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STEALINGA BWSUM OF MONEY. A TRU5TED MAN AN ___-______*. M8 OF THE NEW-YORK Uf! INSURANCE COM r_B_ M__rAO__8 TA_*B8 888..888, . lullo MWll^r totl ?* BBB_8_J _evci:il montlts M'{, ?-id t'ie L't ?>s :|0t ??* ?*?*? URtB ' dar'thut the BBBBBB t" B_ a_|B-to_8 BBB toto hc wus _d.f_u-W to th. :imoiini af .08-5.000 bo tbe Spaalab Aimr,eaii dep_i1nicnt af 1*8 BO* VOl* _.,._? ln-iii_m?',_ Tj^mmmj. JoBijuln r__ir__. r. and Morr.bnrlirr inuii.-iBul . _ the .oiupaiiy after tlie irtr. ?f 4X>K?irrl A. O. Dirklusoti. Mr. N.lirlier, left thls citv |.?t August and wa*- In South Aoierlci (QT tlie next .j iawnttif- on l.u_lno__ foi the oompntiy. Ou his rr'tuni- he iBBt-Bi tliat Man__aM__.Br >??__ ahort) ol the. eoinp-O'*' fiind.s whleh were haiKHcd iu liif. depar. ment- COnlBBaeg tliat he flnd u ed tlio nioiaV t,'T siHH-i.lali.-ii. The conipany ou lciinilnR of verzb-cher's wmnv _'.>ln__ i-.-,ued a eircnlnr Barytag toto ^, j^g Tctircd f:i>ni luiiue.-s 011 acc.uint of lll-lie.-ilth. Bat U~ Upry loakixl 0.1L aud tlio nfllivrs of Uie eoiu P^,^ MBBnaai it vc-t.'rday. Arehibs-M II. UMeh, -,-, BM vtee-ptvsldcnt ot tho v *,_rkf-ife In-urai...- Oenpuny, sp,,he fmiikly and aks-SBiitly ye.t_-.rday abimt'.* dl4hoiic-ty, ai.d pathb 8?8 arBto Iie Knew about lt. Mr. bs_i< hez und jjonbechor had fuli control of tlie South Ainerlmn ammrRmmU af the compeuy, and weiv tnis-txl liiu.lleitly. jlr. WeBJB said thot the South Amerloun department did *u lmniC-J-o buetne-s, aK_n*eg?t1n.; from 8,20,000, 000 t<> SW). XIO.OOO n year. aud that Mr. tSanrhcz aud Merrl.*, lier mado lsr fre eomml..sions. Tlie-y rwdved. ?1! the new ...licles and reiK'ual rn. .ipts for rolk.tion, aliich t!_-y distril.nt.-l through thelr Bgeiir-K-e. When tin- BBJBMBM _8BiB thdr rutorii- Mr. Srm.liez and BtoBbBCBBI lUfUllllf ?> the conipanv. Tim s?puni-ii 10 .lepart.nei.t. tJieirlinv, liad tho BaBafll-B of a gtvat d<**l of BBBBBfi **nn *" Mr- BBBHBtoa wuk often call. _ out of tlie .Ity Mei-he-lier thus had ptenty of ajiportuultj- to apprnpriate funds for lii_ own purpose*. Mr. Wel.h expliin.-d further tliat the uverafgu tlme illowod for tlio colkv tton? was .Ixty days. after whleh j.i peedtaaaa taaa t!_ eaaamlaBtana hud t.. ba VBfertoi ?,, the BM? .)!?!"?? BBi ln the event that Mer/.ba. her did not m?l*_e Ua reburns regnlarly BO -u'piei,,u waa uroused, becau.-e delays wou'.d natal-_H_ BE ?? ln toe BBB4Bng >ii ao bm_c_ awoaj ai bbbm 16 bta 8epai1 ment. There was BO anpervMui of Met xl-1. ihel' - durlllK Mr. s>ail( llc.'s BBaBflce, nnd It WBB IBeaBftoB e.i-> fnr Menhw h-r t? hteal. IL- rl> v, rlj niiinlp ulnted reiicwal.-,, and lould tbarefOTB k. -\, ni. u falr BppaaVBBaS of ctcli billa'ico- to tlM r.>iui> ..'*-. Mr. \\>]i-h nM po-llivoly thut lu. w.mld not ].**... ._n.tii.ii_ toreag- Mer___eliei*i Irregal?ttlaa, u i ni ? ii _ra__M imKi toa Bevtb Aiaeriean BBpartment iv-ixxiMUe f..r MT. WeMi r:ill*d tte "deM" 1" it. Mr. gaaetoa hotoi an latoraat to all toe polleka ho ha-s put <mt ln Uie la*. ten yeara, und fthe RK>itveo lnrpe BBBBBtoaataOfl on HOW l.u.-ln-NBB, Mr. snii'lier. will pay these coinnil-'l'ws over to the euupunv rur.l thus Tiuiko np the - l;i?rti ?-'?-. It vv.s said ye-t? rday thut Mr. BaaeBaa und Maiibaaher. ceeffintaaloBa aggrag-tofl m 100.000 a vear. Tho ofllce-, 8f toa department w.-iv ir. I':- BBBM biilldiiiB as the rr.ain ofBoe of UH rouipnny, I.-onurd st. and l;ii>adway. Mr. Himliez i- now ofl hl; wav t<> liareeioua, spriin. to Baanuoe rkarge ,,i toe fcpanlah Amerl.aii liead<|uaitei.-, ..!.'<?_? h;iv< >,??-.. |nUMfi_Tad toaaa, Menkaefear is ?iipp??ed 1.i** i'i Europe. Mr. BanaBaa uud Mcrzbaehcr wofa not bunded to Ute com uuiy, n:..i a- th.- eompany l.-i, ..ii- 11 receuplnj. lt**elf, it did not care to prooefate Barabacaer. Mr. W.-leh said tlmt tlie ootnpeuy - Bgaeta in .Tanuary were $ll_.ooH,v>, and li iraa sn.ply pifd-'ctca niralnet the tossea froiu Menb-eher's perulatwo*. Merrhacher llved at No. 34 West T__-nly-nfth-st., und _as a wcll-known flpire at the lloffma. House. Ile .peiit hls money DBefy, BBi had a lar_e .iide of frlenu*. i ? TW9 YOUXG DAHBART WILD SHEEP BORN. The Ceiitntl llu-k menm.e-1- wa? oniiched <>n Monday by toe a_?IHon ef laro yoamg Batoasy arlM sheep. Tho boepei*. Phlllp Holim*. opened Cit- B_4 lu whlrh tlro Uarb-ry sheep slcep oarlv i.r tn* DBO-B?t. and I ?as dcllghtod |B lind that twins hnd just been bOM. B ' maio and a female. He BbbIIbI toe BBBB and tho j other slieep Into the oiiter enclosuro and lost no tlme Li attondliiR to toe wrmtc. of the inoUier uiid j little OBMO. BBfl i*oeelvod soino wru-m BUMh, nnd ; xvl._e.-i he saw her iiUMe tlie fOBBg one- he felt Utat ! all wiis w.ll. I The. TOOOg sheep aro of a dark tawny color on tho Inuh and wlille ou thti toeaat, bBB. m_1 Baa) l_u-l-* .if toe Mfa TM ? ibbjbHb i- a Me one, f.r tho-c wlld toaff, or BtR, BBI ? .( Ik-vc lived and bfto ln eiipllvliv, BB_f il well |or M? BBN Un' h 1, I'.n.'l "I 1'." i MBn < j Next door i.i me Barbary w_M -'.p la tbe pea .. bb . :, ,.| ,,: ? ,.f uh yoaaiajBr ..f tola toe_ i . iqaoeaB btaa ? if o?l baaa. --i I the bars aod rtartei on ? toar of-Jeeovery. Ha bo.hi 1 (nll Into Um _an_ ot one .?i Uh Itnepers, who, lakl . I M !'V ono ear, lr*i toe CtTlng yooni Usr back lo ln. 1 home. -e /7.7./.X 117/.1/' IT IIAS POXE. WORK OF TH'. MATXOBAL LBAOBB POR TMB 1'U'iJ !-: T_"X OB AMi.IIH IM IX TITI'TION-. Th*> N.tioiinl LBBffM for tlie l'n.t.-.-tiin ef Atnerlenn InaUlnUona, <.f whlrh Joha Jay i preatoenl bb_ Jnn.-s .\; Kl tg aeen laiy, lin- |oal _eea___ -. paHpbaa. oonlBlnlng ? ot l!i>* Tfr^-t yeur's Betlve work ot II, l BBd il- plans for worli In Uh fnfiire. Trv LeagO I hal n:i<!> rU'i.,-11 'o aacaiiB toa paaaage <i aa eme itfnenl te |h,- (!.... .-I llie I nil.-d .-lalei, prnliiliilinir -. tarirci Bffmpilatloiia Ly Battooal er Btaee bjusibmbmb-Is und ):.- mbnttUed a f_nn af aaei eBMiMU_-it lor Ifce BOneMeaatoM of Bbe I?n__f_ent. I_i.ui.-ii k.kCiios havo bocn cst.-bli. .c-l ut toaaUBftoB aal AJl .my. At Albany tlio bOBBJBe * - ur-d tsqaky Into tlie condl? tion of InatttatloOl i-eeeivinj: publie im.iey. It also at-tivelv oppo?c?i toe Kc-odoui of tforahlp i,iil befoia 18 ? last LogUB-tore, aod recaaAfl taa Caflai. af toa MB ai . due io if* eflatta, ti_- patodpal eflort <.f Ife. Leagueiat Wu-liinpton araa la favor of Ua d> velopineut of ihe eoBHBOB Behaol sv.-t.-m aaaang HM Btofaaa, over loo.oo*. .loi BBMnta aaa. been IbbbbB atotog Um ?car, tsiwl II._ L?-.:ru.' BoaoBDeea Itaetf aa atHrfog whereVW po**ll>l. t-, BSCtt-B Uie aW.iite Jtidependeii,-,' of i-M-.-.m. imd Btoto InatttoUona, und ul_> to ??pubii" eaatiBMtii conceniing toe petfM <>f aa iiiii*__ii lated aod anreatHetod lnimigmtio-..'' Add.-d to toa pamplil.-t l- :i \.iluablo sommarr of Ihe. pi-ovLsi.ei- Bf toe t''ii.*d BBeeea CuuaUtaUBfi and ..--.timiioiis of __ toe Statea beartog npon ?eeearlan appYOprtaUoiia, toe pablle mIhwI fnj.d. etUaeiMMl nnd Um tmaUfleattooe for voti Tlio l_.i_uo uimo-li'i-S it 1* BBBT |,,u ,,, ;iuil BaaB-BBriBB. II" Roard of .Iatiatff-* la ,.,mii,, ..I ,,f JafcB .Bf, Oaorfl ft Ita&cr. Petcr Doiuild, I . P. li.-lbiuiy. U'uriier Vnn Nnnlrn, John 1>. . toyl.aeh. amtlaai II. I -ir_..ti-i, Feter A. W.-lch, A. J. D. \Va_0 i.n-V. , J.ii.n--. N-Q-B) -T-'!" Ba. B_Bf. Jnme* MeK'?". II II. r.,,v,- ,;i. ( hurcjilll 11. Ciittlng, .Triiiii-s M. .Moutr paamjr, wniuru f_0--_a Horaaa, Cfcartaa E. ?? l,.-,l AtaxaadB* E. Orr, M.-ituiel A. Kii-Mieedt and i .. Mai Kn\. Aaaatif BBBB. pmniln ent n. ?m.ers iwe J. C. lianrpuft Ii.ivl*. X.iali, Wllll.rn K. DBBJB, DBBBBl Dor ....- t- ,-. W. C. Tn.v-y, C |>. Di.Ue. Andrrw s. Iirnp.'., *-li,-iiimii K.irt*. Cyrns W. Fl-W, Henry WlBB ?. .i-m-tt, A-tiiui- Otaaaa, Oa tav OottBefl. fta-Mriet i>. f-ra_it, a. w. Onaaj. J. ?darard Bmmmm, Ch?r._.s N. . im*. BtBWBli BUBk, Cliarl.-. - rribner. I'hilip ?*. Bat, _. Fleet (*ii.