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IS THK BODY IDENTIFIED? FitANK ATWOOD LS VIOTOR G. HBRDlJNtr. A Nl^V PROBLBM IN THE OROTON _,A,ND1N0 MY^TKRY-IS THE ALLEG-D HUS> BAND INSANEl There were *ensatlonnl developmenta last nlght in the mystcry surroundlng the case of the young woman who wa* found ln the lludson River ot Croton I.andlnc a week ago. Tlie young man who descrlbed hlmsetf a* Frank Alwood, of Phlladelphia, and who Identltled tlie body, left Tnrrytown late Thuraduy night arcom pai'ie.1 by two eouatabtes. Clilef of Pollee Novstter !-cnt the two eonstables to New York with Atwood with Instmetlons to aee that be returned to Tarrytown Bi tba morning. Atwood returned to Txrrjtown yea? terday mornlng accompanied by t>*s two oracers. and lie had his Iittle glrl with him. The child bears n rvscmblance to tlie dead woman. Coroner Sutton was holdlng an Innuest In the case In * parlor of the Baker House when Atwood and the of tioer* arrlvod. Beforo Atwood wus called a* a witnes* he sald that he had come to Tarrytown to clalm Oie body, and would see to Its burial. Dr. J. H. Her man sald that while esamlnlng the body he notlced ttwlsea on the left cheek; Those brulses, hc thought, were made l?fore dcatb. At thls, one of the jurymen asked Dr. llerman 11 he wa* of tlje oplnlon thal the young woman met fea] play- Th? doctor replled that the brulses on tlm face would lead to a suspicion of foul play. He i",i!d not s*y how the brulsc* were produced, but thought they might havo been mado by placlng *ome hard >ub*tanre agaUiat the lower Jaw aud then prasslng ,n it. Dr. Ilennaii's statement was not In flecOrfl with the slalementa of the doctors who mado tlie aotopsy. Pottic of the lurymen polntedlv remarkod tbat Ihey tlionght another auiopsy ought to be made. Frank Atwood testllltd that he wns a salesman for W'hite, Post <t Co., Iiardware dealers, of Clevelat-d, ohlo. Ho sald that he llved at No. 111 Pinest., Pliiladelpiiia. lie idcntiMe.1 the body as tliat af Bla wife. He rccofrnlzed hflf by a raole on tlie back of W i.eck and a BBXf on her knee. Roth of these marks were found on tho body. Hc marrled the dead woman ii the fall of 1-sr,, ,.t the Church of the lloly Trans licuration. Twenty-thlrd and B sts.. Pluladclphia. Tho i!iiii:ater who toarrled tiicm was named Allen. Tlie woman's matdeii name wa* Purcoll Marlnia. Ho knew her but seven wocks when he marrled her. Hnd never heatd her speak of her family. and did not know whether her parent* were Ilving or not. He llved with her about fourtoeii months, when she left him. she had been away from him two year* and slx months. He only heiird from her once after she left him. A friend of his, a bartender, named McC.uire, wrote to him, telling him that Ite had BflBB hls wlfe. Atwood sald that hc was born la Havra, France. and had an uncle named Atwood living at No. 17<> \v_rt Forty-sorond st., New -York, proprietor of thc At? wood Wire Company. He wtld a sister of his fatherS, a Mrs. Bengall, lived at No. 130 Bast one-hundrvd and lenth-bt.. New-York. Another %Mcr was living in Yonker*. she murried u man named Herdling. He ,-nid hls BaXflf never BBW his wife. Hls wlfe was an oducated women and could BPflflh Freneh and Italla-i fluently. She WB8 tawntf-enfl years old. At this point (otoii r Sutton, after conferriug brlefly. with hla Jury, aaggflflflfli to Atwood lhal hc p to New York and get BBBXfl one who would identify him" as Fmnk Atwood. Tklfl prortmed ti milrt BflSMfl lion in UM Atwood seemed BBBBBWhal amazed, 1 nt d'-.-id.-d to ivct on the coroner'- BBflaxxUan, and went away a. .ompanied hy a BMB] olflcer. The Cxxaaai reealae- woitl Ihul Ihe latlier and mother and anelfl ol Ihfl man known Bfl Atwood were BB IhXXf w.iy t' r.ii'iyt'.wu from Bfl* Voi* and would, make imiMiriiint iMMMientfl. The Cor.? foncluded lo adjnurn th'- 1no.ue*t until 0:43 p. m. When the i .|in-t waa f-Miiiii-d al thal boar the Coroner an.l bli jury pppearel aoxaewhat exfltMd. George P. HerflBni und Wlfe and Mr. Herdling's br-'ther wcrc preeeot When Atwood ciunc in he did not notlflfl Mr. Bad Mra. llerdline and Mr. Her5Bag>B btflflflMr. Thfl CarotMf al onre called him aa ;. BTtfBM, und aakfli him if he kad found any one m New-York who could Identify him bi Frat.k Atwood. At Ihla I'int Atwood began to txrri pale nnd in rcplv |o ihe Coroner, said. -I wiii tell roa now, Brat ai iust. I Wfll not BBBWar any BJBBBtlan what'vet." The Coroner thaa l'?t ? numlicr nf exxwtloaa to ih. witness and hla IBMUUJJfBXl reply was, "I refuse to all?-'?r.? The CkXrOaar then threntened to commit the wltnee*' for contcmj.i. WlMfl he rvpllcd. ''All rlght you can do it. lf you want to."1 Oaonrs P. Il'rdllnsr waa then called and the Coroner *ald to lini. pobrUBf tO UM roong man who had just lefl Hh> wiinc.s M?iid, " Do you BBOW thi- BMl) ' Mr. lleraJlBg, who M*nxe4 aaeh agiuted, repiied. "Yes, '.ie is my son. Hls name 1* Vlatflfl GMorge llc?.;;:,n<^?' At tliis the Coroner iaM Ifl MM young man, WBO st/Mid almmt tnotionl.'ss. Wllh a BXXMhl) I-ale BMB, " Do vou deriv ti.*i this U your hthart- Br. HeraBng then beeXXXfl evit-d an.l 8>CXat8X8C ahaklB8 I"" "?g? Bl bli MMi. " Do you dare to deny tlmt I BM >ou: tethor ' The young man bBBf Ml head and said: " No, I don't deny you. You are mv fatiici-.'' Mr Ibardlmg then went Ofl wllh his tc-tiinonv nnd aaid that his son left hla BOBM in Th:rtv fifth <i . New Y.-rk. vt-stenlay nomlng with his Iittle fllrl. He I ln UM e'ini'!-v of the BflX VflfB CVntial Railioad. an.l la ii,ai-i-i.-d. and tha ntti- '-mi "ni- I'"" i- hii aaufltrter. I1M wifc Ifl allve nnd Bvea with him In Thi ty nftli-st. ' he WtaaM could not I.I! whv hls son h?l iictiMl bo ,tran*el ln thi* CX**, B* he had fllwoji Hvfld 1 wiu. his wife, *> for a* the witnea* hnaw. rha wH ?wa*Bid tliat hii aon l.a-i bud troubk with hla bead . ,i hiail acu'd bt B P' niMner Jor _vor_u woc?s. Tha wlUHM. *a.<i that hi. boii'b wlta hxd bflen_macli f"i-\*1.". ago. He wa^ BlnetOBfl rean o*J. ?** ? Lrried ai-Mnn th" wlah <-f hi ffltner. Tbe wltneai luM^noa bc, ? on tne heat of mnm with bk bbb rlaea ' Mre. Loulse Merdling. wife of Ihfl previou* wlt fMfli id'titifiet1 the vm-ig man known m AtwoflB* or -on. Mie'.iMted the tcst inoi-y of her BXB> OarOBflt sutton t'-en had thfl BMJtMflat |l8??I _J rntmi AtwrsKi or Ht-diii s reai. Tha raroxej'?*** him If hl* testimonv vm rrxa. Hh wilr rcp? ??' tlmt he re^sed t<. Bnawer. Ha alao> rsfasefll 5o. rtgn tlie te.tlmonv. The corMier then told him lie would have to .otnmll him utiti' K--o -v to .-..ualder whethci he would l.ol't blm or BOt, Youi ?; Herdling waa tane:: into ru-iodv hv ("n'.-f of i-ll'e .1'walter and Mfkoe np. Aa aa Mfl the room a pH*on< Mmng H'toiiiu: dld not sav nnyUilnfl to M* IXUtaV or nuiher. The InOBBsl u. arij.iurm*d un'll thr- afternoon at 4 i.