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havlng concurrenf Jurisdlction with the departments nirfwiy cstabiished in eaoti Btatee; eaaMarreat ln re ..peet to the charterlng and muatertaa of poata, bnt eaeh dcpartnirnt havlng excluslve Jurladlcflon over the poats whlrh it may r.eive. My IS-M ladxment. after a vcar of palnataklng InveatlgaUon, .- that it waahf ba wfae to eoafer ti.c enthority upon my aaceeeaor 10 i-catn aaeb a deaartment. iic may iHther nnd u uiry nor ihlnfc it beef lo exerelae thc power, it lonferrcd. 1 am aare he will aec obJecttOM to It. but he 11..iv ekw find it Ihe b -f and perhaps thc only ahieid foi the fuli protcction of thc eoloraa caairadea. i trean I need not aag that no dtwareaoe baa obtained at Natlonal llcnd<p:artcrs in rcrogultlon and trcatment ol poats or eeaaradee. wbether whfta or eolored. Whcn UM Departmenl refuaed u> eecclve report* or dues from nnv of theec poata, I have ailowed t*em to he ?ent dlrectlv to t-h- AdJatanWJMaaral, kane beM untll opporuinltv waa afforded for full Invcetira tlon upon heartag and adju-uncnt of tlie rilfferrmc* In thc Department. 1 thinl; thow noats abotiM Jnne the full benent of report- and dues n- tnough thov had been re/dvcd regularty by thc Departancnt. Tkia jiroscntatlon of the RttnaUon ln thut D- partmont w mcui?. and la Intenrf.-i to be onl) anfllcMnt to brina the anbiect lo the attant ? of the Bncampment. i have no polb-v to urne other than aooh as vlll be for the best ititcre^'s of the order. and ai thc antnc tlme protact the rUrhU of all comrndes. K cannot be ex p?-ct?l that nn.' plan will "icct thc appr.val of al! the rnmradA. dirertiv mtereeted. 1 regard the Mbjeel m one of first and invoke yonr deflbemte eonsideration nnd u-st )ad*ment ln Its dlapoaiUoa. Durlng the vear r.ow closlng the <;. A. R. paid out from its relicf faad the sum of tmi.flOO 8.V Durlnc the aame pcrlod tho Woman's Relicf C.rps pald m dlstre*acd eomrades tbe MOB of 8480,710 80. Th-se lijrtircs show a larce Uicrease over thc amount of am arevloua year. Thc to^al amount of relief paid out bv fhe (i. A. R. not Induding aautBaaVry b^ies. alnee 1870. 1r #-2,000,000. In rcfcrrlng to Motint MrOrogor ieotta?r?. wherc niaatil c.rant dicd. Oeaeral Teaeey raeoauaended thnt thls Enrampment tako aetlon to se/nn-e from the (Jovernment an nppropriatl.m for the mnintcnance of the propertv. whirh it bi aaatgaed to aaeawve la the aame condition it w* at tho dcatb of Oeaeral Oraat Thc r.\pen>e ls about 0800 a year. Vallag an np pr. pratlon by Oonfrrws, it 1s BBggtalnl that a trust fund be estebliahed or th.' m V.nrenanre of the OOttagBJ to lt.sured bv f hamlns a feo to visitors. Tbe ajaaetJaa of etentrag a aaaaaortal hait at Decatnr, III., the blrthplaee of the (1. A. R., was DtOagM up in the way of a that gabt Enra-mpmcnt take aettan ta nid Um profeet ao wcii atarted. ln rcpard to thc DteabtMtj I'ension blll p??ed by tlie i:i-r Ooatgraaa, Oeaeral v*eaaey aatd that if it is not the wisest. It is ccrtainly a liberal BMaaaTC. The labnrs of tlie O. A. R. Pen-lori Commlttee were also reviewcd. Thc Onaamaadar In fhlrf ii*ced tliis En? rampment to renew ihe cfTort to proenre an amend ment to thc Kcvi-ed staf.ites, whlrtt. pive prefcrenee to appolntments to civil olliee in the ca?e of Tnlon vet^rar.K "to persons disrrmrged frr,m thc military or naval servlec by reason of dtsebtttty resultltuf ftf>m wounda or ?-irkness Ineurred ln the line of duty'' to the effcet that honorablft scrvice shall eonnt for somethlng ta appolntments, whcn all other thlnps are equul. The only new Department ehartered the la.-t year waa tliat of the Indian Tarrlaory. The Commandcr-in-Cbief eloaed bls addrcss with a faeiiue letBraaaa to th* obaervanee of Maaaortal Uay and the hitrh prlnclples WBteh aetuate UM <i. A. R. The deelaiation of the t'.immander in Chlef in faver Of ttM establ.shnient of th t? of thc d. A. R. for thc ?egro vctci-.ii.- weaaaf a deckled laaaatton. it waa lwrdly cxpected that lw would so openly favor the aaaBBaaaaa of the races. and the whites of Loarkdma anVI Mls-I*slppl were overjoyed at his decUlve reeom mendationa. In concluslon the speaker sidd: Cloauadea, our ordor has reached its hlirh-wa'er m-u-k ncitu-r i;i nnmbera ie>'- In glory and power. it "f. i a etab. bul evcTj man who has attemptcd to -tiirrnai /. thc Orand Army of the Republlc I* Fuccecdcd In belltCiiic hlmaelf. In cultlvaUng fratcr nltv and rharlty it arorks m. t!.c aame llnea wttl otber otganlsationa. Bul ahere la anothor baali ? our order whlch Is. In a aenae at leaafc pe? uliai I i it. It 1- thal whlch Impelled na to be aoJdJeH. it Is Utal to whlch the nobleal ruler. Uie frand -t n ? all Um ChrlaUan era, th<' martyred Llneoln, appealed wheh he coofldently oaUed f *r 76,000 300 500.000 more, it la npon whlch true Tiberty a"d fr*v governmenl cai only rest: it l- the broad prlnelple ol lovaltv. Here we pwn ke rrlticlam. and on tla- groand that there is no dlaloyalty now. Tree, no cbau or -? ? - led in dltloval acte; but, h i> well known. there are men bere and there thr< ngh nul the land who adhere to the pcrnleimia doctrlne .?.<?i'ui i.v a Staie is a rlgbt; and therefore rcalstance t" attempted roerclon l- not dialnyiritt or rebrUlon. it I- In thi- vlew thal the Sonthern aoldler call?. him*'1f e. Confederate and nol a rebel. Tbe Iron I i ?f Andrew Jaekaon eru hed Ihe Brat ttireahi of .... .-, ,. .;.,,, baaed on I ? I'hen, hi the !, thc tbreai waa pcirrled Into eltecl II re nuired Ihe scoarge oi war nnd rlven of t<> enp ,.,. . j,. ^ third . ? t llk< ly i < appear agaln ln the BobUl btfawnti it is tm>t coneelvable t" i!iicve-!s of llifit aectloji can !?<? so advnntaceonsly thev are wlthln the I'nlon. Rul Ihe doc? trlne permeatea tbe poHttcal llterature "f Ihe rountry. The aeed aook deep roof m the dlsclplea of calhonn a'-id other*. who kakored M phMit it. As ?.nr e mntry exten.K Its imrders a-)'". aeelM i I roi e untagonlstie in Interest, who ean aaj 11 I another efforl may aol fcie made ^omewher?. so long aa th| d.inger exlaia, ? \?? ??? remotely, the work of ti.c t?. A. It. Is not Bniahed, Tbe lepOltl of the other offirer* of the efaff were ajreaeatai aad apread before the Bneampmeat. The Adjatant Oeneral'a reixe-t abowed thal on Aagaal 14, 1800, there were borne npon Um iy'^- of Um order fortj aoar Pepartmewta wrtb 7.188 posta and S07.041 . imQadea ln c<n.d ?tandlng. The canaoBdated rc;>or! of Um Adjntai I Reneral fnr tla- penod eadlng Jnne oo, 1801, as ,is the r<!:iraa been recelved, not 1:1 ret betag In, ahawi farty-flve Departmenta with 7,409 jx.-ts and 808,007 aoaaradea ln good rtandlng. The -um expeaded rn ebartty, as reported for Um vear I .tune no, 1P90. waa f*ai7.f'".T 54, rettevlt ? 21,034 neraona; for tbe year endlng Jqpe 80, 18OT, s,;;:;;.<-.!ii. -:.. Tl.e p.tai namber of dealha reported for the year endlng Jnne 80, 1- 0, - .17!.; for the year eadlng Xbm '?'?'>. 1801, wa 5,530. The QnaftermaeMr-Oeaeral'a repoii ihowed the as aeta ?., the twganliatloo to be as (ollowa: Caah baJance oa baad, 81^0418; due by departmenta, 01,4*5? 41; leaa Baa by DepartaieBta, 81M 17; baianec. ri.j-ir. ?