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SIR MATTIIEVV IN FRONT, HE fFBB THE CAMDEN 6TAKE8 AT .TEROME BACELAXD WALK8 AWAY FROM KXCLISH LADY. Fln? July woather, aJthouch a llttlo too hot for per ?art eotarort, an attractlve card. aud the ehMBM M conjpetiUon brouglit to .lemmo Park tl?o BBfJfM nt pjnMfi? whieh has baen seou thore MM your, and raeing of tntenest was enjoyed. Marcus Daly's i 'it &lr MaUhow, by Slr Mudr-d out of F.mhrv'.derv. was not sent out a* a proMl.le startcr for thc t'amdcu gtake* from tho traok M Wislnesday ovcning. M Matfiiew Byrne* deel-Vd to *tort him. aad the Marcus yjaly stable. with Shelll.ark fo run, a* well as r>ir liatthew, waa made the favorite at odds on. Mr Matthew had raced osnly MrMt bMBM, in the Jirvenile and Oeat Eollpse staAe* at Morris Park. ln both of which ne w well hacked. Hc was fotirth in thc Jurenlle. and far back ln the ruck in MM Of*M Ecllpse, which, however. wns won by hi companlon. Tammany. an almost noglectod OM alder. He won tho Camdcn >tahe* iu a rantor ln the very ?low Ume of l:islt Mr. With Brs's palr of maidcns. the T'prour colt and the Kecr.xna.nov bbM, were runnmg eaatty Brat BBd aeeond. with a good lead. aroutid tlie MBM Bt M, but they WMt to plecea at the flnish, as so many Mreoa brod by Mr. Wrther* are ln the liablt of doing. Tlie Xerroniaroy colt got second pla<x, and loak? promising. Thc handsome t'proar aoM mns Itke a pav deoelver. Atr ahaft. rJhollbark and KrooUyn BMra were only six itartera"! ran a* tf aaaVaMeaoB. It waa not thouirht by ar.y scn?lble man that Firenri. after only -? BMM MM waaM MM aay ohanee agair.*t Rareland. ln his prosent f-rm. at a mlle and a hatt. and Mr. fcTrnev wMMy wlthdrcw hoi from the Freehold Malte*. Kinc-i ? WM MM with drawu. and only Engllsh Ladv ran acalnst BaoalandL who made the poor filly Jook llko a srarecrow. BM ran ln front np t' tho baelatlMch, where Bl pasaed her as if Mfl wer- only walkin.'. Racelm.d i a raoehorse now. and nppears to have rerovered his form comrletely. He ran tM mllo and a half ln C :87 S-4. excellent time for .Teromo rark. Plerre Lonllaid at laM had a dav of roM fortutio Be put a handsome bM ireportod to have been 08,800 on the Marcns Daiv ?'o,ble in thc I'amden. and ho w;? lavish witt. I " fMMf BTootMUT He clalme*! Ywr out M a BSUfag raoa, when her ftwaaer owner. .1. K. M< DeeaaM, ran up rhe wtanar, Btroeeo, end at tho UMe Mr. HeDonaM u^<i his frlendi that Mr. LorflMN l*%d made m Bat th*y weM wrong. Mr. Lortthntl wm Mr out in the PJM ra^o Wttt a lu'.'i-mr aurpma. It n- rumorwl rhat he won 81 f. .000 on her. ivriatnly hn exwave peat BBBMBOMM to Laaibley, who ?Me Um mare. ln dtaated extensive OnO aya>wlBM Ma*ter of Raneoca* gave th" boy Mro BB other* Mragfi Me ?ft *?* 9aM in ltU' Ar,",!"r heavy winner or. Detay WaaBiaB haaded the bov 8160. kO LambleVs ridinc was well rewarded. Mr. UwiDaM dW not have hU reci.Ur yoehay. Tavlor. np. ln tttta he wai< Wlee, M LemhhW genenilly rides in ahert raee better thar, Tav.or a-** n?j.y W.mdnitT ra the three-quarters in 1 :lfi 3-4. g:p j^ttnew book 1 lfa 1-* 60 go over ffie s?me rrouiul. Bnt slr Maithew o.uld l*ave run fiisrer if lt bnd l*en necef sj?rv. In tho TrenTon Stakes. a aelllng aflair for three raar-oKls, at-atmlle. r*ptaln Brown's geldiiu: M.-.v. WTn was tbe favorite at 5 to 3 on, but Btroeoo made a dead MM aMh her. Tlie tir-t moncy rould tot be dtvldoU. M :t was a aeUine race. and UM <l-nd keat wae MB otl aft-r the last ra^e. May Wln n> the gavorlte ?? I M l on and won a- hc likod. Bauquet waa witlidrawn from tho MM raoe, and Backoa. at I M I "'?? callope?l away wtM rbe prise. E4e?r JMMM8 daf> ated the sadly ecaencrate I'r.o tor seCond place. In the ?lx?h ra^-e ;? doren twe-year-..ldn ran flve foxkmg?. That arrani Bmm aim wueal ei counter fclts, QiLVa?*. wa* made the favorite, bat was a*ain the most ueuhMPUtM of " quitter*.r os-i wa* Fos hall Koene's urmamed fiUv bv Warwicr.-Koliena. whO UA mn woaderful tMMa. Mr. Pulslrcr's oolt Alralde was CrsT, and Mr. bsrUMMVa ooM Birach wai Agatn Lambley rode Mr Mr. Lotillarri. while Taylor wa? ?c Lewtaa. la tho Datay WaoBraB raee, Mr. Lorli iard allovied Taflor t.. ;i<l" t ?pta n Browa*! ' ? M. J. Daly has boufhf the rieloua, nnnMy and wifltlng mcas-Blftlnore colt fre?m Mr. WlMera Mr W1.&00. lt doea not look Hke a good bnrgan. bnt porhaps I>aly can soothe the MbMMM MMt, even if Jtk Withow rouldnt. DETAILS OF THE RACING. fTltfcX RACK-Fre*. Handi-ap Sweepstakcs af *-S e?oh, witb eiJSO added. ?f which Bi'00 t? the second and S100 u the lilrd. On* nlle acd a fu."l"n!;. tting. bt. ri. |. A. * A H. Merrls's ch. f. Reckon. by PUarr^-Partupa. 3 yra.. 10C fo*U6iim t 1-3 Out f. E. MaDona'.d'a b. h. Edgar Jaao* n. ? ^ y ... a. Covtagti -' -'0-1 &?^ B/. C. Maiawia'i ab. e. fno Grande s loo M,uWaa-,Re(-kon Mralght pald M BO, plaee So 60; Ed pjBjijaSi p'.a.'* 5>13 4">. BMpnal MI aet atart. *''* OMMa and Edcar John Mi raoee tc(f*th?r ia frout tr.i they bM gaaa eraaM Ptoala BBBB, when MM "r. pa**Kl by BMMB. ZM BBy ro W.a>B?4 to Ui? l??d ilaring th? r?n?*in(ler of BM jomneT ana mm MM MM bMm ea>* by two laaglbi & lAftt Juhn^.- Mlt Uaa 'rrand* ? L?ad for sccc:,d pM a BJMOBBtB KACB-THE CAMIKB 8TAKXS, lor I al?>. of BM) BBBh, with aXMM added. of whi.h W.%0 to tb? *eoud and 8180 M tM MiMi thec MMU ,T"Q a stake of ??,i<>0 BaabMtt " ? ^^i.\,i aartaa run aecond lor ?uck rta^c aUowcd 8 r>; other ?a4d?n? aliowed 7 Bi wtaaeva aal eaaUfled u< -?? ta pay forfelt. Three-q.ia-t^ :- Bl a r.. llarcb :?, IB81, wUb 1M ?uim. h-t. Pi. Uvctu I?alv'? br. B. bU Matthew. M BM Tftaa?Embraietry 111 J l ?7-10 1-a B D. Wither?? b. -. by L'. .-? Ne ? , . , 0 ??n-': r. 111 ambleyja "lil-o 1-2 D 0. WlttW-N ca. c. -. by Mnc rr uaatr-Uproar, 111. ; "'- ? J-; nnTia7 Tll tilanitu,. 0 ?1 0-o ESSSZ m::::::.:.:.:. ^"prtoe BgaMM th'- etabl" HB <? 