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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. ATTACKIXG A THIKST WITH A KNIFE. 8 SUl'POSED MAPMAX LEAPS OX A CLERGYMAX IN A t'F.MF.TERY. Samael WeMners, of flntbaa BT8 . ncar Jol.naon *t., araa auralgncd In tbe t~M8n Avenuo Pollce Court ye*.U-r 8ay mornlng ou tbe atbaffa al BBBBBH ln tbe third de t ta, preferrod hy tbe Rev. lu niaiit F. Kurtr, "M8*8~ ot Uie Komnti Catholic of tbe lourteeu Martyrs. Central ave>. a?d (ovent-st. Ha wa* rcmsnded iniUl Motiday to allow physlciau* to lmjnlro Into his sniilty. Fnther Kurtr. wa? Iri-. vustomarv walk on Tueedav nftcmoon in the ojeBBlB of tbe H<>ly Trinlty Cometery ubem Iic n?tired a larne middle aged man xvalUing filowly ahcad of him. Tbe clcrgymaii B88B rnme up to tho alraiiger, and" as be vvus nbout to pnss tlie man looked up and BMM BbMiafl 68 run. Some iime lauer. as iic aaa laaaralagj laaarl baa laaa, ti.< ttrangtr rmlied up u> him ami denmnded to know by ?afltt rtrjlit he wullicd in tlie cenictery. Thc clergymnn aaaataaal that lte hnd a miidmaii to deal wlth and trled to pae.fy Wni. Tbe nmii drvw a knlfe fnwn be noatb his eoat and 488888] towaitl lilm. The priot Jumpixl ni-i.Ie and n wortanan naii.ed Rrtihang, who wo* aear. ran to his aaaMMMea. Tbe two men managed ta overpoui-r Weldners and u>ok lilm to thc Fourtccnth Preclnrt Pollce .-tation. Tl?re he told his rutnie and addresa, but refused t<> answcr anv more qucat lons,. A lorur table-knlfe ara Baal M BM llning of his roat. His aon went to tl?c statton MBl naid that a month a4Tf) Mrs. Weidner* dled and wx> buried in Holy Trinltv (cm.tcrv. HM latUT BBB* -*888l tbe fravc dally and had beeii ftanl lytoi aa it ani araefdBi mrtrti alaaa. He waa tUty-two reaa oM a..d previo.n. to al?J**UVj deatb hnd beea aa. rnmate ul an Ineaae aayluin, bol raao. boon disoliargexl a* rured. .-evera-1 &??????" Bta ln the remi-tery nereiofore, and it M said *>'? "~ onr^ threatenod a wonian, Nayii.R tluvt Iic hated au aoincju. _ _ f-OXTERNO TO PFE THE TABERNAOLE. -.urlano Cnntcrno, the BBBlBiaMM, is about to bepln euit auainst the tru-tccs of thc Rroohlyn Tabernnrle to recovcr what ho saye ls his ilphtful sbaro of tlie pro cceds of tlie eaaMMTM glvon by him at the Tabornaelo last aBfbtf. It va* (W-'cd tba; he BbM~d fuintsli the musir, nnd tlie tnistoes tho honae. am! that tho prorceds were to be equally divideil after the BaM of ,,dveitii.lng bud been durini-bnd. There were tn Mwa been f.v? eejtaaia, hut as they were not a taaaa aattl 18*88 ?84*8 pivm. Mr. BBfa that contrary to iipreemeiit 2.000 chlldrtm utrc admlttcxl free. ami that tbe traateei rhnrged t<> bim expenaa impropcrly. They aMa l" BjMl lo ~hare witii him thc pnev?ls fivm tba BOt* venlr iirogniri.n.e-. Ha fornplaliis IMtl WlB WootU MM tre-isitrer of tlre Tabernaelo. treatcd liim iou^-iilv wben he obJe<ted to IhHr plan of settlment. Mr. \V...Kl eavs thnt tlii- rt n.?t tiiic. Tlirre is 800 standlng |0 Mr. OBBfcmc/a 8884*11 BBW. IMtl was a!l he wn t.i.tied to. The house wa? not fhiishod at tlie flates fxexi, bnt the baaanaMa UiaMMI tJiat tlio otaetnia be held then. This Injuiod the eonccris. .Mr. Wood (.<lds thnt Mr. Contemo hud oatMng u, do wlth tlio ^ouvenlr*. The* wen> gotten up by a man navrneo K4 g i>, w)k? shn'red thc pwflU "? >"' ^^ ti'Ktws. ihe eull will be bix.u/br ln BM ("BJ Ltrait. GETT1NG MORE I.AXU FOR TIIE RRIPr.E. nndge l*TCaBBMi Maajaai rcattaaatf to..h p.^se-sion of tl.rec more pidr^ of l'i"P'"l.v '~ Wu-liinpt-.n-st. for Ha Brid^'c. Ifcay ?re tbe LbtMob proaarty at HO. 'M4 Wa?!i!iip4.<.ii-Bt., for wnlcli ifJIO.OOO \va? paid : tlie t'arroll proprrtv. at Bo. 818, whle.h cost ^'."..(MH), and ti.c lT.rii.'r ?toeartjr, ?t xo. ?_?:?!). wbteh eoal Tho BrMge bow aaa aaaeaalna <>f livc ploc?.. Oi properfr, a'i<l tl.e .lcin.i'.illo:. of tlie lalMlBgj* Wlll be at aaet Mafan, and then will fwlloxv thc cx 4uvatior.s for thc |BBBaMMooa <>r the atrtr Mratlnal f-truiture. Tlie wo.K .annot go on far until tba OthW propertx on which thc ooiiiiiils>io:;e.-s have ju-t Wble iw-nixU'ls Bi tbe poascaaton ul the Bridge, for tbeae pleccs traBuforrcd an- l.i tba BaMota of the blo.K. VOR PILLIXt" TilE CAi'T.\IN> WIIISKERS. *?5tcr Thomp^n, the sicwa.fl of tbr ^twunship Ouncdln, (rf Leith. now tytng nt fraaMugbaial... araa tc/ore ratea JtMaka Walaii ratoMtejr BMaalag .'harv.d wlth a^H'.lt. He bad a di-|>.ite arttr* tbe captain. Jobfl MnMrrhi ie, i.ixmt triuiiiiins tbe raa<ala"a lanip. arxd it i^ cairi puii-.ii tbe raptMa'a arhltbata Tba aapbala thonpbt the ofTeii.e oerMiia <n..ii*:ii for him to eoaBub the Brmsii i .Mi-i-.i, umi n?h xl .l^it bii atearard l*c haM U'ltU he tould do thb. This was duac. GR1EVAXCES IX T1IF. EIGIITH WARD. jome ol Uie itallrjntT of tiie Eigl.tb Ward have come to the conrluBlon Wiat tliat aacttOO of thc rity ia not leceivln^' it- due abara Bl attenilon in thc niattcr ot Iniprovcnicnbs from thc CM| K'.vern.ii'nt. and a MTRB BMMpBaa, aeeompanieil by Alderman Ma.Ue.llur. arltb j. W. Woldron a* *.].okesman. rulled on Muyor Chapln yesterdav and cnlhd Mi atle.ition to tl.e BeetW oi tba antra. HMJ aaM that tba coaMtMa i-f lifty-iiftiUst., over wlnch tbara w Btawh t .?:.".??. la daBa*aroaa. They wanted B st-wcr Ifl Forty tlxtb-st BtM denminrod thc eontinual rlnpinp of the bells on the Tlird-ave. Uuininy Cngllli'-. a a BIBl ..:.<'-. MU. HEBDTttX APPOTXTS COMMITTKEB fiualdoBl llei.dr.x, ol UM R..arJ of Ednaataon, l::?- ap ,.,??.. a um i '?:;. ??-??* f<.:- tbe comlng year. Um '?"??"?? no-. .f the priaelpal eeaaaattteoa are uk followa: Elnance, thjr:^ L. Tealo; Tenebera, Joha Cottler; Law, 1*. W. N..H-,".,. b i." -ii.'-.-'v '?"? : ??? ? llarkneaei Heettng and ViaUMUng, .loim McNaaxeoi Ultarlea, Ma arlBM; 8bb ,,: ., j.,,,,.? ciyne; PrbxUng, Jaatea n. itone..: Erentng Beaoola, .loim B. Ttanpaon; Btallea, Jobfl B. Oeerreyi b. ho. i Booka, EdwaM Rowei Mudo, Horatlo C. Bingi Uriwlnc, lle'.iy C MeLaaj Auendance, Honrv M. WMtrr; >r.-. JflBRO WM~. '??'?'? H"-'-'11- -1"1'" Barrlgaaj Kui'-. i. i..i>-mi Baraaatroan; CHrlo1 Blgb Bcbool, Kclaoa .1 nata; Boya' Blah Sehool, i.-hn <;riiii.i: Ttaining Bebeoa, IMa Mlller; Piee Beaolai blpa, Jaba T. Calyerj i . ., i/i?trki Library, EMMae H. DlcJur/i aud Cre Oiiitiaia. IMraa l'- blaiiaaaa OATHRBBO ABOUT THE TOWX. The fune.a; of Rtebari J. CMIge araa aeM al his baBWi N?. ' ' ( Mrb-atn yaatarlay mor.ii-.ip. Tba Bev. Dr. Ckmrtm t~atbb84i Hall, <f tba FlfM i?re?byierlan C'barcb, o~~fia*f"- Ataoag tbeaa preaenl araa J. 8T. t. LeaarMaa, U'lBMai k. hIbbibb, TMxMow a. Tt.iuiiiicr. x. Dana wclis, B. P- WaBtas, a. f. Llbby, lin iv Me, Loarat*. George K. Sootbarl and taaorfa C l'wi?>? .folni (ioixlon. who eanpal Inm thc Flatbusli In aaue last areet aal araa eaBtared ea Tue-ity ligfit bv tl.e F.:?hteenth Prgdarl p.licc araa Mbaa BBCh t<"> thc asylum yesterdav. lie lia-i aanaal twlce btf''>ie. Wunl McABaaMr, jr., of Baa rmncisro, arbo was app MMit-.i bv .in-tic- Bartletl to take tatlaaay M the taft ..f Xa UlUan Maao ba abaobrta alxoree fron gSederleli >'a..n. a aoUcltor for tbe Haw-Yorb Llfe ln.