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p5rtchester goes down. ?OT ISETTH-IR aaOBBfl- SOU EIDEB I* HURT. __XMOV*S 85 DDFBATF.n BT AIRSHAFT?LTNN ^^ WINS THE HHAT R.ACI g-?n the extreme heat and the prevaillng suparstl m that Frlday ls an unlucky day dld not parvetit an _axl).nt attendaiice yeaterday at eheenshead Ray. -v;^, who ara fond of the *porta ot the turf found jgajeihlng uncommonly ettractivc ln the programme, _____ bm afternoon ao abounded in varlety and exclte w_,,)t that moat of them went away well content, even I they dld slnimcr and swcTter in the scorchlng snn. *o rain feU at the track, although thunfler clonda and __rt>rnlng were aren ln the dlst&nce. Drlttle wae *o eoniestly aupported by tne friends ef te SohnylkUl F-Ublo that be wae the favorite at the l~* of the bettlng on the flrat raee, but both Chesa ^__ _jd Caaelus earried a areat deal of money, Driz A_Jtook the lead early, and ln the homeetretch the ?eetest waa eontiiied to Drizzle and Chcsapc&lie. Hamllton dld not rlde ao brilllant and deeperate a anl*h ?b he nenally does ln an emerrenrv, and Drlczle, aaa ralhed atnbbomly tn Uie last furlong and showed . eouraxe that prevloualy he_ not been suapected by Me general public, won the raoe by a head. Millcr'ts (Mtng ha* -syeatedly glven ocoaalon for crtticlsm. It _ only fBir ta tmj tliat no one oould have ridden Orizzle Mre effectively tlinn he rode him In thi* race. No _pckey. not even an Areher or a Mc.Lnuphlln, can do t,ore than win with hl* mount. and thls MUlcr dld ln ?oat praiseworttty stylfl. Caasltia la not nt aU the ,?r*a that lie ?-*> when he ran eecond ln the tsitburban X 1800 and thlrd ln the S.iburban of lffiil. He wiv* ?ot rcally 0?iverous ln any part of thls race. Frvmo'it's last previou* race had been so neat, and ta had woa ao *-*R.v, that he waa backed down until trotU at tlie eloee odds on were bet on hls ehancea by r__j,T bootmakers. Fremont ta (rwned by PhlKp .1. pwyer. and IB* brother Michael wa* so impre*taed by pirmonfa ohaaees that he dld not back hl* own eolt, 4lr*baft. Nevertheleae Alrthaft won with surprislng nee, while Fremont came in aeeond. The thlrd raoe wa* a haudloap for three year old* a a mile and a furlong, and Portehoster earried Ug heapa of the Dwyer money and of the general public ie well. Bermuda wae the seeond cholee. In the a?t furlong Hamllton wtm britiglug up Portche*ter at a tremendoua pace. when the eolt ML Fortunately gamllton waa not badly hurt nor waa Uie eolt seriously Ujured. Supertntcndent Clark and Captaln Babeock, ato *aw the accldent near at hand, insist that no a_er horee touchod Purtchester, bnt that lie tnngled gxneelf ln hl* etride, croeaed his legs and feU wlthout leiug foiiled. Bnt Lambley, wbo rode Llzzle, made a complalnt of foul agalnst Riehal, who ran seeond, md many of the spectators thought that Ulcbal had croesed and fo-.iled Portchester. Berniuda eame ip on the outalde and waa not anywhere eear any **ta the hor*es that were mlxed np ti the moaa. But eo many charge* and counter cbargea were made among ihe Joekeys, Hinnilton even accuslng Anderson, on Bermuda, of harlng ouused the accldent, that the stewards qu.-^tloned all the Jockey* ln the raoe. They decided llnully, however, not to make any change* or to set back any horse. The torses were plaeed ae they canie ln, Bermuda flrst. Blchal aeeond and Ll/.ue third. L. J. Rose certalnly believes in making hay while the enn ehlnea. He la keeping hl* filly Falry exten Bvely busy. She rnns almost every day. He thought Ihere wae hardry a p0flflOB_ttf fhat she could be beaten ln the fourth race, at seven furlongs, and he ?rae rlght, as Fairy won without any dlffleulty. rhls tlme Ward rode her with Judgment. keeping her tn a good aafe plaee, and mnhlng hls run at tbe right tlme. Wlicn he gvts flnnlcd this boy rides a frightful flnlah, bnt yesterday hc felt entirely aecure, and got bi* mount home with plenty of spare. Kitty T, ran ?econd, with the much looked-for and extremely dls .ppotntins Slrocco ln thlrd plaee. The flfth race was one of heat* at 6even tarloog*, and W. 0> Daly's three yoar-old ?lt AUantJc waa backed down to even money. At Bvntto won the llrst heat so handily that beTung waa ?nly 2 to 5 agalnst him aftcT that. Hut ho proved ntterly unable to stay. and Lynn ran away from him tu the seconc and thlrd heate. With McLaughlln ln the saddla, Watterson earried much money ln the mile ar.d a qmvrter on the turf, and waa the favorite. But even McLaughlln could aot get thi* horse near thc front ut the flnlsh, and ho aame home one of the test three. Kingmaker also wae fancled by & conslderaole dlvision, but Taral can rlde Admlral an BO other Jockey secms to he able to do, aot oaillQg in hls mount liear the cud and riding him eigorousJy, he got Admlral home with a broad margin, while Bt, John ran eecond and Vengeur third. Tue Monmouth Park managemet.t haa praetically abandoned hope of raclng at Long branch Uils season. lt ls now thought that the long-deferred declhl'>n of tht Court ol Errors. nnd Appeals, <n -whlch the quee tion of raclng at Monmouth Fark depend*. may not bo rendered for a week or two. A report wa* ln clr rulatlon al the track that the Monmouth ItirK Asso rlatiou would nue on lt*. own grounds under the protectlon of an injunctioii whlch was ?o bc obtalncd from a Knpreme Court Judgo. Mr. Oalwav posltively demled thls, and sald there waa no tnith whatever in the report. Me de<i;ir?d tliat the oesoclation would adhere to its prevlous an Donneement that there would be no raclng at Mou pimth Park wil^s the Court of Errors nntl Appeals ?hould glve a favorahle declsion. r>o It apj>ears sul) ? ? illy ecrtalii that ownere and trainers must be rettlng rendv to ccnlgrate to Morris Park and to Ford fiafii rather than to the level plalns of New-Jcrsey. Thc lioard (rf Mcwards of thc Coaaf Island Jockey Club ha? decided to be morciful (inec more ln the rase of the Jockey, Bergen, at. The Trlbune lias conn neiled. l'.ergen wlll Ik- flllowefl. to ridc for his cm ployer. Dnvld (Mdeon, ln atukes only for thc n-st ,f Ihe' meetinj?. That ls a jtenerons eiBMflflflloa, and lter?e_ ought to l?e dnlv gn*t?ful and to behave liini self ln tlie rntairc. Thc starrer cordially aa/roed in granttag this i-prieve to He.gen. DETAILP OF THK RACING. FIRST BACE? For Uirei'-yiaa-oids and uiiward. A sweep atake* ot 823 each. with 81.000 added, of wtiioh 8210 to eecond; tho thlrd to recelve 8100 out of the stake*. One mile. _ _ BetttPf. St. PI. lebaTlklll Stable*s b. c. TJrlzzle, by Ventl laior-M*g, 4 rr*., llMh.