Newspaper Page Text
y/va^ot^c^ \??lfi*2S_.. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 14, I801.-TWENTY-FOUB PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT8 V?M-I... THK NKWS OF EUROPE. fWGLISU HONOB AXD ENGLISH INTEKEMS IN AFRIC-V. RTJ9SIAX JEW B-.ITIXG-THE IRISH QUAR REJ>s_ctR CHABXM B1LKF.-FREF. EDU CATION-TIIK OMXIBUS STRIK-? ART TUFinsj? PER?OXA_. t?TT CABLK TO TOT TMBe~_1 flBpfHpbll 1W1: Rn TXe Tribufr Aanwmttmt, IxindiMi. June 13.-Portupa! may ?8*1 ?** ,ati*fled wlth ber new an.l with l/?rd Salls burrs ta the petty fclBgdeiB whlch he ccmipliments as EiiRland1* BBBJBBt nlly. fjiSrlHixl niakra her aneient allv a presct.t ..1 8 Bfllir! block af 50;0?0 sntia^ raiVts of Setith Afn r_n teiriton BSVth al tlie Za_??H-si. Ensland keeps fe,r b-rsclf a mnall strip of Mnriealand. wl.crc, as Lord S.Hsbnry reniarks cusually, aaM mmers arc now nt work. lVrhaps a BB-UB mlle <?f BhB K?ld may pr-.v to be worth as nnch as HftT thoimati- where thert* is none. The trentr follows otlxrwise tha mnin lines ef the former treaty whieh PBrtagBl angrily rejected. peppery I.ttJr pewer fBta 11"? _? lf*- la?(,s wl,pr'' t1ie uatlves can work tmt Europeans B-BBOB, not even the Portuirnese. Lord Sallsbnry was a-ked fr-.m motives of pl.ilanthropy to resc.ic Ihcaa un Inippv native'- from PortUKuese rule, which is of a barbaraiia kiml. He rcfuscd. There ls. l.e fiaid. aoinelhiim Mg-Bl than pliilanthronic mo tlvea. There is the 88?__ 8_B8flBB?Bl af _?* land. She recejrnire 1 ri.rtupiiet* claims 99 the treatv af 1817 whlch was cwnfirmed ln 1<*4 7. That. in hls n.lnd clo<-es the eontroversy. New JBBBlT-ni msT 1?kc note of the remaik. Otheis also wlll note that all ihe prewure put npoB Lard Kalisbury by tlie Sofrth Afrienn Company ls with? out effect. lie prefers Britisb honor to Hritish lntercst.-. Some fresh hV'ht appears on the B-B-HB T^rse ?ntion of tlie .lews. Tlie Einpemrs N_l B_B ta now snlrt to lie fo drive them all 1-ac-k within the pale; within, thnt Is. thom distrlcls where lon? since KnaBiaa #8B_ were ordered 1o c.mccntrate. Tha* outai.le are outaide by i-ermiarion. Now the permi-don ls caneellcd. The districts whlther thev nre or.lered will nol etipport tbem. If half a million re-cnter, another half million must flnd their way abroad. Tltere ia, howr-rer, le*-, f?-ar of B peneral cm-lus. Mr. Arnold White, BBTOB Hlrsch'6 ?*re-: t. t-.'iV_r%ph?* t. Lord Bat-BO-lM that there is no niirn of emiar?4ion in ft body 10 Enp lund. I'erhaps not; but nelther ifl there any si^n of any rclaxation of Kussiau intolerancc and cruelty. Mr. PaTiell is at isfitio witb Arrhbisliop Croke on the (411csti1.11 whether Home Hule be or l>e not iltad. It i* >li'i"1. ciie.l His i.rnce of Cnsliel, a week einca*. and you killcl it. Haaae Rule is not dead, retorls Mr. Parnell; and l.e does not think it iifedful to a.i.l, IrtaBSBBB t-BBgll he l*e, that he ,-lld not kill it. lf. adled he, " it were poaaible |8 Hli lt. vou and your fellow see-dere w.iuld liiv.' kilW'd it. MMM_| mn reolly kill it anleaa you i >v oside yo'ir lndcpt-i-lence, your Irish public spirit, ati.l have future in tlie _B_da of an Enulish p.,liti.'al |-.rt.\ ..r politieal lender. Then. in leed, would Iriish liherty l>e taa*." It i? B ttne pja-ye ln its way. lu:t lliese leeriminatiiMM between tbe Irlsh bUrop and the Iriah lead*T leave us wheiC they fo-.n-l us. Mr. l'arn.'iTs strucirl.* is a (BOanl tme. l.nt hC bses trrouml. He spukc laal Sini.lay to 15.000 people at Inchicoro, a Diiblin township, wliere manufacttirins: iuiltistry haa rnfse-1 the popu latlon .itliin---- l->t dsxiatl*: 50 per ceut. He was reeeTVed wlth enthusiaam. It is not eutlm.-i.-i 1 which ii* ever wantlng in Irelaiwl. His six*"(li had little ln it that is new, aava that ba n<.w ?>_eni t- a?J.-.u >,n nudlt of tbo TmmaVK mnils 10 " my friend. Mr. Willlam Oliiien, wiicn h~ 888BM out of prison." There are those wbo think tbr.t when Mr. O'Hricn and Mr. Hillon comc out of BltaoB -~ faoB of Irlsh afTaire will lie chaimed. and Mr. r?inell'a relationa to Irish patt-OB will <><> ekaiv-'d with la?_L L_ airttf aaoUiei o'Vort will U- made to coiupronriae the dtaanits whicl. on both r-idca is (8H t<. f..!cli.?.le rum. Mr. and tlie Irtali -crgy w _* laro bbbbIpj of coBipro uiibc. Bath pbU-BbI and -pricstly dfctatioa have n connnon abjaoB Mr Gladata-C arill nol _1"~ ItCBBld Home Knle, should l.e ever 1. r-e it io ^ive. unli's*. she BBtlBC?88 Mr. h.irnell. Tbe .prie5t? f>pe thp.r. n..w or never is tlieir chanee to Il BBtahl-b ti.c political control of the Bobmb Catholic Church in Ireland. In BO 8886 arc the Iriab. people to he pennitte.l V- povcrn theinaplvcs. T_8 OlJ-BBirr Tf OtBBPa-BfBti l.t'tw.'-n Blf. Par jiell an.l Mi. Henly oontinues. Mr. Healy had taken up the cry aboarl the lunds in Mr. l'arnell's hands, and espccially tie defencc funTi. "That (lefene-c fin-.l," aaaarwed -Mr. Parn-'ll. "la the i.-il.v oue out ot the whole nuuilx-r that Mr. Uaalp did not Ret a Uta out of. CoBBBqocBflP it. _ one of tbe very few iu whieh there is BBJ _il.uice left." There w:_ a time when Mr. P.u nall would have ( tliis boit oi thin^, but u man fiKhting for Ufe olntehefl a1 any wcapon. Jt ls nol. tire flrnl tinn* that UB*B have been L.-ard that Mr Healy han inade a good thinq out ol llouie liuk' lUahniifBllj. but indinctly. The relations between a-lultery and politics bave not lieen.^ifter all, linallv dtapoaed of. Mr. Gladatone tlioiiprht that l.e luid settled the (ities tion when. ?_ the mouthpiece of the Noiiconf.-rm iat eoiiacieii<e, the d'jv..ut old Clnnchniai. wilh drew bi*. alk",n:aic4; tttna Mr. ParneU : bul lt apain to tha surfaoe iu the p4'rs.iu of .Sir Chuiea Dilke. The co-reapondent in tbe (. rawfoni 88 B aupplant^ tiie .o-reHpondeut in the O-htB OBBe; anpplanta blta, thal is, as the objool oi Iflunedtate (ua.-ern to two bv uirl.t s ..1 th GladBtOBlBB P?tty. There ia oue branch \vliich rec.irni/es adult ry, eaot-tally wiien ooopled arith odleaB debaachary and a lonir couitj-' "I iinni:i:il.v i-ondu.t, BB B i?'i BB-WBl di*.[iiali!i.'.iiioii lor pul-lic life. Tbrre is braneb, perbapa bbopb BB-aeroaa, whieh, on i-ioiiiiili> ol politi":.l BXpetttaaeyi would stiile fbeee scan-iiis and the aatltara af then iBfether. Both are diaiuavcd by whal tf oalled tlie fi-?. ll" i-Nou nt Mr Charira DUlCB to acoepl tbe Invitation af tha K'.icst <if Dean eaaaHtnencj t. ataad foi raittalBCnl 81 the next election. His lu'sit .tion in dtcd _m haaa Ba more than Baiden ooyneaa. Rabady evei aopfoBod thad ba waakl deeUne __ offer ..f what is und- ratood to be eertaio election. He will tbererhre reappeai in the Hoiise ol Cbm uioiib nc\t year. It is not the mcie .s?