Newspaper Page Text
^?nnsrmenis. _ ACADEMY-Alrahlp. BUOIJ T1IBATRE-B-A High BaHer. UBOADWAT TnEATRE-8-Wang. t amnO-J>:10?Th* Orand Dtirheaa. F.DFN Mt'SBE-Wax BJBj DORAOO tNew-Jaraey.-B :8e?Klng Oolomon. r*ARDEN THTSATRK-9 :80? A FwrlsUn*. KOSTER B niAT.'S-a-Dnteh _-.??? MADiSON SQVARE OARDIlS AMrHlTHF.ATRE-8 15 ?Theodor. Taoinua'a Conwrt. MAD1SOX SQt'ARF. THEATBE-* :80-Jane. MANllATTAK RBACH-8-Flrewor*a. PALMEB'O T1IEATK?-8:18-The Tar an* the Tartar. FARK-aVE. AM. OoTR-8T.-8-StereapUroii Viewa. polo oRot'XDS?4?Baaatadt, TBRHAOK OARDEN-8?Ela Tatler Elnfall. 14TH STREF.T THEATRE-8-A Falr B*b*l In&tt io ftOoertiGfmriits._ Pa?e~CoL| Par?. Col. u inua PhuiiM 9 !l M.acCli.neo.ia . ? gag&S ($!8S?"" 0 l *?? r-ubMratlau. .. ? 1-2 i ?,l*rtiieralui. N'otlcelO 4 'ocest. Stcemer* . 8 ny-a.,?.fci.,c . 9 1-2 1'ropaaUa.? ?? larraaOc V.tuatlooa ; Real F.a?t* .? ? .,? Wbatod . 9 6-SlR.llroaua .......?S ? <?,' asr --?:-.:? lieaaJSs-'-u ??? K-tif,' ""l".-::1? i sal2"**1! 5 Ilelp Want?d. ? S.T,*?ch*r*f .11 ? Hoiae* t Carrlagea. 0 , i! U'-?. ? wan'ted'".'.'.'.'. ? 4-H ln?trnetloii . 8 ;-41 ttot." ?"?*"????_^ Unoiiifos WBtiCtt.____ M?TJB*ya.?*?.B#g 08 00 0800 0108 yjallv. trllbo.t Snnday.... * ?g J $ " SO - Hi nday Trlbene. - '? _ - - \\>e,.ly Tilbune.???? '? _ _ - \Veekiy MMaae.^., ? ??, j^,iy nl Snnday Po*ttg? prepald ^\^ ? ,^ vew-Vork CitT and on paper for roaP v,:batribera ifl>*?"?.? ??' V., tr,t* lu whlch laal-Waekly aad Bto*HI ^J^Vita^rllUV" "taaMtVS^sB &??& Order. Cheeb. Dr.fl or ?^BrtTar FBrtS KC4*. tf MBI ln an unroglatered toMBB, will beato-vn-v-aria*. Kaaaaaa*,. New.York. Man olt <??? of i11* JT""'n7~.i,. ?? T.,? Trlliune." New Addrea. all com-apoi dence alirplj XM artbunc. *' ap.vra OFFICES OF THE TRIBFNE. Adve^ewanl *%$??& JL bifSBMi M..,ln M: ?? h odk*. 1.2SH iiratdway. cornar Slat-at. IU ltha\e . comer 1 ?**?;?,*.? ^ "-o \V at 28d-at., corner Btli-ave. \V?t 4?d-at. near Mh-ave . .-ai_?v " 53 tvaaaa A. aau aata*JMhe**> "*B?r*r.. ;r,o ae-ava.. eatraaee ??M*. . i o^r. M-are. hetwaen 6oth an* alat a?. ,.t ISSth-at., near Bdave. i 088 Bthava., near nSJi-.t. 1 jfaj laaTfi i near syth-at. ffl Llberty-at. _ IN OTHF.R CITIFB. _, Brooklyn Adverttalng a\g*a*y, 307 lal. og, OI?T B'w?^hlnrton-yo. 1.32C E-at. FOUNDED BY HOB.AOE OBEELEY "~TlTuRSDAY,'ArGTTST 6, 1691. IHE MMWM THIS UURX1SG. Foreicn -Tbe BritiBh Parllament waa prorogued to Oe*ah? 24. asaaa The Warld'a Fair Poretgn (omniittee have done effeottve work ln Berliu. aaesai Prlaee Biamarck 1* aald to bave aiwerted tbat U.e visit of tbe Frrnoh Squndron no Cron atnrlt MBO ti.e result of gross mlstokes of Gernian JlplHggarr r=S= War rumora from the Balkana renehe.) Pnris. DlillMBtlr Thi Pepublican State League Ooa> VCBtioa Baloadajd a pladdaCC* of prlnciples. anrt re electe.l Tolonel E. A. MeAlpln preaident of fhe MpuOgattOB, aaaaaa Waahington waa aoleetod a^ the pbtee of ihe aext aooaanaarM*rt by the (.rand Armv ol tbe Republlc at Detroit; in hu speerh fomninrder-in-(1iief VOOOW reeommen.led^ the formatior. af rvp.-rate Depnrtmente ln tbe eVrOtb. ___ -city Evangelization" wna MaOOBBrfl at Bbe NortbfleM Conference. ^= A new prefident, of tie Near-Jeraey BepabUoaa Tieague was eleoted. .__? a reeelver was appolnted for OBrien & Clark, the Aqueduct contractors. bs= Tlie New York Yaebt (lnb's aqunflron rcmained in New I/.ndon llarbor. They will start for Xewport cfikf and Stiburban.-The White Star stramshlp MBJestld broke the ocean rocord from Queenatown, iior titne betag B daya, 18 hours and 8 mintites. The Chaaabef of Commeroe gave a >breakfa?t to tbe ofheers of Ihe Sqtiadron of Evolution bsbb=3 Wint.ers nt, .lerou.e Park : Iioantrika. Firenzi, Bbe Badba eolt, lapaato, Taka Back and rteiawnrc - The New-York baaeball team defeated the Oevelaad DiBf, and the Pittahurg men the Bride Stocka opened weak, but rollied aharpty on baybag atteauated by favorabM erop reportu aad unlounded rumore of gold import The Wenther?Forerast, for to-day: Genernlly fair, with ali?ht thernial chnntren. Temperature jajshnday: HiRhest, 7.r. dfirrees; loweat, MI arerase, 70 L4. rplOOOa OMBBf out oj toim for thc unmrnn can have tlte VttOf nnd Sitndau IWoaaM mailed to tiaflfl for fl.00 per month, or $2.50 for three bjobbBBO. 'J rarellrrg in Europe eOfl rr<r,re The Irilinic (hiring thtir absence for |1.6fl gMf ajjBffi. roreajW poatage paid, or BA4A f?r threr Baaafoo. 11"' <'<'?>rOBB of the paper will be changcd a$ ojtrn cs deatVedl. ine laaponaaoe al tho Naval Beaerve, which 88J ni'-iiiv commanded a good degree of pu*> lic BtleatiOB, W88 forribly ikatad in Ua* brief aaBMOk irado yo-teiday l>y Admiral Walkor. ln tmM ,,f grnr tB* 1 ia?.t question. he- ggid, wonM ? to the manning of onr warship*. Th* I nt ino'.h?.d of duing this la a hat<: ' |?(!,v one, and in an IBMtfgiacrj it rTOuW provi of littie avail. Tho Naval Keservo la dc-ittned to tnoot ju-t siicb an emergency, and tlie Ad fniiai lv pos to >-eo 20,000 men in tho fotv in Um next fivc J88IB. There was a suoeossfnl. not to say lnilliant. aponing of thc Grand Army of th<> Republic Hbtiona! l-.neamptnont in yeati Joramana>r-in-C8kl Vcaaey'i addrt i ma in ing v.ith tlie difnitj of hk offire and tho itiona] int-rost nf tho ovcasinn. llis rcfor ajol to tho long (loath-roll of t!,o you-. v.inrh nrlndea an .mnsiial numbor of dktingniehed nuncs, waa espoiially UBbohiag. Of tho bnri 10s> tiarsiir; d at the opening BBSSlolM, the most stiag featova araa tbe aelaetion <>f Wasb m as tho plaeo wbew Um Bexl annnal Ra-hoiin;: ahk!] *>e hold. in spito of tke strong akkaaaurl f-nvard in hohalf or LiBOOlB, Xeb. Tho p! adoptod by tl.o BopablicBB u-agno Cmvontion yesterday i< Bof an elabo rato doeument, but it i< nono t!.o b-ss forcible he< mso ..f its siurinctnoss. In a Few felllflg phrasos it BBk b.nii th" rirdiiril I.'.