-i Hk k, when Herdling'* wile wili bfl present 80 iflentl^ hlrn. _ _ XOTPS OF THE BTABB. Mis* Agne* Huntlngton wUl raime to Amerlca next ?ea*on and wlll open about Oetflflar 18. she vill paBBBBl 'J'aul Jones," " Fatir.itia" aiid a BflW BflMTfl Whleb -lio is ul preMsnt ncgoilating for |g l.ondon. i ba pi aaa ol bUb* Hantington'fl new thflatifl in Lflfl daa BXXfl just I'ccn anproved hy Hc ( :iv ('.jiincil. ui"l it wlll bfl opened Bhoai tln flrfll of AW I. Her Amcr, aaa tot-r wili bfl liinlted lo al-otit sixleen week*. There wlll bc no MflBBflfl at 11^ Caslno to-day an.l lha BMflahaxi al the tffaarw*w "'" baar "Wflaa* at the niaaflwaj Theatre, After to-flxa ahara win he n<> ?Mtiaeea at Um Broatwa* for i Ubm, ihe Ihm ik ii,.rflBxaei - of "Thfl Mflrekaxit" at the Madl-on S.juirc TaafltM wlll bfl givcti this Baflflflfl*. h d BXflBtag. Um hot awxther baa b*bo ladeeaa the tnamBgera <>f lha Creote Company Bl thfl simdaiil Ihcttio to cloae wlth to-i.ightN pcrfotniHiice. THE IUPERIAL VI&IT. It h*s been alreadv reported that Etnperor William of ..eniiariy Inleudi-d 88 BBf a vKIt to tl>? t'ouit "1 iioiiand th -'"i.'::'T Later totaraMttoa in-s been flarelafll ln ragari ta that plan. M whieh some wnsa tional writflflfl ^ere bound to dlscern political sign* of great ii,ict national iinpoitance, while, ln fait, it is B mere MCBal duty whicli the y.-ing Emperor wlll cu.l.arge when on hl* way to England. The Reurnt. CJuecn Emma, JourneyKl witli ber daughter. the llttle Oueen Wllhelmina. during the month of May through thc Dutdi Kiugdom, noUibly ln the dutricLs of Rotter dam aud Amvterdam. It wa* during her four da>V ra at the latter plaee lhat the 0888188 Am baaaador gave offleial 8*4508 of the tB*t ot lha BM pcror and _flB|llll of 88858809 lor July 1. at noon. ihev vtU cotuc by way of ".um:'bu, Ofl thelr iteam rxOBX, ti.e Hahaaxollarn. and wili re.nain *t Aiiutar. dam uutll Julv a. Ouoen Emmu ha* '?^^_t1'',^ ihe mial lMMaMB ->f UM D*>? shall bo plw ed at BBB *crv|<e o! 8B8 lmperial vislloix fflir TERRIBLE CASiERA i BB Thc BJeeBBfl Couru-r. The day cannot lie far dMaut when It wlll I iMeeaBary for tha Uwmaken oi tbe i*'-<i to MbMa ,i upon the. same llne* *"d11"'"'l;i'.:" -aiuc pnncli'lc that It haa ulitady bflXX i--u .d i.i ? ? ar> to Xgialate BBXfllMl tbfl canving of con.i-i.le. ? m.? i'ki.: M Blway* a th-oiv tlmt thfl (-"?n-rsl *>?A icnafl ot the eommanliy ?in rogutote lne? iMnxa, an.i ukatj ta Um k>?? rii" _??_?*_ """? -,f tlc .,ii,uiii.,itv or Ihe iiidificr<'!ice of tlie coiniim nltv. wi,.umefl to tha same thing,. 5?, ?UowlB? a ihlng to ,iip out <,f alxhl alUatetaer- fultiN Ihe fuie llon ihua optlmistlcally allotled t<? Itj but lu u? "asanUme tlie inilati-'ii of thc iiiiiaan* ' demand- --mi' Mflafl taaettr and dia-tic ivncdv. h Ii the ownion <u the edltw. raxclied after a earefu] ?tudi "f the ?itna tion, and a Orxapflrale *u-l (lUpa^alonate revi.-w ihet-of. tlmt for an amateiir lo be found t'oing ?i'__'*t ?U* an ordlnary uimeia ahoold be made a mUfla mranor punlshable by confiBcatlon of tbe Instrument and a fine to be regnlaM aroordlag to clrcum Mnnces. To he lonnd wlth a detectlve camcra ahould ln un be punlahed by imprtsonment for ltf?; ln a prOf.a?tnn__ by laataat deatii. could 11.? -_.? pre.ia.' but inlld law* bu passed and rigldly efifoieed, there would le a very nofable change fn the eo-kfor. nnd ln the moral ton? of the romniunity. It la lm poaatble that ilicr? ahould be any hlgh averago of ethlcaJ focling ln ihe land aa long as the camera tie.nd 1- dalb aiid nourly allowed (o tratnple ou every feeling of Indlvldnal liberty and frcedom; nnd unle~" some i.'Hng la done to cheik tlils rnpldlv growlng evll. who knows whether rlvlllaatlon wlll bo able even to la.t out tlt. centnrv t PARXELL TALRS ABOUT HI8 MARRIAGE MORE HAPPY THAN KVKR BEF*ORl. IN HIS LII-C -HIS POLITICAL PLANS. London. June 26,-Mr. Parnell. during an lntervlew at Rrlghton to-day upon hls marrlage to Mra. O'Shea, said that he found It Imposslblc to procura a marriag. lir?nae for anv rotinlry rhiireh, and in order to ilelay he thought it best to havo tl? ceremony per formed nt the Reglstry Ofltce at Steynlng, near BrlgMaa. llo addwl that th? church oer_mon,y would ho celcbrat?d ln London aa soon an he nnd Mrs. Parnell were able lo put ln a forlnlght's rcsldence there. ThU would pmb alily be after the eleetlons at Carlow for a . urcem-OT ln I'arllament to O'ttorman Mahon, who dled reocntly. Mr. Parnell also, referring to the reJIfflous eeremonv whlch ls to tnlie place in London, snld that even in this cas? he would do his best to prevent'ouUiders from being preaent, "csprclally r.porters,*' be added with a aaaOa. Aaked If he Intended to take an actlve part In tlio Carlow electlon, Mr. Pamell said: "I ?hall certalnlv po to Carlow. In fnet, I start to-morrw nlght lf I can peeafM}' mannge lo do so. I am eonfldent tliat we ahall win." Thls electlon la tho only one slnee the O'-hen dlvorre proceediiigs whlrh Mr. Parnall has lrad a rhanc* of winning. He will take Mrs. Parnell with hlm to Carlow lf he can possibly do so, but ali? is known to be a bad saiior. nnd she ls compelled to re main near her lawyers owlng to the coralng trial ot the wlll anit Jn whlch she and her brothers are lntere?ted in |a Dn Kltliam pioperty. Mr. Parnell lntenda in future to devot? speeial atr tention to the Irlsh industrial question, ln whlch he ls pa___M_ar_y ititonested. Ileeently he haa glven general aupport to Mr. Ralfour'a Irish Und blll, wliich ho be llcvcs will grently benetlt both tlM Irish tenants and th? Irlsh land owners. ln conclusion Mr. Parnell snid that he Intended, lf poaatble. to vlslt tho I'nlted States durlng tlie romlnc ntitumn, bcllevlng that the sentSment of the Irlsh nnd Irish-Amerlcans on tho other alde of tlio Atiantlc is ln hls favor. Cotisequcntly he will try to attend th? Irlsh National Conventlon to be held at RaJtimore in the full. Whaa Mr. Parnell was asked what ho thought would b? the political cfTect of hls marriage to Mrs. O'shea. ho aald tliat he had not glven that queatlon a thought and that he dld not intend to do so. He and his wife, he explalned, wer? perfectly hnppy, and he wa* now e.v iicrleiifing gneater hnpplness than ever previouslv ln hls life. The reporter wlth whom Mr. Parnell had thls lnter? vlew a.Uis : ?' I never saw Mr. Parnell in a more healt'iy tonditioti or in better .pirit_.n A CASH REGISTER PATEXT SC1T. A CASH IN* THK UXITFI) STATES CIROUIT COURT POR I BFBl NO KMI-:XT. The Natioinil (a.-h KcgUtcr Company, of Dayton. ? ?hi'., to-day niesi u suit ia the inited Btatea Clrearl Court here at'ao-t Il-an.les lirothers fot- u-ing a < regi-ter sold by the Lamson Consolldated Klore Berviee Ooaapaay "f Boatoa, The ralt wm broughl npon tho RHtv and llir. h autoniati'- kev and indirutor p.itciit. This patent was recently br.mdly sustained in the Ualted Btatea Clreott Coert ai PhUadetphla. ln a decision ii. ainat the American Cash Begteter Company ..1 that elty. declarlng the American Regtater to bo an Infringement. -* TUE BUSIXESB SIIUAIIOX. The failures in _U-ineei in the last seven days, ai reported to K. C.. i'un ?'. Co., number 903 ior tlie United Btatea aad 91 for canada, a total ol BBi, oon pared with _?*??'; In th ? preeedlng *.?.<?<?;> aad -Ofl for Um eoneaponalng week ol 1890. The weekly rertew nunmaritea the sltaal. as follows: Bigna of baprovemeul In bualncs. _r..w stotefreqncnl ,.,,l dlstlnrt, Utougli there la nothing like a rodieaJ , !,.,.;..,? ;,. yet. i hc hesltatlon whlch haa pii duiing tha vear give* way slowlj i" lncrea?ed denoe, the more alowlj beeause "f a few fnllu woollena at Phlladelphla and ln leather and shoea ln tli ? Eaat. Yet the Boundneaa ol tha commervlal sltuatlon I, generelly recognUed, and the hesltatlon whlch re ualna ia rlghtl) attiibutad mainly to u:i< <>..i.iii.i.<?- re gtM-dlng ile- domand f>.: gold from Bnrope and th .1 _i111:11 i. >r> there. Hon. a dlapat. lie- an Ing the aettlemenl "f dlffleultlea whlch have been hang : the London market, and whleh were suppiiaed Ui ..'