-a1 ui l_r li-ment whiv;h he W9Mm\ Ho meai_ lo IB8BBM 1 ia old pW* i-i tbe ci.ut.ciis of the party. Rb will be stronjrly auppartad and btror.^'I.V OPfoaed. Mr. Oadataaa, la Ihe pavaenee -.f thta eonteatlan, wlll hiive ta deeide whetliei, havinj: brokt-D *ith Mr. P*ruell Ijecauaa _e was an adulterer, he will ie ceiv,- Kli Cbarlea Dilke again l_tB pa_ty fellow aliip, thoafb au julultcrer aaara fO-tp than Mr . PBroeU Tlw poeaaity of decldlng will I W'ice,,l>i4., I, it 11 i? iiievitable. Me.nuuie, 1 tiie (jla.iai.Liiaii argBOa ebBlllf. lor the njoa! |_rt, . the BMTtm that ailenee is golden. The chief of , them ta l.uii.loii |8BBB-a Ihe fact 01 Sir (harles Dilke*. aeaap-taMa m two ii_es of its obBBBBaat typ?v It ia now belifved that the Oovemment reaJlv means to try to paaa the Eree E-lueation bill which Sir Willi&m Hart l>vke intn-luced on Monday. Il is aaln.ple meaaure, freein-.' manv, but not all, sehoota, L'ither l.oard or voliintary. at.d BOt entirely fl_8> Ing .-li thaap to wheajD Ihe ?rai:it of aaoaey ??? the Trensury, len 8?aU-BBB a head per antaui, au pllee. The I-lai.ils BBI dLsposed to a'-cept it Ofl tlie huli loaf principle, recent i-i.ctious baYing cons1uc4'il then, that tlie Toriea cannot make much, lf ai.y, p..!itieal cipital ont of the measure. The Latai l'uici_*c bill atill liluck*. IU- way, bu_ the rr-port stnge is endel, and the tbird rcadins of the bill is flxed for Monday. People who wnnt *o mairy their dreeased wives* sisters are very auajry at, their failure of Wednes dny. They have a good cause. if nn issue so lim ited and even tafrial may he ealled a cause: hut Uiey injnre it by hnd niiinners and had Kmper. Tlie disenssion of this rueasnre, oiten piryd by the House of C).ir.nir)tis hy gr?at mnjoriti'-s and as often rejected hy the Hous? of Lords, ooenrrrd on Wednesday afternoon, when the dehate ended BBlaWBlloailJ at:: ?:.<? fcfBBjaaT There were sp^''18*88 on hoth sldes. bal no vote wns reached. sn the disappoinfed weuld-be husbands of deceased wi\<s' srsters ar? loud in lheir oamplaints af unparliauient ary and intlecorous -_?__*_& Such complnlnts soun 1 o.Ml.v in tho innutha of people wlios? whoie po liticnl life eonsists in olwtnie.tion. There was, it secms. a conspiracy to prevent the majorlty from prevailing. Tlie Ilomc Seeretary, morrover, made, 6aya the (Jlndstonian organ, a virulont at? tack an Mr. Chainberlain. If it was one-tenth l?rt as vlrulemt as thoBc whicli this sninc Blgaa has made for years, tlie ripeaker would have stopped it Ht Ihe lirst seutence. The nme:idnieni ?; proposed hy the niinority are derided as ehildish aad ludieious. II sti^li 8?88888 are to la? tol ernt?d, shrieks the (.rTSTn, pnrliamcutary gnvcrn niont will lieci.uie a farcc. Ils friends have fnr years done their best to make it a faree. The viriiio'is Sir William Hareoiirt remoiistrnlod against obslruction hy Her Majcsty's Mitiislers, and the ortran plays a simllnr fuio. Well, it is vae&ly ddvertLng to aaa bota little obatrntrtionia?i like obslruction wlien practised a_ainst selves, if, indeed, it BBB. practised. UM oinnlhns s-tj iko ends with a defeat for tlie drivers and eonduot.irs aa the |Kiint wheit tln-.v o'lp-lit to have won. Their day's worh ib heiac fortli to be li_ailed aa twelve honrs. This lhe empleyers ngreed to last Monday. The men have gainod nothing of impoitance hy staiiding out. They get an inerense of wajiea;> init thnt, too, was conoeded iti principlo beforehnnd. All their other deniriiid.s have been rejocted, and tli?ir loss frilm a wcek's la_-B88B will requirc many weeks' 88?ta slxpene.cs to make up. They were, of cmirse, in the hande of profeasional agitaters like Mr. Sutherst, Mr. loba llurns and the rest. They, und not the men, nre reanonsiblc for all that has hoppened sinee Ma_t<ky. Piblic sympalhy, they s*y, haa been with the omnihus drivaia. Public sympathy is a very curfaMM thini;. It expreeses itself in curious wnys. A great body of public sympathy is elearly on the siUe of Sir Willium (ionlon Cumrnlng. It is ei|ually indifferent ta the fact that Sir William Cnmming is a ohBBa. and to the other eajially undeniable fuct that the omnihus drivers and conductore strnck against a svfdem whieb pre vented their chentiug. However, lhe fact ihot puhlio aipii.ion is dobauched, is no rcason for not taklng it into account. lt has had very con slderable elfrct on tho strike. It kept the BottOB quiet. It hroueht tlie Home S'cictiry to hua lears in the Housc of (. oinmouH to aunotnice that he did not Bj__fB__a_ to lake sidea in a Btf-Sgk lietwecn employrs and employcd. lt has pro ffniiidly iDodllied the attitudc of Iho press. It haa made people who do not ride in oiiinilmses lol erant of the inconvenicnccs suITered by thaca who do. It has strengtUeiicd the modern doctrlne that the greateat. good of tho BiaateaB Damfaer ls, at any time, to Ik> raa__aal_r H.eriilcea to the iB*_arlB8 oi a ebtaa, provided this elBBB bclongs to 1lic ni'.iWa?s. H al lows the social madiine to be derar.Ked at the pleiuiurc of any one of the umohiuiats. IfafC openly than ever has this new gospel l^en nraaohed Ihis week and practised. Those who paa-aa. i^ BBB ?1_8 l-MB." ..:.:" IdM it? S ? tba oMtset; Cartlin-d Mar.r.lns, ?rbo is a hybrld (crowth, a Bealallat and a Prlnee of the Church whirh condenins Socialiam: ?*??!>hle __ata_alaa_ lika Lord Aberdeen, and a hoBt af Bdnoi JouiBB_ aud poHtieiaaa. Some of them have trone ovcr Bi t.he party of anarehy without knowing it: aome of them, l?ecause it i? the party of anareby. Their luotivcs niaiter little exeept to theni-sclvrs: tbeil public acts and -BClantaOBB h ive had an iuflu ence whicli will bc fctt far hcyond ihe limits of this ooanibaa strike. Ijonclon hns discovered with ast.misiiiiieiit th .t it pcts on fairly well without oannib-aaa. Dootora assure the public their abaanoe is a poaitive boon to the popuhtion. More nicn walk, aud aralkiaf does them _rood. The noiaa of London hus aaatatbly al-ted, and there has been what p'nsi.ilogists call a period of neive rest extremely banelicial to overtlraiiied systems. l_e roar whleh tilled the air is seen to l>e due chiciiy to the thun dering of thousonds of these hugc vehiclcs over tbe iiirjcadntuized strects. l^ven the shopkeepers ot lhe Wcsl End, who thought tdiat they were goiir? to he ruined, are not ruirred. Tho trreat, majorily oi lheir OO-tO-ten used to bc brOOfbt to them by the omnibuses. Tbit omnibuses hrinif them no lOOBBfi )*?it tbc shojKS of Oxford-st., BegB?tBt. and the rest are aa emwded as ever. S.'ine of the r.i.n.ense ttilked BboBl some ol tlie modern llrititjli art Jias had a practica. answer ..1 ( Jiristie's. when tlie Matthews aoUeotiofl was si.ld by auction. Mr. Matthews was n rich brewei who bo-gbt ptotaica bjr artlata wbo were in faa i i?n. He w;?