-.iiiiince CWnpany, aaa lled bta report, Ifl which Qbirle* l'.. Klfodemus testlfla tliat lu Jana, 1800, alann an.i a Mr-. boarded at tbe Uallnda HoteL OaVl::i..i. wbere tba wltaea arat fba*. Tlie caabtyea ... t:." City Awlltot"B odBea ywMrlay BtaaBbted i.i AuditorAnton VYeUrahariaaoBadMaoni bn'se. Inwribcd with hih naine, thelr rtamea and tbe __,...? ui '..<?-? lil itl ihe BraoMrfl Otj Ballroad Company haa aoM tlie Gnind Vicw H'lte! BBi BBTt unJiii- pn.ji-ttv nt Porl luuiii, jii ti, Adoipii nuciii fo:- tsiMMo. lt i- Bl 4KiO, coy m.v jraar* bba, BaiiBlail Caai|*ball, ed tbe nxii Serrle* Coanala aiou. Mataialay a-iaaaaeed tn- rAoll ol Ihe examma tioi, lor do-raaea in th* r llee Department. lifte.-n _8*n j.:i-?.cl Ihe .'Miiiii'iii'ii. T?'o ol tlieni were aatentaa. rii.-io ar-r* tbtrty-als raadtda ? Mrs. Satali K >!l. v.-|i., BB* -cnlci..nt to the Beal leaatay lot ia<- jraara by Jttica Moore on NoaaaQbe. _<>, |B88, fnr hatial aided la her taaght-fa dowalall, Uas beaa pardoied by Gkwernar mil. Bbe bad _ eaa ccr. aad Uie pbyafctaa* **M abe aUabt rreeotet il rt-i.n.v.d to a aoaaeial. Oa Maaday abe waa lahen to tho na-haah HaafMal aud au aaeraltoa acifortaal. Cnited siut'-s Deaaay aaaaehel BlBgarl yaaierday aelaai stime of the at'aperty ol tb* Behayle* TtarloB Ceaafaay. au tiie tagbeata <>f tbe eoapaay ii.ixe ii-iw baaa acaaad ..u iii>ois mk.i ?iu ?y varlia** 8t-?Vloi*. flto Baajaaae MghteBd*. al tba it*i aetaara ol On: tagl liv ?( tu;-'-> uln.l. Ii;k1 dOBC lowiaf i?r the eeani any. it la said that aooy ?i tb* ctaittoe* uill ha* aujrtblaf. CUSHOED WITH THE MI RDEk OV MUVGHUS. |_nataa Halllsy. who wns -u-pe, ted. wltli his brothof VY:'::_ri:, 'ii ihe BBBJVja* ?f his fctepm'.ther'k bmther-in law, WIlliiHii MrLaughliti, ?etit |a FBttet He_dqiiart?-rs oa Tue?d_.v nlght and sarrendered hinisclf. lle xxas locked In * 88U untll ye't.;rduy morr.lug. when ln?pec tor Dyraes sent him to th* Ka?t HgM* i-.tlith-t foUca ?tation. Mr*. Hallisy bad said that *hc s_w T-_a_a* ?r* tbe *hot in fr.r.t of her lioute, at Xu. 4'-'0 Ea-.t Eighry-niiith&t. Halllsy \vii-; iuralKned at the Harlem Polle* Court yeaterrtay aftcrnoon. Thomaa ?u a^eused of hornl tide by Dete.-tivc* K*cfe and Doyle. lle denirs the rh/rge. He aald lhat he heard Ui" fli-t Miot aOir ._.* going down atairs. lt W_* rlosely folluwed by a aaioiid abot When he opened the stioot ie?* ha aaa MeLaagbiln Irinp Ofl the aMeaalk, and a man with a bkvk nv.u.taclie ruiiiilua .way .lu?t;re Ma-wto r.rhiiiiHted H.J'I'-y Into Uie care of _b* Cironer, aud be waa hxked up. HOME NEWS. PKOMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE 1.0TEUS. BRBYOOBT-Morataa frawaa, of laadaa. i<R' $*? VI.-K-Judge .loi... P. Put.-.ain, Of the X.-.Wcr:. -?,?.,,?. Cnurt FIFTII .WT.Xl T.-Rudl.-y Farlln. of Aliwt.y. . II sl-' Kllbonrn. of VVaalilngton. MGRRA. HH_L-ArabbWa? P. *. Bjraa, al I-dladelpate. Y.UIK I ie.te ;?i.t-<;o\en,or .1am . Joffrle.. of Laal l-B*. ,I.,xV.A la.n-a B 0 ****. Ut I*** \V1N1?N?R-S.r ),.?,-. i*iayr..ii, of ffaiaal aad Dr. w. w. BaMwla, of Florcnce, luly. ?? ? WHAT IS 0OUH3 ON TO-DAY. Monmouth IBrt raaaa, J?* ''"' **?*. 2:3? P- m* Departure of four rrorii-Air Fund joMflfl for Uie conntry. New-Yurk-PItt burg baaebill niaU-h. Polo (irotinds, 4 "" Marine and Flfld Ciub tennls tournamcnt. Bath, lailiian Instltute quarterly mecting, Xo. 113 Weit Thlrtv-.-lphtl.-at.. ? p. ln. XlXtl, AaeeflBUy Dl'trlct Ropuhllc-n Organttatlon. SUtv-.evcntl.-at. a?d \V,*t W.ulevard. 8 p. m. Um la-aai Aaajaaat Ua_a* convention, Baaailiba Caab-Hea**, Buahlya, ? a. m. Camp-nieetlng at 8lng Sllig. Ketaii Caeeeea- Co*** B?rtr**_, SuUer'. Harlrm River _' tft ' 3 i i*1 -l.JLl._il IHfliaaai ln aM of Chlldron'a Ald Soclety, Utma a-MM* lawn, Bath Beich. JM ln Ka*t R?^r P.rk by *th Rcglaent Band, 4 p. a. NEW-YORK CITY. The dvnamlte Bfaiaat Ve-uviiis xvlll go ap to ti.e \;,vv YBTd t..u:,x. t> be put Into dry d'.rk ta ***? her iniii ekaaed aud petotad iiupaialary to bomc le-ts lini' 8*8 to ha made I.U Commander F/l*in M. Shepnrd. who was ordrred ?B dutv at UM N'.v> Yard a tBB wcelis ago. hos been flfr t_,hed ai.d ordered as llgl.ll.ouse Inanertor of the roiirte-iiiii Dtatrtet ue tabee the atae* of Iba lasa Commander (harlos McOregor. The K.lberon Holel and Froucklyn fottp?e. adjolnlng, at Uberea W. ???? ?? ?>e ??"? a< aaetlea on Wedraa dav.' Aumist 10. at noon, by rharlea B. Biwa. ?aettaaeer, al u.e Beal r-a*aaa Exdmnge an-l ABeaaa Hooui, Xo. BB UbBftJ "8*. After an abaaaea ot sevcn month* St. Bemard's taiHTtialloa are about to w-tebip :i?alT1 ,n __f crrarch la Weat Paarteenth-?t Maaae* wm be eeae brated In tba baeaaaaat of the eharel next Scnaaj mornlng at 0. 7. B, li. 10 and 11 o'rlneli. There will Btao be a aaaaa al 10 oviork tor thc rhildrcn ln the Trlo BalM-Bf, ln Htids.wi ?t. C4.minlssloq_r Olliay vrH?rd?y granted per,nl<?lon to Miss f. m. DanteJaoa. serretary <>f ihe B*-*e?cieaa Ing au Boetety, to flush eartoaa at***** on ihe f^st ,-i.le x*.th wnter fr,)in tba h>di_nt-.. The flrst bata of tbla raart Texas cotton win ba sold to.lny at the Oott-B Kxrliange. Robert MeDoaaM. 8 rrayon artlst, of No. ru F.ighth ave.. waa taken to Hellevuo Ilo-pltal yc-terday, Impt* k'-sly in-ane. ti OBOBOB D. CABBOLVS KEW FIELD. OXCE AGAIN HK. BEOOKBl AN INSPECTOR I.F CVSTOa-i. George I). nnrroll, who wiw at one tlme a memb _? of ihe etattMiarj firm of Dempaey a Carrott itaaerday aaa rea-Btated as an laapectar ol nB-toeaa at a aatary ?f *4 a daj. Teara a^o Mr. Caeroti wa- an Inaiaetor, but he l -ft bl* B_aee will. do aaaenaaeai to eroharb in Ihe atattoaary haatneea wlth bl* laarliiet, the head of tho tirm. The blaaory ol Mr. CarroU'i nlahapa ha- been pabBabed! al gr-at ka_M )n % aertoa ,.f ertlele* la wbkh be aad a BBMtaa__at were the ?Mla eharaeteta. Th- -uti.-nary b?lneaa In wbleh Its einU'irli.-d for B loaf timo was nn exreodingly pracaasroai one Th* Iraa had tba beal of tba faab lonabta wor* then Boaa. Laaa taH, hoxvev.-r, th? Crtn aaa dlaaolrei. Mr. rvinpscy and he. beeeine pitaMonl of a new rorpora'lon t~ien fonn-d. All Ihe ink-irst IbBl Mr. (arroll now hold* l? tlmt of :.(K) shH-rw. whlrh ho has- rhargc ol aa tb* -TBatea of _1> wif.