Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW COLLECTOR. J. 8LOAT FASSETT APPOLNTED. 00HOXEL ERHARDTS SUOCESSOIt THE POri'LAR STATE SENATOR FROM F.LMIRA. Cape May, N, J., July 20.-The President aaid gHulght that he had accepted the reaiKuation of loal B. Erhardt aa Collector of tiie Port of A'ew York and had designated J. Sloat Fassett, of Elinlra, N. Y., a* his ?Aicces*or. Ttt President to-night telegraphed to Scnator Faasett to come to the Cape and sce bJak iCfnaidhaf tbe aew oftioe. _ J. Sloat ikaaaaj vras born ln Elmlra on Xovember 18, 1SW. Be ?? graduated at the CniverMty of Bocheater In 1877, and then t ok a OOane at the CtaV vendty of lleldelberg. On hl< rotkli hOBM from Oer many, ha atadtad law, and was admitted to the bar at Hmlra on the moilon of Pavld n. Hlll. In 1*70 he waa appolnted DletrlctrAttorney fOT Chemung County by Oavamor Roblnoon. He held this offlce for a year and waa most sueressful lu hU proserutions. He took an aetlva part ln RopubMcan polltt^, and ln 1*83 he waa elected to the stnte Senatn. Pavld B. 11111 had been elerted LieutenanKH>vernor in the preeedlng year, and be graeloosly pat.-onised his fafliMa tnwniuMa when he arrivcd lu Albany to take his seat as Senator. r.ut Mr. Hlll beea aaw that the Chetnung Penator was an aggressive Kepublieon kod ln 1998 he dld all ln his power to dcteat him. He was aaaanaaaafaJ, and Mr. Fassett was re-elerted bv ?n Inereased plurallty. When senator Fnssett rnu again ln 1??T rtoverow Hlll vlolontly appaati hjs eleetlon. tmt ho wus acain elerted. and after he took hM BBBt ln 138ft he wa* made president pro temporc of tbe saimte. He was re-elccte.l In 1899 for the tUTB ending this yeur. taaatOf Fassett is a tuari of exrep tlonal abllity and has bocn one of the most valuable Eepul.liran* in the Semite. He haa been an ablo leader on the RepnMlcan sido and has doue amek to axpaaa Demorratie romiption. BM manv of the tnsmataaattono btto akktie i" ta.a and other clUM have been made at his W**" aM under hi- dlrectlou. Senator Fer-sett waa .??"StZ of the Retmbllcan Natlonal Committee ln ltfoS. He N |* tenotea ol"the Rocheater Unlverslty and Cook icad-my. --? MR. ERHARDTS RESIGNATIOX. MAXY REPUBLICANS NOT WaWMUUt. /HET KNEW THAT THE CIIANGE WAS COMIN'G THE COLI.ECTOR'S RF.ASONS FOR WITHDRAWINO. While tho arnoune-ment that Colonel Jool B. Brbaidts the Collector of thl* port, had oant his resig aatton to Waaklngton may have rau*d gcncral mrprlse. yct to tkoaa of tho laner circlc of the tto pnbHran P?rtv It was takna ta merely a maiter of tourse. ln taet the iMtgniHia was looUod for somo time ago, and lt has born known for several wocks that Colonel Erhardt had asked to be rntkWtd from his plare. The maln reaaon why his reslgnntion ?> lorwarded to watklagtoa was that ho was not ln U.nrh eltlicr wlth tho prlnciples or the pollry of the Admlnlitratlon wktot tke PrcMder.t and 9aeretary of the Treaanry were followin?. The qneattoa wae preripltat.d vhen the Colleetor opposed 0 PbU of the Baetetary to changc the mcthod of dolng the wor.t of one of Uhj depnrtruents. When the Collertor's ffaam were not eccepted by the Treasury Peportmeut he sent lu his resigoHtion. In the Custom llouse the news dld not ereate much excttaaaani 8aaaa weeks ago the repurt wus afloat that the OaHeetat attker had reataaed or that his laolgnatton had beea aaked for by the President. At the Uuie Colonel Erhardt was rn^t energetlc ln deny kai that aay pm of this atatanwat was tme. On tkat aeeount the anktaet then wns aHawad to dn,p. wlth the OXceptton of a few brlef tomuienie Wfctek were puhllslied in aome of tne lwpers. tmt there was a oertaln nmnber of men in baakMBt Ufe and in ptoeatnent polltiCAl oflicos wik> have dcvlared, Wttk a complete uppearanee of good falth, that they fcnew that he would not be Collertor mueli loi.gor. They were laughed at by many who dld not beUava that Erhardt would givo up ids oXfice antoaa be arere toreed to. The only lntercst developed was ln rclatlon to what tiie new Collector would do. The inajor partion of this dlsmsslon was conflned to those men who were tho Colleetor's pewonal appolntments and who faat thut a now cosidition of aifairs may reaatt dlaaatfonely fcr them. The outgoing Reambltaane to the nnaabar of sixty-one. wliu were dtamlaaad aeeordlng to tke 00> lertor's iecommondation?. lelt a llttle more tranqwl when they lea.-ncd that l*e. too. WOUld aceompany tkoaa. knri tke twenty oae Deeaocrata who aeetdentaUy were catight uuder tiie OoBpetora knlfc wcie not so well saUslled. Odlertor F.rhiitlt said that he was tnu?h chnirrlned when he aaw the pabUakad atortee of his reatgnatton, and he def lared Wttk great earoestness that ho dld not wnrtion tho publleatlon. Ile said that besides hlmseli oniv tkrae men baew tkat be had realgned. Tkep, HHWedlil U) hlm, ure President Harrtson, uocietary Fokter and Aalhnairl Baeretary spauldlng. colonel Erhardt was suiTiJunded by newspaper men when a Trlbone leportar ivaehed bk oaaee ln the custom yetterday. He ?aid that he hnd realgned and that h'.s laxhtaattoa woabt take cirVt on Prldar. July 81. After he had Mtd this he wa- asked by Tke Trlbune reporter to tell why he realgned. -I will n"t any aaytktng frinhcv abont my leolgna tion." he sald. l-ntcr lu tiie <iav iio reeoBslderad this. and word was sent out that OOOM tune ln the alteriioon he would clve out a gtoteineat. Tlieu he sent for Ellhu Koot, Wha was closeted wlth him for aoaat Ume. After Mr. Root had gone the Collector aavl out the lollowmp: 1 have re*igiud be^?au^e Uio ColK'tor has been rrduc.d to a paaltlaa arkate be is no hMgat ?" todapaadeat om cer wlth authorlty eommensuiote with hk rtOpoaaJbOlsy. 1 bart givwi bonds for ?.00,000. 1 have recehod tor Um frovemment during the twenty months l?st paat 88S8>* 88f(18l 40, ?nd l am aii the tkaa powoaolly raspaaalble tar aaataaaaa ^ai^l.?s ta aiaaay aad nunthoadlet My du ti.v- are aaeaaaartly ptrtaemat thiough about 1,M0 K? ploye*. I ?m not WtlUaf to Mattaae to be r< sponsibie for thflr conduot uii).-a? I oan ha\.' proier antkarl y o\ r them. Ihe retent pollcy of tko Xieaaary D.partment hos be<'n to cuntrol the aatafta of the cii-tum^ ndaiinisuatiua at Ui< l'urt <jf Nvw-York Iroa. \\a?iiii)gtoi), al the dicuu uf ? aatvaaa k^tvktaal aaxfai ae < ? ;ial laoaanotbtnay. Tha CoUector Is praellcally depiived of power and contiol, while ht la lelt oub)ect V- all re*poo?lbility. The oflice k no louger BkBaaaanV nt, a.d 1 am. Xhcrelore ?? have sep*. aakak After it had bOOJi learned paattlvetf that the offlto of CoUector would baeoaaa eajcaat tuaauiiow alght there was murh ?petu.?tloii as to who vould bt tke next CTlector. Tke naiues of sevetal well known Raoob lleano were mentioned. I'romineat BBMMUJ tbem w:tf Oeorge \V. Ljon. the pfeeeN .