!??. t .me or mora bouaea having larga lnter??ta i'. iintiv, are regardad with aatlafuctlon, Whlle _-ol.l oontlnuea t" leave England for Raaaia, the banh Ututlon- of VVest?ni Bnrope are weJl supplied. and in thi" eoontry Troaaury dlsbnr-ements have been ?normons. The om- of danger i- Mfll tbe ,?^ i a-iiineh atraltied condltlon ot <-.?-?iii ~ abi*.>?d <>:i a (oimt oi paat dl lastroui speculatlonn. lioaton, Jnne -,;- Jolui II. A hy. "f Lynn, haa made m fta-lgnment for tha benefll of hla rredlton to Wllllam A. Kuiwiton, of the law nrni of Crandall A Knowlton. Thls |i an in.ii-.hiii tl aaalgnmant an.i oi.K.-s ,,n hu privata aaaeta In th? handa of Mr k'nnwltou, who U uNo a eo-aaalgnee for ihe eredlt'.t-a nf Mi'-v lirolhera A Plaee, The Habtlitlei of John B. Vllc* .of pftOn.OOOto ?<;(.).0'?o (whlr-n are partla-ly or wi,..llv -i euredl. . , Bo lon, .lune ?_'..?The tlrm of Kimba'l Brotbera. mminfa tarers nn.l de?iers Jn cari-lage". Nn?. 110 and 111 "ii.ll.un -i.. have failed ai.d made an aaalfnmeiil io ("eorge w Sforse, attorney-at-r-~r. Th" lfldebte.1 ness ls ai.ou- #i'-ti,(KKi and tho nomlnal Baeets from ?00.000 lo #7*>.<>on. Trenton, June 26.?Thomaa A. Reil, who is one of the leading atockhoMeri ol Ih? flefnnei Btar Rnbbcr Co., made an a slgnmenl to-day to L'nton latter thwaith. Reil wbb bIb? .. itoekhrdder of the Central itubi.ei c... Trenton Clilna Co., an.i the Mew-Jeraey i FHnt an'l "i.-ir Co. Hl- asseta ard about P130.000, bnt |t H -:iA t!iat he is ao "erlously tnvolved that they will bc nearlv wlped < ut. -a EXABBEBATBD RrrnjtTS OP TXDIAX TB0VBLE8, Penver. Jun? 2t>.?A dlspatch from Alhininerque. N*. M.. aa_-8 : " Th? nlsrming reports ihat have ?' out (oncerning the Indian trouhle on the Bavajo r??-? f I tion are much more sensathmal than the laci- wonld warrant. Om ot Ihe paymaitors here says thev p turned from tho reservation a few days ago anc! U.e Indlans this aeaaon of the year rollect In baflda and palnt theniaelve.a nnd iudulge in the weird aa___M danoe, A few white BeKsflH near tho re-crvatloii. iria-i|iiaint.-.l witji the hahit- ot the Vaaajoa, became thnM aaa tmit oxaagaratad reports at tbe torts aad lareral troo|M oi ,,,-.,,:,\ ara oa tha ground, but ao taoaUs la aatwl pated." __-? WALIBXBBBI WBBBX BtABB COMFAKT. Albany, .lune 'Jii.-The Wall Mre.-t l'errv htj.i.'.* I Offl |,,i.v (llailtad) waa incorporate<l t.v.lav. with a eapltal of 115,000, 10 opei-te one or BaOre -tace llnes in Nev. York citv- -*e dliactora, who sBb-cafhe t<> ten shaia-. ,,r tba eapHal itoek, are H. w. Whaalwr, i). R. Mumford. tl. Bryant jr., A. M. I-iwrence and B. T. Ilunting, all ,.f tfea York. " VWTttSB VP A 70B" O.Y _f?. BiBTOWa. Fi-otn ti. < maaa . Tlmea. Oowdj ? f touiclv woaaen lllled the l.alK parloi* and<__n.? af u.e Rlohellan y?_trwday morn .... \t nooii afea.-. i.i hardly pae* through the maln ,',',;; m de5a?a tbe th,,,.,. . Aboul 10 o'rlocl, n prepososslng t-mag woman aent her? card to the ;.?a.-;,i,e:,is of Li *>__ Bartorla, a brotbei n la \, me urant r^rtortaV Br i- one of the-wcalthy young Kn. ii.ahmeii who arVftaily Interaated lu <-at h- ln Wyomlng Ha re.eivBB tV jming womu. ln the rc cevtlon-room. _ _ . . ??is th!" Mr. Barterie**---. a-ked. ?? ^ ? madame." , . . - woii i wonld lihe to co to Wyomlng and he-p hou-e for \ou." if the young I. >?< -met- hH'i been a-ked to stand on Ufl head. he WOtlM nol have U-rn BO nr - Wbal do you in'-an" beaxi "UaaeC ?? i w-nt t<> l*? vour hon-ekeeper. ?? \\,.n voi. trant I knoa -Ma ls a qu ? eountrv. but when a young fenow waala t?. get raarrltA aureli be cau plck Wa ehoiee. I-aaoa Bta. hat I -*tfl iaj gU*''ooi-Mwoinaii's color wa* lobsi?r<'sqt:e. and she daited om af the i-eoaa. Mr. Bartorla atart.-d fo the ! afe, mu waa kaMefl m Uie foot of th? Btatn by a Ur. ? dark e> ad ??Thu U Mr. gartorial" she. aakod. " Tee." -1 uouid HBa to go to wyoming." ?? Well, for graoducss' aal"1. KJ." ? Hut I would like to go wlth you." -You can't. for I'm ci.tfapsl to this girl thnt i? *o popular now. Lef. see. oh! Annhi Rinmey la oer naine. I'm potng to many her and tliat bia you eqs. fioiH. morning." ,_ , m^? .? Tha young eattle hlng *^as the ?H____la"1_iJf Chlcago when h? enferert t'.e eafe and orcb red brea SatT^When ha had iinished his meaj there ??ra twaaty-seven g_?-*i-l<->king mmmmt^mmBAma tor hlm. Tl.e clerlt _?nt them to ?ie parloi. aud to.d Mr. I .. .1 tha? aoa-B 'of hls frlenda wrr? ta tha i-jrior. Ile v.e?i lo the tmm, -"?? "'" rrow<1 an? ran d..wu '*AHvn,ru?f?*??><???:?+ ?-?? ?r nr m_nt of mei I <1""'t mmui u> *-,:l ?nll^ru'<,? u *** Hlk^_^UnS5n_ .1.1 iheaa.- repiied th? tlerk. t__bb come to i h? oftif.'. a?k for v?u and ! _?nd ui> th-ir". lappeeiBI that >?hi ?r*e c.\ '^"I'vrH nn'goluc to u.v 10088, 88-1 I wlll bolt. tock, hvA naUaa bu door. II another woaaen <-il- lm n.<* i.-ll her I dh-fl laat nlglit," . . ? I -..i-toiis lockad liimaelf up and renialiiod a ,?,-..>'?.? mi day. Bul didi.-t si,.,. ^iah-aaaa },,?? ralllng on hlm. Boraedraea four ""?,"/?'"""' . .1 at a time. Th- mvaterj waa not airpta '.,,i g Loiiieajhi.a... clubmen und ir..-.,ds ..i Mr. -aroiiH plaeed advertlaemenla In vaHoua ' i,?i? " -*kJng for .. good looklng lioa-akeener lo go ,', .womlng. The (?n.pthig call rr?.tluded by aa>l':g. " call at Itlchalieu Hotel, Mr- Bartorla.' SELECTIONS FROM THE MAIL. THB FARMERS' AL.UANCE IN THE SOUTH. ONLY ANOTHER NAME FOR TnF. BOURBONISM THAT RESISTS PROORF.SS. To the Edltor ol The Trlbune. 8lr: 1 happened to be one of the audlcnee at Cooper Initltute last nlght, where the flrst organized effort ln thls city was made Ifl amaliaunate tho Farmer*' Alll nnee and the tradea-nnions ao aa to form a thlrd party. Senator Paffer, the long ?whiskcrrd exponcnt of third party idea*. ln addre-siui; the a-scmblage. put speclal emphasls on th* fact lhat the West and South wero heart and ?oul engaged ln the movement, and that it was only lefl^to the worldngmen of the East to corn plele an orga"nl*atlon that would be National in IU scope. Either Senator Pefler l? knowingly mliitatlng faeta, or ol-e he I- wofnlly ipnorant of the true BBBB. fll affair* when bfl 088881 upon the a?sUtanre of the Alli ance men of a slnirle -onth.rn state In aupport of a thlrd partv. I have lived in the South for the last ?ix toen years, am famlliar with Its polllhal hlstory. wa* an lntere?ted spectator at UM <?cala Convcnllon. and have watclwd the c>ur*e of Uie Alliatic ** a political faetlon. I had hoped thal it flUght bfl the mean* of breaking down the biirrler.-, of that bllnd prejudlre and MBtfaM-BBl blgotry to whlch all <iue*tlons of ,.1 polltlrs Imve baaa made -ubservlent ln the Southern Btetflfl. BflflflgalslBI the fact tlmt Ih" BBPPIflMlM Of oplnlon on National Issues ls futal to the securlty of liepnbllcan Instltutlons, and rXBBtlBg that the Repnhli cun partv ln the South ia ult-ily iK.werlesa. I was ln btfflfl that a new era of fl-MMMflea micht lead to an honest aafiBBilflfl of opinion hy the BBBaaaa, who are now bound liand and foot bf a dcspotlsm of political slavery whlch they have them.aclve* helped to create. But I am convinced that any man who BBlBBMIM on the sliphtest old to a tl.ird party in the S,.uth to, tf. oaaifl ex-Scnator IngalU. Indulging in an B55 (|p"im Tlie Southern Allinnec men are d! vided on the fljBXXaxaXM that ealled their riTB-BlaxttaB mto axJalenaa. But they aro unxTmoul on OBfl .