(Mtl'er) 1 2-1 7-10 X. J. Jovn-r's ch. fl. Cheeepeake. 4. H5 ' (Hamlltonl 2 10-5 1?1 tValcott a Cempbell'* b. b. Caa?lu?, 6. Jl'J rTarali 8 11?5 9?10 LltOe Mlnch. a?ed. 112.[O. Oovlnetonl 0 20-1 7-1 &diB> RubVr. 8. 100 (car. 102).(THylori C 7-1 11?8 Klne.toek, 5. 112.-(Martln) 0 50-1 16?1 Time?1 :41 8-5. Mutiuils-Prlzrlc srrslght paid 815 80, plaee 88 70; Chusapetilte, plaee 810 16. t/Htle M'nch cot the best ofl a falr atart, Drlrtle seeond, Pr.e..?penXe ?lrd. KaxBB8afl5 waa aoon dlstanced. Drlzzle pa-aed llttle Mtnch at the quarter and made the running U> the head nf the homeatr'tch. BflMBB he was collanxl by Oheaapeake and Idttle Miller went to whlp, and aa Hamlltion waa sfttlng stlll It looked 10 to 1 on Cheoa peakn. B-it Driztle rallled and ln a attibhorn atmgirle to the wlre won by a head; Cheaapeakc three length. bofor* O-salus, who beat I.lttle Mlm-h a head. BECOND RACE?For two-year-ol,1s. Pur*e 81.000. of whlch B250 to the seeond aid 8100 tf> the thlrd. The wlnner io be ?old at auctlon for 83,000. Allowan'je*. Pumrlty C00r*e- Hetting. Si. I'l VI. F- Dwver'* ch. e. Alrshaft, bT Ventl lator?F.;?ch, 108 Th. 'H-nilltci.) 1 0-2 1?5 f. J. Dwyer _ Son's br. a. Frenu, t 1I3 .--___ (Taral) 2 11?10 2?5 B. O. Dalv's b. e. Count, 08..(J. lawH'-y) 8 20-1 8-1 Count TertKin, 105. (Sl:.,s)0 0-1 2-1 PicraJIily. 00 fcar. 01).hxevanaan) 0 2n-l 8-1 Oondoller f>" .(Ward 0 01-1 20-1 pecctrla... 103 (car. 100)....(H. A..der*oi.) 0 00-1 2o-l Barr?i 10R. (Te'iB) 0 ti?l 3-1 Algoira. 103' ' .(ClaytiiuO 8.V-1 10-1 Dl_.E^lii-...-n't. iOsi.(Costcllo. 0 20-1 0-1 Tliiie-1 :00. Mutnals-Alrahaft stralght pald 828 25, placo 88.5: Fr, i.iont plaee ao 40. Merced dld not htart. The Celd broke once before Mr. Caldwell could get out of tho carrlapc. The boys th.-n went liack to Colonel Hall, who lcaned agalnst ihe fence, and a* they whecied Uiere wa* another breakaway. ?nd town went the flag. It was a beautlful st.rt for all eicept Algoma. who wai n?i ln her atrido. After BM flrst half-nille there were but two ln lt, Alrshaft and Fre? mont. The rormor won clev-rly by a neck, Fremont two leagth* before Count. who b*at Mt. Vernon a neck. IIUKD KACE.?A handicap aweejatakja for tt'r e-year olds, of fSb each, aud only 85 If deelared. with 81 250 added, of whlch 8250 to the *.-cond ; Ih' thlrd to re? celve 8100 out ol tbo arakea. One nuie and ^Jgjjj* bt. 'h. 8. McClelland-e b. c. Bermuda, bv Tterjan ___ w..^, iiu ih (Aiider*"nl 1 4?i o?t Tlme_l :5fl1-5. _,. _______ Mutuala-Bermuda ?tralg>t pald 823 75, plaee ?11 Oo. Blchet paaa ?87 45. Bermuda aud L-lzzie were oS ln front to a falr *t*rt, Uureatan wa. laa, and ln Uie hurry to catch Uie fleid bolMfl ?. thc BBB. losing .everal length*. I'hnnograuh took up Uie running, and wllh Eizzle ut hi* ******* ied for llve furlongs. That wa* all he?wantcd. Ll?le Uen ahowed Uie way tnte Iho homestreteh, where Klchal BLV'l* CBBA1H BAI.M _t pHed Into NoeUlls 1* Qui<kly Ab tpplled into KtatrUs U Qui Bly A _ ^C/r_0?V_5 lorbed. Cleaao* tlie II ad. iieala the ?A^IARCVnl hore* and l ure* ?ip'-0,NH^ j OATARRHETf Bestome Tiste and Small, quIckJy gallevea Old In Head and Head aci*. 60e. at Drnftiata. ?LY BB08.. 84 W'arrou Bt.. V. V. and L4._re<t*o collared her. Wbilc they were iigtt_u_ B out llamliton tned to come throug h, between Llzile and Kichai. There waa aoaroeiy room. and Clayton took carn tbat the gap wa. not wldeoed. The next moment Port cheater "truck Klchal aod woot down, Uirowbi* llamliton i>\ .-r-*4a head. Bt'i-rouda, con,Ine up on Uie ouUldo, ml.sed Uie accldat it and won by a head; Rtchal aecond, a neek before LU/.ie. ?ortch_?ter. hnhurt ran to tho paddock and Haii.iitoii went before the atewarda ai.d clalnwi a foul agatnnt Antltraon. on Bermuda, and Claytou, on Rlehal. 11 e mu.t have been too dated to know elearly what he waa dolng, aa at Uie Umc of ttie, Berrouda waa nol new hlm. Thla etatm ao weakencd hla ca*e that tha .tewarde decllned to Interfere wlth the placlng of tha Lamblcy, Andcraon and Clayton were qtieatloned, but th?v could throw no ll?ht on the aeeidont FOURTH RACE?8we.p?takea for ___*"?-y_arKiid., of 820 . r*eh. with al.OOO added. PunalUea aad allowaneee. Seven furlong.. Roaemeade StabWa J>. f. Falry, by Arjrj-1 Bettlng. Bt. Pl. Fah-v Ko*e, 110 lb.(Ward) 1 0-10 Out C- D. -fcCova b- f. Klttv T., 106. (Clayton) 2 10-1 8-1 Ranc-oc Stable'a b. c. Strocco. 110 (Taylor) 8 43?1 2?1 WariMth. 122.?....(Taral) 0 12?1 4?1 Vagabond UO.(Mo. )0 80-1 20-1 Tlnliv. UO.(Sln. 0 7?2 8-5 Nubkui, 110.__.(I_a_nblej "? 40-1 16?1 *i_m??1 :_*2-6. -Tgh Mutual.-Fairy a.raTght paid 810 48. pla- 8* 40; Kltty T. plaee 819 40. Niiblan and Strocco were tha pacemakai- tn the flrat half mlle. Nublao then rettred and Trinlty t?ok hla pk_ce. At the head of Uie atretch Trinlty w_* done. Kalry then came to Un- frofTt' and remalrilnR there won in a cominon oanter by a length and a half: Klttv T. _?orid, a he?d before StTocco, who beat Warpath a n?ck. PIPTn RACE?Puwe of 81.500. of whleb 8600 to .econd. 8-5. The winner to be .old at auctl.n. Ueat* of aovon furlong.. F1KST HEAT. W. C. Dalv'a b. c. AUantle^ by r5*n?__on? O.'.-an Queen. 3 ' BatUna. 6t. I'l. _ yr.. 79 Th (J. Lamhley. 1 1-1 1-8 T. W. .Sbreve'. b. g. Lvim, 5, 94. (W. Mldgeley)2 6?2 9-10 Athenla Stable'. ch. h. Beck. 6. 108.? _ . _ ? (B?der)9 ""?l 8-5 St. Luke, aged. 112 (car. 118)..(Taral) dla. 7-2 9-10 Tlme-1:28 4-5. SECOND HEAT. P. W. Shreve*. b. g. Lvnn, by Lelapa? El.inore, 5 vr?. 94 lb.(W. Mldjrele.T) 1 2-t oul AtlanUo .?? 2 2-6 out. Beck .ii.. 10-1 8-5 Tlme-1:80 3-5. THIRD HEAT. Lrnn.1 1-1- ont AtianUc .