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elimbed higher ta thirty-eight, and Harv?rd'B ru4d#r made foaai flakea before the orew that wofe the blne. Between the boat* now were four length*. Now the only ray of hope that lieamed for Yale to-day burat upoa the men from New-Havcn. Yale wa* rowlng at forty. The stroke waa wearing on the men. Hcffelnnger, the glant of the boat, aplaxhed badly, but he was valiant here. He tugged like the athlete that he lx at hifl oar, but ha waa not atrong in hifl wcrk. Somc thing was wrong and Mr. Cook at that moment taust have felt, as the thousanda of Bpeotatoia did, that thia wai the la*t charge. Onoe more Yale'a etroke went hlgher. Ifl WM at forty. Slowly the big men in the rear boat gamad. A quarter of a length was taken in. Then a half was oaught and held and put behind ; then there waa a length less between the two boatfl. But Yale'a cheare were still quivering on the water, when the race wa* at a *ingle moment won. 8wlft ax a swallow the Harvard boat skimmed thc Thame*. Thirtv-eight was the stroke: thirty aine aext, and then forty, and between Harviird antl Yale, rival* since Aincrioan ahell-rowing be? gan, there lay eeven lengths. Harvard in thls mile had met an accident whieh mlght have proved dcadly. The ooean tugboat, Casetc, of New-York, wa* steaming slowly in the Eftst Courae. Harvard expected her ta ehcer away, but 8he uncxpectcdly atopped, and the boat from Cxmbridge fouled her. The starboard oars ware forced to quit the etroke and raixe their bladcs till the ahell aped beyond the tug's bow. This aelflah iuoonsideration on the part of BM tug wa* abeolutely inexcusable, and jecra and cnea of indJgnation were aent broadcaat by both Harvard and Yale men. The raoe was practlcally over at thi* point, however. Harvard took a stroke of tbirty-nine or thirty-eight an<l drew away faster than the iwiad, jBlue w&ter contiimedi W 8pen wmie YaJa me.i groaued. Fiinu aeven Jengths the lead increased to ten at the thxee-inile-and-a-half tiag, while at the Hnisb the lead wax not less SSa eleven. For Yale the fliiish was a hoUow inockery. She rowed deper-tdy and aavagely long after the Harvard me.i had cros-xed tue lnie. That fruhtful lcn?th ruade them row when the race wa*. ended. but no Yale eftort* to-day could make her defcat less atinging. Eleven lengt i? and tbirty four seeonds made a bittcr drauglit to swallow. but Yale oarsmen are alway* men, and the ctieer that Harvard gave them was no less mn oere th*D it wax victoriouely nnging. The interference of boat* on the couree was unparalleled. The press-boat whieh followed the hoata admirably for three-and-one-half-rniles was ctit, into twice. ln the linsi oollision Uttle damage was done. The offender this time was the Gypey. Near the finish tbe ooean-tug Amer lca flloniied areund in the water like a great tub. The preas-boat'a bow *truck her and was oompletaly cruehed. The ahoah wax severe, and several men were thrown from the forward-deck. Tbe prexs-boat with u *tove bow worked her way back to New-LomTon after the race. Fortunately rto one was serlouslv ii)jure<l. Mr. Cook Bflid af ter the raee that the action of boata in the eonrae would ruin racing on Iba Tliamrs. He deelared tbat aucb intolerable interferenoe as was given to-dav would drivc all nu'lng from the Thameis. He'ffeltinger, the ginnt of the Yale boat, lost fivc pouwus in tbe raee. T_B referee for tlie daya contest wns W. Meickelhuin, (dlumbia. The judges were E- Sex toti and Albert Cowles. The tlmcrs were Oorjre A. Adee and 0. S. Adams. Thc foliewlag tablo show* the time of the two boats at every half anle and mile flag : "IflS1!!..-."*'_?* b% 1 " mile . Bwt Ij* 1 ^ mile . 7:40 ,. ? iii*:::::.:.:.10:1? ?>*] ->fl~lle. l'i !2 ti'\o H ir.ll*. }8!4_ III". Biemlie. l?:8j |l:*? ?I ikll*. 2* 2A -l.o, The crews were made up in this way: ll.VKVAKD. J'o Blea. Name. Aga. Hei?h?. Welrht. Ho... M Beweil. 19 6-OS's 183 _\ .1 N. Perklna (Captaln).. 21 0 188 8. N. Kant-.ul. g 8 IM 4. E. I.yniaii. 28 611 105 B ('. K. C.innninga. L*o ??.01 170 H k. i) van . u ? ; :-; 7, I- ii. Keit n. :jo 8 IK 6t.. ? i .. Ppwata. '-- *>>? JM Cox. (.'. lt. ltatt/>'lo. ?? ...... 1*0 s h i V. Wetrls*. 20 8111* 19.1 - :.. I). V. Jonc-. 88 610 10' YALE. Poaltlon. Name. Ag*- HMght. Wflllkt, Bow. W. A. Almms. 81 o-ll ]'_ ? A. 1. nalllet. 28 ?? ti l'** 't , R 1 'v . ..'.. L't B 11 1 ' 4. R I) I'aine . 1!' O.C0?a 1"! O 1). W. HelTelflliger. If2 0.2 ^(H) 8, '). 8. BreBsMT (Captaln) _2v 6 176 : v BflflerMB. K 8 Btraka. 1 a tJoohl. H> 6.10 l;i (nr lf ^. Bn^ns. .. ??? ? >'" bu-. c w. Muu. n 5'1? )-. BliO B I. Troaby. 23 6.11 1.1 Th.e apiwtided table ahows the Tesults of rxecfl between llai-vard and Vnle *ince 1676: WlanlBfl CH*, Time. JoaeflO le?7'i.Yale. . 82:0: .luii" 30 1877.11 - r ?- a d. ^4 .0 Juneya. ^7H..?.Harvard. M 4 June27 l^ro .TIarvard. 2.a:lS .lu'.v 1. lfs-0.Yale. _5:fW Jnrr 1 iwsi.Y?l*... . S2tl9 -..'(!) 1?*X.TIarvaH. 20:47-s 7ime ?!?. -\**a.Warverd. 88:4*' ,fune2ft.1884.Tal*. ?0 M lune : '? IfW-i.TIarvard. Cr>: 1r-'-.? .1,1. J inm .Tsle. 20:31% Jnlr 1 18X7.Yale. 22 .',-, Tnne nO 1?M .Y?1.. ?0 1 O liinel* ifsf-o.Y*i*. ?1 ?o .f.m?27 1*10.Tail. t_:7Q. June 26. 1801.TIarrsrd. ?1 :23 AFTER THE RACE IN NEWI.ONDON. yfew Ixmdon. Conn.. .lune '28 fPperlan.-The Harvard rrlehratJon here lo-r.lftht, after the boat race was a Uni'- afTair. Tlie ra<e helne over at noon, most of the llarvard and Ynle men left Nevv-t.ondon on speclal tralBX carly in the uftemoon. and the only ex'ltemeni ln Uie lhauti waa 'atised by the esploslon of small flrecrackei- br .mall bovs. A party of Harvard men at the Peonot Hon*e, however. burned red llre and set o.? flreworli* ln the evenlng. At a meefJni! of the Yole crew thi* afternoon. .1. Av?rr Oould. '011. K.. who pulled strolte thls year, was electod captaln of the rrew for next year. TTAnVARD MF.N Ttr.IOirK HP.RE. \Vh??, lltrvard win* on th, Thame* *he csl.bratea at Nra.I."iidoii. and BMMfflM it ?"is l?Ui when Un jnbHant crlmson men nf thls citv returned home last Blflht Th* 7 30 t>. rn ti-aln laroujrht Iiaek Mimc of them. T?t* tn the eveninir a hlghly exclted and J'lbllant thring po- red Into the Harvard (",.ib. et No. 11 West Twantr **cnTii!-st.. and relehrated Ilarvard's great vl.-tnrv pm i Y?!e. Tlie eelebration was ke;)t Bp unlil long ?fter anMMflht, and tlie priii'lpol sons wa* "Y*l" men say th'-lr cr w |a,. t)o win." Amnne tho.i? preaent wer. toseph T CI11.T. .Ismes F. Cerpenter. BftMl M Wlllard, ThnrrdvBe D. Hodges. Krftnk k. laaaiaaa, HXmbbII P. stittord, Harxart i> l'i rat, Atnos K. Klsi.e, Cfearle* A. Btowa, James w. Har.ea. A. B. Whltlng, W. I.lttauer, .1. W. I.apsl y, W. Fran- ls flray. R. Ives Ard.'-r and Roval M.-rrIX THF rPO-BB BTATBX TSLABD DEET). Klncsini;. >:. y,. .time -j.i (Bpeciflll.?II now seems rertain thnt tlie afojen St:iten l-Utid deed on th' dnmiment F.lnn'r BfBhlBW, of KrlppMbaflhi clalm* to hnve got fnim hi* ejrandmolher ahoal ten y-nts. ;.;.