_??). I'nited Btatea banda, l^OT, 9i'\ooo (marfcel valne, ?i 1T-100), #1^,720; aappBea, ?2.04i (>j; totai aaaeta, ^J',711 07. Tho report on the r.r.tnt Menaaaeal Fand -howed thal whlM thla fund ln 1800 am nnted to 011^07 80, it hsd b.en aagi nltal only 8S37 01 durlng thc tael year. <'f thla amount, gSSOld waa derlved as in lereat aa fhe preaaal fnnd, ao Utal Um actoa] in eraaae by donaUoa bad been bal cti 7:>. This paMry bum wa reported by thi- >t;.ie (t Mlnneaota. The ftMpeetfa>OeaetaPa report, after detalBag the (?o.iditioti of tho order, says in ronchulon: Oar enaaradea In ihe atronger and m ?a pro Department* ahouM nol be forgetful <.t ihe n.s?ltics ol thoac In weaker and leaa mvored I rrlt rlci a..d ihonM aaalaf and eaeoarage tbem ln the good worh wbenever opportonitj offcrs. We ahouW be cipe n an bxlnlng onr al ler Departmenl - ? 8ouUi. aa their membersblp i Inraclj rompos ,i of ? lamidea who for t!.<- reason of fallliiE health have been eompeUcd t<> aeenre bnmea ln ?> warraer and mon , r>nge i.i llmate. '? - Hi numb ? a tbc|f poat< and Departm n( are n arlly imall aad rocrurtlng dlfflcult. Thej -.. nld b? encouraged br all, i and <-p';i.ily by onr Natl nal ol wli bhe Id ! ir?t fail t<> pay tbem an annual vi? 1. even if :t umM be al the ??,; n ? <?? fallci ? n> vi-it manj of tbe j ttrongcr Departm 'nis ln Ui *>''.;r... I (ii,. ilxatlon <>f ihe Woman'a Relicf Corpa ls growlng in all Detwrlments. it would be dllficnlt to Miy t-"> mueb In tiMlr favor.ta raeh valnable aaalstance In onr rharitable work, ir.\ Ing ta* ? a poaltlon fnr in ol our Hne In blue, rn ralalng moner to awell th - I d whlch la so h"iie-t;> drvoted to the allevbitlon ol th. ,.f those dependlng npon na (or a ?? tan-e. in tba pr> w"rii of charlty we rannol dn better than to linitat" their example and follow ? ere they lead. Thc rejort of the 'odgc tdvocatoQ r i - -: ? ? * i derlvea its einei bateraat from bis deeaaon on the rea oneatloB. As his eoaehialona dlffer froaa the rseoan meadattoaa of tba Coannander-lc l hief, Um dlapute h only fhrther lompBoatnd The dettatoa is a- followet Ti.e aoeettoa propoaed is "wbether there can i.w hillv be two Departmenta coverlnj Uie aame lerrltory at the aame Ume; for Inatance, a ncpartmenl made np nf whlte poata and another ol lilack posta; oi one oi forelpn-born. and aaother of natl\"e-born." I Udnkahe quc-iion mnat l?' answered In Uie negatlve. 1. Thc ilc.'i i- i-intrarv !<? th- ii-.i?re and universh] uiide.tHii.lin>: of the order hltherto. a. The ii.les and regnlatlons. chapter 1, Artlck in. BactkHi 1, provlde f r preeln ? ors be dealgnated l>? names and iiumbera. IndleaUng that there auu be aaveral posts ln the aame place. Hut Bection -J of th- Nj;nc anlele proi ' - ite or ganltatlmii to be known as "Department of (name of Mate or Terrltory). Grand Armj of thc Republlc." Ke other name or dealgnatl m ls rontemplated or pro vUed f..r. if a aecond State organlaation be formed in any state. it wr, have the aame name pn* rlsety wltbout addttlon or dlmlnntlon as the flrst, if Um regnlahon i- fotlowed. if addltlonal Departmenta ln btatea may be formed on llnea ofcolororot blrth. thej may .?) lit.e- of peraonal followlng* or per?onal atble*. <;r npon dlsagreemeiits ol an) kind. but with out advertlag furtner to .h- obvlooi evlls Uhely t'> follow from eatabllshlng rlval Departmenl* ln an\ Btate, it is eaoagk Utal it i very i tear that Um ralea and reguhVlorti do aol provld foi nor warrant the eft.iMlanmetd> of i,ut o;,e Deparlmcnt In any .-tat? or Territny. Tbe report of the gnigaoa fllliwl is Intcr aathn in a atabtaaaat it eantalai from Peaelon tom nlls^iol)er ltauui, aajaaanclag thal Um amount <>f 8110/>00,000 will y; aopeaead aw panaloai dntiiik' ti.e riscal year. In-i I J. w. Rnrat In hia report i "i plaii.cii ol Ihe Inadeqaate faclUth afforded lila deiwrt ment lo perform its Butlea beeaui ?! ihe changea In the <? for i >sj e< i . onatanl * made by I , .i ? ? He nnd bt en ible t,; i ) ,, :c<ii,'iii from ' n.v a par: of tbe poali bul anrh ?? had been i t >\ HUon. ;;. ; .". hurgcon-General, reported the nnmbor "I rtcatlu In tt:e order, ao t... ;- reported . ; to I 8,157, omoni tbem berni eralnent comrndea, VVIIIlaoi Tacumseh Sherman, Ad niii ii Jhivid I'or'er un<: (ieiieruli thi, ?? i y noyea, Jobn \. fail i and John MeKetll. It regard in !'..? p? .-im llst. i)i. Stevcnaon read n lettei feoy. Commib?loner IUlui ghing ihe nutuber ?f vtn sloners now on tte rnlle and tbe amount patd kyttM (Jovemment for prii-lona diirlng Uie PJ??fnt fla. ?a year. t-un.marir.ed. n l- aa tolkwa: ^"*lf'"^.,',,n tbe rotte. May 11, lP?l-Army InvalhK. -11 ..' ?>. I'.iows lfj6,78Bj rfaty invalids.A*J?Twa,AW* Ael of jiine 87. 1M.0-Arn.v l..yalld?. ..0 41 I , wMow. - l i.i ? Navv inealms, 1,8*5: widows. 1,118. MexWa.i wa. ,sI,rx"^r.? IM*o; erbkat, 8#0. Warefl1811 Burvlvore SM; wldowa, T.758; total.*. To ?U than pen'loner* wlll coat durtng the pre-ent tw?l year nbmit Darlng the forenoon sesMon of the F.nrampment n.mmandwinChlef waa presented Wttt two gaeatf, Tbe fhM w?a au i*-ory one aeaeeatnd bv Comrade flarkson. of Nebrorska. and the other a wooden or ?'bualrtess gawl" preaented fry Comrade DaBaBkt, af Mlrhijjati. The latter was made from UM wiH.d of the old frngMuff tbat snrniounted the fort at DearaU 180 .vears a?o. It was this fort whirh re paMad Um Bannaa ataark af the Paatlae indians. Tbe ( omuiuiiderln-chlcf appakki tlie following ronimlt tee on raeotaUoaa i DllBBltBHliI <>f Potornar, s. S. P.urdett: Mtunaehn aetta .1 < ? B. Adarat; t', A. B. Bogue; ??????? w M. Bcott; Maryland, Qeorgc w. F. Vernon; Wnah; ington. C. tf. Ikttonj Oontt Mkota, John LW, idaho. Jud.son spotiord; TenneaaeCj \\ B. F. Miipuni. onegon, V. B. TutUe; lowa, w. R. Maonlng: Pexaa, a. 0. Malkj : Akbama. W. H. Hnntorj llnnpta, R. J. octaeby; Malne. Horaoe II. lturbank; Jfobrnafca, H. ? Pnimer; Nortb Uakota, i;. M. DavM; Ohto, j. F. ??**?? Rhode lalaod, ? BaUoa; ('ahfomia. W. H. fe barnea; Arhanaaa. Btephon wheolor; Connecuour. w F. Bogere; DeJaware, P. B. Ayaraj FJoriao. O. ii. Norton; indiaia, Gorernor a. P. Hovoy, KansHK. B. Keiley; Kcntneky, J. H. Brownlng, l.ouUliuia und Mlanaalppt, Charloi 6, Riec; Ma teka, A. a. Pntnam: Hichlgan, H. B. Dean; -ota. W. 9. Canpbcll; Mkaonii J. K. Pbelpa; Mor* tana, A. ('. Bbnona; Ncw-Hampahire. Danlel Hall, New-Jeraey, Charlea Rnrrow-; Kow-Xexlcp, Pbinp Motheraill; Be* Vork, Jamea s. Graham; Oklthoma, .i. k. Bnrna; Pennaylranla, Attred Darte; ntah, m. ' Wallaee; Vermont, D. L. M^rgan; Vlrgtnta, D. it Wllson; Waiblngton and Akaka, S. 0. Coagrove; weai Virglnla, C. it. Smlth; Pflaeonatn, Ii?i;janiln E. Bryana The "negro queattoir was refenod to a apeeUal ooaualMea eoaataMng of Merriii, of Maaaoahaaette; Ilender-.r.. of l'i?'itnylvanla..: Cimaer, of Ohlo; Llne btun, of rttnr HeaapeWnt. and Atkk*, of Okk. Tbe " Laika of the U. A. ?." rereived qtiasl-ivropnl Uon by the appoiniment of a cominUce to rct-irn their greettng. The afternoon sfsolon jras devoted almoat entlrelv to tbe dlanaaaltwi of ti^ pkea for boMIng tbe next anoaaapaent After a long, beatad debate, tbe natter wa wtUed on the Bral baBot by fTaablngton wenriog a majority of tWOBty afBB votes over LkOOk. B taUona aaea unaniuiousiy adopt^d raaneattng Oongreai M paaa a law antborulng the Intei-utc Coaunei ? CamadtarMi to penatt rallroada to give redaead ral * to all soldlers and mUOM of thc WBT of IBOl-'OO al tcndlng National Er.eaiupments. Tlie OonmlMaa on Benkrtty af Irapartawnti ?-i? eenttnaad anotbee rear. a raaokiUnn was Bnanhnoaaly wiepted Bmrttng the lejifrth of parade at all luture encampin-nts M two mtles. The seasloiw of the enrampment are bflrt behlnd cio-ed doors. Vatetam approaca nnaaunMcUagly and proeeed to enter tle hall. but are stopped wHb, "Oonn knlgBi pteaaa." " OBBB*arelgn 1" ai.d there Ii a kok rd ?atoaiabBMnl and i ?maj m tbey tara awap. Tbe ?i. A. R. man who ha- lailed to attend the mornlnp meoUng of th? poM and obtaln tho aauawMga ls ln tbii prodleament, Tha gatterlea wi te rtMrred for non dekgak <J. a. r. m?