* what is ealled a patron of art. He (hliiht'd in giving hi'.rh price.s. Wli^n Mr. I'rith was al tho tup of ihe Iree, he bOOgbt Prith. Whcu Sir Frederiek Lalfbtoa wme up, he boaght Leighton. He bomgbt, iu fact, cannea, and witb this curious MBllt, that the colleotioB which, il is belleved, eost blm tbra_-.a__rten of a nillioa dollars, sold lor 'oia? 'juartor. Ifr. 1 rith. Sir Kred.'iiek LeigbtOB, Sir J. E. Millais, Mr. Cal deron?for eraa the Boint Blaabetb adrertlae> me-1 did noi aerre?Mr. LeaUe aqd many anotbei art al of renown, paaa ta preaent, looked on, wblle ti.e prodaeta of tbe-r f^aaela abrunb under tbe hanntei to one-tnlrd of their eoal priee, or aome tlmea even leBB, The t-OBptiona were Mr. Hol Hunt, Mr. Uook, aud one weU-knawa pleture by Sir ivciu'iiek I_eighton, "The Mnaie r_aaon:" -Ti:e cmtrovei-sy abonl Mr. Caideron. antazing Saint i- li/.iix'tb baa betn taken ap bj ihe Catholie t'nion wboae pretideBt, tba DnkB oi Nortolk, Bp pe.l, to tba Counell ot the Royal Acad*_j noi U, parnet-atc tho acnndal by ntakini it a part oi ,he permanent exblbltion. The Thev aic aornr tbal good CathoUoo ahould be i ' fended, but they aiesnm thal Mr. Caideron , ,,, | pave und itrtifnl spuit a arork ol ui ln whleh elotbed aaonka an anataff. " laratendln, d l ta gaae, on aa anclotbed woman The pletnre la tbenfon to dettgbl the eyea of tbe BrttUh toatr a and her dangbtana fax an LndeBnlte period. The eflari ?-f the oflichl Brtnd to axjircsa its of Mrs. (.rimwood's henic dev.,ti?ii in Manl pi.r 1ns found two __tpi*Jt-tatai She 1ms been awarded tbe Boyal K-d Cieea, a badge deaigned l.,r good nuraea, and the Queen has cimmia.idid I ady ( roaa, tne wife ol tba Seeretary al Btata Rn Indi i. 1" ratil on MrB. Oitntwood and aah bei bon she is. Such are the bOBOta d-Otned surlicient l?r Lha BOBaatable eourage, conduct, forfitude and c.ol nod aetaai ahown ln bb awfnl Briaia by a araannn, %vhote line quatltka have hardly been surpaaacd n, mihurv ai.'ia!-. It is all well meant, and it la ludiorouarj Loadeqoate. Tha taef tl"' it is deemed btadeq-ata aeeaaa to have penetrated even the oflleial braaal ; for. after some da>V dekay, a fresh staiemeut is 1,'iven U> the public Tha _T_*I I_M I ( r.-ss hiniself will-shoild aOfab- d_aaateh8a 888> firin the l"e.>s accounts from Mrnnpur, tbe truth i,\ arhlob la beyood a o-uH-ndrfBe He* aa-Jeaa_y aa beatoa oa Mr . V'lctoria Cn ?'N bi'.i e tn U'esluiiiistor Ab'-ey ln memoiy af tUi John MaodonaW is a tribaae which b_ B8 p'Oeedenl. No eolouial bt.ilisaian bM BW before l>ee.n thaa honorcd. The QeBeB, UM Wnoa of Walea and l'rinorw I/ouiw seiit lepifBBntntlTea, und M did the peupia of Oreut Hntuiu. m tha 8818088 of the Speaker of the Ilouse of Commona and many men of distinctj.m. Ihe First I.ord of the Trea?nry and the Secretary of State for tho Colonka were there f-.r the C.verniueiit, and a luultilinle of orHciala from r.thcr 00knics wcre prc-cnt. Sir Jolin Micdonald's death has c-iUcd forth praise lrom thc British prcas of a kind aeldom bostowcd on a colonial li-ader. There is at such a rooment a rea] sense of the 6ervicea rendered to the Empirc Hc ls no longer mer<dv tl.e Pritne Mtn istcr of Canr.da; he is an ?ajdlah st.'tesnian wbo, ln hls time. had showr. on a les-er stare pifts 84)081 to these which in the Impcrial Parlinment itoelf have made j:reat repntitions. For many yeara Sir John Macdonald's nanie waa Inrd'y mer-tione.l ln En^land, save ln BOBBeetiofl wlth r-.-me politlcnl or dipi. ii.atic, eiisi . lh- >?? b-pn Baed hls will and his poliey upon CBBBda thnt FnrHsh r,i-!TS felt that Iniperial ititerests wcr? snf.' 111 hiB liands, and 6afe. without s?vina\ they were: saf>. with ..ncitions of redpMn itv and even of political union lastwcen (nnada and the llnlted St..t-'s ln the air. With other fjuestinns of ihe li-.heries more Biena.inK t*1111, the f-elhta; in EtlfflBBd w.s s'ill the same-Sir John Mucdonald will BBBBfO it- all soinchow. Probably his politi? cal recm.l iv nniiue. To bave jroverncd a great colony for n qnnrter of a century: to have crciited a iricai. coiunioiiwcnlth under the nnme of the Do minion an.l nt:dcr the CrOWB : to Ir-ve. duiinf all thla perlad, ataengthened the tfe betweefj thc col? ony an.l thc niolhcr c.nmtiy-what other EBfltob c..!..nial BtatTBBItlB BBB done such Work as this0 So hc paaaee away aarid aoeh aathaaaa of jrratefui 88-80 as echo abOBt few o'her trrave-. o. w. s. ?-? A SPLIT IX THE DBMOCBATJO CLUB. THE PP.IF.ND** np JtTfTICE DIWBB WVXT .-.D MI-KOB KADB BASIEB. That phlejrmatic l.ody of BOagpd P'.Htlcil BBftalora, th*' Dctn.KTi.tle (lnl). ha- B toaleat BH ?I I BH t wUeh B e>,|ii:t! Ils lnmicntial beyond a_ytht_B arWcb baa oocarred la it" Matory aud which nn\ ln I ii, far renehine c.ii-".|U-"i. '*'*? It wlll rul mlnate af lh" efab-booae, ffo. 817 I iftli ave.. to-mor row cvcniiig, When the club will T?ts on a prnpo-ed aiBOB<t_nnl ro Uw rules incrcaslt.g 'he. nnmber of l.laehtall- BBBBBBBf lo exrlnrte h caii'tldate for ?-Ba ft*om three lo four. Tli* aceptaaae or re j4-.ti..a - f BBB-MBfeB ls Mt the haraU of the ptoeaBtra Ooanatttaa, aaaipoatd af BJ-bbb' bmbBBoo. aad as Ihree of thc - ,:..v. rnir.-." eaa uinJer oxlstlng r<'gnla tlmis detar any appBcaat for artn?is*i<>fi, aome of tlie Bbla BdabeiB "f Ihe clab ron.-lnrtcd that thc d->;>r of et.ti"itiea waa (?> ? aarr iw. Tlll'- oplnlon was eripln i/.ed ixrentlv when Pollce .in-tiec P.itti.-k Divver klMCfced for adinl--1 ?:. mtMtt his " aaaiallaii t-. tbe beneb." it waa -<?an loand thal1 t1 rea Of thA >>*?U0C8 wera preparcd to bl*chlit.ll hlm. Tiieir reaaona wcre sai?i to uc bofb putiAea an.i leraa, nnd Ju-;l''c Diw-r's frU'ii.N, U'lug gaMed l.y a WfcM iii-.i-.