|n-1i"?- They are determlned to tight thelr battlea Wilhtfl the llne* of tbe Democrntle niirlv aad wlll give enthuslastic support to thc IhMXB emttfl National ticket wiUiout, questioning the views of tho candulHlcs. Tho Soiif.crn men lacksln i,-,tv They aro rXX* enough to fight for hMfll oflices and are willlng Ifl gal Ihalr ahxxe of the loxvo. and BXrMBi i'ut when It 808X88 t-> tho eleetlon of a 1 nited ?tate* senator or rongressmnn. prlndple vani-hea and sentiment* U.e.r vote. Wili. the bflhUkflO al p(,wer in tbeir hands, they allowedi thelr H.U8MMUJ feellng. to overeome tlMm and slrMflBl John B. Corden |e the I'nlted htates Beiimta from Goorgia. By maana ?f BMJBhflflfl frriud in the late 85x58 eleetlon Ifl Raattfl everv member of the State Letfslat-o flrafl ckxted on ,,?. ?p,.?,.,. ,-aiic ticket aave one senator, who held over. Of the 100 members who eonat_t_to tlmt bad. rtatf were memberB of thc Farmers' Alllanre. Thev bad a decided majorltv. and D. H. M-ffl,J.f5> tellhn-nt farmer, wa* placed In numlnnUon for thc Unitfld State. Senate. Soi.ator Call. wlUi a record of iwelve ycarfl of masterly inablHW ln the Senate and tl? verv nntlp-Kle* of a farmers' randlduta, was plaeed ,u the'flcld by Ihe Dcinocratli- eBqUfl WhMh rulea Florida wlll. a rod of iron. The A-OBXMA MMI mlght hava aaaflj defeated him. but. divided among tbetn Syea th-'v aaflOTtai thelr eandidate and made iheli ?.? um. Bxattarx hvafh m their alaaaaa hy roateeUng ra)1. H^n7n*^^^ VULflt^ ?r-.^^J^S^-m^i^U:;,' to roil up .. thi.d paitv "ota^^rj _, seymoi'r. New-York, June CO, 1551. ri-FSIIlFNT PATTON'S SERM-N fltlTICl-ED. Va 858 E.lilo. of The Trlbune. . . . | ,,,,, ? |th intcre-t thfl l-vraliiiii-at*. sermon of PreMflaat Fflttoa Ib rour Uwo. at MoodxT, I ??', profound rogret. No l-vr of tn.lh ean mVn ins BtaieaMxrl thnt Chrl I ? ? *_ _ dogrna. Oar Lorfl Barer enf-n-d flafxxaa. Hed* ,.,??.? ,? ,,?Hl"T,,n thOM WhO UOtmm r."t vvlth Hls rtj^iple* st. Joha'fl Q4Mpel axaorei m that n ,,?? wa- Ufa, an.l tli* life WM the BgM of ChrfUaolty li Chrlat, and Chrlat w?* a Hfaaad nol :1 ??,?,*. Tod-'t'liii-t'swilllstoltnow Hl, pletare of the taal ]ndrn"nt ahowi fhat. men wlll ,,, rom*** nol lor whxl they baaa iMflMta.. bal te what they have done. Baeh n poBBlon aa thal bkhaa l,v I't-inceto...* prcMd-nt Is nnfortunate at thi* '"'? ItU anturnU)n,.'.t:a"vMl-':i'::.s.l.i-m. Our tMBtan fi-om erflflflX to Chrial ! frntr, dortrme M BlB, fr.,.,, non^axeatlala to eflBBOtixlfl. Toaai BM wW prefer to llatflfl tfl P5JUTBI ***** ",,"-r *** to "" .? hoiHUeaaly floalBvea to aogmatBi thaotogj m t* boidly corrtradld the rery aplHi of the Poarth ?.ospoi. ,?? uiBBMuafl thouaano rolleglao. ?_*J**J^J_? more than tbe aplrit Bnd the kernel hMBtbBntl ,,t in- Pxtton'i ?Utemen1 wITJ not Barpiisa thoea who have wxtehed bli oflnm. He roat Into proml n-nc m tne Preabyterlan Church u the pro eentorof David Swlng. Uke Thomai (rnniwcll. he "foaafl i SHTiiaSs^v-nS S^iSJ-^ntATSSfiSS VE&ff&iar mpirii oi out ? . ? '.,._,,? 'that "Chr-tlin'.ty Is um m Iii- flbsnrfl <1"..un* ,'Vt.,,vA'risMiTH n?t a life hata dogma." i RANB IHAU smiiii. Camhrtdcc, Ma-<.. JutM 0, 1551. CBrTBTJM Ff-R AKOBTMOUi WBJTBBtB OT CIR CULAB& T o the F. d 110 r o f The Trlbune. Sr: Ynnr Berere cornmenUupon the Bttaehx agatnal PhlUlpa Drooki bj i.nyoMax elreulaifl are aaosl Thii iperlei of crtmc-for momliy It la aaeh teemi to be eploxmlr, and the irwral Beaxe of thc eotn nii.nltv needs to be dMrpenfli agnlnat lt. It la *ur prlring how oommonry Um Baooyxnoxi dreahu- or letter U ii-e.l as ? nieaiia Ol attnek or Bf 1.1:.-Kmall. Re renUr In an Importaal Honerefl rfirporati-.n an nnony mnus ,-ii.i.h.r tiguivii largely m ? Btraggle for cantrol. stni kholden ih ?M berwaro. Thc same Mr5 of ita vhi.h prerenti an open nnd mantj Browal ol i and lenttBMnta, i- Ukell ta BBirx with it a flraaknexi ,.,! ,,.,,).v t<> \i"ld in ?im.- of teniTitati'.n. A man ,.,| ;. ,..,-iv wonM n.'ver 0X8X107 BBCh We \.-,in ln n aodxl elub of BOBxe pn.mii.cncc. an flbuslve uMjDrm r wai iprang upon n raoeral raeet ln, m both Umbb case* It I* bbM thal Ihe beefl ndarlei end tbHr frleadi ??a ehnckBBg oxer thali mi " Ol (!i-n|'!"'oVal. ItU 80 f?l?i qi nol to ba flaiMrallir beara, DetaeBrex, offldal and prlvate, baaa been forced t<- Bexotfl B IflfBi ihare 0f uielr tln," Bbafltre or,haaekMxUtnganonr noBi - ommnnit atlo The wrtUBB "'"1 rirflalatlflO of an aninymou* nr (.?,ar ? Mttec *ho*_fl bfl MBdfl rl" _?__ *? *"? Meanwhlhs, c.e preai ean flo .... battet amrh thaa ta nraaaafl bealthy . ,wt__?ili M*_Tin "tho deronnUon of .neli pn.e*. ? h.-thcrfi l - ?>? h rhurch ln ii corpomUon, in ? rtub, or ln ti.e ?u , ,- tlifl author or .laaemlnfltor of an iiwnwi ' ' .,: /?? ict.-i ahouM be regnrded b* a moral ? ?? . h iiouid be doomed - bocIbI Isolattoii. Ita h ;; ... n and Intartably a ineak.? r .u.-.rd ..nd a noRrour. ' 1-"' him frel ' ** unv.ortl.ihf. ?ilone. avoWfld by all decoui men. t. x N, v. Verk, Jun'1 15, iBtl THE CINQIF. rOflTTJ OF ENOI-AND. te Ihe, , ,. f The Trlbune. bi, a Bberl Ubm itaea 4. R- rh?*hxaxxr unuired lhr0agi vomi potomna ralaltva * ""' ***** "' "ll"'h InbrW .... ?,?..lli.i"!:..''i.,ni _, i* at valur ... him. flowen - to know, ihooU ?,.,?; ,,..??, ioeo, UMl ot..' of the meel atnlelv anl patJ.ell. of ,,??:fe!l.iW- POBBM B en-.tled: Th* Ward-n of tbfl - i?, ue Porta.' one verse run. thu. . IWleh and l'..,innev, llasllnp Hlthe ?- fi l> .vi'i Wera all alerl tlmt Bar, ?,?-din_ over po bm th" Prenrri B?r-aManMri -i?'efnng over When MM fofl .l-''"'',rt u":'' ,, _ .. BawYorh 18x5 '-? ' " ' " "' "* KlSgrwa IB ancik.n'T BOtffTOB. ?? . i. - m.tot of Tha Trllmne. -, IV^M, rtj/rd to the P..?on k'-sln, - i-e. noted ?, ?.r . '...r..l Bfl I * " ^ "VV ,?ynndal:n.fagoa1^t.l-ipma-.e,' re , , atonavorage, Inxaai btawtfaoa bmbUimj tnrnlug l.-"1 A '' " . T,,A ...... .... bar it UMBootBflxl aaai "'? r,",_ _, ,, e I v 1*1 558 tttf BBX5I0B. to a d.oner on b<-rd hl. SJSTJSl Baaaag flRcM gaua m aaaa aaaa ordorod them to be whtpped. I think, becauae they were drun* -tliat belng the penalty for the offeoce. Wbother the order wa? ?arrled Into affart, l.aaaBM BBtW i aBMB wanted bo us? thls ator. once or twlce and hav? never baaa able to Ind it sine? reading lt year? ago. and th? present se.-nia to b? a good Um? to brlng lt np. i.a_i anv of your readar. clve lnformatlon about it t _-, Xew-York, Jun? 17, 1801. THE COINAGE OF SILVER. SPXRETARY FOSTBR'S ACTION UNDER THE LAW. TO RECOIN THF. TRADE DOLLAlC BARS AND SUBS.DIARV MLVKB AT ClXCE. fBT B___aaa_M TO THE TEIBOSI-. Washington, June firt.-The aetlon taken at to daj's Cabln?! meeting on lh? qunttlon ol eontlnnlng or dla contlnuing the colnag? of sllver dollars amounU prac tlcally m a po-tponement of tho wholo subject for the next three or four niontha. Th? eompulaort coin? age of #2,000,000 a month wlll lap*e, aoeordlng to the tcrma of the Act ol .luly 14, 1*?<". <**n July 1 ol thls yaar, nnd the Bt-Htary of th? Treasury. avall ing himself oi ttv- fliimettoB leflas- with him. affl coin no more bulllon for Ihe present, al'hough M monthlv purcha*es of ...VTOOOO nntire? will of courte be rontmait Ifcaawttfto, tn? Mint authorities wlll avall themselves of thls 'emporary breatWng spell to coin Into standard dollat-a th? bars Into whioh the old trnde dollars were mcted when redc?