>n who eoaM give the oonntoialgn. Bven v it'i tbe roontenlgn whtapered m tbe ear af tha sentin-d, the rocky road to the enttanee La nol paaaat. Iba detegaM who h?s the eooaMratgn aftea baa for gotten to eecnra h badga, and a bodge, too, ls reipiiiod. He aaurt have that badga or be roacbed mbm well-known peraon. Ba-Praaldeat Hayei was m UUa perpMxity, but Geaeral Alt,-er, who waJked iK'liind blm, n :, ?? i win voach thal this genttemaa ls all rlght," and'the man who Ml ln Um whiie Honae waa Bermlt Md to enter. Oenaial Alger eaeerted < x ProaMent Hayea hrk Um baU, aod Um two were greetod with applaaae. l'i urnanderln/hi'-f \V. C Ve.r/ey wa I nrrrrmptml-.l apon Um phatfbrm by ea-PreaMenl Hayea, ex-Oorernor Ogleaby and othor paatcaannandera of tha order, and, by rok of tbe eneampaaant, ea Prealdant Hayea, On* ei-nor Tbayor, of Nebrneka; Ooverno* Howey, of In . and exOoirernor Ogtoaby, of Httnola, wara ipet laUy Inalkd k occ ipy tbe ptatforra. Tha taeaUon of tho noxt BBeaMpmenl haaiag be?-n ?otab '. Um rnh.t of tbe oneaaipaMnt i- u~>w ehieflj eentrad ta the atocUon of feba OoaiBiandaf'-tn-ChMf. Captain John Palmer, of Bew-York; A. <?. Weleaart, ,.f tnaoonaln, and Colonel w. B. Bmedberg, ol Call rornta, are tbe leadlng oandtdatea, aad ti m Mfe t.> mj ejakanaoftnoM wlll i.Mrted, The longaodal il oonteat ta Um New-Yorh delegaUan batwaan l^lniet and iiedcc- ended today ta a rlekry for Pabner, aftor -ev-ral faaeo m had been aMkL Mr. Hedge took Ma defeat good-nataredly and gfonlaea k ateek tor PalBMr. Mr. Hedgea aaM th.- OMo dekgattoi wooid ?upp >rt tbe N'ew Vork oandtdak after gtring tbetr own eandMata, Oaneral iinr>-t. a coraplinMOtary roto. u is aNo wrii nnderatood tbat Pannaylfania, Maaaaehaoatta, Bow-Jaiaay, Bhode Mlaod und Man Mnd win canena ta (aror of Palmer. The Bew-Jeraey cauena ia--t evenlng roted ln favor of iiedge.s, bnt Mr. Hedgea Mdd to day Und their anppoii had been ebanged to Palmer, Before Um New, Vork aalegattoB aatted on Palmer Um chaneea were decMadty ta teroe of Wela sart, and even now he is a torandabM eandtdate. Bome ?f tbe Kastern Btatea, mlgM baan s"i]> ported bifla, wlll probably roM for Palmer, bat MalBe und lUinOM have alrntdy OBOCnaed in bM favor, luid it is well awderatood tbat MleMgaa wUI deebate for WeMaart ta Um morntag. The Bkka of Cattl rnM ninioi-, Kanaaa and kUnneaok have atready daclarod for Bmedberg and wveial othor Weatern delegaUoot ?,.mted for tbe Caifornban. Altogether it pron i-,-- to be an takresttng Uuee eorueied atruggle, wttt thc ehaneea aonuwhat In favor of Palmer, Unea be : Ive Um roppoii of Um deMgatton. Only onoe Ln Um bbttory ol the order ha- !*aw-York bad Um Commander in < blef, nnd had it been known ? aaal ? BM the New-York dekgatlon would be ablc fi onlk on n man, Ma OMeUon v.otild bave been OOnoeded as an ObBgattOfl dOB UM Fnipire Stutc. BOBMthkg Of B noveltv in the way of entertalnmcnt for tbe retorana waa provMed by the city antborltie* to-day in tbe ahape ol n monater picntc al Btll Park, wblcb waa partletpated In bj over ui.imh) com? radea and thelr fnends. A boanteous lunoheon pre ceded the rormal exerclMe. Mayor Plngree weleomed the gatbcrlng and ex-Senator Thomai w. Palmer, who waa made chalrnian, dellvered one of his characteriatlr apeecbe*. Bx Prealdont Hayea and Ganaral Mlwa ? fchlH nflei.on. rhe delegati I i the annnal oonvention o. the >n Uonal Uaoclotlon oi N'aral V'eterans fllled one of the liic roomi ln the Conrt Honae to-day. Ibornaa John Kon prealded. The deairablllty ol a reaiakn of the penaion lawi In the intoreat of the rTaaal eoBtradea i Um cblef qneatka they conakkred. THE W'OMEN'S BBUEP COBPB COKVBNTlOlf. Detrott, Mteh., Aag. 5. -in tbe Caorrb of Onr PaUmr tisi- BMrrdng tbe nlnth annaal eonveaUon of Um A'omen'i BelMfCorpa wm caBed to ordet by -iir-. Mac -, ii".. McHenry, <>f Denli ?, lowa, tbe Mattonal preal Beni. in ber addreas ol weleome aad rarlew Um dwell apon tbe neoeeelty of keeplng before Congre - tbe Beeda of tbe Army narsoa, and deplored Ihe hUlnre year after year <>f the efl it- to extend t'i the? deaerr Ing women Um bem nta ol Um peneton !aw-. Congieaa, ahe -aid, ahonkl paaa a ?p '.;i peaaloa bvw for ttem, ? tbat aad Iba w ord ih 'tiM be oampMMd i aa poaalbM. Bo kr 30,000 naawM wara earoUed, bal of l&fiOO Bore UMre aaa no reeord whaterer. The ipeakor made rafcranea t<> the fact tbal eanaMarabM work waa beiog dane aaong the eolored peepM, and Uud eorpa anxllary ta po ta of eolored vateraaa ha*i wit'iiti a year beea orgaalaed as followa: Taralva Ii a. foiir ta Um Carollnaa, th:>-e ln Plorlda, Huaa in Loiti-taiiH. two jn TfcBBeaMO, and ono ctveb in 0>00r gla, Arkanaaa and Mlaalaalppl, BbUobbI Beeretary llaonah Pllmpton, of lowa, pie >Mit?-d bajr repoi't, tbowlng a t tal BMmberahlp ??; 7T.TT!?, d vi.i-ii loto SJOiii eorpa and eoverlng aearlj overy Bkta and Terrttory. <>win? t> Ihe dcllnqnenl rcporta, thM ra bad been a i"-1 ol 321 eorp . rej ? Ing a memberablp ol 12,841, durinc the ? I ,i and rehel fandi on band aggregate 1100,806. OBAKD ARMY TK k'KTs iv TIIE OHICAGO MAi: KBT. CMcaga, Aag, 8 (SpeelalK?A keal paper say* orand Army tlcketa in-.' p!ajlng haene ta tbe tVeatem pamen par BBHkat. E-. rj brofcer ta f^Icago i- -i cked fuii of tiiem, and la Mtttog Umbi way bekw traflk ratr-. That there may be rcora Uonble i- Mtogether llkely. trom < bkaga ta Kanaai City ara betng - ?M al anywhere btaa BBtW k 15. Thara ara all Undi M Ucketa ta tbe market All rnki and reatriethM 1.n -'?> at deflanea In aao t caiea, and tha UmHa onr Ing wMeh many of the Ucketa \.ill be good bave been extended far beyond tlie Ume agreed npon. TRE i?.vr jvd .vjvr r.V/O.Y COMTBMTIOB. Baatoa, Aag. d.?The tblri aanaal eonva ittoe af taa A-tny and Navv DnlOfl BNM OPOIMd i I BO lofl Htl ; o.ii. Cotnnander ln Cltie.'.1. J. 1 ? 88 M -..litii;. ManV tiers from M far BmI i- l*r>ft 1:hi<1 , Me , aad as far w.-t a Maataaa a..- ta aatandance. Pnrnmaadcr ln Chtaf Baehe daBvered bbt aanaal addreaa, reporUng tbat Um enion baa Inereaaad .'? r l ., witn i aacmbaaahlp af BO] k twantj ib:>s ?airlaona, UM total BMmbarabry ol whieb t- 800 mmraaoa. .\t ahe i n Btajar John M. lioii, af darfnaaU, wii- appatated rli omnaander. Captain .-. f t'oriirtud, >ic, aaaappointed aeUng National chap lain._ Kurull'.rr ? '? > l lUb-at) 'j ; jt ii,-t r? it ooaaea Imm u? VAi', a"* i tnuauta ki tor BlH'Oat boUntig. COL. McALPlX RK.ELECTED. V t'antlnaed fr?ni Wlmt Knae 1'irkcr A Z. Caivtri,~E. T. Bartlett, .lohn N. Schatcher. F .? V. Hrlci., L. vau Alleff mcpIm >n ;irlawoht, orange H. ItMjraham. N. Y. ch.ii.ah-in. JohnDwyer, P. V. Vati <Vrck i harlc N. i artt *, Wetoetc i ? h -. <??, ?? 2?' r \v \niici-on, Rcane Beeedlel and IV. J. MaiMbeater. 'credentlela- IValter J. Bhephard, r.halrmaa; F. ?. laakTj L Tiaoy, J. Vi.., 11:.-,,, John Ka'icv L.H K ,,. w. t\ Ward.c. II. Rowe, WUUamJharfcer. t V' vi.rh I.uclii Knapp, H. 8. Hnffiier. John A. MerrtttTR b! Helforty, *? ??? Oay, |r., Walince T?pp'?. ^Leag^Work^hn s. Bmtth, rhilrman: rfOOfl Olcasoi of Oorthind Confttj . John P. .Icnklna, ('. H. Unore J K. lleniv, III I l rater. P. A. Cnupe. \ r "unrnard. B. t. Van l ampen, l... H. W. Warner. s/iTb^rkJey. Charlea Qrinta, W. II. Coraa and \Mh '"r<'>Her'!'i''Viusincs^--\Vllllam Lrary. rhairman j E B, Vandnaen, Wllbaai A. Pcar.-on and T. Aahfcaj Atatae. A littlc before 1 p. m. the ( utivcntion took B rrcese antil ?'