-urveyor of tke Port. borvevor I.yoa & a aaod RepakUean, a thor u;:h law yer and a man who woaM b?? aeeeptakk to a> al Repnb Ucans. lUa nagoo ??^ ?uKsested beoaaee his dutics u gurveyor Itavo tnad ? hlm famtnar Wttl mael of the l,it? 0f tke CSoUeet rt ataea. Bat tke man on whom all Kepublicans ur.ited as belng BaOOt llkcly to be appoink-d ls Btate benator J. Sloat Fateeti. Beaatot Fassett Is cxUemely pxipular In tke Btate. He k an ablo lawver, a tknaaagk buslneaa man, an atoajaOBl orator aLd a full-fledgod Repablican. Bualnesa men geiicrally recclved the auffaattoa tkat be ndght Ixs appoLiitod with pleaaur*. His leadenMp of tbe Repak l^cans in tke state Bannta laal wlnter proead him t? bo aaankaaaaa, kiiatkeadad and aktHnl man. biia* B. Daleker, tke tx-Canal ?tpailulak9eit and Appralser at tkte port, also WM H ? 10 he tke BfV pointoe. A fourth man mentloued va^ Jacob M. Patter sou. the chiUrnian of the Republtcun County Bxeca tive Commlltee. ExJudge Pntkwaoa 1^ popular wlth all the New-York Kepublicuns, and ho would bc ac ceptabie to NvwYorh tOMdaeae man. _ nataaal Erhardt *an born m l\)tt?town. Penn lilftkaa. years ago, and be cama wlth hta P^^to ihm eiw when he was foui iean. old. ir.t, nrw StaTwhtehTe atteuded was the ftlM tttooL at oae Ume a well-Unown InaUtntton. lhen he ?em as a clerk wlth Hortsman Biv?., AJlan a- (o. ne aftorwtXil took a chrk>Uip vltlii an in^n?n<e Brm. iklch he retalned until be hegurf to akady law wltt Uenedlct & Bebedict, of Brooklyn From this offlce he went to the Inlrersitt of Vermont. At Hi op?nlng or ma war ht ?eot tj th<- front witn tuo Ttn Reg.iuein, ro.n wkirh be ?as transffcrred to the l?t Veim nl u?vul:y He returoed from the war wlth the rank <f cootam. in IbtiZ he was a Provoot Marshal ln this eity and ln 1866 he waa AaolsUnt lAstrict-Attorncy in Brooklyn. auyor Wckham made bini a PoUee Oommiaoiooer in 1672. aud chargeo were preferred against him whlr > were not proved. In leas the Kepubllrans nomlnated hlm for tayor against Hugh J. Qeant, Al.rai.i a, HewlU and Jobn J. Coogon. One houtidn-d and c.g-it aknaaand votes were polled for Oeneral llarri?ou, a.d Colonel Erhardt ree*lved 74,000. President Hantaon aDDOinted hlm Colleetor on May 4. 18H?. His honds men ane Jacob H. arlufT, H. Q, Armour and cx-Judge H<^hSjrtSS!' J?iv -^9 (Sneclaij.-Tbo iaalaaatkmv0f Coll*rtor Erhardt was unexperted. m th^ #nH thrtt it wa? not eipected so aoon. wrretan- Fi il r rtld not Loe.u to he Rreatlv Mirpria?d. As u, Colleetor Krhardfs m??iimahlo sucr?ss<ir Ik w*s uiu.n. Ile Migg" CTrltmVfOtwrii<l'nt lh*t lt would ?,?? ' ^<r?S5 Pat K^aak. he. "tha, M ..^ aaam kaaTaaaT mentioned.- aaerakwy raetae ?a m4 i lUker"- ^a sik't k "Just iH lo.ely," you kiiow. C em-ave. a?d 220-st. ?av that the name of J. Hont la-ssett has alBB.hBBB n? ntioned. nr tliat It is tho opinlou of aomo }\??^"\ U-publleans that his cliauces are c,m>.ider*l.l> better than Mr. lmtcherV in rart, aame 0< theja ^ecm to be lleve that the name of the new (ollector wi 1 be Fnssett. of cowroe the <|uidnunca ran glvc plenty of reasons for OoUeetor Erhardt'i r ?slgnatlnn--uio-t of them WUJ Of the mark. It is rertaln, however. that the severance of hi* nflirlol retattaBa alth the ?.ovcrn BMBt will bo uimccoaipanied by pertonal 111 wiU. ,-*v? n.lIN-SOAKED BOLDTMM UOYS. k MOIST. UXCOMFORTABIX Ltfl IN* TIIE TEXTF.D l 1TY AT IT.FKsKII.L. Mate OBarp, PielBtm, x. Y.. .miy B8 dpptdalV-The friends of the members of the 22rt Replmcnt n<-cd not M MirprlMsd at anythlng v.hich the soldlers mep i i ahaa they return Boaaa. They an raatdly beeomlag unphibious. Xearly tlirce day? Bf tcnt bfe ln I ing rain have done the work. BJB they learnod to e*t and smoke nnder wsfer, and lt l- IBBKtBd that one or two of the BBMrteet in the rrglment Imve learned t-> drlnk ln that posltlon. Bo 0B4 BBBf thtnk lt unna?ural if ?ome af II I BMB BO with JiarnnmV. rtrous or BMhe rngngeincnts wlth museum Bfaprietert to ehow thelr acromp!l?hments In gKss tanki to the wonderlng n.uititadc. WahrABt'l vocabula-- aoald not be largo enough to descrll* the dlffcrcnt Idnda of raln ?torgM whica havo riatted tho eama wtthta Um bbi scventy-two hours. There has tioen the ahowar, II heavy dowu-pour. the thundcr-showcr. the regulati.,n rataet rea, the aauvahaaar and the drizzie. ln fact, it would ba ea-ler to tel WBB, Btad of a storm has not pa!d It* c.mpllment* Be the place than It would to anumcrate all ttMaa erhJeh have rOBM. After they had beon here BlafXy and In BBitB, they gathcred on the ?oantalm all aboiit and came down all at onei from the dlftorent polnts of tiefompas*. a drlaale -ikt otf the and of Anthon.Vs Bata, a thundcrshower Jiimped aeroae the river from o:d Dundernerg, and all the other tarlattea of ttonaa cbbn trom as maay dlftor? ent p-Mnto of <he rompass and hcld n grand rennlon rtcht ovtr the camp. They rBBBBtBai there ftw Ml fcnnjf and them diew off to the BBftBBlOB of the WBOdl and raaaa baeh on* at a tline. Trom preaent nppear aaeea there tOBB not seem to be BBdr hrtfe that the clements will tlre Of thelr sport ln the riear future. ln the m?antime the ?ihapptaat man ln camp B Patrtet 8ejaf*aM (illmore. Hi* unhappiness has been bfoagM about tn two waya, m the fttat pJace, tho atonae hnve prcvented one conrcrt and bld falr 10 g?JBJ another one InuposMi.le. So, two canfalh- nr ranged prncnmme havo gone to waato and that mne'h enthuslasm tottled up. Then, Ollmore wantod to remaln and pilot the reglmcnt baok to Wow-TorB on Saturdar, lnstend of rushmg ofT satnrday BMfB |ng to jilav a! Mnn'attan BaBBh ln tl.o aftaTDOOB. It made him R?d to thmk that the boya wonld havo to lock up the camp and go home wlthout a noto ol mate wtth whfeh to in^plre thelr Btape. lie tricd to get the Manhataaa ncach people to raJeaea him fmm the afternoon ronrert, but they would not. An uncertalntv yet rematna as to whcthcY or not the ratnn wlll be ontlrcly des^rted m Wnrday. Hcrmui Baek. tho Itnttalo man who Is sufTering froiT^arlet%'-ver. la atlll ln the tent among tlie losmata ov'r toward the McCoy plare, The anrgeona raport UiSlMUgetSng olong weU, and thtnk that he may be able to be niored on Satnrday rr.onun?. Lleutenent-Cvloael KinK h, ar.1 DOl hlng from ColOgMl ramn todav contrarv to his former meaaage that be wouid be here to-morrow, and he la, aeeoTdtngly, ox neeted then He wlll Mnd that bta two Hentananta Imve kept the man hard at work. Lieut-mnnt-Colme] Kiug