- 15-1 out. Tlmfa?.1 'Ift Mutual.?Lynn etralght paid" 819 80, place 87 78: At lantle nacc 81 65, Lvnn .FMdi after flr.t heat. p_td 819. I-vnn after aecond heat nald $5 25. In tho flret heat Atiantlc led all the way, and won e*?lly by a length and a h.ilf; Lynn aeoond, three longU.. betoro Beck. St. Luke wa. declared to be dlstancd, though nearly everybody on the ground. thoi.gtat he wa. lnslde the tlag. Prank Clark held the dt.tancc. fla?. ?nd ln ju.tlce to hlm it mu.t l.c adniltted that he wa. very dollberate about droppkig lt, and gave the beloved physl clan evory opportunlty to .ave himself. Atiantlc and Beck were b?a_rn all (be way b_ ttie aec? ond he*t, and if Midgeley had been .tnart h? ceuld havo dlntan.ed both. But he ea?ed Lynn ln the atretoh, and only Beek wao ahut out. Th* thlrct heat Lynn won ln _ canter by twenty lemtha. 61XTH RACE? Handicap eweepatake., of 820 each. and only 85 li declared, wlth 81.250 added. of whlch 8260 to the aecond and 8100 to the Uiird. l?a mlles on the Bettlns. st. n Ker. tone BtaMe's b. e. -MbL br Bt Blal.e-Dauntle.e. 4 rr... 118 Th (Taral) 16-2 4-6 San.u.1 Love'. ch. g. St. iohn, -flggL ^ 10^ W. H. Barrett'. br. b. ta-BBJ^fcg ^ Kern. 5. 116.V. V(T*"r,1. \} ?, lo~} -*ll Wa._er.ton, 4, 122-.(McLccughlln 0 2-1 .-10 KliiKmakc-r, 4, H6.^Ander_on) 0 7-2 6-6 TUne-2-0.. Mutuals-Admlral Btralght paid $16 70, place $10; St John place $74 40. St. John trled to make a runaway raee of It. but Ad mlral wa* too much for hlm, beating hlm eleverly by three quarter. of a length; St. John two length. before Von geur. Wattereon made a blg bluff for a mlle, pulllna Mc LBugblln out ol Uie .addle at every atrlde, but he "dled" at the head of the atretch. Taral rode a walt-oa raca, never clllne on Admlral UU half wav ronnd the turn. THREE STAKE5 ON THE CARD. A HIOHLY ATTRACT1VE PROORAMME AT S1IEEPS UEAD TO-DAV. The June 6t_kea, the Spindrlft Stakee and the Knick erbocker Handicap wlll bc declded at i>_.__ps_e-d Bay thi. afternoon, _nd the Uire* will doubtlon. be producUvo ot aome very rare .port. Kollocving are th. entrle. ln all Uie raoes: FIH-S1 KACE?Purse 81.000. of wlikh 4250 to the stcond aud $100 to the thlrd. The winner to be sold at auctlon. One mlle. Natne. W't. Name. W't rrn'-.are .H6 Kempland .105 lUmbltr .116 SlralaBeni .1^> Ur. Hnlmuth.112 Kentura .TT3 Con-ree. .112 " ^.reatle ?.108 TottbllBht .Ili lVta.bii.ah .101 Stryke .U0'"!mroek . M isKCOXD KAC'E-THE JVXE _tTAKES. A .weepatake. fOT two-rear-olds. of 860 cacb. wlth 81.260 added. 91 entrle.; 9 declared. Thr.>e-quert.-rn of a mlle. Name. W't Name. W't ?fomad .128. Aciloja-n .118 Vlrtorv .12. Dr. Wllcoi.J 18 Alrplant .121 /xirllnB .115 VeaUbule .181 Arnlra .116 Char.d.- .118 I THIRD EAOB-VHI SPINDRTFT STAKES. A swe^p ataKea for three-.v-ar-ul 1?. of ?Y> eivh. wltb 81.600 added. 47 entrle.; 0 declared. One mile ar.d a quarter. y.,-?. Wt. Wt. Pctomac .122|Alffernort.107 fiio Orande.112 Falry .'07 Jol.n cavanaph.107' Kot'H'J'H KACI-"-THE KNICKERBOCKBR HANDICAP. $50 each, wlth $1,600 added. One ndl. and three fur- | longs. I Name. Wt Name. Wt I JmAm Morrow.126 | gju KlnpsburT . 99 \ Te? Tray.120 Odette . t>3 i liiTiquet ?.-.J17 Ihbbc Lewla. 92 Car-t-vray 11.109 ' K1KTH RACE?A handicap sweepatoke. of 825 each, wlth | 81.250 Bdded. One mlle and a furlong. Name. Wt Name. Wt \ Dlablo .118'S.. John. vo | .. j _ . il l_vc E?SweepBtake. for three-year-old. and up- j ward, of $10 each, wlth $1,000 added. One mile and a | aU-?enUi, on turf. Vame W't. Name. W't , *-me'- .... i:.f indla Jtubber .108 UaJlvhoo .10W jrlnlty . 99 Void . 99 Lowlander . 91) Bon . csllfred .llg K'.'.tt.tock .118 Paeah .1'8 &.!?_> """"""""Ubli^ouglcaf"....... 94 Iktttt. J_owls .114 _.rat racfl at 2:80 p. m. A TRAINBR-S NOTES FROM THE TRACKS. Sh.a-|a.he_d Bay, June 26.-Wynd___iu W.lden wi? the flr't to .how UU. morning. The air wae clo*. ai.d .ultry. W-.t_he.tor w-Bti glveu work for Ihe Rt_llaation. and will ?tt hi* wlndup on Sunday. Ho dld not show a- w.ll aa -ome of the otlu-r candidate. tJUat have worked for Uie i ContoBt. He dld the mllo and a balf ln 2:48. ThU. i_ uot au good aa Tcrrlfler'a one and one-quarter mlle? ln 2 09 yeaterday mon.lug. Mat Alleu had bl. cntlre lot out and dld modoi-a*. work. M<wt of hi- horse*. hnve fully rcvovered from the pecullar Haaaaa that U ?o prevna 1, BaW-sara mouUw. Reiiort from the We.t K.y. that mai.y of the WO-t-BB horso. are suffcrlng la a .imilar maniier. At Oravesend almort all the horsea were out The track ls much iini>roved. having packed. aud tiie horses .an work as f*a?t a* at anv track at Uie pre.<nt ttme. The American Derbv wlunt-r. St-athm.-ath. wa. out He I. ln good Dhapc after hls lonu joumoy. He la flt. and doea not need a stlfl wlndlog up for the Bj.all-aUo__ j-otomac k* by St. Blalse. and no matter how many good movea or rac-. a St. Blalse may run. many wlll ?y that thev ?top Bc that so or not. a large majority ort hla -on. and dauuhter. nin kl"d!v and do .11 they can when .tarted ln a rac- Thev run to _heir llmlt. and no horse of any reed can do more. Rlght here I. a BBBBea to contradlct the IBBarf told bv Engll.h wriwr. and our An-lomanlac Imltatora ?iat Iroauola and St Blal.e were lhe two woret hor.e. Uiat over won the -hBCBab Derhv. That 1. t?l?e. Iroquol. beat every good Engllrt hor-e ih.t wa. out ln hl. year. manv of them the baat handlrat, bo",-? ln Eneland ln m.r year.. St. Blalar'a aapcrl. dUpoeition won hia Drrbr. aa he ran trua M uV.t ounce. too. He tran.mlU hl. aterllng il.po.moa to hls Bai, *nd Uio Fiiturity winner. Potomac, I. a true f hlH atra and ahould uo acrldent hai>|r<*T? to hlm when ____J pass tbe wlnnlng BBBl ln the Reallratlon the public viii -7,- a st Blalse that can .fciy. Of Uie two aona of Hermtt that were in.i-orud to thls country, Mr. Plckwlck and St BIbIbc. both produccd .pe-d and p<mk! dl.poaltlon.. Tlnlr .ou. and dauBhtc could bc controlled. and tho American raeecoer ahould remembcr tiiat uncontrollable as?Bi l? worthl.aa. boalde. belne danceroua. The colt Polomac I- Uke a allk h_ndkerchl,f, flt and ready to raoe. LibibIiiiI ?? m gr*at BBBt, a..d ,i raaa with Ritoy at I ?v, n v.-iiiht- would tje a n-i,.atl?ii?l conte.1. Tbe club tliut cives 85.000 addod. 