< P- rn. f.k.akfikmino theiu PRIaTi irr.ES. Nearly all the nfternoon BeaaiOfl W80 tnken np on a discnsaion on LOBfOO work, I digenaalaa thal waa partteipated lo by the load ine, men in thc Convention. One af tlie aaoal telllng eddieaeea wat, delivered b) a eolored dele gate, Mr. Aaderaon, or New-York City. Tbe ra perta of the varioiis ejournitteea were leeelaed aad Bdopted. That of the Committee on Itooln tions Waal as followi: The RapabVean Leegae of the Btate of New-Yorh ln ronventlon aaaembled a.iop.s tbe Mhrwiag raao InUon ? i _ ?.? ,, l Iret We annotinco o;ir nnawervlng adherenec w the pnnclptea -?? fbrth in the platform of the uapaa II. ti Natlonal 0 nvenflon of 188%. m?*s ?i.l. We heertily Inderse the AdnilnistraMon oi PreaMcnl Harrlsou, a:id offer oui eongratomnuma w the conntry lhal -o uourageona and wfeM a i aa i Maglstrate la m the bead of afl .?__. Thlrd, Reallttng tlut in th- mtnre as in the pot thc Republlcan party ri Um bope ol thc conntry, ?<?' heartllr approve the greal prlnclple* n now opon'.-. namely. the bnUdlng np oi Am-rlrvt Indnstnea enfl Hi- protectlon of Amerlcan labor; renprocal trnae wn the ctvlllaed world, brtnglng lo our aborna wa artlclea we rantmt prodaee by placlng tbem on tbe tr e bal ;.nd preaervlng onr va-t marketa for we prodncta ..f onr labor; a bl-metnl eorrenoj baaed on gound Bnanelal prlnelpKa. thal will protocl atlke thc prodncer and the consumer; a free ball >t and a falr In every Btate ln thc ITnkm; a pcncrooi roeogrtl tio-i of ilV aoldlcr of the republlc, hl- wldow nnd DM orphan, by |udlctoaa and flberal penalon btwa; we ercatl m of a greal navy that ehall nanae onr ea: to be ;? p -ctcd on > '?' ry aat, and Um ??:? atlon of N:itimal .', f". - i.-.t shaii proV-ct n- at ho-i,e: the promorloii of honest Immlgrntfon whUe reatratnlng that ofpanp?ra, oonvleta and eontr.-tct laboror Ponrtb. We denonnce nen.ocratie rnM ln we ynte dnt ng roceni reara. Thc Admlnlstratlon of DavM B. lilll '.;,. detrraded Um Rnhernatorlal offlce and hrougnt rcpmach upon Uw Rmplre State. We demand tlnu ballol refi>rm ahonld be earrled to it- legltmate ron rlualon. We demand thal a llberal mpropriatlon be mndo t.> Um World'i Colnmblan Rxpoaftion to bc ncW at Phieago ln 1803. We conmicnd the ItcpuMi.nn Leglalatnrea fhr thclr iuer*a*fol ell rl- in ivdnrinc the vote and equalulnr U>e hnrden.' of faxxtlon. Finh Wefavoraach MgMatlon v wlM proteel bome indu-trics in thls Btate from anfalr eompevttaa with prlaon hab ,;' Tliis report wm ttnanimonalv adopted, nrnl aftcr thc re-aleotion of Preaident McAlpln, who wa? plarer! in nominatlon hv Rdward T. Bartlett. the Conventon adjonrned ut.til tbki raarnlng. Coloncl MoAlpln'a nomlnation waa made hT **? clnn.ation on rootion of Mr. Bnffner, of N>w-\orU ("uj'. A miolntion of tlmnks wa- tendereti State Oreantror O'Brien for his good work in a-SfciMmi; to xet np the ConvenUoa. A HA8S; AT THE OPEBA HOU8E. THOOOAaTTJO i.l=Tl y TO BPEBM BM BT OBHaJUX. WOODFORn, GK5ERAL OOPP Tt. O. Hortn n. P. PORTRR. [Br RLMauni to tiik ir.inrNK.1 syraen^v N. Y.. Aag. 8.?The cvenlng maai meeting "f tbe Leagaa ln the Oraad Opera llonae waa a moat In ptritlng one, AB the delegatea were ? a, weli aa aaveral bnndred Madlng .?itiKenK of ,-. with their arlvea. Bbqnenl ipeechea were made by General Btewart L. Woodford, Robert P. Porter, ex-Congreaamaa lloar and Ganeral Ifatban Ooff, Lettera were read froai Ganeral Oaraaon. pr i.icnr of Um rTatlonal Leagne, Oongreaaman MeKlnley vei otbera, expreaelag thetr regrata al nol belng able ;, ba preaeni nnd thdr bearty aympathy with Um Republlcan League aaovanMnt Colonel B. A. M' Alpln preatded. General Woodford waa t.he Brat r. lle made a brlef bal brllllanl apeeeh. lle referred to the lmponani Btate eleetton approachlng Md tiien. tomtng hi- attenttoa t. Um Parmera' A1B aaee B?f?aaeat, appealed ao tho* Repobllcana of Rew Yorh to oppoae thpi movamenl with all their itrangth. iic aaM: The Biat need of the laborcr Is an boneat d'-llnr. and therefore i am ronudeni that tlie Republlcan party wll sund Qrmly opp d to the vagartea of the Farmera Vlllance and wlld for an honeal dollar. Not only i> .,,,?, |,,,;i party Ihe partj oi Ui h 'neei douar, but it is alao Um part? thal bcllcvea ln protccnon to Amer ir^n labor we belleve rooal earneaUy In ti.c Oovern ment of onr conntry protectlup it- UUMrera agaliial the c mpetltlon it; our markeM ol (orelgn a irklngmen. We belleve In developlng Um mnnnfactnrei oi our conntn We believe thal our Induatrle* ahonld be developed to tlvlr greateal extent, We atand npon the .: i ,?- tbe moal Importanl electl in ol the n t slx tccn rean. Ua-t faH's verdlct,we thtnk.waa acaprletous ,,.?, We appeal from Phll p dtnnk to Phlllp aober. i'..,,,, B piatf,, m favorlngan honeal dollar. proteetlonto Amerlcan Indnsi ??. Ihe developmenl ol Amcrican ;? ??m nnd the furlherlng of tra?'.' on a reelprocal baalfl with other naUona. we ahaU aaak to pnl Rew-yora among th? RapehBeaa ^'-tri- lOraal applaaae.) Robert P. Porter expros?ed hi? greal pkeaare al belng able to attend a convent!m whlrh wonld 10 greaUy benafll Um Bepabtleao party. He then Kave lome highly IntereaUng ataUaUea, aathered froai thc ,,.,, na, ln relatlon la the Indnatrlal progreea af Um , ., try in Um ia?t u>n yeara. lle pedated out Um aereaae ta thc amount of the cropa and ta Um proaperlty "f narmere, and amued that the Parmera' AlUaoce movement waa bascd on blaa pronaaea. In eonclualon, be aald: The eentral kka of the MeKlnley TarUI biii wai to nratect Oic Vincflcan home, lo glve th- Amerlcan work , . i . maintalu ni- lamilj ln coml irt althout < i.ti.i. li ?._' hi- wlfe to labor aa Um women rt Europe do, to glve him lufflrient nay to edneate hia chlldren and lo lav up aomethlns for old age, nial ,, the Mea thal nirferltea tbe McKinMS WIL and .. ? non your leaguc? discuas lhal pha>c ol the questlon tho bettor for Amcrican hom? and Vmerlcan labor, N 't , i. doea the Republlcan party pr ?i?<h ? lo -??? to II thal the Imcrlcan workman haa a h >me, but. a i have -a.d. it la totally oppoaed lo l IIIiie np Uie alma hotiscs and i.honaea < f the ron itr; aith ti.c herolc ?i- <.f the ^ar. who shoul.lered a inn-Kei for thc rnlon when the Bag thal hanga la re ta rach profnal m mi- iii danger. Tl.e mnsl be no Mreakcntng on ihe p,,: of Republl. ana .... thla cardti ni prln'rlple. i,\ tho homca ol Ihe connlry and b) the boKIIciw. rhe Mukwiiii ps, who ar.mpJaii ng so bltterly abooi Ihe amount of monev paid oul for penaiona. nevcr aald a w..:ii ii'n.ii Um enormou* cxpcndltnr - f t Intereai <>n the pr.i'.. debt. Thal waa a Jn i pnymenl and . << honorubl. rltlaen eonM olijecl to it. i niil ii can be ...(i-c.--f.illv thown thal hnman Beah and blood i- ..f . .;?!. Um rcntrai i tlna tiovern meiii made with Ita a;ildlew mnal be fulnlled aa Ihe contiact with its bondhoklera baa bean. l,i me unote *o. ?lartllng Bgurei reecnily pre -cnieii b) Ihe Comml doner "f Pimalons. ln i-'-'. tereat on the pnbllc d-l.t was 8151.000.000 and the penalon rol] 8^,500,000, a total of nearly 81?t). 000,000. Th" populallon of Ihe eountrj ai lhal 35.O0O.odo, and thc per caplta exp?i for Ihcse two purp ??'' 57. i fall to rerall any irticlea in N< >?? \<>vk t.-pir'-;-- denounring th ? ? c , r 11 ? ? ? inl ii": dh. !.?'....: nnndh Um non pay f interest. I 10 ery II al the roontry .... belng bniikrupted. Wc ilmply pnld ;h'- Inter ...I. and ;?- i have ahov iry weni on ind proaperlngi H"? mnrb have t'1" received In interol ? d : remliim alnce IHOl 1 Ti.ev have been piW BS.OOO.O'iO.OOil, llow much ha> Ihe pen lonera reeelved flurina Ihe ame They have been p ild ? 