Newspaper Page Text
-<??-... ?.- p~ V8i?M N?.1 fi _<i.V INEW-YORK. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, I891.-TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CExNTS. GREAT DAMAGE BY FLOODS. AN IOWA TOWN AL.IOST WIPED OUT. 8R0E TRACTS COVKREO BT A SDA OF WATrR -IiOSS OF UVB-'TOCK AND CROFS R1VERS IUS1NO RAPIDLT. Boone, Iowa. June 2f..-At the Chlcago and BjHai 1111 hcadquarters in thi- city was rc rived to-dnv Ikc Mrst dircet nc*vs trom the secne i the BBBtB in the Maple Rlver braneh of the ; JLd The ?nr- i* mm the operator at Mo- , 5a -nd aaya that town in almoat wiped out. the water run. ln at the station windows and ta up ,o he eeillncs of the bnlklin.. All the bousos ,n L flat P-ortion of the town have been avrept !wav and the nilroad turn tahle is washed fr.uu _TSa? Three nnlea of track are Cone between Moville and; alao taost of the amall hrtdaea nnd the bridne over the Sioux Rlver. Thia SrB?t-OB ta now beirnr supplementcd by another _____? 188*8. nt preaent in the same re.ion and indina south to the maln line ol the North witern E E raininK very hard and the .torm fcSS5 mX Jnne 2,-H? hundred people ?? MkB and destitute in thls city hy J??? ttocd. The resouree. of the ci...rt. J,ve been taxed to the utmost to MC* the pre^nt requircnients of theae people. and out Ite aid mu.t be given to avert hard iTp. The Mnyor. D. II. Bloom, has issued "n appeal to the puhlie lor aid, and has tele traplied to the Governor for 100tcnts. Con Jrit.utions rnny be sent to Mayor l'loom. .Vatrrloo. I8W8, J??? **.-** Ilhnois Central -onrtuetor wke rrtaracd to-day fron. the scene of deaolatlon hv tlie meent 848888, repc.rts the taoaea JfThe pcple Who livo-1 in tl.e track of the atorm J almoat mercdible. The cuntry from Stortn Lake fi Cherokee was one vn.t sea of water. 1M ^rchanta in every BaWB te-wBBB the two polnta Wffered Kroat taaa, _? say nothing ol the ilan.n e m crope and llve stork and the seventy-five to i Too BOtaaea washed away on the bottoms at Uiero L mo,! -.1 which were the of j lab-'rlng men. These people lost every rhing. bnrely esenping with their lives and Lanr ooverine for their backs. Hundred. ..f SLll were seen 1. the river floatin* ?8 her Jee Wedncsday, and the hc.rses still Med to the ft.8B.eBts 8< t.?cir wreeked harna. H-Kflltod. af Cattle. ho,s and ehiekens Mllowed each other at .hort, interv.Js. The Uttta Bttmx ^mt\\*f.Um Cherokee ta Onawa. la BBB al tbe hrseat stock yaisit.K rrjrioiia in Iowa, and when the water rnih aidea and a careful survey of the deaalated diatnct can be made, the prospeet in loss is seen to be creat One farmer livin- south of Cherokee says that over IM head of cattle are missins. from me pnaturea, BBB 88 supposed all were lurt. Another man ntvmeil VaBfB. an iraporter ef draft horaea at Cherokee, lost ei-ht vuluable aninials. The Illinois Central is also a heavy loner. Superinten.icnt Glltoaa aaya that *;..n,ooo will not repnir tka BBflBO* already to t-fht, BB$\1* ? IBlUallTrT have not been purwd inrther than ?ve BttVra on the smith hranch, a>d Ihe north te 8-U1 iBBaaaalbte. The eompany hns a force of ,?? men at work at the brtdge at Cherokee ami witii no had Ittek, a temporaiy atrueture will bc taZy tor u.e by Sunday. All ob ^e country road_ from Stonu Lake toChwkoe are goue, aad Cherokee is still accessible only by ^Fcrt DaaVja. I-?wa, June 26.-Thc lntest nd ricea from l herokee say that the dMBPfle Ij the ifoods is gren-or at flrst rep.?it-"d. The Sioux Kiver ra auhaiding. but it is atill lorty leet deep, aod covcix a qunrt--r of n mlle ot couBtry. The averaee Aepth of the river when m Us chabnel i, about four feet. The wmk of rJeoring away the dehris is now in proprors, and aid Li being rendered tlie UBfortUBatC iiiliaoil.i'iis. \n eve-v.itncss of Taeaday'. flood, who hns just ?rr'ived" from Cheiokec. aaya tbat it is nrcessuy for one Ib see. ta have tl.e least idea of the great amount of.lanii._c done. '"Wliy.- l.eexclaimed. it is simply wonderiul the waj tkat ii-ii.-tise body cf araaat swept things belore it. Houses vere but biibi.les on lta crcst 1 was at Cherokee when the c'o'id-l uist came, and in lctss time thaji it takes to tell it a llood w:>s ?poB lbe tc.wn. II i'iscs were seen to tremble, awiBJ! half around, and ?>e carried alonp hy the toirents. Trees v.ere bent and broken like reeds, and not B thing could stop the tcrrific ouward rush of the waters; and all this oc'iuied 1-cfore the peojile could pessihiy realirc what had boppeiied. The m<>st leinuk kble feat'ire of the dicaster is that any .t the people in the track of the tiood 8B8BBa.ll with their lives. As far as I knc.w, no lives were lost at Cherokee and the imme.liate vicinity. The stonu u..ide lic twwn lf* and 4^0 futuilies lion.ok'.as in and about Cherokee. Tl'.ese are betBg carred let in the Mascnic*. d. A. B. and KfligMa of Pythlai halls at Clierukee. The Illinois Central 12,777 feet of BBBiJntd nnd 087 feet of Hlling. This does not include the bridft taken out over the Sioux River. The amount of dnmasc will 18808 a quarter of a million dollars." Omaha, June -f> (Speeial).-A perfect dehige of rain fell throughout Nebruska to-duy. Kailniad traffio is all suspended ia the State. No train has moved in here or out of here for the West tonight. In i_any places in the State tracks are untler water for miles, uiakin. trafhe iuipossihle Tl..- IfkBoari is B l-af-Bf torrent, is risim,' last, and ls within a few feet of the danger line. Tlie crop dnraage is incalculable thus lar. J'hree v.rnadcH'b pa.sed over Palmer, but dia little daiuase iu the |OWB. A dispritch to " Ihe lice.*' from Ida Orore, Indiana, says twenty-tr-e houbes are fleoded there and the people have been obligvd f. ?-'.-. snlety ansl shelter on liigli grouncl. All eatomaolcatioa wii . Uie North is cut otl. The Maple RiVer la at the hinheHt ever known. Nehraskn < ity, Ncb., June '.('..?A teniflc rain .t-.tni prevallfd here this afternoon. Cel.are and bouaea were flomled. Ihe dama?e ajfgrexating sev rral thousand dollars. Smull gram was beaten down and badly damajred. __.__, St I'aul, Mmn., June .fi.-The sleeper Diekin ,i. on tka N'.rthcrn I'acitie train which left here Bo;;. 01 tne .-Mucnc-iii i ........ w..... .....r.. -......-.. tw.. dayb afa left the track one niile wesi ol Kosebinl. HoB. . BBB Britea west of here, alx.ut |0:i0 _88t niKht. hetau-se of a araaboBt. The car lipf-ed over Ifl Ihe water. Sixtt-fii p.