_ned, and to rc .eoln Into dlme- a lorge quanUty of unavallable half .lollnrs now on hand in the Treasury, so that. thougll the old rompulsory coinage requliemeTtt Is ahnndoned, the mlnts will netually bc Itept Just ns busy aa ever for a whlle rolnlng sllver. Ily the end of th? sumnier, when tho sUx-fe of tmdcdollar bars and worn half fioiiars is aikwaatad. th? taaaHah of coining or not colnlne a portion of HM monthly purchases of sllver t.ulll m will come up agnln for flnal dodslon. The action of the Cabinct thls afternoon was the re sult of a elose eaamtaatlofl ol the acte of th? last Con gro__ arteetlng '.llver coina_e. It wiw found tliat. al thoiigh the coinage of a part of the monthly bull?tln paiubaaoo wa. left by Ihe Act of July 14. 1?00, dls i?retionary wiUi the .-cretary of the Treaairry aft.r July 1, 1801, the Sundry Clvll Approprlatlon blll of March :t. 1*01, dlrect-d abeolutely tl.e recolnage of the ..Id twle dollar bars and the r?.*e,..inage of tlio abraded and utBaialae titiavallnble ?ubshllary colns held ln th? Treasury, and mado a speelfic approprlatlon to defray th? cost of recolnage. lt was determlned conscquently to rueet flrst the more dliv.-t and immediate requlrement ..f Oaagmm as to sllver rolnafe tiefore decldlng npon the remotor questlon ?f rontinuing ln whole or In part tha old monthly colnag?. That the qnestion of colntng or not colnlng th? bullion pnrrha-ed monthly ls one that greatly lnteresta tbe soealled ** allver men" may be serimfly queatloned. Th-e provi.lon for dlseontlnnlng compulsory coinage after July 1, 1*01. was adoptcd with their consent and approval, and tho" taadlag advocateB In Congreea of th? fr?e<=t of sllver a? money have freqnently said that the aetual coinage of the bullion purchawd was a matter of enttre Indlfference. so loof as Treaaury notea could bc i-wned dlrertlv on the bulllon !t?e!f. After the m-et!n? s.eretary Foster made tbe .?llos* ing stntement ln regard to tho sllver questton : He flnds that the Act of March H. U*91. reonlrea ??thnt ihe Beeretarp of tha Treasury shall. a? soon aa prnrtirnhl?. coin the tradodoltar bars Into allver dol? lars." 11? also flnds that $1 .0,000 has b??n nppro prlnled for th** recoinm.* 0_ tlie stibsldlary sllver eotB Into such ?SBMBlnatlons as wfll best serve lo -ivo lt . ir.-n.atl'.n. There l? constant demand for small .otiis, prlnrlpally dirnes, which tho mlnts have not beea ablo to snpplv. I_a r-y-.i-etary Iia-s declded that hls flrst duty lu t.hl- matter |s t<> obev the dlrectlon of Congress. The nmtdl-HH of tlie trade dollar bars wlll transform what ros? ir_.0 .7,7li.r. into B44B_MI standard dollar". It wlll l-eqalre )a"rhaps four months to do id to reroln lh- ?iil.?ldlary sllver. Tlierefor? th? queatioa of th? eoirttneed eotnaaa al silv?r dollars as he-vfofor? is not a prartlcal ono at present. i !? tr.ul? dollar bttUtoa, whlch Is to be eolned Into itandartl allver daOara, i- -'.-red ln the mlnts at Phiia delphla and !.traflrlcana lt reaaltl from tho meltlng Into ban ..f lha Irade -attars, rodecmed at _he_s face ralaa aader the Art ol Kareh .1. IBBT, proartdb-f f<T Um redamptlea ol all _u*h eetas not _sa____k_t, defaccd orstamped. preseated Wlthta lta montlis from th? dat? of the aei Ihe total aumher of redeemed eotaa was 7,600,-04 a per-kM nf whlrh fcaee nlreidy been : latoeubatdlairerta. The Aat ol EareB B, 1BBI, prortded, mtrwomer, that tlio re?t should b? colned Into atandard ?llver dollars onlv, snd that thls ehould he ac boob as praetleabla.* Owlag to tho rtmn . ednage <.f t.000^00 ev_*eaa ol aflrer, or $"?,? 0 a month, nntll July l. ander the Act nf July l.. 1890, lt taa aeen ImpraeUealrla np to thla ttaaa to coin the tradc dnllar bnlBon into atandard dollars. The recotoage wlll make a net proflt of a nttl? oeee pGOO 000. The ti ul" dollar welghed 4-0 gnrine, whlle haaflard dollar welgba 41212 grains, leartng ? ntargla al proflt ol 7 1 a gralna on ead, doiiar rerolned; l,.it aa a inatt.r of fa-1 Ihe pleces were abraded by u.-ar abotlt (Iv? grilns each. a kkrga aajoarrl ol -abaMlary Btrrer aad mint roins win alao hav? to be reeained al HOa-hrtphla during th* saaM period. Th? hust Cnneress made an appro prlallon of fll60,000 for fhe recolnage of the nncurrent fractlonal afleer eota aow m the Tieaaars. ahraded belnw the Uanrl of I teranca, Itda is aboal ns maeh . beea aparopriated for the aurt A* or aeven yeara aHogether. it i-1 tlmatefl from wkal baa already been rerolned that, ihe |..-s whlch thls apiawpi_-t_-a will reimlmi-a wlB he abaat ."> per cent, that is. lt, wlll pav the loss 011 the ivcolnnge of fiom *a,0OO,O00 to at4..W-l,INK). Th- (l-inand for dinics lontlnues unabatcd and Bioel <>f the lacolaaea lor tba praaaat will be of that aano-Bl natlon, althoajgk Iw.-nt\ pleees mav al-" h? raaned ut San Pnwelaeo. The coinage <?f ditnes during the last thre? yc?rs has bc<*n #:i.l7?i,471. or 31.5(*4,703 plaeea, 11_> prlnclpal part "f whleb waa aseeatod at the Pblla-Wlphla mint. tazlag that mint. with it* rramned .,,;.,,.. to 11- Btmoat eapadty. It is proposed t<> <ii tribute tnis reeoinace be4~*t?n the mlnta at Baa i'ran ,ia( o, Phlladelphla aad New orleans. By law. the COlnage ol Bltoor Wtn l cent and 6 cent piecea?is ...nlined to the mint at I'lillad-iphia. Thla coinage ha. been lieavv |... - \'i..i l_ai- paai, Duitng tho last threo yeara tba coinage of B-e-eant plaeea Hin.>imte<i 10 .--_-.<?.<::." 1 ?. 1. and tl.e 1 anaga of one-eenl i,!-_. .J?' s.1 :!'....,:;?; 1. maklng a t"t-il eolnaw "f lal.:;..'.'?. 1 ,,. , rhls in- all been ahaorbed by tho public and .here i- even in.l ??? r: ..: that t.lein.-m't fOT tbewj wlll rontlnue l.-.r-c tor moi.ths t<> come. and add coi tiderabl- I 1 th ? n.t tbe Plilladelphta mint. rhe rolruirc at the niii.ta ,it san Knin.ia.-o ajid < anoti ? itv .fter julj 1 wlll b? r ? Bned to pdd pleeea and aaeb qk? of BUbskHnr -lla'er coins a_ may be requlred 011 the I'.n iilc eoaat. _? AMBKCAK MA<-I1INBRY _N IPJILAND. RTOFTHE lil'lll.l** C*OX"Cr_ ON THUIRI-II AflUICCl.Tf ilM. I'.XIIHIITION. Waahtofton, Jaaa ?_<! (Speclali.-ConsiU Reid, of DabBn, flefOtea a good deil ef Wa report on the annual ipriac eahlhHIaa ol the Bopal Dabha Boatolp to lha dlsplay <-f Amerloaa agrteattnral maeblnery and unple manta. The eaklbll r_-rwiad tae aatlra Boaara iw-id of labor saving lui|.l.-ments and mai-iiliicry. and the competttton waa ai.dlitgly aagar at-d briak. Tl.e United Statei waa flherally a^i ereflltahty representod iu tlM tlaliv (lepartin-nt *- well as Iti fleld machitiery aod Imptea-enta, Ooaaal lieid e-peciaiiy bisstHbbs ihe \\'.. d mowen. rtafera ..nd btaflera, the MeConaleb ?ad biiiih-i-. tke BaeBoya Baoweraad raaper, -^ luperior to all forelgn compefltora. lieadds: -They -n- iinptar In dealca, llffctor of druft. saater ol man Bgemeat, U-it'-r Bntal-ad, and. aHhoait soniewbut n_iit?r. parbapa, ara aumrtaertly strong for every teat, marhlwa, partlculailj Iheee B-aaafaataiaa by Vaofl, ara greal m~aritea tora, and have a wido ?!<?. The inti- sl.i, tion of the single-aproti hlnd-r In lba W'.Hid 111.1.1.ine I" nun h of here, belng economi.ul ln ns operation and promotive ol the moat aatlsfaxtory re-nlta." An.tican maniifaciure-a may Hnd a uaeful and proflt ?bla hint in Iaa lu-toalni astraet, _a_ea the report: i? mmm aahm Uaaa ?t larm machinerv 1 ?atteai 1 : <ii!..-!-".i..- aetweea the Aaaariaaa and iiriti-h proflerta, ihe latter bainfl much heavjer and stronger. Thi- 1- paruculaily true of hay-saving maclun-Ty and gralu sevaral t- IlM Brafla m AmTlcan hay rake. 11 here lf thev wero ?nd itroefsr, an aeeoaarl al lha beaaim erapa growa, winch make Hi?