1,2 i i n <? ball Um amonnl paid the bo idholdera. llow (l....- th. a< ? nnt -? i-.'i ' -'in amounl poM l ,-t jrear f.n- penalon* wa, f..i jnt. to bo dholdern 830,000.000, a total f onl] ?iri2.000. 000, or ?*-' ?? t per raolta. Tblnh uf onr Incrco-se ?if wcalth i ->?.'.: It baa more than donbled, Thlnk ,,f tbe annual pi durtlon -.f Mii- ronntrj ?lnre Ih al That, too, aa* almoai donbled, and we are told Ihe n rlalmi a -? bankruptlng Ute i tntry. Phere was a more ernelly false ???'. nnpatriotle ery. \. ,?; .11 nf our preai mlllta lendera have dled be? fore their Ume lt i- eitimated thal iW.001 toldier . f tl.? war ? ii.ilr. .1 hi allh and have lo*l twelve years of lifc F their ? rlcea to fh'> ? their rlalmi to be l.-fi nnpald and ?he i.lolden to be paW ta full! i Ihlnk not. -<? Ih llepubllcan party h i e ln the affalrs of thc NaUon. ). I M -:?- man U.H. llOIT, the ne\t -]ica!,er, >i.l : i .ni arwayi t- II whaa l an b) n Repnl Ui aa ? ?, b\ Um g. it la -Thc biar -i.n.l'"! I?ann?r," uThe Red, Wmte and Blue'1 and ?? Am-'I. a." a'hiie .t Dcmocratii i invontlon "img i remember to hi heard waa ?? i e m'l go nnl : morolng.' .??;? .1 !.-... rht. r.l l llke to i ? proapcr* w hcu the pc^plo are bBPpl ? la HM la t ||, WPekK j j,uv? tra-.ell m fio/n itah to tha AUanUi ueean Karer in my aja tnre i v? ?' raantfj ao growwa witn goad oropa. wiiat laea Uad ibow l it abowa ?iat tho gooti i.urt MmaeU ,- pwparing thla .ntry ?or aoother Uepnblicun rletory. There is no aonaibb roaaon why N-w-Yor* gtaM --all not be rarrfed bv th Kepubllean party t.'na bill. Organlia (iw Republleaaparty ln arery eico tjon dlatrici in Uaa sThte and we hall win it and -.ettie the Pi '? i*i*l eleetlon. Do notiet Ihe olllcea .iiv.'io roa. Padronaga trerta mora than ? belpa. rhere aaa atwayi Bre men Koklng otlea ''.??,. ||i;i, gota It. .mi. one man oan bold oae oftea Kvid it. 111:1 w tho obB bmb that baj tnceeeded ln he.l':,k- tA, ,,.:,-? .,? rUne. (Lnnghter.) i have prnt i,,^,^,, m tlN eoring oleetlon, for i have beeome a?ttnien of Sow V,:rh State. (Applaoae,) l.ct u> all work i,,,i .,n,| lin|ied ly and we ihaii etarl tbe Repnbneal gtata Uckea. K\ Conprea-nian Ooff, of Virgthla, ln(in aknaeal .1 aakgkad wmiam B. Baaari, Rosic coakbng, ( harter a. Arthar, wiiiiam at BwarM and i)e soidiora of ttpn York. II" dOMllbei hl? Journey ?lu l(rn s>w. York State to-day. *"d *ald that he dld n< aaadBf thal BOrth of th.- llarleu, Kiver Ihe State ^ p> ?abUeau. Baaijnhara there wat, efhtance a pros perlty. ConUnatag he said : I love UM Bepabll aa paitp becanse It hns ^n. ?ioned tl^ I alon aokflera, beeaUM it bas made ,ur credit, an I baoanje it Uaa glven oa honeat l M i eame through thi- MtHe 1 d,d not wonder u. Utfa la ralted the Bniplre rdale. it la the - of manafaetorlng Btatea. n is tbe rawU of i. poliey ?f Uie Bepubllean party. "K",llu/ n' uMetlnea dgnlfj aometning. They bmm t a m. party which aerved Um Satloo is to be eont'n ed V powar. Tbe RepnbUean party baa yef a groat mia -,on. Ererj UUa flag BoatB. ??y-rj TOWr, ?rhlte or i-'ei. ahouH have the rlght k vott.? anu ripM to bave hii rota ronnted. The erowntog on tn - ;?;h!- ocntnry ;- the *upprea.|on of the ^/; * ''', ora;:-?.,.. The rute of IheNorthern ^nwcrat LTcoiintetl. Tne roi. tha Honthern ttapnhUcan s ?iippre. -e.i. it ,- on Infamj whleb wiU not down. a NaUonal ekri. taw i- oeeded andla oeeded badiy. The l.i.igKM -ii .aM have paaaod one, and d'-nt II; nl <n was all rlgbl ln damandlni mat it ibobjo he pia ed. (Greal appl urae.) THE ? >LL < >F CLUBS AT sYKACl'SE. Syracnae, Aug. B fcSpeckli.-Ob tbe oaJJ of the r?n oi dekgate al the l onveuttoii the foltowlng loeai organuatlona were foand k be repreaented: Connty- FHal Uogno. Wea Troy: sevcn beenth \Vanl i lub, Albony; riMrtoenth Ward A^soeia tion, aii.j ; Loeymon Leagua, L^inana, iw on ,:?,,. j;,,,. Eleventh Ward AaaodaUoD, Albany, Uncondltlonal Clab, Albany; Fonrtb Wara ciuDjAI la.:,; Fonrteenth Ward Cl.Ubany ; Oec*ge[Carnp beU Clnb, Lohooa; B'eat rroy BepobBcan Onb, aeet AttegbanpOMinty Alteirtown ?P?fk?ean Cttih._ Broome Countj Grani Clnb, of inngiiamton. Kortb slde RepabUean Clnb, lilnghamton. ,..^4 Cayuga Coanty Menta Clnb, Port.Bjrron, w?M> BOrt'l Clnb, tteedaport; );jAui;,irn. CbntonCoautj JlcKinlei i lub, fVert < ;^j . \; ? n Men'? Ctab, Ptaltabnrg; champMIn Bepwhuaan am, "'ri^niuV^l'oHiiv-'KMe.dU-a,, Ese.rt Cb.b.ttlmj a. Chonango (*anty-Borwlcb ciub, Iforwkh, BopnbU "t^Vtk^COunl, Tl,,pl:l.elTnb,.-ortbi.u1Kcpnbll;:an Clnb Marathon; tortland UepnbUean wuguo, Bepttbllean Club, Vlrgll: Homei atepablleaa Uagae t,,i,'.:ta1nr::!\p; ^-u ^h??.?***?. ivetwon Clnb, lauiaio, l.utiaio BepabBcan ''I'^.'mi Connty-Begalar BepnbBcaa club, Glorcra. TIHe; Bopulilb in Club ol Gloreraaille. ,.,???-,?? I'oanty RopubUcan Uagne, iMray. ,,.,.,.!?? county Republlcan Club, OoxaackM; rau %SmerToS'tVb-W*ne? MI lier Clnb, llerklmer: raiotT Itopublban Clnb. Uttta FalM; P. K. Bptnaar 1 ''.'t.'r.M"''.';!'connty-BepnhBoan Clnb, Adana; Beaab !i,i:, club, B'atartown; Bepabttoan cinb. roarea W1Ktan Connty-InalnelbM fbtb. seventh Ward, BinokVyn; Jamei W. Btrkell taaoektkni Brooklyn, nVlnelt'lo Club. Twenty-tblrd Ward. Brooklyn; \onng Kepubllean (.lub of Brooklyn; Ktoga Count> Lea^uc, Bnohlyii; Krd ml Rcpnblican Ctab,.TwenUetji Ward, ,.. .. cini.. Brooklyn; Federa Re pnWican CluS of Klnga Coanty. Brooklyn.; konng M,.?-s Republlcan Club. .-event-nth Ward. I.r.a. .1 ? WIBiam ii. U u dt " lub Bwhlyn; Itullan Be^pubii ,.,? Clnbi n ookljn; IT. 8. Granl l tab, Br oklyn, i nlon i.' o tne i lub, Ur oklyn. Livlngatoii Countj Kepubllean Club of MoHb I vill-. iMnarllle Kepubllran Club, Gei eb RepnbU "tSSsA .,.;;"iv;.;:,;;:;1,.1;u'iliub. Repnb. U^neW.VoanT-RepubUe.n Battery. OBtdtk; Ra publlran Club, Hamlll n; ?*n< da RepnMican i lub. Montgomcrv County Amt'terdam Rcpubllcon clnb. Cannjobttrie RepnbUean Club. Pt i'laiu Republlcan Monroe CMank-akpnbllean Clnb. Pltttford; TWrd Woid Kepubllean Club, Ru '?-??: RepnbUean < tab. Mi.ti Ward. Korhester.risoti and Mortoit Vetenui i.,,?, k cl ->?:?: the Perliiton iMngne. ivrm?? "'? k Volunl -I-. Koche-ter; gcottavlUe R , ui Club, .- ottsvilie; Uouulas Leugue, Kochester, BcpubUcan Clnb, Perlnton; Llncotn Club. Roel th tt'aid cfub. Rochoater; hlxtcenth W&rd ,.-- M.t,-- Ctab, Roeh <ter; Fmrteenth Ward llarrl ,?;. und Morton Club, Roehest<-r; rhlrl *nth Ward i; publlran Club, Roclie ter; Tenth Ward Club, i-.. ..- t..;-; sixtli Wanl Club, Rochester: Company A, ,:,,.., ;? i,!,,,.. Roeheal r: Becond JVard < lub, Rocheeter; K 5?e?ter iTotectlYe Tarlfl Clab, Bepab ,"'VM^'!;;,;";"';,^"nnt1t,i.,.i IkpabUcan Leatou; i-,*,? a iiialne ?ub ol the Vth Aaaembly Wnrictj No h^ide Repibllean Club: Alpha Reoubllcan Club i > Club of tbe xvuitii AsMjmbly i> i 'roirreu Bepublkan Oub. ol Um MJi Aaacmbly D|> .,,,. [^publlcon A-Mriati-ii of Xltb As?embly 1>1* iiVt ?* i ' '.oin Ctab, Morria Hclghta; Republican < lub ? >f tlie CHr of Sew-York; Independeneo Club; J. W. Terry Club: Youiig Cotored Men'* Republlcan Club; Vomii.' Ben'a Bepubllean Clnb vilib Aaaernbly Dte Ml'VNe'nnatiA-'e.i.::.! Republlcan, Club of XXI, d \ ..imIiiv Dlstrltt: Repubican < Inb of X\lll.. VaSinbR Tif.trl.-t: Vvllth Aaaernbly Dlatrict, itenubUcan Club; GarfleM Club, of ilnrh Brldge J2kni rolorcd Republlcan Club; tbe Ivy Club. ot I,. \\Ild .\--.'.nbi>' Ul-Lb-: Republlcan Club. XVth \-.