1 IS1*. M-tua-s-Dah- BMble atralght paM M40, BUM * > < >, wYtae- M70. Bchayikin, Ma Bahda aaM, CMeaMnaaaMr. AJeaMa and BABkgaafeet ***% whMnwwa. bfareoa uaiy deeMed 81' Matthew ar.d d^ la;.-d to wln with him. ?a?- went oft w:th tb- K?d at aa BMrry i bacaer* of bha Daly I*." '"" kaait. "?? 'h* " turo the rpraai eott waa ***** mM * ka with "a -??? ? ' .:,d' u-"h:,ri ti-:"1 m w!.:;, - ? MaMMW Mat, Brooaln.. Bwlagtng taoo Bu rtraaeb I Ka U mas'e BP I ?? "^ ""' B-ookd- :- ttmymi Bothlna Mww B ^'?T' vbb baa* d..wn by Ma MagMa, Bm Beei?anry eolt aceoad. a MBgBl U.-f ,:v Ma l p:oar colt. PJBXBB BACB-THB TKi XT"\ BTAKBB. M Buea. rear^ia- M - ' ' " TM wlaaer to t* ? ^ i nawaaeaa. 0m J*?rui. - rtouititr. Bt. ri. g 8 Browt "a Cb. g. M?v Wirk br Ri-hmond liauc?c<U Bbabl i b. o. Slrocco, i"*.^^ ^ , 5_j 6_^ C. Littiefleid. jr/a. ch. c. MleaaW^On ^ ^ ^ iM-ni t?> . '" ! .i_! .(A. ? ? -0-1 ?-? ? iiead heat. l;i N ? Mav Win... M_ fclree. . Uaaaa P?M M :<0 Blra..'.. On nifl ofl I pMBW WMb Mu- WlB mid I_.M ciui4 sf.a Oa Ma Mn Mr.*- i Maal '-umg out B M i a | ; ? UM ? B B I u and ti.r r??uu ?a, * (\..-t^ j?.^t. AtfvBBtarar. M MM a aa . . f Xbaa M.iy w .. ' "> ? ' 1 _:u.-. BOCBTB BACB TBX rREKUOU) BTAJC1 aacb, with *l.;>00 add.-d, af l ? jr.uitr wai or n.''i?- M 1881 ? ?? M B i "' lf not bmbi th*u M.88B. i" B aoa ' '' '? lowed li rr M "d 80 r.,. OaaMtaaMaMB . il. wlM ij *ub?. bt. W If- F I>wv?t'? b. e EUCManB, Caloi.'. lyn ili f? (Hamnusni 1 a-10 Xone B> a J. k I 4. 109 TUa -: 17 , MeMal -Ba ? M 00 Flreb^j and BMj ..t fcta.t. Bngltlb l*d.V Made tho runiilng apBBMj a 8*1 "s ln tho flt*t half tati>- T..1- "0M Baa .-d. not withatandit.t' tb* lalaaala aaalaaBBea gtvaa to Ber] Englisii Lafly'a IWeW, wle, wnt U|?,t, tlie tra-a lojr tu>- baad M M ?irei< h u, ttgaal u, u.' ta 'ide the lllly to wln In th-- at 1 ,^-..v Mal EaglUk Lm!\ t.ji BMB M tam longUu. friKTH it.\' k s >.., ..j,.sUk<? for lbJB?.ye*r-olaa and <?!>? waro uf ?eu aaMh with ?4u.d, of wbaak $-0<j M Bm *t?aue aaa ailA- u. bm taunl. bi>. wumcr to be t ._ ? Koae 2 8-8 B n aold at auctlon for ei.600; oilowmnre* Three-quarfra of a niie. BetUng. ^?T.i?t*M2r' ? ' D?*r Woottraff. by Bramble-Ualay Hooy, 5 /rBi< 10i ? w m m j, . ? iLavmbl^yi 1 4?1 ii?5 M. J. U?4j s b. ?. Sallsburv, a*'d lol Torehttrtj. 5. 108 . ' ?|| 4=1 ?3 R.ryuofnrt, 4, lou. OJ'ttiaOeali 0 H-5 1-1 (.iu. lo.t raar. sa?*j ;:;;;;;::r^55S3 o i-'-i d ?ieM^!aivTl'*!,'J *"~trrt anatjSS pald B8B 25. place sue ao; B4SM phMa >n.'< BO UBBbtaj of esaaas, c.,t 0ff m ironi with rwi-y wood. riitT and. kaSBSag U-t hiwT froiT. atart to flnl'h. ho land^tl lior an aaat Wtaaaa hv two len?-tti>; Soho nocond, a l-neth txfore Sali-bury. BMBjaa did not ride Soho with hla >d daah. Mr. Lorlllard waa *> ploa'od WPJh tbe *S r,rv M WoodrtifT, that ho called Lan.blT lato BM ??tand and gava htin e 1.000. ?** 1 H MlUff UwaagaBafeaa of $1'0 cach. for inalden two year-olrta. with add?d. of arhteh ?200 to Baa aecond and SHiO t<> thc tklra; gaa- no- bSTtag run aetond for ai'.OOO aUowed 5 7h. Five fnrlooga. Betttna-. Ca- pj D?"v\ '?totfarj ch. e. Alcaldr. bv Raron rt <>r-AUelaie>. 113 ?..VBan.o,, 1 6-1 2-1 aa fctable'e br. c. Klrseh, 113 _ ,.,? , (Umi'hli-ri S 4?t 8-5 MM'" eh. c. SchnylklU, 118 (Bcrwn- 3- 5-1 *?r> ? ,,J13. Ta.l?r. 0 30-1 1" 1 Ofro, no .lHaniltM.n0 S?1 2 J ? ?? - U8...(W. Deoohae 0 8-1 6-ft BUy. 110.(Mldgoleyi 0 5-1 8?'. Iu i\ I'.- ,.,'t n.<< . (Ciarton) 0 10-1 Abundanee -<>it. 113. rj ri 80?1 10?1 Caterer. 118 ... .i Utn.ti-!?! 0 go-1 10?1 Mi.-aandoah. 113 .,<???,.-Iln. 0- 5?1 8-3 EUtnora eoh, 113. (Barowjo 30-1 10-1 ?Pltoa aeainet the rtable. Ttm??1 :08?t. MntuaU?Alrald" straight paid $22 55, plaee BlSflO; Klraah gaaet $14 B8. Dg Baa h'll lt waa anybody'a ra^e. In the run down nateh Alraldo. KlIMh, LavNh. tho Cokona fllly and Behaylkil] all wr- ln It. Alrald* wor* the other- < ara and waa BBM4B tho whlp by half a length; Kir-ch aecoae. a leDgth bofure gbhaylkfl] THE PRO0EA1OO! TO-DAY. A HEAT RACE AND A STEEPLBCHA6E O.V THE ( ARD AT JT.ROMK. Tho raoo? to bo run at Jororae Park to-day ar? thoa* of ?ho N'-w-York Joek?-v Club. not of th? Monroouth Park Aa soclatlon. Thero ajia ?.!? of th?n. ai:d 0110 i? a heet ra*? Ano:hor Is ? steeplo. haae. If \-arl^tT 1? the ?ptr* of Itfe ihera wlll bo staaay of spir* ?t the oid saaidioeug- kraeb Bkla afc-rmwin. Tkaaa aro th" entrliw in all 8M n?. et: first BwaaaaBabsa fea twa>yaaa^elda whhh h*>v? run aad uot hdii al J?.-(.;.i<' or Morr.s Park aasea July S, rf UB eeeh, WlSB e'i.Coo add.d. ol which ai'OO to ser ond ?nd SlfK) to thtrd ; iratght 7 8 !>? W the acale; th". l ar Ct ha ?old ?t aoBttaa for S",000; alloa'auve*. Half a fltfta. U'v Xame. * Wr ?juecn .IOSi AUablaie . BO t .] " ~" n*ter . BtJ _.105 Whlte Wlnga . B8 ?1 ?' .lo* Plci-aUCr . SB Prli .1 - ? . 90 ~ eolt . ? fllly . BO li'-u colt . BelArapdhoa . N i . .\ Pa* '.-"1t . \"\ BBCOXD ffarr mrnrpahiaea for ?11 a?ea of eiO ?*rh. \?1th $t.oc? edd'-d, ol wl-irh t2O0 to notond, and B100 to thi-d Waigbta -0 fl abere tho oraie. N'on-winnors alnce July 3 at Joromo or Morri* Park. a-Uowed 20 Tt>. aud nnn.w.nnora of SflOO In 1881, tf throe yaSM o)d. allowed 30 Bt, If four and upward ahowrd 40 BV. (1,400 Wt. Xamo. Wl (Volunteer II.10'J neea .102 ton k .:. 1 Keywent .1P5 Klrko er .lOg h r^o .10 Houri .loo Pagwi .108 ? w<-iidatwmy . 1 .ic_ irag. - .100 lllJKI' HAC'E?Swoepstakof for all ae"- or fl3 oach, with 81,008 add-^d. of nhi^h S^OO to MCaad, and 8100 to tlnrd. Wcights 7 8 beaSW Ibc BCala Tho wlnner to be soid at auction for $2,000. SUnwaaeaa Hoate al i'.\ furlontTM. (PtaMatll. r>0 fe*t. Time between hcats. CO minutoa. | \ar. o. Wt Uaaaa Wt. Ooawa;.113 iMargh'-rita . 98 N .1B6 Ba . 65 Bocqaefert ... .306 I l-Hjt'KTIl RaCK?Free handhap aweakalakea for two-y?er. old nju-wmnera of ?2.0.?0 0< *!0 oaoh, if nat <loclar?