Newspaper Page Text
I LIIERARYNOTES. Mlta Pool'a lellghtful atudy of New-England llfe. pabllahed ln Tlie Sunday Tribune under the tltle of ?Koweny ln Hoaton," haa called forth many en IhnataaUe letteri from the regular readcrs of the paper. One of them- a Southerner?wrttea as follows : " I Should like to thank the Edltor of The Tribune for glv ldg ua the cbawrolng story, 'Roweny In linaton.' lt la one of the bi-lghtest, pleasantest stortea I have ever read, and evers Frlday I think eagerly, 'To-day I shaU bear from Rowcnal* ? A blographieal shetcb of Dr. Charlea A. Brlgga wlll Bccompany a > portralt of hlm ln the next ? Book Bnyer." In a letter tb "The London Times," the aecond Mra Laurence Ollphant cxplalna her huabund'a strauge aub miaaion to tlu? aplrltual dlctatlon of Thomas Lake Harria by tbe sUtomcnt Uiat his object waa to ? kill aelf." He waa decply convlnced, she declares, that -every form ol'cgotl.m, even ln lts mildeat manlfesta tlon, ia an tnsanlty"; and "hla own persouallty loomed up in undue proportlon, no matter *-___. effort he made to reduoo lt to what he felt ought to be lta nomlnal relatlon to God and to humanlty. llo conttn-ally found hlniaelf out of perspccUve. a* it were." That he entirely falled ln hl* et'o-t io "kill aelf" under the. guldance ol a man hls Inferlor ln every tblng, bla later booUs ccrtalnly *h >w. A curioiis book might be writter. eoncemlng HarrD and hla experlnacnt*. born ln Bigland ln 1834. he went to Amei-ica whlle an lnCant, and befoie 1850 was paator oi a UnlweraaUst church m New-York. Then le ana a friend set up as the " two witnesses" of the apocalypse. and for a whlle llved ln elover on the afferlngs of their dupea. After variaius adventnres, tleiical, poetlcal and nnaaclal, he atarted ln 186S as a banker, and then burst And m BBBt, when the prte Oeeds of hia bankruptcy eeem to have become ex bansied, he devljed the Pr-otherhood of the New LUo and laid hold on Ollpl.ant. Mr. Gladatone ls qnoted aa B-fB-f that he tbonght Ihlrty years was the pn.per pedod whlch ought to elapae between ? man'e death and the appoaraneo of bls blognmhy. What, a flood ol books we might be apared lf thls were the rulel Some con trlbutlons to polltical hletory would be mlssed. per. haps; but how many solcmnly duli eelebratlona of third rate celebrlUcs would remaln unwrltlen 1 The apot whereln Laurence Sterno is burled?St. George'a graveyard, ln tlie Dayswater Road, London? rontalns al*-3 the grave of Annie Kadclifle, the author ol "The Mystertes of Udolpho." There. too. may be tound the memorial lnscnptlon to Mrs. Jane Malony, the undoubtcd erlgln of the famous but fictltiou epltaiph of "Lady OLoaaey." The list of Mrs. Malony's charras and vlrtues ends thus: "She was bot. passlonate and tender, a hlgnly aocom plisl.ed lady, And a superb drawer ln water-coloro, whlch was much admlred Jn the Exblbttlon Room ln riomerset Houae, aome yeare past. ?Though lost for ever^otlll a frlend ls dear, The heart yet pays a trlbutary tcar.' Thls Monuracnt was erected by her deeply affllctcd huslrand, the aaid Edmond Malony, ln memory of her great vlrtue and talents. Beloved and deeply rtgrebted by all who knew her. -For of such ls the klngdoin of heaven.' " Great prevacutions are belng made ln Gennany to telebrate the 100th annlversary ol the blrtb ot rbeodore Koemer, whlch oocurs on September 23. Few pocta are so popular In the Fathcrland as the roung ofllcer who lost hls lltfe on the fleld of battlc when only twenty-two yeara old. To thls day no poem ls so popular among German soldiers and patrlots as the famous " Du sctiwert an Mciner Llnken," whlch ln(tplred hundreds of men to act* of hcrolsm ln the war, agsinst Nap..leon._ BOOKS OF THE WEEK. OLDKX TIMES; OR. PENNSYLVANIA RURAL LIFE AND OTUEB l'ufcM.-s. By II. S. Fish.r. 8vo, pp. 472. tKlshcr Br. a. MAM'LIt AXD MAN. By O. O. B. Strayer. 12mo, pp _e8. A. S. O.llvi.-.; NKW CHIN'A AND OLD. :Jy th" ttev. Arthur C. Monle. isaao, pp. 112. '*- .-i-y B t'o.. ?Hl CANADUX lil.'IDE-BOOK. Bv Charles O. D. Roberta. lS--?, Pl'. -7b. (D- Appbton * Co.) MOINA; OR, AOA1XBT THE MIOUTT. Bv Lawrence L. Lyncli. l_u.u, pp. 520. (L-Ird 4 LB-l WAR. Bv ( rlon.-l F. Matirice. 8-.0, pp. 1*6. (_-_?> B il an i .Ci HFE OF AKCHIBALD CAMPBELL TAlT AKC"; BIMloP 0* CANTERBURY. By R.?nd..l In.\lrt*-.n. I). D., _n?i vVIUlam B'-nhaur, B. D. 2 vols. 8\o, p)>. &4.-.-I. i.M cn.illan 6. to.) ai.._-A-.FTH o* ROl'MVMA. Hy Bianrhe Roosevelt. 8\o, pp. AU. tt Hall.) BACTKK1A AND THEIR. 1'RODCCTS. ????? 6. \V...dh-al. 12mo. pp. 45B. (Srrll.ner * Welford., ??(.! CMBIA A *torv of Uie d'sroxery o[ By .' il. Mustik pp. 316. twertnlngtoa Co. A Y1S1T UK I V-'HETH TO .SHI'.M AND ;IAM. Bv A bam.'.i a. M..*ch..,ot.-. l__Bo, pp -8* OfimBgrnstma l'ubli*-i>lng to.) ?ril] MOGUL'L MOUOOL, MIKADO AND MISSION AKY. Hv Sunu.-l A. MiiCI.,i...i.-. 2 vols 12u.o, pp. 3_i. (l'l.'-i.jt Pu.lishlng Co.) KAMLIEK KTOltlLS. By Fn.n. ea Hodc.on B'.rnett. 2 \ota. iSaw, pp. tAi-j-'>. n haa, B no_Br"a sot.a.) -"AKliATIVI. POEMS. By Alfred Anatin. 12ir.o. pp. '?0. [M <? ni ? lau ^ Co. i BRt.WNlN". AS A PUILOaOPHIOAL AND BEL1U. toi's. Ti-.ACiu'.K. Bj Heary Joaoa l-'n.o, pp. 801. .Maen.llla:i i; lo.) TAXIDLRMV AXD 7,OuL'KiHAL COI.LFITINO By W.llta-n T. Horaaday. 8m', ii>- 9mk itharles Sirib ... r'a SOl.a.) Illt; M..I.A1.1ST, OR THE LAWS OF RATIONAL COSVICTION. Hv Edward Jo.m llamliton, D. D. ISaao, pp. 881. (Oibb I THI BATTLE OF SEVEN PINES. Bv Oustavus W. Sn.itn. I-"". pp, gOS. |C. a Crawford.) ABOt'T AN OLD NrAVKN.,L.\ND CHL'RCH. By the Rev. uerald L. le e., pp. 8*J. (W. W. KnK'ht THE TBBXK MISS KINGS. Bv Ada Cambridge. 12mo. pp. ai t. ,D. App ; .a I Ca . BW-ERBEB-B A HANDBOOK FOR T15AVI I.l.l'.lUS. 12mo. pp. 453. (llo'tghton, Mlfflin \ < o . AITEBWARD. A SEQCEL TO BEFOREHAND. By Mia B M. I H.rirv. l-'ino. pp. BOB iThe National Ti-mperan ?? So I tj Jnd Pnt.ltcatlou House.i fflll oDMKI. TIU. I-OTH, THE BARHARIAN CHAM l'l.t.V i.K (1VIMZA1ION. Hy Thomas. Hodgkln. U'n.o, pp. i*2. (?*? 1'. Putnan.'* Sona.) JNTIMaT.d.ns i>F ETI'ltNAL LIIF.. Bv Carollne C. fenph-on. ltimo. pp. 130. (Lee t Sheperd.) 6TATI*. AND PEDEBAL OOVEBBMBBT IN 6WITZER LAXD. By Jolin M. Vlncent. 8\o. pp. 247. (Jolin llopkina pi - THI- VIBIOB OP MI8EBT HII.I- By Malea I. Anaon. r.'ti.o, pp. 180. t". l'. l'.ti.ani'a Baaa.) IKBOMBIA AND ITS TBEBAPEUT1C8. Bt A. W. ManBrlana, 8vo, pp. 888. (Wllllam w.?od i Oo.) TH! OEXCIKE WOKKS OF HIPPOCRATE8. Rv naaeta Adaaaa, Bm, aa. aaa. twnitam Wood _: Oo.j DICTIOXABY OF NATIOSAL BIOOKAPBT. Edit?I bv S.Uiu-v !.'?". BVO, PP ?3.'.. (M.V ll. U.UI _ CO.) HiaTORY 01 TIU". Jbws. By Ftotee*ot H. praeti. Vol. I. 8v-y pia 553. (Tl.e Jewl?h l'.iblicatlon Soclety ol An. r. a. | ADVENTi KI.S <'F Ml.NDl-. PIXTO. FAitvO. hy Armlolua \'..ni_.-rv. 8\o, pp. 484. (MbbBiIUBB i; Oa.) KTIDI'-S IN CONSTirrTIONAL LAW-FRANCE. IN.ii.ANl) t'Nl'il.l) STATES. By Eni le Boutney. lL'ii.o. ip 1S3. (Ma.n.illai. ?_ Co.) THL BACUKLOaB' CLCB. B.v J. Zangwlll. 12mo. pp. 3."8. (HriiiU oa.| BVaiBB-M PPEJIIX08 FOR OIBIA Bv Sallle Joy WM-B. K'n.o. pp. Ul. iU. Latl.r >p Co.) 6T KATHI'.IUNIVB HV THB "rOWBB. By Walter Be iunt 13-08, pp. BBB. (Harper t Bros.) OL'U COCN'iKV. By the Bar. Joaiah Stror.g. 12mo, pi>. :r.v tiie- Bakei j. Xkylat Ca A '1IUP TO I N'iLVND. By (ioldwin Smith. 