put them through the batdaUon movement. on Monday and Tuesdav and to-day Mijor BarUett tooh eommand of the battallon. Althoneh It *ae UM Bral ?lme he hvt evar been ln full eontxol of tho regi ment. he hnnded the men skllfully and put them through sonie llvely manoeuvres. Of TIJE FIELD OF LAHOR. THE STRIKE AT THE DOB809 MILL EXDED. Phlladelphla, July 'J!).?The trruble at ti)? plush mlll of .lohn & .Tames Dobson, whleh brolte out Bfreah yesterday, when the flrm lefaaad to allow Ihlray-three aeaaart who had been lenders Of the strike to rcturn to work, wa- dcfinlteiy settled to-day. Seven opcrn tives, f'>ur man and three woeoen, arUl not i>e aliowcd to resutne wor'j until they npni^die to memb"rs of tho flrm and othera whom they sre said to have in ^nlied and abuaed duriug the strike. Tho str:Hers aeoepted the lenns. XOTICE T<") POTTf\TLLE IRON WDRKERS. Potts\Hne, Penn., July 39.?BottOM have been pub ll?hed ln tlie daily papers here by General Manager Millilten giving the POO striklng hands of tho Pottsvllle Iroa and Stcel Company's mlll two weeks ln whlrh to retBTB to work. The Atrikers aro notlfled that lf at the end of the tlmo they d3 not return the mlll wlll be closed agatnst all the sttlkers forever and non union men wlU 1* >enired and put to work undcr p<illco protecti n. Tlie company's Hnmbnrg mlll is worklng all iight to-day. Three famaoea are running. ? TIIE BIG FOTTt BTRIKB EXDEB. SprtngfMGd, fihlo, July 89.- The liig Tonr swltrh men's atriko hatd WBi rettled this nornlng. The BMB are to go to work at UM old ]iay and the freighti biockade wiii be rataad to-morrow. Tho BBrnpaay ro fuscs to taUe two ol the itrlkera back. CBAE9EM DT TlfF CMACEEM Tff.JDF. Chlcago, .lulv 29.-A dlspatch from Omalia, pub lished here, shvs : It was announ'ed bere to-dav, thrnugh prlvato Bda> grama, thnt th? Bew-Tetft BbMBB I'ompanv has fold and taaaad tta taetarlaa at Omaha, DeaTtr, Cedai Rxpid-* aad De.s Mateea ta Uta Battaaal Craeker compony. The bta ter company l? eeaapaaed af strx-khoH'ra of gae Amirlraii Bifruit Coaapoay. BliiiaUaiumia with thi? earae a tala proni ordering the | ?ni aaaaagara to adiaaee prtaaa ta the old standard. They have been selline at ll M than oo-t lt Is aaid thst in the futuie MM ABMltCM (,'on.pany v.l! control tlie trada weat of <"hlca?o and th?- Xow.ii.rK < ? pgay east af Baeta, thaa a\e:<!ina tampatltlaa lt is aa? deritood that the faotorhs had BOIBlraf by the Xatlonal Company Wlll bc- clo.^ed. - ? tUJEMAL OV MX8. ifJRAT EOFKJM UiETM. Lajrence, Mnss., July 20.-The Aineral services of Mrs. .Mark HopUius Bearlea ware iieid at it a'eloek to day, at the mansion ln Methnen. Tho faneral waa itrlrUy pns-nte, none but thOM havlng btTttatlont batag ndmltted to the house and grounds. The aei rleea v.ere noadawiaal by the Rov. Charles ftweet, raetor of fct. Xnonma'a Protaataat Epi-copai Ciiurch, aatlated by Um laa. Ctarlee H. Oltpaaat. The in vited lrlonds all dcpntod at 11 :45. They were mos; ly from Baw-YOfk, BoatOB and L?nrence. Tiic b "lv was taUen thls afternoon to tlie magnideent tomh just eompleted in afetbuaa CarMaary. Whther or not tius vill bo it? lmal ro^i.;% place, Mr. Bearlea defatBed to aay. _m_, 9EEEMAL WCEOTttLD JXD HIS VRIVZ. Chicago, July ?JO.-MaJor-Ueaeral .Tohn M m hofleld and wlfe arnved here to-day fmm the Wcst. They left here thla4 evening for the YaA. They aro ln the best of hcallh. __ A BOYCOTT O.V A QUA11RY COIIPASY. Dlatriei N .. i'.t, of the Kalghtt ot LabOT, )K> taa an aetlte Bght yeatarday witii tiio Bew*TatB oed Malaa QraaMa Bloek Caaipaay by tylag up loaded wBh ttla eaa>pany*a atona at FraakUa-at., 1 e,t. and BeveateeaBvafc and Bm Barth Btver, aad at CTltiton-sts. aad at .ce\cT>t.Y-i.l>;lli-ist. and 8M Eaat JII\..-. thla Moaa is for MM most jwrt Intenil'd for the pavtag of Braadway and Thlrd^re., arni fiv?- auhawirn aara eaa< iign<d to Buotli lirothers. contracto.s. Wllllam Baaak ?*id yaaaarday! "Thla i- ua aatnga. \\o hiie unlon m.ii, and lf my boit? ara not to unioid M-raaetatr I will aead ^erl to onr (|llu^rle^ to by ttfl betweea s: C and 1.000 aalaB men." Mr. Baatfe ealbd at the teadgBBHan ot Dlatricl Aa aemMy Na *'* yeaterday aftemooa aad Mld Wlll i M Nair, UM |*Betal awntary, 'Jw- ba had oe ran i*lth u.e Malaa Oraalta Btaek Coarpaay Mr. IfseXal? ?aiu that if gaia aaa aa Bta t>-?it^ raald b auloadt I, but it any noti-ntiion bmb aara aapHured a geaeral atrlka nf aavaea wid ramnurnien t>e ordur-d to-1 iv. in' aattta ataabla i?i-'aa H'\rra'. wanUla ago beaavaa ite aaaapaay paya baa thaa the aalaa rata of i ?-? - TABLEAVS POIt TIIE FREVIAIR JVED. An BaBaMlaMaat waa ghreo ia?' eraatog hy raa yaaag ladli* a; the l>,ng Kench Hot*l for Baa le.neflt of The THaaae gtaaB-Air VBad. Th- aaBwaalaiaaait aaaaartad M ?.?\rr?l tableaua, aad twa w.ngs by MU? EaaQy Wloant, aaa eaaBndaa of 8t. Thaaaaa*! CBaraa. ttaua oi Tray apreaeaard by Mlaa Baea aaada, lyhlgaaai I.?? uud? Wallaeh CngBIIB by Edlth BaaMBBaatar. Jeplitl.a't Daugliter by Man.l > Sandi. Ro*amotd by Elua Mani,, J^jo of Are by Ml?? Tburmaa, and 83aaaar by lAuit Baaaai Tbo procetsl* of the evening were aiT5. FOR THE SEASHOBE BT THE 6AXDY HOOK ROfTE. Leave Xew York, Pier 8, X. R., lor HlglUand beach, rV?bri|ht, Monniouth Beach and Long Branch at 4 :.i<>, 10:45 a. BV, 12 m. (1 p. m. Saturday* OBly); 3:43, 4 :a0, 5:30 p. m.; t-undav*. 0:30 a. m., 1 p. ni. For Atlartie Hlghlunds, 4:30, tt a. m.; 1, 3:43, 4:30, 5:30 p. m. hundny>. i# :i?> a. tu., 1 p. m. |,-r Baafaa, aVBhary Park, Otean (irovc, Point Pleaaaat, ?.tc, io:4r. ?. m. (i p. m. gataiday aalyX 3 :4S, 4 :.'I0, .'. dJO ill-Rall Kon; l.eave Xew-York, Ontial Rallroad of Xew Jer-<y, fuot !.lberty-st., X. B., for Red liank, LjBBg Uranrh, \-lruiv 1'aiK. <">eoan OtOVa. bprlim LaUe, 1'oir.t Pleasant, etc, at 4 ::wt. ?:15, 11:13 a. tn. ll :.? p. ni. aaturday only), i M, 3:16. 3::iO, 4, 4 :;:<?, :..;?,, 0 p in. Himdavs (eaoapt Atbury Park and Or?am GroTe), 9 :16, 11:30 a. m., 4 p. la. .'. EXEBCI8E8 AT CIIAUTALIQUA. nrarj bTUDV IN GOUUBOU ADVOCATED. I'ROURAM.ME OP THE DAY-LECTCRE8 ON DANTE AND IKVIXO. Ckanlanajna, Jaly ftV-tfRe kwtnre of te^dar* ex . kam aa* Ike meetm,- keM Ikk afknmoon at ti?. Hafl -f PMutopby m the Mereef of the itody ... ,i,e Btbte in aekooh nnd eoTteaaa, Oae ?*??*? . ?..? tke Rtbte ihoahj be iladled ln tha universltlea and ealleaaa, as Oteek and Rotnan hUton ?-? ataaaad, and tkoafcl form a pan of the enrrlenlam. Tho programme lo?day aai a^ latoreattng ae aver and waa te followa: Al BalO n. m., the Wotnant Clnb meetlng, eukleef ??cin-isiian ftndeavor,* ted by Hra. Bmtly 11. Mllter; at 8:90 p. m. a leetare on "Dantc," by jvofe-vor C. ?'