-ii.Mi, wltMraw l.U munc, but nt tMt- i-ame titn d.x-l.-.r *1 iliat a nih' whlch oporat?l to Ctclnd.. BO ablalnp a Daaionatli Bg? oagbt ao bo andBtad. Tbe (s.iit"=t., ttterofara, la rt?By bt Mrran tbe BtenBa and Iba ciicinl. s ..f .lii'-ii..' WWOr'a in!ir,,:--i...i ti Ui.' elnb. Thc epponenta of IM aoiendniaiit doelflio thal lf tbe oambar of bitvcki^iu raqairod t-i aecatffe an appBea* tioti is i!ici*c?i-t?(1 coiHlldaT/;- ..f a \v<ir-.' type c\rn than IJlvvet? may WlfOeed in ?etiiii(* in. ABofatber lt ka a de^Modrjr pretry Athi, .ind tbe i-ln!, |a i-.4t.Kll> (livlriliiir into Ilivcor and anti Divv.-i parttoa. ITalaiaHj. Mr. Iiivver bclnp one of tl.e Kapor*a >t.n- appobilaieatB, tha Htf goaanunaat la lieliiK drawi. iut.i tl.e eontlict and lt-- trlu-ii. aaorted io a-iv.-ci.y of thc adoptlon of tlie anend?i mt, Howarer it reaoll -, anlmorftlea :in<i beartbnrnli - in.iitui i<i lie among tbe m-i ptaeo?ls. Tbe oontesl atalns miditJoii.l algnlileanea bacaaae Bm ?nb ha la-n lelected aa the headqnartera of tli<- Demo<rrati( Kallonal Commlttcc, and b icblaai wltJitt. lt? w?ll wlll !.c apt t.< attrurt wlileajn-eiwl aBaH?OO. The. Tain inaiiv a;i<l antl TamitTunv fbreo* are <-\i '*-t?d I - iwann ?Ik.!1, vsit.'i nii Bie Btrcngtb tBey cmi Iriuster. J. M. IjKVY HAS HIS OO?T OFF. .Uffer-ou II. Ia'V.v ha^- itartai in for tlie Demnrratlr ii..niiuati..n for OeogrON in (he Xtt l)i?triet, wiih his . . - aod i-'.ii. i.k ?!Hri aiotrroa roOed ap t i the eflMrwa. *1 am in thc raco fo arte," .-nid l.e jreatar day, aa l-e -tnod on i Broadway oaraer aod -.yut i iiioiithful .;f t..l...< e?. jnl. i- nvi.-r th.' ivliccls of I trur!< ln Ihe tnlddl" o! tbe *tr:et. ?? \V. B,D. Btobaa may be tha Mayiw*! eaBdldate, a* li reported, aod my otbfer dlatfaajalibad appwiena, BOftaral MeWabon, may bave .-'lauiiv Btraog ik'.riiiia, bm I do nol fcar eitli--" ->f fhem. I ha*/a a bettar cBda lo the pia^ ethan Ibey hare, beeaaaa i liv-- iti tbe dtatrld wbleb I wi-h <-. eat." Thc xth waa General Rpinola'i dbfj-let. and thc rareosid_l eandldate wUI reaOy bave i fuii temi to -eivc. ? ANDTHKi; TAMMAVY MAN* BEWABDBD. Tammatry .ir--. Maad fr-.m Ihe Ooamty Deaietiaty aziiin yeaterday. Mlehael J. Doagharty, <-f the XVth Aaaeeably DUtrlet, wai appointed a eterb In Ihe Boroao for the OaBertlon of Arrean of Peraonal Taxea; aaiary, fi.soo. Doogherty i- a Taamany man and suppiont Sumvl Borrr, ? Coantl Do?Oeraef man. and one of ex bapervlsor Costlgan'a lientenanta lu ihu XVth Distrlct. EX*r-B18t7-E- WirtOY ABBE9TED. OreenfleM, M?i., Jane 13.*?C. Maaon Hoody, Ihe defbnltlng eonnty treaaurer, waa phvad ander arreel tbb a?eraoon oo : embeBaloa-ot, aod biv fore a-stice Malone pleaded gnlrty. He waa boond over lo Ibe Orand Jory ondei bondi of 810^KJ0, Hli old bapdatnen aud b_ Liutlicr. Henry II. Koody, iascame hi-. inretiea. THE CO.vr/7.1B.4.VD OOOM O.V TBB OMAEA. Ban Pranrtaco, Jane 13. In ob dlence t o Inatrno-ena Bon (ba Beanatarj of tbe Treaaary, CoUaetor Phelpa haa pteparad and forwarted i . Waablngton a r-jKirt of ,.,.. ).,;. ,- nribr*?d arttb the racenl aabara "f eaotra band good* on U_ I'nKad SUtei crolaai Omaha. Ihe I'u-tnKi- olDeer rho found tne dm Bad other Orlcntal (iooda on the llnlted States oinaha l- anthoritj for the -tat.-n-nf that acverol (,t Bnely prepared oplum aere 1?i.<i.<1 tbe timaha In a, unall D?at J'.-u after ihe entarad thla harbor. ?rhe oplnm wai arorth Bereral Uiousand dnllars, th-mch tha exacl amounl li nnknown lt 1- probably tho knowledge of thla bk4 tlmt i-d to the Treaiury nraer to h'.ld iiil pMHi*, lelaed and to make an Inresugi FXPLORISG TUF IKTFTiTOH OV AL ISBA. Waahlngton, Jnna i.:i.??'aptal.. Cbepard. ehkfoftba R.-vi'iiii.' Kartne Dlviilon of Ihe Treaaorj Department. ha>. ree la -d a '. !tt? freai Ueut nanl A. .'? Ilend tn in, .,,;.,. i.-.i I,, the revenae alean ? I ?, axplalnlng hli detcntton al Jemeaa, __*., aa .. aianeaa ln a nardet . ,:v.i taylng thal ba axpeata t.i.- ln Ban Pranelaeo on .lunc 31. He ny lhal Lieatananl Bebwatka and Dr. llayoa, of Waahlngton, lefl Janeao on Mav -''?? en M explorlnn exped tlon to Ihe Interior. lt i thair In to a-.-.-ii.i tha tako* Bl. * and then make ., ,i,_,..,, - tu the tok. i.i ' t-i Ihe head u u. -. of the Yukon aad bj portagei U> Coppea Btrer, . thej win make thelr aray to Ihe Pi clBc Oowao. They n_l be gone three or four roontha .a-*-1"?^*.^ [neel the Corwln somewhere ln thc N-rth Paeitit thla ?iimmer Lleutonanl llendenon -a-.- the aeoMtt la verv the ?now beli i atlll on lha -oantaUu ;i?rt ihe mlnen nol able lo b. -? Thla latter waa malHd al Juneau .... Jnne l and ,,,,!.,,;.., v,'a*hlngton on Jana II. whieh la ragarded ai a ireal perfon?*neo. A DELE0ATI09 99JJB fOi aVElSUET. Ds-loa. "ii.'~oe 18. Mootgaaawy Coanty Bo ?mbheana ln ^Ui' morning ehwfcd a ?Bd ,,,, of tarentj thrae for BeKH : for Oovamor. Reaolutloi - to thal efle l wcre rarrted ananlmooalJ aa ,;?. .i-vi.i-,1 lentbaenl of Ibe BepnbBi mi _ ?a ? ,|.,-v. Roberl M. N-mii. M..j..i BOd ?_jnr Daw-a baadrfl Ibe d. tegalh b. CAMPBBLL't UBBOUIXAtTOX mVBBD. Cotombas, Oblo, Jnne 13 (Bpoetol). I_e Damo Bh prtnartei for U.ib45iJOB of 8>_iBtai lo tbe Mata Canrentkra arew i.I beta tid- eiraahig, iad tto raanM u a eoarpfcaa rkton -? iji--erBoe c_i...i.-u. who a wUd .M..MI.-:. arith po-dblj ono a?c?oBon. -,,. Maada al Uarreaea f >?'?*'? '"?"" lha B_tlOMBpbaU -?, M by Iba ' i?"?M,.at. bood Z, aad Ibe aM ta-y-aboef pwg, bad wntird , ,? opponml Ot tl..- ?...???- for n-n..t,ilna.l-.n. thi rannty Ibelr battk tr-ind tor thelr i m -I .1.ptota "lef'-at of ' -' .'" ? u?,i- and townabln ",,!,. tl. ? popatar -v-,,,? laaaar. ao l-rtbar waaa to -l-.ul.t the r-.i-H ni..,-.- "1 '.aipladl. fjr ,,,.. ,.,,, .,,k lha oppoaHlaa taa beaii -ilBealki irriffVirt a_r_sfs Stad tor tumphall BOd o-a ta NaBlj WHY TIIE DOCTORS REBEL. TIIE WAR IX THE GERMAN HOSPITAL. THEY SAY THK BUl?