- who i- aaM la b* nd aaaaaai mlnd. Four years ?go Mn. < arr.,11 waa sent to the Now-.Iersey r-tato A-ylam Ihe Inaalta al Kt-aUetoara, bal atterward -I. ? rregan proceedlnp lo obMn her liberty, nlleglns ihat hee _aaband wroogf-Jly had her dcUiined ln tho asylitni. The ra-* is stIII peiidlng. I ntil last full lt *aa* su])]K)'?d that Mr. Carroll had .. tarf* aVartaaa, bal wbea ihe titaaUa B*a*? bctween tho uaembera <.f tbe flra* bia Baaoeea were fojmd to be in au exreedlngly eoaftaaei rnndltlon. It then was learned thtit be ha"?i Botten into ti.e toils of Faaata Btryber, a Bplrtfaalhrt. aaa used the aaatb of Mr. lai-roll's <<i\\ as a means of .otitrolling the father. Ihe illed iii Pcccmbcr, IB-8, and later a xi\ddlng i-creninny looK pla.c in xvhich the spirlt of the dood Bon and a spirlt rumed by the ispirltualist, "Bltffat -tn.'' irare tn:irrie?i by Mra. Btryber. au Uie prlnclaa-*, Inehk-tai gaeat*, b*Me#ji.m^ aad IkTfctaa ?mMb, exrejit t-. be inarried were pre^cnt at the ceremony. This t/olt pl.ire in what is l.t<,\xn u the Xweaty-thlrd at Teaapta, arbleb, it i-> gappaaed, Mr. C-m.ll torolabed at a hcavy expensc. This i_ a parl oi tbe t ittatoay ieaelofei on the triai of Mra, Carroll'a e*at. A TEMPORABY rj.VRRT IS CTTICAGO GAS. For a BbOti timc yc-i. nlay < hbafm giis stock toofe a tuinblo and m..U fiMin two lo thrw potuts bel<)4V the CloatBg prlce on Tiiesdny nlpht. Thi- araa BaM to b8 due to a BtoekJobblBi abaoe, ln arUeb ii ls alle^ed wrtalii oawapapei bmb araaa utierttUA. Two or tlircc of ii'ii fofxtber anl arotfcad up an articlc, tbe effarl ol wbieb waa tbal Um BtatMard ?>n ConaBBj araa eotag la as tbe bawbea .>f tbe Beoaanaatc Gaa and Fael COUpatiy ;ifc niruiirst thc Chlcaco <ia<i Cunipany. BefDra tba otaclaM of tba srandurd 011 Conpaajr couid aat b aaalal al tba ttotj ln flaaeral r~~v8uaa*oa, Uiose wiio arere arorbbig foi that aal Bkroad tho Cblrago pti trOBi 40 3-4 to 41! 3 4. Tbe (ienlal :is Baal OBl by H. Bt. Flnpler, of the Staudartl < ?il <omjia.iv. was bb cmphntie one He bbM tbal neithcr Ihe Mnndurd nll lompany nor any repr4VMBtatt*~8 Of it tuui any intcrcst, dlrert or otli.-r arla Ifl tiie new coaipany. H. II. Rngers, of tbe -tamiard OU conipany, who Ii aappeaal to be the licavy Staadarl <>il --torkho.der ln the Economlf Coa paojr, s.-iiird tor Earone jrmterday. It wa* aaM autiioritativcly tbat he had no In'erest ln thc coiiccni. STRFCK AT TBE EV8BAMB 0TABBBD TITE TV7FK. ixina 0*Laai7i a yoaajg "rUhwoBMa, wbo Uraa in Ua Mnetneol boaa Bo. 8.403 Seeoud avc, Bm in tl.e Harle.ii Hoapii l, raflerlag from two HMm aroaada in tho brear-t, inrlich-d bv l.e;- "atber l.i-bwr, Pntrirk 0*Leaiy. tVLear* la a bMeluatttb, and lives with bia loa. After rtaMtrtah] /- araaa on Taeaday BlgM 8a |oi aTiaab* Vfbea Hr, 04Leary reacbed home at l a'cloek yeMerday morntn| be blaaalered lato tba! abera ih- aoa aal aaagBter-la-laar were ? i.-. i>i11t-r. iic aeeaed to tiitnk i Cberajkee wartlana in order. Thc oola awokc Ma aoa .'."?. who tnid bM fatber i" ^r<'t to bol. O'Leary'a only rcply araa to take oat ln- I'T"' '?md till it wlth 6trou? Careodlth tobacco, pnrparatory to a aMnight bbmbb, ln his baal araa aa epaa knifc, with arbtek ba bal eJedtoa* llis pipe. Joa o'Lcary leapcd out of bed and grnppled wlth the old ...ii... 0~Laarj luuged al hi* aoa wlth thc kaife, t>na fPLoary atepped batareea tba Mro n.-n jn-1 ln llu... tn rcoaiva UM icrrif,- Irj ber oxvn braaot O'Learj atraeb t oaeona] bfaar with tbe kalte bafoa ba i 'iw '*? dlaaiatcd. Mi-,. u'l.t\ir.v 1- badly In.rt. but unle*s cry-ipchs artoln ^ill iuoi ii-lv ."? ivrr. O'Learj, aaa remaodod yeaterday to aaraH tba raall of ber iDjurlea. AMOUISQ ABOtrt TUV. BAMLBE B8I047ES. Tke oueotlon i.r doatag tha drawbrte*gea eaaaa before the park Board agala reateraay. PreoiaVal ?.ii 1 Caaaailaaloaera Daaa ami laapa wera preaent i'. n.ii,i--.ii,ii. i siian- had i.i.t y.-t r.-tniiii-d Baa I,,, i ara aaaa mp. A gatttlaa ov.-r 200 fea koag aad bearlng Bm Man. -^ or h 1 8,000 eltloena u.i- urei Bta*, aklng Bta Board go ..nlir BM eMaMg .'f BM araara at ThM aal Madlooa aaa betwea BM boara <.f 7 and 10 a. bi. and ,4 and 7 p. .?. i.x .Md ( Jaaxea B Aagall, rho ba I I ln the |..-iitmii, fligaal 10,000 ****** ?>f. aal la M> toovcalaua orery Bay by tba freqaeai aaeaMg ..f Bm u aaaM !?? oaetty aaafbla tor Bta tiatli u th" nver tn taaaaeh tneii bowtaeaa at otha ttiau Bm ^l\ baan aaaad for by the pablM. vi a-PreoMea 11. wait.-r \V-I.b aud Fr^uk I.?.onil?, . oun.seI f..r th^ C. Ballroad ( .unpaiiy, up the petitlon ultu BrgaaaaaM 111 Mva ?.f tho*.- 4?-ho 44ant uninteirupt'-l tiav-i (,\.r t'. r.\.-r at the bour* nanied. The river trade. Mr. \v,m, aaid, v.ould BBaakBy adjnat iUeif to the regulatlon pio paaeC RepreaenUttve* of tbe Xew-York Cltv aud Bortaata Ballroad Company oppom-d tha prrposed orl. r All trelght. It wa* a*seited, *?% Maagkl bv baat ihr.amh tl.e llarirm and down tho Eai?t Klvrr. Ta aloa the dr.i.\?. would acrioualy Interfrre wlth thelr falgbt traflic. I'real d nt K. is., ex-fe-eretary Whltney, rtltBtl Lamont, Ellhu Iloot, 9hennan F.varta and Abner Bartjrtt. for tha Astor eatate, whirh ln< ludea valauat.!.- dock BtaaaaMf on tlu llarlem, Bfaatal M ojijioHtioii U, BM clo4lnx of U.' Tka rV'a.d oaakponed tbe matter for one week, aft^r C..11 11 i-?ioiier IXippen h?d pro|*?..d a couipromlBB, to elo^r the brld?ea at tbe bnuia naiiied tac?;i/t to Bat Xorthoru RaUitwd Coaipany'a NEW8 FKOM NENV-JKK.SKY, jKKrF.Y CITY. ADVFIlTlsr.Mr.NT-' IN GFHMAN NOT I.K.GAI,. Ati hH**-*tlnt n ? i-!"n aaa jn-t baaa given by (?|.-,.,rell?>r MeBOt Rcn-ntly UlUr. a* * apeelal n.aster, made a salo of BoaM proportp. The ,-i,h-,.-.-ii,.i- haa reftiaad _n roaflrai thb tal* beeaaea ea i,?igo Blalr n,ivc-.ii-e.i it in a Oare_*a newapaper. Ti.e i,-.- latare bal wlaaar paaeed a htw atahlna H aaaaiar ,,',.v j? ;,ii jwWftal laaat aata* ta pibatah a*i adaerHi i ??.,,, ,? one Oonaaa aawapaper, _-**?* tbh btw aa .ludze ll.iir li.-'-rtt'd a:i adv-1-tl.-.emciit iu oae F.npll-h p_|_a and in one Gfn.iiin pap.-r. The (liHiirellor <1c , iil.-.l that tho law liiul not been complled xiilh; thal iiw. odeeeUaeaBeBrl ta the daraaaa paper iboaM ha** been prlatad ta EnglMi. lle f|iioti>s 4 ajid 8 Oeorco II. whlrh ptot-iea that all Judii-inl proeeedlngi ?ifter it:i:) simii be pnbllabed ta tbe Kngllan langnage. prtor ta thal dale tnpj tn>re pubii-hed in Latln. th.' Chaneellor ordered another atl* nrid il arW l* Bi vcrtiaed iu oceordaoea with his gecialoa. (-ATCIUNG A Wi.l'I.nilE SWINDT.I'.R. Delertive Mfril vo'lenlav arre'-tod .Tohn P. w*oafl at tho Pennsylvatila ilepot. Aboal 9 P- "i. Chtef Murphy nc-ixvd a il.-iut :. from ilie Cktel of l'oli.o of PHt-feM, Ma Vk, whlrh siateil tl.:.t tb* Pltt*lhM Natlonal Itanlt had reeeived ? \Ve*t';rn t'nlon iel,-/n>n) Mqacettag th* baab (<> lerward sco by tatagraph wttlr out ideiitifi(-iiii,->n ta the Jaraap OMp albee. Tal* telegrarn bor* the tlgnatar* of .folrn s. Wolfe. Jaba S. Wolfe Baaa i;i I'ltt?fic'd and ls a depoaltar in thc i.anic. H* wa- Bi ho*a* erh n thc baab neelaed the trtegram. and rtapeotlftg frand tb* pollec "f Pltl BeM were Inf.cnicd, ond they la turu lofortaed the Jflf-ty City jMiliie. Wood went to the telesraph oftifc nenr the I'"nn MVlx-.-mia Depot nnd B-ked tor tlie BB*war lo hM nies-age. Dctortlve Mnrri-. who ha.l boen Idtalte- o-i tho ruie, fouml him there an.l arreated hia*. Ha aaM tbat his name was Wood, nnd that he had nol sent a dispit.h t? tbe I'in-OM Bank. Taa tetograph oi. ntor Ide-ilitiod hlin (,,n.p!etelv as the petaon *bO lOBl the Bteaaagn rifoed .lohn s. Woif,-. aad h* ra* taken la paBee HibBIipjbiImb nn.i icerehed. On hh peraoa were fonad fmir PBO rherl's. m ide paval.le to tbe order of Baanaei I?. Dentils. and drawn nti Ibe M<?h BBlee' Baab ol n.