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PARLIAMENT PROROGUED. TOriC? IMIB lllllkall M THE QUEEN? SPEECH. BXHUUTO SEA-XEWF017.VDLAND-MEA9CRES FOR THB BBhUaV OF IRFUVD. Lordon. Aug. 5.?Parltaroent was proroeruea to-day to Oetober -4. Tlie Queen's speerh clo-lng the ae?udon, after nlludlng lo tbe nmlenMe relatlons ex latJng betwecr. Oreat Rrltaln and the other I'owers made a brl?f referenre to tbe trentles tbat had been eonflnd?d with Pnr'ncal and Itnly regardlng terrltory bj Africa. ConUnnlng. the speerh aald": I Baa* propoaala to thc l're.ldcnt of the Unlted Btate* looking to the ?ubnla*lon to art id-atlon of the tifference. botween ??reat tlr.utn .ni the T'ntted B'^ft-a jb -ef.rd tc *eal B>hery In BMhttBg Sea. The n*cot!?tlona are far advaneed, bnt have not >ot been conrluded. The Frii.rh Chan.her. have not yet Bgaawvei the ajrefieent betweei, BjanjaB and thc F.-ench R-puhlir wlt.h referentc to the arhitrat.ivi of e-rutn d:ftee*B**a whi. h a^ve ?rtvn concrning .Newfoundl.Dd, whlch .crrcinent wa* Btaaed dnrlnc the prcsent year. I air, glfcd that vou have tn-en able to OjBVaOa . ron aMeable eum of moncy t.i the mltlgatlon of tne hurden whlch the law of eor.ipul*i>rv cducatton ba* Ir.poaed upon Me paorcr portioo of my people. Th. var.oua neausurt* whlrh you have adnpted In eec?nt yea-a t?> aeeur. the otw.erv.nee ?f Uie law ln Ire and ?nd to tr.iprove the general rondltlon of that eo'intrv, reaulted ln ? nuirlicd aoaten.ent of .enri-an edBBBBOB, and ln a i-oualdraahle advanr. ln proepcrltv. Thc eteps t.a?n to copc with the dlatreas threatened in Ireland hav. b.en eflectial ln . famlne. You have alao patae* a benefi>?ut. aaaaaara de.'.ine permaiently with the tengented d.t?tri>'t* of Ir'.and. whlch. It i? hoped, will. hy foatcrlng agr.culture and sUn.ulatlng thc flahlng lnduatry. tontjihnte lareely to thc prcvention of BtaatlBf dan?eis ln the fature. The Die..ure? whlch you paMerl fnr the trnprow a*nt of laod. with reapert to fartorlca. wcrkuhop* and ??vlog? banta, and for the pre*ervauon of tlie pobllc baalth. will. I an. convlnced. conduce to the comfort and web-helng of my people. -? GERMAN INTEREST IS TUE WORLDS FAIR. MCCH GOOD WORK POXE IX BERT.IN BY THE AMERTCAN COMM1TTFE-0FUCIAL COCRTFTES 5HOWS THI M. BerHo. Aug. 5.-The Foreipn Ctomruttte* of the Chl eago Colnmbtan Exhlbitlon have done BBBeB good a*a*h ln thls eity in arousing Interest aaao*BJ thc .,.,mti. ment offlrlal* and mere.hantts ln the World's Falr. A^ 1? generally krrown. It h?ul been before tbe ar rival of the getaUBtatee ta Berln. thaf OaraBBBy wonkl be reprseerrted at the Fair. bod tbe ettOft* <rf bh* com Diittea. wao have been RTeatiy aided by Wllllam Walter Phelpe. tbe An.eriran BlrnlMor. have reaatted in lum-h greatar intercvt belng tafcen on al! *ide*. and a de tenntnation tbat tlie CMreaaa azhfbtt ahafl be worthy of tbe great nation bhal aeoda It and a rnatter of pi'.de to tla thmieands of Garaaaaa w'ro lave tofl tbe toBaar land and made tbelr b .rre* to tne DDttod Btatea. After the wort; of tbe eomniittee I* BbIbBmI ta Herlln the mexnbeff win d!%id? toaa *e?a*al aaMOtaa. Boaae ol them -will vi-.- \lenna and other AiiKtrtan and Hiin garlan cltles. arhflo Othera ?? go to Italy. sv edea and pwltaerland. Ti.e purty which will vjsjt Beme. Gei and the adbOl ? ba mainif*rturltig eentre^ ha? raee \ I a aperial laillaOlW f ***? tbe Ele.trica! Exhibltion artnch a row belng haM ut Frankforl. Tlie partv wlD probablr acrept tbe lavltadtoB and will emleavor U> lndnr? son.e of tlie exadbtto** at Frar.bfort to preparc exhlblta for tlie CMcagO Falr. The eornmirtee h?d another confrre.nee to-dav with Herr Wermnth. the Oe-man Imperial CaBBIillBilaBar B> the Wnrid'? Falr. ln regard to the detnils eeaeeMttng tla German axkfhiaa. In the eo<ir?e of t.K-" eeoBMaaaa, whlch la^ted for BtVOO and a half BaMBB, Herr Wermuth referred la tha apaeo that wonld b?- BOOBOBtwy for tlie aae of the (aaraaaa exhibiton. Th- committee informed BJaj Uiat the t u.Mings tbat would h* BllOtted ro OOr irany would be of Miffirlent size to allow of Beunty of apaca ln whlrh to ahow aU the exhibits of the German Government and BMaBlBlBaiMB and tbat there would be further sp^-e bi the bnildings BBMBld the deniand* of ihe cxnibtt<ws f> barajer ohaa now experted. M ad ?f the ojaa*Be Droai OMiBBay*e desire to have an exrellent exhiblt were gtoeaaaed ABMBg tlie prln Ctpal |e*BO* whuh were frilly aud sati-fVTnrllv ex plalned BB tbe Imperlal CaaamMehaMB were laMB* p gardmg the tran^portatlon of exhibit* *rffm tbe Amcri ean ?eatv?trd aBlaa to CtJcego, tlte insuranoe of the gjonds. nanufaetures. and artl' le? of IU8B; tlie yroteo Bor. that would be glven to the holder^ of German patent*: rr?e engavement of emplr?ye? to attend to the exhlbitf w*:ile the Fair la in pmirress. and the rahM whlrh will govern the retail *ale of liqnora. The ar rangemenf. nade to allow the BBetntJBg Of speelal sitos for bandrfig" Of a Natir>nal eliiiraeter were alao fully *laen.?ed. and Herr Wermnth expressed hlmeelf ae thoroughly .ati?ficd with the BBNBtgM di?i)l?yed by the dlrertor* ol tla Fair ln providing for all p'^*ible oetn trn ge n el es. The only potat on whlch no agneernent was reached araa ln re^ard to the art exhiblt, but thi* wa* owing m the non-arriral ln Berltn of sperial d'-lecatea who ar* anthorltic* in ?bbbBB of art. Thev aja expeeu?d |o re?fb here aoon, and pendlng their arrival the snbjeet tV BOt di?e-Uc,?ed. The committee are ?till the rectplent- af muoh offklal attentJoa. This evening a dinner wns glven In their BoDor by Dr. taa BoooBetaar, laeratory of tlie laiaartal Horne ObVO. dMBOBf Ih* B*BMta were 0**M*Bl v.,n Caprivi, Chancell-.r of the Bhaplra; \vi;::a:n Walter Phalpa. th- rjaltol Baaaa* hTialater, aad Oiaaataa Coa> man, Flrat Sexretary of the AfBOrlraa laagattoB. Mlnleter Phelps. ha? bee-n lookmp ,-ver the royal Binaenms and private art eoilertJons bere. in order to flnd ?me palntings or other .r-i<le<. rclaittig to f'olum rma whlrh mleht be *erured as tatoroatrOg OOOtriba ttora to the PBtr. Bad ezeeyd e I.h prtated la-t- in 135T, aaarhatatag a lih-nc-s <,t OuBi?baa, a aaadal atnteh ln Laaai af Dahta'i uua^aaara, aad a tew raadori aag poood to bare hotirT'gMi t. Paaaarro'a bmb, do n rjoliinjbui or the otli-r Arneri.