12mo, pp. i io. .\l?- mlllaa t- Oo.) OLl' RA. '!.< >'l s MIl.LION. Fron. the Freneh of Emtle Btefci-bO-rg. Adap'.d bv Mrs. Bfttijan.iu I^-w.a. l2mo, pji. .88. tCaaaril l'ubii?i.ii.K to. > AS AI.MS' B/ ftntia I'v.-i Paue. 12mo, pp. 209. '(Ca*Mll l'lll.iiai, nt . .. . IX \ C'.NNI^'i -VaTEB. Hv H. B. Arro!d-Fcra_?r. 12mo, ' pp. ii:. (Ca-BcU i Coo_ Xett* l-Bbluations ULV ATLANTIC Contains the flrst Chai tera of THE LADY OF FORTST. JOIIX. A new Scrlal Novel by MARY HARTWELL tATHERWOOD. CNDERGKOL'ND CH1.ISTIAX BOME. BT RODOLI O I.ANCIANI. THE OLD KOMK AND THK NEW. By W. J. sTILI.MAN. COLLEGE EXAMINATIONS. By Prof. X. S. SHALER. FLANTATTON LIFE IN ARKANSAS. Ry OCTAVE THANET. ENGLLSH RAILWAY FICtlON. By AGXES REPPLIEB. Wlth Mr. STOCKTON'S Serlal; THE FINDING OF MISS CLEMKNTINE. By EL1ZABETH W. BELLAMY. THE NEUTRALITY OF SWITZERLAND, By W. D. McCRACKAN. And other Kotable Artlclea, 83 centa. HOUGHTON. MIFFLIN A CO.. BOSTON. JJ, gaRT aEVENTLENTH-ST., NEW-YORK. NftD pablitationa. Th* NEW-TORE HERALD my*: "Superior to Bt ot IU prcdece??ora" EW-YOKK N AND ITS EXVIROIVS. Br OUSTAV KOBBE. M?p*. Pl*n?. *nd Illustratlooe. lflmo. Flexlble Cloth. 81. In both matter and arrangcroent. thi. book M8SM the want* of two l.rge anl dl.tinct cla-ae* of retier%. To lntelllgcot traveller* It wlll .erve a. a competent and truat worthy gulde. direcUng them to BMM plaer* ******* whlrh an- of greateat Intere.t to *tr*ngera vlMtlng the, metropoll*. To New-Yorkera. and other* r*a*onal lv fa mlllar with _M citv. lt vill be found val'iabl* B? a re..o*Itory of m.nv noteworU.y faeta ronnert. v. ith v.rlou. MflBBUaB. whlch although of hiatoric Importanec. are comp.ratlvely but llttle known even to the inhahltant. of BM flttT. Tha m.ln portion of the work 1* *rr*nged *? ?? "?""2___ lowlng not only thc ordin.rr Une. of travel. but m.klng Intere.tlng excuralon* Into eome of the by-w?y? and en viron* of the citv. Publlshed by HARPER & BROTHERS, N. T. Wili be *ent by the pubiUher*. po?Ug? pr*p*id, to anr part of the t'nlted SUte*. Canada, or Mexlco. on re celnt of the price. OUBLISH TO-DAY: A DICTIONARY OF HYMNOL/OGY. Settlng forth the Orlgln and Hlatory of Chrlatlan Hymn* of all Aje* and Natlona, with apeclal reference Vo thoao conttloed in the Hymn Book* of Engllah-speaklng coun trtca, and now in common u?e, Together with Blograph Ical and Crltlcal notieea, 4c, 40. Edlted by John Jullan. Over 1.500 p?g?. large 8vo. CHARLES SCRIBNr-K'S SONS, Publisherfl. -ighueiutn Edltion, po?t pald, 'or ^*c- or?V*,,0P,V, TUL lil MA.N iiAlli: VVfa 11 Falls Off; Turn* Orey, and the Remedy. By I'rof. HARLEY PARKER. A.M.LONQ * CO . 1.01* AMi *t. Phlla., Pa -Kv.-r- one .hon'd read thl? llttle hook."-Athenaottm. Jnstrnttion. For Young Ladies?City. MODIFLED COLLEOIATE COVRSE.-There ?re two __ vacanelva In an eatahllshed prlvate t-lass <>fferln$ un uaual advantagea TO OlHl.s dc*1rftig auch a courte. com? petent teai'her* ; careful atteiitioii to pliysical culture; well eaauluued achool .rooiu* ?tid laborato.y. summer address. COLLEOIATE COUR8E, Bo- 18, BmmMB, B. !?_ ACAPEMIC CLA8SES FOR OIRLS. Designcd to prf part- for colhg- t-xatulnution*. bul aulted U. Ihe n.-ed* tl airearnest ?tudent*; apeclal attention clvw. to Li.g iah, ^lccutlon and phj?l-al culture. MARY B. V, IIIION. t_ B., and LOIB A. BABQ8. 858 Park-BTB.. B. T. .* * ".j-Hl-.V. 1)11. AND MRS. OAKDNEhV A. school roa uLtU-i, oo," otti-ave. 82d year. Advanced Claaaee with columbla College Profosaor*. AllXAR'lTTlOLK1C(7f_~313 M A P1SON-A VE., M'MMER SCHOOL OF CHEMLSTRV. open elz weak* tor teaehera from July 1. Apply to B-e-lBTRAB._ C"LASSiCAL"5CilOOL FOR OIRLS. _ ... . AdianC'd and ptlmarv departn,ci,t*. Certiflrate admft* to Wcllealey and o'uer collr?. a MISS NORTH and MISS BARB?8, Prl elpals, 1,901 Madl*on-*\e , Baw-TM*. B. T. MISS ANNIE B'ROWX, 713-715 Flfm A\enue. l'rimary ?nd acadcnlc work, lncludlni: prc|)ar?tlon for ioll'-Ft> ?nd f.,r 'he Columbla -and Harvard examinatlone for XMBfB Reopena Oetober 1, 1891,_ M"ADP.MOISlXlTE^'i^I.TIjr-SrTrool for Olrla. l'rlmirv, aeaderole and college preparatlon. Klnder rarten conduet'-d entlrelv In FreXea fiy Madame Tlane, pupll of U?5 late Madame Pape.Carpetiter. Slxth year open* October 1. 18V1. 175 West 78d-*t._ \tISS ELIZABETH L. KOFES. 10 Ea**. 75th-*t. 111 B"?rdlng ?nd Bay School. Si^cial course* of study._ MAPr.MoIsK-.UJ. RVEL. School for OlrU. Rerpena October 7, 1891. ;Number Umlted.]^__0 lia.t 60th-*t. ,_near Madlaon-ave^;_ 'ttil'-S M. BLACKWF.LL*8 School and Klndcri;arten for 1? 1 < hlldren reopon* Octob>^_*t^*.0_Ea_it^8?d1?t,_ Ml'.s. LKOPOLD WEIL'S SCHOOI. FOR OIRLS 711 Madlaon-ave., pWBBfW for colles-ea. \TXdaMF. DA SILVA.-School for Olrl*. ill Prench th- laneuage of the achool and the famlly. i We*t 38th st. 38d vear b,-glna October 1. THE REED SCHOOL, 0. 8 and 10 Ea-t 53d-at. Iu charge ,,f Mlaa Julla fi. MrAUl.ter. Prlnclpal. Mr-. Sylvsnu* Reed. Vl.ltor. 28th yo?r bcrln. O.-t. 1. 1S91. The thlrd hulldlng. No. 10 Just add'd to the achool, afford* Improved a*'cnmmoda lio'ii:, V> both rf'sldent and dav pupll*. THB OOMHTOCK SCHOOL. 1 amllv and Biv School for Girls ; 29th year berlna Octo b-r 1, 1881. Mias DAY, Prlnclpal. 32 Wen 40th-.t TIli itiVKRsiin.; SCHOOL M!a. EM1I.Y A. WARD. Prlncipal (manv yeara with the Comalock School). College Preparatton. Laree, alry rooms for realdcnt pupll*. 5o W. 104th-?t, Centr?l Park. THE MISSF.S WRrAft"S'_Boardlng and "bay"~S.lEool for youne ladh* and .hlldren. with Klndergarta-n Reopeti.s October __._37 E*at 6?lh-?t, TH-. Ml-s| s MOSES, (M7 Madtaon-ave. Boarditii; and Bav School for Youns I.arflea and Chll Stea. Piepare* for Barnard ?nd othor college* Elghth v ar beglni __ ptewber 29. 1891. _ V\N NORMAN INSTII'f IF. [Founded 1857). Home and Dav School. GOLD AND BRON7.E MEDALS, I'ARLS EXI'OSITION. 1889. ?K0 and 283 71-t-st WeM Inil-iv,.. Mme. VAN NORMAN, rrlnclpal. \\'l ST END AVl-'MT s i.i, 1 for fi -'-. IVlmarv. P:o " |,.rat',rv, Collegiate and Art Deptrtment. ; thoroogh atudlo Mirk. Hla* MARTHA THOMPSON, Princli-1. Reopens Oct. 1. 281 West F.nd-avf., eor. 78th-?t. For Roy*. and Young Men?City. A-CLASS KOR BOYS.-Ititermedlale and advanced ? graU'*, attid.-nts ir-pareil for colli-C'', l?>v, aclentlflc achool. and bnaincss. __W. F. PHASE, 72 Weat oOthst. ADVICE ARnt'T SCHOOLS and elrculars fr'-o to pir . nt?. State locality, urlce dea>ir<Hl. cnpll'i tf" aiid *t>.x. i\ V. hcysso'in. American Beh -al Bnrean, 2 w. Hth-at INhTRI cilf-'.N ln comn e.-cUl branchro, eloeuUoo, Bill. tarr a, Icuc- and tactlcs and detlcient Encllah given on reaaonahle ternia; lon-. expertene.-. Call Tu,-*uava aud i-uraflajr* t^tween 0 and 8, or aldreaa _ _ B. F. HYATT. 118 M*dl?on*ve._ Pr.l.PARATf.RY eollere Sfhool at 179 Weat 47th-it.*. rond-icud by H. E WelK; the learner taught how to atudy: thoueht exerelaed orid ap,-e<lv devHopment of abllltloa bv the nii-ttofls of lnatni'tlon employed; per-onal atwtit'.on to eaeh; llmlted to twelve acholarv _ 1RVINO SCHOOL. I.OCIS D. RAY, M. A. 50! FI ITH AVE., Cor. 40th-at._ Preparatton for college or buatneaa I/f nTvFRSITY ORAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,473 Brcnwlway. 