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to entcr upon a -Uibject tbat must br at SejBB length if at all. Before ooi-ing ta that, it may Iie worth wlillo to 18BBBB*Bf thut lt is uot the bualncfl- of the Foreign -"BBBB only of which he le niastor. He is the owner of n great lan<le<l eet-te, part of it ln London; one of tlioee lnifte proporties, tlie ordering o| which is in this coun? try consi.h-red a full ocoiipation for Ihe whole of a BBBB. _t_ 1*88-1 B_U8bOiy looks after his ln the intervnls of public, business, au.l is believed to huve lookcl after it well un.l wisely enougli to have aildi.l much to ite vuli.e and to his 1008888. Mr (Jladstone onee told 8 company of adniirerw that ho had never found time to attend to private attairs. The Beaaark was made, 1 think, to u i?n which viuteri him on sotiie (public matter. It is no reproa. h te him. Mnny 8880 have found tke_B88Hee equallv BB???- Bta wns one aud Burke another. TTiere is in Lor.l SalisburyV career an even moro iiitewtinp episode, his clioirmansliip 0t the Great Erw-tern h.iihvay. He took hold flf thut. ooneern when it wm in iliftie-ulties, pay Ing no riivirieti.l. t!i>- vnlue of it* hharcx exu-emoly uncertain. Tho sharrholders gave him n free band, and when he rosipned his oflice the QlBBl tastern was a prosperous divirienri-payiim <or puraiion aud his remained so. He and l_ord Cairns topether were arbitrators in the very perplexed HfTaire ef nnother Rreat. raihvny, tha London, Chatham and Dover. He wae for many years (/hairman of the Midd'esix S?*s.**ioiis, aud there too business was tflOe with ilisput. h and sucoess. All tliese nre faniillar fae.ts, but when you proup them, when you note bow much of I._rd Salisbury's life has been epent in elose eontoet nnd coinpctition with able men of business, tlie nuipe of his capneities is _*'''n tO extend far l>eyond mere polities, beyond <1> plom.vy, U'.vond even the business of gOTernieg 8n Kiupire. whieh BM fconietiin.'s l>een done by men who would have goverucd a railroad with much lcss ab?BB. G. W. S. SIR AMBBOSE SHEA IX TOWX' HIS WOI.K II DETCLQTIBO A PROnT-VBLE IX 1?U_?TRY IX TIIK BAHAMAB. mt Aaahraaa 8haa, k. c. m. <;., Qowwnot of the ____iama_, arrlvcd iu New-York yesterday on his wav to Great Hritain. He and Lady Bhea went to the 1 .irk Avenue Hotel, and they will sail thi, moi-nlnp for N'Oiland on the Anelior Lino ateaniahlp Clieaaala Pir Aaaaraaa. reaori us Goveraor of the Bahaa__a praBlaaa to bo historlral by reason of tho romaikubic develop m,-nt of the Islands due to hi- BBfB* nf. When ho w.-m Ihero threo yeai- B?0 iie f ,ui;d the iiilmbitant .-who wero makiiip " Bvtng by fniit an.l BfOBge .nlrure-do (np their best to extirpste a tibi-ous plant whleh over -an tho land. The (iovernor rceognlzed in tlie tall, th-althy, viporous wo..l Ba??et which the nattVBfl were maklng a vain licht, burninp it down onlv to liavo it revlve. a remnrkably flne spe< imen of the '--is-.l pra--." nheea fle___rat_oa in an Interior quality In Moi.o, for a-c ln rope m..kin_. hud bullt np fortunos in that -ountry. Aftor an inve-lipation of the Imalneaa ln Mexleo. Sir AmbroKe prore->_od to teaoli tlie people of .he BahaBMB tliat they bad been despltefully u-lnp their taa. friend; and the rultivaiion (ind rtresslnp bv ma. hinery of sisal was aatebBehed, with a Government nounty of a cent 8 BOB .1 lOB ?-xport_tion, to reni.i.n n effect untll lofl_. Th" b.-iliaina plant Ifl BOt l> be luown to the oommerclal world n*- si-al. b".t as ?Iiahama flbiv." It is on the free ]M ,,f tho I'nlted M-te... and in thls coiiiitry as well as (.rcat Britatn t hwsro flBBrinl l** eipftrtad with eonBdaaea. g r ai.i,-. r-1,-1, iii talkin_ <o a Tribuno reporter r-sterfla. BBld '? " Tho DBhaBBaa or* Jumpine. Th^re will io a cabl^ from the BahaaBBB to Flori.!.. wilhln thls year. Do I thinli thnt ih-it will be repurded in Aateriea aa l prrtmot-r ?l BBBIilBllOB I Well, we aro annexed to Hh fi'ited Btataa aU bai patttteaily. Ifcare la _n_>re Amerloan bu*ine*-_ in the Hahamns than nny otlicr, aml wo are very pl-.d to BBB Ameri -Tliis Hahama Are-H _? tOO Ptood to bo ealled tisai?is b vciy mperior arttrla t*. that ..' !n Mexleo. it B__kea an axeell ,A li it U believed it *_iii go Into .,,.. |o flnf?. To ,h,,w yoa whal iJ tb..u..'_rt of thB tibre bv a _lir'-w . bnriaeaa man, 1 BBBg teO ftm Hiut ,I._i.'ph ( bnnib'-rl'.in. after B_ BBOOtha' r e*-:imtna4:<.n, has taken 90.000 a.T*es ef land. and lil* two s?ns are out there now taklnp ebar l oi ,.,,. ,.st;i, ., * ,1,,,-t rare lo * _ -?ry anaeh more land. Where beforo there was no lBlOpiaB. csjiiial inv-,t.-?l m (i,p Bahai bw now flntalaaa bbob like Mr. CliamberlrUTi comin? in and giving an lmp-ui_ to _re Induadry. We ahafl bepin to c\p ?rt the librc n.\t v \r. it tahea f ar yeara to eome to . it i- in bai-v.-si eondh ivej fr."n Uh Baaaa ataol lor taretva or toarteen v.ittK*,,t roi.ewHl ol anv klnd. II Ifl a very lin , ?. a Iii.',- ..f tb ? eaatafl order. Tho b'.-.v. . which contalu tbo tib^. BTB B3B_ B*e tO BlX f'-et long." '?U-lmt is 1!.- Brtoa of the llbre-prowlnp landl" aaked th.* reporl r. -it haa Bdaaacei froai ?l -?"> to M an ar-ro. I wouldn'; ad-. ' BB gO t > tlie Ilahama. . > take ,n ? thoasaad aerea vou gel a haU I from afl i.i ??'' "Wouid yon adriae yoang Amerleaoa to po to the Hahama- BBd beeOBSB Mlbre farmei--'"" ?Whal i lay ' *h? propoaea le antat on tho cultivaiioii 1?. -t .me anl tnveetlgate OB tha Bpoi.1 Al tha WOM time, mind y,,u. tbe .."a-rtlty of j, l X hav. I _ble i*. as I ?M, very llmlt-d. and I um IUIhk' B Hniit BO tba <-u!tiv;ui.n. After the (IL** posal of a v ry ni,?l,-i-it<- qaanttty of land, thfl BB_ will bo fciispended for tea > oirO 't should b- i_ lemberei thal wherever sir Amb_o_e naeha of land ha aeana Croani land, Oovernmeni land. Owinp to M '?'?? 1"' ,iyi- "'', { " ?* "herty ?ice in tbe iii,.'- enterprise. Hla own business -,s Iie ln Newfoundland, and his lnflue_K.e in the c/,m;nerrial development of the Haliam.i_, lrx_ b-cm purely public epiriiod. EXD OF THE OBABOB TOURXAMEXT. CHAREXCI. HOBART WIN'S THE CHAMI'IOX -111V CLP AOAIX The Oranpe teonla t au?hbbbI waa ended yeBterday ifteru.xm. (lareii,. Hobart r-tains the slnple-* chaiiv prr:!-bl]) ln thB -.:.-iitiein<BJt'fl 0P8B sinplo., while Mi-* Mab( 1 CablB hoUfl ? Omllar pjaefl M repurds Uu- ladlei*. bho had bard wor* lo baal Mra. W. JBOowea Morgan, Uio ciialiernisvr. and ,>niv araa after taro oiose seta bad played. Oa both ae8i ibe Been atood at iiv F____es all, and a riagla potal _ the si-.-oiKl set woald tiave given laeli lady ono set. thus no.'es.itaUnp n ___ Some of Uie lK-st i-alll- s <:f thfl tonrnamciil ?_ ere .-?ii in tin-. iiiiu-i'. lha K???i volleyB ol Mr-. Morgau snd pretty rlaclag of Mi-.*, (.ablll bfltag tbe dlstir:, :.v. featu AAer Blehard atevena h_<i laal the Bra. -? t m tl aaal.s of tlie BaB___aao*a ilng-BB, ba puiu-d ldms^if i? and at_ tha ? ? m tim*. in ineeBBloo. Hla om Bonen. wai W, V. Johaaoa, tha p_8_r fr.-m Prlnee ton, who was no mat.