Newspaper Page Text
V#L?LI.NM6,3*>. NEW-YOCK, THURSDAY, AUGUST <5, 1891.?TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. NGW QUEEN OF THE OCEAN. THE MAJESTIC MAKES A RECORD-XTKEAK JNG TR1P gER TIMK WAS 8FVFVTY M1NFTFS LESS THAN THAT OF THF OITY OF PARIK-ES TW.-1ASM OVKK THK VICTORY. The WhttB Stiir Line stoain-ship Majewtie, which ajrived nt Sandy Hook at 5 ..'<0 a. m. ye.ster dav, BPBBa all previuns reoorda of trans itlactio travel by ono hour and BB1 iniuutee. She lcft liverpool on July II und went to Queonstown for mails aiul additional passcnccrs, and at B JfJI p. m on thaU day BBBBMl Roefcl Upht, thc etart 4np point. f<>r all racors HMi tlie Atl.ultic. At HlWwIll i*> a copy of the log for tbe poyagc: Kaota. Thuraday, J??7 30. Jfg ftrttor, J?l.v 5l. J? Bam'dav. A?ri? l. ? i Bund?.v." Aucuiit -'. ?'?'[ Mondav, Ani;ii?t 8. ?'"' Tu'*d*v Auguat 4. *?>? Wedm*>lay. Auguat 5, U? Saady Uook. J?< Totil .-"7 Tbe tahle ahown that this run of 2,777 kaota wa* made at tbe rate of 20.10 knots an bour. bcating the previons l>est rerord of tbe City of Paria by .09, md that of tlie Tcutimic by .12, the Majestif's tinie being 5 BBJB, 18 bours and 8 minutes. The >>est run previous to tliis was made by the City rf Rmbi Ifl Aagaf*, i*s''. when that vv.?el OBIBl MM in ."> days, II BOUia and 18 miuutes, BBakJag a difTereuee in actual tinie af I hour 10 minutcs. Iu thc eaat of tbe City of Paris tlie MMUM nm WM 2,788 knots, or elfven knot> loagW tlian that cowred by the lUjestic. Had the kattet vessel run the same (x'jirflp ber time would liavo tteen ."> days, 1^ BOBfB and 42 minntes, ? dlBeWM of thirty-lour minutcs; so that. the Majeatk only !><-<it the City of Paria by thirty-six Datnntea, <>r ebont twolw knotB, The record BOW, hrfwever, is .". daja, ls boaiB and 8 minutes. It waa learned from thc clnef enginear tluit the aerew of the Majeatk avfi-aVed {.eventy-^it'lit revolutious a iniiiuu>, and that the dally coDsnmption ot r?al ITM almut 130 tons. Thi* latter seoms a most Boodeat eatoputatlan when it Ls rcnieml>ered that the City of Paria, in ber me-murahb' YOyaft, inadr In :n 80 ta Kl reYolo tiona a miuut^ and borned aboat S30 tons of c?al a day. Tlie difference of 100 tona a tlay i^ enoraoous. Th? Hews of the MajosMc's Avonderful k-un vpread like wildflie down-tomi aaaeaaj sliipping circlee. aud nnmtxis hnrrled Ofl to tlie doek to ^/^ her arrivp, aml as she cauie np the rlTei Boat of tbe fWMJa Ihere aalnted. At tbe Whlte Star aflei there was ureat Jabll tion A big ebeel vent up a? the Majeatk caine aJoigaWe ,i)l' l)ie-r. and as soon a* H WM poaolbk people weot on baaod te oonfratulatr Captain Paraella. Nnnt lwra of tbe peflBengen had walted np that morn ing hopug to beot that ihcir reaacl had broken tho record, arnl as B0OI as tbe ro-.ult was ksOWB there wan a lnerry time on bonrd. It w;:6 r .in ?? I on board that carly on Ttiesday ?acnlni thc reaael ami s?..pi>y<l for a <i?:|r'er oi an honr te tepla???? a pin that had bfokcn in the Marboaro erliader, bot it eould not ?>c veriiird, and was j.ohMli'.y l?r>'d in tbe Imagination of sonic pa^senger who wantrd tfl ? ke a wonderful p<r formance still niore splondid. At hreakfast on the Majetstic yestorday morn Injf the tollowinn resolution, oddieaaad to Captain Pameba, w>> anantBaooaly adopted by t.'c pawrn ti!--, and sii:n<'d, MM>fljg othei*, by Sir L.\ou 1 laytair, l harles LaoMT, J. W. Ogdcn, JaUM M. Varnum, *ir iienry T.vJcr, IIoiuu* V? Fuller and J. }? i.' . R<?o1v"<l, That wa, the p?m?eneerii of tfce ntewti*ii(i' H?:c-!if un Hf Vapaga out from Llverpool .lulv 2*, IS'.H. }'U to oiI<'i V"! )'f-r-" itl: (Oir lnaiUOl ronpntnlation", ln lhal io'i Mu g.\ n m Hm qatokeat pMMfa eref aioaa ?crow HM At'auli' <>,. an. 1 In- viitoiy wlii'h JTM h?V? ?ti^iiiHd ?i!i in a f-'.< ikatt kwri >>?? henMcl to ttx 'itur no?.t. i?rt*. of th' earth. la n "?"% eaya of prafraM xmi snii't'oii- rlv^ahy y-.u , ->v w,n i,> ptaad la tert atal jroa hi\e aaeaaaaai in brinalai the iwa awoteal aattoaj af the v or.d nito ? 1i.s.t ii'ci\imi!y tlia;: 111 ? v B*T? 'Ar l? in lefrr-, and fn eiawnlni jroat taiendld aip MaJeaUc tho aaat ??? aae penalttea to ihare ?? ?? w and 1 Jotw ??)?'! yira in MM r>ailt- ot jroui iral :i hlevement Wi haj^ HM fnt'iri- rp.iv have la rtwt f"!' jron ?' tonUimal. tl the ?ii''ce.-? to ?iii. h vo'ir thorouffh aod coaaeieatiaan u aaUao to d-jty aotltlei pan, Aaaoag the paaaragen arha arrhred by the Maietitio were : Mr- and Mrv K. Olcott All<ji. J. D. Al>n. F. N. A' 3. iaan, j. c. Afkea, 11 S. Arkeo, Dr. W. M. BaMwln, ?r. and >t"?. n. 1: Barktof Mi and Mra a. M Ban> kirt. M. W. Betahaw, r. Blnators, Joho h. Breaaer, s. I'trkr.r llremfr. Mr. and Mr-. .t. I.. Bmner, M U & polkeJay, Mlaa 0). A. Balk/ley, E. ?. Bntt, J. Callender, MIsh F. Cam-ron. K. Oamoad I 13 r< B> <;. Cleather, r Citihiaoi. M-- x. 11. DavfcM, Mi- aa4 Mi?. W. II. Da\i?, Mr. nncl Mr?. D. U D?Ttl > l: \ .1. F ivviti-, w. r. Dadse, i.. B< Voa Donop, ?'. B. BoaMtiar, Mlaa Beoblroay, M. M. Duaean, booia BaMH 1. C. I'/i-'i rtnn, Dr. BoMMtt, l>i J. ]?? Emrnett, I. )i Bfaoa, Mr. und Mh, v'amhaaa, J. W. Pellowa, Mr. *u& Mr. K. M. PleU, II. A. Ii-l. 1. Jadft and 1. naoJi Kori. (o'on.i Friodawa, Moretoo ' Mr. and Mr.. Her...- W Knll.-. In. .1 H. Ollbert, Um Ber. 0. a Gtoi 1 rook: C. L. Gorhaai, ?'? '?? ' J. V (.t*\-. John i.rl.r-'.a. <i. II. Ifalidav. Mrv C. minian. Mr. and Mr,. W. H. HarUey, o. P. llMth, Mr Tid Mr-. W. W. H?roy, Arthur L. Holmw, J. C. WaakpaBn raa lloora, Maik Hoyt. Mi* Boya, MIm al M. Uovt, W. P. llutton, Mr. un 1 Mi K. w. ByiaM jr.. c 11. Jahnaton, ?. Makdaad Bemy, J. W. Ktot, MIm E. l>. k:hl-i.',... , i , r, a. 11 1.lop, 11. D. Lockwood, W. M. Lloy* ??.?. i; Mackey, Gaonc Marplea, Mr. and Mm. < .,,;?- j. MarUa, U B?y MeKIm, Paal MeBora, T. <?. Melor-. K. H. MUca, C E. MiH.v T. II. Montpom.n-. h- .-: Maar, W. Xobia, A. J. .Vnttinc Mr. and Mr-. j. M. <'rf?i-i. Mlaa Ami- <> ~n. <.. Bewell Pate, ''? N' Palaatr, J. C. B. Pareher, Um Ber. Dr. Perelval, Mr Lyon Ladjr Plmytalr, W.K.Poat, Mr. and Mre. J.O.Pyle, ... i. q.iii.n. Mra. a. ]'.. Raad, l?r. R. W. K-iJ. 0. 1. Bteharta Mra, BJdley Mr and Mr-. C T. Bandera, Mi. Miu-h-lJ-Siott. Dr. N. M Sha/T r, Mr. and Mr*. Beewell ?had, Mr aad Mra. <? n. bmlOi, F. I>. Boaaeta, M. P. Bouuia-k. .1. \v. Baothaek, Mr. and Mi>. B. C. Bparka, j. <;. w. lawrft. Dr. K. <;? Btela, Jaha s. BtertwMO, CtpUIn Tan.MvD. Mr. and Mr?. J. Taninr. T. Taylor, II. M. T?ni.T. 1.. II. Tiil-v. Mr. and Mr-. R. K. ThaMM, j. B. Bhaaa4aaaoa, Blr Baary TyUr, i?. Valeallaa, 1 M Vomnn, Mi and Mrv <;. & WalM, .J BtewaH W..i'i 1 C ? WfCka, Mr. and Mr-. .J. M. BrhlMtaMM MI-- It. i ?tWaattag, a P. BTBaaa, Mr-. .1. D. WBaaa, MIm J. WUaoa, w. Wltherapoan, k I. WolaT, Mr. and Mra. ?? -U tRBM, w. r a . iof aad Mr. and Mm. Thaaaaa Baoef. |r. 04.? 