1' naar 4?d-at. 53d ve*:. Pruriirv. Commerelal aud Classlcal Diartn ??!.-. ' M M. IIOBBY. W. L. AKIN. N. C. HENDRICKSON. Prlnclpal*. For Rnth Se^es-City. SUMMER FCHOOL OF THE MKTROPOL1TAB COLLEOE OF MCSIO. (Formerlv Mef.roiKi.ltan Conaervatory.l A pleaaant lDmi'; Di DBrtment I* open tor the ereomtno d?tlnn of ladlea from ? dlat.neo. Thla .chool ha* no equal for thoroughnes. of tn'tr-ictlon and the at .nlute aafetv of Its m?thods. Dt'DLEY BCCK. Prea1d"i.t: H. W. (JREENE. ReereMlJ ?nd Tr-aanrer. P'nrt for clrcular. 19 AND 21 F.AST 14TH-ST.. NEWYORK PvCKARD'S BUS1NF;Bfl COLLEOE wili raopen for th-- aeaaon on Tu.-i-d.iy, r-ejit. 1. Send for new lllti-tntod pro*pectu*. B. H. PACKARD, Prealdent. 101 F^'St L'31-at. Mnsioal InBtruetlon. MR. A. L. RCHl'LTZ, Oreanlst Sanda Street Memorlal Chureh, l^Kililvo, wili reaume leasoo* tpl.ano and orpanj BaptMBbM l. Addr< ?s 227 Dulheld-st, Brooklyn. T Rrooklyn. nE MISSES ELY'S SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. 140-142 Columbla Hiighta. Brooklyn. N. T.. Wlll re-open September SOfi HE BROOKLYN HEIOHTB SKMTNARY.- Ro.rtllng and Dav S.-hool for Olrl*. 4lat year opena B*Bt. 24 A(f dr.'s*. for i-lr-ular*. 188-140 Montague-at.. Brooklyn, B. Y. H For Vonng I_i(li>B?Country. OXWOOD" HOME ANH BAT 8CBOOL FOR liiKl.s. Heaithful lo-atiun. dellghtful aarronndlns*. Thorouitii work. PrepaiaUon f?r eollage. Boy. under t?el\c adu.ltlid. I ,,r rirculara and t'-nie., ail,lt,-s Mr- R. X PRISWOLD. Lyae, Cona. ARLINOTON SF.MINARY for Young Ladlea, w ~t Ckcatrr, Pa Bfltfc y.-ai beain. BepL lt. Oood bnlld tnn, extenatve grounda, beautlful aad hcaltfcr loeatlon. Ovmnaalum. Laocoacea, Muale, Drawlng. Pafntlnt. fce. 8180 per year CaUloguea R, DARLINOTON, Ph. D. Ti'LMlBA COLLEGE FOR WOMEX I Co'-r?ca of atudy Uiose of flr-t-, laa< DnDBfM. F.lectrlc lighu, 'tean, iu?t ?nd elevator. A.troaoolexl olwervatory. xrt s. ho..:, Mu..|i Bulldiag, Ae. i'i7 -tudftit CHARLEfl van SORPEN, d Tt., Preak, Elmlra, H. v. 1(-ii,ur EDWARO COLLEOIATE IX8TITTTE for 100 young women. Sup, rlur bulidliiK- and BdTBBMfe* Twelve BMMhera, Slx gradnatliiK eour*e* and |in-|*n tory. Kor achool year beflnnlni Sept. |fl, $210, In twi lt s:a tii'-iit>. See lllnstrated , atil',,.-ue. JOS. E. KINO D. D., Fort Bdward, N._Y!_ I.LLMtTH COLLEOE. I! FOR YOl'NO WOMFV AND OIRLS. EDUCATION, HF.ALTH, BOMK Large Jlluatrated Catalosue aent on appllcaUon. R. v. E. N. BBOUSa, M. A., Prlnclpal. LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA. 1VY HALL.-HOME AND ( (U.I.l ,.l. l'RI-'.PARATnRY S'h.-.l for Youne Ladle,. I ..unilalu-d lsO). Mra. j. ai.i.i.n MAXWELL. PrUcloal Bridgetoa n j LABE EBJI sI'.minarv Pataa*vllli O.-BvUdtafa enlarped ; In.-r'-aa'd opportunlt.e* for the lilx-ral and thorough education of youni? nom.-n. Thlrtv-thlrd year beglna BlBflHBBM Id. 1801. _Ml- MARY kvans. PHartjal._ MISS M. M. HCNTS Boardlae aud Day S'huol r.-moved n Sammlt, New.Jer*ey; term*. 8828. tncludtng lan gua*re.. Addr"*. hy letter until Auguat 1. 0 OONT7. SCHOOL FOR YOt'NO LADIES. BBMrrofl m 1883 from Che?mut,?l., Plilladelphla, to f,/iin'./ th-f .paeloua ,0111 try a.:,t al .J.i Coeko, wlll beglu ',;?? loily ?aeeond yi?i W at ami. j, Bepambrr 80. Fnr .-ir rular*, applv to i'rln. ipala. Otfont/ s. h.,?!, Monlgomery County J'enn_^____________ EBBIKOTOB (X. J.) BEM1BART Wl- l.\Dli;s' 1 oil.%,e. 52nd y,ar. OXer* ra-? fducatlonal facll. Uie*. Ternia miKloiat*'. III.n and hralthful. Kt.aju hcatlng: g*.: fira lacapea. ?a*r of aecet*. 11106. ilANLON. -. D. f*r 22 reara. P inairanion For Yonnir .-vl*p?--<"oiintry RYE 6EMINARY. Rre. New-York. Kor i?aiiiculara ertdresa ---,_ _ _Alilto^._J^^IFT*____ r.MPLE OROVE~LADiES' M-'MINaKY. Saratoga Si.rli.ea, N. Y.? t._lna Sei.t. lu. A_dr?a?_ (HAS. k. DOWP. h. ... Praa. 8T AirNES SCffn.T, -itaay. B Y.-t'nder th" dlr<*_ t,oii of Blahnp Do.ina -lat vear. Ml r.uraa of -tndv from Kind'-rparten thr.?i_fh ftarvard Course :or Women. 34 lnatru. u>.? . ultlon 8400 a year. . ur cata loijue ad.r a* si. AONES BCBOOt- _ t? T. C.VTIIEIUNES HALL.-16'.h yeir. Loiir Island dlo _3 c-aaii *. ho.I for g'rls. Enhr,Hl and ...xt<nalv prem Lar.H ai.d >-ni"ient suff of r.of*a?ors md iracaera Iteparaboo for l.-adln. roll te... ".n< roi.?r. worB a >>-.._ f.-atur. of thw In-tit.itlon. T.-mn for h.jn.Vr?. Includin, ' EdkIIsIi. Er n.h. ... ,i;.d 1-Hn fron. 9-50 per annuro. lor dav p.ipils fron 960. N-xt ^?rn. comroeneea Spt. -'. , a?1 Vrtloufars o;i appll. atlou to B18TEB OAiloLlNE. ' __v0--9_ Waahln Rton-av-., Brooklyn. ST. CATHERINES IXTHE^MOUXTAINS. ReeTeatlon I Sehol. Ilold. rn.-sa N. H. *s.-aaion from Jan* -?? M BaBa 4. Temis 8180_ Nq f_tra?_ TllK YOCNO LADIES' SKMINARV, Fr.-i.oid. X. J A pleasant home, wlth ' < ellent fii.p'.rtim":-. Mr at. M.cVoo._MI-? I'.I'NICE D. -JCWAl.-. Waclial. 117 ALN't'TLVNI s' BOQL formerlv Madam. ClemonPa. YV (irrn.antown. Phlla .-Ro.irdln? and pav K.-honl for young ladi-a: B5S_ femt mpama Septj-her -?'l. Arsd?mjeai 1 ind college prepnratory couraes Puplls enter Wellealey on our cxs-nlnatlnn. Fnr clretilars address Mrs THFOPOR-, n. RICHARD**. Prlnclpal. Mlaa SARA LOI'ISA TRACY A. M., Aaso'late Prlnclpal. A Fnr Rovs nnd Young Men?Cmintry. DIRONDA_ka, _A.11' C_DAl_-*.uxni_ei _.? hool for ? Bovs. Ten WoekA, July 1 to tfc P_ 4. Att.ntlangly.-a to elenieiitaiv studk* and apeci.i cara to atudeiiu pt.-p-ring & ^X_?_d*^^;ft1?^'^ AHn^ B OKDEXTOWN (N. .1.) MILITARY INSTITITE. BEV. T. H. LANin.X. PRIXCIPAL. LIECT. T. D. LAXPOX. COM.MAXDAXT. CUELTENHAM MILITARY ACABEMT. Ofonti. Monlgoaaery Co., '?"nu. ln .x, clled ln beantv and h._lti.fulnea. of locatlon aud surmundlnjrs and ln hulid lncs. equlpnient and all other requlalt.-s of a achool. Number llmlted t. 00. Fnr lllii?tt_ted clrcular. addreaa. JNO. CALV1N RICE, A. _f . 1'rim-lpal. ( m j; ?XAYI'O.V LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY, Aurora. N. Y. For illuatr:.--.! clrcular. addreaa _A. K. M.-ALP1XE. A. M.. Prlnclpal.__ A8TMAN BU8IXEM <*OLLEOB ?ou-hite*paia.N.Y. Open _!1 the Thoiouyh p. .truetlon in Bookk'epln?, ltankli.ft, t'"er.-lal La?. PenB-anhalp, Corr??ponaeneB, Ar.t .metle. _:c.; T 1-siaphy, S*enn_-_phy, T.yp-? 'l'l"?,'^. ll.i.ln.a. um ii ?unpl|__ .on aaatatants on abort notice. So charga for altuatioaafurnlahgd. 8*nd for .at i ,e. Fr-LMWOOD sciiool POB BOTB.-AI MUford, Coan. _ far.i.U who ar- nnfertunate ln tnr mana. ment of their sona Wlll do well to Btofll by th- advanta-- ollercd by tha ?.-h o \ FKA.VK M. lH'W I.. h -it>_-_ FRKK.nn.I) 1N8T1TUTE Prceheli, K. 1- , "th year j coliene pr p.rat.on a S|H>clalty; business. hlgh achool and rlaaalnai .omi-._ arfTriiE_._/8 B6W aeBML. BlUeri-a. Maaa-lB 1?J BiUra llo.toii. on th" U. jnd L. R. II. ham ,v aelcct VuMy S'hool for Boy* /.'!".*? '? % Iu?'1 B i.d for B-ra-OB. to M. C. M1HI1U.L. Ktfju,|_ M"ONTCT. AI IT .fTLfTARY AC \T7FM T. -_.?"??'?_?? W^J ?Col'.-g<- ai.d b'l'ln-as prepnratlon. Send for cata logue to J. ti. Mac vn Af.. a. M.. PrlBclpal riTkNAi'i? ITiVMi: h.'HOOL Plvmoulh. Maaae-U boys H B. Larned (Harvard). Hcad-maaler; Mrs. ?taWw^!