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AN IRREGITLAR MARKET. STOCKS OPEN WEAK. THEY RALLY SHAItTLY ON BUYIXG. STIMU LATED BY FAVOKABLE OaW REPORT8. SALES AT THEBTOCK EXTHANOE-AUQl'6T 6. 80X0S ASD BABE *ToCk.m. rank of Amerlea 20.aotv Alabama (laaa A l.OoO. auil 1*8 An Ont oil t'o *e 4.0041.88 At.) lop* s r 4a ,600.78% 1.000.78* 6.000.78% incaa 15.000.40* 6.?m?o.48 * 6.0*81.4H> far s-outh lat *t?1 0.000 .10:4 * 1.H00.10.1% Can X J G M M l.rMW.108% 7.000.108* Cen' Ohio Reor lat 2.000.1014, : a ? ' ? \ oiy 2rt Cooaol ta 6.000.66% ft ? ? .- n i oi. 6a 6.0041.._98* B.IMHJ.t?B Chic Hui * VI 7a 1.000.118 4.000.118* 6.000.11B% Chi. iuq DeaM 7.000.95% 3.0O?i.96 fbi. and R III G 6a 13.000.95* Cbicann Nor P lat 28.000.77 14.000.7g?? CCCabl (. M 1000.llh Cklc It l A l'ac 8a 1 - i'."?!. 4.000. 96t Cbic fctPM* O .'on 10(H).tl8*i t? i.*. v a Toi la 4.1(00.78* ChicO I.ACColst i.000.80% Dol A Man lat 1.000.103 J>OL* i <? ta 1.000.7**? ?Yiniaa;nlT H lat 1.000.116'? rtWtb and Bio (? lat 6.000.70 Houa A Tex On IM 6a 7.000.100 V.OOO.100>? Intaad G B lat 10.000.110 Aacaa Pac latooa 1.000.105 LaclodoOMLOO of ?tLonia Ma 1.000.78 4.008.78 L KnaA W lal 5a 0.0OO.100 Lonar I-iand lal 400.118 Lo KVaoa aiui M I Coii lat 6a l.Ooo.~~ Larol Xaah VnlflM (iold4a 100O0.7< Mu h ont 7a 1.0O0.X.. 11B Mll 1. B A W lat 8.08U.11". Mllan.i Stl'anllat Boutli Minn Piv j Mo Kan * Tfx lo 8.000.~s'? ~*aaa."""? Mo Kanand Texaa , 20 4.000.88% Mo PaelBo lat ron i l.iHMl.108 10.000 .hS. 1"~* I 7.000..08...107'i.' Morrli aad Kaaex lat 2.500.136 Mal . .? oaio -M 0.000.???? 2.000.OJ BfaobCaada L Ooa 2.000.104 \ K YOn Ext'd.'.a | 3.500.I01*4i 1 00".I01a~ I? T OBt Dehla i 16.000.9S* i HH I'Mct Bl L4a 2.0041.91* 1.000.91S 4.000.?1% KtLK ?nd \V New 2.1 Oon I 2.000.97 It Y * Perry 0 A I : Aa 6.000_91V Nor I'ao lat conn I o.ooa.ii? Laaa.m*! If or l'ac IM conn '.'.ooo.118*1 Ber Pao con 6a 1 000.77 1.000.7H-s4 lTor e of Ol 5s M.OOO.99 Orecnn Inin.-oii 5s 2.000.62%', 2.000.81 OkW A Miao ooa s.aoo...108 *? P*o a Kaatern lal 6000.7x* S.i'BO... ....74* Philaurt Reanlnx 2.1 pref income 25.000.33* lO.OOW.88*4 6.HOO.34 4.oa.34* 3<1 nr.-t 8 OOO.J5?. 25.000.2i.-i 48.IKXI.26 PhllA Ite440ing O M 4a 1,000.76* 8.000.'b1* 45.000.75% Plttaand a* lat 10.000.76"? Hlch A ;. .n 6a 1.000 .80 Blrh * Wmi Nroi (ol Tr5a ft.OOii.67* 1.000.67* 8.000.87% Teno Truox 6a 1.000. 88 2.0..0.8"?V? 3.OO0.8*1* g.ocM).MWj 2.000.H9 2.000. ~','a 2.000.flP-x 2.rHHl.88% 2.000..00 Pt !.a>nla Boa'w'n lat 1.000.66 >f Bt 1. * Iron Moun 'id 1,000.105 Bt L V and T H .'d 5.000_107 >? fjoulh carollna lat ? .102 Bll'aul M AM lal M?n Kx 4a Heifiateran 6.000.?3 Taxa Pao loxta l.oeo.84* 5.000.84 Tex an* Pao Id inc l.noo.2)< "a 8.000 ..B3...28*, Tol A A A X M lot 1.000.PS Woat Shora 8M 4a 1000.lOos, K?4riatei?o 600. l?o?i Walmah K H 1 wi 5.000. ,.'t',4 Waal EnCol 'JT 5a 1.000.9:??? TBK QESEKAL LIST. lUU>ciat)oow_ IJXei.. rouaaa lowacaa. aa i " -. k A M.M*. UA Vr|. Lh,* yv or? Laite Bliora... Lwi.k i? aaa... Lb.Oi.sil.. M-.jMl.or... . Louia* Xaan.. La'AA CUio... Masuat ?;?*-?-? Maxt.ouw. kiicli Oau. i i. b* W. M4N 84V 1'4 13 101*W luo\ 107?, iooS 08 s. 6S'? 67^ N 18 'iO\t< 70s 'Osj >. W >n. .i-.> .w.s. 1... . l.'.H t.. sa 89 i 99 lbs>: aa -a 22k) M ?-u ? 3-a tiuiu * au_~ H * BL aroJ Al K Alea. Uv pr?!...._ iloi*aoiae. Atob* uaiu.... b l ABiu..... > V Canlial.... h;y i *si u MllMLHi. JiUNL. u( t.\Lt AW.... X . * -??c....... I. ?XJi <etl.... MA .N?T uri. MOAW. M'B? W. NYb *w arr. ! Baa a w...... .. i Baa * " ora:.. .. XoAuilo. 12* Ji.i laiiac... . 21 Xoi rn- on.... ?*)* (.-.*. ?.!??.... OiadoL tn.i..... .. ] Oi R * >. I i .-..?: I . ??>' >/?* l-.asL. i' 1>?h;4 k.Y_ ll.uli lr-.m.. V IU AblL,.... l"C('A btL un. y KW a c. .. 1'lttad, W nroi. ,u.?w?.i il<i RAWFlfr:....! Ol ldoOr Woat... KdW i>rei. i.\"..? ?a. MLAA Th... ML it'lhi't KtLA B? lat ui Ml'.AliUnacM.. bouUi (. aro. toulli lacinc Texaa law '1.'. A A * BM 'ii 1A Obiouou. 7oi a iiwi.. L'aloii Paoiao_ t'l* 1>*<?. l4i* Wakaau. l*>i Y\afepr?t.' 2:* "Aaa. A.; 29'? v. i. a 11.?-?!. fia W laeon t au..? ti.ic>..ia rou.. te?< I . i . ?.' !-. . Aiiiavo ?>ioc.... ? L*. ioor?.??_ 1A* 4oi.. C.ili.'. XfUl'l.lKI.IV.. Adama r.xui... Kxi'i.... ta kxpu ....I H'l.ff-'rt Al, BruuawicK.I A1..M...I 11' H. II ai li.; I'ui... r.iL Uiiu. Lwi t'a?i.i'.... ( 4.LI aa.... f.l I YI..I -n ..... Minn liuiii'u.. htaCri'Oatu.1 3>: n. A 4.....I il?.orei. Boaaaaaa ?>.... buuno Miin"? UU4*?ilY0r .... jl... lobCouri. ? Lio Ja- ???u.u i? a tr it.... XatC'oruaac...' >... c?ra or. Jiat Trvi in. :4aii.._ P t taiuo. Am (.?tdil_ awdo on. AniSuxarftetu An. NuwKeuu.'o LraoTruab_ 18*a Mex X Cui.... oi L'a.A Va.5.50 4*j 4* 4* ? < ?0-4 18 la 100 65* 63 u. b/>* B8 1?* X8*a 22V) .. I 16* ?88 12'. 21?, Bu',1 1B ' 33* 220 I 14\ 25 12 1 81 69*i 1 84 tj 88B ab 36 77 | ?a 9^* loo :o ii". 01 67 ?i 82 I 88 10*1 lt4 .,4'. ;.5 . . . 2^3 15 , 20 15 If* ... - 16 al I 15 40* 47 .V'4 1" 2.* 21*1 DO* b0>, 40* 10 48 2i 8a ?B ao 324 "aa lu 100 6.4.u 112 ,120 20 'a 18* 11% 61* 8b7a!aj20i l.i* 1,4 4.45. I1*'* Ui . 11* 81* 16 I 14 59?. 162 18 67* 87*. 07^, 07* "'? bl io* 37 aua 06 i'ou 316 655 S.100 210 816 2()0 M ii iva 25 26 I .. liU* 104* il)4* iUl% .01* i"? ?, 10/ ?0->. 11* a8*a M 13*1 1.1* 39 513 ;su 7i',; 46*1 92* 76* i ii BJ 71 11* 30'. 11* 13* -. I ItJ It* lu* 81* 29* 7l 48% 88 * 13* !8-al 81' 3M* 14 V JO* 22* 80 11'. 48* 9.'^ 1H J 70 I 31 12 13*1 Sj 14*1 Bl*l 12*1 aa 00 | :o?*' 18 io I io*i 2J* ii'* ?<.'-. ;.<. 7a I lt?*j| N 71 71 87 7i 4.'.* 10V , ?* I 11* ;i 4;">?. I 10 4.'.* aa 97* ? 2* 104 71' 147 lia 68 188 9* j 14 7W* 160 llo 142 47.260 1KI 100 BOB MNi 3i)o ia,Bixj luo ioo* "\6 ii* n l* 30* A* -il i? 'JO 70 | 78*; 9 11 I 27 2.s : *0 I 80 ' ll* 12a, 73* 8b* fi 86*| 16 *! 8* 6.6v 97 71 46* 80* 100 .. I ?8 18*j 72*1 80 154. asi 6.?o 97 71 4..* 81** iOO M iVs 74', 86* 15 >? 8* 60 4*' 4.i 4i>* 4.'.* 89* 6..* 9H-.j iOU* 20 ;;..i M*a Ihe 19* |1*a ~4b Hb* 16* fi l7o 19 16* ?* oru 811.'...'..'. 3A0 A40 |3!40 j.lAO 3.85 3.45 786 200 40 60 Leue 706 6 110 "oli ?.7'20 3H.S 1,810 30 10 800 Toulaaloa for the aay. 493.241 Btrraeoru.ioo* luo* loo* luu* 10a* luo* sat.ooa OALLS AI TBE COSSOUDATED STUCA ASB PE IMOLkUU EIVHAXiiE. srocxti. Opon- Mli'h- Low- Cloa- Bharea _Xamea._:ug;_aatJ_?at. lug. ?uld. Am bug Ret. 7;;ia 75'i T.i 75* 1,900 At Too i b K. 3l* iii-t Hl* 82* 1,880 . 4b 40*. 48* 45'a 8.840 ChU R <i A P . 70* 7l* 094i 71* 8,480 r.?r * Qy. ai*? m* 81 82*0 1.781 1 ' i fc 88 1. . ... i8*~ 60 i8^ 88 i' 0 ( MI) A: bt P.... 01* U2lj Ol'a (>-'*? 81,060 . Swuthara. ..... 46* 45'a 45* 45* 80 Dcl I>4V k A Woat....i;i* 13-' l.'tl >? 132 200 Ix>uU V Vuk. ?-. ?) ?7* bf> 11,080 M? 1'a.ik . Ba*. aaa. b;i* p i.sjm) >'orU. Am Oo. Ii"-, HJI3 12* 12Hi 10 Nat Lead XtaM. .. . 18*1 10'a 15*a 16* 50 ? Y V Xew-lj.g.... 38% 8t>*a 83% 84-<, 12,820 X I 1. V. .t W. 18 18 18 18 200 >'or PM l/d. 18% fi &?>% WU 2,l!i0 > Y 0 I W. 16 15* E| 18% -MO Taeifle Mall .- 33 83 33 33 IT) Rl.l. 4 W II. 11* 11J4 II* 11% 200 'lr.xa? l*a. llte . 11* 11* 11* 11* 50 Yoh.11 Paciflc . 89* 8?i* gra, as% 25,0(0 XAlwl 8 1. E . 80 80 80 80 100 V,:. v 1. K pfd.... 71%_71% 71%_71%_100 Total (.baroa aold. 109,540 _80881._~~ Atch TAB Flac... 48* 48?~; 4T18 48%" 825,000 Ali-h T t 8 K 4a ... 78* 7?(* 78* 78'a 5,000 Chic Bur 8 Oy COH..-118 118 118 118 2,000 Can Bouth Ui.lo3* 103% 103* 108* 6,000 Moek VaiMf 5*. 78% ~,J% "?% 79?? 4,000 Irea M"ii.talL M....1A1 108 lo5 105 8,00<i Lo?i!ede Oaa 5a. 72 72 72 72 4,000 JtoK i T 4*. 76% 76% 75% 75% lff.OOO lobt Ol.lo 4a. 82a *^% 82% 82% ^4,000 North Pr* lat._U*Ja IM> 114% 114% S-fOO Fh * R 2d pf lnc. ?3% 3-"* _1"? K"" fcnno Ph & K 3d pf lor. fO jj" -> _j,^ . Ml), nVB?.K ?._ o.% S? loooo Pltta - Weat 1M. IJJ '",? '"* i? - ()0,) Rl.-b?tWP&..?J* .'?!> ,".',? 10".* iooo to/'a V*_ n1m-i*t. ?:? m i-3 a_ ?:?g !__?&&? al. *tS g. M M |.000 ^S3 _?iV ""15% lS% 108% 100% ' _ ? -_%a ai-MaVl. -?:.