-w-iiaven, ('..nn. aii war* alicned Heaiy D. HotehklM, radbler New iiaven Traettan Coeipoay. They were not Indoraed. BeaMeif tbeae rhecka acveral newapaper rli]iptn*> were toand on Wood. One<i thal John 8, wolfc and mrdlly aamaierlna on Ihe jei_ey eoast, and other* rontalned aeeoanta of defat rationa ln diif.-reni paria ol the roantrjr. D-teetlre MeBalty yeaterday saw a man aad two podlera with pacits on tbatr haek* aetlag in a eaapl-1-u* inanner, and when tho follow who had no paeb enteted a hoil-c MrNally BB.-BBB- hiu. The prtBOaef :.t tho paHee atattoa s*id he ?rb* a -etaeflte empioy.-i by tb. Otaaaaa Dctoetivo Aponry of C'inrlnn.itl. lle aaM he wbjx ln rfearrh of a man lor WbOO* rapture ii reerarl of hn<i M-en o4fere4. He produeed a eertHlcatc whirh *ei foi-ih that llcnrj- llamn. ol N". 203 Be .1 iiuii-uui st., xcis emplored by tb* aacncy. lle a?o -Ifoxveyl a ladc- xvilli the name ,,f th-: arsenc* on n He wa* iviiiiuiiii.d i.y .iustiff> KlBt-ierly for fortber e.v anilnatloii. m:\vahk. ONE WOMAN AGM.NS1 T\VO LAAFXKfl. Mrs. .Iiihn I'nrrow, of lUrtisnn, eOBdlBC-l WlOl ^er haabaad a p-osper,.-us prodnre bti-lness in I .Market, rtawaife. Mrs. OB-TOW I* al?>ut llilrty-llve yeara old, and Is pood lookini: and of a trlai Bgore. r-he i- raspeetei bp her nelcbbora Mrs. CBrrdk* .lid i une shopidng in Beararh on Taeaiay erenlng, and al 7 oVlrKk she a*_a Btandlng at Market an.l Mal-erry tti waiting for a boraeeat lor Harrlaoe, when two yoaag men approarlvvl her and begM inelihiR BBdlbta re marlis. Mrs. Oanow paid no nttention to tlu-ni until tliey baeaaaa O-hjarifa, and then Bbe turned and walk ing (jnlrliiy up |o Itio neairst one alie ieBvared a bbrW strahrlit fr<)in the shonlder with her rlenrhed 11-t thal lon). ti.e leilow Minaralj baiweea the eye.. Me ttaggeeed haeb la a**hiai*il and pola, hoiiiinK both riands ta hia Baea. A crowd rjnlcltly Rathered, and a pollccman appcarcd on the srone. When in applv to thc polreman. (jnerles the aerond loifer ?nid lh:it his fri.-ml been _j=-_iiit.-<i allbnal pie*/o*a*loa nnd itwt Mrs. Carrow ouglit to be arre.'ted, slirr a+,-iln losl patt-IBne. With b--r eye* b-aalag wuh taaer -he atepped toward th,> fi-llow ?nd l>ef,ii-e tlie piiieeman . ouid Interfere she riMftiv plantod a itral^il onl blow ln tbe face thal made n* a*0-h rattle. At ttiat BBOntMal her ear come -loiip, aad l.allir.i: the drlver Mrs. Oarrow Btearad aboard and took a scAt The poUreman told t'ie txvo kalen thnt thev hnd toi theJr d,>.-.-, nnd h? wouldn't arreal them as no .omplaint Waa mnde. There wer" Jeers finin Iho crowd wlicn they sluuk nroiind IhB eoraar. TAKING AN EMUHELLA NOT STEAMNG. Jiimes Uiirlow, of Nd. ri Ai arleniy->t., w_s arratprxed In the poUee eoarl yeaterday on a rharce of BtcaJing an iimbrelln woiih 3>7 oO. Tie .-oinpl.-ilnant waa Matlliew Oreen. of Haril'-i-il, w-fio suld that last TbUT* day Bariow h-rrawad ui" umhreiia in Harrlaon wltboal ?BkU-l f^.r lt, and had fallrd ta n-tnn. 11. ..t.-on ad.l.-.l that Ii waa nof his b>l!ef that Harlow'a intentlon In baklBg ti..- nmbrella waa ta iteal it. The prtooaer w* dlaehargea. :\Vliat about the umbrella ?"' a'Ucd Oreen, "don't 1 pet it baebt" -You ran mie for it ln the Mudson Counfy Distrirt court,'' aaaweral Ja*tle* Hapea. "Thla man can have you 110*8*8 and S'-verelv d-alt Wtth Bfaf fal '? inijirisi,i,meiit in h.ivm^ hlin l?,-li?l ui> ov.-i- niplit. lt xxa- oatrageoaa t<. cauae his Brreai ta this wap." Tlie owner of thc umbrella walked oai of eoarl n.edltativelv. Ilo Bad fw-t gotteo hi- inni,r, Il.i, lle |s llable to a -uit tor Btlae Itnprlaonmeot, ami a rixil .iitioii in the iliui-on couuiv Conrt b> reeover his propctty will coat him (ron 830 ta P100. Mrs. Julia Krauter. txrcnfy yeara old, dr.anlt a solu Hob of mlphnr Irwn natebea on laeaiay nlgbt, and atteeapted t,. bang beraelf. Bba f.iiiiNi to take be* nf.-. Tbe woautn is lix-int.- wtA ber leeood haabaad. Three yeara B-O, Joha Huber, h>-r latber-la-law, coai nltl il -uirldc by BhooBng MmseU Wtth a rovolver. , .ii" year ago her hn bund, John Haber, ton >.f the -uici.jc, kllled hiniseif wiiii the aame weapon. lle xv;?. -iliinu' nc;ir n xvlndow xvitli I.l- baby 111 lu.- Inp and --li11' hini-.-if ui tii'- head. The aoman nianied Krauter ixxo we.-i(-. alterward. He la tober aud luduatrloua nnd the i..upie have ha.l no quarrel*. UNION III I.I.. FEI.T AXD CABOBOABD IX Ilis IIF.AD. Thc eaa Ol <*er>rge letBbbl, of Xo. 111 Kcrpenlinc nvc. wiio wa> iboi in tba baal Mat Setjlajr, la exrittag much totereat. Leabtn aal tereral otbea were tboot ing for priaea at Btana'a AttaotM Oardeo, and i.y tba aicKtentai dlKhajaM of n rlfle Leabta tra ihot Tba luili.-t pn -".l through hla bat nnd two tMrkneaaa al l.civy rardboarl plaeel bctween tlie bat aal tba Unlng, arhlcb bad beea laartcal becaaa the bal araa too Mrgje to tit tbe arearer, it waa laa to thli tliat Leabtii wa not In-tantly klllod. Aa aooo m l.ciiiiin fclt him-cif lojurel, ba areat ta thc ulliiv of | ili.iloi protMM tlie wiiiiml, aud declared tkare araa no balM la it. Mooday Lenbln snUerCKl 10 flUUb timt hc .scnt for Dr. .s.lilemm, wbo pronoeneeal tba aroaal too arioai to ba probed tben. Latar, ta tba preanee ol a pollceman, Dr. Srhlemm probed the wound nnd rcmoved two pleces ol tbe rnrd, a.:?l thc !i--\t -la* he extraftod i pteee ol tbe f.-lt hat. To-day the anrgeou wlll ti remove tbe bollet'--> <-oi.diti jii La ai i ui . ELIZAliETII. jame* Barry, foracrt) etnployed by the Stw-Jttttf (-.-:, Ballroad Ooaapaa . reatsraaa broagbl all aaaJnat tbe eompany for 813,000 lamage for I reeeived by tba fall (>f a treatle ..i Rayonne mbm Bonlba ago. Barrj a i- ln tbe gang thal ?->.-..? tearlng down the atructna. rhlcL rnddcnl; roltapard while be araa aawlng ?ome >i Ibe top llnibers. lli arn ami a leg "?? rt 11 *en and I e bkIii ne I i raetm uieol lo jui-v io l.i bu ? -. >p v ii i. rrtppto* bim. Tbe ranger Conpanj v. . erdaj paM 834,249 ha ti\c. io (he l-It" il i-?ii'".'. and Ihe X.-u Jeisey hatrkey i lub 81,500, I: ! tux* are nof du ; ui nl IHrtober -_>i>. and t'\ ti.i- ^ei.'Tiii.- Bctlori ..f the |wo lurge Ii ?. pnycrs Uie d ?; 1 ??:? .1 i its h-m ui-, h plared In |i m ac aloiroi nfBrleiil fond* lo psi. all rurrenl exp I..1-1 wccb Bayor Rnnkln gavo bl pcraonul tlieck f..r #;i,()(hi |" paj tbt! poll ". it l* siiil a tofTJ arfll be r labll hed nl Errgabeth port. betweeti thot polnt. Nea Vork nnd Arabov. The water tn.iit owned bi tha lonnollj Mot<.rapniii b.i> been bongkl Ior 817,000 bi (' Pnrker, of Amhor, and it la nirnnret" thal the Lchlgh Valh ?.' i"'n paa; la tatervatod In th ? pai naae. ?? ? PL.UNFIELD. Tho D.'..i.'T!iu ii. ibe n i ii. l.i fommon C inril nre toslog.? ">* "I maklng poUtlcal rapttal tot ii..- i.i the approaathlng MI eleetion. For tha patma neiit hapron?aaeat t*l Baarft bv. .. wktrb ba- bec.i dcmncd by thc . mi.t- a; .i i.iu-.taaa, iba Ceotra] Baa .l.