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NEW PUBLICATIONS. PROFESSOB DE WI'lTS TRANSLATION OF THE PSALMS. 8T1E PSALM*. A New Translatlon, with Introduetory Essnv and Notes. By John De'Vllb, D. 1).. laU l>, L. 11. 1>. Quarto. pp. xx.xvi, UJ5. Anson 1). t. Ualidolph A Oa. Pr. DeWitt ls tho senior professor In the theologlral Beniinary nt New Beunswielt, N. J.. and was a n.omber of tlie OM Testamcnt aMekka Company. ln both oa- i Baettka bo has aabkaaa aMBMettea as a riue ecboMr | titid un BUOapakkal llnguiU. He has for many yeirs B>ala ? spe.ial stndy of the Psaltn*. whirh liai euli.ii- ; Balel lu tlie present exeellent baatMIMa ? aatmnsUtlon j al caaa Btarary aa? rtrykaMeaL m his introduetory r ty ke dlscussea cloarlv nnd fnreibly some of the e r, i.ltles Wbkk confront, the tratislnlor of the Psalm*. 1 i a Is bi-st af all Uie difflrilty wlildi exlst* in tho CiaatsJI tianstatlons. ot reprodtieint tne aubtle splrlt ?f UN or;;iaal in an alien leagaa Wttkoat gaeriflelng aal euphonv. on the whole Profeasor DeWitt l.:.. Bawaaaatal thls ?lfr>nify aaat Tmppilv. and some of Ma renderings. wklaj aafraatBg IkC oxaet meanine of tka orlclnal. reprrdlura aHo IM n.clodic bcauty and laajlba If B veniarkable way. It ts tl.e peeullar glory of the Psalms that they have , aacBBki a Blgb placo lu the affeetlons not only of Jews but ol naTMIklB ?'"<ter the gcnerk' nanie of IkC Psalms of David they wea a promlnent part of tka synagofiue worship. and from the carl.est tlmes IkCP "have been Hved by Chnstln-.i.s. Nevertheless. , there is a p.-at deal of popnlar Ipnoranee in ragarl k , an.lcnt tkbtaw lyrics. In the tlrst gthwa there | ls exeellent internal evldence fnr l.elievm.- that tke j rMilms, as we now have them, are a rearraim'ement Btala hy anelent liturgists and BMBflkkat in order k 88881 tlicm to thc worship of thc syimpngue. 88BM j Psalms v.-cre divided and others were united. Tho . Mneteenth Psalm, for instanoe. ls probably made up | of Psalms written ln different periods. Of eonrsc no Intelligent persmi needs to be told that David did not write all tbe Psalns. A? a matter of fact, they were j written by manv authora, somo of whom are unknown. Even the Psalms nsrribed to Asaph we.e dcarly not all written by one man or ln one apc. The samc ls true of thc songs ef Korak 80 that t'.e IniMlptkaa ln the Kible do not neressartly i(irtic:*t? authoi-shlp. What la Bkat) is that in diff'rert. pcrlods of Mstory David, Koiah, Aaapl and others col leeted the Mured BOagfl of the peoplc burethei. ar.d perhaps 8M them to appropnnte musle. NnUirally and properly the mllectlon wor.ld benr thc nanie ef the editor. Thcre.fore, when a PBaba is aaeribed to David it nieans that it was found ln tho I.I of BOaga, whltli David eompihsl. Whethcr It was aetaalaf written by David or not ran sotnetimes be deterniiited by intemal anrBkBM aad BoaeUaMB, on the oUier luind. it oanaei. Bal M BBJ srent, thc Questlon of authoi-ship has BO proper relatlon tf> tke qnestions of anthentidty and in-p.rntion. The Flfty irk Psa'm or tlio Tvcnty thlrd PaalBa, for in-tanee, ! would not be one whlt lesa Ititeii'lflg of tho venera tlon and lo-e of chiNfendom if it aara actually pi-oved that David did DOf wrlte it. T?is ls aaM be- | ciusc it is freqaentty cbarged agakM tiie erifics that ' ln denylnc populnr beUeft as to tlie a?? and , Batkocabk "f tbe l'-elms they are as~allin>,' their i Divme oHcin. This is far from betag the case. Li fa t, ?^ tTBCr BBBBMIBB of tka IMalCia and of the eir cunistAiiees under which they wtro written only j Baraaa k stlmulate our taakreM in them. Bo consideratinn of tke l'salms wotilrt bo eompMe . aitiiout a word aaM al al tl.e BoealMd bapreeatory ! psalms. It seeins k ?B that Profe^sor De Wltt's treat- , ment of this dltflcult labkef ls BOt c.itlrely BBtMkctory. \ Tlie (juestlon Is -'How .-.hall are lajCOBClk tbe bitter | ftatred and venpcfnl tone of thesc INalms with thc tkeory M their Dtrlne Insptratkaf" As Prokaaor De j ?\Vltt puM It, we Mfaee tke paradox that the Ood Of | love lii^ P'.t into our Vp* words of Jmlred nnd wnth." And he meet-. the ca.*e by aaplng tbal IkC BCraOfla deiiounced in the^e Psalms were as as wild btaik. and dwerved m more tjBaaMeratloa: fnrtlier moie. ti.ey lepaaaaatal a aaaWgnlty of evii wkk* aU good men mu-t bnt- md denoi.nce. Bat thls plea bardry moeu tka dJJrealty. These Paakna beaped enraa ofl tka aaaaa of eeaeraM eaeattea, and on their tacc tbey a-e ont of bara ?y with tbe spiitt .m:d pi-i.-;|ce ofChils tianiiy. it bu beea nrged, of courae, tl, i! Ibey reprea ot the etbteal itaaaarl of tke tiae, wlneb waa oonfeaaedly lowcr tlian that of bxtay. Bat Vtokmot De Witt hesitates to pn-ss thK point, feelin?. SBabtaea, tbat M mipht impui;ii tlio Divinc insplratlon of thc Psalms tn que>tion. ?0 daugbter of Babylon,'' exclaims the rnsplred pcoman in the Hundivd and Tfalrty eagbth Paala, ?? 0 danRhter of BafcyMB, laoaned to (le-i.iKtioti, btal is he that renuito-, Bkat: That <io"s unto thee ns thou didst unto M: Kl^'t is he that ?-hall sieze and aaah down thy babCC on a ro<k.'' In any other book wo shonld sny that such an B88MBBCC WBB puee BBVSgjery : and the dilliiulty of ex aktiBlBg tta praaeacc k tke Blkk arnkcad afrlng np the tiaiiitionai view of Baafiatka is traananaaaa, if not bapoaJba. Probably tne onl} way out is tkal tagaaetal by Proeaaaa .De Wltt, when hc aaya tbal aueh anwaaga oapreaa poatte J.i'tne, and are not k be pwaad too rkwoly M faets. They expre-s BO metc liiiiiifin paasMo, bnt are kapaaBlonel propkecki utteKd k tke bbbm of Hla to whom aione ve.iKeanie belonjis. If this doCB IHrl -> t rid of tke (lifliciiltv. it b1 kt*t rr,irnmi/x?s ii, ami arlll aaaalMa lakkdp Chri^tiatis who-e faith is rolm-t. Others who rannot lie n e-i-)!v aBBBCd MB ive'.l attord to the baprara8tou of a Mw Paalmi, as Ibey dwell on tl.e axejalMM tx;, lofty aaplratkB and sweet Mylle >lii.ii)i.ity of the^e saered BOBga of an BBcteat peopM. Wuto Pnblicanons T A1NT()K'S(JL'IDL-1K.?0KS. Pei>cr!be all Towr.s. Rtatlcns. and Rescrta on the Routcs XUUVBTRATES with MA88 AM> wooo-cuxs,. For aale at book-storcs and a:-wt-?tands. trice, 2i eents eatU. Ht'DSON rtlVEP. BjOUTB.-r7aw.Tai8 M w>?t Poinr, Catskll Mountains, Albany, Troy, S&ratopa BprbMra Lal I Oeor?f, Luke Champlaln. Adiroraaeka, Montnal aad Qae IX'C, *M Hudsoii Ki\'-r 110800000. Cottaia^ ol*'.ia.^ of catskin and Adiroiiiiack MoaataBaa. BaJtkTOOk llif iTBTB nTWTt flallB to BaratJua BpBMgB, wB8 maj's und wood-cuts. 6KASIDK BE80BTB on the Atlantlc Coast. Malne to FlorWa. NOKTHKUN* liKSOKTS-Boston to the While Moun tnli.s. La\i. BMaalaaBiagagi Baa Mountains, Lu!:c Cbaas. plain. Oskeaalarg, Matral and Qaoboe. PKNNSYLVANIA OOAL UEiilONS.?Vew-Ycrk and riiliad* iph.a M EBoaaa, Dotharhaai. DoftaaaaM Waaet Uap, Chunk. (S.ranton, HarriaburR and Wtltlamipaat. B8UI kailwav r.ui'Ti:-.Sew-Yoik to Ithaoa, wot kins Otoa, Baebeater, Bsmkia, BaBato, Caaatsuqaa Lako ajid BMaaaa l-'aii^-. i>> B)rM llail?ay and braacboa m:w.Vou:< TO BABATOUA, BVPTAXX), CHAVTAV. QUA LAKK, B1AOABA 1AI.I.S AN1> IHOCBABB ZisLAM's-Via. Xew-Yoik Catal R. Ii. and lt. W. and 0. K. H NEW PORT ROt'TE.?New-York to Roston, vla New. port and PUI Braa With deacriptlcna ot BaaraaM and BMisacaaaoa Bay. COXNi.CTiCi T BIVKB BOUTE.-Kow.Torb to the a'hite BMawtoaa via K. Y. and x. n. and Conn. Brra RK. XKW-YOKK TO PHlLAPKTiPBJA, BAaaTlMORE AXU WASBlKOTOB^-WMb full dcscnptioa of Waab. tcgion. ( ITT OP Xt:W-YCHK.? t'onU'nlng de^rlptioiis of the pitbl Uui'diupx. UaM of BctaM, PMea M Awaasaat, 141 rarii i ba., Btrei t BU Mry, Taavenen' DUttMtji ?"d a U*t> "t x ?? &c. Prito by n.ail. 25 cents cack. TAINTOB bUpOTHEBS <t 00.. 