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BUSINESS TROUBLES. JUDGMENTS AGAINST IXSERANCE AGEXTj*. SHERJFPS KXECTJTIDNR AOAINST OTIIFR FIRMS WHICH ARK IS P|B*a*UUIiflB'l Jndgment for ifciO.r,.-,* waa yesterday eutered agnlnst W. M. Onderdonk d ('<?.. In-urane* a?ents of Koa. t and 3 Reaverrt., in favor of tlie executons ot tlie e-tate of Henry Naylor, who ?lied on IBJM 4 ln-t. Tbe Judg ment was on a nnniber of promlwrry notes made bv the firrn on .Tannary l'.i, l?H. BajWa ?*? lapa after sigbl date to tbe aider of Mr. Raplor. Tbea notes aggregated P2O.O00. and when pre-e-ited were BOf BBBL Twr. Jndgmenta aggmrating **.0?T had previou-lr beon.ohtaJned agalnst the tlrrn in favor of tbe Naylor and exeeutlon BM been l?iiied to Depnty gfMHB Mct.ulnl-s. but Uie flrni. It is sald. has no propeity 10 levy upon. Tbe flrni consi-t- of William M. Ouder lonk and bi* nepliew. Ct.arle- V. Moore. They bave been agents for aeveral Insuranre compaules. aetlng for them on inlnnd ri&hs. They bad no rating at Rredstreefa. Mr. Onderdonk ls prealdent of tlie Ropal FV?d Oompanv. of No. M Warren st., and wa* fortnerly trea-urer of the Hlll Steam Grain Drylt.g Company. At Uie offlce of A. S. rilnch. executoi- of tbe rtBjrMr e*.t*tc it waa s*id ya?terday tbat there waa uothlng iibim'it-181 about tbe iiiefpiiili ttm wara on panajlaaotp notes for aarrowad aaaaep, and it was hopod tbej wimid be paid. At Mr. Oudeidoi.kVs ofhee it waf said he had gone to Deal Beaeh for tbe day. IMpntv Sherlff Murpbv bas taken pos-e.slon of tbe aaace of tbe "Makaj akpMar" Oaapaap, pwrnjaaj and Qlgaaaalh M on atkaihaaala kt B^apa, Ui- UMgaM being ln kaea ef AHiaalar Keifo-d for M.8M, ??d ? lavor of Adan.s Btabop I Oa. for ?.i.44ii. The aapanj wa- Inrorporated BBdef New-Jersey lawa on rebfiftn o 188)1 with a eapitat ateafe of Sswo.oyo and pubiMied "Beiford'a Medpadsa," which wus gtarMd by B?*fora, Clarke * Co.. who cxpended a Urge aniuunt of nioney on it before they falled. DBfMtf Sheiilt Hclmbergcr kM reeelved two exeenj fjon* malnat the .1. lMrker Read Omnpany, pabMabera and BSpaaMn at No. U4 l>?rk I'lare. MM M* aVMW ,avo, nf leB?aal Leee, Iba laaaaarer, and tbe otbar ke fUBl 4i. favor 01 UM -Mai.ha4ti.ti Watcb Company. The lampoaj waa UampMalad k laplamla, ???. with a capital etoeh of ?a,000, sueeeeding the bualuea. ot J Partai Bead A 08%, and publishet ?? ba Illu-t.acion Nort Amcrlra," a monthly. PJapeMaa ThompKiu was praldent and Mr. Kead itogpaMlBM and BMMrBl OBPntp BheeM" Miirphy ye-terdny lajeatred MeuaM tlon- apurwt Beriiard Dreyfins ?aamklllarW of fanry g,K?ls and phvring rard, at No 800 ?JOBaaat??M tor 5-'.il7 in favor of beopold ITlrnan and the other tor { M f?vor Of Edw'.n C. PWlbHeb, ^^f"* tndgmcnta for proaniaaorj notes. Mr. ''"'T"'* ,,'/ jnogmertia i i l'laylng t^ard Oom {Sy. atitf^rgeiy i.iterested M the Albert Nail I 888 pany. # ABBANAH PACBTaOII AFPAIRS. Abrahaoi Raeker, tho noto bn.ker and eomndaetoa merrhar.t, xrent to bis offleo * Ha. BM Broadwaj vesterday for tbe tlrst tlnie BBMe bis fallni*. bnt "reraained onlv about an boar. He eooaalted wttb bi- ronfldentlal bookheeper. M. BaOtfan, who la arUvcly at work arrauglng a staiement Of BB>tn. Tbe bankj, It H Mtid. vhtually bold tbe settle ment of Mr. Hacker'a affair- k thelr banda, a- the bulk of bis Indebtednenv is to tbeni There appeara to be a ailllii4rne*s on thelr part not to pre-s matters, and some. it is said, bavo expiw-^d a readtnes* io hold the eollateral* gtven for Maae, rather bhan throw them tai tbe murket, and bthen boMlng paper t*;iriiig his Indoisement have eCaed k BXtanf It if nereasary. Mr. Hacker bad none of Ua awn notea ouUtanding. The nptes ol varlons ineivhunta whieh he Indorsed and had gaaaaaaai are matnring every day. So far It ra aaid they have all been talien up by the inakers, as no notiee of protest baa yet been reeeived at Mr. Hacker'a oilne. Th -e notex are all ineluded ln the contlngont lla billtiea. A g?d niany of the notea do not fall Une untn ts'ovember and Uereniber, and BOBM run uluiig , unil February of next year. No attaxhmeiibs nor exeiutions have yet been obtained by any of Mr. Baiker's eredltors, Tbe oottaa goods mllls at Gls-tonbury, OOBB., have bet-n shut down f..r -.?me waehe Mr. Jtaeker's att, Katbaa C, looked after this braaeh of the baarnea end is still there atdtBng a?airs. Tlie propagif tbero i- attmated worth Bboal iriouooo. It has been publUbed tbftt Mr. Baebaff wu- .. Birector in tbe City ftajib. o"1' fbM itadament is in correct ? a? A MANAGER S ATTACHMKNT F?llt HX8 BALART. iiu^o Rondy, the manager ol tbe kid glove braaeh af Liepmanti, laMammB I Do., af OMaatwr, Seattaad, who do business in thls city at No. 10 Oraana n! - niider tbe style of l.iepniaiin Brotherg, bai obiuitied an attachment ag-aln-t tbe ilun tot tm^fMa, whii-h be aapi is dtie Mm for aakry, aomaMakaa aud aeenay which he deiHi-lted with ihe finn. -^ TIIE OLD COLUNY UISTILLF.RY COMPAKT. Newllnven, Aup. ."? (Speclali.-The tronblo iuto Which the Old Oolony Di-tillery Conipuny bas been ptaBgad blds fair to be settled up lf the propo-itnm made by llermau A. Cnriel, one of tbe ofiVlnl-. of tbe . I'lilted Orowea' Company, which is the chief eredltor agalaM the Disniiory Coapamy, is BeeepMd. Cartel and Adoliih Woolner, wfeo con-tltute the Cnltod Orowers' Company, say they have clalnis ugalnst the nid ? ob.ny Coinpany for about $150,000, out-ide nf this claim thei-e ls au ind?.-bte.lne-s uf about $110.0O<). ln baa of tbe ka*eatea~aaea to the i'nit<sd Qaaaraa' Company Mr. Woolmr aud Mr. Curlel olfor to take tbe distlllery, tiiklnj; a ss-oond aarbgBga upon the property, while tl* BOW loinpatiy which will bo formed tttider tludr dirertlun, wlll i?ue to tbe Orailton tn-t aaartgaaja beada to tbe aaaoaat of *ioo,o?a) at I ptr ceut. it is aadaratood thut a ankrtty of the eredltoa in tlils city ha\e BCOapkd the terni-, aud it ouly nnwkd lor the eredltors oiitsule uf New-lbiveu to aecjBMoOO in tlie arranycnient before it is put iuto a< tual force. A bti-ange feature of the < *-?? ls thal Mr. Wooltier la president avd cblef owner ot the t?ld Colony Com? pany. -? CATBOLIC TMMPMMANCE il'ORRFRs. C0NVKXT10N OFTHK TOTAL ABPTIXEXCE fJVIOB AT WASIUNCTON. BfaadUngtaa, Aug. 5.?The twentv flrst annnal ruti venti >u of the Catholic Totul Abstlnence Cnlon of America was fonnally opened at rt :30 o'clo.k thls morning at the Aeadewy of M.u*ic. Ulshop Cotter, of Witiotia. Minn., presided. Cardiiial Oibbons wahMBMd the lakfake t-< the grehaVeeaa of Badataaaa. At the ifincltisioti of tho Canlinal's addre-s fSaBUBkakner Rnea, <>n behalf of tbe Dlstrict (.overument, welcomed the coffiventioti k Wasbjngbin. Isishop Cotter, the president, rvad bik report. Tbe report yf Uie comiuittee OB otedentl .1- shoued that there. were. preseut 17* rcguhir datogaaaa, aptanaatkaj eighteen of tha tWenty three unloua in tlie couutrv. Tbe total meinberahip wa- something over r.3,000, exchislvo u>f luany de taehed -ocieties. The Rev. Fatbar Egan. of New-York, spuke of the titnation in New-York City, and said that thaprioripa] i.jipo-itiou 08888 from the one Catholic iiiember of tbe l: v bM IMard. Father Egan spoke of gn in.