-??. i-aine fr?m the stntc rerords. l-.r- of t e atah m thfl old colonlal manukcripts on whieh the doed was BBflBBl t-till ailheres to ihe document and thfl impnnt of the wa.y ?enl is found on the appoalfc page. Blarta* BChaaruaakar, ?n authority on local lii-tori' al niattets. anys tliat nhen ,MI,;iuv ^\:^^ thn-nletied l.y ltiv;i*1on nianv of flflr public records WBia MOl i" B-BgBtoa; later, wh-ti thla plaee ?a? Iii lanfrer of enptnre. all records nf the M?te trea^ury unil ?ther departn.ents of rcord were sent to Kochester He thinks tnut Un* document. with the others named. was ottntted or jo.t. i vovratp.vr at getttsburg pp.dwatet). (icttyst'urg, Penn.. June 2(i.-Two hundred survlvors nnd friends of tlie 111th New Yorli Vohinteer In fantry, U> dav dedlrnted their monument, a hron/c *o)8ier with hi* gun at tl.1 ad ? on Hnncoclt ave. Just aoutli of Mfljar*fl (irove. The 8X8881888 were as Bxfaawi: Pruyer bv tlie Kev. ttephen O. HopMna, of l'alniym, N. Y.; unveiling ..< the monument hy W. L>. MatDoutful!, DaMai Htnlot N.vy; orMtioii hy Ileii laniln B. 6iiow, of Auhuru, N. Y.; Bflxrrflflfl. by Ofla ?ral C V. MatDougall, of Aubum, N. Y., ;u:d thr lenedlctlon by the Rev. Mr. llophin*. BBLLTOBi <>F FEEZ OF WBB9BB BVRXBD. Miniie.ip-ilis, Jaaa 15.?A llapateh to "The Trlb nne" frorn CtBqaet, Miim.. flByi lhal nbntil -J :.'I0 o'< li,. |; (lna flfXMaaflB llre wns dl eOVflteXl Ifl the vnrd ol tln Kelson I.iiin1)er Cammmmf A Btraafll win.) was lilnv Inu. and tlie flre spi.'ml riplilly p.wnrd tln flUH. It looBaxI nt ono tlme a* IhflflBjh lha wliol loun n.ust go. Tlie l.'i.'il Irfl BrtflB?a turm -i out proinj.tly and throagll thelr do-peiate exertlona, a--ist<d by aii tha unil flanax, lha Ira ?"?? - to thc hioberyard. Oaxi . iAXMAXIO fflrl ot flij him IrfT was .if~tro\'-d. Thr Jos? |. eetlflaared at a.'iflO.iH'K) Maiiy uersons w.-tr hijtired duiinK tlie p..??;rr** of vh Xre, wluih i* >uji barniog. though uudei aaotroL FROM MANHATTAN COLLEGE. GRADTATE8 BLES**-ED BY' ABCHBISIIOP CORRIGAN. THB ADDR15I-S TO TnE CT.AM MABT* BT CHAUN CET M. DEPEW-DEGREES CONrETlRED. There was not a vacant seat ln tho Metropolitan Opera House yesterduy afternoon durlng the exerclse* ol tho thlrty-elghth annual commencement ol M.m hattan O-illege. Archblshop Oorrigan preslded, wlth Ohaoncey M. D*pew on his rlght ani the Her. Brother Anthony, the president ol the college, on hls left. Among the other peraons preaent wore Bi.hop Conror, of 4_mrlum ; Uie Rev. Franels H. Moore, ol St. There-a's Church, Mayor Orant. Major B. J. O'Shauehne-sy, Rlchard Croker. Miehacl Glblln, Jamea _. C'oleman, Itichari M. Waltera, ('ommlaaloner Jamea J. Martln, Brran Lawrence, Edward J. MeOean. T. O. T. Craln, ex Senator Tlwrna* F. Grady. Franels O'.Nelil and Pollee Commi^sioner Jamea J. Martln.. When the time for Arohblsliop Oorrlgan to confer the degrecc waa reached tho Mayor. ln an ostentattous way, lefl his seat beaide Mr. Depew and wont Into tho prlvate box where Ri.-h ard Crofeer und hia wife sat and grcetecl his baae with a cordlal shalie of the hani. Jame* Joseph Hnghe. spoke on the anbjeet. " Be .Tnst and Fear Bet", Jame. A. Boylan. "Let all the F.nd. Thou Almeat at be Thy Country's"; "Thy Gocl'.," J. Aloyslu. Cralg; "And Truths," James P. Keenan. lYancl. J. Grlffln spo_? tho valedlctory on "Char acter," and the maater D. P. oratlon was made hy Edward Hayden Kclley. '85. on "Truth Wlll Trttimph." The iegrec of Doetor of Phllosophy was lOBBBtei on Thomus P. Gnlwey, John B. Mc.Mahon and John T. Morria; the degroe of Master of Arts, nn tho Kev. John Hriody, John H. Byrnes. the Rev. John P. Clildwlclt, OoraaUaa J. Droogan, Wllllam L. Etttnger, the Hev. Franrl. M. Fagan, Paul J. Halpln, the R?v. .lohn C. inrginv Edward H. Kelly, wiiiiam R. Laetreaea, the Rev. Thomas J. Loughran, Thomas F. MrParli.n, thi Rev. John J. Morris, tho Rev. Lawrence E. Mnrray, Edmond A. OT.rlen. John A. O'Rourke. the Rev. Ed? ward R. Prendei gast, Penl. L. fchoa and tlie Bev. John F. Tully; the iegrce of Master ot tirlcnce, on John H. R. Barry; the degree af Tiaehelor of Arts, on Mlchael J. Mara, James A. Oralg, Francl. J. GrlfDu, Thomas P. Phc'.nn, John W. Farrar, Danlel A. Quinn, Cornellns .1. Ilrcii n?n. John J. Fitzgemld. James E. Donnelly, Wllllam A. Doran, II. Conghlln, Jnhn S. Dunn, Jame . 1* Keenan, Wllllam II. Thebari. John H. L'irltln. James A. Roylan, and James J. Hughes; the de. lec of Budielor of MaBBi on Joseph P. Murphy, Derniot .1. II i\.-. Franels J. Crummey, and Franels M. Donohue: rnm mercial dlplomas were glven to John E. Ward, John J. Carroll, Vlrtor E. Meert, Wiiiiam C. Pomnierer, Edward J. McDonald, Joseph T. D'-nnclly. liernard J. Vagulre and John J. Weston. The alumnl purae of 850 for the best English e'say was won by Franels J. Gnffln; the Ml___0?_feOowafl meial for rcliglous inatructlon by Daniel Quinn: tiie Kellv medal for phllosophy bv Mlchael Joseph Mara; the Orody memorial medal for oratory by Jame. Aloysius Boylan; the Develin memorial medal for cln*s1c? t,v Mlchael Joseph Mara; the Hoguet memorial medal for mitheniatic l,y F.mll Joseph Vlllanyl; tho medal for I.atin _OBI>aalllBB (undergraduatcs) by Emll Joseph Villanyi; the gold medal lor sclence of accounta bf John Edward Ward ; t1r*-t intermediato t-las. gold medal for excellence bj Andiew J. Ronun; liiat intermedlate class, gold medal for C-Oeqtlon l,y Vlncent P. Donlhce: second In? termediato class gold medal foi- eB-OUeoea hv Joseph Albert Farloy; tbird intcrmediate class gold medal Ior txcellente. I.y Ertmund II. ChatHlari; tJi11<1 isitcrmedl-itc elaaa pold medal lor elocution hy Wi'.liam C o'Bri.n. Father laaac Jolm road out Mio iiam_?, and Anthony liand.'d t'ie parrlim.nt roll. to the Arch hlshop, and us the graduuteo reeeived tl.em thoj" and kissedflie rtng on tlio Aruhbishop'. tinger. Chiiuiicey M. Depew made tlie address to the gradu 888B, u.d was ln aaa of hla happieft und most clo<iu--nt nioods durlng a .peetli Whlch \\__> reeeived wiUi raanii of aiipii.use. "Demoethenee,'1 aaM hc. ugare the rule of cloquenoe to ba '..ction, action, action,' and BBCeea-fBl men In this w.iil.l will i__ll you thnt the iuic nt BBeeaaa is 'work, work, _"or_u'" Brotber Anthony, In a witty .p.<ech told how when Mr. Depew araa asUed lo he preaent, he repl-ed. " '1 .h.ill i to oblige you; but suppoee l'm ln Jail?" ii! "I rcplied." _*tld Brother Antl-.on.. " "I ??ha'i nnnonnea to tii- grainatea that i hoped to h;.c tiie moht ekx_-ent .poabe. in this oountrv, i.ui 1 am aorrr lo aa. tbat be is al prcscait sojournlt.g al Blng ..inn-.' (Renewed laughter.i But fortune farored lilm ;.nd ns, and so we havo had tli" rn,,'t elnqunnt adireaa that it ha. or,?r been the privile-ge nf tlie atnicnta ol Munliuitan College t,> hoar.'' iLoud ap l)lau?-e.i Arthbishop Gorrigan thon gtxva tlie graduat^- I.i ? bleseing. AT TnE G-U3-MAB SCHOOLS. CIiOSlN'G EXEP.CI _F... TKE OTakBVkTBB AXD TIIE PP.IZE-WIN.N'F.RS. The closlng cxerciscs of Grammar Sehool Xo. 20, bOJa' department, were held in the princlpal's room reeteriay aflenooQ. Patrieh Ca:r,,ii prc-,ded. c>n Uie pl.