-tibl- in-iiirt: Nintli Wi'isl lloneer Corps; Kloom incrtale Reutibllcau Club, XlXth Aaaernbly Wstrlel Llneoln Ptoneer Corpa; RopubUcan Club of tbe IXth Uaeinbly Dl-tilct; Cnlon Republlcani CJub ofI tho \illtb a??n.biv Dlatrict; r. i*. Grant Club, XVth Ah s*mblv Ulstrlet; Jaraoi G. Bbdne Aaaoctatlon, \ th \ .-nblv DUtrlet; McKlnle) KepubUcan Ctab, Xltb ? natricl ll-re-in Republlcan Ctab; Ltacoln Lengue, ?1*1,1 Vksembh Dhtrlct; Aitbur club; (^rthagenloii Renuhltrafl flub ot Ww xxilid Aaacmbly Dljtrlet; Young Mcn's Republlcan Club. Vlth Dlatrict; Young MenN Bepubllean Club, XXlat Dlatrict; Iriah-Amprtcan ReiMibllean Club: Republlraa Ctab of tbe XXth W* ,n,.t .,n<i c. .-. Granl Club of tlie Xlllth Aaaemblj 1/ triri all of Xea Vork City. (Mnarlo Connty Protoctlve Ctab. Canandalguo, Republlcan Club, Cllfton bprings: RepnbUean Club, (.eneva Voung Jlen'a Republlcan Ctab, Canandalguo. Rcpnblican tlnb, Phelp*; rhoitsvllle i:- p .111. :,t. Ciub. Onuiie County-Bmplre Clnb, Silghland Mllla; B* publlran Lengue, MMdletown: Kepubllean Club, bew burg; Republlcan Club, llamptonsborg; KepubUcan Clnb, Mlddlc llope. _ w . ? Urleana Countj Republlcan Leagua Club of Me dina. . ., _, Uawego Countj Republlcan League of tbe Town ,.f gohr ppel; l'i.;\ Oerman RepnbUean Club, ol i?swego; Kepubllean Club, Granby: ConUnentala, Oa aego: Frofitl i Cltj Republb in Ctab; M. L Wrtght, (Teveland; Weal r>lcle Republlcan < lub. tiswego; trei ond w^-nl Republlcan Ctab, Oswego; Klfth Wanl R< publlran Club, Onwcgo: Bepubllean Club, Laconla; Rci'ipi -ii. Kepublii'iiu Clnb, l*nla?kl: New-ll?ven Rc puhbrau Clnb, Ncw-llavcn; Cnlon Kepubllean Club, ?;,, i ilcj Republlcan Ctab, Albl n ; Eaal Blde Kepubliran Club, \ it*ei > Con i ln Republlcan <"iuii of One ouetda Countj ConUnental Rcpi'bUcan Club. 1'Uea; Kleventb Wnrd Repnblh an Clnl . Ctb n : Cltj of Romo I.. . ue; Repul liean < lub, ol Kirklnn l. KcpnbUoan .').? in-. i:l" : Republlcan Leaguc, Roae. i nondngn l nntj Kl t, Seci ad, Th rd Ponrth, Flfth, slxth. > ventb, Rlghth, NlnUi. Tenth, Kleveuth, Tv.ilfth. Thlricentli ond Fonrtcen h Warl V, utig Men'? R< pnblh m ? Inba: lionnei Younf M Itepubliran Club : syia u e l.i n lan \.I< an R< i ub II, Club; Jordan, BaMalnavllle, Lyainder. Manlius Vlllaov, Matillu- Htallon, Mareelbu, Delphl, Llwrpool. Tully, Latiycti . Warner . CU> and Llrerj .lub-. ? I'iiti.atn C rnntv Republlc ui Club >?? Pold Spi (jnnen'n t'ountf ~' ond SVurd RepnbUean A soela ilou. Long 1'i.ini City; Pourth Ward Kepubllrao Aa rlation, L'Hig City: Republlcan Ctab of Fai Kmknway: l.lm >ln Ctah nl Umg [aland City; riilrtl Ward Rc| ublii uu ??t*o lal - Lo : I dand Cltj : i lli in \ ?. iaUon of Long I-i md City: Kepublbnn Club, Jumah .: N'ewtown RepnbUean CJub; Wnlu tov n Rcpnblican Club; Coioua U i". I lub. ( 01 IIII. Ro : 11 ??! Countj Xyack Republli an Ctab. i;,-i i .,?? i , intA- !.'? piil Bi ?n t lub of Troy : Llneoln iltib. of (?reenbn-h; lloiwl KepubUcan Club, l..ii-in. ton Kenublleon < lub, i:' rroy, Rlihinond Countj Grant Ri>|iublltan Lcague ciub. \ -vi i ?, rji ilil'd Kle.tioti |ii l'i i RepilbUeun Club, ,,i Ko'.itaileld, W"-i Nea Brlghton 'ort Rlcbmond Re publl an l.".i.:tte ' tab. -Titi. i .ntj Vet?i and < ,aena' Clnb, oi Saratosa . Llneoln <'iui>. ?" Hural ra, -.tad i ,:':''. Lliti In i. ague,ofselienectady. 8t< uben (' ii?'' I ln< n!i Ri ptiblii an Club, ol Ing . II r. -i if lb pnbllcan Club of llorro II- lk). Benera Counti Llneoln Club, K^neea Palla. Bt. Lawreure Countj Voung Mci.'a Kcpublfran Club, Potada . Bttill I Republb an < lui* f Llb 'rty : Mar on 1 Clllb. Tiogj Countv Republlcan ciub ofowego; WaTerlj Republlcan ? lub: ' andor Republlcan Clnb. T impkln Coentv- i lub. Wavne Countj v: ?d i Republlcnn Ctab nf \ev. :,t!.:'nv i , .J publl an Clti ui i !nn n -..ut!: SiKlii-; \o!itt4 Club Oi i.\,.ti : Yonna BenV Repnbttean ("lub ol Galona; Walllngton KepubUcan Clnb. of WaUlngtou; Young Kepnbllenti Ctab. i?l Cljde. w. e Countj Terrn e Cltj Clnb, of Yonkera; C ii ti r Republb un \ rlatlon nf Mt, Vernon: Republlran Clab, <>t New-ltoehell : Greenbnrg Repub lli iin i ? i ? ? ?? I v R< pnblli m 1^ igue ..; KliaM -i'1-: I olored Men - Repnl lli I . nl Tarrvtown: Nlnth I1*trirt RepubIIrai Clnb o| Ka.t Di.i.' . 11: n Republir in < 'lub : >????;. ii Kepublli .in Ctab ol Wn ? Slua 1 doi tl Ri publli ui i.ea.-ne i lub ol Tarrvtown: Repnbllrnn Leagat of l'lhaui; K. A. MrAtnln Republlcan Lcague Clnb ol Iting -ii":: Kpurian !(? p igna of Slng .-in^:; Morth KMe Bepubllean Clnb, nl ".ItiR Klng; Yonkera i; pubUean Leagne: Katonah Be| ague: Youna Men'a Indcp'ndenl Republlct i Clnb, of Yonkera. Wnablngton Cimnty Young Mcn'a Repuhllean Cluh of Fort Rdward D ibllrun Clnb. Gkn Fall N it-- Countj Llneoln Clnl of Penn Yan; \>\ Lcague Clnb, ol Benton: Loaun ciub, of Dlufl I'oint: Llneatn n pubtti an Clnl, italy. LARGR l.ii:i i: \i. <? \iv- in ITAH. ? Labo, i iib, Aag. 5. I'n i retama abaw thM Iba la'?!??!- ha- twelvi of tbe Inglalatma. aaa U.I1-U UM, u BaTBJ ,a,u 0ver Ibo auuibor lu .__ fCV|oiu Leglalature. TlM LlberaH e'.ect three m/n,rrs <* the conncll and aix of the House ln JJJ, .py by a pl.irallty of 1,100. The Llberala also Her a countr eolleetor. two *clectmeii and Jg JotTity anpcrlnlcndcnt by pluralltlea of ?00 to 3,000. THI PEOFLF/S FARTY IX OHIO. THFIR CONVENTION IN 6PRIX0ITELD-THE FirusT DAT*I sr.s-iox hGONBUnU* UTTLE. lattagdahl, ohlo, Aag. ,V-The Peoplo* P?rtv ?on rentlon was rallcd to order at Baaw P- m. hy ? ?? Baraaa, of Tifttn, ehainnan of the .State Committee, artei toag atbay ln waltlng for the Ilamlltoa Coimty BJBOnae me.-tlng to aettle difflciitiea. There were efatdB dBJW iilagaan arcaawa. hftee paayar by the Rev. waaam Crawford, tho Chatff r<-ad lettcxa af regrct, one irom OcoTRo g. (ialtber, rhalrma-n of fhe Alabama StAte rom.nlftee, and from Senator Pfeffor. The UMBI Introdiiccd as tcmpornry ehainnan llugh Cavaoaugi. He aald that their pnrpose was to aerve notice on the old parMea that thev have ontllved their usefnlnesa. lle treatcd Ihe, llnance, tarift and other gaaaWaWa ln the manner B* forfh in the ClncWinaii reao tatJoni and met aOBffty approval from the aud.torluni The .p.eatlon with whlrh the Thlrd-party had to deai WM a? to who would ba the aucccsaor of the gentleman ajoai MaillBatd This movemeht would prove tnai ... firm and relagaae John Hherman to BM JPOTNI M.vlon that waa enjoyed by hia friend Inaal s. m rvrred iu leaahlttf tcrm* to Urice. and aald the> ?'id al thc aaBa protaat against aaathag ofwaaar BW tW(( Robert Schllllng. Natlonal aecre '?irv-nh!r,sed ihe ..mventioii. m_mmMm H?advocated QoveraaaaBt contmi of raflroaea, and th ,,,iin by thc liovcmmcnt to farmera of money M - IH ,,.?!, on non-perishable produee. 'Uie .MVI.IlM)[l to 8 a. m. t0-?r?* wltb ar] a,...tine ?!,<, ,-ftp.,rt of the committee on ruies and ordeMJ I'ommUteo on R-olut.ons h^tMOa adi-'nel. %*iS?S? SSA ^JBaJnAt reached oonVpjtoa, BAY FTATr, RFTURUCAN COMMITTEE. THE TIIRKF. Ua?T0XS8 ni.t.ED-TIIE MEN WHO WtlX-SOWDTJCl TIIF. CAMPAlfJK. BoatOB, Aag. :, (srv-clali.