-d out. with ei.OOO add"d, of Whtah S200 to aeo<-.nd and $160 to thlrd. bix fur'.ooca. Strr.f WS Vame. Wt. Radha <-olt ..~.Ut) ; Alcaid'._ir>o lUmtlN'ii .114 | ( onafiiit'.noplo fllly .103 Tl .- K' ark .1!1 W\^:idott.' colt .10J , '"".?;: .:.IU Itfikenny . 109 u . - MurpBy . 83 F1FTB HJ-CI rmiaapataaci faa aVee-yea*-e4Sa of *io ?itii $1,000 add--d. of araleh I .-.d aud aa 7 I batow th- atale. The , td at auction lat * ABawaawe . BU furlongs. N-.U1. n tTaaaa. w't. H^ion Rose .1?' iTrollKwood .102 V. i.'o... . 106 IPrti.oo Charmlng.1"0 linun .:::::::::.1 i .m Wr?a Parma.101 | elta. to F.juiiti, . 1 ' "^?'?^ . ? Peralte . ?0a 1 8IZTH RA> E^-Handioap nfcplechaM. with B750 add'd. of whb'h iflOO to accond and S30 to thlrd. The ahort htropiocha-i* courso. Sfaaaa. v.-t. Xarae. W't Fnturiky .170 |Com.,.om. 180 .III \\-?t!lo|d . n .1 j ..-.:? areland .i:?4 puntau . 1-' ? .UB ' Flrat BSea at 2 :30 p. m. XTRAINKK'S SOTE8 FROM THE TRACKS. Morri^ Pal*. Aug. 6.-TT)o track I* in aplrndid rondl Maa, a?A auu aaallew. Mo?t of the fast work !? Baaa a?rt of Baa ehaBa Tho Mcrric betaea arata thc flrst aat - - a. <i Raeaetl Bid ?tr"n(r ?or:;. Man aud Sprna loug wera grvaa a rtnag gaBop Jobn HiiBtrlna bad ou'. 8M lyJrlUard lot. ar.d Btaaaad ?ev?-rai of thom. n^ aSD] hoida tha aaeaad paaftfeB iu ratee with hl? haaaaa, but that t? b?-tu-r than i;.any oth?.rs da The Bu-ridre Brotht-rs hav? perturaW an op'iutJon on ktater'a laet. Ibay bn old uutttaig .-.. had giaal aeeeeaa wttli beiaea Baat had gearatt HXta Ho wfl] gea no work for aome .:?-- Wi k? aafte tnaa la ahapa Xha ?- ba 8j ur, , . The Burridge Baettw ra have a el aai 1 ,,. P. ? ? - aaaney lert thli aprtag U th^ir ?,-main all rlgbS al] -11 aad tha IteLewaa h^r-es out and *ont wveral aionr ar a BMsrry Bllp -!- J - !'i gtaal form. a? aad a pokI bit, an'l - ,. . : the trata on ? 1 UaatHeoa daai'a reeord oa Um turf. ? and r?-ady to do battia Ilog r- baa tha oaea ha la raeiag rlghl 1 "? the be?* raelDR fonn, and any tin.- they afcerl tbay ?houid run up M (helT forni. Chartea Sjandoro wsaka hl^ lot carefully. and lt look* aa n be wnuid get anotber raee or twc aat <>f Ixwg Daaea. eai a n'.p or V* 1 al "Paga" Beaawa*! be* Wbea ha ^urt^ thcn waTJ ?oc a qadatar that . -? rtatea, W. C. Paly*? atallla, ton ln nianVr, arrivMl t?-day. Dnt th- akai ? ara that raoi Uaela wiiilam wiu Park, uow that M. F. Dwyer ta fiax ther .- Karphy, af LextagSoa, Kr., has arrtvod at . ?? 1 tarlead ol BTMea horaea thla eeoauy. B< 4 ,B M . the 1 -."'"? and WtM -. p,t a bet down. He ia noi ,., h;. sew ineaaeaa ye*. but ha ha* ?ome gocxl aaat. ? table. ? gaa aaat two da.^, aa r- ?' ' " " '?**? 1. 1 ;;.-..', aMbte atarted fo* Calttonla ?-day. Mr. aaH baek M bla teeaag awtnrea th' hwt two . ? ahe aaylag l Th. CaUfomla ? ?- ?? m ofton tbii oeaaaa aa M Hu . aa 8M PbcBbc hl#(),. imtc "f th- man 7. ud Um reaaaodee of the X. F._Pwyr abable ? one aad ? rar-oMi . the aew roaaera, ai.d Haattea aaa ? ? w. ii. Tbaa - " *?'?'' Bcn*< Bytaea ha, got oa bla wiaatai - * w1Ul '??'' ?y. totaiaeta and i ateb ap aaaay datkara thla fall 1 hmtm . n.iic ?.iu fSJ wetgbt up. aad a: aaa ? ? .1,,..,, !!? bod takaa akl - lUkewlnutng Hia> ? ? . . 1: tha a ?.-.,, i,i;t .1. faaaWej oa Daiay WaasiaB n'-ttod bta (no Mr. Lorlllard and ... radtkat ,, itm ap t- tf rba awaat of EngUaJ ?r..-.:t by sou.8 over M tt Ufnt. ..o* fbai aha ^ "xr?.^ her f- - ..,? rMMlty of a ..,:? i. baa A M w*m ha had Daiay WeadrwJ ' . M pot wU B u> 1. but u.-day 7 tn 1 Hi\m Ssage IBbM, and J. E had . ftoaotoSl bet M gfU ^a* raa sp in u* Mtltog geste, i. I \i doi....' bla o?n bHi'"?- Ttl,t ?* r"hl Lrt "" To *4b Ati-. nhapprnt. Kikor', aada RbwTa^esI B M^aty,- pga a-awl iUhera, Bth-avt. BB8 aW*?W* ?MMMBMl MM . o^k ? uoh other ? Bm r^, ao* taa but tbe dortara ^ lTnT(n?tble to TeT, u/.h* 7* h"rt ?* *"" ?' three dav.. I . Tw,n? " do,n" ?'?* *ork. H? l. ahMM "?? r aM aore eaaa Lo??.t,cet wgj o, nt u> aaaa bom bmM. ene.ujh ?n Mr f*?arca and Alral.e to stand off fcle loaaea | on ren.,r l? th- BBMb. 11. mim hine WBB - aiMoirii to bave duoe that. That eouiiterttit, tbe Cokaaa BJly waa well bark ?* j to-4.y. bit waa not in f b*, l*^ Warwl'k. wUo I l.ever proc.ired |,ut cr,e ?.-.Uorwe. th- hav BBMO W^ry, who w*, ollt (lf Mary An?e who ^ ro.ponfcnuc f?, ! the anid. nt. The aftVera at Ule,tr.flr?h.?t ,errT (to l>,rt Loe will fiT? hnr-n.e,, .verv avention ln traaa Mertagj MaM hor.?* u> M f.0I? Jemin; ud (;?u0berg. 1>. D^ Wlther* haa ?o\i the tutnoro colt to M. J. i*ir. Whae m j. l^iy ew,r dI(l w Mr wthl? fc not anown, but one baeaa thit he aoid to him klck-d him and broke bla arm. The Klainore oolt kicked Knap MrCarthy and ina,hod bM haad. rwhapa he wul br-ak BL J. Daiy - Btbai arm. (,,. J Mack WW1 tu]^ off ^ tnrf bT ^, ^^ of l-ontroi to-day for hl? bad behavlor at MarrM Parlt. nunieroua amaulta barlnr be?n made hj hllT1 on dlff?r?mt pt.raon*. OM of bM virtlme waa John Hufrdns. tralner far P. Lorll.ard. J. A. a A H. Morrts have aeld Dr. Wllrox to the BBBMg ttm. of Jone* 4 vMMg. The amuutit wis ?2.5O0. Vetidif la le.ttor baawe a? -i BaeJa* Jaa" ti.o r paruer ta Oriaafja Jaaaa, the nffl bbbbb baiMaaikiii So, atand fron. under ?,. t,on y,,, circuia* fetable atutt-s one to th? po?t 111 aad wch. THE 4MB0Y HANDICAP. Follawlng are the waajhfa for the amboy Handicap, for tw..->e(,r-olds, at threesf,<utrtem of a mlle, to be run at Morrts Park on S(.turday . N?me. ?i. Xame. Wt Pls Hlirhnean.128 , Lottery . .108 Merrj Monarrh. 127 t ,r?:u " j,,., '' V,K.j-- jOr?ati Qven flliy.108 nan ......12i . .100 ? i.,.iit? Covytaaer .108 Dagooet.ilw Lo-iiu". Cadencf colt .li: 'Itar^iie. Vorkville BeUe-.117 BtaitM . .lir.i H-il <">*ta .II.", Knioknack fllly .H'i f>p iiaiunR .lM Trlnfle . ' iiv colt .111 '^r 107 Ft^l Ive .11^ Shellbark .. . ' ....H'T I a : ullihier.112 t>-i?l Motl?v .107 rreato .ii* |CaavBM . loe Tropi.r .IU! KIiik Gadjiius.103 ' ai .11. Mulm.105 Capiaui Reea ?. 