-piihlican principh's for which tho Lengue and thfl BaWtl etand. It is BaptUj a-lmiiable in <l".i!iiiR with ytkkJ n.;itt .s. No wn'ls an" wa-: -d ii|><.n Gor prnor HUI. M?8 i* dispi.sod of in a singb' sen tenre. which dedaros thal his admmi-nati.r. has aftfraced liis bigh efloi and brooght re proach npaa tho Eapiit state. Tlie pktforjfl js a biio'. Iiiisinoss-like p.tjier, as araa to bo expocto'i fu.tu a htisiii.-ss-liWo fcodj BOCh as tho Lo:i<rtie i<t. The apirit which it bnBthai i^ that which the LeogW will cariy into the ooming campaign und into that which wiil follow. The piinoiplc of the greatosr good 89 th" gnjatajt DOBlbOt ought. it would eo<>in, to be lecisivo in tho matter of cliMiig the llai>iu llivor drawbridgea dtiring tho hours wlun travl i* gteatcst. Tkt Bktttai i^ Btill befori the I'uik Coinmiasioneis, to whoin a iii<in*t?T pctition 1881 prwntcd yesterday in f.tvor of a CB-ange in tbe existing policy. Th* only uig nilicant oppt>6ition to tlie pnEjOmtA OaiBMffl 8J8I nffered bj the Mew-Vork City and Norihern Railroad Company. which fears that it* Mfta.1 j btMiBMM will be interterod with aVBMI tho drow bridgaj ran he swung open at all timos. If II is ?imply a onestion bctween ono railroad com pnnj'a frejghk and tho convenienoe nf .'10,000 peopk daiiv, the CommfoaionerB will have no difficulty in leaching a oommon-scnsible de cision. That the Pnblic Storea are overrrowdcd is a good aign as indicative of the amonnt of btisi no?.?. that onr importers are d?ing tinder the MeKiniey Tariff. It is discouraging 89 leain. borrarar, tbat so many paokages are pilod np thoro that Ihfl work of apprni*ing is praoUctJlj at a standstill. This that the pneaent congostfon wffll spe*-dily asuume a still more ein harrassinu' form, D8M88 soino way is specdily devised of facititating tho etxatnination of tlie goods. It is proposed to rent a bnilding in which 89 1*088 some of them. this shottld be dono'at the aarlieat momont. in order to afford temporary rclief. SOBBB day-not tor in the fiUine it may be hoped-New-York will have Ihe fa-cilitio- for carrying on its bminea as a port of entry with neatness and dispatoh. THE LEAQVrS eoon 8TAET. There waa no back of ppirlt or pnrposf in tl.e prooeodings of tho Repnhlioan ^tvr Loagne a' rJjMCBaM yesterday. An aasembly moro 8B tbnaiaatJoir harmonious has nevor been drawn togother in this State. Kvery hope of the JyeagnaV* oftioors was fulfllled in tho number and ehara^r of the delega'os. President Bfc Altn'n dollvored an opeuing speoch of ?roat foroe. well enleulated to impross the aaaeinblj with tho sorions naturo of t.he politiral klh it has ajistimed. The lcague is hound to romo-n l>er that in a oeitain nonse it is on trial. Al? though lha movement of which it is a part hegan ln New-York, i! has not dovolop-d here so widelj ncr has It exerted ao strong an m fluenoe OpOfl aiTairs as in seveial of tho othor states. Nowheie is it more needed than m New-York. Nowhere has it a greater work or ? fnirer oppurtiinity. The InflOBBOe which a rictoriooa effort oh ik pnrt.-would excrt would l,e bv no means conflned to New-York. bnt would oxtend all over the omintry and would art with tremendous powor ln improving B8 pabHeaa prospeck lr. IW There la every roason to beliere that the oonvent.on reali/.o.i all this, and that it will onrry away from Syrtv ciwo an inapiratb.n tha* will render every looal ,-luh fehere lurjraaeaikd aaikiai and strong in ita rfork this falJ. Colonel McAlpin touehed the nghfc chord when he -poke of the valtw of indirldnal lahor. There are more Republlcan voters than Deino oratie in this state if only they can be got at and drawn to the polls. The troublo alwtiys la tha*- the Demoorat* vote while t.he Repuhnoana voto if convenient. In a measure this is ao connted for bv the fact that the Domocrattc *trength is Jaruely eonsolidatod in the rittea wh-w it is ewilv reaehed by both good Influ ences and bad, while the Republican eonsut itoncv i.s wattered over lnrge 8*881 of conntry and rjaBfflot b? 8B8flj brought to a focoi in tbe l.ailot-hoxes on Kleotion Day. It ll 80 bo boraaj in mind. however, that althongh there is not tba ilifhkBt iMaioB to suppose that Preaident HarriPon in 1 SS8 reoHved a eingle vnfs more than the nar.tual strength of tba Republlcan party in New-York, while there is every rcason to kiiow that Governor Hfll reoeived many bbOU sand? of TOtea in exeess of the natural Demo enatic itrBBgth, ont of a tokJ of moro than 1 200,080 bBllok HiU'a majority ovor Harnann's was on,y 186. Democr - pluralitios in State WBkak have roeently blaBB rhort of 14,000. Colonel MoAlpin's BnggaatkM that there aro uvor 5.000 eleettoa fUetrick in the Stnaa hlnta piainlv at the result which can be obtainod if the L^igu- goaa to work in a thorough and intelligcnt way. A rooajng convention with btd of ent-huMiMsm and food apeeche* is a flrat-roto atert, but it is no more than a Bbalt. If it U followed DJ nothinK more prn-tical it will COot 0 sliphr re flcction in the baHote-boxee, We are o-mvinced that there is DO Bvailoble foroe. in addition to that ahvavs OXOrtcd by the repnlar part.y com rgdtteeo, which is so taopefol of good reraltj oa the \jowno. and we are anximis 80 impress every of every clnb with the iaet that he riuist Dbake hlmself. if he will realhf thia hope, an artho pelitedail from now until the closins of the polls. The iaOOO piesented bj the Demoeratic notnina'i.m of a lich. common plac;* individnal, who is intended to Borve no other pnrpose than the re-OOiabHahment of Tam? many influeno at Alhany, will oroate a BttOBg popalax ?.entimen' in favor of the BopublioM party. [ta poaition* lipefl National questinns will'prcatly aid the State OBJBPOlgn. Thero la everv chanee ol a BBceeesfoJ oooteot with the Demoencrf if the Bopubricooa in every oonnty OBO bO llinmootal with their opporttinity and their dnty. ________ JSOTITF.R OCF.AS RECORD BBBAKBB. The new White Btai ateonor Ifojeatk baa earned bet bbobo. Hor Bplendid um bow Queenstown to New-York in r> daya 18 boura an.l 9 minutea not only beata all proriooa ac emted !