-h for Stevens's iteady a!l roiind plag. Tlie el.Kinp uiaich of the tourncynient was eon ten betaaea Qareace Hohart and gtevens, t*> decMe Iho uaaaiahlp of tha iihaaiplaiiaMp txtp. if Hobari won. H waahl BM ? iV(' vit-. an IndeftaOblB titi- to the eaf aaaal ta bla. n, iuy.,i iii- iv-t, aoewlthatandlng the tatenee beat, aud Mlowed up coth BtroBe by Bet-ptay. Btarena played a pood baek-oaari pam<-, but wa.s no mat.-h f^i w Vork (bimplon. This linishes the I U-uriiam. nt, and next week will nee tlio cnuks ^at.'i emd at Sea iiuv.ii. Appended are tha aeoiaas a !_,],. bamptonshlp roaind)?Mta Mahal E. C.b-U. BOtaer, t-er.t Mrs. W. lellow..s Morpan, ehal knger, 7? 5, 7?0. QBBttBBBan'B fltaglaa (fiiu'l nxu-D-Rlchard Stev.-iiv. M tbe &t. ...<,rp,- < .'.'k<-t Club. W. V. J.rhnson. of fttaaeton, i-fl. o?'j, 0-1, c?3; (cl,i*iiipi___hi-i' rouodj w__rtu,c i, B. Btavena, o?a, o?i, o-o. __-?? MAK>HALI. P Wl'LDER IX LOXDOX. U-Uei* Imjhi Loudou say that .Marsbatl I*. Wilder'.s enterUUnmenta are exti-emtly peaolar and l?e oxpecw to au>- in EinlMfl lonper tliun Iie at lirst lnunded. He U ti. Jve ia *- _\i_i- ;;..__.__ Matlu-U" at CUaiU* Wvnd ham'a Crite: ., j?iv g, under U?e pHtionape of the Dutho-s of Mancho-ter, Lady Pi-pet. Lady i httrchiU nnd others. Mr. Wllder's soclul ive?-ption has also been m pl.___.jmt on IB8FBCF1X9 THE XAVAL reserye BATTALIOX. ?ii x. h Baatar, Isigsian flaaaial of the aaaaa, _--p.cu_ t_e BBval Oaaann t.atuiion ou ix.aii taa l al* _4*k? tjuj. Mlaa. ?*/. , iv.iil' ut PBMiilh Bl Umm Kiver, ivt fltybt, ea ?*-<? H-Baiatsay Ba ?? Biurt.-:]!,? in of the l_iniii?ii as a part ?f BW B-thrfl bBB?B it tbe ataaa. xo BaastoHag u, win uk,' piBoa "'. J|.'"' 28 at U.. ?nr,ory ?r _m -.'U I.AU,ry. No. 81- _SVS-_S_V?. l'he i>iituii.,ii turnta out 176 toeag Oat abjba ?"a W(" put U,i..u^u SBOBBa ar,ll. by 0BB__aa_ N"H" T!l"" foltowed tt review and laajaaOaa. OaaBflBBiaBa- Mlller tald Uu. BBBBtaBl of Ui. Uuiliou bflilN d,_niM>-i'0-' t-'"-1" u"?! airsj.fcuteuU had bc_ii nuCc for Unrir lii?tructlon tlil*. ?..mu_ur ou boui-d mmiic _hip of tUu Wlnto b.uadrou, prob ahU early ln Augusu CUMMING OFF THE LTST. THE QfOEBI " HAS NO FUKTHI-I- OCCASION FOR HIS SEBVICFS" IN THE ARMY. A STORM OP C1UT1C1SM UPON THK PIUXCE OY WllilB llll BABtOAId. TO OPEN THK AT TACK UPON HIM OX MOSD.XY IN THE Oftlt-IBBB -MTMBftB WI L_l AM GIVEs Hll OPINION OF IIIS UNCLK. Copyrtghti 1891 | Bu th' _ Vic-Vorfc Attnetatol Frnt. London, Jnne 1-.-''Tho Otlicial London BAWmBUP thi- cvening announeea, nndor dnta* of 10, that thn nairie ol _*lr Wllllrun Gordon Iurnniln. liad heen re uioved from tli? Bai of offln-rs In tlie Army. as HV'r Maje-t.v ha* no further aeaBBtBB lor hls senices. |B the Baaaa of .'ommons on MaaBae WBUam Pum iriers (l.ltiei -aii, number for BaJdei-_8kt, and Henry Dcyton Cohb (Kadlrnl Nonconfortnistl, member for tho Ragbf iMvision of warartahakka, win .ue*tion Mr. BtanBopB, *<-wt-'anr of State. for Wnr, as to what aetion he Ir.tet-.ds to t.iUe ln NgBli BB -BB three offl eera i Field Marohai the Prinee oi Waie-. Qaaaral Owaa Wllllams and Lleutenant Berkoley Levett, of IhB Berta rn-iii.-r c.iu_rd.s, wha agaai tha aacameat which piactlcaUy allowed BBf William Croidam (ut.iiiiliift to H-11111111 an olticor of the IMtish Army nlthongh he WBB beOeved to have cheated at cardi. and a.* to what iirtion I.e lntend* to tttMo ln reffard to tlie wune ofllcers for havln- brofcen tho Army IBgBtat-BBB reoulHiiK thnt *u<-h n eaaa a* Ika one whlch ofc-urred <_ Tranby Croft ln Seplcmber ihould ba brought to tho uotlce of tlio . (imiiiai.(Iini* 8BB-BBB. The atarm rietag round. the Pi-lnc* of Walaa la bm In.iviKin. in intciisitv, apparently endmiKerln_ hls ekaacea of aatrnaalna to tlie throuc, if not tiie e_ Istence ot the Engllsh monarchy. Tho most deeply stliwd nppears to bo the great mlddlo class, hltherto a all and stolid prop of tlie monarchy. Whercver its voice becomes audlhlc, lt* eaniest dcnunrtatlona of Ibe Prinee of Walaa are accompanled by re. rata at his neanies. to the Repre>entatt*e gatherln.* of rclii-lou* bodles, Cjnffre. atlonal, M.-thodi-t, ltaptist. UaHarlaa and Presbyterlan, have already rerorded thelr ciiiuleiiinatlon. P.oards of Giiai.ll.n* Bta BDfng out of tlieir accustomed paths to dtaeaaa niotions brond Ing th? gambll m? propetibitie*. of the Prlnee of Walcs a. :i llatraea ta the country. . everal Liberal Blietalk havo adopted prataatl atrainst hi* continuiiii. o lu tba annv. The __gtt___-_ liM every ch.-irart.-r of per manence. lt bM not yet tom-hed more than a IrliiRo of tlio pO-tfeal parties. The Kadlcal iiienibcrR of the HousO of Commons atv openin. the atiack on the I'rlnc? of Walcs; but they ii ,v ? baaa wamei that Mr. -Haaatoae luaenti Ihe m-?e nicnt. and thnt tho leader. of the c_ppo*ltion will actlvelv show tlieir r,-pi nrnance to _aaoelattn| LBMraBam wlth an a. itction tending te rnst dtsrredit OB Uie Crown. A pvonp ol Radicols meetln. te nl. ht. alter Cuiiiinin.'s tlimliaal from tl.e Army was pa aette-, iibbibjihi- la Um oplnion that Ike taeaBW had mi-taltcn Ihe feelinp of the nallon: thnt eren on party rroonda it waa i.npossible to noplect the duty to tnho the of Parlfan.ent o? the posltlon of the Prinee ol Watoa aai the other. eoa_earaa_. The Baataali wlll not be with aaytklag kwa thao Betloa by tha m-U Urv uuthorltie. involvinp the BBBM nfflrial repaof af ,l,c Prinee of Wale*. General Wimam* and L-ivctt The pniM-r-itlori at Cumniinp and the others for lllCRal aambllng will be ...ado a parl af Iha 4mmmA *m Ika Qovernmeat, but it win aat bc eameatty praaaaa. Confarenc-a have baaa held at the War Ojee, afr tend.- 1-v Mr. Btaohoaa, the Duke of Car.ibr.dpc. tke Mto Of Coi,i.r.u.l.i, ieneral Pedvcrs BallBT Bial ,,,,.,?,! str;H,v, u eommaad .of Ike Beata Fk-"' Onarda (Slr William Gai-On ______!_?? r-ftinentl, and H 1, r.-,s..-.a.l ttu.t tli.y dc.Kl.-d tluit tke Pnr,?- oi w-.i-* <-' WlIBama ai.d Levett had rommm ?*. do ??',,,,:. agalnat mDltaiy taw, but only a ****** SS of tho -e__J_tion_. m,-. struii..,,-. ttawatom. K_*ing MonBay'i rmpaaM ta qaa__laBa oa tn <i [Zt ot .ii- -_afer_aee. wBl pr_bab? Beelare ?v,.t tl.e l,,?lill,?d..'r in chief am dealwltk tho ca*c pr..atcl>. wlthonl n-r.ird u, re. uiaiion-. \,,!rK.Iv,,eeb,theKr,,lofC,,v,,,,rv.iM.n.^ Court rlivlei tfat he hi.s Intlm-ted to Lord -aMsbarf ,,ls r^dlftafsi to rttlgo Ihe offlce of Maato ot u.e ii?ckh(,..n.i3. b..t tkat tke ac-c_*an-B ofhta * ltton la-elaye_ turtU tba Ooremamat etm aaa M.,-. .-otiiviie-nt li Bkely to otrcct tho iio*ltlon ?,f the Prinee of Walea. i, i* maeratood thal tho Frtaea of WaJea is keciy maaa ky tka aB-ta ' Uetona whieBhave been ?towered upon fflm from all qimrtefB, v tlr newap-wae eemmente wBlah praetJeattr aeeaae n <? SmSng tho aecret of IB. Tninby OaH ?^** refer to th. fiwt that Ike Prtaea aaa aol aaBadlf he Li apohmi af tka iftlr to anj_o_U after 8ta wnMam ,,?-.?:, Cnmmlng atanea the martet-attt-S toaunent, rrbOt this ,?..-linn waa put to all tl.e. other artl lor the a^-Rdaato. The Prinee of WabM emphaU cliv denies that lie divnipcd the iBeret lo aayhaay. < iu', _ciitim.iit m.i.iniiiy tapfarta t_e Prlace. Ai tbonfh tbe rl.r.lrrni.n of the Marlbor,....!. Cluh com mittoe writea repiidiatiiie the hipii plaj ln vogaa ut th.- clnb, an.l deay-Bft-at bbbmb of lawart areall mtA, 11 a p.'hhclv known thal tha elab baa j?*t elected Ar-tiiu- . truii.