-r-'v 1. ind ' ...paiiv ba- -uli-< rit.ed irl.SOO and thc Ontral BBib 81 >ia<. given ir'l.,'",? The ?? aawaaM axara obtaincd bv Bobart Meakar, thc ?tre.--t eommltttaar, who i- ? tavabltoaa. i;v hM i n :: tba .!iv wa> x.ived H,IOO. ii. tba I Biaon r.iun'll clainber, bowaver, l^onard Spangenberg . bal. man of tbe 't.e*t coenmittea, reeeived *n Uie credit f"v tbe i"?4 work. il- 8 one oi tl..- D-.n itratlc ??ing lU." ThrouuMi Mr. H.tiield (DoTii.i tho public vnie i.r thaiika of tbe city wa-; extended to Mr. Ppangenberp, and thnt Caandhaari BfeepbM the trll.ute. Tbe M| tTMlll af Uir CHy X;itionnl Baafc *^us foiced open bv espcrta al 1 o". ink yr*i -ni,.. mnrnlng rftor Bearly tweatj boaa ... baad a?trfc. wbeu tii>- vaalt wii- ? l .v.-.l on Uondua afteh am a dliue aa larred lown and bertvnie ludged btltlnd a imil ? uallr preventina It fr.,m bciag arorfcod by tr.e HtM nKobmatlon Tlie. -.iW ooener l^ai>.,r.-<1 ?n i|hv Tnei .lav it.i.l np to I "'"Wi. y. te.iUv ino.t.liiK, I.. mi ? they aae..*eded ln gelUiig a bola ln tbp aafo Uirough wlii, Ii the bolts could be manlpiilatexl. While tne vatilt was loclicd np bii.lncaa at tlie bank wa? BJ*BB8P hlndmd. ? ? ?-??? KOltTHEttN K?W-JEB8f_ ooltntifs. RA1IVVAY.-A Bratfbf, Wtael ocu.T.d oa the i'enn cylviiiiia Hallroad at I'oplar ?t. xe-t-rdav aJt-tfl88f. A broheii BJtta thTOW I bralo from Ihe IracK and sotnc of ;|i,. .11- WOrd tel- ,"|,-,|. Ki^bt a,,<l <<sil . ars were B**aBhei and thrown over on tho .vljolning traclt. Tv.o b-borera woefclag an tbe Ira-h, Patrlch Mellugh ?iiirt .lotin 11*111.1111011. war* barted ander Uie debrla. M.-iIaph waa Intenially Injurod and O'Donnell j apine, f- |, frared, It tractarcd. fraval araa graatly deiaj.-a f,.r lome tajara. .?x-s.xir. Joahaa Draytoa, a r^torsd n;:.*i employed i,v lllrd i'.'oii.-I-, grocr., knoehed _owti und .iai-"i; ,.,' liijiiii-.l Williaii. T.i.tier In front oi hi-: employeT-s .,?. jesterdnv. Turner. mother had ow?l ihe m1" '? - , gmall aiim "f ni may tor aevcral montha, aud oraywn ',,-..- in tlu- hablt of inentlonliiK thta haet to any ol tne ruraers be chaiiced to ace. Yerterday VVRltem ?* lienjamln Turner arere near tbe More and -^ '.'! allnl ..ut to the laiter: ?? When a-c you gUDg tOpM ",t i.ili I" Itanjamta Tarner and hh _n*hei....'.ord .... to Drayton'i atory. modc Inaultlng remerk*. <u oravton nroroptly knoehed VVUBam rui-rj^dewa. n v,! ti?..'..-ht Snt Turner waa dead, bnl be rerl-rad. .?,i a _a*h over iria ripht ere waa aewn np. ' __ ;:',':'.,'d |s ilanp.t-.'.i- jX Mo.r.-il Uld Draytofi under 0SOO ball for tbe Oraad Jary. OTJIER 8UBUBBAX TOWSS. STATI.N ISLAND. DR. CHARI.ES PAKKHnKBI OH TEMrERANGB. Tho Rev. Dr. Cbarlea Paakharrt. Editor of " ?oa s lleralil." .rf BottoCl, <U lixctcd an addre-s yc*teru..> before tbe IVsmperaac* Coogre** at Pail Hichmoiid. III aabjeel wa* -la aThal -VTara h it Praetleabto for Proteataata aad CatboUe* to Jdta Faeaaa AfMaal we Uqaor _hr_l!" Aafoeg other tblnga, l"1. i'arkhurst U* tho Tolal Absthencc Sodeties In t*?**I___S_ protektant drcle* recognlxe caeh other ?a^worapra and enter npon ffaternal aad federated reiaUon*. tto t iriioi.,- Churcb la d.i a magnllleent worh ?, ?**"?_ l,,g its i.ple, aad eapectaU) tho young. u> &?'?* "? dne.? in the Btate ol Ha<i*a-h_i*eit* ia*?Jf? g ,,,. i ,-,ti?,ii, Tolal Abatlmnea I nlona a m**ni'P of it.. The i.n.-t proce-alon ol yeang meii. t? i,i,-. t, mo-t noble aud BMrnly ta tom and toarai ? lhai we evoi aw, wai tbe aaaaal para.* g* Cataollc ui,i,?i-. made nearly one yenr ''?:''.?', -tr. -i. ol Uoatoa At tne Battonal (-..nvei . ?n .f thcae *oclellea, lieM In 1BHO, r?a aawia "Wra_!t ported wtth .. member lilp ol 1M19. * ";'?;'".,,;l,r,"> ,? totnl ., italncra h thal iu t*a Cabholle < H"r h ? am Inlurmed thal Ihe muvemeat i> galutog a-reogw and> meiubera eacti year, . _??_?__ With b < .i.m.oii pledge and a rommon alm w tn tne Protcstant. ln the aorh ,.f totol Bbatlnejice. offlclal iBiid nfflllnted relationa, aye, bcun Mwrarattoo, ????"."? :--i|V reached. Lcl the PrtBoatanl aend and Inylte delegatea, mcct, ronverae and dlacna w th the (aUiom reformer whanever opportunltj offera. Batibring these roung and ardenl total obatalnera ii-"".;;1 "" ''lp','. tu.,-ni.-:-. and they w n rerj QBtakly Bpd waya ln -,- ni, i, they i in more Bggreaalir_lj worh t.-pether agataal t'"-j.1"i'r",';i,','V;|,,L and Protaataal iboaSI rrnr*tlL?"}l? t? neare legal rwitrletlon ol tbe *al??^ ?-1 natlonal llnea ihonM nol be conaldered ln tbajawuon of iu. ti who : re to bear purt In ahaplDg ^.JSg"???,' la ,-i CathoUe of arowed tamperanra prlnclplea avui able a^ Uie nomlnee to thc Ntate i.-L'is|inui**_hs au:..n-t tbe in-.f?I .ii-il poUtlclan. then lel that ( atlio.n *.? nomfiiutcd and efected. < to operatloa ln aaearlu the elertlon ol tcinperanee men nnd then ln aeenilnff let-i Ittlnn tla! will reatrlct tlie traftl.- am pracBeal Baaa that ne.-'l only tugaeation. :i. Cathollc an.l Vrob-stunt should heru-tlly iinitc in entoreing reitrtetlve legl.latlon. Here la the weakeat polnt lu the xxhoie temperance troveinen -u covariiix fiimrp to aecnro the eieratlon of rcstricUve leglalatlon Blr-ndy ne.ured. l do not hnow ?s.';, i,''"-n ?_? ilatenfly foralve eltber Proteatant or Cattwl)?" "J ^ i ruatter, for both -ln wilfuliy. One-baM'ta twothlMs of the amonnt of Uauor aofd ta moat statafl fouM be prevented if tbe law. already on tbe itatatt booka were exeented. Kothlng preventa except *eiaailineaH und cowardlee. The ue haa pr.-dnn-l na1 two not Mblc me,, who ln ih'- mettOT have nnd the eoange of their ronvictJ ma. One recently went to lleaven from tbo wlckede*! city of tho lan.l. whl.-h h- <lid to p.irlfv. and the other stlll livc*. "tbe nobteat Homan ,.f the,,, (ill,- tho lli.n. Nenl Dow, of Malne. Local lentnics should be formed In gttesand.townaitor tte exerrjtlon of the laws. CathoMea ahooM lw hindi.v and Wlsely Invlted fo sharo in the effort. MT. I.ORETTO.-Many Roman Gathollcs from New York and It* -niburba are e-\pcr'rf' to be pre.aent nt the lr.ving of the rornervtone of thc Chnrrh of SI. Jo seph nnd st. Annfi. at Mt. LOfatta, B. I.. on Sundar. Kcptember 13. The coreinouy will be perlormed by .rchbiahop Corrigao am! tbe -ermon will ^(1-ll1v'-r7 bv Blahop OTarren. of Trantaa, N. J. The ehnrrh win bc excltulv -ly for tha aeeommodatlon of the '_.?*>o titherwlae ho_i?le*ia Boman t'nthoiie <-liil<lr.*n who are lionaod, clotbed, f-'t. taoght trades and cdnrutcd ut Mt. Loretto. _..._?.?? LONG ISLAND. THOtGT UT RIGJ1T TO I'.IilW OUT THE GAS. MM* *"(-, eiia Tonl. tw.