-The Republkan atate Committee in ?! at \ p ru. to-day at th3 head.piarters ln Behool-et. lo flfl be vaeaaeMa in the membershlp-at ktrga of the Ommiiee ?n Re?olntlons of the eomlng Btate OonveattOB, ra'.ed by the rc-lgnatton of F. w, RoekweB, wlBhMB Oyswell and Joseph H Walker. Cbalrman Burdett preeead, and abont twaadytaa ? the fnrtv members of the committee were present. After a -c-inii of more ttan an hour It waa announced thal the vacaneles had hen fllled by tbe unanimous ehoioe of ea-Oungfeaamae ritdawM T. Greenhalge, of BoweU ehainnan; Oeaeral Vllllnm F. Draper. of Hope dile, ar'l Franl H. Wrlght, .f Oraat Barrington. Bae retery Wardell li anthortty for the atatement that B w MeCalL of WlBcheater, wis not menttoned. Ex Congreeaman Greenhalge and Oaaaral Draper ar. weu known. Fraah H. afrlght is a l-idlng lawyer of bm-k shire Ooanty. He ? about torty yeara old, has been ? member of tha Lagfatotare, and la veii known baroagh M,1 tbe eonaay as a stanch Republhan. Tbe rc*tgna (?,. - of ex-Congioaamar, RoekweB, Ongreasman Uaiwr and CogaweU were utianimously aeceited. Chairoan Durdett baa appolnted the follow-lng mem bara ta aaatat the offl.ers of the commlt*e ln condurt lBg the campalgn: T. C. iut? Wfwcwter: i owea Nijrrla and Charlea Mann, Boaton : pMoC.. Mi aen \cwiiedi...d: Abrabam C. Kat-<uta,ky 1 o*>n.jCojonei \; n! ooettlng, sprin^tield, and Oeorge J. hnrr.a, Ajer. TMF. NKW-.7ERSKY RXPUBXICAJI LEAGUE. Trentoa, B. J., Aag B pajeeaal).-A mecting of tho Execnilve committee of the ffhate a?imhBcaa Leagae ;.^ .,,;,, behlnd cloaed daara m the Tra-toa Bjaae Uri, .fternoon. The mecting was aaOed by ***** Wllbor A. Molt to aet on his realgaaUon. He ealle4l it to order and aaaaetad hta raakaaattoo. rtaatng at tha MM tlme thal his ac was cau-ed by the V***** boaineaa. The reelgnaUoo was aeeaptad and a voto , thanka tendered to him Mr his aervicea. I ii oaakill, of Mount Hotty, waa anaalmooaU ,,e",-M pif-id-nt. The new piesid?nt U a rlslng young tewjer of Mounl rlally and a aard-worWag Hcpuhlican. ,,.. i, oell aaown nU avar the Btaaa. At thc laat Made rjoavantton ba was ehoeea lemporary cbalrman a... ?. ,ae an able addreaa. Ba will t.ii tho piiwo eradttabtj '..,, I, thoagM to ba the right man In the rlgbt phaea, m preaent ha la ln Oato atwaaptag for MeKmiev Th(. ,,,.??,?tee deelded lo hoU acoavearttoo tafha r,.,r roture aad a committee oooatatlog of PreaMant riM?lll Blmer Banndeeton, of >'cwark, E. C. um. o. Trenton, and L T. Deroaaa, Of Camden. waa appolnted U, maka la^gamenta for it. The committee y,-ou ? nn liife M to the buslncss tmnsarted. but tbe M..Mon ... th- league ta organl.k leaet .>0O new Ke pui.l can cluba throaghowf the Mate. COMMODOBI VBDDM RF.NCMIXATF.D. jwoeatown, Ang. B.-Ae waa azpeedad, th, Repab ,,;,,,? ^,i:i,( Convention olt' ,,;lv nomlnated C. P. Vedder. of Cettaraagae, JtriBtate Jnator. There was no oppoarUOO, and the motlon to l:,??;,,t). b, aeelaaaattoa was aarrtad wlfhaal a H* vnilng v ito. _^_, (IIOKKIVS VIS1T AS A PP.ACvM AKKR. Ea^hamberlatn Croaer was la the atty ye-t rday from Bjchflrtd Spriaga to Mak aflei tha aaagM a Bonference af Pametratla Nederi wa* hdd aat evening ,t e Luse of a r/eU-kaewa aaehem af laanaaay, at Jufh wS laartde. Mr. Croker. atayoe Maat, ., fAwui Murphy, of the Demecrattc ?*?? CommuMdooaf Ollroy, Poll - ?......u.-otej m rt . ,?:i, it is aald, other peraaaa, memben of the >t? fr u... ? ,,?;,?. ;??? ,?it-,ae the .:ity. RM^way. ,, B.oogtyn, waa reported to have V^^^^JT , ? 1S, aa u.e m. ..d aad rapreaeatatlve of "Boaa H Uagh ?' ?;,,? h?-,?ess?,..h.r..t.,e?K-i,<l.itt.efa..s uf the. amtlaaaa UgnorAelera, the iKM-ble aetten of ?? Commll. la rekOlaa to ?cl?dlmi Um County ,.. , ,,,,v ,ro?, Mrther memberahlp, and tha d-n aad- af ,, , ,;:i, ,,,;?,-? tt.ia tae athei aaahma ******* y. Mr.Crakerhad atarted aat ??? a ,-ru, |. mT.Rerth.i.Bng - - dved c-ddeaU. ;,-^ I friend toat ha had nnd rUken thc hard^at joo ofhUlllte, :, ,., t?e named, .1.rotMktyafea. addlatau. ;,n boht a.. adjmuaad eaaaaltottoo at tha Hayefa om.o tod.y. m_ CHlEf MAVKS I.KA1.S IN mr. I N 01 AN KEA Tl OR. 8, uula m... aag. B.-a Tahleqaah, L r., apeahd ? ? ..All t?, rcini- ot the Tahleanah and lUinola dlatricu ahow a kaadaoma aaajorlty Mt J. B. M,,,.s. Downlng aomlnea for ehtefc TN i.aiaga u :,,,,?,.. over the i- -nt. aa theaa twe Wetrfctaiwaaa de ;???,? ?.,?, 1)V ,?? gatloaala M |va Iheai a htavyMa. \,-., Flve aol ol ataa dlateteta aava been beard from. I .v.,v,- la Madlag la u.e raea. The N-atonal. eoac?4e I.ilcetlon of kUyea. Hm ra^ecUon r n.ief Mayca clearly lndlca*ea that thc Chetoaaa paaple ,,.? rcady tor a ehange la Iheli rarrn af gavefawaeat, a Cblef alayea la Wa eatlra eampatga eppeetd BlhjhaaalN .-?a>-? TOPICa AT TBKSATIOHAI CAPITAL. BaWBOAHIZATlOM AT TIIF. BBW-YOBK XWY TABD. Waahtngton, Ang. ?"'? Artlng Becretary Boaay li .,?.,! ., ipe i:,i ord r thla aftern.i deeharlng carteln plore ? the New-Vork Barj lTard vacant oa Bep tember i, and an esamlnatlon of appBcanta wlB be held al the !favy Vard on Aagaaf 17 rot BBlag ti.c toilowiog conatracUon department?Mai ualnter, quarterman ln chargd of blochmahera and roop ra, quarterman ln charge of eaalaan aad oakam makera, quarterman la charge af pattetumahera, iinartorman In charga of labo/era; .-te;.... ragineering departmenl moalcr Bagmahera; yarda and doeka .1* partraenl to rtvB engineer; ordnaaea de? al quarterman In charge of aaachlnlata. Ti.e examlnaUon wlB ba opan lo all eoaaera who ve evidenie of experience In condacttng the l Ind ol work (or whlch thev aeek emptoyment, and who ,;.' rltiacna ..f tba I'nited BtaUa. It wiB bc praeUcal In chara ter. __ _ TO \v\l< II IMMIOBATIOB AT PHILADELPHIA, Waahlngton, tug. B.?Aettag Beeretary RetUetaa t??^ ,i:,\ appoluted John I. a, Rogera Coaaaiiaatoner af ba> migratlon al the porl of Pbiladetpbla. lle waa turmerly emptoyed In tba aaaaa eapadtp whcn tUc aay> , in.tli r >tate COOtroL A CHlCACK) I.KX'Ki; TlllK.I' \i:i{F-'IED. Waahlngton, a..l-. bv-Ctdef Paatadlea laapaetai wheeler to-day i.Ivai a telagraai braai laapaetar -tuut at Chkago, aaylng ti.:it be had arraatad Haary F.. Ilarlow, a carrler ln the Chieaga aflke, tor ataalbn letlera. The Inapertnr aayt that Iw iias accurvd a v.cti.n confeaakiu af llariow'a ^ui't. ULVRB rn;'ii\>i> BY IW1 TKF.xsntY. Waahingt.tag. aWTha often <>f gBver to tho Treaaarj lo-day aaioaated to B,17a\000 oaaeaa, aad the aaaoanl parehaaed BlOjOOO oaaeaa, a- kdiowa: ??iiiiiKM. .mi.-- nt .rl.'KU-. 800,000 at 81.0040, 100. OOO'al 81.00^0, and 330,000 ..t #i .?h?io. opposnra n?a mnuisu of a bu tAXK. ?ii- eeaualtaaa wlaetad by nat poaatt al blaakaMMVtUt ta d.\!s? ieaaa maaaa aw akaajaag aha prapoaaf ataetaaa uf a ?a? tai.k bv the sundaid Baa Oeaapaay *t BM laat ..I 0B?kua4radaad?tairay'ata*-a4. and Utaaaf Beabnard i alght n. n?'??n n. it.'' BMdlaal haaalaaeay kt ragard ... mm aaaaral eakaaiaHfnaaaaa oi aaah u aaaaa. DTi O tica.j', luiuioiJjr a wuujbet: ol ku? tloaid ol lliaith. Maotels, lib, Open Fireplaces, Household Art fipaej IINIOnSllllARE ?-'"-? cor.Broadny. Onlr oon'ern ln our ltaa havlng ita own fouadrtea Buy of Uie tsak> r. E?tabl!ah?d ever 60 ycara. No old Ma a. Everytktns* aatlafactorr. and Dr. Rloharda, ?f tha Habraw Orphan Aaybua, bMk ?aid tbat aueh a tank aron'd areatly Ineraaa* tha nMrtallty among tha -???? ln tha haapttal, and that 11 wankl fiil dU pur? ?lr wlUi eerma ot dtaeaa*. Conalderabbt dlacoaataa af ao lnfoncal aaaura took plaea, and tho commltt<!? roaolved to cantlnne thelr fla">* aniaai the gaa company. 