-an di^coverers have been a" Daner of thi. dty MBJ* that rhancellor von Caanvl ba- toid btr. Fhelp-. the Amcrican Mlrdater h>r,- tha: Bmpenr WUllam will perhapa rli \vorid'= rair a* CUtwajB. This suitem-nt, bowavar, ta fcs oonflnuatioii. AN^miEE ANT1 IIRIlHF.W OTTBREAK IN BDBBIA. LoBim. Aag. '.-Advieea have been reeeived here of another owtwaQ* npon Dahiuwa in Baaata. The troubie ecearred at k^taaheagrad, a farttfad towa of r,,;,,,, . BBBOBB Wh**B are ?;uite a nnmb'T ^Uebeawa. BeeaatU Bgearal toaataind fara gn BBBdl lOBOalMBOra and others eng:.ged lB acri ealtaral < ?? in ihe conntry aarroandli | betgrad ?arehed tato the bawa aad proeeeded to tha Hobraw gaartcr. Ti.e karrrOed HObaewa, apoo bm i i them ag?i a h off, made frantk eftort* to htde theaa BBlvaa. traM erlea sf "?B tha .tew..-1 thc bmH) tav BcerMaf aaos bhetr wywerlng vlctMna They Bttaehad ,, ,..;? r... ,..,, | ,... oarnera fteaa laeaa a* hoodfag theai parwertea* to c-f.-nd them Borrea or thetr a*apwty. tatd ptoBdered theaa of every whal wa* eaaibHrod nol worth _. wm B/aol | ? .,i. Boaae of the ewa offered restotaaee and thrae of them were k.ll.-d. blaay tthara were ? i::'1','^ ilhorttlea did BOt interfere lu aag way to protert the DaHOVa. ?OR AN /JUITBATIQB TKEATY WITH F.MiLAND. London. /tag. bV-Ia the Hoaao of Cuoaaaraia thls gaaraaaaj i Baodud Craaaar, aaeaaher tor Uaa Haggerston Dlvldoa of M..,*.h, BBVO OBflce tbat at d aanitoa he a >oid totroOaee a leaolutloe to favor af Ihe c?f a treaiy hatwaen Bngland and the Cnttad Mat,- i.y whiefa the two nattoaa wlB BOjre* to submit ta Brottratioa all daBkaaneea whlcb may .riv ...... . aad whteh they are aaaale to taaaafk tha aeaal Ba^aoaaadfo ehannwht atr. Creme.r. whe is BoBtirall} a Badteal li'-foimcr, U aell kiv?*ii f?r hk efforta la the dlraetlon of -ub ?ututing toBBBBlhaiBl artotratloa for war. A NEW F1NAN. E .MIM-TKi: fOB BAWA1X ggjB IM i J,llT ?jf.. i.\ the a BBMhtp Aa ? . thal Oeaeo LIBb OBBioad lu.- BBBOaatd the portzollo af iBaadaaa* of t,, ? v, ?? -.;;?),, \|,,. M-, \\i.).-i:ii.ii!i. aajawd, and tbat he ba*. BniiiglufI it. i'r. ahaftb w?> ?aaaaatar of flaa l <>i the lotertor taa 88 >e:r- | The t'tal productiun of eugar for l-'.l i> estlmated at abr.ut u.i'..tM"K) toiis. Aa aaaraga radOettoa <-f BB per cc:it af tha tnxe. .,!, th- BBgaj pkairtatlooi ba- booa granted by bh* Cabtaet ? taa raaaB I - loatoinnne .,tn ti.e aaaatct*, *rho raaaadata ? m ation Ln the Bgai owu,^ f. tfie Untl BMaMBTO of the Luted haaOea. _ W VR RlrjlOII lil'iM THE HALKA.V-. Parii. Aug. hWlatagraaaa raataaed in ttaa dty f^ifn Bafla. tlie capital of Iiulgana, bnng rumor* tbat 00*1*0 preparanons for war a:e belng mad" by tbe military authontiea of tbat aOaaalry, Inqulrlas were made ln ofB<l?l quarters here, but the rumors reeeived no 000> flrmation, ihe ofli-ials de'larmg tbat they bad no knowledge Of any warlihe preparatlons belng made 10 any of tbe capital*. af tbe Iialkan etntea. The only BagBraMdaoO elirited wa* that i:ulgarl\ reeentlv placed a large order for artlllerv ?.th UM creat Oaracaa BJBO ?oaaBa BM Ki up>, THE lx.MIMf.N i.uVEKNMENT hl .?TA1NE1>. pauwa, Aug. &.?A bbObBBB practlcally appr.vlng of 1 ? tl<iV>rwuetii,'. tmde pohcy waa vutod b? la tho ikaBaagfkBMaaaa thta rnoming. Tbe Goveraaent araa austalned by a majorlty of rwVnty-.wo. -? BI^MAkCK OX FRANCK AND BUSSla. ATTRiBtmvo Tnr.iu frientisiiip to etuotis OF GEUMAN MPI.OMACY. Paris. Aug. 5.-The VMtt of the Krenrh fleet toCron Ma/lt. and Uie enthuMastle receptjon aeeo-.l il the Frenrb ofllcers fej aU rlf|Sse6 of ,.???,?, sfl, m. 8 88 the C8B8 BkaanatA, ha*.. as is wrll BBaara, oe^n made tbe BBBjaM of BMBBb publle aad prlvgte eorrment as to the aetual -tate of tbe relatlong bet\ve.-:i BMBBB and Frnnee. and aa to the probable Mbad of an eaaaataa and 8BkaMBwa alHaaw b*w..Cii tbe paa Badkeav The newdpa;.ers hav.- anhrkbad inany ietters r.n BM -ubject. but a letfer whlih appemrs to-day. if vrKten by tlie BlbapBl author, is HKely to aaaaa thc subject to bc dls eaaaad at >xm preater langtk. The uFlgaro.'' of Uila elty, fms Jn Ita columns to day a letter alleped to have beon written by Pnn.e R.smarek to tbe Russii.ri MndB* of Uie (ferman party ln f?t IMersburs. Thls letter makas tbe (iorman es (haneellor BBtkw that rlie \i-j; of tlie Frenrh IgBBBfOa fo CbaaadadU araaM not have aaaaitad bal iw raaaMBadl ii. i".wer. Tbe vlsit, tbe letter -avs, uUs tlie 188*8 af tliree paa BUftBkM Ol Uerman d'.plom... v. Tlie i: ?-: mlstnke wa- the vialt of th.. Empraa I r":!erl?k to 1'arls; tbe aw-ond was tbe raaewal ot ti, ttlploAHl aaea, wnicb wa- dtvulpcd with inch cagern<*a by Emperor ana tne tblrd araa the Eiaieror'a ti.?i-y \ lsit to lawaVa M. LoekroT, ln aa Bikevkv to-dav, aaJd h? bad no donbt thnt tbe hanrtaome B.pttoa Of tbe Fr>nr!i fteet at Croaaadt, If not tbe viVt itself. ???. ?te U' Enir landv .-upNort <>f t'w Dreiband, VfbQg rraaca ara la dated, be ;?<tded. there waa a strong MgpMtJon for the m.isterftil and nprtcioaa Garman Emperor k piunge Odraaap kk war. Th- rapyrochement be tween Fraace and Ruaala remov.-d tbat tanger. Franea. bowerrer, h.d malnly heraU to blarre, her obrtinacy In her poliey lu the Bgypttaa a?d N'-wfmndhu.d quwtlona Uin.w::i? Enzla .1 Into Ui- arma of Germany '" md. atid the I>i?'ib.ind. After tbe i'it.a! mlatake, alie oujrht to bava repard ti Ner, ( Itrerht treatv ....v. uiv *'?? ivcri, ,\ii?i lll\_ I'Mnii iti ?-> i?*ia<~ * ?ail\J oupht to have ne<<-,i the rttoatOn ln Egypt, and ln repard f> Ne^foundland abe oagh t<. bave modlfled the I t-... .1,4 * PRINCE GEORGE AND THE CZAREWITCH. THE FORMFR'S TBJBUOg OF THE ADVENTURE IX JAPAN GiVES OPPKHCI IS ST. PETr.R-m:;.'>. St. Peter-bura;, Auj. 5.?T.'ie letter whirh reeently appeared ln tlie ? Rer!lr.