<?? d?, but excola that <>f bor oeareai competitor bj I bom and 10 minutea, which in the^e day*: ol ol 00 COOtOOtd means mnch. Her -M.'r-ship. the Tentonic, has claimod ?h? rocord breaking ruo ol B daya, II Boura hik. B min utes. This dltputed Bchieremeot nced however ,.,, loyjgjoi be urged. The Uajeatica IrinBvpha iaclude the f"i maidea-tripa fr..m Qaeoaa town and are honor enoogh for on* family. aod tbe White Star racera may well ro-t on faaio, otob if they f'lil to capture the etothonnd pennant thal the City ?;f Paris bore awaj in Deeember, isv'( This phenomenaJ tiip will he Industrioualj belittled by eniBty <>l 1 aea-beom, Captain Par aol! apparently had ovorything in his favor. Tbe uiad waa fair, the aoa naootb, tho engin** worked woll, excepting for an hour and a half aear rhe and, and ihe conrae logged was only '_'.77r mil"*. Thi*, we beliovo, is the ezad meaaored diatance I tareeB Roche'a Poinl and Sandy Hook, Bhowing tbat tlie veMel'a track waa one of the atraighteai ovor aotod. Far fiom Beoonnting this :i deteaotien, we incline ?to think i* an BOlditional Baerit, involving a quite ooogual feal of i BBaanahtp. The courac ! },v th ( Ity of Paria on ber gn ii weat ern trip in Anguot, 1889, waa 2,788 mirsa, and ordinary paaaagea c md Boarer 3,000 mileo. Long rana, aure, may diminiab a faal >!iip's valnc Vi hor patrona, ahile i al. wei ve* -.?I [g conreraer* rec mmended if ber captain akilfully cot* down the aotual running timo. liut in this tase tho liajoatic was in ift as yvell aa aure. jipi- beal day'o mn fall* ihorl ..f that of the (ity oi' Paria bj fonreeen mil ?<. bnl ber average bourlv apeed was greater bj twivr one h indredtha of a mil i, w a littte bbon ber <>w*i iength. Mr. Cejrnegio'a piodi. tion of a tivo-.lav run to Europe aeemi erory day leoa tuueoaonabh*. ln is^l' tho A!a>.k:i ciooeed in ?i daya i* boura ii i :t7 miautee, and th" Baltic in i>>7:: took only twent] 'two boura longi r. Thi pi t-riiiic s|K'?-<l bo eaverely taxea engiw i and boil ...s thal their limit can i?e nearly predieati I. But the twlB-oorow i- siili yonng. Tho Bubjecl never beJOfd OatgOgOd BO iiian.v ininds. and a in-w arian^fincn; Of BPyliaBCO, with change* 111 bllll BBOdnlB. WBB Bl any inunieiit OTOlvO a typg that shall u.? febf outstiip tho euistin;; "j;i-,y houtida" bj they ?urpa*s of bon years Bgo. Meantime, Capttvin Parsoll BBBBjejajl a KMP8I and thc White Siar Line a craft to be proud ol. BEBOVM?ES oF BKOITMOCITT. Tbe n-trip.n.-ity treaties which have been noeoiiaterl are the b?ginning but not the ond ,,f | areaa polir^- ? M ,10'1 ?*? i'?P^'t!,:iM'; ,?,- the State Ifiepartment to make coummial ,iaaieaueak kit* Wl Seajtbera courtne>. a.i would bare MPJataed on eoual ttZBM after the i-t ,,: Jaaajtrj. Nof one of them w.n.hl bave !,Pon ptoeed * a iHaadrantage la rornpnn-on wi-h the ntheis. if ahe bei 88*1*8* for coffoo. BOBH BKU8B8-M nnd bidei had 8880 withdiawn boBi all. la order to eonvort the Beciprocity amenrlment into ? *** *? Opening many foi eign.Baaittek (for Aawrieaa expork it was Deeea* sary to brfni it to hoar upon tho tWO rhi-f jouroca fioni which tMsTea and ingar wen ?l rivod. As ation as and the Spani-h \> 8li 'udiea wete drawn into eoinmoical union a bMJg Was eatMbHahed fot future disr.iminyi.ions BgaiBSf fftiarj-eting conntries, which Blight bl ,r,t k oomplj with the roquiicmonts of sqnitkbk Rrnprocity. Heitlfl Mk tho potential efTici'enoy of tho Aldrich amenrlment. Thc free markot for coflee. Ittaap, 883818808 and bidei ll oiTeied on eqnal rerms to all tho Sonthern conotriea. Those arilling tO pay for their Brivflegea hy BBtking raaaonable eoaeaasioBa to tho Aaierkaa eotporl tradg will tha* freo markot ponnanently. Tho?e aeeeptiBg it only as <t graruity will bd rjepripod ol the beaeflk of tmwittaCted brade in theae aropieal itaplea. Tho Bedproclty amondniont will opoiaf ? after tho 0I08S of th> ymr as a diaoriininatton in favor of thme eotm triea which ooaaply with the oonditions of the offer of tho free markot. and agaiaai tl te arhioh negled their oppOTtordtiee. The lan guage of tho act is explicit reapecting the Preaident'a obligationa to enforee a fixed ached ala of datiei wheaeper thc oonditions of trado Bie inequitable 'and unrca^onable. It is an fol lows : That with a vlow to seonre raetproeal tTBak with nOtrnMMa prodnrlnp tke followins araMes, and for thls p irpoaa, on gnd after tke BrM dap of Jasaary, *P!'2 arkanefar *n<t ao ntten ai tho Piaartftatrt sbafl be aatti fted thit tne (Jovernment of anv connrry prodnolrg and BxportfBg ?u?mr?. roolas^s, rnn>?, t<?a and hldos, tt'T gnd BBearea, or any of aaeb arttelaa, ktpeaaa rtnti^ or other exartlona nnon thf* garMallaral or other prorturtf. of tka t'nlted frtates, whHi ln fka of the free intro dn-tton of anrh migar, mfihasra, coffee, tea and tildes into tho fnltcd f-tntes he mnv deem to be letfpnralty nncqual nnd nnroaionaTUe,, he "hnll Tiave tka powar, and it shnll be his dnty to tmspend by pmelamaflon to that efrcot. th? provMona of this act relatlnR to tho freo lnt^rfuction of anrh snnr. mo'.a-sea, roffoc, teti and. htdo*. BkB BaMakafka of aneb OOUntTP, for anrh tlma m he akall <Ww Jtist, and k gaab eaae and laring <mch nw;p<nislon latka snall be levlcd. rollert?d ar.d upon *uou\ rnoliwaes. roffoo. I?t a-.d Meee, tka prodnct of or rxported from anrh nodtrnatod ronntrv M kOvara: (Tbe sobednlo Meara.) Nothing can bo cl^aror than the President's duty to Lmpoae tho srhedule of dnti.s and therebj to plaee a prominm upon tbe produiy of conBtrita entcrir.g into commerdal union, and |0 disconnt the indiistriea of those which d<> BOt C .nform to the requironuerit? of ivciprocal trado. On the basis of tbe onffaa imi>ortatinns of 1*P<> ?a dnty of 3 cents a pottnd will maUe in favor of Bradl tho following di->criminatioiiH ngainst th? ooontriea