-r, llonrcr 11. _p.___-\ .1. N.bii- -bwam*. Willard F. M.I.iIku. W. A. P. .lurtln. Haery <?- Miirqu-iid, Jrwpti M.'.lill. F. H--,!:i Naail -. BaM P. Mlll*. Edward C. MttoB-B, J- I ____aa. Lovi 1*. Martaa, W. X. mnde, c. c BMa, F.**-er!ck Lnw QlaiaUid, Vtaa-la ,,?!. John E. I _r**o!i*. F.ilmiirul (' BBjdBBBB, Bl. Il i.r-1 ft M .rrs. .1. B. T. St-nannlian. William Str.inir. .to-.IriJi st. .ne. ObbbbbI Maaa-BBBr, Jtaaaaa m. Ttam, Htaaod K. Tiiom.-. Caariaa U tiit.ihv. Charlea Mward Tr. wv. in-il.-rt.-k Towi_*_i.-, J(watti_n Tninibiill. OoTBaltaa VaaaarBO-i Haarj viiiani, Ma il- vin.-i.ii. Vtaada A. WalUi-r Fnncls WnykHid. 11. L. Wayland. _-8-BB-8T S. W.!,_, l.er_-rt Wrta-h, ft V. Whlte, E. Whltttea-cy, James Woodrow. Wayland llo\t, Rliliard M. Jlunt. John F. IluiNt, WUI iHin -liv. Korrta K. Jestip, Tlionit-in A. J.-.klns, lier ri.k .loi.tisoii. HaraBto Kin?. j..*-_ph V. KaapP. A. J. tt, Charlcs I_u_i_-r, Vlctor 1-. I-awsa.u Abl<:- A. , bark* Lyniun. C. <-'. UeCmbe. J-ta ?.,***?*? K. __ M_.-ArUiur. Chartea Batlar, H. K. ? ... .11. _ r.."rh im Cnrlair, S. V. Chartea P. < haudler, JphB ..flin thirl,-- L Colby, Jaoia* B. Cttgate, WaaWng ,, E C-BBor. Jaaaai M. Conatrtte. J. J^mnra Caovor Au'tin Ca.ri.ln. A. Cteveland Coxe, Koraaa ?. ! , ,!,.y" iieoTte. William C.HIs. J. L. H. CBTI. and Cl.nfles r. ir?lT _-a \V\v tiiwln for ChlcaRO at. 1 _B_ p. BL, bv X'-u V ik Ccrttral. arrl-lng imuO d.y al 8p. ui. \u Uvu- lo ;,11 .-ui.UOB8 ftM tl'.-; We->. >.. cMr.i f-.ire. BeBerb (.Hiipni.-nt. ? ? SHIPPISG JAFABB8B TO CALIFORXIA. THOU* .NPS OK T1II.M BBOttoB- OVKR AXI) FARMEO OUT T') A RAILROAD COMPANY. 8..11 Fraiirl-ro. .Inne |fl ,specl:.|i.--TiBBBB U ?? _?od I pro.|iect lhat toe next UWBB ?_?_- will BBB Iho I Beoitog of C?ttoralB witii tooaaaaaH ef Jap | tofeoaera. Chariea a. Doyla, <>i VafeahMna, bead al a eompunv for shlpplnp JaBBBMBe tn Cu.lforii'a, ar rlved on Ihe B-taBBM trom llonolulii ye. tci-lB| ? J' ?'?'' Ik a .on Bf to8 lB8B RBBlM MaU manager nt YobafeBBM, and l.e 1- baafeBi M hl- BBBBBN hv B Wliliatial*.', on,* of t.V il. he_f men of 39*99. The plan U to hire lea from BBB northern pr.v_n.-e_ of lafBB at 8-0 ner month and toBB farm them ont ln ln-B-'O murs on thia coast at 108 BBT month. Dojfle -?>-? Baeae bmb Baa northern Jbbbb bbmbcb :. I_ Msf ba helght and baaa tha lmlld and great strength of toa jCanton Chinese. They have cotlilm? In common w'll. tol sfiinlal. .I.!-- that came avr li.-ro before from Uio Mlk.ido's Klnedom. Doyl" has 1.500 of toa .Jap- now on the ?_. ln re. They will stop mm "',' abeamm al Roaotala, and only piciied mon will be brooght here. Re baa B for fhe whole aa toa souiliern Prvclth .'oinp-ny. whbh iieed. i Ihou .md men on 11- new I >n-t Mn", BBBB Snnt.i llartima. The-o .lap- nr,- aaM 10 BMfcB BB> cellcnt railroad Mfeorers, BBd BBM 18 ba cl-clent work crs in orehanls and vlnevirds. The doinar.d for MOOiaea ln outrnnnlng Uio supply this year, BB IfeOU sands af acres of new orchards liave come lnfo bear Inp. Dtyle syys hc lias no fears ,,f th- ( oulra.-t I.abor ; law. as ba deelarea he is not eraatng fe _ gaoaiafona I He hus upward of 8(000 Jaanaaaa now om lh-* Ha* ! ?a-atlan l**liuid_. and ho I-; Bhtpptog abOBt 1,800 h.-r. gVery month. These .lap** hnvi* rrl-n.-,t mpBTBedOd f the fttftogaeea and Chinese OD the -ii.'ur plant.-.tlon?-. ; Clilciur.., .Iini.' IS, -A mereliant nt thi- elty has, importrd a coiiple <?f Hi-'lif Japaneae earta of toe kted dr,.wn hy in that country. Tlio vehl-1. - ara eapoblB ot auioBiiiwalBUm two people, aoal it is said ' tliat Um win h-BBBO arnagM anlmah. ara nairahhi ,.f di-.i-.vltu: two per.-ons four to -Ix miles an liour in them. Wlth lha earta, two Japs were Imported iu draw them. lt l- lotended to pul them ui one of tiie ettv parha toa toa deleetatloa ,.f Uh women anu aaattaa. H? paBttealBB Baja ffJgUrtJH thoir Irapoitaaon ls ln vUBaOon of tha - ?? tn*. ? Laa?* law, At Ihe IMatrict AUoroex - oA? f****' " ..v.??_i that the diawlnB, of -arh. IwBig a w?w indBitry In ti.i- conntry, tl* _ap_r_B__B. '* 8P ? viiH.lion or th. apMt of the bf*. -? BtBAMABBAf OFFER ro IMEBBBAUtB W-toJiinBtrtn. June Ift Th RaraaB al -Va_B_aaa no pabttai l* .iitcii.liv tiif'.iin-d t_..t BM i.overniiiiiit ot Xlcaaaaaa haa raaa-Baaf a -Baaaa al MaatB IO, 188ft idvliig to every family uf iniiuUiiuit - iwttliii. ?? tXlcttr uii uie aHaal af baeeaj-Baj mpmtoBBmi atti/.-im a iiia.\l:.iiiin uf 180 aeraa of aao-aapaal mmB, tmtmtBBmt Ut the BBBBB* of B8JB8BB ln MM famllv, ttnA to BB8. nlile t.ndled a-lngle talxty acre*. Iuiml_r_nt_? UiUh setUliif. will I." UrBBUB i-> Uie ngBta of BBaBBBBBaf dtlaana aod a_U Ba aaaaBBjf Ka_B army * orvi.<\ f,>r the defencc of the !iita_T.ty .,f the l.f.mi.llo. Al tln- end of Un y.-jirs of a-ulUvatlou of the lind, beidn nini< f-.-om the liat.' nf BU (t'-iiou, und ou tlie B8BB__B> tlon of nnliii-lUatH m. BBaBaolnta. Utte wUl he given. Those (Wlrl-8 to avall U-r-n.-_.-lyi:* ol this com---I-* n,u-t bitna papara fraai tta n.n.u <t_ or oa.?_- oi M-ar-tua ln tlio ...untrle- froni wliich Uwy come. IXDIAXA GAS, AXD TUE OUJOABB BAB TRCStT. Chieago. Jnn- Ift-T. K. Rlll Ings. of U? ClHcaga Oas Tnut, dwilc* the all?r_U-_. made betore an Indlanapolls .. .irt ln a BaM to prevent the plplna ot iiatuni pa 80 OBJaafO froru Iralhwia, t? Uie efrect tho. the aaM B. collii-lve, and that tho r.nipl__n__it- te-ve broagkl tho aatt _t l_a laataaaa of t_e .... tru.t. TIw ftll(*_ed object (A the suit Is to have the Itidiana tow forbi'idin ? BU plplng of natural ga_ to any poinl i.utsido of UM Stato dr.-lare. unr . .itltiiili--?. BB\ Hlllltws 888*1 lle Know. notlilni; about the .intter, except that Hn- rliarne* nre all wroog BB tar a_ tha j*a_ cajiirpaiil.-* a. ? ....n'ciriical. OIL MARKBTB. 011 Clty, Paaa., Jaae 11 IfaUnaal Trnn*it ortiftcataa oi-cned 0? *?C ;, o'J^c ; loweat, JWHc . - I.*- ?V. *..les LJO.OOO 1)1,1. : chart-r*. .'....jilu- bbl*; .l.l|.ii..-nt*, 04,043 bbla; rana, :i..,.-._? bbl*. Pif.t_-bnri_ F*nn . Juni- 1..-I'.'troleom dead: Natkiual Tranalt eai-uV-te* opoo-d at 08%e; eloMd al 8B%e: hb<h. o_r, ct*,- . law***. 'Iau.<-. bri'lfi-rd r- .ii Jnne 1".?Xatlon.l c. rt fl'aim ,,n.>ii.J h' '...<?: eli.-a.-d at .ssV : hinliest. 0'J.c; lowe?l, 68_e; "laaran-ea, o.OOO bbla. $?r_c? auO _ irna _j_8._ 1/ l_.x_.iv_t _ i_o., I. Uli, _74, 8V. llrooiue-s-.. aud 1__*____.V. 51?t->.. au_ 7?-sve birtl.N" A.NI) -UM_LI'. i.AKKli-UES ul ihe baal Btaa* VlC-nrUs. Wsgoi-tVes, ^-ilhti, Uoiiot W4i_oua, ft_tjl.i_le_a, Cuiuin Beaftwura, U_Fbae_.-, Ex- --P Csbrloluts. I'___-,d?uI. ttes. Do-ar-Du**, Li?s* m" _wavs. Ton l>h-e.wn<. ? .Re?k__-?JS. Iwdi.-' I'Metons. Iflcr I'La-toUb. Ruckboarda. VtlU?.-> Carta, tviacr l _ Vl,-Vb. L'u.-ai^. Ltuda Faney !) ltunabouta, teBuckboarl*. ^xo^Ebaetoae. Ws?_,? Phact-n*. DueKbuards Rocks m - Bafren E~icy T__i?. Vlctorisj, ES taol.B- Waao^jes. beggi. **&. __a_a__sT B-T. __ 'c_brl?i___. kuiiabouU. ?. asiona._ . J- ' . IIV MOORE. W-BWOBB, f0 waki;, 68 TO 50 WARR-K-S1., 88 To &'_ WABAEB_T., .'"Vr.. at c?st r ductlon ln prleea to mako room f, r Mrtaoslve alteBettooa 1n bulldlnmi, bls _wl>li.- varl, tr ,f blui-l' B.'CRHOARDS Sln-le ??? CKHOARDS D'i)l Trriiu* nr. 'K?"Ai:i'S Trlple _ln Mi.- neweat d.-sipnb. H0V1XT1K. IX XAT.'KAL, WOODS. ? ,_. ''iirte, Rcasli D,- a-n a DerbTf, I Traps, 4kc Also j'op llU'.'eW. I unU lAwt Oarts. __dl._.' 1 ?__.'t_>nr?, Rnnahoets, Rookawaja, h II W.U-'MI.S, l'o:iS "_rr(. fee.. fee., and aii nn.vpialW assortn.tia of (*v>-rv dimcTlp ? HARNER8 and HORSE GOODB. HARMV.9 und llol'.SE (K-OD. . HAI.--1.SS and HORHE OOOSB Aocor ?? ?s rldlng .r dr-vlnp; bari,..*.-* nnd pha.-t.ei; new. 149 Oreen nlnt._ DONK__ f.>: -.lo, with cart. )nim<*__, sartdie: ascd br ehlldren. lNutlci.urs ol KNIKH'.X. Tn - _ -i . II I <1 R \ v viaxt riri i?(orba*>nea?aii Wanted 50,oA?,.*.o people t,. aend f..r Hl. *'S Cjr i'.a; and Hai il ilogue: laty.wt a* toi_nent ln Amerioe; e ij- moderale prices; e_ub;i-' _J. U. MUCH, imrtinftsu, _.. J. FOR BALE.?A taaa ?f Wiy boraw, 15 h_ d* _!