*? requlrenienus ahsolut"." Tha Oeasal Wrttea enthuslaatically about Ihe ?\. ..r oiiv.-r chiii'-.i ptoagka, <_ arhich ptoagh "theaa aara beea many laltatloaa, but it stin hoid*. _ha from pU ?' 1 ln .11 niarlt-1-." lieadds: ?' There aeems to he areaee la lha ? amirf for the ateei iteam ..n arcniit >.f its aDaged greaaer dumbilitT." Aaaeafl tii? I AaMftt 11 toWB liiiwrs. whlcli, th-; coii-ui wrttaa, - arr aaall] aapertei m t__-*a sa-aaflart mad oa un- -al?." Has T* Hmm)hraato u a f,i ? hera, and has h aUe sale." ln water whs - a*. luii.-. **Aa_er___a pwdaati aara wall rapre and aa_faaad aetaiag froai eea-pariaoa oBth foreipii Beaapatlt-ffa." Tba animai exhii.i'-, aapealally 1 ?'?" aad iwlae, a*ata laraa and iia-Mtabla. Oraal tuw-:iii..n 1 i,,?i 1,, |ha braed 1 "i < *J.ti_. botb lor haaf and tha dalry, and pricm ar? hlgh. The Oooaul ?*iho .auio. a- 11.c\ p-?a mto th? batoh-ti1 hanfle, ?,ra unji-rmly ol eaucUeot quallty and would pasa aa prlro cattle at many exhlblttona. "Tor example. I happened to learn of ono aale tha* waa made at the atock yarda here racently whare a hard ol -lx brmighl the owner an average of ?1? each In caah, the ruling prlres belng at present very low here aa el*ewh?r<v The avcraR? valne of the .,240.7f>3 cattl? prodared In 1A90 waj, aceording to rellable authorlty. ?1 fle, ld., or Uf *:i each." <?f tJie swlne exhlbl% tho CoasaJ. among other things, writee: " I'ndcr thls head there were upward of 100 entries, and there was awarded ln tlie way of premtums ?118 by the Royal Dublin Soclety and ?1J5 by the Pig Improve raent A*soci?.lon | M?l, ?243. Th? plg Industry ls also a verv Impnrtant one in Ireland, the fam? or the Irish hams ?nd bacon belng known far ar.d wirtc. thev are largclv exported to Kngland, Scotland and France. The total product .rf the Wland ln 1~!'0 wa. l.670,*_79. rcprosentlng a valuc ol **:S0?.?,-*J- T, white YorKshfre and Ilerkshlre are the lavorite breeds, tho former belng now preferred.? ? MEXICAN DriTIES 0!f WOOD-FIBBE WABE8. Washlngton, June 2fl (Speclal).-Consul Dmjton. of Tuxpam, Mex.. reports "for the lnformation and ln tareat of the flbro mannfacturcrs of the United States. parttcularly, in thlecaae, Uio-e of ManUato, Mlnn.. aud Lockport, B. Y." that. through some mlsunderstandlng In rospect lo clnssinoatlon of their wares at lh? Tux? pam Cuatom House. th? duttea havo be*n plaeed ?o hlgh ma to make Ihe artlele? nnaalable. Th? M?xlcan Importers hav? complalned to th? Go-ernment. but not having reeeived any an-wer to their complalnts, have concludod not to Introduce any more until some regnlatlons ar? made about the classlflentlon of such paaia lt oppeara that theie gooda. whlch ar? manufactured Ra a 1)11.88. fllllS ware. are classlfled by the Mexlcan custom ofllcers as paper or pasteboard ware and siib Jected to a dutv of 48 cents a hllogram, Instead of 10 eaata, M a manufartnre of w.iod. The OoaaBBJ adds: ??Therefore, thes? burheU or go'Kla. aft-r paylng their dntlea. eannot 1* aold for l?as than 81 50 apl?c?. whlch mu..?* them nnmarke-able, and. aa flntvs have Beea Sapoaai .... them for belng ?Mata?tara? m woodan ?i,,V " hrinaa '.*** c ,f. priee ao hlgh that tney ".?"'? t' sold atalf "for leto thin W ar**"". whlclf ls a prohi? bltion on the dealers In ?nrh artlclca. BBERCH LOAD1NO MollTAR CARTUAGES. Washlngton. .Inn? Sil.-The Ordnaiice Department of tha Army has at last succecded ln maklng a eontraet for tlie constnictlon In thls country ef the Ea-tern and Anderson spring retnrn earriages for the l_-lnrh breech-loadlng rlfled mortars intended for harbor d*? fesiee. Thls carriage i.s of th? Ruseian type. th? reoll belng takon up by disked stccl aprtngs and hydrwillc cyllnders, and has given satisfactlon durlng tlie tesbs at Pandy Hook. The P.ulldcrs' Iron Work?. of Provl dence, B. I.. ha? aecurcd tto American rlghte of t!_. patenteea, and has entered kito eontraet wlth the War Department to furuLsh clght carrlagea at eil,.v*0, wlth m condltlon that if the order ls Increaaed withln a year to twenty flve Urft-ffM the addltlonal spveuteen arc to be furnlshed at a prioe of glO,.oO each. FORM OP THB DEBT STATEMT5?"T TO BE CHANGED. Washlngton. June _6.-The Preatdent haa approved the sugiWBtlon of the Seoretary of the Treasury that the public debt staAementi and the other statements lssued by the Treaaury Department to show the statte of the public flnances be roodelled after the form of statoment? lssued durlng the administration of 6ec rotwy Sherman. The debt ?tatements have nndergone more or leas changes wlth each succeedlt.g estmlnWra Uon. The changes wlll he made ln ttie -tatcmciita l__ued on and after the flrst prox. ? THE 8URPLU8 INCRE.\t"INO. Washlngton. June *_H.-THe United Btadea Tr?asnrei today states the aurptua at e.1,o_7,i:i7 ln ?xresa of frai tfonal -llvor and doposit- ln National banks. -? OBITVARY. BUO-UH DTJ BOIS. Eupene Du Beta. son in law of th? late Erastns Rrooks, dled yesterday morning at hls home ln We-t Baw Bftghton, S. 1. Mr. Du B-tfl was fifty-one y<*ars old. II? was a member of the Heal Estate Exchange, but lor several years had not hoen actively Interested in its trana.ictk.ns. Mr. Du llois was a member of the Holland Soclety. He Was Interested ln eltnrltable work. and alded greatly tn the work of th? Charlty Organization Soclety. Hls unass-umlng nature kept hls many good worfts from public notlce. For BOBM tim? Mr Du Dota had been afltrted wltb a thmat trou.i.., _nd lt was this that laaltf eauaed hla .ue_m. He kawi wlie aad three chlklraii. The to??ral wlll tahe placa ln tbe Ohurcb ol tlie Ascenai.m, \A_st New Urlghl-in, at. 4 o'clock p. m. to-morvow. ? ?.-_ ET'GENE at, DEWEY. Engene E. Dcwey, a member ol the Stock Exchange. dled yesterday at Oraata. B. J-. of a compUcatlon of Kldncv Uoubles. He was a'otit foHy-sIx years old, and was born IITthle city. HU father, S. P. Dewey, was a meichaiit of somo wcalth. and hls son reeeived hU biiainess ediicatlun partly here and partly ln Europe. Kugene Dewey was a member of tlio --aii Kranrisco st.. k BxebaaffS for some yars, and then he remrfved t.. Bew-York and ontored the Stock Exchange tlrm of k. l.. OppeBhefaa B co. la dhb he retired, but lor u.t.rly two years?ln 18*81 to IBBT-ba wa? a partner wlth Caba <t ('"? I" 19BB Mr. Dewey retired from a-uvo buatoeas with a eeaitortoble tortaaa He mar ,ied a Mlaa Wyneoop, who Bureivea him. He had been a nietnber of th? Storli Kxehang? since Man-h 89, 1888. H? was pcpular among hls filends und was a meniber of niimerous social clubs. _-+.-? TEF BOBERT AXD UlXXIR CA&P. I.os Angele?, Cal., June _o\-The case of libel upon tha Bohoeoer Bohert and Minnie waa argaad and sub mltted to JUUfe Uoss restorBay and taken under ud vi-ement._ EER BTAEX IX Llh'E A L0F1F WE. On the top of The Tribune llnllding ls a .?aUuun., the dBBllBlBB of whlch aro |--eei(led ov.-r by t.-ovg- Plakar taa and hla mtta. Uere, akaa the titv balow la .i-i>. th? tollers who mako Th? Tribune eat th.-lr Ut* dlimera. Yeatejrday at 0:80 a. m. a child waa born to Oeatfa, ??d lier nan.? ls Ethel Mary Tribune l'inkeru.n. Kew young ladle_ h_v l.n aahta-d into Hfo ln a dwelllng ao hliih above tne --toll ai.d tumult of lh- BtMBt" -s wa. Kth-1 Mary Tribune rinU.