<tske Ttdcnde," of Copenbairen, ln which Prlnre Oaaraje of Oreere pive a detuiled ae, cinint of tke att?v'i nwde upon tlie Czarewitrh at <"it-u, neax Kiot... .Iipan, by a Japaneso polleeman. luwi preatlv alte:?l Uie esdmates wbub were at fir?t fornied here oi the Prliiee's netlea upon iliat oeeagloo, and has been the. BBBana nf plaeine bim in deep IMgraea ln tbi- Bttp. The re??on fur thc channe of feebnfr is tbe fart Uvit the Prlnce cat.sed k be pnblished hk own Boaaauit A Uie attack upon the Ciataailnb wiuumt ptaalonaTj submittlng the n:anuscript for revlsion. II i- tuimllkatal bere that t!;e stor>- as tuld by Prinee Oaarge eaipBaalaa aarfala n.mors tbat the Csara .!'?.: not exblbit nnn-ii brarerj ln numlng aarag when b- T.a- aataeked. PartJcnlar Offeoce i- tabeii ul enl ln Uie Prinee's pnbllsbrd letter tbat after tbe Crararaltcb !:ad been itruei and wbile he w;ia ri'..- to make bM eaeape from bta a-.-ailarrt be tumbled to the pround tkrongb ibeer frlgbt THE KAIBZB'B OUT FOR THE QT'EEN*. London, Aug. 5.?-'Truth" to-<lay savs that Emperor Wllliam ha-s plven onlers for the paintlng of a htiea picture of Uie Impertai paekt H.>henzollern. Wben the pirtt:re is eomp'.cted it wlll l?e ntaaaBki to tbe yueen ?&*> a mem?nto of the Einperor's rerent vl-U to Eni,-!a!:d. Tbe picture wlll have tn lt a portralt of tha Emperor, who wlll be rtpresented as standinf? on tha brldre'of the yarht. The absence of the Emperor if greatlv resretted at (owes. It wa"; hoped that he aroadd rbdl the I-le of KTgbt, and it wm beUoaad that his would cive an tmpetiis ro tbe yaehtlug seasou. wblch thus fax baa been a ilull one. ??* onosan ? privtlege osahtcd to royalty. London. Aue:. 3.?An order was reeent.'y Issned bf the Adrnialty grantinp to Emperor and the Prtnre of Wales. ;e- udminds of the BrrtMb Navy, Uie priviletre of flyinp tbe unlon flac when aboard any ve-ei gad "f raoMalag 18a ealak dae the gaalgn, This <rrder has plven rlse to BMCb IMaa*MdaetMa in noval eirt'le-, as it is a flap-ant braacb Of t!u- naval reimliv arbJrk iimie tbM prlallege to ofaaaa in active t,er\-icc. ? AROENT1NE KINAMTAI, NOTES. Buenos Ayrea, Aug. r?.?A conimlttee of tlie Senate lift,? approved a bill lntnKltieed by the Government a provi-:..iial baae of and the ?rtablis:"iiient of Uie ArfBBttaa National liank. whirh will take ebBaTBje of and ltquidate the affaire of the preaaal National Bank. Gold is quoted at 301 per eent premium. THE CZAR BTaJOIira FOR F1NLAND. St. Perersburp, Aug. 5.?The r; and I '/.anna. the Grand Dake AMzM, and Uie Mintster of War baaa -;.irte4 for Flriland. They wlll make Uie Journey 10 the lmi?erial yaetit Derjava. QFARRELLED WITH T1I". MAYOB OF TORONTO. TOronto, Aag. ~> - Mr. Laidlaw, Q. <?., one i ?otttdtoa for the Ki-iy Breretl apndleak, arbo act.t ln the ben bBBdar for the franebla of tBe Poronto ralhvav systcm, went to Mayn I lartuVa oflee tbta DBomlng to urpe the lanadlete paparattoa of tbe ggreemenl fot tbe Mean of tbi nUaray. Dartng tba aucauatoa "l the giflt*tr Mr. Laidlaw 1k-. itne angrp a:id ezelalaad tbai be aroadd aet tbe honeat. ?>' Boel MarabHll ggalttM that of Mayor Cbufca. t P0B .' Uda the Mayor araa, and. - Bat k tM-..' lawyer'a Mm). ordaal bim t<. Maap Iba rooa. Pm ;i Ume it kohed aa if Uie two nrep, wonbl eorna to I bal aldmateli the Mwyer aithdiew. II i ?tood tbat the Mayor artll not algn the agre niitii tbe wboM af tne etreet-rallwaj tcanda] la cleared "P- .?+ THE INTERNATb'NAL LABOB 00!fOBMBB. BraaaaM, Aog 5.?The liru^H Internatlooal Labor COagreaa, or, bb it i- aow ralb-d. Uie internataonal Bodalbd Wortnnei wfll aaaabM bere on Angmd 16. In aptte of BdaerabM maaga ? and tt.triRtie on tne part ol the mll tbe affalr, tke aaattng arlll be bun larportaot Borway, Bweden, HtdJaod, Franoa, Oer niaity, Amrtria, b*wltBerlanal, Hnngary, ^pam and luly -<.-nd (leietmtes. arrdM for the Bral in tbe bbdary of Mbor mo^arnenk Poland arlll be reptaaented. A dek from tba Unlted Btatea la alao expe Ma. PARNF.I.L LOBBB A BBWaPAPEB ALLY. Dtibi.r:. Aag, .'..-??The BettaM atondng Ke BMrte nrpported Parnell, todaj deebuaa tbal publii oplrdon ls aettlng In tbe diraetton of ttk poiu-y of Mean. DUlon and < >"> THE QCXBSC HABBOB WDBBJ OOHTRACT. OMawa, Aag. I. rbaaz]. eaghae aaapotnted to report on tbe reapretlvB knaan fnt tke QbvbMc iarber i.ave Bubmttt d their r-p-.rt t. tbe Prlvllegea BkctkBB Oonittiitiee. There w:i- iobm BaenBar w-.rk abotd the gward of tbe big antraet t-> Lartdn. . McOreevy Irm. Tbe PnbBa fTorkg Department Bgared ont tbat two otk. b of G. i anage and J OaBagbar, aaa Mwor tban tlut of Lartdn, ConnoUj <t- Co, Batk af ttaaa trnden, it 1s aow km.wn, wrc uMbM*aa put la by Lavfcfn, CMn Bofly a Oa Tbea aaa aanlpaJBted oat of tke way, wbetber with or wttt wl tke ronnrranee oi rearpo ofiteen of tke Pnl tment la ""' -,t ? . gnd Larkta, OoonoDy 8 ('"-. -'"< tke eentraet Lately. fl iwevar, it wa napeeted tbal ; e departmental Igurlng !:;?fi prerenkd tbe areepk d Moore, a-'.t - ., to r pon on tbe wbole mntter. Tbi ;?,', the tet.r .1 Peten 4 M ? -- ?- tbe "ing P712.0 7. the 1 ! Und" bsnder* of Gal and Keauaee eomlng next '''' tbal i rjj ,\ co.'a tender wa IW32^48. ? a - A TEMATMICAL AOXS1 II TWK7VLB. Mrs. Atbaron, arbM af > tan Blng aalawwan, .,. no, 801 gad Twei ty U Ird t. a rleadqnartera arttb ber bnsband <m Tne ?i tbe arreal of Herbart Cbe I r, a tl i1 ,. jfo. M0 Bbrtb ava. Bbe aaM abe '? -H ' r, |? privaM "? ad bad pbaoed to go on tke -'?..-''? '"- v' 'l''l,, '" ?',"-"'T?', i,m''" a.,d aeeepMd aa oBer offdo . aaab to ptaj M i ?aay wbkb be aaM be aa keaai %. He faM i.e woaia ,-,li at h'-r boaa antb i ooadrael t.. be atgned Mter in the day He fcand h^r at homc the BHBe <! ;??..,,,?.,, to , -,i.i- ber. After i ? eoan pefled to leaae ber, bat afea proartaed ta meet bub a] aa M ber boaa reeardgr. . laaaaetor Bymea aaal Mra AMmrton to Uie Jefter-on | Marbet Polla Conrt, anara ? ararrant ke Ckapar*! agieat wa, anaeaaei. Teateaday CkaMa aaad to " ,. ..,., ntment with Uie woman and arai ar SSL nl? waa i f" Jefferaon .Market ; Kuce" court in the aftonaaBB, aad aaa aaM lor ex- | ajiiltiatiou. _ a A tmrnVKMAWOM LaVTVftml atJBaTfPW. . \ Y gtg- "i -A temperane^ leetnrer Baaaad u Po-?'iiarriey dellvered a Mrtua a week apo Mondi.v .