-i.ple were in the c?r. and seveia! \M-re more or less lnjurad, b'lt none aeriaaaly. _Aa_i f-f_tjhe number were tiu* teni|>eraiiee ?i1tst)ii Oataii none fleriouslv. Am< n^ the nuniher were the perance orator. Franc-is Murphv and wife. ol I6hurg: Mrs. Wil'.iam Toole nn(! son. Mnmilto'i, U-rtaiio; T. \V. Sheck aod wife. Portland, Ore.; Major Frederie ]>. Sootl and daughter, Rji*hin..iid. Va ? A S. Wilcy. Detroll, Mieh.; Ototm J. Mob. roe, Joliet. III-: W. P. Jewett. St. Faul; Rolicrt T Crawabaw, London, Enjrland : E- Keuuiighoven, Chicago; Siduey Ashmun. New-York. -*> THE C1UCAGO COUXOIL WBTBALB A GRAXT. CM-flfB. June 2"').-Tlie (ity Counell to nlt-lit. after *n exritine dl*-cussion. repoalecl an orclinance whlrh lt wa^. d laa-raiai t" day hai bren siinaptitlcu-lv m.hecI Uirouch tlie O.undl a fortnlfiht hro. ar.intlnir Ihe? Cliieaeo and Nortli-re I?a< itir ____JwaV BBB milc ritlit ol \c_.. Mlthln tba 'itv IlnltB. ani cc.tiferrliiK other jalllllBjaa. tl?c money v,ilue of wl.ich ls snii to bo enorii.ou.. Coininls.ioiier of Works J. Frank Aldiicli. v.iv, aai hc-en ahBTMi aafUl the respoiwlbllity 01 th, tmiikac-ti'.n, denied tlie acrusatlon. It I. said that tiie raflrOBi e8BI8BB| hM already arreptei the crilnatice and Uu.t tl..- iBBB-BBBl was sicned l.v tho Mayor, tlnia _m__8B| Um lapaal void. Oountv TroaKiirer Kern. wlio ls rhareed wlth holdlna ?rar 84V88BJBBJ Bf cltv fund.. today rcf.ise*! the ritV Controller aea-Jaa to U.e bonfca, I/ proc-eedmu* esain.t Kcin ut roaapa) uu aecoiintliiK are e_poctea M V* begtth t<> idoiiOcv. ? OFF1CEBA OF THE STATE XAVAL BESFRTF. Albonv, June 2? (Sperlal>.-THe ofllrera ol the Isl Battallon of tlie N---1 R._erva were -ommUBlonei by the Oorernor to-iay aa followa I Lieutenant rommarider Ol the naval mlHtla, J-wob Wllllam Mlller; lleiiteiianH Of the .enior jtmdf, raamne.| Dana OrBBBB, M liattory! Wllllaii) Iintl.'i Uuiuuii. Jr., '_'d iiattcrv ; Lon|.> >?"" taiiy? Mowbry, :id IJ-Jtei.-; Kobett I'leriio.ii I'.-rsl.'w, itli Bati.ry. (ieor*.. Udward Kent I. coiyniia.ioi.t-al adjut-nt and Ilerbert IJvWigston hatterlec ??__?*_* oBk .r. The*e aie tlie tlr.t naval otlneis to rettiva aaniojlaaioiii trom tlie 6late ol Xc* \tnk. THE CHILIAN STRUGGLE. AN OFFICIAL DBPATCH SAYS THE RDVOLT MAKE6 NO PR0GRES6. THB PRl'MDENTIAL EI.ECTIOX5 SAID TO BE PROCEEDINO QCIETLY IN NIXF.TEEX OF TBE TWFNTYTWO PROVINCES. London, Jnne 2?1.?An oftlclal dl?patch from San llajfo, Cl.lll, says: "The revolt rnnkc* no progre?s. Tlio Uovernment sqnmlron t.ikc* posse*slon of ports wlthout opposltlon ln tlie provlnees ocenpled by rebeK. whose vessels and forres conrentnite at Iqulque. Tbe Esmeralda ha* ocenpled Ibe guano lslands of the Lobos group, destroyed malerial and vessels. and selred the emplovos. The Government admlntstered Hllfl property entirely fnr tlie benctlt of holder* of tho Pcrtivlnn deht, whose Interests aie BBB8 sacrlflced by the vlolence of the renel*. An extrcme srarrltv of provlslons is romplnlned of at Tarapaea The rebel army Is dlscontented, food bclne; bad and pav being in arreBrs. Tho Presldentlal elcrtlon* prooeed quietly ln nlnetcen ont of the twenty-two provlnees. The Government works in hartnony with Congres*. The peoplo and the army snpport for (Bflfl President rlaiidio Vlnina." Llsbon. June _?.?Letters recelved ln thls elty from members of the Con?re?*lon?.l partv of Cblli aernse the pollee who are servinf under the Balmeeeda ad nilnlatiiition of throwlng Imltation bonibs at the Mln Isters. In order to afrord a pretoxt for ihe arrest of tho ('ongrcisioiial negoilators. Pedro Montt, Antonlo Vara* and Jose M. Panta Crua, the Chlllnns who have been here for several days, went to Washlngton at .> :20 p. m. ye?terday, to trv to get recognltlon from th" CnlW States Gov? ernment for the Chillan C.ngressloi'il party. THB CHILIAN TRT'ICFRS IV FRANCE. Tho Trlbune bas already puMMi-d the substanre of tho in'uhrtlon by wtBeb tXB Crrfl Trlbunal of tbe 6>elne, ln Parls, ordered the sequcstratlon of Chilian eruiser? bnilt In the Freneh shlpyards of La ?eym\ nenr Toulon. It rnnet bc added that the same ln Jnnctlon requlred the ronfldcntixl a^'.-nts of the ln sttrrent Junta. ln who** behal? lt had been granted, to depiKlt thc snm of 8-100 (XX) as n gnarantee ln the hands of the, slilpbtiilding eompany whieh hnd ronatriietert the cnii;ers upon an order recelved from thr ?aantiao Government before the breaklng out of tlie Insurrertlon. The latesit news from Parls say* that tlie $400,000 mentloned has been deposlted In thc Bank of France, whlch kecps It subject to the d!?po;ition of the ehlphnildlng soeiety. lt Is reported also thnt thc Freneh MInlster of the Naw hat. authorbvd the CMThn Government to plere as a depos4t ln oti" of the Ptst* powder mnfr?7.!nes nt Toulon the powder whieh had been pnrrh.vd for the use of El Presidente-Flnto, one of the sequcatrated eraiiers, -? TOPTCS n THF. ENGLISH CAPITAL. raUf'-iif/a marriaof-his wife-'s ambition ?BACCARAT CA?T.-" JACK THE RIPPER.'' Cttpvrtoht; 1*91 : Xv BV" A'eir. York Attnttatnl Prm. London. Jnne 2fi.?Mr. nnd Mr*. Farrcll entertaJned some acqualntances last nlfrht at Walslnirham Terrace and recelved to-day spveml Intlmete Hend*. Mr. Parnell has ?rnt greetlnes to a rmmber V. ^Tierent* ln the House of Commons, oxpresning ploasure thnt the prolnnaed period of ?nspen?o la over, and thanlt Inf tliem fnr thelr steadfast frlcndshlp during hls troabpM. He writes under an apparent convlrtlon tbat bla marrlsxe wlll rapidly ennble blm to be rc iBllBtrl as IrNh leader ln Parllament. A stironft lmrrc;slon ln the tnwnc dlrectlon prevafle in thc Hon;,? of Commons, In splto of tne Imowlcdce of the fart thnt Ibv CatBafJc e)erg>- wili not ae^-ept the marrlape ai eondonlns his offejice. Rne:ll*)i I.lbera.l?; are rendy to him ai a man dolnjr hii he?t lo atonc for hls fnult. Parnellltes laaBgM dld not nee.1 to sound the oplnlon of members on the marrlatre. From every sldc eonBmtnlatlons ponred npon them un-oltrlted on tlielr rhlef's maral rohabilltatlon. Tho futwre plans of Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Indleate that ufter a p?rtod of neelnalon lt ls tVIr IntenrMr? to enlanre thelr *oe4?J llfe. Mr*. PanieU Ulks of leavlnn Hrlahton and taklns; a lan?e hou?e ln London. If sho wins thc probnle snit, she. WlB be rleh and nblc to entertaln. Tlio^e ,knn\vlrHr hrr best say s'.ie aim.j to form a political and artistie salon, to ereate wbldi abfl lias cnpaeltk's eqnal to her ambition. It has lonc been kxowa that -?lio ha* been a valnafcle poWWcttX ally <if Mr. Parnell, with whom she has dKcn-<od 1 even- turn of aflairs moto intlmately tlian any BBBBI i ber of hl* party. Sir William Gordon Cnniminft's defeneo 1n tho bae<-a I rat case, whcreln ho pntposed to explaln how hc was j Riiapccted, has been snppressed by the advlee of frioii'ls. ' Tbe cordial reccptlon glven t'i Sir William and hls wifo i by UM Elgin Connty fBBllBBB is a fnrther n-aiin why j he should maintain sllcnec. The appearaiue of Sir WilUam as a eandidate for Parllament at Ihe next c-Iim-tii.ii is l>eln? arratiKcd for. ln the meantlme. Wi I emplovs his lelsurc in writlng spo'tlng and mlUUry ramlDfaeeacai. 