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iVe s?w fhc olher day what. the attraction that drew then. together. how they were both tbe aOOBBB* iraita of 881 poaed. I"" bj bomr on *_ that drew thc < J__L**1 ieai't knoxv wbether Mr (Jodkln's name P?T**_^ on aha maaO** rolls of thc Salvatbm A: l y. eraics of reflnement, tlie cbanipions of thos?? f charncter to which rctinement is most a*> ?-hat aa* laaab is. nor WBOtbot I ought to rcfer B?hui ?s ">!,;"" *"1,lkin- But he will not cnre J* t that. It i? enouj;h for this great and good * To be BBaPaBOd with the other great and g.?od in preaihina the ReiiKinn of Vuigarity. ahciild. pcrhaps. eali him the Booth of America, f lr.ah Amcri*. BObBBBB it were bctter to call u Bo?*b the N.xlkin of Enaland. \e |soM 8*0 ar>- asking, thc Civilized World it) king 0?af ?**? Mr. (ieneral Booth go ahroad t T\f gus told ns in "The War Cry" he is going to tnjng> for btBaBBat, and to l>e eeen. What ha* n impar'c I to him of these distant 8*BBBt8B88 , ))Ut aaheaoed hia eetrieetty. What ihey have gmfXi of him has whrtied th<>ir8. It is well that afj Booth should neholtl the other side aj tliis 8**> ?gjfiaj gtobe, and that thc other side of this ter ?atrial gleh*" *hotild hehold Mr. Booth. Hc has ^aBnl with joy of hia eoldirrs' "layalty BB The ?nEy, BB ,,'"t *? Tne War Rr"' to tnf General.*' >>rb?P* >'"" "tH aaMJOO the order in which they aar tnenuoned. But he is going aa a David, and * to dnl.x e*timate litrle David'a pluck and skill x?u ahor.ld have meaaured Goliath from Top to ?jat' S? that is why he is going. 80 nieasure Gohnth frop top to toe He is going to Explain tbe Army also. He thir.ks the Anny may be tuia BBJaTraOaad in the Southern Heraisphere. There baa been coMness and suspicion: these he desires w disnel liko Paul. he wiahe* to impart unto the heathcfi his own spiritnal gifts. Paul, it np prars, told tbe " Roman Salvationlste" that he had gome BOOh object. This is interestinc. and wonld have been more interesting had Mr. BaaBl quoted the passasre in the New Testament in which the Koman Salvationiets are mentioned. Mr llooth's ends are, he tells us, ? precious and ap.teU,'.ic." His alisenee, nioreover, is to be the occaalc-n for a BJtBBl Salvxtion War at home. Of ficer* and ae-ldiers are tn be bnsier than ever in rc crBitiBSJf and lcst mere zeal fail them, the name of everv Corps and of tbe Captain and Lleutenant in - of the same, is to l>e inacribed en a Roll -t<> be prese-nted at the great gathering of our oomrades who will freet rne, if spared, on my re turn h?me in Febrnary nevt." Nor is that all. * Ihere is oue other advanoe I fiisiat mn*t be made while I am away The circulation of Tlie Dear Old War Cry must he pushed up to the goal I have so long desired for it. SSO.oOO:" I eeem to hear an echo of that cry from New-York anl the tiiiinent Emigrant calliBg out that he too lffsisis that the circulation of The Dear Old Evening I' must he pushed up to the goal he hae w> lona lic-ired for it?say 1 0,000. ta is weli to atm hich. G. W. S. TRIBFM. ERESH-AIR FUXD. ACKNOWLJIDGMENTS. *"???axnly arBj.owieflfed .?".818,12168 UaaACurg, W Va.-. 5 W K xv Caraen .-. lo 00 lair ?nl Tahlwn hv the yc-ung ladiea at Uxo "WawtKek.' . :iff Karm, XU^iivllJe. N. J. 84 VJ .*.r? a L Mtaa . J "0 :. nr\- af ' ,-nrg* BurDiiBDi 6tlll?on" . oO.H. >lr?. xx L \x. ..i,r;/>n. BrooiUyn. ?jtux a,,a K?1vt1ii. >:*ru,-! wl l.-'tai^r . 800 j. v L, . 2600 i. v . :::::::...::. ? A. M. BBO0 A. p. M /. . 1000 l.r> Knex Hmitinguin. . p?nny aaved each day tnr Ba f'.na. J ?2 ??ln M'-aio-*' of our Babv". j. L. Voaborg. 5ow> M . x\ a. i> W. ai.d E. D. W., threa "happv firla .-?.. 15 00 M il ... ."... i-oo Monev nlanl bv K&r.ui Waj*. M.rr Lewls auo oui?r nuic New'Iaada*. Conn., gtrl*.... l? -0 . ?"> 00 XBih. . 3 ,H) garhll ?tm Carrle, two little cniidren. l no T0W1. A'leusl 5. lS'.Xl.I.:...?ltf 41-.I00 Thi* mouey has al^artv been used ln sending rhil aren to the countrv. Tlie trea.-.ury is enip-v. ST'MMFR OTTaWTfl AII) TIIF. FT'ND. To the ECltor of Tbe Trlbune. Slr: In.lo>*<1 ple*s* flrn cherk for $,-:>, to be added ?? h \ir Ftifid. Thls U the prr.reed' ad a iair and tableiiu.-. iicld at "Tlie Waxvbeek." Cttf Farm, on fh? Ohawangnnk Mountalns, on the evening Bf AujrnKt 1. ..r^.t , redit is due to the young liulie^ ol the i.-d the affalr, and who iiava mil. h tin.f an.l lxl>..r f r -..-veril wwU ln it? prepara tlon. Tlie tabMan* arere preaeated In an ? I ii ner, ari'i aei. appraclatad by ti.e aatUenee, whlrh etmalated t?l tl ? gneata ol tbe Waarbeah and tnain .?f the -.tti.r ..-n-'ri in fic virinitr. Pleaae d, knowlt-dire re,--,pt ,,; iii ni*-x tbroogl The Trlbune. BHEBMAK. Cllft Farm. _8BaiHlB. Fl-ter C ... V. Y.. Aag. 4. ISfil. THF. OSACIOTJB (ilFT OF INY-MIDS. To the F. dltor of Tlie Trlbnne >ir: We ?".d |IU<llat and n draft f"r f'212 for your grand crarity. the Fiesl.-AIr Fund. Two weck^ ? lay a faw hafMa in thla loatttotloi] were told i jfontleman aoall glve 080 the Fund if they xv>nld rai^e 0100. Thre* of n< wet.t to ivorfc. and we ??d you tlie reaaK. I artah the amount wa* mn-li tiT I . ai aaaaaa yoa the epirlt is all rigbt. .Mv chanibermaid l.caiM what ?a< b> injt done. .nd nime to me wi'h *1 for the fund. I reaBeqetrated aar, t.ld her Uint she eoaM vM afford it, thal t.aif of it ataao wirh th? h;n<! lafrM she aaMaaaaad r uld be erongh, but #.he said - No.'' At our ln?t BrntlM the aao gentleman Biuaaf to l* F.. D. Lefhn. M. l>-. the prevd*-' t oi thla eorporatlon. Aa .. ' !?iitnn- oaea, are aav remembered bm bi I mea, and have faith that in x.Mir hand-, !i win ?> arhera it will u.? tla most c >.ki. k. \v. - -vuitarium, Watfclna, N. v., Au,:. 