-. ? o, rohoea Tbe next morninir he b'ft his board- j ; ' , .se? Innp S -,? aaa aakg k the Waterford ?m,e ii baa n?t ak*?? h^" ^n- "?? D,an" , r^,hatbeb.i-.--fouliy.,-Utw1:,,. Hk SdJrdfrom lette. "*? "? *J "J iLe taardl.ig-b.-ia, tbat be ha*. u atiMM P;,k ,r BrutaklpB. He w- adrertiaad aa a - refonned B*U*treL" CITY EVANGELIZATION. I ADDREHSES ON THE StBJECT AT TnE NORTTIFIELD CriXFERENCE. I THC WORK OF DR. F U'.K laVRvrS MIS-ION-SCOPE OV THZ MOODY BIBI.S ISsTITfTE IN CIIICaco. t'BT TtLEOHAru To TI1E TRIBrxE-1 NortBlieH. Ma>s.. Aug. y -T!m> tlin-e ae.ssion* of Uie I Ribie OoafaraBoe to-.ia- uerv. gtvoB up to the div ? af elty evai.r-lJAatio-i. -ril(1 I;i.v J{ A T.T ; rey, aavaefBdaaaaaBl af the Baaa* Instltute for Ilome | and F.nvlgn MbaBOB* of th* Codeaoja BaBBgaBaBl j rie-y, prcslded and said at tbe OBBBBl thot he dld not ! BMajOOO to have tbe need of MBa hing the niaeaea dto ! .ii--ed, for aaagyhadbj raeogataad that; tor was it ."? t<> have the ptltaaoghj of bhe BBbJeel B*ooffaf forwaid. aThad w:.* BOOfhaf BOBJ was to kBO** h>w the watt was l,finc aaaaa. Tlie f.rst hour thi-. BBtvatag waa oecupled by the i Rcv. F. B. Meyer, of Umbbob, witn a Lilble r**d tlw *jaee*BOa of Bervtea. He. told why men were aat oaod Baaro in OhrbOjtaii mTlee, and tbcn ex i baaa they aatghf be u?d. >ir. bbbBbb; ?Ii Thy Oooa Of Coatfati Failingt" after WhtOh Dr. I Naflianlcl Wesst, of Mlimctpolis. offcrcd pravcr. Tne j tirst ?in:aker waa C. E. ItoBOB. the anp<n1ntendeiit of i tlie Madteoa hquatv BraahyaarJafl OBatr. : Thlrd-iive. and TtUrticth it, N.w York, who t->ld of hi.s , work amonp the negleetrd eJeaea* of tha Baai Mde : lle aald that Dr. Parklmr-t bad two reaw.ns for Btatt |BBJ Tliifs worlt. OCM Waa to .rtvo his neli, Influeutlal? he Balghf n?ld lazv-Chri^ti-v.s an OpBOftBBthJ B? BafBg tbe roaaaret* at tia-ir eoauaaad; aad tha aBhar was i tha great nc.d thal exhreed aanong tlie p?"'rcr rla -,?? of ; New York. The sfc-jy, wbirh he had taken in? the lart four y^aj-s were then related. Twi.e thc I had to aaaaa to larirer quarter*. t'lothliiir. furnlture nnd money are g.ven when needed. Th*** were many tcnrs seen when Mr. Itolarai to'.d of th* wretrhednesa of aoaue of thnae whom the mL-jsion baa boneflted. Aft-r I praver by Pr. H. C. Mabie. B. W. JOOMoa, of Bnltimorc, told of bf* work amor.K the ecamen ln that. citv. The rlnslr.p addr>--s was made bv T. B ?. Wi'kes. of \Vinia:.i>i".-t. POaa. The BBBBttoa society of that city pr. BOOM to have ln conjnn. tion with its work a girls" tralntog aehaoL THE RFV. R. A. TORRET. The Moody nible tostttat* in CMOOgB, of whlch Mr. Torrey is tbe supcrinterdent, was started to mcet thc grcnt aad lUMuBlIng fayaaaad for men skilled in the knrtwle,ice aod u*e of the \V,.rd of liod, and fan.iltar wuh at-zre-^iv? Btethode nf work. to aef a, aaatoia' Matotaato, elty ml .--neni ajdoatoaarlea, -Min aay-eeb ,,] mlaatonoriea, evangehata, aad to vartoa* Bekta of Cbrlatton tobor al bomm n:id abroad. The atogjlah Bthta P:l1 toat*ooh al I BtftBBB. Its Btady I- <!iv:i"d i::to four B An totradaetory, arhJeh d-*J- wHh tbe tesptrM the Berlptare*. ahef* atratitar* and the Bfbto itady; aoeoad. Bm i"!"''1'' "?**? "f ,h" Mto dortrlne, aadar *rbJeh aO the B**af doetrlnei of tlw Hil.le nre examlned; balrd, the rtudy of th* BIbto in - and booka, every book belng atadtodand inany :, uiiiinielv ; fourth. the atal) of tbe Blbto wuh immedlate reference to \U mc In the Inqrury room, exerrlaea In [be r - poJtlon ol the Kcrlptnrea, eoo .ni, Oon an.i dellvery nf BlUe readlnga. (ermona, et Ldditlon t? the studj ol the liBde. tHe study o i- mnde n apeclaJ featnre of the It ?tltnU> citv. home ind for. Hie und. t :- enr .lled In fhe m. i year reprew Ti.c total namber waa 173, of whom 125 were Ai. -t etovea deaoealnatlooi were i? ? . the ipeaker* were Dr. h>ia?v. of ' H irrford Dr. i- ??' n. A B ?1 >n, and B. 11. Haddley of ih" Water PtreH Mlsalon, and Mr. PTIIHs, , oi st. raoraya Ctoreh. ta Vew-Yorh ln thc eveninc .Mr. Diaz, of ' nba. t >M ol ; hia work ln 1 -' :u:"" ^ and was foll rwed bj the Bev. Mr. Torrey and the BOT. am. WHICH PRETT HTS BBVOLTEB FIRSTt conoNF.r. suttos BESTjatca Bis [jrvraHBA OF THP. ASTDERSOS BAKER CA8E, The eoadlttoo of I. Sewton Baher. Colo el B. O. [D|Bsri ? ' rv- wl;" m ",',"r OrvlDe M. ajrdewon. m i anehanged yeaterday. Thi- the doe tors oonsldei I Hia w ,re | ? ? bedidde, and Mr*. lageraol] i* oareialtttag to her at tonUona. It ?i- after 10 ovin-k ?-. hen c.roner Sotl m reaiBMd l la taveotigatlon ol the ab atlng. The room araa r^owded with people. ,,.,ie aad waarled. Cbeater I alied. He told roheta thal ha* been paMlshed, Bel telll .g h .w be rame apon tb. itrnggUng i ti ti.c groand, and whal dlfflculty he had m wp..;i. tver from Baher. The wll ??-- tohl Bbonl taklng the ptotol. and whal baai Baher was wonnded. Flaher waa the tir-t man who . tir-en npon the Beana. HI nony doe* not, Ittrarever, appear to etear ap whlcb of (lli. ,.,.. -a- hia revotver flrat. althoogh h" I* satisfled that tho 1 - '" ?* ., CherkM Jaroby, '??<? I ! np the bOl raad when b. ?? rreUlng. heaid Bah. -What: Yoo InanB my arltot" Baher then ., porhH ? belpnd ... !, g. torned I ; ''"' U'' heard thre. ra ? ''"'^f gwlth l?l at eacb otber. ? ?"hal ?" "::ihe tl,e motloa toward dr i i I ; ?1> There waa a eraateg v.,.. ootaaer oattai i tltof for atra. Bal n waa '? "l,u1'1 '" ter. Th- coraocr wa- tof . r ni too mti. h - Bppear. Bhj la in rvons ond byaterical .-.?? nAla\ derfo aa evaartiwtttoa, There idjonrned eontl nnl - I ? rtVmatableK Jail .. ? '? '"' ",,,ir" ? ??> ?TB/hTES tl OMAUL . More brtchl* Bonr day < ? tnrday wltb etght earpenl I.,.ui !? will oa Baturday demand elght bonra. AB th* eight hoara. Tl no chaage ln tbe atrlhe of Um inteftere and ai ro be naciPiL or .t roraut tcwoot. af Dr. Praaeta J. Cheaey by Bm toea] board of traateea ..f ti Koratal BOhool ol Coidtaad 11 bc prla. Ipal ? to-day b) Ihe Btaoi 8*np*rtowadanl t!,,.i. i>r. Ch* aad* Jaaaea ii. Booaa aa* - aadar tha !?? of th l.nlver-lf. I v that OfOa bal upon maklng it <',nv petit.