-.iform with Alcxandcr Moichouse, prlnclpal, .at George 8. Cornell. Henry Kopf, Frank A. fc-peneer, Hugh Kelly, PMllp Blaalg, Daniel Piittciaon, Phillp Benjamin, Mr. Vlncent and the Rev. Mr. Alman. A feature of the progi-amme wu< tha rlolin and flute pleying of O. WaMhor and W. B<*n Janiin. A selcctlon for vlolln and two zithers wm performed by 0. W'alther, T. Kchumaehcr and I. Schmldt. l.oys 'ang the weddlng choru. trom "Lolieiigrtji." tsamuel Barlt. by blith a Rua slan-Hebrew, dellvered the valc-di, tory aiiliiaa llis subject wbc " From a Rn.?l_n t-ahara to bu Ampn, n Oaala." Young BarH h.* been in lbe ichoo. leaa than two years, and in that time ho hws K>?i-n-.l io read, ?vrite and BPeah Enplish. Prl_es, ron-isilnn of a BBBl bef 8| vnliiable books, wero glven to Suinuel lJarit. Henry W. Tnte. Jr., llcnnan Ppoerer nnd Oacar Walther. The Ilc.rnthal medal *_,.* awardccl to Her mu: Bpeerar for liarlng attalned tl.e blgheat lanlt iu hi- cla^s diu-liig the sehool year. The cluss of "81 1, eeaapesei nf Kamut-i Barlt, Oeorge B. Beeker, .\nircw II. Borger, Hernian Fink, i-amuel Fine, Charles C. Fucris. Jr., I)nvid Ohwer, Max (, 1'i.u] s ITaljiern, Jr., Albert liubener, Samucl Jaaobowlta, Alfrod Ptacaa, Adolph tSnndberg, Bpoahrar, Jr.! F.mll S. .aioin. Il.nry W. Tate, Jr., Jo.cph Welmer, Jr , -mi Oaear w.ithor. The graiaattng e.\ of Grammar Srhool Nn. 88, taaaak iepart-aeat, wero held at lha _ehaol-boeae, ai B-Vtagtaa ?nd Lea-is ?t... f. j. Mnrray is prlaclpal. The grodn:iting elaaa U aaBipeeei ef Clara H. Ooarler, Jennie Fuld, Minnie Goodman. Martha L. HkkSflfl", liosii KleiTiman, Blanclie .Newman, Dor.i Ruhmann. Ila.hel Rubeiirteiii, 'iertnide L. Ryan, Amy Tevln, Kmic A. Wood and Ocilia Ziji.r-r. Tlir rioalni exarciaefl of ilrammar Sehool No. 47 wcie licid la tbe priiK-ipur. room af the InaBtatkw, No. 88 E-tst Twvlltt.-st. lha place wa. iotwialort with laaa aai oiM loaora. Dr. w. w. waik.-r, ebalrouu Df the I'.onrd of TlflJleea, pieaMeC The addi-c.a of t'l-cting was made bv Mlllle V. Dre-ler. Loiiim' 11. ( ole read tha elaaa fmm, and Ida L. II delivercd the valcdictoiy. An latlreaUng pl grammc was listcncd to wlth attention by a iiuiiilcr of rMtora. The Rev. Dr. Rotel. Collycr .ddis.-sv(i ttie (.-radiK.t.--,. Tha Ckemri neiala wera aanviai lo Heartetta B. Darltt and Malla Plerej i,v Jaaaea W. Gerari. Tht hooor atoienta wera Arne. m.,v Hanter, Marle Loalaa Aekenaan, Arraa Katio nerger, Clara M. Chapple, Jennle 8. Cottier, Kl'iretuo K. FniiiT:. Floreoee U FraUaeher] 18a L Herbert, Annie Low. Lu. v p. Loige! l.lsi,.. c. M.-lii.s. Mnrgiierite Ameiia Bpcidbal and Mar u.u-ot Cheaaar w<?a. The other aieibera af Um grai iMtlnp (la. > iire i_a(tie n. Arnold, lvv iio.ert. ENtabeth Brailar. glaaaolh a. nmd., Bta Angeta Bnunan, Catherlna A. Breaaan, noreace Barleton, Loniaa ii'. Cole. Mav O, c.iiicy. iiciu'etu E. Diiviu. Qrarc Lilxon Florence i. Degle, WWa u. IBuaalai. Agnea lfae .BT, Vera t. DoagtaB. Hella Druiistudi.-i-. Kllu. MM),-1 Bagllah, MaUe cH-riev:e\e Fi;_p<rald, Hal B J, E. fraafc, Alea Vlrtan Ii-ey. Hcrtha H. Ganiaey. Edith J. n0l braw, Etiici HateMaeoa, Adriaidc Tahaawi. pion KoclUer, Louise Franct- Koehler. Emn^ Kohl, Joheplii,'ie L. Latasa. BaUa Loulae Lorton, belma MumloU. Ma. Sharpens The Appetite There t. BeBflag for whlrh ?-, lacommonU llooda ?araBpaillla wjih jrc-t.r raaMaaei th.., f0r io?. ut ai.iK-tii.-. laaigaiBaB, ateb bsaiaaba ...n ?.|,.r ironbi^n of ? :\-j>r>t|o nature. ln me mo-t naturai way Uils UKUiclna gaatty Maaa HM Btaaaab, a.,d ji.uu.-i f_?i "r.--i i.unciy." I.adlr. I. Drlicntr ll.nllli, BT v. rr Bai pur tlcuiar al meal?, atur takli,? Hood'a .Snr.?[)a:iiia a f, w <i?T?, t\ni _bBM8fliai laagtoa tor _.,_ ,nin. ti,.. y^aaai food wlth mi*X|>e'K'd rvBaB and aatuta. ti.,n. 'j-|V |L Hood's Sarsaparilla bed i,y aii iaaggMBa. *i. Ma tor a_. i-raaani oniy by C. i llo'ili v 00., -|>oUi-.ariea, _a,?,,i, nltt. 100 Doses One Doliar garet McKenna. Jeannette I. Molloy. Mabel A- BtrmaU. Augnst* Nlemann, Emma Plercy, EateUe Plercy. Kate Heynolds, Marfaret M. Bhell, Emma C, A. 6le5er, Emlly Baitaia Da SUra, May fl. Stocking. Aimee LoulM Travli, Marle Loulse Wade and Frled* Westerfleld. The cloglng exerclsee of Uie glrr* department ol (Jrammar Pchool No. 87 were held at Peventy-?eventh st. ond Amsterdam-ave. ye*terday mornina. ??. Llon preBded. Among thoee on the platform with Annle V. Foi. the prlnclp-l. were Henry A. Rnger*, Iti. In.rd S. Treaev. James 11. Cumlng and Jacque* ll. ll.rt-. There were not seal* enotigh to accommoda'e thc many friends of tha gradunting cIhs*. ?l?? "ei'fl Flnlav delivered tii- valedlctory. The pnnf'P :_J;? prlw. a silver watrh. wae awarded to Ellen B. Hewitt. Tareafl C. Welsh elso received u ?_?_______ caroiyn Eerne, recelved a set of book* a* a prl/x The graduatlng exerclses ot the g.rl.' .lepnrtraent ol Oranimar achool No. 00. ln Kifty fourth-it.. near filxth-ave.. were held yeiterdav afternoon, Bchool Trustee .lacques 11 Hc'rt* pn-sidlng. <?old medals were awarded to Ml**ei Elsle Ltiwensteln and lierthti E. n.itchelder; sllvcr me.lals <-. M:>* Edna Innis, Nora Have*, Mary E. Hartman. Mnrlon E. Itice, JOBBBhlBfl M. Groer, Katherlne fronin, Hcatrice Lowcn steln. Mav N. ftelwood. Mlllle L. tliahman. Henrlella L. W. Hnaker. Marla T. Leon, Annle J. Rl"hl. F.tlnl Hrunhlld, Mllllcent Newklrlc, OHve, Oellia ?ray. Loretta K. Clarkln, Sar*h J. Itronks. Nellle K. Urown, Sarnh W. Alexandre and Irene McHugh. ? APPLICANT3 AT HARVARD. Boiton. Jnne 20.? There are Bax, young men now worklng nt emmlnatlon for cntnince to Harvard. In Cambrldge tlw nurnber of men that are taklng the flnals I* 230. the nurnber taklng th" prellmlnarte* l* 881. At plaee. other than Caml.ridge there Me .127 men taklng cither the Baal* or prellniiiiarics. or both. Thii ls a gain of 116 over last year. NEWRURO FREE ACADEMY. New'mrc, N. Y., June 20 (Spcclal).-The rommencc ment cxcrclse* of thc Newburg PTflfl Acadcmy took plaee to nlght in the Academy nf Muslr. The Faluta torian wns Wllliam J. Weygnnt and the valedlctorlan Mlse Almlra heainan. *> SUCCEEDS HER HUSBAND AS PRESIDENT. Bordentown, N. J., June 20.- M:-. Oertrude Rowen. wlflow of the Rev. Wllliam C. Bowen, formcr president of tho Rnrdentown Female C<,lleg", who dropi>ed dend here a short time ago. twvs be-en appolnted pre-ident of the college. by the Uoard of Coum il EXHIB1TI0N OF fl-flUfiBB DRaWINii. The pnpU* of the department of Orammar School No. 45. at No. 227 Weat Twentvsevnth-St.. BXTt an 8851555X8 of free-hand drawine at the insttttitlon on Thuraday afHilBBBB A large nurnber of pcraon* inspeeted thc work of tlie i.uptls. whlch consl.t.'! of oi'tur. s. BBM*. deslgtis and i?rchl<e:tural ?tudle>. Mury l> Tsto ls urincinul of tbo school. _ THE GOYERNORS NEW MOYE. GETTING COUNTRY PAPERS ON HIS SIDE. WHO PTJRNI9HE.S THE FUND5 !?HIL- TOO CI-HSE MOUTHED TO Sl'IT HIS FRIEND*>-THB glTUATION IN CHKMUNG. Elmiro, N. Y., June 20 (Speeial).