5flUfl artl-tr.cratie rlrcles are willlnc I to BBsTW themsclvcs oM'.vious of Sir Wllllam's fault, ' thore is a popular reactlon in favor of thc IMnce of W.ilcs. A heaitler reeeption never greeted the Prlnrc TTian on tlf' occasfon of three public functlons this ! veefc?tba BfrleuBaral show at Doneaster, the openlng of (he park at Kotherliam, and the rcvlcwlng of the rjaaaan at Alicrshot. The VlirilaTiec rommlttee ln Whltechapel has beon reawaUencd to aetivity bv an iiiidonbted wnniltig from ?'Jack the Rippcr." PflflrOtl ar.d vigllant* were revlved to night, and BtOflfflflll Yard sent an extr.ionllnary ron tlngcnt ti wateh tire Whitcthapel dlstrict. A letter Identlettl ln stvle and wHtlpg with prcvions BahBXXai from " Jack the Rlpper'' has boen recelved by tho clialr man of tho vigl'.ants, In whlch '-Jnek" annontices that hc ls about to pcrform another "opcratlon,?' and that lf tlie cliairman or vlpilants attempt to tnwli him he wlll knlfc them to tbe heart. It I* tite duty ?>f Iba pollee, hc aays, to catch him. He add* thal he has been iiearly caught twlce. tmt tliat he wlll never be taken alive. English publlshers are anxiously awaltlng President Harrlson's proclamatlon od tire Copyrlght law bey cni. mag*7.lni'? and numerous boohs wlll not be pub "*_?? "I'lnVln "Mrs. McCormlrk, Mr*. Whlte and Mrs. Fmnrv atleuded the Ptate COttaflrt yesterda> evenlng. A lirge < ntltigent of piomlnent Americans wlll ?ail 011 X. xiaieAt r ot) Wednes-lav. Incli.dlng Mrs. Whitelaw l!dd li o >H1P .Colonel John Hay. Robert McCor mlck and Mlss Wedlll. 61EMERIMCK GREAT WASHINIITON MOMMEXT. Berlln .lune 2?.-Among the wulpture* whlch attra< t pnrti.ular i.ttentlon at the Berlin Internattohal Art Ex hibitlon ls a eoloasal bronr.e group, " America awaken rn< her BOM tB flght for lib?rty." The group ls full of ife and aitloti. feeen l.y IteeM It appears ertflaaal. ' rt vt It is onlv part of tbe grent Washtngtot. WBleb wlll be flrBfltai next year ln Fnir m.itint Park, PhiliMlelphla. Ton jrears ago tlw P-nn viwiiii braneb of laa oraar of ti.e cinclnnuti g*vo | ClMir Rud.lph Slemerii.g. ef lierlln. an order f?r thls wurk it is naw aaarlag compietion. Praflawor sk-mering aifl raaalra 5188.000 BM ah nart 8f tXfl w"lk- Tl,? r^1"1*^ ma<Je ?* thC '",,n,,ri">< ,, Qtoaeobeok and Lauetabemer, are mostly coinpleUd; , ?,, .., Bk* tbe rtataa of WBflklnglon him SO,';'0h-iv, airea b-'i. ihlPP?l tn Amcrlca, and SKfe*Sr SleaMrtS U now wmplrtlBK Um few uio.i-ls y,t aeeessarr for eaaUog. THE RRITISH CATTLE SHIP BILL. London. June '2(1.-John Let.g (UbOmH. meinber for Dundec hirthe BoaBfl of OaaxBMMM M dav asked tho of Ihe Uoard of Agrlct.lture. Mr. CBaptta, Ml.etbcr ln vlew of the objecilons ?i Mpmmtm Bad nthen tfl thc Cattlc-)>liip M?. Mr. Cliaplin wonld aot Mfltpoafl pnshing Oic mcaMire ulrendv lntrodurod. ar.d BrtraBBflfl an aroended ?aaaara next vssli.n, 11m itlng ihe iK.wei-s whlch Ifefl bill conferred tipon the Hoard of Agrleulture. Mr. Cbaplln denled that the bill gave new powcrs to the Boanl of Agriculture. ex rent the rlght to Inquire Into the canaes of the of cattle ot sca. The bill. he added, almed to niect some oMmtBomt of the slilp-owalng lnterest bt tbo axMBBfl aaaran ..f the Hoard. Ha did aai mtend Ib ._. ?? Ihls aesjdon, bal would tather 888 B_*-wl__n. 1" "ers and l**ue regulatlons to Bflwri nt Sxerl...I^TSl.W of cattle ,.. tranait acrosa tbo Atlmiti. OBCMt. , _ THE NEW 6PAN1SII TRF.ATY SIGNED. Madrid/ June 2fl.-Tho oommercfal treaty wllh JS^I^^rtsatK^^ ?-? PRINCE ALEXANDER OP P.ATTENBERO ILL. June *h 1*18588 Alexander of n..ttenlK.rx. ex-ruling Prlnre of Biilnuria. I* danrerouslv UI fiom in ul?er ln tbe aVomnch. A CHANNEL STEAMER BITBB ON THE ROCKS. London. June BaV-rttXI aalBBaxB ?nd 85x55 Oaaal ?Bflaaaf. Ulir" 8x555551 Bormmdr. pDlm ba tween Dleppe, France. end New lli.ven, ran on the roek* off Reachyhead during a fog thls mornlng, bnt was flrated at lilgh water. and.lia* reaelied New llaven ln safety. There were 180 pasfengers on bflflfi tbe Noimandy. Tho steanifhlp *ti?tjined praetlnlly Bfl damage. _ PLAXS fOB EMPEKOR WILLTAM'S VISIT. A BRII.LUNT ROUNl) OF I-'.NTFRTAI NMI'NTS AURAN'il O IN HONOR OF HIM AND THE EMP.'.E'S IX KXCUXD. London. Jnne BB.?Thfl arrangenicut* for the rerep tlon nnd cntcrtBtnmcnt of thc Gcrman F.mperor and Empress are now ncwrly rompleted. Attended bf Genrral von Hnhnke. Oeaarxl von Wtttteh, BBNa Luranns. Count Enlenberg. Uaron von Mai-hall and cotmtces Brocbdorff, they wlU arrivc In tJie Tliames on bontd tlie ImjMM-inl yncht Ilohenwillern on ftitnrdav. July 4. and wili 1* met hy some members of the Rovnl famlly. They wlll at once be e*cortod tfl Wln<I?.or. when- several apartments havn beon prep-ir"d for them In the Casfr*. The Qnecn has designatcd Jfxjor-Ocn erals Sir John Maflaaffl nnd Sir HflXXrJ F.wart nnd Cotonel the Hon. W. Oarrtngton to attend them during thelr -tay In England. On the foflnwlng Monday tbe Qiieen. thc Bataar aai Kfllaerla, 858 Prlnea aud Prince-a of Wales. Prince and Princess Christlnn. and other members of the, royal famllv. nnd the Dnke nnd I)urhe? of Anhnlt, wlll nt'end the marriage of Prince Albert and Prinecs I.onise nf Scbl"*w|g Holsteln. wt) rh lake* plaee at St. 088885*8 Chapcl. and ln tho cvexlng there wlll be a dlnn?r pnrty ln the ptilaeo. On Wcdnesdar. Julv I* th" royal vlsltors wlll attend Prince CBHfltlflBX gnrden jiartv at Ciimherlimd Lodge. theneo proccedlnf: to London for tho ?'command" performanco at thc Roval Itnllan Open. Mr. Hftrri* Inbrnds