18 and 20 Aa'.or Pla-e, New-York. lavo 5?t)ooi*. ITXlVKItolTY LAW bCJlf/UL. U PaCULTY i OK l.s31-'92. 11I..VKV al. Ma--' KA. iwi.N. 1.1.. U.. Cluucellor. AtfcUN AllliU'JT, LL. JJ., b. an. 1 ii ,i:v ; P.-idliic; Evldence. IBaac F. KtsitLL, j. C. i> iaaury. Coatatta, tllcaenury I-av/. CHKIbTOl'HLT. O. T11.D1 ...1 A.N. A. M. Jtvai Pi'.pcriy. pr.XKY W. Jl.>aL'i>. LL. n. 'lort?; Pru-.durc. Thc tbirtv-thinl bct'iii. Oct. 1, 1S01. wuh an cn larol Pecufty aud a toursc of iiisinrilon earefully rcvia'-d to i.'.oct tlie ure>?it waaata M <andidat..B f..r the iiar. Cour>.' '..' ?tudy t?'j jrearsj uot ir.oio u'ian on.. vear ..lluwrl tor pr.'Woi.- ?ti.dv el?.wh?re. Coi.fcra LX.. B. ; alao (for ?o?- (jraduat.' CouTaOa), I.I.. M. ?AILY LLCTfRE HOI P.s _ 3 4j P. M. 4.30 P. M., A MoitUrd numher M seholarskipa of alOO each are awarded at the end of.the j'.ijor year. I A I. l.l-.i ~ I iW.S. WILLIAM ALT.L.v BUTI.EB, I.I.. D., Marlflme Law. CtPlIAS BBAINKRI). Kn.. Int*rnatlonal Law. CllAllLK-S P M? l.r.W. .. V. \> , Crinloal Law. AMA6A A REDFIELD Eaq., InWItane*. liov MYKK S I> ICiarolnaBa ?t Tltlea. Wif.LlAM " DAVIE8 Eaq., Ltfa iBaaaaa. Tor eatalojruea, 4t., apply to Kaultoble Buildb'g. 180 Hroadwaa Wew-Torfc._ T8TB BKW.TOBB LAW 8CHOOLV, 181 BatOAjrWAT, New-York Cilv.-Aini'iaJ aCa.loo opotta OctoSo* 1 1801 Two Tear** fonrta. Icadln? t/i drirrec i,f 1,1, u. Tultion IBBV 8100 "Dwigt.t Mtt*"4" <.f l.iatmoUon. Por ? ata iaguoi aidi*?? Ul?01Ur? CEAJilu. Baa. *Ctui JDnblirntlono. rpiiK Hl'MXN 11.\11i : Whv It FalU Off : 1 TtaaaOtet am! tl.- U.-nedv. lle l"of BABJ.B1 p.a.rn * M. LO.vo * ' O.. 1 niH Arehat., I'hlla.. Ta. *" e'vore" ? ht.'iid *e-,d BMi IlUja 1 m I " -Alhenaeum. Jnotrncuou. ~Vor Iber* arxl Young :>n?City. A?CLAr^ lOlt BOTS.-li.u-fn,e?ll?a aod B*T?nced . erad-.. BtedenM iir.-p.ied lor cotlege. l?w, a- ler.tlflc ac.oo!* aud btalaeaa. W. B. OHASE, 78 Weat BOta-at,_ A,.x ,(?]-. ni'ii'T SCHOOLS aad elreulara fr a '<? p?r ?nt*. Sta'e locality. prlee daalred pnj.l!'. a*t and a*S p. V. ?CT8900B. Amerlcan School*a-J, ". W. litli-*. |?i.i-.xr.i.i.v v SuOit. beat, twelfth year. will hegln Mondiy. 8*8* BB, 1801, 1" fh* n*w flreprnnf b'Jlldlng, 18, 1C, 22, S* W?*t 44th-st. Actomii odatlons lor a llonlted nuir.ber of laerdlai atudenta. ror latest rcglater aod deacrlptive pamplilct .ddreas J. CLARK REED, A. M., ReV'trar. I" VsTr.'CTlON in eomaarelal bfaaehea. eloeaBta. mttb Ky tataaaa aad Metiea and aefldeot Engli.i. ?>?<*? ?? raaaeaabaiKriaa; aai aapirleaaa. Oall T*Taf*y* and E_aaya beawt*. 8 j* f Sr^LTiii MMii??a-._ lNSfrn-fTrotV., i \l. I COBi ?tC8.-rtoy.and^arao I InV MhOOl, pr.-p>r?tn-.v tn |.,--..,-.* a.,d .-lu?'>.*r.'P. ,,? oianfSe|.u.,rriNM.s_ Vr^ntr-V-ir.Ta* ?**?*? _ |"? ""VrMM M- A- a?aa Cor. ?6th."t. _PiepnraMon for eoHege or bnamaaa. P" BBTABATOBT eaUajte BeaoeJ M 1TB **_* *E5?aa br H. E. Weliv. th*. leanier taagbt how to Btudy; thought exerrloed ard apwdj develfteacnt at abUltie. bv the meihoda of Uatroctton.enptoyei; per>on?i attanUon to each; Umltad to twelr. .ohaiar*._. BT B1WEB8ITT RBAJdhtAB ? KOoE, 1.473 %?*"*?. Tor Young Ladles-Clty. A CADEMV OI- THE D KSl'I.I NliS. E. M0RR1SANIA. NEW.YOr.K CITY Tbls aradeiny will NOpea on the BrM WlJBBatoffjaJ September. The new couvont and a.-ademy at l"fl'' paia ".. tt.e Uariaa BaUroad. will be aady P*r laeupaiaj rext Boveaber. For particulara eaU NoillhK UuMiNK'K, Baperioi AM-u.iMi t. ( <,i.i,i.-.ia ii. COUBBE. ttera ara ra* raaaelee m tm ?*ubiisned uru.t* aaaa "ff""1- ''"? usual BdveoMgea TO UlKl.s d-lifna N -;ba f""?;- con - peti-nt teacbar.; ra.ciui atteotloo u, phy^iral ',|lt"r"^*1" Muipi-d s..iiooi..o.,n.? md i.bonn.rj. Ooaaaar a**a *'? _ COLI.HiilATE COURSK, Box lo. KeaaloB, B. T. _ A CAOE.M1C . I.asm.s FOB (?1KU>. cf an "A. ?f'ior eeUcge MamlaaUai.. bul mited u. ua aeeaa . _ .rnest etuaeiita: ap<-cial atteijlongive.. ^^yVuN alocutlon and ptiiM-.-a] e.ilture. MAK1 B. wiiiiu.-m. t a^ B., ?? d i.ois'a. BANCtf 826 Parkava N- V._ AMEK1CAN Klndergarten N'annal Sebool r.n|.-.,- 27th | year Wp>. 21. at 50 w < '---,'l--t n, \..??'?> i*st urwige, X. i. _ l-;.Mii.v M. OOEj Prjralpal. . fJ-iuSV. UU. x.M. MK- UAltDMtB'a ... e^Hooia ron uMti^. ooi ita-ayt. *?.ye??. aavar.cea libsk-s with toi?.nbia Oonaga iT<>re?*ors. _ LASSTCAL RCBOOL KOR GIRLB, 1 9'H Ma.!l-on-axe. Prlnan and advane. I *ork. Pi paraO na f r cpll ae, lueiudingcoiu i ; ?'' J ,','''~l,;'^ '"ir;,,,,;,J i' openi ?9. MUi Nortb and Mlai Barnea, PHndpaia. IACKBOM BEM1BABY, 2.028 1 ??,Tl!a.'dii.g ai.d .1 Daj Sehaol tor Vouog fadla a...l;... ??"?'? litted-!,,. eellea . -'?"? reai romuieneoa pct. i. ?i?a fortner Prinelpal nf Inglcalde school, Ne?-MHf i-U. toun, Ml^S PEEBLE6 \Mi MIS8 THOMPSOB'8 liOAKr.IN-. XV" DAY BCBOOL BOB 'iir.LS, 82 .nd 84 Eaat :.:tii--.t., Baw-T***, Beepena Thnraday, o^t, l._ . MIB8 ANX1E BilOWB, T18-718 Flfth priii.arv'm:-T a- a?i.-.: ??? aork, lo iudiu* pnpaaAlw for con.-t-t a'd r'r tb. Coluabla ar.i Barvard aaaalnarlBBB for women. Keopena O.tobei 1.JL89L_._. WAl?l..'l.llM.I.I.l-. r.i t.u. i.sun.ifr ii'm'? "i 20 BaetZm+C. ne?r MaUl?oh.?ve. Ai)i:.M(?!si:i.i.i'. vr.i-TiN ^scbtwi for etan By Mudame Tlane, :1-' IV1 (ilrli 1>I CblH M Mai)i-;.mh!m:i,i.i-. vi.i.ii.n ->c.-o.,i i? ?.i?* , Prlmarv, academl. aod collea prajauatloa. Rinder. tart.-n condnet-d ...tlr-iv In 1 rn. h t,y .Madame 1 .ane, Supll of th* ? ' li Pape^arpentar. Blxtb yaae aaaaa Dctober 1. 18l>i. K.r* Wrst 78d-M.___ \i fgJToi '?!'' ? S" Vl^ UOOL POR fSIRl*. ?'?.') Weat iTtb Irl st.?win reopen s.-pt. 30. Three boaHlng puptla will ?;.- .1 Into tn. fai illj. ._ MlbS EMZABETB L. ROtfEO, 10 Baai 78that, Boardlng and Daj Si I -,:. reop. aa Oet. J-t. Bpe.'.1'. eoniaei of p',.(!y._ H.-T I H. 20 EisT .VTll-St.-rnglian". Fr.-ncl. nn -i ...niun B' ?Hli.:.' ?nd I.av bcbool for llrla. l'weoty-nrth j---a. boglna beptrmbei -'?<-_ ?, M BLACKWELI/8 Bcbool 4.,'J Kii.rterifarten for Ihlldjen rMpena Octobiu 1, ?t 150 Ea>: ?3d-*t._ MHS LEOPOLD WEII/S SCHOni, FOR GIIOO. 711 Madnaaava, pre^area for loiiopo*. ISS JAi'boX'S PAM1LY ABD DAY bCBOOL FOR .ir.LtS Ba*3 Madlaonave., will recpan Oetober l*u. , ?;,_t r li'ttl, ? ln!?!>? >'? Prararatioo foi i ollaga, nnd for tl,.- Man -,r.l a.,d c,,,-.,:,'..' fxamlnatloo.._ MADAME HA BILVA.-Bch0Ol for 'Jirla. French the l.neuaee of Uie erh..,. ?nd the runlly. ?U Weal 88* yeai beglna O^tober 1._ THE BEFD BCflUOLJ 0 8 aod 10 Eaat 58d-st. Iii cUii-'o f MI*. Jolla <-. MeAUlaMr, prlnelpaL Mrs. Bylvaaua ilood, Vlaltor. C8th vear bcptn* Oet. 1. l?9i. The thlrd tititldina, N&. 10 laat add.-d to tb. *ehool, afforn'* lmpioved*. tlo'i.s to both natdent and day p'ipils. _ _ IMii- RTVERsTrJE Si IIOOI.. Mi-? Bbnlly A. Wnrd, Pnii.-ip.i. iT''ioh for Vaaaar Bamard and .,ther eoilega lur women. A.-ademlc, loMrnaiate. Prlmary, Kli.derBsrten .nd Speelal Chaa fo Boya, tVarge, alry ruoin. for realdenl paplla. ?> W. lQltb^t. Ccti.o Park. THE COSiSTO. K s, RO. 'i.. . m . FamllT and D.v BVheol for ili:l?; 29th year re-r-l:.* Oe*o. bat l, 1801. MIm DAY, PrlnolpaT. 3? Weat lOth-afc Tn:: MIPSES MOSER, ni7 Madlioaave, tt'id Daj School for Yauig Ladie? aad rhii dr?n. Pr.-pares for Barnard aad Mher co;i-g,? Ugna ?e?f twain* S-pt?mher 28 1801. THE MISSEO WREAKB' Boardiue a. i Dij Bcbool for youna ladlca aad cblldren, with K ndergarten R tober 1. _ _37 Eaai Beth-at_ IB NORMAB IXSTITt'TE fFourd"4l l.?r-7). llom.- and Day Bcbool. AXD BROXZE MEUATJS, PARIS EXPOS1T101*. 18S'.i Ct-0 ai.d 282 71?tat ind Wi-tt Badava. Haa*. V\N BOBMaB. Prloolpal._ aar/EBT EBB AVEBUE Bcbool for OlrU.?Prlmary l'-o 81 oaratory, Colleeiate and Ar' n.p.rt ? -. t-; thormgh atudlo work. Mla MaUTITx THOMPSOB, I'rlnclpal. Reopens 0<-t. 1. 