-tatne in which the Rev. l>r. Megnirk. of St. Paul's Churrh, aha h.-.d gaaa k Um Bzeta Board t<> proteat againat ihe gianting of a ttMBMO for a aakKM wlthiu a bundred feet ot 1ns aeademy, \??^ t"ld that it waa not tbe lengtb of tbe Uip" iii*;i-ute but tbe M Ufetb of tbe "puU" that determined thoae mattt-rs. Father (leary read a greeting from the National ajaama'a Caakttaa Teniperante Uatoa, wkrl w;.s greetfld wltb npplause ; Mi-s Vfltkrd aud Mrs. ba Patra weie inMted m aaato M the eeavamBon Mla MIBard ?ade ? ?ho" ?aMaaa, Tbe reading of the -ecretar.W report liuib-d a anorl bad vigoroua apeerh from l>elegate Campbell. of Phlla delpbia. He proaaMMd agnln-t tbe fartba einploy ment of National orfwitirer*. UIE TIT I.E TO UlhUOSX AFhJXTED. ( iiuliiiiatl, Aug. 0.-A declnlou wa* in.ide in tlio Cnited t-tate* Ooarl to day atfecting tbe tltle k 100 arres of gi und aa I'rlce 18111. in tbi- city, so tbat the uwners wha have bullt on it will ba\e to paj Ifl Ihe airgrcKate gl,0Oi>,(MM) to become OWBOa of tbe land tbey occupy. The aaa fBBBftt be stated In a few woids. It ia one ln geueral in which iuore than H"> Ba .- arafabaai all over tbe Inlled Hates bave bad thelr rlalm to tbi- Und e-ttibll-hed by a declslon of the court. The MaaaaetMa tfead laaaaMaaa ihe tfttoa to this land date- lork fifty yesus. 11 was the aale of it by gaaaaaf uarr. Ib which. Bccoaa~Muj k taa aodaton of court to-day, the provMoti- of tbe will of ""'111 tani Itarr, sr., who dled ln Ihlil, were vlolated k tbe d-triit<ent of other beitv whoa doaeandanM ate pUlB tilfs Ui thls ca-e. iiriiUtFlEI) tnUtM OS A BATTLE-FIELD. i i,?- flitkta nwr 'J aiai apa. Cblll, the atene of a BaaM bat Bo baai*n tne PmbMbb ?ud OBBMa aMdaBri on Baaarba .'7, H7?, l? now inarked hy a (iirloos pheuonHgion. There w?re aboal 2,000 I'emviaii atfbBa who ?erv k<t tinburl-d on ahe fleld after fiie cnfllct, and Uiom. coipn*. to^-eUier with tho-e nl ir.any honees, have been menimltted by the j Ba "f Bm aMaM M -?"'? afth ahfeh the aafl baa i ijnpregna'd. Tlie apecta< U on th* battle fn-ld la welrd andtarrtbla THE C0UBT8 CLAIM3 TO aUa\L KSTATK KK1TTLD. A i.ITTI.k BCSVIfB To BR Kicu EAJ1LT BIFPl B IN TIIK BUO, 'Ihe report of Herbert 11. Tntner. 1*8*1*B in the BBM of tafea E martaaaa against Caawtaa BUey. ??'?< l"'*'" made in favor ol Uie defendant. Tbe case. inten'-i ;i aaMaha* .-f aaBhaawn p.?pie. caeaeMna Oaataa. aeeordiag to tbe report. was at ono tlme thc owner ol ?jik? eaaaa of land. extendiug from tlie Haatoea River ta tlie New York 08808*080, Jolnlup. ti.e HI. oinlngd.'ihJ Koad atyw aatawa ao Biaadway. Aa Mag aga aa lTdi COata* luade a will dlviiUng the propeity aaaOBg lM eMtdlBB. He dled In 17?o. The deed* dlvlding the uropertv however. were not exemted nntll lr-Ot'. Aceordlog to au act of 1?47. th- Btreet sloners taek a Btrtf 7 feet 1 ln. I. Blfel nt Klfty-thlrd st aud 9 feet 7 In.hea wlde ut tbe Bttaallt line of tho blo-h, for a new Mreet. Tbe Oftf paid for fhe land. When rhanges were ma.le ln BrOBdway lu 1?0? ',l? old thoroughfare from r'lftleth to Kift>-f..urti. -1-. ?* into dlMise, and Baa* left ;i conaldeiable pieee of pref> ertv for otber purpones. The ltnd wa* vi.1imI.1c Tho atraora af the aaoyarty h* thc rear namraiiy alahaf u frontage on the new atreeU. and. attci N curlug the piivilege. bnllt up U> Uie street fronl. IHackiiian's plan, it BgB*?. WHs u' ,orce t,l'"rf* P?P" ertr ow uer*. iueludlng '?Iie defeiidaiits, OuiuaBat vaa derbllt und Auios K. Eno, to P'iy the deseendant- Bf tbe orlginal owner., f>.r pi.rt Of old ***** way. Aerordlrig To the refereo, liowever, these gaaaMBOBBai have ui- tltle t.> tbe propeity, und are taMiefOr* tsn uticd lo no QMBganaaBon Tbe plolatlH aecaaad a eanveyaaea of tlie alaagod righta of tbe Coarae haar* und fluaalBBd to be*iii a sult BM ejecinieiil BBBtoat Cbariea BUey. if aaeeeeefal, be wa* t?. *eB t'ie pre*> erty and BOg oiie-hulf ol the proceeda to th* aadra. Mr. Rilcv's eaaaaat, wheu Ut* <a* ?*? trled, nrgnei! that their elvent held a litle to tbe prop.rtv whlrh c?me f.-uu. Caadaa hi.i.-elf. The ptaltitlff* ehtint, they added. raatOd npon " n.ere guibbles al> aiu i?-nt doru ment* and a fmud upon whi.h the Coint Bf ihmi.ery a- early aa 1008 had s.-t its eeadeaaaatkai." Mr. Tuttitr ondi hl? report as follow*: ?'Tnder the i.rt o( 1800 Broaduav was wliOBOi and th* .-treet extended so far to the we-t tha* thc BBl tinik.i pr?.p erty ln ajaaafaOB wai BO longer needed by the bcii' geaartoa audar Ihe araat-the poaghi af tbe Bfaaa. Tliev therefora reliii<|uUlied their eb.iui aud gav* dlra> tiont. aa fo who sbould have tha rlkht la aaMjalr* BBM B*eae ed iimd and in.w he aawaaM proe^cd ta aaaalre it. Tlie ?buttiug owner WB* de^iirnated ??, Ih* peis-.n to do ttda, at.d h<- Bhaatd do it by Bsytag aa the elty la* aaaoant of anv award, and ahw paylag aay awnid made for any ravtattater] Intcrest. Tbe <,....n;i-. -ioners, not llnding that there w.i- anv i-evi-i?i,atv laaareat oatetaadlag for whteh a".i?",,ra_,sh""Ld ,]''*, vtrv property nade no Both aaaidjandlihe abiiiting owner waa only raeaiied to p?v ??? ??? to the elty, aml that he did." . ^? _t ?_ bltK-kniiui wua formerly a repl-eatata 1,r,K r,7, ,.,u 118 West >ixtv we.oii.l -t. lle waa Brreated ln ima rlty on :r. on a cltarge of frandnlentiy aerurlng rertaln real estata from Atuiiony UooJd, ton of oolooel .lohn (iould, of Albi.i.y. ? TO EXAMINK INU> HEB SANITY. Hagh J. Connell, Mi.bael (ialvin and Ur. C'yrtis Bdaoa bnve been appointed . onina-sioners bv .ludgo O'Briea, of ihe BapreaM Cdart, to ataailne lato Ihe Btaahal eaadtaana of aWaabeth HeWeal, otharwtee kni.wii bv thc name ..t Liilu Walla.e. Dra. Alleii nt< h and Btaawt Dt?ngla?i say that ahe ^ insnne, aad I* lahie to beeoaae danajurona at auy bbobmbI shu la at peaaeBl ta charge of Mm B\Mprrta and Ut*. Caok, Mw owa* N... B87 Ki.-t FortyBflb-at, and otlior property worth if30,ouo. COIRT CAI.KNDARS FOR TO DAT. bunr-mc LouMr-uener.1 Taia Raaaa eefltMttad. habreaa foMrtr-Chau.bcr-?-Haf i- O^rlen ,J-("','r' eaaaaat io30 ?*? "'? BathM ealtadar, No*. i to .'