-ntv five years old, nnd Annle, Johnnv ond Theresa Donatii., llttle rhlldron o| M_B Ti,ni'4 brothen. were aspyxlated by (ta* in the hnlls aroused tha RiiRplrion of Mrs. Carl. eaptai a room at tlie S<-a Bcarh Palaeo. The fumo Bl pe ln the halls aroused tlie suspicion of Mts. the boaoebeeper. _ha baral open the door and opotied Ihe windowa. MBM Tonl nnd the rhlMren lav on the bed wltli dlscolored Hpparently at the polnt of deatb. Al 4 e'etoeb paeterday Btarab-gi X>r. Johfl K. Ward was ha?tily Rummoned ln the case. It di.l not take lilti. lOBg to re*tore the vlniins to con -. lo.i-nc-. and ln a few boon they were out of dun Mlaa Toi.i -uld shc had blown out the ga3 on rc lirinc for thc nlght. Bbe sai.l thut ber home was lu the northarn pitrt of the Btate: thal ga.s is unknown Uiere, and thal .-.h'' had never ieen It used befun-. ami -ue waa entlrely uofamlllnr wltli it_ u-e. and tbat she dld nol think whal abe was dotag -.uhen abe blew lt out. The cbUdren aro =-tiu under tno eara of Dr. XX anl. _ COl_)NA.-Whito raps hnvo ordered Pntrlrk O'Nelll, trettcr known as "BIlTe* DoOar" o'.Veill. who runa no ic.-s thaa one dozen ihpnw atora* in Bew-Yorb ond i.i-e.-npoiiit, and is sald to be worth .f-(X),<XK), a.nd bia BOB, Williain K. n'Nelll, who Is proprtetor of the hotel oppo-ito tba railroad .lepot ln, U> leax'e ioxxiT in b weel or Uiere will bo bloodfthed. They ii.- .:i.ii-<-ii of erael treatinent of their wlves. I.. iNii mLABD (TTY.? The Lon? I-land l.'allroad Company yeaterdap begaa the r<:-erertloii of the fence aerosH V'an Wt-at., whlch waa torn down i>y Mr. siiveistone on Nonday. On tearalng of thla, Mr, .Il.,.;?-!,,i,e, -.:,i'l rI? ? 1 ;i- s.xjtl a- tlie li'iicc wn> tom ulctr- he woiiM proceed ta tear it down. The e.mi Saiii ha- caaaed the arreet of Contractor Mariis. Marka waa taken before Juatlce Kavanogb and i,.-l<i in '.-.-. hafl lo anawer a t-ham made by tbe com nany ,,r tnvraaa. Marha la tbe contractor who U [aytag onl tla new atreeta oa the properts pf whlch Mr. hllverstone la the manager. lle ijave bail for ius ,lp]ll-.'ll .ill. c. I-.LM* - -Flre broba oai aboal 7 o'eloek yeaterday mornlna ln a block ol rtorea owaed by Ex-Snpervlaor , || vaii and before tbe ttre departmenl nol Ihe fl'smea under rontr l abonl f7.000 damagc hnd been done ^ir- Vall is tbe heavleat toeer. Joaeph Lemon'H fumltnre atorc waa damaged abou! BOOOj Mr-. B. r. Ketchum, mllllner, lorf* .fi.iaio; l). v. .lailin's lewelry .mi u waa damnged 81,000, an.l the f-unltiire ol Ml*s Cloek'a studlo waa damaged about .?;><io. All of Uie Mifferera are partly toaon d. i 'M ui v.- "'uoiicr. r.xciitt yeaterday hwaad a arar* , mt tor the aireal ,,f Bdgar Wadlelgh on a charge of .,,.,,,M on ii.e mornlng of Jnly ii a btrge doubbi i? u-e at Shelton aod Harrlroan mis., owned by TlKiinaa Dally. waa partly dealroyed by flre. Tho ni-,.,,,-.-- h:u! Ireen leaaed on Jnly l to Bdgar Madlelgh, ,,, Hrooklyn, ? d hc aold thal ,l"' "ra lu.'i galned auch lieadwax lhal h.- waa able to save bu! a few artlcles of fnmiture. rhe Ocrman-American [nsuranee ('^jni i,:tnv wh,, leiii the rlak. made ? aettlement a taa rlnya after thc Bre tor P540, and t.anje day he M'.v,',l i.oli to Brooklyn. On Tue*day Mr. Hailv ,.,,iiii,,x.-,l -i-x-i-ial workmen to clear U.e debrla oul ol ,,...' itonae. White thej arere engaged a1 thla xvorii they f.Mind au oM bed kmnge on ihe aecond ll.a.r xviu.ii hnd been drenehed with keroaene ..II. A aecond pile oi rnbblah wa*. moved from lh<* head of the stair* on ibe aecond floor, and nnder thla a rroantlty of Jnte and woollon traga aoaked with haroaene i II wai. tound. nn learnlng these facta Wllllam Qjrkea, Ute #amal a .,.t ,,f (he iii-ui. roqpany. went before i or.r F.veiitl and made ciivn thal he ketteved tba are v.:i. ol ii . endlai ? orlgln. WEST4 HESTER COUNTT. wiiitf, PLA 1*4*8. l ararrant ttav baoa i-^*tfta tor ,i... aii-ivi of Jaeob IMrker, the eotoral bmb arbo ahol ,,.\,.i!' on -'inilav of In-I w.-ll. whll.- Hi latter ara tleclng froa bitcbI on a cbaiaa of ttabbtag l?l n ii.v Barta r, a brotliet ..i Jaeob. . . '. ,ii.,.i- Tole ol "t. JohnN t'barch, l.i- ln ronwm ,,i,!,,,,, ti.. ,' : i-.m iif.-.-H. ... n O'mna lum ni.J rcaillng ; ;,'.,,, ...,- the ii.; and beralli al tbe young atea ta bi- par8h. KlNO BlJtO ?Tbe Ixtlell. annual meetlog ol ii. vcwVork citv nnd llurwon rUrer C'amp mt*tliig v latlnn will l*gtn t ..bu. ai yvi Sing He'Rlit*. ,, uin . oqtrnne Icti daya. rhe Hudi m Bl?er bml ,.??i nn-- tweat* . ti itaa each wai dally. and the l '"wnBlilp tfanh A. Jenka wUI bave -:. .?v.'iv <1h\ at :i r "'- :-'(l frtnmtag ?m leave Slng ..,1,.- ,it ~ ,,. ni. i"'" lUperliitemlenl la Ihr rtov, Dr. W V VVIUIng, wbo 'ui- rharga of all tba detalto. nii.r CALLED r:rr XtACBEB ? WBISKKU." .i,.-ine Datfv. ?: the l'.--'\ M.uii.-t Pollce Court, yea ,,,.,. .,(, ; i-. ,. I .i w, for Ibe ar..' i f Henry Ifartia, bjaebei ln tba Deborab at . BaM niaadaaj A fompMlnl bad baaa mad(> ? bba bj Abrabaat Oroanan, an i ?'.?' ia, tyed A Po^itive, Lsidispntable Fart, ANITOU |bj aa abaolnielT anlurnl lable water. Hottled at the hprlnva aud BBWMAJt4~B8B lOLBLT WITU ns oxvx ?;as. Tuilo 4> bkldaxwa, Agn.U, IM FraniOux-at,, H. Y. To Make Perfect. N EVERY Re ceipt that calls for baking powder, use the "Royal." Bettcr rcsults will be obtained because it is the purest. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more di gestible and wholesome. It is always reliable and uniform in its work. Miss Maria PARLOAsays: "The Royal Baking Powder is as good as any can be. I have used it a great deal and always witli satit* faction." thlrteen. who had been livlng in the home for the laat aevcn year*. On Monday last the boy had a toothache, and with a pnir of dlity ^hoe- Jumned Into a clean bed. Ilf) -av* that he waa sound asleep when he was thrashed by Harrla, who stood over bim wlth a cane in lils haml. on Tuesday mornlng the boy made his escpp* from tho nursery. and went to the house of his slfter, Mrs. tclla Na?rie, at No. 04 Sh*rlff-st. The boy was exam ine.l and w:is found to bc covercl wlth l?BMaa. Sup rlni.'.i.leiit Moritz Alcxandcr sald that Harrls hrul BCMd MBBBWbal ha-lHv, but that thc boys had elven him much provooatlon. Thcv cailed him ~ VVhis i,. :?-'? and " Ii >rux." Harris has -inre beea dHehai'Keil He liv.-s at No. 104 I'lkcat,, but ho waa not to bo found there. yesterday.. - ?