281 We?t Endave., cor. 78th-at. >T'isi,al IraPllBCaaOB. fl* K. A. L. ROHULTZ, OrcanMI Baaa* BtreM Ifl Cboreh, Baaklyn, w.n reeume leaaona ( an J organj tjepteit^i-r 1. AOdreei tXl Dnflieldat, Bruoklyn. For Both Bexea?City. AELEN 6?ll()(il., A\Ct WI.sI 80TH-ST. li.,,,- ii.i ;.u scbool foi tilrli and I'.oy*. }'.eoi?'.i.g ?,)?:. 21, 1891. Preparatlou lor Collega_ B? ETBOPOLITAN D UA I. OF M S1C, *** "-?um 21 Eael rth st.. Bew Toi I City. Baa ih, ? |ual foi tn Ui rtmahiieai ol Inatmctloo ti alaoluu al t.v i,f it- r.i ?,,..'.-. k.,i. t rn, '.< jlna Sept. 1:. K.--I.;. i ? foi 1 -.?'v impl - Irom a dl.tanec, Undlev Buck, !'. ii t tlb. i lloa I'araon*, Vir. .! .. i;. W ...? eno, B?'i r and Trvaa. For parOculara aend l',r College Annoal. _ PACKARD'S B\7t-1BES8 COIXEQE will rO'P"" to: th aeaaon oi. Jusdiy. Boph 1. B'.nd lur ntw niu uitet proapc i i*. 8. 6. PACEARD. Preaidenl 101 Eaat lai-at. I?rooklyn. 'HE MISPrs F.LV.S BCHOOLVOB OIRLS, 140-1-12 Colun.Lla llcichta. L'roulilni, N. Y., _ Will reapen BeiBcaibei 30th._ THE BBOOKLYB ItEtOBTS sEMlXABT. Uon and Dav Bcbool fo- Qlrla 41-t. v ar open* S Dt '-'t Aa. dxes.s. for drtuUra, 138-ho Montaeuc-at..,Bi-o<>!(i4ii. B. V. For YoQBg I.ridips--Conntry. BAQi'i.T i\ ? ... i ,1,, si ,ri .Ln-. N. J.?French, Eng ll-ii. liermao ,,,,,.,.l i,,i ruungladie., btud'-nta |. -|.u d f,,r college '.. wclety. Natlve TTaeh r ; I:,,,:-... ? Bl-.l lll.l .III-M, I'l-.NN.-BIMl.'IM llOi'.i'l. X Jloa:d ii,t and i>:ty b< i.oyi loi uirla. Praparatorj and luit Academic Uouraa. Puplla prewred loi .-..u.-go. 'Awenty-fourtb year. i. i. WALaH, Prinelpal. B,.Kl:I..S i.iXX \ N. .1 ., ,1,1.1.,. 1. f,? \. ,,.:?-? ??:. on 1' , ,. C. II., ? . , ?.-en N. X , I Mra. UI .: .' il, I'i ,. i;,.\\ EX, ."?!. I.. A., Pi a. *? f? OXWOOD" .:<?..,,?. .\.\u DAV SC1I >Ot, POR l>,,iiti.>. Healthfu] loeation, dcligbtfol Btirrouadlng*. Tboruue'b work. l.,;u-i- n (dt ,..,-?.. Uaya under*c adaitted. . r tli mlar* and tem i ailili Mra. R, s. fiKISWOLD, L.v:.,., Conn. /"?LaSSICaL A.\i> lld.ME IXSTITfTE V/ I'ougbkaepan, X- f. lur Yo'i.ig Ladlea and tii'ldr.-n. li.udiuiti.ii; rourac. .,. ,.r parat.un i .. .,.11-.? . SABAH V. li. Itl I 1.1 '.:. I'I,:, OUiEOIATE BCBOOL POB 01BLS EXOLEWOOd" B. J. ?K'-f,i,--i.- Rent, 24th Prtparatlou fo: ? ? i apeclialty. Punlla admltted to Vaaaar, Wellealev ai.d >n,uh in certifleatc, _ CAROl.IXE M. OEJIRISH * B DABMBGTOB BEMlBARg lor fou i ! , W at Uheat.:. I'i ?" ? ? ? balld., exteiialvc gronndi i nealthy I. i . Mvmnai I 1 B180 per ear. Cataloguea, B. DAPXIBttTOB, Vh. n. DP.EW LADIES'SEMINAHY, Carmel N. y.-?.?<?.? s-- l 18 HealBhful, i, n k thi pi .- ?? e. j Ulaavated eli ul:.r. Bav. UEO ( B08UY 8A11TI1. ! pUflBA COLtVEOB VOK 'VOMF.N. I Coanea al m'.Oj u.t*e ot Btav... oUagea, ; I iigi,'--,, ateam boat aad olcvatot. A>troo.niii .?, i An bebuol, Muaie Bmlduia. V,-. :1V ItuUeoU. , IHAKI.I - VXN N'OBDEB, U II.. 1-- .' , I.,:;.,!,, \. V. g>OBf EOWARTJ C.I.I.; '.: \ , i. IXSTlTtTK FOrt * 1C0 yonag aoaea. Bapertor holldtrgi aad i lagri Twelva traeaara. Ba graduatlai i bi - and ir pantory. Foi MbaaJ v.-:.t ... jiinj - i 11, a-io ii. t..o Matalnienta. Oea ulu '." '- I u ?? u,-. _ .Id.v i.. Kl.N... D. p., :... ?? Y (?OU>EB 'lll.l. SEMIBARY foi X -,. Ladlaa, I:..,]-.--? ? i ??. . ? ii.-, -Mla I..M II. v NU..v. ., Priu Ipal; .iIim AN.NIE S. illB&ON AMoelata Prlaaip.1. UMK INKTliUI K. Tarr.itowa, X. \ an ag aid day K-hool U-r vountj ind:.? aa \','.il reapen bept. 17. hfJa al. w. MET'OALP, prtadpaL 1VY IIAI.I. -BOhlE XN!> ol.I.I.ul PREPABATOBT for Ladlca. R.tobliahul l s?l. Mrn. J. ALLEX :iaXxv:.t.i. Ptlnclpai Brldir,tou N i ? YBDOX IIAI.I.- I OR rOI M. LADIE Ij I2d v- a I'oOrgt ni paratlon ClrcaJan by n.all. bAMCEL V.'ELLS BUCK. A. M., Pouul,? -p.,-, .?? V. rVIOHIllbTOWX, BEW-JEHbEY *T. HILDA'S Irl SCHOOL. I-OR OIKLb. Twelfth \<:i -..-i,. Por clrculBM addreaa 318TEH bUPEKIOB Mlss ANBA P. '10XX Ns'.M)??, BCHO >L POR OIRLO aa. reruoved f ..,, Ja Uci I. i . io '.i p.r.. i-u.--, . . N .1 X', ;,r I ? rtni -? pi, 24. kalbs sai.Isb'uiiV'O family ax'b day scJTfobl. JvJ ).?r. <;iiu.v ti boiith-.U, Plttefi.-ld, m-j. . 21M vjr befiii^ bepL s: Addrra Mil B B .i.i-lii BT, PlttaOald, afaaa. . .ii am iss'i i nt\: Po"fi fTfRl l'it,--,?i n. i .-'ii,.-.. adalt* M aalleg .,|*l MI.. ./. K H4X1VI 1! - . .- . ... i -.ii- . i> ? f MISS IU LKLKY'S P..,w1luK aud i?aj feliovl fo >.i .. ?|a.rrV)?i. ,?. Il'idao... 1*. Imipal*. Mi?- H. L. Bnu \.\ v|i ? ? r I'ln.i.i^v Addr ?- by lett*-. untli s^m. i Ts^~M?M Ht'NT'S Boardlnc and n.r Sikool reaaved Ui buniuH, N.w.jL'raeyi t????.., ?.1.5, .,.., in-ii.,^ lan guaga. AttOrcas by leiter uxilU Bayt?Btiu? II M JnBrrr.nion. l",,r Youaf's-Conntry. \Y.Vf tMOLAJTD OOXSBbYI ITORT OF Mt'SIC. ' Pbaadad by Dr. E8B8 TOuawaaV UABL FAU.TKX. U.r:ctor. IXPTP.UCTIOX IX PIANO. OBOAH, VOICF.. VML1N, 8a. systcm??'c aaaaa u. eMa and ggtapM taaaa VMMa. ?10 to ?31 for 98 Bbaa taaaa, Many Paa CMaoos, boetaaa BaMMM, aa. BMeatMa, OiaMep aal PrMana ;,;,,, wa Arta, Ui rataro, Unaaagea, PMaa aal Or?sn Tanlai I IMPOBTABXK HOM1 Mi UAg Stodeata Caatadar free. gALL IEBM BEOIXI 81 PT. 10, 1881. rr.\NK w BAl B.-?.Oaaeal Haaagar. ITIAXKL ?? IW7ARE BOSTOX, MA8S._,. j-aiiONTS* BCHOOL POH TOUMO T.ADIFS. Baaaiiiad ??"> 188 fioas CMaMaMB., riiilndelphla. to ,,?.?., | , ? com try aat of Jav Cnok-, wfll begln SfrartV-aceoiid | u Wedaalay, aVpteaber 30. P ralar*BBply t0 l'rbKlnala. Cgontz S< JMO*, Montgomcry County, P'? - t.r iflM>> -.'H'iot. Airasy, x T.?I"nder th? diree. iS non of Blanop Doana ^ftt rear. lu'! 'Mr>?i ? ,. .,. f?i..". 1 i.gargarton through Harvard Cour*) for Wo'roca." 8* Motruclnra '1 iil'l.-n 0400 * Tcar. Por Caa> iJoJuVjMMr ?! !>'? .'.'-n.'.s KCHOOL_ LjT OAI1KIj.L.-> 6CUOOL, PEEESKILL, X. Y.-A [?*,_, . i tha rhargc of tne blateri if St. ...??;. year eom ?,. ,?-.-. -j. Addie.i. Tl.v 5iiat.-i -ln l'i arge. tjT.OATlLE IME'8 BALU-18th year, Long t*loada*ia? O raaa arh ul ;ar glrla. Knlarged and extonalva proa Ues. Larg? an'i efficlent stal af profeaeora *vd tearBera. rrtiisntnui for leodlna eollegea. . nrornrh work a ?*&'?' cafttc <?' thlo in-titutlon. Ternia foi l [ ? ' '* " SEorlUfe, Frcn .rtd Latlo. rrom -< 0 per .aaaaa, Fot day pupila frort. 850. Next terrj ti Kfia/sl' i a"i SirtleuTari on appllcatloe ro BI8TBB lahOLINL. 2^0-i.'?J Waahlngtoo-ave., Brooklyn. _._-. CT. iiARY'S HALL. BURLIXOTOX. X. J. O Plttr-I Itli Mho I ] r '? rln '- lt mber 23 1801. MI a CHARLOTTE FlTCOSB, Prln IpaL _ rpTTTK yiiVn,, ladieS' sf.mixai'v. Pri -i ..:d. N. j. J A |ilca*aat hon ?. ?' '*? "r. an cducaJoD Mi-a EUHICE D. BBWALL, Prlnelpal. 1 [*BE ossiMNi, S1.M1XARY, BlBO-SINO-OX-THE-HBirBOW, N. T a ickal ?f Ui- blgbai elaaa f? roanB i^di.w, hoinelikc. healthful, thorongh. With a aperloi faeotty, b^ttttful .. jnJ i.nd.-r a acneil Incli alni Um Bot. Dr-. r. L. l>&ao.M- ' "V^V..".:.ffiiVK-^D ? '? T HE MORAVIAB BBMIXART. Botaiaaaa^ a^ja more u...t, a contuiv tavorably known aa i faaMcleBtloaM aad auccessful educato. of yonaa aooaa, MVNa an tx anilnatlon of Its nictluda and eurrleulUBB._ Tl Ml'Lf; OROVE LADIES' SEMIXART, Satstoga Siiriiiea. B. g.-Thlrty-aoanth rear begiBB Sent. 10. Addreaa C11AS. I'. DOTO, Pb. I>. Piea. I -. i iH BaLL 81 iffN"ARY l'i,'. i.Iki.s. ".lamai.-o, ?id a^ L. 'l., ten ralbi frora Xew-Vork. S???jL,,?n y-ar bemns Bept 23d. Addreaa Mlaa s. A. IH M n '? WKST \V\r.M T STBEET BOARbixO SClfOOL for >> (ilrls. Bomellke, thorouirh and proareaslve. ;\ddr"? Mlaa J. TKAf', 4,801 YValnnt-a, PhiladelpBla, Pa. A For Bovs nrd Vo8B| Men?rottntry. CA1U"MY A.ND HOME FOB 10 B0T8 BUty-abrtb .,. reai ol AoaU?my ; IweLtth of 11.0.) Thoiougl. propaia Uon for coUege >i foi bualneos. Abaolutely healthful w iatli.1 and genulne li?; -, uit.h tl -.