3, l-i.l. a-?? A BATA. AT IHE WHITE SFLPTIFR 8FMHIGB. - r.lVKV IN HONOR OF MR'. ROfJEU A. PBYOB?GOYKBirOB im.L BKaTBal A B_tO. Watta Balahur Bprlao*. W. Va., a..c. :>.?The Kary 8 Bgtea'ball grvaa al the Whfaa BaJphar - | -t ijiilliant attalr thnt haa Beettrred rtan al th - -^v wauring paaee. Thc ball - a i ibiibbIbbqiiI lo Mra. Booer a. Pryor, and of the BJary Waahfagtoa Bfoaaaaenl i ;. ocM of tba vi.-e B*a***aMrta. . Hiil. "ti ataelal Bew-Toefe wa* Mtrt to Bfra. Prj >r, an.i ti.- 1 tha Btaaa af nrg al* wnt the r.,i,.r- af the "ii rtiaalnlna t-> beeai wtth thoaa of the Enptlt State. ^lr-. rrxnr Md the opeolng aaareh wtfdl e\ ....vernor ?i in a enstaaaa which ? ? ? ? . - f thal w..rn l.v Mi.rv ? Tortrtown BalL" The han hlef, : faa wirti I r were lent to h r , ?oaaaMart fi arora l.v ladM* who Bad iaaeed a .!i Bgtoo at the P>e*arlelulMtrf balL . ? ?-? \ aa Bavtii ;,..'<-i! it, th<- affmr wara v i ?- Mn Willla Wlrl Henry, the Sttaaei a:d Mildred L. . Mrs., Mlaa Broam, hll?a . M -- Olldei ileeve, Mra. i Ki.oule-. Mra. Wallacc, tbe M - - . ' Mrs. Rooert?oo, .lu<! ??? an'l Mra. m. niv. \i?. and Mr*. Br Davidgo, Judge aad I ft'ych. Bai ii.ihki) wnanrt mr pq*t. 0* Attral Meleaay, k. <. m. 0., i.a-. baaa Baayaag at Bha \\''i;'iv,r j,. .,! ,|M>,. ue la ofl hia lofhti new a; p..iiitme:;t a- QurOIBOt He i- afoofliaaailad aj Lad] traa and hia arlvat* Beeratary, *T. Me Aifn-d arlfl ?l?,t f.-.,rn NVw Vorli ln time |a rateh the 1. irleaaa ao l Mbeae reaorte* aBMBl k ? " tbougb a . yooog tha aaaaaaaa, aad hk-i 1 ? ctfaM aa haa '? the v..-i ,. ,.. ,,f -,*!-.,4t |b ,),,. eapaelty of (tovevnor , ; , U:, ,,,% . >?? ? for lu- ? ??. |,.. 1 . gjveci l.l.-u, '. ? . In beiievolenl and ,.'-.., t ,. ti>e xxc.t yoaat of Afrl.a. laWaaorj m irrrBaoi nrujBB. 1 ;.t tha Wlaoaat Thaaare ail] opaa aa ?aaatay algjM vttl ...i." .1. 1;. ii.-.^ Hearietl 1 "... ? ihe <.,-i Ble i'i ih* Bjace Ihe eaaaa MTaaati la I m aadltorlaai aad aaaa !,..*.? ? ,,.,,,,i Boaa . I aaa m 1 dtaa, vafch arffl hi altlon inat.-ii.llx . eder and n naft. r. 1 ne badj ol th* k 41..1 111 tlie middle . a ui'-dalll. n ?i u i?,, female Rguret n Uterature and Art. ,\. ii?- .,,; , a#e crini-Hiii haiiaaiiir* aud ..1 bb< J****** . w fii.i.e Aa enilrel) nea ti.* beee bolli .n* . .- eo.aipae*1 altlj all th. ..<-? ?ppii4n<.?-. Inrlatllag knbm ol -*>n k...i aara not la aas at iUc Uuk; the oid one \xa? coaatrocted. NAVAL 0FFICER8 HONORED. A BREAKFAST GIVLN* R THE CHAMBEK "F COMMERCE. >P! mtmm BT ADMIRAL WATiBER riTART.nR S s.MiTH. IBbUM 8. HFAVITT AND OTHER*. The oflicers of the Cnltod Ktates Squadr Bfl of Evofn tlon were entertnlned at breakfn-t yesterday by the BbBB Bttaj (kaBaMMaa of the New-York Clmmber of Oaaaaaeaa k the rooms nf the Luwyers' ChBk, on the third floor of tbe BBjBBkkk Bullding. The saaaak were rereived by thelr tmsta ln the dirertorV rooni of the insiiranee eompany, on the aeeond floor. and ttt 12 :?*"? oviork procrcrled k the banqu<?t rooui. MI bv Charles s. Smlfh, presldent of the Clianiher of i orn nierce, nnd! J. (i. walher. The 8888888 were in uiidre*s nDlform and thelr ho?ts worc their eusfomary business suita. There was no attempt at foruiallty. A few tanks of roses were arranged alonz the tahles, nnd there was no muslc. Two tivM", <ix tetided along the room aud tbe tablo of honor was plaeed aareea one end and only sltghtly elevated akaaa tlie otbers. Mr. ?mlth preslded at this tablo. At fcls rlpht sat Adniimi Walker, ex-Mayor Abram 6. llewitt nnd Captain J. C. Wlrtae. of the Boston. < >n his Wt were Captain J. N. Mlller. of the CBkage, ex-.M.iv .r Wltllam K. Grace, and Captain Bflaa Geaap, af the Newurfc. The otlier members of the Cham ber of Commeree present wert Henry BMak, C N. B8BB, Woodbury Lunirdon. S. D. Itotiork, J. E. Slminons, F. B. Thurber, A. Fnnter Hipirttis. I, B. i ISBBB, Anpist Uelmoni, J. I'. BM888B, cnstav H. Bebaak, .1. n. taaaa, isidor Btiaaa, Wiiiiam n. T. IIushe>, .t. J. Knra, aaekweetery of tho laaaany C 8 Falrrhlld, John 11. Rhoades, Willinm Ilrooltfleld. 11. Lvnn. Ambro*e- nnow. S. 11. Senman. Wlll Ma 11. Kendall. Hnch N. Camp, O. & Potler. R. T. Wilson, Wllliam L. stronp, M. C. I>. Borden. .rgc i v igoirn, Jocl It. Erhardt, H. W. Cannon, 87. II. eitarbuck. J. H. Schlff, C A. Andrcvs, ,1. (,. CaaBOB, C W. Bowen, O. M. Harpor, General A. 0. Bnnies. Hlrdseye Iilakeman. GencraJ Lou:> fBBBBBelB, J- I>. Crhnmlns. and Je*?e Seligman. Tlie oflicer^ of the B8jaa8iaa a* the other tablea ware: Captain J. W. Piiillip. ad tlie AUanta, Medioul Inspector T. ('. Wal b-r-. of tkfl CafeaajBi' Commander O. A. BnVheller. of the Concord.; rornnianrtee R. D. Evans, g| the 1 Yorktown: Chlef-Enjrineer R. B. Hine, of th- Om eord: Paymaste* Bdwln Putnam, of the Atlanta; Snr geon Geoire A. Brlght, of the Newarb; PavmaHter .1. (t. Hobbs. of the Boaton; Lleutenant-C'onima>ndcT 8J, T. Swlnhume, of the Boatnn; Lleutenant 11. 0.1 [ O. Colby, of the TCBtkaa ; Lientenant .t. E. PIlKliurr. of the Newark: Lleutenant R. P. Rodgers, of the Clnrajro; Lientenant Seaton Schroeder. of the Yc suvius; LMeaaaaat B. e. Ntie*. of the avtMarta; Lientenant B. 11. Burldnelijim. fleet ordnanre offieer: eoaal J. B. l'.ricirs, of the (Vinrord: Lientenant - v BMaabaa, Hhk HaataaBBt; captain G. o. Reid. ; Cnltod BtakB Marlne Oarpa, af the Chteaaro: Lientenant i L'iclen Young. of the Bo?ton; Pa-=t AeaMtBirl INv BMBter C. *"'. Littiefleid, of the Teafctown, anl Lka | te.iant ''? MeK. Wlnslow, eommandina: tba Caabing, and Jsme* W. AklBBlw and Lleutenant-Con.r ' J. \V. Mll!'>r. of the >aval Reaerve. Bkartly before 3 o'rlock Presldent Smlth arose and I satd: Ontl^men : Ton wlll b" plea??d to learn tha 1 hav b?en aajaaaMl by the oo.nmltt"' of arratitsrnen^ to an ' gggaoi tljat your dia^atlon artTJ not rr a^aarbad by formal aaaaebaabbag, but l ahould fa"l in my dutv and ta ea. wortby of the honor of pr.