__ ? 0 and 8 v._-_ ol'! ; not afr_1d nf ,-ar- DroniW di1\ i-; hrud -ind r? .-?'I m N..._.r.'.. Ad_r__a .vil.l.IA.M 1XDER }r|I.l.. Bo ','??! . X_. ?._ f?,,.; --.i.r. Hand one >?w horae 10 hund-. 8 years .. J - aad aod klnd; vir-tonii -- .1 ^- new wlih inovablc drivers aoat. OWKER, 10_ nnir.-_.s(., u)rt.i1r--._ Fiart and romplete: the haodsomest ehlldrea's ?utflt ti. Bew.York: pony brlghi '-ty aiiout 14 iiind.-. aad -?o iHiunds. Adiir.*-. K.*..rn 62, 15 (.'ortlaiidt-st _ ll ha';-.'o,'K OpMFABT, - 4)0 and ll^ Uroome-st., \HM<MrI) 5*?!'.. BITILSEI_ OF l-'IN'K CAnrtIAGF.8 of everr d-? riiition. VICTORTAr., c\BltlOl.riTs. CO Af-nES, BROCOHAMS ROCKAWAYS, ROAD WAOOB8 A M'F.ilALTY. v ? ? pa ? and Natural Wood. T-V-m WHEEI ':)'.**. Sl'IDER PHAETOWS LADirS' DltlVINO I'HAIVi'iNS, l-'i.vy CARTS riud mlnlit TRA1 s . r k- -, - Hhhurad- HARXESS at VERY 510DER* Air, PRICR Irae, fully ' .rmnt lr alao I ickbeard, tc. foi sa!. ai r--r,t l WI. lt \1 I'H, K'd rrankl_ RAC1XE \V \....v" AXD C v Klll .*...:? 151-158 South Kifth-ave., Wc -t r-t. Lai ?? ln u,-- citv. t> ,k t nm.. .?. > ? ' :3Hl*, mm, fs, extenalon and '?????. ??'mo'on*. ludi.-f- i.i-* ('..'..rri'.'-i -rj11 tp ~!;nr- a-,d r'.r.d ( it-., i..Mt_.r ' ph ? ' 'r.ii>-, all atrlee. j >!',t 1 u a In ?-_,(?!??. <-.i ? .1 IV ,>H< NEW IIARXE*._ DEHARTME-ft wi .an' t f.iii Un. ..f ltrtt ai.d heavy )nr 1?. Rl.M" '. "(iTa^oiT Baaa ..ur Brooklyn branob, wc offor onr L.cgaiit a, 'i -rltl. A RARE ( H.vv, E I.i IO't k RARE i HAXI E .o IH'Y a Vi^U-rta, Cal>rloUrl Ri narhein, Ertenaloa IPonphan-i, C'.upp, Rorkaway, Hu?nrH->ard (anv atyle), Ktlver'a Runabout or Vllla*a ( .rt Iiuy new whil" tha ^' -<*tir,n la lar*7e 9. II- DfXH\M I SOV l-U to 1^2 CBa. to,;-?t. r-.. klra H. Cilrj UraKjTBlflte Xor Sale. FOR * M.K f)R RE.XT. -Fln. table ; i.,t . :-? i. i .\ j-i.i.v 101 Baal 63d-I -.ftv> iHAND-91 ?( rv house toe Sl d pnvlnir: t tlLLE CARREAU. Oraod. ; Bew< rv. 8iu *V.?i i7'"!^ :? - RY 1 ? O I 0..ltl\l . . '.?<:?<?,. near of. - rEVKJ-B, Btk-avs - I lirooklyn l.eal Fg'ate. C-'O'-D 5 aud 0 nr t?)t Invi trircnt loana I rd Beal Rrooklvn. ! or firll par t.oumr- call ur__d!r.,?ti l?OTTr.R 4 C1U.B .' !.l. Real 1- .. ? md I. ?, , 111 natboafe-ve., iirckivi.. Hl -? :.! ' S 5ROORLYN. A |_tatl -'iii ba* n ni. b : k.fllled * -, nt . ,.? dlttan Uu ifho il tu Yi'Mi<iii-as.-.. between Keaaraao aml Ba . wo ..'.ri,' t- -' wriik from eic Vatvd ntllroad itill,.ii : S"> ml','-' I BBM t N | c '? Hall l.v ? .- ni ,1 llrldi*..: I. -n and -i>..clal lnu,rov<_? Sin.t- pri, - - ' r mnln on l.rejnla ?? .A ol 0E0ROE HEIBER-ER. T4? N'narrnnd-avc. 'Uv.tod mUt..?.1 fttj Beal (fciatf __> tt\ AUi:_L"I l ? i I., , ,,;.!M- IDIOVB H-'i SE ?,..."? -. - 1, t?i 3 y-i,!*" ; IinniC d-aia i*-r,-.. .,;, ? at 0r 1 *2.0-0 |>. r v-ut E*.*-ijr u,.,.er. ceuvueleu ?-. nnd u, Al o d.-r Hrirht _.,d ,,.iin, ? .n,r,ui ded by (i tata of ?rr.mnd; lawn; ci.oiiv.t md n-?t .ouvenieot I >c? t._,U 0?l Wvl,lll(_?, |t. ( .ht*, lir.ft _-,_t mr ner >,f Av.-!.,i, st X! ...,!,- a.d ir.8'-st, 2 tanl . v, ,.? .?. .;?, <r te ?l.'u'.-d Tt.?1, .'^'a- Mlsul r ; aaa tf Igqulred CftAftLES MaIkaIC. oS3 ttu-ive , mt. 4_ti,.at JToamrp BeoljtBiaig ?bx 0a!e AMBOT ton uos'tXLMii.-i>v.:o,tf for ..ln m U, IH tu.,.,,?.. M wmt Witfi,1,Ui<! V^ '?''-?' **,fe "i -Ut. TC_li_ tl Al um., 0 tiueauieu _>, a, y. A i>. lioj **? ,-nt farius, .', .," |,/ru .,1 N. ?.. k liK.iiini, iimmk bi P.-rteMster * V N ' tion ,,ati.,i, . lb ?.'.' snd all Impr. . ,i,mt?; ut l.?.| aud -l?d te.-?- U*riB? V. -nlt -l WKJ .-a_li Ai.nlv to __ '? -t r \ V FOR l-Al , A'. !? .,,!.. K Y. OB l_* ,. .1 W-_t .in K I. .' uo.ira fr.,n, \. h-VorK. a l?r?(C t,..i _Uu? aiiltobl. to- uianufacturlna pur |K__,_a, M\oo, ?ith Wie acr. ,.f laftd; wua laill I* aoM ut. a (.r.-al Uiru1n Appl> tp A. lt. HO^lu, Cuilfal JBulldlM! 14. Conntrp Rcol <f etale _for Galc F* REF. and CLEAR PARM. 87 BCiaa, 18 uh-ci cuillvatiou: Ix-t p__tu.e nnd w__dla..ri : fineal well water aud ten in_ minaa; 'ar?.- hou*.-, 11 roou._ fur liisbod. eottoge ?"? rooiua, nutu rou* 01,0. iiid .. fx parfeetly arranged; 0 hnr*- - 1' poultrv, ? N . - .-,-\-r;.'. wagon* a'"l *l.J(.l,4, *.u- al ..nj/la- nrio doubh llght .nd beaVT>-.*. r.i.l iur,,,iii^ Ih.dIi inonu, al. ln (jo<d i.i_--i : tr'i.t, lu.p" -. .round*. w?*U _had>._: Cb" yatloQ .'.('') li-et.: 16 u.miiti-.' *_.!_ frann Libcrti vll^_ and fABM ir.un Llb"rU' l'alls; tho tno*,t ilt-T :!?)?? |,lia,.-.,-r ?> .,-r>-<i ln Ulll 1 >urV ol tl...- conntiv. j.,d onlv ou account of ri.?ent dcialh . bt- fcceii to be al ln- - rlattf. Prtti, *7,500, OO-tdoubl* wli. . ?< ihunff.- foi N> v. - y.. 1. or Biock. ii div >-illm;. Por roilhri partlciUr* addi.-*- CONUAll 8CRM1DT i . ..I-:..... New-Ytttk l.!tv, or 1- DRI .'. Ub ??'? I illa, N. P. For. s.m.i. OR Rl -i-.,>d real cf II. A. V FOaJL MiUn-.*t_. Habykni. Ain-K to .XEDEVOR .. MOR TOrt, ,,i J-'lS.U.I^ v KEID, Babylon. L. I. F* OH 8ALE.?Very dewlrable 1 at on..- of the most beau-itui New-York stiatar ii irwid i__..,; no moaqattoea, in, ii.3,1h la , tme alr and tihad--; excellent boat? lng aud U-iliiK ; Would arcei.lgood piopcrty l>, excl.a.iaf-. II. M McDONALD, owner, 150 H.oa.rwbv. x y. _m (,s oi'. 8-1.1. .ii '.' N Lanji houae; ga?. wi.b.r ; lul.v rurni-<h d ; t'.r,-.- aarn* ot .r-ound; fln-,; -.tablo ten *Ull*. Ap ih- s.vedf.i iR v yORToM'j Babylon, L i t|? OR BALE.?Ho.*.-. 8 roouir, and bat_ ra.on, : fumace ln lellar; bam, aruealaa well aud ; lot 125x100, plenty ot fruit aud i_,rubbcry; b n lnute< frc-m depot; l.i-ltby locatton. Addnss Box 2.8. RbUi* crfiH-Tw. J._ noit' &ALE. a Ibn- fiarni; ?",? a<-n_; _T houae. 11 roon,_ 'oM-ta*hii,ii--d), barn, ._(., ln a be.aut.f_l *?- ilmi of X..-w -J.-r*. y ; l. i,oir* in,i,, Wew-Tork; eonvenloni to (l.ui.t. ven (le?_J-*bi. . only 8H.5O0; tamt to i-itit. A. D. HOPE, (uiiu-l Uuilalintf, 148 Ltberty-at. Hv iu \i ii. vveetchi iSer Oounty and l on.i%Uout Real _-_-__. E. b. MlLLM .r . IT S*t 42d-*t._ IN FREKHOLD. X." J.-l.nri..- Bame dw?))!!,_. 1.1 rooma; iierfi-'-t oi_n all n*-xl,'rii IniiiriA-rrn-iif* : aUTroanded b_ I".," ?ir.l lawn. A-.ri-, prand old trtet; tln-- pvtii--n. ti'i-.t tn??_?*. curr.'-'- I ?? '?-'',.-. itatde. ).. --house: exeellent irater: tlve miinius from tw_ raiinod itaMonai ?H1 t>e sold low !? Clnav an . tAato; [dxit0l_T4phl haaa. J. W. kikldkr. 60 Ltb nv-*t. XXY f500 neoa-nr-ary to r.ny oue of tno lnr_e*t. b"?t and b*.-<t loeated Queen Anno cotta?,* al B,-ur*onhui_t; 17 room*. .11 iuiprovem-. nt*; furnac.e; iXO feet fr..m cleetilc road; rent pay* to- r<-.'il-id pay 'ren.a and inf.-n-it; very n.y terms ; a rara oiiiiort. mitv fo cvn an eiegai t realdenoe. T K. BCHOOKOVER, l.-?0 :td-ive., be? tween 63d and 64th it_., Brooklyn. Conntip fical ?Btate (Ko Cet 1> UEX1SHF.D and unrunu*h.. house* to le? lor tbe tieaw.i or year: hea*aa ana .. 'far <i\- W. H. BALSTEI). Roal Eitat-i und liiauninc- Brck.-i. Ilooiu _.'_. ild ihonvi*-*. N. y . or Marnaroneck, w. T. R>. xi-i-i. x. J.?To let i.iiiim* co l ?i j-*)m_. aa 11 moderfi hnprovemciittii 'iralna.-'- pertect: anobatroeted vlam _ Ll- w-._lvu l'nrk : . mimi! * fr-,., R R. ata tlon: rent 936 |.-r noaitb : luunediate !-??* neaaion. O. E. D.. P. <>- Boa f?8->.,-, N. J.__ OAK OROVE. Th' ? ibln re*.! ii.-.i'i- ln Xo-". :in- -,: 3 ailr d ". -. :*??. 1-- roomi; 10 acrea, wiu. prove, md f'.ilf r.nt foi -I- -n ,-r I Add-, i* v W. jiiXE, New-Haven, Conn. S-UMMIT] N. !? ? P.iriil*h.*d and un. r Ol-b .1 bo. ??- I lel -??' on oi '-,<,, ; ,,- , ,.-.(i inwll; runnlng w-it.--r, S-<\ E. Q. lM'lT-R. Opj-Od __ Ti ,i_j fnri,-*ii. 1 and unfuniUhed dwe'.l. .,,;.. |th nlaai - Oa. IOXAT1IAN lalCKLNSON, Real l__?taU: Ager.t, l'a.iifli koep-lo, X. Y. T, I,: (he Mimin i. , P*rUilly f ,rnl-i, .. ? otl >l- ? B. Y. , i . Sew-Vork by -HoiUi ru Rall. ; rontwni i- r -;-(.,. AJiir.-- C. W. MILLT-.ll. IS \\"". 