? Utth), of Byracoao; at I p- m. a leetare on "Waelnailoa irvinc." by Leou H. Vlneent; ,., ., p ?,. eonfat nee oa "Tke Btndy of the Blble.ln rollege and Bomlnary," hed by Prafeeaora ftnrroagki ard Rurnbam : n' 7 !>? m. vespers la tho Amphltl ?t b p. m. readtaga by a. i\ Rarkaak, of HO* \ aaalated la tke maaienl namken by Rogen'i ? band; at 8:18 p. ?< laeeagf a of tke fJfcautaufljaa Preae ( luli in tii^ areahe ta th?-|r frlends and members of the Ctantaaqaa faeatty. Dr. Utttefl leetare nttrarted a blg crovrd thl* aft'-r noaa. He revtewed the llfe and tlmes of Dsnte ln a ekWOr manner, and sald that the BtOty of the great poet pooa toid, but that his aowl aae mtaonrelMi aevetoped tke rkynae and poeatkttttka <>f the jtnllan tMlgltfT. to whirh he o/d-d his wonderful knowledpe and vktioa. Mr. Vineeiit, I his lertum on Irvinc, gnve a bfM ncoount of tho au'hor's llfo, illnstrated his humor from the Knlcheroorh'T Hlatory, and made OR ablo rteienco (,f Aatorlean Bteratara, skowlag tkat it was not *uf lOkad to de ertbe lt a the ?'literaturo of BmgnaBd tkat hus been ptndncad la Ainori'-a.'' At tke moottng at wklck the etady of the Bfble in coiiege wai dlaenaoed Baara were a nnmbat of ipeah rr-, tke prlnetpal onee bekuj Piofaaenf Barakam, 0f iiamiiton, n. Y.; Profeeoof Rarrcwghe, of Amkerat; the Rev. Dr. Oakorne, of Albloa, N. \.. and tke Rev. Mr. i-hiiiips edltpr of tke caaadlau ?? Qn:<ru-v\-.? i:< lew.- Tho suuwers liialated that lt vaMM" " i';. !nndededll rhe JJll.lebc?tiHlle.l?an fi.ll, . ictentlfleaUy a d reverently. . Mr. Rarnham'e entertouunent to-ntekt to Amphltl...rav wai before a crowded a. i < ? The teatnre ol 'he evenlng y ta hle ? ?' '' . of Rndvard Klplit.t; s porm, ?? A Iluhad of Bhktt aurt West.'' > A COKCKBT AT NOUTUTIELD. RAIftTJra BfOXST TO IMl'KOVF. IHR (.KOUNDS AN INTLKKSTIXG ENTERTA1NMEST. Northllrti. Ma.s*., July 88 cpe.iull.-AltlViURh tho Illbto ronferoncc date not begtn untll to-morrow even? lng. aovcrai of tho ?naakcra innoanead have alretdy arrlved. Thl* afternoon Mr*. 9a Of ?r, of BrOOkiyn, and Miss AUco M. Robartaon, of the todton Xerritory, ?poko at a partor eoakweoee at the KOfthaafd on ??Home MUsionf." La*t evcnir.K at Keritation llall a eoneeet war given to aid lu grading the pnanda akoat tke North.icid chnreh. The oommlttea appointed tO prcpare the pro aramme oooottb* of Miss Omenloaf, of n..nhticid; Mtao Vka Poaaoolaar, of Rew-York; tUee ^u^;. " umokiyn; Woe Rnuna Mondy, Mr. Moodya fM^?fj Fredcriek HriltM and W. J. Ma.iM-U, the latter U.e traaaarar. Mrs. Turner. of Sfaw-York, alded the young people lu arranglni tke ptogramme, and bet ion plnyea M m-trumcntal WlO on a rioll.,7.i.her. the only one of Ita klnd ln Ainerlea. The programme opened witlt a aOM by a runrft-Mr. CrttokaBo, Mr. HafttkW, Mr. Fl^k and P. P. Bli<-s, a son of the famous t.ospel ?lnger WIHle Van Banetetaer, the Ive-yetrold son Of Cotonel Kiliaen Vau Retuaataor, Of New-lork, aad Maltle Allcn tool; pnrt in a nursery tahleau. Ihis wao foltowed by an ttlnatrated poaaa. -Tfca Couraln', iu whieh Miss Mario chard, of Un.okiyn. aaraoewtad Hnldah and Mr. Crttekollo repraseated ftttaL Wm Munhaii. a daughtor of the evangettst, was the mothar, while Loweirs famllfcv Uaee aaro read by Bnrton I'aimer. The tkrao goanB toakta o? Uo woro tttao Rnuna Belle Doogkerty, or Brooklyn; Mlaa Rhdo Bavia, of i akewood, N. J-. tad Miss Kt.the.ino Vun Raaaaolaor, of Kew-York. The tkrao o^d gaahfa were tflte Jeonie Roberts, of Brooklyn; tttsa OBva Van Reniaafeer, of \ow-York, and Miss Anna Plerooa, a eaagkttr of I>r. irtkar T. Ptaraon, of PkUadalpkla. Mrs. Turner aaag the loaf deaertbtng the onvlakle poattloo of the yonni maidA eaeh wttk tovara thrat, and the ananvlable piight ln whlch tho one man was placed who wus lOYOd by tho tmea old maids. Tke -Oraeefcoppar Ckorna* waa mac by tho onartot tad produeod a great deal of Ssement Then eame the touehtoii appeaJ tomonej bv Mr. Gnmbart, foltowed by a rnUeetlon tngMnttngto 1, , ,t V-. liefore tr.- amount was announrcd . olo lel V. ;;;,::,!:?'., 1,-1 n >?? one of s-v.m-hI t?. glv;- .rto iddltfonal, and he has nearly woo to hand ki&haw iu-,r a* a reault of his Indlvldual ?V^?*cg?gi ntece on tiv- programme was tke - gunflow< t ? norus, . wh . h Misi i:.,| Mlsi Dooghorty. Mlei DavU, tho Mtaea; Van R?ns"eiaer, Mlw lluulcr, tho ' Munhall nnd Hka Chard took TIIE HATIOWAL TKMI'EltANCF. CAJfF MEF.TIN'V. Oeean Orovo, Jaly 88 (SpeetaD^Tke naaa] morntog meetfngi took on a tampeiaaee napeet laday, and were addreaaed by temperanee apatkera, Th ekrventh Kattonal Temperanee Camp-Meettng eame logether ull,i-r tke tnaptcee of the Rattonal Tamperanee Bo rfety. Tke Rae. D. e. ii. Btokea, preaktent of tke Oeean Grow Camp-Heetini Ataodation, made i dreee ?f wekome, to wfcleb tke Retr. t. K. Btearna, eorraq mdlng leereUry, aad tke Rar. Dr. wrUMam C. Bteele reaponded. He satd tkat ae muat edncato people to *ove tke eonjitry from ovtt. Tke tewspap . is one of tke ireate I faetora In tbe ednraVon of tke people. Onr fimy lo osu Inaalgranto I- t<i svara them to eaat evarythlng derogatory to oar eoant y nnd lt* Imrtttnttone toto tke tee wken tke) entel Ugbt of our Btataa of Llberty. We must tetal them t I be trae Amerleans. We must teach them that aleokol |i a potson, and ln I epfltt of Wtn them to the tratk. The yonni people of this ooantry are leara tng this tnith, and tkoy will BOBM dav etot tke vute* tkat ikaR free thte land from tnta enrae. This qaea ttoa maat ho token tato poBttea. Ife nre worktng for bttton tkere, and lnt^nd to do m anttl every akaH be nnder prohlhrtlon. The ttaa. Dr. Jokn a. R. wii ob, 'if Doear, DeL, ipofce ofthe ruin wi by the Rqaor traflto. Edward GareweU aaae one of nta ekkraetarlstfe ad draooee ttda evenlng. Profeeeor a. w. Hnwka da light^d the aadlonftO wlth his humorons reritaiion*. To-morrow addresses will be delivered bv Dr. Wi! on, (he Rav. ..'?? .;<? J. Minglns, paator of iii1 Cnlon Tabcrnaele Church. and by the Rev. Dr. A. C Dtxon, of tbe lianson Fiare Bnpttot ciiuieii, Rroouyn. CLBRICAL BTUDRIITB AT ROUKD LAKE. Rour.d l?ike. Ju'.y 2?.?The annual Sundhysih tembly al Roa I Lake baa begnn beea, and B. B. i.o.iais yaaterdnj oifanU'd bk elaaa In Bnadny-sckool srlenoe. Dr. H. 0. Pkrrar organfctad his poot-grednat; . las*, Mrs. C. w. Jonej ber pruanrj Bepartmenl with akoat i.ftv ekildren and the Rev. P. P. Pleld hu icki il of oratory. The Rer. H. A. Rktta, of Diww Bamtnary. gnve the opentni ip- tare pf a sertoi to mlnleten on tb ? i;ii( of Hebrosva." Dr. Farrar delivered an addreee ln tke mnoeum on "Tke Pmetteal Valne of AH Btndy." One of the moal tatereetlng tee nrea I tke Informal hatt v.M.h Rlanop Ifewman glvea to the rl pi*o hera iu the evenlng at Alnmnl llall. Ckaneellor c N. Blmsi ot the ^rraeu <? i nlVCTSlty, nave a hnmor ooi and In-tnutlvc addresa oa "Tbe Phllosoj Btooe." D0TXCI8 AT Tlir. BRA9ID1 ABBBMRLV. Avon-by-the-Bea, Jaly 'J1' C9peetoiV-AI tke Beaalda H tbe morning levotloaal exeretoee were ksd by lleary i. Weber, of Pttabarg. Nadame Alhertt. of New-Vorki lectnred In tbe Bfhool of Bipretston. .:???.