aamed: VeBtatieai, $1,722,614 13 j Ceakal America, 1023,303 ftd ; Mexico. |6S0, Dfili ff3 : Jiayti, $201,049 no ; British WetM In diea, $140,101 00. To theso digoriminations will be addod tho dutles on hides, anfl in the ,a ' ui the Britiab Weal Indles the dutie? on angar. Tl.ere will be eufticient fon? te this discriminatloa in favor of Brazil to oampe] \'on'v..iolH ajid the other eoffee oount.ii'* to make iloc'proeity tTonties. As for th" l!riri>h U'ost Indies. they will bo nined without Eeci prorjty. The sche/ltile of (hities, if imposod OB the baabi of reoent importations from Jamaica glone* iHIl amonnt to ?ft;fi,000; and for the entii-e gMtip it will bo nob le** than |1,S00,000. If tho HOaia ("overnment allows thc intercst* of the islands to be aacrificed to ghOM of Bl? ril, th" Spaaiah Weat [odSeaand Pant/? Domingo it will be uantonly indifferent to their fate. The moro doaely the Rf-ciproclty qtw>stion is sttidi^d tho larger and more pnerical app?^ar the results of this great policy. Congivss has araed tho Preaident with tremendons powcr in oiwning the Sonthern mnrkets to Amorican trade. Dotormined as he is known to be to make Reciprocity and the enlarsemont of tho Nation's o.cpniting interests tho, crowning issue of his Adininistration, he can be dopend?d BpOB to einploy tho re>ourcos of tho uct t<i their ftill oxteat dttting the last Bfteen montha of hi> terni. TIIE 01BCULATJON. A vYaabington dispatch pub'ished yesterdny givea of a moot timoly work BOr> formed by tho TreBdmry Department.. In riew nf existing pontttac prejiifliees Boareely Bnything oaa be more iaapootant thoa to have oxaotly knoxxn the presendj and past eondition of the circulation. Accordingty, the Tieaoury Depart? menl has prepared B Btatement of ail kinda .>.r ni..y in drcakttion In 1880, 1868, 1885, 1889 and 1*!>1. with ? caVn'.ation of thc amount per oatrito al each otete. To ? the importanco of this gtate meni it is only necoBPary to note that the Allt :i;,.,. gnd the Bo-oalled Feople'a party ia toaing it-; hold opon votera in all tho VVeatcrn nnd Sotithe-rn Statea with regpecl tn the one achemc ivhich 8 i'i.- outoel enlbted tho largeat aupport, namcly, tho 8ub-Trea?ury plan. At the nearly ever] iti mg AUiantce Btate baa tiun"<i againal ih's acbeme through the geal of Dcmocratic politiciana who bto anxioua to um the Alliance for their own benefit At the w.-t the coramon-oenao of th" fsarmera baa completely Buppreaoed thal portion of tlie Alli anr" <rhriiK> m s.-v-'ial Sjtoiea, and in Kangis bi i Btate thaa many of the leadera <>i" tho Alliance have pubiicly rtrpudiated it, and are rtcing the plan a^ in|urkMM to farmera and contrary to the Ooaatitutlon. Thi* s.-heni" oul of the way. tho Alliance, <>r Feople'a pai y. will .1 only one ratmcoJ idoa for wbich t<> flght, namely, the expanaion of the drcukttion. All it-* platforma and putJiic announoemeou of dpctrine inoiude iiniimited ooinage of silver, but, aa Bepreoi ntati\e Sdmpson and 8onator Peffer have ezpiained, thjia is deaired only be ? - i atep towar l i _? expanaion of tlie circulati m. Th" one renkaining idea for wbich the Aliiani I i party oontend is ii." enlargemenl of tho *circulation to not leaa than 1550 i'<>r avery inbalbitant. tceording the Tieaaury Btatement, th" actnal circulation in 188*0 waa 813 BS I inhabi int, and it rooa to 820 >:?_? h, i* :,. After the lapae of twenty yeara, July i, 1885 ;h" drouiatiofl was 923102, and ..,. tbe i ol .1;: , i uy, 18B1, it had , | ..,?. d !?, s-'_'i n?. <'v.i:>s to ihe expgrt* .,f p>ld durlng .ln- Hnt half of thfa year the dr. iiJation has alightty diminiahed, bul it oevortbeieia tva* taga :;t on tho l-t <>f Auguat Th are nc4 altogether rKTB to n oi rso ThbTbib im:, for fnll tablea wege publhhed in thli journal eome Bm :::-'?>? grVing no] only th gregate drculation pei rgpita every year for a loag pettod, bul the drculation |mb rapita of each kind >f aVoatty, Mevertheleea, il i-. |y importanl tha: rimJlgr bforntation ba given to th" public aritfi effidal tanction. From t i- Btofeojeal it gganoatg that the c rcU' latiofl e\"n oow, Dotwrttutanding the la/ge looa of gold tiiio jcar, is tuiuiiJciiih.y groatex thoal , geajs hOB b00B Lfl ? timo of general prosperity. ??;?? peHtioal purpOOOB fl may he said that tho l)BBOOerBtk party. after sixtoon fOBn' continn diis confiol oi tl*o (iovernment, had prnvidod for the people in ttfflO a circulation of only ?11 BB for ntch inhabitant, whefOM the preaont ^roulatkrfl is 128 57, and it BJfj be*Jfl ahont one-bolf B^ater durlng all the period ainoo the War, m DJ?jpOttJoa to popnlation, than it xxa> .,, any timo WttOfl tho Democraiic party eotV trolted tho ti'tvernment. Bul putMng partiBafl M?,si.|erations aaido, al! who seok th? rtal perity "f ,I|C ('""ntrv wi" :is,f ,;: *h*i'T?, wbether fchfori is any reaaon to expect ghsatei pto-perity by an enlnr^ement of tbe OURoncy ?h:in rhe ciuitry enp.ycd dming the yeaVS UTO, ISSfl nnd 1881, whrn the circulation was ean jiderably imaller than it is now. Or again, can greahM piooperity be expected than the countrj has enjoyed during scveral of the Laat six yeara xvith a circulation all the timo leaa than that which noxv cxistsV jt is the theory of the I'eople's party that [auioBdinc popnlation ro.piires a cotutantly ex pandins circnlalion. Jt is not ncces<ary here to suhmit the ahnndar.t evi.ience ajzaii?st this notion, for tho fact is that under oxi^tinj: laws tho circulation is inoreasing mtich fasrer than the popnlation. Tho purcha?e of 8,500,008 onnoBB of silver bullion each BBonth, required by tbe act, pass'-><l hbft year. adda abou! 154,000, noo each year 80 the circnlan'on in addition to ,,11 fhe gold taken from t'.io mines and let'iined in monetary ti-o. The incroase in popnlation dof* not eioeed 1.4 00.000 each year, so that ,he innease In cnnency is at the rato of more :han $3s each for every additional