0OXP1PT WAMTAtt is CBIC1GO. <:.te:t(?ot Ang. j (Sperial). VKc-l're-hScnl BllflBf?i of the Ciataaajo Oa UgM aod Cobb Ooaapaap, tataed |rt">ly IhdBf re;'airtin(f thc i--ii<- ai WtfiSOJOOO in l.oi?<!- liy former BmiaB<i . for \ihi<h tlr.' '?"'-J' ' auaafeaaeat aaa eaJM aia laeai U> aeeoant Ur. bUUBfi -aid, In part : "Xha -'- iidnde DOOghl ont thf Oaa Coaapaap. Ttap \>m 1,1 it, toofe aoa?e?ri??a hiiu had a l"t ot ho!;d- ptBim h> the anioiint of tln ir artgtaal Btaaaaawai lWa IVay -m Um aoadi aM raaateai Iba aaaoey f()i tk?aa, Wlaara did Um bmmmi poi Oartalaiy aal t?. ;!?? Iraaaary <.f tii<- eoaapaoy. ii m?t. uaaa it aaaal t<> Um aaractora 11 ?annla?ai. aod ??? fcaaar it i>> Um raaaad ,,t um iraiaesas. Thfci trm-aetion not onlv h-it UM duactora M ptaaaeaaloa af the ?.a^ (Jaaipaay'i awMaaij, aal ako telaataaraai' them jor Uaalr expeadtttaraa, m tiiat tfacp had ?cmumJ Um Uaa Coaapaay for hotMag. Tka mxt atap araa to *eii ttMtf aiock. Ma ha*e aaal a diniMTid to eacl of them ?-.King e?th to turn o?M lnto the BTM U of thl- OOBtpanj the aaaaajr he retelved from the aak af BM.baaMa On th? othar l?ai"l "? P- Turbeek, virepreiident of the ?oaaoaBM '??<* (ompaiiv. whidi, it la allegrd, kai fceen taraaai for the purpoae of aoatroytng tlio oz* Llct.t and r?k<- <nmpaj)>. talked to 1 i-eport?- on tehalf of hih roaipany. aod a aerted fiatlr that the atory of thelr MPl'onenu i- all moonahlne. VOgrSECJtATIM AS AVXILllRf BIBBOP. Boston, Aug. I.?In the Cattie^ral of tlio Hotj Crmn ?Ma corclnj; ttac Utv. John Bfaif ww aM?at?d from tlie of part^h prfe?t of AaaaMBBTf to tne niar? of aualriary bi^tiop of tln: An hdux tM of J.<?-t?n. The leienMitty of la- eonseeration **i one of tho BBMlJai aortant that lia\c tak-n pi?"- in Kaw KiiKland, and aaa atU-uded wkJi all tbe pornp and inagnilittnca chui ? "Wiijjr <ti. tiiia laiudoua atiiiiouiiuaUOM. O'BRIEN&CLAHK IS TMOUBLE. THE PROPERTY OF THE BIO AQUEDUOT FIRM QOBB INTO A RECEIVER'S HANDS. StTT HAS BFFN BKOUKIIT BT O'BUIES TO DIS solve the ?ftTHiBi?rr fftinwnow of the OOMP\nty's affaip.s. i?t mmin to m tbibikk.j Poushkeppsie, Aug. r> (Rpcciali.-Judse Barnard to-day appointcxl Joiues W. llincklcy reoeivcr of thc lirin asset* of O'Bricn & Clark, of New Yurk Aqaadact l'ame. Tlic oppointmcnt wai Di.i> on fhe application of the Firat Natiom Bank of Rhinchcck. O'Brien and Clark l-eing mcr defendnnta. The jnderoent* \\ere filed ajm;M the firm in favor of thc bank, one for S?:,U 2' aad the other for $4.4!?1 S7. On hia c\amirtion in snpplenientary proccedings l?cfore Itefv* **"? V. & Sehnyler, of Bhioelwok, a bhort ti,e aB? John O'Hricn tcMified n; folbws: " I rcside in Rhhaebttk and have foj^i^'tccn fCMl pr^t. I am a mcml>cr of thc firm'f 0*BHen & Clark. The firm eoancftB of mj-5lf- Htwan Clark and John llooMf. Edward -^rn<y 1ms an iatncst in Ifeoaeyl slinre. Cls^ rcsldes nt Portehcster, WraMlhcatBI County, -N*- ?*? Clark and I represent abont three-nuarte* ?t the prop ort.y. Mooncy rcsides in NVw Vok City. Ke:ir ney residos there Um, The pla? of bontaeaa of th<> firm is X<?. 40 Wall-Kt., N>-Y?>rk. I am la miliar witL thtae) twr> jadgflMnft The mnneya nd vanced l.y tho bank WW fol 0'" bcneflt of OT.-icn A- Clark. We clnim of the-'ity of Xow-York on the Aqocdael eontvaet aboa'$4,000,000. "An actiou BgdJnal the Jity Ivm been rcrcntly tried befbn Jadga Inffimh?i and ? jaiy. Aettosa are pendlng ns to gve other aeetlona. We a proserutinz an appea] fOM thc judgQKIlt of the Cpurt Abont 8250,0*0 is held in reaerve by the city on the cngtieen*' eertiflcatea, whioh I cliiiu ie due now. Jdont know when the city elaimg it is d"*?. T'P 10 por eent iw eubject to snit. The firm lu< aa actiou Bgainat thc Long Island Railrnad i*t $14,000. We hare tooh) and nwehlnery, b*t eont ^:<^? whatil is all worth. We have an eijiity of r<'deiyption on eertain real ?state. it i> '1 T!?!!-'ii Brldge Fork, Kew-York. It baj been erodemned by the city for parlt par pofes. It. hai been tpprtJoed at $120,000. Onj firm bM an aooount in the Mt. M(?rris Bank: also in tiie Amerioan btxehnnge Bank. Nt lialance Rtorth 8l*aking of iu eithcr. llie Amerioan Exohange Tias an a?si!.'nment of onr elaim on Bection B of the A?iueduct. of some $42,000. Wc claim $64,000 in .-e-ii'in.-1 John CBrien ha.s ibo' Wiinn a suit for the ' dissolution of the i<rn< of 0 T.ii"n A Clark, on the groand that Clark baa orerdrawn his account $100,000 or more. The o^jiers ar<* roti;rr:n>)'e liefore Jodfe Barnard on Sat nrday aaftrninf. Judce Onernaey is OBrien torney, an<i .t. W. Hinckley baa been appointed ptneral reoelTer. BOME OF THEIB DNDEBTAKINGS. TIIF.IF. FAMOUS TU.VXKL-RECENI F1XANC1AI. TROUBLES. The ncwn of the appoinrnmut at Paagkkeepfla bl .indoc Baraavl of a reeeiveff fce <n;rict?.v < tiric. tbe tirm of AqoeOact eoatractoim, cr'at^i ao l?111 - - l ;?? ? in tliis city List eveninc and ?a~ dttteacae4 ?!;;i anl BMttioa In poBtteal and otber clreloi aboal thc ?ptowo hotH> anl ciuiiv. rtie oppaceat Bnanda] eoUap ?? tiie tirm ??*!?? Iilnlj not nnexpccted, b'iit it eaused n'Hviy n* mii'ii eoauaaat m U it iuki eone nnbomWed. raa eaaerprlaaa In wMen taeae cootnwtoia have been eiipi^'tid viere tafiB ?ad vnriod. and 0M HWB they 'n-cre looked ujion as MaOBg the MMri sticrws?fui and soUd of the operjt.irs aagaged hi Ihc trcrh of eonstrnotion. The lurw'fc-l Of their recent enter]"-!*** w tlif bafhUag 0f six of the m"~t '"'? po^t^llf aaettona af the new OMaon AriwdnH. tnvolTlnfl Ihe aipaadllaia of many miiliws of dolfnr-., altlioucli Ihey bara been enpaped in the l?iiildi:ic of raiboada ;::<\ ott t e\tpii-lvc operationv. dnc of thatf Aqoedurt wetkHM Inetaiel the great f^^f of eaglneerlng ol canf inp the tnniicl to a d-pl!i of 4il? f'-ft bekrw 111?- Harlen KiVcr. it wm on Bection i? of O'BHen A &irk*i coo tracl thal Um dhwovery of iim-i of ta? eefectlve m t* oa the new tqaelact vai aaate, and from Um Um ,.t gils dli "vcry um Bnanctal Uoablei of Um Bm aeem t'> have begnn. Caaar tbe ordon of the Aqoednet ConailHl ?, they itarted to repair Um ba4 arori at Kr>':if eort, bnt d* i btrtng thal they a?e*e entttW to relniburseinent, as H waa nll >ii>n<' naBaf the dliect "\i\'>- of the Ooaa mtsslon tiir^ncii tiie eatef eaguwer. The Aqoadnd CommlaKfon refoaed t? entertain aay efeUai (or naklng good Um bad wora on tba Bmi?a aaetlona, and (yDrton i Clark brooght leveral mlta agatnal Um eKy-oaa ooverlng eaeb of tiieir aaettona?and ?ggregatJng be iween g4,O0O,O00 and #5.000^00. The Brst of UMOO, in wi.ii h Um (li'inrind waa for neariy gfi,00O,O0 -uitcd in the defeal and Blaeoaafltare of the pla Money iae the tirm on it-, oontiaeta artUi the dt| baa been garnlabed ?