|S5\--CT SCHOOL. Duxhurr. M.SS-.22 bQI laboratoiles. F. B. Knanu. S. B. (M. I. T.) Prtoclnal. Both aehoola prepare for S<?lentlfle _ct.ool. loliece or B^BBM. Amnie jrio-mds_on P-vmBoth Bar. Indlvtawal t._chint Nr.w TORK MILITARY " ACADEMY. -Afadcrni- IV* partment at Corawall. ITeparatorv Departmciit a id Barn. S.hool at PBCkakia Col. C. J. W_WBt, A. M? 1'.--. PRIVATE TCITIOX for the BtBdca'U' Club of Mt ii. ?-? s al Barhot Poai a_peneaejd vjehera. l'rer-iratlon for Harvard Rawtag, t nnla. kt. to?*??; c.ilar. L. L. Haop< r T 29 Harvard ( oileifn. Catnl^ld^g^Mj!!! RECTOT.Y SCHOOL, HAMDEX, CQJTB., ,:.J'i .?;?'?. Home Intl'i'-nee* j thorouph P.-hool B/StSB- l.-t-nal-.o ^^''''^^.llP'Zr.T'^'l''^ Lm-. kt. Aiireee Bev. U i. j VI REfcT, M. A- Beetot. VEltVlEW A( Al.l.MV. PoughkeepBla X. Y. 5?th year. Prenarea thnro.i. hly for Coll-e^ tha Onv ernmc: gSb-sg ?<$$?'* _8Effl__B_? ^JT. Al"STIX*S SCHOOL (IXCOR'D), New-BHghton, Staten Ialand, IV. Y. A Church Schnnl of the hlghest claas for beys; mlll Urv aTBtem; t.-rms, ..VO; flgl.t rcsWent n-ist. rs fr.,m Brown LoB-on, i i.mbrl'li.'-, Dnhlln and Parls; house and erouiid'h ;..f ( om__>dori Qaraar) atnoiig tho n.ost beautlful near xew-Yorl*; well repaya u vt??. __.__ _ _ _ Rev. ALFREJ) 0 M'lRTIMER, D. D., Reo. ?T. JOHX1I MILITAB. M3HOOL, MaNLICS, B. Y. ?,,., Cnder th. V-UtatlBB "f IM Wur Department. Military undir C. S. ^^.Uraya*^WAl! VEl.BE'K. Sup<-rlntendenfc__ IOLAR'S Prtl PABATOBY Si jfoOL. Th. mtaUkaJn brlnan.- u). boys beelaa at elght. A nao.Dhlet i.'.O.) a year.) ftl VltV \Y. Sh.i. Mt XawtH_r_1>. X, I S-.'MMER HOME, a' se. Sinit'i InBtltBta, l'lne l'ialna. I.iteh?s < o . N. V.. dnr BB JnlJ u.d Am_urU Mountiloa lakea, tr..nt srans. pleaaani ? Uka aa 1 drlx -. ub.uiid Terma, 87 and upwSrda. s.hool roorams ? Kor parUeulara addi aa ihe Ilinelpal, BEV, A MATTI?E. m"mi:i_ bi HOOL ?- STil MlllUry A-adcmf. Location beilthful; arv and luatructloa excf-llent. JOHN N. T1LDEN. A. IL, M. I)., Prui. ipal. Bend for __r_nlar._ SIMMIK . () \i IlIN'iJ S.CHOOI,.?Julv and Aiisust ln th- Maln- irooda; trout aHindaot: altltude. 2,00'> ft; 8280, all Includad. REV. C. W. BOYO, Balea, M. Y. Si MMER s. IIOOL POR BOYS, A'l TIIE BRYAXT bCHOOL. Ro?lyn. L. I., N. Y. Overlooklng L. l. Sonnd. Band wi lllustraud ealalog-ie. SIVTTHIX C. SHORTT.IDOE'S MM.IA ACADEMY ? wlll have a aesslofl it vt!<- City Ad _T_ - Mf.lia. Pa. (14 n.lies froir. Braad Btracl btatb.n, Fhilad lphia.._ TltP. COLLEOIATE INSTITI'TE. "Tl.e Csatle." N"\v. I'.t, li.ll ?. N. Y.- Ilnvs pr-pand for colleje or buMneas; rooms alegatitly fnrnDhe. lt. 1 F__"_____ ? *?? Prl". 1-iH. HluilLAXD MILITARY ACADEMY W..i.--?ter, Mto- . h ..-n- 86th | .r Sent. Ifl. Clasaieal, Selentlfle. Ili.alneaa. Pre] ira D i *-. Csreftil Tralnlng, Home Corn forts._ .1. \ -hvw a. M.. Head Maater. TIIE PEEBSKILL MILITARY ACADEMY, -.HU. v.-ir '..-li.- s-t.t-'i '-r l't!. 1831. S.?n1 for e.ta logue. .ioiin x. TjJ.DF.Xj a. m. m p.. Prlnclpal. TR1XITY SCIIOOL. TIVOLI-D-f-HUDSOX, X. Y. Locatlon and a.:-rourdln_s BB>lirpaa<__. Equlpnient 'omp!ete. Civinnaainm. <!r;ll hall, bo.v'lnu' al'ev-. ._<* Thorotigh pre|?rat!..t. f..r cn'leae. fce'entlnc> or bual Bea___ _ JA_ STARIl CLARK D. D.. Reetor._ WOBCESTEB *CADEMV.-.'.*tli var. Thr-ioiiRh pr.p aration for anv eollef* -.r aelentlfle ?choo'. Sfew bulldlngs admiratly ef|'i'ip#d. An pi.- play grounds. D. W. AHF.RCHOMBIK. A. M., Prin.. Worcester, Maaa, For Roth Sexee?Ceaatrj". CIIAPPAQUA MOt'NTAIN IN*-TITI'TE, Cbappaqna, N. Y.?Order for lia!ll-'0- and picture; aaaeag ti.e; thlrty-twe mllea fr.m Baw-Teifc. A. T t.Ui.I'VUI. II ACADEMY. Si I] Found.-. 1'<0-_. Both aexea, On Xarra.nn?ett Bav. Pfeam heat, electrle ll_ht; endow. _; twelve co.irs.a; *.'(K) a var; _>.-ptenit>.r 1. F..r Ulustrat.d cata!oc;u.> artta Bl-V. X. T). nLAKE^LFE. D. D.. EarnOreenwIfh. R. I. iCKLANO COLLEOB !f"fa.k-in-the-IIiid?on -Both R Year open-. Sept. 15. S.-nd for cataloRtie. W. H. BANXISTER A M. ^ v Aill IIMuiti: OOLLEOE, ? BWAB1 IIMORB, P.'.. <i|.en_v<?th month. BO- 18BL Tt.lrtv from Brond _t.. stauon. I'liii-Ml.lplua. I'm! r BBN of Krlends. K'i!l foll'-jre Coun,^* for both ?-<? - ;.-...I.n;' ... i :.. !. .1 Etiirl neerina. Helentlfl- ami LlTrTv flegreea, H.-..iti.fiil loea tion. BBtraalv. (rioi.iids. bnlldlnra, ma.i.ine ahopa, lab.n tori.-a iibran?a. ior nirtienlara a-.d ralBiegu. ad? dreaa I'UI.SIDLM bWARTHMORE COLLEOE. Misee'ilnneons. Ciiu'L'lars aehoola bwtfe aexea, cltv nnd rountrr suiinlb-d. ?IUi a.lvic to DBrouU. MIRIA.1 OOYRIERE Room U. i:_) V:ha\e. aTfarhrrs. AMEKICAN AND POBEIGN TEACHERS' AOEXCY Suppllea Prefeasora, T>-a-h<-r-, lu'o-s, <i..T' rae.aaea, B... U, Collegea. ... .,o la ai:_ lan.lll.-^. Apply to _ Mra. M. i. vi.i-\.,.| i i.iuN, 2:i I'lilofl .aqnare. ALady wlahea to tind a plac* for a leaeher <.f Pr-ieh, n.ui>i..- and ffenuao, who Bould laki eharge af rounf LUI.a. AU'.r.aa M. A. I .. ILl ]_,at 1'1-t-i.. 1 ,ra.i..n v Dark._ A GERMAN KXESti for young cbUdran. rapabla ? ?f tesrhlna .?>? ??. t, a-.u German; muai be 1. and a ProU-atant. and v, II rMO__m._.d-_L \ _ W. B., lto\ 12, Trtbaae 0 A?TUTORS, Pi loaora, Teacbcir. (J-veraaaaBa et aD ? brati'-h.fc aupplled to unlveralties, _clle_e. t;imi.i^-.. Clrcular aehoola to par-ou, Mu4> ru i.u.ifia_.*"s MIRIAAI COJ KJEIJJ . Room 11 lit) 5thi\e. Bl -i -i i..\ HI'.RS 1 ; r. foi a,: brai b lo-alitr. SO 1 r.i; ror hirlatraUon. Forn for .- V in \-<f<<>\ \-i rlean Bebnol Bar-an 2 \v. !. S( III 'tMI 1:11..i;v> TEACHERW AOEXCY Old-at aod beat known ln l*. s. i:--uibiiah<_ 1855. ?A I1-1 1 If.-st.. N. Y. 'ifl lToK a . jj -,r. - th. poaltloa of tutor S a prlvub: fan.llv. it. r.c BOIS. Eao;., Brldaeporl, Coonaetleut, npUTOBIXG mi Ihe "I'int'.. CoarhlBB f r rollegc ? n | ,,,,,,, imlnatlons. Ai.:--- A. EVERErT hTOXE, (.ai-., 1.311 Broadway. Al BlehBeM apt-aga, x.-w. ? ft-' Jun'- 2fl._ UNIOV ffcAOHl ;'.*?' ,,'! NCY lupnlla* aehool oflioers , ,. tea ? -? -4tl. poaltlona. 11 M M \I:':1N''.T> N. 1'ro*... 52 L.f. ??-'*?? Pl _Jf ? Y. aai AXTED.?EnlifopaUan 1-dv ?>* I o * <e<. e- fo- _m t Xit ?. ii-.oi ? pool B-lary. Ouly Rpia . jwll>.._ n<?l apply. Ml Rl V.M "' i. 1. . RaoBB 14 150 .".th-aie.. .or. 2 ths*. (Drran Otrarnerg._ SlNAHl) LINK w-lo...a au -tvuruui. >:_ QCJ___"a__-OWB, _/on. Mbi 10. i.Hir. FA..1 E-U'lU-M MAIL i>UUUE. ?C__Ma....-?M 2:, 9 ?? a.. 1 Auraaia Juli la. 2 3n p m. brr\u.Juli >? * a. u.. I n.l.ria . July ->. 8 - iu. ?l'.lruri* 11. s AO _..._ l.-a-rvl.t . AUK. 1, 'J p n_ E.VJRA !.'1_AMF,HS Bothnla, Aag. .'. 8 >? u ? Steamera n.ark. d th.n ? win ..ot f?rrv ateerag*. Cabln pi.a?__. 4 >0 ?nd lipwara. ir.t-r-.. diate. 8o5 Bteeraga t.chcts to and irom all parta oi fc-ur-.i-. _t \.r ",o? ratea. lor fr ifht and p.-.s-ftge appn *i ln. coa, l*t.j'a oiiice. No. 4 Uo-lint Greea, Nea-Yorlf VI RN'-S H RIIOWB v 11, i.en?r?l ?i.tiu JNSJAN LINK U S ntifi It'ivn! M:ui Sfo-_mors, FOR QULENbTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY' ol CHESTEK.Saf.rday. June 27. _ _o a. m. .ITY Oi CHK AGO Wed/.esdav. July 1, 2 p. m. . riv OP M av TORK. w.-dni-ain., Julv s. T a. ... CITY <iF BEBL1N .. \YH11. *dsv .1 ul. ||, (g :... p. ,?. Pler 4S N R.. adlotntnR Chrt'toph-r^t. Fnrry. FIRM' CAlllN. BOO -i.d ?p--rd ?rc..rdln_ to ?teim.r aod loc-tn.ii of room. M C<? .'P i.ABII., *..:, ^d 810. 