-v Wihoii and otBer baoearol Wenda of tbe 1',-in,,. of Walea. Kor haa th- aeandal lewenad tba Prinee. pop-larity ln the turf aet. Ike mmora of _> bad reeeption at Aacol bw b pervaialon of tke tacta. rf orowda aeemed beni on coaeoilng hlm, and he had the hearttael iraetlng. He waa ipee-ally eBeered .?,,., mrbtm BU hotae Imp won tbe Hlfhwelglrt l'M-. noart rii.-i.s am aiaeb ezenlaed over lettan from ti?. (i.T.n-.n < -a.t reaeettna tba opinlon ol Emperor wniV. t i* b-li.-v.-i iiu.i . ?- I lia.wrltt?i ., u ;.? L lona -m.i serlcws crltlclam on the Prince'a }'.: 'M. .- Ar: .ally up-:. the gambllng (rffofflcer. :' -;..v t-'Il '.t'.heat;.,.. .- rotalnbU coromls -hln'lii.'th<- Annv. The Queen, lt la aald, _wwai__- tn ? tet^W^teon^SilnB ?*l*?a'ZS**l f,,.n \V._.:i:.*l..ri Hall. and I ? ' adl for .- ___ \vh.-i aaked to peconi-der hU i_ru?al ol _ ^^?-.rellK.TKnmln. Mearaplied t'V Provoal Ol '.,,,.,,. wel.,". Cnnimln. ta-i'-m-ai'ii?"i w ?'? ".' ."r'/uin m--t tbe pair ai Ibe atatton, Tlj<3 ',;,wn will maBe a bolldas of _he_oc_aajon. iad U r-uiiic arcbea on Uw route to Altyra i/t-u r_mmV writ" .. frti.'i* h.-r,- thal abe lnta tr__Sr? orolonared -t.v al Altyre, probably over t', ',', ,,.,- 'm-.._ Aft<;r a montl-i re*t and icrlnaion : ;: wTi .rit-.-...f. n?.?>..- *? ?- >i ^trro. .? hntbrad _ ln _ood sp:ri>*. and camtlnoea to receivo SluSnce* of uahr lt-n etleem from maaiy fieada. tiV.? - .'ithera Haptlal AaaoMatkw baa paa d a __ ii.,.. eowlemnlng the Prlnee ol Wnh- for the parl _.vr,-,-r.,--v of ' ' M to ?*Bi ""? ,Y"'C H ecm SS5_5___a___-?if*?J^ S??a_U&tU.6_WJ?_?-! v''lV;i-,? .-iiurch Tlnaea" ad-laea Ibe Prinee of WWfa te I. ,1,1., ,.? ,-o-n nlavinir ln tho praaence ot ;,C"_ ..i'l"!"" . _ t ' \ ,-hol'h.;. , . ? -,t.,V?rv. Thls, ?w;!!,!d hav. a,.-,,,-.,do,is ,,,.,_! ,-.:-, I. Sri.LIXG MISS P.VM.4 AUROTT'S WABDBOBE. Tba aale af k_a Btom Abbotn eoet^pee hy bm , ?.r vi*. Uaate Abbott Ctark, at taa Hoflteaa llonao, .. ; | t_? continue- Bm tBtm a weak taeBer. ? ' u-ci ln proare.. far al.I I ,,,..;v llS u? mott importairl dreaaea bave beea sold . ;l.;J .???? Iiimdmls. r?Hiiiilnpt!.el--*sileh i.tal ,, . ., ramiin. Mra. < i_-_ laleada to ka i Ve?.Y0rk won. bai aaa wlB probabU come back ta ,,!,,,, whal eeatamai ?:.? baa Bft ., . je if th -ro waa aaythlag tkal Mln Bmma X5S1Tw_. mom ?ta__CBk*ed lot thaa aaathar, H ,,-ai of tl.e i-wae aaw tmtmm eoal traai to *-.CXH? eac-h und are mir.ello.i-. aaamplea Of the nrt of worth aad n-i:.\. k-uiy "f aTaaa Maaa baaa won only ';?!;(,,?-i,-, aad aoma not at aii. AU are of tka co-tlleat matefta-a and Ika BMBI mlnutely careful work MnahlB and ev-rythlng alKiut them ls pi.i.ili.e. the rtaaa c*?...e? bakU] all a^ "? &'"? Perf?'t kl every i..-irt vs if the. wero lnt_nd-d BW the drawlna-rooin. tmmU one excepUon to the rule of __imlBanaaa, how _imiB H some imttatton Hut there I* .ome rral erinine, too. und Ika iii.it_ti,.:i dOM not prtj U-i.d to be BBBl, "Bi U 8888* are AoceiveA by lt. a* m-iiiv ai.. it ls thelr own fuult. Many ac_*e.?e-> *nd n',iUy waaaaa WkO *re not aetfliam have examlnod .1... __wn. and all have been surpriwyl and deliphu_l .?__'thev have M'.-n. A (oii&idcrabJe number of h- dr.saaa ?,- dUpc-ed of ln CWeafo Mkre thaj M-eir. bc..u_ht l.eiv ?>- cowaa ll l* l?l.ttda to ? i: Uiem for aiivtlilng Bhe th. ir oiiirtnal eort, end the J? a^Ked hi-c '... Bians eaaea tmlf froa 10 Krcenl ot tha eapanae of mmBtsm tne araaaea ln the llr-l I !?'" _ . m ? .I.V APPEAL F>R A CRIPPLEU AUBtBtAB. Ckarltf CB_8**taBlB_i BeeUAt ladraa i-. aapeal t/. tl?- .luritablv dlapoaed la bchllf ot iu AUKt.i-oi u .iturMU-r wl.o lo*t Ih?Hi hl* lioi.d. tlin-ugh ui aurcld.-i.t oi. , n_lr-ad la ti.i* ritv. lt bBa been in.i__M.ii i.-. aCM lara Hta* af aam ;i?d offort. u> imd anv ?ork that he aaa 8a ? ua iriiiiii'd aaadHIm n- i? "n?t>ie t_ dr.** ? ___mB, <ut .ood or -l*..i a'?r_, auid laa _?? Ut lxi _M_a lor llke ? child. Tli.- accHent wm one lor whloii uc on* *e* to blsmt bul B___B_aJt bul hli ceae li naa* tbe |.? pltlabl- on thst n..-o,int. Th,- flfldflBj BBBBBO to th BBM ? '.or taeams t_i <*u??>i, it to pr_\iii for bta aasaaaOtaa Men. r for thi* ot>rt rmv b- sent to (harle_ D. K-lltws. MM u-n-ral weer-ta.r. st N?. 1*1 rnlvrsltv l'l-..,-. if fniMi.-r aaiOaalBia aro want,-.! lh<*v will bo eladly fur n1_h,*d bv lilm. ? SOLDIFRS AXD ATIILETES ATTHE OPERA. CADETS HE.-I- "WAJTO" ANO BABXSALZi MT X "TIIK TAU AND Tlll'. TVUTAR." Thero were brilliant f. *t!vltie. nt the BroadWflf and Pnlmer's thcatres last liitrht. Tlio ..n-- wivs under mlll tar,- mle nnd tho other did hnflhr Ki Iho BNBB p snd perhups more bwBta-OB "t baseball. About 1_0 yoiiiiR KOkllers of the giadaattag and fur lough cln-s. v nf We_t Bttaaiei the perf.irmnnre of " Wsng" and oo.-upied tbe front rows ,if the ,,n he. tra. The graduatcs wore cveninp drosi* and th" meii Ur-. of tho lower cln_s the unlfonn of tbe AfladflflBjr. It Is worthy of remarK that whllo the _.idl?n.e thu eeanaoeed wns an cxcedlnely ..nthi_?lMtlo one. It wn* ttltoccther orderlv and therefore oxceedlnglv fmni partlej! mado up ln certain bMBBB In-'ltutlo-. i.f Icarnlng Ihal have boen observcd ln New-York lli.-utrw. of late. Somo sr*"cial featnre* were lr,?roduoed lu the per f.irmnn.-e iri rTonor of tho ourt,-t-' vl*vt. Mlss I'ox ad<1?d BOBBfl appropriatc staniai in tlio flr*t act and Mr. Hop p-r added ono to the taBttOl son.. "You Must Aak of tlie Man In the M<?< ui." There wa_ aNo a Mirlesquo drill bv Mr. Hopper and ttaa Fox wlth 1>v fBOB. All th.". incldcnt*. were tooHf appl-uidod and hoaiilly eheerod, a_ wero 8l<_> m_*t of the reouJar songs. Tho boxes wore hune>-oineIy dntped wlth flaps. Among tho por.p],, v bo *..-.i iu them wero Cadet Echota, Beadea VeorMea, Oadol >_hnn. ra<iet WhOoea, Oadat Beherar, Oalat Wlnaaa, a-Corpfleetlen ObbbbbI> It. llecKman, .lohn D. Crlmitiin.- und fimlly, Mr*. - llswcs. Mr-. Ila-lvln-, Mis- Hu-'tln.*, M,* Daaae, Mlaa Kn-ei, Mlaa Daahnrfl. Mlaa Qarke, Otaa Dtoderh-B, Mi.s Kahan, Mrs. Met.-nlfe and party, Mrs. Bad Ui-.-* Yardley and Mi?s Webb. Allar the opera ca. h rla_s h_ud h iiupper at the Murniy Hill Hotel. The boxes at I'altii-.'s Theatre wcr- ta-tofiilly and .-ti.l.liiply daaotaaed wlth flaps and tho tools of the panie of taBO-Bll aiid tho lower boxes were occupied ta BBOBhan of the Now-York and Chicapo clnbs and a few other p.-.plo more or taaa pronilnently oontiected wltli t)v Natlonal pame. In the course of the netr forinan." ingbv I'.ell reetted "The Hoy on the Left lleui Fence," whlrh was received wlth enthiislasti. appnelaBon. The playcrs will vislt tiio Broadway Tlie_tre to-nlph'. M0IB9 OF THE 9TAOE. A. M. Palmcr and Lonls Aldrich have been appointed bv tho tnsteea of IhB Aatosa. Fund as a comniltt.*.- t.. devlse b deflnlte plan for the establtsliment of a home lor tlio orpbana of aetors. H. K. Dlxey iBtendl to glve a propramme tiUBBlltlBf of three ahori pteeea, Instead ol one lonp .me, next Baaaon. They win ba a baikaejae ?etodraaia, a panto mlme and a rearranpenient of the la.-t act Of "Tlie Scv.-n A.- " The *-?..-.,ii of the B|}ob Theatre ends this werk. The boaaa will rtopen on August 3 with "A Hiph Boller," and thi*. will bo followed on August -1 by "N1,,1*C." Tho "Niebe" oompany gOBB to Roston to nlpht for it_ enpapeii.! in al haa D BtOB MaaOBB. Tho New-York and ('hlcago ba.