< (*l the relattoni of payrhotogy to physkal so. At tbe i bool of art itndente wei.ngaged ploting pteeea of deeorailve art la Ike aeh ?1 of Rikle stndj and Bamdayackoal work, tbe Rev. P. h. Riaoka, of PrTTkealiarre. Tenn.. gave an toteraatlng leetare anoa the ase ot tbe h!acktiosr<i. a ooneeet ? i in the afternoon by Profeasor Rrnrdna ** The ease onrl faeUity teMi whieh the JEdian itptayed wiU, 1 am eonfldentf rdueate the mttarteal tastc of the aeiieml public to 0 very htgh deffree, whence it ttu ables them to become, witko+U \>r*" viotts musieal trnininy on ani/ ln stvument, eavhj f<imiUar trith the WOrk of the hest eomitoxers." BDMUlfD C. BTAHTOK, 4 Plnctor, Mttiopohtan Opera Hoitse. Thl* Wonderful liutri.niriii |? sn | xhlbltlan DbIIt at Our Wnreroo'.i*. 18 West 23d 8t. Manteis, Tiles, Upen Fireplaces, Household Art Goods. UlilOii SQUARE ~ cor. Broadvay. ndnea. Oj.It aaarara ln our llne havini; Us own f Ba) ot the maker. F.*tal>ll.?hed over or1 7'nn No old hto>:lc. EverythinK niaiio aatlsfector?. a/fjiuuBa, of Alfred Cnlveralty; W?. CgteJ****} Pcnnoefc of Xcw-York, aaa Alfred \WUiam?. 01 BOatOB, BAILSOAD [STERESTS. HAaTVBBX KCUaWfOH RATES DKflPKD OFO?. Cld/afO, July 20.-Ch.iirman Flnley handod down another ?eefehM today, di ini-ing ehargaa madc by tho MrhlaoB, Topeka and Panta Fc agalnst tl? Ro<* ,.:,:,i. ComphUnl aaa made that a tlehet Baaad by BM road, troaa Cbteago to Danaor, was parehaaed f,?n. b etty biaker on May 7 for 888 80, Um tartff raw ?,,,, BM 88. aj UM Ueket bore Um aosmp of tha ;. ,1 ?lficc of the Roek tataad and WBd BBted Apni 83, it waa argned that the redaeed rale ajaat hBtobeea made wlth the krjowfcdge and rooaent M UM offlrinis of tir.t road, Chatman Unley afcetdei that tho eaarge was not su datned. The Weatern raaaamtir Aaoatatton nwt today in ,..?? ,,i aeaatoa and todh Bnal aettoa on the uueetlon of ? azcaraton rate? for the teaaon of 1901. ananaaBMnfa made wero la eoofonnlty wlth t; the traiiMai-s.,url Pjmb, v.hiih daelded 10 giW I ? gaah axcnratona, the datoa for whlch wera Bxed toi Aagact 3ft, Septemher 18 and 89, Ttokata wlU bo aold at one and onwthlrd nwea tor th.> roand trlp. Aaothor mattor b<.f.?ro tho neettng waa a e orplalnl tdplnat Um Cbkaao, 81 Paal and Kanaaa CBy Rail ro:id for tnnafarriug tiio baggaga of tta throagh pae - bom it, own atatton ba Kanaaa CKy to Um a-room of tta Waatern ooaneettona frae of ebarga. Tiw Raple i-eaf baa not ret obtalned entrance t> tho Unlon atatlon at that r ? G - Jwgjfwfg bagcage I* i devlce to place lt?elf on ao eonauty wn i Ita rompetltors. rhalrman Flnley rnled UmM t waa InaUfled In dolng ao, bnt aome of tho disotmtentaa loada tooli an appcal from hla dt ? I i ?n. A KDPXCB8BDKA8 IX THE BRIDGK CASB DENIED. Omaha, Neb., July ?-??.? Juatlce Brewer to-day dented Um appBi ktloa tor a aaperaedeaa in tho Boeb I I l rjnlon PBclBt brtdge raae and made a d erae req Um ipeelftc performanee of Um eontraet ai d mg all ohVen ni.d empkr/ea of the oompentoe cou eerned to rafraia from ln aay bmjumt Intarferlng wlth the prompt enforeement of the t *n of eontraet. Tha reqaeel of tba Boek island that Um rul ?of the Unlon Paeiae be allowed to govetn ta the novamant of traina uutii other rnlea and tebednlea ocbiM be prepared an denled, The eiTect of the danlBl probably only detaya Boek laland and Kllwankee tralne fjrom ero tlng the brldgo until 00X1 Saturday, Bi by that eUM BOW BChed Blea eaa be Btaparad by tlie operattng topartfnent of the roadl interested and, in ca-e of a diaagraeeMtTt, the eontrad providei that lt shaii bc aetUed by artdtratora, When the 00008 wns atgned the eonrt loatntcted tha elerfc oot I i entor it npon the reeorda ontll the t'nion Paelfle had nied Its notlcc Ot arpea! and bill of execp Uona, aa II bad given notloo of ?u dotng. OVBRTIM1 PAY rNDEIl TIIE NEISKASKA LAW. Cbteago, .July -J'.? (Bpeelal). -A enrtoaa dJaeovery has been Djade by the rallroada eoneernmg the b?w reeently paaaed by Um Bebraaka iMffalat ira, eoramonly knowa as the ;- Rtgtt Honr Utw.? BecttOfl 3 of that law re-.ds: .\ny erapiexor or eorporation worklng thelr eanptoyea oaer tbe ttme spcrired m thls act shaii nay, aa axtrB ^orapenaatton. doubla Uw amonnt v^r hour aa aaid per pravtoua hour.-' The lateaUon ondoobtedly waa that Um rate of pav ncr hour for overtime thoold be double that per hour for the regular olght hours' time; bnt owing ta the acrbal eonatiaettoa of the sCTteiKe pay is to tncreaae In wometrleal B?oaraaatoa, doubltng each hour. Thus anppoalng aa employe to be reeatrlng pl 30 or 18 eenta an hoar for elghl konra" woek, bla aa* orartlme t.-t be for Um ntath hoar, 80 ec-nts: r ll,,. V-nh hour, BO centa: for the elovojUi hour. ?i ??!> n',,i , onV 9ueh bn totcrnretatlon of tha lw would ru.n thd rai! RAIUtOAO REPOBTB AXB IBOBT. Baataa, July 89.-VMe-Pmklenl baaogBaeaay, of tho Caaadlaa Paelfle Rallway, wrttea Oeorga B. Barrla, \,?.ri.-;m dlrectoi ,.( Uiat road, in regard to Uw repor^d rcnaolldatloa, at Um Caaadtan Paeiae, the Orand Tr ... lioaton and Malne and VanderbBl Interaafa as latle i: Montreel Jaly 3 - i hara heae tted down here atoee Mr. Vaa Horna left for England, but Klrkpatrlck and I haye deetded to |, > o,i a vial ln tba cour.f tho next ten da -. for the mn?.?eot ,o,?ldr:ne the d?nhility of acquirmg all tha rW.t of t. ? l ln Ni I ni land. oi v rhapa ln U a Unit-d M.t ?, w thai the who be t.i ap in a aingie, newapapat paragraph. TIIF. M.. K. ABD T. TO RBDT7C1 1TB POBCB. Kanaaa ruv, .July 89.- A ipeetal rtom BedaBa, M0.| ?Vs. , tnent of the maaonrt, Kanaaa and Baliroad I are gltren noUee of a redaetJoB ln ,;?. lorce -t employaa on the road aad ln the otBea. tor rake effed Anguat i">. Beveral bnndred men wlB ber l't Olil. _^_^_. A QSBEHAl MAKAOER RB810B8, Baa Fianetaeo, ?aly -JO.