81.000 each for .Urter.. would mma f?ur ataiur* at a mile aod a half. ai.d the two Ixing fcllow. would have Ut rare all the way to beat the other.. lt 1. not falr to name them. aa their ownera might get a Bood priee aoaa-at horaea ln -oroe racci not ?o wn.a Bonal. Both ean go one and one-h.lf mlle. thafa aure. fiauk M.Cabe la pe^l>'B alona mBB th* horsea ln hl. au,ble and bld. falr to have -om* good two-year-olda The klgu.prlc.4l Canvaa. can work a. fa.t a. cn-er. He haa another 1. a. faat. but n__y do bcUer in bl. rarr. thai la the colt by For.*U>r out of Meddle. One by la a falr artlclc and looka a. lf he would B"8B*888 hla wo,k Old Volunteer .hould ?oon get bl. 8888881 lie haa aerved faltbfully and well In many a BBBf BBIfbl Jiinmla Brown la worklug a number that aro Improvlng ln theli work, but Jlmnuc knows ,.,-ttcr thau to lump In ' ti._ fl.clrlc rTb to BentonbuMt, ln conneeUon wlth flve ceata. MANTELS, OPEN FIREPUGES, Household Art Goods. UNION SQUARE??--">.cor. Broadway. \>nly coocern tn our llne havlng IU own foundrlea. Buy of Uie maker. Eetebllahed over 00 yeara. No old atock. Everythlng made eettafaetory. Uie *ea_wh?n he ean swim ln a brook. Later on he wlll be heard from. Barrlck k WlUirow had hard luck ln the eartler part of Uie Hea??n, but their horsi-s are lmproving and wlil be aaen oftener aflu-r thls meetlng. The horae* ln the Monmouth atiihle* are |n falr shapc ; and do average work, but It Is h*rd to flnd a pl?ce for i many of them to tace, a* tlie pragrBBMM lanued so long before the race* begin I* generally unsuluble lor Uie nia j.ii'i'y of Uie horae* ln tralnlng Uiat are not In the hlglur*. A large nurnber of hnrae* wlll remaln at th* Graveaeud track all auintnar. The accldent to Portchester wlll rctlre him for *ome day*. a* he turned a complete aonierseult, rolllug eom pletely over llamtlten. who had the clesest call he ever hafl ln hl* llfe. Hls young wlfe, who was sitttng iu the grandstand when Uie accident happened, falnted. Shn waa aurrounded with pympathlitng womeo, and when the ery went up that Han.llton was all rlght there wae general rejelcing. lt was an unavnidablo accldent. ; Hamllton had Just enongh room to go through, and wa* a* a terrlflc paee for the Lst nuarter ot sueh a race, when Clayton closed ln with Riehal, and PorVheeter went over. Bermnda BBBM on tlio out*>ide and won. Llttle Lambley ia abaolutely wlthout fear. Ha doe?n't know what danger Is. Ue rode Count one Bf the n ost iflflflflxaM race* aeen at the BBBtBig for ?o llttle a cliap. He was hUHtllng from start to llnish. In the Splndrlft Bteke* to-morrow there n,ay be an addltlonal *tartet or two. aa many fhroe-y.-ar-old* havo been wotked In the last week. Mnntaoa ln readv, a* are several of Matt Byrnos'* twoyear-olds. Tam many Is one of the rlght aort. reservluf hl.nself for hls r*rea. Imnrn.-as takes regular work and 1* much admlr, _ hy ull tlml Bflfl htm worlt. He 1* a1u,o*t rnady to *tart. Slroou MflgBfl. the other lmportatlon, wlU not race, but wlll go ln the *tud next ?prlng. He Is at Morri* i'ark. The snbject most talked about, next to the Oarrlson ftffalr, ls whether or not thei* wlll be raclng at Mon m.iiith Park, and any pleee of news Is ea^jerly selied upon. Pozi-na of dlftarraat rejiorts come every day. It looka Uke Jerome *nd Morris Park*. Both traoka are nady. Tho board. ln front of th- stnnd at Jerouie wiu not t>e taken down Ull two days haBMfl the MxtBg hagtaa. W. K. Bnhoock, of Llnden Park, had a narrow e*cap?> thls mornlng from a serlou* accldent. He w** drlving * hnrse reeommended a* quiet as a kltteii and who 8TM ?aw a quiet kltten unlos* It wa* asleep.) when de brldle broke and tbe kttlenlsh horse dld a hurdlc nco with Hah. and Uie wagon. He llnally jump.d a wlde dlteh, left Bab and tlie uagon at the Itottom and wont ofT alone. Bah. was unlnjiired. The hor?e waa capturid. and wlll be one of the be.?t* ever kUehafl to ? race-track harrow by ti.e tlme, Bah. ge?? MlBBXX with him. He aavs that he haa lost cuulldence in one tnlmr's judg. ment in regard U> a qulet horae. BRITTON rADI.Y HrRT AT CHICAGO. Chicago, June _?>.?The day was perfect, and 7,000 people saw every favorite bowlcd over on a fast traclt at Washingtoii I'ark to-day. Tho 85*7*8 enjoynicnt waa merrod by an accldent ln tho lirst rato. Miss Dlxle, the seeond choico ln Uie bettlng, ridden by the wcjl-known nnd popular Jockey. 'Tom" l.ritton, etruck BXXBflif while lu the barkstretch and fell. Hrit ton was thri.wn agalnst Ihe fenre and wa* eeriously Injured. The boy was ten.lcrly care.1 for by friends and retnoved to the hospltal ln an uneonsclous state. Later it was reported that he had sustalned x cou cusslon of the bratn and was In a ?crtou? condltlon. Flrst race?Piirse ijooo: for two-year-olds. entrance, flO; 3-4 mile. Kenyon won by a neck from Dati Kurta, who beat Frank Kltiney a length for phvee. Time?1:10. Seeond race?Pursa f'KK); for threeye-r-olda; en? trance, 810; 1 mile. Yale won by a tfad from Balgowan. who beat Oflfflfl a length. Tlme?1 :42 1-4. Thlrd nuc? Handlcap for tliree-yexir olds nnd up? ward: 815 eaeh, with $750 added; 1 1-lrt mile*. Joe BlacXburn won by a hugth from Alaho, wlw beat Gloekner a head. Time?1 :48 1-2. Fourtb race? Pnrse fTOo; tor thtee-year-olds and up wurd; selllng; 11-8 mile*. Brldc won by a length from Ed Hoppcr, who lx~t Anna Race x length. Time?1 :5C 1-4. Fifth race?Piirate fiino; for thrve yonroM* and up wt.rd; 1 mile und 7o yard*. I'althful wou by a neck from Tom liogera, who beat lenflar a length. i Time-i :45 12. Sixth raoe?PBrea $700; for three year old* and up I ward; afllllnfj 11-6 uilles. Bob Length wOli bj a' longtli frotn Chapnan; Marta K. wns third, a length nwav. TlniL?1 :5(i 1 2. ONLY TWO COVTF.STS AT (IfARTRR OAK PARK". Hartford, Conn., June.26 (hpeclal).?There was a falltng off In the patraaagfl at ChartM Oak Park thls afternoon, tt the weather wa* threateulng and the two racea for *.h* eloalng were not partieularly Ititorestkig. It was *a?y to plck the wlnner* ln both ela*we?, Llghtnlng selllng et 5 to 8 over BM reat ln th* 2:80 elaH*. In the 2:16 cl*?* Mlaa Allce was a prlme favorite. aelllng at 8 tn 1 over the pe:ty U-f'ire the start. The rac?s begln at Belmonl Park, l'htladlplilii. Tuesday. .Summarie* : ?