-eball elub_ will vi .it Pahner'a Theatre und "The Tar aad 'ho TaitrtJ"1 to night. Tho houso will be dcroratod for tho ?c___ioD. The alnmnl of tho Ameriean Aeiwlemy of the Dranatlfl Art_ has eketed the following offleers for tlie romtng year: Bbbbw v. BherMaa, '->?., president; i.aura Bedgewleh CoUlna, '80, rlee prealdaait; B. P. gtephenaon, '80, Beeretaiy and liteaarer. Qbbb reate -.'.Miivi- have been ;ijip.,iut?*,l us follows: Maiido Banks, '**:>: Ib'bert Taber, '80; Blsle Lonibard. '-. : Madge Baron, '88; I'erey We-t, r80-_0; lielle Mui-tln, ?80 .1. i?;i.? BnaJ perfora?neefl of th?* _ea^m af - Kr. -t.ii-. WMows," al i'r.?t-.i-'- Tv enty tnirrt Street Theatre, will be glren t tii^s afternoon and evenlng. The injuu alao en.i. ii- taaao- IhO eare?tag. The worka ,,f Beoteh eeaapoBBra win bo lu-ard at ..Iliinji-c'-. concert ut tho MBdlaoa Bqaava Baidaa to ,.,-.! It ?i|l be the turn 'f thB Iri-h BMBO-TOW night, aud Ameriean iniisic will l>e played OB Monday. it waa again laported laai nlghl that Oaa Phflttaa, tho weii known Oenaan eharBetar ...i..r. was dead. lt waa ..-ii-i at 88, Vloeent. Iloepltal at mldnlght that be waa BOt dead, and tliat hls condition araa BO ebai ajed. Tho I?-eral of Chariea Flahar win uko plaea al tho Chnreb ,.f the nanaflgaiattea to-iu.-rr,,w at 8:30 p. bb. -? MR. MAXSFIETM 18 His OWX DBFXXOB. Before tbe perfonaaaee of "Don Jnan" began al the Oataea Theatre bwl aaealng Uo BtafB BBwaear eaaM ba lon the >mt <in and BBldi "Ladlaa aad eaoMaaaea; Ur, M;.n iteU <!.-*ir?. me to _ay in taaa RRfbrnta pre-.'.nt -!e,ul.l liave read one of th. cveninp papors to-.iav thal tha bnaglnary laterrlew with bBaflaH revubtlshed In tbat |oa_rnal i- ??. paaa Inreottoo aad niu-s ,,f deB-Orate and moii-troii- BUBehOOdB." Mr. Mai.-ii.-M baa written t.. Tiie Trihaaa on Ihe Bafajed of tin- Intervtea ai B_owa: ln: E d 1 t o r 01 Tbe Trlbnne. Sir: Tbe int- r\i,r?- parpor-nfl _, haw beea Itaea by aaa and referred ti. ln bbb al Bu avaatag p_p r-, aad apeaktng ,,t -,!,. erltlcs, i- i.t.-..;'it-!y _--, baraattoa und imbebly th., ,.. l narer, at aily Base, ga~ aagaa , i |d_e?taaa nnd dUsgaa-hag s_Btan_B__ I have rarefoUy rwfialned ''rt|i a-BIng any reply le ;n.y tn >n "Oaa Juan" As I did not. Ihcr.fore, supply ri;,. haadla they iaflBad, lhay andeaily u^vo i flnufaetured it for tn. liv-elw RICBABD .MAN.S-Tl'.LD. Qarden Ihaatra, Juaa 12, 188L -M? -. a_t___i80Jr WELL 00 To CAPE MAY. Waiatdngton, 3vot 13.?Mra. Harriaoo, aceompaoled by ber grandehUdnn, wili leare tcre neat Ihnrstey for cape Miv loint. where ahe expeeti t-, ipend tbe ? summer ln lha Presldai V ? *taga. The Preal* ,i,.-.: will rlatl bla artfe al InterraO during tho aai and will probably ta at tiio leaahore bkm! ef the time in Jiiiy und AngBBt, IHE PRESTDEXtra rA.T11Ell.-IX LAW 60X8 H'/'*7. Washlngtoo, Jame 12. Tta Ber. .1. W. Beott, Ihe Pneidenfa renerable fBther-ln-law, left Washlngtoo, bhia afternoon for Foti Townsend. Waah., In company wlth hls -di. Jadgi John U. Beott, of thst clty. . ? THE WAR OX THE WHI-EEY IUUST. Chlcago, Jarne 12.?A dUpeteh from Peoria ?_fotwithBtandlng the fa_ thal tta Whltaey irnal baa M-nii-d eontrol of the Sh_f__dl and Catenel dli tilie.ri,.., n. tronblea hava not eeaaed. Uud Blght bonded warebooses were opaaed ln Pakln, wheat a Byndlcatc wlth 8B-0.000 rapttal proposes to eract b Diamnioth antl-TrusI dlstlllerT." , ,. , Mnre th*: Inat _b*orbe_ the SbufcWI aud < aluniei di-tiil.-.ii-, th-; ft-etiticrs of tul* clty, ln tbe beliel thal the tr..-1 i- ahonl to advance price*. have been 'hr.-ut iiirnp t , start an Independenl ,h-i llery. Wrecl * II of tbe tni-f. to-oai declared U il thi B_l waajd lu H" case advance prleea, and if Ihe priee ?t twn -b -uid continue t.. go down. would krwer ttan. II expeeti i.aya, to be able to do ao anyhov. i :,. ii .-? i- iu new la_wrn_BB preneaa ls apetaUaa. UAEL AXD SHELL BBDS IX EEW-JXBBBF. ];.-l\i.| N. J., June 12.?Tta d! ,,,v,-ry of im - rataahlfl Biari and abell beda ob Um shores <>f Whlte i'."id. Baar Mai_a__irnBgh> Wn-iaa Oeaatr, ha* ;. r>*.t in t.he nelghborhood. Beaae ....1.1, rapltaBsta i.r,' trylnp t.gotlaai for tlie purcna-e ol tbe p >nd .i-d a_jae_nl bradi. .1 olVh'DVAiER B-O0BD f.Y B-LT/MOBB. Batttaao-B. Jnne ltu?WEUaai Blanei aaa i.angod ln Um fail yard bave thi- Bwrnlng foa Ihe aaarder af hla pratidmother und i.unt ln bOBM Ifl thia ettl oii tne nlghl Bf Ma] ?_, 1860. BEnrii-W ro exexetaib the u. _. _. Laaatag, Mtah., Juno i-J.-Tlie blll aafffOf^allng g..0,0,Xl for tbe ont i-tainiuelit ol tho Oiaad Army <>t tkB Hepublir af D- tiolt In ABgBal ne_t. w-..lcti wa_ rotoed bf Oeaeiaoi Wlaaaa, .am.*. .... la ti_- Houio t.,,i;,v. it araa e\p-<t.*d thal it wonM ta laaaed over tha Ooaeraor. veto, but oa a vote t-emp taken. tho Governor'a veto was -u.t_.lir d l.\ i itri, i party vote. A TREAtCREli CSFA1THFCL TO UJS TRUtT. Greemield, Mu*., June 1'2-C. Ma> Ofl M Ody, for the l.,-t hlteen years trciv-uivr el Fi-aukliu Ceaatf, haa eon fe-sed to taklnp,10_ (I U.e countyS money and uslim lt in hb, private business. l~*t night lu_ rel_ ,lv,* and friends turiied over to hls taodaaaen p...p-rty uiacb will more tliaii aiake tbem g,_xl and Uie bonds ,?en will ai aaaa Indemnlfy U* county agalnst losa. THE ORAIORIO SOCIETY 1XC0RP0RATED. ABtaay, Jnne 12 (Bperial). wnh tta ahjad ,-f pro moiinp nnd tallliallBg etaral um-,.. badh Meaa -? iiar, tha Oiatoria BBalaay of n.-w Vorh haa laaa m eerporatad. tn- din-ct-?rM f,.r Um IrM rear ara a_ f<_ |,,w- : i liarbss ll. Adains, John W. Aithcn. Addi_,.n T Andiowa. Mursball Ayrr-.v JoBhM. taaeh. Ooo |.iiiL"iani lolm (i.,-!.v lim_n, M. Uavarrt Ut>,*-i,. *ll*-. . rJutadSa. CvwaMa. WIHIbiu Cluvx. Kr?l.;.l; ? M ?-on,-t.,,;l(. Fiwnk H. I>?, WalJOr J. 1 .... meh lohn Da?U. rr-d_rlc_ 8. DbbbIb. .leveland H. Omgo, m K. I'raper. g__riaa E Fllnt. K- Prsa_is, < larerise M Itvkf ????"? ? iSSU.' &?h? Jolmson, Adrlan II. Jollno. John e. Kennedy, btepbeu, M. B*BB?BP, lienn K. Miil.'ti. J. Crawfurd Met >???;??.-. Leon ifargolles. Henry W. Poor. John Dyneley Pnnce, .tsmes a. Pundertord, Morris Beno, Charles H. Bopos, llenrj Sellgman, Lemnel ____ora, Chariea B. Smlth, W. K. Btarck, n. B. --Mnln_t_?n. George Taylor. Wllliam H. Terttune, Bamoel Tli.iiims, Wllliam Huruet Tuthlll. Hajrtwell A. Wllklns ttid J. Il,x*<l Wiipht. RAILROAD IXTERESTS. WKSTHOfNI) BAT__B IN HAD tJll.-PE. ( hl nc:,., Jnne 12.-The rcsterutbu. of e_.tV.ii_d lake BBf nll ratafl ha_ had no efTot |n I,u.,i of weafceflU? rate*. U was offlcially taaoaaead beea UrBmt that tho BaHoaal PaajBlah hine. eperaUng in <? aine Hea w-ith the OBBtral Vermont Il.Ulr._d, bv. i-*ued a pioportioftvl tarilf on the baMfl ..f 20 .-- r.t<, lir<t clt_, from BOOhOB b> rhlcapo, on bBBtaeefl deatlael to point. we-t of BMa city. The Oadfl la BBBM per hmndivd pounds on the BdraBBl f .1! NTfl : 1 .r-t rbis., ?_'(? eenfs: second BtaBB, 28 : thlrd elaaa, 21 : fourth cl?_s_. 18; flfth c_m.. l.">; slxth flteaa, 1:1. Added t . the r*_ll rates from (".ucwpo to St. Pwil and Mlmi._p.-_i* this makes tbe tata and mll hasi- fntn Boetea ta ahaaa p_in_. m eaaai iir**t <in.