??, eaiM* BaiaaaiB 'court?Special Term-P?rt? I aod II-Ad >UV*uiZ Cou^rcn.t^Part, I. II. IH and IV-Ad ^TumM'tW.-Kor probate: tTOM of Wllllaan Haary Kuiu.ei aud Jotu. Tl.on.a. 10 a. ni. Buaertor Caurt-Opeelal Term-B-for. Dugro, J.-Couit ouena af. 12 o'tlotk.. Motloua. Supurlor Court-rrial T.rm-Para I, II and III-Ad. ,,en Saafa>a?tal Tem-htafara Vryer. .r-Coun or??)? at 11 o'eloeh. Motlona. ^Cotnnion Pieas-Equlty Tcu.-Adiourned unUl Aueuet 18. t'ornin.ii Piea?-trl.l raaa fat*a I. II aud HI-ao ^"cit'y $w???i*\ T-n.-lafo.e M.C.rthy. J.-Coort opena at lo o'elook. MoUoTia. City Court-Trl.l Ternj-1'ara I, If, III and IV-Ad Jouined for the term. ?,-#,-. - - - i C..u.t of .ieneral 8eKsloi.B?l'art I?Befoie f/owlng. J.. and Af-isUrit r>l?tllcUAUoriiey WaadBBB* l.vnu-No-. 1 t. 88, DMlaatve. _ OVERCROWDF.U FVBLIC STORFS. THEY ARF J4MMFI) WTTH TROfRtXnS OF PAOBUtOES. Blepg are belng tahyn b] XlOOawy ofuci.'il" 10 sernre more nx>m for the gOOd* whlch nov- are hejng reeelved at port and wliith have rrowdet' tb" POblh M ***, There were lu ahf* buildlng ye-tei-duv 10^08 (.aiiBBgB* Thej are of an uuiisiially la?t;e ^ii'.e, > >,d toke up aa iii.iei. roaaa a* 14,000 ortUnarj paekagea. Aiayralae* ODaga* ?aid ycafOrdag tlmt fhe work of appralsal prai'ti cally was at a atalid-lill. This is owlng U> tba fad that there are ?o tiiai.y gooda ln the atore* H'at th* aoaaalaera eaaaa* ?ct at tbem. A vlsi; t.. this build |ag will thOW tlmt BOZea, baodhM and bale- are sta. ked above ona aaothe* la aaeh a ?av thal they eaaaaf bo reaohed. Two bulldiug. lwve been aatoetOd, one iu Wasbiug ton-st. and the other in Vt*e\ -t., ?l.ioh tould ba us,-d for itorlaf BM g>H?ls. <me of tlie?e will b* raoted aooa. The rear egarl af thc Appiataar** Btora*, whleh now i? aaea, aaababty >*? iii i* aovered *?ver nnd be uved a? 8 Ntorage 1'la.e. Dcpnly OoOeetOf Will BMB*, wBo La* to?'li looklng llitu the subject of the dolay at the Btore*, ba* lOtOtaaMndad that the plac* of Ihe nieu receutly dUeharged be tllled ltamedJutely. The work at tho BtOHa aaoaot be done wllli the small loree now on hand. snnour aWXMa to wakt th/s nor. Tlie llttle bov who wa* taketi b? Pollce Headqiiarlnrs on Tneaduy night by a inan culllng himself Clarence A. Chute, of btanitord, OOBB., was ln tl* care of the Boctety for Um Pre-ventlon of t'melty to Chlldrcn yea terday. Tbe pollce wiHhod tliey bad dotaJued Chuto. After hl?> gllb atory ubout bavlng reeu a man throw the haf out ot a arapaa ta UM wooda near BMatard bad been discredlted it traa a-certalned that there waa lio ChVaUd A. Cbute ln htri Bad. Froderiek Worm, of No. 881 East Eigbty-elghth-at, wlio is foreman in Oonnor'a piano faetory in East Forty tlrsf>st., went to Pollce Headquurters yesUtrdav and told how the bov OMM to be in staniford oti Tue?day. He aaid be belleved tliat tha bov wa- tbe son of Fittiik K. Leavitt, who formerlv lived ln Kaat Furty se<ond st. ln Dooember, 1h??, lie eiitfa?*ed uoaid for tlie bof, WBC thcu was three yaan old. at ttie boine of Worm. Leavitt afterward hllad to p*y the akoaey, iiutting Worm off with proim-e-. Lately, Worm sjiid. be w tote to laBbVttt ln BkaaJard und told bim tliat be BtBBl take the child away. LeavtM went to tsee Worm at Ml home cm Tuesday morning and snid be Would make trouble for the foreuiati lf tbe cblld win not kept the:.-. Worm said he was n poor inan ;?nd cuuld not Ueep the iittio boy with.eit aag. He kUoarei Leavitt t<? Bkav tofd, taking tbe child wtth bim. taaralmi tbat Laaaltl bad been Buarrki and wa* living in a Bne hoaaa in BM abarba ol Btamford, Worm Mrod a cantaga aud drovg to the boaa alth tbe bog, Leavitt met him at the door and gWOVO :i? Mm, refu-ing t-i reaatve tive boy and trytng k aeare Worm witn threata. Worm said Iw catne jiway, Maalng the Bltk i,-.\ oa the stoop of tlie boaa. The polhM may try to arre-t Leavitt. -e-? A OOOL nOMUTtOW WBOM K1UWAS. .toseph F. Mna, the .-ijuii-.-l for John 1'., who did not appear for trlal when the oaa a+jaln-t him WBI called MM muntli before Rei-oider Baytb, trled to make an ariaagaaaaat aweaankj by which Ktrwaa abnaM retiirn ,md !?? ugalu ataaead on buil. Ktrarao waa arraad "f aaaaadtfng a wonian with WbAB he bad aevaal aoaaaraUoaM in retervnee to the parebaeg M a aaaaa He was a BMBabar of a raataatak Iraa, and n bead af 88/000 was pjvan for bi- agpaeaaaee by a broehar M hi? partaer. Hi- eaaaaal Mdd tbat Ktrwaa'i ab-etice uas dne 10 BM illnoss of his wtfc. H- - i. geated t.. .\--i-tam DUtrlel atkranj Mclatyre thal tha aaa b:ni be uxed at BB>800. Mr. Maktyra thoaght that it sbouid be a* higii as, bacauau Kirwaa'a le.Pd b;ul onaa been forfelted. Judge CoWlBg. la aboa .ipplluiUon waa made. referred the matter to Ba ordar ?invtii, bv wbom tbe bond tiad been forfelted. ArQl'lTTED ASU laTAUMTKB. ilerman BaBBaa, of No lP'J Stat^-st.. who w-;i? u< eaeed of aggaapataMag #n". an aalaaaaaf peeaatam p^ld by sIih. Oawlin- Ettell on a New-York Llfe Iti aargBaa Company potlry. via trled peo8BBBBg be? fore Judge (ovlng. Tbe aertiMtlon was made hy c.ilvln Voorhl-, n repreaentatP'e of tlie company. but judge Oawtag waa eaatpeBhd k direct a aaMtot al " md gu.lty" on the giound of tariance between the praaf and tha Indictnwtit, beraus? (he evMince of Baaaa*! Bpaaep ama haaSkkaa. He b?d atgaed a oaabraM with Jbbbm C, mi\, p-ncrui agt-ut. kd it did unt appear that Mr. Mix WB8 auUiorUed tn ,v t for th- eaaBPaap. Ihe legid difficulUe* niny be overeome m B uew Indi. tmout. a- nnan/.e wa- i-'nr it-tesd ImmedMtely after tlu> Jury r*.'^w?.i the formal verdnt in bla favor. THESCHOOLAT THBLAKli CBOWM FUX'KTNU TO CHAUTAUQnA. j dknomixatmnai, FBATFJB -Mi-.KTlStJS blfhl. ptUXE nr.ARD fBLiaCBSM btODaUU B?X> RATIYF. ART?A lTANI'-T BJ01IOBXD< 'BT TKI-KOHAI'H TO THE 80888*00*1 ChaaajBaiaaa Aag. .v-Th? eriraaja roi.tmueto aarar Into the 'Stimmer Oty" by every train and BBBl *?? a (-oii-e,|iieiiie tlie boMiiline-boiises und hot-1- are goaaaMotf aa? ?? ?<**?" h;w b"*n playl!" havor with the otlrcr anmmer reaorta along ti.e lahe |iM| cjaajteBoaa ?eaaaa eoty la thrive with eabf and day* ?nd Oowering skle-. The tetnperatiire Here for dari has been BBBh that Ihe fhlckeaf of wrap* aud overeoata baaa beeu in BtmanB, Th- hotei* aa*M taa lafea report baaHiaaa aoar. Whenewr there \* a boB known artl-t BB thc BJBglBBMBB the big Amphlthestre i- falrly pa.ked with 800840, and BMtBJ t*JBBd aroaBd oiitslde tlll the rows nre four and 1*0 BBBp, and 0*809 of the bey* ?"<! vonng gymnasta take to bh* BaBam The influx of New York, Philudelphia ttnd Pltt.burg rfadtora bl the last few days has helped to MV,.n ti.c btrge nuniber who are alreedy here. This wa* li.davN programme: Al B H ta., ...liege aaaayara ta cv.ilege HaU! |, u,.. Womcn's Club. 0 !