thnt tbls shall ?nrpa-s any MBf before BBflfl *1 Cove-it Gardcn. Th" centml boxes In tb* eraafytiar wlll 1>e IBraWfl brtfl one. Ihfl BXaatB BOaaerted Into an nnterhanibcr. and thfl atair r,u? ,,nd earTMBTfl Ilnod with Yeomen of tlr GiiHrd and aoldl"rs. The boaxfl wili l,e a fiiass (f fl,". r-, wllli Ice-blocks lo enlianec th" effect. The nbrarlvHoa Uel wlll be suspended, and tho bot boxes win aaai twenty fljBneaa, sialls slx gulnoas, and other *"ats In I.evee dress wall 1," reqnir.d ln lx-xea and stall*. Thc openlng 88808 wlll probtiMy h" Ihfl flrst aet of "Lohenprin." Inclttdes a wafaaflBfl to tho c.eiinati Klne on n ftaB to BMeffn ihflrflB; whll tlio conrlttdltie solcotioti wlll prnl.aMy be the bisf aet of "We MeMeMncer," tvplfylng thc crownlng and glorlflcallon of (lennan art. On Thnr?1tiv. .Inlv 8, thelr Majestle* wlll h"ar "The Oat-fla I/gend" at the Albert Hnll, as alroadv annonnred. Tbe next day wlll bfl devoted to thc visit to th" (iutldhTiU. The Queen wlll not ac company her BBMJata Ofl Btfi OflflflfltflB, her d-slre being that tlio re."ptl(i!i almll be entirely In thelr honor. The ITinee and Prlnees* ..f Bfxlflfl wlll, however, prob ahlv be pr"*?n(. <>n Saturday mornlng. a great mllltary dl'play, elther at Aldet-shit or Wlmbl"don, is planned, at wlilch, b.-sldes "^rttlnr troops, a Inrge foree of WrtflHtff * wlll be *?sembled. In the aft.'f noon thc Emperor and Empress wlll vWt thc Cryatal PalacC, and lnsp"it OM Volnnteer Fire Brigade of tbe I'nlted Kingdoni. There wlll be glven siih**qiiently a coneert bv a coutingent of the Handel lestivnl Cholr and a ipeclxlly preparetl exhlbltion of thc famesa paiaro Irewarhx, PROGRESS OF THE LAND BILL. PABBajTO ITS RB005TO RFsOIXO IX THE LORDS ?DEPgBPED BT T/XRO saAI.ISBERY. London. June 20.?Tho debate on tbe, Irlsh Land bill was reeiinied iti thc llouap of Lords to-day. Lord Dcrby Bflfparfxal tha hffll as a buidnble effort to solyc a part of the lnnd problem. England, he sald, had bo rlght to bc proud of the past ln Iroland, bnt bad no Mflflflfl la dexpelr for the fiituro Ixrrd Saltsbury held that tke bill generally wns aatis factory. I'e.ple talked vagnely abont the nbolltlon of landlords xnd Interferenre with the llberty of onti-act. Really there were no aaeh obje.-ts ln Uio bill. The Government desired to multlply the nnmber of owncrs of Knd ?Tid would be sorry if Bflfl bill tended to de crease the nunrber. The landlords wenld 0* gla- to see tbe abolltton of diwl owner?hip. Thc Increaas of randownem wcnM ad- lv> ? at,u ndal order ln lreland. The 1558X8 of Commons hnd artfA generously ln vatlng a large sum tn assi^t pnrehasei's. Xotlilng JnKtlfled Ihe predietlon that thc Irish people would re tlie advances. Thc BIUBBBIB would rreate a 8BUM that would condticc M tl.e nt profperlty of the .'"iiitiv and rartra tno life of eommercc Thc bill paaaafl the ifleoad readuig wititont i i -iBloa and thc commltteo i-tagc w?s flxcd for next Thursday. _ THF. RAKERS' STRIKE IX PAR1S. Parls. 2?.-ln spltc of tlie bmUmf demnnrtra tlon of peaiaraay, and thc pro-pect* of B smrnty of meat. regatablea and fruit, as well as of bead, It Is now lllUllia that thc majnrity of the bahen have not strn.k. To dav tlie babartes nnd ragtotrT officos wera tborrmgtiiy taar-ed bjr poBea, aad tba mllllarjr atithoritles have miide arntnceinent~ to Bapptf tha master bafeen with all tbe bread thep raqalra. Ai there BN BlVepeefa of further and more BflrlOflX tronble, the troops forming the gBrrhWII of Parls are lonflnwl to barraekB, nnd all demotiFtratlon* oreit.-nii.tst.. araBte a dl>iurban.c of the pea.-o are vigorously rc piaaaea. _ The Importanco of a general habers' strlke in Parls and ni-o at Bordeaax Bad othar dttfli where II mm occnr ls BOt to 1s3 unden-tlmat?l in B i-ouiitrv whoso trOiabH-rit* ara perhapa tne peateal breadaatara m thc world. oflicial Bt-Uatlea show tliat the Partfliaafl ronsume 4r,o graaUBflB of br?-ad a bead trerj dav. Tho total dally eoiMBBipUOfl of tlie ".,21)0,000 inliab Kairtfl al Parli amounts, therafora, 10 more than 1,000,000 liilncniinines, or more than 2,000,000 pounds. Thc bread oaten ln Fret"li (dtlea I- r\i Iumvc ly mndo from wheat, rye br":;d being ron-iitned only by tlie pcasants of the poaatry, and oatr ? ->inall proporilon at that. Thc present ,tnke |s due nol to a dlspute nli'iut wagos or hours of labor, but maltily about the mnintenancc of einjiloynient, or BBfljaary. offices, whlch sorvo as internie<1l*tes t>ctwe?>!i the master balters and tlie Journevnien, on both of whom thev levv rotind sums for pnauring employmetit. Thc empkives taflflrt that all that einidoyiiieiit buslness ought tO be earried by the flfltatfl1 societios or syndl CAtCS. It ls known tbat Ihfl bahery bn-lnea:s haa nlwavs been WWlBBtcrai in Fratiro BMTfl or leaa of n National nnd niniil.ipal affair. At dlfferent flnies, eapeetaOr nndcr Ihfl Third Bfxplra, thfl bflhan and tlie bflrtehara were ooflflaaUai to -'ll bread a-id meat at a mto flxcd foTTnightlv by municlpal desrees. But thls ar rnngi-inetit couW not wotk BBthaaetarUjr, thoafh th..' (loveniment lndemnifliil the BMefler bahera when thc oflicial tax or rate forred tliem to sell tb-'ir bend at a loss. The "freodont of bak.ry and bntchery" WM renew-ed. 8till, ev.'iy BxrtBlgM Ihfl miml' palitv posts oflicial bilis lodleaBBB the prtaa at whieh brea<l -liouid be i -id. BCaMrilag t?. Um ralefl af fl-mr. Gen crallv. the laaatar bahera bbII bread aeeordlni to thc rata atmoun.ed bv Um naairlpal Psacari*. utftlMfe I- onlv n -light ditlTenic in tlie piicc of thc trflflfl *old ln thfl Parla balcrios. THE BBTVOLT IB TIIE ARGEXTIXE. Baeaoa Apraa, u-i.- Iroopa have been <er-t t-. Caaaauuraa, with orBera to raatora tbe Bepoaed pro VlDClal, i,l. MR. BPVBOB0B'* co.VDiTIi.N. l.ondoii, Jana 88.- The Bea. Cbartea r^rrgaaa. whoso illncs.^ i- axaataf bfa bteaii mmm atana, aaaaed a r,.,t|e,v nidit and t I da] M I BMd tO bc ln a WOI (lltl'Hi tlian Bfl waa vi-ieiday. MR. OIsAJaBTOBl QOBB T<) LOWEST..IT. London, June 2C.- Mr. OBMXtflafl bflfl itartfli for Lowe-toft. whare he h--i?'s Ui raendl hla iK-aitn. A FREXCH BI5H0P AOClPIi TIIE KF.PI'IH.IC. I>at'N Jun-- 9B.-TIM BlBbop af Oreaobto, wbo baa hllh'-rbi'heen an Irr-concilable, h .- B*MreBBed I MtteT to the rJarxi nt Ui flXMree, acccpti:,^ tbe repabBa as Sa UM lot... of (...v.