Bumber), Nortb Rlver (neat pier above D.? broiaei-at. ITerry), d-..h, bunday* excepted, at 6:Jo u. m. TIckL-t* and staterooini lecured at 6. 4T, 201. 321. 347. A6A. 3-..T. 717. B57 anl 1.22- Broad way. D\ Diooklvu: 4 Cuuit-it. and 331 K'lltm.. Ottlc.-i weatcettfi Lxpre^a. Pler 40. Nortii Rlver, and on .st.-a.ii-r*. W.-st-ot'.'* Ex. pre.ll "111 cull fur aud ch.*-K baggagl from hut.1*, and 1 OSMA-OC.JI._(.. \V nltAtiV^^ABeiit._ HUDSONRIVER BY EAYLIGHT: Dav Lino BB?uaen NEW-VOKK or AI.HAXY. DAII.Y, except Sunday j. Leave* Brooklyn, mi.en at. (by Auue.\>.8 00 a.m. Ni ,.?!,.:,., l.-'-i.r,--,?-t. l'ler.e.-40 " ?' N'ow-York, \\--t -j.',i-t. pler. ...0:00 " fnr ALUANY, [jni.'in- at Vonker.-i. We*t 1'nlnt. Newburt, Poug.ih < p?1, , I'.ini. b .?.., c atakill an.l Hudson. ,. BOHTO POST, I-AI.I. UlVtii PRCIVil.l.M'K, ..nd all |)i.ul* K;.st. _>___an.era PliiliiN :i l*r I >icm Tll rei.eNe_-Yorktrou.Plee ^o, N'ortii .u. . .,, Jiuria/-*-. d_niv. sundavs ln. .-I,id d. ,ii 5 Ao p. ii.. Coam - .'..,..-\ b--at Leave* llrocklvri al ?". .1 i-v . rty 1:00 p. m. A M'l.KMMII (il.(lll-i- c ci> KA( II .TKIHEH. 1 - uii ula.l.i'4 real, Tw.nneetlng exprea* train- fron r-iii Klvar. dne Hoston 0 50 and i a. iu. Pa?*>-n.- IB l.ave oDtlu.i i-l taking elther triin. . I'KC IAI. NOTH'K.-The DOIIH.E NKKVIC.E wlll le reiamed for the Suinni..-.- Scaaon, i orm- nilm.- .luno 15, lSill. SU-'iuin-rra will leave Ni-w.Vurk we-li davs at 5.3(1 aud 0:I"? p. m. for ?ll Baatera Polnta. lioato leavlng at tho lutt. r liour will tom-h ut Newport at 5.15 a. u.. Suu. dayi i :i leava Bear-Yor* ut 5 M u. m, touchina at ' ' Tl'.e' '"PI'UITAV HI.Y.mMTII. PHaOKIM ind PUOVIDI-'.NCK. IM f-rtll li nl.. 1 *t, ui,boat. of tom world, wlll b-- iu eemailoaloa 'oe.-th-T. _ Hudson River Steampr MARY POWELL DAILT (bi'.N'ijAY.*. EX< 1 ir.'.i),, i. avea Peatroaaea it, Pler, a .16, bat'ir>ia)?, 1:45 p m. Do W'.t 2-d-st. Pler. 3:3u; Dn, 2 do. F?r CRANSTONS. WEST POINT, CORNWAI.I. BEW. 11CRO, KEW-HAJIBURO, MILTON, POUCiHKEEPSU., HYDK PARH and KOXDOI l._ A.-114I\K 8TEAHI-HIP IO. Tba only uir.-.'. Una i" Cotiac* tit>. Mu_-?.. aml l',,iv land. Maine. Coouectlng at, Portiand ?.th a.i nillroad* md rteai.i.lilo llm-a toi lUr llarb.,r. (nd Onharl, l'.,l.u,d Spring*. whlte Mo-nitains. Roekland, Bangur, ra?lpwl aai bt. Jihn, N. U.. ai-.d tli Eaatera aummer r-_oru. ptra_B er* ?aii every Mouaay, \v...iti.-i_lav md san.riav at 5 ii. m. from Pl. r 88, iii.*.. Rlver, foot of Market btreet. -V Y. 1-or furtli.-r intoriia'.loi, appl;. t.. HoUA-.lO IIAI.L. A_J_t_ A-NJiW-ilAVK.N. T.V. EXC (JRSION (.no-1 0 davs). el 2.V btcaman u. H. northam and CoirriXENTAL laava peck sllp, Pler 25, 12. R., 3 p m. anl ll p. m. (Haudayi excepted), conneetlna at New-Havan ?m .peciai tr..n? fur MtAlDKN, HARTFORB, SPRIN'.I II-J.D. IIOLYOKE, 4c. rhrougb '.liUct.