-UBTBBDB-T INTERFERED WITH THEIR niAO.VOSF.S AJID DE LAYF.D THEIR MEALS. The six residcnt phyairtans who prewnted their resljrnations to the board .of trusteca of tne ?erman Hty-pltal on June p decided ycbterday to make their raasona pabBe. llaaaMinn they were stcadfast in their refusal to preaent thaa. Mrte (,f the case. i i t>m aeeonnl of lik- troobla poliBtbei exriusivcly In Tlie Trlbune 0:1 Friday, r-fcrenre was made to a fcrnial romplalnt of tlie physlrians agiinst Con&tan t no Matwtfc sup riBteodeart "f t'ie aa-_?ltal, pre?ent*d to th. tntiteea Bl their spcclal mcetlnR on Thursday nipht. A copy of tlie ronipln.nt, cigned by Drs. F. E. Boadern, A. Muller, R. A. Kurth, W. _ O-th, E. Maohllu and E. C t-chiiltze, was yesfr'rday plBred ln the hands of a Trlbune reporter. After cxpreaslug the hope that a knowledire of the prounds of the com alalnl waaM taaBfy the NBtgb-?oaa aad prevent a contlnnanre of condltt00a "that Impalr the efflcienry and aaaft?ncaa of thn haapltal aai*1*e.' the compiaint roads in patt ns follows: lhe BBf?rlBtaadaa*, baa aasurrcd an unwarnnted authnr Ity ln BMB?CtS for whlch wr alor.e are rcsponalble aolcly to j-..i:r honurahle beard. I* wmil I a*cm. fnr Iriaflnre, that, Bm __og_?et* ot pattaata prellmtnsry to thdr a.aaljrnnient to BM 1 rojur ward'- ?*a pr.-ullarly within our pmvlnce as ni.-n-li'i- ot Ot" BMdleal *8Wt\ The suik rlnt'iidcnt. how arvar, ?ho ia BfaaaaM not a phyalrBaa, aaa frequentiy and iar-i-t'iciy totarfrrad "Uh. nnd avaa taaaataBad. Uiid e*er tiM ol "; 1 raa_meat and tilKretiee, in tli*" aaaaaa! aaMsagnaaal 01 the taaaMal the iwiicy of tfio anp.'1-iiItaadaat h*? beon MMtaary, tncor.aldrrat* and ., . When, (or li.-utnce. atl.-ndun. e at meala. haa beea pr.ver.ted by raaaefl nf an op'ratlon or other emer ? m h?. Baaa aajan tf afca to conauit the con of *n. Ta_.piraaa_ um* aaaaaaafl nmat do with out, their mraLa, nuloaa Uio ataar* ?rr ni?(l* t? walt a lonpar ur lf???t Ume lor Un'in. Thr-o tlmes ln one aaa_ hia one of ua tren ..ltaed to walt for Ma teaajs* ln thia w*y .Ithfint liclna notllied of any chana. lu Ifea (*a*gaa li'.'ir untll ha *)ipe?red at the ___*? The brc*U_?t hour alao ha* been the aubjevt of r**_rnl 1 tlon, in whlch the .uperlntendenf* attitua* ha- Baaa neith-r dlmiiUi-d nor conalstcnt. Tho troublc in thia and ethat nVt/rs li... in the ID.'t ihnt tho liody of re(pilatl<:?_, prtated aaaaanaaat. f? aa* aata 1??a__a, ha* been m ? r. 1 nnd oriiiy BBB-adad *) ataah al tne a_Ba of Bta iBpaataBmnnii that it baa baaa laapaaalb- for aajpaa* bat tl... _Ba*Bfl-( nd.tit hlirs- lf to know wha, !-_**, __ fact, in our relueloii to th" boaplUl __anag*BBBBt( uiuat be obs-rved, or wliat artll 1.>fon ed. You aaabtleaa aaytaelaaa how mneh our dlftnltv and _____ ..f lionor, bo_ pradn laaal and pavKMMl, baa IX'-'n at -t_iic. F..r aa u. ciiitinu,. in ti'" worB ef Bta baapHol arMhat eaaaaaab- waa to aacHBoa earaatvaa ?nd to daalrny the cnil.ri.v and linpalr the uM-fuln-* of Uie hoaoita' Badt laaaaaafh a- an ain^ii to tou by any method 8B*er than bjp laaliaaMirB b__B8 not hara la-jp tu yimr niinds .,nr aaaceritf -nd eanieatneaa ln Uii" matter, wr I_iv.' tiii-fi.r- rc-lk'n. d. Wo aliiiply c?niiot r''in.Jii ln th." beapital ao teata ??. any i>art \eiiiit..\- r M Bta haaattal wori: 1- onder Bta aiftaWaa af aa* praasat BaparBiieodnit. Mr. l.udwU deniei tho rharccs made by BM physl rBaaa aad ls crmtent to awatt the doriairm of the Naist,^- riext Wednowlay. Wlien talkltift to a Trtbuno reporter, Mr. I_dw_g ?aM tbat iie had not exceedeB hla anthorltv, and thal he had not been tyraimlcal or cruel. Tlie ragalatio-t were wrttaan. Ha couW ,,nlv follow them and n tt dhrepird them. Mr. Lud arla aays alao that be baa baaa ln tiw hoaftfal two reara nnd haa aever ind tronble with Uie phyak-lana. Tho doetora, nt the reanest of Uie tnisfys, hiv: decided to attond to tbe dntlea at the hoapltal ontU ,,,,,. 17 Thj. ,! -ctairm baa been reacbed ln order ihnt tha patlanta WlU not lai without medioal advice and attentiuti. BV8SJABBACOE IS ESGI..1SD. AN UTCBPBISK WHICH M\Y BE A RIVAL OF CHKOAOO- THADE. BjrsaMnatM, June ia.-*Juti?taii Rusk has reeeived lliraagtl tba Bjfa?e Department a commnnlcatlon from en "li. _?_ Bdaar*a, nt Berlln, r-ferrinn to a rc i__Nia8 in Itussla, the objeet Of ,-. Iii.-h ls t" Mipplv tba Hritish nnrUets with ba-rnn. Tba organlsaUan ls the Baaalan Baeon Company, which has ;,c(iiiired a valiiabl* conreasiom from the Rtiaalnn Civrri'iH-nt. wherel.v it U enahlcd to operate 011 par\ advanb-tno-i tcun- tba BtaagbbBfboa-e n-ui , ,,r. ? :?, i.,r . it Orl iza. Tho faefx.ry WM ererted hy ilic Bnaatan Oilltlll?tail. and la capahle of handllnpr B.000 noga B week. The si?'<-lal advantage under the . lOQ is il,.t it Incluilcs a cmiraet with thn ,- of a/aya and Coramaniaaakai for a speriai ,,,,., b traa it from Hrlau lo t-ban, on the Baltle Baa. trom whieb tba baean eaa he delivored at Entrllsli nnd Beoteh ports ln tCT davs fia>:n the f.-olorv, nt an aaaraaBB eoal for tinnarnirt (.f > slilliin.s and o pence per ewt, Thbl i> less than the eoal Of transit from ChleagO to Mverpool. Tho Ume of transit is so omefa iborter tbal tlie baa-on can hc mlld cured, which ,1 is _Md lee-rea for it ta Uio nrltir-h Ruurhet a mneh lilt'licr vilnc. II is ;;s-ort<*l, owinif to this trf. ln-'. (f-nnan and Iiurilsh ba<'on i* now helnif sold in London nt 03 to 87 -hrilupa per ewt, while Ameriean brings only :iii to :i* aMHutjp. BBTVEMIXO TO TBEIE 0VT> PABTJFA, Kanaaa Clty, Jane 13 _peaial).?Jnaf b*__ra the fi11rl1111.iti (Viiivcntlon In whlch the Thlrd party was i,orn. Praak ateGrath, preaideot of tho K.-iusn, Btoto Alttanee *ant OOt a letter ln whleh ho snid that the movemeni was for tha porpoae of ttrenglbanlng tbe p , ,;.,:,, niitv, aad anlaea the Buatl-an Ajlianoa would |oln ta Ibe B-rremenl ,; (??:,?;,,:.,ti he WOOM .,iiix)--e Uw Thlrd party sdieme and would advi-.c tlie iue??bera of tho Alllanea ln i;., 1- to r.'tnrn t.- their oM aflUailona. .Mist after tbe Clneinnatl Cowrenttoo NeOraap start/vl out on a tour thraagtl tlie Sfata-. alMUng the varions :J1I ... and the Raalt ls abown thls evenini; in ii,,. f:t. t tbal tbe AUtanea of Cload Goanty i?is?ed !?.. , 1'iti raa determlnlng thal they wonM ntrl Jotn with party, hnt wonM retarn to their oM aOUatlona .,:;.! voeld rote lheir stwinht party Ueheta. Thia Diovemeot is ipreadtng, and lt is offlJHallT annoaaieed thal Roveral other AHIancea wlD foltow tnrl during the comlng weeh. _ _ PJffTT LIJEB IGSORET) IS UT.IH. Ball i.iie. t'tih. Jane 18.?Tha Be_rabBean Terri torial Commlttee mef ta this dty thia aftBrnoon and t n irattona ataBng that adrrleion by loyal men ,?, party inea lo Dtah ai this tbna wonM ha aa irrev ocabie and httal BBlarabo, a.s II would plaee abaotate .! the Tcrrlto'-v bl Ut* b_8M_a of the fir-t W~t .,( tbe Moraion Ctnneh; that it would apecdlly resalt ta |_ving Btateh.1 to tbbi Territory; and that ..,1 wonM ba nndar tba rontrol of tba Mormou ,.v: that Utab is not yet prepared to areept the traaf of _*-*?