-WrOBp B7.VI.Y0 STOCKH._ A1M .8 Aatorla ._} It^in.oiit . -0' ll?ht t Belcher.8-o Rrnuawlrk . -"J 4'rn.n Polnt.1-40 Can, x^al * Va.8.7* Emmett.-\"\ ll.le 4 Norv'O*..J.!/? J,e__\llle . "?' Maxleao .J-,i0 Xev_d? Qii"nn.24 Bavaga.."-J_J M-.iu.ra .LO" yellow J.cket.l.tfO "**TaMl aalea. Bullion eerte.100V_JJ9%__ 10? % 100% 7,000 CLOSING PR1CES OF BOSTON STOCBs. Baataa, Aagil 5. 180? ? Ye*terdaT.To-div. I'eateada5 T<;-''?>' Ateh 4t Top. 31. 88% C.l IHMl .8*8 8?* Boat * Albanv..200 20. > ' Iloat * M.ine.. 178 lt* Obi Our <_ Q... 81% Kf EiWhburg pfd... 71 71 Fllnt * P M pf. ft.'. M-?. Central. 16>; _0% Me* Cent rom... 181. 10% | V t X E . ... B8*J ?4?? niri . olenr .188% H'>:t Rntland rom .... 3X? .... Kutlaud pfd . 7'> 70 Wl* Cent ro-n.... 10% 18 Allouei M (nrw). 9 lr? Atlantl,- . 13 12% linnt 8 Moat. 41% 41% Ifnron ............ .78 -VK> Kaaraarga. u ip% O-tc-n). . 85 ?> Qt.lnrv . 9'. BB* Fe Cop.... ..'.0 .48 T.naiack .149 1-? A.n.l-toi L 10, . 36 .!?? W-wt End L (o.. 17 1_*4 n.'ll Tel.-plion.-.-.177 170 Umaon St Ber.. 18_j W ^ xvatet Power .... -% _?% I entaanial Mla... H ?*? It.ltfe 8 llo-t Cop 1 1% H N ? Ttl 4; Jel.. 49 .??? CLOSINO PRICES OF PII1LADELPH1A STOCBS.^ Bl^AVked! ~ aBdAa-ral. P 4 ft O II 4*..77.% 75% j I/.hlgh Valley.4,'? ?T% t # R Ut pf BB..<9% 80 Leh Coal 0 B To 15% W% P B R 2d pf B4U..8S 83% I Peiin*y.vanla.??'?>'? 50% 1> ft lt 3il pf 6a...2S% 20_. WILAT WAS DOH1 IN STOCKS. Wednesday, 1-Ug. 5?p. rn. The irregnlarity of the r-tock market to-day forbiila any oonrldent expression a*. to its aig nifirrmee. Wki-8 thcro wae an incrcnee in tlie total lOOOrd of tntnaggnionB ar.d au a<ivane? in pri.-es, Um moveincnt.s were not in hamiony. Iiicreased ac,ti\it.v in DalaB P*eAtc NSaitOd '? n net. declino of 1 per rent. but tlie rest of tiic list tenile.l upward. Tliere is less __apaa_t_aai *B explain ihe deoline in I'niou Pacific ae tlie Itaal* of hear iittacks, and liqiiidalion f?>r the aoeoBBl of an e?tat4? is BBW given as tlie reason fnr reootit pnloa. There wia Irestt coniment, ujmn fhe eoadi tion of the eompany. loans, hut friendu ol tlie management. emphattaa-J Htt-t^(i that. pgOvMoa had beefl made t<> aaeet the taaat preaaJng obliga tions. The weakeiting niHuence ol UM conduct ?,f l iiion Paeifle *raa oiTset. by th?' e'reiiKtii in Chleago, BurUngton and (.uincy, arhioa waii tlie leader iu a late raiiy, eadlna up l S-8 per ecut Tbere xxriv large d**Ul__? in St. 1'aul, and while it eaded ai a raooverjr of 1 1-8 per cent ir..ui loweal Ogurea, Ita n<-t gain wi.s ..uiy i-l per eent, li is BOt ea.Mly explamaMo wiiy Wnincy Bbould bbov* up K> rajiidlv, even on raporta ol weatern weathei bvorable ea Ihe growiof eoro, wlieuithe gtoek Of a wheat-tarrying road liKe St. IhuI niakes alow pro+rress in tlie face of the virtually (?4>ni))li'tt"i harvaatlBC of wheat. Tne mnrket showed B disposition to aovanee withoat regard t*. tho course ?.f Uaion PaeUlo aiter the linst early wesjluiess, hut its most rnpid r.' eoverj' wa* ac*Jom|a-_bed in tlie 'a'*" -OaJlnga Rumora A tbe onlerina of gold for bnpotl )x-r lii.pu were uot erediU'd, nnt lt is not t_ l>e douhied t.hat tlie advanee bBeaine spirlted on the report (rom C%ieagO thal an "ex|*"rt" had estlm.|t<'.l the nrohable jrWd af wheal in fhe .fnfted State* at ngurea aboul 4n per cent lo exee.s of tlie erop of i*!in. It is ebaritable to suppose thal ihe e\i.'rt baa beOB mlaqnoted. As regards the queatioa of gold la-porta. it la safe t<. say that no one, even outsidc of foreiarn exchani?e eircles, gave serious Bfcdit to any of tlie snggestions. The nmrket eloaad with s.nne ahatement of e.\ troBkt rathoafa-BD, hat with a bopefol feeling pre vailinf. TilK DAY IN THE R<?Nf) IfARKBT. Govarnmenl were negleeted at the Stoek |_xchange B?d in> Unportanl denuind is rep<.rt<-,i out-idc. The 4 pez eenta arere advanoed, bow ever, and the Baai quotatloaa were as followa: BM. A'K.ri. Bl*. Aauecl. r.s.i .a.1801 .r'g.ioo'a 101 DB.oar.8a, l8!W..n_ .... r.s.i'a .... 1 L'.S.?ur.?-, 1897..114 .... t'.rT.4a.1M)7.ron...ll7 117% O.S.wir.fla, I*.n3..1l0% .... U.B.4B.lft07.r.^. .117 118 U*.cerOe, 1BOH..118 .... L'.i..ciii-.0.-, l_8-..110 .. . lr,i'.Col.8-ft..i:?24..111 .... lu Staie Ironds the only sale ivaa Alahamn, cln&s A, small, at 102. The only sale of city bank Btocka was Americ.a 1.O1 at 20,"i. The geueral bond market waa more aetiva aaifl L_->urs were dealt in. A smnll improve n.ent xv.ii raeorded as a rule, but there was n<> copspicuous movement la mvestment issues. Kieh nii.nd nnd Terminal I'rust on roae I |>er oent t? BO, xviiile Hea.liii^ Beeetkl prcference incomes advanced 1 :i-4 ta '<4 1-4 and the thlrda 5-8 per oent t.? 36. Atehiaon laadea were dull and litilc ehanged. Reference is made to oiu- full report 01 iHiiid aalcs, Mmiey 00 call xvas in Irce snpply at 2 por cMit. Tlme is aearee at ?i p.-r eeat, bal ti,-- nutrket i-; wlthoul narw feal ire. Tbe C.eariag llnuse atatemeat was as foiloara: Exchangca, B?_,253,007; balaacea, ^4,1 ?".".tiif*r>. The Siih-'J'reas.irv vxas dchtor Ut the Clearing II..'i># $355,941, Its iit-t *_-__iti on halance sin<-? reaterdaj waa $r.t*:t,r?.?>5>, made op l.y srains .,1 $404,715 currency, and $lt?<,i;40 Qoia. Tlie d\x s operatloaa in.-luded: Rc.-eipta. $:.',HHr.,:il ii: pay nicnts, $2,301,984; resnlting in a general baJaace of $139,755,800, 80Ba_Bt.Bg <>f $112,411,090 eala aad $26,344,710 currency. The Treaanry purchased 911,000 onneea of sil ver ai $1 00.48# 1 00.60 an ooaee. The offerings were 1 i'??? ra 1, reaehiBg nearly 2,200,000 ouoeea, b I do pric-s frere announccl exoepl f..r the parehaaed bullion. Thc I'tiitcd Stntcs Trensiirv at Wa.shin_ton re oelved to-day $140,761 NatiooaJ baok n-.t.-s foi re dompt ion. Tfie ciist.ims reeeipta were $644,279, tlie in icriial revenue reeeipta $252,652, and the iiii.,el laneoua reeeipta $90,01 2. To-da\'s Waahington Treaann<'ment of ci.h!. Dii h..nd and depuadta iu lmnk eomparca with ihe fljrures of the Jast pn'vious Btatemeal as foi lnxvs: An/. 4. Anc. .? Dlffereneea. \.-t i/ol1 on haad..8131,407,400 8131.406.46S Dee. ?1.0i: Bet allveT oa bar.d. -:(.8iO,7!..i 83,690,058 Dec. 113,78 Net le-.'al.t?'iiders on hand . 10.820,749 10,989,026 Bee, 81,121 Actn.i eaah ln tha Tre.H,ir.v raali ? o. .-r m.t'.t.iidliitf eertir.eate. .4188.888.011 aies.aei 141 rv-,.-. tl77.870 _>epo-it?> In 10,880,16* SJ^TS.BSS Dae. 807,228 Net easli li i.l. . .*!?.; 4-jr,.!7l a'S'. 1.10.C7'. !?? ?? *>!-.'. "'"S Ti.e fcrrian exehange market war. a_ain weak and loxvci under looreaard ollerinp ol billa An nozed an' the revieed quotatioD* for actnal buai D8BB: Bankeaa1 billa, $4 83 3-40$4 84 and $4 m;> 3-4 for long at.d sln.rt sterling reapeetively : French franoa, 5.23 l-s and 5.20; reiehmarka, !)4 12-16 and !?:, I-'.'. ln Loadon, Btitiafa oonaola arere eaajr earljr, but tlie cl.a-iiiK w^r, at an advaaee of 1 x f..r th? aeeaaat al 85 16-16, arbile f?r money ihe qae? u.ti.,n xxits unehanged ,.t 86 13-16, The Bank ol Rnglaad gained ?10,000 bullion on balaaee. India (oiiiicil hilk xvere allotted at a declir.c of 32d. per rupee. Money rates in the <ipcn market were eua..v at 1-2 per cent for dailr baUncos, and i 1-2 per cent f..r diaeaaatB. At Paru-, French :i per cent* further achraaoed 12 1-2 .-cntinies lo 95.12 1-2, and cbeqaea on Loadon were quot<vl at 25.26 1-2. The 'i'hiirl^r, Wh.vland ("ompony has deolared it? tirst wiiii-nnniial dividend of 4 per eOBt "P"n the prelerre.J stock, payahle August 15. The l-.,.ks will I'lose ..ti Auviist 10, and will be re opi-ned aa Auu'iist 17. lt U. officinllv ami<.iiiic<-,| that, he*i.les tlie dividend on the ptvlcrr.-.l atock. the boaia-BB has clcired adiiitional earnli ihe ratc ol 7 per cent per annum on tbe conim.-n stock i>*stied. Tlm f.,! (,?i.,a -ei-iiriWeK. ainnng oth.ra, weie aold at the Re.1 Katal* Cxebaogr and Anrtlen Jtooni, f.li_it?