11 ?T._ Ti, L2 T-A. D. MOI'!:, C'.ilir, liur 143 Lii? rty-t., will renl !:, Itr.f.-ll'-: lot. j :?-,.'_?., u ii?. _? nt,,, barn, ? ? o mln i-.t.-?*? in-in de;,ot; 838 pol n.onth r v,-rv d Klrable; llne ?i.ri,ie; <-i.-ctric ln hoaae ?nd al 'i^ ii k' vr foi mi 1 perr.-i-t count - _om< inHable for a fam? ily ol Mrealth and ..-ui'iir-:, i-f--r-n,..- ? ?i'n:,,?,?! Addn-h* li..x 11-, \V...v.ick. N. y _fuvnisl)eo Qonses Country. AVERY DES1RABLK Inrir.- f * ot ln '.!'.?.,.,',;,1.'',-.\ "",';' o ? ' Auull t ? N KW-YOItK , iIa.n'.i, , ,'k WoMlN'S WORK, 820 itth-a. -. \ LT i v.i I wool' -?'?"> _un_t*_ '. .-, ... t. a ?-.-ll-fiinilili**t houae. | .rn.,,. f?r -VU,me: inor.tb . M I ? 1 M-ni-i,,-,* W. t_ (OLLlMs 4> J)r\,l S Y.. OT at l'.:i. le^ood. N. J. . runilihod houao; """'?'_'' perfeet ui-.l',_..i'. Au .:, ?* - M i,, itlKTOWii Po rent, i'l t!,.- ?-:-.-. -. ,.- h>r *?le. ?.t u i-'i-. ? iiiodom d-A liin-' H raama; . i a : hla- aroamlJ beantlfal wttUgk, l nllo :i m atatlon. J inx-t* JOHN* MonlHtown, N. J._ _. ? ?I B THI VH1 TE MOCXT ?? ISS "-Eur. 1 nlal ?? to r i.t te *-,-'-n i Ma"J" Ol, X. II. Addr.*- H. i. -.MITII. _ Iiivvr. rr, i.i'T wevrral delluatfully ? ,-..M,.<i houaaa .m Blatea l?r?i.a .,-.: pri, ra. \i-"iy w KRAXK II. MOI PAW, w W*ll-*t. Baaa _ _ TO LET.?Purnl-hed; _ea-"n or year; - ,-?. cottage 18 roopi* : aR '??: ,,:it?; fln-* Lawn; nt Eld:_'-v. o-'i lo iiiinnte* \la Erle R.-.i,??.v. Addreaa _ w B i' 0 Baa t_., gTaa^Tata ?. Txeai Cstatc tDantrb, 11 0 ntrftl. K'.ith'-ro Ilirlcm M?ll?vui road*. I,. S. MILLS, 17 l'-?a*t 4-il->-'* /Jflls 9.0 Cet. nnfnrni-lif^ AI'ARTMI N"i_ to l?-t ln the new lt 80t..-*i and Aii.htei_a_, ilOth) ase. ; froui nvu ro-ijii* to _-.ven. wlth an-J wlti. ..ui ateani haali all newly daa*_r_t?d _..d _r*t(.b-_? BlilKli *-ll.iiK'">"*'. "'Uta* fI"?": *-' to 666 pet Baaoth. i.^nir.. *!_ff?J5J**^ M pren.!?rrj._ uORPOS* BROTHEBB _ I^XCKpTIO.IALLY "(1- ..-.Me .li?rtm*n; A trsstaoklxt ( .-niral Park; rent ouiy n.OOO; i?.a^Mioc May I. itopir oa pt-.i lac . 1.04H >?_______ corner 8COy?il^_ _._? TH - SJr, Hi" anO Hl_--.o>ir Il2bt dl) Maaa; haia, laaaa. i???-ior<T; t .Iv rl- -ur-.tWd, +-1- _ ltAxr\\*t)to ttootns. FITRKI6HBD *uiu- ot room* to !< t. 811 W -I _.i*f-*t trliuva'" b.11._ tfl EVI-H ' Iir<i-dway md Jt Roui.oii .Ut. Coii.forUbie roob.. ll...;. vk- aerdaf m_??rd; n-uit'on hy wa** rriinf.K i:i.r-.AMi.y f'.rmsi.i'H n?ar 1*( _ - . ? II- 5. 183 WEST. Ple*?unt fur VZ ,/uihr- rJ,.?* l.?l and ./.ld water; j^th, cmn.i i.?i locaWan; AvttBj_i_ii?at-. 34 t!lth-A rociu*. wl?? w wiUiaul laatl.; he ..ki_*t *Uat\ai', .ummer p-vea; excti l_ut sitaetAttLi:. .entlaoian. Coarb an?? ttooms. A~-X-A. - AT iX.\ 1 IO X. ? An _l__sut Kd-floor, baBb. prlvate tablp uiiluliul, ,..., .MuuhatUu vlui>. Atlractiv.' iloors, n :th I'rlvat" ll.iths, wlt\ or wiiuout pilvato table; ?ulte? Mid alngle rooms; board optlonal. ApartiiK-nL**; ?'_>_.__?.' Ofllces"; sil a. tlrabJu locatlaaa. Hlgajnej r??lcrences (flven. Lnformation Free. S. C. I.K1.AXD .*_ CO., 6(3 ?4t_-st._ nANDMOMEi > ' ?? . -1 SOUSM aoonis, -nmiii.r rates. 288 WaaB ?*_?_-! board optlonal._ JAI'.'.I RAXDSOW -i on ?_d-t.. aeat Coluinbua-ave.; tn erences excbaufttd. Apply io; Waa. ,.'d ta. _ THE Jl'DBOtf, __ Waeblugtan Bquare.?Bew buiidini;; inro ? irhat l<o_din.-* wU a,- onu; odnt. _ : ele. tric bella "teani aud L-levato. ; tern.a r0::sou:.Uo; tranal ata t ifcen. JAMEfl KN'OTT. 11 WES'I __1 H-_T Hand* i <_v fur _. nlahM -'<! floor, foi eaodemeo ',r fam lllea, wlth nrivr.t- table: jirlvat- bath and all ti*- (-,"'-? .?' i hoine_ IO TH-ST , 80 1 AST, I.*,.: Broodwmjr. o Roon,-, 81 i rtiv ap; weekly, arl_ board, |80 op e* v-.tor._ on TH-i ie vM' ".r> an /.w.lrw-n !-o..Tri-. sbufla and on aulte; topo> rlor t__>t,l>- and tUISIB?l(*l. HBB - Bta ac.'Oin niod-.ited. _ _ Ol "_T-ST.. 9 WEST I.r _B 41 r...m-. leellent table; vl-ltor* u> citv acenmnioda?_ j taWe bosrdj rafei ?? -- OO D-81 ' '? !? \-'r Latar iln 44 wltb boatd: beoat aod ippoli.l - Cioronpiilr fli*at-<_?.j reftaen, 2!> 47 4.)1 TH-8T 11 EA8T Jl.x_.rd; dcatrablo . rooma; fainiii,-; genarman; 6onthern i-o accoiiiii.orliit. d ; aummtT arranermenls. 1 ii B. .'I IST, ..ppnalte tb. ?or.- tmrm md -un-i" roojns; South hut- aceomjDod i??d ; hou,"- nnd tabta en x-. ptlonal l' ; rcBereneee. JT1I-M'., ( 8 WEST Rlejranl i ii ; hous newly lurnlshed borhoed; tai-i.- aad aenrtcs . trieth Hble board ? tt mrfenta: low ratea anitimi r n ontt r t ___fi S ITON A VI '?'? -P ' '.'!- i ? ,'>4 ii-!, t.nilv have a olce laraa rooini beard II dealred. tahta _o.'. I 1/14 WEST T'.iTH-.T -\.' the advan* HM tv.,- Oi Ol. i-'.ntitry l.elit !,. elty; BOO- oool reema, wltb hoa_ : refer. '" " *I_H ' LBXISfi-TOX-AVE. KltalMr I .4 moms; roc-el'ent boerd loeettan ?;,, ? ,i etrable f.,r transienU; table baard; _.,,- -. , r prleea. _ | ? '- r I2TR ST l ????? ind small - with ro <i i. aie, "i Cht ii'iTII sT. Rl?enntli fornlahed . ro .ir- . ?? 1": "r Uel ' h.1. ln noo^o ojamtf tetoraced ond fnrotal i Uirouebout: KtaBeaeea. Rrooldyn. BOAim n\ Tlir, 1III.I,. ?'-' LeffWIa l'l. between 81 Jsmea '' r>rwid-ev< . one '.? ?? k fr m I uli m al lin.o_lvn._A obolce ot room*, l-r:' -i ,:ii1; newly di.?*(. <l and rarnUhed; tabfi beaedi r- tecosrim. '.'.-.t._ i \ ir.ii ? ,. ? at. ; Brat-. Ias? ln ? \ ? r. ptrtli trlar ; - n-.r-.-r prleea ; .' r ntrll d. 2-21 9.W n Dcav_ tDdntcb. 1T? ATHI-Ilt rii'l *>oii winll H'.p hnriH Wlth Mi Amerlcan farnllv whi r- th. r oii ? ;? ii ,,ni ir_; terne I s?l mod<*rot . Uo. 12. Trlbus ,- . ? . . tatlons, \V \N'i .-_? 'l ? .. ro .n.- wltl V> ?, familv (O rn in i VI * m.,Ci . mr! .-..*. n ..a ? Inutea ,f v Y -','.. i i'- r ' Ad !i- -- BO MIIL Ti' Ull ' ? .. JBns.itcso -"lianfps. AN RXTENBIVE Beat mll . UK- I>.-lii.-!. i i-heap; -a-v termt. BO_MJIIEX, ;:?.? rul i. ;. : Bai la'j -? _ f" SlNE ti VLOOW ? .iii.. i'i -.,-. Bl.' 00 )..,- tn : low i i '.ol tal.l,. il. , ;ii'.i.T/,n i.i'i.i- 8 CO., Xew-Hi (.,.;,,,._ Fr--. ' ? 11- ii r-^-tiu reeaon, i _-. bu ? -i.-r.i l_k-ave., near 88th-t Iiiave a ? ? ? ?no bt ?- -?..? ? ? ,-..:d at treraetidous pieilB. trad iny ui ull; u rto.- rhain i a i.j.i.ig oerapany. Addr -? .1 - ? ... _ *| .NlH-AO-T'llEBB lti (,. rs _!-l 1. , i.i... Weal 6n p. 1 ???:?,,. ? u; wn ni-li ref.r-i...-, ?; few dai - .1 IUtl._.t. PiitTXl R W ? n 11 1. - uo agt net < r.j. tiouahl .oi". ? d; poreiculan and rcfcroni - ut i..t.-r vl, w i-i.k.m -.MAT. i;..\ 11 1 lb ..? OIlMr PAl'.TV wtth Boney, exp -I -1 * <! ln maic Bl -l ???: ' llln ? ? ' ri.' - ' w.tirl, --1 srU, ' Iv n. ,\ddres< N!'..VT,)V. TrlbuM PA i! IX!.): W \\\ \ :> ivfth . ? 11 w i?it<*.it,*d .orn-1) d. ;?>-,?; ?;. 01 1 bi lti Wl ?,? ,r-' '. 0:1 i-.i'.'l nol ,l.,ld. ud >-? \.li1r -? .1 ( ., New-Yori. - ftrtftA l'AK'1'.M-.H. manufacture -unl, SOUU. aHlele; v.111 trll ->t t__rbt: tar? . ..ii,:,r iioU'.-j 10 ro Into bnaln, -- bnal ;,..-? ieaaag_n>ent. K ->i w- I ?i flrtrt W.\N~ ! I) Wltl .>Il.,Ul.l. acUva m -1 . ,1 eetablli-ied 1 own petrnt; _? njore add te taiidoem, nORUEX, Trlb unt- (>;',,.-.?. _.li_.c.!an..(.n A_tvT_RT18.EMJE-.__ 1 <-. TRim ME WILL RE Iti; 1 . 1\ i.U AT '! HE UPTi Ull KS. *.o?i.2.?A Uroadwar, seroei Thirty-flrat-sl.; , 1T0 i;.-.d? iy, coraer 3tt'_-tt., until b u' ai.; '-'70 West 'I wnitv-t 1!; ?-,... oorn.-r st,,-?,-(.. 1&2 0Vn-*v~- ; ]88 Fomtli-av*.. , rc-.i Kourte-'iitii--!.; T80 eor i ? Korty--e.-enMi 't . 1.0U8 rbiid-e s:xt^?:lr-^?t.. l.7-o I-'lrat-ave.. 100 W">.t F?? ty sece. d-?t. . l.Oi. Ci u,&),r.a-a\0.; !.:"0 Nlntii-aVr*., c?i-n?i 7- ?-'?-? 88 i?b,rtv .-t . U Aveana k, Vbti Thlrd-ave. (. I--.NII;I.MKX wtahlniT tr, BIlBSSe of Uv ir f left-ofl ,-iothinL/ -i a fsli \..iuo ?iii pl taa ...1) or nQdr ~* EDWARD MI I.I.l'-i'. ..v .irii- \ .? _ O. U Indlc. -tl ,n when . an net ilitt-i - !_:' -ir" I ? ??????. for IV 23 "?' '/'.'. Aak any Uvo drnfglat; use ik> other^_ I ' MM_._M.AS. |_ora.-..i? aod canci- mad? L to ord.'i-. wsevared a d rr-pair-d. sft Sl'E.N'CKK'S 276 fltv.