-. Tli,' ? BBM BB8 publislied a tariff b__ed BB 79 BM 1-. flrst-cl;i_s. fr,m Boataa and Ncw-Y.,rli to St. Pi.ul ;,i_l Mlmwapolls by wav af Dulnth. Tlio Kr!.* Kull'vay. ln eaaaaattaa with IM Cbbob Meaaataal Um, iwd pre vlouslv BaBOBBBBi a proportiomU rate of 18 cents to chicapo Ui meet tho rUlmll c<_mpetlti,>n of the OOUBMBB Paelflc. and the N_t-__1 IMnpatch made the further redurtion to pre*"rve Its agreed dlfTorc-itial on thls bu-i:.-_. Tlie regular lako and rail rate by that llmo from Uie senbourd bo Chicftgo. s_ agreed uynai etrly ta BM *-__on. is on tho b__U of 41 coute. The Westerti roods are determined to take 00 part ln the flfcht on weKlbourd rate.. lmt ure keepliip a Btary l<. >lv__t Ui aaeertala poaltlvely ahnthw BaaahoaBd raani havo ba 11 :>' (uallv restorod by all tbe l.ik.' llnea. An acent ..f one nf tlie fa_t freipht lin. - aaM ta-dey: "There I- n > doahl that BBBBB of t.V: lake and rail ttnee haye ooacraeM ..t the war rates wltah w-iu aol explre nntll Julv 1. Iiiil there will be no r?w on tlmt afemml pc vlded the ifnes ln qucstion niaintaln tho hfajbsr raies :__t-T thal date.-' ? PCAI.PFJ1S AKD THF.m FT.H.XI1S. rhlcn_po, Juno 12.-S,,me hit-UB_ll_ lavelallonB were made to-day at tho meetlng ealled by ChaHiBBB Finley to confMer tho deiii_nili/.uti,m ef paaaBBfer lataa be? tween Chlcago and St. Umta. The flrat BMBttBT MhBB up was Um aealplng of oaapon Uehata trom Detroit, Buffalo and PHUborf ta Bt LobO hy w:iv of Chlcago. nf thirty-four eoapaaa nf this ldnd parahaaed hy tta (? tr-v.'iitv-iive read oaar Ihe Wahaah, aMta taa r--t wara Bea.B8.lBt- Aftor ronsldcrable di-.-u-*i._i Mr. Fliiby _,-, l.l.'d to take up IBM <|ti-Ml__i with tta issulnp llnes ln tho East, and with tlie flattfaortttaa of the ivnti-Hi TraAe AaanflaHon. as tavaattpdloa Bhowed that UM En-tern line- lfl_B_B_d in Ita boyeott ?" tho Alton were paylng a eomfmtaBlon to Beket broken ln Baflhto ta farfll-iHi __M aealp ta th,* Intereat of the hue. between that point and CtdcagO. Wheii the nieeUnp turn.-d iW attention to the B-B-P* inp of HefeeM from _t. Louis to CtaeafO lt was Btaarn tliat a iMiBildnatlna tieket astatod oaar tiie JaetaonvlUe Soutlieastern from St. I.oiils t?. JaflfeBBBn IBO, and ttaneo to st. I'uiii, a ttoongh rnte of 81880, with u rebate af 4H0 on Chlcago. As the market prlee f.r tieket- he twaea Cl leaaa and st. i.mi di_-.s not axeaed, it waa natiii-ally inferre.1 that a commlsslon was paid OO the |B88 pr.ipoi-tiun trti1w,?.'n Bt, LeOta nnd Chlciipo. and that the chl. H-o-st. Puui proportlon waa wdeemed from tlio hei-o. Of BOBrBB BM JactaBonvllle BOO-O Baatara people wara Bnrprtaed at Itaae iweiutions and tried t,> prove tbal other Dnea were manlpnlattm bl tho BBBie way. Tbe Q-MBtMn BB ta whal BC-On nh,.i:ld 1*0 taken t<> pcie, t thfl ?aorlalwl roarts agaln?t thls cul by the JackaonvUle Boutheastern was is-iom-,i t.i tlio cliairmnTi, who will lender iii* dechkw inwr. lf thia declslon falls to pr-tct the Alton road the Utter Will BJOal pmceed to proteet lt---lf lnd(*pcndent.y. CHAIBXAB WALKEB MIsKFl ..KSKNTED. CMcago, June 1B.?Boma ol the l-n-al paperfl thia Bornlng made un attaeh on Chairman a. f. Walker, .,f Um Weatern Trallc AaaoeMBon, ta arhteh that ofiidnl i- aeenaed of taatng ao order ta Ihe general BMaagera ,.f tta Weatern roada, deooonctng tta prao Uee ol glvtag toforaaaOoo t,> newspaper represe ta Uvea. Mr, Walker 0 gafltleaa of any ench p ?ng. H" is-iicl 8 ?l-Blar, BB _M aud Other chriirmen havo dor.o b.'iore, warnlng ovar-Bealooa traflb offlclala praeMee of rereaItng to ahippera the pro ceedinga ol thelr prlvate meetlnga, and thua ereating ? pivjudi,-e BgMnal other roada beeeuaa of ttalr votea ,?, rertato __na_aiiKa Chatrmaq WaBmr has iqvariablj the ne.w-pHp.--r representattvea wltb eourtesy _nd Islrnees, aud nobody in Chlcag, railroad elrclai deaervea bettet treaOaent at their bands, A 81'ECIAL BATB POB TIIK V-TEBABS. Kanaaa Clty, Jun,- i_.-Th,- qaeatton of apeeW ratea f,,r UM vel.-nurs WhO BN golRg fn?m the BF8BI to the ... A. K. cn.anipment at Hetrolt ha*- bOBB BBttled, Tho r.t,' will baa -in-i-' Mra f.r tta rooBd trlp. Wbflo Chadr man Fini.-v aad tta Weatern Paaaangar Aasaalaa!on havo rlng tta Babjeet Ita arhole natMr bas been ?ettled bv on.- road the Wataah. n haa r*?nB Into Kansaa uud eontra. t.-.i ror a large delegatlon .,f the ?ateranfl al Bo ilngta laie rate. The oflelak of tta road my thal tbla raM w? ta malotalned, Tta mi* s..u"ri Pacldc aifo anoooneea thal it wm make tta Bngle fac ml?, and ao tar aa can ta learned, all ol tbe otber r,.a,l- a.-e lu line. _ THF. BALTUtORI AND 0MJO_ BELIEF FtTBD. Baltimore, Jnne IS Tta mBef 8e__r._neni ol tho Baltimore end Ohlo Ballroad Company makes tta following -t.ii-ni.-nt of receipta und dtataraementa f,.r the mooth ol rebrmuT. 1801: Reeelpte, 133..?; dl* biir-.'iiinit-? 887,000: beneflta pald trom Ua ? I "? to Fehnmrj 25, 1801, W ,571.704, Dr. W. A. Vnuahan, of Ilmtarvllle, Va., and Dr. B'att foster. ,,f pittsbnig, Penn.; have i*cu a.t.i"d to tta UO ,,.. sorgaooa ,<t tbe eompaay. -? ABGUllTO THB BBIBOB CA8B. Owata, Beb., Jaae l8.-ln Ihe United Bl _ - l wirt thls ?otnlag AMfltaey PopitattiB Bnlshad bla preacotalloo ot tba law ror tt_ ptaH ' -- la t1.- Beeb laland-Unlou I ir.,i-.- eaae. Be waa hdlawad by Jadge John -' Dlllon, ieneral eeunsel for- tba Cntaa taelfle. Be revtawed the c-otract betweaa tta resda M kagtb aod polnted aol th.? II tmounted ln bet _ i leaae, asaerled thst the it.":k isiaim Bsed in Bebsaska aw\ tha On__i and BepubUc n \r,ii.,- Road, a branch ?r tl.-- Dnlea PaelBe, l,-,r.,l,-l BOd .-ni,,i_-tlii!; llnn.. st.d undr lha Btata luvs it aaa lllegal let parallel and eeopeBag lines t.. laaaa tn. li roada or otlierwlsc ..-oiisolldat^. Vi< r. rKK.sinr.NT NEWMAB as B_??KEE. Chicago, Jani li?Vlee-Prealdeot B. P. Blpley, "f tier Unwaak-t and Bt, Paul, and G_aral Pasesager -gent il. B. Bustls, of the BarltBgtaB, arho wem ebosaa arUtra lera la taa appral "f th? iiiin,,;* Ceatral from Chalrmaa iimiey'a deelatea, Impo lng _ Bna for K- taUora to advaoea )n-.ii_'.-r n.i.- betwesn Bt. Lools and Chieago, baaa ijirr.,d apaa Vtee-Prealdeiit W. n. Bewman, of Bm c_i ,_;,. snd Nortbw. -'? rn, M tt? NtOrM ln thfl easfl. H_ hesriug will be held next MondJ.v. AI'ltlL BAJtXIBOS OB t'MON' l'.\, uno. Ilo-tin June U'.-b'nlon l'-,:lt1,'s Aprll a'_at-*mrnt, P.,t!... tjaamt: Orapa aaralngs, 88^888,810; Be. >^_V, 307- net. S024.01_; 8ae_easa, *10.?.!I71. Kor fonr ,'?._,._. to Aiini ho: Braaa, 818.488.188: decrew.*, BliJ. 120; 'het, _*_,027,750 ; incr.i.-, 8488,888. _??-'-? OBITUABi JOHX OOBDOB. t...- deaih ??'?'* anaoamead on tta Prodaee Bzohange ,1 lV Bf John Ooedao, who dkd ut Oawefo on Awieday. Ro aaa reventj rrtne years old. aod re Ured II-..UI Biiatarr aoma Barn hl-... mc. i ?.,.-.? i, waB-fc-own Indar bb the Pwdaea Bxehauge, und Wai ii BBCBBher ?>f the lirin Of GordOB, llnr-i, A M.Aulitfe .Imler- In CBnadlaO I ;iil"V. Tta BmB WBB lon- am dis ,.i'.d. bnl Mr. (K)rdon ?'0'itin.ied a mam b?irf(5ta__xehao_ia. Tta taaaial wffl ta|p plaoe at Troy. , wii.i.i \M I.tN-I.F.V l.\v,i;i;\. ;. Wlllinm I.ln-l. v ' f999k f'ld. OM of taa m ,-t i.romlnont citir.eiii ?t I'i.-rmont. Boek* r,..i ...iiniv. 