_ (,? Ad:i?n H. MnllT i: S,,n : ??'*??. "J 1"04 aharr* Terr<- ltaiiu- .nd 1 r,.ta:,?|?.!i- r_U] roai i~, ? *?.<, euh. '...( DH .McrchlnU' Natlonal Bank, *69 <<_,-_, nt)'.* 168 1". aruitr-A I>oiik laland B.inlt of Rrooklvn a.W) ea,h 189_Krl40. ' JH anarea M.rket and Kulton NaUno.l B.iik alOO aaeh. 217%. 80 sli.u^a I'nlted New-.IerM-T g'ir| (_r,_l C___. panie.. eiOO e*.h. 220'.. ?7H,f?)0 iiei-atur. ?'Iie'-.p .ke and rj,ii?a ?;,",J*".V BrM partgaga o te-r eaat t*>,ids (kypaaaeated), itl.'*)., ? a r, B*B, 8 ' ahan * Brooklrn Acede-ny of Mnalc i with a.-keui aw),. In;. '? ~ 40 shar.? ,'.,.,,k of An,?rlra. ?HX> .?<?(,. -j'?l _ s',?r,'? NatiooaJ Baak ,f Oonuarita, rK>o ea.-h 190 #3H.0.Mi I/Oul-vllle, llardinalxirg -nd Wfsatern Rjlllwav tlrM mortaage fl .? r eaat konda 87. ? 9?H,0<H) i-jat filior. T.-nninal llrat aortgag. a uer ___? txaids 68. ~' ?17,O(r0 Ix)iil.vllle, Hardlnaburg and We*'ern R.llwav Hr?t inort+faf,- li |. i , lert.dn 3,. ' 81.O0 < ity .,f .Ip,s. v ( Itv 7 Mf i-ent 40-ye.r l^nd due 1818; lataraat J_nu.ry .nd July; aWrued lotereat froti JuIt i kat to ba .i.-rged u> ta,- parcraaw I2A. BJI00?B%r**aiT Inauran.-.- u.d "MlTlB-glBJ, TA ikaraa Noutkern N.tlonai Bank. eioo oiu-h ^0 4 ahares New.York, New-Mavn and llirtfo.d IUIlro_d CoDimt.y. aiO'i ,._ch. 2H0.. ????? *?.000 Kederal V.lley Coal Comp?ny, flrat fl per vent botid*. ?1.00'J eurli. 81%. ")?rw.Ke i, _,2.*,,*r5,,,*^"r,,?" S'A'* Foun,*|n Company, common aioo ea'-.o, !??> KAILROAD EARNIMiS BUrBALO. BOCHE8TEH AND PITT8BUBO. 188H 18U0. 18^, Number of mlle<i. xiH 804 -uu Konrili vico. lo July.. BA5,752 t-Wi.'JiKC a,n'i-i. Jaa. 1 a July 81.'. _,U7,?M? 1,178,01'. l,8lt,80a CIIESAPEAKE AND OHIO Number of aaa . ? 754 _,,.,V?13 8287,898 Koiirlb wenK ln "'I.Y-- ?r00'' !* ... i , ??/ 4732.377 jan. 1 to Julv 31...... 8*88,188 4..-I.'"-' ~.~~* bOIISVlLLE AND NASI1V1L1.K. ?t 1**1 V *Mpt -,**?*' Numbor of ndlee.-? ?? ...ry'.-' gaJ*Ta7 4*801.615 jri:"iy'o tfSaal ltwZ*74 I******* 031 I1"' Number of mllea.... .- 827 --.fTl ginft.p'llt tmirtJi week ln JUlJ.. 0.4.4011 WI..1." , , , . ..-, iau * to 31.- 1.018.800 l,ltfl...*4t? 1....1.-" 0BI0 AND MISSISSIPPI. . Number of mllea...a.. t7r.8,-,^ aaufoBO 888,811 TKXA8 AXD PACIFIC. Burober of mll?* ?-?????? mtal>jSS a.-I'l--, iflnMt<38 TOLEOO AND 01110 CENTRAL. ! Number of mllea . ? ~JS*\ .-/?;', 888,741 | roiuth weefc M /BIT.. 188,088 8MV88B au. i Jan. 1 to July 3'. 884,1*8 .?4,_-j <?"? WABASK. ! Number of mllea ...... 1.845 lfSl l;^,* CHICAGO, KT. l'AUL, MISXTAlMiLIS AXD OMAHA. Mouth M ?Mine' . M78.73I 8488.288 8*~?7??.2T4 jwT l tr June s?. 2 7.i:).0..i ;),oo.-.,mu 3,2 .?.'?'-'<> OHIO HOl'THKRN. Number of mllea. 188 __Hft aafaR Jan 1 to June 30. 2,7,.10 888,841 ".'-w KLINT AND PERE MARQl'ETTE. **tt&i?Z~.. ?7a.m aaaAMM aaaaara Upaaataag expenaoa .... 122,02.. IBtVOi ***?" cairg^nr:::::::::: ~*%&l JK J&S Burplu* *. ????? 817,2t5 8M*8 ?BaTaaaaaC^ ILWffi iLaaLlM ???&? UaaatMf cxpenae*. *2,,.>0'J l,0t?'...4bd l,08i>.0?3 Mt earnlnga. 8859J60 84a.8tW If720.? UBBtfa . 188.721_218.748 888.740 bnrplua . ' 81711.13" $15~8~615 B8M87 MEXICAN CENTRAL. Month of Juae? Number M mllaa. l.~*7 ^,_J?|"2 aaXAAttni Uraaa -uruing'-. 8483,012 NW.OM ?^V*;; UajoeatMg f.\pco?ea. 178,181 l???**2 .Ijj.iM Net earntnga. ~eC0C,08l 8100.500 8188,875 Jan. 1 to June 30? _.??? ?,? ... .,? ? ...? tMaa aarnlnga.... 83,118.804 B3.2OH.5 0 a8.8~7.888 (iperating expen?ea. 1.021,248 *e~4"~'f?~ *^*?"WT Net 6 D:onUia." 88,481.881 o7l7o?l,l?a 8 "?'4 7,051 El'ROPKAX PIXANCIAL MARKETS. London, Aug. 6. 4 p. Bk-4~4?aoM, 08 18-1I Mr aaur, and 88 15.16 for the Beptemter eeeoxmt; (anadlan I'aelfli., mv i.r- 18%; Illinofi Oentral 88%; Mt xi.-.m Ordioary, 84*4; ~l. Paul oomaaoo, c*',.: New-Torb Ceotal, I~~%i Rejdlng. 18V SpanUh 4a. 70%. ?Vo,"";?,-' '"'r ''?' " . I'h- rate nf dhXCOUUt Ifl the np :i n.tirket fnr both oliort an'l tluee ni'iiUia' blll" l? 1% |e r '?? nt Indta CouoeU Mi1? were ailott-d to-day at a derllne or l>aifr tavfca quota 3 per eent wtm at 05 franea 12% ?* for the aemiint, aud exrhangs on London at 25 fram-.a 20^2 tentln.. < fnr ehoeka THE STA TE OF TRAD K. n.'iitn, 'j.'?au.-?.. , rvipwiii.?-i, .'.-<?.''-' ? ' , ' , " 8*i sniteni arheol wuk. Kultx, >.i'J?'.<* : longherrjr. IMeAal ; recHuta, 822,400 buah; -lnpointA, 108.020 mirh; atocb 1,411.355 buah; *aie*. 45.000 buah. Cora aomlnallr .-.i-lrr; apol. 67*fc 07 ?-.-..? : tha monlli. ?7'?. : Beptembcr, 80c; Sonthern eorn w? ak and lower; ?U.i.v- 7--'a73c. \.-|. lo?, 70iT71.- ; reeoipM, y.270 Miah ; ablpaeriU, 21.428 bn-n ; ht.ek, 01.700 bu?ii. <<au in g.I Aexuaad: Bo. 2 whlte V\-.?teni. 48e n-kxl ; Xo. 2 u,i\i-d do. 10. : lei-.'lliU. 48,000 buah; aMimi. nf. noiie; atc?:k. 42,180 buah. Ryu Brm: re?-.'l|.L- .1.100; .blpneiiU noi.e; ?to.-k. 8,088 buah. 11.v actlva and hich>-r: n.?id ty. eholea timnthr, 1148818 Oialn frelKht< tlrni and unehanaxl. Cotton?J4ld nomlnal at 8'-. 1'roviaiuns -Xo oh:4nge. Buttvr tlrm ; rroamorv, Bjacr. 18%* ; d" falr ba Obolee, 17818a ; do Iml/a tlun. IStflBo; ladlr. fcwicv, I4e; girtl to eboice. lltTHe; .tore packid, lOttlle. Kftl llnn at lo>. OofTea QUlet: R r^o-s, falr. I9%e: N'... 7. 17*e. .s.ii(;ir. 47raiiiil;tt.-d. 4 8-16c. Coppei Bo <h.-inL'.-. Huftalo. Aug. L?BTIaM?M*. 1 hard qnl.t and (??ier, arttt "?*!'?? of 2.600 buah at 81 84%, and 3.000 huah at 81 04%. rloalog a- +1 04*>,: 1,600 t-usli Bo. 1 XertMeiu told nt *1 01% ^$1 01",, cloaliia" at 81 01%: 4(1000 buah No. 1 Nnrtherti. ??. i. f., aold at ~I ; 3 enrs No. 2 XurUiern. ^ix't arM at BBe; alater trsdei. un-.-ttled; 5 car> Xo. 2 red ioM at 98t I I tara dn at 140 and 3 earn do at 82%c, eln^ltik at Mk a-k-d | .ar- Bo. i red -old ut Ole ; 2 ean No, 3 extra r'd at OOe, aad 1 'ir ngiaded at 8se : Nn. 1 v.blte. t>8e on tr.i 'k. <',,rn f|..l t atnl lower. .Ii'?ing at Inflde prlcea ; IM rara No. 2 v> llow aold at uft'iiKO' : 15 mra No. 2 ut 07*aOfle. and S rara Xo. 3 at 674W7%e. oat? dnll and v.-rv uacttlel; Bo, 2 ?lilt?. new. 40e: do old. 44"; Xo. 2 n.txcd. B*xr, 37e ; do old, 40.' lABad. K\ ?? atraajer and hlghr-r; 2 eara No. 1 aold at 76^'- "U tra.-k. Klnur ?t-a.)v. demand gn'iX; b. at jkit-'nt'n<:. 88 25988 86; do irlnter. ?1 75**5. Rve flnur. 84 8511 ?1 T.'i Mlll feed enax: enar'" v4.nt?r bran ?!?"): do auring. 814 50. Cxnal freleht* hlgher; ?h?ar. 3%. ; cnr.i, 8%C. fn X""44-Ynr'i. Ree'lpt. -Klnur. 4S.00O hlla: wheat, '?35 rtrni buah; rm-n. 104.<mhi buah; oat*. ." bu?h. Rhlpment" Bj (.' VYbeal 876.000 huah: eora. 34,ono |.ii-h. By rall?Floor, 20.000 bbta: ?h-at. 42o.mio rneh; eorn. 131,000 hn?h ; oat?, 11.100 boah; rv . 24,800 l.'i-'i. Q |i .I'.-o, Au.-. 6.?Tha kadlng tataaa aaaad a MIMaa: WnF.AT .VO. 2. Opealag. HlrOie*.. loweat. Closln*. Augnat .87-V.1-- 88 f-TU |7*B Siptember . .u7% 8"-% 87', 87* Deeaaaba . ?o% 00% ?o% b9'4 CORN. NO. 2. Auguat ". 88% 5"* 57% 5* .Seplember . 6r,*a 80% (S*~ 88% Oetobei . 54 5i s.'i'i 18% OATS. NO. 2. Anguat ....'.. l.'7>3 -7% ~7% |J> Bepleaiber . 27 ~ 27% 17% 2"% Mar . 80% 11% 30% .11 MF.SS PORK. PER RBL. September . $1115 811 16 *10H2* $10 40 Oelober . 1180 1120 lOi.'a 10 50 LARD. PER 100 lb. Septieinber. 6 55 0 55 647% 0 "0 Ottober. (JiiT1- 187% 167% 180 EBOP.T RIBS. IT.rt 100 Tb. H 70 6 75 8 . 1. ao t! 89 8 aab q.iotiit.ona irero ao f.:..?-. I-'.'.ur -te?dy and September . ?70 6 75 887% 887"i Oi u>ber . CSO i! M 8 .0 8 70 um liang-d ; Xo. 2 aprlog vli-a'. H7"s#87%< No. 3 .p-infr wheat, 85?8be; No. 2 i-<l. BB'ae; Na 2 cora, BB%?; No ?> ...t-, 27%ej No, .. irblte, 80*3810; No. 8 whlte, 2>a No. 2 rve. 73'." ; Na 2 barley, oomloal ; Ba 3 f. o. b., \" 4 f. o. h,, l'Ja52e; No. 1 tla\-'.t. 81 60: priroo i mo'hy ?-^d, $1 28nai 25: oieaa pork, per bbl. 810 808 *!o 86; lard, \>et 100 ib. *<" 15; abori rir>-? "id<-~. looae, - . r*4t8fl 80; ahlakejr, dlatiller*1 lalabM goeda, per kal, *i 17. Artlolea. Re-elpta. Sblpmenta. ii...ji. bbia .:.... . 