-D. B. Bobtnaon, gencmj m.viver of the AttBaUe ar.d Padflc BallrOBd, haa rc dcned. to take effed Anguat 15. HeiMvmm ehar??f l"? -:,!1 ^ntonla and Aranaaa Pa- Rallroad. k. u. Wado wlll probably aaeceed Mr. Bobtnaon. RAILBOAD MEX TO MEET AT <APE MAT. Ti?', ]., .i c immlttee of Um WTeatern TratBe as. aoetatlOB wlll mcct at Oape May to-day. It U tbonght nmbabla that the Joini pa?8enger agencT a? the Barga Bfflca wtfibanneVby appotntmant at thla meeting. M|> CHABX.TOB OB PAisSKVOKR RATES. Kan^as Citv, .Jniv BsV-Jaaaaa Oarlton, ? ? ral pa? .,?,.... IT ? oi the CMeago aad Altoo Ba ' ln Uds ;,,;,? ;i"t,,i of Ir.Mvetiou. v,'i,n a^el ?hat t:- n-xt rea, would d ?lop la Weeeara paaaeagei raaMera, Mr. i nid that after a^ piaaaat IBtta Barry la O. ?. B. ra >io tlnaM tara rata b twa a Kaaaaa ? ly aod Chteago ,1 inuet 'The Altaa wlU eaattaae i ? Uds rate In edeat, There Is no reaMB why lt ihould .r ba rais.d agala. Pl M """I,: ?? :' "**? ^ rate for BM travelUng pabBe. but B10 la what Uw i tUraada :., r X ? Ixe. , , ,.Nl, l!r. (ba Alton wlll Baver >>? '"'r of aavoeli.i wl.t? ' ' wlU n I I lf. H :t [a ae p< f*r to be tndependenl Our i i neet has n0 ,',,-. w "f UM areai m r?Ble Ajaoclatlon We eoald aapeel ao falr trraameot from ta m, Xhej do everythlns for i ?? nol Juii ,, Vi? , ...:,,-. aie raeHBted io kaep banaaay, u> ki ip ,;?. abad evealy bahM d " KORFOIiK ANIi Wl.-TI-.r.v EABKlXaS. Pbfiodi luhta Jtdy '-".' ?Tha ?Mter*ent of Uta NorfoUH and Waatern Ita a 1 C? pany ror Jnae, 1991, ihowa ,.,.,,?. . ?;, ? 708 91 BM ll ' l ?'- of 911 parcd with June, 1999; i ^'"M ol ra T82 91; netearamga, 0224.150 82; ,,r g8,0OOO9, For tho >i\ monrha ended raramga ?ere ?:> ?: ln,.,-.,.. '' Bta i on ?nondfcg reilod of i ' "J Ml B?8 8?, .lM'inir,. |; bM earalaga, *i.:i:!.'Jt3oa, an ? 101 541 88._^_ THE C, ll. AXI? P. TO 8ETTU5 THE CLAIMS. Dayt a, 0 "f ;hn , ,d, helda cajf reaea ,,. i, :?,-? . M. t ?.;?> in* r-i'i payaieMna ? .,,,,1 oireeb i tlMt adtaneea teaklag t" eaaDpn I d and le Ui fort l nj ,.,.; ni unu a ? i . at aU I U own t>at _ tCAMLXt TETSM IE WSLLBVVW tOSNIAL. Twa aaaaa ot erarlet fe^er were foand in tiw rhii drcn\ ward at Baalavna Roaagtal yaaaardaa and tkay eaaaed a af ??xclMment. The names of the littla laJaratl are JeaeaaBBd ItBatraah, aged two and a half years. and Phil;ppo l)adj. aged flve. The flrst patlent came to Believue on Julv x->, aud at tlie time the chlld sltowed lymptOBM of ^arlet fevcr. ehe waa s*nt to tri*. RaaeptloB Hoapttal, at the laot of Ea^t Httasnth -t , whsre ahe raaaalBei anttl ihe waa thonght to be I ba, u t.> Um boapttaL riie other ehfld obbm to tha aaapltal aa May td lt U 'e lieved that I I oat on th<: MoatrBOfe rhlld ? i thai Um Haiiun boa eaaghl M BoaB.Bar. I tlrv llttle ,,i,e, vara pron.ptly rcunivid t" Uu Ra Hoapttal and the ward wa< alalnfaeted. Tho paranta "' loaaphl ?? llve nt Bo. 3S5 Kast Eteventh-st., anl BaBM of Uia ItaBan 1h,v al Bo. 4:i Oflaar Talie the Baa VoiU ontral for AdlronducK Mountaln raaoi-ta. bee ume-Ubla. DECISION FOR THK TRUST. DI-.-OIXTION OF THK BKOOKLYN SL'OAB i REFIMNO 00. JUU'IE COXXn SAYS THE I'CRCirVSE PRICE WAS INAUKQUVTE. RTJT IIK OVERRfEEs MR. VAY&OVB] ohjkctioix. Judge Cullcn in tho Mnpreme Court yesterday issued nn order for tho dlwdutlon of the lirooltlyn hugar Re llnlng Company and appoinflng the Fr.tnklin Trust Compaoy re.elvcr. Tho appllcutlon for the ordcr was mado bP the trust<-es and M.xkholders of the .ompany and was opposed by James A. TBglar, a fattatr ttO0t> ?nfaaf and now the kotttr of lfi5 share* of sugar trust ecrtlffleatoe Wfclok are in the fSOOOOOOtaa of the formor Unattae of the company to be retalned until 181W andor agreement made 00 Nuvrmber 30, 18<*7. Di regaed lo tkeaa, Judw CaBaa ea lt is not necessary for me to determlne on this appH ratiou the rights of tbe liolden of the certulea poslted uuder tho agreement of Novom!>er .'(0, as he tween tkamsalvee aad tho trustees, furthcr tlian this. tkat li 1 naw the results of this proceedlng were to effect any fiaud or wrong on the holder of tho<e ewUfl d ipoalted in truat, I *honlddeay this applleatlon; but, as Hiat^d on the agreement. 1 eanuot see how any fraud or lnjury Is being practlsed, so far as that ls con cornod, ou this Okjeettoo. He also assumes that Mr. Taylor hw no more tn terest than thfl 198 shares of smsar Trust cenlfleates given hlm, and says : After the ilhv.ilitr of tho trust airreomcnt was sct tled bv the deel*loiis of th?- rottrt-J ot this r>tate a p!an oi reorganltniioo was prepaivd, by whlch the prop ?(.?. of aii tho eorporattona in trust were l<? oo transferr d to ? naw eorppratton, the Ameriean fcucar Benning (ompnny. To this plsn the holders of all but 600 skarei out of 800,000 ?kareo ouMnmllngof the oii tmst aesentod. Tho rnefoua eempanles sotd thelr propertlea to the now corporotlon and than Ursututed for u voiunt.-.rv dlvsotutlak. [he pra tfoner ioW it- property for tV snm of 9300.000. its reni ostnto and reflnery ahme are shown to have been npwaid of 83,000,00 ?. The price obtojMd for Its propnty was entlrely Inadeqnate as tong aa there was any ontstandlng eortlflcntos of tke old irnst wkleh had not aaaentad to tke etotfanfaa tlon. i thlnk tke salo, tt on Inadeqaate pttoe, deserve* ronsnre and rondemnatton. . . ? ? Now tn all this ?eheme, lllegal tkongh it m thle pre - ent obiector was a partv. He doea not snnd ln tne Jjjnnocent stoekholder ot tbe e^pany who objected to Ita enterlng unon nn untowtul act. He dom i '?' repent. bul retali s the frult of the oiUaw ful tranaactton, and hU rtandlng ln tkla very P*"f?f> Ing i* bnsed on hi, prei at ownaraWp of n P*?0"0! Bueb fruit*. This elone anewere tbeotdectijon tkni Mr. Taylor makes to the d isointton of the .company. on tbe ground tkat Ita cbartar or term of ???n?*J2 , - -i.ment of tocorporatton ?3?8?J 7}^; and that even a majorltj of thoae totorested shojOdnot bo ollowed to termiruito tbe corporat magatnat t? wiu of the mlnorltv before the term pr-'Vl-led for ln urlglnal agreement ahonld pxntre. it l* furtt*??n tonded by Mr. Taylor thnt he eannot be romp?di. j his will to enter lnto the pton of reonpanUa Son, by whieh tbe Ameriean Bngar Reflnlng Oompanv U to be subatltuted for the old Mtgar trust. even t rnugn u titould bo benetl. InJ to hlm. Thlo mny be ttue. bul eon>edlng lt to be true, I d i not thlnk *? conatttirtos a valld objortton to this jppllcsUon. As thto ?W??"2 i?..;!,i not go on and do buslness, the groate*t rtgnt of tl ? ol>Jeetor would be to have Its property eonv.vvt bv salo or otherwfce, and he r-y<^<' !il- allqnant sharv of the proeeeds. if sneh an his rlgbta wey ?*e-i" r.