-rtoa. LATE STEAUSHIP ARRIVAL. Th. North tiertnan JAnm ateamship Kaiser Wllhelm II. from lJr?rnen and Soiahumuton. arrived at Quarantiu at an ear'v lioor thU m.ri.lni*. POSSIBILniE* OF B0BB-BBAFXIE9. Waahlngton letter la IheBt, umla Otoha-Oeaia-nt. Bone-graftlng i- the topto uppanooat wlth Dr. B. m. niil kiek-tu, of llnolniiati. Durlng the past year Dr KleketU haa conducled a aerlea ol experlments. ?? a,?.r or later," be aald wltb greal conrtdi-nce, -all uf tlie bones ->t the l iwer anlmals, excepl the vertebra*, will le trausplanted lnu> mm.* Thls remareable pie d.ctiou i~ b__ed upon Uw reauMa of a number of t>\ perimonta and of cToae obaervatJoo. llilt Dr. Blcketto waina th? protaaalou that a bone rannot ba trana ln a week. lt takea nlne tnoiiths t<> completfl Uie traiispluntlng of a tibla, <>ik- of the leg i..a. ?? l will giva a 100 bUi," he aaM, "-to anybodj who will .how ine the unlon of a bone ln one annnal wlth a bone iu another anlmal lonned Ln kwa uiaii twentj ?u days" Dr. Rleketta carrlea aroand rn hls peeket a soiivenlr ol hla recent graftlng. Ttie i.i ol "ll" ,ii la lirmlv iinli'.-d to the bone of another. Bone, i.o aaya, -aaaa. be greft-d t-> anythlng i.ut boaa. Another thlng his e\|>. rlmenta hav? taught blni la that bones out with a knlf? unlta maek more mpi.tiv ami ,,..,.,ii, than i! .. -iv. i. used. "I have not been iiblo to i,ave a bnger where the bone waa bov. rad bj a .1.1. "bat l have Bnpara where lbe boae waa dl\1ded by a knlfe." The rea-oral ol fr? taanta of bono ln ihe oaaea ot bad frnrtur? is a Hta take Dr. Illt hetta tlilni.^. H? wonld .-veti pl<*k up rragtuents whlch had beea knoeked entirely oul boZf cleanse them and roatoro them. Tho capa-lly or booea ior roualtlng and reatorlng their Inbagrity, even when la fragmenta, li one of tho grand things whl.-h i-.i-nt experlmenta btb teachlng. An Edin burgh doctor haa recently performe* fhe rcmarltable fe%t .. rra-torlng a fnll tinrd of tlia railiua. one of th? maln bone* "f tlie arm, f>r. Blnketta i- .'in.-iv.aa.yi in ti.e aub]ect ot bone auraary, ai d ho taii>a about lt on slight provoeatlon. Ile says tbal the proper method, wben then. la a frarture about the ebaracter <>f whiuli tbe aurgeo- haa anv .louht. is to use the knlfa and cul rlgbl in to tl... looattori of the fracturo, nnd then feel about wlth the tlnger until tho exa.t condltlon of tlie fra.t'.iro i- nndenfood. The oia practica "f sett-ig bones blindlv, puttltig tho broken llmhs |nt . spllnts nnd Icttlng th?m take their eouree, hlf or miss, must be dl-cird.-d. ?'f course verv slmnle fracturi'_. where ia do doubt in Uie mlnd ol tli" stirgeon, mav t*? tr?"at.-d i the old way, but no chance* ought to be tuie-n about th- eaaa, wben i Bmple exefcaton aad e\|il .rition wlth the tlnger wlll mak? sure and perfect raatoratlon. ?? ?? ? It ls lee-st to bn-ak np a catarrhal (old in ibs ?arly stages, by usuig Dr. D. Jayne's Exp?ctorant, and there .? foarsatl much ri?k ami BBsatf, LOBQ IBLAXD BA1U-OAD. j.- B o'eloek ftatsntoy paaaeaaa ann?x boat (run V\or IB, K It., al 1 :_i) t?. ?., wlll nin The i*gul.ii - o'cloch Saturday pas.enger tralna. wiUi _in*x boat trom I'It ih, k it., al l :_i"y. m., wlll run t .lefTrraoii, ?in.y--up.>rt and Sag iIa.rl.or, leuvlng Long 1-liind ("Ity ut *_ and linxiklyn. riatmish ave. <taUon. at l :60 p. m. gAKDY HOOK AlfD ALI. BAIL BQIrTSB TO TIIE BKA8HOBS. For t__B8 of and trains s?<c time tal.le ndver ent of the c.utral Kt_lln_ul of New le. .?. In thls ,,,]??:? nd to Oeaeral Paaatngcr Agnnt, room, t ... inn liulldlng, tot mmroer book oonUilalng Ust ,f anmmer boardlng houaea ln tho aabarbs, uhea ,i? ?i uioiinlaitia. I hninpnBne \>' Aleahol. (jni.-l | hl.dih '.-i s .-? ? ?..- CiiiiMil . I.. io. \*u b_m i.-rt.fv tint rhe-BpagnM oalatatag lba i i eabal in lha i.t vbalaaeme, um aaaalhls ptopU >t. i.k t _rl It ?BaUa'fl Utile aeMBB, which U. hlglUy cSar. vaaa-U aai coa-Un no aitohal whawvaa Par '"twb nothlng mor* dainty men B U~\ta chai.d Booejea* Sarlla-i alth * da*h of iBiCion. Park _ Ttl/ord and Ae^er, Mern.ll & tondit ke*p ??? Tbo Plnrat tt.U*. Oan 8* mada only by u.lng UV ollve oil Iiiport^ aafl bo* tied by Hazard, Hewrd X Co. Thla oil l? "jcT ?*?*_'*?_ Oi. rh?l'H?t aofertwi ollvea, for thc*. ontyl and haa a rt'h lasia of Ui* ollve pacullar to lt??lf oth.r otl ?aa ?pro*eh. Flfth Avenue. corn*r Twanty-f mrtn ?????, n g The New- Y.rk aad Bflilharfl K-ll-nr hav* Ueoed a aumiiier uu.e Mbl', now Ifl ?flVt. wklek in addltlon to the icgular tlmo ttble fliea extra traln* tn Lake M%h9\ftt. Hp*'l?l fft?t tralo. ef Monday* an? Saturday*; cloae coonectlon with exaraM irala* o* laa ? .? -va-.-d road. MARRJED BALLARD-WICKES-On Tburaday Ju-f* J?. ,]*9Xa* Zlon ihurrh. Wapplnger'* Fall*. V. 1., by the Re/. PraerotC Evart*. Julla Oon.UiB. dau?ht*,t of Wllliam _? Wirkw, of New-Hamhurgh, ? Wllliam. J- Baliara, M Jamalca, Long Dland. roRS'iV-r.yi.KB-On Thuraday, Jone 2 1. ?* St J __? protcslant Kp?*co|?l Church. BMBhlra* b? IB8 BMW. O.orgo H. Br..'?i, Mariou Ity Lyk* U> Wllliam R. O. Coraon. of Hartford, Conn. No card*. liMMo.NS-PARIBH-OB Wedn**d*y. Juni 24 at Irvinfl T.f^oi,-lludaw., by ti.e Rv. Wllliam II il-ni.aitn. D I). Juii* W. rHrfah. da.i&hwr of Henry Pi*i?h. to Arthur 11. hmmo'i*. STKIX-TAYLOR?At Uie realdenre of thi brid*__* tathat. Jaim-a a. Tavlor. 3M> Court-at., Brooklyi', on Tburaday. ilM 2.V by li. R. v. E. P li iflerMll. 2'._*^J&,___2 J. stwl, of Aloiuphia. iuea., aod Mt*? Mary _oui*e Taylor. -Tunj* jg. V*\jB Truilty thur?h. Morrl*?Bl*. bvi_e __**J__**___*_ 'luft Orace Kh-aiior, da.i_il?T of ^lr. aad Mrs. Oeorgo H. Motcalfe. to William Ilullol* Strik.r. WATEHHOUBE-WIIITKHOI'SK-On Jun* 28. lain l.y Uio Rev. Dr. _ A. Bradl.-y, Mm. MVfl, Hofftnan V'hlt<-hn'i*e lo Mr. (ieorgu WaU-raous-v all ?i Brooklyn. New-York. ^^^^ Noticea of marriagtM must be imlorxed with fuli utuuc and address. DJFD. AXDIS-At Waahlnftoo_____ C. on We-?p**d*y. Jan* 84. 1851, at 8 ? t,,.. Aaa Owen Aldl*. ajoX ,9 j*?r*. IiiUriiiii.t Bl St. Alhana, Vt. av< Kl-ii.-Ai P*a**lc, N. J. *nt?rel Into re?t. Jun* 28. Cethnrlnc E. AaaaiBBn.. nfo tA thfl late MBBBB *. AverlCK. M. D. ,. . .. . _,._. Funural amr*__a M h r late BBBBBdM8> i'aa-*l?. *?? J . o*1*' Cy, Jiiin- -s, al 3 p. ni. . __. _. ?.._.???_ .. * Truin lor HaaaaK Bridg" leavea foot oC Chamb?r*-a*., 8 p. m.; foot of Weat 38d-*t., 1:50 d. m. BO?< B- -'ii Wodnoailay. Juno 24, 1881, .fohn Boyc*. *??? R^latlvw"'aiid frtond., and those al __ <5*M_BOJ_BB_> Ariea V. Brooae, are unvt<K< to ?ttenf Jj*jWK_*J_? Saturday, at 2 p. m., froni ihe becoiid l-efomn-sl Churvh. Wayno-atL, J^r.ay Uty. I'l, a-,- r.o?..'ra. BKdKAW SuddinlT, at KPieron. V- 3- on Jun? 24. Fred? erick Hrokaw. In Ui* l'8d r**'' o' ?"? ?*?? _ ^_ _??,__ Fuiimal -rvi'-a at hla l?te reoidenou. F.lberon, on bunday Prl\a&?,,raV*wlll?rn'?*t relaMVB* and frleal*. C*nlr*l B. R. of N J Ulwrly-et. 11:30 Uala. and return from Rnd ?_lion at 3:45. Interviiic. prlv-at-'. Please omlt flowera. CVKMAN-At Kr-eport, V- !?, Thuwday, Jun* 25. 1891, S?muel H. Carm?n, In hl* 70?i year. ______ . , Fuunl servlce* at hU late re.ldonce. Freaport, _. I-. gB-flXg, tuw WUi inet., at 5 p. m. OOOB-At Saratoea SprlnBa. K. Y.. od Wedneaday, Juna .1. 1S91. l'et.:r Cook, mhU.VJth year. - Funeral MrvtMB at hla MM ilj.ldeac* Np. fl^ 6*. Mark e Plaee, B. Y. City, on Sundaj, Jun'.' 23, 1881, at 5 o clocX n. in.'. Pfea** omlt flower*. liif.