20,.i . lh .484.OOO ti Coni ..u-h .373,000 I ('M4-. i)'i-:i .. .801,000 ,umi . 88,000 8.'./X)0 Ra :? v. bush . ... 2,.> on th- Produea i. change to-day tba bvttei mar. ? Brm; Bin i rrtamery, I7ul8c; n ??? (Veatern iii,, i. : ordlnary, 10810%e. Egga 14%A15c I'.iii-iunati, Ang. a* Ploui i>-..'U. Wheat?Oooddomaad, So. 2 red, B7%BB?e. Beeelpta, 15,112 buah; -!.ii..!- 12.610 buah. I'om?Llghi ueinand, w.-ak . No. 2 oiixed ('.I i/.-3'-. oat-?|..iir demaod, tlrm ; No, 2 i lty< aoorve; No. 2, 75.? nolntnal. 1*. rk duil lower; gll. Laid dull. 25 nomlnal. Rul wraker, ?? > 75. BAeon eaoler, c.'75. wio-kev -'?j'lv; aalea, 8,000 bbla nnlahi I goodi on iai<K tl 17. i.,,.i atrong. .Mii'.i duB, lower. i.r-k!s, 12L.-..13.-. i ln . -.- ^tioimer. MBwavbaa, Auc. 8.?Flour nncbanged. Wheat aulet; \. 2 apruig "ii Irack, raeh, I'.-.'.J S<-pteniber - So. 2 n..ju..t:i. ittir. Corn oulet; No, 8 on '.rj*... raeh, Cle. Oata alraidy; No. 2 arhlte a traek 86c. iu.|"v at>*dy; \0. 2 lh -r"t- 67%e. Rve ,uAH\ ; No. 1 ln v..,r,. ;;:....-. Piovl lo a co r l'..rk Septo^bc , -; ,j,. i.,ri ^ |ii.>i bcl 815 . Riteeipti Klour 6,900 bbla \..i.->!' 20.000 ""-.u: barl y, 1,400 buah. BBlpmeota Elour I > bbla; wheat, 1,100 bx.aa barlej aaaa. Minn -44|<iii-. Autr. ... Tha ? h. ai racotpta were hh?.i mM 'hipui'i.t* larj/'-r tliu.1 f>r *.me time. il>e offerlaga w?w Halit. Tbe dMnaud waa fsli m'i .-nnld undoubtedly i'\ ? t.iK. ii eara ". more imr'd wheat. Low tr.ide. were ?tagnant So. 1 Sortbern from 85c foi ??. .d. t.. D0%e foi fane.t with the ImIk akei ti 85c So, . -'id all the way fibn i' D4o, aori dlot t>i quallty, Recelpta re. 24 houra woro 58 .?r?, "itli ablimienUi ..t 02 eara. Cloalng pil ?? -Nn. 1 barl Ang . ..ii track, t>7;:"- So, l Sorthern Auguat -7'?' bV-ptember, B4*?e; Deoeir.bei -? i ? , :*5.-; Xo. - Northern Auguat, et^c; oo track* 8244818. Phlladelpbuv, Am.-. 8. tToui Demand ara ry iu..a eraie, but chotre ..'1 i<h.-;n. ?ere .... i ii H iv mid. Nc? wMtrra wen .. elv ofTer?d, b .. n..>\ .1 \.r. alowly. n>.- Bour aulet aud >toadr. \V? -?' M r.'???. aad * i MI foi ball >l | aud h -At new. Wheat Demand fu. oxport waa llght, aud i llntd l'4?l'..c. und nc. . ? -d preaeuri ln - l v - ih. i - ? pooi - - i?? .? i i .. i '. i lii.n. I! ""' ? . \" 2 red, in >?" ? \iit..r, rariy, p6%< dn du later, '."'.-; No. 2 r> aud No. - I . ti.'- >mi!? r..l B7%e; ami No. 2 Md I i No. 2 r.-d. Auguat, 87*4 07 . H nl mbei D7*?ertt7%e; drtorxT. ..i8rf.^'.4, Notrembfr, OB%a)aO't. Coin suppllea w.-i. amall, aid thc aaxrket lot .-ar i..u ruled Bnn, iheutrh deiu'Jiid llght. K-.itiiron droppa lo, nnl.-. imi-r reporta ftoni <*her ^rain ..iit:^4. but tlii*. maik.-t waa wbolly n.iuiinal. No. 8 yollow, track, 72.-: Bo. 2 relloK 'ii 20th-et. elevator. "2e; Mo. 2 mi\.'l AugUfl 8 Hepiember, ?">?i?07.-: October, 64B65o; Noromber, B3#?J4r. rjoAa-jTaero Y-a^ a ?"..d demand. aw\ r ?:, ,'? nalea .<f eai lot* ?t yr*terda)'% pricea th.. market iidsam-.-^l I. rloalng Irm, ?:th rory llgbt offerlnga, F%turea bowH UtU* change, and were bargely nomlnal In th. ebacnce ol ?nj dlapoaitlon to trade (i.d S"n. 2 mlxod 4tir ? .,id \"n ?? ?hit>-. 17%8'4?%c; Xo. 2 whlf Auguat :.* :r. > Kep lember, S??34c : October, 84i*85e; Xovember M '-?rM".'-??-. Pmvtalona ln falr iobbtng d-mand aud ateadr Ii d ".'*, '???". 6#6%c. Ruiter Brm; P ' ata 18" rl8 augar, r.-tii"? grannla . rr.-iv at 4c. aoine reflnei . k - . . glng \ un, gradea qulet Othei artJetea tuiehaoged, Reci Fl..tir ?_? ?;' <> bhl - 0.700 aaeke; wheat 158.700 l.uah; .nn 6.900 buah; ata. 6,800 buah. Nhlnment4?-"Vheat 18.800 baM can. 11.800 beah neu I5!li<>. ?I. i-uia, Aag, :..-- n.eir atady. .,i? i,,?,.,,| w*t*\ opened -I ... ih-n d? lin-d * f , ;,,, ?nd ,,|. ranea '.? . aud for a abort Ume ?ii.,we.| areneUi i>-it brokr .g'ln oa bartrt adrtfi from t .. i ,-t quently thire ?v i ilight ?- oven but i .- ? liuaw ami 1 .fl v below Y.-t. i<]j ; \,, .. t ^ ,..,,. v-.-i.-t, B?*io, rloalng. B4?. bM: Sentemb-i - rloalng, -5 ? ; De mbei . !,?., M Corn?lo thla mik-i there ?Jk ? i?rK,. geeiin. weakneai ?a? th-- mool promuaant f.-atnrr. aii <!? ? I i..Mi u.-f^ were ?.-..k aod lh< ]?? k ,,r ri^i..and ta i.,?rk. I thai prirea wttt atoaaUl.i denaraoed Th.- ,ti..nL: ml hlvh.r caah ii.j'k..| near the r|.,... alded rh.- lona " what, aad a partlal reeovory v??4 . belng -.?./i. baloa yaoterday. No ?_? .,.., Aupust eloaed, 68e; Bopteaiher, 51, ,... ^i 62%e; roa, 40%?r40%e, rloalng n deellne ln wheat and eoa weakened ..^t- \., -. , *th .. ,?:??;???<??. Auguat. ?.????.. . lool :?' ,#2a%c, rloalnc at 20V. II Bai ral lemaad; tinotin. old 4i"??ii"' i,-" BlOotMrafS; nrairl-. *7.i*'.i |; ,,, ,.,?? vr,.",j*?,. ' giax aoetf aulet, BBe. Lead i.iuh. i ami Brm; cotunxNi *4 2" ? maal, MOa^niO. \M,.-k -tr.d- t) |7 Vrorlalona dull ani weak. Pork 81078 i.?ni aaa Drr -ait iueata-R0A.M -hnnld.-r-. 86 82%; louga, *7 |n" ria 87 20: ?burt tloar 7 37V. Baoen-Boxft Vhm.i; le..!,.. B7 60; rlha 87 804M7 65; ahort , i,,r L-f. ?>" 4', HO 0^,^,!ah"roa7t;HK'3,?,;,'4i T"^1' "? "" ^ IKI.IMjU I'lian oat>, 34,000 biah. mm.ti,, r, oaTiahnon mT..'-1' *8!''000 ,,"'h: ??? ?*<"-' KaXi Tol.-il... Aag. ..--??VI at M. Uxra, oai,i*i : ,4v.h, Bta] Aagaa aad Bepaa '???' <>? ??? <?? .,,M(1, -aah, *r. ()ai? qalot; ? a-i. 30.- ( i,n,4r.?.^ ..,.,', ~J23J eaah, 41 25 October, 84 35; b^mUr 04 45 IteeeUiU Whoal, kaa.484 boab; tctr.. 4,U8 B&Ij oato, S.B4I buah; ?? 17,_20 buah. Srilpi? 6.') VtiUi w.h'*l'ir:,lj'j: j}jb_B_! rorn, 17,7*0 _?__; ,*_,. 1 H- ,,,"," ; "?? ,C',0? |,."ii- <_ THE fBTBOLBUM MAMBBT. vr.w.s rnoM thi; i'ii.i.r> and BABOl of prickb. The iinexpert^l and aharp derllne. in oil certlflratea on M.mdHT le<1 iu Irm.llvlty agaln at the Cori-olldated Kirhauee r*Bte**B_f, D8BllB|* ln Natlotiil TlBHatl eerttteaeaa aaaoBBlad t.. 91,000 baarala at ?oi-_? IB7-6OO0 reuts. Nothing was done In Rurkeye. oil, rhl< li haa been nc'l.-i f.I'~1 cntircly J,?r >evenU Refined otl In barreai was unrhangrxi at 8J-..*eajtB, i? Miiit at AM, and ln eaaaa al 8.30; cm.ic la aartaBi -,.,., ,.-,.t- and ln bulk 3.38. ._. "l.Ign tiuotaUoua acre: Antwerp. l?l 4 fntncs, ,,.?:,, 5.30 marfea; Lnndiin. 5 5-8_)6_-d ponce. KIK'd'F.AN I'ltoDlCK MARKF.TS. riverp.i.,1 Baa ?"> 8:48 B. ni.-Il".'f-Hnlder* ott.-r f-Jhr7SS_ It.di. ?X <i-,ii at* 86a. Pora-UoM*ra oflea Lva'rinaly. Haffl.-Boldera offer modeat_tj. ";_"'_ rfodeA offer iparlngly. I laea -HaMan o?ar, mod.-r. ? >. Tailow-The lupply li poor. Bplrlta <>f turpen Holdera offer motoateiy; ateady at 20a. .Baela-Ho"*': ?t?? freely. CoMoaaad mi-l.Ivr|,o.,i rMteod, Bkaattrat ggTatT Lard Bpataod foturaa- HoWera a**"**"* , '?_; uriiiie Weete.n iprt nnd Aaaa t ttealy M 88a 8d: ?1*?"; Lr and ..,-t?l-r',t-.dv at .13* 9d. \Vhea*- II"< " iparlngly. Plour-Boldera ojer "1,1<1''r'/'1J-.v''.r"7'T t a,d fntor,-- Holdera offer .,.erMely; mlxed We*t*rn apo* rtradj i S IOV=dl; Angiat iteady ut 5* lOJadi S^?^ fchdy 11 .V MI: Octoher *ta-fV Bt ?'>< B%d. 1">P? ?"? Laaaa Pafilfln Caaat?Belder* aro not ?fferi?g. _>-? MVE BTOCS MARKF.TS-BY _____Bt??T-fc CM.-ago. Aug. (I.--II,.- BvealBj J""r??l" PSS^lSSi Ue-ReoelpU, l-,ooo haad; Bhlpaanta. 4,ooo head . '*iH J ateen -t-..,iv; otkera ata* weak; prupe to extra .a ? . *!_? 82 -1 good to cl. ?M3 76; other.. *,.., ?.',''. ?i 50; ranuln. Toxart*, *?_??- 50; attakera, *:-;':'*,,,.._? , atinlog ,-o.vs. *l 75-B2 10. Iloga ll-"'l*: -^ ,'i BblproenU. 8.000 head; market weak. ?l'""-0r.L""' ?rim no'i. *4 So?04 00; mlxed and parkrra, I'?'.',-;0l, heavr ?n,l batcherV wolghta .50fc]iSK_ 15 8.1 graaaen, Bl 75_85 15. Wu-eo Keertp*" , Bblpmenl . 4....-.?,.i ; market Mi yact*r.i IMl,w. -w'ea, B3 V,,.-. 50: mlxi I, *4 JOaJj ?0 xx . _od yearlbiga. 8M93 25; Texan., *8 30O04 ,?>. W? na lower, 81 10604 50; laniba 88 75006 86. K. Lonls. 6ag. o.-r.ttl-Kr,-l;,'s 3.900 "^ ?'/? roexta, : 00 i.--.,.;. Market ^te.dy ; good M ? koleejname -:??,-. 