>?per on "OoOOtadlV* Art in BM HOOaB," bv Mrs. ROtoa A. Ileard. Of li Lotili. i? tho HaB of mitaarpky: 10 a. m.. devotlmol hour. Ird by I>r. li. M. Adanis. In tbe Ampliltheatre; ?' I ?,.. le.ture. "The Dhwovevy of America.* by Pro ajaaaf MMa FUBo, af mn.l.ridge. a* thc Amphitheatre. <>-3<> p. m.. graad eoeeerl aith the foiiowing artHt.. KadaOM BoBe Oete, WltBaa H. BhoiaBiB. scl.un.arm QBartet, Hlaa Annta Barb, Waa Bertha ttlatja*" tbe Aiuphltbeatre: 4 p. n... le.ture. -CerHlea," by BDBB Agnes Kepplier. In the Hafl of PbUosopby : 0 P- "??? the f. L 8. C. roun.l table. ln UM IBJBO pluoe ! " P- m ?awoaalnotlnaal p.ayef-ni-cfi.g^-unptnu in the( hapei. CaaayetpttBOtaaUfa bl the llail of PlOTaaoohy, Ciunber lund Pr04dMrt4artaM in Normal llall. WadphM ln Con pregatlomil ll.nne. l.uthcran- in Mn-l. Hiill. Mct.iodin Epiaeopallara ln the Amphitheati-c. PieMjterlaaa\U UM Ternple. ITotcstatit IptaOOfktlhMM ln the receptlon ?f tbe Meihodi-t Byteeoyal BMBBB, BifciailB Epis.opallans In the Amt.hilh.atrv oflWc. ft.lted Prea bytarlaoa ln the Cnltad rYaahyaartan hou?e and imtea Brathrdh ln the library of the Methodist BgdM*aal baataa; 8 p. m.. W*ajner'a araak draaaa, "Siegftien aad -uie uuaUaiauatBiwBBg' iJtaatratcd by Hoeaor Mooic loeaarar and BBlatet, la the AmphttaMatre. Mrs. rraoh ncar.1, u. her pagar bafora the *???**? Chtb thi- BMffadag, aaM m part: -Tala is raBod the aaj of ragaa, and Btaro is more tnith than ta the retnark. There aeem- to be a rraie among BeaBBB f?r aMtdag aiaaaaaw af fkof* hoaaaa, af tflag rfhBooa everywhare, of patttng np oBibbiiti and awBoiee avar every OOaatBg, and tha* makl.ig 8 horror of tho bOBJO A BBBBIbo lOVa Ol art would not aiic-w ?, B* tattah ?"ch of deroratlona npon BM nome? The apeakar aeored aaveraty F.dward Bttaaell and his waii paper theory af anlBng it lo the neav plexlon. , riiiaiiaaui Jeaa Flske, tbe CBaabaddga bhrtorlan, eon titmed bi'. leetara* on oarty Aaawtran blatory. He gavv the rjMMat* of thc idea of OOtBJabaa, whl.* led tO thfl diseoverv Of Ali.erle... "OalaBllOM,* Bald BM BI ? fessor "ooUaaatod Ih* earth to ba oaoaarentti Mnoltar thaa it reaHy is. lle esafjgaatol Bm BBajth of Asta, and BBBpoaod it to extcad ao far eaa! thal Ita eaatern eoaat would eoaae to where Mesleo 1-. The,. he aaf ,.,1 fhe latand Of Japan would e.xtend to where I Bba BV and he argucl fnmi a veme in tbe ABOi-rypha thal oiic-.-vei.tii of Bm aanyarata mm ?f'J^-ft'B tlmt would be wbal be wouM have to rroee, winen ais ^f^rJloTvir^i^nin^d that U.e au.bori..? baa Kedi M, "all MaS Hall la bonor of the paaatat, "Sherwood HaB.11 .-? 01f4OrP8TRG TIIF. HfHYlY.M. <iF TIIF. ITTTF/-T Wonl.v theSc-o. Aug. r, (Speclall.-The Hev. .1. M. Haxwell, of PBtelrarg, opened la-day-a aeaaaoa of fhe A.nerleat. I.istltute. of Chll*1tan Pl.llos rphy. The Kcv. I),.; \Y Bf. M. Laue, ol New Have... dettvettd tha leeluie of tho uiornihg. He -id iu part: '? M tho BBddeaa tiefore whoe* thrlao taaa bow aad w-.rship. u is taa o.a.-ie to wi.o- voteo iio-n Bstea aad wkoa* word (Sey belleva. Beleaca, bowevar, la a paddeai nol bv divrne rlght, bal by rtrtae of baaaan fraachtae. gdence ta a.. oraele whoae Btaaraaea la bal tlta ocbo of naa'a volea aad arhoaa dtetata la bal tho rapeUtJoo of nian-s work. S.lenco can tOBCh BtMOtatell nothlng wi.i.b -he heraaB ba- not Brat bMraed of aoeae aaa. Tba anthoritv of Brtanee BatreOara ta aa leaa and aa greater thal. ti.c anthoritv of BOB. The - icufle taW ..f Mi.vlvai, Beeordlng to the ootaaaon fooeeptDn, u thal ?f anlveraal aatfaaa, ta ahleh the aeah are do nrived of BMd and of Bf* and iii whlrh tlie atraag ,,?,., (ood and tarvlva. Batur* .- a praBfle aaothar, who eaa atadtaeo laoro ehlldroa than -i.e eaa Doartah. I.hUdreo rtragga mib aaedi other tor Bm ta n.mti-hmetit ^rtilslied by .intnt-.-s btaaat. The nnsneeaeefnl atarvo and dfe. Ihe mroeaaBil eat utiil live. " . -ifthiais Batnra*aaaprcaae taw of bm, by whVh the bighest typaa and aaM perket apaetaaena of avaty ipoetoo laaa been prodaeoi, thao the, aaibaaa of tha p:i-t. siich hs arnafare and ekaay and baataea aeav patltaon und Uie oppreaaka of Om p or, oaght to jrw> rail ln tha futuie. tor tbM l- aatara'a aartbol <>( waei lag out the aaab and Improvtaig the atrong Aceor* Ing to thU goopel I f -. ieiu e. the mighty and not Uie meok aball liaaaalt Um eerth. ??Th? fundnmental and es-ential law Of anlinal llfo. altboat which iife i* lapoadbta, M that tir ekar akmJd aarve the yoamgar, the atrong aboaM abefkr Ihe weak. and they who poaaaa tood' aboaM feed tbe poor. Tlda fuct has beaa uvaloobad by Uw paamt popular pMbMOphy. Plah swim tn aabeoM, birds mi grate In aVMBS, cattle rove In herda. men llve In Uiln-s. Tho anthill. the aapiMata, tbe fl.nk of criiw-, tbe berd of buffaJo, the tribe uf burbuilans. the clvillzed city, all WttMea to the fact that BBCkl unlou und oo-operafka w the ankeraal i*w of iife. Mea ure comlng to Uie perreptlon nnd praetlcal applbar tion of thls aorial law of survlval. OnkUB, corpora IkBB, traak, are fi.rmed for Uie purpoKe of BacattBg ?OM fnv-.rable dMriliutlofi of the nrollts nf labor and -,f boalnea. Uotii eompetttton and oo-opeatton nni"t bave a iiUi-co ln any sorhl ?ystem. When tbe aeerw ?f ,cleti'e and tbe prophet* <?f aplritm.l truth aeeeye to etve they wlll both proelalm tbat ln ihe law of BM VJie klngdom of nature aud the Kingdoin of lleuven are one." SHE MREAXnD ASD CJJASET) TBE TI7IKF. Mi<* Josephine Sillooek. of KO. W)0 Slxth ave., waa robbed of her, contalning flO, by ? flfteetiv-.n old eolored boy named Albert ficott. whlle walklng ln F1fty-elghth-?t., between Fittli and sixtb ave?., on Tnesdtky afternoon. MJhs Sllleock waa out Bkapphlg and after she had made all ber purchmes 8B8 llaikd for a frlend's ltouae ln Flftb ave. Metween Flfth and Slxth avea. the eolored t>oy rubber stsaKhed the pur-o out of her hand and run toward Wxth-uve. Mi.-s 8111 eock sereameU at the top of her volce ns she chased tho thief. Her shouU were lieard hf two men ln a butther's wagoti, nnd they sprang to tho street and fotaed in Uie chii^e. seott ara fleet fixded and he ahowed bit paaaaea a rleajt pair ot BBBk FJrdleeaaaa Iforan, of the Park ataaafj *t. agaaaf, radbed afke Bcatt, who, t>eeiue Ihe nnVer comin*, darlud Into UM deliveiy etitrance of the Nitvsrro fl?ta. la Tifty eightli -t.. batwaen Slxth aad Se\enth aves. After a -e:irf h of alnmst hnlf BB livtif throughout ihe gagflM IQOBI and coal bintf th- onVct BBUM BeatI .t nndor a atalrway beneatl Iba iMawalk, aear th,. engine baa a. YeaMrday mornlng Brott wa- arralgned ,n Um Yorh> ville Follre Comi to anawae tlie ebarge. BThafl aoked by .in-tue Mut.ay what ba bad t" ay Iie replled : -l -mie beeatua i waa bnngry." Beotl k a bomela - boj aud s.Utl he was arlthout a friend, Justlre Mur ruv beld him iu #1.000 bal] tor trkl. MOOPLTOHI TaWAJmtCAIM POB CTfdPJTT. a mooniight parfanaaaaaaf "Ma TharannfBfBre" win t)e ^Iv.