^.-. m_ THE IXafgf MESCLT OT HOLDISO P.tra; prREiT ChuttanoogJi, Te.nn., Aug. r>.-The millera of Bd* plaee have f?rni-.l ? aBtgafl t ? BBJ ?' tr"m Mjf pjoal "e:;. -..> thi i- .' me i.i aeU ? BjtBtaal tbe aagggato of baafafli l ?. Bha, b.. k d by tbe Alliaaice, are holdmg their whcat for a I prloe, with the re.utt that it hua ri?eu la tb* P^* week from ?2 l-'j to 00 ceots. East Tennes?ee prnln wlll run the rnWla for a Ume unUl a Weetern au,?i.iy raa be piaaarab AGAIXST TUF. FLOUB CllT IIFE. A R0CITE=TFR ASSOCUTION ACCFSFT) OF FRACD IN RI.POI'.T- TO THF. HF.AO OF TIIE IN BtraUMCB DCPaBTMBMT. Albany, Aug. r..?rk;low |s piven the ?abetaaaa of the two reporfs snbtnltted to AJklBag Oetieral Tabor tv - np<rtnt?ndent Pleree, ,,f BM ?-'?''' lii'ur-.mee De jnrtm-n'. upon the gMflMBBfttoa into Ihe alUir- of BM . it\ UM \ wrtiika. af Beebiater, made by the l>epartme::fs gzaadnera. ln Mfl Mt8M to tbe At kaaap-Oeagea] agardlnr. these axamlnation-?. 'he Bapertakankaa* aapa ba i* 'nti-fed tbat tMs aa ? ou ha- been raMafllug it? baBfaeai frgaBtaMarOy, and ha, fnlled tn romply with 8k BtaakkBJ of the ?t inaaaaaaa kwt aTMtaBMB he ha? asked the AttorbxM-faeacral k takc aaeb lepnl atopa as wonld serure a BMaokrtloa 8f Uie ebarbBT af tba a eekaka, if tbe fan- g| eloeel in tbe repor??. ?beedd, in the oprnlaa of the AJBaaeydkaeral, reqada -in h artion. The 1ms. It . -'" Bf of other qti< - :, BMaa i ' - n<,t aaakj ipe lie.1 ln Bk r-txirtA, as the >ii|k i Bi s ild to d,.> tbal be <!ld not thinlt ii Jni'.irioti- to nial.c tbaM p:ibllr at thM time. The?e c;.-?e-. boangrer, the Mipor tntetwlent add.-d. hare been refenvd to the Di-rrf'-: Attoru. v of M.,nme County, who has BpJBBiy eeeaiad an Indletment acainat the pre^der.t of the u*>sn< ;,i tion on fwij (oiinta. Tliere wlll be a hearine before tbe Att'.rnev OCM ertii ;it. 'Z p, m. on Thur-dav. on the reports of the aaaataaea, at whlrh the officers af the ompanv are ??\ji. . Md k be [irrsent. The BrM report says thnt sinre the orcani/atlon of tke BaaorMdka, in akaaaaber, 1888, it* nfTnir- bave been under thc eoabnal M it- board of diroftwaa. a seif pe-petnatlnir body. CMdak aaaaa had firmed a oopartnerablp for tbe purpose of BtmMMng Brnda, ete? to mnet Uie genernl expense* of the ?-so< iafi-.n nntll It shot'id berone gnBJgBBlMHblg. when they were to siiare and sh;ire alike tn the ne' proBta. "That i^:s oonkak or BgraeBaeat," rnnttnaa the rep?rt. ? wa* of value to tbe partka thereto has been pmven by the faet that at llfkafltnt fimes pgrana holdlnc an tnter^si In the ?ome bara , >H neb Mtraat." The Matory af the ebaagae in this oopa.Ua.ehlp is then . and the report desrrlbes th? BegaUattOM re surtinp in t;.-" pnrebaa .>f tbe Hour <'irv Aaaoetottan - UM Cnlon of naw-Tork. Befereaa la made to an aDeged llkgal naeting of 8M Pkar Ctty*a Bbaeton on Aprll 'jr:, 1801, al trblcb abe reaignatlana M okeen memben of tke board aara aeted apon and the board aaa lefl arttbonl a qnoram, ke renndnln'g members, boaraver, proeeedlng t" Mnnaai I Lmportant Th" vr m -a\ - tn eonebakn i 8fe rapettfuD] ? tka me.'tinp of April 23, wbsn the board of dlraetoa wen lefl < ??'.> ,;.t a quornm by memben ol tbe board abo were ig apon tbe radgnatlaea oi namben ooi ? and Tln-ir own reaipnaUous, the Floar <'itv Llfe ttlon l.a- ba ? a rtb a board of direetor^ ?,! ho were never elei f'<l d ra l ?? tha < Mnaral < "o opeiatlve - n bo have i alled ? ? been Irregular nnd llle^l. Tka aeeead report aya in part: In th.; report of the Flonr City UM A=soe!atlon, dated /nna l". 1801, a Mtement was made of the r of electinp the dlrectnra oi d cd tba abatna of tbe ao-ealled p:-e-<'nt board. Wo refarred i.i tbe board ?f dln>etora U g s.'lf P'-rpetnnrl'iL' body, Tttn' BM memben of n ao-ealled :i leaament ns-oelutlon, organl /??ii opp ? edly for th ? pnrpoae of glvlng mutual !??: crll ? . t!.. - int - ? th ek tlon of a body wbleb wa to ai i did eontrol the manage nent, Ita I baalnaa poiley wa- i'i .t ? -if -ufli i.-i.t tn raose a eertaln amount of dlstrnat. Any -n-i'M?: .'.' baa Imd of m'i;eril Irrvg nianrie- in Ita manacemenl M the Ume wg araa inffleiently famlflar arith 1 '1 purehaa of the ? .-:r i itv by the Llfe rnlon to rvp-.rt -. ?- In -!;? h tranaartion t-- jroo, bgrai been more matalned. At vartooa ttnn befora tbe ate gl ???? r '.-.??<l to, "th^;- peraona ; : p-.t.-ii ? ? part ??- cbdmlng to own mmi ...-te.: gnd pi!d tbnaaanda of <!"llnrs for igmo. tba n mey pa tl In aneb pnrebaa betng divided m eontrol. sti'-h tranaaetlona, when wttt tbe ?worn teatlmony of of th" pnrttes mahlne thea -ii ?-. ai ?? ..f .-i eon Dd< i'"- . > .-ir --ittei-ti m i- aaBed to the foiiowt-g tmga lar.'.i'-- : Flrat?Thal fmd? belonrtna to mnrtnary Meoorda, of di>Uara, propi "id?That aztravagant -altiri-?- have been pa:d. rettiitii^c in fmrt n aneb miaappron/lati m of fundv. Thlrd?Thal tbe bwt itatement ^i- fUed in tke De par'n.t t- noi ?? !?'>'? itatemenl ol it- eondttlon and affalra on Deeember ^'.i Uud. ! .Mn ti Thal Beera hare l-een bencdted by other aonreea of Ineorne r aalnrtea, from b pr iperly beloi - - a t ? benedeia Ftftb?That ?- have been defraaded oat ? 'i by the rm-ord- of tbe i.lation Mrasr amon l nippaar a baalng been pani than Betoally r-e.-i.-e-i ).\- th.'m. ,; otTleers of 1Me a-soeiatii,n .w row under Indletmerri ? i ?- 1 ' - I ra -. \- .;!, - r .t all panera ml.itins tr. loaaea p aevern ? caaea bave .1 ?ppeand from ? ? -ii. : isq.r.f rl-ks Inve heen talten. rn;-- i ? I thal ererj rklm uhen rDed eoaa ?t':itlve iTi-tirnnee on unlnanrahle tbe aaaoelat i 1 .????Tl entlillii B?d. - itlrallv Eleventh- T'>it pools 1 vn Irrenilarlv and dh> ??'?? np. Twelftl Tl ' ire '.n f i reenth Th it the a-- irlsBon ha IoIbb bncl - ? wlthool anl>'-. FonrteenTli-Tliat thla aaoetatton ha been rerkles-lv ind d ' -'"'i All tkeae eharpet ?ee treat"d in ln the report. ir?.