-?? GRAST MOSUMEST WORK FA ULTY. AN ENGINFER SATS THK FOUNDATION EXCAVA TIONS SBOVLD BE DEEPER. A mectlng of the Grant Monument Association was hebi yesterday afternooji ln room 503. Xo. 146 Rroad way. J. II. Dttaean, thc iirchitcct of the ae>ociati.n.. piesentcd a new set of plan* which mct thc appnival of the committce and were acoepted. Charles B. Brush, tho civll englnccr, that he had cxamined tba e.xcavatl ?ns for tbe moiiumcnt and found them uasattofaetOfT. He "-'Id tho oripnal plans called fnr an excavaUoii of twenty fect beJOM the grade 11 tie wfciOb ls shown at BM elevntion of 133 minutes and 44 aeconds. The depth ;t the piesent excavatloo, he tuid, ls OTili 1? minutes and o seconda below the gnute B88 He reeommended that the excavatton be (urrled down thrco or ftoar fort further. As it is now, tho foundations would ivst on a soft bot tora of Mindy loam, wbich Bttabi at fonw future UBM endangor tho lritefrrlty >f the ma*onry. He furtlier reoommended that the foundatlon. wbich wa* proposed to be bullt of Roschdale ccmeut, suonld he lald In Portland cement. He said also that the addi tlonal fonndarlon tbOtlM be in Fortland cement. .Mr. Itrailv, the contractor for tho exmvatton and foundatlon work, rcported that tlie excnvution and uOlltiitMD foundatlon wlll be con.pleted bf the mlddle of Septcmber. Mr. DiUou offered a resolutlorn reatortng the eolary of the serrctjuy, to take effert August 1. The re?o lution was a-topted. C O'Reiily presonted a plan for a house to be crectod ln lltverslde Pnrli, to be the pernanent ofHee of the ?8soeiation. It will be eompleted by Keptcnr.ier 1. The sccretary presented a se/ies of rcsolutiotis to S. <*. Pratt und A. B. De Frece, urKnowIedginB thelr sucre<=s ln the eater whlrli was glvai by them at the MadWm sTnrire (iarden last Mav fnr the bcnetlt r.f the fuiid. Tlie same cntcrtalnnient will bc repeutcd at the Mad bon Siuare (iarden on ortober 1 and 8. -?v BE WAS NOT SHOCKED TO DRATB. AN AUTOPSY 9HOWS THAT TnE ELECTRIC MOTOR WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TnE DEATH OF BARTEi,*-. Bnsiness went on a? usual ycterday ln Theodore Felfl?te1n's resti.urant. at N<>. 888 (irand-st., where Henry Uavtels, one of thc b.irtenders. dropped dead on IMBBlay iil-lit. after touchuii! BB elcetrir uiotor. M.iny i,,, who scen.ed to be refakM i.istomei-s. went in and ont of the plaee, and few of tbea stopped to lo..k at the harmles.-appeailn-,' mob'r. whb-h 8bK*d at tlie BBd of tho bar. Mrs. FcM-UIn Mt at :-. dcsli between thc uiotor aad the front loor, ar.d sorted ovor tba etaeeba wiileh waitcrs had tunicil ln at the wislncr'o IBBB. B88 ^?*d It was cerlain that bhc motor had not DaibaJt. as .t araa n..t ranatag and was not aappUed wifh "Mctrictty on Tuttamf tvtmlag. Dcpnty (orrncr W;'Ii:im A. Conway ma/lo.m antqp^y on the body of Henry ltnrtels yesrerxlay aftcrnoon. Thc -artOfty was made undcr the illrcctton of foroner Bcbaltse. Aflor a tbaroafb esnuMaatteB of thc butga aad h.-art, Ur. ("onway sa:d tbat thero was not tho i~Urltuat evldence that BarteM bal beea ibaibal bj ,!--. trlrlty. Dcputy Coroner Jcnkn:s BBM pre-.-nt nnd Baatstel la ihe oxaaMiattoa. Tbej tauil bM4 daatb raaalted troa araeaoM eoaaa. Oae .-t Ibe leal atan'i rrlenda *iid lo Dr. Ooawajr tbal EMrteM araa aaMjaet to convuLMoi.s. and that ho bad been diaebargal from several pMcea oa tbat aeeoaat, and'o-irc froan Feld Jtein's. He aoaM be take., with tbae rbnvulalona ,144-nv-. whiio at work. Tlie man's Udnejrs and liver arera la a bad condition, tho iatu.-r arelablBf over ?even ponnda. PROV. KOIIFF tuVOBBt TO HAVE BEEM HrRDEKED. Tlie body of Pr..fes<*)r (harlcs A. Korff. fouad In the water at Oalt 1'oint on Mondav. vns b.ined yestcrday. tlw fiincal taklag fktee at ttU 808M in aM88MM"r8. Tho pollce were -.tlll for the BBtB w-ho ia bc lieved to lu?vc robbed Korff nn?l tjlirow;. lum into tbe sound. That man i- tboafbt to be tbe stmnprer who was drlnlting with r>0<eaaor Korff ln Milzer's puvibon on tatarday alfbii and left tbe pbvee wiMi him whem I'n.fcssor Korff wu> iiiulcr tbe intlnein'e of liquor. Al tttoafb aa autopay had tbowel tbal tbe braleea on the dead Bata'a iic:.*t had bo! beea aafteient to causc in lenalbUlty-, M all probablBtff, aad tbal deatb was dae M IrOwaiBf, tlre thcorv of r. "oBowlBg rol.bcry. aaa >."t dlaproved. Htere wns no cyirvi aaaoa f.?. bepeving that tbe BaMbaM af h.c dcad man liad beea rifled wiuic tbe badg aaa M tbe water. h><i UM *u-hv pearance of n aoM araaek and about 8800 troa i'r<> KotrfTfl oeraoa caabl aol ba acttoonted foron aay other tbeorjf exeepl tbal af lottl puy. Martla Korff -a.d yeaterday that talk about the poalbM talcbte of his father araa abourd. M8aeh a tl.eo.-y of bM dcath i* entinly inrompiitible with h1 rliaracter and Mmtaataeat," aba yoaitg aata added. -i am wllatnd thal iobm one robbed ny father and Uirew iiitn oaerboard. BTe eannol iix tbe exaci aua Of iiinnev whi.-li be vrlli him on rjaturday. but 1. must have heo?i conatderable, a- ont of it Iw paM a blil (1f too, it araa bit cuaton to oarrf laria-anBM of mouey with him.'' s _-? * THE SBSATB OtJUBTTTEM EfiO 1*0 QVOBVM. The ('.rnaiiil c Ofl N:i* al Alla..-- T.*1 "<*?! to h.ive B qaoana m ii a'clork yeaterday Btomlag. Oaaatea Rlarjdjura a..<i Bto^kbrldge ar*- expeeted to arrlai.m. Senaton Cameron and llatter are at aree at tbe only repn lentatttaa <>f ibe eoaattttae Bo* bew. "Mttator MrPheraon told bla rnlbagaai ytaMiakap Ibal ba a atbl be in'-eiit simply t.i BBabe a qaoraa, baal would not attend the aaetlnp ..f tbe ooataxlttaa. rle i*h?i aaaM Ubm balbre "Bfojraaed Benaior MorrlU, rbaliataa of the genate Oaaualttee .?n naaabe, tbal he woabfl ?.> with Mm to Caaada n Aagaal i".. Theae two Honatow wlU i OII-.IIIIII'' B -l'i. i''i.U.::itt. .- l-i IflVI -:'?'.' Ibe '|U'-l'Oll ,,i reelpioclty, tlie worklnga of the tarlff, biw itbor hindrcd t-. rheli orork ?:ii ' ? la Ibe Uni I thal n >w belag puraard iy tbe ?ub<ooimltiee wbieb baa beeB boMlug *es?lons at Narragunaett PMr. tf.i RINB 1N TBI hUi h y an MTICIATURE ALMANAC. ?l.-HY Bcnr1aea? 57 | <eta7o<Ji Moon arta 8 "?"? P m I Moon'aaga 1 ?i<jh w.t.i. A.Af-8npdv H.wa M.' I <?or. Islan I ? 07 ' H?U U 4K 11 00 >.*-6au.-.r U.wii ? ao.t. I*ta I 8jtM I H?'l ***** 10??? UfCOMlBO STEABEEt ro-nxr. raoat, ^,?a WSft. .1888 <ity ai Betlln.I.irerpool."n'T SO. ...Inma.i fulyaeaia.Blettui.iW ?4. llaii.i.A.n.'r i leuftu-^ua.NM..U.Am a.N\ * i uua ?ATOiuiar. AtotarS.* Ftiarat Blaanarek.Rainbar*.July II .llamb Araer LaTwuraine..U??r?.Aug 1.8r Iraua laland.Chr1auaa?and...rarr ?B.TUaaraB. Lania.Hambnra-.Joir 8?.UambAaa? sckdat. Auorrr ? Atrranta..........Llv*t[>.,oi.Ang 8.Caaaaa i ptian Iximlon.july ]g WlE Uriauca.....Benuii.i*.Aag a^iiJ^II'^tjuajJ 0UT9OIMU irtSAvarti. TO-DIT ~""""?"\. ,"*"* fH MalU*la4M i2* Coiumbia, HaioBAmnr. llambnrg. g a m 7 4-\ riui.Ar. a i-.,i ?t 7. ? C'lariba". Atlaa, Blngatoa.|| aaa 1 fm BATt7B8tS. xrooat 8. Etrnrla. Cunard. I.lYertKNil. 4 sm 7 ??).? Arizonv <*iii"i.. Lui-rpool. 7' Z Ktinxpla. Arc.'ior.Giaawar."a aaa n a a paaai HnriT iraf fliiaburg . a ,., Kaaa NO Ueya. braaaaa,. 4341am 8 t! bpaarndaiu. .Netu Ani'-r. !tott?r<l uu... 8 am H ate utOaaeiuue. ?^oaenlrana. havre. .4 loam 7 tl YU'eurl. N V* <uua. harana. <*r.II am 1 p~ Moruca. NY A Trloi.lart. Trluldad.Ii m 8 al SHIPPISG SRWS. POBT OF -fEWYOHK..WEn.VESDAT. AUOU8T4. 1M1 ARRIVI4D. Bteamer Majeatio (En, I'arwil. i.iverpool Ia\j W, (guaoaa* mwii 30 and paaarngor* to J bruoa lataar. a*. rived ai tbe .1 ? r at 888 a m fciexnier Horel ((ien. Jui.gai, Breinen Jnly V8. aoa'aa??. ton 'i\>. wiui inrtao :."d ;,a?*eugera to Oe.rlcha 4* Co. Arr-./i at Baa Ba *t ,V-?? d 1.1 n .aniet- Werkrn.b.1.1' Hakker, B>ttoroa-u July U via Buiiiogii.-. wito nulae and ?a?Mii(ters to runoli. Bdr? a 0, A'tiywI at tl.e Har at 4.iA t m Steamt-r oaama, Hi.lmea. Haa Iioniioao n? Tnrka Iilaaa dbe. wtthmdae aud iMAiengera to U'raPCIyda 8 Co. a~" rl4^1at BM Har a? ? a ir. Baaaaar BMataaa. 