-.v.i a feopardixed by this deeree of dlsaolntton. Tne ? iver sltould bring au actlon lo set aatde the mie w tiie Ameriean Bugar Reflnlng Company. <>r ln '*;'* '?' his ivrtisai to hiinp sneh aetlon, this objector eoujo ao I*. Jolnlng the recetver a< a party. The rights <>r tm prrseut eorporatton to dlsafflrm thal salo ean be no greater dmn tke rlghta of the reeeivor. THE CAELfJ-LAYIRO MAY 00 0!f. The snit of tke Blxtb Av nue RaOroad Company to enjoin the Rroadwny ami Bovantb Avenne Raflroad Company from tenrlng up it* traeke tt sixthavo. and Tktrty fourth-st, ln bylng the new rable, wiis hear?t baforo JadfH Dnrrett. of the BapiUM Court, yesterday afternoon. Judgo Truax, pr'or to his teparture for Enrope, grnnted a tavporaoy InJaaettoa, ttopptng tue work at blxth ave. and Thirty-fourth-st. John E. Durrill, eooneel for tke Btxtk-a*a> roid, asked th.> Jndge to oontlnoa the infanetfoa. Rttka Root, (uuavi for tke Brondwap road, aatd Uiat the plainutt ahonld bnve made the obleetton before his elanta luui !eil afiOOfiOQ on tho work. Judge Btrrett, at tho elaae of tho aigument. deetded to di*>olvo tho Injunctton "as there wa* no necc*sli.y tor it." Ho ?ave counaal untll Frtday to d..<ido ipon the tertus Zt the order to be entered. The judge also said that if ln tho futuro tln-re was any aetual lnt?rferenre with the running of the eara on the t?ixth-ave. rotul, he .vould grant aaotk t tojnnctton. * ? m DEMANDINU OOTJHBBL P1R9 FROM MR. MACKAT. ?ftward s. Btofcee and Oaaalni H. i; who reeenliy ?en the mltof John w. Maefcay agalnet them for9S7tV 000 on ?* ntnadeoory noto, bava demanded fS.OOO from tho pliiatlff in tho Cnlted Btatee ClrenH Ooait, tor MMinael fe<>* Thev >;(V taev paid Josepb H. Choate K GitggwbeTmer l Cntermyer 91.000, and Oowen, Dlckewon, WcoU & Rrown, *3,ooo. AN' ADDITJOR TO Mlt. RICT-S Wtr.E. An anknoira baqneal of Aiien Tkarndlke Rtee aae ,.?,.??? pabu yesterday ifteraoon, Mr- Rke'e nfll waa tdmltted lo probale la Daeambi r, 1880. lt ?as aat known M tho ttma that any otbei testamanksry papar axtated lleMra. Oftea & Reakmaa, howover. as attomen havo osored a eodlofl of ltd will tof prokate, ?Mnx *-.,00o to i Bargaat, a eervaat of Mr. Rteet, fat hi- "klnd and faithful mrvteas." Tko paper was exaenl Bdl iglaoola Rovoa, Beotlaad, ln Octobor. l?S3. Cltottma will bo lssued to the nen-rosldent helrs. ?? -? COCRT CALESTDARfl FOR TO-DAT. guprome Couit-aenewl Tero-Reces. cl'",t."l"-,'1LCo,,rt opans at 10:80 a. m.-l*oUoo oalaodar, Kaa. i k oa. aaim "Rupremo'N^nrt-gJpaelal Taim-Farte i and n-Ad Cooft^ircait-Ptrte I, U. Ul and iV-Ad ^rr^aaPa- Co'urt - B fora 8 laaama,, BV-*or promte : pyg3F&^^ ^X'fcaeola?- larm-* f?re DuKro. J.-Cout. ^?^."rulrCo^t-Trlar'T-rm-ParU, I. II and IH-Ad. ,Mc2niion,plloaa^Senoral Term-Adjourned untll Aagaetf. ^mn^Vealti^ i,m-:o Pleas?TMal Tofia?Patti I. n uua iii-au ^ty*c"rWSpeeial TenD-Refare Hewbaater. J.-Court ?^V^urt-Wal^m^Pars. I. U, m and IV-Ad |ouc2u1t,<ofl&*!:ar Sassloos Part I-Befwe aktytk. R.. aad Asalatant Dtatrtet-Atternay Melatyfa-Ra* l to 25, Inoluslve. t rni: wjsatbke report. F04FXAST TIM. 8 P. tt THERSDAV. eraahlagtaa, July B0.-rer Row-Rkakwd, Uakl ahowew; ttatloi ? ?' tttafctlp warmw on tho co.s-. ti l- laod to Bootoni w* ny wtado, i.?r Ekaten jrew-Yor* and [fow-Jeroey, Ugkt ekewen; .ligktly warmer, ewpt atathmary kasparatafe on tke leaudlate coa?t; varlablo wln".B l.r Bastrrn Prnnoylvanla, Delaw.ire and Maryland, y tali ; lUgaBy narmoa i .i virgtoia, Uu OaroltoM and Qeetgte, showers. For Plerhta, JUllm-*. ttkotaatppl. Eoulsiana and Tisaa. genetally falr. Poe Arkaaaa* and Raatuelry, fa r; sJlgktly warmer. I ?.. - .,,,-,; o IghUy sratnwr. Pot w-t-.i New-Tork, Weatera Peaaaylvanla, weet Vlrginla snd Obio. sh ? rs. For Wis'ousfa, fa-r, rxecpt Ugkt skOWOM on Lako I i , . r. Tmr.t'NK tVOCAli cmsr.RVATioxs. [IIUUU*. ..iyr...i>K. JiHll't. "I BAK I . | t ,s (i7M"nrif ? i B 078 01011 iKcoes T;r:z7 .30.5 rJrlHTr^ -n -., I ?.-| -i--^ '? m-4~~+.?-4....-, - -?*??' 7? ln-^,,:, L',.;k *?M ..? t*?44.AiJ?UUti ?-l jof0 ,,., . _,-,-.~~. - r-'-N^fs. **3 20.5 ,,, ?,,. , ., rsin h ronUnuoun lln? ihows Uie barometet i BuetuaVlons ?''?- ' '' ?* :'"- ' nl,,'a ?Nt';'", :?,. rko da-hoa tndtoeM Baa bmOdlag. Tribnaa ( Roa, Jaly 80, 1 ??. m^Partfy elandy raatkor ,^,; , ,.a, | ibow. r la tke sarly nomlad tke , : 88 lt ? ..- rwaod botwooo cr and M -, btlag t'? lower tktn ? ,, ,i,d u towrr Chaa oo Tt iblv b* parUy ,.j t,v:, ... iwar, and lUgkt I ehsngM. Tbe Huaaedeat l'?)b iu l.ito If lt b? but Irradlat^l by go?1 health. is ohorn of hslf lt* dls'astoful f.-atnrev Hcsts of d:?*Jugul?hwl men snd *onien havo uttered r grets for a ia*t wben young, full of vl?or and hope. t ifiu^h ba:?linK with obsta-lea that ioiioI ? .;i Bigh laantawatsble. Bteto gakaa twat. th^ir vpIus ttngled akk'tbe glaw el ayaaa SaaNk Gawaafe - ? mbf rao aaea aare teel th? glaw, waaaf Pan ?, llf r%H \. ,, eai dkj -' itrfoetlyl Tkea ???. witt prraktenea, Raatettor'o Bknaaoh Rllteaa, foremo?t among ? reitatta of vuaitamg aaMffataav Rtreeao. ; aam .iv.|,.-p*ia. aypaaaandrkv, u h -* of *\>\*uw aad ttaaa, uii. grai'.d i i" iUv? ?' > doMitaatsd pkyakyat snd im iai-.-u coMtttutiatksl vlga iposdily pieaatlaoaataak iu??u. U)kli. n;ill , MWt, uiala/.?l ttsoidaea, Wdn?y UWabloa, aad me .-rowmg tnflrmiu?. of ago. aro su?oo*s full/ oor.b.tud b? this boaUrn aaoOfla. THIS IS WHAT M H < ? s ll B <; A M C KAYS OF (MAPUAVa Internal Disinfectant POIl MALARIA: "I have usad CkapMan'a Intrrnal I)l?)nf>rtant fai Malarla and I unli'Hiutingty proiiounc u tbe only -nmA eure I havo ever trted." Of all dnifglaf, or OLOBF. (III.Mir.Mi CO, lJo Broadway, X. Y. One Dollar, poatnaid. PAPER MJJTUFA ("l UJEB3 MEST FOUKTEENTH AXNUAL SESSION' OF THE aVM JCIATION. OFFICF.RS ELF.CTEI) KOR TUi: RaT8tHTC YEAR-* &FEEOH OT OOXGREV-MAX J. II. WALKSB ox thi: .sn.vr.R QPiajfiOH JBT UlTHTBtTa TO TID. TRIHOE.T Sarntopra, July 2ft. TJ;e Amerban IBfar Mannfaetr*. rers' Assoclatlon h !d lt* fmrteenth annual meetlng hero to-day and eleeted the followli.g oiP.rers: I'rest dent, W. A. Unssell. of Lawrenc*. Maaa.: vl< <>preol deiits. Wllllam Whltnty, of HeejOBB, M:,$fc.; H. W. Russcll, of I.awrtiae, Jiw.; i. II. IBfBB, of filen* laalB, X. Y.; R, McAlplne, of ttaraaaBtaa, Wis.; B. K. Mead, of Oayiou, OhtBi <>? C. ahtthar, of AWrm, Ohto; J. a. Klnibarly, of Aprdatao, wm,; inaMMl L. Montnu-ue, of CBBaMdfB, Maaa.; II. R. KimVrly, of Porthind, Me.; s"cretary and trev.:i>r, \V. T. Parker, of BaatOB. Tho report of T*.- d rna-wrer showed the assoriatlon to ba In " p:o<.pe;-jtss , ,? dl ilon, On a BBgfMaatoa mado by the ?erretirv a c?m rnltfee woa BBpOtaaaf to n\\*<; the citistiturion. A eoaaroftaae BBM BaM BfyftBts*1 to make arrengetnenta for a lorge exhlblt nt the Worfci'* Falr ln CBaeagBt, Tkfa evening ;? baniju-t WBB BBBf at tho Orand rnhm lloiel, where aoftea were lald for about 175. Preektent RaaaaU RaaaraB <?. itorr, of Mkhlgnn, dUMBBBed the t ni.f BBBatlOBU '<<>:igr??.Mnaii J. II. WalUer, of Bforcaeter, apaka npon tlie sitver ,|iie-tlon. Addroases were aleo BBBda by <'. II. AUan, of I.owell, and Mr. Wallier's ?peech was in part a-; loROWB: llrmly believlng, hs I do, tliat tlie exper(enr,5 of tho w?rid proves that ? >' 1;?