-fT Arr> .v.irr TS1ELUQESCE. af, . r al - te- f"r foar rr.onths is irrjrit-'l Kir-t Llenteljant Wiiiin:: W. GlbnOB, "nli-in-? i. -? - paaad '.1 .,,.! .1. Lenlbaa, 20tb Ii The leave ol i1 a< n - n > i- >l - ' - ' i; berl I-:. I, M I -? ontlia , . 1 itli Infantrv. arlll report aa of WeahlngtoB f?.r dni . - ruetor of ?< ' . ? I . r- Lnvened owlng pia--.~ nattoe <.t o*B< -r- t ? ? ?? dlaaalvM rt; Fort Beogh, M 11 : t rt Wlngat . B. M w "' I>epara. lagd altwt : i ?- Xbaaaaa, Ky. Wbipple Barra - a ; Port i aa | afljo rs a -l-ir-t I-' - it ,,-.,:,. -. ? ? Batt rj l Infantry? John B. Paiand m ttw ITM laMnfery; Maja W. fowelt, ir., ta Bm "tii lafaatry; Capta \v?:K--r, Btt Company <J ; l-':rst. I.. - Boaatlex, BM ii.1. I '* ""'' "d i aat Uaarge '.. Ual ? 6M a- ? ! '? a, vaeaa ' h 'tary L. A i..i-ir: ? ? a. ']'., for the rxai i BetaU fet Bu Board la aa fo ? - Ui al -? ima B. Mi Lellan, i?*-h ?l. B i! Ti WXb < ''.tiii| , Wrat :. i, \s , . n ; ( uptuiti Tl i?'?: -i- '? lotn ta ' I '? ? ' ?' ' ' ? '" '' Ayra, lotb ? *.:i.r . wBl report t<> Ma Board la ? a cominaiid r .1.-h'ia B ' : *? th* to th. ???lMiiL' -tiip Ind :..-nt. nant J. I". H jt BM .Navv r> i.rr.i."iit and : i,i Bu rettKd :t-t. kogaa .:; Eiwlga B, u. WblUiesey iroi-.. t:. ' t0 tbe KleBanand; I BMfaaa, froaa BV Bavj faM r acoia, an-i anl N? ? kad aa '? REV1VISG .iv EARL1 TBEOET. A NFAV fxr.vv iv THB BUOrOAlVB MUBOEB . BBT. Tka Brynkry BBtredn iMnaaM narda af pem . a Mr from g -.- lutl ? a ? a tka daj wk bod] ?'. tbe v? ing aoe ? : , ? . - ktentlfteaBon. Dnrtng rkg OBaber M a maa aad giorgm : dp af the B ? ? i, v- ? .: , point, aud ? i - ,ti wbleb Um arnrbtng. He -? I urd.iy Blgfct, ikOBf It-.U P- ' ;' ' in UM barraoa of ar i.-.h--- H l 4 rea ra] lly ag MyrtM a toward GMndak U Ii aa aaaaa - ' '? Ut fct a aarrkp k a> k Bad ekiaefka a Ma in . mi. aad ba tkcapkl .bat U the r i.-.n or ll gaaM t* kaad a ?iew to the amrde* af tke glrl Maad earing aa Myer - kna mlgbt Jy obtdneu. I. ls tmdersf.aTd that IMMel ' : "ut ,0 gadttM ? \i-ter? saldals tbat tl.eie ?;l> a man on the bos of tbe eeaafl whowore a lurbi-eolored suil .,( akekaa and a Ilpht drrby BM. AaaMBrt atjau-ment gjaaj new llfe i > gga af tbe earl.est tl lir bm a gbd had baa Maidared Ib I -. . v photogripb -.f tne d.-:w ..rl ?? ? ,. for Uie puriHr.-- of il. .t-. alb^ yfUr BM body Ifcall bkaa been bntled. Ihe fuucral wlil, It la aald, tuU plaLe satorday. RAILROAD INTERESTS. >ni aaaaUg TYEER WILL NOT mtWH. HE UASJf'T r.VT.S THOfflHT OF OIVING TTP THB GRAJfD TRfNK IT.FSinESCY. Slr Ilenry Tyler, proslrtent of the firand Trnnk Rail rond, wa. one of the paKseneers who arrlvrd on the )fa]cst!c ye,terday. It wa? rnmored in Wall Street or. aaoadog tlimt Slr Ilenry was abont to reslgn the preal deney of the road, and that hl* trlp to thls conntry wae slmply for BM purpov of maulnu the nece-?ary arranirment*. Ba was a-tked by a Trlbune reportcr If auch were gfj intentlnri. ?? I have I;?t rcsitrned, shall nof. reslim, and never had Bhaogbj of laatgalug i aaaaa ba Btfa aooaday on my annual tonr and *haB inspect the whob- systern as osnal, bnt particnlarly the tnnnel at ?nrni%. JBjO f >nnd so much diffienlty In frrrvlng the rlver durvng the wlnter that we have bi Ut a tnnnel under it from BBBBha t* I'ort Iluron. Tbe tnnnel waa rompleted pru-ticnlly la~t year when I was here, bnt the ap BfOacha* are bad, and It ha- taken some titne to flrish them. It w!H be opened s.Ion." Sir Ilenry wns asked if there had been arey acree ment betweer, ihe GTBBd Tninlt: and the Yanderbllt ayaaaata, bf erhldh fhe Lat'cr w,..ild absorb the former. ? BM a 1,1. af it.. W- ,.re alwavs plad to work with the TaiMttlhlH Bya**?B, M I have done-so under amicable aprecni-nts, bnt we ahaS pfCBBBrVB our .tiumomy. and as to the OBaaaBaa IVitic I lave to say tnls: Wo raeogadaa that road baa aaaaa to abay, ai;d thaa ,f-rr gjjjn ?.,,, ,H. ,,, c|T|)rt ajade oa atbhar ahto tiwi will not be hantOBloa*. At Iral we dld flaht it. it tiiuiuttog witu ns at iavaral pomts. Oaa iqjjbbbbo* wa* natural, I .-.m-fhma Iike a wriagling ut to be ihlniMd in the land* of a dghaaoaaar. ,.iir p li.y is to do everytblng we <an to furthrr tne Interots of tbe ..rand Tranh." , , 6lr Henrjr. his aaa, II. <>. 8. Tyhar, and L. f.^QMM> geant, general uianairer ol BM Oiaad Trnnk, 1-ft tha . -t Dlgbl for btontreaL MB. CHARLTO.V FREES HIS MIVD. Chlrawro. An*. !>.?fiei.eral FaaaaagBr Airejit ("harlton, of the Alton road. and CaMtrman Finley. of the Western PBaxafgor Aaaoetodaaa, i.nd a Beah BM b?-day. The cbalrman, wirh remarkab'e* UWBtoBOBOO, ...Kiin pre sentrd the MH for #25li atarn<f the chlcaco and Alton for its prop.-rtlon of the expensc* of the aaeoi f,,r the rlr-t tinlf of Jane, 1801, aad argad its prompt p.iyn.ent rn otdcr rh-.,t Btope* eredlM mi.-ht be fhowa rn the rc?ular monthly Ibatoaianto. To thla Mr. C'harl tot. repiie-1 : ?? In relatlon ro the hlll for gSSB, wliirh rc.u rlalm Is the ciilmgo and AjaotVa pt*aartloB of expoaaaaef yaaat ajBTjllatllll for th* ?**< baB Bf JBJM, plMM* BB* I aoragraph to nn totter to poo Jaiy 1. i had pnraiaed thHt woald ajttfc tho ojaeatl * and thoogbt v..., ander l| ?,d It. A> vou dld DOthlag tor a* ta thc amth of leaa, esccpt ta haara aa wlthoBl pia**etteo aud by dkdagatraoa* aaftay toBageoiil actton on onr part. 89 pn.tect OOnelVeo, ! 80 I Dt BH what claim yon have aunln^t aa. Von dl.l no work Mr ..-. btn dM vrorB agolaal aa, and we bardty eore i? pav yea to* if yon ran. in vtoaBttoo of tbe agyoaaaoBt, ar II, ezetade aa from the aaawelattaa afha . are we BOt e.iuallv a* Bbarty to atog paylng ?re ptooael CuaatdMlng tha Oatraag* thal baa ,.n Irrflleaed aaoo ns bv toelrof proper aaotecttoa. to wlu.h we were enMtl-.l. and OUT dehty ln .r rt-tH-ti-l-ni !y rffraeeataa oajraefva utiioiliiBOl by yaar eoora to lea.i Im na to beii-vc tha* yoa laaMnded to baha aei aeejaa to me we have a i laim for daafhagea *dada*0 yaa ;.: of vou havtog any etotai againat oa ' tamareatly thJa Baaeaa tha Baawtetl n arltb bnt two atternattvea opw to tt. Oae is to Btotthutt toBBl pta ??e^iinus umi--: the AMoo tor the aaaewnl naaaed to he^ "" h^oth-r is to drop tho wholc matter aad^rej n-).