112 Mr CaMaby . in5 MamUofl.IU Dr. WUeaa. Nunny so?ith .IU Wah JUu. 104 Plcfcpocket .....112 Anua H .10l irk . I . . . ....Hj iLliaeita . . 104 tipF.LpUke colt. 112 1 proai , |04 '.11^ jl>>.|'|?>nt . la.r 1'iav .11.- 0. P. B . [02 l"X. U2 I'ount . ... 102 Shenandoali .U'J 1 I-otniwoll . Hol dcl colt . 112 Sehnylkin . .. 1 :o .:; . .11.112 jAirade ." Votus . U2 alotto . ? .1 .11- Enfd . . 112 Brtta son. I - .112 .'Afjufrn. . - .li- '.onialW. ' am IU iv Xoble.112 x- wndotte colt . Lai 1.112 Maacot . " {S Narlnniie oult.112 I Penrvlaa . ' " 07 s t Ua colt. . 07 ?<?v.112 1 II. ... -in ?er .111'I Zampo?t . '.(, IrUu .lia|Tri-.? . . .112 , M'l-kham . ri-umniel. ? i!t ._. gc .7T2 '.-.oid Prlx .._ M Ji.el'epp?r .112 L<at.h. r .stoe.klnf .... . n:. B. t Brand._?lli' Tamnlena . Bierra Nevada eatt. n. ??- . <,s >l A Eur.....112 >fa\;m flllr. Irluinph .11J ".rafton ..". .111'' ll-ngal ._.... II j *. 112 ' i-iiinva . M.d.rar.112 Martr.oat .-. fi^ Jj.tio .112 Uolfo .?. !>?-? Wr Matthew.112 tVesreeban . 02 Ah'i .da.ra eolt.112 Q'larrornjjtT . 82 Nell COlt.112 H ?'*? . 02 8tarUgbt eatt"...- .112 M",?au <i . 82 ray .o;t.... 112 Dage . ? -. 112 UUan. 82 ? ? .111 Bonnle Baae . ;?? KaJula colt. . m . 82 ~t:l flll. . 110 lanx Pae eolt. Ha>nnT . .LO >!?'?'?.. '?'?i Tak? B>-k..Il'i !'-rfum? . 88 >e or-?a v colt.10D rU^Uia . . Bfl P< a : R vara...100 tetratheKde. 00 Qnrea Bonala. IM TSE cape may handicap. Thea^ ar.. tli ? w?;cht? for Uie Capo May Tlandleap. m!!e and iui atgMh, for three-year-olda, to bc .an at Morria Park on Saturday : BaBM. W't. Name. W't Montana .128 '-??- WaM . lf'l ; Rey.124 I Yoaemlte.1"4 1 .122 t aatalta .n:i .122 bli '"? r?e.102 Kuai 11 .15 .110 I-''7> . "fl s.m Juai.nt' ' rl-i. lufton .l.'O McClelland.118 ' l lavll ? .i>?> Keckoa .117 . . la . ' . . :,s Palry .i" 1 . '?'" .Uo Peter . 87 .114 i.weram . 87 boreeiei .' ? ????. '"? Brown Fox .112 - - Prtaee . '??.'. 1 a :iM,a .I - <m[>ti- li. B5 .110 P . 81 J'jdfr" Pnat.llo b;<kfna . 83 .l. - . ? ? . M .I . . 88 .11 . J I harmlnff. Nue?n.I . r . los I Olaonqnla . oo tb.I04 | Nuthrtiwn . .. . 00 R.?.crN'G AT BAEATCOa favop.itbb b?:ati:n ix siat.ral sharj? con' 71. S??tO(ra, A'i?. 0 'Spe,:..: ?A gr<at minr anlmala are on Uie aick UBt, anU BtofB tCan a thlrd of tho:n havo beea nwaratni ? t<i-day dtd 1 1 laoB vary ew were baraea af ?ood etaaa M raa, and they will alwa?? draw (bl pvhUC r- ? Um waaSMl is clew a* lt wm t.^duv. With BM numer ou? two-year-f.ld n-.aJ'irr ? Bl BM ir.'k lt na? Mrpatafng lliat oaly ttro wert aeM Bt, c-..'! BatVBdBI an'. n ? and the formt-r v..?n -il ?. la tt..- trognata Stiiko for thn e.year-olda Taral bM tli- BBNBt BB Bal^'owan, and he ^ ,.??-. . , ? bi attfanta eatt, ^iut ITMw uxtde a r'iii?v. ?? 1 It. Balen eaatly deleal Beld in th. Ibba - ... ptoyed laMa Ba ? 1 bt tha ? at Mey wei " potat, the ii,'-.--i begaa wh'-n bm mth raee waa eaUed. Bt CMitaa, BaataM and Qettyabnrg drvMM Bm attentMn or th' I laaara; bal aftat a aMaa brOUaiU nni-h tho nak aab Bbter, Vii:- Murie, wsn. Aa mfh a* 40 to 1 waa gtvea Bj of the BMBtlM, l ld Mm iwaa at 20 to 1 poat TM ?? ^tr? -",?^'?? ,v-r'i illowaoeea, wiurh h?d bum ?tart..->, with Peaayieyal m. ?J - bm beaean by apaOa and tho BJly, Ibatb 5 to 1 shou. Theae are tlie detalU: F1BST I'.ACl ? V'lrri 9SO0, of WhMb BlOO to tecond. 1. owo-year-oiaa. Slx> furlonfia. JBattlnc. St. l'l. isant* ^nlu BaaMe*i b e. Baa SalvaUor. by Oano?Masale Emenon, n.t ear li* , K WUluioHl 1 1-2 ont W He^ld^?s?s b. c. GU* Bny. 118 [Sbaoer) 8 7-3 out Tio ? Pnr,;??gnn Ralvad'.t 110, '? ?? Boy -vi. They reeerrM an avea atart, wbaa San Raivador drcw out ar.d waa aaally I t Uaieo^aarMri of a lanitb. secovd PUCE-THE IBOQCOIfl BTAJtEB. for threa T-m-olds. 8108 forfelt. 833 ' 8X000 ad* - M s-coiid. we'ight.-. una BUM ao4 Mi 1a aUtpantha st. R. Ira L. h. r. nom?r, hy Bhannon . ErT_sail "7 ' 4_J ? ?::' "*'? '-' ?'" :: ; n tU-1 l 07. BeMrie.1 et, f. Ayraatra Uaa W7^a ^ ?_. =ser MablB*ab, 0. OMrUa 117 (CeSey) 0 40-1 e-i Tlme-l o2b - Balg?wan r?. Homer B1S. BeM I Bl inmiedJatelT ra-i nut and ?oo?i t.rr'nod a C?P ? - ? - pj BBwaa, wi'.i. Ar: -an UiraaiBoat. Homer ? ... at, iena- - 88 BBwaa, Ma away ' ? " TH1KD BA< E -l'.ir*e won. of wbleh tlOO M laaeM W ? Bd ajid th:r.l % ObBi BOBla BettlBg. fct. n V. J. Bwyar B 6oa*o eb. e I Rayan d'Or?ln : W. 11 "4 ? . ? ; 40?1 0? ; B-3 l-? I 10-1 ? Pooti d atart A qoararr a l- |t - ? !..?,??:(. imii, Botera ;n Mta ordi 1 1 allr ?? ' ' ' ? M a laagta, POrRTH !'?? BM aaeh, -- 1 s.150 m.oad, tbtrl to reoMi ? t a auatt.-r. 1-0 ont bt_ ri. P J. T>wver X ?<n ? n. n. r^o... o. ?-'""? ? . ft . - - ?? n:- A,,i' "-*1' ]"' | .-,1 0-0 ! 11 ? . 8 010, . * c0">' apart. ThiJ wa. tb..- ordor all U,e wru t,, u.e io?rr tum. arMB Kon moved p**i Abl acd I D ?* "?? h''?d of BM .tretch. Taml ?i fclttSn* bMB, *J.d Baa, ri-.-iotn? ?eil withM hU ktride, canie on aad woa with aMl by a MBgtb, * arroL baaMM AM two kngUu ha M pMae. IU TM KAt'F-l'.ir*. f.'K'O Slo I Bor,e ; aelliue OaMaaaa ? BM and a MM ruuuuf*. T 11 i^vfy? a. f TBM btaita, S y?fc, by Bt *'? OnMeaga-TtMaacj. 81.W0. 161 B (Bryantll 20-1 4?1 Keyatonr htablr'a b. h. Gfttysburf. VI". ? , * ? (Tarml) I 8?1 4?S E. 8. BbKP. b. h. Uiray. 3. "^"f, lt_, ,., W. R. Jennlnav*. rh. h. Bmwod- 4. 111 rUiianal 0 18?* 8?6 ?arrlolt 8 WithroWa rh. e. Slr Cha ?-?. 8, 108 . ._(Narva'z 0 S?5 1-8 Paata B8, Charies 825. Baaaaad 818, etagpfaassj ai2. ' uid Str Charlon wore tho flre*, away. and Wkea . t.-d th" half Sir Charlee rfad half a l?*nrth tho hc*t af aVaasy, Wha *u in turn lappod by Virfa Marte and 8aS> ratang. BM aSBS rtn ln close odrr around the turu, and a- aaBM up tbe ?tr?-ti-h. 11 wao anytodr's raco. Ti.o tini-h ataaawd Wa SUMff aruing Baa verdirt by the ar.ort.