_':8<) CI.AS8--PURSE 8000. Llghtnlng. by Alcantera (Na>1. 9 111 Ameiidor (Ferryi . I ? I I Aiagi. iCoirgawell).- I I ? I lUnger (HoweU). 8 8 4 4 Tlie a Mh. 2 24 ? 2 :28V 2 :80>*. 2:11) 0LA88?PTJBBB 8600. Mlss Allce. by AJcantara ((ioldsmlth). 2 3 1 11 Maud (LewUi. 1 2 3 26 a . heisee l) (Taata. * \ f ?'J s David L fPay-ej. 3 4 4 4dis Tlme?2:i9, 2 :20>*. 2:21. 2 :20>2. 2:17^. A XEW ST. IA)t*IS TRACK. St. Louis. June 26.-A new rXeeBaoB, to be known a* South Sldc Park the old slte of BroUnrhood BaeeUill l'arit, wili be opened wm 6,-morrow. Tho purpo-e of Uie Dropri.-to:-s h. to h?ve raclng during the ?un.mer and wlnu-r on saeh dav-s a* tlie woather wlll uemut. The grounds und surT'.undihgsi have boen put In spl-ndld shape. Th. i arl wlll conslst of flvo r?.ee dallv. About one hundred lioracs are now quurterwl at Uie ttack. and stables are rauidlr MflXfl bulli fnr as many moro. . * (JAMES OF A DKAP MUTES' UNION. The festivHl of athietic gttnvs of U-j Adel^hi Llterary t'nlon of Di-af Mutes. at Harlem Rlver Fark. yesterday afternoon. BhM Inlvrfir-d with ^mewhat by a acvere Uiunderhliower, whieh d'laved Uie carrrlng out of Uie proaramui' aud spolled tho track. Thc contest* weru won as followa: Seventv-tlve vards dash (bandirap). op3n?Flrst. Ales ander W. Harrls. M. A. C. ; seeond. Josepb F. Hulu (scratch); thlrd. Ea P- Mlnlcu*. F. A. O. ?-id B. C. A. A. Time?8 Beaeaga seventy-Uve yatds dash (h?ndlcap) dcaf mute??Flrst, Wllliim .Bovd. F. A. A.; *ecoiid. L. P. Minlcua; Uiird, F. W. Milnken. M. A. C. (scraUh). Tinu-? mlnutis 2 aaaaaaa. Half-mlle run (handlcap) open.-Flrst. \V. F. Cloaay, of Wavne H. <l.: *eccnd, George Battllng. Acorn A. A. Tlroe?2 mlnutc*. One-mU- walk-Flrst. J. A. Tharp. P. A. C. ; aeeond, 6amuel Llebgold. P. A. C. (*cratch); Uilrd. C. Barda?ch, Acorn A. A. TBBB?1 :23. Four hundr?d and forty vard* run, norlce (scrnKh) Flr?t. F. Dougla*. Stnwesant A. Ci ?CL'ond. Fr*nk J. Herrick. SUr A. C. Tlme |g 14 88*8858. One-tnlle run (handl'-aii) d'^af Baill PllM, C. J. I.e Cler.-U. M. A. C.I IIIUMI. Louis boldwedel. Timc-8 inlnuti'S 21 aeeonds. Consolatlon MC8. rold medal to flrst. silver to seeond: epen to all I ut BlBBCrBS BUflfl flBBMBM "-I a ?Oa-TUtf, E. HJcrtberg. B. J. A. C. (scraub); ?econd. F. ltowe, Aeorn A. A. T:t.4:35. The ofBcr* of the dav were: 0811888. J?m"? E- Suiu van. N. J. A. C. : Judzea M the flnlsh. UtaXnTX A. Burr'll. Wllilaniaburg A. A. and A. L.: F. D. d. Kan-. Xavhr ^ A.. and Tkimai F. Pax, P. X. A. : tlm-.s. Boh-rt BMB, N. Y. A. C. : C. C H.ighes. M. A. O, i scorera. W. 1! ? '-. , A. A.' .1. F. Dont Ut. A. L. M.. and W. O. Jone*. F. A. A.: atartM, Bxara -i n Bbb. Xaa*a a. a. : Judge of walklng, U. Blneae. PaMMM A. 0. a MISS CAIHLL TIIF. CHAJIPIOB. Che?tnut Hill. I'enn.. June 2C (SiK-.iali.-The weather ha* smlled on Ih- ladl-s' toiirnon.t here from the be Blnnlng. Todav wa* a perfect tennls d.iy. except the flve-mlnuie rhaaw. Ti.e graal much for the lad> , liamplotishi,, ?f Atnerica was l-.tigl.t and Mlss Mahel F.. cahlll VtM lt. It took four h;ird fo.ight sets to decldc HM BXBBah, and every availablc paaBhM of vaiitiiae wn? tnken long heforc Iba BhM flBBaa. MIs, Roosvelt s baah eoarl pjaf aajfl ?aaarh, and thc aaai fltaxaxa wf ln win.ih si.- ph.rcd the bnll in cverv posslhle po*IUfwi i? her UpfUBBBBX-fl court wa* MM*iCahfl contii.ued her previous brllliant w:irk aiKl her aidallnr. shot* were ihe prvtUcst ever ecen here. The score. of thc play wera a* follows : . .. __-_, jj___?. .lngle*, ouamplonihlp matcU-Mlu Mabel B. caiuii, ciuOienger, Issat Mi*? E. C. Koosevelt, hoider, 0?4, 6?1, 4?fl, 0?3. Mlxed doublcs, seeond round?Ml*a Grace W. Boose velt and C. T. Lee beat Ml*s Bertha L. Townsend and Mr. Remak, fl?3, fl?5. Third rouud-MI** Grace W. Rooeevelt and C. T. Lee beat L. D. Voorhce* and Mr. Cowperthwalt. 0?3, fl?4. Men's elngle*, final round-M- R- Wrixht beat J. 8. Clark, 4-fl, fl-.l, 0-3. ENTRIE8 FOR A YACHTING CRT7I8E. Delegates from Uie Columbla, Brooklyn, Hariem. Hnd son Rlver. Jer*er City. New-Jerser. Pavonla, Wllliam*. I.ur?. Yonker*. Corlnthlan and Indlan Harbor yacht clnbe were preaent last nlght at Uie laat meetlng whlch tha New-York Yacht Raclng A*?ocl*Uon wlll hold until August. Wllliam C?gg?r, George E. Oartland and Charles E. Slmm* were ?ppotnted Uie Regatta Gommlttee and R. T. Dennla *nd O. W. Fuller Uie Committee on Ar rangemente. Tte crule* wlll begln on June 6. and wlll be up Ialand Sound. Tweoty-ntne yachta hava already been entered. The carrrlng ot club topaalls wUl not be permltted during Uie crulM. THE EA6TERN YACHT CLUB'S RACE8. Boston, June 26 (Speelal).? Th* eutlook now ls fer flna raclng M at lea*t four clasaee ln the annual regatta of the Eaatern Yacht Club, to b? salled next Monday from H*lf Way Roek. ' Ih the flrst-claa* the *ehoooer* Merltn and Mayflower are already entered, and probabiy the Fortuna wlll be added. The Oenone aud Trlton wlll have lt oul In tho *ecood-clae* schooner*. The ?lxty-foot outter Way ward ls the only entry In her cla*?. Most of th* Inter e*? wllt centre ln the n?w forty-slx-foot olaas, where the Thelina, BeatrLx and Go?*oo_ have already entered. Gen eral Falne's Alborak wlll enter in UiU. claas, and posalbly Uie Owcaie ; but Uie Carbara wlll not, nor the Glorlana. In tho thlrty.foot clas* th* Hawk and Saladln *ro entered. CUPS POR FORTY-SIX.FOOT YACHTS. Governor bflflB Abbett, of Now-Jersey, comraoddVb of Uie Baa BllhaBB Yecht Club, ha* oflered two handnome cupa to be salled for by 48-foot yachts ln Uie comlng regatta of hls club. Thc cup* *re of aolld ntlver, and were de?1gned by Tlffaoy. The annual regatta of Uie club, in whlch theae cup* ?re to be competcd for, wlll be ?eiled on July 7. Th.- regatta I* open to the yachta of the American, AU lantic, Corlnthlan. of Marbleh-ad ; Ovrry Dlamond. Kast raa, Fieid and Marine. Jeraey 0*y. Knlck-rbocker, Larch umnt. BIlMMBa. Massachu*"tta, New-Haven, New-Jrr.ey, New-York. New.York Athl.'tle Club, New-York Corlnthlan, OyatM Bay. Pavonla, Seawanhake-C*rlnt_la_ and Dougla*. ton Yacht clulM. UILVS ORDERS CARRIED OUT. THB FOREST COMMISr_ON APF0INT8 NEW 6UBORI>IN-ATES. TnE OOMMlSsIOB BUT3 14,017 AGRES OB" LAND 1T9 ATPROPRIATION NT/ARLT EXBAlTSTED. inr TBi.Bt'nA.'n to the Tuihine. J Allinriy, Jnne 2'1.