*. regiiUUon or ciiv tom that beneflta Um hoieat, Induatnou*, frugal m.m at the bottom beneata the whoie eomnronlty, and that anv law, reguiatlon or cuatora tiut l-.-vm tha p.iy or ta anv way adda t<< the bardea of hura blest rhMB of cltU-us lb nn injiirv <> ? ? cominuiiity, and that we uro under the ?tro t bond- of eelMntereal t.ike tha greal luq Qul ln this eonntry nmst tlnaliy aettto the reutfana of labor to capiuil, vir..: the ma*?e* ,,f UM PeOBaB. a* proaperona .uid roiit/mi<*l a, poaalbla, l have v.iect od tor conslderatlon to-day"aome phaaee of the labor questtxr, the eorraetton of t> <me cmr* In Um mlnda of workara ln our mill? and faaaofiaa a* :? taelr rcai progreet and advantafe, aa to Um relatl f Uiclr employan tu them, and as V> haw the W3ga? worker wlll be atlectcd by granUag to '*? cwneia of sllver bnOlOfl ihs froe and iinlimited eal-age, what ehangea havo been wrousht ln the toi.-utloa of the raoa in a thousund yejirs: What lraorov*. raent ln tho p:v ??? t centaryl What ? <iMn?e?ino? the bivhood Baya "f roaay af aal Thei-e u no trada or oeeagadton tha la aay nora Um raanlt and cause ,,f these gi*.it changea thao that ol the paix;r BakeiB a d prlnrers. BM four great lnduatry, the flfth ln magni ude ln the cotui try. Is Baore Intereated In nnd dependent BBOB theM Unprored eondltiona any oth<r. But we havo no Uiue t-< ua?to In congrat'ilating oursclves upnti Um praaent Bot a Kovenimcni, not a eoaamunitar, teareaiy aa imiivldual L> dolg hia full daty in ppivldlng ratlOBBl means of lmprov*. m,;nt to the i,m traat, Um weait and the lowly, in wh ,? yoiir btislii-s- i; mur? lnterested tn%n any \\> aro raralnj nany with anenrattna rhanty, grat lfrl-.ft to onr prlde of g.HKlnest and 6tiiH>rh>r ron dltlon; but in the ehanglng oi the law^ and ea? toms, n? we hnve opp-irtunliy, that mon and women may aaraly earn thefr daiiy braad, too nany of nt aro not only rejecti * but aetually realeung, rath^r than enoouragltit'. t.i the. very gBBBl lnjury aad hindraace of oursclves and all others. C'ontrary to ihc gencral oplnton, there ls ro rlm of men la tho whole range of the aoclal KBM who get so murb of tlie advantages of ixvt d itngi anl aecumnlatlons ln return foi- thelr labor, ln ppip,rfloa :., thelr InteUgonee and effeetlvenesK, a* the diy laboren; nnd -o on ap tba Bosnoaale wala. Th-) whole lendeocy uf modcrn civili/.ati,.u u t<> t pel tho wlse and strong to rarry tihe berdana Of Mi? if noraal and the weak, putting all meu on the *aiu? economlc level. Very learmd men aro sometlmes v.-rv jgaoreBI otv Mibjeets they hiive liad no oxpcrlen-e ln. In tl' IW 0f thes* facfs. what eonstimmato linwrnnf. m?n?l?,-l r or lunaey to aaaert that graottag (>.oinaae fo %x\nr ln thla country atooe, wn tenth of the w,,rld-s WMuneree. nnd .?oo.on<i.i. >,4 Pe.-,pio now grant fj.Inage of stiver to wM^ o<K). will materially and r^rrnaneptty ehange the optnlori and prartlea of the bankera of the^^workt'aeoa> meree a~ tn the e/>mmer lal vahM of gold or Ml\"r to tho Imaglnary coln of oommerce. when ?vcr>-r?>n?.dera t >n of wU-lntarcsl to them rnllltatea agalnat lt: Th>- rea', purpo <? of thoae demnndlti* Um fMe1 wfa. agc of alrrer is rhoaper money. They d ?not daatra tK -ilv.-r doBar to be enmtl to the gold dollar ieaa tor Te'ler, the kc?'ne?t n-d BbkMt and one of the be?t hiformed men amoog them. de.-lares that-the|eWMtag of the goM dollar of on.. flfth of it - welght wlfl aemav piish what the free allTer me-, wh? nre nat mIw""* r^rnara want. aa aural/ as the free1^aUaer. In UM Ilght of exnerlence. we know tha 8rat iff?t would be to add 20 per cent to tha p*!'<* M "'* art'.le Imported. Thls wonli add to the ?at of a w large proportton of roamifartnrod P?*1"**-^ arilcles of whlch we mannfaetnw a part. ta waMap tlon wlth lmported gnod?, WOoK immed atetf go ?P ta prtre to the prlr? of those lmporte-1. ^ Tne,? incroa^d prlees wonlil OCrtalnly '''^.f0J"5 the poeketa of the wage-workera. They ?'?;'"??.? the mnnufarturer. tho merrhant, th? 2v"c"??;~to rommfaaloB man. Xo oaeatton of tarlff nr BeeBnam no qaeatton of elght hour- a dar-or ten ^:'\^ twelve honra la of aoch vlta conaequence to th' ?** worker. Better hnv,- absolnte free tr.-d ? at Mee^lljm efferts on tbe wage-worfeer are many t''",'",':,r;" fZL the proteetlontat cialm. than to 1^ BBptoBBd N m? sllver coinuge. _^__ A GRASD ARXY EAT10EAL XEXORUL HiU Chic^go, july 88 PJfeataD-Al apruagiaafItaJJ MtUra of incorponitlon were Uw-d t-> UM HaflaBBj Memorlal Ilall Asso.iaUon, Orand Army of the R? publlc, of Deeatar, fo buiid at DaeaAara BatkMal memorial ball ln wldch to Btaaarve ofBdaJ? rewrdaei thTM^Kmnmenu. departmenti and poata . t the Graal Vrn.v of tYie Repui,' e. war rehes and tnphl*.. atf. The tn.VJes are e'.o.v,unor Rlehard J. OfaaBaT. lloiace S. Clark. Willlam L. IBgftB and others. _-?? 1 CORyER^TOSE TOR A" CtVWCE DilA Asbury I>a.U. X. .J.. July 88 (>pe,-lan.-The comer* stone of the n.w KethOdiat C'hurrli, now being hufll at West Orove, was lald this afternoon. A numbrr of prominent elefgyaaai wara preaaat, aaaoeg then Kishop Cyna u. foaa, Jamaa <???>?:an, praaMlng efctay of the Bew-Brunawtck dlatrtct; UM Rav It. ThomaB and the Rcv. Dr. John Handhv, of A^lmry Park. A MAD POET rusheil Into a newspaper oflioo recentlft aud tlireateuod to "cloan out" the e*? tablMbmaBt, beeaaaa tliuy printed Jjm versea wronjr. Said lie : "I wrot*'. 'Tw dwell rorever iu a fcmjt of peace,' andl vnu idlots put it 4a pot of g'-**3*. The mortified cditor presented nlm with a vial of Dr. PtereAj'a Fleaaant 1'ollets, a year'a subscrlptlon aud aa apoiogy. ? The littlo "Pelleta" posltlvely cura aick aud nervoua hoadache, biliouaneaa, coativeuess. nnd all derauKemeuts o.f tha atomaeh, bowela aud llver. It's a large eontraet, but the smallest thiugs ln the world do the buainesa ?Dr. PierceB Pleasant Pelleta. They're the araall est, but the moat effeeUve. They go to work lu the rlght way. They cleanaa aud renovate the llver, atomaeh ana bowela tl.oroujrhly?but they do ? mildly and gentlv. You feel the gooa they do?but yoii don't feel them do \i\g lt. They're tho cA?ip?f plll jou eaa buv. becauao they'ro guarantttd ?o gtvB aaUafhoUon, or your money Is returned. You onlv pay for ihe gooi you get. That'* the ptculiar nlan all Vr. Plarce'a medioluM axo aold cu, UuougB drnffjlata.