-" Who furnlshes the funds for tlie new HIU organs r is a query that wlll renerally l?e a*Ued when tlio fact i* known tliat the (iovcrnor-eenator 1* branching out into louriialisin. Dnviii Beaaatl HBPa iii?t pflwif par venture pruvod a blg liiiaiicial and poll***al BBOCCM for thc astute Cha muns wlrepuller, although ch-scly eaaaeetai with tli" blackesi pagaa bi ahe hlxtory of Tweedism in New Torh City and Albany. The latest movc on 11111'- BOUtteal .-he.- boara bagBu to ahow Baell ln Bha extrema wc-t ?m part of tha Btate, wbara it is propoaaa v< add t<> a jaaMfltawa waahry paper a reaVhal um daiiy orean. What Banaaw mil shoaM want Of :m '.rgmi ln th" "blacU Republlcan'' eoiint.y Of <'haiit.-iuiiua at thls time ia as much a conundruni a* where ti.e money ia t" flflflflfl from to run lt ac?>ra.lng to tho Cheniung school of pelBxi -)? lt is also sald by a mnn on thc Inslde tliat other ,-<iunti'v papen thraaghoal Um Btate nrc being mouidci into tlie 11111 loaf, and lhat when the time airivea for ulie *election of delegatc? to the DeflMcrattC suito <>>n vention Mr. Hill wili have a tortiado of piinter's ink to deluge all OppoalBoa. In the meatitime his home organ, "The Elnilni (iar.ette.'' i* MIMflally but studlou* ly quoting evcrytliing publlslied fuvoring a thlrd term for the QOTflrnorshlp and as earefolly refrain lug from mentlonlng other Demociat* for tho offlce. Talk Flower to a Chemung Hill foBowar, anl the convertation is wound up by the rlatement thal " bfl B not ln lf." The names of rhapin, " Ed'' Miirphy ai.d othCrs are recelved with the sam" dlafnvnr. TUl ls not i.nly the ca-o In Chcmung, but Ifl other soiitherr tler coimtios. And 9/5181 tlii- is K?|ng on tho ia. t should B01 be losl tlght of that tlie dtial oflicial Is tlie lanic Jehyll Hyde as he bflfl been since the late W. _. Muller bronght him out of afeflearUf and sent him lo praaaBt his eoafltftaaatfl in Iba "Bma- Twecd Afsembly. In vlew of Mr. HIU'* former career, it ls difflcnlt to BBderalaaa Bli po?iti.>n: ln fn.-t, bl* wannaat bobm foUawara eoafaaa that h* la a Boaaatlraai, nnd thal they aalAom, if ever, know hi- real lataDtloa BU lha niotaaal for dtdfllva act.on BRltBfl. An ardent HIU 8BP poiter haa llkened him to Charlflfl Blawarl ParnelL The man refern-d 10 IBM 88811 reC0gnln4 M an inip.rtaiit factor in Demoeratic polltlcs for many year* and also a libeial cor.t ribiitor to the cau-e tapaaflfli by Mr. garaall. BaM he: " i fcar tiiat 'Dave,' who, by the way, ls not utillke rarnell ta keep? ing close-moutlwd conceniln? hls pbUM, at*. al ?<> eoflM to gricf. Hifl friends dn'l like ostraebUB, und thfl hB I that he aeems to dmibt ln- beal workari and BdmUart leavt-H an tndelible impn-* apox Uielr nlati lhal bfl otther kMhx flpon tiieu- v.-mi dlatrusl or beilerei lhal no man is worthl Bl hB couiiaeiae. Thii Btata - 1 thliigs cannot exhit long, and already ha bM BM85 many eiieink's by Ihlfl BoBej." BpaflBlng of IUB'1 tliird-term prospects. tlie gatiUoBMU icnixrkfli Uttl lio ha<l no Ide* tliat ?' 1):>ve'' tliought aarlonal) of It. but he WHiited M have the givlng af ihe BBB ti.iu ai.d thu* demonstriuc that he ii lha proper peraaii ta Imve the distributi-m of the political loaves and liahes in the State, as well a* whatcver may come to him a* United >t*vtea Senator. lu Ihfl tiieaiitinie he wants to hoM the la*b over hN qklef, bnt w,,uld-be etieniie*: and vrhen the Utnc tomes, If ha <-?n Bhaw that he nlone 1* the only poBBeaJ Moses to lead the partv ot the t>tate to noeeM fltxl that BMh i bmt? wlll pla.ate those to Whoa ia*t winter he prOMlflBfl thc Baeatorahif and those with the "bar'U.'' a* well a* other* who were promlsed tne iioinlaation for Oai h? wtu lead aa to thfl BaUooal OoataxBaa with an organizert rush and vell "I am a --uf Ihara I* a littla rlppxi aa ihe araxl traooaU um paiiUcal wavfl la Chflaxaag that Biaj also ooxt thc boM bobm BBXkBf. Whaa tiie Qovcrnor was axieled Minat.-r ha dcieimlned to 8X88 ln ttofl I'V pladug ln ii.,iiiiiiaii'.ii men wlio, lf elceted to .-late ollites, w,,uld look iifter hls BOBUoaJ fence. iu tlie Btata, Among the oBiiflMtatoi Braotlralli BbaVad aaa Joax B. BCaach nriii. a l'.niier law i-.i.iii"! ol the Goviirnor aad ex Mayor ol Ihla etty, for Attorucj Oi.ral. >?. ebange wm tnude in Ihe prograroine Ull >mith M. Beed aod , tn rs made hlg kick* aUtnt HUl'a irviiinent ol iii,-m during 'I'-' benatorial canva**. Ilieu the Chenrohg ,l (.??!? changed hl? Uctlea and ln iitunng lu ,,;.:,,? )js new-niade enon5e? c.tnfled" lhal Ihfl next Attorney-Oei ei il ihoaM be a man mIci ied ai thc Bew Vi.iii VS'lgwam. in tba tneanUme Mr. Flower li flio?l spoken nf tor Gtrrernor, whlk at "Tlie Oaxettc"' offlce Ihe remark l- nol unfreqaei tlj heard lhal bailth M. rVfled wonhi makfl a flood OoxerDor. unfl lt wlll be worth ahile t" watch Um name "1 B'eed ai the sttue i onvenUon. AU I* not a* roey ln Ihe Dem ?ratlc Flower ganien ns mlghi be hoped by the Oararaari foliuwere?prlnetpaUy beneflclarii i. OBOKia WAS NOT SCARED AT AT.L. Hi; KNF.W NO BBASOB WllV TA.MMANY 8HOUU) ^?O COBBPK 0OU8LT BMOBB THB PIPI. OP PI v I . Rlchard Oroker Wfli barh Ifl thc ,itv yesterday, hav lag bobm from tbfl coantry ttA\ ot Btate Haoator wm iun i.. BrawB) at Qreal Rarrlngtoa, Ba**., arhara be i. "i enjoved i. ic-u- days' resplta tram the iieat of the elty. A Tribune rsportflr kmod blm sittlng ln a co-,! eorner of tlio WlgWBM 111 Fniiit."-nth st., surTOunded by a iitimbcr of big and little "Jnjani" of the tilbe of Tatr.maiiy. who Wflffl Buagratalflttag tli'' greit (hlcftain ou iii- iapa>5 c .nditioii aud wuillke b-:arltig Mr. CrdSflr sald that he had efljoyed MMBflU Imtnensely at Hi-othfrkravc Browa'l Bay Btatt lepee. whlch was ahundamly BXppUtal with all lhal flraa needeil to BMBS a teu TflaDjaxii] warrhB f >:_?'. the tr:_s a'd vexailon* of city hfr. Tharfl w?s no Bfltarr plaea, Mr. Ci kai BMBMfl |0 thlhk, wltfiln maiiv m'b- of New York for ptaanlna. poBBeal baUhH aad ">tui hunt**" whkh givo promKc of more ridi ipoUl of cor.(|n Fr tn the wa\ lu whieh Mr. f'i,,;;er ??'wsm1 o.uefl tlon? touclilng tlie raeaat action of the Taitnuny Hall '? i '.'nmlttec of Twenty-four " ln leaolving thal there i BO dl.conl ot- backbHlBI ln tho orpanlratin'i, and that the b <s's eollar dis" not rhafe tli" t., ci;, af UM ' aai drtiwer. of \mtrr'. i? miiit I-' Inferreg thal the chlaj di-in- t,. Btaotra lnnis.ii ol all rv?pon.ll,iri1y lot the t.M?etitig. lie c'- .rl.-ntIv prrfct-N io Iflflflfej th*'i lhat thfl aiaie Whuli Wl I'ji'i.'i )ha BNgfllB bfll not aflecte.1 l,un, aud MM axaaUag ?_ axaBaa up to glaflBte hla aHhaal hi* ktiowledge or conaent. Tlie followh.g dlalogue took plaesi ? wiiotn BflxoagfBfl me" in lha lanei raaaeflaafTaia' many Hall Bayafl most Btlatraat, Mr. < r..kei "I havn nev^r bflfl] ,inv ii,,.|rti t ,>| tl,<- b.vultv .f n sltigle mnn flflaafletfll 1,1 any wai with tlie louudls of Tammanv Hall. ' The aaseta of THE COIVNECTICIJT MUTtJAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY lo 1847 were. flO.73H.81 They have lnnreased each year since that time, and on Jan. 1, 1881. were. . 