-Oov_rnor Hill flnl.hed fo-da"? the BkaB-Bf BBI of the Forest Commiaaion subordinAtn. which wa* only pnrtlally acrompUsned at the last meeUng of the Conimtaslon. In order that the matter . hniild not mlscarry, OBflfraaaa Oox aaa type-wrlitert roplea ol reaolutfons ond other mnttcre whlch he, with the a?Klst?nc*. of Mr. Farlln, put through. The tvpe wrltten matter wa. not prepared ln the Forest Com ml-r-lon'n offlce, The ee?.1on was secret. The nct thing done wa. the renioval m foreeters of Oeorge laiilallBIJ. ol Oswego, who had been appointed at the reqnest of senator Sloan; and Robert Klaln, of Lewla, appointed at Couimls.loner llaw-elln'B reqneat. Then Wiiiiam Doyaa. of Newburg, Detnorrat, who dld a good part of Goverr.or illll's lobbying about the Legls lature la.t wlnt.r, was appointed a-RteUant secretary. Wllllam Hiitne, nf l/ewU, a promlnent Democrat, was aaballlalai lor Mr. Kleln. Three ot-ier fore-ters were appointed. The Commlssloners bonght 14,017 acre. ol land, at 1.1 ">0 an aere, in Hanillton and E#*.x oonntles. The territory 1" covered wlfh hard wood and yonfTg ever greeni. Nearly 13.000 acre. are ln llamliton County, comprUIng Town-htpe No_. 10 and 29, and wero ownod by tbe Morgan Lumber Co., of Glons Fnll.; 1,000 acre. In llamliton County. known as Ox-Bow Bad nnd formerlv ownod bv Wllllam McEchron, and fiftv acre. in Tt.w'n.hln No. M, __raai Omuty, owncd by Henrv Hradlev. An ottnr of 3.1.0O0 acre* of land ln Hanillton and Warren counlle. was refused. The purtlu_sen made thu. far leave onlv P2.04I tm Bxpended ol tlie _2*>,000 approprlnted laat wlntar. m ?-"~? THREE DEAD IfEX RESEMBLED HIM. MR. -"-_-__? StTS HE IS A MARKED MAN. AND HIS _an__f_-_. -_--_?? flil-B-fiT PrRStTE HIM. Mlchael J. C.roan, ot New York, but now tn Cln? clnnatl, say. that he ls a -m.rked man" and tbat three men havo been iimrdered withln a fihort tlme nvi'T clrcumstanceB wlileh strongly lndloite thnt Mr. OlBBB waa tbe Inteoded vlotlm and escaped through mi.ta"ren Identlty. A Tribune reporter found the wlfo of Ml.ha.'l J. c'reen yestwday afternoon In her flat, No. ?V5 Ra?t one-hundred-and a.xth-st- After constder able reluetanre Mr. ('reen admltted Uiat h<*r husband afeOBl eleven mc.trths ago had had aome trouble wlth Bome Ro.i.'iv. nnd Uiat idiico then ho had been trav.l ttng. Mrs. Qtaaa liad the uppcerajice of a Deraon who wa. oonstantly harassed wlth some great fear. and evinced the graateat liesltunry ln answerlng any qtios tlona. blie said her husbnud formerly was " an agent," but _H monUw ago "lie became an artlst_" It was aaid Uiat Mr. Green hnd the followlng nddress prlnted on hls hu.lne.s_. envelopo, " M. J. Greon, agent. No. 22?> fluaiaai. New-York." Investlgation rovcaled tbe fact no No. IM exlst* In Broadway. Th.; c-iia-o in many respect- rceembte. that of Dr. Cronln, end when all the tacte are brought to llght lt may reveal anothn* chaptor ol tbe worklngs of the Clan ns GacL Mr. Green was one of flfty men who aalled in 1*?7 ln the brlgantine Jacmel in the 1_ ten?t*4 of the Fenlana. he wa. tmspected ol belng a -py. and has been kept out ol all aecret sooietlee. Mr. Green flrst became aware that he wns belng followed when he left Chlcago lor Clnclnnatl, | June, 10, where he secnred employment. When he left Chlcago he guve tho people concw-ned to undc-tvtand that hl- destinatlon wa- Cieveland, Ohio. On the morning ol June 11 tlie body of Louls Cadar, a Hungarlan, wa* found near Chndwlck-.t., Clerveland. Cadar bore a reniarkable resomblance to Grecn, and the lacl thnt Green wiu ?aypaaafl to be leaving Chlcago for Cieveland Jends addltlonal Interest to Green's belle that he 1t> a ?' marked man." Tho next murdor occurred ln Clnclnnatl on Jnne 1., when the body of Willlum Keudall. a well-known twslne** man, wa. found ln tho ohio Rlver. KendiUl wn* murdc_*ed Just after dark wliUo on hU way to hls home Ln Nowport. KendnLI also bore a strlklng resera blance to Gre<-n, so inueh so that In tlie dus*k of even? lng the two men might easily be m_st-_ke_i for each oth_r. Thls murder might lndlcate that Green had been traccd to Clnclnnatl by hls enemles, and was agaln murktal for .lc-.ith. and that Kendall had been rals Uilcen Ior ('reen. Thls battaf is further streiigtlK'tied by Ihe fact tliat Grecu frecjuontly cm.sed the river, and Kendall v?a la.-t .seen . oing In that dlrectlon. The thlrd d<-?th whlch ls aUaafeto connectc-d- wlth Green ls that of a man who was found d ?:_! 6omo liui- BBB B* Central I'arlt. Green had been aaar the Hiiue place in tho l'ark the nlght b^foro. and tho deail man bore a stroiig resemblam* to Mm. DIED WHILE PLAY1X0 FOOTBiLL. Indlanapolls, June 20.-A dl-patcb to "The News" from Miirioo. Ind., says: Steven Stakenberg, a student nt tbe Normai College, dicd suddcnly yesterday even Ing while playing football. He stooped to plck up Bm haO, fell and explred lnsUntly. lie lived at Car Uiagei.a. uhlo. _ BRIDOEPOBrS POLICE UVDDLB. Tirldgeport, Conn., June 2fl.-The quo warranto pri,re,sdlngs bronght agalnst Chlcf of Pollee John Itvlanls, whlch wero to have been hoard before Judge Thaycr thls mornlng. were wlthdrawn, and a now forn. of proccedlng broughr. Tho flrst were held 11 lcgal, as Ihey were not brought ln Uie name of tho Watc's nttorncy, but ln the name of two cltlxcn*. Thi BBM f'irm beurs Uie naiuo of tlie Statc's attorney, and wili be tested. WHAT CURED YOU ? Mr. B. P. McAlU*t*r. of Harrlsburg. Ky., wrltoa: "Havlng been a 4errlbl* aufferer from ea'arrh, and being now aound and wall, thc questlon often put to mo Is, 'What turcd yout* In answer to thls oft-put questlon I feel lt mr dtity to aUte that SwlfF* Speclflc (S. S. 8.) la Uie eiedlelne. 1 am ?uch a true bellevcr ln Uie efheacy of Bwiff* 8peelfle (S. 8. 8.) that I caa honeatly and ceoMl. entlously recommend It to any one sufferlng from catarrh. Have recommendid It to many, and am happy to *ay that thoao whom I have Indiiccd to use It can bear me out ln thi* statement. I also bellrvc Uiat it wlil cure any eaae of eetarrh lf taken aecordlng to dir, -Uon?." Book on Blood and Skin Dlsease* f re*. THC SWIFT BPECIF10 CO.. ATLANTA.' OA. Hot Weather Necessities. Notice the large square package in the front rank. 