86005 5b: Mr y> good do, 88 *M. Texaniaaa India.i atecr* *3 I6_a3 10; rannara, *1 WH. ??? ? ' !?;?.:,>-. OV600 head; ahlmnanU, 806 haad; n arr.iia. elo?ed lower; lalr lo beat keavy, *?> soaw .-? Suaf'gride., 86-06*50; llght ordlrary l*_^JPJgS #.-, 85. Shoea-Reeelpto, 4.800 hnarl ; "Wmnent., BOO mmi. M.rUHt M...v; fal: MO-ilca BUt-BB-t fflOOO* 90. jfimnuud. 6 PER CENT CAB-TBIWi BOVD"* OK THE RAILRGAD EQ-JIPMENT CO., ?atariaa aaarterly troa L898 to WJ* B PB_t GBBT. WATCB xxoitKS BOBBB* g-OB SAUB BY PO-?T, 4CAB II > Jk CO., 46 W>_.1^ ST. Iv rOUNTZi; BROTH?K8, Hanker*. 198 SKOAlAVAY. MuW-TOHK. Iaue t*ttea of Credlt for uae of 1'raTeHera. Draw Koralga BlUA _ MAiSUKACTURlNU 8ITES AT CHICAGO. Wl Hlgh *ry and, MM aotaMa elM UMta. Belt eon. noction wltti .li Ch???.-.. omIx Two ttroak Uaaa. i .i. a^.. r.r.- on tr Iglit. Low .wltf/hlng ebl . _Dt_?n_i__: water riood re?ldence nelghbo la*? by, sit*? .-.;.. i>.- given t-, one or two Brat-eleaa eaaeeraa. Corre.Doi.di nca aollcli d. JOS. r pvtnam m ca, 87 Portlaa* BIA.. < bleage. ri.VCINNATI. 1ACB00B t MACKINAW R. R. CO. NOTICE is borobj given that the Agreetnent for ti.e Bl I of Oie OIKCIKHATI, JA( K BOM x M.xt'MNxxv ii. B. Oa ha* *8alfl been nodlBed a..d tii.t BM Moi.irn-.i) ai.iu.f.MKNT is aa ala wBfe tha Caatral Inat l aapany at Ba. oi w.n-t., Kew-York, ,?,! ,.?,,. i M aaaa ar. BMd at BM nfii.kf J. Kennady lad * Ce.1 >"? *6 WaUat. ?nd Watotaa u. Browa & Bros., io Baaaaaat, .1. KI'..VM',I>V TOD BBJ-DEBIO A.BBOWB ! tmmmttmm BAMUEL TH0MA8 ^ Cooualttaa. CHAB M. MeOBEB n. t. \vii._o.\ i rpHE \VAHASir~ItAILW)AI> CO.MPANV, A 188 BROADWAY, BEW-YOBB, July U'7, 1801. BOT1CB In oi-i-r to iir.-j._rL f,.i UM Bnnual na. Urtg of tlio Hia. kholdws and li,l,..iuuro Mm-tgng" Bondbolder. ,.t tba Wabaoh Itallroad Co., wiikh t_k,? j.lan- ln a>t. Ij....!*, Mo,, Tu>-*day. .S,-i>t"mlj,-i 8, lf91, the Baaafer tx.ok-, ?f UM .-.m.ii-iiv will cloaa Auguat e. n-xt, _t IL' ,i',i<,. k uoon, ?nd wiil r,-,,i.eii Beptember 9, 1801. at 10 o'eiock u. m. _J, c. OTIi _??__. WHEBEAS, BY VIBTUE OF AND PUBSU ANT to xn BCl Bf th- li-,ial?tiire ?f th,- BtaXfl ,.f Waabtogton, entltled, "An act auttarialna aimI r__fiowerlflg th. organtxed eountlea of the State of Woahbigtoa t?, ,-ui, traet ludabtedn? and t.. l-.-*.;?* bondi fnr fundlne the -a;n.-, and declartug iw emergeucy," .pproved on the zl.t <lav uf M ir-h. 1890, <uid the ? ,i-.- of the Ii,,?id uf c.-intv ..,.,,. ml.alonan of Spokaa. . .,?,nt\, Waahlngtoo. du'i n,:id<- and MHL..r> d, auU.ii.iiiiu' -ald eounty to fnnd th,- Indebtedoeai thereof a?,d t?, DOrrow tbe lum of iwp hundr.d thi.iK-and (C.O'i.oooi dniiar*. ?? laaue it- negotiabl, boodi tbere fnr. F.i<l tion.K to be two hnndred In namber, at,d nf the d.-noinination ,,f ona tbouaaod dnllars each, t<, le-ar dat.. tl.R ,ii , of laaaa, to 1m; payabla In tarenty y-ar^ after Ibelr ii.ii.-, tha eounty reaervliig the rlnht tb pay Oa ?ani.- nr aay pert th-r.-of ?ftei t.-n year* f...:n d:.t.,- of laaae. s-itd boiid* u. le-ar liit*r,-.?t ?l slx per ?'ent per annnm. the in tcreat to be i?ld ann.ially lu ui? city of Xow-Voi-k, lu tlie Bute ?f Bew-York. wki, Where:... the .-a'd lloarrl of Connty Coiiiml?*lnn.>ra _.* a.ithorl'.d t.v law hy an ,,,d,r inadi. and entorad on tha litii d5v ,,f July,dfiOl, Buthorlxed suid ordered tha laauanca of ^a!d ij.,1,.1- and tha *ai-> thenof, aotlce Is bereby given that< ?iil f,.- recalved by th,- Board ..f Conutr Com mU'lonera, at their ofllce ln ti.c city of Hpokane, HtaM of VVa*hlngton, for the purehaae of ?aid bond., up to _ p. m. r,f tha 3ath dav nf Auguat. 1891, nt, whioh tlro. aii blda will i?- eonaldered. a certuled cbeck ln the lura of twenty-flve thonaand dollan muat accompan] blfj to ??' arant,??> th,- (althful p.-rforni_iii-? uf tha t,,-rn,? ol h., li Wd. The legallty of honda laaned under th? rn,:ntr fundlng a,-t <,f the SMte of Waahlngton ba. '*,-n paaaed upon t.y tho Supri ,.,-.'i ,.f tlia,-, iu the (?<_??<?? ,,r M irray >-? . , , ?_?.; Paclflc Ron, 533, ?nd i,y conrnetent .ttorneya, ,n,-l auoh fundlng bonda d-elared I--..I. Therefore, no ,-onili u.'iiai i.'.d or t.ids mad^ aabjeet to legallty of baada alll b.' entertalned. Tha aaaeaned valuation nf all pr.,p, rtv ln th" '-ounty a* Bbown by th- tuv r?ll for th- vear H'.tO i* -f-JL'.t.f.-.tJOe. ih. Board i lerve. tha right t.. raject any u.d all bid-. For Inforniat ...t Ooaearalng aald lx,n<ls aiidr-*- the uu daralgne4 Dat. d at rinoluu.-, W_*h., July 14, 1891. JOHN MAYI.R, C!,i?lrinan Board of Countv Cominl-isioner.. J. J. I, PEBL. County Auditor .nd Clerk of rtnai-d. in PBBCKNT .Miniici|ial -VVarranta, any A-xr amount; "o...l aa Oovernmeat llnndi. Partlculara ai.d rrference, r. xv. TROjU.VI E, Box 1.534, B-attle, waah. '.(i.l TWENTY TEAK GOLD SCHOOL ? >trir ii.iviis ti.(>,>o sarh, lntere.1 al ?"> per cent, pav able annually July i-t. Blda opei .1 .n, \.,iT.i*t 10. 1891. .? IWIAIM) OP F.DPCATIOV. R?lt T.,\. City, 1't.nh. 4_"r t\IU\ TO 8)10.000 snoti'il oapital w.u.i mmoj \f\f\9 . aad large proflt given. Ad> drea, B ,x 41 SI l ', , h l /manrtal iTiectintj-. N OTICE OF A.NM AL MEETINGr. 'j'o STOCKHOLDEBS OF WELLS, FABGO A COMPAXY. Tnu are berabj i,,,t:ii- i tbat tha next annual meetloa of th- iiaekholdea ni aaid Cornpony f,., Ui- electlon of ,ra loi the eo.uing v.*ar, a;.U th.- ?f auoh othci bu.mcM a. '-,.ij come before ti?- nicetlng, will be held i? the Becr tory1. room at, Ua general omee ol UM Conipnny, ,?i thc northerly rornei of Mlaaloo aod \.?. Montgomer) at.., elty ,,r San Frant-lac. a: lo o'eloek a. ra, oa Thuad.y, ti,. ... 1 .-? ? i. li,. tnn.fer booka "ill \>r ,-k,,. ,i on Tucaday, ^, and .? opi a. d Pi Idax Auguat n. ^_^^___ _ JA.MKS ili-u,,.\ xMt RAILBOAO i ???ll'xw J_:. ._. 1801. rpnE ANM'.M. MEETING ol ;!, i-l, 1 R_llro_d 0< mpan] Stock a- d Delanture Moitgagc i" .III i- held lu th. general ,.::,.f tho Com. i, n st. L iu a, Mo. ,,., i 'I----I . . ... i-.,- ui '.. o'clo '? .i. i" loi Ihe elrrtl.I Dli , :? ? s and tha tranajci on ,<f lueli othei bo-l.n a ,- ,, legally , ,?.,-? I?<?'. -:i|.| ?ill cloae Auguat 8, 1891, .t 1. (Vrlu.k i..,. .nd r-op.-n beptember 0,, ?i 10 o', I,,. k ,,. 1). .QHliKV. l-r.-id.nt. ,i , oni:-,..\. Beeretary. _ __ rpo THE STOCKHOLDEBS OF THE D. C. 1 Bewel] x >.,,,-' Uodaoa Kiver Mil! a.-,d _>umber t'om pani V..'. ?iil pleaa- uik,- uoti thal . ner.1 oiMetlng of the rtoekholdera ,,f '_ld t .i*vnv will be held at tho ,,r. - of D. C v -Il -x Hon?, in th.- C tj of N-?-Vork, 12 o'eloek ?.i ..,,,1 thal al ,<,,.? ii l- . re-olutloo \?,n i? oil. r?-d tbat rwo Uundrad rhouaand ... -.;,t Companj '.?? i ,,.'<i a |.r.ferr-d - pur .. r dividend D -r ...h,'imi., DARU'S I.. M.xvi 1.1, D.xliirs C. \V\vii.!, I t.:irv. l'r?i.l.-nt. Da??d Jfew.Y. rk, loli la 1801 Ditnilrno Xotires . HICAOO AND Al.Ti'N RAIf.BOAD COMPAXY. CHICAGO, li.I... July 81 ?'. l 01. >IOTICE.?A quarterh dividend of Two l>t>| I id , p ?; - . . ha thi 'l i> been declai-ed on th. prc tuek of thi coniB ,. iiayable ua the j ,,f Hepteml.-l next, '*< ttorkholdera ol :?-? .rd Bl Ihe , I,...- ui bii ,i,.-- I,,., r- ,.,, ln- tenth ,,f Augu t. The dividend nn -;,,--- regUtered ln v -.. Vork will i? offl,.- ol the ,,.,. panj 'i igrnl M tra John i Mo. 52 Will il. --. '?? ,- | .... (|i\. !d-n,t "., ihai l In ( hlcaj i will be i i ?! at ti,. ,,- - ? of the i re. ,.i. :? ..f the x ompaa. . C II. rOSTER, _ _ I ., . - NOTICK. A dhld-nil af *l l>.-r shar," will !>.? paid aaa -?-.?? ol th? rbomaoa h .,,-.,.-, Blectii.' .',,..,|.ar,\ ,,,, Aufi-t 18 i-'t f --,,, ki,..M.r. ,,r record at cloaa >.f - AUgUat .',. IV,t 'ih<> tianafer book uf tl.omaan atoek alll t,>- cleaed a- ?t ii t?, Auguat i",. Im.iu daya laela i\.-. ,,v t i,f ll.i 11 ,.,:d i.f C. a. i OPP1B, Traaaanr. Baataa, Jary ?-?:. i 11 ?ToMarincro.'np Xolur6. /v,i'\iriM,i;.,|ii|.M)i h i. I,, aii aaaa II aaay aaaeam: Plaaaa mwe na that th- .-n|,.riuer.hl|, h, r -.,.'