6TEERAGE. 830. PETER WRIGHT t SJNB. Gcooral Aaenu 1) HOWLIXG UREEN. N T_ PACfKir M.MI. >ThAMSMII- ro>?P\NV8 J L1NK.S TO CAl.HOr.NlA lAl'AN. (HIN'A. cENl'.v' AM' ai.'.ll ,iMl.i;|. an.'' m:XIC0 I tp:h Hta i ? ? ' ? .. M al-.' . N H, ?r .- _ 1 >_i .? < u. to i-ii....... of Paaaaaa (iiv 01 rv.'A ? .ll? W dnea&iy Jolj 1 n ..;,. t>r_in H?-. lf - . 1-' . 1 ||-a..nan ?t? IOR lAl'AN AND _lil\A. < IIINA a-.ll . *-.t. 1 '. v JBI] Ih 1 n m. Kor rr?i(i._ paa-aue and gaoerai Information apply la teapaajr'a om-'. e.i ... .... r. foot of c? ? >t \ n H. J. BCLlaY. Geuaral fcup r.neendeat (Dcea.i Qieanucfl. THE A.MKKKAN EXHKM3 CO. coi.duct. a flwral exprea* bu.lne**. by aU faat aMaa . rt, to aud from F.uropc. A a SKW*-YOHK to ULASOOW and MOVILLE <L*widan u.iry . Thraufh UcaeM to Ur?_*__ ^""'j'-., ?c; m .';.,,-? ".Thur-day. July 2.0 a. m. 5_.-fatlWebra.kx.Thnrrday. falr ?. m. roarked with ? do<-? not .arrvJ_aac?ftff8. Cabln 885 aid opnart Return. #0, and upward. ht.-.r.g* rate. fllS. I_mb pler i eliimbia Sto-a, .-outh "' '?, H_ '.ALWVB'a'ccT.I'A-eBU1. XJ^r^yir "ikff J-?5A f'N.TED s 1 A I 1 ?> M AIL .TI.AAIEI'^ lrltannlr....Aug. 5, 0 a ?? ?Maje.tle. Aug. 12. 10 a. m. ,. r_al? ?Aug 10 4 p. m. From Whlte Star Dock. foot of Weat lOth-.t. ? Seeond oo the-e .tean.cra. s?'<:on **_V*_JP ? nd iinward. a-vordl'ig to atramer and loeatlon of berth. Mfloi # aabln. 840 ai.-T 845. Ex-uralon tieket.. on f?vor. .1 le lenu, ki."r.te from or to the Old Country, 820 Coin. ,.,%* offlcNo.29 Broadway. New.York. W.lladelnhla Oflicc 400 j/fcRUCF. ISMAY A___ ? let. ton.July 1. BilUnn.c.Inly _ - a. m ?Maje.tic.J'iD 15. 12 30 a m ,,, rniai le.... Jui? -'" A SCUOlt* LINEJ V. ?? Mail -eaniaaipa. FOR OLAfryiOW vla LONDON DEl'.RT. Fron, P:.i 64. N. R. foot of We.t 2i_-*t. CITY or ROME.June 27, B a. m.; Sept. 5 7 i. m. r.thlopla .lily IUX I F?rnmala...fulr 11 8*. m. Circa?aia..Juiy 18, 2 p. m. I Ai.ehorla.JiiIy 25, 8 *. m. Rate* for Saloon Pa?aage BT S 8 l ITY OP Rii.ME. *'J0 and upward. aoconllu- v c'dinmoditlon and lo-atlon of Room. Oltnr Su-amera of the llne 150 and upward. a.-, ?i,(l ca4>ln, 9.10, SU-erage, 819. Paa?rogers 1> <,k.-,l at through ratea to or from anr ?10r la Oreat Ri IF-iIm or on the Contlnent. For book of tout* and fnrt'ier li.formatlon. ?putr M HKNDi Ksox imOTHERS. 7 Bowllng Oreen. B. T. C'l.MI'A'.MK (iENLKALh; Tr.msatlanfiqne. FRKXC11 LINE TO 1IAVRE EVERY SATURDAY. ComnanT'* Pler (newi No. 42 North Rlver. IX, Morton-at. LA BRETAONE, celller.Sat., June 27. 9 a. m. LA TfiFRAINE. I'ranirriil.Sat.. July 4, 4 a. m. LA OaStoune. BantolU.Sat, Julv II. 8 a. m.. A. FOROET, Oeneral Ageot. No. 3 Bowllng Oreeg. At'AN-CHINA. OCCIDENTAL AND ORTENTAIi Steamer. leave Son FraneUeo a* follawaf OAELIC.Tueadar, July 7. 8 p. m. UELolC....Frlday, July 30, 8 p. m. OCEANIC.Wedneaday. Auguat 22. 8 p. m. UAELIC.Tueaday. September 15, 3 p. m. S'ip-rlily Appolnted?Supe:ior Aecon.modatlona. Reaerv.tloQ. can be mudc by letter or telegraph lo and cabln plaua ee.n at 287 and 343 Broadwiy, New-York, or itootii 74, Railroad Uul'.dl-g, ->an Franclaco. i.tU.Si) aTANroitD, President. T^H. OOODMAN. UoBflral Pa?s__ngor Agent._ GUIOIN Ll'.NL. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERB. FOR QlEENS'loWN AND LIVERPOOL, Leave Pier 88, N. R., foot of Klng-.t. ALARKA.Saiurday. 27, 9 a. m. Wyti.MINO.Saturday, Julv 1, 8 :30 p. m. Al'.l/.fiNA .Suturdiv, Inly 11, 8 a. m. W1SCONUIX. Saturdav, Julv 18, 8 p.m. ALASKA. Saturdav, July 25. 7:30 a. m. Cabltl P?a?age. 880, 800 880 and 8100 faeeordlng Co ateau.eri. fee.-ond cahlo, 830 and 435. Steerage at low ratea. A. M. UNDERHILL k CO.. 88 Broadway. K OYAIT MAiL," Tu 'iiir. NhTHKKLANDiS. Departurea weaneartaya and Saturday* of our large and commodlona mall* to Rotterdara and Amaterdam, calling liotli XXT* at Boulogne, a. ni., landlng pMeengor* wlUiln .1*. Il0:lr^ of Part* and London. Saloon rat... aoo to 870. Seeond eabtn. 885. Speclal througt? rate to London. Excnralon tieketa on favorabl* tetn,*. Scme l-o, 0 eubu.a atlll left. Dtbbeldam June 21, 7 a. m. I Werketirlam.JulT 4. 4 .80 a.m Sp**rrMlam.July 17, 9:80 a.m. | llotterdam. . July 8, 7 a m. ror iiluatr?"t?'.l itn:de paa.ace ?e.. apply at BX-IEiUL I'ASX. XOEXCY, 39 Rn adway. New-York. NhW-VoJtK ie Ci i;.\ Mail stoamship Ca Plera 16 and 17. F.aat \er. baturd.iv aieaniera at 1 p. ni. and oihera af I p. ta. lor Haiaua Pr,.gre*o. Campeche. FroiiMia, Tampicn. 'Iiixpam, and Ver* Orui, Ma'au/.aa, Cardenaa, Sa.'ua. Catbartan, _a***u Sai.iiag,) <ie i.uba. t?'i..nta ?:? ii aud Clenfuegoa. C. OV WASIIlNiiTuN, Ilav. 1 Mnx. l'ert*..Sat June 27. SAIllTOiiA, llavana an.l C-rilenaa.Wed.. July 1. VUCATAN, Bavani and M, x-ran port*.Frl,, July 3. (' OF ALEXANDRIA. Ilav. and Wid.. July 8. BANT1AOO,, Siintlaito de Cubi and Clenfuegoa, Thura.. July 2. Tht* Llre hi* dlreet cooneetlon with and l"nea '.hrough Pllla of L*uing to *H polit* on Mexlean R. W. Co.. Mexl-an Cei tral R. W. Co., Ltl. and the Monterev and Mexlean Oulf "'?gfal raracul^fr^^,^^,'5^ *^^_ NORDDEUTSCULB LLOYD S. S. CO. MioKi i.uuir; IO LONDON. WKW-YORK. SDU UIAMI'IO.N AND I1RKMEN. BU-?i.,*r* .all rom pler foot of -<l-->t., Hobokea. rA*tl I.AI'KI.SS ST?AM?US. Aller.Sat.. Jnne 2.', '.? a. m. | . . Sat.. July 4, 5 a. tn. lail.n.Tues., Juno 30, 1 p. m. Htivel.Tm ... Julv 7, 7 a. m. Bal?cr W.w.d, July l, 1 p.n ! Elba Wed.. July 8, 7 a. m. hirat cabln, ?1 oo and upward a ter'h. Seetn-1 cabln, 850 and X5o a berth, aeeoralni.' to loeatlon. Steerage. at lowaal raV*. TIIF. LOW WINTER PRICES WILL BE IN K??RCE IN FIl'isT CABIN uV AND AFTER JFLY 8, f.XCEPTINO ON B. S. TRAVE, JOLY 14. AND S. S. SPRF.E, JULV 51. _OELRICIIS v ( O., No. 2 Bowllns Oreen._ CIIAKLESTON. S. ('.. tho South & Southwaat, JACKSONVILLB AND ALL FLORIDA POINTS. IHE CLVDE STEAMSIilP COMPANY, From p ?-r 28 f. n. foot ttooaerelt et, at I p. m.: M,i.O\ql'IN, Cha*. an.l Jaek.Mon. June 29. CHEROKEE, Cha-. ai'l Ja'k.Weal., July 1, YE? A6SKE, thaa. and Jack.Frl.. Julv 3. SEMINOLE, <his. ?nil Jaek. .Mon.. Julv 0. All *team'er* have flr?t-cl?*? pa**enger teeommodatlona Inmranca under open r.oll.y eff.cted at one-flfth of one pet t*n- WM. P. CLYDE _ CO.. Oi-neral AgenU. 5 Rewllng r,r""n. N. Y. T. f?. EOF.R. Orn'l Agt. O. S. Fr't Ltno. 317 Broadway. II AMBl'HiJ-AMKKlUAN I'ArkKt co. EXPRESS BERVH'B to London and Hambarg. i..: Normannla.July 8 I Fuer?t Illsicark.Icly 16 Coiumbt*..fLly'.?| \HL'ii-ti Vlct,)rta.....JuIy 23 Eirpre*. itraipera .-arrv no cot-i,-,. Al?o RI UCLAR S/.I'VIfT, tlim.-t to Hamburg. Danla . July I, ?"> a. aa. Rha I a, '-1 a. rn., Julv 11. Ftr*? e.hln, *"fl and cpwurd, aeeordln? to 1o"at'on. HAMBFRO-AMERICAN IOEN'L I'ASSAOF. OFFICE, PACKET COMPANY I C. lt. I'.ICIIAI'.D ._ CO.. 87 Broadway. js'ew-York. | 01 Broadway, New-York._ KE_j " !>? U.XE OK BTEAMSHIPS. FOR LAOl'AYRA. PFERTO CABELLO. CURACOA. MARACAIRO ABD CORO. Pler 3-J, Eaat Rlver. SS. PHILADELPHIA. WedneadaT. J-ilv 1. 1 p. m. SS i tRACAS.Saiurday, Julv ll. 1 30 p. m. ss. VENEZt'EI \.Wi-dneaday, Juh 22. 1 p. m. Tl.aae An.erlcan atMii,*htp*. siieclally bullt for Uie trad*. havo very auixTlor ai-eommod itfen- for pa'aengera. BOULTON. BLI8S 8 DALLF.TT. Tourlata Agenta. Oeneral ManagTa, 71 W?