-5t of hcad* frgtrri f.cttyiburg, *ho waa half a loijgth hefore Luriv. Ba htd BW BM afJSMr. SIXTH g>rr raaaa 8400. af which ?75 to arcond. SeU lng allowancoa, Flve furlongs. Koriton* Stable'a ch c. ApoUo. by Pontlae? Lt/?io Ma", 3 jrra., Iu4 .... Nar\aer.) 1 W B, .1 ?aiio?s'? b. f., bV >iii?niaea? I BJL 8. 110. J. E. I'ci.n-r-. b. f. Pfhinvroyal 3. 110 (car. 11 f..,11. Willlarr.'.j 3 P. J. FlrniTa ch. c. Chapmau. B. 111 fjlarahalli 0 15-d ; Siro Brother*' blk. e. Blackwood. ?..,?, Martin; 0 40-1 10-1 Kamira Stable'a h. a. Exj?pj?*. 4. IBB Pi a) o K,-l 5?1 I Aotna fctabW.'a ch. f. Mi . a 1 ? - ? ? , - 0 12-1 8-1 r.iono??ter Stablfa b. c. Aaeet, 3. 109 war. ,_ , 110>3i . . (. otT.-y) 0 40-1 B8- 1 P. b. 1'. Baodolph'a ch. f. Geaahout, 3. 1?7 ^ , (Roea) 0 CO?1 20-1 Timo-1 :03>-j. Poola?Pwnyroyal 813. Kolp fllly $5. fleld 810. IV.-m ? fajr ?urt Paaagiayaf baah th- l-ad and showod Bka way to the throe.quartors. lapp-d by Kolp Bflf AtkiIIo, and thon an oxcitUi* raro on?<:>*d all Ui>> way up Bat Mjatlak, ApMlo flnaliy WBBBBBg hy a ahort half fr-.rn tho K<lp B'lr, who wa* a hcad bettor taau l'-noy. ro'-al. N.i bld for wtnn?r. THF. KVTRIES TO-DAY. 88 I ? ? to-tiorrow: Ph*aj aaaa Plia and a helf furloner: Olilnrnta HO. B>i-li Botl 108. Quototlon 105. st. . hail?? 103. Ol ? thaaa Bf Vbarla n '..t. gaeand raca Bawaa furl>nc?. Rlnfax 120. Inferno 112. P.-d Pellow 112, 1.. jl^rlu Levell 107. tjranito io7. c*oid DeUai Ka, AgaaaaaskHi 10a. 100. Thlrd raoe-8pllt from arat: Drtrjlc 115, Ballvhor UO Biee HO T'-rniontor 110. Bndie 08 Maeelo B*:k 01. Qaeaa ?aaaa BB. Paartfe laea Pbj twHvoar<Ids; Bv* furlorurs: Rex 118, Cettooadc no. Cannlne 110. Ksr?Mit?. banta 110. 105, Vaeaolla K'5, K??lc.ii , ? 10C. PUak rwa ? ree fuiiongi. VXe 117, Dat-.y F. 110, Klur R. 108 Tartle an 108 i:ia.'kv?rrf>d 103, Uratf todo 9b, 0 ? lt -> K-rr. BB, J. I 83. Th.- poal alea ? 1 n PbMJ laio OiMate ?28- st. ?? .-, *!2 rt-i'l 880 Sotend raea? R;r.f. . ,^,-, vnid in f-rno 820, Llttlu Mlnch 817, Redfoilow ?1S. ..-.1.1 Dollar aiO Ofsnlte a6. Ti.ird raco?Driula o a:.*, ? 4 ?:? !d ?10 Pourth raee?Kea 125, 1 - mlne 810, EUpeiita SuoSo 88, . otlon 1 Ifth r?.-<?Uil-v p. $30, Tactlciae s^.-, Erlc 815, Kern 812, Beld 420. HAL roiNTr.R'- 51 VT BUFFALO. WISXIN-; TFIF: O&SJrD flR.'TTT FRFF. FOR-AtL PACK-OTHXB 7ICIOIt OP THK mr. Buffalo. Anc. B (fhjanilalj -Hal T'olnter addod to bi? rinbrckon Ilar of vfetartea thla ?ea?on by dofoaiine Yolo hkMB, JohaatOB and Dalla. puttliyr ln flireo nrJaa wftSV ln a fraofinn of a aeeood a*- fn?t aa bla a^"o-u:o at ciove lnnd haat w.>*k, wboro be BBel VolO M.-iid for the flr?t The l>etilne wa? -"> to 1 on him, with tlie simrt ? t i| beggl .-. Yolo Mald hail tho pole. ard, a.-. BSOal, ni- hed swag oarh Tinio, wi-.iio polnter eatna at her from tJi*- half at.d eaafty oataaiabad her on tbe home strot.-h. In the Bral ho*t tha adle was in 8:101-4, laat half 1 :0.",, and. Hal Polnter rame from the third qnarter to Iba 'vtre ln aihont '?',! r-oronds. Ho found lt fafltfT to the (Xillfornla maro the nesrt timn In 2:111-4, an.t ibe dsBPPed back I . foarth pl tao In tbe tl Ird laar lng Jobaaton and Dalbu lo flghi f r tbtrd monoy. Johnston won H by gettb | ?. 1 nn.ler tho whly, whlle Pointer wa-. gotng withm Umaelf in "J 11. Bpragne Oohtdnel eame oal Qveller than *v+t l >r tlie 2 :10 tr'.t. left ovor from 1 ISt nlgbt, ar.d tlie bottins :rn~ ^ rr, 2 on hlm. Lafeealw wa.s roally dlsmnred tn Tho rhird heat pastardag, bal all >wod |r ny thc eomphataanea of the Jud?*s ln r!:rrct viotaUon of the ralea. All th? other- rhat *u>od to wln a part of 'hc jcir-K- peotested agatnat hte Mantng, and whon he flni-hod twrd. flapiUBig Dfaeaoed of fonrth ssonay, that part 0' tn>- pBiae wa? h"M ttD thr CjOaaUoa ls a^etaad. Bpragne Oetdfaat u-ott-Hi in -^ :i**? l -J. taiooldna; half a =erond from his lmproved reeord "f yeetordiv. Kyhaad T.. with MoDowoll beh'::d hlm, was thonght wrfi eaongh fot th i B 36 eaaas, at 'i tbe Moatana party ; Myed bla at aaaa Baooey a ^v wonld bwy the i.el-l, and even grive ."> to :t for hlm. A iiior- tin the Sbart r than oamo aat ln tbta raea, and J. T. wi-, so long in tin.iitip k ? Done WUfta got deniwallied. and Bplna i had teare to Braw him. Bytaad r. a!-o begaa to aoasa aad ?n? BirnrTj t.-n bmgtba back when gaa raaf 1 f Um wtre. He Bat iqaara away at Bm gaartor and w? Oloalng rapirilv when the etT'.rt told on hlm. and a rg ataAdtrtObi Hft hlm two dl tai aa o?if. ? -i; had ??? dded f r the word, haaaawar, aad there l the bay getStag to the laavlng a ton af ?.? to bara np w'th no rtcttte Klag got tho Bral !. 2-jiCI, & new BSBCk for tho fiuryear-oM. M I wa-. then tlie rhoi'.- af 11 to ?'? h i|?jaarood basl 1.1. t. in-j:2i. TbeaatteraalbeeawaQ baohrd, snd waa aald toto i BBe below -z -i" so the Itidjree put w. .1. Andnwa in to .-? how good tbe bhae* b ittar la. He foand out aaaUy, f'.r .1. T. ^ry a-- the heata were dlvkted, ami went to JTo aftor the fift Ii. wtth fourth nu.ney. ?tuo fOng iiiaiiapd anotber baat, bal waa Baae f'.r. whlfc 1,., troan Xlnneap >li-. pr * ? d of tne party. He pnDed np in thn inilf totot M. Hainlin'- mare ln, after maK.nt; a doabk ear tho hnif. Anothcr ?f tbe \^\\n Farm strin?, Nlphtlngale, w^ : - - ?'??'' ur. ri^-t h< i- 0 2:1U 1 -1 t.'M, :' wa ao to - T- 1 ? ' home tlrst in 'i :-i t-4. ? thlrd heat; : h--r bnt : not mnke ap 11 oeat Ueor re **>? ? ??? ? . iy to favor tlie Haralin mnt . to-morrow there aro the -:-i ;.< ? f'.r ?iu and 2:17 trot with t!:? tnr'o '?'i**:i "l Ataaonw ;,, baat 2:14. t 1 2.iv CXAB8?PVB8E 8 Bpragaa OeBldoaa, hy Oavaaaor SpMgae (Oraoa) 1 1 3 i 1 :) I Jj Va;j..n, tlowen .. .\ 2 J - I * s Z I j 1 .B 8 Z 5 . [ i ? * AUr.oat Wilkea Jamea.? t> 4 . Tin 0-2 1:18. 8:18 Z-M CLA88 PTBJ Jerrr L>, by Btooawall rackaoa (Shtdai A 4 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 B 5 3 . 2 1 3 4 4 2 .t t. "? -' ? 