>v Um aab-eontraeton In numer oaa caaea, and it baa been weH known ttatl O'BHen ct dark hive for aeveral BJontha been in sevei-e pe onalary siraits. john O'Brian, thc fceai of the Bna, baa v>nn been eetive aa a Den?oeratf? politMlao, and dnrlng Um noted r.1iiip.nru "f 1084, when um Brat ran lor Oovemor. he araa ekatnaaa <>f t*a Demoeratk Btate Coaunlttee. j 11~ DMthoda for raJaiag fanda for Um Qovernor'a oon Ma< are -till fre-li In the BMmory of newapaper roadera. Henan riarfc. the leeond piirtn^r, ?aa a larze eontractot In the Weat before be eaane to >'>-"iV Vork, and tbrongb the awdlnm of "Heaeet'' Jonn Keenan, nnder llabert O. llioaipaon'a adndnrstratlon m COnmbMtoner ol PobBe KTorka, eame In aitk O'Bricn on the "groand Beor" of Um Aqoedurt I.-..M-. "Boodler" Keeoon becon aanoylne tbe Rrw ?itt: a nrh ckUBlng partnerabln lo ha proflla before he thoaght it uuTe to leow bft retreal In Canarta. nn January 14. 1669, Judae Andreira graoted k appUcaUon f>>r a conunlaa'on to aaeerUIn a-hpl hl? rlghta i'i ffl.'' Aqnednel eontraeta arera bnt ba ha been nnsncacwfol In hla rlnim^. if renorta are corrert jlr, Clark haa been for a rear or more a beav* deaksr in ??i.nt-" aod "eahV hi Wall Street. That lii^ ventorw have noi been lueceaafol la utdleatedbj O'Brlen'i itate in. nt liiat Clark hu^ overdrawn J;i^ aecount to Um antonnt of 1100.000. Tbe otber partaera, Edward Kearney and bli rela tiv. .tolin H. klooney, are well known Demo radi poj Uclans of ii?i^ city. Mr. Kearnejr baa been on aJl Udea ,,f um i"'?'! Deinocratlc fenco, and waa nerer known , itaj long wttti Uil deosated faetton. vrhen Um Coonty Dawociacy waa organlaed Mr. Kearney lefl Tammany Hall to become one of the eornerati.i ol ihr new oraaolaatton. Three yeara ago, wkan Uie fortonea <-f U.Conntlea" began to trow dark, be lolned with lleory i?. Parroy la dierapUng Um i / tjiin and i'i- nexl \<-^ foand hla lafoly back agaln ?i ii.,.''..m of !'.?? Wlgwam. li'-rn be la Ukrt) to re maln ?<-' k?n? i? M* \?Utt%U make it an ubjw-t. Mr. clark I- the onlt member who l- even nomlnaJly ealletl a Beuubllraii. "!^v mimtoi * in all irnni I h d I "? bav? been wltti Tammany, -? ? ? - vn b nou nn utiutti nfori. CaarlottesvlUe, Va., aag. 5.?Daawl P. Conaell, of iN.rt-'nioiitii. OWo, arbo waa bot by ?obm anki own i?r. ?oaVblto lytag In htabaHboa tae Palhaaa aleeptog-cai M the Cheaapaaha aad Oblo tealn hwl Batardaj idorn (ii4.,i aere al i<? "v|",|( thta moralng al Wrlgnta ?Jotel, whara he baa beea em ataee Um tragedy. Ha , , >, twt.tnent e.\< ept Ihe on.- already pulilisbM. ","'1'',/;. .'-, .'''d-iiheraujy ?hoi hlm after deinaodlng !,''" ?,.Viie'v. wwefc aaaatafaaad. ryOf/l Of WO Um TO mtUM niLBOPhis, wii.r.. Meahaaa. Haaa., Aag. -v .\ rapaAfei eattcd af tha , , ,. m CfuHcs, th? mlUleaalre wldower of Mr. inii n . UlU, nil,|lier || Mm wuuld **Z*J*A*l?* ndliulooK and in ^aopttao whs aafraa aad wmm B1?horiWHl ".12*SrtZ?m2L mSA ?aa m. io dcur Uiat Mr. bonrim ??? ?? paadJai k?Mn*. ?,f ?*%* u'" Dfe**Jai <>'< aka Mk aka. Uopkms's wllM alW i bje i, or that h* antl.ip-.tcl any."1 ^.v ?A- c/w/o.v nujy IX COLUSIOy. pOflt P*10*'* KILLED AND MANY IJfJURED 01 T,n- WDENSBPRQ AXD LAi:i. CHAMPi.WV ?ajaMhari, N. Y., Aur. j.-A fatal ?AeflBBBi of> Clll.n, to-!!ij:hton thc OfBBiplflig and Likc Chani plro Ikiilroad, near Ch uiiplam. An u iBBMatt tiain 0f,Mi BBJB WBg in collinion with a BtUBBBfJir tr.un, .,1 ionr BB1BMB1 were killed and nnny othern u;re tnore or leas hadtf iujnred. a'ull particulari* *re not obtainable at present. WJBB8TBM S1ILL Al LARGE. THE P0L1CE ARE NOT INCUNED TO DKLIEVC THAT nr ttttt tOMMMMBKM iiimmxf. The Intitnatlon tbat Uertram C Webater, who Ullled Caarka at. Goodnrla, aalght aniiiaMoi MnaaaH la I a pottee kcdara ike end of tbe weeh \\m apokaa of hy Ckkf [nepeetor Byrnea jraakrdai aa a i<.i->iu!e dodge to bhUmj Um pottee rahu Unat tearah. ??I have no lii/orrnallot] jihont Wcbater's posstble Burreiidcr, BXeOpt what I bave seen In tbe newspa pers,'' he ^ulti. ? und 1 have niy opmlon of a lnwyer. who l? an oftircr Of MM lourt, who would BBaMt In kaaptag a murdcrer otit of the reach of justlre if he kaew where the pohVe could Und hlm. We t>hall anr-t Wcb-ter sooner or liter.'' Tho bMpaOtor'a look of (onti'l'tKC led the Tilbunc reportcr to think that" UM detectrrea ln.d irot on thc traeh af tVehater and mlplif arreat hlm BOOnet than he and hU frtends expeetcd. At tlii! oftlre nf Howe <fc Hummel It was said that both kwyen weea away. Mr. Attan waa in the elty, but tho rapoftee was not altle to hee liim. A tonii dentlal etatl BBM that tbe baW llrni had b^-n ICtabMi on Tneeday k defend Webater. Beraral wui* aaen, wboae aamei were not u> be, divuipii. had eaDed at the onke la arranpe for Um aaknrn. They aere friPiKi- of Webater and were eettng wiUi Mi knowkdge and approraL, and they doabtiOM knew where hr ama. Thoy <M(i not MU where ha eooM i>r fonnd, bowerer, and all tbe flnn Imow abonjt tbe autter waa that Web?ter'? frlends bad clated that be woaid aBirander hitnself before Suturday. Alh 03 ACCOUNT OF TBE ROACHES. KAtOPPELfPI RF.ER-SHOP WAS BCRXF.T) OTJT. A*n A TAILOB IX THF. ROOM AHOVB WAS OVKFUOMK. Poitibea beeaaM I ? pMatlfa] takty tn Fmnz Krwif feM*a beer abop o i tbe sjroond Boor of the Utreortory frwii" !;on-e Xo. 100 EaM ?'in-dinndred-nnd ninteenth at.. and KauftVU hai tried to earkratlaak them arttti a atlxtora of ofl and tarpeotino. At t a. in. yatter day be waa throwlog a ipray of Ow adxtara acain>t the eeillnrr with a tqolri un, and the -tn;r raucht fire from a Bghtod Mmp. The fttini? qaJekly Itted the beer-abop. KirafftM and hia nualty n*-*i to Um Mraet ?ad gave the atarm. Tw i huniUei on the tee ?d Boor barely eaeapod. wrjUam HehMaiaa, who ilept aoanaly on tbat Boor nnttl tbe ?rooke aaa Uttek in hta "?'"'. Inmped from a window and hnrt bls artn iBgbtly. Chariea Mohring, aa oM UUor, Utred <ai the kp Boor with hu wtte and ber trtend, MlnnM Ktober. Thelr aaaape waa eat ofl hy the Baraet. PoUoemen In the :iw tl | WOBMYi at I fronl window and MM tBBBl - ? ? i jntnp. a< th" Braaaaa a*jea eoaMnp. MoBrlng fell on UM fl<?or. ovcrroine hy nmolie. Hook ano" Ladder Coapany No. 14 laabad ?p to the booM and Um Breraea went np ? bakkr k tke roof. iii.\ eat a boto there to tot oaf the Mnoiw. ilreana lm ran ? ladder fn"?m th- wtndow where the arare to a ? Indow ol BM nearast aooae, .md Itelpod tbem bctom the brtape. Hmb be. "ent beeb ?nd dtasged i at akbrtog. Tbe oid taOor m ittll Inscnslble when an embolance arrived to talt?