58,747,707.44 And during theae yenrs the com? pany has paid to policy holdera.. 145,835,390.80 It baa paid lor the paat 20 years an average dlvidend of. 34.31 peroent Its ratio of expenae ofmanagement to Income for the past 43 years is 8.51 per cent lta surplus by New-York standard la over six millions of dollnrs. PHILIP S. MILLER, Oeneral Agent for New-York City. T_on_ Ialand and Ne--J_raer. No. 1 Wall St., New-York._ a Do VOfl wish lo be undcrstood aa iaylng that yonr relatlon. wlth all of them are. perlectlv frlendly 1" "That ls It exactiv. My raiatlons with every one of the present dl?trl.t leaders havo been and are now of the mo.t pleasant character." "I? there, then, no trtith In the n.mera that rtvllcul dlfference. have aria-n between yoursell and Mayc. Orant. Pollee Commis.loner Martln. Mr. Oockran and others. or that you have seriously thouglit of aevenng your relatlous wlth Tiiii.miinv Hall !? '? There ls ab-olutcly no truth in theae statcnienU. I have had no dlsagreeiiient. with Mayor Graut, Com nfls.loner Martln. Mr. Cekran or any other leadli'g menilrcr of the oi-_ani/.at:<>n. I have had no di?_grce ment wit_i an\ hody connccted witli tlie management of the atfalis of Tammany Hall. All bueh reporta aro groundlc-.s.'* " If thi. is all trae. Mr. Croker, what waa the neces alty lor the me.tin.- held lu UM < Chamber Ofl Wedneaday and tlia a. Uon taken U_era '" ??'bo hu aa ) araa eoneemed, I aaw no ncce.slty fn* the mei'tlng. I the BxecuUve (.'oiiui.ittee orof the adop ii.ui ?f reaoluttona eertllylng lo tbe loyaity ol its own nembera, ii maal ba lememb refl, however. numeroii. nnnnr- of an aanoytng character had Iren mt afloat bv Interested partlee, and perlmpa M araa better after all to aettle Ibeni by a elear declaratlon ol tlio real condltlon of affairs tn the oiguni-aMon.-' Mr. Croker will t-ike hls famlly to Hi.-hileld Sprlncs |B-tav for the siimmer. but the hose wlll retnrn to the cltv to partfi ipat.a wlth other hlgh muck-a-muc_a ol the Wigwani in tha telebi-atioii of 'uly 4 *> ? XOTES OF THE WORLD'8 FAIR. STATE EXHIBITs-WORK ON* THE FIRST BTHl-D IBQ n;-.t;uN. Chlcago, June 26.?A dlspatch from Yanhton, S. D., says that me nbeis of tho World's Falr Commlaslon are there to dceide upon u course In ralslng tho aaeaaaary taaia for tba Btam exhlblt, M-iety-fivo plodg* from nieinbers of tlio Lcglblature bi-ve been reeeived. goatBBBN_B| lo atteai a *pe< ial seaslon of the Legislature he.* ,,f coet to tlie .-tate and to vote Ior an appn.priaiioii, nnd nlnataan more aro known to be in favor of tiu-. if local coaanlt-aea wlll pi-o vide e-raeaaea. This iea~ea sli pli*ig<? rOQU-re-. H a scv-sloii is held. it wlll probably ba Into bl tlie fnJi. san Praaciaeo, Jane _?.*-a*Ute Cootroller CoifBB'a attoincy h-a aivlaod blffl BOt to pay tlie $..00,Ot>i) ap poprlated i.v Ihe Leglalatura lor Oallforala'a e_inb!t nt iho WorM'a Knir, on ihe ground that tho uppro prlation ls Bi -1 >i:- r it tit i- nal. Work upon tha frst of tlio World's Fair buildlng. waa beguo to-flajr. Tba strnctura is the Woman'a Buildlng. lt is to bc -oo by iOO foot and three storBM hl.h. Prc'idcnt Oilman, of .Tolins Hopkliis, towhom had been offered t!ic place of chicf of the Ilurcui of Uberal Arts. arrlvei here thla nornlng, *n<\ after eonaulting with IBiocttBf-Oaaeral iiavis as to the iutles of tho place, ieetiei that he eauM not accept It. Hc found tliat lt would raeaire all of hi. time, and he was uu willlng to iclve thls to tha cxciu-lon of hls duties at Joluis HopMBS. nvei- 1,000 appllcnnts for space have already been reeeived. han>iis ('ltv. Mo., June 20.?A movoment has been ftartei hera for tbe organlxatlon ol a novel mUltarj company. Inteniei lo be G_te of the military teatui - of the Worid'a i-air. The eompany is to i,<* <:_i;--*t Company A, lat Reglment, I nlteu Blua ani Gray, ll ia i,, I. ? i<,iii]?._?1 ,,[ titt.v c.\ I nlon and liftv 08 i onfederate reterana, the forroar uiilforuied ln blu-- aud the latter in gmy. QERk-ArTg PI.AN A CELEBBATIOB". A meetlnc cf the ietegatea of the Ctrman slnging aoctetlea, of tfew-York and its rtctnlty, was hMi laat i-vcning at t!,c Ailoii cliibhouse, I'arlc-iive. and Fift. nlnth-st. T.'ic ol.Ject of the meeting was to tako tteps, in cnnjiinction wlth ...,-letics or other eoontrles, to iDwninaaioiale ti,e aaaet .infe of tra?? ilseovary ,,f Aaterlea by Columbus. Tbere were preaeul ielegatee from flfty-thrae aoctatlaai rapraaentlng over 3,000 kinger.. EUchari Knt7.euiiia.u-i', of the Arion Oiub; Dr. Jos-ph 11. henner, of Iho -Btata Zeltanfl" ? BBi WUHaa Stelowflf, axplalnei the tujectof the orgaal_ tion, Whleb was qalekly foimed, nnd it will be known In tl.e future as the Coium,,in Celebratl ui Or_Bfll_a> BOB. Tho organization profoaea fo amnge, with the aid of lune Kiiaify, ,n. hlalorkal proeaaalonal pagennt aur p_.---.iiii: in thoae ol the taaooui calebraUoo of tho allver aaaVllin of th* Baifeior and Baiareaa of aii-i.1.1. Tba roaiailttoa selacted la^t alght t<) havo full power to niahe tlie prellulnary arniu-^riient. lor this oeiebratlon are Wllllam Btelnway (chalrmaol, Blch ard K.n/.,-.,iii.ii. ., John M. i ,n.,,?!-, 1 eli\ beflwara. .chlld, John P. Wlndolpli, Frank Pfiff, l.oul. Daurpan, I.0111. Ilaber.troh, lleurj Pallberg. l*,-t?-i Bertaeh, ( harle. Wahle, Julia. Caaaar, Wllllam 6<-hwub. Atfoiph Hiracb aud L.i'.Mtiti KUegUta. i PAG HI RD 0? BCFFALO LFIT. From T!,e KUwaakee i-emiiicl. Twenty yeara ago bnffato robee w-ere the favorlto prouv-toi- of bm oin ti ,v, i;,.in Bfatnal the riicors of winiry l)lx~t.-. rbough -omewhal coaraa lo tho tou.-h Utc) were almoal Impervloua to Uie cold ol the atmo? pbere, an.i man) routli. aud inalden. of thoae iaya i.h.u bark now ?iih regretful foelii_-ra t,> the aleigri rliea when the>" neatled lienealli tbe flannel hmdereii ani ?!,.!" r.i-i\ ini'-.i iklu. ol boffaloea, whlle their iiciit -.-uii.-i-" ti.-w over anoar-coverei country roadj to tho of JlnffUna bel a, i;iii the graal trana-contlDental rallroaia^ the oontlrmed exlaten.f buffalo herda of Uie nld-taah ioned smt .rn Imposilble thitig, ani tliey raplily faded iiw.iv. so thu the robea whlch were eo nrdveraally ii: Uie Nortliom Btatea bul a few yeara ago aro now io.I...I upon a- veritable anUojuea when, at rare l tarvals, il.ct :.r,- ilaeovei-ed b) liardy wekcrs afier rellc. of tlie remote i>.st. tn the meanUuic all tho report. from Uie i-'n-;ii ptaln. have aareei in Inileatlng Uie gradual dl_app-ar_.ii c even of Ihe remnanta of the greai droves ol bl-on wlilrji formerly were wonl to sluikp the earth 1,,'i-cr.iii ihelr raet, ani to baar down all'1 ohateacUona in tln-ir front as tliougl. thev wara bat fluttai Ing le i Tha rheerlna Intelllgence i reeeived, bowever, that the Ameri. m buffalo ls ?ife, for the present at leaat, and tha thl? place r.f (leuior reaort is the great Vellowntone Natiom_l Park. 