..r- exlatbifl uadri th. Ilrm .,.,:,.? of Wyakoop. rTallenbaek x Co l.a- beeu teruUaah I ,,, |ha 'lernk ?,f Johfl I Batleobeck, .,,,,1 thal h.-f, .fi a tha bu-io-a- ?f meral t.k newapaper an.l j..?. prluting will ba ,.,-,ii,,,, ,i ,1 |2| palloa-at! m -i,- cftx ol \. ?-. Vork, bj tbe un*er*lg_ed, und.-r tba _rtn um ol Wynkoop 1 ila I Dat'd Baw-YarB, Aug. 0, I8B1. M il. tVYXKOOP 11. C. 1IA_,I.LM1BCE. _Rcilroitfii_ ^A~1BbBICA?? 44K8-ATBST BAILBIAO." |?W 1/m (}ENTRAL Hudson Rlvcr Railroad. TIIE POUE-TBAOK TBUNK LINB. All tralna arrlve at and depart from CRAND CENTRAL 8TATION. Fourlh Avc. and Portr-aerond St., New-Korfcu Ontre of Hot*l and ReVdeuce bccMon. THE OXLT RAILROAD STATION IN THE OITT Trnlna lenvn n?. followai FA?T MAII, AND 1.000 IM.AND MPBf'IAL. 9:10 A. BaV-lBS Albiny. Utlex, Clayton (8*8888 Sunday), t-yracoae, BachMta, Batavia, due at Buffalo 8:10 p- m. HAKATOtJA, LAKE GBORGI AXI> MOSTKKAL SPB4 14 U BstfO A. W. Wagner drJ" na-rooin oara through. ">'*'? .ssruoga 2 25 p. m., CaldweU (L. Georse* 4:06 p. *x> ? Montreal 0:15 p. m. SFW-YOKK 4XD 4'HK'AIIO LIM1TF.O. 10:00 A. IW.-< ou.po-ed neleatTMj of Wagnar v'estlbule Huffat. Smolttng ind Llbrary, Dlalnf. Prlvoto i ooi partoient and Standard bleeplog and Drawing-riooxa Cars. Due Chleafure 45 a. m. next day. CHICAOO IMV KXI'ltE-*. lOitfO A. M. -Dally oxcept Sundavs. ( onnecta with M lmportant Nerw-Tork State llnea dlverglng. Satnrday traOo doea not rnn weu of Cleveiand and Detrolt. BOtJTflWBarTBMM I.IHITBI". 1:30 P. M.-Waaner Ve-tlbule KhaarMf.BeatB, Slooping, miffet, BmoldnL and Llbrarv. Dlninc an.l Ca/o *xra. I>"e Clnoinnatl 10:60 a. r. .. Indlananolla 11:56 a. ?n.. bt. LouU 7:15 p. m., nrxt day. Xo extra far.'. wnici.ij'ai 8AIM BPltyi IL. 1:30 P. .il.-Wasner Veatit >'lo'b>'-plng. RuTet, ariOklng nnd Library and Dlnlne >aia. Duo Chlcago. 8 :80 p- n*. next day. Xo extra. fare. BATPRDAV S.lKATOf'A L1MITF.U. 1:40 I*. M. Wagna and MM Smok log Cara. Dua baratoga I"l0 v- *u. siHATOta 8PB01AL. 13:110 P. M.?W.-iatvr Drawuig-lloon. (ara. Duo Albac 7:25, Trov 7:36, Raratoga 8:40 p. w. Runa through to Laka WOfga Haturdaya NOKTI1 ailOltF. LI.WITEI). 4i~0 P. My-Wagaa Vestlbule UurTet. j.'rewinc-rtoem Meeplng and DH.Ing Cars. Due Detrolt 9:15 a. bx. Chlcago 4 :.'.(") p. di. BArtT W~U8TBBW BX~"~"~BM" 8:00 P. "1. -Wagaa VoaalbaM Di?wln;,-Room, Eleeplng and Dlulug Cara. Due Buffalo tt:lo a. ta.. Niagara Falla 7:12 a. m., Cievt-laod 10:35 a. m.. Detrolt 1:10 0. m.. i hi'-i-o 0 00 n. m.,%t. LouU 7:45 a. m. A4*IK4~KI*A( K ABD HOMKI AL KXPRBrB*. 7:00 P. .XI.--Waguer bleeping Cara to Plaltaburgb, ??> 8:89 a. in.; to BuriiagtOQ, due o a. m-, and to Mon Braal, due 7 :15 a. m. BI FFALO, KIAOASA PAIX8L 1,000 1MLAXD AND AlMKOMMCK spECIAL. li.'IO P. M. Wagner Sleepina C*r->, X?w-York to Buffai duo 7:30 a. B, Bbtgara Kalls, 9:00 a. ni. Clavton. 6:30 a. m Alexaj.dra l'.-jy, 7:00 a. Ba. Paul bmlth'e and TuiiD'-r Laka BtaBoa. (1\? |\N iTI AMI -iT. I.OI1S F.XPKBM. 8488 P. M.-Wagu;r Ve-tlbuie Sloip.nK Cara. Duo Cln clnnaU 7:80 p. m., JxiUanapolla 10:30 p. m., St. l?uU T:80 a. aa. I.TMITED F.tMT ITAIta OiOO P. M. -B eep.n-.i..,r raaaongora only carrled oa taii tratn for Ro< h ster. liue 7:45 a. m. lllll At.O MI.HT E1CPKEH8. 9il3 P. .11 - Wagaa Blaanlng ara, BTeaeYaaB to Cap* VMeent, I! .tla.o, O-trolt and Chlcago. *?..- 14.. ..... .M.lVoli.i.iij, 1-OLUiln.iU.i'bIE, RUIX'E. i l.i; > iKlXCalUX AMi (ATsKlLL .Mnl'SUIXti, AM* lli DSOS?'.'i 80, 110:80, 111:80 A. M., :3.30, 8 65. 0:26 1'. M.: aj-o foi- poughk.-.p>.ie, 10:20 A. M., I .1.'. 12 :.5, :* ..*5. ij oo. 7 :00, 7 :30, ? :00. 8:16 1*. M. , for ('alakltl -.tatiou (tatekill aud tho < nukill .?. 1:780, 19:20, 111:80 a. M., 18:80,8^6,6:26 r ..!.: f..i Orarrlaoru (Weal Polnt), !7:80, 19:20, 9:25, 111 :80 A. M . >.'? 15, !8:80, 8:56, :4 56, 6:26 P. M. AI.BAXY AXD TROY-"7 :30. 0:10. 10:00. 110:30 A. M., 1.30. :3.30, 3 55, 4 :60, 0:00. 7:30, 8:00, 9:15. 111:69 P. M. : alao for Troy. 7:00 t. M. BAl'.AIdOA-17:30, :u':10, 110:30. :il 30 A. M. 13 80, 7 .00, !11 :8B p. M. UTK'A AXD SVRAi'l-'SE?17:30, 9:10. 10:00. tl0:"0, 11:80 A. M., 1:30, 4:50, 0:00. 7:30, b :00. 9:11, ROCHESTER AXD Ri:FF.\IX)-9:10, 10:00 I1080, 111:80 A. H., 1:30. 4:50, d no, 7:30. b :00 9:18. 1.1:59 P. M.J aI?o for Itoeheat-r. 0.00 P. M. NIA(*ARA PAf.LS-9-10. 10:00, 110:30 A. M. 4 50, 0 :00, 7 :80. 9 IV !11 ;.V?. ADIhOXDAUK M'iTTNTAIXS AND MONTREA 1^- '9 :29 A. BL. 7:00 111 59 )'. M. CAPB VIX( 1 '. CLATTON. ALSO FOR ADIROX DAOK M'iTJ.VTAIXS 7:80 P M., OUDF.XSBt'RO AND OHWK(K)-9:15, 111 59 P. M. ; aUo for Clayton 10:10 A. M . 7:30 P. M. J for Oawego 9.10, 10 00. 110:80 A. M. H-dfl P. M. At'IU'KX, OIXEVA AXD OAXAXDAJOtTA-0:10. 10:00. 110:80 A. M.. 7:30 8:00. 0-1X 11 :59 P. M. l'ITT'4KIEM?. I.F.NOX. BORTB ADA.W* AM> TIIE RKKK-dIKE IllLI.S (via Ilnrlem UlYlaion) Two tralna with tlirou?h Drawmc-Koim Cara. 19:01 a. m., dn.? PlCtaBoM 1 :."??". Xorth Adama 2:30 p. m. 13:50 p in.. due PlttftQeld 8:10. Xorth Adama 8 10 p. t*. " (tl(K.)l I. ANB THK 1.1 K II IF.I.l) II1I.I.S. 18:50 p, BA( through car due XorfoU, Conn.. 7:32 p. m. l-'or tlck?t? and space tn rileeplng Cars applv at Orand Centrai t-wtlon, or at 413, 781. 9i2 Hroad?av, 12 Psrk Plaee, 53 WeM 125th-at., and i:-!8th-?t ctaUon. Sa\y. Vork; 333 Wuahlngton-at.. 720 Pulton-at.. and 393 B"d loru-avo., B. D., iTrooklvn; 109 Hudaon-at., Jersey City. Weac.'tt'a Exi/Maa c:.ll-. for and ehoeka ba?sage from hot is aud r-'.-'d- n- e-. through to de?tlnatlon. lUally exrept Sund.iy. Other traiu* run dally. Abovn traLna, exeejit tlioae u-avlni; it 9:10, 9:20 a. m., 1:40. 2:15, 3 ..tO, 3:50. 3:55, 4:50, 4:55. and 11:50 1 p. n:.. ?top at i:i8th-?t. atatfon. JOHX M. TOIOEY. OEOROE Tt. DANIF.L8. ii-:. t* Manager. Genciil Paaaenger Aijent. RIE LINES. Dlrect ro'ite to Pa^uie. Patarooa, T'.xedo, No\>. bum. M.d1'.etO(Yn, Port J< rvla, Moutic.-llo, Whta Loa^, Honevlale, Kertinton, RUikhamton. JElmlra, Cornfng, Watklns uHea. Ilath, Hanjmon4t->port, AVOO bj.rlnga, Roehester, Hornellavllln, Buffalo, Xtagara Pall-., Toronto. ChautauQua Lske. <'!?veland. CfneliuiaM. (St. I.oul", Chloa^o and all rointa Weat. Koltd tralna be tareen Now-York and Chlca?o. Xo rhange of eara. Oholca of nuta via Chtiutauqua Lake or Bbagaa ralla. An en rhantlni; pai'oran.a of iiio'imalna, for^ato and atreania. Through tralna leave Bew-York, foct ..f ciianb-rs-*.... aa followa, an ; iiv.) iiiinutuo earller, unba-i othorwla aiiown, \V?t L'iid-st. yVbbtbmb ntY i.xi'KKS!*. (1 (\f\ A 8L Dilly-VIa Xingiira l'all* and Chautauqua Ir.UU Laka. Parlor Car New-York to Bntraio. M.iopar HuruellKVille Xo (In.-innatl. ( oonecto at 1'ort Jervia lo union atation, oxcept Bunday, foi Montleolla XE?4TIIU Li:a> L1MITB1*. 'J /\(\ '"? M. Dafly?Solid traiu for UaJeage, \1a Cbautun ?t.'tM qua Lake. with dinlnu rar to Chicagu. Sloepera to Chlcago, Cleveiand und Cim Innatl. MOITNTAIM KXPKES-*. O Ofl l*. M., except Stmday-For Rlngliamton. Honeadala O.Oyf tiv.i Montlceilo. Parlor <-ars t-i Port Jeivls. Thr.oiBh ear Katurdiys fo' Montlceilo. citicauo and nn axi) tuink f.xprebs. /? l\i\ ''? M DaBy?6olM tnln to Chlraro via Nlagara I).*'"" Falla and ?lr;.:.d Trunk Ral:way. 61eep-rj to Buffalo, Rocheater, Toronio and Chieaco. PAC1K1C BXPMbaa. 8.J/J p. m. Dally?VM Cautauoua Lake and Niajara .?JU Palla, boUd traiu to CUlvago. oaeepoa U> llullalo, ( hlcagO ai.d Cinciiinatl. POK POKT .IEltVI-4. 111 I1K DAVB-4 15 a. B. [28d-at. 3 55). 7:62 a. m. t? (28d-at, 710.. 9 a. m., 10.JO a. Bk, 1 9- ni., 3.10 p. ni., 0 j.. in., 7 ii in.. 1:80 p. in. Suudayi>? 9 a. tn., 3 p. iu? 0 p. ni.. 0 :30 p. m., 8 30 p. m. K.i.i MiUHIKIi. WI'.I-'.K DAYB?4:16 a. m. (2S*V-a 3:55). 9 a. m., 3:4J i jnv 4 :45 p. m., o p. m., 7 p- ni. Sunday*?8 a. m., 2 p. tn", I p. UI. BVATDSBAT 8PB4~IAL TBAfNlt. SATVBDAYrJ OXLY - 12 60 p. m. (28dat. 12:40) for Xewburg; 1:40 p. in. (28d-ot. 1 :25> fo: iluwthoruo; 3;i5 p. m. bi Porl ... i ?i*. MP8C1AL IMOKMATION. MAPB AND i'i.m ,-.