*ldlnB upon tlua oo.-aalon If I diJ nut, as lirl.-fly a? paartbla ^"l" Baa aa I BMBta of Mil UUtMigl8Mlaa (Tftth^riiiB nf the hti.-liie^a B*80 M Baw-Totlt, and ?ay to A'ltr-iral Wulk'-r and to hia DOtpa of aBMl r i who hrinor ua wua Uvir piaaaaea, that ?v acieaaaa taeaa : to thi* uWe with all abe araaaab and aarlMBty that arorda ,-an gxaaaaa. While aa tak? ? pardonaMo prMa m tba ! Whlt- Squadron. Ma eordl?Hty of our receptlon U not ^n ! tlrcly auallaillllal fc* ara r<-<?!:ntze ln our Biio?ts a oady of um : tfe eaargaaey arlaa, arfll know how a Mdeaf nnd paMet tba enormous Interest* which elaoMl around th* Batlint of X-?--Vork. Th.- loncr ^ - adveal of at^^l ahtpa ln tha f tiaalianllna M aaa Kavy !??* Beaa a r<-i>roa<-h a .mr raaaa. try. ILippily now Mr. Illainc and BM saeeoaaaoa :. ofl ? arria tBate dlaaaaibra with th^ beliof tir*t b"hind th* p?n U a sm.winz navai pawa arbkb arlll f>- abk to aaa t?ln the MM d.-n.an4ls of the Baltod Stat.>a lu doalMa w':>-h Malga aatlaa And, gonti-mon, a like our?. with a coast wa*h"d by two mlehtr oreana. oMaM c?-a?- ta elalm th? prlTllpee of wrlttna '-..rt-at" BaTON Itt namf if lt be aaabM or un wllllng to l.nlld and support a navy that would ta ?n hnnor la tba BbBMb md ad.-untit. :y | kboard. kad furthfr, 1 olalm that we <:4Uinot paataad to bt ttUU or lnd-'pcnd"nt unl-^sa ara eu arpoa onr oa fueture our own pma and ainmunitlon, Inolud.iiL- aaalkall aa powder. It la highly ImprobabU- that WO shall evcr hav? an In vaaion of our t<-rit.orv l,v a lio-tUc army. Our futnr" wara wlll \te naval, and our en^ts Wfl] bf th" hornt?.?. rtiilwi't in hla dranria plarinl ln tha n.o.ifh of Cardlnal Rlrhfliou BM fatnoiis phrarte. "I l..iv.- rtaraMd Fvatic..." 1 "ti rev and artlon whlith itiuaMI BM Anv riran N'aw aad pol tba l BMaga and aa alaOer shii? a.fl^*t. we a*p in ioBttl to bMelBgat awaatirr af < eoar fMead Mr. Hewltt Mrgaty ... onr Mlow^rUsea, tba late Baeataiy ol 'h.- Naw Whitni'T. but prMelpa ly M tho aeteaa and akfll of Admirai Waiber aad Mi BaaaaMMa, '?? Boaa, IM ai ask you to 1111 y.'ir fMoaa and dtink to t!i?. BOalM of Ad n.irai WaUoar, tn ht.s aarpa ol rallaat oBMaaa, nnd - t.. thc Whlt- Squadron. tpfl '? ? I All nro<? and drnnk tO the health of the Com Btadaat of the Bgualron. When th>y restuned tketr BaaM, Admlral Walker sald Mr. Paa*Mat and QaUtma of the Chambar of C'^ of Now-York. It is'(('ill.- Bnpominile f..r W tf f^prc^^ n.T thu'ika for my^oif or fa Bw oMeen ?l ttt 'finadron I hav- tbe hoooi ? ind, and, ind^^d, 1 may aay, tor BM at P Kavy ol .;.d btataa taaaa Bm aaaaa Baap -. Ulis rvdlt. %v- ar<- M the befflnrin* of an era which rr.ark* the re ronstin. tion of our Bavy, 8fa BBtB ninrt,- fair ptOgma Aaring tba ).r..Kl wMeli ha- alapaed -in.-n thc araa aadertakoa, aot wa iiav a h a road a travel ?-t befora ?? shjii baa acewa a saavy witt ahlck - ? honld bc satisllwl. \V? BTO, I am ihi-1 to say, BMkMg eood pagroaa fApplau-.-.j am that ?-p aranl ta thc u Otority M balM, the Baaay M pay I abrpa and the gaaa and ofhccr.< to n an I aflorr. Tl.p mi,' . v will, I iru?t, come f>? m Contr *?. 8Ti . . ? Dni aa IM I8M ka a aara beea oiierattag i" coojanctwa wlM Um Wava Be. lerve. I ha\e found Ui-- tark i-"-' latnaaUac. ond beUevo Bta ictranizatlon arfll h<- ? , ; , ,- gdaoel .aatry. II .. war -hi.uid aaddralj haab eat ta arMefc thr- DaiaM ? m araadd ta , u .:?:? ./ -tip ablpa At preaat w? k i ? our aaa oxccpl u. ptek Bm crewa ap - argaafaatian i-.+.r\.- la a b?8 - and 1 hojx- ?.Uim flvc r.-ar* t 8awa kaether in Mia baeo aMaui Bm ABaatte Oaaa \,.;, i -. it bi poooil ' ?? ,; - . h Bat la ? paal ratrj su< h a- tkla, aad, wairaiea, II t- aaaaa ti.. great leeM af ataared sbla "? raeffB powera pgaM lay Bm priiteipal aearata a aar taaM aada at any Maae. a fi.-.-t M Btl krad ? nM ei 1.1 Ma hai I rt aad ttc-ma M ?it!, Bm "? l ta w aad aU Uiat Bew-Ttarb woaM havt ta da \> ? b tl"- initi'-y rv.-r. To* w**\ Wflt M - thc Iti-'ilt. and ll.r 8eet iroalM poeka '.-'? I ,,,ii araaM taw Om nprri aca, MM Btaj woaM ha^e thc Lakgbarr.l J am not propaad to BMkO a - ' bot I v.ant ? u ?oii aaoot alai relj n.r your .. ? a ? fot ii"- ." :i' taaoi yoa Ma paM to - Bat Bavy, t> Bm Boaadaa, an-. t? MyaeU a- Ita pomawraflng om.T. tpph Mr. ?-::..'' ' Bad beea ewengel and i. araa aot ktanael to kire anl Basaral ipoecfcmBking, be woaM eaJl upon <-.\ Mapor llewitt. h keaar acabar of tbe Naval Coa i rjf tne tloua of Bepreanbatlvag, te aa] aaMa. lkeae Btaaaal Iranl 11 thc beartb ?.f Mr. HewlM ami ubaarad aha baarttty. He apoka as tol atf. PreaMoat: The Admitai has tnid u? tbat w a forela aaaaa'i ibould have no aaava bal ka pay Iba ?aatay. ii"t ha ? bm fa<-t thot bta i?it. rep oooaMd t.-. aaaa M bm - ? lu th>' paad aM aa aaara baa* txilldiag a navy at aaaaa.- t*M adaa ara tow a ' ' ' '""' ,;4K'1 " '"'' r" '''' Ba v.- bavo taaaa Ma b i baa te >'? ? ? '' . ... 'i aoal: ? - n:ad- by ?? ,. ?, a tabl llka I '? "'"??' w""1'1 r"' b"""" .,, rapeci i' '- aaoMbM ? | ? nack on n.j ? . u> fall baapoarll ,-..??in ?? ' : '? ' ' ' : ? M . ?:. ? ?* Uon araa ttawfaia aaoioH ?..u,t-. i bav. -nyaeli ,:;a tllly u ,i..;.a-a..-'-1 aiad iraa Ma abaa. .aca a Btaj uiriavlo aod th. dynamlia ahell. H,^.,, ? ?,,, ? )nv BaaaBtaabla, mnA in ?. jrdenieat of Admtral Wautat ?/.* otber. .ho ar. eapagal ln tho roron.unctlor. of the If.vy It hlllBBBI wrcwrr U> butld theae IWlt armn-efl ahlpa. I , ah.ll be aa ready aa any one to tax the p*,^ ,? Ul? Md, th.nrh I belleve In reduHng taxata. to the mlnlmam. lApplauAe.) Mr llewitt rloscd hia addreaa with a hcartr aa Miranre afj .nrdlnl BMBaBBM |b the meu BBBBBBMBBI the mtted BBjbJb. Navv whenever they ihoatl And tbem-elve. In tht harbor nf New York. (Applaiue.) Wiih the auggvstion that ln the event af an Iron elad fleet eiitertng New-Yorb Harbor to MVy trii.nte. their BBBa wonld natnrally be turne* nr?? npon the E(|iilt*ble HulMina, Mr. .