'Thatw where it belongs?ask any woman who has used it See what' it does. It saves work, saves strength, saves health, time, and temper. It saves wear and tear, too?and that's money. Deli cate summer clothes don't have to be rubbed and wrenchedt when they're washed with Pearline. Everything is washed t easily?and safely. Pearline doesn't do any more in warm I weather than in cold, but you seem to need it more then. It'sj a necessity. But it's a luxury, as welL Try it in the bath,* and you'll think sa Be Peddlen ond some nnscrtipuloas gmcen wili tel! yoa. "thla * the *ameas Pearline.*' IT'S FALSE? \ ?1*70 f?_0 I* a* good ' VV CX, 1 v^ Pearline i* never peddled, and if your erocer aends vou sorne thinfr in plaee of Pe.-uline, do the honest thing?send it btui. ?oj JAMBS PYLE. New York, t5^DIAM0ND8AFliy' M?cr.|ne| iMade at Any Prlca. Dumcnd Fr.m., Stwl Orop Forging*, St*.1 Tub i"g, Adjustabl* 8.II to ?H runninjj Pa.t? includieg Padats. Su.p.n.ioo Saddl. F,n.?tmat.-1 rial mon*y can boy. Finiahad in Enam.l and Nick.l STRICTLY HICM CRADE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Send sli SSS in stamp* lor our 100-pafll llluttrated Catalogu* ol Guni. Rlflei, Rerolvera. Sporting Goods ol All Klndi. ete, JO HN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., Mfra., 147 W?hlngton Strect, BOSTON, MASS. RAILROAD INTERESTS. i AlirOX MAKE8 A KEDUCTTON. FOROED -O TAKE THE MOVF, FOR IT3 PRO TF.CTION. Chicago, June 20.?(General PasHenger A?ent Cliarl ton, of tlie Chicago and Allon, addre*sed a communlcatlon to Chalrman Flnley. of the Westeni |_BBflBfB8 Asuoclatlon, this afternoon. whlch aaya ln part: I have vour favor of the 24th toiet, decllning to grant rellefon the appeal of the Chicago and Alton for reduced rateB from Chicago to St. Lonl*. Chicago to Kansas City, and Chicago to Penver. It appoars to me that a declslon of thls charncter could Bfl cviclly have been made at the mecUng of thp 88d Inst, and stlll earller whe?i you recelved my letter of the 20th, and ouglit ln ordlnarv falrnees to have been mnde at the earllcst date, aud not now. You tlwt sought to delay the hearlng until the 2."th. and then on being urged ! roa nanied tlie 23d. To nny dlslntereated ootslder all | tlitn wlll have the pppearanoe of being an effort on j yonr pnrt to cause delav and pnt ns at a serious dl? i advantiige for several days. I hnve the pleaeure to advlse yrm thit we have | rrotltled tho Interstate Commerce Commls-ilon that we wlll plnce In effect on Monday, tlie foltowing reduced , ratcs: Chicago to ftt. I/onis, fO; Chicago to Knnsas I City, 810; Kansas City to Chlcaigo, ?10. These rotes | are rendered neceesxry by mtleage tlcketa ond ex cnmlcm tlckot* being made practlcnlly good to bcarer on thc llne* of our competttors. and hy the of one-wav Uckcto from ten-ltorv ln whlch we are boy cotted. sueh ticket* bert*r sold for thc expn-as purm*e of being scalped over the llne* of our ompcUtors. The one war rrrte named heretn between Chlcngo and Kansjis Citv make* no lower rat.' fi>r onr competltor* than thoy kce now mnklnir on exeurahXI tlckets, whieh are sold at 920 for tlie round trlp and are made prac tjcallv rrood to bearer. The reduced one wny rate wUl not decrense the revenne of our co?ipetltors. and I* ahaolntelv neeossarv for our protecUon. Tlie anme applloe fo thc rate fnmi Chicago to st. Louis. Wo i IkiM In rescrve tho rlght to mal.e a rate of f 5 from St Loul* to Chlcmm. and *2<> from CTitemro to LVnver. fontlngent upon the bohnvlor of "nr competltor*. After thi* wamlng If t>\v fall to reform we shall have to apply the proper remedy. A rTrRAINFD FREIGIIT FITT'ATIOW. Puffnlo, June 2*5 (Speclal).-The through frelcht sltuatlon, lake and rail, le much stralnwl. e*pecl_lly westbound. The through Ilnes repre*ented by the Canadlan Pxclflc nnd sueh Eastern f.-eders- as tbe Central Vermont and Boston and Albany, have lately cnt down westbound all-rnil rates to the Northwest abottt 0 centa below the lake and rail rate to Chicago, tlio* enUrely dcmorallr.lng everything. The Lake Llne Managers' Ajwoclnticm met here today and affinned the restored eastbotind rates of June 10, and fonnd tliat every lake llne centrlng here waa malntalnlng these ratea and concluded not to touch New-Englnnd weetbound frelght so long a* the Canadlan Paciflc win carry it for practleally nothlng. Thi* cnts off the supply of pachage frelght here westbound, and wlll also affect the canal aotnewhat; but lt ii bellered that the cut can? not laat more than a few day*. (TOMMISBION PAYINO RESCMED. Chicago, June 2fl.?Speaklng to-day of the action of the Chicago, Burltngton and Qulncy road ln reaaUBBXR the pnyment of pussenger commisslons In Eastern terrlfory, General ttissenger AgtMit F.ustls sald: '-Tho report a* it ua? been publlsbed aaXeee us In a falso position. We have resumed the paylnent of com mtsslonx ouly to a limlted extent, and have not vacated our agreement with tbe Board ol Rulings. bome of the Eaatern roads have not earried out the agreement, and conseqnently we have not had that protection whieh was a condltlon of our compllance wdth the request of the Bo.ird of Rulltiga. We no longer foel bound not to pay commlsslona to the agenU of those roads, whlch are six or seven ln nurn? ber, and conllned to Central Traffic AesoclaUon tier rltory. Accordlngly we have'glven notlee. whlch Is now effecUve, of thc rvsuioyUoti ot (.omnibwlon paylng to those partlcular llnos." INSPECTING TIIE NEW YORK CENTRAL. Tha rmHlflil II. Walter Webb and General Super lntendent Theodore Voorbees left the city yesterday lor Uielr monthly Inspection of the New-York Central system. General Manager Toucey has Just returned from a weeli's trlp over the llne*; aud he and Chlef Hntrlnoer Walter Katte are now at work preparlng plaua and speclflcations for the experlmeutal tost of the system of ventllaUng the Central's tunnel recom incnded by tho Railroad Conimlasloners. AcUve cou atrucUou wlll soon bfl begun. DELAWARE AND LACKAWANA DIV.DEND. Tho dirertors