8tod laaaardai aftaraaoe. Vaai M,. Laainaia t.uiit me Krie |peg i>ier m Jeraay air, ,,,,1 Am th,- i ,t Dunltlrli. ,.n I.alio IM baf aaM many impontnt ofBcea, _nd waa a pro?tnenl MBBOB BBd Odd PaUow. Ha retlrvd fn.m uetivo busi ?BBfl mentv years ago. - ? ? ASA M FREY. A?hury Tsrk, N- 1 ? JBBB 18 (f*P-eial',.-A__ M. Frer Bled eirly thls roorotn- st hl? cotu*,'- ln Oeaaa Ofeva I beart taB?N. iie ?_? beea lu B-IBatBlh, B, I.. ?_ f,ur v. ir? mio II" *?-"*> BW n_>y vear? i bullder snd controctor ln Jer-ev ("Itv. snd he i.rrved f?r t?o taaflM .? juufl* ef Hud-,-.., Caaaaj cnurtt ile laavaa aavafal ehildten, hU e!d??t sen h-ln? Frsucl* M. Fr.v, of X.?_? Y?rk Cltr. r _ XEW LAWS IX ILLISOIS. gpilligBald I11-. June l-.-Th- bill provldlng fnr tho barfal _t Uie pubii. expeaae ,,f bU bonorably .n-.l.-.i-ged ,.\ i i,i..n -i,i.iiei->. ,i- amended by tta Beaate. v., paflfled aad _ laaahi-oa todoralng Um moveama. t., mm i ?> BaBnaal ... A. B. mmaorlal __n al Daeatar, III., bv private BtaBflrifBtefl *?^ Bdoptad, i . lanata MO tlxtnit Uie legnl roto of totan _. per r_nt in-teud Bf 8, IW at pre?.-iit, und niuklnir the maximuni BBBtBaat rate 7 per eent. was possed. as wi__ the benato blll to prevont Iho durklug of horses* talls. Tba kenaut passed the Hooee blll perml-Ung m___g aad iiiaiiiif icturii.g rompanlea to own atock In rallway corporutlons. _ DR.JOHXHALL AXD THE I XlOX SEMIXARY To the Kditor of The Trlbune .-sir: in n reaort ,-f Ibe laat noetlns "f Ibe I of Dbaetora of r.iioa ical Bemlnar I know not by whoni--we had no 18988-8-1 j--v* iit oeeara Ika toDowtng aaatBtaa: -ir wa* ao-eed, haa cv r. Ikat tlio Ber. Dr. John Hnll retin-d froai Ika mas-tin? on the plea of important cnpi.eii_.nts BB-8? whero before a vote wa. raadkad." Thi.s L. the onlv referenee to mv*e!f, and Fi *o li ihl> to a eertafn mtaandi rstundinK __at i feel bound ta state ika Baaa. f wns at Ika iiiC-tliiK from Its bcglnnlng at - o'clock until a Baartar paat ?", wken i bad to leava, al i waa under a ppunKe to lecturo to a 1'.-.-bvteiiuii ( .n.rch at Whlte Plains?a '-labor of I?vc," nl the mQaaa) Of H* acting paaitor, and n.y Mead. I p to the li.rtir of 6 o'eloek, tho polnt urged by ?orera] Membera ii d.. nol glve namra. beea?ee i have only one ekfaet In mlnd). was that the Meatnarr, to the arran^ment made wlth the ficneral Assembly twenty-ooa vea-.-s h?o, dld wliat wps i-ulcd agaluat ln ii~ efcaiter, Wkat wm illeu'al. and what, ia law, for fi-ita.1 it* rl^rht. to Ka property, and that, tln-. -. r\ IN Aaaembly bad no power. and could havo B0B8. BB *__B wciitmeiit of a profcs-or. Thls pl-a was >up port(*d by hl_h h-Bl authorlty, and evldence BM glvcu tlmt fiomo of the directors appre! lend,-il all thi-., when th* late l>r. Adatns framed tho ov.-rturc mado to tlie (aav.T-l A**.:nbly. the aceept.ance of whirh yl.ia-oat Pnlon Semtnary ln a new relation to the Assembly. To nll thia. as a matter of fact. I had nothing to *.-.-. Leaa] lenkukiallili maaaHaam one thing, and eipilty riulto another. Ike ciues.iou l-Cforo the bonrd IBapectUfl our dutv to the A .-i-inblv under VbOM " r .rc" we plaeed the lualltuUun. (Me mteotea of Aaasm bty tor 1870, pp. IT, 148.) I f.-lt bound (o my that our Immedlate dutv is to po Ibe Aaaembly aad my ln plain taagaage: MWe arrad Whea we plaeed th" ball* tu.ion under tlie rtire ot the (ieneral A-scmblv, fW wr wer>* preelnded hv oar ebarter trom doing *<>. We mtaled yon, anlateu-foaally of eoaraa, and gave you powers which we had no riirlit. to . iv.. For tWBBty* one yean we baaa beea andca your care, under a a__* appreheaalon, for -whleh we, tbe dUeetera, am i* iponalbla, and BM .b-'-plv -nrrv." BO ''l.-rir .ii.l th!* obllgatlon seem to tho e.xponent of the defencc, thit in- ftamed a aantaaca aad offered t,> put it ln his I>:i[hT, e.nbodvlng the acknowied-nn-nt. (>n this p-i per, tkoagh it. adoptlon was niovcd and secondcd, no vnte waa tal.on. i addad lhal tho nataial oateema, rrow tbe fBete atated, nm*l lie tho geparatlon of th; Union Semtnaiy fiota tbe Aaaembly, after a relation aatabltahed, on our own moM-ui, for twenty-ono yeurs, aad Wbleb ni ni ? tin- A--..-mhiv raaaoaatbla for our work, before tba cbarebea; nnd tbal then u woum baeome a iiu.-s tlon to aome "f ns whether we .-oiiM, lu th" clreum afaneaa, remaln members of tka bonrd. We lnvlted the Af.sen.hlv to take us ninbir Its .-nre. It aoeepted tb<? r*_sponsllillity. and it aets under n MM-.? ,,f it. We now i?y to lt, "Handa off! Wc had no right to put OBnelf-B nnder your c.-irc, as you, ar.d we, and tba world aoderatood lt, for these one and twenty yeara." i meattoa Ikaae thln?s "to eorreet (he Impieaaloa thnt tln- report in Tho Tribune wonld Niggo_t, nim ly. that I had no ophilon on tba matter, or that I did not deatre to be conimitted to any side.'1 My eOBfletloa i itated in tiie pbdaaat w-ay that i could. argln ObligattOBB ,?u us a.* men, as C'lirlstlan nu-n, M a pub? lic. C'hrl .tlan body, whoso procea .llnes now interest so mm li the eommantty. I have ventun-al to put ln qiiotation marhs the polnt whlcb I hopo "lil ho "noasd." I have. rarely to ex plain in\ positioii, or defcTtu' myself, imt as I am to t,_ out of th" country tor rome little time, I wl<_i to IBVe critie* -hlgh.-r or kTVer?trouhlo lu sp.ctilatin. upon my motlvea. Yonra nmat truly, j. HALL. Ifew-York, .luno 1_, 1801. CHARGED WITH STEALIXG A DIAMOXD. IT is BA1D T<1 BK AB BXTREHEXaT VW.r .BLH __ToXL.-I_ITTr.I-_ IXPU.MATION ABOfT IHB AKFAIU. Charlea Se.-itc, ?n Engllshnian, tblrty-flve years old, to ba b nerehanl al Ko, 13 Weal Twenty dxth *t, waa arr-*ted laat hi. ht, al No. nor Bl charged aith ateaUng a diamond which : aUegcd to be wortb 848,000. Tho complaint wa made by Joaeph W. Carroll, of Ho. 78 Dua ie?8t The i.r:v>. aaa Biade aboat 8 ovi.rk, by OfBcer EdwaN O'Coiinor, of the Ibmba Police. Tho ( was found Iu .-.uie'-, posscssion. It Is said that the sl BB N aa tisual one and ihat it is known a- Ibe "Otaaga Diamond." Baalca was tahea to the ?.ii. *i. pottM atatton. Lnter word was receivod the. . to send him up to Polica; Headqaarten, where Be wns mloaBi*! by Jtmtset o'lia-niy oa BB&floo b_Ji. Sergeant Magen, of ti.<- OaB-at. itatten, oouM not -,i\ wliai fiu-nl?h.d the ball. The bond had been sent to hlm fj-oin headanartem ln a aaaled envelope and Ti. declined to open tt. -? BAEBELEJ LAKE STEAUBBS IX COLLISIOE. Fnriiiiugton, Mo., June 12.?Ihe ateamera Kolly Chankamonk and Florenea Percy, while taking exeur itoo pu-tio* out on Baogelay Labe la-t evenlng; cama Into colllalon, eauaed by a Bilatafce In tl. ? algnal*. Tbe Florence ivny araa badly eat on her starl - ard ilde uu,i . nk near ihe wateria edge. --ll ber paaaengen \.,-r.- inir.-ri ofl and eared lur, Among Uiem wero F. L. Downea and daughter, ol Calala; Colonel Oagood, ,,t Auburn, and Dr. Wedgawood, ,-t Laarlatoo. AEEATOB 1'EFIER 17.Vir.-_ BZ8 B-MRHMK. (,ar!l--ie, E.1 !.., June 12 (gpeetal).?Senator Peifor, of Kansaa, arrived here to-day ln eompany aith bla family. Tliey ai'c tlc3 guect* of his brotber Baaraal, . elty. Mr- Peffer ln au Interlvow *.iid tbat, olected by the AUlance people ln hla Btate, be waa a l.iriuer and would take g,.?