-.n...e:,. ll Fra.n e. eilCIDE Of A BOBWtniaJI CAPTAJB. London. June M^-CBptaia 15*8*8, of ti.e Norweplan shlp Arirona. fn.m I'en-a.-.ia. Whiah amved al Liver a? &rj&#s&_tt* M* MAUINFS I'lNISHED POB INMIW .KIHNATP -N. M_ondo,;. June ?B.^ha **? "lartl,. wh,;h ?,.s beaa M__aa at cbatham. rry'ng the marlnefl ?ho were re? cent y . .Ut o7 ineuborf.natlon, ha. MBianeaB the mm fljinty Kl, har<_ llU^r ^cb. end three leadera tfl ?*?""? wwhi- hard labor apleee. a namber of other* to two ?w?. THF AUVANCRS TO THF. MritlEFTA-.. . , June 2r,-"Tl.e Dailv Newa." In Its flnan JtSS ti morning. sav* i - N B aaBarafafli thal a S^JJj; m ? few davs rencwing the udvanc, Btfi o rxaeeBilag thc 8888881185 Hedged.' A TORNADO-S DEADLY WORK. SEVEN MEN KILLED IN A FALLING COAL BREAKER. TWO MORE FATAM.Y Hl'RT-A TXMatBXYJfkBTk MJSIXC TOWN"* QtBA-VB-t, tBT TEI-BOBAPB TO TH. T8IBL'8B.l Mount t'armel, I'enn., June M -The Patterson Coal ("ompany's hreaker, one mile from this place, was BXBBmB 10 pieees by a tornado soon after 3 o'clock this afternoon. At the time the wind strne.k the enlliory it wna in fnll operntion. Sud denly there wns a crash and the huge structurc BWayod to and fro for a moment and then fell to the ground, a ninss of mins. When the crash eoma many of the employes ni-hed from t'ie hreaker pnnlc-strieken, while others who were Iess foriunnto were r.-nijrlit in the flying timbers and cni.lied to death. Tlie killed are J. N. Blose-om, ng-ed forty, of Hnwley, Penn.; B. DoOBBB. Bfcd thirtv-tive, of Shickshinney, Penn.; Walter Roltcrts, agfd twenty-seven, of Liir.enie Borough, I'enn.: and Wiiiiam Lodue. aged twenty-fotir, ef Luzerne llorough; the bodirs of three others, all It.iMans, whoae names ennnot lie lenrned. were removed from the rulns thla evening. Five per sone were injured, two prohably fata'ly. Ihe hreaker w?6 sttHated on the _ tinimit of the mountoin It ran almost due eiu*t and west and wns about r*0f) feet lonu and the hiirhest point waa 185 feet. I.odce. Roberts and two of the uiiknown men were slaters. and were 8Bffl_"-d in roofhtg ti..* breakn nt the tinic of the aeotdest. Tlie oflier two kille.I were earpentera and met their death while at w..rk ,.n the in-ide. S'.on after noon tl.e skv in the nortli heeunip hlaek and the darkness gn-w in infen.tty. The men perehed on tlieir liitrlt tower laoJttd at the advnncln.: storni. exprotlnir to de.eend in time to avoid the rain. ."uddenly there wns a flash n'f li^litning. n thim der peal that shook all the neighborhood followed, and the ...>\t niinnte the terrlhle witid-gnst gathered up the creat struture as though it were a feather. and whirling it around, dashed it to ruln. Tlie men were mangled almost bcyoad reeognition. Aitiar the accident occurred the wildest e\cite ment followed, and tlie employes, as well as the people living near by, floelcp.l to the scene of disister and nide<| Iboaa who were fortunate enongh to ese-apo in removing the dead and injured fmm tlie wreeked hreaker. Tlie storm wna one of the worst that has ever vi.ite,! the Mabanoy Valley. A passenjer on a Pblladelpbta and Beadiflg exprres train which paaaad throtigb the storm said : " Wlien the .nin renched Locust Sunimit on its way to Phila delphia I aow the atorm approaching from the louthwest. We lia/l not gone far when it striiek tlie train. A panio followed nnd it was feare.l that the entire train would he hurled fmm the track. Trecs were uprooted on eitlier _Ma and the noifi. produeed bf the rnshing wintl reminde.l me of the marinsr of mnsketry. The storm seemed to ineren?<> in violoneo every moment until the train reaclied Gordon, some milea east. when it ahated. !t \v,s the mo6t exeiting ride of my llfe. After the wind had auhgt.led it l,emti *V? rain. Tha was awful. I never eaw aaytktflf like lt, and when we got out of its tnirk even- soul on the train hreathed easier."' Tlie damage by the .torm will prob nbl.1 freaeh 0150,000, inelurling the hreaker, whieh was owne.l and onernto.1 by Pittflburjr, Pliilndelphia, and Wilke.barre people. HATL. WIND. Lir.HTNTN'G, THUNTlEIl. WBlkTBBJBB ok a storm wrf.rr-. pn|BBB txit mmBt I'Pi'F. rl TSV2T <1P *MIP. CITV. People in llnrletn nnd th* Annexed W'-trM were rre.-|i-"d to tlie Ilvellest Mnd 0. a thnnd'-r ari.l hall itBBfll ye.terdnv afternoon, while tlie li-.**r pnrt of tho rltv ra.fnaln.-d n< clrv ns the prnv.rbial rhtp. The wind armi^"d iKelf by blowlaf down fhe teloei-apii palaa for half a mll" nn the Harlem Railroad, and thns delnylng all trafflc tor over an hotir and a half. lt itraek every on.* al belng warm feaaeriar morn Inp: in fael It waa warm. At ri a. m. th,* thermomeier regl<tered T8 ieSTeeat, ?nd by 10:110 It bad rllmtie. np to 17 drirrecs. Aa tha iajr airarteei tha popat_ee groai more nnd moro iitif-omfortable, nnd thaae who ,topp*d io lo* at the th-v-n. mieters in front of the ?.Hla water ptaeaa were sorprl'od not to llnd thf*. BBBCBry Bl 10O at leaat. but lt remalned Bboal ?tattoaary 'ror wnw tlme, poinn ap to ai --i-aaa at P'-rrv'-- at B_M p. ?.. nnd then ftradually filhng until ut 10:.':n p. ni. It recKtered 73 degree*. The otTirlnl Bgurea Wtra ?a degree. at 3 p. m. The lowcst teni punlnin was 74 degrecs at 5 a. m. Tliat was down lown. IB tbo npper part ot tbe elty muc-Ji more exrltlns Haaaa were eolng on. Ttie TnrUahoe trnln whlch loft the C.rand Central Stutlon at 4:10 liad Ju?t pa-scl M-lrose atatlon on the llarlem B_-t_flBB_, when a tcrrlt','' IhanOBiihuBi baral down. ac-rompanieci by hall .vid BB) I violent nind. wliirh b!ew down all Bja ta-Sgraph poiea on tbe we<t slde of the fraek for ncarty haU ? mile aorth of the B_a_laa_ Th'- inal wi.s .o midden tbat the whota teiegr.tph Un.* erasksi down the iii^-ii aaabaakaianl tafet-cr arrHi a roar whl,*h added peatry tn the aefaa of the thunder. Tlie train. whlch wns fOtag alowly. was stopped nt anaa, nnd r.o' araa iooe. An ineomtng traln was al~ i at.ipped _a__B-8 any liurt waa dono. Hv good luck, a amrkBBJ tn-l" waa running down the Jiinctlcin at tlie tim. fllled witli Iliilliwis. They were at oltre lH tc -aaa* .-learlnc up the vreett, bnt all traflic wa* d"laval for over an bour and a half. BOflBt Btea af tbe f,.r'-e of tli? wind ran be had when lt la haoWfl that the slpnal tower at Mott Ilaven .Iinirtioi -^look so that the clork wn. ?tcippe?i. The raln rniiic down In surh ^heet. that it w_? almo-t Iflipaaalble IO >-ee n<r,,a> tbe traeh., and the i-oadbed ;it MaMaa Baa kaeeieep ln water. Thnt there, was no nerldetit aeaaM alnioat ? mlrnelr. When tho Tucliaboo traln *t'ipped, there wa? a polo In front of It and one hafelnd. IBe A-aataraa Kxpre-s Compnny's efflc-e at Ilaven was stnitk by llghtnlng and part of the .