-ave . 17th .nd IBU. ata. Jror Ciaic. AT U8VCKB PKiOl__s.-500 second h.ii d a.ou ri iron aotelni bmciUh ?; ( f-uraiiio d, u_*ci.incrv u-u|(nt and '.I uia;.--- C,i'.*Ji'.-.i-. U- Eb&Y. ?U- -*-<''? lUI-t_ AI'TtTMATlC KXU1N1A 80 ". ?0, ?5 i,..i- JlOW, t . nl-0 |,1 .ln ? < 111 leatal ?.id \...u jI. rarleas -.' * oall.wa, -,?fti,._. bangers, p;ili.-v-, Mithei I* 1110 r, ^. COOK1 l ?,'. I'.V Wja,'il.?'t..ii--t . New-Tottt. VVAl.i'Atil.l lionnr. ar.rt llne i ol aol<l-liaiur.1 patMSBifS f.r-iui, _.,d ,-, iiir.'iean. SSSM wrv i.IU ,,ls? ;, VI I.I, , in-biatd pl_t Ul -?fcul.?.__l l , n,.- ry, aro olTaicd fo. *?l" ABBtaas OWXEit, 148 CUaton-st., lliookiyn, K. Y. Jar 5_ic. Ui- rCLR.-P.ll ball-bearlna if ty, i.;' i-. t oiaditton; barfaln Car eaaB. i.i V,'. -. ...ti.- I , ..'1 llut. _ DtjfORE FOR SALE. I' :, VII..iu- 1,1 800 Ul I, ilnf .ul*- : onlv draa ?tore .--'al.lt__.--d 20 rean; hai a i?r?- -'-d paylna buidnta ,-, *to. _ oi _?>._?? the bui.dliur arbKB contaln* j rmildmc? ovei tl.e *tore, wlth onvcnlenc a. alao for nale; 8 arajBrra fl? ,.r trad. i ipfcnald opportunlty for t i.i.VBl.ian; Uio full ""> J'?v.'I-_-' .--.:.*- ar <_u ou _OUN llol'h Ihrt, x -. u?oi. Hydo Park ..n'Jii-li'id-on, .N. >. F~?"0 li .ALI M ar-1- __li md ehofc. n.ari-1- -r.-rrl.--, ln T.-ime.. _?-. Acdre.s M \R'. I.'. i.-t.i.,,- - ? _ I/ [RLIJ \N,'"i MARINE OLAKS, made i.y I l. uialro, of ParU ; coata now 888; - -au *, ? 12 mlleli w.ll -.cjl fur Sl.i ,'iaab ur trad* f,?;? K'H-d hljth ?'?v*-l by pnil,,- dllh-JWi.-e. \-H. ??- FIELD, Trlbune Offlce,_ I. *-..!.i.. Undcadook n-w npr-va-i ... i,r-*?r, II I- i- ii" Mttall PTlea, 81; *"ld b> aU .lariwarc t ___?_. R. OXDER .., ,.\K. 108 Oraod-t._ Ii vm i ta.ii aewal* for tal-; all kbidi ,.f Lurulng aud carvlnif doue bi order ai 887 Wai '' J_ 4 i WA fi 11. K P ? lf llftb -'- ','id ?',p wntch. WOrth 8880; I n.1 roi 878 wlll ?_ 'l"*i> DnERLEU. '?_?_ Weat IiDTS BICYCLF foi -.!.-: praedeally i ne. heat atake. . ur.i;, I'rlbune Offlce. 0 ii. TAXK8, Mn, hold aboul 100 aalloni Inaalre 621 We< :. u,p floor._ OLD AMERICA.V dollar* foi _!?:. I7M, 17-..* ?T'.li ISOrt 1.01. 1*02. GEO KO.W__., 01 Eaat l.ra,-*!., clty._ II i .N"i, i OR SALE : IU aell foi --,- 81 P_**_ ?0th-at._ < TEAMROAT aod ROUTE, lOfeetloeg; a~ t),,,.,ii_-lilv "htAbllah_d it;..| gr.wln. , i-hance ol a ' llfetlme. CH vKM.s T. , ?>.' i \N r Boa il. ??*. Ren . v V. Ti-'.r i _('OPES \v- hSvi -???? ral One tel tacapet on pliln lu.d rqualorlal Ui,.y wli. in- *oU I.--*- lhan regnlai prlc. i:i-',.xj. piki: miv, 12 i ii _:i,j--_ Drcssmakinci. \RT_.TIC lii;i.-.*M.\MM,.-l? iv . ii-.tli,;' -.,>*t-n.,--, lackeu and wrip-; i *n,l. .>".' d. _*(-?* lor *12. JVIiiii-. OWEX, 202 Wt-. '-'?d-*t_ * 1; ;f-;i, ilre**uiakitifi; p.j-r-i Ut j-iU .'V lliii-li ; iililijue ai> -1 *.-, **; hotel orders >l .-.Iiort noflc.): ?,i.4*, h?->*d if d.-*in-d Mr-. _lVl.Ll.OV, b. Eaat .ih~t.. ?i: _ ADRT S?-?: * REB -'.lll-. . Dl . * - in i\,-rv 11 abort aatlo. Mwe OLA8B, 132 Weal '.__ nl draper. ii.-nt Bntah. B9 60 por day; refarenco* jviitivi-iy lattafactory. Ml*. il., ZSi ,,..?. _ Dl li .*i;i;,k. . i-i prlvit. family; Bood \_*t referencea. I'l- a. ?? mli ,it ."ii.1 ... for n;:i _fc.MAKER fixri.i:n v, r.ii rn:r_**-M ? ?. i i: j oi .MtinuiV. i.-rf'--.-! titu i and .tvl *:, -l't; t, wl*i,. , i-npar. .11,-1 tl hy tl oi ,,t ii.,;,!:. Addreaa BODIaTE, Trlbune d ORlea Li8- i{rnl?uv._ 1/ i ;:sf CL.-..S*. di d.v oi a bon Ld di ... Ji.iiin i ,7 -ValT* k CO . ii- nri.l M .?nl ,1.1 ,,,1?-* :. srj- I I ,ifv BO. -Vc-t 4<i:l.--r Ll ' ' ' expairleoce; p. 'f rl ,.;,\,:-l,ttii:_, II K \I.I. "? I I -i Ith MHl.i. IH'lrllAM). ? ii' sv.. t intli-r._ i.i, ranee a nl ,-??;??: at: tn w, ? l-nrl-. f"?l8 COaiitcd. W AJfTED. n ? >> to work ,-n _ dalry fain:, neai ' .' Uonro , \ >??;:? ? ??? Addreai EA VM l-.R. . " k * VUM I-'I'LMAX, M ba '- -r, for billl-n N. \-.ia.-,. boaUi. :. f. . ln ? . . .,i I*,,,,,,!. \> rlle ?_ G- - . U-rrlU.,} wunt'd CI ri lj) , !i ,.. tt i -. 110 '.... ii* lOUblv, Addrem ? Jfu -lv.-rU_ii.| ... i kinawu ; _ II* to evnrj n..-r l iiiufBi _?. ?a|j work ?..!,:. ( (, lUeln ? WK Ml ... ?? r . r, llabll ar.d :< t *'ii', ?-->? f-,1 ir, ,._il.,,' in,*i lia no-id po ItlOl Unually . oming lir n.i .al I ud ->f nartl. -;l ,t aitentl >n kU,-u t, b, t uLITAX _^_ Ui ,. ,. . , . | haadie th- ttt* rot-i.t lak I'j-a-bid I'eill. lh ?reat-*t D \ ItV ViT |-I*r-l i.i*d c*: Oioro . i t ,, -oco.d* im abru-"io'i of :oo ta 6-io p- r aaa* aiofll ??,? agent'a ? ?', . ar, ;,'-: to - J ? -'i *lx day*; an I ,:e. ln tw,. h ur* \V .. .t_i,i to, en i. s- - - Itery. I'.-r term a.-d f-ill nartl ul ir idili ** THK MOJTROE BRA8ER Ml?'(?. Co.. La ? afu, Wwn i, -. I'-*. man toi Ui t- V*** - , i-JI.T VA . Trilxi. - 11? \NTI'H .'. fl:-:.- : . b-atl > T tl. Btnan I I llro .--.-? I RATHER OOODS, t ? .\XTl.:> a Bral-alnM ontlflel Mllealban ln ;i r- 1*11 * Ail-I. _.. opTK i\.\, Trlbun* Offleo. \\* KtrTT D.?A I ? -..'.!?? R. 8 a lH-.vr.s W.**t New-Brtphtou, St_it.ii ; .-..?t. n. Y_ Ve -,,, \i of *iDpl?r_i< nt or wiah. I Ing ..'hfln.-e b> doubl* b line, without ranviii* ,: !, ?-?? Ii-?t. ur, -i -- .? tnd p?ld for hv wlth ?Ump AQUARBLLE 00., ..Il Rlrer, 'I w fielf COonte*. Fei.ia.'r*.. LADIES aho wii, u-. writinB I** aaa at tl.< i r own i - ? waaec. Addr-**, wltli - MIm EDXA L *MY1 IH'-. Sonf'i a: - -,?'l. ii,: if Ui? '. tatettt OkaHa ' ,i_ L' i to ?10 Wf-klr, -)>>:? 'ln-? or ? 11,-ail, (ji:i*lli al hoir.i,: llght. agiMahle work -a-.i- ?r, . ^"'"a '' r I'' '' *? "2 '"" var.lng A.idr- - wlth lUmp aOI'aiieli.i. .11 Kiv.-r Maa*. w ,, ? , bon- ? work Ir, I.i ? "dU I" v Uii.,-.- u, --? t.. counin i?i Uio lummei A,i_r-? ? ? i\v. liu* ._) , |..,,,,.. ? ? i .'...?? Broad way. lUark tbanle.. Miiles Arroi^ - " mt and . .jn-'. .; ' ook ? | i .,. i |uvi-ti .i...ii? n. ..!??: ?_? ,.i? i.i j,.n..l bi I ucbaii-iant. ACCOL'XTH, llox 45. Irll.un- Ofll.-e. _ AfOBKG M.' _ 17 ??? M llki ' hlmaelf uwful In ia wbolp??la bM. Ig ra-.r*n.... AddKO. BOBEBiT, IBO Ernt, E-oU.-.t iUor!. IDante.. ^ M.ika. AMIDDLI'.-aokd prstaaalonsl man ot ? :d- '...-lr,,? ezpmeiice, ha.*. hi- moro i,..-,. ut Utwrty; urivatu aecretary, mauaa r, export a_*co,u.tant, beokkeeper, nroorreader; uuexceptt?.abla references; .-?<?,'! chatacaar., 118 -d-sve. k.'.Hl ;-:..-rritAi, DR _r-.iiT--M tN. u.-.l ixi-. . i nr a'. ii.-- .'.iiiitf nnd ir. .-l.and diawtng wonld H.<>- m iy ii.i di-r or i..>ntru--t..rj anywnere. Aa ti - Ui i.iaiii.i;. tribuna I p_?_ uf_e_, 1 238 nr..i__l"?y. _ xTmMER. 1 ai, BALEM. ty, fr.v m. "lilriw Ui- snd Idtddle btatee, \ i-Ik-- lo bandl- _ _<-. I -1<1- Uo_ _~*' d.-s_ COMMiSSIOB. liox 18. Irl-iui. (iCics. _. A A tir-lNTA XT DARTENDER, ? f I ' i , MAN wlabes Mtnatlnn Whsre thcte il t ehaoee uf iidvanc-inwil; wlllttiH and i.Mi-. ..- r aol reUeMe: b_t _f re'eMiice. Cnll er ai__r*?t- J'UA.VoK, .i.r., Bobtatt, 101 Weat tflab-Q*.__ Av/aT. iiMTx wanB iltvattou; n.ght ..i .?%?? mieMe. heaiti.y aaa. .-.Hirw, s_7 Ai-sler-sm-ai-e.. oornCr lOSd-at. "bTI'.ADY, -otx-r man, been employed In , ni..- ? ity home 23 reara, artahee to msJ?e ,. ehauae; w,-M m_-t as coll>-<"tor _r tak? ? tiarm "f ._" t.uslnc-i ? __'t -ity reteren - Aktraaa BAlTuVUL, Boi -4, ive_ ASSISTANT .lA.viT.iR Hy a voung i ai. (gwede); Urat <?!,*- rf t-join pr.nt snd former eiuployer. (.1*1(1, Tribune OQIce._ A' y i'Xi'1 nl!v Et> man wouM take ??'larft.- '.f an es__e; raatlng, eolleotlng and i_\ir__ ? xi-u".* best referanea and, ?e ?u rjtv; Mtpeslatlot-S moderate. ACOnras BQLEMAJ4, 880 Bth-avo._ BiioRKEEPER. Douhl- ontrv, want* i-nslMor, ; _W - enr-' . V|,. rl.ti-- ln vanmn l,r ni 1,??- of tr_di; latxi mlll anl luml_.r l ..,,..? . y. M. c , Aot Snum. _?_.>-.. Bfoo?vn. _ _>__.___. PER or . -8IIIEB _ ,, .Itaetion; ysuna man. 2i ; n.?t In ap jcarance; -w,b.-f and relial.l. ; b **t rvf?r_Dce. I ,r . r _d .. ta II. V. M., cst.r Bebtatt, 101 W * I6_h_t l| i>\ a i - te make hli I- eraiiv usefni ln aotnc bo-lnies houae; v H WILSON, 218 W. ICtl - 1?,,Y [lti wlabea -Itnatlnn In olHec or 1> _i?