> hitn tn V,,' llarlem Hoapttal, bot the Migoooi thongbt MJ W The flra caaaed a lo-s af abotit 85,000, which was otrrerad by laaaraaee. -? Bdiujre rsDicn a crazt captain. TnE CREW MUTIXIFD AND THEIR COMMAXTIFR KILLED HIM-KLK. The steamshlp Finanee, of the f'nited Ptates and BtaaU Miii Bteaaaahlp i-mc Birtatd la Biooklyn j-ecteraay and i-. at Roberts'a Moroa, Ob board at hrr waa Um eraw of tbe Konragka bark im^'h porl Captain a. M. Oeetanyden, wbtch waa bouod for Maschlo, ^ r.'i .a geoeral eargo. The eraw bad muti niH. There were mb ol thent. The only ona who wonld t:iik w-is ? aallor aaaMd LouM Wllllaraa He ?ayi thal abaat Bfty nlka froat Cape St Boqae UM captain, who waa a rToiweglaa, bagaa beattng abaat vlthoaf apparant objaet, and eonUnnad k an ^o for three daya, Than )i" annoaneed that ho was golni to Barbadoea and at otker thnea be aaM be waa boand tor Dtba ptaee*. PlnaUy, on Jnna 11, tbe BgbtbooM at Mamnhaa wa* alghted. Tkea Um eraw aroaa and tooh poaaaaaloa of Um yeaaei Hii> eaptatn weai Mhote and laid th" rase beforo Um Norweaian Consal, and ha ronunooed the eraw, The captain aaM the eraw aratlnled beeaaae there waa Doi enoogli tood and bad braagbl UM reaad B Uaran bam. TWi UMg dcnle*t They waea Mot baek to the vc-M-l, and Unrea daya Mter Um eaptatn went na board. rV'hilc Utttng In the rabta fi?; abol blm ?!( In UM bead, dylng aoon afterwara. it ui nppot <i that iie wa* Inaane. The eaptatn'a hrother tooh ebarge af 'he eeaael and a tiew prow waa proearea. Tlie afd eraw tlien eBBM k NewVorlf. Xha i':i:a re atoo iii'i on board ntne bmb af Um crow of tbe barkenttae Bteadfast, boand from Trlnldad ror Pblladelphta wtth aaphaJt. Bha ran aahore on tbe \ est end ot the lahaBd of BaaM Crni, and after ftrlp ,,i ? her the erew m.uie tiieir au to the porl ot santa Crni, wbence tbea were forwardeal to W. Tlionia*. where they toob tbe Plnance. Die t*t?ad/n i was fi im Bettaat. Bbe waa on ber tirs: tnp. and waa lniiy Inanred._ ^.v VfSUZASCE GOMPAMT OVKHSTr.PS TTSEtf. Baratoga, Aug. 5.?Jbatiee Pntnim, M tbe Bpeelal T-rin thla mornlng, dlandawd Um wrtl of eertlorari obtilnod by the GMna Falh Inanranea Company to revicw the aaaeeamenl ot it- oew ofbee balMlng In ,.i,n. Kail- by the rtUage ?>-? ?'?'? al (MO.0O0 M ,v... ive. The bolMlng, whleh baa Jnal been rom pleted, eoat opward ol Biao,000. The vllbge ?> -? forgol to asaoM tbe contpany'a wrplua a- autbortaed to do bj tbe Legklatora al the taat aawton, bnt Um ,,. ,.; tl ? town ot uueenebary, In which Gkna PaUa i- Incloded, bad thelr attenUon ralled to tbe faet D, thut certlorari, and they bate M?eaaed the eon tor B40.000 on Ita real eateia apd gHpOipOO.!.! ,,, .":?. wflcb total aiim uf ptMO.OOO I alll have to bayState, rountj and towti taxw next wlntar, ao tbe writ ol carUorarl hu proved to ba a booaaarang. Tlii: tXICKEBBQCKKM tTOMAOE COXTAXY. Albany, Aag. 5.-A beartng wai beM before Depatj tttorne '! ? ?' t"':'> "" l'1" i'!?1''l' ' John J. Moore, a ?; ckhohfcr In tbe Knl keroockcr Stormre Company, of Keti V'oih ?'iiv. aal I ,,?.,,.., aencraJ to brli ? an a lk * "? * "lv" i:'* '":" pany on the groond of i;* laaolvenry, and on Um furtlier gnmnd tbat Um corporaUoa baa rtokl nw In imt hoMing annoal annnuUj h ee IB?T. Afler hcarlnB b Ui kka, Judgo Maynard aaM that no evhtence had been prodnred tkowlng tluU (i"- eoatpBBj wa kaolrenl bnt on ,;? ,. tntrary, II.ppow nl ol tbe appH< illon bad produeed a certtfled c py ol the annnal repvri of the company, nW wlk the la retarj M Btate, toi la l g it- llablUUes to be B1B4?10, whlle Ita ?, , B1 -.-i- Begnrdlna tbe alleged vtoh .. .avtitlR UlC annnal lir ttlnfJ ? ld t ? ? ,f <lii-.-toi- it appeanxl that there bad been ? T-.I ..-? on the part of all tbe in tiu- j?di< \. Jodge Maynard tooh tbe popet ,, en-ed laJ dedalon. L'UlRKn A Bi/LaOiD '>h BSSJXM. Umtovtlk. kp.. Aag. ". -The aaaaanl faaken by Byl ?aata Voong, defaaklag eaaaler af tbe Pewpoti "?? ;tn<t Mi--.-ilpjai VaBay BaaUroad, kat boaa .-tim..t?i i,\ al huniUBMB M Um Oaaraataa Oeaapany ?<( PorU) ineriea af BBJjOOO. A raward of Bft.000 BM oflerad for htearreal and ratara beta. -^-* mr. covjnmt iMom tutuaacm wioobkax PaitUbalf. Penn., Aug. 5.-A rhmdbur-t aapMliaf last nlKht twtween thls city and Rookvlllo and paajanf Paxton Creek to Jine ?o rapldly that tbe laUroad triieks and many bouaea tn South Hiirrlnbiirg were flooded. Baraaal kekrka were inundated and epeta Umh had m aa aaMaaaMai. rraraa aa Um l-em-.i raaM BaU.' '?'" ??"??"-'' '^'?'l hMhai af arataf jor two or thiw haara A number of dann kafM and tloodcd t"? aBBMBBilBl aaBBttP. There BMBB .everal narrow e*<?l>?a from dromiilng, b'"'';! BM| ?' BfakfitaWMd, Xb? wator M rotcdlag raiddiy, COL. McALPIN RE-ELECTED. WORK OF THE LEAGTJI CONVENTION AT BTBACIJ8E. MMIMaSJI AM) HARMOXT-MASY OLUBS REP lU^KXTED-UEAFFlKMIXG THK PRINCirLES OF 188S-A GREAT .MA^P-MF.F.TT*G ix thk rrengB. [BT TKI.EliRAPII TO THE fWl f Syraeusp, Aug. 1.?Tlie beat Republican club onnvriition ever held in tliis State i? the iioani mons verdiet to-night regardbag the fonrth annual mrcting of the Xew-York League, which opei'^d here this morning and clnaed its flnst day's prooeedina.s latc to-ni-ht wtth onc of the moat cnthuslnatic mnss-ineetinir? ever witt;e*ed in Oneadega Ooaaty. The expaetatataeai whioh eagye lalnaaimilaa to ataf gaihiiliig, gnal aathey were, have all Iwn rimrc than re..!i/ed. N'ot only WOd the atcendaaee Uffga and thaconghly tepieeentav tive, evcry purt of tlie State havlng dtldgateg pecaeat, bal tlie proceedintrs from hoglllllllig t > i-ihI were spirited and Intfualjng. and it would be djf hcuit if not bapoaaibM ka tind n Btpnblleaa that tvaa present wbo is not encourajred and dclisrhtr-d at what he flaw and bcard. It wus g RepablicaB aaaeEabil a ln the fullest and licst seiuse of thc term. Not I trnco of faetioini.l feeUflg w;:s niani Ibatcd tUronaiiont the day. cvery atternpt of that ?Oti btJag iustantly aheclPBtl by what rnLht fa.rly >>o tcnncd the " cnmmnn^senflc of mnst.'1 As one of the lenditiK delegatea put it, "We are tlirorjfh fiRhtin^ eaoh other: we are (roim,' for the cnmmon enetny notv.1 ThLs waa hhe spirft of tlie meetititf and one that waa constantly reflceted thrnuchont the pro eeedinga Thoac who feared that ihe eoavention might aay or do aometbing that wonld enabarraaa tlie regnku party oonventlon next montb will ! with aatMfaction thal al] auch fean nre graandleaa. 