-oplrijj of Ihe roof wa? knorked off. Thi-. i? whai liappened at the; Polo r,routid4 where a larp.; rn.v.rt lia^ pithercrt t,> ~>a; th. Oiarits bi.ttle with the n.en from Boatoa: About 3 o'clork lipht, ],uftv cioiid-. eaaaa nQlag up from the aertha-aat. TI,e-,> were followed by h'-avier aaaa, and in a few nlaataa tbe min mme down la larraarha, Oaaa Mmp'sl ballstonea aeeoaapaalei 'he raln, and they eoaM l*> haaii ilattncttf as ili.-v r.itiled on Ihe roof of the mmai -tiii'i. FOltea Oaptaln CartrlfM wns wathtai in the itretH OB lOP Of the llill when t_M si ,|-in tH*?an. ?*l never aaa. >u<-ii ___Uatooea," aald he. "They atnaoh BJ bat Mith a hans and rattlei around th" EUtewalk ln a iiitiv Jincle. Th,* ImiNtones were .haped -omc thin? llko a _B8Bt~-Bk_i. and tkef Oaaeai around tlie sid'-A.ik like bb anny of lliti'- aryatal ?..ii.cnt..'' When it itoppad ralnlni the bu caaaa om aad uw weath'-r BBI hotter than i-v-r. At 830 o'eloik tlie sun waa fatrrj hakia i lbe earth and aol .i i looi ob8a-vred the bim- haa raaa. Both tcaaaa took th-ir aaBal paatailnary praetiee, aai Pmptre ateQaali araa Ju-t about u> call -pi..\- arhea hcavi hlaek rtoa_M r.mie rBdhtng ap from tha "'e-t. lba H|M hreaaa frtrbtnei to a gaie, and lha ia n eaaaa iowa ln -heata arkleh e___aei earh other :,,m ri,.- fro-n-U ani BtenJt the prayari and the un :A apei-tatoi-s to -l'clter 1 nthe grand stand. Craah apoo craali i ieafaalag tkunier Ihronah Uie tr-'inbllng air. whlle blindlng ila.l.e-. ef llghtnlng Bghte*. up the dark and lowering clouds. Th- wintl tor-' the great pc-imant fiag on ttie pole in eentr. beld t-> .hrods, and *o perl.hed the last rellc of ihe Br_a-.erhoo8. Th" atorm became more erratlr ani played a pretti UifU npon the apecUtors huddled In tbe grand stand It blew torn-nts of raln into tl.e frout of the stand drivlii. the apecutora to the rear se?U. Snd d,iilv tho storm u-emod to vaer around to the ?Bat It played luvoe uith the atvnlnfs ln the back ol U.e grand BBMBi and tho .peetatora were oiposed to the full fnry of uie staaaaata.. . .. \. j-ki o'rlork llve ruln rea?rd aud tlie bun ramo __IJJLJ hlflaaai upon the drenched speetatoi-s. The .torm had *Z: Ng holea ln tfi enrtli and the whole fuiii \c a. under water. . _.. -_ . , Tlie neoplc were much .urprlsed to learn ln tl.e rventng of the ralh-torrn ln the uppcr part of th- Ttv Ttv* aaw tbe lieavy rlonda swecping over to th' north. bnt It locked aa If the tl.reatei.ed .torm had -"'Vtv.1 l'liilatorm which piuaed to Uie .outhea-trrly naA of Iin-oLlyi. y.-terdav .fteM'H.n broke over the ?Wentv alxth and eBBBOi aBBBl iamage Oien*. At ??*{, p. bu, lba *sind blew Bown lbe throe-Mory fi-ume boiiM* tit cc?ir*a of ronitrnrtlon ot the o-rtheaat 1 SSSr of l-ulaahl ave. .ud I.lnwootl .1. The^ouije be_ lo_i_cd to Clu-Utopher HutteiilocJv-r ani tne biuiaec wa* John Chalman. The damage wae 81.000. No ^'loL^XSof NO. 173 58888^8^2^3888* of Xo. 4.'. -mlth-st.. Brooklyn. Alfred OfBX-l. flf B5. 1.17 BewYort-flva.. Cl'fton. 5. I., J"hn \U>aJen. RaManefl itn'.nown. Wllllnm <;1ct.don, of No. 182 Gnrjd ai Hobohen. and WIIIHm II. HonaMson. of No. I.jJBl Secorid-ave., were prostrnted by Uie heat ln tlie city retterday, nnd were sent to hospltal* by tne poiic*. Lucy Conway, a colored domestlc of Ba. 1 _j Bfl Twentv elgbth st,, wns taken to Bel'evue Hoapltal yes? terday. suiferiug from mental aherrntlon brought on by the hot wenther. -a A DROP OF 40 DEGREES AT SARATOOA. Baratoga, n. y., Juna 20 nhxaclBl) 51 no?? tfldav the thermomcter reglstered Od degrees. At 11 o'clock tonlght thc mereury dropped 40 degrees and a heavy told wlnd vas hliwing from the nortnwesi. A FEW THOVSAXDS MORE MISSIXG. THE EXPERT ACOOCNTANTS GOfNO OVER BARDS LEY'S STATPMBNT. Phlladelphia, June fjflV-There waa but llttle de veloped publlcly today ln the Iinrdslcy erandal The export aceountnnts are stlll golng over Bardslev's statement and vcrlfylng it wl:h hls book*. and lt ls iindcrMood that they have dl?covercd another deflclt of #28.000. Bards-ey'* connsel refu'es to flfly whether he wiu allow hls cllent to appear before tlie ln vcstlgatlng .commlttce and answer some pertinent qucstlon* whlch ho oroltted to mention In hls statement read to tho court. Tho lnve?u;.ating commlttco wili meet again on Monday, and lt Is understv.,. d thnt M-cy wlll willlngly glve Postmaster-Gencral Wannmnker an ojpportunity to make a stetement, s-houM he dc-ire to do so, regarding the stock of the Kcystone Rsnk r-ur portlng to have l>een 1-sued In hls name; hat Cie rom nilltec do not tfitrnd lo Bah tho Postmaster-Gcneral again to uppeur before them. FfTF PESSOTB DBOWSBD. Clnrlnnatl, Jnne 2fi.-The villoge of Rlverslde. ten mlles down tIte Ohlo Rlver, was starllcd !a>t n'ght by the report that fivc persons In u *Altt had been run down by tho barges of an ascending towboat an.l all Immedlntely seurolung partlcs wero ull over thc river In sklff*. bn.t <-ould only find an iiptiirnc4 sklff, a man's hat, two women's hat? an 1 a handkerchlcf. Thc drwwncd party was rouiposc] Of Thomas Tliurman, aged flfty four. of tho Ratiner Laaf Tapacao boaaa, this city: Joaeph Xeaa, a baofc. keeper of the sanie llrm. aged twenty-two; Mlss Mtth Zens, his slstci : Mlss Cntherlnc Cox, a nlere of .Vrs. Lord, of Rlverslde, nnd Mlss Katc Rlddle, of I.nrllng ton, Ky., a rou-in Of Mr. and Miss Zens. Miss Zc-,s was a handsomc young woman, and wns employed by Blehard Smlfh, of "Thc Com mere lai Ga/.ettc," as nnd ta_tamiUAt. The party were rowlnjj down strenm, and ?aw UM light* of tli? towboat Frank (illmore comlng np. It hnd barges in foar, -nid theae hasl M llffhtfl. The oaiMimn avoided the steamor, bnt wns caught by the barge. COTTOX CROP STATEMEXT. New Orleans, June 20.?Secretary Hoster's weekly Newfirleans Cotton Ex ehanga erop statement, laaaad today, shows an Inrreaso In the quintlty of rottOfl brouglit im 1 sitrht of 140 per cent over the correspotid Ing seven days of last season. Tho week's movemenf ha= baaa 14,073 bales, agalnst 0,110 for the samo tlme last year, brlnglng the total for the twent#-slx days of June |o 80.4^0 agsjnst 20.104 yales. Thls makes the total In slght tonlght s,tT0.32.j bales, flflBlBflt 7,180,803, an Incrense of 1,300,.?