1 .-1*1.1..o. 'ard. aaa via HaYaua 4 44*1 witti aadaaad ****v**tHt a Ja? e w.rd a co. ArrtYadit .? Har ..t 7 ? in -t.Miii-i Weihaven (Nor). llammeraaa. V.?raroa 4 daymo, frni t" H Duiiiei* Blearaer (arl Konow (Nor), PettWBBB. baraooa U dajra, viaj frrlt 10 Uoaaeg .t PeeraoU. ArriY*.. at the Har at | a ra. Meamer -luninn (N?n. K.eaa. H.xr?r<?x 4 daya, witu *jbb t<i Mm ra <t Oo .MTlYe.t at the l??r al I a m bleamor Cltvoi Atntita. Dole. "Aaatr/olur, Ve, wtth atdaa ami i*?aei.?i-ia l<> Old Loiulnion Ha Co Ship Hainaiit l Baag). Adaa, Antweru i, daya. la ballaata B?rk CarxJuaa .oer). Oerdaa. Haraborg 47 daya, with aaa to order; veasel W Tlieo Kuger A Co. BUNBKT-Wiad at "Baat H'e.u llght, Z, claody. Atciiy laianrt-Hght, NE; oloudy. I I.E.lRED. eteaaar Connemara (Bri. Boaltoa, Japaa aad Cblaa aartv> ^teatntr I'lchmonrt fltll (Br), P*rry, London-Baadoraoa8 siteiinier Kn.iYinlou (Bn. Satterly. Brlat-.l-Barber A Oa. bteamer el*i* of Nevada (Bn. Main. (ilaagow-AUBa *^ro. fiteiimer Johan b4erdrnp (Nor). Moraen, I.oaaYlg. Norway *A W linribut A< .. Pu^mer Colnmbia (Oer). Vogalgeaang. liamourg Yla Boat*. atiii.Kio KJ'.urtia. Bteamer H?n? iCrari, Hniaen. B.xrbarg laatav Bay* Bteaanw Keplet (Bn. Flett. Aatwerp-J M Wincnaator 8 Co Hteamer Benlala (Br). Fulmer, Liabon?flarber A Co. Mt*araer SanUmUenuo (Hpaii). I.uzaarara, Liabon Chaa 8 8iimner da Co. . ?? __ _. Blraaaar MlllMaM|80 Phrrman. Hi4rYey,NB-Funcn, Edya Steamer Neptuao (Hr?. Fraaer, Moutego Bay. Ja-J E Kerr A Cu Steamer Dnneoin (Bn.McaeeJin.o. Cienfoegoa, Ac-Wag. dell*i-? 8teamerGurIy (Nor). Be.mare, Faracoa-H Dumola A Co. Steamer Carl Konow (Nor), Peteraan. (Hbara-Cromaa A Pearaail. _ _ . Stea.uer Santult. C.ark. Oreytown: Ao-Jamaa Rankiaa Itamrr BTMfara, Baraay. Havaua anu bagua- Jaa K War4 A<o. BW?mer Alaroo. Lewla Galveaton -C B Mallory A Co. Btaataer l.i M?r. Mnatn. New-Orleane-J T Van Mlekie Stearuc-r cneroaee, Boariie. Cliarleawa aad JaeaaouriUa? WinFCiydeACo. . _., ._ Steamer Wyanoke, Boaa. Norfolt and Riclnnond-Old 88 ailnion ??%??? Meaioer Alxeuborn. Lewla. Baltiraor*-U C Foater. St.siiiier' otucei'.cy. Beunetf. fortUnd-Horatio "IalL HaraCeatanon ( Mn, Evai-a. MoltM.orae-Arkoll A Doag laaa. Harit nrrnon (Fr\ Dunklrg- Funeh. Edye AOo, liark Juplter (Nory, Axolaen, Noikjoplng-Caraten Bo*. SAILID. Bteamera Cltyot Kew York. IJritaanio and Oallta. for U?. ^rno..:; Kichiooal H1U and KaroiK-, Ixiadou; Endymloa. B.iato:: KtlaobtM. Aataarai V 1 aund, Ainaterdaru; Paa'A Medlterroanan iKirta. Sant.inderlna. Iaah'.n. Adiron laoa. port au ;>.intuit, Helize; Heligolaml. Geeateuiunda Dune.lm, .'lei.fuegoi; Cira. Baraeoa. Alamc. Oalvaatoai 1.1 Mar, "lr~ "rmnaiaj Vaoaaoaaa, -laYannab. charokra. ciii4r;e?ton; Wyanoko, Norfo.k; Huntsmaa and F W Bruaa Baltimore. Hara Miranda. for HarDaeoea. Bng a :? j :. 1 for Barbaduca. Alaosaile.1. nx Loae lalani Soand? Steamer Cottage ctry, tor Portland. THE MOVLMKXTS OF STEAJtERB. FOREKiX PORTS. SotrrBAMPTON, Ang 0 -ArriYM. ateamer Wrrra ?r\*t\ Poble. from New.Yurkoa liir way to liremeu. Bailed. ateamer Trave (deru Buaslua, troox Bremen baaoa for Naw-Tork. SWAiraBA. Ang 1--Salled. ataanaar Gioucaater City (Brk Jonea for New Vork. IUvkb A-u-4 Sn'od. steamer Rngia (Oer). Lelthanaar. for >ew-Yor?. Au? 8?BaiaaA ateamer Baahnm.a (Br). Vennlnjt. Ior Maw York. Sni.l.T, Aug 8?Paasad. ateamer I.ndaate Hill ( Br), Browa. troni New. York oon iier way to Londou CoPKNHAKLv, Aiik 4-ArrtYod. ateamer Tb.nrvalla (Daai? Lauli, from X??v-York. Para, Aag '2-Sailed. ateamer Ltaboneooe (Br), Hnata. tat New- York. _ Aanouneements. A.? La UGHTER Le.vtw A Sew Cbarm To beauty whra it dlseljae^ a pr'tty aot of teeth. Whla neaa. wh-n nature uaa auppll. 4 tbts elemeut ot lovaMaaaa, inay be reUlued through ltle by ??w tae tragraot !>OiODONT. _^_ Mrs. Winstlows Soothing Strdp w? K??n uaad f.r o\.r HPJ.Y VtAKfl by MlLMOM o^MOTHEhS1 for theu . HILUKKN WHJLE^** CHILD 8OFTEX8 tbe GUMS, ALI..x"> all ^AlN. (CRES' WIND COLIC, and I* the bat aBJegy f? 1>IARRH??EA. So'.d ).v Dr.ic?rl?U ln every D*rt of tha world. Twenty-flve aaM a baMM. A LtrxvaT Fou Tooatira Dr. Lyoa'a Perfect Tooth Powder, ln rr.-Ul 88888, BBM patent meaaurlua tube. Neat aod porUble. 24 cta Henry A. Daniels, M. D., 90 WEST yjlrt-bT. Dtaewaa of the Nervou, Syjtera Geuia-Urlnary Orgaa* Impo*?"ica and Stcrlllty. Hour* 8 to 1. 5 to a -INCAS." E. & W. "INCAS." A NEW COLLAR. Baron Liebig Tbe grc?t thaaMt ataaaaiaeal tba ?aib kno-vn Li.-blg t..u.|?in>'.- Extract ol Bi-of, made of th- fli.e^t Birei l'latte cattle. ln flnltely ^uparict !n livor and quallty ?? in'- aala ..f eatUr irro^n tn Eurona or ela where. He authorfzoi th-.- uso of algnatm-e LIEBIC COiVIPANYS Extract of Beef. For Dellri.iua 1*8 laaBaaal anl v.t_. t... Eionoml" Co>ikerf. Beef Ta. A. n. ki>g <v co. Speclal: MEN'S ELEGANT CASSIMl-.RE SCITS FOR 41448, worth douhle the monev. Hit lM> BtM) BKO40WAY. PUBLICATIONS THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. PRE!*RYTKKIAN a~~taT~a~aUli ASSEMBI.Y al PatiaBI ITTfl ^ow ouu ? opl.a cau b? ardart-d by miil or boiubt M ''he 'rrlbun4- Uuaiuea* 4lfllce. Tha prur.-edl.iMa i? l'?l". leporled eapevlally lar Tba Tilkeaa i.y a r*iajaaMtaalaa afeeaaraaBBa wa Maaa 0.IU4O piiaea. '.'j <-eul? ? vopy. TKIBINF. WAR ?aTOUIK??.-l'ariy atoriea af aeiaal experlen.-e in lln-? i?4l War. Wrltien bv I'nUa 888. 8k r^. rxi-iiiim ?a raaaaaaarai nn* full of tbe >uoal ihrill* inffu.-tiun. 184aaaaaaaajaa Maaaaa a*f|TB)l~b4 IM MBCI8MMI ITV. I.niera ofl."* f* Uin?ti-i4i<?i. Maaa ih4- \V4-ei taaBMaa 4 uh.i. >le^iro ?nd (< Areeiui. t \uiuHble aud 4-ulerli4lniag doviiuMiii. mn ttaaaaa i>ia*a> -?> aaaa u copy 88>~~niB~Ui SKI'TI BBL*\ Ti-nvela of a Trlbana (orreapoiulrut lu WaM Tiraiuiu, KonlaeLr. I.??>?!? am. rioi.iiii. miil oib-i Baaabaea aaaaaai aTai Ittaaa truied 7.1 tmmW*> -?". teula. TI'.IGI^R AI.XIWAC. 1S?II, BM Urarai ttiiiu-.aa ,.4i'i i-.iii-.i i>4 1 :i<- 1'nbMne. nmi aaaaahakM aa aaaaalaba lim iiiiiouui ol aaileei. i>olii?.-.-il. ?o.ial ?"d aaaaclai ValHuble toi-rel4iro.iee. .'> evuta ? capy. THK TltlBOE .llttll.EE. tbe p.o.-.e.llaaa al lb4 rev?rnl relebieila.i 01 ihe .^8;h XiiulYeraaiy of tba Kouidiaa ol The Tilbune. m.-Iiullna 488 ?peecha? ?! "Ma**-** l>nna. 1 u.u>, Mcliinley oad Horr, tba p??eiai by "?le.lniuii. ihe li?i ol pi .1111I111-.1I a'ieala. 4'1^.? a4C. M liMii.i.oiiu puuipblel tui ui. I '? . rula a eopy. **~~I1.I.A<~B lUPKOVEMKNTi \t Uy Ameiloao VII* Inuea ln.lei in Proaperiiy," n repub'.iouiioii. In ttuull pauipblrl 1.1^111. 1.1 tbe chnriulug im.-le ol B. ?"? S.,i 1 lu ..i. ou [11,11 ?ub)e.-i iu I'ne Ti-lbuue. ?eltlng l.irib 888aaM aaMaM a vUluge ot hau4leomeappo??r?na?aed anniiary beiienaeuu, (he pleaaure ta be ilertva* by (8a iiili.iliiuiiii. froni hnpi ... emeiit naao. Intlun*, aad '** Ui 11.1 ?rrinr 1411? flBBB ?' ' ? do lar bta uiiiive vlllaa** Beeaaaaaaaapi f88pa 18. >.ne?. A n.i ot 40 ar AU oiaer 1. .inn wlll ba aoai (re* aa appllcailou. THE TRIBUNE.