-mith thonght lt would be peaaaj for *ome rerpre*\'e of that to have an opporltmity to BBg a few BB*8B on fl? *nb Jert, and he. therefore, **aM upon J W. Alexan?.er Mr. Alexnnder re*p<,nded with a plentant and witty BOdrcaa, introduelng two or three hnmorotu un< lllii^tratine bv the dedm-tion* how ltttle he knew. or pr. tended 8B Know, about naval inattcr*, hajBfli thc fact that M.mehow or other they were a*so<-lated In his mind with .old water. Preaidenl Srnlth then *uere?tert that F. B. Thurber shonld -peali aa a reipreaentntlve of tre merrhant* of the eltv. Mr *?id, anv-ng BBher thlngs* 1 thi.ik aveiy Aroerl<-.n Ld I* ltnhu"d hv his edurntlon an*t h.a admlratlon for tho N.vy with Uie tde. th.t we bm a aataa with nax-al tradlttaaa. Kv.Ty one of u* ha> raad BM kaatary of o..r aaval BabOaa with Maaja M pr:da ar.d . contideuce ln th'1 .hllity of the Anierlcan N'.U.m M .-a.-rt BaaU on tke aaaaa wh^ eaaaaaa dTn?nd*. v-t Bm cor.di'ton nf our MBvy ln the reeent yaata h?a be?n ?n Baaaafljy, aad I think lt appe.1. to the h..n of Am--:. an .:ti7i. lo aoaftt tn .wakenJna an lntereat In tli. nweaaltlea whlrh MttM In that conneetlon. 1 thlnK BM BMRhaa* rnarioe aho'ild be fo>tered aa a aehool arbfck arfll aaaafj our Ba? *tth *ean,ui Baaa their aer vlc? muy be r?<|U;r-d. To ary BflBfll, I M ver" imfortuiata that It ha* necorn" a aaM of travdirton Bj one of the great polltl<-al partlea of thi* rmintrv thi' they do 8*1 BM the vrfMnm of grantlag BBbatdMa lae beJahMj Bf aat aactahaai marine a* our eom IliUlMi la the B*aOd*a fcrada do. ln ord<r to g*-t our ahars of that trad". BJflB* the Drmoerat* are aarj qulrk to fal aw aaM M the fxan-.plc ?et by their* lo aame tblaga of BMM rontraet^d taOBF***, wh?n It aBBMB to r/.at tera na. tala ln aeaaeeBMa arMh BoMaaal a8Bba Maiy a.-em to 8*va t aaH of pr-jiidl..'. We BBf* not only eot M h*\c a NTavy, hut we have anl to have a i*.\ti1 n,l!lf|? to b..k It up. 1 .m not . Ja.irH*t, bnt 1 Blwera had a d'ej. ayiBt?thy ?ith the aaatUMat exv)r?*???l tn BM BBaa: ?\w j, aa* aaaaa to uirt.t, B> k, ' iBBfB, lt we do. We'v" cor tbe nvn, aa*** got th? r'ght, And b?t th'- mon"y too." (Applauae.) l.leutenurii-i'ommBmder J. *T, Mi!l>-r reeponded for the NaviU Beaerx-e. lle aaid he laen UDpteased by thc fact thal ^.vw-vork. trtth all lu great wcaltli. aaa entlrely miprotected Ihe fle.t of a forelrn enemv. He had a^aed hiiii?if why the Navv of U.e I'nlted Ptates d,?l BOl bava between lt and pM BOBM ^urh organlratlo-i a^ th.-.t WW h itood i the Armv and the Bopalaee ln tbe Caw <>f ?? mllltla The tir*t objert i | atta. lt by I 1 relfB foe would l.e New-Yorfc, The appmaeli wonld nol be i.1 land, bnt by aea, fhroatii Long Ulaod Boand or the Harbor. There arew naay elthiena ol Ne. ^ - voting their rammen ao pa.?tlmc oti I eonld eaally becomo aklUed m th<? dntiea pertalnlng t . ? aarfare lo roa^t d*-f"n^e. The ,\'i-,i | ? -l,,.ii!,l eonalst of a Naval militla. a - Mr tiK? pmtectlon <f Baw-Yorb llari.?.r. Tu*-m- ?..u,.1 i , tb* N aval Benrtee. They th >uid I** ? t flre aani; tv..-\ ahonld be tnatriicted reapect Ing the condltlona of the Harbor aad ala i abont tbe marine eommla.ary department. In tlme there aroold gre v up a S .'', mal Naval Beaerva, en - the I r,w>\ Bnrvey Department, the Ugbtbotae I otber auxlllarj rea >ur< - ol the .^wrn't'ent. ? commander MU r* nt* aa nr,.F^ prealdenl Pmlth aaaoaaeed tha ?ai of BMOlafO._ TBTUfG FOR HOSORS TS TEXXI8. THE TOURNAMFNT OF TnE OOOBUtBfOWB ATTI I.'TI.' A8S00UXI0JI. rooperstown. N. Y., Aug. 5 (Sp?riali.-Tl!e tcnnl? atmrtiaaMai oa the peerod* nf tb* All lette Aaaoetadtoa kfternoon at 3 ovioeh. [n the aretaiinary r.'.l'Kl. men'* doilbles. .T. P. BrOWnlBI BOd Averil! caner beat O. Hyde darha aad Arefc baM PeD 8?1 Flra* roand?Deana MiUor and M. B. Wrlght beal f.. a. Th.,n.?.m aad a. K ?Trlght, O-i 0-4; j 8, Coahawa, Jr.. and ii. <?? Bralne beal Temple Fmmet and Uicl.ard Emm?t. 8-4, 0-S: Oeorga Nor'h iripinn and B. B. Perirlr,* beal K R. Wrta*tiaaa an<l .,?. ??1, r,--2: J. P. Iirownhig and Aver.ll . nrte'r B***) H. O. BUI and B. C Va.. Wagatar, 0-3, 0?0. Beeond rnaad?Deaaa M'.lier nnd M. u. wnght beal .i - 5. Bralaa, 0-S, 0-0. Men** slnele*. prHiminary roorjoV-paan* MJlhrr beat Devere.ix Kmnvt. fl-O. 0-3. FirM roond Worthlngton beal R. r,.-.N O-O, 0?1. TIIF. TOfP.VAMFNT AT BXHABT. Babaak, Baaav, *ag. s (8aae1al).-Tla aaaaad gav*aaiay ? ?!,.? Bahaal Manaaaal pata B i :i *n,i Bebarl -1 B"?y ,!;<i .,, .. ? ib. Camntall ? i Bant . ,L-,?, Bax. ;. : -. .? - i .' ?:. an* are tMd hw OM paee. ' ; ' '"" pMg aat Ba eaa Uaaad awtfl aaaa al B ?' i pbeB. In tl ? , BJ ' Bgbt Caaphall ; ... BhMeb arBh y n Bavey, aad i I M OM BM M ? . , ? ? Ba BrM aa*. bal ? t*.iTn:d ti,- aad. Baaa aaraviaad ala I Bg OM - ?n pa? '. bh a peaeal a any ttaa Baally waa. j?j : Third dr s- T Cla?e, ..-.. ? - | R 9. llMLUIlf..'. !?? ??' I'. v drawtnin Ca ." Caaaa, 0?4, 0?0, j_8 I ' BeeM, 8-0, 8 -i. 8?8. [aBewlag i? tb ... ,,rh b?tw-on i beO ???< I ? '??'" ?' ' "' bal - i i ? ?' ??! 57, " '?' ? - ? Baaa waa aa Baaeaeara aeu - Peavy 88. .,,,..;i 4. Tetal paiata aaa?Gaapbell or bt. Ti, Irag of tt.? i to-ni'/iit i- ?- BBBawa: UaMrt, waa 4 m.tehe*. lo-t 0: Caaptell, woa 8 laa 1 IlaatlngMo, woa 1 ,o-t 1; ll-.v-v. a :. i. laat 8; Claaa. UM I; taara, loatl T:. ? yOTBB OF TITF. 8TAHE. Beport* haaro been pahlahed hrtely Bjaing thc lm ? oaibeialemml ba* i.o aaaOa otf >'il,-.. r ., ,i i" < naairj ? H Mr. FaBi aroe Baataated reeelvar i>\ Uie eetrl ln >\r\ ~ aga aad ahea the i ae * - declded t dev. iv.-d on h'tn ? ke an ? ,ii j. ?r ? i.-ept bv c ? ... ,..,urt \>, indlctmenl ? e ? "r"'1 liu.i ..nd rennlaltlon pa] thi* eHy. Bodolph A ? raratag homa oa Ihe Ttaarelne, whlcb i ? dna bere oa Be nrday. lt* ,,?,K .