_.*t THOS. COOK * SON. 201 BroodwaV. KhJ' STAK LI.Nh, FOB ANTWERP AND PARI8. S*llln- for New York anrt Antwerp weeklj. PENNLAND. SaU.rday, June 27. 9.30 a. m. FRIEHLAND .WedneadaT, July 1, at 2 p. m. Cabln Pa^?a: Flrat C*''ln, 855 and upward. Excnralon, ?0t) and upward. Seeond Cabln, 910 and 845. Excur ?ion, 472 and 981. Steerage at. very low ratce. PEIER WRIOHT k SONS, Oen'l Agt?? 0 Bowllng Oreen. Veal (_3t0lf. TITLE.S EXAMIXED AXD [XSUBED. The Ix>weat Ratee, The Larc-t ( Sa7e Th'.- Safe-t Mefhod.*, Tho Qul,'k'\st Tranafer*, No Dlabursement*. 'AND TRUST <k 65 LIBERTY-ST.. 26 COt'RT-ST.. NI W-YORK. BROOKLTN. CAPITAL A.\D SHRPLUS, $2,441,293 JOHN W. MURRAY, President. Bnsincsa Ptopertn *i? frl. DEMRABLE INVFsTMF.NT PltOPFRTlEH Toivn lor >nle. KII.IM) A HIIITINfl. ."? Mi i l,.,im, *t. HOTEL llHCOLM, Broadway and 52nd St. Melirt fninlly hotel 1888881 In rlo?e proxlmll. to t'liilrnl I'uri. Arcc.ailile In all enr llne*. ReHUurant a la eart" and cul-lne of tlie hl^'heat atundard. fllnala room* *1 00 per dny. u*e cl l.nllii , ti auito *.* .'?? ami upwarfl_P. ll. Mi< VNN lrourl.tor. _ > (ToiuUrn ]3rojicct_ Sox 8ulc ano i_o Crl A TTRACTIVE HOMES ,\T HARRIBQTOV PABjf, ll't^-n f BWBtjr, NuJer.y. un tne We.t Shore R. BL 17 ndUa from .\'?.lork. The park la BtfBg lald out and BBBBflfl ' re. i, d ai.ord Bfl to plana and under n?. riirfction ol Vaux A Co., Ar-hit" ta anl Eni/n... ra. Blbta Nra*e New. York. L.,' rootalo about a mart.-r nf aa a,-n- \u lota for .ah: uituout hou.ea. I'rli-* of houaea with lot. ahout and '.piMi'i. Pro|K-rty la lar-fully r.-.trli i..J fi_, of t;iuiilid> lalx.'H 110 BCraa) Bill lie furtiabed _i am.ll, a ton. Full partk-uiar* n.ay !)?? had hy addre..ii,_ __, S. llarrlot, oBlee liMeiinl.-h Firo,?r. . o . [01 Broadway, K. v Feraonalli t.. J. Edward iiiui 127 Ea.t s,,t ..ntti-t , N. Y., or to Cliarie. II. K_LVvJ!lr Attorney. is i.t. hanc" Plaee, N. Y. llo.?t? ronnm-tlnit >mu, tralna -f Bui Wert Bhata R K, leav* w...t k.Vtv ?ecood-at. and Jay-?t (rlv' C, v-ii's in RENT. or for aale at Rlghl?Bd~TJilTa and al drnwall ; some verr flne nlacea lf called for ??..,, Addii MiA\D t TAt r, Cornw-ll \. y^ ' F" <-H 5a1 ,i,.f,,!h -, ,..-f,al mlnerai and tini.'i land' i... ,.t,-,i |n Wame Coonty lemifT ?.-.-. ijaod tt! For addltlonal InrarmaUoo aidr.-a* OWNER, i.ran. r ii | l, rener, Ala. SBAflDB < OTTAOKS ?t Iov.1t L.wr.?.-o lieicli. for Sa .i.'l nn: llen'?N *40(1 anl a*,00 eaeli Tuhlo board ean b? bad at the L.?r-n,-e B'aeh Hotel lf de.: ed. Ad. drea* for free n.?p, RENJaMIN W. lilTCUC'OCK. 14 CBaaiBaraat.. Ncw-Yora. REAL ESTATE. MJtma AT THE EXCHAVOa All the .ii.i-tion aales at tho Exchange yeitorflay wnre artjounied. tmam The lollowlng prlvate aalca wero annoonced . JU1?b B. Biatfara bm aaM lar Mra _Maarl c Uikfrtii Xo. 100 Bm* Thlrty 1'n.rthst., afoursVrry dwelllng, ?>i _n? 0 t.? Dr. K. L K.ves firt* $41,000. -1*0 m 'i-t-kat. kaa ?_. tor *?? ? _? Frrmahn,^ iMWast K.ttl.t!. st.. a tf.ree-su.ry bP? house, ?>o.-.0x100, ior #i:?,500, t?* Oirden ._ Clark. ^Charles,;, has sold tor Miss M-?rt?baMP flve l,ts ln Mnapeth, U I.. M H<?r.v on privatn BBI-BS: also for gsortt **mv*> JL^Z ( Broobtm, a threeatory framc ?j:,.n*. WxfiOxlOO. to Jacob and Ch rl stian Otmm^torWTJW, lUo for llenrv Q. _5_br8 No. IMt f* Flfth-st.. iironklyn. ii three-story and bas-men t dw_r' "._?"? lot 'J.'-xI*:.. for W.-^X) to John J. and Wllllam UflMttar. Jullus Frlend haa been proposed for membershlp ln the Exchange. New-York. Frlday, June 28. No ealee wero held at U.e Exchange and Auctlon Room ***_-___ of dwelllng. wlth lota Noa 58. 67 aad1 69 Weat 7_t..._t.. o of Lo.u...bua-ave.. wa- adjourn.-d to Ju.y 3. RECORDED REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS-N. Y. OITT. *-3d-at, n a. 118.8 ft w Ut-ave. 18.8x102.2; Martln Lankenatl to Mlchael Muller.??????;??-?;:?-;" ?1<"'ow Crotnna-ave, n af Via II e Broad-at, -.'.xlOl j Henry B VreaelB-W to Mary E llalloy.>.-_??_. 1,ow I23d-st, Xo 410 Baat; Wm Austln to Chaa B SVaahlni:ton-ave,'"e"?, 25, ft s iill-i-_i. 50-102 Irrei.- Walt.-r J Mclndo- to Iarael (i Jones.. .? ?.4?<" 79_.-aC s s. 217 ft e ioth-av. 10x102.2; John ? Hrodsky, ref, to Henrletta Bllnni ............... ",000 OTth-at. s s, 175 ft w Btt-ave, IMOOJl John J Clancey and wife to Wm B B-ildwln. ZS.OW ,.l<t-st. Xo 61 Wo-t; Wm S Cooper to Meyer S Q ^ .?_-_? n '?.'' '-Ol''ft"w"Av'e D,' Mx75;''Edw'l'n S M&Mf.S.UIW&fflL X Ilollman J BaMTlf sSSraiT A.exF.nei.te to David "^ '.th^vel'e*..'51.2 ft'?' o'5th-'at.''.VlxiO>0';'Wm Stnl'th _, .l.ihn J llu,.he..i'____ We.mor.vat. a . 00 ft w Waahln.tonaye 100x miSsS*: .* mTi_?Mriiii -? 85^f ^tr.asW: 8_?tf FriudsV^trixVto Ellza M B Sahenltber..?. BO.Ota xan- nrouerty Marv K llird et al. to same...... J .?Vn I. rblfUBV., ??* HO ft n e lTHth-st. 28x100; 1 -itSaM A Ph'lhln -nd wife to Imvd B Oaden 100 Mfith-st. n s. 17S ft a 8am '?'v,1f)0' Spenter Aldrlch and wife to Fr d'k Wood........ ..... 78,<*00 74th-st, No 3 We. t: Car.-:e S Beaaedy and husband to frarrie- C lon-s.,u ,aa'. n.e' 84th at. n a, _8_ f- e Au.'-t.-rdain.^e. l.xlOO.o. etc , ., S de .orest Lord and wlf- to BatM B 8g jqq _J_(3_w-_va7 B -.87.4*1. 7?h".st.' 17x8. ? Her- ' bert E Dlckson, ref. to Annie \Bryan ......... i Second-ave. w a. 75.11 ft ii lOOth-st 25x100. Samuol WeU to EmU Broggelwlrth. 8,000 ' RECORDED MORTOAOES. Baldwln. Wm B, to John J CUncy. e a 27th-at. w ft?h _ve l vear ? morteaK s, 8111.0<-0. 8thBrVan.1 AnnVe "s"and Wm. to thu troateea otI Le^nox Lltrary. e a rd-m-ave. n TlOi-stv 3 y ars *\h-^. Ue/innnrln. Julla and husb.nd to Abblo U "*'?"*? man. s a pelham-ave, adjolnms lot l.>0. a LorUlard-st. man lund Rev. Wm Powell. 1 inonth ?'?g,__. . __._ .-.i ..ani. Mary and huai_uid. to Seua Seheubner and nnothor.'a s w 8th-aye 3 months. BWOO. Hill. ElliabUi E T. and husl and. to Marv HBL * Croton Aqueduct. n HlBh l',r:dce-t. 3 vears. *->."^" JsaOB, Harrlet C. and hualMi.d. to .ran-ls II ?e".ka and another, truateea. etc.. n 8 74tli-at, w Central 1 ark W. st. 3 vears. 2 mortcw s, .30.000. Kahn. LeoiK-d. to Fredertca W Trow, guardlan, etc. n a lOHh-st. e 1 Ith-ave, 3 veira.att.0iK_. ?.,__ Lawaa, Charles. et a!. to Thomas Banchle, trnstee, ete n w corner SherlfT and Rlvlnifton stu, 3 years. 2 mor' .M5.000. _,, _ _ _.. MIcnaHoiT. Alcxls. and wife. to Wm D Warden. e a _d.iv,. s 43d-?t. 3 vara. .0 000. - . . Sutilff. John C. and wlf... to the EmlRrant Sa\1n?a Bank. No. 14 Hester-st. 1 ve.-ir. 86.000. Ten Elck, Marv E. to Bekea L CUlev. n a lllth-el. w Park ave. 3 veara. 81.000. .,_?.,.?. . . ea.h Woo-l. Kr derkk and wlf.?. to Spencer Aldrlch, aa 8_Ui ?>t. w 8Ui-?ve. 4 months. *58.5O0. ?i?_i??^?* tonx\\.x\} propcrtn tor 8oIc ono ?o Cet Lots for sale at BENSONHURST-BY-THE-SEA. ADJOINING BROOKLYN. Perfectly developed. Restrlcted agoin-t nulseneee, 8EWERS, WATER, SAS. Sldcwalka, Feaces and Park on Beach. Tia 5Ua-ave. f Brooklyn) Elevated R. R. or new anth-st. Ferry and a'ew Eleclrle R. it. now comvleted. lllujtrat.'d clrcular acnt. Apply to ARcnts on prob'-rty. or O. B. F. HAXDOLPII. 41 Wall-at. .V. T. FOit BALBI A IIEAITII'I I. COI sTBT HOME AT JAtfJBSBaDRaU, ,\. J., ON' THE ,IA.MI.a,IUIK. \VI> LOXO BRANCH ttAlTe ROAD. 39 mile. from New-York, vla South Amboy; 27 mll~? fmm the aeaaaofa; il tralna .