* cold and baggagc ebeekaa al 014 Brcadway, Kew-York, and 4 Coart-at., lirookiyu._ ALUANY BOAT.. PEOPLE_5 LLNi:. hteiiinori DRI-'.W ai.d DEAN HICHMOND leave old 1-: -r 41 N. R.. foot Canal St.. at U P. AI dally. Sundayi cM-.-iited. Dliect cuuinxtlou tu polnta Norua, Eaat zu4 Weat._ CATSKILL, HUDSON AM) COXSACKIE BOATS LEAVE FVERY WEEK DAV I'Ro.M l-'oOl' ll. IAV-VIV. tt. R.. AT (1 P. M. _ t?OH KON1XMJT, K1NOSTON nnd inter aV in.-dlat.- landlii;.-*, tfOM foot i.f NV, -t liltli-.t , Pnr 10, Dally ut I o'clock; Baturda ? r ___________ KW-YOHK, MAINE iSft S. B S. 8. CO. .(TEAMER "W1XTHROP," fof U?r Harbor. V.aaX, RAMSDELL 1-ino.?8fn leava PierM N. R., foot l-'ran .,ln -Rt.. for Weat I'oint, Coll Spring Or wall, 1 shl'.i'.l l-aitdtng. N'ewbnrg. dally 5 p._in.; Sunday o a. in. aiH'TH SIORWALB Steamer Clty ot Albaay, Baaa. 3 man-al 2'AO p. m. (Saturday . p. n,., .Sim-lay I |i. n,.i. Raal :.l*t*t 20 n.inur.-* later._ TROY JJOATS City of Troj or __n_tog8 leava l'ler 40 X. R. foot Weal inth-at.. dally. e.cepl Satiitdav. 0 P m. S'iridaT iteame- tou.he*. it Alhanr. ' ?rtaii Oiearacrs. JNMAN LINE 9. 9. aiul Roy?l Hail Stoainera, ' l-i.i: Ql I l-.NSTOW.V AND LIVERPOOL. ITY OV Hl'itl.iN.Wedneaday, Juna 17. 1 p. m. CITY OV PARI8 . WM-iw-lav. Jum- Ji, 7 a. m. <-(ty OF i IJE8TEU SatuaBij Jane 27. ii 30 a. m. . 1 IV (-!" i ITI> vi.ii ? July 1,2 p. m. From Pler 48. N. R.. adlolnlni? Chrl*topher_L P-rry. FIR-T TAUIN. $80 and nuward. a.-i-i.tdlng to ?'..-am.?r andI locailon "t ro<"". -ECOXD CABIX, *36 and eiO. *TI I-KACar.. I'-'O. WRIOHT * SONS. .ieneral Atmkto BbW-j-fq ,.ki.i:x. n. y |> \CinC .MAIL STKAMSiill' COMPAXY'S I 1.1.%_-.._ TO CAI.IHMIMA. .IAI'AN. CHINA. LEN'IRA' AM) bOCTH AMERD'*. AND MI.X1CQ. .wm Hew-Yerk, p_r foot of (_..;??'. B R., for ...u l-iai,,i*:(/ Nla Um l-N.u, ,* of Panaiua. ( Dl.'.N *a,i* t.atur)t-iv. Jun. 20, noon. Ktoiu ...ii Pr*l "._"-'). 1*t and Hraniian ?ta KOR JAl'AN AND CHINA. CITY OF KIO DE JANEIKO aa 1* *b?ra., Jnne 28. 8 p. aa. Kor fr :.-i,t. j... *?_i.- and jren-ri! lnformatlon apply ta eompany'* oili , ou ,u- pler. foot of Caual ?c N R H. J. HL'I.LAT. wen-nU bup rlni,.-ud.-nt. NEW-YOJiK Az CUKA Mail .Steamahip Co. Pirr* 10 and 17, Ea.t Rlver. baturdsr rttanient at 1 p. iu. and oth.-r* ar 3 p. ta. for Pr, _ir ao.'Ci e. I'n._v*.a. 'l?n,|.,c.,. -j'uxpaii,. und V.ia Cmt. Matantaa), CarUe ,a->, Sa^ua. C.lbinan. 2.'a*?a_. .ai.Uafc-o lc > ui a. i.-un'-aiau o and Clcofuflgo_. YCM-TRI Havana and M v .., l_r*? Mt . Jun,- 13. i 01 ai.exandria Hd A Uantanne u.-u.. Jm.e ir. nlllZAHA, Havana and Mexlean Poru*. . Sat.. Jun.-2a MauaHa, Havana and Saaaa Wa_, Jane ft. ClENPUErSOs, Na*-.-. Kantlago da i aba ind Clenfa.-go_, 'llinr* . Juur IB, Thi* bu,- ha* din.-t ranneetMn mIU. ind luuai tirou^ii Hlll* of T_adlnc- to all pomt. c i M-xlean R. W. Co. M^xl, an ( entr ii IL W. Ci.. and th. Klunterey and Mexlcaa Ou_| Hall road , _ Por full wrtI*,1l*J',. Ir-'lCht or paiaagc. apply to a-r luiA par- JxUiA ^ \wjxu\u * ^i,- Ilk WaRah