*ood, baean e the mnjoritv of her ,h"m!" stlll nialntalii a blgbar'e to the the.,' r _y onder wM?b Ibay hare aii their llvea aaaiad tban ,,, the ('..virimient of tlie DtUted Btatea; Ihnt _g -utterlal and p-ttttral tateraatB of Ctal tanyan-taefy dnniiod iiriit-i aetlon Ml tba toyal people of this T.'t-rii .rv untll there tban ba abaotate and ___ajt_Bh-ad nbandonmenl of potygtany, aad antll laeaonable ,ii i^- aappUad that tli? men wbo rontrol ..,.. gonmn rhunh have Bnafly determlna- upon a romplete aeparatloo 'f Chme* ani Btata m thia Par rltorj : thal the toaaattttea rtawa witb atacara rcfrrct the Brifllng "tt of a lew P>epat>taeaaa ao party Baea .,,,1 took* v iti. r mfl-enr ? 11 their speedv retarn to tbe partv thal ba* made poaiible web Bdraneo* iu tin , iit'iral, s,._*i and materlal prograas ef ttah as ha%-e tlnis far lavn Bccompliebed. one member out of a total of -fta-a --aantaa. THE IOE0 isl.isn B/CT^r.K RAIIjROAD. All.ariy. .I1111" 13.-The Long Island Rovnton Iilcyrle Battmad Ceaapany was incorporated to-day to Build a ataRle-trach road, twanty "i?cs in lentfth, ta BaBoXh i .,11 ity, frOBfl a pO*o1 0R Long Islund laand, at or near Point Ui.diiiK'. suff'-lU Couniy, to the Atuwitlc 01 ean. at B point on Great BOntl _a__Cb, ai^nt midwiy beta-eea Mfatah um aud tne life BtaNaa bo the boaeb, MKl eaat al Wattb lim. The .iipital is BOOOfiOO, __ ,,f vhlefe tbatl ba jiafaiiai aaab. The a_%etora ,ue ltv.lcn.k W. Iiu'ton. 8d H..I1IS. L. I.. who *ub inthad aw l.PBI riawa* *d tba aaaaMal af the c.mrany; Bearga B Hagaeaaaa and Jaba R. BBBtb, of iMtrhognie; Rerberl li Wa___, B. H. Ka.h. Thoaaaa F_\ .?' N?? Vorh Clty; Praneia ii. Vaa VaaaBaa. tt-Baai L. \V.I and I^a-v M. Kelronit. - _ H0Y1SG io BBl A^IIiE t WTLL. wn.! - ita i"i.. Jaaa u (Spo bal a_ajdl*8tlaa baa braa BV4 arlth the BiaBaBai af WOU af K<*it Caaaty, at !,,,,,. ., aai .'sid. Bh aiU af Baeaaja w- OBaanlna ..d at aioo.ocio to ar..o.(K?. Ut* nr?t taaat llimre*. E.i-S.<r.uirv B?y ,rl r.i'l BaBB?M Beaega liray. witb B. D. binKh'-ra. arn ra for (ba aB_, Biaaad Ridit.iy and I* \^ul. ott f.r Umj Baa*aa*aea Ejl-Juoijo Walter turniuln*, who lert this clty In 18S8 to avoltl arr??t for embez-cnvnt and mlsapproprlatlon of truat fnnla, and who ha* nevcr returned, U one of the partle* to the ault. -*. DEMOCRATIC ROGCERY IX DELAWARE. VOTERS innUOB AS DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS WHO HOLD TIIE C0_ LECTORS' RECF.IPTS. Wilmington, DoL, June 13 (r-p-ctali.-The dl-eoverv tliat aevcral tliou-and pc.->ons have been lllegnlly refurned as delitimiont taxmayers haa added another lo the lomR llat of Dcmocratic solicmes to defrund l> Ia ware napalllalBBB of Ihelr BaftrafB. Tlie latest ata clostiro reBartfi upea. the in.egrlty of Ooaraja W. MoKea and John J. Dougherty, collectors of county taxea ln this clty, whose teims rccently expired. Iu Manli these rollectors returned to tho Levy Court a llst cf pcrsons aaaeaaad for 181*0, but who, It wa* olloged, lud not paid their taxos. Investlgatlou by the Commlt-** on Bevi.lon has shown that of the 0.000 or 10.000 na?ea of persons returned aa dclini.uent-.. 3.000 Iwvo paid thelr taxes and hold the coUectors' rccelpts for the same. As the collertors swear to tlio cor rectness of the deliuqiient llst, they ara liablo for pe-lury* As Uicse two collertors now jointly owe the eoaaty aboat 180,000, th-lr posltion ls not cnv!a?le. Thelr suretif?6 ar.i fecllng an.xlous. Tlie clfect of retnroing of a mai as a dellnriuent taxpayer not only deprives the OOanty of hi* poll tax. but prcventa hlm from having tin rJgM to vote ur.til I88t In the prcscnt ca*c as there ls no election before 1?02, no hardshlp cau reault in this re-pert. Tlio lr*s to the ronntv other pftja wlll re-tch, It ls eatlniated. 87,000 to 810.000. Among the persons illegally deprived of the rlght of BaaeJ-M ls Phinp L. Chnrrhaiaa, a young hawye* ln ."-.'.niltor ingtrins's offlc<\ He appll-d to the Levy Court yesterday to be placed on tlie usscsMncnt Ilit, but ns it was deilred to get thc oplnlon of the Snperlor c-virt on a case of such impo.tanee, Ma 18 QBBBt was rcfused. Iu the Supcrlor t'nurt thi- aft"r nooii he appll-d for tlie 1-nilng of a peremptory wrlt of mandamus requlrlng the Levy Court to placo him on the llst. The Snperlor Court rrs-rved tlie qiiestlon on the point of law involved in the petl tion, to be decided at tho sesslon ..f tlie OOBli of Errors and Appeals. whleli wlll rojivcne In I*.v*>r next TB8B dap. The declsloh of that court la exp-rted to em body, animiK other points, whetlier the U\ oollertor Is liablo for p*Tjury and eaaheastanaart, and whether IXT'-on" lldirallv left off th" a-^eisnietit U*t. may be pla. ed upon It at the prenent time by Uie Levy ( rxirt. The caaa Iws been pitslnal. because tl.e eountJ noeai nionev tisdh. New Cistle, County I- b?nhrtipt. lt ls now rniinlng on 830,008 of borrowed money and II trylng to colleti BpwBrd .-f .,f unpatd hutea due from tBX (olle.'tor*. Deiiioeraiic prortlKslity atid ?(a__nagemont t*rc rcsponalble for tlie prts.-nt ondi tloli of afTair-. -? GEXERAL BARTOX DEAD. SHETCII OP Uls as a mimtary man AM) A THSATBXCAL MVXAr.F.R. nrevcf lirii;adier-<.ener_ Willlam U. Itanon died at thc Oflaey Ilouse last evenlng. Ho had been sutfenng from beart ticbtes nnd liright's dtsea-se for a ron-.ld crable time. and for the last two weehs hls death bad 0880 eon-tu-y es.p"Hed. (rt'r.cral Hartoii was fifty -lx year- ,1.1. Ha was born at WoaabrldBB, N. J.. nnd aaa tta son of a Pre*.byt?.rian ilaigf laan aad a m-.wiu ute ..f Prineetoo OoHepe. He j->.n.-d th" i-th itegi in- nt, New-York Volunteere, in Brooklyn, on Jnlv C4, 1881, a>s lleutenant-i'oloncr thc Rev. Dr. fBBMI 11. Porry, ?t that time ].;i-t :? of the PartBe Btwel Meth ralist Epii-eopal ( Imreh. wa- thc rulnnel. After thc death of Colonel Fnrry Llcut.-nant-Color.el lii.rlcn was pr-.inotcd to b-i colonel of the i-cglnient, on June 16, l-.'.J. Tliis recimei.t araa said to have loat mora r.ien In batUa than any other from tin. Stata, ezcept two. it wa- eogaaed al thc capture of Porl Boyal, rort R ij J Frrry, Kort l'ula.-.hi, l'o<-ota.llgo, S. C, Morris laBBOd nnd Kort Wagner, Olustcr, Qbeatar HaigbtB, Drury-': HlnfT, Cold Harbor, I'e-rsburg, Fort rjteadnifin, POrJ fte?lirwleh, Petersburg Mlne, strawl*erry riaiiw. Deep lloltoni, Cliapln's Hlutf, Fon Harr!