'Ihe Leagne men fnlly nnderatand that tlieir baalnedB >* not. to make piatforma any more thaa it !? to nominate oandldatea, and ?o tbey oontented IhcnaarlmTa to-day with atmply reaflirniing the prinoiples of the party ns get forth in the Nntionnl platform and, arralgning thc Dora ocrath State (iovernuient. About tbe only exoep ton to this waa t!.c reaolution adopted in tlie con vrntion, in rcfcrence to the OOBtraol work at thc Daanemora prieon. Colonel UoAlpin waa re eldtcd in OOOordanee With gencral expeetati>n. Hia work of late m:ide all oppoattion to him fntile, and hia only opponent, John S. Sinith, the efBeient ehainnan of tlie inb-Exeouttve Com inittcc, paw tliis carly, and graeefully retircd, leavlng thc Colonel to be ehoeen again by ac elamatton, II waa a aaattet of regret, owing ?otnewbat aa a mleonderatanding, Mr. Rmith waa beateo M a cnndidalc for membei of the E.xee utivo Connalttee. It waa not due to any fault of liis, and he will :,'et a gaitable place of honoi to-aaoiraw if he wU aoeept it. Tbe Bnal aeaaion of the convention will be held to-day to ootnplete thc eleetion of ofBcen and ehooae delegatea to the NattoBMal Ckwretrtion of tlie League nexi year. MAXY PARTY LF.APERS OX HAND. Th^ proceedlnga began about noon in the Orand Op. ra llonse. whicfa w:;s beaatifnlly deoorated with fh<js. bnntiug, Boweia and evergreena 'I here waa hanlly a vaeant aeat on the main Boor, nnd the tallcnes were eomfottably lilled. The tnnjority of the delegatea were yoojlg men, of eaarae, ba* no small aambei of poliUeal vaterana and proininent party lc.tdeis w ie nlM in attond nnce, sueti as Siate Scnator Sloan, Aswmblyman I-e.vo, bf Maghataton; Senator Sweet, ex-Con man linrr. Bobert P. Portefi Saperlatendent of the Cenaaa; Genera] Btewarl L. Woodford, ex-Senator Grlawold, Bmith O'Brien, of Albany; Con aaan Seieno N. Payne, (fathaniel MeKay, .John Bhnpaon, Aaarmhlyman Acker, WiUlam A. Smyih, ehainnan of the Tloga Coonty Uepubliean Con> mlttee; Mablon Chanee, of the Ameriean I i tiw lariti Leegoe; Janaea A'Bmnehard, ex-Mayoz Paraona, <-i Boeheater, rejoleing m the faci that Ida oity will bave a BepohUeaa eonvcntlon next month; John Drake, oi New-York: Charlea E. Fiteh. Jndge Wil'i-i.:i A. Warner, ex-Anaemblyman AUen: Jnhn Kenyon, Samuel M irria, who baa been flghUng "Kd" tfnrphy ln rroy for a doaen -.. v 01 ni"ie, and othcn almoat 'i,> well known. Andrew U. Wbitfl was ln town. bnt liad to go auay before the meetini opened. Pteaidenl McAlpin preaidad. Moat of tboat <>n Um platfona wera League men, ineladlng riall ?a from other State Leoguea, araong thera J. Henry Uonld, of Maaaachnaetta, and Mr. Kelly, of Wis consln. Prayer araa offered by the Bot. J- a. Boch man. ? My Coantry Tla of Tbee,' waa aung by the Syr.Miise Olee Clnb, tbe aodlenee joining Ln Ihe refraia llsen Satem llyde, ehainnan of the looal eoramittee, delivered tbe addxeaa uf weleomc, aaying aoiong other thinga: The dUaena of Byraeoae. IrreapecUTe of tactlon, or of party, or uf crecd, or ol roi ?. wclcome tu Ihe ceidral ritj of thc btate tik'He rcpn entatlve profi lonal and buslnerci ni'ii who bavo come togeUtei here to de UUer.ite on great iiucsUon;* of policy and of State. ?]!;.?-<? men ->! rcnown who ?orron ?! mc here, ?ianding biafa aa iti-% do Ln the Soilon's esieem, we uot only ^ro*. bul we Uiank them for tlw <i ??'!- Ihej ','\?? done in the paat, for thelr preaoid blgh ro -?' ation to th ? party'a w?j* and laplrlng i ?t ? in tho party'a tutore. We Uwnk Uiem a~ well for Ihetr preaenre here to-da\ and ln advance t r the eloqueirl aorda whleh we '???>?? Ihey aic lo ?pea? to as. For tl^ Lcagne and Its work 1 need nof speak. VVbal we do nof know tla ?? grond men eloipient will biirn into our ' ' ? '"?- """ '' ' from oB the altar oJ a llving patriothm. tnie thlng we do know. aiiii thal l? thal it all meaiis duratiaii .....I of edui iimm the Repnblleon partj fr. II i.ii.a in the i'i ,v ' ' ?' cr '? ? : It tm? always been aafe It la to-day *afe lo a?sc n?. i;i .i. ;i man knowa th<- more likely i- he to vote thc i: pubUi in Hcket. II I* alao Ju i .?- - ife I i i ial the in tter ;i man i-. ihe n te be i-. Ine belter rarc he tabei o< l.i- famtly, tbe m iru i ? ighbor, the i etter i ne Is, tho dh re hc !?ve? hi.-i eountnr and the m >re he lovea 'n- Ood. Uic Bkcb la that man to vote the Republl'TMi tlcket. I U ti,. ,? are the fact?, gcnUemen, N our pnde and our i thla eondltiofl carriea with it graae re ; : ISttli ?. . ni < mtldeiit CJtportatlon ol evei ? tiuii i- bc t from u-. .t ? ? for na to I Ever> delcgate here to-daj owen to thls rom li in hlm. If ron e\er h:r. and patriotic i iood?, thl ? i ? the place foi ' em. . if vii i evi a nbrti .. ?! th ough th m i i >??'!<? ?|.' ? "f pufriotic exiiltiitlon . nr to yoa praetii I Idean thal m ???? be "?? '" lo ronr parl '? ?:?..;? >i ii ii- i. -? -:i.n i ? .'.-.| do. li -re i xi.iv in?l ? ?: ?-?--:- i n.. you ha*v comc here with thoe IhouchtH ln yonr minds. I y< ;"' |. onr bcllef, and nddx Immwi arablj; i < ?e -?-- nf onr wi . ;i "l to onr hopea t mrhing ,i, r ,!? i f yonr dellb rallona. l ?ar. " drome to K- ,? ii IIi n (*rr8i n ??! .,, i.. ,,,,' tiea i titm \ '?!?: ! Mr. HydVa rnaarka were gekvrooaly applauded. Heerftary Hodges ataruxl tb caB the r.dl oi dele ininid thal thla wonld take too piuch time, .*? he waa dlrccted to almply oall the ,,l im!i i li.l. on hll Hat : 'Hie li-t o! the saaay onraaiiatloni tcuiaatnted La printed ln aootbar ooloaw. BPl l.' II OF FBESIOBXT Me M.i'ix. Dnring tha roB oall Seerrtary Blaina'a name ma loadly oheered. A eonl al ? ia reporte I ln th,. Otorerarule bnl it waa H.tried, tlie Convention declding that all clnb eotaUvea were weleome. Preaidant M Alpln thea delivered hia aaanal addteaa, well reri-i\el. Ib-te bj whal ba aald: GeaUeaa a 4 l ??? Leaa i ?a ? I to-daj m ,,,, Tourtli annoal ? mveni ?> '< le /'' Bepnbl ol the State of Kea york. By !,.?, repented tavor it la t'v dnty, ? ? ? m pl? ' 1"":,'u-" Etlu ' ''^'''^""L^taTwottTaat ms t^cn doae, aad aameaUy roaatder w ??? "" gona J. la not tar me tojjlaeaaa tte grwe 1 Tnii.i.i partle* m the Ktatc and ? ?< m. aad upon th '?..1,m:,i ..t' !? J I,,,! ohiI> Ihe . nf the Mate oud KfaUon, bal ,.i che ln lt? Wn il rltiren aa u> II. w- Have ln oor mldat u?dn>. A^ frieo^ " ? -; , .; ^angolahed and p.tiriot.r ,,.,-n known thmughout the Sh d i .pnmIUi "t our land, who will diTU.. for .... Sufeatton th- C?tMt n?-.i-?- ^'"^'^t 6it?"Uoa ?f *bo AiaerKau peopio. 1^ vm y?t1u" me, therefore. ln thc few words that I shall speak. to oonflne mraau t?> tl.o?e mattara wimh roncern aa aa ekab meaibora. and whlcb relate to the worh M tno Leacue as n diatinct organlcatJon. ? ?i.r Leagne la -tmn.-er to-dny than whcn we iw met, both ln numiicr- and bitereat. Purlnn tbe y^or a namber of chiba oew to Um Leagne have been added to Ba mll. and alv. rhlbi fonn.