inhabitant It may bo aaid that tho Natlonal bank etoenhv .;,,n is decreasing, but the addition of gold rroaa tho minea each .vear would nmro than balaaco that decroase, oven if it were to v?n tinue. and tho extension of the fuitr-and-a balf i>er eent bondfl at J per cent interest pro vi los ..j.f.ortmiity for a larpo expansion of the bank ci'irii'ation if at any time rhe.huslrusss of the eountry Bhould roquito a larp'"> monetary Bttpply. Under existlnR laxvs, therefore, th" drculation is belng oonatantly and largely ex panded, although it is aJroady much larger in proportion to popnlation than it ever has heen in a timo of gedMfraJ prosperity. AXOTIIF.R WOFLD-BE RAIS-VAKER. An Australion namod Melhonrne, now abiding for a time in Ohio, bad devisod a machine with whioh he mantifnrtures and projeet? a cort.un ga* tipward into thc hcavens, and thereby, h* claims. produees rain. What rortain Huckeyes have t.-krn to be thc rosnlts of son.e of his reernt a*. t?.ir,ptfi in this dlreetion have won him a grer.t deal of notoriety; and thc Department of Ajrrieulture haa recognized him far enotigh to ask what evirlence he can pro.luce in support of hia (.aenmptions; thotigh not hegging to bc taken into his eonfldence in regard t? the eecret of his proress. Whatever one may think of the practicability of eoaxing rain from the skies by this or any other hiiinan Otrtiee, men likc Melbonnic deOCnre to he treated with reBpeet so lonjr a> they seomincrly r-r-t ln good faith. Fair play and thc lmpartBOOe of tliis tnatter of rainfnll to millions of people dentand tliis. Bnt if, on the one band, Bbej are not to 1 e aunimarily detionnced off-hand as "eranks" or ?? frands," it, is not nccessary to go to tbe oflicr ex rrmiie, and proeipitately conocle the seunincriesB of their pretcn.led successcs. The popnlar mind likes to have a deflnite oplnlon. It hates to tus pend judgment. Any one who hr.s acquirrd T: e babit of sifting and weinhim: evidence, however, much prcfers to wait until tbe ease has been pre >cnted in a way that will preolude the poaoibiltty of crroneous decislon; and questions involviny; physlcal phenomena, whioh nre not, pet fully undcr vtood are much bctter dctennincd by experts in that blBBOh of knowledge than by people whosc for'e lies in other dircctions, or by an ea?er bnt, nninfOrnted i'opalace. Thls is cqually trne, whether the can ilidate for fame and fortnne >>e a Kooh, a Kcly or a oonjnrer. It, is certainly for The interest, of both pnbtte aurr lnventor-if he reallv have invented anv thlng of value?to have his olaims pnssed npon by some such competcnt tribtinal. For Mr. Mel bonrne. the Ohio State fioard of Aifrictiltnre, or the Ohio State Wcathcr Burean, or the faenlty of i il>erlin Collc^e ntlgrbt pooalbly 1h? able to provlde, upon request, tho nceeeaarp oonrt of inqnirp. Thls Iionrd, probaldy would then considor polnts lltte these: Could Mr. Molhourne, on short notice, mnke it rain op days carrfully aekcted beeanaa ot the very low httmiility of thc air, or when other oironnintanros favor drotith t IIow prolmhlc bi lt tbat it. would have rainod anyhow on oertain Othet daya tbal hk mtfhlnf is employed P What were tbe poticral meteorologiea] oondittona over a aride i.rea of eountry jnst before and dnring the ketB? And if, aa baa been thc oaae dnring the few arceka, much lieavior rains foll down in tho tJuli nnd Atlantio States than in Ohto, how far were the fonner due to Mr. Melbotirne's persua sions? Wonld his arrioe be, eannlly effleaetona la ls reeogrnlscd aa an abnormally dr.y 888800 over ft wide BTCa B8 in an oxeeptionally wet one like tbe kat fortnigbl '?' I'mil the Anakraliaa seaka aad aeeaiea a faTorabk veniiet. bon an Mthoritp aneb as is gtipgesteil, and upon laauea like the 8888 raked herewith, he can bardTy expeet Btaefa en Mnragement frara cold-Mooded and Balenkting oapitalkti or from aeientisk of higb standiBg, Whv d<v* not The expbata in what reapaM .?.,. propoula (th? POBtmaater-Oeneral'a) nre too e.\ agl i ??? Worle. We htive BTotM so, bnt our aelfhbor, contrary ,, ita aanal hebtt, is dull and will not nnderatand. i;,,. pro].la, fof oiie thing, are too rxacting in Hxing iimlts for oiitwnrd nnd ret.irn voyaecs. The law e;il!.s for ships of a given tonnage and speod. Ii not rciji.ire TOyagea between poina t,, i,. made in any fixed ttme. Bo long as the Oov -,,t peta tbe tonnage nnd the capaclty of making the reqolred speed, H can well afford k tkfled. Steamers cannot be MBBBgrd 8X aly aa naail boata, Tbep are la the general ? ? .,i busineaa, and ln Sonthern barbora are gnbjeel k many Baaroldabfe deiaya and aaabai Detentioa ta leaTing one part for n re? boun will tavohe the loaa of a tide and keep i, lmtil the next day: or if ahe vt<-t? ont aod runa al foll apeed, Ihe will reaeh the neal porl ,; irll : the iii-.'ht. or al the ehh of thc tnle, , , ., ,t v UI be uapoaaible to gel in. (Jnder aneb cireatnstaaoea i' will ? * Beeeeearp to ran at half q.|, to ta to reaeh the ?.Bd porl at the ri?ht ;n;i, god tliereby h11 the advantagea of bigh epeed will be Shipa eanaot he operated it. South ern tfado with the 8BBM preclalon with whkh , aaa ? *? Baeaauiad ofl oa a oonnter. The PoBtnaaterOenerara Bfopoaata oughl to he inf licienUy elaatk to be applied to tha praotleal re quirementa of tbe Soutbern trade. Uaiteraal poata] carda are t.i be the neal thiag. py ? boI BBiveraal po ipa, good everj where within the PobI d l nion ? When The Trib :iit. suggeated thla before, the thing eeemed ratbei doubtfn] to the poatal authoriticai how doea it i,?,i; now ln tiie lighl ot unlveraa* poatal cardaf i ,t the "Heatben rhinoi-" katill ap ta waya ii,,,! ,M- dera and taieka tbal are vala is abown hv tka iflerk wl leb. be ? kei k erade the an , oi the Kxeliuaen kw. Oaa af Iba de> nplope ! la to teaeh Intendlng ItnaalgraaM ? : streets, tbe aUuatka of bouaee, etr., jn Si.ti Praaeiaeo, su tbal