8 < ru .4 B 4 8 2 r<? Byla 1 T. m. |.,c Time . J:81% PREE.FDB-AIX PACE PU&8B 85.000. Ual Pol.-.u-r. by Tom Hal (UeeH 111 2 2 4 . ' ? -' Da . m r ? -t ,. 343 8?2 :10ta, 2:11*4, 2 11 2:28 CLA88 PURSC 82,000 (UBWBISUEB). ReeeM - - D-, ... 1 ?' 2 . ? * s J . { ; J Waltoi. Itr-r ?.wac .! 5 5 lU.-Uord (Shuler . o 4 o HB>e-2:19*?, 2:2P*. 2:21*?. XF.T-SDN TBriTS ,\ FAST NJIT.F. Ft*?epoM. 111. Aug. 6-A graat .rowf jathor.-d at the drMne parlc ? -?: N ' " br-,i . rd cf ! lo-,. i!? aaaa th'- t;r.t qoartei ? :(3'?. ?:.d ?-. ' P:ilt tatatiig Hm hatf aUle ta i ?(?";; ai.d II .,. Th. ti.rd va- rew be*J la i JtL--. ? 81 ter Um eeartn, ?..d th b?g th? n.ii.- ta S:ll*a. Tha ? aeh wa ; la, aa tim-tr poneda o?et wetght, aad h tn.- tn-ti r wevbl !:*??'? bral Pinrnui 01 u. c. ooma. ?? aeh, v. .1.. Auf. B.-Tha asaeaal of Henry Gataett Ogden tooh plaee to-day. Ibe -? w.-ro hoW ?? . ' ? : wlll ' ? taken u Phlladeli ? I Laarai lliil < eaaetory. T!IK 8AKDY HOOg I PUBTHJBPXl JEBHB1 ."'.-: RKBOBTB. Tht- pahBUal taauner SaV>nnioiiih, --. "? ii. st. Jobui ?' thi i li it- M -? '* ' J?*w-????*. l'i.-r -N i. -. N. i; a. n... l- n-?.n (l ii. m ;? iu.: Sandaj i, ?> ?'?" >? "- ? ' I Hook with ex] - . ii ;.-nr. Monmoiith I ? ?',- A" bury Park, Polni Pk*a4?ut, <?'? ? lr.,. - /iv II fp'tn I ? . u... 1^ lr un. '-vei-K .: Et-1 an': ?' ? ........ i. ?# l>v tms ruute ' ?v? a .l-.^htful *ail of ?nr between >"?'?- Y'ik and --^^ H ???'?' - tho Narrowa awi L-wer M] ? vMw of Gov. . F"rI" llamiit.... and Lafayette, Coney laland ??.? ? rrau fr ... - i d- 11. \utli tbe oreat oo one ?ide and th" - ? '?1%* on the ..t..-:-. ? . -? ??? arJOncU. ewrj- u.ilo boiiid a fr.?i nn?|iiaBea on tha a r u"5 m"*t ebarmlng way of reaching tbe u,^i??*? ?.? Uoata i-..vo !fewYori foc AUaoale lUfhtonej al ? . iu. lp. m. Thia U a peeuUarly .P^*""*.*** '$* oecupytng ul.<mi two and a half hasaa m* iif ruiind i Paasetigera bj the Niuth and .-.uh ave. eh??U?fl . ?iuk af obH two bhirks to^J^^KJ* itatlon B l-irr N,, -. N. lt., With m blldgO OflT \\o?u at. BBaajg iu um b88Sa * * GIANT8 GAINING GROUND. CLIMMNG INTO SECOND PLACI AGAIN. THE PITTSBURO MF.N IfELPFVO THEM NOBLY BRIDEGROOMS WIK ALSO. LEAOl'K !y?w-Tork 8. Plttabnrc U. 9MMM 3, Boeton 2. BrooklTi, -.. .- ilin^T PhlQelphia 4, Clncinnatl 1. ASSOCIATION. OtaifBBMl 7. Baltlroore 4. Wasn:n?rtoo 11. Colnmbua 9. B<*>tor. a, Lo.iihVlUe 4. Athb'.tlc .. St. Louw? O. Th? |BBM at the Polo drounds yesterday ??? between the Mew.YeMi iad PJttsburg BMBB kM Ma tall-endere. aa aaaal kept tho OMoM baay. T*1* l*'*1 u*m won' but ? wj, galn-d ooly after ? grral bottle of ten Innlnaa. tM Steata1 laaaaaa ??> largeiy du? to MaaWi Merai pltehlng, tbe Hooaler wonder ellowing Ma Pltt?burgs to make tut Ma hlte. while he added to his *triko-oni re.-ord by aaaeMf Ma M bM viaitiug bawmen to tbe MoM thom hlttlng the ball. BbMMb ?l?o pltohed a gnod game. but the fclg-llmb-d twirl.-r pM *'ilky *b?n tl. ngs do not pleo*e him. aad this chlHiahtiem do?? not holp him any. Shuirart played a wonderfnl gnrao, and M did R.-hardson. Ewlng'a error illowed Uv Fltt-hurg* to ?eor? the tytug run, but hl? hlt la the tenth Inatng <lld BMBBh to wln tlie game. SwM and Ttaraaa guvo a MBBMBl M BaBMMMB at the bai. The "Wel! : Wcli:" crank. who MUjfeM ln ?eeln? the looal MBM beal ii. ?>' pr^s.nt. but bis charm does not boodoo wbej, Baal is pitohlnc. A foolHh thr..w by BMBMg ln the npenlng tnnlng wiw* ln?trumental ln fflvlna tho !'ltr?hurg< one run and tbe lead. Ait-r llaiilon had bo. n put ont, fchneart and Baab> lev wwre oaoh aent to flnit on callod halU. Shugart -wrt'd for thlrd aod B.-ekl^y for ??<:ond. Buckley threw tlie ball ovaa Rl'hardnon's h?id and Khngart nu} baaa* The lilanta tled the ?core ln tlie tnnlne. Oaa? nor took two baaoa on a muff by Maul, and Bna'tt'e aacnfloe put him on Ittilrd. from where he scored on u'Rnurke\ hit to loft tleW. In the next lnning Uie r.lant* wont out ln one, two, three nrder. but Ihe PltL-hurga were more fortunate. and aaMBBg twe men around the clreult agatn htild tlie l?ad. Baldwtn wue aent to lirwt on called balla. but wae for'-d out at, serond br Hanlon. Shngart hlt paat Brnt and Uie ball Htruek the fence, hnnnding out of Tlernan'* reaeh. Uefore tne fleelne globe aaaM be rapturod, Hanlon had rearhed tbe home plat- and BBBBJBM b*d sot to third. Tho lattor *oor>d on a wfld pltoh. Th?- ?p*ctatnrx ahearad Haht merrily ln ?e fourtii ln? ning when O'Rourk" hlt vloiously to left f.eld far a homv run, maklng the seor.- IMttehurg 3. N'?w-Y<>rk 2. In tho (lfth lnnlni; taa <ii'inte pot three runs and took BM lrtid wlthout tnakiio: i smule baeoliit. nuokler hlt to thlrd but Mlllcr thr.'w the bwll o\?r BwbMy'l h.?d. and Bnekley ?ot to BaeenB. <??<& and Tienian wera ?ach ?eo: -" on i-nllrd ball?, lllilng the Ki<e?.. Riehardson hit to -liort. MI the ball el'id-d Sh'iuart's flnjfora and on Ito error (iore and Bawadey aearad< BtabeHaan cttinz to aerond. On O'Ttnurke's out *t flrst. TlOBM aeatei. In the |??t half of Uie lnmntt th.- PtttobBIgl ent a ruu through Rusio's wlldneaa. Maul and Buldwln struck out. but Hanlon wa* stnirk ln th" ba?-k by a pit. hed boll. Ruale threw wlldly to flrst and Hanlon got orounl to th:rd. srorlnn on Shugart'a scrafeh hit. whl"h Rlrhardson could not handle, Soore: PfBW-Tork 6, Pituburg 4. Captaln Ewlng'a "glass arm" played. ati lmportant part ln the etghth, wnen Plttsb'ira g?t a r'in and Ued the acore. Afvr BaCktej had got out. IflUer ma'.e a three-ba.** k - 0-lto>iri<..'s h.-flJ ln left fleld. Mark hlt MWBfd BBMnd, but F.w!n? n.aae a poor throw to tht r?" BM MUlea soored on the eTor. The etitliufdosts were well workod up \vh?n netfb>r ?i1e aeopHl m tho ninth, and *o BBBBh i3r.o | wmm b?3 :n. Th-,. tiio lca! pMyan wenl to woM B waeat, aM Morbag thtv.. lune Wi.n the game BMhaidBBB W4M halhr. ?nd by darlrif t,a-><-r ? to thlrd on O'RocTko -ui u' Brat. i^ toal M hr.t on called balla. Ewing was *r when he oaiie t>> th? rot, and he reaponded ?'