- Bioat refU.a sur roundigika. Uood lyronaaluni. Ba>reii'es , giveo aad R4UU?C J- ?? ROOT, I'rlncipal. ijiQcnwicli. Ocnn._ A8TBICTLT EXOL1SB EDUCATIOX at m.<rerat? cxpen-e: tborough, practieal, eoinpleto. RRYANTbi BOOL, Boalya, Loog laland, X. Y. A*nLEXAXDER t'XBTlTin . Mtiltary bwrdina ochool, ^lu'e Plains. X. V. PrlMtpBl, U. 1L WII.I.IS, A.M.. BORBEXTOWB i rTTi MIT.ITARY IXSTITtTT8? BEV. T. II. LANDOX. I'Ki.v IPApi LIKUr. T V- LAXDOX. COMMAXDABT._ H| i rs V( \l?i MV. SMinford ' r^*^_ Preparea ... i oLege, SclenUfic - l?. ? ol Ifmlncas; aiaaa t- aurrouud itudenu with bo -. Mtlneneca to roako llvblual not Um ciaaa tho Uaala of worB. J;"/1'' advajieed i:.,.nlh. rol UioroUghU : tlinso of alower mentai inoveinrnt reeelve extra au-ntloa WM. I. BETTS. M A. (Yale), PrlrfelaL , BOYtT BOARDIXQ S HOOL.-ThTaag'a Bak, Wat , , ,,^; N. v rhoi n - ? ? :" t?U*jt ? icl . .j.o-,1 , | bu ? - I ?rty.thIM yea. ?i'l opea Bept. 15. Wanned by ?teami v.-n iii?ium. l-..r alrettlaa ? 10 H. T. HARR1XOTOX. A. M.. l'nu IpaL /-< BELfEXHAM MILITABT ACADKMY K> Ogoni/t, Montgomerj Co., Pena. I n. vellcd ln bf-apty and liealthfuloeM of locatlo. ind au windIaga trM labuna. Mra equlpment and all otbfj roauUltea of ^arat-clao t.-liool. Bumbei llmlted to no. Ut lil"-trat.d -? re lar. addiaa. JXO. TM.VIN BICE, A. M-. 1'r.nclBal._ CVXAXDAIi i \ m -.l'i "iv. -?!'? v- [nrorporated 1706: !? and tralnlng; ure|?rea for anj eoilege. Addreca the ?_rln I|k?1 J. I N/>?K1S, ' ' '? N ^; 1> ELAWARE L1TKRARY IXST1TUTE, 1 rnnklln, X. I. Preeareo foi beal colles-w; ihorough eonroeo ln hu-lncas. ln m.i.i- ai.d In art; apeetal tralrdng ln eloenOoo aod la the art of taeblng; pupd* reeelved ntn P tnefpaJ a farr.lly " ??']? ,.iTj!0co8oIS>. A. M.. Fs \ST flREEXWICH ACADEMT. Jl-'oundcd lrt02. Both S. \ ? '">n NnrrnTan^ctt Rav. st.Mii, beat. l.i <-*-r light Midowod. Twolva aarooo. i ] ,r. BeptemU'i IM Pa Hloatrated raMMgaa wfl"? . ^ ,. , Ke . K. n. BLAKE?LF,E. D. I'-. Eat Ol Boajeh, K l_. 17A8TMAX I'.fMM'Ss i 01VLEOE, Poughke-pal-.X.Y. fjj open all tl Inatructlon la Bookkeepwg, Baaking. Cornmerclal l.n.v. P-m aasblp, . ot?m-oikIwi. ?;, Arittunetlo, 8 1 egraphr, Bti - rpawrlttof.&o. Baalnoca men aupnl <t with compet?n? asaUtanto on ahors nntiee. S > a laafurnuhed. Send for_eat*l go. F^ UdWOOli St HOOL FOB HOVS. Al Mlifor.1, Conn. j Pai.-nn who ur onfortuoate ln tn roanapi U.eir i-ona v.ui do well t?. Wtifll by tha ad.autage o.lered ty th.o i-ch,.oi. Add eta FRAXK >I BOWb, Buukj_ rltl.Kft'il.n i>.-irirn. Freeh Id", X. J. ;,46th year: coi.i-^* pi paration a speclalty; buaMoaa, nigb aehool and elaaoUal ? _ _ fy LEXyVOOD MILITABT 1X1 ' BAfl, \\ \ JA'mIAR, \. M., Pb 0.. 1 - itawan, B. J. .-r ICtl . ' ' ? ?? . ' Hi'Mi; a\:? m IIOOI, ?- Healthful, ? ut. o gvm. - II. UREWER, A. M., j itrfli l i - _ L~TKEWOOn MI.I.iH i- ' Bew. ,,.. ?. a ihorough un'l attru. tivo ? ?****? Oi ;; ',.. . ,; prtncBjtf. _ BflTCHELL'-i B OL "? I r a, Maaa.-ll ]>J n i- (ioii lloiton. "ti tha U. aad L i! K, A atrlct , Mieei I Uool loi B n II ind lalv* b'ciid tor elrculai to ti C MlTCHEiL, a. M.. rnBClpU M i i:rii.r, ii m m v- ? l>| v, ,. ,,. ,, , typcwrtln^ 1 ucWml .1 I'"-- ' IdrrasM \ ' Pra. 88 R BXAPP"S IIOME BCHOOL PlTBWitb. MBOOi-ll 1>I bow. h. B. Learoa (Hanrard). Head-aaaart Mr*. Pt9wDERtpO!XT PCHOOL. D-ixieirr Maaawtt bovs; biboratorie*. i i; -? b. B '. I. T.l t'tln Ipal.BotB acllOola pi'-t ? ? ' "' H'l??!''*?? anpla k oda '.i :? tb :'uv. IndJvldual tiocniug. 1 ?a (.NTl LAIR M)L1 I ARY A< tPl HY, M< | 1*1 N. ,i. i ..:i . t la ; naalum and ind*. '?? .< ,\ !. in. A la ?? trrouiid*. f.. i. .. M ieVK " I! V. M., t'riu ptl IUWALK MIL -.:i i ' i NORW \ l.i:. ' nXX. i - . >? ?? ;? ar bu ' ' ' KoilKUJb, t t.ii -.| ? " \>.W '.\ VI I ; .-f n. v. t on i i,,,-.- ,..i |, ?.-. .1. u ii.- iX, \ M.. Prlnelpal. PA':;; AVEXPK IXSTITI'TE, llrlds-|K)rt, Conn . tor boy*. "'! .anl ? ? - '.: : |.ir. nl ? -i: i. ' . . i.V II i 'ii J..-'-". Fi* clKular kddi - I n ... i" - < - A M . Prlnclpul. PENV3YLVAX1A MILITAR1 tCAB U i b ?te i-.i. aoib rcai op n- -. ,.t. 10, '91. A MILITAIfi i OLL1 Clvll Ei gP.?>? Ii a Cb< i.i;-t y, . Art-". A I': ;? ? . CI'CibM of M . OEO. It. bTERLIXO .vj li.y-st., city. CoL i HA6. '.. MV \' . UIVI rtVIEW ACADEMT, Po rhl ? ] -.". X. Y. 6Cth year. Prepa ?- tboroughly r ? r'.::.'3c. tho Oov anu&eo/S Acadamles, and Bualneas. Mllltat] Or.'Hiii/ation. BISB1 E I AMI '.'. i'..- Ipala. Ft'TORY BCHOOL, RAMOEM, 00X11., Foi ii'iya. tk-r25-*3"0. Ilomn Imluenea: thoroueh (-. iiool iraten i ' mlve j-r ? ' j m.. i-lum. boot houao, ? Ai Ireaa ,;? -.. II. T EVEKEssT, M. A.. Rector. 4j T. AUSTIX'S SCMOOL (IXCOR'O), Bow.B Ightoo, ataten Island, v y. A f'hur. h Bcb 'i i tha bigbeat rlao? for l.ors: mlll Birv ayati >i.: i ? Id nl n i-t r- from i;kiv.ii London, L'ai Ii . : bouac aod ground i Uarnt-r) ami '.?!.?:.- autiful niar New.York; aa-ll repays a \i>i'-. Bov. ALj BF.D ... MOItfl.MER, D. D.. Rec._ ST JOIIX'S BCHOOL. m.\.; si\<; x. v. Bev i. ::. .-; lisox, n n . p.c.-tor. Edward :;. Bostwl k. M. \.. VVarren s. Adaaa, M. A? A - ? ? ?' i l'i'; i i-ernment aehool*. i r 1 I ., .roiiiid-i, i jTEAR WILL ItE ' H ;-; 18 1801. ar. Li'Kl ? . 'ii- ol !?''-; i.; rox, pa s'? u di phla. a lilgh i iss a< bo il, |.>, m tlonalli I ' '? ngl I'r-iii- ' Koya .n-.-r 'i Vale, Prlneeton . i 1. i ao * . ? bjierlal ran ' boy*. Nuaat r :,.-. > d ? 11 \*s i bTROi i Printlpol. 4V T JOHX'8 MILITABT w;noi)L. ri.d-i tbe vi Ititlon of Uie Wa n aaaaat Mintarr uudcr V. b. Ari: v i Adur? - WM. VERBECK, BuperlDtmda4 8 t^ lOLAR'S PR1 PARA , . . D - r uglng ui i ,- - i.?.,-.. ? 4 . . i KKXT.Y W. Sl_iij : jal"'' ?''? - !' : I'ARATO : . -. !:-.,!. ,-..v.J 0 80th li-ary. "Ou? Old . - . - rttyneat u ta ??? nd ? ?? IIEXBTW. BIOl -.-??. n. T. ^11 MMEP. Bi BOOL at ti. Pcoauklll M litay ? ?d --ar. ? -. . ' M. M D..eprincliil. _ 6end tnr elrcolar._ ,jiv. SlXtl N . k^ IM!..! ,i.t SAXT MIL1TARY ACADEMT wlU . tndy. 1 iildini. r. i ? ? - iud ;..! MiKOineiit of atudento. \ 1 H -?'. M.I.ia. PrUt , SMSll AT I 1*1- BKYA.NT BCHOOL ::.-,? t, I K, Y. - L i Sound . | jaj - i; tLL rbn boys, a p Co Pr. r i. r' Kixi - a begiiia .- . , . i . .iittfla ?"" I A MIA'A J m H. rpniXlTT gCHOOU tivoi.i bx.HL'i , ,, . ' ' -? t. . ' i miipaaonl S*-^ ? ,:.R ; ? Avast ??**? ,A:* SIAItR CI.AI'.K, h Tj.. Re.-t?r. rpHK OLXNERY, AabaMa***' "<h""1 for * l"""1 '^"?''- ol aajra. !?/- u ."'"^ I BRIXBMABE MBBlUlgMa, Li'-ciilltia ty*uu-. Cvao, Jmirruticin. For Hnys nnd Young Mea?Conntry. UrYOMiv; KiMiNAiiv, KIBOaTTOK, PA. IpaolalllW" CaOega prei>aratlon, Ha*** and Art. crwl'intlng Cearae si?0 m Kcleneea and Chual** Flrat ria*a Bwlaea. OaUege conneeted with *.-hool. Electric lic'.t Otfongbout h>:ildlr,g?. I'.leaant naw rh.pel. Ko largod eaa renlaa -??? foi ataale. Eigbteen laMaaaBaaa. Firet-cMaa bn.rdtn;: d.-partDi*-nt. B?peaBBB l F.U t^rm. g (raaka, f?r l?,,rd, w.-Mng, tnltlon In l.'M?1" llgbl ateaa beat, room rent, ,-i.., *7O.0O. iran lara* oprn. s?pt. f, i-'i.r BataMgae, aaak*** Baa. L. L. OPBAOtTB, 1>. I)., Frald<fit. WORORSTKR ACAD__T.-58th yar. Thoroiigb pr-o foi college or - -.. n, wbool; adn.lra miidini,-*. coapleta laboratoriaa, aaperb g.vinnaM.n.. aapte traapii.; ganeral .UUetlc Ktn.n.'i-; tlnaer fcrava. u. xv. abI:l.r.uMniE, a. M.. rn..., Woraeater. Masa. TZml -CIIARl.OTTE HAI.L BCIK'Or^-lf.l.-Sltu.. I / /4. tln n.,si.rra-*e1 'or heatth. RngUah, cl.M.eal. n,atl,eir.atlcal, r.rmr.or. I..I and mlllturv .iraaa. Adur-** K ff. BILVfcsTER. Cha*:otte Ball, Bt, Mnry'a Co . Md. For Hotli Sexes-Coontry. CBAl'l'AQUA MOLNTAlN IBbTlTLiB. CJapW**,".. X. T.-Ordaf urogramwe for ld'Jl-'J'- and plcturo. >,ni?.? tb. hlll-i, tklrtytWO mil." from B.'W-YorB. _ rToBXEi rn i i UTERARY IBBTITOTIOB, BoOMId, \j . oi....-i o., lueaOonal: prepaiea for calMf* ??? u,w in --.; -XI i!?'?