a ati Dgajr arflYlng from i bina and gettini through oa a falae eerthloak irnination oa the 'I ii.s ghown ' ?? and wortby n a betkr oauaav Ta j>.e V(.n. evaaiona ol thc kw wlll requlre all thc pbrewdneaa which thc Treoaury oaaekk an abk ,,, ggaster ap Wlii'ii Mavor t'lnipin waa aabad on TB8B881 Ii Bj ha 1 tiict Uuvcruor IIi.ll laat week. he uiouru fully s*ook his head. Evid-ntly he waa oppresacd witli ZoogMl too deep for words. TJe latrst jealoua wife heard from up to tha hour of golng to preita aay? she "spotted" hcr | mac beoaiific she BBW he was " wcarinc too many DOOaBBBaV" Thfs demands close HBBBght, To0 many necktjes at a time/ Or in snccesaion ? If ao, reeiiired to be known the normal nnmber of ?r.Uties a man may wear and yet conserve his character. The let'er-earriera. who are in aession at Detroit thaa week, have formed a more ajgtBfOBBB and poxver fni organization than any other clase of iMvern ment rmplnves. There are more than four tlme. 88 many branch BBBOoJatlOaal as tjiere were a year ago and the dcletfate* preaont at, the convention rvprcsent raost of the State-. BBd Territ<>ri*\s. Thc reofllt of (>rgani?afion amonrr t.he carriers ba* bOOB noticeable in improvina the sah.rie* and lesacning the hotirs. of work of thc men. A gn?.,t dimsrer 'o ue avoided by the oarriers is the attempt to .??ctire irreatly hiirhor wn:.* and other prlvibvcs l" the power of the (fovernmetit to grant BrlBiaat Injurj to other braaobeo of thc Natlonal BerVeo. l*o peatoSea elerka ar<- undoubtodly trcatvl bv Congress Ichh fairly than thp carriers have ??cn. Clerks who have heca in the BBrviOa for maiy yeaw do not rceeive ncnrly as larae salari'-s hj do the carricrs alfhOBgh their work is ,,s ditnctil. The proposal to provide a fnnd for the hencflt V tl?<- hcira of deccnsed rarriers is, how ever. one wlfoh may be r.irried out arlthOBl i'" .jtiiring gpeefat privilocc* from fhe fiovernment beyond thosc ac?rdcd 80 other employes. VEUSOSAL. Tlie propcrfv known as " Bei Top." ln tlie vlrlnltv ,.f Waahtaaioa, artileh Hr. Claiaaaa* boaajM for 800,0001 was rcccntly solct for ?! at%000. "Th* B li B .loumai's" sorreaponieal al the Battonal eapltal iaya: "There have, b"en ^,n.D wlehnd persOOJ WhO b*i that Clevelan.1 dld not even pay tl." ?20,000; tlr.t he oal* t.i.1.1 010,000. and that tha balanco wa* eontrlb- ? tjted by th. Deai eratlc interoated ln Iba ipeeetaBon, bul lhal Boaalbli wa.> a eanaalcn ue. j B'hile tho PjobbB geomaplier, fciheo Beelna, ara* aaaecrt from i.u littio *1Ua at Bevrea rarantty batfglar* t entered. foreexl tlie lOCk*, an<! nmatticd 7n<>st Of N furnirure. There wa? not niudi whfch b* carricd away easily. When tlie vandala emerged from ;ho rv*i?j a tratehaiaa waynhf theea aaa aeariy i nniert oaa witu a apaa*. Tlie. fOtetal appllcatlon of Mark Hophlns's wldow j to the rjoaaOy Ooatt to be aJiowed t<> adopt Tlmothy j rlOBBfl asiut son hn* been hui.t'vt nn bv a reeord aear. ber la .-an fY*atel*ee, and bo?w dato of jnix ?'. 1070. flcneral John F.aton, at one time t'nttcd States Com arlaaloBef of rdtuation, and labterly ptaataaBn of Hartetta, doll-cc, ohio. Baa rcsljrred thc latfer post ln order to devote his timo to eduetrtaonal lerturlng and vrlUng. Tbe wifo of geoatoreleti HanabiwMjh, of Borth Dakota, hnd Bbnoal reeorered froai bei reeont aerloaa and prolon^'-d BlneM a forl lighl BftO, wlBBn aha went out for a drive aud had a refapse. Ber llfe H boo despaired of. Collector Fassett Is a member of the Alpha Delta Phl fmt'-rnltv. A DetMll BMB who was a elaaam*** "f his in roiiece bbvb; "He aaa, if i renaeaiber rlght, ahove the ave:-a;.-e of bl* eloa* ln tehelarahlp, bal he wa* not one .,f t!m- pbeaoeiena] people who gredoat* 100 plaa ln everythlng and then toach a ooajrtry aoademy af th. Ir llvee." Roal ptoperty belonRlnic lo t]i- eatetO of the latc Kra, Hopktaa leartta and amoanttna ta abooi BbWIOO, ooo ba* beea ooted by oaaaal obaerver* onl In Baa -,'0. The braaaeea of the Werteea Mlnaeaota t-'eminary have been petitioncd to ehartaa tha naaaa of that bv stlttitiot. ao aa to rarpetaat* that of OeaeraJ H?rrl?f*; ecretary of the rreaaury. "Wlndoea ln?titut? i, it la pi ip ieed to eall the tehooL THE TAJ.K OT THE DAY Vercennes. Vt? is the third oldest city In tho fnlted Bktes, bartog beea eMarteaad ta 1788. Bawtiea* anl New ii.iven. Cobo,, aara tdtaikiel iu 1784. Ver ,s prabably tke BBtalMat anl Bwat ojnet etty in tke eountry, ktvkg a popoiatlon of 1,778 anl eeverkg only 1,800 arre?. PJerertboMa it has a Mayor, n City, a Board of AMermen and all oth'^r officers pcrtalnlag to a fall-aedged rity. On th* rTrong Beeat,?Flrat i.ittie nirl (nt raablonabk snmmer reaort I'm awfnl gkl to get 'anatntad with VO^'ron?r".iM>'r<'.rrl--S0,m 1 with you. Tliafs wliat w.. otane for. Mb**""* saya no bereelf. ?? To get 'QBalnted 1" , . ?Yee" wlta nlee people?pcople, ln soriety, you '?? \vhv, thatfa Inat wtwit raaauna wank. Wc're U> -l'i 'qaainted with peopM ln aoefetjr." -Aint voii ln SOclety in the city?" '?No. You are, arent yonl" - \.) W.'ve beea itiUm' tmtl srrapln' the wnolo vrloter to eorne here and get 'i|iialiii".i with peopM ln todety. yoa anow." ?? Po've v e. en vour folks ain't anybody at home?" "No." " Nelther are we." , , . _ "Oneu tnare aln't much usr ln us gettln' -qualr.ted. "(riiess not." "OOOd-by." "Good hv/'-fNew Yor'c Wce'dv. "Itew-Bngbvodgra," ays ? aflaoarl mta, '-are all the tune talldng aboat th... wUd and woolly w"esl la 8 way k iaii'iy tbal wIM beasM bk proadlBg Bbont tbe -. nf onr eltka. Bnt, u a aatkr of kct, more bean aro l(il!