-irher wa* uood sehool*, bank, 4 ctlUKhew, llno fruit .e.-tlon ; 10 rnin?it.--' ?aik fron. railroad 4aUon. . __ ,, . . TUe p:<>i>.-rtv eoaalate of a n.?w and flnely bullt house or sls lariro rooma, and cool, .irv cellar; elevatlon h-.ah ; *nr ..iin.'.-d by 14 f n- of lind, the t>e<t ln the *at..t.\ malnly la lt..ft and orchard; poaacaaea every advaataae for n- d? i-onntrv home, or could be Baade protltable to au orchardlal or "market irsrdtn>-r: locaUW ou nne drtvlnf? road, le .dlng from the t?>?-n and b".vond ; a short dtstance onlv fron. a llne lake with Oleo-nt llshluK or sadllng. Addreaa TilOJs. H. DiLLON, Jalaeabanr, N. J.. R-llriMd Sfitlon T/i-v r .1 .Un-li'irg. "CHAUNCEY. 28 Minutes from 155th St. 58 Minutes from Rector St. The bentiilfiil new Muburb on ihe New-Vork and Northeri. Rnllwrny. For mupa aud iBformnllnn apply ia FDWAKDM A I.IIWF.HRF, Mills Hiilldtna, .13 Wnll BU B. Y., nnd at CI1AIN4KY. FOE SALE. HI5TORIC JAMESTOWN ISLAND The old-'st Enirllsh settlement In America: 30 mllea up the Jntne* Rlwr, Vlrslnla ; 1.400 BCfea of land; 800 under cultlvatlon ; 7 mllea from Wllllanisburct, th>' countv- a, at; connectM wltii the malnlnnd by _rld." and cauvway; colonl-1 mansion over 000 years old. and beau? tlful ; Jamea Rlver .f.-amera -top at lha kriaad BTBiy other day; nidendld fm.'kin. land, nnd yaehtlnsr, tlahlng and ducalng make It a aportsman's paradlae. Inqulre ef WILLIAM I.D.'AR BOOB-M. Couneellor at I>?w, 020 F-at, Wa_hlnitton. D. C. NORWICHLINE lur ttOaMa, ni u>.i..t_ Bvfta _..u baat, llil-ct .u.iic u> iSe?-Lui.dun, Barwtea a..a taorceaiar. Myau.e.-s ubno |*tel 40 toid, N.,rth Rh.r (n.-xt pier auove D>? bru-itast. Ferry), dallv. ..undays e.\,o|.U-d, ut 6:30 D. in. , k_. ta and >u?(.;r.M.ina -?..?.jr-u *l 0. 47, _.,l _*_1, 347, .5:1, 3U7. 717. '.'37 and 1.3SS U.osdirav. ln Diooklwi: 4 i.'uuitst. and S:il Fulton. otll.-.-s Weatcott'a BxpreaB, l'ii-r 40 Nortli Rlver, ai.d oti Bteajnera. Weatcott'a i;\ I,r>-~a iilll eoll for aud cheik ba-t'aK'- from hoteta and lB?ltten..-.-a._(*. W. BRADV. Aseut. A.-fl4l.\i_ ^t^Atisiiif to. Ihe oni\ lUroct llne Ui CaUaC. City, Mo-a., an.i I'oitr lai.d, Mali.e. at l'.,r....... Brith a.i miiroada and lln.-a for Bar llarimr. Oid Oreharl, I'ol.ind KEW-TOBKtTCAIrliniPCOMPAIVT For V .r; o .ui. N. b.; K^-tiort, Me. and Bt Jolin, N. B. Ste-imshlp CITY Oi-' toLLMBl.V a^lls .\^ry 't'u.-day, at . j>. __,, from Pler 40 E ll. (foot o.' Plke-at.), Kew-Tork, connoeUas Jt VABMOUTH for i> _rr>-.. AnaapB lla. Ilallfax and Lunaaherg. LA_TPORT forist. Andrewa, Rot.litna'.oii, St. atephena, Calaia and polnts north. *al. JOHN for imlnts on Canadian Paolllc and Iut.-rvoloulal tallwavs and Prince Edward IslanJ. Blegaat pa?eci.k'.-r Bceomn.odatlona. Sup-rb taM'* Mo t h*? d Int* of Ir l_i.t?. ? . Mr. ? 11. 11. WAl.NEIt. President. __N. L. NEWCOMB, Qen. M'K'r, 03 Broadway, X. Y. A-.N..W -li \\ K.N, 75<;. E*CJ7B_?IQij ffosd 0 daya). Bt 2.V ottamer- c. II. NOItrHAM .md CfiNTlXEXTAL leava peik alip. Pifr 2j. E. H., 3 p m. aud 11 p. m. iSu:.d_ya 12 p. m.). .?-'tiu-. at X.w.ilaven wip, .peelal hraliia foi MK1UDEX. HARTFOBD, si'i'.l NT, iu-.I.D, lt< I. YOBE, ke. n.r.iiuiii u k-ta ..oid a..d baana* rheeked at 844 Bnadway, Mew-York and 4 C.urt't., BrookDn. pAT-KlLL MorNT\INs._.a.,?am<.r, K.\A XJ TE1USK1I.L and CA1BKILL lea.. Pi. r _.. N. R. foot of Jay-st fv.-ry wc. k dav at 0 p. ,..., roonrctlni with Cataklll Mountaln and Calro R. R. Dlre.tory of hot'*la u..d l?>ard oa-housea free at pler, or n.all.-il to any adur-.a by W. J. HCQHES, Tr.-aa., Cat.klU. X. Y. FUH EUMDOUT, KI.NG>TON and intor medtate landlnev from foot ..f W H 10th-it., Pler 4tf, Dally at 4 o'eloefc; SatuH.-iv. it 1 ..' lock. N..u-Y'.i'k. \i\L\r \.\'l> N H S. ft. C(T STEAMER ??WI.MIIROP," for Bar Harbor, Ej.t uori, Cauiponelio, St. Andrn-n, ai.d *>l. Joiui, .>. II., every _MM_l_ai al i p. uj. apecuU f?.i|it.e> l..r tr_nai...rUiUou of hor?e? and aarrU-gea. Bl'EAJIEH ? i.ccy p M1L LKR.'' for Rockland. .an.deu, llelfa-i, Baniior, ai.d con nectlooa for MaaaaaaH I_tky t-varv Tueaifay at nooii. (at*aui.r? leave Pler I'A E. R. I-r-lflht re-elved dally. TICKETS AT (ICSTAV <l. LANM.V... 31?7 Ur...l??y, and l.t.W'fa F.XCUAXOR, 04T Broidway V II sMIlH 4r 00., >'< i.e^.i Manaat-ra 17 md in wiiiiMin-.i. Xaw. \nrk. Bafi.-u'.> rheekvd fhronph t. deatlnatlon. KAMSlH'.l.i. I.m?-*afrs; lo-ivo 1'i-r 34 N ft" foot Frai.!i!ln-al. fi.r Weat Pomt Col I hprliiB O-Mwall' rlaklUll Landlin, Xewi.nrg. dj.iv s \, ?.. Sunilay 0 a. iu. S?l 'ili MiUWALK.-:-toa_oei (itv ?f Albany, ll.^kman ?t . 2:80 u. in. (Saturday _ "p. m.. Sunday 8 40 p. iu;, Ea?t 31at-aC 20 mluutoi later. Pteomboflta._^ IffiTALLliVER LINE For BOSTON, NEWPORT, PROVIDF.NCE. MAB. TII tfl VINKYARD, NANTCCKET. CAPE COD, and aU "ffi^FOCR LEADINO STEA.MBOATS OF THB WOULD ln commlaaion togoiher. FIHITAN, PIL4ARIW, PT.YMOITII nnd PROVIRKXCB. LEAVE Ni-.W-YORK /rom Pler 28, N. K., foot of Mur. ray-*t, a* (ollow* \ ? - , _ ,, ___ 5t30 F .11 -Week dav* and Suod.r* for Fe 1 Rlver dtfOOt eoiiiiectliig wltii Pullman Veatibuled Expr?? tr?ln. due Park S'juare btntlon, lio.ton, 0: A) a. tt,.. and wiih anrflBB trali ? for New-lli-dfoid. th.-r- direel ?virh boit for Ma-tho* aud Nautucxt (Tha 5 30 bo*t from New-York Sunday* toucue* at Newport M"_il5" P.3 II. -vv/eek d?v. onlr, for Newport and Fall Rlver due Newport 5:45, Fall Rlver 7:00 l. m., cor.neev Ing with Pullman V-.tlbul-d Expr*** traln, due l*.*toa l> 00 a m.. and with vxpr.** tialua ar.d through cara far Cape Cod potnU, the X% fiifc? Mountalna *c. (onneetlng Annex trfiat have* B.nuklyn week daya aufl Sunday* at 5:00 p. tn.. Jereey City 4 00 p. rn. A apiendid bond and orchestra attached ? eaeh .teaaaot ln commlaaion. . . , . . ? _ __ Ticket*. a'aterooma, Ac, ean b? ohtained m New-Terfl at 172. 201. 415, 941. 957, and 1.323 Hnitdwar 737 Slxth. ave , 201 Weat 12'>Ui at. 134 Eaat 125th-*f., -'51 Folnmbue. ave. H3 Bowery. Astor Houae, and Windaor Hotel. at tha llne'offlee, Fler 28. N. R.. and on afamera BEND FOII COFY OB " BALL KIVEII UBBT*WWB? HUDSON FIVERI MM. Dar Llne Steamer* NEW.YORK or _ , ALBABT. DAILT. except Sundaya Leava* BrookJ/:., >u..ou-*t. (oy A__o->.8 00 a. m. - New-York, D?ibro??e?-*t. Pier.8 40 " New.Yor*.. Weat 22d-?t. Pl.-r.V 00 " for ALBANY. landlnc at Yonkera. Weat Point. Ne*burc Pougna.asp.le, Rhlncb'Ck. Cauulll and Hudaon._ ALBANY BOATS. PEOPLE'* LINK. Steamer* DREW and DEAN RICHMOND laava *14 Pier, 41 N. R., foot C?nal-*t.. at fl p. m. DAILT (Sundari ?xceptedi; *l-o BROOKLYN. foot Fulton-*t., via AN. NEA BOAT, 5 n. m. Dir-ct eoonectlon* to Saratoga, Lake Oeorge, .-.dlrondark*. Thouaand lalanda, tsharon Springa, Cooperstown, R:chfleld Sprtng* and N agar* Fall*. SATURDAY NIOHT STEAMER eonmaeu wm, SPlCIAL SUNDAY MORNINO TRAIN for SARAlOOA and LAKE OEOROE. PROVIDENCE UI FULL NIOUT'S REST. SHORTEST RAIL RIDE. JTa. i BOSTON I TJ? DININO ROOMS ON MAIN DECIC. AN ORCHESiRA ON EAi U STEAMER. _ Th* CONT.ECTICVT and MASSACHCSETTS ta coa*. mt??lon. leave Pler (old No.) 29. N. R., foot ol Warran-**, at 0 p. m. dally, except Sunday. STONINGTON LINE. INSIDE ROCTE TO BOSTON, PKOVLDENCS, WOHCESTER. AND THE EAST. Steamers RI10DE IsLaND and NAKRAOANSI.T leave Pler (new) 80. N. R . one block above Canal-au. at 6 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Hudson River Steampr MARY POWELL DAILY (SCNDAYS E_( EPTED), Leave* Deal ruaaea-at. Pler. 3.15, Salur?