-rii.fiit pnVXXB, DKWET- ou Frld*y, June CflJ 1891, of pneurnonra, E'ifene I I li W '' V Pun r.l aervteXB on Monday. June 29, at kia laM real .!? i, e. 2A lll-.'li--t Orange, N J. Kr:.v ila ,.f UM f*n.:ly are Inv.Ual to atMnfl. . -Ill n- ni waltuuj ,1. ?rrlv*l of 0X0 trala fro? Bar. H-. -?'? B. Y. Intermaat -t iii-e^nwood. l>\- ROU*--on Frlday. Jun* 38, at th* realdene* of Mr*. _r*atu* Ilrook*, Weat N.^'-brighton SMten Ialajid. En a>uo DiiBol., ?on of th* laa. Comellu* DuBol*. ln th* runal-l'aervlre^ wflV be held on Bunday, Jun* 28, M 4 ', m '. Tiuroh of BM X*C"n.lon, Weat New-Brtghtan. Boat lo*vo* foot Whlteball-at. ?t ? P- m InWrni'-iit |)rii.ate. EDWABDS-Ia Annlaton, Al*.. on the =2d tnat.. Cathe^ ln?? Mi. i.ard. beloved dauahter ot Oadan Ellery Edward*. agi-d ^U year*. rULLER-pn Jun* 24, <*eojB* W Fidlw, jr., *on oC (ioorc W and the late .Ellwbeth PSjller. Relatlva. and filend* ar* rippeeifully lnvlted V? ?"*nd M? f'lTii'ral "-iil'-.'s from hla- lat.- realdencn, No. 11 Eaal WUVat., on HataMaj, 27tk m*t., ?t 1 p- m pltaa* ""-lt flower*. BOIaMEB?Al UMB Bpey. Bulllvan County, X. T.. Thomafl B. llolmea. Jr., ln the 31*1 year of hl* aga Funeral from Seeond I'm-rv-terian Churoh, Sd-at.. Jenay Clly, Snn.liir, June 28, at V p. ?____________, ______ .;r*-l-iato of .'la.* 1H84. Wlllium* OoU*X*. Maaa. 8t Loul* pil'-ra plMaa eopy. K_fIOIIT-In Brooklyn. cn Mfljf, June 2?. Martha A.. wlfe uf Boberl KnUht. ln tM" 77th year of h*r ajra **rvie-a at her late riaalMJ;e, 428 CumberMnd-M,. ,""M.,:,.!.... UM 28th MO- at 4 30 p. m. Iuti rn.' nt nrivate. si. llOLti -Eatered mto re*t .t Ptalnfield. N. J.. Jun* 24. 1.-91 llui..', wlff of ItaacW. Nlchol*. daughMr ol tha lat.- Wm. II. Weatervolt. Rilatlvoa and trieuda *t? lnvltpd to ?tte-d th* funaral *er vl.w late >ea_*n*a, iFo. 20 I'ut_am-ava. at 2:18 n tn Satacdav, the 27th ln X. C&tMaTwai be! at atauon ujwn arrlval of tr*M l*avlng I.lbHrty-at. at 1 p. m- _C. R. B, of B. J. InVrnfiit prlvate. In (lieenwojd. NnitTMROl'-Suddenly. Jun* 80. 1891. John I. Northro?. NoBeB al ruBBifi huaalBM. inn'llSi'HII.D-At L~ng Bneeh. Thnr?day, Jnn* BB. M.iiii- biiovd ?ifc Ummam ?iBhiihlH. of io* Ea*t Re^;i^V:dhfr%?n4-h.Jrru.v1t^l to MMfl *? MMMMi Sun R_.v mominfl. Jun* 28. at 5:80. foot of IalbeKy-M. uinvFXLT-Al hls late realdence, in PhlnfMd, N. .1 . af! r a lliiV'rlnR lilne*? on Wadnrtday. Jun* 24, Adolph Bchneelv. aa* 33 r*aiB privut.'. st. I,.,ul? pnP'-r* PM?M e?py^ WABIBO June 2?, at Asbwry P*ra\ *??J- )Tr?_erlek* w. Wartax. wldow of th* late Wllliam E. Warlng. of Intermenl at Oreenwood Cameterr, Bunday. 28th lnat, al vv.T.ii/^Suddenly, at Conaatcjit R. L, Mary H. _____$?*. wlfe of thf Rev. Charlaa Wood, and daughtor of tba lat* FlJn^r^a?vlce?, from her m*?her'a re.Menre Overbrook. mir ili'lud'll.i'.l*. of Mondnv. June 20, *t J:4? p. m. Carrilc" wlll n'eet Uio 8:15 traln fro.u Broad-at, aUtloh. l'h lad li.hla. Frti'Ml* ?UI klndlT BflWXBB, WORTHI.F.Y-Ob Prldar. Juim- 88, <-t Branch, N. J., ol ,','nauii.nilon. Katmiel H. Worti.lev, *.n of Thoraa* L. Wtwihl-'V tai?''^ 21 vrrar_. Fmcral .Sundav, at SU t,uX*'? Chureh. Long Branch, at 8 p. in. rOUBO-ThaxaBxir. June 25. 10:40 p. p., *t hla re-? dwee 1.7..4 >ladl?on.ave., Now-Vork. O.>o. W. ^oun^, of bcbM menlnflltU, in iho Mth ye*r of hla age. In^mrBfat'cxMldB. Oreen* Conntr, B. Y._ Special Notiteo. A* 2 MILXION BOTTUCS FIT-LED IU 18T5. 18 MILL1UN " " " 18'JO. APOLLINARTS APOLLINARIS "THE QCEEN OF TABLE WATERS." "Delightful aiid Refre.hlnB" Britlah MedJcal Journal. "More wholewme fh?n any Aented Water whlch art can *upply." "Of lrreproachable character." "Invaild* are rerommend.-d to diink lt" The Ttma*. L*nd*a ilEWARF. OF IMITATIONS. I..I lh7h. _ _________ MRS. McELRATU'S IK i.M MM AjlE PRLSLRVED, BRANDIEO, CANNED AND M'U'KD l-tuns AND JE'|'!'1|'k'|-.1'.I) ( t'RRANT JII.I.Y A SPECIALTT. F'vorthini; put up In ?!*?? and kept until fXlh Fm opi'VV. r. r.-.i.?,. Ic, ald-aa Mr . sarah 8. McEi llAl'll. :)j:l Dafraw^t., Brooklyn, X. Y._ I'.iai .tn. i- Nolice. (Should he road flXB* uy all BMB88fl8a8, a* chaug}" may 00 al ?l BBJ l BKi.l Letter. for luielifti countne* m-od no". he epecUlty ?d flraaaed foi dl-|>ut' h hy a'-y nartlcular ateaaaer, ?auepa when It i- ile-irid to -end duplli-ate* of bankliiK aid coft). in-rtial iim-uin. d -. letter* not -p*ci?;iy addu-oa*! b-'liif ?. ut io the faatoat veaael* a\u labM, Kori.Kii maila fur thr ?'?k .'i.dliuj Jun.' 27 wlll clo?e fpromuttv ln ail eaae*) ut thla ofllee a. foi;,.?a: BATURJJAl al 1 a. ni. for prnun.huea, Rlo Jauelro aiid smilo* alao the I*i l'iata raUBtlMB, vla Rla Jaaetra, per *. *? c' from Ilaltiinor ?, at ^:3'l a in. f,,i riai.,'- bWlM?M?d. lUly. Kimln, I'urtiiyal aid Turkri isr a. - i.i BreMgne vla Bavia: ?'. B:lb a. m. I,,r i.riuiiiv. lx-iuuai'k, sweflea, Notway u'l ri, tianl* , and Kut-U. p t a. a Aller. \la Brenaea III.,* fnr other 1 .i, ,,ii .ouutriea vli hOaiUianipton n,i ?t las .|lre.'t,at "Li-r Aller''. ; al ?? :80 a. M. 'OT <lreat llriuin. in'laml. B.lgluin, N.'Ui.'il?ud?. A.i-'.na and Korway I't-rit", , ,,, r . ?. fi btia.. Ml Qui-ei.aii.wn lleiur* f,,r oth.'r i-.uropi'aii eo-intriea nmat ba fllreeMd "net urabrta"); ** 7'a 11, fm S'otlaud ilirn-:. pei ? *. CHi ,,r BnBM, vla'.iv lletMM m'lat tw dlrect"d 'twr Cllv of FBaBlflr)' a' f'80 a ni. ("i th* SetherlBBd* dlrret, i>'t a. ?' bpaamdaa*, vla Rotuaraam iktter* miat he durcttd "p-?a bpaariidam1'! at 7 8U -. in f>-r B IglBlD diiei-t. lHr a ?. I'.iiuiaiid, \ia ABtwarp 1-ett.ra u.i.t Ih drrcurt "j>?r pcnnland'l; ?' 11 *? ":- 'or Caoifirhi', t'hla;.aa fTaha.'-a and .uexMn. pei ?. ? <-lty of Wi?hin_ton i.,i>r? foi Cuoo Tauiplio and 1'uxpain dlrtet an.l ofli.-r |lexkan Mai< a vl. Vi-ra Craa, muat tn. d re.-t.-d "ii r <ttv of Wi.-liiiigton"1: ?t 11 B. m- (-ipi'lymwiury 11 80 a. m.) f.,| j ,,ui (ireytown, i?-r a. a. Sai.tuit [tetter* f,.r B.JU?. (iuaU-n.ala and l'ueito Curt*?, n)M?t l>? dlnitcd "*,'r Sat , U i?. f?: f.i.nadi Trlrlilad and Tobtfa, BM a. a. 'Aiidi*. at 12 B?. for .s-tiago, Cuba. pu ?. .. Duiiialln i at 3 p. '*? for Bluetirld.. per ?. ?. W. u. Hewe* from New-Orl?Bna. SUNDAY?Al 3 p BL fnr coata Rh a. via Lnpon. pei a * I-'oxhall. Irom Ne?-Orl.-a:i?. Malla n-r Uie lia?. 11*11 l*!aa?U, per a. a. laalandta ffrom San Vianrlaci.i. el.,.e here dallv tip,t.> Jun* ?21 at 0 10 P- ?? _rlallj f-r tl.,- Boclnta IsIhuiI,, 1," khlp Jro'iil'- llnd f-oin Sau Fiuiulaiii. elo?a ht?? da1|r up lo iu,,. 21 at 6:80 p. a*. Malla for Au.ttalia. N.>wii>aia,id, Hawailan. FUI and BaBMaa Ulaiul- i?r ?. ,. M??ow?l irruui sii Kranelaea). ?<?"_??M flally ap n Tul; -18, at ,\ .1,1 ., 1,1.. or on arrlval at N.w-Y'.rk of s. ?. i miri?. W|fh Britlah 1 1 la Bm Auatralla. Mall. for ( litna ami I i|,?n |? r , ,,, Ironi Sau him.'-!-' '? ?':??.? here da iv up to |. \ -i M fl 80 i?. in Mall* for No? found land, t,v rail ',,, 11 iiifai and th- nee hy ?ta un. r, cloac _>. thla oiflro dallv .,1 K 80 11. ru. Mall* f-r M_u*k_ by i*?l la r.??u?ii, aud J ., a-n," 'ii- at *l* ->n-?- 'i?nv *t. sxo n. ,? m ,iia 1 1 - .!..i. t.v lati u. laiiip*. rl_, *nd tbamea ur ?a"l.-? Mnnda.v* aiid rhuradav~l, . Imr at tala M \-' ' '.\rrlai.d, uuK-aa ?pauialiy adili?*aed for dl-potcli by ?teaniir. at .' , .. ?Ui. m ?Tn?.ia.l'?,ille nalta are pilNBlflli to San Kranrlaoa n,ili ind Ibe MSliediil* "t eloaing I. airaax'-U aa Um pre s iiiintlon of th,'lr .inlnt'-rrui.iial ..vorlajid l<a..?|t t., s,,^ Frai.'-l-io. Mall* fium t. .? on UBM at Ksm , ..-, 1 ,, ,hv of *allliia .f at.'*'ui'f. are dli|Mt,in4 ina,^n?axrmr^5#3N^^ BoatoBea. Mbw-YmX. B. T.. Jun* 18. laai.