*<i la Malne than In balt a down W< stern stntac. Tba bear bonnty ln tbal Btate ls 810 per bead, and hl Masl B 10 bena are i lalaed reerly. i barent a tblng agatnrt tbe Baat or it- bears, bal when i .,? much Bboal tba daogaa of tbe Waat i Uka M eoa tempkk thc dangen from bean la tbe exti ?w ffortbr eaai, if 800 bears a vr;n- were Billed in Mkaoarl or llllaoM wbal a ary >>f daoaer aad ploneer tribaMttaa would ga up la ealtard Kew-Englano"." When Thay SprlnkM.?Un< le Joah Whatfa that thlnsrt BepbeW' That's a *pr nhl ng cart. Itncle Jo-ii ItdoB't aem to be ?prlnkUn' mneh. cjlty Nephew?Wsdt tUi II aata to a eroaMB8>^8treet A Smltk'a Good New-. The offleera of a itaM, eoaaerratttc eharel in n nelgbborkg elty arrok tbe otket day to a gaatkraan i.i this elty, aaMBg Ma to ?oggeal a inod flaaa lor a paator. ?? \\> rrant," thcf iaid, "a man "t aoaa polplt abtllty; bal kr iradons aaka donM NcoBuaaBd k aa a man a no ??? bi ilna aa in hK lungs." Paper la Bghttng x\.,i>d i.iu.i in the manafaetnre <>f boxea, bticketa and oven paohlng-caaoa, aiul ?o perfeei ls the manufactarlng procesa lhal ln many ln nothlng bul the woncertul dlflerence ln welg afford .1 clew i , the preaen. ? ?1 paper In ihe ruuiiiiftw l ,,,,., paper , are Ind atrurtlblo, appar ently, i.:.?1 ti.r aavlng they effeci in rretghl la enor Thouaanda of dollar. are already Inve ted ln thi. romparattv. ;. .. ? & a new rumpany with 81^150,000 rapltal has bf n rganlzed to Intro dnca paper-boarda Into other ttnea. Rxpeiinienta !.: \,- been made with huagy wagona and othei where llghtneaa i- needed. and paper floorlnga ln lleu i. soon be hewrd of. it I- eaa] to ? .. rlal flre pr *>1 ln rourae ol I nrtlo't, and thla ls an aaUltl .nal advanh ti ciated.--..-(. Loula Ulohe Deaaoerat. Tha abenrdlty of Ih* Oerroan taw* againal the ln portaUon of amerlcan porh waa ihown ln .t I ii," "Allgemelne Belcha Oorreapoedens." The paper, after relaUng u.e valn atteaapta of the mer> ebanta ,,f BerBa t<> laduee Ihe aeveraaaanl to with draw the prablbltton againal the taiarleaa aaal, do elara* the law la eoaataatly evaiett. AaMrl' * n;,;ii la aeal to HoBaad aad Deoatarh i':..^..-.! la Um. in tiiuM' eountrie* the ment la Btaohed and tor*f**d?*1 to Qermaoy aa "Datch" or "Danleb" meat. Beeently Biore than 304)00 pechagai of aaeh Aaterlean-Dutch meati were oBered tor eal* ln Ihe Marhet* ol Ih* Oer man eapltaL rhe JonrnaJ qaoted above dedaree that tbe Araerleaaa have oflored to mB BMat* lo the RerBn marketi at 83 to 43 pfennlga, or 10 to 11 eont* .i poand. ai i- - ? *mb bmbI I* Biaeh dearer thaa tbat. Betlred Agrteattartat*.- Slraneer--Yonr farm has a I'.i'h. I'armer V/aB, i uin't eomplalnin'. I've worbed Ihii ?.-.?<? f.irin oighl an' daj fer nigti ":,t" torty yeara, ,,.,? now I've 'boul made up my mlnd t i i"t 'er wil <>n abarea an' retlre rrora bualne i. rx>- | >t noaef np." -i. tnger?Betire, ohl What xv.n \,>n d-> aith | m aell tb in ....?- Rame .-i-^ they all <i<>. rn i?.ne * a propb. i. (Xew \',.r!v WeebJy. ?i for ihe Bcroamodatioa of vtall Trevea daiing the eahlhlttoa of tha Holp Ooal h-i\.> i:.,i tb Phrea aear l been brtll already i'i aatlelaaaloa of tha llera. Bal the bodfly aoaafotta af .... i , ba provhted tor. More thaa 1,300 iv.|iu-i- for ui" prlvltef* of eatabllahlng reetaar i .. ,hn. ,;? tha exhlblUon have been iv.---;\.-,i np t,. tlme by the uaa terord i i.i . ? it iDdleatlooi tha rl itor* v,in aoaiber baa draa* aad bturtreo* of thonaanda. in a . atiicii .i Towa.?Tourl.l Thla la aaaat laaaa eatlng. Aud what may rour offlcuJ lltla bei ..a tbe Verger. kladam. Tourlal Are yoo, realU I "ow, <i-> x..n an w, i thoaght .on B?aa aha n.ixo af tha Ap,e. oi Boaiethlng ol u.iai aort, iPuck. THE SALVATION ARMY. ii. mr. oknkr.vl booihs df.parture toh THE OITIIWIafJI I'HM l KKEMONTES AT S<H THAMITON-IIIS l$EAS<>NS FOR GOlX<i-IUS AME1U CAN* COADJITOR. London, July 28. Mr. Oneral Boot.h has jrone from us: not to that nndiscovered conntry from whoae hourn no travel ler returns, bat to Sontl. Afrlea. Lerd Kandolpli Cherebl'l is ta Oaafb afrka ("an it i** that Mr. rjooali is on Lard Raadalph'akailt Daai he hope. in his own bOlaigeraat phrase, to take the ureat |,,ry Demoerat arkencg, or to annex hlru aa an aaxkaa laqairerf h he, like the lat? ObaaMtJaaf nf the Bxehecjaef, ajatog k gend baaM a hleaaing oa Mr. Cl abjaba HtH surrender? II he would, the BOaadf would l>e complete, and tlig Noiieonfonnist CaaanxBBca would la? soothed, and the Or^en would wheeze out a sij<h of eatafactloa. Hut I apprehend none of th^a thinga as Ukely t<> aeear. >!r. Baeth h.s aBhes eeaaaMM, other oiv je.:is in view, os yoa abail sec in a tnoment. Souta ifriOa i"i tor tiie yreal Salvn'i88881 hut a port of ealL His j'.urr.ey is a loriK*r one; his destiny Ua futther eaal : 88 BB8 8 BaaBBkB to the heathen %\ [eountrkl Bftfll BBMB rvmote. Tlie dusky New I / there he atiy of the BBefigilMl New : y.c dandera atft?ta to ba Baaed by the brass oand A new army of Salvation |aa-,es bi to he reciulted from the Hlndoataai; tbe taaibaarka i? to repiaoe tbe I.itn-toiu btncath pkBtaln greeea; it aball he no loager Bnddha bat Boetb whcaa i<i?U fill the b> di-iii teinoles. The Mns-siiiman biaaalf m to forgel Mahotaei and to ipBaeaiber only the propket ot I krksat England, '1 he btobM galled on gVaaasaf from Southamptoa, ond bk torewell was al b bjad which only tii?? Salvation A.niv eould have jjlven luai. Jh.'.v have a cift f..r 81888188 tka in that aitny which ahe <iener..l of Her M.rjestyl Forcs mlgbl envp. Mr. Beoth'i haraaakaa ar rlTcd from rarkaa pait* of the Magdaaa; amve-i 1-,-rore aoon-kn Bil Ked.ers BalJef take notic? th. Bgh theil gBBBt Comtnand^r arM not due till M i. No aeed, a* at VTlabaecka for the Ccrnian Kmperor. to entrairi troops ut 0 a. m. BM n rcvi.-w sevon niileis distant, baBJBBlBg at 4 k 188 afternoon. Tliey eaine not singl- bpies. Ihey ra.i.c with baMtk playing and eokfB and pennanta wnving. They 88888 with BBd tneea but sound InngB. They let me say who carue. TbahoBM Bfjaea btaaa baad eatae; ta tkkaJaarakl war.are it ii Mways the hrass Baad WBleb 8888*8 liist. The atavfl oi the intcnatioiiai baedqaartera eame; the aoekl reform stafT. the rescuc atarT, th* trade beadquaTten stniT, an<l the home otliee staf! -all these enme to bid adka to their leader. I wkb aoaabodp aroaid aabnah a Salvation Manj I iciotiarv, so that one mi.'ht kn?