*? - ,,..i..i-;i.p-; o|?-ns sept.-mtrtr -d. U W1LLIAM8P0BT, PEXN. . A ??Oflg?J equlpp-d ClaMloal and S.-lenttflciW 01 for both -?x*? ; 18 uachefa. K-a-iiar and El.-rtlve CMUtea. rerred. Rara fariiitie* m Mtate, Moderu r^ngwige*. .st.?m beat, aleetrle iigi.t, all '"""'"' bi pllani m. B2W 40 i?x all < ii.rgea for . year ln a reguar DlMounM to prearhera, tra, her- -and two from aMBB rainily. Year befUl g^^^r^gg^t^ Hm i< i "i is' v. \ (B. i [B0TITUT1 BaMeeaaai hlffhe.t advaataee* in rla-l^.1 cour?<-i ln ??^*[h ... aelence : n?it bultdlog of it* elaa*; *t??fi*"2 nearly 200 baardere: iwo houra from Bew^ork: r.aiogua P< i.nTf-r IB-TlTT'TF.. MIOHTSTOWN, it. J. " II m Paeultr, Preparea t"L ?"o:b-ge. Traehlng. Baatnew. Tr.oron^h In Oernaa, French, Mnaie. a?. Ope.ia R*T>t. Uth. Both n-x-n a>^n^in?l H. R. 8LATJOHT, A. ht, iTiaaipai!^ PEBBIXOTOX (B. J.) ?MIl^_TJ^_Lihi^fiB*f LoiM.e. iJoA year. OtT-r* rar. aluoaiionai racu i-lea. Term* rr.odemta. Hleh and hea.thful. fcteam hoatlng: en>: fiie .-a^ipei. Ea.?r M acceaa. Tfi6s. llABLOX. IJ. D.. Pre?lder,t for 22 raara._^ l( s?,.,-f,:i acheol at BOf^larJata. B^.;msTEB titwi for rackwatd .<;;*?? tv. n. BA>.Niyig-.? S\ AKJ BMOBE COLLBOB, KWAUTHMORE, PA. opeoa 9th motitb, 8th, 1891. Thlrty BBBUBBM M Broa*. BtTwatloa, I'liiiati-lphla. fnd.-r ??"?!.rrljnda. *ul coiieg- cauraaa for both *ox** u?ding to OMaateaL Bngij neering, ? lentlflc and I.irerTl-y aHgreek HealthMl Ut* Uon, irottnda. i..iiidlnjta. machlne BWjMlHi. tr,rlea :.nrt llbrarlea. Kor prtlenlar* and ratBlogue ad urea IMU-S) l?EX I SW x ill HMoKl. ( '.I.I.F.oE._ rp:u; Cl XV! RAOR COLLEOE and H''D^'N,An'*Vi 1 Ii,*t1t.,.te for Boya ?nd Olri* will open ir,? 38th year Sept. 11. 1891. For'?* addrrw K'-v. A It FI,A( H, A. al, I'r*>t? clavenck, B. T. Miseelbneoua Ayni'N'fi PBEWCH I.ADY alone), not, alklng En*. ll?h <l. -ir ~ lo L'lve lewon* In r?ndlng and conver^a Unn at mode ate prtcea to p"-.,iLs havlng a kaowledg* of Addnaa Hlaa RACHEL, .',7 Weat llth-at ;,iiui'U:;s acAaata. b,.tii aezea, city' ?nd countrr. V-/ auppltPtt, wltb crefnl advleo to paroi.ta. MIBUAM OOYRIERE Booa 14, 150 .Vh-ave. (tcarhfro. AUKKICAB ABB POIUUOB TEACBERS* AOEXCY* PrefeMora, Taacbara. lutora, OoTeraaMee, ae.. u. ? ollegea, Sebeola ?nu Kumillea. Apply to _^Mr-. M. J. Vut'Xo l- i;i.loN. 23 C.ilon Square._ ~a ^Ti I0RS, Profa aora, TeaehMt, Oav*iB*aaaa ol .11 J\. uran, n m supuli-d M unlversltios, co!1-k^?. achoota and faniillei. ClKuUr. ?, 1..t,1? to par.-:it*. Modern languag'a apokeo. MH'.iam COYRTERjB, Raom U, 180 ?*??**_ '? l.v'l i:r rr M'OXt' . Yul. .1.411 Broadarivy. PlTvaTo A. tator; i paratlou ror oolieg. ; eoaoblng for exHmin,v tlooa Ai.lro- anill ^pt. 4. Tuller Ulclifteld Bprlnga, Bew-York. ________ Bl>T 'l i. \, li i-'.iis' *.i|.pll?_ for ail uriuichea, ln .ay localltv. NO FHE for reglbtratlon. Form for ?Un:p. I-. v HUYSS04'?X Amer m Bcbool Borean, 8 W. Mtk-ah JUCHERMERHORB'8 I II l.!'.S; *OJWCJ. ?3 01d.'*t aud l?:-t known In f. S. BaMbllabMI 185.1i 8 EaM Htha*., B. T._ _ __ fF_A(iU_PJ* u.Mi'.n. Cadle* Piaho anT"Slnirfni*; 1 Plano liernan, latln aad Drawlag; \n,-al afualu: 1-' e ,ii naUve: Xluth.-mntlrs. Namral Bei nrr.-. Mi.alc .nd !?>.,,, I. : Prench, natlve, nlth Engll*h nnd Mu*l0. ilenUenan: Mathematlca b-k! Mliltary Taettea, Epl* i-o'Bilnn; Vlotln nnd V?i-il Mn?le; Vlolln : Comn.prclAl branchea an* EloeuMon; PennrinarJp and Boo; Normal :.'r-i<1.nt for ?? hool n._r city. Apply to Mra. M. '. YOfM.-l l LTOX, Amerli*n and Porelga T.aelara' Agancy, 23 Unloo Sgniire._ UBIOB TEACHF.R8' AGEBCY aupplto* achool oflloer* WlfJl t._r^,-r? : t?-irher* ?"1th posltlon*. H- U if AU'tlX'iTox. I'rot).. ?',: U_yaMa pi.. B. Y. (Prrnn 9teamcrs. pOOK'S TOUH3 EOUND THE WORLD. (ALL ntAVELUBO EXPEXSES IXCLUDED.) Tho FIRHT PARTY of the ia?on will leave VAB. COUVI-.P. by B S. EMi'ItESS OF JAPAB, SEPT. 9. Foi lOWlag d.its. Bept, lC, 20, and Oet. 8. ? bci.d for illnatrated programme. TII.S. COOR _ SOB, __gi and 1^88 Bi aad way. Xow-Tcrk. rpHJS AMhKKAN EXPKEK CO. ._ cor.d'i' ts a gan ral expross builocu, by .11 raat ua. to and froai Enrope. ANC110B UM.. I'. 3. M_J Steamahip*. FOil li!,AMiOW \U LOXJXiNDEltRY. i? Plei -i, N. K.. fo-... oi Weat J4Ui-it. F.'.hlnp'a ...Aug. b. a n. n.. I IrcBa :u.. Aug. .-, 7 a. m. 1 ? r.,.-? la..Aug. i'.. 1 p. uu i Aaelaria..Aug. 28, - p- m. j til Y i'i ii' --I i ?. > I i ">. i a. iii. ; Oet. IU, 10:30 .. m. Itate. for Balooo Pa ? .?-??? By N. B. CITY or KOME, BOO and apward, at'.-.r'J ug '-, a. ??'? r.oditloi, i :.I loeatlon of Iloom. Ottie BI imera of the llue, *;>o and npword. -.u , ibla, - I '? St erage, *l'J. lor ? ; and f'.rt'i.-r Infom.atlon, ai.plr to j HEXDr.HSO.N BROTHERs, 7 Bowllng Qteaa, B. Y. CL).\ll'A(iM_ (.J.M.lrM.K Traogatlaniiquo. FRENI II L1BE <> HAVRE EVERY SATURBAY. _.x i.x-.oi.M.. santelll .Baa* Auk- tf aa LA '.ii . \,'... , . aat., Aug. 18, 1 p, in. LA r... ,. ? ? M i. I Bat.. Auii 22 : a. a. \. lor..;.! iMneral Ag.-nt. No. I Bouling firern. CtllAIILhSTOX, -? C.. tho South _ Southweet. /JA< K ON VII I.E AMi AI.L 1T>>IUDA POXNIB I II CL1 I'I. STEAMSHIP COMl'ABY, l-'roi,, I'lei 29. E. R. foot l'.<K>-,-\^lt st., at 3 p. m. VEM ? --^i ; . i ,.,r,..!,,., and Ja, fcaonxllle.. i-'ri., Aug. 7. bEMlXuLE, C'barl. ton and Jackaonvlllo Mon., Ai -. 10. I :;,,,. -? mi .1-,. ',-..,,. ill. v. -1 . '??,.'. 12, xij at a r* aavi Bra - - paaa ng ,- omaaodatloua. Inauraiic, und^r open ,..,. -v .-i,..-- ?! ,. oii.'-iiitb of oi.o per e< ,i. yvm P. ct.xDi. b 0 >. Oenenl Agenta, :, Bo? ii:,l' Ureen, x. Y. T. (J. E', Oen'l Agt ('?? H. Ii't Uaa. 3i7 Broadway. fjUKAKli lim NBW-YORH TO LIVBRPOOIi, vt. QUBEBBTOWB, Pler ?.?, Noith River. l.x^, EXP1UBSB M.xll. BERVICE. ..A ig. o. 7 ,80 a. tn. I Servla .Aug. 80 1 W p. m. .xur.,. . Aug. 15, 1 p. m I F.lrurla ?^??||t. ?! ? ?? ni. Liobrla ..Aug. 2- '? ia. m I A.iranla..8ep. 13,11:80a. Bt '. 11 RA Si I x.Mi;it. r. ... S. i-i 2, it |,. in Oahla r,cv,c ??.'d Dpward. Intei-nediate. *53. Steerage tickeU <?? a..,l from all laria .,1 Enroi^- at v, ry |o? r.,t B lo' f. Ight aud |,:i?-:i>-:e apply H the com pany'a o :??>? , Xo, 1 BowUmi Oreen, New-York. VERBOX ii. BKOWN V ..... ueneral Agenta._ i Min.x l.!M.. Vj, rMTI.I. STATE8 MAIL STEX.MEI^S POIt QUEENBTOWB x\I> LIVERPoOI*, I, -,r. I'I l 88, X- R?, f*0t of Kitr.' at ARIZOBA.>itnrday, Auirn-t 8, 7 a. m. xv ii.xumi. Baturday, AuguM 15, J p. bv \LASKA . ..Saturday, Augtial 28, n '?*) .. m. \x'is. oxsix. Saturday, tugu.t -'?' - i>. n. ?1,,i/.,,\.\ .>...,....-.l.v. seutembei ?'.. 8 ?. m. ' I'abln oa**age *50, I;0 kM and 8l< ' (a. ordlng to r). saeond eabln, rS"' .",1 ?35 M> ? r.i.-.- al low a. M. I'Nin-.uiiill I < o., :f> Broadway. ISMAN LINK [". S. and Royal Mail ^t.-umors, FOB QUEEB8T0WB ABD I.IVKItlH.OL. ill'Y ,,l- BEHLIN . Wednerfay, AUguat 1- l'1 38 t~ m. . i iv t>y PARlb .Wi-nejaay, Auguat 19, ? a. ui. , , , V ..: ? li ,i \,-, ? ....Wedii.-a lay. Aiign.l -'? II a. ni. i ITY ol XI W-YORK., s,-|,i,-i ,1,. , _ .', ... m. i ptei ii. n iv.. addioiiiim Chriatopher-at. herry. 1 IRS'i , xitl.N t'.-i aod up?u.l arcordlnt; t<, ^u-amer a?.i |o .1 n .: mi : . M CO> i? CABIB, - -"? and MO. I'K'IKi: WI'.I.HIT _ BONB, ..en.-r.l Agenta, 0 Bawllng Oreen, :.'. Y._ I APAN-i 1IIN \ ()( < IDEKTAli ?SD ORIKNTAL* lc-.e s.iti FfaaetMB aa follo?a: ii, EAB1C.Sat rl.,y. AuguM BL 3 p. m. UAF.L1C .'? ueadaj. September 15, 8 p. a. ,n II,-,.,.!.,In,? ?? 'll.i.f-Ja.v, . ii ',.: r 8, 8 |>. .... ...,'.;, Tu. -'!.,.v. N,.m ...lo r 8, 3 p. Bt, Buiit-rbl) itppoii.t ,1- su|, nor Accoain.OdaUoaa i: , , ,, be Bade ta lettar ,,r wiaarjpb t>, and cai.ii, u, ii 28 a d .. .i Biead* iy, .v.w York.or Uooa .-, lullroad u,;ii,:i,,g. .