-ti on th- lawn- M tbe LVBIJ HOBa, at Hatu Baaeb, l. i.. this garaatag, for UM aaaafM af Um Chlldraa'a Aid Boektp M Raar-Yark. The oaet, eoaapoaed <.f aaabea ef BM Amaranth ond Olfbert i lub-. wlll l.e : .liile- Otaarahar, I'hailes Heebman: .rp Vendak, leta J. Breea; J.?ey i,ndi? a. c. Mi:nn: waltar a/Udlng, Fredartrh Beana; Mr. itintn. M. H. Lmdeuian | Marguerlte, Wallare i VMfcl Lady, Mra, Carl Wlrrtaer; ~aiiv fltatatraw, Ada Wood rufi: Madaaa Dor, BaM Deataa; PlrM Oadaa, Orkadto Oowlag; Baraad OaMa, Paanh Q. Bdwarda, The affair will he managed bi ?'? F. Dnehworth, w. ti. HnitUvr*. W. .1. Monlll, .1. P. Mlller and .1. .1. Lreen. JAPAXUB a\d azte(^ rnox .{ COMMOM OhJGlS. Baa Ibbaa, BM aaa Jageaea MMhbai M Mailtt ?"d the llr-t anibaa-adi.r whoui tlie Japan.-v w.,nrnni nt ht?? im: aa u> Bm aaaMhera BayaMM, ha* getteed aMaBarHMa aaaaa th- Maadeaa ladbaa and BMiapaaaa adaMb b-ad him M aaaelude that tli- Japamue md .\/tec innat bave spruiig from a ? oilgln. "I have baeu grcatly luipreaa.'d," ga r-c-n:ly aald, "dur Ing my -hnrt -Uy ln M-\i'- g| flnding th-re a natlofi of -., Iilrh a ciiltnr*-. In Uk- hMaggaaa rare | have nhaorved gaaa baa BM reaemblanm t?. the .lapaneae, whlrh leads gg t beUea Oiat &.?e aaa ha\c?, ?n,niiHi j...ini .-f aaa< U.a m U.elr otlgln. The*.. ?4niJlarltl,-a ar- mit dk-< i.visrebl" in th- BbyaMal aaBtaa ?t Mdlilikala ataaa, twu are aiao ?aoataglal. F..r aaaagpM, ti.* bjaahna word. watobe1 (aaadraf tirirki, 'roa' faaUMi aaf "aaaaaba1 (abee), the. aaa abia aaa v> mymmd. araadd t*. aaaaaaaaad M *??> aaaaa, Maia,1 .oa' and 'wanMlihy,. and bara iu both !?" guagna tba aaaaa algnlflcaUea " HARMLES5. TO A88I8T NATURt SSESSmiSS Bbaa.f HwifT'.s m'kiJlPaC, fcfttrobl eanaot aaMt in the Maed aM ? sss la properly taken, as It promptly hfcWM tli-ui ont. aitd aaaaa BM paUent. It Ins relleved Ul'tsands ln a f-? daya who had aaSBrad for year*. MR. P, Z. BML80B, a paaagbaM and -mlthv cltlzen m\ v..iiiriii!.. ?i)ia?wti. aakrad Mt aaa wi.hscuoFCi.A. and it eonfiniied to groa arara at aptto M ?i nnataaat. FMB&Pi Fonr BaePae af ?> 8.8> eaai hbB. Rawrtta: ? ?Woida are (jiadeqnate to aBptea my Kiatlt'ide,nd IMW aba opinlou of SWIFT"* MPKCIFIC." Traatl-? on Blood and Klim DMaaaa mal'id t?e. SWIFT IPPXIPIC CO. Drawer 8. A"?ul*- "? A TAI.K ABOVT itilSH FOUTICS. DR. TM0MA8 K. EMMMT BSTURBI FROM A CON PBREBOE WITH HOME BULB MElPatBB. Dr. TkjBIBg A. Kmmet. B grautluepbew of HM maityred lrl.h patriot Kobe.t Emm-t. and presldeut of tn? hrkh Kaitonal raaaattaa af dJaarlra. lafawBaa from Baiapa reokrday hy tbe Majaatk. und eaJ conied bv m.iuv men pr.milnent ln IrNh o/falrs. 1 r. Kinmet aaa abeeaf oaty about itt wceha. und tne prlnclpal obje.t of his trip wa- to cohve.-e with t.i aajabera of the lri.-h ParBaBMotar] p*:'? ??? " leader JMeUfl M.-Curthy. He lold tliem ubout BM feeling ll Uils oo.u.try and UM attitude of tltose who have alwuvs contrlbuiod the Lulk oi Ihe niotiev that has gone fror- liere to IreUud to -ustain the cau,e. Dr. F.tnmel. t ,o. was the inea.i- of haatOBlBg tM ptflBBpt fawMkl of O-Bflkfl nnd Dllton, wl'" Immedc uteiv apon thelr reteaa nam a aU eaatha' lera m rmprtaooaant proiioum-rd agalnal IMraalW paa akaa k aaaaa Um laadaraMp of the Iriah Patiav Basakry party. .. ... Fm ?? 1 aaa'd them before their releasc." -aid Ur. EB mct. "bv meana M a ktkr to John DUbm, k exprea tHelr oplnlon at eaee ettt B tor or BBBlBet Partiell. -lMd voii have anv dlin t reply frWB DtUOBl ? KM Blaatwaaa Maa bM relense." said Hr. K.nme . ?was the baal poaalbta eeply; but iMaMMa that,J bad one from Mr. DiBOB BHaet. when the ahip BBn about to aall from Qnaanatowa, la Um fcrm ela ktograa wUeb raad : ? rear letter reeeired. AU rlgbt We are do IbIbi ear poMUon kday.' ? ?? wiiat ara the prnepeck <>f kloaM Kuie - -Brarytbing pefnta,- aaM ha, ?k a fkkry tor M*. tMaaakae at the aaxt aeaeral eketkn. H rau haae Bnalyaaf tbe Ignra k the aoonl bye aMettona m Bn? laod-leavlng Irelaod aattrely out of UM qaeeUon-you will lod that Ln aln.o-t verv ea* WbOTe -be HOBM Bntor won he did -o. BOt so much 00 of the m , eaataa af raka that were rooDted piwrtoaglj tor tha ,-,, .--, but nn aecount Of the retur.i M UaM dM al Mgkna of thou^.nds of Mr. Ohadatooe'a toltowera. -win JnMk MeCarthj remata Mih leaderl ?Oali I thlnb, u.,tii the nest aaeettng ol the pattv ' Thev hnve fo.u.d aat by tdttar eaperknee in ni,. gapafrtottt .onduct of Mr. Parneii wbat one-man meana; tbaatoa a etaudl wtU be, taraed k dlraet the pollcy of the ptnty.-' w i Une and Mimrice Heaiy.. a brotber of tbe wide'lv kn.-wu ??Tim" H-alv, and both it;'i -P.u n.-lli.e Melnber, of ParlMmaBt. regardlna: wbom It waa MM STekaynr^ th-v Bccompanied him on the ateamer from Ltverpool to Qaeanaiown. CJLM MK8TVMED IX THE SUOAR MARKhT. T8T1 SPRF.CKF.f.S PF.OPI.K COMB BACK TO TIIF. TKl BI BATE. ThO llltle flnrrv ln ftie BBgBf market is apparontl] over. The BprerkeU, hterrlaoa and B. C. Knlghj re Baertea, of PttBtaaataaha, whleh to* tevoral daya have been m-iuur 1-10 of a <ent beh.w tlie Tiu-t rato, yea tc.-dav reatorei their prtroa lo Ihe Trual rato, and naanlated Mtgaa eloaad In both Btarketa al -t I l? ecBta. F.ven this igora la an Otglrth betow the rnllni prlre of ihe ktat month. and tnahea aajar lower than it ims ever baaa. Atthoogh BBgar aaoally advancea iu Augu-t, when fhe frnii aeaaon opens, ttie lendency oow la toward cbeapar prtoee. Tha wttoleeale o^alor* have fartoaa oodatoaa, bowaaar, tbe su^ur oattonfc A u.embcr of the Tl.urber. Wliyland Ooot panv taaf ve-tei,i..y t.? a MhajM raparteri "The raeeni rarl ta BBgar aill benciit the conanme* altghtly, even tbougli there n.av bO no doellne. We biok for louer prlees. There I* an of IBB BBgar, and the toatahtna crop Bda faB *ni pmbabiv brwer U.e market.'' Aehar, Marrafl 0 (XnatB ?aht! "We are qaotlno angar to-day al 1 B lower than ever befora. Thli I in eotuoqneaee of tlie rat aaade by Bpreehet* and the Traat, *., yoa tee tbe eonaniner gata Ih* beaafli of ent diroeUy, oven thoagh the enl I* illght, as t ono is.M B. C. Haaard d Co. aald: Thi- ral i probablv only lenporary, nnd la not of etwagh rxro aaqaenao anyway lo affeel the retall market, Tho general trade wlB hold prleea abont tlie -ati.e. nnlea* tbere BhonM