8ELECTI0NS FROM THE MAIL. BICYCLfifi AND DOOS. To the Editor of Tha Trlbnne. gff. Tho practlre of harborlng vtelou* dogs aod al lowing them areas* to the publle thorouahfares In tha eltles and tewna of E.vtern New Jersey ha? be^ome an Intolerabla nulsnnea that demauda vigorona rnentmrea for Ita abatement. The dally record* of Barkaa Injurice Infliet.jd atteat the conatant perll to llfe and Umb to which men. -women and rhlldren ara caposed. New?paper and letter rarrlers and othan obllged to dellver gooils from hotiso to honae ara fra (fuent vlctime. As pecunlary responMblltty f?r dnmuge ls rarely to be found. the dog-owuer aheuld bo made criminally llable for tbe act? ol tha anlrnai preclsely aa lf commltted by hlniselt. of eeurae evcry owner wlll tell you that hls partioular brute 1* perfertlv harmless and cnuld not bo lnduced to blte any one for the world, but neverthelcss, llke the gun that ian't loaded, he wlll do harm when leaat aa> peeted Publle offlciala eeem to be indlfferent toward uny protecUve measures, and it i? tberefore aaUa faetory to hear that In one or two planes at leatt pitvate enterprtse hae developed a remarkable ln creano of mortallty among the enra which 1? la hopfld wlll heeaaaa epldemic. Bkaa the uae of bleydea be came so general thelr rlders otfer a conspiruoua aad favorlte oblert of attiiek and are eonipelled to be al wny? on the defenOve. aVaaaral blerrle eluba, It It said, have of late orgaol/.ed a rnisade BgalaM dog?. No wbeelman's outflt is now conMdered romplete with out a llbenil snpply of dog BMdtetlM ln proper doaea f.r dlapeaaattOB akrng his ronfe* where H wlll do Um moso good, and the deafh rat<- of tbe mra U U ea peeted wfO be sp*e?!ilv Increaaad, Setf-dafanea Ii the first law of nature. Hnd those who oh<tlnately per sl-t In putting ln peril the llvee ?nd limbs of othera bave onlv fhemsolve^ to blame if retalbitlon folbwt, Orange. N. J.. Aug. 1. aSttt. W. K. SMITH. THR WORD "HtlMANTTARIA:*." To the Edttor of The Trlbnne. Mr: I am a anbecrtber and admlrer of The Kem" Weckly Trlbnne. 1 artmlre Wie torse and forrlbl* Eng. llsh not lesa than tho aterUng Republieanism of ito artirles. I wl?h to prore*t, however, wmlust Tke Trlb une lendlne Ita Influence to the mt*u-e of the wort humanltarian. Tha wiorrt Baaa not mean phiba thropKt, but ls a theoloirtral term and meana one wb? balkVoa ChrlM k b* a niei? tnvi. You have miauMl it aororal tlmes. The bt*t tlme in tbe last wdiunn oo paite nine ?n* fhe IsKue of July 2~. J. W. HEDMoND. North Troy, Vt.. July 2ft, 1?01. (This criticistn is not well-founded. The hnt writers and the leadintj dictionariee now regari " hiimanitarian" as *ynonymous with " philanthro jiist.'' Wehster marks tliks deflnitinn of it ?reeent"; but the Imperial (Egayjkh) Dicfionary gives it as tlie pritnarv ineaning of the word; the second referriiig t<> feha doetrine of C''s pareiy ii'inim nuinre, and the third to the (!o;.txines of St. Simon and his loliowers.?Ed J TOO MCCH RACINC. To tbe Editor of The Trlbnne. SIr: I am a kMtoeaa man and am fond of a gond horse. For several year- pa*t I hive been in thi liubit of laJiintf a l !.ort va< atlon to tbe MaBty ?hore. and oecasionnlly vM/t the Monmonth rtrk rave*. Thl? y???r i am doprhred of Uda pteaaara, and y.t i atMBraa th?? raekg is going on ln otlier parta of NcwJeraey ar.d N..'.v York. i have Uala year bern fcacad to uo M MorrM 1'ark or Jetoaaa PBtk or Briirhton llra<-h, and I have eome to Uda eooefaatoa regardlBg Uaa ard ott^r sports-It is betag orerd '-te. There la entirely pwj ouioh raekg and too much baaebaU, and nnleaa IMf every day ractag ret Ma, even o*tate in the i t.ion win be eoaapatki k prohlbll H i4l!"i:c:l,,'r-0I D TIMEB, New-Brunswiek, N. .1.. .inly 20, UM. -??? AT T1IF. .iTTKNIK'RKRR UBBABT. To the Editor of The Trlbnne. .-ir: This brun< h of tbe HaW-Yorfc Pree Cirrnlatlrf Ubrary is Bjeartahlng aad aaatal, aetag BaMh fre fpiented. The more rtaaOfl ghk for prompt opening. Ckcka aear by (nokbfy Bt .Mark'si un\ the hoan ckarly, so thaf tkara is no aaeaaa f^r tariine?. Mfl the writer haa raBed agaln and agak a( tha openirt boar, no earikr tbaa '?? a. m., onty k in* thc d^iri fastened aud people kept waitlnir otit?ide. Tlie Janlter, moreover, h;is ratli<j- lataaka* a.s an eneroicmnent MBl prompt attendanea, Milaa: "Wa eaat Bi aajakdM two or tlirce. tlmes a dav," and Inso'.ently alolr.f, H ln anob B litirrv, l*d buy ? penny najier." Thc cnrte?? Of The Tribuno will. I kaOW, ..mdlv p anl "ul BM negllgenee and *o relleve a patlent publle, fnr *no-? acfommodatlon aueh llbrarlea hive been inumftrenay Ofctabllshed J. HKKVK^ APPUETOX, H. A. JfO. 187 F.u-t Tenth-st.. New-Y'ork. Aug. 1, leOl. ? OOhOSKh /UfH f. CLARKSO* IS WWt. Colonel Jaaaea B. (larkson, who was MjaMrlly eleeMl rhatnaan of the kkpabttean Nattonni ?aaeaUai Ciub niittee, arrived in this City last eveninir, and m MaWMg at the Plura HokL OolOBOl Clarltson ha> be>;a la YfBBhkgtfM ever slnee tlie meetlng of the Coinntiue. . He expnssed la-t ni^ht great sal.-bK'tlOfli over Um appotnkaanl af tMaador Fab?ett u> ua ofibe of CaUeetor. la Ma eagaaftp <u paaaafaataf tkf Kepubllean iMaJgaa, C'donel ClMlMOB wa- expe.ted (O he proaont al the eoaveattoo whtoh is now k a MMi ?* Byraeaaa. it waa a ?oaree of graal rearM to hna. eonaeqaeatly, when he found tbat the bad BMM "f hi- heaith woaM not penalt Mm to atiend tbe umraa' t, m. iie expccta to go u> lowa wttbln a ibarl dnw, and i^<- a Utttfl t'-t before tlie oi?eiiliig of the caa> ta the vartoaa btatea. ? ? ? gfaTilf TMMt -tvn -'HOOXKR J\ fJOLLaVNK The Meamyaeht Btarllng. beionginK M F.. Aa Paornmb. af No. l^o tUeka-ai>, Brooktya, boaad ??>?. aad an aakaown hjefcaaaari beaad for uear-Yeeaj caaM toto raUteka ta n<-u Oak on laaatay n?6nt' Tbe ttaawtiag aaa roamdkg HBttafa Patal a' the Uma ,if tbe loiit-ion. a akeag taae traa raaalngj and iba ichooner waa anabk k a?MBf at. Her b?w afaghM btto tbe 8tarBng*a atariMaal Mde, cxaalrlng ta a larea rawl and canalng tbe npaer aarl of thal.?f7-" !?? carried awoy. The titarllng bnckad ott. aad b-aa v,? .1- uent on t ? their .'..?-t'.t ati-n. It i- BOt kay*M wbetber anybody w.^ hari <>n eoari UM laaaaBBi a> IlffJfri'-S/.T CBaVAafJl USDVK l*Of.rCK !>'''?'? The poUee of Uie fcixth PaaMBat last n'.tit ? >d? a daaeeat aa Ma of Bm CMaeaa bavaaa daaa adaMh laeiba m UM Mwaa liarhTT al Mott ar.d Pafl ata. Aft?r 7 ?***?* ??? CalaanMB aara HaaMy eeaaad ?..ik for u>e dn- and turmd itaaiataa M fan-tuu. Al h avi.iek MM aight tMtdaM Bioaha, >viiii tMaaMhrraa Prtaa leaaph x-iitriittf. Daada t'ay aod John O'Uonrlie, aUrted out aa ? MM M tavaMtgaaMa. Iba gaat pMaa atattad wa- a haaaaMal aalaaa Mpt ** *'"* |g ivliat. by WUlMm Baag. OaMMa <'-'*!l "' l'" PjaablMg daaa aaa MatMnei aataaaaa ?ho ?n m ??'r?:rs taag atpaa and gaaa ataaBaly at tke aky, h,lt n'',"r* BmMm fccap * tyaa-eya aa the aovaaaaMa .^ i,ta,"n,,d itraagera, DMacttva Prlaa aaak the entry MM Bd a"Ma ll h.:-. HhBag b.hlnd -. me truiik* he wallM unUl tha ,-y,- m 'he aaaabat ??s aaaaaaaaartli Mraad m BM opi>oaiM dlirtilMa Xbe aaaabaa loek.d aaaaad feart M IMM M aal Priea dart down Uie ba-' BMBl MBJM Bad gMBBgh 0>e paaaa^B . . to BM raoaa. " Mooah.M " aaaaaaMd u?? aaaaMM gaa ?^r.? aaaa uh? Maa, hawavar. ^^ ln BM ineuntlnie 1). t,? tlvea Sihirrner and O'Reurl-e ha? irone to No. II M.dt-t., a giaaad aMM BM BBM kf Ah Mtu i ;,;.?.? t!,. aaUaa found u raaplrta faa-Ma inibr un aaaaM ot pattaa nom BMaakaabMa. taaaMpeai ( liln.ini u (r I | ? -' ind nlt-'U frorri BMMaM. *(t+ i treh ii nit ta tke M dtaa. ? tf OhfaatawB iadivid.d lnlolwofactlens oae aapiwrt""" Vm . baag BMadrMM haapB Ma aBMa aaaaMaa " ^", ?aag raptarad iwMaMaj bataagrd to tac opi?win? tart'On, aad M 'hv aoma aal M aaajaa M tn* aaUee Map h""? raa paatad atah ro^r- ot iiieerinu by na Cbaa Cbaaga and ti.n aartbaaa, who ha.i ?aBBpaaf M haadaaai on BM adawalk. ?-a> ?" tuf Wtm ?? rlailP tvi;'KK?. Detrolt. MielK, Aug 5.-A report from K-?lnniM>4 says lba( a ureck BOaBliai MI UM OlB id Baapaia MM indian.t RadbJaad aaar thal ptaee. Bo one was hU*Ma but \\rre twelve p.a-?ons injuio* Th- acelaBa*" was tne work of traitt?w^?clie^??