of the Delaware, Lackuwanna and Western yesterday declared the usual quartorly dlvl dend of 1 3-4 per cent. They also arranged for meet? ing the $.'1,000,000 Morris and Essex bonds maturing on August 1, whleh wlll be paid In cash by the Farra ers* Loan and Trust Comapny. The privilege Is ex tended to bondhoM'-rs of extendlng their holdlnga lor new con-j-lidatcd bond.. THE ERIE"8 NEW SATURDAY TRAIN. The Erie wlll to-day put on a new Saturday balf holidny traln, leavlng Chambera-at. at 3:15 p. m., fol? lowlng the Chlcago and St. Louls Llmlted to Port Jcrvis. Thls ls for the speeial accommodatlon of tlie large BBBBBB8B travel to the Delaware Valle.v, Montl.ello and White Laltc. Thi. traln Is ln addltlor. to the Satur? day half hollclay trains leaving ( .lanibors-st. at 1_ :50 p. m. and 1 :4c) p. m. Th<> tn.iv, ?t B*B_B_rB, Tamar-fe and prlnclpal stjttioiwi as far au Port J.rvU. A CfriTLY ACCIDENT Tt) THE OLD COI.ONY. Itoston, Juno '_?.?An agreement lor Judgmetit for |_!2,">00 ln favor of tli? plulntlh* was entered thi.4 fore iiotm iu tlio Superlor Court ln the caso of Sllus 11. Gaidner, ol Unxktoii, agalmt ihe <>ld Ouony Railroad Comaany. Mr. ciardner waa ln the aecident at Qulu. ?>? last August and sustained a concusslon of the splne,, It ls undersioial, wlll malte hlm aii invalld for llfe. The company ha. now settled all but six of tlio* arising out of the aecident, ol whlch there were more than a hundred. Tho total aaal of the aecident t., tba -OBipaay thus far has been, it is said, more than $400,000. _ 1NW1I.I.ING TO PART WITH MR. TRl'ESDALE. Minneapolls, June Mr-II wns learncd to-day that the !?>ndho_ters of the Mluncapolls and rst. Louls wlll aooii have a meetliiftand request W. H. Truesdalo, late recelver. to N_a_BBfB- Ml fBBBBBl ai.d ivtnain ns tlie rluei offlclal of tho road. I'nder his munagemeiit Uio road llaa lncreased it_ earnliigs during Lbe last ten niontlia nnd decreaacd its cxpeii-c*. Mr. TruesdaU. urgoi a reorgaulxatlon tliat would put tho road ou a ?WltoW I DECORATIYE NEEDLE WORK HA' BEEN DEVELOPEDAND PERFECTED BY THE SingerSewing Machines I'NTII, r on can nerompll-h In one week what u.ed te tnke inoiilh ., and eaaa do it mu. h better. LEAfcN HOW AT 929 BROADWAY LAMFS Notblnff more linportnnt FOR WEDDING GIFTS, COUNTRY HOMES, HOTELS, CHURCHES.&c. nnortnnl ihuo t'OOD I.U1IIT _Bi RAlry 1_AM Pd. Tbe r-Qr-t .ATI.F ACfOBJ -O _.0()K*. and In ACTtAL LUB. LA9IP. both 40 TU L.OOK-* und In ACTl'Al I. Tra.le >l_rkrd "THE ROCHESTER." We WBrmni every '* KocheBier In-ip.'' More ihnn Ono VHIII-n been aold. Wa hnve two lnr?o atoree i? ?Bow -nIPl.V -a ull'I.K-a. tbe varlely lo bo larae. Manufaciured and tor jnle by lOnnd 1*_ Colleiie Place. Between P?rli nnd Barcliar "*!.,___*______ Bu* from your denler lf he hns IT. Hend for otrcnUr. The PasteurGerm-ProofFilter. Doo't be docelvcd and driut .prlng and bottled wbIbt thliiktng them pure-they rarely are. Uae a Pasteur i_erm-Proof Filtcr. and drlnB water that u free trom all oreanlc matter and dlae_se awma. If yoa fo ta lha eouutry for pure air take - Pa-teur Pilter wlth yoa aai l.ave pure water alao. Xll.U BY K. W. POMF.ROV, 1,339 Brond-my. more subntantlal foundatton, and lt ls bellerved that ll thls were done he would consent to act aa preeldenl. o 6BCUBED BY THB WABASH. Alton, 111., June 2fl.-It la aald that tho WabaeW has seeured control of the i?t. Louis, Alton atid Sprtnf fleld, known a*. tlie J'lutT Llne, and wlll _a__? poeaea&loa July 1. SOON TO BE OPENED FOR BTJSINESS. Rocheeter, N. Y., June 26.-The railroad betng bnlh, between llornelisvllle and tlie elty by the Weatern New-York and Pennsylvanla Company wlU, tt M ex? pected. bc open for businesa before September 1. Only 600 feet of gradlng near Swalna, N. Y., yet remalna M be completert, and the work of lartng the rail* wlll bl /lnlshed bv July '?. Tha road wlll brlng HorneUaviil* within elghty mlles of thls city. EXTREASVRER WOODRTTPP KfDWTED. Llttle Roek, Ark., June 25.?The Grxnd Jnry ol Pnlaskl County, thls forenoon returned an IncMetmen* agalnst cx State Treasurer Woodruff for embeialem?nt of State funds. Woodruff was immediately afiCea" under arrest. THE SECOXD HATTRimTTXOS SCMT. Phlladelphia, June 2fl.?The Governmenfa defenea ln Meyer A Dlcklnson's seeond te*t lmport-duty aorl was begun thls morning in tho Unlted Sttitea CircalB Court. axaMBBl Dlstrict-Attomey W. W. CaiT brleflp oiitllned the defonce to be made by tlie Oovernmenx. He said that there wa* no disputo about tha eom* merclal name* of the good*. Thfty were gaazea, < ret'.ns, velvet*. satlns and ribl>on*>. Under theea name* they were bonght and *old and nsed ln tha trade, and not under the name of "trlmtnlng* ror hxts." ABXY AXD XAVY BXTEUJGFXCB. Washlngton, Jnne 20.? Leave of ahaence for three month* ta granted First Lleutenant Barrlngton K. West, Oth Cavalry. Captila Edward C. Carter, ae *i?tant siitiieon, havlng tieen ordered to temporary dutv nt F.'rt Canby, Washlngton, by the commanding general of the Department of the Columbla, ls relieved from duty at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Commander Allen D. Bmwn has been placed oo the retired llst from June 24. 1581. The Sati Frunclsco arrived at Caldera, Chlll, yea? terday. SEXATOR F-QMU A CO RESPOkXVEXT. Buffalo, N. Y., July 2?;.-Jiistice Danlela to-day Bjraaaal an order iii tlie suit of Robert C. Cuinming agt. Lnulse Cummlng, for divorce, dlrecting th:tt certaln Issue* of fact be trled at tlio next t'ircnit Court tn Brle. Chk-f among Ihflflfl are whether the defendnnl wa* gnllty of lnddellty at dlvers tlmes and plures with M.ite senator Ooxaawdore V. Veddvr aud other co-ra* spotident*. and whether the plalntlff was uls i gnllty of the same offenee. Cummlng ls a young luwyer ol Fredonla. ? DEATH OF A WF.LLKXOWX TELlXJRAPnER. ? Thoina* M. J. Hutiimi,, twrntv-ntne vears old. a mcinbcr of tho New York Tclegraph < luh, and well known in telegmph circle*, dled on Thursday after a short llltiess, at the homo of his brother. Mr. llannoo wa* promiiient among amateur oursuien, and for a long time was an enthuslastlc member of tho Friends hip Boat Club, witero bo bad hosU ot friendx,