ba larther mts." B. H. HoweB I ? ".. -iie-ur brohera, tald: "Wa <i? nof eonafder Bm radao tion oue of ?ji\ groat iui|...rtati.e. DM .?oii-umer ean hardly exaoel to gal bl* aagar aoj cheaper. We hope to *??? a betler market nnd blgher augar aoon. Thc Baaaon has orrlved whon tbe detnand i- mora octtve and prlee* oaaally advanee. Tho prlee ol ?Bgar i- 001 eontrolted by the erop of Loulatunu ot ?r Coba, bal b] Ihe <rop* of the ?orid. aod we ean aee uo reasoti BBf there ahoald be an> fuither vo orn wraoTTATtwQ fvr blbb isuxd. The nnnor that tbe Uevernmen! had made an at lo Bnrfhatfl 01*8 liiuml from .loht. 11. Btartn, wit!. the iiitei.ti...i of nalBg it i- a reeelvlng atatloo tor reoralta, agaaan la be wlthaat fouiniatiou. Mr. Btaftn not be*?u approaehed by any one deatrlug bi buy BM Islaiid ln BOtae BaM. Ti.e la-t per-on to niafce an o'fe- for it wh- a num who wantad t/> BM* lt as ii suminei report. That waa a nuu'.b.r of niooth* ago. ihe oirer wa* n large on?, bal it wa* refaaed. HouHid, who lograaonf* Mr. Btartn, aatd ye> terdi.y : "There win a report clrrulated that Mr. sjtaiiu Was mpltoBni for the pnrcliase of Other phMea to be aaed as aaatater rcaoeta, au.i that aaaay have lod to tl>e alory about the prop..s?l -?.le of dleii Islaiid. ? Mr. Starln Is Bfway* 00 the lookout. Ba* fhanee* to buy sniall groves and thal -orl of tliniK. IBltaMe |Df exenrston pnrties bal be luts no liitentinn of buyliig any Qlftnr*1"t new ivsort. It ls not lilu-ly that aayhadi would .are to glve u prlee for <ilen lilond that would Indtaef Mr. Utailu t<> .-li It. It ha- baeOBB* euormou-lv vahUkhle to hi'n. . nir cx eantoa business baa beefi targot Ihie teaaon than ever before. we have had to mn eztra ateamera to tho uiand both areeh daya and Bendaya. Mr. Btarln ha*. poclOvely not been anpnaehed by anybody deairlng to purch&ee the propert) lutely, aad there baa ao tor been ao evktonre bronghl lo liu-'n that the Oov emntaat baa e-:y denre V aoqaua it." Hb'lfJV BOBSS EUUSU AT 71//: SAYT YAED. The arorbmeo who bave beea rngaged tor taaaral lajra axcavattag kr tlie aratw plpa ta tbe Navv Yard uneartbed aaaaa bamaa boaa TtMadag and ywaaraay. They are prohably BM bOBOB of tbe Auicih-an murtyrs win. dapd on tho balflimrn BtftMh prtaoa -hips that were a.ichotvd in th.' m'igliborhood of the Na\ y Yard aarlng Um Wur >t Aaarlran laaapeealenea. A fcw reaa a^o a iu.>'e Baonber of Uaee bona aaa foand in goothar part of tha Xavy Yard, and Uiey waa plarad ui a permaiieut manaotonm at Porl Oreane, BroaUyn. Tlie banea BoW found wlll ul-o probably be laid BWBJ in tbe sarue raaepki M Pi)R THE inUAl DiltTB tU A mntMBM RlsORT* The IXH) gne-t,- of tbe LoBg llea. Il lldel, . he lo-soes ot tbe aoUaaaa aad their frMtata la Baa Varft and I'.riMiklyn are Ifltaroatl I Iti tbe annnal bal] wbleh coliies off tO-Blght. I he-'' datice, h.ive b-cn a irreai ?aaaaa bereanfore, and ibla promlaa t-> be tba beal of them. There has beeti inijulry for Invltn tiotis, espe.lullv from BM ,-iiiumer dwellers ln tbe netghborhood, and pot a few of the vilia ownen atong HM 'ireat >outh llay will 1* thri... M oe to ihe i i>i,,|n, i >??: Tlie Ronuns erMd "'Vae PletMl** "Wa to BM aaa< qu-r-d!" at BMM irfumpha. To-day manr of a are bafatg ?aafaaagV onr paaaa o?ir r-st and dallv appetlte \< f-l-d froBi as by that Invader of BM ahaBBMb. dyap-pala. 8a tei Kf aue for froin a hundn-d aonrtea. Temporary rell-f we auipetltuaa obtaln. But a h-artr ai-al. BM -bagMM India i-r-tlon la dlet. and the Prutean Imp ret'ima with r-Hout lad vlgor to lorm-ni a A i?*r?l?t?-.(it BM U Ihe grcat antl dTspeptl' and rrgnl'itlng tonl< . Iloat tter'a Stomaih Hltt: I, b.?at . alrulatod tn drlve into p-rniao-ht hanlahm-nl every form of lndlgrat:i.n. tompnrarr or rhronlc. X.i lean cfllcarlona la It for malana, hlllouaneaa, gaagBtajnaMB, ihi-uinail-in. Hldney and hladder allnient*. Thls renndy of BpaatBt utllltv and main aaa oxerrnmra them all. 'Tla a aafe gmrd, loo. ajtalnat Um efterta of MBpeRMBa apl to revlve aa attack ot "La (irippa." j&W-YORK LIFE'S AFFA1RS. A ctkidlaB noM vwasuiBn bkkrs. tir.Nl'RAL COMCVmiOn OV TaTB PPFCTAL oobp mittki; h'iiich IBIBBIIIIIAIBn MR. ijanta's CaTAaaBKB, A rimilur letter contalnliiK tbe general BBaMaaataaOO in th* report of the ?i>e<tal eommlttee whlch luventl gated tbe chargea made by Theodoro M. Banta 8* tbe tOBBtOBI of BM New-York Llfe/ Iiistiraure 1008*009 agalnst Its presldent, WlllUin 11. l'.eers. I.ns boeu lv by Mr. Ileers. [g re^ard to the nmtter. yeiter dnv Mr. hecps s.U that thc truhtee> had aake/1 tbe LaaaWOOMB Ueptirtmetil to examlnc tbe coinpaiiy'" *?r fnlrs diiring fat* absen. o from the rlty. The report whcn piiblished. be ad.led. would prove tlmt the eom pnii.v was ln a flourlahlng condltlon, and that Mr. Baaraa'a ehaogoa were ba*eie?s. Mr. BeOtO** <!r< ular p-nds nn follows : "New York Llfe Itwurance Company, 800 and :t4n Hroadway, BJaay Y.,rk, Aug. 4, 1881. ?To onr Poliry Holders an* the Publie: ?There havlng been paibli^h-U In 'The New-York Tlmes' of Aiigost, :i a OOOf ot certnln rhaigea made by Mie < ashler of the Mr. Theodore M. Banta. ln Vtober. 1>-o7. tbe roinpntiy BBahaa tlie following state n-nt as to the a. ttoo of tbe Hoard of Trnstecs lu tho ni'ter: H u regular BMBBag "f ih* Fonrd held (>ftot?er 1^. l(,87,the presldent of th" eompany <alt<Hl the attentlm of tlietni-tees to rhiirge*, ropies of whlrh tbe raajderaad placed in their BBOdP, and asked that u hill inv^tlgatlon be made. A committee WO* ap polnted. od lailMBOBf ta rctlre fraa* tbe bonrd,r.?in nnd oeoalBajto ;iji invctigatlug cmmlttee. After due ronslderatlr*. ar,d eanaaJtatRM it made a report to tlie Uoard. Bfld thnjlimtcd a rummittoe. whlrh report wns aaeepted, aod he nomliutstona uiMiilaaaaafty ronttrmed. '?The-liiveitimtiMg tuiwllooi cutrred at onee upon its babora, wnhhwere eontfnaod aaBl I'ebmary. 1080. At a sp-clnl ..e.Tr.* of the l.oard of Tro.tee*. MI Pebruary j. i---, t?* invaaffgattOg eommlttee mnd" it- report Aftei speaJjiu;: of thc efforts of tbe eoBunittee to ajt ;..t the oaacl truti. ta rofOioBOO to iaa l. one of the eborgOB, OBd after gtvtng tbe fa<t4 of the with reSpO* to <??.-{,. the 000BBBfltO8 reported: '?The BBBtTBtBg ar- tbe general f?0MBaafOB0 Bf IbB cominittc- on thc enttaj statement by Mr. llanta: "?Yonr 001 imlttee, rftcr earafOl invotiir.tlon of tbe BfAtln <>f thls ooapany ty every menii* ln their power, have aatlnflrd thenaetvet that the oOaeer* <.f the eoat pany have booeatly endea -ot-ed to administer the atfair* ,,f ihe rompany wltb a intgt* eye to thc good of tho eompany. No laatanee ba* been brought to our a: awntton where any paeaiaharj advan.aga ?f n pcrsonai kind baa been broaght bome lo the offlcera in aay aet on thelr part. " 'Your eomaritka, Uaretoa, artthoat haattatton | repurt that. there i- 110 cvld-n.e wh.itever of bad toi"' or Iraadnknl dealtng on the paU ..f the offleers but on tbe eootrary, there i- evMTenee ..r tbe utmost f??