-?. ' nay m- .btalned rron Ucket oitices. Alao -opb-*. ..f "Bumruer Uomea," cou. talulng aelect Uat of bou 1-. <*.i?l boarding-houaa; "auburban lU)ll,e^," utheiililiu' 4'lclnlt7 of .\t:?-?urk; "Cliauanjaua ljke b uveulr*' and 'bumiii^r Eaouraioaa." rpn'KI BM AM* POLLMAB A.'< OMMODATIOXS at 1 401. 817 ;..',: Broadway, ( hatun r? aad W at '8d bt. Parna, Naw-Yak; -rt* i *na 333 Pultonat, Umokiyn ? 107 Broadway, WUUaniaburg; -oner \-?v?rk and Hiiohoa hta., HouoKi'u, and Jeraey (It. Btatlou. l.rle Tranafeg tompani calla for und checka baggagu from boieis and ^.?^? deuco through ;.. deatlnation. w. c., Oenaral Paaraga Ag?ut. D & L A \V A B K, L,\ C K .\ TV ANNA AND WEBTEBB RAILKOAD. bhoiteal,... Vattbukd Pulbjiaa Coaohoa. p a. 11.. BuBalo .:. Iifl Id bprlnaii aud i'-.-''.o i-'\pre?, via Patera. f^r Water ....p biroudaburg, aeiaoton, Biag. 0?e '.. It, a-a. waveriv. I .n ra. Corulug, Baia l>.,u- \ ui-, oh -ip'iiii.- VVeurv.l . RlchJ Id Sprdi^a, rri.a, Mt. .N.'.r'i* ure ne. i)J?l Norwlch. cortlanu, ayraicuao, ? Ooo to ,.i Bcrantoo 4>itu tralna fot Plttaton, Wilkeaarre, liauvtlle ami .N.riA uj,.l) rland; at I'.uiiaio >m.Ii 1.111. for th-- U'.-at 7 .'.O a. m.-ninghamtOQ .^iail, via R.Kinton. 1 p. m.?Blimhauitou und Blaiua bucareu for Water oaa, Btroudaburg. sc aotou u? a -. W.vrh and Ein lr.u coa .- >. raotoii ?.th tralu* for Pltt-ton, Kln-Riou and arre. _ 4 :10 p. m.?Scrantoii. Wllgexbarre and Plymouth BM wa. 7 30 p. m. fdally).?Butfalo Un.iuel l'xpreaa, \1a Pater ' aon. for Btroudaburg. b.ran'on. lliiighai'iton. Ow.-go, Wa, | v-riy. Blmla, Bath, W-irland, Diu.villo. Mt. ! Morila, Ac, axrivlng ln Buflalo at 7 :3o a. m. ;i p n. idallri.-~nutfalo Rtehfl.-ld sprlnga and Oswego BApreaa, for btrbudj urg, Scrsntou, Blnirl.aintiiii. Oortlond, Oxj ? rd x rwlfh Sherburne, ^?at.rvlltr, Utlea, *?; and all nnuu on Buffalo Dlvlaloaj gohnogM ?lth tralna for tba Wuaa, * WBOT 8HOR? tUIlaROAD, (N. Y. C. Sc 11. R. n. it .... Lea ..-?r-Htn.-, leara 1 (Nr.\ -V i.ik, aa towowa, and 20 minutea rarlia r 1.,. foot of .lav-t (Now-York) BamHtau, Loadoo Detiolt ?i,,1 C'bleaeo, -lo a. m.. "5 15 p. n,.. -h 1". a, ?, ht. ?6:15, "8:15 p. iu.. Toronto, (10:00 a. u., ir. 18 ?a 15 p. 11.. Buffalo, Rocboator. buapenalon 11 ld-<o, Mi 1.4 falla, 1:80, *10j00 :?. in. ?i :15 p bj. *8:16 p m lld -rj '.-..?, :t .30. -10:0.1 a. 111.. ??>:15, *8 15 p. iu. 1 II .',.", a. 111. iruna oiil,V lo litica). lv,nK?'oii. ?.< 30. *7:15 ?ln "0. "11:00. 111:35 *. Dx, aS :46, .41 ./O. v. 15, '8 15 j,. i-. CetaktU aud Aljjany. ?8:30, -7 15, '10:00, 111 35 1 11.., al t5 p 11.. a-l 00. "?-|.Y ??.!."> p 111. I'litii-Uin'* Weat Polnt. Cornwall, X.-wburgh, *l:80, '7 15 h -.,' ?10:00. -10:15. MI 86 a. BA, "VM. a4 .00. 4 .'0, -(, ~iS ;, 85 " 80, 8 16, *11 :4I i. n... and ?11:00 a. ni. tllJ a8:46 p. m. ior Cornwall and Newburga. Mouireai aud 1 ii:nli, 7 1". 1. u.. ??'. 15 n. ni, Eleaant aU-eplna falo, Xiagaiu I :.ii?. Toronto. t'-tioit. > iii"?..u ma Bt, LouU en Bll through tralr.*. -.Kp^clala iii .(?"> a- '" .? ; 1'? p Parlor eara t.. Karavtoaa ?ait i tldwell. I.ak- Oeorgo, tl. 3,^ a. B. (i?rloi c lr au i?.-h di da-lv SJteaa Bupdar, .3 15 0. m-. baturdaya oalr. iklll, Huoter, llobart. Bloomvl'.la (iraml Hot?l 4, *8:80. II] <>'. HI.3". a. m a3 45 Parlor .-*'< to Bloomvllle, Grand Hotei and da (ior Kaateraklll), u 00 a. m , t tl r, a. ui. 8:45 p. ni. Tralaa anl r*eeping .-ar t-> BloomvlUa oo I 10 . m. (bundaya only), Kew-Palts, lakea Moho:ik and Mlttne?r4-ka. 3.30 a. 111. 111.00. 111 86 a. m.. al:4f .'1 lor ear to x>'? Palu a u .?> a. b. krala. llaif Ii- l.iv Bpeelai, Salu dai ooly, 1:18 p n. or Kaaf?raklll. riunter, BlooniMlla. Hahirl (irand fcun n aud I'boealeut. Parlor car to Bloowvllle. Pa> ieavllle, t nm an.l Mouutaln Hun-..- Btatlw, 7:15, JXl 36 a. in.. a3:45 u. ra, ;? ,r: -r raa to < ataki 11. rjaaa. M-..iiitatn Xlgut l.lne, 8 80 a 111 . M.iu.tava ouly, I eara to Ph.M.niela and BtoomviUe. ' ItailT. 1 Dally, ev,,.Ilt Safndav. Al' other tralaa Jaily rxcoa ?'*''?'Vii"1 ' I ? Leav.-H llrooalvu, 4 a Krooklyn Ai.uex, 4 "08, tio :40 a. m. ii oo p at Jeraey ciiy, p. u. r. bUtlou, MO 40. 111:80 a- 111, a-'t "rt p. in. Knr Ucketa, tlmo latiles. parlor and aloeplng-oar arrommodaUooa or app v ol.i,-. - : Brooklyn. 888 Wjaiiluglon-at., 7211 I ul'i.ii-Ht . tonex 00)00, oot ,.f Kult..n-at. , New.Vork I'lty- No?. gtx, ;(.,.:, 7s.1. B42 llmadwav. 143 llo?ery, 12 Park Plaee, 58 Woat I26th-al . and S(lura Stat.ona, fmt oi v.'. -t ?2d-a. aad loot ot Jav-?t. X. R. C. E. LAMDERT. Oeuiial Paatoagor Agiut. i ViuderbUt avo.. Naw-Yerlc. _finlroadi ______ ennsylvania RAILROAD. THESTANOARORAILWAYof AMERICA AM_I The Soenic Line to the West, TH 41**4 LEAVE ?*T.TIO*S, faot f 0?>br?*iae*i and < ortltiudt Streeta, ua follawM ? On and after JULY 19th, 1891, ' HI I 4.-.T |,|>K O.OB A. Veatibuio .SL.-ping anl Paria. cara. Arrlve. CurvMaxid 5.-5 a. v., Cilaaaafl ft M .;,."_'. I,n"?r!n*J'0il,,, I1:4? ?? ???? Chiea.,; 4 ftft d. n\7. nv,i J?- . ' . . ?" I_ "?? D-Xt d?. (.ounecu. -1m>, f*t aoi,*o, I'Xi-ept Sa' irday. MB PBBBMVLTA1I1 t I.IMiTP.n. 10:08 A. 31,-O)mp.>aorl c\r| or Puilnaa Vtaal. bulo Urawiiiit _i._ g_aM |>.oo;n, BMeBtaA Ulolng. Bmck lng, n.d Ob*;rv.tloo tarn, prey uu.iu iiiiaocUirep-ra, .teriographera and typewrlter* -.aroomi lor boUf ??xe*. ladloa' _).;_, b_rber-*l,op, libr.rv, and a.l th. coa veiilonc.'. of hom<) or offlee. i.lght>-d by aUtlor.arj and movabl. el.-ctrle llghu. Arrlva* ? inrfnoatl $.4(1 a ..., I,.dB_i..p.,;i* n . jg _. j_., and Cnl.go 8 45 _. a, next day. ??T. I.fM'l-, AVD IINCIWATI r.XPHKK-4, 3.00 P. .11.-1* ii llrnan WnlbuM Sleeplng Cfr. .';?? Xow-Yor., ??<1 Dlnlng Car. froio Sew-Yor. to _4, Iaonli and Cinclnnatl. Paa-ancei eoach Now-Yor. a Coiiinibu*. Arrlva Ctactaaatl il.-5 a. ni., _ud BA l^.-.i.i 6 .00 p. ni. next day. Tiir; COLI -iHltv vxpiiK**-*. 4:00 P. H.?Pollnao . Blaaaa, Smog. lng, and l'?nns\l\aa'?,d Vctlbula PMa*ng4g o. i.e- fr.m Baw-Yark to -kicaga. .x.-;...? i_ ibtcaca 8:15 p m. e ?. day. Tlli. v? .-Ti R> BXl*IUMf. BiJO P. BL l'l.l-uaa \ t i :,'ng Car New-Yor* t>, l'itt-Uu-g. bt Lonie, Cbltago, .? I..claratj < 1 \?__4 aud Keroptua. Dlnlng mr. Sew-York M I'hJ'.-delpiiUjL and Plttaaurg t, Rloh >o * i ? .? C.juu.p.i. 1 :B8 p ii... ilnelni itl .', SO _. ra. uru .g. 9:30 p. m. n-xt day, aad Bt. Laula 7 00 ?. ra. a^.?ii_ boidIiik <onn< for Clevelai- a.d Toledo itdy, e\c.-|it saturrlav. i*\( ii-M KXPBKSBa JjjOB P. W.-I'i' J...-I uulTet bleeplflg <:*r X.w.Tork a Cbltago. Na?-Y..rk to M-rtp.Vi via tle 6he__r.o__ Va.Ie--: arriv.-a we-vda/i at C?l"Bbue 7 15 c m. .O-Vaa land 0 88 b. a. a.-.xt day. an* dal.r a* n.Fa^o 7 "0 a. ra. *e--ond uiornlng. Conn.-..'* for Tnl'do dally, and ta f'leveland and rolnmhu., >-v pt Saturday. '.Ji'IO P. B. Bhanandnah Vall-y J_xpr<*? . lth Througk Uuffet si-epor t<, Baw-Maaaa. BALTOIORK, W.t-.H:M.TUV AMI TIIF. ani'TPI ?Vxaanington fiBilMi F.xi,r>-??" of I'-'irt.ati P_rlor < ?a (arllh Dlnlng Car to Raltimore.) dallv. exrept Sunday, 10:10 a. m.. ?rriv>' waablBgtoa 3 so o. m.; aod ".'oa gi,*.tonal Llmlt.^l" d.,.'.v. v.'tl. -i.nlng <'?r. it 3.^8 p. in. arrlve \V_*hlngton 8:2i p. m. : fg'ilar expraa C:-.'0. 8 00, 8 SO and 11 :00 a. m.. 2:10. 4 30. ? fO -nl 8.00 n. ni. ?nd 12:15 nlglit. Kor Baitln.o-. only 1 00 u. a. bund.y. ?:1*) and 8 30 a. a.. 4 :J0. 5 00, and 900 n- m. and 12:16 alght POR ATt.A\TI.- CITY. I :50 p. m. we-k-dxy., wlM Vhrnnah ButT?f Parl'.r Car. POR CAPE MAY. 1 00 p. m. w^eftdnya, with Througb Buffet Parlor Owr. POIl PHll.AOKI.PHI*. Jixyr-sa: 6:20, 7 80, 8 00. _ 30 'J .10 Cblc*,.. _,fn,!t^d. ? th Blaing-Car. and 10:10 Wa-!.!ngt...i Llialted, with Dlnlng^.'ar), ana* 11 oo a. BL. 12 20, 1 .00. H 10 2 SO. 3 00, 3:30, 4:00, 1 :80, 5 <>0, _ 00. 0 30, ts :00 and 0:00 p. rn., and 13:18 n.ght. Ac.ommodatloo, Il |1 a m., 4:40 and 7:00 ii. b. Baadaya, axpr^a, fl n, aso. 8:00 (10 Urnlt-fl). and 10 a m . 