*Tn, sjprtng Hlll, New-Mark. t Hdgb? an'* Fort 8_bBBP, -OOBBBl BB< too wha wotfhdod ad OUlaaar tad a8a~i at Cold Harbor. Ile ?_ musteit'd out oa Dcw-iiitier 3, 1884. Gaaeral Bartoa was best kaowa i.f late years as a theatrleal niannger. Ile undcrtooh thc munagement ..f the CBBfornla Tbeatre afler HcCaBoairb and Barroti gaea it up, and ba aftarward maaagnd J. k. Eeaaaett (Or one BiatTTT. and Colonel Ingcrsoll on n loetBIB tour. Hc and his partner, Clonel K. K. J. MIL's. <>f Clneln* nafi, buiit tho nijon Tbeatre of ti.i* elty, and manafed lt up to June. 1887, when th.y aoH tta baaa to Hr. Boaenqaoat Btaea thcn Qeneral Mlles had atanaajrd ? i.o-it in" on thc road. baal aat?aa hc placed a burli>que callcd ?? Ptppins" on the siau-e oi tha Broadway Ti.catre, time bel-g I'-ft open for it by tbe failnre of thc bendOD Oalety (ompany to liecp lt? Ajaerlean eontraei it wai a dire failurc, aod wblla rjeaeral Bartoa waa slck Colonel Mllea, bii old partoer, rame liere. paid all tta dBbta ineurrcd by tlie vetiture nnd closed the liousc. Affcr thi-, Oaoeral Barton weat to Ilerniuda for lil- healtli, but rotaned bM early in tlie beason, nnd while the waa still too sevcre for hlm to baar. _, _. li.-neral naiton's body wlU be taken to \\* t.. morrow morning, ar.d thc funcial will lake 81008 thcrc._ THE FIEE RECORD. SF.VF.RAI. FIUMS MFFF.R !.' Bi A flre was dWr.ivcred laal cvcnins in Ihe n-ar of the boUdlng at No. ^i-i Ortaowteh-et, whieh la oe* ,upie?l by R. & BOBBflB A' CO.. of th" Bow VorB - ?hlp a.-d Hotel Bappry Coaapanp. Po_eeaieo sent oat rm alarm and cnglncs irrlved Bl 10:16 O-toek, .--.-. tho biaae lalnel aael taBdway that a aeeood etonn was -cnt out. Befbra tha Bre was aoder raotrol it had Invaded Boa. 241 and 23!). Tlie former la oceupled hy tta Atlaa Bahher Company, and tta latter by wiiiiaiii ii. Wogkan, atatloaer. Thc se.'.nd nnd thlrd loori of the three balldlnra ar.. oecapted by Mi.-iia--i d Btraaas, prlatera, aad Oeorge m. 8. ilorton, pabBatar of "Tba Hotel Be portcr.-1 The bulldlnps ara OWOed by Hall d B-Cbet, aholeaale drogflita, of Ko. Blfl CrreeBWlei-afc, and ar.- t.iiilt OB land Icase.I fr-m ColumLia College. Tho losaoa arc rouprhiy esttmatad aa toBowa: will lam H. BTogtan, 86,000; Atlaa Bahbar Company. 81,000; R. s. Hc-'.'ii A Co., 88,000; printlngi efleea ,., Heood and thlrd fl.>or-, 84,000; loaa 00 luilding,, ij'll.lXlO. _ DAMAOI HY FI.AMF.S I.V A SILK MII.L. Flames wcre dffoorarad B few mlnatea bef -re 9 o'.-lo.-k la?t nlght ln the Bagftrarrre 8Uk Miil. oo tha top ih".r of the iroatory bnikUng Boa, 837 and 838 west Porty-aeooad-atM and they noa r.*e Hta a loreh atiove the roof. making a ihow which atta-ttoi a great ir-iwrl. Tln-ee alarms were runsr, aud thc lir*'...en .iiiiflned the tire to the top of the bnlBUag aft-r a hard Ilght. Fireman Patltch MeDonald, of Ki^-nie Ba 33, fell from a ladder and ctit hi> wriat scverely on brukcu gla>*. but hc Nl-Md 10 gO to ihe hoapttai j.din Maataaaoo, ol UM looatoiiea Pataol, waa o*w ,,??,. i,y suioKe in the building. but he raalved after ha wa-s rarrled to U.c open alr. Thc OaBUMja lo tlie ,ilk w;?s about itIO.ik*.. and the loss wa*. partly roverad by toaorance tu the amount of 80,000. Uo Sdnto tbe bolbUBf will eaat i~,ooo. BfUBivB r_i'Lo_s ABAtwn -s?7/r clubs. taflnifT-* -888- Jui.c i:i.-The City Mar>hal has Dotifled thc loeal tailors and clothiers that if they n-r-i.t ln orpanizlng -.uit Cblbo he will elOBB their shop? {?r violating the Lott?ry law. OLtOifi-GJB/.VE DV.ALF.RS ISDICTED. M L?>ui.-.. June 13.-TI- Cnlted MaBaa Of.I Jury haa rataraad lulblBOBBta again?t ?lxty iun? ratoll deai -. ?, ?i,. aaarajarlaa lor rielatloa of tha law 1a aciii"* oleomargariae ln unatampca pa.kuges. -1>-? A iMATMMBUAXVFACtUAKt 1881989. BootOB, June UL-OoOfBOO Hltcldngs. manufacturer 0| gtaBBi lud. cie.. No. UM lllgh Bt, with a f...'t..ry ln, BM a-o-o.d to Tl.or-as IV PBTI M BDd A- J. MU,.,'i Sewhall. Mr. Hllclilngs haa a in New v rt and ut -iv made arrangementa ... atart a faetorr u, Lelweil Bo BgBMOa are yot attalnable as to tho 11a bllltles or a*i?.et*.._ WHY L. 0. BtTMBSt WiTHJtRF.W. CBBh-fl BbbIii? l_ow, in ipeaa-Bf >.-' aBap of Uie wltbdrawal ol tael(i- abva-ai B-oa aha __ -f Baow i Darfeaa, uld: " Mr. Baraaaa araa a laator partnor. W, f,, nd l.e had baao indnliring l-i out>ld.' M d unforiu nate -1-- -AlOB, ai.d lt renden-d BBIII-H1 B B_ ?OlVtOg of I I- .-.-cne.-tlon Wllh the ilnu. Thc liim wlll aaaaa la aaaoog ihe other aradNara for the amount due it from Mr. Uurge.s. We t>f>k Mr. Bamaaa u. abao ha wa*. yoaaft nnd -iv,- bba * ahaaa in the buaineas. He wuated to ?uke uiuuey U? tu?W SIR JOIIN'S SUCCESSOU. SENATOR J. J. C. MUVflT Sl'MMONED TO FOfiM A NEW CANADIAN MINLSTBY. ALL EXCEPT ONE OP THE MEMBERS OP THB LATE OtniXET SAIT) TO HAVE PROMIS-D TO TAKE THEIR OLD PORTKOUO.. OHAPf.BAU*S DEMAXOS-TIIE XEW PREMIER'S CAREER. rcr tmanBMBB to thr tublxevt Ottawa, .lune 13.-Tbe Queen'a representv the has at last narned a auccessor to Sir John A. Macdouald. Senator AbboW, loader of tlie lata (...v.rnnient in the Senate. has been entrustcd with the task ol for_aiii? a new admUiLstratlon. I-t&t night, accompaoie.l hy Sir John Thompeon, Minibter of Juetice, the new Preinier bad a long eonference with Lord STanJey at Rideau. HalL This roorning Bt 11 o'eloek Senator Abbott, asain vteited tlie viee-rcgal re.sidetire, thia time alonc; and about noon tha orncial announeement waa made that he hnd been _ ealled upon to forrn a Govemmcnt. The aimounr-oraent created snrpriso here. as it waa -*_?gbi Sir John Thompson'a clnnces 1_ the olrice were the liest. It ia stated that the Governor-ficncral did call upon the ex Minister of Justice, but that tlue latter, knowing the powerful oppo-ltion BB himself In Ontario. su? pajated Senator Abboft's name as a compromise, and acreed to use aU his iiiflue-ce with the BBBftf to assist Abbott in forming a Ministry. Tlie new Premier is undouhtedi.v BB B-PB man. and la acceptal >le to tlie western provinces. 