_...:ri.- bonan. Addroaa J. RLA88, ls Thorntun-st., Brooklyn, E. I>._ II ijY, 17 wlahea iltuatlon al anyUiiiuf; li i_5__n-e. Addreaa., McCLEMAN, 880 w -t l'.Uh-?t_ HO. 18, vT_i_s altu.-tloii ln a whelesele where ho caq adv-.m--,- libnai-f: r referenesa. Addreas T., IU l-^-t A A !. ( C c c -i Aiti'i-'.XTi-'.R.?-Rv ca-p-nter; aportment _/ nr ofllc,-hiilldliin; Jnnit<ii, ,.r any Othef ifi-nirunnit ^itriitlnn : rofCTi-uu,-.. 18)11 _7 Tr. I ? ONPECTIONER. By an Austrian, -.7 ~> years Nd; 12 rears' txpurleace; well un in fenej pastries rind tarta, Ac'dr. ss T.. 20 ai.i. -? . 'A' ... Uoboken, N, 3. .".l.-*ll IEH 11 - of aire; j aeat ta Bpi___aneej tobei and i-.-i._U'-; .:'.. hl? bualm-SS iln.r. ??'".iv. ''ul! or addnv,. E. M. V.. OBTS ol N.t.lett, 101 W,.-.'. 4it!,-*.-. _ LOKED : 1 ?I,. ??_-: rxccU'Si) A-itii ti,.r*,<, bnt able . wtUlne t? du anything. THd.Ma.-s MILES, 110 Weait 110tb-Hl._ Ovi r, ant -1 by n comp t?nl ikane - i;; dyei ; eepal' .-i.h'i"-; it'""l t,-t ran, " -- DYER t~ Howard L. Albanr, x. Y._ DUIVliC ?'? ricd ii.- :i. ii!id.r*>tft.,,l- trnektag l - nualuted _ttn sil thlptdug; r - , -1r?- I'. A. ,,.,,.1.1., .-.u.- Nobl.-U, . ?- ' 11 III VI lt ' '? \) ; ? .. ??. ?nt (?'? ' irf.rr.d. V. UUDUOLZEtt, 1,811 W Js \;.; - i . mo ot u , pianl; 20 rrortt ex i ,i ncv rolllna mln, f?<-t.,r>- nui drjr !.Us l, ..ii-?; 3'i-.,".- CUt-Ofl .-li_.-!in*-. Irctrlc ?; el' * -;,,r-1 Hrst-class r I ma< tUMisT, i...x 5, Trlbnne _ I >*.,,'-. I J ly an "x \ ', i l ,!, Blll ?? bmith, na liro-d._ . 1. i.i.\ ,\ POR ii1 v> ER. ', ,r- ..i au- ; wllllni ? o-.< r and reltsble; refcrenci.. Call o.- ud . -, ii.. .:,r Nobl ". 101 W. I.'.tl, ? rt xiTlXEKR Waata tltuatlon; under* and all klnds machlneryr _,,, A. KC-Stllll/KA. 25d . \V Mt ' I'l Sui ? ui snd r-I. bl j Ml,- alnce ' hrlstmas, i.r?t tlme in 19 ? -,i- - liccna il i.'< rcai-rj, ARXOLD, care i f anfln er, 6 j ? Mjl. ii li- .. : . MAKFR I -- THOMf. bnN, 77. _ _ Ud i I.i, , f.l.RK - latlon tn 1,,,1,'i ? |.-i k, .. lace ? !?? i Intolll -obrtcty ,-.ul ?? at?*d; r., ii..--.. Addr ea 1. I- U :;,'.< iii -..I raj INTFLLlOKNT roti i,.- Uon ss ..-- ? ent ta .-.'. ?;- ?- shlii ,,, ' i Otr ? r . : < i. Bl I.flRlXO, 1 ? (Ity ?'i'. .ii lt- . narried man, 3\ A (*-'.>? d.' . wlsbee to Ui*" san I u ng ? m . ll aoqeaii ted with ofllee; flr*t-cUaa Mersnoaa fr..., lonnei and ? , ipiov. r Addr-s_ O T., Tribon. _ I -..-I;. -r-d man: .? ! I v . ? ll. i -? i ' *'" Bl 4d ' ? ...: J\.\ r,. )( Ity ..-.- a I ??- ?? . >.r )i!a>o f ,; ; ->?.-.irll,. li. K. U., 1 iliun- (Ul, JUAN ?".., ; UU i . I _J! kind.- of rt-palrlnoa: can t iu,d niaehlnery. '* LAlfO, .? \v ... Ii pORTKR oi I 0LL1 I TOR Ry i , midd!<r_g_- Indnatrlous Baa; ean li.. ii.,.. Warthlngtea-ave PAIN1 EH f". tl .. palnl ? snd psi^t* hai.svi want -, or prl? vate I'.r ER, -18 P OBTl-.R OT ITIOHT WATI-I1MAN. . iip . ? "rk*fl a. u i eananter trada Cau ? bb_b a i .. t CHEI.LER, _;. Oth-et. P oi-.-i )-:h -in ii Itrouit .?)- ? m i , , v|,.|, n,..'. \ouTAn-, 48 I--.ilton--t., ild _ rl Ft.- iiv sn aetlve, intellia il .-.-..| hiU'v d'-i - -ir'i-.tlon as pa, k. r porw .,r >i*_fal-i_-;. ; i>i-,d. wlth tool* . i - Boi 11 "' ; ? : .na man. 20 v.-ar.? ,- ?' PEAKfS'r. J2fl West .With.?t. V RKSPET'TABLE, stron. yonng man, ';..-. Wl ;. 'ti Aurtria v.a..ti i_r.-i._n.-iir , ? ; r 1 V ..'.?. IA ? ? S", i I *.?? IRAI'ITER. 1 M- I . ? ,- ... . ?; i;,-.'t,.u lypriwpter; ?iii uk>- lemper-ry i...-itl.*. or .. t v -, b ? t..t '.-11" aa U"\ ll.i, IgO Ur ai.lway. ^______________ 8\ ? to r?-T> ' _ S-. I I - ? > ? /Irirtnla ?- bo i->. .... >.? ? _p TVII-WniTIX 1 _o...- al Short notlrr; ,i ? | ! I -l_ a foho and vr.r* r'sr Mtced, r'f.-rnic'-a riven If d?-slr?l ? eoire ipo.-id.-nv? ?ollcll>4. AiMr--? C. R ,i i. Ia OrawirB7 Blooniflald. X.3. Ti i-r >\ RlTlNO?-l at ,>f al kii_. legal, eaauaer io_. dniuiatic md authorv M.V.. done evaBtags; low rat?-s ivr.LEE.. H00 Woat l45t_.-?t. tUork iDiint.D. Maloa. STROm; i?,v, 10, .Lhea. to l?irn _ BadB! M 11 i.nnuinidid. Addr.v* C, H*> i.l-4 7i_t_a,_ I ' PllOLb IT.IU-R and M.VTTRKS.S *.' Wlll w-ork for fmnlM?*.: I -- peet puck?r ,.f tnKlture: vamli-ln-r and nol l*ber; UiuroUKi.1) cpuiDOteni and reli-.le. Ad Iteet i h li',* ?,-'?. Trll -n- orn,- -. Il/AXTED ?aVrlthil d . ' tt ,ir.?^ X. Y. /,., l'ltt-burtt, l'lru.i-, ..uto ...-.-. WAX i.'.H Hv . ouiik n.ran. r-.*ltion ln ont,-. uii-?r-tar.'.s tlnglo and .lout.I _, ,,-itiv | l,"'>1 jR-ii.i.iii -j le? nt Bgaraaj rapld and aeciiMb. ln *liort_a,.d and typowrlBna ; ?oiiie aaperienea m owfajapondoo. e; j_wd ref ? b, charar'ei aii?', ah.llty. nox 18, Bi ickvllle, Out. W -, _TEl>, : -Pl ? ? '?' '?! _ ? fI rntrn , itood ref.r-. nre.-. Ad '._ H'..N"i..D. By an emerlenced tiui_niti_, -T wlth *l,op. t.rjl- iwnl in_n-Tlier>. *on." nia.-ialty to nionuftictiire, irtdreM MAK i i At ,'i: Ri.R, P 0. Box 7. Monaoy, N. V WtXTED Bltoatloo bj n .rrl.,1 . UanHflliail ** plaee or farm, ,a*a _ p"n .-iril bandy ii?_n : the nif- to uu-ko lUCful lf wanled. Adjl.?H? <i. (,'. T., 89 Sl. illntf ?_., Ma..*._ WANTED Poelttoo a* -.alesnan. elther , ,.r tr..v,li:n. ; no book* iiit;; b'-t refareneea a-i ;.-.._ u. c. il. Wi s. ithst.. Xewarfc, X. J,_ WANTED. Bi , lnt?lll gent iiiin, formerly lu bii*bi.-_* for hlm .*.-U, foiA record, habfta vA _ f.-r.-iicea, any no-iti-in of nwiiiUi-**; m.idc-it* s.htrv. Au i M K.. i'.!' Bergen-at., Brooklyn. _J_ WA'IVllMvX 1-,-RTkV.. ."? liy mar |,-d mao of 36. l,,irr ? uf prlvate l.ou*-) oi u.iv kiud ,'f iverk , rood ronrencea. Ad dn m R. WHITE, 732 l"-i,-are._ \a* ... hm'a'x WIU lome _md peison . . %ire waaiiiiaiii lob i mmethlna llght can do : unaJilo to wore la?t aleven jimiitli*.; iu,der*ta_id* doctor!.,t( horv* ; niimll wmpa. LAX-DON, 384 Eut Btftfi-.'t._ WATCHMAl*. R) itrong youn_j (.er p.aii i'24<; McuJity gtrea? Addreaa M. nVILROX 1.002 Oth-TO._ \- i ii n-. \; _n parentage, 1 . elerkihlp in any bunlneae, where nd .-ri-riotie ..- rfcet in.- r.-.j? Lred: l._- l.aal bb'h Khool idncatlon und 4 vearn" otl.-otoi ind ?l--rk ; r,x>d pe.i Diao; Al rt'-lt-n--; r, id-s. ito -ui,irv. Ad ?1 - - BROOKLYX, 7!,x 18, Trlbuua. 0_lce._ Yoi'NO MAX I siciitttTon In i l,,-..ii-ro.n ofiic. where Un-r- li au a__> .'l.-nt ?? of advanccaaent; _ood ref,:r ? n ... Addreoi l. \. s.. Rov l*. Trittiu Oflice. _ \' 6vtto m tx 2 te\ wouid Uke to i{o ln the eountry for tne luouner (monntalB* nnfmedl to ,l_ Hubt work fnr ii prtvat- -tuillv; Wllllna to do mo?t anv tirinc bat heavy worf. Aaaroaa T. Ri.RiXH, 187 Amlty_it., Brooklyn,_ Yi.ixi; v, \X. 22. wi*ii]i,u ti make a , ?..,ild lllte to li.iv.- u =;ti.-?rli n or i.irter. AdJr, *? J. 8t'LLI'.R. 383 Eaat ?'?'?-t._ Y01 XO M \x, colored. wlahaa b, -l-on aendNnan'a offlce or i-o'.iu i Injr. Vddreai .loll J. KRI1 LE, 1.0 Woet Z6th*et. _ YOC jfo ". \ v di dr - ,-:? n al poal ?a W . '??. j irenge, X. J. OC XO Sl > * '? handl ""?.(? aor*of>; can ,lriv- four-in-hand. kd. dre*i l ty._ \-f.l N-i ?? . wlll niake hlrao.-lf -. ? rall" iiaoful In ofBee for Us i.onrd; prod wrtt-r: good refereaeea. AdJr.-.-* i . S. II., Trlbune or,?-o. tflortt ttiantri. Fomairs. SrEXOORAPHER and TYPEWRITER. _\n . ? :. rl ,,? ed te hei of Men -o.i iyi* rieneo In clty eoHege, alao ? acel Ient rel, , ? id. nt, il . ii -s j...-li,..u as t.-n.I, r, nr would tltiou ii, ?? ?? Mi"i;-i'iiA.*i> 1EACHER, li-ix 223, i urt Ji.--er.--n. X. V. kj 1'iiX' ".!'.' I'M K!l tiel TYPEWR1TER. i^ A young Iad] it -:.ion, ran , f r ii??? -; i v rk uc. d. AddMia r. n 80, Ir, ,:,.-.., s. Y. W tXTF.I) l-,,-.'--, In offlce hy .T Md ? ,: typewrit Iva: ? .v, -rn.'. more an i.l.J<i-t th.i.i pre*. ei.t ralai.v C_ It H-. 688 M I ? __t Y ,-,.,. liIRL i noajrapher ninl tv, wrU.-r. nl'-iie- |HK.ltl,.n ; exrellent r-f-r ...... ,- tu ha.-, i fee. AiMi.-s RATE SCII V>:.. 189 Fi-' :!"-r-l-,:i--t. _ Domrstic ^unmartB lt)arff5 i\ V ?thow-ghlT axperi. I oo ipla, .wtii hlghe*! per .