-, reath. Tlie bbbi ? . .,, BSaear ln " Ii ? \. ill arrlve a tbe eartj parl of oexl ?, ,..,. .? ? . i.-.u- performai re ol 1 Me al '? aoaveott wlu be proi n |a reported thal mi* afaafle Haarhaa, of \ H ~ cotapany, h M be laorrMd la BavaMber i,> E , ? Ball. of the bbbm aefliaaany. afha Hantaon ? ,road. W. W. Hir-t h;* v.een ?ama?i?e*d .= -he n - for - htl** Helyett," able* bt *oon M h ., ih- Btar Tbeatra. Mr. fm 1 waa pravl ,. ? B>r h I pn ,lu. tlon ol -< ned thal ae ? , lUBlBfel I'i the f; otber attrartlflCM toeldental lo "Paria INaa I ?? I Oommane" al Manhati m Bea Th- p-rf.,rn:;.iiM-; bave been omiited o.i aeteriJ i ,?, ;,., .mil ol bad aea Bh*. .. N gjj oa the r^aamhla thi* nmrning. lle b anlag to Eaejhtad lo --t Mla Lota 11 ture ; . ? i ? ' '"""' rappati .,1 .. ? ??- i" ? I BokMB ?:>. *rbo i- Bfayli - I - r:"-t in "Tl .. .,.,,,-, troan Uoi i I . . - a niaalcian A OtT/att 011- AT CAFB MJV. Cape May, Aag. B (Bpartal BaM ,,f kaa ttaaa indenea. He tlgned I.nunb I m ol \v. Hia. ?f ? ?nU two p atmaatorai one ln Btaho aad fonil;.. An, . ? Commli - I !'? I?ra**a aad Cohmel A. l.* ai.d '? ? aa* . tl 111 ,ll ow _ MI. iXD atlf. BOOKEB* 90LDB* ?-.'-' ii. rtfi ra, Onaa l reptlor. ?.' Joh" ?""l : glven *J MMMon B ? B ? ? fhe bathl ... Hawlei WlMfaaa M. i ntrl aad N IB ?? Uoyd UailMia*. J' bn Jluith: i^.n, l>;\ tiUvarl Ba***M* and Mra. 8888888, tlie iw. Thomas K. Bee<her, tha Bev. CaMBka E. ritowe, Ml?s Orare Klng. Lynde Har rtaon nnd Mra. Hnrrl-.n. ami Mr-tn B. Anthony. There were aeveral repreaentativcs of the World'a OBkBBbka OeaBBaMaka, m wiurh mis. HooUer la a member. the MetBBBl of the gerackB were atnginc by a caarktk, a nnmhcr of oM tinie songs by Mr. BJaakaMaaa, the prescntfltion by the Equal KiK'i"* Ckfc, of tka ritv. of ? ktaafa aaararal vitfe pnkl taBkra, M Xr? Haebar, artd the singintr ai > ronple of old MaBBBned hyaaa by the a*?>einbled com? pany. The exeii-i . a remarks ami * paver by tho venentbie Dr. akwarl Baaekar. wFtunsns, An lntere?tinp vakBl i took plvo ye?rerday mom ing at the aaaaaagMM of Gracc Methodist F.pUcopal (rnirrh in this gjlp. Tt.e R-v. PkkM afaBSBMBCB gBat inted BBd BtatJ u f w n-Iativcs 0f thc brlde ?nd bndegroom were paanaat. The h;?ppy ronple were the Rev. Wllllani P. Tesraaai, p.?-u>r of the Metl?odl?t CBaaah m B^snWaBoara, B. J.. and Mi* a. PMaaak PaajB. dattylf.-r of Ilenry J. 1888, form-'rly of .^howhegan. Me. Mr. [< :v ,^nd was for eevewl years M BMcaaf with -Thc Bea York ubserver." but he re ..ia-ncd hW pl:we |n Bhrj laM to accept a eall to the chtirrh at lu carly BM la- had a strong deatre to nccome an actor and devot^d aag time M BM studv of that pro .. bnt he tooB B| I | tka niinistry aod he la . ow one of the Baat popelax preacrcrs of Westerri ?w-Jer?ey, whrre ba I- hrartaarh* known aa tha vonng BBBB who "skpped fn.m the state to thc purpll." llo was b-jrn M ""ew-York City twer.ty live yaaa ago. Pblladelphla, Ang. O.-A dKpatch to "The I/,dg?,r' from Lanpliorne. IV..n., apa: Dr Hurry Crooksbunk, dircet/ir-gencral of prtaons ln Egypt, waa marrled to day to MSs Ernaia Walraaaa Cirafort, of New-York. a daughter of MajBI isumuel CaaMrt, of tiie Mwidard i ill Company. The eeremony was performed at heeehwood. ihe resldencc of Dr. lienry Y. Pkkerlng, ao BBCM of the by the Bev. A. C. E. Weatma RB ior of -?t. I.ulic's Cfcarak, N"wtown. Dr. 08888888818, altho-.i ;!i u i'.-i'ha, is an Enrflisiirnan by li.itli BBd ediifatioii. i 11^ father was on Enctllsh irenerul who trn. kllled ln the servlce. g gUc yet. a medirnl studont l?r. CtaofuakaBk beeame attached to the mndleal rorp* of tke OeraBB Army. In 1- 18, ?fboa BM akotaaa *r*t aadag in Bgypa, Dr. Caaaaabaah went M CbBBa; he altiacMd the poaoaal ntrention of the Khedlve, who cteatod him a paekfl and made htm dlrectfir iren?ral of prtoofla. Thc brlde Maakcd aaaCBBl eeetty and taauttful pre>ci;ts. liiit thc prlfcijjal one BBBM Baa the Ktic dlve. It is a maimtf"-,nt n?chlaee, an exart eopy of tbe one tbat waa a irn by Qnccn A?k H rtep. iu tbe elght?'en b dyaaaty, wMeh bepm in i7u:i. b C, Tka IIODa wan taken from tba tornh^ of BgypBBfl prln I>r. and "fr*. Ooobabanh arfU pay a bikl rlslt to Waablagtotl aod exped to BBU on t-aturday ln Iba Etnirta. -? AS AIESHir IS A TREATRE. thf, atkcann nm Btn \obodt ridfs ov IT B89CAUM IT'S OXLT A M DEL. A pnvat- ctliibitl ci .f a BM88I of the I'eunington nirsMp. or "a^rlal Barblno.* as |- |g d-'-< rilied oa 8k MBa, w;i? jrivcti yaaMalap aft?moon at tlie A. a/le.nv of M'isji. Thls portietilar alrchip has BlMaetol aaa BMerabM pabllf aottoe M 8k Wcal, frea 8k hat tiiat ggodola hava beea ? ? -??-.: ?-?? and a compaiiy baa been keorpotatel m Ullnois. -rapitnli'di" ?t tbe trlfllng siiin (tor tha ?/< ?-jn.(aH-..?Hi to MlOl Cic ibipa and Boal tkCBt, It 1 th<s Maaattoa al e. J. Paintngba nnd r. ii. ii./ Mount rurmel. 111. 'i ? ??? B ?? bM Hed !:.-to tlc AeaaMap ycakeraay at 4 p. m. found an inti;>icu oil-gtTk rlinir-atjir""l b.tlloon ^.i feor lonp; and -. bat in dlnmetcr ? eeakra, Mperlag aoani pj-nirnciTicdiiv t, ? Mef at each end, anrhon-d to kBT cliurs on -Toitt eorda. a rnakta, eomMtlng of goro pteea of fan ibapea canvas. one pLm-.1*! at rl.'iit angka to tba doeorated nnoead ' - two ra i " Mkk aerred :i> * paopelkr at the other ond '?- Mra . \ ninll tnnvas aaodal of * rar for ;n-T!d>sl from the cetitrc, .md -. _? tha >\ rsal fln of a tl~!. raa BM r'<' ?.f tbe atrtp. ??T!nr. pcal brrentloTi i- not axblbltel krineenlaBai purpi~c-." said .7. D. Bavl* abuntnam manttfaetnra ? ? expert of D nrar, OoL, ? boa tanetlon ls ' n tbe airnhip t> tba tba InkeeBl ?' the pnbBe. that the pcopli: m.iy bc tal'.-. - IVbca an wis r-?iv tke ibBoyanay chumbcr" ara fed arl gteBiy'a [.