|th | two-bagger M right fl?ld. accrtng BJohaadaon. H? safely to oeiitre. aendlna ho-r,. < ? ^. mg. In ihe last half tlie v1?it.T? MM M ra'iv. but ther ?o< iuly on? run. Haulon lod ofT \> tth k . second. Then BaaM took Shupart's aad Betkley'i nieisure and ^f.ruck thom both out. Kfllei >'? 'o laft, Korlnf Hanlon, aod Maeh was j.ut oal at Bnt, u:.?i U" . *,,re w?s ;i> Mlowa: NKW-YORK. , PITTSBIRO. r li> im a o r lb po a e f>ore, e f. 10 10 1 ' Hanlon, ?? l.?. I 1 L> 0 0 Tleman, r f... 10 10 o i Miugart, ? ? I'.khardeon. a ri 1 1 5 4 0 Beckley ! b. roHourka, 1 f.. 1 l 3 o o Mlller, 3 b. I b.... 2 110 1 0 w Ewlni, 2 b. 1 1 0 1 1 Baoer, 2 t. . i.,?: r a b. . o 1 " o o i arroll, - I Ho'-klety, c. 1 2 io 3 i iMauL i r. . o o p.Olo;i" p. 0 i 0 9 0 Totals. 8 83011 4I Totah. 8 8M18 ? rk . 010130000 3-? PUBabanj . lOSOiooio l-e Banad runs?Xow.y,,rk 2, Plttebnrg 1. Klrst, i,as? h- an ?- -Bow?Tork 4. Plttabtira 1 L--f* or. I .Sow-York 7, Plttrburc 5. Klrst ua* on twils-Off Kuale ;, o*: Baldwln '.. feuu.k cnt-By Kuale LO, hy Baldwia 2. Hotno run?u'ltourke. Three-twee -. ,- \|,,. rwo-baM i,it?w. i;iviui; t*?er Uouriw 2 nn-sottt itusie. Otolen ias*n? Ki nirt'jon. Hanlon, " i. ? v. Do'iti..- ni'1- l ''raaei and .'onn..i. Rnsle. Ri.'hardson and ("onn-.r Bhugari 11 : Be4.lC.ev Hit ? ;..t- llunlon. Wnd p.r.-h s BaMWIn 2, K^isle 1. ?,;. Mack 1. Un.riir.-l.yie'ii. TtBw uf :aaie? _ The Brooklyn and Clcveland fan* ilaved an Mtaaeatbag pamo at Fji*tam 1'ark, Bro<kl?n, yeeterd^y. Tno BrMo> PBBBM won i.y MaebMB hltR ln the flrst aud auth lnnlnns. tt was ?? ladle*' day," and a lar?e number of tho f;Ur >o\ were preaaafc Torrjr, a-s aaaal aa each <tut? aeeealeBa, ?.ttched, and he'dld BZeatleM w-ork. VVarl is nursing a ? 1 gef and d'd not pbay. Tio bbbm bbj m MUawa . BBOOBXTB. 1 r lb |k> a e I r 1b po a ? r f. o 1 1 0 0i .'blldo. 2 b .. 1 I 1 .1 1 I aatl 1 h ! 1 7 o 1 j MoKoan, ? a . 1 8 1 t, 1 1 2 2 1 Davto, 0 f .00 : 1 ,i s " Tli:?n. 1 - I ? (' 11X10 1108OI 0 i) '1 1 1 Ti rrj p 0 118 0 I - .7 10 il )o..n*on, r f <> 0 0 o 0 T..beau, 8 b. 0 0 2 1 0 Virtu. . lb . 0 'I 12 o 1 - 1 f . 0 0 4 0 0 Zlmmer. e .... 0 1 4 0 0!-. p ... 1 1 0 1 o Totals ... 3 5 27 II 3 Tatata ...... 2 ?*:,7 i: 0 r'roolUyu .2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 I 00000008 0-3 : >.oi,lwi .". Flr-t b*-e 011 o-ror??Br.ok lyn -J 1 lavi and B "... 1'.iand ,,. Ka>C< on Imi - I ? : -'. Str-r-k . u'_it\ Tarry 8. by Oraber 2 Thre. ba?e hlt?P?o?i T'.o hlt .ii'-l-n hacrlBO' htto?Burna ,f O'Brlen, Ba, zinn1.1T. Thna?1:40. tTav Po ? :- and Battln. A TIIIRTEFVjyNIV; OAME Bf BHSTON. CIUCA.rO Di^EATS BOeTIOB B7 SHE SC'ORE OF 3 TO 2. B.ieton. Aug. 6.?For twelve lnning" to4ay beth Ntcbols a:.d BBtehinaoa plti-hed uiatmlUo. nt ball, twt ln the laet lnning Btchota w'-aken.d. With one ont, men on second - rd. and An?on at BM but h>> bbM the "Old Man:* r>> flrst biui..', ai:d UMB fotcod ln the wlnntog -'in by hiWIn:: I'ar'ol! on Uie rti-S ball pltcli.d to him. TBB BoMll H ?j- M U..- blgh M or<ler. Attendance 5 38?. ore : ( HICAitO. r lb po a - | b.... 0 0 5 7 2 .' ? 1110 0 :? f .. 1 3 :i B B : 1, o 1 |0 l 0 f ... l 1 000 - - . 0 2 0 r. 0 2 b. . o 0 .-. .< 0 Hu' hln-oti. p. 0 1 1 ,1 0 KtUredge, c . 0 1 8 1 1 HJ0U0 21 3 -Wiiiiiing run n*d>. with oii>. DBB ont 0 0 0 o 0 ;? 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 01 O01000000O 0-2 - aa-^CkkMa X Boatoa L lio1!",,rin*-^^r)ii; ? o baaea Coda :i BCovwy, Brodi-. i-ir-t on irroll PfoBer, Btovey., *"'}. ?? . J. Hlt by pltrhed ba I -J arr-.iL r>k,k-r. siJuck out Bntna 2. Dahftii. Anaon. '''"^ ', l^ ,'ne SaeV Qulnn BennltS ^^^ ;.., ^, !* Qulnn and Tucker. L'mplro-MeOaaOa. llme -3 80. OAMF..S IN CITIES. nOaBetpbla, Aig I IpMM defeated Otn IbbM Mthcf eaattj - afHiaooa. The pttcbeT* were aBeettvi, bat BM* 1k wBM< ?? provM e,.stiy. .nal eaash of a awl ?y M ClaaiMi wae Ma noid lB8 reaUie. Attendam . 2JB7. 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0-1 . loelnna S l. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0-1 Baaehia I'blladelphla 7, CMc8waai O Errura--Pb.l?. r.lniioti 1. PH h*M BMiaMl and Rhlnet,. Ilurst. Beg. ?.-Tho Athlotle* won riio aecond same ? ? riBM the h. ...n...on by BBplBlBr waa "' ^" pbenom.nal ;. ? eauteg of? aevcaaJ ipMiwtty aa* MM br b.-auti 11,1 itapi bM aaarrMj aaiowa M Irat fot Bm MaM t.-am Roy dlottneutabM Maadf by a MM iMaw from dr?]i left it bB man. Att.'ndanca aeora: 02000200 1-5 ::::2 r 1 o o a o i a-? - i.... **"?* iad weyhtag. t m rgitaon. ' TirMarr. Aag. ?$'? gan.e waa won hy 1 nati M aaa h Ma ??' w?y ??" Bad lo.rd MMMj by th- EaBya 1 for thc bonae taam before flre Laomga had heaa paaanaaV The eeore i ChaaJaaaaM <a. a.).o 1 2 s o o o e jt-a Ba!tlmor?. 0 0 0. 1 01002-4 Baaohtte -Clnrlnnail 14, Baltimor S. Erwra-^tpehi i,ati 4. ItalUnmee 7. PIUh.r?-B? laM aj.d lfeddea. oaapha Blasaaap. l.olumbu*. Aut. 8.?The poor work of riark ln 9a* bex loat to-day's jran-.o for Columbu* Tho haltlng of RneoS. Sutrllffe and mmtBmUt ww tho foature of 1 alow and Mroaame awinc. Krror? of Coluii.hua worc costly. AtUndasioe. 1.200. Tho ?co!? : tolnn.b.ia . 10200005 1? 8 Wa*btngton . 0 8 2 8 0 2 I 0 a?11 Baaohit* Colnmbua 10, Waahington 10 F.rrora?Golam bua 4, Wa^ilnfton 0 Plt<:l?-ra? Kun-nav*. Clark and Xwlteholl. ln |>lr>'- I>iv!a Loulavlllo, Aug. 0. - It took the U>M>tot>? tan Inoinga aa ooat tho LaaaarUhW thla artcmoon. The gam.< waa markaS hy aharp Ueldlng (or totu loame. Att*-ndanoa, 8,500. The aeore: lloaton AA . 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 4?8 I.ouUvtllo . 200002000 0?4 l;a?ohlts? Boaton 10. LsnUvllle 13. Krr<>rs-Boetoa 2, r.o'M-vlile 3. Pttoh"r?-H.imnt?>n and S'raUon. tmptra? EesBsa. V*M KECORDB The ataata got back Into aocand p'aoo ln tho Leaaraa raee yeaterday. but they ar? atfll 16 polnta behlnd tha Chtcaato*. The-?eoord? are aa followa I U aOOl iTuha. Chlrago . 