-rly Ulcntinca with thla organlaatloa have renewed their nllcglance HDd reawakened Uielr enthnataam. onr wora u dtrecUon ibouM not be ended nor sr.ould our eoorta rciv-c untll we have an acUve Republlcan club In eycrj bainiet, vlllage, town, ward *nd otty ln the Btate. With tbls done, we need have no fcar that thc Kmpirc 6t?t? will ever fn'.i to demoaatraaa that shc K aa aw know her t<> be, a RepubBcan State. To thls hranrb of tho work tlie orpiinlrat.on (,f new < lube?1 Ipvtta vonr earneat eonalderaaon. ?e onger ln that we have, as I am gkad t<> bclleve, Ihe conildencc aad aaalttaaea Of tlie rejn.lar party or en-'ilzatlon. - There has been. and wherj our purpo?*s are rt?cntl> nndcr.t'XMl there oaa be. no rlashlng of mtareau, no lenlnnay, no enrroachnent opon the domaln of otnera, no rtvalry cxr? pr Urnt frl< ndly roiiipeUUuii whlrh seeks to thow the Iwint re-nilts. The BeM i- broad cnon/h for every woraer. Itu herveet hi wt.ite enoogh for every energy, Um eeaaon li tlmely f>>r mdtvfctaaJ and unlted ctTort. It l> not the luirp-v" of thK organfamtlon. nir of the rhtba of whlrh it i* eonjpoacd, 11 nomlnate or evea aag> ti-ft men for offiee. It ka o:ir bnslneas to etoct theni. Wa do not make partv platforms, but we Dtopoee to ,,..,-.. tiM pUtform of our party kbe poMaai ereed of the Slato. \iid n r rnnprdulnte vou, rent'cnien of thc Leagne, 11p1.11 the added -trcntth vhlfh eomea fro-u the oon tlnuou-iv Inereaatag confldenee and aaalatiinee wnleh we recelve from tlu- party le^lc^ throusrhout thc state. Wo are alao stronger br mison of unncroK*arv de frat A defeat whlrli |s nnavoidable is dlaconragJng. A defeal whlrh a better or.euiiwiflou and more earneat work mlglri have ehanged to a vletory la n aoaraa of atrangth if ha leaaoai ba beeaed. TiiE'e OKyaajy/o it i? naaai aiy for the aaeeaaa of the Leagaa, as wafl as of ihe party, that men who are eheaafl to offlce in thc fnagaWi ahothrr 1t be to the chlcf placcs or to exeenUve ooaamtttae work, be men whoaa hateveal aad abllifv badfeaaa that they will glvc their tlme and earneat attentton to thc datka bapoaaf apon Baeaa. With DO fhonght ti cast dlsparap:'ment npon what, baa been drme In the paat, i woald afneerety urjte that m ii aoaorUrai of aaeartban of tbe exeenttve eom mirtcc the names choaen niay be those of thc men who nndertake ln aeeepffag tlicir efeetfon to pive eonataat Mtcntlon to the tntereat of th? Magae, and hwe t., the Uepubltean partj tt'h >n iueh a ivMi.-ltili.n confrontsiK thare is no r mmh tor discourogement, bul every Bepnblican orgaulzatton :.nd votr -ii-nlrt grow Btrooger and more vlgllant in . i ledga that tucceae bi peaalbla, aad wftk proper efforl e. iiain. . . ? . .?? \nd ao. ?enUamea, aa I say. we meet here to-dny itronzer tron we weraa year ajro. Hut !??* me ren.i vou Ifai added power brtnga tacreaaed ng^^ae. 1'iwslbllltlea are not eertalnUea, and Uic brtage \Mii< h leads frora the fornmr to tlu; latter niu-f be Ptonned ln v, ixVftnd Mdit by honeat woi*. Lct na plar, whely ln rnls convention, work earneatly duriie-- Ute week to . ;,,?] tbe pomdbllltiea of to-day aball ba the cer talntleo ?'f tfovcmber. , . -? Thc purpoae of Ihe I^apie la to plr.ce mi organlM ii..,. ln every etecthm ?n-trict to awaken he publlc before the mlnd of every ritlien who haa a vote thc facl that unon Uila ballot thi- ln Mmexanplcd ,i. ?,?,,?, depends the bonor and aafety of the st.-n?. Lct onr own ronvenUon, then, in namben and ln Ihe rluiractcr of the mer. wlmra It dravm together tn thla -i - - glve itrengUt and parpoaa to the Reponn i oppreaaed with a aenaa of theaa reaponel biutlea and posslblBties tw they pweaent tbcni elv i to me b'lvd uwn Ihe reaulta of paat elecUona. Tlie Demoeratir randldotea for Btate ofBeea have ' ai electcd In t-ht^ stite for tho hi^t soven or etghi yeara. Thc plnndltlea have averaged abont in a lotal ,f over l 000,000. The Bepubllrara have eamed the state .;t two of the '?!-' Inree Preatdentlal olectlon*, nt whlch tlm m the mner vote Is broostit <>ut and the bettor toat made. Troly Ihe two poUtlcai aarUea m tbis State haug in neorly even talnnrc There nre over B.O00 elcctlon dlstrlcta tn fhe State: <i ehange of two votcs ln eaeb distrirt. as ahown bv the avornee vote of ftatc eleetfona fbr the laat seven or rlghi yeara, would Inaarc a KepuMlean vlrtorv Phnnge ncd a M'te. *>nl add thref ln eaeh distret from the long li-t of RepnbHeaa ?t?y-a*" bomen, and yon arcompllah th^ tame raanlt. Tli-.e fi.i- ?nd Hauri * aro nol now. I rei ill Uaam now that i,,\ ma< ald me In Imnreaalng npon the mlnd? of ?aeh ?Li ?:-,..? present thc wdemn tmth that tho elnba whlch yon rapresent, by acUvlty <a- Inactlvltv, wl'l rast Into the ,. icaJe ?.r tb- other Um few lluetuailne I Bota which ?ha*l tuni Ute belanee, whlcb ahall reacem fhe Rtate from Dcmoeratlc rnl-ralc. or leave It thc eon Unucd pi<'^ of the rtnga wblcb have ao long, without hbidranee. fwtuaied npoa it*. ureaaory. V/ere thls .ill no ejteaae cotiid lv> found for laek of Wii f,r ?i-tlvltv. bnt with Wew-York as thp prohahle i Stote ln the, as It has hcen ln formff. Presidentlal electlonB, tJio 1nt<'ivst at ^^,(X t'roidens from State to Vatton. A vlctory of th" K-'puhlhnii party ln ute rorar^aratlveiy ootmportant Btate elcctlon nf thla year wfll mnke more eaar, If Indeed. It wiu not ln-iire, febe triumph of itcpiil-lican prlnclples ai (he Natlonal eleeUon il next year. ln thi- State there is no sirii thlna a- an " >?' rear." With na eternal . i, the prlce of RepoWlran aneees?, wbkb i? bnt another name fr>r poUtuml Hbertv. I i' i: i ?:niiiii"<i vi. p. L'i''l. men, of the power wMrn |a Inhereni ln our orjmni/'it;. <f th" poaathlllttea whlch are onra, of the prizes whlrh ara wrebtn onr Whal have i ahown yonl A magnlfleewt engjne pprfeH ln all its ptrti and appnintmcnt-. pnntlnc and IrembllnK with Imprlsoned energy. <">1">'> the thrortle ? the eneriy whlch li"- nnnaed ln lhe?e oi /:|,,,, || .; pmi- t rhnnnels ' r exertJon ind thc re m\i v ill be ma reBons Karnest, peralatei I i, ited work will arcompHah the rcsult wblcb we all bop ? ? ?? and i xpeei. Maa?-meetlng? and spccch?>s. pmrce-lon; and fi.-c ?? ? ? . ??, tn uiii pfilnted bannera ahi ie ? 111 not do it There are Ihe exMhltlona of a dT-* pnrade ln sumnier ramp. The conb -? wh'ch we have bel ?re an ? be fought wltti bfcmk eartridgea, nor ln hoUday Thc .