[??, ;t tooh 40>i eoblc feei ta dlMead tbe An gla bic arha i i nnttery ec tbe I tke Aeademj with th? propelMr of tke baBoon, thc anehor - '':" rarrei I : tke ahal flsh, roa stararty owa tka deooMte ? aaM M ?n toarerd t'.- roof M tii? Aeadeay. TWo men hcid ..- ? ? :- rlrlc eorl ? id aw i todgc la the bai Th- two bhvda of tke aropi imenl aad i i ? aad^ ... . . |. tHbei .-irci' -. or ii pped rkable \t . Ba b deacribed In -: . i : the ea tn I n Mrentl ? ,: plane.* : || tafng exhfblled by Dr. v:. c Bpeneer, I!,. ain oxbtbll H - M the ? . , _ *' , rshlps bulli ? One | ilnuni. Mr. Davla f?W ihe r;- i th ,i he v ? ? ? ln his ;.lt. in .'irn al , trty ol W i ?BCtETiBT :i/.i'T IT /tir? rT:.7I'.<>1. aj r i'; ? \ag . ri ?- Deapa eb '? I ,-i saeretar pbb, Canaaod I Bareea of ... ; - t i - Tra--h. of New-Yoi ' - -. Mra. Wlbnerdi laDghter, vr~. ?'. V. L. Prnyn and daaghter. Landlno ? i onuBlttea on Karal '? ind M . ? ' Ba - i b v itb tba ed at. Bar Hartj :,. <>n ariival ??<? - tarv Ti.kv uii^ ?ihit ?'! "ifh d \.. t on !-"ir<i to pay tboli -?. r-i.-i i l . _? ? and i ti-: m Bo ?-? . Mra, !???!. roaa n and .'. r ii ii . Tho party tam I ;.,.. \- ??,?:? asnal - luti ' |t pcinaiti r :,:/?. rOBT.E UTM 180TT KESIGSVfQ. snra M I.;.--. ?. V.. Au m i baa bo i ?? a> He t- tinicli Bmnoed at tbe pul better In lils Bfe. a i '?? make* faquenl axearaj t.Ollt. ar/mai: JOJI r% COSDtTlOM SBI ? ''>r "f . ,t his condltion n,. all - -i Bim at Pota - - in J.i'".v i' ro rwi i - - i. .- i ;. j bvl * ? raipaal -i by l. :ir. sMying M tk ? W Itadoor. Tbey an dng, *%*\ aa ' ** ''' . where La . foraarly %i.-- '? iive.1 Ior m i 4 Mr '-v '"'- "' Itaty. -ir Lyoe aaM tbal Dr an Aiii-ri.-i.i. aai thc bkmI popaMr physlolan Ui 11..rc -? T/:'F rPT/iTiS ?' ?'? IBtED. ,_.?.. - boaad Mr ii ?* i wlMn abe waa UM H **. sb< .-.1 to 'he ,. detoyed atid wUI \,..-., win ? ? nattva M Iba k|an kaa noi . ln th* l" Bpart. it l? hoicl i ? M' UAMV A- I ? I TAMA 1 11* BMMwd Btog. i ' thi ' " Jt "!' - gg ' . v Kiug. *"? aa l-'w Bgr *t BMo biau baa loi; to 188k THE YACHTS ATfNE W-LONDON A STAKT TO BE MADE FOB NEWgOBT THIS MoRNISG. ^ R4.CES FOTt THE OWL A*TD GAMECOC*f%r?r.OR* A NAPHTIIA I.ArXVB BTTrWrT-THE CflfRKT DIAMO.VD REOATTA DECI.ABED OFF. IBT TBlKOR*J>r> IO TH* TBTBlTa.1 New hondon. Conn.. Aag. S.-Tra yacht* of the wew York Yarht Sqnadren have been reatlng quieUy all day Here, many of thera repalrlng dmnaaa rwultlng from the run of yesterday. Tbe Gosaoon came ln thu. after noon from l' JefTer*on and reported tha* ?he put tn there ye*tcrdav lac-inae of rnjurles to her Marboard CBBBB BaBBBB. <-ne of the thlraga t*Ucd o? to-day- whUe :h- y.rht*men were rompartng notea regardfng the trash BB wtrnlward of pBBBBFaBB was Cie flne work d.wie !,v Ansu'-.u* MaOT* BBaaaaBae Maglc. whlch falrly dta ?feei her*elf in th* heavy work. The fleet tha vear a-*??mbk*d here cannm rompaxa ln nnmber wltl fhat whleh BMl vear cam- together uuder rnmmodOre .-.efry* flag in the*e wateca. It is the B-neral oplnlon -hat tho exrartment 0f mafcrng the BfBMB ol annuai l NM at tttea Oaae wfU not be repem-ted. Many ,f faaa bbbBBb? yachta belonglng to tla club do rat BBJB to go ?o far aat aa Olen Core aimply tor tla purpoaa of aalltog back here n??ln. When .he fleet rearhea Newport, tor whlrh pawe B MaM will be made at 0 a'eloeh b>morrow. the .?imher aa yarhta wHl be natertailv l| II 'for there Bf* manv bmw there waltlna: to patB. M l 0>eBaB to-day Uovernor F.nasell. of BBBBBB*0BB8i8B, ?unched with Commodore taarry oTi boar<l tla WertrB. na Ooaonor waa aieompantod by Color.el Peobodv. a_t. When he rame on bourtl a gun w*s and aad tha "tate fl*J of ?a la iB iiaarta fluttered out from Uie Electra'i malnmast. The Oovernor l* ? Jjaaa* aa aha achooner yacht Oenone. Captain Hnfb ln the afUtmoon the OBl and Gameeaefc eolora were for. Five foiir-oared glgs ***** ln the raee for the Garnerork olora. Tliov wore from tla UbotU*-^ Uoaaaat, Flcur dc-I.y*. Fortnne and 0*8 umhla The ajan* was tw> an<l a half mlles and tho Lt the lro,?,ols MaaBi and Fortnna/a thl.-d. In ad? dition to the eolors, taah man ir, the crew of the am nlng boat reeeived a rrir.e of 8*. For the Owl colnr. ihe Columbias boat had a wnDwer. The dingy raee MB a walkovcr for the liedotilnw boat A naphtha raee tollowed. ln wbhh the El-etWa launch ..,,,. ,,e others eutervd 15 minutea 11) eeconda BhWt Vhc other hvaaeha. riaftta. were fra. ^Colaaahla, !r?,,uols Bapfhlra, Ilaleyon and Fleur-d.-Lx^ The iocoaa waa three 8*0**. The 8088 waa woa by the OeaaaBhhV* bBBbBbb, with the twpphlre1* leeond and the imquols'a U.lrd. v?_k~. Th-re l< one leaa naphtha launrh In the harbor IB4JJJM than there wa. yeatenUy. ^\U'\^2 Eod. a tlilrty-flve hat naphtha launrh be onglng to W. Boennn. WfJ ?ll the aaaa no more J?*?J*?_} M? ..wner weat on aaarA, and thaaah* h* .aaalM naphtha escapU.g. He Bghtod a n.Ht.h to OBB, aaal f?,?.d that he wia rtgbt, BM the launrh Inin.e, look Ura, A boat from the C*aa*foltottoB, whieb *?^ j,? puttmg o.T from th* Farl Ortaaall Bhaaa. *m Lo .- Ue the burntoi laaaeB, and the aallors tried to BB*a her by thro?lng water on the flre with their hat* It BB* no BB*, howevrr. and the (K>lden Rod ,.^1 t? _? pkU. on ahore. where stve bnrned. <he waa a eaaaa launch. vaiued at 05,000. on board of her, waa 85.000 worth of Jewr-lry belonglug n, Kra. Hoerum; Bjoot of lt waa nived. Thls Bornlng the Phlladelphla Yaaftt Chih, cnitrtng to thc ea-t^ard under wnnii!-md of Commodore F.l aiarO Coleman, ame mto tb* haiear. Ih* ^et con ?M rtoraa, Lydla, Helen. AUoo. Baronnya and Arethuaa. Th* BeiB?MBBr8 l and c-^teilatlon ol tlie ??aw-Tarh_?*?* eft h-re for Xewport to-day, "'here they will re ,', the Beea Tbe cherry dMmoai regatto,_ win h waa aalled rather aitaaUafactortly on . uly i5, waa ., t off. lt will be reaaital at Bew 1?. The aiorMM, .MhMOto. -nx ,?111-1 dw e e t. ,i Jewlea ?re e.