-mi li r-f. i- in o fi-m ili-t-i-lu?? elt) ; i },u_?. ui laal i- , . fnUy eo_tp?tent ln - ountry. Ad-jr. -- i. O., ilox 13. Trlbun.- l.'mowii 08N. i.-3a _. B>. 10 IK. lt. a men et hut!-i o? waltor; wlf* i ',:'rv-?l.;:',,'.' , ;,;; ., td<- I Rl ( Rl-.RI . ,:, ol N ?? I H. 101 NV .?-.'. 4.Ml,-*t_ Wii.nn if... man ..- wui'. i ; .If.-a. eham. -, i ? . | oi take liu-:,- ,,f ?toi i,.? in. JUC i.i.w.x, n i Weal BSd-afc Malaa ATOUXO PHY81CIAX wo-1 uill, liriullU ,'-.:,te r .un for tbe -iiiuii.-i. au,--- rnvM. IAX, Tribune _,_ "? l i l. it H " , ? ?- f Bwed _> l_ng:l*!i good t_Mk, \>.-l,. r .'11(1 li-.ui. i ; Wlllli.K. 0 I I i r :. ; _l< ?-. I all or itpplV, _ : ly 0 lir.-t-i llfl- :i,:..i. lil a i>ri l? \:.i- t.o. :?. .ii-,*. -nu-r, lioneat aod tr'iatworthy, .\d - i .... -| r.tii'.e- I'ptaiwn Ofhee, 1,1-B Ri-i adw >y. UI .- By younii, rellable ......i,.: it] oi c untrj ,-r,ma- Addiea* ' ABL, bo_ _3- irlbun. b'ptown Oflice, _ B'UTLEK" oi VALET. i ' ? i,.,,- ipteiu thre. Iiu.uage.; r--iin-t uiii ? ii^Hi of good tppenrenoe Call oi .1 _ ,, . A iITEB "? \ t Ham :.n . M-r!,,i ed In h il ll 1.227 .?r'"".?ia- __ ?? i'1'I : lf au RnBliahnieu. tttoi Bs: _r*t_l_ae , R| i- f-:,i: , lady ?'' -" ? ' ? ? ( ? 18th -'_ C. , . ,;n , a Prenohinan, 21). ipeaklng i 6 l-iiBua.e* oourl.-r; accttitom. : tddraao ( OBIUEB, rrlbuie- l . C.. t BmaX. ,-v e. i atrt .i : ,: .,. hman : ile-. >..t_biv i ,.d- r.Uanii !u ? ' fr' ?'' -." f.,,., | ,untrj p.ef. :-..,|. AiMi- .-? T M . Il v J. I' h -- M ? "i X J. C..... il i \ . ? elti do , aituatt,. i?, kl.inan; Eng. Uah; l'rot-. :i_.,t Uire, ind t hall >-ui-' ref- r. D :.,|. i-i.i:.l f irin ? C -r,, a- I.l b ' i.eii h.y: ->!.. r un.. rWUbl ? beel , : ? ? ?--:. . all oi iddreal J II ( RAWLEY, i il ? XobfOtl mi wo*a i't_-*t_p CUACHAt-V.. - ? . ' rjI1 bv i ?l-N '?< Braal _,_ C? fl_K* n tn ; ui. I ? ? - b'lilii-M ? ,, r i id ra able; llUng ana ? i'. i ? ;.ir. .. M. ? Cii.i ii . r-iervn ? Dlraet 47 i .-t .,-d-t. CI' \< II '?! N.N II I m l-e-t , lt\ r '-r.ii hl* l..i*lnraa. Addr*-'?* JOStPU, 12V Weat MB-B Dom.atic SununotiB tt)ant?& M..: C'oaciiman By , Bcetefe Hn..'?t_nt r- ?" ind wllo; i. in, liMt-claes .-ou-1, uiuii, nrdaner and u-o'iui-maii: irift erni Moaeworb er chair.berwork aml walt ress; exoell.-nt PROT1 ?? i , istj Uth ive._ CiiA' liM \.v v i. arrled .man, a.: oaalnted ln elty aad esperleuced lu .-ar.. ..I horse*, Wlth Ij>-*1 i. I. i-.-n.A-, wru-t* tltu tb n h eoochman, driv. r ur atebkiuau. \A,\ IIAS.I-.IV.S. _.M.'l Av. A. _ C< QACRMAK.?Ry -peaklng ' Eutfllah : und.-r.tand- hla l-i-iu.- U. ,. O'ltfbly ; |taod ii'i r: oarefol drlv. r; wlll lne to aar.ibi at snrthtni requlrvd; best clty Jnd count.-y refercnces. Call or add .-*_ __7 Ui uv -. _ HMAN, marrled wlshes a .Itnation ln tn, ely "i country; understands his buMaess thoroiiKhiv; aobot nn i reUablo; i.-t referflDccs. i al. or ,uldr.-_ u Kix l.Al.Y, rar?- ..i Noblett, loi Wes) ? F" *? ak.-.Ti. HOUt-EWORKBR.?Br yeauig luarri'rd Bwedlab coiiple, no terofly ; andere?o?i tartnlng, u.-iiiiiuj. u--'fui-man: ?.fe ko.^1 iionkov.ork..r: oaa t_k. cara ol - plac. A;.pl-. oi call 3_7 4U. av,-.. I.twoen 28th an.l 20th tts._ (~*~.l.;., b; large experlence X ln _-raiM--KT"?'liiU. for.-^ijr of ro..-; aood ulantsman; alao veirtubi* pro wlng und 1-,'diiiK out; referonoe*. bCOTCHMAN, Box -it. Tribuna 'itttco._ (iAl_0iENK8t.| in ?? ir;d;.-iu'.d Oer I mar alngl. ; competent ln .ill work oa ? con ?:> plac. ,';-? "' bpisea sad eew. Addreas OARDEXBR. 28 r*t_n-,. i Vi r. Bj an o_perl*__c_d jwung ? marrir.i rniiu, two ehlldreu; thoroushly ouderstanda oare ..f prreenhoti*.*, rosahomes. grauirloa. fruiu- wiil vegeteble i/anCTi, aud tlj.- a?.ii.-r-il manaaement nf s if.-iiU.-niui place; bos; r.-f'-r.-ii.:.-. A'1di.-s_ JiYKMAX, 21 Aabburton-Bve., Youkera. X. Y._ GARDENER.-Ry an Enffllahinan; baa mnnaui'd Mle uud strictly prtvut- pla, >?*>, In.-ludlnsr Uie culture of ..vrythlng under 1 outoldd ; know.-, how l?. I and put work throuirh ; low wagas re-t of the teaaon; near New-York. Adarosa; pENER, I'.". liox 14. Bchraeleuburg x.i. (JARDENKR l;v ;. i'- -fc-eEu-- marrl.-d " man; wlabaa dtuatlon w.t'i a eettaae; understands care of bors - aobei an-l rv Ilablo; !,.?- i. ?-.-. ...... < ii ll or iddroas W, OILChRIST, ,-jn- Xol.I.-tt, 101 Weat l.VJi (1ARDENER aml FLORIST. Hy man al ln all t.ran. hca; 22 y ara' l,. nt r-rf -r,-i?.-.-_. KRAXfC (1 ARDENER, 408 Eju.t Olth-_ C'. ROOM ? Uy a .,?l..i*.d .v.iin man -_ f i-ar? ol neei iu ? prlvate famlly; willloB nnd i.bll(rlnf. lobei and reim,:.-; bw; of referenee. 'nll or ad Ir,? A. >, <-nro Xntil_tt. 101 W-'.-rt*>t._ 1" NVaLID aTTENDANT.?An Amoricao ,.f aKDorlanea would liit.' ,-h,-._re ,.f ln \u':,r, w.eild le uaeful; . rn,- r^ilinfactriry. Addreaa W. 1. U.. Trlbune Offleo. JAXrroit.?x.*?t eeuple, no incumbisnee; ;ir-t-.-ia-, referenee; <--->n bu se/*n; baodr at tnythlng; v.i"i :\r,t?Hi-n. Call or ad ili*__*'i.. sWaXTox, ,.r.' Boblett, 101 Wl-t -latll-rit._ I -. ,N I i.'rt.-Hv a respectablM o-rr ?l lly an ji.ult' ;- fo' one or moi ? housvs; bandy; understands all ii'iwlra. HVBlXli, r g -...'i-riv-.'._'__ M\N1> WIFE want rttuatton t?v r; man ur *i r.iiiv useful, r..-nd || . i o ? I , 00 v. - Bl I .' '-. - W. r.- . neat connls; a,?A retareuces. CaU or a.I OEOROE. _ar- .,1 Nol.! It, iOI ' th-et._ EfALE HUL1* of ?U.K;iids aent fr.?. of iTlctiarce 00 r e1i,t of orler": l?sraneat liner-tlxated ; cood and .-eirn?<-iit tislp con at-inuv on hand. NOBLETT. 101 Weat 46'Ji ?t _ _ J> ts in or near Baal Oranm^ eolnn awaj I.u aummor, can hear nf r-ll:i_l* . .1 ti..- * i -. ,-iijr. boum by addres-lni? ORAN XI.-**. I ^ fUDT t_51 or3 d ? during dav, ui-!,.- Uaht i ork from S to ll iveninaa. Addreaa ... W. M-. I i _ US_.Kl.-ri, MaM. llv ? vo.inur .-?.; ,r,-d man In privat- ' ' ,valt.-r ; i.|l!infi i. _ C ill . henry n. -'"_*. . ira "f x.i. I .tl.-t_ _ USEKUL-MAN, OAIlDENFRs id C4ACB> MAN'. -- llv r, i lilallle ,? Protratont; ablo, wllltogi a^'ful at anv R ;._y. HOME UL 1 Ity rn- co intry. REAl', l88 Ittfa ava tl' CSEFVL-MAN or Wl.C! - |f il |a?a expnrieucod man Swlsa) who ihor.ughIy tuidaratanda iii- ii'.' - ,- .xperieno? a- nurao, le.; i? ner fM-tiv tniatworthj mni rellablo; waacs 8=5i ii iHlent ref raac - '',.11 or url-i M atiii'.z, iu Mald. ii Lan.'. WAITER-?tlotel or r ??.(-.nrant; .u-ak. i ind r l.-rau. ,i ii 1.227 Broadwav. ln rmt. Hth-ave._ W'.MTr.i; ? d CSEFUL M _N D > > Kwlaa ir, ar. I --i-,. an ..r r.riKii-ii fr.nrily; wiiiiti'/ t<. travel; wuj. ?> .. A. .", i, -. \'. u WA.vri 1. '.v com|.ii uian , p ?!tio.i lu rj boU'l t.> keep furnlttiro, carpeta, -..! order ..:.!*- T.. a-29 ad-ave. Y.n drlve, ifden ; best r I BMBOa fr< ni laal lli| |, ? t t Hl ILY, MnuBl Po it M.v.-'-t. rv. .N-w-Yoi-k C;ty. ?omcotic 9nnJti8H3 UJrtnteJ) Kcin.ilos. AM, KIXDS ..I fi.ri. m servanta, Hlt.1i Brst-claas i.'.i rv,..--, ?!_a-..- on liniiil, try. 1. .OXNEXbCHF.lX'lj l-'.MPLOYMENT AOEKCY, 1". Hd-as,-., It._ A-I.AK..I. I'ROTES'l ANT EMPLOT* . MENT linC.-iU.-i-or botelt and pri? vat famiii..-.; BrtWciess mata snd femata Ir-lD. wlth rtf. r.-.icra; ett. and oo.mliv. At Mr-. H'lYb'D, 13b (itb-avu.. 4U. house ibuva iotii-u_ A YOUNO .. nnaii ln.l.. .vh., _>t"'aka l.i,. 1.__.ii iin-nu, and plsys th au ?_U anl u.-o und r-t c. 1 iltnatl .ii i- Dompantao to a lady l ? 3. s.. Ul ). .!-:?''.?*? . nobok 'i x .i. AXl ONK r-.| . rli o.xi'-il ii ? d uurae and i; a---ui-, blease ea 1 at oi ...I'li- - II. * . _ OLLINN, .1 AU I- ? 1 r ? : > I: I.!. .1../ -n. Ad.. ?all ut, B84 We_t '.:(,!- I . Mi- I' C"> ii _mi-.. ,.\: \iu ...i waTti ? iy, *.li..r..n ? ln l ., U ii "ry niodersts a igi.- \,,. j- 114 __. Ct. wllb ? far ii. - i Iii prl? vate r-i,i.f_\ oi club, Addr?si f-\.vj t \i-i-.i.*.r Privats Rouae Cooka* BeeltBr. 132 W, -> ?Sd-?4 _ _ COOK ' ' ?, t: niaki-s .ill kluea of -. ip ? I ,-.i-tr'-; thoroughli oempeteat; privats ol Lotel; _.' v i-i-. Mrs. III R. K. HU Faat I2tn-at., C. b. otab Pl . -?