-T-."iit nf meeeaa and thc responsltdlltT <.f defeal ,viii vi ' i'i measnre upon na, hecana* the op v Is .in . the bnrden, and it la a bnrden, Itself Imposedi and rannot be shlrked. Let na aeqnlt oar ,.;... :'. men and Repnbllcai a. USTTERS FROM PROMnrEMT KEWfOXSATTB. Lettcrs were read a aeore of promlnent Bepnblicana, Ineludlng Beeretary Poater, whoaa name waa londly eheered: Secretary Tracy, ex Senator Evarta, John M. Thuraton, ex-Governor A.lonzo l?. CorneU, Jndge Bunawy, Oeneral J. B. O'Beirne, Major McKlnley and ex-Senator Thonuw 0. Platt Mr. Platt'a lett<-r v\a.s u foUowa: i have jrour kind InvltnUon to attend tbe annnal ronvet.l ' ? New-York State duba al syracusc, ami i-c^i-'i most slncerely that i, la Impoa Ible for me to accept It. V?mi know now dlfltcult It i? ? '? nu.iy al any tlme, and yon alao knoa tluit nothlng (voidd plvc me more pleaaare than to be al yonr ._? !!;?.,, t the repreaentatlvca i I ii ,,i of the party; Um vlgorona, nggresslve .;. opon whotn Ihe bnrden <?f tlie comiug campaiitn mu?t . ., :.,: ??? extent. i am alread) on rccord oiwln .! -.lin as a tirm bellever ln the effectivencsa of thC Leagne. I have hnd the bonor t tell your ? ?n ; tlnt iii ::??? (udgmenl il.,. waa ii.e potonl factor ln Republlcaii cwm palxns than thi- aicgrcgatl.f Rcpnblican clnbs. ' ' lanned ai tlie niiir\'eIfoiis irrewth and ,i..., ?;,,(. n.fiit .ii the Leagne I think we of the pWcr ,,,,!i have everj reason to rejole bi It. \Mtu an occaalonal excepth n, the work of tlie Leagne been conducted wltti rare good Judgment, unttrlng and md unbounded enthnstaam. May Ita (nture be aa trinmphant aa u- paat baa been, Chinnaa Clarkaon, of tbe Natioaal BapubUcan Commlttee, who wus unabk to come ao i qnence of Blneaa, wrote a.s followa: i deeply regret that temporary lllneaa has made U ,..? for mo to attend the State Leagi. vi'iitlon. ro-day'a leaalon nt syraruae mas niean tho dlifcrencc betwecn vteton and dofeal lo tlw Kepub Ui-an : irty, both thla year and nexf. The i;??,!'i in - or N'ew-Yorfc, once thoronghly mgnnlaed, ,. ,n be invlnclble. A mtlllon yoang men \*m '-.-t ,. r in t v . for ITcel lonl nexi rear. rhe !.,: licans if the Bmplre Ktato anfl t"1 >':'-'.? ' " j,i. ;,.!? ? . maJorlM ..f the? ? Bi -t . . v.nii tliem a t . torj for t;*?-;i parl i I ,.,- ,,i ?] ni (ovcrnment. The '?? .: !!:?? Republlcan party ln ii c r>tato ch i tl n i ?? tiu. year, .uni the hope and aaaurance ol partj . in '??<-. For League orgunlration alone rnn e Into koon Interoat every netgliborhood m the ....i |!?." ? the K< pabllcan . >loi ln evei ? . i,. ? |.,n. i n i ta d door Into I > . rarrylog the I th of the p irti a I rerordj to ov. rj d ior and ln r'.-i-'. {?? m ,',. ,,,... . ry po albfe RepubBcan .-?? ru t Tho \i.? |H??plo bave u< v ir been ln p more Inqulr !,, ? .?.; receptlve mood Uian now. Every bonte m tlon ? InveatlgaUng pollttcal I- w ? mr Itsclf. . lutl n glves Rrtaln opporl.i tor Repub ll,?n -ii??? . for two rwMtona: rlrat, ? mojority of ..f thU Republlc nn< Repnbllraiia, and, ? ? d, the Republlcan partj haa the hj -: -.f l t. Th.- bepnblican League and fhe local party . ?. ?,.:, ,i.: h- work to ? ' aad maUlug the u 'publlcan trmmenl .-very md will wln tb" vi. 'on ii m rear. \ i.ii.-ii.- rlob in acUve aorh In e**er\ .munlty ln the i ii' -l i?tai< - a i<i thc rlrculatlon ol tlie local party . ,pers InrreiMMl 25 per cent will of tlwmsclve? aln Ictory. il'" Importanl ? ? ol the i-\t ? xeiu i? done m Ihe romlng wlnter. ,vh?. ,,u ? : the l.ind w.ii hav i Um tlme, ..,,.,1 ,,; i ,,ii,..n t" read, ai.d l b sUeve the 11.?n ranipalu-n. whlch m i-t be ? ? ?-. ?'? anta and !>. t-. will have been won ?r to-? by nexi ?pring. it i- an oraen of rtctory to bm wk n ? , : ? , d Inaplrlng force of Um vi ,m? blood of thc Republlcan party of New-^ork, tl .--?ii- <tatc takea th" heod of the colamn. it leww the waj t. victorv. i pledaa mvtalf in eovenaat with even jcung RepubBcan m the land to conataol wora ii the l.c-ee. I beheve it U U.rganUaUon[Wbkk will do more than any other agenev t. I.ep thc Ke ,., party ln power and Ameriran Intercsts By vote of the Convention the appointAewt of oonualfteea araa ksfl to Ihe pivradeat, arha waaad the foBoartag: ! ntnUoaa Joha W. Vroaaaaa, ci<?irmiu: nenry ju Hp:w-.ter. 1. Henry Daoxigcr, daaJon (hanca. u t. Cauiiuucd pu aMcaad 1'oaa. WASHINGTON THE CHOICE THE G. A. R. WILL CAMP NEXT YEAK AT TIIE XATIO.Vft CAITTAL. COMMAN'DERINCHIEF VEAZEF'S SPfcECH BB? PORE THE UKTKOIT ENCAMPMENT-HE REO 05iM.:.\i)S BaVAJUTJI df.partments ah A SOLUTION OF TIIE HACE TKOUBLE IX THE SOUTn. Detrolt, Aug. 5?Tho next enrnmpment of tha a>. A. R. w!ll be lvld at the Natlon'a <*Bjtal. Waah Ington. Thls WM declded tiMlay on the ^*<t ballot, and atekaagh the partlsat.s of Llnroln, Neb., feel dla appoint.'d. the.-e iv a |MMaaJ rt>olvc ty "vcts." from all quarters to mnke the < m impmeiit at Washlnxton one wortby of the /-npital of tbe t'nlon. The tOBMff-flfth annnal em ampment met In formal se.<=<lo:i thk momiiiR In tlie nmmmotii Bhl tliat had been aet apart for the busine*s delli>erntlons of tho veterans. All that art and cultuivd ta-*te eoukl do to BMUM Uie bullding attractive hud been MMBbMl in tho dncentfaaa amfah aMeeaai thc bataekt tn om MaBMak order. At the BBBf of the hall, over tha platform, was a iargo (J. A. II. badpe, flitnked on eitbor slde by Amerlran flags, nnd in the rear the Krand seal of the t'ntted Statcs. aUo sct bctwecn. kagB. From the ceillng BBBf clustcrs of the fla<j* of all the Kepublns In the world. Thc slde wnlls were draped with CB am aakeai buiiting and the wlndowa bore ciirtolns af silk and lace. All around the bal eonka hiing valanres of garnet silk pbish, enibroldered with silk, ?rold and uipe^try frftJafB The plyhh waa -tudded with iiumerous suits of ni< kel plated anrlcnt araaoff Bnitaaaaai nttt groapa of Amerlran ttaxa af the Army and Navy. und by Amerlran shtelds wttli aUrer ariaatha of MaraL <m thc two band ?tunda aara aMpeadad laaa st'.k baaaara Baaarn a* tlie Preai denttal banadra, l>"i:Ig the esperial emblems of honor biinir out aa a vi-it from the Preaident of the fnited Btaf a. The abka of the trusses af thc butidiag* and tha waOi bekrw the kaleeafaa were haag with ercam lOhaid Neattag, on Wbkh were plared the senls of all the States and Terrltorles, each surroutided by silk ? i ? und jrilt aagkBi At othor approprtate polnta v.'ie aaaaaroaa Baga and other aaaataakaa At tha bOttoaa Of eaeb truss were rlnsters of inrandesrent lanips wlii.h, wben Mghted, gave rare effect to the intettor. Desplte thc Imniendty of the hall, it wm erowded to Its utmost aaatkf caparlty by the multttude of veterans attrai'ted by tho monientous qneatlons to be ? t i at ti: eaeaapBMal of the order. it was fully anderetood that the rare faaatiOB mlcht be prc<ipi Uited in tho dtHtlfJattOBB at any moment and beeoma the enbfeet of aerhaoafoaa diseus>ion; and thls im pendlng prabkoi, togetbar with tlie protaeBBt igftakB af the eoeatttattea, eoaabfaad k hci/hten tbe Reneral ititerest iu UM pfoeeedkfa, A few nilnutes befoie Uie bour of