_'_. Northern splnners eontlnnc t" do llttle, thelr tah Itig. havlng b"en about one-flfth of thc BfXIflffl of thelr waattjr taklngs f?r last season. Oa the other hand forelgn oxports have been gool for thfl season. amnuntlng to 21,283 bales ngaln*t 12,544 for tho seven days endlng June _6 htst year. -4> A BIG EXPTA>SI?X IX GAhVESTOX. New Orleans, June 20.?"Tho Tlmes Dcmocrnt's" Galvesion djspateli says: "About 11 o'dork tlils mornlng, du.-ing the prevalcnce of an electrical storm whlch passod ovor tho city, a bolt of Ilgtitning descended, atriklng end cx plodlng the powder-house of the Amertran Powder Co., eontninlng 2.000 hegs of powder. Tlie conpusslon causcd tho Hazard 5 Dupotit and Laflln * Hnml powder Caaapxajr'a work* to explod", and the firm works' mngazine of ? Vlctor Cortln. Althoiizh tfMM powder magaUnea were near Boglo Orove, four miles we?t Of The eltv, the abflflB of tbe eXPloslon eau*?d bonaaa to roeb and away Bi tba elty m ftom thc throes ot BO ";irtlii|iialiC'|_ ' XO TEJ.I.OW FEYER IX KBWOBLBABi. Neworlefnis, June 20.?Conimercial lirms in this city havlng re.eiv.-d tetograoM imi'iirlng " yellow fever oxisted lu New Orleans, as it had boen so reported In those plares, the BBtpatBhca were iiafflllfll to tho Hoard of RealUa, titid President oliphint pt'-mpfl.V sent tho followlng to the Assoclated Pl There is no of vellow fevcr or fever of a suspMons natiire In New-.jrleans. Should anv sueh oenir. ofllrlal notlll. ation wiR be piven 111 aei-ordiiii.e with agrcenieiit enfred Into between Stato iKKird* of Ileolth. No credcn.e should bc glven t) taaortfl unless emanatlng dlnrtlv from thls oflWfl. S. II. oMI'HANT, M. I)., President Boord of Health, Stato of TTAliABE ATTACKED THE CAMB. Rp^kane, Wash., June 20.-Reports fTOai tho sceno of thc labor trouble on thc Great Northern Raihviv In tho Jcotenai country Indlcato that maiters m growlng more sertous. A letter from DetecUre Wu ren, Who went to tho sccne, says a courler cunic In with B letter from a camp twenty mile* UI) u.e rlvr and that Ihfl ItflJBBM had atta<kcd the camp flBd flrcd several shots, but no one was injured. There are nbotit 100 Itallons In thc band. Four of the rlnp leadera were arrerted. Tltese were trled aud aeqatued. IT WAS XOT PBEStDBXT XARSn'S BODY. Woodbury, June 20.-There was cotuiderilile ex rlt-nient here to-day ovor a report whlch eatne from l'hiladelphla that the body of OttflBfl W. Bhnah had been fmind ln the woods near thls pla(C. The hody of ? man was found yesterday with two bull't bahfi ln his head and a revolvcr tlghilv grasped in blaj right hard. The dead man, however, was not the fugltlvo president of the Kcystone Bank of Phlladelphia. Ho ba* not yet been idouUUcl. -< SECRETARY PROCTOR VISITS AX EXCAXPBEX7. Concr.rd, N. H.. June 55. Bfltretary I*roetor. accom ! panled l.y Governor I"age, Adjutatit-Geiieral K'ck and other Vermont mllllarj' men, arilvod liere by a speclal ? traln thls forenoon. They were met by Adjutant-Gen eral Ayltng ond CJovernor Tuttle and stafT, ano eaeartad 1 by cavalry to thc encumpment of the Sl^ite Nati mal Gti'inl, where a salute of reventeen was ilivd. The Beeretary nnd party remalned tu.tll after thc rc I vlew by Governor Tuttle thls afternoon. ,-?. DE. IICBOLBOB WII.l. AOCBPT. Milwauk.e. Wis., June 2n.-The R-v. Dr. I?aae L. BlebolMNI, m* Phlladelphia. has Informed tb" IflXaBhtf ciinmiticc of the Bptaeofal PHeeaa ef MBwaxhBa that he wlll tlie bishoprlc made vaeant by thc death ! of Dr. Kniglit. lf hls electlon be r.itltled Dr. Nlchol son wili IjO cunscciateU ln his own ciiureh, at Fuiladel pliia, 011 october ld. A SUIT TO mBOtWBM 81,500,000. Chicago, June 20.?The Kenosha County Rank of Wi-aoiislu began snit in the I'nlted Stntes DtatrM Court to-day agnin-t Oaorflfl F. Hai'ding, of thls city. to rryover 81.d00.0OO. Years ago Harding was pre*ldent of the bank and. Jt 1? alleged, anjustly ronfl*rat>sl to his own use a'sets rightfully belonging to Uie lnstitu lion._^_ LiPiP-TTE POST i COOD HOST. Roston. June 2f?.-The romrades of Edward W. Kinslev Post, G. A. R-. Comniander George F. Hall. arrlvcd ln Boston this morning fmm thelr visit 10 lafayette Po?t. of New-York. The Boston eomndes am _..MlJlT ? ln thelr pralse of the kosplUUity of Lafayette Po*t. _^__ JLLfiVCB DEUAXVK IX XORTH DAKOTA. Grand Forks. N. D.. June Zd.-TnT Alllance resolu tlons aa reported by tlie commtttee u>day are roiised. omittlng woman auffrage. froe text book*. Uie Ocala plaUorm. nnd tbe niort?a_e rcsolutloua, bnt demand 1,._ Government ownerehlp of milroad* and silver ?gtVflP on an equallty wlUi gold. JEiTB OT URS. SllfO.V BOTUBOBILD. Asbiiry Park. N. J., June 2? (Speclal).-Mt-. Mln nle Rothsrhlld. of No. 114 Ea?t Flfty scventh ?t.. N-w York, died flfl HaHi-nvc., Long r.rati.b. on Thursday nlght. >!)-? Rolhs.hild had been piomlnently loVntl fled with many Hebrew benevoJeiit soclclleii. Bl?e wa* tlfty nlnc year* ot uge, and the wlle ol xiraoa IRHlu child, Uie cloaX icanufacturer. HARVARD'S SUPERB RACE. YALE BEATEN ON THE THAMES BY ELEVEN LENGTHS. TUE CRIM-'OX LED FROM TTIE 6TART AMB GAINED AT EVERY sTROKE-A CRt'SU IXG DEFEAT. ' fBY T8LIOHAPH TO THB TRIRCXB.. New London, June 26.?Harvard haa r8 deemed herself this yeiir. I-tst fall ebo defeated Yale at foot bail ln magniflcent f.-.shion. Fate deereed that tlie two jrrcat rivala should not meet on the baaeball fleld. It waa left for the criroson and the 1)1 uc to atrivc to pluck the final laurels of the year to-day at New London. To-night the wreatlis of olives rcst upon the br'ows of the Harvard men. And the honora well bellt the wearers. It waa on the waters of tlie dark-hlue Tlmmes tlut eight men from Harvard met to-day eighf, aona of the famoue old Yale L'niversity. It waa in battle royal. ro.vally fought, that they came together, and wlillc the criixison floats vietorioua to-night, all honor ts due to tbe hlue of Yale, which haa ao often been triumphant in sheil-roeing. For the Ilrst tiuio since IttS Harvard to-ciay showed, as a good old song runa. " Four milea ol rudder fo* the cmck New-Haven crew " And how wel she showcd it! She was gcnerous in hor dtaplap of ihat rudder. Eagor that YaFe might view it and <l\vcll upoo it and learn to know it well, she took it out. enntehed it from beneatli