-?' ' -''rl? . 00* '' llld :miidr Ha;a,th,T f :' n:,a:.J, ?rk uf tl_r hi.u.*,, b--tww n th-.n ; rtf-r n????n. .-Itv er vo'in trv. At Ui- HOME Ri RKAO, 13S Bth - C. OOK.- 1-V Ilr-I ?',-- , - _or,,nn ; ?1,1 do o u to ? J-!. ? i r-adv _t PROXEBTAN C Ife 8th ... CWAMIKR and 1RONER.?By an i Amertc_n Pr-,t.M_int; cood eoo'i ; wltb reffiences; tar dtj ai country Ittad.. al ?? RoMB Mi.'REAU. 1J. (ithavt-.. near . i IK .'li v M iii'HM vil' and WA! 1' ? tklrvg i.i,u Mi . 6n. a- itihi-i famlly rooB a^lifiin . c i-iifiiK. Ui.' a- nnaleira glrl; *t!"i.i.'. obllflns snd tn.-two.-ui'. countrv; b-?t of refereneea. c. i SV.V_ (" .k or CHAMBEIUIAID.-Bt e r* ,i,.,t?l,;.- I'.ilorod kUl. Addn'aa J. E.. 107 Mardougal-at, Dom.atic Gitnaticms COanted J-emalea. ^* MRS. L. SfJuELY (formcily Mua, TL CampbeH). 68 WEST 21'D .T POREIUX AXD WMESTIO MALE AXD FEMtLa EMl'L'JVMENJ BUREAU ALL REI-Kl'.EX. LS ? srilii'i'LY IXVESTIOATED. 6eivj_i_* breaklue t_gair..i-<_ita wli, be dl.*.i:li_t_l from oQice aud, aU ci__u_ to ii-1 pald. N. R.-.VO RRA.NCH OFFICEi 03 WEST KD-ST. COOK.?By a rouug Sw?_U*.i woman, -peaiOiit; EttglUb; good buker., i-anie, soup?, maraetii-.K ; beat of clty refer? enees; clty or couuWy. Call or apply ?o7 lth*avn.. _?-tw.,en 2Ctii and 2<Rn *U. Clly flJ-t-doaa cook : cltv ..r toVm". try Call at prc._il o__i_o>u-'?, 1| Weat Jl*t*t., b^tw.-a-ji n and 12 a. m. COOK-lIi'l'SEMAlD?Br two rellaliia Xorth Ireland Rlri*: ...u.'bnl famlijj er, >_ _i,J iMindreeo; exparleaeea waitrt*?; neat, re-peotable, w_I undvrvUtud tu.w to work tluiroUfehly; clty, couutiy. Wlth Mr* 1YLER. 8bh 6th _ve? ^_ C',,,!_.-Ily a young fieoteh wonun ?a / luperloi eook, n,a_ea a_ ho.. Moada. leeeaaam. Ac.; p.ln 1 nadr_ ; Jnte e-tod tn I. r vv,,.._. W Ith Mr*. TlLEla 8.-1 .;,_._v,> (' ,-'K. er COOB ab- EA_r)TDRE8B.*> - 11' J Verv iraf .1,;-- Seat?>> glrl, , itv o? '-u-itry; beat referencea. Ca_S 272 Otb-avc . neat l7th-it COOK.?Competent; ?,.,![_, in-t* .nd d_*. ?- uxeaRant baaer; wiibiifc- ?>. aa io th.) eountry during suimn*r moutba. j:.*t .ist-_t. Can b<-' s.-en at present employer'*. 1:13 DA VS' WORJt!?Hy a rxspectable w.unan ; wlll go OUt wii-hlng or lioaa> cl-anmn r r.._, ln niibblnt;; referenee* lf i*.. lulrud. :A7 W.-*t 4(>lh-*t . LARKIX. Fl IU. li LA ?*-. C? !____5T HELR for l.o bl. :.nd boardln^'hoi.-*.-*. M. M., South* . \. tu -. lt_ \V -t 3_il-at. I/" l'.l.wil (iIRL lo n.Uid chTid*. n and a*. ?lat wltli chamb-rwork ; ,.ne year. ref. , n, .? Mme. N1EDER, 2A'J W.rat 20_ii. .. I*i*"nietrt; no card_. I^irsT-class *hlrt Irwier ?ho tb.r.' ouehlv underetandi .-\,rv braneh of tba Innndr huatncia. wlih** to go to tlie couit* nv. Mr-. J. li. a?q Myrfh-av. ., nroofclvn. CjTERMl X Wl -M a"X~-__c?. to do wra.,.-." a ln_ or cl.-iiiliip In or ont ut ihe hi.u.,-1 referenee. Mr*. ii.v..bER,s. ?2Ai We.t 60th -_.. one fllght, back. H0U8EKI _PER or COMPAIHOB.?Br iu Amerieu ladj ,,l .ducatlon and ox p.'ricncij: ir.ldilie a_--d ? hlfrh-ot ruf.-renei-.. Addr i*- Mr- a. ,1. i;.. 'irlbiiue Uptown Uffli . 1,288 Broadway _ HOUSEKKl'l'KK. -Hy a woman, a_a*J __M. ln ," iir.l.,- ? h.-r- th re ur- _? rvauta: referencew. AddraM M B T. ...,',.- iv-., Brooklyn, Mordaaal b ::. HorsF.Kri--.i'_i:. ii-, ., capable \ 85, a iio. itlon a.. honse .>?< p-r In prlvati ? nr t?r wldoarer; nfereocee civwi. Addrena Mra. Mary (.axxax. 12 wt-.i nlly a -atrniiii youiii. Anu-r-1 Icin iviiinan; tw-.. yeara' peraonal ref ?1 rook, waaner aod Irooar: citr oi ,i?ii,ii.. with Mr... i\i.\:it. ilo. otu sre, Hijl'si;\\iiRT<.-lly a neat Xorth (}. rmaa i r,,:.-.tant; enn cook, Nra*!i ..nd iron; [,,, obleetloa to pi\nu- ur boai_lng_ou?o 1 country; 2 yeari' referenee. ilr>, IJIRCK, 119 Eaat 12th-?t., I.etvde r 8d a:,d th .- .-. HOUBEWORK^-By T\2^o~\~suT: n ' V.-A.U .. -0 il b'lndroBi . aimiit an<l an\. oua foi 1 iteady h.,i-r.->; clty ,.r- country. _;74 a . ne* ITth-it., Mr-. 11 all-. nOI SEWORK. By ' " weaher i.d i.-.-err willlng, obliglna ?md irtMtworthr; e:ty or ootUKry; ref-r. A67 4t!i-OVe. J- i : ? ? EtS \V ,;,te?l, .-Hr ? of flat as Jmil! tor or .rontleiuan'* l,,,,? ?i^ri. ramlla li away; only iuhi _n.l wlfe; no chlldr. u.' it,_ Ii 51 fo! well .-..,* :...-J. <l'.*I.-? j eraploymenl aa latelllgaot traveiiiug ? ?1 .-- houie coi panion, tuto*. 01 In bualQeae where -xc-n, fti ouallOcatlotu wiil ba i-_iu_icrati_. .1 . Lnx is, Trtbana Offlc". ]AJin - v .,,, ,;j \ ,Ur _. , "gfri^ _ ipeaklne ).,,_:,1*1.; kalrdreaaeai _n?.? l.ow- t. -ut and at; 1:00.1 paa.-k.-r; wuiiuk ta tiaN.-?: ^ y, ar*' beat clty r.-rttreuc-s. Call '_Lajl1 ' ? '*"" ~ita *Ad ,<:t)tn at< La . m ? r. 1 61? -Iii7 nr*t-cla-* <?.>r-ii .1 Prut?_tant; "iHinz to aaaiu w-ttb aaaa_ work: oo obleetloa to prlvate or iu;nn -t .-1 : 2t -? ii>' r?ler??iee Mr,. HIRl IC, . ? i2th *t., ..-?-. en M _.d ith av.* IACXDKE88 an l"Y]i.\ >_ M.itMXfir A Rv a -1,-mi- glrl; ?tricttv flrst-clia** family laillidreM; nprfocl olilrt. collar aid -ii:f Irmi r . ',--.. r fereneei; cltv or eountrv. Wlth Mra TYLER, .<? - 9Qi-dve._ IAV.VDRE68 liya youna Bwedlah airl| _i und.-:Htai.d.a aii flno WH-I.lne. l.-onb j, ilu.lng: elty or eountrv refireoeaa. Apj.ip 857 4 h-aye., 1- te tnd 20th ita. MAlIl.?Bj 1 :-..t.-?t_nT ulrl : eiC-llent T<-f-r- n ? r uo>A p!a 11 dlnpoaltlon l')i-?e ??-ill or :_d,lr-..i li_i.SK. .ar of Noblett, 1 ol. W.-at 431 ?-._ \ - - ? i:"-Hy a c.-7,r_i il n-..- ana naaaaeur; long expeHeaea a,i,ii the very i,-_t of refereuo. fron loetora and fanifllea, v,,,,ii.i ;i... t,, Meure a pi_ e a? at'.. .nliiiit to a liaali . . ? ..-uy. I ill or a.lii? m. u v. 1 * i:,*tii-?t. \ rils. aud LAl'MU'.i'.-s. By a n rtS li Xorth Oa?man Ham. -tr .. :i.J Bm i,ei _:?.?-.,rk,-r j I* .>?il odu. ? -a:.d, ind ipeaka Ibre* i-iniriiaK'*; J -,- .r-- r t.i .-ii ? -. n0 obJeetlOO to (i-i to tha rj Call at Mh. HIRCK'B, 17b _?_*.! Un, -.. 1 ?... -i :?'i nnd Itn jn -*. ^ IT..?*!?'..-By % vo-ni Aii-ri-rui glrl, '0 an "' ehll Iran and ..*-ist Mitai . ',1 er w irl ref-r n< eooatry. L. I.I.NT 101 0,1i--im-._ ?vj 1 RSE and sEwTxi. "Unji Aji.-.i. .1 ran woman for tnfant 0 Kiowa ehll* dr.-n ; can tut and t'.t 11 t country. Nvitn n_ tvl.u, ^.*a _ ? Nurse! b. i fi ... ' Ira-n, t.. g tii tne fnr lummer: would -a*-.-' i.-n. ehambar* . - ? id -- 241 BTi *t :iOth-*t. JV r lt *. !1 j I ?! - r _ II womr.ii. .- I r- 1 0. , i\ .111 ',r titf iane ladj 1 ?- refereaeta, Addr- *a 1 lt 1(. '?' I.--. 11 Ml. -:._ I) Nnl.i-U -I N . -.:--,. C *i~-*k.,,_r Enyltah; willlng to a*sl?t 10 1- |0od ,-eam-tr.--, u:.der*tanilj rbao.l.r?orK thoroughly ?'(.-, 01 ,ountr-.i k| J57 Itleaxiv Ui I ? ? ;i.' . .1 1 ? -'-. .rr.i,-, - ,\ ? be fii_il.*l..*l at ihorl notlef f.# fcuntrj L. Ll m Sl. -M-*l IU . ?.?I , | - < T ind I I* Of famllv f,-?li i ? bj div 01 \v k, or Ua_ le-rninn.-ua D Bm H8i Trlbuna 1 |.-.i,vMi nd: p, 1.238 Ilroadway. Sli.-. .11 HAMBERMAlD^*! V ry - -I'. '..,-, 11, r wonld al a*'l io fcrawn rhlldra-n; i-r*t^i..*a Aodreai COSME, car* M x.b* l. tt. 101 Weat i.',' _ SIMMS SELECf tOENCY, 101 Weal __-i?*'... neai (1th-iv< . in* ,,., liand 1 Dumber 1 hotel eooka, liud aaNaaa -. chanibermaldi coachroen, gaideaaM - |.-i-i-,rm?i 1*. *? a-> -? - eto. WAlfilESB and CUAMBERMA1B. .17 , ie > ? . |. i |. 1,, .1 ; t:;*a. u,.?- waltre*i ind coi, b.-|i,.al,t; d->-r* p a . ..iNlmr; ,I'v 0* .ountry. Wlth Mr*. TV I. ' -_ Wiiy a voung .Irt: can taxi battier' alaea: b.*t o r*. na! cl?r ref. en-o.-ee, wt'-ilui aad irm-iowr, city oe iou 'At. 1 aii or jpyi) 347 ith-ave-, be* t. ? -i "?': tnd .???h ata._ it' m fitl _H Bj 1 ii-i -iaa-i Prnte-tant] . T :- MhMb , .Nll'lim tai s*t . -'; ? 110 ulije. (lon to pri, ner h.?tal; 3 le^r-a" refer-: IIRl K. 110 K_*t l_t!.-.t , 0.lw<*a_l Ad an. hi- ?-. - V nl ... I.AIi. who ba- I, --,- I.- Rurup* wi*ha*? I.. !?Ke mr.- ul .-liliheii, nr lu valld. to (.*inmiv ni Sw It/.r.Ji.d. iu ex. elilii.- for , 1M11 pa-?i;.- Add_\wa, U. B*JB 11J. Weat llobukcn. N J.