\p??-uxl u> tt.irt. ''o ;?,..-%:- ? -rx ha, redeenied hlmsell r.-gard ing ti.e weather. aod ***? U?? ???* h>day aonw ol hu verv beat brew. lt ?* aa perfael *? jkaf " ?S on? .,-.,M artab, and Olen Cove, Huntlngton and tSe weather ol y*aaae*a| ora aO 8a*wjvaa aaal pjiaolaaa. r_ IBB I.AMP tXFLODED IS HIS FACE. Fi.YING GT.ASS aTBAKLT TTT P0LICEM\>' FAU LF.Y'S BOOI OFF, BOT BK ULKii 10 HIS PaBWBBB. The uelghborhoo.1 of ST*. ??? Doavotot4abJ waa aaaaaaO hat nlajhl by nn anaaaally Uvery B*jh*> r.';e eoaabaa boM ware Albeel Fttaajenala, whe keep* * eaadj il .v ,. bei GBaeawlehat, aod ..ffrer Parier, of the rtatloe, who waa taOaaaariaf to arreat ?um. Ti.e reaalt of the rtruggle wa* that Pltagaaahl ,?i the oBtoer arera taiten to the h>pital la aa aaa* tonaer wtah a badOared haai aai the latter wtth Ma noe* ahnoai off. The raaaa of tha troahJ* wa* Kaggle Lewta, a yonng thc la "tao Btoong to wm-u.' artb her BMdaar, Ura. Margaret M , pporta her by waahlaf. HlaaaaaM haa been ; Hagi ? Uafa* tha two bad a war of worda in froai of tl* Ibobmb. Tha ooanla weai . ?, xr*. U - '>'?'? the Ihlrd ? nttaaraM. who waa under the Uqaor, pound.-d on tha kaehed d oi l Kra. Malley freaa her bed. -,-.. u it than Pltag took boM ".' her. draagad ba ool into the ba tbreatened lo throw her out af the wtoMTow. bj .? aaal i.<- weat laM tla pbaca aa* ?: a, btaQey baatened aown ttalra and u ld ..|?t thal Htapraid waa hllUng h t poUrcaian wns aent bbT ad Otacer I reaiWDaed. When he knocked al the d.v?r of the ipartmenl rttagBrahl opened H with a eprae uM then plehad up thc llghtai hunp aaba* aod threw lt at I --, u l.ini ln the Baea and expfcatwa. a l11 r,?. j.., ,-ut aaaaaah tha .a.-t-lace oi al ,: it haog bv a tbiaad. BI - ' *owa Bied with WtaajeraM aod ?i out Into the haB. lu fhe neanOma the ? M ir, i blaaa, Selfbbo * whe ha<i baea war. n thpalh of water to ? ii,,. p ? . t an under eoatr. I. italn with hi* piMoaar, who ? ? oagb, but on th* , turned apoa th* polleeaaaa and ? : m a ui over the baai** ? _? .1 t ? veare hia rmb aml u^* B wali eff. Boy ., l'.rklli- and <.* ? ? - inmmoned. FIM , ding ptgti ? , Bl m it and taken to St. * '.''" r> lloapital. Yh,- a* aiTeated o.i a rl 1th. e toal l tla MAK1MQ A riGBT F;>R TEB CITT. \S r/BTXnCTKD DBBCBBT OF THE ITATK **? S0B5. xi an. J. D. Fin-. >,f Jeffl . igtu < oanty, ol tha addenry poppad down al the Diraartment of Ta .- ?wrh 00 tl i'.iv aaaeaaflaenl valaatlona. Ko ? ?i per at the !fea forh raa I iMaaalaatoiMr* were na ?reoan ' ? - ? ? ,Mth ., i -.1 thal BJond thal Ihelr i ? ? whal io ti.- ? Va. i 'i Woaa, the <n>- ntpi t Larfcer aad CoBUaa*looar? Fottner aad eaarra and al ' Bfl*e* that Ihe va* i ttoaa i ???> i ?? ? ,: . aai the Btate were pa portl thoaa pMced aaaa New Vorl. . ,.f Mr. W aal'i oara eeaaty, ? ? ? f,,r . . ? ? ? ? ? i i . . gd ralaattoa bh* aaa* of 0 eent, bad ; ''? To niiili..- naeb a reabtettoa tha ? : in "0 aaaa ? latiaaiton tha* taa V ? i :?,.ie their vaJaattoe eq i I tha aegflaJ rahM, whlaj la I .., ihe aetaal lataa, i of a - ?.!;1 ,,. tttoe peacthMd ea th Fhe t gwraa pi*"*i*< ai Hr. I a* a*lvanre :? Bfgaaaaal , alnUlM .Utloa of I rgaal paeta af tha fl : "i"'1' aaal ralaattaaa I aea . .i th< ??? of Al ? ? I . . rodaei I -"' i l tj ,.? red ., tMJ ' ? aa* al tha BMl ? ?- * .,,,, ,,., BBra a* avol i bj >eurly BtMM of IBBB ntVa val.iaaaoBB. ?ate of Unnga. lt wa* taserted by tbe New-Y'jrk Coramlnloners. eoukl hava bnt one pnrpoae, and tbad waa to conipel thla rlfv k b**r the burdon of taxatloa which rlahtfullv belona to tbe Interlor. Presldent Bariaer wen? 888888 aod demanded tliat tn place of tlie usual tncresae thla year agalnrt New York of 8100.000.**?. a rediteUon ahonld ta made, it'd the rlfv placed npon something neir a f'Kiting with the rKher parts of tfie State. A* tlie fliruee.s now aMnd BM av*r?ge a**e?arnent which thc ?tit<. pbvM upon propertv miMd*. of .Vew-Yorh |s <v*> per crit of iu-ual VMBk while It a*aes?e? New Y.?rk ppopcrt.y ut fnllT 88 oer r?nt. Tho State Asvssoes irtadc ilttio defenre of their last year'j work, and pronus'sd tUoroughlv to lrive%tlgaw the favt- and fl(rares latd before them by the **ew York Cnmmtisloner*-. B I ? OBITUART. a DABTEL ARBt'CKt.E. Elkteo, Md., Aua. .V-D?nlc| Arhnek'e. a walTlrnnwB and pmtnlncnt farmcr r *:ding at Chcrry Itill. dled ?ud d?nlv !a?t nnrht of heert dlao?a?. at one tlnv he operabd t wonllco rnlll at Mandrnnk, l'^an., and amaa-ed a fortune. He reniovcd to this <? .untv twenty yara wu. Mr. Af> kuclilc and his wlf.- ceiehrotnd ih> nrtl?tl. annheraary of their marrtage a tew BMBaCM aso. He waa ?<\e.xty-eigai ycara of ag- and kaaa a wlfc and four aons. JAMLS VALEXTIVE. Jarae? Val?ntlae, one of the oldeat and wealthleat raafc denfc of Woodbrldgo. N. J., dled .uddenly on Tuesday at maon at th* ftwnlly honicsteod rn that town. He waa !>orn ln New-Yor* In 1W8, and a*?lcd In WondhnOf u?arlr flfty yewrs a*o. He waa enr?e*<l ln elay minlng uotjl a few ycara aso. when he retlred. Ma MBOW a wldow and jteren eh!ldr?n, ?lx aooc and on? dauehtcr. Hla nona are all prominent bualncwa men In W'oodbrldge. THOMAS MART1.V. Uawego, N. Y, Aug. 6.