the bridge over tha Than.c. and waffing it swiftly to th.? nocth kept it in the van until impationt nt the sh.thful inen buhiud ahe whipped away and earried it far up the river. Tlie rncc of today was not a raee. Harvard like a bolt of .love hnrleJ her boat up tlie river from the start. She had neualy half a to spao after the i-efcree spoke fhe word which aent them oiT. A few KOOOda" later she was leaping over the eoBBM at a pace whicTT threatetted to kill ?oohrbady, It killed Yale. That ia in a few wor.fe the sb.ry of to-chy's rnce. Wlien t'ie time for the start approae.hed, every one was snrprised. Harvard was coming dowc tl.e river, rowing the cheerful "snappy* atroke, which has been seen so of ten of late on the Thnmes. Yale's boat waa towed down. Newell, of Harvard. sfripped off hls shirt a quarter of a mile away from the Utalce-hoat. His fellows soon followei him. Then, with a gentle stroke, the men pulled iown la the Tliey rowed so beautifnlly that a ripple of applausc spread over the river and rivalled the salt-lnden breeze that came up from the sea. Tlie wind was fioating silently up tlie stream. llelow the bridge there was a *uiet heaving of the waters. Ahove it then wae only a rufllintf of the dark-blue, and furthei up a calm, broken here* and there by the faintesl wceh. The aky was without a scar. The sun was irlowing; it was so deep of hue that crimson was its e.dor. ln ihe west the fringing woods on tli.* rivcr's bank were bfigkt in the hrilliant rays of tho sun. In the eaat, where tlio water waa . till dark shndows lay under the elilTs. Tlie dark for Yale, the bright for Harvard. The breeze frcsheued ns the hour for tho raee approaehed, Init it was not strotig wbon Harvard came rowing easily down the river. Far up the river, where tlie four-mile flags wei-e Ufted By tka IBiBl breeze, lay boats ani yachrs innumerahle. Above tlve bridge tha river waa envered with whi_e-hulleci boatw, ani from bowoprit to masthead, and TTW_in_nt_sthea4 to masthead, flntterpd gav p?;nnnnt8. Better conditions for a raee could aot hava lieen ask-d. The wind was aatern; the tide waa on fhe ilood, BBd tlie eourse was up the river. Hnt, Bi BBBl welteretl under the driving sun, the referee was prepariag for the start. At this tim? lba lower barbor and the river were thronged wit. jrachtB. Among rliein were: Bteam Beetwa, Yivienne, Reposo, Halcvon, Nereld CharJOtta. ( nguowa, Narwhald. I.okonnett, Ncilra iwi-. Oneldo. Lorna, EVerleaa, N-i*ht.w???n... Aztec Lnrllle, Aleeta, mgaBlOfO, Tillle, Sus,|iiehanna. StranBei ainl Starling. ____._. u gchoonen?Ramona, I'hantom. Alert, Conianch? "forna, Ylator. .-vlph, Aanaae and Princess. __oop? WIUI PlgeOB, l.lprlm, Katrlna, Lilly Bell, Eiimotnu, and Iluron. On the rcferee's boat were, among others .\fcssrs. Coles, Took, Stevenson, Floyd Jones and Ishain, and Oeorge Adee, of Yale; C. F Adams and (ieorge Adams, of Harvard; while ii a laiinch at her side were " Harry" Keyes, Har vard, and Arthur Biishane. Wiihin ten minutes after the annotincod start. ing time both Ix.ats were in position. Then came a pniiso in t'ie cheering, while the stnrtinj word was wiited for. Only for a moment wai there a dehiy, und they were off. The start 'was perfect. Tlie oars of both boat cleft the water at the same in. tant. Sixteei ours raaa and fell agaia in tl.e same stroke, anc the bouts wer" shivering on equal tertns aa i srvmed. Bat with anotlier stroke Harvard's sbel. sprang to the front. It went on quickly and nif-liinKly. It shot, alaflf until How of Harvard wns a'renst the tip of Yale's boat. Then it waa seen what force, |>owcr and er.ergy were in the i'anihrldire stroke. Harvard could mot hav# tiiiiiie.l less tlinn a quarter's length in that flrst llcrce hinst, but it was all so cjuiek, the stroki was so rapid and the pace waa so hot that no oa? could realize it until the boats were off and thi ehurnir.g white in their wakes told of their apeed I'tr six strokes Harvard's oars flashed under tb open sky and the blazing sunshine at forty' Yale's oars were as f:ust. For ten strokes thi hlue and the red HTade* cut tlie Thamos ln equal tine, but out nnd to the front shot the Cam bridgc shell. And then Yale sent her stroka down to tliirty-oight, for the plan had lieen U kill Harvard with a territle t'L-sli. and here wai Harvard osking lor and forcinj? a lishtning strolc. in the flrst. Iinak for elear water. That stioke o'f Harvard's was terrib.e It drove tiie boal like a llash up the river, and waa to Yale, it would not slaeken. Its aymmetrj ?raa perfect. The oar-lilides were wonderfnllj MnanliBOBB The hodi's swung iu time, and tho boat shot like an arnw atraight from one flag to the ne\t. Yale .eemed to l>e rOBrlBfl well. Seven elipped his stroke and his body-work waa fast, bflt his oar wns i|B_8k BBd tirm and powerful He was cryiug for a pace, but Strola ?ave him only thirl.v-eii<lit. At tbta time llaivaid's oirsmansliip was i pi.-tnre irom tlie Siloii. The lueeze, cat.hini on tlie leathered blad-B "t times, .-a_nt fine spniyi of water out to the riitlit and taft. There was i slight sway in the waist of the boat, and douhta weie expressed as to the ahilit.v of the crew to liold the pace. llut the oars sang in the BBBBJ B88-0BI8, baied baeks .wiiiig buCB and eaaed to wanl the Imw in haimonv. There was no flianga in the time, nnd as the crimaou Idades went liack an.i forth, marvels ol iiaining and skill, the shelj Iw-neatli them shot on swiftly aud hgutly untU there shone elear, blue wat^-r between IlarvarcJ'l rudcler and the koife-like edy;e of the Yale hoat. So BBB was Harvard's stroke that one thnught of a swinglng liammock. And yet it waa like ao electric tlaah from the clouda. Yale'a 8wia| wi.s tbe moinentiim of a fdlllng pile driver. It had tlie power, the inteniityl the drivc aud thiob of the old " Hoh"" Cook stroke, luit. the boat was a laji^ard in a BBBl with Hrruiea. lt would not go. lt hung and awu.ed aud wavereal, until at the mi e tlag Harvard ahowci hetwacn her and the nughty Yale boat a lengtk and a half of BBMBBBg water. Harvard, afb-r P-flatBg the one-mile flag, ahowed her conlldenee hf dropping her atruke to thirty eight. Yah" foughl on liehiud with a atroke ol tlnriy-aix. Still the BBSSf of I'lue watet lietweea the boats expand.d. lt waa win or die now, and up roae tbe Yale atroke to thirty-seven, It