0t> tario, and tlie Maritime Provinces. Qucbec, how? ever, is stronirly in favor of Thouipson. Cliapleau, the ex-^eeretary of State, aod the aeknowlcdgcrf leader of the paTty in that provitice, went so far yeaterday as to state publtely that he conaidered ThonjBson the only nian available for the plaee. lle is bitterly opposed la Senator Abbott, and will anbabry cause gtaat teanbh unress a eo-nprornLse is efTeeted. Althoiigh one of the younsest tfiem 1-ers of the late (abinet, the e\-Secretary of State is a powerful man in eleetions, and has in the House of I'otnmons a followirn. of twenty membera wlio will follow 1dm throuch thick and Senator Abbott waitcd upon all the ex-MioKtera this afternoon, and, it hj Hiiderstood, sueeeedH ia induclng all to aceept their okl portfoliaa BB the r.ew ( abinet, exeept Chaplean, who woukl gftVB no decided answer. He Ptartcd thiis erenmg f(rr Montreal, to consult his friends. Cliapleiu's prioe for his consent to aet with the new (;..vernmen. is that Slr Haetat I/an*cvin, Minktter of Publie Works, and Sir Adolplu? C'aron, Mini.tcr of Milltia, Sball be shelved, and thit he slwll nceive tiw poitfotta of KaJJamya and Ca_ala. LanRcvin waa tlie late Premier's chief lieutenant, and, alfbough he had no followini? in Parliament, found favor _0 the eyes of his leader. Throujjli lus influeuca Chnpleau wns relegated to tlie uniniportant ollloo i,f Beeretary of State. Sir John Macdonald'e .leatli bns turncd tlie Ubtai, and the WX Secretary of State, feellng that tiic new Vdinliilstratloa cannot do without hirn, reali_?s that his triuuipb has come. Should Cliapleau refuse to serve under ihe ncw lea<!er, certain tlisruptiou would follow, so it _a likely bbl couditions, no matter what Mieiy are, will have to be acoepted by the new Cab_. net. Althou.ii a man of abillty, Senator Ab? bott is little known ln Canad i. He eiitered publi. life Ln 1S."?7, and has been in Parli_n_*"ut ever B-BBB. He was Solieitor-sienerai tor a short time in the Southtlrld-Maodonald (.overnment In 18(32, aud rltfiired nrorotnentlv in the _8a_ PrvciH. of 1873, which defeated tlie GovernroenC of Sir John Maodonald. As tlie lega. ndviser of the late Sir Hugh Allnn, all the B?-88*9?0?8 connceted witii the affair wero earried <?u tbroinrh him. and it waa throuarb. hia hunds tbal tba $30(1,ono pn_?ed tliat was jrlven by Sir Hflgfe AHan and others to the t'onbcrvative HMdeta to antry Haa ajanarnl elections. His con oonfldentlal eiofk, Oeorpe NorriB, who had special chanrc of all the intei-estinK letTens, teleprain^ aud Other dociimeiits rclatiim to tha " big deal,'" one line dav, to the surprise and ob-grin of liin chief. revealed the whoie BUUBaa to tlie libernl leadera; aud tba _U>cnin_*_ta which were ,iu tlie o.ifc of tbe Metropolitau Bank, were botpottUled bf o.-'hr <_ Parliament. ln tbe (lebate Lo the autumu of 1^73 on the cli_ closine-, Mr. _vbbott took no prouiimnt imt, ul thouttfh conBidered a bgica] dvbater. Tiiis eon-picu ous want of a?i_res_ivene._ dnmaged to a irreat extent anv influenee he heretofoie wielded In _e Housc. He is a lawyer of great abillty, and has a geniue for niar_i_rin? men. His talent aa a Snaocler la alao marked. The an nouneement of his apporntaaeat relicvcd tlie B-inda of politieiana anl bnsinej_} men, who; owtng to tbe long deloy of the dov eroor-<re_-T-d callinK upon somp one to lead, beunn to think that disrnption hnd liegtia an'l tbat no _e8t_en*ent wonM i>e arriveci at. ba_> ator Abbott is looked upon as a good leider, pro vided he ean consolidatc the many contlicting element* of the party. TIIK ITATA STARTIXO HOVTB. UEAVIBB IQUIQDB WITH TIIK (.HARI.ESTOX A9 HER COBTOT. Iiiui(|ue, June 18, via Qah-B?<J --8__rabl Me> Cann and Brown have leeByai lhe Itata nntil lata t<. ni.'ht. in ordcr to afford time to obtain a r?;ply ta rniinliiiU's ap|ilic.'itlo;i t? Wri-hlnclx.n. With d.-licat ? approclatton of thi sltuatlon. the Adnilr.ila ecBarad that b_m itaaa, wtth hareonvoy, the rhark-ston, leave beta after H*b8t_. An ele4-tr1c ^rarrli llftbt baa be.ii tltted up for service ln fhe bay. The Ituta nill be und-M- UM orders of I.ieriteinntf'omniaiidBr Told, ussisi.d I.y Erisr.-n (liiirc'.lll, B_B__BMaa Hollla, llateea BBllOaa and four __Bi_iaB. The offlcers ara provided wtth B coinplete outUt, are inda ).:Kl"nt of tba 'ivw of tba it-ta, and wlll ln no ?ay interfi-re with them B8 rcttard. the navicatioa Of the raatBL The offlcers are iiistrurtd t/i M.-e that the ltata n..ii("s the beal poaafble tMed t" sua Liego, so that the (ase may be speodlly scttl._ OVSEB TO J01S "THE 1__ AML TBE TARTAR.". Omenc, the (Ircasslan beatity, who appearcd hcra loraaarty *rH? aba la#_a_ae ju^ier Taak?OB, m aa oa eeaa as a daitcar _a -The Tar und tba i_aaar" *t I'aliii.'i's Thea-tro a week from tOBBOIlOW nutlit. Sho w_ iirst aeen bave at tne Cfatoa lajaara Tbaatra aaa__p two peara aaja, witb the |a__ar, i>ut the vaaaara ?a> a f?ilure. Ba-Ca lb_ botl' have appeared al K ,atcr At i.._% tba a_a- Baaa* aad otber pjlaeea of aaaaaoaaaan) Her Bpaaoranra as a ___aear and Btona wia be a nov elty. and lt ls lioix'd tliut she will be as ptaaat-f iu thia way as at- ?a.s as Vanh Hoe's BB istaut. nro SERIOUS ACCIDESTS IB SiCCESilOS. Two paraana met serloua aud iieihups fatai nccla dents on the (.mvest. line of horse-ear* lu l[..boku_ last aigbk William l-KB-B. n thnv year old boy% llvlnn at No. BB WOWB*- st., BBB ln fr nt of a car which uus mpldly BtOVlng, and beforo It oould be stopped Uw wn-, ___88-8i 8_0TB and ruu over. Hla left hvj waa scvered fi-oin his BOif and w'?en '?'? arrlved at 8t, Navy'a Ilo ap Bal Iba hajnry wns Baonannaai W-. Ni.h.i'.as Muy. the ilnvor of the car, was arrested. Twenty intmites ut-t Jaaaaa k<>\. a *ioi_8>hon'in_i_, was Unoiked doi.ii by another car of th" haaie line. atid bad lus ar.n aaa-ty aawenad fraa* his bady. Ba was ni.. iiijiucd _taraally. Haaay Kach, th? drive__ \i*. also aaiaatoB. BB hlGHT OS TUEFhAThESH HVKDEB. Diliuent elforts ou tho pait of the mi^agre pollea furce of the lOWB of lUtl.iish. L. 1 . B* datwwer tho niurderer of Doiiunick Leauiani. lhe coiitraclor. B*-8 wuo found wltli B bultet wound lu his hi?it In I_o_sra ,i\i.. iicni l.'.ndeii Boulevard, on Thursday niKht. hava thus far fnlled to 80808 B_B iiijstery. 1'olloe (aptaln Kevscr htis followr?l mjmm p__B__8 BBBW, but has been ?aable t" Ini BBgrtbtaaj aa aaanaj ?ij?ht upon ihe mat icr. ao poaaaata reaaoa f?r .rther t_wBm or ?bbj_bi hus baan ataibiaad. nnd tba abaanea al the aaasaaaa ?o the poflafbUlty that lhe ctiine wiu, __ ..mnnltl.-d. C i.mer RiM.ney luipanell.d th- Jury, raatfiraat aftjr vlaar_f Iba bady aajouni'- the ta bm t wmil T-eadai. hu* BB. at ? p. m.. to Uj? Town Hall. The iuneral of Uie dead man wlll ptobabtl ___M pl.oe u>day at hb home at I'Uca and k_*_t >i* i... ave*.