oponlng Qenetal Veaaay and his ?taff entared the hall ar.d were eeeorMd k tbe grand stand. Tha appearanea af Um niBiaaandaf ta rkkf was tbe ?ign*i for generoiis appliiuse, and a miniite later the two banda barat fcrtb in aa Insplrlng mllitary alr In har mony with thc sicne. Rtppiig the assembbiga to order, tho Comiiuval">r In-Chlef usirKmr.eed tbe forniaJ opeolng of the twaaty-aftk aaaaal aaaaMaaaaaat af tiw (.. A. B., and dlraekd UM adJitUttneiM-nil to eall the mil of kpartawnta. Every rtate and Territory hj tha Unton?not even eieepttog Bar-od] AbadBa--waa rapaa* leof ah and the roll ihowad the fullest att>?ndance of drfle?atcs in the blstory of the oraBnfcnMlOB, The open ing address of tlie Comuiander-in (hief was lltened ta in rapt attentlon by BM eosembled i-eteran*. He spok-> ta part as tsttowa: Coaiiartn. UUa is tbe aUaaf aiiBlmaaaiy of a birtii, not of a weddSug. Tho weddlag ocearred wben t!o biidegrooma, Uie ronth of Um taod, enUated m IM da> fenve. Abraham Llncutn cclebrated the marrtage nnn tiai-. Columblii ?:i-> Um bnde. lier yeatBM aaa tha Nution'e lbtg. The plwlg'j X? reestiibllsli that tlag over ITu- doaaata of Beeeask ??".-. the pn.-" of lier band. Wben tlie pledge waa graadly rtdo-med through bbH,dy strlfo, through suitering and death, and afU;r tlie vtetora luw! ptoeed on tlie brow of ttio brldo a new dl^Ui'i 'Alm-f gaau wero honor, vialor, fauie, llbrty iimt.iIiit.-.i with slavery, a eountry raaaltaa and rroa. the fralt Of that nmrringo waa th?> Giond Army ot tbe Repub Uc, an nit-prlur. wortby of lts royal The dato of the blrtn wns Aprll ?i. IBBd, Tlie observanoe Of 'ld? aUvar annirenary bagaa on the ?Uth dai of Aprll of this y ir. In arary rawn aaa etty In all IBM broad conntry where poata extated, tbe romraaea aa Eembled In open rneeonga wlneh thc publle attonded In Utrongi beyoud tbe eapacity of tbe Jarccst naiU, and all at the aajne bour Dnlted in BfalM ar.d thaiika gtnvlg to Almlgbty <;od for tbe wn bl^-<ltnrs Ho bad ronehaafed to otir conntry ai I oo the bmb wiuj had fouu'ht Ita battJea, and had alnee labored tarUl* luih on tbe linea of t--ood cltlzenslnp and bnd euBV \ , d Um ChrlaUan aud patrtoUe ininiiplfs of ira terntty, eharlty and lofaray. Befereoea waa than aaada by Oeaaral Veaaaf to tha Incroaslng arteem in wbleh tbe ?.. A. n. ^wl> held by peoplo gcneraUy and eomradeo ta parttealar. a kaea> Ing aUualOB was made to the nnmaroaa leatfM In tho order durlng UM pant year^ in the offktal circio Banlor Plea ronimander in (Tilef tttcbard P. Fabin waa Um Brat k anawai the ealL T!:en qokkty BaSowai I i ? (?onmianilerii.-Chlcf ObBlka DeWJBB. "Tha jN-nod for the display of aBOarnrng in honor of 0>m i:uie Devooa," aaM tha ipeakar, "had Maaaety pns?ed befoM both the rettrad Oeaaral of the Army and Admlral of UM Bary, Bhorman and Portar, dt.vl oa luceeedlng daya Both ?t.? comradea of the 0>, A. j;. They had been throegh thelr long ddraan in thelr conntry'a aervlce even to UM and of Ilfe, as rk>>e ln thelr fiiendaMp aa they had been derutnd aa padftoM and dlattngulabed aa ooaomandara. Tbe -'.'eat Oea> oral bad tartlfied his appractatton of Um orter by hk never-falUng preaenee M every Batfonal aBiainpaafml for maof yeara, Uow withtn Um awata anothcr, ez-Vtce-Presldent Hamln, wfcoai tbe Bepahtte traaaai ..mi bonored, whoa Um oomrad* b red tnd wfca Bdtft> fully ttood at tbe j-'n-it Llncoln'a efbow throagh tho four Berop yeaia af bla AdndnfartnUon, baa }oined bh ehtef on Um batUementa of Heaven. Tbaae apIendU leede ? bay* aot gone atona; a nuaieroua of comradea, lOhUen, aallora and auvrinea, af erery grade, bave gone wltb tbem." a pawtog trlbote waa, paM to tbe present and praa pecUve ua tfolneu af Um Beaa of Vetaraaa. Tha or ganlwUon baa bad a raptd growUi ''"' kai rear; bmbb l ,. 55,000 bavtng been Buueered ta ahMe laaa so, i ,.'i. Tblrtj two Btaka and Terrltorka have been or ganlaed a- dlvlakna wttb more tbao 3^00 nbordlnafcl eorpa, Ti.e "Sootbem <iu itton,"or"negro qaeeUon,"aaaf toctlng the '?? A. B., ?as toacbed apon by Oaaaral V< axey aa loll twa : , e pi.nt AdmJntaUaUoa eneoantajed the "["na dlaturfaaurea ta tbe Pepartmeid "' Uulalaoa ano . *? -. .,iiMA ihat had utmbfcd m) prcdeceaaora. TIm dBB? ,?ir..-, there had i aU( d ever ?:... ? I^>?U Bto 17, b> t-UiHive, ol ttaal Dcpartment, ?vere chartorad and or canized. Thla N?a- ta l--'??. Tlw charge baa alwa}? . , ..??,,. i ?'?:'"":;i>i;o tn i; m'iiii <i ire.l h.tve li- ui. 111 ?n aL.n~ ?mi u;w^=.?!""?"? !;;?;,' ,^..,,1 , ?>..., ^? i.^..i ex.-tenca ?n.ii.pnise resttlai'ly ndlodlcated. .?';; \j; uie oomrade. af tha then exMttBf tio-*- \-e uiarly all. and perbapa aliolly, compoMl of whiB.'n. '' ? ' ' '' P'^\*rrck wholy or nearU ?o. coloi ??! wen. flie timi the U'partiiient i?llll refniMi to n.?<nlio i, ' Ki An appHr-Jiliw wa- tnada to MatUa! iiP*d.iuartcM. nenrly ? yeo igo. fi m tbal DepartaMBf .". ' .-, B ?'??><: teintory a* i, .? -ei t IH'ptrtment. Then- Ik-Ihk do ?otboriiy 'fn-.-d on th- Commander-ln^Chlc U> do UUa, tiw ? ? ?ii the nietlt*. Um .ind.-- \-k-.. . ;. .,. i,.;-ul aud ?rviHutlve Commlttee 'f tbe Natlonal Coonril coo?ar> ther romBiunli ati< m coottaaed to ?.'.*., h.-Mioiiarte. . frOM vtolou, ? tOTCei \> UM Oftocl . conditlon of oor order m the Department ?aa . e- uttei deatruet m ?a? lm .:?,? ordet.d a careful taapectlea by the Inapertor-Geii ral. Thli ^..<- doaa; bnt furtJier rhnnreV and rouutcrrhargea and tacta eooUnaed to rearn me, and l ordered a aeeond Intpectka, and detalled Comrade tn^tli, of <>ho. tn i oapaay and ...|.i Um inapector-OerMeal ti"?r?:n. Thla ?aeoad b> apectlon was made early in June of tbls )ear, aud ? rlport thereof i- m file. I have reaeon to beileve tbat t omra.ic Bur^t aot AiiaHn rnadp a noat careful luveaHgatlon >'f all matien i tpartment. Thelr recommendatain in bitef U that thK Bncampment aatborka tba ercodtoa of t -, i... it- department, eovoring the ?ame ti>r.itory ai ,.\ : ol the exletlng departaaani ? to, i'i>' Boatb, ThM l>y tiK'iaor.als addrosed to t!?a Ton* Djander-in-ChMf. b) Poata '?-. II IS, 14. W and 17, bekg >lx of tlie poata in tln Department waoae raent berabip la compoaed of rn^jjl comrade-. ProU"at* agaTTiKi aneh aetkn aara eimTB fn>m eomradea ot teveral poati at d tbeaa aia oa Bk Praai vartoiia ouree* f Inforroatlon that uave been aeeea<4bk to n ?, i n. ilei ? ? '? ''' wblM aud , I mmmdea In Um DeparUpent ol Loal aud Mlasi atppl . aroiia In I ??? ronveUon that if ?o.ild lie for the be?t iittcp-th ?f all ludividuallv aitd Of thelr l?*:- and of tla*- order to liaxe h M-jmrate iirpartm?nt ln l.oiii-tana aitd aOBM of the ather tiulf bUaiea, mada up of auub pv*M aa uay apply to votoo UkW It, igpl