_l CBTO of tht-.n. II.? KCOg nizen no party, but bla (eeBnga aro wltb tho Denioci_ta. -? EDWAltD P.l'RGESS SBBIOVSLX ILL. i-oston, Juno 12 dpedal).?Bdward BargaM, the fnnoi.- d> -ii-'nei- of the Puritan, Mayflower, Votaataer and oth.-r yai'ats. la Critlcailj UI of lypboid fev. r iit his home on liea-on-st. Hla conditlon tenignt aroo_er. the greatest apprebenaloa bm the __aulte. nX-aL-T'J SJWIP AT ELD01UDO. DltHj Klrralfv'? "Klflg BolOB??. "> BM Deitruction of Joru.*aleia." wlB apaa ut. Bldorado, Weehawkaa, oa laaa 22, Iba ctaxe i_ aao f..-t. loog by 100 laal wtta and Ui", ;m.phlUir-?tio ?"1 -eat, 7,000 DtopU. Tle-io will i... 1.800 perlbn-wa in ibe ipeetecle. There ara a*b_rga .?!, b.iiit in tba Maoriab atyto, a eafe and what is i ??!??. r .-isii." ,m Iba baa-tttal iroanda, uru cuven-ii wttb Bne old Ireea. There la an exteniivi vi..'?- of Bm rivi- aad elty Iron tba reataurant, ii.-i Layj Ind hi* band ?!i! phvy during the ifternoon md .fl Slrtorinaiico u. thJ eva-iilna. Tbo band itanU .- Ui a -i..v- ai.t the i*-nplo will sit aroui.d ,. I ? sna .. tll, r'.,-i,'.. Large elevaton ?nl : it the ? Weehaarkcn Icrrj up to the top ol tho ciiif. -a Liatea to the pradent adrteeb wbleb ur^.-s you to the Immedlate fa-atment af tbal Baapbig Ooagb by tho il*c of Dr. D. Jayne'i Bxpeetorant, tka beal 4 inedlrines for Coagba and Colds, and an approvad ?tand-by for all Pulmonary trO-b-M aud Thr... lll.AINK AND Iii 11 EUSCOBOSB." Wltb tn morrow'a l-Ondaj I "Baco der" wUl be laancd ns u froe auppletnent n nuperb photogra-phl. o-|, tlou ol Jomet '?? Hiai'.i.-'s Ih:'-*' portrall on heavj biistol cuid, wiili .old bordar, etc., et<. Price ol "bun ,'l Ll Keeorder," ?'< cents. Value ol pleture, 10 Wliatever yonr polttlea, yon .h<_iid have a rellable plct ai.f tlie great itete-iuao. liowai-,'- (olamn iu "ine Beeoi-er* to BMarow, ai -. daily tlici .after. A-DDTnC-VAL BOAT8 ANO IXPBOVBD SBBVICE On thr Sumlv llOOk Itoilto. j'he full Summer Bchedulo on Uib popular route ,.,r, |, i , ,.--. ei bund iy, Jane 21, for tl l-'.n ultii tbe Palatlal -.teamen band} Hook, M n mouth and Bt Johna, leavtag New-York, Pler 8, ttorth [ool of h.-ctor-t. Deglnnlng Batnrdai Jnne 13, and on every t>ll iwing baturday during the Summer, an .-\i,-a t?,,i ? || leave Pler - .' i '"ri l1 Bt. for bandr n._- ai_. eonnectlng there wltb expreaa traina tor all polnta oo tlw Beaali I_e new Summer Mhedul.- of Mm Central l.'ailroad of NewJerse-,'? .Vli Uall Boute. Btao for the Maln Llne. i t_ei .-iToct on the aame day. .'. THE OOLVMBIAM KXI'1{1>>. The new fa*t tra-.r; tr m Bew YOffc tO I bleagO, vla .-,,.";......, :-.a:il:i lUiih-o.i.l liu_ heen tiie i '..iu--.: ia.u Eapreea ln honor of the Great Pair, . I will beraafter Be known b> tbal tltle. 'i'liis i-, th- iir*t rerocnltion by auy rallroad company of tho liupc-rtance ,,i ihe Expo-itton, and tbe tltle ol tiii* overland Byar Indlcote* the mlwlon to earry 10 wybody who revere* tln1 memorv of the great uceoveror. lt 1* fullv eqaal lo it* ampandoaa task a* it la eompoael .,t fi.- inxst modern foeplng aad dlnlngcara and paa icnger cC-fBtw ever hullt, all vestit.uled fnm and lo*' Tke Cohunblan Bxpreoo leave* PMinaylvanta Baiiroad ?iati._i", of Cortlandt a.,,i i> abroaaea *t?., Bew-YO-k. every' day at 4 p. m? arrlvla_ at Chicaeo 8:15 p. m. next day. l.LAINE AND "THF. RJBCOBDBS.1 With t < moiroWs iMinday) ?? BaeoedM ' wUl be ls*ued n* ii fj-'j-j (.upplement n luperb photegrephle roproduc i.,?, ,,f Jaroei <?? Blalue h l-*'. i portrall on hriatol rard. ? lt* gold b. rd ? . etc.. Bte. Pliea of " sun dity !('? -i--i." - eenta. Value of pleturn, lo imin. Whatovor I'oor i?-iitii?, you iboald bave a roUabla liict iin- of the great atoteeman. Hoarard. l.'olumn in -Thfl Berorder" tn m..rniw, and dallv theivaft.'l. _ rn-im. <?*. llnt W?ta>r lleater., C.ooktn_t ItatiL-e.*. Fii-fc ci_*a (_,. a? oaiy- iti''iiAiir..>u.N a noYSTOtt co.. LJI W*U-i *t. N. V. E_Ulill* ln IMT. ? Olhcr p-fWer- of _ardln?i? c,.u.,,.t n-proath I_oniM 0I.-I.4 liaiiulwi la citialiU md Unc Jlav. Pirk A Tilford aiia -llur. Merrau A Coadll koeja Uim, t I..*?lii..-e<! rnlea are mado st Hotel Merlborough tar ?uu.uicr patrons. A:n. BtaflB and European plana. Tbe Fin.-u .H?lnd_ cnri t?- made only by Btto. iie olive <>ii imr"*-^ aaa aa> ll-izard. i!a__r_ v Co. 'i'i.i* oll ln c _|.re_?ed froin l, f.,r Ui. ... onljr, snd ha* ? rl-b UastS Ol lha Ollv. i.-.-ullar to lt*.lf _.?!__ no oll can BWlBaBth, Klftl. Avenue, ,MfBOf TwaBt/?g.BI? Stroc*. MARK1ED. ATTF.Rni'Kr-VAX IlEXsSKI.AF.K-On Thnroday, JuBB II. _t Rye, X. y., by i,?- K-v V.'. Wallsee Ai.-rbury. |. li.. aylated by Ili? B-V. J-Hn Hall. !)? _)-, and Ilev. John E. fi.ishn.-ll, I U da rirlite.- of tu- lato Will un. r. Vaa ITrasiilasi. to iv ?? aaaaa P. A-t-roury. DEBEVOISE ELLIOTT?Al _be ie*ta_sea af th.- M8e*a perents, ?,, Juae li. 1881, by th?- Rev. W. O. 15,'ttlnu, asslstt-d U\ ts,,- lltv. tu. I. N-wton Stauser, Ki,-!i.| ll.-- ??, daurhtcr of Dr. BJctaMOd II. Klll.,-. aud BaodOlpb Eo.*l>r l?>i . ki ra ,,, kai... ii.m'in 'in Wednasday, Jnae 10. at Og. .:.;,.!.,,?-. \. i . by th- Bev. Ur. Mlller, l.llllan Fr___c_? id on io j. winih rxmnauU, lM'M/- BTABTOB?Al 8m re.lden e of _? r brother, Mr. i. ,..-_..) A stmcon, o-i W.Mnei-'Ijy. lu. bv tho Hev. B B, Stori*.. 1). 1)., Kathariae I_oulsr bS-i.Um and Charle* AuieUvs iluii. aii of Urouitiyn. Xo i-arda. MBTCAUB?MeMABTBR?Oa Tharadar, 11. st the _ . i . . 1.. O'.U )e?pie, Unii <i Sl \:.',.''. by Ber. J. \\"*\ej Urown, reetor of bt. Thomas's Chnrch, Bsn Bowaa ___B8?MgB to Bamuel Ofbba II leatf. all af B. B-TeaB. TALCOTT BOWLAJTO, Ofl Tharafay, Jaaa 11, st Falr i '.nn. tttt lumrnST bome "i tb" brlde'a psr'.nt*. by v. John II.;: D. I? ___.. U.. Loulw D--I_.laln?. deuehter "f Btary Ed_-r.- Umland. to Arthur wmtlnfl Talrott. all of Bew ___ Cltr. Noticcs of marriagcs muat be tmlors-d wlth ful) naiue and aikiress. 1)1 I.i). BBJSCB?Al a-irrvtown, N. Y., June 12. Chsrles Breck. D, D., .i-"l 74 reara. . ,? ?* lalenneBt at B i ea i i ? -. l'nn.. Monday, J?n? *?< aa Wllmlnfltnn, Del. und C'i.-v. lan 1. Oliio, pap-ra plcese tepy. COTTVM. -In f!,!s i-ltv. on Friday n.ntnlnir. Juno Vt, i-.,. ii. " i- . wldow ot _fe__he_ c.ntam. Puneml serviees will be h.-ld at /.lon jvoi.-t.nt F.nls . .,!,,:,. wapptDgci. Falls, B. y.. on mmmw* u, at .- n- m. I On Thamday BBNBlBC June II. l_.l, Chariea Funerai' frow the* i l'm.-cii of Ihe Tr.in_!l_ur?ti_n. SOth-at. and Sth-ave., oo Sunday, Jun. 11. ?'"- 2 .30. PRASSE Buddealy, ut BeieBefa flP-BBBB, on June 8. -? Btepbcn'a Cbaiflh, 4_tl_-__., b-twe? ta iviturday, -.* 1 I>- ".. DAVI8- Bnddmly, Bt 68 West 44t_*t, fbaajtaaa Itt foi levente n r_sra a taithtal and trusUd wrvana bi tbe famlly ?t Mr*. Sinelalr roa_ey. Puneral *-ni res st 84 Ma k*s Chureh, 43th-_t., on _.__? dav. j.. I I, at 1-J :.(,, ;.. M. it \r,sn"D-in Brooklya, .i".i" io. Bflta su,_., wtta ? wililani M. ii ,i-i ,l. aad daagtaar <f Qeerga and botat Funerai servlees al Ceelral OaamigBBaBaj church. Baa. .:? Iranklin-av.-., BrooklJ-, Satunlav, June 1* Friend* sre'kladly leeaeatad ta aaaB Bewaes. Inter nent pHyaae. iiii,i.vKit-Th,.i*/iav. .Jun" u. 1881, WBBaa n. Hiiiyea. ln tha tt.ii year -? bla aee. ?