2 30, 3 00. - -80. 4 80, 5:00. ?:30. 8 00. and 9 00 p. m., a .d 15 ?". , ommodatlon 7 :0<^ p. tj. Pwr '11-ie-iublea of i.raiiu, ',,,,.; th* Pcnn-yl aaaia iui..-,,^l by?t<-rn. apply at th? followtag TlekM -dBoaa: No*. 4;j., Ht'J _nd llil Br.,a<!?ay 1 Aator _[^ou*?, _nd foot of D. sbroaie* .nd t'ortlandt ^t* , i G,'.rt-itt b.iu Pulton-at., and Brooklyn An:. j '. ni Kulton-.t. Hrooklyu ; 75 IIud.y>u-tt.. H?b>.ki-n ; Sutloa, J-r*tv < ity. The X -w.forlt Tranafor fompony will c?U for .nd rheeg bagg*ge frorr, hot.?l.? and r_i>!il.ncc4 Uirough tr. ,1. ?::-utlo_. cll.xs i; PCOH, J. R- WOOD. tienenl Muiag?r._O-n-ral Pa***r V.'nt ii:miui. it. r. OF PIBW-JE-MET. j-uui Uk j.i,'..'-. .ii V-_i.. .N'J.iJ.i ..t>_.i_ Tlme T.ble of J',n? 21, 1891. 4:80 a. m. for Ka.t?D. Maur.h Chunk. WIIkaa*jaf*% *>r_.:ton. ll.rnai. ,rg, Tnin?<!'!.. 1'otUtville. S__? .Xln. Sunbury F.agl-a M-re. WUllamiiixjrt. On S iid*ya Mr Eaatoa, Mam-h i Imnk, Wllk*>b..-r- __d fccrantoa. 6 ix) a. B.i f',r h._-_ji, and Alli-ntown. Q 00 a. m- lur Ei-u.n _nd M_-..-n Chunk. On Sindaya, Baaton, MAueh Chuux _nd hhamokin. 8 4* a. m. for I*atoo. Maueh Chunk, W^.ke-barra, Scrunton. R.?diug Harlabnrg. p.ttavllle. Tw.-|.j?. 8h_m> ?klu, buubun-. Kagl.a Mere, Wllli.mapoit. _*hrougk co.. h to W!ll!?m.D;.rt. 1 :00 P- rn- for Ea-t?,n, Maurh Chung. R?adtng. H.rrU> burg. Pottovllia, raixmukl.i. Sunbury and Willlam-porl On .Sundav* for Bailaa, Mauch Chunk. T.n.miua, potta. Vllle. Re?dlng and Harnahurg. 4 .00 v BL for >-i?f?n, M.uch Chung, R.-a/t'nc, HarrU. bnrg. Wllkeab.rre. bcr-otoo, Tani*Qu_, 1'utU-vUl.j, bh__a. ES 4 :80 B. m. for E_aton .nd Allentown, 6:45 p. m. for Kaaton, .M.nah Cnunk, Roadlng. Eurla burg. _o. Suodava a' 5 30 p m. 7:30 p. rn. ro Ra i a <1 A'.lenfiwn AM. RAIL ROI'TE TO M-B ^KA BBAKB. For Preehold aad Atlantk-* at 4 SO. 8:1a. 11:1ft a. m.. 1 AO, 4 ."0. 0 00 p. _?. fao?day., 9 18 a. a, 4.0"i |). ra. (exc-pt Ireehold). For Red B_.-:_. Long Br.nch and potnu aonth to PoM PlHi?_nt. at 4:8). 8:15. 11:15 .. aC. 1 30 2:15. 3 ? 4 :00. 4 :80, ft :30. 11:00 p. m. Sundavs, .-xcept Or?_| Otoya xnd Aabury l-rk. 9:15. 11 :30 a. m., 4 :00 |). m P'or Lakewond, Toraa Rlv.r, B.rn,'g?t P_rk aod Bar* negit, 4 :80. 8:15 .. ui., 1 30, 4 ::40 p. rr.. For Roarh H.ven, Atlantic City, YU.ehnd and B.-ldge ton. at 4 :30 a. m.. 1 :30 p m. For Morunouth Ueach aud .Seabrl?h- at 4 .30, 8:1ft .. m., a .ofi t nn ?-on r,. m. FOK PHir.XOFI.PIIM. BAF.TIMOHB AVD MA5-U.NOTON. R.)\ Al, U1_U_. L1XE. For Phll.delphiia at 4 :80. 7 :45, 0:00, 10 :00, 11 :S0 a ?.. 1:80, 2:00, 3.-0. 4 Oo. 500. 6:00. 7 3u p. .... 1-.15 nlght. SCNDAY6. 9.00. 10.30, U :30 .. m.. 2 00. 3.30. 6:00. e-0C> p. m., 12:15 nlght. 1 or Baltlornr. .nd Wa-h;, ston d.lly at 9 00, 11:80. wllb Ui.-.Ing Car, a- m.. - :00, 3.30 tl>lr.iu. Car . 5 00 p. n,, 1"Tralii* leavlnc %t 7:4:.. 11 :80 a. ro.. 1:80 4 00. 1.00, 7 80 p. m., 12 15 Dlgh; laxcept B.turd.v ii.ght). hur.diyl 8 .8ii. o 00 6 00 p, n... l.avu coiinoctlon for Rbb8-_B Rxn rlsLurg. l'ottss-IlK *.:. ______ . , m p.-rbunburx and \Vi;:ian?port, vla Phllade!phla, at 7 .48 a B. Il 'Mi lliifT.t 1'nrlur I Bt), 7:30 ii. BL, 12:15 mldiiighB (cx.-ept Batrrdav alght. Suudaya, 6 .00 p. m. Tl kea and ParlorCar ?^.U i.r. be prorur^d at ,1. 1TB 2fll 4lft 944. 1,140. 1.828 Hroadway. "37 Otn av... MI W.*t 12.*.th-?_. 184 E--.'. IBBth Bt.. V.w-York; 4 Court-at, b?0 P-ltoo-M 08 Broadway. Brooklyn. ,,_?____ BBW-York Tranaf?r Cornpaay wlU c-Jl for _nd che. _ ba* gago .'r -in hotel or ret>lde.,ca _A.\D1 ROOK KOl'TE. loi. ...^.... ^.._..s-_i, o^_..-.\ ,.i.uv-, iC. PaiuM PiliUt O, B. B. POOT OB lU.-'Iult--X. For l-i?iil__.d li.*cu, >'oin_Ui-io, -eabilgi.t, j: .ur.ouM Be-ch. I.ui.a Hia..... at 4 .30, 10 45 *. n_. 12 00 m. tl U_ _?li,r_ay. oolyi. 8:45. 4:30. 8:80 u m. Sou-ava. .38 a. i-. 1 00 p. iu. For AU-nUc Ulghland., at * 80, 9 :00 a. n_, 1 00, 8:48, 4:80. 5:80 U- ra. _.,iu__ya. 9 :3o a. ui-, 1 :00 p. _. For Elberoii, Ocean Cirove, Anbuiy l'aa- i_4 loai PU--.-UL ?t 10:45 .. iu. (1:00 Saturday. unlyi. 3.4J. 4 .ao, 6 :80 p. m> ;rei Lagewood, Tonw Rlver and Bam-gat, M 4 30 a BM 12:00 ni. .1:00 onlv), 3:45 p. B. For I*.?.-i, ttavea. AUaotlc il<v \in-luid and Brdfi* ton. 4 :80 a. m.. 12 :00 m. (1:00 ? m. S-iurdaya only). Iit-Iit _ Loi EraDch Railroai a^ .<i .xi.. j. ..... . ? Trulni Ntw-Vork for Bad ILnk. I?ng BrxacBa Ocwn ?rrov_ Aabi.rv l'a,-_ aud 1'olnt P.eaeaait: From f?of of Llberty-?l-4 :3u, 8 15. 11 15 ?. rn,, 1 3(\ 2:15. 3:30 (axpr***), 4 00, 4:30 (expreM), 6.30. 6.08 p. rn. bundaya. 8:18. 11:80 a. .?.. 4 :oo p. .... From foot of ? oril.udt or Owbroaea -t-.?3 .30. , 10, 9-10 a. m.. 12 no.iii. 2*>, 3 10 (aspraa). 8:40, ..rprea (..,-ept Ited Bank. 4 :-_'0 t?x^-.,?i, 0.10. 7:00 ;. m. *.-indax-d 8 16 'J 45 ?. i.,-. 5118 p- rn. ' s-.,ud?y tr*-iii do not atop at Atbury Park and Oc?a ?ruVai Rtl'I'S RI/lD.rKTT. iupt. X. Y. and I. 11 K. R. H. P. BALDWIX. Baa. Paat, a.-iu 0. R. lt Co of I J. J. R. \V... Ui, _ o?n'i p_?-. Ag-..t Baaa. R. R._ BBVY-YORK.OVrAKin \M) IHMKIIV Ktll.WAT laava W--t t.,1--. at 7:ii .. m. .1.) :. ? earlu-r Iroiu foot Jay-t.). for Middl. lown. Bl0uiul:igl.u:g, 1'urt Jervl*. MontL -llo. FalNt.uru, Liberty, l.i\ - .i Manor. Baaeoek, Qarboadale. Bcraatou, Waltou, :>? ii, S:d..Hy, N'orwlch, Bdmeetoa i tl i. Boom, Oaeua* u?*cga, 1), r t. Ch wi-o, a, d poli - \r Bil.l a. ..... Stor.y 1 II Hall. Lok-< Mo l.i.i, k aad Mlnue.a.ka, Wallklll vMley itatlooa, Middla touu, Blooii.iiujh.ir_, K.UeavUle. Irall-burg, II rlef" \U'.. i.i erty, wnif i^>k 3il5 p. ni..>-ll Lake, Lake* M..h,,nk and Mln,'* ?a-k., wallklll Vall-y atatlon*. M dd etown, UI . burg, Clltavlib. Pallaburg, Huricyvilia, Lib-ny, W.atA l j Uo,-_lu-id. t7i0a p, .. . Middl -tnwii, PallaburfL I.ib.-rty. I.lvingaua Manor. RockU-d. tt'alton Kidne. Vorwk-h, On< wcgo, RoeheaMr. Niaga i Fali. Uetro Chlcago and W?-*j p.illmau alet-perj; air cur ir^ t-, buapoaa** l Brid?.-. liU. p, BJ.. Baturdavi ..niy. M|,l<i;.-oi*n, nioomfna'.i.rg. I llla, Pallaburg i.b-r".- Wnit- I..k.'. R.K'kianA Dally ; all other tr. n- dailj exceut 8. Pullnao drawtng-room - ,t- and -I eping-car b,-rth* ob. ' taln.-u -t 3_a Brpadwaj New-l l iXDfcRSO.V. o. P. A.. 18 r_xchaaga_Pla< ~ <._ BALTO. &0HI0R. R. F.?t i r .,_> vla> 1M11I. xt.VI I-IIIA to BALTIMORE, WASIIIXGTON, CHICAGO, i INClNNATIa ST. l.oiis, ANU Al.k. rOIVTB WKST. gj g i'.'(?:.' OM .ii.i. fMAlMM, Ne?-* or. iraii'i'' x ? iipaar ?UI rail for ai.- cnecB b-g' gaga Or-Bi botui or raaiaivuc. ut d^>:..iaUo-. L LHlvUl \ ALLLV 1LVILUOAD. i?assi:nuiu 1 BtAlBB Maee loo? ol wid ?*?*? iK7ToT'loT Mweh"-h__. a.a lnterrnedl.;. _MB*B. 8:10 uL m. lor Oeueva, Lyoni, Rln.l-a, Booheater H* falo ai.d tlie WoM. PotuviTTo aid p.-:...lp^ o a. potnlfc Chalr car t.. l.von. ?nd PuRcian >?r u> si-p?'"??"?' Br-dga, xT*. m. loi Mauch Ct.uuk aud at. : ? (?"'_''* 11:30 a. n. lor l-.lmir. and int.-rni.di.i" piina. 1 p m. lor Tuekhaanook wid tuteraeJ ; ? Pt?n_*-_,**__' rar to 'luukliaiinocl-. tount-ctlou to BkaM-MJ BM _b_Bn> lUa';40 p. iv. for ... and B. Jumtion a.d prlnc!p_l lntor nn-utaw po'uu. ( var to I.. a.d ?? Jun.-tion. ro for P-tav-Ua aaa laMraadlaM a-_aaa mm C*r5::0 B. a. for Mauch Chunk and lnterniedlato pointA Counectloo io Readlug and Barrlabarg. 7 .'10 ... m. for tiouex. l.vo..<.. Kimlra. I\och-*ar _**> falo aud tl.,- W.?L r-UaMM _M_BMl U) Lyoiu _i:d __?? prnalou Ili.J^-. Tram* l.aving at e-io a. m . U 30 .. ? . 1 p. n_ .nd 8'40 P n, t-ouuect tor all poiuta lu M-houoy -i:d llM-l to.. coal regloui. srvDAY TBAIBB, 3:10 a. m. for Mauch x'huti. haz-lton w.d InteraedlBM polnta. and 11 a. n_ for Bhraandaah aud inun.-<i:ua potou. fi:Up. m. for M.'i.h Chunk and int-nnetli.-itr jiolut;*. 7:80 p. m. for Oaaeva l.v,in*. FJinlr., R.vhe.ter. r?ua tal. aid the Wt4'? Pullo.-n aleiper to Lyon. a_l 6aa> Brldgo. Oeneral Eaatern offl -e 233 BroadaaSa