* falth and aal ott thelr parl for ihe wclfare of tho ntereek coamttted to thelr charg*. The aneeata ar faiiure of a eompaov aaat be lodgad not ?? jaMakd tranaaetkna, iv.t bv the wboM eoeno ot the bus.neas of the roaspeny, and when we teaaaabat tbat under the praaanl managemenl th" iBereaa .>* the busluess la al mo-t paralkl. wbJk its BaaaM have already ta eiaaaed, nnd its aurptaa has beea audatalned aal iBcrea aa, and wben aa ameaber that the company bm paaeed through very sev.-re llnaiiclal crlses Wtthout aartoaa kma, aa Mel tbat if aroald be mo-t gngraetona i:, th- tniatea ..f the eompanj i" at over agalnal thaaa aartk anj alarteoBMnga wbtob. ln the Judgment of your commltka, or of UMlTMoal aaalaM of Um commlUee, mag bave from time k tiiiM beeu eom rnltted. ? >vVo conaMa onaerveaatreedltigri fo.ti.nnte m the rharaeter, ablUty, aeal, aud dlMntereetodnaa of tbe preeenl oaVarg, ar.d we tblnh that no eompany ran poud to ? bettet- raeord than oaw ta ita haalnea man ogement. it la tbe ocanton of thla eanaalMa that this eompany baa Been Bwnagnd with marbed ablllk and integritj, and tbraagbont thentoae lavaaUgattoa wfuch WO have made. everv detall, M far as we are ttbb; to! jndge rrom Ihe examinatton -.f everj reeord and pnper whhli we a-w in to eall ror, and wbleb Um offlcera wHIInglj furnlshed a, haa teaded In everv iMtance to tlrmly atablUh our foraaer benaf ?M"eca> Ddence In the company a- to IU -tabibty. cbaraetar. aud re*Don*lblBt\. . . ?. - -liavir- aothoroughrj atlsfwd ouraelvee tagardlng the a'.ie nanagement ot th;- company and tbe axe M lenee und raloe of Ita aaaeta. are racret tbat we eannot go rutther and ours-lv-.- estiniate tlie of rve-et .c b.r insurance obUgatlooa wbleh ouglit u? be eounted h- g liablllty. I'bis. ii is avtdenti can b? dana ono by an oapert ln actuarlal caJ-uiations. - -Wu have not Ihe aUahteal i-ea-on to doubt Ihe 1,-nii-iM. nf tho cah ulatioiis of the aetuary ..f tbte romounf On the ecntrary, we aa fully ?onvlnced thut bi- tignres gre eorreet, bu| it aarna to u- tbe iin--etit tlme la eapeelally opportuna (or an examlnatlon ot tbe Inauronee aco outa by an oxpert not eonjierted with U"- compony. t<> the emi tbat the InvatlgBtJon .,f voui immlttee may ?>e ao -upplemetited aud com DlVted ti 't a rnn exhlbll of thla company'a Bfraira wlll i: ,-..? i-.-eti nuide bN p.-r-i.ns in no wtoe obllgakd k lte.? ."*a au'gawitcd V>CMr. ilan'ta tbat we Uionght it de Irable thal Um Inanraneg ix-parlment of thla ahouM l* a-**'-*1 to make b rareful and exbaaaflve " .mpiitatlon ol the ItabUI lea oi tfkta company. Mr. lianta aplled to tbe effect tluit the InaUranea De partmait ol ti.i- tftate mlglrt mil rnato a fair exandua (i , i n,.t ti ai 'ie Inaurance Department of latuwacbu .,?11' oo'dd alone be rebnd upou for acenracy. ?it la evldenUy Impaftirable for tbi- eompa rorpomtlon of tho Btate of Xen Yorfc, to .all upon tho state ..f MasaehuaetU for a-l-tati-e in determinlng its llablUUea, but (Mr. Hanta not ndduelng any aifaclenl riaant. for his doubta oa to the rollablliti of tbe AJbany offlclaUi we would -ugge-t the advi-abtliU of thc m auranee Depertmenl ol tui- State maklng a eompMM " maUve e-tinuiu- on a i per eent baeu or ui which ougin to be countefl a- llaMBBa by tim - -FlnaUy, your eommlttw exprea their graaioatton U.nt thea ebarga have brought abont thM InvaaUga t'ou the ranll of arhlch iw- st.vngtbei.ed m uie minm ot your cmtnitiee tbe confldetice which ae have here tofna felt ln tbe iiimiageuient and iu the gooa faitli aun ablllt) ot tlio ofttcers. mm k?_ "? W. L. STKO.Mi. "'JOHN CL.UT.IN. <?? JOHN N. STEARN. ' "?RICHABDM.MT'SBft, ?? -c. C. BALDWIB." 'Tbe Investlfratlng Conunlttea'a report waa a/c-pted and unanlmoualy adopted bj Um Board ... ??f**-,. -Tbe preatdant abtfed tha1 u valiiatl.H. of BUpoIlev HaMlldea vraa now betng made bj tbe -Mbauy offlr.aU. and tbat be hoped to be able t.- preaant It ao U.e Itonra when mbmltttng tbe aanual appru ThM waa after ?ani dnly snbmltted to the H<?rd of IriMBeee. ?? ^ very tntiv. _. ?_ -WILI.I.'M 11. liKF.US. rrefiideitt. ?? IV.r HuailiS." re-er rompauy V-iroif fVtfJYr BOTHFRFD BY hTMfW. Atiotbci- siiiv atory waa atortod yeatarday thal Mnyor had been aaaantted and had -iistained per-..ual injiiry. This tlnr ti": ttory eaaaa from a gaflthter, who gave out ti.e itartBng report ln o Pbrk Bow pool rooaa tlmt the Mayo* aad been ahot by a baokiaahar at in oMo.k the preartoaa Iligl.t. It whk 1 p, ni. whcn tii? raaaer waa gtvea out, and the g*a*htor baeked lt by a decbtratlon that the Mnyor was n..t iu his Otaee. ???" and -1'1' 'f be Is thcr.'," hc e\ elalBMd. " You v. 111 liti'l that hl* ebatf is vae.uit and that i am glvlng it. to yon atralght." Tme eaioagh the Mayor m? not at tbe tltr HaB at i oviock, but be had been in hi- oaaeo Baa* 10 a. at. to 18:30 p. ni., and had -ig.ncd tnaiiy warrants god reoeived ii.sny vbdtor*. Wlien ho ba<t linisbe?l tlu> ofh.-iui bandaeaa af th.- day, thc Mayor aaaaa, aa i hie: eaaaoaa, to tha raeaa. Thoaa repeated raporfs that he ha* been the virti.ii of wonld l?e as*a.s.sln- who have Bttafhttf him with ranea, pistois and baaMgnona are uiv-tifylng t>. Hoyot Qraat, il^ eaBltol aeeoanl for tii.-m. Baarl] cv-ry ntght he i- aroaaed from bt* ,i imbera to Bnd a reporter nt his doar, aaal otrl by ;,n exdteii city edBor who ha* leeotved a "*tralghl Up" that the Hayo* 1 a- bOOB ?JuiuikhI upon" by ;.n iinkiiown ruflian and MVOrOil hatidlert. Tbe object of tii.-c ronatantl] revlved and wholly unfoun.icd ruuiora caouot be bthomed by Mr. Orant <?r hta friends. f.v i.Vf.v i r/o\s w,r rjrrypaj oAMBtKM*. Civll Bervteo oxaii.iiiatioti- f..r BpgMoaatO for em plo\ ment ta the N'ew York IVstofli.e are ln prOOBBaa and wiii be oonttaaed antll Angaal ir>. There are nearly B00 applleaata for rarrlers' poaitlons, un.l tlielr .?AiiiniiKitions will not be BnJabed antfl thc ...iddie of .i week. rh* rtorha' aad porter*' aantaalBMttoBa wlB follow tboee of tBb^eaarrter*. Tlaare aaay '?ot Ikj a atagte app.n.itment otaaVa frou. the aarrloaa1 bst, a* theiv are alraady one haaaBad aabaHlalaa arha aaaal he ingpBod aJtth WarB after tho vmatlon aeaaon la over, aaal ataoth. The PoatooV* Dogaaraaaaai has icfusfHi to pjraat the B*att*Joaal rarrtor* ?