^.n i ranelaco. LELAXb BT A.V lOlt-. Pralltit. T II. OOODM.VX, 0 naral Pn^aenget Agent._ "VI KUITLKKANKAN LIM.. _>_ I-.,-. .ng. . -??..?,,. i- s ?. no , i. Bveti Daj -? \,,..!,;,..' I'.-> l.l.'.X u _. s. t o. DIKi.xl ROl'TE ,>> bOlTll OK ll'.xXCE, ill vi KRA, am. ; rxi.x ,\ o.i n< Ui. Sm ', n lal :>? i of ttlantlo, tlio (,'hannel . ,,..., ? in ? I. I, K R. Kul.?-. DKI'AHTi UKSi S. S. PI'LDV. WbUXKMlAI ,,il' _'l H A. M. s. _ li .:>x, A I |,M >I>.XX . \..\-. 25, XOOX. b. b. I i LD x xx DXKhli \X . Dl ? 80. 9 P. M. u.,1 ?? ?. llve ?,- ;>^ .1. i aftei r, ., . ? 150 . )?? rtb, ii' ol i.lin ll> t i , 2 Itowllns itr.-^n. VKW-N.ii... & CUUA Mail Steamahip Ca il P .-.? 10 a I 17. EaM Rlx r. _,??..irdiv aiei r- ?' i p. n. *i,d then at, j p. m. ... ii... i'i *n.i llaMnaaa, t'ardcaaa, bagua Calbarlaa, N .-?_ i. (antligo d< Cuba, Ouu.tai.a .o and Clenfuegea. V'lf' 3. hAHA Mi. \ II XBII. BI ' - XX . .... |S '.:,.' |3. . ,.i' ai.! \ xM'i'.i.x llai ..!.-, uaWed., Aug 10 i ii s i i , .. ( ?- taaaa i and llrrs . aur. 13. Thla l.'i,. ?- .|,'-.-t roooeetloo ?? Ir 1, ar,H UMiea thr.tigtt Bllll ol Ul,i,n u all nol,.',- nn Me\l an R. XV. < o.. M> \1 an ?'. A. . i, Lid., ai.J Um Moi.t r-y aim M.xicaa o.^li Ra 1'or fil; ...irii i.r-, fre'ghl ,,- ,.. aag . ai;ly u. IAMES r. xvxt'.u L CO.. 113 waliat. Wiiri E sTak lolt <y ! ' ' STQWB AMi LIVERPOOL, ROYAL ABD L'N'ITED ^TATDs MAIL bTEAMERS. \ i ii ? N :- ur.s.-pt ?>. ., H" a. ni. , i - " x ",, .', u in. I .. . -,i -.,| |H, ;i ;t;i |,.:n. I | " '. ? I '. ? - , ? I. B ;., ;..!?., j ". a ,. I l r tannl, e. |, '?'<? :t 'ir p.m. irvii Wlil Mr Pook, fo I of XV -t lilt.,*',. v> ."l ..,',,. ,. tbew*. laloan raie? 1*0 and nj.? ii*l accorlfng to ateam.-r and Icutlon ol blrth. h??? ol eabln, ?40 ai?1 ?45 ExmrMoo ticKeU ...i favor. ; abii t,rn.a, ?teer*g<- fro.., ,>? to the O'd I'OMgiry, *80. Coo P?oy'a_ OUlco. Xo 20 lirrvidiaar. X> w Yor;i. Pl.lUa. I gd^lh U_it. 1.5 \V?_UUI- J, UlllaU li-MAY. A.att. ?tean Oiecimcra. _ NORaTDEUTfeCH KR LLOYD S. 8.00. MIOKT KOUTE TO LOXUOX. XKW-VORK. S'M T!l .MI TON AXI> HllEMEN. bkaniff* -aii fron. p.w foot of Id st.. ItotioKcn. PA8T BXPRF6S ,-ir.AM F.i'.-S Ema....Sat. Aag- 8 ? ?'? '?. I i r.4M-.'| n. ?., Aag. 18. I**1* llav-niieo Aug. II. 10 i Kliio Wtd. AuB.19.ea.iu. K..i.r bat.. Aug. 18, l p. alBaala Bat., Aaa. g.8 ' "'? Flr?t ra.iin. 878 aod upwarj j bortii. Seeond aa*a. aawa berjbj b? r.iL'i- ai lownl ratea. ? elrl.ha v <o.. % H??l- 5" "' DAC1FIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.Ml'ANY'S I LtNF.s TO CALIFORXIA. -IAPAX. J 111 N A. OEXTHAL AXD BOETII .VMERICA AXI? MEXItU. From New-Tork, p - r fpot of cauai-st, N. n.. for Sati J-Tanciseo, \U tn. Isthmua (,f Paoama m -.', POR1 ... La ??;..! dar, Augtmt i". Boaa. From fs.n Franclaco, l-t aid nranimn ats? FOR JAPAX AM' CIIIBA. CITY OK I'I-.kimi aaila Taeaday, ABgal 1.1.P?Jf; to Kor fnlaht. paeaag? md general loforraotloo, appiy *o eompany's oBMj 00 the pler. foot of r?iai al , ,*; -S ^ H. j. itrji.LAV. supertiitondant._ KBD MD" Ll.NK OF .-'I'EAMSHIF3. ?.?. KOR LAftTJAYRA, PDERTO CAnF.LLO. CURACOA, klAKACAlU' AXJJ 4.URO. I'ler 88, Baal lllv.-r - , 88, PHILADELPHIA.? Saturday, Alirust 1. S? CARACAS .W.dne-ilny. AufU?* ?. 5s > I NI-/I KLA Saturdav Augn.t 'ii. Theso Am. nean aarahlpa. ?p.cially buiit for tho trade. bave very ?up?nor aceomn oaitiona for paaaengere. TourlsM Aifei.ta, Oeneral Managers, .1 Wail-at. T1K1S. COOB t SOX. Lfll IH-adway. ________ R1-:,,S',i>.!it1;,^-,,RP AXOPARIS. F_M?SfK*. ^-^^r'^r^rfea. -. RHWUXli Wedneoday, AogtMt l!>. 4 do p. ra. Cabm ata: Plra* Cabui. ?-V" and up*.ird. ,_?e_rt0O_ ?00 and npward. BoccnTabln, IM. I.v nralon, 881 M F&I-It W H^HtTm^' ""l AgU.. 6 Bowttng OaeBB. -_-BVF.R1-IsF.VF:nTS FOK . THE Xpv-YOKK TKI??. A IM WILL lli-' BECE1VED Al TIIE LP.'iw> OFF1CE8, No. 1.C38 nroad?ay. corncr ThJrt.v-llraUst.; 1,140 BroadwaY, ccrner 86?-ot.. pjtll 9 P ?"?'?i'g "',?} T'iv.I,tv-thlrd-ie. cor.^r Bth-eye.: 132 < th-ave.; 138 Fourth. av.-., corner Fotrtoepth-ot. i 760 Thlrd ave.eomcr Poity. Hveottvat.; 1,026 Thia^ve., nar Wx y-Irjt-rt. . 1.708 Klrst-avc, 100 Weet Korty-s"<otd-at., 1,09J (.olumbu..-ave 1.170 Nlnth-avc., cor. 72d4rt.; 88 Llberlrat.. 82 AvenueA. 1323 Thlrdave., and the KARLEM OtHCK. ISO.F.a^t Oii.-hundred-and-twent4-llft:i->'.. BP :o S p. m.. and .00 West One-hundred-utid-tweiitv-flftli-at.. at reiftilar offlco ratea. _. Btecimooate. PROVlfflCS LINE FULL BTOrrri BE8T, ?WSP&L&iWf1'1UDE* MAIX DECB DIXIXO ROOM8. SPLKXDIP MI-SIC Jb\ I BOSTON 1 TW* doa. Lava Pler (old Ba.) 21 B. R-. '?',^ *?. T. J at 0 00 p. a. dailY. oxeopt ??5?>':lilJ;l1 Eufaaa afriod ?Ld 9tat4<rooms aarved at 172, 2IV|"V?"LM eVlaWMt 1 3"3 Hroad?uv 737 Oth-iivc. 1.1.0 9th-ave., 2<.4 ???? 12:, .84 fcest L'lth-st.. 143 Bowerv. Astoi Houao. Oosmynolttan and Wlndsor HOtOlB, X ?,v.-Yo^n;.vt,''0' sno Pnlton-at, and H8 Broadwoy, E. D., Brookljn. 4 Court-st.. or by telephone call C r'landt. 8.2M Ad STONINGTON LINE. DTBIDE BODTE TO 8O8T0B ASU THE EA8T. OXLY DIBECT SOyXO ROUTEJO NAKBUOAXaBTT PIEB. AWO W A K II IIILI.. Stearners Rhode laland aal WarrageoaeM Mara aaw Pier 30. x. B.. ooo Wock above Canalat., at I g^ aauy, Sundara lnclude-1. BMt. roon s resonrel at aU above offlcea or bv telephone eall I'mtlandt. 4.214. 6PECIAL REDUCED BATE8 for cxcurslons to Btaagaasetl I'ler and Wateh Hlll, good Uglng on Seturdav alght boat only, le'.-irnlng_S'inaay nlgnt. FALL RIVER LINE. KOR B08T0X. XEWPORT, PUOViUKXCE, MAR THA'S VIXKVAHD, WANTUCKET, CAPE COD aud ?U I)6?Bl3Et*8UMMEB lERVlOK. The four leadlng |t?ain.)oaUs of the world in eonimi-'lon Uj^cther?Furllau, Plytnouth, Pllgrim and Provldma, _ I.eave Xcw\ort truin Pler 2*. X. R.. foot of Mnrra.v at. week dovs at 3iH0 and Baal B> ?"?; bundaya, 9i.iO ?' Conneetlng Anncx boet lctiv * rtroom.Yn week days and Sundava at 5:00 p. m.; Jeraey City, i Ofl p. m. A sylcnrtld band and oreheatra attached to caeh sfsmer ln commlsslon. PULLMAN VISTIBULED EXPRFS3 trilti- eoi n .'t wiih aU ateamera at Kall Kl\er. ??In HriL'htcet Summer Land." a bautlfuUy llluatrated bonk of over 100 pages, togcther with ??Manual of old Colonv Rcs?rt.~," cont.ilnlinr 11 -t of liundredi" of hotcls lu Old Colonv terriary, reaehed dlrecUy by thc Fall River L'ue aent to appticanta oa reeelpt ..f S c, nt* postagc. < frcs* P. 0. Bex 4oa, Xew.Tork._ E1S0N RIVER BI DAYLIGHT. Day Ltne Steomer* ..?.?,? mpW-YORK or ALBANY. "*? DA1LY, eaotpt Sundaya Lea-oi Brooklyn. iultxin-at. (oy xuanx).b :00 a. av, New-Vork, lie'tirissea-Kt. Pla. ...8:40 " Now.York. Wct 22d-at. Plot.?:00 ?' for ALliANY. landlnu at Yonkers. Wect Polnt. Newburg. Pougkkapale, Bbtnebeck, Catskiil and Uud^on. Retumluc 1 avc Albany 8 80 a. m. C .nnectloi.s : \V1>TP01NT. M:\YIU Kli, And PO'KEEPSIE wia down day boat HIIIN'KBKt'K. with Ulhter 8 DeL R. R. for resorta of tho Catskllls. CATBKILIa with apeeial traln^ on Cata Mt R. R. ALBANY, with triui* foi Niapaia Fall-.. Huffalo. and the W.-st R.iston and the Eaat, Montr.-al and the Xorth, aad ?iM.HPEl Itl. TRA1XN to and from a>AK.\TOi;.l. Tlie X. Y. Trun?fer Co. wlll eheck baggage from botels aad "*;i1<ll,^>7>(j Avn aFTKKNOOV CO>CF,KT*4. NORWICHLINE i-i;r li^i-.m. au pi mu> Bortb aad t-i-i. IMNtt iout? to Xaw-London. Wateh BUL u: en lalaad. Xurwich and Wor oeater. Bteamera laro l'i i W .md Btunber), Bortb River (next nier above Dabroaoea^t, Ferry), dailv, Sundays ex oeoted at o :.M p. m. TlckcU aud atawrooau secur.-d at 0, 47, 281, 321. 347, 353. 19?.717,957 and 1 22' Broadway. ln lirooklvn : i (.'onrt st. and 331 Pultoo. Otll ???* Weat ott's Expreaa, Plet i0. Xorth Rlvor, und oo st.-an.era. 'V-'st eott'., I-:xi>r<-?? wlll call for ojid cn.'.