-il?n the >-\V<"',-<*> of tbe a*M.c?Ooii for tne ftrst i,.^{f : ln :? -wirh ihe Alton i-tt out, it M not eon atd-red likeiy thal the Brat af thaa* alBMiiillvea wtfl ba adopted. a LAKE AXD RAH. BAXtBI AOAIN BBOTOBBD. The fl 8111 lllllll Bthe and-rail nuea were up again yeaterdav af a BBaoBBg Of tbe e.xeeutive co.Tir.Httc,- ?f ti.e liao Aaao.tettoa. B^hadBhM have heea ls*?ed wlthln the lasr ten daya by aeveral af tfe* atka and rail Itoe* aader the leedeMdrlP af tbe ??>..., ...,.^. ,? arhteh rato* *a Bfth nnd sixth etoaa frri.-l.t from (,,,,.,,0 have beea redaead IM e*jto. Jha eora gmianee of the rat woald Bajeatofl tha aB-raU ajhod Bunedaata aettoo wa* deeaaed aeeesaary. Eba eoaaailtta* reaterday asreed to rc>tr>re the lahe and rail ra***, tlie IMllflll* to (ro Into effect oa Tba committee also voted to make any poasible amaaBBMBl that mlght Induee the Euiopean railroada ro h .1.1 ti.eir eoogreaa in 1800 in Oaeafa. Tbe coq irress whlch is a biennlal atT.ilr. will be bvld tMs yeax [TSt: Pct''r"l,..rtr. nnd tla ptore for tbe next tBBgilia will then be ' hoeaa. ? - \ araray T.IVE FROM RQUPOUC TO PAVANXAH. , irieatOB. B. C. Aa* o ^ne,-ial,.-A. B. Morton. vicepr -,!?"? of thc clnelnnatJ and Cape iaar BaU road who was her-> laaf week, ha* recorded in Uerk caity -i rflortgage tor *i..oo?.tK? on the pn.perty ?f ,i, ? road. The projeel i* to nin a r-<.d fmm Kor tott to Charleatoa, ea*t of thc AfJaatto eoaat Baa, and contlnaing doara to Bavannah, The eompany now ? ?. rt Uim bafll from BOrfoth lo Baafaaort, B. I .. nnd It is conatraettag a llne froai Boathport to Con - C. From there the road will be extended to Chartetton. The eompaay ha, parrhaard th? fraa ,.: the Moanl Pteaaant and Llttle Ran Railroad. The newToad will. it la aald, gtae the ahartoal route North i.nd V. ? A I'FIM <T1. >H OB THR< .rr.ll RATF.S REFF?ED. CMeago, Aag. B.-A meettog of tho |M**f*lO*r oaVtol* ,,f the Chlcago-St. Paal BB* wa* hdd t.eday to eotv , ,?..,,,.iti.m froai tbe Borthern PB*4Be and tbe ? Northern roads. Thaa* taa road* have aehad their 81 Paal eotUMadloaa to oeeept an arbttrary n (10 betwaan Bt Paal and I htraga oa aO throogb btatneea. The only road in tovar of IBda w;1;, the Wiaconata CentraL The othere rejected H on the I .*io la leaa thaa their du* prbporttoo on throogh bastoeaa, and deetded to aoattaaa tbe preseut pro ratlag arrana^imeata. RF.rF.IVF.RP Fi'U BIO WOJWCn ASKED F'>R. [ . t-. Aag. .y-lu the Dalted Btate* ClrenH Conrt h>day Bm Ooatral Traat Comgaay of Ptow y.,rk aahed tor weelvara of two ol Wbaner'* blgp-st projerto-tne Kartsa* Qby Brldge aad lermtoal Coav pany and the Kai i ateago and laaaa Batt ?v iv Thi Slew-Yorh Traat Compaoy la the hoidar af 0^000 of the booda of the abore 00008808. Thra eourl tooh .t under advlacBMBt ob errnro bioht of way to jvesbTT central. atlanUc Hlghtonda, B. J., Atm- y-T;ie members of the Board of r^reehoklere of Hoomewtb I oaaty met the 0f?cen ol the SCew-Jeraey Coatral BaBroad at Hlgh ?,i,i- ... Savealnk thla mornlng to la\' oat tbe rJght of way over the Bhrewabary BJvar for ti.e new bi d.-.- for ,.'. . uthero <? rbdoa and to graal Bm rtghf of way atong the baae of ihe i, ghJ tad I - Atiaatle Hlgfthuafa. TO ABBAWOE POB TIIF PBIM tl tt,, ,. ,.,.., anartfi** win aaeet .;.? it m arraaga t-r the eaiiina af the Pr: . -,? - ..? ti- Bepal i - ' aivaaOaa. ?]?,,. '....nvei.t. ?.. aaa beea aaUcd lar BioMaabar 0, la Wfl] ha eailed for Beptember 5. That ls BM 0*M adatth u.os: uf aaftatcaa Bh I, M BM the Btta UKIOB PACIFIC DIBBCTOBO M.'.F.T. A aaetl ?-? ot tba dlraetora af tha Pal a Paetfte Rallroad ? the ,-ompany. nt M ii m. reu,rt-d tiiat tbe eompany'a Boating . , .vs Baa*tog ajrvtrs* DKi-.sSKDwrcu WolfrsACMEBlacking Ncvea oct h*?d *"o avirr , i. i....- r. and teey.t ??>H ".l'laraBie. 10C W'Ul p?y f?r the Co.t lUC JXX ?rchaaigina hi???>*????? 10c 10C Emer?ld,Op?l. JUC 10c ???'?>??"r<o"t,r0la-* 10C Af FOR CLASoW WiLLOOlT. woi^r * aAMDOLKt. maa.uaa? $&52* OXI3 BiVJOYa Both th? method and reaulta when rVrrup af Flgl is token; it ls pleasant and refrealiing to tha tnate, and acta gentry. yet promptlv, on the Kid neya, Llver and Howeta. eleansing the eyateni i efTectually, dlgpeLs cohls, headaebe> and fevers and : cures bahitual congtipatiou. Synip of Yigi is tho ! only remedy of its BBBd ever produced, pleualng ta ? tbe t*?te and aeceptaMe to the storaacb. Prompt in its action, and truly beneneUl ln its effecta, prepared only from tbe ni ire healthy and agre.-abl? aubistauees. ita many e.xcellent < itumraeml it to all aud have tntide it the rnost popular remedy known. Syrup of Flgti is for sale ln 50e. and Si hottlen by all ieading drnpgista. Any reiiable ciruggka who may not have it on hand will procure il promptly for any one wuo wialiea to try 1L Do not accept any su'ietitute. CALIFORNI*. FfG SYRUP CO. MN FKaMISCO. t'AL. 1888888111 ? KY. SEW.YORK. V Y. deht haa aa-Jln heen eansina tronM ?. aod that loaxis Bad n,,.n ealled thla w.-.-U, i-.ausuis; th^ reeent drnp ln Uie stock. The queath-o of me.?tin* the*.. ,loan>> ?a- th? sutjeet sf BB* - aaataa ?t paaagaag*a magaMg. ba ? aaaaB, it wa* aaat Uiat the company BaaaM be able to meet with uaae all tha luaaa which bad been callcd. COAT. RATES FIP.M FROM CtOCMOO WEST. OkMaga. A'"" ?"?? ?I-o.-al aaa^dkaMa are UiKlnc aa 8 ! they atlll expe.-t-d Ma rallruada to pMM to their demand and reduce the rat* on hard eoal fron: 83 20 to 0* 81 P"T loa baa Chieairo to BM MLsaourl Rlv<r. A traftV M8MM -.aid thla Bft. n.oon that th" aggl gHB Wttt ent.rtaii.inp a fa:?e baga, aa ke aaa aetton af the \v. a ni Paaaakl , AaeeeMBMB a that gaaahm aaa aee. pt-d a* unal by aU ' linoa, and there would be do reductioo. AT SEA OVER HARVFNT FXtTRMONB. Chlcago, Attp. 5 (Speelali.? OaaaBBl pae?. neer as-'enta al j the We*tem gaadB flnd BMatBatoa inueiderably at sea in I relatlon to the MBVSBB aBBBBaMaa arranp>d for. They do ' not kaaa arfaM rute to flx. H U BnM that a ?ne and one , Unrd fare Mt tlie round trlp hs? beao annuun.ed, Out a poaegal bapaaaaaa pr-'vaili* Bat a atBaft Maa rate win a peraa befaa aii ta over. Xba otpooaetaa l- that the Alum wlll. at |ea?t. maka a OM fare rav f..r th?e ex -.