-_??. ,. ,,,? i,... re.ld.neo. Id8 ' nl^'?h nsack, x. J.. Mooday mataa. J"1'" 15- ?! t*M a'eleek. rhan_)"r_--t.. at 0 _88 B__B i kfarrla. at CeotriUye. -tation at T:17i reBamaaj, {,:,-... r_t8:U ' ? in waitinir. BI8SAlf-At Jwaalea, t_ U bb Jcaa l-'. Fhilip P. K8> lo the 94th jear of hl* a_e. ? Fun, nl .sunday, Juna 14, at :i a clock. from ?.r_.o Churolv, Janaica. LIXKN-At Bloorolnjrdele, B. J-, June J-.' Sarali C. Daviea, wldow of Ovorge Lluen, ln Uie ..|_litl-Oi year ot l-.iii r.i'.it her late reatdOBea on Monday, .lun? 18. st 1 e m. Carrlases In _____? *it ivunpton. on iwriyai or {.i.. 0:88 a. ,.,. traln from -few-Yoi* by ? "';^"r'< a"v(J iwnod Lake B. B, l.raaal at Mount PtaBBBBB (.*i-? i.? t- ry, n iwsrk, x. .1., al i p- ni. M \' i>".\ai.d On Thnradar, June 11, 1S91, of pnenmonla. Fun -ai -. t .- Cbureli of tbe Holy Trlnltv. 4-d-st. an.l M at 1 -0 o'clock p. aa, Saturday, J,;r,.' 13. OODEX-At Wllton. Conn.. J'inj 12. Cst.tnln B^reno Ed ward ? .--,]."i. aa. <i 74 veara HNi; un Tknrsday, Jaae ll. at h.*r rssldanae, ln thls elty, ymm; l-ra:,..x Itosr-rs. wl-low- of tli" R"V. _.mlth r - , i>. D.. in the _e? yeai ?' her bc*. n,ina: frjm <i;a,o Church ou Katurdav, June 1.1, st 10 a. in. SMITH?Sodd-nly. on Joao 11, ?f peHtnnltts, Ctarenca .,, trnrU Mtl of WUIlaai B. an I < itliar.u- J. bmlth. ia d i" ? >:- aod 2 I. o ..,_. Fun. nl on Batur-sy, ar A o'clock p. b., from tho ot hls i.,r. in-. ho. 184 eth-are., Broouyn. bTEVKNis?On Wedneaday, June io, Joim H. BtaaaaB I,-- late naldeaee. M Weat 5..-.h.s_., oo (jatarday (oornlnf, Jaaa ,3, M 18 B*ele i WALKER Oa Juna U. MalM Jeta B. Walker, u. S. A., Aa, sls . m.'inh'rs of KMtaflea Ijodao, .47. P. and a. M.. Rankta Po_ x.>. io ;>. a. R.. Orl^'nt Chaptei 188 B. _, M- and Iranklln I..?ls?, Jv- r,f u a.-,. || ittend tb.- fii'i-ral Siin.laj_, june 14 at 3 o'clock, trom ***. loha'a I bur.-h. Urook --. John'a c: ,???. aear tth-aae. Opccial Xatices. A* 2 MILLIOX UOTTLES I-'ILLED IN 1873, 18 Ml-LLIOX " " " 180a Al'OI.I.INAHIS APOLLINABIS "THE QUEEN OF TAELE WATERS." "Its popularily ls chlefly duo to lt? lrreuroachabla atalBrtfl " The I^ndosu SOLE EXrOKTEKS: THB APOLLINABIS OOMPANY, L.D-, LOXDOX. i:.v,_ E*inbll_l.edl>7?*> ^ ??Mr,?_ URS McELRATir. HUM__-__ADE PBt&ERVEIJ. BRA.NDIEU, (. A.NXI.U AND M'lCKU l-'KLITii ANlJ '"''r-^'i^'Kri. ( IIU.AXT JXU.T A SI'KiTALTY. 1 \ rttilns.' put up in Btafla and k.'pt untll fall. For ,v,i. ??- r'-f-r-u.:-i, te., a-dress Mr-. .vvKAH _,. McEL* RATfi '-.- i.klvn, X. Y. Ho_tomcc Xolice. fSfioull be r ad daily by aU Interested, an chnngca may 0 c .r at any tl ,,,?_? i.uti-r- ior forelgn countries n>..| not b? ipeelauy ad j.,...., i for di-;,:... ;, by anv partlcular .-'.aircr, except Mh.ii it i- d - r .1 ? ? .,1 dupluatea ..f banklng and .-om neri-lsl documents, l,ttr* not a,ldr.-?.-,ed b?-tng ?,'et 'bv U.e CBStcSt ve_s_ls axallalil.-. Forelsn mails lor tbe week endlng Jun.. 18 will cloae rnr.-Hjtfv ln Sll CBS-S Bt tiil- odiea a- Mlows: -\,i'i:i,AV At 6:80 o- iii. for France. swttxerland, j,,i.. bi.aln roriiiL'ii r,n,l Turker, pei - -. Wa iii'irue vla Hsvre: at a- n,. for o,>rinnny. per s. s. ?,'n^n (l.-tt'T- f..r ol i .., .ouotrtee. v? _loutba_npton aad Bremen, must be dir<*? t-_ "p-r rider" sl 8 M a, m. f..r Europe, !..-? -. ?. Etmria, vla (letter* f..r Oeimany, Franee, s..!t/. rland. iV.iy *-|.ii:i l'orti_.mi and Turkey mu?t i-? dlreeted "yet ,-- at 1 30 :,. oi for the NVtherlaod* dli-eet, p.-r g' i Maandaai. vla Rotterdam (l.-tt.-rs must be dlreeted ??ner Usasdam"): ot 8 a. n,. f?r tyutlaud dlrect. p.-r s. s. -i vla OIssbow (lett'-w inu-t !?? dlreeted "per ,. |a;>); at in .. m. (itupplementary 10,,-(.i n. m.) tor _t Croiv ai?l Sc. Thomas, vla St. Cr,..\. nl- , \V!ndward i-iand- dlrect, D?r ?. s. Trlnidad llett-rr. f?r (>r. nada. Trlnidad and Tonaao ni'rr-t. be dlrect?d '-per Trlnidad"): nt li ?> in- for llavtl. per - i. OranJ ! . -i, (letters f..r Curacao Venetuela. Trlnlad. Dritlah and Dvtcb ..jlana. i ii -t be dlr. - ? | -. Ba??aii"): at 11 a. m. for . l.beu.0 aie: . -. Yu n.url rlettera for Cuba, Tamplco and Tuxpam d!n ,-t and other Mexlcan States, vi. vera Crus. must be dirct-d yumurl."): at 12 ?? (aupplemenary l i>. n..), for \-.-.i.k/. . !i. Curacao ai,d Savsnllla, vla Curacao. per x. ?. . for other ColombUn i,..-:- mn?t be dlrwt?*d r at 18 ;-,. f..r tiie Ea Plata eeoatrlea dlr.'et, n, r -. ?. M,,-,-..tt_.. Sl'Vli.'.Y -At 3 l>- tn. for Trn.llK |, a. t?. S. nterl. fr.iin Sew-< .!?.:-- st 3 n. n, for Co t. Itlea, v.i i.imuu, ,,.; ? -. r, \ tr, in X. w-Orl- a i, Mslli for th_ llaw-Hir- Islands. per s. s. Australia (from fian Franclsco), .!..-? her?j dally np I i Juns mo. it ?.30 p ?, Mail**. for Chlna and Japan, per s. ?>. citv of Hlo .Tuu eim (fiom San tTanel-coi.Mose her.- d?llv up to Jun. *l_. al r, 3", p. ni. Mslli : - Auatralia, S ' '.-.1. Hawaltan, Tl ! 1..1 fun-run Islind*. r?' " *? >f trlpoM ifir,,- S?n ow here ,l-,ii\- up to Jnne 20, al 1 30 p. m. (or on srrtval il Vew-Torl or s - i brla, wlth British ma.ll - for An-tra :.-i.. Mails tar the ^...'letv I._la;id?. pei aiilp Tvopl. Blrd frorn San I -? hers daily ,-], t., i .;,?? "Ji. at 0:30 p. m. Mails for Newfoundlane. i,v rail to Hallfax nnd th.n.-- hv st<'am.*r. r]o<o la offlce daily al h :. 1 p. m. MalN for Mtquelon, by rail to Boaton, aud tkence. hy -',- al tl I ? - 30 ,,. m. Maila tor Cuba, bv r-.i 1' to Tonrpa, Kla., n.d thence l.v -t-ar-.-r (nalllnn Mondays and Tl..-r-.: ? .- thl*> offleo Mal ' Meilo, ov-rl'ind, unless -i.lallj ? ' ! tor dlspateb l.y r.t<-an..-r, deaa at tliis ' ' i ?"? !-. ills are tarwarded to s.m I-ran,-i-,-o : - iu! ? of .-lo-'ntf n a ranged ea t!,? ;'.il sverlsad tran?it te Si- i r.r:?!-?... Maila from Uie I'.a-.t a'rlvinc on tliro al IHni ol -t-ain.'rn a Ita, 1 :,>,?>,. ,1 ii ??.' . ' ?? rol mail <-l. al 0 |.. in. i'.- > ',( ^ jrp,i,itTB VAX I'tvrr. I'oKtn-.aKter. PBataBle-, B iw-Toel X, Y.. June 5 l?l_ Political Xcticfs. KepnhH. ... I'rimury Klecilon. ir irity rtven bv ti,- ;.? puW _. I 'r ? on, . i. l'-r tl.. lupervistao <>f tha ind < 'p.'.ra llou- IIull, Mf> d 8tl ave., ln tv- Tliir-.-.-n.h AsteniM) DI*. lay June IS, 1810 for Ihe purpose of elseBng ciiicera .i _,' bls ..i'/.-u.o.i aud Detaajatm _ ute . unntv a'vl 1' ' l,_l.- will bc open :i to 0 ',', '""- 1? "', w.._ .',.]-. i:. iii.:.<;!..s. DONALD MeLI _ ,n iix i- rni.i.AX CHARLES M :i.\MMONT>. ... tt,-,- (U| .iii..-.,t and i-.n .rv lo tba I-irteeBB. AaaaflBBBy !>.-?. Gdigions Xoliccs. A660CIATIOB HALL 2M-.1. BBd Itli-avc-Rer. Tiio.M _?? DIXOK. ir. preaebsi st 11 -tnd 7:45. Sub t? of Cbu ,. I. n " i.r.'luds, "Koreldu CotoaMS ml AlllBlllBBbmi " AB weli.wn.. . ililLIiRCX's I'\', .' i - rn, 1 M- morial Metholl-t n.-ar _d s\- Rev. MOU.vCI. w. liVKM .i. r.-.-t r -Morning, lliuatiated ermaa; sfter p,_,n. <x.,.? ri ? l,",l. u .-venlng, it-j-tnted ? rviec by Bea it. Speetal mu?To ? i dajr._ :-.--? - ? 11! STREET MrreOBIBT CU 1'IU.H ?,! ?'? !'. tor. Mon.htff, -'Joy f- 1 In\ ttutlon." i ? " ? ln - -? l'r*i_ All BTI 1. ? I'ARK AVEXl'E MKTUOBIbT 1 I'lM tIPAL CIH IU II. -i.i'. -' s. : . i . I 7 I "> i. uu I- . e limu l.v l>r M. J. ex.\ mt? _ :*lat_*? MtnU (. r to Denmark. ST. JOHN S METBODIBT BflHCOPAL CHfRCH. 5*1 .i.. _..t of llioad't.v. ,i.tuii? lu .5 a. lu, enti 7 4k in. fvtors. K_v. 3AAIEJ9 il. U.1XO. B. D., aad JUv. _,. BALL. u