-Thoicaa Martln, a wetl-gnowa reasel broker and aaaaa, of thu city. died auddenly at aa early bour thla mornlng. TffrT ARE SOT BLAVISG SBrrSBTAUT FOSTBB. The atory publl-hed roaterday tlia the Orand ArmT men aa ttndlng fawlt wtth the Hecrotary of th<- Treaeury of the reeent diarrfaaia from UM Cuetoms BB8M88 at thls port ls not true tn ?o far :i- it appllos to the Ser r"tary of thc Tr-acury. The men do feel ,tronily lagainal Oataal Erhardt for recorrraandlng thelr dtamnaal. Im mcdiatelr alfter the ll-t nf n?m?a of tho?e wbo were to ga und'-r OoMaal Erhardfs rcrorrmendaUon had been n.ado publle Oneral Floyd Clarloon louaed ovor the BM an4 ?w thc namea of a nuir.ber of linnd Army men. Hc tnca tat down and wrote ? letter to both y/rcwldcnt Harrtaoo gad Sc-rntarv Foster. tclllnx tlicm that he did oot Uiii.M that thla ought to b? dor.c. Ho <cnt the lettera by Oio ?BBk Soon affr thts he rcccivcd repllea from b"ta the P^eld^nt and Mr. "Vter. The Pre?ll*nt aaid tlia* he would gtve the aiTalr his immcdiato attcntion, and Mr. ggoaa ?k!d Uia< he metcly aluncd Mr. l.rhardt'a rccotn aaaaaMaa wlthcu; Snowlcdfo k to wherher or n?t tho men were DemoeraM. ileputrllean^ or lirand Army men. (.?Uamlth'a gentlemen's and ladlca' watarproof eoiiara, euffa and ahlrVfrouia. A?-nu and uanvaaaera wanWO. Jara>sa Ooldamlth, 74a Croaov*ay; antianca au Aator r.W. I c mtrrkaud Baaelca Hardlaeo are tka chokaat Ua pcrtfd aardinea to be Tiad. . _ ^^^ Ack-r. Merrall t Condlt and Parfc 8 Tllford keep tbea. MARRIED. irMi-tsAVAiiF^-At (al\-?ry Churob, bumnut, *"./.. Ausruat 4, 1M?1, by Uie Kev. J ^ BuUerwoitha Motlta A. Zyag to M-r*. Loulee llarollton ttavage. Notiees of marrlages must be indorsed with full name and adclresa. _ DIEIK BVKKEO-At Tacnma. Washlngtoa, on Tueaday, AugutJ 4, LS'Jl. Mary llal . wife of Wtillaai it. Bunlier. aud dauglitcr of the late J.ihn Sade. '. ? - fani ral hcr'-oft^r. DIBBLB?Tnaaday Baarabag, AugnK 4, at tho houae of her bruth.i. Xieoia- I. U .a-iiuuoa. "*au^'.nicrr, Onaoge Co., \. Y.. CaroUno E., a il .-> of Edwapf D Dlbble. rrlend- ai.u relaUvea tnvtted t?. aitand funora. ?crvlrc? from >c j,.,,'. a. C. Chureh, i-^t ?h-a., aaaar aabaaa, Bew.Vora < ir-., oa i-i-ntiv, Aagaurt 7, at li.JO a. m. Int.Tni-titSl.-jn BoBaW, TarrytoHii. X. t. t,\ i-.iir.i i-iui Maakaaaar, Aagaa ft. at Tcrafly, K. J-. U?ttane< Laalaa :--- daagbaa of Chariea J. aiid i onatanee I . Evi r--'t. Kvoeral aervloaa M her fiiii.-f. rcMdenee, at Tcnafly, oa i-rnU- Auguat 7. at -'..'tt' p. m. Carrlagea .li meft Uie Xorthern Rallroad trabi leavlng t hanira r--1. forry. Bew-Taek, at l :2o p. m. FuX-ln Detrall. AageM 3. Julia McKnlgbt Fox, age* . poa. .,.(<U?WIN-AapBM 3, (liutlc- E. Ooodwlo, Jr. Fun.-M aenrteaa at Arllntrtou, Maec. BOPPEB aaMaaly. at Paakaek, B, j on Tueedvr. -. i. Coionel <.rtr- S. Hopp. r of the 10th X. \. aad eonuada of Summ-r Po.'t, No. 24, ui hia j \,,ti .? .t fore u her-nfrer. li'iWUlD-Ofl Wedneadav, Auguet 5. 1881. Annle I* I. wMoW >/f Edwaa 8. Howard. ln the 7'Jd yeal' : friends are tnv!t*d to att-nd the funoial from l?.r . So. 18 Monroe PU-c. Brooklyn, oa .-.. Aturaot 7, at "J p. u>. LAWKENCE?Oa Auitu-t 4. a* T;awrencc. Long Ialand. v.u id x. anl i-ah-i i.iiict Eavaraaaaaj i^-.-.'. .'. i - ?'.-. F'lii. n! pril I M.riltlLITf Caaanfl a?-ie Anaust 4. Mary C. MrFariaa, dauchl - ? Mi Kurlan. Friends or th< : >r.\ it. J t.. atterd the funcral from i. m aaaa., Basoanya, on 11 a l p. in. MERITT- v Mlddta ttope, '>riiii;c (ks -v- Y., Auguat 8. ." -r".t. .n i. 4 f'UK-rai hoioafarr. >. ,a Wialnaadafr. Julr 2'?. ll^nry Corbtl .4. in tfic -t-'l v. a. ?-.. :. - SOO. Funcral ---\! i >t his late reaulencc. Barfatde rottaga, Monmouth li'a.'h, at 8 o'ciock ,?>. m. Thuradar, oth in-t. ? Hlll, Phila i, oa rrtday, 7th baat, PICRSLAY?On W ?: ratag, Aagaat .*>. at Bririt Chnrrh, >?'. I Lou - i. - naro latasii aa of U. ... - ? j. J ;> morrtba To blooa .ti hava." Funcnl aervteea at th rc.deu.-e of hla parents Thura .. at ?_' 4 '> y. ii.. it Boolya, L. l. BOBV?On l-i.-aav. Aagnat 4. 1?f>1. .ftvmcs T. Rnby. lOth-at., Brooklyn. ? ' - m .! i t?S< HMIDT? Aagna 4. at Oaaea Hicp'tal, lOoSh. ?t.. M. ti h Cbantry, Zhuradagr, Aaapaat n, a SNUWDfcX - \t her r BI i t? r<l. r. n-i . Aie'iaa I I--..;. after s lloge. ? ntered Into cr.-rnal ? r ..f Arthar H. and Uie'lati i, ^ oa '? and eranddaughter if U. ? ? I,. I, .... ? 1-- -- - ' ?>'. af BOW-1 orK . ,ry. InWNM.'w'-iw1 ? I ?' r.-i.t.'i-.-.- of her m.ii, Eucma ,i,. [. Sudbrook, MA Catbortae Uma j,,.,,.. ? ?? l ?. i faaaaaaa. M. n, of -h. A'.'imv. 3 p n,. Ibaaaaay. :'i.--ii.v. AugauM i. 1881, M WoaV n. J.. Jamea Vaaaataa tn the Sttn ytar of hla I it hts lutte rccldenec, 2 0*81008 P- m. auauat 8. [oot ot i orUandt and Di?bm??cs at*., N. \., 12 o"i kv k ? w i i ?. mt . : \v .1.d.iv gmrntng. Aageag, A'h-*. allea ,'., i ? tnd Bi un E. 8 "!?hu Fana ". prl bat,, Juiia a., h.:-\d vak ?' Leater l' \v.,i..i. ag ? ' I ? -i Tl,,. r, ,? are rc?pcctf'illr ln^'tcd to a'tcig ti?. runcra aia Meat ^3<1 at., on Satnrdaj mt l I o'i lock a. Ba, lui 'rm ut at Woodlawa. ClnclnoaU aad Oaaa, r:ir?,r' phaa copy. Vetrrnna of thc ?c?cnih l.'caimca'. v H- 8 V. Y. ,-,,... rrea -he dcath * ^ I'ri- o. Kor more v. < ... I ri< ?,- a fa.U.ful and dlaUnguiabcd onteer of th rogv u. ., , EDWABB >< ABTBI 8 ' gaaajtaaair ot ????.? taar. 4 ?i reci'itw al -t from Mr ,'i ,v " - ?? w - ? ' i^s. :.. gjeatb oa ? An a nnad July le, _ GUCCKII XfltlCC9. _ Ke?r. Kitalaad Mouament t onpanr. ictery MaaMlM ? flieala, Btoaa and MarUo. 1 .. iir.aiway, oppo?i? Uodg.; btatua. I'.:?lo0lrc Noli.c. - add M r 1 laU] hy all MtiaiaMd, a-. .-han* - -y ; when il aa. tl "ir-d to -n-: ..... ??nr Iv fhe fist-'-t \e-.?>'ls avaliablc S Wlll clOiB 1 a. 01. for Kuropc. per a. *. i . limti.a. ';', y. T a. at. I r - ,- in p in ' ,;'"' i ? i ... i,-. -. at S :*' P- 'rl !? ?a* r K.iig ?.-:?? *8 M 1- -III I. III l ?- h-ic ualr up to ? ? - >4an togaM U -to p m ror ...i ar' i ,,, xuat'allai. Mall? f... U\i rroan Si?;i y,?? rh ?.- h ? ? '??'" I" "'? '1 " a al i - ' Mlquelon, . ? . . il'.llT ??' " BI ta Tain|a?, t- - ^ aid .i ? ind l'h>:r?. ' . i. f vr i' -i i ? ? a. m. : g Pr im-l-a* . a tne *.-r?4i' - - ? :,--U1U'. t ? ? md tian-it ?-..ii. tlu 1-.-I arrivlng on Umi .?> s?ri ? atVh-ag Uig Hl h? Ket'lafa-r )"l U 8 ma day. UOllBEl.lCB VAN rt?TI i'.v,t;i.a-taf 1 rootoBi-. xow-York. B. r., Jui> au laai