'fhe lupertiitendenl ,.i the park, Ceorge 8. Andemon, wrltaa tu tha Chlcago Acaiem) of Kclence thnl there are from 200 to ;??) baffaioefl bow in lha park, and thai th.- number l; uu doubteil. increa Ing, though nol ao rapldli a- wonld be tlio caae if Uie uniniala bad s,.me liaven ul reluiro .hirine ti?. roldeai day. r.f wlnter. a rapid rate of Increa-. '- nol de.lrnble, perhnpa, bnt lt i [o be lu n i thnl ibla aborlgtnal breei wlll nol be permltted t . lUiiergo romplete extlnciloii whlle tbe dcacendonta of tlie Kuropeon auro hi are stlll i.. be found on their natlve bcath, al any rnle. tEEJXElXO UMSIE'i KITTIE. From The Lowlston (Ma.) Jooraal. a i oll,-..- t gentleman haa a vary i,rlght and beaatt ful nttlc iaughter, wlui liki the famlly eai ln *> dinately nnd who had nol i.n appriaed ,,f the IbcI that there wai .. famlly of klttena two u.-.-k- old, wlth ? .'le open nnd one ,,f them ln portlcular tim very '-Image ot its mother." Miung lu tl.e lun.iiv tiu- other evenlng, the gentleman rcferrci to the cal whlch mi. i-atiu-r Idauraly going out of tne room. :.nd In a verv genaraj way aakei the UtUi ona if Am - d i'l al?h thai tha eai wara nnallar. \\>n. ahe didn't know. ain> liii.-.i i,ei prett] well a- ibe w.i^ -aii la," tonUnuei the I .11 - *. man, thlnklng of tbat wonierful kitten that wbb the eounlerpart ighl tbat, ii yoa ili, i , ouid ahrink ?' a-n for >..i to any si_e vo. arant." -What!" .aid tiie ItUe girl. "You ranI And can vou ohi-iuk "Yea," waa tbe reply. Then enaued an liiteia?tlng .onver_ation between tlie gen? tleman nnd the llttle girl, iu whlch the foim.-r enieavorefl to oMala maaaureaianti of tbo Am io which tka llttle girl \wmia Bke the cat to be reiaeei. Bha expressed oplnlom, but her father rather eraltUy, l,v a _.-rie. of leadlng nue tlon? bronght her do-.-.u t.. a s,/? eorreap to Uie kitten. riten oxacUug a piou,..,- ol i?-r ihe would reroaiB In lbe parloc, lta ?an| out .<fier tl.e cat hh- w?k soon found and Lrmmlif |a, Hie wae inipaetai ln point ol <olor. whlta paw., winte Bars, COlc. of l.ii. et. . - III know her certalnlv paoa " I Tnen papa took the .-at "out ?n'd put bar iu the warirnbe and .bul thr ri,>f)r iltM| w^?i Bftei the l.'.llv. Wlien lt m .s l'ro.i(_||t |n. whul , nel i,'n* llttle girl a i d ? i'-,,r ti.q land ?akea!" -..ul ihe. -\Vi,.> -\..- ili!" .->ii,, vlewed i!,.. kttter. In point ,.i fur ani paara .i?i _,),? u*m In Iowa wBh it. ?Now,'- >aid ba) f.ili.-i-. -i m*amt i l*-tler 0 Bbi hrinn lur l,a. I. (o li.-i ,,1.1 s:l<. |ia(i|,'i l ?- ani tl.e little girl tmc lo her ?id lore laW " V,-- " |..okli.g reifl-etfullv al thr llill. kltte.i Ka it cca- t.o.ii- liorn tlt- t ,,'.,, ihe old ct Wm isrleaaed t<. hci ::it-iia,. attafactlori ani Uie imtcn .at returued lo tae boa ani the ul i i it re liitroiurai Into t!,_ parlor lo ne-tle In the llttle girl'. top. A long mi-.,,, ,' |.'ll.i_ei In whlch thr ]ittIr ktlrl v,.< thHikluu. riien "i.-r. who i alatost _s itout aa >.>?, I- gootl naturefl, . IimHI .i I ? and womanh ? ii, ' i'.,., eaa roa aiirlnic Mk.r* "Bfhyf" a-i..*d her f.n.^,.' - Ilecaoar " auul t!ir llt(|,< glr|. ?? |f rvcr I Rrt |,, fo a aud aa .tout ?_? iii-.nnia, l'U be -hiunk." THE LEAGUE MISSIONARIES. AT WORK IN CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. LEADINC, RF.PUBMCASS HEARTILY IN FAVOR OF THE CLUB MOVEMENT. ibt rauaaaxrxi to the ikibcnm Jamcstown. N. Y., June 20.-A meetlng wa* held here to-day to orgnnlre Hepnhllran crobs. It was altcnded by thc mlasii,!;ariei aent oot by the National and r-tato Republlran LflBgafla and by leadmg Rcpubli cans of Ohaalaafljafl county. Among those preaent were Or-lno E. Jones. a mcmlier of th* Bepublican Ma:e Committee; Assemblyman Woottburv, Asscmbly man (iirTord, tnaster of the Btata Orange: A. C. Wadc. John Woodward. ex Assemblyman Williams, (,'. .1. B?nn1?ter, chaltman of thc RepnblUan County Corn mlltee; Fiedeiick W. II)de. Edltor of "Ihe James town Journal"; and Ii. s Dean, Edltor of "The Morn? lng News." Orcat Interest wa* ?hown bv the Rcptth* of Chautauqua County present ln the proposed work of organizlng Repnhlican clubs a* a result of thc Tlslt of thc mlsslonatle* to Buffalo. It was ?a1d that the Republlcan League of that city had l>cen Insplred to eomplete a negotiatlon for the purchase of a eostly bnllding for a Republleflji headqtrarter* In that elty, and 54,000 had been ralsed. A. B. Hnmphrey, secretary of tlie State Republlcan League, iiddrc*?lng the meetlni'. s.ild : Th* Republlcan* of the rest of the State look to Chau taunua Countv ..i?n eleetlon nlght ind expect to hear of a h|g Republlcan majorltv. W? hope that we shall hoar thnt report thls year. We *h*U. If you all pm ynur ahouldera to ihe whnel. ?fetywBflM that we have ?ono we have found the Republlcan* of Uie fstate lnter^?t#d In tho anuroichlng eleetlon. Mr. Byrnes and wrttlt recenth visiUtd (Uno and found the Ilepubllcta* there d*t"rnilned t> cl.ct McKlnlev. (ApnUuse.) Whr >lo you applaudl It Ie because you are intirested In the Nstiouel issue*. The aleeUofl of a btate tl'k'-t tlus yau ln 'iii* ,stst.' I* a politi? cal ne'-essltv. We have got a hard flght and the onlv- wav to wln Is to stOD quarrelllng, If we have any quarre!*, and to wrlte and to work ivlth energy to elect our ticket. In the, oreanlzation of club* I* success. Org?nl*.e club* In thls county and send out speiker, to the farmers. Y,u do not n-ed sp.aker*. Send out vour own men snd glvo th* people a nlaln btiainesa talk. They had no Republlcan club* In UXMBBrl Ifl 1815 when the campalgn bezan ; but the Republlcan boys organlzed 600 club*. The National BapabUcM Commlttce had no falth In thi* effort. but BMM yoaag BMB aalned four Republlcan Cengre*smen. We galnt'd four Republlcan Congreaamco by tht *ame meth. ods ln Mlnnesota. That gave the Republlcan party a majorlty ln Conjress, and President Harrlaon's Admlnlavra tlon a ronslstent support. Tlmothy E. Bymcs, chlef organizer, describe* the detalls of club work. He sald that the btate Lcxgue proposed to put a Republlcan club ln every town In New-York State. It was not proposed to wipersede the regular party organizatfoii, but to supplement It. Henry Weason, one of the Lcugue mlsiionarles, de scribed the hearty support glven them ln thelr tour through tho .state. Ex-A**cmblyman Willlams, of Dunkirk, said that the Republlcan club* had already done a great amount of good work in Chautauqua ( iiunty. Mr. Bannlster, chalnnan of tho Republlcan County Committec, sald he.wouId do all ln hls power to eneoura^c the growth of the clubs. Asspnihlymuti Wnodbury said: " It is by our oduea tlonal campalgn that we can win. The regular voters of bath partle* vote at every eleetlon. It V* the floating elem^nt whieh declde* elcctlons, and we can pet that eleraenl by cducatiouai worh." Mr. woodbury iffered a reaolattoo, whieh was adopted, raque*tlng the County Oommlttee to oigaiilr.e Republlcan clubs in Chautattqua Coaotr. Assemblvman iiitford. master of the state (irange, s.