*y?, 1:46 p. ta. Do W**t 224-Ot. Pl'-T, 3:80; Do 2 do. For CRANSTON'S WEST POINT. CORNWALL. NEW. Et'RO, NEW HAMBCRO. MILTON, PoL'OHKEEPSIK, HYDE PARK and Ru.VDOl 1._? T" ROY BOATS FOB ADIB0NDACK8, SARA TOOA, LAKE OEOROE. Ste** 8*r*tog? _ City of Troy leavo pler foot Weat 10th-?t. d?ily, excajj SATURDAY, 0 P. M. Connece with expr*** traln* fl* all reaorta North. Low rate excur.ion ticket*. SuoAaj steamer toueh ?? at Albany. Room. ro-??rved ln ad\a>*Mi t.ailroa.8 ??A.TlEBICA'a I.KHUK11' KAII.BOAD " CENTRAL & Hudson River Railroad. THE FOUE-TBACK TBUNK LINE. Ail tralna arrlve at and di-rart from CRAND CENTRAL 8TATION. Founli Ave. and Korly-aecoud M.. New.York. C'titre of H< t-1 and BBSBBBBBfl Sectlon. THE ONLY RAILROAD STAT10N IN THE CITT. Trnin* lenvo a* IdIIcw a : FA?T MAIL (Ml STATE EXPRB3S. 9il0 A. JW.-For Aibany, Ctica, Syracuse, Rocheaur, Batavla, due at Bulfalo H:10 p. m. NEW-YOKK ANII HIU n.d I.IMlTEa IfliOO A. M.-lompoaed utelBfltvaW of Wagner VeaCbull Buffet. Sm"kln<; and Llbr.iry, Dlnlng, Prlvate Co?. partinent aud -stamla'd Sleeptafl ami Drawinf-Kooa Cars. Due Chieaga 9:45 a. m. next day. CMICAOO DlV KX.'llla* lOillll \. BL-Dally rxeept BaaaajB. * onneeu with all uapartaal N-w-l ,,rii Btata Una* diverglng. Saturday trala dO'-s not run ?est of Cleveland aud Detroit SOrrll\VF>TKK\ I.I MITKII. Ii30 P. BL?Waxaer V -tit-le Dra?lng-Room. Sleeping, Buffet, Smolutii and Llhrarv. Dlninc and Cafe ear.. Dua Clnelnnatl 10 50 a. n,.. liidlauauoli* 11:55 a. ni-. St. LouU 7:18 p. Bt., next day. No extra fare. WOKLD'S PAIK Ml'IClAL. It30 P. II Ti'agnnr TittltiFli Miratax. Batrt __rr-i_ and Library and Dlnlng tara. Du,.- caicaso, 8:00 p. ia. next ddy. No e\tra fare. B8KATOOA *PEriAL. ?3:30 P. .11 -V.a.- ? r D awm-Ki,. -i, Car*. Du* Albany 7 :25. Troy 7 :8fl, Baratoga 8:10 p. m. NOKTH rallOHF. LIM1TEI). 4:50 P. HV-Wagfl r VesBBala Buffet. Drawing-Rooa. Sleeping and Duilag Car*. Due Detroit 8:15 a. a_, Cbka_o 4:50 i . n,. PA??T ?VE*cTF.K*4 EXPREatH. fliOO P. M.-Wai:nrr V'stlbuie Diawin^-Room, Sleeping iiiid Dlnlng Cars. Due Buffalo 0:15 a. m.. Nlagara Fail* 7:12 a. ni.. Cleveland 10 35 a ra.. Detrott 1:10 n. m.. Clnelnnatl 7:30 p. m., Chicago ?:00 p. m., St, lV.uls 7 ;48 a. n,. IDlitOSl) \i K AND MONTRKAL F.XPBE^. 7t00 P. M.-Wagner Sheplng C?rs to Plattaburgh, duo 5 40 a. m.; to Burllngton, due 6 00 a. m., anu to Mon tr> U. due 8 :40 a. m. HlH'O.o AND NIAIiAHA BklMM SPECIAL. 7t30 P >l.-Wie.',or Sleeping Car?, New-York to BiSale. due 7 :30 a m., and to Nla*r.ira Falls due 0 00 a m. CIXC1BBA-1 ABB ^>T. L4BVIB BXffBBM WiOO P M--Wagner Vetibule Slecpmg Car*. Du* ClB> cinuatl 7:30 p. tn., liidluiapoll* 10:30 p. m., bt. Loula 7 :30 a. ni. LIM1TED FA?*T MAIL 9:00 P. M.-Slecplng-Uir Pa>aeng -rs only earried aa tkAf t.aln for Roeh,at.r. Duo 7 :45 a. m. t'BMOACM MUIIT I.XPKEH8. 9:15 P M. -Wagner hk-eplng Car-. NewVorB to Clay* ton, Capo Vlnccut, Bulfalo. Detroit md Cht ago. FIBUK1LL (NEW,. POUOUKEEP81E. CHINB Cl.Il K iKlNObi'ON), AND HUDSON-X :80, UO *X 111 :30 A. .VI., 13:30, 3.65. 0 :2o P. M.. alao for Pc-igh keeualn l>:2.'. A. M.. 1 80. 12:1.), 14.56, 6:00. 7 00, 7.30. 8:CU. 9:15 P. M.; for Oarrntoii, (Weat (Pi-iuij, 17 30, ?:-.>, 111:80 A.M., 12:16. 13.30. 366, 14 64. 6:2') i'. M. ALBANY AND TROY- 17 30. 9:10. 10:00. 110:80 A. lf... 1.30. 13:80, 3:65, 4 :50. (j 00. 7:30. 8:00, 9:15. 111X8 P. M.: also for Troy, 7:00 P. M. SARATOOA-'7.80. "J 10, 110:30, 111:80 A.M.. IS XO, 7:00. Ill 5? P. M. CTICA AND SYRACFSE?17:30. 9:10. 10 00. 110 80, :tl 88 A. M., 1:30, 4:60, 0:00, 7:30. 8:00. 918, 111 :,'.0 P. M ROCIIKsTF.R AND BFFFAI^l-910 10 00. 110 80. :il -IO A. M., 1:30. 4:50, 0:00. 7 80 8:00. 8:18, 111:88 P. M : alao for Ro<-he6t"r. ti 00 P. M. N1AOARA FALLS-9 10 10:00, 110:30 A. M.. 4 88, 6:00, 7 80. 9:15 '11 :8B. ADIRONDAi'K MOUNl'AINS AND MONTREAL- 17 :80 A. M.. 7 :00. '1! V.? P. M. I AI'E VIXCRXT, CLAYTOM. OODFNSBFRO A!?P OS\VEOO-9:15. Ml .59 P. M. : alao for O?w*go. 8 10. 10 on !10 10 v M. (KVi p. M. AURFRN, OFVFVVa VND F \ N ANDA tOf A-? 18, 10:00. 110:80 ? M. 7 30 9:00 8:11 11 :.V> P. M. I.F.NOX. NOIITII ADAMS AND TIIE nKKKsillllF. IIILI.B (vla llni-lein Dlvialonl Two traln* with th-outii Drawlag.RooBl Cara. ?9:00 a. ni., due PltUfleld l 86 North AdaaH 2X0 p. bl 13:50 p. m.. due Pittafield 8:10 North Adama 9 10 p. Bk MIRFOI.K AM) TIIF I.ITI I! FIEI.I) BU?A 18:50 p. Bk. through car due BorMX. ?'otin.. 7:3: p flt. For tli-k.-ts aj.d apace In Sle. |lng Cara apply *t '"?and Central Motion, or at 113, 7t>... 912 llnndwav. 13 P*rt Plaee, 53 Weat I26th*t., and i:'8th -t .ta on. New York; 333 Wa*hlngton-at.. 7;'fi Fulioo-**., anl :10M B'd lord-avc. E. D.' n ; lno llu.lso .et.. Jer*"V City. We.cott'a Ixpre.i cil|, for and ekoek* b'.-gige freai l)Ot"la and Md u fi t:ir,,UKh to d-atli atlna. lOolty exeept Bunday Oth r tralna run d?lly. Above tralna. exeept tho-e leavlig at 9 10 a. m.. J 18. 3 30. 8:80 :'.",:., a.m, 4 55, _.J 11:58 p. m. *top al 13Bt'i-t atiUon. JOUN M TOrCET, OF.OROE IT. DANIKI.S Ooiieral Maiager. Oeneral Pinte g.? A ent 1 Fallltili VALLLV_HAILBOAD. PASSENOER TRAlNh loav* toot ol Cortlaadt and Dob* bro??es ?u. a* follow* i - i nt f"r Mauch Chunk and Intermedla'e polnta. ? ?Ifl a m for Oeneva, Lyon*. Elmlra. Roeh-ater. F)w? falo and the W,?t. Potui\i:ie and prm. ipal lo. ai polnta i halr car U> Lyon. and Pullman car to Suapenaion Brldga 9 a m for M.'i.h Chunk and Interm "d ate point*. 11 -30 a m for Klmira and Int- r''i"li?ti point*. 1 u m for Tunithannoek and Inieravdlate point*. Chatr c.,r to' 1 iiii.iiaiiiiova. Couueetlou to Readlng aud Harrta "iCaO p tn. for .... anJ B, Junction aud prlnclpal latar. medlat.! polnta. Chair ear lo L. and ll. Jun. tlon. 4 :M p. Bt. for PotUvllle aud BHWlllBflMUl BBBBflX v.h*_ '^'fl'il'O p. *m. For Mauch Chunk and Intermedlat* polnta Cocnectlon to R.-adlng and HarrMmrg 7 30 p. m. for Ooneva. Lvoua, I.ltnlra. Rocheetor. Bul? falo and the Writ Pullman al,>eper to Lyona aud Su*> IH'IlMOll B .? _. . Traln* leav ing at 8-10 a. m.. 11 30 a m 1pm BBfl 8 40 l? m. eouiiect fer ?11 polnta ln Mahouoy aud H*l?l* ton coal roglon.. wi. t?? ? SUNDAY TRAINS. 8:10 a iu for Mauch . hu-.k. lianlton and Intermedlat* polnta. and 11 a. m lor Sl.rnandoah aud tntertnediaM point*. 5:13 p. m. for Mauch Chunk and Intermedlat* i?>lnta 7X0 p. m. for Oeneva. Liooa. Klmira. Rocheater Il?. falo and the Weat. Pullman BKMBXX to Lyona and Sua> penalon Rrldg* Oenaral Eaatem Offlce. 2S5 Broadway. NKW-V(?UK, ONTARil) AND WL'St-K^ RAILWAY.-Tralna have Weat 4','dat *a f, lo*l ilavnti at 111, ii r.-_ ..*.I1.._ tw-*~, #?-.* _a ?.__* x . ?* . ?_r. m\ Iti. . m Jkflh .^m iij ?,,,^ ,ii.,-. iM,f[ L -^',1,1'... "j . ,l*v balf liulld.iv traln leave* Jav-at. ?'. 1 Jt> p 'ui . 4'."d-*t. 1 :45 o. iu. TickeU, tlm.--table*. 323 Broadway. J <_ tXDERBOX, ueueral p?*a?ug?r Agvnt, ld -xchaaca l'laco. N. ju