-.i hacnajrc from hotola aud rcM.i O. W. BUADY, Acont. ALBANY BOATS. PBOPI.B*8 1.INK. Stcamers DHEW and DEAX KICHMOND leave old Pi r. II X. B . loot Canabat. at 0 p. m. daily (aundaya c\. epfdi; al~o BKUOKLVX, to..t Faltoo-at., via. AN. NKi HOAl, 5 p. in. l).r.a coonectlona to Borato?a, Lake tieorge, Adirondaek.-. lho-i.and Islands, Bharoo !s|,riiia?, Cooperstown, Rwhfleld Bprlnga and Xiaijara i ,11,. BATCBOAT Nlt.HT STEAMEU conriecte arltb Bl'ECIAL 8UKDAT MfUXIX.i TBAlX for SAKATOUA aud LAB.E OEOBOE Ac^^lii^K-JaTKATI^IlIP CO. The onii airoet nne u> coiuigo City. ii"-?-. aaa l'ort lanti Malne. Couii"tting al Poruand wiui a.. railroaBa and atean.Milu ilta-s for Har Old Or.'harJ. Poland bpno??, white Mounains, Ruok.and. Baaror, I satportand bt. Jo'ui, X. 11., aid all East.rti r< sorta. 9taa> ers ?aii every Mooday, Wedneoday ?nd baturday at 5 p. m. from I'ler 38. Eaat Blvor, foot of Market Sij. et. N Y. lorfurtlter lnforinattou apply to IIOKAlIO HALL Agent, Hudson River Steamer MARY POWELL. DAILT (SUXDAYS EXtEFTED). Lava i> - roaa ?-a Pter, 3:i0; aaturdays, l :45 p. m. Do -i-d-,1 Pla. 3:3U; Do, 2 do. ! For CBAXSTOXB. WEBT POIBT, CORNWALL XEW. LIKii SEWHAMBUKO, M1LTOX. POLullKl^^biB. i HVDE PA..K ai.U BOKPOCT. _ A-Ni-.\V-HAVi:N. 75r. EXCURSIOX (gool 0 daya). 8125. bteamcrs C. H. KORTHAM and COXTIBjUfTAX leavo peek sllp. Pia 2",. B. It., 3 p Bi. aud 11 p. m. (Sundaya ; ii p. ni.). connectlng at Xcw-Baveo with ^p-.-ial traln.a for MERIDEN lIARTFoRO, BPRIXTJFIELB, IICL ' voKK, *c. Through Ucketa -old and tinit.ig-: chekod M i ?lf*ilr. ad-.vay, X.w-Voilt. aud 1 Court-^t., UrooMyu._ PATSK1LL .Mol'NTAINS.-SU.dinurs KAA *c TER8KILL and CATSKILL leaa Ptw M. X. R.. loot of .lay-i-t., every da> at 8 p. ra., corioectlaf ! with Cataktll Mountaln and t airo R. R. D!r.-itory of ?umrner hot-ls and bo.irdniu-liouv.-s free at nler, or mall.-d to any Bddreaa by W. J. HCOHES, Tr.-a-., Cat>klll. X. Y. roK RONDOUT, KI.NGS'ION and inter 1 iiicdiato binduiga, trom foot ol West lOth-at, Pler 40, | Dallv at 4 o'clock; 8ai;rdays at 1 o'elock. RAMSUrTLL Dhe.?Sf'ra lonvp I'icr 24, N. R\, foo* PranhWn.a.i loi West Polnt, OoH Sprlng ComwaU. l-'ahklll Laudltig, S-wbnrr;, dallv 5 O. tn.; ?>uaday 'J a. m. U IKAMI.R ?WINTilUUl'" for 15ai Hatlu.r. | k- bMatpart, CaaapatrMM, St AnJrews aad St John. baturday* at 5 B. B. STEAMER "IjBCT P. MU.I.I'.ir' fpr Roekland and Baia'./r, raaaectloea fo Moooehaad Laka, Tueadaya \'i DOOQ. Hoth fiom 1'ier id, Eaat Rlvor. OL'STAV O. LAX8INO, 807 Broadway: LOW'S i-iXCIlAN'ui. 9-17 Broadway, .-ind p n sMlTH i > 0? 17 md 10 Wjlltaavat. Cul J'il Niif;\VAI.K.-Si. .imcrcit\ of Albany, : C5 Beokman-ot., - 3'. p m. [Saturdai i p. m., Suuday I 6:40 p. Bk), Ev-t 3l-t-?t. 20 BUnuM lat> r. rpROT ROATSFOB \I)Ii;oNI)ACI\<, SARA ; * TOOA, LAKE OEORUE. Bti nera Baatoga or I city ol 'i i i leavo im-r w.-t ictr.-st. datly, ? at BATURDAY, ii P. M. Cuoaeet with npreaa BaMo f.r ull r>.?4.rt.-, x. rtti. Low rat< exovrtton tteketa. Bunday ttuauier traeha at Albany. Roon i i\ - rved ln adyanee. ADVERTI8EKEXTS FOR TIIE MEW-YORB TRIrl. ITNK WILL I-': REl'EIVEB AT THE U1TOWX nl K1C1*S So. 1.28B li oa . ? ?.. corm r I'bUt] ?! I un i.i.-.i l>-:i\. I'omer 2'Uli-st, unMI '?' ... ra.i -70 W- -a Iwcnty-thlra-Kt., rorni - is Pthave. :1M1 in. r Fouit. .- I'hlrd-ave., corncr Forty. ? \ !,',?. i pjn riilri-ave., i,. ar ' 1.708 ., 1".", Witet Forty>? 1.002 Co urubu* ave., 1 |7'? v >2 Avenu* A, 1 823 Dilid-a IIABLI M OFFICE. 1 I i ? One-hundred-und-twenti hfth-ot.. ip to 8 P m.. .. Weat O-i. - -1* ? 11. -1 ? ? d- .ii'.-1-iw. u; ., at regulai 00a tale tTonntvij Propectn Sox 8alc uua ?0 ?et Homes for Bnmmer and Wiuter. BBNSONHUK8T-BY-THE-SAA. Bewera, VVater, <'"*? SWewalka, Peoees, I*;uk on Beaeh. 48 minutot from Battery, X. Y., via new ferry nnd Electrie B. i;., every hnlf boor. or from Brooklyn Bridge, via Brooklyn BleV vated U. U. IbM on Elr.trle R. R. flv.> eenu. Illustrated clrculara aent (i. 15. I". BaJTDOLPH, II Wall St., N. V. nUMEB li-it'sM.i v.' BEX80.NliVB?T; aewl i, aratci taa; 45 ailnutea ir...n Battery, Xow-Tork, Mi noa f.-rr\ .4ii4l Electi ? It tt. far.1 oo -?-.? I OOOtO, ou 04ir< 5 itiiU, or vl-i Mb?*>??? BfWBlya Elevated R> 1L Apply to Hgcnta iai property, or 1 ii. 6. V. IUKi^OU'IU U WaUgt. ^l?w??ola. . REAL ESTATE. BURINESH AT THE EXCHANOE. Tliere waa a f;?lr aitondance at tbe Excbanga yea. t.-1-d..y, nnd no apparent. dlmlnutloQ In the lntereat i_ thc pareel. oftcred. John, F. B. rmyth aold tuider foreelotiiire Buh. _s and 30 Avenue A, aotith of Thlrd st. The property Pon*l*ta of a three and flve-atory hrlek bulMIng on a t,i,,t gdalBO. It 1* lu_,w., a* Con. ordbi 11.11. Tha r.lddlng ran from #40,000 0p u> *.)0,<.a). Duvid M. Kelloa aa* tlie buyer. Xo. _0:? Enst One linndred and flr*t *t., eaat of Thlrd ave, wa? offered by llarry DeBaM for Bryao L Kennelly. ihe Broperty eoaalat* at a fi.ur-*u*ry Lrtch teii<-n,.'jit wTih -t.ii-H :t:,d | IBTO -torv brl< li l.nlkllng jg ;h<; rvur. The lot la .0x1 >a>. lt went to the plajntjg ln tbe procwjdltiKs for #10,00*). The Iteaearert nataateat f',r tbe month of j_jt ahows a balan.-e ln Baai of 81*5.M7 64 after paying Ihe seml-Hiinual dlvidend of '_ 1 _ per eaat, anviujiiii.J 10 81-.800. Bhoald the rein.-ilnlng three im.nrh* ,\ the y.'i.i re! to ba beard from r***ua aa favomhly. ua F.xrlmnge will make on its next report tbe beht ^bow. lng slnce it was formed. Xew-York, We?nea?ar. Aug. s ln. followtng aale. were held U the Exehang. __ A.K-tlou Room to-day 1 ?* 1 0 and BaMey t?i:idiriv?. with plot *f land, Sr* _ and 30 Avenue A. ? ? a, 88.0 ft * plox 44xi_T jj. m. Kfiutun, *"? 1 4 Biid 2 itery te.l.dln.a, wltb lot Xo. 203 E*,t intu, st, n ?, VP ft e 3d.-a\.-, lot _0xl0O.ll ; Win R Rom:. .10 Oo* RECORDFD REAL E.STATE TRABSFERS-B. Y. Cllf,, e a, 70 ft n l*l?t-??., 21x100; Paullinj Mimon to Hy M?r..*itl..n . gi 100t..-at, No 821 Eaalj B.Ttholcraeo ( to <.,..?-uiiii Oaaaaia . t ?aa. preparty; <?.ovanni <a?aaz/a to Johaona i aaaaiaa -. i ManbAttaaava. 880; Robt c wmu-r* _.5 wlf? a Th ? i I'.'ii'y _??__ . Ufxa Madleoa-et, Xoa 208 and 20*; Morrfs J.eot,*on .nd ?lf? to My ri.i.l.p- .ad aiiotaer ... . *i,oq* Lot 71, . l?'rt. on .'?p of I -ii l ?t Ivinfrahrldg.: J'hoi O'R'llly all.l ?lf?- to Ird h.i.Ittt. aOO BM-at, * ?, io>.10 ft e B'wiy, 21-Ce.w; irwik M lllMlgett and wif- M Mary E Bartw..._...., 1 Mott-ave, e *, 888 ft ?> I88*aat, ZOxtft; jane.t M-.Xd.m to v\',ik<ri.- g.j/X) laxtngwo-eve, No i.?ao, Wm ii BepaaaM an* atiolnr II. M?ry C Sweeti-y U.oyO lllthtt a ?, 100 ft a <Stn-*\e lSilOOU; Jn. Hi.key ...d wUa to ABea F Daal ... . l 84t?i-rt. ? a. 433 it ? Btbaye, 17x100.8; Ed? 3 (j^tnln to Loulia B PHea aid Mioth^r._ | Kfpp'"r-?ve. n ? ? ..r XV ill.rd-at. 7.aUOU| Oarioa \Varner .nd BB other to ld. L Kenlor. 1 _y_ai--,t s ?, l'X> ft w 10th-a\e, CHHxl04.11; Mi,,n Young wid wlfe to 'J'-o S< hti.dl>-r. 86,00* BJewerr, ? * a, 17'.? ft a w ?,re?t Jon^-at, 20x lOrtxIrr-'g; lifn.^lo MaMMMM0* to Mary Mar Weateiie-terave, "a, 281 ft * kVrgenar** U7_7ii Inag: Uy E Jaaaa M Edw B Jaaa ?.___ 1 fi7tli-t ? a, 100 ft e fitn-ave, 24x_l.?; Adolph Franke U. Robt FranUe ..,. l oroii-rty ; Bot.t i-r-jun.e to Chrlmlna Iwore, I laviiit. w i*17? ft a 7thave. 28x00.11; Na nando C Caiidee. Jr. ...'1 ?lf?, to Cha* ii .Soutbard . "_ -, , ?? . ,. ?. ^.00* I'a-i Broadway. a a, M) ft e Jeteraaaai, i,x05..i, ' alra ? i*a<- to tho Hebrea Pre* Beheal Aaaa, 1 Webaerave, - a. 70 ft n pf Moaholq Parkw.y, L-:,x:.r*B; Bobert N Irwin and w.fe u> Mary "\ Thoeipaoti .;..!"?_;"_? ?__?__! ^W ITDfh-at Xo. ?I2 Ea*t; lernando W.^xd and w:f? to Wllllam Relmer aaO anotber... .. 4 408 Eae:-ave r ? 813 tt n of V> Mt*-h.-a> uox !_!_? H h John-on to J Rs-hl and another.. 7.20* 180th-'at Xo 22* Vi'eM; Robert ft M. <',,t.-i..on BBd wif^ to U,-,.rltu? M MoatroM . 17,00* llllth-^t Xo 417 l',a>t . Enilh J M_i, li'.