-.ul : ?? 1 havo recentlv travelled throngh the State iiddre-'ing various granges, nnd 1 iuivc thls tfl report that the KepubUcxn farmen are lo\al to ihe Rapub lleen party. The Mi Klnley bUJ haa l"-)i its terrora to tlnni. ln my oplnlon they wlll give Bew-Yorh Btate io tlie Kopubicnn party ln lattl aud in IftirJ." Oralrio E. Jones, member of the Republlcan riuite Commlttee. -^.id: "I "would like to a*k why lt ls thal the BepabUcaB partv due* BOt orginlze soine of theae club* flown iii Rew-Yorh City. why, that 1? one of Um greateit mxnufxeturing c.tles iu the world, and tliercfore the worklngmen are lntere?ted pcrsonally iu itiataloiBg ih" protecBve tarltf. Is not that ? great mlawionary Beld .'" ?It -.'' replled A. B. Humphrey, "and we are orgatiizing rltibs In New-York Citv ln those very facto ii'-. We did lt ii, 18S8, und lt had a great etfe.:." THE HAYTIAX TRAGEDY. TTIF, E.ABT LBTTBB OF RIO-AUD-TIIE HOUSE OF A FOKMl-'.ll FRKNCH MINISTER BURNED AND HIS YVTFE INsULTED-THE FREXCH FJLAG TORX DOWN. Recent rable dlspatchee have mentioned the fact that Indlgnatlon wa* rnnnlng hlgh *n France on ac eoaal f the lateat cront* ln Haytl. It was reported Uiat thc Franeh (rovernment would be eubjected to an litterpellation In the Chamber of Deputles, and that it had already f iken proper meniurei to avenge thc cxecutlon of BigBflfl.. The latest Parls papers at hand throw some light In advance on the lnteip-'lla tiiiti whieh v>ms antioiinecd. They havo ltiterviewcd Depnty PraaelX I~.ur, who wa* to make it, and mean whltfl they pehUah from a Freneh pulnt of vlew some lnferesting partlcnlar* about occurrence* ln Haytl during the last few year*. It wlll he remembered that Immediately after havi Ing ?iil'dued the revoltitionery attempt at Port-au I^lnce. oti May 28, President Hyppolite, wlthout any priivoeatlon Bt all. ordered the ihOOttag of M. Rigaud, wbOflB he saw qnletly sittin). on hl* vernnda by hi-a wife's sldc. PiK'ind had tfof ahouted "Vlvn Preel .1'iit Hyppolitc" with biifliclent promptltude. The nephew of M. Rigaud, a sixleen-yoar old boy, was als.) .shot a few minutes later. M. I'niii. is l.anr. Ihfl Deputy of Nenllly. near Parls. said to tbfl inierviciier of the Paris "SolelP tbat hc wa* an Intiinate frlend of M. Rigaud, nnd that tho latter died beeaaxfl hc wanted t>. remaln a Freneh like iu, grandfathar, n.-ucral Rigaud, who from 170- to InOil defended tlie Fronch .uuse at Porl-au Priiice. "Thal mnit bc known," added M. Laur, "and I proposo to dnmon*trdte It by my lnterjiellaflon. I wili iho card of ?immuiri.ulailou' or reglatry, bcarlng tiutiibcr 1^44. reniitted tw M. Hlgaud by the Legation of the Freneh Kepublic in Hayti, and prov ing his natlonality. I wili itad the last letter re? ceived from our iinfmtiinatc lellow-citiien, ln whieh is sliown his love fur France, and alao hl* preaenUment of tho fate whlch wa? lo lall BfOB him.' Here us tlus letter of fUgaail I am ceruin that o very unwholeaom* influonco has baaa bxhiibibI ui>on M. Rlbot (the Freneh Mlnister of im ua Affalre). Bal lt ls repugnunt to me Uo belleve tliat lio v,ill foig-jt tlie hflxat of 1 rjiiv-u aud surretider so inenv good l-'ieUvlimeii to Uio ramor aud rflBgeBBflfl of faiUiless people. No I A thou.and Unic* no I M. Rlbot has iu hls kaart a Bsarahlp for Praaeh induen.c and honor. He wili he a Mfefaaifl 'or 0,,r llVP* and our interesu. alike In dangcr; and notablv for tln- honor of our wlves and daughter*. Franc* wlll not surrend-.-r those who are hers to ahe knlve* of thos* bv B_aM Ba. v aro disllked. It is trafl that HyppoUte*B Government pretended that thc KgtoterlBg nf M. Kigaii.l as ;i Preflch i iti/.cn was lllegnl, and that the tiueotion wae Juld l>efore tho eoarM. Hut meaiiwlulc, as stiys " La Republl-i'ie ?taflcxtflBi" "f Tmrk\ a Hlatotarial orgaa, thc Fraaca Mlnlflter acu laivd that M. Rigaud'* name should bo BMlBtataei mi tha regUtar, and that he .iiouid tw protected by Friin.-e. At lha -uine Ubm the Paria prcss dlaelaaax thc fact, ofllclall.v conceiil'-M until BOW, that ituults were oflereil by llviipolite's BflflaleM to thc leiuvsentative and Ihe fla^ of France Iminediiitely Bfter thelr vl. tory over U'^'itinie. Thflf ?ent to tlie hotiso of Count 8BB* naiaona, Ihe fornier Fiencli Mlatoler, whi.-h waa ln the kutitiriis of l'ortau Prlaee, aUlaaaa it, un.i lewaiag tho Freneh tlag, whkh they graajBBl Ifl tho mud, and SEEMYSPONQE? DRESS YOURSHOES ACME BLACK1NG ONCE, A MONTH J OTHER DAYS.WASH THEM CtEAN> WITHWrrSPQNGE cg L ~~???_??_??__?__?______??, LADIES, IT COSTS cent a ? foot 1 . ?o ohanci*. the appearanee of old ax r>urnitura so compietelv that yuurhuauanda wili th.nk it ia new. # WiLLOOitW ?**roeiT. WOLKI a K_M>ol__, fhiiaflalaala. A LITTLEJABY'S SKiN And Scnlp Covcrcd with sor??. ^ Wonderfnlly Rapid Cure hy Ihe Cutlcura K<iii<di? _. I have med your CVT10V1U REME1.IE8 ln t*v? ,.___< "h^re lt piavei to bu .oecanfal. Thr fir-t, -?* \n y,, JTJ ul l Imj > year Biid a h-ilf old. HI, facr. _n_ hadj *.??/_: a frrlnls cooditlci, tiu forr*. complttely ,A>WJ ?lth .ore.. I took hlm ?/> the M..--. ,. Sulphur IsDrlan l.ul he aid nut iiupiov. any. 1 wa. tl ?.. * i ( IT1< 1 l*.,\ BEHEOII-. whlch 1 <1il II. too. <.,? _J_i , .-half bottle. of CIJTI.'KA H_._or.VE.rr, wma 9 s .in BrAi aa .mooth .? im.I.I I,,-. -., _ |. u.,!.v. I u??d .Jr CCTK t'I'.A ou l,i?. aon-a aai thr ( I"IKTha s?A|.'VT hlm. Ile i? in.w Br* reara at ?_.? ind j.| r .,, ?lha other t-_ae w.? . di.oaa. of the .. .In. whl'h ?u .a. ? by waahlrm ?lth th.- ( i"l ic/i KA SOaI' md rubbln. Ib Lu! ( 1 TKJUHA. one bottle of CL'TICCKA KK.vjI. VKVTbdBd u-ed. lt I. aiirprUing how rapldly a c-trld wiu im.*,v_i m.dcT thi. treatn-mt. ? JOHN R. _1F.R0, neiran?b.irgh N T Itchingand BurningSkin I have been .flllcfed alnre l.?t M.i'h wlth a aktn i.mtj the doetor. called <*;_?___. My face waa co-. ? r*. witf. ? y! ai.d aor>'?, and Uie itchliisr and burnlu. met*. i_i.,o?t 'lnheTT able. s-oinir rotir rt'Tici'KA REHRDIES _., hittl. r.?< -omn.end.d, con.l'ided to (iiv.- thaa a tr..l, u.__? ,!;, ( I'iK'UKA and C'l'TICI.'KA SOAI' . xternally and iZ SJOMTENT Intern-lly for four month.. | uOj my^J cured, iu graiitude for wl.e-h 1 >r,?k. t.,:.. luWIi. .t.teiwrJr >lr.. C. A. FHEDKHI (JK. Bro*f Bro.k, toJuT* Why Suffer One Moment From torturinc and dlwdriirlns akin d_w?a??, wh*n a _l__'_ applicatlon of U,e CUT_4 t ItA RKMKDIl-l ?!__. i? E great, majority of eaa***. arTord li.'iu.t r<*I!_f I., th? ao,J ??.r,lrlna ?.f ltehlnir. burnlng. aealy. rrn.ted, ptmply \Z\ M.tehv sklii, ?< _ip and Mood dl.ea._a wlth lo., of hair' ani loiut to a .ueodv, perman'-nt and eeono?.Iral c>.r?, wh_a _____ be.1 phy.lelan. and all other remedlea fall. ^ Held averywuare. Priee, COTICURA, Me.: soar Ha.) RESOLVENT. 81. Prepared by t_a POTTtB DKl'O AND _H_.Ml.A__ C'OBPOKATIQ.V, a ,Y . lyscnd for "Bow to Cure fekla Dl.eaaea." _4 pagag. 60 llluatr-tlona and 100 te.timonlala. j D1DV6 s>k,M ?nd S.-alri reirlfled and beauti.,4 DADI O by UUHOUJU SOAP A!.aol.WT p.r% VJl/ FREE FR0MRHEUMATI8M; n. JflL. In one mlnuie thr I'aii.