>kcd for by the r\MtBM*orr, and ti.e oniv vaeaBeaai will be by toath or reaaovat, and thoaa eaa *u i* iBad from the -.ib-tit.ifc- now employed. The anatbar of appU.ants doea not decreaae, buwever, and the waMtaattoi* bmbbI Ih: li.-ld. _ rrkmi mov ih'b' Tho Oornaataal uf Otagaay and ht* aaaeeta* engaged ln BM pr.paiallun of I.l.bU'a axMB*t of becf BM n.uch laaaaaad evet tha prup.?wi ?f hh* Oaaaahaa of Ueputi.* of Paaaaa u> htetaaaa u.e duty aa that artlela Baaa 4 baaMa lo 100 franea a hunarcd kllot. The n.aiiuract.ire ,.f 1.., blg'a BBliaiI 1? one of th* thlef If n?t the moat Iniportant of thc Indn-trie.. of rrugu.v MlBMrllll ha* b?-ii aJBictcd with an epldeml.- of eni.ll. pas, llahahtrt* ?>d eiBWgs The number of ca*c? of BBB*1V goa ngajlad l?> thw llo?rd of Hclth from May 03 to Jnne o w?h leg, with cv.nteei. aaaOaa, BtaOMB, v*tr* of dUihthcrl. hVib reporte*. and ai*) aU di-atha from cruup. VI 0L? HAMAiHlSETTS MilUOL. Some yeara ago tho Itev. Dr. A. D. Mayo. an endneal clergyinan, havlng a wldc acqoalntanr.c BBB '<a> ..tiou.i BMBaraa, mnto aa Mtowai ??t'ndcr U.e modeet rame of 'W-?|.?? , > Aeadamy,' tha .tudent will lln.l at Wilbraham a wbooi JaOl alfidv on. ?al.i* the bc?t eiriuent. of a rollcge. While moetlng th. of au< I. as eoine for a llmlted t?rn . for an cdur*. tlon In the elemenU of BBa*a**B, for . r> vlew of .?/<id|cs a quallfr f.?r tem. klng, or to flt for rollegn, It olT.r. ln . well. dlgeatal eoiiravi of ?tudy tl,e opport'inlty f..r ao edutauioa iu ruju.y reapects nior. thoru.iaa and broadei Uan the N.?. i-^ngiaid aaahaaa "f aaaaahpdaai y?ar? no." Thla celebratcd a.* pop'.l.r achool waa fou.ided ln bpJBj and ha* aaal.tcd in Uie "lu. .tlon of more. tha. 11,000 ?t?. d-uU of both acxca. WlUiout any eiidc*infi.t, and *on,a> Uu.c carr/lug . heavy del/t BMBBNl la the. r-.tlon of eapeusive bulldlnga, It hia IU 1*08881 expunv* year by year, .nd li.cre.tied lu facllltle. by the r*,eipts fr.,n? atudent*. whlte af the .Hn<.- tln e the ?e*, of attendan.-e raaa t>cen very rnodentc con.par d w ith th.t of rbber #h.n.l< One aouroe of ita auraetivcnea. ha* b -n the beautf of it* alt.ation aii'l IU favorable ai.rrcuiidnga. It u .. thtj nildat of an ? nUr-ly rural region, aa>tllag BBdar th* llrat rlaa of land BB 'ha eMteru edga of tJitj < <*>n 'Ucut ralley, iu an ol* M .-^..-tin?tu rBtoga, Bhaaa th. buatna. I. aluioat .xclualvely t.riiii.ig, ai.d with to B*BB] the jnlnd of the atadaa* ln Ih* towu it*..f. Bba* mitas from Uie city of Hprlnpfleid ai.d two mllca from a rafliri/ -latlon. all IU ou'wart apjclntiuenu .re n>?t UvoraU*. Thc a, hool m?ke? no pr-Hi?lona to belng . eolUafB, b<| It glve. Oi" iin/.t thorough pr-oimWon for colb-g-, and ,c .l?o pruvid-a a birge of Hturtle. for Uio?c who <U aaa or c.naiot fu to e*BBBga. 1? .ddi'ion to gNM ".l.-a, i| funnxhe. courswi in nmelc, paiuting, drawlug i,... .,_ eJoc.itlon, gyaMMaHet and .<?!*. | -. T:, r* ar. aormt Bta baahttog* devoted to the puroo??M of th^ . . fc aud a larg- aad idtoBeBt eorp. af btaara (Jreat ImprovemetiU have IhcD n.?df In tl,. bulldlnc. ?nd gioaada wtthin BM la*t two yeara. .nd a lom;*r bard*a*4 ?irii a teh*, aad bevtog *...?.. aarataa, :a avery ree* eaaaag t.- n* BjetMakM, .Ma-n m th. i BBM uf U.e natlon ha\c had a i-onaiUer.bie j*'t of ih.-if h*M'? Durlng tbe laat year It waa foi.nd ?t one Ume Bal I ?* were raaaaMBahMtvea otaaaat fraai *U th* nva g.-?j?i liei.t- al the giubc. Kaeh att-iitioii is vi\en m athlertt ?T*ru, and tha gronnda M* .part tof Baeaa Ba?B*aea ar- \-r>- .tt.a.-tiv*. Ihare are tow aeadHttae in the eoaatry wh?ra m murh erTlii-nt diaclplinary aerk la con.blncd ^vith .-,, n,'i. h gaa eai Bajayaatalt I'.renU looWIng f.r a flMt-.-la-. ach'^il f..r thetr chlidren ahi.u.d a perBBBBl %i?tt U> Wllinali.m. or bOJ ? W.c l'rlnclpal, B*V. OhX). M. BTBEIdS, I? D.. who ha. baaa BoaaeM d w-i.h r:"- ta*tB**ifrn t..r bbbo raata, and aiw.ya praaatoaat it. adneaflaaal tatareata, \ ,rat.i:v prepaced eotolega*, aaatatohtg uVaaajaehBM af the bulldtoga ami gfiaa \ji,.a'/ie tolataaattae u. nBr-^a in seairch of -uei. all limtlt'it!..... will l*; - ... BB n.uilmtl.n. " I?^CaM^f1S& /?' 1 3n*l HAVE YOU SEEN IT? -THE Elsctrical Moitic Dm Cabi ?OB BXBIBITIOa AT? OURARTPARLORS ART NEEDLE WORK IS rXBUBPABBED. 929 BROADWAY. . a FLINT'S FINE FOHNITURE BELOW COST OF MAHUFACTURE. PLAIN FIGUSES 08 EVERY ARTICLE. ao B1800CBT 10 ANV OJCB, AND TI1K. l't s DO N'oT PfAattUNT CBSOIT, kSV THEKEFOl'.R Ol'B iiM.v .\r.:?. i \-:i BI V OP TBI ?i \I4EB, GEO. C. FLIfU CO., NOS. 104,106 AND 108 WEST 14TH ST. PACTOaTT. 184 ABB 188 B/K8T I8TH-8T. The Original and Genuine (WORCESTERSHIRE) SAUCE Imparta tho uvat dellclous BXTBACT ot a LBTTXR from a MKD1CAL GEN TLEVtAN at Mrtd raa, to bla brother Bt MOBCBsTKB. alar, 1M1. "Tell LKA t PEKRIN8' tbat tb?lr s.iu -e ls bitfbly este nted ln Indl.i, .md ls ln rny oolnion, ihe moM palatable. :& well as tho niost whole gnme- sauce tbat la made." Beware of Imitations; aaaBBBBaaBflgaaiaBamgagggBWBc MM see that you get Lea & Perriri BkBaaggg on erery bottle of tbe Oria-.nal andOnne, JO?* Dl \CA VS BdfrtB. BTW VOKBm Tl'fc BEST | RENCH TONIC VINdeBUGEAUD uutiKAUD'S WINl" |] TONIC AND NOTRITIYK PREPARED WITH CINCHONA AND COCOA H'teiber wiUi a genaroua wine <?( verv auperlorqualliy; prascrlbod tn iba kadiiu pbyaiclana m eaiea of a'ncemia AFFKCTIONS of tl* STOMAChS to.isjusl CONVALtSOKNCE. a BUOHAUD'S WINE n ofaverviqrttab !t usta taanaiBiBiaBaaujaBBBMaaB.wjuaaaaaaa FACIAL BLEMISHES. .._ ?'?" W?ati"<nt of Hn.r ai..| -? a: . I ? ' s 35b gJBB*M?a, Warta. bV.ertti:o>ia Ila.r. r.rthnarta, aam>yajWrW.,ilil rrrcklre, ?r:nl.,p. K? .1 s ? ?(-^ ? jLf'n'ySWiu.Ai-iia, rMmploa.H v ??'. ?.... I'-." r? !.?**.. ry It. h, - st-a, r.tUmrO'fl* :.r Xarka. lav. <? If *aBfM^a_. y \. ,.?;?! -..?,:. Suiik.-nrhr,.. ? ?? ? ?? > V^^Baaarr f>,,. ,,t ofl,-, or tl, , . 1 _......?..?:... kmal > i?"-^ ak n and ???alp anV-tii<na .and th. ir irrsui^nt aa.)* i-h'.-I -.. sm .- f. .- lo ? ?.lolt\ II.WIIO.Illl l'i. II. 1........i..,ui. 1V.1 Wassa 4-d at.. >???? Tnrfc. ? 11 nv7H>i>fnKT'?t rwi %i. ? | BaaJa, 1 /-"^-i... m %%, w.n/, ao ?MJAI" for Ihe SU '"?"::'l MM?. RUPPERT'S BTBW Book " How to ?>e Beautifiil" gas plased ihe ladia* ao *?" f-*J that ahe haa de.itted at ?>??*?? couy Baa Mla aaaM to au **Jl. r or iiti a.iid by! ou raceipl ?a, paaaga M"iB. A BIIM'KBT, g fcASi MTH-BT.. NfcW-iUBB" i THBBOOK OfOrKK'Or.r.V OCaJV?. f0*.^* lilu.uated The .iaii0.ii* amhortu on An. ?rivae ?"?" au gmaamaaa ituh* fot aailmg. ???!"?n;,'"-11D*1V, ,^? lag. ar.4M.ting. horarbaok iidi.iK. Be.. * .. a fidl ?' ' cOpV 1'ut.TiahHd b> The Trlbnne. New-ior... UuWrl*ou Ma and unlveraallv oomvlliiienled by tke ureaa.