52 New-lork ...46 n<.-' a . 4s l'biiadolohta ..48 /ron Loat Pr <t. BJ ..V.M rinha. 1 .1 aMOCJATK Won Loat IV et. ? J 41 .477 . 40 '.-4 47B 31 r,2 .408 .. .84 51 .400 Cluba. Won.Loat l'r rt. 1 (luba. WonXtet.Pr.e4. H->,lon .?1 ?0 ?"'?'/n un.bwa .*S 47 .488 St, l.oula .HO 31 ? ?<?? ' !"? -Iimatl ...4-: 4? .482 BaJUmoro. .50 37 ?*"?> Waehlagts* . ?!* 87 .887 Athletlc .46 44 .60.1 . f-ouuullle ...81 tti .828 ?AkOBB TO DAY. LKa ? New-York x* Plttsburir at J'0.0 G-nu.-.d* NVw-Yarfe. Bfooklvn v?. ClevolanS, at ia-VTii Pa.k. iirooi^yn. Boato:. \>. Chlcafo, at thmton. Phllad-Iphia \?. (iii'imuti at Pt.lladeiahia, aaaxk iatiom. St. LonU va. Athlrtio. at St. MBjBj. Colmnbua *> Waahlngton. at t'ulumbus. Cinclnnatl va., u". nnoinnatl. Louikm; 1 \. Baetee, af Laataaasa IU ly.risVILLE UU'B ALL RlfJHT. L<*j!hv:11?. a<i*. ti.-At a BaaoBhag of tho dir.-etera at tho beasawiua aktaaSatl CSab ia?t muht, Dr. lurry stucky waa ataaSad ptaateeat, aad iiack Phcij**, o\ ptaattaat of tne Amortoan laoarbatlna. ?*.? aMM I BM com mttteo aapaaaaad la naaie aatwarbjejaaa u. pay otr tha Ind. btedncrs <,t th. afcaS rc|?.rtod a taBBl <?? 1:? tioii of *4,'joo. or #**> aawa BMa "?- leaalrea. th< ^it> wiu ron.aln In tf.c A--o- MBIaa anJ an -i:>-t wiu b.' ir.ada to ?trengtb?n :t- l'r.-?iaont Kram-r ha- tx-on ro?i'io?'. -d to l.l?<<mi?t Ravmond and ? I BBSJ Ba l.'?r3TllM cli.b and eom? t.. Oaraha. THE LEXIN<iT'.\ . Ill>-s IQrJBWmMBBT. LexiuKtoti. By., Antf. D.-Tho ehaaa hMaaaasast ta rapidly draelug t?. a fpaaa, Pollocic and Hantiam are lead lna with ? aaara af Bawa aaa pj aaa aseh. Di Heh haa n->t lost a gaino. fM raiik.- BBSt arttb 2%. CdH aim hM alaa Va, ataawataaf - i*n<i Bflptey and r-wioie i oa,-h. The hkvt-aaaaad pteyer h^- Baaabed all Ma mimoa. Tho frco.for-all teamtaWkMl ??-. aaaa bv Arth'ir Petor. bj the *eoro of hjar waa -.nd aaaa haa. Only one round Wlll bo playod ln U10 maeter toiirnameal. EiriMIEXCES OF 77/7. SFA SERPEM. CAPTAIN LAWLER'S LOG TFIJ^ Or THE PLIA8" rjBBa OP a POTAOB W a DOfCT. aViston, Au?. B BJBMefalV Oaptahl U?wler, who -.r*L;te<l an the eBey BSfl Baapean sn JBaa -4 w> r?ee gaa AUaatt Baaaaat Baa .b-rr Btaraaaas, ha* aeart . k hfa tog bv Oapasla stoora, af Baa voajn?hip Qtiatinaaaoni The se? akafpaat had up to .iniy 2rt en ajg tXKMtoaiaasS rou/h waaasBff and narrowly aa .?ap.3d ahlpaiaih CBgBata Lawfer wrfge On July 12, about 7 p. m.. 1 saw a larie aea eurllng ap aatern that looked ** thoueh lt n.lght d-moli-h my BatjB <???. It wa- t..<. lato thon to hiul to. M I hracod myaeil for the dcinac. 1 oeucht tho -ta hwt right aalara aad the way 1 travell^d aaada Ivr -|^"d a nurv-. Btv r?le U10 u-xt on- all rlght, bat <* th.- u.ird ?m?- ahe aaaal ..n h"r baaaa aada. Mr aaUnkead, wkieb 1 h?d a?Ma '?. duide tha eaddy. lagiahtll Wttt BV -ork niattr*^. !n aUndtag room atoaa preraated bat ttaaa Bttlag ?p and -inking. lior maots and aaOa waaa lykag ln 8M watcr. I nad on n.v baag, lic.y blp - twa ?,.,,,.-?', aaaaa and a rabbet eeat, m HhM i ?*? aeaBiy well laaal i J<mn. I rauh.l ou l.-r waa that alaa. BSai ?J- j ?: t on the ?aaaa of poine bataoai .;:-"jri arhaa i |?wped a*y t ? * h tha keaL Ihla pnaa, ? '? BM iMiuuda ol load (a'-tcn-d tn Um baat, ahawty baaeajba bi I !-j'-a. and aa ?uo ne1it.-d 1 found nivs.lf pjrtly aadaf U10 hoat. It ?? my w?l-t r-'po that a^-'jUi saved t:.o hNBB baaaaatBg flah tood. As It wa?i wlt-h my h-avy alathlBg Madad WSBI wator it wae v?<ith thc psaaSaM dimouity uiai. 1 BaaOy cot h.uj tho boau Thore waa a foot of wator a*f>ard. and n.y cork ma?r>?a waa tloatlu? 188884. AJbW BSSM n.jnu ..isrini^ 1 fl--he4 ta Ibe ?aSBMBB, Thcn inv dlfllcultiea wero only b-clnnlng. apparentlv. aa I muat ?ct tlie wator out and BM i-'.n.p wa* ln the cuddy. I put my drak- or ...? anchor out, and thon on tiund- and kaaaa >-raw!?d through the wator in tho ouddv, ?hutttna the aiicc afaaa n?- M pr-vm aaetbat ?a eacolng ?,'<*rd 1,: -- 1 , ilng the boat. Mf experlenee ln that '.a.k aad cabln, l*ot>t>lae a?id U - Bh ?..ii, remaln with tm a- loog as I liv. ^-"'P I - -u. ,-t UM araaet baeb from whem-. ? 1 Baaa an , ? brlng* mt all the rellgl n tbw li " ? '"an. ,i tin-oii.-h. u:-I ? 1 Uiree banra ly tha olook, dnrlng Um I hept bn- klng and Blllag. bofo^i ahlft fr. w. t t.. .1:' N.thlng. hty cra ? ? ? had bo. n ? UM >? .'? - - that I ?a? compell -?ionty treni' k ni J ily ie he lai'i a raoe with a aboal ol jioipolsea, whu mada what he wntee w?a -tho p-i-t'w-t sit:hi la ..1' .-iiiii^T.-.i natare I haee eaer aeea. They a ? ri !. ? ti'n*.- o* yoiin? Ulne snortliip ln tbe nioadcTW. T -\ were th'> only onjeeta wlta a toaeh of rnlrth, of j gjth and Jollitj that grim oi?i oeeaa awoaghf BsWbbbb to u.-op me rompanj." . ._. Boato Xae Heraat" is b rereipt of a Mf> taln Andrewa, ->f the "McaaulM." one ol tho parflrlpant* In tbe >><-<'an (\'>r\ rare, dated, ""n board boa4 Mermald, tn.rth Latitude 45 degreea, we*i lonpltude j.">degr ?? . Jnly j7." and forwurded b.v'>fB'-or : ? onlea tion la 1 ' v<- "f bla expciienrea a -:ir on hi- ? ?' - ' ""? tbe diftVulty ' t maltlng beailway u. t'.e ri.mna nnd f"i:- th:.i have befalli n htm. w*r4a?wawi. .....wiiamin" Fetching the Doctorl At night is always a trouble, and it is often an entirely unocccssary trouble if Perry D?.v!sf PAIN KILLER is kopt in the boux. A Um dmpj of tiiis o!d remedy in a lirtle sweet ened water or milk, trings prompt relief. Sold nttywitn, I 'Imely us^ taves tn.;iMe,money and burlerinp; ? for one taiiu is ccrtain Pain Kitler Kills Pain. WANTED.?Tin Plate Rollers and Helpers who are familiar with the business. Wages double the price per box paid in England for the same work. Call or address office of ST. LOUIS STAMPING CO.. 96 Beekman-St., N. Y., or at the Works, St. Louis, Mo.