-flra 4ml.P>,< \ J^f X Plaaier t>llevwi rhcniT.Mlc, aclaOc, hip, \7 w^^ kic1i..v, che_t aud imiacular pain. atd *mtt \ ^ net-tot. THE~LADY IN ROUGe] A faaclnatlng atory of llfe at an Adtroodack Reaort complete La mu I'lf OUTINC, JUI.T. 180i ALSO, HABRY'S CAEEER AT YALE. The aerlBl college atory, MALCOI.M W. FORD S BfUDLUfO. WITH ROD ANO (il'N THROUOB IRELA.VD, AMKRICAN POLO. PHOTOi.j:ArilK\<' FOLTAGE. ROWINO AS A RECREATION 1"hR WOMF..^ FISillM; Al.oM. THE PECOS. BOATINU LIFE ON IlfK I'PPKK IIIA.ME.S. I FlSHINt' AND KHOOTING IN TIIK ROCKIESy A CHAPTER ON LACROSSE. MASSACHL'SETTS VOLUNTEKK MILITIA. DETR01T WHEELMEN. SCIEMinC TENNIS MiMKES. Alao Fdltorlal Commenta atid Record. by Ben?.!| (Yaehtlng); Ellarslle Wallaee (I'liouxtraphy ; M.lo.lm W? 1'ori (Athi.'t:..)| E. Sandy. (Bbaa-laa and riaBlafli X*4 frowler (Cyollnf i; C B. Vaux (C-iiocing. ; U-nrv Cna l_? wlck lOeWM a-d Baae-Ballj. J-me* Wat^n (Kem,el.| ., Sit. PRICE 25 CENTS A COPY. -TOR SALE BY ALL BBB7BB1 ALF.IVS finallv torc to pieces. The wife of the Minister Wa? alao nisultcd ln tlie streets ol the llayttan caalb L, Theaa facta stitlirientlv explam the aaarnllc bmb _ whleb the pre?ent Minister of I orelgti Aii.ur, M. 1 U -aid to iiave t?Ken iniineUJHtely In eoeeert wlf.'i _ul coll.'asiic of Uie Navy to aroaad lbe lionor | t.-1-.'.ta .f Praaca la H^yti IB tlia pre?ent ... Btaui.c. PROitlXEXT _______T_U_I iT TEF. BBTEIB. BRCN6\VICK-M?Mlle E. Inr-raoll, of Ciiu-lnnatl. anf Coh,n.-l WlllUir. Ci.-ddard, of W.eiie PUrTlf ITTETIflTT lfllaaatBI J- B. Camden, of Weat V and J.idue FAl'.rard T. Oraaa, of Vawafaraay. ll"l c< IIAT laaaraai a BnpartBiaad-Ml Jaoaaa 9. I-Btaa*. "( AU lih.r. BBW'TOBJC?Bx-Mayar John S. reven, of hai.n i.-h. ST. JA.M1"S-C',inn._iider John Schouler, V. B- Xt\y4 THB SWEET GIRL G&ADVATE. From The tva^hlngtan Po.t. Thii ls the month wlien the profes.or haa tlio plea.uro and honor of tmnding to thou.and. of glrla the roll of paivtiment that 88-48 them out from ti,? Claaall Walfi f tht ?eminary Into the world ??. "sweet kiiI (trnduab's.-' I'he Ri_duatin. gowni aia eoaib-D-WOflS ul -impllcitv and elegaure. Tlw) ara all wli.te, of eoarae, sllh c-mhrolder^sd. mull* and < hlffoin lafclag the letn. oiik bntutifnl f-b;1<-. d?asti.ned for tho ?radaata, ls chlfM einbruldi-red in deli.'ute forjt.-t n.. nots und ke.vea, whlle icatterei over and amoag tha leavaa ara tlnv sllk appie bh^-aom*, wh.w i_i?-* p.;t?ls ni-e ao true h- to make '-no b.-licve ihat Ihrf Win just plucUt-cl in tlie oivhard. Aootfeer ie-UB i< of wlid t-aaa, wblla the more prvvalont pattern I* tl.a tblflon cm'oioldr-rs.d m dot? h.*u1 .Ur-. Ihe u-lrl giidiiate has benn pisunlsei a rare .**? tlme this Bttmmer, after her year of hnrd *-t>rh. .-'a -wcl.-omes cuinineniw'ii.ent d*v Jovou-lv, a,i;d ha. ai reaidy de.-lded to Ju.t what ivtiixsd 6pot ahe will _e<*, where she .an drinlt in iiatin-'s heautv unmoie.te'U Hiid re.t her tlrei brain. *4l.e dMain-s tl? faahlonab,* reaort, for whlrh her eldcr sliter l. maluni. n--r .uiniiier gowiiu; llka all jrlrl i;iadu_,tes. .he i? claaalv-J ilterary, vou Know, and ahsure. herself tbat instead, of i-onipletlBi itiicly. ?he la Just cntering upou H ; llfe la a beriou* thim; with ber, nnd ahe c-ourts .oilt-.i.-., ?he ltiiow. of a qulet, eoa&trv pl?ce hldden tn tio ; nioiititalna of Vir-lnia, to whlrh she wiU hie tVrseU 1 I icl.ilc there she will correspumi with onlv one ol 'ti* alrta," a'ld podtiv Iv wrlte to n^t cme of the g mlemeiu .he ttitenis to commune with ?? !iatiu*e in her varU ou. foinis," and j.*ss ?n ldlc. aumnier away from 'hi v.i.ii and MvotoBi thronp. Aecoril&fly, to the nui f BflOh ni lh. moiiritnin. wtO .he fc.: ahe mu*-t taki baoka with her, ot eoarae; her ward..,t>8 is pretty^ fivsh und .ompl.'tc. F.ditli att.'iids to tor h.r, Li a-n u,B M ahe la too nmiolei with other matKrs ta think of her B8WB8. When aBfl onee rea.'hea her qol'l nook ahe -a1il bo .nrprlm^ (,> rtud oiliei*. who aha hoped to be B-oaa, bm .he (*?nu bcr.lf wlth the ipssutunce that she neiaj not a.-a.>ciate with anv of tteia; unlos* she .-ho'.s.-s, and tak-s beraatf aJid lier voluma of an, Icnt loro down to Uio stieaui. I'lien lf. the, ,,ld story e_-M1ai every sumraer c^ . tl.,- \crld: the ls bagaller] inti Just one wallc t., " *'i<"H b lovelj place." bm eaaiaa Nwh Bi**BBeaaly haapj I khe eat. more than anv on? el?e .t UM hal le. a* t.. _,. ,,rt on another jaunt. I__a_la af ooa wae* il i ituffa all lier baofca |0 the bottoai af Bar trunk. hai.a uiih J,.v iv itaiBIit8i of new, omer.. and pluiipri lir.i! aud ioal into fun for the .uniiiier. rjlie B I - uirttleal iaaeer on thi H""r. whio tba) .iii dar-..-.- in thi long (ilnlnp room; she ran watk niorw inlle* tLan ?T_ other woman on the place; aha ftlrt-. ontnpcously, a* j li i ai?.ps btb ilaff-i by every conntrv sw.iln ani ".Itr bc.ttrder" for mlles around. In two aTcks s!_| is a full-fie-xcd orthodox ?? siimmer flrf," taBA BM acloua of her identity. . m ? THE WEATHER REPORT. FOKECAST TILL 8 P- M. SATURDAY. Wa?hmgton Jun^ 26 -Kor IfewKnuland. F-i.tern N??*? York, liAatorn Pennaylvania, Delaware. M_>iw-Jera?.v. Marr* land, ai.d Vlrglnla, occ.slonal if_rht .huwets, 8888*1 tttrtti* erly winda. For tha Carollnaa, (Jeorgla. AlabBma and F..r_li t?~. ' Kor Weatern New-York, IV.uii..vlv?!ila. W.-t Virrinla, Uhio. Intllana and lilmoU. l.ght ahowtrs ; cooler. Kor Ml nl.aii, Wi_.-oi.ain, Mu.n.-auUi, Iowa aad M.?? aourl. ahower*. Kor tl,. Dakot*a, Ker.ra.ka. Kanaaa and Co'.oradB. ahower., ._o_*. TRirtl'NE LOCAL OBSF.RVATIOB8 PiouKn BaaaBS IBR I b*b. i ? a . . c 7 * ' i- i? i ? 1 i ii * ; ? aiotil "aaaal Xtt the dia.rara _ eaBBaa_4l_ Une ahoctrs Uie t-_rv_i*'_* Bvetc.tion. YMt-rdav, a. ,.l??rv#d at the l'r,it??1 8Utj? a._nai acrvlOB tatatioa ?t U>? cltv. l'bw d_--*? lnf'f, i,.o tenipc-r/.ture B.U'.t at r>'rry'? Phurtpicy, bui. B-' l* u? Trlbuoa Ofllca. .Iubb 27. 1 a. m.?Clear w?a__?r c-oa tloued raaaarBBB, wlth dty w.-Urlv breeiea The urmp'r aiui-e. rai.gcd betwe-.-u 74 and 88 dr_reca. tha a*.*r-r* 181-a) b*lnB 2*a than ? th.' ,on??pondlng d?y _P vt-ar. aud 4S hl.'h r th_n ??, T-_r__B. In and ic-r thU cltv aft-dar U? r- wlll pmbal.lT M te" erallv falr ?t.tlicr bm with . thance of a ahowor; cooiw. OIT. MAT.Kr.Ts. Oll Cltv. iv.... , j..,,- 2? - BaHaaal Ti?n?n reHtmmm 0|>' I.?a_ u! ..t. , . I.. li.raU OVsj , loM ?(. Qtfaj I luald at I"*. Sal", _<J.000 1,1,1- ' i. .. (i, ,-?, 2H.0O0 bt.N; -i,:|,r.,.'nt?. 82.884 I,I>1?: rmia 18.848 bbla. r.ilabtiiji. l'ftn.. -'"i.e *0.?I'.trole...... 0. t>A *??? tlonal Tr.i.-ll .,itin,.Us o|m .. d at ._. tl.iscd at CA, "!.->? eat, H !.._. ?t. (_.._ T? III.".. I ( ?l<U. 1I...1-. baa ami Kini, u. ?..._.!-? U.e -vatiin effe. i .-UT. vet auntlj ?l, i, ? ? :.' ? I '...-, "i _n.*U Ihf b -J ? |ni|.ur? ?? ai.ig.lah. io iKrn.aiieixly ru?B 1,-b.tiaatl ron.-lwat U.I.. K. t-ak'.-ll Un kldu.\a BBd llVtl to B haallhv ?U')^''< , wlUiV H irilutliig or b .Ak.-uuia Ui.m, ui. _._ rup af f-B