-. Tbal aad ha- not y>-t glrw any oflicial intlnav tion ot wtutt lt intctids OT THE FIELD OF LAROR. A CONVEXTIOV OF MF.TAI. POrjSHERS?PAINTEBB <;0 ON BTRIKE. National Trade PMUMI As-emhlv No. aMB, whteb represents the maloritv of bra*- BBl metal polishea ln this eountrv and (anada. held the 'erond dav's aes liOB cf its annnal eonvention ye-ienlav u No. 198 Bowary. Besolutions were pa-sed to make creafcr bm Baaaagkty to erfaaka the kaak, and to n.ake tOBM arrthgemenf with BaBfUnkMBean whereby -t.ike, and laMMaM may be dwe awuv with. [I ?.?? bIbo BMakal ti bbM aabJM de baka in aU the BMaa8a8arlag eentrea of tba Dbrtod Btata Mr the purpo-es of orpanlia t:on, and I aaa aokd from the traaary k bo i ..,) | r tbe - aa eaaaa, Tn.- ti--t af Baa eaaa -?ir Btaaa taectlaga aill be held ln Waterbury. Aft-.r -ome don it araa dedded k ertabftal ? knl to pav tlietn',ei- or aaa ?\. ... i i!--.;t ?>ld blll'tal beaaBs, The Bajaakra sr-tem aaa <ot;-idereii. bot t'miilly left as ,u praagat, with the exception th;-t tn* bov- will be organired Into scparate lot;?l a.-'-mbbea. in the aaaalag all the BalaBaka aakaaaf a dmner piven in UTeir honor by tlae New-York loeal a^-embbe*. The end af !'ie -trike of pav-r-, rammerm-r * hundlers, elipp.-r. atid Mbotaa araa a paad BMaMketkB to all eoneerned yesterdav and tlie j<)0 men iuvnlv.-g retiirned to worU with tbe 88801*8 tfl niake up tor tima loai The Board of ergektBg tMBBjafaa held a meerina; yesterday and otaMrad a -trike of palaMra aaapkpal bv Haaa & Pkd, af 80. 81 OlBion Ptoee, aa tkak lot.traiis ar Bo. 41 .Mm -... Ilen.teif DalMlng. "DBatp Baaa" Ra'M'fg. ikrb Ptoee ?i"i Bi aMway aal No. 18 Williani st. Tbe stnke was to Mra the Bra M l>av When all thelr BBBI qall \" rU (ke '''in sent w?rd to the BajMaaaa tbal they wfnil.l a p?y union aragea Bwefgkl kaaa' aatk BBd I * wlll rcturti to arorfc this BBQTBlBg. Not is fehg MaMnal Bwtaal PiaMMtag Fnton pnllinp -truiffs and worl.lne haixl to have forelpn mu deMng boyeotoed by the Dnttod BMMa and nMf homa nnder the Alien Contract Labor biw, b'it the The atrteal PaaMacttaa Catan is Mylng to do tlie sime ln repard to -tav-'e hattds. A BOagaslMM of the Tiia gtrleal Protoctlra Uaka will i.iii aa loka k. "lil boiiaiid. rinef Contract labor iBapaetor, al the iiarpe cliire trxkp, and PBM8 aftidavif- bakra lnm polng to show tbat Manat'.-T Hocnfeld. of tbe Thalla Theitre, is gfaptoytBg forei.'n tabor aaakr liatoMaati Oae of the-e alkaaalla ls sworn M by Hetnrteb .-.teinuianu, gnd ls to U.e effeet that the BoaenfeM tarotbea ??ta t. him ln .Itine. BabtBg bim to .ome to Amenra aa itage band and electrlcUn In the UUtaatMn ?">pea Company, and agreelng to pay hi- traveOlnf espgaaaa and #1 80 a day. Tiie union intciidi u> pusli tbia caa apauist Rosenfeld Brotkara, CHILIAS irjR ITEUS, THE PIOR AT VU.LF.VAR-A CABSO ? fPAl lUPLEMKNTs DEBXE8TE0 TO Tiu: Dfl rATOM 0APIU8SO UV THE I 'S-TITUTION ai.I-T 1X8TJB6EBTB. ?Laa Beaaaadaa," tiie Baa Vorb spaadada-AaaartaaB I?per, pnbHahes s-me BlMratlng new- from tlw *?t of war in t.' It was br.'vht by Uie atcamer IVaaalor, aVblek arrt\ed at Cakko froin \alpara.o ln th.- akUUa of .luiv. it aaaa: ? rka Igk ivported by : eable as iii.v.iip taken pla.e at Vailenar wa* a -ma-ll j atra.r. ii... ui" liidi.ip niurb Baa than 4'K) BBBBBBBaaBk, i divided abaoM evenly tMaraea tke ka pBrMsa at war. j The exiieditioti af "'.<H,,> BoMMa Of tke ('.npresslonal a-mv d,d tiot <Urt from|.ie. ?- raporkd I8BBM, <? i tka 1M af laly. Aa aarntaaa taarl af 808 maa aatf was seht aoartkward, aud it araa tkad body a?kM8 met g body "of the BaJaaaeaBMa baaaaaaa BMaka and : Vailenar. The i-e-ult of tlie lipht BMBM not be gacer* tau..i! bv tka paiafngrw ef UM Beaad r. B araa ea d??. tbat the nexl earoaator bataaea 8k beiiiger. gaM woaUd ba a bbadry *n*air. tor, if bimd obe^ienea pgataua M tbe giaay gf iiw Oeamgaaaaal, etitmisiasm talgns ni tha. af Iba Opaastttoa Ma tka aaaaa ? h I defenda. The s<|in?di-)ii of MM JBBk at MMfajMI w? naring raaadaatty beMraaa that part nnd that ot CaMera, Tba ports aartk of VaiparMso up to in tranqaiBkp. ?To BM BpeM joy of the opjKMtlon. BJkMfl wa mutoaa abaal tiie arrivai <rf tbe Badpa, Ba aagaaaba , bom araa re dtaed bp tka aoaabBg M tke paef ?f ;<iui<iug of tbal ve-.-i ai .in!' ?>? " MSBgbt haaykaaaeda ?! war M aaBMteat .|uaii'ity M BuaMtaM 8M aaaagaMga Jn thc sout.i. wa- the ot.iv .au-e Ma d. lav. and ai the 4th. BrkBB ihe Eenad .r l?'ft bBBBajBCi UlO aetnitv di t-1 | Bd I - Bb ir - ;, led to in.- beiu-f that the Intended e.\iH'..iii..ti aoaM 8888 ba 0a th<- -tart. HBegardlBg tbe n:\ terkaa aiiargka <.f UM v.?^p>, [fffMi ,, .' aad tke parpeaa af arkfcb araa aal gnowa to tka aabeM, BM BaaM ara ikaaa; Tka tka*" enuaaal abaato ?" MaaMaa bal baard BanpaMaaety of tn.. arrtval ?f .? rarga M aaaa for ka Oaaasaaaaaf of BantHg" at a MBBfl I>ori l i the M.ilvln ot Kalkland ln the AtUntit. ea-twant of Pitacoaia Tha earga waa to ba taaaslanal there an baard a aaaeaaMBI vgaaaf, aa aeeaaal and at Ma ri-k of Uie puiehaaer, g4-eordlng to arranperaenta unide at tha 'ime of tha piircha-.'. rbe Malpo wa.- -.?:;! out iminedlately, ai>d it -.., ured tbe rargo. whteb n traii-p?rt*d M l'iu.<ina rka graaaaat . m-l-teo of rflle>. a lnrpe yuaa tit\ of aaannrtloa and otbo. war impl.m-c?a. Tba uriiiv M Iqalojaa, wbkb prvvioua to tlie arrtval of that , grgg iiuiubered ai>out T.txio men already armed. bemn reaaa until it teaiied th- flsure of 18i888 soidl-rs, with wbom tbe BaaBBkMa will beina Ui the dnerti'U of tlie south." DFirH of aUaUn roB'.v>F\n coj. Dantel Townaend Cox, faUi-r M Townarixl BaB, BtaM Fowat Commlaaloner. dled yeafrday at the home of aaa ?no. a?ar ttlen Cova. U L Ha ??? nlu^ty-ono T4?ara old waa boro la thc town 4af Oyawr Baj-. L. 1., aad Uva* ther. all hia Uf?. ? ' You ran atop over at Nuipara FalN on tieket bp New York t entral and Lake hhoia ur Micaigan C<a> traL A** urkct aavak . a ' a