>w what all the* BM8B. Bal 0T8B if they mean nothing, they sound well. Lnst of all, Mr. Jlooth eamc also. He had on his arm bk daagbter, llka Baa Booth, who ho)d?, so wa are told, t.he post of lield-conimissh.ncr : eh.sely BM> kwad h.v Coaaalaaknei liooth-Tueker, in tle In. liiau flitaa aa ii there aretc only aaa!?afka Lacp Booth; Mr. Hramwell Booth, ehief of the stuff, aud oi era. Mr. Geaerei Booth was coa.luctcd to aa Bpea earri^e. 1 bad hoped to hcar that, he k> siro.le n ooad-hkek ateed, like (iononl iioulanner, but he did not; perhepa he eannot ride; if it la coneeiTabk thal a "General" eannot ride. Be mighl have had a hone trained for him; that bj arhat Oaaexal Bonlanger did, for he aaald not rido either; excopt a very little, or perhaps a loehlua1 boiat Bat, bheaib he eame not oa a liery rjaargn nor in a hery chnot, Mr. BoaOb in the opea carriage was reeeived by hii foUowera with a migbtgr ahout, which he .vcknowl. edged by Ltftlag his bal and standing in the opea earriage; tbe apen earriaojo al-o standing atill, I bope. Bul Mr. Booth, bbongfa be may not ta a I oroataan, is an adept in tlie art. of tflking what the Brituh pn-ss Lihea to deoeribe as earriage exercis*. All along tbe raata, Baya BB eye-wltness, not on tho Salv-tion staff, but on tlie btaff of the JournaJ which givee ua an account ot theae a/reotang; aeenoB, all along the route he stood up ln the oar riage, wttb his iat repeatedly ofl ln acknowledgment of the aalatattoa of his triends. No Emperor, Ger? man or other. ould have done more; if not on. boraobaok. It is not surprisin? that, in 1*008 eireumatatc**, UM iM-rinibiilition of tbe tOWB OOOapiad more thaa an hoiir. Tbe ship, niean'ime, had embarked her less .listinauisi.ed BMBBBBgeni ?,ul ^ani"' ,1owrl Souibatnpton-water, ataving Mr. Booth to make BM spee'-.h. . .. . I think I mttst nsk you to lind room for thia spevch in full. Jt is not very lon? for a speeou. thengh long for a qaatatton, and I will_go so fara* to sav that 1 do not think any siu.i'ar BaaBagO can be tonnd lo any of the greatest of any 80 tion, or of any time, anotent or modern. Ihis is .Mr. Bootb/B oratioti, exactly as reported in ihe Londoo narantpaper wbich booota, galta ft> aceurately, al tbe largiret circulation to ti.e BMgaj j ,. and n.v atieflgth will not alh.w me to do much more than wisii you tareweU. ' Ame_n- ' 1 bope you wUl taxe weil ln ?x>ur bralo*. lak* ,-.,iv oi' \oiir mlnda, your aona and daugbtera. aa liuion and eommon aenae are very mueh pul ae-m der. Lei ua mairy them afrean, (Aaaaa. ) * bone to Ji^c to are the tfme when tbe l.oi-t Jesua t lirist, will bave the laraeai auantity of ti.c k-st i ,,,i power Lo the world. He te wortbj of \% l-Amen." ??Hall"lu.,ai.:-; It I woto b foeti would go againal Him: aaa \ aaaa, I *?to* Him. l olaloi tlie wiee mea on my alde. Maaa $Se, and conie iwtu .ron. ihe .,,,,U if v-u l^e nol come already, and glve and oonorerate your*J to Jeeu* (ftrhrfc l wiab yon to [are well Li Wul*,Bathol your tl.o-e ,n your vuur mnatera nml your aervanta, and all .^nd^l'.^v^^.'-n-.-^lv.^oiiiMs.iretne veix lieai people I bbt* aol abont me. I ?i-i ,??,. v.,;.',!..., u... If*e Inoi^asi ?.,.., . I .i Ru' are you agaln. i" UaUelujab. ? Maj Uod bieaa vou and your wlvee, r-.\u.en."> lb- ktnd ?^ ,: ?..'ei. folk; take oare ol the ehildrea. Mav Gwi ble>a the childreB. lakeeare ol yoar l.usbanda. Keep v. II h??ld of tka. Lwwuiege ,i, ,., ,,, bold Chriat. "Yea koa wiU atep , ', ,.,. ,"Ves." t.wT.- man and woniui who wlll pray to itod toi the SoivaUoa Armj bm -,,,?!, ! ? AiiM-n. " bay it again. rAi'.en. ) Shut your eyea and as H agatn, and it ?.? nevef mcet ugain on enrth may are meet ta Heaven in laion hefore thc thronc. I" Halla lujah. " It niiirlit be hard to sav whieh is the prevaillnf note ot thal dkeeaiae! whether the aata of vul gnrity, or thc aok of agafaaity, or the noto af lu.i/eu ats.irance. or the note ol egatkSB, 81 8888 i. it baa beea arged, ta pallktloa of Mr. Booth'a offeaeea aaalnat dacaaey ami ?ood aeaae, tbat he is ataeere. He baa, perheBB, Blaaaai b> i, nnt this araa ti.>t one ol thcin. IIis speecb ringa bolkw. Vcl This man has a vast inlnieine. There are multltadai who regard him as a bbIbIj or perbapa Savkar?a la de akek BaTkai a Jea.i* t brkt, to adopt his own st,\le, of the end ol the Ntaeteenth Oaturp. Ona you iuwx-ine t'ht,i*t es> krlag ?'< iu~i'iem, akadlng iu au open aankgc, ie poatcdly liMim; his batS with u 88881 88888 B8M8J baad and ti.e tumhounne BeBampaMiaarBf ti the . ,.| Bneknt Jadaeps aad aitaaajBaBnak hy Hcad Conetabk (3aj far preseralng orderf Aad de reu oi do jou not tiiink Mr. 800*8*8 fare are i apaecb Baaada Llkc aa laha oi the Betawa on the Meuni t Mr. General Boeth is galag k iaatraMii rfaar* Zcalaad, Ceyloa, aad Hnallp t-> Qaajatat* whJeh oaghl to be aa excelkai pkee fot miBtarp iparav rioaa, R haa a aamc aireody ta tha ealBeatp baa tory of Indk. Rather bm re tl aa tartj eeaM a Biitlab army |aiaed a ^.>.>d hattie there over the Sikba, aad there was pcaee ta tbe Faajal* The baad waa aal t.> tbe franl aa tbal aecaaaaa. ami there warc aa apeaebaa. Itr. Baaeh i=> aaM going ta one up Qcajagaa, as he is Wostern Aua tn Ha, to the Salviit.on Army. it wii taaa blaa ?i^ or aivaa months to da au tkk, H8 bj not gi ii la Aiiicrn i. Vou in Amer k i nni-.t gel aa M baat yea aaa without Mr. Ueaeral Baotb for tbe Btaaaat; aud work aaayaal own .salvation: if you c.ire for aalvution i'f the Ba th kind. Vou have with you. of 808888, 888 0e8888M -'..-I eoadtak r, aa Baaapraai Bka him-eu, ?nd lile him, IrTttnT-t If 1 BgMah ''' blg, fjkdkla 81 Mr. Boath~a ahkl eoadjutor ta the Salvation War, it is 8888888 1 BUMM8 how BBBplj taMQ l| uip.tthlie, 88M iiai.ii the> baWI ia 88888888., how devoted both of 18888 are to 881 oause they hold inwrt ab"