<er to Ellubetb H-rltf ld r....... w- -?????.- "W 8th-a\- s . cor '.Mtn-et. 28.8x100; \M,.i?ra B Ann*tron?. ref-re.-. to I'-dwarl Hlrah . 1 i 30* BCbave. w i 26.8 ft * ol BMhat, ...".100; aama to Bernard t oh n. , ,, V 24 ,fll lOth-av, v. h. .U7.4 ft n of K;nu-brldge Road. 88.11?rr-ii. ; ("harlotte A Lvon t>> 1' .1 >l ' VI.. -2.608 7th-av.-. v a, 17.11 ft n of 12<itl..*t. 17x77. I'-tt-r .1 HeCoy BBd wlla to Cbarlotte A Ly-r,.. . .0,10* t6tl at, n ?. -J00 ft e Of 7th-?ve, _0xH/)6; ,,-arg* K!t hi..? and wlf ? U, L.-opold Kal.n. .. 27.001 Ca>ildw..H.avH. w a. 8-13 ft n of W.-?tehei.t. r-.ivA 80x113.2: Harv?r 1' .fo?iaon to A BeaaeM.. 2.000 Ki-t Ilro_Iw?v. * e oor J^tTer-<n,-t. 80*'<?">'5; aaini' to A(f>i1l1? Fr^* Llbrarv Boeiety. I 13?t'..--'t. B * 150 ft e of 7th-ave. o0x99.11; Laapad Katin to Oeotge Kltehlntr. I?W RECORDED MORT.iAOES. Byme, Jan.e-, J _id wlfe, to llerm.n Fox and aaatlet, a ? 20th-nt, w at l(jtli-a\,:, 1 vear. *l,200. lJ.!iinett. Al.iah.iu, to llar\ey > Johnwn, w s CeMBBBB ave, ii of weawbaterave, 3 yfjr?, ei^oo. UiUen, ...o .1 at al, to ..-? i. llyatt, t, ? b4th-?, wa ColumbUH-ave, 1 .x-ar, ill.1,04.10. ( oban, Bernara. to PtVaerle J Mtddlebrook, w ? Oenoal Paik, \XVet, ? of y4.t.?t. 1 ve.r C- morWi, *l?.0O0. Coaler, John and wif--. ui Wm 11.11, n e ea tolomMi. ave aud . itn-at, i rear, Uoinusey, XVm and wlfe, to Wm !i Si.uon-on, a . 1334 ?t, w of Park-ave, d,-_i?iid, $i.83H. M< K.riiu.d, J ?r,d alla, to Haulwood Decoralve Ca, a i 24th-ht, e of Btb-BVe, 1 v.-ar, *o.8?0. Fia.i.,-. and wlfe. to wa Hall'a Sona. a a. 12'tfc. st, aT'of, .1 months, ?d,5iX). PRapatrlck, Brtd_et U, ii Ealgraat Ind'iatri.l S?>-in? Bonk. ? -. 90-.V*, ,i of ll-Jtli.-a. 1 \.-ir. e.'.OoO. Plrat Pcrman .iii.t.>t Cbureb <,f Uarleai t.. tbe Souttera Bapa.t A-,,;?...,.,. a - 11-rl.--' I ? .' M-BVe, * ii, 500. uawtrjr, Ua i L. to Jamea \v SailM. truatea, eto, a i 30th->t, o <,f Uadlaoaave, :t reara, *J.t?'0. lioweii, h-1,-11 E a.d buaband f- bt L'ike'* llow lor Indi.-nt Cbrtatlao Femalea, .\., U8 W?M '-?7tii-at, i yeara, 81 !?.000. Uog-l, Patrlck and wlfe, n Loula Roller, a s e of Leooxave, 1 year <2 n,ort>,. #2.54)0. ii Buaaana v. u, l*?.! GauMrt, . w cor 7'jth-*tu4 Aawterdan a\>-. InaMIa, *i'..v?). ili.?li. r.dnaid. to I<uc i>.r, ? ? 94_-?t, w of Central P?rk, XVen. 1 vt_r. *Ji'.0t>O. .__.-_, T.,,,ir Al.n.-e K and h>.?h_nd. to Citdarlna A Djv!.,r etal. traatee, ? t, , Bo 110 Mercer-at, 3 yeara, *;''0-"2* . iBBtlg, A.n.iiii. U> M.? 1'r.nk L.-?ue, ? ? liow-at, a 6th-a\e. 1 year, 9.">,0?0. ln . MeCoy, Petei ?), M CbarlotM a Lyon, w ? lOth-ava. a Klngabrldge K-.-L 1 year. 82.500. . . ...-.? MorrM, Jamee .1. to tbe Ealgraat Indnatrlal Savian B...K Xo H2 EaM 7M--t, i year. 8#.PP0. and .notlier, n > ltBtb-at, e tourUandt-ave, 5 vear*, *'* *?0u P-rle*. Lo>.l*e B, and Bfl_ M Edward B tiethln, ? t 64ti.-t, w yth-ave, l rear. 81 000. Phllllpa. Beary and /obanna. to Morrl* .laeobwa, n i Madlaon, e K....-':r--t 1 w,.t. Pitt, Malfoin. R and all*. _ tha/xtnan Sixloa Biai Bew-Tork o a Ith-ave n .ft!i--t. 1 rear. fl.'.ooo. ' R,.iii, jBcan ;ui,i aoo, to Harvey i-' iokaaaa, ?? ??* F_gu, a Weatcbeatar avea. 8 yeara, 04.000. It.lmor. Wllllam aud an?, to l^rr*ndo We*8. ?_l I7Mh-M, Centre-ava, PraakUa a.,d PaUaa ?ve?, 6 ye-t, 'Ruaaah, Beniamln. to Am?lla B Laaai'ua, a w t?l M:,i.-..ii-a\. and ntih-st, :t yeara, 827 000. K.'lllv, Hniih and wlfn, to Robert 1, w a U?BB toa-avt. a 117that, 4 aantha, BLOOO. . i;. 'iv. Tboaaa J. Broaee to Bobert C Winter*. Xo 9M Manhattaaave, J year 82,000. . _ , . .__ Itoillx AdollnA to tbe Wtla f.uarantee and Tru^-t Cobv pan>. n' * 19th-?t., w 7th-av.-, 1 year? *4.f)no >w..-i..-v. Ilary C, to Chnatophet Kelly, >? WB8 Lexlnliionavr I ? - tOfM. _,_._. _.h__ Sehxrarta, Phlllp t.. HenrletM Ilolrderber, w * 8.h4Hra, n ajd-aa, ?') yeara, *i,ooo. _ _.. _. _ Steln, J>oia and Im-band, to Ad,im ITappel, X?H Suffolk-at, i year, 81,800. Smltb, Prederlek, to Thoma. O'Reilly, piot 71. aM Land ol Klng.brIdge, l y?ar, tirxo. s,-hindlfr. IJeorge. t., Maaon Young, a n ISXd-it, ? lOth-ave. l year, rL'3,00O. The Bew-York Pnmbytorlan Thnreh, to the Bo**ry Bavlnga Bank, e a 7'h-ave, ti 128tb-M, 5 yr.r. v?.'**' Bame. to ihe truatee. ? th.- l'rr-*l.yterv of Ne.-iori, *..,,,- property, */i-.-"., - ? ThurteT. Borace K and wlfe. to Mr. I-rank I^*U?. s - r.'th.*r e 7tba*v, ? yara, fl.vooo. The Hebeew Free Behnol Aa?K-larion and Agut _ v^* Llbrary Boelelr, to thi Baren d? llTrBeb l-'und. i ? rai Bmadwaj and Jeffcraa-at, I r***?. 8118,000. ^.nction Palro of Bral (Jotate CfltS _, BKOWN. \u. Honecr. Tracteee' sal^ at Auctlon of the ELBEBON IIOTKL PROPEBTT, KI.HhltOX, B. J. 1'IIAS. K. BBOWB Bjfll BBll at BaHlBB M the R'*l ?> MM Exehange, 88 _Ibrrty-ei, x v.. at 12 m.. \VEIl\E?il?tV. AI<;l?T I9TII. 1**?1. ander dlrettlea aCOEWABD, G-UTHR1E t BORAWatt atto ?,-'-. III1". i l.141 ROS BOT1 ... ELBEROB, BBw? jl lu-l-.V. Tha land raaa from th- o.-ean to 0>"-i" av*. on whlcii it ha* I'.0 ft. front.^e. The Uotol I* attradJM and fullv equlpped, Th,- Franrkiyo t'ottaa'- adjoInU* ** I, t,-i. whleh f-' large ai.d mod-rii. i? Included m th" ??_ Ih. llol.l and t'OtUge Will be sold InrnNh^d. aml *R ,,.., (o this icaion'a I'u-.- to C, T. laaaa. Th? 1.VJ1 H go to th" aeller. Kor |>?rti<-,ili*ra :. !<!r--? M.XV.XKI. >.t Tlllilr. v MOBAW1 /. Att,,r...'i?i?t-I.i?. 31 N'M?an-t., X T.. or CHAS. H. BROW1X, 58 1.11,-rtv -t.. X. Y. _^__, tvoTi. k i<- hereby glvB* lhal tba Wtowtog prop?r_ 1*1 will be aold, to_. th.-r :<?. eatate, and ?'? M* l.,t, at pabtt* atiettoo, at th" ..tli," of (teorge W. M'_; oiii- oi tha nndoT'lgned truatee., iu Room H3. at n-irooa 28 on Mat.-.?t. ln Boston. in Ma?a.'h.ia. tt* on 5*arur' ilav th. l.r.tli day of,i?t, li. tl." X"ir IS'.H. *t l3 0*. lo. k .,.,<.... n?n,.-l\ : All th, r.i.l and i ? raonal property ln or ?lx>ut Alanwo*" bprlng., ln th" ,-o.iiitv ..f Orange, .nd Stat.. ?f ?Mi._8 t,, trhleh ae ar- eatttled u^ truatee., under |h? Balgaraaa or tru-t ,i-d rxecuted t,. a* u\ the Altameata cocipaay. dated >-.| t- nber 2, iBUO, and d.ily rrCord.-d. li,. game laclu lu "Tlie Altamonte Kolel" and the gead-wlll ,-f HM -?>..-. ?Hh rh" a; pnrtenan* . - known aa Ua llotel Park, and aarkwl [.la.] of Ui xltn.o.a. I.nd. 1I..I.I ..i.l X3Vi*?t.".i wa panv, bj M ii i.iwn. Mrveyor, ? -^ Alao all th" furnlahlng. a?,l "(julpinente of aai* B"<",? Ineludlng a large amounl ol farnlture bougr.1 arlBBB bbb pa.t \>r. ;?? t>- ?,-... ?? tt?- pr mkea . .. ..._a AU,, apward of t?? li.indr.-d ai.d tw.-nfv-elirnt lot? ?? land nilirb >-,l aad ^lunvii BB stid plan; alaa ai.ndrv HB parcvla ol laad ? .,... Ta. ??"? i- Bxed for an early d.u,- to alM* ?u'?c,2_ I ,, , lor ..1! air I..L-, ii,, at . to op.-n tn ti: ?'? >-- ?hjp.' tna ? aaa. .. Ti r>, - : T"ii |x r eaat ln i-axh .1 th" Baa and pl*"' ? . ?? in. thirt) daya of tii" tl. af aaa agaa , .,' Ihr .1,- .1 ,,f tl. ? pr- i? K -. I'." <>f tne |.or ? bbb remaln on atortgage if dealr?B. rw fnrtii-r partlcular* and detalU ... rtaard H th" ?ppl> io tho underal ?.__.. ? i H.VRLFJJ WIIITTli lt. Battaa, Maa*., Jnly, 1801. i.l ORUE W. MORSK. 'Irn?teea. flnginrso [Dtoperto (Eo _fi. 1)1 -1RAI1I I. IBVBHTMH^T PBOPEBT1BO Dawn Tov*. For e..le. Kl I AMi A WHITINO. 3 II. rl.nin i B8 Ciln Propcrtrj Xor Sok. VOREAT FVTFRE-In vtew 0f Immadlat* rapl* MQj -U on tl,r w.-t ald*. anv on. i,,ir>h_u.g ?.l" _ 0A.^iI 1?? ,...iia.iiilK lioi.a, . tteil ?lr_dy ao!i! . J^4 MM -?*? "l^ ^"Vax i.tvh i;i:.\T PBBB kor kive _?^_kj a. Uiev aai be aold at that tin.e .1 a protlt alx.v" "'.''"JS^ venlng laUreat .nd t-t\r?; urtcea, *2f..u0O _.* ?J*;17^i 80.000 do.u will *e?uru po??.-alou; ??y ?rrr_, *>u> ** '"nw' t.l_lUt4? fl. ROfiBWOQn. l.Utt _r**4v_r*